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10 best digital marketing websites to inspire you, recent digital marketing websites that exemplify the best practices.

  • By Sandra Boicheva
  • July 14th, 2023

Marketing websites play a pivotal role in showcasing the services and expertise of digital marketing agencies. These agencies specialize in crafting strategies to promote businesses, products, and services in the digital realm. A well-designed marketing website acts as a digital storefront, attracting and engaging potential clients. To ensure success in this competitive landscape, it’s important for marketing websites to adhere to certain best practices.

Here are key elements every marketing website should incorporate:

  • Clear and Compelling Messaging: Communicate your value proposition and unique selling points concisely and persuasively.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Create an intuitive and easy-to-navigate website structure to enhance user experience.
  • Engaging Visual Design: Utilize visually appealing layouts, captivating imagery, and consistent branding to captivate visitors.
  • Responsive and Mobile-Optimized: Ensure your website is fully responsive and optimized for seamless viewing across different devices.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) Placement: Strategically position compelling CTAs to encourage visitor engagement and conversion.
  • Easy-to-Understand Services Section : Clearly outline the services offered, highlighting their benefits and features.
  • Portfolio: Showcase a portfolio of past projects or case studies to demonstrate expertise and track record.
  • Testimonials: Incorporate client testimonials to build credibility and trust with potential clients.
  • Partnerships: Highlight any notable partnerships or collaborations to establish authority and industry connections.
  • Blog: Maintain an active blog with informative and relevant content to showcase expertise and provide value to visitors.

Now, let’s dive into a selection of recent digital marketing websites that exemplify these best practices, providing inspiration and insights into the effective implementation of these essential elements.

Remember, an impactful marketing website is the key to establishing a strong digital presence and attracting potential clients. Let’s explore these examples and uncover the strategies that make them successful.

RNO1 Branding Marketing Agency Website

RNO1 stands out as a dynamic agency based in California, dedicated to creating purposeful brands and driving transformative change. With a global reach, they specialize in a wide range of services, including branding, website development, digital platform creation, Web3 experience design, eCommerce experiences, and VR/AR environments. Their website reflects their design prowess, immersing visitors in interactive visual elements reminiscent of waves. The elegant and soothing ambiance is amplified by the dominant black and violet color palette.

As you navigate through their website, you’ll encounter captivating animations throughout the services and work sections. These various animations heighten the visual appeal and engagement, evoking intrigue and interest. RNO1 takes a user-friendly approach by presenting essential information on a single page, ensuring a seamless browsing experience. The consistent visual motif of waves further enhances the site’s cohesiveness.

Towards the bottom of the page, you’ll find the phrase “let’s make waves” accompanied by an image symbolizing this concept, reinforcing RNO1’s thematic essence. The agency’s bold and powerful aesthetic resonates, setting them apart from others. Rather than opting for bright colors, RNO1 employs calm and subtler blues and natural tones, emphasizing its distinctiveness as a West Coast brand. These carefully chosen colors create a calming and reassuring mood.

The website’s animation is engaging yet balanced, never overpowering. The organization of the site is commendable, with easily navigable sections for blogs, portfolios, and testimonials.

Essential Elements and Pages

The website has a dedicated Services page that outlines the different types of services one can get from the agency. In addition, there’s also a detailed 4-step process explaining to potential clients what to expect.

As with any good digital marketing website, this one also has a full portfolio with a handful of completed projects and case studies one can review as a sample of how efficiently the agency takes on projects.

In terms of social proof, RNO1 features companies they’ve worked with on the homepage, as well as a slider with 6 recent real client testimonials.

Now, one of the best things about the website is the Contact Us page . Here, the agency has listed the physical addresses of all their offices, providing directions and office phone numbers.

And last, the agency also has an integrated blog with the latest news, trends, and case studies related to digital marketing.

65DB Communication Strategies Marketing Website

65DB Agency, the pioneering Social Listening Agency of the TBWA Group, specializes in assisting companies and brands with communication strategies. Their comprehensive services include Data and Insight, Strategy, Creation, and Impact, which encompasses influence and paid media.

The website of 65dB Agency boasts a modern and interactive design , featuring custom animations, a playful preloader , and a visually captivating color palette of rich purple and vibrant neon green. The typographic hero image dominates the above-the-fold section, showcasing the catchy tagline “We Listen to What People Say” accompanied by animated overlapping elements, creating an engaging visual experience.

When it comes to pages, the website offers a separate page for every type of the four services the agency offers. each Service Page gives a deeper insight into the process and expertise of the agency.

Even better than a portfolio, 65dB’s website gives its audience a page with Case Studies where everyone can view recently completed projects in detail and understand the work and process behind them.

There is also a dedicated Contact Us page that offers a physical address, phone, email, and contact form. This page follows the overall interactive design of the website concept with a fresh 3D interactive background.

And last, the website also has a Careers page for strategists who are interested in joining the team. On the downside, there’s no blog, however, the agency is active on social media platforms.

WebMechanix Digital Marketing Agency Website

WebMechanix is a specialized digital agency focusing on SEO, PPC, and marketing automation. With a cleverly presented portfolio , they maintain a consistent visual aesthetic throughout their website.

The homepage adopts a simplistic approach, incorporating subtle animated elements to captivate visitors. However, as you delve deeper into the site, you uncover the true depth of their capabilities, revealing the richness of their services and expertise. The design mixes minimalism with futuristic aesthetics, the elements which you can find over the images and in the background.

Although you can go to the Work page and view curated projects in detail, it’s even better than the Homepage features some of these projects in the This is How We Do It section with actual numbers that highlight the results of these completed projects.

The Contact Us page also has everything required such as phone, email, and fax, with the option to schedule a meeting to discuss your project. Scrolling down, you can also go to any of the recommended related links such as Meet the Team and learn about the agency’s capabilities.

The Homepage also features a Service section with tabs, where you can see an overview of each offered service and what that service involves. Of course, each service has a separate page dedicated to it, so visitors can explore them in detail.

It’s always necessary for a marketing agency to give social proof and WebMechanix manages to flex some really impressive partners and clients. The section also includes real client testimonials in a slider.

And last but not least, the agency also offers its expertise in the form of a blog, podcast, and newsletter.

Modern Digital Agency Website

Modern , a digital marketing agency, takes a straightforward approach with a website that ticks all the right boxes. From the outset, it is clear that Modern partners with innovative businesses striving for growth. The inclusion of a chatbot prompts immediate engagement, asking visitors about their demand generation targets.

Continuing down the page, Modern highlights its unique selling points, featuring a video from its management that encapsulates its mission. The use of uniquely sketched illustrations adds a distinct touch to the downloadable resources they offer.

The page concludes by showcasing Modern’s clients, awards, and a compelling call-to-action, inviting visitors to take the next step. With a seamless blend of information and interactive elements, Modern’s website leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

Modern Agency takes a minimalist and corporate approach to its website design, employing clean visuals, a white background, and a classic multicolumn grid layout. This design choice ensures that the content is easily digestible, and the overall user experience is predictable and intuitive.

Unlike other websites, Modern Agency doesn’t allocate separate pages for its services or unnecessary abstract copies about visions and goals. Instead, a small section on the Homepage succinctly lists the services offered, focusing on providing essential information to visitors.

One notable feature of Modern’s website is the dedicated Clients page. Here, visitors can delve into comprehensive case studies of real client projects, gaining a deeper understanding of the agency’s capabilities and approach.

Additionally, Modern Agency maintains an impressive blog section, regularly updated with valuable insights, news, and trends related to marketing and content strategy. This demonstrates their commitment to providing informative and relevant content to their audience.

To facilitate communication, the Contact Us page offers a comprehensive set of contact options. In addition to the mandatory contact form, visitors can find the agency’s address and telephone number. Moreover, they provide three distinct email addresses tailored to specific inquiry types: one for new businesses, another for talent-related inquiries, and a general inquiries email for any other questions or concerns.

Luminary Marketing Website

The Australian digital agency Luminary employs a clear focus on content, case studies, and its portfolio. The overall website maintains simplicity, opting for a content-driven approach rather than excessive animations.

The agency utilizes full-width photos of individuals, capturing emotions that effectively contribute to their storytelling. Their homepage excels in addressing prospective clients’ initial inquiries about their services and approach, accompanied by relevant calls to action for each section.

Luminary’s content copy is bold and impactful, leaving a strong impression on visitors. In the second fold of their website, they succinctly explain their digital agency’s offerings through simple animation, demonstrating that a minimalistic approach can still provide a solid user experience.

Luminary’s website showcases a content-heavy approach with a well-defined content hierarchy, as evident in its mega menu navigation. The main links, such as About, Process, Work, and Insights, provide an overview of the agency. However, the website also offers a comprehensive exploration of their services and related case studies through categorized sections, including Industry, Services, and Platforms. This allows users to navigate and explore specific projects based on their interests and requirements.

The Portfolio page is particularly robust, featuring a full archive of all projects. It offers advanced search and filtering functionality, enabling users to narrow down their search by different platforms, services, and industries. The projects are presented in dynamic card formats, arranged chronologically, providing a visually appealing and interactive browsing experience.

Similar to the Portfolio, the Blog section follows a similar design and structure. Users can explore articles based on keywords, tags, and even authors, facilitating easy access to relevant and specific content.

The Contact page stands out with its interactive design. Users can select the reason for contacting, such as “Support, please,” “Let’s work together,” “Hire me!,” or “Just saying hello.” Below, a user-friendly form allows visitors to fill in their details, attach project files and briefs, and specify their areas of interest. This interactive approach enhances user engagement and streamlines the communication process.

Fantasy Agency Website

Fantasy showcases its services and client list directly on its homepage through a captivating full-width video. With a focus on helping companies create innovative digital experiences, Fantasy emphasizes product innovation as its core offering.

The website’s color palette predominantly features grays, strategically incorporating pops of red to draw attention to the action buttons. Fantasy’s futuristic design captivates users, causing their eyes to pause and marvel at the visuals.

Employing bold colors that are subtly dulled down, the website achieves a unique and engaging effect. The neatly organized sections make it easy to read and access information.

This digital agency prioritizes graphics over excessive text, offering a minimalistic approach that leaves a lasting impact. Consider this approach when crafting your own website, as it can effectively capture attention and convey a visually stunning experience.

Fantasy takes a unique approach to navigation compared to other examples. The main navigation links on their website allow users to explore more about the company, and their services, or get in touch. Unlike having a separate Portfolio page, Fantasy presents a comprehensive list of specific services under the “All Categories” button in the main navigation. Clicking on each service leads to a dedicated page providing detailed information about the process and showcasing real client projects related to that specific service.

In addition to their services, Fantasy also maintains a blog. However, unlike an integrated blog on their website, Fantasy utilizes an external Medium blog platform. The link to access the blog can be found on the Homepage, directing users to the relevant Medium page where they can access and read the blog articles.

BYND Tech Digital Agency Website

BYND , a design and technology agency, boldly communicates its expertise through a homepage that captivates like an eye-catching interactive billboard.

Scrolling through the Beyond website is a delightful experience, as they incorporate various interactive elements to engage each visitor. The website boasts a simple and clean design, coupled with a playful user experience. Notably, the mouse cursor transforms into a dot, replicating the touchscreen experience for PC users.

The homepage impresses with its organized layout, avoiding overwhelming visitors with excessive information. It presents a well-sorted website that provides inspiration for those seeking a clean and streamlined design for their agency.

Bynd’s website follows a straightforward and user-friendly structure, making it easy for visitors to navigate and find the information they need. The website is divided into several sections, including Services, Portfolio, Testimonials, Agency Information and Expertise, and Contact.

The Services page stands out with its contrasting black design and is organized into three tabs: Customer Experiences, Engineering and Design, and Product. Each tab represents a specific service category, allowing users to choose the relevant tab and explore the corresponding information without leaving the page.

The Portfolio page showcases a visually appealing and artistic blog-like layout. As users scroll through the feed, they encounter captivating previews of different projects. Each preview provides a glimpse into the project, including the amount of effort invested, any awards received (if applicable), the type of service offered, and a brief description of what was accomplished. This curated and versatile portfolio offers a comprehensive overview of Bynd’s work.

The Contact page offers a unique and engaging experience. It features a map displaying the various Bynd hubs located around the world, along with their real addresses. Additionally, a quick fill-in form is available for visitors to easily get in touch with the agency.

Major Tom Marketing Website

Major Tom is a full-service marketing agency that cleverly uses a minimalist approach to showcase its capabilities and services.

The website exemplifies a unique approach to creativity through its black-and-white design, strategically infusing color in areas where they discuss their approach and services. In the desktop and mobile versions you can enjoy distinct experiences. For example, the mobile version presents information in a simple and concise manner, while the desktop version provides a complete and immersive experience.

Major Tom offers a streamlined and user-friendly website structure that facilitates easy access to key information. The top navigation menu serves as a central hub for users to explore various sections, including Services, Portfolio, Company, Careers, and Blog.

Within the Services page, visitors will find a comprehensive list of all the marketing services offered by Major Tom. Clicking on a specific service takes users to an inner page dedicated to that service, which provides more detailed information not found in the main navigation. This approach prevents overwhelming visitors with a large mega menu and numerous categories and page links.

The Portfolio page showcases Major Tom’s completed work in a visually appealing manner. The projects are arranged in circles within a broken grid layout, making it easy for users to browse through the portfolio. The design is aesthetically pleasing and ensures that projects are well-presented and accessible.

Mercury, the platform featured on Major Tom’s website, serves as a repository for industry insights, ideas, and inspiration. It offers categorized content and includes search functionality, allowing visitors to easily find relevant articles and resources.

Lastly, the Contact page provides multiple options for reaching out to Major Tom. Users can send a message, engage in live chat, or explore the agency’s offices worldwide. Real addresses, phone numbers, and email contacts are provided, enhancing communication channels for potential clients and partners.

Space Oddity Dubai Story-Telling Marketing Website

Space Oddity Dubai’s website exudes a refreshing and distinctive vibe, embracing a strong storytelling approach with a casual tone that prioritizes user experience. It boldly demonstrates that vibrant colors are not always necessary to make an impact.

Through captivating visualizations and engaging scrolling effects, visitors get a glimpse of the services offered by this digital marketing and branding agency. The website effectively conveys the essence of its offerings, leaving a lasting impression on its audience.

The entire website is a single-page experience that speaks for itself. Everything is part of the story on the same page.

This marketing website is different than the rest, as it doesn’t offer much written content. It rather feels like a short but high-quality presentation that leads users to contact the agency, the same way a landing page would.

KOTA Digital Marketing Services Website

KOTA , London’s premier digital design agency, centers its service offerings around three core principles: beautiful design, meaningful user experience, and impact. Designers seeking to establish their online presence can find inspiration from KOTA’s website.

Upon arriving at KOTA’s homepage, visitors are greeted by a sleek and clean design. The agency effectively combines bold slogans and compelling copy with a captivating aesthetic, featuring pink and turquoise gradient color schemes. The website showcases KOTA’s expertise in creating interactive features through engaging motion graphics.

Recognizing the importance of first impressions, KOTA presents its portfolio in a captivating manner, emphasizing its capabilities. Clicking on a project photo within the gallery provides visitors with additional details, including the brief, process, and results, offering a comprehensive insight into their work.

One of the website’s most intriguing features is its immersive display of creative work, where KOTA showcases videos, reels, and interactive graphics to allow visitors to experience their projects. While the website lacks extensive animations, its design conveys the agency’s expertise and professionalism. Moreover, the mobile version of the website ensures a consistent experience across devices.

KOTA’s website effectively employs bold colors without overwhelming the content, allowing visitors to focus on the message. The agency has created a clean yet visually impactful website that showcases its specialization, featuring links to specific services and comprehensive portfolio examples accompanied by visuals and explanatory copy highlighting challenges and results.

Essential links such as Portfolio, Services, Agency, Blog, and Contacts are easily accessible. Each page on the website features a visually appealing typographic hero image that incorporates the company’s font and colors. A brief description is provided above the fold, allowing visitors to quickly grasp the essence of the page’s content.

The Portfolio page showcases recent curated projects in a visually engaging manner. The projects are displayed as feed post thumbnails arranged in a dynamic grid. Users can easily scroll through the portfolio and preview the type of service and project descriptions associated with each project.

The Services page presents all the agency’s services in a well-organized manner. The services are neatly arranged into small sections, accompanied by basic descriptions. Each section includes a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to learn more about the process or specific service offerings.

Additionally, KOTA integrates a blog section on its website, providing news, insights, and creative culture from the KOTA studio. This blog serves as a platform for sharing valuable content and industry-related information.

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Let’s Wrap It Up!

In conclusion, these 10 recent digital marketing websites exemplify best practices in design and user experience. Here are some of the key elements we found in each of those examples:

  • Simplified and intuitive navigation
  • Captivating visuals and impactful typography
  • Clear presentation of services or offerings
  • Engaging portfolio showcasing past projects
  • Integrated blog or resource section for industry insights
  • Responsive design optimized for various devices
  • Thoughtful use of color and branding elements
  • Compelling calls-to-action to drive user engagement
  • Strategic placement of contact information for easy communication

By incorporating these best practices, you can create effective marketing websites that leave a lasting impression on visitors and drive meaningful results.

In the meantime, let’s explore more insights and resources on web design and web development by checking out our other articles!

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27 Digital Marketing Websites to Inspire in 2024

Arto Minasyan

1. BrightEdge

3. seovalley™, 4. digital silk, 6. luminary, 7. that lot, 8. smartsites, 10. collins, 11. fantasy, 12. webmechanix, 14. linknow media, 15. madwell, 17. major tom, 18. pilot fish media, 21. weberous, 22. thesquarepeg, 24.

  • 25. Huge Inc.

26. Razor Rank

27. kinesso, how to create your own marketing website.

Looking for fresh ideas to improve your digital marketing website? You’ve come to the right place! This article is filled with creative design tips that will help your site stand out. We’re featuring 27 digital marketing websites for you to draw inspiration from, guiding you through various layouts and clever features.

This article aims to explore the essential components and strategies behind successful marketing websites that capture attention, communicate the brand effectively, and convert visitors into loyal customers. Let’s dive in and give your website the boost to not only look good but also perform excellently.

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How to make a digital marketing website?

What we like the most about this website:

  • BrightEdge’s website has a clear and professional layout, making it easy to find information.
  • It uses success stories and big brand logos to build trust.
  • The site offers a wide range of SEO tools and services in a simple way.

BrightEdge’s website is about helping companies get noticed on the internet using Search Engine Optimization and content marketing. The site is trusted by big companies and shows off its success with impressive stats, like working with 8/10 top tech companies. It features a professional layout that facilitates easy navigation through its products, solutions, and resources. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • RNO1 has a sleek, modern design that embodies its branding philosophy.
  • The website features clear case studies and testimonials, highlighting successful partnerships.
  • It introduces unique subscription models (Revolve, Retrn, Ryde) tailored for different industries.

RNO1 is a global branding and digital growth agency that specializes in helping tech, AI, and commerce brands make significant impacts across platforms and places with agile design and digital experiences. RNO1 has a focus on game-changing technology and commerce brands. It stands out for its innovative subscription models designed for fast-moving companies in various sectors. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • SEOValley™ uses clear and straightforward language to explain their SEO services.
  • The site details case studies and testimonials, providing insights into their successful strategies.
  • It features strategic CTAs like “Request a Quote,” “Learn More,” and “Contact Us.”

SEOValley™ is a top-rated SEO company from India that’s all about boosting the website’s ranking and driving sales. They’ve been around since 2000, have a big team, and work with clients worldwide. They focus on getting you the right kind of visitors – ones ready to buy what you’re selling. The website boasts impressive statistics like handling over 7,590 campaigns and serving clients in 59 countries. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Digital Silk’s website features a “Digital Trends” section with the latest industry insights.
  • The site uses an attractive color scheme of blues and purples to engage visitors.
  • It has an interactive layout, showing the company’s ability to create engaging digital solutions.

Digital Silk is one of the most creative digital marketing website examples listed in our article. The website highlights the team’s recognition with top industry awards, showcasing their status as experts in the digital agency field. The company has partnered with famous organizations such as Sony, Xerox, and IBM. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Mosaic features a dynamic and visually appealing design that showcases its creative projects.
  • The website includes video content presenting their creative marketing projects.
  • It highlights a wide range of services, from brand experiences to experiential marketing, making it versatile.

Mosaic is an integrated marketing agency known for creating engaging brand experiences that resonate with target audiences. They stand out by blending creativity with strategic insights and working with big names like Audi and Google to deliver impactful marketing campaigns. Their approach is about bringing brands to life through innovative and immersive experiences, making them memorable to consumers. Preview How to Build Your Own

Found inspiration? Your website is just a few clicks away. Start with 10Web AI Website Builder to effortlessly bring your vision to life.

  • The Luminary website combines bold and soft tones creating a professional look.
  • It uses a clean, modern design with engaging visuals and interactive elements.
  • It features case studies and client success stories, demonstrating expertise.

Luminary is a digital agency in Australia known for crafting bright digital experiences since 1999. They stand out with their commitment to innovation, detailed case studies from big brands, and a comprehensive approach to digital solutions, from websites to digital transformation. Their use of modern design, engaging visuals, and clear CTAs makes the website inviting and informative. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • That Lot website stands out with its vibrant color scheme, reflecting its creative approach to social media content.
  • It uses a humorous tone, setting a unique brand voice.
  • It showcases a diverse portfolio with interactive elements, highlighting their expertise.

Next on our list of the top marketing agency websites is That Lot. The company stands out as a social media agency with a twist, using humor and creativity to craft compelling content. Their approach to digital storytelling and content creation is both innovative and effective, engaging audiences and delivering results for brands. The site employs creative and visually striking design elements that capture attention. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • SmartSites showcases a sleek, modern design with a professional color scheme.
  • The website highlights impressive client success stories and detailed case studies.
  • It offers clear and compelling CTAs, making it easy for users to take action.

SmartSites is an award-winning digital marketing agency that excels in web design and SEO services. Their website stands out by demonstrating their expertise through client results and testimonials, using a clean design and easy navigation to provide a great user experience. SmartSites’ navigation is intuitive and user-friendly, designed to ensure visitors can easily find information about their digital marketing services, portfolio, team, and how to contact them. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Beyond uses a bold and interactive design to showcase their digital expertise.
  • The site features immersive case studies, emphasizing their innovative solutions.
  • Beyond’s website effectively uses CTAs like “See Our Work” guiding visitors through their portfolio.

Beyond is a digital product agency that stands out for its focus on creating innovative solutions, including Generative AI. Their approach to digital transformation and user experience is showcased through engaging case studies and a user-friendly website design. The site has straightforward navigation with clear CTAs, making it easy to explore their services and contact them. While diving into the vast array of tools and strategies of digital marketing agencies, it is worth mentioning that affiliate marketing is another standout channel for business growth. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Collins’s website uses dynamic visuals and interactive storytelling in their case studies.
  • The site features immersive case studies, highlighting their creative solutions.
  • Navigation is seamless, with clear CTAs for contacting the agency or exploring their projects.

Collins is a transformation consultancy recognized as Ad Age’s 2023 Transformation Firm of the Year. It stands out with a focus on redefining brands and businesses through creative and strategic design, evidenced by its engaging website and impressive portfolio. The site uses a bold and artistic design to showcase their expertise and transformative work. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Fantasy’s website employs black and white colors with strategic uses of red for visual accents.
  • The site features a straightforward design facilitating smooth navigation.
  • It covers its partnership portfolio by categorizing clients into sectors such as fashion, hospitality, and retail.

Fantasy specializes in web design and development, offering a visually appealing website that features engaging elements like interactive sliders and animations for a smooth user experience. Fantasy is one of the well-established digital marketing websites because of its partnerships with prominent companies across various sectors, such as Balenciaga, Marriott, and Netflix. This presents their wide-ranging expertise and appeal in the digital marketing space. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • WebMechanix incorporates an interactive live performance dashboard with real-time success metrics.
  • The site emphasizes a data-driven approach with detailed insights into analytics.
  • It offers unique educational resources and a blog providing valuable information.

WebMechanix stands out by blending innovative technology with a results-focused marketing strategy, offering transparency and valuable insights to clients through a user-friendly website. It is known for its focus on results-driven digital marketing strategies. They stand out by providing a seamless user experience, from exploring services to understanding their impact through detailed success stories. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • The Bleech website employs a minimalist layout that emphasizes functionality and ease of use.
  • It offers innovative tools like Flynt and Visual Regression Testing Plugin.
  • The design is clean and professional, ensuring easy navigation through their services and products.

Bleech stands out by focusing on effective and user-friendly WordPress solutions, demonstrating its ability to innovate within the web development space. It features a commitment to simple technical solutions for complex problems, showcasing their technical prowess and client-focused approach. The Bleech website incorporates clear CTAs, encouraging visitors to explore their services or get in touch for projects. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • LinkNow Media’s website uses a vibrant color scheme with blue and orange accents.
  • It offers interactive features like live chat and a client success count display.
  • It features clear CTAs like “Get Started” and “View Our Packages” facilitating user engagement.

LinkNow stands out by focusing on small businesses, offering comprehensive web solutions and marketing strategies designed to increase online visibility and generate leads. LinkNow emphasizes its affordability and efficiency for small businesses, offering web design and marketing services. The site boasts a strong portfolio with client testimonials, enhancing credibility. Preview How to Build Your Own


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  • Madwell’s website boasts a unique, creative design that reflects their holistic approach to marketing.
  • The site utilizes engaging animations to showcase their diverse portfolio.
  • It offers a straightforward navigation, for easy access to their work, culture, and contact information.

Madwell presents itself as a versatile agency, moving beyond traditional models to offer comprehensive solutions from campaigns to content creation, highlighted through its engaging and innovative web presence. The color scheme is eclectic, supporting the brand’s creative and vibrant identity. CTAs are cleverly integrated within the content, encouraging exploration and contact. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Modern’s website uses a clean, minimalist design that highlights their B2B marketing services.
  • The “Insights” section offers a rich resource of articles, research, and thought leadership pieces.
  • It features strategic CTAs and easy navigation, encouraging user interaction.

Modern website stands out for its clear focus on B2B marketing strategies. The site’s navigation is designed for ease. It offers a range of services from digital marketing to automation, presented through a user-friendly and professional website design. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Major Tom integrates compelling client testimonials, enhancing trust and credibility.
  • The website boasts a Marketing Benchmark Tool, offering unique interactive value.
  • It has clear CTAs and a user-friendly layout facilitating navigation.

Major Tom’s approach to digital marketing is showcased through a mix of strategy, creativity, and development, aimed at achieving measurable results for clients. Their site effectively communicates this blend, inviting potential clients to explore their services and success stories. The site’s layout is user-friendly, ensuring visitors can effortlessly find information about how Major Tom can help achieve their marketing goals. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Pilot Fish Media uses clear CTAs encouraging visitors to explore their offerings.
  • The site features vibrant visuals and engaging copy that reflect their dynamic approach.
  • It includes impactful client testimonials, showcasing their success and client satisfaction.

Pilot Fish Media stands out with a focused approach on delivering targeted digital marketing solutions, emphasizing their ability to enhance brand visibility and engagement through creative strategies and effective partnerships. The website highlights its comprehensive digital marketing services, including branding, creative content, and influencer partnerships. If you’re interested in exploring more marketing tools, you can explore them in related article . Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Humaan’s website offers an “About” section with pictures and roles of each of the team members.
  • It features an interactive scrolling layout that enhances the user experience by dynamically revealing content.
  • It highlights their portfolio with detailed case studies, confirming their expertise.

Humaan stands out for its focus on creating meaningful digital experiences, securing its place among the top digital marketing websites Their goal is to integrate innovative solutions with a deep understanding of human-centered design. Humaan’s site combines a people-first approach with cutting-edge design and technology. It showcases interactive elements and a clean layout, emphasizing user experience. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Loomo’s website features a unique “cosmo” theme with engaging visuals, including a dancing cosmonaut on the landing page.
  • The website displays logos from renowned Canadian brands they’ve worked with.
  • It has a “Hire Us” CTA button inviting potential clients to engage with the agency.

Loomo stands out with its comprehensive approach to branding and digital marketing. It is focused on creating audience-first brand experiences that drive business growth. This is one of the best marketing websites because of its engaging “Cosmo” theme. The navigation ensures a smooth and accessible user experience as visitors explore the agency’s offerings. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Weberous’s website uses a modern color scheme with bold contrasts
  • The website includes dynamic animations and a portfolio showcasing their design capabilities.
  • It has clear CTAs like “Get Started” and “View Our Work” guiding users to explore further or initiate contact.

Weberous stands out as one of the best marketing agency websites in Los Angeles. They emphasize their ability to create custom, conversion-optimized websites supported by strategic digital marketing services. Navigation allows easy access to their services and portfolio sections. The site features client testimonials and case studies, building trust and demonstrating successful projects. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • The SquarePeg features an engaging blend of storytelling and vibrant visuals to highlight their services.
  • It includes compelling client testimonials, enhancing their credibility.
  • The website offers an “Insights” section offering blog posts and updates on events.

Next on our list of marketing websites is The SquarePeg. The company distinguishes itself with a personalized approach to brand experiences. It is leveraging storytelling and unique digital strategies to connect with the audience and drive results. The organization of content ensures that visitors can easily find information and insights relevant to their interests in digital marketing. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • uses a vibrant and bold design creating a dynamic and engaging visual experience.
  • The website uses parallax scrolling adding depth to the browsing experience.
  • The navigation is intuitive, allowing easy access to their portfolio, services, and contact information .

KOTA stands out as one of the most creative digital agencies. It is focused on delivering unique digital experiences through web design, branding, and digital marketing services. The website highlights its services with dynamic visuals and interactive elements. The layout displays the services and projects effectively, using a mix of full-screen visuals, grid-based project displays, and smooth transitions between sections. Preview How to Build Your Own

  •’s website uses an artistic color scheme with vibrant shades to capture attention.
  • The website features interactive portfolio pieces and animated transitions.
  • It offers a user-friendly navigation, making it easy to explore their work and philosophy.

Brand New Athens stands out as a design agency with a focus on crafting unique brand identities and digital solutions demonstrated through a compelling portfolio and an engaging online presence. Brand New Athens features a dynamic and visually appealing design that showcases their creativity and expertise in branding. The website highlights a diverse portfolio of innovative design projects, emphasizing their versatility. Preview How to Build Your Own

25. Huge Inc .

  • Huge Inc. website covers collaboration with major brands, demonstrating impact and innovation.
  • The site introduces unique tools like Culture Decoder, emphasizing their focus on trend analysis and cultural relevance.
  • It features a modern design with engaging visuals and clear navigation.

Huge Inc. stands out for its strategic approach to design and innovation, effectively combining technology with creative solutions to advance brand growth and user experience. Huge Inc.’s website design is modern and engaging, featuring a clean layout, dynamic visuals, and interactive elements. The use of bold imagery and typography, combined with smooth animations, displays the company’s creative capabilities. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Razor Rank showcases impactful client logos, enhancing credibility and trust.
  • The site provides clear, quantifiable results from their digital marketing strategies.
  • It emphasizes personalized service and transparency in its client relationships.

Razor Rank is one of the greatest full-service digital marketing websites. It stands out for delivering tangible, proven results to both large brands and small-to-medium-sized businesses nationwide. With a focus on SEO, PPC, social media, and web design, they highlight impressive outcomes like a major sunglasses brand’s 200,000+ clicks increase and a soccer retailer’s $31K monthly revenue boost. Preview How to Build Your Own

  • Tech-savvy approach to performance marketing, integrating media, data, and technology.
  • Comprehensive solutions across digital channels, enhancing audience engagement and conversion.
  • Innovative use of AI and data-driven strategies for targeted content delivery.

Last on our list of digital marketing websites is Kinesso. It is a technology-driven marketing agency focused on advancing brands through intelligent media, data, and analytics integration. Their mission is to empower brands with clarity and confidence, employing a blend of creativity and technology to drive tangible results. Kinesso’s global reach and sophisticated solutions make it a leader in transforming marketing landscapes. Preview How to Build Your Own

Creating a website involves a series of strategic steps. This section will help you in turning your vision into reality and creating your ideal website.

1. Gather inspiration : Begin by exploring the various examples of the websites listed in this article that are handpicked by the 10Web Editorial team. Take notes of all the things that you like and that you’d like to see on your website as well.

2. Select the right platform: There are different website builders and platforms, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. For example, WordPress stands out with its customization and wide range of themes and plugins, while Wix stands out with its easy-to-use editor.

3. Optimize website performance : Your website’s speed and responsiveness are crucial for engaging visitors and improving search engine rankings. Opt for reliable hosting that ensures your site is fast and accessible to all users.

4. Use AI to simplify website creation: AI can help with everything from design decisions to content creation, making the process more efficient. Use AI to automate and innovate, reducing the time you spend on website building and focusing more on growing your business.

All these and even more can be automated with 10Web AI Website Builder: 

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Generate Your Website

Wrapping up, we’ve looked at 27 amazing digital marketing websites that show how creative and smart design can really help your website stand out. These examples are here to inspire you and show you what’s possible, combining good looks with easy-to-use features that grab people’s attention. Now it’s your turn to take these ideas and make your own website even better. With a bit of creativity, these tips, and the help of a user-friendly 10Web AI Website Builder , you can easily create a website that not only looks great but also works great in attracting and keeping visitors interested. Let’s get started on making your digital marketing website the best it can be!

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35 Examples of Outstanding Marketing Website Designs

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Do you want to design a marketing website that attracts visitors and increases your customer base? Are you thinking of building an eCommerce website for your marketing business but don’t want to spend a fortune on web developers?

The simple solution is to use state-of-the-art website builders like Wix and Squarespace to create beautiful website designs optimized for different screen sizes including mobile devices.

This article explores the 35 best marketing website designs you can use as a source of inspiration when creating your own website.

Let’s get started.

1. Foodie Marketing

Made with Wix

1. Foodie Marketing - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Foodie Marketing agency offers services like photo and video production, digital marketing, and digital menus.

The first thing that catches the eye are images of mouth-watering food items, engaging texts, and three CTA buttons. I like how the service section uses a two-column design layout with eye-catching illustrations as its section’s cover.

Visitors can click on any of t he social media icons on the gradient-colored site’s footer to explore the agency’s online profile.

2. Bob’s Agency

2. Bob’s Agency - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Bob’s Agency has a responsive web design with colorful and flashy elements like motion graphics, engaging texts, and high-quality images designed to attract potential clients. 

The first catchy element of this marketing website design is the looping video of a mascot dancing in the hero section of its landing page. Potential customers can click the black colored “Let’s Get Started” CTA button at the center of the hero section. 

Below the hero section of the home page is a catalog of logos representing large and small business websites and brands that are Bob Agency’s clients.

3. Bailey Cargill

Made with Squarespace

3. Bailey Cargill - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Bailey Cargill is an award-winning social media manager and content creator who has a track record of always getting the job done. 

The first catchy element on this multi-page website is a black-and-white hero image featuring Bailey Cargill sitting in the desert and having a great time. I like how her brand logo is at the center of the page which helps visitors to know they are in the right place. 

The white-colored site footer houses three social media links that interested visitors can use to access Bailey Cargill’s social media platform.

4. Gari Cruze

4. Gari Cruze - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Gari Cruze is a skilled associate creative director and copywriter who has made his mark in marketing. 

This marketing website has a minimalistic design featuring a multiple grid design layout from top to bottom . Every image has a thumbnail feature that grants interested visitors access to a new page to check out vital information related to the content. 

The sticky navigation bar encourages prospective clients to access various aspects of the page by clicking on the links connected to different pages on the website.

5. Ubiquitous

Made with Webflow

5. Ubiquitous - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Ubiquitous works with a massive network of creators to help create viral, compelling, and data-driven influencer marketing campaigns.

The first thing you see on this influencer marketing site is the caption “Let's Make Your Brand a Household Name” and a stunning picture of Maria Saris. Below this section is a catalog of top brand logos that are part of the Ubiquitous client base.

I love the splash of navy blue and purple in various aspects of the site that gives the webpage a catchy and sophisticated outlook.

6. Michal Eisikowitz

6. Michal Eisikowitz - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Michal Eisikowitz has over ten years of experience in marketing and copywriting. This marketing agency website has a colorful design layout with bright colors like misty rose, rosebud, dust storm, pale pink, white, and black. 

As you explore various aspects of the page, you will see multiple high-quality images of Michal Eisikowitz in different parts of the page. 

I like how she uses a slideshow to stylishly display customer testimonials to boost her brand’s credibility and serve as social proof.

7. Elizabeth Harmon

7. Elizabeth Harmon - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Elizabeth Harmon offers top-notch support to individuals, companies, and big organizations in boosting their social media marketing strategy. 

I love how warm and welcoming her webpage’s hero section is. This section features engaging texts, a brown-colored CTA button, and a stunning image of Elizabeth Harmon walking under a big tree.

Interested visitors can explore her online profile by clicking on any of the social media icons on the sticky navigation bar at the top of the page. 

I like how the website uses multiple grid-column layouts with CTA buttons to display the site's content and take necessary actions.

8. Hive Creative Group

8. Hive Creative Group - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Hive Creative Group’s website uses stylish and attractive fonts to get visitors' attention and boost engagement. 

What's handy about this outstanding marketing website design is the unique application of flashy and colorful content with motion graphics and illustrations.  

At the center of the page, there’s a full-width picture of the hive team with the brand’s biography below the section to help visitors get acquainted. 

I love how they use a slideshow to display eye-catching logos of their top clients to serve as a source of social proof and boost credibility.

9. Brad Lace

9. Brad Lace - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Brad Lace is a luxury and automotive marketing expert with an amazing website design that uses a multiple-grid column design layout.

This outstanding marketing website welcomes visitors with high-quality images of eye-catching cars in different locations to get the attention of visitors. 

I like how the white background makes all the pages visually appealing to convince visitors to click the contact CTA button at the top of the page. There are social media icons that visitors can click to access the company’s social media icons for further exploration.

10. Vovi Studio

10. Vovi Studio - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Vovi Studio’s entire website is full of amazing content written in bold fonts. I like how this marketing agency website example combines a colored and black background making the catchy design elements on the homepage appealing to potential customers. 

Website visitors can use the hamburger navigation bar to explore various angles of the website such as its product pages, recent works, and contact page.

My favorite aspect is the autistic display of Vovi Studio’s color scheme featuring vibrant colors like purple, red, white, gray, black, and gradient.

11. Cre8tive Agency

Made with GoDaddy

11. Cre8tive Agency - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Cre8tive Agency welcomes visitors with a unique dark-theme design with a noisy background, to create an exclusive and welcoming feeling for its target audience.  

I like how the high-quality photographs on this great website design have a thumbnail effect which leads to product pages. 

As you scroll further you will see names of top brands such as Adidas, Puma, and Red Bull at the center of the page to boost credibility. This multi-page website uses bold colors like black, white, and red on most aspects of the homepage.

12. Arctos Agency

12. Arctos Agency - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Andres is the CEO and founder of Arctos Agency. The agency has a team of branding specialists who can make big corporations and small businesses appealing to their target audience. 

This outstanding marketing website features a linear website design with a catchy color palette displaying bold and neutral colors from various angles of the page. 

I love the blurred shapes and grain effect which makes all the shapes more dramatic and appealing to potential clients.

The customer testimonials section features multiple videos that contain mind-blowing reviews that are based on the effectiveness of strong branding. 

13. Peanuts Studio

13. Peanuts Studio - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Peanuts Studio’s sticky navigation bar with a drop-down effect makes exploration fun.

As you explore this outstanding marketing website design, you will see various catchy and user-friendly elements such as motion graphics, hand-drawn illustrations, and multiple calls-to-action buttons . I love how the featured logos have a hover effect.

The customer testimonials section uses a grid design with a slider effect to make it engaging and appealing to potential customers. I like how the white background makes all the contents on the page sync in a visually appealing fashion.

14. SnuggleMud

Made with Carrd

14. SnuggleMud - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

SnuggleMud's primary goal is to offer high-value marketing services in NYC to brands without the high pricing associated with the city.

Unlike other marketing website design examples, SnuggleMud offers a unique design layout with simple colors like green, black, white, and blue.  

The hero section gets visitors' attention with an appealing caption “Thinking Ahead, Marketing and Beyond” and a picture of a light bulb. 

Interested visitors can click the white colored “Get Started” CTA button in the hero section or the “Contact” CTA to reach the brand’s official for collaborations.

15. SHADOW - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Shadow Agency webpage welcomes visitors with an insightful background video in the hero section which makes it possible for them to generate more leads. 

This marketing site has a clean design with various amazing elements like large images, minimal copy, and a smooth on-hover text color change.

The hamburger navigation bar is your one-stop shop to explore all this marketing website content without breaking a sweat. Interested visitors can click the large “Get in Touch” button on the site to access the agency’s contact page with ease. 

16. Statement

16. Statement - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Statement is an outstanding marketing agency that offers services like SEO, copywriting, influencer marketing, explainer videos, and marketing campaigns.

This marketing website has a colorful design layout with large texts, motion graphics, full-width images, and multiple CTA buttons. 

I like how the dotted-pattern background and the fresh orange color make the user interface playful and visually appealing to potential customers.

You can use the fresh orange-colored “Menu” CTA button on the right side of the page to explore the page and content on the platform seamlessly. 

17. Power Digital

Made with Unbounce

17. Power Digital - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Power Digital’s website’s hero section welcomes visitors with their latest innovations with texts and high-resolution pictures.

The search function at the top of the page makes it easy for potential customers to seamlessly locate various items on the page. You can use the sticky navigation bar to explore different aspects of the page without breaking a sweat.

I love how the black-colored site footer features multiple pieces of content about this brand. You can’t miss out on the vertical-shaped navigation bars and a subscription column that encourages visitors to submit their details.

18. Quadrate28

18. Quadrate28 - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Quadrate28 is a top-notch offshore agency that offers a variety of services such as digital marketing services, recruitment, and retail. 

The first catchy element on the website is an automated slider displaying high-quality images of past projects at lightning speed to get the attention of visitors. 

I like how the site’s page uses a moving text feature to display logos of top clients this marketing agency is working with.

Prospective clients can use the red-colored site footer to access the company’s social media pages and contact them. 

19. Traackr

19. Traackr - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Traackr is a prominent old-school influencer marketing platform that offers state-of-the-art tools successful marketing agencies and brands require to execute influencer campaigns successfully.

I love how this influencer marketing platform shares valuable and enticing data from real-world case studies to incite visitors' interest and boost social proof.

Interested visitors can explore the site’s contents via the sticky navigation bar with a drop-down effect. Clicking the orange” colored “Talk To Us” CTA button transports visitors to the contact page.

20. Lamb Creative Group

20. Lamb Creative Group - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Lamb Creative Group’s web page has a flashy and colorful design layout with multiple color schemes ranging from red, blue purple, soft pink, and basketball orange. 

This webpage features illustrations, and high-quality images in different aspects of the site to get visitors excited about the site content. 

Navigating the site’s content is seamless due to the presence of a bullet point navigation bar and a regularly sticky menu bar. The parallax scrolling effect makes all the site content sync in a visually appealing and engaging manner.

21. Niika - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Niika offers services such as design, branding, digital, social, illustration, marketing, video, UX, and 3D. The first catchy element you will see on this marketing website is a full-width motion graphic design of the brand’s initials in the hero section. 

As you explore the site, you will see the stylish use of catchy illustrations, motion graphics, and large texts in multiple areas of the page.

I like how the “Work Section” features a zig-zag design layout displaying high-quality images with a thumbnail effect to grant interested customers access to the page’s content.

22. Maycreate

22. Maycreate - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Maycreate is a successful marketing company committed to building strong brands through search engine optimization marketing. This marketing company’s primary aim is to connect people with value and help increase conversion.

One fascinating thing about Maycreate’s site is the high-quality image in the hero section that welcomes visitors. You can use the hamburger navigation bar to explore various aspects of the page seamlessly. 

I like how the dark-colored footer displays Maycreate’s motto, email address, and links to their social media handles to encourage visitors to explore.

23. Poetic - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

I like how Poetic’s site switches between light and dark backgrounds which gives the webpage a fun engaging outlook, and makes it visually appealing.

At the center of the page, you will see a catalog of the brand partner’s logos with little details about their partnership. This element is a vital ingredient in boosting the agency’s credibility among potential clients.

You can check out the blue-colored site footer to extract vital information about the brand like contact details, email addresses, and social media links.

24. Qualified

24. Qualified - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Qualified offers digital marketers and salespersons an effective tool called the pipeline cloud to boost their lead generation exercises. Interested visitors can use the sticky chat widget at the right side of the page to contact the agency’s customer service officials for inquiries. 

As you scroll further, there’s an engaging video at the center of the page that features content about turning your website into a pipeline generation machine. 

The white background is a major ingredient in the overall beauty of the webpage because it makes all the elements visually appealing.

25. Match Media Group

25. Match Media Group - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Match Media Group offers state-of-the-art innovative advertising solutions to help their clients reach highly engaged audiences.

I like how this one-page design website features a mobile device mockup in the hero section that changes its content in an automated fashion. 

The client testimonial section displays logos of top brands like Tinder, Match, Black Singles, and Archer, with short content about their affiliations. I love the parallax scrolling effect because it makes the page appear professional and sophisticated. 

26. Burningred

26. Burningred - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Burningred is a digital marketing brand that offers businesses new customers and brings digital cohesion to brands.

The recent work section features multiple high-quality images with a thumbnail effect which links to unique pages to get better information about the project. 

I like the splash of black, red, and white in various angles of the page working together to give the webpage a fun and lively outlook. 

Interested visitors can click the red colored “Find Out More” CTA button at the center of the page to get more information about their operations.

27. 345 Marketing

27. 345 Marketing - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

345 Marketing agency website welcomes visitors and potential clients with a stunning picture displaying some of the company’s staff members having a great time.

The parallax scrolling effect on this marketing website design makes the home page look unique and visually appealing to visitors. This feature makes the scrolling process fun and engaging and makes all the unique page elements appear smoothly. 

Interested visitors can use the live chat widget on the right corner of the page to chat with 345 Marketing agency’s customer service officials. 

28. 128 Digital

28. 128 Digital - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

128 Digital website features a blue dot with a circle that follows the mouse cursor. Clicking the transparent “Get In Touch” call-to-action button will transport interested visitors to the site’s contact page where they can request a quote. 

The search function on the sticky navigation bar is a useful tool for locating the site value proposition and other relevant items without breaking a sweat. 

What's handy about this webpage is the stylish use of multiple grid design layouts to structure vital site content like the bio section and past projects.

29. Parrot Digital

29. Parrot Digital - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Parrot Digital is a versatile company that offers premium website and digital marketing solutions using recent technologies and strategies. The site’s background color choice of blue and white coupled with the featured image of a man smiling, gives it a calm and relaxing feel.

I love how there’s a section displaying a few designs with an orange-colored “See More Designs” call-to-action button with a hover effect.  

You can’t help but notice the black-and-blue colored footer featuring a vertically structured navigation menu and a subscription form.

30. Nightingale

30. Nightingale - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Nightingale is a fashion-based marketing agency that helps their clients get their products to their target audience. You can use the hamburger navigation bar on the right side of the website to explore the site content without breaking a sweat.  

Clicking the transparent “Learn More” CTA button with a hover effect will transport you to the brand page where you can access in-depth company information. 

My favorite design element on this webpage is the star-themed motion graphic that moves in different directions on the black background.

31. Fantasy

31. Fantasy - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Fantasy agency websites use background design and combine colors like black, porcelain, and  ArtyClick Red. I like how informative and visually appealing the background video in the hero section with a volume button at its base to control the sound effects. 

As you explore the site content, you will see various high-quality images with thumbnail effects which give interested visitors access to other pages. 

The hamburger navigation bar has a sticky effect which makes the exploration process seamless and worthwhile. 

32. Reform Digital

32. Reform Digital - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Reform Digital is a marketing platform that offers high-end websites, social media, branding, and web development services for brave and ambitious clients.

I love the stylish combination of bold colors such as black, gray, and white to give the webpage a unique outlook that will make it appear elegantly on any mobile device. 

The webpage combines high-quality images, background videos, engaging texts, and a pleasant color scheme to give visitors a pleasant user experience. 

Using the images of past clients in the testimonial section is brilliant because it makes the customer reviews more personal and appealing to potential clients.

33. Studio Vi

33. Studio Vi - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Studio Vi is a great example of a marketing platform with the tools, skills, and personnel required to help clients achieve their marketing goals. 

I like how this webpage features attractive content like engaging texts, high-resolution images, and insightful background videos to close potential customers.

This marketing website combines a sticky horizontal navigation bar and a hamburger menu bar to encourage seamless exploration. My favorite aspect of the site is how it switches from a dark background to a light-themed background as you scroll across the page.

34. Attentive

34. Attentive - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Attentive is a thriving company with an innovative text messaging platform. This easy-to-use platform specializes in strengthening relationships between entrepreneurs and their consumers.

Potential customers can access the company’s digital products by clicking the “Products” link on the sticky navigation bar without stress. For the sake of social proof, you will see multiple logos of top organizations that are Attentive clients.

I like how the web page has an embedded video feature that displays vital content about this outstanding marketing agency’s mode of operation.

35. Vision Agency

35. Vision Agency - Outstanding Marketing Website Design Example

Vision Agency offers one-stop Wix web design and digital marketing services to their clients. The first catchy element is an embedded video background that gets the attention of visitors and informs them about the brand’s operations. 

Interested visitors can click the “Schedule a Call” CTA button at the center of the hero section to get in touch with Vision Agency’s customer service officials. You can use the sticky navigation bar with a drop-down effect to explore the site content.

Best Marketing Website Examples FAQs

A marketing website performs the function of a portfolio webpage where a marketing company uploads all their vital content like contact details, past projects, ongoing projects, past client details, and newsletters for potential customers to reach them seamlessly.  

Some of the best small business website examples that are making waves in recent times include Velasca, Milk, Shwood Eyewear, Newton Supply Co. Rhone, Allbirds, Madsen, Bluboho, Super Team Deluxe, MFMG Cosmetics, LEIF, La La Land, Studio Neat Designs, Minaal, Modern Market, Wrightwood Furniture, Brosa, Ivory & Deene, Ratio Coffee, and I Love Mole.

Some of the best marketing web design trends top web designers use to create stunning websites include experimental navigation, parallax scrolling, micro-interactions or micro-animation, 3D designs, custom illustrations, standout typography, minimalism, brutalism, textures and gradients, gamification, dark mode, virtual and augmented reality elements.

Explore Further

  • Marketing Website Templates
  • Digital Marketing Website Templates
  • Most Popular Types of Websites
  • How to Create a Website
  • How to Design a Website
  • Small Business Websites
  • Most Effective Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing Templates
  • Marketing Strategy Templates


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Digital website with the title 'Clean and minimalist, Home page design'

Make your business shine online with a custom digital website designed just for you by a professional designer. Need ideas? We’ve collected some amazing examples of digital marketing websites from our global community of designers. Get inspired and start planning the perfect digital web design today.

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Digital website with the title 'Website Design for a Social Media Marketing Consulting Company'

Website Design for a Social Media Marketing Consulting Company

Blue Tick Social is a social media marketing consulting company aimed at helping companies who have little to no social media presence already and needs help building theirs. Blue Tick Social offer services such as digital marketing, implementation and training of services such as Hootsuite and teaching them how to use their platforms, and potentially web design.

Digital website with the title 'Design for PPC services Agency'

Design for PPC services Agency

Website Design + Illustration Animation + Branding

PM or send me an work invite if you need a website or animation.

Digital website with the title 'Long form Sales page Design'

Long form Sales page Design

A really exciting project for Digital Marketing Bootcamp Website! This long form Sales page Design for Learn About Web was created with great attention to every single detail and it eventually turned out to become a Design that my Client is so incredibly happy with and how could one ask for more when a highly satisfied Client is a Great reward unto itself! :) Thank you so much! Have a Great Day.

Digital website with the title 'Web design for marketing agency'

Web design for marketing agency

Bluuprint helps start ups and small businesses grow. We provide bi-weekly strategy meetings and then we recommend a variety of services that might be needed.

Website Design + Illustration + Animation + Branding

Original Website Design

Be different! Custom and original, one of a kind website design. The work is intellectual property of Arthean, any violation of the Arthean author's and owner's rights and any usage without permission of the work fails under DMCA Takedown Notice. All rights reserved. © 2010 - 2023 Copyright Arthean

Digital website with the title 'Website for digital marketing agency'

Website for digital marketing agency

Primal Digital provide luxury, boutique brands with digital marketing services including social media, SEO, PPC, etc. Website should be very clean, very visual. Lighter color pallet to highlight elegance and class. Trying to convey a professional feel while maintaining a startup, fluid culture.

Artificial Intelligence animation

Digital website with the title 'Professional Clean Real Estate Design for Title Company'

Professional Clean Real Estate Design for Title Company

Our client needed a brand new professionally designed website on the Squarespace platform. Our Peak Degrees design showcases the company's expertise as well as their services.

Digital website with the title 'Professional Construction Redesign'

Professional Construction Redesign

Our client needed a Squarespace website redesign for their existing website that needed design and layout enhancements.

Digital website with the title 'Redesign for Digital Marketing Company'

Redesign for Digital Marketing Company

Our client needed a redesign for their existing Squarespace website that would be professional and friendly while explaining their services and offerings to potential new clients.

Digital website with the title 'Clean Professional Design for Marketing Company'

Clean Professional Design for Marketing Company

Our client needed a website redesigned on Squarespace with a long scroll professional and modern functionality that presents their information in a visually clear and concise manner.

Digital website with the title 'Modern Clean Design for Tech Digital Company'

Modern Clean Design for Tech Digital Company

Our client needed a brand new professional website that showcases their services and company story.

Digital website with the title 'Mindful Modern Design for Yoga Instructor'

Mindful Modern Design for Yoga Instructor

Our client needed a brand new website for her new yoga business.

Digital website with the title 'Product Tech NFT Crypto '

Product Tech NFT Crypto

A website for a NFT Collection about saving the whale life, a product design that tales each fase about this launching

Digital website with the title 'Industrial Design Web Concept'

Industrial Design Web Concept

Design made for a Company that give services about industrial solutions, content and connect with customers

Website design + Animation

Custom animation + website design

Digital website with the title 'Website for a Crypto Exchange Brand'

Website for a Crypto Exchange Brand

This site is the corporative site and tool for a crypto exchange and bitcoin converter solution

Digital website with the title 'Digitally themed book website for IMD and Cisco!'

Digitally themed book website for IMD and Cisco!

Web site to thematically match the book cover in terms of imagery, color palette, and design. Feel free to contact me to discuss your project needs.

Digital website with the title 'AI website'

Porduction Agency 3D Audiovisual

A website for a 3D service and digital artists platform audiovisual

Digital website with the title 'Professional Friendly Technology Website Design'

Professional Friendly Technology Website Design

Our client needed a brand new website for their existing technology business with a modern clean design for both desktop and mobile.

Digital website with the title 'Web Design for digital marketing agency'

Web Design for digital marketing agency

Mountain Media delivers custom-tailored websites and eCommerce applications that elevate the brand, marketing, and functionality. MM is the leader in many areas: platform, hosting, marketing, and payment.

Digital website with the title 'Modern Sports Design for Soccer Coach'

Modern Sports Design for Soccer Coach

We created a brand new soccer website for our client that coaches soccer players looking to get better at the game.

Digital website with the title 'Modern Training Resource for Real Estate'

Modern Training Resource for Real Estate

Our client needed a micro-website to house training resources for new and current real estate brokers. We were able to design and build this website on Squarespace.

Digital website with the title 'Simple Website Design for Yoga Studio'

Simple Website Design for Yoga Studio

Our client needed a website update on the Squarespace platform that included simplification of the online schedule for classes.

Digital website with the title 'New Business Design for Real Estate Company'

New Business Design for Real Estate Company

Our client needed a brand new design for a brand new Squarespace website that showcases their real estate business and provides an SEO foundation.

Digital website with the title 'New Modern Fashion Design for Fashion Focus Business'

New Modern Fashion Design for Fashion Focus Business

Our fashion client needed a brand new website on the Squarespace platform that showcases their business.

Digital website with the title 'Real Estate Design For New Business'

Real Estate Design For New Business

Our client needed a brand new website for their new business that showcases services, team, projects, and contact information.

Digital website with the title 'Search Engine Optimization for Health Consultant'

Search Engine Optimization for Health Consultant

Our client needed SEO (search engine optimization) for her wellness coaching and consulting business that is on the Squarespace platform.

Digital website with the title 'Friendly Modern Design for Childcare Focus Organization'

Friendly Modern Design for Childcare Focus Organization

Our client needed a brand new website on the Squarespace platform that is modern, professional, and friendly.

Digital website with the title 'Professional financial group website design'

Professional financial group website design

Our client needed a brand new website for their business that showcases the company offerings, stories, careers, and contact information.

Digital website with the title 'Modern Professional Website for Surgical Practice'

Modern Professional Website for Surgical Practice

Our client needed a brand new website for their medical practice that has telehealth, clinic information, and includes search engine optimization.

Digital website with the title 'Coinigy'

Website design for crypto currency trading platform. The design features custom made isometric illustrations.

Digital website with the title 'Smash Loud, LLC'

Smash Loud, LLC

I have used bootstrap3 grid system for the design so it will help to convert responsive html.

Digital website with the title 'Search Engine Optimization for business'

Search Engine Optimization for business

Our client needed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for their appraisal business website on Squarespace 7.1.

Digital website with the title 'IT Consulting Firm Technology Professional Design'

IT Consulting Firm Technology Professional Design

Our client needed a brand new website for their new informational technology consulting company that explains their services and offerings.

Digital website with the title 'Modern Professional Design for Wellness Company'

Modern Professional Design for Wellness Company

Our client needed a brand new website on Squarespace by Peak Degrees for their business to help visitors understand the services and business offerings.

Digital website with the title 'Stunning Portfolio Design for Fashion Model'

Stunning Portfolio Design for Fashion Model

Our client needed a brand new Squarespace website for her modeling portfolio of work.

Digital website with the title 'Personalized Photography Portfolio'

Personalized Photography Portfolio

Our client needed a new Squarespace website with new refreshed design for their business.

Digital website with the title 'Scheduling Design for Education Company'

Scheduling Design for Education Company

Our client needed Acuity Scheduling setup and customized for their business offerings.

Digital website with the title 'Farm Digital Experience'

Farm Digital Experience

A concept design to boost a Farm on the digital market

Digital website with the title 'App landing page'

App landing page

Proposal to community app christhians

Digital website with the title 'Webdesign Project Consulting Firm '

Webdesign Project Consulting Firm

digitflow offers medium-sized companies optimization of their digital service processes. Since the texts change in the next few months, ideally shortened, a solution had to be found for the yet very long text modules without shortening them. I achieved this with a column variant in order to create flexibility as well as user attention.

Digital website with the title 'Concept Move Digital Solution'

Concept Move Digital Solution

Concept of Digital Product solution

Digital website with the title 'Website for Virtual Online Realty Office'

Website for Virtual Online Realty Office

This concept was made for a digital product about real state and brokers professionals product

Digital website with the title 'Ecommerce Cannabis Community'

Ecommerce Cannabis Community

A concept digital product for a community of cannabis people and wellness alternative lifestyle

Digital website with the title 'Bold web design for eCommerce Brand'

Bold web design for eCommerce Brand

Bold Retail, Inc. is experts in the consumer goods eCommerce space and they help brands succeed across eRetail including,, and their own websites (Direct-to-Consumer). The challenge was to create an exciting, super-clean, and modern design.

Digital website with the title 'Digital AI Solution Agency'

Digital AI Solution Agency

A concept design for a digital agency who works in solutions for marketing with artificial intelligence tool

Digital website with the title 'Exchange Solution Crypto Finance'

Exchange Solution Crypto Finance

A website to tale the service about a brand that work with finance control and crypto financial industry

Digital website with the title 'New website for Digital Marketing Agency '

New website for Digital Marketing Agency

Digital Marketing Agency focused on lead generation for local business. So they need a powerful new website designed to get client leads and / or sales. 30Leads30Days system is devided in 3 main divisions: 1) G.R.O.W. Lead System, 2) STORYselling Video Broadcast System, 3) A-2-Z Digital Business System. the contest holder provided a document where he explains what he wants. This design is based on bootstrap grid.

Digital website with the title 'Ecommerce Fashion Fabric Web'

Ecommerce Fashion Fabric Web

A concept clean design for a brand that sell high quality towels and dream clothes online

Digital website with the title 'Marketplace Doctor Finder'

Marketplace Doctor Finder

A concept of product design about a market place an search to find the medicine services

Digital website with the title 'Cloud Management Service Tech'

Cloud Management Service Tech

A site for a brand who sell services about cloud and security tech

Digital website with the title 'ecommerce concept design'

ecommerce concept design

A design for a e-commerce furniture brand

Digital website with the title 'Responsive Website for IT Security'

Responsive Website for IT Security

Professional consultancy services in the IT security industry to government and commercial clients.

Digital website with the title 'Blog and Content Media Design'

Blog and Content Media Design

A design for a brand of wellness, blog and content web to show diferents type of media and content

Digital website with the title 'Payment Blockchain Tech Solution'

Payment Blockchain Tech Solution

A web so show the solution about a brand os technology payment and POS product services

Digital website with the title 'Kids Toys Brand Ecologist'

Kids Toys Brand Ecologist

A design and concept digital product for a brand of toys luxury who sell product eco friendly and deluxe

Digital website with the title 'Educational Platform Learning Online'

Educational Platform Learning Online

A design for a platform educational online, a tech solution for person who want to learn anything specific in lack hours

Digital website with the title 'Ferry Media - A Digital Marketing Agency'

Ferry Media - A Digital Marketing Agency

Digital website with the title 'Marketing Coach Homepage'

Marketing Coach Homepage

Digital website with the title 'Website deign for a Hot enterprise software startup.'

Website deign for a Hot enterprise software startup.

Webpage design for a software startup company that allows user to create automation in IT infrastructure.

Digital website with the title 'Trendy Website for the WMW — a company that provides accounting services and would like to promote our services.'

Trendy Website for the WMW — a company that provides accounting services and would like to promote our services.

WMW Redesign. Promotional site for accounting services.

Digital website with the title 'Acoda'

Acoda is evolving into a digital services platform. Offering web development, web and branding design, page speed optimization, audits, CRO, writing services, email outreach.

Digital website with the title 'Website Redesign for freelance developer'

Website Redesign for freelance developer

Redesign for J&J solutions, freelance developer and marketing expert. The client wanted to move away from stock photography and to use more color and fun, unique graphics or illustrations.

A preview of the landing page concept for Kahuna Connect

Thrilled to share a glimpse into a project that's been both challenging and immensely fulfilling – a preview of the landing page concept for Kahuna Connect. This groundbreaking platform integrates NFT technology, serving as a hub for projects, creators, and communities within the blockchain space! 🚀🔗 Kahuna Connect embodies a vibrant ecosystem crafted to empower the blockchain community. Envision a seamless convergence point for projects, creators, and communities, providing focused interaction and rapid access to opportunities, all within a single, wallet-connected platform. 🌟💼

Digital website with the title 'Website for a breakthrough technology!'

Website for a breakthrough technology!

The hero image is the highlight of the design where everything is a different element the businesswoman, window frame, building skyline... I have rearranged everything and composed into one.

Digital website with the title 'Digital Services Agency Web Design'

Digital Services Agency Web Design

Web Design for Digital Services Agency

Digital website with the title 'Parody Meme token website Design'

Parody Meme token website Design

Website in the live link below.

Digital website with the title 'Ventevo Report Desktop/Web App'

Ventevo Report Desktop/Web App

Ventevo is a digital marketing agency specializing in lead generation. The project is to create a desktop/web app template for a one-page digital marketing report that companies will receive, after filling out a quiz.

Digital website with the title 'Powerful Digital Marketing Agency'

Powerful Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing agency that specializes in Law Firm Marketing. Specialize in SEO, (PPC) Pay Per Click Marketing, LSA's (Local Services Ads), Website Design, and Website Development and Content Marketing.

Digital website with the title 'Homepage design'

Homepage design

Homepage for a Shopping Concierge service.

Digital website with the title 'Web design concept for a marketing agency '

Web design concept for a marketing agency

Based on the brief, i wanted to make the concept organic, invoking complexity, growth and at the same time clean with a clear message.

Digital website with the title 'Website Design - Digital Marketing - Digital Rocket'

Website Design - Digital Marketing - Digital Rocket

We are a digital marketing agency that spent $55mil on Facebook ads. We are having a photo shoot this week with all of our staff members. I'm here for any questions and I have team members that can guide you on any specifics you may need.

Digital website with the title 'Marketing Agency'

Marketing Agency

Very modern and up to date ( 2018th design )design for digital marketing agency.

Digital website with the title 'Boxfish studio new website'

Boxfish studio new website

We provide development, consultancy and innovation services for companies. Mainly focused on e-mobility, IoT and industry 4.0. ------------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project
Reach Out to Us:

Digital website with the title 'A boutique Salesforce consultant business'

A boutique Salesforce consultant business

Digital website with the title 'Digital Marketing Agency'

Digital Marketing Agency

Using contrasting colors and clean lines, logo elements. nice use of black and golden effect.

Digital website with the title 'Modern Clean Digital Banking Homepage Design'

Modern Clean Digital Banking Homepage Design

Digital website with the title 'uRadical website'

uRadical website

Digital website with the title 'Coming Soon Page for a Digital Marketplace'

Coming Soon Page for a Digital Marketplace

The coming soon page for a digital trading marketplace

Digital website with the title 'SEO Chauncey Riddle Website'

SEO Chauncey Riddle Website

Bold, Clean, and Strong messaging concept for SEO Company based in Salt Lake City.

Digital website with the title 'Digital Marketing Startup Website'

Digital Marketing Startup Website

Digital website with the title 'Digital Marketing Agency Website'

Digital Marketing Agency Website

Digital website with the title 'People like the word Growth'

People like the word Growth

A website for a very unique creative agency

Digital website with the title 'Spokesman website design'

Spokesman website design

The homepage of a digital marketing company needs to highlight four business areas. The information is delivered in a clear and easy to comprehend manner by adapting colors according to brand guidelines.

Digital website with the title 'Digital Marketing'

Digital Marketing

Website Design for a Digital Marketing

Digital website with the title 'Digital Marketing website design'

Digital Marketing website design

Google rank tracking service web site design

Digital website with the title 'Homepage Concept for Digital Marketing Website'

Homepage Concept for Digital Marketing Website

Digital website with the title 'Landing Page for Digital Recruiting website'

Landing Page for Digital Recruiting website

Digital website with the title 'Landing page for digital marketing agency'

Landing page for digital marketing agency

Digital website with the title 'Front page design for modern web agency website'

Front page design for modern web agency website

web development agency from Germany and our clients are medium sized companies looking for an agency that is up to date with the latest technology and has a modern and professional look.

Digital website with the title 'Powerful Attractive Website for Digital Media Company'

Powerful Attractive Website for Digital Media Company

This is what make me different from others :)

pieman by E-T

Digital websites not a good fit? Try something else:

How to create your digital website design.

If you want an amazing digital website that stands out from the competition, work with a professional designer. Find and hire a designer to make your vision come to life, or host a design contest and get ideas from designers around the world.

Start a contest

Designers from around the world pitch you ideas. You provide feedback, hone your favorites and choose a winner.

Start a project

Find the perfect designer to match your style and budget. Then collaborate one-on-one to create a custom website.

Digital website with the title 'Page Design Fixes and Audit for Business Website'

4.6 average from 2,355 web page design customer reviews

What makes a good digital marketing website?

A great website shows the world who you are, makes people remember you, and helps potential customers understand if they found what they were looking for. Websites communicate all of that through color, shape and other design elements. Learn how to make your digital website tell your brand’s story.

Digital website with the title 'Professional Design for Digital Marketing Agency'

Types of websites There are 8 different types of websites. Find out what they are, so you can decide which will meet your needs… Keep reading
How to create a website Creating a website can be complicated. This guide will walk you through the process of getting a website step-by-step… Keep reading
Web design colors Choosing the right website colors can highlight your business’ strengths and help you attract the right customers… Keep reading

The 13 Best Digital Marketing Examples from This Year (+ Takeaways)

examples of digital marketing websites

The ever-growing number of marketers who are using digital campaigns as their primary sources of lead generation has made the marketing sphere seem more competitive. Marketing professionals are constantly challenged to think of new and innovative ways to speak to their audience. This is where understanding the intricacies of a digital marketing strategy becomes paramount.

As a B2B marketing professional, you have a unique opportunity to nurture your audience through different channels and creative approaches.

Here are some awesome examples of digital marketing campaigns that are sure to inspire you to create something truly impressive.

The Foundations of Digital Marketing: What You Need Before Your Campaign Begins

But first, a brief overview of what digital marketing is.

Digital marketing is any type of online effort to attract customers to your brand. It’s a multifaceted approach that can leverage digital channels like Google Ads and social media platforms to reach your target audience.

It involves presenting your products or services to another business or consumer that will positively impact their day-to-day life. It can come in the form of formatting your website to seem more attractive or launching an entire campaign that involves advertisements.

Even knowing this could help you focus your marketing efforts on how to better attract your ideal potential customer. However, how do you build a better marketing strategy? Incorporating tools like Google Analytics into your strategy can offer valuable insights into your audience’s behavior.

Building a Better Strategy

Putting together your digital marketing toolbox can seem like a daunting task at first but here are four pointers to get you started:

1. Know Your Audience.

You can build your strategy around the buyer persona that defines your business. These are real examples of the types of people who find your company’s products the perfect solutions to their needs. This is where you’ll dive into what digital marketing channel they prefer to shop – Instagram, search engine marketing, Facebook Marketplace, etc. Utilizing marketing automation tools can help streamline this process, making it easier to manage and analyze data.

2. Try Experimenting.

While you can get some incredibly useful information about your audience by looking at how they shop, speaking to them directly does need some practice through trial and error. Knowing where your marketing line should be – like never sending too many emails or direct messaging them on social media – is an important boundary to recognize before you start testing. With new technologies in collecting customer data coming out every day, don’t be afraid to push the limits on your typical marketing effort. Affiliate marketing and digital advertising are also key components of a comprehensive online marketing strategy.

Launch a podcast or a social media page with new content every day that your typical content wouldn’t otherwise include. This could be a great way to incorporate user-generated content, which not only engages your audience but also provides fresh, authentic material for your marketing efforts.

3. Observe the Data.

All of the great campaigning in the world isn’t enough if you don’t know what’s working. Understanding your audience is more than just knowing how they like to shop, but knowing what about their shopping experience is best for them. Digital marketing teams should utilize project management tools to keep track of campaigns and analyze their success through metrics provided by digital marketing assets.

Where are your customers dropping off of the sales cycle and where do they usually lose interest?

Look for these smart insights before, during, and after running each digital marketing campaign. This will ensure that your marketing team can adapt strategies in real time, ensuring a successful digital marketing campaign.

4. Get Social

While digital marketing doesn’t only mean using social media as a marketing tool, it is a primary solution to attracting customers. 83% of internet users worldwide have active social media profiles, meaning it’s no longer a question of if you should advertise on social media, but how and where. Video marketing and Facebook ads have been shown to be particularly effective in engaging with a target audience.

Your persona research should include where your customers spend their time. While Instagram is known to acquire the highest-grossed ROI for marketers , LinkedIn is still the leading social media platform for B2B marketing and is followed closely by Facebook. For those looking to deepen their knowledge and skills in these areas, enrolling in a digital marketing course could be incredibly beneficial.

Digital Marketing Examples From Highly Successful Campaigns

Now, where to begin?

1. IKEA Japan’s Harajuku with imma

This augmented reality featured imma, a CGInfluenser who lived in an IKEA room for 72 hours . She demonstrated IKEA furniture by living on it. She rearranged her side table, played music, and made her home life desirable by promoting IKEA furniture. While she wasn’t an actual human, this campaign took a “real-life” view into what your day-to-day life could look like with IKEA furniture.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works: This advertisement was viewable online and in-person by people walking by on the streets. It won awards like the Webby Awards and D&AD Awards because it helped people see what seemingly basic products from IKEA can do for a small space while, and most importantly, connecting with the realities of staying inside during the pandemic lockdowns. In Japan, people may live in spaces where bulky furniture is neither necessary nor practical. This campaign acknowledged that reality and warmed the spaces people create no matter what square footage they’re working with. It’s a prime example of how digital marketing efforts can transcend traditional marketing, offering a more immersive and engaging experience for the consumer.

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2. Cashmere’s 19 Crimes

To help launch a new California red wine line, Cashmere developed an augmented reality campaign based on who they are as a company and who they want to represent. As a result, 19 Crimes was created with the rebel star, Snoop Dogg, as their ring leader.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works: Cashmere made their wine not only recognizable but interactive. They included “social, broadcast, AR experiential, OOH, radio, audio streaming, and influencer marketing” to target their audience in exciting and accessible ways. 19 Crimes developed into a “dogg house” of characters including Swizz Beatz, LaKeith Stanfield, and David Simon.

Where most wine companies stop at interesting label-making and traditional advertising techniques, Cashmere ran with their brand and blew it up to epic proportions. They utilized new technology in augmented reality through multiple mediums to create an interactive experience with a brand and an industry that doesn’t normally exist. This innovative approach to digital advertising showcases the potential for brands to engage their audience in new and exciting ways, leveraging the power of digital channels to create memorable experiences.

3. Wells Fargo’s The Way Ahead

Wells Fargo sets up this commercial to seem like a case study for Zoom. Zoom CFO Kelly Steckelburg has a video interview describing how they adjusted their IT strategy to adhere to the influx of Zoom users after the U.S. lockdown on March 15, 2020.

Here, Wells Fargo used news clips and images in their video to set the scene and propped themselves up as thoughtful business owners concerned about the well-being of their employees.

Why it works:  They won the Digiday award for Best Branded Content because they successfully achieved telling a branded story while reaching their marketing goals. Even though Wells Fargo is not the focus of the commercial, they do a great job of addressing a topical issue while presenting themselves as problem solvers.

4. Rackspace’s Cloud Talk

The cloud computing company  Rackspace launched a podcast  that dives into the specifics and insights of technology today. Hosted by Rackspace CTO, Jeff DeVerter, the podcast was recognized by Digiday as the  2021 Best B2B Branded Podcast .

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works:  Rackspace positions themselves as a leader in the industry by speaking to what they know, inviting interesting guests and creating a new medium between tech industry leaders and the people who work in it. The podcast beautifully demonstrates the power of knowing your audience and reaching them in a unique, but powerful way.

5. The Think Tank & Asendia–7 Destinations Campaign

Working together, The Think Tank and Asendia created a  digital content marketing campaign  that increased brand awareness through an ambitious range of published content. The international courier approached Think Tank for help in gaining more international recognition and brand awareness.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works:  The power of content marketing has never been more apparent when coupled with strategic promotion techniques. Not only did Asendia write helpful eBooks, blogs and landing pages, but these pieces were shared across digital platforms and direct marketing campaigns to reach the right people with The Think Tank’s help.

6. Cosmetifly and Digitaloft’s Cosmetifly Index

Cosmetifly’s platform launch was stellar but lacked consistent engagement.  Digitaloft  took what the cosmetics comparison platform was trying to do and put real metrics and backlinks onto their page for a  truly transformative outcome .

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works:  By using hard evidence, Digitaloft was able to showcase their findings, position Cosmetifly as a true cosmetic insight leader all while setting Cosmetifly up to be featured in blogs like Vogue and Glamour because of their findings. Utilizing data to support claims in a way that is visually appealing and speaks to the reader can help support link building goals.

7. Joan Creative and the United State of Women’s WoManican

Noticing a gap in CPR training, the United State of Women partnered with Joan Creative to create the  WoManican . Driving the campaign was the statistic that women are 27% less likely to receive CPR in public. To address this devastating reality, the WoManican was created.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works:  Not only did Joan Creative leverage their agency recognition to create a show-stopping campaign, but they made a devastating gender-gap fact into something they could solve. They created an open-source template for anyone to download the manikin vest and create themselves, a website, a brand and a launch video to highlight the issue and address any questions.

8. Mastercard’s Her Ideas #StartSomethingPriceless

Working off of their iconic “Priceless” campaign, Mastercard decided to publicly announce their goal of mending the gender gap in small business recognition and women-owned small business venture capital loans.

Why it works: The simple commercial was a finalist in the Effie Awards because it reached its goal of reaching female entrepreneurs and building brand equity. Often, commercials of business owners include men and only 13% of venture capital dollars go to startups with a women-dominant startup team. Mastercard is working towards closing that gap. This campaign underscores the importance of inclusivity and diversity in marketing, demonstrating how brands can use their digital marketing efforts to advocate for positive change and equality.

9. Mastercard and McCann’s Acceptance Street

In light of political discord against the LGBTQ+ community, McCann launched the Acceptance Street campaign in New York City on Gay Street and Christopher Street.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works: While the average B2B marketer might not have the funds to change the name of a street in New York, the lesson here is about creating a campaign that can be picked up across platforms. This campaign gained 3 million impressions in the first three weeks of launch because it was a destination to take pictures in front of, tag and share on social media, and featured on radio, news, and print. It exemplifies how a creative and inclusive digital marketing campaign can generate widespread attention and support, leveraging the power of social media to amplify its message.

Social Media Marketing, Influencers, and More: Examples From Social Networks

Making your marketing campaigns sharable is not a new concept but social media is bigger than ever post-pandemic. Here are a few brands that launched knock-out social media last year.

10. The LA Times’ Plants

A fun and whimsical way to connect with their Los Angeles audience, the LA Times launched its @latimesplants Instagram page. If pets are the new children then plants are the new pets because COVID-19 impacted the way people viewed their green loved ones.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works: Nominated for the 2021 Art and Culture Social Media Webby Awards , this campaign successfully connected with where LA Times readers were in the time of the pandemic. It features beautiful pictures, provides plant advice, and much-needed comic relief in an otherwise gloomy time. This example highlights the potential of niche marketing and the importance of understanding and engaging with your audience’s interests and hobbies through social media.

11. Washington Post’s Dave on TikTok

Not all business social media marketing pages need to be kitschy and animated. The Washington Post page is both informative and entertaining and leverages the strengths of its team, brand, and audience.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works: The Washington Post connects with younger audiences on TikTok to communicate information that is relevant, important, and accurate. Many newspaper organizations are turning to new creative ways to report the news to their audiences in places where their audience prefers to consume content. This approach demonstrates the effectiveness of adapting to new digital channels and formats to reach and engage with a broader and more diverse audience.

12. Off Madison Ave and Arizona Office of Tourism’s Barbie Visits Arizona

Their long-standing professional relationship of assisting the AOT in increasing their state tourism developed into this eye-catching social media campaign that nominated them for the Best Influencer 2021 Weebly Award.

examples of digital marketing websites

Why it works: Barbie has always been an influencer of the times. In recent years, those times almost always include Instagram brand promotion. Here, they took a recognizable icon, a well-known social trend, and worked it into a campaign to promote state tourism. The results were astonishing . This campaign showcases the power of influencer marketing and the potential for brands to collaborate with popular figures and trends to create engaging and memorable marketing content.

13. MAC’s Digital Opening

While brand awareness is an important goal of those advertising on Instagram, the platform also features a great way to shop online. By tagging items on your business profile, you can guide followers to your product landing pages without ever leaving the platform. MAC used this functionality to create a digital launch party where everyone was invited.

Why it works: MAC utilized Instagram features like product tagging, live videos, and location tags and expanded on the social media staple of hashtags to create a virtual world. It included celebrity influencers who were available to “mingle” with during the party, playing into the MAC audience’s desire to feel part of the celebrity inner circle. While social media may seem like a huge world of complicated – and changing – features, brainstorm how your brand can use everything it has to offer to engage audiences in unique ways. This example illustrates the potential of social media platforms for creating immersive and interactive digital experiences that can drive engagement and sales.

Giving Your Next Digital Marketing Campaign the Best Shot at Success

Marketing campaigns are designed to reach audiences at certain points in their buying journeys. Whether you’re meeting yours at their research stage like the WoManican or zeroing in on their buying stage like in the MAC campaign, you can use creative marketing ideas to engage your audience and achieve your business goals.

This includes leveraging various digital marketing strategies, such as email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and influencer marketing, to create a comprehensive and effective online marketing plan. By incorporating these strategies into your digital marketing efforts, you can ensure your campaigns are well-rounded and capable of reaching your target audience through multiple channels. 

Lauren Perrodin

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examples of digital marketing websites

Lauren is a content writer at Brafton. She's from all over the U.S. and currently lives in on the Big Island of Hawai'i. She loves water color painting, water fall hunting, and being a pet mom for her three cats and one dog.

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47 Amazing Marketing Website Design Ideas

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By Lyudmil Enchev

in Inspiration

2 years ago

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examples of digital marketing websites

Being up to date with the market is always critical for your agency. But sometimes, you need a little inspiration. And a little bit of flair. In this article, we will go through some stunning marketing website design ideas , and most importantly – you will see 47 real-life examples of successful creative agency sites that work. But what is so specific about marketing websites? Why do they need to present the agency in the proper way and attract new customers? Here are some of the key elements your marketing website needs:

  • Your website should be professional  – you are a marketing agency, and if you cannot “sell” yourself as a professional, how would you sell your products to potential clients? Your site should be error-free, it should be regularly updated and upgraded, and it shouldn’t look like you’ve used a cheap premade theme.
  • Showcase your work  – let people know what you did for others. Show them your current or previous customers, and let them see that you are worth it and people want to work with you.
  • Let your potential clients reach you easily  – simplify contact forms and be present. People use different communication methods(email, phone, social media), and you need to be close to your people – if the communication is poor, it is almost impossible for things to happen.
  • Be different – marketing is a creative industry – your website should be unique and artistic, and people should say WHOAAA!

Now let’s take a look at some really nice examples of marketing websites:

1. Serendipity Agency (Switzerland)

Serendipity Digital Marketing Agency website

Services: Digital Marketing, SEO, Advertisement

The first example from our list is a digital marketing agency from Switzerland. The website can stand out with an amazing combination of color palette choices and using gradients in the text. On top of that, you can clearly see the noise background which is quite a trend nowadays.

What we love about this website:

✔️ Great home page ✔️ Easy contact form ✔️ Excellent portfolio visualization


Skinn Branding and Marketing Agency

Services:  Marketing Strategy, Branding, Advertisement

If you’re targeting branding design, then SKINN’s concept might be suitable for you. A good combination of bold design ideas and supreme use of shapes can give your brand a more premium and exclusive look, even on a white background.

✔️ Using photos as an integral part of the design ✔️ Portfolio visualization on the landing page ✔️ Linear design

3. Intello (France)

Intello Social Media Production Studio

Services:  Social Media, Production, Cooperation

Intello includes a very interactive modern website design and the company works with reputable partners like NASA, NordVPN, Credit Agricole, and Spotify. There is a great contrast between the white background and cool everyday colors.

✔️ Great color combinations ✔️ Not much text ✔️ Lovely About Us section

4. Lēonard Agency (France)

Leonard Video Marketing and Creative Agency website design

Services:  Creative, Video Marketing, Mass Media

Leonard Agency label itself as an “inventive” agency. Their focus is on original design concepts and high-profile clients like Adidas and Samsonite trust Leonard Agency’s expertise for video production projects. The page load speed is quite impressive, considering the stylish 3D elements.

✔️ Stellar gradient background ✔️ Simple and intuitive UX ✔️ 3D modeling

5. Heighton Agency (UK)

Heighton Web Design and SEO Agency

Services:  Web design, SEO, Branding

Heighton Agency’s website heavily utilizes shapes and even its logo consists of multiple differently colored shapes. The website uses rotating images and a very intuitive user interface that grabs the eye. On top of that, the menus are straightforward.

✔️ Easy to find what the agency offers ✔️ Linear design at its finest ✔️ An amazing-looking roadmap

6. Meanpug Digital Agency (USA)

Meanpug Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency

Services:  Digital Marketing, Advertising, Software development

Meanpug offers website design and marketing solutions for law firms, and it’s admirable that the company has stated the message on the landing page. Being niche allows businesses like this to gain more in-depth knowledge, and the colorful user interface only adds to the great impression we’ve already had.

✔️ Straightforward target audience message ✔️ Lovely Quiz form ✔️ Access to amazing case studies

7. Bob’s Agency (Spain)

Bob's Graphic and UX UI Design Agency website

Services: Copywriting, UX/UI Design, Graphic Design

Bob’s Agency can pride itself on mixing motion design and minimalism. And pink. Lots of pinks. Including a pink pineapple. Other than that, the UI design is simple, efficient, and consists of many blocks.

✔️ Original design ✔️ Great display of the services ✔️ Lots of motion

8. 2Point Agency (USA)

2Point Social Media and SEO Agency

Services: SEO, Advertisement, Social Media Marketing

2Point is following all the patterns of a successful website. It uses an interesting combination of light and dark themes on the landing page and all services have dedicated pages which is not typical for this industry. Colorful motion design adds even more value to the company’s offer.

✔️ Two themes available ✔️ Dedicated pages for each service ✔️ Origami vector animations

9. Inspirux Digital Agency (UK)

Inspirux Web Development Agency

Services: Web and App Development, UX/UI Design, Content Writing

Inspirux offers a plethora of services easily available to you. The black and white minimalistic design, combined with vector illustrations, adds a lot of premium “touches” to the already well-crafted interface, and the homepage allows you to see everything – from services, to case studies.

✔️ Playful design ✔️ Black and white combinations ✔️ Services are well explained

10. Croing Agency (USA)

Croing Influencer Marketing and Networking Agency

Services: Influencer Marketing, Linkedin Networking, Email Marketing

A creative agency cannot be successful if it only offers one single service. At Croing Agency, you will have access to lots of extras but that’s not the reason we liked the design. It offers a dark theme as well as a light theme, and all you need to do is click the toggle button. Other than that, it uses heavily blacks and whites to add a more premium feeling to the brand.

✔️ Dark/Light Theme ✔️ Tremendous amount of services ✔️ Amazing color balance

11. Magnetism (France)

Magnetism 3D Design Agency

Services: UX/UI Design, Social Media, 3D Design

If popular fashion brands, including Louis Vuitton, trust their projects to Magnetism, we need to consider them as inspiration. The website design doesn’t “promote” aggressive forms. Instead, it focuses on high-quality images and elegance which can be seen on any page.

✔️ High-quality images ✔️ Simplicity ✔️ The red dot that smoothly follows the cursor

12. VOVI Studio (UK)

VOVI Video Branding and Video Production Studio

Services: Video Production, Social Media Marketing, Branding

We have showcased VOVI Studio before but really – this is one hell of a website. Sleek design in dark theme, gradient colors that add depth, and a stunning user interface that aims to reduce carbon footprint. What we adored the most was how case study images were opened upon hovering. Truly amazing.

✔️ Images open upon mouse hover ✔️ Gradient colors in the text ✔️ Carbon-friendly website design

13. Cre8tive Agency (USA)

Cre8tive Motion Graphics Photography and 3D Agency website

Services: Photography, 3D / Motion Graphics, Go-to-market Planning

Once you open Cre8tive’s website and see names such as Adidas, Puma, Red Bull, and Beats by Dre, you know it’s not just another agency. With a focus on music and entertainment services, it boasts an amazing dark-theme design with a noise background, to create an exclusive feeling for potential customers.

✔️ Dominance of the red color ✔️ Dark theme ✔️ Bold design

14. Arctos Agency (USA)

Arctos Web Design and Influencer Agency

Services: Web Design, Influencer Marketing, Social Media

Arctos Agency can easily grab the spotlight with its linear website design. On top of that, it uses lots of blurred shapes and grain to make shapes more dramatic. Some letters in the headers are also quite interesting and if we see the brands that cooperate with Arctos directly or indirectly, we can find huge names there – like Skoda, Honda, WURTH, etc.

✔️ Great showcase of linear design ✔️ Unique color combination ✔️ Partnership with influencer organizations

15. Spire Agency (USA)

Spire Growth Planning and Branding Agency site

Services: Branding, Growth Planning

Spire Agency focuses on making B2B brands more capable on the market but their website design is no slouch either. They use one of the newest trends in marketing web design – black/red/white color combinations which create an upmarket feeling and add value.

✔️ Great color combinations ✔️ Target market is mentioned at the beginning ✔️ Lots of numbers and statistics, including a funny report about Spire employees

16. 128 Digital (USA)

128 Digital Marketing And SEO Studio

Services: NoCode Websites, UX/UI Design, Marketing & SEO

128 Digital uses the rule of the boxes pretty well across their design. There’s a blue dot with a circle that follows the mouse cursor and the hover buttons are pretty awesome, too. The choice of fonts is also something worth our attention and the dark theme with white letters just adds more depth.

✔️ Superb font selection ✔️ Easy to access services ✔️ Straight shapes

17. Green House Agency (UK)

Green House Event Management and Merchandising Agency

Services: Route to Market Strategy, Event Management, Merchandising

Green House Agency is a typical example of a marketing website design that is focused on providing a great user experience by utilizing large fonts and showing case studies on the landing page. On top of that, we can easily see the portfolio of clients, among which are industry giants Coca-Cola and Jack Daniels.

✔️ Combination of different styles ✔️ Logo “embroidery” on the black background ✔️ The News & Press page

18. MBM Agency (USA)

MBM Web Design and SEO Agency portfolio

Services: Website Design, SEO

Smart, neat, straightforward. That’s MBM Agency’s philosophy. If you’re looking for inspiration to create a simple, yet unforgettable interface – this is a great example. From the earthy colors used in the design to the choice of italic fonts, it’s all well-balanced and not overdone.

✔️ Choice of colors ✔️ Design simplicity ✔️ Referral page without affiliate links

19. Square Media Agency (Italy)

Square Ecommerce and Social Media Agency

Services: E-commerce websites, Website development, Social Media

Square Media Agency can boast of a flashy design – from the fancy folded 3D logo, to the bold headings, text highlights, and illustration choices. The interface is expressive and shows a lot of passion. A typical Italian job (in a good way!)

✔️ Bold fonts ✔️ Expressive colors ✔️ Amazing 3D logo design

20. Waltz Creative Agency (USA)

Waltz Package Design And Lead Generation Agency Minimalist Style Website

Services: Package Design, Lead Generation, Events

Waltz Creative Agency is not a typical marketing agency. They cover a lot of other areas, like graphic design, and can even organize events. When it comes to their website design, it’s really creative, uses rich colors, and big bold letters at the beginning of the landing page, and the waves add so many good vibes to the whole website.

✔️ Cursor dot with instructions ✔️ Left-to-right and then top-to-bottom structure ✔️ Journal page

21. Shadow Agency (USA)

Shadow PR and Media Relations Agency

Services:  Influencer marketing, Content development, PR & Media relations

Shadow Agency focuses on communication with people and social interactions. Thus, it’s not a surprise that video content is present across the whole site. A dark theme and white letters are a classic move, while hover actions are an added bonus that we kinda liked. It’s a fascinating one-page website.

✔️ Smooth on-hover text color change ✔️ Vintage-looking photos and videos ✔️ One-page site structure.

22. Nation & James (UK)

Website of Digital Marketing Creative And Video Production Studio - Nation & James

Services: Creative, Video Production, Digital Marketing

Nation & James’s website shows a good knowledge of linear design. The landing page is structured and the dotted-pattern gradient background gives a sense of uniqueness. The numbered list also gives points in the UX department, while the menu dropdown list is also gorgeous.

✔️ Roadmap style ✔️ Dotted pattern ✔️ Contact page access

23. Flipp Advertising (Canada)

Flipp Real Estate Marketing and Advertising

Services: Social Media, Real Estate Marketing, PPC

Flipp Advertising’s website design loads with the logo on a black background which creates an expectation of a premium product. Design consistency and high-quality image choice give the agency a better brand image. The agency offers one very cool feature – an adjustable text box where you can select your needs, giving clients indirect messages about how they can customize their experiences.

✔️ High-profile vision ✔️ Design consistency ✔️ Cool adjustable text box

24. Engine Shop Agency (USA)

Engine Shop Gaming, E-Sports and Earned Media Agency Site

Services: Entertainment Marketing,  Gaming and E-sports, Earned Media

Engine Shop Agency uses very interesting concepts in its marketing website design. Apart from the main color combination – black/yellow/white, the background has a square pattern that looks like a coordinate system, and interactive text boxes that disappear after reaching the top of the screen.

✔️ Square-pattern background ✔️ Cursor effects ✔️ Amazing About Us page

25. The Keenfolks Digital Agency (Spain)

The Keenfolks Marketing Automation and AI Digital Agency Site

Services: Big Data & AI, Buyer Persona Identification, Marketing Automation

The Keenfolks Digital Agency is a global award winner, and it is evident from the landing page. An awesome linear design and original creative ideas (like “Keensights”) add more value to the already valuable services that Keenfolks are offering.

✔️ Linear Design ✔️ Our Team page ✔️ Digital Gap Management illustration

26. JYZ Design (Canada)

JYZ Email Marketing and Web Design Agency

Services: Website design, Digital marketing, Email marketing

JYZ Design relies heavily on using circles, half-circles, and quarter-circles. The color choice is amazing, as there are combinations not seen anywhere else. The website relies heavily on illustrations, including the team members’ profile pics. The blog section is impressive, as there are several topic categories people can choose from – great news from a UX point of view.

✔️ Circular design ✔️ Superb color palette ✔️ Fancy CTA buttons

27. Beans Digital Marketing (Ukraine)

Beans Digital Marketing and Analysis Agency

Services: Design, Marketing Management, Market Analysis

Beans Digital Marketing provides one of the most unique website experiences on the market. They focus on being creative and the 3D interactive beans add a lot of valuable branding points. There are a lot of use cases with long story videos, and the higher management is represented on the landing page in high-quality creative images.

✔️ The 3D beans ✔️ Team images ✔️ Original ideas throughout the whole site

28. Fishfinger Creative Agency (UK)

Fishfinger Package Design Agency

Services: Motion Design, Package Design, T-Shirt Design

Fishfinger offers a lot of marketing and advertising services but its main priority is graphic design. If you’re inspired by colorful motion illustrations and boxy layout design, you’ll surely find what you need here. Trusted by Nike, RIOT Games, and Red Bull, this agency has certainly earned its reputation for being creative. And the Meet The Team part is out-of-this-world creative.

✔️ Boxy layouts ✔️ Animated illustrations ✔️ About Us page

29. Amuse Bouche (Portugal)

Amuse Bouche Restaurant PR Media and Event Management Agency

Services: PR & Media, Event Management, Brand Activation

Amuse Bouche is an agency that focuses on promoting Portuguese cuisine and restaurants in front of the world. Their creative approach can be found in the website design, and we can even find a couple of animated knives when scrolling! And when you open the menu, the next thing you see is a knife-cut effect which is so cool to watch.

✔️ Premium feeling ✔️ Interesting effects ✔️ Great choice of fonts

30. Peanuts Creative Studio (Israel)

Peanuts Branding and Motion Design Studio

Services: Motion Design, Video Production, Branding

Peanuts Creative Studio offers a unique approach to brands – through motion design. And the website design is aligned with the corporate vision. It uses a lot of motion, including a peanut (the brand symbol) while perfectly incorporating the minimalistic design.

✔️ The slogan with 3 peanut emojis and “Contain Allergens.” ✔️ Design simplicity ✔️ Good use of motions

31. Wreel Collective (UK)

Wreel Collective Brand Position and Marketing Strategy Company

Services: UX/CX, Marketing Strategy, Brand Positioning

Wreel Collective is an exquisite agency that also uses black/red/white as the main colors. Bold headers, consistent design, and usage of high-quality photographs create a smooth and intuitive user experience across the whole site.

✔️ Mouse cursor hover effects ✔️ Bold headers ✔️ Upmarket user experience

32. Say Hey (Belgium)

Say Hey Content Marketint and Website Design Agency

Services:  Content Marketing, Web Design, Strategy & Planning

Say Hey is a Belgian agency that utilizes heavily black & white colors but adds green. Their website design is heavily inspired by the minimalism trend. When scrolling on the landing page, you can find some case studies, as well as usage of circle shapes.

✔️ CTA box appears after the end of each menu ✔️ Strong brand appearance ✔️ Minimalistic design

33. Panic Studio (Latvia)

Panic Commercials and Explainer Videos Studio

Services:  Commercials, Explainer Videos, Branded Content

Panic Studio definitely offers something different to its clients. The website design is full of hilarious illustrated animations, and even the team poses for a photo in a funny way. The portfolio of clients is vast and you can find names like Netflix, Microsoft, VW, Tommy Hilfiger, and other big brands.

✔️ Cool illustrations ✔️ Site speed considering the number of motion designs ✔️ Portfolio selection

34. TWKS (Switzerland)

TWKS Media Planning and Brand Strategy Agency

Services:  Brand Strategy, Media Planning, 3D and Motion Design

TWKS successfully implements minimalism with high-quality images and bold headers. It’s the combination of moving visuals, Swiss simplicity, and modern bold texts that attracts clients like Bvlgari, Omega Watches, PEPSICO, and other high-profile Swiss names.

✔️ Seamless site flow ✔️ Different styles that match perfectly ✔️ Bold headers

35. Statement (USA)

Statement Copywriting and SEO Agency

Services: SEO, Copywriting, Explainer Videos

Statement has a very exciting website design and utilizes a lot of motion circles. There is a dotted-pattern background the fresh orange color makes the user interface playful. The logo is also quirky: “Let’s connect the dots.”

✔️ Concept with dots ✔️ Interesting motions ✔️ Fresh colors used in the design

36. Tiller Digital (Canada)

Tiller API Design and Copywriting Studio

Services: UX/UI Design, API Integrations, Copywriting

Tiller Digital has a minimalistic dark-theme design that utilizes all types of shapes – like rectangles, triangles, and circles. The company services are well-written and you can easily navigate through the website. While there are some 3D elements and cool illustrations, the UX is not overwhelming – in fact, it’s rather pleasant.

✔️ 3D illustrations ✔️ Balance between elements and texts ✔️ Each service has a dedicated page

37. Quadrate28 (Ukraine)

Quadrate28 Recruitment and Digital Marketing Agency

Services: Digital Marketing Services, Recruitment, Retail

Quadrate28 (or Q28) is an amazing offshore agency that offers a variety of services. What impresses us the most is the straightforward intuitive design which focuses on useful content, rather than images and illustrations. Minimalism can easily be spotted. If fast loading speed and simple design inspire you, then this is the perfect digital marketing website design example.

✔️ Telegram and WhatsApp buttons ✔️ Elegance in simplicity ✔️ Great choice of images

38. Foodie Marketing (Australia)

Foodie Marketing Photo and Video Production Studio

Services: Photo and Video Production, Digital Marketing, Digital Menu

Foodie Marketing focuses on the food and beverage industry exclusively. Tasty 3D illustrations are all over the place and the portfolio of HQ images only adds more credibility to this agency. It’s also easy to spot the CTA buttons which have a “bite” effect upon hovering.

✔️ 3D forms ✔️ Focus on a single industry ✔️ CTA buttons

39. Arrival Agency (UK)

Arrival PR and Ecommerce Agency

Services: Public Relations, E-Commerce, Print Design

High-quality videos in the website design are a double-edged sword, as they can affect performance. However, Arrival Agency has done a great job to ensure the website will look stylish, professional, and expensive!

✔️ Images are well positioned ✔️ Fast loading speeds ✔️ High-quality videos

40. Wildish & Co. (UK)

Wildish & Co. Digital Services and Creative Company

Services: Digital Services, Creative Campaigns, Branding

Wildish & Co. really stands out with great website design! While it’s a bit weird to get used to, some of the effects you’ll see here you won’t notice almost anywhere else. If you don’t trust us, just click on the hand and go around the screen. Nice, uh?

✔️ Logo spreads in an amazing fashion ✔️ Push button “explodes” ✔️ Lots of moving icons

41. Spice Marketing Agency (USA)

Spice Whitepaper Content Planning and Product Marketing Agency

Services:  Product Marketing, Content Planning, Whitepapers

Spice Marketing Agency has an amazing minimalistic website design and it combines it with some great illustrations. Circle forms are dominant in the UI and the navbar is very straightforward, without many menus.

✔️ Design simplicity ✔️ Circle forms ✔️ Landing page quality

42. Web Fries Agency (India)

Web Fries Web and Mobile App Development Agency

Services: Mobile App Development, Website Development, Digital Marketing

Web Fries is an agency that offers a variety of solutions but what grabbed our attention is the variety of patterns used there. There is a lot, from the dotted background to 3D icons and simple illustrations! Another thing to mention is how well optimized the page is in terms of speed.

✔️ 3D elements ✔️ Variety of styles ✔️ Page load speed

43. Upcut Studio (Romania)

Upcut Content Marketing Studio

Services: Content Marketing

Upcut Studio perfectly utilizes a minimalistic user interface with lots of bullets. While there are some motion illustrations, the content is easy to scan and loads extremely quickly. On top of that, there are two very detailed case studies on the platform.

✔️ Bullet points simplify the content ✔️ Minimalistic forms ✔️ Insane loading speeds

44. MST Agency (Russia)

MST Game Development Studio

Services: Mobile App Development, UX/UI, Game Development

MST Agency has an amazing website design that boasts a lot of 3D elements, interesting effects, and a minimalistic design. The site is very well optimized and high-profile clients include Audi, Ikea, Panasonic, and other popular brands.

✔️ Unique concept ✔️ 3D shapes ✔️ Really smooth transitions

45. MaxBurst Digital Agency (USA)

MaxBurst Media Buying and Local Search Marketing Agency

Services: Local Search Marketing, Media Buying, Web Development

MaxBurst Digital Agency takes things to the next level with supreme user experience and even better use of the green color and its nuances. In fact, there are many things to like in MaxBurst’s design – starting from the roadmap, going through the clients and partners, and then the team with normal clothes and branded T-shirts appearing when you hover the mouse over the standard images.

✔️ Amazing use of gradient ✔️ Superb site structure ✔️ Great portfolio page

46. Olifant Digital (Bulgaria)

Olifant Digital Amazon Marketing and Google Ads Agency

Services: Amazon Marketing, Google Ads, Email Marketing

Olifant Digital optimizes strategies for clients but its website design plays a crucial role in targeting new customers. They offer a free marketing plan which is a lead generation tool, and the roadmap with services is well explained. The simple 2D illustrations deliver a stylish but not over-the-top UI.

✔️ Simple forms ✔️ Well-explained services ✔️ Use cases available

47. eDesign Interactive (Bulgaria)

Amazing Example of Website - eDesign Copywriting and Graphic Design Agency

Services: Graphic Design, Copywriting, 3D animations

eDesign Interactive uses a lot of motion 3D designs and lines in the user interface. When you scroll down, the first thing you see is the brand’s portfolio, which is a bold move. The services are well explained and if you see the client list, you’ll quickly realize how professional they work.

✔️ 3D forms ✔️ Lots of case studies ✔️ Elegant user interface

Final words

If you need inspiration and you’re not sure what to do next, these marketing website design examples might help. While every agency offers distinct products and has a different target audience, more likely than not a good idea can inspire people from many niches and even industries.

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Lyudmil Enchev

Lyudmil is an avid movie fan which influences his passion for video editing. You will often see him making animations and video tutorials for GraphicMama. Lyudmil is also passionate for photography, video making, and writing scripts.

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Digital marketing vs. traditional marketing 

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Digital marketing for B2B 

Business to business (B2B) digital marketing is the act of promoting your products or services to other businesses or organizations. The most common digital marketing strategies for B2B brands are email marketing and social media marketing . The rise of AI has encouraged brands to think outside the box in 2024 and experiment with multiple strategies , like automated personalization and influencer marketing. 

Digital marketing for B2C

Business to consumer (B2C) digital marketing promotes a product or service to a consumer rather than another business. Ecommerce brands usually fall into this camp, using tactics like social media marketing, paid advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO) to capture the attention of shoppers who are researching products.

Why is digital marketing important?

Today’s competition means it’s impossible to stand out without using multiple strategies to attract and nurture potential shoppers. Digital marketing can be the catalyst for getting your products in front of the right people, but that’s not the only benefit. Here’s why digital marketing is important. 

Grow your business

More conversions mean more revenue. Digital marketing not only attracts shoppers but educates them on why they should buy from you and ultimately guides them toward a sale.

A thought-out digital marketing plan will give you key insights into how well your campaigns are performing (use a marketing plan template to get started). Make sure you set goals and track your KPIs to determine how well your efforts are paying off.

Increase return on investment (ROI) 

Tracking and analyzing the results of your digital marketing strategy will help you identify where you’re having the most success. You can use this information to optimize your efforts, decrease the cost of new customer acquisition , and make sure you’re putting your money where it matters.

Improve your global impact

It can be tempting to throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. However, a successful digital marketing strategy requires an understanding of your audience so you can serve them the right content on the right platforms at the right time.

Organic strategies like social media marketing and SEO can help you stand out against big-name brands that have millions of dollars to invest in advertising, and give you a competitive edge globally. 

13 types of digital marketing

A well-rounded digital marketing strategy encompasses multiple channels. Generally speaking, most brands use a combination of social media, email, and SEO, among others. The specific channels that work for your brand largely depend on your target audience, your budget, and your business goals.

Here are 13 popular and effective digital marketing channels to promote your online business.

1. Social media marketing

Social media marketing allows you to engage with existing customers and build relationships with new ones. Social media is a collective term for the major platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as niche sites like Houzz and Twitch. Some of the main social media marketing platforms to check out include:

  • Facebook, with its 3.04 billion monthly active users
  • TikTok, with 1.56 billion monthly active users
  • Instagram , with more than 2 billion monthly active users
  • X, which has 41.5 million daily active “monetizable” users in the US alone
  • Pinterest, which reaches 498 million monthly active users
  • Snapchat, with a total of 406 million active daily users

You can create organic social posts on each of these networks. Organic social posts are updates you post to your brand’s page without any paid promotion. It’s typically best to go with a mix of engaging and promotional content with organic posts, skewing more toward engaging content. Too many self-promotional posts may lead to unfollows.

Perfume brand Dossier posts relatable content on TikTok to connect with its followers and demonstrate its personality. 

2. Messaging marketing

Messaging marketing lets you reach shoppers in their text messages or Facebook Messenger inboxes. It’s particularly effective for building deeper relationships with existing customers and providing perks to your best shoppers. But be careful—your customers’ inboxes are sacred, so treat them with care. Only share necessary updates, relevant offers, or content that’s really valuable.

Toilet paper brand Who Gives a Crap sends replenishment reminders to its customers via text message so they never run out. This is a great way to encourage ongoing purchases and stay front of mind.

Replenishment reminder text from Who Gives a Crap with a link to top up.

3. Email marketing

Email is a prominent digital communication tool for businesses. And according to research , email usage is on the rise. About 4.37 billion people use email, a number predicted to rise to 4.73 billion by 2026. However, there’s increasing dissatisfaction with branded emails—which means there’s more opportunity for the brands that do it well.

You can use email to send a mix of promotional and non-sales content—newsletters with helpful content about how to use your products, exclusive discounts for your email list, early announcements, and access to special sales and affiliate programs . 

Email from Spirit of the Herbs that announces a 20% off sale with a discount code.

Use email marketing software to build customer profiles and segment your subscriber list so you can create personalized email campaigns. With Shopify Email , you can create email marketing campaigns and send them to your customer base through Shopify itself. Emails are fully customizable and support direct linking to your products to increase click-throughs and conversions.

4. SEM and SEO

Search engine marketing (SEM) and SEO marketing aim to increase your website’s visibility through online search engines. SEM refers to paid tactics, while SEO refers to non-paid efforts.

To fire up your SEM, you can run pay-per-click (PPC) display ads and Google Shopping Ads through the Google Ads dashboard, targeting specific keywords for queries in your chosen locations. Your budget may vary depending on your goals and keyword competition, but there’s always an option for every budget.

LOVEBYT , which sells cruelty- and chemical-free toothpaste, uses SEM in its digital marketing strategy. It has bid on the keyword “organic toothpaste” so it appears at the top of search pages for queries with those words. 

Shoppers who type that keyword into Google will see the brand’s ad as their top result—and, with the top ad receiving 2% of all clicks , there’s a good chance consumers will click through.

Search results for the phrase “organic toothpaste” with LOVEBYT’s paid ad at the top.

5. Native advertising

Native advertising refers to a type of paid advertising in which the ad matches the look and feel of its host platform. This form of digital marketing might be a social media post, a sponsored post on a website, or a recommendations widget.

The idea isn’t to trick people into thinking the ad is an organic piece of content. Instead, the purpose is to maintain a frictionless user experience.

Here, the content recommends products that help keep food fresh longer, which complements the article. Product recommendations are a common form of native advertising.

A blog post on AOL about keeping food fresh for longer, with a link to vacuum storage containers.

6. Pay-per-click

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an advertising model where you pay for every click on your ad. It’s also known as the cost-per-click (CPC) model and is most prominent on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

Much like SEM, you set your budget and create the ad visuals. However, while SEM shows your ad to people who have searched for a specific keyword, PPC ads are shown to consumers who match your target audience .

There are multiple ad types to choose from and features that let you guide shoppers to the promoted product page or allow them to buy directly through the social media platform.

Instagram ad by Fizzy Goblet showing a woman wearing cut-off jeans and embroidered slip-on shoes.

7. Content marketing

Content marketing is when businesses create or curate content, usually via a blog. In fact, more than half of marketers use blogs in their digital marketing strategy. Content is effective for building relationships with new and existing customers, generating awareness about your brand and products, boosting SEO, and establishing authority in your chosen niche .

Skin care brand Beauty Pie has a blog that shares insights and answers questions to help shoppers make a purchase. 

Beauty Pie’s onsite blog with images of a woman floating in water, a close-up of a woman’s face, and leaves.

8. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows consumers and influencers to earn a commission for marketing and selling a company’s products. This is most commonly seen in tandem with influencer marketing , where the influencer gets a cut every time someone buys a product through their unique link. 

This form of digital marketing is a great way to get in front of new audiences and encourage your best customers to promote your physical and digital products . Use our creator archetype guide to identify the best influencers for your brand. 

In this example, when a shopper clicks through from this roundup post to the Amazon product page and makes a purchase, the affiliate will get a slice of the commission.

Section of a blog post linking to an affiliate link for a drinks cabinet.

9. Marketing automation

Marketing automation is when you use technology in your digital marketing strategy to trigger automated actions from your marketing platforms. Marketing automation could be limited to a single platform in your tech stack or involve a combination of tools via integrations. The Shopify App Store, for example, has lots of marketing automation apps you can add to your digital commerce site.

Shopify’s App Store with links to the top marketing automation apps listed out in two columns.

You can also create marketing automation campaigns directly from your Shopify dashboard. One example of marketing automation most ecommerce brands can leverage is post-purchase automation.

Depending on your product and the purchase, you can use post-purchase communication as a way to nurture customer relationships and cross-sell other products through personalized recommendations. Then, you can check the results and optimize the campaign through the marketing analytics in your Shopify dashboard.

Create and customize marketing automations from Shopify

Shopify’s built-in marketing automation tools help you connect with customers at critical moments in their journey—from subscribing to your newsletter to placing their first order and every milestone in between.

10. Remarketing

Remarketing , or behavioral retargeting, is when you market to people who have already interacted with your brand in some way. You can set up retargeted marketing campaigns that are informed and targeted based on your audience’s previous behavior.

Maybe you launched a collection of artist-designed mugs for your home goods business? A few months after the first project, you then collaborated with a different artist on a new mug design. You can remarket to the people who purchased your first artist-designed mug, knowing they already have an interest in this type of product.

Facebook carousel ad by Madewell with an image of a smiling woman wearing a striped long-sleeved top, jeans, and boots.

11. Sponsored content

Sponsored content is similar to native advertising in that a brand pays for an ad that resembles a platform’s editorial content. Often this form of digital marketing is an article or blog post, but it can also refer to sponsored social media posts.

Blog post on Buzzfeed about the mind-blowing benefits of playtime that’s sponsored by toy brand, Hot Wheels.

12. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing involves partnering up with relevant social media accounts and promoting your brand or products to their audience. This often goes hand-in-hand with affiliate marketing because most collaborations will use unique affiliate links for each influencer, but it can also be a great way to generate a buzz around an upcoming launch. 

Olipop partners with influencers on Instagram to showcase its latest flavors. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by OLIPOP (@drinkolipop)

13. AI digital marketing 

AI digital marketing is the process of using artificial intelligence and automation to improve your digital marketing efforts. It includes creating automated, personalized workflows that deliver relevant content to different audience segments. It also includes using generative AI to create blog posts and social media captions, and analyzing data to improve your future campaigns. 

Flamingo Estate’s pop-up chatbot asks “What can we help with?” and encourages shoppers to share additional details.

What does a digital marketer do? 

A digital marketer’s main tasks are creating and executing strategies to connect with their audience online. As well as coming up with content and campaign ideas, digital marketers need to be able to analyze campaign data to identify areas of improvement. For example, you’ll need to iterate creatives for a social media ad campaign, determine the audience, create the content, and track the performance of the campaign . 

How to create a digital marketing strategy

Your ecommerce marketing strategy hinges on a few key factors, including who you want to reach, what message you want to send, and how you’re going to deliver that message. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your strategy.

1. Set digital marketing goals

What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing strategy? This can be an overall goal, like “Increase sales across your online store by 30%,” or you can choose goals for individual campaigns, like “Grow our Instagram follower count to 10,000.” 

Before you start thinking about what content you’ll create and which channels you’ll share it on, consider what your end goal is. This will help you track your efforts and ensure the strategies you implement are leading you toward your business objectives. 

2. Identify your target audience

Consider who you want to reach—25-year-old digital entrepreneurs in New York or working moms who struggle to find time for self-care? The more you hone in on your target audience, the easier it is to know which platforms you can reach them on and what type of message they prefer to receive.

To increase your chances of success, create buyer personas . You can come back to these to ensure you’re using the right language and focusing on the right platforms. Here are the steps:

  • Check your analytics. Use Google Analytics or your sales metrics to see who your best customers are.
  • Identify patterns in your best buyers. Determine what key characteristics your best customers have. For example, they might all fall into a specific age range or they might all have similar job roles. 
  • Use demographic and psychographic data. Don’t just focus on age and location. Dive deeper into their interests, challenges, and dreams.
  • Create your personas. Bring this information together in a couple of buyer personas that match your ideal audience. Include a name for each persona and their key characteristics, and highlight the best marketing channels to reach them on. 

3. Choose the right channels 

Different audiences hang out on different channels. Some prefer TikTok and Instagram, while others prefer to receive communication via email or text message. When creating your buyer personas, determine the most effective platforms to market on and include these in your strategy. 

It’s tempting to try and deliver content on every single platform, but you might find yourself spread too thin by doing this. Instead, pick three to five channels that work best for your brand and audience, such as email, SMS, Instagram, and TikTok.

4. Create a content plan 

Once you’ve identified your audience and your core platforms, you can move on to content creation. At this point, you should have a good understanding of what your audience wants to see online and a solid strategy for how you’ll reach them.

Consider a variety of different content formats, such as: 

  • Instagram Stories and Reels
  • Welcome sequences and automated email marketing
  • TikTok and YouTube videos
  • SEO blog posts
  • Downloadable content, such as ebooks and reports 
  • Influencer and user-generated content
  • Social media ads 

Test out a few different content formats to see what your audience responds to best and incorporate your best-performing content types into your strategy. 

5. Measure and analyze results 

Track the performance of your digital marketing efforts by regularly checking your analytics. Download social media analytics reports, track conversions, and measure engagement to see what kind of marketing works best. 

When you analyze your results like this, you’ll be able to see what works and what doesn’t so you can tweak your strategy moving forward.

Digital marketing examples

Dove: digital marketing campaign.

Cosmetic brand Dove is renowned for its emotive digital marketing strategy that ties seamlessly with its brand values.

Over the years, Dove has incorporated user-generated content, hashtag campaigns, and social videos to raise awareness of body issues and promote its products.

Marketing banners for Dove’s Campaign For Real Beauty showing four women looking relaxed and happy.

Samsonite: SEM

Global luggage brand Samsonite used SEM practices to bring its advertising online. It started by getting a deeper understanding of what its end users were looking for so it could target the right keywords and promote the right message in search results.

Shopping ads on Google for the search term “luggage” show a black suitcase from Samsonite and blue and gray suitcases from Away and Monos.

Apple #shotoniphone: Social campaign

Apple encouraged its customers to share pictures taken on their iPhones in response to the backlash against the phone’s camera capabilities. The winning photos were displayed on billboards around the world.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by apple (@apple)

Buoy: Email marketing automation

Wellness brand Buoy uses email marketing to offer discounts and exclusive deals to its best customers. Along with creating a sense of urgency with countdown timers, it encourages its audience to share the brand and its products with their friends and family through word-of-mouth marketing. 

Email from Buoy announcing its extended sale with a countdown timer and a link to start shopping.

Campus Protein: SMS marketing 

Campus Protein sends personalized abandoned cart text messages to shoppers to bring them back to the site. When a shopper responds to the email, the brand’s AI chatbot responds with relevant information, links, and discounts to drive sales. 

Automated text message from Campus Protein reminds a shopper they have left a product in their cart.

Kickstart your digital marketing

Shopify has built-in marketing tools you can use to get started with your digital marketing campaigns. 

There are tools for audience targeting, email marketing, SEO, paid social ads, and more. 

Plus, you can improve your marketing efforts with actionable insights that reduce guesswork and make campaigns better over time. With Shopify, you can use one platform to find and sell to the right shoppers, wherever they are.

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  • Finding Your Ideal Customer- How to Define and Reach Your Target Audience
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  • A 14-Point Ecommerce Checklist to Launch Your Shopify Store
  • Guide to Small Business Marketing- 10 SMB Marketing Tips and Strategies
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Digital marketing FAQ

What are the latest trends in digital marketing.

The latest trends in digital marketing center around AI. Brands are using advanced AI technologies to create content, automate communication, and analyze data. Additionally, brands are focusing on building stronger, longer-lasting relationships with their customers through personalized marketing and nurturing strategies.

How big is the digital marketing industry?

The digital marketing industry reached $363.05 billion in 2023 and is set to increase by 13.1% between now and 2032, reaching $1.09 trillion.

How has digital marketing evolved?

Digital marketing strategies are constantly evolving to meet new consumer expectations and to align with the latest technologies. In the past, digital marketing was limited to basic email communication and static websites. New technology has expanded the possibilities to include automated, personalized communications that connect with consumers on an individual level.

What are the common challenges of digital marketing?

  • Generating qualified leads
  • Measuring ROI
  • Creating engaging content
  • Understanding and meeting customer needs
  • Staying on top of latest trends and technologies
  • Tying big-picture objectives to a set budget
  • Promoting and distributing content

How do you become a digital marketer?

  • Acquaint yourself with the fundamentals of digital marketing.
  • Learn how to use digital marketing tools.
  • Build a portfolio that includes a variety of digital marketing campaigns.
  • Reach out to your network to find digital marketing opportunities.
  • Stay up to date with the latest digital marketing trends.

How is AI changing the digital marketing landscape?

AI is reducing the number of repetitive manual tasks in digital marketing. It can increase efficiency by automatically tailoring ads to meet the needs of the target audience, automating tedious tasks, and predicting customer behavior for enhanced campaigns. Digital marketers can use AI to generate content, run campaigns on autopilot, and analyze the performance of different activities.

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18 Excellent Examples of Digital Marketing Campaigns

18 Excellent Examples of Digital Marketing Campaigns

Table of Contents    

  • What Is Digital Marketing? 

How to Execute an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

  • Tips to Run a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign 

18 Brands That Nailed Their Digital Marketing Campaigns 

  • Key Takeaways 
  • Conclusion 

With the ever-evolving nature of digital marketing, determining what works and what doesn’t work for a business may be challenging. Digital marketing is built to develop and stay relevant over time. You may have to rehash your strategies and make sure they’re always relevant.

Start with examples of digital marketing campaigns from successful and leading companies in the digital marketing field and analyze what has worked for them. Implementing the best digital marketing campaigns that connect with your customers, boost your brand recognition, and contribute to your bottom line might be difficult, but it’s not impossible.

examples of digital marketing websites

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, often known as online marketing, promotes a company’s brand using the internet and other forms of digital communication to engage with potential clients. Digital campaigns may be done through various methods, including display advertisements, online videos,  search engine marketing, paid social ads, and social media posts. 

Digital marketing is also less costly than traditional advertising and enables you to monitor outcomes daily and make adjustments as required. Digital marketing is, on the whole, a more cost-effective option that gives you unique chances to get the most value for your money.

You may boost brand awareness, position yourself as a significant industry player, and place your firm at the front of customers’ minds when they’re ready to buy, whilst engaging them in a digital environment. Marketers may get valuable insights into their target audience’s behavior, whilst also introducing new channels of client involvement, by using an omnichannel digital marketing strategy. 

Digital marketing strategies should consist of the ultimate plan that involves your target audience, design, activities, and campaign objectives. This strategy must be realistic, feasible, and practical, based on your budget, available resources, and goals.

Every firm that intends to launch a digital marketing campaign must develop an effective strategy to ensure the campaign’s success. Realistic methods and techniques are essential in developing marketing campaigns that fetch a good return on investment (ROI).

An effective marketing campaign makes a company relevant to its target audience for the right reasons. Before you begin the journey to gain attention to your firm, it’s critical to first reflect on your objectives and purpose so these can guide your overall marketing plan.

Tips To Run a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

The digital marketing paradigm is shifting from straightforward, time-tested digital techniques to novel experimentation, and this transition will continue in the foreseeable future. A wealth of information about digital campaigns is available, but unfortunately, not all of it may be suitable for your company’s needs. This implies that it is critical to understand successful approaches in your specific business and niche. You need to perfect your digital marketing strategy by researching and developing a complete plan that meets your company’s marketing goals. 

A robust digital strategy is crucial for businesses looking to reach and appeal to their target audiences on a wide range of platforms. To get your online marketing initiatives off to a good start, make sure you focus on the following foundations of a successful digital strategy.

1. Research thoroughly

Begin by extensively analyzing your industry’s rivals, target audience, and market expectations or indications. This can help you grasp your objectives better. Through extensive research about your target market, their purchasing habits, and behavior, you will know how to engage and connect with them effectively.

Successful digital marketing campaign examples also provide insights that are critical to study your competitors’ online activity and determine whether the same strategy will work for you. You may get valuable ideas and transform them into resources for your business. 

The best digital marketing campaigns set market expectations. A competitor study will reveal rising trends and industry norms. When you combine this information with a thorough examination of consumers’ needs, you’ll have a clear understanding of what you need to do to attract them online.

2. Identify your target audience

The ability to identify your target audience is crucial if you are to realize the rewards of a marketing effort. You must design a campaign with your unique target group in mind. Create segments for your audience depending on demographics and habits based on your collected information. Consider your target audience and identify them, such as their age, gender, and geographic area. Knowing the purchasing patterns and communication style of the audience you are attempting to reach is also crucial to success.

Take into consideration your target demographic and their specific requirements to build the most successful campaign. What is the difficulty they are experiencing that you can help them with? What is it about your product or service that would make their life better? Consider your marketing from the perspective of your target audience to increase your message’s effectiveness.

3. Define your goals

Setting digital strategy goals and objectives may seem simple, but many businesses fail in this area. It’s critical to set clear goals early in the planning process. Your plan must describe what you want to accomplish clearly and concisely. It should be measurable and include metrics that you can quantify the efficacy of your approach. 

Your goal needs to be achievable to meet your objectives. Set attainable objectives and make sure you have the resources to achieve them. Make a time-bound plan to achieve your objectives. You may refer to your target document and review your progress along the way if you create it at the start. You must then determine if you were successful and whether you should pursue this aim further.

examples of digital marketing websites

4. Set a budget

Even though internet advertising is the least expensive kind of advertising, you’ll need to set aside some finances to run a campaign. In that case, you’ll need to budget for paying for services and running ads. A budget is an essential aspect of every digital marketing plan . Set up a meeting with a digital marketing/social media specialist if you don’t know what your budget should look like.

5. Involve stakeholders

You’ll need to incorporate your company’s stakeholder in developing and implementing your strategy. These stakeholders comprise your top management teams, marketing members, public relations professionals, sales employees, among others. Getting their feedback might help you improve your entire digital marketing efforts by aligning them with your organization’s aims.

While stakeholder input is critical in the early phases, it may be difficult if the parties engaged micromanage your operations. Make sure you set clear limits, so everyone understands where their input is required and that your digital marketing goals are aligned with the goals of your stakeholders.

6. Ensure a multi-channel presence

A well-defined digital strategy, coupled with various platforms and channels, may assist you in reaching the correct audience and delivering your message successfully. You should focus on increasing user contact and engagement while building several touchpoints throughout the web. Keep your message constant and cohesive across all platforms when promoting a single campaign, and modify the material to maximize the impact of each channel.    

7. Update your social profiles

It is all too easy to forget about the benefits of social media when things are hectic, even though most small business owners understand its importance. One of the most critical aspects of digital marketing and advertising is maintaining a social media presence and being honest about the time you can devote to it.

Customers will find it inconvenient if your social media page is not up-to-date. Selecting a platform that works for your firm and adhering to a publishing schedule are essential. 

Use witty captions and memes to enhance your audience’s engagement with posts that you publish on social media platforms. You need to stay abreast of the current events in order to create relevant and timely social media content.    

8. Keep your visitors engaged

Finally, it is obligatory to focus on converting visitors into buyers. Having a collaborative perspective may help both parties have a better experience. As a result, you’re more likely to build a long-term relationship with your customers. Ensure that your visitors have a positive experience by proactively interacting with them. For low-touch conversations, consider using a chat function on your website. Become a resource for your customers’ inquiries and help them through the buying process.

If you’re looking for some brands with the best digital campaigns , here they are. Besides digital marketing, these companies create experiences and content that draw in consumers and establish a strong connection between their products and their target audience.

America’s most extensive online store has the best digital marketing campaigns. Zappos searches Twitter’s streaming API for all the Tweets it’s been mentioned in. Conversations, questions, and comments are sent in through Twitter, and Zappos responds to them all so that others may see how they respond to customers. Customers are so enthralled with the practices that they want to spread the word about them.

Zappos also introduced Zappos TweetWall , displaying the user’s name and Tweet next to the product picture. They have also created an iPad-optimized version of the TweetWall, accessible as a spread on the Zappos iPad app. 

What also set Zappos’ campaign videos apart was their ability to discover a unique method to use genuine customer tales to demonstrate how far the company is prepared to go to please its devoted consumers.

Although Nike has several digital marketing campaigns to contribute to its brand success, some of them have had an especially great impact. Nike Grid and Find Your Greatness Campaigns are two such examples. 

Grid was an especially engaging campaign. Its aim was to get young, urban Londoners to run. They did this through an immersive gaming experience. Players were encouraged to run the city in order to amass points by calling a Freephone. With each player having a unique code to enter, they were given badges and other rewards at the end. This is by far one of the best digital marketing examples. 

Mint has fantastic digital marketing examples that have helped them establish themselves as one of the top financial newspapers. Breaking into the congested personal finance niche is challenging for every new firm. Mint’s financial monitoring tool demonstrates how efficient web marketing efforts can set you out from the pack.

Mint set out to create unique personal finance blogs, with content aimed at the young professional population. Their content marketing and blogging efforts were all successful and lucrative. They had more traffic than all other personal finance websites put together, and the site ultimately ascended to the top of the personal finance blogosphere, directing people to their app.

Mint used effective digital strategies to grow their company, generating a massive volume of high-quality material, ranging from informative blog entries to viral, eye-catching infographics. They began by focusing on content production and running targeted advertisements to win the audience’s trust. Mint has now evolved into a brand. It’s a forum where people can speak about money, swap tales, and get advice.

Content marketing requires a significant investment of both time and money. Following content development and professional standards, on the other hand, might quickly attract considerable market interest. 

4. American Express

One of the top credit card companies, American Express (AMEX), welcomes guest writers on its collaborative platform called OPEN Forum . Guest writers from various industries contribute their business expertise and wisdom on it. It has the intrinsic value of “online dialogue.” The outcome is a content-rich mega-site that is well-liked by search engines, all without American Express having to shell out too much money. 

American Express’ collaborations have aided in the growth of their audience and increased traffic to their website. Consequently, they discovered that relying on the voices of experts in the field has been effective in increasing engagement.

OPEN Forum enables registered users to share thoughts, seek guidance, and join discussions with other small company owners, in addition to writing professional articles. They may even participate in exclusive online activities.

This is another top example of digital marketing campaigns. A cloud-based instant messaging app that allows teams to interact more effectively, Slack realized that word-of-mouth referrals work. Founder Stewart Butterfield used his contacts in companies and the press to promote the new platform early on, resulting in 8,000 people signing up via connections on the first day. But it’s not only word-of-mouth. Slack also uses Twitter to reach a bigger audience and increase organic traffic to their website.

ClickUp is one of over 1,000 integrations Slack uses to drive visitors to its website and ensures that it appears on the top page of search results for each product Slack interacts with. Slack leveraged early user input to improve the product’s user interface, efficiency, and usefulness. They treated every email and support issue as a chance to improve the product or address a problem.

One of the best digital marketing activities examples, Slack avoided too many features in the product. Butterfield instead emphasized making a high-quality product. The search option in Slack’s tool helps users quickly locate what they’re looking for, while the file-sharing feature allows you to drag-and-drop files or swiftly share them.

Slack’s strategy of offering a feature-rich free plan and a unique “fair pricing method” has boosted its brand value in addition to successfully creating 3 million paid users out of 8 million daily active users.

The biggest online shop globally, Amazon, has excellent examples of digital marketing campaigns. The Amazon PPC advertising platform is offered to Amazon’s third-party retailers. It enables merchants to establish ad campaigns for their items and then charges them each time a prospective buyer clicks on and sees their ad.  Amazon PPC is becoming an increasingly important component of Amazon’s business success, as the race for market supremacy will almost certainly be determined via advertising.

Amazon has also unveiled the most recent big change to their growing focus on advertising. Sponsored Display advertisements are now available on Twitch, giving businesses another way to reach their target audience.

Amazon offers many promotions throughout the year and other significant occasions. They are honing their digital marketing approach to ensure that they are at the forefront of digital marketing and providing customers with what they want, easily and quickly.

7. Wirecutter

Wirecutter has expanded as a result of its efforts to enhance its SEO, and the monitoring of measures such as page views and unique visitors, with no expenditure in marketing. It employs the earnings per click (EPC) efficiency indicator for monetization, which is used across companies, products, categories, and partners to measure the effectiveness of their digital marketing. EPC assists in the assessment of partners on an equitable and fair basis across the board. 

Instead of generating revenue via advertising, they generate revenue through affiliate fees earned when users click on and ultimately purchase the products they recommend. They create reviews for things they enjoy, including a link to buy it online, and profit from each transaction. 

Airbnb is a short-term rental platform where you can advertise, locate, and book unique properties all around the globe. Building trust, which has mostly been accomplished via social influencer marketing, has been the key to Airbnb’s success. 

Airbnb has worked with several well-known names to raise brand awareness and create excitement. Mariah Carey’s Instagram post in an Airbnb property garnered over 45,000 likes in 2015, and it was the first of many influencer posts for the travel firm. 

In honour of National Dog Week in the United States, Airbnb recently unveiled 600,000 new dog-friendly homes while teaming with Marnie the Dog, the late four-legged Instagram star with over 1.3 million followers. Marnie’s video was posted vacationing in a magnificent Airbnb property to create a buzz.

According to its strong growth figures, Lyft , a ridesharing startup, is on its way to overtaking Uber. The key reason is that its clients are willing to pay for the convenience it provides. This was employed as a marketing tool by the corporation. 

Lyft extended its reach and built its profile in new service regions by mirroring its current Google advertising on Bing and Yahoo Gemini. The team used a feed-based approach to create advertising with customized city names, incentive callouts, and landing pages for each area. At the ad level, they employed multivariate processing to allow the file-to-action process to ingest multiple files in parallel, reducing processing time.

Lyft also used word-of-mouth marketing to establish its reputation and increase conversions. It started a referral scheme, which helped the business grow its client base. Each of their clients is given a referral code that they may use to introduce their friends to Lyft.

The concept of combining social networking and online reviews helped Yelp gain early momentum. Because most customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, Yelp encourages users to contribute their names, photos, and experiences to build a genuine community.

Yelp connects customers with outstanding local companies by providing unparalleled local company information, images, and reviews, making it easier to make reservations, appointments, or purchases during challenging circumstances. This makes Yelp one of the best digital marketing examples. 

Potential consumers see appropriate advertising from Yelp Ads, depending on the keyword they’re looking for. It’s a terrific method for companies to stand out from the crowd and remain “above the fold” in search results. Yelp tapped into the true potential of internet evaluations by including a social component into its platform. This makes it one of the best examples of digital marketing campaigns. 

Dove’s out-of-the-box digital marketing advertising examples have redefined beauty standards. Dove’s poignant advertisements that challenge beauty norms are among the most successful internet marketing initiatives. They understand that the product they’re selling is simply one piece of the puzzle. Women want to appear better, but they also want to feel better.

Dove took this concept to the next level with their ShowUs campaign , a collaboration between Dove, Getty Images, and Girlgaze. This is a collection of over 10,000 photographs of women and non-binary people from 39 nations who are redefining beauty standards. 

Dove’s digital presence has grown through multi-channel campaigns, new-age content development collaborations, and crowd-sourced stunt marketing, all while preserving its emphasis on real beauty in an oversaturated cause marketing environment.

12. Sephora

Many physical companies have been faltering, but Sephora has been able to sustain a solid growth rate by merging the internet and offline retail experiences. They created an app that uses artificial intelligence and augmented reality to test various beauty goods discovered online or in stores.

The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity for Sephora to allow users to experiment with cosmetics digitally. The app offers recommendations and ideas along the process and is linked to their e-commerce store, allowing customers to add items to their shopping baskets and buy them. 

13. MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey is a Facebook chatbot that helps businesses put their words into action. With rising client acquisition expenses, they used their chatbot to lower customer acquisition costs and expand their reach.

MobileMonkey is an omnichannel chatbot that allows businesses to communicate with customers in real time through their website, Facebook Messenger, SMS, and other popular online chat services. MobileMonkey might use a person’s information in the system to retarget them if they choose to optimize messaging.

In the digital era, this iconic automobile brand remains relevant and entertaining. Ford’s digital marketing strategy includes viral video campaigns and weekly giveaways (including free cars, gas gift cards, and other prizes), with a particular emphasis on the age group of 18-35 years on social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, and others.

Driving Ford is the official blog by Ford India . With a clean layout, the blog contains various stories on traveling, driving, vehicle maintenance, etc. Relevant and informative, this blog is a great example of keeping readers hooked. Any firm may offer a warm and pleasant first impression by introducing the blog and even comments of its followers to new visitors.

15. Red Bull

Red Bull has one of the most effective digital marketing campaigns globally for an energy drink. The Red Bull Stratos mission , which made headlines on October 14, 2012, was unprecedented not just in terms of scientific achievement, but also in terms of brand promotion. Millions of people saw Felix Baumgartner leap into space, breaking three skydiving milestones. This event was broadcast live on social media platforms, Red Bull’s website, and 280 other digital properties. 

The Red Bull YouTube channel receives millions of views each month, increasing brand awareness. Tens of millions of people have seen some of the brand’s most famous videos. Red Bull’s video material has generated about 1.5 billion impressions throughout its entire video collection, and the company’s YouTube account has about 10.3 million subscribers.

16. Starbucks

Starbucks’ new digital transformation strategy, the Digital Flywheel , used artificial intelligence, was designed to combine physical and digital customer touchpoints with superior business results. This also made it difficult for digital companies to outsmart them. It was built around four pillars: rewards, personalisation, payment, and order.

They also use social media to share photos of friends and family enjoying Starbucks coffee together, and their high-quality videos promoting seasonal goods. Starbucks has effectively integrated itself into its consumers’ social life.

Starbucks is always attempting to involve customers in their business. Customers want to participate in their competitions, building engaging contests on social media. For example, Starbucks’ “Tweet a Coffee” campaign was an excellent example of consumer engagement and brand recognition.

Uniqlo is a stylish Japanese apparel brand that encourages people all over the globe to dress comfortably. Their job is to provide you with basic apparel that makes your life easier. It is one of the best digital marketing examples. Uniqlo Uncover was a fast-moving image campaign launched in 100 stores and online. Fast-moving visuals are used in the campaign to show a particular product code that is unreadable to the naked eye.

Buyers had to upload a five-digit code on the campaign website. The end result was outstanding. Uniqlo’s online films have been viewed over 1.3 million times, and more than 25,000 persons have signed up for Uniqlo’s newsletter. The ad reached more than 4 million individuals, including 35,000 new customers.

18. Heineken

Heineken, the most well-known beer business on the planet,  places a lot of emphasis on social media. They are active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. They commemorate football icons on their Instagram feed, combining beer with sports. Heineken creates unique content for each channel, while keeping the brand messaging constant. Even though they are a worldwide company with various social media sites, they still want to tailor their social media marketing approaches in order to ensure relevance to their fans.

Heineken used their sponsorship of the UEFA Champions League to attract new digital customers. Many of the brand’s clients who follow the UEFA Champions League do so only on digital devices, so they won’t see any traditional media activations. It discovered that around eight out of ten people across the globe follow the league on at least one digital channel, with one out of every six people watching matches fully on digital channels. 

The beer behemoth also launched “Drinkies,” a direct-to-consumer campaign. This was an ecommerce channel where clients could order cold drinks and snacks and have them delivered to their homes in 60 minutes. During the UEFA Champions League knockout phase, sales of Drinkies soared dramatically on match days. Not only did revenues grow, but so did the number of new Drinkies customers. 

examples of digital marketing websites

Key Takeaways

  • Digital marketing is the process of promoting goods and services through digital means. 
  • In order to fetch a good ROI, realistic expectations in digital marketing campaigns are important. 
  • Digital marketing is more feasible than traditional marketing, as it is more quantifiable and cost-effective. 
  • Zappos, Amazon, Forbes, Heineken, Airbnb, Dove, and Nike are some of the best digital marketing examples. 

In order to grow their digital marketing strategies, brands should regularly follow examples of digital marketing campaigns. Using the internet and other types of digital communication to connect with prospective customers, digital marketing (also known as online marketing) promotes a company’s brand and encourages them to buy from them. 

In addition to raising brand exposure, digital marketing helps firms communicate with customers and manage online reputation. Businesses may use digital advertising to market items, give discounts, and attract new consumers. Advertising increases sales while digital marketing builds a target customer demographic. 

While having a social media presence is essential for all businesses, each business will have its own set of social media requirements and tactics. First, it is critical to identify your target demographic and social media objectives before deciding which platform is appropriate for your organization.

Facebook’s social networking service is completely free. Creating profiles or company pages is entirely free, except for those who sell their page via ad campaigns.

Yes! Before making a purchase, most shoppers discover and study firms online. An online presence enhances brand recognition and legitimacy. In addition, websites allow for e-commerce, online customer support, and consumer involvement

A website’s primary purpose is to enhance revenue by making shopping easier for customers. Small companies may persuade customers to purchase by offering special online pricing and pop-up deals. With increased sales incentives and comprehensive product descriptions, people increasingly turn to corporate websites for all their requirements.

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10 Digital Marketing Examples From Successful Brands

Preview 10 examples of successful digital marketing campaigns from top brands showcasing creativity and innovation that changed the marketing landscape.

Alex Chris

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What Is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

10 examples of successful campaigns, learn more about digital marketing.

Digital marketing works best when it combines innovation, storytelling, social causes, and engaging people with a brand. In this post, we’ll examine the best marketing campaigns of all time and what we can learn from them.

A digital marketing campaign is a strategic effort to promote a company’s products or services to an online audience using one or more marketing channels. A digital marketing campaign aims to raise brand awareness, boost engagement, and increase sales.

While old-school marketing still has its place, more businesses choose digital marketing because it’s effective. Other benefits of digital marketing campaigns include:

  • Reaching a wider online audience
  • Highly Targeted advertising
  • Cost-effective compared to traditional marketing
  • Easy to monitor and measure results
  • Increase customer engagement and loyalty
  • Greater flexibility
  • Access to global markets
  • Improved conversion rates

Let’s examine some of the last decade’s most effective digital marketing campaigns to see how the above benefits can be translated into real-life scenarios.

  • Airbnb – “We Accept”
  • McDonald’s – “Adults Happy Meal”
  • Uniqlo – “Uncover”
  • Lyft – “Referral Program”
  • Nike – “Just Do It”
  • Spotify – “Only You”
  • Dove – “Project #ShowUs”
  • American Express – “ShopSmall”
  • Heineken – “Open Your World”
  • Sephora – “Black Beauty Is Beauty”

1. Airbnb – “We Accept”

Airbnb - We Accept Campaign

Airbnb has achieved tremendous growth using several strategies since 2007. CEO Brian Chesky said investing in brand marketing and public relations and spending less on search engine marketing was key to the company’s success.

So, if Airbnb’s success was not dependent on SEM (SEO and paid search ads), how did they do it? Let’s look at some examples of digital marketing campaigns that contributed to Airbnb’s growth.

Campaign Details

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The We Accept campaign was launched in 2017 to protect the brand’s reputation from rumors that some hosts discriminated against guests. In addition to promoting diversity and universal acceptance, it donated $4M to the International Rescue Committee. The campaign received over 87 million impressions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and it’s still among their top marketing campaigns.

Why It’s a Good Example?

It shows how a company can protect its brand from criticism and connect to a wider audience by addressing issues beyond its brand boundaries.

The campaign reached millions because it was not just about the company and its products. It was about sharing values and bringing people together. It’s a great example of how showing what your brand stands for can make a big difference in how people see and feel about your company.

2. McDonald’s – “Adults Happy Meal”

McDonalds - Adult Happy Meal

In 2022, McDonald’s launched the Adult Happy Meal campaign to connect with its adult customers and remind them of their childhood memories with the company.

What made this campaign stand out from other campaigns created by McDolands were the collectible toys designed for adults. The goal was to bring back the joy of opening a Happy Meal to adult customers.

The campaign went viral on social media, creating over 129.2k social mentions and 1B social impressions.

It’s a great example of how to connect with your customers emotionally and how to retarget your loyal customers with new products and ideas.

3. Uniqlo – “Uncover”

Uniqlo Uncover Campaign

Uniqlo, a Japanese global retailer, launched the Uniqlo Uncover campaign in 2016 to promote their Heattech cloth technology and to present Uniqlo as an innovative technology company.

They placed digital billboards in malls and other places across Australia that displayed cloth images featuring their Heattech technology. The images also showed some fast-changing numbers. People had to use their phones to take a photo of the banner to get a 5-digit code, which they could use on their website to get discounts and a sample T-shirt.

The campaign reached 4 million people, gaining 25K subscribers and 35K new customers.

It’s a great example of how to get people’s attention with clever marketing and engage them with your products. Asking people to take a photo and then claim a reward is a clever way to get them to visit your website and remember your brand.

4. Lyft – “Referral Program”

Lyft - Campaign Example

The Lyft referral program is a great example of leveraging referral marketing and word-of-mouth to grow a business.

To withstand Uber’s competition, Lyft has devised an easy way to make each existing customer a brand advocate.

They reward customers who refer new riders and drivers to the platform. The referral reward varies per customer, and the maximum limit is $2000 per week in free rides.

The campaign started in Lyft’s early days, and while it has been revised several times, it is still applicable today. According to published statistics , it generated 20-35% of Lyft’s new users.

The success of Lyft’s referral program lies in its simplicity and mutual benefit. Users are more likely to share their referral code with friends if they know they will receive a direct reward.

For marketers, the key takeaway is the effectiveness of leveraging referral marketing to grow your customer base. Creating a referral program that offers meaningful rewards can motivate users to spread the word about it and make them brand advocates.

From experience, referral marketing reduces customer acquisition costs, making better use of the marketing budget.

5. Nike – “Just Do It”

Nike - Just do it - Campaign

Nike’s “ Just Do It ” campaign is one of the best examples of how a single marketing campaign can change a company’s future.

Launched in 1988, it transformed Nike from a small sports company into a global brand. Nike employed professional athletes and people of all ages and sports levels to pass the message that anyone can become the best of themselves if they push harder, no matter the obstacles or fitness level.

The simplicity of the slogan “Just do It” and the inspiring stories surrounding it made this campaign one of the most successful in marketing history.

Campaigns that are easy to remember and have a motivational tone can appeal to a wider audience and help a brand connect with consumers emotionally. In the long run, this can create a loyal brand community and drive success.

At the time the initial campaign was launched, there were no social media or online channels (only TV ads and billboards), but the way messaging resonated with the audience was the critical success factor of the campaign.

6. Spotify – “Only You”

Spotify - Only You Campaign

Spotify has run many successful campaigns over the years, but one area in which it excels is its ability to retain existing customers.

The Only You campaign launched in 2021 and included several app features to help users find music that matches their unique listening style. The campaign also encouraged users to share their playlists on social media, increasing engagement and word-of-mouth promotion.

Why It’s a Good Example?

For marketers, the “Only You” campaign teaches two lessons. First, it highlights the effectiveness of personalized digital marketing by utilizing the power of data analytics. The second is that marketing is not just about getting new customers but also about understanding your audience and keeping your existing customers engaged.

In addition, having users actively interact with a campaign (like the examples of Uniqlo and Lyft) is an effective way to turn customers into brand ambassadors, organically spreading the word about your brand and products.

7. Dove – “Project #ShowUs”

Dove - Project ShowUs

Dove is another global brand that uses social responsibility and emotions to engage with its audience.

One of the campaigns that changed the beauty industry is Project #ShowUs by Dove. The campaign launched in 2019 with a simple mission to break the beauty standards and show individuals as they are, not as others believe they should be. Dove partnered with Getty Images and Girlgaze to create the largest collection of genuine photos of women and binary individuals showcasing natural beauty.

The campaign won several awards, including a Gold Global Effie Award, and generated a database of more than 14,000 photographs . Over 900 companies worldwide have downloaded 7,500+ images from the collection.

Similar to Airbnb’s WeAccept campaign, this campaign had a global penetration. It’s another great example of how addressing social issues and breaking stereotypes can help companies create a strong connection with an audience beyond their customer base.

8. American Express – “ShopSmall”

Amex - ShopSmall Campaign

Amex’s #ShopSmall campaign is another example of how a marketing initiative can shape an industry, in this case, the Small Business Industry.

Launched in 2010, the American Express ShopSmall campaign introduced Small Business Saturday to encourage shoppers to shop and support small and local businesses. The campaign was so successful that it’s still valid today.

AMEX created free resources (such as social media posts) and partnerships with social media platforms like TikTok to help small business owners expand their reach with Gen Z & Millennial shoppers.

The campaign earned the attention of mainstream media, helped thousands of small businesses, and gained over 900K views on creator videos across social channels.

There is a lot to learn from this campaign. For starters, it’s a good example of how a campaign launched before the social media buzz can adapt over time. Amex is still supporting the campaign by utilizing the power of social media platforms.  Another takeaway is that collaborating with influencers is an effective method to engage with a specific audience.

9. Heineken – “Open Your World”

Heineken - Open Your World Campaign

There are hundreds of beer companies, but only a few of them are as well known as Heineken, and this is due to their innovative marketing tactics.

Heineken has launched the ‘Open Your World’  campaign to promote openness and encourage individuals with different views to converse over a beer. The campaign’s focus was the “ Worlds Apart ” video, which received over 40 million views across various social media platforms. The #OpenYourWorld became trending on Twitter, receiving over 20K mentions.

To enforce the campaign, Heineken partnered with The Human Library, a non-profit organization that uses conversation to combat stereotypes.

We can learn much from Heineken’s “Open Your World” campaign. It’s a great example of how storytelling, video marketing, and social media marketing can help a campaign reach and connect with a wider audience. Global brands, like Heineken, don’t create campaigns to promote their products. They create experiences to surface social issues and highlight their brand values.

10. Sephora – “Black Beauty Is Beauty”

Sephora Black Beauty Campaign

Sephora is known for its innovative marketing campaigns that touch on important social problems. One such campaign is the Black Beauty is Beauty .

Sephora launched its “Black Beauty Is Beauty” campaign in 2021. The purpose was to support and promote brands owned by people of color. The campaign was a huge success, with many awards. The Black Beauty is Beauty video received more than 3 million views on YouTube alone.

The company committed to several actions to support black-owned brands, like dedicating at least 15% of shelf space, funding businesses, and creating products more suited to people with darker skin.

Sephora found this opportunity to connect with a specific audience, helping them solve problems that have existed for decades. In doing so, they cleverly promoted their new products and positioned their brand as a gatekeeper of a big cause.

Read the guides below to learn more about digital marketing and how to create campaigns that resonate with your audience.

  • Digital Marketing For Beginners
  • Types of Digital Marketing
  • How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency
  • Digital Marketing Strategy

Alex Chris

Alex Chris is a digital marketing consultant, author, and instructor. He has more than 18 years of practical experience with SEO and digital marketing. Alex holds an MSc Degree in eCommerce and has consulted with Fortune 500 companies in different industries. He blogs regularly about SEO and Digital marketing, and his work has been referenced by leading marketing websites. Connect with Alex on Twitter and LinkedIn .

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What Is Digital Marketing? Types, Strategies & Best Practices

Janette Novak

Updated: Feb 16, 2024, 7:37pm

What Is Digital Marketing? Types, Strategies & Best Practices

Table of Contents

What is digital marketing, why digital marketing is important, types and strategies of digital marketing, benefits of digital marketing, digital marketing best practices, bottom line, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Digital marketing is one of the most popular and powerful ways to generate awareness, interest and sales for your products or services. As the name implies, digital marketing is conducted via digital avenues, including social media, websites, search engines, email and text messaging.

For optimal results, you must understand which digital marketing tactics will work best for your target audience. This post offers an in-depth look at the most effective digital marketing strategies and best practices for achieving your business goals.

Also known as online marketing or internet marketing , digital marketing communicates messages through digital channels accessed through electronic devices, including phones, computers and tablets.

Digital marketing and traditional marketing, such as print ads and direct mail, share the same ultimate goal: generating product awareness and influencing purchasing decisions to drive sales. The main difference between traditional and digital marketing is that digital marketing uses internet-connected technologies to communicate and engage with targeted audiences.

The launch of the World Wide Web in 1989 set the stage for the emergence of digital marketing. The proliferation of business websites, advancements in email technologies and the introduction of wildly popular social channels have sparked meteoric growth in digital marketing. Online marketing is now a key component in most businesses’ marketing plans primarily because of the widespread use of digital technologies but also because it can deliver outstanding results.

To succeed, businesses must find effective ways to spread the word about their products and services and that’s never been more challenging than today. Consumers face more choices from more providers, all clamoring for their attention. Deploying compelling content on digital marketing platforms is one way to stand out from the crowd.

Another reason digital marketing is so important to businesses is simply this: it’s where your ideal customer is hanging out. According to the research experts at Statista, as of 2023, there are 5.19 billion internet users and 4.88 social media users worldwide. On average, internet users spend six hours and 40 minutes online every day.

This enormous, highly engaged online audience presents tremendous opportunities for businesses that want to gain visibility for their goods and services. Digital marketing offers near-endless opportunities for connecting with potential customers and is a vital component of nearly every business’s marketing mix .

Creating a solid digital marketing strategy for your business begins with a better understanding of the types of digital marketing methods that yield the best returns. Below, we introduce you to six types of digital marketing: social media marketing, search engine marketing (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, mobile marketing and content marketing.

  • Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most popular forms of digital marketing. In the United States alone, over 308 million people access a social network at least once per month. People of all ages use social media for entertainment, interacting with others, gaining information about specific interests and shopping.

For businesses hoping to gain visibility and sales, social media statistics reveal that incorporating social media into your marketing mix can be a sound strategy. Social media is the go-to source for brand information for 78% of internet users. Nearly half of U.S. consumers report they’ve made a purchase through social media.

Top social platforms include YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat and X (formerly Twitter). New platforms, such as BeReal and Poparazzi, are entering the market regularly.

The social landscape is ever-evolving. For example, Twitter, now X, was once a top platform, but the social channel now appears to be struggling. Twitter has lost approximately 32 million users since Elon Musk purchased the platform in 2022. TikTok didn’t even come on the international scene until 2017, but now has more than 1.7 billion monthly active users . Digital marketers need to remain attentive to social media channel changes.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital digital marketing strategy for businesses that benefit from driving traffic to their websites. SEO is the process of optimizing your website so search engines, such as Google rank your website high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO is all about driving organic traffic to your site. Unlike paid advertising, with SEO, visitors who find your site come from unpaid searches. Approximately 8.5 billion searches are done on Google daily, which presents a lot of opportunities for businesses that want to promote their product and services. Ranking high on Google is key to driving more traffic to your website.

In a survey conducted by Search Engine Journal , 49% of respondents reported that SEO delivers the highest return on investment (ROI) of any digital marketing channel. You can get started with SEO on your own for free by learning more about Google Ranking Factors or with the help of top SEO tools and software . You can also work with an SEO service or agency to create an SEO plan and manage your SEO for you.

PPC Advertising

PPC advertising is precisely what the name implies: you pay a fee every time someone clicks on your digital ads. The amount you’ll pay is determined by the platform you’re advertising on, the potential traffic for your promoted post and the number of competitors willing to pay for similar ads.

Google Ads is the largest PPC platform in the world. Many businesses who engage in SEO marketing also engage in PPC advertising on Google. Paid ads on Google appear above organic search results and that positioning advantage can drive even more traffic to your website.

Google Ads is not your only avenue for PPC advertising. You can also purchase PPC ads via the Microsoft Search Network on Bing and partner sites as well as on top social channels, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Amazon and TikTok.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another top digital marketing strategy you’ll likely want to add to your marketing mix. According to Statista, businesses earn an average of at least $32 for every dollar spent on email marketing. For some sectors, such as retail, e-commerce and consumer goods, that number is $45.

To be effective at email marketing, you must develop a strategy for collecting email addresses from clients and prospects. Many businesses collect emails with every customer encounter, sometimes offering a special incentive for joining an email list. Your business website is also a terrific place to offer incentives to visitors so you can grow your email database.

Growing and nurturing your email list is vital to successful email marketing . You also must respect the communication preferences of your list and only send relevant information that your base wants to receive. Also, failing to manage the legal aspects of email marketing, including staying compliant with CAN/SPAM Act mandates, is paramount for email marketing success.

Rather than managing business email manually, most marketers acquire email marketing software. The best email marketing software makes it effortless to keep your email database updated, handling new subscribers and unsubscribes for you.

Your email software should also make it easy to segment your email database based on customer interests, create attractive email designs, manage email scheduling and measure email metrics, including open rates, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates and bounce rates.

Mobile Marketing

There are more than 310 million smartphone users in the U.S. alone, so it should be no surprise that mobile marketing has become a popular digital marketing strategy for businesses.

Mobile marketing typically is conducted via text, also called short message service (SMS). Text open rates are estimated to be as high as 98%, which is one reason mobile marketing can be so effective. While text messaging is the most common way to market via mobile devices, notifications from mobile apps and social channels can also be received on smartphones. The business applications for mobile marketing are expanding every day.

  • Content Marketing

Every form of digital marketing relies on compelling content to attract interest and engage prospects and customers. Content marketing is the term used to describe the different types of content you can develop to deploy in your digital marketing campaigns.

Content marketing can take many forms, including blogs, infographics, whitepapers, ebooks, videos, podcasts, quizzes, slide decks and webinars. Unlike advertising, content marketing is not blatantly promotional but instead employs more subtle tactics to inform, educate or influence a desired target market.

You can use content marketing to establish authority on particular subjects or create buzz for your brand. One of the key advantages of content marketing is that you can do it on virtually any budget. A do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to content marketing will cost you mere pennies or, if your budget allows, you can work with copywriters, videographers, designers and other content development experts to create content for your business.

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There are several key advantages of using digital marketing. Here are the top benefits:

  • Budget-friendly: You can engage in some forms of digital marketing, such as email and social media, with little to no money.
  • Measurable results: Most forms of digital marketing allow you to measure key performance metrics, including total number of impressions, CTRs, cost per conversion, overall conversion rates and more.
  • Improved brand awareness: With so many people using digital devices to access social channels, texts and emails, you have near-unlimited potential to generate awareness for your brand and products.
  • Strong engagement: Digital marketing lets you create compelling content via text, images and video, leading to strong customer engagement.
  • Strong ROI potential: Digital marketing often earns a more substantial ROI than traditional marketing and advertising tactics.
  • Global and regional reach: Depending on the digital marketing tactics you choose, you can limit your reach to a local or regional area or use digital channels, such as YouTube and TikTok, where your content can reach a global audience.
  • Flexibility: You can change or adopt new digital marketing strategies relatively quickly.

While digital marketing can be very effective for building business results, you must understand the drivers of success. When you embrace direct marketing best practices, you’re far more likely to achieve the stellar results you want.

Establish Your Digital Marketing Goals

Before engaging in any type of digital marketing, you must establish SMART goals . Specifically, what do you want to accomplish? Examples of top digital marketing goals include:

  • Increase website traffic
  • Build brand awareness
  • Boost brand engagement
  • Become known as an expert in your industry
  • Generate more qualified leads
  • Expand your email prospect database
  • Increase sales

Define Your Target Audience

You must have a well-defined audience in mind before selecting digital marketing channels and content marketing strategies. Otherwise, you risk creating messaging or using digital marketing tactics that are off the mark.

Defining your target audience begins with identifying shared attributes, including age, gender, income and education levels, geographic locations, interests and purchasing patterns. Next, you need to identify the specific problems your audience is facing or the pressing desires they have. Once your target audience is defined clearly, you can develop digital marketing messaging that highlights how your business solves their top problems or satisfies their needs.

Determine Your Digital Marketing Budget

Establishing a digital marketing budget will keep you from under or overspending. Setting clear marketing goals and success targets will ensure your digital marketing spend is on target.

You may choose to establish a budget for each digital channel or an overall budget for all efforts. It’s important to have a good handle on digital marketing costs to set a strong budget. Be sure to consider the technologies you’ll need to deploy your digital marketing efforts, including SEO software, email marketing software, website hosting services and social media management tools.

If you plan to do PPC advertising, you must research costs related to the platforms you intend to use. PPC costs are platform-specific and Google Ads and most social media channels offer extensive information about PPC costs on their advertising portals.

Other costs you may need to incorporate into your digital marketing budget include marketing services for copywriting, videography and design. If your budget allows, you can work with a traditional marketing agency, which can cost anywhere from $75 to $300 per hour. If you’re on a shoestring budget, you may want to hire freelancers from popular gig sites, such as Upwork, Fiverr and, which can cost as little as $15 per hour.

Select Your Digital Marketing Methods

Launching a company website is the first step in digital marketing for many businesses. The additional digital marketing methods you choose depend on what you’re selling, where your ideal audience is spending their time and how much money you want to spend on digital marketing. Social media, SEO and email are the most popular digital marketing techniques, but you may find a different mix works best for your target market.

Track and Analyze Results

The beauty of digital marketing is that it’s relatively easy to track results. In setting your goals, you establish what you’re hoping to achieve. In the analysis stage of digital marketing, you measure how well you’re performing against established goals.

Set a cadence for how often you’ll monitor digital marketing performance data: daily (which is only advised in initial stages or when digital marketing spending is high), weekly or monthly. Very few digital efforts achieve stellar results out of the gate, so don’t be disheartened if you aren’t hitting stretch goals on the first iteration of your marketing efforts. Learn from your analyses to refine your digital marketing strategies accordingly going forward.

Digital marketing is one of the most powerful tools businesses have to generate attention and sales for their products and services. Several digital marketing techniques, including social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC advertising and content marketing, offer exceptional ROI potential. You don’t need a large budget to get started, so digital marketing can be an effective tool for all types of businesses.

What is digital marketing in simple words?

Digital marketing is a business strategy that uses online platforms to generate awareness and sales for products or services. There are many ways to conduct digital marketing, including through social media, email, SEO, PPC and content marketing.

What exactly does a digital marketer do?

A digital marketer uses digital devices and digital marketing techniques, such as social media marketing, SEO and content marketing to drive awareness, interest and sales of business products and services. To be an effective digital marketer, you need to be adept with a variety of digital media as well as possess strong marketing skills.

How much money do I need to start digital marketing?

To get started with digital marketing, you’ll need a computer and an internet connection, which will involve an initial outlay of around $500 to $1000, plus $50-$120 per month. You’ll also need appropriate software, such as email marketing software , SEO software and marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM) software . Together, these software programs can cost between $0 and $500 per month.

In addition to the software and hardware you’ll need to start digital marketing, you may also need digital marketing training. You can develop digital marketing skills via self-study for free or participate in a training program that could cost anywhere from $150 for a digital marketing certificate to $100,000 or more for a full four-year degree.

How can I do digital marketing with no experience?

There are several ways to get started in digital marketing, even if you have no experience. You could enroll in a digital marketing certificate program or take digital marketing courses online or at your local college. If you already have some general business or marketing skills, you can get an internship in a marketing department specializing in digital marketing.

What are the top digital marketing platforms?

Social media marketing, SEO and email marketing are three of the top digital marketing platforms business marketers use. The top marketing automation tools used for digital marketing include HubSpot , Marketo and Salesforce .

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  • Marketing Digital Marketing Examples That Will Inspire Your Campaign

Digital Marketing Examples That Will Inspire Your Campaign

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  • Emily is WebFX’s Content Delivery Lead . She holds an M.S. in digital marketing and leads the FX content team, along with strategy, implementation, and evaluation for WebFX’s key revenue channels. Her work has been featured by Social Media Today, Campaign Monitor, Reader’s Digest, Yahoo, and more. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, road trips, and exploring new cities. Follow her on Twitter @emcarter16 or connect on LinkedIn . @emcarter16

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What is digital marketing.

Digital marketing encompasses numerous strategies designed to optimize your web presence, allow you to reach more qualified leads, and boost revenue for your business.

Top digital marketing companies offer services like:

  • SEO services
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Influencer marketing

With digital marketing, you can reach customers where they’re browsing online and develop relationships that lead to purchases.

7 types of digital marketing and creative examples

Now that you know why digital marketing is so important, let’s take a look at seven creative examples of digital marketing to inspire your own campaigns.

1. SEO example

SEO refers to a number of strategies aimed at helping your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When people search keywords and phrases related to your business, you want to appear at the top of search results so more people can find and contact you — and SEO allows you to do just that.

This digital marketing strategy includes a number of sub-strategies such as:

  • Creating custom content to target valuable keywords related to your business
  • Optimizing technical elements like your site’s code, page speed , and mobile responsiveness
  • Improving your site’s design and navigation to create a positive user experience (UX)
  • Earning backlinks from other reputable sites

reynolds seo

Before working with WebFX, Reynold’s didn’t evaluate the effectiveness of their website and online presence. In addition to creating a user-friendly website, WebFX helped Reynold’s implement a custom SEO strategy, with the goal of increasing leads in the restoration space.

Our SEO process

With our six-step R.O.C.K.E.T SEO process, we created a custom SEO campaign for Reynold’s.

  • Research: We start every SEO campaign with in-depth research into your company, website, competitors, and industry.
  • Optimize: During the optimization phase, we make hundreds of changes, both large and small, to your site to help it appear at the top of SERPs.
  • Content: Next, we create in-depth, quality content that allows you to connect with leads and answer their questions about your business, products, and services.
  • Keywords: Crucial for SEO success, we research industry keywords and implement targeting strategies to drive valuable traffic to your site.
  • Earned media and links: We then work to promote your content by leveraging our impressive network of bloggers and industry influencers .
  • Testing: Finally, we implement website testing and custom reporting to ensure your custom SEO strategy drives the best possible results.

Since partnering with us, Reynold’s has seen a 43 percent increase in organic traffic and a whopping 71 percent increase in organic contact form submissions — people who contact Reynold’s after viewing their site in organic search results.

Want to learn more about the results we earned for Reynold’s? Check out our case study to hear what they have to say about their experience with WebFX!

2. PPC example

PPC advertising is a paid strategy designed to quickly boost leads and revenue for your business. It allows your business to establish a presence in search results, while implementing your organic SEO campaign.

With PPC, you select the keywords and phrases that you want to trigger your ads and set a maximum bid. Then, if your bid is among the highest, your ad will appear at the top of the SERPs — above organic listings.

One of the best parts of PPC?

You only pay when people click your ads, making it a great strategy for connecting with the most qualified leads. This PPC example features the popular travel-booking platform, Expedia .

As a travel-loving twenty-something, I’m always on the hunt for cheap flights and fun hotels on my search to explore new cities. Whether searching for flights, hotels, or bundle deals, I noticed that Expedia consistently appears in Google’s paid ad space.

expedia ppc ad

In addition, they connect their paid ads to landing pages that match the searcher’s intent and make it easy to take the next steps to complete a booking.

For more tips about managing successful PPC campaigns, check out our helpful article .

3. Social media marketing example

Today, more than 2.3 billion people around the world use social media, making social media marketing a great way to connect with your audience and develop meaningful relationships.

In addition to creating free profiles on top social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, your business can use paid social ads to reach even more customers.

Let’s take a look at a social media advertising example from Airbnb — yep, another travel brand. While Airbnb maintains a stellar organic presence on social platforms, the brand also uses creative, travel-bug-inducing ads to encourage conversions.

By combining clever text and images of unique travel accommodations, Airbnb leverages social media advertising to engage and convert target customers. They even use retargeting on social media to reach people who previously browsed their site.

airbnb social

View More Social Media Marketing Examples

4. Web design example

Digital marketing drives people back to your website, so they can learn more about your products and services — and ultimately purchase. If your website is hard to navigate and looks like it’s straight out of the ‘90s, it’s time for a design update .

At WebFX, we believe your website should engage visitors with aesthetically-pleasing design and interactive elements — and also drive conversions for your business. Need some web design inspo?

the gregory

5. Content marketing example

If you want your site to rank at the top of search results and keep quality leads engaged on your pages, you need to create valuable content . A critical piece of digital marketing, content allows your site to stand out from competitors, and it provides visitors with the information they need to take the next steps with your business.

Looking for a content marketing example to inspire your strategy? Check out Strava , a top running a cycling app.

Strava uses content marketing to create communities of runners using their app.

In addition to sharing podcast episodes and blog content, Strava leverages user-generated content to engage their audience and inspire customer loyalty.

strava content

6. Email marketing example

With the potential to earn you $44 for every $1 invested, email marketing is a powerful strategy for any business. Email marketing allows you to reach and nurture leads, while providing them with important updates and information about your business.

In addition, email marketing allows you to harness the power of segmentation and personalized marketing to resonate with current and potential customers. When it comes to email marketing, natural skincare company Primally Pure , stays on top of the game with simple, straightforward content and aesthetically-pleasing images.

Primally Pure uses a creative referral strategy that encourages customers to enter their email addresses and refer friends to receive $10 off for every referral.

In addition, the brand uses email marketing to highlight site content and share exclusive offers. Well-designed email CTAs encourage readers to take action, and recipients never have to question the next step.

primally pure email

Yes, I would like to shop their skincare offerings.

7. Influencer marketing example

Influencer marketing allows you to partner with key figures in your industry — and it gives you access to influencers’ valuable audiences.

Take a look at this influencer marketing example. REI Co-op , an outdoor recreation company and my own personal slice of heaven on earth, combines influencer marketing and user-generated content on social media.

Sharing awe-inspiring content from influencers and everyday adventure seekers allows REI to connect with their audience and inspire them to quite literally take action. Their popular hashtags make it easy for people to find and engage with content — and REI packs some powerful social proof into their posts with influencer marketing.

rei insta influencers

With a team of more than 40 influencers dedicated to developing relationships with prominent websites, WebFX has one of the most connected online influencer teams in the world. Learn why we’re a top influencer marketing agency .

Inspired to launch your own digital marketing campaigns?

If these digital advertising examples inspired you to launch your own campaigns, WebFX can help you get started. A full-service digital marketing agency , we offer custom strategies designed to grow your business.

Our services include:

Plus, we have offices all around the globe! For example, we offer London digital marketing solutions, along with offering digital marketing services in Harrisburg, Fort Myers, Ann Arbor, New York City, and many more locations!

Want to learn more about how custom digital marketing strategies can help you achieve your most valuable business goals? Contact us online today to speak with a strategist!

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WebFX is a full-service marketing agency with 1,100+ client reviews and a 4.9-star rating on Clutch! Find out how our expert team and revenue-accelerating tech can drive results for you! Learn more

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Table of Contents

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • 7 Types of Digital Marketing and Creative Examples
  • Inspired to Launch Your Own Digital Marketing Campaigns?

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Digital Marketing

Digital marketing typically refers to online marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. It can take many forms, including online video, display ads, search engine marketing, paid social ads and social media posts. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Oddly, television is usually lumped in with traditional marketing.

examples of digital marketing websites

Maximize your digital marketing

Use Mailchimp to promote your brand, reach your target audience, and grow your business.

Did you know that more than 3 quarters of Americans go online on a daily basis? Not only that, but 43% go on more than once a day and 26% are online “ almost constantly .”

These figures are even higher among mobile internet users. 89% of Americans go online at least daily, and 31% are online almost constantly. As a marketer, it’s important to take advantage of the digital world with an online advertising presence, by building a brand, providing a great customer experience that also brings more potential customers and more, with a digital strategy.

A digital marketing strategy allows you to leverage different digital channels–such as social media, pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and email marketing–to connect with existing customers and individuals interested in your products or services. As a result, you can build a brand, provide a great customer experience, bring in potential customers, and more.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes not only email , social media , and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

Essentially, if a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it's digital marketing.

Inbound marketing versus digital marketing

Digital marketing and inbound marketing are easily confused, and for good reason. Digital marketing uses many of the same tools as inbound marketing—email and online content, to name a few. Both exist to capture the attention of prospects through the buyer’s journey and turn them into customers. But the 2 approaches take different views of the relationship between the tool and the goal .

Digital marketing considers how individual tools or digital channels can convert prospects. A brand's digital marketing strategy may use multiple platforms or focus all of its efforts on 1 platform. For example, a company may primarily create content for social media platforms and email marketing campaigns while ignoring other digital marketing avenues.

On the other hand, inbound marketing is a holistic concept. It considers the goal first, then looks at the available tools to determine which will effectively reach target customers, and then at which stage of the sales funnel that should happen. As an example, say you want to boost website traffic to generate more prospects and leads. You can focus on search engine optimization when developing your content marketing strategy, resulting in more optimized content, including blogs , landing pages, and more.

The most important thing to remember about digital marketing and inbound marketing is that as a marketing professional, you don’t have to choose between the 2. In fact, they work best together. Inbound marketing provides structure and purpose for effective digital marketing to digital marketing efforts, making sure that each digital marketing channel works toward a goal.

Why is digital marketing important?

Any type of marketing can help your business thrive. However, digital marketing has become increasingly important because of how accessible digital channels are. In fact, there were 5 billion internet users globally in April 2022 alone.

From social media to text messages, there are many ways to use digital marketing tactics in order to communicate with your target audience. Additionally, digital marketing has minimal upfront costs, making it a cost-effective marketing technique for small businesses.

B2B versus B2C digital marketing

Digital marketing strategies work for B2B (business to business) as well as B2C (business to consumer) companies, but best practices differ significantly between the 2 . Here's a closer look at how digital marketing is used in B2B and B2C marketing strategies.

  • B2B clients tend to have longer decision-making processes, and thus longer sales funnels . Relationship-building strategies work better for these clients, whereas B2C customers tend to respond better to short-term offers and messages.
  • B2B transactions are usually based on logic and evidence , which is what skilled B2B digital marketers present. B2C content is more likely to be emotionally-based, focusing on making the customer feel good about a purchase.
  • B2B decisions tend to need more than 1 person's input . The marketing materials that best drive these decisions tend to be shareable and downloadable. B2C customers, on the other hand, favor one-on-one connections with a brand.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. A B2C company with a high-ticket product, such as a car or computer, might offer more informative and serious content. As a result, your digital marketing strategy always needs to be geared toward your own customer base, whether you're B2B or B2C.

Take a look at your current audience to create well-informed and targeted online marketing campaigns. Doing so ensures your marketing efforts are effective and you can capture the attention of potential customers.

Types of digital marketing

There are as many specializations within digital marketing as there are ways of interacting using digital media. Here are a few key examples of types of digital marketing tactics.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO , is technically a marketing tool rather than a form of marketing in itself. The Balance defines it as “the art and science of making web pages attractive to search engines.”

The "art and science" part of SEO is what’s most important. SEO is a science because it requires you to research and weigh different contributing factors to achieve the highest possible ranking on a serch engine results page (SERP).

Today, the most important elements to consider when optimizing a web page for search engines include:

  • Quality of content
  • Level of user engagement
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Number and quality of inbound links

In addition to the elements above, you need to optimize technical SEO, which is all the back-end components of your site. This includes URL structure, loading times, and broken links. Improving your technical SEO can help search engines better navigate and crawl your site.

The strategic use of these factors makes search engine optimization a science, but the unpredictability involved makes it an art.

Ultimately, the goal is to rank on the first page of a search engine’s result page. This ensures that those searching for a specific query related to your brand can easily find your products or services. While there are many search engines, digital marketers often focus on Google since it's a global leader in the search engine market.

In SEO, there's no quantifiable rubric or consistent rule for ranking highly on search engines. Google and other search engines change their algorithm almost constantly , so it's impossible to make exact predictions. What you can do is closely monitor your page's performance and make adjustments to your strategy accordingly.

Content marketing

As mentioned, the quality of your content is a key component of an optimized page. As a result, SEO is a major factor in content marketing , a strategy based on the distribution of relevant and valuable content to a target audience .

As in any marketing strategy, the goal of content marketing is to attract leads that ultimately convert into customers. But it does so differently than traditional advertising. Instead of enticing prospects with potential value from a product or service, it offers value for free in the form of written material, such as:

  • Newsletters
  • Video or audio transcripts
  • Whitepapers
  • Infographics

Content marketing matters , and there are plenty of stats to prove it:

  • 84% of consumers expect companies to produce entertaining and helpful content experiences
  • 62% of companies that have at least 5,000 employees produce content daily
  • 92% of marketers believe that their company values content as an important asset

As effective as content marketing is, it can be tricky. Content marketing writers need to be able to rank highly in search engine results while also engaging people who will read the material, share it, and interact further with the brand. When the content is relevant, it can establish strong relationships throughout the pipeline.

To create effective content that’s highly relevant and engaging, it’s important to identify your audience. Who are you ultimately trying to reach with your content marketing efforts? Once you have a better grasp of your audience, you can determine the type of content you'll create. You can use many formats of content in your content marketing, including videos, blog posts, printable worksheets, and more.

Regardless of which content you create, it’s a good idea to follow content marketing best practices. This means making content that’s grammatically correct, free of errors, easy to understand, relevant, and interesting. Your content should also funnel readers to the next stage in the pipeline, whether that’s a free consultation with a sales representative or a signup page.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing means driving traffic and brand awareness by engaging people in discussion online. You can use social media marketing to highlight your brand, products, services, culture, and more. With billions of people spending their time engaging on social media platforms, focusing on social media marketing can be worthwhile.

The most popular digital platforms for social media marketing are Facebook , Twitter, and Instagram , with LinkedIn and YouTube not far behind. Ultimately, which social media platforms you use for your business depends on your goals and audience. For example, if you want to find new leads for your FinTech startup, targeting your audience on LinkedIn is a good idea since industry professionals are active on the platform. On the other hand, running social media ads on Instagram may be better for your brand if you run a B2C focused on younger consumers.

Because social media marketing involves active audience participation, it has become a popular way of getting attention . It's the most popular content medium for B2C digital marketers at 96%, and it's gaining ground in the B2B sphere as well. According to the Content Marketing Institute , 61% of B2B content marketers increased their use of social media this year.

Social media marketing offers built-in engagement metrics , which are extremely useful in helping you to understand how well you're reaching your audience . You get to decide which types of interactions mean the most to you, whether that means the number of shares, comments, or total clicks to your website .

Direct purchase may not even be a goal of your social media marketing strategy . Many brands use social media marketing to start dialogues with audiences rather than encourage them to spend money right away. This is especially common in brands that target older audiences or offer products and services not appropriate for impulse buys . It all depends on your company's social media marketing goals.

To create an effective social media marketing strategy, it’s crucial to follow best practices. Here are a few of the most important social media marketing best practices:

  • Craft high-quality and engaging content
  • Reply to comments and questions in a professional manner
  • Create a social media posting schedule
  • Post at the right time
  • Hire social media managers to support your marketing efforts
  • Know your audience and which social media channels they’re most active on

To learn more about how Mailchimp can help with your social media strategy, check out the comparison of our free social media management tools versus others.

Pay-per-click marketing

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a form of digital marketing in which you pay a fee every time someone clicks on your digital ads. So, instead of paying a set amount to constantly run targeted ads on online marketing channels, you only pay for the ads individuals interact with. How and when people see your ad is a bit more complicated.

One of the most common types of PPC is search engine advertising, and because Google is the most popular search engine, many businesses use Google Ads for this purpose. When a spot is available on a search engine results page , also known as a SERP, the engine fills the spot with what is essentially an instant auction. An algorithm prioritizes each available ad based on a number of factors , including:

  • Keyword relevance
  • Landing page quality

PPC ads are then placed at the top of search engine result pages based on the factors above whenever a person searches for a specific query.

Each PPC campaign has 1 or more target actions that viewers are meant to complete after clicking an ad. These actions are known as conversions, and they can be transactional or non-transactional. Making a purchase is a conversion, but so is a newsletter signup or a call made to your home office.

Whatever you choose as your target conversions, you can track them via your chosen digital marketing channels to see how your campaign is doing.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a digital marketing tactic that lets someone make money by promoting another person's business. You could be either the promoter or the business who works with the promoter, but the process is the same in either case.

It works using a revenue sharing model. If you're the affiliate, you get a commission every time someone purchases the item that you promote. If you're the merchant, you pay the affiliate for every sale they help you make.

Some affiliate marketers choose to review the products of just 1 company, perhaps on a blog or other third-party site. Others have relationships with multiple merchants.

Whether you want to be an affiliate or find one, the first step is to make a connection with the other party. You can use digital channels designed to connect affiliates with retailers, or you can start or join a single-retailer program.

If you're a retailer and you choose to work directly with affiliates, there are many things you can do to make your program appealing to potential promoters. You'll need to provide those affiliates with the tools that they need to succeed. That includes incentives for great results as well as marketing tools and pre-made materials.

Native advertising

Native advertising is digital marketing in disguise. Its goal is to blend in with its surrounding content so that it’s less blatantly obvious as advertising.

Native advertising was created in reaction to the cynicism of today's consumers toward ads. Knowing that the creator of an ad pays to run it, many consumers will conclude that the ad is biased and consequently ignore it.

A native ad gets around this bias by offering information or entertainment before it gets to anything promotional, downplaying the "ad" aspect.

It’s important to always label your native ads clearly . Use words like “promoted” or “sponsored.” If those indicators are concealed, readers might end up spending significant time engaging with the content before they realize that it's advertising.

When your consumers know exactly what they're getting, they'll feel better about your content and your brand. Native ads are meant to be less obtrusive than traditional ads, but they’re not meant to be deceptive.

Influencer marketing

Like affiliate marketing, influencer marketing relies on working with an influencer–an individual with a large following, such as a celebrity, industry expert, or content creator–in exchange for exposure. In many cases, these influencers will endorse your products or services to their followers on several social media channels.

Influencer marketing works well for B2B and B2C companies who want to reach new audiences. However, it’s important to partner with reputable influencers since they’re essentially representing your brand. The wrong influencer can tarnish the trust consumers have with your business.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation uses software to power digital marketing campaigns, improving the efficiency and relevance of advertising. As a result, you can focus on creating the strategy behind your digital marketing efforts instead of cumbersome and time-consuming processes.

While marketing automation may seem like a luxury tool your business can do without, it can significantly improve the engagement between you and your audience.

According to statistics:

  • 90% of US consumers find personalization either “very” or “somewhat” appealing
  • 81% of consumers would like the brands they engage with to understand them better
  • 77% of companies believe in the value of real-time personalization, yet 60% struggle with it

Marketing automation lets companies keep up with the expectation of personalization. It allows brands to:

  • Collect and analyze consumer information
  • Design targeted marketing campaigns
  • Send and post digital marketing messages at the right times to the right audiences

Many marketing automation tools use prospect engagement (or lack thereof) with a particular message to determine when and how to reach out next. This level of real-time customization means that you can effectively create an individualized marketing strategy for each customer without any additional time investment.

Mailchimp's marketing automation tools ensure you can interact with your audience via behavior-based automations, transactional emails, date-based automations, and more.

Email marketing

The concept of email marketing is simple—you send a promotional message and hope that your prospect clicks on it. However, the execution is much more complex. First of all, you have to make sure that your emails are wanted. This means having an opt-in list that does the following :

  • Individualizes the content, both in the body and in the subject line
  • States clearly what kind of emails the subscriber will get
  • An email signature that offers a clear unsubscribe option
  • Integrates both transactional and promotional emails

You want your prospects to see your campaign as a valued service, not just as a promotional tool.

Email marketing is a proven, effective technique all on its own: 89% of surveyed professionals named it as their most effective lead generator.

It can be even better if you incorporate other digital marketing techniques such as marketing automation, which lets you segment and schedule your emails so that they meet your customer's needs more effectively.

If you’re considering email marketing, here are a few tips that can help you craft great email marketing campaigns:

  • Segment your audience to send relevant campaigns to the right people
  • Ensure emails look good on mobile devices
  • Create a campaign schedule
  • Run A/B tests

Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy that allows you to engage with your target audience on their mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. This can be via SMS and MMS messages, social media notifications, mobile app alerts, and more.

It’s crucial to ensure that all content is optimized for mobile devices. According to the Pew Research Center, 85% of Americans own a smartphone, so your marketing efforts can go a long way when you create content for computer and mobile screens.

The benefits of digital marketing

Digital marketing has become prominent largely because it reaches such a wide audience of people. However, it also offers a number of other advantages that can boost your marketing efforts. These are a few of the benefits of digital marketing.

A broad geographic reach

When you post an ad online, people can see it no matter where they are (provided you haven’t limited your ad geographically). This makes it easy to grow your business's market reach and connect with a larger audience across different digital channels.

Cost efficiency

Digital marketing not only reaches a broader audience than traditional marketing but also carries a lower cost. Overhead costs for newspaper ads, television spots, and other traditional marketing opportunities can be high. They also give you less control over whether your target audiences will see those messages in the first place.

With digital marketing , you can create just 1 content piece that draws visitors to your blog as long as it's active. You can create an email marketing campaign that delivers messages to targeted customer lists on a schedule, and it's easy to change that schedule or the content if you need to do so.

When you add it all up, digital marketing gives you much more flexibility and customer contact for your ad spend.

Quantifiable results

To know whether your marketing strategy works, you have to find out how many customers it attracts and how much revenue it ultimately drives. But how do you do that with a non-digital marketing strategy?

There's always the traditional option of asking each customer, “How did you find us?"

Unfortunately, that doesn't work in all industries. Many companies don't get to have one-on-one conversations with their customers, and surveys don't always get complete results.

With digital marketing, results monitoring is simple. Digital marketing software and platforms automatically track the number of desired conversions that you get, whether that means email open rates, visits to your home page, or direct purchases.

Easier personalization

Digital marketing allows you to gather customer data in a way that offline marketing can't. Data collected digitally tends to be much more precise and specific.

Imagine you offer financial services and want to send out special offers to internet users people who have looked at your products. You know you'll get better results if you target the offer to the person's interest, so you decide to prepare 2 campaigns. One is for young families who have looked at your life insurance products, and the other is for millennial entrepreneurs who have considered your retirement plans.

How do you gather all of that data without automated tracking? How many phone records would you have to go through? How many customer profiles? And how do you know who has or hasn't read the brochure you sent out?

With digital marketing, all of this information is already at your fingertips.

More connection with customers

Digital marketing lets you communicate with your customers in real-time. More importantly, it lets them communicate with you.

Think about your social media strategy. It's great when your target audience sees your latest post, but it's even better when they comment on it or share it. It means more buzz surrounding your product or service , as well as increased visibility every time someone joins the conversation.

Interactivity benefits your customers as well. Their level of engagement increases as they become active participants in your brand's story. That sense of ownership can create a strong sense of brand loyalty .

Easy and convenient conversions

Digital marketing lets your customers take action immediately after viewing your ad or content. With traditional advertisements, the most immediate result you can hope for is a phone call shortly after someone views your ad. But how often does someone have the time to reach out to a company while they're doing the dishes, driving down the highway, or updating records at work?

With digital marketing, they can click a link or save a blog post and move along the sales funnel right away. They might not make a purchase immediately, but they’ll stay connected with you and give you a chance to interact with them further.

How to create a digital marketing strategy

For many small businesses and beginner digital marketers, getting started with digital marketing can be difficult. However, you can create an effective digital marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, engagement, and sales by using the following steps as your starting point.

Set SMART goals

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (SMART) goals is crucial for any marketing strategy. While there are many goals you may want to achieve, try to focus on the ones that will propel your strategy forward instead of causing it to remain stagnant.

Identify your audience

Before starting any marketing campaign, it’s best to identify your target audience. Your target audience is the group of people you want your campaign to reach based on similar attributes, such as age, gender, demographic, or purchasing behavior. Having a good understanding of your target audience can help you determine which digital marketing channels to use and the information to include in your campaigns.

Create a budget

A budget ensures you’re spending your money effectively towards your goals instead of overspending on digital marketing channels that may not provide the desired results. Consider your SMART goals and the digital channel you’re planning to use to create a budget.

Select your digital marketing channels

From content marketing to PPC campaigns and more, there are many digital marketing channels you can use to your advantage. Which digital marketing channels you use often depends on your goals, audience, and budget.

Refine your marketing efforts

Make sure to analyze your campaign's data to identify what was done well and areas for improvement once the campaign is over. This allows you to create even better campaigns in the future. With the help of digital technologies and software, you can obtain this data in an easy-to-view dashboard. Mailchimp’s digital marketing analytics reports will help you keep track of all your marketing campaigns in one centralized location.

Digital marketing creates growth

Digital marketing should be one of the primary focuses of almost any business’s overall marketing strategy. Never before has there been a way to stay in such consistent contact with your customers, and nothing else offers the level of personalization that digital data can provide. The more you embrace the possibilities of digital marketing, the more you'll be able to realize your company's growth potential.

Take your business to the next level

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategies & How to Improve Your Digital Presence

Discover how to create a successful marketing strategy for your business to seize growth opportunities and boost revenue.



Outline your company's marketing strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

examples of digital marketing websites

Updated: 05/08/24

Published: 05/08/24

Am I right in assuming that a significant part of your marketing strategy today is digital? Probably.

Consumers and businesses alike are almost always online and on the go – and you want to be able to reach them and observe their behavior and where they spend their time.

Download Now: Free Marketing Plan Template [Get Your Copy]

But when you're growing a business, this ever-changing digital landscape can quickly become overwhelming.

With several other responsibilities and tasks that you need to do, how can you also efficiently create, fine-tune, and maintain an agile digital marketing strategy?

I've put together this guide about marketing strategies to help you improve your digital presence and grow better.

What Is a Marketing Strategy?

What Is a Digital Marketing Strategy

What Is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

Types of Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing Campaign Examples

What is a marketing strategy.

A marketing strategy is a plan for reaching a specific marketing-related goal (or goals) in a focused and achievable way. It takes into consideration what your business is currently doing well and what you're missing regarding the objective you set, then developing tactics to help you meet your goal.

If you run a small business, I get that you may not know how to jumpstart your strategy. Thankfully, this digital marketing strategy template will help you get there with its actionable tips and templates to set you up for success.

And did I mention that it’s free?

Now, back to the topic at hand: are you confused about the difference between a marketing strategy and marketing tactics? I’ll cover that below.

examples of digital marketing websites

Digital Marketing For Small Business

Everything you need to know to get started with digital marketing. You'll learn about:

  • Content Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics

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Strategy vs. Tactics

The difference between a strategy and a tactic lies in their scope, level of detail, and time frame. A strategy is a high-level plan that guides your direction and long-term goals and how you plan on accomplishing them. Tactics, however, are specific actions and methods used to implement your strategy and achieve short-term objectives.

You can think about it like this: strategy is planning, and tactic is doing. Having a strategy without ways to act on it (tactics) is daydreaming, and taking actions with no common goal or plan (strategy) wastes your time.

Let's dive a bit deeper into the differences between the two.

Characteristics of a Strategy

Marketing or not, there are three parts to any strategy :

1. A diagnosis of your challenge.

2. A guiding policy for dealing with the challenge.

3. A set of targeted actions is necessary to accomplish the policy.

Depending on the scale of your business, your marketing strategy may include several moving parts, each with different goals. With that said, working on your strategy can become daunting at times.

So, if you're ever feeling overwhelmed about your marketing strategy, refer to these three steps to keep you focused on achieving your objectives.

Characteristics of a Tactic

While strategies provide a framework for your overall vision, tactics determine the specific steps taken to execute that vision.

A good tactic should:

  • Be specific, actionable, and measurable.
  • Align with the overall strategy.
  • Have a relatively short time frame.

Depending on your marketing strategy, your tactics may include email marketing campaigns , publishing a blog , or organizing an event .

Now, let's look at digital marketing strategy.

What is Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a plan for using online channels to establish an internet presence and achieve specific marketing objectives. These channels can include organic search, social media, paid ads, and other web-based mediums such as your website. Ultimately, the goal is to boost your business’s visibility and attract new customers.

A strong digital marketing strategy helps your business achieve specific digital goals through carefully selected mediums.

Similar to marketing strategies versus marketing tactics , “digital marketing strategy” and “digital marketing campaign” are also often interchanged. So, how do they differ?

I’ll discuss that in the following sections.

Components of a Digital Strategy

Goals and objectives.

First of all, you’ve got to lay out your main goals and specific objectives to build an effective digital strategy.

Goals are big-picture ideas, while objectives are more detailed and easier to measure. They have clear deadlines and show what success looks like.

Here is an example of how I like to think about the difference:

  • Goal: To increase brand awareness.
  • Objective: Grow social media following by 20% within the next quarter.

See the difference? When it comes to goals, you can define and measure them through SMART goals and criteria .

examples of digital marketing websites

For instance, if the overarching goal of my digital marketing strategy is to generate more leads through social media, I might run a digital marketing campaign on X (formerly Twitter.)

I‘d share some of my business’s best-performing gated content on the platform to generate more leads through the channel.

Let's tie it all together to help you create a digital marketing strategy you execute with your digital marketing campaigns.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

1. build your buyer personas., 2. identify your goals and the digital marketing tools you'll need., 3. evaluate your existing digital channels and assets., 4. audit and plan your owned media campaigns., 5. audit and plan your earned media campaigns., 6. audit and plan your paid media campaigns..

  • 7. Bring your digital marketing campaigns together.

For any marketing strategy – digital or not – you need to know who you're marketing to. The best digital marketing strategies are built upon detailed buyer personas; creating them is your first step.

Featured Resource: Organize your audience segments and strengthen your marketing with these templates to build your buyer personas . They'll help you organize your insights and have a clear visualization of your target audience.

examples of digital marketing websites

Podcasts are a long-term brand-building channel that can improve affinity and connection for your brand like no other channel," he explains. "When you realize the long-term and surrounding benefits, podcasting becomes a clear and obvious investment.”

He adds, “Podcasting is the perfect way to craft content that's engaging and authentic — something buyers are beginning to crave in this AI era.”

For inspiration, check out the HubSpot Podcast Network :

examples of digital marketing websites

By making video an integral part of your digital strategy, you’re able to showcase your brand’s creativity and explore more content formats, such as product demos, explainer videos, expert interviews, customer testimonials, and more.

Online Marketing Benefits of Video Marketing

  • Boosts SEO: Since Google tends to prioritize video content in its search results, implementing video as part of your marketing strategy can improve your search engine visibility. Plus, video content can be optimized with relevant titles, descriptions, and keywords, making it easier for search engines to understand and categorize the content.
  • Better retention: Video is easier to remember than text-based content because it allows you to use storytelling techniques and communicate important messages more effectively. Video has the power to invoke emotions and create a connection with your audience, making it easier for them to consume and remember your content.
  • Enhances reach: Video is highly shareable on social media due to its easily digestible nature. As people share your video content with their own social media networks, it exposes your brand to new audiences.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing
  • The Best Video Marketing Channels to Grow Your Brand
  • The Video Marketing Playbook

Now, it’s time to bring all of this together to form a cohesive marketing strategy document. Your strategy document should map out the series of actions you’re going to take to achieve your goals based on your research up to this point.

Let's discuss how our digital strategy template can help.

Digital Marketing Strategy Template

While a spreadsheet can be an efficient format for mapping your digital marketing strategy, that approach can quickly become messy and overwhelming.

To plan your strategy for the long-term – typically between six to 12 months out, I recommend a reliable digital marketing strategy document. But where to start? With our free digital marketing plan template.

This template will walk you through your business summary and initiatives, help you build your target market and competitor information, and flesh out your marketing strategy — including your budget and specific channels and metrics.

examples of digital marketing websites

The General’s ad is a great example of effective crisis management:

  • It addresses negative perceptions head-on, showing viewers that it's in tune with its target audience and their needs,
  • It builds back credibility by emphasizing how long it’s been in business and the number of people it has helped.

Digital Strategy Examples

What makes a winning digital strategy? Let's peek behind the curtain at some of the best strategies from popular brands.

Nike – Apps, Games & the Metaverse

Nike has impressed everyone with its digital strategies and innovative additions in recent years. First, they created apps like the Nike mobile app, SNKRS (for sneaker releases), Nike Training Club (NTC), and Nike Run Club (NRC).

These apps helped Nike sell more stuff, especially during COVID-19. NTC, for example, saw a big sales jump in China — 80% in the latest quarter.

examples of digital marketing websites

This clever content marketing strategy relied on UGC.

iPhone users were encouraged to share their best macro photos with specific hashtags #ShotoniPhone and #iPhonemacrochallenge.

examples of digital marketing websites

Don't forget to share this post!

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16 digital marketing platforms to check out in 2024

Written by by Jasmine Williams

Published on  June 18, 2024

Reading time  6 minutes

Table of Contents

Have you scrolled through Instagram today? Checked your email? Googled something? Chances are you saw at least one promotional message on one of those platforms. More likely, you’ve seen multiple.

Most of us spend significant time online, whether on our phones, tablets or computers. And it only makes sense for brands to meet us where we are. Digital marketing platforms allow brands to do just that. They help companies use digital marketing tactics like a social media marketing strategy , search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing to attract and engage target customers at scale.

With thousands of apps on the market, knowing which marketing platform best suits your brand’s unique needs can be challenging. This article will break everything down for you, from explaining what a digital marketing platform is and its benefits to offering top digital marketing platform recommendations.

What are digital marketing platforms?

Digital marketing platforms are tools and services brands and businesses use to market their offers. They help you connect with your audience, and convert prospects and leads into customers. You can also analyze and report on your online marketing efforts.

Callout card that says, Digital marketing platforms are tools and services brands and businesses use to market their offers. They help you connect with your audience, and convert prospects and leads into customers.

Why should you use a digital marketing platform?

Digital marketing platforms streamline your online marketing efforts. They give you:

  • Centralized dashboards to easily manage multiple marketing platforms, like social media channels, or access various metrics and reports in one place
  • Content planning, scheduling and multiplatform publishing functions to reduce manual effort
  • Analytics and reporting capabilties that provide insights into how your digital marketing strategy is performing, allowing users to make more data-driven decisions and improvements.

Social media marketing platforms

Did you know the average person uses 6.7 different social networks per month? Even if your brand is only on half as many social media platforms, planning, creating, scheduling and publishing content across multiple channels takes a lot of time and effort. These top social media marketing platforms help make the process more efficient.

1. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a powerful, all-in-one social media marketing platform for brands who want to drive real business impact from social media. It does everything from influencer marketing and review management to employee advocacy and business intelligence. Analyze cross-channel performance and benefit from multiple platform and CRM integrations such as Salesforce and Tableau to unify customer touchpoints and keep pace with shifts in the social landscape.

Standout features include AI Assist–generative AI-powered copywriting support and My Reports–which creates customizable reports complete with multiple tables and dynamic visualizations.

Sprout Social features like Queries by AI Assist and Sentiment Summary help users see how their audience is responding to their social content.

2. Agorapulse

Agorapulse helps users manage social content, collaborate with team members and gather performance insights. Its core features include a unified inbox, publishing, listening, reporting and a Google Analytics integration that connects social media actions to key marketing results like sales, leads and traffic.

Agorapulse shows key metrics like total visitors, total transactions, total revenue generated, top content and top sources by performance.

Later is a digital marketing platform that helps brands, creators and agencies streamline their social media workflows. It includes a few core features—post scheduling and publishing, a link-in bio tool and analytics. It also helps users find hashtags and user-generated content and edit photos and videos.

Later has several key features such as post-scheduling and publishing, a link-in bio tool and analytics

SEO platforms

While some experts pit the two digital marketing tactics against one another, SEO and social media are critical channels for product discovery. Whether you’re posting 30-second Reels on Instagram or publishing long-form blog posts on your website, this content can educate your customers and nurture them to purchase. Here are a few of our favorite SEO digital marketing platforms.

4. Brightedge

Brightedge supports marketers through the content production cycle. Its research features determine keywords, analyze competitors and forecast opportunities. Its optimization tools provide SEO recommendations for existing content and audit your website for potential errors. Lastly, it offers site, keyword and page reporting and StoryBuilder, a marketing dashboard feature that provides real-time website performance insights.

Brightedge’s Content IQ, an advanced site audit solution that helps marketers catch, prioritize and fix website errors and issues.

Nozzle is an SEO marketing platform that offers brand monitoring, competitive analysis, scheduling and analytics. It also offers Pixels From Top and Above the Fold Percentage so brands can see exactly where they rank.

Nozzle competitive share of voice dashboard, which shows how a website compares to its competitors based on metrics like keywords, rank, SERPs and above-the-fold percentage.

6. Conductor

Conductor is a digital marketing platform for SEO and content optimization. It includes keyword research, competitive intelligence, rank tracking, market share, ROI and reporting. Conductor also offers AI-powered content recommendation, writing assistant tools and website monitoring.

Conductor’s email marketing dashboard, showing its keyword research, content performance, writing assistant and website monitoring functions.

Email marketing platforms

Writing and designing marketing emails takes a lot of time and effort. Email marketing tools help increase productivity by offering centralized management features to keep track of all your lists and campaigns. Many digital marketing platforms also offer automation, personalization and segmentation features to help you create tailored, targeted campaigns that run on autopilot. Here are some of the best email marketing platforms on the market.

7. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is an email marketing and automation platform that includes a campaign manager tool, pre-built and custom-code email templates, audience segmentation, automated workflows and analytics. It also offers marketing CRM and ad management.

Mailchimp’s automated workflow features allow users to automatically send emails based on contact actions, like viewing products or making a purchase.

Drip is one of those digital marketing platforms that offers Dynamic Segmentation to automatically update audience segment lists based on actions in real time. Other key features include its automated workflows, perfect for abandoned cart and post-purchase email sequences. Its onsite marketing tools, like timed forms, pop-ups and slide-ins, capture and convert website visitors into leads.

A customer journey and customer segments on Drip. For example, users can specifically target customers with a $2000+ lifetime spend or customers who have made a purchase within the last 40 days.

AWeber offers standard email marketing features, like email builders, forms and landing pages as well as Etsy and YouTube automation, e-commerce and subscription payments. It’s smart email designer tools uses logos, images, brand colors and text from websites and social media channels to automatically produce branded email templates.

Aweber’s email builder, with features like a best practices checklist and generative AI writing tools

Customer relationship management (CRM) platforms

A CRM is like a digital Rolodex mixed with a personal assistant. By consolidating customer data (e.g., contact details, communication history, purchase history and interactions across multiple channels) into one place, brands can deliver a more consistent and unified customer experience. Here are our top CRM picks.

10. Salesforce

Salesforce is an industry-leading CRM platform that offers everything from basic lead management to more advanced automation and forecasting. Users can create custom reports and dashboards. Salesforce also integrates with over 3,000 platforms. It’s well suited for scaling and enterprise-level sales, marketing and service teams. Plus, Salesforce integrates with Sprout so you can use social data to create meaningful customer journeys and send qualified social leads to your sales team.

Salesforce’s Slack and Tableau integrations provide users with updates on their sales, including spikes, number of sales and changes in revenue and ROI growth.

11. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM automates scheduling sales calls, sending follow-up emails, tracking contacts and updating sales opportunities. Its core features include lead, deal, account and contact management, automated workflows and follow-up sequences, forecasting and analytics.

The Zoho CRM All Partner Leads screen shows contact information such as the lead’s name, company, address, email and phone number.

12. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a user-friendly and flexible CRM platform for businesses of all sizes. It includes standard CRM functions like lead management, sales automation and analytics and reporting. It also has email marketing capabilities like an email builder, segmentation and marketing automation.

Pipedrive’s lead pipeline dashboard includes key metrics like deals performance and deals won.

Analytics and reporting platforms

Analytics and reporting platforms take the guesswork out of digital marketing. By offering insights into your campaign performance and audience, these digital marketing platforms help you see what’s working and what’s not so you can optimize your work and make smarter decisions. Here are some analytics and reporting tools you should have in your tech stack.

13. Google Analytics

If you have a website, you likely already use Google Analytics , but you might not know its full capabilities. Its built-in automation can predict user behavior and detect growth opportunities. Its reporting functions reveal how users find, engage with and make purchases on your site, and its advertising features show how your Google Ads are performing. Also, its Explorations tool visualizes data to better understand trends or patterns in your data.

Google Analytics’ conversion credits by channel reportrepeort, broken by touchpoint stage (early, mid and late) and marketing channel (e.g., display ads, organic search, paid social, email, etc.).

H3: 14. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics provides vital metrics to identify power users, acquisition sources, top customers and feature usage across different sites and products. It also offers insights into metrics like customer lifetime value and customer behavior data like active users, page views and more.

Kissmetrics e-commerce dashboard with an A/B report comparing conversion events. The screen includes metrics like test duration, total people in the experiment and improvement percentage.

Content management platforms

Content like blogs, articles and web pages are great for educating your customers and improving your website’s SEO. Digital marketing platforms for content make creating, scheduling, publishing and optimizing a breeze thanks to their organized features and app integrations. Here are a few platforms to have on your radar.

15. WordPress

Initially developed for bloggers, WordPress is now a comprehensive content management platform and website builder. It includes design and editing tools, marketing and monetization features, a full suite of customizable templates and over 50,000 plugins to personalize and add functionality to your site.

The WordPress admin dashboard has sections like Site Health Status, At A Glance which highlights recent updates or engagement, Activity, Quick Draft and WordPress events and news.

Joomla is a customizable content management system that also has built-in multilingual support. Its technical nature makes it best suited for users with strong website development skills.

The Joomla dashboard screen has sections for users, media, articles, modules, article categories and plugins. The screen also has a privacy dashboard and sections for popular and recently added articles.

Finding the best digital marketing platforms for your needs

With so many channels available to marketers today, determining the best digital marketing platforms for your brand or business depends on your strategy, goals and budget. Your experience level also plays a role, as some platforms are more beginner-friendly than others.

However, if you’re looking for an all-in-one social media marketing platform that also functions as a social CRM, review management platform and more, you can’t go wrong with Sprout Social. Try us free for 30 days and see the difference for yourself.

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examples of digital marketing websites

9 Small Business Website Examples

By Amanda Shih-Goel

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A website is a key tool for any small business. It doesn’t just help you establish your online presence, it also functions as an online business card, information source, portfolio, and sales tool. A great small business website focuses on what your potential customers or clients care about most—the value you can offer them, and how—all packed into an easy-to-navigate layout.

Use these 9 website examples for freelancers, food businesses, online shops, and more to inspire your website design and convert your visitors .

examples of digital marketing websites

This example website for a ceramics business does a great job of making what may be a one-person business look polished and professional. The minimal design and high-quality product photos give the products a premium feel. 

It’s easy to navigate the products available from the homepage—visitors can choose between a featured item, the core collection, or sets.

Get inspired by the Ventura template

examples of digital marketing websites

When it comes to building a website for consulting or one-on-one projects, your goal should be to quickly communicate what you offer and what it’s like to work with you. Client relationships are personal—your clients need to trust you with something they care deeply about.

This site for a website designer does a great job of summarizing Bree’s services and her approach to projects and clients. Testimonials and examples from previous clients add weight to her expertise, and she makes it easy to book or get questions answered.

Get inspired by the Bree template

examples of digital marketing websites

This floral business website design starts strong with its mission-oriented tagline: “Fresh flowers for any budget” before going on to share more about how they source their flowers. Before a potential customer begins to browse, the website copy has started to form a connection with them.

The rest of the website makes it easy to navigate for browsers. They can choose from best-selling bouquets, shop for a specific occasion, book for an occasion, or see more of the businesses’ floral design work. The design puts the flower arrangements at the focus, with complementary colors that help the photos stand out.

Get inspired by the Hales template

examples of digital marketing websites

Here’s another website example that uses minimal design and copy to give the business a professional, boutique feel. This website for a spa is also a good example of how your website can complement your brick-and-mortar presence.

Where a physical location might only be on the radar for locals and social media is best for marketing a business, a website can both widen your reach and convert potential clients. The website copy sells visitors on the benefits of this spa: “Pamper your skin with products that are safe enough to eat.” And description of services and built-in appointment booking make it easy for someone to find what they want and get scheduled.

Get inspired by the Clune template

examples of digital marketing websites

This website layout is ideal for a project-based solo entrepreneur. The design puts the business name—and a photo of happy clients—front and center and immediately jumps into the emotional benefit of the service to her clients. “Life can be unpredictable. Planning your wedding shouldn’t be.”

You immediately understand what this business can do for you. Then you have the option to either take a closer look at the service offerings or build more confidence in their expertise by reading about the owner’s experience and former clients. Together, every piece of the page builds a story of expertise that potential clients can trust.

Get inspired by the Laurie template

examples of digital marketing websites

For a food business , your website should be designed to give visitors a taste of what it’s like to eat your food or visit your restaurant. This example restaurant website does this simply by highlighting a photo of one of their dishes at their restaurant.

From there, someone can plan their visit by browsing your menus or making a reservation with a built-in booking system. If you offer pick-up or delivery or sell other products, you can easily add separate pages to handle those orders too.

Get inspired by the Juniper template

7. Emmeline

examples of digital marketing websites

This hair salon example packs all of the most important information into just a few pages. The homepage gives a clear overview of the salon’s approach to hair styling and the services the salon offers. Depending on which details are most important to a potential client, they can click through to learn more about the stylists or service pricing.

The services page is designed like a menu, so it’s easy to browse your options. A callout to book your appointment lives in the navigation bar, so you can start scheduling from any page on the site. The website footer design does a good job of helping visitors navigate the site and stay connected. From there you can visit extra pages, like a gift card purchase option, or find the salon’s social media accounts . 

Get inspired by the Emmeline template

examples of digital marketing websites

This is another great website example for a freelancer or solo entrepreneur. The Reseda site example functions as part portfolio , part business website. The homepage functions like a portfolio gallery, showing the different styles and types of photography this creative shoots.

The rest of the website covers the important parts of the business: information about the owner’s experience, a list of photography services and packages, and an embedded booking tool to schedule photo services.

Get inspired by the Reseda template

9. Salt + Less

examples of digital marketing websites

With a beauty-based product, it can be easier to start your business online, but you may have to work harder to sell your product to potential customers. Unlike a brick-and-mortar store or a brand that wholesales to a beauty store, potential customers can’t try the product or ask someone about it in person. 

A small business like this one selling soaps, lotions, and supplements needs to build its website around a few goals. It needs to communicate its branding , prove its quality and trustworthiness, and sell the value and benefits of its product, all through design and copy . This site does this by highlighting learning and research, as well as listing ingredients on each product description page.

Get inspired by the Salt + Less template

Posted on 27 Jun 2024

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14 Best Website Ideas to Make Money in 2024

Updated June 28, 2024 14 minutes

14 Best Website Ideas to Make Money in 2024

With people spending nearly 7 hours online every day and the digital realm expanding rapidly, there’s no better time to monetize your online presence than now. And guess what? Creating a website is one of the most effective ways to make it happen. Launching a money-making website is all about identifying trends, embracing new technologies, and catering to user needs. In this post, we’ll share some of the most profitable website ideas to help you find your perfect match.

eCommerce website

Portfolio website, personal blog, online course website, review website, fitness website, travel blog, cooking website, podcast website, service website, diy website, photography website, book website, coupon website, the bottom line.

You can’t possibly overestimate the power of eCommerce in expanding your business’s reach, providing a seamless customer experience, and boosting revenue. And the best part is that it can be beneficial for any business type, size, or industry.

If you’re interested in running a product-based business, launching your own eCommerce website can open doors to a world of opportunities. You can efficiently distribute physical items, such as handcrafted goods, electronics, or clothes, as well as digital products, like eBooks, software, or online courses.

Skims is a great example of a successful eCommerce website. Customers can effortlessly browse through various categories, select their desired products, and complete their purchases in one place.

profitable website idea for eCommerce

Another lucrative option is launching a print-on-demand store, where custom designs are printed on products like apparel or home decor only when an order is placed.

Even if you don’t have your own products, you can still make money with an eCommerce website . For instance, you can act as a middleman by wholesaling goods, meaning that you purchase products in bulk from manufacturers at lower prices and sell them to retailers or consumers at a markup. Another profitable website idea would be dropshipping, where you provide products from the manufacturer to the retailers without holding inventory.

No matter which eCommerce model you choose, regularly measuring your website’s performance is essential. This will help you understand if your website is meeting your goals or needs improvement.

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Create websites, landing pages, and online stores compatible with mobile devices — it’s easy and fast, no code required. You can build a unique site from scratch, or select one of our free pre-made templates.

A portfolio website is an absolute necessity for professionals in various fields, including graphic design, photography, writing, web development, filmmaking, or fashion design, among others. It’s a powerful tool for showcasing your skills, experience, and past projects. Most importantly, such a platform can help professionals boost their industry credibility, attract more potential clients and job opportunities, and eventually lead to higher rates.

On your portfolio website, you should always feature your services, customer reviews and testimonials , and a clear contact form to make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you. Depending on your expertise, you can also sell digital products like eBooks, guides, templates, or themes directly from your website. For instance, web developers can offer pre-designed templates for platforms like WordPress or Shopify.

Consider this portfolio of Dunna Did It, a YouTube blogger, as an excellent website idea to make money online. In addition to sharing videos and reviews, Dunna also sells digital products such as cinematic filters and text titles, providing additional value to their audience.

example of a profitable website idea

The next simple website idea to make money is to start a personal blog . Not only can it be a great way to express yourself, but also a powerful revenue generator. Some bloggers tend to focus on their lifestyle or personal stories, while others share their hobbies, interests, or professional knowledge. The beauty of personal blogs lies in their diversity — there are as many blog ideas as there are people.

Monetizing your blog is where the magic happens. By optimizing your content using SEO tactics and focusing on captivating topics, you can climb to the top of search engine rankings, which will increase your website traffic. This visibility opens doors to earning through ad programs like Google AdSense or lucrative affiliate marketing partnerships.

As your personal blog progresses, you can start introducing sponsored posts that promote products or services from other businesses. It’s a great way to generate income while providing value to your audience, as long as you remain authentic and transparent. Companies may approach you for paid partnerships themselves, or you can personally reach out to brands that align with your content and propose your collaboration ideas. Also, if you offer high-value, exclusive content, you can implement a paid subscription model to further monetize your blog .

Take a look at Claire Holt’s personal blog, The Corner, as an example of a profitable website idea. It features several sections, including traditional posts where she shares her thoughts and life updates, alongside a lookbook and a shop. In the “Looks” tab, you can find outfits she has worn and direct links to purchase them. Claire is transparent about potentially earning a commission from these sales.

website idea to make money

If you have valuable expertise in a particular subject, creating and selling online courses can become a fantastic source of income. Launching your own online course platform is not only a profitable website idea but also a great way to establish your credibility in your field .

The possibilities for creating lucrative online courses are endless. You can cater to the business industry, covering marketing and sales topics, or focus on personal development areas like soft skills and time management. Creative arts are another great option, with courses on graphic design or writing, while hobbies like cooking or crafting can also attract a passionate audience.

There’s a multitude of effective ways to monetize your online courses. You can charge a one-time fee for course access or offer a subscription model for access to multiple courses. Additionally, you can sell paid certificates upon course completion and upsell premium services, such as individual coaching sessions or advanced course versions. If your course involves specific products or software, consider affiliate marketing to earn commissions from selling related partner products. With platforms like SendPulse , launching and monetizing an online course website is easy and straightforward.

Here’s an example of an online course website by Lana Lauren. She offers a variety of courses focused on graphic design. In addition to the courses, Lana provides free digital products, such as explanatory videos. Customers also have the option to purchase templates or fonts created by Lana.

website to make money

It’s also worth noting that you may need advanced equipment. A good video camera and microphone are essential for a high-quality teaching experience. Depending on the subject or field, you might as well need assistance with filming or demonstrations to create a quality product.

Create and sell your own online courses

Our online course builder is up and running and geared towards your most innovative and ground-breaking eLearning ideas! Upload your videos, textbooks, and podcasts, run tests, issue certificates of completion, and accept payments — all of this and more is now possible with SendPulse.

This idea for a website is perfect for those who love testing and sharing their thoughts on new products. Its main goal is to inform people about product quality and share personal experiences using them.

When it comes to revenue generation, a review website offers various avenues. Similarly to a personal blog, you can incorporate affiliate links for the products you’re reviewing. With each reader’s click and purchase, you will earn a commission. Additionally, you can incorporate ads from networks like Google AdSense to earn revenue based on users’ clicks or impressions. Also, approaching brands for sponsored posts before featuring their products is another viable option.

Take inspiration from Weartesters, a footwear review website that categorizes products by different sports categories. They openly disclose their use of affiliate links to generate income, serving as a model for transparency and profitability.

profitable website idea example

If you’re a fitness professional, a well-designed website can help you reach more potential customers and boost your income. These websites typically feature video tutorials, expert advice, recipes, and an online booking system for classes or personal training sessions.

When it comes to making money with a fitness website, there are numerous strategies you can employ to diversify your revenue sources. For instance, you can sell pre-recorded workout videos, programs, or series or offer live training sessions that clients can pay to join. Additionally, a dedicated fitness website allows you to sell branded merchandise like clothing, water bottles, or gym accessories. Another option is to sell home workout equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, and yoga mats or earn affiliate commissions from sales of partner products.

For instance, here is a profitable website idea if you’re a fitness blogger or a coach. Grow With Anna features a wide variety of home workout plans, and in her shop, Anna also sells nutrition guides, branded yoga mats, and water bottles.

profitable website idea

Running a travel blog can be a rewarding experience, both for you and your readers. Most travel blogs offer various practical advice for future travelers, from packing tips to the best times to visit certain destinations, along with insights into local customs and must-see attractions.

This idea for a website can also serve as a lucrative income stream. You can monetize it in various ways, such as through affiliate marketing and selling advertising space. Sponsored posts or partnerships are also viable options once you’ve built a loyal audience . These collaborations may involve referrals or promo codes from travel companies, offering discounts on tours, hotel stays, and dining experiences.

You can also consider introducing membership and subscription models . This way, you can offer access to exclusive content or resources to your readers for an extra fee. This could include detailed destination guides, personalized audio tours, and other premium offerings. To elevate your offerings even further, selling branded products or organizing your own trips and excursions is an excellent idea.

In the following example, the Trans-Americas Journey travel blog offers exclusive content on Patreon in exchange for donations. The blogger also mentions that this allows them to keep their blog ad-free, providing a better user experience for readers.

website idea to make money

One of the best website ideas to make money is a food blog. Everyone needs food, and fresh recipes are always in demand. To stand out, you can choose a specific niche, for instance, vegan or vegetarian meals, budget-friendly or zero-waste cooking, cultural dishes, and family-friendly recipes, among many others.

Collaborating with brands is a great way to monetize your food blog. You can feature recipes using products from specific brands or recommend high-quality kitchen equipment and cleaning products.

In addition to affiliate marketing , sponsored posts, and ads, consider creating eBooks and courses featuring exclusive recipes. It’s an excellent idea if you already have a collection of original recipes and can collaborate with a photographer for illustrations. You could also offer personalized meal plans tailored to specific dietary needs, like gluten-free or vegan options. These website ideas can be fairly simple to implement yet highly profitable in the long run.

Wholesome Yum specializes in simple and healthy recipes that require ten or fewer ingredients. They also released several books featuring these recipes, available for purchase directly on their website. Additionally, there’s a separate shop showcasing Wholesome Yum Foods products, specially curated for individuals following a keto diet or seeking low-sugar options.

website idea to make money

Launching a podcast website is an excellent avenue to share your expertise on a relevant topic and a profitable website idea, similar to a personal blog. This format is particularly appealing to those who prefer to talk over writing blog posts.

To start your podcasting journey, you’ll need some basic equipment like a microphone and editing software. Once you’ve recorded and edited your episodes, you can upload them to hosting platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts for wider distribution. The beauty of podcasts lies in their versatility – they can cover a wide range of topics, from personal anecdotes to finance, true crime, education, and beyond.

A podcast website offers numerous opportunities for monetization. You can sell merchandise, offer ad space, or engage in affiliate marketing. Moreover, you can provide access to exclusive episodes for a subscription fee. Some podcasters also repurpose their content by selling summaries or books based on podcast episodes.

Take a look at Soul Evolution Collaborative, a podcast website where listeners can easily access episodes and support the creator through donations or purchasing merchandise from the shop. The integration of a live chat widget for direct messages is another clever tactic, opening up avenues for potential partnerships with brands or other podcasts.

profitable website idea

Among different website ideas to make money, service-based websites stand out prominently. Such online platforms act as online hubs where potential customers can conveniently access and purchase your services .

Service-based websites provide a valuable platform for specialists in diverse fields, such as marketing, consulting, tutoring, cleaning, or tech, to showcase their expertise effectively to potential clients. For freelancers, in particular, such websites can substantially expand their client base and, consequently, their revenue potential.

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