7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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Sales presentations: templates, examples and ideas on how to present like a pro

Sales Presentation

A good sales presentation is more than a simple pitch, a demo or a list of facts and figures. Done well, at the right time in your sales process , it’s a tool for getting your prospects’ attention, drumming up excitement and moving prospects toward a buying decision.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use the power of storytelling to drive decision-making and close more deals. We’ll also cover the fundamental elements of an effective sales presentation strategy, what to include in your sales decks and practical ideas on how to deliver them.

What is a sales presentation?

A sales presentation is a live meeting where your team showcases your product or service and why it’s the best option for your prospect.

Although the terminology differs from company to company, a sales presentation is not always the same as a sales pitch.

A sales pitch is what your sales professionals do all day long, on the phone, over Zoom or in person with clients.

A sales presentation (although it’s still a sales pitch) is a point-in-time event that usually happens when your sales team is trying to close a more lucrative deal. It’s not a simple phone call, as it often involves a meeting and a demo.

Because you’re likely presenting to a group of senior decision-makers and executives, sales presentations require ample prep time and coordination across multiple team members.

How (and why) to use storytelling in your sales presentation

Use stories in your presentations to help people remember and relate to your brand.

Statistics, facts and figures can help when you’re trying to persuade a prospect to become a customer, but they’re more impactful if you can frame them with a memorable story.

For example, tell a story about a customer who faced the same challenges as your prospect and supplement it with powerful data, they are more likely to listen and want to know more.

Human beings have a deep relationship with storytelling. Stories move, teach and, in a sales context, persuade audiences.

Chip Heath, a Stanford professor and the co-author of Made to Stick , demonstrates the importance of storytelling by doing an exercise with his students. He divides them into groups and asks them to deliver a one-minute persuasive pitch based on data he’s just shown them.

After the pitches are delivered, he asks the class to jot down everything they remember about them. Although most students use stats rather than stories, 63% remember the stories, while only 5% remember an individual data point .

The stickiness of stories makes them a useful tool for developing a sales presentation outline. They help prospects understand and remember the key points of the presentation and your product.

Thomas Dredge Sales Manager, Particular Audience

Start with a problem (and a deadline)

Your presentation is about the solution you’re offering your prospects, but it shouldn’t start with that solution.

Instead, lead with the problem your solution was designed to solve.

“ Value selling is key,” says Bradley Davies, business development at Cognism . “It is important to understand your buyer and tailor their journey to what you can do for them.

“First, you need to understand what is motivating them to have a discussion, which allows you to identify their pains and present how your offering solves their pains. Everything presented to a prospect should be based on the value for them specifically.”

You might choose to tell a story that positions your product as the hero, helping the customer vanquish a villain: their pain point.

Your story should be tailored to the pain points of the prospects in the room. For example, a change to their business, industry or the technology they use.

“If an element of your offering is not relevant, then don't distract them from the important features. It will keep them engaged and help to build their user story,” adds Bradley.

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Digging deep to determine customer pain points and make the sale

Create a sense of urgency around your product: It’s a solution to their problem, but if they don’t act now, they could miss an opportunity. Tell a story about what might happen if your prospect doesn’t change, framing the consequences of inaction.

Focus on outcomes

You’ve outlined the problem and, if you’re doing your job, your audience is nodding along. Now it’s time to start talking about the solution.

However, that doesn’t mean you should launch into the features and benefits of your product just yet.

Rather than presenting your product, a good sales presentation draws a picture of what life could look like for a customer once they start doing things differently. How will their workload or productivity improve? What will they be able to do with additional time and resources? How will they reduce spending and increase revenue?

From there, introduce your solution and the features that can make this brave new world possible. Do this in a few ways:

Position your features against the old way of doing things

Present those features as “superpowers” that will solve your prospect’s problems

Compare those features to competitors’ features

Quantify the value your features bring vs. the cost of doing nothing

Use a combination of some or all of the above

Creating a winning sales presentation slide deck

Most sales presentations include a slide deck to deliver facts, case studies and statistics that convey the value of your solution.

Create your sales pitch deck in an application like PowerPoint or Google slides to ensure your presentation is visible to everyone in the room (or in a virtual setting).

The best sales decks have a few key elements:

A great cover image or opening slide. Like the story you open your presentation with, your cover slide should grab your audience’s attention.

Data and key points . Charts, graphs, infographics, quotes and other information back up your presentation. Your slides should support your presentation by visualizing data, not repeating what you’re saying. You can get metrics from third-party sources or (if appropriate) from your own sales dashboard .

Testimonials and case studies from other customers. Quotes and success stories from or information about other customers, preferably in the same industry as your prospects, will act as social proof and go a long way to backing up your claims.

Competitive context. In all likelihood, your product isn’t the only one a potential customer is evaluating. Savvy sales professionals take the opportunity to proactively communicate how their product stacks up to their competitors’ and anticipate objections.

Customized content. While it might seem tempting to use the same content for every presentation, you should personalize your presentation for each meeting. You might want to use your prospect’s brand colors, find data specific to their market or industry, or reference an earlier exchange. You can find ready-to-use customizable sales decks through a graphic design app, such as Canva.

A glimpse into next steps. Give your prospects an understanding of what new customer onboarding looks like with a slide that includes a direct call to action offering next steps. For some companies, the training and customer support experience can be a value proposition in and of itself.

A note about text in your sales deck : Keep the slides simple and light on text. Your prospects don’t want to look at a wall of words to read. According to data from Venngage , 84% of presenters use visual data in their presentations – and for good reason: You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with text as they listen to you, look at your sales deck and watch the demo.

When you do include text, ensure you use a font (and font size) that can be easily read by everyone sitting in on your presentation.

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What else to bring to your sales presentation

Now that we’ve discussed the story elements of a sales presentation and your slide deck, what else should you bring to the meeting?

Most sales presentations are in-person affairs and include visual elements like a sales deck, handouts or even an in-person demonstration of the physical product. Here are a few things to think about including in your pitch.


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The product.

Nothing sells a product like seeing it in action.

Take Scrub Daddy, a sponge that changes shape depending on the heat of the water. When Aaron Krause, Scrub Daddy’s founder and inventor, presented the product on Shark Tank in 2012 , he demonstrated the sponge cleaning dirty kitchenware and greasy countertops. He also used bowls of water and two 10-pound weights to show the sponge’s amazing morphic abilities.

The tactic paid off: Scrub Daddy partnered with Lori Greiner for $200,000, in return for 20% equity in the business and is now considered one of Shark Tank’s most successful products.

Not all products are easy to demo, so you may have to improvise.

With a physical product, think of the perfect environment for a demo. What would show the product at its best?

With a digital product, make sure you have the technology on hand to show what your product can do (and check beforehand that the tech works). If it’s a mobile app, have your prospects download it. If it’s a platform, consider producing recorded or interactive product demos that can be embedded in your sales presentation.

For items that are too big to be brought in or which are location-specific, you may have to rely on a video as part of the presentation.


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Leave behinds.

Depending on the nature of your solution, you may want to have materials you can leave with the prospects in the room.

This can be as simple as contact information or sales literature you pass out at the end of the presentation. It can also be something that’s part of the presentation, like a QR code that allows them to download the demo on their phones. Whatever format you choose, make sure the material is concise and to the point.

Tailoring your sales presentation to speak to your audience

Once you develop a strong sales deck template, it’s tempting to use it over and over with your target audience. Remember, personalization is essential in sales.

During lead generation , prospecting and sales calls, you know that prospects are more interested in buying if your pitches are tailored to them. It’s the same with your sales presentations, especially if you have an unusual prospect.

Let’s say your product is a CRM that’s normally used by sales organizations, but a human resources department is interested in using it to create a recruiting pipeline.

You wouldn’t use a sales deck with sales-related examples to sell it during the presentation.

Instead, you’d research talent acquisition challenges, ask your product department to create a template or a demo aimed at recruiting and build your sales deck accordingly.

Different industries have unique challenges and opportunities. It’s your responsibility to tailor your value proposition and key bullet points accordingly.

“To craft the perfect sales presentation pitch,” advises Danny Hayward, Sales Manager at Unruly , “ensure you take care of these three things:

Ask the right questions beforehand to understand the needs of the client, especially their flaws

Learn your product inside and out

Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again

Danny Hayward Sales Manager, Unruly

How to nail your sales presentation delivery

Here are a few tried and true sales presentation techniques to make sure you close the deal.

Whether you’re presenting solo or as part of a team, it’s important to plan in advance. Follow these sales presentation tips for preparation.

Practice, practice, practice . You’ll need to get the timing right, especially if your presentation has a lot of moving parts. Go through it to make sure your timing works, so that you can nail the meeting itself.

Make sure everything works . You don’t want to go into a meeting with a faulty PowerPoint presentation or a broken sample – or find out there is no whiteboard when one is integral to your demonstration. Do your best to make sure everything goes to plan.

Decide on everyone’s roles . This one is just for those presenting as a team. Will different sales reps speak through each section? Will one rep talk while the others handle the sales deck and demo? Decide who will do and say what ahead of time.

Know your attendees. Make sure you know who from the prospect company will be in the meeting, their titles and the roles they each play in the buying process. Conducting light social media research can also clue you into attendees’ past experiences or alma maters (information that can fuel pre-presentation small talk and forge closer connections with your audience).

Practice confident body language

Presentations usually happen in person, which is why you need to practice strong body language. You want to look relaxed and confident (even if you’re shaking in your shoes).

Here are some ways you can improve your body language:

Eye contact . Make and maintain eye contact, even in virtual meetings. This shows people you’re interested in them and invested in what they have to say.

Stand up straight . Pull your shoulders back and straighten your spine; fixing your posture is an easy way to convey confidence. You’ll also feel better if you’re not hunched over.

Chin up. It’s hard when you’re in front of people, but don’t look at the floor or your shoes. Face straight ahead and make eye contact (or look at the back wall rather than the floor.)

Have a firm handshake. Some people judge others by their handshakes. Offer a firm handshake to make a good first impression.

Engage your audience

Presentations can span 30 to 60 minutes or more, so you need to be able to hold your prospects’ attention. There are a number of ways to keep everyone interested:

1. Understand your audience’s attention span

The beginning and the end of your presentation are the most memorable, so that’s where you want to use your strongest material.

Rather than leading with your product’s features, use the first few minutes of a presentation to briefly introduce yourself, and share the compelling story we mentioned earlier. If your demo itself is compelling, lead with that.

Then talk about product features and pricing. Your prospects might have already researched it or can look it up afterward, so it’s fine that it’s occupying real estate in the middle of the presentation.

Lastly, finish strong. Return to your story, sharing how your product solved an important problem. Close with confidence, and open the floor for questions.

2. Be funny

Humor can be tricky, so if you’re not comfortable making jokes, don’t force it. If, however, humor is part of your brand voice and you think it will be well-received by your audience, go for it. Humor can be a good way to connect with prospects, make your presentation memorable and relax everyone in the room.

3. Use a little showmanship

The best thing about a sales presentation is that it lets you show off your product. Unlike a pitch, a presentation lets you pull out the stops, make a splash and showcase your solution.

Use this to your advantage and be as memorable as you possibly can.

Sophie Cameron Business Development Representative, CAKE

What to do after the sales presentation to close the deal

The sales cycle isn’t over when the sales presentation ends. Here are some tips on how to wrap up loose ends and close the deal.

Take questions

Encourage questions to show prospects you care about their experience.

Sometimes prospects may want a question answered right in the middle of a presentation. Interactivity is a great sign of engagement. If that happens, stop the presentation and take their questions head-on to show you’re listening and validate their thoughts.

Other times they may sit silently waiting for you to give them all the information they need.

In either case, proactively ask for questions once you’ve ended your presentation. Encourage them to share their concerns. This is a consultative selling approach that works to build a relationship with your prospects.

By the end of your sales pitch, your prospect should be ready to come along with you and start your business relationship.

Outline the next steps of the process. The first could be offering a trial of your product, scheduling a follow-up meeting or sending over a proposal.

Whatever the steps, make sure they’re clearly defined. If you don’t hear from the prospect soon after the proposal, check back in with a follow-up email or call.


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Great sales presentation examples (and why they worked)

Here are some sales pitch examples you can use to inform your next sales presentation; these examples range from great sales decks to presentations and we’ll explain why they worked so well.

The successful demo

Stephen Conway of vegan chocolate brand Pure Heavenly opened his elevator pitch on the UK’s Dragons’ Den in 2019 by handing out samples of his chocolate. The product, paired with Stephen’s story about wanting to create an allergen-free treat that his young daughters could enjoy, led to three offers.

Why it worked: Conway knew the strength of his product and packaged it in a personal story, betting (correctly) that it would sell itself.

The data-driven presentation

Lunchbox is a restaurant technology company that specializes in online ordering, customer loyalty and guest engagement software. The sales deck the company used to raise its $50 million Series B in 2022 relied on bold visuals and graphs to illustrate its market opportunity, ARR history and competitive differentiators.


Why it worked: The deck tells two stories, one about the company itself and another about the way consumer dining habits have changed in the wake of COVID-19. Lunchbox used data to show how it met the industry’s new pain points for both itself and other companies.


Sales data: How to analyze sales data and a sample Excel spreadsheet

The presenters with overwhelming confidence

When Brian and Michael Speciale went on Shark Tank in 2017 to pitch their product, The Original Comfy, they had very little – no numbers or inventory, just a prototype of a big fleece blanket/hoodie and video of that hoodie being worn everywhere from the couch to the beach. What they did have was a good product and confidence in that product. Their presentation earned them an offer of $50,000 for 30% from Barbara Corcoran.

Why it worked: Corcoran says she bought in because the Speciale brothers had a good idea, the guts to present it and knew they had to strike while the iron was hot. While you probably should be more prepared for your own sales presentation, the Original Comfy story shows just how important confidence is in a sales presentation.

Begin your sales presentation by capturing your audience’s attention and establishing a solid foundation for the rest of your presentation. Here are some steps to consider:

Greet and introduce yourself

Establish rapport

State the purpose and agenda

Address the pain points

Present a compelling hook

Outline the benefits

Establish credibility

Set expectations

Remember to maintain a confident and enthusiastic demeanor throughout your presentation.

The ideal length of a sales presentation can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the product or service, the audience’s attention span and the context in which the presentation is being delivered. However, keeping a sales presentation concise, focused and within the timeframe is generally recommended.

The conclusion of a sales presentation is a significant opportunity to leave a lasting impression and inspire action from your audience. Here are a few steps you should take to end your presentation effectively.

Include a call to action

Summarize key points

Showcase success stories

Open the floor to questions

Offer additional resources

Here’s an example of how to end your presentation:

“To quickly recap, we’ve covered these key points today: [Summarize the main features and benefits briefly].

“Now, let’s revisit our success stories. Our clients, like [Client A] and [Client B], achieved [mention their specific results]. These successes demonstrate how our product/service can deliver tangible benefits for your business.

“I’d be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to ask about anything related to our offering, implementation process or pricing.

“Before we finish, I’d like to encourage you to take the next step. Schedule a demo, request a trial or start a conversation with our team. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the advantages firsthand.

“Lastly, we have additional resources available, such as case studies and whitepapers, to provide you with more insights. Feel free to reach out to our team for any further assistance.

“Thank you all for your time and consideration today.”

Final thoughts

It can be tempting to play it safe with a sales presentation by keeping it to a sales deck and a speech – but a sales presentation should be a show-stopper.

The best sales presentation tells your customer’s story, validates with data, offers a demo and more. It’s a major undertaking that shows the strength of your product. Done well, it keeps your prospects engaged and will make them want to do business with you.

Show customers how your product can push their business forward (or better yet, how your product can make them the superhero) and you’ll have a winning sales presentation that sparks your customer’s interest and drives revenue.

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Blog Marketing 15 Sales Presentation Examples to Drive Sales

15 Sales Presentation Examples to Drive Sales

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Oct 31, 2023

Sales Presentation Examples

A sales presentation is not merely a brief introduction to a product or service. It’s a meticulously constructed sales pitch tailored to showcase the unique features and key elements of what’s being offered and to resonate deeply with the prospective customers. 

But what stands out in the best sales presentation is their ability to weave an engaging story, integrating customer testimonials, success stories and sales performances to maintain the audience’s attention span and to persuade them to take action. 

The right tools, like those provided by Venngage presentation Maker and its sales presentation templates , can greatly aid in this endeavor. The aim is to have a presentation memorable enough that it lingers in the minds of potential clients long after the pitch. 

Its ultimate aim is not just to inform but to persuasively secure the audience’s commitment.

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6 Sales presentation examples

What to include and how to create a sales presentation, sales presentation vs pitch deck.

  • Final thoughts

A sales presentation can be the differentiating factor that turns a potential client into a loyal customer. The manner in which a brand or individual presents their value proposition, product, or service can significantly impact the buying decisions of their audience.

Hence, drawing inspiration from various sales presentation examples can be an instrumental step in crafting the perfect pitch.

Let’s explore a few examples of sales presentations that cater to different needs and can be highly effective when used in the right context.

Clean sales presentation examples

The concept of a “clean” sales presentation reflects more than just its visual aesthetic; it captures an ethos of straightforward, concise and effective communication. A clean presentation offers a professional and efficient way to present your sales pitch, making it especially favorable for brands or individuals looking to be perceived as trustworthy and reliable.

Every slide in such a presentation is meticulously designed to be aesthetically pleasing, balancing visuals and text in a manner that complements rather than competes.

Black And Brown Clean Sales Presentation

Its visual appeal is undeniably a draw, but the real power of a clean sales presentation lies in its ability to be engaging enough to hold your audience’s attention. By minimizing distractions, the message you’re trying to convey becomes the focal point. This ensures that your audience remains engaged, absorbing the key points without being overwhelmed.

A clean design also lends itself well to integrating various elements such as graphs, charts and images, ensuring they’re presented in a clear and cohesive manner. In a business environment where attention spans are continually challenged, a clean presentation stands as an oasis of clarity, ensuring that your audience walks away with a clear understanding of what you offer and why it matters to them.

White And Yellow Clean Sales Presentation

Minimalist sales presentation examples

Minimalism, as a design and communication philosophy, revolves around the principle of ‘less is more’. It’s a bold statement in restraint and purpose. In the context of sales presentations, a minimalist approach can be incredibly powerful.

Green Minimalist Sales Presentation

It ensures that your content, stripped of any unnecessary embellishments, remains at the forefront. The primary objective is to let the core message shine, ensuring that every slide, every graphic and every word serves a precise purpose.

White And Orange Minimalist Business Sales Presentation

This design aesthetic brings with it a sense of sophistication and crispness that can be a potent tool in capturing your audience’s attention. There’s an inherent elegance in simplicity which can elevate your presentation, making it memorable.

Grey And Blue Minimalist Sales Presentation

But beyond just the visual appeal, the minimalist design is strategic. With fewer elements on a slide, the audience can focus more intently on the message, leading to better retention and engagement. It’s a brilliant way to ensure that your message doesn’t just reach your audience, but truly resonates with them.

Every slide is crafted to ensure that the audience’s focus never wavers from the central narrative, making it an excellent choice for brands or individuals seeking to create a profound impact with their pitches.

Cream Neutral Minimalist Sales Presentation

Simple sales presentation examples

A simple sales presentation provides a clear and unobstructed pathway to your main message, ensuring that the audience’s focus remains undivided. Perfect for highlighting key information, it ensures that your products or services are front and center, unobscured by excessive design elements or verbose content.

Simple White And Green Sales Presentation

But the beauty of a simple design is in its flexibility. With platforms like Venngage , you have the freedom to customize it according to your brand voice and identity. Whether it’s adjusting text sizes, incorporating vibrant colors or selecting standout photos or icons from expansive free stock libraries, the power to enhance and personalize your presentation lies at your fingertips.

Creating your ideal design becomes a seamless process, ensuring that while the presentation remains simple, it is every bit as effective and captivating.

Professional sales presentation example

A professional sales presentation is meticulously crafted, reflecting the brand’s guidelines, voice and core values. It goes beyond just key features or product benefits; it encapsulates the brand’s ethos, presenting a cohesive narrative that resonates deeply with its target audience.

Beige And Red Sales Presentation

For sales professionals, it’s more than just a slide deck; it’s an embodiment of the brand’s identity, from the great cover image to the clear call to action at its conclusion.

These presentations are tailored to address potential pain points, include sales performances, and present solutions in a compelling and engaging story format. 

Red And Cream Sales Presentation

Integrating elements like customer success stories and key insights, ensuring that the presentation is not just good, but memorable.

White And Orange Sales Presentation

Sales performance sales presentation example

A company’s sales performance presentation is vital to evaluate, refine and boost their sales process. It’s more than just numbers on a slide deck; it’s a comprehensive look into the effectiveness of sales campaigns, strategies and the sales team as a whole.

Light Green Gradient And Dark Blue Sales Presentation

This type of sales presentation provides key insights into what’s working, what isn’t and where there’s potential for growth.

It’s an invaluable tool for sales professionals, often serving as a roadmap guiding future sales pitches and marketing campaigns.

Red Orange And Purple Blue Sales Presentation

An effective sales performance presentation might begin with a compelling cover slide, reflecting the brand’s identity, followed by a brief introduction to set the context. From there, it delves into specifics: from the sales metrics, customer feedback and more.

Ultimately, this presentation is a call to action for the sales team, ensuring they are equipped with the best tools, strategies and knowledge to convert prospective customers into paying ones, driving more deals and growing the business.

Brown And Cream Sales Presentation

Testimonial-based sales presentation examples

Leveraging the voices of satisfied customers, a testimonial-based sales presentation seamlessly blends social proof with the brand’s value proposition. It’s a testament to the real-world impact of a product or service, often making it one of the most effective sales presentation examples. 

Dark Blue Orange And Pink Sales Presentation

By centering on customer testimonials, it taps into the compelling stories of those who have experienced firsthand the benefits of what’s being offered.

As the presentation unfolds, the audience is introduced to various customer’s stories, each underscoring the product’s unique features or addressing potential pain points.

Blue And Orange Sales Presentation

These success stories serve dual purposes: they not only captivate the audience’s attention but also preemptively handle sales objections by showcasing how other customers overcame similar challenges.

Sales professionals can further augment the presentation with key insights derived from these testimonials, tailoring their sales pitch to resonate deeply with their potential clients.

Creating a good sales presentation is like putting together a puzzle. Each piece needs to fit just right for the whole picture to make sense. 

So, what are these pieces and how do you put them together? 

Here, I’ll break down the must-have parts of a sales presentation and give you simple steps to build one. 

What to include in a sales presentation?

With so much information to convey and a limited time to engage your audience in your sales presentation, where do you start?

Here, we’re going to explore the essential components of a successful sales presentation, ensuring you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your prospects.

  • A captivating opening slide: First impressions matter. Start with a great cover image or slide that grabs your audience’s attention instantly. Your opening should set the tone, making prospects curious about what’s to come.
  • Data-driven slides: Incorporate key points using charts, graphs, infographics and quotes. Instead of flooding your slides with redundant information, use them as a tool to visually represent data. Metrics from your sales dashboard or third-party sources can be particularly illuminating.
  • Social proof through testimonials: Weave in testimonials and case studies from satisfied customers. These success stories, especially from those in the same industry as your prospects, act as powerful endorsements, bolstering the credibility of your claims.
  • Competitive context: Being proactive is the hallmark of savvy sales professionals. Address how your product or service fares against competitors, presenting a comparative analysis. 
  • Customized content: While using a foundational slide deck can be helpful, personalizing your presentation for each meeting can make all the difference. Whether it’s integrating the prospect’s brand colors, industry-specific data or referencing a past interaction, tailored content makes your audience feel acknowledged.
  • Clear path to the future: End by offering a glimpse into the next steps. This can include a direct call to action or an overview of the onboarding process. Highlight the unique value your company brings post-sale, such as exceptional training or standout customer support.
  • Keep it simple: Remember, simplicity is key. Avoid overcrowding your slides with excessive text. Visual data should take center stage, aiding in comprehension and retention. 

Related: 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

How to create a sales presentation? 

Crafting a good sales presentation is an art that blends structure, content and design. 

A successful sales presentation not only tells but also sells, capturing the audience’s attention while conveying the main message effectively. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure that your sales deck becomes a winning sales presentation.

1. Find out your ideal audience

The first step to any effective sales pitch is understanding your audience. Are you presenting to prospective customers, potential clients or an internet marketing agency? Recognize their pain points, buying process and interests to craft a message that resonates. This understanding ensures that your presentation is memorable and speaks directly to their unique needs.

2. Pick a platform to Use

Depending on your target audience and the complexity of your sales literature, you might opt for Venngage presentation maker, PowerPoint templates, Google Slides or any tools that you are comfortable with. Choose a tool that complements your brand identity and aids in keeping your audience’s attention span engaged.

3. Write the ‘About Us’ section

Here’s where you build trust. Give a brief introduction about your organization, its values and achievements. Highlight key elements that set you apart, be it a compelling story of your brand’s inception, a lucrative deal you managed to seal, or an instance where an internet marketing agency hired you for their needs.

4. Present facts and data

Dive deep into sales performance metrics, client satisfaction scores and feedback. Use charts, graphs and infographics to visually represent these facts. Testimonials and customer success stories provide that added layer of social proof. By showcasing concrete examples, like a customer’s story or feedback, you give your audience solid reasons to trust your product or service.

5. Finish with a memorable conclusion & CTA

Now that you’ve laid out all the information, conclude with a bang. Reiterate the value proposition and key insights you want your audience to remember. Perhaps share a compelling marketing campaign or a unique feature of your offering.

End with a clear call to action, directing your prospects on what to do next, whether it’s downloading further assistance material, getting in touch for more deals or moving further down the sales funnel .

Related: 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Sales presentation and the pitch deck may seem similar at first glance but their goals, focuses, and best-use scenarios differ considerably. Here’s a succinct breakdown of the two:

Sales Presentation:

  • What is it? An in-depth dialogue designed to persuade potential clients to make a purchase.
  • Focuses on: Brand identity, social proof, detailed product features, addressing customer pain points, and guiding to the buying process.
  • Best for: Detailed interactions, longer meetings and thorough discussions with potential customers.
  • Example: A sales rep detailing a marketing campaign to a potential client.

Pitch Deck:

  • What is it? Pitch deck is a presentation to help potential investors learn more about your business. The main goal isn’t to secure funding but to pique interest for a follow-up meeting.
  • Focuses on: Brand voice, key features, growth potential and an intriguing idea that captures the investor’s interest.
  • Best for: Initial investor meetings, quick pitches, showcasing company potential.
  • Example: A startup introducing its unique value proposition and growth trajectory to prospective investors.

Shared traits: Both aim to create interest and engagement with the audience. The primary difference lies in the intent and the audience: one is for selling a product/service and the other is for igniting investor interest.

Related: How to Create an Effective Pitch Deck Design [+Examples]

Final thoughts 

Sales presentations are the heart and soul of many businesses. They are the bridge between a potential customer’s needs and the solution your product or service offers. The examples provided—from clean, minimalist to professional styles—offer a spectrum of how you can approach your next sales presentation.

Remember, it’s not just about the aesthetics or the data; it’s about the narrative, the story you tell, and the connection you establish. And while sales presentations and pitch decks have their distinct purposes, the objective remains consistent: to engage, persuade and drive action.

If you’re gearing up for your next sales presentation, don’t start from scratch. Utilize Venngage presentation Maker and explore our comprehensive collection of sales presentation templates .

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10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates to Boost Your Sales

  • April 25, 2024

Picture of Edgar Abong

Imagine unlocking the full potential of every sales opportunity that comes your way. 

This isn’t just another article; it’s the key to elevating your sales presentations from merely functional to truly compelling. 

Here, we delve deep into expert strategies that promise to not only save you from common presentation pitfalls but also significantly amplify your sales impact. 

With insights designed to captivate your audience and solidify your message , missing out on this guide could mean missing out on your next big sale. 

If you’re ready to transform your approach and see tangible results, this article is your indispensable tool. 

Let’s embark on a journey to sales excellence together.

What Are Sales Presentations?

Sales presentations are dynamic tools designed to captivate your audience , showcasing why your product or service surpasses others. These presentations serve as a strategic platform, allowing you to eloquently highlight your offering’s advantages while directly addressing the unique needs and concerns of potential clients.

What Are Sales Presentations

With the right blend of compelling sales pitch presentations and impactful PowerPoint examples, you have the opportunity to connect deeply with your audience. 

The essence of crafting an effective sales presentation lies not just in flaunting your product but in forging a meaningful relationship with your listeners, demonstrating undeniable value, and steering towards a successful sales outcome.

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Presentation

Crafting an effective sales presentation is an art that combines strategy, storytelling, and persuasion. At its core, it’s about connecting with your audience, making a compelling case for your product or service, and guiding them towards saying yes. 

Here are the key elements you need to nail it:

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Presentation

  • Clear Value Proposition : Start with a bang by clearly stating what sets your offering apart. This is your chance to shine and make your audience understand the unique benefits they'd get from choosing you.
  • Engaging Storytelling : Wrap your facts and figures in stories that resonate. People remember stories, not just data, so weave narratives that paint a vivid picture of the problems you solve.
  • Understanding Audience Needs : Tailor your presentation to address the specific challenges and pain points of your audience. Showing that you understand their needs builds trust and credibility.
  • Strong Visuals : Use powerful and relevant visuals to support your message. Sales presentation PowerPoint examples or sales pitch PowerPoint examples can inspire visuals that captivate and communicate more effectively than words alone.
  • Compelling Call to Action : End with a clear and persuasive call to action. Whether it's to sign up, schedule a meeting, or make a purchase, make sure your audience knows exactly what step you want them to take next.

Remember, the goal of your sales presentation isn’t just to inform; it’s to transform interest into action. By focusing on these key elements, you’ll be well on your way to creating presentations that not only engage and entertain but also convert.

General Sales Presentation Outline

​​When building your sales presentation, especially for a PowerPoint format, consider it a strategic journey that leads your audience towards making a decision. Here’s a clear-cut structure that ensures your presentation covers all the essential bases:

General Sales Presentation Outline

  • Opening Slide : Begin with an impactful opening slide to capture attention. Introduce yourself and your business, setting the tone for what’s ahead.
  • Audience Needs Slide : Highlight the challenges and needs of your audience. This slide is crucial for demonstrating empathy and understanding of their situation.
  • Value Proposition Slide : Dedicate a slide to showcase your value proposition, clearly stating how your product or service uniquely solves the audience's problems.
  • Features and Benefits Slide : Detail the features and benefits of your offering. Structure this information clearly to show how it aligns with what your audience needs.
  • Success Stories/Testimonials Slide : Use success stories or testimonials to lend credibility. Real-world examples can significantly bolster your case.
  • Objection Handling Slide : Prepare slides that proactively address common objections. This is your chance to alleviate concerns and build trust.
  • Call to Action Slide : Conclude with a strong call to action. Make it straightforward for your audience to know what you want them to do next, whether it’s reaching out for more information or making a purchase.

This framework is your guide to crafting a PowerPoint sales presentation that not only informs and engages but also effectively persuades your audience towards taking action. Tailor each part to fit your message and audience, ensuring your presentation is both compelling and convincing.

10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates

Navigating through the world of sales presentations can feel like a maze. With the right examples and templates, though, you’re equipped to create presentations that not only engage but also convert. 

Let’s walk through 10 scenarios where tailored sales presentation examples and templates can make all the difference.

1. Startup Pitch

A startup pitch template is your first step towards turning your vision into reality. It’s designed to succinctly convey the essence of your innovation , the vast market potential awaiting, and the unique value your startup brings to the table. 

This template not only showcases your business model and growth strategy but also weaves a compelling narrative around your vision, making investors and stakeholders see the world through your innovative lens. It’s about painting a picture of success and opportunity, backed by solid data and a clear roadmap.

Here’s a presentation outline template:

Startup Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Startup name, logo, and tagline.
  • Vision and Mission : Briefly describe your startup's vision and mission.
  • The Problem : Outline the problem your startup aims to solve.
  • Your Solution : Present your product/service as the solution.
  • Market Potential : Highlight the size and potential of your target market.
  • Unique Value Proposition : Define what makes your startup unique.
  • Business Model : Explain how your startup will make money.
  • Growth Strategy : Outline your strategy for growth and market penetration.
  • Competitive Analysis : Show how you stand out from competitors.
  • Financial Projections : Share expected financial outcomes.
  • Team : Introduce your team and their expertise.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Summarize and invite investors to join your journey.

2. Product Launch

Launching a new product is an exciting journey, and with the right presentation template, you can make sure your audience feels that excitement too . A product launch template is tailored to highlight the key features of your product, the benefits it offers to customers, and the specific problems it solves. 

By using engaging visuals and clear, concise information, this template ensures that your audience understands why your product is the market’s new must-have. It’s about creating anticipation and desire, leading to that moment when everyone can’t wait to get their hands on your product.

Product Launch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Product name and a captivating image.
  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the product and its inspiration.
  • The Problem : Describe the problem your product addresses.
  • Product Overview : Detail the features and benefits of your product.
  • How It Works : Show how the product works (demos or videos).
  • Market Fit : Explain why now is the right time for your product.
  • Customer Testimonials : Include early feedback or beta tester reviews.
  • Pricing and Availability : Outline pricing strategy and availability.
  • Marketing Strategy : Highlight how you plan to promote the product.
  • Closing Slide : Recap and call to action (e.g., Pre-order now).

3. B2B Sales Proposal

In the B2B realm, a sales proposal needs to speak the language of benefits and ROI. A well-crafted B2B sales proposal template helps you lay out your solutions in a way that directly addresses your business clients’ needs. 

It allows you to present a clear case for how your product or service can solve their problems , backed by data, case studies, and testimonials. This template is about building a strong argument for your solution, showing potential clients not just why they need it, but how it will positively impact their bottom line.

B2B Sales Proposal Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Proposal title and company name.
  • Executive Summary : Brief overview of the proposal.
  • Client Needs & Challenges : Outline the client's specific needs and challenges.
  • Proposed Solution : Describe your product/service as the solution.
  • Benefits & ROI : Detail the benefits and return on investment.
  • Case Studies/Testimonials : Showcase success stories relevant to the client.
  • Pricing Model : Present your pricing structure.
  • Implementation Plan : Outline steps for solution implementation.
  • Why Us? : Highlight your company’s strengths and uniqueness.
  • Next Steps & Call to Action : Suggest the next steps and encourage action.

4. Service Offering Presentation

For businesses that thrive on offering unparalleled services, this template is a beacon. It’s designed to detail what you offer, how your services solve specific client problems, and why your approach is better than the competition . 

Through customer success stories and testimonials, you can showcase real-world examples of your service excellence. This template is your platform to demonstrate the tangible benefits clients receive when they choose you, making it clear why your service is the smart choice.

Service Offering Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Service name and your company logo.
  • Introduction : Brief overview of your service offerings.
  • Problems Solved : List the problems your services solve.
  • Service Details : Break down each service, its features, and benefits.
  • Customer Success Stories : Share testimonials and success stories.
  • Why Choose Us? : Differentiators and competitive advantages.
  • Pricing Structure : Explain your pricing model.
  • Implementation & Support : Outline how services are implemented and supported.
  • FAQs : Address common questions or concerns.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Summarize and invite to engage your services.

5. Technology Solution Pitch

Technology can be complex, but your pitch doesn’t have to be. A technology solution pitch template is crafted to demystify your tech offerings, breaking them down into clear, digestible benefits. 

It focuses on how your technology addresses specific needs or challenges in an innovative way, making it a game-changer for your target audience. 

By simplifying complex concepts and focusing on the real-world applications and advantages of your technology, this template helps you convey the uniqueness and value of your tech solutions in a straightforward, compelling manner.

Technology Solution Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Solution name and a compelling image or logo.
  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the technology solution.
  • The Challenge : Describe the challenge or need your technology addresses.
  • The Solution : Detail your technology and how it works.
  • Key Benefits : Highlight the primary benefits and features.
  • Technical Specifications : Provide a brief overview of technical aspects.
  • Use Cases : Share real-world applications and success stories.
  • Market Analysis : Discuss market demand and potential growth.
  • Competitive Advantage : Explain what sets your technology apart.
  • Implementation Plan : Outline steps for adopting your technology.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Recap benefits and invite to take the next step.

6. Annual Sales Plan

Crafting an annual sales plan is about setting a vision for what you want to achieve and defining the steps to get there. An annual sales plan template serves as a comprehensive guide to outline your sales objectives , strategies , and specific tactics for the upcoming year . 

It helps you establish clear targets, segment your market, allocate resources efficiently, and plan actionable initiatives to reach your goals. 

This template is essential for keeping your sales team motivated , providing a roadmap for success that is both ambitious and attainable, ensuring everyone is aligned and pushing in the same direction.

Annual Sales Plan Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Year and sales plan title.
  • Executive Summary : Overview of sales goals and key strategies.
  • Sales Targets : Breakdown of monthly or quarterly sales targets.
  • Market Analysis : Insights into market trends and target demographics.
  • Sales Strategies : Detailed strategies for achieving sales targets.
  • Tactics and Actions : Step-by-step tactics for each strategy.
  • Key Accounts and Territories : Focus areas and key account strategies.
  • Tools and Resources : Overview of tools and resources for the sales team.
  • Performance Metrics : Metrics and KPIs to measure success.
  • Training and Development : Plans for team skill enhancement.
  • Conclusion and Motivation : Wrap-up and motivational close to rally the team.

7. Real Estate Listing Presentation

In the competitive world of real estate, making a lasting impression with your listing presentation can make all the difference. A real estate listing presentation template is designed to showcase your properties in the best light , with stunning visuals and detailed market analysis that highlights why your listing stands out. 

It also outlines your comprehensive selling strategy, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to securing the best deal. This template is your tool to build confidence with potential sellers, showing them you have the skills and plan to sell their property quickly and for top dollar.

Real Estate Listing Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Listing presentation title and your contact information.
  • Property Overview : High-quality images and key details of the property.
  • Market Analysis : Current market conditions and pricing strategy.
  • Marketing Plan : How you plan to market the property.
  • Selling Strategy : Your approach to negotiations and closing the sale.
  • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) : Pricing strategy based on similar listings.
  • Testimonials and Success Stories : Past selling successes and client testimonials.
  • Closing Plan : Steps to take from listing to closing.
  • About Me/Us : Your experience and success in real estate.
  • Next Steps : Encouraging sellers to take action with you.

8. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Blending creativity with strategic thinking is key to developing an effective marketing and sales strategy. A template for this purpose helps you lay out a cohesive plan that covers how you intend to reach your target audience, engage them with compelling content, and convert them into loyal customers. 

It includes identifying customer personas , planning targeted marketing campaigns, and outlining sales tactics that align with your marketing efforts. 

This template is about creating a synergistic approach that leverages both marketing and sales strengths, ensuring a seamless buying journey for the customer from awareness to purchase.

Marketing and Sales Strategy Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Presentation title and your company logo.
  • Market Overview : Analysis of the current market environment.
  • Target Audience : Detailed profiles of your target customer personas.
  • Marketing Goals : Key objectives for your marketing efforts.
  • Sales Goals : Sales targets aligned with marketing objectives.
  • Strategic Approach : How marketing and sales will work together.
  • Key Initiatives : Major marketing campaigns and sales initiatives.
  • Timeline and Milestones : When and how goals will be achieved.
  • Measurement and KPIs : How success will be measured.
  • Conclusion and Call to Action : Summarizing the strategy and next steps.

9. Financial Services Pitch

Trust and reliability are the cornerstones of any financial services pitch. A dedicated template for financial services focuses on these aspects, incorporating customer success stories and testimonials to underscore the value and security your services offer. 

It allows you to present complex financial products in an accessible manner, emphasizing how they meet the specific needs of your clients . 

This template is not just about showcasing your services; it’s about building a case for why clients can trust you with their financial well-being, highlighting your track record of success and stability in the financial landscape.

Financial Services Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Service offering and your company name.
  • Company Overview : A brief introduction to your company and mission.
  • Client Challenges : Common financial challenges your clients face.
  • Our Solutions : How your services address those challenges.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed breakdown of offerings.
  • Success Stories : Testimonials and case studies of satisfied clients.
  • Trust and Security : Your commitment to client security and trust.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing structures and options.
  • Why Choose Us : Your competitive advantage in the financial sector.
  • Next Steps : Encouraging potential clients to take the next step.

10. Retail Product Pitch

Captivating potential retailers with your product pitch is crucial in the retail industry. A retail product pitch template is visually engaging, designed to spotlight the high quality of your products, underscore customer satisfaction, and emphasize the unique selling points that set your offerings apart from the competition. 

It’s your canvas to present market research, consumer trends, and sales data that demonstrate the product’s potential success in the retail environment. 

This template aims to entice retailers by showing them how stocking your product will not only meet but exceed the expectations of their customers, driving sales and enhancing their product lineup.

Retail Product Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Product name and a compelling image.
  • Product Overview : Key features and benefits of the product.
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs) : What makes the product stand out.
  • Market Insights : Analysis that supports the need for your product.
  • Customer Feedback : Positive feedback from early users or testers.
  • Retailer Benefits : How stocking your product benefits the retailer.
  • Marketing Support : Marketing initiatives to support product launch.
  • Pricing and Margin Information : Competitive pricing and margin details.
  • Ordering and Logistics : Information on ordering processes and logistics.
  • Closing Slide : Recap and call to action for retailers to stock your product.

Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Sales Presentation

In the heat of a sales presentation, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and let a few errors slip through. But beware, some blunders can turn an otherwise stellar pitch into a cringe-worthy moment. 

Steering clear of these mistakes not only keeps your professionalism intact but also significantly boosts your chances of closing the deal. Let’s dive into a few common pitfalls you’ll want to avoid at all costs:

Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Sales Presentation

  • Lack of Preparation : Walking in unprepared is the fast track to failure. Know your material inside and out.
  • Ignoring Audience Needs : Tailor your pitch to address the specific challenges and interests of your audience.
  • Overloading with Information : Bombarding your audience with too much data can overwhelm rather than impress.
  • Skipping the Rehearsal : Practicing your delivery ensures you come across as confident and polished.
  • Neglecting the Storytelling : Facts tell, but stories sell. Weave your points into a compelling narrative.
  • Failing to Show Value : Make sure you clearly articulate the benefits and ROI of your solution.
  • Weak Closing : A hesitant or unclear call to action can leave your audience unsure of the next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties : Always have a backup plan in case of technical glitches with your PowerPoint or other presentation tools.

Remember, your sales presentation is your moment to shine. By avoiding these embarrassing mistakes, you set the stage for a successful pitch that resonates with your audience and drives home the sale.

Frequently Asked Question About Sales Presentation

When it comes to nailing your sales presentation, there are always a few questions that seem to pop up more often than not. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or gearing up for your first big pitch, getting these questions answered can make all the difference in delivering a presentation that not only captures attention but seals the deal. 

So, let’s dive into three questions you might still have on your mind.

How long should my sales presentation be?

The sweet spot for a sales presentation is between 20 to 30 minutes . This time frame gives you ample opportunity to cover all the essential points—like presenting a compelling sales pitch, showcasing your sales presentation examples, and explaining your product or service benefits—without losing your audience’s attention.

Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity. Focus on delivering a concise, impactful message that resonates with your audience’s needs and interests.

Can humor be incorporated into a sales presentation?

Absolutely, but tread lightly. Humor can be a fantastic tool to break the ice and build a connection with your audience, but it’s crucial to ensure it’s appropriate and won’t be misunderstood or offend anyone. 

When done right, a well-placed joke or light-hearted comment can make your presentation more memorable and engaging. Just keep it relevant to the topic and make sure it adds value to your presentation , rather than distracting from your main message.

What's the best way to handle tough questions during a sales presentation?

Handling tough questions with grace and confidence is key to maintaining credibility and control during your sales presentation. First, listen carefully to the question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. 

If you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to admit it—just ensure you follow up with a commitment to find out and get back to the questioner. Always aim to turn challenging questions into opportunities to further highlight the benefits and strengths of your product or service. 

Showing that you can navigate tough questions not only demonstrates your expertise but also builds trust with your audience.

Key Takeaways on Mastering Sales Presentation

Diving into the heart of a standout sales presentation, we’ve unpacked everything from steering clear of common blunders to tackling those tricky questions with confidence. The takeaway? Preparation , clarity , and knowing your audience are your golden tickets. 

A sales presentation should be snappy—aim for that 20 to 30-minute sweet spot —and a dash of humor can work wonders, provided it’s on point and in good taste. Facing tough questions head-on showcases your expertise and builds trust.

In sum, crafting an effective sales presentation is about blending storytelling with solid facts , making a genuine connection with your audience, and leaving a lasting impression. 

So, as you prepare for your next pitch, remember these essentials. With focus and finesse, you’re all set to turn your sales presentation into a compelling narrative that not only engages but also convinces. Here’s to making your next presentation a smashing success!

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Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Edgar Abong

The Most Effective Sales Presentation Tips & Techniques

Selling is difficult, but sales presentations can help. This article demystifies the art of creating a winning sales presentation that connects with your customers and increases your revenue.

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Dag Hendrik Lerdal

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what are the presentation for sales

Selling is difficult, but one of the most effective tools sales reps have in their back pocket is the sales presentation. When done right, it’s the key to landing more deals and generating higher revenue for your business. 

However, it takes more than throwing together a couple of PowerPoint slides and calling it a day. It requires compelling content and engaging delivery to close the deal. 

In this article, we will demystify the art of creating a winning sales presentation that connects with your customers and ultimately drives more sales. 

Understanding Sales Presentations

Before we get into what makes a sales presentation “good,” let’s first make sure we’re on the same page about what a sales presentation is. At its core, a sales presentation is a meeting between your sales team and the key stakeholders of your target client company. 

The ultimate goal is to convince them that your product/service is the best solution for their business needs. This means you need a clear understanding of their business challenges, solutions, and goals. 

What sets a sales presentation apart from a typical sales pitch is the scope and resource requirement.

Sales presentations are usually geared toward going after big-ticket deals and generally have multiple stakeholders that will have the final say. Also, sales presentations will often have a product/service demo so the target customer can see your offering in action.

With so much on the line and so much to gain, a sales presentation also requires more time, money, and effort in preparing and planning to make sure everything goes smoothly.

What Makes a Winning Sales Presentation?

Beyond the speech and visuals, there are five core components that elevate a sales presentation from “nay” to “yay.” These five elements include:

1. Doing Your Homework

Knowledge is power, and it’s even more true when it comes to creating a sales presentation that actually closes deals. You need to clearly understand what challenges and pain points concern your prospects. Then, you can tailor your sales presentation to present how your solution adds value and helps them address these issues.

It requires you to do extensive research into your target company and their industry:

  • What unique challenges do they face?
  • What are some issues they might have to deal with later?
  • How can you help them become more competitive?

By digging deep, you can provide a custom solution that can ultimately get them on board.

2. Telling a Story

Use the art of storytelling to your advantage. Stories are a great tool for helping your prospects visualize and internalize how your solution will work for them. Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to be Stephen King – you can rely on anecdotes from real clients.

However, make sure to keep your story concise and focus on the key points. Showing the real-world potential of your offering carries more weight and helps your prospect see its value.

I love this breakdown by Consultant’s Mind:  

storytelling in presentations

3. Highlighting the Value Proposition

Yes, your product has X awesome features and can do this and that. But honestly, your prospect doesn’t care about those. They want to hear what your product can do for them. 

How is it going to solve their problems? How will it make their life easier?

That’s what you want the core of your sales presentation to answer. It doesn’t need to be overly complicated, either. 

You can simply say, “[Product X] will help [Company A] solve [Pain Point 1] and [Pain Point 2] by doing [Benefit 1], [Benefit 2], and [Benefit 3].”

4. Providing Credibility in Your Sales Presentation

Of course, you can’t just say, “X will do Y,” without having proof to back up your claim. That’s where social proof and data come into play.

Leverage past happy clients to give testimonials to show your product/service provides tangible benefits.

You can also use research data such as statistics, quotes from experts, and product comparisons to give your presentation more weight. For example, saying “X can cut downtime by X%” is more actionable than “Y saves you time.”

5. Including a CTA

Finally, your sales presentation needs a call to action. A CTA pushes the prospect to make the next move by telling them what they should do. It can be contacting you for more info, signing up for a demo, making a purchase, and anything similar. 

The goal is to make sure the prospect has a clear idea of what they need to do to move things forward.

13 Effective Sales Presentation Tips & Techniques

Now, let’s move into the meat and potatoes of this article: 13 actionable tips and tricks you can implement into your next sales presentation.

1. Presenting with Confidence in Sales

In the sales world, confidence speaks volumes. No one wants to be stuck dealing with a boring presentation. Plus, when your voice is shaky, and you’re stumbling over words, it puts you and your company in a bad light.

So, how do you deliver your presentation confidently? The key is being well-prepared and knowing your stuff. You need to know your sales material and product like the back of your hand. We recommend practicing your sales presentation as much as you can. 

If you want to test yourself, do your presentation without using any of your slides. If you can do that, then you can be confident you can knock it out of the park when it’s go-time. 

2. The Five-Second Rule

While sales presentations are considerably longer than a typical sales pitch, the five-second rule still applies. In the digital age, where attention is a commodity, you have around five seconds to capture your target’s attention.

That means the first few words of your presentation need to be impactful. Try opening up with a shocking industry stat like, “Did you know X costs businesses like yours millions every year?”

Whatever you do, remember to make it relevant to your prospect and their goals or challenges. Once you have them on the hook, you can then guide them to the key aspects of your presentation and how your offering is the right fit for them.

3. Leverage Technology like SlideDog in Your Sales Presentations

what are the presentation for sales

Gone are the days of boring PowerPoints and WordArt. Take advantage of tools like SlideDog to kick your sales presentation into high gear. 

With SlideDog , you can combine all of your sales materials and assets into a powerful, engaging presentation to really wow your prospects.

SlideDog is especially helpful when you need to hop between slides and other assets like your website or SaaS product during the presentation. It’s also great when there are multiple sales reps that need to speak because you can seamlessly swap between their presentation media.

Try SlideDog today for free on Windows and turn your presentations into multimedia experiences!

4. Make Sure You Sound, Look, and Act the Part During Your Sales Presentation

Depending on your prospect, your attire, jargon, and attitude needs to match what your audience will expect.

If you’re dealing with CEOs, CFOs, and other executives, then business wear and a professional tone is probably the right choice. If you’re presenting to tech bros in a more casual environment, then your presentation should reflect that. 

When you take this approach, it builds trust and shows that you truly understand them and their industry.

Of course, you don’t need to do it all yourself. Rely on your teammates and their expertise in different areas to create a presentation that connects with each individual in your audience.

As an added bonus, swapping between presenters keeps things fresh and engaging for the audience. 

5. Learn to Handle Objections

Objection handling is a core skill every salesperson needs to learn. There are common objections that pop up, regardless of what you’re selling. 

Typically, prospects have objections that fall into one of four categories:

  • Urgency/time

Your goal is to understand your prospect’s reasons for their objections and respond accordingly. 

By using past objections from clients and a deep understanding of the industry, you can frame your sales presentation to pre-emptively address these concerns. Just check out this example from Smartwriter :

what are the presentation for sales

6. Physically Demo Your Product/Service

Actions speak louder than words, and you should apply this principle to your sales presentation. Providing physical demonstrations gives your audience a real-world example of what your product can do, and they can more easily envision themselves using it.

Plus, it adds a bit of interactivity to your presentation. It also gives your audience a chance to ask pertinent questions during the demo. This is also a great place to throw in examples of how your product/service has helped previous and current clients.

If you have a tablet or other devices you can share with your audience, it’s an opportunity for them to get hands-on experience with your offering.

7. Make Your Presentation Flow

Your presentation needs a logical and seamless flow as you transition between slides and key points.

First, verbal transitions are a must – in fact, I just used two examples with “first” and “in fact.”  There are a plethora of transitions you probably learned in school, such as “conversely,” “furthermore,” and “therefore,” to name a few. 

However, more advanced transition strategies involve using your body language, speech cadence, emphasis, visual aids, and questions to make it easier for prospects to follow along and understand how everything connects together.

8. Ensure Key Decision-Makers & Stakeholders are Involved

The last thing you want to hear after giving a kickass presentation is, “Let me speak with the district manager and get back to you.”

Make sure the key stakeholders and the person who can say “yes” are at your sales presentation.

On that same note, you want all of them to get hands-on experience with your product/service. Get them involved because when they can picture in their mind how easy your product is to use or how it resolves their issues, it makes it much easier for them to sign off on it. 

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for the Deal

After you’ve given your stellar presentation and the customer understands how and why your product benefits them, simply ask them if they are ready to move forward. 

There are many different approaches you can take when asking for a sale. You can use FOMO or “fear of missing out,” which plays on the prospect’s emotion of missing out on a good deal or letting their competition get ahead.

Or you can use an analytical approach where you lay out the pros and cons of your solution. Another method is sweetening the deal with a now-or-never discount or freebie.

There are a ton of different close tactics you can use, so find one that will work best for this particular prospect.

9. Don’t Take the First No for the Final Answer

The best salespeople know that it takes two, three, or more tries to close a deal. If you’ve tried to close the deal and got hit with an objection (see tip 5), then give a thoughtful response and follow up with your attempt to close the deal again.

You might need to wait a while. In this case, work on building your relationship and rapport with the prospect.

That way, when they are ready to pull the trigger, you and your product will be the first solution that comes to mind.

10. Keep Your Presentation Tight and Concise

You don’t want to waste your audience’s time, especially when speaking to executives. Make sure your presentation gets straight to the point. Every word, slide, and media should have a clear point and reason for being there. Even your pauses need to be impactful and poignant.

That’s where practicing and rehearsing your presentation is paramount. You can better control the tempo when you know your presentation inside and out. Create an outline and write out the key points you want your prospects to understand.

In your initial meeting and setting up the presentation time, take notes so you have a clear understanding of what your prospects need to know.

11. Own Your Presentation

You need to take the lead and exude confidence during your presentation. Yes, that sounds like a no-brainer since you’re the one giving the presentation.

You don’t want to say “sorry” or “I apologize,” even if it’s warranted. 

For example, if your slides aren’t showing properly, don’t say, “I’m sorry for the technical issues.”

Instead, you say, “I will be starting the presentation shortly.” 

Another point to keep in mind is to stay away from the ums and uhs in your speech. Not only is it unprofessional, but it gives the impression that you aren’t confident in what you have to say.

Finally, don’t tell your audience what you “think”; tell them what you know. You know your product will solve their problems. You know what benefits your service has to offer.

12. Leave a Lasting Impression

Make your presentation memorable. That doesn’t mean you should expect your audience to remember every minute detail. However, there are things you can do to make sure the key points stay in their mind long after your presentation is over.

One tactic is to use repetition. The details, benefits, and solutions you want them to retain should be mentioned 3 or more times. When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad 2, his presentation repeated the idea of “thinner, faster, lighter.”

Another strategy is the visual aids you use throughout your presentation that revolve around your key points. People hold images in their minds more easily than complex ideas.

Finally, you can use text formatting in your slides to highlight what you want your audience to walk away with. This includes bullet points or bolding and underlining keywords that make those pop out.

13. Expect (and Prepare for) the Unexpected

Lastly, our last tip is to understand that you can’t prepare for every eventuality – but you give yourself a better chance for success by expecting and respecting the unexpected. 

There might be technical issues. You might get asked tough questions you aren’t ready for. However, the best presenters roll with the punch and come out swinging.

If you take to heart all of the previous tips, you will be ready to face any challenges that pop up during your presentation.

Wrapping up

Sales presentations can be difficult to master, but when you get them right, they unlock a treasure trove of opportunity.  Remember, a successful presentation starts well before you’re in the room, with your slides behind you and your prospects in front.

Be confident, do your research, and take advantage of tools like SlideDog to elevate your presentation to the next level.

And with these tips and techniques in your arsenal, you’re ready to have a successful and fruitful quarter. Happy presenting!

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7 Sales Presentation Examples for Successful Pitches

what are the presentation for sales

A successful sales presentation can significantly influence a potential client’s decision-making process. It needs to be engaging, informative, and persuasive.

This guide explores the components of an effective sales presentation, and best practices for creating one, and provides seven exemplary sales presentation templates from various sources.

What Is a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation is a strategic dialogue designed to persuade a potential client or customer to purchase a product or service. It typically involves a detailed explanation of the product’s features, benefits, and potential return on investment.

What Is Included in a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation typically includes sections on:

  • Introduction : Brief introduction of the company and the presenter.
  • Customer Needs : Identification of the client’s needs and how they align with the product or service.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed information about the product or service, highlighting unique selling points.
  • Success Stories : Real-life examples or case studies demonstrating the value of the product or service.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing options and any customizable packages.
  • Call to Action : Strong conclusion that prompts the audience to act or decide.

Sales Presentation Best Practices

Creating an effective sales presentation involves several best practices:

  • Tailor Your Message : Customize the presentation to address the specific needs and interests of your audience.
  • Keep It Concise : Focus on key points to maintain the audience’s attention and keep the presentation within an appropriate timeframe.
  • Use Visuals : Employ charts, graphs, and images to make your points clearer and more engaging.
  • Rehearse : Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Engage Your Audience : Encourage questions and interact with the audience to make the presentation more dynamic.

7 Sales Presentation Examples

1) piktochart: “sales pitch examples”.

what are the presentation for sales

Piktochart’s Sales Pitch Examples illustrate how to effectively communicate the value of your product or service. These examples showcase various strategies to capture and retain the audience’s interest, making them highly practical for anyone looking to enhance their sales presentations.

Canva Sales Presentation Template offers visually appealing templates designed to make sales presentations more engaging. These templates are easy to customize and suitable for a wide array of industries, helping presenters create professional-looking presentations effortlessly.

2) Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template

what are the presentation for sales

Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template is designed to streamline the creation of impactful sales presentations. The template guides users through structuring an effective pitch, emphasizing the art of storytelling to captivate potential investors and clients.

3) Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template

what are the presentation for sales

Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template offers a dynamic way to engage audiences with its distinctive zoomable canvas. The template allows sales professionals to outline their strategies and goals in a visually engaging sequence that captures the natural flow of a sales process.

It is designed to help presenters illustrate complex sales plans through a structured yet flexible narrative, enabling the audience to follow along through a visual journey of targets, tactics, and expected outcomes.

4) Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint

what are the presentation for sales

Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint from Envato Elements is designed with pastel colors and a clean, modern aesthetic, making it ideal for sales and marketing presentations that require a fresh and inviting look. This PowerPoint template is versatile, featuring a range of slide layouts that can be used to showcase products, market analysis, sales strategies, and more.

5) SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates

what are the presentation for sales

SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates ****offer a comprehensive sales deck that is robust and creatively appealing, ideal for making impactful sales presentations. It features hundreds of unique slides designed for various sales niches, allowing for extensive customization.

6) Solua : Cyber Monday Sale Event Powerpoint

what are the presentation for sales

The Cyber Monday Sale Event PowerPoint on Envato Elements is a powerhouse for creating high-impact sales presentations. This template features a modern design that effectively combines bold colors and sleek layouts to capture audience’s attention. It includes multiple slide options to showcase products, promotional offers, and pricing strategies.

7) SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template

what are the presentation for sales

SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template offers professionally designed templates tailored for sales presentations. These templates are structured to facilitate clear communication of complex data, strategic alignment, and persuasive storytelling. They are particularly useful for sales teams looking to present data-driven arguments effectively.


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How to Create and Deliver a Killer Sales Presentation

How to Create and Deliver a Killer Sales Presentation

Written by: Orana Velarde

An illustration of a man in front of a sales presentation slide.

A good sales presentation is the key to landing a new client or customer. Present your offers, products and services in a way that will inspire your audience to take action. 

With a killer sales presentation template and some tips on how to create one, you’re on your way to a successful sales meeting. Regardless if it’s virtual or in person.

Let’s dive in! 

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit sales presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

what are the presentation for sales

What is a Sales Presentation?

In short, a sales presentation is a speech with or without a slide deck in which the speaker is trying to sell something to their audience. A sales presentation can be formulated in a number of different ways.

For example, a sales presentation can be a pitch deck . Startups use these to present their ideas to potential investors and get funding.

B2B companies use sales presentations to sell their products or services to other companies. In some cases, a webinar is a sales presentation with an added value proposition.

What a sales presentation isn’t, is a sales report where the presenter gives results on sales activity. Think of a sales presentation as before the sale takes place and a sales report as to what happens after.

Below is a pitch deck presentation template that can easily work as a sales presentation. Simply take out some of the slides and fill in your own company information for the particular offer.

A collage of a purple and grey pitch deck template available in Visme.

Slides to Include in Your Sales Presentation

Sales presentations have existed for a long time. Millions of people have created, presented and closed deals with sales presentations . Thankfully, there are also people that look at the data. 

In this case, the data I’m referring to is the perfect number and type of slides to include in a sales presentation for a higher chance of success. The general consensus for a pitch deck outline , for example, is around 10 slides in this order:

  • Introduction
  • Market Size and Opportunity
  • Competition
  • Investment and Use of Funds

Let’s say your sales presentation isn’t a pitch deck to convince investors to fund your startup. If your sales presentation is geared towards selling a particular product or service from your company, it can look more like this:

  • Emotion Factor

Do you feel like you might need some help to create a sales presentation? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Check out the video below to learn how to create a presentation quickly and easily, right inside Visme! 

what are the presentation for sales

5 Killer Sales Presentation Tips

In order to create a sales presentation that will convert your audience into customers, it needs to be well designed and also well presented. Here are 5 top tips to take into account when creating your sales presentation.

1. Keep It Short

Keep your sales presentation short. You don’t need to write a dissertation about your product or service. In fact, you should create a little mystery and anticipation. Relay just enough information that will pique their curiosity to the point of wanting to know more. 

2. Tell a Story

Use storytelling techniques at the start to help your audience relate to your pitch. Try using a fictional character as a starting point to explain how your service or product changed or improved their life or work. Insert personable tidbits that your audience can relate to. 

3. Know Beforehand What Your Clients Want or Need

Don’t give a sales presentation to people who won’t be interested in it. Make sure you know what your ideal client and customer really need and want. What are their pain points? How does your offer help them overcome it? Your sales presentation needs to address those and explain in simple language how your product or service is their best choice.

4. Ask Questions and Create Conversation

During the presentation, ask questions to create a conversation with your audience. This will remind them that you are a real person and not a machine. Give them an opportunity to also ask you questions.

5. Don’t Drone a Memorized Speech

It’s definitely a good idea to practice what you’ll say during the sales presentation. But what isn’t so great is to memorize a speech that you’ll then drone out like a middle school play. 

When giving a good presentation , it’s important to be calm and prepared. Your body language says a lot about how you feel when relaying the information. Even if you’ve given the same presentation over 20 times to different audiences, make it new every time.

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what are the presentation for sales

5 Ready to Use Sales Presentation Templates

Using a template can help you get a good idea of how to set up the slides in your sales presentation. In the end, you might not use the template as is and you’ll change a lot of the elements. But the idea is that a template gets you started.

At Visme, we have a number of sales presentation templates. Here are a few of our favorites.

1. Creative Sales Presentation

This sales presentation template has 16 slides all in a similar style. Choose the slides that fit your vision best and duplicate your favorites. This is the perfect template for the sale of a digital product or service.

An orange and purple sales presentation template available in Visme.

2. Event Sponsorship and Booking Sales Presentation

Use this template if you’re selling sponsorship and booking opportunities for an event. It doesn’t matter if the event is virtual or in person, you still need to get people to participate, buy tickets, buy advertising spots, etc. 

A grey and orange event sales presentation template available in Visme.

3. Product Sales Presentation

Showcase your products in the best light. Try out this template to create a sales presentation that sells a specific product. Each slide is designed to present an important aspect of your product, its value proposition and who it solves your customers’ pain points.

Change the colors to match your brand and personalize the messaging easily. Keep critical information accurate and consistent across your presentation using Dynamic Fields . All you need to do is create dynamic fields and input data once , which will appear throughout your slides.

A product sales presentation with dark blue mixed with bright colored slides available to edit in Visme.

4. Freestyle Modern Sales Presentation Theme

The Visme Modern presentation template isn’t just great for sales presentations. This set of slides can help you create any type of presentation. For a sales directed slide deck, use the slide library categories to find the slides you need. 

Not only does this slide library have all the slides you need, but there are also variations of each one. Select the one that fits your content best. 

A black and teal presentation template available in Visme.

5. Minimalistic Simple Sales Presentation Theme

Much like the modern presentation theme, the simple presentation theme has over 300 slides in over 20 categories. You simply have to select the sides you need, then choose the composition of the elements you like best. 

Finally, add your own information and data to finalize your sales presentation deck. Don’t forget your brand colors, a few storytelling tidbits and a clear value proposition.

A minimalistic, black, grey and green presentation template available in Visme.

Design Elements To Use In Your Sales Presentation

Sales presentations created with or without templates can benefit from a number of design elements. These are tools that will help you visualize the information for your pitch. From charts to infographic widgets, everything is at your disposal with Visme.

Let’s take a quick look at some of them.

1. Content Blocks

Creating visual content with content blocks is much easier than starting from scratch. We use the same principles as our presentation themes to create ready to use content blocks. 

There are a number of design options when it comes to content blocks. For example, header and text, stats and figures, graphics and text and diagrams. You also have to ability to save your favorite and most versatile blocks in a library to use for all your future presentations.

Visme content blocks are available on the left-hand toolbar of your editor. In the “Basics” button at the very top of the list.

Visme icons come in all shapes and sizes. From static line icons to animated full-color isometric illustrated icons. All are color customizable and easy to resize. Making them fit your brand is seamless and intuitive. 

Use icons instead of bullet points, as a replacement of unnecessary text, as a way to create a visual flow, or as a decorative element. Icons are your best friend when creating visual projects.

bring your designs to life with customizable icons

3. Characters

Include personable characters along with your content blocks and other design elements. These characters will help create a relatable environment for your audience, making it easier to sell your products or services.

The Visme characters can be static or animated. Customized in terms of color, pose and repetition of action. They work great to explain certain concepts and ideas that need a visual push to come across.

4. Infographic Widgets

Infographic widgets are great design tools for visualizing small data sets. Use groups of these to visualize individual statistics and information that will help sell your product or service.

Customize the color and dimensions easily to fit in with the rest of your project.

Visualize location information with customizable interactive maps. Choose between counties, states, entire countries or regions. Enter data for your map with a Google sheet or do it manually. 

Visme maps can be as simple as a color outline to a multicolored data map with a legend and interactive pop ups.

A presentation slide with a United States map on it available to edit in Visme.

6. Charts and Graphs

Very few sales presentations can get away without a minimum of charts and graphs. The Visme graph engine has a wide variety of options to create line charts, bar graphics, scatter plots and more. 

You only need to input your data once and the graph engine shows you different options to choose from. Select the one that makes your data the easiest to read and doesn’t confuse the audience.

7. Special Effects

Adding special effects is a great way to add visual value to your slides. Motion graphics shapes and backgrounds will make your sales presentations more interesting to look at. These are great for sales presentations that don’t accompany a speech or elevator pitch.

How To Create a Sales Presentation in Visme in 9 Steps or Less

It’s easy to design a sales presentation with Visme. The design elements and information visualization tools will help you put together a memorable sales presentation that will seal the deal.

1. Create an Outline

Before you start designing any slides, you’ll need to have all your information in an easy to follow outline document. If possible, separate the sections into what will go on each slide. This will help save you time when you’re actually in the editor creating the presentations.

Remember to keep the information per slide as short and sweet as possible. You’re looking to convince and convert, not teach a masterclass. 

A screenshot of a Google Doc with a sales presentation outline.

2. Choose a Template

Once you have all your information ready to go, it’s time to sign in to your Visme account and choose a template. Browse the ready-made templates or select one of the three themes which are more like builders.

When you pick a template and then you realize it’s not what you needed, changing for another one is easy from inside the editor. Set up as many slides as your outline calls for.

Presentation Templates

what are the presentation for sales

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

what are the presentation for sales

Buyer Presentation

what are the presentation for sales

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

what are the presentation for sales

Product Training Interactive Presentation

what are the presentation for sales

Company Ethics Presentation

what are the presentation for sales

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

3. Select Images and Graphics

All the photos, icons and illustrations inside the templates are free to use. As are all the ones in the Visme graphics library. Simply use the search function to find what you need. All icons and illustrations are customizable to match your brand colors. 

If you have brand or company visual assets ready to use, upload them to your media library and add it to your canvas. 

A screenshot of the images and graphics available in Visme's design editor.

4. Input Your Information

Add the content from your outline into the presentation. Go slide by slide so you don’t miss anything. If text boxes change sizes, use the sizing function to readjust how text fits on the slide. 

A screenshot of a presentation slide able to be customized in Visme's editor.

5. Customize Slides to Add Brand Assets

Change the color theme to match your brand. Prepare your Brand Kit first with a color palette and color theme with your brand colors. Then in the editor, change the template colors as you wish.

To change the fonts, select the text and add the new fonts in. You can upload your own brand fonts or use one from our long and varied collection.

A screenshot of the Brand Kit area in Visme's dashboard.

6. Add Data With Data Visualizations

Use the Visme Graph Engine to create charts and graphs to add to your sales presentation. If the template you selected already had charts and graphs, simply customize to fit your data and story.

Add infographic widgets for small data sets or small tidbits of statistical information. For example, percentages and arrays. 

A screenshot of the graph engine inside of Visme's design editor.

7. Add Interactivity, Animation and Narration

If you’ll be sending the sales presentation on its own without your speech accompanying in, consider adding interactivity, animation and narration for your audience to feel connected to the slides. 

Alternatively, you can have two versions. One without these elements to accompany your spoken speech and an interactive version to send to potential clients after you’ve talked to them.

Interactivity can be buttons that open popups, websites or navigate to other slides. Animation can be achieved with animation effects on any element or with animated icons and characters.  Add narration to your slides so your audience will have an easier time following along.

8. Use Presenter’s Notes

When presenting live to an audience, take advantage of the presenter's notes function. These are notes and reminders that only you can see on the slides as you go through the sales presentation.

They will help you stay on track with the story, will give you cues for when to ask questions or insert a humorous comment. Use these as support, not as reading points.

A screenshot of the presenter notes feature open in the Visme design editor.

9. Share Your Sales Presentation With a Link or Download

Your sales presentations can be shared in a number of different ways. Share it as a live link, download as HTML5 to share offline with all the animation and interactivity you added. Download as a PDF to share as a static presentation or to print in a booklet. 

Share your sales presentation easily in a Zoom or Google Meet call by sharing your screen and sending a copy to your attendees.

A screenshot of the download options for presentations in Visme.

Your Turn to Create a Killer Sales Presentation with Visme

Now it’s your turn to create a sales presentation. We hope you’ll try Visme to see just how much you can do with the tools at your disposal.

Check out all the sales presentation templates to get started. We think you’ll never want to create a presentation anywhere else. 

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

what are the presentation for sales

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what are the presentation for sales

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

what are the presentation for sales

10+ Sales PowerPoint Presentation Examples To Get Inspired!


One of the biggest challenges B2B sales and marketing teams face is creating sales presentations that impress potential customers and lead to conversions.

So, what does an excellent sales presentation look like? Today, we'll explore some of the best examples to help you craft your own outstanding presentation. And that’s not all, we’ve interviewed our head of sales, Robert Juul Glaesel , to provide you with the BEST insights to unlock success. So…let's dive in!

what are the presentation for sales

We’ll be covering the following topics

What is a sales presentation?

Sales presentation vs. sales deck vs. pitch deck.

  • Sales Presentation PPT Examples - and why they were successful

Sales Powerpoint Presentation Templates

Sales presentation video examples, get ready to create the best sales presentation: tips from our sales expert, unlock success: expert support for your sales presentation design.

Let’s start from the top! - Or, as always, you can skip to your preferred section.

A sales presentation is a crucial part of the sales process. It refers to a meeting where a sales team showcases their product or service , persuading potential customers to purchase.

This meeting typically takes place after initial contact with the prospects , either through marketing efforts, cold calls, or expressions of interest from potential customers themselves.

In this meeting, the sales team usually provides a comprehensive overview of the product or service. They address key points such as:

  • What is the product or service?
  • How is it used?
  • What distinctive features does it have?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • Why is this their best option?
→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation template [Access Now]

The sales presentation and sales deck are pretty similar. On one hand, a sales presentation is designed to persuade potential customers about the value of your product or service. It typically includes detailed information about your product, its features, benefits, pricing, case studies, testimonials, and more.

On the other hand, a sales deck is essentially a condensed version of a sales presentation . It is usually concise and only includes key highlights.

In contrast, a pitch deck is a presentation created for investors to secure funding. It generally contains information about the company's vision, the problem it aims to solve, market opportunities, business model, and financial projections.

Sales Presentation PPT Examples: and why they were successful

Below are several sales presentation examples you can use as inspiration to create your own. Let’s look at each of them and see exactly why they were successful.

what are the presentation for sales

Spendesk is a powerful spend management platform designed to help users save time and money by offering a clear view of their company expenses. Their sales presentation is the definition of a successful sales presentation: it is incredibly clear and straightforward . It clearly defines the problem it solves and introduces you to the solution, highlighting how it stands out from the competition.

As you’ll see, this presentation is not overloaded with text - it's simple and easily shows you how the product works. And most importantly, it’s branded! Which is key for brand positioning and visual consistency .

To check it out, click here .

Reddit Advertisement Sales Presentation

what are the presentation for sales

Reddit's sales presentation is definitely one of a kind. By incorporating memes and other pop-culture images throughout their deck, they engage the audience and stay true to their brand identity . This approach not only resonates with the Reddit community but also sets them apart from mundane sales pitches.

The presentation not only provides valuable data and showcases the effectiveness of its product but also does so effortlessly, proving that a presentation does not have to be overly serious to be effective.

Click here to explore Reddit's engaging sales presentation.

what are the presentation for sales

Zuora, a SaaS platform for subscription billing, takes a compelling approach in its sales presentation. It starts by highlighting the industry's changing landscape , effectively showing the importance of adapting to these changes.

But Zuora doesn't stop there. Throughout their presentation, they also showcase what their platform can do for the audience and provide social proof to back it up . This includes quotes from CEOs and other business executives who have successfully used their platform to improve their subscription billing process.

See for yourself and check out one of the best sales deck examples here .

what are the presentation for sales

Drift, a web-based live-chat tool for sales and marketing, takes a unique approach to its sales presentation. They begin by highlighting a common problem that many businesses face : how traditional communication methods, such as email, calls, and forms, are insufficient.

The presentation then goes on to showcase how Drift can provide a solution to this problem. They demonstrate how their live chat tool offers a more personalized approach to communication that can lead to impactful results.

Check out Drift's impressive sales presentation here .

what are the presentation for sales

Salesforce, an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, provides a valuable lesson about creating sales presentations that convert . They start by explaining how the industry has undeniable changes and how we need to adapt to keep our businesses successful.

But they don't stop there. They continue showing us what things can look like, in other words, "the promised land," and how their product can change everything about how companies do things. And obviously, they finish with the greatest success stories from CEOs and clothes executives.

Click here to get inspired by the Salesforce presentation.

→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation PDF [FREE]

Snapchat Advertising

what are the presentation for sales

Snapchat Advertising's sales presentation stands out not only for its visually appealing design but also for its unique features. The presentation begins by emphasizing the vast reach of its platform and key age demographics, providing valuable insights for those looking to make the most of their marketing campaign .

In addition, Snapchat Advertising effectively compares itself to the competition, showcasing its unique features and advantages. And, of course, the presentation is visually branded with the company's iconic ghost character , making it instantly recognizable.

Check out their captivating sales presentation here .

what are the presentation for sales

Klima’s sales presentation is a special one. This climate change app’s presentation makes sure we know they are a company that focuses on “what truly matters.” It presents itself as a business with real, global impact.

And that’s not all. One standout feature of Klima's sales presentation is its visually appealing design. The slides effectively showcase the app's interface and demonstrate its key features. This visual representation really helps prospects consider getting an employee benefit with purpose .

Click here to get inspired by one of the greatest b2b sales deck examples.

Are you ready to create the best Sales PowerPoint presentation? We’ve got great news for you! Discover our sales presentation templates that you can download for exactly $0 .

what are the presentation for sales

Any of these templates could be a GREAT starting point for your next sales presentation . And what’s best…they are completely free for you to download at our Templates platform ! You’ll find not only these ones but also hundreds of other PowerPoint templates, for ANY industry, completely at your disposal.

Sales presentations can take various forms, including videos. Video presentations can effectively engage and captivate the audience by combining visual content, audio narration, and sometimes animations or graphics. Here are a few examples of sales presentations that are delivered in video format:

what are the presentation for sales

Medallia's video presentation showcases the effectiveness of using video to clearly represent their platform. The video highlights the platform's features, demonstrating how it can be a powerful tool for businesses.

By utilizing video, Medallia effectively shows viewers what the platform looks like and what they can expect to access and analyze in terms of data. The detailed exploration of each feature gives potential clients a comprehensive understanding of the platform's capabilities and how it can benefit their business.

Click here to check it out.

what are the presentation for sales

Moodcaster, a digital casting platform, starts with the main problem: how time-consuming castings can be and how tedious auditions are . It then shows you how they can be a great solution and how the platform works.

This video presentation truly shows what the client can expect when using the platform , by showing the process step-by-step. And if they are not convinced yet, it ends up listing all the fantastic features it has one by one, leaving the best impression.

Click here to view Moodcaster’s incredible video sales presentation.

what are the presentation for sales

Viable, the pioneering experience analysis platform, doesn't just identify the problem you're facing; it swiftly transitions to showcasing how they can provide the solution . They offer a real-time demonstration of how their platform works, providing concrete insights into how it can improve your business.

Finally, they conclude by highlighting all the advantages, features, and versatile applications that can benefit your specific needs.

Click here to take a look at Viable’s video sales presentation.

We know that creating the best sales presentation is key for your business. So, in order to provide valuable insights, we consulted Robert Juul Glaesel , head of sales at 24 Slides, who understands the importance of a good presentation for your business.

Let’s take a look at some insights from our head of sales:

Insight #1: Take elements out instead of adding elements in

Remember that quality is always more important than quantity . So, keep in mind not to overload your presentation with excessive text, because your audience’s attention will go directly there, instead of your speech. In Robert’s words:

“If you incorporate too many elements, it results in clutter, obscuring the main message and making it more challenging for the presenter to effectively convey their message.”

Insight #2: Don’t rely on your slides

We know this might sound counterintuitive, given that all this article is about creating your presentation, but remember that the presentation and the story are yours . As Robert says:

“Make sure that your presentation supports your story, it shouldn't tell your story. You, as the presenter, are the storyteller. Therefore, presentations should emphasize key points.”

Bonus insight #3: Brand your sales presentation !

This is one of your most crucial presentations; it should reflect who you are . There should be consistency between what they see on your website, social media, etc., and what they will see in this presentation. So, it is extremely important that you show that you care about your image and pay close attention to detail.

Creating a sales presentation is an incredibly important task, so it's best to leave it to the experts. Here at 24Slides , we can assist you in creating an amazing sales presentation that perfectly aligns with your brand. All you need to do is share the content you want to include and your brand guidelines. In less than 48 hours, you'll have your presentation ready for sales!

what are the presentation for sales

Want to learn more? Check out these articles!

  • The Best Sales Presentation Services for Winning Sales Decks
  • How to Create the Perfect B2B Sales Presentation
  • Learn How to Start an Effective Sales Presentation
  • Top 20 Free Templates for Corporate and Business Presentations
  • +20 Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

Create professional presentations online

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Sales presentation

Last updated: 11 November, 2023

What is a sales presentation?

What makes a good sales presentation, how to make a sales presentation, checkout our sales pipeline templates freebies.

Did you know people process visuals nearly 60,000 times faster than text? Our eyes are a predominant perceptual system for information coming from the outside world to the brain. Nearly 90% of the data we receive comes from observing, and images are stored in our memory for a very long time. 

It’s no coincidence that any advertisement, be it a video or a banner, includes both a verbal message and a visual aid. Marketers and sales reps exploit this quality of human memory to boost communication and close more deals. 

In particular — by creating effective sales presentations .

A sales presentation is a short presentation of your solution to prospects or existing customers that aims to persuade them to make a purchase.

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The answer is simple. A winning sales presentation:

  • Helps convince the client of the brilliance of your solution.
  • Doesn’t simply describe a product or service but draws attention to the features that can solve the customer’s problems.
  • Is not overloaded with facts and statistics.
  • Doesn’t make your potential clients want to doze off (a boring sales presentation is a sales killer).
  • Persuades the prospect that no one else on the market can satisfy their needs as well as your company can.

But what exactly should it include to get your prospects’ attention, establish good relationships with them, and accelerate the sales process?

We wish there were a recipe for a sales presentation, but there’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation about its ingredients: wording, style, format, or length. 

Still, there are some tips to help your presentation end in a sale: 

1. It’s all about the balanced layout

If you use PowerPoint or other presentation software, it’s better not to put multiple graphs, images, text, and statistics onto one slide. Your audience needs time to focus and concentrate. It hurts when you try processing the slide below, doesn’t it? 

It’s all about the balanced layout

Find the right balance between statistics and visual components. Charts, tables, and bulleted points are great, but if your presentation consists of grouped facts only, it won’t win the heart of your listener.

3 elements are just enough. If there’s more, break the slide into multiple slides instead!

Besides, as a speaker, make sure you don’t seem offhand or uninformed. Clients, especially in the B2B market , appreciate precision and professionalism. For them, the presentation packed with Google images just won’t do.

All the material presented should be of high quality and serve a point.

2. Make it short and sweet

Like any meeting, a sales presentation follows a clear agenda. Nothing will distract a client from the deal more than a prolonged conference that makes them want to escape the room. 

Here’s what works best for us: arranging 20 minutes for the speech plus 10-15 minutes for the Q&A section. This way, a sales presentation won’t take more than 30-35 minutes . It can be even shorter than that. After all, there’s a reason TED talks are 18-minute long.

If you think this time isn’t enough, schedule follow-ups, subsequent sales pitches , or agree to continue via email or phone. 

3. Work on the slide deck

Avoid adding meaningless slides; use an interactive presentation maker instead, to keep your audience engaged.

There are three conventional ones: a title, table of contents, and a “Thank you” slide. Apart from these, it’s up to you how many to include in the sales presentation. Typically, it takes from 1.5 to 3 per single key point. If we consider a 30-minute duration, that’ll sum up into 10-20 slides .

4. Start a sales presentation with a self-introduction and small talk

This is an act of courtesy to introduce oneself and briefly tell who you are. In particular, when you meet new people. Unfortunately, due to the stress, some speakers forget about it.

No less important is to catch the audience’s attention from the very beginning. A story from one’s life, a joke, a surprising fact — whichever magnet you choose, make sure it corresponds to the time and place. By the way, if you want to get inspired, check out these best TED talks ever .

5. End your speech by wrapping up and outlining further steps

Although a sales presentation may not result in a closed deal or a revenue boost (it can but on rare occasions), this is a business process. So, apart from having a good pastime with clients, a sales rep has to mildly yet distinctly drop a hint about how it’s better to proceed with the deal.

Define the purpose

Your speaking style will depend on what you’re trying to accomplish. Remember outstanding demonstrations of Apple’s new launches held by Steve Jobs? Each of these is an example of a winning sales presentation. 

The speaker aimed to persuade buyers that the product was so one of a kind, that it was a matter of life-and-death to purchase it. A speech was corresponding: the majority of time was devoted to demonstrating new UI / UX features, and less attention was paid to the technical side.

To succeed with the presentation, ask yourself what exactly you need to convey:

  • Explain unique selling points
  • Focus on money benefits
  • Position your brand to competitors
  • Create urgency around the deal, etc.

Adjust your sales presentation based on the audience

Does your audience consist of decision-makers , stakeholders, ordinary employees, or all three at once? What industry do your clients operate in? How old are these people? Is the audience multilingual? Any details are important because they will determine:

  • The language and wording you choose
  • Jokes you can or can’t tell
  • Images you should and shouldn’t use, etc.

Consider means available

Your presentation may be doomed to fail if you don’t consider technical issues. Imagine, you expected to display a growth graph on the big white screen but were provided with a TV screen instead. Your audience won’t be able to see anything, and half of the speech will be lost.

Prepare key points & season them with data

It’s important to have a good understanding of what you are about to present. Let the numbers speak for themselves: prepare a few metrics or statistics and mention these during storytelling. However, don’t turn a presentation into a report — 2 or 3 graphs, tables, or diagrams will be more than enough.

If you plan to share the presentation among participants, you can include links to resources. This way, people interested in more details can retrieve the data.

Design the sales presentation structure

Use a “10-20-30” formula: 

  • No more than 10 slides
  • 20 minutes to speak
  • No font smaller than 30 pt.

Design the sales presentation structure

A good idea is to google some pre-designed sales presentation templates. This will save time on formatting plus give you useful ideas about the overall structure. Below are websites that might be helpful:

  • Freecreatives

Design the sales presentation structure

If you are in doubt, break your speech down into minute detail and align it with the sales presentation. Also, prepare cheat sheets — the latest price list, full specifications, etc. This way, you will be able to fend off any questions from the public.

Wrapping up

A good sales presentation fits the audience. Put yourself in the client’s shoes and wonder, what would YOU want to listen about? What facts might comfort you, and what questions might arise? With the customer in mind and with thorough preparation, your presentation will be a sure hit.

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Sales Presentation: Ideas, Examples and Templates to Present Like a Pro

Niti Samani

Typically, a sales presentation is understood as a simple pitch, a demo, or a list of facts and figures. A good sales presentation is one that incorporates all of these elements while also being more than the sum of its parts.

what are the presentation for sales

A sales presentation is that sensitive, impactful activity that, if it is done at the right time in your sales process , it will get your sales prospect ’s attention, make them eager about your product or services, and make their buying decision in favor of you.

As a sales professional, you will find yourself presenting live in countless scenarios ranging from introducing your product or services at a trade show to upselling your product or services to a client visiting your store. This article is for all you sales professionals out there. The topics it will cover are:

What is a Sales Presentation?

Sales presentation techniques, storytelling and sales presentation, what should you bring to your sales presentation, tips for nailing your sales presentation, sales presentation examples, sales presentation template to present like a pro, how can deskera help your business with sales, key takeaways.

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An effective sales presentation is one that tells a compelling story, highlights your value proposition, and aligns with your audience’s needs and desires. It ends with a strong call-to-action and leads your prospects to your differentiators rather than leading with them.

A sales presentation is not always the same thing as a sales pitch. This is because while a sales pitch is what your team of sales professionals does all day long on a one-to-one basis on the phone or in person, a sales presentation, in contrast, is a more complicated sales pitch where your sales team is trying to close a more lucrative deal through meetings and demos.

Preparing your sales presentation hence requires an investment of time and effort and needs to be well planned in order to convert your leads into customers, increase sales and therefore increase revenue . Considering the responsibilities, hopes, and pressure that a sales presentation carries, even a salesperson who is great at cold calling and sales pitches can become a victim of workplace stress .

A sales presentation is an art as well as a science. It is an art because it requires you to handle each situation and client creatively- adapting to the environment and molding it so that you can achieve your goals. It is also a science because it does come with some techniques and strategies, which, when incorporated, is sure to bring you higher success rates. The various sales presentation techniques that you can use are:

Sales Presentation Techniques

  • Send the Presentation Desk to Your Buyer Before Your Call

The benefit of this would be that if your prospect finds the deck compelling, then they would want to get into all the nitty-gritty details about it even after knowing its main content. This will help you in showing them how the solution you are offering is the best for their problem, the extra benefits that they will be able to get from it, and solve any queries that they might have. This will save everyone’s time, and your customer would move down the sales pipeline faster.

However, if your buyer has not gone through the deck before your call, they will just ask you to start from the beginning. Furthermore, sending the presentation deck to your buyer will show them how valued they are by your business and hence increase customer retention and customer satisfaction.

  • Invoking Self-Discovery

The best way to ensure sales and, therefore, gross profits is by making your buyers realize what the problem is and what the solution for the same can be. The solution is where your products or services will come in. The best way to do so is by telling a story to your buyer in which they are the main character. The storytelling will serve all the above-mentioned purposes and also give you a buyer who has a strong sense of customer loyalty that will only get stronger when you are able to ensure their “ voice of the customer .”

  • Do Not Skip to Point B. Talk About Point A.

Here, point A is the problem, whereas point B is the solution. When you directly skip to the positive outcomes of a solution, you lose out on the benefits that you would have derived by talking about point A. This is because point A is the problem that your buyer will constantly face unless they bring some change to it.

By talking about their problems repeatedly, you would be using the key sales psychology of how consumers are more likely to prefer loss aversion activities than benefiting activities. Combined with loss aversion tendency would be the sense of urgency that would further secure their purchase with you. Only after they are with you on the urgency stage, talk about the positive outcomes from the solution you are offering. Only now would your solution be truly appreciated hence bringing you your positive cash flow .

  • Do Not Lead with Differentiators, Lead to Them

The key to having your buyers appreciate your differentiators-i.e. the unique features of your products or services, is by leading them to it, rather than starting your sales presentation with them. In order to do so, you will have to start by explaining to your buyers the problem that they are facing, the opportunity that they have missed, and then surrounding it with a sense of urgency.

Only when your buyer is clear along these lines should you introduce them to your differentiators. This way, your differentiator will land exactly where it is supposed to, hence taking you one step closer to completing your sales cycle successfully.

  • Reveal the Outcome First

Presentations have a tendency to follow logical sequencing. While this makes sense in the academic setting, in the world of sales and customers, where your customers would definitely be busy, you will lose them midway through your sales presentation.

Therefore, start your sales presentation with the final outcome that you are expecting or predicting. The conversation will grow naturally from there. Another sales presentation tactic underlying this is that the best product demos start with the topics that your buyer has highlighted on the discovery call .

Not only should your product demo mirror all the topics highlighted by your buyer, but it should also follow the same prioritized sequence as they want. This is called solution mapping- which will up your sales presentation game by a lot.

  • Having a Conversational Presentation

One of the best ways to have increasing sales and therefore increased net sales is by making sure that your sales presentation is an engaging two-way conversation between two people. A two-way dialogue will make the sales pitch more natural, with equal listening happening on both sides- yours and the buyer’s. This real and connected conversation involves the right questions with the right answers, followed by a higher probability of sales taking place.

  • Following the 9-Minute Rule

To close your deals , you should follow the 9-minute rule for your sales presentation. This rule tells of how the human brain stops registering information properly from the 9th minute, hence making it important to change the channels in your buyer’s brain by either changing who is talking in the presentation, or in the video, or in the demo. This will reset the time back to zero, giving you more time to carry forward the next part of your presentation.

  • Using Relevant Social Proof

When talking with your potential clients, you should know the correct timing for giving social proof. Too soon, and you will lose your client. Additionally, you should also know which social proof would be relevant to give.

For example, if your example involves big brands like Google, it will leave your potential clients impressed but also make them feel that your product or services are not the right fit for them. To prevent this, your social proof should be from the buyer’s tribe. A buyer’s tribe is one with which they share pain points, challenges, and needs.

Even if you tell a different tribe’s story, the pain point should match with your prospect. By sharing these stories, you are making your prospects imagine themselves in the customer’s story and see a solution or a benefit for themselves.

One of the other ways you can give social proof is through social selling on your social media- helping to build a bridge between your company and its leads. After efficient lead management , these would become potential clients who need a sales presentation.

  • Use Customer Stories, Not ROI Calculators

As a customer, one processes information in 2 ways- logically and emotionally. If, while doing your sales presentation, you introduce ROI , then you are awakening the logical, analytical brain of your customer. This will make them more likely to argue with your assumptions.

However, if you resort to telling a story in which the customers are able to imagine themselves (hence leading to self-discovery) and have a before and after scenario for the product or service used to make them realize the value offered by your product or service, then this emotional connection is more likely to get them to make a buying decision in your favor.

  • Talking About Price After Establishing Value

It is crucial that as a salesperson, you know when to talk about pricing in your sales presentation. When setting the agenda for the call with your prospect, make sure you tell them when to expect a discussion on pricing. This discussion should be scheduled by you after you have shown them the value of your product or services, as only then would they agree to the pricing offered by you without you losing a deal. Also, by doing so, you would be better able to handle sales objections.

Using Your Competitor’s Strength in Your Favor

One of the most common sales presentation tactics involves using your competitor’s weakness and showing your product or service’s strength in exchange. This, however, leaves you vulnerable to attack and debate. The other smarter sales presentation technique involves learning and using your competitor’s strength to prove why their product or service is a poor fit for you.

For instance, when in 1985 the marketing of Burger King and McDonald's was head to head, Burger King used McDonald’s marketing attribution and strength- being a kids friendly place as its weakness by saying, at Burger King, it is the place for adults and real burgers, not just fun food. Burger King’s choice of brand awareness and brand positioning statement made it a winner in this marketing competition.

Talk About Your Competitors Early On

While doing your sales presentation, it is important that you talk about your competitors from the beginning rather than ignoring them completely, only to bring them up later in the conversation. This way, you would be able to influence your prospect’s opinions before they get solidified. Once they are influenced in your favor, they are more likely to stay the same, giving you higher net profits .

As humans, we have a deep relationship with stories. They move us, teach us, and in the context of sales, they persuade us. This is why storytelling is the secret to a successful sales presentation. If you want to win your customers, start with a story that is relevant to them and their problems, especially of an existing customer who faced the same problem as them.

Such a story would lead to your prospects remembering the key points from your sales presentation as well as about your product or services. Thus, this section of the article will help you in building your sales presentation around a story that will grab your prospect’s attention and encourage them to invest in the solution you are offering.

Start With a Problem and a Deadline

Instead of talking directly about the solution you are offering to your prospects, you should start by talking about the problem and the challenges your solution was designed to solve. Your sales presentation should revolve around the value you are offering to your prospect.

When using storytelling, your product or service can become the hero, whereas their pain point can become the villain. It should focus on the change (something that improves their business or life) rather than on the pain point. Additionally, create a sense of urgency around the story- such that if they do not take action now, they will miss an opportunity. Also, involve the consequences in the story that would arise if the prospect does not change.

Talking About the Solution

Once you have highlighted the problem or the challenges, it is time to talk about the product or services that you are offering. These should not be talked about in terms of their features, but rather in terms of how life would become easier and better for your prospect by using your product or service. It should also highlight how they would be able to reduce their account payable and increase their account receivables .

Only after that, start talking about your product or services features and benefits along these lines:

  • Positioning your features against the old way of doing things
  • Presenting those features as the superpowers that will solve your prospect’s problems and challenges
  • Comparing those features with those of the competitor’s

And using a combination of some or all of the above sales presentation techniques.

A sales presentation is perceived to be a daunting task, and the only way to deal with such a task is by being prepared and organized. This is why this section of the article would be discussing all the necessities that you should bring to your sales presentation. They are:

PowerPoint Presentation

Sales presentation tends to include a sales deck to help deliver facts, figures, and statistics that will back your sales presentation and convince your prospects to accept the solution you are offering. To present your sales deck, you can use presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or google slides or Canva presentation, or any digital slides that you feel are a good match to your product or service. Some of the key elements of such a presentation should be:

  • A great cover image or opening slide that grabs your audience’s attention.
  • Data and key points are represented through charts, graphs, quotes. These can even include metrics like ACV and ARR or other such relevant KPIs .
  • Testimonials and case studies from other customers. This shows the proactive customer service you offer, the voice of customers that you secure, how you consider the customer feedback , and how reliable your products, services, and business is.
  • Personalize your presentation for each meeting- based on prospect’s brand color or with data specific to their market and industry or with an earlier exchange
  • Last slide- which should have a call to action- directs your prospects on what they need to do now.

One of the main things you need to take care of here is not to overwhelm your slides with texts- they should rather have quick skimmable text, with supporting visuals as visuals register more in the human brain. This will also prevent information overload for your prospect.

The Product

The best way to sell a product is by your potential customers seeing them live in action. Product demonstrations hence have always been a vital part of every sales plan- wherever applicable. However, not every product would be perfectly portable. To give a demo for such products would become trickier. Here are some tips you can follow:

  • In the case of a physical product, think of the perfect environment for the product’s demo that would show it at its best and do it.
  • In the case of a digital product, have technology in hand to show what your product can do. For example, if it is a mobile app- make your prospects download and try it; if it is a website, show it through a projector.
  • Lastly, in case your product is not portable- either because it is location-specific or because it is too big to carry around, you will have to use video for your product demo in the sales presentation.‌‌

Based on the nature of your solution and how you are doing your sales presentation, you might have to give handouts to your audience. Your handout can have a QR code from which to download the app or contact information, or sales literature. Your handouts should be simple and to the point and should be given at the end of the presentation so that while you are presenting, they are listening to you and not going through the information you gave them on the handouts.‌‌ You can use QR Code generators to create QR Codes that are dynamic and trackable.

If you are doing a sales presentation, it is quite likely that you are going as a team with two or more sales representatives. Some of the tips you can all follow for the preparation for your sales presentation are:

  • Practice- To get the timing right, especially if your presentation has a lot of moving parts.
  • Make sure everything is working- so as to avoid going to the meeting with a faulty presentation or a broken sample
  • Decide everyone’s roles- so as to avoid on-the-spot confusion and chaos.‌‌

Some of the tips that you should incorporate during your sales presentation to nail it are:‌‌

Confident Body Language

Sales presentations often happen in person, which is why strong, relaxed, and confident body language is essential to make it seem like you know that you are going to close this deal. How you feel about your presentation is how your prospect is going to feel. Some of the things to take care of here are-

  • Making and maintaining eye contact as this shows people how invested you are in what you are doing.
  • Stand up straight with your shoulders pulled back. This will also have the added benefit of making you feel better than when your shoulders are hunched.
  • Keep your chin up, looking straight and making eye contact rather than looking at the floor or randomly around the room.
  • Have a good, firm handshake that will result in a good first impression.‌‌

Engaging Your Audience

Sales presentations are more likely to last for long, however the same is not true about your audience’s attention span. To keep them engaged throughout the duration of your sales presentation, you should consider the following:

  • The two most important parts of any presentation are the beginning and the end, and hence this is where you should use your strongest material.
  • Start your presentation with a brief introduction about yourself and then lead it with either a compelling story as discussed above or with a compelling demo.
  • Your product features can make up the middle of your presentation as your prospects might have already researched them, and this part is less likely to be remembered well.
  • Finish strong by mentioning how your product solved a problem.

Throughout your sales presentation, you can use humor if it comes naturally to you, matches your brand voice and your buyer personas . Humor will become a good way to connect with your prospects, make everyone relaxed in the room and make the presentation memorable. Lastly, because you are doing a sales presentation and not a sales pitch, it also gives you an opportunity to show off your product and make it memorable.‌‌

Like we discussed above, the sales presentation is an art and a science, and there are some companies who have done exceedingly well in their sales presentations. We will be talking about some of them in this section of the article.‌‌

Leadnomics Sales Deck for Sales Presentation Example

The highlight of leadnomics’s sales presentation is that they were able to showcase their brand identity during it. To do so, their internet marketing agency hired a designer to create a sales deck that reflects leadnomic’s brand positioning statement through its sleek, techie designs. This meant that while the prospects got to learn about leadnomics and what it has to offer, they also came to know what it stands for as a brand. Such a sales presentation is sure to bring about positive brand awareness.

The Original Comfy

This product was made and pitched by Brian and Michael Speciale on Shark Tank in 2017. They did not have any numbers or inventory, just a big fleecy blanket/hoodie and a video of it being worn everywhere- from a beach to a couch. Their presentation got them an offer of $50,000 for 30% from Barbara Corcoran. When asked about it, she said they had a good product and utmost confidence in it. This highlights how important confidence is while doing your sales presentation.

Single Music

Single Music Sales Deck for Sales Presentation Example

Single Music used icons and visuals throughout its sales deck to communicate its message. Additionally, the information that it added was worth the length of the sales deck that they had gone with- i.e., 28 slides. Through its sales deck, it showed how it allows the artists to monetize their Spotify account, showcased its diverse artist roster, its milestones, and even its key features.‌‌

Richter Sales Deck for Sales Presentation Example

In a sales deck that Richter made around 2019, it started with an introduction of the problem, followed by a value proposition and then by the solution. They provided an overview of what they have provided to their customers, who their clients are, and what results has their customer base seen. This particular sales deck hence covers all that a sales presentation should cover. Another of its highlights was also how it organized its graphics and logos in an organized and uncluttered manner.

Richter Sales Deck for Sales Presentation Example

After all that we discussed, it is time to nail your sales presentation with this guide- containing the slides you need to make and tips on how to make them. Click here to get your sales presentation guide and template to present like a pro.‌‌

Deskera is that cloud software that is equipped with meeting all your business needs. When it comes to sales, it is Deskera CRM and Deskera CRM+ that you want to rely upon especially. Deskera CRM helps in importing and managing all your contacts from one place, letting you integrate your emails with its dashboard. You can even automate email marketing, get reminders for sending invoices and set up your schedule.‌‌

Deskera CRM

Through its dashboard, it will also help you track your deals, monitor sales , and even different KPIs like marketing KPIs . One of the added benefits of Deskera CRM is that it has made the digitization of customer service easier. Additionally, because you can plan your entire team’s work on this software, it increases efficiency and helps in managing workplace stress.‌‌

When it comes to Deskera CRM+, it helps in lead management by allowing to build funnels to convert visitors to leads to paying customers. To do so, you can either select any of the high conversion funnel templates or create from scratch.

Deskera CRM+

Funnels should be created for every marketing campaign like social media marketing , landing pages , performance marketing , and content marketing to test their effectiveness. The funnel dashboard will also help you in measuring the performance KPIs.‌‌

Additionally, you would also be able to automate daily tasks like drip email campaigns, where you would also be able to choose from email marketing templates, choose a target segment, and then track their performance across it.

Through Deskera CRM+, you would be able to segment your leads such that later they get personalized campaigns based on their segment. Such a personalized approach would also help in increasing customer retention, encourage returning customers , and even increase customer loyalty.‌‌

So, with deals being closed faster and more efficiently, your financial statement ’s health will improve as well- hence bringing forward a bright future for your business.‌‌

While it is safer to keep your sales presentation simple and predictable by keeping it about a sales deck and a speech, such a sales presentation would not be a showstopper.

For your sales presentation to make its impact and result in favorable buying decisions- your sales presentation needs to be unique and unforgettable. To ensure this,

  • Have a confident body language
  • Engage your audience

Use varied combinations of sales presentation techniques based on what suits your audience and business the best. The techniques you can choose from are:

  • Using Your Competitor’s Strength in Your Favour
  • Talk About Your Competitors Early On‌‌

When using these techniques, always remember to engage in storytelling. As humans, we have a deeper connection to and understanding of stories. When carried out nicely, this will keep your prospects engaged and make them do business with you. Also, make a point of taking questions and follow-ups after your sales presentation.‌‌

What helps in this entire process are the insights as provided by the Deskera CRM and Deskera CRM+ dashboard that helps you understand your prospects better.

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Effective Sales Presentations: Techniques for Impactful Communication

By   Hanson Cheng

May 20, 2024

  • minute read

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by Hanson Cheng

Immerse yourself in this comprehensive guide to crafting the perfect sales presentation. This article is brimming with valuable and insightful pointers on increasing the effectiveness of your sales presentations, covering every aspect from preparation and design to delivery and subsequent evaluation. Whether you’re setting clear objectives, analyzing your audience, structuring your presentation, or overcoming objections, this article has you covered.

The use of visual aids, crafting a compelling story, and tips for successful non-verbal communication are just a few of the highlights you’re about to discover. Step into this treasure trove of information and give your sales presentations the boost they deserve.

Effective Sales Presentations

Sales presentations are integral to any business’s strategy to influence prospective customers, partners, or investors. They are used to highlight a product or service, its benefits, and how it can solve the audience’s specific problems.

Understanding the importance of sales presentations

Sales presentations are the bridge between your business and potential clients. They not only showcase your product or service, but they also represent your company’s identity, mission, and values. A well-prepared, engaging and persuasive sales presentation can build trust, foster relationships, and close sales.

Sales presentations are useful tools for:

  • Demonstrating the value and benefits of your product or service
  • Establishing a connection with your audience
  • Distinguishing your business from the competition
  • Persuading the audience to take action: whether it’s to make a purchase, sign up for a service, or invest in your company

In our global and highly competitive marketplace, a compelling sales presentation is necessary, not an option. Also, a  persuasive business presentation  is essential for clear communication, helping to highlight what makes your products special distinguishing the company from its competitors.  Even companies like Apple and Tesla give high importance to their sales presentations, knowing that their market share and revenue generation significantly depend on them.

Characteristics of impactful sales presentations

Not all sales presentations lead to success. Only those that are informative, captivating, and tailored to the audience’s needs and interests can be deemed powerful. Impactful sales presentations typically have these characteristics:

  • Clear and simple: Effective sales presentations are straightforward and avoid technical jargon. They articulate the product or service and its benefits in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.
  • Customer-centric: Impactful presentations are not about the company but about the customer. They focus on how the product or service can solve the customer’s problem.
  • Engaging: Successful sales presentations interact with the audience, asking questions, and encouraging participation.
  • Visual: The use of visuals, such as charts, graphs, images, and videos, makes sales presentations more impactful. They can help explain complex data, illustrate a point, and maintain audience interest.
  • Storytelling: A good story can help make your sales presentation more persuasive and memorable. Stories can evoke emotions, which can boost retention and influence decision-making.

Knowing the importance and characteristics of effective sales presentations is crucial for any business aiming to gain market share, attract investors, or create lasting customer relationships. A well-thought-out, engaging, and personalized sales presentation can close deals and help your business thrive in any industry.

Preparing for an Effective Sales Presentation

Setting clear objectives.

To host an effective sales presentation, setting clear objectives beforehand is paramount. Knowing the goals you want to achieve will guide the structure and content of your presentation. You may want to outline your objectives in a clear, concise, and actionable manner. One common objective is to demonstrate the benefits of your product or service and how it solves a problem or meets your audience’s needs. Another frequent goal is to persuade the audience to take a specific action at the end of the presentation, such as making a purchase or signing up for a trial.

Analyzing Your Audience

Having a profound understanding of your audience can significantly influence the success of your sales presentation.

– Demographics : Gaining insights into the basic demographic details of your audience, like age, gender, geographic location, occupation, income level, etc., can help tailor your presentation to the needs and interests of your audience. For instance, a presentation targeted at C-suite executives in San Francisco would likely differ in terms of language, tone, and content compared to a presentation made to small business owners in Austin, Texas.

– Prior Knowledge of the Topic : Gauging the audience’s previous knowledge about the product/service being sold is also crucial. For instance, if they are already familiar with the product category, you may want to focus more on showcasing the unique advantages of your offering rather than start from scratch.

Researching Your Product/Service

A deep and realistic understanding of your product or service is fundamental in a sales presentation. It’s important to know the details inside-out to confidently address any question that comes your way during the presentation. You should be well aware of not only the advantages and benefits of your offering, but also its weaknesses or any possible objections from potential customers, to respond efficiently and adeptly.

Designing an Impactful Sales Presentation

Structuring your presentation.

A good structure is key to a compelling sales presentation.

– Introduction : Starting the presentation with an engaging introduction is crucial to hook your audience immediately. It could be a relevant story, a powerful statistic, or an inspiring quote, anything that sparks interest and sets the stage for the rest of the presentation.

– Body : The body of your presentation should be composed of distinctive sections addressing different aspects of your product/service. Each section should be clear, and informative, and add value to the overall narrative. Using data, anecdotes, examples, and stories can help make your presentation more engaging and persuasive.

– Conclusion : Concluding your presentation effectively is equally important. A strong conclusion should recap the main points and offer a clear call to action that inspires your audience to act.

Visual Aids in Sales Presentations

Visual aids can be a gem in sales presentations, as they assist in explaining complex ideas and data more intuitively and leave a lasting impression.- Types of Visual Aids : Visual aids can vary from basic graphs and charts to more sophisticated animations or interactive elements. Whiteboards, slides, videos, infographics, and flowcharts are typical visual aids used.- Best Practices : However, using visual aids demands some best practices to avoid overwhelming or confusing the audience. Visuals should support your spoken message, not overshadow or contradict it. Moreover, keeping visuals clean, simple, and aesthetically pleasing can enhance their effectiveness.

Crafting a Compelling Story

Incorporating a compelling story in your sales presentation can enhance engagement, make the content more relatable, and achieve better persuasion. Use stories that resonate with your audience, align with your brand and product, and convey your value proposition effectively. Whether it’s a client’s success story, the story behind your product, or your company’s journey, ensure it’s genuine, relatable, and engaging.

Delivering the Sales Presentation

In delivering an effective sales presentation, several significant factors come into play. These factors include building rapport with your audience, using effective communication techniques, and handling objections confidently.

Building rapport with the audience

An important and often overlooked part of delivering an effective sales presentation involves establishing a solid rapport with your audience. A positive connection between the presenter and the audience can greatly enhance the effectiveness of a sales presentation. Therefore, sales reps should strive to connect individually with each member attending their presentation.

This connection can be made through common interests, ice-breakers, or another shared experience. Building rapport helps create a comfortable environment where the audience is more likely to be receptive to the main message and stay engaged throughout the presentation.

Communicating effectively

Effective communication during a sale presentation is another significant determinant of the presentation’s success. It goes beyond the spoken words; your vocal quality and non-verbal cues also play substantial roles.

Vocal quality : Your voice’s tone, volume, and pace can significantly affect the audience’s reception of your sales presentation. A monotone voice can be dull and could disengage your audience. Instead, varying your voice’s tone and pitch can make your presentation more engaging and exciting, keeping your audience’s attention.

Non-verbal communication : Body language is another crucial part of communication during a sales presentation. It can influence how the audience perceives you and your message. Things such as eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions can enhance your presentation, making your delivery more robust. For example, maintaining eye contact can help build trust with your audience, while positive facial expressions can create an enthusiastic and welcoming environment.

Overcoming objections

During a sales presentation, objections are almost inevitable. However, how you handle them can make or break your presentation. Instead of viewing objections as roadblocks, view them as opportunities to clarify information and reinforce your sales arguments. Be patient and actively listen to the objecting party, allowing them to completely state their objection before responding. Always keep your responses respectful, constructive, and focused on the value of your products or services. In doing so, you can turn potential deal-breakers into deal-makers.

To summarize, delivering an engaging and effective sales presentation requires building rapport with the audience, using effective communication through both verbal and non-verbal cues, and confidently overcoming objections. Mastering these techniques can help one deliver a sales presentation that informs, convinces, and converts.

Evaluating and Improving your Sales Presentation

The journey to crafting an effective sales presentation doesn’t end after delivery; it’s a continuous evaluation and improvement process. This section will cover three key practices to refining your sales presentation: seeking feedback, learning from successful presentations, and constant practice and refinement.

Seeking Feedback

Feedback serves as a critical foundation for personal growth and professional development. In the context of sales presentations, it helps in identifying areas that need improvement and strategies that work well. Creating an environment where clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders feel comfortable providing honest insights about your presentation is essential.

Consider implementing a structured approach to seeking feedback by focusing on specific aspects of the presentation like the structure, content, delivery style, and visual aids. You can ask questions like “Was the objective of the presentation clear?” or “Were the visual aids effective in communicating the important points?”

Avoid becoming defensive when receiving feedback and embrace constructive criticism. Acting on the feedback will build trust among your peers, clients, and superiors, showing them that you value their insights as you strive to improve your presentation skills.

Remember, the purpose of feedback is growth. So, embrace it as an opportunity to learn from your experiences, making your future sales presentations increasingly successful.

Learning from Successful Presentations

After feedback, learning from the best is another effective way to improve your sales presentations. Recognize the attributes of successful presentations and identify how you can implement them in your presentation strategy. This does not mean copying others’ style, but understanding why their presentations work and implementing those attributes into your individual style.

Watching successful sales presentations can provide insights into various tactics like structuring the presentation, engaging the audience, handling objections, and closing the deal. Online platforms like TED talks, professional workshops, and corporate presentations can act as valuable resources in this learning process.

Moreover, successful sales presentations from the same industry can provide industry-specific insights that can enhance your understanding of the market, customer preferences, and competition.

Constant Practice and Refinement

Sales presentations are part of a skill set; like any other skill, they need constant practice and refinement. The evolution of an effective sales presentation involves an ongoing cycle of planning, practicing, delivering, and refining.

The key is implementing the feedback and learning from successful and less successful presentations in your practice. Regular practice enhances your confidence and helps you prepare for unexpected situations during the presentation.

Record your presentation rehearsals to observe your body language, delivery style, and the flow of the presentation. It provides a different perspective, aiding you to identify areas that might not be apparent during the actual delivery.

To summarize, evaluating and improving your sales presentation requires an open mindset towards receiving and implementing feedback, learning continuously from successful presenters, and rigorously practicing and refining your style. It’s an ongoing process that gradually makes you a proficient presenter capable of delivering effective and successful sales presentations.

Recap of techniques for impactful communication in sales presentations

Reflecting on the insight gained throughout this article, it is evident that an impactful sales presentation relies on a range of methods and techniques. Initially, establishing clear objectives is pivotal. This provides a guiding compass for the presentation, ensuring the message is tailored and targeted. Simultaneously, understanding your audience lays the foundation for formulating a presentation that resonates with their interests, needs and knowledge level.

A product/service research deep dive not only equips you with needed knowledge to hold an informative presentation but also establishes a level of credibility with your audience. Going forward, the structure of the presentation must be carefully composed, maintaining a compelling narrative throughout. Introducing effectively, building an engaging body of content and leaving a lasting impression with a dynamic conclusion all form part of this process.

Visual aids serve to augment the presentation, enhancing the message through engaging and illustrative content. Used appropriately, these graphics can enhance understanding and retention of information. Meanwhile, crafting a compelling story makes your presentation memorable whilst stimulating an emotional connection with the audience.

During the delivery of the presentation, fostering rapport with your audience can be highly beneficial. Communicating effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, enhances the message delivery, ensuring your audience is fully engaged. Overcoming objections in the course of a presentation showcases a deep understanding of the product/service and instills a level of trust within the consumer.

Finally, the constant pursuit of improvement is what distinguishes a good salesperson from a great one. Seeking feedback, learning from successful presentations, and constant practice and refinement are the foundations of this pursuit.

The future of sales presentations

In an ever-evolving business landscape, sales presentations are bound to undergo transformations. Technological advancements continue to reshape how we approach and deliver presentations. Elements like virtual and augmented reality are gradually emerging as valuable tools in sales presentations. By offering more immersive and engaging presentation experiences, these technologies can help firms stand out in an increasingly crowded market.

Furthermore, the growing emphasis on data-driven decision making is likely to shape the future of sales presentations. As businesses gather more data about customers and markets, sales presentations will increasingly rely on relevant data to make more convincing arguments. This may involve presenting statistical evidence of a product’s success, its popularity among a certain demographic, or its market share in comparison to competitors.

Additionally, the need for personalization in sales will continue to intensify. In line with this, future sales presentations will likely focus more on individual consumer needs and preferences. This personalization can manifest in several ways, such as focusing on a customer’s specific pain points, tailor-making solutions, or even personalizing the manner in which the presentation is delivered.

Lastly, sustainability and social impact are becoming significant business considerations, especially among younger consumers. Sales presentations that capitalize on this trend by highlighting a company’s environmental consciousness or positive societal impact may find greater success in future landscapes.

The future of sales presentations promises exciting developments, and staying abreast of these trends will ensure you remain competitive and impactful in your delivery. Regardless of the changes to come, the basic principles of effective sales presentations, as discussed throughout this article, will remain relevant and applicable.

Effective Sales Presentation – FAQs

1. what factors should be considered in creating an effective sales presentation.

Creating an effective sales presentation requires understanding the audience, defining clear objectives, maintaining simplicity, excellent storytelling, using persuasive language, engaging visuals, and incorporating proof points or case studies for credibility.

2. How crucial is storytelling in sales presentations?

Storytelling in sales presentations is vitally important. Stories capture attention, appeal to emotions, make complex information simpler, and inspire action, therefore, making the sales presentation effective and memorable.

3. Why is understanding the audience essential in sales presentations?

Understanding the audience allows customization of the presentation to their needs, expectations, and preferences. This can foster connection and engagement hence, greatly increasing the likelihood of a successful sales presentation.

4. Can the use of visuals enhance the effectiveness of sales presentations?

Absolutely! Incorporating relevant and engaging visuals can simplify complex information, increase retention of the material presented, and make the presentation more engaging and memorable, enhancing effectiveness significantly.

5. How can a presenter demonstrate credibility during a sales presentation?

Presenters can demonstrate credibility by: incorporating testimonials, case studies, or reviews; demonstrating in-depth knowledge of the product/service; showing a clear understanding of the customer’s needs; and presenting a professional demeanor.

6. What role does persuasive language play in sales presentations?

Persuasive language plays a crucial role in influencing the audience’s perception and decisions. It helps in making a compelling argument for the product/service, inspiring action, and, ultimately, achieving the sales objectives.

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Hanson Cheng

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Living in Portugal with my wife and puppies. Scaling online businesses and sharing lessons learned on this website and in our email newsletter. Always happy to hear from you, so find me on Instagram if you want to say hi!

Home Blog Business Crafting an Effective Sales Presentation: Strategies for B2B Sales Teams

Crafting an Effective Sales Presentation: Strategies for B2B Sales Teams

Cover for how to create a sales presentation

In business, sales keep the lights on, the paychecks paid, and the stakeholders happy. But if your sales presentations—and you, the sale professional behind them—aren’t stepping up to the plate, your competitors are making the sales that you’re not.

In sales processes, sales presentations are unavoidable. You can turn the unavoidable into uplifting discussions that improve your buyer’s work life. Switch your boring, repetitive slides with personalized solution-driven conversation starters. Add value to how you sell, and supercharge your presentations.

This guide is for sales professionals who want to improve their sales presentations. We cover what goes on your slides plus what’s behind the scenes, you! 

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Why are Sales Presentations important?

B2b sales presentation vs. sales pitch / pitch deck, types of sales presentations.

  • How to Prepare a Sales Presentation

How to Develop a Visual Sales Presentation

How to deliver a sales presentation, follow up after a sales presentation.

  • 6 Tips to Supercharge Your Sales Presentations

Closing Thoughts

What is a sales presentation.

There is a common mixup in terms of defining a sales presentation, as people instantly associate the event with the tool used to deliver the presentation.

In practical terms, a sales presentation is a short meeting where a sales-intended slide deck is designed to sell a product or service. More holistically, a sales presentation is a transference of feeling between a sales professional and a prospect. 

A sales presentation is an essential part of the typical sales process . At different touchpoints with the buyer, sales professionals use tried-and-tested techniques in their sales presentations to persuade and convince a prospect to close the deal. 

Without sales, there is no business. Sales bring in revenue and profit for your company, helping it grow and positively impacting more people. And what’s behind the sales? Sales presentations and the sales professionals that spearhead them.

In B2B, sales presentations are the conduit to successful business communication. Your company sells what another company needs. The salesperson and the decision maker communicate, and if it all works out, there’s a sale that’ll hopefully benefit everyone. 

A sales presentation and pitch aren’t the same, although closely related. A sales pitch is a type of sales presentation. Pitches are generally used at the top of the funnel in the sales process; they bring people in.

A sales presentation can be used at any touchpoint with the buyer; their progression through your funnel and process will mandate what type of sales presentation you need.

This guide covers sales presentations as a category; if you’re looking for pitch decks , here are our favorites.

Example of a Sales Pitch Presentation template for PowerPoint

As a sales professional, you create all styles of sales presentations. Your choice depends on what level of the sales process you’re on, what you’re selling, your prospects’ needs, and the company’s selling framework. 

These are some of the most common sales presentation types concerning what’s being sold:

  • Product: A product sales presentation showcases a singular product (physical or digital) to solve a specific problem. You are paid to provide products.
  • Service: A service sales presentation shares why your prospect needs your service. You are hired (paid) to provide a service.
  • Project: A project sales presentation attempts to close the deal to start a project that involves an exchange of money. You are hired (paid) to spearhead a project and finish with deliverables.

Regarding sales presentation styles and their placement in the sales process, you have three options:

  • Informative: Informative sales presentations are at the top of the sales funnel or process. You share information about what you sell in a relatable language for the buyer—no call to action yet.
  • Persuasive : In a persuasive sales presentation, you remind the buyer of the information and add how what you sell solves their problem. 
  • Reminder : A reminder sales presentation reminds buyers of their interest and brings them back into the buying frame of mind.

How to Craft a Sales Presentation From Start to Finish

Selling guru Zig Ziglar always said that your sales presentation is an extension of you as a person. Your personality must come through positively through your slides and speech, creating a feeling of trust with the buyer. 

In this section, you’ll find the ultimate guide to crafting a sales presentation from start to finish. We’ll use a case study as a foundation for every step of the sales presentation creation process. 

The buyer is a large manufacturing factory looking to outsource services or buy a product that will help them monitor production data. Currently, they manage a complex tech stack that involves different software solutions. This system proves inefficient; it takes too long to export reports, and operators regularly have issues introducing data or troubleshooting error codes. 

They need a solution that will be efficient, save time, and avoid operator frustration. Likewise, they also need the system to be in one place, replacing all the components of their previous tech stack.

You, the sales professional, work for an AI-based SaaS that offers production and manufacturing dashboards. Everything is powered by a cloud-based application that is accessible 24/7 through PC, tablets, and smartphones. The information is fetched from the machines through sensors paired with cameras that sync the information for easy troubleshooting.

Your company has three years of experience in the market, with several customer success stories regarding energy management, increased production output, and reduced waste production—all thanks to implementing your production and manufacturing solutions. You aim to upscale the company’s operations, securing a deal with a large corporation. Hence, the sales presentation to close the deal.

Visual of our case study for a sales presentation

To help you navigate the sales presentation journey, we’ve separated this section into four categories that lead to each other. 

  • Preparation
  • Development
  • Continued Communication

How to Prepare a Sales Presentation 

A lot of work goes into preparing a sales presentation. You’re not just designing the slides for the deck but also preparing yourself for an impactful conversation. 

Before designing slides or writing speeches, you must strategize the sales presentation according to your client’s needs and your goals as a sales professional. Think of their needs and address them clearly.

Here are some questions to answer:

  • How can you best communicate a solution for their needs while building trust?
  • Where in the sales process are you with this client? Is the purpose of this presentation to inform, persuade or remind?
  • Is there a sales playbook or guideline available to help you stay within company selling procedures?
  • How can you get to know the prospect better before presenting?


Always think of both the slides and the speech as an inseparable pair. If you can’t visit the prospect in person, prepare for a virtual call. 

Here are some planning stage actions.

  • Meet with the buyer to have a conversation about their issues. Book a call with them to deliver your presentation.
  • Use a Gantt Chart template to organize your timing for preparation and development.
  • Visualize a roadmap of the ideal sales process with your prospect and aim to achieve it.
  • Schedule time in your calendar to practice your speech.
  • Research the buyer’s particular pain points. Did any of your existing clients have the same paint points? How did your service solve them? Have case studies on hand to share with the prospect.


A large part of a successful sales presentation is the human connection you create with the prospect or buyer. As you communicate with the potential buyer, build a relationship. You want this buyer to buy and become a loyal customer and, eventually, a natural promoter.

The manufacturing company that needs your dashboard solution has specific pain points, which they shared during the initial call. Use them as conversation points to connect on a deeper level. Depending on your personality, you can use humor, empathy, or other psychological tactics to connect meaningfully and honestly.

Developing a sales presentation involves putting the content together for the slides and speech. Presentation slides aren’t your speech in written form; they’re supporting material. Ideally, share the visual presentation before and after you talk with them; this helps reinforce the message by imprinting the conversation in their minds.

Write the Content

Your monitoring dashboard company has the solution the manufacturing factory needs. You know this, but they aren’t quite sure yet. They need to buy from someone, and it could be anyone. Use the power of communication to be the one they buy from. 

Here are some tips for writing and developing the content for your presentation. 

  • Create a double outline with two columns—one for the slides and one for the speech. Match the presentation slide to your speech, but don’t make them exactly the same. The slide has to support what you’re saying, not repeat it.
  • Write the speech as if you were talking to the prospect. Think of questions they might ask and write down the answers.
  • As you work through the writing, develop one-liners to bring the message home for the buyer. 
  • Use specific examples. In this case, the manufacturing enterprise needs a custom dashboard for its production monitoring. Write down reasons why your offer solves their most significant problems and issues. Why did they start looking for a custom dashboard solution in the first place? Knowing the buyer almost intimately is essential so that your offer sells itself.

Structure the Presentation

The two most powerful parts of your presentation are the opening and the ending. Everything in the middle is a filler that the prospect might or might need to pay more attention to. 

Start with your best shot, the point you feel has the most persuasive power. Then use your second-best shot for the ending. 

Here’s a rundown of sections that’ll help move along the conversation. Each section can be one slide, or it can be a few.

Personalized cover and intro . A personalized cover on a sales presentation deck makes a positive first impression and interest for the rest of the slides. By now, you should know the company’s name, the buyer’s name, and their role in the company. Include them on the cover with a prefix like this:

  • Prepared for: Name of buyer, role, company.
  • Prepared by: Your name, your role, your company.

On the opening slides, reintroduce what your company offers. Only some members on the client side know the specifics involved in the deal. Present a quick reminder of what your company does. This is the perfect opportunity to share your elevator pitch, your best shot.

Sales presentation agenda slide

Problem / Solution Analysis . Be specific. You already know what they need from you, but they don’t. Sell the solution confidently by being specific about how your custom dashboard service will solve their monitoring pain points. 

Here’s how to do it: Start by presenting the problem given to you by the company. Visually display the reports you obtained from the buyer. Then, present an analysis crafted by your team. Show how specific pain points are solved by displaying real and projected data.

Share your perspective on the issue, and bring up potential trouble points the customer may still need to spot. Conclude by introducing “the solution” with accurate data and projections.

The Cost of Doing Nothing. Use data to show how your solution will not only solve their immediate problem but also in the future. Visually explain how choosing not to buy your dashboard service—doing nothing, staying the same—will cost more than you’re asking them to invest. Using clear calculations, explain how if they stay as they are, not only will they end up wasting more money than if they had bought the dashboard system, they’d be in deeper water and still without the dashboard. 

Your solution instantly solves the cost of doing nothing or staying as they are. Returning to the custom dashboard sale example, let’s say that after the estimation analysis you present, the buyer sees an increased OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) by 30% in the upcoming four months after the production monitoring software pinpoints the bottlenecks in production. That’s enough information to make the sale!

Real Referrals

Go beyond the testimonial quote and share real referrals from clients whose pain points you solved with custom solutions. Keep a file of case studies, testimonials, and social media mentions ready to add to any presentation.

Create internal case studies if your company is relatively new and you have few referrals or testimonials. Use your product or service to solve your company’s pain points and document the process. Through quality video presentations , your company can also expose insightful information if your referrals aren’t enough, as said videos demonstrate the operational aspect of the product or service you intend to sell.

Regardless of the background, this section aims to increase credibility and authority. Use real data in clear visualizations to showcase gains like ROI and production. Ensure that what you share makes an impact. Storytelling techniques come in handy at this point.

A sales testimonial slide to cement your reputation in B2B deals.

The pricing slide is optional

The slide with pricing is optional. Generally, fixed pricing is more apt for a slide in a sales presentation template . Flexible or complex pricing needs more than a slide. 

Putting the case study as an example, the buying company has 30 product lines but wishes to conduct a trial run for the software solution you are selling them, on 5 product lines for 90 days. Based on the initial results, they will gradually upscale the service. 

In a case like this, the price negotiation is managed by both companies’ financial departments, where accurate quotations are handled. On the slide, you can link to the spreadsheet where calculations are conducted, but you can leave detailed calculations out of the conversation completely. 

Using a pricing comparison table slide in PowerPoint


Thank everyone that attends the call or meeting. And also, include a Thank You note on the last slide. Use your second elevator pitch , the second shot, at this point. Leave the ball in the buyer’s court and make it easy for them to buy. Close the sale by agreeing for your financial team to contact theirs.

Include all forms of communication on that slide with hyperlinks to call you on the phone or get in touch via email.

Design the Slides with Visuals

Designing the slides means putting it all together into a set of slides that flow along with your speech or recorded video-over. We won’t go too deep into this point, but be sure it’s important! Here are some essential things to achieve when designing slides:

  • A balanced layout on all slides.
  • Harmonious transitions from slide to slide.
  • Visual unity between slides.
  • A unified color and font scheme.
  • Licensed visuals, videos, and images.

This is what your sales presentation can look like.

Using a selection of sales presentation slides from a PowerPoint template to secure a sales deal.

Save Time With Templates

PowerPoint Templates are the ultimate timesaver for anyone creating presentations. Not only do they save time in development and production, but they also help with visual consistency and flow. Using predesigned templates where you only need to change the content and the colors is ideal for someone with minimal design skills or limited time. FYI, even designers use templates.

Presentation delivery is more important than all the other steps combined. At the point of delivery, your goal is to convince and then persuade the buyer that your solution is worth investing in. 

Practice your Speech

At this stage, top-performing sales professionals stand out from the rest. A memorized speech and perfect slides won’t make the sale; YOU will. The entire transaction depends on you and how you connect with the buyer.

Here are some tips on how to turn a speech into a conversation that will lead to a close.

  • Develop and train your voice. Simply memorizing information isn’t going to make sales; you need to practice voice inflection and change of pace. Don’t discount taking speaking courses to improve your skills.
  • Record yourself practicing and play it back. Take notes on what you can improve and what can be discarded. 
  • Ask peers and colleagues for feedback.
  • Always keep improving from every sales presentation.
  • Practice for many scenarios; standing in front of a group, sitting at a table next to people, via virtual call.

Remember that all this work you’re doing is for the prospect’s benefit. Don’t talk at them; talk with them. Don’t deliver your presentation dryly or rushed; give yourself and each other time to converse.

Distributing Presentations Digitally 

You won’t always be able to visit the prospect in person. Practice delivering the sales presentation and speech on camera. On some occasions, you won’t be able to meet the prospect. In this case, create the presentation and then record yourself presenting on each slide. Use tools like Loom or Nimbus to record yourself while presenting the slides.

Delivering a digital sales presentation

Body Language

It is imperative to be mindful of your body language when delivering a sales presentation, as also interpret your customer’s body language signals. In corporate environments, the interactions between buyer and seller are carefully handled in terms of speech, documents, and deals, but our bodies are able to convey our true feelings about a situation without us even realizing such a fact.

Eyes are a window to the soul, and where a spectator places their focus is usually their main point of interest. If the audience is looking at you, their interest is targeted to what you are disclosing. On the other hand, if you perceive the audience is looking at a distracting element or at no specific point, like gazing at the horizon, then you should revive the presentation with a hook or introduce a surprise element. Constant staring is considered an intimidating practice in Western cultures, so avoid being too forward when speaking to your client. A good ratio of eye contact for sales is between 55-65%.

Anxiety can manifest in multiple shapes, such as toe tapping, pursing lips, unstill hands, or continuous neck movement. Drumming fingers is a common sign of impatience as if your content isn’t relevant or boring to the audience. Playing with desk elements, doodling, or looking at the smartphone are signs of boredom and annoyance. Keep extra care if you see attendees leaning into their arms, as it is a clear sign of a desire to leave the meeting.

When delivering a sales presentation, avoid common non-verbal communication mistakes such as:

  • Hands in pockets : It suggests a lack of transparency in the information disclosed.
  • Arms crossed close to body : Protectiveness against the audience.
  • Posture : Slouching your back is a no-no unless you have any kind of proven physical limitation. Otherwise, it transmits a lack of interest and an unprofessional look.
  • Watching the clock : While it is okay to be mindful about the remaining time available in a sales presentation, watching your clock can be felt as if you want to run away from the room as quickly as possible.

The type of follow-up after a sales presentation will depend on if you closed or not. Hopefully, by this point in the relationship with your prospect, a follow-up will come naturally through a few emails or calls. Keep the conversation going and share compelling content and data to help them finalize the deal.

If you close on the sales presentation, the follow-up will be more about financial exchanges. Nevertheless, keep communicating with them and let them know you are always available to discuss whatever they need. 

6 Tips to Supercharge Your Sales Presentations

To succeed in high-profile sales, go beyond the basics to make your presentations close on business deals, increase conversion rates and build meaningful business relationships.

1. Be actionable

At every point in the sales process, ensure the prospect knows where they stand. Expose the next steps in the sales negotiation through conversations and email. Share the sales process with prospects at first contact, letting the buyer know you’re not hiding anything. 

Don’t take the negotiation like a closed deal from the start. The buyer is the one that ultimately makes the decision, but that doesn’t mean you have to put pressure on them. Instead, be actionable and help the buyer make an informed decision that will benefit their company immediately and in the future. Show them how easy it is to take action and close the sale.

2. Presenting the Cost of Not-Doing

When prospects push back, they still don’t see the full value of what you’re offering in terms of what it will cost them if they don’t close the sale. This is why including data visuals and convincing information about the Cost of Not-Doing is a critical angle for your slides.

Use storytelling with numbers and data to create a sense of urgency. Take a cue from Zig Ziglar and his view on the topic, “The fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain.” Present the cost of not-doing as a non-action, leaving everything the same. Continuing with ineffectiveness only results in loss of profit, wasted time, and disgruntled factory managers.

Introducing the Cost of Not-Doing in a sales presentation.

3. Show Empathy Over Sympathy

In sales, it’s all about the attitude you bring to the table when doing a sales presentation. Not only do you have to believe that what you sell solves problems well, but you also have to believe that what you sell is helping people by making their job easier. Therefore, you’re making their lives better. 

In the case of your software company creating a custom dashboard, the buyer’s pain points are:

  • Their current tech stack is inefficient.
  • Reports take too long to export.
  • Troubleshooting is a mess.

Go a step further and ask the buyer what happens when the reports take too long, or the troubleshooting could be smoother. Highly likely that there’s downtime in production or reporting. And what does that lead to? Frustration. And manager frustration leads to negative attitudes toward employees, leading to complaints. 

Show the buyer how your solution doesn’t just help monitor production but also makes your managers and employees more content with work. When employee satisfaction increases, it leads to employee retention. In the opposite scenario, there are unhappy managers and higher employee turnover.

4. A Good Image Across Your Slides 

Just as your appearance influences your sales career, so do the presentation slides you prepare, develop and deliver. It starts with the visual aspect and the design of the presentation as a whole. Here are some best practices to follow so you can achieve a good, professional image all around. 

  • Have an offline format for the presentation. Have it on a USB stick, not online.
  • Be ready for any kind of question.
  • Ensure the presentation is compatible with viewing on different formats; tablet, laptop, mobile, PC, or projector.
  • Use catchy, engaging, branded visuals like infographics slides , illustrations, data visualization, video, and voiceovers .

Guidelines for graphics to use in sales presentations

5. Presenting ROI Projections

When deciding which data to visualize, put ROI projections at the top. Showing projections and visions of the buyer’s success increase the chances of closing the sale. This technique is the opposite of showing the cost of Not-Doing. 

With ROI projections, you put the buyer in a privileged position. You show them how much they will gain from their investment. Go further and project how long it will take to repay the investment. Hopefully, it’s not very long!

Discussing ROI Projections in sales presentations.

6. Be on Brand

The content and visuals on your presentation slides must reflect the company’s brand with a compelling narrative. We already mentioned the importance of believing in your product or service. Take it further and believe—and stand behind—the company brand’s values, mission, and vision. 

Aligning with the company’s values will help you see the sales process as a way to grow the brand you work for and your career as a sales professional. Craft the sales presentation with this in mind, and take your sales career to the next level with every close you make.

Your role in a sales presentation is to embody the brand, the product, or the service, as the best and only solution to the buyer’s pain points. Craft and practice your messaging to reveal how the buyer’s situation will improve once they close. 

Use SlideModel templates for full deck presentations, individual slides, and design element collections to help craft sales presentations that convert. Choose the perfect data visualizations and infographics to share the Cost of Not-Doing. SlideModel has your back.

what are the presentation for sales

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The Most Persuasive Sales Presentation Structure of All

Julie Hansen

Updated: January 28, 2020

Published: April 13, 2017

If you’ve ever sat through a presentation that went around the block a few times before finally arriving at its destination, you understand the need for a clear, comprehensible structure for your message.

sales presentation.jpg

Structure isn’t just for keeping you, the presenter, from getting lost in the weeds. As a salesperson, you need to organize your message in a way that has the greatest impact on your audience and ultimately encourages them to take action.

Almost any structure will help you get your arms around information, prioritize, and organize it. However, the right structure can set you up for success and increase your odds of winning the business.

Download Now: How to Perfect Your Sales Pitch

The Basic Three-Act Presentation Structure

Breaking content into an opening , a body , and a conclusion is the basis of most presentations, movies, TV shows, and speeches. This basic three-act structure was invented by Aristotle and has stood the test of time. It’s familiar to audiences, digestible, and easy to follow. In fact, if you’ve ever felt uncomfortable or confused watching a movie, it’s often because the writer has broken the three-act structure ( Memento and Inception are two examples).

A three-act structure is a great place to start for just about any presentation. But within this framework there are several variations. For instance, you could sort information chronologically, by process, or priority, and so on.

If your goal is to educate or inform, these variations are fine -- but they're not optimal for persuasion. To do use, that the  Situation , Complication , Resolution  framework.

SCR: The Best Sales Presentation Structure of All

Situation, Complication, Resolution is really just a way of identifying:

  • Our present state
  • The problem
  • What should we do about it

First identified in Barbara Minto’s book The Pyramid Principle , the SCR structure is an effective way of establishing a persuasive case and will be familiar to anyone who consumes movies, TV, or books.

Here’s an example of the SCR structure in a story:

Situation : A girl is kidnapped. If a steep ransom is not paid by midnight, a bomb will explode.

Complication : The girl's family can’t get the money together. No one knows where the bomb is except the hero. The hero is stuck on a remote island.

Resolution : The hero jumps on a plane, finds the girl, detonates the bomb, and saves the world.

If that sounds like the framework of most movies you’ve seen, there’s a good reason. The SCR structure organizes content in a way that takes people on a journey that leads to a natural conclusion. It builds up tension in the audience which increases their attention and their desire for a resolution.

By following this proven structure in sales, you can produce the same effect on your business audience. Let’s look at how you can leverage each act in your sales presentation.

To take someone on a journey, you must first know where that journey begins. In this first act, define the status quo. What is the critical business issue or challenge your prospect is experiencing, how is he addressing it, and what is the impact?

This act lays the groundwork for why your prospect needs to change and assures him you have a clear understanding of his situation. Ending this first act by painting a brief picture of where this journey can lead (i.e., current state versus potential future state) creates an uncomfortable but necessary disparity between where your prospect is and where he wants to be.


In this act, introduce complications or consequences that are likely to arise as a result of your prospect not taking action, or choosing an inadequate solution to his problem. Create tension which will make sticking with the status quo or putting off a decision less desirable.

Because most people are uncomfortable with indecision, tension taps into our innate human desire to solve the problem. Widening the gap between pain and relief increases your prospect’s urgency to take action.

Finally, when tension is at its peak, relieve that tension by providing a clear solution to the problem and making it easy for your prospect to act upon. While many structures require the presenter to deliver a heavy handed close at this point, in the SCR structure, the resolution comes as a natural conclusion to the journey.

The SCR Presentation in Action

Let’s look at how you might use the three-act SCR structure in a business example.

Situation : An HR department is doing most of their reports manually. This currently takes 1.5 days per week of each HR person’s time.

Complication : The company is growing at a rate of 20% per year. Projected HR workload will escalate to two days per week if nothing changes and the chances for errors will increase. Employee satisfaction will decline and turnover rates will go up.

Resolution : Deploy an HR workforce application that will reduce time spent on current processes from 1.5 days per week to .25 days per week, resulting in greater efficiency, fewer errors, increased satisfaction, and a lower turnover rate.

In sales, you need every advantage you can get. Following the Situation, Complication, Resolution structure gives you a jumpstart on presenting a persuasive case for why your prospect should choose your solution and make the desired change.

Sales Pitch

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11 Essential Sales Presentation Tips To Close The Deal Faster

what are the presentation for sales

The truth is, to sell a large quantity of  any  product, there are a set of steps everyone needs to follow. This process is familiar to many, including street vendors who use it with ease.

Yet, it often goes unnoticed by many of us sales professionals, despite its potential to significantly impact sales success! To secure bigger and better deals, it’s essential to learn effective sales presentation techniques. These skills can help you close deals quicker and with more confidence. For guidance on enhancing your presentations, keep reading on for more valuable strategies.

What is a Sales Presentation?

Sales presentations vs sales pitches: what’s the difference, the importance of effective sales presentations, what makes a good sales presentation, 11 effective sales presentation tips, 7 effective sales presentation skills every sales rep must have, master the art of closing deals remotely.

Understanding what makes a good presentation begins with understanding the sales presentation definition ;

‘a talk giving information about a product or service that you are trying to sell, intended to persuade people to buy it:’. 

A sales presentation refers to the meeting between an individual salesperson or sales team and a company. They attempt to persuade key stakeholders to close the deal by displaying the offerings’ capabilities, benefits, and features . They must align with your prospective clients’ needs to achieve the desired outcome, which usually requires extensive planning and preparation.

A sales presentation is kind of like a more complex version of a sales pitch. They are comprehensive and tailored for significant deals that require in-depth discussions among multiple decision-makers. They play a crucial role in scenarios where the stakes are high and collective decision-making is essential.

Sales presentations are more detailed than a quick sales pitch. They’re part of a longer sales cycle, usually for significant deals. These presentations often require demonstrating the product or going through the sales proposal in detail. They often demand a higher budget. This covers not only the presentation, which often lasts an hour, but also the necessary preparation, scheduling, and rehearsals. Moreover, sales presentations often involve a team, not just one person. Everyone needs to work together as a team to understand and execute the plan.

what are the presentation for sales

Navigating the landscape of sales pitches can be transformative for your sales strategy. Choosing the right type of pitch is crucial, whether it’s a brief chat or a formal meeting. Selecting the right type of pitch can make all the difference.

Here’s a deeper dive into the nuances of each pitch type and discover examples and templates that bring them to life.

Read more here.

The elevator pitch is often mistaken for a regular sales pitch, but it’s actually different. A sales pitch is a formal type of sales presentation, usually used in long buying cycles. It can take multiple times until a deal has closed. Whereas an elevator sales pitch quickly introduces your work to potential clients in a casual setting. You position yourself as the go-to solution they need, aiming to pique their interest and pave the way for a sale.

How To Craft An Effective Elevator Sales Pitch

Crafting an effective elevator sales pitch is an essential skill for any professional. The right pitch can open doors and create opportunities in the span of a brief encounter. An elevator pitch stands out from a regular sales pitch because it’s brief and gets to the point immediately. You have just a short moment to grab someone’s attention and convey your message.

If you’re looking to improve your ability to deliver a sharp elevator pitch, our guide is just what you need. It lays out the steps clearly and provides examples to help you craft your own effective pitch quickly.

Craft your own effective pitch now.

  • Using Stories to Demonstrate Value
  • The Ultimate Guide To Selling To The C-Suite

A sales presentation helps salespeople build connections with prospective customers. It allows them to differentiate their offering from competitors – with the end goal of closing a deal. Sales presentations are crucial for shaping future interactions in the sales process. They serve as a vital tool to convince prospects that what you’re offering meets their needs perfectly.

Also read: How to Run Effective Remote & Virtual Sales Presentations

An effective sales presentation speaks directly to your audience’s needs, challenges and desires. A sales presentation grabs attention with an engaging story and a clear value proposition. It includes a strong call to action that tells the prospect exactly why your solution is the right choice.

Let’s break down the five essentials of a good sales presentation and the common structure many companies use. This approach helps ensure your presentation is effective:

What are the 5 Core Elements of Every Sales Presentation?

1. research.

You’re giving a sales presentation because you can provide a solution to a prospect’s problem. However, you mustn’t start the sales presentation with the solution. Rather the problem itself and the subsequent challenges and pain points your prospect experiences because of it.

Prospects don’t see solutions or features; they see the value that comes with a suitable solution. That’s why you need to thoroughly research prospects to understand what motivates them. Understanding your customers’ challenges is key. As you learn more about their operations, you can customize their experience to offer solutions that truly add value.

2. Storytelling

Stories help prospects to visualize the value of your offering . That’s why choosing a few stories to use in your sales presentations can resonate with your prospects. This approach is effective when you’ve thoroughly researched and understood their unique requirements.

3. A Value-Proposition

“What’s really in it for me?” – that’s what every prospect wants to know. Every prospect is looking to understand the benefits they’ll gain. They want to know why your product or service is worth their investment.

Suppose you can’t convince someone else that your product or service offers better value than your competitors. In that case, there is no point in wasting any more time trying to sell your solution. You’ll only ever hear “We’ll be in touch.”

Always ensure you arrive prepared with a value proposition . It should explicitly state how your company’s product or service benefits prospects. For example, you can always follow the “value proposition formula”. To get started: [Company name] helps [target audience] with [services] so you can [benefits].

Prospects are more likely to move on to the next step when they see proof that others have gained from your solution. To achieve this, ensure you have plenty of social proof available from the get-go when meeting with your prospect. Overall, any proof of your solution being effective helps answer the “how can I believe you” question from prospects. To do so successfully, consider sharing evidence such as:

  • Client testimonials:  Enhance your credibility impact with reasons other customers love doing business with you. 
  • Research data:  Use industry expert quotes to create bridge statements from your features and benefits. 
  • Product comparisons against key competitors:  Tell them why your solution is better. 

5. A Call-to-action

Last but not least, an effective sales presentation requires a strong call to action at the end to compel prospects to take action. Tell prospects clearly what their next step should be, whether it’s buying, taking internal steps, or trying a free trial.

Create A Winning Sales Deck

Crafting a sales slide deck that connects with your audience and clearly presents your value is crucial for a winning sales strategy. It should spotlight your product’s benefits and features while telling a story that matches your prospects’ needs and challenges.

Learn how to create a sales slide deck that supports your pitch effectively and helps you close more deals, leading to more satisfied customers. It comes with a presentation template outline you can easily follow for your next sales deck.

Create your winning slide deck now.

Mastering the right sales presentation techniques can guide you through meetings and help you close more sales. Check out these methods below to boost your success:

1. Use the “Five-Second Rule”

Prospects have less and less time in this competitive and busy digital world. Capturing a prospect’s attention is hard, but holding onto it is an even harder task! Keep the 5-second rule in mind: you have just fifteen to twenty words to capture your prospect’s attention. Ensure your overall opening statement is strong and directly relates to your audience.

2. Talk like an executive

Ideally, prospects will understand what your sales presentation is about after the first minute. That’s why you need to use the appropriate language to address your audience. Not only does it help decision-makers connect with your solution quicker, but it also shows you’re prepared to respect their time.

3. Involve key stakeholders

Use your showmanship abilities and have the prospective decision-makers interact with the product you are selling. Encourage prospects to experience the product firsthand to appreciate its ease of use, softness, or the enjoyment it brings. Focus on its standout feature or benefit. When the customer gets involved, they can imagine themselves using the product, making it easier for them to buy.

4. Present solutions to painful challenges

Begin your sales presentation by focusing on the main issue that your prospect is struggling with. Describe how your product or service provides a solution to this specific problem they’re dealing with. By doing so, you’re showing them a way out of their current situation and the opportunities they could gain from closing the deal.

5. Make it memorable

When you give a  presentation , people are not going to retain everything that you say. Often, we leave it up to chance what our prospects remember from our presentations. By adding certain elements to your pitch, you can guide what sticks in their memory. Keep it simple and direct, ensuring that the key points are memorable and impactful.

  • Visuals : The first element is to help them visualize. Use a visual on the screen that emphasises one of my key messages. Aim to have no more than three key messages that you want somebody to walk away with. But use visuals to emphasis key points.
  • Text : Also put text on the screen, which is almost like underlining in documents important words. Use text to highlight important points you want them to remember.
  • Story : To get your  prospect  to remember your presentation include  story  to highly your 3 key points. Wrap them in a story that touches on their emotions and can help them visualize how your solution will help them.
  • Repetition : By using stories, text, and visuals, and repeating your key points, your presentation will stick with the audience. They’ll especially remember the three main messages you want to highlight. Steve Jobs captivated his audience with his effective presentation style. He often used rhetorical techniques and focused on three main points to make his message clear. His presentations always typically emphasized products being thinner, faster, and lighter.

So remember to influence what people remember from your presentation, use visuals, text, story and repetition.

Engaging presentation principles apply universally, whether delivered live or virtually. Here’s Spencer Waldron from Prezi offering insights on keeping your audience engaged. His advice is effective across all types of presentations. His strategies work for any presentation scenario, making sure people not only hear your message but also remember it.

Get the summary here.

6. Prepare valuable insights

Another effective sales presentation technique is to prepare insights ahead of time for your prospects. Insights are accurate understandings of your prospect, your prospect’s business or industry. These insights come from research, experience, and analyzing data and metrics. They aim to strengthen the relationship with prospects by offering them new ways to enhance and grow their business.

Insight Vs Solution Sellers Comparison Chart, What's their sales approach? How are they different? Which is better?

7. Don’t lead with your differentiators, lead to them!

Suppose you lead by explaining your solution’s differentiating factors. In that case, you risk not hitting the mark and resonating with prospects about why this is so important. That’s why you should introduce your key differentiators only after the prospect has a clear understanding of your backstory. View your key differentiators as clues you leave for prospects, helping them piece together the overall benefits.

8. Master the art of trial closes

Instead of expecting commitment from a single sales pitch, guide your prospect through a series of smaller steps that lead to the final commitment. A commitment is an obligation or a promise; an incremental commitment would be small, bite-sized pieces, or portions. For example, you could ask your prospects to commit to:

  • Meeting with you again.
  • Reviewing your proposal.
  • Introducing you to another decision-maker.
  • Scheduling a conference call with key stakeholders.
  • Forwarding a survey to their staff to get a sense of their needs before you propose something.

Overall, the key is to secure a small, easy commitment from your prospect. This initial step, when followed by consistent small commitments, gradually leads you to finalize those extensive, intricate deals.

9. Ask for feedback

The easiest way to lose the engagement of any audience is to drone on for long periods. While what you’re saying might be compelling, how you deliver it is crucial. That’s why you should start your presentation by inviting decision-makers to ask questions at any point. This open dialogue lets your sales reps gauge if they’re on target or need to adjust their strategy.

10. Ask for the sale

After the prospect understands the product, how it can benefit them, and how easy it will be to implement , ask for the sale . Consider the approach of the sidewalk seller’s case who simply asks, “We have it in red, blue, green and yellow. What colour would you like?” Determine what closes work best for you.

Also read: 15 Top Sales Closing Techniques To Increase Close Rates

11. Ask Again

If the customer poses an objection, overcome their objection and ask again. Persist even after an initial rejection. Reflect on the sidewalk seller’s tactic when he challenges with the question, “What else can you get in Singapore for $10?”. Salespeople often close most sales on the second or third attempt.

You don’t have to sit on a sidewalk with a loudspeaker blasting your every word to employ these techniques. You just need to demonstrate how your product makes life better for your customers. So find a way to get in front of your prospects, and make sure to follow these steps to maximize results.

We’ve already explored effective sales presentation techniques. Now, let’s recap the sales presentation skills that every sales rep needs to close more deals. Discover each skill in detail below:

Research & Solution-Based Questioning

The first stage of preparing for a sales presentation is to research your prospect thoroughly. Skipping this preparation will likely result in rejection of your ideas. That’s why all salespeople need to be keen researchers of their ideal customers. Gather answers and insights about your prospect’s challenges with  typical solution selling questions  such as:

  • What are their most pressing needs?
  • Do they know their most significant challenges?
  • What are their aspirations?
  • What’s stopping them from currently reaching these goals?
  • What do their customers and stakeholders need and want?
  • How could your solution help to negate these issues they’re experiencing?
  • In what way will your solution position your prospect with a market advantage?
  • How can you accurately communicate the benefits without solely discussing the solution to influence prospects to take action? 

The importance of Solution Selling Vs Product Selling for effective sales presentations

What does  solution selling vs product selling  have to do with sales presentations? Well, in product selling the goal is to convince customers that it outshines the competition. This is why salespeople often find themselves detailing features and prices to prospects who seem uninterested. This approach focuses heavily on the product’s attributes during sales presentations. 

On the other hand, solution selling requires an alternative way of making a sale. Pinpointing your customer’s real-world problem is key. You can then demonstrate how your product is the right solution to solve their problem.

How To Make Compelling & Powerful Sales Demonstrations

A compelling sales demo goes beyond showcasing features. This is a pivotal moment when the prospect truly sees what the product can do for them. Delivering a sales demo that informs, persuades, and excites is a skill that significantly impacts the sale’s outcome. This skill is vital for turning prospects into customers.

Our guide provides detailed steps for planning and executing a sales demo that will captivate and sway your audience.

Get the full detailed steps here.

Active Listening

You must be willing to listen to your prospects first so that they will pay attention to what you say. This involves more than just allowing your prospects to speak; it’s about actively listening to their concerns and feedback.

Sales professionals should be  listening 80% of the time and only talking 20% of the time . Allocate half of that 20% to asking questions, leaving just 10% for presenting and explaining your product.

To craft an offering that resonates with your prospect, pay close attention to the details they share about their problem. This tailored approach increases the likelihood of a purchase. Rather than spending time preparing an unappealing one size fits all type of deal. 

Overall, effective sales presentations hinge on your body language. Show your prospect that you’re actively listening—through subtle head nods and comments that demonstrate understanding and agreement.

Also read: 6 Personality Traits of a Good Salesperson Vs. a Bad Salesperson


Case studies have shown that  people are more receptive to stories  than almost any other type of communication. Our brains not only naturally crave stories, but we remember them, and pass on the meaningful ones to others. That’s why incorporating storytelling into asking for the sale is so effective.

Create a hero with a clear name and personality, facing a practical problem that they need to resolve. However, you must take great care when deciding how to reflect your intended message. When crafting stories for your customers, ensure your storytelling speaks directly to your customers. Include the same hopes, ambitions, fears, regrets, and disappointments they too possess so they see their own stories reflected in yours.

Ultimately, prospects need to perceive you as self-assured to want to work with you. That’s why all sales reps should be confident not only in themselves but in the solution they are selling. To achieve this, all skilled salespeople need to rehearse and fine-tune their sales presentations well before it’s time to present. They practice to ensure that the delivery is articulate and compelling. Alongside employing body language techniques such as:

  • Eye contact:  Shows prospects you’re interested in what they have to say.
  • Standing/sitting straight:  Opens up your posture, making your body language warmer and authoritative. 
  • A firm handshake:  Always offer a firm but friendly handshake to make a good first impression.
  • Smile:  An effective sales presentation technique for keeping prospects at ease when used naturally as not forced. 

Objection Handling

All sales reps should be able to list common past objections and grasp the reasoning behind each one. By doing this, reps can frame each response to each objection positively and practice it for the sales presentation. Continue reading to  learn common sales objections  and how to overcome them. 

Interpersonal & Rapport Building

Interpersonal skills are subtle yet impactful behaviors that help build rapport with prospects. They’re the key to transforming successful sales presentations into lasting, trusted relationships. As the saying goes, ‘People do business with people they know, like and trust’. So, of course, you need to build rapport – and quickly.

One of the most effective ways to do this is to use your customer’s name and know how to pronounce it correctly. It helps to foster a sense of connection with them because they feel heard. People also kind of love the sound of their names—it’s a simple yet effective way to engage with them.

However, make sure to use their name naturally in the conversation – otherwise, you’ll come off as indigenous. Other types of interpersonal skills include:

  • Communication style flexing:  Different prospects have unique ways that they prefer to communicate based on their communication style. They typically fall into  one of four communication styles  based on two factors. Understanding the different communication styles and how to handle each individually can drastically improve your relationship and ability to connect with other people.  Furthermore, after fully identifying your prospective executive’s communication style, shift your focus to understanding their decision-making approach. How do you do this? Ask yourself and the prospective executive  these questions . 
  • Courtesy:  If good manners cost nothing, then courtesy is critical for making prospects feel welcome and comfortable. 
  • Understanding the prospect’s viewpoint: It can significantly impact our understanding of their motivations for buying—or not buying.

what are the presentation for sales

Engaging with prospects effectively is key to sales success. By doing so, you’ll be able to close more deals and forge stronger business relationships. Building rapport, understanding communication styles, and demonstrating courtesy are just a few interpersonal skills that can significantly impact your interactions with prospects. 

Learn the subtle yet powerful strategies that can transform your sales approach and help you connect with prospects on a deeper level.

Discover the strategies here.

Selling virtually is not a matter of just doing the same old sales pitch but online. You have to be highly organized and have tightly planned out presentations so you don’t leave your prospect bored and disconnected.

Check out our brand new  Virtual Selling course  to take your remote selling skills to the next level. The course includes 5 checklists, cheat sheets, and guides, and 15+ on-demand virtual selling lessons.

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How to Get the Most Out of a Sales Call

A woman and a man holding phones while talking to each other on a sales call.

Perfect your sales calls using these sought-after tips from sales experts.

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Jeffrey Steen

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Market research done? Check. Prospects qualified? Check.

Looks like you’re ready to make a sales call.

This isn’t just a quick pitch, however. The most successful sales calls include tailored presentations and focus on building trust with prospects by addressing their unique pain points.

As celebrated entrepreneur Siva Devaki noted, “Sales is not about selling, but about building trust and educating.”

To ensure you lead a successful sales call, we’ve curated expert tips and techniques below, including guidance on how to prepare. Ready? Set? Sell!

What you’ll learn:

  • What is a sales call?

How do you prepare for a sales call?

How to start a sales call, how to close a sales call, 13 tips for making a successful sales call, sell faster by connecting with buyers wherever they are.

Learn how Sales Engagement helps you meet buyers on their preferred channels, whether by phone, email, and web.

what are the presentation for sales

Wait, what is a sales call?

A sales call is a conversation between a salesperson and a  prospect  about the purchase of a product or service. These calls — most often conducted either in-person or via video — involve multiple parts, including initial agenda-setting by the rep, the product pitch, a demo, prospect objections and rep responses, negotiation, and outlining of next steps. Ideally, a rep closes a sales call with a verbal agreement from the prospect to make a purchase.

In a typical  sales process , much of the preparation, including prospect research and qualification, occurs days or weeks before the sales call is even scheduled. The tasks explained below are specific to the call itself.

1. Set sales call expectations before the actual call

Before you make the call, determine your prospect’s needs and pain points. This avoids any surprises during the call itself, as you’ve already established alignment with product solutions and set expectations of what’s to come.

“Tell them what you’ll cover in the call, but specifically, share a short value proposition of how you can potentially help them,” advises  Marcus Chan , sales coach and president of Venli Consulting Group.

This is also an opportunity to tactfully ask who else needs to be involved in the decision-making process before the purchase can be finalized. For larger companies, this often includes legal teams and high-level company executives. Send an advance copy of the contract or a prepared quote so all decision-makers can review sales details before the call.

2. Create a tailored presentation

Our  State of Sales  report shows that 87% of business buyers expect sales reps to act as trusted advisors, taking on early product research before ever getting on a call. This means you’re dealing with informed buyers, and you’ll need to know your prospects’ needs inside and out to prove value. Without that knowledge, you risk a generic sales pitch that doesn’t frame the product as a solution to unique prospect problems.

Conduct research that offers guidance around which products will solve your buyer’s challenges. Then create a slide deck or presentation specifically addressing those needs.

Also, keep your prospect’s communication and engagement preferences in mind as you prepare your pitch. Some prefer standard slides while others may enjoy video or interactive content.

3. Prep a demo

Talking about your product as a solution only goes so far. To ensure you’re delivering what the prospect needs, consider presenting a video or interactive demo during the sales call. Keep it to no more than 10 minutes and, if needed, prep the person leading the demo so they know to highlight specific features that meet the prospect’s needs.

4. Determine likely objections and responses

Expect  objections  to the sale — even if you’ve done your homework and mapped out the perfect product solution for the prospect. To prepare for this inevitability, outline the sales objections your prospect is likely to have, along with responses. Use this as a reference during the sales call.

When you nail the start of your first call, you’ve got a better chance of making a connection and a sale. Follow these four steps:

1. Do your homework

Research is key when making a  cold call  or when reaching out to a warm opportunity. You can use  AI  and other sales tools to help figure out the best prospects out there. Automated lead scoring in Sales Cloud, for example, is an excellent tool that can bring you one step closer to making a sale.

2. Show immediate value

You’ll want to intrigue your prospect right out of the gate with proof that you’re able to help.  John Barrows , CEO and founder of JB Sales, encourages reps to let previous success in a similar industry speak for itself. He suggests leading with a compelling proof point from a customer case study where you’ve delivered solid results. Your message could look something like this:

“We showed XYZ company in your industry how to drive (results) using our solution” or “We’re working with other (executive title) in your industry to help them address their (X) priority by….”

Barrows says this message should be quick — 15 seconds or less — and focused on soliciting a response like “How do you do that?”

3. Be clear with your ask

The more specific you are with your call to action, the better results you’ll get from the call. You need to let prospects know right away why you’re calling, and that’s something you should map out ahead of time. Are you asking for a referral? A meeting? If so, with whom? Be direct with your ask from the jump.

4. Confirm your prospect’s challenge

Instead of launching into your sales pitch right away, start with questions. Ask what your prospect needs most so you can address those needs throughout the sales call. Open-ended qualifying questions are a good place to start.

Think about the last time you had an excellent sales experience. How did the salesperson end your time together? A good sales call ends with these steps:

  • Recap with a sincere thank you.  Thank your prospect for their time, attention, and letting you help them solve their problems. This is a good time to summarize their challenges and how you can help. That recap can show someone you’ve actively listened and also gives you another chance to ensure you’re on the same page.
  • Confirm next steps . Do you owe the prospect a spec sheet or a price quote? Are you going to meet again to discuss things? This is where you’d clearly lay out what each party owes the other and when each is due. Make sure you mention the day and date as well as the method you’ll use to follow up.
  • Close with contact confirmation and a call to action . Now that you know the next steps, it’s a good time to confirm contact information such as physical addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, as well as name spelling. (Pro tip: Make sure all this data goes into your company’s  CRM .) Then, close with a call to action. Sending out a meeting invite, emailing a link so they can download information or watch a webinar, or setting up another call all qualify and can help you move to the next step in the  sales funnel .

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Veteran sales reps will tell you: There’s no magic formula for the perfect sales call. That said, you can still make sure you’re addressing prospect needs and moving things closer to a sale. The tips below, sourced from sales experts, are a good place to start.

1. Record and review your call

According to our State of Sales report , sales professionals largely agree they get valuable coaching from their manager, but only 26% say it occurs weekly. This results in a lot of missed opportunities and, in some cases, botched deals.

To ensure you have the insights needed to master sales calls, make sure each one is recorded on your phone or videoconferencing platform. When calls are complete, review them. Find objections you might have missed or insights you could have added. Tools like  Einstein Conversation Insights  can even help you analyze commonly used keywords and your listen/talk ratio. You can also share calls with your manager or colleagues for feedback. Remember: Each call is an opportunity to learn, improve, and boost sales.

2. Start with a friendly greeting — but not too friendly

Many reps make the mistake of launching into their sales pitch too soon. You want to build rapport and comfort with your prospect, and that starts with a friendly greeting — maybe even chitchat.

Chan cautions reps not to get super chummy, though. “You don’t want to be too chatty,” he says. “That can get cheesy very quickly and prospects see right through it.” Keep the greeting to just a few minutes, then move on.

3. Make sure nothing has changed since the last communication

Business moves fast, which means change is constant. To be sure you’re not wasting your carefully prepared pitch on a prospect whose needs have shifted, preface your agenda-setting with a simple question: “Has anything changed since the last time we talked?” This allows you to adjust your talking points to meet their needs in the moment or, if needed, reschedule the call so you have time to prepare a new pitch.

4. Set call agenda and expectations

After confirming that the prospect’s circumstances haven’t significantly changed, spell out the agenda for the call. This may change slightly as the call progresses, but it’s key that you set expectations so the prospect is not caught unaware. This agenda should align with expectations set at the end of the  discovery call  and be as straightforward as possible.

Below is what a typical sales call agenda might look like. Some of these items are for your eyes only. The items in bold should be discussed with the prospect.

  • Welcome: Greet and review prospect’s situation
  • Agenda: Outline the meeting
  • Review prospect needs: Confirm pain points
  • Product overview: Introduce product features and functions
  • Product solutions: Explain how your product addresses pain points
  • Demo: Showcase product and highlight problem-solving features
  • Questions: Offer additional information (as needed) and address objections
  • Next steps: Outline action items and a timeline for closing the deal

5. Reiterate pain points

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: Reiterate your prospect’s pain points during the call. This accomplishes two key things. It shows that you listened and are putting their needs front and center, and it sets the stage for presenting your product solution.

6. Talk about product value, not features

As you work your way through your sales pitch, lean heavily on language that favors value and problem-solving. How are you attempting to make your prospect’s life easier or better? Be specific and, if possible, show measurable improvements.

As Chan frames it, there are two emotional levers you want to pull: pain and pleasure. Show the prospect how you can take away their pain while also adding pleasure. Always connect these solutions to your product.

Let’s say you sell travel insurance and are talking to a prospect about insuring an upcoming trip to Europe. You can reference the peace of mind your prospect would feel knowing their investment in plane tickets and hotel reservations is fully refundable if their destination city shuts down due to inclement weather. Even better, you can let them know about special discounts or gifts they would enjoy with the purchase of an insurance plan. Pain removed, pleasure gained.

7. Reference your unique differentiator

Most products have a healthy helping of competitors in the market. While you may make a compelling case for solving your prospect’s problems, competing products frequently offer similar solutions. To avoid being outshone by other companies, research your competitors in advance and articulate differentiators that clearly elevate your product above others.

If a prospect mentions a specific competitor, ask if that competitor can offer the full breadth of your product’s features. This nudges the prospect to articulate your product’s value for themselves.

8. Use positive language

What you say matters, but how you say it matters more. This is especially true in sales. In fact, leaning on  empathetic, value-based, and positive language  is critical to earning prospects’ trust and emotional buy-in. Once these are in place, closing a sale is relatively easy.

For example, instead of using terms like “payment,” which implies debt, use a word like “investment,” which implies ownership and opportunity. Other positive terms like “benefit,” “guarantee,” and “easy” are effective ways of securing buy-in during a sales call.

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9. respond to objections with questions to fully understand each concern.

New sales reps often react defensively when prospects object to a sale — even when the objection is valid. While it’s good to have some responses in the bag to underscore your product’s value, the goal in objection handling is not to fire back with counterpoints.

Chan advises listening more than talking in these situations. “Focus on understanding the objection,” he says. “Follow up with questions, ask them where their concerns are coming from. Often, these concerns are symptoms of a bigger problem. That’s what you need to understand before you can respond with anything of value.”

Here’s an example of how this might play out in a sales call:

I just don’t think I’m ready to buy yet. The contract period is pretty long.

I hear you, but can you help me understand why the length is a problem for you?

I just worry our needs will change in three months, four months — heck, even a few weeks in. Then we’re stuck with it.

So if I understand you right, you’re worried that if your needs change — whether it’s a few weeks in or a few months in — you’ll be stuck with what we’ve chosen today. Is that right?

So that aside, is there any other reason holding you back from working together?

Nope, that’s pretty much it.

And if that weren’t a concern, you’d feel comfortable moving forward?

Yeah, I think so.

I understand. I’ve heard similar concerns from others. But let me put your mind at ease. If you don’t see a use for our product after a few months, we can talk about early cancellation or switch you to a different product that would better suit your needs. Would that work for you?

Yeah, actually that would help a lot. So tell me about these other options …

10. Actively listen

Sales reps are often dinged for talking too much in sales calls. The goal during these calls is to provide value and solutions for the prospect while making them feel heard. This requires more listening than talking; a  60/40 listen-talk ratio  is often favored by sales experts.

Focus on being genuinely interested. If you are going to talk, spend most of your time asking questions.

11. Balance statistics with stories

When prospects ask about the effectiveness of your product, it’s common for reps to respond with stats. These can be compelling, but they can also lead to glassy-eyed stares.

As an alternative,  Stanford Marketing Professor Jennifer Aaker  suggests using stories to grab attention and secure buy-in: “Research shows … our brains are wired to understand and retain stories. A story is a journey that moves the listener, and when the listener goes on that journey, they feel different. The result is persuasion and, sometimes, action.”

Chan throws in one caveat, however. If you find that your decision maker is analytical in nature, they’re likely to value clear-cut statistics that validate your product as the best solution to their problem. Keep this in mind and use relevant metrics to support your compelling stories.

Harry Kurland , director of sales at Object First, ties this together neatly: “Ask [your prospect] to share specific examples as it pertains to challenges they are having. Do they tell a full story? How quantitative do they get in their reasoning? People tend to speak how they like being spoken to, so mirror your prospect.”

12. Don’t leave the call without a “yes”

One of the biggest mistakes new reps make is leaving sales calls open-ended. Prospects frequently respond to pitches with a casual, “I’ll think about it.” New reps, aiming to please, agree to give them space for deliberation. Inevitably, however, prospects are caught up in other responsibilities and forget about the sale.

To avoid this,  close the call  with a couple of direct questions/comments:

  • “You’ve highlighted X and Y as problems for your business. We’ve just taken a look at the product and how it can solve those problems. Do you agree it’s a good solution for you?”
  • “Great. It sounds like we’re on the same page. To take care of your problems ASAP with the solution we’ve discussed, all we need to do is take care of some easy paperwork and we’ll get you onboarded immediately. Sound good?”

If a prospect waffles, make use of what Chan calls the “cost of inaction.” Explain the cost in time, money, and labor if they wait to make a purchase decision. When they recognize the consequences of waiting, securing a “yes” to the sale becomes easier.

13. Close with next steps, including a timeline for follow-up

After you receive your “yes,” clearly outline what will happen after the call. This includes action items for you, the prospect, and any other decision makers or stakeholders, as well as clear deadlines for each action item. Ask for agreement to this schedule, and then follow up with an email summarizing your call. With a clearly outlined task list, closing a deal becomes simply a matter of keeping the prospect on schedule.

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NTPC forecast looks bleak with low water levels and skyrocketing diesel

Transitioning too quickly to renewable energy could impact rates further, says ntpc president.

A power plant along a lake.

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What is the future of the Northwest Territories Power Corporation? With inflationary diesel prices, low water levels, obstacles in transitioning to renewable energy and aging infrastructure some MLAs say the N.W.T. may be facing a crisis.

Cory Strang, Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) president and CEO and Caroline Wawzonek, the minister responsible for NTPC, met with MLAs on Monday to discuss the long list of challenges facing the power corp.

To start, the territory's diesel usage has grown astronomically in 2023-24. 

Part of that comes from the low water levels affecting the Snare hydro system, the system that provides power to Yellowknife, Dettah and Behchokǫ̀. Water levels on the Snare are over three metres lower than average, Strang said. 

The territory used around 45 million litres of diesel in 2023-24 year, nearly two thirds of which was supposed to be the backup source of energy. This is more than double what's been used in the past few years. Part of that is the result of low water levels affecting the Snare hydro system.

A graph showing diesel usage in the N.W.T.

In past years, hydro accounted for approximately 98 per cent of the power provided to Yellowknife and surrounding areas, but lately it's been  closer to 50 per cent . That means the Jackfish power plant in Yellowknife, a backup source of diesel, has been  operating regularly.

Despite the low water levels, the Snare hydro system appears to continue to be NTPC's long-term plan based on Wek'èezhìı Land and Water Board documents that show it's renewed its water licence for another 39 years. 

Another reason for the high diesel use has been the Taltson hydro system, which serves the South Slave, undergoing construction. That makes those South Slave communities completely reliant on diesel.   

  • Power corp. says mechanical issues have delayed commissioning of N.W.T.'s Taltson dam

Doug Prendergast, a spokesperson for the NTPC, said there's no timeline for completeing the work at Taltson, but said in an email their team is making progress. 

What about renewable energy?

Strang said the Inuvik wind turbine, an NTPC project, is an example of a successful renewable energy project.

The wind turbine, initially slated to cost $40 million in 2017, is now expected to cost $88 million according to Prendergast. 

Prendergast attributed the high costs partially to regulatory delays and the COVID-19 pandemic, which was made worse by inflationary costs and challenges in building access roads. The project was expected to be operational by December 2020.

"Despite the cost escalations, the project still brings tremendous benefit," Prendergast said, adding the project is expected to reduce diesel use "in NTPC's largest off-grid community" by up to 30 per cent.

Strang said they're also discussing installing a third storage tank for liquid natural gas in Inuvik. 

  • Gas plant getting closer to reality, says Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

While still in the early stages, he said that could be transformative. 

"Instead of trucking liquid natural gas all the way from B.C. it could be right across the street," he said. 

Two people in safety gear stand beside some sort of heavy machinery.

But Strang said there are also major challenges around transitioning to a renewable energy system too quickly.  

He said adding renewable energy options to a community that has a reliable power system and "is experiencing little to no growth" can impact the rates. 

The committee meeting follows two requests NTPC has submitted since February to increase rates, attributed to the high cost of diesel.

  • NTPC applies for rate increase, citing high diesel costs

'I feel like we're facing a crisis'

Robert Hawkins, MLA for Yellowknife Centre, raised the alarm on the situation facing NTPC and the territory.

"We can't throw another $15 to $30 million into subsidizing and we can't produce power, if we can't produce power and we don't have any new customers and we don't see any on the horizon," Hawkins said.

"At what point do we define this as a crisis? Because I feel like we're facing a crisis."

Wawzonek said solving the energy situation in the N.W.T. is one of the territory's most significant tasks. 

A group sits at a table.

"We can't continue to go on the way we've gone on for 50 years without a sense of urgency," she said. 

Wawzonek said that making change will take significant cost and political will.

New board structure 

In the committee meeting, Wawzonek also announced NTPC would be changing its governance structure to a hybrid model of representatives from the N.W.T. government and independent members. 

The current structure, consisting solely of N.W.T. deputy ministers, has been criticized for lacking independence .  

Wawzonek says she expects a formalized plan for the new structure over the course of the next year.

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6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024 (Compared)

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Pricing: $15 per month Standout Features: Generative AI Presentation Builder, Advanced Analytics Tracking, Extensive Stock Image Access

Slides AI Logo

Pricing: $10 per month Standout Features: Comprehensive Creative AI Tools, Advanced Image Edit Capabilities, Professional Presentation Generation

PowerPoint Logo

Pricing: $6.99 per year Standout Features: One-Click AI Presentation, Rich Template Collection, PowerPoint Integration

If you’ve ever been tasked with creating a presentation for your business or a client, you know how time-consuming it can be. Sitting in front of a blank page, combing through endless templates, or spending hours on a presentation likely isn’t high on your list of priorities. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) , there’s a better way to create presentations. In this post, we’ll delve into the best AI presentation tools so you can spend more time on other tasks.

Let’s dive in.

  • 1 What is an AI Presentation Tool?
  • 2 What to Look for in an AI Presentation Maker
  • 3.1 1. Simplified
  • 3.2 2. Slides AI
  • 3.3 3. PowerPoint
  • 3.4 4. Gamma
  • 3.5 5. Beautiful AI
  • 3.6 6. Tome
  • 4.1 Top 3 Best AI Presentation Tool Feature Comparison
  • 4.2 Best AI Presentation Tool Price Comparison
  • 5 What is the Best AI Presentation Tool?
  • 6 Frequency Asked Questions

What is an AI Presentation Tool?

what is an AI presentation tool

Image created with Divi AI

An AI presentation tool is a system that uses machine learning generative AI that allows you to create presentations in minutes rather than hours. These revolutionary tools will enable you to craft your presentation from script to finished product, all with a descriptive text prompt.

What to Look for in an AI Presentation Maker

As we explore the top AI presentation makers available, it’s best to look for features that will make your life easier, not harder. Here are a few things that your chosen tool should offer:

  • Ease-of-use: If you want to incorporate an AI presentation tool into your workflow, you’ll want to find something easy to use. After all, you seek a less time-consuming way to create presentations. You shouldn’t have to spend hours learning a new interface.
  • Integration with popular software: Those in the business world know that there are three primary presentation tools that almost everyone uses: Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Keynote, and Google Slides. When shopping for AI presentation tools, look for products that can easily export your creations for those popular programs.
  • Customization options: Another essential factor to consider is how easily you can customize your presentation. Look for programs that won’t force you to stick with cookie-cutter AI-generated templates. Make sure you can make design and text edits as you need them.
  • Tutorials: Learning new software can be intimidating, so choose a platform with plenty of tutorials and support should you encounter any problems.

6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024

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We evaluated over a dozen AI presentation tools. While some decent ones didn’t make our list, we wanted to focus on tools that are easy to use, work with popular programs like PowerPoint or Google Slides, and offer the most features. Without further ado, here are our top picks for the best AI presentation tools money can buy. Most offer free versions or a free trial, so feel free to try all of them out to find the best fit for your situation.

The AI Presentation Tools Listed In Order

  • Beautiful AI

1. Simplified

🥇 best ai presentation tool overall.


Simplified is one of the most robust AI tools on the market today. Generative artificial intelligence can create presentations, images, memes, thumbnails, social media quotes, and more. What makes it unique is its wealth of AI features that appeal to creatives and content creators across different mediums, including digital art, writing, videos, and online advertising through social media.

Edit Images With AI

Simplified image editing

Another cool feature of Simplified is the image editing feature. You can remove or replace the background, erase elements, magically remove artifacts or other imperfections, autofocus, or use generative fill to add additional details to your photos. The generative fill feature works much like Photoshop AI , where you can select an area of a photograph and fill it with a new element you describe with a text prompt.

What We Like About Simplified

  • Multimedia: Generate presentations and other forms of media
  • Editing: Edit images and text with AI
  • Branding: Create logos and design elements with AI
  • Simple to Use: One-click editing tools for image editing

What Could Be Improved

  • Translations: The AI sometimes struggles with translating other languages
  • No Interactive Features: Unlike other AI presentation tools, Simplified doesn’t offer any interactive tools

🥇 Why We Picked It

We chose Simplified due to the sheer number of AI tools available with the platform. In addition to making AI presentations, users can use an AI image generator, AI writer, video editor, memes, and more. The interface is easy to understand, the price is affordable, and you can accomplish everything you need in one place as a content creator.

Who Is Simplified Best For?

Simplified may be for you if you’re in the market for an all-in-one design tool. With AI tools for generating presentations and all their elements, you can design like the pros for a very affordable price.

Community Reviews And Ratings

Simplified is praised for its user-friendly interface, integrations, and free plan. However, some say it lacks advanced writing tools compared to other platforms.

G2 Logo

Simplified offers a limited free plan with pro plans starting at $15 monthly .

➡️ Read Our Complete Simplified Review .

Try Simplified

2. Slides AI

🥈 best ai presentation tool for google.

AI presentation tools Slides AI

Slides AI is an extension for Chrome designed to work inside Google Slides. Provide it with a topic, including any requested elements, and Slides AI will create up to a 10-page presentation in minutes. There are limited features, but it adds slides, generates text, and sets formatting based on your prompt. In addition to generating slides, Slides AI has a Magic Write feature, which allows you to paraphrase sentences, suggests images for your presentations, and helps you search for citations for your work.

Slides AI Works as an Extension

Slides AI text prompt

Slides AI has a simple interface, allowing you to focus more on creating content than learning new software. Since it works as an extension within Google Slides, you simply have to click a button and type in some text, and Slides AI will do the rest.

What We Like About Slides AI

  • Magic Write: Generate text through the power of AI
  • Generate Slides: Create new slides based on original content
  • Topic-Based: Create slides from a topic
  • Software Limitations: There aren’t a lot of creative tools with Slides AI so presentations may look generic

🥈Why We Picked It

For those using Google Slides or PowerPoint, Slides AI is an excellent choice. It allows you to streamline slide creation through a simple interface, AI writing, and AI-generated themes. The plans are affordable so that budget-conscious people will get a lot of bang for their buck.

Who Is Slides AI Best For?

If you are a regular Google Slides user, Slides AI is a no-brainer. You can save time creating your slides and give them a fresh look in seconds. The downside to Slides AI is that there is no text generator. That said, plenty of AI writers , such as Rytr or Jasper , can help.

Those who like Slides AI call it a “game changer” for creating presentations. However, the AI-slide generation is a bit vanilla.

➡️ Read Our Complete Slides AI Review .

Slides AI is available for free , with pro plans starting at $10 per month .

Try Slides AI

3. PowerPoint

🥉 best ai presentation tool for business professionals.

AI presentation tools Microsoft 365

Microsoft is the founding father of business software, including the widely popular PowerPoint . Sure, there are other products out there that are geared toward businesses, but PowerPoint is the gold standard for making presentations. Did you know that it comes with AI features built right in? Companies that already use Microsoft products will be pleased to know that you can generate incredible designs for your presentations through integration with Copilot.

Practice Delivering Your Presentations

Microsoft reheasal report

One of the best features of PowerPoint is the Rehearse with Coach AI tool. It records your voice and image on video to evaluate your performance. It allows you to read through your presentation and then get a professional critique of how you did. You’ll get a rehearsal report that analyzes your body language, notes how many filler words you used, and analyzes your pace and pitch.

What We Like About Microsoft 365

  • AI Designer: AI-powered design suggestions for generating slides
  • Automatic Slide Generation: Uses AI to add additional slides based on the original design
  • Rehearsal Reports: Generate rehearsal reports to get feedback on presentation delivery
  • Lack of Interactivity: PowerPoint only allows for text, images, and graphics but nothing else

🥉 Why We Picked It

Microsoft is the go-to for professional business software. Between its highly collaborative nature, design flexibility, and overall visual impact, PowerPoint has been a top contender for years. Now, with artificial intelligence on board, presenters can easily design slides faster, practice their delivery, and get feedback on how well they perform during rehearsal.

Who Is Microsoft 365 Best For?

If you make presentations for a living or your company requires PowerPoint, check out their AI tools. The Rehearsal Report feature is well worth the cost, especially if you are the one who has to give the presentation you create. Microsoft will even give you a 30-day risk-free trial to try it out. The downside is that you can’t edit the images it generates, but you can get around that by adding an AI art generator to your arsenal of tools.

Fans of PowerPoint note its ease of use, flexibility, and stability. On the other hand, consumers wish there were more interactive features.

Microsoft offers a 30-day free trial with prices starting at $6.99 per month per person.

Try Microsoft 365

Gamma AI presentation tool

Gamma is one of the most intuitive platforms on our list. It uses generative AI to build your presentation from a text prompt, complete with visual aids, such as charts, graphs, images, and other visual elements – automatically. One of our favorite features is the interface. Once Gamma creates your presentation, you can easily add more elements. It functions much like a page builder or Gutenberg for WordPress , where you can drag and drop visual elements into your pages and then tweak them accordingly.

Gamma presentation wizard

Gamma creates presentations on the fly simply by typing in a text prompt. One of our favorite features is watching in real-time as Gamma makes your presentation. Once completed, you can use generative AI to edit, improve, or change any presentation aspect to match your branding and style. Another unique feature is Gamma’s analytics feature, which allows you to see who’s viewed your presentation and track engagement down to the element level.

What We Like About Gamma

  • Analytics Tracking:
  • Web Sharing: Share over the web and solicit feedback through comments
  • Simple Interface: Drag-and-drop visual editor
  • Export Options: Export to PowerPoint or PDF
  • It’s Internet Dependent: Gamma is web-based, so you must have an internet connection to use it. While this may not be a con for most, it eliminates the possibility of working on presentations while offline

Who Is Gamma Best For?

Gamma’s intuitive interface and quick start wizard make getting started a breeze. Plus, with their AI-powered text editing feature, you can tweak the content as much as you’d like. They offer access to millions of royalty-free stock images and an AI-powered image generator that suggests a relevant prompt based on your content.

Gamma offers a free plan and two paid plans starting at $10 monthly .

5. Beautiful AI

Beautiful AI

Another popular choice is Beautiful AI , a feature-packed AI presentation tool that allows you to create stunning presentations with one click. They offer several AI-powered design elements you can edit to match your branding. Plus, it’ll even line these up automatically, so you don’t have to spend time on tedious tasks. Suppose you’d rather start from a previously created presentation. In that case, you can easily import a PowerPoint file and then use AI to improve it.

Beautiful AI stock photography

One of the best features of Beautiful AI is the millions of royalty-free stock images at your disposal. Sure, you can create your own AI images, but if you’re familiar with AI Art generators , you know that sometimes the photos they produce don’t look very natural . It’s nice they thought to include this feature because it saves you the time and cost of signing up for a stock photography service.

What We Like About Beautiful AI

  • 1-Click Presentations: Create AI-generated presentations with one click
  • AI Design: AI-powered design elements
  • AI Text Generator: Rewrite and improve text with AI
  • Lots of Templates: 110+ pre-designed templates
  • PowerPoint Support: Integrates with PowerPoint (import/export)
  • Exporting: When exporting to PowerPoint or as a PDF, graphics are not editable

Who Is Beautiful AI Best For?

If you’re tasked with creating presentations for your company or corporate freelance clients and must use PowerPoint, Beautiful AI is an excellent choice. While they don’t have a free plan, they offer a 14-day free trial, so you’ll have plenty of time to play with it and decide if it’s right for you.

Beautiful AI users love how easy it is to create presentations but say there are text editing limits and presentations don’t look great on mobile devices.

Beautiful AI offers two plans, Pro and Team, with prices starting at $12 per month (billed annually).

Get Beautiful AI

Tome AI presentation tool

Tome is one of the most popular AI presentation tools on the market. Since its release in late 2022, it has raced to become one of the fastest-growing platforms in record time, with over 1 million users. It allows you to create live, interactive presentations, mood boards, design portfolios, pitch decks, webpages, and more. Tome offers over 25 templates for a good starting point and a great time-saving feature. Its intuitive generative AI allows you to create scripts, text, images, charts, and more.

If you already have an outline in mind, you can easily paste it into Tome, allowing it to convert your thoughts into structured presentations in a single click. Does your business require a multi-lingual solution? Tome has you covered with support languages other than English, so you can translate your text to share your presentations with anyone, anywhere.

Tome interface

Tome is web-based and provides a sharable link for your creations. Not only that, it integrates with popular platforms, such as Figma, Spline, YouTube, Twitter, Google Sheets, and other popular AI website builders like Framer . With these integrations, you can import videos, layouts, text, and even full web pages.

What We Like About Tome

  • Interactive: Creates live, interactive presentations
  • Cross-Device Support: Responsive layouts for any screen size
  • Multiple AI Tools: Generates text, images, graphs, 3D models, and more
  • Multi-Language Support:
  • Limited Language Support: As of now, Tome’s AI actions only offer support for English. It would be nice to see them add more languages

Who Is Tome Best For?

Tome is an excellent platform for creating web-based presentations, landing pages, interactive pitch decks, and more. It does a pretty good job of text and image generation, but its integrations are the best features. Try Tome if you want an easy way to incorporate Figma layouts or YouTube videos into your presentations.

Tome offers a free trial with prices starting at $20 per month .

Comparing the Best AI Presentation Tools

Before deciding on which AI presentation tool to choose, take the time to compare prices and the features of every tool on our list. As previously mentioned, our featured tools include a free trial or a free version to assist you in making gorgeous presentations.

Top 3 Best AI Presentation Tool Feature Comparison

To make the most informed decision, knowing the pricing and comparing the features is essential. Here’s a feature comparison table for the top three AI presentation tools on our list so you can decide which is the best fit.

🥇 Simplified🥈 Slides AI🥉 PowerPoint
AI Image Generation✔️✔️✔️
AI Image Editing✔️✔️
AI Text Generation✔️✔️✔️
AI Text Editing✔️✔️✔️
One-Click Presentation✔️✔️✔️
Free Plan✔️✔️❌(free trial)
Price$15/month $10/month$6.99/month

Best AI Presentation Tool Price Comparison

We’ve created this hand comparison table to help you decipher pricing for each of our recommended AI presentation tools.

PluginPriceFree OptionUser Reviews (avg)
🥇 $15/month✔️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥈 $10/month✔️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥉 $6.99/month❌ (free trial)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$12/month (billed annually)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What is the Best AI Presentation Tool?

After thoroughly testing over a dozen AI presentation tools, we feel that Simplified and Slides AI offer the best features. Simplified stands out for its intuitive interface, logo, and other design element generation. It also gets the nod for its one-click editing tools. On the other hand, Slides AI is a close second due to its wealth of AI tools. You can create presentations, write content, and create on-topic slides effortlessly. Either way, if you’re in the market for a good AI assistive tool to speed up creating presentations, you can’t go wrong with either.

Frequency Asked Questions

What is an ai presentation tool, how do ai presentation tools work, how is ai used in microsoft products for presentations, how can ai presentation tools streamline the workflow, what should users consider when choosing an ai presentation tool.

Need more AI tools? Check out these articles featuring the best AI tools to use for your business:

  • 16 Best AI Assistants to Make You More Productive
  • 11 Best AI Marketing Tools to Boost Your Business
  • 10 Best AI Audio Tools (For Podcasts, Music & More)
  • 9 Best AI Design Tools (Reviewed & Compared)

Featured Image via Nattasid Thapsang / shutterstock.com

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By Deanna McLean

Deanna McLean is a blog author, and web developer. She studied graphic design at the University of Mississippi and loves all things, Hotty Toddy. (If you know, you know.) As an adventurous creative, there is nothing Deanna loves more than taking her son and two dogs on excursions in her Jeep.

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'Best WWDC Ever': Wall Street is pumped up over Apple's AI game plan

  • Wall Street was definitely impressed by Apple's WWDC event on Monday.
  • The integration of OpenAI, a more conversational Siri, and an emphasis on privacy were key highlights.
  • Analysts predict AI features will drive significant upgrade cycles for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 17.

Insider Today

Apple's unveiling of its artificial intelligence capabilities at WWDC on Monday failed to impress investors as the stock fell 2%, but it did impress Wall Street in a big way.

A more conversational Siri, the integration of OpenAI, and an emphasis on privacy should help boost Apple device sales for the long-term, according to several Wall Street analysts.

"Best WWDC ever," analysts at Citi said, concisely summarizing Wall Street's view that the integration of AI into Apple's hardware lineup could supercharge the company's growth after nearly two years of flat revenue growth.

Here's what Wall Street is saying about Apple's WWDC event.

Goldman Sachs: 'Should help to drive upgrade demand'

Analysts at Goldman Sachs said the software announcements at WWDC on Monday should drive hardware sales as the new AI capabilities are only compatible with the iPhone 15 and Macs with M1 chips or better.

"We're encouraged by the financial implication of today's announcements, with product features that should help to drive upgrade demand for products, leaves an opportunity for more direct AI monetization in the future, and potentially mitigate compute costs by allowing users with paid ChatGPT accounts to link to Apple accounts," Goldman Sachs analyst Michael Ng said.

Goldman Sachs rates Apple at "Buy" with a $238 price target.

Citi: 'Best WWDC ever'

"We believe Apple's WWDC was the best WWDC conference in a long time as it introduced 'AI for the rest of the people," analysts at Citi said.

The firm said as AI features become available in the fall, combined with an iPhone 16 launch, a supercycle in iPhone upgrades should begin to materialize and cap off with the iPhone 17 in 2025.

"We expect all IP16 models to be AI capable with IP17 to drive the super cycle refresh as developers will have a whole year to develop apps," Citi analyst Atif Malik said.

Citi rates Apple at "Buy" with a $210 price target.

JPMorgan: AI to drive emerging market upgrade cycle

With Apple's new AI features being compatible only with the iPhone 15 Pro models and future iPhones, JPMorgan analysts believe that that will spur a big upgrade cycle in emerging markets.

"While the availability of the AI features on iPhone 15 Pro models might appear on the headline as offering backward compatibility in some sense, we believe it will serve to accelerate the AI-related upgrade cycle in multiple emerging markets where local market demographics lead Apple to focus marketing on the last generation of the iPhone line up with affordability for the consumer in mind," JPMorgan analyst Samik Chatterjee said.

Chatterjee echoed Citi's thoughts that the AI features should drive a massive upgrade cycle for the iPhone over the next two years.

"We continue to expect the start of a device upgrade cycle for iPhones later this fall with the upgrade cycle likely peaking with the launch of the iPhone 17 in 2025," Chatterjee said.

JPMorgan rates Apple at "Overweight" with a $225 price target.

Wedbush: 'Changes the game for Apple'

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said Apple Intelligence "changes the game" for the company as it leverages its massive installed base to roll out and refine its AI technology.

"For developers, Apple is looking to tap into customer data then monetize on top of that so this technology stays within the ecosystem while developers have to tap into this," Ives said.

"This was a historical day for Apple and Cook and Co. did not disappoint," Ives said.

Wedbush rates Apple at "Outperform" with a $275 price target.

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Everything announced at the Xbox showcase at Summer Game Fest 2024

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The Xbox logo on a starry background

There were big expectations for Microsoft’s Xbox Games Showcase this year, the first summer event since the $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard and Microsoft merger in 2023. “It’s the biggest moment of the year to show you the future of gaming with Xbox,” Xbox Wire editor Joe Skrebels wrote in a news release ahead of the event.

The Xbox Games Showcase included a slate of games from Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, Xbox Game Studios, and third-party developers. Immediately following the broadcast, Microsoft and Activision dedicated the second block of its own showcase to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 .

Missed the event? Here’s everything announced during the Xbox Games Showcase.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be released on Oct. 25 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. It’s coming to Xbox Game Pass on launch day, too.

Doom: The Dark Ages

Microsoft and id Software debuted Doom: The Dark Ages , which takes the Doom Slayer back in time. It’s coming to Xbox Game Pass on its launch day, which is expected sometime in 2025. The trailer showed off all the good stuff you can expect from a Doom game — plus what looks to be the Doom Slayer riding a dragon.

State of Decay 3

State of Decay 3 is set “years” after the zombie apocalypse, following up on State of Decay 2 . The latest trailer from the game, which was first revealed in 2020, is a peek at what to expect out of the title. There’s no release date yet, though.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The trailer for Dragon Age: The Veilguard (formerly Dragon Age: Dreadwolf ) set the tone for the upcoming game, showing off a group of allies you can expect to play alongside when the game is released. It’s coming in 2024.

Starfield: Shattered Space (and more)

Starfield ’s first expansion looks to tackle the creepiness of space, coming to consoles and PC in 2024. But Starfield is also getting a smaller update with new bounties and other content, created by Bethesda and the Starfield community.

Fallout 76 is getting a new update , Skyline Valley, where vault dwellers will get to play as a ghoul in early 2025. It’s a new region of Appalachia, with new mysteries abound. It’s out on June 12, and, again, day one on Game Pass.

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 is the debut game from Sandfall Interactive. It looks like a role-playing game where you’re looking to save humanity from certain destruction. It’s out in 2025 on Xbox Series X.

South of Midnight

Microsoft and Compulsion Games are finally to share more on what South of Midnight actually is. From the makers of We Happy Few , South of Midnight is a beautifully stylized game — set in a fantasy swamp after a hurricane — and coming to Xbox consoles and Windows PC. It’ll be out in 2025.

World of Warcraft: The War Within

On Aug. 26, Blizzard will release World of Warcraft ’s next expansion, The War Within . “Now, at the dawn of a new saga, the darkness calls from the very heart of the world,” Blizzard wrote on YouTube.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is a remake of 2004’s Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater . It’s expected to have a “more modern control style” for while showcasing the game’s original story and world. There’s no release date.

Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves’ 13th season will be released on July 25, when you’ll be able to become an evil pirate — a villain! — on the high seas.

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn will be released on July 18 on Xbox consoles and Windows PC. From the creators of Ashen , the game is an “explosive Souls-lite” with lots of “god-slaying action-RPG” gameplay.

Age of Mythology: Retold

Age of Mythology , from the creators of Age of Empires , is more than history: It expands into mythology and the worlds of “gods, monsters, and humans.” It’ll be released on Sept. 4 on Xbox Series X and Windows PC.

Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark is back! It’s the first look at Perfect Dark ’s gameplay since it was announced, and it didn’t disappoint. There’s no release date.

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

This October, a new character class, region, and story come to Diablo 4 with the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Blizzard Entertainment debuted the opening cinematic during the Xbox Games Showcase — an emotional, devastating, and gruesome return to the world of Diablo.

Microsoft showed off a cheeky trailer for Fable, which is expected out in 2025. Unfortunately, still no release date for this one.

FragPunk is a five-on-five shooter with a twist: cards. It’s coming in 2025.

Winter Burrow

A game with a little mouse returning home to devastation, while creating a new home and looking for their aunt. Just a little guy, coming in 2025.

From the makers of The Artful Escape, Mixtape is a mysterious coming-of-age story told through music. It’s expected in 2025.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

Become a commercial pilot in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 , or work in agriculture, search-and-rescue, cargo transport, or aerial firefighting. Head to the skies on Nov. 19.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road

For The Elder Scrolls Online ’s 10th anniversary, Microsoft is releasing Gold Road on June 18.

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure

The next installment in the Life Is Strange franchise is a flip between realities, once again starring Max Caulfield. She promised to never use her power again — but now she has to save her friend. It’s coming to Windows PC and Xbox Series X on Oct. 29.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Finally, another look at Indiana Jones and the Great Circle . There’s a boulder! It’ll be out on Windows PC and Xbox Series X in 2024 — but no official release date.

Mecha Break

It’s not Gundam, but it looks like it! It’s out in August.

Wuchang: Fallen Feathers

Announced at Xbox Games Showcase, Wuchang: Fallen Feathers is a soulslike set in the late Ming Dynasty. It’ll be released day one on Xbox Game Pass in 2025.

“Explore the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger” is how Microsoft described Avowed on YouTube. “As an envoy of Aedyr, you are sent to investigate rumors of a spreading plague with a secret that threatens to destroy everything.” Coming in 2024.

Atomfall is a single player survival game set after a nuclear disaster in Great Britain. It’s coming to Windows PC and Xbox Series X in 2025.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is the next installment of the iconic franchise, to be released on Nov. 15 on Xbox consoles and Windows PC. The first look at the game’s gameplay shows a ton of promise.

STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

GSC Game World, from Ukraine, will be released on Sept. 5. The developer described the game as having a “huge, borderless open-world and a non-linear story.”

New Xbox Series X consoles

There’s now a 2TB SSD Xbox Series X, an all-digital Xbox Series X with a 1TB SSD, and a 1TB SSD Xbox Series X.

Gears of War: E-Day

Gears of War: E-Day looks as brutal as ever, but the trailer had some touching moments of teamwork and camaraderie, too, despite a world in chaos. It’s the sixth installment of the franchise, but there’s no release date just yet.

Summer Game Fest 2024

  • This is the most important showcase in Xbox’s history
  • Summer Game Fest 2024 and not-E3 2024 schedule: All conference dates and times
  • Why is it Summer Game Fest and not Summer Games Fest (plural)?
  • Summer Game Fest returns for 2024 on June 7
  • 9 games that need to be at Summer Game Fest or it’s so over
  • 12 awesome new games to play right now
  • Gears of War: E-Day revealed in Xbox Showcase at Summer Game Fest
  • Doom: The Dark Ages takes hell back to medieval times
  • Dragon Age: The Veilguard is coming this fall, watch the first trailer
  • Perfect Dark comes out of hiding in spy-action-packed first gameplay trailer
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 revealed, arrives this October
  • Fallout 76 will finally let sickos play as Ghouls in early 2025
  • Starfield’s Shattered Space DLC launches in 2024
  • Diablo 4’s Vessel of Hatred expansion release date announced at Xbox showcase
  • State of Decay 3 emerges with a new trailer at the Xbox Games Showcase
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 release date leaked by Xbox store
  • How to watch the Xbox Showcase at Summer Game Fest 2024
  • Every big announcement and trailer from Summer Game Fest 2024
  • Palworld’s first major expansion adds Pals and a whole new island
  • Among Us developer Innersloth now funding a bunch of indies
  • Dune: Awakening story teased in new cinematic trailer
  • Blumhouse Games shows off six horror titles at Summer Game Fest
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind looks like a retro masterpiece
  • Ex-Silent Hill devs show off new horror game Slitterhead, a gory mix of The Thing and Driver: San Francisco
  • Persona devs’ Metaphor: ReFantazio out in October
  • Civilization 7 announced, coming in 2025
  • How to watch Summer Game Fest 2024 — and what to expect
  • Upcoming city builder from Gone Home, Baldur’s Gate 3 devs flips the genre on its head
  • Valorant is coming to console, and it feels shockingly good to play
  • Where to watch Ubisoft Forward 2024 — and what you can expect to see
  • Every big announcement from PlayStation’s new State of Play
  • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake finally gets its release window
  • Star Wars Outlaws aims to be the Han Solo simulator we’ve always wanted
  • Every big announcement and trailer from Ubisoft Forward 2024

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  6. Sales Leaderboard Animated PPT Template


  1. 15 Sales Presentation Techniques That Will Help You Close More Deals Today

    1. Structure your presentation. Guiding your prospects down a clear path is key to a successful sales presentation. You'll follow a logical structure, and listeners will understand how each element of your presentation relates to one another, rather than them having to piece together disjointed information on their own.

  2. 7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (& How to Copy Them)

    Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use: Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials. Use logos and testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation. Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

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    A sales deck is a slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) used to supplement a sales pitch. The sales pitch, given by a salesperson to a prospect, often includes an overview of the product or service, offers a value proposition and solution for the prospect, and includes examples of success stories from other clients.

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    A good sales presentation is more than a simple pitch, a demo or a list of facts and figures. Done well, at the right time in your sales process, it's a tool for getting your prospects' attention, drumming up excitement and moving prospects toward a buying decision.. In this guide, you'll learn how to use the power of storytelling to drive decision-making and close more deals.

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    Highlight key elements that set you apart, be it a compelling story of your brand's inception, a lucrative deal you managed to seal, or an instance where an internet marketing agency hired you for their needs. 4. Present facts and data. Dive deep into sales performance metrics, client satisfaction scores and feedback.

  6. How To Build The Perfect Sales Presentation (+ Free Templates)

    Practice, practice, practice: Your sales deck should support what you say, not serve as a script for your presentation. Keep your deck short and sweet: It should only be as long as is necessary. (Save the fine print for a follow-up or the appendix.) Data is a great tool to back up your claims, so present them visually with graphs.

  7. How to structure the perfect sales presentation

    Step 4: Present the solution. With the stakes raised, your audience needs a solution: a clear path toward their goal. An effective sales presentation presents your product as a means to the ...

  8. 10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates to Boost Your Sales

    Sales presentations are dynamic tools designed to captivate your audience, showcasing why your product or service surpasses others.These presentations serve as a strategic platform, allowing you to eloquently highlight your offering's advantages while directly addressing the unique needs and concerns of potential clients.

  9. The Most Effective Sales Presentation Tips & Techniques

    4. Make Sure You Sound, Look, and Act the Part During Your Sales Presentation. Depending on your prospect, your attire, jargon, and attitude needs to match what your audience will expect. If you're dealing with CEOs, CFOs, and other executives, then business wear and a professional tone is probably the right choice.

  10. 6 Essential Elements of a Successful Sales Pitch or Presentation

    1. Build rapport with your audience. If you want to give a successful presentation, you need to connect with your audience. Start out the presentation by addressing the audience and by appealing to them. This can be done by asking about their business (e.g., a new product launch or announcement).

  11. 7 Sales Presentation Examples for Successful Pitches

    5) SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates. SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates ****offer a comprehensive sales deck that is robust and creatively appealing, ideal for making impactful sales presentations. It features hundreds of unique slides designed for various sales niches, allowing for extensive customization.

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    Use the Visme Graph Engine to create charts and graphs to add to your sales presentation. If the template you selected already had charts and graphs, simply customize to fit your data and story. Add infographic widgets for small data sets or small tidbits of statistical information. For example, percentages and arrays.

  13. Powerpoint Sales Presentation Examples

    On one hand, a sales presentation is designed to persuade potential customers about the value of your product or service. It typically includes detailed information about your product, its features, benefits, pricing, case studies, testimonials, and more. On the other hand, a sales deck is essentially a condensed version of a sales presentation.

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    A sales presentation is a short presentation of your solution to prospects or existing customers that aims to persuade them to make a purchase. What makes a good sales presentation? The answer is simple. A winning sales presentation: Helps convince the client of the brilliance of your solution.

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    Sales Presentation: Ideas, Examples and Templates to Present Like a Pro. Typically, a sales presentation is understood as a simple pitch, a demo, or a list of facts and figures. A good sales presentation is one that incorporates all of these elements while also being more than the sum of its parts. A sales presentation is that sensitive ...

  16. Tips for a Better Sales Presentation

    Step 1: Research the company and your contact. An effective sales presentation starts long before the actual presentation. The first step is to learn who your prospect is and the challenges they face; then you can use those insights to show how you can help them succeed. In particular, you should research the company, the challenges it faces ...

  17. Effective Sales Presentations: Techniques for Impactful Communication

    Engaging: Successful sales presentations interact with the audience, asking questions, and encouraging participation. Visual: The use of visuals, such as charts, graphs, images, and videos, makes sales presentations more impactful. They can help explain complex data, illustrate a point, and maintain audience interest.

  18. 16 Sales Presentation Techniques (and Tips for Success)

    Sales presentations are important because they allow sales representatives to persuade buyers and help their company sell more products. As a sales professional, you can use presentations to describe a product to potential customers, investors or upper management through speeches and visual displays. Using sales presentations is an effective ...

  19. Crafting an Effective Sales Presentation: Strategies for B2B Sales Teams

    In practical terms, a sales presentation is a short meeting where a sales-intended slide deck is designed to sell a product or service. More holistically, a sales presentation is a transference of feeling between a sales professional and a prospect. A sales presentation is an essential part of the typical sales process. At different touchpoints ...

  20. Sales Presentation: The Definitive Guide (2023)

    The basic structure of any sales presentation includes 4 key points: 1) the problem faced by your prospect 2) the dream solution (the results they're after), 3) how your company helps them get what they want (the benefits and results you offer) and 4) reasons why the prospect should chose you over your competitors.

  21. The Most Persuasive Sales Presentation Structure of All

    SCR: The Best Sales Presentation Structure of All. Situation, Complication, Resolution is really just a way of identifying: First identified in Barbara Minto's book The Pyramid Principle, the SCR structure is an effective way of establishing a persuasive case and will be familiar to anyone who consumes movies, TV, or books. Here's an ...

  22. 11 Essential Sales Presentation Tips To Close The Deal Faster

    6. Prepare valuable insights. Another effective sales presentation technique is to prepare insights ahead of time for your prospects. Insights are accurate understandings of your prospect, your prospect's business or industry. These insights come from research, experience, and analyzing data and metrics.

  23. How to Get the Most Out of a Sales Call

    2. Create a tailored presentation. Our State of Sales report shows that 87% of business buyers expect sales reps to act as trusted advisors, taking on early product research before ever getting on a call. This means you're dealing with informed buyers, and you'll need to know your prospects' needs inside and out to prove value.

  24. PDF Future of B2B sales: The big reframe

    In B2B, content outweighs both sales presentation . and timeliness as customer-buying factors. However, 57 percent of sellers say they don't pay much attention to content produced by their marketing teams, feeling it is generic and unresponsive. Yet by combining analytics—using novel data drawn from innovative sources—with

  25. NTPC forecast looks bleak with low water levels and ...

    The Northwest Territories Power Corporation gave a presentation to MLAs outlining the impact of low water levels, inflationary prices, aging infrastructure on diesel and dropping electricity sales ...

  26. San Jose CA Real Estate

    Zillow has 803 homes for sale in San Jose CA. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.

  27. 6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024 (Compared)

    4. Gamma. Gamma is one of the most intuitive platforms on our list. It uses generative AI to build your presentation from a text prompt, complete with visual aids, such as charts, graphs, images, and other visual elements - automatically. One of our favorite features is the interface.

  28. Wall Street Cheers Apple's WWDC AI Product Announcements Siri, OpenAI

    Jun 11, 2024, 7:35 AM PDT. Apple Intelligence at Apple WWDC 2024 Apple. Wall Street was definitely impressed by Apple's WWDC event on Monday. The integration of OpenAI, a more conversational Siri ...

  29. Xbox Games Showcase 2024: All announcements, release dates ...

    Microsoft hosted its Xbox Games Showcase on Sunday during Summer Game Fest, showing off its big slate of upcoming games, including Assassin's Creed Shadows and Gears of War 6.