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The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas (Manga)

" I'll do as I please, use methods I choose, and, no matter what you people want... I will save you without fail! " — Vanitas

Stories tell of a mysterious clockwork grimoire called The Book of Vanitas which, once opened, is said to place a curse upon the reader that is worse than death itself. Drawn to Paris on rumors of the book's existence, Noé, a vampire, boards the airship La Baleine to confirm it for himself. There, he's suddenly attacked by a fellow vampire who loses control of herself after her true name , the foundation of a vampire's self, is corrupted.

In steps the enigmatic, self-professed "vampire doctor" Vanitas wielding his namesake tome , which he uses not to curse but to cure. Claiming he inherited the book as well as his name from the original Vanitas , a vengeful vampire born under the ill-fated blue moon, he cheerfully recruits Noé to work with him in eradicating the malady that's robbing vampires of their true names — and their sanity .

The Case Study of Vanitas ( Vanitas no Carte , or The Memoirs of Vanitas ) is an ongoing 2015 Steampunk fantasy manga by Jun Mochizuki of PandoraHearts fame. It runs in Square Enix's monthly Gangan Joker magazine and is simulpublished in English by Yen Press . An anime adaptation by Studio Bones began airing in July 2021.

Contains examples of:

  • Adaptation Distillation : The anime adaptation maintains the basic story, but excludes explanations of world building, several action sequences, dialogues, some foreshadowing and minor characters.
  • Adaptation Explanation Extrication : In the beginning of the Bal Masque arc in the manga, Dominique has her two attendants chain Vanitas to a giant wooden wheel so she can interrogate him about what he really wants with Noe and his Archiviste powers. For some reason, the anime adaptation cuts out her attendants, showing Vanitas still being chained to the wheel, but it creates some confusion as to how a girl of Dominique's stature and size could possibly be capable of putting him, a grown man, on there without help. It also creates some confusion as to why Vanitas would even let Dominique chain him to a giant wheel, since he doesn't seem like the type of person who would just let some girl do that to him. Possibly subverted: Dominique as a vampire is physically stronger than the average human so it could be feasible she can overpower Vanitas by herself, though that’s still debatable.
  • Alternate History : The series takes place in a world where the 16th century's alchemist Paracelsus altered the World Formula with the Tower of Babel and created those that are known as vampires. The manga starts around 300 years after the incident, in a version of 1889 Paris where the Tower of the Sun was built instead of the Eiffel Tower.
  • Ancient Tomb : The Catacombs of Paris appear as the setting of the third arc, as well as the secret lair of the Chasseurs.
  • The anime's first opening sequence, played over the upbeat song "Sora to Utsuro," features the two protagonists, Noé and Vanitas, going on a tour around Paris where they visit the many attractions in the city and Vanitas plays babysitter for an excited Noé. This makes the anime look like a happy-go-lucky Bromantic Comedy set in a mundane France. The series is actually a vampire story taking place in a Steampunk version of 1889 Paris, containing plenty of drama, action, horror, and tragedy that wouldn't be expected from that carefree opening.
  • The second opening sequence also shows nothing but Vanitas and Noé walking around Paris, but this time separately until they find each other. Most of the second half of the anime doesn't even take place in Paris.
  • Bathos : Moments of drama and angst are frequently juxtaposed with slapstick, snarky banter or chibi antics.
  • The Beautiful Elite : As typical of a Jun Mochizuki work, a lot of the characters in Vanitas are gorgeous beyond compare.
  • Bookcase Passage : In Mémoire 6, Dominique and Noé go to a shop where they go through a hidden passage behind a bookcase that leads them to Altus Paris, the Pocket Dimension of Paris where vampires live.
  • Breather Episode : Episode 7, which adapts Mémoire 12 from the manga, is a much-needed break from all the action and angst from the episodes so far. It focuses on the main characters just eating and dancing together at a restaurant to have a good time for once. As well as a good delivery of Ship Tease for all the potential couples, both the opposite-sex and same-sex ones.
  • Bridal Carry : In Mémoire 53, Jeanne carries Dominique bridal-style after saving her from her own suicide attempt . Funny as Jeanne had fantasized about a similar scenario with Vanitas a few chapters back.
  • Buddy Picture : Vanitas and Noé's relationship is consistently central in the story. The first chapter has Noé himself state that the plot is about his journey with Vanitas, which will end with the latter's death at his hands .
  • Cast Full of Pretty Boys : Most of the male characters are either very handsome or incredibly pretty. An omake makes a joke about it by showing several of the guys working at a Host Club .
  • In the first chapter, Vanitas falls off of a Cool Airship and Noé jumps right after him to catch his leg. Somehow, both survive the landing without a parachute.
  • At the start of Mémoire 53, Jeanne saves a suicidal Dominique who had jumped off a Ferris wheel, catching her in the air before she hits the ground.
  • Childhood Friend Romance : Noé's childhood friend Dominique has been in love with him since they were children, but the death of her brother Louis makes it hard for Dominique to progress her feelings for Noé. Meanwhile, Noé's exact feelings for Dominique are unknown aside from being very close with her and wanting to protect her to not lose another loved one after what happened to Louis.
  • Children Do the Housework : Two orphaned human boys got adopted by the vampire known as Vanitas, later renamed Luna. To the concern of the boys, Luna sucked at cooking and cleaning. The older boy happened to be very good at both things, so Luna left those responsibilities to him.
  • Church Militant : The church is the main human organization in charge of hunting and killing vampires. The Chasseurs are soldiers of the church who have been trained to fight vampires with weapons, aided by a Super Serum to match a vampire's strength.
  • Noe is purple, representing his curiosity, nobility of spirit, and the mystery surrounding his past.
  • Vanitas is dark blue, representing his confidence, melancholy and strong integrity.
  • Dominique is red, symbolizing passion, aggression, and a desire for love.
  • Jeanne is yellow and pink, symbolizing idealism, love, joy, and jealousy.
  • Luca is green, symbolizing youth, jealousy, generosity and vigor.
  • Compressed Adaptation : The anime's first half was fairly faithful to the manga, only cutting some minor scenes for faster pacing. However, the second half was significantly condensed in order to adapt the Gévaudan arc's three and a half manga volumes and the amusement park arc's two and a half manga volumes into a 12-Episode Anime . As a result, it eliminated a chunk of Chloé's backstory as well as the scenes related to the vampire senate and the extremist faction of the church that set up future arcs.
  • Cool Airship : Noé and Vanitas first meet at La Baleine, a giant airship designed to look like a flying Gothic palace.
  • Corrupt Church : The Catholic Church carried out a big massacre in Gévaudan, killing hundreds of women and children, under the delusion of exterminating vampires hiding among humans. They then used the "Beast" and curse-bearers as a cover story.
  • In the belltower scene of Mémoire 11/Episode 6. Noé chooses to join Vanitas' journey by his own will and he makes a vow to stay together with Vanitas to the end as the sun rises to symbolize the start of their companionship. Sadly, Noé's narration from the future immediately reminds the audience that his relationship with Vanitas will end in tragedy.
  • In Mémoire 55/Episode 24. In the aftermath of their big fight at the amusement park, Vanitas and Noé reconcile and reaffirm their bond to each other. The arc ends with Vanitas looking out at the sun rising through the clouds as he takes Noé's hand and goes to eat breakfast with him.
  • Dance of Romance : Mémoire 12/Episode 7 has one big Ship Tease moment for those who are into the potential same-sex couples as NoéxVanitas and DominiquexJeanne dance a waltz while surrounded by Love Bubbles and Bishie Sparkle . Dominique takes Jeanne to dance with her (to tease Noé as she thinks he likes Jeanne) and both enjoy it so much that they immediately become good friends. While the girls dance, Noé asks Vanitas to dance with him, using that he wants to teach him as an excuse. Noé takes the chance to ask Vanitas what love is, but both are just left wondering as neither know the answer.
  • Dark and Troubled Past : Noé who is the last remaining survivor of his clan and was a slave on the black market before Dominique's family bought him; Vanitas whose parents were murdered by vampires and became an experimental subject.
  • Date Peepers : Domi spies on the date she set up between Jeanne and Vanitas, disguised as a man . Dante ends up stumbling across her and then tagging along for the rest of the date.
  • Daywalking Vampire : None of the vampires in the setting have any problem with sunlight.
  • Dysfunction Junction : As it's to be expected from a manga made by Jun Mochizuki, almost all the characters have a terribly traumatic backstory, are mentally unstable, or both.
  • Everyone Is Bi : Although none of the main characters' sexualities have been explicitly confirmed, everyone in the main cast gets Ship Tease with people of both genders. Vanitas enjoys making unwanted sexual advances at Jeanne and lets her drink his blood several times. Meanwhile, Vanitas is all but stated to feel curious about how would it feel like to let Noé bite him and drink his blood too (even thinking about Noé biting Dominique when pressing Jeanne into doing it with him). Noé repeatedly drinks blood from Dominique and likes it, but he also drools at the mere thought of having a taste of Vanitas's blood. Dominique has an obvious crush on Noé since childhood, not that it stops her from flirting with women for fun and later forming a very affectionate friendship with Jeanne who often blushes at Dominique.
  • Fantasy Metals : In this world, almost all machines are powered by Astermite, a mineral with miraculous properties that doesn't produce smoke that pollutes the air and has made it possible to build giant airships.
  • Ferris Wheel of Doom : In the amusement park arc, because of Mikhail's Book of Vanitas going out of control, a Ferris wheel collapses and almost crushes Vanitas and Noé. They're saved by Dominique who creates an ice barrier to protect them.
  • First-Episode Twist : The start of the first chapter/episode introduces Noé, a young man traveling to Paris in order to search for a legendary grimoire named the Book of Vanitas. While boarding an airship, Noé meets a sickly woman who is seemingly attacked by a suspicious man. Noé reveals himself to be a vampire and fights the man to protect the woman only for the woman to bite Noé as she's actually a curse-bearer, a vampire who went mad after having their true name stolen. Vanitas, the man who Noé fought, then reveals he's the possessor of the Book of Vanitas and uses its power to restore the curse-bearer's sanity.
  • Flames of Love : In Mémoire 27, Vanitas and Jeanne take shelter from the snow at an abandoned cabin. After Jeanne orders to undress themselves to warm their bodies up together, they cuddle in front of a fireplace. The icing on the cake is Jeanne giving water to Vanitas mouth-to-mouth as the flames burn behind them.
  • Flowers of Romance : In Mémoire 42, Jeanne has a passionate moment with Vanitas in a field of astérisque flowers, where she pins him down to drink his blood and kiss him on the cheek.
  • Foregone Conclusion : The first manga chapter and anime episode close on some narration from a future version of Noé, who muses on the journey he went on alongside the titular Vanitas and reveals how the story will end: with Vanitas dying by his hand .
  • If you look carefully, Vanitas never touches his book barehanded... or anyone for the matter. The one time he touches a vampire with his bare hand, her strength vanishes and she becomes unable to even stand.
  • One of the covers shows the arms of Vanitas and Noé wrapped by chains... At the same emplacement as Vanita's scars. The Book of Vanitas has a silver chain, and he never touches it bare-handed. Do the math.
  • In the first chapter/episode, as Noé narrates the fairy tale of the Vampire of the Blue Moon, the audience can see the Book of Vanitas... and the silhouette of another book behind it. There are, in fact, two books. When Vanitas' younger brother Misha introduces himself to Noé, he reveals he also has his own Book of Vanitas.
  • Formulaic Magic : The World Formula, a mathematical equation originally written by Paracelsus in the 16th Century, is reality, and any changes to the formula also changes reality. It's believed that vampires resulted from the formula for humans being changed, and Astermite resulted from the formula for coal being changed. Vampires are able to see the World Formula and change it on the fly, giving them magical powers like Playing with Fire and so on. In turn, Chasseurs have developed technology to blind a vampire's ability to see the Formula, thus disorientating and weakening them.
  • French Accordion : The setting is France (mostly in Paris) and fittingly, Yuki Kajiura used a lot of accordion for the anime's soundtrack.
  • Gaslamp Fantasy : Though it has very strong Steampunk influences, the series's inclusion of magic, the supernatural, and many Gothic Horror tropes sets it as one of these as well.
  • Gothic Horror : Like PandoraHearts , Vanitas has big elements of the gothic genre such as vampires, the late 19th century European setting, old castles, symbolism, and physical as well as psychological torture.
  • Gratuitous French : The series is Japanese, but the characters occasionally speak French words to remind the audience that the work's setting is France. For example, the word vampire is spelled in French, the Vampire Hunters are called Chasseur, and vampire executioners are called Bourreau. The first scene of the first anime episode has news titles in correct, understandable French, but if you squint, you can read the text below... Which is some text about an archeological finding made in 1901, and rediscovered in 2021, obviously google-translated from the English.
  • Great Offscreen War : Between the 16th and 17th centuries, humans and vampires were in a great war as both races tried to exterminate each other. By the time of the late 19th century in which the story takes place, humans and vampires have long stopped having anything to do with each other. Although, there's danger that another war might break out if Curse-Bearers continue attacking humans.
  • Half-Breed Discrimination : Dhampirs are heavily discriminated against by humans and vampires. Their hybrid heritage causes them to be abandoned by their parents and hunted by vampires and/or the church, unless they're under the protection of a high-ranking vampire like Marquis Machina.
  • Half-Identical Twins : Louis and Dominique de Sade are actually fraternal twins and they look very alike, especially after Dominique started dressing like a boy to cope with Louis' death.
  • Hemo Erotic : Having one's blood drunk by a vampire is noted to be pleasurable for many, and in fact many Vampires will drink each other's blood as an act of affection between friends and loved ones, as demonstrated by Noé and Dominique. It's explained that this reaction is because there's a biologic response that anesthetizes the bitten individual through a substance that is apparently similar to... an aphrodisiac . However, the degree which this is pleasurable runs on a sliding scale, with some just becoming numb or drowsy, and not feeling any pleasure at all. The individuals involved also seem to matter, possibly on a biological level, as Vanitas comments that he feels particularly euphoric when being fed upon by Jeanne compared to other times he's been bitten. Also, apparently, drinking someone's blood without consent is considered a crime .
  • High School AU : The omake of Volume 7 is about an AU where the characters are high school students and teachers. The premise is Vanitas infiltrating the academy while Disguised in Drag and gets found out by Jeanne who also is disguised as a man to be Luca's bodyguard. The omake later got an Audio Adaptation with a couple of Drama CD for the anime's Blu-ray release.
  • I Know Your True Name : A vampire's true name is linked to their destiny and is as important as life itself.
  • "Le Formidable!" for Vanitas and Noé, sung by Natsuki Hanae and Kaito Ishikawa .
  • "Blooming in the Sun~mon trésor~" for Jeanne and Luca, sung by Inori Minase and Shino Shimoji .
  • "Nameless Road" for Roland and Olivier, sung by Kengo Kawanishi and Tomoaki Maeno .
  • "Snow Flower" for Chloé and Jean-Jacques, sung by Rie Kugimiya and Daiki Hamano .
  • Louis begged his beloved friend Noé, to kill him when he was going out of control, fearing that he would kill Noé if he wasn't terminated. Noé's inability to fulfill Louis's last wish continues to haunt Noé to this day, and is in fact part of what drew him to Vanitas since Vanitas 's abilities represented a hope that Louis could have been saved.
  • When Chloé was in despair over how miserable her existence was, outliving generation after generation of her human family and being hated by the townspeople she had been brought up to love, she desired to be killed by Jeanne who she loved like a little sister. Jeanne was actually directed to do so, but was unable to carry it out.
  • Kiss of the Vampire : In basically all blood drinking scenes they are moaning and blushing and some of the scenes even look like they were doing something else .
  • Layered World : One of the effects of the Babel Incident was the creation of secluded dimensions, named "Altus," that are connected to the original world, but are only accessible to vampires and humans who cross the border while touching a vampire. After the war, most vampires are living at Altus, although there's still some vampires who live at the original world along with humans.
  • Legacy Character : The current Vanitas claims he's the inheritor of the original, though he's only an average human rather than a vampire.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy : Jeanne and Vanitas are turned into this in the High School AU where both go to the academy Disguised in Drag . Jeanne also behaves like a flirt who calls Vanitas her food property because of all the shoujo manga Dominique made her read.
  • Masquerade Ball : The second arc of the series has our heroes attend a Bal Masque full of vampire aristocrats.
  • Mass Super-Empowering Event : The renowned alchemist Paracelsus built the Tower of Babel as part of an experiment to rewrite the World Formula, resulting in a disaster known as the Babel Incident. The formula that constituted coal was altered to become the blue mineral, Astermite, from which power could be produced without almost any environmental pollution, a flora formula was altered to create bioluminescent flowers, and most importantly, the human formula had been altered and given way to the existence of vampires.
  • Matricide : In a disturbing example, Catherine, a young girl vampire attacks her mother after being affected by the curse. She then begs Vanitas to kill her before she hurts her sister. He obliges
  • "Vanitas" can mean "vanity" (exhibited in the self-serving way he talks about saving the vampires) or "emptiness" (a possible allusion to Noé's statement at the end of chapter 1 that he would kill him with his own two hands). A vanitas is also a particular style of painting, a reminder of death and the frailty of life which demands that we cannot be obsessed with trivial things. This may also be a factor in the meaning of Vanitas' name.
  • Noé's name. Vanitas calls him "Child of the Ark" and he is an Archivist, a clan of vampires believed to have died out. Noé is the French version of "Noah" from Noah's Ark, a famous Bible story where two (a male and a female) of every animal is brought upon a boat to survive extinction...
  • A vampire's true name seems to be this in general.
  • Mercy Kill Arrangement : Vanitas promises Jeanne to kill her if there ever comes a time that she's 'no longer herself'.
  • Mind Virus : The malady afflicting vampires that Vanitas is aiming to eradicate. It takes possession of the victim's true name and endows them with an unquenchable thirst for blood.
  • Mutual Pining : In the aftermath of the Gévaudan arc, Vanitas and Jeanne find themselves pining for each other, leading people around them to point out Vanitas has fallen for Jeanne and vice versa. Vanitas is highly uncomfortable with catching feelings for Jeanne because his self-loathing keeps him in denial about being deserving of love. Meanwhile, Jeanne is happy to be in love with Vanitas, but since he claims he doesn't feel attraction to someone who can love him, she plans to not let him know her true feelings.
  • Mythology Gag : When Vanitas and Noe are initially caught by Roland, Vanitas introduces themselves as Vincent and Gilbert. These are the names of two brothers from the author's previous manga, PandoraHearts .
  • Myth Prologue : The manga begins with Noe narrating the story of the Vampire of the Blue Moon and how they were exiled for being a bad omen while swearing revenge. It later turns out that this story isn't as accurate as other vampires believed as it turns out that the Vampire of the Blue Moon was actually a nice guy with no interest in revenge.
  • Not the Fall That Kills You… : In the first chapter/episode, Noé and Vanitas fall off of a Cool Airship . Not only do they survive the fall and landing (without a parachute!), they come out unharmed even though they crashed against a cathedral and made a hole in the ceiling.
  • Off with His Head! : Decapitation is the only certain way to kill vampires. Louis, who was Dominique's older brother and one of Noé's first friends, was decapitated by his grandfather in order to protect Noé when Louis became a Cursebearer.
  • Oh, and X Dies : The first chapter ends with Noé's narration stating that he will kill Vanitas at the end of their journey.
  • One Cast Member per Cover : There's a different character on each volume cover, with the occasional exception of pairs (Vanitas and Noé in every cover featuring them since Volume 3, Chloé and Jean-Jacques in Volume 7). Only the two protagonists, Vanitas and Noé, have more than one cover.
  • One Twin Must Die : Twins are a symbol of bad luck to vampires, which is why some families kill one of the twins at birth. This was supposed to be Dominique's twin brother Louis' fate as giving birth to twins would have been a disgrace to the noble house of de Sade. Louis was only spared because his grandfather wanted to use him for some sort of experiment involving his transformation into a Curse-Bearer, so he could live up to his teens.
  • Our Vampires Are Different : Vampires are closer to a Mage Species that drinks blood to gain strength. Because of their direct connection to the World Formula, they have abilities similar to magic that allow them to increase their physical strength and stamina, and in the case of more powerful vampires, use Elemental Powers and such. They apparently won't die unless directly killed via decapitation and their bodies instantly turn to dust after losing their head. Drinking blood is not a necessity for them and they can easily suppress their blood cravings unless they become Curse-Bearers, vampires who went insane after their true name was corrupted.
  • Over-the-Shoulder Carry : Jeanne carries Vanitas over her shoulder when she needs to take him away for a private conversation about her blood cravings.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy : There's the pink-haired Jeanne often paired with Vanitas who is blue-eyed and dresses in blue clothes.
  • P.O.V. Boy, Poster Girl : A male-male variation; Vanitas is the titular character and poster boy while Noé is the viewpoint character.
  • The Power of Friendship : A recurring theme is Vanitas and Noé growing stronger together and overcoming obstacles by learning to trust and help each other as friends. A notable example is Noé managing to stop a hypnotized Vanitas' attempt to murder him by swearing he will never let him be "free" (i.e. alone) .
  • Real Event, Fictional Cause : Between 1764 and 1767, there was an incident of serial murders in the former French province of Gévaudan that were attributed to a man-eating wolf-like animal that was called The Beast of Gévaudan. In this manga, the murders were supposedly committed by a Curse-Bearing vampire. In reality, that was just a cover. The real cause of the murders was an illegal vampire hunt of the church that indiscriminately killed everyone in Gévaudan that could be, become, or give birth to a vampire.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning : Vampires' eyes turn red when they display their superhuman powers that allow them to rewrite the World Formula. They also turn red when they're feeling strong emotions or are thirsty for blood.
  • Reluctant Psycho : Many curse bearers are unwillingly turned into feral animals due to having their true names tampered with. Only a handful trade their names willingly for power. Even then, eventually their curse will leave their control and devolve into violent rage. Even fully in control, Chloé had difficulty resisting Noé's blood.
  • Revenge : Vanitas' whole motive for saving the vampires; not to help them out of genuine good will but as revenge against the Vampire of the Blue Moon.
  • Roundabout Shot : The anime opening sequence has one of these with Noé grabbing Vanitas by the hands and spinning him around in the air until they fall into a fountain.
  • Rule of Symbolism : In an art illustration Jun Mochizuki did for Vanitas shows him falling, blue butterflies all around him. The only butterflies that are not blue are the purple ones on his arm where the mark of possession by the original Vanitas of the Blue Moon gave him.
  • Scars Are Forever : Vanitas' left arm is scarred since he was bitten by the Vampire of the Blue Moon (or claims that he was).
  • Scenery Porn : As expected from Jun Mochizuki's work. Just look at Chapter 1's scenery of Paris as Noé and Vanitas fall out of the airship. It's breathtaking.
  • Ship Tease : The series has teasing moments for all the potential couples of the main cast, mainly VanitasxNoé (unusual partnership with lots of Homoerotic Subtext and Noé's strong interest for drinking Vanitas' blood), VanitasxJeanne ( Forceful Kiss from Vanitas, very sexually-charged blood drinking scenes, and a persistent Unresolved Sexual Tension ), NoéxDominique (childhood friends who like drinking blood from each other and are very protective of each other), and DominiquexJeanne ( Pseudo-Romantic Friendship where both girls admit to love each other).
  • Spell Book : The Book of Vanitas has the power to interfere with the World Formula and restore the names of vampires that had them stolen.
  • Steampunk : The series takes place in a steam-powered Paris as opposed to the Gaslamp Fantasy of PandoraHearts , though Vanitas also qualifies as that as well.
  • Take Away Their Name : Naenia strips vampires from their true names, which causes them to become curse-bearers. The only known way to cure them is using the Book of Vanitas to bring their true name back.
  • Technically Living Vampire : Vampires are an advanced Human Subspecies that came into existence because of a disaster known as the Babel Incident. Some humans gained the supernatural ability to use their eyes to rewrite the World Formula. Vampires drink blood if they want to (although the urge is easy to suppress) and are Long-Lived , but they're just like humans in every other aspect.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension : After a very weird and rough start, Vanitas and Jeanne have developed a very strong mutual attraction since the Gévaudan arc, with Vanitas having become increasingly flustered around her with their interactions.
  • Void Between the Worlds : Between the human world and the vampire world, there's a void known as the "Border" that only vampires are able to cross. It's said that if a human were to step into the Border without touching a vampire, they would fall into nothingness and be lost between worlds forever.
  • Wall Pin of Love : Vanitas has Jeanne cornered after tricking Noé into taking Jeanne's master Luca as a hostage. As Jeanne begs for Luca's life, Vanitas pins her against the wall, does something to her that makes her lose her power, and forces a kiss on her before asking her to marry him as he has fallen "in love" with her.
  • Watching the Sunset : A variation happens in the belltower scene at the end of Mémoire 11/Episode 6. Noé makes the declaration that he wants to understand Vanitas and has decided to stay by his side. Vanitas concedes and the two men watch the sunrise, a symbol of the true start of their partnership.
  • Witch Hunt : After the Babel Incident caused some humans to be transformed into vampires, they became hunted by regular humans who viewed them as unholy monsters. The original Beast of Gévaudan incident happened because paranoid members of the church were hunting hidden vampires in Gévaudan and killed any women and children they came across.
  • The X of Y : The title is "The Case Study of Vanitas".

Video Example(s):

Vanitas and Jeanne

When Vanitas finds out that Jeanne apparently gets random cravings for blood, but can't figure out if she's a curse-bearer or not, he decides to entice her to drink his blood. It works, and he winds up enjoying it to the point where, in a later episode, he offers to give Jeanne exclusive bloodsucking rights to him in exchange for keeping the fact that she bit him a secret from her master Luca.

Example of: Voluntary Vampire Victim

Noe Archiviste

Vanitas and Ast...

Jeanne The Hell...

Vanitas Takes M...

Vanitas [Bats]

The Book of Van...

The Case Study ...

Noe Asks Vanita...

The Vampire of ...

Vanitas Hates R...

Dominique de Sade

Dominique Threa...

Jeanne Loves Va...

Jeanne Carries ...

Noe Throws Vanitas

Noe Takes Vanit...

Jeanne and Vanitas

Vanitas Kisses ...

Vanitas' Declar...

Noe's Slow Reac...

Noe Loves Tarte...

Murr Scratches Noe

Vanitas Makes F...

Astolfo Granatum

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The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1 (The Case Study of Vanitas, 1)

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Jun Mochizuki

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1 (The Case Study of Vanitas, 1) Paperback – Illustrated, December 20, 2016

  • Part of Series The Case Study of Vanitas
  • Print length 246 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Yen Press
  • Publication date December 20, 2016
  • Grade level 11 and up
  • Reading age 16 years and up
  • Dimensions 5.13 x 0.66 x 7.63 inches
  • ISBN-10 031655281X
  • ISBN-13 978-0316552813
  • See all details

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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Yen Press; Translation edition (December 20, 2016)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 246 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 031655281X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0316552813
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 16 years and up
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ 11 and up
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.13 x 0.66 x 7.63 inches
  • #1,271 in Fantasy Manga (Books)

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Jun mochizuki.

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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 89% 6% 3% 1% 1% 89%
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Customers find the artwork beautiful and stunning. They describe the manga as amazing, well-done, and interesting. Readers also love the characters and the plot. They mention the book is in great condition, with no scratches or stains.

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Customers find the art quality of the book beautiful.

"...Very swag low key queer-coded hot vampires, hella good lore and BEAUTIFUL artwork please please buy it rn its so good I swear...." Read more

"The art is gorgeous , and the characters are very lovable...." Read more

"...You can watch it happens, Lol. It's a bit Bomer bit still, beautiful art work ." Read more

"...The art work is also very beautiful and well done. Mochizuki-sensei always does excellent job and this series shows it as well...." Read more

Customers find the manga quality amazing, well-done, and swaggish. They say it's a great start to a manga and has a lot of promise.

"...The art work is also very beautiful and well done . Mochizuki-sensei always does excellent job and this series shows it as well...." Read more

"It came in great condition no scratches or stains. ( Very pretty book and a very good manga I recommend it to people that like fantasy and vampires!)" Read more

" Almost perfect my only problem is the damaged spine😭😭😭😭😭..." Read more

" Amazing start to a manga ..." Read more

Customers find the book very interesting and enough to keep them guessing. They say the story is good and the artwork is great. Readers also mention the book has a lot of promise.

"...pretty true to the manga, I still enjoyed reading because the story is just that good . I'll be buying the later volumes as well. :) <3" Read more

"Its an amazing book, filled with adventure, suspense and mystery. The art work is also very beautiful and well done...." Read more

"...I love the characters, the plot and the setting. It's all very interesting and enough to keep you guessing, while also making it hard to put down...." Read more

Customers appreciate the character development.

"This volume was wonderful and makes a great introduction to very intriguing characters ...." Read more

"The art is gorgeous, and the characters are very lovable ...." Read more

"...So far, so good! I love the characters , the plot and the setting...." Read more

"Best manga I've read in a while. Perfect for fans of eccentric protagonist . The art is also amazing." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the sturdiness of the book. They mention it came in great condition without scratches or stains.

"It came in great condition no scratches or stains . (Very pretty book and a very good manga I recommend it to people that like fantasy and vampires!)" Read more

"What a beautiful manga! Everything about it is stunning. It came in marvelous condition as well...." Read more

" Great Condition ..." Read more

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The Case Study of Vanitas 10

Artist: Jun Mochizuki

Letterer: Bianca Pistillo

Translated by: Taylor Engel

Mikhail’s machinations have succeeded in turning Noé and Vanitas against each other—and in a desperate attempt to stop Noé, Dominique throws herself offff the Ferris wheel! Locked in a fifierce struggle against a relentless Vanitas, Noé cannot do anything but watch as his childhood friend plummets to her death…Are they doomed to end this sordid affffair exactly as Mikhail intended?

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The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 10

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The Case Study of Vanitas Volumes

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 10

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 9

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 8

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 8

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 7

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 7

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 6

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 6

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 5

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 5

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 4

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 4

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 3

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 3

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 2

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 2

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1

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In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the Book of Vanitas in human hands. Calling himself Vanitas, this doctor wields its power and tempts Noé with a plan to “cure” all vampires. Allying with him may be dangerous, but does he have a choice?

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Jun Mochizuki Wiki

  • Clan of the Blue Moon

Mikhail (ミハイル, Mihairu ), also referred to by the pet name " Misha " (ミーシャ, Miisha ), is a character from Jun Mochizuki 's The Case Study of Vanitas . He is first referred to as No. 71 (ナンバーナナイチ, Nanbaa Nanaichi ) by Doctor Moreau , revealed as one of his human test subjects in an attempt to create artificial Vampires . He was eventually revealed as Vanitas 's younger brother, though the two have no blood relation. Both were saved from Moreau by the Vampire of the Blue Moon , whom Mikhail referred to as "Father." [1]

Icon murr transparent

Born to a human prostitute, Mikhail was inducted into the Catholic Church as a potential Chasseur after his mother was killed by Vampires. However, he was taken by an anti-Vampire extremist faction which had propagated within the Church, and became the test subject of the mad scientist Moreau, who wished to turn humans into Vampires. There he met Vanitas, [2] whom he soon acknowledged as his elder brother. Vanitas grew intensely protective of Mikhail as the two were subjected to inhumane experiments, despite his aloofness. After being conditioned to the Vampire of the Blue Moon's blood, he and Vanitas became the Vampire's "pseudo-Kin," gaining bodies marginally beyond that of humans and becoming able to heal slightly faster. The two were to be bound to the two Books of Vanitas in a procedure that would destroy their minds, but were rescued by the Vampire of the Blue Moon. [3]

While Vanitas remained continually hostile to the Vampire, Mikhail was quick to warm up to them, happy to have someone who would treat him kindly. He thus dubbed them "Father" (とうさん, Tou-san ) and considered them and Vanitas to be his family. After some time had passed, Mikhail's body began to break down. The Vampire explained to him and Vanitas that, due to the experiments performed on them, they would eventually perish. No other option was found, and thus, the Vampire offered to make Mikhail and Vanitas their "Kin" through a Mark of Possession , allowing their existences to stabilized and extending their lifespans. Mikhail quickly agreed, but Vanitas harshly refused. This would eventually result in Vanitas killing the Vampire in an event which would lead Vanitas to believe Mikhail had died. [4]

  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
  • 4.1 Vanitas
  • 4.2 Vanitas of the Blue Moon
  • 4.3 Doctor Moreau
  • 4.4 Dominique de Sade
  • 4.5 Noé Archiviste
  • 4.6 The Teacher
  • 4.7 Roland Fortis
  • 6 Appearances
  • 8 References
  • 9 Navigation

Appearance [ ]

Mikhail is an thin, pale skinned adolescent boy with a prosthetic left arm. His left arm is pale, somewhat doll-like in form, the prosthetic appearing to replace his limb at around the elbow or slightly above. On what remains of his left arm, just beyond his shoulder, he bears a Mark of Possession left by the Vampire of the Blue Moon. He has a softly defined, childish face with a small chin and nose. Noted as being the same color as Vanitas's, his eyes are round and pronounced, with long eyelashes. Straight, lightly colored hair is cut to about the length of his ears, his bangs long and falling onto his face, though they usually do not cover his eyes.

While Mikhail wears a number of outfits over the course of the series, his most prominent appearances has him in a short, pleated dark coat with dark shorts, worn over a white shirt, black socks, and white, heeled boots. Over his left shoulder he wears a short cape, most concealing his prosthetic arm. When he was very young, prior to being taken into the Catholic Church, he had very long hair and would wear girls' clothing.

Personality [ ]

Mikhail had a cheerful smile and seemed to be quite friendly and perceptive, but was also extremely dangerous and somewhat unhinged. He was willing to recklessly endanger people’s lives to achieve his own goals and was highly manipulative. He seemed to enjoy watching Vanitas and Noé fight and cheerfully looks on as their friendship was dismantled.

Mikhail liked everything that was cheerful and warm and hated being in pain. His morality was incredibly twisted, likely thanks to his abusive mother and a childhood that just went downhill from there. He believed that vampires were good, not evil, since one made his mother “happy” while drinking her blood (before killing her). Misha adored Vanitas of the Blue Moon, and would do anything to go back to the happy time when he, Luna, and Vanitas lived as a family.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

  • The “Book of Vanitas“ - Misha owns a book with seemingly similar powers to his brother’s Book of Vanitas. This book appears to give him the ability to rewrite formulas.
  • Automatons - Misha seems to be able to control automatons, although it's still uknown whether that's due to his abilities of manipulating astermite or if they were already programmed to serve him.

Relationships [ ]

Vanitas [ ].

Mikhail loves Vanitas and sees him as his beloved older brother. However, despite wanting to return to a time when he and Vanitas and Luna lived as a happy family, Misha is very willing to completely ruin Vanitas’s mental state to get there.

Vanitas of the Blue Moon [ ]

Mikhail sees Luna as a parent, and calls them his “father”. He saw Luna as his savior from the moment they helped him and Vanitas escape Moreau’s lab, and only got closer to them during their travels together after that. Misha has plans to bring Luna back to life, using yet unknown means.

Doctor Moreau [ ]

Mikhail was extremely traumatized by Moreau at a very young age. He was kidnapped by associates of Moreau, to be used for gruesome human experiments in pursuit of Moreau's goal of becoming a Vampire. After a variety of torturous experiments, Moreau decided to slowly inject him with Vanitas of the Blue Moon’s blood, along with other drugs. On the last day of the experiment, Moreau was willing to risk Mikhail's life to unlock the Books of Vanitas, but was stopped by Vanitas of the Blue Moon.

Dominique de Sade [ ]

Mikhail sees Dominique as an important tool— Noé’s oldest and closest friend. At some level he seems to like Domi, as he likes kind people, he goes on to explain that he doesn’t want her to die and patting her head as she cries, but this doesn’t stop him from controlling Dominique and threatening her life to get Noé to do his bidding.

Noé Archiviste [ ]

Mikhail quickly earned Noé's anger, taking Dominique as a hostage in order to achieve his goals and get Noé to do drink Vanitas' blood. Mikhail takes great joy in the fight between Vanitas and Noé, and proudly points out that the vampire doesn't know anything about Vanitas. Apart from that, Mikhail doesn't seem to care much about him.

The Teacher [ ]

Being presumed dead after the death of Vanitas of the Blue Moon, Mikhail was saved by the Teacher, whom he calls kind and his savior. The Teacher told him that there’s a way to bring the Vampire of the Blue Moon back to life, and, believing that his family will be able to be together again, Mikhail joined his side. Aside from putting Mikhail in danger, the Teacher seems to take good care of Mikhail, not only giving him a metal arm but also tending to his wounds post-fight.

Roland Fortis [ ]

Albeit for a short time, Roland got along very well with Mikhail, since he's very good with children. After the death of Mikhail's parents, he was taken in by the Church, where he met Roland. Roland was the one who stopped Mikhail from getting lost in the Catacombes and guided him to the correct place before getting interrupted. Due to being injured and bandaged up, Roland got the nickname "Bandage Man". After Mikhail vanished, Roland still went to look for him, stating that it would be bad if something happened, even after his colleague Rinaldo suggested that the child had simply run away.

  • “Big brother. Please give Father back. Give Father back. Give Father back. Give Father back! Give Father back! Give Father back! Give my ‘Father’ back…!!” [1]
  • “Hey… big brother? Why do you hate ‘Father’? Father rescued us from Moreau’s laboratory. Father is a good person, right?” [5]
  • “You’re too late anyway. You should hurry and tell those people. That way, nobody else will have to get hurt for no reason. You don’t want someone to die because of you again , do you…?” [5]
  • “I am Mikhail. I inherited only this Book from the Vampire of the Blue Moon, and I am… an average human being.” [6]
  • “Sink your fangs… into that pale skin… Noé. Reveal the blood of Vanitas.” [6]
  • “You’ve been together all this time, and yet… you don’t know a thing about my brother, do you, Noé!” [2]
  • “Why? Wasn’t all the pain supposed to be over? I don’t want it to hurt. I hate pain.” [3]
  • “I’ll be that. I’ll be your Kin, Father. If I do, then we’ll be able to stay together always, won’t we!? All three of us!!” [4]
  • “I hate pain. I hate cold. I like everything that’s gentle and warm. I want the three of us to be together forever. Forever forever forever forever forever—” [7]
  • “We’ll be able to live together again, all three of us! Forget this silly revenge and come with me, Brother!” [7]
  • “Fight as if you’re exorcizing a nightmare in this kingdom of dreams… and try to kill each other for dear life!!” [7]
  • “You said you’d stay with me forever. You promised you wouldn’t leave me by myself!!” [8]
  • “Don’t worry, Brother. Even if you kill Noé… even if you’re hurt, and sad, and all torn up… I’ll stay with you forever and ever and ever. I’m the only one who will.” [9]
  • “Why didn’t you kill him!? Brother, he tried to drink your blood!! You could have killed him but you—! Tell me! Why!!? You know I’m all you need!! You’d be fine without that guy!!” [10]
  • “I want to be with you and Father again, just the three of us… That’s all I want, and yet…!” [10]
  • “It’ll be just like that. You’ll become something that’s not you. I’m the only one who’ll understand that pain.” [11]
  • “…You know already. I like kind people.” [11]

Appearances [ ]

  • Mémoire 15: Chasseur — Those Who Hunt Crimson*
  • Mémoire 17: Cicatrice — No. 69* (First Appearance)
  • Mémoire 18: Dos à Dos — The Shape of Salvation*
  • Mémoire 21: Serment — Promise (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 38: Naenia — She Who Harbors Death (Part One)
  • Mémoire 40: Avec Toi — Alone Together*
  • Mémoire 42: Encore une Fois — Love*
  • Mémoire 43: Encens Restant — Lingering Scent of the Dream*
  • Mémoire 45: Mal d'Amour — The Incurable Illness (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 46: Un Autre — Scar
  • Mémoire 47: Hétérogène — Sneering Laughter
  • Mémoire 48: Rencontre — Blue Night*
  • Mémoire 49: Douleur — Kind Child
  • Mémoire 50: Petrichor — The Thread that Reels in The Past
  • Mémoire 51: Tempest — A Silent Scream
  • Mémoire 52: Sens Unique — Fall
  • Mémoire 53: Pleuvoir — Rain Which Doesn't Know The Sky
  • Mémoire 54: La nuit sans lune — Dark Night (Part One)
  • Mémoire 54.5: La nuit sans lune — Dark Night (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 55: Après la pluie — His Wish (Part One)
  • Mémoire 55.5: Après la pluie — His Wish (Part Two)
  • Mémoire 56: Faire un gâteau — Bittersweet*
  • Mémoire 58: Observation — The Darkness in Between*
  • Mémoire 60: Bonne journée — Sweets, Complaints, and Reconciliation*
  • Entracte: Couche — On Clothing*
  • Mémoire 61: Jeu de paume — Court Tennis (Part One)*
  • Mémoire 10: Cicatrice -No. 69-*
  • Mémoire 17: Vengeance -Hands Upon a Nightmare-
  • Mémoire 18: Avec Toi -Just the Two of Us-*
  • Mémoire 19: Canorus -Snow Flower-
  • Mémoire 20: Mal d'amour -The Incurable Disease-
  • Mémoire 21: Un Autre -Scars-
  • Mémoire 22: Rencontre -Blue Night-
  • Mémoire 23: Pleuvoir -Tears like Rain-
  • Mémoire 24: Après la pluie -His Wish-

(*) - Denotes that the character did not appear physically, but as a part of another character's memories.

  • "Mikhail" is the Russian form of the name "Michael," a Hebrew name meaning "who is like God?" or "there is none like God." [12]

References [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Mémoire 17: Cicatrice
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 Mémoire 47: Hétérogène
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mémoire 48: Rencontre
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 Mémoire 49: Douleur
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 Mémoire 18: Dos à Dos
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 Mémoire 46: Un Autre
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Mémoire 50: Petrichor
  • ↑ Mémoire 51: Tempest
  • ↑ Mémoire 52: Sens Unique
  • ↑ 10.0 10.1 Mémoire 54: La nuit sans lune (Part One)
  • ↑ 11.0 11.1 Mémoire 55.5: Après la pluie (Part Two)
  • ↑ Wikipedia: Michael (given name)

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Case study definition

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Case study, a term which some of you may know from the "Case Study of Vanitas" anime and manga, is a thorough examination of a particular subject, such as a person, group, location, occasion, establishment, phenomena, etc. They are most frequently utilized in research of business, medicine, education and social behaviour. There are a different types of case studies that researchers might use:

• Collective case studies

• Descriptive case studies

• Explanatory case studies

• Exploratory case studies

• Instrumental case studies

• Intrinsic case studies

Case studies are usually much more sophisticated and professional than regular essays and courseworks, as they require a lot of verified data, are research-oriented and not necessarily designed to be read by the general public.

How to write a case study?

It very much depends on the topic of your case study, as a medical case study and a coffee business case study have completely different sources, outlines, target demographics, etc. But just for this example, let's outline a coffee roaster case study. Firstly, it's likely going to be a problem-solving case study, like most in the business and economics field are. Here are some tips for these types of case studies:

• Your case scenario should be precisely defined in terms of your unique assessment criteria.

• Determine the primary issues by analyzing the scenario. Think about how they connect to the main ideas and theories in your piece.

• Find and investigate any theories or methods that might be relevant to your case.

• Keep your audience in mind. Exactly who are your stakeholder(s)? If writing a case study on coffee roasters, it's probably gonna be suppliers, landlords, investors, customers, etc.

• Indicate the best solution(s) and how they should be implemented. Make sure your suggestions are grounded in pertinent theories and useful resources, as well as being realistic, practical, and attainable.

• Carefully proofread your case study. Keep in mind these four principles when editing: clarity, honesty, reality and relevance.

Are there any online services that could write a case study for me?

Luckily, there are!

We completely understand and have been ourselves in a position, where we couldn't wrap our head around how to write an effective and useful case study, but don't fear - our service is here.

We are a group that specializes in writing all kinds of case studies and other projects for academic customers and business clients who require assistance with its creation. We require our writers to have a degree in your topic and carefully interview them before they can join our team, as we try to ensure quality above all. We cover a great range of topics, offer perfect quality work, always deliver on time and aim to leave our customers completely satisfied with what they ordered.

The ordering process is fully online, and it goes as follows:

• Select the topic and the deadline of your case study.

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  6. The Case Study of Vanitas Previews 2nd Cour With Short Trailer and Visual

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  1. The Case Study Of Vanitas Клип Под Песню ''Садистка''

  2. 「Vanitas no Carte」The Case Study of Vanitas OST

  3. The Book of Vanitas Tutorial

  4. the case study of vanitas #Vanitas #anime

  5. Vanitas edit//anime//the case study of the Vanitas//Vanitas edit

  6. Cursed vampire (the case of a study vanitas)#vanitas #jin #thecaseofstudyvanitas #anime #animeedits


  1. Vanitas

    Vanitas (ヴァニタス, Vanitasu) is a protagonist and the titular character of Jun Mochizuki's The Case Study of Vanitas.Contrary to the legend of Vanitas of the Blue Moon, Vanitas claims to be "an average human being" who happened to inherit the Book of Vanitas.It is his stated intention to save the Vampire race by any means possible, using the Book of Vanitas not to spread Malnomen but to ...

  2. Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    Vanitas (Japanese: ヴァニタス, Hepburn: Vanitasu) is the fictional protagonist and title character of the manga series The Case Study of Vanitas, which was written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.The character was named Vanitas of the Blue Moon, making him part of the Blue Moon clan with some vampire abilities.Vanitas possesses a grimoire called The Book of Vanitas (ヴァニタスの書 ...

  3. List of Characters (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    The Case Study of Vanitas. Characters. Main: Noé Archiviste • Vanitas. Dhampirs: Dante • Johann • Riche. Galerie Valentine: Manet • Nox • Parks Orlok. Hôtel Chouchou: Amelia Ruth • Flute. de Sade: Antoine de Sade • Chrysler • Dominique de Sade • Louis de Sade • Murr • The Teacher • Veronica de Sade.

  4. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas (Japanese: ヴァニタスの 手記 ( カルテ ), Hepburn: Vanitasu no Karute) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.It has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Gangan Joker since December 2015. In North America, the manga is published in English by Yen Press.. The Case Study of Vanitas is set in a ...

  5. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas (ヴァニタスの手記 (カルテ) , Vanitasu no Karute) is the second main manga series by mangaka Jun Mochizuki following the completion of her one-shot Crimson-Shell and her first main series Pandora Hearts. The series launched on December 22nd 2015 and is being published monthly in Gangan Joker magazine. Yen Press publishes the official English localization ...

  6. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas (Vanitas no Carte, or The Memoirs of Vanitas) is an ongoing 2015 Steampunk fantasy manga by Jun Mochizuki of PandoraHearts fame. It runs in Square Enix's monthly Gangan Joker magazine and is simulpublished in English by Yen Press. An anime adaptation by Studio Bones began airing in July 2021.

  7. Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    The Case Study of Vanitas is trashier than people act like it is. This show was made to appeal to two demographics: 1) teenagers who are just now deciding to explore darker ideas and aesthetics just for the sake of it and 2) people who think vampires are sexy as hell. Fortunately, there is a lot of overlap between the two.

  8. Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    Scorned by others of his kind for being born under a blue moon, the vampire Vanitas grew afraid and desolate. According to legend, he created a cursed grimoire known as the "Book of Vanitas," and it is said he would one day use it to bring retribution upon all vampires of the crimson moon. In 19th century Paris, Noé Archiviste is searching for the fabled Book of Vanitas. Whilst traveling ...

  9. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021-2022)

    The Case Study of Vanitas: With Zeno Robinson, Stephen Fu, Alexis Tipton, Molly Searcy. A human wields a magic book that can cure vampires of their bloodlust, and sets out to find vampires to cure with the book.

  10. Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    Characters, voice actors, producers and directors from the anime Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. Scorned by others of his kind for being born under a blue moon, the vampire Vanitas grew afraid and desolate. According to legend, he created a cursed grimoire known as the "Book of Vanitas," and it is said he would one day use it ...

  11. List of The Case Study of Vanitas characters

    Vanitas. Voiced by: Natsuki Hanae [1] (Japanese); Zeno Robinson,[2] Cherami Leigh [3] (young) (English) Vanitas (ヴァニタス, Vanitasu) is a young man with black hair who was born a human. The name "Vanitas" was given to him by the Vampire of the Blue Moon who bit him, making him part of the Blue Moon clan with some vampire abilities.

  12. Watch The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas E14 - The Witch and the Young Man. Dub | Sub. 23m. The Case Study of Vanitas E15 - The d'Apchiers' Vampire. Dub | Sub. 23m. The Case Study of Vanitas E16 - The Beast.

  13. The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1 (The Case Study of Vanitas, 1

    The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1 (The Case Study of Vanitas, 1) [Mochizuki, Jun, Engel, Taylor, Pistillo, Bianca] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 1 (The Case Study of Vanitas, 1) ... Reading age. 16 years and up. Dimensions. 5.13 x 0.66 x 7.63 inches. ISBN-10. 031655281X. ISBN-13. 978 ...

  14. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas10. Artist: Jun Mochizuki. Letterer: Bianca Pistillo. Translated by: Taylor Engel. Mikhail's machinations have succeeded in turning Noé and Vanitas against each other—and in a desperate attempt to stop Noé, Dominique throws herself offff the Ferris wheel!

  15. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021-2022)

    S1.E21 ∙ Scars. Sat, Mar 12, 2022. Dominique is taken hostage by Vanitas' adoptive brother, Mikhail, who sends a letter to Noé with a lock of her hair. Noé meets Mikhail in an amusement park and after threatening to harm Domi, he forces Noé to drink his blood to reveal his memories.

  16. The Case Study of Vanitas (TV Series 2021-2022)

    The Case Study of Vanitas (2021-2022) Parents Guide Add to guide . Showing all 9 items Jump to: Certification; Sex & Nudity (4) Violence & Gore (1) Frightening & Intense Scenes (1) Spoilers (3) Certification. Edit. Certification: Australia:MA15+ Philippines:16+ (self-applied)

  17. Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas)

    Read reviews on the anime Vanitas no Karte (The Case Study of Vanitas) on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. Scorned by others of his kind for being born under a blue moon, the vampire Vanitas grew afraid and desolate. According to legend, he created a cursed grimoire known as the "Book of Vanitas," and it is said he would one day use it to bring retribution upon all vampires ...

  18. The Case Study of Vanitas

    Where does The Case Study of Vanitas rank today? The Case Study of Vanitas is 6948 on the JustWatch Daily Streaming Charts today. The TV show has moved up the charts by 3159 places since yesterday. In the United States, it is currently more popular than Tiffany Haddish Presents: They Ready but less popular than The Tetris Murders. Rank.

  19. Ending Spoilerrr : r/vanitasnocarte

    r/vanitasnocarte. r/vanitasnocarte. A subreddit dedicated to Vanitas no Carte (Vanitas no Karte, Vanitas no Shuki, The Case Study of Vanitas, ヴァニタスの手記(カルテ)). The manga is created by Jun Mochizuki and published in Square Enix's Gangan Joker monthly magazine. The anime is produced by studio Bones.

  20. The Case Study of Vanitas (Official)

    There once lived a vampire known as Vanitas, hated by his own kind for being born under a blue full moon, as most arise on the night of a crimson one. Afraid and alone, he created the "Book of Vanitas," a cursed grimoire that would one day take his vengeance on all vampires; this is how the story goes at least. Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man travelling aboard an airship in 19th ...

  21. Mikhail

    Mikhail (ミハイル, Mihairu), also referred to by the pet name "Misha" (ミーシャ, Miisha), is a character from Jun Mochizuki's The Case Study of Vanitas. He is first referred to as No. 71 (ナンバーナナイチ, Nanbaa Nanaichi) by Doctor Moreau, revealed as one of his human test subjects in an attempt to create artificial Vampires. He was eventually revealed as Vanitas's younger ...

  22. List of The Case Study of Vanitas episodes

    The anime television series The Case Study of Vanitas is based in on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki.On March 28, 2021, it was announced at AnimeJapan that the series would be receiving an anime television series adaptation by Bones.It was directed by Tomoyuki Itamura, with scripts overseen by Deko Akao and character designs by Yoshiyuki Ito.

  23. The Case Study of Vanitas

    The Case Study of Vanitas (ヴァニタスの 手記 (カルテ)?, Vanitasu no karute) è un manga scritto e disegnato da Jun Mochizuki, serializzato in Giappone sul Monthly Gangan Joker di Square Enix dal 22 dicembre 2015. Un'edizione in lingua italiana è edita da Star Comics dal 3 dicembre 2017. Il 3 luglio 2021 è iniziata la trasmissione della serie anime, prodotta dallo studio Bones ed ...

  24. Best Case Study Writing Service

    Case study, a term which some of you may know from the "Case Study of Vanitas" anime and manga, is a thorough examination of a particular subject, such as a person, group, location, occasion, establishment, phenomena, etc. They are most frequently utilized in research of business, medicine, education and social behaviour. ...