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How to write a speech for kids

 create an engaging presentation for children .

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 04-28-2021

Writing a speech for kids and then giving it is relatively straightforward. Truly! Once you've gained some experience you'll find it fun, as well as hugely rewarding.

You'll follow exactly the same steps as you would when preparing a speech for adults but with minor, yet crucial variations. 

You'll plan, make an outline, write up your notes, prepare cue cards if you need them, rehearse and finally, deliver your speech.

However because you are presenting to children you'll need to adapt some of the processes. Kids are a very different audience!

Use the on-page quick links below to follow my 3 part outline, and you'll be fine.

What's on this page

Part One : Background & audience research

Part Two: Techniques to gain & hold their attention

Part Three: Rehearsal

Whoops, that went down like the proverbial lead balloon:   Traps for the unwary

Graphic: Whimsical drawing of children climbing over the letters of the word LIKE. Text: How to write a speech kids would really like to hear.

Part 1: Background & audience research

Cartoon of a happy boy holding two bunches of balloons.

Your first step is to consider your audience. The questions you'll want answers to are:

- What age are these children?

- What backgrounds do they mostly come from?

- What background, if any, do they have in relation to your topic?

- What common experiences do they all share that you could use as stepping stones into your material?

- What level of vocabulary will they readily understand?

- what grabs and keeps their attention?

To get the answers, ask the person or people, who invited you to speak.

  • How long you're expected to speak for. This is critical. A child's attention span is not the same as an adults, and there are big differences between a 6 year old and a 16 year old. Find out more: Normal attention span expectations by age
  • What the purpose is behind inviting you to speak. Are you being asked to inform, to persuade, to entertain ...?
  • If the group has members with special needs you should be aware of like children who are deaf, sight impaired or emotionally fragile

Once you've got that information you're ready to begin shaping your material.

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Part 2: How to gain & hold attention

Bear in mind the following as you plan:

  • Keep the structure simple and clear: introduction, body of speech, conclusion. Kids, just like adults, appreciate knowing what is going on and knowing why they're being asked to listen.
  • Use conversational language rather than formal. In your mind choose a child to give your speech to. This will help you keep it 'real'.
  • Limit the number of main points you wish to make about your topic to one or two. 
  • Keep the formal or structured part of your speech brief.
  • Allow time for, and encourage questions.
  • Relate the topic back to themselves, their experience, from the beginning. This gives them an anchor, a place they know and understand as a starting point for the journey you're about to take them on. 

Kids love to laugh

Cartoon of a happy girl skipping through a meadow.

Use humor and personal storytelling to get your message across.  

Children of all ages love stories, especially personal ones. A story told well, with humor, will grab their attention faster and hold it longer than any other technique I know. Make it relevant, add characterization, (voices and appropriate body language), and you'll have every child listening.

You can find out more about incorporating stories into your speeches on these pages:

  • storytelling  - How to choose and tell a story
  • storytelling set-ups  - How to integrate a story into your speech
  • characterization techniques  - How to make your stories come alive through gesture and voice.

Vocabulary choices, questions & props

  • Use specific words rather than general ones. 'I love being outdoors' is less evocative than 'I love puddle jumping, building a bonfire at the beach...'
  • Use inclusive words: 'we' and 'our' as well as personal ones: 'yours', 'you'
  • Vary your sentence length and your word choice to keep it interesting to listen to. Children, like adults, appreciate variation.

Questions, instructions and involvement

Use interactive questions, and instructions, to ensure they're following you throughout your speech. For example:  'Have you got that? Nod your heads if you have.'

Or, 'Wave your hand like this ( d emonstrate ) if you can see the picture I put on the board.'

Get them involved by asking for volunteers to help hand things around.

Play simple chorus answer and action games like, 'When I say, who has got a good thinking brain, you say ME and pat your head. Let's try it now. Ready? Who's got ...'

Or, 'When I get to a scary bit in the story you're going to go ooooooh,oooooh in a very frightened sort of way and make yourselves very small like this.' ( Demonstrate .) 'Now, let's try it together...That's fantastic. I've never seen a better bunch of scared kids.' 

Props or visual aids

Where possible incorporate 'showing' as well as 'telling'. Take along things children can see and if at all possible, handle. This gives your speech another dimension. And don't be afraid to break out your silly wig, or a clown's nose ...

Check this page on using props well in speeches .

Once you have the basic outline of your speech planned you're ready for the next step.

Now you're going to trial your work.

Rehearsal will help you identify what you've done well and where you need to fine tune.

If you can, practice in front of several children of the same age and background you're going to talk to.

If they're old enough to understand, ask them before you give the speech, if they can help you make it better and collect their feedback at the end.

If they're not old enough, look for cues like looking away, looking puzzled, talking through it, or wriggling. If it's too long and without relevance or connection to them they'll soon let you know.

Children don't have filters. They'll show and tell you like it is. They're not being deliberately rude. It's actually quite simple. They're not interested and haven't learned to pretend otherwise, yet. Don't make the mistake of taking their responses personally! 

Before you go on to finalize your speech incorporate your changes.

If you'd like pointers on how to rehearse you'll find them here:

  • how to rehearse

Do try and give your speech without a word-for-word script. It might feel safer for you but for children, listening to you read is not as effective as you talking to, or interacting with them, directly.

Use cue cards if you can.  Rehearse until you know it fluently and the cue cards are merely a safety net should you need them.

And finally run through the checklist below.

These are the pitfalls I've either fallen into myself or watched others tumble down. Knowing will help you avoid them.

Whoops - traps for the unwary

Cartoon spoof of Munch's scream painting

Learning the hard way; when it doesn't go like you imagined it would and a great dark chasm opens beneath your feet and you find yourself rapidly disappearing down it, silly wig and all.

It's ghastly, and an experience I've had more than several times in my teaching career.

Here's what I've learned. Blaming your audience is letting yourself off the hook! When a presentation lurches sideways it's not the children's fault. The hell hole is generally of our own making. Any of these factors could have caused it:

  • assuming that because a child is a child and you're an adult you automatically know more than they do
  • patronizing your audience through using either over-simplified or baby language
  • talking over their heads by using either non-explained jargon or a vocabulary beyond their experience
  • not rehearsing and then finding that your speech doesn't flow logically. Or it's too long.  Or that it doesn't have enough relevance so the kids are bored. Or the props you brought don't work as you wished. They're too small to be seen from the stage. And the stories you planned fall flat.
  • introducing inappropriate subject matter for the group or an individual in the group. Always check.
  • trying to fit too much information into the time allotted.
  • inadvertently making fun of a child's comments and concerns therefore shaming them in front of their peers.
  • exploiting their trust and naivety by presenting material persuasively that is ultimately of no benefit to them and at worst destructive.
  • getting flustered by bit of very ordinary spontaneous child behavior (talking while you are talking, wriggling ...) and not knowing how to handle it and move on with ease
  • not having established the rules of engagement at the beginning for asking questions, handling props, or any activity involving interaction ...

There is a common sense remedy for all of them. Trial your speech in rehearsal! And if it helps get a trusted and experienced colleague in to give you feedback!

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how to write a good speech for kids

Young student standing next to teacher at front of classroom

How to help your child write a speech (without doing it for them)

how to write a good speech for kids

Associate Professor in Education, Deakin University

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Joanne O'Mara receives funding from The Australian Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

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It’s hard for parents to help kids with homework without doing it for them . It can be especially difficult to work out where to start when your child is preparing a speech for school.

You might find your child is procrastinating more about getting started with a speech than about other homework. This could be because they are anxious about it.

Having something that they want to say to their class can help to increase your child’s confidence and motivation when they deliver the speech. A positive speechmaking experience can increase confidence for next time, which is why some schools teach public speaking in a systematic way.

It’s important to keep in mind that public speaking has two parts to it: writing the speech, and delivering it.

Here are some tips for how to help your kid with both aspects of preparation.

how to write a good speech for kids

Read more: What's the point of homework?

Writing the speech

First, help your child find something they want to say to their audience.

When a child is delivering a speech to the class, they are being listened to, observed, and watched by their peers. Most other classwork is only read by the teacher. In a speech, they are sharing their ideas with the whole class.

That’s why it is really important they own what they are saying, and say it in their own words.

It’s key they own the topic (if it is a free choice of topic) or that they own the stance they are taking (if the topic is set by the teacher).

As a parent, it’s tricky to support your child to find their own words to say – but it’s very important you don’t write the speech for them.

Help them to think about what they care about and what they think is important to share with their class.

Apart from the fact the teacher will spot a parent-written speech a mile away, if your child has no ownership of their speech, they will not care about communicating the ideas to the class.

Next, help your child to think about organising their ideas.

It’s good to have a hook or a catchy introduction into the main idea of the speech. That could be a rhetorical question, an anecdote or an amazing fact. They can then think of around three main points about the topic.

Ask your child questions that help them to think about some examples or evidence that support their ideas.

Finally, help them to finish their speech. Often, the ending might return to the beginning to round off the point being made – a kind of “I told you so”!

how to write a good speech for kids

Delivering the speech – 4 tips for parents

1. Encourage your child to focus on communicating their idea to their audience.

If they focus on sharing their ideas, rather than worrying about themselves, everything will come together. Encourage them to think about looking at the audience and making sure everyone can hear them.

2. Practise the speed of delivery and time their speech.

One of the easiest things to practise that makes a big difference to the delivery of the speech is the pacing.

The big tip is to slow down. When speakers feel nervous they tend to speed up, sometimes just a little — but often students will deliver their speeches at breakneck speed, racing to just get it done so they can go and sit down.

I’ve listened to thousands of student speeches and have never heard one delivered too slowly. But I have heard many that sound like a horse-race call.

3. Be an affirmative audience to their speech.

Listen to your child practise when they feel ready to share with you, but don’t push them if they are resistant.

Focus on building their confidence by talking to them about the moments you felt they were connecting with you as an audience member. Be appreciative of their jokes or show you share their feelings about ideas they care about.

Your children seek your approval – don’t be stingy with it.

4. If they are feeling confident, suggest they work on nuancing their delivery.

Once they are feeling confident about delivering the speech, the child can add variety and texture.

For instance, they might slow down for emphasis on certain words, add a pause after asking a question, or think about some moments where they might speak more softly or loudly.

Variation will add interest to the delivery of the speech and help to grab and keep the audience’s attention. It also helps further convey your child’s ideas.

how to write a good speech for kids

Good support takes time

It’s hard to get the balance right when supporting your child to prepare their speech. The trick is to understand that it will take more than one sitting.

So, plan for a few chunks of time, and work on building their ideas and enthusiasm.

Read more: Should parents help their kids with homework?

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How to Help Your Child Prepare to Give a Speech

Last Updated: March 29, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by Gale McCreary . Gale McCreary is the Founder and Chief Coordinator of SpeechStory, a nonprofit organization focused on improving communication skills in youth. She was previously a Silicon Valley CEO and President of a Toastmasters International chapter. She has been recognized as Santa Barbara Entrepreneurial Woman of the Year and received Congressional recognition for providing a Family-Friendly work environment. She has a BS in Biology from Stanford University. This article has been viewed 51,491 times.

Public speaking does not come naturally for everyone. Most people get nervous before giving a speech, and children are no exception. With proper planning and preparation, though, you can help your child succeed at giving a speech.

Helping Your Child Prepare the Speech

Step 1 Think about the subject.

  • If your child has been assigned a specific topic already, ask what he or she knows about that subject. If this knowledge is lacking, point your child toward books, articles, websites, or other sources of information. Otherwise, simply talk about how your child might elaborate on the topic at hand.
  • If your child gets to select the subject, brainstorm together about possible topics. Decide on something appropriate to the assignment and interesting to your child.

Step 2 Encourage your child to consider the audience.

  • You can also point out, if your child is nervous, that good visual aids will take the audience members’ eyes off the child. They will be looking at the images instead.

Step 7 Prepare note cards.

  • Depending on the situation, some children (especially younger children) may be encouraged to put their entire speech on note cards and to read directly from the cards. Find out what your child is expected to do.

Helping Your Child Practice the Speech

Step 1 Offer a demonstration.

  • Don’t forget to applaud and praise your child after the practice speech. He or she will do better if you help build confidence beforehand.

Helping Your Child Develop Better Speaking Skills

Step 1 Teach your child that public speaking is a kind of performance.

  • You can also tell your child to take sips of water strategically. If he or she momentarily forgets part of the speech, a drink of water can buy some time.

Step 6 Emphasize the importance of eye contact.

Part 4: Strategizing for Success on the Day of the Speech

Step 1 Select appropriate clothing.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Learning to give a strong speech can be an important life skill, so although you don’t want to place unnecessary stress on your child, you should absolutely take these opportunities seriously. Help your child try to do the best job he or she can do. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember: this is your child’s speech, not yours. You should be there to help, but don’t do the work for your child. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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How to write a speech

Part of English Non-fiction writing

Did you know?

The longest speech ever recorded in the UK Parliament was delivered in the House of Commons in 1828 and lasted for six hours!

Introduction to how to write a speech

Speeches are a powerful way of expressing your ideas to others.

When writing a speech, you need to think carefully about how you structure it to make sure it is easy for listeners to follow.

In order for it to be engaging, you need to consider the language you use, ensuring that you target your audience and their interests. In fact, there are a range of language techniques that can help to make your speech even more powerful.

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Find out how to write a speech

What is a speech?

A speech is a formal talk given to an audience. It has an aim and purpose – often to either inform and/or persuade, although it’s important to remember that some have other intentions too, eg to entertain.

Speeches are used in many different contexts. A bride or groom may give a speech at their wedding. A politician or activist may give a speech to inform others of the need for change, and persuade them of the right way to bring it about. A manager may need to give a speech to their employees or bosses. A speech may even be given when you leave school to reflect upon your time in education and inspire others to look to the future.

Speeches are not necessarily something we do every day, but speech writing is a useful skill to have.

More on Non-fiction writing

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How to Make a Good Speech for School

Last Updated: February 26, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,261,903 times.

A good speech in school will earn you the admiration of your teachers and peers alike. You probably won't deliver the kind of speech you hear in the movies, but that's a good thing: people will enjoy your original take much more. From getting an idea to conquering stage fright, here are the steps to take if you want to make your final speech a memorable, exciting success.

Sample Speeches

how to write a good speech for kids

Writing the Speech

Step 1 Choose a topic or theme.

  • If you're not sure which theme to choose, write down or summarize a few stories and statements you could include in your speech. Pick the ones you like best and see if there's a unifying theme to tie them together.
  • See What to Do and What Not to Do for more advice on themes.

Step 2 Pick a tone that makes you comfortable.

  • Don't interrupt one point with a clause, or section set aside by commas or parentheses. Instead of saying "Our tennis and basketball teams, which we all know won the regional championships two years ago, need increased funding to compete," say "Our tennis and basketball teams both won the regional championships two years ago. Now we need to increase their funding to compete with other schools."
  • You can reference your school's slang once or twice to get a laugh, but don't overdo it, especially if there are parents in the audience.

Step 4 Write down original stories and messages.

  • Find a broad message that your whole audience can connect to their own life, but still deals with a specific idea. For instance: "Become an even better version of the hero who inspired you." (But don't steal your "original" idea from this website!)
  • Your stories can be specific incidents in your life or from history, but you should connect them to a more general idea. For instance, you could tell a story about your sibling's hospital visit, then go on to talk about overcoming fear and hardship in general.
  • If you like what you're writing but it doesn't fit the theme you had planned, it's fine to adjust your topic or switch it entirely. Switch back and forth between writing stories and brainstorming a theme if you keep getting stuck.

Step 5 Find a gripping way to begin your speech.

  • Surprise your audience by diving right into a tough story. "When I was ten years old, I lost my father."
  • Make your audience laugh by telling a joke, especially one that everyone in the room will get. "Hello everyone. Let's have a round of applause for the guy who installed air conditioning."
  • Start with a grand, thought-provoking statement. "Our galaxy contains billions of earth-like planets, and we're only just beginning to discover them."
  • Most likely, someone else will introduce you, and many of your classmates know you already. Unless you're asked specifically to introduce yourself, you can get right to the good stuff.

Step 6 Make the theme clear.

  • To use an example from earlier, if your theme is "Become an even better version of the hero who inspired you," you could begin your speech with two or three sentence about your hero, then say "You all have heroes who inspire you, but you don't have to just follow them. You can become even greater than the people you look up to."

Step 7 Move from one idea to the next in a natural order.

  • Include phrases such as "Now I'd like to talk about..." and "But we should also remember..." when moving on to your next idea.

Step 8 End with a memorable statement that captures your speech.

  • Build up to a big ending, then crack a joke to wrap up a funny speech. "And I know when you walk to the ballot box tomorrow, you'll be ready to do the right thing. Protect the interests of yourself and your school by washing your hands afterward. Do you know how many people touch that thing?"
  • If you're giving a commencement speech, leave people feeling excited or awed about the future. This is a big moment and you have the power to help them realize it. "Years from now, you will be the father or mother your kid looks up to. The writer who changes the way we think. The inventor who creates new ways to live. Come up to the stage and start becoming heroes!"

Step 9 Edit and polish it as much as possible.

  • Have a teacher, family member, or trusted friend check it over for grammar mistakes and offer feedback. Spelling isn't as important, since you'll be speaking out loud.

Step 10 Consider visual aids.

  • If your topic involves a lot of numbers, plan to write them on the board so your audience can remember them

Step 11 Turn the speech into note cards, then practice!

  • Your notes are there to remind you what to say next and of important facts. "Move on to bear wrestling story (guy's name is Paul Bunyan)" is the level of detail you need.

Practicing and Delivering the Speech

Step 1 Think about movement and materials.

  • Practice giving your speech in as situation as similar to your actual speech as possible.
  • In general, you should stay fairly still while giving a speech. Small hand gestures and occasionally moving to a new spot are fine, especially if they help you feel and appear confident

Step 2 Practice speaking loudly and clearly.

  • If you speech is too long, you absolutely need to cut some material out of it or shorten the longer stories or ideas. If you're giving a commencement speech, aim for a 10 or 15 minute maximum. An election speech should be no more than a few minutes, and your teacher should be able to tell you the time limit for a class assignment speech.

Step 4 Talk slowly and pause between ideas.

  • If you can't stop rushing, work out how long you should spend on each section and write the number of minutes at the top of each index card or paragraph. Practice near a clock so you can check whether you're on pace.

Step 5 Deliver your speech to a mirror until you can do it without reading.

  • Use slightly different words each time once you have the main ideas down. Try not to get caught up on exact memorization; using a new phrase to communicate the written idea makes your speech sound more natural.

Step 6 Pay attention to other details once you become comfortable with the content.

  • Practice varying your facial expression if your face looks fixed and mechanical.
  • Try to vary the tone of your voice as well. Don't make it sound like you're reciting every word from memory; pretend you're speaking in ordinary conversation.

Step 7 Practice in front of a test audience.

  • Try to make eye contact with different members of your audience throughout the speech. Don't stare at any one person for too long.
  • Resist the temptation to hide by standing near a corner or large object.
  • Don't fidget, tap your foot, or make other nervous gestures. Try slowly walking back and forth across the stage to get rid of your nervous energy.

Step 8 Use their feedback to practice more.

  • Dressing nicely will increase your confidence and gain respect and attention from your audience.

What to Do and What Not to Do

Step 1 Choose an appropriate theme (for an election speech).

  • Memories your class shares and personal memories that many people will connect to, such as your first day at the school.
  • Overcoming obstacles. Talk about how your classmates overcame problems related to academics, finances, and health, and how proud everyone is that they're standing here.
  • The diversity of your classmates and celebrating the rich variety of experiences, personalities, and interests at your school. Describe some of the many ways people will go on to do good in the world.

Step 3 Use techniques to make your speech more memorable.

  • Address your audience directly. Ask them questions to get them thinking, although you shouldn't expect an answer.
  • Use groups of three. The human brain loves repetition, and especially trios. Start three sentences with the same phrase, speaking louder each sentence.
  • Use emotive language. Try to provoke a strong emotional response in your audience, not present a list of facts to them.

Step 4 Thank specific people, but don't go on too long.

  • Don't tell stories that only a few friends will understand. Even references that your whole class will get should be used sparingly if there are parents in the room as well.

Step 6 Avoid clichés.

  • Go change the world!
  • Today is not the last day of your education, but the first.
  • The future belongs to you.
  • If elected, I will be the voice of the students.
  • It's time for change!

Step 7 Don't insult or offend anyone.

  • If you're giving a high school commencement speech, remember that not everyone in your class will be attending college. Don't joke about your education letting you avoid a "bad" profession; chances are good there's a parent who has that job out in the audience.=

Common Questions: Tips for Writing & Rehearsing a Speech

How do you start a speech for school?

Start by introducing yourself and thanking the audience. You can kick off the speech with a relevant “what if” question that gets the audience thinking and expand on it. Or try starting with a strong statement or quote related to your topic, then follow it up with an impactful question to answer in your speech. [14] X Research source

Where do I start when I'm writing a speech?

Start by sitting down and brainstorming to get your creative juices flowing. What is the focus of your speech? Who is your audience? Why is your speech important? Once you have some notes down, start refining your ideas until you get to one main point or theme that you’ll base your speech on. [15] X Research source

What parts should I include in a speech to make it the most effective?

Create a speech that has a clear introduction for your main point or thesis statement. Then, include and expand on 2-3 main points to make up the body of your speech. To conclude, summarize and restate your thesis to include your key points, and then make your closing statement. [16] X Research source

How do I get better at giving a speech I've written?

Read the speech out loud several times to get a feel for it. Record or take video of yourself giving the speech to find any weak spots and adjust anything that feels awkward or choppy. Ask friends or family to watch you rehearse and give you honest feedback. Then, just keep practicing until you've nailed it. [17] X Research source

  • Look at everyone in the audience, not just one person. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure you don't offend or embarrass your audience. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Before you start, pick a spot on the wall to focus on. Throughout the speech, keep looking at that spot after each sentence. This shows to your audience and teacher that you can make eye contact! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write a good speech for kids

Things You'll Need

  • Writing tool
  • Index cards

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  • ↑ https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine/articles/for-the-novice-six-simple-steps-to-writing-a-fantastic-speech
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-introductions
  • ↑ [v161163_b01]. 12 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zv7fqp3/articles/z4w96v4
  • ↑ https://classroom.synonym.com/write-good-speech-school-4859.html
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-delivery
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  • ↑ https://www.amherst.edu/academiclife/support/writingcenter/public-speaking/resources-for-public-speaking/speech-structure
  • ↑ https://open.maricopa.edu/com225/chapter/practicing-your-speech/

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To make a good speech for school, choose a theme or topic to focus your speech on so it's easier to write. When you're writing your speech, stick with simple language so your audience understands and doesn't get bored. Also, try to start your speech with a joke, story, or shocking fact that will immediately grab their attention. Remember to talk directly to your audience by asking rhetorical questions and making references they'll understand. End your speech with something memorable, like an inspirational quote or a call to action. To learn more about how to practice and memorize your speech before you present it, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Public Speaking for Kids- 27 Practical Tips

Public Speaking for Kids: 27 Practical Tips

  • Filed under: Featured articles , Presentation anxiety , Public speaking tips and tricks

Here’s the thing about public speaking: it’s one of the few things in life where you can be 13 years old or you can be 5 years old, and you can actually be better than your parents or lots of other adults. This is not true with driving and other dangerous skills that are only available to adults. But public speaking is different.

Here’s why.

We’ve all seen really boring public speakers in different settings, whether they are folks speaking in your community about various issues or two parents in front of the class.

As a matter of fact, these days we’re so used to listening to bad speeches that we pray to God that the next one is even a little bit better. We couldn’t ask for more and hope that, “This one will be better than the others we’ve heard so far.”

Table of Contents

Public speaking for kids: the most important things to remember

Guess what? It doesn’t matter if you’re 5 years old or 55 years old: if you’re boring, you’re not communicating.

So, what are the best tips on public speaking for kids? You need to go into every single presentation with a specific goal in mind. Also, you’ve got to focus on the most important ideas that should be remembered.

Therefore, let’s dive in and see what are the other best tips on public speaking for kids.

Why is public speaking important for children?

If you can stand up and speak well in front of an audience, that is a great skill, and you can learn that at any age. Not only is public speaking a great skill you can use right now to help you get through school, but it can also help you with every other school project or even to ask your parents for an increase in your allowance .

The ability to speak in a way that people will listen to you and have a sense that you’re comfortable and relaxed is a good thing.

Therefore, learning how to speak in front of a large group will help you:

  • Improve your message delivery skills and other communication skills
  • Increase your self-awareness and self-esteem

Additional reading:

  • Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) and the stage fear
  • Public speaking FAQs: Answers To the Top 22 Most Common Questions

#1 Set up your goals for the presentation

The first thing you’ve got to do before any presentation you give (whether it’s asking for allowance or giving a book report) is you’ve got to really figure out your goals. For example:

  • If for an allowance, you want that additional amount of money every single week.
  • If it’s a book report, your goals may be more general.

Some goals may be:

  • You want people to know a lot of interesting things about this book
  • You want the teacher to be impressed
  • You want a good grade

Whatever it is, you need to go into every single presentation with a specific goal in mind.

So, think about your specific goals and write them down.

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#2 Make Sure Your Most Important Ideas Are Remembered

Once you have decided exactly what your topic and goals are, you need to really focus on what you think is going to motivate your audience to follow up on the goals to do what it is you want them to do.

Now, if it’s in the classroom, you may simply want the other students and the teacher to know that you know all the basic, fundamental, important things about your topic.

If you are asking your parents to go on a particular type of vacation (to Disneyland, for example) then you’ve got to ask yourself what are the specific reasons that are most likely to motivate your parents to take you to Disneyland.

So, you’ve got to focus on the most important ideas that should be remembered.

#3 You can’t just point out every single fact or every single piece of data.

There is no point in saying that Disneyland is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., 365 days a year. That’s a fact about Disneyland and it’s unlikely to motivate your parents to do what you want them to do.

Also, if you’re giving a book report about some famous person, you can’t look at all the facts of a person’s life because…who cares?

Why should anyone really care about that unless you explained it in the proper context? So, the biggest problem for most people is they just throw out so much stuff that, frankly, isn’t interesting.

Therefore, ask yourself:

  • Is what I’m saying truly going to be interesting to the people in the room to whom I’m speaking?
  • Is it really going to be interesting and important to them?
  • Is it just going to seem really boring, and they’re going to think, “Oh, let me just ignore what this kid is saying and let me check my e-mail.”

So, much of being a good public speaker doesn’t have anything to do with how tall you are or whether your speaking voice is deep. Complete nonsense.

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#4 Decide what is interesting and what isn’t

So much of being a good public speaker is about simply using judgment about what is interesting and what isn’t. And that’s the main reason you need to come up with a handful of messages that are going to make the case.

Focus on what’s really most important about the topic you are speaking about and, for a starter, come up with the top five ideas. Usually, there is no point in talking about more than five main points, and therefore this should do the trick for you.

#5 Show them what you care about

Anytime you’re presenting and you’re coming up with your messages, you’ve always have to ask:

  • What is it I really care about?
  • Why do I care about this?

Globally, audiences like when they’re seeing somebody speak who seems like they care about the topic and who seems passionate about the subject.

#6 Find out why this particular topic is more interesting than other stuff

Now, I understand you can’t be passionate and excited about everything your teacher gives out and there are lots of assignments that are just not the most exciting ones in the world.

Nevertheless, you’ve still got to find why this particular topic is more interesting than other stuff.

#7 You’ve got to talk about it with a little passion

If you want people to pay attention to you – if you want to get a good grade, and if you want to seem like you understand a subject – you’ve got to talk about it with a little passion. You’ve got to seem like you care.

Because here’s the thing: if you don’t care, no one else will, either , and everyone else will just be daydreaming and doodling.

If you want to give a great presentation, and if you want to build your skillset, you’re going to have a long lifetime of giving presentations. Why not learn how to get a little bit better every single time and learn how to make each one a little easier?

Therefore, always look at the messages that you’re coming up with and really figure out which ones you care about the most. You’re going to be a lot more interesting to listen to and that is half the battle.

#8 Make your points unforgettable

Here’s a magic phrase for any time you’re speaking, whether you’re giving a book report or a presentation of any sort: “For example….”

That’s it.

#9 Use the magic phrase “For example”

Human beings are trying to learn. They’re trying to listen to you and figure out what it is you’re talking about.

So, anytime you can give an example, you are better off. I’ve never heard anyone in the world say, “I hated the way that the last presenter gave so many interesting, relevant examples.”

And yet I often hear people say, “This speaker was really boring. That was a data dump. I didn’t learn anything. It was sort of vague and fuzzy.”

Therefore, any time you want to make a point, give a specific example.

For example, when I am telling people it’s important not to look nervous and uncomfortable, I don’t just then go on to the next point. Instead, I say, “ For example , if you’re looking down the whole time, and you look like you’re guilty, then people are going to assume that you’re nervous and uncomfortable. They’re going to maybe feel sympathy for you but they’re not going to focus on you. ”

So, think of examples for every one of the messages that you’ve written down and come up with examples for each one of your five main points.

#10 Use a cheat sheet and notes

In school, I would never ever suggest you cheat, because it’s not the right thing to do. Plus, if you get caught the penalties are severe.

But when you are giving a presentation, I do recommend that you have a cheat sheet. By that, I mean just a single sheet of paper.

Here are some tips for the cheat sheet:

  • It has notes
  • Notes are written in big bold letters
  • Notes are not written with whole sentences
  • Notes are not written down with whole paragraphs
  • Write down any important number, any fact and any date that’s really important that you’re afraid you might forget

#11 Never read when you’re giving a presentation

Human beings can’t stand it when someone reads monotonously from the paper. It’s because when you read to them:

  • Your voice goes flat/monotone
  • There’s no eye contact
  • Facial expressions are flat
  • You are ignoring the audience

So, I recommend to never read when you’re giving a presentation.

Useful reading:

  • How to Outline a Presentation: A Complete Guide From a Pro
  • How to Use Notes in a Speech: 14 valuable tips for a speaker

#12 Get your audience to understand you and to do what you want

Now, of course, there are exceptions. If you are quoting Ronald Reagan, or any other famous person, and you want to get it just right, then it’s fine to glance down and read.

If your teacher requires you to read, by all means, do so. But when it’s up to you, I want you to not read. It’s all about the audience and getting them to understand you and to do what you want.

For example, if you’re asking your parents for an increase in allowance…

  • Are your parents hearing this?
  • Are your parents understanding it?
  • Are they persuaded?
  • Are they going to do what you want?

#13 Put a spotlight on an idea

It’s never just about the words. The beauty of public speaking is that it puts a spotlight on an idea and it shows people you think that this is important. That’s why it’s really critical to focus on your audience and to get them to understand that you care about them understanding your ideas.

And that’s why reading is never a good idea. Instead, have notes and have a cheat sheet that is limited to a single sheet of paper.

But beyond that, you need to be looking at your audience when you’re speaking. If you do that, you’ll come across as much more comfortable, more believable and they’re much more likely to do whatever it is you want them to do. Or at least they understand the ideas you’re talking about.

#14 Practice your speech

Public speaking for kids and preparation for your speech is like any other adult presentation. Therefore, it’s time to practice your speech.

But: I need you to do it in a very specific way. I’m talking about video recording yourself.

#15 Rehearse in front of a video camera

So, when you practice your talk, don’t just state it out loud in front of a parent, or a friend or a classmate. Also, practice in front of a mirror. That really doesn’t do much good.

What you need to do is practice your speech on video.   These days, it is easy to find a cell phone video or a webcam. If you’re looking for good cameras, or even for teleprompters for public speaking, then take a look at these cameras or teleprompters, here .

Remember: practicing in front of a video camera is the most important part of this whole process.

If you practice on the video to the point where you like what you see, you’re going to feel so much more confident.

It doesn’t matter if your speech is 2 minutes long or 20 minutes long: every time, practice your speech as if you were doing it for real . All you need to do is to be able to see and hear you once you’ve recorded yourself on video.

  • Prepared speech: 10 effective tips on how to practice a speech
  • How to be comfortable in front of a video camera? 14 great tips

#16 Write down everything you liked and disliked about your presentation

Next thing you need to do is to watch the video, and I need you to grade yourself and be a fair critic. Don’t just look at the negatives – look at the positives, too.

I want you to write down everything. Things like:

  • How you came across?
  • How you smile?
  • How you looked comfortable?
  • Whether you seemed interesting?
  • Whether you were easy to understand?
  • Whether your rate of speaking was good and not rushed?
  • If you’re speaking so softly that it’s hard to understand
  • If you’re fidgeting with your fingers the whole time and looked nervous.
  • Did your tone of voice go up at the end of every sentence, making it sound like you were questioning/doubting yourself?
  • Did you look scared?

Sometimes, it’s hard to judge ourselves, so you may want to ask a parent, classmate or someone else to do this with you, too.

It’s good to get independent feedback, but we’re not looking only for criticism, and we’re not looking only for praise. We really want to get an accurate sense of what’s working and what isn’t.

#17 Rehearse again

I hope that after finishing the first rehearsal, you have a decent-sized list of things you like and don’t like.

Now, if you have that list, you’re going to do this all again, but this time, I want you to do more of the things you liked when you presented . And I want you to look at the list of the things you don’t like and I want you to focus on just one of those things .

For example, maybe it was speaking too quickly.  This time, focus on that and try to slow down. You should not try to fix 10 problems if there are 10 things you don’t like.

That’s not how you learned any other skill – you didn’t go to math class one day and instantly learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Instead, you learned one step at a time. Therefore, I want you to do the same thing with public speaking.

  • Focus on just one thing
  • Video record yourself one more time
  • Analyze it again
  • Make a detailed list of what you like (ideally, that list grows)
  • Make a detailed list of what you don’t like (ideally, that list shrinks)

#18 Rehearse until you are satisfied

After your second rehearsal, chances are you made some mistakes, and maybe it’s not 100 percent but you made some improvement. Now, if you didn’t see improvement, typically that means one of two things.

  • You tried to fix 5 or 10 things, and you didn’t focus on just 1 thing, therefore your mind scatters.
  • You tried to focus on something that you just can’t change.

For example, if you’re 12 years old, and you want to sound like you have a deep, old man’s voice, you can’t really do that without sounding ridiculous.

You don’t need to do that. There’s nothing wrong with your voice right now. As long as people can understand you, and you don’t sound scared, chances are your voice is perfectly fine.

You have to sound like you, as long as it’s you sounding interested and relaxed and not scared, tense and nervous.

So, the next thing you need to do is to look again at the list of things you like and how you’re presenting and at the list of things you don’t like. And…I need you to practice again on video.

Review it again and figure out what you like what you don’t like. Now, here’s the key. And this is really the most important part of the preparation.

#19 Look at it and keep doing it until you like what you see.

Maybe that only takes 1 more time. Maybe it takes 10 times or 20 times, but if you really want to be well prepared for this presentation, you need to rehearse for as long as it takes.

If you want a great role model for your presentation, it needs to be you and that’s why you need to practice on video.

If you can give your presentation, record it on video and look at it and say, “Wow! That’s great!” then it is going to be much easier to go in front of people and talk well.

You just have to put enough time into it, and this will get easier as you get older and you do this regularly. As you gain more experience, you’ll get to the point where, typically, you really only need to practice once on video.

Most adults never do this because they’re too lazy. Now is your time to build new, strong habits that are going to last you a lifetime. So, keep practicing on video again and again until you like it. Once you’ve done this, you’re going to be ready to give the best possible presentation you can on this topic.

How do children overcome the fear of public speaking?

The way to eliminate the fear of public speaking is to come up with a process – something you can do every single time so that you’re not leaving anything up to chance, and you’re not wondering what to do.

Here are some proven techniques for overcoming stage fright.

#19 Breathing

Belly breathing is the best form of breathing, and it helps calm the nerves. Therefore, try to do several (4-5 times) very deep breaths with your belly to calm your nerves.

Here are some other good breathing techniques.

Sama Vritti technique

  • Begin with a slow, steady inhale through your nose while silently counting to four.
  • Pause briefly, then exhale through your nose for another count of four.
  • Repeat until your heart rate slows and you feel calmer.

Abdominal breathing technique

  • Place one hand on your chest and one on your abdomen.
  • Breathe in deeply through the nose, making sure your abdomen inflates, not your chest.
  • Exhale slowly.
  • Repeat six to ten times every minute for approximately ten minutes.
  • What is Stage Fright: Everything You Need to Know About it
  • Stage fright: A Helpful Illustrated Guide

#20 Accept the fact that you’re going to be nervous

One of the things that makes people nervous standing up in front of the classroom or talking to family members and friends is this idea of, “Oh-oh, I don’t really know how I’m coming across. Maybe I look nervous; maybe I look scared; maybe I look uncomfortable.”

Guess what? You might actually look nervous, uncomfortable or scared, but if you don’t know how you’re coming across, then you just don’t know. So, chances are you might actually look awkward or uncomfortable.

Therefore, this is one of the most important points I need to make. Even seasoned performers and successful entrepreneurs get nervous before going in front of people.

#21 Acknowledge that the audience wouldn’t understand you’re nervous

Also, there’s no point worrying about whether your listeners notice your nervousness, trembling, etc. – they normally won’t. Even if they are aware that you’re slightly nervous, nobody takes it seriously.

You don’t need to excuse yourself for being nervous at the beginning of your presentation. Equally important, don’t start your speech by apologizing for being nervous.

#22 Proper preparation with proper practice

Preparing at home, ask yourself, “ What do I want my listeners to think or do differently after I’ve finished my presentation?”

During preparation, think about who your listeners are and what their interests, needs, and expectations are. If you’re able to do a presentation that listeners can relate to, you’ve done great, offering something valuable to your audience.

#23 Remember that the audience is your greatest ally

Keep in mind that your listeners don’t mean you harm – they’ve come to learn something interesting. A common presumption is that the audience wants you to fail. The reality, however, is the opposite: the audience is your greatest ally because if your presentation fails, so will they.

#24 Remember that no presentation is perfect!

Well, at least not for the speaker. During my public speaking training, I often see how being asked by the presenter how it went right after the presentation, people answer “very poorly.“

As a presenter, you notice all the blips; you remember what you forgot to say, etc. If I ask the audience the same question, they usually say the opposite; e.g. What are you talking about? It went very well!

So, don’t focus on giving a perfect presentation. You’re already better than you think!

  • 17 Biggest Public Speaking Myths Debunked
  • Is public speaking really more feared than death?

How can a child improve his/her public speaking skills?

In this section, I’ll briefly outline the main things to keep in mind when it comes to preparation and making a presentation. Here are some things I would like to point out.

#25 Know your audience and their background

Who are they? What do they want? What are their expectations? In other words, you need a detailed audience analysis. Some things to consider:

  • Are there any experts among the audience?
  • Do the listeners know the topic well?
  • What is the attitude of the audience?

#26 Try to think through the entire presentation

Think about things like:

  • What you can do to draw attention
  • Arriving early and adjusting everything according to your needs
  • What is your plan B if something goes wrong (for example you’re out of time)
  • How to use a video projector or other gadgets if you need one

#27 Feedback

Feedback is the best thing to make you a better speaker. Also, this is something that helps you further improve your speech , even if you’re already quite happy with it. So, in order to become a better public speaker, you should always ask the audience (or friends who participated) for as much feedback as possible.

This way you can avoid mistakes you made this time, and your next listeners will become part of an even better experience.

Final thoughts on public speaking for kids

Remember that most people aren’t very good at public speaking.

If you’ve actually followed the tips we’ve talked about in this post, you’re going to be way ahead of most of your friends, your peers, and your colleagues. It’s because you’re going to know the secret of how to come across confident, comfortable and relaxed.

Therefore, you’re not going to be nervous when you’re giving presentations, and you’re going to know that you’re doing your very best. But more importantly, if you actually follow this on a regular basis, this is a skill that’s going to help you throughout your whole life, because you’re going to be giving a lot of presentations.

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Who is janek tuttar.

My name is Janek Tuttar , and I am the founder and author of Speak and Conquer website.

I have been teaching public speaking at Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences

Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

More information about Janek »

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Janek Tuttar

Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of SpeakAndConquer.com.

I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

Send me an e-mail: [email protected]


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Public Speaking for Kids: 30 Topic Ideas for 30 Days

Samidha raj.

Writer , Jersey City , New Jersey

A great public speaker, whether a young child or a seasoned professional, is someone who reflects charisma and confidence to captivate their audience. It’s okay to feel nervous or to have fear of public speaking. Great public speakers often get nervous, but this nervous energy keeps their adrenaline flowing. 

However, what is not okay is sounding and looking nervous when speaking in public. This makes the audience feel disconnected from the speaker.  Public speaking training for kids  seems like a daunting task, but it’s really a matter of practice.

Help your children to project magnetism and self-assuredness when they speak with these 30 inspiring speech topics for 30 days. Your kids can practice public speaking by taking one topic every day for the next 30 days. This will help them fire their imaginations to be confident public speakers. Here are some topic ideas for public speaking for children, but feel free to invent your own! Choose a topic today!

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Public Speaking for Kids: Ideas for Topics

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  • A much-needed invention
  • What planet would you visit and why?
  • If you could have one superpower, what it would be?
  • What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
  • Tell us why too much TV is bad for your health 
  • If you could make one toy, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
  • If you were the President for the day, what would you do?
  • If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
  • What is your favorite subject in school, and why?
  • What is your least favorite food?
  • What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up?
  • What is your favorite kind of music, and why?

Speaking on the above topic ideas will instill the power of confidence in your kids. When your child is charged with a healthy dose of self-assurance, nothing can get in the way of their success. So, take this 30-day, 30-topic challenge and  boost your child’s confidence  in becoming a great public speaker. You will see a decided improvement in your child’s eye contact, body language, and presentation skills.

Free Assessment!

Take this quiz and get a report on your child’s milestones and a personalized learning plan.

how to write a good speech for kids

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16 Public Speaking Tips for Students

Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of "Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder" and "7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety." She has a Master's degree in psychology.

how to write a good speech for kids

Aron Janssen, MD is board certified in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry and is the vice chair of child and adolescent psychiatry Northwestern University.

how to write a good speech for kids

Public speaking tips for students aim to reduce anxiety that can interfere with giving presentations or speeches in class. These tips can also be helpful for those with social anxiety disorder (SAD)   who have difficulty speaking in front of a group or telling a story among friends.

Public Speaking Tips

If you have SAD and need to give a speech  in elementary school, high school, college, or university, it helps to be as prepared as possible . Beyond preparation, however, there are strategies that you can use to reduce anxiety and fight the urge to stay home with a fake illness.

Even great speakers practice their speeches beforehand. Practice out loud with a recording device or video camera and then watch yourself to see how you can improve. If you are feeling brave, practice in front of a friend or family member and ask for feedback.

  • Talk about what you know : If possible, choose a topic for your speech or presentation that you know a lot about and love. Your passion for the topic will be felt by the audience, and you will feel less anxious knowing that you have a lot of experience to draw from when other students ask you questions.
  • Concentrate on your message : When you focus on the task at hand, anxiety is less likely to get out of control. Concentrate on the main message of your speech or presentation and make it your goal to deliver that message to the other students in your class.
  • Grab the audience's attention : Most of your fellow classmates will pay attention for at least the first 20 seconds; grab their attention during those early moments. Start with an interesting fact or a story that relates to your topic.
  • Have one main message : Focus on one central theme and your classmates will learn more. Tie different parts of your talk to the main theme to support your overall message. Trying to cover too much ground can leave other students feeling overwhelmed.

Tell Stories

Stories catch the attention of other students and deliver a message in a more meaningful way than facts and figures. Whenever possible, use a story to illustrate a point in your talk.

Being prepared to speak in public can also be important if you have social anxiety disorder. Feeling confident and prepared to give your speech may help lessen your feelings of anxiety. Some of the things that you can do to prepare include:

  • Visit the room : If you have access to the classroom where you will be speaking outside of class hours, take the time to visit in advance and get used to standing at the front of the room. Make arrangements for any audio-visual equipment and practice standing in the exact spot where you will deliver your speech.
  • Rack up experience : Volunteer to speak in front of your class as often as possible. Be the first one to raise your hand when a question is asked. Your confidence will grow with every public speaking experience.
  • Observe other speakers : Take the time to watch other speakers who are good at what they do. Practice imitating their style and confidence.
  • Organize your talk : Every speech should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Structure your talk so that the other students know what to expect.

Manage Your Anxiety

Taking steps to deal with your feelings of anxiety can also make public speaking easier. Some of the things that you can do:

  • Tell someone about your anxiety : If you are speaking in front of a high school or college class, meet with your teacher or professor and describe your public speaking fears . If you're in elementary or high school, share your fears with your parents, a teacher, or a guidance counselor. Sometimes sharing how you feel can make it easier to overcome stage fright.
  • Visualize confidence : Visualize yourself confidently delivering your speech. Imagine feeling free of anxiety and engaging the students in your class. Although this may seem like a stretch for you now, visualization is a powerful tool for changing the way that you feel. Elite athletes use this strategy to improve performance in competitions.
  • Find a friendly face : If you are feeling anxious, find one of your friends in class (or someone who seems friendly) and imagine that you are speaking only to that person.

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Maintain Perspective

Remember that other students are on your side. Think about a time when you have been an audience member and the student delivering the speech or presentation was noticeably nervous. Did you think less of that student? More likely, you felt sympathetic and wanted to make that person more comfortable by smiling or nodding.

Remember—other students generally want you to succeed and feel comfortable. If for some reason the audience is not on your side or you experience bullying or social exclusion, be sure to discuss this with a parent, teacher, or guidance counselor.

Be Confident

Sometimes just knowing what makes a good speech can help you feel more confident. Focus on some of the following elements and practice them before you have to speak in public.

  • Develop your own style : In addition to imitating good speakers, work on developing your own personal style as a public speaker. Integrate your own personality into your speaking style and you will feel more comfortable in front of the class. Telling personal stories that tie into your theme are a great way to let other students get to know you better.
  • Avoid filler words : Words such as "basically", "well", and "um" don't add anything to your speech. Practice being silent when you feel the urge to use one of these words.
  • Vary your tone, volume, and speed : Interesting speakers vary the pitch (high versus low), volume (loud versus soft), and speed (fast versus slow) of their words. Doing so keeps your classmates interested and engaged in what you say.
  • Make the audience laugh : Laughter is a great way to relax both you and the other students in your class, and telling jokes can be a great icebreaker at the beginning of a speech. Practice the timing and delivery of your jokes beforehand and ask a friend for feedback. Be sure that they are appropriate for your class before you begin.
  • Smile : If all else fails, smile. Your fellow classmates will perceive you like a warm speaker and be more receptive to what you have to say.

Don't Apologize

If you make a mistake, don't offer apologies. Chances are that your classmates didn't notice anyway. Unless you need to correct a fact or figure, there is no point dwelling on errors that probably only you noticed.

If you make a mistake because your hands or shaking, or something similar, try to make light of the situation by saying something like, "I wasn't this nervous when I woke up this morning!" This can help to break the tension of the moment.

A Word From Verywell

It's natural to feel frightened the first time you have to speak in front of your class. However, if you fear continues, interferes with your daily life and keeps you awake at night, it may be helpful to see someone about your anxiety.

Try talking to a parent, teacher, or counselor about how you have been feeling. If that doesn't get you anywhere, ask to make an appointment with your doctor. Severe public speaking anxiety is a true disorder that can improve with treatment .

Spence SH, Rapee RM. The etiology of social anxiety disorder: An evidence-based model . Behav Res Ther. 2016;86:50-67. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2016.06.007

By Arlin Cuncic, MA Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of "Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder" and "7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety." She has a Master's degree in psychology.

Frantically Speaking

How to start a speech for students (Ultimate opening lines)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

Person presenting to an audience

Schools and their love for speeches is an affair we are all quite aware of. Now if you are looking to move beyond the mundane way of delivering speeches in school and are in search of some amazing speech openings for students, you are at the right place!

Speeches are the most common form of public speaking that is encouraged in schools . Be it for a competition, assignment, presentation, or even as a punishment (oops), speeches are everywhere in a student’s life.  

To get a quick idea on speech opening lines for students , don’t forget to check out our video on 3 speech opening lines for students!

But before we dive into understanding how to go about your speeches, it is important to first understand why educational institutes focus so much on speeches or public speaking in general that they begin introducing us to speeches as early as primary sections.

Why is speech encouraged in Primary school?

It is a common practice to give the students a little idea about giving speeches as early as primary school. Part of the reason is that these are the foundational years and form as a stepping stone for the students to get a little more used to public speaking as they move to higher classes .

A couple of ways students in primary schools may be asked to give speeches would be to introduce themselves or at competitions like fancy dress competitions.

What is the use of speech in high school?

In high school, as students gain more understanding about the world at large and develop their opinions, giving speeches is encouraged in school to help them navigate their thoughts to their peers. Further, speeches as a form of public speaking also help build the student’s soft skills .

A few ways giving speeches in high school can help in developing their soft skills are:

1. critical thinking.

Speeches aren’t about blurting out your ideas or opinions, rather it requires you to research and find evidence to back your point of view, or to think critically to deliver a speech that effectively reaches the other students.

2. Problem-solving

Speeches could be framed around a popular or controversial issue that the student wishes to provide their insight into. This would encourage them to come up with solutions. Apart from that, even coming up with a speech can be a task sometimes, and overcoming those challenges too can be counted in as a way of problem-solving

3. Time-management

With a huge number of students in high school, speeches are almost always time-bound. This also means that the students have to structure their speeches in a way that fits the time given, further inculcating time management skills in them.

4. Active listening

Speeches are not only about delivering or conveying your ideas or findings but also about listening carefully to what others have to say in terms of questions that may ask.

Why is speech required at college?

Speeches in college have an entirely different goal than the one that schools have.

In college, it isn’t always mandatory to give speeches or to participate in public speaking. However, a few reasons why giving speeches or public speaking is encouraged in colleges is because:

  • It helps in developing communication and public speaking skills that can be very beneficial to their professional life later.
  • Speeches may also be a way to meet new people and make new connections.
  • It improves the student’s leadership skills. How? We have all heard how a good speaker carries with him or her the potential to influence and lead the crowd, and that is how practicing public speaking in college helps improve a student’s leadership skills.

When can students be asked to give a speech?

As we just discussed that the purpose of giving speeches changes as we progress in our school. However, there are a couple of situations where mostly all students are expected to present their speech. And they are:

Classroom/section speeches

Classroom or section speeches are the ones you give in front of your classmates or people from your age group. Generally, the presentation of assignments and competitions comes under this category.

Graduation Speech

Graduating students

Students may also be expected to present a graduation speech . However, the big difference here is that not everyone gets the opportunity to present a graduation speech or commencement address as it is known.

What type of speech is a graduation speech? Or what type of speech is a commencement speech?

Graduation speeches or commencement speeches are parting speeches wherein the focus is on reflecting on the good times in the institute and motivating others for their bright future ahead. Depending on the purpose as selected by the speaker, these speeches could be persuasive, informative, or entertaining in nature . 

How to start a speech as a student 

Giving speeches as a student, even if you have been doing it for the past few years can still end up being a little challenging.  But rather than giving you tons of tips on things you can focus on while coming up with your speech or speech openings for students, we have got one ultimate tip . If you follow that, you should ideally be able to reach your audience more effectively.

Ultimate tip when writing speeches or speech openings for students

Write how you speak, not how you write.

When I came across this tip, I was surprised too. Because is indeed true that we write very differently when we have to show the speech to someone in written form but if asked honestly, do we speak in such a highly polished, extra professional vocabulary?

The idea is not to write the speech or speech opening riddled with slang but rather in a way that you’d feel comfortable listening to and understanding easily had you been the listener.

So in short, prepare the speech with the listener in mind, not the reader .

What is a good opening line for a speech?

Most opening lines for speech in school begin with a good morning.  We usually follow it with greetings or addressing the audience and the guests.

Wondering how you greet everyone in a speech?

Here is a list of ways you can begin with a simple good morning:

  • Good morning everyone presents here today. I’m delighted to present my views and understanding on a very delicate yet overlooked topic; Gender sensitization in the workplace.
  • Good afternoon esteemed members of the jury, my friends and peers, and everyone present in the room today.
  • Good morning to the faculty, the non-teaching staff, and the class of 2022!!

Now it is a good practice to begin your speech with your usual greetings. However, in this blog, we are trying to look beyond the usual.

It doesn’t mean that you will not be saying good morning or your basic greetings; the only difference is that you’ll not be opening your speech with it but addressing these basic formalities later in the speech.

How do you start a speech without saying good morning?

There are a couple of ways you can start a speech without saying good morning. Here are some of the ways we will take a look at in this blog:

  • “Imagine” scenario
  • “What if” scenario
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Statistics and figures
  • Powerful statements

Quotes are phrases or things spoken by someone influential . Quotes as speech openings for students can not only help them go beyond the widely popular way of beginning any speech but will also help them establish credibility right in the very beginning!

Now if you have ever wondered,

How to start your speech with a quote?

Here are a couple of examples of using quotes as speech openings for students:

Lon Watters had said that “A school is a building with four walls, with tomorrow inside.” And it would be wrong if I said that I didn’t agree with every bit of what he said. As we come to an end of our journey with this school that has provided us with tons of opportunities to learn, grow, interact and make memories we sure will cherish forever…
“If you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody else does.” This is a quote given by Michael Hyatt and isn’t it something we have all been experiencing all these years of growing up as our parents or guardians make plans for us right from the way we dress to the school we go to and sometimes even the careers we choose. Good morning everyone, I am Myra, a student of XYZ school standing here to voice my opinion on “Factors that influence your career decisions.”

 2. “Imagine” Scenario

Young girl imagining

This happens to be a personal favorite of mine when it comes to speech openings for students. A very simple yet beautiful way to engage your audience right at the beginning of your speech while at the same time allowing them to relate to what you’ll be saying next is what the image” scenarios are all about.

Before we begin, I’d like you to take a moment and imagine walking through a trail. You see the lush greens and pretty sky above you, the most dynamic clouds following everyone you go. Try sniffing the smell of wet soil and a hint of flowery fragrance as you walk towards the edge of the hill expecting to take a glimpse of the utter beauty that these hours of walking would lead you to, but you find something else. You see something that sends chills down your spine. There are some strange men performing rituals right in the very heart of these dense greens. You wonder what it is all about until it hits you; you have just uncovered a cult.

For the next example, I’d like you to take a look at the video below and check for yourself how wonderfully the speaker (although not a student) has made use of the “imagine” scenario to share his tragic experience with his audience.

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D.

3. “What If” Scenario

What if I told you that the best speech openings for students are actually the ones wherein they come up with an opening that best represents their style and comfort at delivering speeches, be it with a joke or a story?

Do you see what I did there?

That is an example of a “what if” scenario. It is similar to the imagination scenario we discussed above but the only difference here is that “what if” speech openings for students focus on providing an alternative idea to the audience while the imagined scenarios provide the audience an opportunity to relate to the speaker.

4. Rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions are questions the speaker includes in his/her/their speech that doesn’t necessarily require the audience to come up with an answer but are posed to get the audience thinking on the same.

Using rhetorical questions as speech openings for students can work wonders especially when you are looking for either a very quick speech opening or have very little time to deliver the speech.

An example of using rhetorical questions for speech opening is given below:

Talking about the new policy that makes it illegal to check the gender of the child before birth, do you think that it will curb the issue of female foeticide? Or will it simply take the activity underground?

The art of silence is phenomenal. Opening your speech in silence can help enhance your speech in two ways.

First, it will give the audience some time to settle in , post which you can expect to grab their dedicated attention. And secondly, silence would give you some time to understand the room and calm your pre-stage anxiousness .

6. Statistics and figures

collage of random numbers

Want to begin your speech on a hard-hitting and eye-opening note?

Show the numbers, the figures, and any statistics that serve your purpose for giving the speech.

It is very common to overlook the seriousness of any situation when you aren’t aware of the real extent of its seriousness. But when we have numbers in front of us, there is no more room for being in denial.

Examples of using Statistics or figures as speech openings for students

  • According to the 2019 WWF report , on average, we consume about 1,769 microplastic particles every week. 1769 microplastic particles every single week, can you imagine that?
  • 3.2 million teenagers between the age of 12-17 were depressed in the US as of 2017. Now you can only assume the number has increased over the past 5 years.

7. Powerful  Statements

Powerful statements are statements that try to break any common ideologies held by the public. Another example of a powerful statement is stating a fact or idea that isn’t openly spoken .

The video below is one such example of how the speaker tries to break a perception generally held by the people.

How often have we been told to include stories in our speech?

Almost every time isn’t it? So here we are to bombard you yet again by saying that stories are extremely fun and engaging forms of speech openings for students.

You can either share your experience or someone else’s story.

You can also refer to a Recent Conversation by starting your speech with something like “Just the other day as I was walking out of my Philosophy lecture, I asked Mr.Dee about his philosophy on life, and what he said was so eye-opening that I could not wait to share with all of you.”

An adorable example of how to begin a speech with a story is given below to help you get a clearer idea.

Examples of speech openings for students

Speech opening lines for public speaking competitions.

When it comes to public speaking competitions like elocutions, speech competitions, or even presentations, it is almost always recommended to begin with self-introduction . The reason is quite simple; there is a high chance that your audience might not know you .

But if you don’t want to begin with a self-introduction, you can start by using any of the alternatives we discussed earlier. Click here to go back and take another peek at it.

Speech Opening Lines for Self-introductions

Speech openings for self-introductions need to be simple, to the point yet descriptive.

Wait a minute? Wasn’t I contradicting myself in that line?

Yes, but that is how opening lines for self-introductions would ideally work. As people expect you to talk about yourself in depth in the rest of your speech, your opening lines would just be a teaser about yourself.

2 most important things to add in your self-introduction opening lines for students

  • What do you do?

Other things that you can talk about in these opening lines include:

  • Where are you from?
  • What is your goal?
  • What does your organization do?
  • A little bit about your family

Examples of opening lines for students

Good morning, I am Reini. I recently graduated from BMU college and have since been working as a Design intern at Desgynopedia. 
Hello and good evening everyone. I am Nicole and this is my team, Alina, Tim, Harold, and Noman. We are in our senior year majoring in Organizational psychology. Today we would like to talk about the 5 main Psychological factors that impact any organization’s overall performance.
Hey, I am Nizan. I am a nerd for Political Science and Greek Philosophy and am currently majoring in the same. My love for the subjects is also the reason why I am here to present a topic I found very intriguing “The injustice behind socrates’ death.”

Funny speech opening lines for students

If you are giving a speech for a competition, one of the most fun ways of opening your speech could be to say “Good morning to the faculty, my friends, and (look at the opponents) others.”

Other funny opening line examples:

  • I almost bunked school today until I realized that this speech carries marks and I sure don’t want to be in a class with our juniors. Just imagine! Who could do that?
  • Hello and good morning to everyone, except the ones who are well prepared for their speeches today.
  • Hello everyone, I’m excited to present my speech on XYZ’s topic today. I mean come on, what could be better than waking up at 7 am on a Monday morning to give a speech?
  • Today I’ll be talking about XYZ because I was told to!

Best Speech Opening Lines by students

1. chase dahl.

In one of the funniest speech opening lines by students, Chase Dahl opens up by saying “You know I have never understood how imagining the audience naked was supposed to make you less nervous. Honestly, I’m just uncomfortable right now.”

2. Kyle Martin (The King’s Academy)

Yet another Valedictorian speech that has caught our eye is the one given by Kyle Martin. The reason we would suggest you take a look into the opening lines of his speech is so that you can take notes on how beautifully he has described the efforts taken by every department of the institute as he tries to thank them for their efforts.

Presentation Opening Lines

Presentation speeches are a little different compared to your usual speeches and the major reason for that is because now you have access to visuals or your PPT.

Besides some of the ways already discussed above, you can begin the presentation by pointing out a particular slide. You can show your audience a graph, table, pictures, or any other creative and eye-catching ideas that can also turn out to be an amazing presentation opening.

How to start a presentation speech example for students

A few common ways you can open your speech are:

  • Hello everyone, I am Miya. I would first like to thank you all for your time.
  • For those who don’t know me, my name is Nazia, and if you do know me, hello again!
  • Good afternoon to all you wonderful people present here. I am Ryan and as you can see on screen, today I’ll be speaking on “The hazards of drinking from plastic bottles.”

For more examples of opening lines check out 50 Speech Opening Lines .

You might also like to know:

How to start a speech for the student council.

Speeches for student council are usually persuasive. They are your pitch to convince your fellow students to vote for you and help you get the position you are looking for.

So ideally, you should start by addressing everyone in the room . Then make a point to introduce yourself. Once you have introduced yourself, remind the audience why you are speaking which means let them know the position you are campaigning for. Bring up at least 1-2 issues that the students are most concerned about and tell them how if elected you’ll provide solutions to their issues.

Try to end it on a high note and don’t forget to add your campaign slogan .

You can also begin by stating your campaign slogan .

Yet another way to begin your speech for the student council is by challenging your opponent’s point of view or campaign . However, this would work only f you have a better strategy or solutions to the issues raised by your opponents.

Lastly, do something that no one expects from you . Let me share a story here to help you understand this point better. During one of the student council speeches, one candidate asked the audience to stand up, move a step in the front then go back to their seats and settle down. Following this, she said, “My parents told me if I could move the audience, I’d win.” And so she did win!

What is a speech class?

A speech class in high school or college is usually a short course or 1-semester course wherein the student is expected to improve on their public speaking skills along with critical thinking and active listening skills.

It essentially enhances their oral communication skills.

This also reminds me to introduce you to our courses that help enhance your public speaking and communication skills. If you are interested, head to Frantically Speaking .

But if your appetite for learning more about opening speeches isn’t satiated yet, we suggest you go check out our Video on the Powerful speech opening lines.

To Conclude

There are tons of ways to get creative with speech openings for students. From saying a simple good morning to adding stories, quotes, statistics, rhetorical questions, and even silence!

Get creative with your speech openings. As we always say, there are no right or wrong ways of public speaking as such, only a way that suits perfectly for you is the one that is right for you.

Hrideep Barot

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How to give a presentation

Does the thought of public speaking start your stomach churning like a tornado? Would you rather get caught in an avalanche than give a speech? Giving an oral report does not have to be a natural disaster. There are two main elements—the writing and the presentation. Find out how to put it all together with tips from the Nat Geo Kids Almanac .

Writing Your Material

Try to keep your sentences short and simple. Long, complex sentences are harder to follow. Limit yourself to just a few key points. You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too much information. To be most effective, hit your key points in the introduction, elaborate on them in the body, and then repeat them once again in your conclusion.

The three basic parts

• Introduction—This is your chance to engage your audience and really capture their interest in the subject you are presenting. Use a funny personal experience or a dramatic story, or start with an intriguing question.

• Body—This is the longest part of your report. Here you elaborate on the facts and ideas you want to convey. Give information that supports your main idea, and expand on it with specific examples or details. In other words, structure your oral report in the same way you would a written essay so that your thoughts are presented in a clear and organized manner.

• Conclusion—This is the time to summarize the information and emphasize your most important points to the audience one last time.

Preparing Your Delivery

Practice makes perfect. Confidence, enthusiasm, and energy are key to delivering an effective oral report, and they can best be achieved through rehearsal. Ask family and friends to be your practice audience and give you feedback when you’re done. Were they able to follow your ideas? Did you seem knowledgeable and confident? Did you speak too slowly or too fast, too softly or too loudly? The more times you practice giving your report, the more you’ll master the material. Then you won’t have to rely so heavily on your notes or papers, and you will be able to give your report in a relaxed and confident manner.

Present with everything you’ve got

Be as creative as you can. Incorporate videos, sound clips, slide presentations, charts, diagrams, and photos. Visual aids help stimulate your audience’s senses and keep them intrigued and engaged. They can also help to reinforce your key points. And remember that when you’re giving an oral report, you’re a performer. Take charge of the spotlight and be as animated and entertaining as you can. Have fun with it.

Keep your nerves under control

Everyone gets a little nervous when speaking in front of a group. That’s normal. But the more preparation you’ve done—meaning plenty of researching, organizing, and rehearsing—the more confident you’ll be. Preparation is the key. And if you make a mistake or stumble over your words, just regroup and keep going. Nobody’s perfect, and nobody expects you to be.

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Write a Campaign Speech for Kids

How to give an annual day speech in school.

Writing a campaign speech for kids isn't all child's play. Children are smart and informed voters, and can tell when you are lying about giving out free chocolate every Friday after you are elected. Your speech has to stand out and catch their attention, usually in under two minutes. Writing a good and appropriate children's campaign speech increases your chances for winning the election.

Start off with a good, clean, short joke. The children hear speech after speech and are going to start to tune out what is said. You need to say something to catch their attention. Getting them to laugh will give them a little break.

Introduce yourself and declare the office that you are running for. Not making yourself known could be a big mistake later when the children are voting and remember who you are.

Talk about what you will do if elected. Everyone has ideas about how the school could be run better — maybe more vending machines in the cafeteria, maybe off-campus lunches, maybe getting to wear shorts on Friday. Tell your peers how you will work hard to change things for the better.

Thank the students for their time. Remember to be gracious and to treat the audience and the other candidates alike.

Keep the speech short. Usually, you will be given a time limit of up to two minutes. Make sure that you do not run over or you could be disqualified.

  • Coin a slogan that you can use on your posters and in your speech.
  • Do not make any promises that you are not willing to keep. Nobody likes a liar.

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Chance E. Gartneer began writing professionally in 2008 working in conjunction with FEMA. He has the unofficial record for the most undergraduate hours at the University of Texas at Austin. When not working on his children's book masterpiece, he writes educational pieces focusing on early mathematics and ESL topics.

Speech Topics for Kids

101 Incredible Speech Topics for Kids

16 February 2023

Are you looking for some incredible speech topics for kids?

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

In this blog post, we’ll give you 101 amazing ideas for speech topics that will have your young public speaker feeling confident and excited to take the stage for their next presentation. From discussing their favourite sports team to sharing a personal story, there will surely be a topic on this list that resonates with every child.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Looking for some fun debating topics? Check out our blog on debate topics here !

how to write a good speech for kids

What makes a good public speaking topic?

Finding good speech topics, especially as a kid, can be an intimidating task.

As children, our interests tend to change, and it may be difficult to find speech topics that we can expand upon and still engage the audience.

It is important to remember that kids should aim to give presentations on any topic they are passionate about. Ideally, when looking for successful kids’ speech topics, school students should pick a particular topic:

  • they know well, as this will help them give a good speech without too much extra research;
  • that has enough content, which will help with speech length; and
  • is interesting and relevant to the audience they’ll be presenting to.

Taking some time to consider all of these factors will go far in making sure kids create informative, valuable presentations that make their parents proud!

how to write a good speech for kids

The three different kinds of speeches

Whether your child is a budding public speaker or simply looking to bolster their confidence in front of an audience, it’s important to be aware of the three main types of speeches they can give: Informative, Entertaining, and Persuasive speeches.

  • An informative speech teaches people something as they explain a process, inform about a topic, or share information with an audience.
  • An entertaining speech is more light-hearted and focuses on entertaining an audience with a story, joke, or anecdote.
  • A persuasive speech aims to convince an audience of a particular viewpoint. In these types of speeches, it’s important for the speaker to have strong topic knowledge as well as supporting evidence to back up their argument.

By understanding these three speech styles, young public speakers can choose the speaking style that makes them feel the most comfortable and excited about the task of public speaking.

We have provided a range of topics that fit into each of these three speech types and therefore will be perfect for any young public speaker, regardless of their personal preference!

Remember: you can always put a spin on any speech topic to make it more informative, persuasive, or entertaining. Feel free to challenge yourself by turning one of our persuasive speech topics into a comedic presentation or taking an entertaining topic and using it to build a persuasive speech – there is usually no need to restrict yourself to one particular style of expression!

how to write a good speech for kids

Informative Speech Topics

At our public speaking courses for kids, we know how important it is to find the perfect informative speech topic. We want your young public speakers to explore ideas and topics that resonate with their interests and spark their passion for presenting!

From urban bees to sports nutrition, science experiments to art history, the possibilities are endless!

Our list of kid-friendly speech topics provides a great starting point for creating an informative, engaging presentation. Whether they choose a familiar subject or something new and exciting, our goal is to support student excellence in every way possible.

Check out these informative speech ideas:

  • Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Play
  • The History of Video Games
  • How to Become an Eco-Friendly Consumer
  • The Positive Impact of Music Education
  • What Makes a Great Leader?
  • The Science Behind Climate Change
  • Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
  • Understanding the International Space Station
  • Discovering Ancient Civilizations
  • Exploring Different Cultures Through Dance and Music
  • Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Art and Science of Computer Programming
  • Every Day Victories
  • The Harms of Violent Video Games
  • Types of Alternative Energy Sources
  • Exploring Different Types of Art
  • The Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
  • Ancient Mythology and Folklore
  • The Science Behind the Human Brain
  • Famous Scientists in History
  • The Most Delicious Meal of All Time
  • Recycling and Waste Management Solutions
  • Global Warming vs Climate Change
  • Robotics: Past, Present, and Future
  • Understanding the Solar System
  • The Biggest Social Issues of our Times
  • The Secret Life of…
  • Investigating Animal Habitats in Nature
  • Why E-Books are the Future
  • Exploring the Wonders of Chemistry

how to write a good speech for kids

Entertaining Speech Topics

Figuring out entertaining topics for public speaking can be a challenge, especially when the speaker is young.

However, the right topic can be the key to making a great impression on your audience.

Whether you are interested in discussing robotics or telling stories of your own life experiences, there is bound to be an entertaining speech topic suitable for everyone!

Our rich variety of topics ensures that young public speakers have plenty of choices when it comes to finding what will make for a captivating performance.

Check out these 30 fun topic ideas that can humour, shock, or entertain the audience:

  • Proof that We Live in a Computer Game
  • The Best Jokes for Kids
  • My Imaginary Friend
  • My Crazy Summer Vacation
  • How I Got In Trouble With My Parents
  • Weird Foods Around the World
  • Fun Facts About Dinosaurs
  • Frighteningly Funny Ghost Stories
  • If I Were a Cartoon Character…
  • Embarrassing Moments We’d Rather Forget!
  • Epic Pranks I’ve Pulled off So Far
  • Interesting Reasons Why We Laugh
  • Life Through a Dog’s Eyes
  • My Favourite Outdoor Activity
  • If I had One Superpower…
  • Superheroes and Their Amazing Powers
  • The Best Thing About Dragons
  • Why Too Much TV is a Good Thing
  • Funny Things I’ve Heard on the Bus
  • Unusual Hobbies Around the World
  • Weird Etiquette Rules That Don’t Make Any Sense
  • How to Make Your Own Board Game
  • Mysteries of the Deep Sea
  • Exploring Outer Space: Astronomy for Kids
  • Fantastic Fables from Other Countries
  • Bizarre Traditions From Around the World
  • The Art of Storytelling: Creative Writing Ideas
  • Fun Facts About Animals
  • Learning with Lego: Building a Better Future
  • The Power of Imagination: Mindful Meditation Techniques

how to write a good speech for kids

Persuasive Speech Topics

Writing a persuasive speech can be intimidating for kids, but it doesn’t have to be.

Not sure where to start? No problem! We have plenty of kid-friendly persuasive speech topics to get students’ creative juices flowing.

From discussing the importance of friendship and relationship building to spurring environmental awareness, we have the perfect persuasive speech topics for any young public speaker.

Become confident and display your power of persuasion with our helpful advice and engaging list of topics.

Have a look at these 30 persuasive speech topics that can help kids call others to action:

  • The Benefits of Social Media
  • How to Become a Responsible Citizen
  • The Value of Having Good Manners
  • Taking Care of the Environment: Reducing Pollution and Waste
  • The One Thing I Know About Eating Healthy Foods
  • Exercise for Kids: Why It Is Important
  • The Impact of Technology on Education
  • Building Better Communities Through Community Service
  • Developing Self-Discipline for Success in Life
  • Argumentative Strategies That Can Be Used In Everyday Life
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Creating Lasting Memories with Family Time
  • Exploring Different Cultures with Travel and Adventure
  • The Importance of Teamwork and Collaboration
  • My Favourite Restaurant
  • Why I Learned a Second Language (and You Should Too)
  • Exploring Causes for Climate Change and Possible Solutions
  • Learning the Benefits of Reading for Pleasure
  • Making Wise Choices When Shopping Responsibly
  • Understanding Cyberbullying and Taking Action Against It
  • Finding Success in Failure: Reframing the Mindset
  • Learning About Money Management through Financial Literacy Programs
  • Practising Compassion, Kindness, and Respect For Others
  • Building Self-Confidence Through Leadership Activities
  • Using Creativity to Solve Everyday Problems
  • Exploring Ways to Balance School and Extracurricular Activities
  • Making Healthy Choices Through Positive Leadership
  • The Wisdom of Being a Young Person
  • Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Schools
  • Learning How To Analyze Fake News with Critical Thinking Skills

Classic Speech Topics for Kids

Not sure if you want to do an informative, persuasive, or entertaining speech?

Are you looking for classic topics that have been done time and time again but are popular topics for a reason?

Look no further than these classic speech topics:

  • My Favorite Book
  • What I Learned From My Pet
  • How to Have Fun Without Technology
  • The Place That Inspires Me the Most
  • The Power of Music
  • What It Means To Be A Good Friend
  • My Best Day Ever
  • If I had Three Wishes…
  • Living a Simple But Fulfilling Life
  • Celebrating Diversity in Our Community
  • My Hero: The Person Who Inspires Me the Most

how to write a good speech for kids

Impromptu and Abstract Speaking Topics

Whilst approaching impromptu and abstract speech topics can be daunting, there actually isn’t much difference between them and normal speech topics.

Impromptu speech topics are usually more generic, providing students with the opportunity to reflect on their own lived experiences and share that with their audience. Rather than spending time finding the perfect content to fit impromptu speech topics, the better approach is generally to bend the topic to something that you’re familiar with and comfortable speaking about, whether it be knitting being the best part of your day or a conversation you had with a friend about time travel.

Being prepared will give your child the confidence necessary to make their presentation successful – so if you’re not sure what speech topic you’re likely to get, make sure to think up plenty of anecdotes before the presentation!

Picking the perfect speech topics for kids

Now that you have a fantastic speech idea, it’s time to get writing!

Let our resources help guide you through the speech crafting process (we’ve got plenty of blogs and videos to help) and give your child the opportunity to shine on the stage. Don’t forget to practice your speaking manner either, including your tone of voice and body language!

Moreover, our in-person and online courses provide step-by-step instruction and guidance throughout each program so kids learn exactly how real-world speaking works – all tailored specifically for your own future speaker.

You can also visit our YouTube Channel for advice to guide you through the entire speech writing process, as well as expert tips for practising your performance!

So don’t wait – take advantage today and get ready to stand out from the crowd with an amazing speech!

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

130 Awesome Speech Topics for Kids

Photo of author

Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Kids always do best when they are interested in what they are asked to talk about. But every child has different interests, and therein lies the challenge – selecting awesome speech topics that kids will want to talk about.

A few points you want to consider:

  • If the topic is too “adult,” they may be too young to cope with what they find.
  • If the topic is too simplistic, their growing sense of awareness may be stunted.

speech topics kids

  • Keep in mind the goal of the speech – do you want to educate, to entertain, to express ideas, or something else?
  • Consider topic that suits child’s character: someone who has an extensive imagination won’t like the same topics as someone who is more factual and practical.

Here is a broad range of  speech topics for kids you can choose from.

Family and friends, miscellaneous, more miscellaneous….

  • Why I love my mom and dad
  • Funny things my parents say
  • Let me tell you about my imaginary friend
  • Things that really happen at grandma’s house when mom and dad aren’t there
  • Secrets my mom does all day when I’m not around
  • What my brother/sister thinks of me
  • What my dad does in the bathroom for all that time
  • If I had a choice between getting money or spending time with my family, I would choose…
  • What did I do for my mom last mother’s day
  • Let me tell you about my family
  • My family’s traditions
  • Original projects to surprise my parents on Mother’s Day (in the Spring) and Father’s Day (often marked in June).
  • Where we went on vacation/holiday with my family
  • What is my favorite song
  • My favorite band or singer, and one of his or her greatest hits I would like to play with some clarification.
  • The best fairy tale, or a variation child speech topic can be a cartoon character.
  • My favorite season of the year is…
  • My favourite time of day or week.
  • The funniest April Fool’s Day joke.
  • 5 of my favorite words
  • Top favorite Christmas song of all times
  • 3 favorite things to buy at the market
  • If I went to my favorite restaurant I would order…
  • Mom and my favorite place to visit is..
  • My favorite thing about summer
  • What my favorite pizza toppings are
  • My favorite New Year’s tradition
  • Favorite sundae toppings
  • The most delicious meal I’ve ever had
  • If I built the ultimate sandwich, it would have…
  • The worst vegetable on the planet
  • How many things can you make with a potato
  • Describe the flavors of Thanksgiving foods
  • One thing I know how to cook is…
  • The contents of your lunch box.
  • Different ways to eat an apple
  • Why I don’t care about the “Five second rule”
  • I don’t like to eat … Fill in something you dislike
  • A day in the life as a fly
  • What my dog is thinking
  • What would it be like if dinosaurs roamed the Earth?
  • My dream mythical creature for a pet would be…
  • If I could talk to animals…
  • What do cows think about
  • How do animals talk to each other
  • How to care for your pets, the right way
  • What rights should animals have?
  • What different wild animals have I seen
  • How penguins live on Antarctica and only there and not on the North Pole (besides the zoo of course)
  • A day at the wildlife sea aquarium, with dolphins, sharks, whales and seals.
  • How kangaroos care for their children.
  • What birds visit your backyard at home
  • How do rainbows work
  • What planet would I visit if I had my own rocket ship
  • Why the sky is blue
  • How are stars made
  • Where do clouds come from?
  • Where babies come from
  • What outer space is like
  • Why do the leaves on trees change color in the fall
  • How water is so important
  • What makes the Sun so bright
  • How do boats float
  • Why do we have dreams when we sleep
  • Why are eyes different colors
  • What makes the world go ’round
  • How do planes fly
  • The stars, black holes, galaxies and the interstellar medium in our cosmos
  • Biggest birthday wish
  • Best indoor winter activities
  • Coolest superhero power
  • If I was the President of the U.S….
  • My dream vacation
  • If I were a character in a book, I would be…
  • Why I’m on Santa’s nice/naughty list
  • The inside scoop on __________
  • If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
  • How I really feel about seeing the doctor
  • The best part about holidays
  • If I had three wishes, they would be…
  • If I were famous, it would be for my…
  • My secret life as a spy
  • My best invention
  • Fun games to play on long car rides
  • Silly songs I know
  • In my dream house, there would be…
  • The best part about being sick
  • Why the tooth fairy must be real
  • What my name means
  • Disney World: the first person I’d want to see is…
  • If I was the author of a book, I’d write about…
  • The charity I’m going to donate to when I’m older is…
  • What happiness means to me
  • The best thing about me is…
  • If I could be a character in any video game, it would be…
  • How I care for the environment every day
  • Why are farmers important
  • What I want to be for Halloween next year
  • What I want to be when I grow up
  • Why best friends are so special
  • If I was a princess or prince, I would …
  • My toys, dolls or mini racing cars collection.
  • My trip to Disney World or other resort.
  • How I decorate my room at home.
  • My biggest adventure.
  • Good kid games online.
  • Nice birthday presents you like to get.
  • What you could do without television or video.
  • Foreign hollidays we do not celebrate.
  • Things – food or scary situations – that make you sick.
  • What is more important: Doing what’s right or being popular
  • The best memory I can remember
  • Who I was named after
  • What it would be like to meet an alien
  • My greatest fear
  • The happiest day of my life
  • Something I have done that I am proud of
  • What adult in my life do I look up to the most
  • How to plan a surprise party
  • A day at the beach
  • The coolest toy I have
  • What I know about (insert sport)
  • Vampires or werewolves?
  • Steps to drawing a flower
  • If I re-wrote the story, “The Little Mermaid” or “Bambi” it would go like this…
  • How to make a snowman
  • The strangest place I’ve ever been
  • Are table manners really important
  • Tell a myth or legend about your future self
  • The coolest art/craft I’ve ever made
  • If I were in charge, the rules I would make would be…

If you are selecting a topic together, sit down with your child and read through this list together and make your own list of which topics stood out to your child . Suggest alternatives or adaptations to some topics. The goal is to get their juices flowing. You want this to be a choice that they are comfortable with.

Help them decide by reminding them who their audience will be and what the occasion is . This will help determine what is appropriate and what the audience will want to hear. Your child probably wouldn’t want to talk about Barbie at a formal function or to an audience of mostly boys.

All that’s left to do is prepare and practice, because we all know – practice makes perfect!

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

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25 thoughts on “130 Awesome Speech Topics for Kids”

Sure! It’s about I only want a ribbon about u are afraid Togo on stage and don’t want to go to the next level except a good grade.

A day in a life of me as an old person

im so bad at writing speechs

You should keep some simple and affective topics on which children can speak on. But still good.

this really helped me I am trying to look for a speech and this helped me ALOT!!!!thanks and had lots of good ideas

it’s very good for a child under like 8 but i am 9 and i use it and when our teacher said were have a speech contest i flip out! but i found this web site and it helped me a lot. In fact, i won the speech contest!

Ok you guys are good in all but I feel like I don’t know if kids are going to want to listen to these baby ideas and where baby’s come from and I am in grade six and I don’t think people really want to listen but you guys ar good for like grade threes or something like that because I don’t think people over the grade of four are going to want to listen to this

OK you guys r good but i need more ideas all of are cool but i need to win a speech contest

I love the ideas kind of random but still funny and interesting

please help me to write speech

ya i’m in a speech contest too and thx you have helped me lot’s 🙂

I couldn’t think of anything so I simply did: why I can’t think of a speech topic!

I LOVE your topic Me it inspires me and I think I am going to write about that for my speech contest entry.

i LOVVVE the ideas im going to come first in my speech comments

i wish you would give more responsible topics because i don’t want to write a speech on the steps to write a flower i would want to amaze the judges with a out of this world speech not a stupid one i am in sixth grade and i am about to do a huge essay contest and i want to write something jaw dropping

thank you!!! this is very helpful to us it give us more confidence and knowledge

I need a topic that I can talk about for 20 MINUTES!!!. These topics seem too trivial for an impromptu speech for 20 minutes, but good topics for shorter speeches!

love your ideas so good you really have a brillant brain sir

Thank u a lot

No this is not the topics i am looking for….. I’m looking for persuasive speeches could u please add topics for that

Winning Isn’t Everything

Well, it’s pretty good for school, but I need topics like “Benefits of ___” or “What we should do about pollution”, etc. I’m doing this for a Public Speaking class and we have to do speeches sort of like a ‘TED talk’

I want a speech on the Democratic for my school

I’m kinda annoyed they don’t take you to a site that helps you write it like I need this thing next Monday!

I love those crazy and cute topics….once I read them they grab my heart at once and now my mummy is saying me to make ur speech on this and that blaa … blaaa…. but I can’t leave those cute science topics….thank you so much for whoever have those kind of sweet topics

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© 2024 My Speech Class

Simple Speech Topics for Kids

Gabrielle is an experienced freelance writer and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with experience using equine-assisted therapy.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

Two of the great benefits of speeches for kids is that children of all ages can learn about public speaking and cultivating their ability to self-reflect. From school presentations to extracurricular activities, these speech topics are a terrific way to spark interesting conversations among students. and insightful debates

Problem Solving

Topics based on problem solving are fun to discuss and think about. They ignite creativity and make for awesome speech topics no matter your child's age.

  • Free Easter Speeches for Children They Can Easily Memorize
  • Student Council Speech Ideas & Tips to Help You Win
  • Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You

For Younger Kids

Problem solving topics for younger children give them practice processing trickier subjects and questions. Younger kids can consider:

  • How do I make myself feel better when I feel sad or angry?
  • What is the hardest choice I had to make in this past week?
  • Why do I recycle?
  • Why is it important to listen to my parents?
  • What does laughter feel like in my body?

For Older Kids

Older children can think about more challenging questions and prompts when it comes to problem solving. Some options include:

  • What are my solutions for protecting the environment?
  • How we can help (insert endangered species) thrive?
  • How does stress impact me?
  • How I respect others with different opinions?
  • How did I conquer my biggest fear?
  • How do I resolve arguments with friends?
  • How have I tackled challenging decisions?

Developing Insight

Insight is incredibly important for kids to learn how to develop. Because this is a learned process, using a speech writing prompt is a great way to begin better understanding self-reflection.

Younger kids are well versed in feeling strong emotions , making these great speech options. Consider the following choices for their speech.

  • Why are my feelings important?
  • What makes me feel the happiest?
  • How do I know when I feel sad?
  • Where do I feel happiness in my body?
  • What does it feel like when my parents say no to me?

Older children can be pushed to think more about how emotions and situations personally impact them. The following questions can help get your child's creativity going.

  • What have my emotions taught me?
  • Can fear be a helpful or positive emotion?
  • How do I typically deal with challenging situations?
  • Do I feel comfortable asking for help?
  • What does integrity mean to me?

Creative Topics

Creative topics are always fun to explore with students, and they can make for entertaining speeches . The following prompts can be discussed with older and younger children to help them begin writing their speech.

Younger children have great imaginations. You can discuss the following with them for potential speech topics.

  • What would I do if I traded places with one of my parents?
  • What would I do if I had superpowers for one day?
  • What would my dream house look like?
  • If I could be any animal for a day, what I would be?
  • What is the grossest food combination?

Creative speeches give older schoolchildren an opportunity to think outside the box and share their ideas with their peers. They can consider:

  • What motivates my actions?
  • If I could change the world in any way, what would I do?
  • What is a positive moment that happened within the last week?
  • Why does dancing make me happy?
  • Which television character do I identify the most with?

World Views

It's always interesting to hear a child's take on the world. Both younger and older children may have strong opinions about their experiences in the world.

Younger children have such a unique and interesting view of their world. Help them get their creative juices flowing with the following prompts.

  • What's the coolest part about living on Earth?
  • Who do I think should be in charge?
  • What's the weirdest part about living in (insert country)?
  • Where is the furthest away from home you've ever been and what was different about it?
  • What do I like about the world I live in?
  • What do I think needs to change in the world?
  • If I were in charge, what would my first act be?
  • Should people live on other planets?

Creating Interesting Speeches

Help your kids pick a topic or question that interests them. This ensures that they will enjoy thinking about writing a great speech that they feel passionate about.

  • Side Hustles
  • Power Players
  • Young Success
  • Save and Invest
  • Become Debt-Free
  • Land the Job
  • Closing the Gap
  • Science of Success
  • Pop Culture and Media
  • Psychology and Relationships
  • Health and Wellness
  • Real Estate
  • Most Popular

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The No. 1 habit to teach kids to give them a 'significant advantage,' from psychology expert with 40 years experience

The complexity of meaning carried in our voices — including pitch, tone, volume, and emphasis, qualities known as vocalics — is extraordinary. There is a strong and consistent association between the ability to identify emotion in voices and social success, research shows .

I'm a childhood psychologist with more than 40 years of experience. My colleague Dr. Alexia Rothman and I created the vocalics test that is part of the Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy, an examination that has been used in hundreds of studies to assess children's accuracy in reading vocal cues. 

We found that the higher a child's score on the test, the better their social adjustment and the higher their academic achievement. Children who learn to successfully use vocalics have a significant advantage when it comes to communication and connection. 

Here's how parents can teach their kids about vocalics, to help them effectively connect with their peers.

1. Avoid mixed messages

Learning this nonverbal skill is an exercise in pattern recognition. Therefore, try to avoid confusing your child by speaking to her in a happy voice while your words and facial expressions express sadness or anger, and vice versa.

2. Drop your own bad (vocalic) habits

At this age, it's a good idea to model for your child how to speak without too many interjections, such as "like" and "y'know," so she doesn't pick up that particular vocal tic.

3. Make recordings of your child's voice — and play them for her

Few of us enjoy hearing a recording of our voices. Nonetheless, this is the best way to become aware of how we sound to others. You can make this an enjoyable activity for your child by turning it into a game. 

Ask her to say the same silly phrase, "Mummy is smelly, and Daddy is smellier, but [name of sibling] is the smelliest of all!" in her normal voice and record it using your phone. Then play it back for her and explain that she can change her voice in all kinds of ways. 

Ask her to say the same phrase again in a louder and softer voice, at a faster and a slower pace, with a higher and a lower pitch, with more intensity and less intensity. Record the phrase each time and then listen to the results.

4. Ask your child to identify the emotional message behind your tone of voice

Say the same sentence in the previous example with different emotional tones of voice, as if you were happy, sad, fearful, angry, and so forth. See if your child can tell the difference.

5. Demonstrate how emphasis works for your child

Take a simple sentence such as "Mary is lending me her book" and say it out loud with your child, emphasizing a different word in the sentence each time. 

Talk about how emphasis changes the meaning of what she is saying. By getting her to emulate your emphasis, you're teaching her about how to create synchrony with others.

6. Play a vocalics guessing game

Watch a TV clip together, but have your child turn away from the screen and tell you what the people are feeling simply by listening to their voices. Then play the clip back with the faces and the body language to see if she guessed correctly. 

Some children may have an easier or harder time picking up emotions from vocalics depending on the age of the speaker. TV clips will give your child exposure to vocal qualities across a wide range of ages

7. Play 'hot and cold'

Hide something in the house or yard and just use your voice to communicate whether children are getting closer to it or farther away. This is a good game to play with a group of kids at a party or a playdate.

8. Avoid sarcasm when communicating with or around your child — but explain its function

Sarcasm is frequently used in adult interactions but should be used sparingly with and in front of younger children as it may be confusing for them. It could even undermine your relationship if you often say one thing and mean another. 

At the same time, your child may encounter sarcasm around other adults and peers, so it's important to explain how sarcasm works. Demonstrate sarcastic versus non-sarcastic messages for her while also explaining that sarcasm should never be used to hurt others' feelings.

Ultimately, because there are no hard-and-fast rules around pitch, tone, and pace of speech, modeling behavior to our kids is one of the main ways these skills can be effectively taught. Doing these simple exercises with them now can set your children up for long-term success.

Dr. Stephen Nowicki  is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Emory University, where he has served as Director of Clinical Training, Head of the Psychological Center, and Head of the Counseling Center. Dr. Nowicki maintains an active clinical practice as a Diplomate in Psychology.

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I talked to 70 parents of highly successful adults: 4 phrases they never used while raising them

*This is an adapted excerpt of " Raising a Socially Successful Child: Teaching Kids the Nonverbal Language They Need to Communicate, Connect, and Thrive " by Stephen Nowicki, published by Little, Brown Spark. Copyright © 2024 by Stephen Nowicki



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