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106 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Indian culture is one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world. It is known for its diversity, traditions, customs, festivals, and values. Writing an essay on Indian culture can be a fascinating journey into the vast and colorful tapestry of this ancient civilization. To help you get started, here are 106 Indian culture essay topic ideas and examples that you can explore:

  • The significance of Diwali in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian classical music
  • The role of Bollywood in shaping Indian culture
  • Exploring the concept of karma in Hindu philosophy
  • The importance of yoga and meditation in Indian culture
  • The tradition of arranged marriages in India
  • The symbolism of henna in Indian weddings
  • The impact of colonization on Indian culture
  • The art of Indian miniature painting
  • The cultural significance of Indian spices
  • The history and customs of Indian weddings
  • The role of women in Indian society
  • The influence of Indian mythology on popular culture
  • The tradition of storytelling in Indian culture
  • Exploring the concept of dharma in Indian philosophy
  • The art of Indian classical dance forms
  • The history and customs of Indian festivals
  • The philosophy of non-violence in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian fashion and textiles
  • The tradition of hospitality in Indian culture
  • The impact of globalization on Indian culture
  • The role of religion in Indian society
  • The art of Indian street food
  • The cultural significance of Indian jewelry
  • The tradition of Ayurveda in Indian medicine
  • The influence of Indian literature on world literature
  • The art of Indian pottery and ceramics
  • The tradition of Indian folk music
  • The history and customs of Indian art forms
  • The philosophy of unity in diversity in Indian culture
  • The significance of the Taj Mahal in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian cinema
  • The tradition of Indian street art
  • The role of education in Indian society
  • The impact of technology on Indian culture
  • The art of Indian calligraphy
  • The tradition of Indian puppetry
  • The history and customs of Indian cuisine
  • The philosophy of time in Indian culture
  • The significance of the lotus flower in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian architecture
  • The tradition of Indian handicrafts
  • The role of sports in Indian society
  • The impact of climate change on Indian culture
  • The art of Indian jewelry making
  • The tradition of Indian storytelling
  • The history and customs of Indian textiles
  • The philosophy of karma in Indian culture
  • The significance of the peacock in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian sculpture
  • The tradition of Indian street food vendors
  • The role of music in Indian society
  • The impact of social media on Indian culture
  • The art of Indian embroidery
  • The tradition of Indian street performances
  • The history and customs of Indian dance
  • The philosophy of dharma in Indian culture
  • The significance of the cow in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian painting
  • The tradition of Indian street festivals
  • The role of art in Indian society
  • The impact of urbanization on Indian culture
  • The art of Indian textile printing
  • The tradition of Indian street musicians
  • The history and customs of Indian theater
  • The philosophy of ahimsa in Indian culture
  • The significance of the peepal tree in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian photography
  • The tradition of Indian street performers
  • The role of dance in Indian society
  • The impact of social movements on Indian culture
  • The art of Indian pottery making
  • The tradition of Indian street vendors
  • The history and customs of Indian music
  • The philosophy of seva in Indian culture
  • The significance of the mango in Indian culture
  • The evolution of Indian textiles
  • The tradition of Indian street art festivals
  • The role of theater in Indian society
  • The impact of climate change on Indian agriculture
  • The art of Indian textile weaving
  • The tradition of Indian street food carts
  • The history and customs of Indian literature
  • The significance of the lotus flower in Indian art
  • The evolution of Indian street fashion
  • The role of music in Indian religious ceremonies
  • The impact of urbanization on Indian architecture
  • The art of Indian street photography
  • The tradition of Indian street vendors selling flowers
  • The history and customs of Indian street food
  • The philosophy of karma in Indian street culture
  • The significance of the cow in Indian street art
  • The evolution of Indian street theater
  • The tradition of Indian street musicians playing traditional instruments
  • The role of dance in Indian street festivals
  • The impact of social movements on Indian street culture
  • The art of Indian street food vendors cooking traditional dishes
  • The tradition of Indian street art festivals celebrating local artists
  • The history and customs of Indian street music
  • The philosophy of seva in Indian street culture
  • The significance of the peepal tree in Indian street art
  • The evolution of Indian street photography
  • The tradition of Indian street performers entertaining crowds
  • The role of music in Indian street celebrations

These essay topic ideas and examples are just a starting point for exploring the rich and diverse culture of India. Whether you choose to delve into the history, customs, traditions, art forms, philosophies, or social aspects of Indian culture, there is a wealth of topics waiting to be explored. So grab your pen and paper, and embark on a journey of discovery into the vibrant world of Indian culture.

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80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best indian culture topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 interesting topics to write about indian culture, 🥇 simple & easy indian culture essay titles, 💡 good research topics about indian culture.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 25). 80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/indian-culture-essay-topics/

"80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 25 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/indian-culture-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 25 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/indian-culture-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/indian-culture-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "80 Indian Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/indian-culture-essay-topics/.

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  • Speech on Indian Culture for Students and Children

Speech on Indian culture

Good morning to all teachers and students present here. I am here to deliver a speech on Indian culture. India’s rich vibrant culture is our identity as a nation. Be it religion, art, traditions, humanistic discipline or intellectual achievements- they need to make us an upscale, colorful, and diverse nation. This has withstood the tests of time. India was home for invasions, be it Greeks, Arabs, Mughals all of them have only added to its already rich culture.

Speech on Indian culture

                                                                                                                                            Source: en.wikipedia.org

Today, India stands as a well-liked multicultural society because it has absorbed the better of every culture and moved on. People here follow different religions, customs, and traditions. People though turning modem today, hold on to the moral values, celebrate festivals consistent with customs and wear traditional clothes. We still learn lessons from the good Indian epics- Ramayana and Mahabharata. People still assemble in temples, gurudwaras, mosques, and churches.

Elements of Indian Culture

Religion is a major component of Indian culture. Firstly, Indian origin religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The core values of these religions are karma and dharma. Furthermore, many foreign religions are also present in India.

These foreign religions include Abrahamic religions. The Abrahamic religions in India are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Consequently, the presence of numerous diverse religions has given rise to tolerance and secularism in Indian culture.

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Indian Festivals

India celebrates numerous festivals throughout the year. These festivals are diverse due to different religious and cultural amalgamation in Indian society. Indians extremely value their festivals and celebrate them with joy and harmony.

Indian Marriages

Marriage is certainly a festive occasion in Indian culture. Arrange marriage is a traditional norm in the country. Most of Indian weddings are planned by the parents. In traditional Indian weddings, dowry is given to the bridegroom from brides parents. Though nowadays many people have abandoned the dowry system. Indian weddings are certainly big fat with beautiful decorations, music, dance, traditional attires, and mouth-watering food.

Family System

Indians value the importance of family. In India joint family system is still flourishing. All the family members live together under one roof. The family contains the parents, children, children’s spouses, and offspring.


India is well known for its architectural masterpieces in the world. The foreign influences can be evident in Indian art and architecture due to various historical movements. From north to south, east to west, its culture is extremely much alive. We must not just believe what we see in urban malls.

The art and architecture of the cave temples (Ajanta & Ellora), the carved Gopurams, the Gumbads, the intricate work of art created as a symbol of eternal love (the Taj Mahal), the Jharokas of the palaces, the forts, and their splendors still attract us and foreigners.

Indian culture is always a source of inspiration for several writers. India is certainly a symbol of unity in the world. Indian culture is certainly very complex. In addition to this, the conception of Indian identity poses certain difficulties but despite this, a typical Indian culture does exist. Above all, these forces are a strong Constitution, universal adult franchise, secular policy, flexible federal structure, etc.

Indian culture is characterized by a strict social hierarchy. Probably, many Indians believe that gods and spirits have a task in determining their life. Earlier traditional Hindus were divided into four varnas. Now, this difference is declining.

Indian culture is certainly very diverse. Also, Indian children learn and assimilate within the differences. In recent decades, massive changes have taken place in Indian culture. Above all, these changes are female empowerment, Westernization, a decline of superstition, higher literacy, improved education, etc.

To sum it up, the culture of India is one of the oldest cultures within the World. Above all, many Indians till stick with the normal, Indian, culture in spite of rapid globalization. So, my friends, Indians have demonstrated strong unity regardless of the range among them. Unity in Diversity is the mantra of Indian culture.

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1000+ Best General Topics For Presentation (Updated)

Published by admin on august 11, 2020 august 11, 2020.

This is a list of more than 1000+ best general topics for presentation. These updated presentation topics are useful for PowerPoint, Google Slide as well as Prezi presentations.

These presentation ideas will help students, teachers, researchers, and professionals to prepare a stunning presentation. These technical & non-technical topics can be used for seminars, webinars, conferences, oral presentations, speeches, essays, and research papers.

Table of Contents

List of Latest Topics For Presentation

These are trending topics which covers recent happenings in India and the world updated in 2021.

5G Technology: boon or bane?

The World in 2021: How global politics will change this year

The world after Covid-19 pandemic

The Farm Bill: Why farmers protest?

Article 370: What’s happening in Kashmir!

Are We Prepared for the Next Pandemic?

India China Standoff: The cost of the cold war!

Babri Masjid Demolition: Verdict & Impact

Online Ratings: How reliable!

India And Its #MeToo Movement: Where Are We Now?

Brexit: Analyzing the impact – what changed and what doesn’t!

5 Minute Presentation Topics

Future of Communication

Time is Money

7 Wonders of the world

How to win friends easily

Data is the new oil

Love Vs. Attachment

Importance of Silence

Power of Meditation

Health is Wealth

A World Without Weapon

My favourite teacher

How to say no?

What is real love?

The secret of happiness!

Social Media and Privacy Issues

Out of the box thinking!

Honesty is the best policy

Pollution: Effect & remedies

Data Privacy: Concerns & Dangers

These are short presentation topics can also be used for 3 minute, 5 minute or 10 minutes PowerPoint or oral presentation.

Interesting topics for presentation

These are slightly different and mysterious topics for presentation which may generate interest.

Aliens and UFO’s: Are they real?

Smart City: More Livable Future!

Ancient science: direction for new technology?

Bermuda triangle: Truth?

Beauty is subjective

Borderless World: Still far away?

Global Warming: Myth or Reality?

Love: A choice or A Feeling!

Do opposites really attract

How do astronauts vote from space?

You are more than you think!

Elon Musk: A real superhero!

Presentation Topics For School & College Students

Solar: The Future Fuel

Electric Vehicles: Future Of Transportation

Plastic Recycling

Discipline in the classroom

E-Learning: Future of education?

Green Technology

Unlimited benefits of sports

Indian Topics For Presentation

Cricket Mania in India

Chaturbhuj Project India

Indian Culture

Indian Festivals

Indian Hospitality

Indian Wars

Incredible India

Swachch Bharat

Make In India

Ancient India

Indian Economy

Assam Riots/ violence 2012

Science Presentation Topics

Black Holes: Still Mystery?

Earth beyond earth: Life Possibilities in the universe

How old is the universe?

The mystery of Dark Matter!

Amazing World of Quantum Physics

Gene Therapy: Future of Medical World!

Is the Earth an organism?

What Does Quantum Theory Actually Tell Us about Reality?

Technology Presentation Topics

Android OS: Revolution in Mobile Experience!

Adaptive signal processing in wireless communications

In Search of Best Operating System

Sixth Sense Technology

Google Glass: Better but banned!

Anti-theft devices for homes

Intelligent Traffic Control Using Image Processing

Autonomous Car: Miraculously Self Driving!

Symbian OS: Leader to Nowhere!

Unmanned Aircrafts

Robot that can camouflage itself

Video Games: Impact on Children

The power of social media

Robotics For Military Applications

Mobile: Future of Technology

Self Driving Car

Electronic Governance

Electronic Media

Embedded Systems

Genetic Engineering

GPS (Global Positioning System)

Greenhouse Effect

Grid Computing


Mobile Number Portability (MNP)

Molecular Electronics

Nuclear Technology

Quantum Cryptography

Super Conducting Generator

Telecom System


Touch Screen Devices

Touch Screen Monitors

Blu Ray Disc


AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode)

Biomedical engineering

Biometric Voting System

Digital Books

Digital Divide

Digital Signature

Evolution of Telecom System

History of Computer

Driverless Car

IT Topics For Presentation

Ethical Hacking

Moving towards paperless world!

Cloud Computing

Artificial Intelligence

Cyber Monday

Future of Computers

Future of Technology

Business Presentation Topics

Ethics in Business

Globalization & its impact

Visual Resumes: New way to present yourself

WTO (World Trade Organization)

Bill of Exchange

SEZ (Special Economic Zone)

Share Capital

Share Market

Commercial Geography

Consumer Behavior

Mass communication

Foreign Investment

Foreign Exchange Management

Direct taxation

Distribution channels

BRIC Countries

Anti Dumping

Integrity at work

Easy Presentation Topics

Save Earth Save Humanity

Stress Management


Tree Plantation

Time Management

Social Topics For Presentation

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The (harsh) Truth?

Inter caste marriage (Inter caste marriage act)

Role of Cinema in Social Awareness

Online Education: Social Impact

Social Media: Pros and cons

Social Networking

Social Responsibility

Social Welfare

Women’s Rights

Human Biology Topics for Presentation



Anorexia Nervosa

Biological Engineering

Biological Weapons

Healthcare Presentation Topics

Alternative Medicine: The Future of Healthcare?

Abortion: Need, Psychology & Hurts!

Birth Control: Challenges & Solutions?

Blood Donation: Let’s contribute

Food Poisoning

Economy Presentation Topics

Black money: Good or bad?

Borderless world: Good for the world economy?

Need for a better World Health organisation!

Green Economy

Law presentation topics (Legal topics)

Company Act

Consumer Protection (Consumer Protection Act)

Consumer rights

Copyright (Copyright Act)

Anti Ragging act

Child Labour and related issues

Education Presentation Topics

Academic Dishonesty

Academic Freedom

Future of Education

Real-Life Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem

E-Book Vs. PaperBook – Which is better?

Unschooling: Legitimate pedagogy or foolish fad?

The Hardest Languages in the World to Learn

Distance Education

Animal Presentation Topics

Animal Rights

Animal Cruelty

Animal Abuse & Cruelty

The life of deep sea fish

How to train your dog

Why all kids should have pets

Wild animals should stay wild

Experimentation with Animal or In Vivo Testing: Right or wrong?

Environmental Topics For Presentation

Acid Rain: Reasons & Solutions

Global Warming: causes, effects & solutions!

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas): Eco-Friendly Future

Climate Change: Who is responsible!

Conservation of Energy: Need of the hour!

Anti Pollution: New Challenge

Save Papers. Save Trees. Save Earth.

Green House Effects & Climate Change

Go Green to save the earth

Water Conservation

Wildlife Conservation

Anti Pollution

Alternative Fuel


Natural Calamities/Disasters: Reasons and Solutions

Eco-friendly products & technologies

Conservation of Natural Resources

Renewable Energy

CNG: Future of Fuel?

CNG: Fuel for Vehicle – Analysis

Renewable Resources

Natural Calamities or Disasters: Who is responsible?

Is Global warming real!

Energy Conservation

Soil Conservation

Soil Erosion

Solar Energy

Save Energy. Save Earth.

Save Tigers. Save Earth.

Save Water. Save Earth.

Rainwater harvesting

Forest Conservation

Silicon Solar Cell

Buy Nothing Day

Air Pollution

Natural Gas

Natural Resources

Ozone Depletion

Ozone Layer

Plastic Pollution

Agriculture Topics

Is Organic Farming Profitable?

Zero Budget Natural Farming

Agricultural biodiversity

Agricultural Policy

Organic Vs. Natural Farming

Topics For Management Presentation

Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours

Marketing Myopia

Competitive Intelligence

Copycat Marketing

Work-life balance

Risk Management

Corporate Social Responsibility

Integrating business and family

The change challenge

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  • Indian Culture Speech


Long Speech On Indian Culture

Culture as a term is very rich and deep. It has a very broad range of other parts of a region or country that constitutes the formation of culture. Culture can also be referred to as the way of living and the way a society functions. Indian culture when looked upon can be categorised into two separate time periods. Ancient times and modern or contemporary times. India, being home to many religions, caste and culture, thrives on its diversity. The diversity of our nation makes our Indian Culture the most distinguishable and unique. Indian Culture Speech in this article is explored in different ways of presenting. It can be a Long Speech On Indian Culture or a Short Speech On Indian Culture.

Long and Short Speech on Indian Culture

Long indian culture speech .

This format of speech on Indian Culture is of  500-words that can be delivered as a 5-minute speech and it is helpful for students in grades 8-12.

Good morning everyone, respected Principal, Teachers and my fellow students, I am XYZ (mention your name) here to deliver a speech on Indian culture. Let’s first understand the meaning of culture. ‘Colere’ is a Latin word that means to cultivate via tending to the earth that helps us nurture and grow. The term culture is derived from the word ‘colere’ which means any form of manifestation that has nurtured the civilization to move ahead and grow. 

The manifestations can be of the intellectual form that represents our art, religious texts, books, classical music and classical dance forms. For instance, Ballet is a classical dance form of France that displays aesthetics and ethereal qualities and practices using rigorous techniques. 

In our country India, there is a form of classical dance representing each state, in the North region, Kathak is practised which captures the quality of life specific to people in the hilly regions of Northern India. Odissi is the classical dance of Odisha, Bharatanatyam is from Andhra Pradesh and Kuchipuddi from Kerala. All of it contributes to the culture of India.

The other form of culture means language, how we greet each other, how we behave with our loved ones, religion, cuisine, social habits and clothes, what we wear, how we wear it. The richness of our cultural heritage is supreme in the world and regardless we greet each other with humility by bowing with folded hands in Namaste. 

In India family means a close-knit group of people who chose to stay together in a joint family set up and gladly help each other and spend time together. In other parts of the world, the culture is very individualistic and they have to take appointments even to meet their parents.

The clothes, in Indian culture saree, is the traditional wear for women and kurta for men although now in the metro cities the western wear is adopted by the youth and they dorn jeans, skirts and shirts. 

Food is the most important part of any culture, and India has a unique and wide range of food palate. The staple food for northerners is roti made of wheat, flour and barley. The eastern and southern parts of India have rice regularly. In West Bengal and Odisha, fish curry is a popular dish. And the western states like Gujarat relish light and non-oily vegetarian meals. 

Culture is also about religion and India certainly is a home to many like Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Parsi and even Christianity. The most important cultural and learnings that India draws from are the Vedas and the holy books of Ramayana and Mahabharata. The teachings of these texts are very true even to date and have been an integral part of all the children who grow up in Hindu culture and certainly, even if not a Hindu everyone is aware of it.

This diversity and unique amalgamation of different cultures in one can be seen in India. And Indian culture is like many worlds within one. Let’s celebrate and cherish our beautiful culture.

Short Indian Culture Speech 

This type of short speech on Indian culture is helpful for students in grades 4-7 to deliver a 3-minute speech.

We preach and practice ‘ Atithi Devo Bhava’. Our guests are treated as Gods and we have to serve and treat them with respect and love. We must all take pride in such a rich culture like ourGood morning everyone I am Xyz (mention your name) here to speak on the topic of Indian culture. Culture is what people make it to be and that seeps into everything. Be it the way one talks to your elders, peers, friends, the language, way of dressing, religion, what one believes in, food habits and the social life lived. Everything that becomes a norm in a society becomes a culture. 

Indian culture is not just about saying Namaste in our greeting or touching the feet of our elders. It is in our culture to honour spiritual growth and consider everybody equal and treated with kindness. These faiths and belief systems in our country come from the concept of Dharma. 

That speaks about religion and even though our country is the birthplace of many religions humanity is considered above all. The concept of Karma is a sense of duty to do the right thing in the right way and ahimsa that promotes the idea of non-violence and to not engage in any such trivial fights. 

These three main concepts have been heavily influenced by all the religious texts as well. That was a large part of the ancient culture which people are trying to retain even in modern times as well. Our country is very inclusive as people are free to practice their own choice of religion. India is diverse even in food habits where one part enjoys spice and rice others prefer sweets and rotis. 

India is also welcoming of everyone regardless of their religion, colour and caste. It is only in India that we preach and practice ‘ Atithi Devo Bhava’. Our guests are treated as Gods and we have to serve and treat them with respect and love. We must all take pride in such a rich culture like ours.

10 Line Speech on Indian Culture

This is a brief note that will be helpful for delivering this speech to students in grades 1-3 as they can understand the simple format of speech.

India is a populated country with millions of people living in this land and the culture is vastly different even within India.

The written and spoken languages, food, lifestyle, dance forms, art, music, choice of clothing, talking to others, working style all come under the huge umbrella of culture.

In India, with 28 states and 7 union territories, the culture differs from one region or state to another.

Where in the north-west, Rajasthan is a state that still values the traditional lifestyle of eating vegetarian, wearing traditional clothes and women wearing a saree veil is a norm protocol. However, it is not the same everywhere in India. 

In other states like Goa, Maharashtra, West Bengal, New Delhi people live based on the norms of modern culture. 

The core of Indian culture lies in our values and virtues.

Family values and a sense of community and togetherness is an integral part of our culture.

Every festival is celebrated with equal zeal be it Holi, Eid, Diwali, or Christmas. 

People of all religions thrive in our country, Hindus, Muslim, Sikh, and Christian.

Indian culture values the spirit or soul of every individual to be equal so we don’t consider ourselves superior and bow in our greeting with folded hands saying Namaste


FAQs on Indian Culture Speech

1. What is Indian culture like?

India's culture refers to a collection of minor, distinct cultures. Clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and art are all part of India's culture. Throughout its history, Indian culture has been impacted by a variety of foreign cultures. Furthermore, India's culture has a millennia-long past. Social norms, ethical principles, traditional rituals, religious systems, political systems, artifacts, and technology that originated in or are related to the Indian subcontinent make up Indian culture.

2. What distinguishes India?

India is one of the world's largest countries, with administrative powers and responsibilities split between the central government and various entities, such as states and union territories. India now has 29 states and seven union territories. Each state has its unique language, dress, cuisine, and appearance. In addition to mathematics, number zero, shampoo, chess, the value of pi, and diamond mining, India is the birthplace of numerous other inventions. These qualities distinguish India.

3. What changes have occurred in Indian culture in the last few decades?

Many changes have occurred in Indian culture during the last few decades. Female empowerment, westernization, a fall in superstition, better literacy, improved education, and other developments are among the most significant. The most essential variables that have enabled or prevented our society from adopting or integrating are political freedom and the introduction of democratic values, industrialization, urbanization, increased education, legislative measures, social reform in the caste system, and social.

4. Write a few lines on Indian culture?

Few lines about Indian culture are:

The Indian civilization is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with many people still adhering to the civilization's conventions and practices, keeping it alive.

India is a country with thousands of civilizations, each with its own distinctive traits.

Religions in India have a profound and long-lasting influence on the country's culture and traditions.

The notion of "Atithi Devo Bhava," which holds that a guest is equal to god and should be treated with respect, is very important to Indians.

Holi, Diwali, Durga Pooja, Dussehra, Ganesh Chaturthi, Eid, Guru Parab, Christmas, and many other festivals are celebrated throughout India.

5. What is the difference between Indian culture and western culture?

Some of the cultural contrasts between Indian and Western cultures are as follows:

The traditional mindset of people who live in India is known as Indian culture. It refers to India's customs, traditions, ceremonies, festivals, and religions. Whereas  The origins of Western civilization may be traced back to Ancient Greece and Rome, which extended throughout the world under Roman authority. It was supported by European civilization at the time, and it now refers to a modern way of thinking.

One of the world's oldest cultures is Indian culture. The traditions trace back millennia. Whereas historical records show that western civilization began with Ancient Greece and Rome, many people regard it as modern culture.

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Speech about Indian Culture [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

1 minute speech about indian culture.

Indian culture is a composite of various regional and sub-regional cultures, which have been influenced by the Indian subcontinent’s 1.5 billion people and the diverse geography it encompasses.

The Indian culture has a unique blend of influences from various parts of the world. These influences have been shaped over thousands of years and are evident in every aspect of life in India.

Indian culture is known for its beauty and uniqueness. From ancient times, Indians have been in love with beauty. In many ways, Indian culture has shaped the very idea of beauty.

There are many reasons why Indian culture is known for its beauty. One of the most important reasons is that there is a strong emphasis on natural beauty and harmony with nature.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on Speech about Indian Culture

  • “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.”
  • “If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.”
  • “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.”
  • “If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.”
  • “India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages. She was the mother of our philosophy, mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.”
  • “The Indian way of life provides the vision of the natural, real way of life. We veil ourselves with unnatural masks. On the face of India are the tender expressions which carry the mark of the Creator’s hand.”
  • “Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries.”
  • “India has always had a strange fascination for me; India has been the land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendor and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence.”
  • “India has a great tradition of hospitality, which I experienced firsthand during my time in India.”

2 Minutes Speech about Indian Culture

India has a very rich culture and has been the birthplace of many different religions. India is also home to several languages that are spoken by more than 1 billion people.

India is a land of diversity, where you can find everything from religious festivals like Diwali to the colorful cultural celebrations of Holi. Indian culture is based on spirituality and respect for nature.

The country is also home to some of the world’s most famous monuments, such as Taj Mahal.

India is a country of diversity and the beauty of Indian culture lies in its various facets. There are many aspects that make Indian culture beautiful, but one of them is the way it embraces diversity.

Indian culture has always been a melting pot of different cultures and religions. It is this ability to accept and embrace difference that makes it so unique as a society.

This section discusses the beauty of Indian culture with respect to its acceptance and embracing of difference.

Indian Culture Festivals are celebrations of the diverse cultural aspects of India. They include festivals like Diwali, Holi, Dussehra, and Eid.

Indian Culture Festivals are a good way to understand Indian culture as a whole and celebrate it in a unique way.

3 Minutes Speech about Indian Culture

Indian culture is a complex and diverse set of beliefs, traditions, and behaviours that are shared by the Indian people. It is not static; it changes over time as new ideas, technologies, and societies develop.

Indians are traditionally a very religious society with a huge emphasis on spirituality. The religion in India is known as Hinduism, which has many diverse sub-sects and denominations. There are also many other religions represented in India such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism etc.

Hinduism has been deeply influenced by the Vedas – ancient scriptures of Hinduism which were composed between 1500 BCE to 500 BCE. These scriptures have played an important role in shaping the Indian culture including its religious practices and beliefs.

India is one of the most diverse countries in the world. It has a rich and unique culture that is unlike any other country. With its diverse culture, it also comes with a distinct beauty.

India’s beauty is not just limited to its people but also extends to its food, architecture, and clothing. In fact, India has been known for its innovations in the field of fashion and textiles.

India has a wide variety of cultures and festivals. Some of the most popular ones are Diwali, Holi, Dussehra, Eid ul Fitr, and Navratri.

5 Minute Speech about Indian Culture

Indian culture has been a source of inspiration for many creative minds. It has also been the subject of various works of art, literature, and films that have been produced in India.

In this section, we will explore Indian culture from different perspectives and discuss how it has shaped the creative minds and arts in India.

Indian culture is an amalgamation of various religions, languages, dialects, customs, and traditions. The main religion in India is Hinduism which is followed by about 80% of the population. The other major religions are Islam (13%), Christianity (2%), and Sikhism (1%). This diversity gives India a unique identity that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.

The Indian cultural heritage dates back to over 5000 years ago when people started living in villages near the river Ganges. The first city was built around 3100 BC near Delhi while the first temple was built around 1600 BC at Bhaja Caves located in Maharashtra state in India.

Indian culture has always been about celebrating the beauty of life. It is a culture that celebrates the richness of its heritage and its traditions.

India is a country with a diverse range of cultures and traditions. There are many different interpretations of beauty in India, but they all have one thing in common – they are rooted in tradition and history.

The Indian culture has always been about celebrating the beauty of life, be it through its food, dress or language. The diversity in Indian culture ensures that there is something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.

The beauty of Indian culture is one of the most important aspects of India. India has a rich heritage and a diverse culture that is full of colors, art, and architecture. It also has a great history that spans thousands of years.

The beauty of Indian culture is not just limited to its people or its heritage but also to its food and festivals. For example, the festival of lights (Diwali) is celebrated in India every year with lights, colors, and fireworks.

India has a wide variety of festivals that are celebrated throughout the country. They vary in their traditions, customs, and celebrations.

The Indian culture has been influenced by various religions and civilizations throughout its history. This is evident in the variety of festivals that are celebrated in India.

Celebrating these festivals is an integral part of Indian culture and they have a deep significance for the people of India.

India is a country with diverse culture and heritage. It has a rich history and many festivals. This list of Indian Culture Festivals provides insight into the different kinds of celebrations that are held in India.

Many festivals in India are related to agriculture and nature, such as Holi, Diwali, and Dusshera. Other festivals celebrate the accomplishments of the past years, such as Ugadi (the New Year), Navratri (Durga Puja), Diwali, and Dusshera. The list also includes some more modern festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, Christmas Day, Raksha Bandhan, etc.

Indian Festivals list with Expected months

JanuaryMakar Sakranti
JanuaryBasant Panchami
 FebruaryMaha Shivratri
MayThrissur Pooram
MayBuddha Jayanti
MayEid Ul Fitr
JuneRatha Yatra
AugustIndependence Day
AugustGanesh Chaturthi
OctoberDurga Puja

Examples of sentences that can be used in starting of this speech

Examples of sentences that can be used in closing of this speech, speeches in english.

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  • Speech on Health and Fitness
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  • Speech on Overcoming Fear
  • Speech about Family
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Speech on Indian Culture

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  • May 2, 2023

Speech on Indian Culture

If you are a student struggling with preparing a speech for your ASL assessment, then you have come to the right place. CBSE has incorporated ASL, Assessment of Speaking and Learning, in its curriculum to not only focus on academics but also improve the speaking, writing skills, and many other learning skills of students, which is equally important. In this blog, we will cover the topic of speech on Indian Culture so you can prepare better and ace your ASL evaluation!

This Blog Includes:

Speaking task: speech on indian culture (2 minutes)  ≈ 250 words, speaking task: speech on indian culture (5 minutes) ≈ 400 words, speech on indian culture and tradition in 100 words, speech on indian culture vs western culture in 100 words, family system, architecture, dance and music, 10 lines on indian culture , top 5 quotes can be used in speech on indian culture.

Good Morning everyone. My name is XYZ and my topic ASL is one of the largest and the most diverse cultures in the world, a Speech on ‘Indian Culture’. Just like its vast geography, India’s culture also comprises a wide range of diversity in terms of language, festivals, food, religions, etc. The people of this nation embody the qualities of compassion and empathy. Despite having cultural values and traditional customs that are poles apart, there is a sense of congruence and unity that prevails among people. Family and community values are highly fundamental in our lives. When it comes to festivals, every family has its own traditions. Whether it’s an occasion of jubilation and triumph or a time of sorrow and grief, the people are always standing beside each other and this is the righteous spirit and principle of our culture that is commended worldwide. Indians are known for their delicious and piquant cuisine. For Indians, cooking for others affirms a close bond.  We have a popular saying that goes “the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach”. India accommodates a plethora of different religious identities, including Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jainism, Buddhism, etc signifying ‘Unity in Diversity.’ India is well-regarded for its arts and popular culture, regional folk music or dances, etc. Dance and music are not only a form of entertainment but also play a vital role in devotion towards God. There are several other customs and belief systems in India that build a solid foundation of the Indian culture, but the crux of the Indian society and culture has always been to be courteous and reverential to the beliefs of others, in order to exist peacefully.

Good morning everyone! My name is XYZ, and today I am going to present a speech on “Indian culture”. Today, I’ll be talking about something that every Indian takes pride in, and that is our culture. The Indian culture cannot be defined in one term. It is the amalgamation of various distinct cultures spread across the whole country. Our dynamic culture dates back to around 4,500 years and is one of the oldest cultures. We all know that upholding our cultural values is something that is taught in every Indian family. Indian traditions and heritage have always been a pool of diversity. From languages to festivals, from food to dance forms, the unique blend of diversity in the Indian culture is what makes it stand out from the rest of the world. India accommodates people from different walks of life. The core values and beliefs of our culture put emphasis on unity and harmony. India is the perfect example of ‘Unity in Diversity. It has a plethora of different cultures, languages, traditions, values, etc, yet there is a sense of togetherness and people from different walks of life coexist harmoniously.  Despite the high level of geographical diversity, we are still taught ‘ Atithi Devo Bhava’ which means each guest should be treated like God, and this speaks volumes about the kind of values that our culture upholds. Respect, gratitude, dignity, humility, and other core values like these, make up the roots of the Indian culture. We are taught to fold our hands and say ‘ namaste’ as a gesture to acknowledge the other person and show our utmost respect.  Our diverse ethnicity is evident from the splendour with which we celebrate our festivals. We always believe in spirituality and our devotion towards God holds the utmost importance.  Religion affirms a sense of belongingness in every Indian and provides humanity with a glimmer of hope during miseries. Values are a huge piece of the Indian culture, we have a different set of perspectives and conduct, which represents the Indians from the remainder of individuals of different nations. I believe that the era of modernization has brought a huge shift in Indian values. The core values of humility and perseverance are being replaced by individuality and egocentrism. The older generations are struggling with teaching the youth, the vitality of faith and the essence of old traditions and beliefs. I believe this generation just needs a little nudge in the right direction to build a foundation of virtuous Indian values. Do not leave a nation without its culture and traditions for the successors, while it can still be preserved.

Good morning everyone! My name is XYZ, and today I am going to present a speech on “Indian culture and tradition”. Indian Culture and Tradition is loved by the world and nowadays many foreign nationals take part in Indian Culture because it is fascinating and unique to them. Let’s start by finding what Indian Culture exactly means. Indian culture is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artefacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with the ethno-linguistically diverse Indian subcontinent. Indian Culture comprises several cultures which have been influenced by one of the oldest in the world, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Religion, Food, Architecture, Languages and Clothing pretty much sums up the culture and traditions of India. Every state has its own culture and tradition, ranging from different festivals to mouthwatering cuisines. One of the most fascinating facts about Indian Culture is that India has more than 400 living languages including 21 official languages. While ‘Namaste’ is a common greeting in India, many states still got their own greetings. The traditions in India vary for different religions and communities. The culture and tradition of India is what makes us stand out among the crowd. We couldn’t be more proud of being a part of the beauty that lies in the Indian Culture.

Good Morning to everyone present here! My name is XYZ and I’m here to present a speech on “Indian Culture VS Western Culture”. The debate on Indian culture VS Western Culture has been going on for a long time and we all know that every culture is unique in its own way. The fact that the world wouldn’t be the same if any of these cultures didn’t exist is undeniable. However, there are many facts that distinguish Indian Culture from Western Culture. Let’s start with history itself, Indian History is way more older in comparison to Western history. In fact, Indian history is said to have begun with the appearance of the Indus Valley civilization in 2600 BC. When talking about Indian culture and Western culture, what differs between these cultures is the diversity. Indian culture is known for its diverse range of food, religion, clothing, language, dance forms, music, and so on. Indian Culture is home to many festivals that take place all year round and each state has its own festival. While in western culture, everyone has common festivals to celebrate such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and more. Indian Culture is about having a variety of customs to follow while western culture tends to have similar culture. Indian Culture has many religions, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Islam, and Buddhism to name a few while Christianity and Judaism dominate the western culture. Indian Culture also has different views about marriage while Western culture is quite liberal about marriage and relationships. In conclusion, both cultures are beautiful in their own ways and neither of them can be considered superior to the other. Different cultures have made the world even more beautiful. Take pride in your own culture without demeaning the other one.

Indian Culture: Important Points for Speech

Indian culture has been well-renowned all over the world. The unique and diverse characteristics absorbed by our nation’s culture are what make it so commendable. The Indian culture has amalgamated many different core customs, values, and beliefs throughout its vast history which has led to a rich tradition and folk culture.

Indians value the importance of the family system. In India, the joint family system is still flourishing with the modern nuclear family system. In a joint family system, all the family members live together under one roof. The joint family contains the parents, children, children’s spouses, and offspring. The joint family system from the past has been the backbone of Indian culture.

India is well known for its architectural masterpieces in the world. Foreign influences can be evident in Indian art and architecture due to various historical events and movements. From north to south, east to west, its culture is extremely rich and fully alive. We must not just believe what we see in urban malls. Multiple architectural masterpieces are enlisted into UNESCO world heritage sites.

Indian cuisine is known for its wide assortment of dishes and is especially famous for its spices and herbs. From Butter Chicken, and Dal makhani from the North to idli, dosa, or upma from the south, Indian cuisine is savoured all around the world. The blend of unique spices and flavours is the speciality of Indian dishes. Not only the dishes but even the eating etiquettes also make up our cultural identity. For instance, in parts of South India, food is served on banana leaves as it is said that the nutrients from the leaf enrich your food.

Religious diversity is one of the major characteristics of Indian culture. India is home to people from various religions like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Jainism, Buddhism, etc. Indians, probably have the strongest belief system that has existed for thousands of years. It formulates the self-identity and collective identity of a community , which then shapes attitudes, cultural norms and influences human behaviour. 

Also Read: Speech on National Integration

India has a lot to offer in the field of performing arts. It has a wide variety of fascinating dance forms and music that includes classical as well as folk. Each form of art of the region expresses the beauty of the region perfectly. Some of the popular dance forms are Bharatnatyam, Kathak, bhangra, and many more.  Authentic Indian households start their day by singing morning prayers and hymns. Dance is performed at weddings as well as in many religious ceremonies.

The spirit of Indian culture can be found in the way we celebrate our festivals. Whether it’s Diwali or Eid, the celebration of festivals strengthens our sense of unity. Festivals are a way for Indians to embrace the fascinating past of their tradition and cultural heritage. The elders of the families pass on their traditions to the next generation and teach them the importance of expressing their gratitude to God and upholding their values.

Also Read: Speech on Indian Education System

  • The Indian civilization is among the oldest civilizations in the world with many people still following the norms and rituals of these civilizations, making it still alive. 
  •  India is a nation with thousands of cultures, and people can find unique characteristics in each of them.
  • Despite having numerous differences in various aspects, one thing which binds the whole nation is its unity in diversity.
  • Religions in India have a deep and great impact on shaping the culture and traditions of the country.
  • Among the many festivals, India celebrates more than 50 festivals and boasts its dynamic culture via lively festivals like Holi, Diwali, Durga Pooja, Dussehra, Ganesh Chaturthi, Eid, Guru Parab, Christmas etc.
  • Apart from major festivals , there are also various regional festivals like Chhath Pooja, Teej, Onam, Pongal, etc celebrated across states.
  • Indians strongly believe in the philosophy of “Atithi Devo Bhava” which means that the guest is equal to god so he is warmly welcomed.
  • The culture is inclusive of various attires for different cities and states. The basic attire for Indian identity is the “Saree” which is worn by women and a“Kurta-Pyjama” or “Dhoti-Kurta” which is worn by men.
  • Among the many unique characteristics is the Art of India. It is also one of the specialities of Indian culture as each state has its novel form of dancing and singing like Kathak, Kathakali, Mohiniyattam, Bharatnatyam etc.
  • India is also diverse in terms of food and eating habits as each state in India has its own cuisine.

Annie Besant quote

  • “Waking up in India is like waking up to life itself.” – Raymond Page.
  • “Culture is the name for what people are interested in, their thoughts, their models, the books they read, and the speeches they hear” – Walter Lippmann.
  • “In India, it is believed that all creatures have a purpose.”- Mel Gibson.

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The Indian culture comprises the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artefacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with the Indian subcontinent.

India is well known for its ‘Unity in Diversity’ across the world. That means India is a diverse nation where many religious people live together peacefully having their own different cultures.

The Indian culture teaches us harmony and unity in diversity. Being a land of multiple cultures, religions, ethics, and languages, Indians live together peacefully with each individual following their unique belief.

Currently, India has 29 states and 7 union territories. Each state has their own language, clothing, cuisine and look. India is also the founder of so many inventions like algebra, number zero, shampoo, chess, value of pi and diamond mining. These characteristics make India unique.

This was all for the speech on ‘Indian culture’. We hope this article helps you to prepare for your speech. Don’t forget to work on delivering your speech with confidence and make it compelling. For the latest updates around study blogs, you can follow us on Instagram , Twitter , & Facebook . Leverage Edu wishes you all the best for all your future endeavours.

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Indian culture: Customs and traditions

Indian culture is built upon centuries of history and heritage, making it one of the oldest in the world.

Taj Mahal

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Languages of India

Religion in india, indian food, indian architecture and art, indian fashion, doing business in india.

  • Holidays and celebrations

Additional resources and reading


Indian culture is among the world's oldest as the people of India can track their civilization back as far as 4,500 years ago. Many sources describe it as "Sa Prathama Sanskrati Vishvavara" — the first and the supreme culture in the world, according to the All World Gayatri Pariwar (AWGP) organization.

Western societies did not always see the culture of India very favorably, according to Christina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London. Early anthropologists once considered culture as an evolutionary process, and "every aspect of human development was seen as driven by evolution," she told Live Science. "In this view, societies outside of Europe or North America, or societies that did not follow the European or Western way of life, were considered primitive and culturally inferior. Essentially this included all the colonized countries and people, such as African countries, India, and the Far East."

However, Indians made significant advances in architecture ( Taj Mahal ), mathematics ( the invention of zero ) and medicine ( Ayurveda ) well in advance of many western civilizations. 

Population of India

Today, India is a very diverse country, with more than 1.3 billion people, according to the CIA World Factbook , making it the second most populous nation in the world after China . Some estimates, such as those by Statista , place the population at very nearly 1.4 billion. The ethnic makeup of India, according to the CIA is 72 percent Indo-Aryan (a coverall term for people of largely Central Asian descent) and 25 percent are Dravidian (being largely of South Asian descent). 

About 35 percent of the population lives in urban areas with an estimated annual rate of a little over 2 percent moving to cities each year. New Delhi is the most populous city in India with a population of 31.18 million people, according to the CIA, second only to Tokyo, Japan for its population size. Mumbai is the second largest city in India with 20.67 million people, followed by Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad, all with more than 10 million people.

According to Statista, 26.16 percent of India population was under 14-years-old as of 2020, 67.27 were aged 15 to 64 and 6.57 percent were 65 or older. 

India has 28 states and seven territories, according to the World Health Organization . There is no official language in India, according to a Gujarat High Court ruling in 2010 , though Hindi is the official language of the government and English is considered a subsidiary official language. The Constitution of India officially recognizes 23 official languages. 

Many people living in India write in Devanagari script. In fact, it is a misconception that the majority of people in India speak Hindi. Though many people speak Hindi in India, at least 56 percent of Indian residents speak something other than Hindi, according to the CIA. Bengali,, Marathi, Telugu Tamil, Gujarati and Urdu are some other languages spoken in the country.  

Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-European language, came from Northern India. How the language started has been a point of argument amongst linguists. It shares many similarities with English, French, Farsi and Russian languages. 

New DNA research in 2017 found that an Aryan migration may have introduced the beginnings of Sanskrit. "People have been debating the arrival of the Indo-European languages in India for hundreds of years," said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England. "There's been a very long-running debate about whether the Indo-European languages were brought from migrations from outside, which is what most linguists would accept, or if they evolved indigenously."

India is identified as the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism, the third and fourth largest religions in the world. About 84 percent of the population identifies as Hindu, according to the " Handbook of Research on Development and Religion ," edited by Matthew Clarke (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013). 

There are many variations of Hinduism, and four predominant sects — Shaiva, Vaishnava, Shakteya and Smarta.

About 13 percent of Indians are Muslim, making it one of the largest Islamic nations in the world. Christians and Sikhs make up a small percentage of the population, and there are even fewer Buddhists and Jains, according to the "Handbook."

The CIA cited similar figures. According to its World Factbook, around 80 percent of the population is Hindu, 14.2 percent is Muslim, 2.3 percent is Christian, 1.7 percent is Sikh and 2 percent is unspecified.

Indian spices

When the Mughul Empire invaded during the sixteenth century, they left a significant mark on Indian cuisine. "The influence of the Mughal rulers who ruled India is distinctly perceptible in the style of cooking made famous by them. This cuisine is a fusion of Turkish and Persian cuisine, where mostly ground spices are used in the preparation of unique flavor and taste," wrote Krishna Gopal Dubey in " The Indian Cuisine " (PHI Publisher, 2010). Indian cuisine is also influenced by many other countries. It is known for its large assortment of dishes and its liberal use of herbs and spices. Cooking styles vary from region to region.

Wheat, Basmati rice and pulses with chana (Bengal gram) are important staples of the Indian diet. The food is rich with curries and spices, including ginger, coriander, cardamom, turmeric , dried hot peppers, and cinnamon, among others. Chutneys — thick condiments and spreads made from assorted fruits and vegetables such as tamarind and tomatoes and mint, cilantro and other herbs — are used generously in Indian cooking.

Many Hindus are vegetarian, but lamb and chicken are common in main dishes for non-vegetarians. " The Guardian " reports that between 20 percent and 40 percent of India's population is vegetarian. A tradition of vegetarianism appears to go back to the ancient past. "India may have been vegetarian during the Mohenjodaro and Harappan civilizations. We do not know for sure as its script has not been unlocked, but it has been proven that the ancient Dravidian civilization was truly vegetarian," wrote Dubey.

Much of Indian food is eaten with fingers or bread used as utensils. There are a wide array of breads served with meals, including naan, a leavened, oven-baked flatbread; and bhatoora, a fried, fluffy flatbread common in North India and eaten with chickpea curry.

The most well-known example of Indian architecture is the Taj Mahal, built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to honor his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It combines elements from Islamic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish and Indian architectural styles. India also has many ancient temples.

India is well known for its film industry, which is commonly referred to as Bollywood. The country's movie history began in 1896 when the Lumière brothers demonstrated the art of cinema in Mumbai, according to the Golden Globes . Today, the films are known for their elaborate singing and dancing as well as their elaborate action sequences. 

Indian dance, music and theater traditions span back more than 2,000 years, according to Nilima Bhadbhade, author of " Contract Law in India " (Wolters Kluwer, 2016). The major classical dance traditions — Bharata Natyam, Kathak, Odissi, Manipuri, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam and Kathakali — draw on themes from mythology and literature and have rigid presentation rules.

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A study published in April 2016 in the Journal of Indian Ocean Archaeology found that some Indian horns have many similarities with horns made in Ireland. This research may suggest that the two countries may have exchanged ideas and techniques in making musical instruments during the Bronze Age. 

"Some horns are frankly shockingly similar, to the point where it is like witnessing time travel," study author Billy Ó Foghlú, an archaeologist and doctoral student at the Australian National University in Canberra, told Live Science . "If I were to find one of these modern Indian instruments in an Irish archaeological excavation and I didn't know what I was looking at, I would likely assume it was a Late Bronze Age Irish artifact." 

Women wearing saris in India

Indian clothing is closely identified with the colorful silk saris worn by many of the country's women. The origins of this garment go back to Ancient India and evolved over time to include more expensive fabrics and adornments as they came to the country, according to " The Times of India ". A traditional piece of clothing for men is the dhoti, an unstitched piece of cloth that is tied around the waist and legs. Men also wear a kurta, a loose shirt that is worn about knee-length. 

For special occasions, men wear a sherwani or achkan, which is a long coat with a collar having no lapel. It is buttoned up to the collar and down to the knees. A shorter version of a sherwani is called a Nehru jacket. It is named after Jawaharlal Nehru, India's prime minister from 1947 to 1964. He actually preferred the achkan, according to Tehelka , an Indian newspaper. The Nehru jacket was primarily marketed to Westerners and made famous by The Beatles and The Monkees as well as being worn by a number of James Bond villains.

India's currency is the rupee. Almost 62 percent of the country's GDP comes from the service sector with industry making up 23 percent and agriculture contributing 15.4 percent, according to the CIA World Factbook. Its primary agricultural products are sugar cane, rice, wheat, buffalo milk, milk, potatoes, vegetables, bananas, maize, and mangoes.

Indian business culture places emphasis on strong hierarchies and formalities, according to Santander , with decisions, particularly important ones, being considered for a length of time and ultimately made by those at the top of a company.

Indian holidays and celebrations

Diwali is the largest and most important holiday to India. It is a five-day festival known as the festival of lights because of the lights lit during the celebration to symbolize the inner light that protects them from spiritual darkness. 

Holi, the festival of colors , also called the festival of love, is popular in the spring. The country also celebrates Republic Day (Jan. 26), Independence Day (Aug. 15) and Mahatma Gandhi 's birthday (Oct. 2).

For a deep dive into another element of Indian culture, learn when yoga originated and more about the ancient practice.

For a closer look at an important cultural artifact, you can read all about the golf-ball sized Star of India sapphire that was once stolen in a heist.

  • "Indian Culture" All World Gayatri Pariwar
  • "India " CIA World Factbook
  • "India - Statistics & Facts" Statista
  • " Handbook of Research on Development and Religion ," edited by Matthew Clarke (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013)
  • " The Indian Cuisine " by Krishna Gopal Dubey (PHI Publisher, 2010)
  • "The best countries in the world for vegetarians" " The Guardian "
  • " Contract Law in India " by Nilima Bhadbhade (Wolters Kluwer, 2016)
  • "Ancient Irish musical history found in modern India" Australian National University
  • "The history of sari: The nine yard wonder," " The Times of India "
  • "Nehru’s style statement" Tehelka

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Kim Ann Zimmermann is a contributor to Live Science and sister site Space.com, writing mainly evergreen reference articles that provide background on myriad scientific topics, from astronauts to climate, and from culture to medicine. Her work can also be found in Business News Daily and KM World. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Glassboro State College (now known as Rowan University) in New Jersey. 

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Indian culture Presentation Slide

Indian culture is a blend of various religions, customs, traditions, and languages that have evolved over centuries. It is characterized by its diversity, colorful festivals, and rich history. Indian culture is deeply rooted in family values, respect for elders, and hospitality. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Buddhism are the major religions in India. Indian cuisine, music, dance, and art are renowned across the world. The country is also famous for its historical monuments such as the Taj Mahal and cultural landmarks like the Khajuraho temples and Konark Sun Temple. This slide will help you to create a professional-looking presentation in no time about Indian culture.

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indian culture

Indian Culture

Nov 12, 2014

1.04k likes | 4.16k Views

Indian Culture. Background. The Indian culture is as grand and exciting as it sounds. India is located in southern Asia and encompasses a variety of people and traditions. Let us take a closer look at what distinguishes the Indian culture from any other. Customs & Traditions.

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  • wedding ceremony
  • ceremony performed
  • henna ceremony
  • wedding ceremony lasts
  • takes place 12 days


Presentation Transcript

Background The Indian culture is as grand and exciting as it sounds. India is located in southern Asia and encompasses a variety of people and traditions. Let us take a closer look at what distinguishes the Indian culture from any other.

Customs &Traditions • The Indian culture is rich in customs and traditions • These traditions and customs include: - house warming ceremonies - wedding customs - naamkaran

House Warming Ceremony Griha Pravesh is a ceremony performed when one first enters the house. This may be because it is a new home, coming back from vacation or after having renovated the house. The family enters the house on a specified day according to the astrological calendar. The ceremonies include poojah’s and priests. Depending on why you are re-entering the house, there are different actions to perform.

Wedding Ceremony The wedding ceremony lasts for longer than one day and includes various traditions that need to be performed. • Once a couple agrees to wed, there is a Roka that announces that the couple has found their soul mates. • Next is the Sagai, which is the tikka ceremony. This is performed a week to ten days before the wedding.

Continued… • The sangeet is an event that is put on by the girl’s family. Few members of the groom’s side is invited. This is a celebration with song and dance. • The Mehendi is a henna ceremony. All the girls in the bridal party have henna put on their hands and choose bangles to wear. • Finally the days before the wedding the bride rests with complete relaxation. The actual wedding day takes place in a designated venue. The bride’s side welcomes the groom’s side, known as the baarat

Naamkaran The naamkaran is a naming ceremony that takes place 12 days after the day of birth. This is mostly a women’s ceremony. They place the child in a cradle while everyone gathers around singing traditional songs and dancing. Children’s names are based on Hindu Raashis because it is considered auspicious.

Classical Indian Dances • The Bhangra began as a dance to celebrate the harvest. Movements of the dance are suppose to depict the cycle of plouging, sowing, and reaping. • Kathak is a North Indian classical dance. In ancient times, storytellers used mime and gesture for dramatic effect. This eventually evolved into a dance form.

Conclusion The Indian culture is full of variety and diversity. Traditions and cultures are different from what we are used to. Hopefully with our presentation you’ve gotten a better glimpse of an unfamiliar world. Information provided by: www.indiaparenting.com

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Born on 23 September 1908 in the Begusarai district of Bihar, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar was an Indian poet and freedom fighter renowned as a prominent Hindi poet. He is hailed as the greatest Hindi poet of ‘Veer Rasa’, a genre of poetry characterized by its enduring spirit of bravery. Dinkar emerged as a nationalist poet due to his patriotic works composed before India gained independence from the British Raj. His first major poetic work, Vijay Sandesh, published in 1928, was based on the Peasant Satyagraha led by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. His other famous works include Dhoop Chhah, Saamdheni, Baapu, Mitti ki Or, Urvashi, and Krishna Ki Chaetavani. His work earned him numerous awards and accolades, including the Padma Bhushan (1959), the Sahitya Akademi Award (1959), and the Jnanpith Award (1972). Dinkar passed away on 24 April 1974, leaving a rich legacy of poetry, essays, and other literary works.  

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External Links (Ministry of Culture)

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Asiatic Society

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Central Institute of Buddhist Studies

Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies

Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies


Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

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The Indian Culture Portal is a part of the National Virtual Library of India project, funded by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The portal has been created and developed by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Data has been provided by organisations of the Ministry of Culture.

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Indian Culture Theme - Free Download

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Indian Heritage Presentation Theme - Free Download

With our Indian Culture Theme for PowerPoint and Google Slides, you can depict India’s diversity, traditions, and vibrancy in your presentations. You can also present the magnificence of India’s ancient land and provide your viewers with an immersive and authentic experience. Each slide is a stunning canvas of cultural marvels, featuring intricate visuals of temples, God Rama and Buddha, rangoli and yoga patterns, and majestic elephants. This set is perfect for showcasing the essence and rich heritage of India’s tapestry of colors and cultures in a visually impressive manner.

Educators can leverage this set to take their audience through India’s traditional music. You can also utilize this eye-pleasing deck to showcase India’s reminiscent celebrations, whirlwinds of festivities, and other key highlights.

Let’s Look at the Striking Designs

  • A stunning cover slide is provided to help you kickstart your presentations.
  • An infographic of an Indian map can be used to portray a brief overview of your presentation’s topic.
  • A rangoli illustration can be used to depict Indian greeting ways.
  • The famous temples across the country can be showcased via a well-designed layout.
  • An infographic of yoga posture can be used to illustrate the importance of yoga in India’s ancient tradition.
  • You can highlight a concise description of lord Rama via a compelling slide design.
  • A brief overview of the land of Buddha can be presented comprehensively.
  • Using a 6-step infographic, you can display the highlights of the country’s vibrant cultures and traditions.
  • A paragraph with 2 points layout can be used to depict the traditional dance forms of India.
  • A timeline illustration can be used to present historical achievements of India’s culture and heritage.
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    A stunning cover slide is provided to help you kickstart your presentations. An infographic of an Indian map can be used to portray a brief overview of your presentation's topic. A rangoli illustration can be used to depict Indian greeting ways. The famous temples across the country can be showcased via a well-designed layout.

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