Azerbaijan’s Victory: Initial Thoughts and Observations (and Caveats for the ‘Innovative’)

Simon anglim.

Azerbaijan’s Victory: Initial Thoughts and Observations (and Caveats for the ‘Innovative’)

Dr Simon Anglim teaches in the Department of War Studies at King's College London, where he is in charge of the postgraduate Contemporary War and Warfare module. He has written two books and over a dozen articles on historical and contemporary military strategy, focusing particularly on the use of Special Forces in both historical and contemporary operations.

Victory in the 21st century

Autumn 2020 saw the Republic of Azerbaijan, a country in the South Caucasus, population around 10 million and annual military budget of just $2 billion, achieve something the USA and UK had not for nearly thirty years – winning a war. 10 November brought an armistice, brokered by Russia, ending the six week-long Azerbaijani offensive into Nagorno-Karabakh – the region of southwestern Azerbaijan which, according to viewpoint, was under illegal occupation by Armenia since the previous Armenia-Azerbaijan war of 1992-1994 or struggling for independence as the Armenian-majority ‘Republic of Artsakh’ – and the seven Azerbaijani districts also under Armenian occupation since 1994 surrounding it.[i] Under the terms of the armistice, Azerbaijan kept the territories it reconquered – four of the seven districts – while the Armenians ceded the other three, Azerbaijan thereby regaining around two-thirds of the territory lost in the 1990s.[ii] To Azerbaijanis[iii], ‘The Patriotic War’ is a historic triumph, the healing of a quarter-century old ‘bleeding wound’ central to their national identity, peaked by the recapture of the major historical and cultural centre of Shusha the week before the peace deal was signed.[iv] For Armenia it is the diametric opposite: the Armenian government and the armed forces of ‘Artsakh’ – the Nagorno-Karabakh Defence Force (NKDF) – failed demonstrably on every level despite obdurate fighting from soldiers on the ground and in the weeks after the peace deal mass demonstrations demanding the resignation of the government took place in Yerevan, some violent, and the period since February 2021 has brought persistent rumours of impending military coups in Armenia.[v]

Why does this matter beyond Baku and Yerevan? To begin with, these events demonstrate there might still be such a thing as ‘victory’ in 21st-century war and a place for conventional military force (i.e., force aimed at contesting territory and delivered by regular armies and air forces) in securing it. This flies in the face of some highly-publicized arguments that thanks to two decades of ‘unprecedented’ cultural and technological developments, ‘conventional warfare is dead’, military confrontations revolving increasingly around non-kinetic assets aiming at largely non-kinetic effects through applying or countering ‘hybridity’ somewhere in the ‘grey zone’, meaning ‘legacy’ capabilities including heavy armour and conventional manned aircraft should go firmly into the dustbin of history.[vi] However, most Western military punditry has focused on the most reported-on aspect of the war (at least outside the two belligerents) Azerbaijan’s extensive use of mainly Turkish-made Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) and its apparent implications for future warfare and current acquisition policy. This includes some influential voices, at least in the UK.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

‘Political Geography Now: Nagorno-Karabakh Control Map & Timeline: Artsakh Withdrawals – December 1, 2020’

Writing on potential futures for post-Brexit British armed forces, the Conservative MP and defence pundit, Bob Seely, commented on ‘how Azerbaijan’s use of inexpensive Turkish drones [sic] has decimated expensive Armenian equipment such as tanks and armoured vehicles, changing the balance of power on the battlefield’.[vii] This view is shared, apparently, by the most senior British decision-makers, the Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, describing Turkey’s use of ‘drones’ in Libya, Syria and ‘elsewhere’ as ‘game changing’ and stating that the UK had some catching up to do, with implications for the upcoming UK Strategic Defence Review, rumours abounding of troop numbers and ‘legacy’ capabilities being cut in favour of greater ‘automation’ and ‘innovation’; it was reported subsequently that the review would commit to purchase cheap ‘attack drones’ based directly on evidence from Nagorno-Karabakh.[viii] The former chair of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Sir Richard Ottaway, was more nuanced, acknowledging the part played by Azerbaijan’s careful alliance-building and acquisition policy but also claiming that the UCAVS were ‘pivotal’ in assaults on Armenian defensive positions and arguing the UK should develop its own low-cost equivalents to the Turkish TB2s employed in Nagorno-Karabakh to supplement the (highly expensive) Predators supplied by the US.[ix] No such nuance across the Atlantic, predictably, an article in Forbes , for instance, hailing the TB2s as a ‘silver bullet’, alluding to suggestions from some quarters that ‘the massacre [sic] of Armenian armor signals the end of the tank’ and that the acquisition of cheap UCAVs by small powers might provide challenges even to US forces; Radio Free Europe was even more effusive, proclaiming that ‘In Nagorno-Karabakh, the Future of Warfare is Now’.[x]

This is the author’s own contribution to this debate – his observations on what happened in Nagorno-Karabakh in autumn 2020, some suggesting many of the claims cited above may need to be nuanced or revised. He begins with strategy and the role of conventional warfare in achieving Azerbaijan’s policy aims.

Strategy and the Utility of Force – Conventional Warfare is alive and kicking Armenia

While the war demonstrates that conventional military force can still be brutally effective in securing policy aims, those aims must be clearly enunciated with an obvious and realistic political end state in mind and enjoy strong public support – things we have emphatically not seen in the West since the mid-2000s. It also helps if those aims can be framed in terms of securing objectives of geopolitical significance – something which conventional ground forces are designed to do – rather than more diffuse ones of ‘fighting terror’ or ‘implanting democracy’. While popular at home – even more so, now – President Ilham Aliyev is viewed widely outside Azerbaijan as an iron-fisted autocrat with an indifferent human rights record and allegations of industrial-scale corruption of Western legislators and officials laid against him.[xi] However, in 2020, President Aliyev (and given the highly personal nature of his rule, we presume it was mainly him) formulated realistic policy aims attainable by the means available centring on seizing key ground, as he made clear in an interview with the BBC on 9 November: if the Armenians committed to withdraw from the seven occupied regions around Nagorno-Karabakh (four largely re-taken by Azerbaijani forces by then) then he would halt the offensive and be willing to negotiate the future of Nagorno-Karabakh.[xii] However, he promised he would ‘fight to the end’ if they didn’t withdraw and also demanded a right of return for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Azeri families who fled to Azerbaijan from the occupied territories during and after the 1994 war, their numbers estimated by the United Nations High Council for Refugees as a possible 1.2 million by 2014.[xiii] Compare this with the outcome: President Putin’s peace deal mandated that Azerbaijan keep the four districts it had re-conquered while the Armenians handed over the whole of the remaining Aghdam, Kalbajar and Lachin districts at the beginning of December – so the war clearly achieved Aliyev’s primary geopolitical aim while opening paths for the others.[xiv]

He had also strengthened Azerbaijan’s hand via cultivating the right allies and if anything symbolised this, it is President Erdogan of Turkey being guest of honour at the victory parade in Baku on 10 December, a Turkish Army contingent marching past he and President Aliyev to the strains of the Ottoman march, Cedin Dedden .[xv] President Aliyev’s father, Heydar Aliyev, founder of modern Azerbaijan, described the relationship between the two countries as ‘One Nation, Two States’ – two Turkic peoples, with common ancestry and culture, speaking mutually-intelligible languages, with traditional enemies in common and therefore natural allies, an assumption shaping the younger Aliyev’s external policy and suiting President Erdogan’s ambitions for his country, also, Azerbaijan now providing a powerful bridgehead for Turkish influence in the Caucasus and Central Asia.[xvi] The two countries cooperate closely in the export of oil and gas dominating Azerbaijan’s economy and shaping the politics and society of this classic ‘rentier’ state, most prominently on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline through which up to 9 billion barrels per year flow on their way from Azerbaijan’s oil fields in the Caspian Sea to Western Europe.[xvii] Military cooperation is just as close, giving Azerbaijan the benefit of learning from a respected NATO military with credible warfighting capability tested for real in Syria and Libya. Turkey has provided Azerbaijan with training support and military equipment since 1992, Azerbaijani cadets attend the Turkish Military Academy at Ankara and the two armies exercise together frequently. In 2010 Turkey and Azerbaijan signed a treaty in which each promised to come to the aid of the other if attacked: a formal alliance in all but name, and an obvious expression of this was Azerbaijan spending unspecified millions – out of that defence budget of $2 billion per year – on buying 50 TB2 Bayraktar UCAVs from Turkey along with MAM-L laser-guided bombs (also Turkish made), the main weapons used by the TB2 in the war. Israel, another close security partner, provided Hermes and Heron reconnaissance UAVs while Azerbaijan’s own Azad system was also used for reconnaissance. Israel also supplied Harop loitering munitions, which Azerbaijan first used during previous fighting along the line of control with Nagorno-Karabakh in 2016. Given the TB2s arrived just a few months before the offensive began, it is entirely possible that some were flown by Turkish Air Force pilots, possibly from inside Turkey itself.[xviii] Another, just as telling expression of the alliance was the thirteen-day long exercise in Azerbaijan in August 2020 in which up to 11,000 Turkish troops participated and saw Turkish and Azerbaijani Special Forces practicing airmobile assaults on high value targets alongside each other.[xix] This close relationship paid off in fighting the war.

Fighting the war – was it the ‘drones’?

The war presents a real-world example of Clausewitz’s concept of strategy as ‘the use of engagements for the object of the war’, particularly as the very object of the war was seizing and securing territory, achieved through a series of battles.[xx] President Aliyev was smart enough to leave the management of this fighting to others: planning was carried out by the General Staff under Colonel General Najmedin Sadykov, like all senior Azerbaijani officers a product of the Soviet military education system, and a solid grasp of operational art is evident throughout.[xxi] The offensive was carried out by 1, 2 and 3 Corps of the Azerbaijan Army – a force of sixteen motor-rifle brigades with two artillery brigades controlled centrally – and consisted largely of a methodical advance aimed at seizing key towns, villages and chokepoints, resolving into two broad foci of effort: a push in the northwest of Nagorno-Karabakh aimed directly at its capital, Stepanakert, resolving itself into positional fighting around the town, going alongside an advance in the south through the more open country of the occupied Azerbaijani districts of Fuzuli, Cebrayil and Zangilan, aimed at the town of Zangilan in the far southwest – taken on 20 October – securing the entire length of Azerbaijan’s border with Iran. The taking of Zangilan was followed by a renewed offensive northward leading to the taking of Shusha, the centre of gravity of the whole of Nagorno-Karabakh: not only does Shusha have enormous cultural and emotional significance for both sides but it dominates the Lachin Corridor, the only line of communication between Stepanakert and Armenia and so taking it rendered the Armenian position across the whole of Nagorno-Karabakh untenable.[xxii]

Armenian/NKDF forces based their strategy on defence in depth with the apparent aim of making Azerbaijan’s advance as costly as possible. Nagorno-Karabakh’s mountainous terrain made such defences viable but the mountains also meant that lines of supply were limited and control of certain chokepoints was key – hence the importance of the Lachin Corridor.[xxiii] This went alongside using artillery, a combination of BM-30 Smerch multiple rocket launchers and Scud-B and SS-21 ballistic missiles, to attack cities in Azerbaijan with the aim, according to source, of attacking Azerbaijan’s deep lines of communication or of terrorising the population and putting the Aliyev regime under political pressure. This began on 4 October with missiles fired at Terter, Mingachevir and then against Ganja, Azerbaijan’s second largest city and nearly fifty miles behind the front.[xxiv] Ganja was hit again on 5-8 October, 11 October and 17 October each time killing civilians (for balance, Azerbaijani forces barraged built-up areas with Smerches, sometimes with cluster warheads, throughout the war).[xxv] Indiscriminate targeting of civilians not engaged in hostilities constitutes a war crime.[xxvi] It also perhaps constitutes a crass strategic error in this case – the oil refineries north of Baku are within range of Scud Bs fired from Nagorno-Karabakh and attacking them could have posited an existential threat to the Aliyevs’ rentier regime possibly inducing them to talk: nevertheless, there was just one report of an attempted attack, on 14 October.[xxvii]

The missile attacks proved a strategic distraction as the war was decided on the ground through some hard fighting. Combat seems to have been highly attritional, an advantage for Azerbaijan with its superior numbers, but for an outnumbered force supposedly being pulverised from the air by flying Terminators, the NKDF fought hard to the very end, inflicting heavy casualties on the Azerbaijanis in positional mountain combat in which, unsurprisingly, light infantry featured prominently and in which the Azerbaijanis clearly did not have it as easy as many Western pundits claim. Official figures for killed in action from September to November are 2,783 for Azerbaijan and 2,317-2,425 for Armenia; by way of comparison, Israel suffered 2,656 KIA in the Yom Kippur War of 1973.[xxviii] Azerbaijani troops – mainly conscripts and recently-mobilised reservists with varying quality of training – had to fight uphill through prepared lines and other positions, frequently under artillery fire from the defenders, to take a long series of fortified towns and villages, lists of names being broadcast nightly in the media and turned into memes on social media.[xxix] Typifying this was the battle for Fuzuli on 29 September, which began with Azerbaijani Special Forces occupying the hills around Fuzuli, cutting its communications with the intent of forcing the NKDF to abandon the town without serious fighting, a pattern repeated throughout the war in the s outh.[xxx] However, this was followed up by a conventional advance combining tanks with mechanised forces, the Azerbaijanis suffering some considerable losses of armour and people as the NKDF carried out a fighting retreat, most losses being to portable ATGMs or artillery, an indicator of why the offensive in the north bogged down into positional warfare for the rest of the war.[xxxi] Azerbaijani forces had little close air support throughout the war: Azeri Mi-24s were not committed until 5 October, fully a week after the offensive began and their contribution seems to have consisted of firing rockets from maximum range, aimed at saturating areas rather than hitting specific targets and much of their heavier artillery, the MRLS, for instance, seem to have been committed to barraging Stepanakert rather than supporting the advance in the south.[xxxii] NKDF forces were able to organise local counterattacks up to the closing days of the war, such as that on an Azerbaijani tank battalion which got within four miles of the Lachin corridor only to be driven back by MRLS fire with several tanks destroyed and the decisive moment of the war, the recapture of Shusha, actually took place in overcast weather restricting the use of UCAVS and any other air support, and was brought around by lightly-armed Azerbaijani Special Forces advancing through the mountains behind the city to take its garrison by surprise.[xxxiii]

So, what part did the UCAVs play in all this? Certainly, an important one but perhaps not as all-encompassing as some claim. ‘Drone’ strikes began on 27 September, concentrating heavily on the NKDF’s short-ranged air defences, over the first few days destroying fourteen SA-8s/SA-13s, four SA-10s and eight air defence radars, all struck by TB2s with a SA-3 near Stepanakert being taken out by a Harop. With these strikes we offer our first point of contention, that these were elderly Soviet-era systems largely incapable of tracking targets with radar signatures as small as the UCAVs presented; moreover, NKDF radars were jammed extensively by Turkish-supplied systems and, indeed, further TB2 attacks took out the NKDF’s two Russian-supplied Repellent 1 counter-UAV systems which detect incoming UAVs by their control signals.[xxxiv] Consequently, NKDF forces often operated blind and without any serious air defence, a major force multiplier for the Azerbaijanis and their Turkish allies. Following this, the UCAVS were switched to attacking ground targets with priority given to artillery, MRLS, tanks and supply dumps and vehicles moving along roads behind the battlefield.[xxxv] Noteworthy incidents included that of 1 October, where a NKDF armoured force massing for a counterattack in the north came under sustained UCAV attack, losing ‘many tanks’ and by 23 October independent open-sources were estimating that the NKDF had lost 144 T-72s, 35 BMPs, 310 soft-skinned vehicles and 116 artillery pieces; which system was hit by what was unclear, but the same sources estimated Azerbaijani Harops had destroyed 34 targets and ground-launched ATGMs 21 with much of the balance, presumably, going to the TB2s.[xxxvi]

Impressive figures, but context helps here. UCAV footage featured prominently on Azerbaijani television and on electronic billboards in Baku, forming a key part of Azerbaijan’s intensive multi-lingual social media campaign, ‘snuff movies’ posted to YouTube and Twitter selling the narrative of Azerbaijan smashing its detested foe with impunity. There is little surprising here for the experienced eye, the films reinforcing the eternal adage that on the modern battlefield, being seen is being hit, one tank, AFV or truck after another getting ‘plinked’ in masses of smoke and flame by MAM-Ls or other systems the Bayraktars and other UAVS are spotting for. Just as evident is the poor discipline and drill of the crews; on one level, there was the extensive use of mobile phones with GPS and even postings to social media by soldiers of both sides, showing their locations for all to see; on another, the films show target after target moving and sometimes parked in the open in broad daylight with no camouflage or overhead cover when stationary or even in prepared positions, so making life easier for the UCAV pilots than better trained and disciplined opposition might do.[xxxvii] Michael Kofman of the Wilson Centre and Jack Watling of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) both investigate these phenomena in detail, contending that NATO/Western mechanised forces would be just as vulnerable when manoeuvring, particularly given the modern battlefield is swept by long-range radars and electronic surveillance and most camouflage will not protect against modern infra-red detection systems. However, solutions differ, Kofman arguing for smaller forces with more extensive air defence, while Watling contends that ‘swarming’ can be forestalled by dispersing forces in non-tactical phases such as Armenia and Azerbaijan did not do: consequently, the tank might is not obsolete but needs to fit into a new tactical system emphasising moving dispersed but concentrating rapidly for the tactical phase.[xxxviii] To this we can add that NATO or Russian formations are likely to have air defences far more capable of engaging small, evasive targets: it is also remarkable that despite the Azerbaijani acquisition of the TB2s being ‘open book’, NKDF forces were not equipped with smoke generators or laser detection systems which would have given their vehicles at least some degree of forewarning and protection against laser guided weapons like the MAM-L.[xxxix] Claims of yet another ‘revolution in military affairs’ might therefore need some qualification.


The Nagorno-Karabakh war is significant for those with professional or academic interest in 21st-century war in that, alongside recent action in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria, it suggests claims about the death of conventional warfare might be premature. Rather, it might just have a present and a future, too. The war saw a series of conventional operations carried out by the Azerbaijan Army, with assistance from Turkey, attaining most of the geopolitical objectives their President and Commander in Chief set them: these operations hinged on high-intensity attritional combat aimed at seizing key ground, culminating in the securing of a major centre of gravity unhinging the entire Armenian position in Nagorno-Karabakh – so the basics of land warfare still count in scenarios like this one. Casualty figures were high for small countries engaged in a short war, but given we are dealing with two intensely nationalistic cultures fighting over territory, and the public and political reactions on both sides, the sacrifice seems to have been deemed worth it at least by Azerbaijan. However, when divorced from this they indicate eternal issues of attacking prepared positions in rough country and the need to coordinate infantry with support fires, something which might not have been done very efficiently here.

The much-hyped UCAVs contributed to Azerbaijan’s success in two ways, both important but hardly ‘revolutionary’ in that they provided a cheaper means of achieving things done traditionally by manned aircraft. First was suppressing enemy air defences in the opening stages, opening the Armenians up to the second impacting factor, deeper attacks destroying armour and disrupting lines of communication, tipping the balance of attrition in Azerbaijan’s favour in what was still a costly win for them. Here is something else transferable to other scenarios: ‘swarms’ of small UAVs and UCAVS might be a good – and cheap – investment but the conditions for best use need to be present, one being tactically inept opposition with air defences which can be overwhelmed early by swarming SEAD attacks; dealing with, for instance, the layered air defences forming an umbrella over large Russian formations might be a different problem. It might also be that the real messages here are not so much about the future of armour as that of tactical ‘fast air’ and attack helicopters, the Bayraktars in particular producing similar desired effects as these systems have for two generations for a fraction of the cost and with systems – unlike fast air and attack helicopters – their users could afford to lose and were cheap to replace. That might be the real transferable military message here while the political one might concern the acquisition policies of certain NATO countries, such as the UK, based on buying small numbers of highly expensive systems, and what those systems offer in reality.

My thanks to Miss Jamila Mammadova, Dr Mark Baillie, Brigadier Ben Barry, Major Sean Cronin-Nowakowski and others for their input to this paper.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

[i] ‘Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia sign Nagorno-Karabakh peace deal’ [ii] ‘Karabakh on the map: What Azerbaijan gains after war’, [iii] ‘Azerbaijanis’ refers to citizens of The Republic of Azerbaijan, ‘Azeris’ to the majority ethnic group, making up around 92% of the population of 9.8 million, the other 8% including Dagestanis, Russians and Armenians. [iv] ‘Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev calls Commander of the Joint Corps, Lieutenant General Hikmat Mirzayev’, This paper examines military operations in the 2020 war, therefore those interested in a detailed discussion of the origins of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict might wish to look elsewhere. Impartial analysis is very hard to come by, but some honourable exceptions to this include Thomas de Waal, The Caucasus: An Introduction (Oxford: OUP 2010), especially pp.98-130, while Suha Bolukbasi’s Azerbaijan: A Political History (London: IB Tauris 2014) is a history of Azerbaijan’s road to independence which centres on the issue. [v] ‘Hundreds protest in Armenia after PM ignores deadline to resign’ [vi] For just a small sample of this, see Ciaran McGrath, ‘Conventional war is dead’ Expert says West is ‘wasting money’ on weapon systems’, ; Jahara Matisek, ‘The Death of American Conventional Warfare’, ; R Jordan Prescott, ‘Goodbye Conventional War. It’s Been Fun’, [vii] Bob Seely, ‘Britain can lead in the new age of warfare’, [viii] Rahim Rahimov, ‘Russia Versus Turkey: Drone Battles and Gas Disputes’, ; Larisa Brown, ‘Defence Secretary Ben Wallace signals drones could replace troops as he warns that the UK must be ready to fight 'tomorrow's battles, not yesterday's' because Britain's enemies have 'studied our vulnerabilities' , ; Dan Sabbagh, ‘UK wants new drones in wake of Azerbaijan military success’, [ix] Sir Richard Ottaway, ‘UK “must learn lessons” of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict’, [x] David Hambling, ‘The “Magic Bullet” Drones Behind Azerbaijan’s Victory over Armenia’, ; Mike Eckel, ‘Drone Wars: In Nagorno-Karabakh, the Future of Warfare is Now’, [xi] The term ‘Caviar Diplomacy’ was invented specifically to describe Azerbaijan’s expensive lobbying - particularly in the UK and Western Europe but also involving members of the US Congress - allegedly accompanied by extravagant gift-giving and offering of lucrative business contracts to individuals. For a small sample of opinion, see ’Caviar Diplomacy: How Azerbaijan Silenced the Council of Europe’, ; Matthew Valencia, ‘Caviar Diplomacy in Azerbaijan’, ; ‘Azerbaijan revelations spark “great concern” at Council of Europe’, [xii] The whole interview can be viewed at [xiii] Ibid; UNHCR publication for CIS Conference (Displacement in the CIS) - Conflicts in the Caucasus ; ‘Organisation of Statistics on Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan’, United Nations Statistics Division 2014, [xiv] ‘Main Points of Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Deal’, ; Matthew Bryza, ‘Azerbaijan-Armenia peace deal could be the diplomatic breakthrough the region needs’, ; Jack Losh, Russian Troops in Nagorno-Karabakh ‘Clearly a Win for Moscow’,; The future of Nagorno-Karabakh has become ambiguous as it is now effectively under Russian control given the presence for at least the next five years of President Putin’s 2000-man ‘peacekeeping’ force, established in Nagorno-Karabakh’s capital, Stepanakert, and along the Lachin Corridor connecting it with Armenia, a strong and probably permanent Russian presence in the region. While pure speculation, it may be that Putin, a gifted strategist with a record of wrong-footing friend and foe alike, tailored the peace agreement to President Aliyev’s stated aims and given the timing of President Aliyev’s interview, he may have known this in advance. [xv] 'One nation, two states' on display as Erdogan visits Azerbaijan for Karabakh victory parade’ ; see also [xvi] Although not a common religion – Azerbaijan is one of three majority Shi’ite Muslim countries in the world while Turkey is predominantly Sunni. These differences have been blunted for much of the modern period by the culture and politics of both countries being heavily secularised and Mr Erdogan’s attempts to re-Islamify Turkish politics and culture do not seem to have affected this. [xvii] The other major partner is British Petroleum, which manages the line. For a good intro to Azerbaijan’s oil, see de Waal, Caucasus, pp.167-187 [xviii] Alexander Mladenov, ‘Drone Wars in the Caucasus’, Airforces Monthly, No.383 December 2020, p.81 [xix] Vasif Huseynov, ‘Azerbaijan, Turkey Hold Large-Scale Military Drills Amidst Escalation of Tensions With Armenia’, ; [xx] Carl von Clausewitz, On War, translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret, (London: Everyman’s Library 1993), p.146 [xxi] It is worth recalling that the Azerbaijan Army had operational experience prior to September 2020. Many veterans of the 1994 war serve in senior ranks, there were prolonged outbreaks of serious fighting along the Line of Control between Azerbaijan and the occupied territories in 2008, 2010, 2016 and July 2020 and small Azerbaijani contingents have participated in US/NATO led missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. [xxii] European Asylum Support Office, ‘The course of the Nagorno-Karabakh armed conflict and its impact on the civilian population’, 10 November 2020, accessible at p.13; personal correspondence with contacts in Baku. [xxiii] See Sebastian Roblin, ‘What Open Source Intelligence tells us about the Nagorno-Karabakh War’ [xxiv] EASO Report, p.5 [xxv] Ibid, pp.5-6; Roblin, ‘Open Source Intelligence’ [xxvi] International Committee of the Red Cross, The Conduct of Operations, Part A: Common Features of the Law Applicable to all Operations, , especially pp.2-3 to 3-3 [xxvii] EASO Report, p.7 [xxviii] ‘Azerbaijan Says Nearly 3,000 Troops Killed in Nagorno-Karabakh Fighting’, ; Azerbaijan says 2,783 soldiers killed in Nagorno-Karabakh clashes, ; ‘Armenia sharply raises troop death toll in Nagorno-Karabakh as political crisis brews’, [xxix] Mladenov, Ibidm p.82; Roblin ‘Open Source Evidence’ [xxx] [xxxi] [xxxii] Mladenov, Ibid, p.82 [xxxiii] How the special forces of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan liberated Shusha from occupation. News "Moscow-Baku" with Anna Nemolyakina, [xxxiv] Mladenov, ‘Drone Wars’, pp.78-79; Roblin, ‘Open Source Evidence’ [xxxv] 35. Roblin, ‘Open Source Evidence’ [xxxvi] Michael Kofman and Leonid Nersisyan, ‘The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, Two Weeks In’, ; Stijn Mitzer and Jakub Janovsky, ‘The Fight For Nagorno-Karabakh: Documenting Losses on The Sides Of Armenia and Azerbaijan’, [xxxvii] Rob Lee of King’s College London has studied the war extensively, and stresses the poor mobile phone discipline of both sides on ; refer also to ; (which also shows UAVs guiding artillery strikes and strikes on soft-skinned vehicles all the way down to UAZ jeeps; ; for just a small sample of this. [xxxviii] Kofman in ; Jack Watling, ‘The Key to Armenia’s Tank Losses: The Sensors, not the Shooters’, RUSI Defence Systems, 6 October 2020, [xxxix] Mladenov, ‘Drone Wars’, p.82

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In the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century, Armenia made open territorial claims to the historical lands of Azerbaijan and launched military aggression against our country. At that time, Armenia, taking advantage of the chaos in Azerbaijan, occupied 20% of our lands. The policy of ethnic cleansing pursued by Armenia resulted in that more than 1 million Azerbaijanis were expelled from their native lands.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

The nearly 30-year-long negotiation process on eliminating the consequences of military aggression against Azerbaijan and fulfilling UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 has not yielded results due to Armenia's destructive stand.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

Since 2019, the provocative statements and steps taken by the Armenian military-political leadership have purposefully completely disrupted the negotiation process. With this, Armenia once again demonstrated that its real goal is to strengthen the current status quo and annex the territories of Azerbaijan. Aggressive and offensive national security strategy and military doctrine adopted by Armenia, expansion of the policy of illegal settlement in the occupied territories, call for a “new war for new territories”, decision to create “volunteer detachments” consisting of civilians, sabotage on the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border in the direction of Tovuz committed on July 12, 2020, at the same time, increased tension on the line of contact in general, concentration of its troops in the frontline areas, as well as collection of a large number of weapons and ammunition indicated that Armenia was preparing for a large-scale attack.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

On September 27, 2020, the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia once again grossly violated the norms of international law, using various types of weapons, including heavy artillery, and fired at the residential areas and military positions of the Republic of Azerbaijan from several directions. As a result of the another military provocation, civilians and soldiers were killed and injured, and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan started counter-offensive operations in order to prevent and neutralize real and potential military threats against the national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to the Military Doctrine of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in accordance with international legal norms and principles, the Republic of Azerbaijan reserves the right to use all necessary means, including military force, to restore its territorial integrity due to occupation of a part of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the Republic of Armenia and its refusal to liberate the occupied lands within the political settlement of the problem. As an independent, democratic, legal, secular, unitary state capable of ensuring the national interests of the people and the country, the Republic of Azerbaijan determines and implements the national security policy for the sake of its development. A meeting of the Security Council was immediately held under the chairmanship of Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and certain tasks were given to provide an adequate response to the aggressor.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

Given the occupation by the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the adjacent regions, as well as the real threat of an armed attack on the Republic of Azerbaijan, by the Presidential Decree dated September 27, 2020, from September 28, 2020 at 12 a.m. martial law was declared throughout the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to bring the country, population and territory, as well as the Armed Forces and other armed formations, to readiness for defense. By the Order dated September 28, 2020, partial mobilization was announced in the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions were made on preparations for hostilities and their conduct. As a result of the counter-offensive operations launched by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, several districts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as other strategically important territories, were freed from occupation from the first day. To this end, on September 29, 2020, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed the Decree "On the organization of a temporary special administration in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation." Based on the decree, temporary commandant’s offices were established in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in accordance with the administrative territorial division of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which carry out special management for each district. Under the temporary commandant’s offices, operational headquarters including representatives of relevant state bodies (institutions) have been established and their duties have been defined. As a result of the successful military operations carried out by our brave and victorious Army, which liberated the Motherland from occupation, the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia were defeated and forced to retreat with heavy losses in manpower and equipment. To avenge heavy losses suffered on the battlefield the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia targeted the civil infrastructure facilities in the cities and districts remote from the conflict zone and the frontline zone of Azerbaijan, in particular residential buildings, hospitals, medical centers, school buildings, kindergartens, administrative buildings of state institutions, agricultural fields. The Armenian Armed Forces committed crimes against the peace and humanity, as well as war crimes by firing from various types of weapons, ballistic missiles, as well as prohibited artillery weapons. Civilians were brutally killed. Large-scale damage was caused to the civilian population, state property, including infrastructure facilities, as well as business entities.

Thus, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, the ancient Ganja, which has numerous historical and cultural monuments, the cities of Mingachevir (hydroelectric power station) and Yevlakh (the Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan oil pipeline), where strategic facilities are located and through which they pass; as well as Beylagan, Barda, Terter, Gabala, Goranboy, Aghjabadi, Absheron, Khizi and other districts were fired from ballistic missiles and other heavy artillery installations.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

On September 27, 2020, at around 6:00 p.m., a family (5 people) was completely destroyed as a result of a shell hitting the house of villager Gurbanov Elbrus Isa, located in Gashalti-Garagoyunlu village, Naftalan city.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

As a result of rocket and heavy artillery attacks on Ganja city on October 4, 5, 8, 11 and 17, 26 civilians were killed and 175 civilians were injured, large-scale damage was inflicted on civil infrastructure facilities and vehicles.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

As a result of the rocket and heavy artillery attacks of the Armenian armed forces, 29 people were killed, 112 people were injured , and civil infrastructure facilities and vehicles were heavily damaged in Barda region.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

In general, as a result of Armenia's military aggression, 93 civilians, including 12 children and 27 women, were killed, 454 civilians were injured, a total of 12,292 residential and non-residential areas, 288 vehicles, and 1,018 farms were damaged.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

In the period from September 27 to November 10, 2020, Terter, Aghjabadi and Goranboy districts located outside the battlefield and the conflict zone have been shelled by Armenia for 5 times using prohibited and extremely dangerous phosphorus bombs at different times.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

On October 08, 03, 04 and 08 November 2020, the armed forces of Armenia in the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the persons heading the military units located on the territory of the Republic of Armenia and the criminal communities created by them, grossly violated the requirements of the 1949 Geneva Convention “On the Protection of Civilian Population” during armed conflicts. Using methods of warfare causing large-scale destruction, they fired artillery shells at settlements located in the territories of the Fizuli and Terter districts, where civilians or persons who did not participate in the battles densely live. Also, in order to cause extensive, long-term and serious damage to the environment and deliberate killing of people in violation of the basic principles of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, forests with valuable and perennial trees, which are considered the natural wealth of the Republic of Azerbaijan, located in the villages of Arayatly, Alkhanly of Fuzuli districts, in Sakhlabad village of Terter district and in Shusha, were fired with at least six 122-mm artillery shells of the D-4 type, each of which contained 3.6 kilograms of the chemical composition P-4 (white phosphorus). By deliberately setting fire to natural resources located in these areas, they caused great damage. An aggressive war was planned and carried out against the Republic of Azerbaijan, and terrorism was also committed.

Our soldiers and officers, who demonstrated heroism in the struggle for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, our civilians who worked in the rear, and our people as a whole, showed determination and will, unity and solidarity, rallying like a fist, dealt crushing blows to the enemy. Unable to withstand the victorious march of the Azerbaijan Army, the enemy went on provocations and committed war crimes, targeting innocent civilians. As a result of 44 days of hostilities, the victorious Azerbaijani Army liberated from occupation the cities of Jabrayil, Fuzuli, Zangilan and Gubadli, the city of Shusha, which occupies a special place in the history, culture and hearts of the Azerbaijani people and is considered the pearl of Karabakh, the settlements of Minjivan, Aghband, Bartaz of Zangilan district, the settlement of Hadrut and a number of villages in Khojavend district, more than 300 settlements, including Sugovushan village, Terter district, several villages in the Khojaly and Lachin districts, as well as important strategic heights in the directions of Aghdara, Murovdagh and Zangilan.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

Brave Azerbaijani soldiers and officers, moving forward step by step, broke through the engineering and fortification systems built by Armenia over the years. Our lands were liberated at the cost of the blood and lives of our soldiers and officers, our martyrs. Azerbaijan's victories in the military field, especially the liberation of Shusha from occupation on November 8, played a decisive role in the fate of the war, thus Armenia admitted its defeat. According to the Statement signed on November 10, 2020 by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation, the war ended with the victory of Azerbaijan. Armenia capitulated and was forced to return Kalbajar, Aghdam and Lachin districts to Azerbaijan.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

By the Presidential Decrees dated December 2, 2020, September 27 was declared the Day of Remembrance, and November 8 - Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

For almost 30 years, Armenia has mined most of the Azerbaijani lands occupied, even lands that do not have a military purpose. Despite the agreement reached in the Tripartite Statement between the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2020, Armenia refuses to hand over maps and diagrams of minefields. In doing so, it grossly violates the requirements of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the basic norms and principles of international humanitarian law, including the guarantees set forth in articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention, article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and articles 2 (1) and 3 (2) Protocol No. 4 thereto. In addition to posing a threat to human life, mined areas also hinder the efficient use of land. Despite the fact that the areas have long been cleared of mines, the number of civilians injured and killed is increasing as a result of regularly occurring mine explosions. From November 10, 2020 to the present, as a result of mine explosions in the liberated territories, 23 civilians were killed and 36 civilians received injuries of varying severity.  

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Azerbaijan marks victory day.

Azerbaijan marks Victory Day

Azerbaijan marks its Victory in Patriotic war, APA reports.

On September 27, 2020, in response to the next military aggression of Armenia, the Azerbaijani people launched a patriotic war under the leadership of President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev to liberate the occupied territories.

As a result of 44 days of military operations, the Victorious Azerbaijani Army liberated the Sugovushan settlement of Tartar region on October 3, Jabrayil city on October 4, Hadrut settlement of Khojavend region on October 9, Fuzuli city on October 17, Zangilan city on October 20, liberated the city of Gubadli on October 25 and Shusha on November 8 and liberated more than 300 settlements, as well as important strategic heights in the direction of Aghdara, Murovdagh, and Zangilan.

Courageous Azerbaijani soldiers and officers, step by step, broke through the engineering and fortification systems established by Armenia for many years, and our lands were liberated at the cost of the blood and lives of our heroic soldiers and officers, martyrs.

2908 servicemen of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces were killed in the Patriotic War, 6 people are missing.

The enemy, which did not succeed in the victory march of the Azerbaijani Army, committed war crimes by resorting to provocations and targeting innocent civilians.

Ancient Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, Mingachevir (Hydroelectric Power Station) and Yevlakh (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline), Beylagan, Barda, Tartar, Gabala, Goranboy, Agjabadi, Absheron, Khizi, and other strategic facilities are located in the territory of Azerbaijan came under fire from ballistic missiles and other heavy artillery.

As a result of the Armenian military aggression, 93 civilians, including 12 children and 27 women, were killed, 454 civilians were injured, 12,292 residential and non-residential areas, 288 vehicles, and 1,018 farms were damaged.

Despite all this, Azerbaijan's military victories, especially the liberation of Shusha from enemy captivity, played a decisive role in the fate of the war, resulting in Armenia's recognition and capitulation, forcing Armenia to return Kalbajar, Agdam, and Lachin regions to Azerbaijan.

The determination and will of the Azerbaijani people, their economic strength, the building of a modern army, and the unity of the people and power were important factors in ensuring the victory of our country. The people of Azerbaijan, with a rich history of statehood and military history, have written another glorious chronicle of heroism, proving to the whole world that they are a victorious nation and have won a historic victory over the enemy.

Realizing that it was defeated in the war, Armenia was forced to sign the act of capitulation on November 10, 2020.

On November 10, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a statement. In accordance with the Statement, On November 10, 2020, a complete cessation of fire and all military operations in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone was announced at 00:00 Moscow time.

Along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation was deployed in the amount of 1,960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, and 380 units of automobile and special equipment.

In accordance with the statement, the period of stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years and shall be automatically extended by a further five-year period if none of the Parties declares six months prior to the expiration of the period of its intention to terminate the application of this provision.

In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, Russia-Turkiye Joint Monitoring Center was established to exercise control over the ceasefire.

The Lachin corridor (5km wide), which shall provide a connection between Karabakh with Armenia and shall not affect the city of Shusha, shall remain under the control of the Russian Federation’s peacekeeping contingent.

It is noted in the statement that all economic and transport links in the region should be restored. The Republic of Armenia guarantees the safety of transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in order to organize an unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles, and goods in both directions. Control over transport shall be exercised by the bodies of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia. By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan shall be ensured.

Returning of Kalbajar, Aghdam, and Lachin districts have been also reflected in the trilateral statement.

On November 20, Aghdam city and the part of the Aghdam district which was under occupation has been liberated from the occupation and on November 25 Kalbajar district and on December 1 Lachin district has been liberated from the occupation.

Azerbaijan achieved the liberation of these 3 districts from occupation without any losses

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on December 3, 2020, on the establishment of Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In accordance with the Order, on the day when Shusha was liberated from the occupation- November 8 is solemnly celebrated as Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In connection with Victory Day, it is considered to hold several events on November 8.

November 8 is a non-working day in the country.

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Patriotic War

For almost 30 years, Azerbaijan tried to resolve the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict through negotiations with Armenia, which had occupied 20 percent of its territory. The talks yielded no results. On the contrary, it was clear that the Armenian side was simply trying to gain time, to consolidate the status quo, to perpetuate it. Azerbaijan could not and did not come to terms with the occupation.

Over the said period, due to his foresight and wisdom, national leader Heydar Aliyev did tremendous work for the comprehensive development of Azerbaijan and for the solidifying its political and economic independence.

Patriotic War

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continues this path, stated the importance of economic strength, first of all, for the restoration of the country’s territorial integrity. As a result of the accurate and thought-out policies, Azerbaijan began to gain strength, secured its economic independence and became a modern state economically independent of anyone, any country or international financial institution. He created a unique model of development in the world. The country’s economic growth led to a turnaround in army building. The Azerbaijani Army’s arsenal was replenished with advanced weapons and military equipment. The knowledge and skills of Azerbaijani servicemen were enhanced and significant steps were taken to improve their social protection and professional environment. Azerbaijan’s defense industry was developed and most of the army’s domestic needs were met through domestic production. Azerbaijan began to produce more than 1,000 types of military products and became an exporter of the most modern weapons. The high combat capability of the Azerbaijani Army was demonstrated to the world in numerous military parades in Azadlig Square.

Most importantly, over the past 30 years the people of Azerbaijan never put up with the occupation and showed unwavering determination in the restoration of their territorial integrity. The patriotic youth that has matured under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev has repeatedly proved that they were ready to make any sacrifice in the interests of the Motherland.

Over the said period, Azerbaijan has significantly strengthened its standing as a reliable partner, enhanced the country’s reputation and turned its determination into the crucial factor in the region through the implementation of multifaceted, principled and authentic foreign policy, active engagement with international organizations and foreign countries and forging close relations, as well as implementation of regional energy and communication projects.

All these factors fully conditioned the absolute victory of Azerbaijan and made it only a matter of time.

Azerbaijan has repeatedly called on Armenia to return the occupied territories, but Armenia not only ignored those calls, but also felt encouraged to occupy more of Azerbaijan’s lands and opted, instead, for a series of military provocations.

By torpedoing the format and subject matter of the negotiations, by creating a semblance of negotiations, by not implementing the UN Security Council resolutions and decisions, Armenia explicitly showed that it was not in favor of peace.

The statement of the Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Khankendi on 5 August 2019 that “Karabakh is a part of Armenia and full stop” became one of the most obvious admissions of Armenia’s policy of aggression. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev reacted harshly to Pashinyan’s statement during his speech at the 16th annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club on 3 October 2019, saying that “Karabakh is Azerbaijan and an exclamation mark.”

President Ilham Aliyev clearly describes this period: “Indeed, they refer to Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent state. They then published new maps and began to attribute all the adjacent districts to Nagorno-Karabakh. Our towns and villages were renamed, and finally we were threatened with a new war for new territories. This was stated by their defense minister named Tonoyan. He announced that Armenia was preparing for a new war for new territories.”

In July 2020, Armenia committed another military provocation in the direction of Tovuz on the state border with Azerbaijan. The purpose of the provocation was to create a new source of tension in the region, to put the issue of occupation of Azerbaijani territories on the backburner, to involve third countries in the conflict and to cause damage to Azerbaijan’s strategic infrastructure. The Azerbaijani Army responded with a crushing blow to the enemy.

In August 2020, Armenia resorted to yet another military provocation by sending a sabotage group to Azerbaijan to commit acts of terror. However, the Azerbaijani Army foiled this subversive plan too.

Speaking at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly on 24 September 2020, President Ilham Aliyev warned the international community that Armenia was preparing for a new war against Azerbaijan: “Armenia has recently adopted an aggressive and belligerent military doctrine and national security strategy… We call on the United Nations and the international community to deter Armenia from another military aggression. Responsibility for the provocations and the escalation of tensions lies squarely with the military-political leadership of Armenia.”

Thus, the military-political leadership of Armenia did not learn the lesson from the battles of April 2016 and the battles of July 2020, and continued to aggravate the situation.

On 27 September 2020, a counter-offensive was launched in response to Armenia’s yet another large-scale military attack on Azerbaijani Army positions and civilian settlements. The counter-offensive later became known as Operation Iron Fist that led to the Patriotic War.

Patriotic War

During the 44-day Patriotic War, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev regularly addressed the people. Those addresses brought the people of Azerbaijan even closer together, united them like a fist and had a tremendous impact on the course and outcomes of the war. Every appeal was a harbinger of further victories.

In his first address to the people during the Patriotic War on 27 September 2020, the President of Azerbaijan called on the nation to achieve the resolute victory. “We are on the right path. Ours is the cause of justice. We will win! Karabakh is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!”

In his second address to the nation on 4 October 2020, President Ilham Aliyev showed the enemy its place: “Now we have shown who is who… We are carrying out our salvation mission and we will do it!”

In his third address to the nation on 9 October 2020, the President of Azerbaijan declared that the status quo no longer existed and the line of contact had been smashed. “I have changed the status quo. I have changed it! Right there, on the battlefield. There is no status quo any more. There is no line of contact, it doesn’t exist. We have broken through it. They had been building this line of contact for 30 years. No-one can withstand the Azerbaijani soldiers.”

In his next address to the nation on 17 October 2020, President Ilham Aliyev conveyed the message that Azerbaijani cities subjected to missile attacks had become a symbol of resistance to Armenia’s state terrorism and vandalism against civilians. “No threat, no intimidation, no pressure can affect my resolve. Ours is the cause of justice. We are fighting on our own land; we are restoring our territorial integrity.”

In his fifth address to the nation on 20 October 2020, the President of Azerbaijan noted that the results achieved were the fruition of deliberate and timely steps, adding that haste was unacceptable: “Every time I address my people, I share good news. At the same time, I mention the names of new villages and cities liberated from occupation through my Twitter account almost every day. I know that the people of Azerbaijan are looking forward to this news every day, every single day! They await every day and every hour for this news to come out. But I want my dear people to know that the liberation of every village and every height requires great courage. There are not only fortifications there, but also the natural terrain of the liberated lands is more advantageous for the Armenians. We have to fight not only against their fortifications, their cannons and their missiles, but also against the natural terrain as we liberate our lands from the invaders inch by inch.”

In his sixth address to the nation on 26 October 2020, the head of state shared the good news that the Azerbaijani people were close to the decisive victory. “We are liberating these lands at the cost of lives of our soldiers and officers. We have asserted ourselves in the world both on the battlefield and in the political arena. We have proved that the people of Azerbaijan are proud, brave people and invincible people.”

8 November 2020 is inscribed in the history of Azerbaijan as Victory Day in golden letters. President Ilham Aliyev made his seventh address to the nation from the Alley of Martyrs and announced the liberation of Shusha to the people of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis all over the world. “I have also visited the grave of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev today and paid a tribute of respect to him. I said in my heart that I was a fortunate person to have fulfilled a father’s will. We have liberated Shusha! This is a great victory! The souls of our martyrs and the Great Leader are rejoicing today! May you rejoice Azerbaijan! May you rejoice Azerbaijanis of the world! … The people of Azerbaijan are united like this fist today! This will always be the case! This unity will last forever! This unity will help us to accomplish all our goals in the future… Dear Shusha, you are free! Dear Shusha, we have returned! Dear Shusha, we will revive you!”

Patriotic War

One day after the liberation of Shusha, more than 70 other settlements were liberated. The enemy was brought to its knees and had no choice but to sign an act of capitulation.

On 10 November 2020, the act of Armenia’s capitulation, the “Statement of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation” , was signed. On the same day, in his eighth address to the nation, Ilham Aliyev announced that his phrase “Karabakh is Azerbaijan and an exclamation mark”, which had become a national slogan, already covered the whole of Karabakh and put an end to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. “What happened to the status quo? … There is no status and never will be. As long as I am President, this will not happen. Therefore, that document has a tremendous significance. I am sure that all Azerbaijani citizens believe that these days and minutes are the happiest in their lives. I am also fortunate to convey good news and these messages to the Azerbaijani people. I am delighted to have signed this historic document. I am happy that we are returning to our homeland, to our native Karabakh, Shusha - Karabakh’s crown jewel, and we will always live in these lands! From now on, no-one can force us from these lands!”

Patriotic War

The President of Azerbaijan said that the outcome of the war was the best example to understand the difference between Azerbaijan and Armenia: “Did we have a single deserter? We didn’t! Not a single person! That is the people of Azerbaijan! Civilians lost their homes, their property, their loved ones, but were still saying “Long live the Motherland.” Charge, only charge! The letters to me say, “Supreme Commanderin-Chief, charge! We support you, charge, don’t stop, so I charged, I didn’t stop.”

President Ilham Aliyev also obliterated Armenian propaganda with his interviews with the world’s leading media outlets. “I gave about 30 interviews during this war. I have probably never given so many interviews in my life… I stated in those interviews that we respected international law, we defended international law and we defended justice. We were implementing UN Security Council resolutions. I said that all our steps were taken on based on norms and principles of international law, and in line with moral code. All our steps have been taken in that very direction. We took our revenge on the enemy. We took it on the occupiers. We have never confronted civilians, and we never will. There is no major destruction in the cities where the enemy settled and sheltered because we did not fire at civilian sites. That is the difference between us.”

Combat losses of Armenian troops

No Losses Total
1. Personnel Up to 10000
2. Tanks 287
3. Infantry Fighting Vehicles 66
4. Infantry Fighting Vehicles-C 3
5. 152 mm self-propelled artillery units (2S3 Acacia) 14
6. 122 mm self-propelled artillery units (2S1 Carnation) 14
7. Cannons (different caliber) 315
8. Mortars (different caliber) / anti-tank weapon 63/53
9. 300 mm BM-30 (“Smerch”) 4
10. SU-25 airplanes 5
11. 122 mm BM-21 (“Grad”) 97
12. 220 mm “Hurricane” 2
13. 273 mm WM 80 2
14. 220 mm TOS (with ammunition) 2
15. S-300 air defense system launcher 7
16. S-300 air defense system lighting and guiding radar 1
17. S-300 air defense system radar detection station 2
18. 5N84 (defense) radar 1
19. Air defense systems “Tor” 6
20. Air defense systems “Osa” 38
21. Air defense systems “Osa” charger installation 1
22. Air defense systems KUB launcher 2
23. Air defense systems KUB ICT station 2
24. Air defense systems KRUG RTS 1
25. Air defense system S-125 antenna posts (UNV-2D) 2
26. Anti-aircraft defense installations M55 Zastava (mounted on multi-purpose transporter) 5
27. Anti-aircraft defense installations 23-2/4 (mounted on multi-purpose transporter) 9
28. Unmanned flying vehicles 22
29. Short-range missiles “ELBRUS” (rocket) 2
30. Ballistic rockets 2
31. “TOCHKA-U” rocket systems 1
32. PMZ (ground vehicle mine dispenser) 1
33. REM (RTK) installations / Re-transmitter 5/1
34. R-142 (command post vehicles), diesel engine 2/1
35. NEBO-M radars 1
36. P-19 radar station 1
37. P-18 radar station / antenna post 3/1
38. 19J6 radar stations 3
39. Repellents (radio-technical disturbance unit) 4
40. Trucks (22 with ammunition), automobiles 253/46
41. Pick-up automobiles / special vehicles 5/1
42. Multi-purpose transporters 3

Spoils of war seized by the Azerbaijani Army from the enemy

No Spoils of war Total
1. Ammunition (different caliber) 2994285
2. Tanks 101
3. Infantry fighting vehicles 63
4. Infantry fighting vehicles-CS 1
5. BRDM-2 (armored reconnaissance scout vehicle) 8
6. Cannons and howitzers 169
7. Mortars 64
8. Anti-tank guided rocket systems 97
9. Anti-tank guided rockets 358
10. Grenade launchers 635
11. Firearms 3615
12. Shilka anti-aircraft defense systems 23-4 11
13. KUB-2K12 (1RL-93 rocket charging station of anti-aircraft defense systems) 1
14. KUB-2K12 (anti-aircraft defense system launchers) 1
15. 3M9M3 anti-aircraft missile system (rocket) 3
16. 9M331 TOR system (9M334) 6
17. 9M331 TOR anti-aircraft missile system (rocket) 21
18. 9M33M2, 9M33M3 anti-aircraft missile system (rocket) 31
19. OSA combat vehicle 1
20. 9T217BM3 fuel engine 2
21. “Igla-S”, “Igla”, “Igla-1” portable anti-aircraft defense systems 138
22. “Strela-2” portable anti-aircraft defense systems 6
23. “Igla-S”, “Igla”, “Igla-1”, “Strela-2” portable anti-aircraft defense system launchers 55
24. Automobiles 120
25. Trucks 512
26. Special vehicles 94
27. Trailers 47
28. BTS-4 armored tractor 5
29. Multi-purpose transporters 48
30. BRM-1K combat reconnaissance vehicle 6
31. Self-propelled artillery installations (2S1 Carnation) 12
32. Tractors 10

In addition, seven enemy command posts and 11 ammunition depots were destroyed.

As a result of a continuation of the military victory in the political arena, within 20 days after the 44-day war, three districts were returned to Azerbaijan – Aghdam on 20 November, Kalbajar on 25 November and Lachin on 1 December of 2020. In this regard, the President of Azerbaijan said in an address to the nation on 1 December: “The brilliant victory on the battlefield led to the wonderful outcome that Azerbaijan’s three districts – Aghdam, Kalbadjar and Lachin – have been returned to us. We have regained these districts without firing a single shot or a single person becoming a martyr.”

Thus, Azerbaijan’s lands that were gradually occupied by Armenian military units over the course of four years and remained under occupation for about 30 years were liberated in a matter of 44 days regardless of strong military fortifications, obstacles and lines of defense. The territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been restored and the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict has been consigned to history.

Azerbaijan won a brilliant victory in the Patriotic War, defeated Armenia and put an end to the occupation. Every single day of these 44 days was a glorious history for Azerbaijan.

A chronology of the liberation of residential areas and heights from the occupation during the Patriotic War:

1. 27.09.2020 Fuzuli Garakhanbayli
2. 27.09.2020 Fuzuli Garvand
3. 27.09.2020 Fuzuli Horadiz village
4. 27.09.2020 Jabrayil Boyuk Marjanli
5. 27.09.2020 Jabrayil Nuzgar
6. 27.09.2020 Kalbadjar Murovdag Peak
7. 03.10.2020 Jabrayil Mehdili
8. 03.10.2020 Jabrayil Chakhirli
9. 03.10.2020 Jabrayil Ashaghi Maralyan
10. 03.10.2020 Jabrayil Shaybay
11. 03.10.2020 Jabrayil Guyjag
12. 03.10.2020 Fuzuli Ashaghi Abdurrahmanli
13. 03.10.2020 Tartar Sugovushan
14. 03.10.2020 Tartar Talish
15. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Jabrayil city
16. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Shukurbayli
17. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Charakan
18. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Dashkasan
19. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Horovlu
20. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Mahmudlu (village)
21. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Jafarabad
22. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Yukhari Maralyan
23. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Dajal
24. 04.10.2020 Jabrayil Karkhulu
25. 05.10.2020 Jabrayil Shikhaliaghali
26. 05.10.2020 Jabrayil Sarijalli
27. 05.10.2020 Jabrayil Mazra
28. 09.10.2020 Jabrayil Gishlag
29. 09.10.2020 Tartar Chayli
30. 09.10.2020 Jabrayil Garajallı
31. 09.10.2020 Jabrayil Afandilar
32. 09.10.2020 Jabrayil Suleymanli
33. 09.10.2020 Fuzuli Yukharı Guzlak
34. 09.10.2020 Fuzuli Gorazilli
35. 09.10.2020 Khojavand Hadrut settlement
36. 09.10.2020 Khojavand Sor
37. 14.10.2020 Fuzuli Garadaghli
38. 14.10.2020 Fuzuli Khatinbulag
39. 14.10.2020 Fuzuli Garakollu
40. 14.10.2020 Khojavand Bulutan
41. 14.10.2020 Khojavand Malikjanli
42. 14.10.2020 Khojavand Girmizigaya
43. 14.10.2020 Khojavand Daghdoshu
44. 14.10.2020 Khojavand Taghaser
45. 15.10.2020 Fuzuli Arish
46. 15.10.2020 Jabrayil Doshulu
47. 15.10.2020 Khojavand Edisha
48. 15.10.2020 Khojavand Dudukchu
49. 15.10.2020 Khojavand Edilli
50. 15.10.2020 Khojavand Chiraguz
51. 16.10.2020 Khojavand Khirmanjig
52. 16.10.2020 Khojavand Aghbulag
53. 16.10.2020 Khojavand Akhullu
54. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Fuzuli city
55. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Gochahmadli
56. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Juvarli
57. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Pirahmadli
58. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Musabayli
59. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Chiman
60. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Ishigli
61. 17.10.2020 Fuzuli Dadali
62. 18.10.2020 Jabrayil Hajili
63. 18.10.2020 Jabrayil Hajı Isagli
64. 18.10.2020 Jabrayil Khudafarin settlement
65. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Soltanli
66. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Amirvarli
67. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Mashanli
68. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Hasanli
69. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Alikeykhali
70. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Gumlag
71. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Goyarchin Veysalli
72. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Niyazgulular
73. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Kechal Mammadli
74. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Shahvalli
75. 19.10.2020 Jabrayil Isagli
76. 20.10.2020 Fuzuli Dordchinar
77. 20.10.2020 Fuzuli Kurdlar
78. 20.10.2020 Fuzuli Yukhari Abdurrahmanli
79. 20.10.2020 Fuzuli Garghabazar
80. 20.10.2020 Fuzuli Ashaghi Veysalli
81. 20.10.2020 Fuzuli Yukharı Aybasanli
82. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Safarsha
83. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Hasangaydi
84. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Fughanli
85. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Imambaghi
86. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Dash Veysalli
87. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Aghtapa
88. 20.10.2020 Jabrayil Yarahmadli
89. 20.10.2020 Khojavand Aghjakand
90. 20.10.2020 Khojavand Mulkudara
91. 20.10.2020 Khojavand Dashbashi
92. 20.10.2020 Khojavand Gunashli
93. 20.10.2020 Khojavand Chinarli
94. 20.10.2020 Zangilan Zangilan city
95. 20.10.2020 Zangilan Havali
96. 20.10.2020 Zangilan Mammadbayli
97. 20.10.2020 Zangilan Hakari settlement
98. 20.10.2020 Zangilan Sharifan
99. 20.10.2020 Zangilan Mughanli
100. 21.10.2020 Fuzuli Gejagozlu
101. 21.10.2020 Fuzuli Ashaghi Seyidahmadli
102. 21.10.2020 Fuzuli Zargar
103. 21.10.2020 Jabrayil Balyand
104. 21.10.2020 Jabrayil Papi
105. 21.10.2020 Jabrayil Tulus
106. 21.10.2020 Jabrayil Tinli
107. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Minjivan settlement
108. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Babayli
109. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Uchunju Aghali
110. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Saril
111. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Khumarli
112. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Hajalli
113. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Khurama
114. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Jahangirbayli
115. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Turabad
116. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Ichari Mushlan
117. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Girag Mushlan
118. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Malikli
119. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Udgun
120. 21.10.2020 Zangilan Baharli
121. 22.10.2020 Fuzuli Mollavali
122. 22.10.2020 Fuzuli Yuhkari Rafadinli
123. 22.10.2020 Fuzuli Ashaghi Rafadinli
124. 22.10.2020 Jabrayil Sirik
125. 22.10.2020 Jabrayil Shikhlar
126. 22.10.2020 Jabrayil Mastalibayli
127. 22.10.2020 Jabrayil Darzili
128. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Kollugishlag
129. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Malatkeshin
130. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Zangilan (village)
131. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Genlik
132. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Valigulubayli
133. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Garadara
134. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Chopadara
135. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Tatar
136. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Tiri
137. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Amirkhanli
138. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Gargulu
139. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Bartaz (village)
140. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Dallakli
141. 22.10.2020 Zangilan Aghband settlement
142. 23.10.2020 Khojavand Dolanlar
143. 23.10.2020 Khojavand Bunyadli
144. 23.10.2020 Jabrayil Dagh Tumas
145. 23.10.2020 Jabrayil Nusus
146. 23.10.2020 Jabrayil Khalafli settlement
147. 23.10.2020 Jabrayil Minbashili
148. 23.10.2020 Zangilan Vanadli
149. 23.10.2020 Zangilan Mirzahasanli
150. 23.10.2020 Gubadli Zilanli
151. 23.10.2020 Gubadli Kurd Mahruzlu
152. 23.10.2020 Gubadli Mughanli
153. 23.10.2020 Gubadli Alagurshag
154. 25.10.2020 Zangilan Birinji Alibayli
155. 25.10.2020 Zangilan İkinji Alibayli
156. 25.10.2020 Zangilan Raband
157. 25.10.2020 Zangilan Yenikand
158. 25.10.2020 Jabrayil Govshudlu
159. 25.10.2020 Jabrayil Sofulu
160. 25.10.2020 Jabrayil Dagh Mashanli
161. 25.10.2020 Jabrayil Kurdlar
162. 25.10.2020 Jabrayil Hovuslu
163. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Padar
164. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Afandilar
165. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Yusifbayli
166. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Chaytumas
167. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Khanlig
168. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Sariyatag
169. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Mollaburhan
170. 25.10.2020 Gubadli Gubadli city
171. 26.10.2020 Jabrayil Chalabilar
172. 28.10.2020 Zangilan Birinji Aghali
173. 28.10.2020 Zangilan İkinji Aghali
174. 28.10.2020 Zangilan Zarnali
175. 28.10.2020 Fuzuli Mandili
176. 28.10.2020 Jabrayil Gazanzami
177. 28.10.2020 Jabrayil Khanaghabulag
178. 28.10.2020 Jabrayil Chullu
179. 28.10.2020 Jabrayil Gushchular
180. 28.10.2020 Jabrayil Garaaghac
181. 28.10.2020 Gubadli Giyasli
182. 28.10.2020 Gubadli Abilja
183. 28.10.2020 Gubadli Gilijan
184. 30.10.2020 Jabrayil Khudaverdili
185. 30.10.2020 Jabrayil Gurbantapa
186. 30.10.2020 Jabrayil Shahvaladli
187. 30.10.2020 Jabrayil Khubyarli
188. 30.10.2020 Zangilan Aladin
189. 30.10.2020 Zangilan Vejnali
190. 30.10.2020 Gubadli Kavdadig
191. 30.10.2020 Gubadli Mamar
192. 30.10.2020 Gubadli Mollali
193. 02.11.2020 Jabrayil Chapand
194. 02.11.2020 Jabrayil Goshabulag
195. 02.11.2020 Zangilan Dara Gilatagh
196. 02.11.2020 Zangilan Boyuk Gilatagh
197. 02.11.2020 Gubadli Ishigli
198. 02.11.2020 Gubadli Muradkhanli
199. 02.11.2020 Gubadli Milanli
200. 04.11.2020 Jabrayil Mirak
201. 04.11.2020 Jabrayil Kavdar
202. 04.11.2020 Zangilan Mashadiismayilli
203. 04.11.2020 Zangilan Shafibayli
204. 04.11.2020 Gubadli Basharat
205. 04.11.2020 Gubadli Garakishilar
206. 04.11.2020 Gubadli Garajalli
207. 07.11.2020 Fuzuli Yukhari Veysalli
208. 07.11.2020 Fuzuli Yukharı Seyidahmadli
209. 07.11.2020 Fuzuli Gorgan
210. 07.11.2020 Fuzuli Uchunju Mahmudlu
211. 07.11.2020 Fuzuli Gajar
212. 07.11.2020 Fuzuli Divanalilar
213. 07.11.2020 Jabrayil Yukhari Mazra
214. 07.11.2020 Jabrayil Yanarkhaj
215. 07.11.2020 Gubadli Gazyan
216. 07.11.2020 Gubadli Balasoltanli
217. 07.11.2020 Gubadli Mardanli
218. 07.11.2020 Zangilan Beshdali
219. 07.11.2020 Khojaly Garabulag
220. 07.11.2020 Khojaly Baharli
221. 07.11.2020 Khojavand Atagut
222. 07.11.2020 Khojavand Hunarli
223. 08.11.2020 Shusha Shusha city
224. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Gobu Dilagharda
225. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Yal Pirahmadli
226. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Yukhari Yaghlivand
227. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Dilagharda
228. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Seyidmahmudlu
229. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Alasgarli
230. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Ashaghi Guzlak
231. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Govshatli
232. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Mirzajamalli
233. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Shakarjik
234. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Merdinli
235. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Shikhli
236. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Garamammadli
237. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Dovlatyarli
238. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Huseynbayli
239. 09.11.2020 Fuzuli Sarajig
240. 09.11.2020 Khojaly Damirchilar
241. 09.11.2020 Khojaly Chanagchi
242. 09.11.2020 Khojaly Madatkand
243. 09.11.2020 Khojaly Sighnag
244. 09.11.2020 Shusha Dashalti
245. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Susanlig
246. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Bina
247. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Tugh
248. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Aghdam
249. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Azikh
250. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Boyuk Taghlar
251. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Salakatin
252. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Zoghalbulag
253. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Arakul
254. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Taghaverd
255. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Zardanashen
256. 09.11.2020 Khojavand Shekher
257. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Huseynalilar
258. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Soyudlu
259. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Ashaghi Sirik
260. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Galajig
261. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Molla Hasanli
262. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Asgarkhanli
263. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Yukhari Nusus
264. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Ashig Malikli
265. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Niftalilar
266. 09.11.2020 Jabrayil Garar
267. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Yukhari Mollu
268. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Ashaghi Mollu
269. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Khojik
270. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Garaimanli
271. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Khandak
272. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Hamzali
273. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Mahruzlu
274. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Hal
275. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Balligaya
276. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Ulashli
277. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Tinli
278. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Khojahan
279. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Boyunakar
280. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Garagoyunlu
281. 09.11.2020 Gubadli Charali
282. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Kechikli
283. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Ordakli
284. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Sobu
285. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Garagoz
286. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Isgandarbayli
287. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Bartaz settlement
288. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Bartaz (2300 m)
289. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Sighirt (1370 m)
290. 09.11.2020 Zangilan Shukurataz (2000 m)
291. 09.11.2020 Lachin Gulabird
292. 09.11.2020 Lachin Safiyan
293. 09.11.2020 Lachin Turklar
294. 20.11.2020 Aghdam Aghdam
295. 25.11.2020 Kalbadjar Kalbadjar
296. 01.12.2020 Lachin Lachin

The people of Azerbaijan and the state cherish the bright memory of the heroic sons who perished for the Motherland, always remember them with utmost respect, appreciate the hard work of the wounded war veterans and are proud of them.

Patriotic War

Some of the equipment seized from the Armenian army was displayed in a military parade in Baku on 10 December 2020, and is also exhibited in the Spoils of War Park, which opened in Baku in April 2021.

Patriotic War

The Patriotic War has also earned the title of a “War of the 21st Century” in the world’s military science. In the face of the complex fortifications built by the enemy in difficult terrain for decades, the victorious Azerbaijani Army demonstrated true professionalism, skill, invincibility and, most importantly, proved to the world that it is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of eternal love for the Motherland.

The Great Return

The Patriotic War put an end to the longing of the Azerbaijani people for Karabakh and paved the way for the restoration and reconstruction work in the liberated territories in accordance with the latest standards. Life has returned to Karabakh. As a result of the Patriotic War, the restoration of Azerbaijan’s borderline with Armenia began, and the Zangazur corridor will soon become a historical reality.

The Shusha Declaration on Allied Relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey signed in Shusha on 15 June 2021 also states that the opening of the Zangazur corridor will signal the start of a new phase in the life of the region.

Patriotic War

President Ilham Aliyev clearly defined the historic significance of the Shusha Declaration: “The Declaration reflects the words of the great leaders of our peoples, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Heydar Aliyev. In the early 20th century, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk said, ‘Azerbaijan’s joy is ours, and so is its sorrow.’ In the late 20th century, Heydar Aliyev said, ‘Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation in two states.’ Those historic words are the primary factor in our endeavors. In the 21st century, we remain true to this testament, demonstrate our loyalty to our ancestors and guide future generations by signing the Declaration on Allied Relations in the liberated Shusha. The Joint Declaration refers to the historic Kars Agreement. The historic Kars Agreement was signed exactly 100 years ago. There is also a great symbolism in that. The Joint Declaration on Allied Relations signed in the liberated city of Shusha after 100 years shows the direction of our future cooperation.”

Another historic document signed on 7 July 2021, the “Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on a new division of economic regions in the Republic of Azerbaijan” , became one of the primary outcomes of the Patriotic War.

Located in the eastern part of the Zangazur plateau, surrounded by the Zangazur mountain range and covering a vast area from Lachin and Kalbadjar to Nakhchivan, situated on the border with Armenia, a region that was long part of the Zangazur district established in the same geographical area in 1861, has become a part of a single economic zone – the East Zangazur Economic Region, together with Zangilan, Gubadli, Jabrayil, Lachin and Kalbadjar districts, with which it has historically had economic, historical and cultural ties. The ancient Karabakh region with its unique historical and cultural heritage and inimitable nature has become – the Karabakh Economic Region that includes Aghdam, Shusha, Fuzuli, Tartar, Khojavand, Khojaly districts and Khankendi city, as well as Aghjabadi and Barda districts.

Thus, another historical injustice that befell the Azerbaijani people during the USSR had been eliminated by President Ilham Aliyev: “… In 1923, an artificial entity was created in our territory – the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. There were absolutely no grounds for its establishment. Although the 7 July was a tragic date for our people, in 2021 we have turned this black page. 7 July will go down in history as a remarkable date because on 7 July 2021, I signed a decree on the establishment of the Karabakh and East Zangazur economic zones, and historical justice has been restored.”

Patriotic War

Karabakh and East Zangazur will soon become a paradise. At present, all the liberated territories are experiencing a period of great construction and restoration and are preparing for the Great Return.

the victory of azerbaijan essay


Patriotic War

The second karabakh war, patriotic war 27-12-2020.

The Second Karabakh War

Patriotic War or “Operation Iron Fist”

On the morning of 27 September 2020, Armenia’s Armed Forces launched a large-scale attack, subjecting settlements and frontline positions of the Azerbaijani army to intensive fire from large-calibre weapons, mortars and artillery devices of various calibre, following which, in order to halt the Armenian army’s attack and ensure the security of the civilian population, the Azerbaijani army command decided to launch a rapid counter-offensive along the whole front. As a result of these clashes, martial law and a general mobilization were declared in Armenia. In Azerbaijan, martial law and a curfew were declared, with a partial mobilization being declared on 28 September. The clashes escalated rapidly into the Second Karabakh War.

Many countries and also the United Nations called for a cessation of hostilities, for both sides to reduce tensions and resume talks without delay. Afghanistan, Ukraine, Pakistan, Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus expressed support for Azerbaijan. On 29 September, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. Although a humanitarian ceasefire, supported by Russia and mediated by the International Committee of the Red Cross, was accepted by both Armenia and Azerbaijan, with official effect from 10 October, terrorist violations by Armenia’s Armed Forces that targeted civilians led to the suspension of wounded and prisoner exchange.

The background

Especially following the 1994 Bishkek Protocol signed with Armenia, Azerbaijan, which lost 20 percent of its territory as a result of the First Karabakh War, held long-term diplomatic talks with various international organizations. The purpose was to implement UN Security Council resolutions that demanded the unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from Azerbaijani territory. The peace process was severely shaken by populist statements such as "Karabakh is Armenia, full stop", by Nikol Pashinyan, who came to power in Armenia after the colour revolution of 2018, as well as a succession of provocative and illegal visits to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and other actions.

In a continuation of those provocations, in March 2019, while on an official visit to the United States, Armenia’s Minister of Defence David Tonoyan announced a policy of "new war for new lands." Tonoyan's statement was accompanied by a series of military adventures on the line of contact. In July 2020, units of Armenia’s Armed Forces used artillery fire in an attempt to seize favourable positions on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border towards Tovuz, but were unsuccessful. On 23 July, the same forces announced the launch of joint air defence system exercises with Russia. Following them, Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces hosted forces from Turkey for a number of joint military exercises until early September. Meanwhile, in August, an Armenian military sabotage-reconnaissance group attempted sabotage in the Goranboy area of the line of contact, but was forced to retreat with losses and the capture of the group's commander, Senior Lieutenant Gurgin Alberyan.

In addition to direct military provocation, and in violation of international law, thousands of Lebanese Armenians, including a large number of YPG and PKK terrorists, were resettled in the occupied territories, following the explosion in the port of Beirut and this, too, exacerbated the conflict. Tensions peaked in late August 2020 when Anna Hakobyan, wife of Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan, publicized her participation in illegal military training in the occupied territories. However ineffective, these provocative actions and statements from Armenia have been assessed by researchers as a total negation of the negotiation process.

On 25 September 2020, Republic of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, in online debate at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, noted the deaths of Azerbaijani servicemen and a 76-year-old civilian, as well as serious damage to civil infrastructure; the results of Armenian attacks. Further, the president declared that more than a thousand tons of military equipment had been transported to Armenia by military cargo planes since 17 July. On 27 September, Hikmet Hajiyev, presidential aide and head of the Foreign Policy Department in the Presidential Administration, issued a statement that at around 06:00 there had been a gross violation of the ceasefire by Armenia’s Armed Forces. On the same day, Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces launched a counter-offensive to prevent further provocations and martial law was declared in the country.

The course of the battles

In the battles that followed, Azerbaijan advanced rapidly and incurred very few losses. Initially liberating a number of villages and strategic bridges, its forces had liberated the whole of Karabakh’s southern border with Iran by 22 October and they then began moving towards the Lachin Corridor on 23 October. That corridor was the only relatively major highway connecting Armenia with the so-called Karabakh entity; control of it would prevent Armenia from replenishing fuel, ammunition and military reinforcements. Until then, Azerbaijan had put the Armenian army under daytime attack from conventional artillery, mortars and even direct fire and guided missiles to halt their military convoys. During the war, Jabrayil was liberated on 4 October, Fuzuli on 17 October, Zengilan on 20 October, Gubadli on 25 October and Shusha city on 8 November.

The Shusha operation, unprecedented in modern military history

Details of the patriotic war have not yet been fully clarified, but it is safe to say that the operation to liberate Shusha from occupation will be forever in the annals of history. The crown, the beating heart of Karabakh - Shusha is a natural fortification, so it was impossible to enter the city with tanks or other heavy weaponry. There were two options to take it. Firstly, to defeat the enemy’s forces in the city by air strikes and artillery fire. Azerbaijan’s military command did not choose that way, due to the inevitably extensive destruction of the city that would result. The alternative was hand-to-hand combat, and this was the strategy adopted. Our heroic soldiers and officers traversed thick forests and deep ravines with light weapons, climbed rocks and mountains and defeated the enemy in face-to-face battle. A foreign journalist in Khankendi during the Shusha operation described the deplorable situation of the Armenians as follows: the defenders of Shusha were scattered. Dozens of wounded were taken in military ambulances to Khankendi hospital, covered in blood. The rest of the fighters, exhausted and throwing off their military uniforms, went down the mountain. Ambulances came and went non-stop. Wounded soldiers were piled on top of each other inside. Their injuries were evidence of hand-to-hand combat. Another report, published by Le Monde at the time, said that the defeated soldiers of the Armenian army left Shusha wounded and fled to Khankendi. On 8 November, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev gave our people the good news of Shusha’s liberation. The winning of Shusha, in fact, decided the fate of the war. The next day came news that more than 70 villages had been liberated, and one day later Prime Minister Pashinyan was forced to sign an act of capitulation, accepting the terms of the President of Azerbaijan.

On 10 November, the President of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of Armenia and the President of Russia signed a statement declaring a complete ceasefire and end to all military operations in the conflict zone. According to the terms of the statement, Aghdam was liberated on 20 November, Kelbajar on 25 November, and Lachin on 1 December without a single shot being fired or single casualty. The statement also announced the planned construction of new transport communications connecting the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of the rest of Azerbaijan. Thus, Azerbaijan's military victory had forced Armenia to capitulate. The ceasefire was violated on 11 December - the first time since the end of military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh and the start of peacekeeping operations by the Russian Federation. The violation of the ceasefire was registered in Hadrut, where one Azerbaijani soldier was wounded.

Azerbaijan's military superiority

The Azerbaijani army made extensive use of the Israeli-made Harop strike weaponry during the 44-day war, including the Israel-Azerbaijan, jointly-produced Strike drone, as well as other UAVs like the Bayraktar TB2 strike drones. Azerbaijan destroyed $1 billion worth of Armenian military equipment with the Bayraktar TB2 drones alone. They were used to deliver precise strikes on enemy equipment and manpower, as well as directing artillery fire and conducting reconnaissance. Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer noted that despite an approximate balance in the respective militaries, the Azerbaijani army had a technological advantage.

Losses in the Second Karabakh War

According to information from Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defence, its armed forces incurred losses of 2907 service personnel in the war. This number may increase following DNA analysis of other bodies and enquiries into the fates of more than 100 personnel still missing. The wounded are being treated in medical facilities. Losses of military equipment were relatively minor.

Although the Armenian side confirms losses of 2,425 service personnel during the war, in reality the figure is much higher.

As a result of the 44-day war, Armenia lost 10 x S-300 missiles and their tactical-combat vehicles, 366 tanks, 352 cannon of various calibres, 22 unmanned aerial vehicles, 5 x Su-25 aircraft, 50 Tor, Osa, Kub and Krug anti-aircraft missile systems. At the same time, of particular significance was the destruction in combat operations of the following ballistic missiles: 97 Grad, 4 Smerch, 1 Tos thermobaric, 2 Hurricane, 1 Yars and 1 Tochka-U, as well as Elbrus missile complexes. The value of military equipment destroyed or captured by the Azerbaijani army is estimated at a minimum of $3.8 billion.

Foreign, mercenary and terrorist participants in the war

Prior to the conflict, Turkish sources reported that many members of the YPG and PKK from Iraq and Syria had been relocated to Nagorno-Karabakh to train Armenian armed fighters against Azerbaijan. On 30 September, they reported that about 300 PKK fighters had been moved to Nagorno-Karabakh via Iran. According to the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on 28 September, there were mercenaries of Armenian origin from Syria and various countries in the Middle East among Armenian casualties. On 30 September, Hikmet Hajiyev said that, "the international community must respond adequately to the use of Armenian terrorist forces against Azerbaijan." A number of PKK and YPG members also admitted in recent interviews with various media outlets that members of those terrorist organizations were fighting on the Armenian side in Karabakh.

Further, it is known that citizens of Armenian descent living in Lebanon, Syria, France and some Latin American countries took part in hostilities at the urging of the Armenian Diaspora, and in violation of the principles of international law. On 1 October, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that Syrian fighters of Armenian descent had been taken from Syria to Armenia.

The domestic situation in Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War; a unity of people and government

Political and economic stability prevailed in Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War; the highest level of unity was apparent between people and government.

On the morning of 27 September, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies announced that a number of restrictions had been imposed on the internet within the country to counter provocations by Armenia. The State Committee for Work with the Diaspora also appealed to Azerbaijanis living abroad not to spread unofficial, unspecified or biased information on social networks or electronic and other media. At a meeting in the Milli Majlis (parliament) discussing the military situation, it was decided to declare a curfew in Baku, Ganja, Goygol, Yevlakh and a number of regions from 00:00 on 27 September. By that order, Vilayat Eyvazov, Minister of Internal Affairs, was appointed commandant of the territories in which curfew was applied during martial law. Azerbaijan Airlines’ press service also announced that all airports in Azerbaijan would be closed to regular passenger flights until 30 September. President Ilham Aliyev issued an order for partial mobilization in Azerbaijan and instructed the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription to ensure conscription of military officials and the implementation of measures arising from military-transport requirements in accordance with approved plans. That order came into force on 28 September. The Azerbaijani Army’s success in preventing military advances by the Armenian Armed Forces and its victories over the enemy achieved along the front were met with great joy and enthusiasm by the Azerbaijani people. Azerbaijani citizens and those living abroad, as well as Turkish citizens, sent numerous letters of congratulation and gratitude to President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev for those achievements. Thousands of Turkish citizens awaiting a "command for war against the Armenians" also sent him letters, saying they were always ready to free the fraternal state from the occupiers. Also since 27 September, the country’s tricolour flag has flown on the streets of Baku, on the balconies of residential buildings, shop fronts and other facilities. People fly the flag from their homes in honour of the successes achieved at the front and the liberation of their lands. Cars are also adorned with smaller flags.

On 30 September, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, together with the Azerbaijani FA, organized a flag campaign "We are strong together." Volunteers distributed hundreds of flags in different parts of the capital, Baku.

The domestic situation in Armenia

On 27 September 2020, The Armenian government issued resolution 1585N: a mobilisation of people aged under 55. It also stated that men between the ages of 18 and 55 in Armenia could only leave the country with the written permission of the territorial military commissariats. On 29 September, the trial of former Armenian president Robert Kocharyan and other former officials accused of involvement in the post-election riots of 2008 was postponed due to the departure of former Armenian Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan to the front line. On 1 October, access to the TikTok program was banned in Armenia. On the same day, the Armenian National Security Service announced that a former high-ranking Armenian military official had been arrested on suspicion of spying for Azerbaijani intelligence and charged with treason. On 2 October, Armenia closed all roads to Nagorno-Karabakh; they were to be used only for military purposes. Due to the demoralization of the personnel of a number of frontline units of the Armenian Armed Forces, and a widespread refusal by many soldiers to fight, the Armenian Defence Ministry appealed to the women of the country. On 2 October, the Ministry established a women's battalion and began recruiting for it. Armenia’s hopes depended on its women.

Information warfare, cyber attacks

The information war waged by Armenia against Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War was also countered effectively, indeed Azerbaijan defeated Armenia in the information arena, too. False news spread by Armenia was refuted in timely fashion, and objective information delivered to the global community. Cyber attacks were satisfactorily nullified.

President Ilham Aliyev, employed his deep knowledge, iron logic and irrefutable arguments to single-handedly neutralize smear campaigns by pro-Armenian media and support the effort on the information front. Some Western correspondents had been specially assigned to divert attention, citing fake information to make unfounded accusations against the Azerbaijani side. Certain of these were raised repeatedly: Turkish participation in the conflict, the use of F-35s, the involvement of mercenaries from Syria and Libya, violations of the ceasefire etc. And each time, the head of state patiently demolished these accusations with irrefutable facts and evidence, then spoke about the history of Karabakh, the causes of the conflict, taking the opportunity to convey the real truth to the world. Let's take a question during an interview with the German ARD TV channel and the president's answer. Question: When we were there, in that area, a question arose. Why is Karabakh so important for Azerbaijan? Is it a question of resources, or does it have symbolic importance? Answer: Are Alsace and Lothringen important to you? Is Bavaria important to you? Or Rhine-Westphalia? This is our land, our territory, recognized internationally. It is not a question of resources. The main resources are here in Baku. It is a question of justice, a matter of national pride, and an issue of international law. This response, brief but concise, was deeply meaningful. It was so effective that I do not believe any other Western correspondent will ask our president a similar question.

Any review of the past 17 years shows that President Ilham Aliyev has worked constantly to keep the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh on the agenda. It has featured in all his speeches and statements, at sessions of international organizations, in all his meetings with world leaders and in interviews. He endeavoured to ensure that everyone knew which side was aggressor and which victim. Now the whole world is aware. This is one of the main factors that determined success in the war. As for the victory on the battlefield, it suffices to describe two completely different scenes at its end: on one side of the front, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the army, Ilham Aliyev, stands proud; on the other side, Nikol Pashinyan, with an army scattered and humiliated. Our people raise portraits of their leader, Ilham Aliyev, while Nikol Pashinyan is ridiculed and the butt of jokes. "You were going to build a road in Jabrayil, Pashinyan. What happened? Where is that the road? You were building a parliament building in Shusha, what happened? It went to hell.” These words of our president are now proverbial for his people. When someone’s actions do not live up to his words, they jeer and ask: "What happened, Pashinyan?"

Azerbaijani hackers got into a number of Armenian websites and posted President Ilham Aliyev's words from the international arena, "Karabakh is Azerbaijan, exclamation mark", as well as "If an Armenian soldier does not want to die, he should get off Azerbaijani land." Pictures of Azerbaijan's National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov were also posted on Armenian websites. A total of 90 Armenian websites were hacked in attacks that began at noon on 27 September. These sites include the country’s most popular news and video portals. And in attacks that began on the evening of 27 September, Azerbaijani hackers seized a large number of confidential documents from Armenian state structures. These documents contained much information about the State Security Service, the president of Armenia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

And also to prevent possible Armenian provocations, the Electronic Security Service of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies called on citizens not to access links on social media, and not to download files or links in e-mails or phone messages. On 29 September, the hacker group Anti-Armenia Team seized 10 GB of confidential documents from Armenia’s armed forces. Several hackers from the Karabakh Hacking Team hacked the Armenian government's electronic document management system. As a result, 50 TB of documents were obtained.

The strong will of Azerbaijan’s political leadership

On 27 September, President Ilham Aliyev chaired a meeting of the Security Council. The president said, "As you know, early this morning, the Armenian armed forces committed another military provocation against Azerbaijan. As a result, we have losses among both the civilian population and the military. I warned Armenia. After the Tovuz events, I warned them several times that they would regret it if they did not give up their dirty tricks. Our counter operation is proceeding successfully. At the same time, tens of thousands are volunteering for the army. This shows our people’s loyalty to their state."

During a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the president noted that the statement by Armenia’s prime minister, "Karabakh is Armenia, full stop", had rendered the negotiation process meaningless and the Armenian leadership's demand that Azerbaijan talk with the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic should be regarded as an attempt to change the format of negotiations. The Azerbaijani army was fighting on its own land, and the Armenian army should not be on Azerbaijani soil.

On 29 September, President Ilham Aliyev was interviewed on the Russian Channel One programme, ‘60 Minutes’. He spoke out about the criticism of Turkey: "I believe that Turkey has a stabilizing influence in the region. Turkey is a fraternal country and our ally, giving us moral support, and we thank the Turkish leadership, the president and the Turkish people for their solidarity and support. All the rumours spread by the Armenian side about Turkey's participation in the conflict are provocations. The Azerbaijani army is well prepared to defend its people and territory,” he said. Asked about the Syrian National Army fighting in Karabakh, he said: "This is also fake news. There is not one fact, no evidence, and it was put out by Armenian propaganda." - he said and the interview was over.

On 30 September, Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva met with servicemen wounded during the Armenian attack that began on 27 September and who were undergoing treatment at the Defence Ministry’s Central Military Clinical Hospital. The president said: “The prime minister of Armenia set conditions for us. I said a while ago that we reject those conditions. We have one condition: that they leave our lands unconditionally, completely and immediately. I said that the Azerbaijani people will never be reconciled with this occupation".

Addressing the nation on 4 October, the president spoke about illegal settlement in Karabakh: "What does it mean to relocate the parliament of the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to Shusha? Again, it is an attempt to insult the Azerbaijani people. What does it mean to build a new road from Armenia to Jabrayil? It means that there will be illegal settlement. Armenians are already being brought from Lebanon and other places, and resettled in our ancient city, Shusha, as shown on television, violating international conventions, trampling on the Geneva Convention. Does anyone have anything to say to them? I instructed all our foreign diplomatic missions. Raise this issue, tell the UN, the OSCE, the European Union, other organizations, that this is illegal! Illegal settlement is a crime! Has there been any reaction? Has the Minsk Group made a statement? It has not! Has the European Union spoken? It has not! They said that they had no interest in it. If it was of no interest then, then stay out of it now. What are you fussing about now? Nagorno-Karabakh is ours, our land, we must return there, we are returning, and will return!" he added.

On 8 November, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev addressed the people of Azerbaijan from the Avenue of Martyrs following the liberation of Shusha, saying, “We achieved this historic victory on the battlefield. 8 November 2020 will remain forever in the history of Azerbaijan. This history will live forever. This is our glorious victory, our day of triumph! We achieved this victory on the battlefield, not at a negotiating table. I have said many times that, despite all statements to the contrary, there are military solutions to this conflict - the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and today we are proving it on the battlefield. After 28 years, the call to prayer will be heard again in Shusha. Without this unity, without national solidarity, we would never have been able to liberate our lands from the occupiers. We have proved to the whole world that Karabakh has always been Azerbaijani land. We have proven that the Azerbaijani people have lived on these lands for centuries. We have proved that the Armenian population was relocated to these lands 200 years ago, how they were relocated and to what purpose, we have presented everything to the global community, with evidence and facts. We have proved that Nagorno-Karabakh is a historical, ancient land of Azerbaijan. At the same time, today I have visited the grave of the great leader Heydar Aliyev and bowed to his spirit. In my heart I said that am a happy man to have fulfilled my father's will. We have liberated Shusha! This is a great victory! The souls of our martyrs and the Great Leader are happy today! Congratulations, Azerbaijan! Congratulations Azerbaijanis of the world! Giving this great news to the people of Azerbaijan on this historic day is perhaps one of the happiest days of my life.”

The Armenian leadership’s desperation

On 27 September, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan accused the Azerbaijani government of extended provocation. He said, "the recent aggressive statements of the Azerbaijani leadership, large-scale joint military exercises with Turkey, as well as the rejection of OSCE monitoring proposals" were an indication that it was preparing for war from the outset. On 28 September, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia issued an official statement about the war.

Armenia’s ambassador to Russia, Vardan Togyanyan, also said that Armenia would apply to Russia for new supplies of arms. On 30 September, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said he wanted Armenia to officially recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent territory. On the same day, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said that the Turkish Air Force was conducting provocative flights along the frontline in Nagorno-Karabakh.

On 1 October, Arayik Harutyunyan said that Armenians should prepare for a protracted war. On the same day, claiming that Israel sold arms to Azerbaijan, Armenia recalled its ambassador to Israel. On 3 October, the Foreign Ministry called on the international community to recognize the independence of the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in order to "restore peace and security in the region."

On 8 October, the director of the National Security Service of Armenia was dismissed by order of the President of Armenia. Also on 8 October, the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs revoked the accreditation of the Novaya Gazeta magazine, saying that its correspondent, Ilya Azar, had entered Nagorno-Karabakh without accreditation and reported from Shusha and Lachin.

International Reactions to the Second Karabakh War

Turkey - "I call on the Armenian people to oppose their catastrophic government and those who play them as puppets, and take ownership of their future. I call on the whole world to stand by Azerbaijan in its struggle against occupation and oppression. Unfortunately, the co-chair countries of the OSCE Minsk Group, which have ignored this issue for almost 30 years, show no sign of action to resolve it. Armenia has once again shown itself to be the main threat to peace and stability in the region. Today, as always, the Turkish nation is by fraternal Azerbaijani with all its means", said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a speech.

Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, and Deputy Chairman of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Numan Kurtulmuş, visited the Azerbaijani embassy in Ankara. There they met Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Turkey, Khazar Ibrahim. "The solution to this problem is very simple. Armenia must withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani lands", the minister said there.

Turkey’s Minister of Defence, Hulusi Akar, declared that his country was with Azerbaijan, stressing that Armenia's position was the biggest obstacle to peace and stability in the Caucasus.

The fraternal Republic of Turkey demonstrated unequivocally, in both word and deed, that it was with Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War.

The United Kingdom defended Azerbaijan's just position, as well as its territorial integrity, during the Second Karabakh War. A permanent member of the UN Security Council, the United Kingdom vetoed a draft statement on the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict that was prepared on behalf of the chairman of the Security Council and was negative towards Azerbaijan; thus, it was not adopted.

US - US First Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Bigan contacted Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov and Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Zohrab Mnatsakanyan to urge both sides to immediately suspend military operations, use existing direct contacts to avoid further escalation and refrain from rhetoric and actions that could escalate tension in the region.

Richard Hoagland, former US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, said: "According to international law, Armenia has invaded and occupied the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan, another sovereign state." He noted that the main policy of the United States was to support and protect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.

Russia - Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stressed in speeches that "Armenia is an ally within the CSTO, but Nagorno-Karabakh does not belong to Armenia, so Russia has no obligation other than mediation concerning military operations in Karabakh." Russia’s Foreign Ministry called on the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for an immediate ceasefire. There were reports during the 44-day war of an increase in supplies of weapons and military equipment being transported from Russia to Armenia. According to those reports, weapons and military equipment were flown along a Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran route as Georgia forbade the transport of military cargo across its territory. However, Russia has repeatedly stated that the officially transported cargo consisted of construction materials for its military base in Armenia, and not of weapons and military equipment.

Italy - Italy defended Azerbaijan’s just position during the Second Karabakh War, as well as its territorial integrity. The municipalities of Sepino and San Giuliano del Sannio in the Italian province of Campobasso and the municipal commune of Corbetta in the Metroplitan City of Milan adopted documents condemning Armenia's policy of aggression, ethnic cleansing and genocide against Azerbaijan, and expressing solidarity with the Azerbaijani people.

France - France called on Yerevan and Baku to suspend military operations immediately and resume talks. A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement that, "France is extremely concerned about the conflict."

France supported occupying Armenia in the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict. French President Emmanuel Macron's statement of 30 September on the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan was inconsistent with the country's mission as co-chair of the Minsk Group to mediate and resolve the conflict, and it called that mission into question. A draft resolution to recognise the ‘Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’, adopted by the Senate of the French Republic on 25 November 2020, drew justified protest from Azerbaijan.

Georgia - President Salome Zurabishvili called for reconciliation and expressed her support for the maintenance of regional peace and security. Mikhail Saakashvili, third president of Georgia, gave his opinion on his Facebook page, "My position is based on the principle of territorial integrity, ie. Nagorno-Karabakh is the sovereign territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and nothing will change that." Georgia forbade the transport of military cargo to Armenia across its territory and airspace during the 44-day war.

Serbia - Information was received confirming arms sales by Serbia to Armenia before and during the 44-day war. Azerbaijan issued protests about this to Serbia.

Greece - gave indirect support to Armenia during the 44-day war.

Germany - German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that Armenia and Azerbaijan should immediately renounce the use of force in favour of detailed talks and called on both sides of the conflict to suspend all military operations immediately. He also expressed concern about the shelling of villages and settlements.

Iran - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said that Iran was following the military clashes closely and that Tehran was ready to mediate a ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Iranian officials denied reports of military shipments from Iran to Armenia during the war, and Iranian airspace and land routes were closed to prevent arms shipments to Armenia. There were also notable rallies in support of Azerbaijan's victories in various of Iran’s cities. The liberation of Shusha and Azerbaijan's taking control of its border with Iran were greeted with special joy in Tabriz, Ardebil and other cities. Internet footage of the Azerbaijani army attacking the occupiers, taken from the other side of the River Araz, on the Iranian border, was viewed widely.

Pakistan - Pakistani Foreign Ministry: "Armenia must suspend military operations to prevent any further escalation of the situation. We support Azerbaijan's position on Nagorno-Karabakh, which is in line with the resolutions passed unanimously by the UN Security Council." Fraternal Pakistan openly demonstrated its support for Azerbaijan during the 44-day war.

Kazakhstan - The Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for all possible measures to stabilize the situation, renounce the use of force and begin negotiations, and offered to help resolve the conflict peacefully within the scope of international organizations.

Afghanistan - The Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement about the tension in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. "The Nagorno-Karabakh region is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. Afghanistan demands an end to the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh," the Ministry said.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Shefik Jaferovich, Bosnian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bakir Izetbegovic, leader of the Democratic Action Party, said they supported Azerbaijan, condemned Armenia and compared the situation to the Bosnian war of 1992-1995.

Israel - Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party and former foreign and defence minister, reiterated in a statement to the local newspaper “Vesti” that Nagorno-Karabakh was Azerbaijani territory. "That is why no UN member state, including Armenia, has recognized Nagorno-Karabakh as a sovereign body. In terms of historical reality and international law, as well as the interests of the state of Israel, our position is absolutely unequivocal. We support Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. We think that it is impossible to resolve the issue in the region without restoring that territorial integrity. In terms of history and international and national interests, Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is Israel’s official position," he said.

Hungary - A statement by Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade declared that Nagorno-Karabakh is located within the internationally-recognized borders of Azerbaijan.

The approaches of international organizations

European Union - The EU called on the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to cease hostilities, reduce tensions and adhere strictly to the ceasefire. Joseph Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, also stressed the need to return to talks on a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict immediately, without preconditions and under the leadership of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. European institutions generally displayed double standards in dealing with the conflict, and have not really supported Azerbaijan's right to restore its territorial integrity, as enshrined in international law.

UN - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, "both sides must immediately cease hostilities, reduce tensions and return to meaningful talks without delay." The organization said it would hold an urgent discussion on the situation in a closed-door meeting on 29 September.

OSCE - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe called on both sides to suspend hostilities and return to talks.

Turkic Council - Baghdad Amreyev, Secretary General of the Turkic Council expressed deep concern over the military confrontation in the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Turkic Council called for the protection of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and the inviolability of its internationally-recognized borders, and demanded the immediate, unconditional and complete withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

The Second Karabakh War and the Azerbaijani diaspora

On 6 October, rallies were held in support of the Azerbaijani state in the Turkish cities of Istanbul and Konya. On the same day, a rally in solidarity with Azerbaijan was held in Calgary, Canada.

On 8 October, leaders and members of the Eskisehir Azerbaijanis Association, the Humanitarian Aid Foundation (EHH) and other non-governmental organizations took part in an event at Eskisehirspor Stadium.

On 11 October, a large rally in support of the independent Azerbaijani state was held in Georgia's Marneuli region.

On 13 October, a rally was held in Milan, Italy to protest Armenia's aggressive policy, and in support of the independent Azerbaijani state.

The Azerbaijani diaspora in the Israeli city of Petah-Tikva held a rally protesting the occupying Armenian armed forces’ aggression and terrorism against Azerbaijan.

On 17 October, the Alliance of German Azerbaijanis organized a rally in Berlin with more than 10,000 Azerbaijanis protesting the death of civilians and minors, and the destruction of civilian facilities, following a further rocket attack by Armenian forces on Ganja.

On 18 October, on the occasion of Azerbaijan's Independence Day, the Azerbaijani flag was hoisted in front of the Chicago City Hall in Illinois to the sound of the Azerbaijani national anthem.

On the same day, a solidarity rally in support of Azerbaijan's struggle to restore its territorial integrity was held in Toronto, Canada.

On 21 October, on the initiative of the Azerbaijani community in Wroclaw, Poland, a permitted protest rally was held in front of the city’s municipal building.

On 26 October, protests took place in Miami, Minneapolis, San Francisco and Salt Lake City in the USA.

On the same day, the Union of Azerbaijanis of Sweden organized a silent march from T-Central (Ahlens), Stockholm, in protest against the terrorist attacks committed by Armenia in Ganja.

On 27 October, Azerbaijanis living in London held a protest rally near the office of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

On 29 October, Azerbaijanis living in Houston, Texas, held a rally in front of Houston City Hall to inform the global community about the terrorist acts committed by the Armenian army in the Azerbaijani cities of Barda and Ganja, as well as other settlements.

On 30 October, Azerbaijanis living and studying in Italy, as well as representatives of the Turkish community, held a rally in Venice to raise awareness of the Armenian army's terrorist attacks on Ganja and Barda, and the killing of civilians, including women and children.

The Second Karabakh War and the Armenian diaspora

The Armenian diaspora was not as active as expected during the Second Karabakh War. Representatives of the diaspora living in different countries were, however, remembered for their aggressive actions.

On 11 October, the Armenian community of Los Angeles staged a protest of 100,000 people in front of the Turkish consulate, along with smaller protests in Washington, San Francisco, New York, Boston and elsewhere in the United States.

On 28 October, Armenians blocked the road in Isere, south-west France. The road to Lyon and Marseille was blocked. A confrontation broke out between those stuck in the traffic and the protesters. Not content with this, 300-400 Armenian protesters attacked and injured Turks on their way to work.

The effect on sport

Because of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, UEFA’s Executive Committee banned matches under the UEFA flag in Azerbaijan and Armenia. Representatives from both countries decided not to play home games indefinitely. UEFA monitored the situation, and the decision does not affect planning for next summer’s Euro 2020 finals in Baku.

The defeat of Armenian fascism and a new reality in the region

In previous wars, there was a tactic known as "scorched earth", by which a defensive force destroyed or looted all it could, setting fire to what it could not. This also prevented the local population, the owners of the land, from settling there. In 1977, Article 54 of Protocol No.1 of the Geneva Convention banned "scorched earth" as a tactic; it is now a war crime. 21st century Armenians are, however, using this tactic, regarded as primitive by the civilized world. As our President said, it is as if a savage tribe has passed through these places. Videos of our liberated cities and villages are heart-breaking. The savage enemy has not laid a stone upon stone, but has reduced everything to ruin. Trees have been cut down, forests cut down and burned, and land has been rendered useless. Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Zengilan and Gubadli resemble deserts. Aghdam is a city of ghosts, even an atomic bomb did not destroy Hiroshima as completely. Armenia's war crimes do not end there. Two ballistic missiles were fired at Ganja, and Barda was bombarded with cluster munitions. The number of shells fired at Terter, Aghdam and Goranboy are uncounted. Hundreds of civilians - children, women, the elderly - fell victim to Armenian fascism; thousands of houses, apartment buildings and infrastructure were destroyed.

It is important that the whole world sees their fascist image. Let everyone see and know what a savage enemy we face. Let everyone know that we have destroyed not only an occupying army, but also Armenian fascism, a source of danger to humanity. On instructions from the president, members of the diplomatic corps in Azerbaijan are visiting the liberated regions, where they witness Armenia’s atrocities with their own eyes. The terrible destruction will be recorded, piece by piece, documented and submitted to the international court. Armenian fascists will surely not escape justice this time.

The enemy believed that following such destruction, Azerbaijanis would never return to those places. They were mistaken, the people of Azerbaijan have lived with a desire for 30 years to reunite with their homeland, and have breathed for Karabakh. During a visit to the liberated cities of Fuzuli and Aghdam, President Ilham Aliyev announced his plans for Karabakh’s future. He stated that all towns and villages will be restored according to a master plan. The state will provide the necessary assistance for citizens to return to their homeland. The construction of a new road from Fuzuli to Shusha and the restoration of historical roads leading to Sugovushan and Talysh villages have already begun. The Second Karabakh War has created a new reality in the region. Our beautiful Karabakh, convulsed by storms over the ages, looks to the future with great hope. After 27 years, the call to prayer is heard again in the Shusha and Aghdam mosques, and Karabakh Shikestesi is heard once more in the lands of Karabakh. Life is returning to those places after 30 years, a new cycle of life in those lands begins...

The successful end of the Patriotic War has changed the balance of forces in the region and created a new reality. We are not alone now. Fraternal Turkey is now with us at the political table. A Turkish soldier will also monitor the ceasefire in Karabakh. Messages continue to come from the highest levels in Ankara: “we will continue to stand by Azerbaijan”. This political and moral support strengthens us and prevents Armenia’s supporters from interfering. Addresses by the presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey as brothers, the fact that our star and crescent flags fly together, are sources of pride for our friends and an eye-opener for ill-wishers. Today, there is no status quo lasting 30 years. The issue of status is off the agenda. Instead, the implementation of plans to restore the destroyed cities and villages of Karabakh is already in process.

If we look at the many conflicts and wars taking place in the world, the last word lies with the stronger side. The 44-day Patriotic War of the Azerbaijani people for Karabakh is the latest example of this. Over the past 17 years, we have gained strength and crushed the enemy with an iron fist. Thirty years of occupation and injustice were ended in 44 days.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

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Azerbaijani cities, settlements and villages liberated from occupation

Azerbaijani cities, settlements and villages liberated from occupation

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​​November 8 – Victory Day

Under the leadership of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani Army has achieved incredible success in the victory march launched on September 27, 2020 to prevent successive provocations and new occupation plans of Armenia and liberate our occupied lands.

As a result of 44 days of military operations, the brave Azerbaijani Army liberated the cities of Jabrayil, Fizuli, Zangilan, Gubadli, Minjivan, Agband, Bartaz settlements of Zangilan region, Hadrut settlement and many villages of Khojavend region, Sugovushan village of Tartar region, several villages of Khojaly and Lachin regions. In total, more than 300 settlements, including important strategic heights in the direction of Aghdara, Murovdagh and Zangilan, were liberated from occupation.

On November 8, after 28 years of longing, the city of Shusha, which is of great importance and symbolic meaning for the people of Azerbaijan, was liberated from occupation. The liberation of Shusha, the crown of Karabakh, was one of the unique military operations in the history of world war.

Azerbaijan's military victories, especially the liberation of Shusha from enemy occupation, played a decisive role in the fate of the war. All these resulted in Armenia's recognition of its defeat and capitulation.

By the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated December 3, 2020, it was decided to solemnly celebrate November 8 as Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan every year in order to perpetuate this unprecedented victory, which has become a celebration of the power of our people and our national pride.

By another order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated December 3, 2020, it was decided to establish a memorial complex and Victory Museum in Baku to demonstrate the unparalleled heroism and great historical victory of the Azerbaijani people in the Great Patriotic War.

Long live the Supreme Commander-in-Chief!

Long live the victorious Azerbaijani Army!

Karabagh is Azerbaijan !

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The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: Causes and Consequences

  • First Online: 30 November 2022

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the victory of azerbaijan essay

  • M. Hakan Yavuz 3 &
  • Michael M. Gunter 4  

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This chapter will explore the following questions: What are the major political causes of the Second Karabakh War? How did Armenian rhetoric and its new position change Azeri strategic thinking? When and how did Ilham Aliyev, the president of Azerbaijan, conclude that there was no hope in negotiations but to retake its territories through, what in Azeri eyes was, the legitimate use of force? How should we explain the shocking and rapid victory of Azerbaijan? What were the roles of Russia and Turkey in the process? Answering these questions, along with reviewing the consequences of the war, which started on September 27, 2020 and ended with the Russian-imposed truce on November 10, 2020, we briefly examine (1) the causes of the current war by tracing the major events; (2) the role of the two major regional powers (Russia and Turkey); and (3) the nine-item truce agreement and its potential consequences on Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the region.

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Department of Political Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

M. Hakan Yavuz

Department of Sociology and Political Science, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, USA

Michael M. Gunter

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About this chapter

Yavuz, M.H., Gunter, M.M. (2023). The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: Causes and Consequences. In: The Karabakh Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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Published : 30 November 2022

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-16261-9

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-16262-6

eBook Packages : Political Science and International Studies Political Science and International Studies (R0)

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History in the making: november 10 signifies absolute victory of azerbaijan.

History in the making: November 10 signifies absolute victory of Azerbaijan

  • Qabil Ashirov

Today is the third anniversary of the end of the 44-day war - the shortest-ever war in the history of Azerbaijan, through which a nation liberated historical lands using the best military tactics, and the day Armenia signed the capitulation document.

Azerbaijani nationals consider this date as a rebirth of the nation. On this day Azerbaijani Army liberated most of its invaded territories that were under occupation for more than 30 years.

Thanks to this victory, IDPs, who had been expelled forcibly, were able to return to their hometowns and pay tribute to the graves of their beloved. Besides, As a result of this victory Azerbaijan was the first country to establish its territorial integrity and sovereignty among the former Soviet states that had territorial issues.

This victory will live as long as the world stands. During the war, the heroic armed forces of Azerbaijan defeated the illegal army of Armenian occupiers and separatist regime within 44 days and restored territorial integrity and sovereignty for the first time.

Adalat Verdiyev, an Azerbaijani military expert and a reserved officer said this in his interview with AZERNEWS . He noted that the 44-day Patriotic War is Azerbaijan’s glorious history.

The generation did not inherit this fateful problem for future generations by driving the enemy out of our territories. Thanks to the victory in the Patriotic War, the youth of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani army, and its supreme commander-in-chief became citizens of the victorious state, says Verdiyev. He says that with this victory, we also restored our honor and dignity. From today, the youth of Azerbaijan will continue their life in much safer conditions like the victorious youth.

For the first time, in this war, Azerbaijan was able to deliver a very crushing blow to the fundamental bases of international separatism and to present a substantial precedent in this direction for other countries as well. The military expert added that first of all, Azerbaijan revealed a road map for the fight against separatism, which did not exist until that time, and presented to the international community a plan of successive activities for the implementation of this road map.

“Of course, all this happened as a result of the decisive policy of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan used the most modern methods in this war. For the first time, we witnessed the widespread use of manned and unmanned aviation against the enemy. In addition, the Azerbaijani army widely used unmanned observation devices in order to regulate artillery fire. For the first time, the weapons of Turkiye, Belarus, Israel, and Western weapons were synthesized and conducted a fifth-generation war against the enemy,” Verdiyev noted as well as talking about Azerbaijan's army potential: "Azerbaijan's special forces played a paramount role in achieving victory. As an example of this, it is necessary to mention the Shusha operation. In this war, for the first time in world history, a fortress city protected by heavy artillery systems and armored vehicles in a high mountainous area was liberated by the heroic special forces with small arms and sometimes hand-to-hand combat, which was later widely investigated by many scientific and military centers of the world and the Shusha operation was ranked among the first unique military operations in the world in the international community."

The military expert, talking about the fighting prowess of the Azerbaijani army, noted that the Armenian side was seriously shaken, and as a result, many strategic heights came under the control of the Azerbaijani army.

“In the post-war period, the Azerbaijani armed forces continued without a break in their activities to achieve further victories. Sufficiently strict and adequate responses were given to the provocations committed by the separatist elements once illegally remained in Azerbaijan's Garabagh. The enemy suffered serious defeats both in the territories under the temporary control of the Russian contingent and on the conventional Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Starting from March 24 last year, the Azerbaijani army liberated Farrukh, Buzlugh, Sari Baba, Grkh Giz, Lachin district center and Zabukh villages, the heights between Jagazur and Zabukh villages, Allahyarli and Zaman Payasi villages in Garabagh from the enemy,” A.Verdiyev said.

He noted that on the border, Azerbaijan was able to remove the enemy from 11 strategic heights and 74 military positions with a decisive counter-operation in September last year in the areas from the Murov Heights to the Araz. Despite all this, the enemy did not stop its provocations. However, at the end of the day, on September 19-20, 2023, Azerbaijan forced the separatist organization that existed in Khankendi to sign the act of capitulation with anti-terrorist measures. He underscored that the signing of this act of capitulation resulted in the restoration of Azerbaijan's sovereignty. Later, of course, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Republic raised the Azerbaijani flag in Khankendi city along with the Sarsang water reservoir in four more residential areas in Agdara, Khojavad, Khojali, and Asgaran for the first time in the history of Azerbaijan.

“Azerbaijan is looking forward to continuing its activities in the direction of strengthening the potential of the army and avoiding saving on military expenses. In order to increase the combat potential of the units and formations belonging to the armed forces of Azerbaijan, they continue training together with allied and friendly countries and take serious steps to improve the provision and supply of our army,” the military expert concluded.

Qabil Ashirov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @g_Ashirov

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Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations

“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”


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Azerbaijan's contribution to the Victory in the World War II

The Second World War brought untold sorrow to humankind. Its scope and the loss of human life and property were unprecedented. Today is a special day to pay tribute to those who fought for peace, freedom and human dignity, to commemorate the many millions of victims of the Second World War, and to remember its terrifying atrocities and destruction. The war touched all continents and peoples, sparing no one from pain and suffering.

There is not a single family in Azerbaijan that was not affected one way or another by the Second World War. Even though the hostilities took place beyond the territory of Azerbaijan, our people underwent and overcame a severe ordeal and made their contribution to the victory. Azerbaijan mobilized for the army more than 700,000 of its sons and daughters, half of whom sacrificed their lives. Their graves are spread all over Europe, from the Volga River to Berlin. Many Azerbaijanis also fought as members of the resistance in France, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Yugoslavia. 128 citizens of Azerbaijan were conferred on title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their valor and feats shown during the war.

The victory was achieved not only on the battlefield but also at home. In a very short time frame, Azerbaijan set up works for the production of ammunition and armaments and hosted industrial enterprises relocated from the war theatre. The true heroism was the selfless service and dedication of the people of Azerbaijan, who worked day and night in oil production. During the Second World War, Baku secured almost 80% of all the oil extracted in the entire Soviet Union, 90% of its naphtha and 96% of its lubricants. Four out of five Soviet aircrafts, tanks and trucks used in the course of the Second World War ran on fuel produced in Baku.

In his article entitled “Glory to the Azerbaijani nation”, dated 28 April 1945, Fyodor Tolbukhin, Marshal of the Soviet Union, wrote: “The Red Army owes the Azerbaijani nation and the courageous Baku oilmen for many victories, for on-time delivery of high-quality fuel to attacking units. Soldiers of our front under Stalingrad, in Don and Donbas, on the banks of Dnepr and Dniester, in Belgrade, under Budapest and Vienna remember the Azerbaijani oilmen with gratitude and greet the brave workers of oily Baku.”

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the victory of azerbaijan essay

In ancient and early medieval times, eastern Transcaucasia was populated by Iranian speakers, nomadic Turkic tribes, Kurds, and the Caucasian Albanians, who converted to Christianity in the 4th century and came under the cultural influence of the Armenians. After Arab incursions in the 7th century, Islamic polities were established under local rulers called shāhanshāh s. The Seljuq invasions in the 11th century changed the composition of the local population and resulted in the linguistic dominance of Oghuz Turkic languages . But, unlike the Ottoman Turks who came to dominate Anatolia , the Caucasian Muslims of Azerbaijan in the early 16th century became Shiʿi , rather than Sunni , Muslims, and they continued to develop under Persian social and cultural influence. Persian-ruled khanates in Shirvan (Şamaxı), Baku, Ganja (Gäncä), Karabakh, and Yerevan dominated this frontier of Ṣafavid Iran.


After a series of wars between the Russian Empire and Iran , the treaties of Golestān (Gulistan; 1813) and Turkmenchay (Torkmānchāy; 1828) established a new border between the empires. Russia acquired Baku, Shirvan, Ganja, Nakhichevan (Naxçıvan), and Yerevan. Henceforth the Azerbaijani Turks of Caucasia were separated from the majority of their linguistic and religious compatriots, who remained in Iran. Azerbaijanis on both sides of the border remained largely rural, though a small merchant class and working class appeared in the second half of the 19th century. As Baku became the major source of oil for Russia, tens of thousands of Iranian, Armenian , and Russian workers streamed to the Abşeron Peninsula in search of employment, and Russian economic and political influence could be felt in both parts of Azerbaijan. As the source of employment and the home of the nascent Azerbaijani intelligentsia and revolutionary movement, Baku radiated its influence in Iranian Azerbaijan as well as north of the Aras (Araz) River. No specifically Azerbaijani state existed before 1918, and, rather than seeing themselves as part of a continuous national tradition, like the Georgians and Armenians, the Muslims of Transcaucasia saw themselves as part of the larger Muslim world , the ummah . They were referred to as “Tatars” by the Russians; the ethnonym Azerbaijani ( azarbayjanli ) came into use in the prerevolutionary decades at first among urban nationalist intellectuals . Only in the Soviet period did it become the official and widely accepted name for this people.

Incorporation into the Russian Empire provided a new outlet for educated Azerbaijanis, some of whom turned from their religious upbringing to a more secular outlook. Prominent among the early scholars and publicists who began the study of the Azerbaijani language were ʿAbbās Qolī Āghā Bāqıkhānlı (Bakikhanov), who wrote poetry as well as histories of the region, and Mīrzā Fatḥ ʿAlī Ākhūndzādeh (Akhundov), author of the first Azerbaijani plays. Though eventually these figures would be incorporated into a national narrative as predecessors of the Turkic revival, a variety of conflicting impulses stimulated early Azerbaijani intellectuals—loyalty to the tsarist empire, the continuing influence of Persian culture , and a longing for Western learning. Although no single coherent ideology or movement characterized the Azerbaijani intelligentsia, by 1905 a growing number of writers and journalists adopted the program of the nationalist intellectual ʿAlī Bay Huseynzadeh: “Turkify, Islamicize, Europeanize” (“Turklashtirmak, Islamlashtirmak, Avrupalashtirmak”).

The town of Baku, which by 1901 produced more than half of the world’s output of petroleum, was complexly segregated, with Russians and Armenians in the central part of the town and Muslims clustered in distinct districts. As social resentments festered, particularly in times of political uncertainty, ethnic and religious differences defined the battle lines; bloody clashes between Azerbaijanis and local Armenians took place in 1905 and 1918. A hierarchy of skills, education, and wages placed Muslims on the bottom and Christians at the top. By virtue of a quota on non-Christian representation and a system of suffrage based on property holdings, the Baku city duma (legislative council) remained in the hands of wealthy Armenians and Russians. Azerbaijanis remained on the fringe of the labour movement and were indifferent to or ignorant of the aspirations of both their socialist and nationalist intellectuals. None of the small parties and political groups that arose after 1905 commanded much of a following beyond the intelligentsia, though Musavat (“Equality”), founded in 1911 and led by Mehmed Emin Rasulzadeh, proved most enduring. Anxiety about the Armenian “threat,” a perception of their own distance from and hostility to this privileged element within their midst, and a feeling that Azerbaijanis were connected in important ways to other Muslims, particularly Turks, became part of an Azerbaijani sense of self.

With the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Caucasian front during World War I (1914–18), Azerbaijani leaders joined Armenians and Georgians in a brief experiment in Transcaucasian autonomy (February to April 1918). An even briefer attempt at unity in an independent federative republic of Transcaucasia (April to May) fell apart, and finally three separate independent republics were established. Azerbaijan was declared an independent state on May 28, 1918, but Baku remained in the hands of a communist government, assisted by local Armenian soldiers, who had put down a Muslim revolt in March. Allied with the advancing Turkish army, in September 1918 the Azerbaijani nationalists secured their capital, Baku, and engaged in a massacre of the Armenians.

However, even as they secured control of Baku, the Azerbaijani nationalists were faced with a mixed population of Russian, Armenian, and Muslim workers who had undergone a long socialist and trade-unionist education. Among the peasantry on whom they depended, national consciousness was still largely absent, and the nationalists were never fully secure in Baku, where Bolshevism had deep roots. With the end of World War I, the Turks withdrew; they were replaced by the British, who remained until August 1919. The fragile republic received de facto recognition from the Allies on January 15, 1920, but when the Red Army marched into Baku in April 1920 there was little resistance.

The Soviet and post-Soviet periods

The Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic lasted 71 years. It was part of the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic from 1922 until 1936 and, like Georgia and Armenia , it experienced considerable economic development, urbanization, and industrialization . Although education in Azerbaijan was promoted and Azerbaijanis were placed in positions of power, the republic was tightly controlled by Moscow, especially during the years of Joseph Stalin’s rule (1928–53) when M.A. Bagirov headed the Azerbaijani Communist Party. Becoming a more urban, educated, and socially mobile society, Azerbaijan was divided between more traditional, underdeveloped rural areas and the cosmopolitan city of Baku. After the death of Stalin, the republic enjoyed somewhat greater autonomy, and the national political and intellectual elites flourished.

When conflict with the Armenians of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region within Azerbaijan broke out in February 1988, these elites provided the leaders both for the oppositional Azerbaijan Popular Front and for their communist opponents. Violent protests and interethnic clashes targeting both Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the late 1980s, anti-Armenian pogroms in Sumgait in 1988 and in Baku in 1990, as well as continual warfare between the Azerbaijanis and the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, led to military action by Moscow against the republic in January 1990. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union late the following year, the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh was declared; following a referendum indicating popular support for independence, as well as an election in December, the republic’s independence was officially proclaimed in the first days of 1992, a move unrecognized by the international community . The full-scale conflict that exploded between the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh and the Azerbaijanis shortly thereafter was finally halted by a 1994 cease-fire, which, though periodically violated, largely managed to hold.

The Communist Party of Azerbaijan retained its power until 1992. After the abortive coup against the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow in August 1991, Azerbaijan declared itself independent, and the head of the party, Ayaz Mutalibov, was elected its first president. In May 1992 the Azerbaijan Popular Front overthrew Mutalibov and forced new elections, in which its candidate, Abulfez Elchibey, emerged victorious on a platform of separating from the Commonwealth of Independent States and maintaining control over Nagorno-Karabakh. Elchibey was himself overthrown in June 1993 by Heydar Aliyev, a former KGB official and leader of the Azerbaijani Communist Party who had adopted the rhetoric of Azerbaijani nationalism .

Over the next decade, the Aliyev government maintained control—reportedly through intimidation of the press and opposition groups and through manipulation of elections—but was unable to resolve the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, despite numerous summit meetings between Aliyev and Armenian leaders. Complicating the discussions was the 1992 declaration of independence that had been issued by the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh. The enclave held periodic elections thereafter, the results of which were soundly rejected by Azerbaijan as illegal under international law . In addition, the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh resulted in the displacement of substantial populations of both Armenians and Azerbaijanis, and, by the time of the 1994 cease-fire, the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians had expanded their hold over Azerbaijani territory.

At the beginning of the 21st century, roughly one-seventh of Azerbaijan’s territory remained outside its control, and significant populations remained displaced, particularly in the case of the Azerbaijanis, many of whom also remained displaced internally. Tensions were further inflamed in the late 1990s by the appointment of a former president of Nagorno-Karabakh to the post of prime minister in Armenia; in Azerbaijan the move was largely viewed as a deliberate provocation, and talks were hampered further. Relations were also strained with Russia, which felt that the government in Azerbaijan was doing little to stop Chechen rebels from operating out of Azerbaijani territory.

In the meantime, oil revenues in Azerbaijan began to soar, as new fields were discovered and new contracts were signed with Western companies for their exploitation. In 2003 the elderly Aliyev became gravely ill and was succeeded by his son, Ilham , whom Aliyev had been grooming for succession. Scandalized by the apparent accession to power of a hereditary line, opposition political groups staged a series of violent protests that failed to keep the younger Aliyev from the presidency. During the course of his term, Aliyev directed income from the boom in Caspian oil in part toward developing Azerbaijani military capacity, which in 2006 was described as nearing the capability needed to challenge the forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. That same year, Nagorno-Karabakh passed a referendum approving a new constitution, and, in the year that followed, it held its fourth round of elections. Though leadership in the disputed region had hoped that such shows of democratic rule would support the territory’s claim to sovereignty , neither Azerbaijan nor the international community recognized the region’s claims to independence. Efforts to resolve the conflict continued, and in November 2008 Aliyev signed an agreement with Armenian Pres. Serzh Sargsyan that pledged to intensify the countries’ efforts to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Aliyev secured election to a second term in the presidential vote of October 2008 amid an opposition boycott against the election’s restrictive measures. International observers indicated concerns that the proceedings were not sufficiently free and fair, partly because of media restrictions and a lack of robust competition. In early 2009 a series of constitutional amendments meant to consolidate Aliyev’s position were passed by referendum. Among their provisions were the removal of the two-term limit on the presidency, which would allow Aliyev to run for a third term in the coming years, as well as new restrictions on the media.

Aliyev won a third term as president in October 2013, taking nearly 85 percent of the vote, which the opposition decried as marred by fraud. The election took place amid an intensifying crackdown on independent media and political activity: in the months preceding and following the election there were numerous reports of journalists and activists being harassed, detained, and arrested.

The passage of a referendum on a package of constitutional amendments in September 2016 furthered the perception that Aliyev was seeking to tighten his own hold on power and install members of his family in senior positions in the government. One amendment lengthened the president’s term in office from five years to seven, and another created two vice presidential posts, to be filled by presidential appointees who would take over presidential powers, instead of the prime minister doing so, if the president became incapacitated. A third amendment, abolishing the minimum age for presidential candidates and lowering the age for candidates for the legislature, was seen by some as part of an effort to prepare a path into politics for Aliyev’s 19-year-old son. In 2017 Aliyev appointed his wife, Mehriban, to one of the newly created vice presidential posts. Aliyev was reelected to a fourth term in April 2018 in an election that, in spite of being boycotted by the main opposition parties, had a high turnout.

A new government in Armenia offered a fresh start in negotiations over Nagorno-Karabakh. A number of high-level meetings in early 2019 culminated in late March with a meeting between Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan , which the two parties deemed constructive.

Diplomacy broke down in 2020, however, and escalating tension led to renewed conflict. In September Nagorno-Karabakh saw its most intense and destructive fighting since the 1990s, fueled in part by support from Turkey to Azerbaijan. On November 9, the day after Azerbaijan captured the region’s second-largest city, Shusha (Şuşa), Pashinyan agreed to a cease-fire deal that included the withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from the region. While Russian peacekeepers would guard much of Nagorno-Karabakh as part of the deal, including the Lachin Corridor mountain pass that connects the enclave with Armenia, Azerbaijan was given full control over the areas it captured during the conflict as well as the districts of Ağdam, Kälbäjär, and Laçin.

But after Russian forces became occupied with its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Azerbaijani military blockaded the Lachin Corridor in December that year and renewed its offensive in September 2023. By October more than 100,000 of about 120,000 ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh had fled the enclave, and Azerbaijan had gained control over the whole of the region. The outcome, which reversed the result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the 1990s and showcased Azerbaijan’s military might, proved a boon for Aliyev’s popularity at home. Seeking to use the momentum, he called for an early presidential election in February 2024, some 20 months before the election was originally due.

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  • Public Holidays
  • Victory Day

Victory Day in Azerbaijan

Victory Day in Azerbaijan commemorates the triumph of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II. Observed on May 9th, it is an important holiday in most post-soviet republics, and Azerbaijan is no exception. Roughly 600,000-800,000 Azerbaijani soldiers, or approximately one-fifth of the entire population of Soviet Azerbaijan, fought in World War II. The public holiday is a chance for Azerbaijanis to pay tribute to surviving veterans and to the memory of the many soldiers who lost their lives in battle.

Since more than 80 percent of the Soviet Union’s oil enterprises were located near Baku, Azerbaijan was one of the first regions to come under attack from German forces in World War II. After being ordered to seize Baku, the Nazis launched Operation Edelweiss on September 25, 1942 in an attempt to gain control of the Caucasus. Despite losing over 100,000 soldiers in the fight, the Nazis were never able to wrest control of the region.

During World War II, Azerbaijani partisan parties were also fighting in France, Italy, the Crimea and Belarus, and today memorials dedicated to Azerbaijani servicemen can be found throughout the former USSR, most notably in the Russian cities of Taganrog, Yalta and Sevastopol. No less than 128 Azerbaijani soldiers were awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest possible honor in the country.

Initially after regaining independence, local authorities removed May 9 from the Azerbaijan calendar, yet it was restored in 1994 and has been celebrated ever since. Today, Victory Day in Azerbaijan is celebrated with an array of festive events. Wreaths and flowers are placed at World War II memorials and surviving veterans are congratulated for their sacrifice by Azerbaijani authorities and citizens. One of the most important events is the military parade held in capital city Baku. Both the army and naval forces participate in the parade, which culminates in a grand fireworks show.


Permanent Delegation the Republic of Azerbaijan to UNESCO

“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”


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Victory Day of Azerbaijan was solemnly celebrated in Paris

The Embassy of Azerbaijan in France and the Permanent Delegation of Azerbaijan to UNESCO jointly organized a solemn event dedicated to the Victory Day (November 8) and National Flag Day (November 9). The event was held at the Cultural Center of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Paris in the framework of the "Year of Shusha".

At the event, Elman Abdullayev, Permanent Delegate of Azerbaijan to UNESCO, and Nigar Huseynova, Chargé d'Affaires of the Azerbaijani Embassy in France, made a speech and spoke about November 8 - Victory Day and its exceptional importance.

  • Huseynova noted that Azerbaijan had to start a counter-offensive operation in the face of Armenia's military provocations and continuous aggression. Thanks to Azerbaijan's economic strength, modern army, people-power unity, as well as the determination and will of our people, this operation ended with the victory of our country.
  • Huseynova emphasized that the most important issue at the moment is to achieve the signing of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia based on the principles of mutual respect, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the inviolability of internationally recognized borders. In this direction, Azerbaijan expects the international community and actors to take appropriate steps for the sake of peace in the South Caucasus.

Permanent Delegate of Azerbaijan to UNESCO Elman Abdullayev spoke about the destruction of the historical, cultural and religious monuments of Azerbaijan by the Armenian armed forces during the occupation. He emphasized that the entire cultural heritage of Azerbaijan was brutally destroyed in the occupied territories. He drew attention to the fact that museums, libraries, temples and mosques, cemeteries, and historical monuments were razed to the ground, and spoke about the construction works carried out in the liberated areas.

The diplomat emphasized that November 8 is important not only as a day of national pride, but also as a celebration of historical justice, international law, and the day of restoration of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Today is the day when the city of Shusha, which has great spiritual value and symbolic meaning for the people of Azerbaijan, was liberated from occupation.

Andre Villiers, a member of the French National Assembly, said that he was honored to participate in the Victory Day of Azerbaijan. He emphasized that he has visited Azerbaijan many times and knows our country closely. He said that after the conflict started by Armenia against Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus, the countries were looking for the continuous peace. France, together with the United States and Russia, tried to contribute to the resolution of the conflict through diplomatic means within the framework of the Minsk Group. Unfortunately, the conflict was not resolved diplomatically.

The French MP spoke about the 30-year war between the two countries, the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan by Armenia in the early 1990s, and the need for our country to restore its rights by means of arms. As a member of the French National Assembly, he sincerely wished for lasting peace in the Caucasus.

The event dedicated to Victory and Flag Day continued with the "Peace Concert" program. At the concert, Etibar Asadli (piano), Alafsar Rahimov (balaban), Samuel Fhima (double bass), and Vansan Tortiye (percussions) performed masterpieces and folk songs of the great Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli. Elnur Huseynov performed our folk songs accompanied by these musicians.

The event was attended by the first vice-president of the Senate of the Milli Mejlis of Uzbekistan, former foreign minister Sodik Safoyev, ambassadors of many countries to France, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in this country, members of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Paris, journalists, scientific researchers, art and local community representatives.

In the banquet hall, a video about the Victory Day and restoration and construction works in the liberated territories was shown on the big screen. The participants of the event tasted delicious dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine.

the victory of azerbaijan essay

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Permanent Representation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe

“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”


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Azerbaijani people celebrate glorious victory

Addressing the Azerbaijani people tonight, Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev has announced the news of our glorious victory - the defeat of Armenia.

Thus, the 30-year-long occupation has ended. Following the President’s nationwide address, people flew to the streets of the capital Baku to share happiness of the historic victory.

The nationwide celebration of the glorious victory is still going on with great enthusiasm. Hundreds of thousands of citizens, holding Azerbaijani flags, portraits of Victorious Commander-in-Chief, are chanting slogans to express gratitude to our Glorious Azerbaijani Army, Victorious Soldiers.

AZERTAC   presents photos taken on the streets and avenues of the capital city.

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Lewis Hamilton’s Victory at Spa: A Glimmer of Hope Amidst a Challenging Season

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The 2024 Formula 1 season has been a rollercoaster ride, with Lewis Hamilton finding himself in a challenging position as he battles against the dominant force of Max Verstappen. 

Hamilton’s recent victory at the Belgian Grand Prix in Spa-Francorchamps provided a much-needed boost, but it comes against the backdrop of a season where the seven-time world champion has often been playing catch-up.

Currently, Verstappen leads the championship by a staggering 127 points, and even a perfect run in the upcoming races will only allow Hamilton to close the gap, leaving him still trailing in second place.

The victory at Spa was a reminder of Hamilton’s brilliance and resilience. The legendary Spa-Francorchamps circuit, known for its fast and flowing layout, combined with unpredictable weather, is a true test of a driver’s skill and bravery.

Hamilton, who has always thrived under challenging conditions, navigated the circuit with the precision and poise that have defined his career. 

The win, his second of the season following a triumph at the British Grand Prix, was a moment of celebration for Hamilton and his Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team, but it was also a stark reminder of the uphill battle they face in the championship race.

The Task Ahead: Closing the Gap in Italy, Azerbaijan, Singapore, and Austin

With the championship leader Verstappen looking increasingly unstoppable, the next few races will be crucial for Hamilton if he hopes to keep his championship aspirations alive. The Italian Grand Prix at Monza, followed by races in the Netherlands, Italy, Azerbaijan, Singapore, and then Austin, represent his last realistic opportunity to reduce the points deficit significantly.

Monza, the “Temple of Speed,” is a circuit that has historically favored cars with strong straight-line speed. Mercedes will need to optimize their package to take advantage of this, but with Red Bull’s RB20 proving to be a formidable machine on high-speed tracks, Hamilton will need to dig deep to outpace Verstappen.

The high-speed nature of Monza means that qualifying will be critical, and Hamilton will be aiming to secure a front-row start to increase his chances of victory.

Azerbaijan’s Baku City Circuit is another venue where Hamilton can potentially make up ground. Baku’s long straights and tight corners create a unique challenge, and the race has often been chaotic, with safety cars and unpredictable incidents.

Hamilton’s experience and racecraft could prove decisive here, especially if the race turns into a strategic battle. However, even if Hamilton secures victory, Verstappen’s consistent podium finishes mean that the gap may only shrink marginally.

Singapore’s Marina Bay Street Circuit, known for its demanding layout and oppressive heat, will be a true test of endurance for all drivers. The night race, with its tight corners and lack of run-off areas, is one of the toughest on the calendar.

Hamilton has historically performed well in Singapore, and a win here could be a turning point in his campaign. However, the physical and mental strain of this race is immense, and Hamilton will need to be at his absolute best to capitalize on any mistakes from Verstappen.

The United States Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, is where Hamilton hopes to close the gap further. The most popular sports betting sites in Texas , reviewed by sports betting expert Victor Arum, will allow fans of the sports to get in on the action as Lewis hunts Max down.

The Circuit of the Americas (COTA), with its mix of high-speed sections and technical corners, has been a happy hunting ground for Hamilton in the past. A victory in Austin would be significant, not only for the points it would bring but also for the psychological blow it could deal to Verstappen.

However, even a win at COTA might not be enough to bring Hamilton back into serious title contention, especially if Verstappen continues to rack up points with podium finishes.

The Reality of the Championship Battle

Despite Hamilton’s best efforts, the reality is that Verstappen is on the right track. If you were a betting man or woman looking to lock it in at your favorite sportsbook for the season, most things point to Max being on course for his fourth World Championship.

The Dutch driver has been in imperious form all season, and his Red Bull team has provided him with a car that is both fast and reliable. Verstappen’s consistency has been remarkable; he rarely finishes off the podium, and his ability to extract maximum points even on his off days, like when he finished fourth after taking a 10-place engine grid penalty at Spa , has been a key factor in his dominant lead.

For Hamilton, the focus now is on maximizing every opportunity. He knows that even if he wins the next four races, the points gap to Verstappen will still be significant, and much will depend on how many points Verstappen can accumulate in those races.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that Red Bull’s strategic acumen often allows them to minimize the damage on weekends when they are not the fastest, making it difficult for Mercedes and Hamilton to make significant inroads into the points gap.

However, Hamilton is not one to back down from a challenge. His career has been defined by his ability to perform under pressure and to find a way to win even when the odds are against him.

The remainder of the season will be a test of his resilience and determination as he fights to keep his championship hopes alive. Even if he falls short of the title this year, the battle with Verstappen is shaping up to be one of the most compelling in recent memory, as it pits two of the sport’s greatest talents against each other in a high-stakes duel, reminiscent of their legendary battle in the 2021 season . 

The Road to Austin: What’s at Stake

As the Formula 1 season heads towards the critical race in Austin, Texas, the championship picture is becoming clearer. For Verstappen, a fourth title seems inevitable, barring a dramatic turn of events. His consistency, combined with Red Bull’s formidable package, has put him in a commanding position. For Hamilton, the Austin GP will be a crucial moment—possibly his last chance to keep the championship fight alive.

Winning in Austin would be a statement of intent from Hamilton, showing that he is still capable of taking the fight to Verstappen. However, even with a win, the points gap would still leave him playing catch-up in the final races of the season. The challenge for Hamilton is not just to win races but to do so while hoping for a rare slip-up from Verstappen. In a season where Verstappen has been almost flawless, that is a tall order.

Yet, for all the odds stacked against him, Hamilton’s legacy as one of the greatest drivers in Formula 1 history is already secure. An eighth World Championship would be the crowning achievement of his career, but even if it eludes him this year, his pursuit of it has added another thrilling chapter to the sport’s history.

The battle between Hamilton and Verstappen is not just about the title; it’s about two of the sport’s titans pushing each other to the absolute limit.

As the season continues, fans around the world are watching closely, knowing that they are witnessing a historic rivalry unfold. The Austin GP, with its passionate crowd and challenging circuit, will be the next stage in this epic contest!

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Official: Barisan wins Nenggiri with 3,352 vote majority, says EC

Saturday, 17 Aug 2024

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PETALING JAYA: In a stunning reversal of fortune, Barisan Nasional has officially emerged victorious in the Nenggiri by-election in Kelantan, snatching the seat from PAS.

Barisan candidate Mohd Azmawi Fikri Abdul Ghani has emerged victorious, garnering 9,091 votes against PAS candidate Mohd Rizwadi Ismail, representing Perikatan Nasional, who obtained 5,739 votes, says the Election Commission (EC).

This gives Mohd Azmawi a majority of 3,352 votes, the EC added.

The EC also announced that voter turnout for the Nenggiri by-election was 73.88% and there were 135 rejected ballots, while three ballots were not returned.

ALSO READ : Nenggiri Polls:Umno sec-gen claims early Barisan lead based on results from six polling stations

Mohd Azmawi’s victory means that Barisan has managed to secure its third seat in the Kelantan state assembly. The remaining 42 out of 45 seats are held by Perikatan.

This is also the first by-election since the 15th General Election in which the incumbent party lost to a challenger.

The Nenggiri by-election was called after the seat was declared vacant by Kelantan state assembly speaker Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah on June 19.

This decision came after former Nenggiri assemblyman Mohd Azizi Abu Naim ceased to be a member of Bersatu on June 13.

ALSO READ : Nenggiri polls (Live Updates): Unofficial count shows BN emerging victorious

Mohd Azizi had contested the Nenggiri seat under a PAS ticket in the Kelantan state polls last year, where he defeated Barisan candidate Ab Aziz Yusoff by a slim majority of 810 votes.

Before Mohd Azizi won the seat, Barisan held the Nenggiri state seat for four terms.

Throughout the two-week campaigning period, heavyweight figures from both Barisan and Perikatan were present to boost their respective campaign.

On Barisan’s side, leaders such as Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Gua Musang division chief Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah made appearances, while Perikatan brought in the coalition chairman and Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as well as Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Mohd Nassuruddin Daud.

Earlier today, 20 polling centres with 46 voting streams were opened at 8am, with 14 of the polling centres closing at 6pm, while six others closed earlier due to a lower number of voters in the area.

No early voting was opened for this by-election, with 14 police personnel having voted by post.

This is the ninth by-election following the 15th General Election, with previous ones held for Kuala Terengganu (Parliamentary constituency) in Terengganu; Simpang Jeram (State constituency) and Pulai (Parliament) in Johor; Pelangai (State) in Pahang; Jepak (State) in Sarawak; Kemaman (Parliament) in Terengganu; Kuala Kubu Baharu (State) in Selangor; and Sg Bakap (State) in Penang.

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Tags / Keywords: Nenggiri Seat , Barisan Nasional , PAS

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The Olympics’ Toughest Act: Balancing Sports and Politics

The Olympics have long been a stage for political expression, for athletes who take the opportunity. Some do, while others choose to focus strictly on their sport.

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A table tennis player in a doubles match returns the ball with her teammate poised behind her.

By Hannah Beech and Valerie Hopkins

Reporting from Paris

The athletes had lost. Their time in Paris was over. And they were, in this moment of defeat by a team from a political rival, not even allowed the comfort of their homeland’s name and flag.

To be an Olympian from Taiwan is to not exist, at least not officially. To placate China, the island competes at the Games under the awkward designation of Chinese Taipei. The intrusion of politics into sports forces the island’s athletes to engage in the kind of rhetorical gymnastics that might trip up a champion tumbler, and which bring a particular sting when you are a table tennis player who has just been beaten by Team China .

“I’m only fighting for myself, through my own hard work,” said Taiwan’s Chen Szu-yu, substituting self for state on the Olympic stage.

Her teammate Chien Tung-chuan sidestepped the political discussion entirely, refraining from comment on Taiwan’s status at the Olympics.

“I cannot answer that question,” she said. “May I go?”

There is no arena more international than the Olympics. The United Nations General Assembly, that other grand global endeavor, excludes the territories, the itty-bitty islands and the not-quite nations that get to go to the Games. Puerto Rico, Palestine, Chinese Taipei — they all marched in the Olympic parade of nations, as did a refugee team whose 37 members were forcibly displaced from some of the very countries that competed alongside them in Paris.

But to accommodate such a diversity — North Korea and South Korea, Israel and Palestine , Armenia and Azerbaijan, China and Taiwan — the Olympic masterminds mandate that athletes should refrain from taking political stands. They imbue in a single sporting moment, the flight of a woman propelled by a springy pole or the revolution of a wheel in a velodrome, an inspirational expression of international unity. They romanticize an Olympic truce in which competitors lay down their weapons for the duration of the world’s greatest athletic contest.

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  1. Azerbaijan's Victory: Initial Thoughts and Observations (and Caveats

    Autumn 2020 saw the Republic of Azerbaijan win a decisive military victory over ethnic Armenian forces holding the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding areas, regaining much of the territory they lost in the Azerbaijan-'Armenia war of the 1990s by using conventional land power to pursue long-standing strategic aims. Much has been made of Azerbaijan's use of Turkish ...

  2. The 44-day Patriotic War (II Karabakh War)

    By the Presidential Decrees dated December 2, 2020, September 27 was declared the Day of Remembrance, and November 8 - Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan. *** For almost 30 years, Armenia has mined most of the Azerbaijani lands occupied, even lands that do not have a military purpose. Despite the agreement reached in the Tripartite ...

  3. Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

    Karabakh is Azerbaijan! Led by President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the glorious victory of Azerbaijani army in the Patriotic War has finally put the lid on the long-lasting conflict with Armenia, one of the most tragic in the history of the last decades. The 44-day war, which was raging in September ...

  4. PDF Glorious Victory

    Glorious VictoryG. ple and the armyThe Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict had gone down in the history of the 20th century as one of the most tragic conflicts, as its implications seriously affected the fates of millions. Azerbaijanis. The conflict, which began with Armenia's overt territorial claims to Azerbaijan's historical lands, provocations ...

  5. Azerbaijan marks Victory Day

    Azerbaijan marks its Victory in Patriotic war, APA reports. On September 27, 2020, in response to the next military aggression of Armenia, the Azerbaijani people launched a patriotic war under the leadership of President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev to liberate the occupied territories.

  6. Patriotic War » AZERBAIJAN » Official web-site of ...

    The territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been restored and the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict has been consigned to history. Azerbaijan won a brilliant victory in the Patriotic War, defeated Armenia and put an end to the occupation. Every single day of these 44 days was a glorious history for Azerbaijan.

  7. - The Second Karabakh War

    Thus, Azerbaijan's military victory had forced Armenia to capitulate. The ceasefire was violated on 11 December - the first time since the end of military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh and the start of peacekeeping operations by the Russian Federation. The violation of the ceasefire was registered in Hadrut, where one Azerbaijani soldier was ...

  8. Understanding the Dispute Between Armenia and Azerbaijan

    A second war erupted over 44 days in 2020, during which thousands were killed and tens of thousands displaced. This time, Azerbaijan, using Turkish and Israeli attack drones, recaptured much of ...

  9. November 8

    By the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated December 3, 2020, it was decided to solemnly celebrate November 8 as Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan every year in order to perpetuate this unprecedented victory, which has become a celebration of the power of our people and our national pride. By another ...

  10. Azerbaijan Celebrates Victory Day Marking End of Karabakh War

    A. Azerbaijan, the South Caucasus' largest country of over 10 million people, celebrates today the first anniversary of the historic victory on November 8, 2020, ending the war in the country's Karabakh (Garabagh) region. One year ago on this day, the Azerbaijani forces liberated the strategic Shusha city in the Karabakh region from a decades ...

  11. The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: Causes and Consequences

    Azerbaijan won the war, but Russia did not allow it to be translated into a full diplomatic victory, which would encompass recognizing the claim of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. Still, Azerbaijan recovered the territories around Karabakh, including 30% of the former Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region.

  12. History in the making: November 10 signifies absolute victory of Azerbaijan

    Azerbaijani nationals consider this date as a rebirth of the nation. On this day Azerbaijani Army liberated most of its invaded territories that were under occupation for more than 30 years. Thanks to this victory, IDPs, who had been expelled forcibly, were able to return to their hometowns and pay tribute to the graves of their beloved.

  13. Azerbaijan's contribution to the Victory in the World War II

    Even though the hostilities took place beyond the territory of Azerbaijan, our people underwent and overcame a severe ordeal and made their contribution to the victory. Azerbaijan mobilized for the army more than 700,000 of its sons and daughters, half of whom sacrificed their lives. Their graves are spread all over Europe, from the Volga River ...

  14. Victory Day (Azerbaijan)

    The Victory Day (Azerbaijani: Zəfər Günü) is a public holiday in Azerbaijan that is celebrated on 8 November, in commemoration of Azerbaijani victory in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war.Established by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan from 2 December 2020, the holiday is celebrated on the day of the recapture of Shusha.It is a non-working holiday.

  15. Azerbaijan marks 1st anniversary of victory in Patriotic War

    On Dec. 3, 2020, President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree "on the establishment of Victory Day in the Republic of Azerbaijan" on Nov. 8. The president had earlier declared Nov. 10 the Victory Day ...

  16. History of Azerbaijan

    Independent Azerbaijan. With the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Caucasian front during World War I (1914-18), Azerbaijani leaders joined Armenians and Georgians in a brief experiment in Transcaucasian autonomy (February to April 1918). An even briefer attempt at unity in an ...

  17. Victory Day in Azerbaijan

    May 9. Victory Day in Azerbaijan commemorates the triumph of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II. Observed on May 9th, it is an important holiday in most post-soviet republics, and Azerbaijan is no exception. Roughly 600,000-800,000 Azerbaijani soldiers, or approximately one-fifth of the entire population of Soviet Azerbaijan ...

  18. Victory Day of Azerbaijan was solemnly celebrated in Paris

    Huseynova noted that Azerbaijan had to start a counter-offensive operation in the face of Armenia's military provocations and continuous aggression. Thanks to Azerbaijan's economic strength, modern army, people-power unity, as well as the determination and will of our people, this operation ended with the victory of our country.

  19. Azerbaijani people celebrate glorious victory

    Addressing the Azerbaijani people tonight, Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev has announced the news of our glorious victory - the defeat of Armenia. Thus, the 30-year-long occupation has ended. Following the President's nationwide address, people flew to the streets of the capital Baku to share happiness of the historic ...

  20. Lewis Hamilton's Victory at Spa: A Glimmer of Hope Amidst a Challenging

    The high-speed nature of Monza means that qualifying will be critical, and Hamilton will be aiming to secure a front-row start to increase his chances of victory. Azerbaijan's Baku City Circuit ...

  21. Nenggiri polls: BN's victory sets stage for future success, says Zahid

    PETALING JAYA: Barisan Nasional's victory in the Nenggiri polls will become the catalyst for more successes for the coalition, says Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

  22. Nenggiri polls: Police receive 18 reports, open six investigation papers

    GUA MUSANG: The police have received 18 reports and opened six investigation papers related to the Nenggiri state by-election since Friday (17 Aug).

  23. Nenggiri: BN, PAS candidates come face to face at polling station

    GUA MUSANG: The two candidates contesting in the Nenggiri state by-election finally met face to face at the polling centre at Tabika Sri Bakawali, Bertama Lama, here on Saturday (Aug 17).

  24. The West Clearly Doesn't Want to Defeat Putin

    Ms. Edel is the author of "Russia: Putin's Playground: Empire, Revolution, and the New Tsar." On July 9, as the world stared at the blood-splattered rubble of a Ukrainian children's ...

  25. Russian navy trained to target sites inside Europe with nuclear-capable

    Recent exercises ordered by Putin to rehearse the use of tactical nuclear weapons indicate the leaked papers are still consistent with current Russian military doctrine.

  26. Nenggiri polls: Perikatan concedes, congratulates BN on victory

    Nenggiri polls: Police receive 18 reports, open six investigation papers Nation 49m ago Nenggiri polls: Unofficial count shows Barisan Nasional emerging victorious

  27. How Harris Has Completely Upended the Presidential Race, in 14 Maps

    Guest Essay. How Harris Has Completely Upended the Presidential Race, in 14 Maps. Aug. 16, 2024 . ... The paths to victory in the Electoral College have been completely reshaped for the Democrats ...

  28. Saints win in Azerbaijan to reach play-off round

    St Patrick's Athletic are through to the Conference League play-off round after a 1-0 victory over Sabah at the Alinja Stadium in Baku in Azerbaijan, 2-0 on aggregate.

  29. Official: Barisan wins Nenggiri with 3,352 vote majority, says EC

    Nenggiri polls: BN's victory sets stage for future success, says Zahid. Nation 14h ago Nenggiri polls: Police receive 18 reports, open six investigation papers Next In Nation. Unity govt component ...

  30. The Olympics' Toughest Act: Balancing Sports and Politics

    The Olympics have long been a stage for political expression, for athletes who take the opportunity. Some do, while others choose to focus strictly on their sport.