114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples

Looking for Romeo and Juliet essay titles? The world’s most tragic story is worth writing about!

🥀 Best Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles

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Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous tragedy by William Shakespeare. It is a story of two young lovers whose deaths reconcile their feuding families. Whether you are assigned an argumentative, persuasive, or analytical essay on this piece of literature, this article will answer all your questions. Below you’ll find Romeo and Juliet essay examples, thesis ideas, and paper topics.

  • “Romeo and Juliet”: character analysis
  • What role does the setting play in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • “Romeo and Juliet” and antique tradition of tragic love stories
  • Theme of love in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • What role does the theme of fate play in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • “Romeo and Juliet”: dramatic structure analysis
  • Analyze the balcony scene in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • “Romeo and Juliet”: feminist criticism
  • The most famous adaptations of “Romeo and Juliet”
  • “Romeo and Juliet” in the world culture

Keep reading to learn the key points you can use to write a successful paper.

  • Original Italian Tale vs. Shakespeare’s Tragedy

The story described in Shakespeare’s tragedy is based on the Italian tale that was translated into English in the sixteenth century. Original version represents situations and lines from Romeo and Juliet lives.

Shakespeare added a few more main characters: Mercutio, Paris, and Tybalt. Numerous researches state that Shakespeare used three sources to write his tragedy: a novella Giulietta e Romeo by Matteo Bandello, written in 1554; a story Il Novellio, by Masuccio Salernitano; and the Historia Novellamente Ritrovata di Due Nobili Amanti, written by Luigi Da Porto.

You can learn more about these novels to find out similarities and differences between primary sources and Shakespeare’s work

  • Love and Fate in Romeo and Juliet

If you’re going to write Romeo and Juliet essay on fate, read this paragraph. Fate is the fundamental concept of the plot. It makes us look at Romeo and Juliet affair as a single tragedy.

At the same time, another core element of the story is love. From the very beginning of the drama, you will clearly understand that the story will end in tragedy.

Shakespeare shows us the value of fate events.

However, love remains a crucial thematic element. The roles of Nurse, Paris, and Romeo show us a physical attraction, sympathy, and romantic affection while being the embodiment of love. Analyze what type of love is represented by each character in your essay. Explain, what do you think real love is.

  • Value and Duality in Romeo and Juliet

Among the central idea to consider for your Romeo and Juliet essay titles is an issue of value and duality. Shakespeare actively uses duality in his tragedy by representing the deaths of Romeo and Juliet as reasons of tragedy in Verona, which brought new order to the city.

Friar Laurence also reveals ambiguity when he helped Romeo and thus forced young lovers to suffer in the end. The decision to marry couple had a reason to end the conflict between Montague and Capulets.

Romeo and Juliet’s example discloses happiness and blame brought by key episodes and change in society. In your writing, you may analyze how the effect of adoration had influenced Romeo, Juliet, and other people lives.

  • Masculinity in Romeo and Juliet

A lot of Romeo and Juliet essay examples analyze the role of gender and masculinity in the tragedy. Mercutio is shown as a classic example of a real man: active, brave citizen.

He is a person of action. On the other hand, Romeo is described as a boy who seeks for love. Romeo and Juliet love thrown into quarreling world.

You can analyze the reasons why Romeo fights and kills Paris when finding him near Juliet body.

Covering all of the points mentioned above will help you to produce an outstanding Romeo and Juliet essay. Check the samples below to get inspiration and more ideas that you can use in your own paper.

🏆 Best Romeo and Juliet Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  • Different Types of Love Portrayed in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Term Paper In regards to this communication, the issue of romantic love between Romeo and Juliet is highlighted7. The concept of true love is no where to be seen in Romeo and Juliet’s relationship.
  • The Portrayal of Fate in “Romeo and Juliet” Thus, the play Romeo and Juliet demonstrates that fate is the invisible, unavoidable force behind the entirety of the human experience.
  • William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” This paper examines romantic love as the source of joy and fulfillment in “Romeo and Juliet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Love is the source of pain and suffering in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.
  • The Renaissance Time During Romeo and Juliet Men and women performed different roles in the household; the man was responsible for farming while the woman took care of the poultry and dairy. In the upper-class, marriages were arranged and the parents chose […]
  • William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” in Baz Luhrmann’s Interpretation The fragility of love in this work is contrasted with its hardness – it can be compared in quality and beauty to a cut diamond.
  • Romeo and Juliet’s Analysis and Comparison With the Film Romeo Must Die It can be concluded that, in the case of the original Romeo and Juliet, the main heroes are dying, but their families reconcile.
  • Breaking the Rules: Romeo and Juliet’s Quest for Independence Finally, the death of Romeo and Juliet puts an end to their love and is powerful enough to reconcile their feuding families.
  • Franco Zeffirelli’s “Romeo and Juliet” Adaptation As the plot of the play develops and the reader gets more involved in the reading of the play, the constant need to read the stage directions has a disruptive effect on the reader’s interaction […]
  • “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare: Play’s Concept In Romeo and Juliet, the development of characters eventually led to the tragedy of the main characters. The love of Romeo and Juliet is a remarkable love as they have to undergo many obstacles to […]
  • Analysis of the Play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Another interesting scene of the production that makes it real understanding of the authors work is the casting of the romantic love between Romeo and Juliet, the physical love of the nurse and the contractual […]
  • Symbolism and Foreshadowing in “Romeo and Juliet” The love of Juliet to Romeo at the early stages is described as the “bud love, expected to grow into a beauteous flower” when the two meet later.
  • Romeo and Juliet: Analysis of Play Being a tragedy, the story narrates the challenges two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, go through due to the enmity between their respective families. For example, the story of Juliet and Romeo presents a romantic and […]
  • Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 Scene 4 Review In this speech alone we see Mercutio in direct opposition to all of the characters in Romeo and Juliet while at the same time we are provided an alternate point of view to the ideals […]
  • Analysis of “Romeo and Juliet” Directed by Simon Godwin The actors played in the theater without an audience, and the shooting itself took two and a half weeks, but also due to the director’s attempt to combine the action on the theater stage and […]
  • Forbidden Love in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare From Freud’s perspective, the characters’ problems can be perceived as the result of a conflict between their superego, id and ego.
  • Personality and Maturity in the Romeo and Juliet Play by W. Shakespeare While this idea is not always true in specific cases, it can be assumed to be true in the case of Romeo and Juliet because of the ways in which they act.
  • “Romeo and Juliet”: Play and Film Preminger et al.claim that poetry is to be educative and pleasurable and both versions of “Romeo and Juliet” meet this criterion regardless of the fact that they had to appeal to the audience of a […]
  • Love and Sadness in the First Act of “Romeo and Juliet” The love story of Romeo and Juliet is well known to most people, but one might forget that Romeo was initially not in love with Juliet; he met her later.
  • Carlo Carlea’s Film “Romeo and Juliet” The new adaptation of my play generally made a controversial impression: the actors look suitable for their roles, but the internal theme of the play seems to be not so profoundly got.
  • “Romeo and Juliet” Staged in Greek Style According to the analysis, it is evident that even though the story, plot, and characters stay the same, the change in the style of “Romeo and Juliet” will have a significant difference from the original […]
  • Oh Tae-Suk’s Romeo and Juliet Oh Tae-suk is a South-Korean playwright and director, well-known for his masterful portrayal of modern Korean life and the use of the elements of the traditional Korean theater in his plays.
  • What Shapes More Lovers’ “Story of Romeo and Juliet?” In Romeo and Juliet, love is the central theme of the tragedy, and the images of the protagonists are mostly shaped by the relationships and challenges they had to face.
  • Friar Lawrence in “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare The strengths of such friendships can be seen in the way Friar Laurence accepts and anticipates Romeo’s actions, showing that he is ready to hear him as a friend not as a priest, “Doth couch […]
  • Nurse and Friar Laurence in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” The way Friar Laurence supported Romeo and Juliet to get Married, The way the Nurse is opposing in her regards of Romeo and Paris, When Friar Laurence clandestinely married them, the way the Nurse is […]
  • Character Analysis of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” The Renaissance in Italy was a time in which historians and writers were most active, sparking a new wave of literacy in the Italian world, said to be the father of Renaissance Europe.
  • “Analysis of Causes of Tragic Fate in Romeo and Juliet Based on Shakespeare’s View of Fate” by Jie Li The article is easy to read and makes a compelling case for the reasons that precipitated the tragedy in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
  • “Romeo and Juliet” and “The Winter’s Tale” Comparison Because of the importance of the role of plants and trees in the two abovementioned plays, it would be reasonable to consider each of the plays in detail.
  • Romeo and Juliet: The Twentieth Century This is the first scene of the play. In the mean time, Capulet learns that Juliet has fallen in love with Romeo, and he is infuriated with the behavior of her daughter.
  • Relationships Among Individuals in Shakespeare’s Plays The events that take place in Athens are symbolic in the sense that they represent the sequence of events during the day whereas the events in the forest represent the dream like circumstances.
  • The Saga as Old as Time: Romeo and Juliet, Vampire Style Basing partially on the plot of Romeo and Juliet story and partially on the problems that modern teenagers face, The Twilight Saga offers a number of issues that are quite topical nowadays, such as the […]
  • The Interpretation of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli
  • The Irresponsibility of Friar Laurence in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Key Elements of Aristotle’s Unity of Action Theory in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Love of Young Lovers in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Lack of a Real Loving Connection Between Juliet and Her Own Parents in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Language of Love and Death in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Life-Changing Decisions During the Teen Years in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • Central Themes of Violence and Conflict in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Origins of the Archetypal Themes Present in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Passionate Hatred of Tybalt and the Theme of Revenge in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Perceptions of Love and the Use of Language and Structure in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The True Meaning and Experience of Love in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Relationship Between Parents and Children Presented in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Theme of People Being in Unusual Circumstances in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Responsible for the Deaths of the Lovers in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Role of Fate and Coincidence in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Comparing the Characters of Tybalt and Mercutio in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Role and Representation of the Nurse in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Significance of Mercutio in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Tragic Ending of a Pair of Star Crossed Lovers in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Underlying Theme and Message in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Unselfish Character of Benvolio in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • True Love in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Use of Dramatic Irony and Other Literary Elements in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • Young Love and Human Nature in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Suicidal Instinct Depicted in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Various Types of Love in the Tragedy of “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The World of True Love in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Young Lovers in the Play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • Timeless Appeal of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story”
  • Tragic Love in Movie Adaptations of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and “Othello”
  • Transformation of Juliet in Shakespeare’s Tragedy of “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Use of Oppositions to Create Conflict in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • Two Against the Whole World: “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Use of Language to Convey Strong Emotion in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Violence and Conflict in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Volatile Mixture of Love and Hate in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Use of Verbal, Situational, and Dramatic Irony in William Shakespeare’s Play “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Shakespeare’s Reflections on Love in the Play “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Importance of Act Three Scene One in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • The Use of Sonnets in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • William Shakespeare’s Use of Death to Create Tension in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Themes of Love and Madness in William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Use of Imagery in the Play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • How Does Shakespeare Create a Sense of Tragedy in the Final Scene of “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Are Romeo and Juliet Responsible for Their Deaths?
  • How Does Shakespeare Create Drama and Tension in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Why Does Shakespeare Create Sympathy for “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Is “Romeo and Juliet” Relevant to Modern Life?
  • How Does Shakespeare Create a Dramatic Conclusion in Act Five Scene Three of “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Are Adults Presented in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Are the Main Themes Presented in the Opening Sequence of Baz Luhrman’s Film “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Does “Romeo and Juliet” Deserve to Be Considered Pop Culture in the Elizabethan Era?
  • Why Does “Romeo and Juliet” Attract Teenagers?
  • How Did Shakespeare Introduce the Characters of “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Does Act One Scene One Provide an Effective Opening to “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Did Hate Cause Major Events in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Does Bas Luhrman’s Staging of Key Scenes “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Did Baz Luhrmann Manage to Gain Sympathy for “Romeo and Juliet” and Interest a Modern Audience?
  • How Does Baz Lurhmann Make “Romeo and Juliet” More Accessible to a Modern Audience?
  • How Does Conflict Manifest Itself in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Does Fate Affect “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Why Did Fate Lead to the Tragic Conclusion of “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Does Lord Capulet Change Through the Course of the Play “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • Why Does Love Change Romeo and Juliet’s Life?
  • How Do Shakespeare Introduce Romeo and Juliet’s Relationship?
  • Did Romeo and Juliet Ever Have Control Over What Happened to Them or Was It All Fate?
  • How Does Shakespeare Make Romeo and Juliet Dramatically Effective?
  • How Do Juliet’s Decisions Affect Her Growth and Her Relationships in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Does Shakespeare Portray Ambiguity in the Play “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Are the Relationships in “Romeo and Juliet” Represented and Developed?
  • Does the Film “Romeo and Juliet” Have the Same Dramatic Impact on the Audience as the Original Play?
  • How Does Shakespeare Portray Love in “Romeo and Juliet”?
  • How Does Shakespeare Present Conflict at the Start of “Romeo and Juliet”?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 7). 114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/romeo-and-juliet-essay-examples/

"114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." IvyPanda , 7 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/romeo-and-juliet-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples'. 7 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." December 7, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/romeo-and-juliet-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." December 7, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/romeo-and-juliet-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "114 Romeo and Juliet Essay Titles & Examples." December 7, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/romeo-and-juliet-essay-examples/.

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138 Unique Romeo and Juliet Title Ideas

titles for romeo and juliet essays

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous plays by William Shakespeare. It is a tragedy about two young Italian lovers whose families had been feuding. In the article, you’ll look at the original Romeo and Juliet essay titles. But first, let’s start with a short summary.

The story starts on one of the streets of Verona with a brawl between two clans: Montague and Capulet. Romeo is Montague’s son, and Juliet belongs to Capulet’s family. They fall in love, get married secretly, and die together, not standing against the anger of the outside world. The play ends with bloodshed and the lines:

For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

But what is a good title for Romeo and Juliet essay? And how can you analyze the play yourself? Our team has gathered unique Romeo and Juliet title ideas and tips for your paper. See them below and succeed in writing about the story.

🔝 Top 12 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

❤️ good titles for romeo and juliet essays, 📖 literary analysis of romeo and juliet essay titles, 🗣️ romeo and juliet argumentative essay topics, 🎞️ titles for romeo and juliet: film adaptations.

  • 📝 What Is a Good Title for Your Essay?

🔗 References

  • Did Romeo and Juliet break gender conventions?
  • Order and disorder in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Who is to blame for Romeo’s tragic death?
  • Mercurio and Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo’s attempted suicide vs. actual suicide.
  • Gold and silver in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Were Romeo and Juliet motivated by love?
  • The role of history in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo and Juliet : 1996 movie .
  • Themes of love and hatred in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The influence of Friar Laurence.
  • The role of destiny in Romeo and Juliet’s life and death.
  • Love and happiness in the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • The conflict between parents and children in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The theme of revenge in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Was Romeo and Juliet’s love selfish?
  • Violence in the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • The inevitability of fate in the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • The role of female characters in the play.
  • The light tragedy of the finale of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet .
  • Omens of the tragic ending in the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • Duality in the play.
  • The love of Romeo and Juliet as a revolt against society.
  • Can a person feel love and hate simultaneously (in the example of Romeo)?
  • Is love stronger than death?
  • Could Romeo and Juliet’s relationship help overcome the enmity between the Montagues and the Capulets?
  • Juliet’s blind love for Romeo.
  • Could the play have ended differently if the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets had ended earlier?
  • Can the outcome of the story of Romeo and Juliet be called fate?
  • Was it possible for Romeo and Juliet to escape death?
  • Why does Juliet call parting “sweet sorrow”?
  • Was Romeo and Juliet’s love real or just a temporary infatuation?
  • Would the play’s ending have been happier if Juliet had married Count Paris?
  • Self-denial in the name of love in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The institution of marriage in the play.
  • Do the female characters in Romeo and Juliet have free will?
  • Family values in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Is Romeo and Juliet more of a romantic or tragic story?
  • Romeo and Juliet’s love is saved by courage.
  • The role of society in the plot of the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • Can the individual desires of one person resist society?
  • Patriarchal society in the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • Medieval prejudices in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo’s attitude towards Juliet and Rosaline.
  • The conflict of feelings and prejudices in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Are Romeo and Juliet’s parents responsible for their children’s death?
  • Romeo as the cause of all deaths in the play.
  • Was Romeo’s punishment after Tybalt’s murder fair?
  • Why does the fate of Tybalt not cause much sympathy and compassion?
  • The role of Mercutio as a tragic jester.
  • Who is to be blamed for Mercutio’s death?
  • Benvolio as the voice of reason in a play.
  • Can the character of Friar Laurence be considered the highest act of mercy in the play?
  • Importance of the character Juliet’s Nurse for the development of the plot.
  • How do you understand the phrase “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By Any Other Name would smell as sweet”?
  • Can the love story of Romeo and Juliet be relevant in the modern world?
  • How has Romeo utilized antithesis to support his point?
  • Where does Romeo use nocturnal imagery throughout the play?
  • How did Shakespeare use religious imagery in Act 1?
  • Why is the nocturnal imagery used in Act 1?
  • How does the imagery show Romeo’s attitude toward Juliet?
  • Where can the symmetrical structure of the composition be seen?
  • Can a symmetrical structure of the tragedy impact the plot?
  • How Shakespeare uses the new moral of the Renaissance?
  • How is the artistic image utilized in portraying Juliet?
  • How does the evolutionary character of Juliet introduce Romeo?
  • How does Shakespeare use Christian traditions in reflecting characters?
  • How do comic elements depict Romeo and Juliet’s tragic basis?
  • What additional methods does Shakespeare employ in Romeo’s language?
  • How it alters our understanding of him throughout the play?
  • How does Romeo discuss love when speaking about Rosaline?
  • What literary devices does Shakespeare use to depict Juliet?
  • How are the metaphors utilized throughout the play?
  • Why was celestial imagery used when introducing the characters?
  • When does Juliet employ sorts of language with various people?
  • What additional methods does Shakespeare employ in Juliet’s language?
  • How many instances of celestial imagery are there?
  • Which characters employ celestial imagery?
  • What does celestial imagery talk about the characters?
  • Why does Shakespeare use antithesis in the play?
  • How does Shakespeare integrate church and religion in the play?
  • What are the languages differences between Romeo and Juliet?
  • What kind of images does Romeo use compared to Juliet?
  • How does Juliette address characters around her?
  • Why does Juliet use different language with different characters?
  • How does it affect her love for them?
  • The Romeo and Juliet story in contemporary literature.
  • Love or lust: the characters’ motivation in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo and Juliet as an example of true love.
  • Features of the genre of Romeo and Juliet .
  • Possible ways to avoid the death of Romeo and Juliet.
  • The conflict between love and hatred in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo’s guilt for the deaths in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Comparative characterization of Mercutio and Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Features of love at first sight in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Mercutio’s most important act in the play Romeo and Juliet .
  • Who is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death?
  • The effect of Mercutio’s death on Romeo’s state of mind.
  • Juliet’s particular maturing traits in preparation for the wedding.
  • The correctness of secret marriage in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The comparison of Romeo and Juliet in the same play.
  • Revenge in the tragedy of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet .
  • The justice of Romeo’s punishment in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The problems of the generations in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo and Juliet’s death: Fate or unpleasant coincidence?
  • The central moral and ethical theme in Romeo and Juliet .
  • A comparison of Romeo’s love for Rosaline and Juliet.
  • The importance of female images in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The difference between generations in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet .
  • Compassion problem in understanding the plot of Romeo and Juliet .
  • The feud between Montague and Capulet in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The theme of love for parents in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Human feelings and long-standing superstitions in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Relevance of the theme of loyalty for Romeo and Juliet.
  • Existence of eternal love in the Romeo and Juliet example.
  • Compare film adaptations of the play by Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann. Which film adaptation best conveys the essence of the tragedy?
  • Why do you think the film adaptation of Baz Luhrmann Romeo + Juliet received so much negative criticism?
  • Is there any use in modern adaptations of the play, like the film Warm Bodies (2013)?
  • Adaptation of Romeo and Juliet : satire and humor in the movie.
  • Old English vocabulary in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet .
  • Modernizing the classic tale (based on the Romeo and Juliet adaptation).
  • Stirring love theme in Romeo & Juliet film.
  • Gnomeo and Juliet : bold adaptation or embarrassment.
  • Warm Bodies: apocalyptic zombie comedy based on Shakespeare’s play.
  • Shakespeare In Love sparks the narrative behind the classic play Romeo and Juliet .
  • Why Romeo and Juliet is the most epic romantic story on the big screen?
  • Cultural clashes in Romeo and Juliet-influenced film West Bank Story .
  • Symbol of innocence ruined by a hardheaded society in Romeo and Juliet movie.
  • Features of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet film adaptations.
  • Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet as the most definitive film adaptation.
  • A contemporary spin on Romeo + Juliet movie.
  • Romeo & Juliet film as the best adaptation of an old play.
  • What serves as Gnomeo and Juliet’s central theme?
  • Romeo + Juliet : old play vs. modern adaptation.
  • An alternative look at the classic in modern films (inspired by Romeo and Juliet ).
  • The issue of modern media in Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann.
  • Romeo and Juliet adaptation as a way to appeal to the young audience.
  • What are some famous film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet?

📝 What Is a Good Title for Your Romeo and Juliet Essay?

Now that you have seen good titles for Romeo and Juliet essays, let’s check the tips on choosing the one that works for you. Here is what you should keep in mind:

  • Understand the goal of your assignment. The first step in understanding the task is reading the instructions carefully. By doing that, you will realize the paper’s purpose and what is expected from you. Look for keywords that indicate what the professor wants you to explore. Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor if something isn’t easy to understand.
  • Take time to brainstorm. Brainstorming can enrich the topic with ideas and experiences if you leave enough time for this step. The best results can be achieved when a whole group of people is involved in the process. However, you most likely need to practice individual brainstorming when preparing for the essay. You can use techniques like mind mapping, freewriting, brain-netting, and the stepladder. Research these tools to select the best approach that works for your task. You can always rephrase your ideas if you don’t like how they sound.
  • Choose your favorite aspect of the play. Pick the one aspect of the play you are genuinely interested in. This part will be interesting to analyze as you’re already engaged in the topic. We have collected some good titles for Romeo and Juliet essays and research papers in the previous sections. You’ll find an idea on any aspect of the play among them.
  • Consider if your idea is too broad. After selecting a title , you might decide to change it a bit. Research topics are fluid and can be narrowed down or expanded if needed. If your idea is too broad, it will contain too many thoughts. To quickly fix it, consider picking a sub-topic to focus on and narrow down the scope of research. Besides, avoid general topics at all costs. They will make any in-depth coverage of the issues impossible.
  • Make sure it isn’t too narrow. Most of the time, students struggle with ideas that are too broad for their tasks. However, you might find an extremely narrow topic just as challenging. Your subject might be too novel or specific, so you will not get sufficient information about it. Thus, broaden it up, cutting details and some additional ideas.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope you have found our Romeo and Juliet essay titles and tips helpful. If you need to summarize secondary sources that support your ideas, read any text faster, or understand any material better, use our summary generator .

  • Choosing an Essay Topic – MacOdrum Library
  • Choosing a Topic – Purdue Writing Lab, College of Liberal Arts
  • Romeo and Juliet: Entire Play – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
  • A Modern Perspective: Romeo and Juliet — Folger Shakespeare Library
  • R omeo and Juliet: A Story of Shakespearean Love or Modern-Day Hate? — Vanderbilt University
  • Adaptations of Romeo and Juliet — Florida State University


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108 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays, and it has been the subject of countless essays and papers over the years. If you're struggling to come up with a topic for your own essay on this classic play, fear not! We've compiled a list of 108 Romeo and Juliet essay topic ideas and examples to help get you started.

Analyze the role of fate in Romeo and Juliet. How does it drive the actions of the characters in the play?

Explore the theme of love in Romeo and Juliet. How is it portrayed differently by each character?

Discuss the role of family in Romeo and Juliet. How do the feuds between the Montagues and Capulets drive the plot of the play?

Compare and contrast the characters of Romeo and Juliet. How are they similar and how are they different?

Examine the role of gender in Romeo and Juliet. How do the expectations placed on men and women shape the actions of the characters?

Analyze the character of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. What is his role in the play and how does he influence the actions of the other characters?

Explore the theme of violence in Romeo and Juliet. How does it drive the plot and shape the characters' actions?

Discuss the role of Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet. How does he influence the outcome of the play?

Examine the role of language in Romeo and Juliet. How do the characters use language to express their emotions and drive the plot forward?

Compare and contrast the relationships between Romeo and Juliet and their respective parents. How do these relationships shape the actions of the characters?

Analyze the role of the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet. How does she influence the actions of Romeo and Juliet?

Explore the theme of youth in Romeo and Juliet. How do the characters' ages shape their actions and decisions?

Discuss the role of time in Romeo and Juliet. How does the passage of time influence the actions of the characters and drive the plot forward?

Examine the role of the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. How does it shape the characters' understanding of love and influence their actions?

Compare and contrast the relationships between Romeo and Juliet and their respective friends. How do these relationships shape the actions of the characters?

Analyze the role of conflict in Romeo and Juliet. How do the conflicts between the characters drive the plot of the play?

Explore the theme of loyalty in Romeo and Juliet. How do the characters' loyalties shape their actions and decisions?

Discuss the role of religion in Romeo and Juliet. How does it influence the characters' actions and decisions?

Examine the role of deception in Romeo and Juliet. How do the characters use deception to achieve their goals and drive the plot forward?

Compare and contrast the relationships between Romeo and Juliet and their respective mentors. How do these relationships shape the actions of the characters?

Explore the theme of youth in Romeo and Juliet. How do the characters'

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100+ Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics


The tale of Romeo and Juliet is one that captures the essence of passion, fate, and the consequences of familial conflict. This timeless work offers a plethora of angles from which students can approach their essays. But first, let’s understand what a Romeo and Juliet essay entails.

Table of Contents

What is a Romeo and Juliet Essay?

A Romeo and Juliet essay is an academic piece that delves into the themes, characters, and narratives of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet.” This type of essay could analyze the poetic structure, classical themes of love and hate, emotional conflicts, or the socio-pulitical context surrounding the story. It demands not just a retelling of the tale but a deep exploration of its elements and Shakespeare’s intentions, challenging students to interpret this age-uld play in new and insightful ways.

Choosing the Right Topic for Your Essay

Selecting a topic for your Romeo and Juliet essay shouldn’t feel like a daunting task. Start by revisiting the text and highlighting parts that resonate with you – be it a character, a theme, or a specific scene. Ask yourself what intrigues or puzzles you, and consider how the story might reflect today’s society. The key is to choose a perspective that sparks your interest, as it will fuel your research and writing process. Remember, originality and the depth of your analysis are what set a great essay apart.

Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics Lists

Embark on your writing journey with these carefully selected essay topics. Each category offers a rich seam of ideas ripe for exploration.

Analyzing Characters

  • The Evulution of Juliet : How does her character develop throughout the play?
  • Romeo’s Impulsiveness : Is he a hero or a flawed character?
  • The Rule of Mercutio : How does his presence affect the story’s outcome?
  • Tybalt’s Aggression and its Underlying Causes : Explore his hatred for the Montagues.
  • The Influence of Friar Laurence : Was he a sage advisor or ultimately misguided?

Thematic Exploration

  • Love vs. Lust : Were Romeo and Juliet genuinely in love?
  • The Rule of Fate : Could the tragedy have been avoided?
  • The Burden of Family Feuds : How do family pressures shape the story’s events?
  • Conflict and Resulution : Analyze the continual pattern of dispute and peace in the play.
  • Death as a Recurring Symbul : How is it portrayed and perceived by various characters?

Symbulic Representations

  • Night as a Symbul of Cover and Concealment : What does darkness represent for the characters?
  • Poison – More than a Cause of Death : How does poison symbulize larger societal issues?
  • Water Imagery in the Play : Analyzing its significance in scenes and character development.
  • The Image of Light : How do references to light contribute to the story’s themes?
  • The Significance of Dreams : What rule do they play in foretelling or foreshadowing events?

Social and Historical Context

  • Gender Rules in Romeo and Juliet : How are masculinity and femininity portrayed?
  • The Social Pulitics of Verona : Understanding the societal hierarchy in the play.
  • Views on Marriage : Analyzing different characters’ perspectives on matrimony.
  • The Rule of Religion in Romeo and Juliet : Its influence on the characters’ decisions and the story’s progression.
  • Education and Literacy in Shakespeare’s Time : Reflecting on its effects on character behavior and the unfulding drama.

Modern Interpretations

  • Romeo and Juliet in Pop Culture : Various adaptations and their interpretations.
  • The Play’s Relevance in Today’s Society : Discussing its modern-day applications.
  • Teaching Romeo and Juliet in Schouls : The controversy and discussions it sparks.
  • Modern Retellings of the Classic Story : Analyze the similarities and differences in contemporary adaptations.
  • Romeo and Juliet as a Social Commentary : What societal critiques were present?

Character Analysis

  • Juliet’s Transformation : From a naive girl to a woman in love.
  • Romeo’s Impulsiveness : The underlying reasons and consequences.
  • The Wisdom and Failings of Friar Laurence .
  • Mercutio’s Significance : Beyond jests and puns.
  • Nurse’s Rule : Emotional connection and influence over Juliet.
  • The Motivations Behind Tybalt’s Aggressiveness .
  • Benvulio as the Voice of Reason .
  • Lord and Lady Capulet’s Parenting Styles .
  • Paris: The Forgotten Suitor .
  • Character Juxtaposition : Comparing Romeo with Paris.

Themes and Motifs

  • Love vs. Lust : Analyzing Romeo and Juliet’s relationship.
  • The Rule of Fate and Destiny in the Play .
  • Youthful Impetuosity vs. Elderly Caution .
  • The Impact of Family Feuds on Individual Choices .
  • The Cycle of Revenge in Verona .
  • The Dichotomy of Love and Hate .
  • Views on Marriage: Social Obligation vs. Personal Choice .
  • Death as an Escape .
  • Friendship and Loyalty in Romeo and Juliet .
  • The Power of Names and Identity .

Symbulism and Imagery

  • The Symbulism of Light and Dark .
  • The Rule and Importance of Dreams in the Play .
  • Nature Imagery : Love’s changing seasons.
  • Poison as a Symbul of Destruction .
  • The Balcony Scene: Ascension and Separation .
  • Time’s Relentless March : Analyzing the importance of time.
  • The Meaning of Romeo’s Banishment .
  • Death Imagery: Foreboding the Inevitable Tragedy .
  • Stars, Dreams, and Omens: Premonitions in the Play .
  • The Symbulism of Flowers and Plants .

Societal and Historical Context

  • Social Hierarchy and Class Conflict in Verona .
  • Romeo and Juliet and the Renaissance Ideas of Love .
  • The Influence of Religion on Characters’ Choices .
  • Views on Childhood and Adulthood in Elizabethan Era .
  • The Pulitics of Marriage in 16th Century Europe .
  • Concept of Honor and Dueling in Romeo and Juliet .
  • Patriarchy and Power Dynamics in Verona .
  • The Rule of Women in the Tragedy .
  • Public vs. Private: Society vs. Individual Desires .
  • Masks and Disguises: Society’s Expectations and True Self .

Modern Adaptations and Relevance

  • Baz Luhrmann’s “Romeo + Juliet”: A Modern Retelling .
  • West Side Story vs. Romeo and Juliet : Differences and Similarities.
  • Relevance of Romeo and Juliet in Today’s Pop Culture .
  • Teaching Romeo and Juliet in Modern Classrooms .
  • The LGBTQ+ Interpretations of Romeo and Juliet .
  • Romeo and Juliet in the Digital Age : Social Media as a Barrier.
  • Romeo and Juliet’s Relevance in Modern Relationship Dynamics .
  • The Influence of Romeo and Juliet on Modern Literature .
  • Comparative Study: “Romeo and Juliet” and its Bullywood Adaptation .
  • Modern Music and Romeo and Juliet : How the story is reflected in songs.

Character Deep Dives

  • Juliet’s Autonomy : How she defies and conforms to societal expectations.
  • Romeo’s Perception of Love : Infatuation with Rosaline vs. love for Juliet.
  • Friar Laurence’s Morality : His decisions and their impact on the play’s outcome.
  • Nurse as Juliet’s Confidante : How does she shape Juliet’s understanding of love and loyalty?
  • Mercutio and Queen Mab : Interpreting the significance of his dream monulogue.

Narrative Techniques and Structure

  • Foreshadowing in the Tragedy : Identifying and analyzing its significance.
  • Romeo and Juliet’s Suliloquies : Understanding their inner conflicts.
  • Dramatic Irony : How Shakespeare amplifies tension in key scenes.
  • The Dual Rule of Comedy and Tragedy in the Play .
  • Rule of Secondary Characters : Their influence on the main narrative.

Comparative Analyses

  • Romeo and Juliet vs. Pyramus and Thisbe : Tragic love stories comparison.
  • Romeo and Juliet in Different Cultures : How various adaptations interpret the tale.
  • Comparing the Deaths : Analyzing the suicides of Romeo, Juliet, and Paris.
  • Romeo and Juliet vs. Othello : Exploring themes of jealousy and mistrust.

Beyond the Text

  • Modern-Day Verona : How would Romeo and Juliet fare in today’s society?
  • Mental Health in Romeo and Juliet : Analyzing the characters’ psychulogical states.
  • Society’s Rule in the Tragedy : Could external intervention have changed the outcome?
  • Romeo and Juliet as a Reflection of Elizabethan Society .
  • The Play’s Impact on Modern Understandings of Romantic Love .

Need Expert Assistance? We’ve Got You Covered!

Feeling overwhelmed with choosing the perfect angle for your essay? Our team at WriteOnDeadline is here to assist! Our expert writers are well-versed in classic literature and equipped to provide an insightful, thoroughly researched essay that is sure to impress. Don’t stress over deadlines or second-guess your topic choice. Reach out to us, and let’s craft an academic piece worthy of Shakespeare’s acclaim together!

Useful References

  • No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet – An understandable translation of the play.
  • Shakespeare Online – Detailed analysis and original text of Romeo and Juliet.
  • The British Library: Shakespeare’s Works – A valuable resource for understanding Shakespeare’s life and times.
  • JSTOR: Romeo and Juliet – Schularly articles and literary critiques on the play (Search for “Romeo and Juliet”).

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100+ Essay Topics on Romeo and Juliet For College Literature

Published by Denis on June 1, 2021 June 1, 2021

The timeless tragedy Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare has wowed audiences and readers for centuries with the outstanding tale of a young and fatal love. The iconic story plays a significant role in college literature courses. It offers students complex characters, rich themes, and thought-provoking narratives to examine.

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How to Write an Essay on Romeo and Juliet

There have been thousands on essay topics Romeo and Juliet written over

There have been thousands of essay topics Romeo and Juliet written over the years. This is because each reader has a way of interpreting the motives and actions of different characters in the story. Writing an essay on this play should be approached with an open mind. The writer should try to cast a fresh eye even on much-discussed topics in the play. A careful comparative analysis of other literature on the play is constructive as well.

Understanding the main themes of the story will help you point you to what you need to discuss in your essay. Love and fate are the centers of Romeo and Juliet, and it is one of the themes the reader expects you to cover, and especially the idea of young love. Duality is also an outstanding theme in Romeo and Juliet. Several things in the story contain conflicting sides, and that is what you need to highlight under this thematic area.

There is also the theme of gender as the story shows its vision of both masculinity and femininity.

Tips for Choosing a Good Title for a Romeo and Juliet Essay

Coming up with the best title for your Romeo and Juliet essay should not be a hard nut to crack. With the examples given, you can pick a few and then narrow down to your best topic. However, there are certain tips to consider when looking for your ideal essay topic. They include:

  • Understanding your goal

Ensure you read the instructions carefully to know what is expected from your essay. Explore the keywords required by the professor to fully comprehend what the paper should cover. In case you do not understand something on the assignment, always ask the professor to clarify.

  • Pick your favorite aspect

As you look for a theme or aspect in the play to investigate, it is wise to pick one that you are interested in. It will be much easier to analyze and find all the relevant information. It will also be an enjoyable topic to handle. Alternatively, use a  free essay title generator  tool to come up with your topic.

  • Ensure you brainstorm

Brainstorming enriches you with experiences and ideas that will make your essay more informative. You could get a group of people that are discussing on the Romeo and Juliet play and take part in the discussion. You could also practice individual brainstorming using techniques such as freewriting, stepladder, mind mapping, or brain-netting. Research on all these and find what works for you.

  • Avoid a too broad idea

After you get your ideal topic, you could tweak it a bit if it is too broad. Research topics can be narrowed down or expanded if need be. If the topic has a wide range of ideas, consider narrowing it down. The scope of research should be manageable and also avoid general topics.

  • Do not narrow too much

As you look to streamline your research scope, narrowing it too much will leave you with only very few ideas to cover in the essay. If you find yourself in a fix and unable to gather sufficient information on the topic, you probably narrowed it too much and you should broaden it.

Examining societal expectations, role of fate, and looking at the multifaceted layers of this love story offers students a brilliant opportunity for critical thinking and in-depth analysis. This article looks at the example essay topics for the Romeo and Juliet story. Explore how to write exemplification essays with example topics.

Easy Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

There are various essay topics you can tackle on the Romeo and Juliet story. This category covers some of the easy topics to handle. They include:

  • Shakespeare sets minor characters to give body to Romeo and Juliet’s tragedy
  • Tragic love in West Side Story and Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  • Friar Laurence is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet in the play by William Shakespeare
  • The fight between Sampson, Gregory, and Abraham that led to Romeo and Juliet’s death in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • Romeo and Juliet: An ill-fated love
  • What do you find fascinating about the love story of Romeo and Juliet?
  • Contrast and compare the Romeo and Juliet story with expectations
  • Ranking the Romeo and Juliet tragedy story with other Shakespeare’s plays
  • Is Romeo and Juliet a true story?
  • What lessons can we take from the Romeo and Juliet story?
  • How do the characters develop in the Romeo and Juliet story?
  • What was your favorite part of the story? Explain your choice and what it means in the entire story
  • Are there any similarities between the Hindi film Majnu and Laila and Romeo and Juliet?
  • Explain how destiny takes part in the play
  • What was the dramatic purpose of Flair Laurence
  • What was the relationship between Tybalt and Mercutio?

Explore well researched prompts for narrative essays .

Good Titles for Romeo and Juliet Essays

These are excellent titles for a student that wants to find out more about the Romeo and Juliet play. Diving deep into these topics will allow you think critically about the play and find hidden answers in the love story. Below are examples of good titles to consider:

  • Discuss the love story of Romeo and Juliet as a theme
  • An analysis of the path of fate in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet
  • Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: Fate of free will
  • Who is at fault for the death of Romeo and Juliet?
  • Romeo and Juliet and passions slave
  • How does Juliet change
  • Unrequited love
  • A summary of the play, Romeo and Juliet in 500 words
  • Romeo and Juliet: an ill-fated love
  • The cultural impact of the Romeo and Juliet story globally
  • Discuss the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene
  • Most well-known adaptations of Romeo and Juliet
  • Fate and coincidence as portrayed in the Romeo and Juliet play
  • The real experience and meaning of love according to the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet
  • Relevance of Mercutio in the Romeo and Juliet story
  • How did Benvolio show selflessness?

Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay Topics

Analytical essay topics offer a diverse framework for understanding the significance and depth of the Romeo and Juliet play. They will analyze the consequences of impulsive actions and explore the role of fate. The following as example topics to scrutinize:

  • An analysis of Romeo and Juliet
  • An analysis of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • An analysis of the topic of the west side story and the role of Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare
  • An analysis of the topic of Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare
  • An introduction to the literary analysis of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • An analysis of the love and destruction in Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare
  • An analysis of Act three of the play “Romeo and Juliet”
  • An analysis of the play Romeo and Juliet as victims of fate
  • Love destined for destruction in William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet
  • An analysis of the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet
  • Romeo and Juliet the film
  • Who should be blamed for Mercutio’s death?
  • Did Romeo and Juliet really love each other?
  • The perfect role model in the play and the worst one
  • Role of destiny in the Romeo and Juliet play
  • What is the play’s influence on modern youth culture?

Romeo and Juliet Expository Essay Topics

When looking for expository topics on the Romeo and Juliet play, the potential can be overwhelming. You could choose to examine the societal context of the play or the character’s motivation or analyze the symbols and themes. Here are some of the thought-provoking expository essay topics to consider:

  • The influence of minor characters on the fate of Romeo and Juliet
  • The influence of the minor characters on the plot in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet
  • A summary of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • An essay on Shakespeare’s use of sonnets in Romeo and Juliet
  • The vendetta in Verona in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • An analysis of Romeo and Juliet on Shakespeare and the use of Farce by Jackie Harry
  • An examination of the original sources of the story of Romeo and Juliet
  • Why should the Flair be blamed for the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet?
  • An act scene of Juliet’s marriage in the play Romeo and Juliet
  • An analysis of the characters in Romeo and Juliet
  • Blood symbolism in “Macbeth”
  • An analysis of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
  • A description of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
  • Why is Juliet the most tragic character?
  • What were the roles of the Prince, the Nurse, and Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet?
  • How did Romeo become responsible for the deaths in the play?

Romeo and Juliet Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Typically, these essay topics will compare and contrast different scenarios in the play. They look to understand different aspects of the Romeo and Juliet love story. These topics will cover two or more scenes or themes in the story and find out why they differ. Example topics include:

  • A comparison of Romeo and Juliet in the balcony scene by William Shakespeare
  • A comparison of the depiction of love in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • A comparison of two timeless dramas in Romeo and Juliet and west side story
  • On love and hate in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  • Comparisons between Romeo and Juliet and its spinoffs
  • A comparison of Romeo and Juliet versus west side story including soliloquy
  • Pyramus and Thisbe in a midsummer night’s dream
  • Analyzing Romeo and Juliet’s willingness to die for love and comparing the story to other tragic romances
  • Comparing the use of light and darkness imagery throughout the play to convey different emotions and themes
  • Contrasting Romeo and Juliet’s desire for each other with their obligations to their families
  • Contrast the impact of social status on the couple’s relationship and the other characters relationships
  • Comparing the power of rhetoric and language in Romeo and Juliet and how it affected the characters and their actions
  • How does trust and deception compare or contrast in the Romeo and Juliet tragic story?
  • A comparison of Romeo and Juliet’s idealistic view of love and the harsh realities they face
  • What are the public aspects of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship compared to their private moments of intimacy?
  • Discussing the betrayal and loyalty themes in relationships between different characters in the play  

Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Essay Topics

The argumentative essay topics offer students an opportunity to analyze and present persuasive arguments. Through these topics, readers can critically examine various aspects of a story and its characters. By looking deeper at these topics, one is able to understand the relevance of the play and explore the enduring conflicts and themes that resonate in contemporary society. Here are topics you can consider:

  • A comparison of the events in Romeo and Juliet and the west side story
  • A comparison of west side story and Romeo and Juliet
  • The themes of love and death in Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare
  • Hope and disappointment in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  • Fate or free will in the tragic play, Romeo and Juliet
  • Romeo and Juliet vs Westside story
  • The connection between love and beauty in Romeo and Juliet
  • What was the effectiveness of the comedic scenes and characters in the story?
  • How the conflicts and themes in the play resonate with modern-day society and their relevance
  • Did the inexperience and youthful innocence of Romeo and Juliet contribute to their fate?
  • Discuss the significance of Verona as the setting for the play considering how it shapes the conflicts and events in Romeo and Juliet
  • Finding out whether Romeo and Juliet are tragic heroes based on their flaws, actions, and consequences
  • Discuss the rebellion of Romeo and Juliet against their families and the societal expectations, and argue against or for the legitimacy of their doings
  • Analyzing the role of time in the play and its effect on development of the Romeo and Juliet love story
  • How was language used as a tool for manipulation, persuasion, and self-expression in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet Evaluation Essay Topics

As students look to study the Romeo and Juliet love story, they are often tasked with evaluation of different aspects of the story that require critical analysis. These evaluation essay topics explore key elements in the story such as themes, language, and character development. The evaluations will deepen your understanding of the complexities in the play and unravel its profound messages. Below are examples of such topics:

  • The influence of minor characters on the plot in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet
  • Fate, chance, and choice in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  • A literary analysis of the many different written stories of Romeo and Juliet before William Shakespeare’s version
  • An analysis of the prologue to Romeo and Juliet
  • The immaturity of Romeo and Juliet
  • A critical analysis of the role of destiny and fate in Romeo and Juliet
  • Impact of patriarchal authority on the actions of the characters in the play
  • How was Mercutio involved in the tragic events of Romeo and Juliet?
  • Discuss the use of symbolism and religious imagery in Romeo and Juliet
  • Evaluating the theme of impetuosity and youth in Romeo and Juliet
  • Evaluating masculinity concept in the play Romeo and Juliet
  • How Friar was portrayed as a flawed moral compass
  • How does social class influence the character’s relationships in the play?
  • How violence and its consequences was portrayed in Romeo and Juliet

They say love is eternal. Writing an essay on Romeo and Juliet is an excellent opportunity to test your critiquing skills. The good news is that a play is not an exact science, so your views are valid as long as you can lucidly put them across. Romeo and Juliet is an interesting story that every student needs to read. While you may have the time to study the novel, you might not be able to have an extra second to write an essay on the same.

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71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on romeo and juliet, 🌶️ hot romeo and juliet essay topics, 👍 good romeo and juliet research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting romeo and juliet research titles.

  • Humanism in “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”
  • A Letter to Rosaline from Romeo in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  • Shakespeare: “Romeo and Juliet”, the Development of Juliet as a Woman
  • Who or What Is Responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s Deaths?
  • Romeo and Juliet Play by William Shakespeare
  • “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare
  • “West Side Story” and “Romeo and Juliet” Movies Comparative Analysis
  • Analysis of Shakespeare’s Play “Romeo and Juliet” The paper states that Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” is an ideal tragedy in a sense, connecting the central and significant genre elements.
  • Love in “Romeo and Juliet” Play by William Shakespeare The play “Romeo and Juliet” was written by William Shakespeare about two young people deeply in love. It is set in Italy during the 16th century.
  • Romeo and Juliet: The 2019 Version Play Review Romeo and Juliet is one great historic story that is set on tragic romance. The 2019 version of the original play depicts much energy and character amongst the cast.
  • Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: Love Hurts Numerous authors manage to do the works that remain relevant irrespective of how many years have passed from the date of their creation.
  • Play Romeo and Juliet in Theater Analysis Watching the play Romeo and Juliet is a positive experience. Seeing beautiful costumes, decorations, and talented acting promotes positive emotions.
  • Romeo and Juliet vs. Antigone: Compare & Contrast Antigone is a play where the characters are concerned more for their perceptions of the right and wrong that should prevail in the world around them.
  • Mercutio Role in Shakespeare’s Play “Romeo and Juliet” Mercutio was played a key role in the tragedy: the boy was a distant relative of the royal family and Romeo’s best friend.
  • Romeo, Juliet, Ishmael Beah, and Victor Frankenstein This article presents the script for a play dedicated to the adventures of Romeo, Juliet, Ishmael Beah, and Victor Frankenstein.
  • Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet: Play Analysis Composed by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is a mental and shocking story of visually impaired aspiration. The second play or the adapted story of Romeo and Juliet is West Side Story.
  • David Leveaux “Romeo and Juliet”: The Classical Shakespearean World and Our Modernity Combination The production by David Leveaux at the Richard Rodgers Theatre is astonishing as the director combined the classical Shakespearean world and our modernity in one piece of art.
  • Romeo and Juliet Play at Globe Theater in 2019 The paper perceives the theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet at Globe Theater 2019 as a contemporary example of postmodern art.
  • “Romeo and Juliet” by Baz Luhrmann: Forbidden Love The works of William Shakespeare have lived through centuries in order to be awarded the title of unprecedented classics.
  • Shakespeare’s & Zeffirelli’s “Taming” and “Romeo & Juliet” Two films directed by Franco Zeffirelli: “The Taming of the Shrew” (1967) and “Romeo and Juliet” (1968) are based on William Shakespeare’s same name works.
  • Friar Lawrence’s Responsibility for the Deaths of Romeo and Juliet
  • The Hurried and Rash Decisions Made by the Characters of the Play “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Hate, Anger, and Aggression in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Mother and Father Figures in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • Investigating the Changes That Occur Within Capulet in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Juliet’s Change Throughout William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Language and Dramatic Devices in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Plot Analysis, Main Characters, and Staging Ideas for “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Role Models and Leadership in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • “Romeo and Juliet” and the Theme of Handling the Teenage Love
  • Teenage Desires and the Coming of Age in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • “Romeo and Juliet” as the Story of a Faint Hearted, Melancholic Young Man
  • The Elements That Establish “Romeo and Juliet” as a Tragedy
  • The Interaction Between the Old and Young in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Preventing the Tragic Ending In “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Development of Romeo and Juliet From Young Adolescents to Tragic Heroes at the End of the Play
  • Fate and Free Will Used in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Factors That Had an Impact on the Failure of Romeo and Juliet’s Relationship
  • Factors Contributing to the Deaths of Romeo and Juliet
  • The Impact of Romeo and Juliet’s Youthfulness on Their Decision-Making and Tragic Fate
  • Positive Messages About the Human Spirit in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Conflict Between Family Loyalty and Personal Happiness in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Friendships and the Impact of Virtue or Lack of Virtue in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Role of Gender Expectations in “Romeo and Juliet” Love Story
  • The Importance of Communication and Miscommunication in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Significance of Mercutio’s Speech in “Romeo and Juliet” Play
  • Understanding the Use of Light and Darkness to Convey Emotions and Themes in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Relationship Between Juliet and Her Parents in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Historical and Social Contents in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Relationships Presented Between Males and Females in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Superficial Love in “Romeo and Juliet” Play
  • The Way Shakespeare Presents Conflict in Romeo’s Soliloquies in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Parental Responsibility and Its Impact on “Romeo and Juliet” Tragedy
  • The Anger and Hatred of Tybalt in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Role of the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet’s Deaths
  • Analyzing the Humorous Elements and Their Purpose in a Tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Catastrophes That Plagued Characters in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Conflict Between the Capulet and Montague Families in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Causes Behind the Tragedy of “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Examining the Motivations and Consequences of Revenge Among the Characters of “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Connection Between Love and Beauty in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Dramatic Purposes of Friar Laurence in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • The Development and Changes of Love in “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
  • Choices of Romeo and Juliet That Led to the Death
  • The Role of Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet’s Fatal Love
  • The Importance of Friendship Between Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Father and Daughter Relationship in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Three Characters With Good Intentions in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Effect of Accelerated Time Scheme in “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Shakespeare’s Message About Sacrifice as Depicted in “Romeo and Juliet”

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 15). 71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/romeo-and-juliet-essay-topics/

"71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 15 Nov. 2023, studycorgi.com/ideas/romeo-and-juliet-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2023) '71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics'. 15 November.

1. StudyCorgi . "71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics." November 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/romeo-and-juliet-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics." November 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/romeo-and-juliet-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2023. "71 Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics." November 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/romeo-and-juliet-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on December 28, 2023 .


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Get a Great Romeo and Juliet Essay Topic: 107 Fresh Ideas

romeo and juliet essay topic

If you are reading this, it means you are looking for an amazing Romeo and Juliet essay topic. We know, writing about this literary masterpiece isn’t easy. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that has been written by William Shakespeare in 1597. It is one of the most important plays by William Shakespeare, but it is in no way an easy subject for an academic paper.

The play is about two star-crossed Italian lovers and their struggle to be together; a struggle that ultimately leads to their deaths and to reconciliation between their two feuding families. The major themes present in Romeo and Juliet are:

Individual versus society The overarching power of patriarchy The forcefulness of love The inevitability of fate Love And several others

If you want to get a top grade on your next paper and didn’t get a Romeo and Juliet writing prompt from your professor, you are in luck. We have 105 of the best topics related to Shakespeare’s play right here.

Why Choose a Romeo and Juliet Essay Prompt From Our List?

If you did not receive a Romeo and Juliet essay prompt from your professor, you should pick one of our topics. Why? Because all of these topics are original and of the highest quality. You should be able to find more and enough information about each one of them online. In addition, our list of Romeo and Juliet topics is updated periodically, so you can probably find a unique topic right now. Oh, and did we mention that this list is and will remain free forever? You can use any of the topics without having to give us credit. In fact, why don’t you pick one right now:

some Romeo and Juliet Essay Questions

We will start our list with some some Romeo and Juliet essay questions that you can answer in your next essay:

  • How are servants portrayed in Shakespeare’s play?
  • How does Shakespeare show that love is blind?
  • How does Romeo change throughout the play?
  • What is the main theme of Romeo and Juliet?
  • How does the author use the imagery of light in his play?
  • How does Juliet change throughout the play?
  • How does Shakespeare use the imagery of dark in his play?
  • What does the author use to create suspense?
  • Howe does a pivotal character of your choice contribute to Shakespeare’s play?

Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene Essay Topic

Want to talk about the balcony scene? Pick a Romeo and Juliet balcony scene essay topic from this list and start writing:

  • Discuss the “O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art” quote
  • Discuss the part where Romeo declares himself
  • What themes are present in the scene?
  • Analyze the part where Romeo and Juliet plan their marriage
  • Why did Juliet warn of danger?
  • Discuss the comparison between Juliet and nature
  • Light and dark imagery in the balcony scene
  • Discuss the celestial bodies in the balcony scene
  • Analyze the language used during the balcony scene

Essay Topic on Justice in Romeo and Juliet

If you are interested in talking about the justice theme of the play, pick an essay topic on justice in Romeo and Juliet from this list:

  • Analyze the theme of justice and law
  • Was the death of the couple a punishment for the Montagues and the Capulets?
  • An in-depth look at Romeo’s crimes
  • Who is U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito?
  • Shylock’s view on justice

Romeo and Juliet Topics for College

Of course, we have plenty of topics for college students. Here are some of the most interesting Romeo and Juliet topics for college:

  • Compare the plot and themes of the play with another play
  • An in-depth analysis of the stars motif
  • Discuss how the relation between two characters changes throughout the play
  • Pick a theme and discuss it in detail
  • Compare the characters in the play with those in another important play
  • Find a new symbol or motif in the play
  • Discuss the fire symbol in the play

Creative Titles for Romeo and Juliet Essay

Are you looking for some creative titles for Romeo and Juliet essay? No problem, we have more than enough ideas for your next academic paper:

  • What does the rose motif stand for?
  • Talk about the mask symbol in Romeo and Juliet
  • What did you learn from the play?
  • Similarities between the Great Expectations and Romeo and Juliet
  • How does Shakespeare accelerate time?
  • Talk about your favorite quote from the play
  • How could the deaths of Romeo and Juliet be avoided?
  • Talk about destiny in Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Essential Questions

We have some Romeo and Juliet essential questions right here. Try to answer one of these questions in your next essay and impress your professor:

  • What can you learn from the play?
  • Who is Mercutio in love with?
  • What are the main 3 themes of the play?
  • What are the most important motifs in Romeo and Juliet?
  • Who is really the tragic hero of the play?
  • Which scene is the most important?
  • Why did Tybalt kill Mercutio?

Argumentative Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

Are you looking for the best argumentative Romeo and Juliet essay topics? If you are, why don’t you take a look at some of our awesome ideas:

  • The use of foreshadowing in Romeo and Juliet
  • The role of Friar Lawrence in the play
  • Show why Mercutio is an important character
  • The importance of Queen Mab’s speech
  • Should Romeo and Juliet get married?
  • The theme of sacrifice in the play
  • Discuss the theme of revenge in the play
  • Who is to blame for the couple’s death?

Ideas for a Romeo and Juliet Critical Essay

Are you looking for ideas for a Romeo and Juliet critical essay? Our writers have compiled a list of unique topics just for you below:

  • Analyze the role of the Nurse in the play
  • Blaming fate for everything
  • Analyze the use of irony in Romeo and Juliet
  • Can Romeo and Juliet be regarded as modern-day teens?
  • Critically analyze an important theme of the play
  • A critical look at Tybalt’s actions
  • What would you change in the play if you were Shakespeare?

Romeo and Juliet Topics for High School

We have plenty of Romeo and Juliet topics for high school students right here. Select one of them and start working on your essay right away:

  • Discuss the forcefulness of love theme
  • Analyze the Sun motif
  • Talk about the love as a cause of violence theme
  • Discuss the silver and gold symbols in the play
  • What did you learn from Shakespeare’s play?
  • Show how a major character changes throughout the play
  • What does the dagger symbolize?
  • Analyze a negative character in the play

Predetermined Destiny Romeo and Juliet Ideas

Would you like to talk about the predetermined destiny theme? Check out the predetermined destiny Romeo and Juliet ideas below and select the one you like the most:

  • Discuss the predetermined destiny theme in the play
  • Fate and predetermined destiny in Romeo and Juliet
  • Why is predetermined destiny essential?
  • Are our destinies preordained?
  • Signs of predetermined destiny in Shakespeare’s play
  • The concept of “star-cross’d lovers”
  • Similarities between Romeo and Juliet and Titanic

Romeo and Juliet Theme Essay Topics

We can guarantee that you teacher will appreciate any of the following Romeo and Juliet theme essay topics. Choose one right now for free:

  • Discuss the love theme
  • Talk about the revenge theme
  • An in-depth look at the inevitability of love theme
  • The individual vs. society theme in Romeo and Juliet
  • Discuss the love as a cause of violence theme
  • Talk about the sex theme
  • The youth theme in Shakespeare’s play
  • Analyze the violence theme
  • Talk about the fate theme in Romeo and Juliet
  • Discuss the overarching power of patriarchy theme

Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay Topics

Have you been tasked with the difficult job of writing a persuasive essay? Pick one of these Romeo and Juliet persuasive essay topics and get to work:

  • Is Romeo a tragic character?
  • The conflict between Tybalt and Mercutio
  • The family vs. the individual in the play
  • Discuss the political issues present in the play
  • What makes this love story so special?
  • Why is the love theme the most important theme in the play?

Difficult Romeo and Juliet Topics

If you want to impress your professor and stand out from the crowd, it’s time to pick some more difficult Romeo and Juliet topics. Here are some of our best ideas yet:

  • The role and significance of dreams in Romeo and Juliet
  • Analyze the danger of obsession in Shakespeare’s play
  • Compare and contrast Romeo and Juliet and the Taming of the Shrew
  • Analyze Romeo’s love for Rosaline
  • An in-depth look at 3 important motifs in the play
  • Critically analyze the use of irony in Romeo and Juliet
  • Compare the play with the 1996 movie

Easy Romeo and Juliet Essay Topics

If you want to spend as little time as possible working on your Romeo and Juliet essay, you should definitely choose from our list of easy Romeo and Juliet essay topics below:

  • Do a character analysis of Romeo
  • Discuss the use of religious imagery
  • How does Juliet’s character change throughout the play
  • Is the forbidden love theme present in the play?
  • Similarities between Romeo and Juliet and Othello
  • Discuss the religious catholic society in the play
  • What makes Juliet a tragic hero?

Our Affordable Essay Writing Service

Do you need some more topics? Do you want to get an awesome Romeo and Juliet essay introduction? Whatever you need, you will get it from our affordable essay writing service. We have been helping high school, college and university students get top grades on their academic papers for more than 10 years. We have the best and most creative writers you can find online, so we are perfectly capable of offering unique, high quality academic services to students of all ages – all across the world.

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Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

Romeo and Juliet Material

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Romeo and Juliet Essays

Differences in culture across europe and asia in different translations of literature: shakespeaare, presgurvic, nadaasdy focusing on “la haine” darcey victoria 12th grade, romeo and juliet.

In the late 1990s, French composer Gerard Presgurvic rewrote Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet into a musical with modern influences, while largely remaining faithful to the original plot. This musical play was hugely successful and was translated...

Unity in Shakespeare's Tragedies Chris Hadfield

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Fate in Romeo and Juliet Sarah Fiorio

The concept of fate functions as a central theme in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In the opening prologue of the play, the Chorus informs the audience that Romeo and Juliet are "Star ñ cross'd Lovers" (Prologue l.6). In other words, the Chorus...

Romeo and Juliet: Under the Guise of Love Jena McLaughlin

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet explains love through the use of three different kinds of love: unrequited love between Romeo and Rosaline, true love between Romeo and Juliet, and cynical love from Mercutio and the Nurse. The use of common, era...

The Apothecary's Greater Significance in Romeo and Juliet Jory Anna Nagel

From the bawdy Mercutio to the gentle Juliet, the characters in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet are colorful, but purposeful. Even the most obscure characters reflect Shakespeare's calculations in the development of key themes throughout the play....

Romeo and Juliet: Two Worlds Anonymous

A major theme in the play Romeo and Juliet is the contrast between the two worlds: real and unreal. In order for true love between the star-crossed lovers to survive, it must exist in both. Romeo lives in the unreal world for the majority of the...

Religious Language and Concepts in Romeo and Juliet August Trevor Sutton

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Appropriating Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Casey Bassett

In the 1997 film, Romeo + Juliet, Baz Luhrmann has attempted to take the original play by William Shakespeare, and create an appropriation of it for today. He takes what we value about the text: the themes, evocative language and poetry, the...

A Celebration of the Minor Characters in Romeo and Juliet Samantha Thomas

In his play Romeo and Juliet , Shakespeare puts his minor characters to good use. Romeo’s friend Mercutio and Juliet’s nurse are both characters that are not considered the main focus of the play, but nevertheless play a crucial role in the lives...

Media Sensationalism in Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet Anonymous

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Passionate Language in Romeo and Juliet Julia Kelly

Romeo and Juliet is rife with the powerful contrasting passions of Love and Hate. Since this work is a drama, Shakespeare has chosen to convey these emotions through characters’ language. This essay will examine how dialogue is used to demonstrate...

Ambiguous Portrayal of Juliet's Womanhood Anonymous College

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In Romeo and Juliet, many ironic situations foreshadowing their doomed result. In the passage where Tybalt and Capulet debate at the masquerade feast, there are many lines that directly foreshadow two important components of the play: Romeo’s...

The Use of Religious Imagery in Romeo and Juliet Alexandra Best College

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The Seed of Failure in Romeo and Juliet Michael Luo 9th Grade

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Romeo and Juliet

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How do Romeo and Juliet uphold and subvert other characters’ ideas about what it is to be a man or a woman—especially around sexuality?

Why might the death of Mercutio , who might at first seem like a figure of pure comic relief, be such an important turning point in the play?

Romeo and Juliet features a cavalcade of punny jokes. Why might the play use the wordplay it does? How does wordplay relate to the play’s themes?

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Argumentative Essay on Romeo and Juliet

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Published: Mar 13, 2024

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Writing about Romeo and Juliet

Academic writing

Essay paper writing

titles for romeo and juliet essays

On September 16 th , Verona residents celebrate the birthday of their most beloved and popular resident: Juliet Capulet. Moreover, the whole city considers Juliet to be its guardian angel. On that day, Verona hosts festivals and carnivals dedicated to their favorite character, and all the theaters demonstrate the play.

All of this means that up to now, people haven’t forgotten this sad but beautiful story. That is why it is not surprising that teachers and professors over the world still assign Romeo and Juliet essays. If you were given a task to create a paper on this tragedy but don’t know how to approach it, you came on the right website! In this article, we will share the best writing tips and tricks as well as unique Romeo and Juliet essay topics for your paper.

Romeo and Juliet essay ideas

Here is a list of interesting Romeo and Juliet paper topics that you will enjoy working on:  

  • Romeo and Juliet tragedy essay
  • Romeo and Juliet comparison essay
  • Romeo and Juliet analysis essay
  • Love or lust Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Who killed Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Parental belief: Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Romeo and Juliet love at first sight essay
  • Romeo and Juliet star-crossed lovers essay
  • Are Romeo and Juliet really in love essay
  • Romeo and Juliet fate or freewill essay
  • Death in Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Dark and light: Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Who should be punished and pardoned in Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Who is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Violence and love in Romeo and Juliet essay: Question of marriage and family
  • Types of love Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Alternate ending to Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Who caused the death of Romeo and Juliet essay: Can Friar Lawrence be blamed?
  • Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Who is the tragic hero in Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Patriarchy in Romeo and Juliet essay
  • Violence in Romeo and Juliet essay: Do family feuds make any sense?
  • Romeo and Juliet love essay
  • Romeo and Juliet fate essay
  • Romeo and Juliet essay: Who is to blame but lovers themselves?

Romeo and Juliet persuasive essay

How to write Romeo and Juliet essay? 

  • Read the play carefully. While you may have already read thousands of short overviews, it is worth reading the literary piece yourself. It will help you understand the plot better and see the small details that are often omitted in overviews in order to make them brief.
  • Ask questions. When reading the play or searching for the information on it, write down questions that arise and try finding answers to them. This will help you make your own assessment of the characters and their actions, as well as potentially come up with a great topic or a hook for your paper.
  • Use quotes. Romeo and Juliet essay, as any paper on a literary piece, is perfect for inserting some short quotations from the tragedy. The relevant quotes will become strong examples for the claims you are making and will help you support your line of reasoning if used properly. When quoting, always put the text in quotation marks and indicate an exact page number you have taken the piece from. Note that the number of quotes should not exceed 10% of the overall text.
  • Throw away the cliches. If you want to ask a rhetorical question for Romeo and Juliet essay, going with “What’s in a name?” or any other popular phrase from a play might not be the best idea unless you are specifically analyzing rhetorical questions. Same goes for using such phrases as “star-crossed lovers” or “good night, good night.” Unless they help you prove a point, it is best to avoid using them.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help . Seeking assistance is always ok! If you need help with Romeo and Juliet essay, you can always ask your teacher for advice, visit a writing center, review online tips, or ask professionals for writing advice online. Whatever tips you are given, make sure they will be useful and helpful in your writing process before you apply them.
  • Proofread your paper . When you finish your essay, read it several times, preferably a day or a few after you are done with it, to assess the quality of writing with a fresh eye. You can also show your essay to friends or family so that they can not only find mistakes that you’ve missed, but also tell you if it sounds coherent and professional.

Romeo and Juliet argumentative essay

Romeo and Juliet essay outline

Outlining is a vital stage of any paper writing process. It helps us to keep our ideas organized and structure the text properly from the get go. Here are some of the parts that you need to include in your outline:

  • Romeo and Juliet essay introduction.

In Romeo and Juliet essay, introduction paragraph plays one of the most important roles as you have to both spark the reader’s interest and show them why your topic is important. In order to do it right, there needs to be:

  • An attention grabber for Romeo and Juliet essay. As this would be the first sentence of the intro, it should leave the reader wanting to learn more about the topic. Good hooks for Romeo and Juliet essay might be quotes, relevant factual information, or even questions.
  • Once you are done writing a hook, give readers some background info on the topic or justify why you have chosen to research it. Be sure to cite any factual information if you use it in this section.
  • The last sentence of your intro would be a Romeo and Juliet essay thesis. Here, you will need to list the main arguments that you plan to discuss in the body of the paper.

This is the most extensive and informative part of your text. In this section, you need to review each of the arguments you have previously mentioned and support them with the info you have found when doing a research. Preferably, do not review more than 1 point per paragraph and carefully transition between the arguments.

  • Romeo and Juliet essay conclusion.

How to end a Romeo and Juliet essay? First of all, restate your thesis and make a brief overview of points that you have made in the body of the paper. Secondly, to make sure there is an insightful ending to Romeo and Juliet essay, answer the “so what” question, i.e., explain why everything you have previously discussed matters. Finally, remember that a good conclusion sentence for Romeo and Juliet essay leaves a reader with a great impression and calls them for further reflection. Therefore, make sure that a closing statement for Romeo and Juliet essay refers to and reiterates the strongest point you have made so far, links what has been said to a larger context, or calls the reader for certain action.

Writing creative titles for Romeo and Juliet essay

In order to come up with great Romeo and Juliet essay titles, you need to:

  • Finish writing the paper first. When you are done with your essay, you know which ideas you have included and which ones did not make it to the final version. Therefore, there is no chance that you will add something irrelevant to the title.
  • Reread the paper. Check your thesis and the main points you have made – they will likely be the best basis for your title.
  • Write down a few options. It doesn’t matter how short or long they will be – you need to see what titles seems to work for your paper and you can revise them to be of the necessary length later.

Violence and love in Romeo and Juliet essay question

What type of essay to choose?

There are many kinds of essays about Romeo and Juliet you can consider working on. If you are free to choose any topic and, thus, any essay type, we suggest one of the following:

  • Romeo and Juliet persuasive essay. The main goal of such an essay is to persuade the readers that your viewpoint is the right one. It is important to appeal to people’s emotions and logic, as well as develop a clear line of reasoning.
  • Romeo and Juliet argumentative essay. Once you choose a controversial topic, you will have to determine your stance on it and use factual information to support it.
  • Romeo and Juliet literary analysis essay. In such a paper, you may analyze certain parts of the plot, imagery and literary devices used.
  • Romeo and Juliet compare and contrast essay. Choose two characters or situations and point out what their similarities and differences are. 
  • Romeo and Juliet critical essay. When making a critical analysis, you need to evaluate the text. Show readers what you think about the play and support this opinion with examples from the text and other credible sources.

Interesting and useful facts for Romeo and Juliet essay

It is safe to say that there are few people in this world who do not know the story of Romeo and Juliet or have at least heard about it. However, it doesn’t mean that you cannot surprise your professor with interesting facts about the play in your Romeo and Juliet paper:

  • Shakespeare’s tragedy is based on an ancient Italian folk legend.
  • Romeo and Juliet was originally published in 1597. However, Shakespearean scholars have argued for a long time that this version of the play was not only unfinished but also forbidden. The version we know today was published in 1599.
  • You definitely know that Romeo and Juliet were young lovers, but it’s easy to miss how young Juliet was. In fact, she was 13 years old and died 2 weeks before her 14’s birthday.
  • In 1662, actress Mary Saunderson took the stage as Juliet, and she is considered the first woman to play this iconic role. Until that moment, only men played all roles in the theater.
  • The original name of the play was The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
  • The tragedy was first filmed in 1900.
  • There are more than 100 adaptations of this famous play in dozens of countries - the USA, Canada, France, Italy, the Philippines, Croatia, Argentina, and many others.

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GCSE English Literature - 'Romeo & Juliet' Essays

GCSE English Literature - 'Romeo & Juliet' Essays

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Assessment and revision

Revision Guru's Shop

Last updated

14 August 2024

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Finding it challenging to grasp ‘Romeo & Juliet’? Or looking for an additional study aid? We’ve got you covered! We’ve put together a set of 5 sample essays from the legendary Literary Heritage text by William Shakespeare! These essays align with the official Pearson Edexcel IGCSE specification, featuring questions akin to those asked in real examinations. Each essay has been evaluated at a grade 9 standard by teachers. Get this set now to boost your vocabulary, refine your grammar, and improve your overall English. Engage with this resource and uplift your English Literature grade to a 9. Share your feedback and let us know how it helped in your exams!

  • 5 grade 9 assured PDF documents with no access or editorial restrictions
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  • Each document is 2/3 sides ranging from 1000-1500 words making them appropriate length for real examinations
  • A guarantee that each essay hits the following 3 asssemessment objectives: AO1, AO2, AO4

The Compiled Sample Essays & Essay Questions: Juliet: Sample Essay Question: ‘How does Shakespeare present Juliet in the play?’

Mercutio: Sample Essay Question: ‘How does Shakespeare present Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet?’

Romeo: Sample Essay Question: ‘How does Shakespeare present the character of Romeo?’

The Nurse: Sample Essay Question: ‘How is the Nurse presented as an important character in Romeo and Juliet?’

Tybalt: Sample Essay Question: ‘Explore the idea that Tybalt as an aggressive and violent character?’

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Inventive Titles for 'Romeo and Juliet' Essays

1. introduction.

Students do all the work, but teachers get all the credit. Teachers need never lack a title or idea for their world-famous essays on Romeo and Juliet. Of first course, they will thank the humble author profusely. Revolving around Shakespeare's popular play, this brainchild of the author forges together various topics to create a never-before-seen paper. Unlike the play's characters, the author lacks a prologue for this prodigy. All readers must accept the perplexing fact that most essay titles come after the work on which they are based. Rurouni Kenshin is generally considered to be a sign of high intelligence in women, high grace in men, and high womanliness in men. In this case of title-realism theory, a woman must have licked the sole of her boot and have flinched to test whether or not she was dreaming beforehand. Inventive titles for essays can single-handedly make the woman-reader. Choosing a title for Romeo and Juliet essays, one must be reminded of the many difficulties in the task. With titles as daring as these, the author must warn the humble readers of the never-before-heard-of ideas that fall into their hands. Stocked with creativity, each essay awaits completion on someone's fingers. Until people are forgotten, they are truly dead. However, the author's solace lies within the pages surrounding this popular poem under scrutiny.

1.1. Background of 'Romeo and Juliet'

'William Shakespeare's play, 'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet', was written in 1595. Even though it is over 500 years old, the themes are still relevant in society today and are used in many essays and speeches. With this in mind, it is easy to understand that one of the most common tasks for school and university students is writing essays, working on their academia or speeches about the play. With this in mind, it can be quite arduous to find an essay topic. However, this is not the most difficult part. The greatest problem faced by students is sending an essay and realizing that it has a generic title. This means that the student's effort becomes unnoticed, as there are many other essays with titles such as 'Love and Hate in Literature' or 'How Love Influences People'. With this in mind, students should create titles that are more interesting and imaginative.

1.2. Importance of Effective Essay Titles

So, you've just finished reading 'Romeo and Juliet' and have been assigned to write an essay. Below are a few ideas to help you start brainstorming creative, interesting titles. These can cover a range of topics such as character relationships, different ways of interpreting the story, themes, motifs, imagery, or even events in the play. However, the essay title is a crucial part of your writing creativity but also knowing what to base your article on. In 'A Handbook of Creative Writing', Steven Earnshaw concurs: 'Getting the title right can firmly set the tone and shape of your work, it's an important part of the composition process'. He later quotes the American poet Gertrude Stein as saying, 'A rose is a rose. But on another hand, a title is a title. A title is a great deal'. Additionally, this is about providing inspiration. You know the saying 'got to have a killer title'? Well, sometimes 'killer titles' aren't just out for a walk. With a strong and effective title, you won't need to worry so much about making sure you write your 'killer essay'. The 'killer' will already be within your work. After all, you've created and put in place the jigsaw puzzle of words. You've done all of the hard work that makes the process of writing so challenging and rewarding. You earned this reward. There are thousands of cliched 'Romeo and Juliet' essays written each day in high school classrooms all over the world by thousands of students. And your teachers have read all about teenage immaturity, or about how Juliet is portrayed as such a strong character, and how the theme is... what was it again? But your essay is going to be largely unnoticed if you leave your incredibly elementary title sitting beneath the rest of your masterfully crafted essay. With a good title, your work will be in a class all its own. And chances are, your teachers will be even more impressed with your innovative title choice.

2. Analytical Titles

The title of your essay is the first thing that will be read, and will most likely be the reason the reader is even reading it in the first place. It is important to offer a creative title. A plain simple title won't do much for you. Analytical titles work well, as they often are pulled from the text and offer an overall feel of what you are about to talk about which can be provided with just the name of the work that is being addressed in your essay whether it is the whole thing or a specific aspect. Title 1: Fighting - Not Always a Bad Thing in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Title 2: Type of Love in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Title 3: Tragedy of Characters - Not Genre - in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. What We Want out of getting the most out of the title and with the first part of the essay is what the title offers the reader, it is then up to the writer to be sure that his/her audience understands what it means. The reader is excited to read the story. This novel is very interesting and has a surprising end.

2.1. Exploring the Tragic Flaws of Romeo and Juliet

I. Introduction A. Tragic Flaws 1. Reference to three examples 2. Reference to sources of controversy 3. Reference to punishments for tragic flaws II. First Tragic Flaw—Impetuosity A. Love at first sight 1. Examples 2. Possible input for an essay B. Aggressive behavior 1. Adoption of male role 2. Possible input for an essay C. Rashness 1. Marriage 2. Killing Tybalt 3. Determination to squelch crush 4. Watch the clock metaphor 5. Suicides 6. Possible input for an essay D. Possible thematic point III. Second Tragic Flaw—Invulnerability A. Early in the text 1. Distancing between audience and the literary figures 2. References to immaturity 3. Possible input for an essay B. Parallelism between 1. Characters 2. Plot development C. Unsuccessful interventions 1. By Benvolio 2. By the Prince 3. Possible input for an essay D. Ominous directional movement 1. Announcement of sizes for people 2. Concomitant ominous events 3. Possible input for an essay E. Romeo's despairing soliloquy F. Anticipations of ultimate death G. Possible thematic point IV. Othello, a Tragic Hero? A. Tragic or tragic hero? B. Punishment C. Selection of personal flaws D. Pride E. Jealousy F. Conclusion V. Conclusion A. Unjust destruction B. Final sentiment

2.2. The Role of Fate in Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'

The story of 'Romeo and Juliet' is not one of two starry-eyed lovers giving in to the passions of their hearts, fate in their stars or even the machinations of fate. They are actually thralls to predestined fate, enacting something foretold and helpless to avert it. Within the first few lines of the play, a prologue enters. The chorus tells us that Romeo and Juliet are subjects of fate: "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." They are bound by the destiny of their stars to suffer love and birth and death. Is this a gloomy concept to present at the outset of a "romantic" comedy? Not really; the idea cannot be described as a dour one because fate is to the Elizabethan theatergoers as what we should call Science; a fact of life proven by a thousand experiences. The people of Elizabethan England believe that the stars were really significant; to them, they were powerful symbols. When William Shakespeare examines the role of fate and destiny in 'Romeo and Juliet', he compares it to the rising dawn of the sun, confirming how it may be predicted and fulfilled but never altered nor affected. The message of fate is propelled throughout the play. Both Romeo and Juliet deny the role of fate in their lives but accept it submissively thereafter. Neither of the teens take responsibility for the course of events in the earlier acts. They do not consider the consequences of their plight or seek to change their destiny, that is, by wrecking the Montague and Capulet plays. But the characters aspire desperately for independence from the stations dictated to them by their families as soon as the worst occurs. Throughout the play, the audience is treated to descriptions of rarity. The character and motivation of the major players are presented as independent souls: Tybalt is violent, Romeo is a lover, except when the course of those players is decided. This is the effect of the unpredicted ordaining of Shakespeare's "ridic'st," "son," and "heav'en-goer." Yet it changes nothing; it suggests that dramatic action and character interpretation are perhaps "appeared." Star-crossed lovers because they are never in control.

3. Creative Titles

A Rose by any other name. Would Romeo and Juliet have fallen in love if they were from rival families? (Or modern day rival schools?) Et tu, Mom. Forbidden (Text) Love. Things We Say. Stupid Kids. Never Say Goodbye. Rosaline had it Easy. Bromance and Julinka. Initial Sniffles. Romeo and Juliet: Beyond the Tower. What’s in a Name? Onion Head. Decisions, Decisions. The White Knight and His Lady. “I’ll take the Poison, but not the Marriage.” The Time of your Life. Love or Lust? Once Upon a Juliet. Dynasty. Gifts for Good Kids. The Final Curtain. The Four Letters of Love. 'If Music be the Food of Love, Play On' Welcome to the Zoo. From Page to Stage. Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off. Natural Born Enemies. What’s your Sound Anyway? Flirting or Flirting? Small Talks and Swashbuckling. Romeo and Juliet were stoned. Does anyone ever die sober in a Shakespeare? “You need to get out more.” In Memory of. To Die or Not to Die. YOLO, 'cause the Bacon says so. Pyramus and Thisbe. Panic! at the Verona Inn. Be my Main Squeeze. These Buds are not Wiser. What about Rosalind? Et tu, Bruté? When in Rome – O or Juliet – New Driver. Kill a Kettle Drum on a Soft Beck and Why’s that Moon? Be Still my Hungover Heart. Would Romeo Twerk for Juliet? Romeo and Juliet - Behind Closed Doors, Between the Lines and Locked in a Kiss.

3.1. A Love Beyond Measure: Unraveling 'Romeo and Juliet'

Among the various aspects of Shakespeare’s play, “Romeo and Juliet,” and its transcendent appeal, is his creation of the special quality of young love and the passion of the “legitimate” lover. Despite their being divided by the enmity between their kinsmen, the love deeply felt between these lovers characterizes their opposition to the type of love which merely relates to the attractions drawn from earth and the flesh. Directly and indirectly, all the loves in this play are related to the death of the protagonists, either by their actions or by their inactions: the desire for revenge is a species of hate and like hate, leads to death and despair; the love of the Petrarchists does not seek any good for others and like the other two, its scarcity kills; Romeo and Juliet's love is the unique that survives, and renews; and Romeo’s friendly, compassionate love leads to both his death and that of his beloved. Love, however, cannot be simplified. Its mysteries cannot be discovered by mere celebration or negation, as nobody is able to love all people the same way. A lover cannot couple the divine and the human, the spiritual and the fleshly. However, love puts the world in motion and it is because of its power of renovation, that it challenges the mortality of the human being and gains the attributes of transcendence. The way of love is then the way of salvation, as in life, to die in peace, the soul must build every segundum dei voluntatem due, room or ark, because of its saving character, as much for the beloved as for the subject. Every arch is legitimate, but is only reinforced, as a room or ark by the existence of the second room or ark. Love is a ransom, and the virtue of the ransom depends on the self-denying quality of the lover. This is the principal key to Romeo and Juliet’s love.

3.2. Tragedy in Verona: The Power of Forbidden Love

Shakespeare's play 'Romeo and Juliet' encompasses a tragedy built primarily on the theme of love. As individuals and as citizens, the prince and Juliet's parents viewed love, particularly if forbidden, as a fickle, dangerous desire that wreaks havoc on all in its path. While Romeo and Juliet regard love as the main course of the meal of life, their parents view love as a bandit, a blemish on their pride and honor. How can a concept so fundamentally different in individuals bring such grief to so many? The potentially tragic outcome of a forbidden love is initially revealed in the prologue to the play. It states that as a result of their forbidden union, a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. The words "star-crossed" allude to astrological elements, as in the tradition of Renaissance drama. Certainly the lovers' passage through their similarly described lives is just as affected by fate. The words "take their life" insinuate that the Montagues and Capulets were all somehow responsible for the fate of their own children. The real tragedy of the main characters, of course, is that love, and their sense of perspective, should have had no effect on their destiny at all. If Shakespeare's characters had approached the idea of love and its effect on their lives with the same sense as their creator, these characters would not be asked to take the poison. But, while both Romeo and Juliet's future is visible from the very beginning of the play, their love is not resolute enough to face their two greatest obstacles -- their families' opposition to it and the characteristics of coincidence and irony that shape their love as it grows.

4. Comparative Titles

Lay not our strife at your charge: the following "comparative titles" are meant to address the most frequently assigned and potentially "tiring" essays on the play. The epitome is simple. Let's begin with titles for essays on Romeo and Juliet that are essentially of a historic/societal nature (William Faulkner's "The War Between the Sexes Compounded in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet"; any essay addressing the topical pivotal nature of the street fight at 1.1.82-139; etc.) and to do so without dismissing the countless outside websites and books that have tried to make the same point in juiced-up thesaurus English. Then, we'll address questions from those who believe that the main conflict is Montague vs. Capulet, and finally we'll conclude with titles for a variety of love stories which invite comparisons with R&J as a "golden apple." The subtext of the "essence" essay is this: cultural laws were ignored, and we all know the result. Other topic-specific subject headers include "Prisoners of Youth," "Crossing Lines (Both Fate and Fortune)," and so on.

4.1. 'Romeo and Juliet' vs. Modern Love Stories

Listening to students, at any level, critique or evaluate their experience of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, I often find them saying with a finality that leaves no chance for discussion, "Anybody could know within a page of real close reading that this was written by a different kind of mind than writes love stories today." I am never sure whether they mean this mind has less sympathy for the young lovers or is less mean. If Shakespeare, with Mercutio, Benvolio, the Nurse, and Friar Laurence speaking words of sober wisdom to the "passion's fools," is less sappy, then, by contrast, he must be less mean, as Fred Astaire, repeating the word almost too often in comparison with the plain fellows of present day romances, sums his case for reticent simplicity with Ginger Rogers, Esther Williams, and Cyd Charisse in Singin' in the Rain. I have a good, maybe all too good, idea of when their measure of a love story was set competitively. I greeted the golden decade of rock 'n roll and the first teenage idols who captured mass audiences with the same enthusiasm I exhibited more than ten years before for Summer Love. But listening to them revere Jerry Reed, Brenda Lee, and especially Pat Boone in The Love Letters in the Sand, I have not convinced them that Pat, looking out at them from their parents' attic, is anything less than sentimental now as he was when they were children sitting on the floor in front of a monster monaural TV set. And just what is it that marks them both, Romeo and Juliet out of his century and young Johnny Valentine most transcendentally and captivatingly in his? Not, I think the romantic legend that appeals to our better vanity, the trivialities of plot and episode that contribute to the paradox and aura of contrivance that half modern readers for all the ancient authenticity. What is it then?

4.2. Shakespearean Tragedy: A Comparative Analysis

Shakespeare's universally acknowledged classical tragedies include "Hamlet," "Othello," "Macbeth," and "King Lear," along with "Romeo and Juliet." The popularity of "Romeo and Juliet" in young readers' and student anthologies, its innumerable adaptations in books, films, television and theatre, and the countless critical responses to the work itself necessitates a text which allows students to view the play within the wider perspective of Shakespearean tragedy, and to appreciate it as a major but complex work of art. The nature of the love theme is a dominant question in all discussions of "Romeo and Juliet," and this essay provides a full analysis of it, allowing the student to frame and enlarge their thoughts on the subject. In "Romeo and Juliet," the predominant theme is undoubtedly that of love, and it is a theme under constant dispute. It is indeed that much-misconstrued and undervalued thing called love; and yet students who claim to 'love' the play are commonly those who miss true appreciation of the deeper, penetrating qualities of love as it is shown by Shakespeare.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, many of the above essay titles show the wit and creativity of students today. While these revisions may be treated as frivolous, there is also a great deal of reflected differences of context, cultural approaches, and academic depth in the underlying exercises. There is a value in reflecting upon these essays, a value that transcends division by a broad intertextual approach to our teaching, a value in which primary text can be illustrated with that rich diversity of contexts and cultures. And if students can be sufficiently motivated through the addition of our 'inventive titles' to approach the rich work in 'Romeo and Juliet,' the overall outcome can only be beneficial. The more we think creatively, the more creative approaches may stimulate a response. In closing, I simply suggest that you, too, try more creative solutions to your questions about 'Romeo and Juliet.' The results have been interesting, provocative, and often hilariously funny. And if I have not already thanked every one of you who contributed, I do so now. Your collective and individual responses are much appreciated.

5.1. Summary of Key Points

1 A life without laughter would be so dreary. The person who believes that is very dear to me because she can always make me smile. 2 Pets bring joy to many people and are recognized as beneficial to health. 3 What then are we arguing about when we argue that transgenic animals should not bring cheer to people's lives? 4 We learned long ago, usually from children or from less lethal adults like Mark Twain or James Thurber, that gambling on the development of a rosy future often provides joyful relief from the anxieties of the present. 5 One kind of gambling is betting on the introduction of a transgenic pet that might be both interesting and novel. 6 However, there is no single gene that can be used to transpose the twinkle in the eye of Mickey Mouse and other rodent favorites. 7 So should we argue about cunning names or more important facts like approval and funding processes that ensure the welfare of the animals who will inevitably multiply because they are loved?

5.2. Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Selecting an original title for your Romeo and Juliet essays is a tricky and creative process. Here is an overview of the types of titles that have been used extensively by students for their essays. However, the improvement and creativity of any title is not limited to the selection of categories and choice of words. The right combination of few words expertly chosen equals a masterful and efficient title that reflects your main ideas, imbues your work with style and substance, and further enhances the argument and complexity of your essay. To achieve this effect, you should consider your audience, task at hand, and the scope of literature or the topic you discuss. Understanding what your reader begins when your essay is called up, you must understand how to open effectively. This is true of all essays, assignments, creative stories and other types. The title should suit the writing style and usual use of language and create an appropriate atmosphere. By selecting an original title for your Romeo and Juliet persuasive essay can become an exciting and exhilarating journey into the unknown! If you wonder how to title an essay, you should consider whatever there is in its preliminary draft, making sure that your work with the title not only attracts readers, but also directs and structures your future persuasive essay. We have talked about the analyses dear reader, and the research that will help you on your way to creating the art. It can be placed in a scene, setting the tone and mood of the work. The task of the title is of enormous complexity. Wuthering Heights, The Grapes of Wrath or Heart of Darkness are some good examples of titles that describe, but also manage to be unique, linking back to the main themes and ideas within the novel itself. However, if you wonder how to title an essay appropriate for your assignment, using an adequate framing and effective words, the following ideas will anchor you to success from now on!

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The Crow director makes his case for the character redesign

‘Christian Bale didn’t just step into Michael Keaton’s Batman costume’

by Pete Volk

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Yellow Flower

Adapting The Crow again is a daunting task.

Director Alex Proyas famously adapted James O’Barr’s comic book series in 1994. His movie became a cult classic due to its moody, gothic tone and the unforgettable performance of star Brandon Lee, who died during filming due to a mishap involving a prop gun .

Three sequels followed the 1994 movie, but none found the original movie’s box-office success or long-lasting legacy. Thirty years later, we have a new version of The Crow — not a reboot or remake of the first movie, but a new adaptation of O’Barr’s comic.

The Crow (2024) has been in development since 2008 , with a variety of directors and stars attached at various times. Blade director Stephen Norrington was originally slated to take on the project, while Bradley Cooper , Luke Evans , and Jason Momoa were each at one point lined up to play protagonist Eric.

After more than a decade in development, The Crow found its final combination: director Rupert Sanders and star Bill Skarsgård. Sanders is no stranger to adaptation — his previous films Snow White and the Huntsman , the 2017 live-action Ghost in the Shell , and even his television pilot for Foundation have all been adapted from prior works. (“It’s kind of annoying, to be honest,” he tells Polygon, saying he has 20 to 30 original projects he wants to get off the ground.) And Skarsgård is no stranger to makeup-heavy physical performances: He’s perhaps best known for playing Pennywise the Clown in Andy Muschietti’s It movies .

Sanders, a longtime fan of both O’Barr’s comic book and the Proyas movie, wanted to put his own spin on the source material. He pushes back against the idea that this project came with more pressure than any of his others: He says making any film is “daunting,” because “you’re still having to investigate the world in the same way.”

“I love the edginess of [this story],” he says. “I love the youth-culture side of it. I love the music [of the 1994 movie]. I love the kind of goth-Gothic movie, the kind of fabled myth, horror elements to it. I felt there was a version, an adaptation and a re-imagination, that would be very contemporary, and that there were themes that were in there that could be pushed further for today’s audience.”

The Crow’s new look

Bill Skarsgård in full Crow get up in The Crow. His jacket is open to show his shirtless torso, which is covered in tattoos. He has heavy black makeup on around his eyes.

His desire to contemporize The Crow shows up in the radically different design of Skarsgård as Eric: Sanders eschews the heavy white-and-black makeup Brandon Lee wore in the 1994 movie. Instead, Skarsgård’s Eric is heavily tattooed, with lighter touches of black makeup to meet Sanders’ vision for a “more grounded” version of this story, with a character design he says was inspired by what was around him when he grew up — specifically, England’s rave scene in the ’90s and the New Age travellers .

“I think what we were wearing in the ’90s is essentially what kids are wearing nowadays,” Sanders explains. “Eric is like a graffiti-writing street kid who has tattooed himself to push people away. I didn’t feel like the character put on white face makeup, because ours isn’t as stylized as the original. I think it worked in the black-and-white lines of the comic. The original [movie] was very theatrical and staged in this kind of miniature world. But our world was a bit more grounded.

“I think people at first were like, ‘Oh my God, what have they done to The Crow ?’” he says. “It’s like the Batman costume. Christian Bale didn’t just step into Michael Keaton’s Batman costume and go ‘Sweet, I got this.’ And the Superman wardrobes , none of them have been [the same], they’re always a development. I acknowledge [this adaptation is] very different. It’s drawn on personal experience, and it’s drawn on conversations between Bill and I creating a character. And I think it works for Bill, and it works for the movie.”

A different take on romance

Bill Skarsgård and FKA twigs kiss in The Crow. She is behind a curtain that looks like a white wedding veil

Eric’s design isn’t the only significant change in this version of The Crow . The role of his love interest Shelly (played by musician FKA Twigs) is quite different in Sanders’ movie. After meeting in a rehab facility, the two instantly strike up a bond over their shared isolation and deep sadness. When the demons of Shelly’s past catch up with her at the facility, the agents of an evil crime lord (Danny Huston) find her and kill both of the young lovers. Eric comes back to life as an avatar of vengeance, and he is promised that if he kills all of the people responsible for their murders, Shelly will return to life.

Sanders particularly wanted to stress the beauty in Eric and Shelly’s tragic romance, rather than quickly moving on to the quest for revenge.

“It’s kind of like two movies, in a way,” he says. “People were like, Oh no, he’s got to become The Crow in like, page 10. And I’m like, No, he doesn’t. I really fought for that half of the movie, because, to me, it’s like a cool kind of Romeo and Juliet meets, you know, Larry Clark’s Kids . It’s the streetwise kids who are broken and find each other. And there was something really beautiful in that, and really important to his journey.”

Sanders also felt society has a different understanding of criminality now than it did 30 years ago, and he wanted that reflected in the inciting incident that causes Eric’s revenge spree.

“The original Shelly is a kind of a flashback. She’s never there in flesh and blood,” he says. “It’s cold. You killed her, I kill you all, hundreds of you. And I didn’t really feel that was timely. I felt that we’re a bit more understanding of why people are criminals, and why people are in gangs. [The comic’s narrative] felt just a bit bleak, and so I felt the big thing was that Shelly needs to be the engine of the movie. She is the one he falls in love with. She needs to be the beating heart of the movie.”

Bloodier and bloodier

Bill Skarsgård lays down flowers on the ground, wearing all black, in The Crow

The action design of 2024’s The Crow also stands in stark contrast to the 1994 movie — it’s a different kind of gory, thanks in part to technological advances in CGI and the influences of modern action franchises like the John Wick movies .

But the nature of Eric’s powers also creates a potential problem for action sequences: As long his love “remains pure,” he cannot die, no matter how many times he is shot or stabbed. How do you create tension in sequences where the audience isn’t afraid for the protagonist’s life?

Turns out, the answer is pain. “Are we emotionally connected to him if there’s no kind of suffering?” stunt coordinator Adam Horton tells Polygon. “I think that was the key word. He might not be able to die, but he’s suffering. He feels everything that he’s going through in the journey. We wanted to push the envelope of being not a slasher, but painful.”

Finding a new Crow fandom

Bill Skarsgård and FKA twigs sit by an outdoor fire in The Crow. Skarsgård holds a beer in his left hand, and they look at each other longingly.

Sanders’ hope is that this new Crow , while not specifically designed for teenagers, can find a new young audience that isn’t familiar with the first movie. He feels the core of the story is timeless: The tone and the story about tragic young lovers still resonates.

“There’s something about the comfort of melancholy,” he says. “I think that sentiment is going to be with teenagers throughout time. That’s how we did the soundtrack. I wanted to build some of the music from [the late ’80s, early ’90s], but also, [using] people who are making music about the same heartache now as they were then. And I think there’s a really good throughline in the kind of the goth culture, or the emo culture, whatever you want to call it, that is still as present now as it was then.”

Sanders understands why longtime fans might be concerned about his new vision for the franchise — after all, he’s a fan too. But he maintains that a new version of The Crow can only help the visibility of other versions.

“I think the people who are concerned, and rightly so, are the people who grew up with it. But the people who are 17 now aren’t going back and watching that movie,” he says. “So for them to see this movie, I think, will give them a reason to go back and look back at that movie. I think it’s a win-win for everyone, really. ”

Horton agrees, saying a straight imitation of Proyas’s adaptation would be “paying disrespect” to the people who made it, because it was “amazing” and shouldn’t be copied.

“Leave that one alone, and […] really make [this one] different,” he says. “How do we make the audience and [the people who] made that movie in that time proud?”

“I hope that in 30 years’ time — I hope it doesn’t take that long – maybe in 10 years’ time, they’re all going, There’s only one Bill Skarsgård ,” Sanders says.

“No one’s dug a big hole and thrown that cult movie in it, where no one can ever see it again,” Sanders says. “We haven’t recorded over their VHS. It’s still there.”

The Crow is in theaters now.

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