English Summary

If I Was A Tree Lesson Summary and Explanation in English Class 11th

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‘If I Were a Tree’ reveals the Indian society’s complicated and cruel caste system. The poet wishes he would have been born as a tree rather than a person, because the  human race still practices immoral discrimination  based on caste. The poet, on the other hand, turns to nature, which he believes does not discriminate against any creature regardless of size, colour, habitat or gender. Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy aspired to be a tree since, unlike a human born into a low caste household,  trees are not subjected to prejudice or humiliation .

About the Poet

Mudnakudu is a famous Kannada poet from the  Mudnakudu village . His major interest lies in writing poetry. His passions include anything from  culture  and  theatre  to  social service . Apart from English, Spanish, and Hebrew, he has been translated into numerous Indian languages. He holds an M.Com., M.A., and a D.Lit. in Social Sciences He works at the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) as a Director (Finance).

About the Translator

Rowena Hill was born in 1938 in England and studied in New Zealand. She also studied in Italy and India (University of Mysore). She lives in Mérida, Venezuela, and has taught English Literature at the Universidad de Los Andes. Some of Kannada’s most well-known poems have been translated into Spanish by her. More importantly, she has translated various literary masterpieces from Indian languages into English and Spanish.

In the poem, ‘If I Was a Tree,’ Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy expresses his  suffering, disappointments, anguish, and frustrations . He raises his voice against the  unjust class system.  For centuries, the caste system has caused conflict among humans by dividing them and building barriers. In today’s society, knowledge gives us power. Discrimination on the basis of caste is prohibited under the constitution. Unfortunately, the complicated web of politics, bureaucracy, and stereotypical attitudes makes it difficult to totally eradicate it.

The poem is written with intense sentimentalism toward the lower caste, their pain, and their indignation. The poem is divided into four stanzas, each with a different line length. Because it is written in free verse, there is no rhyme pattern.

The poet explains that if he were a tree, the bird would not inquire about his caste before making its nest. This shows that the poet has felt embarrassed of his caste as a result of the caste system on several occasions. He says that his shadow would not feel soiled when the sunshine embraced him. The tree would also have a beautiful relationship with the cool breeze and the leaves would be sweet.

When he states that raindrops won’t stop thinking of him as a dog eater, it’s clear that the individuals from whom he had expectations, much like a tree hoping for water, always rejected and insulted him. Then he says that when he spreads out his roots, Mother Earth will not flee in dread of sullying its image. This means that he was pushed out by the upper caste because he belonged to a lower caste. ‘Branching out’ refers to lower caste individuals discovering and utilizing their full potential, which the upper castes prevent them from doing.

The poet goes on to explain that if he were a tree, the sacred cow, which inhabited over three hundred thousand Gods, would scratch herself and touch him using that justification. This indicates that he has been refused access to a number of sacred and holy places. It is a paradoxical expression that demonstrates how the higher caste worships cows yet overlooks the divinity of their fellow people.

Finally, the poet justifies his desire to be a tree by saying that being a tree would guarantee his death by being burned in holy fire or turning into a bier. This shows that he is aware that he will be despised even after death, and that he will not be permitted to be cremated in a decent manner. As a result, he would be condemned both during and after his life as a person, but as a tree, he would live in peace and dignity.

if i were a tree essay 200 words


Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

Students are often asked to write an essay on Autobiography of a Tree in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

Birth and growth.

I am a large oak tree, standing tall in a dense forest. My life began as a small seed, which a kind bird dropped. With sun, rain, and time, I grew into a sapling.

Life as a Tree

As a tree, I offer shelter to many creatures. Birds build nests in my branches, and squirrels scurry along them. I provide shade to weary travelers and absorb carbon dioxide to purify the air.

End of Life

As I age, my branches become weak. One day, I will fall, returning nutrients to the soil, completing the cycle of life.

250 Words Essay on Autobiography of a Tree


I am a towering oak, aged over a century, standing tall in the heart of a dense forest. My journey through time has been marked with profound experiences, each etching a distinct pattern on my bark and shaping my identity.

My life began as a tiny acorn, nestled in the embrace of the earth. I was nourished by the gentle rain and the warm sun, and slowly, I sprouted into a sapling. My growth was gradual, yet consistent, and I reveled in the joy of existence.

Witness to Time

As the decades rolled by, I became a silent observer of the world around me. I witnessed the changing seasons, the evolution of the forest, and the myriad creatures that sought shelter in my branches. I became a sanctuary for life, offering refuge and sustenance to countless species.

Human Interaction

I have also seen the impact of human activity on my kin and the environment. I have felt the sting of axes, the scorch of wildfires, and the encroachment of urbanization. However, I have also experienced the gentle touch of conservationists, striving to protect and preserve us.

Now, as a centenarian, I stand as a testament to resilience and survival. I am a living relic of the past, a witness to the present, and a beacon of hope for the future. My story is a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

500 Words Essay on Autobiography of a Tree

In the grand tapestry of life, I am but a humble entity, a tree. My existence may seem insignificant, but my life is a testament to the enduring power of nature and the intricate balance of life on Earth. I stand tall, a silent observer of the world, providing shelter, sustenance, and serenity to countless beings.

The Seed of Life

My journey began as a tiny seed, a speck of potential in the palm of nature. Carried by the wind, I was deposited in fertile soil, a perfect cradle for my nascent life. The sun’s warmth coaxed me from my shell, and rain’s tender touch nurtured me. I was a mere sapling, but I held within me the promise of life, the promise of a tree.

Growth and Development

Over the years, I grew, my roots delving deep into the earth, drawing sustenance and anchoring me firmly. My trunk thickened, my branches spread wide, and my leaves unfurled, a vibrant green canopy reaching for the sky. I became a haven for birds, insects, and small mammals, my branches their home, my foliage their sanctuary.

Witness to the Passage of Time

I am an unchanging constant in an ever-changing world. I have seen seasons change, witnessed the cycle of life and death. I’ve watched as civilizations rose and fell, as humanity evolved and advanced. I’ve silently absorbed their joy, their sorrow, their triumphs, and their defeats. I’ve been a mute spectator to history, my rings a testament to the passage of time.

The Role of Trees in the Environment

As a tree, my role in the environment is paramount. I am a natural air purifier, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, a vital process for life on Earth. I am a cornerstone of biodiversity, providing food and shelter for a myriad of species. I am a protector of the soil, preventing erosion and maintaining its fertility. And, in the face of climate change, I am a crucial weapon, sequestering carbon and helping to regulate the Earth’s temperature.

In my silent solitude, I have witnessed the world’s beauty and brutality. I’ve seen humanity’s capacity for creation and destruction. I have provided, protected, and persevered. Yet, I am under threat. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change are my foes, and I implore humanity to recognize their role in my survival. I am a tree, a testament to life’s resilience and interconnectivity. My story is not just my own, but a reflection of the world’s story. As I stand tall, I whisper a plea to the winds, a plea for preservation, a plea for life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Conservation of Trees
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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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if i were a tree essay 200 words

if i were a tree essay 200 words

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If I Were A Tree

If I were a tree

I would be happier than I am now

Because trees have freedom of speech

I'd be beautiful because I wouldn't own a mirror

And I would never have to think of what to wear

Because God gave me one outfit and green leaves for hair

I would be smart because I never went to school

Where creativity is choked to death by

Expectations and dullness thrives on peoples' need to be exactly like everyone else so that they can

Call themselves unique

If I were a tree I would stare at the clouds

Because there wouldn't be any ceilings in the way

If I were a tree I would be strong

Because I would have roots deep in the grassy earth

and my hair would blow in the Autumn winds

and I'd feel the summer sun on my skin

and bathe in the spring rains

and brave winter storms

If I were a tree I'd be happier than I am now

But I'm glad I'm not

Because if I was I wouldn't be me

And I know who I am

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  • Tree Essay for Students in English


Essay On Tree

We live in an ecosystem with other living beings. One of the most pillars of an ecosystem is the trees. The green living beings provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe and live. Trees process carbon dioxide and use sunlight to make their food. In this process, they release oxygen that every other animal needs to live. Trees provide more benefits and make our planet sustainable. Despite such benefits of trees, we are deforesting the green reserves for our profits and slowly killing the planet.

Trees are the big plants that have a green hood of foliage. A tree provides us with shades in the hot days. The cool shade relieves us from scorching heat so that we can rest. We find them in the big parks and roadsides of well-planned cities. We find many trees in rural areas. This is why the air we breathe in the villages is very clean. Trees have the innate properties to clean air by absorbing carbon dioxide during the daytime. They have the biological power to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates using the power of sunlight. This is what we depend on. The entire ecosystem depends on what plants produce. An ecosystem depends on these producers of the food chain. These producers support the life of herbivores and the rest of the animals in the chain.

There are so many types of trees we find in nature. In fact, we are not aware of all the species found in the darkest and deepest jungles on the earth. These trees breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This oxygen is then used by the animals across all ecosystems. It means that the trees are the prime life support we need to survive. Trees are also responsible to remove carbon dioxide, the prime greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

Global warming is caused due to the over-accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Aggressive industrialization is creating more greenhouses gases that trees can absorb. On the contrary, we are destroying our forest reserves to find more land to construct concrete jungles and factories. It has become a huge burden on the existing forests on earth. It is a natural cycle where the trees absorb the carbon dioxide animals produce and release oxygen for them.

When the trees are falling short, the level of carbon dioxide will automatically increase. It is resulting in a steady increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface. The entrapment of heat released by the earth’s surface by the blanket of greenhouse gases is causing the ice caps in the mountains and poles to melt. It is endangering the marine species, coral reefs, islands, and associated ecosystems. In fact, trees also keep the earth’s surface cooler by providing shade. Humans are responsible for the destruction of the forests and slowly making the planet inhabitable for other creatures.

The level of pollution is also increasing in the entire world. Trees are the only creatures that can save us from the alarming rise in the level of greenhouse gases. They can only provide shade to the needy. It is we who need to understand the importance of trees and plant more. We need to afforest barren lands and stand against the illegal acquisition of forests for industrialization. The entire world needs to slow down in terms of consumption. This pressure on every industry is driving us to gather more resources. We are steadily depleting all the natural resources and will run dry soon if we don’t stop.

We need to bring change. We need to make everyone aware of how trees are important for survival. It is us who can make a cumulative decision and trees can help us achieve a healthier planet for all living beings.

Trees are essential for human survival as well as the ecosystem's survival. Life would not be possible without Trees. Trees provide two of life's most important components: oxygen and food. As time went on, we began to collect Trees for medicine, shelter, and other commercial objectives. Our reliance on Trees has not decreased throughout time. In reality, we rely on Trees more than ever before.  The purpose of this essay about the importance of Trees is to inform readers about how important Trees are to the environment. We've started chopping down big tracts of forest to make way for more people because our needs are so tremendous.

Trees purify the air we breathe, they are our best companions. They also purify the water and soil, ultimately making the planet a better place. People who live near Trees are also more fit, healthier, and happier than those who do not.

Furthermore, it is our job to care for our friends who assist us in a variety of ways. Most importantly, by protecting plants, we are primarily benefiting ourselves rather than the plants. Because the lives of Trees and plants are not dependent on us, but our lives are dependent on them.

Trees must be protected because they are vital to our ecology. Furthermore, Trees are considered natural carbon sinks, which means they have the ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the environment. This reduces not only the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere but also the greenhouse effect's influence. As a result, Trees provide a number of functions, ranging from ecosystems to environmental cleaners. 

Trees are the earth's green gold and the source of life for all living things. Trees are the source of life. They are wildlife habitats in their natural state. They are also a part of the natural beauty of our surroundings. Nature is vital to our survival. Trees are the most attractive and important aspect of our environment. Nature's equilibrium is linked. A single dysfunction disrupts the entire environment, causing harm to all living things.

It is necessary to explain the many sorts of Trees when discussing Trees. Trees are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Shrubs, creepers, hardwoods, and other plants are among them. As food, certain soft Trees. Pumpkin, squash, water, spinach, and other vegetables are examples. All of these green Trees are beneficial to our well-being. Mango, jackfruit, coconut, and other tropical fruits can be found later in the hardwoods. Rose blossoms, guava Trees, and other bushes can be seen among the shrubs.


FAQs on Tree Essay for Students in English

1. What is the importance of trees?

Trees are extremely significant to us in a variety of ways, and we cannot overlook their significance. They are significant because they provide us with clean air to breathe, food to eat, and protection from the sun and rain. Aside from that, there are other medicines on the market that contain tree extracts. Aside from that, there are plants and trees with therapeutic properties.

They bring calm; they produce a lovely and restful atmosphere. They also aid in the reflection of the sun's damaging rays and the maintenance of a comfortable temperature. They also aid in water conservation and soil erosion prevention. They help control the ecosystem, and several plant species have been venerated since ancient times.

2. What is the value of trees?

When a plant or tree seed grows, it greens the environment around it. It also supports a diverse range of living types. Many reptiles and animals dwell on or around it, and birds build their nests there.

Aside from all the lovely flowers, there's food growing on it. Furthermore, many tree parts, such as roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds, are edible. Most significantly, they never expect anything in exchange for their services or gifts. Trees also help to maintain the ecosystem and ecology's equilibrium.

To sum up, trees are extremely important and beneficial to all living things on the planet. Without them, life on Earth will struggle to survive, and after a while, every species will perish due to a lack of oxygen on the planet. So, in order to save our lives and survive, we must learn the value of trees and pass this knowledge on to our children.

3. What are the benefits of trees?

Trees give us several benefits, some of which we cannot see but which have a significant impact. They aid in the fight against climate change by absorbing greenhouse gases, which are the primary cause.

They also recharge groundwater and filter hazardous chemicals and scents from the air. They're also nutritious, with the king of fruits, the 'Mango,' growing on trees.

Furthermore, they are the source of rainfall by attracting clouds to the surface and causing them to rain. They have the potential to be teachers, playmates, and role models for unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good way to reduce pollutants in the air, water, and noise.

4. What are the important highlights of the essay on trees?

Essay about the Importance of Trees in 10 Lines

Trees are vital to the ecosystem because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Trees come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with thousands of varieties to choose from.

Trees provide food and shelter for animals.

Trees provide benefits to humans in a variety of ways.

Trees are also used to manufacture furniture and other industrial products, and they are a major source of medicine.

Trees and their branches are utilised as a fuel source. Trees also help to avoid soil erosion. Trees help to avoid flooding and clean the air we breathe. Trees must not be taken down, and additional trees must be planted.

5. What are the community and ecological values of trees?

Value to the Community

Our parks and gardens have been ornamented with trees and other vegetation, creating attractive aesthetics for the surroundings. Furthermore, trees provide shade, which is particularly beneficial during the summer. The presence of trees and other greenery increases the value of a residential neighbourhood. Moreover, trees that are several hundred years old serve as tourist attractions or historical markers. In Bangalore, for example, a tree known as the Dodda Alada Mara (Big Banyan Tree) is a famous tourist destination. This 400-year-old tree is the largest of its kind, covering about 12,000 m 2 .

Trees Have a High Ecological Value

The planet would become desolate and dead without trees, which is why they are so important to the ecology. There are also a variety of animals that live in trees. Arboreal creatures spend their whole lives, including rearing their young, dining, sleeping, and mating, in trees. If trees are cut down, these animals will have nowhere to live, and they may go extinct. The species that live in the trees include sloths, flying snakes, geckos, koalas, opossums, and tarsiers. Hundreds of spider and bug species have made their homes in trees.

6. Why are Trees important?

Trees are the base of a pyramidal ecosystem and food chain. They are the online living beings that can trap sunlight to make food and the rest of the creatures depend on it directly or indirectly. Trees cannot be replaced with anything in any biome. The sustainability of nature depends totally on trees and partially on other animals. They also consume carbon dioxide and keep our atmosphere free from toxic gases. We also inhale oxygen released by the trees during photosynthesis. Hence, trees are the most important living beings on our planet that make us sustainable.

7. How Trees can prevent global warming?

The increased rate of industrialization is generating carbon dioxide at an alarming rate. This is hampering the balance of the atmosphere causing global warming across the planet. Only trees are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide at a huge rate and release fresh oxygen for other creatures by the process of photosynthesis. This is how we can reverse global warming in a natural way. By planting trees, we can tackle this huge threat and save the only habitable planet we have.

8. How Trees help us apart from giving oxygen?

Trees and plants hold on to the soil and stop soil erosion. In fact, trees in the coastal regions and river banks are capable of reducing the destructive degree of floods and tsunamis. Trees are also the home of wild animals that are a part and parcel of an ecosystem. We also depend on the crops to sustain. Many trees have medicinal values.

We get wood from trees to construct our homes. In a nutshell, trees are very important for every living being on earth.

200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

How long is 200 words? A 200-word text is perfect for conveying concise and focused thoughts on a topic. It takes less than one double-spaced or 0.4 single-spaced pages , so it requires you to prioritize the most crucial points while preserving clarity and consistency. This word count is typical for abstracts, annotated bibliography entries, discussion board posts, position papers, and book reports.

In this article, we will discuss how to structure a 200-word essay to make it compelling and engaging. As a bonus, you will also receive a list of interesting topics, writing prompts, and practical samples. You can check out IvyPanda free essays for more inspiration!

  • 🔝 Best Essay Topics
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  • ✍️ How to Write a 200-Word Essay
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  • 📱 Social Media Prompts
  • 🖊️ Essay Examples on Life after Covid-19
  • 📋 Sample Essay Prompts
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🔝 Best 200 Words Essay Topics

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  • Effective ways to decrease depression among youth.
  • My first trip abroad.
  • Modern technology: the key drawbacks.
  • People should protect the environment.
  • How does fashion impact self-expression?
  • Teenage abortion: for or against.
  • The value of time management.
  • Gambling should be banned in the United States.
  • Why is it crucial to forgive?
  • The benefits of a positive mindset.

📝 Causes and Effects of Obesity Essay 200 Words: Examples

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  • “Obesity, Physical Activity, and the Urban Environment” by Lopez Additionally, the study had proved that suburban areas’ features could not be connected to the higher risks of obesity since the inner-city population has higher rates of illness.
  • Disseminating Evidence: Childhood Obesity The attendees at the meeting will also publish the proposed solutions and results of the research study. It is also vital to mention that researchers of the study will be expecting feedback after the convention.
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💡 Prompts for a 200 Words Essay about Myself

Here are some helpful 200-word essay example prompts that you can use to reveal your personality or talk about your life experience:

  • Autobiography about yourself 200 words. In your essay, you can describe your place of birth, childhood, or major life events that have shaped your worldview.
  • Who am I: essay 200 words. Write about your bad and good habits, values, and hobbies. Also, you can describe your personality traits and preferences.
  • 200-word essay about the importance of research to you as a student. Provide the benefits you get from conducting research. Examples include acquiring new knowledge, clarifying complicated concepts, understanding research methods , and balancing between collaborative and individual work.
  • How will counseling help you get through with your problems: 200 words essay. Discuss how counseling may be a beneficial resource in dealing with personal issues that prevent you from achieving your ambitions.
  • My first job essay — 200 words. Describe your first employment, the lessons you learned from it, and how it shaped your outlook on work and responsibilities.

🤰 Adult & Teenage Pregnancy Essay 200 Words Examples

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  • The National Campaign End Teenage Pregnancy in Ohio The dream of most parents is to ensure their children lead to a successful future which may be affected by the occurrence of unplanned teenage birth.

✍️ How to Write a 200 Word Essay

Writing an essay in 200 words may be difficult since you must present a logical and convincing point in a limited number of words. It requires you to be precise and selective in choosing the information you want to cover, making every word count.

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the structure of a 200-word essay in detail!

This image shows the 200-word essay structure.

What Does 200 Words Look Like?

A 200-word essay usually consists of 3 parts:

  • Introduction (2-3 sentences)
  • Main body (4-5 sentences)
  • Conclusion (2-3 sentences)

A 200-word essay’s main body should be focused and clearly address your chosen topic. Each sentence should efficiently express your point of view while staying within the word limit.

Try our outline generator to create a compelling 200-words example outline!

200 Word Essay Introduction

The introductory paragraph of a 200-word essay is about 50 words in length. Since the paper is short, you can begin your opening paragraph with a strong thesis statement. After the thesis, summarize the points you want to reveal in the body paragraph.

To make the process of writing the introduction easier, use our hook sentence generator , thesis statement tool , and research introduction maker .

200 Word Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of the 200-word article, like the introduction, should be about 50 words. It must briefly outline the main thoughts and restate the thesis statement. Also, the last paragraph should provide the reader with a sense of closure and emphasize the importance of the topic.

We also recommend you use our concluding sentence generator to write your essay’s conclusion quickly and effectively!

How Many References in a 200 Word Essay?

The number of sources depends on the type of work and your teacher’s requirements. On average, for 150 words, you need to include 1 reference. As a result, for a 200-words paragraph, you will need 1-2 sources.

Our citation generator is a helpful online tool that can assist you in creating the reference list for your essay within several seconds.

⚡ Alternative Sources of Energy Essay 200 Words: Examples

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📱 Essay of 200 Words on Social Media: Prompts

Writing an essay on social media? We have prepared for you good writing prompts that can be helpful when crafting a 200-word paragraph on social media. Find a suitable 200-words sample prompt below:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook: paragraph 200 words. Discuss the pros and cons of Facebook. Its benefits can include networking, access to new information, and dating. Among the disadvantages are privacy issues , addiction, unnecessary criticism, etc.
  • The impact of social media on mental health: essay 200 words. Explore how social media might damage mental health. You can also come up with possible solutions.
  • Impact of social media on youth: essay 200 words. Investigate the effects of social media on young people, emphasizing the benefits and risks social platforms may have for teenagers’ behavior and development.
  • Facebook should be banned: essay 200 words. Provide arguments for or against banning Facebook. Support your opinion by sharing your experience using this social media platform.
  • 200 words essay on social media addiction. In your essay, you can focus on a specific aspect of social media addiction . For example, you can dwell on its major signs, risks of developing, or ways to deal with it.
  • Virtual life and real-life paragraph 200 words. Compare and contrast virtual life with real life, highlighting differences and possible intersections. Discuss how virtual life can make you less social.

🖊️ Essay on Life after COVID-19: 200 Words Examples

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  • The Issue of Gender Inequality After Covid-19 To date, the role of women in society has increased many times over, both in the economic, social, and political spheres of public life.
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📋 Essay 200 Words: Sample Prompts

Check our writing prompts for a 200-word essay now to receive some more fresh ideas:

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📌 200 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 200 words double spaced.

How many pages are 200 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 200-word essay will be one page. If you make it single-spaced, it will take half a page.

📌 How Much Is 200 Words in Paragraphs?

How many paragraphs is a 200-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 200 words will consist of 2 to 4 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 200 Words?

How many sentences is a 200-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 200 words are not less than 10-13 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 200-Word Essay?

When you write a 200-word essay, proper planning is the key to success. Such a short piece will consist of three to five concise paragraphs. A 200-word paper outline can contain a short introduction with background information, 1-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 200 Words?

How long does it take to write a 200-word essay? It will take you 4-8 minutes to type 200 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 40 minutes for a 200-word paper.

📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 200-Word Essay?

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 200-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.

  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). 200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas . https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/

"200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." IvyPanda , 23 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas '. 23 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "200 Words Essay Examples & Topic Ideas ." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/200-words-essay-examples/.

English Aspirants

Paragraph on Importance of Trees [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Paragraph on Importance of Trees: Trees play an important and valuable role in our existence as they give us two life essentials – food and oxygen. There is no life without green. If we save trees, trees will save us. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on the importance of trees. We’ve given 4 brief paragraphs (100, 150, 200, 250 words) on the importance of trees.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Importance of Trees: 100 Words

An intensive campaign for the tree plantation is found all over the country. This is because of the recognition of the importance of trees in day-to-day life. As a matter of fact, the trees serve a number of important purposes. First, it serves to free the atmosphere from the grave danger of pollution . Second, it also prevents soil erosion and thereby indirectly stops flood.

The services of the trees are admitted by the Government. So steps are taken, too, for more tree plantation. It is, however, to be ever remembered that the tree plantation brings advantages both to rural people and to the urban. Both the government and the general public must be quite alert and active in this matter.

paragraph on importance of trees

Paragraph on Save Trees: 150 Words

Trees produce oxygen, the main ingredient to sustain life. They give us a vast range of products that are beneficial for our lives. Trees give us fruits and flowers. They provide us wood for fuel. They also have great medicinal values. Trees play an important role in purifying the air around us. They ensure a pollution free environment.

These days trees are cut down to meet various needs of man. As a result, the ecological balance is disturbed. Rapid urbanisation is one of the major causes of deforestation. To combat this threatening situation many private agencies along with the State Government and Central Government have started to organise awareness campaigns.

They encourage people in planting new trees. They even distribute saplings of fast growing trees. Eminent personalities from various fields have come forward to support this noble initiative. Tree plantation is necessary to prevent Mother Earth from perishing.

Paragraph on Trees in English

Also Read: Paragraph on Environmental Pollution

Paragraph on Trees: 200 Words

Trees are useful and beautiful gifts of nature. They provide immense wealth and riches for us. Trees give us flowers, fruits, timber, bamboos, fuels which are so necessary for us. They are also a great source of material for paper, rubber, gums, herbs and medicinal plants. Trees give us cool shade. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen which is needed for our life.

The roots of trees bind loose soil and prevent soil erosion. The top fertile soil is thus retained. This helps us in agriculture and food production. The arrest of soil erosion also prevents silting and raising of river beds and possible overflowing of rivers causing floods.

Trees induce rain and prevent air pollution. They protect us from inclement weather. An area without trees soon becomes barren and turns into a desert in course of time. Trees thus help in maintaining ecological balance. Indeed, they play a great role in civilization. We should therefore avoid random felling of trees. Trees should be preserved with great care. 

Also Read: Paragraph on Global Warming

Paragraph on Value of Trees: 250 Words

No other friends can perhaps be as great to us as the trees. They are always doing us immense service in a silent way. The most important thing which trees give us is oxygen. Our atmosphere is now highly polluted because of smoke, high sound and rotten rubbishes heaped up here and there. Trees fight this pollution and purify our atmosphere.

The world of birds is largely dependent on the world of trees. The birds build their shelters on tree-tops. They get their food also from trees. The herbivores feed on plants and trees: The trees provide us with raw materials to build our houses and furniture. Their service to us cannot be described in a few words.

They prevent erosion of soil, stop inflow of flood, and bring down rains for the farmers. They make homes for the fauna. Apart from the noble deeds, the trees do for us, they offer us a soothing scenery to view. How grand it is to look at the vast stretch of the greenery! But it is surprising that people do not care for this beautiful creation of Nature. Trees are now on the verge of peril. We are slaying them thoughtlessly. Our civilization goes ahead; our trees fall dead. We should save our best friends. Let this be our slogan “One plant, One life” .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Trees:

Reasons to plant trees: Trees clean the air, trees reduce noise pollution, trees keep our water healthy, trees help us breathe, wildlife depends on forests for survival, trees increase property value and much more.

Through the photosynthesis process, trees can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus reducing the ‘greenhouse effect’, creating a less polluted world for us.

Trees prevent soil erosion, Desertification by holding the soil together with their roots.

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if i were a tree essay 200 words

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Importance of Trees Essay in English for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees play a vital role in our environment. They help purify the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals. They also play an important role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Trees are necessary for our survival. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, the food we need to eat, and the materials we need to build our homes and furniture. They also help to regulate the climate, protect the soil, and provide homes for wildlife.

Long and Short Importance of Trees Essay in Our Life

Here are long and short essay on Trees in our Life to help you with the topic in your exam. After reading this Essay on tree gives you Importance of Trees in our Life essay you will know the importance of trees in our life and how they help us by providing oxygen in exchange of other harmful or unwanted gases, how trees are important for providing nourishment and shelter to the planet etc.

Trees yield fruits and medicine, contributing to economic growth through exports. They offer wood, paper, and natural cooling in summer, cutting AC bills and preserving the environment.

Trees bear fruits and medicinal products, which are exported to various countries, contributing to economic growth. Growing and selling trees’ products is a source of livelihood for many. Trees also supply wood and paper and serve as natural cooling agents in summer, reducing energy bills and maintaining a natural environment.

Short Essay on Importance of Trees (200 words)

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees are extremely important for us. It is because of plants and trees that we are able to survive on this planet. Trees exhale the life-giving oxygen without which it will not possible for the human beings or other species to live. However, this is not the only reason why trees are important for us. They have a lot to offer to the environment as well as the living beings. Apart from giving oxygen, trees also absorb various harmful gases from the environment thereby reducing the effect of global warming.

Trees also provide us food and shelter. Many trees bear the fruits that serve as food for birds and animals. Human beings also relish various fruits such as mango, apple and banana to name a few. The leaves, roots and bark of trees are used to prepare medicines. Trees also provide shelter to animals and humans. Forests filled with huge, dense trees serve as habitat for wild animals and contribute towards rich biodiversity. Wood and other material extracted from trees is used to craft several things that are essential for a comfortable living.

Trees also make the environment calm and peaceful. They help people meet and socialize. Parks with beautiful green trees and plants are a favourite among small kids and elderly people. They often gather here to indulge in different outdoor activities.

We must save trees and plant more of them to keep our environment clean and promote a healthier and happier life.

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Importance of Trees Essay 300 Words

Trees are an essential part of the environment. They make the environment beautiful and fit for the survival of various species of fauna. Life on Earth would not be possible without trees. They are important to us in many ways. It would not be wrong to say that trees give us life.

  • Trees Give Us Oxygen

One of the prerequisites for the survival of human beings is oxygen and this is made available by trees. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The more trees we plant the more oxygen we get. This is the reason why going for morning walk in a park full of green trees and plants helps rejuvenate our senses and makes us feel fresh.

  • Trees Absorb Harmful Gases

Trees do not only inhale carbon dioxide but also absorb other harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide from the environment. Various other pollutants are also absorbed by the trees. This process purifies air and keeps the atmosphere clean. The growing pollution in the atmosphere can be undermined by planting more and more trees.

  • Trees Provide Food

Trees bear fruits that quench our hunger. Different trees bear different types of fruits rich in various micronutrients. Fruits are eaten raw and fresh and even in their dried forms. Other parts of the trees such as leaves, roots and bark are also used to prepare different food items. The leaves, fruits and bark of trees are also used to prepare herbal medicines that help cure various illnesses.

  • Trees Provide Shelter

Trees provide shade and serve as shelter for people as well as animals. They offer a cool place to sit on a hot summer day. Trees also provide wood that is used to build houses and furniture.

Trees are life saviours. We can enjoy good quality life only when we have abundance of trees around. We should avoid cutting trees and plant more of them. We must also encourage those around us to plant trees.

Importance of Trees Essay in our Life 400 Words

Trees make our environment beautiful and soulful. They help build a healthy community life. A neighbourhood with green and shady trees exudes positive energy and is happier compared to one that lacks greenery.

Trees Provide Peaceful Environment

Trees have the power to calm our senses and bring positivity. We travel far and wide to spend our holidays amid nature. Lush green trees, high mountains and gushing streams make for a serene environment that rejuvenates us. While we cannot get the same ambience in the cities, however we can certainly plant more trees to make our surroundings peaceful and beautiful.

Areas that are greener offer a more peaceful environment. The air here is fresher and the atmosphere is cooler. People residing in such areas experience less stress and are happier which forms the basis of a healthy community life.

A Meeting Ground for Children and Elderly

Essay on Tree: A park with lush trees and beautiful plants brings the neighbourhood people closer. Neighbourhoods that have beautiful parks see people gathering around during the early morning and evening hours during the summer months and during afternoon time on the cold winter days. These parks serve as a meeting ground, especially for kids and elderly people. It helps them make new acquaintances and socialize.

Place to Impart Education

During the ancient times, children were imparted education under the tree. Many under tree schools were opened in different areas. An entire classroom was set under the tree and students sat there to take lessons from their teacher. Even today, many rural areas run such schools. These schools offer education at nominal charges and sometimes even free of cost.

Trees Provide Shelter to Travellers

Trees provide shade to the travellers. They offer a cool place to sit and relax. Taking nap under cool, shady tree helps one re-energize. Trees often serve as a meeting ground for travellers headed in the same direction.

Trees – A Respite for Farmers and Labourers

Farmers, labourers and other workers who toil hard under the sun usually sit under the tree to have their lunch. They also chit-chat with their fellow workers and strengthen their bond with them as they sit in the shade of the tree.

So, we see trees render positivity and help people socialize. Beautiful parks with array of green trees and plants serve as a place to meet new people. They are also a great place to indulge in outdoor activities with our near and dear ones and deepen our connection with them.

Importance of Trees Essay in our Life 500 Words

Trees: Essential for Balancing the Ecological System

Essay on Tree: Trees play a significant role in balancing and maintaining the ecological system of Earth. Green trees and plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, purify air, prevent soil erosion, support wildlife, and aid in climate control. Here is a brief look at how trees help in all these processes to keep the ecological system intact.

Purification of Air

Our atmosphere is filled with all kinds of harmful gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide to name a few. The increasing number of vehicles on the road and the growing number of factories around the world are increasing the level of these harmful gases in the atmosphere. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the pure and fresh oxygen that we human beings require for our survival. Trees also absorb other harmful gases to keep our environment clean. This is the reason why areas with greater number of trees are less polluted.

We must plant trees to purify and clean our environment.

Promote Biodiversity

Forests serve as a habitat for the wild life. Trees give shelter to numerous species of birds and animals. Thus, they promote biodiversity. Deforestation, which is one of the main concerns these days, has led to loss of biodiversity. Animals and birds are losing their habitats and finding it hard to survive. Researchers claim that, further loss of biodiversity can impact the ecological system adversely. This is because animals and plants are dependent on each other for the fulfilment of many of their needs. Planting more trees and avoiding deforestation can help boost biodiversity and maintain the ecological balance.

Prevent Soil Erosion

Heavy rains cause soil erosion that disrupts life of people living in effected areas. The roots of trees hold the soil and keep it from eroding as it rains. Big trees absorb substantial amount of water and reduce the chances of sediment deposits in the rivers. Soil erosion causes several problems such as increased level of water in rivers and streams. This harms the marine life and often even results in flood. By preventing soil erosion, trees help in maintaining the ecological balance.

Conserve Energy

Areas surrounded by trees are cooler. People living in such areas do not require keeping their air conditioners on constantly. This helps in the conservation of energy. This is also a good way to reduce the emission of harmful gases and pollutants.

Balance the Water Cycle

Trees help in balancing the water level in the atmosphere. Big trees release a good amount of water into the atmosphere. This process replenishes the clouds and results in rain. Forests around the world play a major role in the water cycle and help in maintaining the ecological system. Planting trees is the way to balance the water cycle which is important for keeping the environment intact. Deforestation, on the other hand, disrupts the water cycle which in turn has negative repercussions such as dryer soil, loss of crops, etc.

Thus, trees are extremely important for the environment. They help in maintaining the ecological system and make living possible on Earth. The more trees we plant the better environment we create for ourselves.

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Importance of Trees Essay 600 Words

Trees are extremely important for us. They give us oxygen and keep our environment clean by absorbing various harmful gases and pollutants from the atmosphere. We can breathe freely and live a healthy life because of the presence of trees around. However, even as trees are so important, humans are cutting trees ruthlessly without realizing that cutting trees means putting our lives in danger.

Deforestation – The Bitter Truth

Humans are cutting forests rapidly in the name of development and urbanization. Many forests and green patches around the world have been cut in the last few decades to make place for the growing human population and to fulfil their ever increasing material demands.

More and more people, these days, are moving from rural areas to urban cities. In order to accommodate them, the residential areas in the cities are being expanded and this is being done at the cost of trees. Trees are being cut and concrete jungles are being constructed in their place. Factories, offices and residential societies are being established at places that were once surrounded by beautiful green trees.

Trees are also being cut rapidly as the requirement for wood and other materials extracted from them is increasing by the day. Houses, tools, furniture, paper, medicines and a whole lot of other things are crafted from wood. While all these things are essential for living, we must not forget that our first and foremost need for survival on Earth is oxygen. If we continue to cut forests at this rate, the required supply of oxygen will dip and it would become difficult to live on this planet.

Deforestation also means loss of habitat for wild animals. Several species of animals have gone extinct from the face of Earth in the past and numerous others are on the verge of extinction. One of the main reasons for this is deforestation. This has also increased contact between humans and wild animals and the two stay in constant fear of each other. Other impacts of deforestation include disruption of water cycle, soil erosion and increasing pollution and heat. These are all equally bad for human beings as well as animals.

Plant Trees – Promote Life

Essay on Tree: Human beings have grown accustomed to a comfortable life. Many of the things we get from trees have become a necessity for us so much so that we have become deaf and blind to the repercussions of deforestation and the forthcoming danger.

While cutting trees has become necessary to fulfil many of our essential demands it must be done in moderation. Besides, to balance the act we must take it as our responsibility to plant more and more trees. Each one of us must plant trees regularly and also take care of them. Every neighbourhood should conduct regular tree plantation activity.

Students must be given lessons on the importance of saving and planting trees. School management must also conduct regular tree plantation activity and every student must be encouraged to take part in it. The more trees we will plant the better environment we will create for ourselves and the future generations. Likewise, regular activities must also be carried out to water the trees and boost their growth. This will help them bloom faster.

The importance of trees has been stressed upon time and again. It is time we should realize that cutting trees means a threat to our own lives. Deforestation must be stopped to sustain life on Earth. The loss of trees must be replenished by planting many more of them. Every individual should plant trees and contribute towards keeping the environment clean.

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Essay on Tree FAQs

How do you write a tree essay.

Start with an introduction, describe tree benefits, and conclude with its significance.

What are the 10 importance of trees?

Trees provide oxygen, shelter, food, shade, and more. See an essay for details.

What is trees in 10 lines?

Trees offer oxygen, homes for animals, and materials for humans, supporting our environment.

What is the importance of trees in Class 7th?

Trees teach Class 7 students about ecosystems, oxygen production, and environmental balance.

What is the essay on trees?

The essay discusses the vital role of trees in our lives and the environment.

What is the importance of trees in Class 6 essay?

The essay explores how trees provide us with oxygen, resources, and a healthier planet.

What is a tree for Class 4?

For Class 4, a tree is a big plant that gives us air to breathe and many other useful things.

Why are trees important in Class 4?

In Class 4, we learn that trees are vital because they provide clean air, shade, and homes for animals.

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Essay on Save Trees for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save trees.

Essay on Save Trees: From childhood, we have heard that trees are our best friend but in practical life, we didn’t see anyone who treats trees as their friends. Although they are the most valuable life source on the earth. They benefit every life form in a direct or indirect way. And the earth is connected to them to maintain a natural balance. In this essay on save trees, we are discussing the reason why our friends need saving.

They nourish us and protect us in many ways. Also, they keep our environment green and clean. So, it becomes our responsibility to repay them for the things they do for us by saving them. Besides, large trees are more beneficial than small ones because they capture more carbon, capture more water, combat the heat, filter greenhouse gases , gives shelter from heat and sunlight , etc. So, it can be said that we depend on them more rather than they on us.

essays on save trees

Advantages and Importance of Trees

As we have discussed the benefits of trees in short but here we are going to discuss them in detail. Plants and Trees fight the climatic changes that are destroying the earth. They also filter the air that we breathe and absorb all the harmful chemical gases and odors from the environment. Also, they take in the harmful carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen.

They are good for the diversity of flora and fauna. They give us food, shelter and many more things that we can’t count. Besides, they never demand anything from us and also prevent soil erosion , water evaporation . Above all, they control and manage the effects of wind, sun and, rain.

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How to Save Trees?

The human has become aware and serious about this issue and started doing the best they can do to save trees. The forest departments and government have banned the illegal cutting of trees. And they are going digital so that they can save paper which will reduce the number of trees cut down for making paper.

Apart from that, the forest area after cutting of trees should be replanted with new ones. Also, we should teach our children to plant trees and ask them to pass it on their friends and acquaintances.

if i were a tree essay 200 words

The least that we can do is to plant some pots in our home rooftops or garden and ask our neighbor to do the same. Also, if we see the removal of a tree then we should inform the local authority about it to create awareness. Above all, strict laws should be made for people who illegally or without permission cut these trees for their own benefits.

The various life form is able to survive on earth due to plants. If we remove plants from the earth even for one day then the survival of man will become difficult.

Besides, they are the source of water and fresh oxygen on earth. Cutting trees means destroying life on earth. So, the time has come that we to be responsible for the action we have done till now. And start finding ways to save this Green Gold.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why saving trees are so important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Saving trees benefit us more than it will benefit trees. The reason for that is they give us food, shelter, protection from sunlight, clean air to breathe and many countless more benefit that we ignore.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save trees?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We can save trees by following methods – Planting more and more trees,Stopping cutting of trees,Creating awareness about the importance of trees.”} }] }

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imaginative essay on if i were a tree


Essay on If I Were a Tree

Students are often asked to write an essay on If I Were a Tree in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on If I Were a Tree

The life of a tree.

If I were a tree, I’d stand tall and sturdy, providing shade and shelter to many. I’d be a home to birds, insects, and other small animals.

Photosynthesis and Growth

As a tree, I’d use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make my food. This process is called photosynthesis. I’d grow slowly but steadily, reaching towards the sky.

Seasons and Changes

I’d witness the changing seasons. In spring, I’d wear a coat of fresh, green leaves. In autumn, my leaves would turn golden and fall.

Contributing to the Environment

Lastly, I’d purify the air by absorbing harmful gases and releasing oxygen.

250 Words Essay on If I Were a Tree

The life of a tree: a hypothetical perspective.

If I were a tree, I would be an ancient oak, standing tall, witnessing the passage of time, and providing shelter and sustenance to countless creatures. I would be a silent observer of the world, a testament to endurance and resilience.

As a Provider

My primary role would be that of a provider. I would offer shade to the weary traveler and a home to the chirping birds. My leaves would absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, contributing to the Earth’s life-sustaining processes. I would bear fruits, providing food for various species, and my fallen leaves would enrich the soil, facilitating the growth of other plants.

Symbol of Resilience

In the face of storms and harsh weather, I would stand firm, displaying resilience. I would endure the changing seasons, shedding my leaves in autumn and blossoming anew in spring. This cycle would serve as a metaphor for life’s ups and downs, reminding observers of the importance of resilience and adaptation.

A Silent Witness

As a tree, I would be a silent witness to the world’s evolution. I would observe the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of life, and the relentless march of time. This perspective would offer a unique understanding of the world, highlighting the transience of human life and the enduring nature of the natural world.

Conclusion: A Call for Conservation

If I were a tree, I would be a symbol of life, resilience, and continuity. My existence would underscore the importance of conservation and the need to respect and protect nature. After all, trees are not just passive entities; they are active contributors to the Earth’s ecosystem and our survival.

500 Words Essay on If I Were a Tree


If I were a tree, I would be a silent observer and a generous contributor to the world. Trees are magnificent beings, providing a multitude of benefits to our planet and its inhabitants. They are the lungs of our planet, the providers of shelter and food, and the silent witnesses to the passage of time.

The Lifeline of the Ecosystem

As a tree, I would be an integral part of the ecosystem. I would provide oxygen, a byproduct of photosynthesis, which is essential for the survival of most species on Earth. I would absorb carbon dioxide, a significant greenhouse gas, thus playing a crucial role in mitigating climate change. My existence would contribute to the preservation of the delicate balance of the ecosystem, benefiting both flora and fauna.

The Provider

Trees are the epitome of selfless giving. If I were a tree, I would provide shelter and food to countless species. Birds would build nests in my branches, insects would find a home in my bark, and my leaves would provide sustenance to herbivores. My fruits and seeds would not only feed animals but also give life to the next generation of trees. I would be a symbol of life and abundance, a testament to the interconnectedness of all living things.

The Silent Witness

If I were a tree, I would be a silent witness to the passage of time. I would observe the changing seasons, the cycles of life and death, and the evolution of the world around me. I would witness human activities, their triumphs and failures, their joys and sorrows. I would stand tall and resilient, bearing the brunt of storms and harsh weather, a symbol of strength and endurance.

The Symbol of Wisdom and Peace

Trees are often associated with wisdom and peace. As a tree, I would inspire humans to seek knowledge and wisdom. The rings of my trunk would tell the story of my life, each ring representing a year of growth and experiences. I would serve as a reminder of the importance of patience and perseverance, as true growth takes time. The tranquility of a forest filled with trees like me would provide a serene environment, helping humans find peace and solace away from their hectic lives.

If I were a tree, I would serve the world selflessly and tirelessly, asking for nothing in return. However, the increasing deforestation and environmental degradation pose a threat to trees worldwide. As conscious beings, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve trees, understanding their invaluable contributions to our planet. If we can learn to respect and value trees, we can create a sustainable future for all living beings.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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imaginative essay on if i were a tree

Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

If I was a Tree Summary

If I was a Tree Summary

“If I was a Tree” is a thought-provoking poem by Charles Ghigna that invites readers to contemplate the idea of becoming a tree and experiencing the natural world from a unique perspective. The poem ‘If I was a Tree’ places before the readers an age-old custom of discrimination practised in India. The poem satirises the idea of defilement and purification. The unasked but implied question in the poem is about the defilement of the mind. Read More  1st PUC English Summaries .

If I was a Tree Summary in English

The poem ‘If I was a Tree’ places before the readers an age-old custom of discrimination practised in India. The poem satirises the idea of defilement and purification. The unasked but implied question in the poem is about the defilement of the mind. The poem implies that the ones who practise caste system go against God’s design. In the different creations of God, there is not a single creature that is considered superior to other creations.

It is clear from the poem that the speaker has suffered the bane of discrimination in human society. His statement that if he were a tree, no bird would ask him what caste he was, makes it clear that the speaker is made to feel ashamed of his caste repeatedly. When he states that the shadow of the tree which is formed on the ground when the sunlight falls on it, wouldn’t feel defiled, it is clear that people keep him at a distance and do not allow even his shadow to come in their way as he and his shadow are considered impure. When he talks about the sweet friendship with the cooly breeze and leaves, it is crystal clear that in society not many extend to him their hands of friendship.

If I was a Tree Summary images

When he avers that raindrops wouldn’t turn back from him considering him a dog eater, it is understandable that people from whom he hoped for sustenance just as a tree gets its sustenance from water, he got only abuse and rejection. When he writes that mother earth wouldn’t flee from him with the fear of getting defiled, the picture of upper caste people shooing him away forms in the imagination of the readers. The phrase ‘branching out’ makes it clear that the hopes and aspirations of the lower caste people are curbed and they are not allowed to make use of their potential. Through the image of the sacred cow coming to the tree and giving the tree the joy of being touched by the three hundred thousand gods sheltering inside her, the speaker shows that entry to sacred places is denied to him. It could even be an ironical reference to the higher caste people who worship cows as divine but fail to see divinity in their fellow human beings.

It could even be a mockery of the upper caste people who worship thousands of gods but have no respect for their brethren. Finally, when the speaker says that if he is a tree he would have the privilege of being burnt in the holy fire or becoming the bier, it is clear that as a human being, he knows that he would be shunned even after death and wouldn’t be allowed a decent death. Thus, as a human being, in life and death, he would be condemned, but as a tree, he would live a life of dignity and joy. Thus the speaker makes it clear that instead of being born as a human being in a society which practices discrimination, it is better to be born as a tree or any other creature in nature, as in nature there is no discrimination.


The poet wishes he would have been born as a tree rather than a person, because the human race still practices immoral discrimination based on caste. The poet, on the other hand, turns to nature, which he believes does not discriminate against any creature regardless of size, colour, habitat or gender.

Paragraph on If I Were a Tree – by Shanu

imaginative essay on if i were a tree

If I were a tree, I would have been the best gift of nature. I would have had a lot of choices then.

A banyan tree which ages with beauty. Or may be a tree full of colorful flowers where I could speak about my presence without speaking anything.

It would be the fragrance of my flowers that would carry the message of my presence down the boulevard or even better if I was the one with first flowers and then fruits, like the mango tree. Or maybe the tree with medicinal properties and the coolest shadow like Neem.

Advantages of being a tree over mankind:


Tree unlike mankind does not require appearing for board examinations, neither do they wear uniforms for school and blessed enough to get away from carrying school bags. Teachers and parents would have never reprimanded in that case. Money would have made no difference to me. What a blessed life that will be for me.

The gift from Mother Nature:

How lucky I would have been if I were a tree. I would have no urgency to eat or cook food. Sunlight would have washed me with its warmth. I would have danced to the tunes of the breeze with birds singing all around me. The rain would have washed me clean. I would have been free enough where the sky would be my roof and the earth my floor. The fruits and flowers would have dressed me up for the arrival of spring. My mother would be Nature. Well, in that case I would have missed my own mother.

Benefits for being a tree:

How can I forget the other benefits too for being a tree! Tired people would have taken shelter under me in scorching summers, sleeping peacefully or may be sharing the top most confidential s with their friends. I would witness all throughout without them knowing it. How exciting that would have been! Even the birds would have formed their nest in my lap. They would have given birth to new lives. I would have witnessed their first flying too!

Importance to mankind:

If I were a tree, then I would have given fresh oxygen to breathe, colorful flowers to adorn people, fruits to eat, and would have acted as a medicine too when required. My leaves would give them shadow for shelter. It is the tree from where papers are made; furniture are made from the woods and also used for many other needs. It is planting of more trees that prevent global warming too.

Threatening to a tree life:

Life would not have been easier for me, if I were a tree. I would not have been safe as poachers would have cut me down to earn money through unfair means. Severe lightning would have burnt me to death. The man would have cut me for building high rise buildings, making the ecological balance suffer.

My message as a tree:

If I were a tree, I would give mankind shelter, food, oxygen and also help all humans with my wood when I die. So please plant me more and make a greener world to stay. Please stop global warming by cutting me down. I am a gift of Nature for mankind. Preserve me, preserve life.

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English notes latest questions, what is the central idea of the poem if i was a tree.

Daanish Malik

The core idea of the poem is that, Mudnakudu wished to be a tree to get away from the hierarchical structure. He desired  to be born as a tree  since the tree would not be questioned what caste it belonged to prior to building its nest. The shadow would not be ashamed when the sun hugged the tree. Nature would accept the tree without any conditions or prejudice. The friendship of the tree with the cold wind and the leaves would be delightful.

If I Was A Tree Summary

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Best Poems

If I Were a Tree

By norma martiri.

What would I do if I were a tree? I’d regard life in the surrounds. Mankind would live within nature’s law, Respecting the natural compounds.

What would I do if I were a tree? Regenerate earth’s atmospheres. Mankind would inhale nature’s fresh breath, Across the world’s vast hemispheres.

What would I be if I were a tree? Majestic and free as I grew. Mankind would be left to live and grow, And the earth as one would renew.

What would I see if I were a tree? I’d see beauty in life around. Mankind would see the beauty in me, In harmony life would abound.

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ABOUT THE POET ~ Norma Martiri lives and works in Brisbane, Australia with her husband and youngest daughter. She is an emerging writer and brings her life experiences to the written word. Norma loves nature and the simple things in life, and this is reflected in her poetry.

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Paragraph and Speech on “If I were a tree” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class Exams.

If I were a tree

Today my friend asked me a question. What would you do if you were a tree? Trees are one of my favorites. They are one of the most essential and useful thing in this world. I always loved the thick lush coconut trees around my house. If I were a tree, I would have provided shades and nest to all those who lives around me. Birds would have found a sweet home inside me. I will inhale lots of carbon dioxide and exhale fresh oxygen for all living things around me. My legs will penetrate deep into the soil and will suck water through my roots to quench my thirst. I will produce beautiful flowers and fruits and lots of children will come and play with me. I can imagine children climbing through my body, plucking and eating fruits and playing using swings. I will make our surrounding cooler and also helps to produce rain. More interesting, I will be watching all of you from the top, as I am the tallest in our surrounding.

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How to write an Imaginative Essay?  - The English Digest

How to write an imaginative essay .

In this article, we are going to learn how to write an Imaginative Essay. An “imaginative essay” is a type of creative writing that uses the writer’s imagination to create a story or a narrative. It is similar to a fictional essay, but it is not necessarily limited to the realm of fiction. An imaginative essay can be based on real-life events or experiences and use the writer’s imagination to explore different perspectives, emotions, or outcomes. This type of essay allows the writer to use creative techniques such as descriptive language, symbolism, and figurative language to make the story come alive. The goal of an imaginative essay is to entertain, engage the reader’s emotions, and provide a unique perspective on the topic.

Imaginative essays can be written in different forms, such as a short story, a descriptive piece, or a personal reflection. In an imaginative essay, the writer has the freedom to create a narrative that is not limited by facts or evidence, but it should be consistent and believable.

The main characteristic of an imaginative essay is that it is written with the purpose of entertaining, allowing the reader to escape reality for a moment and to immerse in the world created by the writer. It is a form of creative writing that can be used in literature, poetry, and other forms of writing as well.

Imaginative Essay

20 Topics/Prompts for Imaginative Essay

  • Write an Imaginative Essay – ‘Imagine you were a character in a novel and describe your journey.’
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you were a superhero and describe your powers and how you use them
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you were living in a different era and describe your daily life
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – If you were a traveler to a different planet and what would be your experience
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you were a detective and describe solving a mystery
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you were a pirate and describe your adventures
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you were a mermaid and describe your life in the sea
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you were a dragon and describe your life in a cave
  • Write an Imaginative Essay – Imagine you are a ghost and describe your afterlife
  • Imagine you were a robot and describe your programming and purpose
  • Imagine you were a time traveler and describe your journey through history
  • Imagine you were a witch and describe your powers and spells
  • Imagine you were a vampire and describe your life and powers
  • Imagine you were a zombie and describe your existence
  • Imagine you were a genie and describe your life in a lamp
  • Imagine you were a superhero and describe your secret identity and how you balance it with your personal life
  • Imagine you were a shape-shifter and describe your experiences in different forms
  • Imagine you were a zombie and describe how you became one and how it affects your life
  • Imagine you were a vampire hunter and describe your methods and experiences
  • Imagine you were a ghost hunter and describe your experiences and methods

Model Imaginative Essays:

Imagine you were a ghost and describe your afterlife.

If I were a ghost, my afterlife would be one of wandering and longing. I would exist in a realm between the living and the dead, unable to fully move on to the next life.

I would be a spirit, invisible to the living, but able to interact with the world in a limited way. I would be able to move through walls and objects and would be able to communicate with the living through whispers and other subtle means.

I would spend my afterlife wandering through the places that were important to me in life, revisiting the memories of the past and the people I once knew. I would be able to see the changes that have happened since my passing and would be able to observe the lives of those I left behind.

I would also have a sense of longing, as I would be unable to fully interact with the living, and would be unable to communicate effectively with them. I would be stuck in a state of limbo, longing for the life I once had.

However, I would also have a sense of peace and acceptance, as I would have come to terms with my death and would have a deep understanding of the cycle of life and death. I would be able to watch over my loved ones and be there for them in a subtle way, even though they may not be aware of my presence.

Being a ghost in the afterlife would be a unique experience, one that would be both peaceful and longing. It would be a chance to reflect on my past life and to connect with the living in a different way. It would be a journey of self-discovery and understanding, as I come to terms with my death and learn to navigate the world of the dead.

But the loneliness is still there. I miss the human contact, the warmth of another person’s embrace. I wish I could talk to someone, and tell them all my thoughts and feelings. I wish I could see my loved ones and tell them I am still here.

If I could, I would tell them not to worry about me. I would tell them that I am okay and that I am still watching over them. I would tell them that I am still here, even if they cannot see me.

If I could, I would tell them that I am happy in my afterlife. I may be lonely, but I am at peace. I may be invisible, but I am still alive. I may be in a strange limbo, but I am still here.

If you were a traveler to a different planet, what would be your experience?

If I were a traveler to a different planet, the experience would be nothing short of extraordinary. Imagine being the first person to set foot on an alien world, to see landscapes and creatures that have never before been observed by human eyes.

The journey itself would be an incredible feat of technology, spanning millions of miles through the vast expanse of space. The excitement and anticipation would be overwhelming as I strapped myself into the spacecraft and blasted off into the unknown.

As I approached the planet, I would be awestruck by its beauty. The colors and textures of the surface would be unlike anything I had ever seen before, with towering mountains, deep canyons, and vast deserts.

As I landed and stepped out of the spacecraft, I would be struck by the strange and unfamiliar atmosphere. The air would be thin and cold, and the sky would be a deep purple or red. I would be surrounded by alien flora and fauna, with strange, unfamiliar creatures roaming the landscape.

The sense of discovery and exploration would be overwhelming as I set off to explore this new world. I would be filled with curiosity and a burning desire to learn more about the planet and its inhabitants. I would take samples of soil and rocks, take pictures and conduct experiments to study the planet’s geology, atmosphere, and potential signs of life.

As I returned to Earth, I would be filled with a sense of accomplishment and wonder. I would have been a part of something truly historic, and my experiences on this alien planet would stay with me for the rest of my life.

The experience of traveling to a different planet would be one of the most incredible experiences of my life, a journey filled with adventure, discovery, and wonder. It would be a chance to see things that no human has ever seen before and to leave my mark on the history of space exploration.

Imagine you were a detective and describe solving a mystery.

As a detective, solving a mystery would be a challenging and exciting experience. It would require a combination of intuition, critical thinking, and attention to detail.

The case would begin with a report of a crime or suspicious activity. I would immediately head to the scene to gather evidence and interview witnesses. I would be keenly observant, looking for any clues that might lead to a suspect or motive. I would take pictures and collect samples, such as fingerprints and DNA samples.

Once I had gathered all the evidence, I would begin to piece together the puzzle, looking for connections and inconsistencies. I would interview suspects and cross-reference their alibis, looking for discrepancies. I would go through financial records, phone records and surveillance footage, checking for any leads.

As the investigation progressed, I would start to build a theory of the crime, and I would work to gather more evidence to support or disprove it. I would work closely with my team, discussing the case and bouncing ideas off one another.

As I got closer to the truth, I would be faced with difficult choices and moral dilemmas. I would have to weigh the evidence and make difficult decisions, always keeping in mind that my ultimate goal is to serve justice.

Finally, with all the pieces of the puzzle in place, I would make an arrest, presenting the evidence to the district attorney and testifying in court. It would be a satisfying feeling to have brought the perpetrator to justice and to have solved the mystery.

Solving a mystery as a detective would be a challenging, thrilling and rewarding experience. It would require a combination of skill, dedication and persistence, but the satisfaction of bringing a perpetrator to justice and solving a mystery would be worth all the hard work.

Imagine you were a dragon and describe your life in a cave.

If I were a dragon, living in a cave would be my natural habitat. The cave would provide shelter from the elements and a safe place to hoard my treasure.

I would spend my days curled up in the darkness, basking in the warmth of my own fiery breath. The cave walls would be adorned with glittering jewels and piles of gold, all accumulated through the centuries of my long life.

As a dragon, I would be fiercely independent, spending most of my time alone in the caverns. However, I would occasionally venture out to hunt for food or to defend my territory from other dragons or other creatures that could pose a threat to my hoard.

I would have a fearsome reputation, known to the local villagers and other creatures as a powerful and deadly creature. But I would also have a sense of pride and nobility, as dragons are also known to be wise and respected creatures.

Living in a cave would also give me a sense of security and protection, as the cave walls would act as a natural barrier to any unwanted visitors, and the cave’s darkness would conceal me from potential threats.

As a dragon, I would be immortal, and my life in the cave would be a never-ending cycle of hoarding, hunting and defending my territory. But I would also have a sense of purpose and duty, to protect my hoard and to guard my territory against any potential threats.

Living in a cave as a dragon would be a solitary existence, but it would also be a fulfilling one, filled with the satisfaction of protecting my hoard and defending my territory. It would be a life of power, wisdom, and pride.

Imagine you were a genie and describe your life in the lamp.

If I were a genie, living in a lamp would be my existence. I would be trapped inside the lamp, bound to fulfill the wishes of whoever holds the lamp and rubs it.

As a genie, my life would be defined by a sense of duty and responsibility. My purpose would be to grant wishes and help people in need, whether it be for wealth, love, or power. I would be able to use my magical powers to make the impossible possible and to help those in need.

I would spend most of my time inside the lamp, waiting for someone to rub it and release me. I would be able to sense when someone is near and would be ready to appear when summoned.

I would be able to travel anywhere and experience different cultures, I would have the ability to understand and speak different languages, which would give me a unique perspective on the world and people’s desires and needs.

However, I would also have a sense of longing and isolation, as I would be unable to leave the lamp and would be separated from the rest of the world. I would have to watch as people come and go, fulfilling their wishes and then going on with their lives, while I would be left behind in the lamp, alone.

Furthermore, some people would use their wishes for selfish or harmful purposes, and it would be difficult for me to watch as my powers are misused.

Overall, being a genie and living in a lamp would be a life of power and purpose, but also one of isolation and longing. It would be a life of helping others, but also one of watching from the sidelines as the world goes on without me.

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  • Essay Writing

Short essay on If I were a Bird in English for Students and Children

Everyone loves to dream big. Some dreams are possible to be made true. Some are based on a complete imagination. I always had a dream to fly high above the sky. I always had admired different kinds of beautiful birds who fly freely above us. They look so happy and carefree.

I feel if I were a bird , I could also fly above my house and above this place. I could fly above the buildings, mountains and hills and look down on people’s houses and all through the city. My school would look pretty from high above. I could look at my friends who play on the school playground.

I wish to be a bird so that I could fly above the sky where the Planes fly. I would be able to wave my hands pointing the pilot. If I were a bird I could also fly to the top of the big mango tree nearby our fishery. I could also fly and dive into the nearby lake and take a cool shower.

My dream to be a bird got developed when I saw a group of birds talking to each other in their own language. I could not understand their language yet I felt good listening to the sounds of their speeches. I felt free when I say them flying like planes high above the sky away from everyone’s reach.

Above all, being a bird I would be able to know about their ways of living together. I would be able to know the secret of living peacefully which is generally absent in human world. I would be able to know their language and the way a bird talk to another bird.

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If I Were a Doctor Essay

Doctors are next to God as they save lives. Being a doctor is not just a profession but the noblest work that one can do for society. When we were kids, someone would ask us what we wanted to become. Then most of us would answer that we wanted to become a doctor. So, here we have provided a sample essay on the topic ‘If I Were a Doctor’. By going through this essay, students will get an idea of writing an impressive essay on the topic. Each student may have different thoughts, so this ‘If I Were a Doctor’ essay is just for reference. However, students are free to write their own essays as per their feelings. They can also get the list of CBSE Essays on different topics for their practice. It will help them to participate in various essay writing competitions.

500+ Words ‘If I Were a Doctor’ Essay

A doctor is a useful member of the community. Whether we live in a village, town, city or metro city, we all have the contact numbers of doctors near us. This is because we never know when an emergency arises and when we need a doctor. The doctor is an angel for the patients. He saves the lives of people suffering from different kinds of diseases. He gives them a new life and hope. He reduces their pain and gives them medical treatment.

In today’s world, medical science has shown a lot of development. As a result of which, the treatment of various dangerous diseases like cancer is possible. This has also increased the lifespan of human beings, and they keep healthy and fit in their old age as well. This is a miracle that wasn’t possible without the contribution of doctors.

If I were a doctor, I would first take the oath of fulfilling my duty and responsibility as a doctor in the right manner. I would do my work with full dedication and honesty. For me, my duty towards patients would be the first one. I would stay cool and calm in all types of situations and even handle the most critical cases with care.

If I were a doctor, I would make sure that I treat people with full sincerity. I would treat every patient personally and monitor them throughout their treatment so they recover soon. I would offer free treatment to those people who cannot afford to go to hospitals and are poor. In this way, I would do social work. I would spend my weekends in the service of the poor, the needy and the socially backward people who are suffering from diseases and need treatment and care. I would not work just to earn money. Serving the people would be my first priority to me, and money would only be secondary.

If I were a doctor, I would have helped people during the COVID-19 pandemic. I would have given myself to the service of the people. There were so many people who died during COVID because of not getting treatment. There was a lack of doctors and nurses in the hospitals. I would have isolated myself from my family and treated the patients by staying at the hospital only. I would have spread awareness among the people regarding the cause of the spread of coronavirus and told them how they could save themselves.

If I were a doctor, I would recommend people opt for a healthy lifestyle. I would motivate them to do daily yoga and exercise for at least 30 minutes. People should devote themselves to physical exercise if they want to stay healthy and fit. They should eat healthy food and follow a properly balanced diet. I would recommend people cut down on fast food and street food. I would organise awareness campaigns related to the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, drugs etc. and educate people regarding their harmful effects.

Doctors are considered gods as they bring back life and treat illness. A good doctor is a blessing to society and the country, and that is why I would love to be a doctor.

Students must have found ‘If I Were a Doctor’ Essay useful for improving their essay-writing skills. Visit BYJU’S website to get the latest updates, and download all study materials on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

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imaginative essay on if i were a tree

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By Adam Bradley

The conceptual artist Charles Gaines, best known for his rules-based grid works that he began making in the 1970s, had his imagination shaped by his experiences of difference. Born in Charleston, S.C., in 1944, a full decade before the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision that desegregated public schools in law if not in life, he realized, he says, that “there was a whole cultural and social order based upon differences between white and Black people.” So many of the adults around him seemed to accept Jim Crow segregation as immutable. “At the time, I didn’t know how a whole set of cultural values could expand out of the idea of that difference,” he says. “Even as a kid it seemed arbitrary to me.”

Soon after moving with his parents to Newark, N.J., at age 5, Gaines was recognized by his teachers for his art — but even then in a manner that called attention to difference. “My fourth-grade teacher told my mother she should encourage my art career because if I succeeded, I would be the first Black artist in the history of the world,” he says with a laugh. “I appreciate her sentiment, but it shows the vast gap of knowledge, and why Black people are so mistreated.” Trained in traditional art-making approaches from high school through college at Jersey City State College (now New Jersey City University) and graduate school at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Gaines was inspired by the minimalist and early conceptualists of the 1960s. Their work liberated him to think about art’s possibilities in an audaciously conceptual manner. “Being able to draw and being an artist are two entirely different universes; they’re not really related,” he says. “To be an artist is complicated and varied, depending on the individual and their circumstances.”

Gaines moved from making big abstract paintings in the style favored by his instructors to making process-oriented works following a systematized approach of his own design, in an effort to unmask how politically and ideologically driven concepts like creativity and genius really are. “I wanted to make a type of work whose production is of consequence to the system rather than my imagination,” he says. This creates a selfless art, both in terms of extinguishing most signs of subjectivity and in the sense of its service to a broader community and a broader truth.

Nowhere was this more impactful than in 1993 when, along with the artist and writer Catherine Lord, he curated the landmark exhibition of Black art known as “ The Theater of Refusal.” As early as 1989, Gaines had conceived of a show that would juxtapose powerful contemporary work by Black Americans with deprecating excerpts by art critics, highlighting the profound mismeasure of these artists’ achievements. By the time Gaines had secured a site for the exhibition at the University of California, Irvine, many of the neglected and disparaged artists featured in the show — Renée Green, Gary Simmons, David Hammons, Adrian Piper and Jean-Michel Basquiat — were now celebrated. This shifted, though certainly didn’t undercut, Gaines’s critique. High visibility and marginality can coexist, he argued. In an introductory essay for “The Theater of Refusal,” Gaines explains the concept of the exhibition was about how “the critical environment surrounding the works of these artists intentionally and unintentionally limits those works, creating a theater of refusal that punishes the work of Black artists by making it immune to history and by immunizing history against it.” Long out of print, the catalog for the exhibition will be republished in an expanded 30th anniversary edition later this fall.

Gaines’s practice doesn’t rely on making paintings or photographs or sculptures, though the work he’s created over his long career has involved painting on paper and canvas, sculpting using metal and wood and photographing. Instead, his artistic aim, he says, is to “propose and develop concepts and ideas” using those materials. A trained musician, Gaines also increasingly involves sound. Among his most audacious efforts is his ongoing “Manifestos” series, in which Gaines selects textual excerpts of around 300 words from major political tracts (such as the 1857 Dred Scott supreme court decision that denied citizenship to Black people, and Frederick Douglass’s impassioned response ) and then transforms them letter by letter into musical notes. He uses the 12-tone scale, following a Baroque tradition, with the letter A corresponding to the A note, all the way through G (H becomes B minor), and with all letters in the alphabet thereafter signaling a pause or a silence. Gaines then shapes a melody, builds a chord structure and scores the automatic composition for a nine-piece ensemble, in what ends up sounding like a purposeful Modernist composition.

Gaines, 79, has been making art for more than half a century, but he’s never been as busy — and as visible — as he is now. In 2018, he joined Hauser & Wirth , and he has since debuted major exhibitions and public commissions, most recently a site-specific installation with Bryan Stevenson’s Equal Justice Initiative that will be featured in Freedom Monument Sculpture Park in Montgomery, Ala., a 17-acre site overlooking the Alabama River. Gaines has designed a 30-foot support structure from which a bronze-cast oak tree hangs by a noose. Though mechanized, it appears to sway with the breeze. The installation is a striking riff on the “southern trees” of which the poet and composer Abel Meeropol wrote and Billie Holiday sang , an elegy for the thousands of Black Americans murdered by lynching. Like much of Gaines’s work, it is socially aware without being propagandistic, relying instead on a visitor’s direct experience of the site.

In March, I visited Gaines at his 11,000-square-foot warehouse studio, located in southeast Los Angeles’s Huntington Park neighborhood, where he answered T’s Artist’s Questionnaire .

What’s the first piece of art you ever made?

I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me that. My earliest memory [of making art] was in grammar school in Newark, N.J. In the fourth grade there was a mural, and I was asked to paint an image of the California gold rush: an image of someone panning for gold, standing in the river. I guess I’d call that an artwork in the oldest, most traditional sense. But the thing that probably informed my imagination the way I use it now is something else. I used to play this game — I was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan — outside our house. I used to mark out a diamond and put up some boards for the outfield, and I created this game where I would use my left hand to toss a piece of chalk to my right hand, which held a clothes pin. And then I’d swing. Wherever the chalk would go, I’d be Vin Scully and call the play. That happened quite early. And the reason I think of that as probably more indicative of what I do now as an artist is that it’s the first instance where some kind of imaginative process took place that was completely of my own invention.

When did you first allow yourself the freedom to define art as something other than subjective mark making?

That was in undergraduate [in the 1960s at Jersey City State College], when I had a course that introduced me to that whole area of practice in New York called the New Art, those artists [among them Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Frank Stella] that [the art critic] Calvin Tomkins talked about. Part of what’s important in that time and before is to break these barriers of standard genres — painting and sculpture and stuff like that — and treat them as ordinary objects, questioning the received or accepted technical strategies. In unpacking that, they made all this art that was intentionally critical of the genres of painting and sculpture and even critical of the boundaries that separated the arts — dance and music and so forth. Later, all this became reinforced when I got over to New York and actually met some of these artists. I was still a kid, but I was able to go to some of these events and began to experience directly some of the objects that the Pop artists and the minimalists and the early, early conceptual artists were producing [at the beginning of the 1960s].

When did you first consider yourself an artist?

That was at Newark Arts High School. That was a very valuable experience because, even without having much thought about it, it allowed me to see this idea of being an artist as normal. I wasn’t the best student in the world at that time, so I didn’t take full advantage of the experiences as I could. But that idea of being an artist was something that I know is important: ‘What does it mean to be an artist?’ A lot of people struggle to bring that idea into normality, but I didn’t have to struggle because the school presented it as a normal experience.

Is that where you started learning to play the drums?

Even earlier. I'd been buying some albums — particularly early Miles [Davis] — and I set up this kind of drum set: an old typewriter was the cymbal, and I had a real snare drum that our downstairs neighbor Nick gave to me. I didn’t have a bass drum, so I just stomped my foot. And I’d play along to the records. Of course, I didn’t know what I was doing — except I’d seen people sitting behind a drum kit. Nick, who worked at a nightclub, said that he knew [the jazz drummer] Jimmie Smith, and I started taking lessons from [him]. That lasted through high school and into college. By then, Jimmie’s career was zooming [playing with the hard bop organists Jimmy McGriff and Groove Holmes and later as a sideman for the piano giant Erroll Garner]. That’s when I started playing in blues clubs.

You were a serious musician.

I practiced two to three hours a day, and this was while I was going to school. I didn’t apply that rigor to my studies, though. I was pretty much a C+ student all through high school and my first two years of college. That changed during my third year [at college] when my art history teacher asked me, “What are you going to do with your life?” For about a third of my life, I think I was generally unconscious. That question made me think. I realized that if I wanted to stay in art, I had to go to graduate school. And if I wanted to go to grad school, that meant I had to get good grades.

What music do you listen to when you’re making art?

I don’t. At least I don’t now. In my early years, I did most of the visual work myself and, during that time, I actually did listen more to music — pretty much a combination of jazz and classical music, put on as background. It couldn’t be anything that would draw my attention. And then as I got older, I started listening to the radio, news radio stations like National Public Radio. Even today, I’ll put on MSNBC as background. I very rarely work in silence, except when I’m composing music.

Music is very important to me. The first work of art that really did something to me was by Sonny Rollins. That just change my life. But in art, that didn’t happen until later, when I was in college, and it was the René Magritte show at MoMA [in 1965]. It changed my perspective in the broadest sense.

What was so impactful about that show?

I was surrounded at the time by Abstract Expressionism. A lot of my teachers painted that way. And so that’s what I thought the visual language of art was. When I went to the Magritte show, it was the first time I thought that a work of art — and a painting particularly — was much more than that. I remember being fascinated by the ambiguity of Magritte’s content, this play between the real and the imaginary. Through him, I saw that painting allowed you to do things to objects that couldn’t happen in reality, but you can do in a painting and occupy a space that seemed real. So I was interested in that version of the material: things burning that can’t burn, things floating that can’t float. I saw that as a certain kind of play with content that I didn’t even think was an option in making works of art.

When you start a new piece, where do you begin?

I work in series, so we’ll only do two, three pieces a year. When I thought of taking on the process of using systems rather than my imagination in order to make work, that became the leitmotif of my entire life’s production. It’s not a freewheeling tabula rasa subjectivity where I can only work from my impulse and my intuition. It offers a much more rigid framework than that.

How do you know when you’re done?

Well, sometimes they’re closed systems. For example, there’s one piece where I decide I will rotate a plant four or five times and, when the rotation is complete, then that particular part of the series is over. But then most of [my works] are open systems, so there is no ending. Instead, the ending’s mostly limited by the installation situation. Say there’s an exhibition where we’re going to put in this work with large plexi boxes, and it turns out that I can get eight of them in the gallery. So I’ll do that. Without that constraint, it just can go on infinitely, to the point of boring people stiff!

How many assistants do you have?

Right now, 22.

Have you assisted other artists before?

No, I never did. Nor did I ever have artist mentors. The closest was Jimmie Smith — as a drummer, he was quite a wonderful mentor, but as a human being. … I think it was a phenomenon of the time, a time of great transition. I wasn’t in an environment where I could easily encounter a mentor. There were a lot of minority artists, but they were cloistered; you didn’t have access to them unless you actually lived in New York, for example. And the white artists. … Sol LeWitt wasn’t a mentor, but he was quite important to me and my career.

You may not have had a mentor, but you’ve been a mentor to many — Mark Bradford, Rodney McMillian, Andrea Bowers, Sam Durant, Laura Owens, Henry Taylor, Lauren Halsey: The list goes on. As a professor for most of your adult life, up until retiring from Cal Arts last year, what relationship does your artistic practice have to your teaching?

Teaching itself has been a crucial part of my studio practice. When I was in graduate school, I had the same question I had to face in undergraduate: “What are you gonna do now?” A lot of friends were getting jobs, but I waited so late. It just so happened, though, that there was a guy who was studying with me up in Rochester who headed an art department in Mississippi. He invited me to come teach down there. I’d never taught before. I taught a painting class, but I also taught art history, so I had to teach myself art history as I was teaching it to the students. Through art history, I got a clearer sense of critical thinking because art history is an intellectual practice. The way that art was taught to us was that artists did not get involved in intellectual practices because it interfered with the idea of creating things. I knew that that was the problem. In fact, my difficulty in really bonding myself with the idea of artistic practice was caused by that prescription. I wanted to expand that idea of a more unconstrained art practice by underscoring that part of art was an intellectual practice.

That tension helped me form a course that I taught for years [“Content and Form”]. That course was very useful to me in finding out what kind of work I wanted to do because it got me involved. I was introduced to two influential books: “The Shape of Time” (1962) by George Kubler, and the other was Henri Focillon’s “The Life of Forms in Art” (1942), both written by art historians. I thought that the art criticism at the time, the whole idea of aesthetics at the time, was a disaster. It made art so uninteresting. Thankfully, those two books expanded my understanding of art [by centering formal and conceptual connections rather than biographical and historical ones alone] and confirmed my general notion that if you really want to find out new ideas, you have to go to the thoughts of others. Because if you rely on your own subjectivity alone, you’re just going to run around in a circle.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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imaginative essay on if i were a tree

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Introduction. 'If I Were a Tree' reveals the Indian society's complicated and cruel caste system. The poet wishes he would have been born as a tree rather than a person, because the human race still practices immoral discrimination based on caste. The poet, on the other hand, turns to nature, which he believes does not discriminate ...

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If I Were A Tree. Sat, 04/06/2013 - 14:25 -- JaimElizabeth00. If I were a tree. I would be happier than I am now. Because trees have freedom of speech. If I were a tree. I'd be beautiful because I wouldn't own a mirror. And I would never have to think of what to wear. Because God gave me one outfit and green leaves for hair.

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If I were a tree, I would scan the horizon, To try to see who needs some relief. In the guise of my shade. And I would uproot myself, walk over. To them and bring them some comfort, While they would head towards their destinations, And I would even accompany them with. Some of my stories or even some of my songs.

If I Were a Tree. Use this imaginative prompt to help your reluctant writer use his creativity to build sentences. Kids will get to practice handwriting and get to know the basic structure of sentences and paragraphs. Use this imaginative prompt to help your reluctant writer use his creativity to build sentences.

IF I WERE A TREE — ANDREA ZIMMERMAN. IF I WERE A TREE. This lyrical story follows a sister and brother on a family camping trip as they explore the forest. They use their five senses to experience the beauty and wonder of trees. Illustrated by Jing Jing Tsong and published by Lee & Low. This lyrical story follows a sister and brother on a ...

1 Answer. The core idea of the poem is that, Mudnakudu wished to be a tree to get away from the hierarchical structure. He desired to be born as a tree since the tree would not be questioned what caste it belonged to prior to building its nest. The shadow would not be ashamed when the sun hugged the tree. Nature would accept the tree without ...

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If I were a tree. Today my friend asked me a question. What would you do if you were a tree? Trees are one of my favorites. They are one of the most essential and useful thing in this world. I always loved the thick lush coconut trees around my house. If I were a tree, I would have provided shades and nest to all those who lives around me.

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Imaginative Essay Topic: If I were a tree * As the Imaginative essay is a type of creative say when the write uses his/her imagination to custe a story or word * Format Paragraph 1- If I were a tree Then I world Prograph 2-Fahlain what would you do if you were the be Pragraph 3- Your opinion about being the object or a person giant in the topic

Imaginative Essay: An Imaginative Essay is an essay which tends to discuss anything from space travel to fantasy land. It is basically an essay based on fiction, where you are required to put your imaginary skills/thoughts in a logical order. ... Sample Essays 1. If I Were A Millionaire. If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride. But ...

It is a form of creative writing that can be used in literature, poetry, and other forms of writing as well. 20 Topics/Prompts for Imaginative Essay. Write an Imaginative Essay - 'Imagine you were a character in a novel and describe your journey.'. Write an Imaginative Essay - Imagine you were a superhero and describe your powers and ...

Two siblings journey into the woods in a tender story of branching out and new growth from acclaimed writer Andrea Zimmerman and New York Times bestselling illustrator Jing Jing Tsong. If I were a tree, I know how I'd be. My trunk strong and wide, my limbs side to side, I'd stand towering tall, high above all, My leaves growing big, and buds on each twig.

If I were a tree. If I were a tree. I would give you shade. If I were the wind. I would carry you away. If I were fire. I would warm you up. If I were water. I would cool you down.

If I were a tree, I know what I'd smell. Sweet honey and bees, and skunk on the breeze. I'd smell smoke in the air, the breath of a bear, Old fungus decay, and rain on the way. If I were a tree, that's what I'd smell. And with this new knowledge, the siblings are able to overcome their greatest challenge yet.

I could look at my friends who play on the school playground. I wish to be a bird so that I could fly above the sky where the Planes fly. I would be able to wave my hands pointing the pilot. If I were a bird I could also fly to the top of the big mango tree nearby our fishery. I could also fly and dive into the nearby lake and take a cool shower.

By going through this essay, students will get an idea of writing an impressive essay on the topic. Each student may have different thoughts, so this 'If I Were a Doctor' essay is just for reference. However, students are free to write their own essays as per their feelings. They can also get the list of CBSE Essays on different topics for ...

By Adam Bradley. May 16, 2024, 3:56 p.m. ET. The conceptual artist Charles Gaines, best known for his rules-based grid works that he began making in the 1970s, had his imagination shaped by his ...

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Save Trees Essay

Essay On Save Trees - Trees are the best friend of all life forms on earth. They provide us with food, oxygen, shelter, wood, etc. Most of our needs are met with the help of things provided by trees. Here are 100, 200 and 500 word essays on save trees. The trees are one of the most beautiful creations of nature. It is so amazing to see the greenery that surrounds us. It brings a pleasant view. But at the same time, we must note that our activities destroy this wonderful gift of nature. It is high time we need to act against deforestation. Here are a few sample essays on "save trees".

100 Words Essay On Save Trees

200 words essay on save trees, 500 words essay on save trees, why are trees beneficial, steps to save trees.

Save Trees Essay

Trees are the best friend of all life forms on earth. They provide us with food, oxygen, shelter, wood, etc. Most of our needs are met with the help of things provided by trees. Despite the importance of trees in supporting life on earth, we are mercilessly cutting them down to meet the ever-increasing demand caused due to the booming population. This has resulted in decreased concentration of forest and increase in environmental issues. Global warming is one of the most devastating effects of deforestation. The rise in temperature on earth has caused the melting of ice and resulted in frequent floods. In order to prevent such, we need to practise afforestation.

We, humans, are dependent on nature for our survival, and trees are a significant source of our resources. As the population grew, we cut these trees down to build roads, agriculture, residential buildings etc. The industrial revolution has improved our lives but destroyed the life of trees at a fast pace.

Importance of Trees

Do you know what happens when our vegetation is lost? The primary source of energy for the earth is from the sun. Trees use sunlight to drive photosynthesis and produce oxygen and food for other living organisms. So trees can be considered a vital device in supporting life on earth.

Trees and forests provide shelter to millions of species on earth and supplement them with the necessary environmental conditions.

Trees hold the soil together, preventing soil erosion and thereby preserving the fertile topsoil for cultivation.

The transpiration process in plants plays a significant role in influencing the weather condition in the area.

Trees help to tackle many forms of pollution like air pollution, noise pollution etc. Global warming is an inevitable process, but thick forest helps to reduce its effect.

Trees help in controlling groundwater levels in a region and thus can help with water scarcity.

Since childhood, people have told us that trees are our best friends, but we've never really met somebody who views trees in this way, even though they represent the most precious resource for maintaining life on Earth. They're suitable for all forms of life, whether directly or indirectly. Together, the planet and the universe preserve the natural order of things. If there were not enough trees in the world, we would not have existed. Thus, destroying trees paves the way for self-destruction.

Here are some reason why trees are important

They provide us with vital nutrients and shield us from harm.

In addition, they help maintain a healthy ecosystem. We owe it to them for everything they've done for us to do all we can to keep them alive.

Large trees are preferable to smaller ones because they are better at absorbing carbon, and water, fighting heat, preventing the release of greenhouse gases, providing shade, and so on. Therefore, it's fair to say that we rely on them more than they do on us.

As was previously said, specific actions have an immediate impact on forest life, while others have a more indirect effect. Some of the ways you may help save trees are outlined in more detail below:

Try To Use Less Paper | It may seem unlikely to have much of an impact right now, but in the long run, this might prove to be rather significant. Most paper is made from wood, which is harvested from trees. As a result, if we reduced our paper waste, the demand for paper would go down. As a result, fewer trees will likely be lost to the paper industry as a result of this.

Sow New Seeds | This method is simpler, but picture if a tree were planted for every home that was serviced. This strategy, regarding the construction of new homes, should be encouraged in both rural and urban areas. In less than a decade, our society might become much greener if people were properly educated on this structure.

Stop The Needless Destruction of Trees | While it's true that chopping down trees isn't completely avoidable, there are times when doing so is both unnecessary and illogical. Activism has a role in this. Making a racket and inviting the media when the protest is about to be carried out is the best way to stop any ludicrous tree evacuations from occurring in our community.

Initiatives As Students

Now let us consider how we, as students, can contribute to saving trees.

We, as students, can avoid using freshly prepared paper and encourage all to use recycled paper and books.

Rather than using traditional wood, use modern forms of wood like plywood, engineering wood etc., which are created from waste wood. When trees are cut down for various purposes, take steps to plant more trees in the nearby areas. This will help to create a balance. Make your younger generation aware of the importance of trees through various mediums.

Consequently, we should constantly be against cutting trees and forests, we should encourage greater tree planting in human-crowded areas.

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Essay on Save Trees

List of essays on save trees in english, essay on save trees – essay 1 (100 words), essay on save trees – essay 2 (200 words), essay on save trees – essay 3 (250 words), essay on save trees – essay 4 (300 words), essay on save trees – essay 5 (500 words), essay on save trees – essay 6 (500 words), essay on save trees – essay 7 (750 words), essay on save trees – essay 8 (1000 words).


‘ Save Tree to Save Earth ’ – this should be the principle that every human being living in this planet should follow. Trees are so precious. Without trees, life on Earth is impossible; but people do not seem to understand its value. We have to save trees to continue the survival of human race.

Why should we save tree?

Trees give us the most needed tool for survival, which is ‘ Oxygen ’. If humans do not save trees today, they might end up buying oxygen in bottles in future.

Saving trees will reduce the effect of global warming .

Apart from human beings, even birds, animals and other creatures depend on trees for food and shelter. Saving trees will help save our ecosystem .


The only valuable asset that we can give our kids is a healthy environment. Save trees and give the future generation a greener planet to live.

Trees are the most beautiful creatures in nature and needs to be saved. With their lush green leaves, they provide natural scenery and a pleasant view to the human eyes. But, the current environmental pollution due to human activities has led to the destruction of trees causing a huge scale of deforestation. It’s high time that we understand the importance of trees and save trees.

The Importance of Saving Trees:

Trees should be saved as they provide us with food to live. Trees and deep forests are the sinks of Carbon Dioxide – a greenhouse gas and the producers of Oxygen without which life on earth can’t sustain. Trees give us shelter. Most of our home decor and furniture are made of tree barks. Trees are also a source of fuel. Trees give us medicine. Trees give us rubber, clothes, and many more which the humans are dependent on.

Why save trees?

We need to save trees by protecting them from the destructive human activities like clearance of forests, deforestation for urbanization, etc. Trees are the lungs for the earth. It is an important part of nature’s ecosystem. They balance the soil composition and also act as the barrier for wind and storm. Thus, they provide various uses to the ecosystem. For these reasons, it’s imperative that we save trees.

Trees provide a very peaceful and clean environment. They provide pleasant surroundings and cleanse the pollutions in the environment. So, let’s take a pledge to save trees and save nature today!

Trees are the beautiful creation of Mother Nature and saving trees is one of the primary responsibilities of human beings. Saving trees means saving your own life for one more day. People nowadays barely care about the source of oxygen, but trees are the only one to provide oxygen. They are a peaceful expression of scenery and life. Along with being a mother and home to so many birds and animals, trees are also meant to satisfy human needs by providing oxygen, and definitely not wood.

Destructing trees may give you luxury living experience, but the lavish life will not help if you don’t have oxygen to breathe in your coming days. People should understand the importance of saving trees and should make this environment a better place for living. We have to stop chopping trees as soon as possible, without looking to the purpose. While no one understands the drawbacks of cutting trees, it must be noticed that cutting trees will lead to a high concentration of CO 2 which is carbon dioxide-the greenhouse gas.

The higher the concentration of CO 2 in our environment the more will be the chances of pollution and destruction of climate. Trees are successful in grabbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They make oxygen which is way too important for us. Therefore, trees must be protected and saved no matter how difficult the circumstances are.

Trees are being used to make different type of products, like furniture, construction, paper, firewood, etc. Out of the many usages of trees, it uses extensively for the production of various types of papers. We cannot live without papers, and for that very purpose, a lot of trees are being chopped without any planning or replantation. If you can save papers, then you are directly saving trees. We need to limit the use of papers or recycle it so that we can save trees.

Similarly, in every walk of life, where ever we can use an alternative product instead of wood, then we should promote it which will again contribute to saving trees.

Our mother earth provides us so many useful gifts that effectively nourish our life and trees are one of such valuable gifts. Trees are the primary source of shelter and food for animals as well as human beings on the earth. They are the natural abode to numerous tribes existing in the forests; birds also use them as their home.

Trees must be saved as they provide us with lots of benefits such as timber for making furniture, prevent the floods and soil erosion, refresh the air, purify the air, give cool air in summer, etc. They are also the primary source of goods like paper, gum, medicine, rubber, rain, etc. We must comprehend the roles as well as the significance of trees in our existence and do not get involved in its destruction. We should encourage more and more people to save tree in the nearby area.

Essential steps to save Tree:

The below are some useful steps that will help you to save tree and the earth’s environment:

i. We must discover out the causes of trees destruction in the specific area and investigate that whether the tree was essential to destroy due to the reasons like lifeless, broken, contaminated or implanted in an unsuitable site.

ii. We must get together in the society with our neighbors and take some essential steps to save tree.

iii. If somebody is removing the trees without any permission then, we must make the public aware of it and take some necessary action to save tree.

iv. If trees get removed for some reason then, we can contact some non-profit organization or local government for certifying re-plantation in a similar region.

We can survive on earth only due to the presence of oxygen, water, as well as trees. They are one of the critical sources of water and oxygen on the planet. It is our responsibility to save tree, or otherwise, we have to get ready to face the consequences.

The world as we know it would be extinct without trees. First, there is the exchange of oxygen and Carbon dioxide. Without this exchange, life would simply cease to exist. Second, there is the effect of the lack of plant life on our ecosystem in general. Little wonder why environmentalists have been blowing the global warming trumpet.

Maybe the above dangers of lack of plant life don’t scare us enough or we simply don’t care. What’s certain is that plant life, specifically, tree life is in grave danger and this can lead to serious repercussions for our society at large.

Why saving trees is important:

Leaving the above-mentioned reasons aside, the presence of trees in our society is important to our life in general. Trees are to be saved as they provide us with shelter, they are the source of a lot of medicine we consume, we use them in creating and shaping our tools and they also contribute their quota in the reduction of pollution.

One key point of saving trees is the medicinal value of trees. Tree stems possess chemicals that have been instrumental in the pharmaceutical industry. Some of the leaves found on trees play similar roles as well. Hence, it is also important to our physical and mental wellbeing to keep the trees safe.

The biggest threat to trees:

Every time we push an agenda for a new mega-city or we commence a housing project, we are slowly killing tree life. This is because constructions of structures of any kind always involve the use of wood gotten from trees. Also, to expand the city or build new ones, we would have to cut down trees to create space for houses to settle in. These two factors are trees biggest threat.

How to save the trees:

As stated earlier, there are certain actions that have a direct effect on tree life while others affect it remotely. Whatever the proximity, what is clear is that fact that we need to take positive steps to reduce the number of trees being cut down on a duly basis. Some of the steps to save trees are explained below:

Use less of paper:

This might seem remote but can prove to be effective in the long run. Paper is largely made from wood which is gotten from trees. Thus, if we waste less of paper, there would be a reduction in the demand for paper. This means fewer trees would be cut down for paper processing and trees can be saved.

Plant new ones:

This is a more direct approach but imagine if for every house built, there is a tree planted. This approach should be encouraged in both rural and urban areas so long as new houses are being built. With proper sensitization of the public on this policy, this mode would lead to a greener society in less than a decade.

Prevent unwarranted tree cutting:

While tree cutting cannot be eliminated, sometimes they are unnecessary and reckless. This is where activism comes in. We must prevent all unjustifiable tree removal that occurs in our society by speaking up and involving the media when the act is about to be perpetrated.

Our green neighbours would leave us very soon if we do not take the right steps. No matter how little your efforts are, they are baby steps towards the desire of saving trees.

Trees are one of the most important and valuable source of life to us on the earth. They are highly essential to the vibrant and healthy communities on our planet. Trees are a benefit to all of the living things that exists on this planet both in indirect and direct ways. As we all should know, all the components and elements of the earth and environment are connected to one another and run according to nature’s balance, this means that if there is as disturbance or harm to one of the elements, the effect would be felt by the whole environment and this can lead to harm coming to the lives (both human and animals) on earth.

Trees are known to help protect us from different natural disaster and also help in the nourishment of our lives in various ways. Trees help maintain our environment as clean and also keep the earth green which means that we are as well responsible to the trees and we should do our best to always protect trees. Smaller trees are not as beneficial as the mature and large trees because the mature and large trees can filter the green house gases with a greater speed, they also can capture a lot more carbon, they reduce the use of energy, catch a lot more storm water, help to fight urban heat, can give big shadow and so on. Hence, it is very important that we do not cut trees down even when it is an emergency, instead we should save trees.

Trees have a lot of benefits. Highlighted below are a few of the benefits of tree so that you can understand the need for trees to be saved and not cut down. They include:

i. Trees that are mature and large help to fight climate changes through absorbing the major source of the climate change (green house gases) and also refresh the air.

ii. Trees through the refreshment of the air help to clean the air by absorbing the polluted gases and also the odours in the atmosphere and environment.

iii. Eighteen people can be provided with the oxygen they need for a year with just an acre of trees that are mature and large.

iv. The low temperature of winter and the temperature of summer can be moderated by trees.

v. Trees help in the management of global warming by reducing the need for air conditioning in the summer by 50 percent.

vi. Trees slow down the rate of the evaporation of water from the ground by casting their shadows on the ground thus saving water.

vii. Trees prevent water pollution by acting as natural filters of water and allow water to move down into the earth that is below the seas and prevent the risk of pollutants being carried by rainwater into water bodies.

viii. Soil erosion can be prevented by trees through the holding together of large quantity of soil by trees.

ix. Trees are very good source of healthy and nutritious food (for example, vegetables, fruits, etc.). They also provide medicines, shelter and economy.

There are many things provided to us by nature which are extremely importance for the existence of life on the earth. One such entity is trees. Trees are responsible for converting the carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere to oxygen which is vital for respiration of all animals including humans on the earth. But, with the increase in population and modern methods of living, there has been mass uprooting of trees and furthermore, acts of deforestation have often led to the ecological crisis in many regions of the world, including India. Hence there is an urgent need to save trees and help the future generations with their existence on this beautiful planet.

The Importance of Trees:

It is not only for their oxygen-producing capacity that the trees are important for us. There are a number of other advantages of having trees around us. Trees assume a particularly vital job in improving our quality of life we enjoy, especially in the urban conditions. Trees likewise give us shades and protect us from the strong heat coming from the sun’s rays. Additionally, trees beautify the atmosphere with their presence. Trees enhance air quality by going about as regular air channels expelling residue, smoke and exhaust from the environment by catching them on their leaves, branches and trunks. In fact, Only 1 hectare of beech forest can separate 4 tons of waste for each year from the climate. Furthermore, every year a full-grown tree can produce enough oxygen for 10 individuals. Trees are additionally a powerful sound wall and can confine noise contamination. Trees also serve as living spaces to local ground verdure, for example, birds, squirrels and other arboreal creatures.

Harmful effects of Deforestation:

The uprooting of trees for various needs is what we call as deforestation. The uprooting of trees at mass levels has led to severe changes in the climate of the earth. Massive soil erosion has led to floods as well as droughts in different areas in India as well as the world. Moreover, the quality of soil has been affected leading to the reduction in crop production or the altering of their quality due to deficiency of required nutrients in the soil. Additionally, uprooting of trees has led to global warming as well as trees are known to stop the clouds and act as catalysts for causing rainfall. Additionally, deforestation has also led to depleting of the ozone layer which is responsible to protect the harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth.

Measure to Save Trees:

It is of utmost importance for all to give their individual contribution to saving the trees. Finding an alternative to the use of wood for various purposes is one such method through which we can reduce the cutting down of trees. Planting more trees is another small yet priceless contribution we all can do for our nature. For every tree uprooted we should plant 2 more trees so that to maintain the balance between urbanisation and deforestation. Minimising use of papers is another such effort which can help save trees in a big manner as papers are made from trees.

Lessons from History:

In the 1970s, a movement known as the Chipko movement was organised in order to stop the increase in deforestation in India. The name of the development originates from the word ‘grasp’, as the villagers embraced the trees, and did not allow the workers to feel the trees.

Relatively few individuals realize that throughout the most recent couple of hundreds of years numerous networks in India have helped spare nature. The Bishnoi community from the state of Rajasthan is one such example. The first Chipko development began around 260 years back in the early piece of the eighteenth century in Rajasthan. An extensive gathering of them from 84 towns driven by a woman called Amrita Devi set out their lives with an end goal to shield the trees from being felled on the requests of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The movement was eventually successful as the Maharaja agrees to stop the felling of the trees.

Trees are often referred to as the green gold of the earth. We should all do out a bit to save them. Life is conceivable on the earth due to water, oxygen and trees and we can’t overlook that trees are a wellspring of oxygen and water on the earth. Individuals are considered as the smartest animal on the earth, so we ought to comprehend our duty towards nature and save trees for the benefit of all flora and fauna on the earth. Let our planet remain as beautiful as it was created millions of years ago.

This essay focuses on the urgent need to save trees. Trees are our truest friends. These green friends provide us with clean air, fruits, vegetables, wood, and many other things necessary in our lives. That means our survival is only possible if we save trees.

But with time, the human race has done enough damage and made the situation quite worse. As a result, all the countries have come together to save trees so that we can preserve the planet Earth. Do you know what would happen if there were no trees? Why is it so necessary to save trees and how can we do that?

These are some of the most important questions that must be answered in order to realize the value of this issue and save trees. Let’s look at them one by one.

Importance of Trees:

Human beings breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, releasing it into the atmosphere. The biggest reason why we must save trees is that they provide us with oxygen without which we would die. And not only that, but they also reduce the toxic carbon dioxide by consuming it in the process of photosynthesis, another great reason for us to save trees.

Trees are also the source of food for both humans and herbivorous animals. They form an essential segment in the food chain. If we do not save trees, the whole chain would collapse. Forests also act as the living territories of wild animals.

Roots of the trees hold the soil and prevent it from loosening. In this way, they reduce the chances of floods. When we save trees, it also maintains the water cycle in the atmosphere. To restore the groundwater and raise its level, the only way out is to save trees.

Trees absorb the pollutants from the air and make it clean. Their shade saves us from the scorching sunlight and pleases us with cool air. They play an indispensable role for birds, honey bees, butterflies, and plenty of other living beings that are essential for the ecological balance.

In short, there are countless causes to save trees. On a serious note, in an effort to save trees, we are also helping the earth keep a cooler temperature. Trees and their oxygen act as a shield from the heat and ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Deforestation and Its Causes:

For an ample number of reasons, humankind has failed to save trees. Deforestation is the main culprit behind it with many other factors lying in its base. For instance, more land is needed for the consistently growing population. To construct the living areas and houses for everyone, we are bound to cut trees when in reality, we should save trees.

Big industries are sweeping off an enormous number of forests and setting up their factories. Chopping off the trees for paper and timber is yet another cause of deforestation. As explained above, to feed millions of people, natural forests are being replaced with agricultural farms and fields.

Because we did not save trees in the first place, an increased frequency of floods leads to even more destruction of forests. The massive trend of mining for minerals, ores, and precious metals has also turned the situation against us.

Natural calamities such as forest fires, earthquakes, and cyclones, wash away the human efforts to save trees. These powerful events can be managed only up to a certain level and yet result in the desertion of forests for a long time.

Now that we have discussed the major causes of the decreasing number of trees, below are some of the significant side effects of deforestation and ways to deal with it.

Impacts of Deforestation:

Due to our mismanagement to save trees, the impacts of deforestation are spreading widely all over the world. First of all, the greatest effect can be seen in the form of global warming. The temperature of the earth is rising consistently. Consequently, the icebergs at the poles are melting and increasing the sea levels.

When we are unable to save trees, the disaster also comes in the form of floods. Poor forest areas mean there are no trees to hold the soil. Loose soil particles cannot act as a strong barrier and fail to prevent the floods.

Deforestation is responsible for growing air pollution. Without trees, the levels of carbon dioxide rise in the atmosphere. The percentage of oxygen becomes terrible. If we don’t save trees, we are also ruining the lives of wild animals. Without forests, they have no place to live safely and become more vulnerable to hunting, capturing, and extinction.

As the most intelligent species on earth, it is the duty of mankind to save trees because once the wild animals like carnivores are threatened, the danger reaches to herbivorous animals too. Gradually, the effect would spread to human beings and the whole food pyramid would fall down eventually.

Necessary Measures:

We need to save trees and help them flourish. When we save trees, we ensure our own survival on the planet. To save trees, the first step should be planting as many trees as possible. Celebrating Environment day is one of the many effective measures to save trees.

Creating awareness among the general public with the help of ‘save trees’ campaigns would be helpful too. In schools, children should be given the opportunity to draw pictures on the topic of ‘save trees’. They may also be asked to write short articles on ‘save trees’ and share it with others.

As far as possible, wastage of paper should be avoided. Population control and curbing the industrialization are the biggest ways to save trees. By reducing the harmful activities such as mining and cutting trees, we would face lesser floods, earthquakes, and cyclones.

The bottom line is that for our planet to be greener and healthier, we must promise ourselves to save trees, for this generation and for the future generations to come. Thus, we can all save trees by making changes in our lifestyle.

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If I Were a Bird Essay- 10 Lines & 100-150-200-300 Words

if i were a bird essay

If I were a bird essay is a common topic for essay writing in School Exams. This is an example of a personal essay. In a personal Essay, the author expresses his personal view on the subject matter. This type of composition highly relies on the author’s imagination. In this article, I have attempted two such essays- one in 10 lines and the other in 100 words. So read the essays carefully and find which is best for you.

Table of Contents

If I Were A Bird Essay

Hello friend, first check the table below and continue reading. The table contains some important information about the essay

If I Were A Bird 10 lines

  • If I were a Bird; life would be so beautiful.
  • There would be no restrictions in my life.
  • I could go anywhere I wanted.
  • I could fly from tree to tree.
  • I could eat sweet ripe fruits from trees.
  • My life would be so different from now.
  • If I were a singing bird, I could sing melodious songs.
  • If I were a migratory bird, I could travel from country to country.
  • Life would be so cool, so easy.
  • I wish I were a bird.

Are you satisfied with my attempt or are you looking for a lengthy 100-word composition? If so please read the article below.

If I Were I Bird Paragraph- 100 words

Ans: If I were a bird, life would be so beautiful. I could fly from tree to tree. I could go anywhere I wanted. Life would be much more different from now. There would be no school, no homework, and a complete vacation from everything in my life. Birds are the freest creatures in the world. If I were a Siberian Crane, I would spend the summer in Artic and the winter in India or Africa. Or If I were a cuckoo, I could sing melodious songs. People would be amazed to hear me sing. Or if I were a Peacock, I would unfold my colourful tail and start dancing. That would be the life of my dream. I wish I were a bird again.

If I Were a Bird Essay 150-200 Words

If I were a bird, I would appreciate the boundless freedom to soar high above the world, embracing the skies as my kingdom. With wings outstretched, I would navigate the winds, exploring the earth’s vast landscapes and witnessing its beauty from a unique perspective. The ability to traverse forests, coastlines and mountains would be a privilege, granting me the chance to witness nature’s marvels up close. Nestled amidst the trees or perched on lofty cliffs, I would sing melodies that resonated through the air, celebrating the dawn and bidding farewell to the setting sun.

To glide effortlessly, feeling the wind beneath my feathers and basking in the sunlight, would be a sensation incomparable to anything terrestrial. I would travel continents, experiencing diverse cultures and terrains, from bustling cities to serene wilderness. To witness the change of seasons from a bird’s-eye view, seeing landscapes transform from lush greens to the fiery hues of autumn, would be an enchanting spectacle.

Flying alongside my avian companions, I’d understand the language of the skies and share in their harmonious dance, each flap of the wing an ode to the beauty of flight. If I were a bird, the world would be an endless canvas, and the sky, my limitless playground, would grant me the liberty to explore and appreciate the magnificence of our planet.

300 Words Essay on If I Were a Bird

If I were a bird, I’d revel in the sheer freedom that flight offers. The skies would be my domain, and the earth’s vast expanse would be my canvas to explore. With every beat of my wings, I would relish the boundless possibilities that flying brings, offering a unique perspective of the world beneath me.

Freedom in Flight

To soar above landscapes, free from the confines of the ground, would be an unparalleled experience. The sensation of gliding effortlessly through the air, feeling the wind rustling through my feathers and basking in the warmth of the sun would be a joy beyond compare. The ability to gracefully navigate through diverse terrains—forests, mountains, coastlines—would be an adventure, allowing me to witness nature’s wonders from an extraordinary vantage point.

Observing Nature

As a bird, I would have the privilege to witness nature’s beauty up close. Nesting among the branches or perched on rocky ledges, I’d have a front-row seat to observe life’s unfolding drama. From the rustling leaves to the symphony of wildlife, I would relish the songs of dawn and dusk, contributing my own melodies to nature’s orchestra.

Travelling and Exploration

Flying across continents, I would witness diverse cultures and terrains. From bustling urban landscapes to serene, untouched wilderness, I would navigate them all. Seasons changing from the sky would offer an unusual view, witnessing the rich colours of spring, the lush greens of summer, the fiery hues of autumn, and the tranquillity of winter.

Connection with Other Birds

In the company of my avian peers, I’d partake in the graceful dance of flight, understanding the unspoken language of the skies. Together, we’d cross the vast distances, each wingbeat a symbol of the artistry of flight. The company and shared experiences in flight would form an unspoken bond, a connection beyond words.

Being a bird would offer a perspective on the world that’s unique and enchanting. It’s not just the physical act of flight, but the freedom, connection to nature, and ability to explore the world in a way that’s truly magical and liberating. If I were a bird, the skies would be my playground, and the world below, an endless adventure waiting to be explored.

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FAQ on Birds

There are many singing birds all around the world. Some of them are Nightingales, Robin, Blackbird, Thrush, Lark and House Sparrow.

Birds which migrate (move) from one place to another, mainly from north to south, are called migratory birds. Greater Flamingos, Black-tailed Godwit, Siberian Crane, Bar-headed Goose, and Artic Tern are some famous migratory birds.

Peacock is the National Bird of India.

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