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15 Communications Specialist Cover Letters That Will Get Hired (NOW)

Are you are looking to write a cover letter for Communications Specialist jobs that will impress recruiters and get you noticed by hiring managers? You need one to apply for a job, but you don’t know what to say.

A cover letter should be personalized to the position that is being applied for, but cover letters are different than resumes in that cover letters are short messages that often follow a professional greeting.

Here are 15 amazing Communications Specialist cover letters that are professionally written and will help you stand out and get that job!

cover letter for a job in communications

Communications Specialist Cover Letters

Each cover letter is written with a different focus. Review all of them and pick the ones that apply to your situation. Take inspiration from multiple samples and combine them to craft your unique cover letter.

Communications Specialist Sample 1

I would like to apply for the Communications Specialist position. I am confident that my education and experience in both customer service and marketing will be an asset to your team. I also have excellent written and verbal communication skills, which are essential for this position. If you have any questions about my qualifications, feel free to contact me at ____ ____ ____ . My resume is attached. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.

Communications Specialist Sample 2

When I heard that your company was looking for a Communications Specialist, I knew this would be an ideal opportunity for me. I have always been proficient in communication skills, including excellent written and spoken communication skills. As a Communications Specialist, these are the specific qualities that set me apart. I am currently employed as a Marketing Manager at ABC Corp., where my duties include managing all marketing efforts and working with the team to continually generate new ideas. My position requires strong communication skills to effectively create print materials for social media posts, write concise emails without grammatical errors, coordinate promotional campaigns with vendors, reach out to local businesses for sponsorship opportunities and more. Prior experience in communications roles includes being a Press Secretary in Washington D.C., where I

Communications Specialist Sample 3

“Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I am interested in the Communications Specialist position at your company. I come from a diverse background and have excellent communication skills. For example, as a Communications and Marketing Associate for Green World Employment Services, I worked with people from all walks of life. This has given me the experience necessary to connect with your customer base and provide them with outstanding service.”

Communications Specialist Sample 4

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am excited to apply for your Communications Specialist position. I am a communications professional with extensive experience in the field. My strengths include writing high-quality content that is engaging and informative while also meeting complex deadlines. I have great interpersonal skills and can engage across all industries, including government agencies, nonprofit organizations, businesses, schools and churches. Please feel free to contact me at (123) 321-3220 or email me at [email protected] for more information about my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration!

Communications Specialist Sample 5

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am interested in the Communications Specialist position as my previous experience as a social media manager and as a public relations coordinator has prepared me for this role. My communication skills and customer-service experience will provide excellent results for your company. I can work remotely or on site, so I am eager to learn more about this opportunity and discuss how I can be a valuable member of your team. Thank you for considering my application and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Communications Specialist Sample 6

I am writing to inquire about the Communications Specialist position that was posted on _____. I am a recent graduate of _____ with an Honors degree in Communications. I have experience editing and writing, as well as coordinating social media campaigns for both local and national nonprofits. My experience has given me an understanding of the importance of clear communication with various audiences, which is why I think this would be an ideal job for me.

Communications Specialist Sample 7

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my interest in the Communications Specialist position at your company. I am a college graduate with a degree in communications and journalism. I have over five years of experience as a Communications Specialist, including two years running my own successful blog. My skills are diverse, including customer service, project management, business writing, social media marketing and advertising. I would be an excellent fit for this position because of my experience communicating with customers on the phone and via email as well as managing social media accounts for clients. As your company is looking to increase customer satisfaction through social media interactions- something that has been proven to make customers more loyal- I would be an excellent addition to your team!

Communications Specialist Sample 8

I am a communications expert with over 10 years of experience. I have a background in marketing, PR, and event management. I am confident that my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for the position of Communication Specialist with your company. Please contact me to learn more about my qualifications.

Communications Specialist Sample 9

I am writing to apply for the Communications Specialist position. I have a strong public relations and marketing background and feel that my skillset would be a great match for this job. I believe I am capable of not only handling day to day communications but also more specialized tasks such as disaster management and crisis communications. My experience with creative writing and video production will also be an asset in this role.

Thank you for your time,

Communications Specialist Sample 10

I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Communications Specialist. I have an excellent background in both journalism and public relations, which I believe are the foundations for this position. I believe my experience in these areas will make me an asset to your company.

Communications Specialist Sample 11

I am a recent college graduate and I would like to submit my resume for consideration for the Communications Specialist position. Skills that I have obtained through my education, as well as from my internship at XYZ Company, include: writing, editing, and communication skills. As a student ambassador with the university’s Department of Marketing and Communications, I learned how to create social media content such as posts on Facebook and Twitter.

Communications Specialist Sample 12

I am writing in regards to the Communications Specialist position posted on your website. I have over five years of experience as a Communications Specialist. I have experience with social media, digital marketing, blogging, and general office administration. I know that you are looking for someone with strong writing skills and excellent customer service skills who can work well independently or as part of a team. The qualities that you are looking for sound like my strengths, so I’m excited to learn more about this opportunity. If you would like any other information about my qualifications please feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555 or (555) 555-5544. Thank you for your time!

Communications Specialist Sample 13

Dear sir or madam, I am looking to secure a Communications Specialist position in your company. I have experience in this field and I believe that my qualifications will allow me to deliver an outstanding service. My skills include working with media outlets, writing press releases and building brands through public relations. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. My resume is enclosed for your consideration. Please contact me if you wish to schedule an interview so that we can discuss the details of this position further or if you need any additional information about my work history or qualifications. Thank you for reading this cover letter and considering my application!

Communications Specialist Sample 14

Dear Mr. John Smith,

I am writing to express my interest in the Communications Specialist position at ABC Company. I have 3 years of experience in communications and public relations, including developing content for blog posts and social media posts, managing online community engagement strategies, responding to customer inquiries, and creating marketing materials. I would be a great fit for this position due to my variety of skillsets that include strong communication skills as well as proficiency with Microsoft Office programs like Excel and PowerPoint. Additionally, I have a track record of success including increased revenue by 20% through strategic marketing campaigns during my time at ABC Company.

Communications Specialist Sample 15

Dear ________, Thank you for your consideration. As a communications specialist in the military and in the private sector, my experience has been diverse and I am excited to see this opportunity in your company. My skills include writing, editing, video production, PR/marketing work and strategic thinking. I know that this position will allow me to continue to use my skillsets while giving me the chance to pursue a new challenge in an exciting industry. Thank you for your time and consideration!

Recruiters and hiring managers receive hundreds of applications for each job opening.

Use the above professionally written Communications Specialist cover letter samples to learn how to write a cover letter that will catch their attention and customize it for your specific situation.

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Communications Jobs Cover Letter Examples and Writing Tips

cover letter for a job in communications

  • What to Include in Your Cover Letter

What to Avoid When Writing a Cover Letter

How to format a cover letter, how to format an email cover letter, communications cover letter examples, more cover letter examples.

If you're applying for a communications job, a position that requires  excellent communication skills , it's especially important to write a compelling cover letter. 

Each cover letter you write for a communications role should showcase your abilities and experience. It also should be customized—yes, that means writing a new letter for each job application.

By creating a targeted cover letter, you'll be able to highlight your relevant skills and experiences as they relate to the specific position, as well as show your understanding of the company.

Here's what you need to know to write a cover letter that'll grab the attention of hiring managers. 

What to Include in Your Cover Letter

Start with an attention grabber.  Point to leadership roles and  advanced skills  right at the beginning of the cover letter to catch your reader's attention from the start. “I'm writing in response to the communications manager position you have advertised" doesn't say much. Instead, try something like, "My experience securing international press coverage for large healthcare clients makes me well suited for the communications manager position that has opened with XYZ Corporation.” This kind of statement grabs attention.

Use the company's  job description  to identify and call out your relevant skills.

Show that you’ve done your homework.  You should  research the company  you’re applying to and show them that you've done it by referring to their mission statement or other information you’ve discovered about them. You might say, “As assistant communications manager at ABC Company, I helped introduce the theme of global responsibility to our branding, inspired by how your executive leadership at XYZ Corporation has championed corporate philanthropic commitment to international relief efforts.” 

Use numbers when possible.  Offer  quantitative examples  to demonstrate your achievements. Employers love to see bottom line results. Did you increase your predecessor’s PR placements by 50%? Did you increase web traffic to your previous employer's website by 40%? Or, did you raise $1.5 million in donated funds for a nonprofit organization? Illustrate your accomplishments with numbers.

Be specific about your skills and strengths.  Illustrate your strengths with detailed descriptions. Don't describe yourself as a team player or people person since these terms are cliché and overused. Instead, go for detailed descriptions such as, "I'm a seasoned communicator with experience working on international PR campaigns to convey a cohesive brand across all marketing channels."

Follow that up with a concrete example such as, "When I worked on rebranding the marketing for our largest healthcare client, I coordinated communication throughout the client's international offices to create unified media materials."

Repeating your resume.  Your cover letter should enhance your resume, showcasing the high points and painting a richer picture of who you are.

While a resume is straightforward, a cover letter should have some flair and personal touches along with a tone that's warm and speaks directly to your reader.

Focusing on your own needs instead of the employer’s needs.  Cover letters are essentially marketing documents, and in writing one you should think of yourself as engaging in a needs-based sales tactic. What are the needs of the employer, and how can you fulfill those needs? 

Using the pronoun “I” too much.  Limiting the use of "I" to four or five instances in the entire cover letter is ideal. Your goal is to capture the employer’s serious interest by advertising what it is you can do for them, not by telling them what you want from them or what you're hoping to get from the experience.

When it comes to cover letters, there's a very specific style and format required. You'll want to be aware of these  guidelines for cover letters , including: 

  • Length:  Stick to a page at most—a few paragraphs are all you need. 
  • Fonts and font size: Go with a professional  font , in a standard, legible size. Stick to standard margins, too. 
  • Follow general business letter guidelines:  Start with contact information if you're sending a printed out letter (or attaching a Word doc or PDF cover letter to your email).
  • Proofread carefully:  Spelling someone's name incorrectly, having wonky formatting, or other small errors can discredit your application. 

For  emailed cover letters , include your contact information below your name in your  email signature . Your subject line for emails should be your name and the job title. Include a  salutation , followed by the body of the letter, and a polite close.

The body of the email should kickoff with details about why you're writing (mention specifics about the job title and where you saw it listed). Then describe your experience, achievements, qualifications, and what you'll be able to provide if hired. 

Take a look at these cover letter examples for communications-related jobs to get an idea of how to construct a professional cover letter that will effectively sell your credentials to a hiring manager.

  • Communications for Higher Education
  • Communications Director
  • Editorial Assistant
  • Entry Level Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media
  • Writer/Freelance

Here are more  examples of cover letters for a variety of occupations, with templates to download.

Key Takeaways

FOLLOW THE RULES. There are set guidelines for writing a cover letter — make sure to keep them in mind as you write your letter. 

PERSONALIZE YOUR LETTER. If you send the same letter in with every application, you're not getting the most out of the space. Make your letter relevant to the company and role at hand. 

MAKE IT ABOUT THE COMPANY, NOT YOU. Yes, hiring managers want to get a sense of you, but their biggest priority is to hire someone who will advance the company's goals and bottom line. 

7 Communications Specialist Cover Letter Examples


In today's competitive job market, a well-tailored cover letter can be the key to standing out as a communications specialist. While your resume may showcase your experience and skills, a cover letter allows you to express your passion, personality, and unique qualifications for the position. By crafting a compelling cover letter, you can capture the attention of hiring managers and make a memorable first impression.

A communications specialist cover letter serves as an introduction to your application and provides an opportunity to highlight your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments. It allows you to showcase your written communication abilities while demonstrating your understanding of the company and its values. A well-crafted cover letter can effectively convey why you are the ideal candidate for the position and why you are passionate about working in the field of communications.

In this article, we will provide you with a variety of communications specialist cover letter examples to help you create your own compelling letter. These examples will showcase different approaches and highlight key elements that make a cover letter effective. By studying these examples, you can gain insights into how to structure and personalize your own cover letter to make a strong impact on potential employers.

So, whether you're a seasoned communications specialist looking for a new opportunity or a recent graduate starting your career in communications, read on to discover valuable tips and strategies for writing an outstanding cover letter that will help you land your dream job.

Example 1: Public Relations Cover Letter

Key takeaways.

Sarah's cover letter effectively positions her as a highly capable and results-driven candidate for the Public Relations position at Edelman.

To stand out in the competitive field of public relations, it is crucial to emphasize your track record of successful campaigns and media engagement. This demonstrates your ability to drive tangible business outcomes and build brand visibility.

Sarah highlights a key achievement - launching a high-profile product campaign that generated over 50 media placements and resulted in a 30% increase in product sales within three months. This showcases her ability to develop compelling messaging, engage with key stakeholders, and deliver measurable results.

Highlight specific campaigns or initiatives that demonstrate the impact of your work. This not only showcases your skills but also provides concrete evidence of your ability to drive business growth and brand awareness.

While Sarah's cover letter effectively highlights her accomplishments, she could further emphasize her expertise in utilizing digital platforms and leveraging social media for effective brand communication.

In today's digital age, it is essential to showcase your proficiency in utilizing various communication channels, including social media and digital platforms. This demonstrates your ability to adapt to evolving industry trends and reach target audiences effectively.

Overall, Sarah's cover letter effectively showcases her experience, skills, and proven track record in the field of public relations, making her a compelling candidate for the Public Relations position at Edelman.

Example 2: Social Media Cover Letter Example

Alex's cover letter effectively showcases their expertise and accomplishments in the field of social media, positioning them as an ideal candidate for the Social Media Manager position at Facebook.

When applying for a social media role, it's crucial to highlight specific achievements and the impact they had on key metrics like engagement, follower growth, and website traffic. This demonstrates your ability to drive results and create meaningful connections with the target audience.

Alex emphasizes their experience in managing and executing social media campaigns, as well as their proficiency in cross-functional collaboration and content planning. These skills are essential for successfully managing social media platforms and maintaining consistent brand messaging.

Highlight your experience in coordinating and managing social media campaigns, as well as your ability to work collaboratively with different teams. This showcases your ability to develop and execute strategic content plans, ensuring brand consistency and maximizing engagement.

Alex also mentions their success in launching an influencer marketing program and leveraging data-driven strategies. These experiences demonstrate their ability to innovate and use analytics tools to optimize content performance.

Showcase your expertise in influencer marketing and data-driven strategies to highlight your ability to drive brand awareness and engagement. This illustrates your understanding of the evolving social media landscape and your proactive approach to staying ahead of industry trends.

To strengthen their cover letter, Alex could have further emphasized their knowledge of Facebook's platform and outlined specific ideas or strategies they would bring to the role.

Research the specific features and functionalities of the social media platform you're applying to and highlight your understanding of how to leverage them effectively. This shows your genuine interest in the company and your ability to tailor your approach to the platform's unique capabilities.

Example 3: Marketing Communications Cover Letter

Olivia's cover letter effectively showcases her experience and skills in marketing communications, positioning her as a strong candidate for the position at WPP.

When applying for a marketing communications role, highlight your experience in developing and implementing strategic marketing plans, managing cross-functional teams, and leveraging data analytics. This demonstrates your ability to drive successful marketing campaigns and deliver measurable results.

She emphasizes her achievements as a Marketing Manager at Grey Group, where she led integrated campaigns that resulted in a 20% increase in brand awareness and a 15% increase in customer engagement. This demonstrates her ability to drive business growth and deliver tangible results.

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to showcase the impact of your work. Numbers provide concrete evidence of your abilities and can make your application stand out.

Olivia also highlights her project management and communication skills gained as a Marketing Coordinator at J. Walter Thompson. This shows her ability to successfully collaborate with internal and external stakeholders and deliver projects on time and within budget.

In marketing communications, strong project management and communication skills are essential. Highlight your ability to coordinate and execute marketing initiatives, as well as your effective communication skills when working with clients and colleagues.

The cover letter could further emphasize Olivia's creativity and passion for storytelling, which are highly valued in the marketing communications field.

Don't forget to showcase your creative thinking and passion for storytelling in your cover letter. These qualities are highly sought after in marketing communications roles and can set you apart from other candidates.

Example 4: Internal Communications Cover Letter

Brian's cover letter effectively highlights his relevant experience in internal communications and demonstrates his ability to drive employee engagement in leading technology companies.

When applying for an internal communications position, it is crucial to showcase your experience in crafting effective internal communication strategies and delivering engaging content. This demonstrates your ability to effectively communicate with employees and support the organization's goals.

Brian highlights his achievements in previous roles, such as implementing an internal newsletter that increased employee engagement by 20% at Cisco Systems and launching an employee recognition program at IBM that improved employee satisfaction and fostered a positive work culture.

Quantify your achievements and highlight the measurable impact of your work. This demonstrates your ability to deliver tangible results and shows your potential to positively impact employee engagement and internal communication efforts.

Brian also emphasizes his experience in managing communication strategies for major organizational initiatives, such as a company-wide digital transformation project at Amazon. This showcases his ability to effectively manage communication plans and ensure employees are informed and engaged during times of change.

Highlight your experience in managing communication plans for organizational initiatives. This demonstrates your strategic mindset and ability to navigate complex projects, which are essential skills for an internal communications role.

Overall, Brian's cover letter effectively positions him as a strong candidate for the Internal Communications position at Microsoft, showcasing his relevant experience, achievements, and ability to contribute to the organization's internal messaging and employee engagement efforts.

Example 5: Crisis Communications Cover Letter Example

Rachel's cover letter effectively positions her as a highly qualified candidate for the Crisis Communications position at Burson Cohn & Wolfe.

When applying for a crisis communications role, it is crucial to showcase your experience and expertise in managing complex and high-stakes communications challenges. Highlight your ability to think strategically and remain calm under pressure.

She provides specific examples of her accomplishments, such as successfully managing crisis situations, crafting clear messaging, and coordinating media responses. These examples demonstrate her problem-solving skills and ability to protect clients' reputation.

Emphasize your experience in crisis management and your ability to develop effective crisis response plans. Provide tangible examples of your successes in guiding clients through challenging situations.

Rachel also highlights her experience in leading teams and collaborating with cross-functional teams. This showcases her ability to work well with others and ensure consistent messaging during crisis situations.

If you have experience in leading teams or working with cross-functional teams, be sure to mention it in your cover letter. This demonstrates your leadership and collaboration skills, which are essential in crisis communications.

Overall, Rachel's cover letter effectively communicates her qualifications and passion for crisis communications, making her a strong candidate for the position at Burson Cohn & Wolfe.

Example 6: Media Relations Cover Letter Example

Daniel's cover letter effectively positions him as an ideal candidate for the Media Relations position at CNN by showcasing his extensive experience in the media industry and his ability to craft and execute strategic communication plans.

When applying for a media relations role, it's crucial to highlight your experience in developing and implementing media strategies, as well as your ability to build relationships with journalists and influencers. This demonstrates your expertise in navigating the media landscape and your potential to effectively promote the organization's brand and messaging.

He emphasizes a key achievement - a 30% increase in audience engagement through a comprehensive media outreach strategy - which highlights his ability to drive results and generate media coverage.

Quantify the impact of your media relations work by highlighting specific results and metrics. This showcases your ability to deliver tangible outcomes and demonstrates your effectiveness in reaching target audiences.

While Daniel's cover letter effectively showcases his experience and achievements in media relations, he could further personalize his application by highlighting his knowledge of CNN's specific programming and news coverage.

Research the organization thoroughly and tailor your cover letter to align with the company's values, mission, and areas of focus. This demonstrates your genuine interest in the organization and shows that you have taken the time to understand its unique media landscape.

Example 7: Content Marketing Cover Letter

Emily's cover letter effectively positions her as a strong candidate for the Content Marketing position at HubSpot by showcasing her relevant experience and proven track record of driving impactful campaigns.

To stand out in the competitive field of content marketing, it's crucial to highlight your past successes, particularly those that demonstrate tangible results and business impact. This helps to demonstrate your ability to create and execute effective content strategies.

She emphasizes her accomplishments in each of her previous roles, such as increasing organic traffic by 40% at Salesforce and driving a 30% increase in website engagement at Google. These specific achievements highlight her ability to generate measurable results.

Quantify your achievements whenever possible. Numbers and percentages offer concrete evidence of your success and can help differentiate you from other candidates.

Emily also aligns her skills and experience with HubSpot's commitment to inbound marketing and providing valuable content to its audience. This demonstrates her understanding of the company's values and her ability to contribute to its goals.

Showcasing your knowledge of the company's mission, values, and industry trends is essential. It not only highlights your enthusiasm for the role but also demonstrates your ability to align your skills and experience with the organization's objectives.

Skills To Highlight

As a communications specialist, your cover letter should highlight the unique skills that make you a strong candidate for the role. These key skills include:

Excellent Written and Verbal Communication : As a communications specialist, your ability to effectively communicate information, ideas, and messages is essential. Showcase your strong written and verbal communication skills by providing examples of past experiences where you successfully crafted compelling written content and delivered impactful presentations or speeches.

Strategic Thinking : Communications specialists are responsible for developing and implementing strategic communication plans to achieve organizational goals. Highlight your strategic thinking skills by demonstrating your ability to analyze complex information, identify key messages, and develop targeted communication strategies that resonate with the intended audience.

Project Management : Communications specialists often work on multiple projects simultaneously, coordinating with various stakeholders and ensuring timely completion of deliverables. Emphasize your project management skills by describing your experience in planning, organizing, and executing communication campaigns or initiatives, including your ability to set priorities, manage resources, and meet deadlines.

Media Relations : Building and maintaining positive relationships with media outlets and journalists is crucial for effective communication. If you have experience in media relations, mention your ability to develop media contacts, pitch stories, and coordinate press releases or media events. Highlight any successful media coverage you have secured and the impact it had on the organization.

Creativity : Communications specialists need to think creatively to develop innovative and engaging communication materials. Demonstrate your creativity by discussing examples of how you have developed unique and compelling content, such as social media campaigns, videos, infographics, or written articles. Highlight any awards or recognition you have received for your creative work.

By showcasing these key skills in your cover letter, you will demonstrate to potential employers that you have the necessary qualifications and experiences to excel as a communications specialist.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When crafting your cover letter as a communications specialist, it's important to avoid these common mistakes:

Being Too General : Your cover letter should be specific to the company and position you're applying for. Avoid using a generic cover letter that could be used for any job. Instead, tailor your letter to highlight how your skills and experience align with the company's communication needs.

Failing to Research the Company : Before writing your cover letter, take the time to research the company you're applying to. Understand their mission, values, and current communication strategies. This will help you demonstrate your knowledge and show that you're genuinely interested in working for the company.

Not Highlighting Relevant Experience : As a communications specialist, it's crucial to showcase your experience in the field. Don't make the mistake of simply listing your job titles and responsibilities. Instead, highlight specific projects or campaigns you've worked on that demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate and engage with target audiences.

Forgetting to Customize : Avoid the temptation to use a generic cover letter and send it to multiple companies. Hiring managers can easily spot a copy-and-paste job. Take the time to customize each cover letter to the specific company and position you're applying for. This will show that you've put in the effort and are genuinely interested in the opportunity.

Neglecting to Address Potential Concerns : If there are any gaps in your work history or if you're transitioning into a new industry, make sure to address these potential concerns in your cover letter. Be honest and provide a brief explanation, focusing on how your skills and experience are transferable to the role.

Overusing Jargon and Buzzwords : While it's important to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, be cautious of overusing industry jargon and buzzwords in your cover letter. Hiring managers want to see that you can effectively communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. Use plain language and avoid unnecessary jargon.

Neglecting to Proofread : Spelling and grammatical errors can make a negative impression on hiring managers. Always proofread your cover letter before sending it out. Read it carefully, check for any errors, and consider asking a friend or colleague to review it as well.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a strong and compelling cover letter that showcases your communication skills and increases your chances of landing an interview.

In conclusion, a well-crafted cover letter can greatly enhance your chances of landing a rewarding position as a communications specialist. Throughout this article, we have provided you with a variety of cover letter examples tailored specifically for this job category. Each example demonstrated effective strategies for showcasing your skills and experience, while also highlighting your passion for and understanding of the field of communications.

By following the key takeaways from each example, you can create a compelling cover letter that grabs the attention of hiring managers and sets you apart from other applicants. Remember to customize your letter for each position you apply to, emphasizing the skills and qualifications that are most relevant to the specific job.

Additionally, we have highlighted some common mistakes to avoid in your cover letter, such as using generic language and failing to provide concrete examples of your accomplishments. By being mindful of these potential pitfalls, you can ensure that your cover letter remains focused, concise, and impactful.

Ultimately, a well-crafted cover letter serves as a powerful tool in your job application arsenal. It allows you to effectively communicate your passion, skills, and qualifications to prospective employers, increasing your chances of securing an interview and ultimately landing your dream job as a communications specialist. So, take the time to craft a compelling cover letter that showcases your unique strengths and sets you apart from the competition. Good luck!

Professional Communications Officer Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your communications officer cover letter must showcase your ability to manage information flow effectively. Demonstrate your proficiency in crafting clear, compelling messages that resonate with diverse audiences. Ensure your cover letter highlights your expertise in various communication channels and tools. Illustrate your success in previous roles with quantifiable achievements that reflect your skills.

Cover Letter Guide

Communications Officer Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Communications Officer Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Communications Officer cover letter

Crafting a Communications Officer cover letter can feel like walking a tightrope. You're ready to apply for your dream job, only to realize a gripping cover letter is needed, one that showcases more than your resume's highlights. You wonder, how do you weave your proudest career moment into a compelling narrative without falling into clichés? Fear not! In this guide, we'll navigate the balance between professionalism and personality, ensuring your one-page pitch opens the door to your future career.

  • Personalize the greeting to address the recruiter and your introduction that fits the role;
  • Follow good examples for individual roles and industries from job-winning cover letters;
  • Decide on your most noteworthy achievement to stand out;
  • Format, download, and submit your communications officer cover letter, following the best HR practices.

Use the power of Enhancv's AI: drag and drop your communications officer resume, which will swiftly be converted into your job-winning cover letter.

If the communications officer isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Communications Officer resume guide and example
  • Channel Marketing Manager cover letter example
  • SEO cover letter example
  • Brand Manager cover letter example
  • Experiential Marketing cover letter example
  • Social Media Director cover letter example
  • Brand Marketing Manager cover letter example
  • Marketing cover letter example
  • Copywriter cover letter example
  • Marketing Coordinator cover letter example
  • Marketing Specialist cover letter example

Communications Officer cover letter example


Phoenix, Arizona


[email protected]

  • Aligning Personal Skills with Company's Ethos: The opening of this cover letter effectively establishes a connection between the candidate's professional skills and the company's communication strategies, showcasing a deep understanding of the company's values and operations.
  • Quantifying Achievements: The candidate mentions a specific achievement (increasing web traffic by 50%) while at a previous role, which provides concrete evidence of their abilities in digital marketing and content strategy, making the candidate's impact more tangible for the hiring manager.
  • Industry Knowledge: Reference to effective market analysis and creative content delivery indicates the candidate's expertise in leveraging market trends and targeted communication, which is crucial for a Communications Officer role in managing a company's media presence.

The format of your communications officer cover letter: structure, fonts, margins, and more

Your communications officer cover letter should include a header (with your name, position, and date); a greeting and introductory paragraph; a body and closing paragraphs; and an optional signature.

Remember that you're writing your communications officer cover letter for recruiters - as the Applicant Tracker System won't scan this content.

Here are a few more tips and tricks to keep in mind when formatting your communications officer cover letter:

  • Use the same font in your communications officer cover letter and resume . We recommend modern fonts, e.g. Lato and Rubik, to help you stand out, instead of the stereotypical Arial and Times New Roman.
  • Each paragraph should have single spacing, which is already set up for you in our cover letter templates .
  • Our cover letter builder follows industry standards for your communications officer cover letter formatting - with a one-inch margin, surrounding your content.
  • Always export your communications officer cover letter in PDF to ensure the image or text quality stays the same and your writing isn't moved about.

The top sections on a communications officer cover letter

  • Header: Include your contact information, date, and employer's contact details to ensure the recruiter can easily identify who the letter is from and reach out for further communication or to schedule an interview.
  • Opening Greeting: Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name to establish a personal connection and demonstrate attention to detail, which are critical skills for a communications officer.
  • Introduction: Briefly articulate your interest in the communications officer position and your enthusiasm for working with the company, as an engaging intro sets the stage for the reader.
  • Experience Highlights: Outline key experiences and achievements that directly relate to the responsibilities of a communications officer, such as managing PR campaigns or developing communication strategies, to immediately showcase your suitability for the role.
  • Call to Action with Closing: End with a proactive call to action, inviting the hiring manager to discuss your application further, and a professional closing remark, affirming your polished communication skills which are essential for the role.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills: To craft clear, persuasive, and appropriate messages for diverse audiences and platforms.
  • Experience with multiple communication channels and media: To effectively disseminate information through social media, press releases, newsletters, and other outlets.
  • Crisis communication expertise: To manage and mitigate reputational risk through strategic communication during sensitive situations.
  • Strong organizational and planning abilities: To coordinate communication campaigns, schedules, and events seamlessly.
  • Public relations and media liaison experience: To build and maintain positive relationships with media personnel and manage the organization's public image.
  • Proficiency with communication software and tools: To employ contemporary digital tools for content management, graphic design, video editing, and social media analytics.

Kick off your communications officer cover letter: the salutation or greeting

When writing your communications officer cover letter, remember that you're not writing for some complex AI or robot, but for actual human beings.

And recruiters, while on the lookout to understand your experience, would enjoy seeing a cover letter that is tailored to the role and addresses them . Personally.

So, if you haven't done so, invest some time in finding out who's the hiring manager for the role you're applying to. A good place to start would be LinkedIn and the corporate website.

Alternatively, you could also get in touch with the company to find out more information about the role and the name of the recruiter.

If you haven't met the hiring manager, yet, your communications officer cover letter salutation should be on a last-name basis (e.g. "Dear Mr. Donaldson" or "Dear Ms. Estephan").

A good old, "Dear HR Professional" (or something along those lines) could work as your last resort if you're struggling to find out the recruiter's name.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Hiring Team,
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],
  • Dear Director [Last Name],

What to include in those first two sentences, or your communications officer cover letter introduction

Have you ever wondered what the best way is to present your profile in the communications officer cover letter introduction ?

There's no right or wrong answer if you're being concise and authentic to yourself.

Some professionals start their communications officer cover letter by:

  • congratulating the company - focusing on something impressive, whether that's an award, an industry-leading project, or a key event;
  • aligning their passion for the field or industry with the job - if you're enthusiastic about what you do, you'd thus grow your skill set and value as a professional.

What to write in the body of your communications officer cover letter

Now that you've got your intro covered, here comes the heart and soul of your communications officer cover letter.

It's time to write the middle or body paragraphs . This is the space where you talk about your relevant talent in terms of hard skills (or technologies) and soft (or people and communication) skills.

Keep in mind that the cover letter has a different purpose from your communications officer resume.

Yes, you still have to be able to show recruiters what makes your experience unique (and applicable) to the role.

But, instead of just listing skills, aim to tell a story of your one, greatest accomplishment.

Select your achievement that:

  • covers job-crucial skills;
  • can be measured with tangible metrics;
  • shows you in the best light.

Use the next three to six paragraphs to detail what this success has taught you, and also to sell your profile.

A sincere and original way to end your communications officer cover letter

When writing their communications officer cover letter, candidates tend to use one of these phrases, "Sincerely yours" or "I look forward to hearing from you".

Both statements show good manners, but your cover letter should end in a more actionable manner .

Write about:

  • how you see yourself growing in the role/organization;
  • the benefits you would bring about (you'd impress even more with tangible metrics);
  • the next steps in the process (provide your availability for interviews).

The zero experience communications officer cover letter: shifting the focus to your unique value

Don't worry if you have no conventional professional experience . Within your whole experience, there's plenty more you can write about in your communications officer cover letter.

Take, for example, your biggest achievement or award - dedicate your cover letter body to describe it and the job-relevant skills you've learned.

Your professional ambitions could also take center stage. Describe what you plan on achieving in the next five to ten years and the efforts you're making towards your dreams.

Key takeaways

We hope this communications officer cover letter writing guide has shown you how to:

  • Format your communications officer cover letter with the mandatory sections (e.g. header, greeting, intro, body, and closing) and select the right font (P.S. It should be the same as the one you've used for your resume);
  • Substitute your lack of professional experience with your most noteworthy achievement, outside of work, or your dreams and passions;
  • Ensure recruiters have a more personalized experience by tailoring your cover letter not just to the role, but to them (e.g. writing their first/last name in the salutation, etc.);
  • Introducing your biggest achievement and the skills it has taught you in your communications officer cover letter body;
  • Write no more than two sentences in your communications officer cover letter introduction to set the right tone from the get-go.

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Communications Consultant Cover Letter Example

Cover letter examples, cover letter guidelines, how to format an communications consultant cover letter, cover letter header, cover letter header examples for communications consultant, how to make your cover letter header stand out:, cover letter greeting, cover letter greeting examples for communications consultant, best cover letter greetings:, cover letter introduction, cover letter intro examples for communications consultant, how to make your cover letter intro stand out:, cover letter body, cover letter body examples for communications consultant, how to make your cover letter body stand out:, cover letter closing, cover letter closing paragraph examples for communications consultant, how to close your cover letter in a memorable way:, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, key cover letter faqs for communications consultant.

Start your Communications Consultant cover letter by addressing the hiring manager directly, if possible. Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current role or professional status. Immediately highlight your relevant experience in communications consulting and express your enthusiasm for the role you're applying for. For example, "As a seasoned Communications Consultant with over 10 years of experience in developing and implementing strategic communication plans, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and expertise to [Company Name]." This approach not only grabs the reader's attention but also establishes your suitability for the role from the outset. Remember, the opening of your cover letter sets the tone for the rest of the document, so make it engaging and compelling.

The best way for Communications Consultants to end a cover letter is by summarizing their key skills and expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity. They should reiterate their interest in the role, briefly recap their relevant experience, and express their eagerness to contribute to the company's goals. For example: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my strategic communication skills and experience to your team and contribute to your company's success. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application." This ending is assertive, shows confidence in their abilities, and demonstrates a clear interest in the role. It also opens the door for further conversation, which is crucial in the job application process.

In a cover letter, Communications Consultants should include the following elements: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager directly if possible. If you don't know their name, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager." 3. Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and mention the position you're applying for. This is also a good place to mention if someone referred you to the position or company. 4. Relevant Skills and Experience: Highlight your key skills and experiences that are relevant to the job description. As a Communications Consultant, you might want to mention your abilities in strategic planning, crisis management, public relations, media relations, internal and external communications, and any other relevant skills. Use specific examples from your previous roles to demonstrate these skills. 5. Achievements: Discuss any notable achievements in your career, particularly those that demonstrate your ability to deliver results. This could include successful campaigns you've run, improvements in communication you've achieved, or any awards or recognitions you've received. 6. Knowledge about the Company: Show that you've done your research about the company and explain why you're interested in working there. This could include mentioning the company's mission, values, or recent projects that have caught your attention. 7. Closing: In your closing paragraph, express your enthusiasm for the role and your interest in an interview. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application. 8. Professional Closing: End the letter with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name and signature. Remember, a cover letter should be tailored to each job application, highlighting how your skills and experiences make you a good fit for the specific role and company you're applying to. It should complement your resume, not simply repeat it.

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Communications Officer Cover Letter Example

Writing a cover letter for a Communications Officer role can feel like a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be. With the right kind of guidance and advice, putting together the perfect cover letter can be a fairly straightforward and simple process. This guide will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to write a successful cover letter along with an example of a convincing and compelling Communications Officer cover letter.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of cover letter examples .

cover letter for a job in communications

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Communications Officer Cover Letter Sample

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the role of Communications Officer at your organization.

With more than five years of experience in the field, I am confident that I can bring great value to your team. My knowledge of communication strategies and practices, along with my passion for developing positive relationships, means I have the skills to help build and maintain your company’s reputation.

I have a proven track record of success in creating and deploying effective communication campaigns that have met and exceeded objectives. I am used to working with a wide range of stakeholders and have managed the full life cycle of projects from the initial planning stages through to delivery. I have experience in developing key messaging, copywriting, and creating digital content, as well as developing traditional media relations. My communications expertise has led to an increase in website traffic, an improvement in media coverage, and a higher level of engagement with stakeholders.

I am confident that I will be able to make a positive contribution to your team and am excited at the prospect of bringing my expertise to your organization.

I look forward to discussing the role in more detail.

[Your Name]

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What should a Communications Officer cover letter include?

A Communications Officer cover letter should be concise and succinct, yet provide enough information to demonstrate your qualifications and value to a potential employer. Specific information that should be included in a cover letter for a Communications Officer position include:

  • A brief introduction that outlines your interest in the position and why you are a good fit
  • An overview of your experience and qualifications in the industry, including credentials and any specialized knowledge you bring to the role
  • A few examples of successes you have achieved in previous communications- focused roles
  • Specific skills you possess that you feel make you an ideal fit for the Communications Officer role
  • A summary of your personal communication style and how it would benefit the organization
  • Details of any awards or recognition you have received for your performance in a communications capacity
  • A closing that reiterates your interest in the position and contains your contact information

Communications Officer Cover Letter Writing Tips

Writing a cover letter for a Communications Officer job can be a daunting task. But having a strong, well- crafted covering letter could make all the difference when it comes to grabbing the attention of a hiring manager. Here are some tips to help you create a successful cover letter for a Communications Officer role:

  • Research: Before you start writing your cover letter, research the company and the role you are applying for. This will give you an understanding of the company’s values and what they are looking for in a Communications Officer.
  • Showcase your skills: As a Communications Officer, you will need to demonstrate your skills on how you can help the company achieve its goals. Make sure to highlight your experience and expertise in the field, as well as any relevant coursework or training you may have completed.
  • Tailor the letter: Take the time to tailor your cover letter to the specific role and company. This will show that you have taken the time to learn about the company, understand their needs, and make sure your skills and experience are a good fit.
  • Be clear and concise: Your cover letter should be short, sweet, and to the point. Avoid long, drawn out sentences, and make sure each point you make is relevant and well- explained.
  • Proofread: Before you send out your cover letter, make sure you proofread it thoroughly. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, and make sure the tone of your letter is professional and appropriate.

By following these tips, you can create a powerful and effective cover letter for a Communications Officer role. Good luck!

Common mistakes to avoid when writing Communications Officer Cover letter

A cover letter is a key document for any job application, including for a position as a Communications Officer. To ensure a hiring manager takes note of your application, it’s important to avoid certain mistakes that can be easily avoided. Here are a few of the most common mistakes to avoid when writing a Communications Officer cover letter:

  • Not tailoring your letter: A generic cover letter is a surefire way to get your application tossed aside. Make sure to customize your letter for each position you’re applying for, highlighting your relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate.
  • Not using the right tone: A cover letter should be professional, but it’s also important to be personable and show off your unique personality. Before submitting your cover letter, take the time to read it through and ensure it’s an accurate reflection of who you are.
  • Not including enough details: A cover letter should provide a hiring manager with enough information to pique their interest and encourage them to read your resume. Make sure to include pertinent details about your work experience and skills that make you a competitive candidate.
  • Not proofreading carefully: It’s important to double (or triple) check your cover letter for any typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors. If possible, it’s helpful to ask a friend or family member to read your letter before you submit it.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your cover letter for a Communications Officer role is top- notch and helps you stand out from the competition.

Key takeaways

Writing a cover letter for a Communications Officer position can be a daunting task as you need to strike a balance between emphasizing your qualifications and showing your enthusiasm for the role. However, with the right approach, you can create an impressive cover letter that will catch the eye of potential employers. Here are the key takeaways to help you write an impressive cover letter for a Communications Officer role:

  • Research the company and the role: Knowing the company’s goals and mission, as well as the specific responsibilities of the Communications Officer position, will help you tailor your cover letter to the job.
  • Highlight relevant experience: This is the most crucial aspect of your cover letter. Demonstrate your knowledge and skills, and try to provide concrete examples of your past accomplishments.
  • Keep it brief: Too many words will leave a potential employer confused and uninterested. Stick to a one- page letter and provide only the most important information.
  • Show enthusiasm: Don’t forget to express your enthusiasm and excitement for the role and the company. Show the employer your passion and dedication.
  • Proofread: One of the most important elements of any cover letter is ensuring it’s free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Have someone else read it to make sure it’s perfect before you send it.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your cover letter for a Communications Officer role stands out and showcases your skills and enthusiasm. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions do i write a cover letter for an communications officer job with no experience.

Writing a cover letter for a Communications Officer job with no experience can be daunting. However, it is possible to craft a compelling letter that will draw attention to your strengths and qualifications.

Begin by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Be sure to highlight any relevant training or certifications you have, and connect those to the skills required for the job. If you have volunteered in the communications field, include specific details about those experiences and how they have prepared you for the role.

In the body of the letter, discuss the strengths and abilities you have that make you a strong candidate for the position. Emphasize your interpersonal and communication skills, and discuss any leadership positions you have held in the past. Use specific examples to illustrate your qualifications, and draw attention to any awards or recognition you have received.

Finally, conclude your letter by expressing your enthusiasm for the position. Show that you have taken the time to research the company and are eager to make a positive contribution to its success if given the opportunity.

2.How do I write a cover letter for an Communications Officer job experience?

Crafting a cover letter for a Communications Officer job with experience is a much easier task than writing one with no experience. Begin by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Be sure to mention any experience you have in the communications field, and describe how you have used your skills in a professional setting.

Include specific details about any successes you have had in the field. If you have managed a communications team, describe the results you achieved and how you exceeded expectations. If you have written press releases or articles, provide examples of the topics you covered and the success of each piece.

Discuss the strengths and abilities you have that make you a strong candidate for the position. Express your enthusiasm for the position and provide details about any successes you have had in the field. If you have managed a communications team, describe the strategies you employed to meet and exceed expectations, the results achieved and the impact these results had on the organization. If you have written press releases or articles, provide examples of the topics you covered and the success of each piece. Discuss how you applied your knowledge, experience, and creativity to create effective content.

In addition to this, be sure to check out our cover letter templates , cover letter formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

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cover letter for a job in communications

Cover Letter

Communications Specialist   Cover Letter

Communications specialist cover letter (with examples).

It should come as no surprise that Communications Specialists specialize in communication. It is in the name, after all.

The ability to communicate a company or organization’s messaging is the foundation of the role. Communicating with the media, crafting and coordinating press conferences, presentations, and events all fall under your purview.

While including a cover letter is always an excellent idea, including a cover letter with your Communications Specialist resume is hardly optional.

A role like this requires excellent, expert-level communication skills . Both written and verbal communication skills matter, given the duties expected. Your cover letter provides you with an opportunity to display your mastery of the written word.

Your job as a Communications Specialist is to build a company’s relationship with the media and the public. If you can’t connect with your potential employer through your cover letter, they will never believe you can fulfill the job’s requirements.

Looking for a job? These position are hiring now near you:

  • Communications Specialist
  • Corporate Communications Specialist
  • Communications Associate
  • Senior Communications Specialist
  • Communications Consultant

Parts of a Communications Specialist Cover Letter

Just like any other form of written communication, a cover letter has very specific writing guidelines. You want to deliver a well-written and properly formatted cover letter , or you send the wrong message.

Hiring managers are intimately familiar with the standard formatting of both cover letters and resumes. They know what elements a cover letter should include and will likely see something amiss with a cursory glance.

Familiarize yourself with the key elements of a cover letter before writing your own.

Header. Similar to a formal business letter — which is essentially what a cover letter is — you will need to begin your letter with a proper heading .

There are several required, and some optional, elements that you will need to include in your header. But formatting is up to you in a way. You can simply left-align the entire heading, or you can match the header on your resume for your personal contact information .

Required header elements are:

Your first and last name

Your phone number

Your professional email address

The date of submission

The hiring manager ’s name

The hiring manager’s professional title

The company name

You also have the option to include:

Your professional title

Your current address or city of residence

Your LinkedIn

Your personal website

Your online portfolio

Alexander Gibbons 152 Comm Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90001 555-123-4567 [email protected] January 1, 2021 Illeana Gray Director of Human Resources CommYou, Inc. 123 Business Avenue Los Angeles, CA 9001

Greeting. This is a letter, so you will need to address your cover letter to someone. That someone should always be the hiring manager . As someone who needs to be adept at research, there is no excuse for a generic cover letter greeting.

Your cover letter greeting should always begin with “Dear.” Unless you have a personal relationship with the hiring manager, you should use their last name. Additionally, you should never assume marital status. It should always be “Mr.” and, if you do not know marital status, “Ms..”

Opening paragraph. The first few lines of your cover letter are critical. This is your introduction, your first impression, and you want to immediately grab the reader’s attention — and keep it.

As with any communications you will be handling, you want to be clear and concise here. In addition to hooking in the reader , your opening paragraph should do two things:

Tell the hiring manager what position you are applying for.

Highlight an attention-grabbing achievement, convey your genuine excitement, showcase your passion , or do some combination of the three.

Body paragraph(s). If the opening paragraph is your first impression, then the body of your cover letter is your sales pitch. You have their attention; now you need to prove you deserve it.

You need to show your potential employer more than your ability to fulfill the job duties mentioned in the job description. The body of your cover letter should show them why you are the ideal candidate for this role and their company.

There are options when it comes to the formatting of your cover letter body. You can:

Include one body paragraph

Include one body paragraph with an attached bulleted list of achievements

Include two body paragraphs

Include two body paragraphs with a bulleted list of achievements attached to the first

Closing lines. Like your opening paragraph, your closing lines are critical. You got their attention and dazzled them with your abilities; now you need to get the interview. You need to close strong and have them reaching for the phone before they even move on to the next application.

Before you give them a reason to reach out, you should thank the reader for their time and reiterate your value to them.

Sign-off. You will need to include a professional close to your letter. This should consist of a professional sign-off and your first and last name. Additionally, you can include your contact information again below your name.

“Sincerely” is the expected sign-off, but many are tired of using it and opt for a different sign-off. You can also use:

Best Regards


Postscript (optional). This is an additional opportunity for you to really grab their attention and entice them to schedule that coveted interview. Since a P.S. is so infrequently used on cover letters, it is straying from the typical format.

This will likely be the first thing the hiring manager notices. If you are going to include one, it should be just as strong (if not stronger) than your opening.

Communications Specialist Cover Letter Opening

As a Communications Specialist, you should have a mastery of the written word. Your cover letter should most definitely display this skill. But, first, you need to convince the hiring manager to read it.

Outside of the overall format (and a postscript if you’re including one), this is what the reader will see first. These lines are your make it or break it.

A strong opening will capture the hiring manager’s interest and convince them to read on. A poorly written opening will earn you a one-way trip to the discard pile.

Use your writing abilities and your talents to stand out from the other job applicants. Give the hiring manager a reason to choose you above the others.

Dear Ms. Gray, I am no stranger to the deadline-driven, fast-paced world of communications. As a double major at UCLA, focusing my studies on Communications and Business, I participated in multiple extracurricular activities holding leadership roles in many. CommYou, Inc. needs someone who works well under pressure and is adept at cultivating relationships and delivering key messaging in your Communications Specialist role. I would be an excellent asset.

Search For Communications Specialist Jobs

Communications specialist cover letter body.

You may not be familiar or comfortable with the art of selling. But, you should definitely be familiar with persuasive writing. It is one of the expected skills for a Communications Specialist.

Put your skills to good use here.

Use your experience, your qualifications, and your achievements to show them you are their ideal candidate. Use the job description to help you decide which to highlight. We’ll say that again: use the job description.

The job listing will have much of what you need to write a cover letter that truly speaks to what the company needs. They tell you exactly what duties and qualifications they want and what expectations they have. This may not mention soft skills , but you will want to include them in your cover letter as well.

Here are some skills a Communications Specialist should have:

Strong writing skills

Public speaking skills

Presentation skills

Attention to detail

Research skills

Problem-solving skills

Decision-making skills

Interpersonal skills

As a Communications Specialist, you need to be intimately familiar with a brand’s messaging. Normally, you research a company before the interview. Do your research before you write your cover letter.

Show the hiring manager that you already know their brand voice and understand their messaging. Demonstrate what you could provide them if they choose to hire you.

My experience working in marketing and public relations has given me an expert knowledge of new and traditional media channels — including all current social media platforms. I am well-versed in the art of creating web and social media content, responding to media inquiries, and coordinating communications programs, all while staying on message. If something does go wrong, I am comfortable stepping in to coordinate damage control, shifting the company back into a positive light. With my professionalism and expertise, CommYou, Inc. will be able to build brand awareness, elevate brand image, and communicate key messaging through marketing campaigns, promotional events, and all media outlets.

Communications Specialist Cover Letter Closing Lines

Your opening paragraph hooked them. Your body paragraphs kept them engaged. Your closing lines are your opportunity to reel them in and claim the prize -- the interview.

Clear. Concise Convincing. Use your final lines to leave a lasting impression that has them reaching for the phone. Give them a reason to reach out.

You will find that I am a capable, team-oriented person with strong interpersonal, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. If my cover letter and resume can’t persuade you of my talents, then I don’t deserve to hear from you. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Sincerely, Alexander Gibbons [email protected] 555-123-4567

Example of a Communications Specialist Cover Letter

Alexander Gibbons 152 Comm Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90001 555-123-4567 [email protected] January 1, 2021 Illeana Gray Director of Human Resources CommYou, Inc. 123 Business Avenue Los Angeles, CA 9001 Dear Ms. Gray, I am no stranger to the deadline-driven, fast-paced world of communications. As a double major at UCLA, focusing my studies on Communications and Business, I participated in multiple extracurricular activities holding leadership roles in many. CommYou, Inc. needs someone who works well under pressure and is adept at cultivating relationships and delivering key messaging in your Communications Specialist role. I would be an excellent asset. My experience working in marketing and public relations has given me an expert knowledge of new and traditional media channels — including all current social media platforms . I am well-versed in the art of creating web and social media content, responding to media inquiries, and coordinating communications programs, all while staying on message. If something does go wrong, I am comfortable stepping in to coordinate damage control, shifting the company back into a positive light. With my professionalism and expertise, CommYou, Inc. will be able to build brand awareness, elevate brand image, and communicate key messaging through marketing campaigns, promotional events, and all media outlets. You will find that I am a capable, team-oriented person with strong interpersonal, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. If my cover letter and resume can’t persuade you of my talents, then I don’t deserve to hear from you. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Sincerely, Alexander Gibbons [email protected] 555-123-4567
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14 communications manager cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Communications Manager cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Communications Manager Roles

Table of contents

  • Communications Manager
  • Senior Communications Manager
  • Senior Communications Specialist
  • Marketing Communications Coordinator
  • PR & Communications Coordinator
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Communications Manager resume examples

Communications Manager Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, personal connection to the company.

By sharing a childhood memory of excitement around Microsoft's products, the applicant shows a genuine interest and personal connection to the company, making their application more memorable.

Quantifiable Accomplishment

Highlighting a specific achievement, like increasing social media engagement by 30%, provides concrete evidence of the applicant's skills and demonstrates their potential value to the company.

Relevant Experience

By mentioning a project that directly relates to the Communications Manager role, such as redesigning a newsletter, the applicant showcases their relevant experience and ability to contribute to the company's objectives.

Matching Personal Values with Company Culture

When you underline how your personal values align with the company's, you're not just saying you'll fit in; you're also showing that you understand and appreciate what the company stands for. This tells me you're committed and will likely thrive in our work environment.

Showcase tangible achievements

Pointing out a significant achievement where you made a measurable impact, like increasing user engagement by 40%, really helps paint a picture of your capabilities. It gives me an idea of what you could potentially bring to the table if we decide to hire you. And hey, who doesn't love hard numbers?

Demonstrate leadership and contextual relevance

The mention of leading a cross-functional team to create relatable tech content shows your leadership skills and your understanding of the audience. It also shows that you know our company well, and that you understand how we aim to make technology accessible to all. Great touch!

Express genuine excitement and alignment with the role

When you say what excites you about the role, it tells me you've done your homework on our company and the role. It also suggests that you're genuinely thrilled about the job, not just looking for the next paycheck.

Relate your skills to the company's mission

I love when you tell me how you're excited to contribute to Google's narrative. It shows that you understand our mission and that you're eager to be a part of it.

End with gratitude and a forward-looking note

Wrapping up your cover letter by thanking me for considering your application and expressing interest in discussing your alignment with the role is a classy move. It leaves a good impression and keeps the conversation open.

Connect personally with the company

Showing you know and use the company's products makes your application more personal and shows genuine interest.

Highlight communications success

Talking about your achievements with numbers shows the impact you can bring to the team.

Merge passion and profession

When you link your personal interests with your professional skills, it suggests you'll be more motivated and engaged in your work.

Admire the company's impact

Expressing admiration for what the company does builds a connection and shows you share their values.

Show eagerness to contribute

Ending with a forward-looking statement shows you're excited about the opportunity to make a difference.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Highlight your admiration for the company

Expressing your long-standing respect for Edelman and its storytelling prowess immediately grabs attention and shows you're not just looking for any job, but this one specifically.

Demonstrate your social media success

Quantifying your achievements, like increasing engagement and website traffic, provides solid evidence of your ability to execute successful campaigns.

Emphasize creative problem-solving

Your initiative in launching a guerrilla marketing campaign reveals your capability to think creatively and achieve significant results.

Advocate for innovation in communication

Stating your belief in taking risks and pushing boundaries aligns with the dynamic nature of a communications manager role, showing you're ready to lead with bold ideas.

Show eagerness to join the team

Your conclusion reaffirms your interest in the role and your desire to contribute to the company’s mission, making a strong final impression.

Connect your passion to the company's mission

Showing you understand and admire the company’s work strengthens your application. It tells me you're not just looking for any job, but you're interested in this particular role because it aligns with your personal interests and professional goals.

Highlight your achievements with numbers

By mentioning specific results, like increasing engagement or website traffic, you make your past success tangible. It’s easier for me to see the potential impact you could have in our company when you quantify your accomplishments.

Demonstrate experience in managing challenges

Talking about your crisis communication skills shows you're prepared for difficult situations. It reassures me that you can handle pressure and maintain the company’s good standing during challenging times.

Show eagerness to support the company’s goals

Expressing your admiration for our mission and your desire to contribute to it makes me see you as a potential team player who’s motivated by more than just the job itself.

Close with a forward-looking statement

Ending your cover letter on an optimistic note about discussing your contribution to our success leaves a positive impression. It makes me more inclined to want to meet you and learn more about how you can fit into our team.

Senior Communications Manager Cover Letter Example

Demonstrating impact through concrete metrics.

By quantifying your achievements, like you did when you mentioned the 35% increase in employee engagement, you're illustrating the tangible impact of your work. This makes your skills and your potential contribution real and relatable for me.

Senior Communications Specialist Cover Letter Example

Highlight strategic thinking and results.

Sharing about a marketing campaign you led that increased product visibility significantly tells me you are strategic, results-oriented, and can handle responsibility. It's a strong, compelling way to demonstrate the kind of value you can add to our team.

Prove crisis management skills

Handling a crisis communication plan during a data breach? That's a high-pressure situation, and your ability to manage it shows resilience, strategic thinking, and quick decision-making. These qualities are key for a Senior Communications Specialist, especially in a big company like Microsoft.

Connect with company initiatives

Your excitement to work on Microsoft’s AI for Good initiative shows me that you value our company's broader impact beyond just product and profit. It shows me that you’re not just interested in a job, you're interested in our mission.

Express a clear intention to contribute

Expressing your eagerness to bring your strategic thinking, creativity, and passion to Microsoft gives me a sense of your motivation and commitment. And that's exactly what we need in a Senior Communications Specialist.

End on an anticipatory note

Thanking us for considering your application and expressing your desire to discuss how you fit into the Microsoft team is a positive and proactive way to close your letter. It tells us that you're excited about this opportunity and ready to take the next step.

Show genuine interest in the company

Starting with your long-term interest in the company demonstrates you have a deep understanding of their evolution and growth.

Share specific achievements

Detailing a successful project with measurable outcomes suggests you're results-oriented and can replicate success.

Express alignment with the company's mission

Highlighting your excitement about the company's goals suggests you'll be a passionate and committed team member.

Link experience to company needs

Demonstrating how your background can support the company's objectives suggests you're a strong fit for the role.

Convey enthusiasm for the role

Ending with enthusiasm about joining the team shows you're not just looking for any job, but this specific role at this company.

Connect personal passion with professional goals

A cover letter shines when you link your deep interest in storytelling to the job. This shows me you're not just looking for any job, but one where you can use your passion.

Show your PR impact with numbers

Mentioning specific achievements, like increasing brand awareness and sales through a campaign, demonstrates clear value. It helps me see the direct impact of your work.

Highlight creative strategy in communications

Stressing your belief in pushing creative limits to spark conversations tells me you're innovative. It's important for roles needing fresh ideas.

Emphasize teamwork in creating impactful work

Expressing eagerness to collaborate with our team shows that you value collective success over individual achievements. This is key in our collaborative environment.

Express eagerness to contribute

Your closing statement makes it clear you're not just seeking a job, but an opportunity to make a meaningful difference. This enthusiasm is what we look for.

Make your personal values a strong point

Your connection to our cause right from the start makes me interested in you. It’s important for me to find someone who not only has the skills but also shares our commitment to conservation.

Use your past success to show potential impact

Detailing a past campaign’s success in tangible metrics, such as donation and volunteer increases, suggests you could achieve similar results with us. It clearly outlines what you bring to the table.

Align your interests with our focus areas

By highlighting your alignment with our science-based approach and value in partnerships, you position yourself as a good fit. It tells me you’ve done your homework and understand what we value most.

Express genuine enthusiasm for the role

Your excitement about joining our mission is contagious. It makes me more eager to consider you for the role because it’s clear you're passionate about the work we do.

End with a hopeful look towards the future

Your closing shows respect for the process and eagerness to be a part of our team. It sets a positive tone and makes me want to explore how you might contribute to our goals.

Marketing Communications Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Start with a personal connection.

Talking about your first experience with Canva makes your cover letter memorable. It shows your genuine interest in the company.

Show your marketing impact

Describing a specific project where you increased website traffic and lead generation by notable percentages showcases the direct impact of your work.

Translate customer needs into stories

Your ability to understand and craft stories based on customer interviews is a critical skill for a marketing communications coordinator.

Express admiration for the company

Sharing your respect for Canva’s mission enhances your cover letter by aligning your values with those of the company.

Close with enthusiasm

Ending your cover letter on a note of excitement about the role demonstrates your eagerness to contribute to the team.

Connect your passion with the job

When you talk about how the job fits your interests, it shows you're likely to be motivated and stay in the role longer. This is something hiring managers look for.

Quantify your marketing success

Giving clear numbers shows the real impact you have made. This is very convincing for hiring managers because it proves you can bring results.

Show enthusiasm for the role

Expressing excitement for the job and the company's mission makes you stand out as someone who will bring positive energy and dedication to the team.

Highlight your desire to contribute

Ending your letter by talking about how you can help the company shows you're thinking about what you can give, not just what you can get. This makes you look like a team player.

Always be polite

A polite closing shows good manners and professionalism, leaving a positive last impression on the hiring manager.

PR & Communications Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Match personal enthusiasm with company's reputation.

Starting by aligning your passion for PR with our known strengths in the field tells me you've done your homework and see yourself here.

Use success stories to demonstrate capability

Detailing how you secured media coverage for a client highlights not just your skills, but your drive and persistence. It's compelling evidence of what you can do.

Connect strategic thinking with business goals

When you talk about using communications to meet business objectives, it shows you understand the bigger picture. We need someone who sees beyond just the task at hand.

Show an understanding of media relations

Your experience on both sides of media relations gives you a unique perspective on what stories will resonate. This is a valuable asset in PR roles.

Highlight your eagerness to add value

Ending with a note on how you want to contribute to our success makes a strong closing. It shows you're proactive and ready to make an impact.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Communications Manager Roles

  • Communications Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Communications Coordinator / PR Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Communications Director Cover Letter Guide
  • Communications Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Communications Specialist Cover Letter Guide
  • Entry Level Communications Cover Letter Guide
  • Press Secretary Cover Letter Guide
  • Public Relations Manager Cover Letter Guide

Other Marketing Cover Letters

  • Brand Ambassador Cover Letter Guide
  • Brand Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Brand Strategist Cover Letter Guide
  • Campaign Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Content Creator Cover Letter Guide
  • Content Writer Cover Letter Guide
  • Creative Director Cover Letter Guide
  • Digital Strategist Cover Letter Guide
  • Director of Marketing Cover Letter Guide
  • Event Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Marketing Executive Cover Letter Guide
  • Marketing Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Social Media Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Technical Writer Cover Letter Guide
  • Video Editor Cover Letter Guide

cover letter for a job in communications

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

cover letter for a job in communications

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Communications Officer Cover Letter Example

Enhance your career prospects & learn creative tricks to use in your new cover letter with this highly instructive Communications Officer cover letter example. Use this cover letter sample at no cost or try to redesign it using our proven and tested cover letter builder.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Related resume guides and samples

How to write a powerful advertising manager resume?

How to write an irresistible brand ambassador manager resume?

How to write a content manager resume

How to write an impactful digital marketing resume?

How to write a job-winning event coordinator resume?

How to write a great marketing assistant resume?

How to write a great marketing manager resume

How to write an effective public relations resume

Communications Officer Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Elsa Teigland

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in the Communication Professional position at your organization. With a proven track record of success and a strong background in communication, I am confident that I can make a valuable contribution to your team.

During my tenure as a Communications Officer at CentralSquare Technologies, Ltd., I honed my skills in using industry software programs such as HubSpot Marketing, RankActive, iContact Pro, and Affise. Additionally, my academic background in Communications & Marketing from Tulane University, coupled with my experience as a Social Media Account Manager, has equipped me with the necessary expertise to excel in this role.

As a Certified Communication Management Professional, I am adept at developing and implementing communication strategies, creating promotional campaigns, managing social media platforms, and supervising employees. My proactive approach and track record of achievements, including increasing press coverage by 25% in just two years, demonstrate my ability to deliver results.

I have attached my resume for your review and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your organization. Thank you for considering my application.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Edit this sample using our resume builder.

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. artificial intelligence can write it for you..

Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

Similar job positions

Office Staff Events Coordinator / Planner Front Desk Receptionist Content Manager Administration Marketing Manager Brand Ambassador Manager Digital Marketing Facilities Manager Marketing Assistant Public Relations (PR) Personal Assistant

Related marketing / PR resume samples

Advertising Coordinator Resume Example

Related marketing / PR cover letter samples

PR Assistant Cover Letter Example

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WEEK 2 of Job Ready Series – TODAY!

The Get Job Search Ready series is an interactive virtual workshop series focused on creating professional resumes, writing effective cover letters, and preparing for job interviews offered by Career Services .

In the next few weeks, students can attend the sessions below. These workshops are designed for students in business-related programs. All students are welcome to attend and adapt the information to their field.

Workshops complement the Math, Science and Communication COMM-2172 Communication for the Workplace course.

  • Cover Letters: What Employers Want . Wednesday, June 26, 12 to 1pm
  • Cover Letters: Effective Paragraphs + AMA (Ask Me Anything) . Thursday, June 27, 12 to 1pm
  • Interviews: Strategies for Success. Thursday, July 4, 12 to 1pm
  • Interviews: Answers that Get You Hired . Friday, July 5, 12 to 1pm

To register:

  • Log in to RRC Polytech Career Bridge account here:  Career Bridge – Students .
  • Click “ Events & Workshops ”, select “ List View ”, and click on the blue “ Filter ” button.
  • In the Title field type “ Get Job Search Ready ” and click “ Apply Filter ”.
  • View the session you’d like to register for.
  • Click the blue “ Register for this event ” button.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. If you require any virtual accommodations including ASL-English interpretation, please email   no later than  5 days before the session  and include which sessions you will be attending.

Questions? Contact Career Services at .


  1. 6+ Communications Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    6 Communications Cover Letter Examples. Communications professionals excel at conveying messages clearly and effectively, bridging gaps and fostering understanding. Similarly, your cover letter is your chance to communicate your professional journey, skills, and passion in a way that resonates with recruiters.

  2. Communications Cover Letter

    Here's an example of how to start a cover letter for a communications specialist position: This cover letter starts well by showing the applicant's expertise and brand knowledge. 2. Demonstrate the right hard and soft skills for a communications job.

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  4. How to Write a Communications Cover Letter (Template and ...

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  5. How To Write an Entry-Level Communications Cover Letter

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  7. 2024 Communications Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools & Guidance)

    Communications professionals should include the following elements in their cover letter: 1. Contact Information: This includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. It's also a good idea to include your LinkedIn profile if you have one. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager directly if possible.

  8. How to Write a Communications Cover Letter (With Template)

    With a communications position, consider submitting a strong piece to showcase your writing abilities. Follow the steps below to help you create a communications cover letter: 1. Have a strong opening statement. Start with a strong opening statement to gain the hiring manager's attention and urge them to keep reading your cover letter.

  9. Communications Director Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    101-555-9102. [email protected] May 12, 2023 Dear Hiring Manager, I'm excited to apply for the Communications Director role at Westgate Apparel. I have 20 years of experience in the apparel and fashion industries and have worked in a variety of marketing and communications roles for over 13 years.

  10. Professional Communications Specialist Cover Letter Examples and

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  11. 7 Communications Specialist Cover Letter Examples

    Example 1: Public Relations Cover Letter. Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the Public Relations position at Edelman, a company renowned for its exceptional industry leadership and commitment to cutting-edge communications strategies.

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  13. 14 Entry Level Communications Cover Letters

    Why This Cover Letter Works in 2024. Demonstrate admiration for the entry level communications role. Your genuine interest in the company's innovative work and successful campaigns shows you are motivated and well-informed about the industry. Outline your communications skills and achievements.

  14. 2024 Communications Consultant Cover Letter Example (+Free Tools

    In a cover letter, Communications Consultants should include the following elements: 1. Contact Information: Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. 2. Salutation: Address the hiring manager directly if possible.

  15. Best Communications Officer Cover Letter Example for 2023

    Writing a cover letter for a Communications Officer job can be a daunting task. But having a strong, well- crafted covering letter could make all the difference when it comes to grabbing the attention of a hiring manager. Here are some tips to help you create a successful cover letter for a Communications Officer role:

  16. Communication Specialist Cover Letter Examples

    City, State, Zip Code. Home : 000-000-0000 Cell: 000-000-0000. [email protected]. Dear Ms. Cimini, I am writing to apply for the Communication Specialist with Global Worldwide Corporation. I am a communication professional with over eight years of providing communication and information distribution services in various industries.

  17. Communications Specialist Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Los Angeles, CA 9001. Greeting. This is a letter, so you will need to address your cover letter to someone. That someone should always be the hiring manager. As someone who needs to be adept at research, there is no excuse for a generic cover letter greeting. Your cover letter greeting should always begin with "Dear.".

  18. Communications Specialist Cover Letter Examples

    These cover letter examples can help you in developing your own communications specialist cover letter. Choose from a range of professional designs and find a format that fits your needs, and start writing your job-winning cover letter today. Click on any of the templates below to take the next step in your career! Create My Cover Letter.

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  20. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Communications Job

    For this type of position, consider showcasing your writing skills. Follow the steps below to write an effective communications cover letter: 1. Write a strong opening statement. A strong opening statement can get a recruiter's attention. It also encourages them to continue reading your cover letter.

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  22. Communications Officer Cover Letter Example

    555-555-5555. [email protected]. Remm, Inc. New Orleans, LA, United States. 20/11/2019. Application for the position of Communications Officer. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my interest in the Communication Professional position at your organization. With a proven track record of success and a strong background in communication, I ...

  23. How to write a communications officer cover letter

    Here are the steps you can follow when learning how to write an effective communications officer cover letter: 1. Address the letter. You can include your contact details, the date and the address of the company you're applying to at the top left-hand corner of the page. Your contact information includes your first and last name, phone number ...

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    Using keywords from the job ad in your cover letter (when applicable, of course) can help your letter pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan for relevant terms and qualifications. By incorporating keywords from the job description, you increase the chances that your application is recognized as a match for the position.

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    Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you're applying for an assistant job that ...

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  27. WEEK 2 of Job Ready Series

    The Get Job Search Ready series is an interactive virtual workshop series focused on creating professional resumes, writing effective cover letters, and preparing for job interviews offered by Career Services. In the next few weeks, students can attend the sessions below. These workshops are designed for students in business-related programs. All students are welcome to attend and adapt the ...