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Templates and forms

Application for master thesis project SK202X:

Examensarbetesansökan 20200902.pdf (pdf 713 kB)

Grading report for master thesis project SK202X:

Grading Report SK202X.pdf (pdf 70 kB)

Application for project work courses SK2001--SK2005:

Application form for course registration Applied Physics.pdf (pdf 131 kB)

Grading report for project work courses SK2001--SK2005:

Grading Report Projectcourse Aphys.pdf (pdf 55 kB)

Guidelines for MSc. Projects

Rules and guidelines for Master's Degree Projects

Goals of the course degree project work

According to KTH rules and regulations, the student should:

  • be able to apply relevant knowledge and abilities, within the main field of study, to a given problem
  • within given constraints, even with limited information, independently analyse and discuss complex inquiries/problems and handle larger problems on the advanced level within the main field of study
  • reflect on, evaluate and critically review one’s own and others’ scientific results
  • be able to document and present one’s own work with strict requirements on structure, format, and language usage
  • be able to identify one’s need for further knowledge and continuously develop one’s own knowledge

These KTH-common goals should constitute the foundation for course goals for all degree project. Further or more specified course goals for degree project can be implemented by the schools, individual educational programmes or individual degree project.

Thesis content

The thesis should contain:

  • Introduction - that should contain a technical and social (when possible) motivation of the thesis subject. For example – safer and more reliable reactor types would be not only technically better but also more acceptable to public, which would allow to better explore the potential of nuclear power.
  • Description of the problems/topics.
  • Status of the research/knowledge in the field and literature review.
  • Description of the methodology/approach. (The actual structure of the chapters here depends on the topic of the thesis.)
  • Results - must always contain analyses of results and associated uncertainties.
  • Conclusions and proposals for the future work.
  • Appendices (when needed).
  • Bibliography - references and links.

Thesis style

  • Volume of about 50-70 pages. 
  • The language style, grammar and terminology should meet the highest expectations!
  • Thesis can be written in any text editor, assuming it meets KTH regulations - see below. 
  • KTH thesis appearance
  • LaTeX introduction and KTH LaTeX classes

Oral presentation

  • Your public presentation should take about 20-25 minutes. Assuming about 1.5 minute per slide gives you 16 – 17 slides maximum! Your management of time is one of the criterion in evaluation of your project. You should attend at least two other master thesis presentations to be better prepared for your own.
  • Your presentation should be pedagogical and very clear. Do not include too much information on one slide!
  • Identify and underline clearly your personal contribution and your own creative part.

After your presentation, the reviewer, and possibly the examiner, supervisors, and the audience will question you, in this order. Be very clear in all your answers. When you do not know the answer or when you are unsure then it is better to express that with no hesitation. The examiner (who is chairing the exam) may  stop the questions after 10 minutes.

You will be evaluated according to three criteria:

  • Process  - your creative and timely approach in solving the technical and/or scientific problems, organisation, independence and communication with supervisors.
  • Engineering-related and scientific content - the formulation of the problem and application of engineering-related and scientific skills in the methodology, solution and conclusions. 
  • Presentation of the thesis .

Practical information

  • Registration of the master project is done by filling the "application for Master of Science thesis project" that must be approved by the examiner. Your supervisor will hand the form over to the student office that will register it.
  • A reviewer must be appointed by the supervisor or examiner. The reviewer must have at least a week for reviewing the thesis. Hence, the thesis should be available to the reviewer at least a week before the defence.
  • The date and time of the oral presentation (defence) must be agreed on by the student, the supervisor, the reviewer and the examiner. The selection of the reviewer and the date and time for the defence may take a few days; combined with the one week needed for the reviewing process, the student should assume at least two weeks needed for this.
  • The outcome of a successful defence is usually registered at KTH within few days. After that you are obliged to provide an electronic version of your thesis to the DiVA publication database. You can do this via the student office. You are not required nor expected to print your thesis.
  • Your thesis must include the TRITA number. You can request them at the student office (you can do so by sending an email to kursexp(at)physics.kth.se).
  • To receive your diploma you have to request it yourself from your KTH account.

kth master thesis presentation template

Create moving, zooming presentations that grab attention and keep it.

kth master thesis presentation template

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kth master thesis presentation template

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Kth Master Thesis Presentation Template

kth master thesis presentation template

Master Thesis Presentation

Transcript: Risk Premiums in Electricity Futures and the German Nuclear Withdrawal Introduction Timeline of events What are the consequences? Research objective The research question is: How is the risk premium in electricity futures influenced by the decision of the German government to completely withdrawal from nuclear power generation? Theory suggest the risk premium is dependent on volatility and skewness (price spikes) of the electricity prices (B&L, 2002). The risk premium can indicate changes in the market perceived risks because of the decision. Data Data: EEX: 1-month future contracts (Phelix) Epex Spot day-ahead prices (Phelix) intraday prices Base, peak and off-peak prices Methodology Results Additional research results Conclusions For the German nuclear withdrawal the results were mostly non-significant and therefor meaningless. :( HOWEVER: The result that the risk premium in German electricity has disappeared since 2008 is very interesting and should be further researched. Not by me though. :) Thank you for your attention March 14 2011 closed Temporary closure of 8 reactors (at least 3 months) Creation of an ethics commission assigned to investigate possibilities for further energy transitions Changes in generation mix of electricity can have significant influence on the price of electricity. Decreased capacity can increase volatility of electricity prices and chances of price spikes. Furthermore a change in the stacking order of the supply of electricity can change the marginal producer and shift price levels Author: Steven van Gils Supervisor: Mehtap Kilic Co-reader: Ronald Huisman September 2012 still open german nuclear capacity None significant B&L Very little sign results Fukushima disaster March 11 2011 March 31 2011 B&L (2002) This thesis investigates the effects of the decision of the German government to completely withdrawal from nuclear power generation Massive German demonstrations Why the risk premium in electricity future prices? F&F (1987) F&F Beta VAR should be negative Beta SKEW should be positive strange because this model is least logical German nuclear moratorium March 30 2011: The Ethics Commission for a Safe Energy Supply publishes its report: Germany's Energy Transition - A collective Project for the Future GOOD Rsquare German decides to permanently shutdown the already closed reactors and to complete withdrawal from nuclear power generation by 2022

kth master thesis presentation template

master thesis presentation

Transcript: The Problem Soaring power demand loads -> Electric utilities design capacities according to peak loads -> .... this necessitates capital intensive investments ... and often leads to having under-utilized systems... Solution...?! Control our demand! -> Demand Side Management Research Objectives?! Propose a Smart Grid environment for the MENA Region (PLC, NCS) Develop a Load Management algorithm for the Residential Sector (DSM) Add modifications to the electricity billing system Energy Situation @MENA Residential Sector! 40-65% ~ Algeria, UAE, KSA, Egypt, Jordan, Syria Demand Side Management DSM @MENA?! Mostly Energy Efficiency projects Very limited initiatives in Demand Response (mainly in the industrial sector) No Load Management practices! Wet Appliances 1 Washing Machine 1 Dryer 1 Dish Washer Brown Appliances 1 Laptop 1 Desktop Computer 2 TV 2 CFL Lighting (10 W) 2 CFL Lighting (15 W) 3 CFL Lighting (20 W) 1 Game Console 1 Radio Cold/Hot Appliances 1 Refrigerator 1 Freezer 1 Water Heater 1 Water Cooler 4 Air Conditioner Cooking Appliances 1 Coffee Maker 1 Microwave 1 Electric Stove Algorithm?! Smart Grid! Characteristics?! Integration of electricity sector stakeholders Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Advanced system monitoring and control Substation and distribution automation Integration of energy storage and electric vehicles Integration of distributed generation capacities Advanced interfaces and decision support tools. Benefits?! More efficient electricity generation, transmission, and distribution Quicker electricity restoration after power interruptions Reduced peak demand Reduced management, operations and maintenance costs for utilities Lower power costs for consumers Increased integration of distributed renewable energy generation capacities Improved security, reliability, flexibility, quality of service, and robustness Power Line Communication PLC operates by sending data over power lines... Data signals modulate a radio frequency carrier signal which is then sent over power wiring Advantages of PLC @MENA Extensive coverage in the MENA Region (access of electricity exceeds 90% in most countries of the region) Needed PLC extensions can be established quickly and in a cost effective way Offers multiple services via the same infrastructure (e.g. Load Management, and Advanced Metering Infrastructure) Networked Control Systems Intelligent control device + Transceiver = Smart Transceiver Such solutions offer... Modularity Easy installation Great flexibility and reliability Short time to market development Replace central control and automation systems which are no longer sufficient for large complex smart grid operations Socio-Economic Issues Electricity Pricing Fixed pricing (independent of time and demand load) Flat rate Piecewise linear Time differentiated pricing: Time of Use Pricing (TOU) Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) Real Time Pricing (RTP) Electricity Billing Energy Charges ($/kWh) Demand Charges ($/kW) Extra Charges (installations, taxes, garbage collection!) energy charges demand charges Family household ~ E =750 kWh, Pmax = 10 kW Demand charge is 7 L.E. for every kW of maximum power demand a month Results, Conclusions and Future Work Results Algorithm Peak minimized by more than 35% Load factor improved by more than 58% Proposed billing system modifications Proposed dynamic sizing for energy charge blocks (10 - 20%) bill savings for lower meter capacities Adding demand charges (10 -15%) bill savings after minimizing peaks Proposed outlines for a Smart Grid environment @MENA Power Line Communication Networked Control Systems Java-based Graphical User Interface Conclusions Set clearer energy strategies with strict bounding measures (focus on DSM practices) DSM programs need to be more effectively and efficiently designed and deployed, and highly promoted More customer engagement Load Management ~ creates a "virtual power plant" that generates "negawatts" instead of megawatts! Future Work Design a complete DSM program easily customizable by different electric utilities in the MENA Region Investigate other access communication technologies (wireless communication systems) Consider long term usage changes and penetration rates of appliances Study a multi-variant regression model for assessing the performance of DSM programs. Thank You! Non-flexible loads - 24 hours load profile Total electricity consumption - 24 hours load profile Access PLC Total Population > 376 Million Land Area 8,644,000 sq. km. 57% ~ proven oil reserves 41% ~ proven natural gas resources Energy use growing by a rate of 170% complete load managment system in smart grid environment Multi-variant Regression Model Internatiional Monetary Fund 2009 Types of Load Management Load Shifting Flow Chart Electricity Consumption Pattern of Different Appliances Load Shedding NIST 2012 Shiftable/flexible loads to be shifted - 24 hours load profile World Bank Development Indicators 2009 Meter Capacity vs. Energy Charge Blocks Results

kth master thesis presentation template

Transcript: The number of recalls has been surging over the last decade, this increase can be explained by a number of factors, including the complexity of products, more stringent product-safety legislation and higher demands by customers. Recalls can be seen as a firm's worst nightmare, with serious consequences for a company's sales, their marketing instruments effectiveness and reputation. This thesis focuses on the consequences of a product recall on shareholder wealth, in other words; how do product recalls influence the stock price? Presentation outline - Results; results of the analysis regarding different aspects. - Abnormal returns - Cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) - Regressions - Hypotheses - Conclusions - Limitations and further research - Theoretical framework; most important papers on the subject will be discussed. - Differences across industries; predictions based on literature. - Different aspects of product recalls; predicted consequences for shareholder wealth. - Hypotheses - Methodology section; data, descriptive statistics and analysis. Theoretical Framework $1.25 Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Research question; Number of recalls increases Introduction ‘’Do product recalls cause abnormal stock returns and do these returns differ across industries where we correct for different factors influencing the returns?’’ Vol XCIII, No. 311 Master Thesis

kth master thesis presentation template

Master thesis presentation

Transcript: Managing Memories Interactive (television) Advertising Generation effect in an interactive television setting Interactive Treatment Nothing about the relationship between factors Relatively weak generation Effect isolation Theoretical Background Associative Network Model Cognitive Effort or ''Generating'' itself Interactive (television) Advertising the Generation Effect: Slamecka and Graf, 1978 Filling in the Numbers Sub Questions: I do the laundry 7 times a week, and product X saves me 20 euro a week Implementation Master Thesis Defense General Brain and memory Theories I do the laundry ... times a week, this makes that product X saves you a total amount of ... euro Games Personalize Rewards Information choice options Main Question: ''paid and unpaid presentation and promotion of products, services and ideas by an identified sponsor through mediated means involving MUTUAL ACTION between consumers and producers" lot of research to be done into mental reasoning behind interaction effects Teun Scholtens General Brain and memory Theories Motivation Preference excluding Examples: Implementation Monitoring Television usage at home Actual Buying behavior Investigate relationship including variables Follow up commercials More specific thought Games Design of the Experiment Implementation of findings 24 Sept. 2012 Research Limitations Free recall vs Recognition Motivation and the Ability to process information ‘The generation effect in advertising appeals’ Moore et al. , 1986 Generation effect and the relation with Interactive Advertisement Presentation Program Introduction Introduction Research Limitations and Errors Actual Design Considerations Television Commercials Customer Based Brand Equity: resonance and awareness Formats and effectiveness 'Can we improve memory performance by making use of self generated interactive television advertisements' ? Importance: interaction persuasion Results Future Studies and Possibilities Theoretical Background Static Treatment Neuromarketing: other theories Handing out free coffee The Generation Effect Hypothesis to Test Place Product no Instructions no cross influencing on moment of coffee hand out Time Frame Identical Procedures Collecting the Data Visual and Verbal Presentation Different versions of Static Movie 'Zeigarnik effect' 'Google effect' Future Studies and Opportunities Problem Solving: Jacoby, 1978 The Generation Effect H1: viewers of the interactive movie remember on average more product benefits as the static viewers Design of the Experiment H0: viewers of the static movie remember on average the same amount of product benefits as the interactive viewers

kth master thesis presentation template

Presentation Master Thesis

Transcript: Presentation Master Thesis Susan Kagie 14 August 2014 Supervisor: Filip Buekens Second reader: Matteo Colombo The Role of Status Markers and Correlated Equilibria in Explaining the Emergence and Maintenance of Social Institutions

kth master thesis presentation template

Transcript: Suggested stress markers reflected in saliva http://www.caaquaculture.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/brain.png Immunoglobulin A (IgA) http://www.icgeb.org/~p450srv/ligand/cortisol.gif Oral microflora: Lactobacillus not dominating Comments Ethical aspects CONCLUSION P<0.001 AGENDA Academic stress - Brief Naturalistic Stressor Oral microflora Digestive enzyme May help in defense against bacteria SAM-system Produced with saliva Stress --> increased levels Future prospects Significant (P<0.001) increase in amount of lactobacilli in the probiotic group Probiotics and stress The Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on Cortisol, IgA and Alpha-amylase in Human Saliva during Stress Incidence test --> significant increase (P<0.001) in LP299V in probiotic group Significant difference (P<0.05) day 10 relative cortisol values Cortisol --> possible good end-point in future studies Some weak correlations found, not enough to draw any conclusions from Verifying the method Writing an application to the Regional Ethical Review Board Performing a power calculation Optimizing of the experimental design Sampling procedure http://www.cheneyart.com/Diane_Cheney/html/pressure.htm Probiotics Background research IgA in minor gland saliva Cortisol Errors Secretion stimulated by sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (HPA & SAM) Stress No significance found for alpha-amylase and IgA No change in control group Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (LP299V) Hannah Andersson and Cecilia Tullberg Oral microflora --> ourselves Lactobacilli: cultivation on selective media Lp299v: Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Master of Engineering in Biotechnology Lund Institute of Technology 2013-05-30 Also a BIG thank you to: Our supervisors Åsa, Siv & Irini Our examiner Göran Molin Mikael Sonesson at Tandläkarhögskolan, Malmö Marie Kala, Christine Larsson & Jie Xu at the department of Applied Nutrition Everyone participating in the study Prevents bacteria to adhere to mucous surfaces http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OwoEg7Db_AE/TQSujRhM6CI/AAAAAAAAA9I/0Er-OeR_3Eg/s1600/Sialadenitis.jpg Values corresponds to values found in literature, but slightly lower. Reasons: Statistical tools: SigmaPlot and QuickStat Resting - decreased levels Before each sampling - Perceived stress questionnaire (Levenstein et al. (1993)) Significant correlation (P<0.01) with stress within control group, but negative Steroid hormone Released by HPA axis Regulation of metabolism and blood pressure Immune suppression Stress --> increased levels Cortisol levels change quickly upon acute stress The objectives were reached Comments 1) Aims and Objectives 2) Background 3) Experimental design 4) Sampling Procedure and Analysis Methods 5) Results and Discussion 6) Obstacles 7) Conclusion 8) Future prospects Stress test correlated to alpha-amylase & IgA --> no significant results Hard to compare the study with other studies (type of studies, exam, academic structure etc) Good for the intestinal health IgA in whole saliva Comments Similar to acute or chronic stress? RESULTS and DISCUSSION --> Problems on the way Comments Large individual differences Median values corresponds with values found in literature Probiotics --> increase sIgA (previous studies) No significant change in IgA Takes time for IgA levels to adapt IgA affected by many things, eg. cold Alpha-amylase The product Obstacles Chronic stress --> decreased IgA levels? Most abundant antibody in saliva and other secretions Supervisors: Åsa Håkansson, Siv Ahrné & Irini Lazou Ahrén Examiner: Göran Molin On the market http://bringwell.no/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Probi_mage_artikkel3.jpg Ethical Application Increased levels of cortisol - behind the negative impact of chronic stress? IgA Significant increase (P<0.001) in levels of lactobacilli Analysis "Live microorganisms which when administrated in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the host" (FAO/WHO, April 30 and May 1, 2002) Stress Comments Probiotics affect the HPA-axis - responsible for release of cortisol, suggested to decrease Dinan, T.G. and Cryan, J.F. (2012) 'Regulation of the stress response by the gut microbiota: Implications for psychoneuroendocrinology', Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 37, p. 1369—1378. Part of the first immune defense Indicates colonization of the oral cavity Analysis of samples What kind of stress was measured? 42 test subject --> 21 treatment + 21 placebo 1 drop-out in placebo group Saliva sampling --> quick and simple method P<0.05 BACKGROUND http://tccl.rit.albany.edu/knilt/images/b/b4/Student_stress.jpg Hypothalamus-Pitutairy-Adrenal (HPA) axis Sympathetic-Adrenal-Medullary (SAM) system Saliva sampling: not invasive and less stressful Alpha-amylase --> ourselves Amylase activity Colorimetric Assay kit Saliva Cortisol --> Klinisk Kemi in Lund Electro-Chemi Luminescence Immunoassay (ECLI) Previous studies on alpha-amylase: acute stress. Is this the only stress that changes the levels? Chronic stress and probiotics Longer study

kth master thesis presentation template

Transcript: Agenda All users recorded and given access permissions Handle a lot of user in a manageable way message LockMessage { enum MessageType { SERVER_INFO = 0; LOCK_INFO = 1; UNLOCK_REQUEST = 2; UNLOCK_RESPONSE = 3; DISCONNECT = 4; FW_FILE_REQUEST = 5; FW_FILE = 6; MODULE_INFO = 7; } required MessageType type = 1; optional ServerInfo server_info_msg = 2; optional LockInfo lock_info_msg = 3; optional UnlockRequest unlock_request_msg = 4; optional UnlockResponse unlock_response_msg = 5; optional FWFileRequest fw_file_request_msg = 6; optional FWFile fw_file_msg = 7; optional ModuleInfo module_info_msg = 8; } Handle variable number of Access Points Prevent APs from having an established connection to the server at all times Server will keep configuration of each AP Firmware updates to 3G modules needs to be remotely installed BeagleBoard-xM - Linux Kernel - LEDs Keypad 3G Broadband Module Firmware Updates Encryption of traffic is done by SSH Access Point sets up SSH tunnel to server Access Point Hardware Software Server Software Handle the Access Points Written in Java Graphical User Interface, MVC Data stored in a SQL database - AP configs, Access Permissions, PIN codes, ... PIN codes are salted and hashed Patrik Rutgersson message LockInfo { required int32 id = 1; required int32 major_version = 2; required int32 minor_version = 3; required string name = 4; required string ip_address = 5; required bool position_available = 6; optional double position_longitude = 7; optional double position_latitude = 8; } Software Security Discussion/Conclusions Electronic Lock System Variable number of Access Points Controlled over Internet 3G modules for Internet connection Centralized server to handle all accesses 3G modules intended for laptops Server/Access Points used sockets Ability to send different types of data Use already existing serialization format Google's Protocol Buffer was chosen Written in C/C++ Communicated with module through Linux file I/O Three different threads Thesis was done at Ericsson Communication Introduction Role-Based Access Control Roles with weekly access rights Limit amout of traffic Limitations Secure Communication Protocol Buffers Problem Description The traffic has to be encrypted to be accepted Only accepts APs already added to the system Creates a thread for each connected Access Point Implementation MPNET Manually added to the server Check done when an access point connects New FW available: AP given time when to update Abdi Abate User Management In terms of size, perfect in other electronics Development of a Centralized Electronic Lock System Based on 3G Broadband Modules Access Point Access Control Communication has to be encrypted User credentials cannot be saved in clear text Cont. Communication No real lock will be used. Instead LEDs. No RFID or magnetic card. Just PIN code. Only one physical Access Point. Introduction Problem Description Implementation Discussion/Conclusions System Requirements Develop a Demo system Server Serializing structured data in a platform-neutral way The structures are defined in messages Messages compiled into code Variable nr. of APs -> Limit traffic Call-ins were introduced Time for next connection Well-functional electronic lock system based on 3G 3G is suited for this kind of system Advantages: - Can basically be used anywhere, no cables needed - No other device nearby needed - Still high bandwidth Communication encrypted, but no HW related security - RFID, magnetic card, ... MPDCS

kth master thesis presentation template

Transcript: Is it ok if activity 1 finishes late ? Someone responsible for the actions Reporting of the actual cost against the planned cost of a project at any moment Risk for the contractor if they work more than planned Limit the scope of projects to development phases and testing phases Case 1 Activity 3 The Planned value ES: earned schedule. It is the number of days that was budgeted to complete the work actually performed AT: the number of days actually worked to complete the work performed How efficient are we with regards to schedule SPI < 1 -> team is working longer than planned for the same work: risk of lateness SPI > 1 -> team is working less than planned for the same work: probable early finish Fixed price contracts The contractor works 1000 mandays at 1000€/manday the client pays 1M€ Episode I Some theory on project tracking The solution already exists in the earned schedule The budget at completion Budget Tracking Contractor B Project Tracking Towards a new framework Risk for the contractor if they work less than planned Activity 1 Total EAC Need to have short activities Well, Activity 3 cannot start if activity 1 is not completed so that is a problem PV = 80 EV = 60 old SPI = 0.75 AT = 80 ES = 60 new SPI = 0.75 A contingency action PV or budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) The schedule performance indicator Important for the contractor in a fixed price Case 2 PV = 100 EV = 90 SPI = 0.9 PV = 100 EV = 100 old SPI = 1 AT = 133.33 ES = 100 new SPI = 0.75 Study shows the need for 400 mandays to complete the project An importance: a probability and an impact CPI = EV/AC Time & expenses contract Rate = 1000€/manday Planned = 900 mandays How much ? How long ? Client: "Lets just upload an excel spreadsheet with all the information in it" How much is to be spent First definition of the solution SPI = EV/PV Estimate at completion EAC The earned value will not change if activities are long Split the project in 2 when there is a significant shift in the project delivery speed PV = 20 EV = 15 old SPI = 0.75 AT = 20 ES = 15 new SPI = 0.75 Risk for the client if they work more than planned SPI = ES/AT Nov Second definition of the solution 1. A project is not going well 2. An action is taken to improve the efficiency Client: "I want a screen in which I will fill in the information and click on a button to submit" The SPI is inefficient Simple Case EAC = BAC/CPI Activity 1 Risk need: Episode II The Earned Value Management (EVM) EAC = 900 K€ + 1 M€ EAC = 1.9 M€ The EAC is the sum of the actual cost and the estimate to completion (ETC) How much should have been spent LCPI is the local CPI LCPI = (EV(t)-EV(t-t0))/(AC(t)-AC(t-t0)) t0 is a parameter that will depend on the project forcasted overrun = 100 K€ Verify that everything goes according to plan Activity 3 Master Thesis presentation Nicolas Dennewald AC or Actual cost of work performed (ACWP) The Actual Cost PV = 100 EV = 75 SPI = 0.75 Sept Planned = 1.8 M€ Schedule tracking Need for a new formula that will take into consideration the fact that the project is no longer going in the same way Does it impact the delivery date ? Budget tracking PV = 100 EV = 75 old SPI = 0.75 AT = 100 ES = 75 new SPI = 0.75 EAC = 900 K€ Tracking can be ... EAC = AC(time of shift) + (BAC-EV(time of shift))/LCPI Track the dependencies of activities on other activities Third definition of the solution The problem of the applicability of the earned value The difference between the old and the new Activity 2 The earned value Track the progress of activities against the plan Important for the client in a time & expenses How efficient are we with regards to costs CPI < 1 -> team is spending more than planned for the same work: risk of overspending CPI > 1 -> team is spending less than planned for the same work: probable underspending Earned value calculated on the basis of the all or nothing How much is the project going to cost at the end of the project Example The estimate at completion The EAC can be compared with the budgeted cost to determine the forcasted deviation between the contract and what will be spent Client: "In fact I want the screen and the excel spreadsheet upload" Earned value calculated on the basis of a percentage of completion The EAC is not precise enough PV = 100 EV = 90 old SPI = 0.9 AT = 120 ES = 90 new SPI = 0.75 Actual cost is 600 K€ How much has been spent The information that we use to define the percentage is the information that we will get from the earned value Activity 1 Scope tracking Contract is a fixed price: 900 K€ Risk for the client if they work less than planned Activity 2 Activity 2 PV = 20 EV = 15 SPI = 0.75 Episode III The problems Activity 3 Total EAC = sum of the EAC of every part of the project A mitigation action The cost performance indicator EAC = 1 M€ No problem it does not impact the other activities anyway Episode IV A new Framework Risk tracking Track the evolution of the solution over time PV = 100 EV = 100 SPI = 1 A framework to

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Master thesis days at the Department of Energy Technology

At the Department of Energy Technology there are two big thesis presentation days in June and August. Each division has its own session, namely Applied thermodynamics and refrigeration, Heat and power technology and Energy system analysis.

We have two thesis presentation days at the Department of Energy Technology. There are three parallel sessions for each division at the department, namely Applied thermodynamics and refrigeration, Heat and power technology and Energy system analysis. The thesis work related to each of these divisions thematic area will be held in separate presentation rooms, physically and on-campus.

The dates of the presentations are June 4 and August 22, 2024 . There will be a link to a sign-up for each of these events published at Canvas rooms and also at this web page. Those of the students who are not able to present during these two days will have to obtain a special permission from the programme director to proceed further.

More about the thesis presentation

  • The thesis shall be presented at the master thesis days in June or August (if you have a late start with your thesis project). Note! Latest start date is 1 March for normal master programme students.
  • External supervisors and industrial partners will be invited to the thesis presentation day when the program is finalized.
  • 1st year students will be invited as well.

The sessions will take place in a lecture room, but exceptions may be given to Zoom presentations, for example for students presenting from abroad. However, we urge you to present physically at KTH inviting your family, friends and the teachers.

You sign up to present in the thesis day. After scheduling the day, you will be assigned to a presentation time slot of 45 minutes (each presentation will start 15 min past the hour, so in case of extensive or detailed discussions there is additional time for the discussion). Plan your presentation to be 20 minutes (rehearse and adapt the number of slides and slide contents to your presentation pace).

The remaining time is dedicated to opposition by another student and a discussion with the audience.

During the opposition you discuss your work with the opposing student. The discussion is led by the opposing student. Participation during half of the thesis presentation day is mandatory (morning or afternoon depending on when you present), although you are very welcome to attend the full day.

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KTH thesis template for 1st and 2nd cycle degree projects

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Registering for the presentation

Your report does not need to be completely finished by the presentation. However, it must be in such a condition two weeks before the presentation that the examiner can assess whether the work is of sufficient quality and for the opponent to engage in a comprehensive public discussion and examination of the work. All sections and all conclusions must therefore be included. Diagrams must be presented and be comprehensible. The table of contents must be included.

It is the supervisor and examiner who assess whether the report meets the requirements to be presented.

Once your report is approved by the examiner and supervisor, it is time for you to register for the presentation. This must be done on the Monday of the week before the presentation (N.B. Not the same week as the presentation).

Presentation dates

See  Current starting dates and presentation dates


You register for the presentation with the degree project coordinator by submitting ONE e-mail.

The registration must contain:

  • Approval from the examiner that the report is ready for presentation. Attach it to your e-mail or include it.
  • An electronic version of the report in pdf format. Instead of sending the report, you can upload it to a server (such as Dropbox) where it can be retrieved with a web browser, and then e-mail the address to the degree project coordinator. Name the report as follows: firstname_lastname.pdf .
  • The report's abstract in html form. It is nice but not required that you also submit the Swedish Sammanfattning. Here are some Instructions . Submit by email or make available to the degree project coordinator through Dropbox (or similar).
  • Request for presentation time. If you already have a time agreement with your examiner, include the time. If you are unavailable at certain times include those times.
  • Information about your need to do opposition on another thesis. Have you done opposition already? If not, is the thesis your last element before you can graduate?

Please also note

  • Swedish abstract is not necessary at this point but please be aware that it will be required in the final version of the thesis, according to a decision by the KTH president.

The degree project coordinator appoints an opponent.

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

Writing a thesis

Writing a thesis is a requirement to obtain a degree of doctor or licentiate. It can be either a compilation thesis or a monograph thesis. It must be written in English, and must contain an English abstract and a Swedish summary. KTH's Guideline on Third-Cycle Studies  contains general quality requirements for doctoral theses and licentiate theses. Specific quality requirements are set out in the general syllabus for each third-cycle subject .

Templates and covers

It is recommended, but not mandatory, to use KTH's official template.

  • Word template (official): Cover and thesis template
  • LaTeX template (unofficial): Doktorand_KTH_Mall.zip (zip 1.8 MB) .

A thesis must exhibit a standardised appearance in line with KTH's Brand guidelines . The cover, title page and the following page with book information will be produced by the printing company US-AB. If problems with LaTeX -pdf should occur during printing, see further instructions from US-AB here: LATEX Checklista.pdf (pdf 37 kB) . If you are unsure about which subject to state on the cover page, please contact [email protected] .

Guidance for the kappa in doctoral and licentiate theses

The following document contains guidance about the "kappa", the comprehensive summary in a compilation thesis and the framing sections (e.g., introduction, conclusions, and future work) of a monograph thesis.

EECS Kappa Guidance (pdf 82 kB)

Completing a thesis

A completed thesis must be given an TRITA and ISBN number. This is requested when applying for a public defence of doctoral thesis  or a licentiate thesis seminar .

A completed thesis must be uploaded in DiVA and printed using the print office US-AB . This is generally done a few weeks after having applied for a defence or seminar. Make sure you follow the given checklists in the links above.

Printing a thesis

Printing is an integral part of the process for Public defense of a doctoral thesis  and Licentiate seminar .

Printing must be done by US-AB . The cover, title page and the following page with book information will be produced by the printing company US-AB. Read more about printing here . The principal supervisor's invoice reference are often used: EXAMPLE KTHEECS (replace EXAMPLE with his/her reference). Keep in mind that it may take a few days to receive a test print, and another few days to receive all printed copies, so maintain good communication with US-AB to meet the set deadline.


  1. Master's thesis

    Below is a Word-template for an MSc masters thesis at the department of Engineering Design. Please observe that the layout of the sections after the abstract/summary pages are not standardized, but the template has a preferred layout: Masters thesis template (Word 2010) (docx 136 kB) Your examiner decides when your thesis is final.

  2. Templates for degree project reports, theses and student presentations

    Report template in DOCX (e.g. MS Word) Cover template (docx), where the subject area of the thesis has to be inserted manually using the instructions in next item; How to express the subject area at the top of the cover; Cover templates (docx), where the subject area can be chosen in drop-down menus; Templates for licentiate and doctoral theses

  3. Master thesis

    The master thesis project is the final step in your studies before graduation. As such its intention is to show what you have learned in your studies by applying your knowledge and capabilities in an independent scientific work. In that sense, the master thesis project becomes the crown of your academic career so far and will lay the first ...

  4. PowerPoint presentations

    Download KTH:s PowerPoint-template. Format 16x9 (potx 5.3 MB) Use the right font. Download our font Figtree in Software Center if you want to save your PPT to a PDF. ... Presentation about KTH. Slides about KTH and education, research and collaboration at KTH have been developed. These can be used together with the material that you develop for ...

  5. Master thesis research

    4. Write the report. The template presented below, with an example of a cover page (in English, with a picture) can be downloaded and used for your thesis report MSc thesis template EGI 2024 (docx 82 kB) To create your personal cover page, please visit KTH Book cover generator .

  6. Templates and forms

    Templates and forms; Templates and forms. Application for master thesis project SK202X: Examensarbetesansökan 20200902.pdf (pdf 713 kB) ... KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden +46 8 790 60 00. Contact KTH; Work at KTH; Press and media; About KTH website;

  7. Master degree project rules and routines

    Requirements for admission to degree project. To start a master degree project, at least 60 credits for second-cycle studies must be fully completed. These 60 credits have to contain courses that are relevant to the thesis, including a course on philosophy of science and research methodology.

  8. Guidelines for MSc. Projects

    Presentation of the thesis. Practical information. Registration of the master project is done by filling the "application for Master of Science thesis project" that must be approved by the examiner. Your supervisor will hand the form over to the student office that will register it. A reviewer must be appointed by the supervisor or examiner.

  9. Routines for Master Thesis Projects

    The general rules for a master thesis at KTH and EECS are valid and shall be followed. For master thesis projects in 2023, ... (in week 19 or 20): The student conducts the self-evaluation according to the KTH-template. Final presentation (Assignment: Presentation) (in week 20): The student will give a presentation of the master thesis project ...

  10. KTH Master Thesis Template

    KTH Master Thesis Template. This Overleaf template serves as a comprehensive and user-friendly tool designed specifically for creating a thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in the year 2023. It incorporates essential updates, including a new title page and the latest KTH logos, ensuring compliance with the institution's branding guidelines.

  11. Templates

    This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in October 2019. This is the template of the KTH Engineering School for Master Thesis report. Swedish version of the letter template, according to the School of Electrical Engineering of Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, KTH ...

  12. Cover and thesis template

    Download thesis template for Word (docx 185 kB) If you have questions or comments about the templates, please contact FuSam (the Doctoral Education Coordination) at KTH: [email protected]. We strongly recommend using the Word template to help you with the formatting. The template applies to those who use Word. A template for LaTeX is being developed.

  13. Kth master thesis presentation template

    Just customize this Prezi presentation template to create your very own "Prezume" and impress them with your dynamism, coolness, and originality. Free presentation templates for students, teachers, and nonprofits. Kth Master Thesis Presentation Template is easy to edit. Make your message more engaging and impress your audience with your ...

  14. PDF Master Thesis at Department of Electronics Systems

    6 The Presentation 7 7 The Opposition 8 8 Grading 8 1 Introduction This document serves as a supplement to KTH's requirements for a Masters thesis project. It is intended to provide information to the student, the examiner, the industrial supervisor and the admin-istrator. 2 Formal Procedures The overall flow of the project with the ...

  15. Word templates to download

    Word templates to download. When you use the KTH templates, you can be sure to follow the graphic profile. This reinforces our brand, and allows you to reach further with your communication. These are finished templates to support you in your daily activities. Install KTH templates in PPT and Word. You will find templates in Blankettarkivet.

  16. Report template

    Report template; Good examples of reports; Presentation. Registering for the presentation; Presentation techniques; Public discussion and examination; Self-evaluation; Code of honour and plagiarism; Degree projects examined by schools other than CSC; Grading criteria and templates. DA221X, DA222X, DA223X: Evaluation form; DA224X, DA225X, DA226X ...

  17. Master thesis days at the Department of Energy Technology

    The thesis shall be presented at the master thesis days in June or August (if you have a late start with your thesis project). Note! Latest start date is 1 March for normal master programme students. External supervisors and industrial partners will be invited to the thesis presentation day when the program is finalized.

  18. Gallery

    This is the template of the KTH Engineering School for Master Thesis report. Swedish version of the letter template, according to the School of Electrical Engineering of Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, KTH) rules. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in ...

  19. Download new powerpoint template

    Published Apr 26, 2019. KTH's powerpoint template designed according to the new graphic profile is now available for download on the intranet. If you are on the WIKS Platform, soon you will be able to reach the template via the KTH button in Powerpoint. Download the template here and read tips on how to create a good presentation in Powerpoint.

  20. DOCX KTH

    Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:XXX. KTH Industrial Engineering and Management. Machine Design. SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM. ... This template, which has no bookmarks or other automation features, defines the layout of a masters thesis in machine design (MF206X), but it also applies to other masters theses at the department of machine design ...

  21. Registering for the presentation

    Gruppen Examensarbete på avancerad nivå vid EECS Master Thesis at EECS Sök. English. ... Your report does not need to be completely finished by the presentation. However, it must be in such a condition two weeks before the presentation that the examiner can assess whether the work is of sufficient quality and for the opponent to engage in a ...

  22. Thesis

    Word template (official): Cover and thesis template; LaTeX template (unofficial): Doktorand_KTH_Mall.zip (zip 1.8 MB). A thesis must exhibit a standardised appearance in line with KTH's Brand guidelines. The cover, title page and the following page with book information will be produced by the printing company US-AB.