Unemployment in Pakistan

Photo of Muhammad Munib Rasool

Unemployment in Pakistan is an all-pervasive issue that affects millions. Not only is unemployment detrimental to individuals and their families, but its economic and social consequences can have profound ramifications. Therefore, actions must be taken in order to combat unemployment and ensure everyone gains access to gainful employment opportunities.

Definition of unemployment:

Unemployment occurs when individuals actively looking for work are unable to secure work. Economic factors, technological advancement, or global market shifts often contribute to unemployment. Structural causes include lack of education/training/discrimination may also play a part.

Consequences of unemployment:

One of the major repercussions of unemployment is its economic toll on individuals and families alike. Unemployed individuals may struggle to make ends meet and may need government assistance or other forms of support in order to survive financially. Which has an adverse impact on both themselves and their family as well as overall economic growth.

Social ramifications of unemployment:

Unemployment can have devastating social repercussions. Unemployed individuals may experience a significant decrease in mental health, self-esteem and overall well-being. Additionally, unemployment may increase criminal behavior or substance abuse as means to cope with its resulting hardships.

To combat unemployment, several measures can be taken. These include investing in education and training programs to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required for today’s job market. Policies which promote job creation through small business development also contribute towards decreasing unemployment rates.

As another effective measure to combat unemployment, temporary financial assistance for those unemployed. Can provide much-needed support to individuals while they look for new work opportunities. Such aid helps ensure individuals remain able to care for themselves and their families. While waiting for opportunities to present themselves.

Unemployment is an acute economic and social crisis with far-reaching ramifications:

Take proactive measures to combat unemployment and ensure everyone can find gainful employment. Such as investing in education and training programs, supporting small businesses, or offering temporary financial aid packages. By doing this, we can reduce unemployment rates while strengthening and building an more resilient economy.

Unemployment in Pakistan: Pakistan has long struggled with high unemployment rates, leading to economic and social challenges across the board. We will discuss in this essay both the causes and consequences of unemployment in Pakistan as well as potential solutions.

Reasons behind Pakistan’s high unemployment rate include:

One of the primary factors contributing to Pakistan’s unemployment crisis is economic stagnation. Despite efforts at economic development, Pakistan’s economy remains stagnant, leaving few employment opportunities for its growing population.

Lack of education and skills training:

Pakistan’s unemployment problem can also be traced back to lack of education and skills training opportunities for its young people. Specifically women who face greater cultural and societal barriers when trying to access education or job opportunities.

Pakistan’s unemployment problem has devastating repercussions: its unemployment rates remain very high and have led to high unemployment levels among its people.

Unemployed individuals often struggle to make ends meet, leading them down a path toward poverty , homelessness and other social problems. Unemployment also has adverse effects on mental health and wellbeing; those experiencing it may feel powerless against it all.

To address unemployment in Pakistan:

One of the key strategies available to us is creating jobs and spurring economic expansion through investment in infrastructure, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), and attracting foreign investments.

Additionally, efforts should be taken to enhance education and skills training programs for women and other marginalized groups, particularly women themselves. This can ensure young people possess the qualifications needed to secure good jobs that will contribute positively to economic development of the country.

Temporary Financial Assistance programs:

Temporary financial assistance programs can be implemented to assist unemployed individuals while they search for work. This could include unemployment benefits or other forms of social support.

Unemployment in Pakistan is an enormously consequential economic and social problem. To tackle it, Pakistan needs to focus on job creation, skills training programs, and social support services that aim to decrease unemployment rates while building stronger, more prosperous societies.

Pakistan is suffering the consequences of unemployment:

Unemployment is an acute challenge faced by Pakistan, with severe effects reverberating across society and economy alike. Over the years, unemployment rates in this nation have skyrocketed and led to negative repercussions both economically and socially. Here we explore some of its consequences in Pakistan.

Poverty: One of the main consequences of unemployment in Pakistan is poverty. Unemployed individuals often struggle to meet ends meet and may not be able to provide for themselves and their families adequately, which can lead to widespread poverty as well as increases in homelessness, crime and substance abuse.

Unemployment can have a devastating impact on mental health and wellbeing: Unemployed individuals may feel helpless, depressed and anxious, which may eventually lead to long-term mental health problems. This is especially true among younger individuals who may perceive that their future prospects have become restricted because of a lack of job opportunities.

Unemployment can have severe economic repercussions for Pakistan:

Individuals without jobs cannot contribute to economic development in any meaningful way, leading to reduced productivity and slowed development. Furthermore, high unemployment rates may result in “brain drain,” with highly qualified individuals leaving for better opportunities elsewhere.

Unemployment has serious repercussions for Pakistan:

Unemployment often leads to an increase in social problems like crime and violence, which threatens social cohesion while undermining trust in institutions like government and law enforcement.

Conclusion : Unemployment in Pakistan is a serious social and economic challenge with far-reaching effects. It can lead to poverty, mental health problems, economic decline and social unrest – which must all be tackled simultaneously if unemployment rates are to decrease and create stronger, more prosperous societies. To combat unemployment effectively in Pakistan measures must be taken such as creating job opportunities through education/skills training/temporary financial assistance for unemployed individuals in order to reduce rates and strengthen societies overall.

How to eradicate unemployment from Pakistan:

Unemployment is a key concern that has long-term ramifications on Pakistan’s economy and society, necessitating concerted action from government, businesses, and individuals to address it effectively. We will examine ways in which unemployment can be eradicated from Pakistan in this essay.

Promote Economic Growth: An effective way of combatting unemployment is promoting economic growth. Government should focus on creating an environment conducive to business expansion and job creation by removing bureaucratic hurdles, providing tax incentives, and investing in infrastructure projects.

Encourage Entrepreneurship:

Government can encourage entrepreneurship by offering funding, training, and support to small and medium-sized businesses – helping create new job opportunities while simultaneously decreasing unemployment rates.

Enhance Education and Skill Development Training:

Lack of education and skills training programs is a primary cause of unemployment in Pakistan. Therefore, government should invest in programs providing education and skills training programs specifically targeting women and other marginalized groups in order to help individuals develop the necessary qualifications needed to secure good jobs.

Focus on Technology and Innovation:

Technological advancement and innovation can drive economic expansion and open up new job opportunities, so the government should prioritize supporting this sector with funding and assistance for innovative businesses.

Encourage Foreign Investment:

Foreign investment can bring much-needed capital, skills, and employment opportunities to Pakistan. To attract such foreign investments, the government should offer tax incentives, streamline regulations, and promote Pakistan as an attractive investment destination.

Support Sustainable Agriculture:

Agriculture is an integral component of Pakistan’s economy and should receive support from government in terms of providing assistance for farmers, encouraging sustainable agricultural practices and investing in research and development for creating jobs in rural areas and alleviating poverty.

Temporary Financial Support Solutions:

Government assistance may provide temporary financial support for unemployed individuals while they look for work. This assistance may come in the form of unemployment benefits or other forms of social support.

Deliberate efforts from government, businesses, and individuals must be undertaken in order to reduce unemployment in Pakistan.

Through economic growth, entrepreneurship, education and skills training, foreign investment, sustainable agriculture practices and temporary financial assistance programs, the country can work to reduce unemployment rates while building stronger, more prosperous societies.


Through this discussion, we have addressed the issue of unemployment in Pakistan – its causes, consequences, and possible solutions. Unemployment remains a serious concern that threatens both its economy and society.

To address this issue effectively and sustainably, an integrated and collective effort involving government, businesses and individuals must be made. Some potential solutions include encouraging economic growth, supporting entrepreneurialism, improving education and skills training, encouraging foreign investment, supporting sustainable agriculture practices, as well as providing temporary financial aid for unemployed individuals. By taking these steps, Pakistan can work to reduce unemployment rates and build a more vibrant society. Achieve this goal will require long-term commitment and collaboration across sectors and groups; only by working together can we overcome unemployment’s challenges and create a brighter future for all.

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Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan (200 & 500 words)

Unemployment is a term used to describe the situation where a person who is able and willing to work cannot find a job. This can be due to various reasons, such as a lack of available jobs in the market, a mismatch between the job seeker’s skills and the job requirements, or economic downturns.

Unemployment is a major social and economic issue that can significantly impact individuals and communities, including financial hardship, reduced social participation, and decreased economic growth. Governments and organizations often implement policies and programs to address unemployment, such as job training and employment services, to help individuals find employment opportunities.

Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan 200 words

Unemployment is one of the most significant issues that Pakistan has been facing for several years now. It is a critical problem that needs immediate attention from the government and other concerned authorities. Unemployment occurs when people who are able and willing to work cannot find a suitable job that meets their requirements. It leads to problems such as poverty, social unrest, and low economic growth. This essay will discuss the causes and effects of unemployment in Pakistan.

There are several reasons for the high rate of unemployment in Pakistan. One of the leading causes is the population explosion. The rapid population growth has led to a significant increase in the number of people seeking employment. However, the job market has been unable to keep up with this increase, resulting in a surplus of workers and a shortage of jobs. Another cause of unemployment is the lack of education and skills. Many people in Pakistan do not have the qualifications and skills required for the jobs available in the market. This mismatch between the demand for skilled workers and the supply of qualified candidates leads to high levels of unemployment.

The effects of unemployment in Pakistan are far-reaching and devastating. The most apparent effect is its financial burden on the unemployed and their families. Unemployment leads to poverty, which can cause several social problems, such as crime, substance abuse, and domestic violence. Moreover, unemployment significantly impacts the country’s economic growth as it decreases consumer spending, which in turn affects businesses and industries.

To tackle the issue of unemployment in Pakistan, the government needs to take several measures. Firstly, the government should invest in education and training programs to improve the skills and qualifications of the workforce. This will lead to a better matching of supply and demand for labor, decreasing the unemployment rate. Secondly, the government should create more job opportunities in the country. This can be achieved by promoting entrepreneurship, attracting foreign investment, and encouraging the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In conclusion, unemployment is a severe problem affecting Pakistan’s economy and society. The government and other concerned authorities must take steps to address this issue. Investing in education and training programs and creating more job opportunities are some of the key measures that can be taken to reduce the unemployment rate in Pakistan. Only by taking a proactive approach to address unemployment can Pakistan hope to achieve sustainable economic growth and development.

Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan 500 words

Unemployment is a term used to describe the situation where a person who is able and willing to work cannot find a job. This can be due to various reasons, such as a lack of available jobs in the market, a mismatch between the job seeker’s skills and the job requirements, or economic downturns. Unemployment is a major social and economic issue that can significantly impact individuals and communities, including financial hardship, reduced social participation, and decreased economic growth. Governments and organizations often implement policies and programs to address unemployment, such as job training and employment services, to help individuals find employment opportunities.

Unemployment has been a persistent problem in Pakistan for many years, with a high rate of joblessness among the country’s workforce. The consequences of unemployment are severe, affecting not only the individuals who are out of work but also the country’s economy and society. This essay will discuss the causes and effects of unemployment in Pakistan, as well as measures that can be taken to address this critical issue.

The primary cause of unemployment in Pakistan is the population explosion, which has led to a significant increase in the number of people seeking employment. Pakistan’s population has grown alarmingly over the past few decades, increasing from around 34 million in 1950 to over 200 million in 2020. The job market has been unable to keep pace with this growth, resulting in a surplus of workers and a shortage of jobs. Another cause of unemployment is the workforce’s lack of education and skills. Many people in Pakistan do not have the qualifications and skills required for the jobs available in the market. This mismatch between the demand for skilled workers and the supply of qualified candidates leads to high levels of unemployment.

The effects of unemployment in Pakistan are severe and far-reaching. The most immediate effect is its financial burden on the unemployed and their families. Unemployment leads to poverty, which can cause several social problems, such as crime, substance abuse, and domestic violence. Moreover, unemployment significantly impacts the country’s economic growth by decreasing consumer spending, affecting businesses and industries. The government also suffers as revenue collection decreases and welfare expenditures increase.

To tackle the issue of unemployment in Pakistan, the government needs to take several measures. Firstly, the government should invest in education and training programs to improve the skills and qualifications of the workforce. This will lead to a better matching of supply and demand for labor, decreasing the unemployment rate. The government can also provide vocational and technical training to make the workers more skilled and employable. Secondly, the government should create more job opportunities in the country. This can be achieved by promoting entrepreneurship, attracting foreign investment, and encouraging the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. The government can also offer tax breaks and other incentives to encourage investment and create jobs.

In conclusion, unemployment is a critical problem affecting Pakistan’s economy and society. The government must proactively address this issue, including investing in education and training programs and creating more job opportunities. Only by taking a comprehensive and holistic approach to address unemployment can Pakistan hope to achieve sustainable economic growth and development. The country can create a more prosperous future for its people and contribute to the region’s overall development.

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Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Causes, Solution

Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Causes, Solution, The problem of unemployment on a vast scale, is a world phenomenon. It is not confined to Pakistan or developing countries alone but certainly, it is more serious and pronounced in developing and under-developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Pakistan is the largest country in terms of population and manpower but because of the lack of proper opportunities for employment, there is a huge waste of manpower. There are skilled, intelligent, and trained hands but there is no suitable job for them. Unemployment causes frustration, indiscipline, and crimes among people. Because of increasing unemployment, there is appalling poverty, social evils, and crimes. In Pakistan, the chronic problem of unemployment is widespread. There are thousands of men and women waiting for employment in cities and villages. There is huge unemployment among educated, trained, and skilled people.

Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Causes, Solution

This is a factual but sad commentary on our present education and training system and institutions. We need urgently a system of vocational education that is both competitive and make friendly. About 80 percent of educational institutions are under the government. Our schools and technical institutes do not equip the students properly to suit the market demands. The circular is outdated and sometimes even irrelevant. In this age of globalization, we need fundamental structural changes in our entire education system for improving the unemployment problem. In the final conclusion, education for its own sake is not desirable. It should be for employment and earning. As such, higher education in many cases is simply a waste of valuable resources which a developing country like Pakistan can hardly afford. The indiscriminate expansion of education at college and higher levels should be discouraged. It is important that more attention should be given to elementary and secondary education. In short, we can say that the problem of unemployment in Pakistan can only be reduced if the Pakistani government takes proper measures.

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U have mentioned two major reasons for unemployment, but discussed only one!!!

How to get complete essay.. Its too short.

ap buth acha kam kar rhy ho wish you best of luck

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Top 50 CSS Essay Topics in Pakistan for Exam Success: A Comprehensive List Covering Key Issues for National Development

 The CSS exam is one of the most competitive exams in Pakistan and requires a deep understanding of various topics to succeed. One of the most important components of this exam is the essay writing section. Candidates are required to write on a given topic within a specified time limit. Therefore, it is crucial to be well-prepared for this section.

To help candidates prepare for the essay writing section, we have compiled a list of the top 50 essay topics for the CSS exam in Pakistan. These topics cover a wide range of issues that are important for the development and progress of Pakistan. They include education, democracy, terrorism, foreign policy, healthcare, energy, and much more.

The first topic on the list is the importance of education in modern society. This topic is significant because education is the foundation of any society's progress. It explores the challenges and prospects of the education system in Pakistan and the role of education in shaping the country's future.

The second topic is the role of media in today's world. This topic is important because media is a powerful tool that can shape public opinion and influence decision-making. The essay can explore the impact of traditional and social media on society, its pros, and cons, and the responsibility of media in promoting social harmony.

The third topic is women empowerment in Pakistan. This topic highlights the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment in a society's development. The essay can explore the challenges and opportunities for women in Pakistan and the measures needed to promote their rights.

Other topics on the list include democracy and its challenges in Pakistan, terrorism and its impact on Pakistan's economy, climate change and its effects on Pakistan, corruption in Pakistan, the role of judiciary in Pakistan, economic challenges faced by Pakistan, and the significance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

  • Importance of education in modern society
  • Role of media in today's world
  • Women empowerment in Pakistan
  • Democracy and its challenges in Pakistan
  • Terrorism and its impact on Pakistan's economy
  • Climate change and its effects on Pakistan
  • Corruption in Pakistan
  • The role of judiciary in Pakistan
  • Economic challenges faced by Pakistan
  • The significance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
  • Role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The importance of the English language in Pakistan
  • Prospects and challenges of the Pakistani film industry
  • Pakistan's foreign policy challenges
  • The role of the youth in nation-building
  • Impact of globalization on Pakistan
  • Challenges faced by the agriculture sector in Pakistan
  • The importance of tourism for Pakistan's economy
  • Cybersecurity challenges in Pakistan
  • The importance of art and culture in Pakistan
  • Human rights issues in Pakistan
  • The role of civil society in Pakistan
  • Challenges faced by Pakistan's healthcare system
  • The role of NGOs in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's energy crisis
  • The importance of water conservation in Pakistan
  • The impact of social media on Pakistani society
  • Pakistan's relations with its neighboring countries
  • Education system in Pakistan: challenges and prospects
  • The role of sports in Pakistani society
  • Youth unemployment in Pakistan
  • Religious extremism in Pakistan
  • Population explosion in Pakistan
  • The role of science and technology in Pakistan's development
  • The future of democracy in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's space program and its potential
  • The role of Pakistani women in politics
  • Pakistan's defense strategy
  • The impact of the internet on Pakistani society
  • Cyberbullying in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's education emergency
  • The potential of renewable energy in Pakistan
  • The role of Pakistan in the war against terrorism
  • The impact of sectarianism on Pakistani society
  • The significance of Pakistan's coastal belt
  • The challenges of urbanization in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's cultural diversity and national unity
  • The impact of the Afghan conflict on Pakistan
  • The role of the police in Pakistan
  • The impact of inflation on the common man in Pakistan

In conclusion, the top 50 essay topics for the CSS exam in Pakistan cover a wide range of issues that are essential for the country's development and progress. Candidates should prepare well for these topics to succeed in the essay writing section of the CSS exam. They should be aware of the current issues and challenges in Pakistan and have a deep understanding of the country's history, culture, and society.

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Best Essay On Unemployment with Outline for Students

Unemployment in pakistan essay with outline for the students of b.a, bsc, bcom and bcs.

In this post, you will find an Essay on Unemployment with Outline for the students of B.A, BSC, Bcom and BCS. Here are 3 different examples of this essay with different difficulty levels. You can write the same essay under the title, Essay on Unemployment, Essay on Unemployment in Pakistan, Unemployment essay in Pakistan, unemployment in Pakistan essay. The 1st essay is an outstanding essay with 477 words.

Outline of Unemployment Essays

  • Unemployment is the mother of countless evils.
  • In Pakistan, we find increasing unemployment in different fields.
  • Overpopulation is a major cause of unemployment.
  • The slow economic and scientific progress is perhaps the greatest cause of unemployment.
  • The defective system of our education is also responsible for this serious problem.
  • To get rid of this problem, we have to develop our economy on modern lines.
  • Rapid industrialization can remove the dark clouds of unemployment.
  • Our government is trying to solve this problem as early as possible.

Unemployment means not having enough jobs to employ the unemployed. Unemployment is the mother of countless evils. It pollutes the society and wrecks the political fabric of the county. It turns the law-abiding and honest men into criminals and dacoits. It is difficult to expect truth, nobility and honesty from a person who cannot have two square meals a day, and who cannot provide a morsel of food or a dose of medicine to his sick wife or ailing children. A long spell of poverty and unemployment is a great menace to the state.

In Pakistan, we find increasing unemployment in different fields. Thousands of B.A’s and M.A’s are idle as they cannot even get the jobs of clerks. There are many causes of large scale unemployment.

First of all, the population of our country and other developing countries is rising fast. It becomes difficult to meet the needs of all the additional population. If the population goes on increasing at the present speed, all efforts of the government to provide employment and food for the public are bound to fail.

The slow economic and scientific progress is perhaps the greatest cause of unemployment. Because of sluggish industrial growth, there are not many large factories and industrial centres where labourers, skilled workers and fresh graduates can get employed.

The defective system of our education is also responsible for this serious problem. We neglect technical education. Our young men do not like physical labour. There are not enough desk jobs available in the country. As a result, unemployment prevails in society. Moreover, the decline of the cottage and small industries are also a cause of unemployment. The increasing demand of goods is also a cause of unemployment. The demand for locally made products has decreased. This thing has created a lot of problems not only for the government but also for the highly skilled artisans.

To get rid of this problem, we have to develop our economy on modern lines. Our agriculture system is backward. We must develop it with new techniques. Besides, we need to develop our cottage industries. These industries need less capital and more manpower.

Rapid industrialization can remove the dark clouds of unemployment. In rural areas, small-scale industries should be set-up.  The government should set up new factories in as many places as possible. Unemployed and skilled workers will be able to get employment in large number.

Our government is trying to solve this problem as early as possible. But in spite of all much more is needed. The concept of education should be changed. Planned limits. The government must create a powerful stimulus for foreign investors. The menace of unemployment cannot be overcome without effective planning. It is only after a long struggle that we can get rid of this evil.

2. Essay On Unemployment, Causes and Solution with Outline

  • Outline A World-wide problem.
  • In Pakistan, unemployment is at its highest peak.
  • A source of discontent.
  • Causes of large-scale unemployment.
  • A comprehensive plan is required to combat unemployment.

Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Unemployment is an economic term which shows an inability to find work for which one is suited by nature or attainments. It is a worldwide problem. Even rich and advanced countries like America, Britain and France suffer from unemployment. Its percentage varies according to the industrial and economic development of a country.

In Pakistan, unemployment is at its highest peak. All professions are over-crowded. A graduate is not welcomed in any office. There is no scope in the professions of medicine, engineering, law and education. Hundreds of qualified youngsters are wandering in search of jobs. Thousands of labourers and workers are jobless in cities and villages.

Unemployment is a social evil. It is a source of discontent, depression and anxiety for the educated as well as the uneducated people. Corruption, crime, unrest, sin and vices of all sorts prevail in a society where people are unemployed. It brings hunger, starvation, and disease. The frustrated youngsters are falling prey to violence, theft, terrorism, drugs-addiction, drug-trafficking and many other heinous crimes.

There are several causes of large-scale unemployment in Pakistan. Some are the following:

  • Our defective education system is responsible for the high rate of unemployment. It only produces young men who hate manual labour. They want to get only some white-collar job. This system does not meet the economic needs of the country.
  • The pace of economic development of the country is very slow. The mills and factories are unable to absorb all the jobless people. Moreover, ill-planned mechanisation and computer technology are also causing unemployment.
  • In our country, a few privileged persons control the whole economy. Most of them are uneducated and unskill. But, the educated young men have neither the capital nor the opportunities to try their luck in business.
  • The rapid growth of population is a major cause of unemployment. The resources of the country are not enough to maintain such a large population. The result is unemployment.

The large-scale unemployment is creating many social, economic, moral political and psychological problems in our society. Therefore, a comprehensive plan is required to combat unemployment. The education system should be reshaped to produce skilled manpower. the government should speed up the pace of economic development. Especially, the fields of energy telecommunication and transportation should be encouraged. The government should introduce self-employment schemes and set up small industries in rural and underdeveloped areas. Moreover, sincere and adequate steps should be taken to overcome the population explosion. The problem of unemployment cannot be eliminated entirely. However, it can be alleviated with devotion, sincerity and wisdom.

3. Easy Essay on Unemployment for Class 10, Class 12, FA, FSC, BA and BSC

A person who does not have work to earn his livelihood is called an unemployed person. Unemployment is a universal problem. Everybody faces it. Even developed countries like Britain and America face it. Unemployment exists at two levels in our country. There are uneducated people who have no source of income in this country. Unemployment also exists among educated people. This is very dangerous in its results.

Thousands of persons holding master’s degrees are out of job. There are numberless doctors, engineers and scientists who have degrees in their hands but they are unemployed. Even people with foreign qualification wander aimlessly in search of jobs. There are many thousands of unemployed labourers farm workers in villages and workers in cities who are daily breadwinners. Sometimes they do not get work for days and weeks together.

The causes of large-scale unemployment are many.

First, our system of education is defective. It does not fulfil our social and economic needs. It aims at producing clerks and peons instead of technicians and skilful workers. It needs scientists, technical hands and skilful workers. Our education produces young graduates who do not like to work with their hands. We must change our education and harness it to the economic needs of the country.

Secondly, our country is not much advanced in the industry. We have a few mills and factories. We cannot absorb jobless people in these factories and mills.

Thirdly, the industry of the country is controlled by a few privileged people. They do not let others share their experience and capital. If they make a little sacrifice, they can raise a network of industries in the country. The educated people have neither the opportunity nor the capital to set up an industry. The industrialists can give an incentive to the educated people to set up new factories and mills.

Fourthly, our population is increasing rapidly It is very difficult to provide jobs to such a large number of people. They go on increasing every year. Our country is underdeveloped and its sources are limited.

Large-scale unemployment has very bad effects on the progress of the country. Unemployed people do not take part in the development of the country. Moreover, the unemployed people in any society suffer from an inferiority complex. They suffer from the agony that they are worthless and good for nothing. Unemployment brings frustration and disappointment among the educated as well as the uneducated people. It brings in its wake hunger, starvation and disease. It produces a feeling of revolt among the unemployed.

Essay on Unemployment was previously in exams – P.U. 2002, P.U. 2007 B.Sc

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Essay on (CPEC) China Pakistan Economic Corridor for CSS & PMS


  • July 25, 2021
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an essay on (CPEC) China Pakistan Economic Corridor for CSS & PMS. China and Pakistan have agreed to build the One Belt One Road project more commonly known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to bring about both peace and prosperity in South Asia. Find below the complete Essay on CPEC.

Introduction Development of Gwadar Previous project: Silk Road Projects Under CPEC The Concept of One Belt and One Road Different Routes in CPEC Geostrategic location of Gwadar Challenges for Pakistan Internal Challenges External Challenges Counter Indian influence Economic Gains from this Project Removal of Social Problems due to CPEC Effects of the CPEC Projects Conclusion

Essay on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)


The CPEC is a 3,000-kilometre network of roads, railways, and pipelines to transport oil and gas from Gwadar Port to Kashgar city, northwestern China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China Daily reports. China and Pakistan have agreed to build the One Belt One Road project more commonly known as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is expected to bring about both peace and prosperity in South Asia. This corridor will link Kashgar in north-western China to Pakistan’s Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea near the border with Iran via roads, railways, and pipelines.

There are many internal and external challenges for the Pakistan government to implement this multi-dollars project. However, it is a game-changer project which will transforn1 the fate of Pakistan and will help Pakistan modernize. It will improve the economy and trade, enhance regional connectivity, overcome energy crises , develop infrastructure and establish people-to-people contacts in both countries.

Proposed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Pakistan in May 2013, the CPEC  will act as a bridge for the new Maritime Silk Route that envisages linking three billion people in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Development of Gwadar

The project links China’s strategy to develop its western region with Pakistan’s focus on boosting its economy, including the infrastructure construction of Gwadar Port, together with some energy cooperation and investment programs. It also involves road and railway construction including an upgrade of the 1300-km Karakoram Highway, the highest paved international road in the world which connects China and Pakistan across the Karakoram mountains.

The CPEC will reduce China’s routes of oil and gas imports from Africa and the Middle East by thousands of kilometers, making Gwadar a potentially vital link in China’s supply chain.

Previous project: Silk Road

With the support of China, Pakistan has gained significant importance not only in the region but the entire world. In recent years, both China and Pakistan have been making concerted efforts to revive the historic Silk Road which is one of the oldest known trade routes in the world and will provide a route for trade from Kashgar (China) to Gwadar (Pakistan). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor plan will help Pakistan to become one of the most strategically important countries in the region.

It will also provide an opportunity for China to build a naval base on Gwadar port that will increase the influence of China in the region and also counter US influence in the Asia-Pacific region. CBS News quoted some Western diplomats on the Pakistan-China partnership. According to  them, China’s increasing economic engagement with Pakistan should be seen in the context of Beijing’s “efforts to counter the US efforts to deepen alliances around the Asia-Pacific region.”

Projects Under CPEC

The “One Belt One Road” concept has international strategic importance. The One Belt One Road initiative covers countries and regions with a total population of 4.4 billion and a total economic the volume of US$ 21 trillion, 63 % and 29 %, respectively of the World.

According to the assessment of the Corridor, the plan is involved in laying the foundation for regional cooperation, improving economic growth, offering trade diversifications, investing in transportation, mining, and energy sectors, and creating political flexibility . It is a vision with world-changing implications, an unfolding plan that would weave much of Asia, Europe, Africa,  Oceania, and the Middle East much more closely together through a patchwork of diplomacy, new infi\structure, and free trade zones.

The “One Belt One Road” Project consists of three routes, southern, central, and northern route. The southern corridor begins from Guangzhou, which is the third-largest city of China in South Central China. This route moves towards western parts of China and connects Kashgar with Pakistan at Kunjarab – a point from where China wants to link to Gwadar port in the Arabian Sea. It is the shortest and the most feasible option for China.

The second Chinese option is the Central Corridor that starts from Shanghai and links the country to Tashkent, Tehran, and onwards to Bandar Imam Khomeini Port of Iran on the Persian Gulf. One of its branches goes up towards Europe. This is the longer route but could be an option if Pakistan does not deliver on the timelines of completing its road network to become a beneficiary of the New Silk Road Economic Belt. The third Chinese option is the Northern Corridor that starts from Beijing, passes through Russia, and links it to European cities.

The Concept of One Belt and One Road

Recognizing the fact that regional integration is an inevitable measure to meet the demands of the economically globalized world, the notion of the Silk Road was reformulated and rephrased by China in 2013 under ‘one road, one belt’ initiative, i.e., economic belt along the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road.

Pakistan is a significant partner for China as it links China to Central Asia, the Southern Asian region, and the Middle East, and its major deep-sea port Gwadar offers direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Both countries have been working on enhancing their coordination and strategic communication to safeguard common interests. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) represents a new model of Pakistan and China cooperation which will serve against the backdrop of complex and changing regional and international situations.

China and Pakistan have developed strong bilateral trade and economic ties and cooperation over the years. China has gradually emerged as Pakistan’s major trading partner both in terms of exports and imports. Bilateral trade and commercial links between the two countries were established in January 1963 when both signed the first bilateral long-term trade agreement. Both countries signed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on November 24, 2006, and implemented it from July 1, 2007. Later on, both signed the FTA on Trade in Services on February 21, 2009, which became active from October 10 that year.

CPEC is an under-construction mega-project that will achieve the political and economic objectives through trade and development and will also strengthen the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. This corridor will also be helpful in creating regional stability in South Asia.

Different Routes in CPEC

After completion of the corridor, it will function as a primary gateway for trade between China and Africa, and the Middle East. It is expected that this corridor will help cut the 12,000-kilometre the route which Middle East oil supplies must now take to reach the Chinese ports. This project will run through most of Pakistan starting from Gwadar in Balochistan and ending in Kashgar in western China while passing through parts of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces, and Gilgit-Baltistan in northern Pakistan to reach the Khunjrab Pass and beyond to China.

Pakistan has prepared a plan to construct three corridors after active consultation with the Chinese authorities; these are the eastern alignment, the central alignn1ent, and the western alignment.

Geostrategic location of Gwadar

The eastern alignment of the corridor originates from Gwadar, travels parallel to the Makran Coastal Highway eastwards (towards Karachi), and then after passing through parts of interior Sindh, and southern, central, and northern regions of Punjab, it reaches Islamabad. From Islamabad, it extends to Haripur, Abbottabad, and Mansehra districts of the relatively peaceful Hazara Division in KP this part of the corridor will also run through Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Jammu and Kashmir – and reaches Khunjrab after passing through Diamer and Gilgit areas in northern Pakistan.

The corridor will also run through the Pamir Plateau and Karakoram mountains. A link from Taxila through Peshawar and Torkhum will connect the eastern alignment of the corridor to Jalalabad in Afghanistan. Regional connectivity with India through the eastern alignment is designed to be provided through the Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas-Khokhrapar-Zero Point link and the Wagha border, Lahore.

Western alignment was the original alignment which the government says has been deferred until the eastern alignment of the corridor is completed. According to the western alignment plan, the economic corridor (highway and railway) starts from Gwadar and runs through some southern and eastern districts of Balochistan (Khuzdar and Dera Bugti, respectively), and some districts in south Punjab to reach D. I. Khan in KP.

From D. I. Khan, it further extends to Islamabad and Abbottabad, and from there onwards, the route is the same as in the eastern alignment. The western alignment will have an additional regional connectivity link to Afghanistan through Chaman and will connect with Iran through the Quetta-Kho-e-Taftan link.

Following are the challenges for Pakistan in fulfillment of CPEC.

Challenges for Pakistan

Pakistan faces several challenges in the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. These challenges can be identified as external and internal. The Vice Director General of Policy Research Office at the International Department of the Central Committee Communist Party of China, Dr. Luan Jianzhang is of the view that political unrest, the security situation, and administrative issues are some of the greatest challenges in the way of successful completion of the corridor.

The construction of the corridor has been defined by many as a strategic moment such that Pakistan has assumed the position of economic pivot for the whole region. This paradigm shift in circumstances is a cause of great worry for the enemies of Pakistan both within and outside. India, Israel, and the US are unhappy. For India, CPEC is a thorn in its paw. They have put their heads together to work out new strategies to block the project forward march. RAW has opened a special office in Delhi and has been allotted $300 million to disrupt CPEC. Already one can notice a sudden upsurge in the acts of terror in the three restive regions and activation of certain NGOs and think tanks all trying to air misgivings and create a fear psychosis.

Internal Challenges for Pakistan

In Pakistan, some political parties like ANP, Baloch nationalists, PkMAP raised serious objections to the CPEC project. Even PT! and JUI (F) showed inclinations to climb the bandwagon of anti-CPEC forces. Objections were being raised despite assurances by the government that this project will provide equal opportunities to all the provinces.

Security concerns have been the most critical challenge to the CPEC and both Pakistan and China have been trying to meet these. An arc of militancy stretches from Xinjiang to Gwadar consisting of groups like the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Daesh (ISIS), Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) and the militant wings of some political parties. Most of these groups may not have an enn1ity with China itself but rather intend to attack the Chinese interests like the  CPEC as a means to deal with the Pakistani state.

Gwadar is the tail of the Silk belt, which will connect at Kashgar through different communication networks. The security of the whole corridor and Gwadar is a real concern for China. After the military operation in different parts of Pakistan, the terrorist infrastructure still exists inside and outside of the borders which will continue to pose a threat.

The support of the American CIA, Israeli Mossad, and Indian RAW has continuously been assisting the militant groups and sub-nationalists in all the provinces to conduct subversive acts – and using terrorist elements in the whole country to threaten the Pak-Chinese plans of developing the CPEC. In the past few years, they kidnapped and killed many Chinese nationals in Pakistan despite Pakistan’s efforts to provide the best possible security.

The army has announced the creation of a 10,000 men special force for protecting the development projects. The new force, named the Special Security Division, will comprise nine army battalions and six wings of paramilitary forces, the Rangers and the Frontier Corps.

External Challenges for Pakistan

As an economic enterprise, for the CPEC, the greatest challenge comes from competitors. The most significant is the Iranian port of Chabahar. India intends to invest significantly ($85 million) in the development of Chabahar, which lies a few miles away from Gwadar and is part of its efforts for access to land-locked Afghanistan and Central Asia while bypassing rival Pakistan. Chabahar will effectively be a way station for energy imports coming from the Gulf region and destined for Afghanistan and Central Asia.

It will also be a gateway to the Middle East, and possibly Europe, for exports originating from Afghanistan and Central Asia. While the Chabahar project has not yet been started due to the ongoing talks on the Iranian nuclear issue, the Gwadar port has already become functional. However, there is no need for contention between these two ports. Iran has a stake in the CPEC through the proposal to link the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline with China, which has been described as a “common interest” between the three countries.

Counter Indian Influence

Indian involvement in Chabahar is linked to Pakistan’s refusal to allow India access to transit to and from Afghanistan, so India sees Iran as the next-best option. If Pakistan extends transit facilities to India, and then India may not be interested in building up Chabahar.

India is also not happy with the handing over of Gwadar Port development and its operations to China. There have long been reports that Delhi is fuelling insurgency in Balochistan, which is rich in oil and gas resources, but poor law and order conditions have halted work on exploration activities there. Experts believe the India-UAE nexus will try to fail the Gwadar Port development project and create hurdles in the way of exploration activities in Balochistan.

In recent years, India has been particularly active in engaging Central Asian states for the sake of pursuing energy deals. India can be easily accommodated via the CPEC itself through the eastern interface in Punjab and Sindh and transformed into a stakeholder in the success of both Gwadar and the CPEC.

The dice of connectivity loaded by China has left India confused and bewildered. India is also concerned about China’s huge investment in Pakistan, particularly its recent decision to fund for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. China is also helping Pakistan in producing plutonium at the Chinese-built Kyushu reactor and will also sell eight submarines worth $5 billion, which will give a quantum jump to Pak Navy’s sea capability.

Economic Gains from this Project

After the completion of CPEC, Pakistan may become a trade hub in the region after Gwadar Port starts functioning fully and duty-free economic zones are set up. Many Central Asian states have also expressed interest in becoming part of the corridor. This strategic partnership between Pakistan and China has upset India that openly voiced its opposition and even premier Narendra Modi pressed the president of China during his visit to Beijing to drop the plan of developing the corridor. However, China did not cave into the pressure and vowed to push ahead with work on the project.

With Chinese clout growing and Russia flexing muscles to regain control over Central Asia, India is struggling to make some headway and spread its sphere of influence in the region. Delhi has bet on Iran and Afghanistan to reach the Central Asian states via land route as Pakistan and China have control over many land links that provide access to the resource-rich region.

India hopes it will be able to reach Central Asia through the Iranian port of Chabahar and build a north-south corridor that will run to Afghanistan and eventually stretch to Central Asia.

Pakistan has been playing a significant role in South Asia. After the completion of the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor economic, commercial as well as geostrategic environment will improve in Pakistan. It will help Pakistan in dealing with the problems of poverty, unemployment, and inequities of undeveloped provinces.

During his meeting with President Xi Jinping, President Mamnoon  Hussain said, “the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor would prove to be a game-changer in the whole region by generating massive trade and economic activity and opening new vistas of progress and prosperity for the people of the two countries and about three billion people of the region” .

CPEC from all counts will prove a game-changer and will make China a real stakeholder in Pakistan’s stability and security. It is a win-win situation for both. It will greatly expand the scope for the sustainable and stable development of China’s economic development. Investments by China will boost Pakistan’s $274 billion GDP by over 15 %.

Corresponding progress and prosperity in Pakistan and China’s patronage will help Pakistan in getting rid of the decade-old labels of ‘epicenter of terrorism’, ‘most dangerous country, and a ‘failing state’.

Pakistan enjoys a more favorable financial situation compared to India by reducing its budget deficit to 4.7% of GDP in 2014 (as against India’s 7%) and Pakistan is both competitive and cheaper as an emerging market. China’s economic and military assistance will help Pakistan a great deal in narrowing its ever-widening gap in economic military-nuclear fields with India and in bettering its defense potential.

Ambassador of China to Pakistan Sun Weidong while talking about the corridor said that the setting up of energy, transport, infrastructure, and industrial projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would benefit all the provinces of Pakistan. He said that the CPEC was not limited to just a road but it will connect the country with a number of motorways and infrastructure projects.

He explained that infrastructure projects included Gwadar port, the second phase of the upgrading project of Karakoram Highway, motorway project between Karachi and Lahore, Thakot-Havelian motorway, Gwadar port expressway, Gwadar international airport, and Karachi-Sukkur motorway, adding further that the project will increase collaboration in areas of energy, finance,  commerce, banking, industry, and education.

Removal of Social Problem due to CPEC

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will help build a robust and stable economy in Pakistan and will create a significant opportunity for Pakistan to revive its industry and advance its economic interests. It will also help in overcoming the psychological barriers to flows of foreign investment from other sources. Despite its restrictive economic regime, over 150 private equity funds, foreign and domestic, are active in India.

Only three or four such funds are dedicated to investing government, with the participation of the private sector, to encourage foreign direct investment in Pakistan is indispensable. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said war phobia can also be defeated through economic development. Peace and prosperity can be achieved with economic advancement.

This project will go beyond regional ambits to bring about enormous changes not only to the national economies of the benefiting states but also to the economics of the people at the grassroots level.

Effects of CPEC Projects

CPEC is the crown jewel in the new Pakistan economic paradigm because Pakistan has the opportunity to act independently of the western influence especially the US influence as it has proved of late, an irritant factor. CPEC project will also bring an opportunity to Pakistan for normalization of ties with India, Iran, and Afghanistan which will keep balance, strengthen prospects of peace and improve the socio-economic status of the people of the region.

CPEC is a game-changer project which will lift millions of Pakistanis out of poverty and misery. The project embraces the construction of the textile garments, industrial park projects, construction of dams, the installation of nuclear reactors, and creating networks of road, railway lines that will generate employment, and people will also take ownership of these projects. Fully equipped hospitals, technical and vocational training institutes, water supply, and distribution in undeveloped areas will also improve the quality of life of people.

CPEC is not only the name of road, port, and railway system but a multi-dollars mega project which will bring peace and prosperity in all the provinces of Pakistan. The chairman of the Gwadar port, Dostain Khan Jamaldini said that the CPEC would not only benefit Balochistan but also prove beneficial for the country’s three other provinces.

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    Pakistan is not a poor country but its a poorly managed country. Military operations, bad governance and pathetic law and order situation leading this country towards record breaking unemployment. Foreign Direct Investment has flown and limited trade relations with neighbors has been created massive unemployment throughout the country.

  4. Energy Crisis in Pakistan

    Areeba Fatima, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the CSS essay "Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes, Ramifications, and Suggestions" on the given pattern, ... Pakistan's unemployment ratio has increased to 6.5 per cent in the fiscal year 2023. Thus, it depicts that the energy crisis has become one of the gravest challenges for ...

  5. CSS Forums

    Introduction: The problem of unemployment has all along been existed in Pakistan since its inception. It has occupied a centre in the country therefore, Pakistan's new generations suffers from this problem a lot. Causes behind the unemployment of youth. 1-there are no vacancies for youth in the market, it is already saturated. 2- Population ...

  6. seniors kindly check out my outline of unemployment

    [LIST=1] 1 Introduction 2 Factors behind make an unemployment in Pakistan herculean a Poor standard of education b High. CSS Forums Wednesday, February 15, 2023 11:06 AM (GMT +5) Home ... Rules; Syllabus; Past Papers; CSP Members : CSS Forums > CSS Compulsory Subjects > Essay: seniors kindly check out my outline of unemployment

  7. CSS Essays

    Illiteracy in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences. CSS & PMS Solved Essays | Illiteracy in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences Fahad Farooq, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the CSS &... Pakistan's #1 online CSS platforum is CPF. Find solved CSS past papers.

  8. Check my essay outline: Unemployment

    CSS Forums Wednesday, April 10, 2024 05:59 PM (GMT +5) Home; Beginner's Guide; Rules; Syllabus; Past Papers; ... Check my essay outline: Unemployment. TOPIC UNEMPLOYEMENT 1. UNEMPLOYMENT , ITS MEANING AND ORIGIN ... Pakistan. b) The Western World. 4. UNEMPLOYMENT, ITS ILL EFFECTS. a) Social.

  9. Unemployment in Pakistan

    Unemployment is a key concern that has long-term ramifications on Pakistan's economy and society, necessitating concerted action from government, businesses, and individuals to address it effectively. We will examine ways in which unemployment can be eradicated from Pakistan in this essay. Promote Economic Growth:

  10. Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan (200 & 500 words)

    The primary cause of unemployment in Pakistan is the population explosion, which has led to a significant increase in the number of people seeking employment. Pakistan's population has grown alarmingly over the past few decades, increasing from around 34 million in 1950 to over 200 million in 2020. The job market has been unable to keep pace ...

  11. CSS Essays

    CSS Essays, CSS Solved Essays, PMS Essays, PMS Solved Essays, CSS 2024, CSS 2025, PMS 2024, PMS 2025, Sir Syed Kazim Ali, ... Unemployment; Water Crisis; Women Related Issues; Pages. Home. About us. All Authors. All Courses. ... He is Pakistan's top CSS and PMS English essay and precis teacher with the highest success rate of his students ...

  12. 100 Must-Read Essays and CSS Solved Past Papers Questions

    CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers. 1. Discuss the Role of Regional and Nationalist Political Parties in Pakistani Politics. How Far these Parties are Necessary for the Political System. 2. Discuss the Federal Structure of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan after 18th amendment.

  13. Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Causes, Solution

    Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Causes, Solution. The two main and important reasons for this chronic and unmanageable unemployment problem are a rapidly ever-increasing population and a defective education system. With such a huge population, Pakistan finds it difficult to make any significant success in the areas of employment, alleviation ...

  14. CSS Prep Forum

    #CSS_Solved_Papers Write a comprehensive note on unemployment in Pakistan: Social, political, and economic impacts Unemployment has assumed the centre stage as the most crucial issue- overarching...

  15. Essay on Unemployment in Pakistan: Causes and Solutions

    Mar 18, 2024. 1. Unemployment is a pervasive issue in Pakistan, impacting individuals, families, and the overall economy. It occurs when people who are willing to work are unable to find ...

  16. CSS Forums

    Post 326755 - Comprehensive resource center for CSS competitive exam preparation in Pakistan, PCS Exam, PMS Exam, FPSC, CSS Books, CSS Academy, CSS Subjects selection, CSS 2005 Exam, CSS 2000 Past Papers, CSS 2001 Papers, 2003 Past Papers, 2004 Papers. Information about Civil Services Examinations in Pakistan and Information on Pakistan civil service.

  17. Top 50 CSS Essay Topics in Pakistan for Exam Success: A Comprehensive

    The impact of inflation on the common man in Pakistan; In conclusion, the top 50 essay topics for the CSS exam in Pakistan cover a wide range of issues that are essential for the country's development and progress. Candidates should prepare well for these topics to succeed in the essay writing section of the CSS exam.

  18. Best Essay On Unemployment with Outline for Students

    Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation. Unemployment is an economic term which shows an inability to find work for which one is suited by nature or attainments. It is a worldwide problem. Even rich and advanced countries like America, Britain and France suffer from unemployment.

  19. Economic Crisis of Pakistan Essay Outline.pdf

    The overall percentage was $0.20% earning. The economic progress of the country was $96.80%. This percentage fluctuates over time according to the economic and political conditions of Pakistan. In 2018 it changed to $77.60% and overall entire population earned $1.20%.

  20. Essay on (CPEC) China Pakistan Economic Corridor for CSS & PMS

    Essay on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Introduction. The CPEC is a 3,000-kilometre network of roads, railways, and pipelines to transport oil and gas from Gwadar Port to Kashgar city, northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China Daily reports. China and Pakistan have agreed to build the One Belt One Road project more ...

  21. CSS Solved Essays

    CSS 2024 Solved Essay | BRICS and Pakistan: Prospects of Recovery Maryam Aqsa, a Sir Syed Kazim Ali student, has attempted the CSS 2024 Solved... CPF. July 24, 2024. CSS, CSS Solved Essays. 3970 Views. Being a Minority is a Fate No One wants.

  22. CSS Blogs

    #CSS_Solved_Papers Write a comprehensive note on unemployment in Pakistan: Social, political, and economic impacts Unemployment has assumed the centre stage as the most crucial issue- overarching...

  23. Major Education Problems in Pakistan and Solutions (CSS Essay ...

    The document discusses major problems with Pakistan's education system and potential solutions. It outlines 7 key problems: 1) an unequal education system divided along public/private lines, 2) regional disparities, 3) gender discrimination with far fewer girls in school, 4) a lack of technical education, 5) insufficient education funding, 6) untrained teachers, and 7) poverty preventing ...