ECON 4370: Econometrics

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Guides and Examples of econometrics paper for undergrads

  • Econometric Analysis Undergraduate Research Papers: Georgia Tech Library
  • Format for an Econometrics Paper: Skidmore College
  • Research Paper in Introductory Econometrics: Carleton College
  • Writing in Economics: Duke University
  • The Young Economist’s Short Guide to Writing Economic Research: Pomona College
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  • Last Updated: Aug 4, 2023 10:48 AM
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An Econometric Research Paper

The format of an econometric research paper is fairly standard.   You should use the following format to create the sections of your research paper.

1. Introduction/Overview:   What is it that you are trying to explore?   Why is it relevant? What do you hope to find?   What is the structure of the remainder of the paper?

2. Literature review:   What have other researchers found about the relationship between your dependent variable and your independent variables?

3. Model: What is your theoretical model? How are the variables defined? What are the expected signs of the variables?

4. Data and Descriptive Statistics: What data did you use to estimate the theoretical model?   What problems are inherent in the data?   Provide descriptive statistics for the variables in your model using both Excel and Stata .   Minimally, you should include a table that provides the variables, their definition, mean and standard deviation for all variables included in your theoretical model.   You should also provide scatterplots , crosstabs , frequency distributions and/or pie charts of relevant variables.

5. Results:   In this section you will present the regression results for your estimated model.   You will discuss why the specification for this model is correct.   You should discuss any econometric problems that you encountered and how you resolved the problem(s).   Finally, you should interpret your results; how do your independent variables affect the dependent variable?

6. Conclusions: A summary of what you were trying to find, what you have found and any policy recommendations or suggestions for further research.  


Description and Due Dates

This research paper will apply the econometric modeling and statistical techniques learned in class to data relating to a topic of your choice.   I will expect this paper will be your best work—of professional quality.   Throughout the term we will be discussing proper writing techniques as well as proper documentation of references.   Our class website will provide links to various data sources as well as writing aids.   You will be working on this paper for the entire term (so choose a topic of interest to you!).   Listed below are interim due dates for pieces of the research.   All components of this project must be turned in on time or you will not receive credit.

1. PROPOSAL                                                                                                Due January 31 st   

In a short paragraph, you should describe the area of research that you would like to pursue in your paper. Please include possible sources for the data that you will collect.

2. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                             Due February 9 th

At least 7 articles referenced properly (use APA format).   You should also include a synopsis of the article and how the information may be incorporated into your paper ( i.e. why is this article important).   These sources should be journal articles.   You will not find econometric studies sufficient for this paper on the web, however some journals do have articles on the web.   Be careful if you use these articles, the tables are not usually included.  

3. ABSTRACT                                                                                                Due February 9 th

In approximately one page, you should write a concise statement of the problem you are researching.   Using your annotated bibliography, comment on the previous research that has examined this problem.   List the source(s) of data that you will be analyzing in your paper.

4. MODEL                                                                                                      DUE February 16 th

Please discuss your theoretical model.   Include a description of your dependent and independent variables as well as a discussion of the expected sign for each of your variables. Included in this discussion should be what previous research has shown concerning your variable. Also, indicate the data sources for each of the variables.

5. DATA AND DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS                                            DUE March 7 th     

This write-up should include a discussion of all data sources that you have used for your project.   Furthermore, you should also discuss any possible econometric problems with your data.   Then, using this data, provide descriptive statistics for the variables in your model using both Excel and Stata .   Included in this should be a table that provides the variables, their definition, mean and standard deviation.  

6. INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS                                                                   Week March 27 th –31 st  

I will meet with you individually during this week.   At this meeting you should bring results that you have from regressions that you have run, a rough outline/draft of the introduction, literature review, model and descriptive statistics section of your paper and any questions that you may have regarding your paper.  

7. ROUGH DRAFT                                                                                        Due April 6 th  

This should be the complete draft of your paper.   I will be grading these papers as if they were the final draft.   The more work you put into this draft of the paper, the better your grade will be on the final draft as I will be able to provide more comments and suggestions.

8. FINAL DRAFT                                                                                           Due April 27 th   

The final draft of your paper will be due on April 22 nd .   You will need to turn in your rough draft with your final version of the paper.   Moreover, I will need 2 copies of your final draft, one for me to grade the other to be part of the department’s writing assessment.

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102 Best Econometrics Research Topics

econometrics research topics

College and university professors require students to write about econometrics research topics to gauge their comprehension of the relationship between mathematical economics, statistics, and economics.

The purpose of this integration is to provide numerical values to economic relationships and parameters. Usually, econometrics involves economic theories and their presentation in mathematical forms and the empirical study of business. Perhaps, this integration explains why some students struggle to choose topics for research in econometrics.

What Is Econometrics?

As hinted, econometrics is an economics branch that focuses on the relationships between economics, statistics, and mathematical economics. Ideally, econometrics entails the quantitative application of mathematical and statistical models using data to test hypotheses and develop economic theories while forecasting future trends based on historical data. Econometricians subject real-world data to various statistical trials while comparing and contrasting the results against the idea under examination.

Writing an econometric research paper is a process that starts with the selection of an interesting topic. Once you’ve chosen a title and the supervisor approves it, embark on extensive research using the prompt from your teacher. Proceed by gathering and analyzing all relevant information from different sources. Engaging in in-depth study and comprehensive analysis will enable you to write an informative paper that will compel the educator to award you the best grade in your class. Below are the steps to follow to write a high-quality econometric thesis or essay.

Write the introduction: Introduce your econometrics topic and tell the audience why it’s crucial. Also, include a thesis statement summarizing the entire paper. Describe the theoretical model: Tell the readers about the theoretical models to structure the empirical work. Present the data: Describe the data, whether time series or cross-sectional. Use descriptive statistics data and graphics if possible. Present the empirical model: Explain the model you intend to estimate and the functional form you intend to use. Present your empirical results: This section presents empirical results using a table to summarize them. Conclude the paper: Describe lessons from the research and state whether it supports the theory. Also, suggest approaches for future research on the topic.

Your paper should also include a reference section comprising the information sources you used to gather data.

Interesting Econometrics Paper Topics

Maybe you know the process of writing a paper on an econometrics topic but don’t have an idea to explore. If so, consider these exciting econometrics paper ideas.

  • How privatizing public enterprises could affect economic development and policy
  • Cashless economy: How demonetization affects medium and small businesses
  • How Gini index dynamics reflect the income inequality problem
  • Consumption evolution over the last decade: Consumer behavior and trends
  • Investigating salary inequalities and the forces behind them
  • How income changes affect consumer choices
  • How does allowing the labor force to participate in public budgeting affect the economy
  • How the marital status affect the labor force composition
  • How consumption attitudes have changed over the last decade
  • How economic convergence relates to salary levels
  • How income affects life insurance
  • The consequences of leaving the rat race
  • Testing Okun’s Law in the U.S
  • Analysis of spending on disposable income and imports
  • Comparing the unemployment rate in the United States to the rest of the world
  • Regional labor mobility and unemployment
  • Stock market evolution: Analyzing the causes and effects
  • How internet productivity relate to connectivity in the workplace
  • How currency devaluation affects medium and small companies
  • How government spending and inflation relate in an economy
  • The relationship between stock prices and inflation in a country
  • How income tax revenue affects a developing economy
  • How government expenditure affects economic growth
  • Factors contributing to the global recession
  • How a country’s unemployment rate relates to economic growth

Any of these topics can be an excellent basis for an econometrics paper. However, you require extensive research about any of these topics to develop a winning thesis.

Undergraduate Econometrics Project Ideas

Maybe your school or faculty requires you to write an econometrics paper to graduate from university. In that case, consider these econometrics research topics for undergraduates.

  • Analyzing the impact of income inequality on the poverty level
  • Analyzing gender differences in education between developing and developed countries
  • How immigration affects unemployment in the European Union
  • How economic growth relates to trade
  • Are immigrants more in countries with a high income?
  • How high taxations affect GSP
  • Analyzing the relationship between local income level and house prices
  • How income, education, and life expectancy affect the human development index
  • How inflation affects national savings
  • How life expectancy relates to national income
  • How financial development affects the economic growth of a country
  • Crime index versus the average education years
  • Investigating the correlation between youth unemployment and minimum wage
  • How economic prosperity relate to government systems
  • Economic factors that affect housing prices in the United States
  • Economic factors contributing to homelessness in the U.S
  • Socioeconomic and economic determinants of infant mortality
  • Econometric analysis: Impact of trade barriers
  • Why matching methods are essential in econometrics
  • How a randomized experiment can aid econometrics
  • Why instrumental variables matter in econometrics
  • Can experts predict the future using econometrics?
  • Econometrics as a numerical estimates source for economic relationship variables
  • Ways of testing economic theories that econometricians present
  • Regression discontinuity: Describe its application

These are great ideas to consider for an econometrics project. Nevertheless, you require sufficient time to research any of these topics and write a winning essay or dissertation.

Easy Econometric Research Topics

Perhaps, you need an easy topic for an econometrics paper. Maybe you have a short time to complete your assignment. In that case, these econometrics topics are ideal for you.

  • Theory suggestion- The initial econometrics methodology step
  • Why estimating variables is important
  • The importance of Proof-reading once you have evaluated the variables
  • Why testing a hypothesis matters
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • How poverty relates to childhood obesity
  • Human development and income inequality
  • The link between religion and ideologies on a country’s economy
  • Income and importation- How do they connect?
  • Personal income and life expectancy- What is the connection?
  • The effects of minimum wage on unemployment
  • Investigating monetary policies and bank regulations
  • A study of the economies of scale
  • The impact and relevance of comparative institutional economics
  • Analyzing the effect of making a company international
  • Studying the macroeconomics of rare events
  • Investigating customer behavior towards green products
  • Trade patterns: Investigating different trade patterns and their applications
  • Different stochastic processes concepts
  • Accurate stochastic processes prediction

Any of these topics can be a sound basis of a simple paper. Nevertheless, you still require time to research the idea and analyze data to develop a quality paper.

Financial Econometrics Research Paper Topics

Perhaps, you want to write an academic paper about a financial econometrics topic. If so, consider these ideas.

  • How does bank regulation affect the economy?
  • A critical look into the loan markets
  • How a cashless policy affects the economy
  • Structure and implementation of the monetary policy
  • Lessons to learn from financial crises
  • Investigating regression models
  • Statistical tools in the financial econometrics

These are good topics to explore in financial econometrics. However, follow the prompt from your teacher to write an impressive paper.

Econometrics Empirical Project Ideas FExor Ph.D. Level

Maybe you’re pursuing your Ph.D. and want to write a dissertation about an econometrics topic. In that case, this category comprises excellent ideas for you.

  • Analytical statistics versus theoretical statistics
  • The effects of the low and high demand of labor on an economy
  • The arbitrage pricing theory
  • How goods production and productivity affect econometrics at a national level
  • Applied econometrics- Its essence in turning qualitative economic ideas into quantitative ones
  • Definition, relevance, and application of the general line model
  • Theoretical econometrics’ study and application
  • The macro behavioral theory
  • Panel data methods applications- A microeconomics subsection
  • The impacts of the spillover effect on econometrics
  • The impact of labor supply on a local economy
  • Why labor markets are essential to econometrics
  • What is micro-econometrics modeling?
  • Micro-econometrics methods and applications
  • Statistical tools and their use in financial econometrics

This list also has fantastic economics paper topic ideas. But like the topics in the other sections, each of these notions requires extensive research to write a quality paper.

Exciting Econometrics Questions

Maybe you need a question to serve as the basis of your econometrics research. In that case, here are exciting queries to inspire you.

  • What is the current state of your country’s economy?
  • What’s the difference between the current state of the local and international trades?
  • What are the latest forecasts for the global economy?
  • How do the foreign exchange market and the local businesses relate?
  • What’s the impact of exportation and importation on the local economy?
  • How do businesses monopolies affect a country’s economy?
  • What are the effects of international banks on the local banking sector?
  • How does population growth affect economic development?
  • How can a natural disaster affect an emerging economy?
  • What techniques do companies use to “nudge” consumers into spending more?

This comprehensive list has some of the best econometrics ideas for essays and research papers. Nevertheless, having a topic is not a guarantee that you’ll write a good essay. You might still need help with your assignment after choosing a topic.

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Your Comprehensive Guide to a Painless Undergrad Econometrics Project

Use a spreadsheet program to compile your data

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Most economics departments require second- or third-year undergraduate students to complete an econometrics project and write a paper on their findings. Many students find that choosing a  research topic  for their required  econometrics  project is just as difficult as the project itself. Econometrics is the application of statistical and  mathematical theories  and perhaps some computer science to economic data.

The example below shows how to use  Okun's law  to create an econometrics project. Okun's law refers to how the nation's output—its  gross domestic product —is related to employment and unemployment. For this econometrics project guide, you'll test whether Okun's law holds true in America. Note that this is just an example project—you'll need to chose your own topic—but the explanation shows how you can create a painless, yet informative, project using a basic statistical test, data that you can easily obtain from the U.S. government, and a computer spreadsheet program to compile the data.

Gather Background Information

With your topic chosen, start by gathering background information about the theory you're testing by doing a  t-test . To do so, use the following function: 

Y t = 1 - 0.4 X t

Where: Yt is the change in the unemployment rate in percentage points Xt is the change in the percentage growth rate in real output, as measured by real GDP

So you will be estimating the model:  Y t = b 1 + b 2 X t

Where: Y t is the change in the unemployment rate in percentage points X t is the change in the percentage growth rate in real output, as measured by real GDP b 1 and b 2 are the parameters you are trying to estimate.

To estimate your parameters, you will need data. Use  quarterly economic data  compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. To use this information, save each of the files individually. If you've done everything correctly, you should see something that looks like this  fact sheet  from the BEA, containing quarterly GDP results.

Once you've downloaded the data, open it in a spreadsheet program, such as Excel.

Finding the Y and X Variables

Now that you've got the data file open, start to look for what you need. Locate the data for your Y variable. Recall that Yt is the change in the unemployment rate in percentage points. The change in the unemployment rate in percentage points is in the column labeled UNRATE(chg), which is column I. By looking at column A, you see that the  quarterly unemployment rate change data runs from  April 1947 to October 2002  in cells G24-G242, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics figures.

Next, find your X variables. In your model, you only have one X variable, Xt, which is the change in the percentage growth rate in real output as measured by real GDP. You see that this variable is in the column marked GDPC96(%chg), which is in Column E. This data runs from April 1947 to October 2002 in cells E20-E242.

Setting Up Excel

You've identified the data you need, so you can compute the regression coefficients using Excel. Excel is missing a lot of the features of more sophisticated econometrics packages, but for doing a simple linear regression, it is a useful tool. You're also much more likely to use Excel when you enter the real world than you are to use an econometrics package, so being proficient in Excel is a useful skill.

Your Yt data is in cells G24-G242 and your Xt data is in cells E20-E242. When doing a linear regression, you need to have an associated X entry for every Yt entry and vice-versa. The Xt's in cells E20-E23 do not have an associated Yt entry, so you will not use them. Instead, you will use only the Yt data in cells G24-G242 and your Xt data in cells E24-E242. Next, calculate your regression coefficients (your b1 and b2). Before continuing, save your work under a different filename so that at any time, you can revert back to your original data.

Once you've downloaded the data and opened Excel, you can calculate your regression coefficients.

Setting Excel Up for Data Analysis

To set up Excel for data analysis, go to the tools menu on the top of the screen and find "Data Analysis." If Data Analysis is not there, then you'll have to  install it . You cannot do regression analysis in Excel without the Data Analysis ToolPak installed.

Once you've selected Data Analysis from the tools menu, you'll see a menu of choices such as "Covariance" and "F-Test Two-Sample for Variances." On that menu, select "Regression." Once there, you'll see a form, which you need to fill in.

Start by filling in the field that says "Input Y Range." This is your unemployment rate data in cells G24-G242. Choose these cells by typing "$G$24:$G$242" into the little white box next to Input Y Range or by clicking on the icon next to that white box then selecting those cells with your mouse. The second field you'll need to fill in is the "Input X Range." This is the percent change in GDP data in cells E24-E242. You can choose these cells by typing "$E$24:$E$242" into the little white box next to Input X Range or by clicking on the icon next to that white box then selecting those cells with your mouse.

Lastly, you will have to name the page that will contain your regression results. Make sure you have "New Worksheet Ply" selected, and in the white field beside it, type in a name like "Regression." Click OK.

Using the Regression Results

You should see a tab at the bottom of your screen called Regression (or whatever you named it) and some regression results. If you've gotten the intercept coefficient between 0 and 1, and the x variable coefficient between 0 and -1, you've likely done it correctly. With this data, you have all of the information you need for analysis including R Square, coefficients, and standard errors.

Remember that you were attempting to estimate the intercept coefficient b1 and the X coefficient b2. The intercept coefficient b1 is located in the row named "Intercept" and in the column named "Coefficient." Your slope coefficient b2 is located in the row named "X variable 1" and in the column named "Coefficient." It will likely have a value, such as "BBB" and the associated standard error "DDD." (Your values may differ.) Jot these figures down (or print them out) as you will need them for analysis.

Analyze your regression results for your term paper by doing  hypothesis testing on this sample t-test . Though this project focused on Okun's Law, you can use this same kind of methodology to create just about any econometrics project.

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The Young Economist’s Short Guide to Writing Economic Research

Attributes of writing economics.

  • The discourse is often mathematical, with lots of formulas, lemmas, and proofs.
  • Writing styles vary widely. Some authors are very dry and technical while a few are quite eloquent.

Economics writing is different from many other types of writing. It is essentially technical, and the primary goal is to achieve clarity. A clear presentation will allow the strength of your underlying analysis and the quality of your research to shine through.

Unlike prose writing in other disciplines, economics research takes time. Successful papers are not cranked out the night before a due date.

General Guidelines for Quality Research

Getting started.

The hardest part of any writing assignment is starting. Economics research usually begins with a strong understanding of literature, and papers require a section that summarizes and applies previous literature to what the paper at hand. This is the best way to start.

Your writing will demonstrate that you understand the findings that relate to the topic.

Economists use the first few paragraphs to set up research questions and the model and data they use to think about it. Sure, it can be dry, but this format ensures the write and reader have strong grasp on the subject and structure of the work that follows.

Clear and Concise Work

Clarity is hard to achieve, but revising and reworking a paper ensures it is easy to read

  • Organize your ideas into an argument with the help of an outline.
  • Define the important terms you will use
  • State your hypothesis and proceed deductively to reach your conclusions
  • Avoid excess verbiage
  • Edit yourself, remove what is not needed, and keep revising until you get down to a simple, efficient way of communicating
  • Use the active voice
  • Put statements in positive form
  • Omit needless words (concise writing is clear writing)
  • In summaries, generally stick to one tense

Time Management

Poor time management can wreck the best-planned papers. Deadlines are key to successful research papers.

  • Start the project by finding your topic
  • Begin your research
  • Start and outline
  • Write a draft
  • Revise and polish

The Language of Economic Analysis

Economic theory has become very mathematical. Most PhD students are mathematicians, not simply economics majors. This means most quality economic research requires a strong use of mathematical language. Economic analysis is characterized by the use of models, simplified representations of how economic phenomena work. A model’s predictions about the future or the past are essentially empirical hypotheses. Since economics is not easily tested in controlled experiments, research requires data from the real world (census reports, balance sheets), and statistical methods (regressions and econometrics) to test the predictive power of models and hypotheses based on those models.

The Writing Process

Finding a topic.

There are a million ways to find a topic. It may be that you are writing for a specific subfield of economics, so topics are limited and thus easier to pick. However, must research starts organically, from passive reading or striking news articles. Make sure to find something that interests you. Be sure to find a niche and make a contribution to the subfield.

You will also need a project that can be done within the parameters of the assignment (length, due date, access to research materials). A profoundly interesting topic may not be manageable given the time and other constraints you face. The key is to just be practical.

Be sure to start your research as soon as possible. Your topic will evolve along the way, and the question you begin with may become less interesting as new information draws you in other directions. It is perfectly fine to shape your topic based on available data, but don’t get caught up in endlessly revising topics.

Finding and Using Sources

There are two types of economic sources: empirical data (information that is or can be easily translated into numerical form), and academic literature (books and articles that help you organize your ideas).

Economic data is compiled into a number of useful secondary sources:

  • Economic Report of the President
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States
  • National Longitudinal Survey
  • Census data
  • Academic journals

The Outline

A good outline acts as an agenda for the things you want to accomplish:

  • Introduction: Pose an interesting question or problem
  • Literature Review: Survey the literature on your topic
  • Methods/Data: Formulate your hypothesis and describe your data
  • Results: Present your results with the help of graphs and charts
  • Discussion: Critique your method and/or discuss any policy implications
  • Conclusions: Summarize what you have done; pose questions for further research

Writing a Literature Review

The literature review demonstrates your familiarity with scholarly work on your topic and lays the foundations for your paper. The particular issues you intent to raise, the terms you will employ, and the approach you will take should be defined with reference to previous scholarly works.

Presenting a Hypothesis

Formulate a question, problem or conjecture, and describe the approach you will take to answer, solve, or test it. In presenting your hypothesis, you need to discuss the data set you are using and the type of regression you will run. You should say where you found the data, and use a table, graph, or simple statistics to summarize them. In term papers, it may not be possible to reach conclusive results. Don’t be afraid to state this clearly and accurately. It is okay to have an inconclusive paper, but it is not okay to make overly broad and unsupported statements.

Presenting Results

There are essentially two decisions to make: (1) How many empirical results should be presented, and (2) How should these results be described in the text?

  • Focus only on what is important and be as clear as possible. Both smart and dumb readers will appreciate you pointing things out directly and clearly.
  • Less is usually more: Reporting a small group of relevant results is better than covering every possible statistical analysis that could be made on the data.
  • Clearly and precisely describe your tables, graphs, and figures in the text of your results section. The first and last sentence in a paragraph describing a result should be “big picture” statements, describing how the results in the table, graph or figure fit into the overall theme of the paper.

Discussing Results

The key to discussing results is to stay clear of making value judgments, and rely instead on economic facts and analyses. It is not the job of an economist to draw policy conclusions, even if the research supports strong evidence in a particular direction.

Referencing Sources

As with any research paper, source referencing depends on the will of a professor a discourse community. However, economists generally use soft references in the literature review section and then cite sources in conventional formats at the end of papers.

This guide was made possible by the excellent work of Robert Neugeboren and Mireille Jacobson of Harvard University and Paul Dudenhefer of Duke University.

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Economics Term Paper 101: Writing Guide, Research Ideas, Actionable Tips

Economics Term Paper Ultimate Writing Guide + 100 Topics

Table of contents.

All economics classes are challenging due to the amount of required reading, complex theories, and a blend of statistical and mathematical tools used for metrics and forecasting. The course becomes even tougher once term papers are assigned because now you have to practice everything you’ve learned to find answers and solutions. 

But what do you do if putting words on paper isn’t your strong suit? Use our economics term paper writing guide! We’ve collected the most effective practical tips for pre-writing, writing, and post-writing routines. And we’ve included an impressive list of excellent term paper topics in case you need extra inspiration. As an alternative, consider ordering a term paper from our writing experts.

What Is an Economics Term Paper?

The definition of the economics term paper may vary depending on your school and class requirements. However, in most cases, it’s an extended writing assignment that takes a few weeks or months and tests your economics knowledge, as well as research, critical thinking, statistical analysis, and other pertinent skills. 

Economics papers usually deal with theoretical and practical economic and business cases and can take on five distinct forms:

  • Literature reviews rely on your research skills to find, analyze, and synthesize information from credible sources to answer a research question or discuss possible solutions for an economic issue.
  • Empirical economics term papers require you to develop and test a hypothesis based on theoretical knowledge and empirical data. You need to have a good grasp of econometrics and statistical analysis to complete this assignment type.
  • Theoretical research papers call for an in-depth study of the problem’s background to build a mathematical model and find an optimal solution. Advanced statistics, mathematics, and programming skills may be necessary to complete this research.
  • Issue papers usually deal with existing or changing policies. You are expected to analyze them using economics research methods and evaluate their impact on a specific organization, industry, or national economy.
  • Case notes cover the legal side of economy and business, consider potential compliance risks, or discuss the legal repercussions for businesses, niches, or economies.

If your instructor does not specify the exact term paper type, take a closer look at the assignment prompt. Find action verbs and keywords to help identify the task. For example, if the prompt requires you to “compare existing minimum wage policies”, your paper will fall into the literature review category. But if your prompt reads “find a relationship between minimum wage and employee performance”, empirical research is the obvious option.

How to Write a Term Paper in Economics

Of course, term paper writing is not rocket science, but it can be challenging on your first try, especially with a subject as complex and daunting as economics. To help complete this task faster, we’ve divided it into four manageable chunks.

Before You Start Writing

Drafting notes and ideas is great, but to complete your economics research paper quickly and efficiently, you need some preliminary work:

  • Establish assignment requirements. Reread the assignment prompt and rubric carefully to make sure you have all necessary details, like word count, minimum number of sources, formatting style, preferred structure, etc. If instructions are unclear or incomplete, reach out to your professor or TA to get answers before you start writing.
  • Find your perfect topic. We’ll go into details about choosing the subject in a minute, but for now, skip the first two or three subjects that come to mind. Your classmates probably got the same idea, and you don’t want to compete with them when there are more exciting subjects to cover.
  • Screen the sources. Search scientific databases and be critical about authors, publication dates, and journals you pick. Go with the most recent developments in the field published in respected peer-reviewed journals by renowned industry experts. Blog posts, Wikipedia entries, Youtube videos, and opinion pieces in magazines on the reference list won’t help your term paper look credible.
  • Research the issue. Do not settle for a one-sided view of the problem. Instead, look for alternative, unpopular opinions to help you develop your unique take. At the same time, look for connections, contradictions, knowledge gaps, and suspicious methodologies. You’ll need these and more to highlight your paper’s relevance and develop a clear outline, which is the next step you’ll be taking.

Term Paper Outline Is a Must-have

The basic economics term paper outline includes three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. But the body part can take many forms and formats, depending on the paper type.

For instance, if you’re working on a literature review, the body section may be structured chronologically or thematically. The former option works best when you discuss the evolution of the issue or compare different periods. On the other hand, thematic structure dedicates individual sections to different ideas or subjects supported by various sources.

If your economics term paper entails theoretical or empirical research, you must include methodology, results, and discussion sections. You can model the structure based on the best research articles you find on the topic, as they usually follow the same outline.

Aside from these major sections, your paper may also require a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, a list of tables and figures, acknowledgments, and appendices. You should consult your instructor if you’re unsure which of these sections are necessary for your assignment.

Outlining is a vital pre-writing stage, designed to order your ideas, streamline your research, and get early feedback. Unless you’re required to submit a formal outline for grading, you can format it however you like. The easiest way to outline is to use a numbered list with multiple tiers. But you can also use heading levels 1 to 5 to structure the paper before you fill in the gaps under each header.

The Basics of Economics Term Paper Writing

There is no right or wrong way to write economics term papers. As long as you get a submission-ready file in time for the deadline, the professor won’t care how you got there. Still, for smooth and effective writing, we suggest you adopt a few neat tricks our team of professional writers uses daily:

  • Set aside 30 to 90 minutes for writing daily. Use a productivity-inducing playlist or specialized tracks to help you get into the right mindset for writing. Turning off notifications is another beaten but effective piece of advice.
  • Start with the easy parts. The introduction and abstract are hard to tackle when the rest of the paper is blank. So instead, skip to the body section you feel excited about. It’s a good place to start writing and beat your writer’s block.
  • Write as fast as you can. Do not agonize over phrasing and word choice when working on the first draft of the economics term paper. Your current goal is to get every idea on paper. You can take care of mistakes and typos while editing.
  • Try writing when or where you usually wouldn’t. Creativity shines through whenever you get out of your comfort zone. So bring your laptop to a cafe for a writing sprint or get up before dawn to get your words in. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Efficient Post-Writing Routine

Editing, proofreading, formatting - that’s the proper order for your post-writing routine, but only after you take a break for at least a couple of hours. You’ll need it to let your brain and eyes relax and freshen up before you turn into your worst critic.

First, reread the whole paper and ask yourself:

  • Do all your arguments make sense?
  • Is there enough evidence to support every point?
  • Are transitions between ideas logical and clear?
  • Is reference data well-balanced with your analysis?
  • Do all paragraphs bring something new to the table without rehashing the same ideas?

If you can’t answer with a resounding yes, you know what you need to amend and improve. Remember to check the word count after your edits to ensure your economics term paper meets the requirements.

Proofreading is tricky unless you have a professional editor on hand. If none is available, use Grammarly or ProWritingAid to catch errors, misspellings, and typos. Be careful when accepting automatic corrections, as some may not be appropriate for academic writing.

Finally, unearth your copy of the appropriate formatting handbook (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). Ensure your margins, indents, font size and style, headings, figures, and other parameters meet the requirements. And pay special attention to in-text citations and the reference list to prevent unintentional plagiarism.

How to Choose Among Economics Term Paper Topics

Find your perfect term paper topic fast.

There is no big secret to finding solid research ideas. It’s always an intersection of what you know, what you like, and what your professor expects. If you’re short on time, you can go with economics term paper topics you’ve already researched and are familiar with. But if you’re after the top grade and an excellent addition to your portfolio, pick a more challenging idea to study.

There is no shortage of economic research ideas. Fire up your social media feed, browse the newsfeed, or skim the front pages of newspapers and magazines, and you’ll get a handful of hot issues. The trick is to align them with your class and check if there’s enough prior research to use in your term paper. 

It’s also a good idea to develop a couple of backup topic ideas and get the professor’s approval before you dive into research. If the instructor rejects your first choice, you’ll have other ideas for evaluation. It’ll save time for you and your professor, earning you extra points.

You’ll find a hundred good topics for economics term paper below, neatly divided into logical sections. To find a great idea fast, skim the section headings and pick the one that fits your class and assignment before browsing individual topics. You can use them verbatim or alter them as you see fit.

Macroeconomics Term Paper Topics

  • The influence of electoral cycles on macroeconomic forecasting
  • Analysis of profit-sharing macroeconomic paradigm to prevent local economic crises in Islamic states
  • The specifics of macroeconomic policy design for fragile states
  • The impact of macroeconomic expectations on firm fundamental premium
  • Accounting for non-rational overreactions’ impact on macroeconomic expectations
  • The relationship between the national pension system and macroeconomic stability
  • Analyzing ethical considerations of macroeconomic policy and regulation
  • The potential for using machine learning to eliminate belief distortions in macroeconomic forecasting
  • Suggestions for an international code of conduct for macroeconomists
  • Geographic heterogeneity in macroeconomic metrics during the pandemic 

Microeconomics Term Paper Ideas

  • The microeconomic parameters of cryptocurrency projects and market
  • Analyzing airline profit in short and medium time horizons
  • Competition drivers of strategic behavior in microeconomics
  • Direct and indirect price discrimination analysis
  • The relationship between market delineation, network effects, and customer behavior
  • The impact of export and import conditions on national competition
  • Game theory principles applicable to microeconomics
  • Microeconomic analysis of security risk management in the public sector
  • Businesses’ critical factors for creating value from data sharing
  • Microeconomic analysis of the mass communication process

Labor Economics Term Paper Topics

  • The impact of minimum wages on national labor economics
  • Implementing natural experiments to resolve labor economics issues
  • Rising unemployment rates as a result of inefficient policies
  • The positive effects of labor policy changes on labor productivity
  • Comparative analysis of labor economics in the US and Islamic states
  • The correlation between minimum wages and teenagers’ education plans 
  • Gender-related discrepancies across labor market metrics
  • The potential of clustering method application in labor economics
  • The effect of mandatory work time reduction on employment rate
  • The modern dynamics of labor decision-making within the household

Managerial Economics Term Paper Ideas

  • The application of game theory in managerial decision-making
  • The introduction of the global network to managerial economics teaching
  • Managerial decision risk mitigation within an engineering organization
  • Business behavior under oligopolistic and monopolistic market conditions
  • Cost-effective managerial decision-making based on market analysis
  • The impact of policy changes on small and medium business growth
  • Fulfilling the US demand for high-quality, efficient family healthcare
  • Finding the right balance between home capacity and import opportunities in uncertain demand conditions
  • Analytical and empirical tools used for managerial decision-making
  • Value-based management adoption possibilities and barriers
Read also: Writing guide and topics list for your management term paper

Crime Economics Term Paper Topics

  • Economic analysis of crime prevention goals, assumptions, effects, and limitations
  • The cooperation barriers in investigating economic crime
  • The need for an institutionalist approach to crime to address business infiltration by mafia
  • The impact of economic activity metrics and police performance on the crime rate
  • The risks of spyware application for corporate espionage
  • Economic and legal measures to reduce the cruise crime rate
  • Analyzing the effect of economic issues as the primary driver of non-violent crime
  • The combined influence of social networks and economic incentives on crime
  • The correlation between the population’s education level and the crime rate
  • Investigation of economic rationality of national crime

Sports Economics Term Paper Topics

  • Specifics of sports economics and management in the Asian market
  • Analysis of Covid-19 pandemic economic impact on professional soccer
  • Economic and business aspects of professional sports management
  • Analyzing the labor market in the professional American football industry
  • The effects of economic psychology on individual and team sports management
  • Assessing the role of sports economics in litigation
  • The correlation between an athlete’s pay and their performance
  • Considering the cases of economic discrimination in professional sports
  • The effects of player mobility on the professional sports economy
  • Analyzing the mutual benefits of sports sponsorship for businesses and athletes

Term Paper Topics for Economics of Developing Countries

  • The correlation between political favoritism and the size of Chinese cities
  • The differences in healthcare economics between developed and developing countries
  • Economic perspectives of renewable energy in developing countries
  • Balancing international help and globalization within a developing country’s economy
  • The correlation between a developing country’s size and beneficial economic transformation strategies
  • The impact of direct foreign investment on the economic growth of a developing country
  • The effect of government expenditure on industry success in developing countries
  • The relationship between population size and economic growth rate in developing countries
  • The impact of regional economic policymaking on developing economies
  • Environmental monetary policy and regulation in developing countries

International Economics Term Paper Topics

  • The global economic impact of non-tariff international trade barriers
  • The evolution of the international resource movement over the last decade
  • Comparative analysis of labor-saving and capital-saving technology development
  • The effects of international trade tariffs on the global agricultural market
  • Analyzing static welfare effects of the customs unions
  • The global and local impacts of the economy of scale
  • The efficiency of international economy welfare change metrics
  • The role of semiconductors in the global strategic trade policy
  • Analyzing the conflict resolution practices of the World Trade Organization
  • The shift from economic miracles to sustainable growth
  • Evaluating international economic interdependencies throughout the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring currency non-convertibility as an extreme form of control
  • The effect of speculators’ attacks on national currencies
  • The value of accountability and independence in economic alliances
  • An overview of the recent attempts to return to the gold standard

Energy Economics Term Paper Ideas

  • Grid-connected and off-grid wind energy applications
  • The conflict between sustainability, efficiency, and social welfare in energy economics
  • Short-run and long-run equilibrium of the energy market
  • The benefits of assessing dynamic efficiency for the energy market
  • Evaluation of oil production and consumption to predict future demand peaks 
  • The government’s role in the development of next-generation energy technology
  • Bridging the discrepancy between economic and energy efficiency
  • The potential for electricity industry restructuring and deregulation
  • The social cost of energy choices reflected in regulations
  • The cybersecurity dimension of national energy security
  • Balancing consumer utility maximization and producer cost minimization problems
  • Energy demand analysis and forecasting based on econometric parameters
  • Industrial energy demand analysis in metallurgy
  • Economic and financial analysis of energy investment
  • Resolving energy market monopoly problems

Still Having Trouble with Economics Term Papers?

Hopefully, you now have a better grasp of what writing economics term papers entails. But if you still feel lost and desperate to turn in the paper on time, our best term paper writing service is here to help.

If you’re stuck in the early pre-writing stages, get our experts to develop an exciting topic and conduct research for you. In case you’re already done with your writing, but want to ensure a top grade, let our editors work their magic with helpful style and word choice suggestions, as well as careful grammar and punctuation corrections. But if you are out of time and need urgent term paper help, let us match you with an economics expert who will take over the whole assignment. They’ll find the right topic for your class, research and outline, write and edit to deliver an A-worthy piece to your inbox right on time, regardless of the submission deadline.

Ready to ace your economics research paper? Order now or contact our support team to get answers to all your questions.


Econometrics Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides an extensive list of econometrics research paper topics divided into 10 categories, expert advice on topic selection, and valuable insights on how to write a successful econometrics research paper. Additionally, the page introduces the writing services provided by iResearchNet, offering students the opportunity to order custom econometrics research papers on any topic. With expert writers, in-depth research, and top-quality custom papers, iResearchNet ensures a seamless and efficient experience for students seeking assistance in their econometrics research endeavors.

100 Econometrics Research Paper Topics

Welcome to the comprehensive list of econometrics research paper topics. As a student of economics, you may be tasked with writing a research paper that delves into the world of econometrics—the application of statistical methods to economic data. This list is designed to provide you with a wide range of research paper topics in econometrics, divided into 10 categories. Each category offers a collection of 10 unique and engaging topics that cover various aspects of econometric analysis. Whether you are interested in time series analysis, cross-sectional analysis, applied microeconometrics, or any other subfield of econometrics, you will find a plethora of intriguing research ideas to explore. So, let’s dive into this rich collection of econometrics research paper topics and discover the fascinating intersection between economics and statistical analysis.

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Time Series Analysis Research Paper Topics:

  • Modeling and forecasting stock market returns using time series econometric models
  • The impact of macroeconomic variables on exchange rates: A time series analysis
  • Analyzing volatility in financial markets using ARCH/GARCH models
  • Econometric modeling of economic growth: A time series approach
  • Cointegration analysis and its implications for long-run equilibrium relationships
  • Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models in economic forecasting
  • Analysis of panel data and fixed effects models in time series econometrics
  • Dynamic factor models and their applications in time series analysis
  • Nonlinear time series analysis and its relevance in understanding economic dynamics
  • Estimation and testing in time series econometrics: Challenges and advancements

Cross-Sectional Analysis Research Paper Topics:

  • Determinants of firm performance using panel data and econometric techniques
  • Analysis of income inequality and its drivers: A cross-sectional econometric study
  • Impact evaluation of public policies using experimental and quasi-experimental designs
  • Quantile regression and its applications in cross-sectional analysis
  • The relationship between education and earnings: An econometric examination
  • Analyzing labor market outcomes and human capital using cross-sectional data
  • Modeling consumer behavior and demand estimation: A cross-sectional perspective
  • Spatial econometrics and its relevance in studying regional disparities
  • Health economics and econometric analysis of healthcare outcomes
  • Estimating production functions and efficiency analysis using cross-sectional data

Panel Data Analysis Research Paper Topics:

  • Fixed effects versus random effects models: A comparative analysis
  • Dynamics of financial contagion: A panel data approach
  • Analysis of firm-level productivity using panel data econometric techniques
  • The impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth: A panel data analysis
  • Panel cointegration analysis and its implications for long-run relationships
  • Endogeneity and instrumental variable approaches in panel data analysis
  • Analysis of trade flows and gravity models using panel data econometrics
  • Panel data analysis of environmental sustainability and economic development
  • The role of institutions in economic performance: A panel data study
  • Dynamic panel data models and their applications in economic research

Applied Microeconometrics Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of minimum wage policies on employment: An empirical analysis
  • Estimating demand elasticity for specific goods: A microeconometric approach
  • Analysis of consumer behavior and choice modeling using microeconometric techniques
  • The effects of government interventions on market outcomes: A microeconometric study
  • Estimating the returns to education using microeconometric methods
  • Labor market outcomes and the impact of training programs: An empirical investigation
  • Health economics and the evaluation of healthcare interventions: A microeconometric perspective
  • The role of social networks in economic outcomes: An applied microeconometric analysis
  • Econometric analysis of industrial organization and market structure
  • Discrete choice modeling and its applications in empirical microeconomics

Applied Macroeconometrics Research Paper Topics:

  • The role of monetary policy in stabilizing the economy: An applied macroeconometric analysis
  • Estimating fiscal multipliers and the impact of government spending on economic growth
  • Time-varying parameter models in macroeconometrics: Theory and applications
  • The effects of exchange rate fluctuations on trade: An empirical investigation
  • Macroeconomic forecasting using state-space models and Bayesian econometrics
  • Empirical analysis of business cycles and their synchronization across countries
  • The impact of financial shocks on macroeconomic stability: An econometric perspective
  • Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models and their applications in macroeconomics
  • The role of expectations in shaping macroeconomic outcomes: An econometric study
  • The interaction between monetary and fiscal policy: Empirical evidence and policy implications

Financial Econometrics Research Paper Topics:

  • Estimating risk and return in financial markets using econometric models
  • Analyzing the efficiency of financial markets using event study methodologies
  • GARCH models and volatility forecasting in financial econometrics
  • The impact of macroeconomic factors on stock market performance: An empirical analysis
  • Value-at-Risk (VaR) modeling and its applications in risk management
  • Asset pricing models and their empirical validation using financial econometric techniques
  • Credit risk modeling and default prediction: An econometric perspective
  • High-frequency financial data analysis and its implications for trading strategies
  • The relationship between interest rates and stock market returns: A financial econometric study
  • Econometric analysis of financial contagion and systemic risk in banking

Applied Econometrics in Development Economics Research Paper Topics:

  • Impact evaluation of development programs using randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
  • Estimating the effects of foreign aid on economic growth: An applied econometric analysis
  • The role of institutions in development: An empirical investigation
  • Analyzing the determinants of poverty and inequality using applied econometric techniques
  • Econometric analysis of migration and its impact on development outcomes
  • The effects of trade liberalization on economic development: An empirical examination
  • Financial inclusion and its relationship with economic development: An applied econometric study
  • Empirical analysis of social protection programs and their impact on poverty reduction
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of education policies in promoting human capital development
  • Econometric analysis of infrastructure investment and its contribution to economic development

 Environmental and Resource Economics Research Paper Topics:

  • Econometric modeling of environmental pollution and its impact on health outcomes
  • Valuation of ecosystem services and their contribution to economic welfare: An applied econometric approach
  • The effects of climate change on agricultural productivity: A resource economics perspective
  • Empirical analysis of renewable energy policies and their impact on economic sustainability
  • Dynamic optimization models in environmental economics and resource management
  • Econometric analysis of water resource allocation and its implications for economic efficiency
  • The role of market-based instruments in environmental regulation: An empirical examination
  • The impact of deforestation on economic development and sustainability: An econometric study
  • Non-market valuation of environmental goods and ecosystem conservation: An applied econometric analysis
  • Econometric analysis of environmental policy effectiveness and its implications for sustainable development

International Economics Research Paper Topics:

  • Empirical analysis of trade patterns and globalization using international econometric techniques
  • Exchange rate regimes and their impact on trade and economic stability: An econometric analysis
  • The role of foreign direct investment in economic growth: An empirical investigation
  • Gravity models and their applications in international trade analysis
  • Trade liberalization and its effects on labor markets: An applied international econometric study
  • The impact of trade policies on income distribution: A cross-country analysis
  • Empirical analysis of exchange rate pass-through and its implications for import and export prices
  • The relationship between financial integration and economic growth: An international econometric perspective
  • Economic convergence and divergence across countries: An econometric examination
  • The effects of trade agreements on trade flows and economic integration: An empirical analysis

Applied Econometrics in Public Finance Research Paper Topics:

  • The impact of tax policies on economic behavior: An applied econometric study
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of government expenditure on public goods: An empirical investigation
  • Fiscal sustainability and the implications for long-run economic growth: An econometric analysis
  • Estimating the incidence and distributional effects of taxation using applied econometric techniques
  • Empirical analysis of government debt and its implications for macroeconomic stability
  • The role of public investment in fostering economic development: An applied econometric study
  • Econometric analysis of the determinants of tax compliance and tax evasion
  • The effects of social welfare programs on labor market outcomes: An empirical examination
  • Evaluating the impact of education spending on human capital development: An econometric analysis
  • The relationship between government size and economic performance: An applied econometric study

Econometrics Research Paper Writing Guide

Welcome to the world of econometrics research! As an economics student, you have embarked on a journey to explore the fascinating realm of econometric analysis and its application in the field of economics. Writing a research paper in econometrics provides you with an opportunity to delve deeper into this quantitative discipline and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

This page serves as a comprehensive guide specifically tailored for economics students who are tasked with writing an econometrics research paper. Whether you are new to econometrics or seeking to enhance your understanding and skills in this field, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and resources to navigate the process effectively.

Within this page, you will find an abstract that encapsulates the essence of exploring econometrics research paper topics, followed by a comprehensive list of research topics divided into 10 categories. Additionally, expert advice on selecting suitable topics and valuable guidance on how to write an econometrics research paper will be provided to support you throughout your research journey.

To further assist you in your academic endeavors, iResearchNet offers custom writing services where you can order a custom econometrics research paper tailored to your specific requirements. With a team of expert degree-holding writers, in-depth research capabilities, and a commitment to top-quality customized solutions, iResearchNet is dedicated to providing you with a seamless and successful research paper writing experience.

Let’s dive into the world of econometrics research, explore intriguing research topics, and equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to excel in this exciting field.

How to Choose an Econometrics Topic

Choosing the right econometrics research paper topic is crucial to the success of your study. With the vast array of possibilities within the field of econometrics, it can be challenging to narrow down your options and select a topic that is both interesting and feasible. To help you navigate through this process, we have compiled some expert advice on choosing econometrics research paper topics:

  • Identify your research interests : Begin by reflecting on your personal interests within the field of economics. Are you fascinated by macroeconomic issues, labor markets, financial econometrics, or perhaps environmental economics? Understanding your areas of passion will guide you towards selecting a research topic that aligns with your interests and motivates you throughout the research process.
  • Review current literature : Familiarize yourself with the existing literature in econometrics, especially recent publications and studies. This will not only deepen your understanding of the subject but also give you insights into the latest research trends and gaps in knowledge. Look for areas where you can contribute new perspectives or address unanswered questions.
  • Consider data availability : Before finalizing your research topic, assess the availability of relevant data. Econometrics heavily relies on empirical analysis, and having access to high-quality and appropriate datasets is crucial. Ensure that you can obtain the necessary data for your research topic and assess its suitability for your analysis.
  • Narrow down your scope : Econometrics research can range from broad macroeconomic studies to more focused microeconometric analyses. Consider the scope of your research and determine whether you want to explore a specific aspect within a broader context or delve deep into a specific area. Narrowing down your scope will allow you to conduct a more focused and impactful study.
  • Consult with your advisor : Seek guidance from your advisor or faculty members who have expertise in econometrics. They can provide valuable insights, suggest potential research areas, and help you refine your research question. Their expertise and experience will be invaluable in ensuring that your research topic is viable and aligns with current research trends.
  • Balance complexity and feasibility : While it’s important to choose a topic that challenges you academically, it’s equally crucial to consider the feasibility of your research within the available timeframe and resources. Strive for a balance between a topic that pushes the boundaries of knowledge and one that is realistic to accomplish within the given constraints.
  • Brainstorm and refine : Engage in brainstorming sessions where you jot down ideas, concepts, and potential research questions. Refine these ideas by evaluating their significance, relevance, and feasibility. Consider the potential impact of your research and its contribution to the field of econometrics.

Remember, the key to choosing a successful econometrics research paper topic is finding a balance between your interests, the availability of data, the scope of your research, and the guidance of experts. By carefully considering these factors and leveraging the expertise of your advisors, you can select a compelling research topic that will drive your study forward.

How to Write an Econometrics Research Paper

Writing an econometrics research paper requires a systematic approach to effectively communicate your findings and contribute to the field of economics. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or new to the world of econometrics, the following guidelines will help you navigate the process of writing an impactful econometrics research paper:

  • Understand the research question : Start by clearly defining your research question or objective. What specific problem or issue are you addressing? Ensure that your research question is focused, well-defined, and aligns with the broader scope of econometrics.
  • Review relevant literature : Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature related to your research topic. Familiarize yourself with the theories, methodologies, and empirical findings that are relevant to your research question. This will provide a strong foundation for your study and help you position your research within the existing body of knowledge.
  • Develop a theoretical framework : Construct a theoretical framework that outlines the concepts, relationships, and hypotheses underlying your research. Identify the key variables and their expected effects. The theoretical framework will guide your empirical analysis and provide a coherent structure for your paper.
  • Choose appropriate econometric techniques : Select the appropriate econometric techniques and models to analyze your data and test your hypotheses. Consider whether your research requires time series analysis, panel data analysis, cross-sectional analysis, or a combination of these approaches. Justify your choice of econometric techniques and explain how they align with your research objectives.
  • Collect and preprocess data : Gather the necessary data for your analysis. Ensure that the data is reliable, relevant, and suitable for econometric analysis. Preprocess the data by cleaning, organizing, and transforming it as needed. Document the steps taken in data collection and preprocessing to ensure transparency and reproducibility.
  • Conduct empirical analysis : Apply the selected econometric techniques to analyze your data. Present the empirical results in a clear and concise manner, using appropriate tables, graphs, and statistical measures. Interpret the results in the context of your research question and theoretical framework. Discuss any limitations or challenges encountered during the empirical analysis.
  • Discuss implications and policy recommendations : Evaluate the implications of your findings and their relevance to the broader field of economics. Discuss the significance of your results in addressing the research question and advancing economic knowledge. If applicable, provide policy recommendations based on your empirical analysis.
  • Structure your paper : Organize your research paper into sections that flow logically and coherently. Typically, an econometrics research paper includes an introduction, literature review, theoretical framework, data and methodology, empirical analysis, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Follow a clear and concise writing style, using appropriate terminology and providing sufficient details for readers to understand and replicate your study.
  • Revise and edit : After completing the initial draft, carefully review and revise your research paper. Pay attention to the clarity of your arguments, the coherence of your ideas, and the accuracy of your findings. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to gain additional perspectives and suggestions for improvement.
  • Cite sources properly : Accurately cite all the sources you have referenced in your research paper using an appropriate citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Adhere to ethical guidelines and avoid plagiarism by properly attributing the ideas, theories, and empirical results of others.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively structure and communicate your econometrics research findings. Remember to stay focused, provide clear explanations, and contribute to the advancement of econometric knowledge in your field.

Order a Custom Research Paper

When it comes to writing an econometrics research paper, you may encounter challenges that require expert assistance. If you find yourself struggling with time constraints, complex data analysis, or the intricacies of econometric models, consider leveraging the writing services offered by iResearchNet. Our team of experienced writers and researchers can provide you with a custom econometrics research paper tailored to your specific requirements. Here are the key features of our writing services:

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our team consists of writers with advanced degrees in economics and expertise in econometrics. They possess the knowledge and skills to conduct rigorous research, analyze data, and write high-quality econometrics research papers.
  • Custom written works : We understand the importance of originality and customization. Your research paper will be crafted from scratch, based on your specific instructions, research question, and data. We ensure that each paper is unique and tailored to meet your academic needs.
  • In-depth research : Our writers are adept at conducting thorough and comprehensive research. They have access to a wide range of reputable sources, databases, and econometric software tools to gather relevant information and empirical data for your research paper.
  • Custom formatting : We adhere to the formatting style of your choice, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard. Our writers are well-versed in the specific requirements of each formatting style and will ensure that your research paper follows the prescribed guidelines.
  • Top quality and customized solutions : We prioritize quality and strive to deliver research papers that meet the highest academic standards. Our writers pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that your paper is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your research findings.
  • Flexible pricing : We offer competitive and flexible pricing options to accommodate the budgetary constraints of students. Our pricing structure takes into account factors such as the complexity of the research paper, the urgency of the deadline, and the desired level of customization.
  • Short deadlines : We understand that students often face tight deadlines. Our writing services offer short turnaround times, allowing you to receive a custom econometrics research paper even with urgent deadlines.
  • Timely delivery : We prioritize timely delivery to ensure that you have sufficient time to review the research paper, request revisions if needed, and submit it within your academic timeline.
  • 24/7 support : Our customer support team is available 24/7 to address any queries or concerns you may have. We are committed to providing prompt assistance and ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience.
  • Absolute privacy : We value your privacy and confidentiality. Your personal information and order details are treated with the utmost confidentiality and are never shared with third parties.
  • Easy order tracking : Our user-friendly platform allows you to track the progress of your order, communicate with your assigned writer, and stay updated on the status of your research paper.
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econometric term paper

Writing a College Paper – The List of Economics Topics to Consider

27 October, 2021

12 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

If you are studying Economics, at some point in your student life you will get an essay or a research paper to complete. Most likely, you will have to write many of such papers in different subjects during four years of undergraduate studies and then during your Master’s. Besides this, you will have to write a degree paper to get your qualification. If such a perspective already makes you nervous, don’t worry: we will help you to get through these tasks. In this guide, we will make the definition of an Economics research paper clear to you, and also explain how to choose the best topic for writing. We will also share the latest Economics topics so that you can use them to complete your assignments.

Economics Topics

What Is an Economics Research Paper?

First of all, let’s find out what an Economics research paper is. An Economics research paper is an academic work written by students, graduates, or researchers of either of the Economics subfields. It aims to contribute to the current state of economics and help resolve potential economic issues.

There are a few types of Economics research papers you need to know. Below, you can find them and understand what kind of assignment you were given and how to approach it:

  • Theoretical paper. The first type of Economics research paper is a theoretical one. While writing it, one needs to construct mathematical models to understand economic behavior. Graphical models are also possible to use in theoretical papers. But you don’t need to worry about writing them: due to their complexity, they are rarely required from undergraduate students;
  • A literature survey. This is a paper that aims to review many sources on certain Economics topics that are interesting to an essay writer , compare them, and find links between them. Writing an Economics literature survey requires selecting the relevant sources on your own and reading a lot to produce a thoughtful paper.
  • An empirical paper. When writing an empirical paper, a researcher needs to provide statistical data to prove or disprove their hypothesis. Also, such a paper often makes up a literature survey as its first part. Empirical papers are a popular type of assignment in colleges and universities;
  • An issue paper. This paper deals with a certain position stated on a policy question. To resolve the issue, a student needs to use economic analysis and provide data to prove their point of view. You can base your analysis on the information received in classes, in additional reading, etc. Feel free to use graphs and tables in your paper as well. The more scholarly sources you find, the better;
  • A case note. The last type of economic paper is a case note. This assignment deals with a certain legal case that needs to be assessed from an economic and legal point of view. In this paper, a student needs to describe the peculiarities of the case, the incident that led to a certain legal action, the procedure of investigation, and the court decision on the matter. The economic analysis is used to evaluate the relevant aspects of a court decision from an economics perspective.

A Quick Guide in Choosing the Right Topic

economics research paper topics

Now that you know the types of economic research papers, you need to understand how to choose the right economics papers topics. This is one of the most important stages of writing preparation, so pay close attention to the tips below:

  • Find out what interests you the most in Economics subjects. For some reason, you have chosen Economics among dozens of other majors, so try to remember why you did it. Then, remember those economic problems you were about to resolve once you become an economist. These issues can be used as your potential Economics research paper topics;
  • Create a list of the Economic topics to write about. Write down all the issues you’d like to explore while pursuing your degree in Economics. At the moment, don’t try to develop them in detail. You will do it a bit later;
  • Pick a few topics that fall into the scope of a particular subject. Once you have the list of potentially interesting Economic topics, think about their relevance for the particular course you are studying. Do any of them sound reasonable for your current assignment? Mark them on your list if they do;
  • Read background information on each of the topics. This step is required to understand how well these topics were researched before and how many sources you can find to base your reasoning on. Don’t omit this stage since it’s essential for writing a good paper on engaging and interesting topics in Economics;
  • Discuss the chosen Economic research topics with your instructor. Now it’s time to ask your instructor to take a look at the topics of your interest and evaluate which ones fit your academic requirements best. Then, narrow down your topic to a certain issue to make your paper concrete. At this point, consider asking any questions you have regarding your research, scholarly sources, and formatting guidelines.
  • Approve your topic and start working on it. Now, pick any of the economic research paper topics from our lists for instructor’s approval and start gathering references for them.

20 Undergraduates Economics Topics for Research

  • The history of economic thought: from Ancient Times to the Medieval period.
  • The breakthroughs in economic thought in the 20th century.
  • The history of American economic thought.
  • How can governments benefit from the law of self-interest?
  • The law of competition: is it a major driver of the state economy?
  • Role of agriculture in building a stable economy.
  • The cultural heritage from an economic perspective: how can states benefit from it?
  • Factors of unemployment in South America.
  • Overcoming poverty in Venezuela: what can its government do in 2023?
  • How does literacy influence a country’s economic success?
  • Corporate social responsibility and economics: how do they correlate?
  • The role of economic forecasting in building a steadfast economy?
  • The structure of the USA market.
  • The analysis of the workforce economics in Canada.
  • Predicting the GDP of Mexico in the next five years.
  • How does a stable economy help to reduce hunger?
  • The importance of health insurance for wageworkers.
  • The effect of chronic diseases on the middle-aged workforce in the USA.
  • Is free health care beneficial for governments?
  • The international trade in the 21st century: challenges and priorities.

20 Economic Debate Topics

  • Pros and cons of taxes: is it still reasonable to pay them in the 21st century?
  • The process of production: demand vs. supply.
  • Should the government take control over the state economy?
  • How can the government influence the labor market within the state?
  • Capitalism vs socialism: a comparative analysis.
  • Being an employer or an employee: the challenges and advantages.
  • Remote work vs office work from the state economics perspective: pros and cons.
  • The pros and cons of privatization of property.
  • Why do governments implement neoliberal economic reforms in developing countries?
  • Should Americans buy only made in USA products or imported ones?
  • Should governments implement taxes for the rich?
  • Should the USA compete with China?
  • Credit cards should not be issued to those with low income.
  • How are democracy and capitalism interconnected?
  • How does war impact economic growth?
  • Governments should cancel income tax: pros and cons.
  • A perfect market cannot be reached anywhere in the world.
  • Advantages of equal taxes for all American citizens.
  • Greece’s exit from the EU did not impact other EU members.
  • Homeschooling is more beneficial economically than studying in the classroom.

20 Interesting Behavioral Economics Research Topics

  • Macy’s case study: the behavioral economics of discounting.
  • The decoy effect and pricing: how corporations make people buy more.
  • The benefits for American society from behavioral economics theory.
  • The buying motivation of consumers from a behavioral economics point of view.
  • The concept of the economy of trust.
  • Uber case study as an example of the economy of trust.
  • How consumption makes people happy and why.
  • The phenomenon of shopaholism and its impact on modern world economics.
  • How behavioral economists assess marketing: a detailed review.
  • How to apply the theory of behavioral economics to real-life problem-solving?
  • Behavioral economics as a discipline: the methods and peculiarities of teaching. 
  • Applying behavioral economics to environment protection: approaches and challenges.
  • How can entrepreneurs benefit from behavioral economics theory in the UK?
  • Why is conscious consumption good for the environment?
  • Can behavioral economics principles be used to manage substance abuse in the USA?
  • The impact of inflation on the consumer’s buying motivation.
  • Cooperative behavior on criminals and police: a comparative analysis.
  • Strategic reasoning.
  • Studying morality and social preferences: how do they correlate?
  • The concept of prospect theory and reference dependence.

20 Microeconomics Topics

  • The methodology of Microeconomics.
  • How marital status impacts the workforce composition in France.
  • Analyzing consumer behavior trends: how the consumption attitude changed over the last 20 years.
  • The market and competition concepts: how do they correlate?
  • The sources and outcomes of inflation.
  • How does competition impact pricing?
  • Finding the demand and supply balance through a microeconomics perspective.
  • Product expenses and profit explanation: how to spend less and get more out of goods production?
  • The concept of perfect competition in microeconomics (with examples).
  • Peculiarities of stock market work.
  • Finding links between income changes and consumer choice.
  • The correlation between salary level and economic convergence in Germany.
  • The impact of demonetization on small and medium businesses.
  • Salary inequalities in Virginia, USA: why do they exist and what forces are behind them?
  • The concept of economics of uncertainty.
  • What is the imperfect competition?
  • Explaining the theory of production and its application to real-life cases.
  • Studying microeconomics: the methodology of research.
  • The economic nature of a firm: what purpose do we try to achieve by starting a small business?
  • What is a natural monopoly and how is it regulated in the USA and Latin America?

20 Current Economic Topics

  • Starting a business in pandemic times: challenges and outcomes.
  • How hiring remote workers can save the state economy during COVID times?
  • How to measure the state’s economic growth during a pandemic?
  • How does gender influence buying capacity?
  • The ways to lower consumption in the 21st century.
  • Social media marketing in the USA: the potentials and challenges for new businesses.
  • The role of digital marketing in consumer demand in 2023.
  • The consumer buying capacity during COVID: did people start buying fewer goods?
  • The future of the world economy after the pandemic ends.
  • The ways to recover the state economies from the COVID recession.
  • Do governments need to rethink their current economic policies in Africa?
  • How to maintain the economic growth in Third World countries?
  • Does overtime work contribute to the production: the case study of Nairobi leather factory.
  • Green economics: the benefits for developing countries.
  • The problem of unemployment in the EU and the methods of resolving it.
  • The new ways to overcome poverty in North Africa.
  • How to provide equal access to education in rural Asia?
  • The effects of gambling on the modern US economy.
  • Immigration trends and changes during COVID restrictions.
  • The effects of fiscal policy on the modern EU economy.

Now that you have all the knowledge to write a proper Economics research paper, you can pick the best topic from dozens of themes in various economics subfields. The topics presented and analyzed above fit undergraduate as well as graduate students. So don’t hesitate to make your choice now, approve it with your professor, and start outlining your draft. Doing your best at every stage of writing will guarantee a high grade for your paper.

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Journal Of The Econometric Society

An international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics.

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Forthcoming Articles

The following papers have been accepted and will appear in future issues of Econometrica. The links below lead to the final accepted papers in their working paper formats. The papers will be copyedited and typeset for publication.

A Comment on “Testing Models of Social Learning on Networks: Evidence from two Experiments"

Agranov, Marina, Ben Gillen, and Dotan Persitz

Can Deficits Finance Themselves?

Angeletos, George-Marios, Chen Lian and Christian K. Wolf

Selecting the Most Effective Nudge: Evidence from a Large-Scale Experiment on Immunization

Banerjee, Abhijit, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Suresh Dalpath, Esther Duflo, John Floretta, Matthew O. Jackson, Harini Kannan, Francine Loza, Anirudh Sankar, Anna Schrimpf, and Maheshwor Shrestha

Adaptive, Rate-Optimal Hypothesis Testing in Nonparametric IV Models

Breunig, Christoph, and Xiaohong Chen

On the Structure of Informationally Robust Optimal Mechanisms

Brooks, Benjamin, and Songzi Du

The Rise of Fiscal Capacity: Administration and State Consolidation in the Holy Roman Empire

Cantoni, Davide, Cathrin Mohr, and Matthias Weigand

Caution and Reference Effects

Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone, David Dillenberger, and Pietro Ortoleva

Random Votes to Parties and Policies in Coalition Governments

Cervellati, Matteo, Giorgio Gulino, and Paolo Roberti

Exact Bias Correction for Linear Adjustment of Randomized Controlled Trials

Chang, Haoge, Joel A. Middleton, and P. M. Aronow

Aggregate Implications Of Barriers To Female Entrepreneurship

Chiplunkar, Gaurav, and Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

Ambiguous Contracts

Dütting, Paul, Michal Feldman, Daniel Peretz and Larry Samuelson

Erratum to “Savage’s P3 is Redundant”

Frahm, Gabriel, and Lorenz Hartman

Propagation and Amplification of Local Productivity Spillovers

Giroud, Xavier, Simone Lenzu, Quinn Maingi, and Holger Mueller

Sparse Network Asymptotics for Logistic Regression under Possible Misspecification

Graham, Bryan S.

Robust Real Rate Rules

Holden, Tom D.

The Impacts of Managerial Autonomy on Firm Outcomes

Kala, Namrata

Endogenous Production Networks under Supply Chain Uncertainty

Kopytov, Alexandr, Bineet Mishra, Kristoffer Nimark and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel

Stationary Social Learning in a Changing Environment

Levy, Raphaël, Marcin Pęski, and Nicolas Vieille

Lifestyle Behaviors and Wealth-Health Gaps in Germany

Mahler, Lukas, and Minchul Yum

Matching and Agglomeration: Theory and Evidence from Japanese Firm-to-Firm Trade

Miyauchi, Yuhei

Spatial Unit Roots and Spurious Regression

Müller, Ulrich K., and Mark W. Watson

Social Media and Collective Action in China

Qin, Bei, David Strömberg, and Yanhui Wu

Historical Self-Governance and Norms of Cooperation

Rustagi, Devesh

Privacy Preserving Signals

Strack, Philipp, and Kai Hao Yang

Contractual Chains

Watson, Joel


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    This page provides an extensive list of econometrics research paper topics divided into 10 categories, expert advice on topic selection, and valuable insights on how to write a successful econometrics research paper. Additionally, the page introduces the writing services provided by iResearchNet, offering students the opportunity to order custom econometrics research papers on any topic.

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    20 Interesting Behavioral Economics Research Topics. Macy's case study: the behavioral economics of discounting. The decoy effect and pricing: how corporations make people buy more. The benefits for American society from behavioral economics theory.

  23. Forthcoming Papers

    Journal Of The Econometric Society. An International Society for the Advancement of Economic. Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics. Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262.