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How to not be nervous for a presentation — 13 tips that work (really!)

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Why do I get nervous before presenting?

How not to be nervous when presenting, 5 techniques to control your nerves, quotes for inspiration, speak with confidence.

If you feel nervous or scared about talking to someone new, giving a speech, or being on stage, rest assured: you’re not alone. 

Experiencing symptoms of performance anxiety like an increased heart rate, trembling hands, or excessive sweating is perfectly normal. In fact, people often fear public speaking . But the more you’re immersed in these types of situations, the more comfortable you’ll become . 

We’ll explore how to not be nervous for a presentation and offer inspirational quotes to help you step out of your comfort zone.

Man Speaking Through A Microphone In Dark Conference Hall-1

Based on data from the National Social Anxiety Center, fear of public speaking is the most common phobia . The official term for this fear is glossophobia, colloquially termed stage fright.

Stage fright typically arises from the perception that when you're in front of a group of people, they'll judge you. The brain’s frontal lobe aids in memory, and when we’re stressed, increased stress hormones temporarily shut that region down . This is what causes us to freeze up and stop talking. 

There’s nothing wrong with being nervous. We all have different social comfort zones, communication styles, and presentation skills. But we can expand and improve our skills if we’re cognitively flexible .

Cognitive flexibility plays a big role in our behavior and attitudes and impacts our performance. You can use your fears as a catalyst for growth and learning — including giving a great presentation.

The following techniques will help you shift your thinking from reactive to proactive to combat nerves throughout the presentation experience:

Before the presentation:

Student girl preparing for presentation writing notes in her computer at home-how-to-not-be-nervous-for-a-presentation

1. Know your topic

Don’t wing it when it comes to presenting any topic. The better you understand your subject matter, the more confident you’ll feel. You can answer questions right away and won’t have to rely on your notes.

If there are a few points or any information you think might arise during the presentation or Q&A, research it and become comfortable speaking to the subject.

Here are a few ways to study: 

  • Break down concepts onto notecards
  • Practice answering questions  (especially the hard ones you hope no one asks)
  • Explain complex information to peers and colleagues

2. Be organized

Take time to thoroughly plan each aspect of the presentation. Often, that means designing PowerPoint slides or other visual aids like videos. Clarify with the organizer what format and technology you’ll be using.

If it’ll be virtual, get your background and room organized, too. This ensures the presentation will go smoothly, in turn reducing stress.  Consider the following preparations:

  • Invite your support network to the event
  • Arrive early to set up tech and get comfortable in the space
  • Practice timing your presentation with the time tracker you’ll use day-of
  • Bring a water bottle and a snack
  • Contact your manager or venue staff to discuss any accessibility or tech concerns

3. Practice, practice, practice

Whether you’re rehearsing in front of a mirror, family member, or pet, you can never practice enough. Ask for feedback about your body language , eye contact , and how loudly you project your voice.

If you’ll be giving the presentation on a video conference, record it on the platform to see how you look and sound.

4. Visualize your success

Thinking through possible outcomes is a great way to prepare — but it can also backfire on you. If you obsess over negative what-ifs, this failing mentality might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

The more often you fill your mind with positive thoughts and visualize your success, the more automatic they’ll be. Positive self-talk can make a big difference to your confidence. Run through the presentation — successfully — in your head.

During the presentation:

Businesswoman speaking from a podium to an audience in a conference-how-to-not-be-nervous-for-a-presentation

5. Focus on your material, not the audience

Your audience is there for your presentation — not to assess you. They’ll be looking at your colorful slides and listening to what you’re saying. Don’t let your mind fill with insecurities . 

6 . Don't fear silence

If your mind suddenly goes blank, that’s okay. It may seem like an eternity to you as you try to figure out what to say next, but it’s only a few seconds at most. 

Pausing isn’t a bad thing, anyway. You can use dramatic breaks advantageously to draw attention before the most important bits. 

7 . Speak slowly

Presentation anxiety often causes nervous energy, so we speak faster than normal. This might make you fumble your words or forget important details.

Slow down. Audience members will be thankful since they can understand you , and drawing out your speech will give you time to calm down, ground yourself , and stay organized.

8 . Take deep breaths and drink water

Breathing delivers oxygen to your brain, allowing you to think more clearly. Drinking water ups your energy, and also gives you a moment to pause. 

Smiling is a simple yet effective way to soothe your nerves. Doing so releases endorphins, helping you physically feel more confident. And a friendly face will make the audience more open to what you’re saying. 

10 . Remember the three "audience truths"

These include: 1) for the duration of the presentation, the audience believes you’re the expert, 2) they’re on your side, and 3) they don’t know when you make a mistake. 

After the presentation:

Businessman giving a talk to a group at a convention center lunch-how-to-not-be-nervous-for-a-presentation

11. Recognize your success

Giving a presentation is something worth being proud of — celebrate it! In addition to family, friends, and coworkers, you deserve a high five from yourself, too.

1 2. Collect feedback

Feedback is a wonderful gift if you use it as a tool to help you do even better next time. Ask some of your audience members what they liked and what they didn’t. Remember, you can learn a lot from your mistakes . 

1 3. Don't beat yourself up

You did the best you could, and that’s all anyone — including you — can ask for. 

Nervousness is perfectly normal, but sometimes our symptoms hold us back from doing — and enjoying — scarier tasks. Here are five tips for overcoming nerves:

1. Practice impression management

Impression management requires projecting an image that contradicts how you actually feel. It’s essentially a “fake it ‘til you make it” strategy.  Let’s say you’re about to make a corporate-wide presentation and feel worried you’ll forget important information. You’ll counteract this worry by imagining yourself remembering every detail and delivering it entertainingly.

Learn from this practice by noting the information chosen in your hypothetical and how you expressed it effectively. 

2. Talk to someone

Emotions are contagious. We absorb others’ positive vibes . Chatting with people who are excited about and confident in our presentation abilities rubs off on us. 

Before a presentation, call a cheerleader in your life — someone who’s on your side and understands your nerves. Be specific, discussing which parts of presenting are nerve-wracking and what you need from them.

3. Do breathing exercises

Mindful breathing is when you pay attention to the sensation of inhaling and exhaling while controlling and deepening breath length. Breathwork has several health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety and improving memory, attention, and focus. 

Before the presentation, find a quiet and solitary space. Breathe deeply for at least a minute, focusing on sensation and depth. This practice brings you into your body and out of your mind (away from nerve-wracking thoughts).

4. Practice reframing 

Reframing is a technique used in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) to improve negative automatic thought patterns over time. One such pattern is viewing certain emotions as bad, and others as good. Nervousness feels the same in the body as excitement. Instead of panicking even more when realizing you’re nervous, reframe your impression of nerves as excitement for what you’re about to do.

This excitement will propel you forward with confidence and pride for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something scary.

Here are seven inspirational quotes to help you feel confident and excited when doing something you’re nervous about:

“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” John Ford
“ When speaking in public, your message — no matter how important — will not be effective or memorable if you don't have a clear structure. ” Patricia Fripp
“The most precious things in speech are the pauses.”  Sir Ralph Richardson
“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.” Lady Bird Johnson
“It’s what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public.” Tony Robbins
“The worst speech you’ll ever give will be far better than the one you never give.” Fred Miller

Like any other skill, learning how to not be nervous for a presentation takes time and practice. Acknowledging this hurdle is the first step to making a change in the right direction.  Facing your fears will empower you to take on scarier — and more fulfilling — goals and enjoy the experience along the way. You don’t have to start with a TED Talk. Tackle small challenges like presenting an idea to your manager or practicing a short speech with a friend.  We won’t sugarcoat it — it’s hard to change our minds and habits. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll be rewarded with increased confidence and new experiences.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

30 presentation feedback examples

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How to not be nervous for a presentation: 10 useful tips

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Anete Ezera July 05, 2022

Your heart beats faster, your hands get sweaty, your breathing gets shorter, and your face turns red. Do you ever get this reaction before giving a presentation? You aren’t the only one. In fact, 73% of the population is affected by public speaking anxiety or glossophobia. We all know this nerve-racking feeling, and a lot of people try to avoid it as much as possible. However, when it’s your job to present in front of an audience, you have to find ways to calm your nerves and give it your best shot. So, next time you’re wondering how to not be nervous for a presentation, try these 6 effective tips that will help you calm down.

women speaking into a microphone

#1 Get to the root of the problem

You may have already tried some easy techniques to calm your nerves, but are you still finding yourself dreading public speaking? The best and most effective thing to do is to get to the root of the problem. A lot of times our stresses and fears are masking a greater issue. You might feel stressed before a presentation but in actuality, this could be a fear of rejection because of a traumatizing experience. Ask yourself, what is this stress really about? What is the worst-case scenario for you, and why? 

By getting to the root of the problem, you’ll be able to rationalize it. It’s far more effective to understand the problem first before you try to solve it. From thereon, you can try to work with the issue. Ask for help or guidance from others who have experienced the same issue and learn to deal with it on a more practical level.

#2 Be prepared

One of the most obvious reasons why you feel nervous about a presentation is that you aren’t prepared for it. As they say, practice makes perfect. And it couldn’t be more true in this case. 

women practicing her speech in front of a mirror

Every great presenter you’ve watched has probably rehearsed his speech a million times. Any great mastery comes from continuous practice, not talent. As a phenomenal example, Alex Honnold climbed a 3000-foot (900m) rock formation without any safety gear in July 2017. The free solo climber practiced climbing the El Captain rock roughly 50 times with safety gear before free soloing the rock formation. After reaching the top of the mountain, in an interview , he confidently stated that there was no uncertainty in this climb because he “knew exactly what to do the whole way.” 

Presenting in front of an audience isn’t a life or death situation, but it does have some risks as many situations in life do. Making sure that you know your material so well that you could recite it in your sleep, will make you feel much more confident and comfortable when presenting. 

Tip: Practice your presentation in front of your partner, family, or friends. This practice will help you memorize your material and mentally prepare you for speaking in front of an audience. 

#3 Organize everything to a tee

Are you using videos, audio, visual aids, or props in your presentation? Make sure everything is organized to a tee. The last thing you want is to worry about a video that won’t play or poor-quality audio materials. Preparation ahead of time will ensure that you’re not surprised with sudden stresses right before or during the presentation. 

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

Also, you’ll want to plan out your presentation. You can even create a mind map for yourself. It’ll help you organize your thoughts and key points, making sure that you remember all the main focus areas you want to touch on during your presentation. The best part is that you don’t even have to take out your pen and paper to create a mind map, you can simply choose one of the Prezi Present templates and create your mind map there. 

If you want to discover other practical tips, check out our article on 4 easy ways to prepare for a presentation . 

#4 Try breathing exercises 

If you’re searching for how to calm down before a presentation, you may have stumbled upon a few breathing exercises. They’re one of the most simple yet highly effective ways to calm down, and only take a few minutes to do. This is something you can easily do right before your presentation to help you relax. 

employee meditating in the office

An easy breathing exercise that you can try right away is taking a big inhale while counting until four, then holding your breath for another four, and then exhaling for five. Close your eyes and remove all distractions to make this exercise even more effective. Repeat this cycle at least three times or until you feel calmer and notice that your heart rate has slowed down a bit. If you’re interested in other breathing practices, check out the Healthline article with 10 breathing exercise examples. 

#5 Focus on your material, not the audience

Stress usually comes from overthinking, and overthinking is an unnecessary process that happens when we focus on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on what your audience will think about your presentation, focus on the presentation itself. Get excited about the topic. Don’t linger on what you think your audience will think. Overthinking your assumptions and worries will only drain your energy and make you feel powerless in a situation like this. Focusing on things that you can control, like your performance, will help you feel more confident and collected when presenting. So, next time when you are starting to overthink, recognize these thoughts as unnecessary distractions and shift your focus back on your presentation. 

#6 Adopt the power of pacing

It’s not just what you say; it’s how you say it. Pacing can really help you with nerves. Try rehearsing your presentation with varying speeds and notice how it affects your delivery. A measured pace can make you feel more in control, which in turn, can ease those presentation jitters.

#7 Channel your nerves into excitement

Here’s a fun fact: the physiological response to nervousness is similar to that of excitement. Use this to your advantage. When you feel those familiar symptoms of anxiety, tell yourself, “I’m not nervous, I’m excited!” This simple mental switch can change your mindset and reduce presentation stress.

#8 Establish a connection with your venue

Familiarity breeds comfort. Arrive early and get to know the space where you’ll present. Walk around, stand on the stage, and practice speaking with the microphone. The more comfortable you are with your surroundings, the less you’ll feel nervous about the presentation.

#9 Dress for success

Never underestimate the power of a good outfit. Wearing something that makes you feel confident can give you an extra boost of positivity. When you know you look good, you’ll likely feel good, and that can be a game-changer when it comes to presentation stress.

#10 Don’t be afraid to mess up

You can’t control everything. Sometimes accidents happen and things fall apart. You have to keep an open mind and trust the process. Most importantly, you have to trust yourself and build your confidence, so that whatever situation is thrown at you, you’ll feel calmer and collected to deal with it. 

how to not be nervous for a presentation - women presenting in front of an audience

Also, remember to take any failure as an opportunity to learn. When looking back at your previous presentations, recognize what you succeeded in and what you could have done better. Whenever you receive criticism, don’t dwell on it but take it as an opportunity to grow and improve. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to become a better presenter, and the best way to do it is by trial and error.  

We all have been there. Either underprepared or overstressed. If presenting in front of an audience is something new to you, the first few times will inevitably feel more nerve-racking. However, the more you do it, the less stressful it will become. If you’re asking yourself how to not be nervous for a presentation, remember that there are millions of people who are asking the same question. You’re definitely not alone in this. If you want to learn not only how to calm down before a presentation but also how to overcome the fear of public speaking, discover useful tips by a long-time television professional Jessica Marble in this video:

Understanding your stress signals

When you’re wondering how to not be nervous for a presentation, one effective strategy is to become adept at interpreting your body’s stress signals. Our bodies often communicate through symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, or trembling before we consciously recognize our nervousness about a presentation. These stress signals are natural and everyone experiences them to some degree; they’re part of our built-in alarm system.

Instead of trying to suppress these feelings, acknowledge them. See them as indicators that your body is gearing up for something important. By doing this, you can begin to associate these signals with preparation rather than imminent danger. This is a form of cognitive reframing that can significantly reduce presentation stress.

Taking deep breaths can help to regulate your heart rate and calm your nerves. Visualizing a successful outcome can also shift your focus away from the physical sensations of stress. Remember, these signs are not your foes; they are simply your body’s way of preparing you to rise to the challenge. It’s a matter of harnessing them to your advantage.

By understanding and working with your stress signals, rather than against them, you can approach your presentation with a sense of readiness and control. 

Reflect, refine, and reaffirm

Embrace the power of reflection.

As the final slide fades and the audience applauds, take a moment to bask in your accomplishment. You’ve just delivered a presentation, and regardless of the butterflies, you made it through. Now’s the time to harness the experience to bolster your future endeavors in public speaking. Ask for feedback from your peers, mentors, or audience members—anyone who can provide constructive insights. This feedback is golden, as it helps you gauge the impact of your presentation and highlights areas for improvement.

The art of fine-tuning

With feedback in hand, reflect on your delivery. What aspects resonated well? Which parts could have flowed better? Perhaps you’ll find that preparation can indeed stave off those nerves, reinforcing the importance of how to not be nervous for a presentation. Identify one or two key areas to focus on next time—maybe it’s your pacing, your visuals, or the way you engage with the audience. Small, targeted changes can have a big impact, boosting your confidence and competence.

Looking forward with confidence

Wrapping up, it’s clear that public speaking is a journey, not a one-off event. Each presentation is a stepping stone to becoming a more skilled and self-assured communicator. You’ve learned to get to the root of your fear, prepare meticulously, organize your content, practice deep breathing, focus on your material, and accept imperfection. Now, you can add to that the importance of tuning into your stress signals and using each experience as a learning opportunity.

As you reflect on today’s presentation and plan for the next, remember that the feelings of being nervous about a presentation are a natural part of growth. The key is to use them, not fear them. With each step, you’re not only learning how to not be nervous for a presentation but also discovering your unique voice and style. With this knowledge, you step into your next presentation ready to excel.

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

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how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

😰 How to not be nervous for a presentation

These 5 phrases will help you get over your fear of public speaking.

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

The writer Mark Twain allegedly once said “There are only two types of speakers in the world: the nervous and liars.”  I definitely fall into the first camp. (In secondary school, I would get nervous raising my hand in class, and once, I even played sick to avoid giving a presentation.)

When we hear the phrase "public speaking", most of us think of a TED-talk-style presentation . But public speaking - defined as “the act of performing a speech in front of a live audience” - is actually a much more general workplace activity. It includes giving presentations to your team; voicing your opinion in meetings; and putting your hand up to ask a question in a conference. So it's actually a crucial part of most jobs.

If you're like me, these seemingly "small" public speaking gigs can cause you to sweat beforehand. Still, there's good news. First, it's apparently normal. More than 75% of people get anxious from public speaking.

Second, there are proven ways to calm your nerves. Matt Abrahams, professor of Strategic Communications at the Stanford Business School, gives some helpful techniques in an interview on Lenny Rachitsky 's podcast.

A core theme in Matt and Lenny’s conversation is learning to “reframe” public speaking situations. Reframing falls under an umbrella of psychological techniques called "cognitive reappraisal". Here’s how reframing works:

You catch yourself having negative thought patterns about the event.

You take a "step back". (This psychological distance gives you space to change how you feel.)

You reframe and relabel your experience from negative to positive.

Same event. Different interpretations. Dramatic effect on outcomes.

In this newsletter, I'll share 5 “mantras” to help you reframe any public speaking situation. These phrases will make you feel positive and empowered, which will help keep you calm and measured.

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

Mantra 1: “I’m just having a conversation”

Speaking in a conversation is easier than speaking in a presentation. We have conversations every day. Presentations are less common.

The mantra “I’m just having a conversation” encourages you to reframe your presentation as a conversation. It lowers the stakes and puts you at ease.

You can take this mantra further by reminding yourself what you’re bringing to the conversation.

Before you speak, tell yourself: I’m just having a conversation and…

“I have something to share in this conversation”

“I have value to add to this conversation”

“I'm going to get constructive feedback from others about my ideas.”

Mantra 2: “It’s okay to be boring”

When you worry about being engaging and eloquent, your mind fast-forwards into the future instead of staying in the present moment. As a result, you’re unable to fully engage with the people that you’re speaking to.

The “It’s okay to be boring” mantra gives you permission to be dull. Daring to be dull encourages you to strive for connection rather than perfection. Without the pressure, you end up communicating more authentically.

Before you speak, remind yourself: It’s okay to be boring and…

"I'm not here to impress anyone. I'm just here to update the team on the decisions we've made."

"It's okay if I stumble and restart."

"I don't need to be charismatic and charming. I just need to be me."

Mantra 3: “Let’s make this experience exciting”

This mantra encourages you to replace "I'm so nervous" with "I'm so excited". Take a moment to think about the opportunities that your public speech might unlock.

Then, before you speak, remind yourself: “Let’s find ways to make this experience exciting.”

"If I speak at this conference, people might come up to me after to ask questions (which means I don't need to actively network as much)."

"This presentation to clients is a way to show my boss the hard work I've put into this case for the past few months."

"I get to demonstrate my leadership skills if I chair this meeting."

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

Mantra 4: “It’s normal to be nervous”

This mantra reassures you that nervousness isn't unique or unusual—it's a normal part of the human experience, especially when you're in the spotlight. The 75% of us who get nervous about public speaking includes CEOs of large companies and business professionals too.

Before you speak, remind yourself: It's normal to be nervous, and…

"This nervousness means I care about what I'm doing. That's a positive sign."

"Even the best speakers get nervous. It shows respect for the audience and the importance of the occasion."

"I can use this nervous energy to bring enthusiasm and dynamism to my presentation."

Mantra 5: “I’m getting 1% better”

This mantra centers on the concept of incremental improvement. Each speaking opportunity is a step towards becoming a more skilled and confident communicator. Embrace your progress, no matter how small.

Before you speak, tell yourself: I’m getting 1% better, and…

"Every time I speak, I improve my skills, even if it's just slightly."

"This is a chance to practice and hone my abilities. Each word I speak is contributing to my growth."

"Mistakes are not setbacks but opportunities to learn and get better for the next time."

“All the great speakers were bad speakers at first.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and author

Public speaking is an activity that even famous and influential people get nervous about and need to practice. At the start of his career, Warren Buffett was terrified of public speaking. One of the strategies he used to reduce this fear is “reframing”. By incorporating these mantras into your preparation routine, you reframe fear into opportunity—making each time you speak a chance to connect, share, and grow.

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How to Give a Good Presentation—Without Anxiety or Being Nervous

Julia Melymbrose

Palms sweating, forehead burning, lightheadedness, room spinning, choking on air. And you haven’t even hit the stage yet to give your presentation. Worse than that: you’re probably a week out from the date of your upcoming presentation.

Gasp ! How will you ever be able to give a good presentation like this?

good presentation in progress

If that sounds like your current worst-nightmare scenario, you’re experiencing presentation anxiety. Which sucks, I know.

The good news? There are ways to fix it! In this article I'll give you 14 ways to give a good presentation without suffering from anxiety.

But first let’s establish some ground rules:

What Is a Good Presentation?

At its most basic level, a good presentation is one in which the presenter doesn’t throw up on stage, and the audience doesn't fall asleep. Okay, that’s a very basic level.

On a higher level a good presentation checks off these three boxes:

  • Informative . A good presentation contains all the necessary information and only the necessary information to make a point. Showering your audience with extraneous facts and figures, no matter how accurate or valid they may be, will only send them into snooze-land. 
  • Impressive . Impressive doesn’t mean that you've got to set off fireworks or arrange for Hollywood-style explosions to take place during your presentation. But it does mean that your presentation needs to include visual content to help impress your words onto your audience’s mind. Visual content can be images, graphs, video, or even something as simple as expressive body language and meaningful gestures. 
  • Storytelling . The human mind loves stories. Both oral information and visual expression can quickly bore an audience if they've got no meaning, no structure, or greater purpose. But tie the two things together in an interesting series of events that take the audience on a journey, and you’ve got them hooked by the nose!

If you’re looking for tips and ideas on how to give a presentation that inspires your audience to action, make sure you check out the following guide:

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

Or download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations .  It's available for FREE with the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Learn how to write, design, and deliver the perfect presentation. 

How to Make a Great Presentation Free eBook

But you can't easily tell a great story and connect the informative points to your audience, if you let nerves get in the way of your presentation. 

Today, we’ll be taking things a step further and looking into how you can deliver an awesome presentation without letting anxiety or nervousness hold you back.

Worst-Case Scenario Management

The thought of giving a presentation can shoot your anxiety level off the charts because the act of speaking before an audience plays on some of our biggest fears as humans, which are: the fear of failure and the fear of rejection .

Now add to that mix the possibility that our failure may take the form of public humiliation on stage, and our rejection being delivered live from a booing audience, and you can easily see why presentations can cause paralysis by anxiety.

The best way to combat your presentation anxiety, though it may sound counterintuitive at first, is to think about the worst-case scenario. What’s the worst thing that can happen?

You shouldn’t think about this so you can wallow in your misery, but so you can take preventative measures against it and dispel your anxiety knowing that you’re fully prepared.

In fact, worst-case scenario thinking is a concept that’s often used in risk management to strategically plan how to tackle a big problem or major event. And in the case of how to give a good presentation your worst-case scenario planning looks like this:

14 Ways to Eliminate Your Presentation Anxiety

1. think about the audience, not yourself.

No, I don’t mean that you should imagine the audience in their underwear—or even naked! I don’t know who came up with that idea, but in all honesty, it never helps me when preparing for a presentation. It just makes me feel awkward and embarrassed. 

What I do mean is that you should shift your focus from yourself to your audience. The reason you’re so anxious you can’t breathe right now is because you’re thinking about yourself: 

  • How will I appear on stage?
  • What will the audience think of me?
  • What if I mess us up?
  • What if they hate me?

Well, no wonder you’re biting your nails down to the cuticles! 

Instead of thinking about all the ways you can mess up, turn the spotlight on your audience and think about all the ways you can help them by giving a good presentation: 

  • What will your audience learn from you in this presentation?
  • In what ways will your presentation benefit your audience?
  • How will your message or knowledge help improve people’s lives?

Once you start focusing on the purpose of your presentation and the importance of that purpose for your audience, you’ll realize that no one wants you to fail! Far from being there to judge you and see if you’re any good, your audience wants you to give a good presentation. They want to learn something from you.

How can you best serve your audience? What should you tell them? Focus on them instead of yourself, and you’ll feel your anxiety melt away.

2. Use Building Blocks

Presenters often worry that they’ll forget their words during the presentation.

Well, so what if you do? I don’t mean that you should freeze on stage and stand there saying nothing, but your presentation is about the core message you want to deliver, not about the specific words you use to deliver that message. 

Whether your presentation will run for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, or even more, you can stay focused on your topic and keep your rhythm going by breaking down your presentation into 10-minute building blocks. Each building block should focus on just one point you want to make.

You can also visually structure your presentation around these blocks, by using section title slides that stand out visually. Notice below in the  Agio PowerPoint template slides  how different slides stand out to indicate a new section with a bold heading. This simple technique breaks up the visual rhythm of your regular slides and allows you to quickly pinpoint where your blocks are.

Agio PowerPoint Template - Bold headings indicate new sections

Not only does this make it easier for you to remember your presentation than if you tried to memorize the whole thing off as one piece, but it also gives you a lifeline in case you “mess up.” Forgot one point and skipped ahead to the next one? No problem, just backtrack to your previous building block and pick it right up again.

Knowing that all you've got to do is present three building blocks, for example, makes the task a lot less daunting than thinking about having to deliver a 30-minute presentation. And when you hit the stage you’ll be much more relaxed, calm, and engaging.

3. Plan to Pause

Another benefit of breaking down your presentation into 10-minute building blocks is that you can plan your pauses.

Hitting your pauses is just as important for giving a good presentation as hitting your main points is. Rushing through your presentation will not only leave you exhausted and breathless, but it'll also leave your audience feeling overwhelmed and lost. 

Don’t rush through your points, and don’t rush your audience. Pause to give them time to consider what you said and to give yourself time to gather your thoughts and tackle your next point.

4. Prepare Your PowerPoint Early

Whether you’re presenting before an audience at a conference, or before a prospective client, you’re likely to use visual aids such as a PowerPoint during your presentation. 

And the worst thing you can do to yourself is to leave your visual presentation planning to the last minute. Even if you don’t think about it consciously, knowing that you still have to prepare your PowerPoint can add unnecessary stress to the days leading up to your preparation. 

As soon as you finalize your speech, get to work on your PowerPoint presentation and have it ready well in advance so you can relax and focus on perfecting your delivery. 

If you’re looking for cool and powerful presentation templates to complement your presentation, check out some of the best, trending presentation templates on Envato Elements. The  X Note PowerPoint template  is a great choice and one of the most popular for sale on our marketplace: 

X Note PowerPoint Template

And if you need more guidance about the features and advantages of recommended templates, browse through our Ultimate Guide to the Best Microsoft PowerPoint Templates , or have a look at the curated articles below:

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Ever heard stand-up comedians talk about how they prepare for routines ? Even though when you’re watching them on stage it may seem like they’re just improvising or coming up with jokes on the fly, the truth is that everything they do and say comes as a result of relentless practice and repetition—even their pauses. 

And you’d be wise to follow the same advice when preparing your presentation to minimize performance anxiety. 

Practice, practice, practice. 

And practice not just your words, but also your visual presentation. Practice what you’ll say, what you’ll show, what you'll do, and how the two will come together. 

Practice not until your presentation sounds rehearsed and memorized, but until you’ve so internalized your points that your presentation sounds natural. 

6. Record and Review

Body language can sometimes speak louder than words. Do you appear confident when you present your proposal to prospective clients? Do you appear knowledgeable or doubtful about your topic of expertise? Do you come off as friendly and approachable or stuck up and conceited? 

You don’t have to wonder about those things or worse worry about them. Take action and clear your doubts. Record yourself on your phone or camera and see how you look giving your presentation. Go over your recording and make notes for improvement.

If possible, ask some friends or colleagues over to act as your audience. Or practice in an open conference room with a group of your peers. Not only will it be better for you to practice before a live audience, but you’ll also have their feedback on ways to improve your stage presence.

7. Get There Early 

Ever got stuck in traffic and arrived late at the office for a regular day’s work? Stressful, wasn’t it? What about running late for a meeting? More stressful, right? Knowing that others were expecting you and that you’d show up late making a bad impression. 

Now imagine showing up late to your presentation. Yikes! How’s that for a worst-case-scenario that can keep you up at night!

Instead of taking that risk or letting the anxiety of that possibility destroy your nerves, simply take the opposite route and plan to arrive early. As early as possible. 

practising speech

Arriving early gives you a chance to familiarize yourself with your surroundings so you can feel more at ease during your presentation. If your presentation will take place at a large event or a conference, you’ll have the time to meet and greet the organizers, other presenters, or even some of the audience members before you go on stage. 

Even if you can’t get into the place of your presentation early (like, for example, you’re presenting a project proposal to a prospective client), you can still take a walk near the building where you’re presenting, relax, clear your mind, and prepare for your presentation without worrying about time, the traffic, or anything else extraneous.

8. Test the Technology

Another benefit of arriving early is that you can ask to test the technology to make sure everything will run smoothly during your presentation. 

Depending on the type and size of the event at which you’re presenting, you’ll have different levels of control and access to the technology beforehand. But asking to run a technology test before your presentation is always the smart thing to do. 

And don’t show up with just one version of your visual presentation on one device and hope, pray, and cross your fingers it'll work. That'll only kick your anxiety into overdrive just minutes before your presentation. 

Always have your presentation saved on a variety of media (such as a USB, your laptop, and web-based storage space) that you can access in a variety of ways should anything go wrong. Have a cable that links your laptop to a projector? Take it along with you. You never know if you may need it. 

Technology can sometimes fail us, but there’s no reason to let that cause you anxiety. Simply prepare beforehand so you can remain calm during any mishaps.

9. Breathe Deeply

Not just metaphorically. Literally. 

Deep breaths have been scientifically proven to help us relax, reduce our stress levels, and improve our outlook on the situation at hand.

Right before going on stage or entering the presentation room take 5-10 deep breaths slowly inhaling as much air as you can and slowly exhaling it back out. The practice will help you relax, focus, and dispel any minor anxiety that may still linger after your thorough preparation.

Feeling calm, centered, and confident, go up there and crush it! 

10. Mingle With Your Audience

Knowing that you've got to get on the stage and speak in front of a room full of strangers is enough to make anyone nervous, even the most experienced speakers. Consider chatting with your audience members before the presentation.

By doing so, you'll not only present yourself as more approachable, but you'll also feel less like you’re talking to complete strangers, not to mention you might even find extra points to add to your presentation.

Another benefit of getting to know your audience before the presentation is that they'll feel more engaged with you, which increases the chances of them paying attention throughout the presentation.

11. Remember to Hydrate

Dry mouth isn't uncommon when you’re dealing with anxiety and it only gets worse when you've got to talk for a long period of time. A serious case of cottonmouth will only make your anxiety worse and leave you dealing with a Catch 22.

That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated throughout your presentation. Prevent cotton mouth by drinking plenty of water before your presentation, but do remember to hit the bathroom right before you start.

You should also have a glass or a bottle of water handy to take a drink during your presentation in case your mouth gets dry.

It’s a well-known fact that a smile is the most recognizable facial expression . Some studies even suggest that people can recognize a smile from 300 feet away, not to mention a simple smile can instantly boost your mood.

The key takeaway: smile during your presentation. This will make you seem more approachable not to mention you'll put a smile on your audience’s faces as well. It'll also make you appear more confident.

13. Exercise

Getting regular exercise is a great way to combat anxiety in general as physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety-related symptoms. Hitting the gym the morning of your big presentation will ensure you get endorphins running high while keeping your anxiety levels low.

If exercise isn't a part of your routine, consider going for a short, brisk walk before your presentation. Some studies suggest that a 10-minute walk can have the same benefits as a 45-minute work so do make sure to get your blood pumping.

14. Avoid Caffeine

While caffeine can help you remain alert, it can also raise your anxiety levels so cut back on coffee and any caffeinated beverages the day before and the day of your presentation.

Try replacing your coffee with a caffeine-free herbal tea, stay hydrated, and remember to eat a balanced diet with proteins to reduce your hunger.

Learn More About Making a Good Presentation (With PowerPoint)

Once you’ve calmed your anxiety and feel confident about the presentation, don’t forget to spend some time optimizing your PowerPoint slide deck. Making sure that your presentation design is top notch will also help you feel more confident.

Designing a good presentation with PowerPoint might seem daunting, but the good news is that there are tons of tutorials and resources to help you out. Here are a few recommended articles to get you started:

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

Download Our Free PDF eBook on Making Great Presentations

We've got the perfect complement to this tutorial, that'll help you take your presentation knowhow further. Learn how to write, design, and deliver great presentations. 

Download  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations  for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Get your ideas formed into a powerful presentation that'll move your audience. 

Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation

Presenting Without Anxiety

How do you prepare for your presentations before a large or small audience? 

Which part causes you the most anxiety and which of these tips are you going to try? 

Do you have any other ways for combating presentation anxiety before going up on stage?

Don’t forget to check out Envato Elements if you need a PowerPoint template for your presentation.

Editorial Note : This post was originally published in October of 2016. It's been comprehensively revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special assistance from Brenda Barron .

Julia Melymbrose

11 tips to overcome nerves before a presentation

How do you present if you are nervous, why do i get so nervous when i have to present, how to get over my fear of college presentations.

My advice is for you to engage in speaking as much as possible. There are some ways that you can practice, such as Toastmasters. There are over 15,000 clubs which allow their members to work on their presentation skills by practicing speeches, among other things.

I have a presentation tomorrow and I am nervous

Do not stand up in front of the classroom and ever tell your audience that you’re nervous to present. That won’t help you. Instead, act like you’ve done this a million times. If you mess up but exude a confident attitude, people won’t think as much about it. Trust me.
Record yourself and play it back. Do this over and over again. You aren’t trying to sound too rehearsed, but it’s really helpful to hear yourself say your speech aloud first. Work out the kinks in your own home before you get out on the stage.

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

How to deal with being an introvert in college

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Presenting in Front of Class: How a Solid Outline and Format Can Overcome Nervousness

Presenting in Front of Class: How a Solid Outline and Format Can Overcome Nervousness

It’s safe to say that paying attention to a poorly executed PowerPoint is likely pretty low on a college student’s to-do list. So it’s no wonder that most twenty-somethings dread their class presentations. And they’re not alone. Nearly 75% of people fear presentations, or have a fear of presenting in class, more than death. Between the nervousness that comes from presenting to your peers and the pressure of your final grade, class presentations can feel a lot more like a chore than a simple homework assignment. And as a result, many students will put it off until the eleventh hour. 

Unfortunately (for college students), it’s not uncommon that you’ll have at least one presentation assignment per course each semester. You do the math. If you’re taking 4 or 5 classes a semester, that could equal up to 10 presentations a year. Regardless of whether you’re a show-up-to-class-early kind of student, or would rather be asleep in the back row, it’s time to dust off your A-worthy public speaking skills. We can help.

All it takes is a solid presentation outline, a killer format, and a beautifully designed deck to help ease some of your nerves. Here’s how to not to be nervous when presenting in front of class.

Know your topic

It’s likely that your topic was assigned to you by your teacher or professor, and you couldn’t care less about it. We’ve all been there. But to really nail your presentation, you need to know your topic and your audience. It doesn’t matter if you’re presenting about why your favorite fast food chain should come to campus, or who built the Sphinx of Egypt— the more you know, the more comfortable you’ll feel talking about it. In fact, you should always know more about your topic than what you’re sharing. This ensures that you can answer any questions thrown your way that you might not be prepared for otherwise.

Once you have your assignment, don’t be afraid to get creative. Check out these 50 creative ideas to nail your next college presentation . Have fun with it, your audience (and teacher) will notice!

Structure your story

A solid outline, and firm grasp on how you’d like to structure your talking points, will help you feel much more organized going into presentation day. Structure your presentation like a story, so if you ever start to feel stuck or nervous, you can resort back to your story outline. Choose a beginning, middle, and end— and stick to one key point per slide as you build through the narrative. Our presentation templates help you structure your story in a more thoughtful way so that your presentation flows more naturally. 

Pretend you’re having a conversation with your friends and are telling them about what you had for lunch in the dining hall (even if you’re really talking about the top five most influential Presidents of the United States). Knowing your story, and making it more conversational, can help you overcome any lingering nervousness. This will also help keep your audience more engaged, which will make you feel more at ease.  

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

Build your confidence 

If your stomach is in knots, you can find comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. We’d be willing to bet that 9 out of 10 students have a fear of presenting in class. While we can’t physically calm your nerves, we can help you overcome them mentally. A strong presentation deck is the easiest way to build confidence when public speaking. If you’re proud of what you’re presenting (a killer deck), you’re going to feel much more relaxed at the podium in front of the classroom. makes it easy for students to create something fun, modern, and clean regardless of the topic. And don’t worry: no all-nighters required. With our design AI, we handle the heavy lifting so you can create something beautiful without sacrificing movie night with friends. If you truly don’t know where to begin, we have an inspiration library— stacked with fully customizable slide templates — to kick-start your ideas. Gone are the days of spending all night on a Frankendeck that you’re embarrassed to share with the class. 

Focus on your material, not on your audience

You know how they say to picture your audience in their underwear? We’re telling you to do the opposite here. Focus on your material, instead. If you feel good about the material you’re presenting to the class, you’ll be a lot less concerned about the class itself. While you should always learn to read the room, and engage with your audience, that might make your nerves worse if you’re already feeling anxious. Instead, focus on what you know: your material. 

Include strong visuals so that your audience is more engaged and interested in what you’re sharing on the screen. That way, they’ll feel seen and connected to the content, even if you’re really just staring a hole through the back wall of the classroom. offers a free library of hundreds of thousands of high-quality imagery, custom icons, and logos for you to incorporate into your deck.

Practice, and then practice again

Of course, the above is all for naught if you don’t practice. It’s recommended that you practice one hour for every minute of performance. But we’re not like the regular presentation software, we’re the cool presentation software, and we know that no college kid in their right mind is going to spend five hours practicing for a five minute presentation. At the very least, you should run through your presentation 3-5 times from top to bottom. Learn the ins-and-outs of your presentation, and decide what key points you want (or need) to hit in order to crush it. If you’ve practiced, and feel good about your content, don’t be afraid to interact with the audience on game day and incorporate questions to get them involved. 

Pro tip: If you’re presenting remotely, you might even tape note cards to the top of your laptop to reference throughout the presentation. They will help keep you on track, and it will look like you’re staring into your computer camera and making eye contact with the audience on the other end of the video call while you read them. Win-win (you’re welcome). 

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

Banish public speaking nerves and present with confidence..

15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

I've been doing a lot of presenting recently, and I have no problem admitting that it's tough. For those not born with natural eloquence, public speaking can be remarkably nerve-racking.

We can't all deliver the next Gettysburg Address, but there are several small things you can do prior to your next big presentation that will help calm your nerves and set you up for optimal oration.

1. Practice. Naturally, you'll want to rehearse your presentation multiple times. While it can be difficult for those with packed schedules to spare time to practice, it's essential if you want to deliver a rousing presentation. If you really want to sound great, write out your speech rather than taking chances winging it.

Try to practice where you'll be delivering your talk. Some acting strategists suggest rehearsing lines in various positions-standing up, sitting down, with arms open wide, on one leg, while sitting on the toilet, etc. (OK, that last one may be optional.) The more you mix up your position and setting, the more comfortable you'll feel with your speech. Also try recording your presentation and playing it back to evaluate which areas need work. Listening to recordings of your past talks can clue you in to bad habits you may be unaware of, as well as inspiring the age-old question: "Is that what I really sound like?"

2. Transform Nervous Energy Into Enthusiasm. It may sound strange, but I'll often down an energy drink and blast hip-hop music in my earphones before presenting. Why? It pumps me up and helps me turn jitters into focused enthusiasm. Studies have shown that an enthusiastic speech can win out over an eloquent one, and since I'm not exactly the Winston Churchill of presenters, I make sure that I'm as enthusiastic and energetic as possible before going on stage. Of course, individuals respond differently to caffeine overload, so know your own body before guzzling those monster energy drinks.

3. Attend Other Speeches. If you're giving a talk as part of a larger series, try to attend some of the earlier talks by other presenters. This shows respect for your fellow presenters while also giving you a chance to feel out the audience. What's the mood of the crowd? Are folks in the mood to laugh or are they a bit more stiff? Are the presentations more strategic or tactical in nature? Another speaker may also say something that you can play off of later in your own presentation.

4. Arrive Early. It's always best to allow yourself plenty of time to settle in before your talk. Extra time ensures you won't be late (even if Google Maps shuts down) and gives you plenty of time to get adapted to your presentation space.

5. Adjust to Your Surroundings. The more adjusted to your environment you are, the more comfortable you'll feel. Make sure to spend some in the room where you will be delivering your presentation. If possible, practice with the microphone and lighting, make sure you understand the seating, and be aware of any distractions potentially posed by the venue (e.g., a noisy road outside).

6. Meet and Greet. Do your best to chat with people before your presentation . Talking with audiences makes you seem more likeable and approachable. Ask event attendees questions and take in their responses. They may even give you some inspiration to weave into your talk.

7. Use Positive Visualization. Whether or not you consider yourself a master of Zen, know that plenty of studies have proven the effectiveness of positive visualization . When we imagine a positive outcome to a scenario in our mind, it's more likely to play out the way we envision.

Instead of thinking "I'm going to be terrible out there" and visualizing yourself throwing up mid-presentation, imagine yourself getting tons of laughs while presenting with the enthusiasm of Jimmy Fallon and the poise of Audrey Hepburn (the charm of George Clooney wouldn't hurt either). Positive thoughts can be incredibly effective-give them a shot.

8. Take Deep Breaths. The go-to advice for jitters has truth to it. When we're nervous, our muscles tighten-you may even catch yourself holding your breath. Instead, go ahead and take those deep breaths to get oxygen to your brain and relax your body.

9. Smile. Smiling increases endorphins, replacing anxiety with calm and making you feel good about your presentation. Smiling also exhibits confidence and enthusiasm to the crowd. Just don't overdue it-no one enjoys the maniacal clown look.

10. Exercise . Exercise earlier in the day prior to your presentation to boost endorphins, which will help alleviate anxiety. Better pre-register for that Zumba class!

11. Work on Your Pauses. When you're nervous, it's easy to speed up your speech and end up talking too fast, which in turn causes you to run out of breath, get more nervous, and panic! Ahh!

Don't be afraid to slow down and use pauses in your speech. Pausing can be used to emphasize certain points and to help your talk feel more conversational. If you feel yourself losing control of your pacing, just take a nice pause and keep cool.

12. Use a Power Stance. Practicing confident body language is another way to boost your pre-presentation jitters. When your body is physically demonstrating confidence, your mind will follow suit. While you don't want to be jutting out your chest in an alpha gorilla pose all afternoon (somebody enjoyed Dawn of the Planet of the Apes a bit too much), studies have shown that using power stances a few minutes before giving a talk (or heading to a nerve-racking interview) creates a lasting sense of confidence and assurance. Whatever you do, don't sit-sitting is passive. Standing or walking a bit will help you harness those stomach bats (isn't that more appropriate than butterflies?). Before you go on stage, strike your best Power Ranger stance and hold your head high!

13. Drink Water. Dry mouth is a common result of anxiety. Prevent cottonmouth blues by staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water before your talk (just don't forget to hit the bathroom before starting). Keep a bottle of water at arm's reach while presenting in case you get dry mouth while chatting up a storm. It also provides a solid object to hurl at potential hecklers. (That'll show 'em.)

14. Join Toastmasters. Toastmaster clubs are groups across the country (and the world) dedicated to helping members improve their public speaking skills . Groups get together during lunch or after work to take turns delivering short talks on a chosen topic. The more you present, the better you'll be, so consider joining a Toastmaster club to become a top-notch orator. Just don't forget, it's BYOB (Bring Your Own Bread).

15. Don't Fight the Fear. Accept your fear rather than trying to fight it. Getting yourself worked up by wondering if people will notice your nervousness will only intensify your anxiety. Remember, those jitters aren't all bad-harness that nervous energy and transform it into positive enthusiasm and you'll be golden. We salute you, O Captain! My Captain!

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Nervous During Presentations? Reframe How You Think of Them

When you get anxious during a presentation, focusing on your feelings will only make things worse. Research shows that being kind and generous reduces our stress levels, so fight your nerves by thinking of your talk as an act of kindness: You’re sharing something valuable with other people. Use this framing when you’re preparing the […]

When you get anxious during a presentation, focusing on your feelings will only make things worse. Research shows that being kind and generous reduces our stress levels, so fight your nerves by thinking of your talk as an act of kindness: You’re sharing something valuable with other people. Use this framing when you’re preparing the presentation. Rather than starting with your topic, start with some reflection. Ask yourself, Who will be in the room? What do they need from me? Then craft a presentation that directly addresses those needs. On the day of your talk, when you’re extra nervous, take slow, deep breaths and remind yourself that you are here to help your listeners. And then during the presentation, connect with your audience by making eye contact — even if you’d rather do anything else. Pretend you’re having a series of one-on-one conversations, providing each person with the information they need. This generosity mindset can turn a painful experience into one of giving.

Source: This tip is adapted from “To Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking, Stop Thinking About Yourself,” by Sarah Gershman

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Coping with Presentation Nerves

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It is entirely natural to feel nervous before making a presentation.

Many seasoned teachers, lecturers and other presenters feel nervous beforehand despite having given hundreds of presentations. The same is true of actors and actresses, celebrities, politicians, preachers and other people working in the media or in the public eye.

Being nervous is not a problem or a weakness, you just need to channel your nervous energy wisely. On the other hand, being over-confident and not nervous could be a weakness!

The symptoms of nerves (or stage fright) can include "butterflies" or a queasy feeling in your stomach, sweaty palms, a dry throat and the panic that your mind has gone blank about your opening lines.

Fortunately, there are some tried and tested strategies and techniques to manage your nerves so that you can concentrate on delivering an effective and engaging presentation.

These techniques will not get rid of your nerves; instead they will help you to use your nervous energy to your advantage. When you are in a heightened state from the adrenaline that is being pumped around your body, you can use that energy to communicate enthusiastically, convincingly, and passionately. The key is to decrease your level of nervousness so you can focus your energy on these positive activities, not on trying to control your nerves.

Managing Presentation Nerves

Leading up to the presentation.

It is essential to always be well prepared and well-rehearsed in order to feel confident.

Do not fixate on the presentation delivery at the expense of good preparation. 

Spend time preparing, good preparation, knowing your subject well, and knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it, will boost your confidence and help reduce your nerves. 

Think of a presentation like an iceberg: what your audience sees - the delivery - is a small percentage of the whole.  What goes on out of sight, the planning and preparation, should make up the bulk of the work.

Read our Presentation Skills pages for tips and advice on how to best prepare for your presentation, starting with: What is a Presentation?

Practice your presentation; rehearse to family, friends or just in front of a mirror. Listen to any feedback. Check your timings, speak slowly and think about the types of questions that your audience may have.

If possible visit the presentation venue before the event to see the room layout and check what facilities are available. This will help ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day and help you visualise giving your presentation, which can help reduce feelings of nervousness.

Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

Nervousness can be heightened if you're not feeling 100%.

Avoid alcohol the night before and on the day of your presentation. Reduce or avoid your caffeine intake from coffee, tea and other sources.

Try to engage in some exercise the day before your presentation. This will not only release endorphins, which make you feel better, but exercise will also make it more likely that you'll sleep well and feel more refreshed on the day of your presentation.

See our pages The Importance of Exercise and The Importance of Sleep for more information.

Eat healthy. If you're feeling nervous then you may not feel like eating. However eating something healthy, fruit and vegetables are always good choices, will make you feel better and give you the energy you need to get through presentation day.

Immediately before the presentation

When you feel nervous immediately before a presentation, the following strategies and exercises should help you:

Practice Deep Breathing

Adrenalin causes your breathing to shallow. By deliberately breathing deeply, your brain will get the oxygen it needs and the slower pace will trick your body into believing you are calmer. This also helps with voice quivers, which can occur when your breathing is shallow and irregular.

Drink Water

Adrenalin can cause a dry mouth, which in turn leads to getting tongue-tied. Have a glass or bottle of water handy and take sips before you start your presentation and occasionally during your presentation, especially when you wish to pause or emphasize a point. Take care not to take large gulps of water.

Chewing gum before a presentation may help you to feel more relaxed. Research has shown that the act of chewing can increase your alertness and help to reduce anxiety. It is usually best to get rid of the gum when you start your presentation.

Use Visualization Techniques

Imagine that you are delivering your presentation to an audience that is interested, enthused, smiling, and reacting positively. Cement this positive image in your mind and recall it just before you are ready to start.


Press and massage your forehead to energize the front of the brain and speech centre.

Relaxation Exercises

Although you may not feel relaxed before you give your presentation relaxation, exercises can help.  Try the following relaxation exercises, but do not continue with them if they cause any pain or discomfort although remember that you may use some muscles you have not exercised for a while and so feel a little stiff afterwards.

Quick Relaxation Exercises

  • Stand in an easy position with your feet one pace apart, knees 'unlocked' and not rigidly pushed back, spine straight, shoulders not tense, and head balanced.  Try to keep your face muscles relaxed by not clenching your jaw or clamping your teeth together.
  • Now stretch SLOWLY upwards, aim to touch the ceiling but keep your feet flat on the floor.  Then flop forward from the waist bending your knees slightly as you go.  You are now hanging forward like a rag doll - your arms and head totally unsupported and relaxed.
  • Straighten up SLOWLY, almost vertebra by vertebra, as if you were puppet and a giant puppet master was pulling you up by the strings keeping your head until last, when you are standing in your original easy position.

Repeat this exercise three times.

Alternatively you can relax in a chair:

  • Sit comfortably with your lower spine pressed into the back of the chair.
  • Raise your arms above your head and stretch as high as possible.
  • Release your arms to your sides and bend forwards with your legs stretched out and stretch your arms out far as possible.
  • Return to your starting position.

See our section: Relaxation Techniques for more information and ideas of how you can learn to relax effectively.

During the presentation

Many people find that once they are actually giving their presentation or speech they feel a lot better and more relaxed. But it's important to remember to:

Just before you start talking, pause, make eye contact, and smile. This last moment of peace is very relaxing and gives you time to adjust to being the centre of attention.

Smiling is a natural relaxant that sends positive chemical messages through your body. Smiling and maintaining eye contact also help you build rapport with your audience.

Speak more slowly than you would in a conversation, and leave longer pauses between sentences. This slower pace will calm you down, and it will also make you easier to hear, especially at the back of a large room.

Move Around

Move around a little during your presentation as this will expend some of your nervous energy. However, try not to pace backwards and forwards, or rock on your heels, as these activities can be distracting or irritating to your audience.

Stop Thinking About Yourself

Remember that the audience is there to get some information and that it is your job to put that information across to them. Try to put your nerves aside and think about communicating your message as effectively as possible.

After the event

It's important to focus on the positives of your presentation once you've finished. Experience is the single most effective way of overcoming presentation nerves and delivering better presentations in the future.

Get feedback

When possible, ask members of your audience for constructive feedback on your presentation. Listen to what they say and focus on areas that need improvement. Try to see any negative points not as a measure of failure but as learning opportunities for future presentations. Our page on Giving and Receiving Feedback may help here.

Use reflective practice

Reflective practice is a useful technique to help you think about and analyse your experiences and can be used for many aspects of life. The use of reflective practice for a presentation can be particularly useful for helping to minimise feelings of nervousness for future presentations. See our page of Reflective Practice for more help and information.

Don't beat yourself up

Like most things in life, presentations are unlikely to be perfect and there are always ways you can improve. When you get feedback from others and reflect on your own performance, it is important that you understand this and give yourself a break. Think about the positives and what went well, and learn from any mistakes or elements that you feel unhappy with.

Treat yourself

Treat yourself to something that you'll enjoy. Perhaps a glass of wine, or a nice cake or just a relaxing soak in the bath. Something to make you feel a bit special and recognise your achievement.

Continue to: Dealing with Presentation Questions Stress and Stress Management

See also: Preparing for a Presentation | Organising the Material The Newbie Blueprint for Virtual Presentation Success

Art of Presentations

Why Do Presentations Make You Nervous? [17 TIPS to Overcome it!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

Why Do Presentations Make You Nervous? [17 TIPS to Overcome it!]

Have you ever felt nervous about giving a presentation? Then, you are not alone. Many people experience anxiety before or during presentations, and it can be difficult to overcome the nerves. Some people get those feelings every once in a while, and for a few others, it is a regular occurrence.

If this sounds like you, then read on to understand why presentations can make people nervous and get some helpful tips to overcome your nerves!

Why Do Presentations Make People Nervous?

A person giving a presentation

In today’s work culture, people are expected to give a presentation every now and then. It is quite a common practice even for students, but more so when you join an office.

But a seemingly simple task of giving a presentation usually makes people quite nervous!

It is interesting to note that nerves can be a natural reaction to feeling the pressure of speaking in front of people. This is because we are often trying to make an impression on others, and that can cause stress.

There are many reasons why presentations might make you nervous:

  • You worry about making mistakes or saying something embarrassing.
  • You worry that you won’t have time to cover everything.
  • You worry about how people will react, or if they’ll think what you’re saying is interesting and engaging enough.
  • You might be nervous because this would not be the first speech of its kind in front of a group of people – it just feels like an extension of the other presentations you’ve given.

It doesn’t really matter what makes you nervous when giving a presentation, what is important is what you do to overcome that fear.

But, before I move on to some tips, I would like to point out a few things that you should remember about presentations . These are as follows –

  • Presentations usually last between five minutes – twenty minutes maximum with a few exceptions. So, holding your nerves for about 20 minutes should not be that hard.
  • Presentations usually have a well-defined structure – introduction, body, and conclusion. So while it might seem intimidating to speak for so long in front of people who are judging you, the presentation is broken up into segments which make things easier
  • You don’t have to worry about forgetting what points you want to make. If you have a well-written outline and notes, you will be able to remember your points

So, if we are able to remind ourselves that giving a presentation is not going to be the end of this world even if the presentation doesn’t go as per our plan or if we fail the presentation, we will be able to deliver it without getting nervous.

Let us also look at some tips that will help you overcome your nerves and deliver the presentation successfully.

Tips on How to Overcome Your Nerves When Giving a Presentation

It is important to remember that not all tips mentioned below will be applicable to you. Furthermore, you may not able to implement all of them either (even if they were applicable to you). But, try to implement as many as you can, and it will surely calm your nerves before a presentation.

I also want to highlight that the tips that I have shared below are mostly based on what worked for me. I’ve personally used most of these techniques from time to time and found them useful.

With that in mind, let’s get started with the tips!

Tip 1 – Create a Robust Presentation Structure

The first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you create a good strong presentation.

You don’t want there to be any sort of gaps in the content as that will make people lose interest during your talk. Having a good presentation will also give you the confidence in delivering the presentation as you know exactly what point you want to drive home!

You can follow the story arc for your talk. The story arc can be the chronological order of events that led to your conclusion, or it could be a thematic analysis of what you want to say in your presentation.

If there is a specific point that you are trying to get across and make stick with the audience, then try using repetition as this will reinforce whatever it was that you were trying to say.

The more time and effort that you put into your presentation, the better it will go for you. You want people to walk away feeling like they got value out of what was said in the talk!

Tip 2 – Identify the Most Important Parts of your Presentation

This is one of those things that people often are not aware of or simply ignore.

Once you are done creating the presentation based on the structure that you worked on, it is important to identify the key points to include in your presentation. These would be points that you want people in your audience to remember as key takeaways.

Pro Tip! When identifying the key points of your presentation, make sure they form a part of the puzzle and lead to the conclusion of your presentation!

Identifying such key moments in your presentation can help you plan out what to say in your presentation. It will also help you remember when to pause, use hand gestures, or even use voice intonation to drive home a point.

One thing that can help you in identifying the key points is that all these points, when looked at independently, should ideally lead to the conclusion of your presentation.

Another way of identifying key points is whenever there is a use of any form of data. When data is used, usually the analysis of that would result in a conclusion that forms the part of the puzzle.

Tip 3 – Think of How to Open your Presentation

Now that you have created your presentation, and identified the points that you want to stress upon, it is time to start thinking about how you will deliver the presentation.

The first step in this process is to start your presentation on a strong footing! Think of how you want to open it. Some good ideas are with a story, or by using an interesting quote or statistic that will immediately grab your audience’s attention.

Another way is to start with a cultural reference. Perhaps think of a movie or a character from a famous TV show, and talk about something interesting about him or her that relates to your presentation!

There are many ways of how you can start your presentation, but think of the one that will stick with your audience the most and give the audience a good idea about what they will be hearing from that point onwards.

The next step to getting started with the opening of your presentation is figuring out what you want to say next and linking the opening of your presentation to your first slide. You don’t want to get stuck immediately after the introduction of your presentation!

Tip 4 – Practice Out Aloud to an Empty Room

Once you have figured out how to start the presentation, and know the key points to talk about, you are all set to put them to practice!

One of the best ways to practice is to speak out loud to an empty room! Doing so allows you to hear your voice in an empty space and see if you are speaking too fast or too slow, among other things.

Just imagine yourself standing on the stage in front of a large audience, and start with your presentation just as you would when you get on stage.

This also gives you an opportunity to find your rhythm. Speak for a few minutes to an empty room, and then take note of how many words you said per minute.

If you notice that you are speaking too fast, you will want to slow it down just a little bit as people may not be able to understand what you are saying if you speak too quickly or frantically!

Practicing in an empty room is great since you don’t have to worry about being judged. Plus, you get a chance to go through your presentation from start to end at least a few times!

Tip 5 – Practice your Presentation in Front of a Mirror or with a Friend

Some people find that practicing out loud alone in a room is not the right solution for them as it doesn’t reflect the right situation they will face when on the stage.

Furthermore, it also doesn’t really provide them with feedback on their body language and how other people perceive them when they are giving the presentation.

If this sounds like you, and practicing out loud doesn’t work for you, try practicing on your own in front of a mirror. I find this to be an excellent way to practice, as you are able to see your facial expressions and other things that may not show up when you speak only out loud alone in a room.

Another way is to practice with a friend or a family member. Go with someone you trust as they will not only encourage you but most importantly provide you with relevant feedback to improve your presentation.

A more personal way of practicing is by recording yourself on video when speaking about your presentation. You can also do this with a friend and have them give you feedback on what they hear, what they see from the camera’s angle, etc.

Tip 6 – Create a Mental List of Things that Make you Feel Calm and Confident

Once you are done with practice, you should now feel more confident and look forward to the presentation (instead of feeling nervous!).

However, sometimes you can still get nervous no matter how well prepared you are for the presentation.

A great way to overcome this issue is to make a mental list of things that make you feel calm and confident.

This could be anything from listening to music, taking deep breaths before the presentation starts, or even repeating your favorite mantra before the presentation.

I personally like to take deep breaths as it is highly effective for me. Deep breathing can help calm nerves in situations of high stress or anxiety (i.e., public speaking). This is because it slows down your heart rate while also increasing oxygen to the brain.

No matter what you use as a method to relax, the important thing is that it works for you!

Make sure NOT to use any coping mechanisms that involve avoidance (e.g. not attending the presentation at all), as this will only worsen your anxiety in future presentations.

Tip 7 – Wear Comfortable Clothing

While there is no specific “uniform” that you have to wear when giving a presentation, what I recommend is wearing comfortable clothing!

You want to be wearing something that you can move around in and not feel restricted or uncomfortable during the presentation. If you are wearing tight-fitting clothes, it can be hard to breathe and move – not a great feeling during an already nerve-wracking experience!

Furthermore, if you are showing slides, you want to make sure that clothing doesn’t match the slide colors and act as a distraction.

Depending on the nature of the presentation, you may want to choose whether to go with casual or formal clothing. That said, I usually go with a nice pair of formal clothes as you can not go wrong with them! A clean white shirt with black or brown trousers should do the trick.

Just make sure that they are loose enough for you to feel comfortable in it. It is always better to wear a comfortable outfit than an uncomfortable one!

Tip 8 – Find a Place Where you can be Alone

On the day of the presentation, you need to keep your focus on the presentation. Don’t start worrying, but make sure that you don’t get distracted either.

It can sometimes help to find a place where you can be alone for some time. This could be a restroom, a terrace, a garden, or even an empty corridor.

If you are giving a presentation online from your house using Zoom or an alternative application, then identify a section of your house that will provide you with some personal space.

If you start feeling nervous, you can utilize this space to calm down and go through your relaxation routine (that I mentioned in the previous tip).

Take a deep breath or even go through your presentation once to remind you that you are well prepared, and you CAN do this!

Tip 9 – Brush Up on your Talking Points Before the Presentation

This may seem like a trivial tip but even if you think you know your material well, sometimes you may forget the flow before the presentation.

Even though you may have prepared well for the presentation, it is always helpful to go through your talking points once before the presentation. Just reading through it once can be enough for you to feel more confident about giving the presentation.

Furthermore, remember that it’s not just the talking points, you also want to refresh your memory with the key points of your presentation for emphasis purpose!

In my personal experience, I’ve seen that reading through the material can be enough for us to feel more confident about giving a presentation. It often helps me vanish the jitters before the presentation.

Tip 10 – Try to Remain Calm and Take Deep Breaths Before Stepping on the Stage

Before you get on the stage, you want to make sure that you are feeling calm. If you are nervous, there is a high likelihood of making a mistake or even forgetting the introduction section of your presentation. This can lead to a disastrous presentation for the audience.

In order to feel calm, you want to take deep breaths before getting on stage and even while presenting! If you have any other things that help you relax, you probably want to exercise those options. Remember tip number 6 mentioned above? Now is the time to implement it!

Another thing that has often worked for me is to remember just the start of the presentation. In the past, I’ve noticed that as long as I am able to start the presentation the way I had intended to, it acts as a trigger for the rest of the presentation and I tend to continue in a seamless flow (as long as I have practiced it enough).

Tip 11 – Carry Some Water With You on the Stage

This is a ninja tip! Something that people almost always forget or remember when they are already on the stage!

When you are feeling a little nervous, you will notice that your mouth tends to dry up much faster! Thus, you want to make sure that you carry some water with you on the stage.

Not drinking enough water before a presentation especially when you are nervous can lead to a presenter not being able to speak on stage. This can not only be embarrassing but can also act as a distraction. As a result, you end up losing the chain of thought, and suddenly your presentation just nosedives!

So, make sure that you drink water before and during the presentation because it helps keep your voice fresh without getting dry and cracking up during the talk!

Pro Tip! Carry an 8 oz bottle as it is compact enough to carry around comfortably and provides just about enough water so that you feel the urge of using the washroom in the middle of the presentation!

Sometimes, you may get a bottle of water on stage. However, most of the time, that may not be the case. Thus, it is always better to carry your own bottle.

Remember to not drink too much water before or during the presentation as this will result in running to the washroom more often! (not a comfortable situation to be in when giving a presentation on the stage)

Tip 12 – Stand Up Straight and Speak with a Confident Tone of Voice

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

When you get on the stage, make sure that you stand up straight. This will help you in two ways: first, it will help you establish a powerful stance. Second, when your body is in an upright position, the diaphragm has more space to expand which results in better vocal projection!

As for your voice tone – speak with confidence and clearly enunciate every word that comes out of your mouth. You don’t want your voice to shake or waver, so make sure that your tone is always clear.

One thing that has worked for me is to speak slightly louder than you normally would. This again helps in two ways: it helps to overcome the shaky or wavering voice due to nervousness. Second, it somehow makes you feel more confident!

Tip 13 – Smile When You Are on the Stage!

If you are nervous on the stage, you may not notice it but people will be able to see it on your face!

One way to circumvent this is to smile at your audience members when you are on the stage!

As humans, it is our natural reaction to smile back when we see someone smile at us! Think of it this way – when a baby smiles at you, what do you do? You smile back, right?

Smiling at your audience when you are standing on the stage (even when you perhaps are not able to see them sometimes), can make your audience more forgiving and can break the ice with them!

Besides, smiling at others will make you feel better about yourself, even if it is just a fake smile at first!

Tip 14 – Maintain Eye Contact with your Audience

When giving the presentation, you want to make sure that you maintain eye contact with your audience members.

You do not want to look down or around at the ground, as this will make it seem like you are unsure of what you’re talking about! That said, you also don’t want to stare into one person’s eyes too closely and for a long time.

While it might be nerve-wracking to maintain eye contact with people, you don’t want to end up being rude by making one person feel uncomfortable and chewing off all of their attention.

Depending on the auditorium in which you are giving a presentation, sometimes, you will not be able to see your audience. However, it is important to remember that your audience is unaware that you are not able to see them (as they will be able to see you)

In such a scenario, it is important that you pretend to be making eye contact with the audience members. However, don’t forget to take breaks and look at the screen and the slides from time to time.

Tip 15 – Use Gestures and Intonation to Emphasize Important Points

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

It is important to use hand gestures while giving a presentation. Hand gestures signify that you are going to speak and also give emphasis to important points.

The way in which you use your hand gestures can make a huge difference on the mood of the presentation! Furthermore, using hand gestures makes the presentation feel more natural.

Just imagine if you were standing straight in one place giving the presentation. It would feel so boring, right? (It would feel as if you are a robot!)

Thus, movement of hands can break the monotony of the static slides and make the presentation slightly more engaging.

In similar terms, voice intonation can also make a difference in a presentation. By using different intonations, you can make the message more impactful and also show what points are most important to your story.

It is worth noting that body language makes up about 55% of communication! This includes your expressions, voice patterns, body movement, hand gestures, etc.

Thus, it is very important for you to use your hands when giving presentations along with modulations in your voice.

Tip 16 – Don’t Be Afraid to Pause during the Presentation

There will be times during the presentation that you perhaps either forget what to say or you will need some time to think about what you say next.

It is okay to take a small pause at such a moment. Don’t be afraid.

Taking a pause during a presentation may seem like it will make you look nervous, but the opposite is true. People are more likely to see that you are taking a moment as a chance to collect yourself and give them time for their thoughts to be shared.

Just make sure that you keep the pause to no longer than about 5 seconds! Obviously, you don’t need to time yourself for that.

Furthermore, you might think that 5 seconds is just a small amount of time, but in reality, when you are on stage, 5 seconds can feel like an eternity!

So, if you feel like you have taken too long of a pause, don’t worry, you probably haven’t!

Tip 17 – Don’t Move Around Too Much on the Stage

If you are like me and feel nervous when giving a presentation, you probably also have a hard time standing at one spot! You can move around when giving a presentation, but keep it smooth! Be mindful of your movements on stage.

Pro Tip! If you move around on the stage while giving the presentation, make sure that you stop walking when you want to emphasize a certain point! This has a greater impact on your audience.

When presenting, it is okay to move around the stage but try not to walk too fast or in an abrupt pattern that can distract and make you feel more nervous!

Also, you don’t want to be moving around on the stage too much. This can also equally easily distract your audience members!

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Credit to Matthew Osborn for the featured image of this article

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  • For General Anxiety
  • For Panic Attacks
  • For Fears and Phobias

Presentation Anxiety: How to Overcome Stage Fright (Complete Guide)

Tyler Ellis

Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, is thought to affect as much as 75% of the population. For both students and professionals alike, this phobia tends to take the form of presentation anxiety. So, how can we overcome stage fright and presentation anxiety once and for all?

While avoiding presentations may bring some short-term relief to your anxiety, this will worsen your stage fright in the long-run. To overcome presentation anxiety long-term, presentation tools and gradual practice are the most effective solutions.

Maybe, right now, you’re extremely anxious about a presentation coming up. Maybe the only thought racing through your mind is how in the world am I going to get out of giving this presentation?

No worries. This guide is going to cover everything – and I mean everything – you’ll need to know. Make sure not to skip the section on “alternative ways of presenting,” I think you’ll find those really useful!

No need to stress; let’s get right into this.

What Causes Presentation Anxiety?

First things first… why do we feel presentation anxiety in the first place?

Sure, we might expect our heart to pound and breathing to accelerate as we walk along the edge of a cliff – but during a presentation? What part of talking about George Washington Carver inventing peanut butter should cause our hands to tremble and our voice to stutter?

Well, as it turns out, presentation anxiety is caused by ancient mechanisms in our brain responsible for our survival. For anxious people, our brain perceives being the center of attention in large group to be a threat. This triggers the “fight or flight” response, causing us to panic as we try and escape our uncomfortable setting.

Obviously, we are in no real danger while giving a class presentation or work presentation. Many years of evolution, however, have trained us to avoid stage fright with a passion. In ancient times, being surround by a (potentially angry) mob could have fatal consequences; as could being humiliated, rejected, or otherwise cast out from the tribe.

For many of us – especially those of us prone to social anxiety – such fears have stuck with us since caveman times. It’s important we remember these fears are harmless. Just being aware of their nature can help with this process. Despite what your brain and body may be telling you, these feelings of anxiety are not dangerous; they are going to pass.

Feel free to check out this article for a better understanding of the evolutionary psychology behind anxiety .

How to Get Out of a Presentation

I recommend against avoidance in most cases, as it only reinforces our anxiety in the long-run.

However, I know what it’s like to be a student with presentation anxiety.

I know how hard it is juggling academics, a social life, relationships, and newly blossoming anxieties all at once. I know that it can get so bad the most logical option feels like dropping out of school altogether. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do that.

So, if you’re really just not ready to overcome your stage fright:

  • Intentionally Choose Classes That Don’t Require Presentations
  • Tell the Teacher or Professor About What You’re Going Through
  • Ask the Teacher or Professor for Alternative Assignments
  • For Group Presentations, Ask Someone Else to Take the Lead
  • Present Your Assignment in an Alternative Format Using Presentation Tools and Software (more on this in a bit)

If this seems a bit vague, it’s only because I’ve actually dedicated an entire article to this topic already. Check out this piece on how to get out of giving a presentation in class for more help with this.

Like I said, ultimately, avoidance is a poor strategy. However, I believe it’s just as detrimental to be “forced” into facing our fears before we are mentally prepared to do so. Having been there myself, I want you to be able to rest easy knowing that you do have some options here.

For this guide, however, I want to focus more on how to actually overcome presentation anxiety and stage fright.

My secret is – believe it or not – I get incredibly nervous before public speaking, no matter how big the crowd or the audience and, um, despite the fact that I laugh and joke all the time I get incredibly nervous, if not anxious, actually, before going into rooms full of people when I'm wearing a suit... And now that I've confessed that, I'll probably be even more worried that people are looking at me.

Prince Harry - Duke of Sussex, Member of the British Royal Family

How to Stop a Panic Attack While Presenting in Class

When I first started having panic attacks, I had no idea what they were or why they were happening. Prior to my first panic attack, I had never had an issue with public speaking or presentation anxiety at all. In fact, I had voluntarily participated in several clubs and activities that required public speaking.

Yet, when my first few panic attacks started (I was around 16 at the time), they would occur in any random situation. Wherever they occurred, I'd quickly develop a phobia associated with that location or situation. One such random panic attack occurred – you guessed it – during a class presentation.

While this experience was terrifying, embarrassing, and extremely uncomfortable, I had – fortunately – managed to keep it together enough for most people not to notice. For the many class presentations that would follow, however, I had to develop some tricks to stop panic attacks while presenting in class.

Here’s what worked for me:

  • Volunteer to go first. This may seem strange, but I always felt it easier to volunteer first and get it out of the way. Oftentimes, it’s easier to deal with presentation anxiety when we don’t feel cornered. By choosing to do it yourself, you maintain some control of the situation and get the jump on things before anticipation anxiety kicks in .
  • Remember you are not going to die. This is just a panic attack, and it’s going to pass. It may be uncomfortable, but it will be over within a few moments.
  • Take control of your breathing. 478 breathing is a simple technique that works. Simply breathe in for 4 seconds through the nose, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds through the mouth.
  • Find a focus object. Choose a point, or several points, to focus on in the room. This could be a ceiling tile, a lightbulb, a pile of books, anything. Whenever your thoughts start to wander or spiral out of control, recenter your thoughts on that focus object.
  • Try and remember the other times you’ve given a class presentation with anxiety. Chances are, this isn’t your first time. Remember those past successes and visualize this presentation as one where you overcome stage fright as well. If your mind is drawn to a time when it didn’t go so well, at least remind yourself that it passed and you survived it; just as you’ll survive this one.
  • If you have a friend in the class, look to them from time to time. Flash them a smile or a wink, and try not to laugh out loud while you’re up there. This may seem silly, but I’d rather stifle a laugh than grapple a panic attack.
  • Remember that no one’s really paying attention. Just as you were sitting at your desk nervously thinking about your own turn to present, most people are doing the exact same now. And even if they’re not anxious, they’re probably zoned out or drifting off; it’s quite difficult to keep an involuntary crowd’s attention. Trust me, they’re probably not thinking about you much.

These are just a few ways to stop a panic attack while presenting in class. Of course, just about any method for stopping panic attacks can work well here, so feel free to explore our site a bit to learn some other methods.

There are only two types of speakers in the world:

1. The nervous

Mark Twain - American humorist, novelist, and travel writer

Alternative Ways of Presenting to Help Overcome Stage Fright

If you take nothing else from this article, I believe that this is the section that can help anxious students and professionals with stage fright the most. When I was dealing with presentation anxiety myself, most of these options didn’t even exist. If you’re anxious about standing in front of class and presenting, any of these could be fantastic alternatives to presenting.

Basically, any of these presentation software tools can help you to quickly create a visually stunning presentation; all without having to speak in front of the class. They utilize audio, video, and/or animation to create informative videos that get the point across even more effectively than conventional presentations.

For the most part, all a teacher or boss really cares about is that you: 

  • Put hard work and dedication into your assignment
  • Learned something throughout the process
  • Are able to communicate what you learned to educate your peers

Telling the teacher “Sorry, I just can’t present today,” won’t meet any of these points, and is likely to land you a failed grade.

Instead, ask your teacher if you can use one of these presentation tools to create an even more engaging and informative presentation. This way, it’ll seem like you’ve put in the most effort in the class, rather than the least; all without having to speak in front of the class.

Here are the automated presentation tools I currently use myself and recommend:

I go into much greater detail on these tools here: automated presentation software . Before buying anything, I strongly suggest giving that article a read. Otherwise, Toonly and Doodly are my top picks.

What is the Best Presentation Anxiety Medication for Stage Fright?

Giving a presentation in high school or college can be extremely stressful for many people. If standing in front of the class feels like an impossible task, you may be wondering about presentation anxiety medication. So… what are the best drugs for presentation anxiety?

Since I’m not a doctor, I can only offer you a friendly opinion here.

In general, I think it’s a good idea to steer clear of anti-anxiety medication whenever it isn’t absolutely necessary. If your doctor prescribes you presentation anxiety medication, so be it. In the long-run, however, this can often create cycles of reliance and dependence that are best avoided.

But what about taking an over-the-counter supplement for anxiety before a presentation?

I have personally found one supplement to help me relax and communicate more confidently. This is my favorite supplement for stage fright, as it has helped me tremendously in situations where I would normally feel a bit socially anxious. I’ve used this supplement for presentations, job interviews, and even first dates.

My favorite supplement for presentation anxiety symptoms is phenibut. It just helps me feel significantly calmer while simultaneously boosting my sociability and confidence. This supplement is extremely affordable and legally sold online in most countries. If you want to learn a bit more about it, I have an article going into greater depth about phenibut here.

I do urge responsibility when using phenibut, as you don’t want to become reliant on it. But if it makes the difference between shirking your presentation vs. delivering a great one, I highly recommend it.

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning

Winston Churchill - Former Prime Minister of the UK, Famous Orator

Tips for How to Present a Project Effectively

Few things help to eliminate anticipation anxiety like truly preparing for the situation. If your fears are rooted in delivering a poor or ineffective presentation, take some time to prepare.

Here are some tips for how to present a project effectively:

How to Present a Project Effectively chart

How to Overcome Stage Fright and Presentation Anxiety

There are many strategies we can take when dealing with our presentation anxiety or stage fright. Here are three of the most common strategies:

  • Complete Avoidance – Post-college, public speaking occasions like presentations are pretty few and far between. As an adult, it isn’t too difficult to avoid presentations, although not overcoming stage fright can be a hinderance in many career fields.
  • Reluctant and Occasional – Here’s where most people in the world probably fall. Most of us aren’t 100% comfortable with presenting, yet we suck it up and get it done when we have to. This isn’t a bad place to be, although it's uncomfortable occasionally.
  • Conquering Presentation Anxiety – Some brave souls will choose to completely crush their fear of public speaking, overcoming stage fright and glossophobia entirely. This path is not for the faint of heart, as it isn’t easy; however, it has the largest payoff in the end with regard to career and confidence.

We’ve already discussed strategies for the first two earlier in this guide. Let’s now focus on the third.

How can we overcome presentation anxiety and glossophobia?

Well, whenever we want to eliminate a fear or phobia long-term, the best way to do so is through exposure therapy. We do have a full article on how to extinguish fears through exposure therapy if you’re curious to really understand this process.

For now, I’ll fill you in on the basics:

By gradually stepping outside of our comfort zone and exposing ourselves to our fears, we can eliminate those fears over time. The key here is that we are stepping a bit outside our comfort zone, but not immersing ourselves so fully to induce panic. In other words: challenge yourself at a fair pace.  

comfort zone vs growth zone vs panic zone

So how do we apply this to overcome presentation anxiety and stage fright?

My suggestion would be to identify the smallest voluntary step you can take outside of your comfort zone without panicking. Perhaps presenting may induce a panic attack, but are you at least able to read aloud from your seat? Perhaps reading aloud is difficult, but could you at least volunteer an answer from time to time?

This process will be as unique as a fingerprint for each person, as we all have different comfort zones and stressors. Try and find where your comfort zone ends and take small steps just outside of it. With repeated practice, you’ll notice your comfort zone expanding as you become more confident with the activity.

gradual exposure hierarchy image

In general, here are some opportunities you may find useful for stepping outside of your comfort zone:

  • Start raising your hand more often to ask or answer questions
  • Volunteer to read aloud or answer a problem on the board whenever you’re feeling confident
  • Create a presentation using presentation software (recommendations above), but see if you can actually get through it without relying on the audio. If you get too nervous, you can use it
  • Rather than trying to get out of a presentation, ask your groupmates if you could take a lesser role with speaking; perhaps you could do more of the research to make up for it
  • Seek out your local Toastmasters group to practice public speaking away from the pressures of your own social circles
  • Try and attend small open mic nights and similar opportunities to gain experience with public speaking

Fun Fact: I successfully avoided presentations for the majority of my high school and college career. Afterward, I wound up working several jobs that forced me to confront this fear. First came a sales job, and next came a job that required me to speak in front of 150-200 people multiple times per day.

Turns out, I liked money more than I disliked public speaking.

List of Famous People with Public Speaking Anxiety

Sometimes a bit of solidarity goes a long way. Here’s a list of famous/successful people who have long been known to have suffered from public speaking anxiety:

  • Winston Churchill
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Prince Harry
  • Warren Buffet
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Tiger Woods
  • Rowan Atkinson
  • Jackie Chan
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Princess Diana
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Sir Richard Branson

As you can see… we’ve got some big names up there. And this is just a very small list of successful people who have been open about their public speaking anxiety – to say nothing of the silent majority!

Never forget, you’re far from alone in experiencing this – you can absolutely overcome presentation anxiety, stage fright, and glossophobia if you wish to!

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About the Author

Years of personal experience with anxiety disorders and panic attacks have led me to devise some pretty creative ways to keep my anxiety in check. In the past, anxiety and panic attacks felt like something I'd have to live with forever. Nowadays, panic attacks are a distant memory for me, and I'm free to pursue passions like writing and traveling the world. Hopefully, the information on this website can help you achieve the same. I do all the writing here myself, so don't hesitate to reach out with questions!

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How to Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class

Last Updated: February 4, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 499,313 times.

Speaking in front of a class may make your thoughts race and your palms drip with sweat. It's something a lot of students dread, but it's also something almost everyone will have to do at some point. Although speaking in front of a group of your peers is admittedly difficult, it is not impossible. Preparation, practice, and presentation will help you achieve your goal of staying calm, cool, and collected during your speech.

Managing Your Nerves

Step 1 Figure out why you are nervous.

  • For example, when you think, "I am going to make a fool out of myself in front of my friends," try thinking something more positive such as, "I am going to be so prepared that I will sound smart enough to impress all of my friends."
  • Remember, fear of public speaking is very common. You are not alone in your fear, and there will be plenty of resources to help you figure things out.

Step 2 Talk to someone whose speaking skills you admire.

  • If the person is someone you can easily talk to or trust, ask them to be your practice audience.
  • If your campus has a speech and debate club or organization, you can ask to come observe one of their meetings, and talk to a couple members about how they cope.

Step 3 Practice in your daily life.

  • If you know that you tend to talk fast, for example, use your daily challenge as an opportunity to practice speaking slower and enunciating. If you know you are quiet when you speak, practice speaking louder.

Step 4 Visualize your success.

  • This may feel silly at first, but the more you visualize your own success, the easier it will become to get rid of negative thoughts.

Preparing for Your Presentation

Step 1 Start planning your speech well in advance.

  • You don't need to have your speech memorized weeks before the due date. Simply start thinking about your timeline. Set aside a little time every day to work on your presentation.
  • Depending upon the type of speech, you may not need to memorize it at all, or you may be allowed to use note cards to help you keep your place.
  • Try to have a subject and a general outline of what points you want to cover developed a day or two after you get the assignment. Then, take 20 or 30 minutes each day to do a little research and write out part of your speech.

Step 2 Make notes regarding your primary points.

  • If you are talking about historical events, for example, have an outline where the headings give the name and date of each event. Then, have one point under that with the major players, and one point briefly summarizing what happened.
  • Don't read directly from the outline. Just use it as a guideline to help you remember key points and keep your structure. It's there to help you if you get lost, but it shouldn't be a script.

Step 3 Rehearse your speech until you have your points memorized.

  • Practice at least 2-3 times each day. The better you know what you want to say, the more comfortable you will feel the day you have to say it.
  • When you practice for others, use their feedback as a learning opportunity. Remember that they are not trying to make you feel bad. They are just helping you find places where you can improve your facts or presentation.

Step 4 Look at the room in advance.

  • This is especially important if you are speaking in a room other than your classroom. Unfamiliar environments can make nerves worse. You can lessen this by becoming familiar with the environment before you have to speak there.
  • Even if you don't think looking at the room will help, do it anyway. It is easier to relax in a place that is at least a little familiar.

Speaking to Your Class

Step 1 Stay calm on the big day.

  • Accept that you will make some mistakes. Embracing the fact that everyone makes small, recoverable mistakes when they speak will help you feel less nervous and keep you from making larger, more critical mistakes. Most minor mistakes won't even be noticed. [10] X Research source
  • If you make a minor mistake like mispronouncing a word or skipping a small part, don't stop your presentation or start backtracking. This can interrupt your flow and make you even more nervous. Correct the mistake if you notice it right away. Otherwise, just move on.

Step 2 Try deep breathing exercises.

  • This helps some people because when they are playing a character, it is easier to take risks knowing that if you mess up, it's the character that will get the blame, not you.
  • Being an actor is a "fake it until you make it" approach. Play someone who is collected and confident. Given enough time, your confidence will stop being fake.

Step 4 Do your best and have fun.

  • You can even make a list. Try writing down two positives of your presentation for every negative. This way you can focus on areas where you need to improve without feeling like the whole speech failed.

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • If you see people talking don't assume it's about you. Just turn away from them and keep going. Thanks Helpful 50 Not Helpful 4
  • Avoid caffeine and other stimulants before your presentation. These can make anxiety worse. Instead, try to get a good night's sleep the night before to keep your head clear. Thanks Helpful 33 Not Helpful 6
  • Talk to everyone as if you were talking to your friends. Thanks Helpful 42 Not Helpful 13

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

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About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To get the confidence to speak in front of a class, start researching your topic as soon as you get it since you'll feel more confident if you're well prepared. Next, rehearse your speech 2-3 times a day until you have your points memorized. On the big day, try to stay calm by closing your eyes, breathing deeply into your belly for a count of 3, and exhaling fully. Do this breathing exercise a few times right before you make your speech, if possible, to relax your body and clear your mind. To learn how to reflect on your speech to learn from the experience, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

EDU Hacks: How To Not Be Nervous For A Presentation

  • May 20, 2023

how to not be nervous for a presentation, two woman encounter each other

If you are a student, you have to give presentations from time to time. Presentations can be nerve-wracking and stressful, whether for a class project, a thesis defense, or a conference. You may need to remember your lines, make mistakes, or be judged by your audience. So how to not be nervous for a presentation?

However, presentations are also an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, skills, and creativity. They can help you improve your communication, confidence, and academic performance. So how can you overcome your nervousness and deliver a successful presentation? This  EDU Blog will guide you to some tips and hacks about how to not be nervous for a presentation.

Why am I so nervous about a presentation?

You are not alone if you have ever felt anxious or nervous before giving a presentation. Many people experience some degree of fear or nervousness when speaking in front of an audience . This is a natural response to a challenging situation that involves being evaluated by others .

But why do we feel this way? And what can we do to overcome it?

There are many possible reasons why we feel nervous about a presentation. Some of them are:

Lack of preparation or practice

Fear of failure or criticism

Afraid of being judged or evaluated

Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar

High expectations or pressure from yourself or others

Negative self-talk or beliefs

Past negative experiences or trauma

These reasons can trigger a stress response in our body and mind, affecting our performance and well-being. Some of the symptoms of stress include:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Sweating and trembling

Dry mouth and throat

Nausea and stomach ache

Difficulty breathing and speaking

Forgetting what to say

Racing thoughts and negative self-talk

Feeling tense and restless

These symptoms can make us feel more nervous and anxious, creating a vicious cycle that can interfere with our ability to deliver a successful presentation.

However, some strategies can help us cope with presentation anxiety and improve our confidence and effectiveness.

how to do a presentation in class without being nervous

How to Not Be Nervous For a Presentation

1. prepare well.

The most important thing you can do to reduce your anxiety is to prepare your presentation well in advance. This means researching, organizing your information, creating an outline, making slides or other visual aids, and rehearsing your speech. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel.

It would be best to practice your presentation several times, for example, in front of a mirror, a friend, or a video camera. This will help you familiarize yourself with your content, improve your delivery, and identify any areas that need improvement.

2. Know your audience

Another way to boost your confidence is to know who you are presenting to and what they expect from you. You should tailor your presentation to suit your audience’s level of knowledge, interest, and background. You should also anticipate any questions or objections they may have and prepare some answers or counterarguments.

Knowing your audience will help you adjust your tone, language , and style to connect with them and persuade them. It can also help you anticipate the presentation’s scenario. Try to find out as much as possible about your audience before your presentation, such as their background, goals, and preferences.

3. Relax before and during the presentation

One of the common symptoms of nervousness is physical tension, which can affect your voice, posture, and gestures. To avoid this, try to relax before and during the presentation. You can do breathing exercises, stretching exercises, or positive affirmations to calm yourself down. You can also use some techniques to cope with stress during the presentation. For example: smiling, making eye contact, moving around, and using humor .

4. Focus on the message, not the medium

Sometimes, nervousness can make you focus too much on yourself and how you are performing rather than on the message you are trying to convey. This can make you more self-conscious and less effective.

To avoid this, focus on the message, not the medium. You should consider your presentation a conversation with your audience rather than a performance. It would help if you remembered that your audience is there to learn from and support you, not criticize or judge you.

5. Learn from feedback and experience

Do not let one lousy presentation discourage you or define you. Treat every presentation as a learning opportunity and seek feedback from others on how you can improve. You should also reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and work on them for future presentations. The more presentations you do, the more comfortable and confident you will become.

6. Be yourself

Finally, the most important EDU hack is to be yourself. Don’t try to imitate someone else’s style or personality. Instead, be authentic and genuine. Use your own voice, tone, and expressions. Show your passion and enthusiasm for your topic. Engage with your audience and make eye contact. Smile and enjoy yourself. This is the easiest way of how to not be nervous for a presentation.

In a nutshell

These are some of the EDU hacks on how to not be nervous for a presentation. Remember that presentation anxiety is normal and common but can be overcome with practice and preparation. Following these tips can boost your confidence and deliver an excellent presentation.

Remember to read more of our  EDU Blog to learn interesting information about education! We have exciting articles on hacks and tips, professional guides, or even educational news worldwide!

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A subreddit dedicated to PhDs.

How do I get over my fear of presentations?

Fellow PhDs, here’s my problem - I love research but loathe presenting it. Mostly because I have a fear of speaking in front of people (even if it’s just my lab group). During every progress report or journal clubs, my voice trembles and my breathing gets rapid. I lose track of what I wanted to say and stand there like I’m unprepared. I was told it would get easier with practise, but no, not so far. Sometimes the stress is too much that I don’t even comprehend the question I get asked at the end. I would love to be able to talk about my research without this fear. How do I get over this? Any advise? :)

Edit: Thanks for all the comments and tips. You guys are incredible!

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Here's what we know about CrowdStrike, the company potentially to blame for a global tech outage

The Crowdstrike logo, red and white with an eagle swooping down

A technical issue related to a US-based cybersecurity firm named CrowdStrike caused computers running Microsoft software across Australia and abroad to glitch on Friday.

The global outage impacted a raft of Australian companies and government agencies, causing many computers to attempt to restart and display a blue-screen error message.

Here's what we know so far.

What is CrowdStrike?

CrowdStrike is a US-based cybersecurity firm that helps companies manage their security in "IT environments" — that is, everything they use an internet connection to access.

Its primary function is to protect companies and stop data breaches, ransomware and cyber attacks.

It includes among its main customers global investment banks, universities and even the Australian betting agency TAB Corp.

The cybersecurity environment has changed rapidly in recent years due to the increased presence of threat actors targeting big business, including Ticketmaster, Medibank and Optus.

As a result, more and more companies are turning towards firms like CrowdStrike to protect their customers' information.

What is CrowdStrike used for?

One of the company's main products is CrowdStrike Falcon, which is described on its website as "providing real-time indicators of attack, hyper-accurate detection and automated protection" from possible cybersecurity threats.

CrowdStrike Falcon is used by thousands of companies across the world to protect data, and a software update released on Friday caused a global outage of Microsoft products.

Earlier this week, CrowdStrike announced an update of its Falcon product, saying it would provide "unprecedented speed and precision" to detect security breaches.

In a statement posted to its website following the outage, a CrowdStrike spokesperson said it was likely an issue with the Falcon product that caused the incident.

Who owns CrowdStrike?

The company was founded by former McAfee employee George Kurtz in 2012.

Its ownership structure is a mix of individual investors, institutions and retail.

A smiling man in a blue and black checkered suit with a white pocket

The company's stock is broken down into two large investor categories. About 40 per cent is owned by institutional investors, and about 57 per cent is owned by public companies and individual investors.

The investor with the largest share is The Vanguard Group, a US investment fund, with about 6.79 per cent of the company.

The question of who owns CrowdStrike was part of a discredited conspiracy theory after the company investigated Russia's role in the 2016 US elections.

Former US president Donald Trump made reference to the conspiracy theory in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2019.

"I would like to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike. I guess you have one of your wealthy people," he said.

"The server, they say Ukraine has it … you or your people, and I would like you to get to the bottom of it."

What's next for the company?

Developer websites have already begun posting workarounds for the issue, and CrowdStrike the company offered a solution on its members-only platform until the incident resolves.

CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz released a statement on X on Friday evening, saying the outage was caused by a "defect" in a content update for Microsoft users.

He stressed it was not caused by a cyber attack.

Earlier, Reuters said those who phoned the company were met with a pre-recorded message.

"Thanks for contacting CrowdStrike support. CrowdStrike is aware of reports of crashes on Windows … related to the Falcon sensor."

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    13. Exercise. Getting regular exercise is a great way to combat anxiety in general as physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety-related symptoms. Hitting the gym the morning of your big presentation will ensure you get endorphins running high while keeping your anxiety levels low.

  11. 11 tips to overcome nerves before a presentation

    Getting some practice in the same space you will be giving your presentation can help your nerves. Tip 6 : Don't expect perfection. Listen, most of your classmates haven't presented a lot. This may be their first presentation or even their last presentation ever. Most people don't have to present a lot in their lifetime.

  12. How to Calm Nerves Before a Presentation: 5 Techniques

    How to Calm Nerves Before a Presentation: 5 Techniques. Stage fright, or the fear of public speaking, is a common social anxiety issue that can reduce self-confidence and limit your oral presentation skills. Read on to learn techniques that will help you calm your nerves before your next speaking engagement.

  13. Presenting in Front of Class: How a Solid Outline and Format Can

    And they're not alone. Nearly 75% of people fear presentations, or have a fear of presenting in class, more than death. Between the nervousness that comes from presenting to your peers and the pressure of your final grade, class presentations can feel a lot more like a chore than a simple homework assignment.

  14. How to Do a Presentation in Class: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

    You don't want to sound like you've just seen a lion, but you also don't want to sound like you've just seen a squirrel, either. Vary it up to make the presentation more interesting. 5. Use hand motions. Move your hands along as you talk, using them to emphasize points and keep the audience interested.

  15. 15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

    9. Smile. Smiling increases endorphins, replacing anxiety with calm and making you feel good about your presentation. Smiling also exhibits confidence and enthusiasm to the crowd. Just don't ...

  16. Nervous During Presentations? Reframe How You Think of Them

    Reframe How You Think of Them. When you get anxious during a presentation, focusing on your feelings will only make things worse. Research shows that being kind and generous reduces our stress ...

  17. Coping with Presentation Nerves

    Alternatively you can relax in a chair: Sit comfortably with your lower spine pressed into the back of the chair. Raise your arms above your head and stretch as high as possible. Release your arms to your sides and bend forwards with your legs stretched out and stretch your arms out far as possible. Return to your starting position.

  18. Why Do Presentations Make You Nervous? [17 TIPS to Overcome it!]

    There are many reasons why presentations might make you nervous: You worry about making mistakes or saying something embarrassing. You worry that you won't have time to cover everything. You worry about how people will react, or if they'll think what you're saying is interesting and engaging enough. You might be nervous because this would ...

  19. Presentation Anxiety: How to Overcome Stage ...

    Simply breathe in for 4 seconds through the nose, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds through the mouth. Find a focus object. Choose a point, or several points, to focus on in the room. This could be a ceiling tile, a lightbulb, a pile of books, anything.

  20. How to Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class: 13 Steps

    2. Try deep breathing exercises. Close your eyes, inhale deeply by breathing into your abdomen, count slowly to three, and exhale fully. Repeat the process until you feel calmer and you can focus on your points instead of your nerves. This is an especially helpful tool to use right before you have to speak.

  21. EDU Hacks: How To Not Be Nervous For A Presentation

    Presentations can be nerve-wracking and stressful, whether for a class project, a thesis defense, or a conference. You may need to remember your lines, make mistakes, or be judged by your audience. So how to not be nervous for a presentation? However, presentations are also an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, skills, and creativity.

  22. How to NOT Get Nervous when Presenting in Front of People

    This is by far the most requested video: "How to not get nervous when presenting in front of the class?" In this video I share my tips that I use before pres...

  23. How do I get over my fear of presentations? : r/PhD

    Spend 2 hours going through it 8 times. Know it inside out, down to the invidiual word. Once it becomes muscle memory, the doing it in front of people becomes easier. As time goes by, committing this much time to every presentation becomes less necessary, but it'll help you get through the earlier, scarier ones.

  24. Here's what we know about CrowdStrike, the company potentially to blame

    The global outage impacts a raft of Australian companies and government agencies. Here's the latest on the company reportedly responsible.