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How To Put Projects On A Resume (With Examples)

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Summary. To put projects on your traditional chronological resume , include a separate projects section beneath the education or work experience section. In a project based resume, rename the work experience section to be named “projects” and you can avoid the standard chronological resume format and instead focus on your most relevant projects and professional skills.

No matter where you are in your career journey, adding projects to your resume can highlight your key qualifications and help your application make more of an impression.

In this article, you’ll learn how to add projects to your resume and when it’s a good idea to take this route.

Key Takeaways

You can work projects into your work history section, organize your resume around your projects, or create a separate section for your projects.

You should list your most relevant projects first and leave off any irrelevant projects.

Freelancers, entry-level job candidates, and people who are changing career paths could benefit most from project-based resumes.

How to Put Projects on a Resume

How to List Projects on a Resume

Examples of ways to list projects on a resume, tips for listing projects on a resume, why should you put projects on a resume, what is a project-based resume, who should use project-based resumes, putting projects on a resume faq, final thoughts.

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To list projects on a traditional chronological resume , you should include a separate projects section beneath the education or work experience portion of your professional resume. This can be easily accomplished by including a “key projects” section below the bullets detailing your previous job responsibilities and accomplishments.

Listing projects on a traditional date-ordered resume can be a great option for professionals who want to showcase their project management expertise while also detailing their prior work titles and chronological job experience.

If you’re looking to ditch your traditional chronological resume altogether, a project-based resume is a great way of showcasing your most desirable professional skills outside of the tight confines of a standard cookie-cutter resume that lists your work experience in reverse chronological order.

By renaming the “work experience” section of your resume to “projects,” you can easily avoid the standard chronological resume format and instead focus on your most relevant projects and professional skills. This unique structure focuses more on practical, hands-on experience and less on how long you held a certain job title.

To list projects on a resume:

Contextualize the project’s details. You don’t want each project to take up too much space, but you do need to describe the key who, what, where, when, and why of the story. Most importantly, bring in numbers as often as possible.

Highlight your accomplishments. “Ideally, your resume is a list of achievements,” says resume expert Don Pippin . When describing your projects, be sure that the direct impact that you had on the end result is apparent.

Tailor your resume for each job. Again, this applies to all resumes, not just project-based ones. In the context of projects, though, be sure to think about how each entry relates to the specific job you’re applying for.

Provide examples. If you’re emailing your resume, including some hyperlinks to documents relating to past projects can be really impactful. Not only can the hiring manager see the results of your work, but also how you and your team approached projects in general.

Below are three examples of ways you can list projects on your professional resume or CV . Using these examples as a template when writing your job-specific resume can help you advance in the hiring process and land the job of your dreams.

Listing Projects in the Education Section of Your Chronological Resume Example:

Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, Massachusetts B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , May 2020 | GPA: 3.8 Key Projects: Led a team of three engineering students to execute blueprints and coordinate the production of state-of-the-art air filtration systems for the university hospital. Production and installation came in 12% under budget and were completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

Listing Projects Below Previous Job Responsibilities and Work Descriptions in Your Chronological Resume Example:

Work Experience Sales Associate Baker Technologies | March 2019-present Drove revenue by 13% year-over-year by initiating increased customer engagement policy Oversaw a team of five cashiers, who collectively processed average credit card and cash payments of over $20,000 daily Key Projects: Worked with a software developer to redesign and launch Baker Technologies’ online marketplace, resulting in a $2 million increase in profits for 2019.

Listing Projects in a Projects Section of Your Project-Based Resume Example:

Professional Project Highlights App Development Camping With Oliver , July 2020-November 2020 Developed and coded a complex app, compatible with iPhone and Android devices, designed to help hikers locate free campsites in their area. Increased digital revenue stream by 55% following launch Private Web Design Bobbi’s Bakery , January 2021-March 2021 Built a multifunctional website with a complex ordering system using HTLM 5, CSS, and bug-free code Managed all custom graphics, page composition, and branding for this client, leading to a 30% Q/Q jump in sales

If it’s your first time listing projects on a resume or ditching your traditional chronological resume or project-based one, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to craft an effective resume and impress hiring managers.

By following these five tips, you’ll be able to perfectly listing projects on your professional resume and allow your key skills and job qualifications to shine.

Lead with the most relevant projects. One of the biggest advantages of a project-based resume is having the ability to list your work experiences and skills in order of the most relevant projects, instead of arranging them chronologically.

Highlight leadership and job-specific skills. If you’re listing projects on your resume, it’s important to be deliberate and meticulous in the projects you include. Your project list should be presentable, professional, and perfectly convey your leadership and job-specific skills.

Show how you achieve results and meet company goals. Another substantial perk of listing projects on your resume is the ability to clearly illustrate and verify how you are results-driven and ready to meet company goals.

Illustrate how your experiences align with company values. Not only is it important to showcase the skills and qualifications required for a job opening, but it’s also essential to illustrate how your work style and professional goals align with the values a company prides itself on.

Keep project descriptions short. To emphasize your strongest skills and professional abilities, it’s important to keep project descriptions short, concise, and to the point. Providing only the essential details to demonstrate your skills, achievements, and experience will allow hiring managers to easily read and review your resume.

Listing projects on your resume will help you get a leg up over other qualified competing applicants.

A project-based resume, similar to a functional resume , is highly effective in conveying your unique qualifications, work style, field of specialization, and areas of expertise.

Project-based resumes are great tools for illustrating hands-on experience and your decision-making and conflict resolution skills. Describing projects you’ve been involved with can give hiring managers a glimpse into how you operate as an employee.

Submitting a project-based resume with your job applications can allow you to position yourself as the best candidate for the role by highlighting and describing projects that closely align with the job description included in the advertisement.

Including a list of projects on your resume will allow your job application to shine and illustrate your work capabilities and well-rounded personality; to hiring managers and job recruiters.

A project-based resume is a professional resume that focuses on accomplishments rather than chronological job titles and previous work responsibilities.

Where a traditional resume lists work experience and academic degrees in date order, a project-based resume instead does one of two things.

It either lists a job seeker’s relevant academic, work, and personal projects in order of most to least compelling or includes specific projects beneath the education or work experience sections of a resume.

Project-based resumes effectively provide hiring managers and prospective employers with verifiable proof of a job applicant’s industry expertise, achievements, and experience.

Anyone can use project-based resumes, but the following groups might find additional benefit:

Freelancers. Project-based resumes can be an especially worthwhile option for freelancers , as it allows you to ditch the traditional chronological resume and instead focus on projects you have worked on that are most relevant to the position you’re applying to.

Entry-level candidates. Not only is a project-based resume a great alternative for freelance workers, but it can also be equally as enticing for traditional employees or recent graduates since projects can be easily listed beneath education and work experience sections, as you would normally list accomplishments, skills, and previous job responsibilities.

Career changers. Writing a project-based resume can be a great option for people looking for their first job, changing careers, coming off a long sabbatical or personal leave, or searching for a full-time job after a series of freelance gigs.

Should I put my projects on my resume?

Yes, you should put your projects on your resume. Listing a few of your most impressive professional projects on your resume can help hiring managers see what you’re capable of.

What kind of projects should I put on my resume?

You should put successful, professional projects that relate to the job you’re applying for on your resume. Think of a few of the projects that demonstrate the skills that are listed on the job description you’re applying for and put them on your resume.

Do personal projects count as experience?

No, personal projects don’t count as experience. They don’t usually count as formal work experience, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put some of them on your resume, especially if they demonstrate your professional skills.

is it OK to put project details in a resume?

Yes, It’s OK to put project details in a resume. Projects are a great addition to your resume when your experience section doesn’t already show that you have the background or experience for a job. Recent graduates or entry-level candidates are the ones who typically put projects on their resume.

Whether you’re a freelancer or a traditional employee, a recent graduate or a career changer, projects can make your resume pop.

By illustrating your hands-on work experience, verifying your skills and job qualifications, and marketing yourself as the best candidate for the role, you’ll have hiring managers who can’t wait to call you in for an interview to learn more.

Using the tips and templates included in this article can help you write a well-structured and effective project-based resume and make a great first impression on recruiters across industries.

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Elsie is an experienced writer, reporter, and content creator. As a leader in her field, Elsie is best known for her work as a Reporter for The Southampton Press, but she can also be credited with contributions to Long Island Pulse Magazine and Hamptons Online. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from Stony Brook University and currently resides in Franklin, Tennessee.

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How—and When—to Include Projects on Your Resume (Plus Examples!)

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If you’ve completed a project you’re especially proud of, it’s natural to want to show it off on your resume—and it might even help you land your next job. Projects that potentially belong on your resume can come from your past jobs, paid and unpaid side ventures, and—if you’re a recent grad—your academic coursework.

Read on to see why, when, and how you should put projects on your resume.

Why You Should List Projects on a Resume

Like everything else on your resume, projects can help highlight experiences that qualify you for your next job. You may have used skills— hard or soft —in a certain project that are key for the role you want. And including a successful project is a great way to tie those skills directly to results, which employers want to see on every resume.

When You Should List Projects on Your Resume

Adding projects to your resume “can be a great way to highlight experience outside of your daily role, enhance a recent grad resume, or bridge the gap from what you’re doing to what you want to do” if you’re looking to change or pivot careers, says Muse career coach Tara Goodfellow , owner of Athena Consultants .

Projects are an especially helpful addition to your resume when your experience section doesn’t already show that you have the background you need to get the job you want next, which is most common for two groups of job seekers:

  • Recent graduates : Entry-level candidates by definition lack professional experience. But if you just finished college, a big project—whether you did it for a class, an honors or capstone program, an internship, or your own research—can show that you have a lot of valuable workplace skills such as leadership, collaboration, presentation, and public speaking, Goodfellow says. After your first-full time role, Goodfellow recommends removing school projects from your resume.
  • Career changers or pivoters: When you’re looking to switch or pivot your career, you want to show any experience you have that relates to the role, field, or industry you want to go into. This might mean highlighting projects you did within a current or past job or adding a volunteer, side, or freelance project to your resume. What matters is that your project helps prove to employers you have relevant experience for the job you’re hoping to land.

Which Projects You Should Include

When you’re deciding which projects to add to your resume, “you want to be strategic,” Goodfellow says. “Don’t just dump every project you've been part of hoping something will catch the hiring manager’s attention.” Instead, carefully go over the job description for any role you’re interested in. Highlight any skills or qualifications the company is looking for that you have, as well as any job duties they list for the role that you’ve performed in the past. Then note any that can only be proven by including a certain project on your resume. If a project doesn’t meet this threshold, it probably doesn’t need to be called out.

Even if you’re in a more project-based field, like engineering, IT, or consulting, consider whether all or any of your projects can emphasize your accomplishments in a way that general bullet points under each job entry can’t. With too many projects crowding your resume, recruiters might not find the most important details. For example, if you generally do consulting for larger clients, but once worked with a small business and got great results, listing details for that one project might help you land a job at a consultancy with a small-business focus. But if most of your clients are small businesses, mentioning a slew of individual projects rather than overall achievements will take up valuable resume space without necessarily adding to your qualifications.

How to List Projects (Plus Examples)

List your projects wherever they’re most relevant, Goodfellow says. For recent grads, this often means your education section. If the project was part of a past job, freelance work, or volunteer work, it likely belongs under that specific entry in your experience section . If you’re thinking of a personal or side project or you have multiple projects that you want to include on your resume, you might consider adding a dedicated “Related Projects” or similarly titled section.

Regardless of where you list your project, you should follow these general tips:

  • Include important details. You should add enough information about each project that it can be easily understood by anyone who reads your resume. Depending on the specific project, consider listing a project title, a project description, and project dates, as well as who you did the project for and with, what your role was, and what the results and impact were.
  • Focus on your achievements. Whether your project description is contained to one bullet point or has several bullet points underneath it, employers want to see what results you’ve gotten with your skills so they can see how you might drive results for them. Use achievement-oriented , quantified bullet points to really put your accomplishments front and center.
  • Tailor your project description for every job application. You should only include projects that are relevant to the specific job you’re applying for and, even more than that, you should make sure your description of a project highlights the pieces of it that are most relevant. So if a company is looking for someone with website design experience, focus on the design aspect of your side project, not how you attracted customers to your site. And try to use the same language and keywords as the job description.
  • Include links to your work when possible. Almost everyone who reads your resume will do so for the first time on a computer, so links to work that’s live online are fair game. Just make sure you hyperlink an unimportant word like “Project” or even “Link” to avoid any applicant tracking system (ATS) issues.

What does this all look like in practice? Here are a few examples based on where you’re listing a project.

In an Education Section

This is how an entry-level applicant looking to emphasize their research, writing, and presentation skills might include a project on their resume.

Bachelor of Arts in English | Colgate University | Hamilton, NY Expected Graduation: Spring 2021 Capstone Project: “Voices Missing From the 19th-Century Literary Canon”

  • Wrote a 40-page dissertation on three minority writers who are not commonly taught in U.S. K-12 schools or colleges, exploring literary devices and techniques used before other writers who are commonly taught
  • Presented research findings at Nineteenth-Century Studies Association 2021 Conference as one of five undergrads selected to give a 10-minute talk
  • Researched writers’ lives and work by analyzing newspaper archives (via LexisNexis), conducting interviews with literary scholars who focus on the 19th century, and traveling to review old correspondence and writings not widely reproduced
  • Analyzed 12 total texts to compare literary devices and techniques between focal writers and their contemporaries

Within Your Experience Section

Here’s how a marketer looking to pivot into project management might include a project under a past job immediately after the bullet points describing their overall duties and accomplishments.

Key Project

  • Led $200k digital marketing campaign from conception to launch, resulting in 120% of target signups in first two months of campaign
  • Managed cross-functional team of seven marketing coordinators and analysts, content creators, and designers through market research, content creation, campaign launch, and analysis of results, setting deadlines, adjusting to changes in schedule, and resolving conflicts and miscommunications among teams

Within a Dedicated Section

Here’s how an aspiring software engineer might describe a project they did in their free time to show off their coding chops to prospective employers.


TheTradingPost.com | March 2020–September 2020 | Link

  • Designed and coded a website (using CSS, Python, and JavaScript) where players of popular video games could arrange trades for virtual items, receiving an average of 1000 hits monthly
  • Responded to user feedback and issues to improve site functionality and build additional features including a search function

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How to List Projects on a Resume

Not sure if your project is resume-worthy? Check out our guide on when, where, and how to include projects on your resume.

3 years ago   •   8 min read

You might not have a projects section on your resume — and that’s okay. Including projects on your resume is entirely optional, but it can be a good idea if you’ve completed any personal or educational projects that highlight transferable skills or are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Should you include projects on a resume?

There is a place for both personal and educational projects on your resume. Projects might be particularly relevant if:

You have a lot of freelance or contract work

If some (or all) of your work has been project-based, your resume should highlight this — not hide it. By using a project-based format for your work experience, you can keep the focus squarely on your accomplishments without cluttering up your resume.

You're a student

Current students or recent graduates can use university projects to highlight your relevant skills in a more practical setting. Educational projects might include projects you completed at university, during further education, or as part of a professional or career change program. It doesn’t include regular coursework, unless it was particularly outstanding (ie. award-winning).

You're changing careers

If most of your paid experience is in a different role or industry, projects can help demonstrate your competence with a more relevant skill set. This is especially true if you’re trying to break into a highly specialized or technical field. For roles involving software development, coding, or data analysis, a few relevant projects may even be more worthy of inclusion on your resume than a lot of work experience in a different industry. If this is your situation, consider dropping some of your older or less relevant work experience in favor of a dedicated projects section that can highlight your hands-on experience with specific technical skills.

I’d recommend uploading your resume to the tool below to check if you’ve listed your projects the right way. It’ll let you know if your projects section highlights relevant work experience, accomplishments and skills.

You lack relevant work experience

Some Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or other types of resume screening will automatically reject candidates who lack certain skills or keywords. To get around this, you can use projects as a way to legitimately include skills that are required by the job listing if you have no other way of demonstrating them. Again, this can be particularly important if you’re trying to break into a technical field, so it’s worth taking the time to develop those hands-on skills before you start applying.

If you’re not sure which technical skills are required by the job you’re applying for, use the skills search tool below to find the right ones.

If you've decided to include projects on your resume, keep scrolling for step-by-step guides with templates you can copy and paste.

How to feature projects on your resume

So, you’ve decided to include one or two well-chosen projects on your resume — but how do you format them? Here are a few practical examples you can follow.

In your work experience section

When: If your paid work was project-based, including freelance , consulting, and contract work.

How: List key accomplishments underneath individual projects.

  • List your employer, staffing agency, or consulting firm (it's fine to create one if you were freelancing).
  • List your job title. If you were self-employed, give yourself a standard job title.
  • List the dates of employment.
  • Add a short blurb describing the nature of your work.
  • Include 3-6 bullet points detailing your most relevant accomplishments, starting with an action verb and include hard numbers and metrics.
  • Use a resume checker to score your bullet points and give you personalized feedback.
  • Read our tips on how to list contract work and self-employment on a resume .

Here's a template for listing projects in your work experience section:

YOUR NAME CONSULTING SERVICES, Columbus, OH Independent SEO Consultant (Jun 2017 – Present) Developed strategic insights for seven medium-large companies ($5M+/year) to improve SEO, web traffic and conversions. Revamped and implemented new websites for four companies. Selected Projects Name of project - 1-3 bullet points in the format [Action Verb] [Accomplishment] [Metric], e.g. Growth Strategy for Travel Agency - Spearheaded a major pricing restructure by redirecting focus on consumer willingness to pay instead of product cost; implemented a three-tiered pricing model which increased average sale 35% and margin 12%

This example shows how a project-based resume can emphasize your key skills and achievements.

how to write project details in resume for experienced

In a dedicated projects section

When: If you have the space for it on your resume and you have one or more significant projects you want to make a focal point.

How: Think of a projects section like a mini work experience section.

  • List the project name at the top, like you would an employer.
  • List your specific role in the project as your job title.
  • Use bullet points to highlight the hard skills you used. Remember to begin each bullet point with an action verb.
  • Use numbers to demonstrate the impact of your role whenever possible.
  • Include a link to your online portfolio (if applicable).

A step by step guide on how to list projects on your resume

Here's a template for formatting a separate projects section:

PROJECTS Project Name | Developer , Feb 2019 GitHub link: [link] - Designed the overall architecture of the editor using React.JS, with XYZ integration to allow real-time collaboration - Set up multiple authentication methods, including Google OAuth, magic link and Shibboleth SSO

This is an example of how a standard project might look on your resume.

How to list a project in a dedicated project section on your resume

This is another example that explicitly demonstrates your skills and expertise. It includes relevant keywords, which will help your resume get past any ATS and allows employers to see that you’re qualified at a glance. It also uses hard numbers to good effect, showcasing not only what you accomplished but also the impact it had on the overall project.

How to include relevant keywords in your resume's projects section

If your projects demonstrate hands-on experience with specific programming languages or other practical skills, use your projects section to link to an online portfolio. Hiring managers in fields like software development, graphic design , and writing will want to see examples of your actual work whenever possible, since that’s the best way to see your skills firsthand and judge whether they’re a good fit.

How to list a project on your resume, while linking to the portfolio and using hard skills to get past resume screeners

In your education section

When: If you're a current student or recent graduate without a lot of relevant work experience. You should especially consider including projects in your education section if you completed a specific pre-professional program, like an MBA.

How: Pin your education section to the top of your resume to keep it front and center.

  • Title your section 'Education.'
  • List your education as normal, including the university you attended, degree attained, and date of graduation (this last one is optional).
  • Include a 'Projects' subheading (optional).
  • Include 1-2 bullet points briefly outlining what the project was.
  • Start with an action verb to describe what you did and use numbers to quantify the results.
  • For more tips on how to make your education section stand out to hiring managers, check out our guide on how to list education on your resume .

Here's a template for listing projects in your education section:

EDUCATION Resume Worded University, San Francisco, CA | May 2010 Master of Business Administration Candidate; Major in Business Analytics - Built and launched Android app, Resume Worded, in team of 3; gained over 10,000 users in 6 months

This example shows how including projects can explicitly demonstrate your achievements, even if your degree is your only relevant experience in that field.

How to list your projects in your resume, under another section like your education section

In an additional section

When: For personal projects, especially if you don’t have the real estate to dedicate to a significant projects section.

How: At the bottom of your resume, or on the side if you prefer a two-column format.

  • Title your section 'Additional Projects' or 'Other.'
  • If you're using a general 'Other' section including skills, etc. add a 'Projects' subheading.
  • List each project briefly in 1-2 lines, including what you did and what the results were.
  • (Optional) List the date of completion or duration of the project.

Here's a template for listing projects in an additional section:

ADDITIONAL PROJECTS - Aggregated, cleansed and combined data from 10+ public data sources to create a Tableau dashboard of inflation rates over the past 10 years (January 2021) - Another project (optional)

This example demonstrates how you don’t need to dedicate a large amount of space to a project for it to be worthwhile including.

Describing additional projects on your resume

Do’s and don’ts for projects on your resume

  • Use projects to demonstrate hard skills. Technical skills like programming, proficiency with specific software programs, or experience with social media marketing are all appropriate skills you may want to highlight.
  • Tailor the projects to the specific job you’re applying for . Not every project is relevant to every role, and not every single task within a specific project is related to all roles either — be selective about what you include.
  • Use hard numbers and metrics whenever you can. If you attended a coding boot camp, mention the specific programming languages you learned. If you used Facebook ads to sell your craft projects, state how much you were able to improve sales. Always be specific about what you achieved, not just what you did.
  • Don't use projects for soft skills like communication or leadership. These skills are easy for anyone to claim and difficult to quantify, so you’ll want to use more relevant examples of how you’ve demonstrated these in a professional setting.
  • Don't include projects in your regular work experience section. No matter how hard you’ve worked on them, they lack the accountability and oversight that paid work experience requires, so don’t try to frame them as something they aren’t.
  • Don't include projects just to bulk up your resume. Only include them if they’re truly relevant to the role and will strengthen your candidacy.
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Projects on Your Resume: How to Include Them the Right Way

how to write project details in resume for experienced

When it comes to crafting a resume that stands out from the crowd, listing your work experience and educational background are just the basics. One way to make your resume more competitive is by including relevant projects that showcase your skills and capabilities.

Projects on a resume can refer to any work you have completed that goes beyond your day-to-day responsibilities. This could include special initiatives, team collaborations, independent research or creative endeavors that demonstrate your problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and innovation.

Importance of Projects on Resume

By listing projects on your resume, you can demonstrate your practical experience and accomplishments that extend beyond your job function. Projects can show your proactive approach to learning, your ability to execute on a plan, and your creativity. Additionally, listing popular projects that relate to your field can help attract potential employers who are looking for candidates with a specific set of skills and experience.

When you list your projects on the resume, do not forget to add details of the positive outcome that you achieved from the project. For example, if you worked on a team to reduce customer complaints by 15%, be sure to include this information. Write your descriptions of the project in a clear and concise manner so the reader can easily understand your accomplishments.

Incorporating projects into your resume provides a great opportunity to showcase your problem-solving abilities and demonstrate your potential as a strong candidate for the job you aspire to. So, whether you are a seasoned professional or a job seeker looking to break into a new career, including relevant projects on your resume is the right way.

Types of Projects to Include on Resume

When it comes to crafting a resume, including projects can be a great way to showcase your skills and accomplishments. However, not all projects are created equal. Here are four types of projects you should consider including on your resume:

how to write project details in resume for experienced

Professional Projects

Highlighting projects that you’ve worked on during your time in the workforce is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and value as a potential employee. Professional projects can include anything from leading a team to completing a major project or implementing a new strategy. These types of projects show prospective employers that you have relevant experience and can be trusted to deliver results.

Academic Projects

While academic projects may not seem as relevant as professional projects, they can still demonstrate your ability to work independently and apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. You can showcase academic projects by including class projects, research papers, or even independent studies. Highlighting these academic projects can show potential employers that you are a well-rounded individual with valuable skills.

Personal Projects

Personal projects are the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your creativity and passion outside of work or school. They can also show potential employers that you are self-motivated and interested in continuously developing your skills. Personal projects can include anything from starting a blog to developing a mobile app. Highlighting these types of projects can demonstrate your ability to think outside of the box and take initiative.

Volunteer Projects

Volunteer projects allow you to give back to your community while also developing your skills. Whether you are volunteering at a local nonprofit or organizing a charity event, these types of projects demonstrate your dedication to making a positive impact. Highlighting volunteer projects on your resume shows potential employers that you have a strong work ethic and are committed to making a difference.

Including projects on your resume can be a great way to stand out from the pack and showcase your skills and accomplishments. By focusing on these four types of projects – professional, academic, personal, and volunteer – you can create a well-rounded resume that demonstrates your expertise and potential value to prospective employers.

Selecting Relevant Projects

One of the most critical factors that employers consider when reviewing resumes is the relevance of job experiences and projects to the position being applied for. As such, job seekers should be mindful of including only relevant projects on their resumes. In this section, we’ll discuss three essential aspects of selecting relevant projects:

Identifying Required Skills

To identify the relevant projects to include in your resume, you must first understand the critical skills required for the job position. Carefully analyze the job description and identify the required technical and soft skills. Once you have this information, you should compare it with your project experiences to determine which ones showcase your proficiency in those skills.

For example, if the job position requires proficiency in a particular programming language, you should ensure that the project you highlight on your resume demonstrates your expertise in that language. This will demonstrate to the employer that you have the necessary skills to perform the job effectively.

Matching Projects with Job Position

After identifying the required skills, the next step is to match relevant projects with the job position. This involves carefully selecting projects that align with the job description and showcase your skills and experiences. You should focus on projects that demonstrate your abilities in areas that are relevant to the job position.

For example, if the job description requires proficiency in project management, you may want to highlight a project you worked on where you had to manage a team to achieve deliverables within a specific timeline. This will demonstrate to the employer that you not only possess the necessary skills but also have the experience to apply those skills in a real work environment.

Achievements and Goals in Projects

A strong resume not only showcases your skills and experiences but also highlights your achievements and goals in each project. By including your achievements in each project, you demonstrate to the employer that you have a record of delivering results that make an impact.

For example, if the project you worked on involved implementing a new software system, you can highlight how this improved the efficiency of the team or company. This allows the employer to see the value of your work and the potential value you can bring to the organization.

how to write project details in resume for experienced

Selecting relevant projects is a critical step when crafting your resume. By identifying the required skills, matching projects with the job position, and emphasizing your achievements and goals in each project, you can demonstrate to the employer that you have the necessary skills and experiences to excel in the desired role.

How to List Projects on Resume

When it comes to listing projects on your resume, it is important to provide clear and concise information about each project you have worked on. This section will cover the four essential elements to include when describing your projects on your resume: project title and description, duration and date of completion, roles and responsibilities, and impact and results.

Project Title and Description

Begin each project by specifying its title and providing a brief description of the work you did. This will give the employer a quick idea of what the project was about and how you contributed to its success.

For example:

Project Title:  Marketing Campaign for Product Launch

Description:  Led a team of three to create and implement a marketing campaign to drive awareness and sales for a new product launch.

Duration and Date of Completion

Employers want to know how long you worked on each project, so be sure to include the duration and completion date for every project you list on your resume.

Duration:  6 months

Completion Date:  January 2021

Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly outlining your roles and responsibilities is vital when describing a project on your resume. This will help demonstrate your skills and highlight your contributions to the project.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Conducted market research to identify target audience and develop messaging strategy
  • Created a project plan and timeline to ensure the campaign was delivered on time and within budget
  • Designed and executed email marketing and social media campaigns to support the product launch
  • Coordinated with product team to ensure consistency between marketing messaging and product features

Impact and Results

Lastly, make sure to include the impact and results of each project. What were the goals of the project and did you achieve them? Be specific about the outcomes and highlight any metrics that demonstrate the success of the project.

Impact and Results:

  • Increased product sales by 25% during the first month of launch
  • Grew social media following by 15% and engagement by 20% during the campaign
  • Obtained coverage in multiple media outlets, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic

Listing your projects on your resume is an excellent way to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements. By including the four essential elements, project title and description, duration and date of completion, roles and responsibilities, and impact and results, you can impress potential employers and stand out from the competition.

Formatting and Styling Project Section

When it comes to organizing projects on your resume, it’s important to ensure that they are clear, concise, and easy to read. Here are some tips for formatting and styling the project section of your resume to make it stand out.

Organizing Projects on Resume

Start by organizing your projects in reverse chronological order, listing your most recent project first. This makes it easier for the hiring manager to see your most recent work and gauge your current skillset.

Next, give each project its own section, and include the following information:

  • Project title
  • Brief description of the project
  • Role(s) you played on the project team
  • Dates of the project
  • Contact information for the project manager or supervisor

Using Bullet Points and Action Verbs

Bullet points are your best friend when it comes to making your projects section easy to read. Use them to highlight the key tasks and responsibilities you had on each project. Be sure to start each bullet point with an action verb to showcase your skills and accomplishments.

For example, instead of saying “Worked on a website redesign project,” say “Developed wireframes and mockups for website redesign project, resulting in a 25% increase in user engagement.”

Showcasing Projects with Metrics and Results

Employers want to see results, so be sure to include metrics whenever possible. This could include stats like the number of users impacted, revenue generated, or cost savings achieved.

For example, instead of saying “Developed a new marketing campaign,” say “Developed and implemented a new marketing campaign that resulted in a 15% increase in lead generation and a 10% increase in conversions.”

Highlighting Projects with Bold and Italics

Finally, use bold and italics to make certain aspects of your projects section stand out. This could include the project title or your specific role and responsibilities.

For example, you could bold your project titles to make them more prominent, and italicize your role or specific accomplishments within the bullet points to draw attention to them.

By following these tips for formatting and styling your projects section, you can ensure that it stands out and showcases your skills and accomplishments in the best possible way.

Example Project Sections

When it comes to including projects on your resume, it’s essential to highlight your accomplishments effectively. Depending on your role, you may want to approach this section differently to showcase your skills and experience accurately. Here are some examples of project sections for various positions:

Sample Project Section for Managerial Position

As a manager, you’re expected to lead by example and accomplish team goals. Your project section should offer a comprehensive view of your leadership and management skills. Here are some tips for crafting a project section for a managerial position:

  • Highlight any successful projects you led or coordinated that resulted in significant business outcomes. This may include increased profits, higher customer satisfaction rates, improved productivity, etc.
  • Emphasize your ability to manage a team effectively. Indicate how you implemented processes that boosted team efficiency, facilitated communication amongst team members, and led to better team morale.
  • Showcase your project management skills, including your ability to manage timelines, budgets, and resources to ensure successful project delivery.

Example of a project section for a managerial position:

Project Manager, XYZ company, 2017-2020

  • Coordinated and successfully delivered a digital transformation project resulting in the implementation of new automated tools which decreased processing time by 30%.
  • Implemented a project management methodology for the IT department, leading to an 89% on-time delivery rate.
  • Developed a leadership development program resulting in 80% of team members receiving promotions to management positions.

Sample Project Section for Entry-Level Position

As an entry-level candidate, you may not have a lot of professional experience to draw on. Highlighting your projects, however, can demonstrate your passion and potential, as well as your ability to learn and contribute to projects. Here are some tips for crafting a project section for an entry-level position:

  • Focus on projects from internships, volunteer positions or relevant coursework – especially those that demonstrate your passion for the industry, willingness to collaborate with a team or showcase your problem-solving ability.
  • Quantify your results. Use numbers and statistics to show how your effort translated into meaningful outcomes.
  • Describe how you contributed to the project team, what your part of the deliverables was, and what you learned from the experience.

Example of a project section for an entry-level position:

Marketing Events Coordinator Intern, ABC Company, Spring Semester 2020

  • Facilitated the coordination of the annual Women in Tech conference, with over 1,000 attendees, resulting in a 15% increase in participant satisfaction.
  • Conducted market research and provided recommendations which were included in the company’s new product launch strategy.
  • Collaborated with the graphic design team to develop creative assets resulting in 30% more engagement in social media.

Sample Project Section for Senior-Level Position

As a senior-level candidate, you’re expected to demonstrate extensive experience and expertise in your field. Your project section should showcase the breadth and depth of your accomplishments, highlighting your strategic impact and leadership.

Here are some tips for crafting a project section for a senior-level position:

  • Focus on high-impact projects that have made a significant difference to the organization.
  • Highlight projects that have driven revenue growth, cost savings, process improvements, or other measurable outcomes.
  • Highlight your strategic thinking and decision-making skills.
  • Describe projects where you developed and executed strategic initiatives, implemented innovative solutions, or led organizational change.
  • Demonstrate your ability to collaborate and influence cross-functional teams.
  • Showcase projects where you successfully partnered with stakeholders from different departments and achieved collective goals.
  • Quantify the results and impact of your projects.
  • Use metrics, percentages, and tangible achievements to illustrate the scope and success of your initiatives.

Example of a project section for a senior-level position:

Director of Sales, XYZ Company, 2015-2021

  • Led a sales transformation initiative that resulted in a 25% increase in annual revenue within two years.
  • Implemented a customer relationship management (CRM) system, streamlining sales processes and improving sales team productivity by 20%.
  • Developed and executed a market expansion strategy, leading to a 40% increase in market share and a presence in three new international markets.
  • Led a cross-functional team in the successful launch of a new product line, generating $10 million in revenue in the first year.

Remember to customize the project section based on your specific achievements, industry, and job requirements. Focus on projects that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for and highlight the skills and expertise that make you a strong candidate. Use concise bullet points to clearly communicate the project details, outcomes, and your role in the success of each project.

Explaining Projects in Resume

When it comes to including projects on your resume, it’s not enough to simply list them. You need to effectively explain the project and its relevance to the job you’re applying for. Here are some key ways to explain your projects on your resume:

Describing Quantitative and Qualitative Results

Employers want to see concrete results from your projects. Therefore, it’s important to describe both the quantitative (numbers, measurements, etc.) and qualitative (improvements, successes, etc.) outcomes of your work. For example, instead of simply stating that you led a website redesign project, explain that the project led to a 25% increase in user engagement and a 15% increase in page views.

Emphasizing Transferable Skills

While the specific project you worked on may not be directly relevant to the job you’re applying for, the skills you used during that project likely are. Emphasize these transferable skills in your resume to show how your previous experience makes you a strong candidate for the job. For example, if you worked on a complex data analysis project, highlight your skills in data management, problem-solving, and communication.

Sharing Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Your projects can also be a great opportunity to share success stories and lessons learned with potential employers. Use specific examples of how you overcame project challenges and achieved success to demonstrate your problem-solving and leadership abilities. This can also show your ability to adapt and learn from mistakes, which can be a valuable asset to any team.

Parsing Technical Jargon

Projects can often involve technical jargon or industry-specific terms that may not be familiar to everyone. It’s important to describe your projects in a way that is clear and understandable to everyone, not just those in your field. Explain any technical terms or acronyms and use language that is straightforward and easy to understand.

Effectively explaining your projects on your resume is about more than just listing them. By describing outcomes, emphasizing transferable skills, sharing success stories, and using accessible language, you can show potential employers the value of your past experience and make a strong case for your candidacy.

Addressing Gaps and Inaccuracies in Projects

When it comes to including projects on your resume, one of the most important things to consider is accuracy. It’s essential to ensure that the information you present is honest, truthful, and representative of your skills and achievements. However, it’s not always straightforward to capture every detail of a project in a resume. There may be gaps in your knowledge or information, or you may be uncertain about certain terms or acronyms used in the project. In these cases, it’s crucial to address these gaps and inaccuracies in a meaningful way.

Explaining Challenges and Obstacles

Sometimes, projects can pose significant challenges and obstacles that can impact the outcome. It’s essential to acknowledge these hurdles and explain how you overcame them. This will help demonstrate your problem-solving skills and your ability to navigate complex situations. Don’t shy away from discussing any difficult or challenging aspects of the project. Instead, provide a brief explanation of the issue and how you addressed it. This will showcase your resilience and ability to work well under pressure.

Clarifying Ambiguous Terms and Acronyms

Projects can often use specific terms and acronyms that may not be immediately clear to readers. If you’re unsure about a term or acronym, it’s essential to clarify it within the resume. You don’t want the reader to be confused or misunderstand the project’s purpose or outcome because of a lack of understanding of specific terminology. Consider providing a brief explanation of the term or acronym within parentheses or in a separate bullet point under the project description.

Providing Relevant Context and Background

To paint a complete picture of the project, it’s important to provide relevant context and background information. This may include providing details on the project’s purpose, goals, target audience, and key stakeholders. By including this information, you can showcase your understanding of the project’s broader context and the role you played in achieving the project’s objectives.

Avoiding Misrepresentations and Fabrications

While it’s important to present a comprehensive and accurate view of the project, it’s equally important to avoid misrepresentations and fabrications. Lying or exaggerating about your role or achievements can damage your credibility and harm your reputation. Make sure that the information you present is true and verifiable. If you’re uncertain about a specific fact or detail, leave it out or find a way to address the gap in your knowledge honestly.

Accurately presenting your projects on your resume requires attention to detail and a commitment to honesty. By addressing gaps and inaccuracies in a meaningful way, you can showcase your skills and achievements while maintaining your credibility and professionalism. Remember that including projects on your resume isn’t just about showcasing your abilities – it’s about demonstrating your integrity and respect for the reader’s time and attention.

Using Projects in Cover Letter or Portfolio

When applying for a job, it is essential to showcase your skills and achievements through projects that you have worked on. Including these projects in your application materials can provide context for your potential employer on your accomplishments and level of expertise. Here are some tips on how to use projects effectively in your cover letter and portfolio.

Referencing Projects in Application Materials

In your cover letter, you should mention one or two of your most impressive projects and what you gained from them. You should make sure to talk about how your experience on this project directly correlates with the job you are applying for. This can show that you have experience in that area and can bring value to the company. Additionally, mentioning specific projects in your resume or application can help set you apart from other candidates and can give potential employers a better understanding of your work style and capabilities.

Expanding on Projects in Portfolio or Website

Your portfolio or website is a great place to showcase your projects in more detail. You can include project timelines, your role on the project, and any specific deliverables that you were responsible for creating. Additionally, you can include pictures, videos, and other multimedia to visually represent your work. This can help potential employers better understand the scope of the project and what you contributed.

Relating Projects to Company or Industry

When discussing your projects in your cover letter or portfolio, it’s important to relate them to the company or industry you are applying to. If you can show that your past projects align with their values or industry, it can give you an advantage in the application process. You can also demonstrate how your experience on previous projects can be an asset to the company, and potentially lead to new projects or initiatives that would benefit both parties.

Including your projects in your application materials can help set you apart as a candidate and showcase your skills and accomplishments. By referencing these projects in your cover letter and expanding on them in your portfolio or website, you can highlight your most impressive work and provide details on your involvement. Additionally, by relating your projects to the company or industry you are applying to, you can demonstrate how your experience can benefit the company and potentially lead to new opportunities.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Project Section

When it comes to your resume, including your project section can be a great way to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. However, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid in order to make the most out of this section.

Overloading Resume with Too Many Projects

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is overloading your resume with too many projects. While it may be tempting to list every single project that you’ve ever worked on, it’s important to remember that quality is better than quantity. Instead, try to focus on a few projects that showcase your skills and experience in the best possible way.

Focusing on Unrelated or Outdated Projects

Another mistake to avoid is focusing on unrelated or outdated projects. This can be a red flag for potential employers, as they may question your ability to prioritize and select the most relevant projects. Instead, try to choose projects that are relevant to your current career goals and demonstrate your ability to tackle real-world challenges.

Copying and Pasting Job Description

Avoid the mistake of copying and pasting job descriptions when describing your projects. This can give the impression that you lack creativity and initiative. Instead, use clear and concise language to describe your role and contributions to the project. Highlight your unique achievements and make sure to use active verbs to showcase your impact.

Neglecting Soft Skills and Personal Attributes

Lastly, avoid neglecting soft skills and personal attributes in your project section. While it’s important to highlight your technical skills, it’s also important to showcase your interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team. This can include things like communication, problem-solving, leadership, and collaboration. By highlighting these skills, you can demonstrate your ability to make valuable contributions to any project team.

Including your project section on your resume is an opportunity to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make the most out of this section and demonstrate your ability to tackle real-world challenges.

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People are more likely to believe in your potential when you’ve already demonstrated it in the past.

And recruiters are no different. If you want to make your resume all the more compelling and impressive, listing projects on your resume is the way to go.

Although you can’t exactly demonstrate your projects in action while applying for jobs, you can allow your resume to speak for it and give a chance to the recruiters to see your true potential.

Listing projects on resumes is especially helpful for job seekers who are fresh graduates lacking in professional experience and also for people who are switching their career trajectory.

Read on to get clarity on the following FAQs about listing projects on resumes:

  • Why should you list projects on resumes?
  • When should you list projects on resume?
  • What type of projects should you list on a resume?

Importance of Listing Projects on Resumes

The primary idea behind listing projects on resumes is to put yourself forward as the best candidate for the position.

  • By listing projects on your resume, you let employers see your skills, experience, achievements, and capability of executing tasks efficiently.

And of course, if you’ve been a part of or led a key project in your past roles, why wouldn’t you want to show it off and benefit from your efforts by showcasing it in your resume?

In fact, the same set of skills that you used to complete a past project may be the exact skill set that your next employer may be looking for.

Therefore, when the recruiters see these projects in your resume, it automatically doubles up your chances of getting shortlisted for interviews.

Also, listing projects on resumes serve as a proven track record of your efficiency, teamwork, leadership skills, and project management skills.

Also read: How to build an impressive IT project manager resume

When Should You List Projects on Resume?

Although listing projects on resumes can prove beneficial for any type of candidate, it is especially essential for the following groups of applicants:


Since most of the work done by IT freelancers is project-based, highlighting projects in your resume becomes crucial.

Given the fact students and fresh graduates don't have professional work experience to include in their resumes, including academic projects can be a game-changer.

List the volunteer projects that you may have been a part of or any of your academic projects.

Career Switchers

If you are making a career switch to the IT industry but don't have professional experience, listing independent projects in your resume will increase your chances of impressing the recruiters.

You can list the GitHub or Kaggle projects that you've worked independently on, in your resume.

How to Include Projects on Resumes?

Now that you see the importance of listing projects on resumes, the question that stands is, how to describe projects on resumes?

First things first, it’s important to ensure that you are listing the projects under the right section of your resume.

Meaning, if you are a fresher or a recent college graduate, the college projects on your resume can go under the education section or the volunteer section.

As for professionals with experience, projects can be listed in the professional experience section of your resume.

Regardless of the project placement, here are some guidelines you can follow to list projects on resumes:

Identify the Skills You Need to Highlight

Now, the relevance of the projects you include in your resume is crucial.

Throughout your career, you may have been a part of various projects. However, you need to identify the most suitable ones and the ones which fit well with the role you’re applying for.

The projects you choose to list in your resume must showcase the exact skills the employer is looking for. After all, isn’t that the whole point of listing projects on resumes?

You can understand the requirements of the recruiters by going through the job listing.

Ensure that you tailor the choice of your projects according to the job description of the different companies you are applying to.

Also read: What skills to put on a resume

Focus on Your Achievements and Use Figures

While you are listing projects on resumes, it is important to focus on your achievements and use figures to talk about the same.

For instance, if you led a team of software developers and testers to work on an application upgrade to increase the user base, ensure to mention the exact number or percentage increase in the user base that you achieved with the upgrade.

This way, employers can envision you as a valuable addition to their company workforce.

Call Attention to Key Details

Since the length of an ideal resume is only a page long, you can’t possibly include the entire how, when, and why details about the project in your resume.

Thus, you must only include details that are pivotal to exhibit the skills which the particular employer requires.

The key details of a project can include the strength of the team you led, the budget, scope, revenue generated, cost saved, clients increased, and so on.

For example, you can write:

“Led a team of 20+ software developers to design and implement OAuth2 based functionality as part of ensuring 100% data security for users.”

Link Your Online Portfolio

What better way than to let your projects speak for themselves right?

Linking your online portfolio while listing projects on resumes will allow recruiters to get a deeper insight into your skills and experience.

Providing proof and examples of your work will add weight to your resume and impress the recruiters even more.

Just ensure that your online portfolio is up-to-date and polished.

Also read: How to highlight GitHub projects on resume

Choose the Correct Section

As stated earlier, you can list projects on resumes under different sections (professional experience or education section) depending on whether you are a fresher or a professional with past experience.

Also, if you belong to the IT industry, you might have quite a number of projects under your belt.

Therefore candidates who have multiple key projects relevant to the job description can list their project under a separate project section in their resumes.

Also read: What are the best programming projects to put on resume?

Types of Projects on Resumes

You can add a variety of projects to your resume as long as they stand relevant to the description of the job you’re applying to.

Given below are 3 types of projects you can add to your resume:

Work Projects on Resumes

As the name suggests, work projects are projects that you undertake professionally while working for clients and companies.

Therefore these types of projects go under the professional experience section of your resume.

Here are some examples of listing work projects on resumes:

  • Coordinated with IT team to develop a mobile and web-based data tracking application and closed $1.2 worth of deal
  • Designed 10+ mock apps for collecting feedback from selected users as part of improving user experience
  • Created 20+ cross-platform apps by utilizing C# in Xamarin Studio as per clients' requirements
  • Formulated UI testing procedures to identify malfunctions and debugged apps before launch to optimize performance
  • Developed 5+ android applications in an agile environment by deploying JavaScript and C++

Academic Projects on Resumes

If you are a recent grad, it makes sense to add academic projects that showcase the skills related to the role you’re targeting in your resume.

These academic projects can go under the education section or volunteer section of your resume and demonstrate the targeted soft skills, if not technical skills relevant to the job description.

Take a look at these examples of projects on resumes:

  • Assisted in creating a group chat application using Java Platform SE 7 with additional functionalities for a group project
  • Published a research paper on data modeling with a focus on its use for analyzing data requirements for the business processes
  • Led the software department’s student exchange program to facilitate student-faculty coordination for departmental initiatives

Personal Projects on Resumes

Personal projects can also be a great addition to your resumes. Provided it is relevant to the job description.

Personal projects can be listed under the volunteer section or a stand-alone section titled “personal projects”, and is ideal for candidates who lack professional experience.

  • Conducted door-to-door surveys while spearheading an awareness campaign for volunteer work
  • Rendered assistance in the software testing phases for a college group project
Also read: How to draft a job winning project engineer resume

Concluding Points

  • If you want to make your resume all the more compelling and impressive, listing projects on your resume is the ideal way to achieve the same.
  • Listing projects on resumes serve as a proven track record of your efficiency, teamwork, leadership skills, and project management skills.
  • List projects on resumes in suitable sections and ensure that it demonstrates the skills that the employer requires.
  • Consider adding a link to your online portfolio and highlighting your achievements by using figures.
  • You can add work, academic and personal projects to your resume, provided it stands relevant to the role you are applying for.

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how to write project details in resume for experienced

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27 Great Resume Summary Examples to Get Hired

20 min read · Updated on June 03, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Your resume summary is the first impression you make on potential employers, so it's crucial to get it right

When it comes to job applications, your resume is often the first point of contact with prospective employers. It's essential to make a good impression right from the start and that's where your resume summary comes in. Your summary is a brief statement at the top of your resume that highlights your skills , experiences , and achievements , making it a key part of your job application.

In this article, you'll learn how to write the ultimate resume summary that will grab the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. You'll discover what makes a good summary and what to avoid, as well as how to sell yourself effectively to potential employers.

You may be wondering: what exactly is a resume summary and how do I write one? We'll answer these questions and provide examples of professional summaries for various industries.

By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to create a standout resume summary that will help you to land your dream job.

What is a resume summary?

To understand a resume summary, it's important to understand the challenge that good summaries are designed to overcome. Employers who are looking for new hires often need to compare many dozens or even hundreds of resumes to find the best candidates for the job. Few hiring personnel have the time needed to thoroughly examine every single resume that they receive.

Instead, employers typically spend no more than five or six seconds scanning any given resume. If a resume manages to capture their interest in those few seconds, they'll take the time to read it in greater detail. 

However, if your resume doesn't grab their attention, it's likely to be rejected without any further examination. So, the challenge is to find a way to quickly earn the reader's interest and inspire them to read the rest of the document.

That's where your resume summary comes into play. As you'll see from our resume summary examples, a good summary is the resume equivalent of a salesperson's elevator pitch. 

This brief statement should highlight your experience and job title, one or two key skills, and a couple of your most prominent achievements. When your summary is crafted well, it will provide the employer with a quick overview of your potential value as a new hire.

Once you've written your summary, you should place it right after your contact information and resume headline , so that it's the first thing employers see. If you've done your job properly, that summary will be compelling enough to make the reader want to learn more about the type of value you can bring to the job.

How should you start a resume summary?

After your headline, you should include a brief opening statement that summarizes who you are. This statement should be concise and compelling, and it should clearly communicate your unique value proposition. Here are some examples of strong opening statements:

Innovative Marketing Manager with over five years of experience in developing and executing successful campaigns for Fortune 500 companies

Results-driven Sales Executive with a proven track record of exceeding revenue targets and building strong client relationships

Skilled Customer Service Representative with expertise in problem-solving, conflict resolution, and communication

Tips for writing a resume summary

To make sure you get your summary spot on, follow our top tips:

Be specific

When writing a resume summary, it's essential to be specific and quantify your achievements wherever possible. Instead of saying, "Experienced marketing professional," try saying, "Experienced marketing professional with expertise in managing successful social media campaigns, resulting in increases of up to 30% in website traffic."

This provides concrete evidence of your skills and demonstrates your value to potential employers.

Reflect on your career

When it comes to writing a strong resume summary, you should engage in some self-reflection. Before putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), take some time to think about your key skills, experiences, and achievements. This will help you to identify the most important information to include in your summary. Review your past roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments, and think about how they relate to the job you're applying for. Ask yourself:

What have I achieved in my career?

What skills have I developed?

What makes me stand out from other applicants?

Identify your key skills

One of the most important things to include in your resume summary is your key skills. These are the abilities that set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your value to potential employers. Begin by making a list of your top skills, then prioritize them based on relevance to the job you're applying for.

Highlight your relevant experiences

Next, think about relevant experiences that you can include in your summary. This includes any previous jobs or internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that have given you valuable experience. Consider what you've learned and achieved in each role and how that relates to the job you're applying for.

You should focus on what is most relevant to your target job. Here are some examples:

Proven ability to increase sales revenue by 20% year on year

Expertise in project management and team leadership

Proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft 365

Confident working with a diverse range of clients and stakeholders

Keep it concise

Remember, your resume summary should be concise and to the point. Stick to the most important information and avoid filler words or irrelevant details. A good rule of thumb is to keep your summary to 3-5 sentences.

Use action verbs

When describing your experiences and achievements, use strong action verbs and adverbs to convey a sense of accomplishment and momentum. For example, instead of saying, "Responsible for managing social media accounts," say, "Successfully manages social media accounts."

Quantify your achievements

Wherever possible, use numbers and statistics to quantify your achievements. This provides concrete evidence of your skills and demonstrates your value to potential employers. For example, instead of saying, "Helped to increase sales," say, "Helped to increase sales by 20% in the first year."

Tailor it to the job

Make sure your resume summary is tailored to the job you're applying for. This means highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the role. Look at the job description and identify the key requirements, and then make sure your summary addresses these points.

Professional resume summary examples

Since there's nothing quite like seeing an example of a great summary, we've compiled twenty-seven great resume summary examples that you can use as inspirational templates for your own perfect resume . Below, you'll find summary examples for a variety of different job roles, including:

Customer Service Representative

Sales Representative

Marketing Manager

Project Manager

Software Developer

Human Resources Manager

Graphic Designer

Registered Nurse

Financial Analyst

Administrative Assistant

Data Entry Clerk 

Business Analyst

Operations Manager 

Mental Health Counselor

High School Teacher

Event Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Content Marketer

SEO Specialist

Bank Teller

Software Support Specialist

Data Scientist

Dental Assistant

1.     Customer Service Representative resume summary example

"Highly motivated Customer Service Representative with 5 years of experience in delivering service excellence. Skilled in conflict resolution and problem-solving, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rate. Proven ability to multitask in fast-paced environments while maintaining accuracy and attention to detail."

Why it works : This summary highlights the candidate's experience and skills while also showcasing their relevant achievements in ensuring customer satisfaction. It mentions how much experience they have and calls out a measurable success.

2.     Sales Representative resume summary example

"Dynamic Sales Representative with a track record of exceeding sales quotas by 20%+. Proficient in consultative sales techniques and relationship building. Exceptional communication and negotiation skills with the ability to close deals."

Why it works : This summary provides a quantifiable achievement to show the candidate's success in their previous sales roles while also highlighting their key skills in relationship building and communication.

3.     Marketing Manager resume summary example

"Strategic Marketing Manager with 7+ years of experience in developing and executing successful marketing campaigns across multiple channels. Skilled in market research and analysis, campaign optimization, and team leadership. Proven track record of driving revenue growth and increasing brand awareness."

Why it works : This summary emphasizes the candidate's experience and leadership skills while also showcasing their ability to drive results through successful marketing campaigns. The candidate has also demonstrated their ability to grow revenues and raise brand awareness.

4.     Project Manager resume summary example

"Accomplished Project Manager, with confidence in leading cross-functional teams and managing project timelines, budgets, and resources. Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to build relationships with stakeholders. Proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget."

Why it works : This summary highlights the candidate's extensive project management experience and emphasizes their ability to successfully deliver projects while working with multiple stakeholders.

5.     Software Developer resume summary example

"Innovative Software Developer with 5+ years of experience in designing, developing, and implementing complex software applications. Skilled in programming languages including Java, Python, and C++. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in Agile environments to deliver high-quality code on time."

Why it works : This job seeker has taken the time to highlight some of the technical skills they possess, while emphasizing their ability to work in Agile environments. They also call attention to the fact that they can take a software development project from design to implementation.

6.     Human Resources Manager resume summary example

"Experienced Human Resources Manager specializing in talent acquisition, employee relations, and performance management. Skilled in developing and implementing HR policies and procedures that align with business objectives and values. Proven track record of building and managing high-performing teams."

Why it works : This summary highlights the candidate's experience in various HR functions and emphasizes their ability to build and manage teams. It also shows that they can perform managerial functions like developing policies and procedures.

7.     Graphic Designer resume summary example

"Creative Graphic Designer with particular expertise in developing and executing visually stunning designs for print and digital media. Proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud, with a focus on typography and layout. Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously."

Why it works : This summary works well because it showcases their technical skills and experience while also emphasizing creativity and an ability to work collaboratively.

8.     Registered Nurse resume summary example

"Compassionate Registered Nurse with over 10 years' experience in providing high-quality patient care. Skilled at patient assessment, medication administration, and treatment plan development. Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to build rapport with patients and their families."

Why it works : This summary emphasizes the candidate's clinical and patient care experience and highlights their key nursing and interpersonal skills.

9.     Financial Analyst resume summary example

“Detail-oriented Financial Analyst with a strong background in financial modeling, data analysis, and forecasting. Combines advanced Excel skills with the ability to create and manage financial reports. Able to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.”

Why it works : This summary showcases the applicant's specific skills and experience in financial analysis and highlights their proficiency in Excel, a crucial tool for the role.

10.  Administrative Assistant resume summary example

“Skilled Administrative Assistant with 8 years of experience in administrative support and office administration. Resilient, detail-oriented, and able to work under extreme pressure in a team environment. Excellent interpersonal, client management, and interdepartmental liaison skills. Committed to successful management of multiple simultaneous projects, strict adherence to deadline requirements, and accurate maintenance of schedules, meeting obligations, and records.”

Why it works : An Administrative Assistant wears many hats and experiences many challenges. This resume summary covers a lot of ground to demonstrate that the candidate understands those obstacles and knows how to overcome them.

11.  Data Entry Clerk resume summary example

“Task-driven and results-oriented professional with more than 10 years of experience in data entry, project coordination, and customer service. Uses interpersonal skills including effective communication to build rapport and positive relations with customers, gather vital information, and ensure rapid and accurate entry of data into designated software programs.”

Why it works : This resume summary is effective because it gets right to the heart of the job: dealing with customers and entering data into databases. The candidate also emphasizes their results-focused mindset, project skills, and key soft skills.

12.  Business Analyst resume summary example

“Results-driven Business Analyst with a proven record in expanding profitability by 55% in the retail industry.  Confident carrying out data-focused analysis that provides key insights and recommendations for growth strategies. Strong interpersonal and team building skills, innovative approach to problem-solving , and resolute commitment to efficiency and productivity.”

Why it works : Business analysis is all about using data and research to deliver key insights that result in improved operations and greater business success. This summary hits all the right notes as it focuses on key skills, a solutions-oriented mindset, and notable achievements that reflect real value for employers.

13.  Operations Manager resume summary example

“Results-oriented Operations Manager with more than 10 years of supervisory experience in high-level operational environments. Adept at coordinating both large and small teams, outside consultants, and mid-level management personnel. Successfully introduced Lean manufacturing principles that reduced costs by 32% via waste elimination and process revitalization.”

Why it works : This candidate's summary emphasizes key skills that the employer wants to see in any managerial candidate, while also showcasing their knowledge of best operational practices and a commitment to cost reduction.

14.  Mental Health Counselor resume summary example

“Compassionate Mental Health Counselor with more than a decade of experience addressing mental health issues and behavioral concerns. Proven success in both individual and group counseling environments, assisting clients in gaining insight and understanding of their unique conditions. Specialized focus on working with young adults and families, with an emphasis on addressing substance abuse root causes and other social factors involved in mental health.”

Why it works : This resume summary is notable for citing important skills like empathy and compassion. It also focuses attention on the candidate's experience in dealing with common mental health concerns and hints at their preferred approach to assisting patients.

15.  High School Teacher resume summary example

“Dynamic high school teacher with 12 years of experience developing approved curricula for more than 500 students in grades 9-12. Proven track record of helping students to achieve a 98% passing rate in both Western Civilization and World History instruction. Actively engaged in every aspect of education, at the district, local, and parent-teacher level.”

Why it works : This candidate's resume summary highlights their vast experience, while illustrating their success in ensuring that their students learn what they need to know to pass the class. They also demonstrate their commitment to the educational process by highlighting their involvement in every area of education.

16.  Accountant resume summary example

“Diligent and detail-oriented CPA with seven years of experience in accounting, process improvement, and problem-solving. Skilled at identifying inefficiencies and using reporting to offer insights that can guide employers to better practices and greater profitability. At XYZ Corp., identified labor usage inefficiency that motivated management to introduce new scheduling that eliminated $300,000 in labor waste.”

Why it works : In addition to highlighting a wide range of valuable skills, this candidate also focused on a quantifiable achievement that illustrates real value. This type of summary would certainly capture a hiring manager's attention and make them want to read more!

17.  Event Manager resume summary example

“Resilient and creative Event Manager with 6 years of corporate experience. Detail-oriented perfectionist with experience in project management, team leadership, and customer relations. Successfully organized and executed more than 40 major business conferences, hosting thousands of guests. Major clients have included three Fortune 500 firms with multi-million-dollar event budgets.

Why it works : As Event Managers go, this one has certainly made the rounds. That summary of achievements highlights their ability to manage even large-scale events, dealing with every aspect of the project. How could a serious hiring manager not want to learn more about this candidate?

18.  IT Manager resume summary example

“Dedicated IT Manager with significant experience in an innovative and growing tech firm. Skilled leader with experience in systems analysis, database architecture, problem-solving, and troubleshooting. Superior client satisfaction rate of more than 99%. Created and implemented IT troubleshooting process that reduced internal client service time by 30%.”

Why it works : This IT professional focuses attention on their key leadership skills , while also mentioning the hard skills that any hiring manager is likely to be looking for. There's also a nice nod to their history of satisfying clients, as well as a notable and measurable achievement.

19.  Product Designer resume summary example

“Innovative Design Engineer with 5 years of experience in the development of products and packages. Skilled in market research, brand development and alignment, and design elements. Led team of seventeen Designers in the creation of industrial products that yielded $20 million in sales in the first month after launch.”

Why it works : This resume summary uses some important keywords, action verbs, and descriptive language to describe the candidate's key skills and experiences. It also cites an impressive product design achievement, along with real numbers that showcase value.

20.  Content Marketer resume summary example

“Creative marketing professional with 7 years' experience as a Content Marketer. Skilled writer who understands how written communication empowers business growth and expansion. Expertise in development of compelling content that drives activities across multiple media channels. Adaptable , detail-oriented, and focused on a brand-building approach to content strategy that drives real results. Developed a cross-platform content strategy that boosted sales conversion rates by 37%.

Why it works : This Content Marketer focuses on their key skills and keen insights into how content impacts business profitability. They even included a measurable result that demonstrates their focus on adding value to their employer's bottom line.

21.  SEO Specialist resume summary example

“Results-focused SEO expert with 6 years of experience in keyword mastery, the promotion of sustainable content, and growing organic website search engine rankings. Proven track record of SEO success, using content development and link outreach to expand website traffic activity from 10,000 daily visitors to more than 2,000,000 per year.”

Why it works : Many hiring managers may not fully understand SEO, but they will understand the need to get more eyes on their digital content. This candidate speaks to that need by focusing on website rankings, content, and overall web traffic - while including a quantifiable achievement that demonstrates their ability to make things happen.

22.  Copywriter resume summary example

“Website Copywriter with 5 years of experience in developing content that creates real conversions. Cross-channel expertise including website content, advertising, newsletters, press releases, email, and podcast / video scripts. Proven track record of increasing social traffic by 36% and driving a 22% boost in landing page conversions.”

Why it works : This candidate's summary is focused not only on the type of things they write, but how those content pieces directly contribute to the company's online presence and sales conversion rate. This illustrates the writer's understanding of how their work aligns with their employer's business needs and goals.

23.  Bank Teller resume summary example

“Empathetic and personable Bank Teller with more than 4 years of experience in client interactions at First Bank. Detail-oriented customer management approach, focused on superior customer experiences and client retention. Strict adherence to bank policy, including safety deposit guidelines, customer account security, and due diligence. Efficiently and effectively processed more than 200 client account interactions each day.”

Why it works : For a Bank Teller, much of the role's value lies in the employee's ability to serve as the face of the branch. This summary is effective because it showcases the Teller's knowledge of bank procedures, while also highlighting their commitment to creating an excellent customer experience.

24.  Software Support Specialist resume summary example

“Problem-solving Software Support Specialist with 8 years of experience in customer-facing user assistance. Provided key problem resolution services for hundreds of customers, with a focus on maximizing their satisfaction with the company to increase loyalty and retention. Experienced in both customer and B2B interactions, with a specialized talent for explaining technical problems in language that is easily understood by the average layperson.”

Why it works : This resume summary focuses not only on the candidate's specialized skills in solving computer issues, but also highlights their ability to simplify their explanations to customers.

25.  Data Scientist resume summary example

“Committed Data Scientist focused on analytical insights that can drive company growth and development. More than eight years of experience providing data-driven analysis to Fortune 500 executives, based on comprehensive statistical models and detailed historical data patterns. Successfully provided insights and recommendations used to increase company profits by 32% over a two-year period.”

Why it works : Data science may not seem like the most exciting field, but hiring managers are always on the hunt for candidates who understand why data matters. This candidate's focus on providing insights that can translate into real value for the employer is something that is likely to earn a hiring manager's interest.

26.  Dental Assistant resume summary example

“Dental Assistant with 5 years of experience with patient preparation, processing, and administrative support. Keen attention to detail and a commitment to dental health and aesthetics. Skilled in dental impressions, hands-on assistance during procedures, x-rays, and record maintenance. Fully committed to developing rapport with patients that creates a welcoming environment and a joyful experience.”

Why it works : This candidate's resume summary not only highlights key Dental Assistant requirements, but also conveys their personal approach to teamwork and patient care.

27.  Architect resume summary example

“Creative Architect experienced in high-end architectural design and development oversight. Ten years of proven success in creating sustainable designs that earn rave reviews and commendations from clients. Skilled in adapting to new challenges and working under pressure to achieve every client's vision. Consistently produces designs and project plans that come in on time and under budget, at 10%-30% less cost than industry competitors.”

Why it works : In this summary, the candidate highlights key skills that employers will want to see, while also emphasizing quantifiable results that demonstrate competitive value for the employer. They also showcase their ability to not only design architectural structures but to do so with a conscious awareness of critical factors like budgetary concerns, deadlines, sustainability and market competition.

Bonus: how to write a resume summary if you have no experience

Of course, it's also important to know how to write a resume summary if you have no experience. Here's a quick resume summary example that you can adapt if you are just entering the job market:

“Recent Marketing graduate, seeking an entry-level position to kickstart a career in the field. Demonstrated strong leadership and teamwork skills gained through involvement in various extracurricular activities, including volunteering at local events and leading group projects. Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud. Passionate about using marketing strategies to create engaging content and drive brand awareness.”

Why it works: This summary works because it highlights the candidate's relevant hard and soft skills and qualifications, even though they don't have direct career experience. The use of action words such as "demonstrated" and "proficient" shows the candidate's confidence in their abilities, which can be attractive to potential employers, showcasing the candidate's potential for success in an entry-level marketing role.

Key takeaways

A well-written resume summary can make a significant impact on a job application. A good summary should highlight relevant skills and experiences, use clear and concise language, and avoid unnecessary information. Feel free to customize any of the resume summary examples we've provided to help ensure that your resume captures the attention of potential employers.

We know it can be difficult to condense a whole career full of skills and achievements into a paragraph of only a few sentences. If you're unsure about the document you've crafted, why not send it for a free resume review by our team of expert resume writers? 

Recommended reading:

Ask Amanda: How Are a Resume Objective and a Resume Summary Different?

How to Write a Standout Career Summary

Business Acumen: What It Is and How You Can Showcase It On Your Resume

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

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Projects In Resumes: Where Do They Belong? (And How to Make Them Shine)

Kayte Grady

3 key takeaways

  • Why including projects in resume sections is important
  • How to use the Teal AI Resume Builder to list projects on a resume
  • Inspirational examples of projects on a resume across a variety of professional scenarios

They highlight your skills, showcase your impact, and elevate your professional profile. But where do you include projects in a resume to have the most impact in a way that differentiates you and impresses prospective employers?

Whether you're a freelancer with a diverse portfolio , a professional aiming to showcase your accomplishments, a recent graduate with academic projects, or someone looking to make a career change, effectively showcasing your project experience can distinguish you in a way that helps drive your career.

Why including projects on your resume can make a difference

Including relevant projects on your resume can significantly impact how hiring managers or recruiters view your qualifications. If you're wondering how to write experience on a resume , projects are a fantastic way showcase your skills, creativity, initiative, and problem-solving abilities. And they offer tangible evidence of everything you're capable of while adding depth to your resume beyond traditional work or educational experience.

What kinds of projects should you put on a resume?

  • Academic projects demonstrate your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.
  • Personal projects reflect your passion, self-motivation, and dedication.
  • Team projects highlight your collaboration, communication, and teamwork skills.
  • Freelance projects reveal your entrepreneurial spirit, client management skills, and ability to deliver results independently.
  • Volunteer projects emphasize your commitment to community service, teamwork, and social causes.
  • Leadership projects reveal your ability to take charge, inspire others, and drive successful outcomes.

And while most projects contribute to growth through the lessons or skills you’ve learned, the key to including projects in a resume is choosing ones relevant to the job description or industry you're targeting.

Choosing the right projects ensures that those you list resonate with the hiring manager, showcasing your expertise in a way that directly relates to the position you're applying for.

When should you include projects on your resume?

Deciding whether to include projects on your resume largely depends on your professional circumstances and the specific job you're applying for. 

So, which professional scenarios would benefit from the impact projects offer? 

When you're a freelancer or contract worker

Projects are often a primary form of work for freelancers or contractors. And, if you’ve found yourself in this professional realm, you should prominently showcase them as resume accomplishments within your “Work Experience” section. Think of creating your work experience as a more project-based resume section instead. (Just remember to be mindful of any non-disclosure agreements you may have signed before listing any client-identifying information.)

For example, imagine you're a freelance web designer who completed a website revamp for a client in coffee distribution. In this case, you didn't sign a non-disclosure agreement, so you're free to use their name, metrics, and more. Here's how you would highlight the project on your resume:

Website Redesign: Bigbie Coffee

  • Created visually appealing and user-friendly website interface featuring responsive design, intuitive navigation, and enhanced branding.
  • Received positive client feedback on new website's aesthetics, functionality, and improved user experience.
  • Resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic within the first month of the redesign implementation
  • Redesign resulted in a 20% increase in online orders and a 15% rise in average transaction value.

When you're a student or recent graduate

Especially if you're a student or recent graduate creating a resume with limited professional experience, showcasing academic projects in a resume can serve as valuable evidence of your skills, knowledge, and initiative—positioning you as a qualified and capable candidate.

For instance, if you've recently graduated college with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, a resume project could look like this:  

Senior CS-450 Software Development Project

  • Developed a comprehensive task management application utilizing Java and JavaScript, allowing users to create, assign, and track tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with team members seamlessly.
  • Received an outstanding grade of 99% for the project—showcasing excellence in software design, implementation, and functionality.
  • Received positive feedback from both professors and classmates on the application's intuitive user interface, robust functionality, and efficient task management capabilities.

When you're changing careers 

Transferable skills are the bread and butter of any career changer's resume. They highlight valuable abilities, demonstrate soft skills, and convey knowledge you've acquired that applies to other careers, industries, or professional spaces.

As a career changer, key projects demonstrate transferable skills and showcase your passion and knowledge for the target industry or field you are transitioning into.

Let's say you're shifting from financial services to sales. In that case, showcasing a leadership project, like spearheading a cross-functional team to implement a CRM system that resulted in improved sales processes, streamlined communication, and increased client retention rates, would be applicable. This is because the leadership skills, communication, and problem-solving skills demonstrated in this project are highly transferable to sales. 

So how could that look as a project in a resume? 

CRM Implementation for Enhanced Sales Processes and Client Retention

  • Led a team of 10 in successfully implementing a CRM system within the financial services department.
  • Facilitated cross-functional collaboration between sales, marketing, and IT teams, ensuring smooth adoption and integration within seven business days.
  • CRM implementation resulted in a 25% improvement in efficiency, reduced manual effort, and enabled teams to focus on client interactions, leading to a 15% increase in client retention rates within six months.

When you don’t have much relevant work experience

If you're trying to create a resume with no work experience or have minimal relevant experience, personal projects can help demonstrate ability, initiative, and dedication. 

Imagine you've been out of the workforce for some time. What personal projects might be relevant if you're applying for a job role in software marketing? Volunteering for a school PTO, organizing a fundraising campaign, maintaining a personal blog or website, or creating social media campaigns for various causes are all valuable and relevant in marketing.

 So how can you add one of those examples as a project description in a resume?

Culinary Lifestyle Blog: Gourmet Delights

  • Successfully maintained and curated a culinary lifestyle blog, "Gourmet Delights," for four years, focusing on exploring unique flavors, recipes, and culinary experiences.
  • Increased website traffic year over year, achieving a remarkable 200x growth in monthly page views and engagement YoY through effective content creation and promotion strategies.
  • Recognized for consistent updating and high-quality content, leading to partnerships with renowned brands and selection for paid advertisements, establishing the blog as a trusted resource within the culinary community.

When you’re applying for project-based roles

If you're applying for a project-based role such as project manager, coordinator, or administrator, showcasing the skills you've developed by completing various projects demonstrates competence and experience. 

As a resume project, this could look something like the following: 

Software Implementation - StreamlineX

  • Led the successful implementation of the StreamlineX software solution, overseeing a team of 10 developers, coordinating activities, and ensuring timely delivery.
  • Met all project deadlines with 100% on-time delivery, effectively managing project milestones and dependencies.
  • Completed the project within the allocated budget, achieving a cost savings of 15% by optimizing resources and streamlining processes.
  • Improved overall efficiency by 20%, as measured by reduced processing time and increased productivity, resulting in a 30% decrease in customer support inquiries

Strategies for listing projects on your resume

Listing projects throughout different sections of your resume can be done strategically in a way that highlights your accomplishments and demonstrates relevant skills in an easily digestible format. 

Showcasing projects in a dedicated “Project” section

If your relevant experience is the sum of multiple projects, it might be worth adding a separate "Projects" section to your resume. 

Formatted the same way you would a comprehensive "Work Experience" section, a "Projects" section would include:

  • Name of the project 
  • The organization you were with while completing that project
  • Dates started and completed
  • The scope (for example, the size of the team, project duration, or budget)
  • Any feedback received 
  • Measurable results 

A screenshot of a section for projects in a resume

Including projects in your "Work Experience" section

When including projects that were part of your work experience, provide clear details of the project's scope, your role, and the outcomes achieved. Think of them as one part of your resume job description .

Be sure to use bullet points to showcase your contributions, skills utilized, and quantifiable achievements. 

As work experience, a project would look something like this:

A screenshot of a project in a resume

Incorporating projects in your “Education” section

Incorporating academic projects within your "Education" section is valuable if you're a student or recent grad with limited work experience. As a bonus, leveraging this approach can be particularly beneficial when the school projects align closely with the skills and qualifications a prospective employer is looking for.

A screenshot of project in an resume education section

Highlighting projects in your professional summary

Your professional summary or the "About Me" section on a resume offers a high-level overview of your most impressive achievements.

If you have a standout project that showcases your technical skills, expertise, and accomplishments, including it in this section as an attention grabber can significantly enhance your resume's impact and pique the interest of hiring managers.

A screenshot of projects in a resume professional summary

How to Use the Teal Resume Builder to showcase projects on your resume

Using the free Teal AI Resume Builder , you can quickly and easily incorporate past projects anywhere in your “Professional Summary,” “Work Experience,” or "Education" section.

Teal is more effective than trying to manipulate resume templates or create a resume from scratch because all the tools you need to put your resume together cohesively and professionally are in one place.

Note: Start with steps one and two, then follow the instructions for the specific section you want to add projects on your resume to. Be sure to click "Save" after Step 4.

Step 1: If you haven't yet, sign up for Teal . Or simply log in to your account. 

Step 2: Navigate to the Resume Builder icon in the left panel. Then, select the resume you want to add projects to or click the "New Resume" button at the top right. 

A screenshot of the Teal AI Resume Builder

Listing Projects in Teal's "Project" section

Step 3: To list projects in Teal's "Project" section, scroll to "Projects."

Step 4: From here, click "Add Project" to include the project name, organization, start and end date, and any important details.

Section for projects in resumes

Incorporating a project in your professional summary

Step 3: To highlight a project as part of your professional summary, scroll to the "Professional Summaries" section. 

Step 4: From here, you can click "Add Professional Summary" to create one from scratch. Or, click the "Edit Professional Summary" pencil icon to incorporate a project into an existing summary.

A screenshot of the Teal Resume Builder's professional summary section

Adding a project as work experience

Step 3: To highlight a project as part of your work experience, scroll to the "Work Experience" section. 

Step 4: From here, click "Add Work Experience" and complete the details followed by "Add an achievement." Or just click "Add an Achievement" to incorporate a project into existing work experience. You can also use Teal's generative AI to create an achievement with the click of a button. Then incorporate a specific project metric you want to highlight, and you're set!

Including a project in education

Step 3: To add a project or group of academic projects to your "Education" section, scroll to "Education."

Step 4: Then click "Add Education." Under the details, scroll to "Additional Information." Add your projects here.

A screenshot of adding a project in a resume education section in Teal

Dos and don'ts for including projects on your resume

Now that you know how to add projects to your resume, let's talk about some best practices for incorporating them in an effective, compelling, and impactful way. 

Resume project dos

1. Choose relevant projects:  Recruiters and hiring managers seek specific skills that align with the role they want to fill. List projects relevant to the role you're applying for can help you stand out as a qualified candidate whose experience aligns with the job requirements.

2. Showcase your role in the project:  Were you collaborating with a large group? Leading a team? Exclusively responsible for the project's outcome? Clearly defining your role can offer prospective employers an idea of your abilities, responsibilities, and team interaction skills.

3. Include quantifiable achievements:  Showcasing numbers, metrics, and data whenever possible provides a tangible understanding of the impact of your work. 

4. Use action verbs:  Action verbs and keywords from the job description draw attention to your skills and experiences by conveying a powerful sense of movement.

5. Tailor the project descriptions for each job application:  Using keywords and language from the job description not only shows that your qualifications align with a specific role but also conveys your understanding of the role's requirements.

Pro Tip:  The Teal Job Application Tracker pulls keywords and other important language from the job description to help you tailor your resume for every role. 

Resume project don'ts

1. Don't overload your resume with projects:  Listing projects on a resume can be exciting! After all, you're proud of all you've accomplished. But unless you have limited or no work experience, don't include too many projects. It's best to include only those most relevant projects or impressive projects in addition to other achievements and impact.

2. Don't be vague:  Using specific details about your role, the project's objective, and the outcome can give recruiters or hiring managers a clear understanding of your key skills and abilities.

3. Don't forget to mention the team size:  If the project was a team effort, include the team size to offer insight into the work environment you're accustomed to. 

4. Don't neglect the job-specific skills used or gained:  Skills are often part of the keywords from a job description, and incorporating them into your projects helps showcase your alignment with the role.

5. Don't skip proofreading:  Show your attention to detail by proofreading your projects (and entire resume!) for spelling and grammar mistakes. 

Inspiring examples of projects listed on resumes

Highlighting impactful projects on your resume can show employers your capabilities, creativity, and motivation. Check out some inspiring examples below.

Academic projects for fresh graduates and entry-level applicants

Example 1: Computer Science capstone project: "Intelligent Chatbot for Customer Support" 

  • Developed an intelligent chatbot using natural language processing algorithms to assist customers with common inquiries, resulting in a 30% reduction in customer support ticket volume.
  • Received an A grade for the project, showcasing strong problem-solving skills, proficiency in Python programming, and effective communication with team members and stakeholders.

Example 2: Marketing course campaign project: "Brand Revive: Reimagining the Consumer Experience"

  • Designed and implemented a comprehensive marketing campaign targeting Gen Z consumers, resulting in a 20% increase in brand engagement on social media platforms and a 15% boost in website traffic.
  • Demonstrated exceptional creativity and strategic thinking, effectively utilizing digital marketing tools such as social media management, content creation, and data analytics.
  • Received positive feedback from professor, who commended my ability to integrate consumer insights into the campaign and generate measurable results through a well-executed teamwork approach.

Work projects as achievements for professionals in project-rich industries

Example 3: Software development project achievement

  • Led a team of 12 developers in successfully creating and implementing an automated inventory management system, resulting in a 40% reduction in stock discrepancies and a 30% increase in overall operational efficiency. Using project management expertise, implemented Agile methodologies, coordinated project timelines, and ensured seamless collaboration among team members to deliver implementation on time and within budget.

Example 4: Social media campaign project achievement

  • Using data analysis, identified audience preferences, and optimized content strategy, designed and executed a social media campaign targeting millennial consumers, resulting in a 50% increase in brand followers across various platforms, a 25% boost in organic reach, and a 10% rise in conversion rates.

Work experience resume projects for freelancers or contract workers

Example 5: Brand redesign project - freelance graphic designer

  • Client: Confidential, January 2022 - March 2022
  • Successfully completed brand redesign project for client—a leading global company in the manufacturing industry—to enhance their visual identity and market positioning.
  • Developed a comprehensive brand strategy, including logo redesign, color palette selection, and brand guidelines, resulting in a 20% increase in brand recognition and a 15% growth in customer engagement.
  • Respected all non-disclosure agreements and maintained strict client confidentiality.

Example 6: New product launch - contract-based project manager

  • Client: CuttingEdge Video, Project Duration: May 2021 - December 2021
  • Title: Launch Operations Lead 
  • Led a cross-functional team of 20 members to successfully launch CuttingEdge's new video automation product, exceeding revenue targets by 25% and achieving a 90% customer satisfaction rating.
  • Oversaw project planning, resource allocation, and risk management, ensuring seamless execution and adherence to timelines.
  • Received commendation from CEO, COO, and VP for effective stakeholder management, problem-solving skills, and the ability to deliver high-quality results within a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.

Professional summary projects for career changers

Example 7: Former teacher transitioning to corporate training 

Formerly a dedicated teacher with 15+ years of experience, I'm transitioning into a corporate training role, leveraging my expertise in curriculum development. I've successfully designed and implemented an innovative training program, significantly improving employee performance and knowledge retention by 20%. My proficiency in instructional design, needs assessment, and adult learning principles allows me to deliver engaging and impactful training sessions.

Example 8: Former salesperson transitioning to project management 

With 9 years in SaaS sales, I'm now transitioning into a project management role, showcasing my ability to drive successful product launches. I've led cross-functional teams in executing a highly successful Stock Forecasting product launch, resulting in a remarkable 30% increase in sales revenue within the first quarter. My strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and experience in developing effective marketing strategies contribute to the seamless execution of projects and achieving exceptional market penetration.

"Project" section examples for professionals returning to work

Example 9: Volunteer project for a professional returning to work after a sabbatical

  • Project Title: Fundraising Campaign for Local Non-Profit Organization
  • During my career sabbatical, I dedicated my time and skills to spearheading a successful fundraising campaign for a local non-profit organization focused on children's education.
  • Utilized my expertise in marketing and event management to develop and execute a comprehensive campaign strategy, resulting in a 50% increase in funds raised compared to the previous year.
  • Demonstrated strong leadership and project management skills by coordinating a team of volunteers, fostering community partnerships, and effectively leveraging digital platforms for campaign promotion.

Example 10: Personal Project for a professional returning to work after COVID-19 layoffs

  • Project Title: Website Development for Freelance Portfolio
  • During my unemployment period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I undertook a personal project to develop a professional website showcasing my skills and portfolio as a graphic designer.
  • Designed and implemented a visually appealing and user-friendly website, highlighting my expertise in web design, branding, and digital marketing.
  • Demonstrated adaptability and self-motivation by continuously updating and expanding the website to reflect new projects and industry trends, ensuring relevance and showcasing my commitment to staying current in the field.

Add projects to your resume today

Including projects on your resume highlights your skills and accomplishments in a way that impresses a recruiter or hiring manager and differentiates you from the competition in today's market.

With Teal's suite of tools, you can incorporate projects into your professional summary, work experience, or education quickly and easily.

Want to see just how easy it is to showcase your unique experiences in a professional, clear, and polished way?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are project examples for a resume.

Examples for a resume could include software development projects, marketing campaigns, engineering designs, research papers, community service initiatives, or event planning experiences.

How many projects should I list on my resume?

What's more important that a specific number is that the projects you list on your resume are 100% relevant to the position you're applying for, ensuring your resume remains concise and tailored to showcase your most applicable skills and experiences.

Should I include personal projects on my resume?

Yes, if they're relevant! Personal projects can be a great way to demonstrate passion, initiative, and relevant skills, especially for early-career professionals, career changers, or those re-entering the workforce.

how to write project details in resume for experienced

Kayte Grady

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How to List Projects on a Resume: A Concise Approach

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In This Guide:

What are the benefits of listing projects on a resume, types of projects to include on your resume, how to list projects on a resume, how to avoid sounding boastful, how can i talk about a confidential project on a resume, how many projects should i include in a resume, summary & key takeaways: how to list projects on your resume.

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You want to list projects on your resume, but you’ve got no idea how to do it?

Keep reading and you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of listing projects on your resume
  • What types of projects should you include on your resume
  • How to list projects on your resume
  • How to avoid sounding boastful
  • How to talk about a confidential project on your resume
  • How many projects should you include on your resume

If you want to save some time, you should definitely check out our Resume Builder .

But if you really want to really dig into the issue of listing projects on your resume, just keep reading.

Let’s dive in.

Why should I include projects on my resume, how would that help me?

The main goal of listing projects on your resume is to show potential employers that you have gained skills, experience and professional achievements that fit perfectly into their role.

What is important to do when listing your projects, is to highlight hands-on examples of how you applied your capabilities to find solutions.

Describing your experiences in the projects can also show potential employers if your character would be compatible with the company.

What is more, you can use these highlights to show that you have leadership skills, project management expertise and the ability to take initiative.

If you play your cards right, potential employers will start to picture you in a position that requires you to use the skill set you have gained in your previous projects.

There are a few types of projects you can include on your resume.

Keep in mind that whatever project you list, should apply to the job you are applying for. Its purpose is to increase your chances, so choose wisely.

We are going to take a look at the three most common types of projects that you can list on your resume:

Work projects

Your relevant work experience always works in your favour.

The way you can strengthen its effect and catch the recruiter’s eye is to list projects from your previous places of work on your resume.

Keep in mind that you should only highlight projects and accomplishments that show a set of skills relevant to the position you are applying for.

Personal projects

Another way to go is to list personal projects that show skills and personality traits that your potential employer might be looking for.

The project can be anything from community service and volunteering, to a personal project such as a blog.

Personal projects can make a really powerful impression on potential employers. They show that you take personal initiatives that develop your skills and personality traits.

When you have little or no work experience, personal projects can make an excelent addition to your resume.

Academic projects

The third main project type you can include in your resume are academic projects.

These projects can greatly highlight the skills and competencies relevant to a position you are applying for.

Academic projects can show your technical expertise or demonstrate soft skills such as teamwork and leadership.

Don’t hesitate to include any of these three types of projects on your resume. They can only work in your favour.

When listing projects on your resume, your best choice would be to write them below a job description as accomplishments.

Another way to go is to list them in a separate section. You can name it Projects, Academic Projects or Personal Projects, depending on their type.

If your projects are Academic, it’s better to list them in the education section on your resume.

If your projects are the strongest thing in your resume, we advise you to create a project-based resume.

Let’s take a look at all these scenarios.

Project-Based Resumes for Freelancers

When you are a freelancer, you will need a slightly different approach to building your resume.

A reverse chronological format works perfectly for most resumes.

It makes your resume easy to read by recruiters and it shows them if your experience is relevant in no time.

But when you are building a project-based resume, this format will probably not work so well.

As a freelancer, you probably work on lots of projects, and in many cases, the last one in reverse chronological order would not be suitable for the position you are applying for.

The actual problem arises because of the fact that recruiters have to look through lots of resumes every day.

That’s why a recruiter only spends about 7 seconds on a single resume, so chances are that a freelancer with a standard reverse chronological format resume would not be noticed.

The best way around that is to remove your work experience section, and replace it with Projects section.

Make sure you include details for every project in the section. That includes an overview of the project, time and numerical results/achievements.

Here is an awesome example of what you need to do for every project on your resume:

Enhancv How to List Projects on a Resume: A Concise Approach

Adding Projects to a Resume—Traditional Employment

Even if you are not a freelancer, you might feel like you should include some of your side projects.

Don’t hesitate, but list them.

Projects are a great addition to traditional employment types of resumes as well.

What you need to do if you have extensive experience, is to create a separate section for your projects only.

Recruiters love extra sections. Having an extra section for your projects can only work in your favour.

As projects are not the main strength of your resume, you need to keep the project description brief.

Here is one example to get you going:

Key Projects

Spearheaded a cost-cutting project achieving a $50,000 dollar annual saving by replacing paper towels with hand dryers in all bathroom facilities as National Operations Manager with Redbridge Systems.

Adding School, College and Academic Projects to Your Education Section

If you recently graduated high school or college, or you are still studying, you might find it difficult to write your resume.

What you can do in this situation is list School, College and Academic Projects on your resume.

By shifting the focus from the lack of work experience to the projects and the skills you have gained from them, you can easily get some bonus points with the recruiter.

Here is an example of how to include project, such as volunteer work, on your resume:

Enhancv How to List Projects on a Resume: A Concise Approach

There is also a slight risk, that listing projects on your resume might sound rather boastful.

In order to avoid that moment, you might want to stick to the advice of keeping it simple.

What you need to mention is an overview of the project, time and numerical results/achievements.

When you are using a confidential project on your resume to land a new job, caution is advisable.

It’s one thing to list a project on your resume when it has already gone public, but mentioning a confidential project is a good way to wreck your chances of getting the job.

Keep in mind that no employer wants an employee who would be willing to share a confidential project on a document that any stranger could potentially see.

You might think that you would be safe if you leave out most of the information.

However, the truth is that the recruiter may feel like it would be right to call your former employer and tell them that you are leaking confidential information.

Your week would probably not improve from there on, especially if you have a confidentiality agreement signed in the past.

So, all in all, you should focus on your public projects and accomplishments. Doing so will make your life much less complicated.

You should consider including a link to your online portfolio, website or blog if you have any.

This would encourage the hiring manager to review your projects in greater detail, and allow them to see the skill set you have acquired while working on the projects.

You should also focus on the projects that present your skill set in the best light,

What you need to do is list only a few important projects on your resume. If you have more to show the potential employer, you should definitely include a professional portfolio.

So, all in all, in most cases it is a good idea to include projects on your resume.

No matter if your projects come from former work, high school, college, or if they are personal, they can only work in your favour.

The key points you need to take out at the end of the day are:

  • If you are a freelancer, you might want to consider building a project-based resume, instead of using a reverse-chronological format
  • If you have some additional projects to your work experience, you should include them in your Work Experience or Education sections. If you have more projects, consider creating a separate section for your projects only.
  • If you have too many projects you want to mention on your resume, consider mentioning the most important ones and include a link to a professional portfolio
  • If you have worked on a confidential project, better leave it out of your resume

So, there you go, you are ready to get your resume to the next step.

Include the projects you have worked on and get the interview for your dream job.

*** What are your thoughts? Did you list your projects on your resume? Give us a shout out in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

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How to Include Personal and Academic Projects on Your Resume

Jacob Meade

Step 1: List Out the Basics

Step 2: brainstorm details, step 3: clarify your goals, step 4: delete irrelevant details, step 5: organize what remains, the bottom line.

Personal and academic projects can add depth to your resume and are especially useful if you’re a new college graduate or have limited experience. But that doesn’t mean you should include every project you’ve ever done. Having too much project info can clutter your resume and make it less appealing to recruiters and hiring managers. For this reason, you need to take a close look at your projects and include only the ones that support your goals for your job search.

Complete this exercise to select and organize the right project details for your resume.

First, open a new blank document on your computer and save it as “Master Projects List.” In this new document, enter a simple list of all your past projects. Include the basics: project name, dates, location, and school, if applicable.

Under each project you’ve listed, brainstorm and write down any positive details about the experience that immediately come to mind. Consider what you’re most proud of for each project and what the positive outcome was. While brainstorming, don’t worry about the order, relevance, or organization of details yet (we’ll get to that in steps 4 and 5).

Once you’re done brainstorming, scroll back up to the top of your document. Here, type out your goals for your job search, such as your target job title, duties, leadership level, industry, and company size. You may be undecided or indifferent in some areas. If so, write that down as well. For instance, if you’re open to industry, write “Industry: open.”

Save the document, and then save it as “Projects List – [Target Job Title].” (So, if your target job title is Research Assistant, save it as “Projects List – Research Assistant.”) You’ll be working on this new document for the rest of the exercise.

Now, here’s your most important task. Review your project notes in light of the goals you’ve identified and delete any details that don’t hold relevance. Take it one point at a time. For each ask and answer the same critical question: Does this overlap with the type of work you’ll be doing in your next job? Don’t be shy about deleting project details that are recent and/or objectively impressive. If they don’t relate to your goals, they don’t need to go on your resume. (At least, not this one. They may be relevant to a future version of your resume targeting a different goal. Hence the value of drafting and saving your “Master Projects List” document.)

Now that you’ve filtered out all but the most relevant details, you’re in the best position to add projects to your resume. For each project, you can organize the elements similar to a standard job description, with bullets showcasing your key points. Here’s a sample template you can adapt:

Project Name, School / Affiliated Organization, City, ST | dates

Position Title: Description of your role or standard duties.

  • Bullet highlight

(If there was no school/organization or position title for a personal project, simply omit those items.)

Where to add projects

For any personal projects, create a separate resume section. You can title it “Independent Projects” (or “Independent Project Highlights” if you wound up deleting some in step 4).

For any academic project, you can choose where to add them. Either include them in a separate section titled “Academic Projects” (or “Academic Project Highlights”) or include them in the Education section of your resume.

The right choice for you will depend on how relevant your college degree is in relation to your projects. If your degree is about equally applicable, combining your projects with your Education section details usually makes sense. But you may find your college degree is less relevant than the school projects you’ve listed. Perhaps you’re moving in a different direction than your major, but through the overall degree program you did some other projects that now speak strongly to your goals. In this case, it makes more sense to put these projects in their own “Academic Projects” section. You can place them above your Education section, making the projects more prominent on your resume.

How to fine-tune dates

Another strategic choice you can make has to do with project dates. You can either list them as you do a regular job description (e.g., “January 2022 to May 2022”) or as a general time span (e.g., “Duration: 4 months”).

If listing the dates regularly lets you account for your recent experience , use that option. But if you’re already accounting for your recent experience through your work history, you can list project dates as a general time span. This option often has a tidier look, especially when you have many different projects that only lasted a few weeks or months. More importantly, it allows you the flexibility to reorder the projects by relevance to your goal. Reordering by relevance can be especially helpful when your most recent projects are less applicable than the ones you did earlier on.

If you would like to include personal or academic projects on your resume, you should select those that are most relevant to the job you are seeking. You’ll avoid putting off recruiters and hiring managers with details that don’t speak to their needs through a strict focus on relevancy. Follow this exercise, and you can be sure your projects section adds a welcome new dimension to your overall resume.

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Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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  • How to Include Personal and Academic Projects on Your Resume Learn More

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Work Experience on a Resume - How to List It Right

Background Image

Imagine you’re a hiring manager who goes through countless resumes on the daily.

What’s the first thing you look at?

If your guess was work experience, then you’re right.

And if you spot a few relevant keywords in their work experience section, then you’re more likely to continue reading about their background, contact information, and so on.

The most important thing hiring managers want to know is whether you can do the job you’re applying for, and that’s where the work experience section of your resume comes in.

So how do you make your work experience do the heavy lifting?

Don’t worry! Our article is here to help.

We’re going to cover:

  • What Information Your Work Experience Section Needs

How to Format Work Experience on Your Resume

  • 11 Real-Life Examples of Work Experience on a Resume

Let’s get started.

resume-templates cta

What to Include in Your Work Experience Section

The work experience section is the most important part of your resume.

This is the section that gives hiring managers a look at your professional journey so far, including your skills and achievements, and it’s the section they base their hiring decisions on the most.

Your work history can show how likely you are to excel at the job, how committed you are to career growth , and what industry know-how you ought to have.

This section is going to look different depending on your career level, how recent your work experience is, and what the job you're applying for is.

Let’s look at what information employers expect from your work experience section:

  • Job Title/Position . Add this at the top of each work experience entry. You want the hiring manager to know at a glance that you have relevant work experience for the job, so use the actual job title instead of any buzzwords.
  • Company Name. Include the name of the employer. Sometimes, if the employer isn’t well-known, you might want to describe the company in a sentence or two to give the hiring manager context.
  • Location. The general location, such as the city and state/country where you worked, is more than enough information.
  • Employment Dates. Write down the approximate timeframe of your employment. There’s no need to give exact dates since the standard format for this is mm/yyyy.
  • Responsibilities and Achievements. The core of each work experience entry is what you achieved while you were there. List your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points instead of paragraphs to make them easier to read. Use 5-6 bullet points for newer job entries and 2-3 for older ones.

Here’s an example of a work experience section that includes all of the above:

example of a work experience section

Want to know more about other resume sections? Learn how to write a resume with our detailed guide!

You know what to include in your work experience section, so let’s talk about how to include it.

First things first - your work experience section should always follow a reverse chronological order . Add your latest work experience at the very top, and work your way backward.

Hiring managers aren’t interested in what you did ten years ago. Instead, they’d rather know what you’ve been up to right before applying for this specific job.

That being said, if you have a lot of experience, you shouldn’t include every single job you’ve ever had.

Your resume is supposed to be one page long , so feel free to omit any summer gigs or part-time jobs to free up space. It’s also extremely important that your work experience is easy to find and that the information is well-structured and readable.

Here’s an example of how to format your work experience section:

listing work experience on a resume

Making Your Work Experience Stand Out

Now that you know how to list your work experience, you need to describe it in a way that makes you stand out from other candidates.

We’ve divided this process into several steps, starting with:

#1. List Achievements Instead of Responsibilities

Too many resumes focus on the day-to-day tasks in the work experience section.

The thing is, hiring managers already know what those responsibilities are. They’re the ones who write the job ads, so you won’t impress them by telling them you did just what they would expect you to do.

For example, if you’re a QA engineer, your responsibilities could include:

  • Identifying software bugs.
  • Ensuring test coverage for all features.
  • Making detailed reports on product quality.

These same responsibilities show up in 99% of QA engineer resumes out there.

So, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you want to focus on your most impressive achievements instead. Show the hiring manager how you helped your previous employer and the difference you made while you were there.

Let’s compare how the same work experience entry looks like when we use achievements and when we use responsibilities:

  • Increased test coverage by 25% by implementing new automated test suites.
  • Reported and triaged over 100 high-priority defects ahead of major releases.
  • Executed manual test cases across web and mobile applications.
  • Logged defects into bug-tracking systems as they were encountered.

But there are some fields where there aren’t that many achievements you can mention in your resume. For example, if you’re a server , serving 120+ patrons a night, or earning a lot of tips aren’t achievements that look good on your resume.

Your daily tasks probably include:

  • Taking orders, serving food and beverages, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Preparing tables for meals, including setting up items such as linens, silverware, and glassware.
  • Assisting in opening and closing the restaurant, including cleaning duties and setting up for the next service.

In this case, it’s okay to focus on responsibilities instead. You can still distinguish yourself by following the rest of our tips on how to make your work experience shine.

#2. Tailor Your Work Experience to the Job

If you want your resume to go from “okay” to "outstanding," what you need to do is tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. 

The hiring manager doesn’t need to know details about every job you’ve had or about the skills you gained in a different field. 

So, your work experience should reflect what the job requirements are. This way, you’re more likely to really catch the hiring manager’s attention and land a job interview .

Here’s an example of a well-tailored job ad:

Tailor Your Work Experience to the Job

As you can see from the picture, it’s easy to figure out what the most important requirements for the role are. 

So, to tailor your resume to this ad, you need to show how you meet every one of these job requirements.

Let’s look at an example of how the same work experience would be tailored differently according to different job ads.

Say, you were an advertising intern.

Here’s what your work experience would look like when you’re applying for a position as a social media assistant:


Marketing Intern

Full Picture Company

New York, NY

09/2023 - 12/2023

  • Analyzed various social media platforms for trending content.
  • Managed company social media accounts.
  • Posted interesting content on the company's Facebook page, increasing engagement by 25%.

Pretty easy, right? Now, let’s look at what the same work experience entry would look like for a job as a content writer .

  • Assisted the Marketing Manager in writing press releases and new blog posts, which increased web traffic by 25%.
  • Created engaging content for email marketing campaigns and boosted newsletter subscriptions.
  • Revitalized old blog posts with updated information and SEO optimization, improving organic search rankings by 30%.

The internship is still the same but this way, the experience you’re focusing on is tailored to the job you’re applying for. The hiring manager can immediately see your most important skills for the job and the value you could bring to their team.

#3. Add the Right Amount of Work Experience

If you’ve had a lot of jobs so far, you might be wondering if they all belong on your resume.

The answer is usually no. Your full, detailed work history belongs on your CV instead of your resume .

The hiring manager only wants the most recent and relevant information, not your full life story.

So, the amount of work information your resume should include depends entirely on your level of experience.

Let’s break it down:

  • No Experience. If you’re currently looking for your very first job , you simply won’t have any jobs to fill in your work experience section. In that case, we recommend skipping this section and instead focusing on any experience gained in clubs, extracurricular activities , volunteering, and other projects.
  • Entry-Level. When you’re applying for an entry-level job, you can list most of your work experience so far. Likely, some of it won’t be relevant, but it still shows the hiring manager that you have some work experience, and that’s better than none.
  • Mid-Level. At this level, you should only mention relevant work experience. Don’t waste precious space listing old internships or jobs you had as a teenager .
  • Senior-Level. You only need to list up to 15 years of relevant work experience. You might even need a two-page resume to apply for an executive position at this stage, but only if you have too much relevant work experience to fit onto a single page.

#4. Optimize for the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Software

Before the hiring manager reads your resume, it has to make it to them.

The fact is that 70% of resumes get discarded before the hiring manager even reads them.

That’s because most companies use specialized Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to go through hundreds of resumes and automatically filter out ones that don’t have what the hiring manager is looking for.

Unfortunately, this means that if a resume is missing a specific skill or isn’t formatted in a way that the ATS can process , it gets rejected immediately.


So, how can your work experience make the cut?

Here are a few tips:

  • Don’t go over one page. The ATS can have a limit on how long a resume is allowed to be, so we recommend always sticking to a single-page resume.
  • Format everything carefully. Don’t give your resume sections quirky names. Your work experience section should be titled “Work Experience,” not “The Journey So Far.” If you try being too creative, the ATS might not recognize what that section is and reject you.
  • Tailor carefully to the job ad. If you want to beat the ATS, you need your resume to be as tailored to the job ad as possible. Include as many relevant keywords as you can in your work experience section. Just make sure they’re all used in a logical context since the hiring manager is supposed to read them, too.
  • Keep everything in an active voice. Describe your previous jobs with clear and specific language. (E.g.: Instead of “A team of ten people was managed by me,” say “Managed a team of ten people” ).
  • Use power words and action verbs. Hiring managers don’t want to hear how you “were responsible” for this or “helped with” that. Make your work experience pop by using impactful language like “spearheaded,” “designed,” “conceptualized,” and more.

Choose one of our ATS-friendly resume templates to make sure your resume passes the test.

Where to Place Work Experience on Your Resume

The work experience section should always be one of the first sections on your resume, along with the skills section.

Typically, it comes just after your resume header , so that the hiring manager can read it immediately after your resume headline .

If you are using the reverse-chronological resume format, work experience should go at the top of your resume. This way, hiring managers can quickly evaluate your qualifications based on your most recent roles.

However, if you’re using a different resume format, such as functional or combination resume formats, you can make an exception. These resume formats emphasize skills over work history, so you could move your work experience further down, towards the middle of your resume.

Recent graduates are another exception to this rule

Suppose you’re a student with minimal professional experience. In that case, you can put your education section on top instead of your work experience section to emphasize your academic achievements and show that you’re ready to put your knowledge to good use.

Want to learn about the other popular resume formats ? Check out this article to see which one is right for you.

Complimentary Resume Sections

While your work experience might be the single most important section of your resume, at the end of the day, it works in sync with the rest of it.

Other resume sections , like your resume summary or certifications, can show the hiring manager how experienced you are and how much industry know-how you bring to the table.

So, here are a few other resume sections that come into play if you want to back up your work experience and increase your chances of getting an interview:

#1. Resume Summary

A resume summary is a short section at the top of your resume that highlights your most relevant skills and achievements related to the job.

In 2-3 simple sentences, a good resume summary tells the hiring manager:

  • Your years of experience in that type of role.
  • Your top qualifications or impressive accomplishments.
  • What kind of responsibilities you’re familiar with.
  • What your motivation for the position is.

By summarizing the core of your work experience upfront, your resume summary lets the hiring manager know what they can expect from the rest of your resume. So, when done well, an eye-catching resume summary can make you stand out from the crowd.

Here’s an example of a resume summary:

example of a resume summary

Another important section is devoted to your most important skills.

The skills section lets you list abilities that supplement your work experience, and it should be divided into two categories:

  • Hard Skills. These include technical skills, tools, and specific knowledge that’s directly applicable to the role.
  • Soft Skills. These can be personality traits or interpersonal skills that demonstrate how you work with others and how well you’d fit into the company’s team.

Along with your work history, the skills section helps employers quickly evaluate your credentials and relevant expertise for the position. While your work experience highlights skills in context, the skills section provides an easy-to-reference summary.

Make sure the skills you list on your resume align with what the employer is looking for. Use the job description as a reference to pinpoint the keywords you should add to your resume .

Here’s an example of a skills section on a resume:

example of a skills section on a resume

#3. Certificates

Professional certificates and coursework can show your commitment to continuous learning and honing your skills.

Listing certificates on your resume allows you to showcase specialized knowledge and skills that might not be evident from your work experience.

For example, say you’re applying for a position as an SEO content marketer.

If you’re experienced in digital marketing but don’t have formal work experience with SEO, that could be a problem. However, listing a certificate from an SEO course can tell the hiring manager that you have the necessary knowledge to take on the role.

Relevant certificates can provide evidence of your advanced skills, industry expertise, or any other necessary qualifications for the role. They can back up your skills and distinguish you from other candidates with similar work experience.

Depending on the context, any certificates you have can either be listed in the education section or a dedicated resume section.

If the certificates are more recent and different from your formal education, we recommend listing them separately. Here’s an example:

certificates on a resume

#4. Personal Projects

One of the best ways to show your passion and dedication is through your projects.

Hiring managers love candidates who do cool stuff in their spare time.

If any personal passion project you’ve been working on is relevant to the role you’re applying for, make sure to add it to your resume. It can back up the skills and experience on your resume, and help you stand out from other applicants.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as an animator , any published flash animation videos on YouTube are a great addition to your resume.

However, personal projects should only be listed if they’re relevant. If you’re looking for a job as an architect , your incredible cosplay sewing abilities just won’t cut it.

Here’s an example of a personal projects section:

personal projects on a resume

11 Real-Life Examples

Not sure how to list work experience for your field?

Check out the practical work experience in these resume examples for different professions:

#1. Marketing Executive Resume Example

Marketing Executive Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a marketing executive resume here.

#2. Teacher Resume Example

Teacher Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a teacher resume here.

#3. Cashier Resume Example

Cashier Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a cashier resume here.

#4. Software Engineer Resume Example

Software Engineer Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer resume here.

#5. Career Change Resume Example

Career Change Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a career change resume here.

#6. Illustrator Resume Example

Illustrator Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an illustrator resume here.

#7. Esthetician Resume Example

Esthetician Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing an esthetician resume here.

#8. Stay-at-Home Parent Resume Example

Stay-at-Home Parent Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a stay-at-home parent resume here.

#9. University Graduate Resume Example

University Graduate Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a university graduate resume here.

#10. University Student Resume Example

University Student Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a university student resume here.

#11. High School Graduate Resume Example

High School Graduate Resume Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school graduate resume here.

Work Experience Section FAQs

Are you still wondering about something related to your resume’s work experience? Check out the answers to these popular questions about listing work experience on a resume:

#1. What If I Don’t Have Any Work Experience?

If you don’t have any work experience, there are two things you should consider: first, hiring managers don’t expect candidates for entry-level roles to have a ton of experience, so you don’t have to worry too much.

And second - there are plenty of ways to make an impressive resume even without any professional experience .

For example, if you're a recent graduate, you can focus on highlighting your education, relevant coursework or extracurricular activities.

Include any internships, volunteer roles, or student organizations that show you have the skills necessary for the job.

You can also highlight universal skills like communication , teamwork, problem-solving, and computer skills . If you use a strategic approach, your lack of work experience won’t hold you back from writing a great resume.

#2. Can I List an Internship Instead of Work Experience?

Yes, you can list internship experience on your resume instead of work experience.

Internships provide valuable on-the-job training and give you exposure to a professional work environment, so they’re always a great thing to add to your resume.

Like work experience, internships allow you to gain important skills, learn about a particular industry or role, and build accomplishments you can use to show potential future employers. 

Internships can be a vital resume section for candidates with less experience, such as students, career changers, or stay-at-home parents re-entering the workforce, since they show hiring managers you have enough relevant hands-on experience to succeed at the job.

#3. How Can I Explain an Employment Gap on My Resume?

The key to managing a gap in your work experience section is to address it briefly and positively on your resume or cover letter .

In a line or two, explain what happened and move on without dwelling on it, since employment gaps are relatively common and can happen for different reasons.

For example, if you had to take a year off to recover from a medical issue, just say so in your resume without going into details. The important thing is that you’re now better, ready to resume work, and the hiring manager knows it won’t be a problem.

If you have a short employment gap, you can probably skip the explanations. Simply list the start and end dates for each role without explaining the time in between. A couple of months between jobs is perfectly normal, and hiring managers aren’t likely to ask about it.

#4. What If My Work Experience Isn’t Relevant?

If you're applying for a job and none of your work experience is relevant, it’s a bit more complicated.

As a general rule, any work experience is better than no work experience. Most soft skills are applicable across industries, so you can focus on them in your resume.

If you’re an entry-level candidate, you might want to leverage other areas to show the hiring manager that you’re a good fit for the role.

For example, if you want to be a graphic designer but only have experience in customer service , emphasize your art education, portfolio work, and personal projects instead. If you’ve taken any more recent courses related to the field, you can list them before your work experience.

However, if you’re an experienced professional looking to change careers , things are a little different.

For a career change, you need to articulate your transferable skills and show how your previous experience can help you in this new role.

Let's say you're a sales professional interested in marketing. You could highlight skills like communication, market analysis, client relationship-building, and goal-oriented achievements that show your valuable marketing skills.

Key Takeaways

You’ve made it to the end!

Now, you’re all set to write a flawless work experience section.

But before you go, let’s recap what we talked about:

  • Always list your work experience reverse-chronologically so the hiring manager can see what your most recent achievements and experiences are.
  • If possible, focus on work achievements over day-to-day tasks. This way, you can immediately show the hiring manager what you’ve done for your previous team and what the value of hiring you would be.
  • Carefully format your work experience so it passes the ATS and so that the hiring manager can easily read it.
  • Instead of paragraphs, use bullet points to describe your previous jobs. For newer experiences, 5-6 bullets are good, but for older ones, 2-3 bullet points are enough.
  • If you don’t have work experience, use this section to list your internship, volunteer experience, personal projects, or extracurricular activities. Treat them the same way you would treat work experience, and list your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
  • Make sure the other sections in your resume complement your work experience for a flawless job application.

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How to write a resume summary that works + examples


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What is a resume summary?

Who needs to write a resume summary, and why is it important, how to write a summary for a resume, resume summary examples across industries and applicant types, resume summary mistakes to avoid & a bad resume summary example, get resume summary help and propel your next career move.

It only takes seconds for someone to form a first impression of you, and using a resume summary is your chance to control the narrative. Resume summaries give you the opportunity to frame your career in a concise and strategic way. They can make or break your job application during the first stage of the hiring process.

Knowing how to write a summary for a resume can help potential employers connect the dots between your experience and their role. An effective resume summary makes it easier for them to see why you make a great candidate.  

A resume summary is a brief paragraph at the top of your resume that highlights your skills, experience, and personal achievements. Sometimes called a career statement or career objective, your resume summary gives a high-level overview of your career. The goal is to summarize the rest of your resume into two to five sentences or bullet points.

Resume summaries are important because recruiters only spend an average of six to seven seconds looking at a resume . Including a professional summary allows you to point out specific qualifications that match a role. This can help recruiters and hiring managers see that information, even if they don’t thoroughly scan your resume.

One factor that may influence whether you should include a resume summary is the type of resume you’re creating. Resume summaries are best for functional resumes because they emphasize professional skills rather than work history.

While anyone can include a summary on their resume, a resume summary statement can be most helpful to the following applicants: 

  • Those who have extensive experience in their field
  • Those who have held jobs across multiple industries
  • Those who are changing careers

For example, if you’ve been in the workforce for over a decade, a professional resume summary can help you weave your experiences together with a common theme. If you’re seeking a career change from marketing manager to public relations executive, your resume summary can help describe how your marketing skills transfer to your new role.

You can think of a professional summary for a resume as a personal brand statement or executive summary of your career. It should cover your role in the workforce and how you’ve contributed to an employer’s success.

If you recently graduated from college or have held only one job, a resume summary may not make as much of an impact. If you still want to include a summary statement, you may benefit by focusing more on your career aspirations than your experience alone.

A resume summary will only help your job hunt if it’s effective and well-written. To make sure you write a good summary that works in your favor, use the following resume dos and don’ts as a guide: 

  • Cater to the job description and job title: Your resume summary should explain why you’re the best fit for the open position and answer the question, “ Why should we hire you? ” Read through the job description to match your professional statement to the key skills and experience they’re looking for.
  • Highlight your experience: This is your chance to pitch yourself to a potential employer. Talk about how your expertise uniquely positions you for the role and what you bring to the table. Focus on how your experience can benefit the employer. Your summary is also a good place to mention relevant certifications.
  • Talk about your strengths: Every applicant has unique skills , regardless of experience. For example, you may have acquired professional leadership skills from managing teams. Maybe you have desirable hard skills , such as knowledge of specific industry software, that make you a more competitive candidate. Use these strengths to your advantage.
  • Use action verbs: Using action verbs on your resume can bring your past work experience to life. These words are often more engaging and describe exactly what you did or the impact you had. Examples of action verbs include “piloted,” “furthered,” and “boosted.”
  • Don’t include your career objectives : Most hiring managers today prefer resumes that don’t include objectives such as “to obtain a chemical engineering job.” These statements don’t offer valuable information about what makes you a good candidate for the role.
  • Use numbers: Employers like to see proof of your past accomplishments. Using numbers on your resume can help quantify your experience in a way that’s measurable and specific. For example, instead of saying “Boosted recurring revenue,” say “Boosted recurring revenue by 43% within six months.” Including numbers showcases measurable accomplishments, making it more impactful.
  • Stay concise: The goal of a resume summary is to provide a brief description of why an employer should consider hiring you. If you make your summary too long, it may get skipped over. At best, it may be skimmed. Try to keep your summary between two and five short sentences maximum.

Once you’ve nailed the perfect resume summary, consider using it as your LinkedIn summary . This helps you stay consistent and effectively showcase your skills to recruiters. 


Examples of resume summaries can vary greatly based on your industry, professional experience, and the seniority level of the role. Below are a few examples of effective resume summaries to help get you started.

  • Digital marketing coordinator with 3+ years of experience. Increased organic SEO traffic for a health care company by 37% in six months, leading to a 13% higher conversion rate. Skilled in social media, SEO, marketing strategies, and content creation.
  • Recent public education graduate with a strong work ethic and passion for supporting children with special needs. Successfully taught and mentored more than 30 students during a 6-month internship with New York City Public Schools. Developed engaging lesson plans and fostered a supportive learning environment.
  • Certified project manager (PMP) with 8 years of experience directing finance projects from initiation to completion. Implemented project management software for the organization to track tasks, which led to a 46% decrease in missed deadlines.
  • Current civil engineering professional transitioning to architecture. Successfully managed the construction of 5 residential buildings while maintaining over 20 commercial properties. Seeking to leverage skills in infrastructure construction and maintenance to inform practical, next-level building designs as an architect.
  • Freelance software developer creating engaging, minimalistic, and animated designs for high-profile clients, including Kroger, AT&T, and Microsoft. Proficient in coding languages such as JavaScript, Python, and SQL, driving customer action through innovative design solutions.
  • Skilled receptionist known for being detail-oriented and adept at customer relations. Provided administrative support for a hair salon that brought in roughly 90 clients per day. Contributed to achieving a 94% customer satisfaction rate.
  • Proactive writer skilled in executive communications and leadership ghostwriting. Wrote 32 speeches of various lengths between 5 and 45 minutes, with limited direction, for the CEO of a national retail chain. 
  • Dynamic sales executive with 15+ years of experience exceeding sales targets and increasing profitability. Achieved a 53% increase in annual sales by implementing new lead-nurturing methodologies at a B2B services company.
  • Federal computer network support specialist with Tier-2 clearance. Skilled in confidential information management. Provided technical support to government leaders.
  • Seasoned director of major gifts with 7 years of experience in nonprofit fundraising and donor support. Exceeded fundraising goals by 22% within the first year for a national giving campaign by using persuasion and communication skills to engage high-net-worth individuals.
  • Legal assistant with 2 years’ experience conducting research, organizing legal documentation, and setting court dates. Created a new filing workflow that resulted in a 12% increase in document preparation efficiency.
  • Entry-level human resources generalist with hands-on internship experience in recruiting and retention strategies. Utilized HR systems such as Gusto and Paylocity and practiced interview skills in a tech setting. 
  • Registered nurse providing excellent patient care in a fast-paced hospital setting. Recognized for problem-solving and organizational skills . Consistently maintained high patient satisfaction scores and collaborated effectively with a multidisciplinary team.
  • Results-oriented customer service representative with 3 years of experience and a proven ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams. Agile worker dedicated to high-quality service delivery and outcomes.
  • Data-driven financial analyst skilled in risk management, data analysis, and financial audits. Created initiatives that resulted in an annual savings of 16%.

Because a resume summary sits at the top of your resume, it’s critical that it leaves a good first impression on the hiring manager. Some common pitfalls when writing a resume summary include the following:

  • Using generic statements: If your summary is too high-level, it may leave the hiring manager with more questions than answers. Be specific about your skills and personal achievements .
  • Including irrelevant information: If you’re applying for a job in graphic design but use your summary to discuss your retail experience, a recruiter will likely move on, thinking you’re not a good fit for the role. Make sure you’re only including relevant skills and information.
  • Leaving typos: Missing words and misspellings never look good in a professional environment. This is especially true if you’re applying for a role that involves writing. Take the time to proofread your entire resume before submitting it, or ask someone else to proofread it for you.

An example of a bad resume summary might look like this:

  • Experienced software engineer. Also spent three years as a resteraunt manager. Looking to join your company’s IT department.

As you can see, this summary is vague, irrelevant, and includes the misspelling of “restaurant.” This would be a resume summary that would likely result in a rejected application.

If you need further guidance on what to avoid in your resume summary, consider using a resume builder . These online tools offer resume templates and best practices to help guide you through the writing process.

A strong resume summary is an important way to make a lasting first impression on a potential employer. It offers them a snapshot of your most competitive skills and experience to set you apart in a dense crowd of applicants.

If you have your sights set on new career goals , working with a skilled career coach can help you identify your strengths and reach new career heights. Get ready to tackle your next career move with confidence by reaching out to a BetterUp Coach .

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Kelsey Herbers

Kelsey Herbers is a health and wellness writer based in Charleston, SC. She has a particular passion for the mental health and well-being space, creating actionable content that can empower people to make confident decisions for their personal wellness. Her work has been published in The New York Times, Insider, and more. Kelsey holds a B.S. in Communication Studies and a Minor in Journalism from Belmont University.

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How to write a beginner resumé: Examples and tips

Entering the working world? A well-written resumé can make a big difference in your job-seeker journey. Even if you don’t have any work experience, there are ways you can make your first resumé stand out.

A beginner resumé can be tailored to showcase your strengths, even if you’re just entering the workforce. It focuses on things like your skills, education, strengths and goals to show your suitability for entry-level jobs. A beginner resumé should show your potential, rather than your work experience. 

In this article, we cover what makes a good beginner resumé and guide you through the process of  writing one . You’ll also find templates, including simple resumé layouts, to help you get started. 

What is a beginner resumé?

How to write a beginner resumé

Beginner resumé template

Example resumé for an entry-level role, tips to consider when writing your beginner resumé.

A beginner resumé is for anyone starting their career, whether you’re  a recent graduate ,  exploring a new industry , or someone returning to work after a break, like parents or caregivers.

Instead of focusing on work history, a beginner resumé highlights strengths such as academic achievements, relevant skills, internships, volunteer work and other activities that demonstrate potential and readiness for entry-level roles. It aims to show your capabilities and enthusiasm for learning, and why you're a great fit for the job.

Your resumé is often the first thing a potential employer sees, so  writing a stand-out beginner resumé can go a long way in making a positive first impression and increasing your chances of landing a role. 

How to write beginner resumé

The main thing when writing a resumé from scratch is to break down the process into smaller steps. Here’s how to structure and complete your beginner resumé, so it captures the attention of potential employers.

1. Choose a resumé format

Your  resumé format is the layout: how information is organised and presented. For a beginner resumé, opt for a clear and easy-to-read format. Common resumé formats like chronological or combination styles are ideal as they are clear and simple, structuring information in a way that’s easy for hiring managers to absorb.  

A chronological format organises study and jobs by recency, with the most recent at the top. This is appropriate for anyone who already has some prior work experience or relevant activities like internships or volunteering.

A combination format integrates both your chronological work history and key skills into distinct sections (recommended for beginner resumés).

2. Begin with your contact information

Start your resumé with essential details: your name, phone number, address, email address and professional social media profile (if applicable). Ensure this information is prominently displayed at the top of the page for easy access.

3. Include a resumé summary

Write a short professional summary or objective that outlines your career aspirations and main skills. A  resumé summary serves as your pitch to spark an employer’s interest, highlighting how you can contribute to the organisation.

4. List your relevant work experience

If you’re applying for your first job, you may still have  relevant work experience to display on your resumé . Include internships, part-time positions, volunteer work, freelance projects or any other experience that shows the kind of skills and responsibilities that relate to the job you’re applying for. Talk about what you achieved and the skills you gained as this helps show hiring managers your capabilities.

5. Add your education

Include your  educational background , listing any degrees, where you studied and when you graduated (or when you expect to graduate). If you’re a recent graduate, this part of your resumé can be especially important to highlight.

6. List your relevant skills

Emphasise skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. This can include  technical skills (things like software proficiency or languages), as well as  soft skills (such as communication and teamwork). Highlight abilities that show you’re eager to make a positive impact.

7. Consider including additional sections

Depending on what you’ve achieved, you might want to think about adding more sections. Some ideas include:

Projects: show off important school or personal projects that highlight skills you can use in the job.

Certifications: list any certifications or courses that make you more qualified for the job.

Extracurricular activities: talk about your participation in clubs or groups or doing things in your community that show you have well-rounded pastimes.

Hobbies and interests:  talk about  hobbies and interests you’re passionate about, to give an insight into your personality and values. 

Achievements and awards: list any academic achievements or awards, explaining why you received them. 

If you’re looking for your first job, whether you’re still in  high school , recently graduated or somewhere further down the track, a  resumé template is a good springboard to get you started. It’s fine if you don’t have much or any work experience at this stage, and to add sections like personal projects or hobbies to give your resumé more depth and show additional skills. 

[Address] [Phone number] [Email address]

Resumé summary

[Write one or two sentences that outline your career aspirations and key skills. Tailor this section to the job you’re applying for as this is your initial pitch to your employer.]

Work experience

[Job title] [Company name, city] [Dates employed] [List responsibilities and achievements in dot points and describe using action verbs, like ‘lead, create, identify, etc.’]

Remember, this section can include volunteering, internships or any other work experience.

[Name of university or institution] [Name of course/ degree and major] [Graduation date or expected graduation date: month, year]

[Name of high school] [City, state] [Graduation date or expected graduation date: month, year]

Relevant Skills

  • [Technical skills: list any relevant technical skills eg. ability to use Photoshop, proficiency in French etc.]
  • [Soft skills: highlight your soft skills eg. communication, teamwork, problem solving, etc.] 

[Academic project title] [Brief description and relevance to the desired role]

Extracurricular activities

[Role/Activity title] [Organisation name, city, state] [Highlight leadership roles or significant contributions]

Hobbies and interests

[Hobby description] [Highlight any skills or values gained]

Achievements and awards

[Award name] [Description of the award and why you received it]

Applying the format above, here ’ s an example of what a beginner resume might look like filled out with someone ’ s personal details and tailored to a job ad.

Markesh Singha

123 Smith Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
 0412 345 678
 [email protected] 

Motivated, top-performing university student with strong communication skills and keen interest in environmental engineering. Eager to contribute to sustainability innovations and grow my career in a global firm.

Work Experience

Intern  XYZ Civil Works, Sydney  May 2023 – August 2023 

Assisted in technical work tasks and projects

Collaborated in surveying projects

Supported team members in executing research for civil works

Participated in client meetings to discuss project deadlines and status

Barista  Welcome Cafe, Sydney  June 2022 – Present 

Prepare and serve beverages including coffee, tea and specialty drinks according to customer preferences. 

Ensure cleanliness and organisation of the cafe, including maintaining stock levels and cleanliness of work areas. 

Provide exceptional customer service by greeting customers, taking orders and addressing inquiries. 

Operate POS systems and handle transactions accurately. 

Sydney University Bachelor of Environmental Science Expected Graduation: 2025

Sydney High School HSC Graduated 2021

Technical skills: 

CAD 3D design software

Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 

Soft skills: 


Problem solving

Student Representative Council  Sydney High School, Sydney, NSW Led campaigns to enhance the school’s sustainability footprint and student welfare.

Academic Excellence Award at Sydney High School Recognised for consistent academic performance and dedication to learning. ⁠

When putting together a beginner resumé, remember these tips and tricks to create a strong summary of what you can offer that stands out to potential employers.

Keep it concise and relevant: focus on the most relevant information and avoid including unnecessary details.

Tailor your resumé to the job description:   customise your resumé to line up with the specific requirements of each job you apply for. This can be the difference between a resumé that feels generic and one that conveys your genuine interest in the position.

Use ' action verbs ' to describe your experiences: start bullet points with strong verbs to show your accomplishments.

Proofread and edit for errors: ensure your resumé is error-free and polished before submitting it.

Consider using a professional resumé template: use a clean and professional layout to enhance readability and visual appeal.

Highlight transferable skills from non-professional experiences: showcase  transferable skills gained from volunteer work, internships or extracurricular activities.

Include relevant coursework, projects, or internships: detail academic projects or internships that demonstrate relevant skills.

Emphasise your education and academic achievements: Highlight your degrees, academic achievements and relevant coursework to showcase your qualifications.

Use keywords from the job description: incorporate relevant keywords to ensure your resumé gets noticed by  applicant tracking systems (ATS) and hiring managers.

Quantify your achievements when possible: use numbers or percentages to illustrate and quantify the impact of your accomplishments whenever possible.

Remember: employers are looking for more than just a list of qualifications – they want to see your personality and potential. Don’t be afraid to  write your resumé to reflect your passions and ambitions. A great resumé should paint a picture of what you bring to the table in a professional setting, and provide a glimpse of who you are as a person. Use our tips and templates above as a starting point to creating your beginner resumé.

Tailoring your resumé to resonate with a specific role and company culture can also go a long way. Start by researching to find out what the company you’re applying to is all about. By presenting a genuine and compelling story of who you are and what you can offer that particular employer, your resumé will stand out and make a lasting impression, regardless of your work experience

H3: What should I include in my resumé if I have no work experience?

If you haven't worked before, chances are you still have plenty to discuss in your resumé. Instead, focus on:

Academic achievements 

Skills from school projects 

Activities you’ve participated in or led 


Volunteer work 

You should also express your aspirations, goals and what you think you’re capable of achieving. Highlight skills like communication, teamwork and problem solving. 

How long should a beginner resumé be?

Your beginner resumé should  typically be one page . Keeping it concise ensures that you highlight your most relevant skills and experiences without overwhelming potential employers with unnecessary details. Focus on quality over quantity to make a strong impression.

Should I include a photo on my beginner resumé?

It’s not normal practice in Australia to include a photo on a beginner resumé – or any resumé, for that matter – and could be seen as unprofessional. Only your skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to the job.

How can I make my beginner resumé stand out?

To make your beginner resumé stand out:

Focus on what makes you unique. 

Highlight achievements and skills that relate to the job you're applying for and tailor your resumé to each job description. 

Keep your language clear and straightforward (there’s no need for jargon), making sure it’s easy to read and free from mistakes. 

Don’t be afraid to show your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn – this can make a strong impression on employers.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a beginner resumé?

When  writing your first resumé , steer clear of:

Adding irrelevant details or using overly complicated language

Missing mistakes, by thoroughly proofreading your resumé for each job application

Including unnecessary personal information, like photos or unrelated hobbies. 

Can I use the same resumé for all job applications?

Using the same resumé for every job application may not be ideal. It’s better to tailor your resumé to match each job’s requirements. Customise it by highlighting skills and experiences relevant to the specific position. This approach gives you the best chances of being shortlisted for an interview.

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A complete guide to including your work experience in your resume

Crafting an impressive resume is a crucial step in the job-hunting process. Highlighting your work experience is one of the most significant aspects. Describing your working life throughout your career allows you to showcase abilities, knowledge, and achievements to potential employers, increase your chances of securing an interview.

This article will provide insights into effectively presenting your job experience in your resume. From highlighting past employment to describing responsibilities and achievements, we will offer practical advice on refining your resume. This will enable you to make it more appealing for job applications.

Whether you are a new graduate or an experienced professional, a well-crafted resume can set you apart from the competition. It can greatly improve your chances of securing your desired position.

Here is what we will cover:

  • Why is work experience on your resume so important?
  • How do I include work experience in my resume?
  • How to format my work experience section
  • Examples of work experience on a resume

Why is work experience on your resume so important?  

Including your work experience on a resume portrays you as a qualified and competent candidate. It offers interviewers a quick overview of your employment history, including previous employers, skills, and responsibilities.

Moreover, your work experience shows them how you use your abilities and qualifications for the position. It also showcases your work ethic, commitment, and career development. This helps the hiring manager see if you are a good fit for the company.

Additionally, a well-documented work history enhances the likelihood of your resume successfully passing through an applicant tracking system (ATS), increasing your chances of reaching the hiring manager and securing the desired position.

Woman in business attire looking at a screen

How do I include work experience in my resume?  

The work experience section in your resume is not just about listing job titles and responsibilities. It is an opportunity to highlight your accomplishments, skills, and suitability for the position.

Here are some tips for effectively presenting your work experience:

1. Discuss achievements instead of responsibilities

To show the hiring manager that you are the best choice for the role, focus on your achievements rather than just listing your duties. Highlighting achievements showcases your performance in each position.

Use strong action verbs and numbers to create more impact. Tailor each achievement to align with the job description, emphasising transferable skills relevant to the role.

Here are some examples of achievement-based sentences versus responsibility-based sentences so that you can see the difference:

  • Responsibility-based: Managed a team of sales representatives
  • Achievement-based: Increased sales team productivity by 30% through effective leadership and training initiatives
  • Responsibility-based: Sold e-commerce products
  • Achievement-based: Increased sales revenue by 30% on an e-commerce platform within the second quarter

2. List out the relevant job titles

In your resume, include your job titles in reverse chronological order, starting with your current job first. This format focuses on your most recent position, making it easier for the application tracking system (ATS) to read.

For each position, include your job title, company name, location (city and state), and dates of employment. This provides clarity and context for your work experience. Always use the full name of the employers you have worked for and include a specific job title that matches what the ATS may be looking for.

Here is an example of what your job experience may look like in your resume:

  • Sales Manager, ABC Company, Mandaluyong, Philippines (January 2023–Present)

3. Begin each bullet point with an action verb

Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to present your accomplishments in a clear and concise fashion. This creates a strong and impactful presentation of your achievements. Examples of action verbs include:

  • Streamlined
  • Implemented

Be specific when writing about your accomplishments. For example, instead of saying "Responsible for encouraging learning for students at college," you could write

"Implemented a comprehensive university education curriculum, increasing students' pass rate by 30%."

4. Highlight quantifiable achievements

A resume should highlight your achievements to give hiring managers the confidence to interview you for the role. Make sure your achievements are quantifiable, using numbers, percentages, and other metrics to demonstrate the impact of your work. This showcases your ability to deliver measurable results and adds credibility to your accomplishments.

Instead of writing " Helped customers learn how to use their products ", you can write

" Conducted customer training for product purchases, leading to a 50% increase in customer satisfaction ."

Here are some other examples of quantifiable achievements you can mention in your resume:

  • Conducted courses on public speaking for students, leading to a 50% increase in their public speaking pass rates
  • Boosted online sales by 40% through online-centric marketing campaigns and ads

5. Identify which resume format you are going to use

When crafting your resume, choose a format that best highlights your skills and experience for the specific job you are applying for. Here are the three common resume formats:

Reverse chronological format

This is the most common format. In this layout, you list your jobs in reverse date order, starting with your most recent job at the top. It is a good option if you have a solid work history in your current field, as it highlights your experience and expertise.

Functional format

The functional resume format focuses more on your skills and abilities rather than your work history. Group your skills into categories and provide specific examples to illustrate them. This format is ideal if you have career gaps or are making a career switch, as it emphasizes your transferable skills.

Combination format

The combination format is a blend of the reverse chronological and functional formats. It highlights both your work experience and your relevant skills. Start with a summary of your skills, followed by your work experience. This format is useful if you want to showcase both your skills and your work history.

Choose the format that best highlights your skills and experience for the job you are applying for. Companies highly value candidates with both technical expertise and soft skills, ensure your resume presents a balanced skill set. A consistent resume with a cover letter can make your application look more professional and demonstrate your attention to detail .

6. Tailor your bullet points to the job you want

Thoroughly review the job description to identify the key skills and experience the hiring manager is looking for. Adapt your work experience descriptions to emphasize the skills and achievements most relevant to the desired position. Ensure your resumé includes clear and concise bullet points that highlight these skills and accomplishments.

7. Edit your resume to include keywords and skills relevant to the job

When updating your resume, carefully review the job description to identify the specific skills and experiences the company is seeking. Incorporate these keywords and relevant experiences throughout your resume, particularly in the work experience section.

This ensures that your resume aligns with the requirements of the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) used by many employers. For instance, if the job posting mentions proficiency in a particular tool or software, be sure to highlight any relevant training or experience you have with it.

Professional woman in hijab working on a laptop in an office setting

How to format your work experience section  

Here are some tips you can use to format your experience in your resume:

1. Create a dedicated section for your professional experience

Create a clear and prominent section at the top of your resume titled "Work Experience" or "Professional Experience." This helps employers quickly see where you have worked and your relevant experience.

If you have developed transferable skills outside of traditional workplaces, include them in a separate section titled "Additional Experience" or "Volunteer Experience."

2. List your most recent work experience first

Many hiring managers prefer to see your job experience in reverse chronological order. This allows them to quickly see your most relevant and up-to-date experience. Start with your most recent position and work backwards. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are also designed to read resumes in this order. This ensures your latest experience is highlighted and efficiently analysed.

3. Use consistent formatting and clear, concise points

Maintaining consistent formatting and clarity is important. It enhances readability and makes your resume look more visually appealing. Use a consistent font, font size, spacing, and bullet point style for each job entry. Use clear bullet points to convey your achievements effectively.

Examples of work experience on a resume  

Referring to examples can help you format your resume and highlight relevant skills effectively. Here are some resume examples:

For a fresh grad

As a fresh graduate, you might not yet have relevant work experience. However, you can showcase your skills by including extracurricular or volunteer roles from school or outside activities. For example:

Intern , XYZ Skincare & Cosmetics, Davao, Philippines (February 2024–Present)

  • Support marketing campaigns as an assistant to the Marketing Director
  • Plan and set up activation events in seven malls across the city

For a mid-career switch

If you are planning on switching careers, focus on highlighting your transferable skills. Emphasize relevant areas of your previous jobs to show how you can contribute to the new role. Here is an example of how you can tailor your resume if you are moving from a career in marketing to project management:

Senior Marketing Executive , LMN Retail Estate, Metro Manila (January 2022–Present)

  • Manage marketing projects from start to finish to ensure swift and timely delivery
  • Frequently communicate with stakeholders in large-scale marketing campaigns to manage their expectations and requirements

For professionals

As a professional, you may already have multiple years of experience in your position and industry. Add these related roles, but avoid too many of them and stick to the most relevant ones instead:

Marketing Manager , BCD Co., Cebu (June 2015–July 2022)

  • Planned, developed, and executed retail marketing campaigns to increase customer awareness by 20%
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to organize marketing activations across the country, driving a 35% increase in sales and customer engagement

For managers

If you re applying for a management role, including your leadership experiences in similar roles may be useful:

Business Development Lead , JKL Hotel, Metro Manila (October 2017–Present)

  • Led a team of 10 business development professionals to grow and manage the hotel business, resulting in a 30% increase in sales revenue

Highlighting your career experience in your resume is about more than just listing previous roles. It includes emphasizing your skills, career progression, and achievements that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Ensure that you leave an impression by including measurable achievements and action verbs. Keep your resume template consistent and clear. With these tips, you can stand out from other candidates and clinch an interview for your desired job.


Crafting an impressive resume is pivotal in the job search process, with highlighting work experience emerging as a crucial component. Your work history serves as a testament to your skills, knowledge, and accomplishments, offering recruiters insights into your capabilities and suitability for the role. By strategically incorporating achievements, utilizing action verbs, and tailoring your resumé to match the job description, you can enhance your chances of securing an interview.

Here are some FAQs on including work experience in your resumé.

  • Can I just put years on my resume? You can include just years on your resumé, but it is preferable to use the MM/YYYY format (e.g., 01/2020 – 12/2022). This provides hiring managers with a clearer idea of your work history and aligns better with how Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) read dates. ⁠
  • How long should a resume be for a job? A resume should ideally be around one or two pages if you have a long work history. A long resume usually takes time to read. Hiring managers may not have the time to go through your full resume. Make sure your resume is clear and concise. Limit each measurable achievement to two to three bullet points per job. ⁠
  • What jobs should you put on a resume? In your resume include jobs that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Highlight roles where you demonstrated qualifications and skills mentioned in the job description. This approach showcases your ability to perform in the role and aligns your experience with the employer's needs. ⁠
  • In what order should work experience be listed on a resume? On your resume, list your work history in reverse chronological order. Put the most recent job at the top. This format highlights your most recent and relevant experience first. If you are changing careers or have limited experience, you might also consider functional or combination resume formats. ⁠
  • Can you leave jobs off your resume? Yes, you can leave jobs off your resume if they are not related to the role you are applying for. If you have many years of experience, focus on including the most relevant roles to keep your resume concise and targeted. ⁠
  • How do I address maternity leave on my resume? Mention that you had been on a maternity leave within the employment period for the relevant employer. For example, you can list it as Maternal Leave from MM/YYYY to MM/YYYY' under the job title and company. This transparency is appreciated and shows your integrity and career continuity. ⁠
  • How do I overcome an employment gap in my work history? It is usually best to be honest about any employment gaps by including them in your resumé. There are many reasons for employment gaps, including education, sabbaticals, or health issues. You can describe any relevant experience or skills you gained during the break.  For example, you can write: "Career Break (MM/YYYY - MM/YYYY): Took time off for family caregiving, during which I completed an online course in project management.” ⁠
  • How many years of work experience should be on a resume? You can include all your relevant work experience on your resume, but it is recommended to focus on the most recent 10 years. Only include earlier experience if it is highly relevant to the role. Keep your resume clear and concise, highlighting the skills and accomplishments you have accumulated.

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What Is Project 2025, and Why Is Trump Disavowing It?

The Biden campaign has attacked Donald J. Trump’s ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch, though it is not his official platform.

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Kevin Roberts, wearing a dark suit and blue tie and speaking into a microphone at a lectern. The lectern says, “National Religious Broadcasters, nrb.org.”

By Simon J. Levien

Donald J. Trump has gone to great lengths to distance himself from Project 2025, a set of conservative policy proposals for a future Republican administration that has outraged Democrats. He has claimed he knows nothing about it or the people involved in creating it.

Mr. Trump himself was not behind the project. But some of his allies were.

The document, its origins and the interplay between it and the Trump campaign have made for one of the most hotly debated questions of the 2024 race.

Here is what to know about Project 2025, and who is behind it.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 was spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and like-minded conservative groups before Mr. Trump officially entered the 2024 race. The Heritage Foundation is a think tank that has shaped the personnel and policies of Republican administrations since the Reagan presidency.

The project was intended as a buffet of options for the Trump administration or any other Republican presidency. It’s the latest installment in the Heritage Foundation’s Mandate for Leadership series, which has compiled conservative policy proposals every few years since 1981. But no previous study has been as sweeping in its recommendations — or as widely discussed.

Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation, which began putting together the latest document in 2022, said he thought the American government would embrace a more conservative era, one that he hoped Republicans would usher in.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution,” Mr. Roberts said on Real America’s Voice, a right-wing cable channel, in early July, adding pointedly that the revolt “will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

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  1. How to List Projects on a Resume (With Examples)

    There are two methods you can use for adding projects to your resume: List your projects in separate bullet points or short paragraphs beneath each work experience and education entry. List your projects in a dedicated section on your resume. Typically, you'll want to use the first method (bullet point or short paragraph) for your work and ...

  2. Project Details in a Resume: What Yours Needs To Include

    How to write project details in a resume. In your Work Experience, Projects, or Additional section, create a "Key Projects" subheading. Write the project name and/or a brief description of what it did. List your employer, staffing agency, or consulting firm. List your job title. If you were self-employed, give yourself a standard job title.

  3. How To Put Projects On A Resume (With Examples)

    Summary. To put projects on your traditional chronological resume, include a separate projects section beneath the education or work experience section. In a project based resume, rename the work experience section to be named "projects" and you can avoid the standard chronological resume format and instead focus on your most relevant ...

  4. How to List Projects on a Resume + Examples for 2024

    Project 1, 2, 3, etc. Write a project name. Then include the company and your position. Next line, type "Duration:" and list how long you worked on the project—e.g. three months, six weeks etc. Third line, type "Technologies used:" and list the programming languages, etc. that you utilized.

  5. Guide to Listing Projects on a Resume (With Example)

    You may also choose to list your projects in the education section of your resume. Here's a template for this: Education [Degree earned] [Name of school or university] [Name of project] [Project description and your role in it] [Name of project] [Project description and your role in it]

  6. When and How to List Projects on Your Resume

    List your projects wherever they're most relevant, Goodfellow says. For recent grads, this often means your education section. If the project was part of a past job, freelance work, or volunteer work, it likely belongs under that specific entry in your experience section. If you're thinking of a personal or side project or you have multiple ...

  7. How to List Projects on Resumes in Six Steps

    Keep project descriptions brief. Keep your project descriptions concise but substantial. Provide just enough details to demonstrate your skills, experience, and successes relevant to the employer's requirements for the role you want. That way, you can sell yourself and keep the resume length short while also providing hiring managers an in ...

  8. How to List Projects on a Resume (with Examples)

    When you use the third person, you're writing about someone else. You'll be using words such as "he," "she," "they," "theirs,", or someone's name. Examples of sentences written in the third person include: He delivers first class customer service. She resolves automotive faults and carries out repairs. Fred oversees the IT helpdesk.

  9. Guide to Listing Projects in a Resume (With Examples)

    Identify the projects that align best with the job requirements. It is important to prioritise and highlight the projects that add the most value to your resume over those that may not. Once you have the list of the projects, describe the deliverables, tasks, skills and results to validate your expertise. 3.

  10. How to List Projects on a Resume + Examples

    If the bulk of your experience comes from various personal or freelance projects, you will benefit from adding an extra section for projects in your resume. You should format this section similarly to the "Work Experience.". Provide a name for the project, i.e., "Creative Campaign & Copywriting Services.".

  11. How to List Projects on a Resume

    Title your section 'Additional Projects' or 'Other.'. If you're using a general 'Other' section including skills, etc. add a 'Projects' subheading. List each project briefly in 1-2 lines, including what you did and what the results were. (Optional) List the date of completion or duration of the project.

  12. How to Include Projects in Resumes (Samples, Tips, Templates)

    2. Include a "Key Projects" Subsection under a Work Experience Description. Another way to list your projects in a resume is to highlight "Key Projects" under a work experience section. Crucial projects for big clients are always eye-catching. Small projects that are experimental or insightful are informative as well.

  13. How To Write a Project Resume (With Template and Example)

    1. Review the jobs to which you plan to apply. Project resumes are effective when you write them for the particular positions you're applying for rather than using a general resume. Review the job description and identify the specific skills, knowledge, and experiences the employer seeks. Then, make a list of your skills, knowledge and ...

  14. Projects on Your Resume: How to Include Them the Right Way

    Increased product sales by 25% during the first month of launch. Grew social media following by 15% and engagement by 20% during the campaign. Obtained coverage in multiple media outlets, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic. Listing your projects on your resume is an excellent way to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements.

  15. How to List Projects on Resume: 2022 Guide with 10+ Examples

    Here are some examples of listing work projects on resumes: Coordinated with IT team to develop a mobile and web-based data tracking application and closed $1.2 worth of deal. Designed 10+ mock apps for collecting feedback from selected users as part of improving user experience.

  16. How to List Projects on a Resume (with Examples)

    Knowing what type of project you're going to list on your resume will help you to determine if the project is relevant and can also guide you in knowing where on your resume to list it. There are four basic types. 1. Work. This is any project you've done in your position with a company.

  17. Projects In Resumes: Where Do They Belong? (And How to Make ...

    Listing Projects in Teal's "Project" section. Step 3: To list projects in Teal's "Project" section, scroll to "Projects." Step 4: From here, click "Add Project" to include the project name, organization, start and end date, and any important details. Click "Add Project" to include a "Project" section in your resume.

  18. How to List Projects on a Resume: A Concise Approach

    When listing projects on your resume, your best choice would be to write them below a job description as accomplishments. Another way to go is to list them in a separate section. You can name it Projects, Academic Projects or Personal Projects, depending on their type. If your projects are Academic, it's better to list them in the education ...

  19. How to Include Personal and Academic Projects on Your Resume

    Include the basics: project name, dates, location, and school, if applicable. Step 2: Brainstorm Details . Under each project you've listed, brainstorm and write down any positive details about the experience that immediately come to mind. Consider what you're most proud of for each project and what the positive outcome was.

  20. How To Write a Project List Resume

    To create your project list resume, follow these steps: 1. Add contact information. Start writing your project list resume by adding contact information. Include your name, address, phone number and email at the very top of your resume. You can also add a link to your website or portfolio of work, if applicable. 2.

  21. Work Experience on a Resume

    A resume summary is a short section at the top of your resume that highlights your most relevant skills and achievements related to the job. In 2-3 simple sentences, a good resume summary tells the hiring manager: Your years of experience in that type of role. Your top qualifications or impressive accomplishments.

  22. 27 Great Resume Summary Examples to Get Hired

    4. Project Manager resume summary example "Accomplished Project Manager, with confidence in leading cross-functional teams and managing project timelines, budgets, and resources. Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to build relationships with stakeholders.

  23. How to Write A Resume Summary That Works + Examples

    Resume summaries give you the opportunity to frame your career in a concise and strategic way. They can make or break your job application during the first stage of the hiring process. Knowing how to write a summary for a resume can help potential employers connect the dots between your experience and their role.

  24. How To Write Experience In A Resume (With Examples)

    Just mentioning the city and the state is sufficient. If any of your past work experience was work from home, you can either mention your current location or simply write " remote work " in the job location part. 3. Specify the dates of employment. Next, you should mention the start and end dates of each employment.

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    Be sure your resume includes the administrative skills and experience you have that align with the job description. This is a great way to incorporate keywords into your resume to pass an employer's applicant tracking system, or ATS, and grab the attention of hiring managers. Showcase soft and hard (technical) skills throughout your resume.

  26. How to write a beginner resumé

    Your resumé is often the first thing a potential employer sees, so writing a stand-out beginner resumé can go a long way in making a positive first impression and increasing your chances of landing a role. How to write beginner resumé . The main thing when writing a resumé from scratch is to break down the process into smaller steps. Here ...

  27. A complete guide to including your work experience in your resume

    Here are some tips you can use to format your experience in your resume: 1. Create a dedicated section for your professional experience. Create a clear and prominent section at the top of your resume titled "Work Experience" or "Professional Experience." This helps employers quickly see where you have worked and your relevant experience.

  28. How to Write a Resume With No Experience

    Write an impressive resume with no experience by focusing on your education and skills section. Read on for tips and no experience resume examples! ... This resume example emphasizes the candidate's achievements in the skills section while keeping the details of the work history minimal. ... Client Consulting Project: Strategic Management;

  29. What Is Project 2025, and Who Is Behind It?

    The Biden campaign has attacked Donald J. Trump's ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch, though it is not his official platform. By Simon J. Levien ...

  30. jobs in Cumberland Gp, TN

    Are you an experienced bookkeeper with a knack for numbers and attention to detail? We're looking for you! Position: Part-Time Bookkeeper. Experience Required: 2+ years. Hours: 8-12 hours somewhat flexible hours per week. About the Role: Join our team and help manage our financial records, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Your responsibilities ...