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Enriching Results with NICO & CLYDE

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A Place for Everyone with Rover & CLYDE

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Retiring the Crash Test Dummy  with Altair and Tier One Partners

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The Primetime-ification of Women’s Sports with Ally and Tier One Partners

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Launching Workhuman’s Human Workplace Index with SourceCode

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Establishing Homebase as the Voice of Small Businesses with SourceCode

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Zen Media - B2B Marketing & PR Agency for B2B Brands

19 Successful PR Campaigns from Innovative Companies

  • Megan Noorman
  • December 28, 2023

examples of successful pr campaigns

Successful PR campaigns come in as many different forms as there are brands. What could be innovative and on-point for one company may be totally off-key for another.

Despite that, looking at other companies’ PR successes can still be helpful when developing a comprehensive PR campaign for your brand . So let’s look at 19 major PR successes over the years from companies across various industries and key takeaways to strengthen the impact of your next PR campaign.

1. The “Summer of Barbie” Campaign

The “Summer of Barbie” campaign, associated with the 2023 Barbie movie, created a global buzz. This vibrant campaign included painting mansions pink and setting up life-sized Barbie boxes for photo ops, leading to a surprising pink paint shortage. The campaign’s success was monumental, contributing to the movie’s staggering $2.9 billion global gross.

The Barbie campaign tapped into the nostalgia of a beloved brand while aligning it with contemporary trends. Brands can learn to blend nostalgia with modern elements to appeal to both long-time followers and new audiences.

By weaving a compelling narrative around Barbie and integrating it with real-world experiences, the campaign created a story that people wanted to be a part of. Brands should focus on crafting stories that are not only engaging but also offer opportunities for the audience to participate and contribute, creating a shared and more impactful brand journey.

2. Reinventing Financial PR with Dwolla

Dwolla, an established player in the modern payments platform sector, sought to rejuvenate its image and boost brand awareness in 2022. Zen Media’s approach was a dynamic 90-day PR blitz, focusing on forward-thinking announcements and unveiling new partnerships. This comprehensive strategy also highlighted unique case studies and proactive podcast pitches, cementing Dwolla’s position as a fintech thought leader. The outcome was impressive: over 170 media pieces and 250+ social media engagements, significantly raising Dwolla’s profile and exceeding their expectations in brand visibility.

Dwolla’s campaign also underscores the importance of innovation within industry norms. In the financial sector, where trust and reliability are paramount, Dwolla managed to inject freshness and dynamism into its brand image without losing sight of these core values. Brands in other sectors can take note of this balance between innovation and adherence to industry standards.

3. Lego Rebuild the World 

Their first global PR campaign in decades, Lego’s Rebuild the World was focused on inspiring creative thinking in kids—but also adults. As part of the public relations campaign, Lego asked customers to submit pictures of their creations, aggregated onto a 3D globe on the brand’s website. Users can move and spin the globe to see what people worldwide have created. 

The best part is that Rebuild the World struck the perfect balance between inspirational and playful—an exact fit for Lego’s overall brand personality.

4. Kamua’s Product Launch campaign

Our client Kamua, an AI-powered video editing platform, wanted to establish itself as an authoritative voice in the video editing industry and rapidly expand its base of dedicated users. 

We worked with them to create a comprehensive, strategic public relations strategy that included bylined articles by Kamua founder and CEO Paul Robert Cary; multiple monthly mentions including in tier-one publications; and, most importantly, a Product Hunt launch campaign that would get Kamua’s name and product in front of thousands of tech-savvy users and influencers. 

Kamua became one of the top three most-hunted products on Product Hunt, was featured in Product Hunt’s email newsletter , and was named Best Product of the Week by Product Hunt the week of its campaign. Just one outcome of this PR campaign? The platform gained 400 new users literally overnight.

Related read: Product Launch Marketing: Strategy, Plan, and Execute

Top 3 Most Hunted on ProductHunt banner

5. Dove’s #TheSelfieTalk Campaign

A decade after the women’s skincare brand launched its Real Beauty campaign, it’s still going strong. 

Why? Because they’ve involved real women (and girls) every step of the way. Their latest campaign is a commentary on how social media affects girls’ self-esteem. Their #TheSelfieTalkCampaign shows a young girl editing a photo of herself to post online. To make their point, Dove shows this process in reverse. The advertisement ends by showing the girl’s natural face without makeup or filters. 

From honest conversations on beauty standards to what it means to “throw like a girl,” Dove’s public relations campaigns have evolved and adapted to the times by staying sincerely in touch with what its customers are experiencing in their daily lives.

6. BBC’s Peaky Blinders fan art campaign

Fan art is a world unto itself—but surprisingly few brands embrace this “unofficial” view, even though it’s probably the best possible source of user-generated content a brand could ever ask for. 

An exception to this was the show Peaky Blinders , which issued a call to fans to create art for their new season’s imagery in 2019. Not only did this generate interest among casual viewers and those who were not yet fans, but it also strengthened the relationship between the show’s creators and the viewers who love it—a win-win. 

Related read: How to Take Your User-Generated Content from Good to Great

7. Caldwell’s newsjacking campaign

Caldwell, a law firm specializing in high-growth startups and early-stage tech and life sciences, aimed to extend its brand beyond its founder’s reputation. The firm worked with Zen Media, and our innovative strategy involved a newsjacking campaign, seizing real-time opportunities for Caldwell’s attorneys to comment on global cases. This proactive approach led to numerous features in trade magazines covering tech and biotech cases, enhancing Caldwell’s visibility and establishing its lawyers as industry thought leaders.

Caldwell’s approach illustrates the effectiveness of creating a multi-dimensional brand identity . By showcasing their expertise on various platforms and media, they not only enhanced their brand visibility but also added depth to their brand’s persona. Brands should strive to create a diverse yet cohesive image that reflects their multiple strengths and areas of expertise.

8. The Eras Tour — More than just a concert

Can we call a concert tour a campaign? Why not! Taylor Swift took over the world in 2023 with her Eras Tour. She not only blasted through global attendance and revenue records for a tour and had a direct impact on local economies where she performed (and released multiple albums and a film), but she also created a widespread culture that consumed the market. 

The Eras Tour exemplifies the power of a holistic marketing approach. By integrating various elements—music, visual arts, storytelling—into a cohesive campaign, Swift managed to create a brand experience that was both immersive and memorable. Brands can learn to integrate different marketing elements to create a more comprehensive and engaging campaign.

Another critical aspect of the Eras Tour’s success was Swift’s strong fan base. Brands should focus on building and nurturing a loyal community around their products or services—it can be a powerful tool in amplifying the impact of campaigns.

9. State Street Global Advisors Fearless Girl 

The Fearless Girl statue that the Wall Street firm State Street Global Advisors firm placed to face down the famous Wall Street bull became a symbol of the financial sector’s lack of gender diversity, and the women who have been at the forefront of trying to change that. 

But in addition to its symbolic importance, it’s also a carefully crafted advertisement—one for the firm’s exchange-traded Gender Diversity Index SHE fund. 

The firm has faced some criticism over the years since putting up the statue, as it hasn’t always been clear whether State Street Global Advisors is making gender diversity a true priority. 

And this brings up another important point when it comes to creating successful PR campaigns: Your brand needs to put its money where its mouth is. If you say diversity, or sustainability, or another issue is important to you, make sure you’re backing that up with real action. 

Related read: Negative Public Perceptions and Other PR Problems: How To Change The Narrative

 "The Fearless Girl" statue facing Charging Bull in Lower Manhattan, New York City

10. Calian IT & Cyber Solutions—Blending brands for a bigger impact

Following its acquisition of Computex, Calian IT & Cyber Solutions faced the challenge of merging brand identities and penetrating the U.S. market. They partnered with us at Zen Media, and we created a strategic PR roadmap, including curated proactive pitching topics to position two of Calian IT & Cyber Solutions’ senior executives as thought leaders in their areas of expertise. 

Zen would also help secure the executives Forbes Technology Council memberships and launch a regular cadence of published bylines. This robust campaign led to significant media coverage and awards, with Calian’s IT & Cyber Solutions division reporting double-digit revenue growth, largely credited to their expanded U.S. presence.

In merging two brands, it’s crucial to balance innovation with the preservation of core values and strengths that define each brand. This balance helps in maintaining loyalty among existing customers while attracting new ones.

11. New Cosmos USA’s community-first approach

New Cosmos USA, committed to preventing natural gas explosions with their DeNova Detect alarm, took a unique community-centric PR approach. In response to a gas explosion in West Reading, Pennsylvania, they collaborated with Zen Media for a rapid community support and media outreach strategy. This involved donations, local PSA publications, and educational materials on gas safety. 

The campaign, replicated in other locations, not only bolstered community safety but also positioned DeNova Detect as a leader in natural gas safety, leading to increased sales in those areas. By positioning the DeNova Detect alarm as a solution to a community issue, New Cosmos USA effectively aligned their product with community welfare, enhancing the product’s value proposition. Brands should evaluate the success of their campaigns not just in terms of sales but also by their impact on community welfare and social awareness.

12. Gender Pay Gap Bot Fights For Fair Wages 

As we’ve stated, many companies like to raise awareness of social issues and fight for change. The Gender Pay Gap Bot is an automated Twitter account that advocates for women’s rights to equal pay—and on International Women’s Day, the bot ran a PR campaign to hold companies accountable. 

Their slogan: “Stop posting platitudes. Start fixing the problem.” 

As companies in various industries filled users’ feeds with empowering messages, the Gender Pay Gap Bot responded with data revealing the inequities in compensation between their male and female employees. This PR strategy sheds light on these issues through transparency and neutral messaging. Today, the Twitter account has over 240,000 followers. 

13. McDonald’s ‘We Hire People’ Campaign

Companies that emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are paving the way for a kinder, more inclusive world. Promoting these brand values through public relations strategies is a great way to show your commitment to welcoming all of your employees and customers. 

McDonald’s ‘We Hire People” Campaign does just this. The fast-food chain introduces viewers to many individuals with various cultural backgrounds, passions, and ages. The advertisement shows that McDonald’s doors are open to everyone. These messages are essential in 2024. 

14. Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ Campaign

This campaign has been one of the most successful PR campaigns of all time. The tagline “Just Do It” is simple yet powerful and has become synonymous with Nike’s brand identity. The campaign’s success is due to its inspirational message that encourages consumers to push themselves beyond their limits and achieve their goals. Nike has used the campaign to showcase its products as tools that help people achieve their athletic potential. The “ Just Do It” campaign has also featured famous athletes, such as Michael Jordan and Serena Williams, who embody Nike’s brand values of determination, perseverance, and excellence.

15. Google’s Year in Search

Google’s “Year in Search” campaign is an annual PR campaign that showcases the top trending searches of the year. The campaign has been successful because it taps into people’s emotional connections to current events and showcases Google’s ability to capture the pulse of the world through search data. The campaign is also highly shareable and creates a sense of community around the shared experience of looking back at the year’s top moments. The campaign reinforces Google’s brand identity as a company that is at the forefront of technology and innovation.

16. Red Bull’s ‘Stratos’ Campaign

In 2012, Red Bull sponsored Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking jump from the edge of space called the “ Red Bull Stratos. ” The campaign was a massive success, generating over 52 million views on YouTube and millions of dollars in earned media coverage. The campaign was successful because it showcased Red Bull’s brand values of extreme sports and adventure while also breaking a world record. The campaign was a testament to the power of experiential marketing and how brands can leverage events to create memorable and impactful campaigns.

17. Chipotle’s ‘Food with ‘Integrity’ campaign

Chipotle’s “ Food with Integrity” campaign was an innovative marketing campaign that aimed to differentiate the company from other fast-food chains by highlighting its commitment to sourcing sustainable and ethically produced ingredients for its menu. The campaign featured a series of advertisements that showcased Chipotle’s use of fresh, locally sourced, and sustainably-raised ingredients and its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

What made the campaign innovative was that it was not just a marketing gimmick; Chipotle really did change its sourcing practices to live up to the promises it made in the ads. The company worked directly with farmers and producers to develop sustainable farming practices, and it paid premium prices to ensure that the farmers were able to make a living wage. The success of the campaign was due to its resonance with consumers who valued healthier, more sustainable food options and appreciated Chipotle’s mission as much as its food.

18. Patagonia Says ‘Don’t Buy This Jacket’

Patagonia’s “ Don’t Buy This Jacket” campaign was an innovative marketing campaign that aimed to encourage customers to buy less and reduce their environmental impact. The campaign was launched in 2011 and featured a full-page ad in The New York Times that showed one of Patagonia’s best-selling jackets with the headline “Don’t Buy This Jacket.” The ad went on to explain the environmental impact of the jacket’s production and encouraged customers to think twice before making a purchase.

What made the campaign innovative was that it went against the traditional marketing strategy of encouraging customers to buy more. Instead, Patagonia wanted to use its platform to raise awareness about the environmental impact of consumerism and to encourage customers to make more conscious choices. The campaign also reflected Patagonia’s long-standing commitment to sustainability and its belief that the company had a responsibility to minimize its environmental impact. The campaign was a success and helped to solidify Patagonia’s reputation as a leader in sustainability and environmental activism.

19. Airbnb’s ‘Belong Anywhere’ Campaign

This PR campaign was an innovative campaign that aimed to position the company as a global community that offered unique and authentic travel experiences. The campaign focused on Airbnb’s ability to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds, highlighting the role of welcoming and knowledgeable local hosts. The campaign was successful because it tapped into the growing trend of experiential travel and emphasized the community aspect of travel. It helped establish Airbnb as a disruptor in the travel industry and drove significant growth for the company.

Creating an innovative, successful PR campaign requires a team of experts who know your brand inside and out. If you’re looking for help making your next PR campaign stand out, get in touch with Zen ! 

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  • You need to identify challenges/opportunities a particular client or organization faced
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  • You need examples of measurable results gained from using the service (e.g. engagement, poll results, or revenue increases) 

Remember: Case studies are frequently written with prospective clients in mind, so the agent/agency is often presented in a positive light.

  • PR News Case studies are often found in the trade publication, PR News. Try searching "case study" using quotation marks.
  • PR Newswire Case studies are often highlighted in this daily newswire. Try searching "case study" using quotation marks. Their main website also includes listings of recent white papers and case studies for browsing.
  • Public Relations Review In-depth case studies can be found in this peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. Try searching "case study" using quotation marks.
  • Arthur W. Page Society Includes original case studies written by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.
  • PRSA Case Studies The PRSA website includes a searchable database of Silver Anvil case studies. PRSA membership account information is needed to view the complete case studies.
  • Advertising/Public Relations: Ethical Decisions and Conflicting Values in Advertising Case studies from the University of Texas-Austin's Center for Media Engagement.
  • Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window Contains articles from Harvard Business Review , each issue of which usually contains a case study. Of course, there are hundreds of other publications covered by this database. Search using the subject keywords "Case studies" in combination with terms or company names of interest. For additional how-to, see the FAQ, How do I find an article in Harvard Business Review?

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Why use case studies? 

Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
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  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service
  • Arthur W. Page Society (Note: Case study archives are accessed from the bottom of the page.) Includes original case studies written by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.
  • PR Council Free access to case studies from over 100 of America’s leading communications firms.
  • PRSA Case Studies The PRSA website includes a searchable database of Silver Anvil case studies. PRSA membership account information is needed to view the complete case studies.
  • PR Newswire Case studies are often highlighted in PR Newswire. Select "Search within this publication." Then try searching "case study" using quotation marks.

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Cases in Public Relations Management

Cases in Public Relations Management

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Now in its third edition, Cases in Public Relations Management uses recent cases in strategic communication designed to encourage discussion, debate, and exploration of the options available to today's strategic public relations manager, with the help of extensive supplemental materials.

Key features of this text include coverage of the latest controversies in current events, discussion of the ethical issues that have made headlines in recent years, and strategies used by public relations practitioners. The problem-based case study approach encourages readers to assess what they know about communication theory, the public relations process, and management practices.

New to the third edition:

  • Eighteen new cases including Snap, Wells Fargo, SeaWorld, United Airlines, and Starbucks.
  • Additional emphasis on social media and social responsibility for communication management today.
  • End-of-chapter activities that reinforce concepts.

Developed for advanced students in strategic communication and public relations, this book prepares them for their future careers as communication and public relations professionals.

The new edition features a fully enhanced companion website that includes resources for both instructors and students. Instructors will find PowerPoint Lecture Slides, Case Supplements, Instructor Guides, and Answer Keys for Quizzes and End-of-Chapter Activities. Students will benefit from Quizzes, a Glossary, and Case Supplements.


Chapter chapter 1 | 17  pages, a brief introduction to public relations, chapter chapter 2 | 30  pages, ethics and the law, section 1 | 3  pages, what would you do, section 2 | 10  pages, chocolate milk study’s news release brings unwanted attention, section 3 | 10  pages, disclosure is always in style, section 4 | 4  pages, product packaging for e-liquids, chapter chapter 3 | 55  pages, corporate social responsibility, section 5 | 23  pages, food for thought, section 6 | 16  pages, apple iproblem, section 7 | 12  pages, developing wines with a conscience, chapter chapter 4 | 65  pages, media relations, section 8 | 9  pages, #chevyguy knows his #technologyandstuff, section 9 | 13  pages, when every drop counts, section 10 | 14  pages, section 11 | 10  pages, domino’s pizza, section 12 | 10  pages, the largest state-owned utility publicizes going digital, chapter chapter 5 | 89  pages, conflict management, section 13 | 15  pages, flying the unfriendly skies, section 14 | 23  pages, “lean finely textured beef” or “pink slime”, section 15 | 18  pages, the politics of pink, section 16 | 26  pages, deepwater horizon blowout, chapter chapter 6 | 73  pages, section 17 | 16  pages, section 18 | 18  pages, section 19 | 16  pages, “beyond disgusting”, section 20 | 8  pages, guitar hero strikes a chord, section 21 | 10  pages, break the silence. make the call, chapter chapter 7 | 48  pages, consumer relations, section 22 | 20  pages, section 23 | 8  pages, keep calm and carry on, with or without chicken, section 24 | 17  pages, making the potato top of mind, chapter chapter 8 | 73  pages, entertainment and leisure, section 25 | 20  pages, concussions, section 26 | 21  pages, penn state fumbles, section 27 | 12  pages, the five seasons of salem, section 28 | 15  pages, sony playstation, chapter chapter 9 | 38  pages, community relations, section 29 | 9  pages, take ’em down nola civic activism and political leadership confront the lost cause, section 30 | 16  pages, i’m watching you …, section 31 | 10  pages, “it’s the real thing”, chapter chapter 10 | 30  pages, cultural and other considerations, section 32 | 11  pages, finding authentic moments; avoiding #epicfails, section 33 | 9  pages, containing the deadly marburg virus, section 34 | 7  pages, shark fin soup, chapter chapter 11 | 59  pages, financial communications and investor relations, section 35 | 17  pages, initial public offering—it’s a snap, section 36 | 17  pages, part 1: wells fargo, section 37 | 15  pages, part 2: wells fargo, section 38 | 4  pages, paychex, inc., sees big payoff in first investor relations day.

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What is a case study?

The case study is a descriptive, qualitative research  method that analyzes in great detail a person, an organization, or an event. Case studies are found in most applied areas, such as business, law, and marketing, and offer insight into practices and tactics. The case study's major advantage is the detail and analysis it provides of a specific person, organization, or event. Its major disadvantage is that it cannot be generalized to situations other than the one that was studied.                     Encyclopedia of Public Relations

In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
  • Describe the solution provided by the company
  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service

Databases to Find Case Studies & Industry Info

  • WARC This link opens in a new window Warc provides intelligence solutions for students, faculty and staff in marketing, advertising and mass communications. more... less... WARC includes over 6,000 global case studies, and articles, opinion pieces and conference reports. It also contains comprehensive historic and forecast advertising expenditure data together with global media cost data.

Provides access to full-text, peer-reviewed business publications, as well as indexing and abstracts for many scholarly business journals.

Business Source Complete (BSC) is the world's most comprehensive scholarly business database that provides full-text access to almost 4,000 business and scholarly journals, plus indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals dating back as far as 1886. Select journals included in this database are: Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Administrative Science Quarterly. Additional full-text content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, faculty seminars (videos), and more. BSC is an important resource for researchers interested in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics. Updated monthly.

  • IBISWorld This link opens in a new window IBISWorld provides access to detailed industry reports for over 700 plus United States industries. Each report includes industry structure, market characteristics, product and customer segments, cost structure, industry conditions, major players, market share, supply chain structure, and 5-year revenue forecasts.

Online Resources

  • Case Studies in Strategic Communication Dedicated to the study of strategic communication through the case study form. Case studies illustrate the strategies, tactics, and execution of communication campaigns through in-depth coverage of a single situation. CSSC is a peer-reviewed publication housed at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.
  • Institute for Public Relations Research Letter The Institute for Public Relations is dedicated to the science beneath the art of public relations™. We focus on research that matters to the practice, providing timely insights and applied intelligence that professionals can put to immediate use.
  • Arthur W. Page Society Includes case studies written by students for the Case Study Competition. Scroll to the bottom to load case studies from past competition winners.
  • PR Council -- Case Studies The Council is dedicated to strengthening the recognition and role of public relations firms in corporate strategy, business performance and social education; to serve as an authoritative source of information and expert comment and to help set standards for the industry.

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Campaign case studies.

Hand holding a monarch butterfly for Catherine Butterfly campaign

Why the monarch butterfly was renamed ‘Catherine butterfly’ for one day

The butterfly was named after Sandy Hook shooting victim Catherine Violet Hubbard.

Surfshark coffee shop barista serves customers

What happened when a coffee shop asked customers to pay for food and drinks with personal data

The company behind the PR stunt was Surfshark, a brand of VPN services.

The immersive Bloomtanica floral experience at Genesis House

Genesis House draws 60,000 visitors with immersive floral experience

Genesis worked with celebrity floral artist Jeff Leatham to create Bloomtanica.

MiriTheSiren eating Zaxby's shrimp

How Zaxby’s gave brand-influencer trips a ‘humble reset’ — with help from MiriTheSiren

The restaurant chain had to quickly pivot its ‘shrimpfluencer’ event due to thunderstorms.

An aerial photo is showing the Alibaba office building in Nanjing, China

Inside Alibaba’s online trade fair

The brand worked with 24 influencers who created unboxing content.

Father holding the viral Four Seasons TikTok baby

‘Four Seasons Orlando Baby’: How the luxury resort responded to its ‘sweet new fan’

Kate, a 1-year-old, went viral on TikTok for her advanced answer to the question, ‘Who wants to go to the Four Seasons Orlando?’

Doctor talking to people in checkup room

Inside AstraZeneca’s partnership with the Hockey Fights Cancer initiative

The National Hockey League and National Hockey League Players Association are behind the initiative.

Fashion designer Dapper Dan sits next to cans of pant

Why Sherwin-Williams’ latest campaign focuses on its ‘least popular’ color

The paint manufacturer partnered with fashion designer Dapper Dan to get people excited about Kingdom Gold SW 6698.

TD Bank ATM with a dog dish

Why TD Bank created a dog ATM

In this case, ATM stands for ‘dog automated treat machine.’

Collage of Manischewitz ads

How Manischewitz is reaching ‘culturally curious’ consumers

Inside the kosher food company’s rebrand.

Picture of Barilla record

Why Barilla created a soundtrack with the composer from ‘White Lotus’

The brand wanted to “teach people how to experience pasta differently.”

Burrito next to smartphone displaying Chipotle Burrito Vault ad

Inside Chipotle’s Burrito Vault campaign

The “cultural phenomenon of word games and puzzles” inspired the brand’s National Burrito Day effort.

SunChips eclipse ad showing eclipse branded bag of chips

How SunChips gave everyone a reason to cheer on #TeamSun during the eclipse

Astronaut and researcher Kellie Gerardi helped to promote a limited edition product tied to the astronomical event.

Two smiling people holding cans of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Spiced: How Coke rolled out its first new flavor in three years

Aly Hite, director of brand, sports and strategic partnerships for Coca-Cola Company North America, shares the inside story.

Behind the scenes photos of Duolingo on Ice production

‘Duolingo on Ice’ was just an April Fools’ joke. But here’s how the brand made it feel real

Duolingo director of marketing campaigns Michaela Kron shared the strategy, tactics and results for the language learning app’s prank.

The Wall Street Journal showing a mostly blank front page to mark the one year anniversary of the imprisonment in Russia of their reporter Evan Gershkovich

How the WSJ is keeping Evan Gershkovich’s story in the headlines

Last Friday marked one year since the reporter has been in Russian detention.

Man getting food at P.F. Chang’s

Inside P.F. Chang’s attempt to heal the heartbroken

A plate of dumplings was all it took to inspire the restaurant chain’s Valentine’s Day campaign.

Collage of Ford Raptor after an accident and a new Ford Raptor

How Ford responded after a Marine vet said a Raptor truck saved his life

The vet was rear-ended by a car going 75 mph.

Hand holding Krispy Kreme donut as the O in SOS

How Krispy Kreme set out to ‘make it a good day’ for people impacted by AT&T’s massive outage

The doughnut company welcomes situations where it can improve someone’s day or unify people.

Papa Johns

Why Papa Johns decided to stuff its pizza with cash

Influencer Doughtoli and Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby helped to promote the campaign.

Crisis Corner

People shopping at Under Armour store

Timeline of a crisis: Under Armour CEO Stephanie Linnartz's resignation rattles stakeholders

Musical chairs in the C-suite as Linnartz abruptly announced her resignation just more than a year in the role.

Members of the striking Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions

Timeline of a crisis: Kaiser Permanente delicately negotiates with striking workers

The healthcare provider focused its messaging around “coming together” to find a mutual solution.

Apollo for Reddit app on AppStore displayed on a phone screen

Timeline of a crisis: Moderators revolt against Reddit after hefty API changes

How the Ask Me Anything community site reacted to pushback over its pre-IPO plans to become more grown up.

People line up outside of a Silicon Valley Bank office

Timeline of a crisis: Depositors flee en masse after Silicon Valley Bank stumbles on messaging

Financial jargon and a plea to “stay calm” helped fuel the second-largest failure of a financial institution in American history when SVB collapsed in early March.

Balenciaga office

Timeline of a crisis: Balenciaga stumbles as it walks back questionable campaign images

The fashion house's multiple apologies for controversial imagery used in its recent campaigns have come with empty pledges and little substantive follow-through by the fashion brand.

Kyrie Irving speaks during an ESPN interview

Timeline of a crisis: Brooklyn Nets discipline star Kyrie Irving

The NBA franchise condemns point guard Kyrie Irving’s anti-semitism with vigor.

Bed Bath & Beyond storefront

Timeline of a Crisis: Bed Bath & Beyond fumbles inflated stock price and leadership shuffle

After a top-five shareholder reshuffled Bed Bath & Beyond’s leadership deck before cashing out, the home goods retailer’s stock prices soared before crashing, with a class action lawsuit and a death as collateral damage.

Crowded airport terminal

Timeline of a Crisis: Delta Air Lines navigates perfect storm of summer travel woes

Operational obstacles amid a boom in flight bookings threw Delta’s service up in the air.

Video screen shot of Elon Musk talking about Starlink

Timeline of a crisis: Elon Musk and Starlink step up to the plate for Ukraine

The SpaceX CEO made an altruistic decision to quickly provide Ukraine with internet after a tweet from a high-ranking official.

CDC website showing COVID-19 virus concept art

Timeline of a Crisis: The CDC muddles the messaging

The health organization caused confusion and irritation with inconsistent policy change and muddled messaging with the onset of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a Crisis: Meta tries to save face during a defining PR crisis

Denying wrongdoing and responsibility, Meta’s rebranding fails to address serious problems, corrosive to democracy and a civilized society.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a Crisis: OnlyFans backpedals on porn ban but fails to move forward

Although OnlyFans is thriving financially, it failed to transform its business, reputation or investor relations, where it seemingly had made some progress.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a Crisis: ExxonMobil CEO’s attempt to clean up lobbyists’ spill

Video leaked of lobbyists saying the company was undermining Biden's climate push.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a crisis: Burger King gets burned

The fast food giant was under fire after campaign suggests ‘women belong in the kitchen.’

case study on public relations

Timeline of a crisis: Cyberpunk 2077

The video game took 7 years to hit the shelves, but it still left fans dissatisfied.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a crisis: Wells Fargo CEO’s victim-blaming gets torn apart online

Wells Fargo’s Charles Scharf was criticized heavily after victim-blaming Black people in regards to talent recruitment.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a crisis: Lack of transparency fuels unrest over Kenosha shooting

The escalation of turmoil in Kenosha is the latest instance of social unrest triggered by law enforcement.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a crisis: Facebook fails in response to ad boycott

Civic groups 'disappointed' after meeting with CEO Marc Zuckerberg as more than 300 companies take part in boycott.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a Crisis: The British royal family had another annus horribilis

Scandal after scandal has left the Royal Family scrambling this past year.

case study on public relations

Timeline of a crisis: The We Company's IPO-plosion leaves reputation in tatters

It's very likely no amount of good PR could've saved the co-working startup.

The Power List

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case study on public relations

Case Studies

Sparkling Ice

Sparkling Ice

Sparkling Ice, the leading sparkling water in Talking Rain Beverage Company's portfolio, has always been passionate about giving back and supporting local communities...


Webull is an easy-to-use, zero commission brokerage and market data platform for traders of all experience levels...

Foxwoods Resort Casino

Foxwoods Resort Casino

Foxwoods Resort Casino celebrated its 30th anniversary by introducing a variety of new...


Ampersand is a technology and data company that is the largest source of information and...


Known for their colorful, instantly recognizable and influencer-favorite countertop appliances, Italian kitchen brand SMEG tasked 5W with...



5W Digital client, SmartThings by Samsung, offers customers the option to connect devices and technologies to achieve one connected smart home...



As agency-of-record for the largest black-owned and operated multi-media company, 5W has been instrumental in the enormous momentum of this hip-hop platform...


Zeta Global, the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud founded by serial tech entrepreneur David A. Steinberg and...


Casio's famously indestructible G-SHOCK watch is celebrating its 40th anniversary.


Xaxis combines unique brand-safe media access, unrivaled programmatic expertise, and 360-degree data with proprietary artificial intelligence to help global brands achieve the outcomes they value from their digital media investments...



ThriftBooks is the largest online seller of previously owned books. The team was hired to...

Rainbow Light

Rainbow Light

Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems, the number-one most trusted natural vitamin brand, entered the vitamin and supplement industry more...



AvidXchange is the industry leader in automating invoice and payment processes for mid-market businesses...


Sedgwick is a global, third-party claims administrator that works with 78 of the Fortune...

The Paley Center For Media

The Paley Center For Media

To celebrate the holiday season, the Paley Center for Media - the iconic cultural institution that has...


E2open is a leading network-based provider of mission-critical, cloud-based...

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams

5W worked to breathe new life into the existing Brewer Experienceship program from Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream, in order to secure national visibility and amplify program awareness...


Axiom Space represents a vision of the highest order: to advance human progress via access to the frontier of space...



5W Digital was tasked with increasing brand awareness and consideration of GetYourGuide travel experiences as the perfect gift for travel lovers...

It's a 10!

It's a 10 Haircare is the go-to haircare brand for salon professionals and clients across the world... offers an e-commerce platform that is changing the way drivers shop for auto parts and repair their vehicles...

The Pioneer Woman Collection

The Pioneer Woman Collection

Ree Drummond, known as The Pioneer Woman, tasked 5W with establishing her lifestyle produc...

Check Point

Check Point

For the last three decades, Check Point Technologies has set the standard for...

Harvest Host

Harvest Host

Harvest Hosts, a membership club for RVers, offers unique overnight...

The Mane Choice

The Mane Choice

5W was tasked with boosting the presence of the multicultural hair care brand, The Mane Choice, and its CEO & Founder...


RealPage is a leading global provider of software and data analytics to the real estate industry...


Founded by a breastfeeding mom, Lansinoh has been dedicated to supporting new moms for nearly 40 years...

Career Builder

Career Builder

CareerBuilder is a leading talent acquisition company that helps companies find and hire great talent and supports job seekers as they build their careers...


PopSockets, founded by a philosophy professor, created the expandable phone grip category-...


Hibob is an online software that allows companies to bridge the gap between mangers, employees, and HR teams. The platform resembles...

Delta Children

Delta Children

Over 50 years ago, Delta Children was founded by Louis Shamie Sr. to revolutionize the idea of making safe...


goTRG transforms returns into profit-driven opportunities for the world's largest retailers an...


Servcorp is a leading provider of office space solutions for businesses, offering both shared...


Founded in 2005 by Tiffany R. Warren, ADCOLOR is the premier organization dedicated to celebrating and championing diverse professionals in the creative industries...


CommerceIQ is a leading retail e-commerce management platform, unlocking profitable...


Over 4 million babies are born in the U.S. each year, making new and expecting parents one of the biggest consumer markets of purchasing...


5W began its strategic partnership with RxAdvance to build an industry-leading media profile for the company and executive team, including Ravi Ika, CEO and John Sculley, CMO...


Petsmile© is the first pet toothpaste awarded the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal.


RENPHO is a global technology and wellness brand with a mission to create an ecosystem of...

H&H Bagels

H&H Bagels, an iconic New York City brand since 1972, has announced for the first time in its 50-...



Storyblocks, a stock media company that was recently recognized by Inc. Magazine as the fourth fastest growing media company in the...



CBDistillery™, the flagship brand of Balanced Health Botanicals, was founded in 2016 with the...


CoinFlip is the leading Bitcoin ATM operator globally, with over 2,500 machines across 47...

Luna Park

Every April, Luna Park in Coney Island celebrates the official opening of the Coney Island Amusement District....


Across sixteen countries worldwide, Adzuna is a top job search engine that helps pair eager job-...


New York Cruise Lines is the parent company of the iconic Circle Line and other industry-leading travel, hospitality and restaurant businesses...


Sezzle, the fastest growing, buy now, pay later platform, tasked 5W with publicizing their initial public offering...


VIZIO is the #1 American-based TV brand and America's #1 Sound Bar Company...


5W was engaged by Solidify Sinclair, one of the nation's leading broadcasters, to leverage...


Founded in 1956, Payless has focused on creating trend-right comfortable footwear at a great value...


To celebrate International Trading Card Day, Topps launched its second annual cross-country pop-up truck tour to honor the love of trading card collecting nationwide...


To promote brand awareness and recognize World AIDS Day and AIDS Awareness Month.

Duane Reade

Duane Reade

Duane Reade, a subsidiary of the Walgreen Company, is the New York metro area's largest...

Spring Owl

Jason Ader is CEO of SpringOwl Asset Management LLC, a New York-based independent sponsor and buyout firm...


Ethique is on a mission to rid the world of plastic waste with its zero-waste bars, from shampoo to serum to baby care and home products....


Avant, a fast growing marketplace platform that is lowering the costs and barriers of borrowing fo...


KRUPS is a brand dedicated to precision and technical perfection...


Bespoke Companies are comprised of ultra-luxury high-end real estate and marketing firms led by Zachary and Cody Vichinsky...


ZICO Coconut Water, owned by the Coca-Cola company...

Santa Margherita

Santa Margherita

World-renowned Italian winery, Santa Margherita, partnered with 5W to help the brand stand out in a crowded wine category and Increase brand awareness, drive sales, and position...


SodaStream, the makers of in-home sparkling water machines, tasked 5W to promote their limited-edition '90s-style machine through...


Payoneer, a financial services company that facilitates cross-border B2B...

Green Beret

Green Beret

The Green Beret Foundation, a premier organization dedicated to supporting soldiers...


Founded in 2018, Choco is a free digital tool and app for restaurants and their suppliers to engage in a more efficient...


Cortera, a big data provider, had been around for a decade. They collect timely spending information from more than a million small and medium-sized companies, stretching across 100 industries...

Jerusalem Venture Partners

Jerusalem Venture Partners

Founded in 1993 under the famed Yozma program by Dr. Erel Margalit, Jerusalem Venture...



5W was tasked with elevating premier online trading platform TradeStation's...

Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart, a global fashion and lifestyle brand, has propelled itself to be on the vanguard of social commerce...

Camp Bow Wow

Camp Bow Wow

Camp Bow Wow is a leading Doggy Day and Overnight Camp providing...


T-fal, the leading global manufacturer of non-stick cookware and small kitchen appliances,...


AirHelp, a Berlin-based air passenger rights company, engaged 5W Public Relations to build its..

Cooks Venture

Cooks Venture

Cooks Venture is a food startup committed to regenerative agriculture practices, meaning the...


5W was tasked by My/Mo Mochi Ice Cream to ideate and create...


TUSHY is a toilet crusader, fighting for clean bums and reduce global wastefulness that comes from producing and...


All-Clad tasked 5W with executing an integrated launch campaign in support of the brand's newest electric introduction to the U.S. market, the Prep&Cook - a cooking food processor...

Baxter Of California

Baxter Of California

5W partnered with Baxter of California to grow awareness across a female demographic by...

Perry Mackin

Perry Mackin

Perry Mackin is a luxury lifestyle brand providing innovative baby products such as baby bottles, backpacks...


GAEA, leading Greek culinary brand, underwent a rebranding, transitioning away from celebrity-...

John Sculley

John Sculley

Former Apple and Pepsi CEO John Sculley approached 5WPR after having...

Ruby Love

Ruby Love is a pioneer in period apparel and the femtech industry. Founded in 2015, CEO Crystal Etienne developed a smart, intuitive...

Colman's Mustard

Colman's Mustard

Colman's Mustard, a brand in the Unilever portfolio, engaged 5W Public Relations to break...


CheapOair is the first flights-focused hybrid travel agency that enables consumers to book their accommodations online, on its...


Persona, a Nestle Health Science (NHSc) company, creates science-backed, uniquely...

Millenium Hotels

Millenium Hotels

5WPR was initially engaged to work specifically on the Millennium Broadway Hotel New York. Afte...


Lycored, the global leader in natural carotenoids for food, beverage and dietary supplement...

Jackie Robinson Foundation

Jackie Robinson Foundation

Established in 1973, the Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) is the nation's premier...


5W was tasked with the goal of securing widespread media coverage for search intelligence and premium intent data provider, Captify,...


Loacker, the #1 global wafer cookie brand, tasked 5W with creating a campaign that would bring awareness to the...


5W was tasked with activating a strategic product launch for Lagostina in partnership with celebrity chef, Giada De Laurentiis...

GNC Digital

GNC Digital

GNC, facing significant challenges due to dramatic changes in the retail industry and a series of product setbacks, unfortunately, filed for bankruptcy in 2020.


Datamaran is a data driven, materiality and ESG risk management platform that helps compani...


With the goal of generating national mainstream press interest, 5WPR convinced Emjay to offer a...


Epignosis is a trusted learning technology partner trusted by more than 70,000...

Columbia Care

Columbia Care

Columbia Care is one of the largest and most experienced cultivators, manufacturers and...

The Brotherhood Sister Sol

The Brotherhood Sister Sol

The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis) is a Harlem-based social justice and youth organization where Black and Latinx youth claim the power of their history, identity and community to build the future they want to see...

William Murray Golf

William Murray Golf

Inspired by Bill Murray and his brothers' off-the-cuff mentality, William Murray Golf was built wit...


Our client CaratLane, the #1 Indian jeweler in the world, signed on with 5W Digital to improve...


Essence cosmetics provides user-friendly and affordable makeup options that bring joy to the often-serious world of beauty...

Extract Labs

Extract Labs

Extract Labs is an industry-leading purveyor of fine CBD products, including CBD oil tinctures and...


Lumenis, Inc., the world's largest energy-based medical device company for aesthetic, surgical,...


harmati is a modern home décor brand under Bedshe International Company, Ltd. Driven by...

Nations Photo Lab

Nations Photo Lab

Nations Photo Lab is a leading professional photo printing lab that offers the highest quality photo...

Standard General

Standard General

Standard General is a strategic investor focused on media and gaming industries...

740 Park Plastic Surgery

740 Park Plastic Surgery

Dr. Stafford Broumand is a New York-based, board-certified plastic surgeon who offers a...

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) is the largest and most experienced youth mentoring organization in the US with a mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth...

Xplor Technologies

Xplor Technologies

Xplor Technologies tasked 5W Digital to manage all global social media channels with the goal of...

Yoto Player

Yoto Player

Yoto Player is a screen-free audio speaker for kids designed to safely give children full control over their listening...


Nanobébé is the first and only baby bottle designed to preserve essential breastmilk...


Owlet Baby Care is a health technology company founded by a team of parents in 2013 focused o...


Tineco is an innovative technology company specializing in intelligent technology, a premium...


Inspired, designed and created by Whoopi Goldberg, DUBGEE is a newly launched national fashion and lifestyle brand...

Pacific Shaving

Pacific Shaving

Pacific Shaving Company began in 2002 with a clear goal: to radically improve the daily shavin...


AgAmerica is a non-bank lender that builds low-interest rate agricultural loans to provide...


cbdMD is one of the leading and most highly trusted and recognized CBD brands on the...


ThirdLove, approached 5W after noticing a sexist Calvin Klein billboard that had been erected in...


Intelligent marketing platform Skai powers brand insights, decisions, and execution for faster, more...



YellowHeart is an NFT mint and wallet system that allows for the issuance of large-scale commercial grade NFTs (non-fungible tokens)...

Balanced Health Botanicals

Balanced Health Botanicals

Fellow Barber

Fellow Barber

Fellow Barber, a brand of barbershops with 15+ locations across Los Angeles, New York City and...


HomeLight is an essential technology platform used by hundreds of thousands of homebuyers and sellers to partner... Group (Nasdaq: GAMB) owns and operates more than 50 websites that give leads...


DailyPay is an on-demand financial platform that grants employees access to their earnings in real-time...

Neat Burger

Neat Burger

Neat Food Co., a food tech company offering ethical, sustainable, and delicious plant-based...


HIGHLANDER is the world's first and largest global long-distance hiking event series.

The Westminster Kennel Club

The Westminster Kennel Club

The Westminster Kennel Club, founded in 1877, is the oldest dog-sports organization in the U.S.,...

Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee, the World's Strongest Coffee, celebrated National Coffee Day with a suite of...

Chamber Magic

Chamber Magic

Chamber Magic, presented by Steve Cohen, the Millionaire's Magician, is an intimate, luxury...

The Children's Place

The Children's Place

5W worked as an extension of The Children's Place, Inc. team to brainstorm, develop and...

1800 Tequila

1800 Tequila

1800 Tequila, a once urban-centric brand, hired 5WPR to reposition the brand into the...

World Spa

Two high-velocity trends inspired the founders of World Spa. First: we live in a wellness-obsessed...


Quince was founded to challenge the existing idea that nice things must cost a lot.


5W was tapped to expand Veestro's notoriety on a national level while continuing to position the...

So Good So You

So Good So You

5W was tasked with positioning So Good So You as an industry leader within the plant-based...


McCafé tasked 5W to drive brand awareness around bottled McCafé Frappés while positionin...

Black Button Distilling

Black Button Distilling

5W was tasked with supporting the brand's cause-related initiatives throughout a multi-year...

Jung Lee

5W was tasked with promoting Jung Lee products in print and digital gift guides and driv...



5W was challenged with elevating Framebridge's media profile and boosting brand visibility on B2...

Salon Du Chocolat

Salon Du Chocolat

5W was tasked with creating media momentum leading up to the opening of Salon du Chocolat...

Field Roast

Field Roast

5W was tasked with utilizing a network of micro/mid-tier influencers to heighten brand...

Fellow Barber

Fellow Barber, a brand of barbershops with more than 15 locations across Los Angeles, New York City and...

Freight Farms

Freight Farms

Freight Farms pioneered the concept of the container farm, an innovation that set the stage...

G-Shock Digital

G-Shock Digital

G-SHOCK was introduced in 1983, which is officially defined as the paleolithic era of...


The agency was hired to close the digital divide between BUILT's then-current social marketing...



Dr. Shelby Harris is a NY-based sleep expert and clinical phycologist who specializes in behaviora...


Boost the presence and encourage purchases of South Korean beauty brand Medicube's medical-gradedevices and skincare products following their U.S. launch.

Brooklyn Bedding

Brooklyn Bedding

5W used media relations tactics to successfully execute 10+ new product launches and garner more than 1B media impressions for Brooklyn Bedding.

Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier

Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier

Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier is one of the finest and newest 5-star hotels in Morocco that mirrors Tangier's seductive charm with luxurious hospitality.


SAP National Security Services Inc. (SAP NS2), a subsidiary of the Fortune 500 software company SAP...


VIZIO is a leading HDTV company and the #1 sound

Female Beauty Execs

Female Beauty Execs

The 5W Beauty division has done a fantastic job of highlight its female CEOs and founders as a way to elevate their brands...

Rheem Bell

Edward Mermelstein is a real estate attorney, international consultant, and co-founder of the international boutique law firm Rheem Bell...

Robert Amsterdam

Robert Amsterdam

Robert Amsterdam is a renowned international attorney with London and Washington, D.C.-based Amsterdam & Partners. Mr. Amsterdam...


Triangle Assets, a premier, New York City-based commercial real estate developer, came to 5W with two objectives...


Verzasca Group, a South Florida-based residential and commercial...

Sergeant's Benevolent Association

Sergeant's Benevolent Association

The NYPD's Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) is the...

Disaster Recovery Institute DRI

Disaster Recovery Institute DRI

5W Public Relations represents Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI), the largest disaster preparedness and recovery certification...

Indie Beauty Expo

Indie Beauty Expo

Indie Beauty Expo (IBE) is the largest professionally-curated exposition of independent beauty,...

Millennium Hotels

Millennium Hotels

5WPR was initially engaged to work specifically on the Millennium Broadway Hotel New York...

Tropical Smoothie Café

Tropical Smoothie Café

Tropical Smoothie Cafe is on a mission to inspire a healthier lifestyle by serving food and smoothies with a bit...

Fitz & Floyd

Fitz & Floyd

Over the past 50 years, Fitz and Floyd has become a leader in the...

Miami Fashion Week

Miami Fashion Week

Miami Fashion Week is the second largest fashion event...

Two Roots

Two Roots Brewing Co., the world's first line of non-alcoholic...


In our second year working with Vangst, a leading recruitment...

New York Comedy Festival

New York Comedy Festival

The New York Comedy Festival, produced by 5W's client Caroline's on Broadway, is a week-long event featuring over 200 comedians...


Wendy Williams is a media mogul, actress, comedian, entrepreneur, designer, and New York Times best-selling author, who...

Voices Against Brain Cancer

Voices Against Brain Cancer

Voices Against Brain Cancer's mission is to help find for a cure for brain cancer...


Loosid, an innovative app for the sober community, tasked 5W to facilitate their New York City launch event...


As agency of record for Decléor Paris, 5W Public Relations was tasked to...

Cure Urgent Care

Cure Urgent Care

The urgent care trend continues to surge nationwide as the delivery model for health care to shift...

Electra Meccanica

Electra Meccanica

Founded in 2015, Electra Meccanica is a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicles. With a passion to develop affordable...


GNC is a leading global health and wellness brand that provides high quality science-based products and solutions...


Increase Jamf's media presence and solidify the company as the standard in Apple Enterprise Management software....


Five9 is an industry-leading provider of cloud contact center solutions, bringing the power of cloud...

Acker Wines

Acker Wines

Established in 1820, Acker is the oldest wine shop in America and the world's largest fine and rare wine auction house...


Based in Palo Alto, California, Archer is creating the world's first electric airline to quickly, sustainably and cost-effectively move people in and around dense cities.

Big Cork Vineyards

Big Cork Vineyards

Big Cork Vineyards makes award-winning Maryland wine under the guidance of master winemaker David Collins.

Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin IRA

Bitcoin IRA, is the world's first, largest, and most secure digital asset IRA technology platform that allows users to purchase...

Bowlero Corporation

Bowlero Corporation

Bowlero Corporation (formerly Bowlmor AMF) is the largest owner and operator of bowling centers...

Gray Line New York

Gray Line New York

Gray Line New York, New York City's iconic double-decker tour bus company has been a proud staple of the New York City tourism industry since...

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

5W Public Relations was hand-picked by the Washington, DC Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project to lead...

The Buoniconti Fund - Destination Fashion

The Buoniconti Fund - Destination Fashion

The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis (TBF), a non-profit organization, is the fundraising arm of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis

Pritikin Center

Pritikin Center

Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa is a world-renowned health center in Miami, FL.


Cleancult is a leader in the zero waste cleaning category, using only non-toxic, natural ingredients, and zero plastic.


CLMBR, maker of the first connected vertical climbing machine with on-demand, instructor-led classes and an ergonomic design


Since 1972 CURAPROX has stood for knowledge, and the transfer of skills to ensure perfect oral care and oral health


Curated Mental Health is an innovative psychiatric practice that prioritizes accessibility for patients and provides quality mental health care for... is at the forefront of the online dating world, offering an unmatched global reach. Launched in 1993.

The Kellman Center

The Kellman Center

Raphael Kellman, MD and Founder of the Kellman Center, is a functional and integrative medicine expert

Dragontail Systems

Dragontail Systems

Dragontail Systems is revolutionizing the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) and foodservice industry, through software that optimizes the entire restaurant kitchen, order and delivery process for global brands and local mom and pops.


For almost 50 years, Epicor Software Corporation has specialized in helping its customers grow their businesses, expand their capabilities, increase their productivity, and improve efficiencies


GoPuff is an on-demand convenience store delivery service available in 23 cities.


GRUBBRR is a technology company delivering ordering solutions for small to large companies across different verticals including QSR and fast-casual restaurants, stadiums, movie theaters, casinos, retailers, and more.

Gulliver's Gate

Gulliver's Gate

Gulliver's Gate is a tourist attraction in Times Square featuring more than 300 built-to-scale models of scenes from around the world

Usana Health Sciences

Usana Health Sciences

USANA challenged 5W Public Relations to produce a strategic PR campaign that emphasizes its category leadership, as well as leverages its U.S. marketing initiatives to garner effective media coverage.

MVP Collections

MVP Collections

MVP Collections creates clothing for the big and tall man who's looking for stylish options

Nations Photo Lab

Nations Photo Lab is a leading professional photo printing lab that offers the highest quality photo gifts & prints.

Newport Academy

Newport Academy

Newport Academy, leading nationwide healing centers for adolescents and families struggling with mental health issues

Paris Baguette

Paris Baguette

Paris Baguette is a global brand operating corporate and franchise bakery-cafés, focused on handmade quality product, meticulous craftsmanship, and reliability.


Pildora, the world's first luxury lifestyle brand dedicated to sustainable fashion and entertainment, launched the

Rand Luxury

Rand Luxury

RAND Luxury hosts The Luxury Escape each year during the Sundance Film Festival, which offers a unique experience of

Sparkling Ice

Sparkling Ice beverages are made with sparkling water, real fruit flavor, vitamins, antioxidants, and naturally sourced colors.

Stand Up For Heroes

Stand Up For Heroes

New York's annual Stand Up For Heroes event is a night of giving back, where top comedians and musical


Tappit, the global cashless and data experts, is on a mission to help bring live event organizers, sports teams and venues closer to their customers.

Tavern On The Green

Tavern On The Green

As a Central Park staple, the historic Tavern on the Green has been capturing the spirit of New York City since 1934. In 2014

Ventus At Marina EL CID SPA & Beach Resort

Ventus At Marina EL CID SPA & Beach Resort

El Cid Resorts is where authentic Mexican hospitality sets the stage for extraordinary vacations. The family-owned resort operates

Disaster Recovery Institute

Disaster Recovery Institute


Verzasca Group

Rheem Bell & Mermelstein

Rheem Bell & Mermelstein

Robert Amsterdam

The Lumistella Company

The Lumistella Company, home to the iconic The Elf on the Shelf, has grown from a successful product-focused business into a "story-first" global IP company.



Powered by AI-driven proprietary technology, Blackbird.AI protects organizations from narrative attacks created by misinformation and disinformation that cause financial and reputational harm.


Bark is a digital safety solution and app that uses advanced algorithms to detect and proactively alert parents to issues their children face online such as cyberbullying, sexting, signs of depression and signs of suicidal thoughts.


Award-winning hair care brand DevaCurl aimed to generate authentic storytelling...

The Doux

Amplifying inspirational founder voices is a crucial approach to elevating brand connection and visibility...


Best known for its viral Thermal Brush with over 150M+ views on TikTok...

Manuba Health

Manuba Health

In launching Manuka Health's new skincare category to market, 5W ideated and...

Beyond a Hero

Beyond a Hero

essence Makeup is often known best for its star product, Lash Princess, hailed as... no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Profile image of Cristina Potec

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Case Study: How PR Helped a Local Hospital Generate Positive News in a Pandemic

Amy stern - 02/18/2021.

By articulating the hospital’s unique selling proposition and distinguishing it from competitors, 3E Public Relations created a PR campaign that resulted in a windfall of media including local, regional and national news coverage.

case study on public relations

Research and Analysis: 3E Public Relations (3E PR) conducted primary and secondary perception studies to determine an effective media strategy that combined the needs of reporters with the unique selling proposition of Saint Peter’s University Hospital. The studies revealed that during COVID-19, news outlets were on overdrive, with every story somehow connected to the pandemic. As a healthcare institution, Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey had its share of COVID-19 patients, but the challenge was how to be heard above the cacophony of media pitches, especially those from significantly larger healthcare systems with greater name recognition. Adding to the challenge was the fact that we didn’t want the news to be about patient deaths or the number of patients on ventilators. Rather, we wanted to educate the public about the quality medical treatment and compassionate patient care that Saint Peter’s University Hospital provides.

As a single, independent hospital, Saint Peter’s is competing for media opportunities against mega healthcare systems comprised of multiple hospitals across numerous geographic locations. Here’s how we crafted a PR strategy that generated positive news in a pandemic:

Planning: In developing pitches to garner media attention, we created a central theme, “Compassionate Care During Crisis,” and established clear objectives to communicate these tenets. These objectives included:

  • Establishing brand leadership – promote Saint Peter’s strengths: standout provider in the area of maternal health; staff that prioritizes compassionate care and interpersonal connections on par with medical excellence.
  • Conveying public trust – reinforce messaging that conveys that patient safety is a priority with specifics that include a clear explanation of sanitization procedures, temperature and distancing protocols and strict visitor policies.
  • Delivering optimism – deliver first-hand accounts of success stories amidst a crisis: sisters sharing in the excitement of each other’s delivery, long-standing relationship between doctor and patient, and selfless devotion to the sickest of the sick in the ICU.

Execution:  Using the above objectives to guide us, we researched and vetted case studies while also culling the hospital’s internal newsletter for insights that would allow us to illustrate how these objectives came to life. It should be noted that we did not write a single press release to garner the results achieved. All placements were the result of brief, impactful pitches.

Our research resulted in three human interest stories that were able to garner coverage in almost every local outlet while also piquing the interest of New York City’s NBC affiliate. Each of these stories was ultimately featured on WNBC-TV, Channel 4 during the regular news broadcast, allowing Saint Peter’s to advance its brand recognition beyond county and state borders. Our efforts allowed a single, independent hospital to out-pitch and outplace not only New York City’s top hospitals, but many of those same hospitals that rank in the top 10 nationwide.

The three case studies and resulting segments included:

  • Sisters Give Birth on the Same Day Amidst Pandemic – while separated from each other due to COVID, two sisters were able to communicate via FaceTime and tapping on the common hospital wall that divided them.

case study on public relations

  • OB/GYN Joins Forces with the Patient She Delivered 20 Years Ago to Improve Safety for Frontline Workers – Twenty years ago, Dr. Maureen Cernadas delivered Calista Kleintop. While a junior at Virginia Tech and majoring in material science and engineering, Kleintop used recyclable material provided by Cernadas to create surgical-grade masks for the hospital where she was born and Cernadas still practices.

Those human-interest stories brought the theme of “Compassionate Care During Crisis” to life with a focus on Saint Peter’s medical staff, as well as its patients. In addition, we secured two high-profile interviews for Saint Peter’s CEO by pitching a story with the hook , “A Different Perspective: Smaller Hospitals and How They are Navigating COVID-19.”

This pitch resulted in back-to-back placements in New Jersey’s leading business publications: ROI-NJ and NJBIZ. Our pitch presented the concept that there are countless COVID-19 stories about how hospitals are coping during the pandemic, especially from the perspective of big healthcare systems, but there is also value in understanding how a smaller hospital manages a crisis. Are the challenges the same as larger healthcare systems or even more taxing? Are there advantages to less bureaucracy? What’s the current status regarding available PPEs, nursing staff, beds, etc.?

Results: We achieved our objective to secure media that highlighted Saint Peter’s quality medical care and its staff’s compassionate care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Placements included local, regional and national coverage across print, broadcast and digital media.

  • WNBC-TV, New York Channel 4
  • WPIX, New York Channel 11
  • Home News Tribune
  • Courier News
  • Star Ledger
  • Metuchen Mirror
  • The Catholic Spirit
  • Tapinto New Brunswick

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Why use case studies? 

Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals or groups. Case studies can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and often combine elements of both. In Public Relations, case studies:

  • Identify the challenge a particular customer faces
  • Describe the solution provided by the company
  • Illustrate the measurable results gained from using the service
  • Arthur W. Page Society (Note: Case study archives are now accessed from the bottom of the page.) Includes original case studies written by students enrolled in an accredited school of business, communication or journalism and who are pursuing a degree that is focused on corporate communications and the practice of public relations.
  • PR Council Case Studies Includes case studies, best practices and research to promote public relations.

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COMM 4323 - Case Studies in Public Relations: Syllabus

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  • COMM 4323 -Sylabus - summer 2017

The University of Texas at El Paso University Connect Department of Communication COMM 4323: Case Studies in Public Relations CRN: 35158


Required Materials: All resources required for this course are available as a Library Guide through UTEPs Library. Please check the course’s blackboard page to access the readings.


Instructor: MBA/MA Eli Garcia Email: [email protected]  Office: COTTON 205 Phone: (915) 747- 5310 Office hours: by appointment


Course Description: This course studies the role of public relations in organizational problem solving practices. Through the analysis of real–life cases you will study how the functions of public relations help manage and reconcile the conflicts/challenges that arise between an organization and its diverse stakeholders.

Course Learning Objectives: • Examine the role of public relations in organizational problem solving practices • Identify the roles of communication strategies in organizational public relations plan • Analyze real-life case studies • Compare and contrast different organizational public relations situations

Technology Requirements This course is presented in the Blackboard learning management system. To ensure your success in accessing your course materials and completing your assignments, it is recommended that you ensure your computer setup for this class meets the following minimum requirements: 1. Broadband Internet connection, such as cable or DSL 2. A modern computer (PC or Mac), no more than four years old, with the following minimum configuration:

  • Processor: Dual-core or better, at least 2 GHZ
  • RAM: 2 GB or better
  • Operating System: Windows 7 or 8, or Mac OS X 10.6.8 or better
  • A computer headset is recommended (microphone and earphone set).
  • The hands-free option for your telephone will work in most cases.

Tech Support : The University of Texas at El Paso offers complete technical information and online help desk support at


  • 8 Weekly Discussions (Post and Replies)
  • 3 Case Study Written Reports
  • 1 Reflection Paper

Weekly Discussions (8 @ 50 points each, due weekly):

Every week we will discuss a series of different topics related to the course’s material. This is a great opportunity to share your perspectives on the PR strategies applied in each of the case studies that we will analyze through our course. You will be asked to post an initial response to the week’s discussion question/s and then post 2 replies to classmates. As always, the golden rule of public relation applies: all postings should be professional, respectful and relevant to the focus of the discussion. Your postings and replies will be graded based on the following rubric:


Initial reply was posted on time, meets the length requirement, and directly answers the discussion question(s). Excellent replies often include quotes from reading material.

Initial reply was posted on time, meets the length requirement, and answers the discussion question(s).

Initial reply was posted late or does not meet the length requirement. However, the post still directly answers the discussion question(s).

The initial reply is missing or does not answer the discussion question(s).


First peer reply was posted on time and contributes meaningfully to the discussion by introducing new perspectives.

First peer reply contributes meaningfully to the discussion.

First peer reply was late but still contributes to the discussion.

First peer reply is missing or only states “I agree” or “I disagree” without advancing


Second peer reply was posted on time and contributes meaningfully to the discussion by introducing new perspectives.

Second peer reply contributes meaningfully to the discussion.

Second peer reply was late but still contributes to the discussion.

Second peer reply is missing or only states “I agree” or “I disagree” without advancing the discussion in any way.

Case Study Written Reports (3@ 150 points each, due week 2,4,6):

You will also have the opportunity to analyze, critique and report on 3 real-life public relations case studies. Case studies will be available through the Library Guide (from the UTEP Library) on your blackboard page.

Please follow the instructions and rubric mentioned below:

  • Your individual written reports should be around 5 -7 pages.
  • They should demonstrate an in-depth written analysis-critique of the assigned case.
  • Make sure you answer the required questions in paragraph format.
  • Please follow APA style and provide a reference page.


10 Points

Give a short summary of the situation ( cited in APA style)

Identify key players in the case study (organizations, executives, media outlets, etc.)

10 points


20 points

(Answers to Case Questions)

50 points


30 points

What did you learn from this case?

From a approach, what would be your 4 recommendations for public relations professionals?

30 points

Reflection Paper 1@150 points (due week 7): You will write a final reflection paper. The purpose of this assignment is to take a moment and analyze how the topics/concepts discussed throughout our course can help you become a more competitive professional in the field of PR.

  • Based on all of your readings in this course, reflect on the diverse PR concepts
  • presented in the course by writing a 3-5 page reflection paper.

Reflect and include the following:

  • Describe which case study you enjoyed the most. Provide an explanation, including an overview of the case study and the details you found particularly insightful.
  • Describe how the material covered in this course might help you become a more competitive professional/PR communicator
  • Provide three specific examples directly related to how you can apply the PR knowledge learned in class to your chosen professional/academic life

Your paper should include :

  • An introduction
  • Proper transitions between sections (include section titles)
  • Strong conclusion/closing statement .
  • Use proper citations where applicable.

Minimum of three pages in length (excluding cover and reference pages).


Introduction, Sections, and Conclusion.


Proper citations, as applicable.



GRADING This course is ambitious and requires your active participation. Students can earn up to 1000 points. Grades will be based on the following scale: A= 1000-900 points B= 899-800 points C= 799-700 points D= 600-699 points F= 599 points and below

Discussions (8 @ 50 points ) = 400 points

Case Studies (3 @ 150 points) = 450 points

Reflection Paper = 150 points


Total Points = 1000 points

COURSE CALENDAR The instructor reserves the right to make necessary changes in the schedule/calendar/assignments depending on the needs of the class.




Discussion 1: Introductions

Initial Post: Wednesday May 17th, 11:00 PM MST

Reply: Saturday May 20th, 11:00 PM MST





Discussion 2: Key Concepts of Public Relations

Initial Discussion Post: Thursday May 18th, 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday May 21th , 11:00 PM MST






Discussion: Domino's

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday May 24th, 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday May 28th, 11:00 PM MST






Assignment Case Study Domino's

Assignment Submission: Sunday May 28th, 11:00 PM MST





Discussion: Chipotle

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday May 31st 11:00 PM MTS

Replies: Sunday June 4th 11:00 PM MTS







Discussion: Zombies Gone Viral

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June 7th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday June11th 11:00 PM MST







Assignment Case Study: Zombies Gone Viral

Assignment Submission: Sunday June11th 11:00 PM MST






Discussion: Orlando Magic

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June14th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday June 18th 11:00 PM MST







Discussion: British Petroleum

Initial Discussion Post: Wednesday June 21th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday June 25th 11:00 PM MST






Assignment Case Study: BP's Oil Spill

Assignment Submission: Sunday June 25th MST







Discussion: The Titanic

Initial Discussion Post : Wednesday June 28th 11:00 PM MST

Replies: Sunday July 2nd 11:00 PM MST






Assignment: Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper Submission: Sunday July 2nd MST by 11:00 PM MST



What to Expect from the Instructor The best way to communicate with your instructor is via email. Always include in the subject of your email “Online COMM 4323” When sending an email and your name. All emails will be answered within 48 hrs. Graded assignments will be posted a week after the submission date.

Participation Your active participation extremely important! There will be an opportunity to discuss and interact with classmates through discussion questions and assignments, which will be graded. Please refer to the “Assignments and Grading” sections for discussion questions and assignments’ points and value.

Academic Dishonesty Statement

Academic dishonesty is prohibited and is considered a violation of the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures. It includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion.

  • Cheating may involve copying from or providing information to another student, possessing unauthorized materials during a test, or falsifying research data on laboratory reports.
  • Plagiarism occurs when someone intentionally or knowingly represents another person’s words or ideas as his or her own.
  • Collusion involves unauthorized collaboration with another person or group to commit any academically dishonest act.

Any act of academic dishonesty attempted by a UTEP student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Violations will be taken seriously and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for possible disciplinary action. Students may be suspended or expelled from UTEP for such actions. You can find more information in the UTEP Handbook of Operating Procedures, under the heading “ Alleged Student Scholastic Dishonesty ,” and in the Regents’ Rules and Regulations.

Late Policy Deadlines for all quizzes, discussion questions and written assignments will be strictly enforced. No quizzes, discussion questions or written assignments will be accepted after deadline. Missing a deadline is equivalent of not doing the assignment. PR professionals must meet strict deadlines. Students are expected to do the same.

Library Information

Access the UTEP Library by visiting

Disability Statement

If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact The Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at 747-5148, or by email at [email protected], or visit the office located in UTEP Union East, Room 106. For additional information, please visit the CASS website at Have a great learning experience!

Responsible, Ethical and Effective Electronic Communication

It is important to share a word of caution so we can become wiser about interpersonal distance learning communications. In an online environment, many of the feelings or impressions that are transmitted via body language in face-to-face communications are lost. Consequently, interpreting emotions and innuendos can be difficult. Only what is written, or drawn, carries the message. Often, excitement can be misinterpreted as anger or insult. We all need to keep this in mind as we communicate. Words in print may seem harmless, but they can injure us emotionally when working at a distance. Hence, we must be conscious of how we communicate while working at a distance and use good netiquette, that is, online communication etiquette. For example, your classmates may not know who is posting a comment, so clearly identify yourself when posting to a discussion board. Furthermore, avoid using all capital letters in electronic communication, as all caps come across as shouting. The standard netiquette for participation in networked discussion requires that all comments focus on the topic at hand, without becoming personalized, and be substantive in nature. In other words, you certainly may disagree with others, but you must do so respectfully. You may express strong beliefs or emotions, but you may not get so carried away that you lose all perspective on the course itself. You can find more information on netiquette, the etiquette of Internet communication, at

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Public Relations vs. Communications: What's the Difference?

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From startups and small businesses to massive corporations and global nonprofits, effective communication is the backbone of any successful organization. Clear communication allows companies to disseminate crucial information to stakeholders while fostering a culture of transparency and credibility. Everything from advertising and brand identity to crisis management and employee engagement hinges on strong communication. 

Many people assume that the field of communications is synonymous with public relations (PR), marketing, media relations, or journalism. However, these are distinct areas that differ significantly in their scope, practice, and purpose. This blog focuses on the key differences between the broad field of communications and the more specialized domain of public relations. Keep reading to discover how these fields compare and to explore how both are essential in shaping organizational messaging.

Public Relations vs. Communications 

At its most basic level, communication is the exchange of knowledge. It can occur through many channels, including face-to-face interactions, digital platforms, or print media. The communications sector encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including public relations. While they overlap in many ways, public relations and communications are two distinct industries. 

Public Relations Overview: 

Public relations focuses on maintaining the public perception of a company or brand. PR involves proactive measures, such as announcing a new product launch or merger, as well as reactive measures, such as responding to negative press coverage. Public relations professionals cultivate a positive image of an organization among external stakeholders, including potential customers and investors. Using press releases, news conferences, interviews, and other communication strategies, PR professionals carefully manage how information is shared with the public. 

Consider the following example of a PR response: In 2018, Procter & Gamble (P&G) had to address the "Tide Pod Challenge," a social media trend where people were consuming laundry detergent packets. P&G's public relations team implemented a crisis management plan to reduce injuries caused by this dangerous fad and mitigate brand damage. They released public service announcements, social media posts, and a video featuring an NFL player to explain the risks of the "challenge" and discourage people from participating. The story exemplifies how public relations strategies and effective crisis communication can preserve a company’s reputation amidst unexpected situations.

Communications Overview:  

Communications focuses on sharing information both internally and externally. Individuals with a communications degree can work in journalism, media relations, human resources, advertising, and several other fields. Some become communications managers who improve employee engagement, strengthen stakeholder relationships, and share company announcements through new media . Others enter marketing jobs ,  planning and implementing advertising campaigns to boost sales and increase customer retention. Communications majors can also become writers, editors, or reporters. 

The internet age has dramatically changed the communications field and opened a world of new opportunities. Communications professionals can use a variety of innovative techniques to increase profits, reinforce brand identity, and enhance an organization’s reach. 

Wendy’s digital marketing campaign is a prime example of creative communication in action. In 2017, the popular fast-food chain gained international attention by using its Twitter account to “roast” fast-food competitors. Instead of leveraging the social media platform for conventional advertisements, Wendy’s jokingly teased other restaurants. They engaged with customers in a casual, light-hearted, and even sarcastic manner that resonated with the younger demographic. The company’s humorous online persona wasn’t just entertaining—it was effective. Wendy’s net income increased from $129.6 million to $194 million, and they gained 300,000 Twitter followers over a single year. While this example involves a marketing campaign, the communications field expands far beyond marketing. It also comprises several other specialties, including corporate communication, stakeholder relationship building, and content creation.

Communications vs. Public Relations: Key Differences 

Communications covers a wide spectrum of activities that leverage internal and external communication channels. In a communications role, a professional might handle everything from employee management to social media marketing. A typical workday might involve developing strategies to increase employee efficiency and morale, organizing email campaigns, writing press releases, or evaluating the effectiveness of an advertisement. Communications professionals often collaborate with colleagues in marketing, human resources, and other internal teams to ensure that communication strategies align with the greater organizational objectives.

In contrast, public relations has a more limited scope and primarily focuses on external communications. Professionals in a PR role handle reputation management, media relations, and crisis management. They ensure that a company or organization is viewed favorably by customers, clients, vendors, investors, and society in general. Working closely with marketing and legal teams, they make announcements, release statements, and organize events to promote the company. 

Building relationships is a fundamental aspect of public relations. PR professionals work to gain trust and credibility with the public while also maintaining positive relationships with media outlets, journalists, and reporters. They follow industry trends, research target audiences, and ensure that brand messaging is relevant and consistent across all communication channels. PR also involves representing the company during unexpected emergencies or scandals, such as data breaches, product recalls, or legal disputes.

Take Your Career to the Next Level  

If you’re interested in a career in public relations, communications, or a related field, a degree from WGU can help you reach your goals. Our Bachelor of Science in Communications (BSC) degree can equip you with in-demand skills in KPI evaluation, communications planning, AI and technology resources, and other essential subjects. The degree program also includes three WGU certificates in strategic thinking and innovation, business power skills, and strategic communications.

At WGU, our online degree programs allow you to study when and where it's convenient for you. Whether you’re a working professional, a busy parent, or a recent high school graduate, our flexible programs can meet your needs. WGU’s competency-based education model means that instead of waiting until the end of the term to advance, you can pass courses as soon as you demonstrate mastery of the material. This format allows many students to graduate sooner and save on tuition costs. Take the next step toward a rewarding career by applying today! 

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