conservation day essay

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World Nature Conservation Day – July 28, 2024

World Nature Conservation Day is an annual event held on July 28. This day stresses the need for preserving a healthy environment and natural resources to maintain a stable and healthy society. Saving plants and animals that face the threat of extinction is one of the primary goals of World Nature Conservation Day. Also, the celebrations emphasize keeping the various components of nature such as flora, fauna, energy resources, soil, water, and air intact. In addition, World Nature Conservation Day underlines the need for preserving the environment for future generations. We are therefore tasked with the need to leave a healthy planet for those coming after us to enjoy.

History of World Nature Conservation Day

Human activities during the last century have had a devastating impact on natural vegetation and other resources. The quest for rapid industrialization and cutting down of forest cover to make space for the ever-growing population has caused climate change and other environmental implications.

As much as awareness about environmental conservation has increased in the past few years, there is still a long way to go before positive steps show their results. In recent times, the need for conserving the environment has become more evident. The relentless human overexploitation of resources has led to unusual weather patterns, destruction of wildlife habitats, extinction of species, and loss of biodiversity. Sadly, this is the norm the world over. That’s why organizations like the International Union for Conservation of Nature (I.U.C.N.) are important.

In the first decade of its existence, the organization focused on examining how human activities affected nature. It also promoted the use of environmental impact assessments, which have been widely adopted across industries. In the 1960s and 1970s, most of the I.U.C.N.’s work was directed toward the protection of species and their habitats. In 1964, the I.U.C.N. founded the I.U.C.N. Red List of Threatened Species™, which is currently the world’s most comprehensive data source on the risk of global extinction of species.

In the 2000s, the I.U.C.N. introduced ‘nature-based solutions.’ These are actions that conserve nature while also addressing global challenges such as climate change, security of food and water, and poverty alleviation. The I.U.C.N. is currently the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network.

World Nature Conservation Day timeline

The E.U. completely restricts the outdoor use of three neonicotinoids (a type of pesticide).

Thirty-one gray wolves from western Canada are released into Yellowstone National Park, 40 years after they were wiped out by people.

The Endangered Species Act is passed to encourage the conservation of ecosystems upon which threatened and endangered species rely for survival.

In Fontainebleau, a small town in France, the International Union for Conservation of Nature is established.

World Nature Conservation Day FAQ s

How many types of conservation are there.

Conservation is broadly divided into two types: in-situ (conservation of habitats, species, and ecosystems where they naturally occur) and ex-situ (conservation in the context of natural habitats e.g. through zoos, botanical gardens, and seed banks).

What is the difference between conservation and preservation?

Conservation promotes the sustainable use of nature by humans for activities such as logging, hunting, or mining, while preservation means protecting nature from human use.

Why is biodiversity important?

Biodiversity is vital for a flourishing natural world, as well as supporting economies, livelihoods, food security, and the health of humans.

Why is it important to conserve water?

Conserving water is important because it keeps water clean and pure while protecting the environment.

How to Observe World Nature Conservation Day

Cut down on plastic use.

Plastic is cheap and very convenient to use, but it comes with environmental implications. Plastic products are non-biodegradable and are an eyesore in our surroundings. Switch to products made of degradable and natural components instead.

Check e-waste

With the fast-changing pace of technology, people buy new electronic items without thinking about where the old products end up. Most of the e-waste produced is improperly disposed of. Aim to reduce your e-waste and look for recycling options before buying new products.

One of the biggest effects of climate change has been the decreasing level of safe drinking water. Simple steps like turning off water taps when not in use can save thousands of gallons of water in a year.

5 Facts About Conservation

Extinction is happening on a massive scale.

Around one million species of plants and animals are nearly extinct.

More reserves are needed

Only 12.5% of the landmass on Earth is dedicated to natural reserves.

Expensive invasive species

The U.K., the U.S., India, South Africa, Brazil, and Australia suffer an annual combined loss of $316 billion due to invasive species.

Wildlife population sizes have greatly declined

The W.W.F.’s Living Planet Report 2020 states that there has been an average 68% drop in the global population sizes of birds, amphibians, fish, mammals, and reptiles between 1970 and 2016.

Freshwater species are declining the fastest

Freshwater wildlife species populations are declining disproportionately faster than others, decreasing by an average of 84% between 1970 and 2018.

Why World Nature Conservation Day is Important

It reminds us to stay mindful.

Sometimes people become unconsciously reckless in their interactions with the environment. This day is a reminder to treat the Earth with respect.

It protects the environment

The natural world has suffered so much destruction at the hands of human beings. World Nature Conservation Day protects the environment from further harm.

It’s a chance to make a real impact

Conservation can sometimes feel like an abstract concept. This day helps us put things into perspective and make tangible positive changes.

World Nature Conservation Day dates

2024July 28Sunday
2025July 28Monday
2026July 28Tuesday
2027July 28Wednesday
2028July 28Friday

conservation day essay

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Essay on Conservation of Nature for Students and Children

500+ words essay on conservation of nature.

Nature has provided us numerous gifts such as air , water, land, sunlight , minerals, plants, and animals. All these gifts of nature make our earth a place worth living. Existence on Earth would not be possible without any of these. Now, while these natural resources are present on Earth in plenty. Unfortunately, the necessity of most of these has increased extremely over the centuries due to growth in the human population.

essay on conservation of nature

What is Conservation of Nature?

Conservation of nature means the preservation of forests, land, water bodies, and minerals, fuels, natural gases, etc. And to make sure that all these continue to be available in abundance. Thus all these natural resources make life worth living on Earth. Life would not be imaginable without air, water, sunlight as well as other natural resources present on the earth.

Thus, it is essential to conserve these resources in order to retain the environment integral. Here is a look at the types of natural resources existing on Earth and the ways to conserve these:

Types of Natural Resources:

  • Renewable Resources : These are resources such as air, water, and sunlight that refill naturally.
  • Non-Renewable Resources: These are resources like fossil fuels and minerals that do not restock reform very slowly.
  • Biotic: These originate from living beings and organic material like plants and animals.
  • Abiotic: These come from non-living things and non-organic material. These comprise air, water, and land as well as metals like iron, copper, and silver.

Natural resources are also categories such as actual resources, reserve resources, stock resources and potential resources based on their development stage.

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How to Conserve Nature and Its Resources?

Many of the natural resources are being used at a faster rate as compared to their speed of production. There is so a necessity for conservation of nature and the natural resources it offers. Here are some of the ways in which these resources can be conserved:

Reduce Water Consumption

Water is available in abundance on Earth . This is one of the reasons people do not consider much before using it. However, if we keep using it at this speed. In the future, we may not be left with as much of it. Therefore, simple things such as turn off the tap while brushing or reuse the leftover water to water the plants can help in this direction.

Reduce Usage of Electricity

Use only as much energy as you require. It is thus advised to limit the usage of electricity. Simple habits such as turning off the lights before parting your room, turn off the electric appliances after use.  Switching to energy-saving fluorescent or LED bulbs can make a change.

Restrict Usage of Paper

Paper manufacturing depends only on trees. Increasing the use of paper means encouraging deforestation . This is one of the key reasons for concern is in today’s time Always ensure you use only as much paper as necessary. Stop taking print outs and use e-copies instead to do your bit.

Use Newer Agricultural Methods

The government must aware the methods such as mixed cropping, crop rotation. Also, the government should teach the minimum use of pesticides, insecticides. Appropriate use of manures , bio-fertilizers, and organic fertilizers to the farmers.

Spread Awareness

Spreading awareness about the conservation of nature is always a necessary step. It can be achieved only when more and more people understand its importance and the ways in which they can help. Besides this, it is essential to plant more and more tress. It is necessary to contribute towards lowering air pollution. We must use shared transport and employing rainwater harvesting systems to conserve nature.

Nature comprises of everything that surrounds us. The trees, forests, rivers, rivulets, soil, air all are the part of nature. Keeping nature and its resources integral. So, it is very important for the continuation of life on earth. It would be difficult to imagine life on earth, which has a spoiled natural environment.

Therefore, taking appropriate steps to conserve nature in its untouched form. It must be a priority for the human race. Only human beings with their power and ability can save nature in its purest forms.

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Essay On World Nature Conservation Day

conservation day essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On World Nature Conservation Day

World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on July 28th every year and is dedicated to promoting the importance of conserving our natural resources and preserving biodiversity. The day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1982 to raise awareness about the need to protect the world’s environment and the importance of preserving the natural resources that sustain life on Earth.

Nature is an essential component of our existence, providing us with air, water, food, and shelter. It is also the source of numerous ecosystem services, including pollination, soil formation, and climate regulation. However, human activities, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change, are threatening the health and diversity of our planet’s ecosystems.

To celebrate World Nature Conservation Day, people from all over the world engage in activities that promote the conservation of nature. This can include planting trees, organizing clean-up events, or participating in educational activities that raise awareness about the importance of preserving our natural resources. Governments, organizations, and individuals are also encouraged to implement sustainable practices that help to conserve the planet’s resources and protect the environment.

One of the most effective ways to conserve nature is to reduce our carbon footprint. This can be done by reducing energy use, using alternative forms of transportation, and making more environmentally-friendly choices in our daily lives. Governments can also play a role in nature conservation by implementing policies that promote sustainable development, such as the Paris Agreement, and by investing in research and development to find alternative sources of energy.

In conclusion, World Nature Conservation Day is an important opportunity to raise awareness about the need to conserve our natural resources and protect the environment. It is an opportunity to take action and make changes in our daily lives that will help to preserve the natural world for future generations. Whether it is by reducing our carbon footprint, participating in environmental conservation activities, or supporting sustainable policies, we can all play a role in conserving nature and ensuring a healthy and diverse planet for future generations.

Long Essay On World Nature Conservation Day

Nature conservation is an important global cause, and World Nature Conservation Day on July 28th provides us with a chance to reflect on how we can each contribute to preserving the environment. In this article, we explore why nature conservation is so important and discuss some steps we can take to protect our planet. We’ll also look at some essay topics that could help you express your thoughts on World Nature Conservation Day.


Today, May 22, is World Nature Conservation Day! This day is set aside to remind us of the importance of conserving our natural resources and protecting our planet. With the current state of the world’s environment, it is more important than ever to take action to preserve our planet for future generations. Here are some ways that you can celebrate World Nature Conservation Day and help make a difference:

1. Learn about the issues: Take some time to learn about the major environmental issues facing our planet today. This will help you be more informed about what you can do to help.

2. Spread the word: Once you have learned about the issues, spread the word to your friends and family. The more people who are aware of the problems, the more likely we are to find solutions.

3. Get involved: There are many ways to get involved in conserving our planet. You can start by reducing your own impact on the environment. Recycle, compost, reduce your energy consumption, and try to avoid using single-use plastics as much as possible. You can also get involved in local conservation efforts or donate to organizations working to protect our planet.

4. Be an advocate: Use your voice to speak up for our planet. Write letters to your elected officials or join an environmental group working on these issues. The more we stand up for our planet, the more likely we are to see change happen.

5. Teach others: One of the most important things you can do is to teach others about the importance of conserving our natural resources. Sharing your knowledge with others will help ensure that these issues remain top-of-mind for future generations.

By celebrating World Nature Conservation Day, we can all take action to protect our planet and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future!

What is World Nature Conservation Day?

World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on July 28th every year to create awareness about the importance of conserving natural resources and to appreciate the efforts made by individuals, organizations, and governments around the world who are working towards this goal. This day also serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet.

There are many ways to celebrate World Nature Conservation Day. One way is to educate others about the importance of conserving natural resources. This can be done through presentations, workshops, or simply by sharing information on social media. Another way to celebrate this day is to take action and get involved in conservation projects or initiatives. This could involve volunteering for a local clean-up project, planting trees, or supporting an environmental organization. Whatever you do, make sure you spread the word and help raise awareness about the importance of conserving our planet!

Why is it Important to Celebrate World Nature Conservation Day?

World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on July 28th each year to increase awareness and encourage action to protect our natural world. The day was created in 1972 by the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.

Humans are a part of nature, and we depend on healthy ecosystems for our survival. Unfortunately, human activity is causing unprecedented damage to the natural world. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution, and other environmental problems are putting our planet at risk.

World Nature Conservation Day is a reminder that we need to take care of our planet. We can all do our part to conserve resources and protect wildlife. By working together, we can make a difference for the future of our planet.

Benefits of Nature Conservation

Nature conservation is important for many reasons. Some of the most important reasons are that it helps to protect the environment and it helps to preserve the Earth’s resources. It is also beneficial to humans as it can help to improve our health and quality of life.

The environment is important to conserve as it provides us with all the resources we need to live. It also helps to regulate the climate and ecosystems, which provide us with food, water and oxygen. By conserving the environment, we are helping to ensure that these vital services are not disrupted.

Preserving the Earth’s resources is also crucial for future generations. We rely on these resources for our livelihoods, so it is essential that we use them sustainably. Nature conservation can help us to do this by ensuring that ecosystems are healthy and productive.

Finally, nature conservation can have a positive impact on our own health and wellbeing. Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress levels, improve mental health and boost immunity. So, by protecting the natural world, we are also protecting ourselves.

Different Ways to Celebrate This Day

There are many different ways that people can celebrate World Nature Conservation Day. Some people may choose to spend the day outside in nature, enjoying the beauty of the world around them. Others may choose to learn more about conservation efforts and what they can do to help protect the environment. Still others may choose to celebrate by participating in activities that help to conserve natural resources. No matter how you choose to celebrate, World Nature Conservation Day is a great opportunity to appreciate the world we live in and work together to protect it for future generations.

How Can I Make a Difference?

We all know that the world is in a state of change, some for the better and some for the worse. As we look around us, we see so many things that need to be improved upon or changed outright. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and think that there’s nothing we can do to make a difference. But that’s not true! There are plenty of things we can do to make a positive impact on the world around us.

Here are just a few ideas:

1. Volunteer your time or donate money to a cause you care about. 2. Speak up when you see someone being treated unfairly. 3.Educate yourself and others about important issues facing our world today. 4. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the grain. 5. Be kind to others and show them compassion, even if they don’t deserve it.

These are just a few ways you can make a difference in the world around you! So don’t be discouraged – every little bit helps, and together we can make a big impact!

World Nature Conservation Day is an important reminder of the need to preserve and protect our natural environment. We must recognize that protecting nature not only benefits the environment but also ourselves, as it provides us with a unique opportunity to enjoy its beauty and abundance. By learning more about this day, we can all do our part in conserving nature and strive towards making Earth a better place for future generations.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on World Nature Conservation Day in English for School Students

World nature conservation day 2023: students can find essays on world nature conservation day in 200 words and 500 words each. these essays can be used as a reference for essay competitions in schools..

Tanisha Agarwal

schoolWorld Nature Conservation Day 2023 : World Nature Conservation Day is an important day of celebration in schools since it teaches students about the importance of conserving natural resources and nature as a whole. Schools organize various activities and competitions for students on this day, to make them aware of environmental hazards and ways of tackling them. Right from elementary school, activities like plantation programmes, cleanliness drives, saving environment campaigns such as poster making, essay writing, speech competitions, etc are organized by schools worldwide.

Essay on World Nature Conservation Day in 200 words

The world we live in is blessed with a plethora of natural flora and fauna. With the intervention of human lives, our natural processes get disrupted and deeply affected. Thus, the conservation of nature comes into play. Conservation refers to protecting the wasteful use of a resource. Human beings depend on nature for their survival. But, with rapid population growth and the overuse of these natural resources, conservation becomes an essential task. To celebrate nature and its importance, World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on the 28th of July, every year.

 History and origin of this day remains unclear till date. However, the reason for its celebration is something to remember. This day marks the importance of mother nature in our lives and informs people about how crucial its conservation is and how human lives have been affecting it. Every year, a theme is dedicated to its celebration. World Nature Conservation Day 2023 is themed as “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet”.

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  Essay on World Nature Conservation Day in 500 words

  The world we live in is blessed with a plethora of natural flora and fauna. With the intervention of human lives, our natural processes get disrupted and deeply affected. Thus, the conservation of nature comes into play. Conservation refers to protecting the wasteful use of a resource. Human beings depend on nature for their survival. But, with rapid population growth and the overuse of these natural resources, conservation becomes an essential task. To celebrate nature and its importance, World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on the 28th of July, every year.

History and origin of this day remains unclear till date. However, the reason for its celebration is something to remember. This day marks the importance of mother nature in our lives and informs people about how crucial its conservation is and how human lives have been affecting it. World Nature Conservation Day is a reminder of how our deadly practices disrupt the normal functioning of the earth and that it has to be interchanged with activities and habits that focus on preserving our natural resources. With the advancement of technology in our lives, there has been a significant increase in the problems with nature and the list almost never comes to an end. Some of the major environmental problems that have to be tackled with immediate effect are climate change, pollution, overpopulation, animal poaching, forest fires, deforestation, fast fashion, and many more.

Every year, a theme is dedicated to its celebration. World Nature Conservation Day 2023 is themed as “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet”. As the name suggests, this year the focus is on spreading awareness about forest life and promoting sustainability to protect the planet and its people. The best way to celebrate this day is to indulge in environment conservation practices, taking a pledge about saving the environment from some deadly habits that every one of us performs and teaching people or spreading awareness about environment conservation ideas. Most of the time, people remain unaware of practices and the use of substances that might cause harm to nature. The first step in the conservation process should be about gaining knowledge and spreading it to the people, only then nature can be conserved.

Every one of us can work sensibly towards building a healthy environment by taking small steps towards environment conservation, in our everyday lives. Starting with avoiding the use of plastics, shopping sensibly, avoiding fast fashion, saving water and electricity, adhering to appropriate methods of dumping waste, and many more. Avoiding these regular practices can make a lot of difference in the health of nature. Every one of us must have heard this quote, “Health is Wealth”, but, our health depends on nature’s wealth and nature can be wealthy only if its people are conscious and responsible. As famously quoted by Mahatma Gandhi, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, not every man’s greed”, let us all stop being greedy and involve in conscious use of all the beautiful gifts of nature. In order to change the world, it is important to change yourself. Every action begins at home. So, this World Nature Conservation Day let’s start taking environment-friendly actions and be that change we want to see in the world.

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  • Essay on Wildlife Conservation


500+ Words Essay on Wildlife Conservation

Going by the importance of climate change and associated topics are garnering importance worldwide, an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English is an expected topic in the English exams. To prepare well in advance Vedantu has brought this essay for you. It is written by experts having expertise in English. Enough data and content are brought to you so that you can recall maximum points in the exam. This will ensure you achieve amazing marks in the English examination.

Let’s Being with the Essay on Wildlife Conservation for Students in English

Like forests, wildlife consisting of animals, birds, insects, etc. living in the forest is a national resource, which not only helps in maintaining the ecological balance but is also beneficial for various economic activities that generate revenue from tourism. The rich flora and fauna also play a major role in maintaining the ecological balance of a region. There was a time when human needs were minimal and there was bare interference in the wildlife. There is no denying the fact that due to urbanization, pollution, and human interventions wildlife is rapidly disappearing from the planet.

Today the biodiversity of the world is threatened due to the extinction of species. There are thirty-five hotspots around the world, which supports 43% of birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians as endemic. The IUCN has compiled a list of species and has classified the different species under extinct, critically endangered, less endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, and least concerned. This list is called the Red Data Book. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the number of birds, animals, marine and freshwater creatures has dropped by almost one-third of its earlier population.

Causes for Decline or Threat to Wildlife

One of the major reasons for the constant decline of wildlife is human’s ever-increasing demands and greed that have led to deforestation and habitat destruction. For development and urbanization, man has chopped down trees to build dams, highways, and towns and this has forced the animals to retreat further and further into the receding forests.

Rapid industrialization and urbanization due to the fast growth in population in recent decades have taken a heavy toll on wildlife. Global warming and extensive environmental pollution have largely threatened wildlife as they lead to habitat destruction and rising temperature.

There is a huge demand for animal fur, skin, meat, bone, etc. across the globe that has led to a decrease in the wildlife population. Poachers kill the animals for the illegal trading of their body parts. For example, elephants are massively poached for ivory, rhinoceros are poached in Assam for their horns. The desire to keep animals in captivity or their desire to consume certain animals as exotic food has resulted in the disappearance of many animal species such as tigers and deer.

Forest fires, food shortage, increase in the number of predators, extreme weather conditions and other extraneous reasons have led to the extinction and endangerment of many species. For instance, the recent forest fires in the Amazon (Brazil), Uttarakhand (India), Australia, etc. lead to the death of many animals every year. 

Many types of animals, birds, and fauna are needed to retain the ecological balance. They are considered necessary for scientific research and experiments that will benefit mankind.

Steps to Conserve Wildlife

The protection and conservation of wildlife is the need of the hour. Some conservation efforts which are widely implemented are given below:


First and most importantly, humans need to have control over their needs. We need to prevent man from felling trees unnecessarily. Trees should be replanted if they are felled.

Pollution is one of the major causes that have led to the destruction of the habitat of animal species. Pollution of the environment like air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution hurts the entire ecosystem. It has become of utmost importance to control environmental pollution.

More campaigns must be launched to raise awareness in humans on the need to keep our environment clean. A man should be responsible to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem so they should be cordial with the environment. More organizations like PETA should be set up to create awareness among people for the protection of wildlife.


The man should consciously put a check on the rapid growth of the population. The slow growth of population will decrease the rate of urbanization and that will have a major impact on the preservation of wildlife.

Wildlife Sanctuaries:

Wildlife sanctuaries should be made to ensure the protection of the areas of ecological significance. Under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 various provisions for protecting habitats of wildlife are made by constructing national parks and sanctuaries. These parks and sanctuaries ensure the protection and maintenance of endangered species.

Ban of Illegal Activities:

Illegal activities like hunting, poaching, and killing animals, birds, etc. for collections and illegal trade of hides, skins, nails, teeth, horns, feathers, etc. should be strictly prohibited and severe punishments and fines should be imposed on people who do these kinds of activities.

Community initiatives

Communities come together to take various conservation initiatives such as the establishment of community forests, raising their voice against illegal activities, creating awareness among the masses, raising voice for the rights of the animals, conserving animals of cultural significance, and many more. For example, members of the Bishnoi community of Rajasthan are very vocal against poaching activities in the region.    

Many countries have taken the initiative to help animals by proclaiming various birds and animals either as national animals or as protected species. In India, the government has launched a program of Joint Forest Management to protect the wildlife and their habitat. Under this program, responsibilities have been assigned to the village communities to protect and manage nearby forests and the wildlife in them.  Animal species have the right to live just like humans. Therefore, we should take every step to conserve them and ensure their survival and betterment.

Wildlife is an integral part of our planet. Wildlife plays a significant role in the ecology and the food chain. Disturbing their numbers or in extreme cases, extinction can have wide-ranging effects on ecology and humankind. Valuing and conserving forests and wildlife enhance the relation between man and nature. We want our future generation to be able to hear the lions roar and peacocks dancing with their extravagant feathers and not just see them in picture books. We must take steps today or else it will be too late and we should always remember 

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”

-Mahatma Gandhi


FAQs on Essay on Wildlife Conservation

1. How is Wildlife Important for Humankind?

Wildlife comprises animals, birds, insects, and aquatic life forms. They provide us with a number of products, such as milk, meat, hides, and wools. Insects like bees provide us, honey. They help in the pollination of flowers and have an important role to play as decomposers in the ecosystem. The birds act as decomposers by feeding on insects. Birds like vultures are known as scavengers and cleansers of the environment by feeding on dead livestock. Thus, wildlife helps in maintaining ecological balance.

2. Why Should we Conserve Biodiversity?

We should conserve biodiversity because it is very significant for all living organisms and for the environment. We must conserve biodiversity to save it from becoming extinct.

3. Why are Animals Poached?

The animals are hunted and poached for collection and illegal trade of skins, fur, horns, skins, and feathers.

4. Write Two Steps that the Government has Taken to Conserve Wildlife.

The two steps that the government has taken to conserve wildlife are:

In order to conserve wildlife, the government has established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves.

Many awareness programs are launched by the government to create awareness of protecting wildlife.

5. What is the importance of essays on Wildlife Conservation for students in English?

Essay on Wildlife Conservation is a topic given to students because it serves many purposes and holds a lot of importance in the present times. Before starting the essay, students will do adequate research to get enough data about the topic. In the process, they will learn a lot about wildlife conservation. While writing this essay they will learn to empathize with the plight of the animals. Also, they will become better at expressing themselves in written words by writing an essay on this topic as it is a very sensitive topic. This essay will not just help them in fetching excellent marks but it will also sensitize them about the current happenings.

6. What message does an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English carry?

Essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English carries a very significant message that emphasizes the importance of the conservation efforts taken and that are needed. The essay talks about the efforts which have already been taken and are under implementation and it also talks about what needs to be done in the future. It also talks about why we need to conserve wildlife and what significance it holds. Overall the central message of the essay is to conserve and protect the wildlife as much as we can.  

7. What important points should be covered while writing an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English?

As such there are no rigid pointers that you need to cover while writing an essay on Wildlife Conservation, but you may use the following pointers for reference:

Definition of wildlife conservation

Explain the reasons for conserving the wildlife with valid points

Efforts that are taken by international agencies. This should also include various treaties and protocols signed 

Mention the efforts that are taken by the Indian government. Talk about various laws and legislations present.

Mention various provisions on the local level

Talk about various popular civil movements such as efforts undertaken by the Bishnoi Community

What can you do as students to conserve wildlife? Give suggestions and examples.

8. What steps taken by the government should be mentioned in the essay on Wildlife Conservation?

The Indian government has undertaken various measures to conserve wildlife in the country. You can mention some of these in the essay on Wildlife Conservation:

Wildlife Conservation Act, 1972

Schedules involved and protections provided to the animals

Conservation efforts for particular animals like tigers, elephants, etc.

Formation of various protected areas such as National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves, etc.

Awards and accolades received by India on various international forums

Various international treaties and agreements were signed by India. 

Mention names of international grouping dedicated to conservation efforts whose India is a part of

You may refer to Vedantu’s forum to get more information about steps to conserve wildlife. 

9. In how many words should one write an essay on Wildlife Conservation?

Word count for writing an essay on Wildlife Conservation for students in English can vary depending on which standard the student is studying in. it can range from 300 words to 800 words. Accordingly, the level of writing and richness of the content should vary. You can refer to Vedantu’s guide on essays for further understanding the demand of any given topic. If the essay is being written by a student studying in class 10 then the essay should be data and opinion-driven. It should reflect the ideas and thoughts of the student that are substantiated with authentic data and valid reasons.

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Conservation of Forest Essay

Forests are integral to the environment—they provide us with air, water and food; they help protect against floods and other natural disasters. But forests are also under threat—from illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and deforestation. We must take steps to conserve our forests if we hope to avoid the consequences of their destruction. Here are a few sample essays on ‘conservation of forest’.

100 Words Essay On Forest Conservation

200 words essay on forest conservation, 500 words essay on forest conservation, factors responsible deforestation.

Conservation of Forest Essay

Forests are one of the most important natural resources on the planet. They provide us with food, fuel, and shelter, as well as many other products that we use in our everyday lives. Forests also play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate and maintaining biodiversity. Despite all of these benefits, forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate. According to the World Wildlife Fund, forest cover has decreased from 30% of the world’s land surface in 1950 to just 6% today. The main cause of this loss is deforestation, which is often done to clear land for agriculture or other development projects.

The loss of forests has serious consequences for both people and the environment. For example, forests help regulate global temperatures by absorbing carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) from the atmosphere. As more forests are lost, there is less vegetation to absorb this gas, leading to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels and a corresponding rise in global temperatures. This climate change can have devastating effects on ecosystems and human societies around the world.

Many species find their natural home in the forest. This habitat must be protected because it provides animals with a safe haven where they can find food, water, and shelter while avoiding danger. Additionally, woods support a stable temperature and give food to animals that dwell in them or rely on them for survival.

There are many different species on the planet, and it is our duty to protect them. While some animals are endangered and in risk of extinction, others require conservation. The planet will be better off the more we can do to help these animals. It is essential to conserve our species and the environment because the Earth's resources are running out. Many individuals are ignorant of the several advantages of wildlife conservation for society. It also aids the environment by lowering pollution and safeguarding endangered species.

Forests are essential for the sustenance of life on this planet. They provide us with air and water, remove carbon dioxide, shield us from natural calamities, and shelter a large number of our wild creatures. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing from the planet. We will lose them forever if we do nothing now.

Climate change is both a cause and a result of the ongoing degradation of our forests. This damages the habitat of many plant and animal species that are unable to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The ecosystem must be protected for future generations, and we must all do our share to protect it.

There are various factors responsible for the destruction of forests. Some of the important factors are as follows:

Population Pressure | Population growth is one of the important factors responsible for the destruction of forests. With the increase in population, there is an increasing demand for forest resources like timber, fuelwood, etc. This has led to the large-scale cutting of trees and the destruction of forests.

Agricultural expansion | Agricultural expansion is another major factor responsible for the destruction of forests. In order to expand agricultural land, people clear forests and convert them into fields. This leads to large-scale deforestation and loss of forests.

Grazing | Grazing is one of the important reasons for the degradation of forests. When livestock graze in a forested area, they damage vegetation and soil structure, leading to soil erosion and loss of fertility. This eventually leads to the loss of forest cover.

Mining | Mining is another major factor responsible for forest destruction. Mining activities lead to deforestation as well as soil and water pollution, which damages the environment and destroys forests.

Industrialization | Industrialization is another significant factor that contributes to Forest destruction. The establishment of industries requires a large amount of land, which results in deforestation. Additionally, industries release harmful pollutants into the air and water, which pollute the environment and destroy forests

How We Can Help

It is essential that we take steps to protect our remaining forests and prevent further deforestation. Here is how we can protect our forests—

One way to do this is through forest conservation, which is the practice of protecting forested areas and managing them in a sustainable way. Conservation efforts can include creating protected areas, such as national parks, or working with local communities to promote sustainable forestry practices.

One of the most important ways we can conserve forests is by using less paper. We can do this by recycling the paper we use, using both sides of the paper when we print or copy, and avoiding excessive printing.

In addition to using less paper, we can also help conserve forests by using products made from recycled paper or from sustainably grown trees. When we buy products made from recycled paper, we are helping to create a market for this type of paper, which encourages manufacturers to use more recycled content. Similarly, when we choose products made from sustainably grown trees, we are supporting forestry practices that help protect our forests.

Finally, we can also help conserve forests simply by enjoying them. Getting out into nature and appreciating the beauty of the forest helps us to value these ecosystems and motivates us to work towards their protection.

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