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A Guide to Writing A Criminology Personal Statement

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If you are interested in criminology, it’s about time you pursue your dream. Take a step by applying for a career course in any reputable institution. Sending out your application is not enough. You need to include a compelling personal statement. The criminology degree personal statement examples below is an excellent guide.

A personal statement allows you to market your skills and highlight your qualifications. If you have no idea how to write a personal statement, you’ll find some good samples in this article that will guide you. 

What Is A Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a document that expresses your reason for wanting to study criminology and describes any relevant experience or skills you have. Writing a personal criminology statement can be pretty tricky, but you must include all the relevant information about yourself.

In your statement, highlight your academic achievements and experience in the field of criminology. Explain your interest and motivation in studying criminology and detail what you’ll do after graduation.

Criminology Degree Personal Statement Examples

woman wearing academic cap and dress selective focus photography

I am interested in studying criminology as it is a fascinating field that combines elements of psychology, sociology, and law. I want to gain an in-depth understanding of criminal behavior and the factors that contribute to it to help reduce crime rates. My previous academic achievements demonstrate my ability to engage with complex theoretical concepts. Studying Criminology at university will equip me with the skills needed to pursue a career in this area. Through volunteering work experience, I have gained knowledge of how the criminal justice system operates, which has further cemented my interest in this topic.

My name is Megan Skye, and I am interested in studying criminology. I first became aware of this field when I was working as a psychiatric nurse and saw the link between mental health and crime. Since then, I have become increasingly fascinated by why people commit crimes and what can be done to prevent them.

I know that criminology is a necessary discipline, not just for understanding crime but also for developing effective strategies to tackle it. This is something that inspires me to continue learning about it. In my current role as an A&E nurse, I frequently see the consequences of crime on individuals. So I am keen to learn more about how we can address this issue from a wider perspective.

I got interested in criminology through the media. This was because of the broadcast messages about crimes that happened all over the world. I was displeased that people could go to any length to commit certain crimes.

Is there a reason why they derive pleasure from committing crimes? Are there people who are born criminals? How can we reduce the rate of crime in society? As these questions filled my mind, I took an interest in certain crime stories. I once volunteered in my community. And that experience equipped me to communicate with the public and criminology requires one to be good with the public. I have leadership skills that will make me successful in this field.

When I was younger, I loved watching detective shows on TV. The mystery and puzzle-solving always appealed to me. And as I got older, I began to see the criminal justice system in a new light. Seeing how crimes are investigated and criminals brought to justice has sparked my interest in criminology. A field that combines psychology, law, sociology, and investigative skills. 

Obtaining a Criminology degree will allow me to understand crime from all angles; its causes, effects on society and potential prevention methods. I would also like to gain practical experience through work placements with Police forces or similar organizations involved in crime prevention/investigation. This course of study is the perfect next step for me: it is both stimulating intellectually and offers plenty of scope for personal growth.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a police officer. However, over time I realized that I was more interested in why people commit crimes than in catching criminals. This led me to enroll in an online criminology and criminal justice course. 

I have enjoyed learning about crime and the criminal justice system. My favorite module so Far has been juvenile delinquency, which looked at why young people break the law. In addition to my studies, I also work as a volunteer with young offenders trying to help them stay away from crime. 

Studying for a criminology degree will equip me with the skills needed to pursue a career in this field. Ultimately, I hope to work within law enforcement or social work, helping offenders in rehabilitation.

I have always been interested in how societies work and why people commit crimes. This interest led me to study criminology at university, where I developed an understanding of the complexities behind criminal behavior. The course has given me a strong foundation in the theories and methods used by researchers in this field. I am keen to continue my studies and further develop my knowledge of criminology, aiming to become a researcher one day.

My fascination in criminology was born from my exposure to new ideas and contrasting ideologies surrounding crime and justice. After spending time immersed in this field, I am drawn to the notion that there is no single approach to tackling criminal activity. It is a complex issue requiring multifaceted solutions.

My current aim is to pursue a master’s degree in criminology. This is to develop a further understanding of both classical theories about crime and recent advancements within the discipline. Ultimately, I hope to play a role in shaping future policymaking around issues such as law enforcement, rehabilitation, and victim support services. This is while maintaining close collaboration with academics who are leaders within this field. In addition, working alongside those on the frontline will give me invaluable insight into how these policies impact those directly affected by crime daily.

A personal statement is a document in which you describe your reasons for wanting to study criminology and highlight your academic and professional qualifications. A criminology personal statement also shows off your knowledge of the criminal justice system and why you are interested in studying it.

When writing your statement, highlight any relevant experience or skills that could make you a valuable asset to any criminology program. With a well-written personal statement, you can achieve your career goal just like you desire.

The criminology degree personal statement examplesabove were generated using Hey INK . Why not try it out?

A Guide to Writing A Criminology Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Criminology Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

Why is Robin Hood seen as a hero of the people and not as a common thief? Why were the French resistance fighters seen as heroes, while the Islamic insurgents in Iraq are seen as terrorists? Is it acceptable to use deadly force to protect your home? When does profiting from others stop being a business and start to be a criminal conspiracy? These are just a few of the questions that illustrate how complicated it is to even define a crime, let alone to study it. And it is this fascinating level of debate that draws me to criminology.

I watched the summer riots of 2011 with great interest, not only because of the intriguing demonstration of ‘mob mentality’, but because of all the theories and counter theories that appeared in the aftermath, as academics and psychologists attempted to explain and justify these clearly criminal actions. The same year, similar uprisings across the Arab world were saluted as cries for freedom against out of touch and oppressive governments, yet in the UK they were condemned as criminal and barbaric acts. This fascinated me and made me want to learn much more about criminology and the study of crime.

I grew up on a council estate and went to a rough comprehensive school, so I have a good understanding of the desperation that drives many people to crime. Yet I have also experienced crime that was motivated purely by greed and a lust for power. Again, the difference is of great interest to me, as was the response by the authorities, who sometimes appreciated the difference, yet often did not, treating all criminals the same, regardless of their motivation.

This interest drove me to study sociology and psychology at A-level. These were not easy choices for me and I have had to show real determination and dedication to pursue these subjects. However, I am passionate about these studies and have thoroughly enjoyed the insights they have given me into the behaviour and motivations of those around me. I have particularly enjoyed the study of group behaviour and how people are led by their peers and the media to believe ideas, and act in ways, which they would never do alone.

To gain some insight into the role of government in controlling criminal behaviour, I recently made contact with my local MP. She kindly spent time explaining the roles of the Home Secretary and the Home Office in creating policies and managing the criminal justice system. I hope to be her guest in the next few months at Westminster as the new Criminal Justice Bill is debated in the house.

Unsurprisingly, I am a huge fan of both crime fiction and TV crime shows, with Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes amongst my favourites. I enjoy their cases not just as ‘who done it’s’ but also in trying to understand why the crime was committed in the first place.

At this point, I do not know which area of criminology I would like to build my career in, and I look forward to studying the subject in depth on this course to fine tune my interests and aspirations. 

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Criminology Personal Statement Example

Writing a Criminology personal statement and don’t know how to start? You can use our Criminology personal statement example as an inspiration and guide to perfect your own when applying through UCAS .

In my experience, I have always been able to tell when people are lying and find out the truth. Reading about forensic psychologists in prisons and discovering Criminology, I became convinced that my talents could be best utilized as a Forensic Psychologist within the criminal justice system.

In order to fulfill my ambition and become a prison service psychologist, I intend to study Criminology at the Masters’s level. Besides History and German, I also studied Film and Sociology at A-Level. The linguistic skills I acquired at school will be valuable when I discuss psychological issues with prisoners. Due to its proximity to Criminology, Sociology was my favourite subject. Throughout the course, I learned about societal attitudes toward criminals and punishment methods that I can apply to my degree.

Throughout my studies, I have held a variety of jobs. As a waitress at a very popular restaurant venue, I developed excellent teamwork skills and learned how to keep a level head under pressure. With three jobs and my studies, I have managed to juggle my time at London South Bank. Over the course of nearly two years, I worked at the O2 centre as a customer service representative.

Additionally, I used my German language skills as a German Market Researcher for MPeurope, conducting numerous telephone interviews with consumers each day to meet research goals. I learned how to convey complex information in a clear and confident manner, a skill that will be useful when I present and give seminars about the degree.

It has required exceptional time management and organizational skills to juggle three jobs and study. Many events at school were organized by me as a result of my teachers recognizing my organizational skills early on. As a student, I enjoyed playing competitive basketball at school, and I hope to join the university’s female basketball team.

To improve my knowledge of Criminology outside of school and the workplace, I enjoy reading books on the subject. Having read the Oxford Handbook of Criminology religiously, I became convinced that I wanted to work in prisons after reading the chapters prisons. Roger Matthews’ book Doing Time, an Introduction to the Sociology of Imprisonment, and Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish have taught me about changing attitudes toward punishment in Europe over the past three centuries.

Travelling with friends to new places and learning about new cultures is also one of my favourite things to do. I know how enriching it is to be part of a multicultural environment. On the course, I hope to befriend people of many different backgrounds and organise trips abroad with them.

For, I feel duty-bound to take advantage of every opportunity university life will offer me since I am the first member of my family to go to university and have chances that were not available to my parents. I feel ready and prepared to complete my studies and start my career as a psychologist within the prison service.

Criminology Personal Statement

A criminology personal statement is a part of your UCAS application and is sent to all of the criminology courses you are applying to. The goal is to convince the admission staff that you are the perfect candidate to study Criminology, and it should be very personal. Write about your interests, college, your apprenticeship, your motivations, and the reason you want to study Criminology at university.

Recommended reading:

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Learn How to Write Personal Statement for Criminology

  • December 1, 2023
  • One Comment

Are you looking to get admission for a criminology course at a renowned university with a remarkable criminology personal statement? Struggling with the challenge of writing an impeccable university personal statement for criminology that can reserve you a seat for the course at your favourite university?

Let our experienced professionals help you with that. We can create top-notch and incredible university personal statements for criminology just as you would love even better than sample university personal statements for criminology.

At SOP Consultants , we have the creative skills and academic knowledge to draft an outstanding criminology personal statement that will enhance the strength of your application. Our personal statement writing not only helps you gain an edge over other candidates but also conveys your intentions in the most convincing style.

What makes us one of the most reliable names in the field to write university personal statements for criminology is our experience that ranges a decade now. This experience has endowed us with unrivaled exposure to the field and insights that make every university personal statement for criminology incredibly unique.

Introduction to Personal Statements

The personal statement is among the most decisive documents when students’ applications for higher study programs are shortlisted. It should be the most personalized version of your explanation to the academic committee about your interest in a certain program and how your background aligns with that interest. The selection panel may also choose to use the information in the personal statement during your face-to-face interview. The clarity, originality, and readability of the personal statement are important factors that determine its overall appeal.

Importance of a Criminology Personal Statement

When applying for a criminology program at a college or university, your application should include a personal statement specifically tailored for criminology. It holds significant importance for institutions to verify your credentials and for you to showcase your uniqueness and passion for the field.

importance of criminology personal statement - sopconsultants

A means to demonstrate your unique background

Your university personal statement for criminology allows you to showcase your uniqueness based on your experiences, qualifications, perspectives, and motivations.

A medium to show your alignment with goals

Through your criminology degree personal statement, you can demonstrate how closely your backgrounds, experiences, and skills align with your goals in the field.

A platform to showcase your skills

The personal statement is the sole document where you can showcase your skills with examples. It allows you to explain how your skills will benefit your career in criminology.

An impression maker

By effectively using your criminology masters personal statement, you can turn it into the best impression maker about yourself for the selection committee.

A pathway for a face-to-face interview

A well-crafted personal statement for university criminology will influence the selection committee to frame questions based on it. It will also help improve your performance during the interview.

How to write a strong personal statement for criminology?

Writing a university personal statement for criminology is no joke. It has to have a unique personality and focus, and tell the story of the student in the perfect of ways. In a nutshell, it must impress the admission committee. Although it’s a tough job for most students to carry out, having adequate support and insights in the field can help students immensely. What we do when we are to write a university personal statement for criminology is to take the unique experiences, aspirations, and learnings of the candidate and make it a comprehensible story. It would be easier for the university to relate to the person’s ambition to study criminology this way.

However, with the following tips, you can do all that yourself, too:

  • Decide what you want to include in the statement in advance
  • Learn all the statement guidelines from the university of your choice
  • Choose a format that helps you narrate everything you want
  • Use an optimistic and confident tone of voice throughout the SOP
  • Explain what your career aspirations and goals are in criminology
  • Talk about how the course will help you achieve your career goals

There is no doubt that these tips to write university personal statements for criminology are conspicuously simple. Well, that’s because most students fail to stick to the basics. With these tips you won’t have to look for sample criminology personal statements.

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Understanding the Domain of Criminology

Criminology is a field of study that explores the causes and consequences of criminal behaviour and suggests ways to prevent it. As criminal behaviours can occur in different contexts and areas of human life and interactions, numerous sub-fields exist within this subject for better understanding of this concept and providing targeted solutions. Whichever criminology field you opt for your studies, it is important to make the best criminology personal statement that suits it.

Key Specializations Within The Domain of Criminology

Some of the major specializations in criminology are:

Criminal Justice

Criminal justice is a major specialization in criminology. In this, the focus is given to the administration of justice and the different components around it such as law enforcement, judiciary, etc. Our example criminology personal statement on this will give you a better understanding of how to approach your personal statement writing for this.

Criminal Psychology

Criminal psychology examines the various psychological factors that lead one to perpetuate a crime. Mental disorders, forensic areas, specific motivations for the crime, personality traits of the offender etc are discussed in this. You must have a convincingly written personal statement for criminology and forensic science to show your passion for this specialization while applying.

Criminal Law

Criminal law is the study of legal systems and principles pertaining to a crime and the punishment that it entails. The course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of legal frameworks, criminal codes, and how laws must be applied in the specific context of a crime. An appropriately written personal statement law and criminology will help you with the admission process.

Environmental Criminology

Environmental criminology looks at the connection between crime and the physical environment. Factors like urban design, situations, spatial patterns etc influence crime. Refer to our criminology personal statement example on environmental specialization.

In this segment of criminology, you will learn about punishment and rehabilitation of offenders as well as cover laws and principles regarding prisons, probation, parole and more. Reach us for a personal statement example criminology with a specialization in penology.

Sociology of Crime

In the sociology of crime, you will approach crime as a social phenomenon and try to understand how it affects society. A concentrated criminology university personal statement that explains your understanding of these social factors and how you can make a good professional in this field is a must for a thorough application.


In victimology, you will learn about the victims of a crime and the diverse social, physical or mental experiences they undergo. The program will prepare you to provide adequate victim support, and skills to understand the trauma and the significant roles that victims have in the criminal justice system. Review our criminology masters personal statement examples focusing on this specialisation to get a thorough understanding before writing it.

Forensic criminology

Forensic criminology is a criminology specialization that helps understand forensic science methodologies in investigating crimes. Your forensic science and criminology personal statement must show how you developed your interest in this field.

Essential Ingredients for Drafting an Impactful Criminology Personal Statement

If you are planning to write a criminology psychology personal statement, make sure that it is comprehensive by ensuring the following key ingredients.

essential ingredients for writing sopconsultants for writing personal statement for criminology


Start your personal statement with a strong introduction that specifically talks about the program that you are applying to and how you came to the decision for the same.

Write about your academic and professional background, experiences and any other relevant areas that make you suitable for the criminology program.

Here provide convincing reasons to show your motivation for criminology. It is important to keep the specialisation in mind while writing this, for instance, personal statement criminology and psychology.

Skills and strengths

List some of the relevant skills and strengths you have which will make you more successful and competent in the field of criminology. Additionally, speak about your extracurricular skills that will make you a more suitable candidate who can excel in the program as well as contribute to the institute.

Speak about your future goals after completing your course in criminology. Show how the skills and experience you have from the course will benefit your career. Check out our criminology personal statement template to see how this area must be approached.

End your personal statement with a conclusion that clearly briefs the whole content in one or two sentences and totally agrees with everything you explained.

Criminology Personal Statement Guide on Structure and Formatting

Your personal statement for criminology must accompany an accepted structure and formatting. consulting a professional Personal statement writer can reduce rejection risks,  Here are some important points to keep in mind.

Structure :

Divide your personal statement into equal-sized paragraphs consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. The number of body paragraphs depends on how many points you address – academic background, experience, motivation, goals, skills and strengths etc.

Formatting :

Use a recognised style guide while formatting your personal statement on criminology. You can use the following input:

Write your personal statement in about 500 to 800 words.
One or two pages
5 to 7 is ideal.
Times New Roman or Ariel
12 points
1.5 or Double spacing is recommended for better readability
Use standard margins (1 inch) on all sides.
Use PDF or Word format.

What Sets SOP Consultants Apart in Making Personal Statement Criminology And Sociology?

Every student who wants to get admission to a criminology course in a venerated university would need an excellent personal statement for admission. However, not everyone has the creative inclinations and focus to write a compelling personal statement for criminology at a university.

However, with our expertise and insights in the field, courtesy of over a decade’s experience, we can help you with everything that you need to write a personal statement for criminology at a university.

What enables us to constantly help our customers is the fact that we combine the following service traits perfectly with each project that we undertake:

Incredibly Trained and Qualified Team

In our constant efforts to deliver the best university personal statements for criminology for our clients, we have developed an exceptional team with us. The team has been developed after a variety of assessments and vetting processes. We also provide them with adequate training from time to time to keep them up-to-date.

Extensive Quality Assessment Systems

One of the major reasons that we have become a reliable name in the field to write university personal statements for criminology is our quality. We have developed this name by employing a bevy of global quality assurance systems in our project execution process unfailingly.

Customized Personal Statements for All

Over the course of our professional experience that spans a decade, we have never met students who want the same support service from us. Therefore, we have always made it a point to understand the needs of the students individually and deliver them with personalized plans that match their visions perfectly.

Value-Adding and Economical Solution

No matter where you want to study the criminology course, we can create a highly economical personal statement for criminology in any university. We have worked with students who have different budgetary constraints. Hence, we create tailor-made packages for them to add maximum value to their investments with us.

Professional Customer Service and Care

Our team believes that it is not enough to write the best criminology personal statement for university admission for our students. Hence, we create the most conclusive user-experience for our clients with each of our projects. In order to do that we have a trained and experienced customer care team, as well.

Personal Statement Samples and Formats

We have a variety of criminology personal statement samples and formats that our students can choose from. As we have developed many samples and formats in PDF for personal statements in criminology. This helps us meet all the expectations of the students about the formats, as well.

We are confident that each of these elements has played a huge role in making us one of the most trusted brands for writing criminology university personal statements. This is what makes us such a successful partner for you.

statement of purpose

Five Simple Writing Tips for A Compelling Personal Statement for Criminology

Here are five simple tips that will help you come up with an impressive personal statement just like the law and criminology personal statement examples we share in this blog.

Bring a personal touch : Try to bring a personal touch to your personal statement. This will help the selection committee to relate to your narrative more easily and from a human angle.

Make it concise: Avoid writing too much of anything. Write only what is necessary and required to make a point clear and easily conveyed to the reader.

Solidify your motivation : Explain your motivation in a realistic way ensuring that it sounds genuine and strong. Showing a strong motivation is very important.

Validate your skills : Whatever skills or experience you want to include in your university criminology personal statement, make sure that it is substantiated with evidence.

Make it accurate: Go over your personal statement carefully at least three to four times and ensure that there are no mistakes in it.

Common Mistakes That Will Undermine Your Personal Statement for Criminology

Having an idea about what mistakes lead to rejection or less appreciation of a personal statement is important in the writing process. Here are five common mistakes to steer clear of in order to produce a strong document like our personal statement criminology examples.

Plagiarized content: If your personal statement contains sentences copied from any other sources, remember that it can be easily detected and can even lead to outright rejection of your application.

Irrelevant info: Do not dwell on any information that is does not make any sense in the specific context of your criminology application. Write only points that will make your application stronger.

Errors in writing: Spelling errors, grammar mistakes, poor sentence construction styles etc will undermine the reading experience and make the selection committee develop a negative impression.

Repetitions: Repetition of points may be regarded as your lack of focus or inability to articulate your points strongly or even as lack of sufficient skills and experiences to highlight in your personal statement.

Non-alignment with standards: If your personal statement is not in alignment with the specific guidelines from the institution or the generally accepted standard in its absence, it will affect its quality.

Examples of Strong Personal Statements for Criminology

Here are a few university personal statement examples criminology to help you understand how to approach its writing when applying for different specializations.

If you are looking for a specific example that is not listed here, feel free to get in touch with us for your personalized assistance.

  • Example 1: A student who is interested in criminology because they want to help victims of crime.
  • Example 2: A student who is interested in criminology because they want to understand the causes of crime and develop solutions to prevent it.
  • Example 3 : A student who is interested in criminology because they want to pursue a career in law enforcement or criminal justice.

Hire Criminology Personal Statement Writing Help for University

The potential for a career in criminology is beyond measure, and there are plenty of students who want to build a career in the same. However, the first barrier that you must overcome to realize your dream is writing a personal statement for criminology to get admission in a renowned university.

However, that’s a tricky thing. But our professional team can help you with everything you need to write personal statements for criminology.

With our team to help you, you can surely write statements that are

Every project that we get to work for students wanting to study criminology is a unique one. Hence, we work with the clients with various questions and questionnaires to understand what their goals and passions are. We then leverage the insights to craft an effective personal statement for the students that can help them with the admission.

And we are always ready to deliver criminology personal statements for university PDF as they need even better than the sample criminology personal statements.

You can get all the details that you need from our support desk. Contact us.

  • Highly creative and unique
  • Student-centric and personalized
  • Based on the students’ visions
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How to Submit Your Personal Statement for Criminology?

The submission procedure for a personal statement varies depending on which institute you are applying to. For instance, if you are trying to submit your criminology personal statement UCAS, you will be required to follow the specific UCAS guidelines. Below given is the general approach to personal statement submission online. 

  • Visit your institute’s website and log in to your account.
  • If you don’t have an account, sign up for an account and fulfil all other application requirements before moving to submit your personal statement.
  • Locate the application menu on your account dashboard.
  • In the application options, navigate to the personal statement section. Read the specific instructions about the personal statement submission.
  • Upload your personal statement for criminology and submit it. You should receive a notification once the submission has been successfully completed.

We hope you had a great learning experience by reading this blog on how to draft a criminology personal statement. As you may have gathered from the blog, it is important to create a strong and personalized personal statement for a successful criminology application and to secure admission. If you think there are any further areas that we could cover to improve your understanding, we are happy to do so. Just leave your recommendations in the comments. Feel free to share this blog with your friends or in the criminology personal statement student rooms and support them in their writing as well.

Picture of Vasuki Ram

Vasuki Ram, senior writer and the founder of SOP Consultants is a B-tech Graduate who used to work in an MNC. Starting from 2013, she along with her team has assisted more than 10,000 students. Shift in her career was drastic. Read full story here.

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Personal Statement:Law with Criminology 1

Social development within the country is based around the well-structured judicial system; however, this fundamental principle is not true for all countries and therefore permits shocking injustices to be carried out on the most vulnerable members of a society. It is from this that I believe my interest in Law stems.

I am a keen, ambitious, diligent student and always strive to reach the best I can in whatever I do. Studying A levels in Business Studies, English Language and Biology gives me broad knowledge of different topics from which I have acquired many valuable skills that I believe can assist my studies in Law. Business Studies has been particularly useful when developing my understanding of the financial world and ever-changing business laws. Applying and examining bureaucracy and red tape to set case studies, has encouraged me to research further into the world of consumer rights and explore what is acceptable and not. I have enjoyed studying Biology and having to work closely as a team when completing practical experiments with precision. English Language has given me the opportunity to analyse written texts which will be an advantage when studying cases and having to pick out key information. Studying AS Psychology has encouraged me to examine how criminal minds work and whether particular events from earlier years of life can have an effect.

Recently, I attended a Foundation Degree Law Course where the idea was to become a "Lawyer for the week" and develop the learning skills required for University. During the week I had 'hands on' experience and undertook many legal practices such as taking witness statements and drafting statements of case. I found the course thoroughly enjoyable, particularly offering legal advice, and it helped me to realise how Law influences everyday decisions and activities. I have contributed to many different aspects of school life ranging from playing in successful musical concerts to becoming a senior student as a Year 8 mentor for which I had to attend two peer mediation courses. From this I learnt how to enhance my listening skills and empathise with those around me, offering reliable advice at the same time. I believe this would assist me when recommending legal advice to clientele. Along with a small group of other students, I am currently helping to set up a Committee to improve Sixth Form Life. Although this is to be carried out alongside my lessons, it helps me to plan my time well which benefits my studies when completing coursework and other various set tasks.

The Young Enterprise Scheme, where it was our job to set up a company and assign ourselves roles within it, was a good insight into having to work as a team and understand business laws. I was chosen as the company secretary as I had the organizational skills which were necessary, this meant I had to work closely with the Managing Director to discuss issues and then make sure that every employee understood the tasks set. This developed my interpersonal skills as I had to liaise between staff, students and visitors from external companies.

Personal well being is something I value and so participate regularly in exercise, giving me a sense of achievement when I overcome a certain obstacle or beat a personnel target. At school, this reflects my self discipline approach to studying. I have had to institute a system of time management alongside my education as I work part-time twice a week at South Deep Cafe. Working there for three years has, primarily, made me particularly approachable, as I have learnt many valuable customer relation skills, but has also reflected my trustworthiness and commitment especially when training other employees.

As an enthusiastic, well-rounded, dedicated student, I feel I have the attributes and genuine passion needed to succeed on a Law Course, and look forward to the many challenges and aspects of life at University.

Universities Applied to:

  • Sheffield - Conditional AAB
  • Kent - Conditional ABB
  • Portsmouth - Conditional BBB
  • Nottingham Trent - Conditional BBC  Firm
  • Plymouth - Conditional BCC

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Sociology and criminology personal statement example 1.

Sociology is everywhere. Sociology is unearthing problems in society. It is understanding how the world works. This subject has helped me to understand the society in which I live; as well as a deeper comprehension of people's personalities as well as my own. Alongside Sociology, Criminology has always been of a great interest to me, because of its in-depth focus on criminal justice processes and criminality.

I have decided to pursue my interests at a higher level in the hopes of gaining employment on completion of my studies whereby I can make use of the skills and knowledge I have obtained, possibly in the field of research.

Studying sociology at A-Level has allowed me to look at life critically and re-evaluate my past views of things that I have seen and identifying them as sociological theories and ideologies. Learning the labelling theory enabled me to understand the teaching style of my primary school teacher. Sociology is thus relevant to everyone on a day-to-day basis, as is criminology.

I want to find out who defines crime? What are the societal reactions to crime? How does the line between deviance and criminality change over time? Many sociological studies were carried out in the 20th Century however they still apply to the current day.

This is interesting as many things have changed in society, such as the abolition of child labour in the UK in the late 1800's; however Child Labour is still legal in other parts of the world. It makes me question the inequalities and injustices that are carried out in wider society.

I am studying crime and deviance currently in A2 Sociology, and learning about the causes of crime, whether it is ethnicity or class or possibly other reasons.

In studying this it has further cemented my interest for criminology because we are learning society's reaction to crime and deviance; it has lead me to question why society reacts negatively to crime and deviance? Why it that the same norms and values, are not shared worldwide? And I believe in studying Sociology and Criminology, I will learn the answers to these fascinating questions.

My other A2 subjects English and History have also allowed me to venture into deeper analysis of social and criminal behaviour as they are both very analytical subjects.In my History A-Level I have realised that it relates to Sociology in the sense that it helps me to understand the historical context in which most of sociology is recorded in.

It is important to take into account the date of a particular study, because over time society has changed and the outcome may or may not apply to modern day society.

Throughout my Secondary and Sixth Form years I have volunteered my time to Open Days and enterprise evenings. This has improved my communication skills as it has enabled me to communicate with people of all different ages and backgrounds, and has also helped to improve my confidence.

My work experience in Boots and in The Florence Nightingale Museum, taught me the importance of interpersonal skills, self-reliance and teamwork. The work experience in Boots gave me the chance to come across customers from all walks of life; while my experience at the Florence Nightingale Museum taught me the significance of co-operation.

In my spare time I enjoy reading crime novels as well as reading and writing poetry; I was placed into a group, co-wrote and performed at a Poetry Competition for Urban Music Awards coming in 2nd place.

I am an avid and reliable student and attending University will enable me to fuel my desire to learn more about crime and the society I live in. In continuing into Higher Education, I am beginning a journey to my own future, a universal struggle. University is the crucial foundations, of which I intend to build a career on

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This personal statement was written by jennywbu for application in 2014.

jennywbu's Comments

I thought it would be a nice idea to donate my personal statement as I feel like you could benefit from reading mine. I tried not to be too biased within my personal statement and I tried to make sure I was comminicating exactly WHY I wanted to study sociology and criminology. I applied it to my life and made sure the admissions tutor who was reading my personal statement knew how much I wnated to study it.

I got into all 5 Uni's so I guess they liked it! Obviously DO NOT copy and paste sections because UCAS WILL KNOW...

If you want to study sociology and criminology, just use this as a guide and good luck

This personal statement is unrated

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