Essay on an accident I saw

Essay on an Accident I saw| Description of A Car Accident Essay

The experience you had in your life of watching an accident is a personal story that describes the incident chronologically and the lessons you take from it.

These are two examples: an essay on an accident I saw; sharing a personal story; and learning from a road accident you encountered in life.

Table of Contents

Pro tips: While you write an essay on any personal story, always present the fact that the story’s influence on your life.

Essay on an Accident I saw points:

  • Introduction
  • Eyewitness experience
  • My immediate reaction
  • Reflecting on the Consequences
  • The impact on me

Short Essay on an Accident I Saw

On a regular day, I was returning from school. It was a hot summer day, and the road was clean and traffic-free. Suddenly, listen to a loud sound: a bike hits an SUV car, and the biker falls onto the road.

Immediately, I ran to the biker. He was without a helmet and heavily injured in the head. Meanwhile, the driver of the car came out and started scolding the biker. I stopped the driver and said, This is the time to help, not fight. I requested that he call an ambulance a few minutes later to the hospital.

This accident experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. This experience taught me the importance of helmets and road safety.

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Long Essay on an Accident I Saw

The time was early morning on winter’s foggy day. The road was fully covered by fog, and there was not any traffic on the road.

I woke up early that day for my study. I was studying at my table when I suddenly heard the loud sound of someone shouting. I opened my window and saw that somebody had crashed his car into the wall beside the road.

Immediately I ran to that car, and two of my neighbours reached the car, and we together brought the driver outside of the car. He was bleeding from his head and had several other injuries to his body.

The driver had not worn a seatbelt, and that led to several injuries. I called an ambulance within 5 minutes, and it reached and took him to the hospital. In the evening, the police took his car out.

I remember this terrible experience from that accident. It happened so fast that I just can’t believe it in my eyes. This accident reminds me about road safety and the importance of consciousness when driving.

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The worst accident I have ever seen

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The worst accident I have ever seen essay

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Road Accident Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on road accident.

Essay on Road Accident: Road accidents have become very common nowadays. As more and people are buying automobiles, the incidences of road accidents are just increasing day by day. Furthermore, people have also become more careless now. Not many people follow the traffic rules. Especially in big cities, there are various modes of transports. Moreover, the roads are becoming narrower and the cities have become more populated.

Essay on Road Accident

Thus, road accidents are bound to happen. You pick up a newspaper and you will find at least one or two news about road accidents daily. They cause loss of life as well as material. People need to be more careful when on the road, no matter which mode of transport you are from. Even the ones on foot are not safe because of the rise in these incidences. Every day people witness accidents in the news, from relatives and even with their own eyes.

Road Accident Incident

Once I was on my way back home from festive shopping when I witnessed a road accident. I was with my sister and it was around 6 o’ clock in the evening. In the middle of the road, we saw a crowd surrounding something. We weren’t quite sure what was happening as the first thought that came to our mind was that it was probably a quarrel between two men. However, when we reached the spot, we found out an accident had taken place.

write a narrative essay on an accident you witnessed

Subsequently, the police arrived as the people had caught the driver and were beating him up. After the police came, they caught hold of the driver and asked about the incident. Later, we came to know that the driver was drunk. The police detained him and went to the hospital for a statement. Fortunately, the driver was declared out of danger. The doctors dressed his wounds and informed that he was still in shock.

That incident made me realize how precious our lives are. In addition, as to how we take it for granted. We must all be very careful when on road, on foot or by a car that does not matter. We can adopt measures that will prevent road accidents.

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Road Accident Prevention

We need to prevent road accidents to decrease the death rate. Every year thousands of people lose their lives to road accidents. Children must be taught from an early age about traffic rules. They must be taught the value of life and how they can safeguard it.

Moreover, the government must pass more stringent laws for people who disobey traffic rules. They must fine people heavily or take strict action when found guilty of breaking these laws irrespective of gender.

Similarly, parents must set an example for the younger ones by not using phones while driving. Also, they must always wear their helmets and seatbelts to avoid the chances of an accident.

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Narrative Essay - An Accident

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A Green Light Signal’s - Everyone Must Leave...

I still possess a picture of my grandma on the beach at Phuket, Thailand, dressed in her grey kuftan and white dupatta and the wind blowing against her and she, opening out her hands as if waiting to embrace it. Every time I take a look at this picture it reminds me of the horrific incident that followed it. Thinking of that incident I feel my pulse race up and a rage of fury in my heart but before any more of these emotions, water starts to runs down my cheek.

 After leaving from Phuket my grandma took my sister and me to her brother’s house in Kolkata. My parents on the other hand went back to Mumbai. We spent two wonderful weeks with my grandma’s brother (who is just a year older to my dad) and his two sons (both of them were around my age), Varun and Vaibhav.

My sister and me had to depart as our vacation had finally come to an end and our new school year was about to start. My grandma, who only met her brother once a year, wanted to spend more time with them so my sister and I were to travel back alone.

I have a distinct image of the accident. My sister and I were on the way to the airport to catch our flight. My grandma, her brother and her aunt were coming along see us off. We were all seated in a navy blue Maruti 800. My uncle driving and my grandma on the front seat with my sister. My grandma’s aunt seated beside me alongside the luggage at the rear of the car. In comparison to the size of the car, it cannot hold 5 people and luggage. The car was purring along at a slow but steady speed. We were fortunate not to encounter any signals as we were in a hurry. The tables seemed to have turned and we stopped at a four way junction. We were waiting at a signal besides a carrier truck approximately 5 times the size of a delusion of a car. No other vehicle or person was present at 5 o’ clock in the morning. Then time seized to stop. I seemed like eternity. The signal turned green signalling the cars to go. To me suggesting that “all people must leave”. This incident reminded me of this very thought. We moved ahead. Everything appeared moved at the speed of the snail. Adrenaline released from my adrenal glands, making my sensory organs alert as though a fire alarm had gone off. At that very moment the truck took a sharp turn. Then as though someone had pressed the fast-forward button on a DVD player, from the right window I saw, the truck, coming onto us, with tremendous velocity, like a large wave approaching and engulfing a helpless child. I could only momentarily hear the shatter of windows pains and a shrieking cry of a child and before comprehending what had taken place, before I could recount what happened one of the luggage pieces knocked me out unconscious.

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I was woken by the sounds of loud calls and shrieking cries. Initially my vision was hazy and found myself looking out of a smashed car through a broken door - there was a huge gathering of people and a girl in the middle, in a pool of blood, whaling her lungs out., a person, eyes shut, precautiously but hurriedly being put into an ambulance and a her clothes stained. My head bulged at the sight and my I felt my heartbeat throbbing against my chest. I faintly remember a man approaching me but nothing beyond that.

This is a preview of the whole essay

The next thing that comes to my mind is waking up in a hospital bed besides my sister. To my horror, her head wrapped in bandages and she, fast asleep or, that is what I thought. My mother walked in, I still remember the worried look on her face but then suddenly she burst into tears and rushed out to embrace me. I wasn’t aware of the reason for such sudden emotions my mother was experiencing but welcomed the warm motherly hug and felt something was wrong.

 I later found out that the windows had shattered and had gone into my sister forehead, missing her eyes my a few millimetres (0.7mm, I measured it). Whereas for my grandma her thigh bone had to be removed as it had been crushed into fine pieces and had to get a metal one surgically inserted and my uncle had fractured his hand. As for me, I had no mark on my body to truly show that this accident had happened.

I spent another two weeks in Kolkata until the bandages were removed, from both my grandma and sister.

This incident left my grandma crippled for the rest of her life. Though she leads as normal a life as possible, in her eyes you can see the pain she suffers with every step she takes. My sister was left with a 5 cm scar on the right side of her face, an ugly site on otherwise a very beautiful face. I am glad that I survived unhurt and further more that I didn’t loose any of my dear ones. As for the truck driver, he was never to be seen again. This incident almost envisaged my thoughts I experience every time I wait for a signal - a green light signal’s that everyone leaves.

Every time I am at the beach, I hear the waves crashing against the shore, I look back to see my grandma sitting on the beach chair unable to enjoy the activities she would have enjoyed doing, my eyes fill up with tears and my heart with anger. It feels as if she has lost half her soul in the accident and the other is crippled. If I were to find the person who did this I would never leave him. Whenever I think of him my heart beats against my chest as though a caged animal waiting to be released. This incident has had a drastic impact on my life and even more on others but has taught me a valuable lesson – “life’s too short, enjoy it to the fullest”.

Narrative Writing

Word Count – 1,064 words

Jash Choraria

Kuftan  – a long robe or dress

Dupatta  – a piece of cloth, resembling a muffler worn around your neck with Indian clothes        

Narrative Essay - An Accident

Document Details

  • Word Count 1099
  • Page Count 3
  • Subject English

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One day I was returning from the school. I was walking on the pavement along with some of my friends. We were discussing our examination paper. Suddenly, we heard a loud bang behind us. We turned back and found that two buses, coming from the opposite direction, had collided with one another. The front portion of one of the buses was completely damaged. Its driver died on the spot. The driver of the other bus was seriously injured. Many passengers were seriously injured. A large crowd gathered. Some people with cars rushed the injured to the hospital. I called the police and ambulance. A child of about 10 years also died on the spot. His mother was inconsolable. Another old person was bleeding profusely. Soon the ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital. It was really a very miserable sight. Among the crowd some miscreants were also there. I saw those snatching chains from the injured ladies’ neck. I could catch one of such miscreant and handed him to the police. Throughout the day, I could not eat or drink anything. The thought of the accident sends shiver into my spine even to this day.

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An Accident I Saw Essay | Essay on An Accident I Saw for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

An Accident I Saw Essay: It was a cold and foggy day. There wasn’t much traffic on the road. I was standing on the balcony of my house when, suddenly, I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car had lost control at a turning and had crashed into an electricity pole.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Short Essay on An Accident I Saw 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on An Accident I Saw for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

I rushed to help. Many other people also came running. The driver was badly injured and we helped him to come out of the car. He had received a big cut on his forehead and was bleeding profusely. Soon, he was taken to a hospital in another car.

An Accident I Saw Essay

The driver was alone in his car, which had been smashed quite badly. A pool of blood had collected on the road. After some time, a team of traffic police came and cleared away the crowd. Then they began their investigation.

It was a horrible experience. It happened so fast that I just couldn’t believe my eyes. I still shudder at the memory of that accident.

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Ielts cue card sample 6 - an accident you saw, describe an accident you saw..

  • where the accident occurred
  • where you were then
  • when it was
  • What should be done to reduce road accidents?
  • Who should be responsible for the accidents?
  • What damages do you think occurs when an accident takes place?

Describe an accident you saw (funny).

Describe an accident you saw (serious)., part 3: details discussion:.

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write a narrative essay on an accident you witnessed

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Paragraph on an accident I witnessed

NB: This ‘ Paragraph on an accident I witnessed ‘ is written focusing the following questions. You have two paragraph options to choose from.

1) Where did the accident take place?

2) When did the accident occur?

3) How did the accident take place?

4) Who was the victim?

5) What is your feeling?

Road accidents are a common occurrence in Bangladesh. Every day we find the news of road accident in the news papers or television. The news may be limited to the letters or screen. But I recently had witnessed a terrible road accident which I will never forget. It was 23, November of 2019. The accident took place in the morning at Fotehpur rail crossing area at Feni sadar upazila. A beggar was crossing the road in a hesitant pace. Perhaps he came here from a nearby village. I saw the man was walking clumsily. Suddenly there appeared a covered van with high speed from Feni. The driver could not keep control of the car and ran over the man resulting in a life-threatening injury of the beggar. I could not imagine what a sudden accident it was! The covered van fled immediately leaving flesh and blood in the street. I rushed to the spot. Locals also rushed toward the spot and took him to Feni Sadar Hospital where on-duty physicians pronounced him dead . The beggar was an approximated 65-year old. I will never forget the scene of this road accident.

Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens suddenly resulting in damage or injury. It is unexpected or unplanned occurrence. Nowadays road accidents have become a daily occurrence. Last week I witnessed a terrible road accident at Farmgate in Dhaka. I was going to Farmgate from Shahbag by rickshaw. In the meantime, I saw a motorcycle going to our left with three passengers including a woman and a child. Suddenly a bus with high speed pushed the motorcycle from behind. Motorcycle passengers fell on the road. And immediately the driver of the motorcycle was crushed by the bus and died on the spot. The other two fell on the side of the road and rescued luckily from major injury. I quickly rushed to the scene of the accident and found the motorcycle driver was died there. He was a man of about 35. There were blood and blood on the road. We caught the bus driver and helper and informed the police. The woman and the child of the motor bike were wounded lightly. They were sent to the hospital. I was greatly shocked at this accident. The accident occurred only for the carelessness of the bus driver. I have never seen such an accident before my eyes.

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write a narrative essay on an accident you witnessed

Band 9 IELTS Preparation

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Cue Card # 43: An accident you saw or witnessed

Ielts cue card/ candidate task card # 43, describe an accident you saw or witnessed..

You should say:

  • where the accident occurred
  • where you were then
  • who were affected by the accident

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

An accident is, well, is just an “accident’, and it can happen anytime and anywhere no matter how hard we try to avoid them. Of course, that’s easy to say but, watching an accident from close proximity or becoming a “helpless and unwilling” witness to it is totally different. But, that’s exactly what happened to me when I had to witness such a horrific and sad incident in my home city.

It was one rainy morning about 5 years ago when I was driving back to my own place after dropping my friend at a local airport. By the way, it was a two-lane highway with slow access roads connecting the highway from both sides of the highway. The road was busy as usual with a lot of traffics, but most of the vehicles were running slowly due to the unexpected heavy rain.

So, everything was going fine on the road until, suddenly, a fast-approaching 8-wheeled large truck tried to access the highway from my left side. I got a little scared just for a moment, but, I thought that the driver would come back to his sense and slow down his vehicle in order to avoid a terrible accident.

But, I am afraid that it was only wishful thinking as, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened as I feared. The driver had to finally press his break really hard because that’s all he could do at that crunch moment (either because he was a new driver or just underestimated the risk or the speed) forcing his vehicle to “skid” from the access road and then eventually hitting few cars on the highway real badly, not only wrecking the cars but also injuring a couple of people seriously in the process.

I never really saw such an accident from such a close distance until that incident, and I felt really sad and scared after that for a while. I felt like it was bad enough to witness or learn about an accident when you were far away from it, but it was even worse when you knew that accident was about to take place, and yet, you just couldn’t do anything to stop it ahead of the time.

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Accident Narrative Report

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write a narrative essay on an accident you witnessed

It is without a doubt that accidents do happen anytime and anywhere. Some people report them, others do not. But how do you write or how do you report an accident ? Do you write a short story about what happened? Does it have to be in full detail or a general description as to what had happened then? Check these examples out. 3+ Accident Narrative Reports in PDF. 

3+ Accident Narrative Report Examples

1. accident narrative report template.

Accident Narrative Report Template

Size: 14 KB

2. Boating Accident Report Narratives

Boating Accident Report Narratives

Size: 430 KB

3. Vehicle Accident Narrative Report

Vehicle Accident Narrative Report

Size: 174 KB

4. Equipment Accident Narrative Report

Equipment Accident Narrative Report

Size: 34 KB

Definition of Accident

An accident is often associated with something bad. Something unintended that happened and often causes damages or injuries to people affected. An event where someone got hurt without the intention of hurting themselves. Something that happens without any intention, often happening unexpectedly. When an accident happens, it is almost always reported .

Definition of Narrative

A narrative is a written or a spoken account of the events that took place. A story to be told. A process of telling someone through carefully thought out ideas. To explain how something had happened, like an accident, a wedding, a funeral. Any event that could be explained or spoken to describe to the person listening as to what had happened.

Definition of Report

A report is something that could be given through speaking or a written account. The act of reporting something that was done. Through observation, investigation, hearsay, or observation. An outline of a particular matter, in the form of a document. Usually given after a thorough examination and consideration about the events that took place. As well as answering WH questions. Any given information about an event that may or may not have happened.

Definition of Accident Narrative Report

An accident narrative report sometimes called an incident report . This is a written and verbal document explaining what had happened. Depending on where the event happened. Any accidents that happen are reported as soon as possible. These types of reports range from a page long to a short paragraph containing the details of what happened.

Importance of Accident Reports

Why is it so important to report any accidents? The reason why it is important to report accidents is to provide a very good reminder of the possible risks. When you report these types of accidents, you are monitoring the problems before they reoccur. In addition to that, the documentation of these reports would be useful as solid evidence. If you want to complain you can use these reports as proof.

Tips for Filling Out an Accident Narrative Report

There are a lot of ways to fill out an accident narrative report. You could do it by writing an essay, bullet form or even make a checklist of it. Check out these tips on how to fill one out to help you.

  • Get your facts correctly- Try and remember everything you have seen in the incident. Write only the facts and keep them as clear and concise as possible.
  • Write them down – Write everything you know and remember. Getting the facts straight helps with filling out the report.
  • Describe in full details- Describe in detail what happened. This would be easier for the authorities to track down and check. This will also be easier for you to use as a document if you wish to use it in court.
  • Avoid changing your statement- If you are not clearly sure about it, make a draft first. Try to remember as much detail as you can. Once you have made the draft and you are sure about it, fill it out in the form as a finished product.
  • Avoid inappropriate words – Avoid adding cuss words when you fill out the report. This is a legal document and should be treated as such.
  • Check everything-  Check to see if you have written all the necessary details before passing your report.

What is an accidental report?

An accidental report better known as an incident report is a type of document that you write to explain about an accident happening. Either by writing it or by explaining what happened.

What other things should I add when I want to file a report?

Your account of the story. By telling the right people of your side of the story, you are already making a report for the accident that took place. Regardless of whose fault it is, you share your take on what had happened and make a report about it.

What format is usually used when writing an accident narrative report?

This often differs with the person writing the report. Other people would fill out a report sheet. You can also use bullet form to write or in paragraph form. It all depends on you, the main point is only about your report. How you write it is entirely up to you.

Accident reports are as important as any other document. Reporting them to the right people also helps nip the problem in the bud.


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Essay on An Accident I Witnessed [For College and School Students]

Essay on An Accident I Witnessed is often asked at various levels of competitive exam through out the globe. The following essay on " An Accident I Witnessed " is a sample essay for school a college students. We will be uploading different versions of the essay over time.

[# Sample 1]: Essay on An Accident I Witnessed (409 words)

An accident is damage or loss of life during a trip or travel that happens by chance. We hear or read the news about accidents through different media every day. Sometimes, we have to see or do something that we never like in our lives.

My house lies on the Pokhara-Baglung Highway, named the Bhupi Sherchan Highway. It was a fine, cold winter afternoon. I was sitting on the balcony of my house, sunbathing, looking at the highway. To sit in the sun on winter days is a different way of life. I was rather sleepy, too. As I was thinking of having a nap or short sleep, I saw a motorbike traveling at a very high speed that was heading to Baglung. My house is on a long turn in the road. Due to the high speed of motorcyclists, I thought that an accident might happen. Therefore, I looked in the other direction. My heart started to pound when I saw two minibuses coming towards Pokhara, competing with each other.

Few seconds later, the behind minibus hit the motorcycle. The bike and bicyclist flew into the sky and fell a few feet below the road. The bus also overturned.

My sleep was gone. I rushed down the stairs to the accident spot. I informed the police through my mobile phone. First, I went to the biologist, thinking I could do something, but all in vain. He had already left the world. What a terrible spot for death! Then I rushed back to the bus and hit the windows with rocks. I saw a young man trying to get out of the window. I pulled him out with much difficulty. When I watched him, fortunately, he was all right. After that, as we two were trying to reuse others, we saw a police van.

After the arrival of the police, we took every passenger off the bus. Nobody was seriously injured except an old man. He had an injury to his head. He was taken to the hospital immediately in a taxi. Then I showed the dead motorcyclist to the police. They observed the spot. When the police looked at his driving license, he was identified as a resident of Syanga, and his name was Raju BC. Later, he was taken to the hospital for a postmortem. In the end, I told the police everything, including the cause of the accident. They thanked me for what I had done.

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write a narrative essay on an accident you witnessed


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    The Car Accident. It was one of the most terrifying days of my life, the day of my car accident. Disappointment, disbelief, and fear filled my mind as I was lying on my side. I was sandwiched between the cold dirt and the hot metal of the car. The weight of the car was pressed down on the lower half of my body with monster force.

  5. Essay on an Accident I saw| Description of A Car Accident Essay

    The experience you had in your life of watching an accident is a personal story that describes the incident chronologically and the lessons you take from it. These are two examples: an essay on an accident I saw; sharing a personal story; and learning from a road accident you encountered in life.

  6. The worst accident I have ever seen Free Essay Example

    Views. 41067. On 12 July 2009 I witnessed a horrific car accident that I bet was the worst that ever occurred in Nelspruit. The day started normally. I was going to school, and ordinary men and women were commuting to their work place. The sun was at its brightest and everyone in the car was cheery. Traffic was not too bad either; it was in the ...

  7. An Accident I Witnessed

    An Accident I Witnessed - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1) The narrator witnessed a terrible car accident on their way to school one morning. A car full of school children made a left turn without signaling and crashed into an oncoming school bus. Several other cars then crashed into the bus.

  8. Narrative Essay About Car Accident

    Narrative Essay On A Car Accident. Have you ever been in a car accident? Let me tell you, every accident is different. No-body knows how an accident will happen or the outcome of an accident. All accidents are defined by the severity. All accidents impact a person. Nobody understands an impact of an accident on a person until it happens to them ...

  9. Road Accident Essay for Students and Children

    Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. We need to prevent road accidents to decrease the death rate. Every year thousands of people lose their lives to road accidents. Children must be taught from an early age about traffic rules. They must be taught the value of life and how they can safeguard it.

  10. Narrative Essay

    I have a distinct image of the accident. My sister and I were on the way to the airport to catch our flight. My grandma, her brother and her aunt were coming along see us off. We were all seated in a navy blue Maruti 800. My uncle driving and my grandma on the front seat with my sister. My grandma's aunt seated beside me alongside the luggage ...

  11. An Accident I Witnessed

    An Accident I Witnessed | Paragraph Writing | Ek Education |Hello Students! Join us on our channel. This channel offers Essay Writing, Story Writing, Articl...

  12. Essay writing on AN ACCIDENT I WITNESSED

    Essay writing on AN ACCIDENT I WITNESSED. AN ACCIDENT I WITNESSED. One day I was returning from the school. I was walking on the pavement along with some of my friends. We were discussing our examination paper. Suddenly, we heard a loud bang behind us. We turned back and found that two buses, coming from the opposite direction, had collided ...

  13. Narrative Essay 'Memorable Incident'

    A narrative essay about the memorable incident should be like a demo-version film for the readers. Let it be played on the inner side of their eyelids, creating a "diving-in" experience, like they see their own memories. Evidently, the essay example you have just read is quite realistic and engaging.

  14. An Accident I Saw Essay

    An Accident I Saw Essay: It was a cold and foggy day. There wasn't much traffic on the road. I was standing on the balcony of my house when, suddenly, I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car had lost control at a turning and had crashed into an electricity pole. ... You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports ...

  15. IELTS Cue Card Sample 6

    Even if you have not seen any major accident, you should talk about one. Pick some of the points from the below list to describe an accident: 1. It was a car accident/ bus accident/ train accident. 2. You were just passing by/ were in another transport while the accident occurred. 3.

  16. Paragraph on an accident I witnessed

    Answer 02: Paragraph on an accident I witnessed. Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens suddenly resulting in damage or injury. It is unexpected or unplanned occurrence. Nowadays road accidents have become a daily occurrence. Last week I witnessed a terrible road accident at Farmgate in Dhaka.

  17. 43: An accident you saw or witnessed

    Describe an accident you saw or witnessed. You should say: and explain how you felt about it. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.] An accident is, well, is just an "accident', and it can happen anytime ...

  18. Accident Narrative Report

    There are a lot of ways to fill out an accident narrative report. You could do it by writing an essay, bullet form or even make a checklist of it. Check out these tips on how to fill one out to help you. Get your facts correctly- Try and remember everything you have seen in the incident. Write only the facts and keep them as clear and concise ...

  19. Essay on An Accident I Witnessed [For College and School ...

    The following essay on "An Accident I Witnessed" is a sample essay for school a college students. We will be uploading different versions of the essay over time. [# Sample 1]: Essay on An Accident I Witnessed (409 words) An accident is damage or loss of life during a trip or travel that happens by chance.

  20. Write an Essay About an Accident Your Witnessed

    Friendly letter to your friend describing a street accident you witnessed. My dear Name, I often read in the newspapers of street accidents. So far I had not been an eye-witness to any such accident. But yesterday I chanced to see such an accident with my eyes. I took place very near our house.

  21. Narrative Essay On A Car Accident

    Narrative Essay On A Car Accident. 1293 Words3 Pages. Last year I got involved in a massive car accident. It was the most terrified part of life. It was the moment. I will never forget in my whole life. Before, I never realized how people really feel when a car accident happens.But,after this car accident I know what really it felt like.

  22. Paragraph on "An Accident Or, A Street Accident I Witnessed"

    Answer: A street accident is an unpleasant and unexpected event causally caused by different vehicles while moving on the streets. Nowadays it has become a common incident in Bangladesh. Every day we find the news of street accidents in the dailies. Some days ago, a tragic accident took place just before my eyes at Debidwar.

  23. Free Essay: Narrate an incident in your life that taught you a very

    Narrate an incident in your life that taught you a very important lesson. My friend David owned a motorcycle. It is not a big one, but it could reach a really dangerous speed. Just to remind those who like speeding, it is hazardous for you and other road users if you are speeding on the road. I learn this in a really painful lesson one night ...