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10 Tips on Personal Statements (for Architect Students)

Gone are the days when prospective students applying to architecture schools get away with merely submitting an application form and a high school transcript.

Whether you are applying for entry into a pre-professional Bachelor of Science or Art (B.Sc. or B.A.) majoring in architecture, or the professional Bachelor of Architecture or Master of Architecture, chances are submitting a personal statement is necessary alongside your design portfolio.

But you could be apprehensive about the task of writing a personal statement as the requirement does not come with clear guidelines, unfortunately.

It is usually just one piece of A4-size word document, but a mighty powerful one at that – second only to your design portfolio – as it represents your voice in the eyes of the admissions evaluator.

It is essential to impress the school and show off your skills and suitability all in one place.

Here are some useful tips to get you started:

how to write a personal statement for architecture

1. Give Yourself Enough Time

Probably one of the most valuable tips that you can get when it comes to personal statements is to start early.

Give yourself enough time to write your statement.

Research examples of architecture personal statements. Use one which you think is suitable as a reference but never copy.

Ask your current teachers or people in your life for feedback. If you are the only person reviewing your statement, you risk not knowing what it is missing.

2. Understand What the Statement is Asking For

There is no shame in asking for someone to read the question for you, which could help you understand it better. It could be as simple as “Tell us why you want to study architecture,” or “What would you gain from your experience at our school?”

Either way, a personal statement from a prospective architecture student is to convince the admissions evaluator that you deserve a place in their program.

Competition for entry is fierce, and you want to stand out by being yourself – no two persons are alike. So again, don’t merely copy one you found online for free; tweak and add your voice to it.

3. Introduce Yourself

No. Don’t start by saying, “I am (name), and I come from (birthplace). These are standard information already stated in your application form.

Give the school an insight into your personality and how you would add value to their community of young, budding architects.

Are you ambitious? Have any hobbies? Artistic? Work well in a team?

It does not matter what it is, as long as it helps you stand out from others. Writing a personal statement is not the time to be shy about the qualities you bring to the table – write to impress!

4. Craft Skills You Learned

You can write about the extra classes you took outside your school syllabus and how they relate to architecture.

Perhaps you’d enrolled in an oil painting or a woodworking class. Great, add it in!

But don’t just state those skills you picked up matter-of-factly. Go into the details of the intricate crafts you learned in making a piece of art or a unique solution you achieve by applying a tweak to a standard method.

Better still, point the evaluator to the piece you have included in your portfolio. Such cross-referencing can help reinforce the engagement between the evaluator and your application.

5. A Memorable Vacation

You have been to places and experienced different cultures.

Pick one that is rich architecturally, and elaborate on how your experience of walking through an ancient city or a modern architectural wonder made you want to be an architect.

6. Any Work Experience You’ve Got Under Your Belt

If you’ve got quite a bit of work experience, it is crucial to only talk about the relevant experiences that will help set you apart from the other applicants.

Write about something that shows no added value, and the evaluator would lose interest quickly. An architectural technician work experience role would be perfect for showing the school you know exactly what you are doing.

7. Talk about the future

Who exactly do you want to be when you leave architecture school?

Touch on why you want to study at a particular school and how the degree will help you with your future career. Let them know that you’ve got a whole plan set out, and you are determined to achieve it.

8. Don’t sound too academic

Remember, while you want your writing to sound professional, you don’t want it to sound like you have swallowed a thesaurus.

Too many students make this mistake while writing their personal statement, and it is very obvious to the person reading.

Authenticity over everything!

9. Check for Grammatical Errors

This tip is oft-repeated for any writing exercise, but it does not hurt to remind yourself how important this is.

Especially if you are an international student and English is not your first language, have a second pair of eyes proofread your statement.

A grammatical error-filled personal statement can be a real turn-off for the admissions evaluator.

10. Be Yourself

It may sound cliché but writing an excellent personal statement for an architecture school application is really about you.

In your absence, the personal statement represents you, and you want to make sure that it is precisely that.

There is no right or wrong in a personal statement; it is about the things that are uniquely you.

After writing the personal statement, you can start to apply to your school of choice using the complete set of architecture school application documents .

Architecture Prep logo. Architecture Prep is an admissions consultancy for applicants to architecture schools. We have tutored clients to top architecture schools such as the following. Cornell, the Bartlett UCL, the AA, USC, Pratt, Carnegie Mellon, the Cooper Union, and more. For BArch, B.Arch, MArch, M.Arch, BSc, BA programs. Our admissions consultants help with architecture school portfolios, personal statements, application essays, and more

Architecture Applicant?

personal statement tips for architecture

Writing your best architecture school personal statement.

How to write about a subject not taught in school. This post is geared towards undergraduate applications.

personal statement tips for architecture

As part of your architecture school application to undergraduate programs, you will be required to make a written personal statement pertaining to your interests, achievements and goals. There is a substantial weighting on the personal statement, though it is not as important (for lots of schools) as the portfolio . In the US , these are known as supplemental essays on the Common Application (not the main essay on the CA, which is more general). 

This is the chance for you to tell the school exactly what it is about you that makes you a candidate in a sea of applicants. This will require a lot of introspection. Generally, the personal statement is a give and take. The ‘take’ is to describe how suited you are for the school, and the ‘give’ is to describe how you may be able to contribute to it. They need to be excited to have you. The US likes to hear more about your extracurriculars than the UK does, and these generally can fit into the first section of the essay structure (see below).

This is one of the few opportunities in your career that you will be able to take the time to delineate your values. It’s best to see the personal statement as a tool for you to understand yourself better, and being able to submit it to a school is simply a bonus. If you are in a position where you’re just filling out a personal statement for the sake of applying to a school, then stop. Take a step back and consider yourself. Explore your values through your writing. The application can come later, and it will be significantly higher in quality once you’ve consolidated yourself.

There is a general structure that you can follow to help you dig up all your values and interests. A starting point.

1. Who are you and what are your interests?

This is the hard bit. You have to remember that the person reading your architecture school personal statement knows nothing about you. Before you go into detail about the history of sustainable design in architecture (if that’s your thing) we need to go into the history of the author.

Most of the time these people reviewing your personal statement just want to know what kind of person you are, what makes you tick, whether or not you’re going to be a fit for their teaching style, whether you’re willing to learn, whether you’ll fit in, etc.

The great thing about this is that if you write honestly and your application is unsuccessful it at least means that you will truly know that the school was never going to be a good fit for you anyway. This first part of the personal statement requires you to open up about you, and does not necessarily need to solely be about architecture.

Who are you as a person? What do you enjoy doing? Where do your values lie? What makes you tick? What’s your history? Do your best not to force this answer out, otherwise it may seem contrived.

It’s highly unlikely that your interests from birth, and reason for your entire existence, is tethered to a deep passion for green roofs. (Also, avoid the word ‘passion’ and other cliché terms – they’ve heard them all before and they only sound insincere).

It’s more likely, however, that you love making fabrics, or painting, or cycling. This is what we need to do here: we need to get to these base interests and build on them in the next section.

This is where you define the trajectory of the essay in general, and become known as ‘the one who was really into fabrics’ etc. Something memorable, specific to you. This is how you will be remembered during admissions decisions.

2. How may architecture help you achieve those purposeful interests?

This paragraph goes a step further. How are these values which comprise your identity relevant to the field of architecture? It will be beneficial to your application if you can make your own definition of architecture personal and intrinsically related to you.

If you’re interested in fabrics, then it’s time to talk about how those garments you made relate to all sorts of different ceremonies or traditions and how spatial and cultural those are. Things which crop up in architecture. It’s time to describe how architecture is in fact all about how materials are stitched together, maybe! 

personal statement tips for architecture

3. Why architecture school , and perhaps why this specific school?

But why is any of this important? Why should a school care what your values are? Well, for starters, you’re the one who is going to be representing them in their summer show three or four years from now. They need to know that your values which we have just defined are specific to their facilities, their faculty, their program, their output of student work that you saw at their summer show last year. (Note, go to as many summer shows as possible). Cite their specific resources that appeal to you, and let them know your desires to contribute. It’s a give and take.

We’re happy to help you through this process. Personal statements can be daunting, but when done well they will make your entire application fall into place. Application essays can drive your portfolio work/organization, and give you a strong personal theme that will both help you with your outlooks and in the interview itself. These opportunities to introspectively reflect don’t come often enough, yet are extremely rewarding.

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Sample Architecture Personal Statement (admitted to Cambridge, Cornell, Yale)

personal statement tips for architecture

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in architecture. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Cambridge, Cornell, and Yale. Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in architecture should look like.

Here is the personal statement of the Architecure Student.

I am not particularly fond of tea. However, while working in the Northern regions of XYZ, I realized that sharing a cup of tea was considered a symbol of gratitude by its hospitable populace. This simple gesture transcended the commonplace and made our work for the community all the more personal.

For several weeks I shared many cups of the sugary beverage while volunteering with the Heritage Foundation constructing homes for the people of the XYZ. Their entire dwellings had been destroyed by the floods, and it came to us, a group of young architecture students, to revive this once-thriving community.

The process from etching the lines of chalk for the Women’s Community Centre to seeing it constructed into a beautiful bamboo building to be used for gainful employment is one that affected me deeply. The structures we built stand supported throughout the seasons, representing the enduring strength of the people of the XYZ. By helping to re-establish an entire community affected by an unprecedented natural calamity, I became aware of the power of architectural design to incite social change. Also, the focus on sustainable structures made me realize how designers need to focus on the available resources and capacities of the community they are involved in.

This experience was pivotal in realizing the path I wanted to take as an architect. My fascination with creating and manipulating space, seen from an early age by my experimentation with a Wendy Tent, went to the root of my desire to become an architect. Furthermore, the stories I had heard growing up about my ancestral home in XYZ, a city known for its scorching heat; as well as my childhood divided between XYZ, a country oblivious to any form of energy deficiency, and XYZ, a country struggling with shortages in resources have all served to underscore how design needs to adapt and address the social issues of its environment. This instilled within me a desire to work towards making my homeland self-sustaining.

To channel my proclivity, I applied to the country’s top architecture school, and my joy, I was accepted. During my five years at the XYZ, I studied the fundamental nature of the architectural design. I found its intricacies to be a maze that beckoned alluringly to me. Elected as the Vice President of the Architecture Students’ Association, I was in a position to influence how students would perceive architecture. I led the team representing XYZ and XYZ at the National Architectural Student Convention held in XYZ.

My team was honored with the prestigious Citation Prize for the Rubens Trophy. This victory awarded our design from amongst those submitted from more than a hundred universities. It proved to be a tremendous boost to my belief in achieving the career goals that I had set for myself. It also allowed me to develop a global understanding of architectural design. The following year, I volunteered to go to XYZ, an experience that left an indelible mark on my mind.

I returned with vigor to realize architecture’s power in shaping my community and channeled my motivation into my thesis project. I managed to study the overwhelmingly bustling historic urban center of XYZ and analyzed its context, which resulted in providing macro-level sustainable design solutions. A culmination of my efforts and passion, this project was awarded an ‘honors’ in my thesis.

I followed through with my academic goals by seeking employment at a firm that avidly incorporates sustainability in its design practices. After working at SR Design Works, I was reassured of the practical applications of the theoretical knowledge I attained as part of my undergraduate degree. Furthermore, with a conscious desire to be part of responsible design practices, I became associated with upcoming advocates of green building design. However, at the same time, I also grew aware that to achieve my aims, I would need further education.

While working on individual projects which incorporated the principles of sustainable design, I was exposed to the prospective benefits as well as the limitations of those principles. In light of this nexus, it was apparent that I needed further education to explore all its potential advantages.

Another hurdle I had to overcome in a predominantly patriarchal society like XYZ was to hold my own and work on an equal footing with various people, from clients to retailers; colleagues to contractors. This aspect of my character can be attributed to my mother, who raised my brother and me while working full-time as a real estate agent. She taught me to be independent and not to treat my gender as a disability. I have taken her wisdom to heart and have dared to dream of rising to the zenith in my field.

I realize that many architectural designs in XYZ fail to communicate with their environmental and social context, thus creating more hindrances for its inhabitants rather than presenting solutions. My experience in architecture has made me realize the necessity of greater responsibility and sensibility in building structures in XYZ. I greatly believe in XYZ potential and aim for this country to be a forefront practitioner of sustainable architecture.

I aim to practice sustainable architectural design in its true essence and promote green practices that can help build communities, hopefully sharing many more cups of tea in the process.


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Top Tips for a Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

Introduction: dos and don’ts.

Cambridge Personal Statements for Architecture is a crucial component of your university application as it presents a unique opportunity for you to differentiate yourself from other applicants. You would be able to articulate your story and explain your interests beyond that of numbers on an admissions test. Furthermore, it gives the interviewer a chance to understand who you are, providing a platform to bounce off questions during your interview. 

They can tailor questions to your personality, interests, and commitment to who you are as a person and your amalgamation of experiences before you. To guide you through the arduous university application process, our Oxbridge application experts have compiled a list of top 10 Architecture Personal Statement Cambridge tips– do’s and don’ts– for your Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement for the 2024/25 application cycle.

architecture personal statement Cambridge

General Advice for Architecture Personal Statement

Architecture at Cambridge not only teaches you about the construction and design of structures and buildings but it is also balanced with teachings in the philosophy as well as the history of architecture. You can also expect to be exposed to more modern topics such as urbanism and contemporary culture, being enriched in knowledge in both design and theory. 

As such, your Cambridge personal statement should illustrate how you demonstrate certain key qualities, such as that curiosity, creativity, and intellectual grounding. Moreover, when planning out your Architecture personal statement, make sure you research Cambridge’s achievements in architecture and include it in your writing to illustrate your interest in architecture. 

Furthermore, when you are completing your university applications, you would likely also be applying to four other universities or courses. Hence, it is understandable if your Architecture personal statement is vague and non-specific to Cambridge. The University of Cambridge understands this and will allow you to fill out an ‘Online Supplementary Application Questionnaire (SAQ)’ shortly after submitting the UCAS application. As such, make sure you’ve created another condensed version of your Cambridge Architecture personal statement that can be directly submitted to Cambridge.

Top 5 Tips for Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

Display interest in both design and theory.

Some students might have the misconception that architecture is a pure art or design-based course, and others might think that they would be only learning about architecture theory. However, the architecture degree offered at Cambridge encompasses both. Hence, it is important to highlight to Cambridge tutors that you understand and are excited about this. You can display this understanding by highlighting that you are excited about both aspects of the course. You can also further elaborate on this by stating similar relevant experiences that you have undertaken because of this interest. For example, this could include architecture competitions or workshops.

oxbridge personal statements

Illustrate in your Cambridge personal statement that you are widely read

Oxbridge tutors love when you show that you are deeply versed in reading. This is because it is a simple, realistic, and straightforward way of showing them that you are genuinely interested in the course you want to pursue. Think of it this way– if you are a fan of a certain pop star or celebrity, you would want to find out more about them. Similarly, if you have a genuine interest in architecture, you would have taken the initiative to learn more about it and read ahead. Rest assured, reading is not only restricted to books. It could also include short articles, magazines, or even podcasts, documentaries, or Youtube videos. For example, Architectural digest is a fun way to be introduced to certain architectural concepts. You can also incorporate the consumption of these media in your daily life by tuning in to a podcast instead of your usual playlist on your ride home from school.

Read around the subject you’re applying for

When writing your Cambridge personal statement, architecture should show as your passion. First of all, reading around the subject doesn’t necessarily mean reading books. Podcasts, magazine articles, documentaries or Research Papers relating to the field of Architecture are all great ways to engage with new content. Popping your headphones in on the way to school and listening to a discussion on thought-provoking areas of your subject is far less daunting than being faced with a huge book. Furthermore, you are going to university to study – you haven’t started yet! – and so the person reading your Cambridge personal statement doesn’t expect you to be an expert, just to have an interest! Exploring a topic that you find fascinating and can form opinions about is far more impressive and important than trying to find the most academic text out there.

Reflect on any experience mentioned and link it to architecture

The main flaw that applicants have when writing their Cambridge personal statements for architecture is assuming that Cambridge tutors want the most decorated applicant. This is actually not the case, as what they are really looking out for is the student who most matches the course they apply for. Hence, do not simply state an experience just because you think it is impressive– reflect on how it has shaped you, and extract a quality that you were equipped with. Lastly, link this quality to how it is relevant to architecture, and how it makes you the perfect architecture student.

Leave yourself enough time when writing your Cambridge Architecture personal statement

Although it is easy to leave the writing of your Cambridge personal statement to the last minute, especially whilst you are busy with your studies or other extracurriculars, always buffer enough time to write your Architecture personal statement. This includes factoring in enough time for the completion of multiple drafts. This is because your first draft would never be your best one, and you would want to continuously refine it based on received feedback. Leaving sufficient time for yourself would also ensure you would not miss out on any information you might have forgotten. If you are staring at a blank document and finding it difficult to start, you can try listing out all your experiences and achievements in the past 5 years. Next, list out all the desirable qualities specific to an architectural student, as well as what the architectural course would entail. You can then match your personal traits to the course, and start fleshing out your paragraphs from there. You can also use prompts to inspire your writing, such as: What about architecture excites me? Why do I want to study architecture? What do I know about architecture at Cambridge and its modules?

Cambridge personal statement architecture

Top 5 things to AVOID for your Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

Be misinformed about architecture and what to expect.

Always be sure to research the course thoroughly before applying. You can also speak to current or post-graduate students about how they find the course. Most students’ perceptions of the course that they are applying to are shaped by that of the media, or their limited high school experiences. Hence, this can lead to a one-dimensional, and not a necessarily accurate view of architecture. Having an accurate and realistic understanding of Cambridge’s architecture programme would not only give you an edge if this understanding is displayed in your Architecture personal statement, but it also ensures that you are able to identify if you are a good match for it.

Associate too many qualities with a singular experience

Although it is recommended to always reflect on an experience and explain how it has equipped you with certain qualities, do not go overboard with the number of things you have learnt from a singular experience. For example, it is not realistic to learn time management, leadership skills, compassion, and perseverance all from a two-day camp. Choose one specific quality that you would like to highlight when enumerating your experiences. There is more value in explaining, rather than listing.

Make sweeping statements without showing how it is related to architecture

With all that you have done in high school and more, you might feel pressed to fit everything into the word count. Hence, it is important to pick and choose the points that you would really like to elaborate on and highlight, instead of mentioning everything with a simple one-liner. Avoid general statements that don’t add value to your Cambridge Architecture personal statement, and make sure that you are always linking your points back to how you are well matched for architecture. For example, you can avoid talking about experiences that are completely irrelevant to architecture. If you feel that a certain experience is crucial to you and your journey, try and extract relevant qualities from it. For example, your part-time work taught you to be resourceful or creative in finding unconventional solutions to common everyday problems.

Writing an essay on your favourite theory or architecture

Although mentioning certain books, ideas, or theories is a good way to show that you are well-read or passionate about architecture, do not turn your Cambridge Architecture personal statement into an argumentative essay or informational sheet about a certain theory. Do remember that what Cambridge tutors are interested in when reading your Cambridge Architecture personal statement is you. These tutors are people who are already experts in their field, and would likely know any theory that you are writing on. When reading your Cambridge Architecture personal statement, they want to learn about you and if you are a good match for architecture, not a theory that they can learn from any textbook.

Being cliché and unprofessional

Keeping in mind that Cambridge tutors are reading your Architecture personal statement to determine if you are a good fit for the course, it could come off as unauthentic if you talk about a cliché or movie-like moment being your only motivation to study architecture. It is alright if your reasons for studying architecture are due to amalgamations of small, seemingly insignificant reasons– as long as you show valid and reasonable reasons for wanting to study architecture. Be authentic!

If you’re unsure about what you’ve included in your architecture personal statement Cambridge draft, why not book a FREE consultation with our specialists and book a personal statement check .

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Passion and purpose in the architecture personal statement.

By Evan Forster, MFA, IECA (NY)

No matter what name it goes by—statement of purpose, statement of interest, or plain old personal statement—architecture school statements are challenging. They often want you to cover a whole lot of information in only 500 words. For instance, Columbia University’s prompt last year was: In a statement of approximately 500 words, describe your background, your past work in your intended field of study, and your plans for graduate study and a professional career . All of that in only 500 words or less? No wonder my candidate Kara, an aspiring architect, had called me in a panic.

“So by ‘background’ do they mean my entire life story plus all of my work, school, and internship experiences?” Kara, wired on venti Americanos, asked. “It says ‘personal’—does that mean I should tell them about my parents’ divorce?”

Here’s the thing: It is important that after the admissions committee has read your statement of purpose, they feel that they know who you are. They need to know what you want to do (your goal)—Kara’s was opening her own “green” architecture firm one day—why this is important to you, what you have done thus far in regards to pursuing that goal or taking an interest in the subject matter, and what you still have left to learn and explore. And right there is the outline for your entire 500-word statement of purpose.

The break down:

Paragraph 1: This is where you get personal. No, this doesn’t mean empty the contents of your diary. This means write about the moment you realized you wanted to pursue your goal. In Kara’s case it was when her family moved from a sprawling home in Greenwich, Connecticut, to a 1,200-square-foot apartment in Manhattan. She found herself wishing she could move the walls around and reconfigure the space to be more open. There! She had her “ah-hah!” moment—the moment she realized that architecture would be a part of her life. This is the type of specific moment that all candidates should search for and write about.

Why? Graduate programs want students who are passionate about what they want to do, not students who are just looking to avoid the real world for another few years. This is your opportunity to show the school why you want this.

Paragraph 2: What have you done thus far to pursue your interest in architecture? Did you explore classes in college? Did you take art or art history classes? When you studied abroad, did you take an active interest in the city’s architecture? This is an opportunity to discuss specific classes you have taken as well as experiences—talk about a particular professor you’ve learned from or clubs you started or joined. Discuss internships or observation hours. But, as I told Kara, do not simply list them; you don’t want to regurgitate your resume (remember, they have it!). Tell the school what’s not on your resume. Dig down deep and discuss specific moments within that internship where you’ve learned something significant and how you plan to apply what you learned.

Why? Graduate schools want students who have already been seeking knowledge.

Paragraph 3: Why do you want to go to grad school? What do you still have left to learn? Discuss skills that still need development or improvement. Kara was looking to strengthen her foundation and design skills with a master’s in architecture. She was also interested in expanding her knowledge of technology and how she could use it in the design process in order to achieve greater innovation. So look at your goals, and then ask, “What do I need to get better at in order to improve my chances of achieving my goal?”

Now here’s the part where Kara asks, “But, don’t I want to appear confident? Won’t it make me look weak to admit that I still have stuff to learn?”

No. Schools want students who are self-aware, who know their strongest and weakest areas. Kara needed to show the school that she knows what she needs to work on and what experiences she needs to gather in order to accomplish her goal. This also demonstrates that she actually will benefit from graduate school—and proves to the school even more that she is a serious candidate.

Paragraph 4: The school-specific portion of your essay addresses why Columbia, specifically. Here it is important to be extremely specific to show enthusiasm for a particular school. Do your research on classes, professors, and clubs, and discuss how they will help you accomplish your goal.

Why? The candidate must prove their desire to go to the school. Being specific about the school demonstrates Kara’s ability to research and gain knowledge—good traits for a prospective student. Additionally, when she got that interview—she had lots to discuss.

Final paragraph: Finish with a few short sentences about how Columbia is going to help you achieve your goal—and how you will contribute to Columbia—to change the planet (by using your master’s in architecture).

Kara, who is now at Columbia, called me the other day. She was still drinking a venti Americano, but this time she was excited—not panicked. She had just interviewed for an internship at a prestigious New York “green” architecture firm and wanted to tell me she had nailed it. And she had applied the work we had done together almost a year ago. She researched the firm, was specific about what she could contribute to its office environment, and communicated clearly to the interviewers how gaining experience at their firm was in line with her long term goals.

Evan Forster can be reached at [email protected]

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Architecture Masters Personal Statement Example: Effective Guide

Table of Contents

So you want to pursue a master’s degree in architecture? Congratulations! A career in architecture can be rewarding, both creatively and financially. To begin, you need to write your master’s application. This article provides architecture masters personal statement example to guide you.

Like all personal statements, an architecture master’s personal statement should give the admissions committee a snapshot of who you are as an individual. It should highlight your strengths and interests and explain why pursuing a masters in architecture is your next logical step.

But writing about yourself can be challenging – especially concerning something as subjective as art or design. So how do you craft a strong statement that will stand out from the rest? Read on for our top tips!

What Is An Architecture Masters Personal Statement?

Consider it the opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions’ committee. It is your chance to discuss your interest in studying architecture and the factors that led to your decision. 

A personal statement typically showcases your motivation and academic and professional achievements . It lets you demonstrate how you hope to use an architectural degree once you graduate. 

The admissions’ committee will look for signs of how you will add value to the program and their community. So put your best foot forward and show them your skills! 

Why Do You Need A Personal Statement?

Having an impressive personal statement is essential when pursuing a masters in architecture. It’s your opportunity to showcase your skills and experiences while highlighting why you’re the perfect candidate for the program. If you’re looking to pursue a master’s degree in architecture, be sure to create a statement that stands out.

An Architecture Master’s personal statement helps admission committees know more about who you are as an individual. They’ll want to know what makes you unique and why studying architecture is essential to you.

Your statement should be well-written and concise, providing enough information without going into too much detail. In addition, make sure that your grammar and spelling are impeccable!

Your Architecture Masters personal statement can help set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of acceptance.

The Structure of Your Architecture Masters Personal Statement

  • Introduce yourself and your interest in architecture.
  • Outline your academic and professional achievements.
  • Highlight your unique abilities and experiences.
  • Showcase your creative and design abilities.
  • Explain your motivation for pursuing a master’s in architecture.
  • State why you want to study at this particular school.
  • Write a captivating closing remark.

Tips for Writing Your Architecture Masters Personal Statement

white concrete building

The architecture masters personal statement can be challenging to write. However, with some practice, you will get the hang of it. Below are general things to always remember when writing your architecture masters personal statement.

  • Proofread your statement carefully.
  • Use strong and descriptive language
  • Be concise and stay on topic
  • Avoid clichés and general statements
  • Use concrete examples from inside and outside the classroom whenever possible.
  • Make sure your statement is unique to you
  • Get feedback from others.

Architecture Masters Personal Statement Example

Architecture is my passion. I aspire to be an architect who employs unproven techniques in the field of architecture. For a town planning project during my childhood, our local government requested children to create dream homes. As I threw myself into accomplishing the assignment, the challenge captivated me. This incident is one of the countless incidents demonstrating that my passion is inborn and natural rather than the result of some external influence.

I’ve taken various measures to improve my construction and design skills since discovering them. I began my education at the King sway School of Construction Design for Kids, where I gained an early understanding of architectural applications. This experience broadened my knowledge of and interest in architecture. At this point, I chose to pursue a career as an architect. After deciding on a profession, I felt determined to pursue the career opportunities that architecture provided. My life had now become architecture.

After graduating from high school, I enrolled in Emerson Architecture College to improve my architectural talents on a more professional level. The training there expanded my creative horizons. And I started identifying architectural problems and their remedies wherever I went. Environmental architecture and craftsmanship classes allowed me to combine various existent ideas into new or distinctive outputs.

My level of creativity surpassed my expectations. I also learned digital architecture, three-dimensional modeling, and how to use various architectural programs and technology. I am not nearly as talented as I would like to be as an architect; I have an insatiable thirst for architectural knowledge. My innovativeness and ingenuity are fed by my appetite. This understanding is what allows me to design architectural solutions to the challenges I see around me.

I want to be a restoration architect. This passion began following a vacation trip to Paris. As I explored architecture, I realized it portrays our societies’ heritage and history in a way that helps us think critically about our past.

Observing the works of architectural greats has also encouraged me to seek excellence in my career in architecture. In light of this, I have decided to pursue my master’s degree at a school known for producing excellent architects.

To achieve this level of quality, I would like to apply for admission as a master’s student at your institution. This will greatly help me to broaden my understanding of different unfinished architectural difficulties. My goal is to gain information and put it to good use for the benefit of humanity. This will finally bring my dream of being a sophisticated urban planner to fruition .

There are several key takeaways from this exceptional guide on architecture masters personal statement example . When writing a personal statement, highlight your skills and experiences. You should also explain why you want to pursue a master’s degree in architecture. Lastly, be sure to express your passion for Architecture!

Loved the personal statement you read above? Use Hey INK to generate an outstanding one, that will intrigue the admissions’ committee.

Architecture Masters Personal Statement Example: Effective Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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27 September 2023

5 minutes read

Crafting Your Architectural Technology Personal Statement: Tips and Examples


Dirghayu Kaushik


Are you dreaming of a career that combines your love for design with technical expertise? If the answer is yes, then pursuing a degree in architectural technology could be your path to a fulfilling and dynamic profession.

But before you can embark on this exciting journey, you’ll need to craft a compelling architectural technology personal statement that showcases your passion, skills, and aspirations.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of creating an outstanding personal statement that will set you apart from the competition.

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  • Why Your Personal Statement Matters

Your architectural technology personal statement is your chance to make a strong impression on admissions committees. It’s the one document that allows you to speak directly to the decision-makers and convey why you are the ideal candidate for the program. Here are some key reasons why your personal statement matters:

Demonstrates Your Passion

Admissions committees want to see that you are genuinely passionate about architectural technology. Your personal statement is the place to express your love for the field, whether it’s inspired by iconic structures like Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia in Barcelona or a fascination with innovative designs.

Showcases Relevant Skills

To excel in architectural technology, you need a unique set of skills, including technical drawing, CAD proficiency, and problem-solving abilities. Use your personal statement to highlight your skills and how they make you a strong candidate.

Conveys Your Career Goals

Admissions committees want to know what motivates you and where you see yourself in the future. Are you interested in construction management, building design, or architectural technology consultancy? Your personal statement should provide insight into your career aspirations.

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  • Crafting Your Architectural Technology Personal Statement

Now that you understand the importance of your personal statement, let’s dive into the process of creating an exceptional one. We’ll break it down step by step, offering tips and examples along the way.

1. Start with a Compelling Introduction

The opening of your personal statement should grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the document. Here’s an example:

“As I stood in awe of the intricate beauty of Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, I realized that my passion for architectural wonders could no longer be a mere spectator sport. I wanted to be part of the team that brought such marvels to life.”

In this introduction, the applicant immediately conveys their passion for architecture and sets the stage for the rest of their personal statement.

2. Provide Concrete Examples of Your Skills and Experiences

Admissions committees want to see evidence of your abilities. Instead of simply stating that you have technical drawing skills, provide an example of a project or coursework where you applied those skills effectively:

“During my A-level coursework, I undertook a challenging project to design a sustainable community center. Using AutoCAD, I created detailed architectural plans that not only met but exceeded the project requirements. This experience solidified my passion for architectural design and my ability to work effectively with design software.”

By offering a specific example, you demonstrate your competence and commitment to the field.

3. Explain Your Interest in Architectural Technology

Why are you drawn to architectural technology specifically? What aspects of the field intrigue you the most? Address these questions in your personal statement:

“I have always been fascinated by the marriage of art and science in architectural technology. The opportunity to combine my love for design with the technical precision required in this field is what truly excites me. I believe that my background in mathematics and my affinity for technical drawing provide me with a unique perspective that can contribute to the architectural technology landscape.”

Here, the applicant explains their deep interest in the subject matter and how their academic background aligns with it.

4. Highlight Relevant Work Experience and Achievements

If you have any work experience or achievements related to architectural technology, be sure to include them. This could be internships, part-time jobs, or projects you’ve worked on:

“During my spare time, I interned at a local architectural firm where I had the opportunity to assist in real-world projects. This experience exposed me to the practical side of architecture and honed my communication skills, as I collaborated with architects and clients. It was here that I realized the importance of effective communication in the architectural process.”

By sharing their internship experience, the applicant illustrates their practical knowledge and teamwork abilities.

5. Conclude with Your Future Career Aspirations

Wrap up your personal statement by discussing where you see yourself in the future and how the university’s program aligns with your goals:

“As I look forward to learning from esteemed lecturers at [University Name], I am excited to realize my dream of pursuing a career in architectural technology. I envision myself not only contributing to the field but also making a positive contribution to society by designing sustainable and innovative architectural solutions.”

This conclusion provides a clear sense of purpose and ties your aspirations back to the program.

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  • Additional Tips for Writing Your Architecture Personal Statement

Use Clear and Concise Language

Admissions committees review numerous personal statements, so clarity and conciseness are crucial. Avoid jargon and complex language that may obscure your message.

Tailor Your Statement to Each University

While you can use a template, customize your personal statement for each university to highlight why their program is the right fit for you. Mention specific strengths or offerings that align with your goals.

Edit and Proofread

Before submitting your personal statement, carefully review it for grammar and spelling errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to ensure it’s polished.


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Crafting your architectural technology personal statement is a crucial step toward securing a spot in your desired program. Use this guide, along with the provided examples and tips, to create a compelling and unique personal statement that reflects your passion, skills, and aspirations.

With dedication and careful crafting, you can make a strong case for why you are the ideal candidate for a career in architectural technology. Best of luck with your application!

What is an architectural technology personal statement?

An architectural technology personal statement is a written document that accompanies your university application for a degree in architectural technology. It provides insights into your motivation, skills, and aspirations in the field.

Why is the personal statement important for architecture programs?

Your personal statement helps admissions committees understand your passion for architecture and your suitability for the program. It sets you apart from other applicants and can influence admission decisions.

What should I include in my architectural technology personal statement

You should include your reasons for choosing architectural technology, relevant experiences, skills, and future career goals. Be sure to highlight your passion for architecture and any unique qualities that make you a strong candidate.

Can you provide an architectural technology personal statement example?

Certainly! Here’s an example: “As an aspiring architectural technologist, I am drawn to the seamless blend of creativity and technical expertise in building design. My passion for architectural wonders, such as Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, has fueled my desire to contribute to the construction industry. Through my strong foundation in math, technical drawing, and CAD skills, I aim to excel in this field and make a positive contribution to society.”

How do I make my personal statement stand out?

To make your personal statement stand out, focus on your unique experiences and qualities. Highlight your interest in art and design, problem-solving abilities, and any relevant work experience or extracurricular activities. Use clear and concise language and showcase your enthusiasm for architectural technology.

Should I mention my hobbies or interests in my personal statement

While it’s not necessary to include hobbies or interests, you can briefly mention them if they are relevant to your passion for architecture or demonstrate skills like teamwork, creativity, or leadership. However, prioritize discussing your academic and professional qualifications.

How long should my architectural technology personal statement be?

Most universities have specific word or character limits for personal statements. Follow their guidelines closely, but aim for a concise statement that covers your key points effectively. Typically, it’s around 400-600 words.

Can I use the same personal statement for multiple universities?

It’s best to tailor your personal statement to each university’s program to highlight why you’re a strong fit. While you can use a template, make sure to customize it to align with the specific program’s strengths and offerings.

Where can I find more personal statement advice and examples?

You can find additional personal statement advice and examples on websites like, in books about architecture and design, or by consulting with university admissions advisors.

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Table of Contents

  • • Why Your Personal Statement Matters
  • • Crafting Your Architectural Technology Personal Statement
  • • Additional Tips for Writing Your Architecture Personal Statement
  • • Conclusion

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Architecture personal statement example 8.

Creation is a powerful skill, an intriguing ability evolving from our originalities and perspectives. By formulating our own unique creations, we may endeavour to create a parallel between our imagination and the world in which we live.

Winston Churchill once emphasised the fact that "we shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us". In my mind, these buildings personify and embody the diverse cultures that exist today, reflecting the power and endless potential of man's genius. Self expression is what differentiates us as an individual.

It is my passion for Architecture that acts as a catalyst for inspiration and therefore provides me with a prominent sense of ambition and desire. GCSE and A-Level qualifications have given me an opportunity to appreciate the aesthetic beauty prevalent in the world today. This insightful demonstration has allowed my passion to evolve further, hence determining my decision to continue at a more advanced level.

I believe the course will challenge my creative potential, culminating in the formulation of my own, authentic designs. In effect, Architecture is a potent, influential force in my life that has given me a sense of direction and meaning. I agree with the ideology that an individual will rarely exceed his own expectations. Architecture installs in me a belief that I can achieve and reach new heights, therefore acting as a foundation for success and fulfilment in the future

To me, viewing a structure in person is substantially more potent than a mere image. Travelling has succeeded in broadening my horizons and opening up my mind, therefore allowing me to appreciate traditional British Architecture and the spectacles created by foreign predecessors.

Last year, I travelled with my school to Barcelona, a city with an abundance of style and creativity. Buildings such as the Palacio Guell and the Mila Casa are simply inanimate representations of one mans personal style, a testament to Gaudi's creative excellence. Moreover, I also completed work experience with a contractor at Eton College. This process of shadowing a professional permitted me to survey Architecture with a greater sense of clarity

It is only by completing this experience that I can truly comprehend the complexities of the profession. Although I view learning as a crucial area to focus upon in my life, I strive to be more complex than this, making myself a more well rounded individual. Essentially, maintaining a healthy body is a prerequisite to achieving a healthy state of mind. Therefore, I frequently visit the gym and participate in a variety of sporting activities, both traditional and unique.

Personally, I enjoy sports such as tennis, rowing and football. In effect, these events allow me to work within a team orientated environment, whilst maintaining my individualistic sense of achievement. Conversely, I also attempt to integrate my passion with Architecture into my free time. On many occasions I utilise ICT facilities such as CAD in order to release the flow of ideas within my mind. This contrast of leisure and learning enables me to develop a clear sense of balance within my life

In my opinion, it is certain moments in time that encapsulate all our beliefs and theories. During my visit to Barcelona, I had the privilege to view the Casa Mila, a perfect representation of originality. Viewing this intriguing structure first hand simply confirmed my passion, enlightening me on the endless possibilities that exist.

The Casa Mila is perceived in a myriad of contexts, by a myriad of people, accentuating Gaudi's genius long after his death. I do not intend to follow the path of any individual, yet follow a path unique to myself. A famous quote once stated "don't bother just to be better than contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself". I believe University is the first part of my journey and look forward to participating in a rewarding, self fulfilling course.

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This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Is all this sentimental.

Tue, 10/07/2007 - 01:19

is all this sentimental twaddle really what admissions tutors are looking for? The person who wrote this sounds better suited to a philosophy degree. Would love to know if they got accepted, and if yes then where.

was this person from a

Sun, 23/09/2007 - 19:54

was this person from a private school, by any chance?

this is fantastic!

Fri, 28/09/2007 - 15:08

I thought it was a personal

Tue, 30/10/2007 - 09:56

I thought it was a personal statement about architecture not Winston Churchill. But hell yeah go for it.

Is it a bad thing i don't

Wed, 31/10/2007 - 14:22

Is it a bad thing i don't know who winston churhill is!!!

i like it, its better then

Mon, 05/11/2007 - 17:04

i like it, its better then the generic "i have been on the school hockey team for 2 years, it has taught me too work in a team" statements on here.

i think i is good but you it

Fri, 16/11/2007 - 21:47

i think i is good but you it is too flowery. however you have alot of knowledge about the subject. tiy it up and you have it. it is good

where does winston churchill

Fri, 23/11/2007 - 12:45

where does winston churchill come into it? bring up ghengis khan if anything because he was the hardest mongolian warrior ever.

Wed, 26/12/2007 - 01:10

This personal statement is very very good. It is obvious that the writer is as creative, well-rounded and well-read as they suggest that they are. This is the personal statement of someone who gets accepted into the universiy of their first choice. Well done.

i think this statement is

Thu, 10/07/2008 - 11:53

i think this statement is clearly very good and im sure he got eccepted and from his ive worked with 'eton college' hes obviously applied to cambridge and was privately educated but thats not such a bad thing. it is slightly to decorated around the point but im sure the tutors caught on with his ambition. im really impressed with the quotationsss... yes the personal statement isnt about churchill but the quote is relaventtt.

From just another employer

Sun, 12/10/2008 - 21:55

This is so much plagiarised mumbo jumbo, which I seriously doubt was created by a 17 year old. Since when did simply viewing a building in Barcelona, endow a privilege on anyone? If universities are taken in by this jargon, it is a sad indictment on the type of students they are attracting to their institutions and more worrying for the types of professionals they believe business desire.

Good for undegraduate

Sun, 11/01/2009 - 06:02

The introduction of this essay is well crafted, the Winston Churchill quote is relevant and contributes to the flow of the overall paragraph. (its always good to throw in a quote here and there, implies that you read)

However, the subsequent paragraphs about visiting Barcelona are too cursory and superficial; simply admiring buildings does not automatically give anyone the right to become an architect or a designer.

With that stated it is a good essay for an undergraduate student with limited experience though.

you shouldnt use quotes, its

Wed, 14/01/2009 - 00:53

you shouldnt use quotes, its a PERSONAL statment make up your own!

This statement leaves the

Tue, 03/02/2009 - 22:35

This statement leaves the reader with a very good first impression.

Fri, 13/03/2009 - 14:43

does he base his architectural excellence on Churchill and his travelling experience and context on Gaudi?.... lame P.S. i love Gaudi's architecture but it is the first example from the architectural text book...there is so much more to architecture than admiring Gaudi

ive read every architecture

Fri, 09/04/2010 - 23:06

ive read every architecture statement on this site and this is by far one of the best. the mumbo jumbo jargon spoken of earlier IS what they want to hear because you couldnt spk the talk if u didnt hav some knowledge on it and even if parts r copied it shows they took time to research the subject, which shows interest


Mon, 18/10/2010 - 11:18


I think this statement is a

Wed, 19/01/2011 - 23:46

I think this statement is a bit too far... The language is so rich,that you get lost in the meaning... If I were to to accept students, I would definitely consider this statement, but would be very attentive to every detail on the interview... The stateent is suspicious

Sat, 19/10/2013 - 17:23

Ctrl C Ctrl V - Done

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  2. How to Write an Architecture Personal Statement For University Application |University of Manchester


  4. How NOT to edit your Residency Personal Statement 📑

  5. 5 Residency Personal Statement Tips to Help You Match a Top-Choice Program #shorts

  6. The Best Tips for Writing Your Personal Statement for Residency Plus My Actual Personal Statement!


  1. 10 Tips on Personal Statements (for Architect Students)

    A grammatical error-filled personal statement can be a real turn-off for the admissions evaluator. 10. Be Yourself. It may sound cliché but writing an excellent personal statement for an architecture school application is really about you. In your absence, the personal statement represents you, and you want to make sure that it is precisely that.

  2. Personal statement advice: architecture, building and planning

    Applying to university. If you're applying for architecture, planning or building, admissions tutors say they need you to outline your reasons for wanting to study the course. Here's how you do it. The built environment encompasses lots of courses and professions. As the University of Nottingham puts it, you need to 'be as specific as ...

  3. Architecture Personal Statement Examples

    Architecture Personal Statement Example 6. Architecture is a natural choice for me. I love the thrill of solving a problem in maths, physics and everyday life. I do this with an imagination and enthusiasm that has propelled me to two terms as a Student Council member acting as Public Relations Officer and Vice Chairperson where I promoted and ...

  4. Writing your best architecture school personal statement

    As part of your architecture school application to undergraduate programs, you will be required to make a written personal statement pertaining to your interests, achievements and goals. There is a substantial weighting on the personal statement, though it is not as important (for lots of schools) as the portfolio.In the US, these are known as supplemental essays on the Common Application (not ...

  5. Sample Architecture Personal Statement (admitted to Cambridge, Cornell

    The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in architecture. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Cambridge, Cornell, and Yale. Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in architecture should look like. Here is the personal statement of the Architecure ...

  6. Top 10 Personal Statement Tips for Cambridge Architecture

    Read around the subject you're applying for. When writing your Cambridge personal statement, architecture should show as your passion. First of all, reading around the subject doesn't necessarily mean reading books. Podcasts, magazine articles, documentaries or Research Papers relating to the field of Architecture are all great ways to ...

  7. Architecture personal statements

    Z. A. Architecture degree personal statement example (1b) with review and advice, gap year applicant. Architecture degree personal statement example (1d) Architecture degree personal statement example (1e) Architecture degree personal statement example (1f) voluntary work. Architecture degree personal statement example (1g)

  8. 02. Personal Statements!

    Personal Statements! — ARCSOC. 02. Personal Statements! The personal statement is your first chance to show off who you are, what you're excited by, and why you'd make a great student. It takes the form of a 4,000 character piece of writing (roughly one page of A4), submitted with your UCAS application. For Cambridge, that application ...

  9. Architecture Personal Statement

    Architecture Personal Statement. The opportunity to leave a lasting impact is a privilege, and architects are gifted with this in every building they design. This is why I want to study architecture: you have the ability to change the course of someone's life, purely with what you envisage. An article by Michael Bond discussed this.

  10. Architecture Personal Statement 4

    Architecture Personal Statement. Submitted by Thomas. From a young age, I knew that I would pursue a career in design. Whether it was creating and designing my flawless dream car or producing my own handcrafted mechanical paper guns; scissors, a roll of cello-tape, and a set of colouring pencils were the main tools that never left my hands.

  11. Architecture Personal Statement Example 10

    Architecture Personal Statement Example 10. A pencil, ruler and rubber or perhaps a sharpener from time to time; those were the essential tools which followed me around as a child whilst I imagined, designed and drew my perfect, dream house (which was obviously and most tastefully pink throughout!!). So it was inevitable that I would pursue a ...

  12. Tips and Advice for a Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

    A personal statement is a pivotal element in the application process for international students seeking admission to a UK university. Its significance is magnified when applying for an architecture degree at the University of Cambridge, one of the world's most famous universities.. In this article, we'll guide you on how to write a strong Cambridge Architecture personal statement to support ...

  13. Passion and Purpose in the Architecture Personal Statement

    Passion and Purpose in the Architecture Personal Statement. No matter what name it goes by—statement of purpose, statement of interest, or plain old personal statement—architecture school statements are challenging. They often want you to cover a whole lot of information in only 500 words. For instance, Columbia University's prompt last ...

  14. Architecture Personal Statement Example 2

    Architecture is not a subject to dip in and out of; I'm in it for the long run. This personal statement was written by 07nhoney for application in 2014. This personal statement is unrated. Architecture fascinates me. With a desire to explore how science and technology can be used to improve the performance of buildings both socially and ...

  15. Architecture degree personal statement example (1b) with review and

    Revision tips. Top vloggers for revision help; Best video resources for revising GCSE or A-level English; ... Architecture degree personal statement example (1b) with review and advice, gap year applicant. This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own.

  16. Architecture Masters Personal Statement Example: Effective Guide

    This article provides architecture masters personal statement example to guide you. Like all personal statements, an architecture master's personal statement should give the admissions committee a snapshot of who you are as an individual. ... Tips for Writing Your Architecture Masters Personal Statement. Photo by Lance Anderson on Unsplash ...

  17. How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber

    Top tips on how to write your statement opener. We spoke to admissions tutors at unis and colleges - read on for their tips. 1. Don't begin with the overkill opening. Try not to overthink the opening sentence. You need to engage the reader with your relevant thoughts and ideas, but not go overboard. Tutors said: 'The opening is your chance ...

  18. Crafting Your Architectural Technology Personal Statement: Tips And

    Now that you understand the importance of your personal statement, let's dive into the process of creating an exceptional one. We'll break it down step by step, offering tips and examples along the way. 1. Start with a Compelling Introduction. The opening of your personal statement should grab the reader's attention and set the tone for ...

  19. Architecture Personal Statement: Writing Tips and Check List

    Tips for Crafting a Personal Statement for Interior Architecture and Design. Wish to craft a workable personal statement for interior architecture and design that increases the chances of successful admission? Catch the list of TOP tips to apply and create the exact content to succeed: Define targets for the admission process and further career.

  20. Architecture Personal Statement Example 8

    Architecture Personal Statement Example 8. Creation is a powerful skill, an intriguing ability evolving from our originalities and perspectives. By formulating our own unique creations, we may endeavour to create a parallel between our imagination and the world in which we live. Winston Churchill once emphasised the fact that "we shape our ...

  21. Architecture and planning

    Whether it's personal statement tips or what to write in a cover letter for an apprenticeship application, our application advice will help you get ahead in your architecture and planning journey. ... We asked admissions tutors to share their dos and don'ts for writing a strong and engaging architecture and planning personal statement. Here's ...

  22. Architecture Personal Statement Examples

    Architecture Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare. Taken from 65,000+ data points from students attending university to help future generations. Discover university rankings devised from data collected from current students. Find the ideal uni course for you with our Course Degree Quiz. Get answers in minutes!

  23. How to Write Your Personal Statement

    Strategy 1: Open with a concrete scene. An effective way to catch the reader's attention is to set up a scene that illustrates something about your character and interests. If you're stuck, try thinking about: A personal experience that changed your perspective. A story from your family's history.

  24. Chemical imaging signatures delineate heterogeneous amyloid ...

    Amyloid plaque deposition is recognized as the primary pathological hallmark of Alzheimers disease(AD) that precedes other pathological events and cognitive symptoms. Plaque pathology represents itself with an immense polymorphic variety comprising plaques with different stages of amyloid fibrillization ranging from diffuse to fibrillar, mature plaques. The association of polymorphic Abeta ...

  25. A physical model for M1-mediated influenza A virus assembly

    Influenza A virus particles assemble at the plasma membrane of infected cells. During assembly all components of the virus come together in a coordinated manner to deform the membrane into a protrusion eventually forming a new, membrane-enveloped virus. Here we integrate recent molecular insights of this process, particularly concerning the structure of the matrix protein 1 (M1), within a ...