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Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

The agreement of subject and verb exercises provides foundational practice to help learners grasp the fundamental rules of subject-verb agreement in English sentences. By focusing on basic concepts, this set aims to build a strong understanding of how subjects and verbs should align.

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 1:

1. Choose the correct word from the brackets according to Subject Verb Agreement Rules.

(a) People __________(is/are) fun loving.

( b) Hira __________(was/were) present that day.

(c) My father __________ ( read/reads) book every day.

(d) She __________ (sing/sings) well.

(e) I __________ (play/plays) in the field.

People also ask

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) )

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 2:

2. Choose the correct word from the brackets according to Subject Verb Agreement Rules.

(a) Hira and Manik __________ (push/pushes) the log. 

(b) The players __________ (assemble/assembles) in the dressing room.

(c) I and my friend  __________ (plan/plans) to visit the zoo.

(d) These stones __________ (have/has) rough surfaces.

(e) Elephants __________ (are/is) big in size.

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 3:

3. Identify the error and correct it.

(a) She like pizza.

(b) The children is playing in the park.

(c) The cat and the dog is chasing each other.

(d) Every student in the class have completed the assignment.

(e) The news are always interesting.

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 4:

4. Fill in the Blanks:

(a) Everybody (enjoy) __________ a good laugh.

(b) Someone (call) __________ for you on the phone.

(c) None of the cake (remain) __________ after the party.

(d) Nobody (know) __________ the answer to that question.

(e) Somebody (want) __________ to join the hiking club.

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 5:

5. Fill in the blanks for subject verb agreement

(a) Neither the cat nor the dogs (like) __________ water.

(b) Not only the flowers but also the vase (require) __________ careful handling.

(c) Each of the solutions (seem) __________ viable for different reasons.

(d) Not only the birds but also the squirrel (be) __________ in the tree.

(e) Either the dog or the cats (be) __________ in the garden.

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 6:

6. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of verbs given in brackets.

(a) The news (be) __________ often sensationalized by the media.

(b) Both the mother and her children (enjoy) __________ the family vacation.

(c) The library (offer) __________ a wide range of books and magazines.

(d) The collection of rare coins (be) __________ displayed in the museum.

(e) Many of the staff members at the company (be) __________ going on vacation.

Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises 7:

7. Use proper forms of verbs in the blanks

(a) The group of friends (was) __________ excited about the upcoming trip.

(b) Each of the cars (need) __________ a thorough inspection.

(c) Many of the apples (is) __________ ripe and ready to be picked.

(d) Both the car and the bicycle (need) __________ maintenance.

(e) The pile of books (be) __________ on the table.

(f) How (do) __________ the new regulations affect your business?

(g) What (be) __________ your thoughts on the recent developments?

(h) When (was) __________ the last time you visited that museum?

(i) Why (be) _______ the kids playing in the park?

(j) Where (be) _______ the new neighbors from?

(k) A group of skilled artisans (create) __________ intricate designs on the pottery.

(l) The fleet of ships (sail) __________ gracefully into the harbor.

(m) The committee members (hold) __________ diverse opinions on the matter.

(n) Not only the birds but also the squirrel (be) __________in the tree.

(o) The team of experts (be) __________ working tirelessly on the project.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Advanced Level

Advanced Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 2 provides targeted practice for learners aiming to master intricate grammatical nuances.

Exercise 1:

1. Use proper forms of verbs and fill in the blanks

(a) The collection of rare coins (be) __________ up for auction.

(b) Fifty percent of the population (support) __________ the new policy.

(c) A series of unfortunate events (lead) __________ to unexpected outcomes.

(d) Most of my family members prefer to (stay) __________ indoors on weekends.

(e) The majority of the students in the class (pass) __________ the exam.

Exercise 2:

2. Fill in the blanks with subject verb agreement definition

(a) The council (meet) __________ every Tuesday to discuss community matters.

(b) The jury (deliver) __________ its final verdict after hours of deliberation.

(c) The family (gather) __________ for a reunion once a year.

(d) The orchestra, led by a renowned conductor, (be) ________ performing tonight.

(e) The herd of elephants (be) ________ roaming through the African savanna.

(f) Neither of the candidates (seem) __________ suitable for the position.

(g) Either of the options (lead) __________ to positive outcomes.

(h) All of the information (be) __________ thoroughly researched.

(i) Both of the candidates (be) ________ qualified for the position.

(j) One of the boys (have) ________ forgotten his backpack.

(k) Some of the cake (be) ________ missing after the party.

Exercise 3:

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms

(a) The committee (discuss) __________ the upcoming event.

(b) The orchestra (perform) __________ breathtaking symphonies.

(c) The team of explorers (discover) __________ ancient artifacts.

(d) A flock of seagulls (be) ________ overhead.

(e) My family (be) ________ going on vacation next week.

(f) The choir (be) ________ rehearsing for the upcoming concert.

(g) Bread and butter (go) __________ well together as a meal.

(h) The sun, along with the stars, (illuminate) __________ the night sky.

(i) The laughter and chatter of children (fill) __________ the playground.

(j) The book and the magazine ________ on the shelf.

(k) Politics and economics ________ his areas of expertise.

Exercise 4:

4. Use subject verb agreement rules to fill in the blanks

(a) Fifty dollars (be) __________ a fair price for this antique.

(b) The news (be) __________ both shocking and unexpected.

(c) The majority of the work (be) __________ already completed.

(d) The group of friends (be) ________ planning a surprise party.

(e) Plenty of books (be) ________ donated to the library.

(f) While the sun (shine) __________, the children played in the park.

(g) Despite their differences, harmony (exist) __________ among the team members.

(h) As the temperature drops, the leaves (turn) __________ vibrant shades of red and gold.

(i) The company, along with its subsidiaries, (have) ________ a global presence.

(j) The concert, which was scheduled for tonight (have) ________ canceled.

(k) The fact that technology (evolve) __________ rapidly is undeniable.

(l) Her belief that perseverance (lead) __________ to success is inspiring.

(m) The idea that nature (heal) __________ the soul is widely accepted.

(n) The idea that we can finish early (be) __________ appealing.

(o) Whoever wins the competition (receive) __________ a cash prize.

(p) A majority of the students (prefer) __________ interactive learning methods.

(q) The entire team (be) __________ dedicated to achieving the project’s goals.

(r) Several of the options (seem) __________ viable for implementation.

(s) Plenty of interesting documentaries (be) __________ available on that streaming platform.

(t) A series of meetings (have) __________ been scheduled for this week.

Difficult Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 3:

This Difficult Subject Verb Agreement Exercise   provides targeted practice to navigate complex subject-verb agreement scenarios, enhancing language skills for advanced communication tasks.

(a) If the weather (permit) __________, we’ll have a picnic tomorrow.

(b) Should you require assistance, our customer service team (be) __________ available.

(c) In case of an emergency, the alarm (activate) __________ automatically.

(d) Unless they (study) ________ harder, they won’t pass the exam.

(e) If the weather (be) ________ nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

(a) The success of the company (depend) __________ on its ability to innovate.

(b) The variety of colors (create) __________ a visually stunning display.

(c) The implications of the research (extend) __________ beyond the current scope.

(d) The flowers that bloom in spring (be) ________ beautiful.

(e) The computer, as well as the printer, (be) ________ not functioning properly.

(a) Each participant (receive) __________ a certificate of completion.

(b) The government’s response (be) __________ swift and resolute.

(c) The contents of the report (remain) __________ confidential.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine ________ (contain) the necessary information.

(e) The CEO, along with the senior executives, ________ (attend) the conference.

(a) If the sun (shine) __________, we’ll go for a hike in the afternoon.

(b) Should the opportunity arise, I (pursue) __________ further studies.

(c) In case of a power outage, the generator (activate) __________ automatically.

(d) If it ________ (rain) tomorrow, we ________ (stay) indoors.

(e) Unless they ________ (finish) the project on time, they ________ (face) consequences.

Exercise 5:

(a) Despite their differences, mutual respect (exist) __________ among the team members.

(b) While the orchestra (tune) __________ their instruments, the audience settled in.

(c) As the years pass, our understanding of the universe (expand) __________ significantly.

(d) The report, along with its supporting documents, ________ (have) been submitted by the deadline.

(e) The project, which has been in development for months, ________ (require) additional funding.

Exercise 6:

(a) The implications of climate change (affect) __________ every corner of the globe.

(b) The analysis of historical data (reveal) __________ fascinating patterns.

(c) The role of education (extend) __________ far beyond the classroom.

(d) In today’s world, access to quality education (be) __________ considered a fundamental right.

(e) The Internet, along with social media, (have) __________transformed how we connect with one another.

Exercise 7:

(a) The majority of scholars (agree) __________ with the theory’s fundamental premise.

(b) The concept of cultural relativism (give) __________ rise to diverse interpretations.

(c) A significant number of experiments (yield) __________ inconclusive results.

(d) Literature, as well as other forms of art, (play) __________ a role in stimulating critical thinking.

(e) The impact of literature on society (have) __________ been studied extensively by scholars and academics.

Exercise 8:

(a) The collection of rare artifacts (be) __________ an invaluable resource.

(b) The cluster of stars in that constellation (form) __________ a breathtaking pattern.

(c) The array of choices available (overwhelm) __________ the decision-making process.

(d) The consequences of climate change (be) __________ far-reaching and require immediate action.

(e) Classic literature and modern novels both (play) __________ a significant role in shaping societal values.

Exercise 9:

(a) Each participant (receive) __________ a copy of the conference agenda.

(b) The terms and conditions of the contract (be) __________ subject to negotiation.

(c) The accuracy of the financial report (reflect) __________ meticulous attention to detail.

(d) Teachers, along with their students, (play) __________ a crucial role in the learning process.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for College Students

Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement for college students with answers can be invaluable tools for reinforcing grammar knowledge and improving writing skills.

1. Each of the students (has/have) completed their assignments.

2. The book on the shelf (belongs/belong) to Sarah.

3. Neither the cat nor the dog (was/were) at home when I arrived.

4. The news about the accident (was/were) shocking to everyone.

5. The group of friends (was/were) excited to go on a road trip.

1. My collection of rare coins (is/are) worth a lot of money.

2. One of my favorite hobbies (is/are) reading science fiction novels.

3. The pile of books on the table (needs/need) to be sorted.

4. The jury (has/have) reached a verdict in the case.

5. The team (is/are) practicing hard for the championship.

Exercises 3:

1. The company, along with its subsidiaries, (is/are) expanding into new markets.

2. Neither the teacher nor the students (was/were) aware of the surprise quiz.

3. The variety of options available (makes/make) it difficult to choose.

4. The collection of rare stamps (is/are) on display at the museum.

5. The number of participants in the study (has/have) increased significantly.

1. The list of requirements for the job (seems/seem) overwhelming.

2. Either the red or the blue car (is/are) available for rent.

3. His collection of vintage records (is/are) worth a fortune.

4. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore (is/are) so soothing.

5. A pair of shoes (was/were) left in the hallway.

1. The majority of the students (was/were) satisfied with their grades.

2. The book, as well as the magazine, (belongs/belong) to me.

3. The police officer, along with the firefighters, (is/are) on the scene.

4. The stack of pancakes on the plate (looks/look) delicious.

5. Ten dollars (is/are) all I have left in my wallet.

1. The team of experts (has/have) been working on this project for months.

2. The idea of traveling to distant lands (excites/excite) her.

3. A variety of animals (live/lives) in the rainforest.

4. Each of the students (has/have) their own unique talents.

5. The collection of rare coins (was/were) stolen from the museum.

1. The news of her promotion (was/were) unexpected.

2. The number of applicants (has/have) increased significantly.

3. The committee members (disagree/disagrees) on the proposal.

4. The box of chocolates (has/have) been eaten.

5. My favorite pair of jeans (is/are) in the laundry.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for Competitive Exams

Subject-verb agreement exercises for competitive exams require careful attention to detail and are essential for achieving a high score.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises 1:

1. Neither the teacher nor the students __________ pleased with the exam results.

a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The book, along with several others, __________ on the shelf.

a) is b) are c) has d) have

3. The committee’s decision __________ final.

a) is b) are c) has been d) have been

4. Each of the team members __________ to submit their report by tomorrow.

a) is required b) are required c) requires d) require

5. The quality of the products __________ improved significantly over the years.

a) has b) have c) is d) are

1. Neither John nor his siblings __________ interested in politics.

2. The pile of documents on the desk __________ overwhelming.

3. One of the keys to success __________ effective communication.

4. The group of protestors __________ demanding changes in the law.

5. The teacher, as well as the students, __________ excited about the field trip.

1. Both the dog and the cat __________ missing since yesterday.

2. The news of the accident __________ shocking to everyone.

3. The majority of the population __________ in favor of stricter environmental laws.

4. The collection of rare artifacts __________ displayed in the museum.

5. Each of the candidates __________ to give their best performance.

a) is expected b) are expected c) expects d) expect

1. The jury __________ reached a unanimous decision.

2. The series of novels __________ been adapted into a popular TV show.

3. The box of chocolates __________ tempting, but I won’t indulge.

4. The supply of fresh vegetables __________ running low.

5. The committee members __________ not yet arrived for the meeting.

1. The staff in this office __________ exceptionally dedicated to their work.

2. Not only the students but also the professor __________ attending the seminar.

3. The list of supplies needed for the project __________ quite extensive.

4. The cost of living in this city __________ high.

5. The number of cases of flu __________ rising steadily.

Concord of Agreement of Subject and Verb Exercises:

Concord exercises of subject-verb agreement are designed to test a student’s knowledge of subject-verb agreement, which is also known as concord.

Exercises 1:

1. The group of students (is/are) going on a field trip.

2. Neither the cats nor the dog (is/are) fond of water.

3. A variety of delicious dishes (was/were) served at the party.

4. Ten dollars (is/are) not enough to buy that book.

5. The news about the election results (was/were) surprising.

6. The collection of antique cars (is/are) on display at the museum.

7. Each of the students (has/have) completed their assignments.

8. The team, along with their coach, (is/are) traveling to the championship.

9. The number of visitors to the museum (has/have) increased this year.

10. The stack of books on the table (needs/need) to be sorted.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Set 7:

Read each sentence carefully and identify whether the subject and verb agree.  Choose the correct verb form based on the subject.

1. Choose the correct verb form:

(a) The cat (is/are) sleeping.

(b) The dogs (barks/bark) in the yard.

(c) Either the student or the teacher (is/are) responsible.

(d) Each of the books (has/have) its own charm.

(e) All of the cookies (was/were) eaten.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

(a) The team of players (plays/play) exceptionally well.

(b) None of the information (was/were) accurate.

(c) Every student in the class (has/have) completed the assignment.

(d) The company, along with its subsidiaries, (is/are) expanding its operations.

(e) Neither the book nor the magazine (interest/interests) me.

3. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A basket of apples (was/were) on the kitchen counter.

(b) The group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) hiking together.

(c) One of the cakes (need/needs) more frosting.

(d) The collection of stamps (is/are) quite valuable.

(e) Each of the cars (require/requires) regular maintenance.

4. Choose the appropriate verb form:

(a) All the chairs in the room (was/were) arranged neatly.

(b) The committee members (has/have) differing opinions.

(c) Many of the movies (was/were) filmed on location.

(d) The majority of the audience (was/were) impressed by the performance.

(e) Some of the information (seem/seems) unreliable.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb:

(a) Neither the coffee nor the tea _______________ my preferred beverages.

(b) Each of the students _______________ a unique perspective.

(c) The flock of birds _______________ gracefully across the sky.

(d) All the tickets for the concert _______________ sold out.

(e) The collection of rare coins _______________ on display at the museum.

6. Identify the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The movie that you recommended (was/were) captivating.

(b) Each of the students (have/has) completed the assignment.

(c) The committee members (discuss/discusses) the agenda.

(d) Neither the cat nor the dog (likes/like) the new food.

(e) The collection of stamps (is/are) stored in a secure album.

7. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb:

(a) Every employee in the department _______________ their role seriously.

(b) The box of chocolates _______________ tempting.

(c) Both the manager and the assistant _______________ busy.

(d) Not only the students but also the teacher _______________ excited about the field trip.

(e) A variety of options _______________ available for breakfast.

8. Choose the suitable verb form:

(a) All the evidence in the case (point/points) to a different conclusion.

(b) The group of musicians (practices/practice) diligently.

(c) None of the solutions provided (seems/seem) effective.

(d) One of the paintings on the wall (needs/need) restoration.

(e) The team, along with their coach, (is/are) celebrating their victory.

9. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb form:

(a) Each of the books in the library (provide/provides) valuable insights

(b) Many of the participants (has/have) already arrived.

(c) The collection of antique coins (is/are) considered priceless.

(d) The family of birds (build/builds) nests in the tree.

(e) Neither the pen nor the pencil (is/are) on the desk.

Exercise 10

10. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) hiking together.

(b) The series of events (unfold/unfolds) in a surprising manner.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively.

(d) The list of names (is/are) being reviewed.

(e) Both the cat and the dog (seem/seems) content.

Exercise 11

11. Choose the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The team of players (is/are) working hard to win the championship.

(b) Not only the flowers but also the trees (adds/add) beauty to the park.

(c) Every student in the class (has/have) submitted their assignments.

(d) The collection of coins (belong/belongs) to a passionate collector.

(e) None of the options (seems/seem) suitable for the situation.

Exercise 12

12. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb:

(a) Each of the cars in the garage _______________ a unique history.

(b) The committee members _______________ unanimous in their decision.

(c) A variety of books _______________ available in the library.

(d) Neither the company nor its subsidiaries _______________ profitable this year.

(e) The flock of birds _______________ south for the winter.

Exercise 13

13. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) All the information provided (is/are) accurate.

(b) The series of events (unfold/unfolds) in a chronological order.

(c) Many of the employees (has/have) attended the seminar.

(d) The family of dolphins (swim/swims) gracefully in the ocean.

(e) The collection of vintage posters (is/are) on display.

Exercise 14

14. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:

(a) Neither the cake nor the ice cream _______________ appealing to me.

(b) Both the manager and the assistant _______________ working diligently.

(c) Not only the students but also the teacher _______________ excited about the upcoming trip.

(d) The collection of rare stamps _______________ highly valuable.

(e) Every member of the team _______________ dedicated to their role.

Exercise 15

15. Choose the appropriate verb form for each sentence:

(a) The series of novels (capture/captures) the reader’s imagination.

(b) None of the solutions provided (solve/solves) the issue completely.

(c) Every one of the members (contribute/contributes) to the success of the project.

(d) The group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) spending time together.

(e) The selection of colors (create/creates) a vibrant atmosphere.

Exercise 16

16. Select the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of rare coins (is/are) worth a fortune.

(b) Not only the students but also the teacher (is/are) excited for the field trip.

(c) Every one of the employees (has/have) contributed to the project

(d) The committee members (disagree/disagrees) on the proposed changes.

(e) A series of novels (transport/transports) readers to different worlds.

Exercise 17

17. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb form:

(a) Each of the paintings in the gallery _______________ a story to tell.

(b) The team of researchers _______________ conducting groundbreaking experiments.

(c) The variety of flowers in the garden _______________ a colorful display.

(d) Neither the cat nor the dog _______________ allowed on the furniture.

(e) The family of dolphins _______________ in harmony with their surroundings.

Exercise 18

18. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A group of tourists (explore/explores) the ancient ruins.

(b) All the information in the report (is/are) accurate.

(c) Many of the students (participate/participates) in extracurricular activities.

(d) The collection of antique maps (belong/belongs) to a dedicated enthusiast.

(e) The flock of birds (migrate/migrates) to warmer regions.

Exercise 19

19. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb:

(a) None of the options provided _______________ suitable for the occasion.

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ committed to success.

(c) Every one of the books in the library _______________ a valuable resource.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting _______________ carefully chosen.

(e) The family of elephants in the reserve _______________ in their natural habitat.

Exercise 20

20. Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (play/plays) a crucial role.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) exhaustive.

(c) Every student in the class (excel/excels) academically.

(d) The series of events (lead/leads) to an unexpected twist.

(e) The variety of flavors in the menu (delight/delights) customers.

Exercise 21

21. Choose the accurate verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of vintage cars (spark/sparks) excitement among enthusiasts.

(b) Every member of the team (plays/play) a vital role in our success.

(c) The committee (meets/meet) regularly to discuss important matters.

(d) A variety of options (is/are) available for the upcoming vacation.

Exercise 22

22. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb form:

(a) Each of the paintings in the gallery _______________ a unique perspective.

(b) The group of volunteers _______________ dedicated to their cause.

(c) The family of elephants _______________ harmoniously in their natural habitat.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine _______________ interesting to me.

(e) The collection of rare stamps _______________ displayed in a special exhibition.

Exercise 23

23. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A series of lectures on art history (is/are) scheduled for next week.

(b) All the information in the report (appear/appears) accurate.

(c) Many of the applicants (meet/meets) the criteria for the scholarship.

(d) The collection of antique coins (belong/belongs) to a passionate collector.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in perfect formation.

Exercise 24

24. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb form:

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ dedicated to their work.

(c) Every student in the class _______________ their own strengths.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay _______________ a joy to observe.

Exercise 25

25. Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (contribute/contributes) to the project’s success.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in discussions.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to distant lands.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the region (create/creates) a stunning backdrop.

Exercise 26

26. Choose the appropriate verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of vintage books (contains/contain) valuable information.

(b) Neither the cat nor the dog (like/likes) the new food.

(c) Every member of the team (plays/play) an important role.

(d) The committee (meets/meet) every Monday to discuss matters.

(e) A variety of options (is/are) available for the event.

Exercise 27

27. Complete the sentences with the suitable verb form:

(a) Each of the paintings in the museum _______________ a story to tell.

(b) The group of volunteers _______________ dedicated to making a difference.

(c) The family of birds _______________ in perfect harmony.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine _______________ of interest to me.

(e) The collection of rare coins _______________ displayed with care.

Exercise 28

28. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A series of lectures on history (is/are) scheduled for next month.

(b) All the information in the report (seem/seems) accurate.

(c) Many of the students (excel/excels) in academics.

(d) The collection of antique artifacts (belong/belongs) to a private collector.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in a V formation.

Exercise 29

29. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ dedicated to their roles.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay _______________ a joy to watch.

Exercise 30

30. Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (contributes/contribute) uniquely to the project.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) extensive.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to far-off places.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the area (create/creates) a breathtaking scene.

Exercise 31

31. Choose the correct verb form for each sentence:

(a) The collection of antique coins (hold/holds) immense value.

(b) Neither the movie nor the book (captivate/captivates) my interest.

(d) The committee (convene/convenes) every Wednesday to discuss important matters.

(e) A variety of options (is/are) available for the upcoming event.

Exercise 32

32. Complete the sentences with the suitable verb form:

(a) Each of the sculptures in the gallery _______________ a unique story.

(b) The group of volunteers _______________ dedicated to making a positive impact.

(c) The family of swans _______________ gliding gracefully on the lake.

(e) The collection of rare stamps _______________ carefully preserved.

Exercise 33

33. Decide whether the verb should be singular or plural:

(a) A series of workshops on creativity (stimulate/stimulates) innovation.

(b) All the information in the report (appear/appears) to be accurate.

(c) Many of the students (excel/excels) in their academic pursuits.

(d) The collection of historical artifacts (belong/belongs) to a local museum.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in a graceful V formation.

Exercise 34

34. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:

(b) Both the manager and the employees _______________ committed to their roles.

(c) Every student in the class _______________ their own unique strengths.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting _______________ carefully considered.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay _______________ a source of wonder.

Exercise 35

35 . Choose the suitable verb form for each sentence:

(a) Each of the team members (contributes/contribute) their expertise to the project.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) quite extensive.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in classroom activities.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the region (create/creates) a breathtaking panorama.

FAQs on Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Q: what is a subject-verb agreement exercise.

Ans: A subject-verb agreement exercise is a language learning activity that helps individuals practice matching the grammatical number (singular or plural) of a subject with the corresponding form of the verb in a sentence.

Q: What is an example of a subject-verb agreement with answers?

Ans: An example of a subject-verb agreement with answers is: “The cat sleeps on the windowsill.” Here, the singular subject “cat” matches with the singular verb “sleeps.”

Q: What are the 10 rules of subject-verb agreement?

Ans: Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. Here are ten rules to ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree:

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs:

2. Plural subjects take plural verbs:

3. Compound subjects with “and” are plural:

4. Compound subjects with “or” or “nor” follow the closer subject:

5. Collective nouns can be singular or plural:

6. Indefinite pronouns may be singular or plural:

7. Subjects with “each” or “every” are singular:

8. Subjects with “either…or” and “neither…nor” require singular or plural verbs:

9. Phrases beginning with “one of” or “a number of” are plural:

10. Inverted sentences with prepositional phrases:

Mastering these rules helps ensure grammatical correctness in your writing and speaking.

Q: How do you solve subject-verb agreement questions?

Ans: To solve subject-verb agreement questions, identify the subject and verb in the sentence, and ensure they agree in number (singular or plural) based on the rules of subject-verb agreement. If they don’t agree, make the necessary adjustments to match the subject and verb correctly.

Q: How do you teach subject-verb agreement?

Ans: Teaching subject-verb agreement effectively involves several steps and strategies:

1. Introduce the Concept:

2. Provide Clear Examples:

3. Engage in Practice Exercises:

4. Use Visual Aids:

5. Make it Fun:

Consistent practice, clear explanations, and a variety of teaching methods can help students grasp the concept of subject-verb agreement and apply it effectively in their writing and communication.

Congratulations on completing these additional subject-verb agreement exercises! Your dedication to mastering this grammar rule is commendable and will undoubtedly enhance your communication skills.

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Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement | Legal Template & Examples

The ins and outs of assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement.

Have you ever wondered about the intricacies of Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement? This often-overlooked aspect of business and legal transactions is a crucial component that can make or break a deal. In this blog post, we`ll dive deep into the world of Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement explore everything need know about it.

Understanding Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement

Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement is a legal document that outlines the transfer of rights and responsibilities from one party to another. It is commonly used in business transactions, real estate deals, and contract assignments. This agreement specifies the terms and conditions of the assignment, including any limitations or restrictions.

Key Components Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement

When drafting Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement, it`s essential to include specific details to ensure clarity and enforceability. Some key components agreement include:

Component Description
Assignor Assignee Clearly identify the parties involved in the assignment.
Assigned Rights and Obligations Specify the rights and obligations being transferred.
Consideration Outline any payment or consideration for the assignment.
Governing Law Indicate the jurisdiction and laws that govern the agreement.

Case Studies Statistics

Let`s take a look at some real-world examples of how Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement has impacted businesses and legal proceedings.

In a recent study, it was found that 85% of businesses that properly executed Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreements experienced smoother transitions and fewer disputes during the assignment process.

Key Considerations

When dealing Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreements, it`s important to consider the following factors:

  • Clarity specificity terms assignment
  • Compliance with relevant laws regulations
  • Potential impact on other existing contracts agreements

Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement is a critical component of many business and legal transactions. By understanding its nuances and intricacies, you can ensure a smooth and successful assignment process. Whether you`re a business owner, lawyer, or individual involved in an assignment, having a solid grasp of this agreement is essential for protecting your interests.

Frequently Asked Legal Questions About Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreements

Question Answer
1. What is an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement? An assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for the transfer of rights and responsibilities from one party to another. It is commonly used in business transactions and real estate deals.
2. Is an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement legally binding? Yes, an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement is legally binding as long as it meets the requirements of a valid contract, such as offer, acceptance, consideration, and legal capacity of the parties involved.
3. What are the key elements of an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement? The key elements of an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement include the names and contact information of the parties involved, a clear description of the rights and obligations being assigned, the effective date of the assignment, and any conditions or limitations of the assignment.
4. Can an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement revoked? An assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement can be revoked if both parties mutually agree to do so, or if there is a valid legal reason for termination, such as breach of contract or impossibility of performance.
5. What happens If one party breaches an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement? If one party breaches an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement, the non-breaching party may be entitled to seek legal remedies, such as monetary damages or specific performance, depending on the nature of the breach and the terms of the agreement.
6. Do assignment worksheet 12.1 agreements need to be notarized? Notarization is not always required for assignment worksheet 12.1 agreements, but it can provide an extra layer of authentication and evidence of the parties` identities and signatures.
7. Can an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement be modified? An assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement can be modified if both parties consent to the changes and the modifications are documented in writing, signed, and dated by all parties involved.
8. What consequences Failing to execute an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement? Failing to execute an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement can result in disputes over rights and obligations, potential legal liabilities, and the inability to enforce the terms of the assignment.
9. Are limitations types assignments documented worksheet 12.1 agreement? There may be limitations on the types of assignments that can be documented in a worksheet 12.1 agreement, depending on the specific legal requirements and restrictions applicable to the subject matter of the assignment, such as intellectual property, real property, or contractual rights.
10. Do I need a lawyer to draft an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement? While it is not mandatory to have a lawyer draft an assignment worksheet 12.1 agreement, it is highly advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure that the agreement accurately reflects the intentions of the parties and complies with applicable laws and regulations.

Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement

This agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on this [Date] by and between [Party A] and [Party B] (collectively referred to as “Parties”).

Assignment Worksheet 12.1 Agreement
Party A Party B
1. Assignment Scope Party A agrees to provide Party B with the completed assignment worksheet 12.1, as per the requirements specified in the assignment guidelines.
2. Deadline Party A shall submit the completed assignment worksheet 12.1 to Party B on or before [Deadline Date].
3. Compensation Party B agrees to compensate Party A with [Amount] upon satisfactory completion and submission of the assignment worksheet 12.1.
4. Confidentiality Both Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information exchanged in relation to the assignment worksheet 12.1.
5. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].
6. Dispute Resolution Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Association].
7. Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with respect to the assignment worksheet 12.1 and supersedes all prior discussions and agreements.
8. Signatures Both Parties hereby acknowledge their acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by signing below:

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Purdue OWL® Exercises Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Answer : Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise

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1. Annie and her brothers are at school.

2. Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats are outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara don't want to see that movie.

6. Benito doesn't know the answer.

7. One of my sisters is going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds lives on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, takes about two hours to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, want to win.

11. Either answer is acceptable.

12. Every one of those books is fiction.

13. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

14. Is the news on at five or six?

15. Mathematics is John's favorite subject, while Civics is Andrea's favorite subject.

16. Eight dollars is the price of a movie these days.

17. Are the tweezers in this drawer?

18. Your pants are at the cleaner's.

19. There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!

20. The committee debates these questions carefully.

21. The committee members  lead   very different lives in private.

22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greets the press cordially.

23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, are in this case.

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MONSTER: Anticipation Guide Worksheet (No-Prep Day 1 Unit Assignment)

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assignment worksheet 12 1 agreement


Begin your novel study of Monster by Walter Dean Meyers with this anticipation guide. This resource includes 10 statements which students identify with their agreement, disagreement, or mixed feelings.

This worksheet can easily lead into a class discussion or be used for remote learning.

Resource Includes:

  • 10 statements related to themes in the novel
  • Instructions for identifying agree/disagree/mixed feelings

Pair with "Life Lessons Reflection" worksheet at the end of reading!


Questions & Answers

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