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- Capitalization
Title Case: Capitalization of Titles, Headings, and Headlines
Capitalization styles: Title and sentence case
Capitalize the first, last, and all major words in a book title, headline, or first-level heading. Major words are all words except articles ( a , an , the ), prepositions ( on , in , of , etc.), coordinating conjunctions ( and , or , but , etc.), and the word to . This capitalization style is called title case .
- Title case: T he C urious I ncident of the D og in the N ight- T ime
- Title case: T he S trange C ase of D r. J ekyll and M r. H yde
Capitalize lower-level headings using sentence case , in which you capitalize only the words you would normally capitalize in a sentence.
- Sentence case: T he curious incident of the dog in the night-time
- Sentence case: T he strange case of D r. J ekyll and M r. H yde
Style guides like the AP Stylebook , Chicago Manual of Style , APA Publication Manual , and MLA Handbook prescribe additional rules, discussed in this article.
Title case is also called headline style or up style: you see it used in headings and titles of books, movies, TV shows, articles, and other works. Sentence case, also called sentence style or down style, is used for second-level headings and lower. News headlines have traditionally been capitalized using title case, although these days, sentence case is often used, especially online.
Title case: General rules
Here are the general rules for capitalizing titles and headings:
- Capitalize the first word and last word of a title.
- Capitalize all major words, which are all words except articles ( a , an , the ), prepositions (e.g., on , in , of , at ), and coordinating conjunctions ( and , or , but , and nor ; also for , yet , and so when used as conjunctions).
- Always lowercase the word to .
- Capitalize the first element of a hyphenated term. Capitalize any subsequent elements only if they are major words.
- Capitalize the first word of a subheading that appears after a colon.
- Break a rule if you need to—for example, if a preposition is emphasized in a title, capitalize it.
Major words are all words except articles , prepositions , and coordinating conjunctions .
- L ove in the T ime of C holera
- T hree M en in a B oat
- P ride and P rejudice
- R equiem for a D ream
- C atch M e I f Y ou C an
- The P ortrait of a L ady
- The W ay W e L ive N ow
- The G irl W ho P layed with F ire
- M en without W omen
- The G round beneath H er F eet
- E verything I s I lluminated
The first and last words of a title are always capitalized, no matter what they are.
- A Clockwork Orange
- T he Mill on the Floss
- I n Search of Lost Time
- T hrough a Glass Darkly
- F rom Blood and Ash
- B ut What If There’s No Chimney?
- A nd Then There Were None
- Something to Answer F or
- Something to Believe I n
- All We Dream O f
- Where We Come F rom
It may not always be clear at first glance whether a word should be capitalized. Check what function it serves in the title.
- Capitalize over as an adverb , but lowercase it as a preposition. Adverb: The Soup Boiled O ver Preposition: The Light o ver London
The word to is lowercased, regardless of what function it serves in the sentence (unless it is the first or last word).
- Train t o Busan
- Zero t o One: Notes on Startups, or How t o Build the Future
- A Good Man Is Hard t o Find
In a hyphenated term, the first prefix or word is always capitalized, but the following words are capitalized only if they are major words.
- The M an- E ater of Malgudi Eater is a noun and should be capitalized.
- The Academy’s O ut- o f- U niform Procedure Lowercase of , which is a preposition, but capitalize uniform , a noun.
- The S tep- b y- S tep Guide to Finding Fairies
- The T hirty- N ine Steps
- The A nti- I nflammatory Diet Cookbook
- Originals: How N on- C onformists Move the World
- The F ire- B reathing Dragon
Any subtitle or subheading that follows a colon is always capitalized.
- Computer: A History of the Information Machine
- The Lord of the Rings: T he Return of the King
- The View from the Cheap Seats: S elected Nonfiction
- A Memoir: O f Mermaids and Waterfalls
Break a rule if you must. If a word is emphasized in a title, capitalize it, even if it is not a major word.
- How to Be the Go- T o Person in Your Organization
- A Run- I n with Religion and Other True Stories
Capitalize all the words that make up a phrasal verb , even a word that is a preposition.
- What to Do When You R un I nto Someone You Don’t Like
- How to S et U p Your Spaceship’s AI
- Don’t P ut O ff Being Happy
Be and is in a title
Verbs are major words and should be capitalized, including the be verb in all its forms: be , is , are , was , were .
- There Will B e Blood
- Tender I s the Night
- Where the Wild Things A re
- Then She W as Gone
- Their Eyes W ere Watching God
Also capitalize the have and do verbs in all their forms: have , has , had , do , does , did .
- The Heart H as Its Reasons
- Owls D o Cry
- What Katy Did
- Inequality: What Can Be Done ?
That in a title
The word that is always a major word and should be capitalized.
- Companies T hat Fleece Their Customers
- The House T hat Jack Built
It and me in a title
Capitalize all pronouns , including it , my , me , we , our, you , he , his , she , her , they , them , and who .
- How I t All Began
- Some of M y Favorite Things
- The Best W e Can Do
- The General in H is Labyrinth
- The Woman W ho Did
No and not in a title
Capitalize the words no and not (a determiner and an adverb) whenever these words appear in titles.
- Beasts of N o Nation
- Oranges Are N ot the Only Fruit
AP and APA style
The APA Publication Manual (used in academic editing, especially the social sciences) and the AP Stylebook (preferred in journalism, media, and corporate communication) both specify one major exception to the general rules :
Capitalize all words of four letters or more, even if they are prepositions.
- One Flew O ver the Cuckoo’s Nest
- The Girl Who Played W ith Fire
- Men W ithout Women
- The Ground B eneath Her Feet
- So Far F rom God
- Once U pon a Time in the West
- Much Ado A bout Nothing
- The Light B etween Oceans
- The Cat Who Walks T hrough Walls
- A Woman U nder the Influence
- Three Billboards O utside Ebbing, Missouri
- The World U ntil Yesterday
- The Man i n the Brown Suit
- The Wizard o f Oz
- A Home f or Lunatics
- The Woman o n the Beach
Thus, in APA and AP style, words four letters or longer are always capitalized, regardless of function. Note that the other general rules apply as usual. Capitalize any major words, even if they are three letters or shorter: be , has , had , do , did , me , who , my , etc.
- We Should All B e Feminists
- If I H ad Your Face
- Marley and M e
- The Man W ho Sold H is Ferrari
Another exception is that all conjunctions three letters or shorter are lowercased. Thus, in APA and AP style, lowercase not only the seven coordinating conjunctions ( and , or , but , nor , for , yet , so ) but also subordinating conjunctions up to three letters long (which pretty much boils down to the word if ).
- Pride a nd Prejudice
- I’d Tell You I Love You, b ut Then I’d Have to Kill You
- Catch Me i f You Can
Also, do lowercase articles and any prepositions up to three letters long: a , an , the , for , in , of , to , etc.
- The Bridge o n t he River Kwai
- Stranger i n a Strange Land
- The Catcher i n t he Rye
- A House f or Mr. Biswas
Finally, in AP Style, the first and last words are capitalized as usual, regardless of length.
- A n American Tragedy
- T he Invisible Man
- A s I Lay Dying
- O f Human Bondage
- O n the Waterfront
- F or the Green Planet
- These Times We Live I n
However, in APA style, the last word is capitalized only if it is a major word or longer than three letters.
- Something to Answer f or
- These Times We Live i n In APA style, lowercase prepositions, unless they are four letters or longer.
Chicago style
According to the Chicago Manual of Style , the conjunctions to be lowercased are and , or , nor , but , and for . All others are capitalized. Thus, the words yet and so are capitalized regardless of function. The word if is also always capitalized.
- Sense a nd Sensibility
- The Hobbit, o r There a nd Back Again
- Though We Be Dead, Y et Our Day Will Come
- Even I f We Break
In a hyphenated phrase, if the first element is merely a prefix that could not stand by itself (e.g., anti- , pre- , non- ), don’t capitalize the second part.
- The A nti- i nflammatory Diet Cookbook
- The Thirty- N ine Steps The word thirty can stand by itself, so capitalize nine as well.
Remember to capitalize not just the first but also the last word of a title or heading, even if it is not a major word.
- The Things We Believe I n Capitalize the last word, even a preposition.
- Only One Way T hrough
- It’s You I’m Dreaming O f
The MLA Handbook (used in academic writing for the humanities) specifies no exceptions to the general rules .
- T hese T imes W e L ive I n
- A H eartbreaking W ork of S taggering G enius
- T he M oon I s a H arsh M istress
Differences in AP, APA, Chicago, MLA rules
As you can see, style manuals differ in their guidelines on what qualifies as a “major” word worthy of capitalization in title case. Here’s a quick summary of the key differences between the popular styles.
In both AP and APA styles, capitalize prepositions four letters or longer. In Chicago and MLA , lowercase all prepositions, regardless of length.
- APA, AP: The Girl F rom Mars Chicago, MLA: The Girl f rom Mars
- APA, AP, Chicago, MLA: The Woman i n Red
Lowercase not just coordinating but also subordinating conjunctions shorter than four letters in AP and APA styles; capitalize all subordinating conjunctions in Chicago and MLA.
- APA, AP: Isolate i f You Are Sick Chicago, MLA: Isolate I f You Are Sick
Capitalize the words yet and so in Chicago style. In the other styles, lowercase them when they are used as conjunctions, but capitalize when they are adverbs.
- Chicago: Broke Y et Happy APA, AP, MLA: Broke y et Happy
- Chicago, APA, AP, MLA: Am I Normal Y et?
Capitalize the last word of the title in AP, Chicago, and MLA styles even if it is not a major word; in APA, capitalize the last word only if it is a major word. (But remember that the APA Publication Manual considers all words four letters or longer major words.)
- Chicago, MLA, AP: Something to Answer F or APA: Something to Answer f or
- Chicago, MLA, APA, AP: The Places We Come F rom
In all four styles, capitalize the first word (whatever it may be), and lowercase articles.
- APA, AP, Chicago, MLA: T he Girl Who Found a Dragon Egg
Sentence case
In sentence case, a title is written as a sentence would be: the first word and all proper nouns are capitalized. This capitalization style is generally used for headings that are second level or lower. These days, it is also increasingly being used for online news headlines.
- C lear light of day
- W e need to talk about K evin
- T he quiet A merican
The first word of a subtitle or subheading that follows a colon is also capitalized.
- Traveling with ghosts: A memoir
- Understanding comics: T he invisible art
If a title begins with a numeral, lowercase the next word.
- 27 b ooks to read before you die
- P ractice guidelines for the pickling of pineapples: 2019 u pdate
Professional and social titles that precede a name are capitalized as well.
- The island of D octor Moreau
- The strange life of P resident Farley
- The story of F ather Femy and his music
For more on which words to capitalize in a sentence, see this article on the rules of capitalization .
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In title case, all major words are capitalized.
In sentence case, only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
The word it , which is a pronoun, is capitalized in title case.
The words we (a pronoun) and be (a verb) are capitalized in title case.
The word a , which is an article, is lowercased unless it is the first word of the title.
The words let (a verb) and me (a pronoun) are capitalized in title case.
The first word of a subtitle following a colon is capitalized in both title case and sentence case.