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How to Write a Concert Review Essay

Concert reviews are a great way to share your thoughts about an event. It’s also easy to write one when you know how. In this post, we’ll walk through the steps for writing a concert review essay and provide examples to help you get started on yours.

What is a Concert Review Essay?

A concert review is a piece of writing that shares your thoughts on your experience at a concert. These writing assignments are used to describe, analyze and evaluate an event that you have attended.  

This can be a live music performance or any other entertainment event. Ideally, you can’t write one about listening to an album or watching a movie.

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A concert review essay will usually include;

  • An introduction details what happened, who performed, where they performed, and an explanation of how many people attended the event.
  • A focus on how well the performers sounded and whether or not they impressed you with their performance style and sound. You might also mention how crowded it was at the venue or how much fun everyone seemed to be having during this part of your post. That way, readers know if this was worth their time and yours.

The Structure of a Concert Review Essay

A concert review essay comprises an introduction, body, and conclusion like any other essay. These parts have different components which characterize the paper and make it different from any other piece of writing.

The introduction introduces the concert, helps to hook readers, and provides a general feel of the show. Generally, it is an overall description of the event detailing its name and your general thoughts about it.  

The body of the concert review essay will be about your personal experience at the show. The main point of this part is to explain how you felt during each song and what kind of mood it put you in. You can also focus on how well-experienced the band was or their creative process before they performed.

The conclusion informs readers why you will attend the next one or not and whether the concert lived up to its expectations. This part is also used to wrap up the essay and make conclusion remarks

Tips for Writing a Concert Review Essay

Concert review essays are a great way to express your opinion about a concert you attended. It can also be used to share your experience with others who have not been to the show.

If you are writing a concert review essay, the following tips will help you write an excellent concert review essay.

Choose the event

Before you start writing, consider your overall impression of the show. This can include the venue, the audience and how they reacted, the bands themselves, and their performances. Start by introducing your topic with a hook or quote, then expand on your thoughts about each area in turn

When choosing the event you want to write about, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, it should be something that you remember well. You should also ensure your concert review is a topic that resonates with you on some level.

This can be because of the performer or another association with the concert. Finally, since this essay is supposed to be about your experience at a live performance, you must pick an event or show that was actually attended by yourself or someone close to you in an effort of authenticity and honesty.

Use descriptive words

Descriptive words are action words that help paint a picture of what you’re writing about. They’re essential in concert reviews because they make your writing more vivid and interesting. Using descriptive words can help the reader see what you’re describing through their imagination.

In addition, these words are the best way to create an image for your reader. The more detail you provide, the better. Remember that when you write a concert review essay, the purpose is to give readers a sense of what it was like to be there. So don’t be afraid to use adjectives and adverbs in your writing.

Ideally, write from the point of describing the event to someone who has never been there. With this imagination, you must tell everything and bring a vivid picture to your reader’s eyes and ears.  

For example, the following sentences are ideal.

  • “The first thing I noticed was that they had two drum sets. One was a standard drum kit, and another was off to one side that looked more like a trap set.”
  • “They all had long hair, except for their drummer, who has short hair with a mullet style haircut!”
  • “The music they played sounded great; it had a reggae beat mixed with heavy metal guitar riffs.”

Use emotional words to show the emotional impact

The use of emotional words is one of the must-dos in concert review essays. This means you should be able to connect emotionally with your readers by using words that show emotion.  

If a song is sad, write about it being “so sad” or “the saddest.” If a piece is happy, write about how it made you feel. If you are angry at an artist for something they did, use strong language to describe this emotion.

The reason for using strong words and phrases is that they give your reader a better idea of what it was like to attend the concert. It also helps them relate to you more quickly if they have similar feelings when they listen to music.

The best way to bring out the emotions and connect with your readers is by being honest about how you feel after listening to certain songs or artists. If you do this, you will be able to connect with your audience in a way that makes them feel like they are experiencing what you are experiencing. They will also understand why they should care about what happened or didn’t happen at the concert.

Use imagery

Imagery is one of the most powerful writing techniques for writers to connect with their audience. It entails using words that appeal to the senses, can be seen in your mind’s eye, and can be a great way to get your readers involved and interested in what you have to say.

The more visual your writing is, the more memorable it will be. Further, you should use similes and metaphors to make connections between things that are not alike on the surface. This will help your reader understand what you’re talking about in ways that words alone can’t accomplish.

Also, include sensory details because by describing what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt during an event or experience, you allow your reader to experience what you did, whether good or bad.

While concert reviews are a fantastic way to showcase your writing skills, they can also be a bit challenging to write. This is because you must keep your audience and the artist performing in mind.  

Despite the challenge, it’s possible to grab your readers’ attention from the very first sentence of your review and hold it until the end by employing a few simple techniques. And now that you have finished reading this blog post, you know how to make your next concert review stand out from those already published.

A Descriptive Essay About a Concert Going

Attending concerts is one of the best activities I’ve ever taken part in. The best things about concerts are the people in the crowd, the artists, and the merchandise. First, the crowd is one of the best parts of the concert experience. A good example of enjoying watching the crowd before the concert begins would be from the Kiss concert in 2009.

I watched a member of the crowd pass out before the concert ever started and then watched his friends stack cans on top of his head. They then proceeded to pour their drinks on him. He jumped up, and cans went everywhere. It was very entertaining to watch him yell at his friends.

Another example of the crowd being entertaining was at the Three Days Grace concert I went to a couple of years ago. This concert was at Riverfest, so there was a huge crowd of people around an outdoor stage. Somebody had blown up a condom like it was a balloon and splashed paint around on it. We treated it like a beach ball and knocked it around the crowd, everyone laughing and having a good time. At the most recent concert I went to, The Twins of Evil, many people in the crowd went all out with makeup and costumes. My dad and I people-watched, and I named off all the music videos that people were mimicking with their Marilyn Manson makeup and clothing.

Along with the people in the crowd, the artists themselves really make the concert a great thing. For example, I was eight years old when I witnessed Gene Simmons flying above Verizon Arena in 2009. I was fourteen when I saw Buckcherry rock Little Rock. And I was eighteen Webb 2 when I saw my favorite artist, Marilyn Manson, perform in Dallas, Texas. The adrenaline rush that I have experienced when seeing all these artists is the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. The artists all love their fans, and despite never coming off the stage, the artists instill a feeling of family. The music they make is pleasing to the ears, and when they speak to the crowd, it gives a fan the sense of joy.

The memories brought home from seeing the artists will always be with me and make concerts a great activity, but something else I will always have and enjoy about concerts is the merchandise. Every artist sells merchandise like keychains and hoodies. When at a concert, I tend to purchase something big from a band that I love and something small from the other bands.

From Twins of Evil I have a jacket patch and two t-shirts. From Buckcherry, I have a Buckcherry bracelet. From Kiss I have a shirt with Gene Simmons’s face on it. I also have a Motley Crue poster that I got at the All Bad Things Must End tour.

In conclusion, I love going to concerts. Observing people makes the pre-show time exciting. The artists make the show amazing. And the merchandise that I purchase at the concerts is with me forever.

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Describe a Concert [IELTS Speaking]

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 9, 2020 | IELTS Tips , Speaking | 0

Describe a Concert [IELTS Speaking]

In part 2 of the IELTS speaking test, you could be asked to describe a concert. As with any other IELTS topic, there are numerous possibilities for the specific wording of the question, so I will discuss those in this article. I will also show you some useful language and give you a sample answer.

If you are looking for a more general lesson on the IELTS topic of music, then you can check out this post .

The Cue Card: Describe a Concert

If you are asked to describe a concert for IELTS speaking part 2, then the cue card could be phrased in different ways or ask for different specific ideas. You can get an idea of that just by looking at the Google search suggestions, which reflect people’s experiences with IELTS:

describe a concert

Remember that the word “concert” will not always necessarily be used. You might be asked to “describe a musical event” or something similar, like “describe a music festival” or “describe an event that featured music.” Possibly, it could say “describe a musical performance.” It is important you read carefully and choose your answer appropriately.

Also note that the cue card will probably not just say “describe a concert.” It will probably continue:

  • (that) you have seen
  • (that) you enjoyed
  • in your country
  • (that) you would like to attend

Today’s cue card is this one:

Describe a music concert you have seen. You should say: – what kind of concert it was – where and when it took place – who you saw it with and explain whether you enjoyed this music concert or not.

Analysing the Cue Card

It is important to think briefly about what the cue card is asking you to do. As I mentioned in the previous section, there are differences in how the first line could be worded. In this case, the first line is very simple: It must be a concert that you have seen. In other words, it cannot be a concert you haven’t seen.

You should also aim to cover the bullet points, giving details of the concert. This is not 100% essential, but it is a good idea to talk about these things. They usually allow you to give a more developed and interesting answer. They can also help you to plan your answer in advance, giving you more confidence to speak freely for the required 1-2 minutes.

You can even make mental notes based upon the cue card:

By making notes in this way, you can give a logical answer without worrying about what to say next. There are other ways to consider, but this is a good one.

Language for Describing Concerts

When it comes to describing anything, you need to pick the right language to show the examiner that you have both range and accuracy. At the same time, it is important not to become obsessed with “advanced vocabulary.” Honestly, there is really no such thing.

You might look up a dictionary or visit some rubbish IELTS website made by an incompetent teacher and see silly phrases like “transcendent experience.” They may or may not be technically correct, but usually they are pretty weird and inappropriate. Instead, stick to the facts.

Think about the reality of the experience:

  • What did you see?
  • How did you feel?
  • What did it sound like?

These can help you to pick some good language to use.

Here are a few examples of good words and phrases for different sorts of concerts:

Here is a video made by another English teacher that can help you with more vocabulary for describing concerts:

I will include some more of my own suggested vocabulary after my sample answer, which you will find below.

Sample Band 9 Answer

describe a concert for ielts

In January, 2017, I travelled to Japan with my girlfriend to watch Guns ‘n’ Roses play a major show in the capital city, Tokyo. We were both huge fans of Guns ‘n’ Roses and so we could not pass up the opportunity to see them play live. They had been big in the 1980s and had broken up in the ‘90s, so this was a sort of come-back show.

To be honest, I was really not expecting much from the performance. Guns ‘n’ Roses had always been my favourite band but I knew that their heyday was long ago. They were out of practice and some of their recent shows had been mocked because the singer was out of shape. Still, I was excited just for the experience. I don’t go to many concerts and this was a chance to see my musical idols.

guns 'n' roses tokyo concert

Incredibly, they gave the best performance I had ever heard them give. The singer’s voice was even better than it had been in the ‘80s and they nailed every song. They even played a few covers of bands like Queen, which was unexpected. The ran through all their most famous hits and the crowd went wild when they played Sweet Child of Mine , which is perhaps their most famous one.

Altogether, the show was brilliant. Even the warm-up act, a Japanese girl group called Babymetal , was fantastic. I loved every moment of it and it is one of my favourite memories.

More Notes on Vocabulary

I used some pretty good language here that is very specific to this topic:

  • play a show
  • pass up (an) opportunity
  • (to be) big
  • come-back show
  • out of practice
  • nailed (v. informal)
  • the crowd went wild

You might also like this video about musical instruments:

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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