Launching the Search Engine!

One of the principal goals of L/L’s new library website is to create more “surface area” for the virtually endless library of information. That is, to make it more accessible, useable, researchable, and helpful. Toward that end, we have been long at work to build a robust internal search engine that would allow readers to more effectively explore the material in order to support their spiritual seeking and service.

Please turn dark-mode off to view the printable page.

The idea sounds simple enough, but we discovered that it would require months of planning, coding, testing, and collaborative work. The library is a rather complex organization of information itself, and the operations of a search engine even more so.

Today we are happy to announce that it is officially live! You can run a site-wide search using the magnifying glass in the upper-right corner of the website, or a transcript-specific search using the highlighter icon in the upper right, just below the banner. Also, if you would like to read the Operation Manual with some pro tips, please visit our Guidelines .

This is the first time that readers, us included, are able to search the entire breadth of the Confederation channeling - the Law of One and almost five decades of conscious channeling - as a single, synthesized body of material. Once again, we must give our gratitude to Daniel, L/L Research’s web developer. Not only did Daniel manifest and exceed our vision, he also brought his own creative vision and genius to the project, making the engine better than we could have imagined.

And our gratitude lives eternal for the instrument and person through whom was born and gifted so much of the library: the one known as Carla.

We sincerely hope you enjoy and get maximum use out of this new feature. It is a big step for us—one among many more on the long evolutionary road ahead.

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please reach out to us at our contact address. And if you would like to share your experience of using the engine or to celebrate the innovation with us, we who are fellow students of the Confederation philosophy, feel free to drop us a line!

There is another project that stands the potential to contribute significantly to supporting study of the Law of One: indexing the Transcript Library . In the near future we will begin gearing up to launch a massive, many-peopled volunteer project to read and tag the 1,600+ transcripts in order to build a super index of topics and questions that will render the library even more searchable and sortable. Imagine an A–Z hyperlinked list of nearly every topic explored in the library. Each topic could be clicked on to reveal every iteration of that concept across almost five decades and over a thousand transcripts of channeling.

If you would be interested in volunteering to contribute to that project, please reach out to us .

The Law of One

Adv. Search

Plenum Healer : offering metaphysical healing

(inaudible) podcast : Listening for love in the messages of the Confederation

L/L Research : More channeling transcripts and supplementary Law of One info

“I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.” (from session 4)

The Law of One material is a series of 106 conversations, called sessions , between Don Elkins , a professor of physics and UFO investigator, and Ra , speaking through Carla Rueckert . Ra states that it/they are a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago . Ra says that they are “ humble messengers of the Law of One ” and that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results .

The material was channeled by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty) between 1981 and 1984. It has been published in book form, and the books can be freely downloaded from L/L Research’s library or purchased from their online store or from Amazon* . The methodology that L/L Research used to contact Ra is described in detail in the introduction to the original Book I . See the books page for more information about the books. The original audio recordings are also available, as are audiobooks* and text-to-speech renditions. Audio information .

This website includes all of the questions and answers from the original books , as well as about 60 more questions and answers that were discovered in the Relistening Project. In 2018, L/L Research published The Ra Contact , a new version based on the Relistening Project.

This site was created and is maintained by Tobey Wheelock with permission from L/L Research to re-publish its copyrighted material.

Some or all of the sessions are also available in Polish , Czech , Spanish , Swedish , and with British spellings .

Browse by Session

Browse by category, (number of subcategories shown in parentheses).

  • Archetypical Mind
  • Before the Veil
  • Confederation of Planets
  • Definitions (20)
  • Densities (9)
  • Earth History (18)
  • Earth Present (8)
  • Energy Centers (8)
  • Healing (5)
  • Higher Self
  • Miscellanea (36)
  • Negative Path
  • Not Answered (2)
  • Objects (4)
  • People (27)
  • Positive Path
  • Pyramids (2)
  • Ra Contact (7)
  • Science (4)
  • Service to Others
  • Sexual Energy Transfer
  • Solar System History (5)
  • Teach/Learning
  • The Original Thought
  • The Two Paths
  • Third Density (8)
  • White Magic

Pages on this site

Expanded search options.

List of all the sessions by date.

The categories of information that the material covers.

An explanation of the differences between the Ra Contact books, the original Law of One books, and the original Ra Material book. Includes links to buy or download the books.

Audio Versions

About the various audio versions of the Law of One , including audiobooks, the original session recordings, and text-to-speech versions.

Synopsis of some of the fundamental points brought out in the Ra sessions.

  • Previous Synopsis

This material is not easy to summarize!

Glossary of terms found in the Ra sessions. Ra likes big words!

L/L Research does not fund this site. It relies on the support of visitors like you. Make a donation today.

Buy the books and audiobooks at Amazon or L/L Research’s store .

  • Favorite Quotes

Some favorite quotes from the Law of One sessions.

  • Tarot Study

The course of curriculum that Ra recommended for studying the archetypical mind. links page for more information about the various versions of the tarot cards used in questioning Ra. -->

  • Relistening Report

Report on the changes discovered in the relistening project. See also the links page for mp3s of discussions about the project.

Timeline of events mentioned in the material.

  • Tips and Tricks

Techniques for using this site.

  • Random Q & A

Random question and answer from any of the 106 sessions.

Links to translations, study guides, forums, and other sites and pages discussing the Law of One .

Supplementary Excerpts

Interesting excerpts found elsewhere about aspects of the Law of One material.

  • Unified Index

Index of the concepts discussed in the Law of One material.

Explanation of the different versions of the Law of One material.

  • Differences

Differences between the various versions.

  • Recent Updates

Recent updates to this site.

  • Current Goals

Current goals and projects for this site.

  • Recent Searches

Recent searches visitors have tried.

  • Recent Referrers

Incoming links from elsewhere on the internet.

Statistics showing traffic on this site since May, 2008.

L/L Research Sites

L/L Research maintains two sites of its own:

The Official L/L Research site. Contains all the channelings L/L Research has done since 1974, as well as talks, translations, and much more.

Please turn dark-mode off to view the printable page.

May 25th, 2022

Launching the Search Engine!

One of the principal goals of L/L’s new library website is to create more “surface area” for the virtually endless library of information. That is, to make it more accessible, useable, researchable, and helpful. Toward that end, we have been long at work to build a robust internal search engine that would allow readers to more effectively explore the material in order to support their spiritual seeking and service.

May 17th, 2022

Law of One Seeker Gathering in Prague 2022

We are excited to announce that we will resume holding gatherings outside the US! In collaboration with our friends of the Czech translation team, we will spend a weekend in the heart of Europe in the beautiful city of Prague.

April 25th, 2022

Coming Home to a New Earth 2022 - Event Full

We are happy to announce the 2022 Coming Home to a New Earth Gathering! Celebrating its fourth iteration and its first post-pandemic return, this event has become a container for transformation, awakening, and community of the open heart.

January 31st, 2022

Now Hiring for a New Position

We are seeking to hire a new part-time employee to join the L/L Research team to support the organization’s growing needs, help us fulfill our mission, and expand and improve our services in exciting ways (including helping us to construct that half-built spaceship in the garage).


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