433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples

Writing an essay on world history is one of the most interesting and engaging tasks a student can do. However, brainstorming these topics for your paper can prove to be a real challenge. There are so many ideas concerning the history of the whole world. Especially, when there are no limitations on the period and geography of your title.

So, what is the best solution?

Find thought-provoking and comprehensive world history topics carefully prepared for you by IvyPanda ! The article is aimed to help with discovering the best ideas for your essay. Plus, you’ll find out how to choose a perfect topic.

We divided the list into four main sections. There are sections for essay questions, term paper, thesis, and research ideas. We’ll also explain how to start your world history paper and list various essay prompts.

  • ☀️ What Are Some Good World History Topics?

💡 Most Interesting World History Topics to Write about

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⭐ World History Essay Prompts

❓ world history essay questions, 🌞 what are some good world history topics.

Choosing your perfect world history topic is a fascinating process. When choosing the best topic you must take into account several pieces of advice:

1. The topic must correspond with the goal of your work.

The title is dependent on the required format. Basically, your assignment determines how you’re going to write and how your topic should look like.

Essay formats demonstrate it best:

The argumentative essay differs from an opinion essay by the number of necessary viewpoints. In an opinion essay, the author gives their own opinion about a historical event or persona. In an argumentative one, it is vital to list several opinions on the subject.

Cause and effect essays contain an explanation of the event itself and its historical consequences. Persuasive essays should create an impression on the reader. Compare and contrast works should analyze and contrast historical events, figures, eras, etc.

Tip for essay writing regardless of the essay type.

Topics for your research paper must be specific to research one subject. Also, it should be possible to divide your paper into logical sections. Titles for term papers and theses must contain themes and periods familiar, engaging to a student. Plus, they should correlate with the format of your educational facility.

2. Topics must be logical and coherent.

When discussing history, there should be no inconsistencies. Always re-read and proofread your works before submitting them.

3. Your topic can be unusual if it’s justified.

If your idea isn’t standard, this can be an advantage to your paper. You may look at a historical event from a different point of view or find something unexplored before.

  • The Survival of the Sotho Under Moshoeshoe The survival of this group of people is attributed to the strong leadership of their king Moshoeshoe the Great that was necessitated by frequent cattle raids.
  • The History of Cars The next natural thing that the inventors of the wheel did was to design the axle so that it could fit into the hole made in the centre of the wooden wheel.
  • Advantages & Disadvatages of Biography or Memoir as a Source Memoirs have subsequently been used in recording of past accounts as Fowale points out.[1] Memoirs express the truth in history due to the fact that they are primary sources of evidence and as such the […]
  • Reflecting the Horrors of War People learn more about the horrors of war through literature but do not infer from experience they gain; the only way they apply the knowledge about the war is the development of more sophisticated weapon […]
  • Compare and Contrast the Totalitarian Regimes of Germany and the Soviet Union The two regimes had one political party that normally suppressed all the others claiming to represent the interest of the vast majority of their population.
  • A History of Romantic Love The paper examines the history of love starting from the ancient times then to the medieval chivalry and finally the contemporary period.
  • The History of Catapults Technology Before 1850 Most of the other literatures detailing the use of the catapult claim that the inspiration came from the bow and sling, which is well known to be a popular weapon in the ancient times.
  • Marriage and Adultery Laws of Emperor Augustus The laws were enacted to deal with marriage avoidance, the preference for childless unions, marriage of lower class women by the Roman elite, and adultery, all of which threatened the continuity of the Roman aristocracy.
  • East Meets West: Culture Differences He described the Japanese as the best people known among the heathens.[2] “Portuguese Views of Chinese”[3] is an account of the first impression the Portuguese had upon encountering the Chinese.
  • Communism and Capitalism Through the History In this system, the means of product and service production is mainly carried out and owned by the individuals instead of the government while communism also known as fascism is contrary to this where production […]
  • History of Modern South Africa Began With the Discovery of Diamonds and Gold Evidently the perception of South Africa as an overseas investment saw the exclusion of the locals in the participation of the mining business.
  • Criteria of Significance in History Studies In order to appreciate and contextualize the importance of the past, it is crucial to consider how deeply people were affected by an event.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: The Causes and Effects The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 in which the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the United States were involved was the turning point of the states’ confrontation in the Cold War because of risks to develop […]
  • Historical Facts of Australia Among those events that Australia considers most important politically, economically as well as socially are the establishment of the colony of New South Wales, the Victorian Gold Rushes, the Federation in 1901 and the Second […]
  • Post-Cold War Challenges At the time when strained relations between the US and the Soviet Union ended, the financial systems of several countries, particularly those in Eastern Europe, were in the process of collapsing.
  • History: Cultural Exchanges in the Medieval Period Based on an appreciation of the contribution of international trade to the growth and development of the medieval world, this paper explores the role of spice, salt, sugar, and silk as important trade commodities of […]
  • The Process of Production The hit of the industrial revolution in Europe and America in the 18th century led to a lot of changes and advancement in the production industry.
  • The Early Modern Age and Today’s World The activities of this era resulted in the interaction of people from different backgrounds and linked most parts of the world together.
  • East Versus West The East usually refers to Asia and the Middle East while the West usually refers to Europe and the American continents. The East views the West with contempt in terms of how the Orient values […]
  • Historical Methodologies This approach sets to highlight the economic history of the society by examining the modes of production used in the society through time.
  • Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire The battle of Nicopolis also saw the empire expand into other regions of the European continent but later, other conquests such as the battle of Ankara, the conquest of Constantinople and the invasion of Otranto […]
  • Imperialism in India By 1858, the British regained control and immediately passed the Government of India Act, which allowed the British Crown administrators to run the country instead of the British East India Company.
  • World History: Is Competition Good? Proponents of competition assert that throughout history, the growth and development of human societies has always been a factor of competition.
  • World History: The Roman Empire Understanding the document first requires one to understand the historical background of the Roman Empire: the formation of the Republic and its collapse.
  • The Comparison of the Roman and the U.S. Senate First of all, one should mention that the institutions have to be responsible for limiting the power of political leaders. This is one of the tasks that the Roman Senate had to cope with.
  • Waitangi Treaty History: Intentions, Expected and Results Signed on February, 6, in 1840, it was supposed to signify the recognition of the rights of the M ori people to own the land of New Zealand, as well as the acceptance of Europe […]
  • Short-Term and Long-Term Consequences of Removals for the Indigenous Children The authors make accents on the formal aspects of women’s socio-political organizations in Australia and connect their development with the progress of social movements associated with the problem of human rights in Australia from the […]
  • Concept of Studying History The use of calendars, dating events, and dividing history into different periods are the major tools used in the study of the past occurrences which help explain the present and foresee the future. A good […]
  • Overview on the World’s History The region of Mesopotamia gave birth to two of the most powerful ancient civilizations, Sumer and Babylonia, characterized by sophisticated division of authority and labor, the earliest forms of government and law, and a clear […]
  • Technology and Innovation: Western Civilization History The people living in the Western world were stuck in the innovation and technology that was available in the Medieval Age.
  • Overview of the Scientific Revolution Periods The supporters of humanistic theory agree with the ideas of great influence of people on the development of science. The emergence of the Western culture has given rise to the development of new directions of […]
  • Science and Technology in World History It was the beginning of a new way of thinking about the world and the universe and provided a framework for further advances in science and technology.
  • World History: “Empire: A Very Short Introduction” by Stephen Howe It is irrefutable that the first chapter of the book is a vivid discussion of ancient territories and their influence in the development of modern empires.
  • History: Role of Knowing the Past The present is a myriad of events in the past. As a historian, the study of these preserved artifacts is important in knowing about the past.
  • A Brief History of Chili Other theories have also suggested that it first spread from Portugal to India and to the rest of the world. Several theories have come up to describe the origin and distribution of chili throughout the […]
  • Money and Its Value Throughout the World History What is important is the value that people place on whatever unit they refer to as amoney.’ Money acts as a medium of exchange and an element of measurement of the value of goods and […]
  • Modernism, Modernization and Modernity in Australia, 1919-1939 The figure of the ‘flapper’ and her mode of dressing initiated Australians quest for pleasure and changes in moral and social values and attitudes.
  • Beginnings of British Colonization of America However, the settlers gained the influence to grab the territories from the natives and took over the entire leadership, collecting taxes and decreeing at their dispensation.
  • Revolution in Physics and Chemistry The urge to carry out a series of experiments and research led to the initiation and the ultimate breakthrough of chemical and physical revolution by ancient scientists.
  • The Role of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great in Modernizing Russia The League of Nations was meant to create order in the world after the world war one that led to destruction.
  • Industrial Revolution Significance The Industrial Revolution started in 1760, while the French revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799. The Industrial Revolution was established in England in 1760 and lasted until the late 1840s.
  • The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History Book James was a hard worker and thus in India, by the help of his wife, he strengthened his illegal trade. This was a terrible extremity to Elizabeth and her husband.
  • Ireland History and Development 8 million people live in the Republic of Ireland while the rest inhabit Northern part of Ireland and is part of the United Kingdom.
  • “History and Topography of Ireland” by Gerald of Wales Gerald of Wales states that the beginning of the Irish history happened with the arrival of Cesara, the daughter of Noah, to the shores of that land.
  • Influence of Japanese Culture in Hawaii From the census, it is clear that the culture and the cuisine Hawaii, which are known today, were created by the history of the migration of Japanese to Hawaii when they settled there to work […]
  • The Merits and Pitfalls of Using Memoir or Biography as Evidence for Past Events The historical recordings of past events are very important in the understanding of the actual happenings, analysis of the flow of past events, understanding the factors influencing past occurrences, explanations of the effects of such […]
  • Has Nationalism Been a Unifying or Divisive Force During the 19th and 20th Centuries? It can therefore be said that colonial rule gave rise to the two forces of unifying nationalism and divisive tribalism and that the appropriate and legitimate framework for decolonization was nationalism, which emanated from the […]
  • NATO: From Creation to Current Status A significant outcome of the World War II was the emergence of the United States of America and the Soviet Union as the two world super powers.
  • Global Evolution in “Midaq Alley” by Mahfouz Naguib First, since 1914, the world was featured by global integration and its changing patterns that led to: immense colonies and powers, the three worlds of Cold War eras, and the current interdependent and networked of […]
  • Influence of Nationalism and Communism on the Non-Western World In countries like Japan, class mantra was the order of the day in the areas that were controlled by communists, the CCP which was the main political party was against agrarian radicalism and hence abandoned […]
  • Islamic World History: Ottoman Empire & Qajar Iran In ancient times, leadership in some regions of the world was in the form of Empires and kingdoms that were ruled by Kings and queens.
  • Role of Cricket in Australia During the 1930s In spite of the evolution of a uniquely Australian cricket in the country, the mark of imperialism and Anglo dominance remained.
  • Purposes of Historical Reenacting One must be very enthusiastic about this course and must reflect on the past and be seen to be happy since a re-enactor gets to immerse himself in the deep world of the past, learn […]
  • Importance of the Economic System to the World History The economic system is the essential structure in which the world functions. Economic socialism is where limited ownership of the means of production and a system of prices, losses, and profits are not used as […]
  • The Act of Torture in World History: Physical and Mental The concept and ethicality in terms of justifying torture are of crucial importance, especially nowadays in the light of the recent events regarding the terrorist attacks in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
  • Colonial Period of Australia’s History Though colonial Australia is traditionally represented as the location for the European convicts to serve their sentence, whereas little light is shed on the conflict between the local people and the colonialists, the armed resistance […]
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Management The US administration of the time believed that Moscow’s activities in Cuba were a threat to International security, hence; the ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba enhanced a major security blow to the leadership of United […]
  • History of the European Union The signing of the Lisbon Treaty on December 13, 2009, transformed the structure of the European Community, which was subsequently renamed the European Union.
  • Meaning of History The main idea of the paper is to consider different points of view and various attitudes to the history meaning. Greek approach is one of the perspectives of the history.
  • November 25th as a Day in the World History In addition to that, November 25, 1963, was the day of the state funeral of John F. It was the day of an attempt to set New York on fire, the day of the world […]
  • Patrick Manning’s Navigating World History Book In his book Navigating World History, Patrick Manning defines world history as a field of study that seeks to understand the connections and interactions between different regions and societies throughout human history.
  • The Great Wall Street Crash in the World History The 1929 stock market crash was a breakdown of stock prices that led to the worst economic declines in the United States. One of the causes of the event was the speculation on the stock […]
  • Chapters 9-10 of Women in World History by Hughes Women were in charge of domestic chores and the planning and coordination of family gatherings. Dalit women were among the poorest in India, with a high percentage of illiteracy.
  • Chapters 3-4 of Women in World History by Hughes In this chapter of the book Women in World History, the Mughal rule and its consequences for women in conquered lands are discussed.
  • Chapter 1-2 of Women in World History by Hughes In addition, the Chinese government restricted the position of widows since they were forced either to live in the household of their late husband and take care of the family or to remarry, leaving all […]
  • England’s Colonies. World History Issues The English government established the so-called Virginia Company that was invested by the king and investors, but the company failed, and the colonies found themselves under the rule of the English government.
  • Themes in U.S. & World History The need for the African Americans to be treated like lawful United States citizens has been noted in the years preceding the slave trade.
  • World History From 1800 to Present The convergence of people from different parts of the world at the Atlantic basin, which acted as a global cultural and intellectual exchange centre, led to a wealth of knowledge1. The main causative factor for […]
  • World History: Gunpowder Technology Its adoption in Europe marked a significant milestone in terms of state development, as the use of gunpowder technology catalyzed the emergence of centralized states and the abolition of feudalism.
  • Empires in World History: How Empires Kept Their Ethnically Disparate and Geographically Distant Populations Under Control The article’s relevance is in its descriptions of the various rebellions in the empire and the methods used to suppress and prevent them.
  • World History: Globalization in the 1970s-2000s The period of the 1970s 2000s is the most vivid for understanding the impact of the process of globalization and changes in the world order.
  • Industrial Revolution World History: Factors That Helped to Develop the Industrial Revolution Currently, in the 21st century, the vast majority of the world population no longer needs to think of how to produce enough rice to survive the winter.
  • World History in The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx Communism is the political and economic teaching which goal is to abolish private property and a profit-based economy and introduce public ownership and communal control of the resources instead.
  • Postcolonialism and Diaspora in the World History Colonialism is the political ideology that legalizes the invasion, occupation, and exploitation of a given land by stronger states which use their military powers thus displacing the powers of the original inhabitants of the land.
  • World History of 1890-1990 in Artifacts In the author’s eyes, every addition that man makes to the regulation of his environment to harness better productivity out of the environment brings certain implications with it that cannot be ignored and these implications […]
  • Empires’ Success in Ancient World History They include The Roman empire, the Persian empire, Indian empire and the Parthian empire, there are also a lot of other empires that were also formed. The British empire was also able to withstand a […]
  • Early World Civilizations’ Influence on Modern Society It is clear to everyone that the world had a long and complex way of transformation before it became similar to the world we live in now.
  • Events in the 1910s and Their Effect on the World History The most significant of these events was the sinking of the Lusitania after an attack by German U-boats, the Zimmerman telegraph that added insult to the injury caused to the U.S.by the sinking of the […]
  • Essential World History by Duiker & Spielvogel One of the greatest legacies of Greek civilization is their contribution to the development of arts and sciences. Christianity and its pacifism are also said to have killed the militantism of the Romans.
  • Historical Event: Hitler in the World History Taking into consideration the fact that the World War II and its appalling events are still remembered and feared of, I would really want to interfere with nature and erase from the history the day […]
  • Ideas of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao in World History To begin with, it is necessary to mention, that the Ideas of Lenin Stalin, and Mao have the same origin Marxism and the essence of communism stated in the communist manifesto by Marx.
  • French Revolution in World History The French revolution, in this part of the world at least, was the inspiration for all subsequent uprisings and revolts throughout Europe in the nineteenth century and its ideals, in part, are visible in many […]
  • Air Pollution and Its World History From the times of industrial revolution, smoke pollution was a concern and continues to be one with vehicles and industries replacing coal and wood.
  • Contributions of the Barbarians to Modern World History E, Charlemagne the Frankish King, Charles Martel of the Kingdom of Austrasia hailed for the Battle of Tours and many others.
  • World History to 1500: Civilizations and Monuments By the instant of the early era of the dynastic history of Egypt, individuals with adequate resources were hidden in mastabas which were in the form of bench structures.
  • Make-Up Throughout the World History In the Fiftiesweb website, the basis of any fifties make-up look is “peaches and cream complexion”. Make-up became more bold and daring in the 1960s.
  • Modern World History: Why Tsar Alexander II Great Man The reforms that Alexander II has carried out during the years of his reign allow him to be ranked as one of the great makers of modern Russia.”If the effect of Alexander’s reign is to […]
  • Warfare and Culture in the World History For example, the impact of the war in literature is reflected through a method that authors choose to portray the events.
  • Great Women Artists in the World History The first overreaching cause of the absence of great female artist throughout history was the subjugated position of women as a gender in the majority of societies.
  • Power Acquisition and Balance: Modern World History In contrast to the ideas of Communism, Marxism stressed the victory of capitalism over feudalism and emphasized its role in the development of the economy.
  • Ecological Imperialism in World History Therefore, the impact of the conquest of America is that it led to the introduction of new diseases to different countries.
  • Voyages in World History Away from the impeccable works of art that characterize the palace, the palace also reveals the cultural and political aspects of the empire.
  • Ottoman Empire in World History The main reason for this is the fact that Britain had stakes in India, Egypt, and the Mediterranean all of which were under significant impact from the Ottoman Empire. The stability of the empire was […]
  • World History From the 20th to the 21st Century The ideology presupposed the elimination of the institution of the market as it had led, according to Marx, to the erosion of society and its segregation.
  • Western Dominance Decline in World History The Western civilization has clearly left a mark on the evolution of the humankind, spawning the changes of a tremendous scale in all domains of life, including the cultural, the political, the economic, and the […]
  • Money Development and Its Stages in World History Being the most powerful state in the world, the USSR did not manage to get rid of money, using labor as a currency and the authoritarian power to make people work.
  • Analyzing the Georgia High School World History Curriculum The high school world history curriculum designed by Georgia Department of Education for the World History course of the state of Georgia is targeted at providing students with a comprehensive overview and study of the […]
  • World History in the Songs The high emphatic accent is made by the author through the description of murdering children of the miners. Through this song, the author reveals the absence of legal rights of the employees at the time […]
  • New Imperialism’ Role in the World History On balance, it is possible to note that the new imperialism was concerned with the desire to get access to resources and new markets.
  • Mi’kmaq and Saudi Arabia’s Native Communities The history of the Mi’kmaq communities explains how they were created by Glooscap. The Mi’kmaq communities were also spiritual.
  • Impacts of Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa Slavery existed in the African continent in form of indentured servitude in the previous years, but Atlantic slave trade changed the system, as people were captured by force through raids before being sold to other […]
  • Understanding the Events Participants’ Values However, despite the obvious significance of the family background and the specifics of personality, the analysis of historical background is crucial for understanding the values and moral principles of the people, who organized the event […]
  • Communism Collapse in the USSR The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was one of the earliest communist societies to embrace the ideologies of communism. The collapse of communism in the USSR began in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin […]
  • New York and Bombay History From 1500 to the XX Century 4 In the case of New York, it is early settlers who initiated a range of economic activities, mostly related to trade, but for Bombay, the main economic activity of early settlers was not trade, […]
  • The History of the Silk Road Islamization Muslims used the word ‘Islam’ to mean the submission of a community to the authority of another community; it did not mean the spread of their beliefs.
  • “Traditions and Encounters” by J. Bentley Migrations of tribes and nations around the region led to the spreading of knowledge in the spheres of farming and metallurgy.
  • The Christian Commonwealth of Byzantium The success of the Roman Empire’s eastern half depended on such aspects as the strategic geographical position of Constantinople as the capital city, the centralized authority based on the principle of caesaropapism, the power of […]
  • The Medieval and Renaissance Periods Description The medieval age lasted between the fifth and the fifteenth century in Europe and it started with the collapse of the Roman Empire.
  • Revolution in the Middle East In spite of the injustices experienced by the citizens in the Middle East, their leaders said that the countries were not similar to Tunisia.
  • Historical Primary Sources: Discussing and Comparing The charters and fueros, as well as the Digger Pamphlet, proves that the relations between poor and rich people had their own peculiarities and principles in different centuries and defined the quality of life according […]
  • History: Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site Under Authority records, you will find the document “The Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site” The Fortress of Louisbourg document like any other historical manuscript seeks to create an understanding of the events that led […]
  • History in “Empire: A Very Short Introduction” by Stephen Howe In the very beginning of his book, the author emphasizes that the influences and connections between the empires and the territories they colonized and owned in the past keep lasting decades and even centuries the […]
  • The Mayan Civilization History In the 17th century, the kingdom dubbed the Mayan society comprised of influential cities that covered both north of Honduras and south of Mexico.
  • History: French Operations in Algeria 1954-1962 Fig 1: Map of Algeria with Tunisia on its North East Border The intense and brutal campaign undertaken by French forces to counter the FLN network of terror contributed to the failure of France in […]
  • World History: Enlightenment in Society A new intellectual force was realized in the fields of literature, science, art, and music during the German enlightenment era. It is also crucial to mention that additional emphasis was laid in the study of […]
  • History: Evolution of the Scientific Revolution The onset of the scientific revolution is associated with Copernican technical inventions of 1543 and the discovery of motion science by Galileo.
  • History: The Imperial Succession Problem The establishment of the imperial family in Russia was promulgated by Emperor Paul I in the fundamental laws of the Russian Empire.
  • Nomadic Pastrolism History During the thirteenth century, Chinggis Khan forged the tribes of the Mongol into an alliance that builds the largest empire in the world.
  • Australia’s Transformation and Change Between 1850-1945 There was a great number of people who traveled to Australia in search of gold, and this led to an even greater increase in the population.
  • Narragansett Indians Act of Submission 1644 The details of the act submission entail declaration of their loyalty to the King and offer their lives to the majesty.
  • History: The French Declaration of 1789 The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen is regarded as the main document produced by the French Revolution.
  • History of the Indian Castes The aim of this essay is to describe the system of castes in India as well as to characterize the diversity of Indian society. In general, the caste system in India represents the stratified hierarchy […]
  • The Communism History: Red Scare and McCarthyism Facts The quote means that the world was afraid of a new World war to happen; this is why the most powerful states of the planet became very suspicious of each other.”The climate of fear and […]
  • Political Background of the Nagasaki Bombing On the other hand, Japan was ready to negotiate for peace with the Allies, but the country’s top administration was uncomfortable with the call for ‘unconditional surrender.’ This paper explores the political background of the […]
  • Money as an Emerging Market Phenomenon According to the principle of finance, money has a higher value in the present as opposed to the future because it can earn interest, which makes it worthwhile.
  • Ordinary People’s Involvement in Politics In addition, the receptive nature and openness attitude of the Mongols eased the Europeans exploration of the Asian region in the 15th century.
  • Muslims Increase and the Spread of Islam Also, the paper will highlight the reasons that have hampered the spread of Islam in the US and in the modern world.
  • The Significance of Scientific Revolution in Our History People used religion to explain the happenings of and within the universe by viewing the universe as godly beginning with nothing to do with scientific development.
  • Scientific Thought Through the History In France, Voltaire and colleagues struggled to enlighten the society that strongly held the culture of church and monarchy.d’Alembert, Montesquieu, and Pierre were some of the arebellious’ who supported Voltaire in the campaign for freedom […]
  • Protestant Reformation and Enlightenment Certain ceremonies that demonstrated customary practices such as baptism and sacraments were abolished by the reformed churches, and this affected the lives of the people because the initial rituals used to shape the social lives […]
  • Concepts of the Penal Laws: The Popery Acts 1695-1756 Penal laws sought to continue the supremacy of the Church of England over Roman Catholics and nonconformist Protestants. Nevertheless, many Catholics in Ireland lost property and land at the expense of penal laws.
  • America and Britain Strategies The cultural, intellectual, and religious existence observed in most of the British colonies significantly changed from the fiscal 1700 to 1750.
  • Expeditions of Europeans Sailors to New Lands This chapter also reveals the impact of sailors and explorers and how their actions led to the exploitation of resources and the establishment of colonial administration in these territories.
  • Features of World Dominance in 1500 and 1800 Years During 1500-1800, religion influences the political situation, the development of social groups, the whole social situation within the country, and the culture and morality of the public.
  • Cortes and Machiavelli’s Type of Conquest Using Christianity as a decoy, he found his way up to the top and succeeded in overthrowing Montezuma, who had been previously doubtful of being outnumbered by Cortes’ men.
  • World History: the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires Conquest of the new territories and taking over the lands of other tribes and people has been the main strategy of spreading power and influence of the Empires.
  • Feedback Control: An Invisible Thread in the History of Technology The invention of the mechanical clock towards the end of the 13th century led to a remarkable accuracy and reliability in the measurement of time.
  • History of Abolishing Slavery The abolishment of slavery in Britain empires and the involvement of the British in preaching against slavery contributed immensely towards the end of slavery in the United States and France.
  • The Post World War II Nuclear Arms Race Costs The nuclear arms race led to a monumental increase in the military expenditure of the US and the Soviet Union.
  • Transformation and Change in Australia In the year 1870, the expansion of the suburban settlement had absorbed the bulk of a rapid and sustained growth of the colonial population.
  • The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia The Europeans came and took over the land of the Aboriginal people and even adopted their methods of farming. According to Tony Stephens who reviewed the book by Gammage, the author’s aim was to inform […]
  • Movement Against the British Rule in India Between 1920 and 1922 there was a non-cooperation movement that was organized by the Indians against the British rule. The movement also had an issue with the Indian soldiers that died during the World War […]
  • Ethnographic State in India He stated that their ignorance of the customs and beliefs of the Indian people had a hit against the British and that this had resulted to a distant loss of administrative power to British government.
  • Major Impacts of Consumerism in Contemporary World History This was spread to the rest of the world. Consumerism has necessitated the need to have advanced methods of doing business because products must be delivered to the market in mass, in time and of […]
  • “The Dead Hand” by David E. Hoffman After the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, there were still huge amounts of nuclear weapons that left on the face of the earth.
  • Moral Treatment of the Mental Illness Before the 19th Century confinement and use of mechanical restraints was prevalent mode of treatment for the patients who were mentally ill in many parts of the world.
  • The Case of American Involvement in the Philippines Insurrection and the French in Algeria Similarities The French military involvement in Algeria during the counterinsurgency displayed a couple of similarities and differences with the tactics that the American forces used in countering the insurgency in Philippine.
  • Seven Weeks’ War Through the Lens of Clausewitz’s Paradoxical Trinity Concept Bismarck considered Austria as a potential ally and there were no need to waste combat power when the object was to neutralize the force of Austria, which followed the principles of Clausewitz’s paradoxical trinity exactly, […]
  • History of Empires in Past and Modern World During the 16th and 17th century, the Spanish empire was one of the strongest empires in the world. Later on, during the 19th and 20th century, the British Empire became the largest and strongest empire […]
  • Revolution: America and France Between 1775 and 1815, a revolution was witnessed in warfare that corresponded with the advent of American and French revolutions. Military personnel were made to take a new oath of commitment to France and unwilling […]
  • How Did the Cold War Order of the Asia-Pacific Differ From That of Europe? The primary difference in the cold war order of the Asia-Pacific and that of Europe was instigated by the reason for security arrangements between the two regions.
  • Constructing Boundaries: Five Famous Walls In this essay, I will discuss five walls, namely: The Hadrian wall The Great wall of China The Berlin wall which separated East Germany from west Germany Moroccan wall The Maginot line between the border […]
  • The Role of the Cold War in Shaping Transatlantic Relations in the Period 1945 to 1970 It was considered to give a connotation to the international structure throughout the cold war and could work as a dynamic aspect in generating the dynamics of the east-west conflict.
  • Contribution of Empiricism and Rationalism to the Emergence of the Scientific Perspective in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries This paper seeks to critically discuss the contribution of empiricism and rationalism to the emergence of the scientific perspective in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • Michigan Newspapers’ Biased Coverage of Jewish Persecution in Germany In the period of 1933-1939, which encompasses Hitler’s rise to power that saw a sustained persecution of Jews in Germany and the pogroms, which culminated in the Night of The Broken Glass, the reception of […]
  • The Relationship Between the Rubber Boom and the Second Industrial Revolution The practical use of rubber was not well developed until 1800s when the first rubber factory was built in the United Kingdom, France and the United States increasing the demand of the product in the […]
  • Issues that Affected the History of Australia and the Aborigines As a result of the diversity of the communities of the Aborigines, there are historical differences in the cultural practices of the people.
  • Lessons From the Great Depression and Postwar Global Economy: A Critical Analysis The economic slump that hit industrialized economies of the world, starting in the U.S.and later spreading to Europe, began in earnest in 1929 and lasted until about 1941, making it the longest and most ruthless […]
  • Lessons Learned From the History of the Marshall Plan About the Importance of the USA in the Process of European Integration Suffice to say most of the countries exceeded the developments targets by the end of the plan in 1952. To make this possible the US made it known to the Europeans that the efforts to […]
  • Key Factors That Led To Reversal of the Accelerating Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons in the Eighties The end of the 1980 marked a new beginning in world history, with insurmountable efforts getting a boost from the talk associated with the then President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.
  • Misperceptions and the Cold War
  • The Role of Sea Power in International Trade
  • Schelling and Kahn on the Deterrence Power
  • Showdown Between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
  • The Problem of Slavery in Africa
  • French and Spanish Conquests
  • New Imperialism and Politics 1850 and 1914
  • Impacts of the First World on British Policies in India
  • Total War in Modern World History
  • History of Soviet Union and America in 20th Century
  • The First World War’s Aftermath
  • The Perfect Machine: Building the Palomar Telescope
  • The West: Encounters and Transformations
  • Aboriginal Imagery and Policy in Australia
  • The Colonial War in Southwest Africa
  • The First Industry Revolution: A Description of Impacts
  • The Onset of the Cold War
  • The Book The Age of Empire
  • Human Rights in History Teaching
  • The Social Labor Movement as an Important Political Force
  • Atomic Audit: Nuclear Posture Review
  • History: Imperialistic Inclinations of European Countries
  • Fischer on Historical Fallacies
  • Conquest and Colonization of America by Europeans Countries
  • Historical Political Event: The Marshall Plan
  • The Ottoman Military and Political Organization
  • Imperialism History and Legacy
  • Using Science and Technology as the Measure, When Did the Modern World Begin?
  • The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings by Olaudah, Equiano
  • King Leopold’s Ghost: European Power Crimes in Congo
  • Congo’s Brutal History of Conflict
  • Parallels Between the Revolutions of 1848 and Arab Revolutions
  • The Industrial Revolution and Beyond: Culture, Work, and Social Change
  • Conflicts in the World
  • Indifference Has Robbed Generations of Our History
  • Cold War Politics, Culture and Wars
  • Social Consequences of Industrial Revolution
  • Impact of the United States on Europe During 1945-1990
  • Documented Journalism: Black Death
  • Mexican and Russian Revolution: Comparative Analysis
  • The Origins of Fascism’s Brutal Ideology
  • The History of the 9/11 Decade
  • Industrial Revolution in Various Sectors of the Economy
  • Technological Catastrophe: Titanic in 1912
  • Factors That Explain Britain’s Total Domination of India During the First One Hundred Years of British Rule
  • Mad and Depressed Women in America
  • Economic Factors That Explain Britain’s Total Domination of India During the First One Hundred Years of British Rule
  • British Dominion in India
  • British Policy and the Indian Mutiny
  • Plantation and Settler Colonies
  • How New Imperialism Was Shaped
  • Ottoman Empire: The Tanzimat Period
  • Why the West Rules
  • The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations
  • Political Organizations Through the History
  • British Involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade
  • Major Historical Vents: Evolution or Revolution
  • Modernization Poised Between History and Prophecy
  • Would Macimilien de Robespierre Have Supported America’s War With Iraq?
  • Australian Law and Native Title
  • How Did the Gold Rushes Change Colonial Australia?
  • The Impact of Racial Thought on the Aboriginal People in Relation to Australian History
  • World War II as the Most Devastating War in World History
  • Imperialism and Modernization
  • The Protestant Church Reformation
  • Human Interactions in the Americas During the 16th and the 17th Century
  • Battles and Wars Through the History
  • Australian Aborigines Genocide
  • First Draft of Policeman of the World Paper
  • Comparing and Contrasting three Versions of Slavery
  • The Perils of Imperialism: Through the Lens of History
  • Western Industrialization Socio-Economic Impacts
  • History of Indigenous People in Australia
  • Why Were Some Countries More Successful in Responding to the Challenge of European Imperialism Than Others?
  • The Ottoman Empire: A Political, Social, and Economic Description and Its Relationship to Western Europe
  • Picasso and His Paintings in the Modern World History
  • Concept of Imperial Powers in History
  • Colonization: Why Africa Suffers
  • The Industrialization Era
  • Diffusion of Water as the Important Factor in the Development Egypt and in United States
  • The Great Depression’ Influence on the World
  • Islam, Democracy and the West Summary
  • Colonialism in North America
  • The Global Economic Recession of the United States
  • A Comparative Perspective: African Slave Trade and Spanish Rule in Peru
  • Turning the Course of History Back: The Questions Which Have Been Left Unanswered
  • Eurasian Region: Developing Global Trade
  • Influence of Imperialism on World Cultures
  • The Beginning of Modern World Based on Science and Technology
  • Comparison Between Chinese and Spanish Colonialism
  • Global Developments that Affect State Sovereignty and Territoriality
  • Origins of the Cold War
  • The Causes of the First World War
  • Chapter Review: The Epic First Voyage
  • History of the Australian Referendum During the 1967
  • The 1972 Munich Olympics
  • Calvino’s Perspective on the World History
  • World History: A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin
  • The Revolutionary Struggle in European Countries and America
  • The Atlantic Slave Trade: Causes, Operation, and Effects
  • Human Interaction and Cultural Exchange in the Sixteenth Century
  • Cultural Exchange Through Trade in the Sixteenth Century
  • Middle East Studies in Fromkin’s A Peace to End All Peace
  • The Cold War Between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Impact of Industrialization and Colonization on Both the British and Indian People
  • Empire by Purchase or Lease
  • History of Indigenous Australians before the Arrival of the First Fleet
  • Age of Enlightenment: The Rebirth of Europe
  • The Major Causes of the Cold War Between the Soviet Union and the United States
  • Reasons of the Cold War Between the Soviet Union and the US
  • History of Law
  • The Issue of the Partitioning of India Into India and Pakistan in 1947
  • Enlightenment and Revolution: Europe, America, and India
  • The Constant Change in Human History Since 1500
  • The Floating Threat: Somali Filibusters and the World Safety
  • Industrialism, Progress or Decline
  • Violence From Cultural Ideals, Politics, and Religion
  • How Capitalism Beat Communism/Socialism
  • Technological Change in the Industrial Revolution
  • History to the 18th Century
  • The Middle East and World History: 1850 – 2001
  • The Ottoman-Turks and the Third Empire: They Came, they Saw, They Conquered
  • The Ottoman Empire’s Policies Against Secessionist Minorities During the Period of 1820-1918
  • The American vs. French Revolution: Ideals Matter
  • History of NATO in 20th and 21th Centuries
  • Decolonization or Nationalistic Self-Determination Movements
  • David Birmingham’s “The Decolonization of Africa”
  • Ottoman and Safavid Empire
  • Historical Causes and Effects
  • The Second Industrial Revolution and Its Social Consequence

📋 Ultimate World History Essay Topics List

Here you’ll find the historical topics we prepared for you. We divided the list into four sections to ease your studies.

✍ World History Essay Questions

Essay questions can help you to brainstorm ideas and write a comprehensive paper. Here you will find the best world history essay topics.

  • What defines a civilization?
  • How and why did the first civilizations appear in the Middle East? Explore geopolitical conditions that allowed these civilizations to thrive.
  • What led Greek and Phoenician civilizations to their initial success in the Mediterranean?
  • Why was the Mediterranean considered the center of the world in Antiquity?
  • What were the leading powers of the early Antiquity? Explore the reasons behind their success.
  • How did Ancient Rome rise to power on the Apennine peninsula?
  • Why did the Qin dynasty emerge victorious from the Warring States period in Ancient China?
  • How did Rome defeat Carthage? Explain how Romans eventually prevailed over the superior Carthaginian fleet.
  • How did the Roman military system evolve?
  • Why is the Han period considered the golden age in Chinese history?
  • What were the factors that led to the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire?
  • How Chinese technology advanced during the Three Kingdoms period?
  • What events caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire? Explore why and how the Eastern Roman Empire survived in these uneasy times.
  • How can you describe the Early Middle Ages?
  • How did Islam arise in the Arabian peninsula?
  • What are the events that caused a split of Islamic religion into Sunnis and Shias? Delve into other branches of Islam that were created at that time.
  • How did Christianity rise in the Middle East?

The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity.

  • What events led to the division of the Roman Empire into the Western and Eastern?
  • Why were the Islamic conquests so successful?
  • Why was the Islamic world so prosperous in both riches and culture?
  • Why did Europe become obsessed with the idea of Crusades to the Holy Land?
  • How did the Crusades affect Christian and Muslim nations?
  • What were the consequences of the Black Plague?
  • How did Europe eventually rise from the Dark Ages into the Age of Renaissance? Analyze factors that define the Renaissance.
  • What events caused Europeans to begin the Age of Discovery?
  • What philosophical ideas led to the Age of Enlightenment?
  • What was the cause of the American Revolution? Explore the events that defined it.
  • What was the cause of the French Revolution? Explore the events that defined it.
  • How did Napoleonic wars shape XIXth century Europe and affected the modern world we live in?
  • What were the reasons behind the Cold War?
  • Why were there so many proxy wars in the XXth century? Dive into the details and reasons behind them.
  • Why did European nations increase their colonization efforts? Analyze and compare colonial nations and their impact on modern-day Africa.

Europeans explored and colonized for gold, glory, and God.

  • What was the general picture of the world at the dawn of the XXth century?
  • What ideologies emerged at the end of the XIXth century?
  • Why is World War I so important?
  • How is World War I connected to World War II?
  • What is a Bipolar World term? Investigate its origins and characteristics.
  • Why did the United States of America lose the Vietnam War? Explore the events that led to the withdrawal of the US forces from Vietnam.
  • Soviet-Afghan War: Soviets’ Vietnam? Explain why the Soviet Union was largely unsuccessful in the Soviet-Afghan War. Elaborate why many historians draw parallels between America’s defeat in Vietnam and the Soviets’ defeat in Afghanistan.
  • Why did the USSR fall apart? Explain the complications behind its political and economic system.

🧐 World History Research Paper Topics

World history is full of fascinating events. They should be analyzed and researched to discover new facts about them.

Below, you’ll find the best world history topics for research:

  • King Gilgamesh. His personality and deeds. Why is he still a popular character today?
  • The leading nations of the Bronze Age.
  • The personality of Julius Caesar and his effect on Rome .
  • Family institute in Ancient Rome. Dive into the ordinary life of Roman citizens and explore the structure of a Roman family.
  • Circus Maximus in Rome .
  • Jewish tribes and kingdoms of the Bronze Age.

Israel first appears shortly before the Bronze Age collapse.

  • The expansion of Indo-European languages.
  • Ancient Greek civilization history .
  • The dominance of Athens and Sparta over other Greek city-states.
  • Alexander the Great: Western civilization .
  • The kings of Ancient Egypt .
  • The origins of Roman imperialism . Explain how Rome conquered the world and the consequences of its dominance.
  • Engineering in the Roman Empire. Analyze what engineering solutions Rome used to dominate culturally, politically, and militarily.
  • The personality of Constantine the Great and his deeds.
  • The Dark ages as the golden ages of European History .
  • Abbasid Caliphate: The age of Muslim Enlightenment.
  • Women in World War II .
  • Denazification of Germany after World War II. Explore the means of Germany’s denazification efforts after World War II and their effectiveness.
  • Espionage of the Cold War. How the USSR and the USA spied on each other.
  • The anti-war movement and American views on the Vietnam War .
  • Iraq and Afghanistan wars impact on the USA’s economy .
  • The War of Spanish Succession. Talk about one of the crucial periods of European history and explain why Spain’s global power started to decline.
  • The Caribbean and the golden age of pirates in the XVIIIth century.
  • American Civil War and its impact on American society.
  • Japanese Revolution and the Meiji Restoration in Japan.
  • T.E. Lawrence and his efforts to create an independent Arab World. Explore the personality of Thomas Edward Lawrence and his life.
  • The effect of new ideologies on Europe and the Americas.

✒ World History Term Paper Topics

A term paper is a research done on a specific subject. Students are usually assigned to this task at the beginning or the middle of the semester. It should test their comprehension of a subject and their ability to analyze. However, choosing the right topics for world history can prove difficult.

Here you’ll find the best ideas for your research:

  • Region of Ancient Mesopotamia. Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations.
  • The rise of Babylonian and Assyrian empires.
  • Cultural and trade connections between Rome and Ancient China.
  • Law and Order in Rome.
  • Life and death of Prophet Muhammad. His influence on the minds of Arab tribes.
  • Psychological impacts of Christianity and Islam on the Medieval world.
  • The era of Holy Crusades. Analyze their goals and impact.
  • Means of Warfare and violence in ancient times.
  • Life and Death in Ancient Egypt. Explain the life of different classes in the Old Kingdom, their religious beliefs, warfare, civil life, etc.
  • How did the conquests of Alexander the Great affect the ancient world?

Many of the cities that Alexander founded were named Alexandria.

  • Medicine and spiritualism in Ancient Rome.
  • Women’s roles in the societies of Early Antiquity.
  • Art in Rome and Greece. The pinnacle of human thought.
  • The birth of modern sports in Ancient Rome.
  • King Richard I and Saladin. A rivalry between great leaders. Analyze and compare the personalities of both Richard I and Saladin, describe their relationship.
  • The Black Death, the Late Medieval demographic crises, and the standard of living controversies.
  • Weapons and warfare of the Medieval Era. Analyze weapons and means of warfare in the Medieval Era, their use, and evolution.
  • Reconquista of Spain and Age of Discovery. Talk about these events and explain their connection.
  • Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Reasons behind its spread across the Empire.
  • Religious customs of the Roman Empire and its successors.
  • The rise of the Sassanid Empire. Its political system, military, and Parthian heritage.
  • The religion of Islam. Geopolitical reasons behind the rise of Islam in the Arabian peninsula.
  • The Borgia family. Their impact on Renaissance Italy.
  • Great Italian painters of the Renaissance. Study and analyze their characters, works, relations with influential families and the Pope.
  • Qing Empire: the last dynasty of China.
  • Technological military advancements of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Spanish Tercio and invention of the flintlock.
  • Rise of the Russian Empire and Peter I. Dive into events that lead to the creation of the Russian empire and Peter I character.
  • Liberty! The American Revolution . Dive into the exciting period of American history that defined the nation. Explore precursors and main events of the American Revolution.
  • The World Wars of the XXth century and their influence on the modern world.
  • The post World War II nuclear arms race .

📚 World History Thesis Topics

Writing a thesis is one of the most challenging and crucial tasks a student can have. For this paper, you spend years researching, writing, and perfecting your paper. So, choosing the right topic is essential.

See intriguing and well-composed major topics of world history worthy of your time and energy below:

  • The samurai of Japan: why were they so effective? Explore the rich and mesmerizing military history of Japan. Remember to talk about the rise of Feudalism and samurais, their role in Sengoku Jidai, and the abolition of this warrior class in the modern era.
  • Trail of Tears and the tragedy of Native American people. Explain why the United States government was forcefully relocating Native American tribes and the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Talk about the hardships on that journey.
  • History of Earth’s Electrification. Present a detailed overview of electricity’s history and scientists who contributed to its development.
  • The importance of the Crusades. Analyze their influence and the Christian and Muslim worlds.

Crusades were organized by western European Christians.

  • The Gold Rush of the XIXth century. Analyze the roots of the Gold Rush around the world and the USA. Discuss how miners seeking their fortune contributed to San Francisco’s rapid growth and creation of the Californian Dream .
  • The Automobile. A case study of the automotive industry. Discuss the first car prototypes and their creators who pioneered the industry. Remember to talk about the first automotive companies and their innovations.
  • Oil. The Black gold of the XXth century. Talk about the discovery of oil and how it eventually became a strategic resource. Explore fiery competition between the first oil tycoons.
  • African American involvement in the Vietnam War. A case study. Talk about African Americans in the Vietnam War and the extent of inequality they had to deal with.
  • The tragedy of Afghan wars. How the Soviet’s invasion of Afghanistan led to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Dive into Afghanistan’s history to analyze their perseverance against foreign occupation. Talk about the CIA and Saudi involvement in the Soviet-Afgan war, the creation of the mujahideen and the Taliban.
  • Trench warfare in World War I. Provide detailed characteristics, origins, and reasons behind the trench warfare doctrine in World War I.

In World War I, trenches became a fundamental part of the strategy.

  • The impact of World War II on the global political landscape. Analyze the political and economic consequences of the Second World War.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis. A case study of the biggest Soviet-American standoff. Analyze political motifs behind one of the darkest events in human history and use sources on nuclear warfare to speculate what would have happened, if the situation had had not deescalated.
  • Vietnam Anti War of the 1960s. Describe anti-war movements across the United States in the 1960s and the hippie counterculture as a way to oppose the war.

Now you’ve chosen one of the topics on world history to write about. But how do you start the actual paper? How to compose an entertaining and informative essay? How to get both a good mark and respect from your professor?

If you follow several simple and solid rules listed below, you’ll have no problem beginning a good paper. Each piece of advice is explained in detail for your convenience.

Essay structure consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

To start a comprehensive paper:

  • Determine what ideas you want to discuss in a paper. Think about the key ideas you want to mention in your essay. They will determine the general outline of your work, making it easier for the reader to follow.
  • Find good evidence (use reliable sources). Reliable and comprehensive sources are crucial for a historical paper. Try to be skeptical of its neutrality and remember to cross-check everything. Search for reliable secondary and primary sources and carefully check the facts if the data is ambiguous. You’ll never find a completely unbiased source, as every historian has some personal opinion on the subject.
  • Make an outline. Even when you don’t struggle with the body of your paper, outline your work. You will waste less energy with a general plan.
  • Introduce your topic. Make your introduction concise and explicit. You should catch the reader’s attention with a hook. Avoid using vague statements and facts.
  • Compose a clear thesis statement. A good thesis determines whether your whole work is going to succeed or not. Make sure you answer the main question of your paper and present your perspective on a subject. After stating your thesis, elaborate on it in every paragraph.
  • Analyze the information. So many students tend to make the mistake of retelling instead of analyzing the event. Of course, some context is necessary to give the idea of an event but never go too far with it. Analyze the found information before writing it down.
  • Don’t abuse your sources and quote reasonably. If the majority of your work consists of excerpts from your sources, you are in trouble. Quotes cannot exceed 10-15% of the total word count. Use them within reason to prove your point. Remember, your analysis is the key aim of your paper.
  • Start beforehand. Never postpone your term/thesis/research paper. The sooner you start—the better.
  • Use writing prompts. Find examples or prompts to rely on, writing a history paper for the first time. You can use our prompts to start your essay.

A writing prompt provides a potential topic idea of an essay.

  • Alexander the Great’s conquests should be accredited to his father Philip II, as he was the original creator of the mighty Macedonian phalanx. Do you agree with that statement? What can you say about Philip’s actions to modernize his army and state? Plan and write an essay in which you compare and contrast.
  • The fall of the Roman Empire was inevitable. Internal complications played a bigger role in Rome’s downfall than external ones. Do you agree with that statement? What can you say about Rome’s political system in the Late Antiquity?
  • Tatar-Mongol Yoke of Russia was a centuries-long symbiosis of the two cultures. Russians gained more things than lost from the Yoke. Do you agree with that statement? What can you say about Russian state affairs under the Yoke?
  • The Fall of Constantinople sparked the Age of Discovery and Renaissance in Europe. Do you agree with that statement? Describe Europe’s reaction to the Fall of Constantinople.
  • If France and Britain did not cripple Germany with reparations after the end of World War I, the Second World War would not have happened. Do you agree with that statement? Talk about the aforementioned reparations and why they played a role in Germany’s ideological radicalization.

Writing prompts can help you to develop your writing style and turn into a more mature writer.

Thank you for reading our article. We sincerely hope that this ultimate list of world history topics will assist in preparing and writing your perfect paper. Share it with other people who might need some guidance for their studies.

  • How Versailles Treaties Shaped World History?
  • What Are the Six Major Time Periods of World History?
  • What Are the Seven Concepts of World History?
  • How the Middle Ages Changes in History Impacted World History?
  • How the Arab Spring Changed the World History?
  • How Did the Renaissance Influence Europe and World History?
  • How Can a Discipline of World History Remain Relevant?
  • Why Is the Year 1968 Considered as Unique Year in World History?
  • What Is President Truman’s Impact on World History?
  • Where Does the World History Begin?
  • What Is American Revolution’s Effects on World History?
  • What Are the Sources of World History?
  • Why Is the Black Death Pandemic Was Important for World History?
  • Who Is Called the Father of World History?
  • Why Is the French Revolution Has So Much Impact on World History?
  • What Were the Consequences of Roman Empire’s Fall for World History?
  • What Is the Difference between Global History and World History?
  • What Role Did Cross-Cultural Trade Play in World History?
  • What Is the Balance of Power in the Context of World History?
  • Were Gender Issues Always a Problem in World History?
  • What Are the Five C’s of World History?
  • What Do Polyethnicity and National Unity Mean in World History?
  • What Place Did the Turks Take in World History?
  • What Is the Rise of the West in World History in 1500-1850?
  • What Does Consumerism Mean in World History?
  • What Are the Axial Civilizations in World History?
  • What Are the Five Theories of World History?
  • What Was the Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh in World History?

🔗 References

  • World History Topics: Newspapers.com
  • 100 Good Research Paper Topics for History Class: Jule Romans, Owlcation
  • Hot Topics in World History: World History Center, University of Pittsburgh
  • Writing a Good History Paper: Writing Resources, Hamilton College
  • Writing a Thesis and Making an Argument: History, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, The University of Iowa
  • How to Write a Research Paper: David R. Caprette, Rice University
  • How to Write a Research Question: The Writing Center, George Mason University
  • Guidelines For Term Papers: Donald Simanek’s Page
  • Beginning the Academic Essay: Patricia Kain, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • How To Write Academic Papers, A Comprehensive Guide: The College Puzzle.html
  • Before You Start Writing That Paper…: Student Learning Center, Berkeley University of California
  • Demographics Topics
  • Crime Ideas
  • Heritage Ideas
  • Immigration Titles
  • Culture Topics
  • Economic Topics
  • Globalization Essay Topics
  • Ethnographic Paper Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-history-essay-topics/

"433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-history-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-history-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-history-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-history-essay-topics/.

World History Bulletin

Learn about the spring 2023 CFP here!

The World History Bulletin is a biannual publication of the World History Association that is sponsored by the Southeast World History Association.  Featuring short-form essays (roughly 1,500–3,000 words in length), the Bulletin  is a forum devoted to raising interesting questions, stimulating lively debate, and engaging with all aspects of world historical scholarship including pedagogy, research, and theory. Topics may include any period or geographic focus in history.  Pedagogical materials such as syllabi or assignments are welcome, as are reviews of books or other scholarly works.

Submissions for the World History Bulletin should be in Microsoft Word or a similar electronic format, and should follow the style guidelines of the Journal of World History  described above. Please address any submissions or inquiries to Editor-in-Chief Joseph Snyder < [email protected] >.  Historians and disciplinarily allied scholars interested in guest-editing a selection of essays on a particular theme are strongly encouraged to contact the editor.

Call for Papers | “Democratizing, Diversifying, and Decolonizing the World History Survey” | World History Bulletin |  Due: November 10, 2023

World History Bulletin is seeking quality research essays, lesson plans, and classroom activities for  inclusion in its upcoming Fall 2023 issue, “Democratizing, Diversifying, and Decolonizing the World  History Survey.”

Guest-edited by John Curry, “Democratizing, Diversifying, and Decolonizing the World History Survey”  explores the ways in which world historians and instructors can introduce, examine, and complicate an  array of topics such as slavery, colonialism, world wars, and climate crisis in the world history classroom.  Challenging the way histories are told, by whom, and what voices have been silenced are key to  democratizing, diversifying, and decolonizing world history surveys, as doing so not only fosters critical  thinking and analytical skills in the next generation of scholars, but also encourages the development of  their empathetic selves. 

Democratizing, diversifying, and decolonizing the world history survey often requires de-centering the  Western perspectives which sometimes predominate classrooms, and the incorporation of interdisciplinary approaches – through the introduction of anthropological or archaeological sources – to reassess histories for things like bias. Doing so draws on the long traditional of historical skepticism.  The Bulletin is interested in a range of topics related to the theme of democratizing, diversifying, and  decolonizing world history surveys, including: • Case studies examining how instructors have democratized, diversified, and decolonized their  world history classrooms.  • Techniques used in the classroom to introduce sensitive subjects, including (but not limited to)  slavery, persecution, outgroup creation, and colonization.  • Approaches to recovering histories of the silenced and amplifying the experiences and voices of  indigenous peoples.  • Interdisciplinarity and democratizing, diversifying, and decolonizing World History.  • Recent trends in decolonizing and diversifying World History research. • Historiographies of theories and practice of democratizing, diversifying, and decolonizing World  History.

World History Bulletin therefore invites contributions to a thematic issue on democratizing, diversifying,  and decolonizing the world history classroom. We are especially interested in articles that share fresh  research or historiographical perspectives which explore the questions of diversifying and decolonizing  world history; present innovative teaching at all levels that employs techniques related to democratizing, diversifying, and decolonizing world history themes; or explore the connection between  student engagement and world history as realized through the diversification and decolonization of a  particular curriculum, topic, or subject matter. We also welcome short interviews with designers, artists,  writers, and scholars and small roundtables on a book, film, or other work.

Submission Guidelines : Research and pedagogical articles should range between 1,500 and 8,000 words  in length, including endnote text. The Bulletin accepts submissions which adhere to the style, format,  and documentation requirements as outlined in the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. The Bulletin uses endnote citations, rather than footnote citations. Text of submissions should be  spelled according to American English standard usage (e.g., favorite, rather than favourite). Submissions  should be written in past tense, rather than the literary present, and passive voice should be avoided. 

Interested in submitting?  View our style guide here: WHB Style Sheet .


See our latest publications.

The WHA has several outlets for publication, including the Journal of World History, the World History Bulletin, and the WHA-affiliated publications World History Connected and Middle Ground.


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I. Prehistory 

A. Emergence of humankind in Africa 

B. Paleolithic food gatherers 

C. Neolithic farmers 

D. Transition to civilization 

II. Early Civilizations (3500 - 200 BCE) 

A. River Valley Civilizations: Euphrates , Indus , Nile , Yellow 

B. Empire and religion in the Middle East 1200-500 BCE 

C. Greek Civilization to 500 BCE: Minoan Crete to Classical Greece 

D. Early Indian religious systems and the Mauryan Empire 

E. China : Xia, Shang, Zhou, and Qin Dynasties 

F. Africa : Kush , Carthage , Western Sudan 

G. The Americas : Olmec, Chavin 

H. Cultural evolution and parallel development 

III. Classical Civilizations (200 BCD – 500 CE) 

A. Emergence of Greek City States B. Rome : early republic and empire 

C. Golden Age on the Ganges : Gupta Empire 

D. Empire of the East: Han China 

E. Africa : Axum 

F. The Americas : Mochica to the Mayans 

G. Cultural diffusion: migration, trade, and ideas 

IV. Diverging World Regions (500 – 1500 CE) 

A. Europe : Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation 

B. The Arab Empire and the expansion of Islamic Civilization 

C. India between the Gupta and the Mongols 

D. East Asia : Tang and Song in China and Heian Japan 

E. Eurasian Empire: Mongols 

F. Africa : Ghana , Mali , Ethiopia , Western Sudan 

G. The Americans: Toltecs to Chimu

Keyword vs. Subject Searching

A keyword search uses natural language to search for a word anywhere in a record: the title, abstract, subject headings, author, text, etc. (the equivalent of searching "everything" in the library catalog).  For example, if you search for fast foods and teenage obesity , you'll retrieve results in which all of these four words appear anywhere in the record at least once. However, you won't find articles that use synonyms of these words, such as overweight or youth .

A subject heading search uses the database's own pre-determined vocabulary. This requires you to know which terms have been assigned for certain subjects. For example, if you want to find articles on fast foods and teenage obesity in Academic Search Premier, you'll need to search for convenience foods and obesity in adolescence . This will retrieve all articles that have been assigned these subject headings, even those that use different wording in the text itself.

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Boolean Search Operators

There are three little words that are used as Boolean operators: AND , OR, and NOT . 

Think of each keyword as having a set of results that is connected to it. These sets can be combined in different ways to produce different sets of results. You can also exclude certain sets from your results.

The table below explains how Boolean operators work.

Generating Keywords

  • Visuwords Online graphical dictionary. Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts.
  • Graph Words It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and show connections among associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.
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How to Write a History Research Paper

  • How do I pick a topic?
  • But I can’t find any material…

Research Guide

Writing guide.

See also: How to Write a Good History Essay

1. How do I pick a topic?

Picking a topic is perhaps the most important step in writing a research paper. To do it well requires several steps of refinement. First you have to determine a general area in which you have an interest (if you aren’t interested, your readers won’t be either). You do not write a paper “about the Civil War,” however, for that is such a large and vague concept that the paper will be too shallow or you will be swamped with information. The next step is to narrow your topic. Are you interested in comparison? battles? social change? politics? causes? biography? Once you reach this stage try to formulate your research topic as a question. For example, suppose that you decide to write a paper on the use of the films of the 1930’s and what they can tell historians about the Great Depression. You might turn that into the following question: “What are the primary values expressed in films of the 1930’s?” Or you might ask a quite different question, “What is the standard of living portrayed in films of the 1930’s?” There are other questions, of course, which you could have asked, but these two clearly illustrate how different two papers on the same general subject might be. By asking yourself a question as a means of starting research on a topic you will help yourself find the answers. You also open the door to loading the evidence one way or another. It will help you decide what kinds of evidence might be pertinent to your question, and it can also twist perceptions of a topic. For example, if you ask a question about economics as motivation, you are not likely to learn much about ideals, and vice versa.

2. But I can’t find any material…

No one should pick a topic without trying to figure out how one could discover pertinent information, nor should anyone settle on a topic before getting some background information about the general area. These two checks should make sure your paper is in the realm of the possible. The trick of good research is detective work and imaginative thinking on how one can find information. First try to figure out what kinds of things you should know about a topic to answer your research question. Are there statistics? Do you need personal letters? What background information should be included? Then if you do not know how to find that particular kind of information, ASK . A reference librarian or professor is much more likely to be able to steer you to the right sources if you can ask a specific question such as “Where can I find statistics on the number of interracial marriages?” than if you say “What can you find on racial attitudes?”

Use the footnotes and bibliographies of general background books as well as reference aids to lead you to special studies. If Carleton does not have the books or sources you need, try ordering through the library minitex. Many sources are also available on-line.

As your research paper takes shape you will find that you need background on people, places, events, etc. Do not just rely on some general survey for all of your background. Check the several good dictionaries of biography for background on people, or see if there is a standard book-length biography. If you are dealing with a legal matter check into the background of the judges who make the court decision and the circumstances surrounding the original incident or law. Try looking for public opinions in newspapers of the time. In other words, each bit of information you find should open the possibility of other research paths.

Learn to use several research techniques. You cannot count on a good research paper coming from browsing on one shelf at the library. A really pertinent book may be hidden in another section of the library due to classification quirks. The Readers’ Guide (Ref. A13 .R4) is not the only source for magazine articles, nor the card catalog for books. There are whole books which are listings of other books on particular topics. There are specialized indexes of magazine articles. Modern History Journals are indexed in the Social Studies and Humanities Index (Ref. A13 .R282) before 1976 After 1976 use the Social Sciences Index (REF A13 .S62) and the Humanities Index (Ref. A13 .H85). See also Historical Abstracts (Ref. D1 .H5). Reference Librarians would love to help you learn to use these research tools. It pays to browse in the reference room at the library and poke into the guides which are on the shelves. It also pays to browse the Internet.

3. Help! How do I put this together?

A. preliminary research:.

If you do not already have a general background on your topic, get the most recent good general source on the topic and read it for general orientation. On the basis of that reading formulate as clearly focused question as you can. You should generally discuss with your professor at that point whether your question is a feasible one.

B. Building a Basic Bibliography:

Use the bibliography/notes in your first general source, MUSE, and especially Historical Abstracts on cd-rom in the Library Reading Room (the computer farthest to the left in the front row as you walk past the Reference Desk — or ask there). If there is a specialized bibliography on your topic, you will certainly want to consult that as well, but these are often a bit dated.

C. Building a Full Bibliography:

Read the recent articles or chapters that seem to focus on your topic best. This will allow you to focus your research question quite a bit. Use the sources cited and/or discussed in this reading to build a full bibliography. Use such tools as Historical Abstracts (or, depending on your topic, the abstracts from a different field) and a large, convenient computer-based national library catalog (e.g. the University of California system from the “Libs” command in your VAX account or the smaller University of Minnesota library through MUSE) to check out your sources fully. For specific article searches “Uncover” (press returns for the “open access”) or possibly (less likely for history) “First Search” through “Connect to Other Resources” in MUSE can also be useful.

D. Major Research:

Now do the bulk of your research. But do not overdo it. Do not fall into the trap of reading and reading to avoid getting started on the writing. After you have the bulk of information you might need, start writing. You can fill in the smaller gaps of your research more effectively later.

A. Outline:

Write a preliminary thesis statement, expressing what you believe your major argument(s) will be. Sketch out a broad outline that indicates the structure — main points and subpoints or your argument as it seems at this time. Do not get too detailed at this point.

B. The First Draft:

On the basis of this thesis statement and outline, start writing, even pieces, as soon as you have enough information to start. Do not wait until you have filled all the research gaps. Keep on writing. If you run into smaller research questions just mark the text with a searchable symbol. It is important that you try to get to the end point of this writing as soon as possible, even if you leave pieces still in outline form at first and then fill the gaps after you get to the end.

Critical advice for larger papers: It is often more effective not to start at the point where the beginning of your paper will be. Especially the introductory paragraph is often best left until later, when you feel ready and inspired.

C. The Second Draft:

The “second draft” is a fully re-thought and rewritten version of your paper. It is at the heart of the writing process.

First, lay your first draft aside for a day or so to gain distance from it. After that break, read it over with a critical eye as you would somebody else’s paper (well, almost!). You will probably find that your first draft is still quite descriptive, rather than argumentative. It is likely to wander; your perspective and usually even the thesis seemed to change/develop as you wrote. Don’t despair. That is perfectly normal even for experienced writers (even after 40 years and a good deal of published work!). You will be frustrated. But keep questioning your paper along the following lines: What precisely are my key questions? What parts of my evidence here are really pertinent to those questions (that is, does it help me answer them)? How or in what order can I structure my paper most effectively to answer those questions most clearly and efficiently for my reader?

At this point you must outline your paper freshly. Mark up your first draft, ask tough questions whether your argument is clear and whether the order in which you present your points is effective! You must write conceptually a new paper at this point, even if you can use paragraphs and especially quotes, factual data in the new draft.

It is critical that in your new draft your paragraphs start with topic sentences that identify the argument you will be making in the particular paragraph (sometimes this can be strings of two or three paragraphs). The individual steps in your argument must be clearly reflected in the topic sentences of your paragraphs (or a couple of them linked).

D. The Third or Final Draft:

You are now ready to check for basic rules of good writing. This is when you need to check the diction, that is, the accuracy and suitability of words. Eliminate unnecessary passive or awkward noun constructions (active-voice, verbal constructions are usually more effective); improve the flow of your transitions; avoid repetitions or split infinitives; correct apostrophes in possessives and such. Make the style clear and smooth. Check that the start of your paper is interesting for the reader. Last but not least, cut out unnecessary verbiage and wordiness. Spell-check and proof-read.

– Diethelm Prowe, 1998

20th Century History Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page serves as a guide to navigate the fascinating world of 20th century history research paper topics , providing students with a plethora of ideas and insights for their academic pursuits. From examining the political upheavals to analyzing social transformations, economic developments, and cultural shifts, this collection of research paper topics offers a diverse range of subjects to explore. Whether students are interested in dissecting the consequences of global conflicts, investigating the impacts of scientific advancements, or exploring the contributions of individuals and communities, this page presents an array of thought-provoking ideas that delve into the depths of 20th century history. With careful consideration and scholarly exploration, students can uncover hidden narratives, challenge existing narratives, and contribute to the ever-expanding understanding of this transformative period in human history.

100 20th Century History Research Paper Topics

The 20th century was a period of immense historical significance, witnessing a plethora of transformative events and social changes that continue to shape the world we live in today. This comprehensive list of 20th century history research paper topics aims to provide students with a diverse range of captivating subjects to explore and analyze. Organized into 10 categories with 10 topics in each, this list covers various aspects of 20th century history, encompassing political developments, social movements, cultural shifts, technological advancements, and much more. Whether you are intrigued by the world wars, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, or the rise of globalization, this list offers a wealth of research paper topics to inspire and guide your academic journey.

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World Wars and their Impact

  • The Causes and Consequences of World War I
  • The Role of Women in World War II
  • The Impact of World War II on Global Politics and Society
  • The Holocaust: Understanding the Genocide of the 20th Century
  • The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Ethical Considerations
  • The Role of Propaganda in World War II
  • The Rise of Fascism and Nazism
  • The Versailles Treaty: Shaping the Post-War World
  • The Liberation Movements in Europe: Resistance and Collaboration
  • The Marshall Plan: Rebuilding Europe After World War II

Cold War and Global Conflicts

  • The Origins and Dynamics of the Cold War
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Tense Standoff
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, Strategies, and Outcomes
  • The Korean War: Forgotten Conflict or Pivotal Moment?
  • The Space Race: Superpower Rivalry in the Skies
  • The Berlin Wall: Symbol of Division and Unity
  • The Arms Race: Nuclear Proliferation and Deterrence
  • The Proxy Wars of the Cold War Era
  • The Non-Aligned Movement: A Quest for Independence
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union: End of an Era

Civil Rights and Social Movements

  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States
  • Women’s Liberation Movement: Striving for Equality
  • The LGBTQ+ Rights Movement: Progress and Challenges
  • Indigenous Rights Movements: Reclaiming Cultural Identity
  • The Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa
  • The Black Power Movement: Reimagining Black Identity
  • Environmental Movements: Conservation and Activism
  • Disability Rights Movements: From Marginalization to Inclusion
  • Student Protests and Activism in the 20th Century
  • Labor Movements: Workers’ Rights and Unionization

Technological Advancements and Scientific Discoveries

  • The Space Exploration and Moon Landing
  • The Internet Revolution: Shaping the Digital Age
  • The Green Revolution: Agricultural Innovations and Food Security
  • The Development of Nuclear Energy: Promises and Perils
  • The Rise of Computers and Information Technology
  • The Mapping of the Human Genome: Implications for Medicine and Genetics
  • The Invention of Television: Transforming Communication and Entertainment
  • The Discovery of Antibiotics: Revolutionizing Medicine
  • The Evolution of Transportation: From Automobiles to Supersonic Jets
  • The Technological Innovations of the Industrial Revolution

Cultural Shifts and Artistic Movements

  • The Roaring Twenties: Jazz Age and the Lost Generation
  • The Beat Generation: Literature, Poetry, and Counterculture
  • The Pop Art Movement: Redefining Art in Consumerist Society
  • The Surrealist Movement: Exploring the Depths of the Unconscious
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Celebrating African-American Culture
  • Postmodernism: Challenging Conventions in Art and Literature
  • The Feminist Art Movement: Reclaiming Women’s Narratives
  • The Birth of Rock ‘n’ Roll: Music, Rebellion, and Cultural Fusion
  • The Influence of Cinema: From Silent Films to Blockbusters
  • The Evolution of Fashion: From Flappers to Global Brands

Economic Transformations and Globalization

  • The Great Depression: Causes, Impact, and Lessons Learned
  • The Rise of Consumer Culture: Advertising and Mass Production
  • The Globalization of Trade and Commerce
  • Economic Boom and Post-War Reconstruction
  • The Bretton Woods System: Shaping the Global Financial Order
  • The Oil Crisis: Energy, Politics, and Economic Consequences
  • The Rise of Multinational Corporations
  • The Dot-Com Bubble: E-Commerce and Technological Speculation
  • The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion, and Recovery
  • Economic Inequality: Challenges and Debates in the 20th Century

Political Shifts and World Events

  • The Rise and Fall of Fascism and Totalitarian Regimes
  • The Cold War in Latin America: Ideology and Intervention
  • The Decolonization Movements in Africa and Asia
  • The Fall of Colonial Empires: Post-Colonialism and Nationalism
  • The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Historical Roots and Ongoing Tensions
  • The Cuban Revolution: Fidel Castro and the Socialist Experiment
  • The Iranian Revolution: Islamism and Political Change
  • The End of Apartheid in South Africa: Nelson Mandela and Reconciliation
  • The Formation of the European Union: Integration and Cooperation
  • The United Nations: Challenges and Achievements

Women’s History and Feminist Movements

  • The Suffragette Movement: Struggles for Women’s Right to Vote
  • The Second Wave Feminism: Changing Perceptions and Legal Rights
  • Women in War: From Nurses to Combatants
  • Women in Science: Breaking Barriers and Advancing Knowledge
  • Women in Politics: Leadership and Representation
  • Women in Sports: Challenging Gender Norms
  • Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights Movements
  • Women in Literature and the Arts: Shaping Cultural Expression
  • Women in the Workforce: Challenges and Achievements
  • Intersectionality and the Study of Women’s History

Social Movements and Counterculture

  • Hippie Movement: Peace, Love, and the Anti-War Movement
  • Student Protests: Challenging Authority and Seeking Change
  • Environmental Activism: From Silent Spring to Climate Change
  • Civil Rights Movements: Advocating for Racial Equality
  • Punk Culture and the DIY Ethic: Subversion and Resistance
  • Anti-Nuclear Movements: Peaceful Resistance to Atomic Weapons
  • LGBTQ+ Rights Movements: Fighting for Equal Rights and Acceptance
  • Disability Rights Movements: Advocacy and Accessibility
  • Animal Rights and Welfare Movements: Ethics and Activism
  • Indigenous Rights Movements: Land, Sovereignty, and Cultural Preservation

War and Conflict

  • The First World War: Causes, Impact, and Legacies
  • The Second World War: Global Conflict and the Holocaust
  • The Cold War: Superpower Rivalry and the Threat of Nuclear War
  • The Korean War: Forgotten Conflict or Proxy War?
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, Strategies, and Consequences
  • The Gulf War: International Conflict in the Middle East
  • The Rwandan Genocide: Ethnic Violence and International Response
  • The Falklands War: Sovereignty Dispute and Military Conflict
  • The Iraq War: The War on Terror and its Aftermath
  • The War in Afghanistan: Ongoing Conflict and Counterterrorism Efforts

This comprehensive list of 20th century history research paper topics encompasses a wide range of fascinating subjects within the realm of political, social, cultural, economic, and technological developments. From the tumultuous events of world wars to the transformative social movements and scientific advancements, students of 20th century history have a rich tapestry of research paper topics to explore. By delving into these subjects, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities, challenges, and triumphs of the 20th century and its lasting impact on our contemporary world.

20th Century History: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

The 20th century stands as one of the most eventful and transformative periods in human history. From the dramatic shifts in global politics to the profound societal changes, this era witnessed a myriad of significant events that continue to shape the world we live in today. Exploring the range of research paper topics within 20th century history provides students with an opportunity to delve into the complexities, controversies, and triumphs of this dynamic era. In this article, we will embark on a journey through various facets of 20th century history, highlighting key themes and research areas that can ignite the curiosity and critical thinking of students studying this captivating subject.

  • World Wars and their Impact : The world wars of the 20th century left an indelible mark on human history. Research paper topics within this category may include the causes and consequences of World War I, the role of women in World War II, the impact of the wars on global politics and society, the Holocaust and its ethical considerations, the use of propaganda, the rise of fascism and Nazism, the significance of the Versailles Treaty, the liberation movements in Europe, and the post-war reconstruction efforts such as the Marshall Plan.
  • Cold War and Global Conflicts : The Cold War era shaped the geopolitical landscape of the 20th century. Research paper topics within this category may explore the origins and dynamics of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War and its causes and outcomes, the Korean War, the Space Race, the Berlin Wall, the arms race and nuclear proliferation, the proxy wars of the Cold War era, the non-aligned movement, and the fall of the Soviet Union.
  • Civil Rights and Social Movements : The 20th century witnessed significant social and civil rights movements that challenged inequality and fought for justice. Research paper topics within this category may include the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, women’s liberation movement, LGBTQ+ rights movement, indigenous rights movements, the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, the black power movement, environmental movements, disability rights movements, student protests and activism, and labor movements.
  • Technological Advancements and Scientific Discoveries : The 20th century was marked by remarkable technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs. Research paper topics within this category may encompass the exploration of space and moon landing, the internet revolution, the green revolution and agricultural innovations, the development of nuclear energy, the rise of computers and information technology, the mapping of the human genome, the invention of television, the discovery of antibiotics, the evolution of transportation, and the technological innovations of the industrial revolution.
  • Cultural Shifts and Artistic Movements : Art, literature, and cultural expressions played a significant role in shaping the identity of the 20th century. Research paper topics within this category may explore the Roaring Twenties and the Lost Generation, the Beat Generation, the pop art movement, the surrealism movement, the Harlem Renaissance, postmodernism, the feminist art movement, the birth of rock ‘n’ roll, the influence of cinema, and the evolution of fashion.
  • Economic Transformations and Globalization : The 20th century witnessed major economic transformations and the rise of globalization. Research paper topics within this category may include the Great Depression and its impact, the rise of consumer culture, globalization of trade and commerce, economic boom and post-war reconstruction, the Bretton Woods system, the oil crisis, the rise of multinational corporations, the dot-com bubble, the Asian financial crisis, and debates on economic inequality.
  • Political Shifts and World Events : The 20th century was marked by significant political shifts and world events that reshaped nations and international relations. Research paper topics within this category may explore the rise and fall of fascism and totalitarian regimes, the Cold War in Latin America, the decolonization movements in Africa and Asia, the fall of colonial empires, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Cuban revolution, the Iranian revolution, the end of apartheid in South Africa, the formation of the European Union, and the United Nations.
  • Women’s History and Feminist Movements : The role of women and the feminist movements throughout the 20th century had a profound impact on society. Research paper topics within this category may include the suffragette movement, the second-wave feminism, women in war, women in science, women in politics, women in sports, women’s health and reproductive rights movements, women in literature and the arts, women in the workforce, and the study of intersectionality.
  • Social Movements and Counterculture : The 20th century witnessed the rise of various social movements and counterculture that challenged traditional norms and values. Research paper topics within this category may include the hippie movement, student protests, environmental activism, civil rights movements, punk culture and the DIY ethic, anti-nuclear movements, LGBTQ+ rights movements, disability rights movements, animal rights and welfare movements, and indigenous rights movements.
  • War and Conflict : The 20th century was marked by significant wars and conflicts that shaped the course of history. Research paper topics within this category may include the First and Second World Wars, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Rwandan genocide, the Falklands War, the Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan, and other conflicts and their causes, strategies, and outcomes.

Conclusion: The rich and diverse landscape of 20th century history offers a wide array of research paper topics for students to explore. From global conflicts to social movements, scientific advancements to cultural transformations, the events and developments of this era provide ample opportunities for historical inquiry and analysis. By selecting a research topic from this comprehensive list, students can embark on a rewarding journey of uncovering the intricacies and complexities of the 20th century and its enduring significance in shaping our present world.

Choosing 20th Century History Research Paper Topics

Introduction: Selecting a research paper topic in 20th century history can be both exciting and challenging. The vast scope of this era offers a multitude of fascinating subjects to explore, but it can also be overwhelming to narrow down your focus. To help you in this process, we have compiled expert advice and practical tips to guide you in choosing the most compelling and relevant 20th century history research paper topics.

  • Identify Your Interests : Start by reflecting on your personal interests within the field of 20th century history. Consider the historical events, themes, or regions that intrigue you the most. Is there a particular period or aspect of 20th century history that you find captivating? Identifying your interests will not only make the research process more enjoyable but will also allow you to delve deeper into a topic that resonates with you.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus : Once you have identified your interests, it is essential to narrow down your research focus. The 20th century encompasses a vast range of topics, so selecting a specific aspect will ensure that your research paper has a clear and focused argument. For example, instead of choosing a broad topic like “World War II,” you could narrow it down to “The Role of Women in World War II” or “The Impact of Technology on Warfare in World War II.”
  • Consider Relevance and Significance : When choosing a 20th century history research topic, consider its relevance and significance in shaping the course of history. Look for topics that have had a profound impact on society, politics, culture, or technological advancements. By selecting a topic of historical significance, you can explore its causes, consequences, and long-term effects, providing a deeper understanding of the era.
  • Explore Untold Stories : While popular events and figures of the 20th century attract attention, consider exploring lesser-known or untold stories. Digging into lesser-explored topics can provide a fresh perspective and contribute to historical scholarship. Look for marginalized voices, overlooked events, or hidden narratives that offer a new understanding of the complexities of the 20th century.
  • Consult Primary and Secondary Sources : To ensure a strong research paper, make use of both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources, such as archival documents, diaries, photographs, and interviews, provide firsthand accounts and unique insights into historical events. Secondary sources, such as scholarly books, articles, and analyses, offer critical interpretations and contextual information. By combining both types of sources, you can present a well-rounded and evidence-based argument.
  • Consider Controversial Topics : Controversial topics in 20th century history can spark intellectual debates and offer opportunities for critical analysis. However, it is important to approach these topics with sensitivity and respect for different perspectives. Engage with differing viewpoints, evaluate evidence objectively, and present a balanced argument that acknowledges different interpretations of historical events.
  • Connect History to Contemporary Issues : Another approach to selecting a research topic is to connect 20th century history to contemporary issues. Investigate how events and developments from the past continue to shape the present. By exploring the historical roots of current social, political, or cultural issues, you can highlight the relevance and ongoing significance of 20th century history in understanding today’s world.
  • Collaborate with Your Peers and Professors : Engage in discussions with your peers and seek guidance from your professors or advisors. Sharing ideas, exchanging perspectives, and receiving feedback can help you refine your research topic and enhance the overall quality of your work. Collaborative discussions can also lead to new insights and provide additional research resources or directions.
  • Balance Accessibility and Originality : While it is important to choose a research topic that is accessible and has a sufficient amount of existing scholarly literature, don’t be afraid to explore original angles or contribute fresh perspectives. Strive to strike a balance between engaging with existing research and offering a unique contribution to the field. Aim to fill gaps in knowledge or shed new light on previously studied topics.
  • Follow Your Passion : Above all, choose a 20th century history research paper topic that ignites your passion and curiosity. A genuine interest in your chosen subject will fuel your motivation, making the research process more enjoyable and rewarding. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing, captivating your readers and enhancing the overall quality of your research paper.

Conclusion: Selecting a research paper topic in 20th century history requires careful consideration, curiosity, and a balance between relevance and personal interest. By following the expert advice provided above, you can identify a compelling and significant topic that aligns with your interests and contributes to the scholarly discourse. Remember to narrow down your focus, consult various sources, and connect history to contemporary issues to create a research paper that makes a meaningful contribution to the field of 20th century history.

How to Write a 20th Century History Research Paper

Introduction: Writing a research paper on 20th century history requires careful planning, extensive research, and effective writing skills. In this section, we will provide you with valuable guidance on how to approach and craft your 20th century history research paper. By following these steps, you can produce a well-structured and compelling piece of academic writing.

  • Understand the Assignment : Begin by thoroughly understanding the requirements of your research paper assignment. Take note of the specific guidelines, word count, formatting style, and deadline. Clarify any uncertainties with your instructor to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the expectations for your paper.
  • Select a Strong Thesis Statement : Craft a strong thesis statement that presents the main argument or central idea of your research paper. Your thesis statement should be clear, concise, and specific, guiding the direction of your paper and informing the reader of your intentions. Ensure that your thesis statement is supported by evidence and provides a focus for your research.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : To write a comprehensive 20th century history research paper, conduct thorough research using a variety of primary and secondary sources. Utilize libraries, archives, online databases, and scholarly journals to gather relevant information. Take meticulous notes and cite your sources properly to ensure accuracy and maintain academic integrity.
  • Organize Your Ideas : Create an outline to organize your ideas and structure your research paper. Divide your paper into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body, and conclusion. Within each section, outline the key points and arguments you plan to address. This will provide a roadmap for your writing and ensure a logical flow of ideas.
  • Write a Captivating Introduction : Begin your research paper with an engaging introduction that hooks the reader’s attention. Provide background information on the topic, highlight its significance, and present your thesis statement. Consider using a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant quote to grab the reader’s interest from the start.
  • Develop Well-Structured Body Paragraphs : In the main body of your research paper, develop your arguments and present supporting evidence in a series of well-structured paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or subtopic, and should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main point. Support your arguments with relevant evidence, examples, and citations from your research.
  • Analyze and Interpret : A successful 20th century history research paper goes beyond simply presenting facts. Analyze and interpret the information you have gathered to offer critical insights and perspectives. Engage with different viewpoints, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various arguments, and provide a well-rounded analysis of the topic.
  • Use Proper Citations : Accurately cite all the sources you have referenced in your research paper. Follow the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) consistently throughout your paper. Proper citations not only avoid plagiarism but also give credit to the original authors, enhancing the credibility of your research.
  • Revise and Edit : Once you have completed the initial draft of your research paper, take the time to revise and edit it. Review the content for clarity, coherence, and logical progression of ideas. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Consider seeking feedback from peers or professors to gain valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.
  • Craft a Strong Conclusion : Conclude your research paper by summarizing your main arguments and restating the significance of your findings. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and instead provide a concise synthesis of your research. Reflect on the implications of your research and suggest avenues for further study or exploration.

Conclusion: Writing a 20th century history research paper requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective communication skills. By understanding the assignment, developing a strong thesis statement, conducting in-depth research, organizing your ideas, and following the proper structure and citation guidelines, you can create a compelling and well-researched paper. Remember to revise and edit your work to ensure clarity and accuracy. With these guidelines in mind, you are well-equipped to tackle your 20th century history research paper with confidence and produce a piece of academic writing that contributes to the scholarly discourse in the field.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

Introduction: At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing 20th century history research papers. The extensive research, critical analysis, and meticulous documentation required can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer our professional writing services to provide you with expert assistance and ensure your success. With our team of skilled writers and a commitment to delivering high-quality custom research papers, we are your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of 20th century history research. Let us help you achieve your academic goals and excel in your studies.

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200 Interesting World History Topics to Write About

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If you are looking for a long list of original world history topics that you can use in 2022, you have arrived at just the right place. Our experienced writers have just finished updating the world history topics, so you can find unique ideas in no time. We have everything from world history term paper topics to ancient history research paper topics.

Choose Our World History Research Paper Topics

Are you prepared to read the 200 world history essay topics we have prepared for you? Simply scroll down through the different categories and find the best topics for you. Reword them as you see fit; you don’t need to give us any credit.

Interesting World History Topics

We will start our list with the most interesting topics we could find. Don’t hesitate to pick one of these interesting world history topics right now:

  • The first use of weapons in Europe
  • The colonization of South America
  • Discuss relationships in Medieval Europe
  • The abolition of slavery in the US
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln
  • The most powerful army of all times

World History Research Paper Topics

If you need to write a research paper about world history, you will be thrilled to learn that we have more than enough world history research paper topics right here:

  • Major events in medieval Europe
  • The age of discovery (the Middle Ages)
  • Most important people of the 1600s
  • Analyze the Gallipoli campaign
  • The Holocaust during WW II
  • Politics in 1700s Europe

AP World History Topics

Are you interested in writing AP world history essays? Our experts have put together a list of the best and most interesting AP world history topics:

  • The development of a major culture
  • The interaction between 2 major cultures
  • The creation of an economic system
  • The expansion of an economic system
  • Humans and the surrounding environment
  • The development of social structures

Art History Ideas

Talking about art history has the potential to impress your professor, so why not give it a try? We have some of the best art history ideas right here:

  • The main motifs of medieval art
  • Traditional Japanese wedding attires
  • Analyze The Death of Sardanapalus
  • The Rococo movement
  • Light use in Sunrise by Monet
  • Major elements of Gothic architecture
  • Leonardo da Vinci’s religious motifs
  • Traditional Chinese costumes

World History Project Topics

If you are tasked with doing a world history project, we can help you with some very nice ideas. Take a look at our world history project topics and pick the one you like:

  • Uncovering the site of a major battle
  • Make an archeological discovery
  • Retracing the steps of the First Crusade
  • Animating a WW II battle
  • Describe tactics in a major ancient battle
  • Putting ancient pottery fragments back together

World History Debate Topics

Are you preparing a debate? Then you need to find the best possible topic. To help you out, our ENL writers have compiled a list of the best world history debate topics:

  • Comparing Roman and Greek civilizations
  • The most influential leader of Rome
  • The rise of fascism in Europe
  • What caused WW I?
  • Historicism vs. Presentism
  • The crucifixion of Christ
  • The negative influence of the Roman Empire
  • Communist’s rise to power in China

World History Argumentative Essay Topics

If you need to write an argumentative essay, you are probably looking for the most interesting ideas. Take a look at these awesome world history argumentative essay topics:

  • The travels of the Vikings
  • Ancient Chinese philosophy
  • Ancient Egypt’s effects on humanity
  • The importance of Corinth in ancient times
  • The greatest Roman leader: Octavian
  • David Livingstone and his contribution to African culture
  • What caused the Great Famine?
  • China and gunpowder

World History Topic Ideas for High School

High school students should look for topics that are not overly complex. We’ve created a list of world history topic ideas for high school students. Take a look:

  • The use of elephants in ancient wars
  • Trebuchets and the mechanics behind them
  • Were battering rams effective?
  • The effects of The Inquisition on Europe
  • Socialism: The Paris Commune
  • Gods in Ancient Egypt
  • Gods in Ancient Rome
  • Gods in Ancient Greece

World History Before 1500 Paper Topics

Choose one of our awesome world history before 1500 paper topics and start writing your essay right away. Here are our best ideas:

  • Discuss the Chaledean Empire
  • Analyze the Neo-Babylonian Empire
  • Discuss spoken language in 1000 AD
  • Analyze the Neolithic Age
  • Discuss irrigation in 1200 AD
  • The invention of writing
  • Discuss Zoroastrian cultures
  • Discuss religions before 1000 AD. You can also check out our religion research paper topics .

20th Century World History Research Paper Topics

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find some unique 20th century world history research paper topics? Well, you will be thrilled to find out that we have some right here:

  • Analyze one of the speeches of Martin Luther King
  • The Vietnam War
  • Nixon’s impeachment proceedings
  • Nelson Mandela’s legacy
  • The space exploration age
  • Discuss Identity Politics
  • Civil Rights in the US
  • Major holocaust events

Good World History Research Paper Topics

Good good world history research paper topics are topics that are relatively easy to write about. You can find plenty of information online. Here are a few examples:

  • Culinary delights during the Industrial revolution
  • Aztec military tactics
  • The great witch hunts of Europe
  • Discuss Greece’s influence on Egypt
  • Koryo Dynasty: Unifying Korea
  • The failure of the Second Crusade
  • The first Olympic Games

Ancient World History Research Paper Topics

Are you interested in writing a paper on ancient world history? We have plenty of interesting ancient world history research paper topics right here. Check them out:

  • The rise of the Roman Empire
  • The fall of the Roman Empire
  • Greek city states
  • The emergency of democracy in Greece
  • Ancient African empires
  • The Babylonian Empire
  • The Persian Empire

European History Ideas

Why not write your paper about European history? We have some unique European history ideas below (and the list is updated periodically):

  • The history of the Getae
  • The expansion of the Dacians
  • Analyze the League of Nations
  • The legacy of WW I
  • Totalitarian and imperialist movements in Europe
  • The Golden age of piracy in Europe
  • Nationalism in Europe in the 1700s

Modern World History Topics

Are you interested in writing about modern world history? Don’t hesitate to pick one of our modern world history topics and start writing your paper right away:

  • Emergence of Daoism in China
  • The Catholic Church in the 18th century
  • The apparition of slavery in Africa
  • The scientific revolution in Europe
  • Major events of the Cold War
  • The communist’s rise to power in Russia
  • Communist leaders of China

World History Research Topics for College

If you enjoy doing research about world history, you might be interested in choosing one of our awesome world history research topics for college:

  • The Battle of the Seas (Britain vs. Spain)
  • The spread of Christianity
  • An in-depth look at the French Revolution
  • Fascism in the interwar period
  • A critical look at the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
  • Innovations in World War II
  • Major events of the First Global Age

War History Ideas

Are you interested in writing about war history? After all, wars have been an integral part of our history for thousands of years. Check out our excellent war history ideas:

  • The US Civil War
  • What caused the Holocaust?
  • Discuss the Red Scare
  • The Cold War
  • Analyze the Mexican-American War
  • The Schlieffen Plan
  • Analyze the invasion of Poland by Germany

Ancient History Topics

Interested in ancient history? We are sure your professor will greatly appreciate a paper on one of these ancient history topics (all are free to use and excellent for 2022):

  • Discuss the kingdoms of Ancient Egypt
  • Compare Ancient Greece and Rome cultures
  • Technology in Ancient Egypt
  • The Spartan warrior’s caste
  • The Golden Age of Greek city states
  • Trading in the Mesoamerican space
  • Tartessos and the El Dorado legend

Controversial World History Topics

You are not prohibited from writing about controversial topics. On the contrary, you are advised to give it a try. Take a look at our controversial world history topics:

  • Discuss Pope Alexander VI
  • The Highland Clearances in the Scottish Highlands
  • Margaret Thatcher: The good, the bad, the ugly
  • Native American slaughters in America
  • The controversial Tenure of Office Act
  • The controversial Scopes Monkey Trial
  • The Tennessee Butler Act

Chinese History Topics

If you are passionate about the Chinese culture and want to learn more about their history, we advise you to pick one of these awesome Chinese history topics and start writing:

  • The end of the Chinese Empire
  • The role of women in 1500 China
  • Discuss ancient Chinese philosophers
  • China: Becoming a behemoth economy
  • The Warring States period and the Qin dynasty
  • Rome and China trade routes
  • Chinese governance in Tibet
  • Analyze The People’s Republic of China

Difficult World History Paper Topics

Do you want to challenge yourself? We are certain you will appreciate our difficult world history paper topics. Choose the best one and start working on your academic paper today:

  • The way the Salve Codes have influenced American society
  • The effects of the American Revolution on American society
  • The role of women in America prior to 1900
  • An in-depth look at women’s suffrage movement
  • What triggered the Russo-Japanese war?
  • The end of the Qing Dynasty
  • The great revolutions of Russia
  • Discuss the apparition of Korea
  • The role of Constantinople in the rise of the Byzantine Empire

United States History Topics

We have a list of the best United States history topics. All topics have been updated a few days ago, so you will surely be able to find an original one. Here is the list:

  • Truth and myths about the Puritans in the US
  • Discuss the Salem witch trials
  • The emergence of the first American colonies
  • Discuss the Boston Tea Party
  • Analyze the apparition of the Declaration of Independence
  • Discuss the Boston Massacre
  • George Washington’s contribution to the US
  • Analyze the trade of tobacco in early America

French Revolution Topics

There are plenty of things to say about the French revolution. Take a look at these French revolution topics and choose the one you like the most:

  • Discuss Seigneurialism
  • Analyze The Third Estate
  • Discuss the fall of Robespierre
  • Analyze the Thermidorian Reaction
  • The September Massacres
  • The Vendee uprising
  • The fall of the Bastille
  • The October march on Versailles

Easy World History Topics to Write About

We are certain you don’t want to spend too much time writing the paper, so we did our best to come up with some pretty easy world history topics to write about:

  • Discuss marriage in the Roman Empire
  • The colonization of the Americas (one of the most interesting world history research topics)
  • The link between the crusades and religion
  • The beginning of the Thirty Years War
  • First occurrence of apartheid in Africa
  • Renaissance Humanism in Europe
  • A short history of architecture in China

History Topics From Columbus to the 1800s

If you want to write about a specific period of history (or if your professor has asked you to do so), here are some interesting history topics from Columbus to the 1800s:

  • First contact with Native Americans
  • Hernando de Soto in America
  • Who is Pocahontas?
  • The first Anglo-Powhatan War
  • The French-Indian War
  • Native Americans in the Seven Years War
  • The Battle of Bloody Run (one of the most interesting topics in world history)
  • The Treaty of Holston

Medieval History Paper Topics

Are you tasked with writing a paper on medieval history? You will be thrilled to learn that our experts have put together a nice list of medieval history paper topics:

  • Discuss Anna Comnena
  • Discuss a medieval city in Europe
  • Define and describe Falconry
  • The crusades and the role of women
  • Analyze Medieval English clothing
  • The castles of India in medieval times (the best medieval history topics)
  • Apprenticeship in medieval Europe

19th Century World History Research Topics

There are plenty of things to talk about when it comes to 19th century world history. Take a look at our 19th century world history research topics and pick one today:

  • Discuss the Latin American independence
  • The Meiji Restoration in Japan
  • The Taiping Rebellion in China
  • The fall of the Ottoman Empire
  • Analyze Napoleon’s major campaigns
  • The great revolutions of 1848 (awesome topics for world history)
  • Discuss the abolitionist movement

Napoleon Research Paper Topics

Discussing the Napoleon period of French history can be captivating, if you find a great topic. Here are some pretty interesting Napoleon research paper topics as an example:

  • Napoleon’s stance on the Jews
  • Major Napoleon campaigns
  • Napoleon’s reforms
  • Analyze the French Revolution
  • Napoleon: the military genius
  • Napoleon’s leadership skills
  • The rise of Imperialism in Europe
  • The Russian campaign

If you need more ideas, don’t hesitate to contact us and ask “ write my thesis for me .” Our experts are ready to help you pick a decent topic, find relevant sources and even write your thesis.

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Handbook for Historians

  • Choosing a Paper Topic
  • Thesis Statement
  • What Sources Can I use?
  • Gathering sources
  • Find Primary Sources
  • Paraphrasing and Quoting Sources
  • How to create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Formatting Endnotes/Footnotes
  • Formatting Bibliographies
  • Avoiding Plagiarism

Sample History Papers

Sample title pages, outlines, & citations.

  • Research Paper Checklist

These are examples of well written, properly cited history papers.

  • Sample Paper with Outline
  • Judge and Langdon Book Review/Research Paper - Example 1
  • Judge and Langdon Book Review/Research Paper - Example 2
  • citation presentation
  • HST 302 Paper Example example of a paper for upper division History courses
  • HST 302 Title Page
  • Outline Example Example of an outline for a first year level history paper.
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  • Last Updated: Apr 15, 2024 10:08 AM
  • URL: https://resources.library.lemoyne.edu/guides/history/handbook

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Title: causalplayground: addressing data-generation requirements in cutting-edge causality research.

Abstract: Research on causal effects often relies on synthetic data due to the scarcity of real-world datasets with ground-truth effects. Since current data-generating tools do not always meet all requirements for state-of-the-art research, ad-hoc methods are often employed. This leads to heterogeneity among datasets and delays research progress. We address the shortcomings of current data-generating libraries by introducing CausalPlayground, a Python library that provides a standardized platform for generating, sampling, and sharing structural causal models (SCMs). CausalPlayground offers fine-grained control over SCMs, interventions, and the generation of datasets of SCMs for learning and quantitative research. Furthermore, by integrating with Gymnasium, the standard framework for reinforcement learning (RL) environments, we enable online interaction with the SCMs. Overall, by introducing CausalPlayground we aim to foster more efficient and comparable research in the field. All code and API documentation is available at this https URL .

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  1. World History Research Paper Topics

    World History Research Paper Topics. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the fascinating world of world history research paper topics, designed to assist history students in their academic pursuits. Delving into the annals of human civilization, this page offers a diverse array of research paper topics categorized into 10 distinct themes ...

  2. Journal of World History

    Devoted to historical analysis from a global point of view, the Journal of World History features a range of comparative and cross-cultural scholarship and encourages research on forces that work their influences across cultures and civilizations. Themes examined include large-scale population movements and economic fluctuations; cross-cultural transfers of technology; the spread of infectious ...

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    The World History Association (WHA) is an academic association that promotes the study of world history through the encouragement of research, teaching, and publication. It was founded in 1982.

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    100 Good Research Paper Topics for History Class: Jule Romans, Owlcation; Hot Topics in World History: World History Center, University of Pittsburgh; Writing a Good History Paper: Writing Resources, Hamilton College; Writing a Thesis and Making an Argument: History, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, The University of Iowa

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    assigned readings from the course syllabus) and research papers (typically requiring additional research in a library or archive on a topic of your own choosing). Different types of history papers naturally require different amounts of research, analysis, and interpretation. Despite this variety, historical arguments often assume a common form.

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    List of Resources on History Writing. Formulating a Research Question. Making the Most of Research Time. Formulating an Argument. General Writing Guidelines. Sources and Evidence. Citations and Notes. Writing a 4-7 page History Paper (David Herzberg, 1992, Wesleyan University) Harvard Writing Center Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide.

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    history. in undergraduate courses, you'll most likely notice a distinction between review essays (often based on your responses to assigned readings from the course syllabus) and research papers (typically requiring additional research in a library or archive on a topic of your own choosing). Different types of history papers naturally

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    The World History Association (WHA) is an academic association that promotes the study of world history through the encouragement of research, teaching, and publication. It was founded in 1982. Become a Member Menu ... including the Journal of World History, the World History Bulletin, and the WHA-affiliated publications World History Connected ...

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    The Historical Journal continues to publish papers on all aspects of British, European, and world history since the fifteenth century. The best contemporary scholarship is represented. Contributions come from all parts of the world. The journal aims to publish some thirty-five articles and communications each year and to review recent historical literature, mainly in the form of ...

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    The Making of the Modern World. The Making of the Modern World is extraordinary for research into the history of the dynamics of Western trade, including the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, encompassing the coal, iron, and steel industries; the railway industry; the cotton industry; banking and finance; and the emergence of the modern corporation.

  12. 300+ Research Paper Questions and Topics for History Class

    How to Write a Research Paper for History Class. One of the most common elements of a history-based course is the dreaded research paper. Generally despised by students due to the tremendous amount of work these assignments require, the research paper has become a staple of modern learning in both high school and college-based settings.

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    The Americas : Mochica to the Mayans. G. Cultural diffusion: migration, trade, and ideas. IV. Diverging World Regions (500 - 1500 CE) A. Europe : Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation. B. The Arab Empire and the expansion of Islamic Civilization. C. India between the Gupta and the Mongols.

  14. How to Write a History Research Paper

    The "second draft" is a fully re-thought and rewritten version of your paper. It is at the heart of the writing process. First, lay your first draft aside for a day or so to gain distance from it. After that break, read it over with a critical eye as you would somebody else's paper (well, almost!).

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    10 Good History Research Topics that are Easy to Adapt. Conditions for Slaves During the Building of the Great Pyramid. Three Events from the First Greek Olympiad. How, Where, and When Rome was Founded. The Battle of Marathon: How the Greeks Defeated Persia.

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    World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Two Strike (Numpkahapa/Nomkahpa, l. c. 1831-1915) was a Lakota Sioux chief of the Brule band, who fought against the US military ...

  17. 20th Century History Research Paper Topics

    War and Conflict: The 20th century was marked by significant wars and conflicts that shaped the course of history. Research paper topics within this category may include the First and Second World Wars, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Rwandan genocide, the Falklands War, the Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan, and ...

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    World History Research Paper Topics. If you need to write a research paper about world history, you will be thrilled to learn that we have more than enough world history research paper topics right here: Major events in medieval Europe; The age of discovery (the Middle Ages) Most important people of the 1600s; Analyze the Gallipoli campaign

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    Sample Title Pages, Outlines, & Citations. citation presentation. HST 302 Paper Example. example of a paper for upper division History courses. HST 302 Title Page. Outline Example. Example of an outline for a first year level history paper. Library Hours: 8am - 9pm.

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  21. CausalPlayground: Addressing Data-Generation Requirements in Cutting

    Research on causal effects often relies on synthetic data due to the scarcity of real-world datasets with ground-truth effects. Since current data-generating tools do not always meet all requirements for state-of-the-art research, ad-hoc methods are often employed. This leads to heterogeneity among datasets and delays research progress. We address the shortcomings of current data-generating ...

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