178 Best Research Titles About Cookery & Food

You will see that food is the main focus of our lives. We discuss it all the way: planning our next meal, recalling delicious meals we’ve had, and even watching cooking shows.

It is also the most important industry, after other ones like food and cooking. There are many career options for those who love cooking. The custom-writing.org team has compiled a list of 178 food topics that are worth exploring. Students looking for a food-related paper can find them helpful.

How do you choose an interesting topic for food research?

Here’s a brief guide to help you decide what topic you should research.

It is important to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research is about gathering and analysing numerical data. Qualitative research, on the other side, seeks to understand how people think and act.

You can use both to begin exciting research. This article will help you avoid wasting your time searching for the perfect topic.

Below are some food-related topics you could use to create a research paper. You have two options: choose one or all of them.

Quantitative research titles about cooking & food

It’s easy to start writing your first step. Simply choose a title of quantitative research on cookery in the following list.

– The global impact of the creation of the Best Cooking Schools

– The job market for cooking schools. This chart shows you how many cooking schools are available in France. You can also see which chefs are actively looking for jobs. It is obvious that the number and quality of schools have an impact on the employment market.

– Statistics analysis of protein foods preservation. This topic can be chosen from any protein food in any region of the globe. It might prove difficult to gather the data. It is possible to look for something locally.

– Quantitative analysis on the most common food preservation techniques. This quantitative research title on food should again be focused on specific foods and locations. It could be, for example, how frequently people use a certain fish preservation technique.

– Vegan vs. non-vegan customers: statistical analysis. The number of people that don’t eat animals is growing each year. Comparing data from different periods will show the trend. Compare the vegans with the rest of your customers.

WHO: The effect of fast food development and obesity

– Obesity. There are new fast food chains popping up all over the world that don’t promote healthy living. This chart shows the relationship between obesity and fast-food restaurant numbers in recent years.

– Caffeine in different drinks: quantitative analysis.

– The effects of plastic preservation on food quality

– An evaluation of beauty standards and eating disorders: A quantitative analysis.

– A relationship between climate and diet.

– Quantitative Analysis of Nutrition and Bone Density

– The effects of fast-service restaurants on speed of living

– Salmonella cases in port cities: a quantitative evaluation.

– Statistics Analysis of the Fats Children and Adults Need:

– The correlation between organic foods and good health.

– The impact of visual representations of dishes on customers’ reviews.

Qualitative research titles about cooking & food

This list contains a number of quality research titles on cooking that will appeal to those who prefer a qualitative approach.

Historical analysis of carrot cake. This simple yet delicious dessert is so beloved. Carrots were substituted for sweeteners because there was no other option. It might be exciting to dig deep and analyze the history of the recipe’s development.

Study on health effects of turmeric in Indian food: The best book on cookery research! It raises the question about medical cooking. The East has used turmeric and other spices to increase their immunity system for centuries.

– India’s Food Safety Regulations: A Qualitative Research. India is back! It’s because of the controversial issue of hygiene in this country. How can food safety be regulated in a country where people live side-by-side with cows?

California wine history. This is a great topic for wine enthusiasts! California is the largest supplier of wine in America, and it is well-known all over the globe. What makes California wine so special? Take a look at the history of California wine.

– Drinking, Judaism and Ethnographic Research. Jews have a very different view of alcohol. The rituals of Jewish life include wine. Overdosing (or alcoholism) can be a problem. To find out more, you could conduct ethnographic research.

Ethnographic research on tea ceremonies in Japan.

– Historical analysis of Chinese Tea.

– Why do people prefer organic milk: qualitative research?

– Canning meat and preserving it: A case report.

Qualitative Analysis of Natural Nutritional Supplements

French chocolate: A historical analysis

– Caffeine dependence and Italian ethnographic research.

– Is the caffeine in tea and coffee the same?

Vegetarianism is a new trend?

Food regulations: A case study on food allergens

Explore topics related to cooking & food

The field of food and cookery covers many topics. This collection includes research titles that cover all aspects of culinary, including food preservation and food poisoning.

– Food law and food adulteration. In order to increase the quantity of food, food producers may add certain substances. This can affect the safety and quality of food. The above example of a research title about food may be too general.

– The best method to detect adulterated food. Some adulterated foods still make it onto the market, even though the law cannot control them all. Thus, there are methods to identify it. It is possible to look at the advanced lab methods or learn how you can test the products at your home.

– The US health movement’s growth. The 19th-century is the year that saw the birth of first healthy movements. You can learn more about how and when it started. Also, find out the top healthy diets. You can also ask modern dietitians their opinions on these trends.

– Vegetarianism – When is it good or bad? It is amazing how vegetarians’ lives have changed. Some people claim their bodies cannot function without meat. Does it really matter if a vegetarian diet isn’t for everyone? It is important to get objective research done by professionals.

– Interval Fasting: A modern cure. Fasting has become a popular trend on social media. Many users claim that fasting has helped them to disappear from certain illnesses. It isn’t supported by enough research.

Is tea addictive? It is common to think that alcohol is the most addictive drink. It is not known that both black and green teas contain caffeine. This is why tea isn’t an addiction.

The truth about milk and calcium deficiency. We were taught that milk is essential for a healthy diet. Our belief is that dairy deficiency can result in calcium deficiency. This belief has been refuted by studies.

– Calcium sources to dairy allergic persons. Some people react to dairy products even though they are vegan. These cases raise questions about calcium sources. This is a topic that college students can research to expand their knowledge in nutrition and cooking.

Myths and facts about cholesterol. Cholesterol is actually good for you. Although high cholesterol can lead to heart disease, it is true that not enough cholesterol can cause serious health problems. Both good and bad cholesterol serve different purposes.

– Sugar vs. sweeteners: health effects It might be true that sweeteners are healthier than sugar. Not all sweeteners are good for you. This topic requires a lot data analysis.

What are the latest innovations in food labeling? Consumers are more conscious of the foods they eat. Specific requirements dictate that labeling systems must be accurate and clear. To demonstrate the effect of each innovation, you can walk through them.

– This is the best way to reduce food waste. It is easy to see the uneven distribution of food in the world. There are some countries that are experiencing famine while others throw away large amounts of food leftovers. This topic is of paramount importance.

– Food safety: workplace sanitation guidelines. It is possible to compare how different countries’ workplace sanitation guidelines are. It is worthwhile to search for the best regulations to keep food safety at its highest levels.

Long-term effects of the ketogenic or long-term diet (keto). Recent years have shown that the keto diet is the best diet for weight loss. Keto, a low-carb, high fat diet, can help you gain more energy by switching to ketosis. But what about long-term effects?

– School meals in different states (countries): compare & contrast. School meals should be tasty and nutritious. You can look at the menus of schools in the US and around the world. Compare the nutritional content of the different meals.

– What foods can lead to abdominal obesity

– Nuts and food sensitivities in children

– The issues and eco-friendly packaging.

– Antioxidant-rich foods in Africa.

– African superfoods and medical foods.

– Superfood properties: Spirulina

– Anti-inflammatory oils and nuts

– Olive oil’s characteristics during frying

– Saturated fat issue: Which oils are best for deep frying?

– Which cheeses can you use to make fondue.

Fondue history analysis

– Alaska natives diet.

Is skipping breakfast healthy?

– Women’s health is at stake when they drink coffee for breakfast.

To treat certain diseases, a low-glycemic diet is recommended.

– Make school lunches more nutritious and affordable

How does the different wood used for smoking impact the flavor of meat?

How to properly use wine in French cooking

– Garlic, onions and Ayurveda: Ayurveda point.

Teens can eat vegetarianism.

Why should diabetics avoid mass-produced sauces?

Genetically modified foods: dispelling myths

– Practicing nutritious dietary habits

Italian cuisine: Matching wine with meals

Are fruits high in carbohydrates?

– Diet routine analysis

Why is fruit best eaten alone?

– Diets: The root cause of bingeing

– Health food: the effects of a vegetarian diet

– The effect of reheating food properties

The world’s most popular Thanksgiving dinner recipe.

Caesar salad: Historical analysis

– Pressure baking: Home cooking

– Types of Italian Pasta

How to make meat substitutes with soy?

Poaching eggs is an art form.

Historical analysis of Benedict eggs

– Food security and nutrition in remote and Aboriginal communities in Australia

How to eat eggs: Royale vs. Florentine

Is it possible to replace meat protein with beans?

– Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today.

– Street food that is healthy in the United States

– What affects the taste of airline meals?

– Food Additives

– Why are cereals being replaced by breakfast?

– Indian food is diverse.

– Low calorie diet & life longevity.

– The effect of freezing dough on its quality

– A historical analysis: How has Asian hotpots become so popular in America?

– Historical analysis: Where curry got its start.

– The United Kingdom’s Binge Drinking.

– The evolution in dairy products consumption over the past decade.

– Italian Chefs’ Overview: What is the best ingredient in Margherita Pizza?

– Why people continue to eat scorpions from China.

– Low-calorie food, can it still be delicious?

– The effect of the size of the meal on our hunger levels

– Jamaican influences in British cuisine

Baking Research Paper Topics & Ideas

Let’s go one step further! We all eat bread and pastry every day. Baking research papers are therefore always relevant.

– High temperatures and bread dough. The quality of future bread is affected by the ambient temperature as well as the ingredients. To find the perfect combination, bakers experiment with different humidity levels and temperatures. Dough making can be more difficult than you might think.

– Starch and baking: What is its importance? This topic is likely to be the most important in baking research. This would require you to investigate how starch is used for baking. However, it might be easier to focus on one type or starch.

Egg protein is necessary for baking. Vegans are becoming more popular. They see no problem in substituting animal products for plant-based ones in baking. Flaxseed is used to replace eggs. How does this impact the final product’s taste and quality?

– How to reduce salt in bread: Health vs. Production Food standards forbid salting bread because it is an integral part of many people’s daily diet. Producers are concerned about the impact salt has on the consistency and quality of the dough.

Clostridium botulinum, baking. It is a topic of recent interest in pastry and bread research. Manufacturers worry that this bacteria could become a problem. Research in anaerobic and aerobic conditions is necessary to prevent this from happening.

– New enzymes for processed foods

– Indian buttermilk is used in baking.

– Use brown butter instead of regular butter when baking.

– Baked desserts that are both sweet and savory.

A new trend in cake is Ruby chocolate

Matcha is used in Japanese pastry.

What do the different flours have to do with the cake’s quality? Compare Stevia and Sugar: A comparison.

– Kefir can be used in baked goods

– Food allergies and gluten-free flours

– Why is sugar in packed cakes so expensive?

How does carob in Greece bake?

– Mini pastries are a hot party trend.

Is it safe to bake with Coca Cola?

Electric oven vs. Gas oven: The Effect on Baked Products

Research Topics on Food Industry

Food industry is a huge global enterprise that provides food for people around the globe. It encompasses all businesses involved in the production of food. Private farming is not included in this industry. This industry includes all aspects of food production and distribution. This industry encompasses everything related to food production and distribution, finance, and financial management.

Any topic mentioned above could be used to research the food industry. Two subcategories are great for research on the cookery strand, fast food and restaurants.

Fast Food Research Question

These questions about fast food are relevant like never before. Fast food is becoming more popular because people don’t like waiting too long for their food.

How can fast-food restaurants conceal calories? People would prefer to eat fast food that is lower in calories, as they are looking for healthier options. Restaurants lie about calories. Hidden calories can also be found in salad dressings.

The Truth About Vegan Options in Fast-Food Chains Some of the biggest fast-food restaurants offer vegan and vegetarian options. What about vegans? Can vegan restaurants make nuggets or patties without frying meat? This is a top topic in cookery research.

– How fast-food companies have gained so much popularity. This is one of the most controversial fast-food questions you can ask for research papers. They are very effective in their marketing strategies. But you should also look at the ingredients used in fast food.

– The link between obesity and fast-food access. Healthy food is increasingly seen as a luxury rather than an option. It’s easier and cheaper to buy fast food such as a burger, pizza or other quick meals than it is to eat healthy, such as a salad. You can find out if fast food is preferred due to the cost.

– Fast food has become a major part of American life. Each nation has tried to create quick and affordable meals at one time or another. But it was the US that launched the global expansion of fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King.

– Childhood obesity and fast food

– What does fast food advertising look like?

– The harmful effects of fast foods

What are the worst ingredients in fast-food burgers?

– How fast is fast food cooking?

– Fast Food in Healthcare Institutions

Monopoly or Monopolistic Competition in Fast Food Industry

– Should American Schools Ban Fast Food?

How to Avoid Junk Food

– How have fast foods changed America’s food culture?

– Fast food’s most dangerous preservatives.

– Long-term health effects of fast food consumption

– What will the future trend be?

– An overview of US fast-food restaurants that are healthy:

Power bowls: A new trend in fast food?

– Fast Food: The Difference Between Reality and Advertising

Self-service kiosks in fast-food outlets

– The Impossible Meat in Fast Food Restaurants

Search Titles About Restaurants

Restaurant industry is the most closely associated with food. This makes it a wonderful area to pursue a career.

How can restaurants create balanced menus that are plant-based? Vegetarianism again! It is the most popular trend in recent years. This article should cover all details regarding how restaurants should approach balanced vegetarian and vegan meals.

– Sustainable packaging & restaurants. People are more conscious of environmental issues and are demanding more. Restaurants should keep up to date with eco-friendly packaging and be aware of current trends. This is a great topic for college students.

– How can restaurants handle delivery? Time is valuable. Delivery is the best option as customers don’t want wait for their orders. Restaurant chefs must manage both walk-in and delivery customers simultaneously. Consider the best management methods.

– The US is a leader in global cuisine development This research title is about international cuisine. A boring diet of the same food all day can make you feel drained, so it’s worth trying different cuisines. But how was this possible?

Hyperlocal food in restaurants. The new trend in sustainable living is hyperlocal food. The topic could be the subject of a research paper. It is possible to research the impact that local restaurants can have on society.

– Restaurant industry: smaller plates trend.

How do restaurants create wine-themed menus?

Restaurant staff turnover: Causes and effects

Restaurant atmosphere: Is it important?

– International Hotel Menu Standards.

– Zero-waste restaurants are on the rise

Technology trends in restaurants

How can restaurants reduce turnover?

– All-day breakfast benefits for businesses

– Examples of healthy menu options for children.

How can restaurant staff manage Big 8 allergens

Seasonal restaurants offer many benefits.

– Start your business by using the “foodhalls” method.

Transparency for customers – Transparent windows

– Use microgreens and local herbs to create your own menu.

– How robots are used within the restaurant industry

What are 10 recent studies concerning food?

You can also find the top 10 questions about food in your paper.

Warum are plant-based diets growing in popularity?

– What is the healthiest substitute for sugar?

– What are some of the benefits of the macrobiotic lifestyle?

Plastic food packaging can be banned

How to add umami to your cooking

– How does the ratio of ingredients impact the texture of baked goods?

– What properties are CBD-infused foods?

– Which plant milk is best for baking?

– What is the origin of the steaming idea?

– Why is it that people continue to eat fast food?

These are just a few of the many topics that food research can cover. There is bound to be a question that you feel is worthwhile. You can narrow down the topic even if it has already been researched. Your paper could be more focused if you only focus on a specific country or region.

The main topics of cookery, food, and cooking have been covered. You will find many topics about food processing as well as the history behind some dishes. Next, we moved on to the bakery industry. Next, we moved onto the most important topics in today’s fast-paced world of fast-food restaurants and fast-food. We concluded the list by naming the top ten research questions that will help you get inspired to begin your research.

All topics are open to modification. This game has no rules! There are no rules if the assignment says so.


Freya McCarthy is an educational blogger and volunteer who helps improve education in developing countries. She has worked in education for over 10 years, most recently as a teacher in a primary school in India. Freya has a degree in education from the University of Wales and has worked in a number of different educational settings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family.

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Culinary and Food Research Topics: 100 Tasty Ideas for Students

The world of food is intriguing because of how it permeates every aspect of our life. In today’s fast-paced digital world, processed and fast food have risen to become the dominant options in the culinary scene.

The convenience of these choices is appealing, but they have also raised some health concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to look into food research paper topics. Research in this area is very important for a variety of reasons, including ensuring food safety, understanding the effects of the food industry, and discovering new sources of healthy food.

Here, we explore the varied world of food to provide you with some interesting research paper topics on this fascinating subject.

Food Research Paper Topics on Nutrition

Understanding the effects of food on our health requires extensive research on nutrition-related subjects. Included in the broad category of food research paper topics are issues like food safety, fast food, organic food, and even the food industry.

Exploring this topic via study helps us learn more about healthy food options, food science, and dietary practices. In addition, Edusson writing service can offer professionally written research papers on these subjects, with reliable sources and organized analysis.

  • The Role of Dietary Fiber in Preventing Chronic Diseases.
  • The Impact of Fast Food Restaurants on Eating Habits and Nutritional Intake Across Age Groups.
  • Prevalence and Causes of Food Allergies in the Modern Population.
  • Fast Food Intake and the Risk of Obesity and Chronic Diseases.
  • Nutritional Education on Food Choices and Dietary Habits.
  • Effects of Food Poisoning Outbreaks on Consumer Trust in the Fast Food Industry.
  • Factors Influencing Food Safety Practices in Fast Food Establishments.
  • Investigating the Impact of Organic Foods on Human Nutrition
  • Organic Food Versus Conventionally Grown Food in Terms of Nutritional Value.
  • Relationship Between Junk Food Consumption and Mental Health Outcomes.

Research Paper Topics on Food Safety and Quality Control

Topics for food research papers on food safety and quality control are very important for resolving issues in the food industry, as a whole. These discussions dive into food science and other related fields to find solutions to problems with food quality and safety.

A safer food system and greater public health are the direct results of research paper efforts to identify potential risks, and strengthen relevant laws. Listed below are some suggestions for research paper topics on the subjects of Food Safety and Quality Control:

  • Investigating the Relationship Between Food Allergies and Food Safety Measures.
  • Junk Food Intake on Food Safety Standards.
  • Quality Control Systems in the Food Industry.
  • The Role of Food Science in Enhancing Food Safety and Quality.
  • Nutritional Profile and Safety of Fast Foods.
  • Food Safety Regulations on the Fast Food Sector.
  • Food Safety Measures and Waste Reduction.
  • Food Safety and Quality Control in Preventing Foodborne Illnesses.
  • Consumer Perceptions of Organic Foods and Food Safety.
  • Food Safety Practices and Food Industry Sustainability.

Culinary Traditions and cultural heritage

Food research paper topics on culinary traditions and cultural heritage include a society’s history, values, and identity via food customs and recipes. Culinary research paper topics are important because they show how food has influenced different civilizations and foster understanding.

Fast food’s health impacts, food science, human nutrition, and overlooked regional cuisines are research paper topics in this area. Explore the paper topics samples below to help spark ideas for your next research paper:

  • Culinary Traditions in Preserving Cultural Identity.
  • Rediscovering Forgotten Culinary Traditions.
  • Traditional Diets and Nutrition.
  • Protecting Culinary Traditions and Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Diaspora Food Traditions: Migrant Food Practices.
  • Cultural Appropriation vs. Culinary Appreciation.
  • From Antiquity to the Present: A History of Food and Cooking.
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culinary Traditions
  • Impact of Colonial Powers on Indigenous Food Practices.
  • Culinary Traditions and Generational Shifts: Examining Age-Related Food Preferences and Preparation Methods.

Food Systems and Policy

The terms food systems and food policies refer to the intricate webs of relationships and rules that shape the food supply chain from farm to fork. Writing about food topics for research paper is important for a number of reasons. It aids policymakers in their quest for long-term, equitable answers to problems including fast food, junk food, food poisoning, and food science. Investigating food research paper topics in this field can  help us encourage constructive improvements to our food systems.

  • Food Systems and Policies in Addressing Food Insecurity and Hunger.
  • Organic Food Policies and Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Conservation.
  • The Role of Government Regulations in Reducing Food Wastage Throughout the Supply Chain.
  • Food Systems and the Promotion of Human Nutrition and Well-Being.
  • Suggested Policies to Tackle Food Addiction and the Unhealthy Consumption of Junk Foods.
  • Economic Implications of Organic Food Production and Marketing.
  • Psychological Factors Contributing to Food Addiction and Its Implications for Policy.
  • Possible Policies on Food Technologies on the Quality and Safety of Processed Foods.
  • Agricultural Subsidies on Food Security and Sustainability.
  • Social and Economic Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the Food System.

Culinary Innovations

Innovations in the kitchen are major steps forward for the food industry. They feature deviations from conventional cooking in the ways of method, ingredients, and presentation. Researching food related topics in this field is essential for making advances in fast food, the culinary arts, and other related fields. Improved food quality, sustainability, and health are all possible outcomes of selecting a food research paper topic in this field.

Exploring food research paper topics in this field helps us find ways to improve our diets and have more enjoyable dining experiences. Here are some examples of culinary arts research paper topics to get you thinking about your own research topic about food;

  • Culinary Innovations and Healthy Fast Foods
  • Plant-Based and Vegan Culinary Innovations: A Growing Trend in The Food Industry
  • Culinary Innovations on Fast Food Employee Training and Skill Development
  • Role of Molecular Gastronomy in Culinary Innovations
  • Sustainability and Culinary Innovations: Exploring Eco-Friendly Food Production
  • Culinary Innovations in Food Packaging and Preservation
  • Role of Food Science in Culinary Innovations: From Molecules to Dishes
  • Social and Environmental Implications of Culinary Innovations in Fast Food Industry
  • Culinary Innovations in Food Education
  • Nutritional Implications of Culinary Innovations in Fast Food Menu Items

Food and psychology, consumer behavior

The interesting relationship between food and our minds is explored in food research topics on psychology and consumer behavior. This research examines mental, emotional, and sensory variables that influence human diets, such as the media’s effect on fast food intake.

Food related research topics in this discipline aim to understand consumer behavior and create effective ways to promote healthier eating choices. The effects of social media on eating habits and the psychology of food cravings are among the many food research paper topics available.

  • Fast Food Packaging Design on Consumer Perception and Purchase Behavior.
  • Sensory Marketing and Its Influence on Food Choices and Consumer Behavior.
  • Psychological Factors that Drive Food Intake During Times of Stress.
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Food Choices and Eating Behaviors.
  • Food Advertising and Its Effects on Children’s Food Preferences and Consumption Patterns.
  • Food Neophobia in Shaping Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors Towards New Food Products.
  • Understanding Its Influence on Dietary Choices and Well-Being.
  • Food Imagery and Visual Cues in Shaping Consumer Perceptions and Preferences.
  • The Effects of Different Labeling Strategies on Consumer Behavior.
  • Mood and Emotions in Food-Related Decision-Making and Consumption Behaviors.

Research Topics on Food Science

Among the many things that go under the umbrella of food science topics are nutritional analysis, sensory assessment, and various methods of safety and preservation of food. Improving food quality, addressing new issues, and creating novel solutions all need more study in this field.

If you’re interested in making a significant contribution to the development of food science, consulting a research paper guide might be a great resource for doing so. The following are some examples of potential food science research topics:

  • Food Processing Techniques on Nutrient Retention and Bioavailability.
  • Exploring the Potential Health Benefits of Functional Foods Fortified with Probiotics.
  • Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods.
  • Role of Antioxidants in Preventing Food Deterioration and Extending Product Shelf Life.
  • Fast Food Production Practices on Food Safety and Microbial Contamination.
  • Potential of Plant-Based Proteins as a Sustainable Alternative to Animal-Based Proteins.
  • Nutritional Composition and Health Benefits of Traditional Fermented Foods.
  • The Role of Food Additives in the Development of Food Allergies and Intolerances
  • Food Storage Conditions and the Formation of Harmful Substances, Such as Acrylamide and Aflatoxins
  • Fast Food Packaging Materials and The Migration of Harmful Chemicals Into Food Products

Argumentative Food Research Topics

In the realm of argumentative food research, a wide variety of controversial food topics are examined and argued. This field lays the groundwork for food argumentative essay ideas, allowing us to dive into the nuances of food-related problems and examine their effects on people, the planet, and agriculture.

Delving into argumentative essay topics about food, allows us to learn more about the pros and cons of various dietary options. Our selection of theme ideas might assist, whether you’re looking for fast food argumentative essay topics or more traditional food arguments topics.

  • Should Genetically Modified Crops Be Embraced or Banned? Assessing the Implications for Agriculture and Food Security.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Human Health: Examining the Evidence and Debunking Misconceptions
  • Sugar Consumption on Obesity and Chronic Diseases: Is Sugar the Main Culprit?
  • Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Evaluating the Environmental and Health Implications
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Meat Consumption: Is a Plant-Based Diet Superior?
  • Fast Food Chains and the Global Obesity Epidemic: Is Regulation the Solution?
  • Are Food Allergens Safe and Health?
  • Is the Western Diet Responsible for The Rise in Chronic Diseases? Investigating the Link Between Diet and Health Conditions.
  • Should Food Education Be a Mandatory Part of the School Curriculum? Assessing the Importance of Nutrition Knowledge for Children.
  • Is There a Connection Between Food Insecurity and Obesity? Investigating the Paradoxical Relationship and Potential Solutions.

Interesting Food Research Paper Topics for College/University Projects

There is a plethora of interesting food topics available in the realm of food research, making it ideal for use in academic writing. Students that are interested in nutrition, food science, sustainability, and the culinary arts can find many food topics to research to investigate.

To better understand food-related concerns, boost public health, and tackle global difficulties like food security, research topics about food are crucial. Buying research papers for sale might be helpful for students looking for both speed and quality. It helps them save time, gives them access to articles produced by experts, and provides useful information that may direct their own studies.

  • Relationship between Dietary Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors.
  • Cultural and Social Significance of Traditional Foods in Different Ethnic Communities.
  • Impact of Climate Change on Food Production and Global Food Security.
  • Relationship between Food Allergies and the Gut Microbiome.
  • School-based Nutrition Interventions on Students’ Dietary Behaviors and Academic Performance.
  • Relationship between Food Wastage and Environmental Sustainability.
  • Genetic Engineering in Food Production: Benefits, Risks, and Ethical Considerations.
  • Potential Health Benefits of Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.
  • Food Additives and Human Health.
  • Safety and Efficacy of Novel Food Ingredients and Food Supplements.

Food Sustainability and Waste Reduction

The food industry is an important framework in which to consider the themes of food sustainability and waste reduction. They are concerned with the sustainability of our food system, including its production, distribution, and consumption.

Researching the problems associated with fast food and related themes, such as fast food research topics or fast food essay topics, is crucial. We can reduce food waste, save resources, and build a more resilient food system for future generations if we work together to find new ways to do things and get the word out.

  • Analyzing the Role of Technology in Reducing Food Wastage.
  • Organic Farming and How It Fosters Reducing Food Wastage.
  • Packaging Design and Minimizing Food Wastage.
  • Promoting Sustainable Diets for Reducing Environmental Impact.
  • The Impact of Food Wastage on Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
  • Economic Implications of Food Waste Reduction.
  • Potential of Edible Food Packaging Materials.
  • Sustainable Approaches to Managing Food Surplus.
  • Sustainable Strategies for Reducing Food Loss During Transportation.
  • The Efficiency of Composting Systems for Food Management.

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150+ Food Research Paper Topics Ideas for Students

Green and White Illustrative Food Research Topics

When writing a research paper on food, there are many angles to explore to choose great research topics about food. You can write argumentative essay topics on food processing methods or search for social media research topics . Moreover, the food industry is advancing, and food styles are changing – another inspiration for an outstanding research topic about food. In other words, if you are looking for your ideal topic for food research , there are many places to look.

How to Choose the “Ideal” Food Research Topics

150+ ideas of experimental research titles about food, research title about food processing.

  • Interesting Research Topics on Fast Food

Research Title about Food Industry

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Nevertheless, it can be hard to decipher what characterizes a good example of a thesis title for food. Hence, this article will briefly explain what factors to look for in a research title about food so-to-speak. Then, we will provide up to 150 food topics you can explore.

Personal interest is a vital factor to consider when sourcing the best thesis title about food . If you’re choosing a research title about cookery, you want to ensure it is something you’re interested in. If you’re unsure where your interest lies, you can check out social issues research topics .

Also, the availability of information on the topic of food is important in any research, whether it’s a thesis statement about social media or nutrition topics . Furthermore, choose several food topics to have options if one thesis about food doesn’t work out. Last but not least, ensure your chosen topic about food is neither too broad nor too narrow.

If you are unsure what title about food to work on for your research paper, here we are. Below are some of the best examples of thesis titles or professional thesis writers about food for students and researchers.

  • Plant sterols in treating high cholesterol
  • Is skipping breakfast healthy?
  • Macrobiotic diet: advantages
  • Food trendmakers
  • Chocolates and emotions: the connection
  • Are trans fats carcinogenic?
  • Does green tea burn calories?
  • Humble lentil: a superfood?

Interesting Research Topics Fast Food

  • Fast foods: impact on living organisms
  • Food court restaurants
  • Misconceptions about fast foods
  • Is McDonald’s healthy?
  • Fast food: a social problem?
  • National cuisine
  • Fast food: effect on the liver
  • Fast food education
  • Students’ nutrition
  • Fast food in children’s diet
  • Food and 3D virtual reality
  • The contemporary hotel industry
  • Food and fashion
  • Food in different cultures
  • Can food be used for cultural identification?
  • Trends in food box consumption
  • Information innovation in the food industry
  • The food industry in developing countries
  • Proper nutrition
  • History and origin of food traditions
  • Can dietary supplements increase bone density?
  • Why nutrition science matters
  • Organic food: impact on nutrition
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Services ensuring food safety in the US
  • Food safety violations in the workplace
  • pH balance impacts flavor
  • Animal testing should be abolished
  • Does overeating suppress the immune system?
  • Lifestyle-related chronic diseases
  • Food justice
  • Government’s involvement in food justice
  • Dietary deficiencies
  • Spice rack organization
  • Nutrients for body development
  • Milk for kids: more or less?
  • Organic food and health
  • Animal-sourced foods: beneficial or dangerous?
  • Continental dishes
  • Continental dishes vs. Indian spices
  • Food factor in national security
  • Junk food vs. healthy food
  • Environmental food safety
  • Safety and control of food colors in the food industry today
  • Criteria and scope of food security
  • Ensuring food security
  • Cooking technology
  • Food quality of agricultural raw materials
  • Problems and solutions to food safety
  • Food security: the theory and methodology
  • Recent labeling food innovations
  • Health benefits of genetically modified foods
  • The vegetarian diet
  • Caloric foods
  • Fast food affects on health
  • Food allergies
  • Fast foods: nutritional value
  • Food in the 21st century
  • The Slow Food movement
  • Doughnut’s history
  • Food safety: role in gene pool preservation
  • Controlling synthetic colors used in food
  • Food assessment and control
  • Food: its influence on pharmacotherapy’s effectiveness
  • Human rights to balanced nutrition
  • Quality of food products in urban areas
  • Food in rural areas vs. urban areas
  • Food security in Uganda
  • Food safety: developed vs. developing countries
  • Food factor in biopolitics
  • Corn starch in baking: the importance
  • Bacteria concerns in baking: Clostridium botulinum
  • Normal butter vs. brown butter
  • Matcha in Japanese pastry
  • Sweet in baked desserts
  • Effect of flour type on cake quality
  • Sugar vs. stevia
  • Why so much sugar in packed cakes?
  • Carob is use in baking
  • Coca-Cola baking: is it safe?
  • Cooking schools
  • Protein food preservation
  • Food preservation techniques
  • Vegan vs. non-vegan
  • Caffeine in drinks
  • Plastic and food quality
  • History of carrot cake
  • Turmeric: health properties
  • Japanese tea ceremonies
  • Healthy sugar substitutes
  • The popularity of plant-based diet
  • Food steaming: history
  • CBD-infused foods
  • Achieving the umami flavor in cooking
  • Climate and diet
  • Quick-service restaurants: impact on life expectancy
  • Drinking and Judaism
  • Chinese tea: a historical analysis
  • Meat canning
  • Resistance of meat to antimicrobials
  • Eliminating botulism
  • Reducing food allergies
  • Avian influenza
  • Vitamin D nutrition: the worldwide status
  • Nutritional supplements are available for the poor
  • Food science: importance in human nutrition
  • Amino acids and muscle growth
  • Poor nutrition and bone density
  • Women and diet
  • Tea vs. coffee
  • Is tea addictive?
  • Cholesterol: myths
  • Sugar vs. sweeteners
  • Keto diet: effect on health
  • Food sensitivities in children
  • African superfoods
  • Spirulina: the properties
  • Wine in French cuisine
  • Garlic and onions
  • Stored foods
  • Preventing food poisoning
  • Food addiction
  • How to fight against food waste
  • Aqueous environment: the toxicity
  • Fast food in hospitals
  • The risks associated with junk
  • Food culture and obesity
  • The link between fast food and obesity
  • Burgers: are they sandwiches?
  • Food additives
  • History of curry
  • Freezing dough: impact on quality
  • Best pizza Margherita recipe
  • Making low-calorie food tasty
  • Jamaica and British cuisine
  • Picked food in India
  • How to eat eggs
  • Egg poaching
  • Italian pasta: types

From food innovation research titles to food sustainability research topics , there are many areas of the food industry to explore. With the list of topics and tips for choosing a topic provided here, finding your ideal topic should be easier.

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Top 100 Research Topics & Titles about Food & TVL

When you look for a good research paper topic, you can easily become the severest critic of any proposed idea. Some topics do not interest you at the very least, while others might shock your teachers. Where is the golden mean?

Check out this list of top 100 research paper questions and you will definitely find among them a captivating and inspiring idea for you. And remember to ask your friends to review your paper or proofread it by Grammarly.

⚒️ Practical Topics for TVL Students

  • 🍲 60 TVL Topics on Food & Design
  • 🌳 Good Topics Do Not Grow on Trees
  • ⚡ Topics to Grab Everyone’s Attention
  • 🔍 References

If you think that going to college is a waste of time, then you’re in the right place! Here you can start your TVL journey without any effort!

TVL is a technical-vocational livelihood. Here, you can find the best quantitative research topics for TVL students possible. With the help of the TVL track, you can start working and earning just after graduating high school. Let’s see how it is possible.

For example, most students finishing college don’t even know how to apply all the knowledge they gained over three to five years of studying. Some of them don’t also remember topics for practical research papers they wrote…

It creates a problem of too many graduates without practical skills. It takes them years of unpaid internships to finally start meeting the employers’ requirements. Then (maybe) they can begin earning the minimum wage. Later on, they find themselves stuck on the job they don’t like, “waiting for something better.”

But there is another option! And if you’re reading this, you decided to choose a TVL track! Dive deep and pick up a research topic about TVL strand to start your journey. It will provide you with real skills that are 100% relevant at all times! You can go for using a topic maker, too. Not a bad option.

Working on practical qualitative research topics for TVL students is the first step. You can find a list of interesting research titles about TVL strand below.

🍲 60 TVL Research Topics on Food & Design

  • Dressmaking: the development of wedding dress models
  • What are the most popular techniques of drafting in dressmaking?
  • The most efficient pattern-making methods in dressmaking
  • Fashion designers that changed the dressmaking forever
  • Where do tailors and dressmakers seek for inspiration?
  • How is computer modeling applied in the dressmaking process?
  • The process of creating corsets that fit: a historical analysis
  • The newest technologies in dressmaking: equipment you can’t miss
  • The best methods of organizing working space to make dressmaking more efficient
  • The development of the sewing machines up to modern times
  • How does it fit and everything about sewing patterns?
  • How have indie designers changed the fashion industry?
  • The most common issues with the incorrectly chosen fabric
  • The tricks to check the quality of the fabric and pick the best one
  • Dressmaking as a creating culture: interviewing fashion designers
  • Aerodynamics issues: designing a perfect Formula One racing car
  • Car engineering: how is mileage improved in hybrid cars?
  • What are the safest types of airbags in cars?
  • Creating a robot car: what technologies are used?
  • How to optimize the solar car: overcoming limitations?
  • Modern cars and the benefits of automatic transmission
  • How would hypercars improve the transportation experience?
  • Challenges autonomous cars need to overcome
  • What is the role of car engineers during the creation of autonomous cars?
  • Car engineering: the future of using cryogenic fuels in cars
  • Hydraulic linkages in the concept of the hy-wire cars
  • Fuel cell system issues in the hy-wire cars: analyzing hydrogen properties
  • Can air-powered cars be a solution for a zero-pollution future?
  • Car designing: the role of rearward bias and its connection to aerodynamics
  • The development of steam cars: a historical analysis
  • How can you make crops immune to diseases?
  • Agriculture: the aspects that affect the health of crops
  • How does temperature affect the irrigation levels?
  • The role GMO in agriculture: a case study of the US fields
  • Possible ways to apply artificial intelligence in agriculture
  • How do farmers use apps to foresee pest infections?
  • Why should farmers keep an eye on export and import details?
  • The methods of defining your prices: tracking the crops ratios

best title for research about cookery

  • What are the latest improvements in the gestational crates?
  • The US regulations regarding the chemicals and pesticides
  • Why should farmers be informed about all the changes in the policies?
  • The methods of managing and adjusting the livestock population
  • Is it better to start an organic farm rather than a conventional plane farming?
  • The size matters: the reasons why new generations prefer smaller farms
  • Why has hemp become such a popular crop recently?
  • Fitting crops to the region: saving water and increasing profits
  • How can optimizing tillage reduce the water use for farmers?
  • What are the benefits of indoor vertical farming?
  • Can covered crops help with controlling weeds?
  • Analyzing sustainability of the crops: soil conservation
  • Cookery: the benefits of pea protein over whey protein
  • Younger generation stops drinking: the future of alcohol
  • The rise of fast-food breakfast: overviewing the trends
  • The impact of Italian cuisine on American food culture
  • Why has intermittent fasting become so popular recently?
  • Charcuterie as a part of the daily diet: pros and cons
  • The development of a ghost kitchen concept: a case study of the US
  • Why is being a flexitarian better than vegetarian?
  • Low-sugar vs. stevia: contrast and compare the dietary benefits
  • Adaptogens in everyday food: how takeaway can reduce your stress levels?

🌳 Good Research Paper Topics Do Not Grow on Trees

Surely, it is easier to find a good research paper topic, than to think of one from scratch. However, it might not be that easy to find topics – truly good research questions do not grow on trees. So don’t miss this opportunity and choose your topic from these great ideas (or ask us for professional writing help -all you have to do is just send a message):

  • Are cell phones bad for your health?
  • Is homosexuality genetic?
  • Advertising: information vs. manipulation.
  • Should businesses be ethical?
  • Is it possible to replace animal testing with other types of testing?
  • How to throw away our “throw-away” lifestyles?
  • Should developed countries help Africa?
  • Who is to blame for the European debt crisis?
  • Is the arms race over now?
  • Is China a new superpower?
  • Should students receive salaries during their studies?
  • Can standard tests measure something meaningful, apart from students’ short-term memory?
  • Does access to condoms in high schools encourage teen sex?
  • Are social networks good or bad for teens?
  • Does Internet need censorship?
  • Is there a glass ceiling in today’s society ?
  • Should prostitutes have their own labor unions?
  • Is it possible to eliminate the black market?
  • What is the solution to the problem of human trafficking?
  • Online banking : pros and cons.

⚡ Good Topics for Research Papers to Grab Everyone’s Attention

Do you want to grab everyone’s attention? Discover even more good research paper questions below:

  • Are fast-food restaurants or fast food eaters to blame for obesity ?
  • Is food labeling effective in controlling one’s calorie intake?
  • Should parents punish their children for disobedience?
  • Should spanking be outlawed?
  • Isn’t the gap year between high school and college a waste of time?
  • Has the “American dream” changed over the last decades?
  • Can religious beliefs justify terrorism?
  • Do people need a single world religion?
  • Can racial profiling be useful?
  • Islamophobia after 9/11.
  • Emotional difficulties and eating disorders .
  • Ways to encourage organ donation .
  • Should mothers of Siamese twins have an abortion?
  • The problem of personal identity in twins.
  • Does their parents’ divorce have long-term consequences for children?
  • Gender roles or gender stereotypes : where is the line?
  • Is too much competition harmful to students?
  • Do men need protection against feminists?
  • What should be done about noise pollution?
  • Should people study body language ?

Impress your teachers by using any of these fresh and truly good research project ideas. Writing good research papers does not need to be difficult. Now that you have a brilliant idea, you are halfway to your stunning success.

Learn more on this topic:

  • 280 Good Nursing Research Topics & Questions
  • 226 Research Topics on Criminal Justice & Criminology
  • 204 Research Topics on Technology & Computer Science
  • 178 Best Research Titles about Cookery & Food
  • 497 Interesting History Topics to Research
  • 180 Best Education Research Topics & Ideas
  • 110+ Micro- & Macroeconomics Research Topics
  • 417 Business Research Topics for ABM Students
  • 190+ Research Topics on Psychology & Communication
  • 512 Research Topics on HumSS
  • 281 Best Health & Medical Research Topics
  • 501 Research Questions & Titles about Science
  • A List of Research Topics for Students. Unique and Interesting

🔗 References

  • Education Research Highlights
  • Research Topics from Dartmouth College
  • Learning Practical Research Skills Using An Academic Paper Framework – An Innovative, Integrated Approach (ScienceDirect)
  • Practical Research and Evaluation: SAGE
  • A Background for Practical Research: JSTOR
  • Learning cooking skills at different ages: a cross-sectional study (BMC)
  • Adolescents’ cooking skills strongly predict future nutritional well-being: ScienceDaily
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  • Share to email

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Pls give me 2 Quantitative research ralated to TVL strand.

Quantitative research Title related to TVL strand

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Research Topic about TVL strand

Experimental Research Title about TLE

87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best cooking topic ideas & essay examples, 🎓 simple & easy cooking essay titles, 📃 most interesting cooking topics to write about, ❓ essay questions about cookery.

  • Fast Food vs. Home Cooking: Lifestyle and Traditions The good thing with this business is that the food was from natural products hence healthy, a fact that has since changed Many people are very busy for the better part of the day and […]
  • Cooking at Home vs. Eating Out: Lunch as a Ritual for Emotional Pleasure, Creativity, and Socialization Many secondary factors influence the decision to eat at home or out, but it is cooking on my own that unlocks creativity and likewise allows me to gather friends and socialize in my kitchen.
  • How to Use an Automatic Gas Cooker Place the gas control knob on to the gas cock axis and push it inward firmly. Maintenance of your gas cooker Always clean the top of your gas cooker with soap and water and dry […]
  • Moist and Dry Heat Cookery Roasting is mainly used to enhance the flavor and aroma of the food through browning on the surface of the food.
  • Lasagna Cooking Process and Noodle Preparing Tips The next step the cook is to follow is to mix the first four ingredients and to divide the mixture. The cook is to remember that the dish is to be covered with foil.
  • “The Cuisine and Empire” by Rachel Laudan: Cooking in World History In other words, they have allowed me to appreciate the value of food in promoting health and the social-cultural progress of the members of society.
  • Culinary Modernization in the Army The main purpose of the modernization of food acquisition in the Army is to build food supply networks that provide safe, nutritious, and high-quality ingredients.
  • Recipes for School-Age Children and Cooking Demonstration My role will be to act as a moderator and advisor while creating the recipes with the children. The recipes and knowledge of healthy foods can be employed to prevent health issues like obesity.
  • Chemistry: Cooking Temperatures Specific temperatures, therefore, are needed to be observed during the preparation of specific foodstuffs and, of course, for specific durations. The range of temperatures between 41 F to 135 F also known as the danger […]
  • Culinary Arts and Garde Manger Investigation Their difference is based on the way of processing, size, and color of the caviar. The size of the roe is dependant on the type of sturgeon.
  • Lasagna: Secrets of Cooking a Delicious Dish The next stage of cooking is one of the most important as all the products are ready and we are going to place the lasagna in the oven.
  • “Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates Basic Cooking Skills” Analysis In the video, Gordon Ramsay teaches all viewers how to become a better cook and shares vital knowledge and pieces of advice.
  • 9 Scientific Cooking Techniques The following work demonstrates a scientific approach to 9 well-known cooking techniques.
  • Kitchen and Cooking in Kalymnos People It involves the apprentice to acquire the skills and learn the techniques of cooking through observing what the master does. The kitchen is only for the mother and her daughter in the family.
  • Turkey Cooking: Festive Recipe The purpose of this specific recipe is to show you how to prepare moist roasted turkey fit for any festive occasion.
  • Chemistry and Cooking Dependence
  • Wheat Flour Grinding Machine Makes Cooking Food Manifold
  • Cookstoves and Cooking Practices Shape Maputo’s Energy Landscapes
  • Cooking Bits of Advice for Vegetables Preparation
  • Cooking Meaning and History Review
  • Cooking and Vegan Fried Rice
  • Emission and Performance Characteristics of an Indirect Ignition Diesel Engine Fuelled With Waste Cooking Oil
  • Cooking Pieces of Advice for Meat Preparation
  • The Settlement Between Kandy Kitchen and Cooking Craft
  • Chesapeake Bay Cooking With John Shields
  • Cooking Fuel Use Patterns in India: 1983-2000
  • Oil Seed Processing Plant Make Cooking Oil Safety
  • Residential Heating and Cooking in Urban Areas of Central-Southern Chile
  • Oil Extracted From Moringa Oliefera Lam as an Alternative Cooking Oil
  • Arming Your Kitchen With Basic Cooking Utensils
  • Air Pollution and Burning Cooking Methods
  • Outdoor Cooking: The Dynamics of Taking Your Cooking Outside
  • Household Energy Access for Cooking and Heating: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward
  • Agriculture-Nutrition Linkages, Cooking-Time, Intrahousehold Equality Among Women and Children
  • Rice Cooking Basics With Almond Rice Recipe
  • Use Your Favorite Coffee Machines to Brew for Cooking
  • Composition and Cooking Quality of Rice
  • Black Women Slaves Cooking and Serving for the Masters and the History of the Mammy Caricature
  • The Reasons Why Home Cooking Is Better and Healthier Than Fast Food
  • The World Food Culture in the History of Ancient Cooking
  • Cooking Competitions: Pluses and Minuses
  • Aboriginal Cooking Methods and Aboriginals in Jail and Custody in the U.S
  • Ancient Times, History, and Influences on Vietnamese Cooking
  • Cooking Oil Suspended Impurities in the Oil Refining of Hair Removal
  • Cooking: Julia Child and Knife Skills Class
  • Basic Hygiene Practices for Food Preparation and Cooking
  • The Used Cooking Oil-To-Biodiesel Chain in Europe
  • Clean Fuel Cooking Programs in Low Resource Countries
  • Using Waste Cooking Oil as Feedstock and Candida Antarctica
  • Southern Cooking Brings Soul to Food
  • Jack Fruit Seed Oil as an Alternative Source of Cooking Oil
  • Rural Thailand: The Case of the Improved Cooking Stove and the Small Biogas Digester
  • Cooking From the Heart and From Bare Essentials
  • Peanut Oil Press and Peers Who Have Knowledge of Cooking Oil to Prevent Security Issues
  • What Was the First Cookery Show?
  • What Is the History of Chinese Cookery?
  • What Do You Know About Experimental Cookery Maja Blanca?
  • What Are the Differences Between Italian and British Cooking?
  • Do You Know the Retro Recipes of Cookery?
  • What Is the Difference Between Cookery and Chef?
  • What Were the Cookery Methods Used for the Meat?
  • What Can Aboriginal Cookery Be Interesting to You?
  • What Is the Difference Between Cooking and Cookery?
  • Can Cookery Be Called the Art of Cooking?
  • Why Do People Say Cookery Instead of Cooking?
  • What Are the Types of Cookery?
  • What Are the Basic Cooking Skills?
  • Do You Find Cookery Courses Useful?
  • Is It Possible to Become a Popular Person by Cookery?
  • Is Baking Considered Cookery?
  • What Cookery Equipment Do You Use?
  • What Are the Cookery Methods of the Aborigines?
  • Is the Air Polluted During Different Cookery Methods?
  • What Utensils Are Basic for Cookery?
  • What Are the Advantages of Crock Pot in Cookery?
  • Is Cookery a Hobby or a Profession for You?
  • What Is the Electricity Consumption During Cookery?
  • How Does Biodiesel Production From Used Cookery Oil Work?
  • What Cookery Tips Can You Give for Cooking Meat?
  • What Ingredients Do You Use Most Often in Cookery?
  • Do You Subscribe to Cookery and Food Magazines?
  • Why Is It Important to Have Safety Precautions in Cooking?
  • Is Vegan Cookery Delicious?
  • What Tips Do You Have for Beginners in Cookery?
  • Dietary Supplements Questions
  • Eating Disorders Questions
  • Food Essay Ideas
  • Food & Beverage Topics
  • McDonald’s Topics
  • Thanksgiving Research Ideas
  • Corn Paper Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cooking-essay-topics/

"87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cooking-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cooking-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cooking-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "87 Cooking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cooking-essay-topics/.

Articles on Cooking

Displaying 1 - 20 of 127 articles.

best title for research about cookery

4 practical tips for eating more sustainably

Amar Laila , University of Guelph ; Alicia Martin , University of Guelph ; Cristina Gago , Boston University , and Katherine Eckert , University of Guelph

best title for research about cookery

How The Bear sets up stereotypes of tough male and emotional female chefs – and then tears them down

Pragya Agarwal , Loughborough University

best title for research about cookery

How was popcorn discovered? An archaeologist on its likely appeal for people in the Americas millennia ago

Sean Rafferty , University at Albany, State University of New York

best title for research about cookery

I can’t afford olive oil. What else can I use?

Lauren Ball , The University of Queensland and Emily Burch , Southern Cross University

best title for research about cookery

What makes voatsiperifery the world’s best pepper

Jérôme Queste , Cirad and Harizoly Razafimandimby , FOFIFA

best title for research about cookery

$50K per year for a degree in a low-wage industry − is culinary school worth it?

Ellen T. Meiser , University of Hawaii at Hilo

best title for research about cookery

Hash fudge and a fish for Picasso: inside the legendary cookbook of Alice B. Toklas

Alice Gorman , Flinders University

best title for research about cookery

Run out of butter or eggs? Here’s the science behind substitute ingredients

Paulomi (Polly) Burey , University of Southern Queensland

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The science of the ideal salad dressing

Nathan Kilah , University of Tasmania

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How to make gravy (using chemistry)

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Chicken doesn’t need to be washed before cooking – here’s why

Primrose Freestone , University of Leicester

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Thank gluten’s complex chemistry for your light, fluffy baked goods

Kristine Nolin , University of Richmond

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Does chicken soup really help when you’re sick? A nutrition specialist explains what’s behind the beloved comfort food

Colby Teeman , University of Dayton

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5 tips for getting off gas at home – for a cleaner, cheaper, healthier all-electric  future

Trivess Moore , RMIT University ; Alan Pears , RMIT University , and Nicola Willand , RMIT University

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Keen to get off gas in your home, but struggling to make the switch? Research shows you’re not alone

Sangeetha Chandrashekeran , The University of Melbourne and Julia de Bruyn , The University of Melbourne

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Eggs are so expensive right now. What else can I use?

Evangeline Mantzioris , University of South Australia

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Do you need to wash rice before cooking? Here’s the science

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How did abuse get baked into the restaurant industry?

Ellen T. Meiser , University of Hawaii at Hilo and Eli R. Wilson , University of New Mexico

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Cooking pollutes your home and increases your health risks – but better ventilation will help

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Professor of Community Health and Wellbeing, The University of Queensland

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Best Research Titles about Cookery & Food Assignment

Best Research Titles about Cookery & Food Assignment

Table of Contents

Best research titles about cookery & food assignment.

If you stop to consider it, much of our lives revolve around food. We discuss food all the time—planning our upcoming meals, remembering the delectable meals we've already enjoyed, and even when watching cooking programs.

The major industry is, among others, food and cooking. Additionally, it offers countless job options for people who are passionate about food. The best selection of intriguing food study themes has been assembled by our professionals in culinary assignment assistance. Students who desire to write a paper about food are accommodated by them.

How to Choose an Interesting Food Topic to Research?

Here is a quick guide to help you choose a food study topic if you are unsure how to proceed.

Look into qualitative and quantitative research methodologies first. The focus of a quantitative research method is gathering and evaluating numerical data. On the other hand, a qualitative research approach seeks to comprehend why people believe and act in particular ways.

Both can be utilised to launch intriguing research. But this post is intended for you if you do not wish to waste time hunting for the perfect subject. Below is a collection of food-related research report topics. You can pick one of the strategies or move on to the themes of bakeries, fast food, and restaurants.

Quantitative Research Titles about Cookery & Food

  • Making your first writing move is quite simple. Simply choose a cooking-related quantitative research topic from the list below!
  • The effects of the growth of the Best Kitchen Schools all over the world on the labour market. Here, you may contrast the number of aspiring chefs seeking employment with the number of cooking schools opening, for instance in France. Certainly, the quantity of schools has an impact on the labour market.
  • Data analysis for the preservation of protein-rich foods - You can pick any fresh food from any portion of the world for this subject. However, gathering the data could be difficult, so you can research a local option.
  • The quantitative examination of the most widely used methods of food preservation. Once more, this food-related quantitative research title needs to be focused on a particular food and place. For instance, researching the frequency with which a particular fish preservation method is used.
  • Statistics comparing clients who are vegan and those who are not - The total number of individuals who avoid animal products is rising yearly. To detect a pattern, examine the data from various years. Compare the percentage of vegans to the other clients.
  • Evolution of fast food and obesity: WHO
  • Obesity - It appears that new fast-food eateries are always opening up in new parts of the world, which is bad for leading a healthy lifestyle. You can research the connection between the current proportion of obesity cases and the development of fast food establishments.
  • Quantitative analysis of caffeine content in various beverages.
  • The effects of plastic food storage on food quality.
  • An analysis of disordered eating and standards of beauty.

Qualitative Research Titles about Cookery & Food

Here is a nice collection of cooking-related qualitative titles if you want to choose a practical qualitative topic for your assignment:

  • Historical examination of carrot cake. such a simple dessert, but so well-liked. It appears that carrots were employed as a stand-in for sweets since they were unavailable. It may be fascinating research to delve deep and examine how the recipe has changed over time!
  • A case study on the health benefits of turmeric in Indian food. One of the top cooking research topics to date! The topic of medical cooking is raised. For the longest time, individuals from the Eastern have used spices like turmeric to strengthen their immune systems.
  • Food safety regulations in India: qualitative research. Here is India once again! And it is because the issue of hygiene and street food production is very controversial in this country. How is food safety being regulated in a place where people live side by side with cows.
  • California wine: a historical analysis. A perfect topic for wine lovers! California is not only the biggest supplier of wine for Americans, but it is also well known all around the world. But what makes it so great? Look into the origins of the California wine.
  • Drinking and Judaism: ethnographic research. Jews have an unusual perception of alcohol. Wine is considered an essential part of rituals. However, over drinking (aka alcoholism) is prohibited. You would do ethnographic research to shed some light on the situation.
  • Tea ceremonies in Japan as an art: ethnographic research.
  • A historical analysis of Chinese tea.
  • Why do people prefer organic milk: qualitative research?
  • Canning and preserving meat: a case study.
  • Qualitative analysis of natural nutritional supplements.

Research Topics about Cookery & Food

Eating and cuisine cover a wide range of topics, thus they all have to do with food. From foodborne illness to preservation techniques, this assortment of study literature on culinary topics covers it all.

  • Food adulteration and law: To boost the quantity of food, producers frequently add various ingredients. However, it compromises quality and safety. This example of a study topic for a study on food is too broad and ought to be focused on a certain nation or even state that you like.
  • The best techniques for spotting tainted food: A little amount of contaminated food still gets it to the market because the law cannot prevent everything. As a result, methods of detecting it were developed. You can research cutting-edge lab techniques or discover how consumers test things at home.
  • The growth of the health movement in the USA: The 19th century saw the beginning of the first surge of healthy initiatives. Investigate the most well-liked healthy diets and why and how they began. Included should be contemporary dietitians' perspectives on those issues.
  • When is vegetarianism a poor idea? People are in awe of how much better their lives have been since adopting vegetarianism. Some people, however, contend that their bodies cannot adequately operate without meat. Is it correct that not everyone should follow a vegetarian diet? To conduct an unbiased study on it, you will need to locate impartial professionals.

Baking Research Paper Topics & Ideas

Let's narrow our focus a bit! We consume bread and pastries daily. Thus, themes for research papers on baking are always pertinent.

  • Extreme heat and dough for bread: Future loaf quality is influenced by ambient temperature as well as by the ingredients used. Various temperatures and humidity combinations are tested by bakers to determine the best one. Making the dough is trickier than it first appears.
  • Starch's significance in baking It can be one of the cooking types of research projects subjects that need careful examination. You would need to do some research on the application of starch in baking. But you might limit it to just one kind of starch, like corn starch, to make it simpler.
  • Is baking a must for egg protein? Ever more people are becoming vegans. They find no problem with using plant-based ingredients in place of animal ones while baking. For example, flaxseed is used in place of eggs but how does it impact the product's quality and flavour?
  • Production vs. health: reducing salt in bread. Since bread is a staple in most people's diets, putting salt on it is prohibited by food regulations. However, the manufacturers are worried that the absence of salt affects the dough's consistency.
  • Baking and Clostridium botulinum: This is one of the newest subjects for research in bread and pastries. The possibility that these microorganisms will cause problems worry the producers. Therefore, a study in both anaerobic and aerobic environments must be done before it occurs.

In conclusion, there are a lot of different food-related study subjects covered here. Undoubtedly, you can identify a question that merits further exploration. Even though the problem has been studied, you can still swiftly focus on it. Your work would be more focused, for instance, if you restricted your research to a certain nation or region.

The primary areas relating to food and cooking have been covered by our professionals offering cookery assignment help in Australia. Generally, there are many subjects about food manufacturing and the origins of specific foods. We then concentrated on the baking sector. Then, we switched to the subjects that were most pertinent to our quick-paced world: restaurants and fast food. We concluded the list with the top 10 queries that will motivate you to begin your study!

Any topic can be changed to suit your preferences. This game has no rules at all! However, connect with Online Assignment Expert for assignment help and enjoy the best assignment at affordable prices.


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457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about

Are you looking for good topics about food? Luckily, there are so many food topics you can research! You can focus on food safety, the link between nutrition and health, food insecurity, national cuisines, food waste in supply chains, food processing technologies, and many more. Check this list of the most exciting food research questions and titles!

🥫 TOP 7 Food Topics – 2024

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  • Sustainable Food Systems, Nutrition
  • Eating Home-Cooked Food Is Essential
  • Causes and Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the Food and Beverage Industry
  • Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity
  • The Negative Effects of Fast Food: Essay Example
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Biotechnology in Improving the Nutritive Value of Foods
  • Food Technology Importance in Modern Days The Institute of Food Technologists defines food technology as the application of food science, including biological, chemical, and physical makeups.
  • Fast-Food Restaurants’ Popularity and Its Causes Majority of people in the United States have resorted to fast food restaurants, especially college students who are of the view that these restaurants save a lot of time.
  • Food Waste Management The paper aims at explaining the issue of food waste and describing approaches to the reduction of this problem.
  • Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites When designing a website, its creator focuses on the needs of all visitors or some defined audience. The target audience is users on which the web resource is oriented.
  • Healthy Multicultural Food: Product SWOT Analysis The chosen product is healthy multicultural food, which should be provided to the customers of Active Retirement nursing home.
  • Food Truck Market Analysis Example Food truck business has high chances of becoming popular because food industry is one of the kinds of businesses that never go out of fashion.
  • Italy’s Food: Traditional Italian Food Recipes Italian cuisine is famous around the world for its delicious and healthy food. It includes thousands of varieties of recipes for different dishes with various ingredients.
  • The Food Prices Issue and Its Impacts on the Industry The challenge of increasing food prices is relevant to the culinary, hospitality, and food industries because it significantly affects food availability and quality.
  • Food Security: The Impact of Climate Change Since climate change affects the natural world, it is evident that it poses particular challenges for food security in the future.
  • Food in Korean Culture: Describing Korean Cuisine Korean citizens believe that food has medicinal properties that improve a person’s emotional, psychological, and mental well-being.
  • Food Truck Business Strategy, Resources, Management The paper describes the food truck business’s goals and objectives, management functions, decision-making process, organizational structure, etc.
  • Kenya, Its Tourist Attractions and Food Culture Kenya is one of the most beautiful African countries I have ever been. I am always thrilled to visit it. However, it has taken some time since I was there.
  • Indian Culture Examined Through Street Food A fondness of India’s rich culture, combined with a desire to innovate and adapt with the times are all present in the Curry Up Now restaurant and Indian street food as a whole.
  • McDonald’s: How Strategic Choices Shape Fast Food Supremacy This paper will focus on McDonald’s corporation’s business and corporate-level strategies, competitive environment, and market cycles.
  • Super Greens Organic Food Restaurant’s Business Plan ‘Super Greens’ restaurant is a new medium-sized restaurant to be located in a busy locality of Westminster in the neighbourhood of some aristocratic areas.
  • McDonalds Fast Food Company Organizational Change This paper attempts to explicitly review the successful implementation of the proposed change that involves improving the performance of the McDonalds Company and enhancing its customer focus.
  • Food Shortage Situation Overview The connections and relationship between population and food shortage transcend all areas of human life and as such encompasses various aspects of demands that support human life.
  • Food Additives There are three types of food additives, cosmetic food additives, preservatives and the processing aids of food.
  • History of Ketchup and Its Role in Foods Tomato ketchup is a popular addition to a variety of dishes which acts as a sauce and goes well with all food.
  • Junk Food and Children’s Obesity Eating junk foods on a regular basis causes weight gain and for one in five Americans, obesity, is a major health concern though no one seems to be sounding the alarm.
  • Role of Food in Marquez’ “One Hundred Years of Solitude“ and Esquivel’s “Like Water for Chocolate” Laura Esquivel was born and raised in Mexico and may have written this novel with the hope of portraying to her readers some Spanish background and history.
  • Healthy Food Advertising: Nutrient Content Advertising is certainly a major driver for the success of a business. It is important to mention that healthy foods correlate with overall well-being, both physical and mental.
  • Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction Studies show that those who frequently eat fast food have an increased risk of progressing from simple consumption to addiction.
  • A Problem of Food Waste and Its Solutions Food waste draws a lot of interest from global policymakers as well as various organizations and scholars – it continues to grow despite the looming resource depletion.
  • Researching Food Service in Hospital Combining medical and gustatory qualities in hospital food is one of the most common difficulties in the healthcare sector worldwide.
  • McDonald’s Company: The Flawed Fast Food Tax McDonalds is one of the world’s leading fast food restaurants serving more than 57 million customers daily with branches all over the major cities.
  • Fast-Food Industry’s Market Place and Environment The fast-food industry is experiencing a revenue of over $15 billion growth a year, and the future growth rate at an average of 2.7%.
  • “Maple Leaf Foods”: Company’s Issues and Their Management Maple Leaf Foods faces the issue of the lack of a sustainable vision due to poor leadership and contamination of products, adversely affecting consumers’ health.
  • The Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan (FSP) A Food Safety Plan (FSP) is a way that identifies and prevents safety hazards from occurring during and after food production, this paper is going to discuss FSP’s major elements.
  • Right to Food as a Fundamental Right Right to food is an important human right issue today. Advocates for the right to food use the phrase “Food first” to show the importance of availability to food above other priorities.
  • Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health Food safety is often taken for granted, with most people relying on basic practices and following essential hygiene standards without giving a second thought.
  • The Food Chain: Groups and Functions Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three groups of organisms that comprise a food chain in an ecosystem.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Practices This article provides an informative overview of food safety and hygiene practices, covering various aspects of the topic that are important to consider.
  • Food Science: How to Make Butter Fresh milk is made up of a combination of milk and cream; since the cream is less thick than the milk, it separates and rises to the top, where it may be scrapped.
  • Hospitality Management: Food and Beverage Management A person is preparing for their last high school exam and looking forward to a career in hospitality management, which is currently one of the best in the field.
  • Food Poisoning Case at Air China Flight On October 6, 2013, nearly 50 passengers on an Air China flight that was bound for Beijing fell ill with symptoms such as vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea.
  • UK Business Sourcing Extensive Food Materials from Greece The ability of a firm to achieve success in the current competitive business environment depends on the effectiveness of its procurement and supplier relationship strategies.
  • Food Safety Issues in Modern Agriculture According to the United Nations Asian and Pacific Center for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery, an upsurge in international trade on agricultural products has made food safety a major concern.
  • Impact of Food Waste and Water Use on Earth The paper explores how food waste and water use affect the food system and how agriculture affects the environment.
  • McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend The trend for healthy eating was born not so long ago but continues to cover more and more segments of the population around the world.
  • Are Fast Food Restaurants to Blame for Obesity?
  • Are Genetically Modified Food Safe for Consumption?
  • Are the Nutrition Charts on Food Packages Accurate?
  • What Are Issues on Food Around the World?
  • What Is It Called When You Have Food Issues?
  • Are You Harming Your Family by the Food You Are Preparing?
  • Can Organic Farmers Produce Enough Food to Feed the World?
  • What Are the Six Major Threats to Food Security?
  • What Are the Four Major Problems That Affect the World’s Food Needs?
  • Could Biotechnology Solve Food Shortage Problem?
  • Does Dehydration Reduce the Nutrient Value in Quality of the Food?
  • What Are Some Challenges to Food Production?
  • Does Fast Food Have a Possible Connection With Obesity?
  • How Can We Solve Food Supply Problems?
  • How Did Jollibee Build Its Position in the Philippine Fast Food Industry?
  • What Are Four Issues Related to Food Production?
  • How Does America Solve Food Deserts?
  • What Are the Seven Challenges to Food Safety?
  • How Does Whole Food Build Human and Social Capital?
  • What Is the Most Important Food Safety Issue?
  • Should Fast Food Advertising Be Banned?
  • What Are the Six Food Borne Diseases?
  • What Are the Ten Main Reasons for Food Poisoning?
  • Should Fast Food Chains Be to Blame for Childhood Obesity?
  • Should Fast Food Only Be Sold to People Eighteen and Older?
  • Should New Zealand Allow Genetically Modified Food?
  • Should People Abandon Their Favorite Food and Stay Healthy?
  • What Are Three Causes of Food Contamination?
  • Were the Salem Witch Trials Spurred by Food Poisoning?
  • National Food Products Company: Marketing Segmentation NFPC has gained the reputation of a company that has been striving in the UAE market quite successfully by delivering essential products such as milk, water, plastic carriers.
  • Food and Water Security Management The purpose of this article is to evaluate the current methodologies for addressing food and water security issues and propose sustainable solutions based on scholarly evidence.
  • The Environmental Impacts of the Food and Hospitality Industry The food wastage issue in the food and hospitality industry in Australia remains to be consciously considered as it may adversely affect the environment.
  • Japan’s Food Patterns and Nutrition Habits The most commonly consumed foods among the Japanese people include sushi and sashimi, ramen, Tempura, Kare-raisu (curry rice), and okonomiyaki.
  • Agriculture and Food in Ancient Greece The paper states that agricultural practices and goods from Greece extended to neighboring countries in the Mediterranean as the dominance increased.
  • McDonald’s: The Most Popular Fast-Food Restaurant McDonald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants, and its success is defined by compliance with the needs of the present-day business world.
  • Aspects of Muslim Food Culture Islam has many rules related to food. One of the most significant rules in Islam is the restriction on the consumption of pork.
  • Indian Culture and Food in the Raaga Restaurant Before visiting Raaga, a restaurant of Indian cuisine, I tried to consider what I knew about this culture and whether I would eat what I would be served.
  • Healthy Food: the Impact of the Vegetarian Diet In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards vegetarianism in societal dietary choices. In the modern world, vegetarians can uphold the nutritional needs of the body.
  • Effects of Climate Variability on Water Resources, Food Security, and Human Health Evaluating the effects of climate variability on water, food, and health will help identify the areas for improvement and offer solutions to current environmental challenges.
  • Nutrients in Different Food Groups The essay explains the variety of nutrients in different food groups, the reasons for these variations, and the health benefits associated with the nutrients.
  • Technical Description of a Food Processor A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it.
  • Food Safety and Hazards Manufacturers are obligated to maintain safe control measures to ensure products are fit for human consumption.
  • Human Geography: Food Insecurity The problem of food insecurity is a significant bother of humankind. Various international organizations were created to address the matter.
  • Nitrates and Nitrites in Food Nitrates are nontoxic compounds however when converted to nitrites in human bodies they can cause cyanosis, weakness, and a rapid pulse, coma, and cancer.
  • The Use of Low Fat Food This short essay will demonstrate that many of the foods we are eating today are in reality not that low in fat as they claim.
  • Healthy Fast Foods: Sector Analysis Health consciousness is fast becoming an important trend in the fast-food restaurant industry. The paper concerns sector analysis on profitability in the said marketplace.
  • Food Waste Reduction Strategy The Strategy aims to raise society’s awareness and bring the food value back to reduce the volume of food waste generated.
  • Food and Drink Industry’s Innovation and Barriers The paper provides the reasons that influence the need to innovate in the industry and the barriers that stop innovation from taking place.
  • Cause and Effect of Genetically Modified Food The paper states that better testing should be done on GMOs. It would lead to avoiding catastrophic health issues caused by these foods.
  • Food Insecurity’s Causes and Implications Food insecurity is a complex problem that affects the economy, demography, ecology, and many other areas of development of states and their societies.
  • The Use of Biodegradable Straws in Food and Beverages Business Plastic straw usage is part of the problem of plastic pollution and its adverse impact on the planet’s ecology. Nature is dying, and all new consequences of plastic are manifested.
  • Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students This paper describes the necessity of having a properly balanced diet, and execute healthy exercising patterns in our routines, along with our children.
  • Wendy’s Fast Food Franchise in the Chinese Market Because of the strong presence that KFC and McDonald’s already have in the Chinese market, firms such as Wendy’s have to design a unique product.
  • Food Truck Business’s SWOT Analysis The Food Truck company operates in the central business district of Portland, the area where the food delivery industry is very well developed.
  • The Currency Devaluation Concept in the Food Industry Finances and exchange rates play a substantial role in the functioning of the international market while ensuring the circulations of goods and services.
  • Chick-fil-A Inc.’s Entry into Qatari Food Industry The report presents three elements (political, economic, and legal) of PESTEL for Chick-fil-A to use in its decision to expand in the Qatari fast food industry.
  • Organic Food Market Trends Food retailers replaced farmers and whole food retailers as the main retailers of organic food. Higher production costs is the only factor to the higher organic food prices.
  • Food Culture: Doughnut’s History, Marketing and Sociology A doughnut, or as it is often called donut, is a kind of fried dough baked or pastry meal. The doughnut has become well-known and beloved in numerous countries and cooked in an assorted model.
  • Financial Projections for Entrepreneurship in Food Industry Running a restaurant, especially in the area known for its high competition rates among the local food production companies, particularly, the fast food industries, is not an easy task.
  • Evolution of Food Photography: From Daguerreotypes to Digital Storytelling Photos of food have been taken, shared, and appreciated for decades, from ambrosia salads in the 1970s to the current trend of upside-down acai bowls and elaborate latte art.
  • Scientific Approach to Food Safety at Home The paper states that a scientific approach to handling, preparing, and storing food that explains how to prevent sickness is known as food safety.
  • Code of Ethics in Food Tracks Business A transformation in the way that food is prepared and enjoyed can be seen in the vast development in the prominence of food trucks.
  • Food Insecurity in the United States Food insecurity is one of the most pressing global problems that is also relevant for the United States today.
  • Food Safety Sanitation Requirements for a Child’s Health To maintain optimal diet and nutrition for a child’s health and welfare, emphasis must be made on sanitary criteria for food safety, storage, preparation, and food presentation.
  • Discussion of Freedman’s Article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity” David Freedman, in article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”, talks about various misconceptions regarding healthy food that are common in society.
  • Proper Food Rotation Overview This paper will focus on the benefits of proper rotation and the consequences of effectively rotating foods, including its health implications.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity The paper argues sustainable agriculture is one way to reduce food insecurity without harming the planet because the number of resources is currently decreasing.
  • A Qualitative Study of Independent Fast-Food Vendors Near Secondary Schools “A qualitative study of independent fast-food vendors near secondary schools” primarily sought to explore and navigate the barriers toward offering healthier menu options.
  • The Importance of Nutritional Labeling on Packaged Food It is essential to embrace nutritional labeling on packaged food, as they are meant to educate consumers about the products and their content.

If you need a good idea for your argumentative essay, check out some food related topics to debate:

  • Should fast food be regulated?
  • Should GMO labeling be mandatory?
  • Is there a need for stricter regulation of food advertising?
  • The link between processed food and obesity.
  • The role of meat consumption in climate change.
  • The pros and cons in functional foods.
  • Can cities become self-sufficient in food production?
  • Why should we promote Meatless Mondays?
  • Are food additives and preservatives evil?
  • The impact of food packaging on plastic pollution.
  • A Typical American Dinner Plate: Origins of Food A plate with tater tots (fried potatoes), chicken wings, spinach soup, and a piece of watermelon for dessert would qualify as ideal in any American household.
  • How Do Fried Foods Affect Nutrition for Young Adults? An annotated bibliography on the topic how fried foods affect nutrition for young adults, the effect of television, the effect of dietary patterns on young adults’ health.
  • Food Voice of the Bangladeshi Rice forms the core of the Bangladeshi eating patterns. It is consumed in large quantities across the country, being the base for many traditional dishes.
  • Firefly Burger Fast Food Marketing Plan The project aims to examine the internal and external environments that affect the success of Firefly restaurant and the need for changing its marketing strategy.
  • Behavior-Based Safety in the Food Industry: DO IT Method The so-called DO IT method is useful when applied to jobs in the restaurant industry, leading to an improvement in the work behavior of employees.
  • The Trends of Natural and Organic Foods Organic food is primarily intended to appeal to financially well-off people who can afford to spend more money on food in exchange for its perceived superior quality.
  • Food Innovation: Ayran Yogurt in the Scandinavian Market This study researches the suitability of Ayran yogurt product and how to introduce it as a healthy alternative to soft drinks in the Scandinavian market.
  • Genetically Modified Food Safety and Benefits Today’s world faces a problem of the shortage of food supplies to feed its growing population. The adoption of GM foods can solve the problem of food shortage in several ways.
  • Food Additives: Dangers and Health Impact Research shows that synthetic food additives have a negative human health and consumer dissatisfaction effect which calls for stricter regulation of their use in products.
  • Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry Designing a proper supply chain in the environment of the global economy is a challenging task for a number of reasons; the numerous risks that need to be dealt with being the key one.
  • Taiwanese Culture, Foods, and Tourism This paper provides a brief overview of Taiwan, including its location, culture, food, and tourism industry and its significant economic impact on the country.
  • The Indigenous Food Sovereignty Concept The indigenous food sovereignty concept is broad in essence, and it perceives food as integrating all aspects of existence – mental, spiritual, cultural, and intellectual.
  • Food and Agriculture of Ancient Greece The concepts of agriculture and cuisine both have a deep connection to Greek history, culture, development, and social trends.
  • Fast Food Popularity in America: Cause and Effect The popularity of fast food affects Americans in many ways, but the threats of obesity, chronic diseases, and unstable immunity remain critical effects.
  • Fast-Food Expansion Strategy for Indian Market With the increasing globalization of the world economy and the fast-food industry, in particular, major fast-food chains continuously seek new markets to expand their operations.
  • Trade Peculiarities in Food and Agriculture Food trading is a peculiar area, as food is the basis for surviving the population. The one who controls food production and trading routes, also controls all populations.
  • Whole Foods Company’s Product Marketing in France Whole Foods can use different promotion strategies as it will be new to France. To make their product appealing to customers, they can offer coupons.
  • Indian Cuisine: Food and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Eating Many social and cultural aspects of Indian cuisine are different from American foods. In Indian culture, eating is a significant social occasion.
  • Feasibility Plan for E-Commerce of Food Delivery The use of cell phone innovation can be viewed as one of the creative approaches to assist organizations in improving their business execution in the global market.
  • Food, Health and Environment Relations This essay briefly explores the role played by EHPs in ensuring food safety and quality, the regulatory framework in place as well as risk and proportionality in food quality.
  • Food and Wine Pairing Menu Considering the amount of sugars, acids, or tannins in wine might help to achieve a specific taste or sensation via its unique combination with food.
  • Statistics on Food Disorders in the US and Puerto Rico The purpose of this paper is to analyze the statistics on food disorders in the United States, compare it with the situation in Puerto Rico, and suggest measures to tackle the problem.
  • The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment I decided to research two food products: salmon fillet and orange juice. I will utilize the data collected to reflect upon how food choices can impact the economy and environment.
  • Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production The author spends so much time discussing the Kaluli environment to demonstrate the surrounding, as it provides an understanding of the people and the main events.
  • Food in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” The readers of Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” cannot overlook the fact that the motif of food consumption does resurface throughout the play’s entirety.
  • The Importance of Sustainable Development in the Food Retail Sector The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are discussed from the perspective of their relevance to the Canadian business in general and the food retail sector in particular.
  • Food Company Managing Business Activities The company’s primary output consists of numerous dishes and drinks. The firm has a set of requirements that are used to determine if products meet the standards.
  • Healthy Food Access for Poor People Through numerous studies, it is evident that the secret to good health lies in balancing of diet in peoples’ meals.
  • Pet Food Product Marketing Strategy This paper outlines the marketing strategies that will be used for launching my pet food product: SWOT analysis, target market, market needs, and other market strategies.
  • Fast Food Harmful Effects on Children This paper states that the exposure of children to fast food early on has an adverse effect on them, resulting in the need to prevent the sale of fast food in schools.
  • Pizza as One of the Most Famous Food in London The most revolutionary thing about pizza is that it combines three key ingredients to become one of the tastiest foods to date. This dish utilizes our London-made bread.
  • Alaska Natives Diet: Traditional Food Habits and Adaptation of American Foodstuffs The Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society.
  • Food Service Facilities Design: Food Preparation The food service facility design in a mall in Singapore is based on providing customers with various dining options, including fast food, and casual dining.
  • Food Waste Management Importance The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day.
  • Availability of Healthy Food Food security and accessibility are now seen as ensuring that all members of society have physical and economic access to food that is safe.
  • Food Sustainability Assessment Food sustainability is the ability to produce enough food to meet the current population’s needs without damaging the resources that future generations will need to survive.
  • The Age of “Nutritionism”: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan Michael Pollan, an investigative journalist, wrote the book In Defense of Food to educate on what humans should consume to be healthy.
  • The Food Insecurity Issue and Methods of Solving The paper discusses the issue of food insecurity and methods of how this problem can be solved. Some people do not have access to healthy food.
  • Food Processing: Principles and Controversies Food processing is a currently applied trend to turn fresh food into different food products through such methods as washing, pasteurizing, freezing, cooking, or packaging.
  • The “Food Inc.” Documentary by Robert Kenner In his film “Food Inc.”, documentary film producer Robert Kenner explores how massive businesses have monopolized every part of the food supply chain in the United States.

Do you want to write a paper on the latest advancements in food science and technology? Here are some current food-related research topics to discuss:

  • Potential health benefits of plant-based diets.
  • Nanotechnology in food packaging.
  • The application of 3D printing in the food industry.
  • The benefits of bioprocessing of food waste.
  • The impact of fermented foods on gut health.
  • Current techniques for clean meat production.
  • Food traceability: why does it matter?
  • Alternative sweeteners as a sugar reduction strategy.
  • Emerging trends in food packaging materials.
  • The use of robotics in the food industry.
  • Junk Food Taxation in the United States This paper aims to study junk food taxation in the US, define the related problems, present solutions, and provide recommendations.
  • Restricting the Volume of Sale of Fast Foods and Genetically Modified Foods The effects of fast foods and genetically modified foods on the health of Arizona citizens are catastrophic. The control of such outlets and businesses is crucial.
  • Nutrients: The Distribution in the Food Groups This essay associates nutrients to their specific food groups justify their nutritional composition and explains their significance.
  • Foreign Market Entry of Electronic Food Delivery Service in Nigeria The purpose of this report is to discuss and analyze the establishment of an electronic, online-based food delivery service in Nigeria.
  • Discussion of Food Safety Issues The paper discusses food tampering and bioterrorism are those issues that can result in fundamental problems in food safety area.
  • Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages This report concerns an analysis of the report on organic food purchases among customers of different ages conducted by Diligent Consulting Group.
  • Healthier Cookie Version: The Challenges to the Food Industry A meal can enhance a healthy body development and, if not well censored, can result in health-related problems such as high blood pressure.
  • “The Food Matters” by James Colquhoun “The Food Matters” movie’s trailer explores the topic of the modern food industry’s deplorable state and presents experts’ opinions.
  • Competition in the Australian Food Industry: Case Analysis This article focuses on an analysis of the performance of Weight Watchers Comapny and Paradise Food Industries to identify the de facto leader in the health food market.
  • Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply The global food supply chain has been greatly affected by the impact of global climate change. There are, however, benefits as well as drawbacks to crop production.
  • Product Design in Food Industry: A McDonald’s Case Article Critique In “Product Design in Food Industry – A McDonald’s Case,” authors consider McDonald’s recent launch of new products along with some of the aspects of its production process and innovativeness.
  • Chick-fil-A Fast-Food Network Brand Analysis Based on customer demographic data, the paper analyzes the Chick-fil-A fast-food network and compares some data to compile an accurate picture of people’s preferences.
  • Fast-Food Restaurant’s Capacity Increasing Options The fast-food restaurant is experiencing a booming business and looking for ways to increase its capacity to serve more customers. The management has come up with two options.
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging Design for Food and Drinks The paper will focus on the issues of eco-friendly packaging. The topic will be narrowed to the food industry, i.e. food and beverage production.
  • Food Policy Action and Food Security Legislation Food Policy Action was created from efforts of the US food policy leaders for holding legislators accountable for those votes that have a direct impact on the food industry.
  • Food Diversion as a Type-2 Diabetes Treatment This research paper examines its potential use for the treatment of type-2 diabetes in patients within the previously stipulated BMI range.
  • Slow Food Movement in USA The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by C. Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits.
  • What the Slow Food Movement Is Doing to Help the World With Food Insecurities The paper enlightens people on the origins of the Slow Food movement and how it has affected modern food, health care, and environmental sustainability.
  • The Food Insecurity Action Center The Food Insecurity Action Center is a non-profit organization that aims to address the problem of food insecurity among students with negative school lunch balances.
  • Sustainable Food Production: Cooking Chicken Breast Chicken breast is a versatile and nutritious cut of meat that can be cooked using dry heat methods such as roasting, grilling, or sautéing.
  • Ecological Consumption in Terms of Food The paper focuses on food and its relation to ecology, precisely, how eating types of food can harm the ecosystem while others can help sustain the ecosystem’s health.
  • Global Trade: Food Price Indexes and Data Collection Global trade is a rather beneficial aspect of the economy. It provides people with extra job opportunities and exposes people to previously unknown brands.
  • The Food Choices Movie Analysis The main thesis of the movie, ‘Food Choices,’ is that a plant-based diet is the most nutritious, and people should not consume animal products.
  • Canada’s Food Guide Discussion Food recommendations are more important than ever, as customers struggle with varying levels of effectiveness in making nutritional judgments in today’s internet-based environment.
  • The American Diet Influenced by Fast Food Ads McDonald’s is the largest provider of food services worldwide. It is one of the most well-known and reputable companies in the world, with a multi-level marketing campaign.
  • The Meat Inspection and Food Safety Issues The safety of the food that people consume must be carefully checked before it hits the shelves. However, the inspection only checks some pieces of meat that enter the stores.
  • Food Deserts’ Impact on Children Food deserts are an alarming issue of concern, especially for school-going children. This is because a lack of healthy food affects children both physically and mentally.
  • Food Deserts Control in the United States Food access is a major contributor to food deserts and is viewed as a consequence of several factors such as physical closeness to food supplies.
  • The Salmonella Bacterium as a Food Borne Illness Pathogen This paper will explore these aspects of the salmonella bacterium, which can negatively affect the human body.
  • The Omnivore’s Dilemma Regarding Sources of Food This experimental work states that the omnivore’s dilemma is connected to having too many options while finding a lack of wise consumption guidance.
  • Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City Restaurant Having many difficulties curbing the handling of improper food practices in Kansas City restaurants, they have come up with the program of training.
  • Food Ingredients: Molecular Reactions The meal comprised vitamins, which could be found in onions and tomatoes; lipids, which are unsaturated fats; carbohydrates, which could be found in rice.
  • Food Preparation in Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II The article makes an effort to examine the spatial distribution of fourteen plant taxa uncovered following the excavation of the Ohalo II Upper Paleolithic site in Israel.
  • Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania This paper evaluates the strategies applicable to the development and further maintenance of agriculture, water, and food security in Tanzania.
  • Food, Inc., Produced by Kenner Review Upon its release, the documentary Food, Inc., produced by Kenner (2008), profoundly impacted society, showing the true realities of food production.
  • Jewish Dietary Patterns: Kosher Food and New Meat This paper summarizes the article “What did it feel like to be a Jew?” by Mermelstein and discusses Jewish dietary laws regarding kosher food and new meat products.
  • Improper Food Handling Practices in Kansas City Food safety is an essential factor in boosting the well-being of consumers on account of preventing poisoning and foodborne illnesses.
  • Factors Influencing Food Choices and Their Impact on Health Many people have access to various food options, while some are limited to the highly available and affordable unhealthy food choices.
  • The Lack of Food Safety in Kansas City, Missouri Food safety is crucial in storing, preparing, and handling food in restaurants and other establishments where meals and refreshments can be ordered.
  • The Food Truck Business Models Development This paper examines the following models for the food truck business: operating model, value model, service model, experience model, cost model, and revenue model.

If you’re looking for persuasive topics about food to talk about, here are some suggestions for you:

  • The benefits of eating organic foods.
  • Fast food advertising to children should be banned.
  • Food waste reduction is everyone’s responsibility.
  • The importance of clear and informative food labels.
  • The need for stricter regulation of junk food sales in schools.
  • Why should the government impose a soda tax?
  • The role of food companies in addressing childhood obesity.
  • The impact of social media on eating behaviors.
  • Home cooking is essential for health and family bonding.
  • The role of food companies in addressing food allergies.
  • Food Poisoning Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Effects of Food-Medication Interplay on Recovery
  • Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography
  • Powerade Food Myth Buster: Investigating Health Claims
  • The Reaction to the “Food, Inc.” Documentary
  • Food Insecurity Health Issue: How to Mitigate It
  • Food Habits and Acculturation of Immigrants
  • Hazard Analysis in Food Safety
  • The Challenges in Food Supply Chain During COVID-19
  • Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s: The Use of Information Systems
  • Food Behaviors Among Mexicans and South Americans
  • Food Industry: The Safety Issues
  • Food-Borne Salmonella Epidemiologic Triad
  • The Food Quality Impact on Economy and Health
  • Food Insecurity in New York City
  • Agriculture-Led Food Crops and Cash Crops in Tanzania
  • Food Security: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Indian Culture and Food Supply
  • Buffalo Skies Aki Forest Food Sovereignty Pilot Project
  • Amazon and Whole Foods Merger
  • Protecting Ourselves from Food Article by Sherman & Flaxman
  • Food Deserts and Related Challenges
  • The Baby Food Shortage: Public Service Announcement
  • Examining Solutions for Mitigating the Food and Water Security Issue
  • Agriculture and Food Safety in the United States
  • The Issue of Food and Water Security
  • Expanding Access to Food Interview Plan
  • The Consumer Attitude Towards Buying Organic Food in Hong Kong
  • Liability of Death from Food Poisoning
  • Food Labeling Affecting Sustainable Food Choices
  • Behavioral Reasoning Perspectives on Organic Food Purchase
  • Analysis of Freeman’s Promotion of Junk Food
  • Morals and Using Animals for Food
  • Food and Cultural Appropriation Article by Cheung
  • Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles
  • Solutions for Food and Water Security Issue
  • Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security
  • Food Administration on Sustainable Palm Oil
  • Food Cost Issues in the Hospital
  • Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction
  • Global Societal Issue: Food and Water Security
  • Addressing Food Insecurity in Wyandotte County
  • Chinese Food in the United States
  • Fortified and Aromatic Wines and Accompanying Food
  • “Can You Be Addicted to Food?”: A New Problem Faced by North Americans
  • The Connection Between Food Allergies and Gut Microbiome
  • Food Facility Design: Sustainable Kitchen for Delight Restaurant
  • Successful Institutional Food Management & Delivery Systems
  • Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues
  • Digitization in Improving the Food Supply Chain
  • The Discrepancies in Unhealthy Food Advertising: Hispanic and Black Consumers
  • The Biofuel and Food Industry Connection
  • Climate Change and Food Production Cycle
  • “Societal Control” Over Food and Weight Gain
  • Food Deprivation in the United States
  • “Fast Food Nation”: The Development of the Food Industry in the USA
  • The Connection Between Food Choices, Identity, and Nationalism
  • Healthy Food for Learning Achievements in School
  • Introduction to Food: Macromolecules Analysis
  • Discussion of Food Foraging History
  • Aspects of Food Insecurity
  • Botulism Prevention and Food Security Approaches
  • Should Food Manufacturers Label All GMOs?
  • “Food Stamped” and Its Main Shortcomings
  • Discussion of Food Security Technologies
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization
  • Food Allergies and Eating Disorders
  • Supply Chain Strategy for the Foods and Drinks Sector
  • Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities
  • Introduction and Politics of Food Discussion
  • Food Security: Global Health Issue Comparison
  • Are Food Manufactures Killing Us?
  • A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs
  • Whole Foods: An Organizational Needs Analysis
  • White-Collar Crimes: Unsafe Food
  • The Class About Nutrition to Real Life Situations When Making Food Choices
  • Food and Beverage Plan: The COVID-19 Pandemic Influence
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food
  • Food Supplements in Preventing Long-Term Illnesses
  • Personal Response About the Documentary “Food Inc.”
  • A Plan for Receiving and Handling of Food Products Based on HACCP
  • Logistics Network of the Food and Beverage Production Industry
  • Quality of Food Served to Children
  • Fast Food Restaurants in the US
  • Fast-Food Marketing and Children’s Fast-Food Consumption
  • Genetically Modified Foods: How Safe are they?
  • The Home Food Environment and Obesity-Promoting Eating Behaviours
  • Fast Food and Health Relations
  • The Effects of Food on ADHD
  • Genetically Modified Organisms in Human Food
  • Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis
  • Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food
  • When Food Costs More Than It Is Supposed To
  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment
  • American Food Industry in the “Food, Inc.” Movie
  • Ban on Genetically Modified Foods
  • Obesity Treatment – More Than Food
  • Fast-Food Industry’s Influences on Children
  • Nurse-Led Program on Food Safety Problem
  • Halal Food in Other Religions
  • Neighborhood Deprivation and Exposure to Fast Food in a Large Rural Area
  • Bacteria That Cause Food Toxicity
  • “The Future of Food” produced by Catherine Lynn Butler
  • Comfort Food as a Quarantine Trend
  • The Process of Food Poisoning in General
  • A 3-Day Diet Analysis With the USDA Food Pyramid
  • Food Consumption: Enjoyment and Ethics
  • Reducing Food Packaging Litter in Ireland
  • Food Insecurity Assessment in Miami
  • TQM, Six Sigma and Product Liability in Perishable Food Industry
  • Food Labeling and Concordia University’s Food Sphere
  • Food and Family in the Hispanic Culture
  • The Downtown Rideau Area: Food Segway Tours
  • The History of Soul Food Cuisine in the United States
  • The Words on Your Plate: Analysis of the Food Words
  • Expanding Ultima Foods in China
  • The Actual and Budgeted Food Costs
  • Escherichia Coli Infection: Preventing Food Borne Illness
  • National Food Policy Guaranteeing Healthy Food Marketing
  • Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems
  • First in Show Pet Foods: Case Analysis
  • Food Festival Event for Westboro Residents
  • Analysis of Nutrition and Food Studies
  • Modeling Sustainable Food Systems
  • Soul Food: An Original American Art Form
  • Macronutrients Consumption: The Best Food Sources
  • Fast Food Chain Locations, Non-Chain Restaurants and Bars
  • Teens ‘Especially Vulnerable’ to Junk Food Advertising
  • The Importance of Variability in the Food Industry
  • “Women, Food, and Learning” by Claudia Setzer
  • Food Additives Use in Agriculture in the United States
  • Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods
  • The Origins of the Soul Food and Barbeque in the USA
  • Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus
  • 2019 Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival
  • America Express Charity Food Overview
  • Visual Communication. Natural Food Packaging Colors
  • Food, Body, and Weight Issues Exploration and Family Dynamics in Ireland
  • Is Fast Food Really Harmful and Can It Be Healthy?
  • The Current American Food Situation Influenced by the Immigrant Farmers
  • Traditional Lakota Food: Buffalo
  • Organic Foods Issue of “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan
  • Negative Impact of Soil Erosion on the World`s Food Supply
  • Food Safety in the Commercial Industry
  • Working in a Food Pantry
  • Testing Food Service Employees: Policy Assessment
  • How Tesco a Leading Food Retailer Globally
  • How the Fast Food Industry Has Changed the Environment and the Health of American Society?
  • Food Safety Issues and Standards
  • “Chinese Restaurant Food” : The Article Review
  • Genetic Engineering in Food and Freshwater Issues
  • Food Habits and Dietary Practices: Honey as Food
  • Food and Drug Administration History
  • Eric Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation”
  • White Thinking Hat Fast Food: Overview
  • “Fast Food Nation” the Book by Eric Schlosser
  • Genetically Modified Food as a Current Issue
  • The Fast Food Restaurants History in the United States
  • Fast Food Nation: Business Analysis
  • Fast Foods Lead to Fast Death: Informative Speech
  • Delectability of Foods Within the Context of Children
  • Concerns Regarding Genetically Modified Food
  • Time and Food: Chrononutrition & Night Eating
  • Obesity Caused by Fast-Food as a Nursing Practice Issue
  • Food and Drug Administration – Regulatory Agency
  • Do Marketers Condition Us to Buy More Junk Food?
  • Bologna-Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial Contamination on Two Food Contact Surfaces
  • The Case of Salesforce and Wegmans Food Market
  • Food Insecurity Intervention and Its Effectiveness
  • Business Within Society: Food Truck
  • Proposal for Lowering the Intake of High-Calorie Food
  • Organizational Design Factors in the Food Industry
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Analysis
  • Global Food Security: UN Speech
  • Sociology of Food and Eating
  • Food & Beverage Companies’ Input to Global Food Consumption
  • McDonald’s Fast-Food Restaurant’s Analysis
  • “The Future of Food” Documentary
  • Australian Consumers Strategies to Reduce Food Waste
  • Waste, Food and Transportation: Sustainable Development
  • Food Stamps: Rationale for Tightened Conditions
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Environment
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Market Capitalization
  • Food Labeling Changes in the United States
  • Biofoam: The Snack Food That’s Packing America
  • Advertising Promoting Organic Food and Beverages
  • Global Food Supplies, Overpopulation and Pollution
  • Start Up Company: Genetically Modified Foods in China
  • Costly Healthy Food and State Policies
  • Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Value Chain
  • Nature’s Best Pet Food Brand’s Target Market
  • Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis
  • Healthy and Nutritious Food for Young Children
  • Food Chain: Ricotta Cheese Production
  • Food in Reducing Risks and Improving Health
  • Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games
  • Food and Drug Administration Fast-Track Approval
  • Dietary Laws and Food Products for Health
  • Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World
  • Local Food Venture and Its Operations Management
  • How Canadian Government Could Improve Food Safety?
  • Labeling Food With Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Ethical Eating in Daily Food Practices
  • Healthy Food in U.S. Schools
  • Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions
  • Food Producing Company and Its Key Processes
  • Saddle Creek Corporation: Food Company Analysis
  • IES Lean Systems Ltd. in the Food Industry
  • Food Ads Ban for Childhood Obesity Prevention
  • World Hunger and Food Distribution as Global Issue
  • Whole Foods Market’s Strategic Position and Goals
  • Packaging in Marketing, Food Safety, Environment
  • Food: National Identity and Cultural Difference
  • Food for the Working-class Americans
  • Fast Food and Obesity Link – Nutrition
  • In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
  • Nutrition: Causes and Effects of Fast Food
  • Food Science and Technology of Genetic Modification
  • Food Across Cultures: Asida (Jamza) Meal Project
  • Food in the 20th Centure
  • Food Safety and Information Bulletin
  • Nutrition, Healthy Food Choice, and Nutritional Value of Fast Foods
  • Nutrition and Food Security within the Aboriginal and Remote Communities of Australia
  • Food Allergies and Obesity
  • Genetically Modified Foods and Their Impact on Human Health
  • Nutrition: Foods Containing Calories

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/

"457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "457 Food Essay Topics & Research Questions to Write about." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/food-essay-topics/.

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Research Article

Home food preparation practices, experiences and perceptions: A qualitative interview study with photo-elicitation

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

* E-mail: [email protected]

Affiliation Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

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Roles Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Supervision, Writing – review & editing

Affiliations Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Roles Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodology, Supervision, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Human Nutrition Research Centre, Institute of Health & Society, The Medical School, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Roles Supervision, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling, Stirling, United Kingdom

Affiliation Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, United Kingdom

  • Susanna Mills, 
  • Martin White, 
  • Wendy Wrieden, 
  • Heather Brown, 
  • Martine Stead, 


  • Published: August 30, 2017
  • https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182842
  • Reader Comments

Table 1

Food-related choices have an important impact on health. Food preparation methods may be linked to diet and health benefits. However, the factors influencing people’s food choices, and how they are shaped by food preparation experiences, are still not fully understood. We aimed to study home food preparation practices, experiences and perceptions amongst adults in North East England. A matrix was used to purposively sample participants with diverse socio-demographic characteristics. Participants developed photographic food diaries that were used as prompts during semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed using the Framework Method. Interviews were conducted with 18 adults (five men and 13 women), aged approximately 20 to 80 years, to reach data saturation. Participants’ practices varied widely, from reliance on pre-prepared foods, to preparing complex meals entirely from basic ingredients. Key themes emerged regarding the cook (identity), the task (process of cooking), and the context (situational drivers). Resources, in terms of time, money and facilities, were also underpinning influences on food preparation. Participants’ practices were determined by both personal motivations to cook, and the influence of others, and generally reflected compromises between varied competing demands and challenges in life. Most people appeared to be overall content with their food preparation behaviour, though ideally aspired to cook more frequently, using basic ingredients. This often seemed to be driven by social desirability. Home food preparation is complex, with heterogeneous practices, experiences and perceptions both between individuals and within the same individual over time, according to shifting priorities and circumstances. Generalisability of these findings may be limited by the regional participant sample; however the results support and build upon previous research. Focussing interventions on life transition points at which priorities and circumstances change, with careful targeting to stimulate personal motivation and social norms, may prove effective in encouraging home food preparation.

Citation: Mills S, White M, Wrieden W, Brown H, Stead M, Adams J (2017) Home food preparation practices, experiences and perceptions: A qualitative interview study with photo-elicitation. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182842. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182842

Editor: Ricardo Toshio Fujiwara, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, BRAZIL

Received: January 17, 2017; Accepted: July 25, 2017; Published: August 30, 2017

Copyright: © 2017 Mills et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Data Availability: The raw data necessary to replicate this study consist of the participant interview transcripts. Participants in this study did not consent to have their full transcripts made publicly available, and therefore this disclosure would contravene the terms of their consent. Such restrictions have been imposed by the Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences Research Ethics Committee. Excerpts of the participant transcripts are available on request from [email protected] .

Funding: This report is independent research arising from a Doctoral Research Fellowship Grant DRF-2014-07-020 for the lead author (SM), supported by the National Institute for Health Research. JA and MW received funding from the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. HB and SM are members of Fuse, also a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. Grant reference number is MR/K02325X/1. Funding for CEDAR and for Fuse from the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research and the Wellcome Trust, under the auspices of the UKCRC, is gratefully acknowledged. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, the Department of Health, the funders or UKCRC. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: I have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: JA is currently an Academic Editor on the PLOS One Editorial Board.


Food choices, including meal source and preparation method, have an important impact on dietary intake, and hence health. Preparing food at home has been associated with a range of potential benefits, such as consuming fewer calories and smaller portions, and eating less fat, salt and sugar.[ 1 , 2 ] Home food preparation is also positively correlated with greater intake of fruits and vegetables[ 3 ] and a healthful dietary pattern.[ 4 ] Recent systematic reviews have identified potential advantages of home cooking interventions, in terms of diet, health, and cooking knowledge/skills, confidence and attitudes.[ 5 , 6 ] However, they also found the evidence base was overall inconclusive, due to the predominance of poor quality studies.[ 5 , 6 ] Cooking classes for children, parents and carers have been recommended as part of wider strategy to reduce childhood obesity[ 7 ].

It is estimated that by 2020, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will account for 60% of all disability adjusted life years and nearly 75% of all deaths worldwide,[ 8 , 9 ] with the majority of NCDs related to diet.[ 8 ] In almost every part of the world, health problems attributable to NCDs associated with dietary intake now outweigh the burden due to undernutrition[ 8 , 10 – 12 ].

There are no standardised, widely accepted definitions for home cooking and food preparation.[ 13 ] The terms are used here interchangeably, to refer to making food ready to eat. However, cooking is generally used here in the context of meals, whereas food preparation includes less structured eating occasions such as snacks.

Internationally, a perceived decline in cooking skills has been reported by food and nutrition practitioners, policy makers and scientists,[ 13 – 15 ] although some evidence suggests that skill deficits may be restricted to particular population subgroups.[ 16 ] The frequency and amounts of time spent on home food preparation using basic and raw ingredients in the United Kingdom have also been declining, in comparison with other countries such as France[ 17 ].

Qualitative research into home food preparation is likely to be particularly insightful for exploring the nuances of this contextualised and highly individual behaviour. A recent systematic review identified only 11 qualitative studies with a main focus on the determinants and/or outcomes of home cooking.[ 18 ] In general, studies sought information solely through traditional interview or focus group methods, which can have limited capacity to generate rich, insightful data regarding everyday practices that are often undertaken with minimal reflection.[ 19 ] The studies also usually considered only one aspect of cooking behaviour and did not describe in detail the rationale for and experiences of decisions relating to different approaches to cooking. Most studies focussed on a specific demographic group, such as the experiences of working mothers,[ 20 ] or a particular social context, for example acculturation following immigration[ 21 ].

Similar data from participants with wide-ranging socio-demographic characteristics would help inform development of public health interventions to encourage home cooking, and enhance understanding of the broad range of factors influencing behaviour. Further research to explore the nature and perceptions of home cooking practices has been advocated.[ 22 ] Contemporary studies are particularly important in view of the rapid evolution of influential social and economic determinants. These include increasing female participation in the workforce,[ 23 ] growing domination of large supermarkets in the grocery market,[ 24 ] and increasing availability of pre-prepared meal options.[ 25 ]The aim of this study was to explore the practices, experiences and perceptions of home food preparation amongst adults in North East England, in order to identify the key themes of public health importance, traversing diverse socio-demographic characteristics and social circumstances. This aim was successfully achieved through qualitative interviews with photo-elicitation.

Materials and methods

Participants and recruitment.

This study adhered to the COREQ consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research.[ 26 ] We undertook semi-structured interviews with photo-elicitation to explore home food preparation behaviour. The majority of interviews were one-to-one; however for three interviews, two of the other research participants were also present, in accordance with the participants’ requests. These participants were all known to each other, had consented to take part in the research, and contributed to the interview dialogue.

We purposively recruited adult participants from the North East of England between June and October 2015, through social media advertisements, voluntary organisations, academic recruitment networks, and health, employment and community groups. We used a sampling matrix to ensure diverse participant representation according to gender, age, ethnicity, marital status, household composition, deprivation, self-reported weight status, and self-reported interest and skills in cooking. Area based deprivation was measured using the 2015 index of multiple deprivation (IMD), assigned to unit postcodes and allocated to fifths of the distribution.[ 27 ] The aim was not to recruit a sample that met all possible combinations in the matrix, but rather to interview participants with diverse characteristics, in order to identify key issues of public health importance. Individuals aged less than 16 years, and those who were not the main or shared main household food provider as defined previously[ 28 ] were excluded, since they were anticipated to have fewer insights to contribute towards the research questions.

Depending on the recruitment method, either the potential participant saw advertising material and contacted the researcher to express their interest, or the participant responded to the researcher directly, following an in-person promotional presentation to a group. Participants were met on two occasions by SM, a female doctoral researcher who is qualified as a medical doctor and has a background in public health. SM received prior in-depth training in qualitative research methods and analysis.

At the first meeting, the participant information sheet was reviewed, and the participant was provided with the opportunity to ask any outstanding questions, before completing the written consent form. Participants were asked to take photographs, which they would then present and discuss at interview.[ 29 , 30 ] The researcher explained this process, and asked the participant to submit at least one digital photograph via email each day, over the period of one week. Participants were encouraged to photograph all aspects of food and eating at home, such as food shopping, cooking and eating facilities, and mealtimes. For participants who did not own a smartphone with capacity to take and send photographs, a digital camera was provided, and photographs were uploaded and sent by computer. In order to maintain anonymity, participants were advised to avoid taking identifiable images of people. A daily text message reminder service was offered.

Data collection

Interviews were conducted one week after the initial meeting, at the participant’s home; Newcastle University; or a public venue such as a local community centre. There was no relationship between the participants and the researcher before the study started. Research participants were aware that the interviewer was a medical doctor, but that the focus of the study was not to provide a critique of their diet, nor to offer medical advice.

Interviews followed a semi-structured interview topic guide with largely open-ended questions (see version 1 topic guide in S1 Appendix ). This was informed by a recent extensive systematic review of the barriers and facilitators of home cooking,[ 18 ] and piloted. In the main interviews, some questions were expanded and iteratively developed as the study progressed, according to previous participants’ responses, as previously[ 31 ].

We used the process of photo-elicitation to generate additional participant data and provide a form of visual diary to prompt in-depth interview responses. Interviews commenced by asking each participant to present and discuss their photographs of food and eating. Two participants did not take any photographs and therefore this stage was omitted. Participants were encouraged to ‘tell their story’ of home food preparation, and questions from the topic guide were used to probe emerging themes and concepts further (see S1 Appendix ). Interviewing and concurrent data analysis continued to data saturation, whereby existing themes were consistently repeated, and no new themes emerged from the data.[ 32 ] All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and anonymised; basic field notes were made at the time of the interview. Transcripts were not returned to participants for comment; however all participants were invited to receive a copy of the research findings at the end of the study if they so wished.

We analysed interviews using Framework Analysis,[ 33 ] focussing particularly on emergent key public health issues. Framework Analysis provides the benefit of a systematic approach to comparing inter- and intra- participant viewpoints, and entails coding data according to the salience of emerging themes and concepts, rather than their frequency of occurrence[ 34 ].

NVivo 10 software was used to manage the data, using Framework Analysis in a stepped process.[ 33 ] In step 1, we reviewed initial transcripts, and recorded key ideas and recurrent themes regarding home food preparation. In step 2, a provisional thematic framework was constructed, incorporating themes highlighted from previous research[ 18 , 35 ] and key themes from step 1, and directed by the research aims. Subsequently, in step 3 we applied the thematic framework to successive interviews, thereby facilitating simultaneous data collection and analysis. The framework was modified and iteratively expanded to incorporate new emerging themes and ideas, including participants’ approaches to photo-elicitation. In step 4, we charted data according to themes using Microsoft Excel, to enable comparisons within and between participants. Finally, step 5 involved exploring further relationships, patterns and associations within the data, including emerging overarching concepts and principles.

The whole research team (SM, JA, MW, WW, HB and MS) were involved in the development and review of data analysis. MS has extensive experience in conducting and analysing qualitative research. The lead researcher (SM) coded the dataset independently and iteratively to develop a set of key themes. A subset of transcripts (n = 3) were discussed in a data clinic with other members of the research team early in the analysis phase, to review the interpretation of emergent perspectives and themes. A further subset (one transcript each, for three members of the research team) was coded independently using the final coding frame, to check the reliability of the coding process. SM attended a departmental qualitative data sharing group to improve understanding and experience of interpreting themes, at which she presented and received feedback on her interpretation of the interview data.

This research was approved by the Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences Research Ethics Committee, application number 008585 2015. All participants submitted informed, written consent prior to taking part in the study. After the interviews were completed, the interviewer provided a debriefing sheet and reiterated data management, confidentiality, and use of data in research and publications. Participants were able to ask any outstanding questions and received a £20 shopping voucher as reimbursement for their time, as advertised.

We recruited a total of 19 adult participants to the study; one participant withdrew after the first meeting, leaving 18 participants’ data for analysis. Characteristics of those taking part are shown in Table 1 .


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Interviews lasted between 36 minutes and 1 hour 18 minutes. We present key underpinning principles identified from the research, then describe the main emergent themes using supporting quotations, referring to illustrative participant photographs where applicable (photographs shown in S2 Appendix ). The number of photographs participants submitted (range 1 to 97), and their choice of material, varied greatly. Some participants systematically photographed all meals and eating occasions daily, whereas others selected images to illustrate habits or deviation from usual practices. This variation complemented the range of perspectives and experiences of home food preparation that participants described during interviews. Longer interviews generally corresponded to larger collections of participant photographs submitted for discussion.

With regards to interview findings, overall participants viewed cooking as a balance between varied competing influences and demands in life. Most people appeared to have the essential resource requirements, such as time and money, necessary to reach a level of compromise in cooking with which they were generally content. Many participants described strategies they had adopted to juggle an aspiration to regularly cook healthy meals on the one hand, with the challenge of fitting food preparation conveniently into busy lives on the other. Often people seemed to conclude that under perfect conditions they would aim to cook more often, and use basic ingredients more extensively. But given other competing demands, they were comfortable to make compromises. For those participants who aspired to change, this was apparently often driven by social desirability to prepare more complex, healthy meals for themselves and others, and the fulfilment of an ideal or self-identity as a competent cook.

I would like it to be different in the sense that I would like to feel that I could give myself the time to do it [cooking] and enjoy it . But that feeling isn’t strong enough to make it happen , because there is always something that I would rather be doing . PARTICIPANT 9 (see photograph 1)

The main emergent interview themes are depicted in Fig 1 . We identified three key themes regarding home cooking in terms of the cook (identity); task (process of cooking); and context (situational drivers). These were each shaped by both personal motivation, and the influence of others; these associations were fluid, with overlap and inter-relationships between categories. A fourth theme of resources, with consideration for time, money, and facilities, straddled these concepts. The relationships between these themes are explored further below.


Terms in smaller type indicate concepts that determined participants’ home food preparation behaviour, categorised by one of three themes, and one of two sources of motivation. For example ‘fulfil roles and responsibilities’ provided a personal motivation to cook, and was recognised as part of the participant’s identity. Underpinning all themes was a consideration for resources, namely time, money and facilities.


For many participants, the roles and responsibilities they had currently adopted in life provided a key personal motivation to cook. For example, several women perceived that part of their duty as a mother and homemaker was to provide meals, particularly those that were healthy and nutritious, for the household. Similarly, some participants described motivation to cook in their role as spouse or carer. This sense of responsibility was often persistent, shifting only at different life transition points as participants’ living context and roles changed with time, and could override more transient levels of energy and enthusiasm.

Well when my wife was at home, which she was for some time after she took ill, I did make an effort and cooked things which I thought she would eat, because she wasn’t eating very well… And there was the incentive to do it then because I was doing it for her. PARTICIPANT 8

Many participants also recognised that they were influenced by others, through behavioural norms and social desirability around providing home cooked meals for dependents. In particular, participants often seemed embarrassed about serving meals straight out of a packet, without any personal contribution.

I am at home so for me this has been my setting . This is a role that I’ve taken on , so I’m the main homebody in this home , so for me cooking and having the cleaning and everything done , that in a sense is a mother’s role , but that’s how I feel it is . PARTICIPANT 7 (see photograph 2) I might buy something like these lamb kebabs which if you buy all the component ingredients that are pre-prepared it’s not like–I like to think it’s like the next step up from a ready-meal , if you like … So it’s not like a meal out of a pot ready , all-in-one . It’s a meal that you’ve put together but it’s really convenient… PARTICIPANT 2 (see photograph 3)

For many participants, their own health and that of dependents was influential. Most people were aware of healthier foods and cooking methods, and tried to choose these when possible, particularly in view of existing health conditions. Participants were generally in agreement that preparing food at home was a healthier choice than alternatives such as pre-prepared foods and take-aways.

Well they’re unhealthy [take-aways], and when I went to this seminar for my gastric band they showed you how, like they’d done a national survey and they showed you how many calories and stuff there was in them and I was, like, ‘and how much sugar’? There was ninety grams of sugar in a Korma and I was, like, ‘What?’ PARTICIPANT 14

Some participants described growing in confidence with cooking over the life course, which enabled them to develop their own self-identity as a cook, and exercise autonomy. One participant commented that whilst in the past she was always trying to imitate others, over time she established her own signature dishes.

Because to me it’s part of being independent , you make your own food , you clear up after yourself , that kind of thing . PARTICIPANT 4 (see photograph 4)

Process of cooking

Many participants recognised that they were inherently interested in food and cooking and enjoyed the activity, or to varying degrees were disinterested and disliked it. Frequently, personal interest in food and cooking appeared to last lifelong. However, some individuals reported changing levels of enthusiasm and engagement at different stages in life, as new roles or influences became important.

But the longer we were together the more interest I took in making meals. And when we had the children we couldn’t go out for ages because they were quite close together, and so I used to watch a lot of cookery programmes when I was off on maternity leave, and try things out. And like I say having family over you feel the need to make an effort. So I really came to love doing it, and liked to read recipes and, you know, it’s nice… So I have grown into it definitely. PARTICIPANT 6 Well , I don’t like cooking … And , in fact , I don’t do it … So if I eat in , it is inevitably a frozen meal … Microwaves are very handy … And that’s it . PARTICIPANT 8 (see photograph 5)

A few participants reported drawing inspiration for their cooking from television programmes; however some also noted that in their household, those who prepared food the least frequently were also the most likely to enjoy watching cookery shows. Participants often described learning how to cook from other people, frequently relatives. Cooking was also sometimes used to facilitate bonding between families or friends.

Well my mam and dad always done cooking with me, like when I was younger. My mam and dad, my dad cooks all the time. Even down to where they showed me how to do rabbit stews. PARTICIPANT 10 I love baking my cakes… More so if I’ve got…if I’ve just got my girls in, weekend… Because it involves them, you see. PARTICIPANT 12

The reported cooking skills varied widely between participants, from no practical ability, to the capacity to prepare complex meals entirely from scratch. Participants who were interested in cooking often sought out opportunities to improve their skills, and were prepared to accept culinary failures along the way, whereas those with less engagement viewed their lack of ability as a significant barrier. Greater confidence with cooking was often associated with higher levels of skill. However, confidence was also influenced by the expectations associated with sharing meals, with variation in the perceived differing standards required for preparing food for oneself, partner or family, guests, and formal occasions.

When I’m cooking for other people I worry about it more. It was actually quite a stressful aspect in the last relationship I was in because I felt under pressure to produce a good meal pretty much every night for my girlfriend, as well as for myself. PARTICIPANT 4

For most participants, the process of cooking was strongly linked to their perception and experience of mealtimes. These included usual meal patterns and deviations; planning ahead for meals; and treats and rewards.

I have a cooked breakfast when I go away somewhere, just as a little treat… But I don’t have a cooked breakfast at home. Never, never. PARTICIPANT 5

Many people seemed to operate a mealtime ‘norm’, for example home cooked dishes shared with their family, which was modified according to competing demands, such as the time constraints imposed by others’ schedules.

…and my partner also works shifts … He’s on early on a Thursday morning so I know if I’m getting in late on a Wednesday I know I need to have something made quickly . PARTICIPANT 2 (see photograph 6)

Situational drivers

Participants frequently described how home food preparation behaviour was influenced by their mood and levels of energy and enthusiasm at a specific point in time. For example, preparing complex, time-consuming meals was generally more common at weekends than during the working week, since participants often felt pressured and tired after a day at work. Prompted by her own photograph, one participant described how:

I make these [meals] up and put these in the freezer , in silver dishes . I take [them] out each day . PARTICIPANT 10 (see photograph 7)

Levels of motivation in specific meal situations could also vary greatly within the same participant in the short term from day-to-day.

So we all quite like eating and making food, but it’s usually just because when you get in you’re tired and you can’t really be bothered sometimes, but on weekends it’s different. PARTICIPANT 2 It’s just spur of the moment. If I’m in the mood for cooking then I’ll just do batches of cooking… If I’m not in the mood then I don’t do it. PARTICIPANT 11

Strategies used by participants to manage low enthusiasm for cooking involved short cuts to minimise time input and simplify food preparation, for example using pre-chopped vegetables.

When I get home I’m tired so I don’t really want to cook for as long or prepare as long , so it’s usually quite fast dinners that I make .. PARTICIPANT 1 (see photograph 8)

Sharing meals and preparing them for others was a strong situational driver, with the levels of compromise reached varying between participants. With regards to scheduling, some participants prepared meals more quickly, or to fit in with others’ timetables, for example using pre-prepared ingredients rather than cooking from scratch; whereas others chose to eat separately. In terms of balancing food preferences, some participants perceived these as fixed parameters, preparing different dishes or meal variations according to the likes and dislikes of the household. Others viewed the situation flexibly, for example considering that children should be encouraged to diversify their tastes and eat the food served.

Yeah, so I usually eat it [dinner] with my boyfriend, but he… I am very fussy and he is very fussy, so we tend to have different foods. PARTICIPANT 1 I know with my friend whose a vegetarian, if she’s coming obviously I need to do vegetarian food… So to make it easier I will make something for all of us, rather than doing two separate meals. I just don’t tell them. PARTICIPANT 10

The sociability of preparing food for others provided an incentive to cook. Some participants described maintaining a supply of home cooked foods available in case guests should visit. Entertaining people for a meal also often influenced behaviour, both in terms of preparing more elaborate dishes, and eating in a more formal context. One participant, prompted by their photograph, noted:

Oh , this is dinner at the table , which is Sunday , because we had someone around , and everything we served from dishes rather than serving straight onto the plate , which is what would normally happen . I would normally just serve onto the plate and then we would eat in the lounge , usually , on a lap tray or something like that . PARTICIPANT 2 (see photograph 9)

Participants living alone sometimes noted that preparing a meal for only themselves reduced their sense of engagement with cooking and seemed purposeless and time inefficient, which discouraged extensive food preparation.

I think it would be if I lived with someone, or in a family, or in a group of people, even a commune or something like that, where there was a focus on it [cooking] which I could join in with. That would encourage me to do a lot more, actually. PARTICIPANT 9

In contrast, some participants stated that living alone drove them to cook out of necessity.

So when I got married my wife was a very good cook , and she did all the cooking , and it’s a bit sexist , really , I just let her do that , and she was happy to do it… She enjoyed cooking . And then when we separated I had to learn to cook . PARTICIPANT 5 (see photograph 10)

Resource availability over the life course, in terms of time, money and facilities, was described by participants as an influence on their home food preparation behaviour.

Some participants reported time as a limiting factor in their home food preparation. This was due to pressures both from themselves, such as their employment schedule, and other people, such as children’s extra-curricular activities. However, responses to this constraint varied widely. Some people avoided cooking by consuming ready meals, eating out and ordering take-aways; others greatly restricted their time allocation to cooking by using pre-prepared ingredients. Some participants maintained food preparation as a priority, for example cooking at weekends and freezing meals for later in the week; planning ahead extensively; and purchasing time-conserving cooking equipment.

Like on a Tuesday me and my partner both work late and the kids are at clubs so we all don’t get in until about seven o’clock, half past seven… So we would have a late tea then. Normally that’s something I would have in the slow cooker, or it would be one of the meals I’ve already had cooked so I can just make that. PARTICIPANT 10

Participants’ perceptions of time spent cooking also varied; some viewed cooking as another potentially stressful chore to be completed as quickly as possible, whereas others considered it an enjoyable use of time, for example marking the transition from work to home life, or demonstrating love and care in their role as provider and nurturer. Accordingly, participants who took pleasure in cooking were much less likely to perceive and cite time as a practical barrier to food preparation, and tended to spend longer cooking.

Sundays , I always spend Sunday batch-cooking … Sunday afternoon , I quite enjoy it . PARTICIPANT 10 (see photograph 11)

Most participants considered the cost of food in their decision making around cooking, though the context differed according to their financial situation. For example, some participants budgeted on food to ensure there was enough to feed them until the end of the week, whereas others deliberated whether the extra expense of premium products, such as organic goods, was justified.

I work part-time , so my income’s not enormous , so I do think quite a lot about where I can get the cheapest food . PARTICIPANT 4 (see photograph 12)

Participants seemed divided on whether home cooking was more or less expensive than alternatives such as pre-prepared foods and take-aways, though were in general agreement that eating out was an expensive luxury.

Well, I did think that it is cheaper to get a takeaway instead of making a big massive thing of something, but I think well, if I do a big massive thing like you say, you could freeze it for next week, so that’s what I’ve started doing. PARTICIPANT 14 We don’t make a choice and say let’s go and eat out tonight, I don’t tend to do that, unless it’s a special occasion… I always think I can cook better value when I’m eating out… What you pay these days, actually, it’s ridiculous. PARTICIPANT 5


For some participants, cooking facilities had a strong bearing on their approach to preparing food at home, with limited resources acting as a deterrent to cook.

But some days I just walk in [to the kitchen] and think ‘Agh’, and I’m like, ‘right pass the phone and we’ll order the Chinese’. But I think once it’s decorated I think I’ll be using it a lot more than what I am at the moment. PARTICIPANT 11 Yeah, that can make things really difficult when you don’t have the equipment and the kitchen that you need. PARTICIPANT 15

In contrast, participants also reported that cooking equipment could enable them to optimise their time and help fit cooking into a busy schedule.

My slow cooker, I couldn’t live without my slow cooker now because I just put it on. I chop all my veg on a night time. Put it in in the morning. I have everything ready, stock and everything ready, put it all in and I know when we come in at five, six o’clock it’s ready. PARTICIPANT 10

Main findings

We conducted qualitative interviews with adults from varied socio-demographic backgrounds to provide insights into their practices, experiences and perceptions of home food preparation. Most people developed a personally satisfactory day-to-day coping approach, although preparing food was a compromise between diverse motivations and demands on resources. Driven largely by social desirability and a wish to identify themselves as a proficient cook, many participants aspired to increase their cooking from scratch, and to prepare healthier meals.

Our research highlighted home food preparation as a practical process and skill, with short-term situational drivers, and influenced by longer term facets of identity (see Fig 1 ). These three main themes were divided into two categories, namely personal motivation, for example enjoyment and engagement with cooking; and the influence of others, such as their food preferences. These factors interacted with each other, according to their salience and modifiability. For example, enjoyment of cooking helped participants to overcome potential barriers, such as family food preferences. Participants also noted the significance of resources for home food preparation, in terms of time, money, and facilities.

Strengths and limitations

In contrast to previous research exploring home food preparation,[ 21 , 36 – 38 ] we studied participants from wide-ranging socio-demographic backgrounds, rather than focussing on a particular subgroup. This highlighted the cross-cutting nature of key themes traversing the socio-demographic spectrum. All participants were recruited from the North East of England, hence their views may not be more widely generalisable. However, our findings reflect previous research emphasising the importance of factors such as time,[ 39 ] skills,[ 40 ] and shifts in behaviour at key transition points in life,[ 41 ] suggesting the main themes identified are likely to be transferable.

Our interview topic guide ( S1 Appendix ) was informed by a recent extensive systematic review of the determinants and outcomes of home cooking.[ 18 ] It is likely that this guide prompted consideration of relevant wide-ranging issues, and the use of open-ended questions ensured the generation of rich, detailed data. We conducted our interviews to reach thematic saturation, and there were no overall differences in the key themes identified from single interviews and those where other participants were also present.

We used photo-elicitation to successfully generate prompts to in-depth discussion.[ 42 , 43 ] Visual methods,[ 44 ] particularly participant-generated photographs,[ 19 , 45 ] help elicit detail from nuanced personal experiences. Participants maintained control over their research involvement, thereby avoiding bias against individuals with busy lifestyles, or limited cooking facilities, and promoting participant recruitment and retention. Multiple photographs provided data on a wider range of scenarios than a single observed cooking session, and may therefore more accurately reflect usual behaviour. The great majority of participants engaged effectively with photo-elicitation, and the variation in their submissions reflected different styles of telling their personal story of home food preparation. However, other methods such as go-along interviews[ 46 ] or ethnographic observation with think aloud interviews[ 47 ] might have offered further insights.

Both the professional and personal characteristics of an interviewer may impact on qualitative data collection, and its subsequent interpretation.[ 48 ] In order to reduce this likelihood, and the possibility that participants would provide socially desirable responses, we used a reflexive interviewing approach. This involved considering the interviewer’s perspective on interpretation of the findings; providing adequate time for participants to consider their responses; reminding them that honesty was more valuable than any perceived ‘right’ answer; and promoting full comprehension of all questions by rephrasing as necessary. In order to reduce potential bias in the analytical process, several different members of the research team conducted independent coding of transcripts and met regularly to cross-check the interpretation of key themes.

Relationship to previous research

We identified the importance of considering multiple dimensions of home food preparation (see Fig 1 ), whereas previous qualitative studies have largely focussed on single aspects of cooking,[ 18 ] such as the influence of culture,[ 39 ] or impact of marriage and cohabitation.[ 41 ] Our results support findings from the United States[ 22 ] and island of Ireland[ 49 ] regarding the individuality, complexity and social importance of cooking. This study additionally highlighted changing patterns in food preparation behaviour according to varying demands and priorities over the lifecourse, and generated personalised insights into cooking attitudes and practices through the process of photo-elicitation.

Research into home food preparation has often concentrated on barriers, such as limited resources, and sought to explore constraints without explicitly considering that participants may be content with their current practices.[ 20 , 40 ] In this study, individuals often stated that additional resources would be beneficial, however participants engaged in varying types and degrees of involvement in home cooking, throughout the spectrum of resource availability. This suggests that resources may have been used as a perceived socially acceptable response, whereas personal motivation and the influence of others generally determined the extent to which participants cooked. Hence interventions targeting resources alone may not result in comprehensive changes to home cooking behaviour. Furthermore, the impact of cooking interventions more broadly may be limited if people consider that their own cooking is acceptable, and that they would not benefit themselves from an intervention.

Much previous research has described the impact of busy lifestyles on time available for food preparation at home.[ 20 , 50 – 52 ] We found no clear correlation between time availability and willingness or ability to cook, but rather the perception of time as a barrier to cooking was related to participants’ underlying opinion of themselves as a cook (identity), enjoyment and engagement with preparing food (process of cooking) and levels of energy and enthusiasm (situational drivers) (see Fig 1 ). Participants tended to learn to manage their cooking within the time available, and to devote more time if they experienced cooking as pleasurable and a priority, rather than a domestic chore.

We identified concurrent significance of both personal motivation and the influence of others in determining home food preparation practices. This extends previous research showing that older women,[ 53 ] older men,[ 54 ] and younger men[ 55 ] living alone all tended to experience challenges to preparing and eating wholesome meals. Similarly, our research found that preparing a one-person meal often provided little incentive to cook. However, in contrast, single people frequently noted the necessity to cook in order to fend for themselves.


Our findings suggest that the most effective opportunities for intervention in home food preparation practices are likely to occur at transition points in life when incentives and circumstances for cooking change, such as leaving the parental home; commencing or ending cohabitation; adopting caring responsibilities; and retirement. Evidence from other domains, such as smoking cessation in pregnancy,[ 56 ] dietary changes following a cancer diagnosis,[ 57 ] and sustained weight loss after a personal crisis,[ 58 ] support the notion of ‘teachable moments’[ 59 ] or significant life stages for potential adoption of new health behaviours. Cooking interventions delivered at such transition points may therefore prove fruitful for changing food preparation habits and developing closer engagement with food and cooking.

Given that participants described making changes to their cooking behaviour, practices are generally modifiable, thereby presenting opportunities to create more conducive environments for preparing food at home. For example, policies could support initiatives for subsidising cooking equipment, or ensuring that adequate kitchen facilities form part of mandatory criteria for new properties and public or social housing.

However, our finding that many people establish home food preparation practices as a personally acceptable compromise between competing demands, indicates there may be a natural limit to the impact of cooking interventions. Approaches may therefore need to appeal to people’s reported aspirations to change. Tailored marketing could focus on adjusting social norms and personal priorities to promote a positive view of time spent in food preparation, in contrast to marketing campaigns against cooking.[ 60 ] This could include emphasising the accessibility of cooking, in contrast to complex, seemingly unachievable creations frequently portrayed in popular media. Strategies could also highlight the health significance of cooking for disease prevention and management, and the importance, as a responsible provider, of cooking for dependents.

Future research

Our findings suggest that life transition points are important in determining home food preparation behaviour. Hence future research should involve longitudinal studies with duration encompassing key life changes, such as starting or ending cohabitation, taking on significant caring responsibilities, and retirement. Detailed questions on home food preparation could be incorporated into existing large-scale longitudinal surveys, which would enable exploration of key determinants and outcomes of home food preparation, and relationships with significant transition points in life. The successful use of photo-elicitation in our interviews to generate key insights indicates this is a promising strategy for use in future qualitative studies.


In a study exploring home food preparation practices, experiences and perceptions, we identified the importance of both personal motivation and the influence of others. Key themes emerged regarding identity; the process of cooking; situational drivers; and resources. Home food preparation behaviour was often a balance between varied competing influences and demands in life. Overall, people were largely content with their cooking compromises; however many expressed an aspiration under ideal conditions to cook at home more often, using basic ingredients. Approaches to cooking varied greatly between individuals, and evolved in the short and longer term within the same individual, according to changing priorities and circumstances. These life transition points may prove effective junctures at which to offer support and interventions to encourage home food preparation. Interventions should be targeted at encouraging personal motivation and a shift in social norms, in order to prevent ambivalence regarding changes in behaviour. Longitudinal research studies to help establish causal relationships between the determinants and outcomes of home cooking over the lifecourse are also required.

Supporting information

S1 appendix. interview topic guide..

Iteratively developed topic guide, with questions related to practices, experiences and perceptions of cooking.


S2 Appendix. Participant photographs.

Photographs illustrating quotations provided in the main manuscript text.



We thank the interview participants for generously giving their time to participate in this research.

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A Review of Experiential School-Based Culinary Interventions for 5–12-Year-Old Children

Annemarie e. bennett.

1 Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St James’ Healthcare Campus, D08 W9RT Dublin, Ireland; ei.dct@drelkcom

David Mockler

Cara cunningham.

2 Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service, Health Service Executive, Clonbrusk, Athlone, N37 P8P8 Co Westmeath, Ireland; [email protected]

Corina Glennon-Slattery

3 Primary Care Network 7, Health Service Executive, Primary Care Centre, Harbour Road, Mullingar, N91 V6R9 Co Westmeath, Ireland; [email protected]

Charlotte Johnston Molloy

4 Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service, Health Service Executive, St Loman’s Healthcare Campus, Mullingar, N91 X36E Co Westmeath, Ireland; [email protected]

Associated Data

Not applicable.

Cooking is an essential skill and the acquisition of cooking skills at an early age is associated with higher diet quality. This review aimed to describe the characteristics of school-based experiential culinary interventions and to determine the value of these to child (5–12 years) health outcomes. Interventions were eligible for inclusion if they took place in school during school hours, included ≥3 classes, and had a control group. Interventions published up to May 2021 were included. The databases searched were PubMed, CINAHL, and EMBASE, and the grey literature was searched for published reports. The search strategy yielded 7222 articles. After screening, five published studies remained for analysis. Four studies targeted children aged 7–11 years, and one targeted children aged 5–12 years. The interventions included food tasting, food gardening, and/or nutrition education alongside experiential cooking opportunities. Improvements were evident in self-reported attitudes toward vegetables, fruits, and cooking, and two studies reported small objective increases in vegetable intake. School-based experiential cookery interventions have the potential to positively impact health-related aspects of the relationship children develop with food. However, a greater number of long-term methodologically rigorous interventions are needed to definitively quantify the benefits of such interventions.

1. Introduction

It is well-known that dietary habits in childhood have short- and long-term consequences for physical [ 1 ], mental [ 2 ], and psychosocial [ 3 ] health. Primary school-aged (i.e., 5–12 years) children are identified as having suboptimal intake of fruits and vegetables and excessive intake of processed meats and refined foods [ 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]. Trends such as these are contributing to the persistent challenges of overweight and obesity among younger age groups [ 5 , 9 , 10 ] and lifetime risk of chronic disease [ 11 ].

Cooking is an essential life skill, and the ability to cook is often associated with improved diet quality [ 12 , 13 ]. Learning cooking skills at an early age is reported as being important for cooking confidence and practice, and for improving nutritional intake [ 12 ]. Although children consume most of their nutritional requirements at home [ 4 , 14 ], schools remain a key setting in which to emphasize and impart health-promoting behaviors. Schools are well-positioned to host health-related interventions, as they have the advantage of guaranteeing access to the population of interest and they often have the infrastructure needed to facilitate interventions, such as large spaces [ 14 ]. Importantly, since schools support such a diverse group of children, interventions can impact groups that are typically considered hard to reach but that stand to benefit the most from such interventions, such as socioeconomically disadvantaged groups [ 15 ].

This review sought to examine the content and impact of school-based culinary interventions. Only interventions implemented during standard school hours were included, as these interventions are available to all children regardless of gender [ 16 ], logistics [ 17 ], or socioeconomic status [ 18 ]. In addition, the review sought to identify the commitment required from school staff to facilitate an effective health-promoting intervention during school hours, as logistical challenges are commonly cited as barriers to the integration of health interventions into a school day [ 19 , 20 , 21 ]. As such, this review aimed to describe the characteristics of school-based culinary interventions that take place during school hours, and to determine the value of these for child health outcomes.

2. Materials and Methods

This mixed-methods [ 22 ] review included interventions that aimed to teach children aged 5–12 years cookery skills, using experiential learning techniques. “Cookery skills” encompassed the skills required to prepare hot and cold meals, including washing, peeling, chopping, dicing, grating, mixing or otherwise combining, and heating food ingredients. Only interventions that took place in a school setting, during school hours, included ≥3 classes, and had a control group were eligible. Interventions that exclusively took place during school hours were included to explore the practicality of integrating cookery skills into the school curricula. A three-class minimum was specified to reflect key stages of learning, i.e., to enable children an opportunity to acquire, become proficient in, and maintain culinary skills appropriate to their stage. Control groups were specified to enable meaningful comparison of outcomes. Studies with and without parental involvement in the intervention were included. Outcomes of interest included changes in cookery skills, food-related knowledge, and/or dietary outcomes. Interventions were excluded if they involved only demonstrations (i.e., no hands-on opportunities for children to cook), were targeted at children with diagnosed food-related health conditions (e.g., coeliac disease, phenylketonuria), had <3 classes, or no control group. Studies published in a language other than English were also excluded.

Interventions published up to 31 May 2021 were included. There was no minimum limit on the dates of the literature search. The databases searched were PubMed, CINAHL, and EMBASE. An exhaustive search was conducted using keywords and MESH terms, such as cooking, cookery, food education, nutrition education, health, school, school child, student, primary school, elementary school, instruct, teach, skill, and technique ( Box 1 ). A medical librarian (D.M.) assisted with the search strategy. The grey literature was also searched for published reports on school-based cookery interventions.

Search strategy applied to EMBASE.

  • ‘cooking’/exp AND (‘education’/exp OR ‘nutrition education’/exp OR ‘nutritional science’/exp OR ‘feeding behavior’/exp OR ‘nutrition’/exp)
  • ((Cookery OR cooking OR cook OR food OR feeding OR eat* OR nutrition) NEAR/3 (educat* OR instruct* OR teach* OR demo? OR demonstration* OR skill* OR technique* OR learn* OR program* OR classes)):ti,ab
  • (‘school child’/exp OR ‘school’/de OR ‘kindergarten’/exp OR ‘primary school’/exp)
  • (child* OR teenager* OR adolescen* OR kid? OR pupil* OR student* OR school*):ti,ab

The results of the search were imported into Endnote (Thompson Reuters Endnote X9). Duplicate entries were removed, and the remaining articles were reviewed by the first author (A.E.B.). Titles (±abstracts) were screened ( Figure 1 ), and relevant full-text articles were reviewed. Of the eligible articles, the data extracted included the following, where it was provided: aim of intervention, duration of intervention, method of intervention delivery, intervention content, population targeted, instruments used to measure outcomes, measured outcomes, and limitations. Any discrepancies in data analysis were discussed with the principal investigator (C.J.M.).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is children-08-01080-g001.jpg

Flow chart depicting each stage of study selection.

The selected studies were analyzed according to the logistics of intervention implementation (number and length of sessions, duration of intervention, school staff involvement), and the measured impact of each intervention.

The search strategy yielded 7222 articles ( Figure 1 ) once duplicates were removed. After screening titles and abstracts, 7208 articles were deemed ineligible and 46 remained for full-text review. After full-text review, five published studies were eligible for analysis.

3.1. Overview of Studies

The five included studies ( Table 1 ) were published over a 23-year period, with four of the five studies published in a 9-year period between 2013 and 2021. Sample sizes ranged from 71 [ 23 ] to 3135 [ 24 ] children. Experiential cookery opportunities formed the basis of the interventions, with time also given to food tasting [ 24 , 25 ], food gardening [ 24 , 25 , 26 ], and/or nutrition education [ 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 ]. Four studies [ 23 , 24 , 25 , 27 ] targeted children aged 7–11 years and one study [ 26 ] targeted children aged 5–12 years. Parents were actively included in the delivery of two [ 26 , 28 ] of the five interventions.

Characteristics of school-based culinary interventions for 5–12-year-old children.

First AuthorBai et al. [ ]Cunningham-Sabo et al. [ ]Davis et al. [ ]Ensaff et al. [ ]Liquori et al. [ ]
South KoreaU.S.A.U.S.A.U.K.U.S.A.
3513714121644 class groups
4618NS †20
4311NS †9
40 min120 min60 min90 min90–120 min
Weekly1–2 weeksApprox. fortnightlyFortnightlyWeekly
One monthOne semesterOne academic yearOne academic yearOne academic year
Quasi-experimentalRCTCluster RCTLongitudinal comparativeQuasi-experimental
NSNSSocial ecological-transactional Social cognitiveSocial cognitive
10 min theory lessons
30 min cookery lessons
3 cookery sessions
3 tasting sessions
11 cookery sessions
7 tasting sessions
Cookery sessions †9 cookery sessions
17 garden trips
10 classroom lessons
Nutrition teacher
Teaching assistants
Food educator
Classroom teacher
Nutrition graduate
Nutrition educator
Garden educator
Classroom teachersClassroom teachers
University students
Pre-post survey35-item pre-post survey
Demographic survey
SPAN dietary screener
Waist circumference
Body composition
Blood pressure
% attendance
Pre-post surveyVisual estimate of plate waste (pre-post)

38-item survey (post)

67-item survey (post)

NS: Not specified; RCT: Randomized Controlled Trial; SPAN: School Physical Activity and Nutrition; † Based on duration of an average academic year in the UK (approx. 40 weeks), estimate that 15–20 cookery sessions were delivered; * Parents included as facilitators and/or recipients of the intervention.

3.2. Intervention Aims and Content

The aims of the included interventions encompassed outcomes such as increasing food knowledge [ 24 , 26 ], improving attitudes toward cooking and plant foods [ 25 , 26 , 27 ], and enhancing cookery skills [ 25 , 26 , 27 ] and dietary outcomes [ 24 , 26 ]. Although aims varied across interventions, there were similarities in the content delivered to achieve these aims.

The quasi-experimental Veggiecation intervention [ 23 ] ( Table 1 ) aimed to increase vegetable consumption and to improve children’s preferences for, and attitudes about, vegetables. The intervention consisted of four classes, delivered weekly, where two vegetables were introduced as part of each session. A short lesson to introduce each vegetable and its benefits preceded a 30 min cooking session using the vegetables of interest. Recipes required students to mix, dice, slice, blend, and mash foods in order to create dishes, such as spinach na-mul, mushroom na-mul, and cucumber salad. Parents did not receive intervention content beyond the recipe sheets students brought home after a session.

The Cooking With Kids intervention [ 25 ] ( Table 1 ) was an RCT that aimed to expose children to fresh and affordable foods. The intervention group received three cookery sessions that involved students preparing and tasting Chinese–American fried rice with vegetables, East Indian lentils with carrot and raisin pilaf, and potatoes persillade with cabbage. This group also received three tasting sessions with four varieties each of citrus, pears, and salad greens. Parents were not reported to have received any intervention content.

The Texas Sprouts intervention [ 24 ] ( Table 1 ) was a multi-stakeholder cluster RCT that aimed to examine the effects of a gardening, nutrition, and cooking intervention on dietary intake, obesity outcomes (weight, BMI, BMI z -score, BMI percentile, waist circumference, and % body fat), and blood pressure. The final curriculum for delivery consisted of 18 (11 cookery and 7 tasting) sessions that addressed nutrition concepts, such as growing and preparing fruits and vegetables, cooking healthily, making nutritious food choices, eating locally produced food, and eating healthfully in food desert neighborhoods. Sessions were specifically culturally tailored to Hispanics, a key target group of the intervention. The curriculum was also designed to be delivered outdoors; however, 34% of sessions were delivered indoors due to adverse weather conditions. This resource-intensive intervention also facilitated the development of gardens in all intervention schools, where each garden included vegetable beds, herb beds, a shed for tools and materials, a whiteboard, and seating for classes. Materials and supplies were provided to schools for garden maintenance. Parents were also offered monthly sessions on topics such as healthy shopping, importance of family meals, and increasing access to healthy foods. The intervention was implemented by full-time trained nutrition and garden educators, but key stakeholders, such as teachers, parents, community members, school staff, and students, were included on Garden Leadership Committees to support the design, build, and maintenance of gardens.

In contrast, Jamie Oliver’s Kitchen Garden Project (JOKGP) [ 27 ] ( Table 1 ) was broader in its aims, focusing less on specific anthropometric and diet quality changes, to instead target food enjoyment and experiences, food neophobia, and food fussiness. It was fully delivered in each school by two school staff members to pupils aged 7–9 years; the staff members had received training to deliver the intervention through the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. Pupils prepared a variety of dishes, including mini burgers and roasted stuffed peppers, and were given recipe sheets to take home. Beyond the potential receipt of the recipe sheets provided to students, parents were not included in the intervention.

The quasi-experimental Cookshop Program [ 26 ] ( Table 1 ) primarily aimed to increase children’s consumption of minimally processed wholegrains and vegetables. Secondary aims included enhancing children’s preferences for, attitudes about, and knowledge of, these foods. The intervention included a lunchroom component, classroom component, and parent and community component. The four conditions of the classroom component were: cooking only, food and environment lessons (FEL) only, cooking + FEL, and no intervention. The intervention worked with school lunchrooms to make 13 particular wholegrain and vegetable foods available to children in each menu rotation cycle. These 13 foods were also the focus for classroom cooking activities, where children prepared and cooked recipes, such as spicy sweet potatoes, vegetables and three-bean chili, and salad with homemade dressing. FEL included topics such as environmentally friendly behaviors, the role of plants in health, and how people and nature cooperate in a food system. The parent and community component included hosting parent workshops and issuing a monthly “Diets and Dollars” newsletter to the households of all children involved in the intervention, 22,000 households in the local community, and another 80,000 households city-wide.

Despite differences in the content used to achieve the aims of each study, interventions generally shared a plant-based focus to the cookery sessions, an appreciation of new foods through teaching and tasting, and an understanding of where food originates.

3.3. Approach to Intervention Delivery

The duration of interventions varied ( Table 1 ), ranging from four weeks to one academic year (approx. 35–40 weeks). Of the sessions delivered in each intervention, the number of sessions specifically for cookery varied from 3 to 20 sessions, with a median of 9 sessions per intervention specifically for cookery. The overall number of sessions in each intervention ranged from 4 [ 23 ] to approx. 20 [ 27 ] sessions, with a median of 18 sessions per intervention. One intervention, JOKGP [ 27 ], delivered cookery sessions exclusively, whereas the remaining interventions [ 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 ] allocated sessions and/or time to gardening, food tasting, and/or nutrition education alongside cookery.

Classroom teachers played a role in delivering three [ 25 , 26 , 27 ] of the five interventions ( Table 1 ). Perhaps due to the need to ensure fidelity to the randomized controlled design of the Texas Sprouts [ 24 ] and Cooking with Kids [ 25 ] interventions, sessions were led by persons external to school staff. The Texas Sprouts intervention [ 24 ] was delivered exclusively by persons external to the teaching staff, whereas teachers served as supporting staff on the delivery of the Cooking With Kids [ 25 ] intervention. The Veggiecation [ 23 ] intervention, although not an RCT, was led by a nutrition teacher who was supported by teacher assistants. Of the five interventions, sessions were generally 1-2 h in duration, except for Veggiecation [ 23 ] sessions, which each took 40 min of the school day. Sessions were delivered weekly or fortnightly.

Parents were actively included in two of the five interventions [ 24 , 26 ] ( Table 1 ). In the Texas Sprouts intervention [ 24 ], parents were facilitators and recipients of the intervention. A number of parents were included as members of Garden Leadership Committees, and all parents were offered 9 monthly sessions on nutrition and gardening topics, separate to the children’s sessions. These sessions were held during, and outside of, school hours, depending on the preference of the school site. Parents were encouraged to participate in sessions through incentives, such as free meals and groceries, water bottles, free childcare for children and siblings, and raffles for gift cards. Despite the encouragement to attend, only 7.1% of potential participating parents attended one or more sessions, and fewer than 1% attended 50% ( n 5) of the parent sessions. In the Cookshop Program [ 26 ], parents were also facilitators and recipients of the intervention, where one parent was assigned to each classroom in which the intervention was delivered, and all parents in the study schools received monthly newsletters on topics such as buying, storing, and preparing wholegrains and vegetables.

3.4. Evaluation and Outcomes

As shown in Table 2 , the measured outcomes varied considerably between studies, although there was generally consistent reporting of findings on children’s relationships with fruits, vegetables, and cooking self-efficacy.

Summary of key results from school-based culinary interventions for 5–12-year-old children.

[ ]Compared to the control group, the Veggiecation intervention led to the following:
+ Higher ( < 0.001) self-reported scores for behavior and intention in relation to vegetables.
+ Higher ( < 0.001) self-reported scores for attitude about, and preference for, vegetables.
+ Higher ( < 0.01) self-efficacy scores in relation to vegetables.
+ A total of 43.3% of parents reported trying the recipes at home.
[ ]Compared to the control group, the Cooking with Kids intervention led to the following:
+ Higher ( = 0.007) vegetable preference scores.
+ More positive ( = 0.029) attitude toward food and cooking.
+ Positive ( < 0.001) change in food and cooking self-efficacy.
- Higher (but not statistically significant, ≤ 0.087) fruit preference scores.
[ ]Compared to the control group, the Texas Sprouts intervention led to:
+ Higher ( = 0.02, CCA) frequency of vegetable intake.
- No significant change to frequency of fruit ( = 0.77) and SSB ( = 0.15) intake.
- No significant change in CCA for BMI ( = 0.84), BMI z-score ( = 0.36), or BMI percentile ( = 0.39).
- No significant change in CCA for waist circumference ( = 0.31) or percentage body fat ( = 0.47).
- No significant change in CCA for systolic ( = 0.81) and diastolic ( = 0.28) blood pressure.
[ ]Compared to the control group, Jamie Oliver’s Kitchen Garden Project led to the following:
+ Higher scores ( = 0.004) for liking cooking.
+ Increased likelihood ( = 0.034) of helping with cooking at home.
+ Higher ( = 0.004) taste description score.
+ Higher ( = 0.02) scores from parents for children liking cooking.
- No significant change ( = 0.493) in the food neophobia and fussiness score.
[ ]Compared to the control group, the Cookshop Program led to the following:
+ Higher ( ≤ 0.001) mean preference scores for plant foods.
+ Positive ( ≤ 0.001) impact on knowledge.
+ Positive ( ≤ 0.05) impact on self-efficacy in cooking.
+ Positive ( ≤ 0.10) effects found for plate waste, i.e., increased consumption of targeted foods.
+ Higher (but not statistically significant) scores for intentions to eat plant foods.
- No statistically significant change in attitudes to health, cooking, and cooperation.

BMI: Body Mass Index; CCA: Complete Cases Analyses; SBB: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages.

The Veggiecation intervention [ 23 ] was evaluated ( Table 1 ), using a pre-post survey. Cronbach’s alpha for survey items ranged from 0.508 to 0.777 across the scales, indicating a mix of scales with poor to acceptable reliability. Feedback was also collected after each session to assess students’ comprehension of the session content, satisfaction with the cookery, and taste preferences for the vegetables of interest that day. No differences were detected in the baseline characteristics of participants in the intervention and control groups. After the intervention, there was a significant improvement in vegetable consumption behavior among children in the intervention group, when compared to controls ( Table 2 ). Statistically significant improvements in self-reported scores for vegetable-related intentions, attitudes, and preferences were also evident among students in the intervention. The pre-post scores in the control group did not differ. Positive changes in vegetable-related perceptions and behaviors were reported; however, the results must be interpreted with caution due to the relatively short duration of the intervention, reliance on self-reported measures for evaluation, and lack of randomized design, long-term follow-up, and objective dietary measures.

The Cooking With Kids intervention [ 25 ] was evaluated ( Table 1 ) using a pre-post 35-item survey. The validity and test–retest reliability of this survey was confirmed [ 29 ]. When compared to the control group, positive and statistically significant changes ( Table 2 ) were seen with vegetable preference scores, attitudes toward food and cooking, and food and cooking self-efficacy. In particular, male students and students without previous cooking experience showed the greatest positive improvements in attitudes toward cooking. Of note, a statistically significant greater proportion of children in the intervention reported cooking at home and making food with their family at baseline. The authors of this study also acknowledged that changes in behaviors at home or dietary intake as a result of the intervention were not measured, nor were parental attitudes. Overall, this study demonstrated the potential positive impact of a relatively short and focused intervention on children’s attitude toward, and relationship with, healthful foods.

To evaluate the Texas Sprouts intervention [ 24 ], a team of 10 researchers took anthropometric measurements over the course of one week in each school. As part of the questionnaire pack, an adapted version of the School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) dietary screener was used to obtain data on fruit, vegetable, and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. The adapted SPAN dietary screener was deemed to have moderate-to-strong agreement for reliability and moderately reproducible validity. Questions were also asked on areas such as food and meal choice behaviors, cooking self-efficacy, and gardening. Parents provided baseline demographic information that was published [ 24 ], and data on family eating activities, household food security, and parental dietary intake were also amassed but not yet reported. No significant differences were evident in the baseline data of intervention and control groups. A statistically significant improvement in vegetable intake ( Table 2 ) was seen at the end of the intervention, with intervention children having +0.33 portion/d, compared to a change of +0.03 portion/d in the control group. No changes in any of the other targeted outcomes were evident ( Table 2 ). The authors suggested that this may have been the result of several factors, to include the less intense (i.e., not weekly) delivery of the intervention and the potential need to facilitate more intense dissemination initially and/or have longer follow-up to reduce markers of obesity. The difficulty of encouraging parental participation was also noted, where only 7.1% attended ≥1 of the 9 monthly sessions, and as such, the impact of parents on target outcomes is unclear. The relative lack of impactful outcomes, despite the resource intensive and inclusive design of the RCT, also called into question the long-term sustainability of the intervention.

The JOKGP [ 27 ] was evaluated using a survey that was assessed for test–retest reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha for all scales ranged from 0.64 to 0.86, indicating acceptable to good reliability. After the intervention, children in the intervention group were significantly more likely to help with cooking at home and to report liking cooking when compared to the control group; findings that were also echoed in the data provided by parents. The intervention group also had improved, but not statistically significantly improved, food fussiness scores at the end of the intervention, compared to baseline. This intervention reported positive improvements in food enjoyment and cooking experiences, but similar to the Veggiecation intervention, the results must be interpreted with caution due to the lack of randomized design and long-term follow-up.

The Cookshop Program [ 26 ] was evaluated using age-specific questionnaires ( Table 1 ) and visual estimates of plate waste. The questionnaires each consisted of five scales that were specifically chosen to reflect the affective, cognitive, and behavioral factors impacting fruit and vegetable consumption. Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.23 to 0.66 across the scales, indicating a mix of scales with poor to good reliability. Baseline scores for the scales were not reported, making it difficult to fully assess the impact of the intervention. When compared to the control group ( Table 2 ), students in receipt of cookery classes had higher post-intervention scores for knowledge, self-efficacy in cooking, behavioral intention, and preferring the target foods of the intervention. FEL also positively impacted knowledge, but to a lesser degree than the cookery sessions. FEL had no impact on food preferences, attitudes, or self-efficacy, emphasizing the value of experiential learning. Students in receipt of cookery sessions + FEL left the least amount of the 13 target foods on their plates, with 5–9-year-olds and 9–12-year-olds leaving 79% and 74% of the target foods on their plates, respectively. Food waste among of the 13 target foods progressively increased among students receiving only cookery classes or only FEL or no intervention. Baseline % food waste was not reported in this manuscript, making it difficult to evaluate the full impact of the intervention on reducing food waste. The lack of reporting of baseline data, alongside the non-randomized study design, are notable limitations in interpreting the impact of this study.

4. Discussion

It is clear from this review that experiential cooking opportunities, alone or in combination with other activities, have the potential to positively impact, at least in the short-term, aspects of the relationship children develop with food. The studies included in this review particularly demonstrated improvements in self-reported attitudes toward vegetables, fruits, and cooking, and two studies [ 24 , 26 ] reported small increases in vegetable intake. However, the current paucity of methodologically rigorous interventions with long-term follow-up precludes definitively quantifying the benefits of school-based experiential cookery interventions. As such, the type and dose of school-based cookery intervention needed to precipitate sustainable health changes among schoolchildren remain unknown.

As reported in the systematic review by Charlton et al. [ 30 ], there are several characteristics associated with the content of school-based interventions that increase the likelihood of achieving successful outcomes. These include: frequent exposure to experiential activities that are accompanied by relevant theory-based lessons; multicomponent interventions; involvement of appropriate external personnel; contextually appropriate activities; and the inclusion of parents and take-home activities [ 30 ]. Of the studies included in this review, two (Texas Sprouts [ 24 ] and the Cookshop Program [ 26 ]) possessed all five of these characteristics. Despite reporting a small improvement in vegetable consumption, Texas Sprouts did not elicit the range of health benefits expected of its design and content. The Cookshop Program elicited positive changes in several self-reported measures and a small increase in vegetable intake, but similarly experienced challenges in provoking significant behavioral change in response to the intervention.

To deliver health-related content to children, the use of themed content and teaching through play were found to be valuable, as has cross-curricular teaching [ 30 , 31 ]. As evident from the included studies, the combination of nutrition education, cookery, and food gardening increases the likelihood of achieving some degree of food-related behavior change. Furthermore, embedding the learning from these components into other curriculum subjects, such as science, mathematics, and geography, can further increase instances of exposure to an intervention [ 9 , 32 , 33 ]. Targeting as many facets of the environment as possible increases the potential to positively impact health knowledge and behavior [ 14 , 34 ].

However, to achieve this degree of intervention integration in a school environment, high levels of self-efficacy and subject knowledge among teachers are needed [ 35 ]. Staff buy-in, training, and support are essential to the effective and sustainable delivery of interventions [ 19 ], even if the implementation of the core intervention is led by personnel external to school staff. Limited time for interventions is a common barrier reported by teachers [ 19 , 20 , 21 ], particularly in light of the many other subjects that must be taught as part of primary/elementary school curricula [ 19 ]. As such, interventions that are designed to reflect existing curricula can help overcome some of the objections raised by teaching staff in relation to the logistics of implementation [ 19 , 34 ]. For example, teachers who participated in the JOKGP [ 27 ] reported in a qualitative study [ 34 ] that the links between the intervention and curriculum were a factor in: contextualizing the intervention for students; enabling teachers to achieve cross-curricular learning outcomes; and increasing student enjoyment of the sessions. Three of the five studies included in this review included classroom teachers in some aspect of the delivery, and this is an important element of the sustainability and longevity of an intervention in a school, as limited resources may make it difficult to rely solely on external personnel for implementation.

Parents are also part of the school environment, and as such, are considered integral to the success of interventions [ 19 , 30 , 36 ]. However, as was evident from this review, parental knowledge and behavior were actively targeted in only two [ 24 , 26 ] of the five studies. The Cookshop Program predominantly provided information that required no response from parents, i.e., newsletters, whereas Texas Sprouts [ 24 ] invited parents to attend and participate in classes on nutrition and gardening. Notably, only 7.1% of eligible parents attended ≥ 1 of the sessions offered as part of Texas Sprouts, despite consistent encouragement and offers of incentives [ 24 ]. There is a consensus in the literature that optimal methods of promoting parent involvement are difficult to determine [ 30 , 37 ], with indirect methods of involving parents (e.g., sending recipe sheets home with students) remaining common. Given that children consume up to 87% [ 4 ] of their total energy intake at home, parental involvement in, and support of, school-based culinary interventions is key to bridging healthful exposures in school with those at home [ 30 , 38 , 39 , 40 ].

The authors acknowledge the limitations of this review. The small number of studies that took place during school hours limits the potential to identify trends and make recommendations, and possibly highlights the challenges of securing a commitment from school staff to host such interventions as part of their curricula [ 19 , 20 , 21 ]. In addition, it is challenging to draw definitive conclusions on effectiveness when just two of the five studies were randomized and there was no long-term follow-up of outcomes in any intervention. In terms of the limitations in conducting this review, one author took the lead on identifying studies from the literature. However, the first author conferred with the principal investigator (C.J.M.) on the application of the inclusion criteria to the full-text manuscripts. The comprehensive systematic search strategy was constructed with the assistance of a medical librarian (D.M.), and the results were presented narratively to reflect the diversity of outcomes reported among the included studies.

It is clear from the studies included in this review that school-based culinary interventions have at least a small positive effect of unknown duration on the relationship children have with food. However, given the generally multi-faceted, multi-stakeholder, and resource-intensive designs of these interventions, sustainable implementation and evaluation remain a challenge. Considering that improved nutritional intake and dietary quality [ 12 , 13 ] are related to the development of cooking skills, and that the school environment is identified as a key setting in which to host health-related interventions [ 14 ], research is needed to further explore the potential of school-based culinary interventions to impart lifelong health-related skills. The literature will benefit from reports on RCTs with larger sample sizes and longer phases of implementation [ 14 , 30 ] to inform decision making. The consistent use of well-validated instruments [ 41 ] to assess health and psychosocial outcomes will also help inform the development and success of future interventions aiming to enhance the health and wellbeing of all children and their wider school communities.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.J.M. and A.E.B.; methodology, A.E.B. and D.M.; formal analysis, A.E.B. and C.J.M.; investigation, A.E.B.; resources, C.J.M.; data curation, D.M. and A.E.B.; writing—original draft preparation, A.E.B.; writing—review and editing, A.E.B., C.C., C.G.-S. and C.J.M.; visualization, C.J.M.; supervision, C.J.M.; project administration, A.E.B.; funding acquisition, C.C., C.G.-S. and C.J.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

This research was funded by Westmeath Community Development Ltd.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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