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Home > Research > Griffith Graduate Research School > Preparing your thesis > Inclusion of papers within the thesis

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Please note: Candidates enrolled in the PhD by Prior Publication should refer to the degree finder for program-specific thesis formatting information.

HDR candidates may include one or more papers within the body of their thesis if the papers have been produced under supervision and during the period of candidature; and where the quality is appropriate to Doctoral or Masters (Research) level research. A thesis prepared in this way is a different thesis format, it is not a different degree. There are several advantages to organising a thesis in this way:

  • Preparing papers for publication saves time when preparing the thesis for examination as papers may make up one or several chapters within the thesis
  • It is to your advantage to publish work from your thesis as a means of disseminating your research and developing your writing skills
  • It may improve the quality of your thesis as part of your thesis has already been subjected to peer review
  • Examiners may have more confidence in your thesis if they can see that you have already published your research and you will have already met one of the criteria of examination, with the thesis suitable for publication.

As a candidature requirement, all doctoral candidates are expected to have at least one peer reviewed output accepted for publication during candidature . Candidates are encouraged to include this publication in the body of the thesis.

Requirement for inclusion of papers within the thesis

Inclusion of papers within a thesis is not a suitable thesis format for all research projects (e.g. collaborative projects where there may be several co-authors for each paper which may make it difficult for the examiner to establish the independence of the candidates work; where primary data is not collected or results obtained until late in the candidature; or where the research will not produce a logical sequence of papers that are able to be presented as an integrated whole).

Candidates should also consider whether this thesis format is an accepted practice within their discipline and likely to be received well by the thesis examiners (refer also to the examination requirements below). Candidates are required to consult with their supervisor(s) early in their candidature to determine if this thesis format is appropriate. It is expected that candidates will identify as part of the confirmation of candidature milestone if their thesis is to be prepared in this format. Candidates should consult their Group specific guidelines in addition to the requirements detailed below. Candidates are also encouraged to attend the workshop : ‘Inclusion of papers within a thesis’ offered by the Griffith Graduate Research School.

Refer also to the Griffith University code for the Responsible Conduct of Research ( PDF , 202k) , specifically the sections pertaining to publication ethics and the dissemination of research findings, and authorship.

Status of papers

A thesis may include papers that have been submitted, accepted for publication, or published. Some disciplines may specify a variation to the status of papers requirement, refer to your Group specific guidelines.

Type of papers

For the purpose of this requirement, papers are defined as a journal article, conference publication, book or book chapter. Papers which have been rejected by a publisher must not be included unless they have been substantially rewritten to address the reviewers’ comments or have since been accepted for publication. Some disciplines may specify a variation to the type of papers requirement, refer to your Group specific guidelines.

Number of papers

A thesis may be entirely or partly comprised of papers. A paper maybe included as a single chapter if the paper contributes to the argument of the thesis, or several papers may form the core chapters of the theses where they present a cohesive argument. Where a thesis is entirely comprised of papers, there is no minimum requirement for the number of papers that must be included (except as noted below) and is a matter of professional judgment for the supervisor and the candidate. Overall, the material presented for examination needs to reflect the research thesis standard required for the award of the degree.

Where a thesis is entirely comprised of papers, some disciplines may specify a minimum number of papers to be included, refer to your Group specific guidelines.

The candidate should normally be principal author (that is, responsible for the intellectual content and the majority of writing) of any work included in the body of the thesis. Where a paper has been co-authored, the candidate is required to have made a substantial contribution to the intellectual content and writing. Co-authored work in which the candidate was a minor author can only be used and referenced in the way common to any other research publication cited in the thesis. A signature from the corresponding author is required in order to include co- authored material in the body of the thesis, refer to the declarations section below.

For co-authored papers, the attribution of authorship must be in accordance with the Griffith University code for the Responsible Conduct of Research ( PDF , 202k) , which specifies that authorship must be based on substantial contributions in one or more of:

  • Conception and design of the research project
  • Analysis and interpretation of research data
  • Drafting or making significant parts of the creative or scholarly work or critically revising it so as to contribute significantly to the final output.

Some disciplines may specify a variation to the authorship requirement, refer to your Group specific guidelines.

Quality of papers

Candidates should endeavour to publish their research in high-quality, peer-reviewed publications. Papers to be included in the body of the thesis should be published (or submitted for publication) in reputable outlets that are held in high regard in the relevant field of research. Candidates can consult their supervisor(s) for advice on suitable publications specific to their research discipline. Some disciplines may specify quality standards that must be met for papers to be included, please see below for Group-specific guidelines.

The library provides detailed support and advice to candidates on choosing journals in which to publish. Candidates should take care to avoid ‘predatory’ journals and publishers.

  • Scholarly publishing strategies
  • Open research: Make your research visible

As copyright in an article is normally assigned to a publisher, the publisher must give permission to reproduce the work in the thesis and put a digital copy on the institutional repository. Information on how to seek permission is available at: Copyright and Articles in thesis . If permission cannot be obtained, students may still include the publication in the body of the thesis, however following examination the relevant chapter(s) will be redacted from the digital copy to be held by the Griffith University Library so that the copyright material is not made publicly available in the institutional repository. Students are required to advise the copyright status of each publication included in the thesis via a declaration to be inserted in the thesis, as detailed below.

Students requiring further advice regarding copyright issues can contact the Information Policy Officer on (07) 3735 5695 or [email protected] .

Group and discipline requirements

Some groups or elements may specify additional requirements for including papers within a thesis, refer below:

  • Arts, Education and Law
  • Griffith Business School ( PDF , 214k)
  • Griffith Health
  • Griffith Sciences ( PDF , 271k)

Presentation of theses when including papers

Consult the thesis preparation and formatting guidelines for general information about the requirements for formatting the thesis. Some disciplines may specify a variation to the thesis format requirements below, refer to your Group specific guidelines.

Structure of thesis and linking chapters

The structure of the thesis will vary depending on whether the thesis is partly or entirely comprised of papers. Whatever the format, the thesis must present as a coherent and integrated body of work in which the research objectives, relationship to other scholarly work, methodology and strategies employed, and the results obtained are identified, analysed and evaluated.

A thesis should include a general introduction and general discussion to frame the internal chapters. The introduction should outline the scope of the research covered by the thesis and include an explanation of the organisation and structure of the thesis. The general discussion should draw together the main findings of the thesis and establish the significance of the work as a whole and should not just restate the discussion points of each paper.

It is important that candidates explicitly argue the coherence of the work and establish links between the various papers/chapters throughout the thesis. Linking text should be added to introduce each new paper or chapter, with a foreword which introduces the research and establishes its links to previous papers/chapters.

Depending on the content of the paper(s) and nature of research, a research methods chapter may also be necessary to ensure that any work that is not included in the paper(s), but is integral to the research, is appropriately covered. Any data omitted from a paper may also be included as an addendum to the thesis.

For further information on the thesis structure, refer to the following examples of acceptable ways to format the thesis when including papers.

  • See Examples of Table of Contents ( PDF , 39k)

Format of papers

The papers may be rewritten for the thesis according to the general formatting guidelines; or they can be inserted in their published format, subject to copyright approval as detailed above.

Candidates may repaginate the papers to be consistent with the thesis. However, this is at the discretion of the candidate.


All theses that include papers must include declarations which specify the publication status of the paper(s), your contribution to the paper(s), and the copyright status of the paper(s). The declarations must be signed by the corresponding author (where applicable). If you are the sole author, this still needs to be specified. The declaration will need to be inserted at the beginning of the thesis, and for any co-authored papers, additional declarations will need to be inserted at the beginning of each relevant chapter. You may wish to consult the  declaration requirements for inclusion of papers under Thesis Structure to ensure that you insert the correct declaration(s) within the thesis. Please note that completion of the declaration(s) does not negate the need to comply with any other University requirement relating to co-authored works as outlined in the Griffith University code for the Responsible Conduct of Research ( PDF , 202k) .

Examination requirements

Assessment by examiners.

Candidates who wish to include papers within their thesis, and who have determined that this thesis format is appropriate to the research project, should also consider whether this thesis format will be well received by the thesis examiners. The inclusion of papers may negatively impact on the thesis upon assessment by the examiners where: the thesis format is not a common or accepted practice within the candidates discipline area; where the inclusion of co-authored papers makes it difficult for the examiner to establish the independence and originality of the candidates work; where the thesis does not present to the examiner as an integrated whole; or where there is too much repetition in the thesis which an examiner may view as a weakness.

Theses that include papers are subject to the same examination criteria as theses submitted in the traditional format. It should also be noted that the inclusion of published papers within the thesis does not prevent an examiner from requesting amendments to that material.

Candidates should discuss the suitability of this thesis format for examination with their supervisor(s).

Nomination of examiners

It is the responsibility of the principal supervisor to nominate thesis examiners , and the process dictates that the principal supervisor must approach all nominees to determine their willingness to examine. Where a candidate’s thesis is formatted to include papers, the principal supervisor must also ensure that the examiners are familiar with and/or accepting of, this thesis format.

Upon dispatch of a candidate’s thesis to an examiner, the examiner will be reminded that the thesis has been formatted to include papers. The examiner will also be provided with the relevant information and regulations regarding this thesis format.

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  • Programs and courses
  • Master of Medical Research (5626)
  • Course list and requirements

Master of Medical Research

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Monday, 30 December 2024

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Programs change over time. Course lists and requirements are specific to the year you started studying.

To be eligible for the award of Master of Medical Research (MMedRes) , a student must acquire 120 credit points as prescribed below:

  • gain 30 credit points for the prescribed courses
  • gain 10 credit points for the listed elective
  • successfully complete the 80 credit point dissertation.

Progress review requirements

Completion of progress reporting requirements is a condition of continued candidature for higher degree research programs. The following progress review requirements must be completed for the Master of Medical Research program:

  • completion of the Confirmation of Candidature Milestone within 6 months (equivalent full-time) of commencement
  • completion of the Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone within 1 year (equivalent full-time) of commencement

Progression rules

Where a student receives a fail grade for a coursework course in the Master of Medical Research, unless special circumstances apply, the student is not permitted to repeat the failed course or to undertake an alternative course and their enrolment in the program will be cancelled.

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level and Type

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. This qualification is accredited as an AQF Level 9 - Masters Degree (Research).

Program learning outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes communicate to the community the value of the Griffith educational experience as benchmarked against national qualification standards.

Program Learning Outcomes for this award describe the knowledge, skills and the application of knowledge and skills you will acquire through studying the Griffith program of your choice.

Program level

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  1. Milestones and requirements

    The Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone (TCRM) is a formative review of the candidate's work completed towards the thesis and remaining activities planned. It provides an opportunity for: ... Griffith Business School HDR candidates are required to publish in journals from a specified list of quality journals.

  2. HDR Candidature

    Thesis and candidature review milestone. The objective of the milestone is to provide a forum for a formative review of the work completed towards the thesis. The milestone allows candidates to gather feedback that can be used to guide them towards the final research findings and to assure the quality of the thesis to be submitted for examination.

  3. PDF Griffith Sciences Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone

    GRIFFITH SCIENCES THESIS AND CANDIDATURE REVIEW MILESTONE Candidates commencing in a HDR program from 1 January 2017 are required to complete the Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone within the period of 2.5 years - 3 years of candidature for full time PhD candidates and 1.5 years for MPhil candidates in lieu of the Mid-Candidature Milestone.

  4. What are the requirements for the thesis and candidature review

    Candidates will be required to complete the TCRM Candidate Statement and present a seminar, which should be prepared in consultation with their supervision team. The statement and any additional documents must be submitted via myGriffith two weeks prior to the seminar date. The seminar will be reviewed by a panel consisting of your supervisors ...

  5. PDF Griffith Sciences

    Publishing during candidature 8 Preparing your thesis 9 Thesis submission and examination 9 Candidature changes 9 Request an official letter 9 Griffith Graduate Research School (GGRS) 9 . 3 The Griffith Sciences Higher Degree Research (HDR) Candidature Guide assists candidates throughout their ... peer review and collaborations between institutions

  6. Making changes to candidature

    Griffith International will review your application for leave to ensure that student visa conditions are not breached. Scholarship holders. Scholarship holders may be entitled to paid leave (such as sick leave), or unpaid leave (such as leave of absence). ... Advice regarding the status of your Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone. Usually ...

  7. DOCX Griffith University

    GRIFFITH SCIENCES. HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH. THESIS AND CANDIDATURE REVIEW MILESTONE REPORT. The Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone is a formative review of the candidate's work completed towards the thesis in order to guide improvements and assure the quality of the thesis to be submitted for examination.

  8. PDF Higher Degree Research Program Milestone ...

    Griffith Graduate Research School Updated 1 July 2022 CRICOS No. 00233E . Higher Degree Research Program Milestone Requirements and Timeframes ... Candidature Thesis and candidature review Comments . Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Doctorates 6001 Doctor of Philosophy (320 CP) 6 12 12 18 30-33 60-66 6028 PhD Clinical ...

  9. What are the requirements for the review of progress?

    What are the requirements for the review of progress? Updated 04/08/2022 09.50 AM. Part-time candidates are required to complete the Progress report form and discuss this report with their supervision team. The form is lodged via myGriffith and is automatically sent for consideration by the Principal Supervisor and HDR Convenor, it will also go ...

  10. Steps to submit a thesis

    Step 1. A minimum of two months prior to the intended submission date, complete an Intention to Submit form via myGriffith > My program > My candidate centre. Please note: If submitting under the lapsed candidature process, you are also required to submit this form. Enrolment status after submission of thesis.

  11. What are the requirements for the early candidature milestone?

    What are the requirements for the early candidature milestone? Updated 04/08/2022 09.57 AM. Candidates will be required to complete the Early Candidature Milestone form and attend a meeting/seminar with their supervision team and HDR Convenor. The form is lodged via myGriffith and is automatically sent for consideration by the Principal ...


    by the due date, and ensure the date is on track to complete the candidature requirement of candi having at least one peer reviewed output accepted for publication during the candidature. The format for this milestone may include a written and/or oral component. OR • Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone. Candidates commencing from January ...

  13. What are the requirements for my confirmation of candidature?

    Updated 04/08/2022 09.44 AM. You will be required to complete the Confirmation Candidate Statement (form), prepare a written paper and present a seminar, which should be done in consultation with your supervision team. The statement, written paper and any additional documents must be submitted via myGriffith two weeks prior to the seminar date.

  14. Professional development

    The Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone (TCRM) represents the final checkpoint in your journey to thesis submission. This webinar provides a practical guide to navigating TCRM and planning for a timely thesis submission. FORMAT: Webinar. 2024 OFFERINGS: Wednesday 27 March, 12 - 2 PM; Wednesday 22 May, 12 - 2 PM

  15. Thesis preparation overview

    Griffith University defines a thesis as "a report on a scholarly project based on or manifested in rigorous experimental, theoretical, creative, empirical and/or design inquiry". The preparation of a thesis is the outcome of a research project, carried out over a number of years under supervision. Candidates should familiarise themselves with ...

  16. Inclusion of papers within the thesis

    Please note: Candidates enrolled in the PhD by Prior Publication should refer to the degree finder for program-specific thesis formatting information. HDR candidates may include one or more papers within the body of their thesis if the papers have been produced under supervision and during the period of candidature; and where the quality is appropriate to Doctoral or Masters (Research) level ...

  17. Schedule of Responsibilities and Authorisation ...

    Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School . Admissions. HDR Applications . Agreement to supervise Recommend . Recommend . Approve : PhD by Prior Publication ... Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone - completion with 'under review' status assignment . Recommend . Approve ; Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone extension Recommend .

  18. Master of Philosophy (5001)

    Completion of progress reporting requirements is a condition of continued candidature for higher degree research programs. The following progress review requirements must be completed for the Master of Philosophy program: completion of the Early Candidature Milestone within 3 months (equivalent full-time) of commencement.

  19. Doctor of Education (6022)

    Course lists and requirements are specific to the year you started studying. I commenced study in. Update Cohort. Degree requirements: Students who started Trimester 1 - 2025. Program learning outcomes. Course list unavailable. Unable to retrieve course list information. Please contact Griffith University for more information about this program.

  20. Doctor of Philosophy in Organisational Psychology (6007)

    Completion of progress reporting requirements is a condition of continued candidature for higher degree research programs. The following progress review requirements must be completed for the Doctor of Philosophy in Organisational Psychology program: completion of the Early Candidature Milestone within 6 months (equivalent full-time) of ...

  21. Master of Design Research (5723)

    the thesis (or combined design outcome and thesis) will be examined at the end of the program. Progress review requirements. Completion of progress reporting requirements is a condition of continued candidature for higher degree research programs. The following progress review requirements must be completed for the Master of Design Research ...

  22. Doctor of Musical Arts (6017)

    Progress review requirements. Completion of progress reporting requirements is a condition of continued candidature for higher degree research programs. The following progress review requirements must be completed for the Doctor of Musical Arts program: completion of the Early Candidature Milestone within 6 months (equivalent full time) of ...

  23. Master of Medical Research (5626)

    The following progress review requirements must be completed for the Master of Medical Research program: completion of the Confirmation of Candidature Milestone within 6 months (equivalent full-time) of commencement; completion of the Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone within 1 year (equivalent full-time) of commencement; Progression rules