TC Technology Knowledge Base

  • Upload an image to Canvas

Updated on May 14, 2024

There are many times when you might want to add an image to Canvas, whether in a discussion forum, a written assignment, or on a wiki page. These steps will help you add an image to your personal file storage in Canvas that you can access anywhere you see the Rich Text Editor.

1. Click on your Canvas account icon and choose Files.

Canvas Account - Files link

2. In your list of files, click the Upload button.

Personal Files in Canvas

3. Select the image on your computer you would like to add to your Canvas file repository.

Select image on computer

4. Once you have added the image to your Files in Canvas, navigate to the location you would like to add the image to. Click Edit.

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

5. Click the Image icon and select User Images.

Embed Image in Rich Text Editor

6. Select User Files. Choose Images and select the image you would like to add.

Insert/Edit Image dialog

7. Your selected image will appear.

Discussion Forum reply with embedded image

8. To edit the image, click on the image, then click Image Options.

Topic: Clare's Discussion - Google Chrome

8.1. Add alternative text tag to the image.

8.2. manage display options for the image., 8.3. resize the image..

Topic: Clare's Discussion - Google Chrome

9. Click Done to save the changes.

Topic: Clare's Discussion - Google Chrome

10. Click Post Reply to upload the image.

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Canvas for Students

  • Find your Canvas course
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  • Authorize Google account in Canvas
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  • Record a video in a Canvas Discussion Board
  • Collapse Canvas discussion board replies
  • Search a discussion board in Canvas
  • Submit an assignment in Canvas
  • Use the Rich Text editor to submit a Canvas assignment
  • View comments left on a Canvas assignment
  • View instructor annotations in a Canvas assessment
  • Listen to Turnitin voice comments in a Canvas assessment
  • Accept Canvas course invitation without a Teachers College UNI
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  • Reset your Canvas password if you don't have a UNI
  • Add an additional email address in Canvas
  • Sign up for TC Alerts
  • Set up your Canvas notifications
  • Sign into Canvas Student app with a TC UNI (iPhone)
  • Sign into Canvas Student app without a UNI (iPhone)
  • Prepare for Honorlock quiz (Student) in Canvas
  • Request the use of Honorlock (in Canvas) for a research study

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Embed image in a canvas discussion reply.

Do you need to "show" your work or share an image as part of a discussion reply? Here's how:

In the discussion, click Reply

canvas discussion with arrow pointing at reply

Click on the Embed Image dropdown and select  Upload Image

Canvas formatting toolbar with Embed icon highlighted and arrow pointing at Upload Image option

Upload your image by dragging it into the box or by browsing through your files, then click  Submit

Upload Image preview

Your image will appear in the body of your post

If the image is too big adjust it in the Image Options:

Arrow pointing at Image Options button

Adjust the Dimension type to have a width of 800 pixels or less

Click  Post Reply


Articles in this section

  • Canvas: Recording Video and Audio (Student Guide)
  • Canvas: Using Screencastify LTI (Student)
  • Canvas: How to Add a Nickname to a Course (Students and Parents)

Canvas: Upload Image as PDF

  • Canvas: PDF Annotation Assignment (Student)
  • Canvas: How to remove a student from a Parent Observer Account
  • Canvas: Parent Observer Change Student View
  • Canvas: Rich Content Editor Overview For Students
  • Canvas: Student View-Text in Updated Rich Content Editor
  • Canvas: Identifying the Term of a Course


  • September 04, 2023 03:22


This guide will outline the steps to take a picture on an IUSD Chromebook and upload it into a Canvas assignment.

Step 1: Open Camera

In your Chromebook:

  • Open Launcher
  • Open Camera

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Step 2: Take Picture of Assignment

After you have opened the camera on your Chromebook:

  • Take a picture of your hand written assignment.
  • Open your recently taken picture on the bottom right corner of the camera window.

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Step 3: Print to PDF

After taking the picture of your work, click on the vertical ellipses in the top right corner, and select Print .

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Once the Print window opens, select Save as PDF in the Destination field and then click Save .

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Rename the image to the title of your document and then click Save .

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Step 4: Upload to Canvas Assignment

Navigate to your Canvas course and find the assignment you would like to upload the file into.

Click on the image of the rocketship (outlined in the red box in the image):

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Find the PDF you just saved to your device and click Open .

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Your file should appear in the window (outlined in red in image below).  Click Submit Assignment .

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

Your assignment should now be submitted.

This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.

If you have any questions,  submit a new ticket  or email us at  [email protected]

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Courses at UChicago

New Feature in Canvas: Embedding an Image Directly from Your Computer with the Rich Content Editor

by Thomas Keith | Nov 30, 2018 | Canvas , Canvas Features/Functions , How-tos

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

The Embed Image function in Canvas’ Rich Content Editor has long offered several different ways to find images to embed: entering an image URL, browsing within the files attached to your Canvas course, or searching Flickr.  Now, a new feature makes it possible to find an image directly on your computer and embed it into a content page, assignment prompt, discussion comment, or anywhere else the Rich Content Editor appears, without first having to upload the image into your Canvas course files.

To use this feature:

1. Click the Embed Image button in the Rich Content Editor.

Rich Content Editor toolbar with Embed Image button indicated

Rich Content Editor toolbar with Embed Image button indicated

2. Choose the Canvas tab and select the folder in which you wish to store the image.   Course files is attached to a particular Canvas course, and files stored there can only be used in that course; My files is attached to the Canvas account of a particular user, and its files can be used in any course to which the user belongs.  When you have chosen your location, click the Upload File button.

Image Source dialog box with Upload File button indicated

Image Source dialog box with Upload File button indicated

3. Browse to the image file on your computer and click Open .

Picture selected to upload to Canvas

Picture selected to upload to Canvas

4. Once the image has been uploaded, you can then enter alt text for screen readers and set the desired dimensions.  When you are ready to embed the image, click the maroon Update button.

Image Source dialog box with Update button indicated

Image Source dialog box with Update button indicated

5. The image will now be embedded within the page, assignment, etc.  Be sure to click Save to save your changes when you are done.

Sample content page with image ready to be embedded and Save button indicated

Sample content page with image ready to be embedded and Save button indicated

This new feature makes it possible for students, as well as instructors, to upload and embed images with the Rich Content Editor.  For example, your students can now embed an image in a comment within a discussion thread, or create a multimedia wiki by embedding images on a content page (provided you set the page permissions to allow students to edit).  Please note that because students, unlike instructors, do not have access to Course files , they must select My files as the location to which to upload images.

Further Resources and Getting Help

  • For detailed information on this new feature, see the latest Canvas Release Notes.
  • See also: How do I embed images from Canvas into the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?
  • If you need further assistance with media tools in Canvas, or if you have any other questions, Academic Technology Solutions is happy to help.  You can attend one of our walk-in sessions held in the TechBar of the Regenstein Library (see our workshop schedule for upcoming sessions), or contact us to schedule a consultation.

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Canvas @ Tufts

For information about other teaching & learning tools see the Educational Technology User Guides .

  • AI and Teaching
  • Blue Course Evaluations
  • Dental Externships
  • Easy Generator
  • Health Science Clinical Tools
  • Kaltura Capture
  • Kaltura Video Editor
  • Language Placement Testing
  • Poll Everywhere
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  • Visual Classrooms
  • How do I embed a course image in a Canvas text box?

Instructors, TAs and Designers can embed an image from the sites Files tool into a Canvas text box

Make sure the image is first uploaded to the sites File tool.

The following example demonstrates embedding an image in a Canvas Page.  However, the same steps are taken to embed an image from the Files tool in any Canvas text box (Announcements / Assignments / Discussions / Quizzes /  Syllabus / Pages)

In the Canvas text box, click the insert Image icon (looks like a picture) and select Course Images

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

An Add panel opens up on the right side of the page.

Select the image you want to embed in the text box

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

The image is automatically embedded in the text box. Click Save or Save and Publish

how to upload an image to canvas assignment

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  • Next: How do I link to a file in a Canvas text box?
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  • Student - How do I set my local time zone in my user account?
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  • How do I get support for MindTap?
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  • How do I add users to a Canvas site within my delegated access subaccount?
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  • How do I embed an Echo360 video using the Canvas text editor?
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  • Setting course site access for individual students
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  • How do I review and grade a self-selected timed final exam (File Upload Questions)?
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  • Student: How do I submit a Google Document to an assignment?
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  • How do I embed a Google Map in a Canvas text box?
  • How do I create an Office 365 Collaboration document (Word / Excel / Powerpoint)?
  • How do I link to an Office 365 document in a Canvas Module?
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  • How do I edit the student anonymity settings for my Piazza site?
  • How do I edit my Piazza email notifications?
  • How do I embed an image in a Piazza post?
  • How do I deactivate a Piazza site?
  • How do I un-enroll (drop) from a Piazza discussion site?
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  • How do I activate TidyUP?
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California State University, Long Beach

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California State University Long Beach


Designing Transparent Assignments in the Age of AI

Have you ever had students submit assignments that didn’t quite meet your expectations? Or have students ever expressed confusion about what they’re supposed to do or why they earned a particular grade on a task? In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore how you can use the inclusive and research-based transparent design framework (commonly referred to as TILT) to streamline and strengthen the clarity of your course assignments so that students can be more successful. We’ll also discuss how you can use the AI Assessment Scale to convey your expectations about if and how students can use artificial intelligence in their assignments.

NOTE : This is a virtual workshop that will be held via Zoom. There will be breakout room activities, so please come ready to engage. Additionally, please bring a copy of one of your course assignments to the session.

Presented by: Tolu Noah, Ed.D., Instructional Learning Spaces Coordinator ( [email protected] ).

Wednesday, September 11, 20249-11am
Wednesday, September 11, 20241-3pm

Workshop Recording

This is a new workshop! We'll add the recording approximately one week after the session has been presented.

California State University, Long Beach

Univeristy of Pittsburgh - Home Page

University Center for Teaching and Learning

Canvas update: improvements to the ‘assign to’ interface, canvas update: improvements to the 'assign to' interface.

Instructure has been implementing a lot of much-requested features in Canvas in the last year, such as the anonymous discussions we covered in our last update bulletin . This month, they’ve released another one: improvements to the “Assign To” interface. In addition to a smoother experience with assignments (including quizzes and graded discussions), this update allows “assigning” modules and/or pages to sections or even individual students in your courses. Those who are not assigned the content will not see it at all. See below for some examples where this new feature might be used.

You can watch or read more about the update below or read the notes directly from the vendor.

Also, take a look at the University Event Calendar ! The University Center for Teaching and Learning’s summer and fall sessions will be up soon, including a mini-session that will review all of the new features in Canvas over the last year.

There have been even more features added to Canvas recently that we will cover in the coming weeks. It’s an exciting time for Canvas users!

Examples for using differentiated modules or pages

  • A merged undergraduate/graduate course where there is additional content for the graduate students.
  • A course that has an optional “writing intensive” add-on, where only some students need the details for the writing component of the course.
  • Supplemental material that is only intended for majors even though it is taken by many students from various departments.
  • A “choose your own topic” module where students in the same course choose an elective topic to learn. A course might, for one module, allow students to select one of three topics to study independently before rejoining as a group.
  • An “organization” course (e.g., for orientation or advising) where most content applies to all students, but some modules with major- or program-specific information could be managed by advisors from the relevant department and released only to their students.
  • Certain types of alternative grading have students elect their desired depth of study, mastery, or grade. Differentiated modules or pages can be used to ensure students only see the content they have chosen to target.
  • When a teacher administers a diagnostic assessment and then assigns modules based on the outcome. (It may be easier to use the Mastery Paths feature that could automate parts of this, but the new feature allows an instructor to do it manually.)
  • A project where each student in the course is responsible for editing a page in Canvas. The teacher can create the pages, assign each page to the responsible student, and change the edit permissions on that page to allow students. Normally if you set a page to allow students to edit it, all students can. For example, this could be used for students to directly build a lesson plan, lecture notes, slides (etc.) for their presentation directly in Canvas. Once it’s done, the teacher than then change the edit permissions back to Teachers Only and change the Assign To back to everyone.

Using the new Assign To interface

The Assign To box is no longer directly visible when editing an assignment (including quizzes and graded discussions). There is now a link button labeled “Manage Assign To” where Assign To was previously located.

Appearance of the Manage Assign To button at the bottom of an assignment.

When you click on this button, a tray will open from the right revealing the Assign To tray (seen below). The Assign To panel has also been reformatted: the date-time box has been split into separate date and time selectors for easier use, each date is on its own line, and everything has been resized to be readable without any elements being hidden from view.

Once you are finished making changes to the Assign To tray, click Apply at the far bottom right corner. Don’t forget to save the assignment itself once you’re done with all changes!

A screenshot of the "Assign to" tray on the assignment page. It shows a teacher entering an a student accommodation.

The functionality of Assign To remains the same:

  • The Due Date is what appears on the student “to do” lists and calendar, and any submissions after this time are marked as late.
  • The Available From date is when the assignment opens and begins accepting submissions. Before this date, the students only see the general details (title, point value, and dates) of the assignment; they can not see the full prompt and cannot yet submit.
  • The Until date is when the assignment closes. Students cannot submit after this time.
  • Each Assign To box (which defaults to “everyone”) shows who that set of dates applies to. “Everyone” changes to “Everyone Else” once you add any exceptions with the +Add button. You can differentiate due dates by sections in cross-listed courses. If you remove “Everyone”/”Everyone Else” from the list, only those students explicitly listed will have the assignment available.

Reminders about accommodations for assignments and quizzes

Please keep the following in mind when managing your assignments and quizzes; these items have not changed:

  • When making an accommodation for one or more students, do not click the “X” next to everyone. If you do that, it will be unassigned from the rest of the course (including blanking the cell in the grade book). You only need to click the +Add button and fill out the relevant details for the adjustment. Read more in the full directions .
  • If everyone is taking the quiz at the same time, you should not use the “time limit” feature; only the Assign To “from” and “until”. Time accommodations are done with the Assign Access interface. (If you do happen use both a time limit and a narrow availability window for a quiz that everyone takes together, any accommodations would need to be entered twice: once in Moderation for time limit, and once in the Assign Access panel for the availability window. Canvas will close the quiz on the first instance of time ending, whether it’s the time limit or the window.)
  • If your students have a wide window in which to take the quiz, but should be limited time once they begin, you can use the time limit feature. The entire window is managed with Assign Access “from” and “until”. Time accommodations for these quizzes are done from the Moderate page.

Differentiating Modules and Pages

In addition to the improved interface for editing assignments, you can now use the same Assign To panel from Modules or Pages to differentiate who can see this content. In both cases, all content defaults to “Everyone”. That is, everyone in the course can see the content (once it is published) as before.

For a module , edit the module (click the “…” on an existing module) and select Assign To from the menu. The revised module edit tray will open to an Assign To panel that is very similar to the one used for assignments. If the module already has an audience selected, there will be a direct link in the module header you can use as a shortcut.

Screenshot of the contextual menu for editing a module. Assign To is in the menu a few items after Edit.

For a page , you have two primary methods: (1) edit the page and use the Assign To button at the bottom that matches the interface for an assignment; or (2) view the page and click Assign To at the top next to the publish button.

Screenshot of the Assign To button at the top of a page. It is between the Published button and the Edit button.

Combining with dates

You can combine the Assign Access functionality with dates. Follow the links below for more details on using dates with modules or pages.

  • Edit a module to be locked until a date.
  • Edit an unpublished page to schedule a publication date.
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  1. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

    If your instructor allows file uploads as a submission type, you can upload a file from your computer as an assignment submission. Canvas converts specific file types as previews and supports certain media file uploads.. Files uploaded using the Rich Content Editor count toward your user storage quota.

  2. How do I upload and embed an image in the Rich Con...

    Upload Image by Copy and Paste. You can upload and embed an image by copying and pasting it. To copy an image to your clipboard, right-click the image and select Copy. You can paste it by right-clicking into the Rich Text Editor and selecting Paste or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V on a PC or Command+V on a Mac.

  3. Upload an image to Canvas

    Click on your Canvas account icon and choose Files. 2. In your list of files, click the Upload button. 3. Select the image on your computer you would like to add to your Canvas file repository. 4. Once you have added the image to your Files in Canvas, navigate to the location you would like to add the image to. Click Edit.

  4. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission...

    Select Upload Source. To take a picture with your camera, tap the Camera icon [1]. To select an image from your gallery, tap the Gallery icon [2]. To select a file from your device folders, tap the Device icon [3]. To scan a file with your device, tap the Scanner icon [4]. Note: Depending on the allowed file type submissions, all upload options ...

  5. Canvas

    A walkthrough of how to upload an image file to a Canvas assignment

  6. Canvas

    Learn how to insert a link, file, or image into your Canvas assignment with this tutorial video.

  7. Use images

    One is to upload a picture from your device into Canvas. This perhaps the most common approach and consists of clicking the Upload Image icon on the rich content editor or from the menu click: Insert >> Image >> Upload Image. You will then either drag an image from your computer or click the interface to search for your image.

  8. How to upload an image to a Canvas Assignment

    This video will show students how to upload an image to a Canvas Assignment.

  9. Embedding Images to Canvas

    Instructions for embedding an image from your computer onto a Canvas page with written steps and a video tutorial. ... Add to Assignment ; Create a Google Assignment; Create an Office 365 Assignment; ... Drag your image into the Upload Image box, or click in the box and locate the image on your computer ...

  10. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission...

    Scan File. To scan a document as your file submission, position the document in view and tap the Shutter button. To scan the document again, tap the Retake link [1]. To save the scanned document, tap the Keep Scan link [2]. If needed, adjust the handles around the document [3]. To scan additional documents to add to your assignment submission ...

  11. How Do I Embed an Image in a Canvas Discussion?

    How to upload and embed an image from your computer. On the menu find the Images icon, and select Upload Image. You can drag and drop the image from your computer into the Upload Image box, or click to browse and select the file. Click Submit to embed the image and post the reply when you're ready.

  12. Embed Image in a Canvas Discussion

    Your image will appear in the body of your post. If the image is too big adjust it in the Image Options: Select the image. Click Image Options. Adjust the Dimension type to have a width of 800 pixels or less. Click Done. 5.

  13. Canvas: Upload Image as PDF

    Navigate to your Canvas course and find the assignment you would like to upload the file into. Click on the image of the rocketship (outlined in the red box in the image): Find the PDF you just saved to your device and click Open .

  14. CANVAS How to take a pic & submit the file for an assignment

    Students can see how to capture an image using a laptop and how to select the file to be uploaded onto Canvas.

  15. How to Upload an Image to an Assignment in Canvas

    Close Modal Dialog. Ask a Question This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.

  16. New Feature in Canvas: Embedding an Image Directly from Your Computer

    Now, a new feature makes it possible to find an image directly on your computer and embed it into a content page, assignment prompt, discussion comment, or anywhere else the Rich Content Editor appears, without first having to upload the image into your Canvas course files. To use this feature: 1.

  17. How do I embed a course image in a Canvas text box?

    In the Canvas text box, click the insert Image icon (looks like a picture) and select Course Images. An Add panel opens up on the right side of the page. Select the image you want to embed in the text box. The image is automatically embedded in the text box. Click Save or Save and Publish.

  18. Creating an assignment

    You can create assignments on your calendar, on the modules page, or on the assignments page. Let's create one on the assignments page. Click Assignments. 2. Click the Add Assignment icon. 3. Here you'll enter some basic information to get started. Begin by typing a Name for your assignment.

  19. How to submit a photo upload assignment on Canvas

    A basic how to upload tutorial on how to put a photo into an assignment on Canvas

  20. Designing Transparent Assignments in the Age of AI

    Have you ever had students submit assignments that didn't quite meet your expectations? Or have students ever expressed confusion about what they're supposed to do or why they earned a particular grade on a task? In this interactive workshop, we'll explore how you can use the inclusive and research-based transparent design framework (commonly referred to as TILT) to streamline and ...

  21. How do I submit a media file as an assignment submission?

    You can upload a video or audio file to submit as an assignment in Canvas. You can also use Canvas to record an audio or video file to submit as an assignment. Before submitting an assignment, you may want to review all assignment information, such as the assignment rubric, if any. You can also submit assignments using your Android or iOS device.

  22. Canvas Update: Improvements to the 'Assign To' Interface

    The Available From date is when the assignment opens and begins accepting submissions. Before this date, the students only see the general details (title, point value, and dates) of the assignment; they can not see the full prompt and cannot yet submit. The Until date is when the assignment closes. Students cannot submit after this time.

  23. How do I insert a picture on an assignment

    1 Solution. 01-22-2020 02:20 PM. Hi @mrs_liekhus Welcome to the Canvas Community and sorry to see that your question has been here a while. If you are a student....the assignment was probably due by now! I cannot tell if you are a student or an instructor, but I will assume you are a student.

  24. How to Upload/Embed a Picture into a Canvas Quiz

    This video shows how to upload a picture of work on paper to a Canvas essay quiz using a computer and the Canvas Student App.Download the app for iOS: https:...

  25. DALL·E 2

    DALL·E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. ... DALL·E 2 can expand images beyond what's in the original canvas, creating expansive new compositions. ... Inpainting. DALL·E 2 can make realistic edits to existing images from a natural language caption. It can add and remove ...

  26. How do I submit an online assignment?

    You can submit online assignments in Canvas using several submission types. Instructors can choose what kind of online submissions they want you to use. You may also have the option to resubmit assignments if your instructor allows. Files uploaded using the Rich Content Editor count toward your user...