Olmec civilization.

The role of the Olmec in Mesoamerican society is a matter of hot debate between archaeologists and anthropologists.

Anthropology, Archaeology, Social Studies, Ancient Civilizations, World History, Storytelling

Olmec Head Statue

The Olmec colossal heads are the most famous artifacts left behind by the Olmec civilization. The Olmec people are believed to have occupied a large part of modern-day Southern Mexico.

Photograph by DEA / M. SEEMULLER

The Olmec colossal heads are the most famous artifacts left behind by the Olmec civilization. The Olmec people are believed to have occupied a large part of modern-day Southern Mexico.

The Olmec civilization is what is known as an archaeological culture. This means there is a collection of artifacts thought by archaeologists to represent a particular society . What is known about archaeological cultures is based on artifacts, rather than texts. In the case of the Olmec, archaeologists think artifacts found primarily on the northern half of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mesoamerica from 1200–500 B.C.E. timeframe represent the Olmec society. The name Olmec was actually invented by scholars. Derived from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word “Olmecatl”, which means “inhabitant of the rubber country”, Olmec is a reference to the rubber production in the area where many of the artifacts have been found.

There are several Olmec sites thought to be important centers of activity, of which San Lorenzo and La Venta are the most significant. San Lorenzo, about 56 kilometers (35 miles) south of the Gulf of Mexico in the modern Mexican state of Veracruz, was at its height around 1150 to 900 B.C.E. La Venta, east of San Lorenzo and closer to the Gulf Coast (15 kilometers/9 miles) in the modern Mexican state of Tabasco, reached its height in about 900–500 B.C.E.

Research at these and other sites has led to the following insights. The Olmec diet initially included foods from fishing and hunting. Maize and other crops were a later addition to their foodstuffs. The Olmec created massive monuments, including colossal stone heads, thrones, stela (upright slabs), and statues. They may have been the originators of the Mesoamerican ball game, a ceremonial team sport played throughout the region for centuries. They also built earthen mounds and pyramids , and ceramics of several types that became common throughout a broad region influenced by the Olmec civilization.

The Olmec Civilization was one of the most influential ancient civilizations of the early Americas, and though its dominance of the region faded in the last centuries before the Common Era, the Olmec civilization is commonly thought to be the “mother culture” of many other cultures that appeared in the region in later years. These cultures, such as the Maya, Zapotec, Totonac, and Teotihuacán civilizations have unique art, architecture, and cultures that separate them from each other, but many historians trace all of these cultures back to their shared Olmec heritage.

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Mesoamerican civilization

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statues: Tula Grande archaeological site

Mesoamerican civilization , the complex of indigenous cultures that developed in parts of Mexico and Central America prior to Spanish exploration and conquest in the 16th century. In the organization of its kingdoms and empires, the sophistication of its monuments and cities, and the extent and refinement of its intellectual accomplishments, the Mesoamerican civilization, along with the comparable Andean civilization farther south, constitutes a New World counterpart to those of ancient Egypt , Mesopotamia , and China .

A brief treatment of Mesoamerican civilization follows. For full treatment, see pre-Columbian civilizations .

The caves of Qumran on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, in the West Bank. The site of the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in 1947.

Archaeologists have dated human presence in Mesoamerica to possibly as early as 21,000 bce (though the dating of the Valsequillo finds on which that early date is based remains controversial). By 11,000 bce , hunting-and-gathering peoples occupied most of the New World south of the glacial ice cap covering northern North America . The cooler climate of this period as compared with that of the present day supported a grassland vegetation, especially in the highland valleys, that was ideal for large herds of grazing animals. The shift toward sedentary agriculture apparently began after about 7000 bce , when a dramatic global warming caused the glaciers to retreat and tropical forests to overtake the Mesoamerican grasslands.

write a two paragraph essay that describes the ways of life of the olmec and the zapotec

The gradual domestication of successful food plants—most notably a mutant corn (maize) with husks, dating to c. 5300 bce —over succeeding millennia gave rise to more or less permanent village farming life by about 1500 bce . In addition to corn, crops included beans , squashes , chili peppers , and cotton . As agricultural productivity improved, the rudiments of civilization emerged during the period designated by archaeologists as the Early Formative (1500–900 bce ). Pottery , which had appeared in some areas of the region as early as 2300 bce , perhaps introduced from Andean cultures to the south, took on varied and sophisticated forms. The idea of the temple-pyramid seems to have taken root during this period.

Corn cultivation in one area—the humid and fertile lowlands of southern Veracruz and Tabasco , in Mexico—was sufficiently productive to permit a major diversion of human energy into other activities, such as the arts and commerce. Struggles for control of this rich but limited farmland resulted in a dominant landowning class that shaped the first great Mesoamerican civilization, the Olmec .

write a two paragraph essay that describes the ways of life of the olmec and the zapotec

San Lorenzo , the oldest known Olmec centre, dates to about 1150 bce , a time when the rest of Mesoamerica was at best on a Neolithic level. The site is most noted for its extraordinary stone monuments, especially the “colossal heads” measuring up to 9 feet (nearly 3 metres) in height and possibly representing players in a ritual ball game ( see tlachtli ).

The period known as the Middle Formative (900–300 bce ), during which the La Venta urban complex rose and flourished, was one of increased cultural regionalism. The Zapotec people, for example, attained a high level of development at Monte Albán , producing the first writing and written calendar in Mesoamerica. However, at this site, as well as in the Valley of Mexico, the Olmec presence can be widely detected.

In the subsequent Late Formative and Classic periods, lasting until about 700–900 ce , the well-known Maya , Zapotec, Totonac , and Teotihuacán civilizations developed distinctive variations on their shared Olmec heritage. The Maya, for example, brought astronomy , mathematics , calendar making, and hieroglyphic writing , as well as monumental architecture, to their highest expression in the New World. At the same time, Teotihuacán, in the Valley of Mexico, became the capital of a political and commercial empire encompassing much of Mesoamerica.

Teotihuacán power diminished after about 600, and for the next several centuries numerous states vied for supremacy. The Toltec s of Tula , in central Mexico, prevailed from about 900 to 1200 (the Early Postclassic Period). Following Toltec decline, a further period of unrest in the Late Postclassic Period lasted until 1428, when the Aztec defeated the rival city of Azcapotzalco and became the dominant force in central Mexico. This last native Mesoamerican empire fell to the Spaniards, led by Hernán Cortés , in 1521.

Influence of the Olmec Civilization on Mesoamerica

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Olmec Trade and Commerce

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Olmec Mythology:

Engineering and intellectual accomplishments:, olmec influence and mesoamerica:.

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The Olmec civilization thrived along Mexico's gulf coast from approximately 1200-400 B.C. and is considered the parent culture of many of the important Mesoamerican cultures that came after, including the Aztec and Maya. From their great cities, San Lorenzo and La Venta, Olmec traders spread their culture far and wide and eventually built a large network through Mesoamerica. Although many aspects of Olmec culture have been lost to time, what little is known about them is very important because their influence was so great.

Before the dawn of the Olmec civilization, trade in Mesoamerica was common. Highly desirable items like obsidian knives, animal skins, and salt were routinely traded between neighboring cultures. The Olmecs created long-distance trade routes to obtain the things they needed, eventually making contacts all the way from the valley of Mexico to Central America. Olmec traders swapped finely made Olmec celts, masks and other small pieces of art with other cultures such as the Mokaya and Tlatilco, getting jadeite, serpentine, obsidian, salt, cacao, pretty feathers and more in return. These extensive trade networks spread Olmec culture far and wide, spreading Olmec influence throughout Mesoamerica.

The Olmec had a well-developed religion and belief in a cosmos comprised of an underworld (represented by the Olmec fish monster), the Earth (Olmec Dragon) and skies (bird monster). They had elaborate ceremonial centers: the well-preserved Complex A at La Venta is the best example. Much of their art is based on their religion, and it is from surviving pieces of Olmec art that researchers have managed to identify no fewer than eight different Olmec gods . Many of these early Olmec gods, such as the Feathered Serpent, the maize god, and the rain god, found their way into the mythology of later civilizations such as the Maya and Aztecs. Mexican researcher and artist Miguel Covarrubias made a famous diagram of how different Mesoamerican divine images all diverged from an early Olmec source.

Apart from the religious aspects of Olmec society mentioned above, Olmec mythology seems to have caught on with other cultures as well. The Olmecs were fascinated with "were-jaguars," or human-jaguar hybrids: some Olmec art has caused speculation that they believed that some human-jaguar cross-breeding had once taken place, and depictions of fierce were-jaguar babies are a staple of Olmec art. Later cultures would continue the human-jaguar obsession: one good example is the jaguar warriors of the Aztec. Also, at the El Azuzul site near San Lorenzo, a pair of extremely similar statues of young men placed with a pair of jaguar statues brings to mind the two pairs of hero twins whose adventures are narrated in the Popol Vuh , known as the Maya bible. Although there are no confirmed courts used for the famous Mesoamerican ballgame at Olmec sites, rubber balls used for the game were unearthed at El Manatí.

Artistically speaking, the Olmec were far ahead of their time: their art shows a skill and aesthetic sense far greater than that of contemporary civilizations. The Olmec produced celts, cave paintings, statues, wooden busts, statues, figurines, stelae and much more, but their most famous artistic legacy is doubtless the colossal heads. These giant heads, some of which stand nearly ten feet tall, are striking in their artwork and majesty. Although the colossal heads never caught on with other cultures, Olmec art was very influential on the civilizations that followed it. Olmec stelae, such as La Venta Monument 19 , can be indistinguishable from Mayan art to the untrained eye. Certain subjects, such as plumed serpents, also made the transition from Olmec art to that of other societies.

The Olmec were the first great engineers of Mesoamerica. There is an aqueduct at San Lorenzo, carved out of dozens of massive stones then laid side-by side. The royal compound at La Venta shows engineering as well: the "massive offerings" of Complex A are complicated pits filled with stones, clay, and supporting walls, and there is a tomb there built with basalt support columns. The Olmec may have given Mesoamerica its first written language as well. Undecipherable designs on certain pieces of Olmec stonework may be early glyphs: later societies, such as the Maya, would have elaborate languages using glyphic writing and would even develop books . As the Olmec culture faded into the Epi-Olmec society seen in the Tres Zapotes site, the people developed an interest in the calendar and astronomy, two other fundamental building blocks of Mesoamerican society.

Researchers who study ancient societies embrace something called the "continuity hypothesis." This hypothesis posits that there has been a set of religious and cultural beliefs and norms in place in Mesoamerica that has run through all of the societies that lived there and that information from one society can often be used to fill in the gaps left in others.

The Olmec society then becomes particularly important. As the parent culture - or at least one of the most important early formative cultures of the region - it had influence out of proportion with, say, its military might or prowess as a trading nation. Olmec pieces that give some information about the gods, society or have a bit of writing on them - such as the famous Las Limas Monument 1 - are particularly prized by researchers.

Coe, Michael D and Rex Koontz. Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs. 6th Edition. New York: Thames and Hudson, 2008

Cyphers, Ann. "Surgimiento y decadencia de San Lorenzo, Veracruz." Arqueología Mexicana Vol XV - Num. 87 (Sept-Oct 2007). P. 30-35.

Diehl, Richard A. The Olmecs: America's First Civilization. London: Thames and Hudson, 2004.

Grove, David C. "Cerros Sagradas Olmecas." Trans. Elisa Ramirez. Arqueología Mexicana Vol XV - Num. 87 (Sept-Oct 2007). P. 30-35.

Gonzalez Tauck, Rebecca B. "El Complejo A: La Venta, Tabasco" Arqueología Mexicana Vol XV - Num. 87 (Sept-Oct 2007). p. 49-54.

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  • The Olmec Capital of La Venta - History and Archaeology
  • San Lorenzo (Mexico)
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  • The Colossal Heads of the Olmec

Take the role of James Madison. Write an essay for the Federalist Papers, urging states to ratify the Constitution. Use details about the Constitution to support your argument.

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

My essay about the Federalists' paper would be the following.

Dear Fellow Americans

This new nation is living in complex times.

As it usually happens after so many changes, the old practices and views have not really ended, and the new ideas cannot be started yet.

The delegates of many states had met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the Constitutional Convention, and after so much discussion and debate, we have come to reach an agreement about the new Constitution for our country.

The result had been several laws created to benefit and the future of the American people.

Our priority has been to form a strong central government that has the power and influence to make the best decisions, thinking about the citizens of this great nation.

That is why I am inviting you to support this set of laws because, under a strong federal government, we can overcome every difficulty that is presented.

I kindly urge this great state to ratify the Constitution for the many benefits it includes. The sooner we do this, the better for our nation.

This new nation is living in difficult times. As usually happens after so many changes, the old practices and views have not really ended, and the new ideas cannot be started yet. The delegates of many states had met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the Constitutional Convention. After so much discussion and debate, we have come to reach an agreement about the new Constitution for our country. The result had been several laws created to benefit the future of the American people. Our priority has been to form a strong central government that has the power and influence to make the best decisions, thinking about the citizens of this great nation. That is why I am inviting you to support this set of laws because, under a strong federal government, we can overcome every difficulty. I kindly urge this great state to ratify the Constitution for the many benefits it includes. The sooner we do this, the better for our nation.

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Answer: Option A is the correct one.


A) It was a waterway for trading.


Based on the passage, the information given was geared towards trade and how the Indus River was a way to transport goods to nearby cities.

Hope this helps!

Brainliest is appreciated. :) HAVE A NICE DAY

What is one claim opposing King’s work to which he is responding in the first paragraph of the letter?

How did the treaty of paris in 1763 change the map if North America?

France no longer controlled the lands in the Ohio River Valley. British settlers began moving over the Appalachian mountains which caused problems with Native Americans.

45. Which of the following best describes the activities of the Freedmen's Bureau? A) It was the first large-scale federal welfare program in the U.S., assisting both blacks and whites. B) It was limited to the establishment of black schools and enforcing contracts between freedpeople and landowners. C) It was designed to provide educational and economic assistance to freed slaves. D) It distributed rations and established hospitals, but anything beyond that was simply not possible with its very limited budget and total lack of congressional.

what are the reasonings for these facts and opinions? (2) They were the most important colonies in English America. (FACTS) (3) The Middle Colonies enjoyed fertile soil and a slightly milder climate than that of New England. Farmers in this region cultivated larger tracts of land and produced bigger harvests than those in New En- gland (OPINIONS) (4) The New England farmers were not as industrious as the farmers in the Middle Colonies. (OPINIONS) (5) In New York and Pennsylvania, farmers grew great quantities of wheat and other cash crops. (FACTS) (6) Crops grown in the Middle Colonies tasted better than those grown in New England. (OPINIONS) (7) Farmers also sent cargoes of wheat and livestock to New York City and Philadelphia for shipment. (FACTS) (8) This commerce helped these cities become busy ports. (FACTS) (if this is too confusing, its ok dont waste youre time) ​

From the four FACTS given one can reason that the writer is talking about the United States of America.

And also, the three OPINIONS given indicates that  the take of the writer on two things which are The Middle Colonies and the New England

There are four FACTS and Three OPINIONS from the question, for the two group of statements it is expected to infer something out of the two groups given and the answers can either be a FACT or an OPINION.

Please help I missed alot of school

I just want to let you know that you can google the first question a quizlet may pop up

How did the Navajo Tribe help the war effort?

The navajo men made an unbreakable code. Theyconveyedmessages by telephone and radio in their native language.

How did the 15th Amendment CHANGE the role of the federal government?

25. Five peseta coins from Spain were dropped into a graduated cylinder containing 20.20 mL of water. The volume of the water increased to 22.05 mL. A single coin had a mass of 0.99 gram. What is the identity of the metal used to make the peseta coins? A. zinc (density = 7.1 g/mL) B. copper (density = 9.0 g/mL) C. silver (density = 10.5 g/mL) D. aluminum (density = 2.7 g/mL)

The identity of the metal used to make the peseta coins is Aluminum (density = 2.7 g / mL)

To know the identity of the metal used to make the peseta coins , it is necessary to carry out the following steps.

1. Identify the total mass of the pesetas . To do this, multiply the mass ( 0.99 ) by five (number of pesetas used)

0.99g X 5g = 4.95g

2. Identify the difference in mL of water before and after adding the pesetas . To do this, the initial value is subtracted from the final value .

22.05mL - 20.20mL = 1.85 mL

3. To identify the density and the material used, it is necessary to divide the total grams of pesetas ( 4.95g ) into the mL that the water increased ( 1.85 mL )

4.95g / 1.85mL = 2.67 g / mL

This result is close to 2.7 g / mL.

According to the above, the correct answer is D.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/14651380

I’ll give brainliest Early Civilizations in the Americas Reference Library, 2005 In the early 1900s the Olmecs (pronounced OLE-mecks) were a little known cultural group (a group of people who share customs, history, beliefs, and other traits) of ancient Mesoamerica. Scholars had named the group based on the artistic style of a few of their artifacts (things created or used by humans in past times), but no one knew when they had lived. In fact, most people assumed the Olmecs had lived after the ancient Maya (pronounced MY-uh); some believed they were simply a separate grouping of Maya people. Ignorance about the Olmecs was based in part on the geography of their heartland (the central region of a cultural group, where their traditional values and customs are practiced). The hot and swampy jungles in which the Olmecs had lived were so inaccessible that few had ventured there to seek answers about ancient societies. The jungle forests had long ago engulfed the abandoned cities of the Olmecs, hiding them from sight. Over the centuries the heat and moisture combined forces to decay thousands of artifacts and remains of the once-flourishing society. 13. Why was so little known about the Olmec in the early 1900s? a. Scholars named the group based on their art instead of their location b. Most people thought the Olmec lived after the Maya c. The jungles and heat made it hard for people to find artifacts where the Olmecs lived d. There were too many artifacts to study

Why did German government most likely order the New Jersey munitions bombings? The Russians had invaded Berlin. The U.S. refused to sell military supplies to Germany. The company charged Germany more than other countries for weapons. The US entered the war.

A.) The U.S. refused to sell military supplies to Germany.

I took the quiz

The  German government most likely order the New Jersey munitions bombings because The U.S. refused to sell military supplies to Germany. Therefore option B is correct .

A bomb is an explosive weapon that releases energy violently and abruptly through the exothermic reaction of an explosive substance. Damage from detonations is primarily caused by pressure damage, ground and atmosphere-transmitted mechanical stress, projectile impact and penetration , and explosion-generated effects . Since the 11th century, bombs have been used, first in East Asia .

Although the persons utilizing the explosive devices may occasionally refer to them as "bombs," the term "bomb" is not typically used to describe explosive weapons employed for civilian objectives , such as construction or mining. The term "bomb" is often used in the military to describe airdropped , non-powered explosive weapons, which are most frequently employed by air forces and naval aircraft .

To learn more about bombs follow the link.


how did the compromise address the question of slavery in the rest of the louisiana purchase? help now​

Confucius created Confucianism because he wanted to: A. help leaders rule China more effectively. B. show Chinese people how to connect with nature. C. prove that politics was really a waste of time. D. make sure China could defeat its enemies.

Answer:its b

Explanation:it’s in the picture

What post-war issues in Europe led to a series of "velvet revolutions" to allow Cold War socialist nations to choose self-determination? Please provide at least two full paragraphs and two specific pieces of evidence

The issues that gave rise to the "Velvet Revolutions" in Eastern Europe in the late-1980s were the economic and social crises that took place in the communist nations that were part of the Warsaw Pact, by means of which the quality of life and economic conditions of the inhabitants of these nations deteriorated notably.

Thus, these "velvet" revolutions were called as such due to the non-violence with which they developed, as they were carried out in a peaceful manner and without confrontations between citizens and the police, army and other government representatives.

In most of the nations of Eastern Europe, such as Czechoslovakia, Hungary or Bulgaria, among others, these revolutions followed this pacifist pattern that finally ended up ending the communist governments in the region.

A communist nation is a sovereign state in which all members of the community own the same amount of production factors.

People, physical capital, energy wealth , and enterprise are the four components of production .

Personal and group demands are taken into account in a socialist country.

The socioeconomic conflicts that transpired in the communist countries that were affiliates of the Warsaw Pact in the late 1980s were the issues that prompted the "Velvet Rebellions " in Eastern Europe .

As an outcome, the standard of living and financial standards of the employees of these countries deteriorated significantly.

As a byproduct of the peacefulness with which they grew, these " velvet " revolutionaries were dubbed as such, as they were carried out in a peaceful way and without conflicts between residents and police, army, and other government agents.  

Most Eastern European countries, including Czechoslovakia , Hungary, and Bulgaria , followed this pacifist trend, which eventually led to the demise of communist regional powers.

To know more about the series of velvet revolutions , refer to the link below:


Read this excerpt from Immigrant Kids, by Russell Freedman. Most of these immigrants were poor. Somehow they managed to scrape together enough money to pay for their passage to America. Many immigrant families arrived penniless. Others had to make the journey in stages. Often the father came first, found work, and sent for his family later. The purpose of this excerpt is to help readers understand the health challenges immigrants faced. the homesickness immigrants felt. the language confusion of immigrants. the immigrants’ struggle to make a living. plz HELP

The correct answer is

"The purpose of this excerpt is to help readers understand the immigrants’ struggle to make a living."

In the excerpt there are some cues to determine that immigrants faced a difficult financial time. The passage starts by mentioning that all immigrants were poor. Then, it adds that it was diffucult to get the money for a passage to America and how some of them arrived with no money.

So, based on the hints in the paragraph, we can infer that its purpose is to show the struggle of immigrants to make a living.

The guy on top of me had a post to long  so If you wanna save time and not waste it on reading his answer, the answer is D, "The immigrants struggle to make a living" . Judging by the excerpt, you should be able to know.

Which describes the Stamp Act of 1765?

The stamp act was am act of parliament from great Britain which made British colonies in America pay direct tax

Question 1 of 10 Some people objected to Elvis's suggestive hip movements. A. True B. False


The graphic above illustrates Stephen F. Austin's changing attitude towards fight for independence from Mexico. This change was brought about because of Austin's - A arrest by Mexican officials B creation of the Mier y Terán report C work to pass the Law of April 6, 1830 D participation in the Fredonian Rebellion

The answer is a arrest by Mexican officials

Why was America neutral at the beginning of the War?

Why did the United States choose to stay neutral in 1914? ... Put simply the United States did not concern itself with events and alliances in Europe and thus stayed out of the war. Wilson was firmly opposed to war, and believed that the key aim was to ensure peace, not only for the United States but across the world.

The US didn't concern itself with events and alliances in Europe and thus stayed out of the war.

What event caused the seven years war​

In the early 1750s, French expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought France into armed conflict with the British colonies. In 1756–the first official year of fighting in the Seven Years War–the British suffered a series of defeats against the French and their broad network of Native American alliances.

this was a series of holy wars with the goal of trying to take the hold city of Jerusalem ​

These wars wear the Crusades

5. What was ome sociall me form that occumed during the antebellum period? (I point) ○The needy were sent to prison. ○Prisomers were released from prison early. ○ Prisoners were treated more humanely. ○Womem earned the right to wote.​

The technological advances and religious and social movements of the Antebellum Period had a profound effect on the course of American history, including westward expansion to the Pacific, a population shift from farms to industrial centers, sectional divisions that ended in civil war, the abolition of slavery and the ...

How did the 14th Amendment CHANGE the role of the federal government?

The 14th amendment changed the Government by giving the roles if citizens into the Politics and it also protected the rights of the citizens

Why did Congress pass the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, when the US had functioned without a central bank since 1836?

Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, when the US had functioned without a central bank since 1836 because it wanted to end the numerous financial crises faced by the nation since its founding.

Primarily, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the central bank of the United States.  Its purposes included the printing of currency, control of money supply, maximization of employment, and the minimization of inflation.

The nation needed to enjoy economic stability by having a central bank that executes the monetary policies of the Federal government.  The Federal Reserve Act provided the United States government with a safer, more stable, and more flexible monetary and financial system.  Since its establishment, it has worked to ensure the enthronement of an efficient national payments system, flexible money supply, and effective lending/borrowing mechanism to ease liquidity crises for the facilitation of investments and industrialization of the nation.

What did teen Emily Geiger do during the war to help defend South Carolina from British troops? A. Delivered an important message 70 miles away B. Invited British troops to have dinner with the family C. Gave Patriots money D. Protested British imports

protested british imports

i got it right on the test

I have this question on my slide that I read and it’s she delivered n important message 70 miles away if I get it wrong I’m sorry

Which of the following did NOT help cotton become "King" in Georgia? A.Marshlands were no longer suitable for growing rice. B.more efficient transportation methods C.the creation of large plantations D.the cotton gin

3. Why were enslaved Africans so important to building South Carolina's economy? A They knew how to grow rice. ® They knew how to build ships. © They knew how to trade goods. D They knew how to read and write English

Why is the Normandy invasion considered one of the turning points of World War II?

It is considered a turning point because it forced Germany to fight on too many fronts, which led to their defeat. Germany did not have enough forces to defeat the Anglo American forces on the west, while in the same time they had to fight Soviets on the east.

Invasion of Normandy was planned by the Allies after the meetings between the leaders of Britain, United States and Soviet Union. It was necessary to open a new front that will spread the German army. This eventually led to collapse of German army. Allies defeated Germany on all fronts, and Normandy became a synonym for victory.

The D-Day invasion is significant in history for the role it played in World War II. It marked the turn of the tide for the control maintained by Nazi Germany; less than a year after the invasion, the Allies formally accepted Nazi Germany's surrender.

HELP right now plsss ?

Explanation:if you round

Do you think Stephen F. Austin deserves to be called the "Father of Texas"? Why or why not?​

Thats an opinion answer its what you think

Answer: I think he deserves to be called the Father of Texas because he made really big accomplishments for Texas like he led the second, and ultimately, the successful colonization of the region by bringing 300 families from the United States to the region in 1825.


  1. Write a two-paragraph essay that describes the ways of life of the

    The ways of life of the Olmec and the Zapotec.. The Olmecs dominated their areas from approximately 1200 BC to 800 BC. The Olmecs lived in the southern region of central Mexico. Their habitats were characterized by swampy lowlands with volcanoes, scattered, hilly ridges.The Olmecs laid the foundation for the development of other later cultures in Mesoamerica such as the Mayans after building ...

  2. INFORMATIVE/EXPLANATORY Write a two-paragraph essay that describes the

    In turn, the Zapotec civilization is the name for an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization that existed in the Oaxaca Valley in southern Mesoamerica. They were a sedentary agricultural people and city builders, who worshiped a pantheon of gods led by the rain god Cosio.

  3. The Olmec

    The Olmec were the first major civilization in Mexico. They lived in the tropical lowlands on the Gulf of Mexico in the present-day Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco. The name Olmec is a Nahuatl—the Aztec language—word; it means the rubber people. The Olmec might have been the first people to figure out how to convert latex of the ...

  4. Essay on The Olmec Culture

    566 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. The Olmecs were farmers, traders, artists… innovators. The Olmec culture first emerged in the Isthmus region of Tehuantepec. The site of San Lorenzo, which sits on the Coatzacoalcos River, sheds the most light on this mysterious culture. During this time period, The Initail Formative, food surplus sparked an ...

  5. Olmec Civilization

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  6. Write a two-paragraph essay that describes the ways of life

    The Olmec culture was the oldest culture in Mesoamerica, and it lasted around 800 years. Their farms were located in tropical lowlands near the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec produced beans and salt, and they traded them for jade and volcanic glass with people who lived further away from the coast. The volcanic glass was used to make knives and jade to make jewelry.

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  13. 10 Facts About the Ancient Olmec in Mesoamerica

    Manfred Gottschalk / Getty Images. The Olmecs were the first great culture to arise in Mexico and Central America. They established a city on a river island in 1200 B.C. or so: archaeologists, who do not know the original name of the city, call it San Lorenzo. San Lorenzo had no peers or rivals: it was the largest and most magnificent city in ...

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  15. 12.24: The Olmec

    The Olmec flourished during Mesoamerica's formative period, dating roughly from as early as 1500 BCE to about 400 BCE. Pre-Olmec cultures had flourished in the area since about 2500 BCE, but by 1600-1500 BCE, Early Olmec culture had emerged. They were the first Mesoamerican civilization and laid many of the foundations for the civilizations ...

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  18. Write two details about the Olmecs! -answer fast pls-

    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ Write two details about the Olmecs! -answer fast pls-See what teachers have to say about Brainly's new learning tools! WATCH. close. Skip to main content. search. Ask Question. Ask Question. Log in. Log in. Join for free. menu. close. Test Prep New. Brainly App. Brainly Tutor. Find a math ...

  19. Mesoamerican civilization

    Struggles for control of this rich but limited farmland resulted in a dominant landowning class that shaped the first great Mesoamerican civilization, the Olmec. Olmec "colossal head". Olmec "colossal head" at La Venta Park-Museum in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. San Lorenzo, the oldest known Olmec centre, dates to about 1150 bce, a ...

  20. Influence of the Olmec Civilization on Mesoamerica

    Christopher Minster. The Olmec civilization thrived along Mexico's gulf coast from approximately 1200-400 B.C. and is considered the parent culture of many of the important Mesoamerican cultures that came after, including the Aztec and Maya. From their great cities, San Lorenzo and La Venta, Olmec traders spread their culture far and wide and ...

  21. Can someone help me with my paragraph about the ancient Olmec

    Answer: The Olmec civillitation was founed in 350 bce located in south mexico . They were very talented sclupters engeiners and artits . Were organized under strong political power. The civillitation ened around 1600. Explanation: sorry thats all the facts i have rn

  22. Write a three-paragraph essay that analyzes the motivations

    Write an Informative Essay Write a three-paragraph essay describing how people in the Union and the Confederacy generally reacted to the Emancipation Proclamation. ... evidence from the text and the source below. Write a two-paragraph essay that describes the ways of life of the Olmec and the Toltec. Explain Why did the United Kingdom decide to ...

  23. Take The Role Of James Madison. Write An Essay For The Federalist

    13. Why was so little known about the Olmec in the early 1900s? a. Scholars named the group based on their art instead of their location b. Most people thought the Olmec lived after the Maya c. The jungles and heat made it hard for people to find artifacts where the Olmecs lived d. There were too many artifacts to study