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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

In the race to reach net-zero emissions, countries around the world are looking to scale up and eventually depend on renewable energy to substitute polluting fossil fuels. Solar is the most abundant, fastest, and cheapest energy source on Earth, and it generates minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Although this renewable energy is rapidly growing across the globe, with an increasing number of countries investing in it, there are some factors that could hinder its growth. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of solar energy and how does this valuable renewable resource work and w?

What Is Solar Energy and How Does It Work?

The vital role in which the sun plays in life on Earth has been celebrated since ancient times. Egyptians in Africa were the first people known to use solar energy on a large scale to heat their homes, designating them in a way that could store up the sun’s heat during the day and release it at night. Fast forward to today, societies around the world have developed innovative technologies that allow us to turn the sun’s energy into electricity that powers heating and cooling systems, transportation, lighting, and ventilation, just to name a few. 

This energy source is growing fast: between 2010 and 2019, solar rose from 0.06% to 1.11% of the global energy mix. In 2020, it recorded a record growth of 22% as installations experienced a boom. Among the countries that have poured the most money into solar energy are China – by far the largest investor, the United States, Japan, Australia, and India. The latter aims to be a global leader in solar energy, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi committing to increase energy from renewable sources up to 50% by the end of 2030 . In Europe, Spain is one of the first countries to deploy large-scale solar photovoltaics and the largest producer of solar-powered electricity on the continent. 

advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Before we move on to some of the advantages and disadvantages of solar, it is worth answering a question: how does solar energy work? 

When sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, human-made innovative technologies capture their light and heat and convert these into electrical energy. This conversion happens through photovoltaic (PV) panels, which contain cells that can capture the sunlight’s energy. This energy generates electrical charges that move around the cell, causing electricity to flow. An alternative to PV is solar thermal panels: as opposed to PV generating electricity, thermal panels create heat. When installed on a roof facing the sun, they capture the hot sun rays which are used to heat water stored in a cylinder.  

While many nations are starting to recognise the vast potential of solar energy – a powerful and extremely beneficial renewable source – there are still some downsides to it. We explore the main advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. 

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5 Advantages of Solar Energy

1. solar is a renewable energy source.

As the name suggests, solar power is a resource that never runs out. Unlike fossil fuels, the production of which requires huge efforts, time, and expensive heavy machinery, renewables convert a natural resource – in the case of solar power, sunlight – directly into electricity. Another big factor that makes renewable energy much more attractive than coal, oil, and natural gas is the significant difference in emissions, namely fossi fuels being one of the world’s largest contributors to the generation of greenhouse gases. Renewable energy sources are not only cleaner but also cheaper and easier to produce than any fossil fuel. But what makes solar energy particularly advantageous over other sources of renewable energy?

2. Solar Energy is Immensely Abundant

In fact, solar is the most abundant energy source on the planet and throughout the years, we managed to develop innovative technologies that could allow us to depend entirely on solar for the rest of our existence. Another huge advantage is that just a tiny fraction of the sunlight we get every day can provide a huge amount of energy. Indeed, the US Department of Energy argues that an hour and a half of sunlight that reaches the planet’s surface generates enough power to meet all of humanity’s energy consumption for an entire year.

3. Solar Technologies Are Getting More Efficient

Over the years, scientists have made some important advances in the development of solar technologies, notably improving the efficiency of solar panels and battery storage systems as well as their overall durability over time. According to Rhone Resch , President of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the global PV sector has been growing at an average of over 40% in the last eight years and major advances in automation, manufacturing, and throughput have considerably improved this technology. Most panels today are between 15% and 20% efficient , meaning that they are able to convert 15% to 20% of the amount of sunlight they absorb into electricity. Panels’ efficiency has improved consistently over the past decade, a promising factor and one that contributes to continued cost reduction. Furthermore, their resistance to extreme weather has been drastically improved, bringing their average durability to about three decades with little to no loss in efficiency. 

Improvements have also been made in battery storage systems , which are emerging as a key solution to effectively integrate solar renewables in global power systems on a large scale. Most of the world’s utility-scale storage systems are being deployed in Australia, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Small islands and off-grid communities have invested in large-scale battery storage systems to store excess energy. However, an increasing number of small-scale batteries are also being produced and they are expected to complement utility-scale applications by 2030.   

4. Solar Panels Are Getting Cheaper

In the list of the advantages of solar energy, price is an important point. In its World Energy Outlook 2020 report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) confirmed that solar power schemes now offer the cheapest electricity in history. In its 2021 report, the Agency predicted that by 2050, renewable energy generation will keep growing, with solar power production skyrocketing and becoming the world’s primary source of electricity . Solar energy is indeed praised for the relatively marginal operation and maintenance costs of panels. While the cost of panels itself is the most critical part of the overall equation, solar is definitely a cheap source of power that can considerably lower the electricity bill in the long run. 

advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

5. Solar Life Cycle Generates Minimal Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Lastly, solar energy generation’s minimal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main benefits of this renewable energy source. Indeed, solar power produces no emissions during generation itself and studies demonstrate that it has a considerably smaller carbon footprint than fossil fuels over its life cycle. Even though PV modules and other components are made of materials that are mined and processed and thus generate some levels of emissions, solar is still undoubtedly a carbon-smart energy source whose lifetime emissions are insignificant when compared to coal and natural gas. In fact, a coal power plant releases on average 25 times more emissions than the ones produced by a solar power system. Similarly, a natural gas power plant, despite being less polluting than coal, still generates 10 times the amount of emissions generated by a solar array. 

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3 Disadvantages of Solar Energy

1. solar energy is still expensive for households.

Did we not just say that solar energy is getting cheaper? Well, it is true. However, there are some aspects of solar technology that are still quite expensive. Indeed, purchasing a solar system requires a significant initial investment to cover the costs of panels, inverter, batteries, wiring, and the installation of the system itself. One of the most expensive parts of the system is the batteries used for solar power storage, which can cost upwards of USD$5,000. When solar energy started being commercialised 40 years ago, the price of panels was also incredibly high. Nevertheless, solar technologies are constantly developing and this is contributing to a significant decrease in prices. Statistics show that the average global cost of solar PV modules has gone down drastically in the first two decades of commercial solar power production and it has been slowly but consistently decreasing ever since. Just a decade ago, an average 6-kilowatt hour residential solar system could cost USD$50,000 or more. However, the price has gone down by an annual average of 62% and nowadays, a typical home installation rarely exceeds UDS$20,000. 

advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

2. Solar Energy is Weather Dependent  

An undoubted disadvantage of solar energy is that this technology is not equally efficient around the world. While solar power can be generated on a cloudy day, some level of daylight is still required in order to harness the sun’s energy, and the amount of energy that can be produced varies greatly depending on many factors, such as the amount and quality of direct sunlight that the panels receive as well as the size, number, and locations of the panels themselves. Thus, in countries that receive limited sunlight throughout the year, alternative renewable resources like geothermal energy and hydropower might work better. In Iceland, an area with little sunlight and wind, for example, these two energy sources make up 27% and 73% respectively, allowing the country to generate 100% of its energy from renewables . 

3. Solar Power Plants Are Not the Most Environmentally Friendly Option

As we said before, the carbon footprint of solar energy is minimal. However, this renewable still has some aspects, mainly related to land use and waste generation, that can still harm the environment. First and foremost, solar power plants require space. For example, a solar power plant to provide electricity for 1,000 homes would require 32 acres of land . This means that, in order to meet the US energy consumption needs, nearly 19 million acres, equivalent to 0.8% of the entire country, would be necessary. 

Another factor to consider is the management and disposal of hazardous materials such as metals and glass needed to build some components of solar infrastructure that are energy-intensive to produce and thus responsible for the generation of carbon emissions. Building PV cells and panels also requires some hazardous chemicals and heavy metals. To avoid harming the environment, such materials necessitate careful management and disposal procedures once the solar plant’s life comes to an end. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) projects that by 2050, solar energy systems could be responsible for up to 78 million tonnes of waste. 

Should We Still Invest in Solar Energy? 

The short answer is yes. There is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ energy source. From nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable resources, all of them have many advantages but also some disadvantages, solar energy included. However, as we are quickly running out of time in the race to reach zero emissions, it is crucial that all countries begin to seriously evaluate which sources of energy can bring the most benefits. While solar energy might not be the best solution for northern countries for the lack of sunlight they receive throughout the year, and some of its disadvantages such as the extensive land use that the installation of solar panels requires might not make it the best candidate for everyone, this renewable resource, along with all others, certainly has undeniable potential and it still a better alternative to environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels, beyond being the best chance we have at stopping global warming. 

If you enjoyed reading about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, you might also like: Can We Build Solar Power Systems in Space?

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advantages of solar power essay

Martina Igini

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Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

Green technologies are dominating the global community’s discussion of sustainable energy generation. Renewable energy sources, with solar energy being one of the most feasible and affordable, are being supported and invested into by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology for sustainable energy (Iravani et al., 2017). One of the advantages of solar energy is its capacity to meet the demands of the whole world. As Figure 1 demonstrates, solar energy is dominating other sources of non-hydro renewable power in terms of capacity.

Comparison of non-hydro renewable energy capacities between countries

Besides, the Earth’s territory exposed to solar irradiation is extensive, with particular areas being the most potentially favorable for generating the most solar power. As Figure 2 demonstrates, these areas are marked with black dots.

Annual average solar irradiance distribution over the surface of the Earth

The abundance of technologies available from solar energy generation allows for developing diverse approaches to sustainable power production. For example, photovoltaic solar energy technology is designed to utilize the capacity of a photovoltaic cell to generate electricity. Figure 3 demonstrates the principle of this technology, which is non-harmful to the environment.

Photovoltaic cell

As for the possible disadvantages of solar energy, one of them is the necessity to invest in the invention, development, and implementation of new technologies, which are currently lacking. In addition, the inconsistent distribution of solar irradiance across different continents might impose insufficiency in the solar energy supply.

Future Outlook

Solar energy has the potential to occupy a solid place in green technology due to its availability, affordability, and the advancement of research related to the alternative use of solar power for energy generation. One of the most significant contributions the use of solar power is likely to make is reducing climate change impact due to fossil fuel use (Creutzig et al., 2017). Moreover, the concept of solar cities seems to be realistic and feasible. This idea holds that urban areas might be transferred to complete use of renewable solar energy for electricity to eliminate the use of conventional plants (Byrne et al., 2017). Thus, solar energy is a promising alternative power source capable of shifting humanity toward green technology.

Byrne, J., Taminiau, J., Seo, J., Lee, J., & Shin, S. (2017). Are solar cities feasible? A review of current research. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 21 (3), 239-256.

Creutzig, F., Agoston, P., Goldschmidt, J. C., Luderer, G., Nemet, G., & Pietzcker, R. C. (2017). The underestimated potential of solar energy to mitigate climate change. Nature Energy, 2 (9), 1-9.

Iravani, A., Akbari, M. H., & Zohoori, M. (2017). Advantages and disadvantages of green technology; goals, challenges and strengths. International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, 6 (9), 272-284.

Kabir, E., Kumar, P., Kumar, S., Adelodun, A. A., & Kim, K. H. (2018). Solar energy: Potential and future prospects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82 , 894-900.

Sampaio, P. G. V., & González, M. O. A. (2017). Photovoltaic solar energy: Conceptual framework. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74 , 590-601.

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Essay on Solar Energy

Kunika Khuble

Power of the Sun

Solar power is leading the global shift towards sustainable energy by harnessing the sun’s inexhaustible energy. Its significance lies in its renewable nature and its potential to revolutionize our energy landscape. From ancient civilizations utilizing sunlight for warmth to cutting-edge photovoltaic technologies, this essay delves into the evolution of solar energy. By exploring its historical roots, technological advancements, environmental benefits, and economic implications, we aim to elucidate solar energy’s critical role in shaping a sustainable future.

Essay on Solar Energy

Evolution of solar energy

The evolution of solar energy spans millennia, from ancient civilizations exploiting the sun’s warmth to modern technological advancements harnessing its power for electricity generation.

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  • Ancient Utilization:

The utilization of solar energy traces back to ancient civilizations. Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans designed their buildings to capture the sun’s warmth during winter, showcasing an early understanding of passive solar design. Similarly, ancient Chinese, Indian, and Persian societies used solar architecture to heat water.

  • Discovery of Photovoltaic Effect:

The foundation for contemporary solar technology was laid in the 19th century with the discovery of the photovoltaic effect. French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel noted the creation of an electric current when specific materials were exposed to light in 1839. This phenomenon, known as the photovoltaic effect, laid the groundwork for developing solar cells.

  • Early Solar Cells and Applications:

The first practical application of the photovoltaic effect came in 1954 when Bell Laboratories introduced the first commercially viable solar cell. Developed by scientists Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller, and Daryl Chapin, this early solar cell achieved a 4% efficiency. While initially expensive, these cells found niche applications, such as powering satellites, signaling a new era in space exploration.

  • Solar Energy in Space:

The space race of the mid-20th century accelerated solar technology. Satellites, including the Vanguard 1 (1958) and the Nimbus series, extensively used solar cells for power generation. This demonstrated the reliability of solar technology and contributed to ongoing research, pushing the efficiency and affordability of solar cells.

  • Grid-Connected Solar Power:

The 1970s saw the emergence of grid-connected solar power systems on Earth. These systems allowed homes and businesses to generate electricity from sunlight and feed excess power into the grid. However, the high cost of solar panels limited widespread adoption.

  • Advancements in Photovoltaic Technology:

Subsequent decades witnessed significant advancements in photovoltaic technology. Ongoing research and development improved solar cell efficiency, reduced manufacturing costs, and increased durability. Thin-film solar cells, multi-junction solar cells, and other innovations further expanded the applicability of solar energy.

  • Growth of Solar Photovoltaics:

The 21st century marked a remarkable surge in solar photovoltaic installations. Advances in manufacturing processes, government incentives, and growing environmental consciousness contributed to the widespread adoption of solar panels in residential, commercial, and utility-scale settings.

  • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP):

Concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies have developed together with the growth of photovoltaics. In CSP systems, sunlight is directed onto a tiny area by mirrors or lenses, creating heat that can be converted into electrical power. These systems work very well for producing enormous amounts of electricity.

  • Smart Grid Integration and Energy Storage:

Recent developments involve integrating solar power into smart grids and incorporating energy storage solutions. Smart grids enable better management of fluctuating solar power production, while advancements in energy storage, such as lithium-ion batteries, address the intermittent nature of solar energy, allowing for a more reliable electricity supply.

How Solar Energy Works

How Solar Energy Works

Let’s break down how solar energy works into steps:

  • Sunlight as a Source: Solar energy begins with the sun, emitting vast amounts of radiant energy in photons. These photons travel through space and reach the Earth.
  • Photovoltaic Effect (PV): Solar panels, typically made of silicon-based photovoltaic cells, are the foundation of most solar energy systems. When sunlight strikes these cells, it stimulates the photovoltaic effect, causing the cells to release electrons.
  • Generation of Electricity: An electric current flows through the solar cell as a result of these electrons moving. The connected cells in a panel generate direct current (DC) power.
  • Inverter Conversion: The inverter processes the direct current (DC) electricity from the solar panels because the majority of household equipment and the grid run on alternating current (AC). The inverter transforms the DC electricity into usable AC electricity, which matches the common electrical current found in homes and businesses.
  • Usage and Storage: The electricity generated can be used immediately to power devices or can be sent to the electrical grid. Batteries can be used to store extra electricity for use at a later time when demand is lower than solar production. This way, power is always available even when the sun isn’t shining.
  • Net Metering and Grid Interaction: Systems that are connected to the grid can recycle excess energy produced by solar panels back into it. Users obtain credits or rewards for the extra energy they give through a procedure known as net metering.
  • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): In some systems, particularly large-scale ones, mirrors or lenses concentrate sunlight onto a small area. This concentrated light is used to heat a fluid (often molten salt) that generates steam to drive turbines, producing electricity in a manner similar to traditional power plants.

Solar energy systems are a reliable and sustainable source of electricity. They work continuously in sunlight. The efficiency of solar panels depends on panel quality, weather conditions, and the sun’s angle. Advancements in solar technology have improved efficiency, durability, and affordability, driving widespread adoption from households to large installations.

Types of Solar Energy

Solar energy comes in various forms, each with unique technologies and applications. The two primary types are Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Power and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP).

  • Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Power: Photovoltaic technology uses semiconductor materials like silicon to turn sunlight into power directly.

How it Works: Photons in the sunshine break electrons loose from their atoms when they strike the solar cells, creating an electric current.


  • Residential Solar Panels: PV panels on rooftops generate electricity for household use.
  • Commercial and Industrial Installations: Larger PV arrays power businesses and industries.
  • Utility-Scale Solar Farms: Large-scale installations contribute to the grid’s electricity supply.


  • Modular and scalable installations.
  • Low maintenance requirements.
  • Applicable in various settings.
  • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): Concentrated solar power systems generate heat that can be converted into electricity by focusing sunlight onto a tiny area using mirrors or lenses.

How it Works: CSP systems concentrate sunlight to create high temperatures, typically used to produce steam that drives turbines connected to generators.

  • Solar Thermal Power Plants: Large-scale facilities generate electricity for the grid.
  • Industrial Processes: CSP can provide heat for industrial applications like desalination or chemical production.
  • Solar Cookers: Small-scale CSP systems for cooking in off-grid areas.
  • Capable of providing both electricity and heat.
  • Storage systems can store heat for continuous power generation.
  • Suitable for large-scale power generation.
  • Thin-Film Solar Cells: Thin-film To produce energy, solar cells employ thin layers of semiconductor materials.

How it Works: Thin layers of semiconductor materials, such as cadmium telluride or amorphous silicon, absorb sunlight to produce an electric current.

  • Flexible and lightweight, enabling integration into various surfaces.
  • Used in building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).
  • Suitable for portable solar applications.
  • Lower manufacturing costs compared to traditional PV cells.
  • Adaptability to different surfaces and environments.
  • Organic Photovoltaics (OPV): Organic photovoltaics use organic materials, like polymers, to convert sunlight into electricity.

How it Works: Organic materials absorb sunlight and create electron-hole pairs, generating an electric current.

  • Flexible and lightweight, suitable for flexible electronics.
  • Integration into fabrics and consumer goods.
  • Emerging technology with potential for widespread use.
  • Potential for low-cost, large-scale production.
  • Flexibility and versatility in design and application.
  • Solar Thermal Systems: Utilizing the sun’s energy, solar thermal systems generate heat that can be utilized for a number of things, including the production of electricity.

How it Works: Mirrors or lenses focus sunlight to generate heat, which can be used for space heating, water heating, or power generation.

  • Space heating in residential and commercial buildings.
  • Solar water heaters for residential and industrial use.
  • Hybrid systems for combined electricity and heat production.
  • Efficient for applications requiring heat.
  • Storage options for continuous heat supply.

Importance of Solar Energy

Solar energy holds significant importance across various domains due to its multifaceted advantages and potential contributions:

  • Sustainability: One resource that can be used forever is solar energy. Unlike finite fossil resources, the energy from the sun is abundant and freely available. Its sustainability guarantees a consistent and reliable energy source well into the future.
  • Environmental Benefits: While fossil fuels contribute to air pollution and climate change, solar energy is pure and produces no greenhouse emissions throughout the electricity generation process. Solar power’s lower carbon emissions lessen climate change and its related environmental effects.
  • Energy Independence: Harnessing solar energy reduces dependence on imported fossil fuels, thereby enhancing energy independence for nations. This independence strengthens energy security and reduces geopolitical tensions related to energy resources.
  • Economic Advantages: Jobs related to solar power could be generated in a number of industries, including production, installation, maintenance, and research. With the advancement of technology and scaling up production, the cost of solar energy is decreasing, making it more affordable and economically viable.
  • Accessible and Scalable: Solar energy systems can be installed at various scales, from small residential setups to large utility-scale installations. This versatility makes solar power accessible to urban and rural areas, providing electricity in remote locations without access to traditional power grids.
  • Reduced Strain on Resources: Solar power reduces the strain on finite resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Using sunlight lessens the demand for these resources, contributing to their conservation for future generations.
  • Grid Stability and Peak Demand: Solar energy can contribute to grid stability by providing power during peak demand periods. Solar power can supply electricity even when sunlight is unavailable when integrated with energy storage systems, enhancing the grid’s reliability.
  • Community and Resilience: Solar power fosters community resilience by decentralizing energy production. Solar installations, especially when paired with energy storage, can provide essential electricity independently of centralized grids in emergencies or natural disasters.

Technological Advancements

Solar energy has made significant technological advancements. These innovations have made it more reliable and affordable to meet the growing demand for cleaner energy alternatives.

  • Innovations in Solar Panel Efficiency:
  • Thin-Film Technology: Thin-film technologies, such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), have replaced traditional silicon-based solar panels due to their lightweight construction, flexibility, and lower manufacturing costs.
  • Tandem Solar Cells: Tandem solar cells stack multiple layers of solar materials to capture a broader spectrum of sunlight. This allows for increased efficiency by maximizing the conversion of the sun into electricity.
  • Perovskite Solar Cells: Perovskite-based solar cells have emerged as a promising alternative due to their low-cost production and high efficiency. Ongoing research aims to overcome stability challenges and commercialize this technology.
  • Energy Storage Solutions:
  • Advanced Battery Technologies: Energy storage is crucial to integrating solar power. By increasing storage capacity, shortening charging periods, and extending lifespans, battery technology advancements like lithium-ion batteries have addressed the sporadic nature of solar energy.
  • Flow Batteries: Flow batteries, which store energy in liquid electrolytes, offer scalability and the ability to store large amounts of energy. When there is not as much sunlight, these batteries can supplement solar power by offering a reliable energy source.
  • Smart Grid Integration and Smart Cities:
  • Grid-Scale Solar Farms: Large solar farms connected to smart networks make effective solar energy distribution possible. Smart grids dynamically balance the supply and demand of electricity through the use of cutting-edge communication and control technology.
  • Smart Inverters and Microgrids: Smart inverters help manage the flow of electricity, optimizing power quality and grid stability. Microgrids and decentralized energy systems empower communities to generate, store, and distribute solar energy locally, enhancing resilience and reliability.

Applications of Solar energy

  • Residential Power Generation:

The use of solar energy in homes is among its most popular uses. Homeowners can mount solar panels on their rooftops to capture sunlight and produce electricity. As a result, there is less dependency on traditional power sources, and people may help create a more sustainable and clean energy infrastructure. Another residential use that uses solar thermal systems to heat water for domestic use is solar water heaters, which offer an energy-efficient substitute for conventional electric water heaters.

  • Commercial and Industrial Use: Most commercial and industrial sectors use solar energy. Businesses can install solar panels to generate on-site power, reducing operational costs and environmental impact. Solar power is also harnessed for agricultural purposes, powering farm irrigation systems. This application enhances water efficiency and diminishes reliance on grid electricity, fostering sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Solar Farms and Utility-Scale Power Plants: Large-scale electricity generation from solar farms and utility-scale installations contributes substantially to the power grid. These solar power plants serve to address the growing demand for electricity while lowering dependency on fossil fuels by supplying sustainable energy to businesses and communities. Additionally, solar power proves valuable in remote areas’ power supply, offering a sustainable solution for electrifying regions without access to traditional power infrastructure.
  • Transportation:

Solar energy is increasingly integrated into various modes of transportation. Solar panels on electric vehicles and at charging stations extend the range of electric transportation and contribute to more sustainable mobility solutions. Solar-powered boats and aircraft also demonstrate the adaptability of solar energy in diverse transportation applications, showcasing its potential to reduce dependence on traditional fuel sources.

  • Space Exploration:

Solar panels are a critical component of spacecraft and satellites, where the sun’s energy is harnessed in the vacuum of space. The reliability and efficiency of solar panels make them indispensable for powering instruments, communication devices, and other systems aboard spacecraft, enabling extended missions and exploration.

  • Water Desalination:

Solar energy is utilized to power desalination plants in regions facing water scarcity. These plants convert seawater into freshwater, addressing water shortages and providing a sustainable solution to the growing demand for clean water in arid areas.

  • Community and Rural Electrification:

Solar microgrids bring electricity to off-grid and rural areas, improving living standards and fostering economic development. This application of solar energy empowers communities with access to clean and reliable power, positively impacting education, healthcare, and overall quality of life.

  • Smart Cities and Urban Planning:

Solar energy is integrated into smart cities and urban planning initiatives through applications like solar street lights and solar-powered infrastructure. Energy-efficient lighting powered by solar panels enhances safety and reduces energy consumption in urban areas, contributing to sustainable urban development and reducing the environmental footprint of cities.

Case Studies

Case study 1: the solarcity microgrid in ta’u, american samoa.

In 2016, Tesla (now part of Tesla, Inc.) collaborated with SolarCity to develop a solar microgrid on the remote island of Ta’u in American Samoa. The project aimed to reduce the island’s dependency on imported diesel fuel for electricity generation.


SolarCity installed a 1.4-megawatt solar array of 5,328 solar panels and 60 Tesla Powerpacks for energy storage. The microgrid was designed to meet nearly 100% of the island’s energy needs during daylight hours, with excess energy stored for nighttime use. The transition to solar energy significantly reduced the island’s reliance on diesel generators.

  • The microgrid has successfully demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of solar energy in a remote location, reducing diesel consumption by about 109,500 gallons per year.
  • Dependence on fossil fuels decreased, resulting in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy solution.
  • The project is a model for other islands and remote communities seeking energy independence.

Case Study 2: The Noor Solar Complex in Ouarzazate, Morocco

The Noor Solar Complex near Ouarzazate in Morocco is one of the world’s largest concentrated solar power (CSP) projects. It aims to harness solar energy to meet the country’s growing energy demands.

This solar power complex has multiple phases, with the first completed in 2016. It covers thousands of acres, including parabolic troughs and a solar power tower. The parabolic troughs heat a transfer fluid, which produces steam to drive turbines. The power tower uses mirrors to focus sunlight onto a central receiver.

  • The Noor Solar Complex contributes significantly to Morocco’s renewable energy goals, reducing the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.
  • The project has a total capacity of over 500 megawatts, making it a substantial and reliable source of clean energy.
  • Implementing CSP technology demonstrates the scalability and potential of concentrated solar power in large-scale electricity generation.

Case Study 3: Rooftop Solar in California, USA

California has been at the forefront of adopting rooftop solar installations, with numerous residential and commercial properties embracing solar panels to generate clean energy.

Through various incentive programs, net metering policies, and decreasing solar panel costs, many Californians have installed rooftop solar systems. The state encourages solar adoption, providing financial incentives and support to individuals and businesses investing in solar energy.

  • California has emerged as a leader in the production of solar energy, generating a sizable amount of its electricity from solar sources.
  • Both individual energy savings and the state’s total decrease in greenhouse gas emissions are facilitated by rooftop solar systems.
  • The success of California’s rooftop solar initiatives is a model for other regions seeking to promote decentralized solar power generation.

Solar energy’s versatility spans residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, revolutionizing power generation and fostering sustainability. From rooftop panels to utility-scale plants, its role in reducing reliance on conventional sources and mitigating environmental impact is pivotal. Transportation, space exploration, and water desalination applications highlight its diverse capabilities. Integrating solar energy into smart cities and rural electrification underscores its potential for widespread positive impact. Continual technological advancements promise a brighter, cleaner future powered by the sun.


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Solar Energy Essay

All life on the planet depends directly or indirectly on solar energy, which we receive from the sun in the form of heat and light. It has some advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few sample essays on ‘solar energy.’

100 Words Essay On Solar Energy

Solar energy is the energy we derive from the sun through heat and light. Its production and use have no detrimental effects on the environment, making it "clean" and "green" energy. In our daily lives, solar energy is used for various purposes, including heating water in considerable reservoirs to conserve resources and electricity, cooking food in solar cookers, and generating electricity. Its applications can be a blessing for people living in remote corners of the world. Solar energy will be a better option for supplying energy needs in the future, even though its use is currently restricted and not widely adopted by the general public.

Solar Energy Essay

200 Words Essay On Solar Energy

All life on Earth receives its energy from the sun. Solar energy is what we get from the sun; it comes to us in the form of tiny light particles called photons. All types of microorganisms and single-celled organisms were created with the help of solar energy, and plants have been using this energy since the beginning of time. As a result, every living thing on Earth is directly or indirectly dependent on the sun. Since solar energy is entirely renewable, it is available as long as there is sunlight. Because no harmful gases, chemicals, or fly ash are produced, it is also pollution-free. Using photovoltaic cells, solar energy can be transformed into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy has no production costs.

But there are some drawbacks to solar energy. For instance, solar energy can be harnessed for various activities only during the day when there is sufficient sunlight available. When compared to conventional power plants with the same capacity, the cost of installing solar energy panels is very high, and the amount of energy produced here is very low. However, as science and technology advance, we can harness solar energy and use it as our primary energy source.

500 Words Essay On Solar Energy

Life on earth is impossible without the sun and the energy it generates. Humans are no different from other organisms on this planet in that we are entirely dependent on the sun's energy, also known as solar energy; this dependence dates back to the beginning of time.

Solar Energy

We have the privilege of using solar energy as long as the sun is shining because it is a renewable power source. It is utilised by photosynthetic organisms like plants and some bacteria as "producers," who then supply food to other organisms at all levels of the food chain, known as "consumers." Reptiles and other cold-blooded animals run on solar energy daily. Humans have utilised it for many purposes, such as cooking and drying, and in the present day, we are using it to produce electricity.

Thermal radiation and light energy are provided by solar energy as well. These two energies are equally crucial.

The Earth is surrounded by solar radiation, which causes the oceans (which cover 71% of the planet) to evaporate due to the heat radiation. The vapour then circulates in a process known as the "water cycle," which in turn controls the planet's temperature. Solar energy also melts ice caps and glaciers, releasing potable water into the environment. Since everyone relies on light to keep things moving, the use of light is inexplicable.

There are several benefits and drawbacks to using solar energy.

Advantages of Solar Energy

Solar energy is completely free to use and requires no work to produce.

Solar energy applications can be used to generate electricity in rural and remote areas where conventional electricity is difficult to come by.

The harnessing and production of this clean energy have no adverse effects on the environment.

We have an endless supply of this energy as long as the sun continues to shine. It is entirely renewable. This is a short time compared to fossil fuel, which lasts for only 20 to 30 years.

Solar energy can charge calculators and solar cell batteries in large quantities.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Although it is free to produce, the machinery needed to harness it is quite expensive.

The maintenance and labour charges are costly for the installations.

For the installations to even produce enough energy, a very large area is needed.

Compared to traditional energy sources like fossil fuels, the amount of energy that has been harnessed is minimal.

Solar energy can be harnessed for various purposes during the day, when there is a lot of sunlight available.

My Experience With Solar Energy

I recently went to a science fair where I saw various solar energy projects, such as photoreceptive power cells, solar water heaters, and solar cookers, that produced electricity and used other types of solar energy. I realised there that solar energy has a broad range of applications, is made at a very low cost per individual, and protects our environment from pollution. It was also a good idea to encourage my village to use solar water heaters and panels. And finally, to promote clean energy, we must all move forward with the same concept.

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Importance and potential

Thermal energy.

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Solar panels

What is solar energy?

How is solar energy collected.

Dr. Maria Telkes, September 4, 1956.

solar energy

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Solar panels

Solar energy is the radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, or generating electricity. The total amount of solar energy received on Earth is vastly more than the world's current and anticipated energy requirements. If suitably harnessed, solar energy has the potential to satisfy all future energy needs.

What are the common uses of solar energy?

Solar energy is commonly used for solar water heaters and house heating. The heat from solar ponds enables the production of chemicals, food, textiles, warm greenhouses, swimming pools, and livestock buildings. Cooking and providing a power source for electronic devices can also be achieved by using solar energy.

The most common devices used to collect solar energy and convert it to thermal energy are flat-plate collectors. Another method of thermal energy conversion is found in solar ponds, which are bodies of salt water designed to collect and store solar energy. Solar radiation may also be converted directly into electricity by solar cells, or photovoltaic cells, or harnessed to cook food in specially designed solar ovens, which typically concentrate sunlight from over a wide area to a central point.

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solar energy , radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat , causing chemical reactions , or generating electricity . The total amount of solar energy incident on Earth is vastly in excess of the world’s current and anticipated energy requirements. If suitably harnessed, this highly diffused source has the potential to satisfy all future energy needs. In the 21st century solar energy has become increasingly attractive as a renewable energy source because of its inexhaustible supply and its nonpolluting character, in stark contrast to the finite fossil fuels coal , petroleum , and natural gas . See also solar power .

  • Geothermal power
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  • Solar power
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advantages of solar power essay

The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source, and sunlight is by far the largest source of energy received by Earth , but its intensity at Earth’s surface is actually quite low . This is essentially because of the enormous radial spreading of radiation from the distant Sun. A relatively minor additional loss is due to Earth’s atmosphere and clouds , which absorb or scatter as much as 54 percent of the incoming sunlight. The sunlight that reaches the ground consists of nearly 50 percent visible light , 45 percent infrared radiation , and smaller amounts of ultraviolet and other forms of electromagnetic radiation .

advantages of solar power essay

Solar energy drives and affects countless natural processes on Earth. For example, photosynthesis by plants , algae , and cyanobacteria relies on energy from the Sun, and it is nearly impossible to overstate the importance of that process in the maintenance of life on Earth. If photosynthesis ceased , there would soon be little food or other organic matter on Earth. Most organisms would disappear, and in time Earth’s atmosphere would become nearly devoid of gaseous oxygen . Solar energy is also essential for the evaporation of water in the water cycle , land and water temperatures, and the formation of wind , all of which are major factors in the climate patterns that shape life on Earth.

advantages of solar power essay

The potential for solar energy to be harnessed as solar power is enormous, since about 200,000 times the world’s total daily electric-generating capacity is received by Earth every day in the form of solar energy. Unfortunately, though solar energy itself is free, the high cost of its collection, conversion, and storage still limits its exploitation in many places. Solar radiation can be converted either into thermal energy (heat) or into electrical energy , though the former is easier to accomplish.

Electric power lines against sunset (grid, power, wires, electrical, electricity)

Solar energy has long been used directly as a source of thermal energy. Beginning in the 20th century, technological advances have increased the number of uses and applications of the Sun’s thermal energy and opened the doors for the generation of solar power.

The transition to renewable energy explained by Phil the Fixer

Among the most common devices used to capture solar energy and convert it to thermal energy are flat-plate collectors , which are used for solar heating applications. Because the intensity of solar radiation at Earth’s surface is so low, these collectors must be large in area. Even in sunny parts of the world’s temperate regions, for instance, a collector must have a surface area of about 40 square meters (430 square feet) to gather enough energy to serve the energy needs of one person.

advantages of solar power essay

The most widely used flat-plate collectors consist of a blackened metal plate, covered with one or two sheets of glass, that is heated by the sunlight falling on it. This heat is then transferred to air or water , called carrier fluids, that flow past the back of the plate. The heat may be used directly, or it may be transferred to another medium for storage. Flat-plate collectors are commonly used for solar water heaters and house heating. The storage of heat for use at night or on cloudy days is commonly accomplished by using insulated tanks to store the water heated during sunny periods. Such a system can supply a home with hot water drawn from the storage tank, or, with the warmed water flowing through tubes in floors and ceilings, it can provide space heating. Flat-plate collectors typically heat carrier fluids to temperatures ranging from 66 to 93 °C (150 to 200 °F). The efficiency of such collectors (i.e., the proportion of the energy received that they convert into usable energy) ranges from 20 to 80 percent, depending on the design of the collector.

advantages of solar power essay

Another method of thermal energy conversion is found in solar ponds, which are bodies of salt water designed to collect and store solar energy. The heat extracted from such ponds enables the production of chemicals, food, textiles, and other industrial products and can also be used to warm greenhouses , swimming pools, and livestock buildings. Solar ponds are sometimes used to produce electricity through the use of the organic Rankine cycle engine, a relatively efficient and economical means of solar energy conversion , which is especially useful in remote locations. Solar ponds are fairly expensive to install and maintain and are generally limited to warm rural areas.

advantages of solar power essay

On a smaller scale, the Sun’s energy can also be harnessed to cook food in specially designed solar ovens . Solar ovens typically concentrate sunlight from over a wide area to a central point, where a black-surfaced vessel converts the sunlight into heat. The ovens are typically portable and require no other fuel inputs.


Solar Power 101: Advantages & Disadvantages

Solar Power 101: Advantages & Disadvantages

Solar power is the conversion of the sun's energy into electricity. With an estimated 173,000 terawatts of solar energy continuously hitting Earth's surface (1), there is more than enough energy to meet the world's current consumption levels of 15 terawatts per year (2). The trick, though, is collecting it.

Solar Power Technology

Solar energy is primarily collected in one of two ways: photovoltaic solar cells and solar thermal.

A photovoltaic cell is basically a semi-conductor connected to two electrical contacts. Photons from the sun are absorbed into the semi-conductor (usually a silicon alloy) and knock loose a few electrons. The electrons then travel through the semi-conductor creating an electrical current (3).

Solar thermal is a system of giant mirrors that reflect and concentrate the sun's rays to heat a fluid, which produces steam to power a turbine that creates electricity (4).

Both methods require a large amount of sunlight. Under optimal conditions, this solar radiation, or insolation, directly strikes a solar panel without any interference. In practice, the amount of solar radiation varies depending on the latitude, time of day and season (which affect the angle of the sun); and atmospheric conditions like clouds, water vapor, and pollution (which scatter the light) (5). This is why dry areas in the mid latitudes of the globe tend to have the greatest solar potential, as seen below.

Solar Energy

The same premise holds true for the United States. The Southwest has the highest solar potential because of its dry climate and low latitude.

Solar Resource

Solar Power Pros & Cons

Solar power is a renewable source of energy that can be gathered practically anywhere in the world.

Solar power plants don't produce any air, water, or noise pollution and doesn't emit any greenhouse gases (6) Large-scale power plants can disturb local plant and wildlife due to their size, but compared to fossil fuels, still have a lower environmental footprint. Solar power plants also have less safety risks than fossil fuel plants. Once built, solar power plants have extremely low operating costs, since their major input, sunlight, is free.

There are, however, several major disadvantages that historically have kept solar power from becoming a major supplier of energy. Solar panels can't collect solar energy at night and the amount they collect during the day varies based on the season and time of day.

Solar panels aren't very good at converting sunlight to electricity - most solar panels have at best a 20% efficiency rate (7) And their costs are high. For a homeowner wishing to install solar panels on their house in the U.S, the average cost for a typical system is around $20,000 (8) For power plants, solar photovoltaic costs 11 cents per kilowatt hour. Compare this to a conventional coal plant (9 cents per kilowatt hour) and natural gas (6 cents per kilowatt hour) (9).

Costs, though, are plummeting. In 2010, the cost was 21 cents per kilowatt hour, nearly double what it is today (10). In countries such as Germany, Italy, and Spain, the cost of solar power has reached grid parity, having fallen to the same price as purchasing it from the electrical grid (11).

Solar Capacity

Germany has been a leader in solar energy for many years and still retains the top spot for total installed capacity, with 35 gigawatts. According to the International Energy Agency's 2013 figures , here are the top ten countries for total installed solar capacity.

  • Germany 35 GW
  • China 18 GW
  • Italy 17 GW
  • Japan 13 GW
  • France 4 GW
  • Australia 3 GW
  • Belgium 3 GW

Most of this capacity has been built with the last five years. This partially explains why energy from solar power is still miniscule compared to other power sources. In the U.S., less than 1% of our energy comes from solar power (7). Italy, which has the highest percentage of power from solar energy, still only gets about 8%. These percentages are certain to rise as more solar capacity is added. China alone intends to install 13 GW of solar power capacity in 2014 (8).

Future Outlook for Solar Energy

In order for solar power to make further gains, the efficiency of solar cells will have to go up, and the price of solar cells will have to go down. The EIA expects nearly 100% increases in solar capacity in the U.S. between now and 2015. This will likely lead to a drop in prices as increased demand stimulates greater production. Meanwhile, there is a wide variety of research focusing on improving solar cell design and working with new materials to make solar cells cheaper and more efficient.

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(1) http://energy.gov/articles/top-6-things-you-didnt-know-about-solar-energy http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2011/energy-scale-part3-1026

(2) http://books.google.com/books?id=d_2xs3xqSIMC&pg=PA90&lpg=PA90&dq=173000+terawatts+solar+energy&source=bl&ots=Ktbwza6MYF&sig=Qr9ObG9d_qvjBkDwX-KXPNhkXyI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=EekMVKfTPNHyigKkwIGIAg&ved=0CJABEOgBMAk#v=onepage&q=173000%20terawatts%20solar%20energy&f=false


(3) http://www.eia.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=solar_home-basics http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-does-solar-power-work/

(4) http://www.eia.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=solar_home-basics

(5) http://www.eia.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=solar_home-basics http://exploringgreentechnology.com/solar-energy/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-solar-energy/ http://cleantechnica.com/2013/10/08/advantages-disadvantages-solar-power/

(6) http://www.wholesalesolar.com/solar-cost.html http://cleantechnica.com/2014/09/04/solar-panel-cost-trends-10-charts/

(7) http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/electricity_generation.cfm http://energy.gov/articles/progress-report-advancing-solar-energy-across-america http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2014/04/24/solar-is-booming-but-will-never-replace-coal/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_electricity_by_source

(8) http://energy.gov/articles/progress-report-advancing-solar-energy-across-america

(9) http://www.fastcoexist.com/3028653/solar-power-is-now-as-cheap-as-grid-electricity-in-these-european-countries http://www.theclimategroup.org/what-we-do/news-and-blogs/solar-energy-achieves-grid-parity-in-germany-italy-and-spain/ http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/2335504/commercial-solar-hits-grid-parity-in-germany-italy-and-spain

(10) http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=427&t=3

(11) http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2014/08/china-installs-equivalent-of-australias-total-solar-capacity-in-six-months

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Essay On Solar Energy

500 words essay on  solar energy.

Solar energy refers to the energy which the sunlight contains in the form of photons. It is not possible for life on earth to exist without solar energy .  All kinds of microorganisms and single-celled organisms came into existence with solar energy’s help. Plants have been using this energy ever since the beginning. Thus, through essay on solar energy, we will study about it in detail.

essay on solar energy

Methods of Using Solar Energy

We can trap solar energy in a lot of ways. One of the most efficient ways to do this is by using solar power plants. The design of these power plants is such that it helps to produce electricity on a larger level.

Other appliances which work on solar energy are solar cookers, solar heaters and solar cells. The solar cookers are said to be the most innovative methods of cooking nowadays. It is a great alternative to conventional fuels like gas, kerosene and wood .

These cookers are eco-friendly and also inexpensive means of cooking. Further, we have solar heaters which help to heat water using solar energy. Thus, it does not require electricity to heat water.

Finally, we have solar cells. They operate by directly converting solar light into electricity. In areas where supply from power grid is less available, solar cells are quite popular.

Similarly, a lot of calculators, wrist watch and other similar systems operate with this technology. The electricity which solar panels produce also stores in rechargeable solar batteries.

Advantages of Solar Energy

A major advantage of solar energy is that it is a renewable source. Thus, it will be available to use as long as the Sun is present. In other words, for another 5 billion years. As a result, everyone can use it abundantly.

Further, using solar energy can assist in reducing our electricity bills. When we use this energy, we will become less dependent on non-renewable sources of energy like petroleum and coal .

Moreover, we can utilize solar energy for a lot of purposes. One can produce electricity as well as heat. We use this energy in regions where we won’t require an electricity grid. Another advantage is that it is a clean fuel.

Using this energy will not result in pollution and thus, it won’t harm the environment. As a result, air pollution will significantly decrease. Both the government and individuals must try to promote and incorporate this energy in our daily lives.

This way, it can become the future of our world. It will make the world a greener and cleaner place as well. So, we must all try to switch to solar energy to make the world a better place.

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Conclusion of Essay On Solar Energy

Solar energy is the future of our upcoming generation. It is safe and a greener and economical alternative. Moreover, it can be replenished so it serves as a renewable source of energy. As a result, it does not cause pollution . Thus, we must try to use solar energy more and more to save our planet earth.

FAQ on Essay On Solar Energy

Question 1: What is the importance of solar energy?

Answer 1: Solar energy is the power from the sun. It is a vast, inexhaustible, and clean resource. We can use this energy directly to heat and light homes and businesses. Similarly, we can also produce electricity, and heat water, solar cooling, and a variety of other commercial and industrial uses.

Question 2: Is solar energy renewable energy?

Answer 2: Yes, solar energy is a renewable energy. Thus, we can use it as much as we want and benefit from it in ways more than one.

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Solar Energy: An Overview

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Solar Energy: Benefits and Drawbacks

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Katrina Ávila Munichiello is an experienced editor, writer, fact-checker, and proofreader with more than fourteen years of experience working with print and online publications.

advantages of solar power essay

With the growing threat of climate change due to the excessive release of carbon emissions, many nations are looking to clean energy alternatives to replace traditional fossil fuels .

Of all the clean energy alternatives, solar has arguably been the most expensive though prices have been declining. However, after considering the pros and cons along with the expectation that prices will continue to decline , the future of solar energy is looking rather bright.  

The pros of solar energy include that it is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and has a low impact on the environment and the potential for any country to produce it. The cons are that it only produces energy when the sun is shining, needs a significant amount of land, and that certain solar technologies require rare materials.

Key Takeaways

  • Solar energy is becoming an increasingly cost-competitive alternative to fossil fuels.
  • Solar energy is a sustainable energy source, has a low environmental impact, and promotes energy independence.
  • On the other hand, it is limited by how long the sun is out, may cause a scarcity of materials, and contains hazardous materials similar to electronics.
  • Pricey disadvantages of solar energy may be rendered negligible by technological advances that increase efficiency and storage capacity.
  • Increasing the incentives for the development of solar energy may be worthwhile.


The advantage of solar energy is that it is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. While fossil fuels have an expiration date that may be fast approaching, the sun is likely to be around for at least a few billion years.

Low Environmental Impact

Solar energy has a substantially reduced impact on the environment compared to fossil fuels. Its greenhouse gas emissions are inconsequential as the technology does not require any fuel combustion. Also, although concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP) are comparatively inefficient in their water usage depending on the type of technology being used, the right technology significantly increases efficiency while photovoltaic (PV) solar cells do not require any water when generating electricity.  

Solar energy technology is becoming an increasingly cost-competitive alternative to fossil fuels, though it remains somewhat expensive in certain markets.

Energy Independence

Since the sun shines across the globe, it makes every country a potential energy producer, thus allowing for greater energy independence and security. Solar energy doesn’t only promise to bring security and independence at the national level; solar panels can be installed on individual homes, providing power that does not depend on being connected to a larger electrical grid.


One of the biggest problems that solar energy technology poses is that energy is only generated while the sun is shining. That means nighttime and overcast days can interrupt the supply. The shortage created by this interruption would not be a problem if there were low-cost ways of storing energy as extremely sunny periods can actually generate excess capacity. As the global capacity for solar power continues to rise, nations like Japan and other global leaders in solar energy technology are focusing on developing adequate energy storage to deal with this issue.

Another concern is that solar energy may take up a significant amount of land and cause land degradation or habitat loss for wildlife. While solar PV systems can be fixed to already existing structures, larger utility-scale PV systems may require up to 3.5 to 10 acres per megawatt and CSP facilities require anywhere from 4 to 16.5 acres per megawatt. However, the impact can be reduced by placing facilities in low-quality areas or along existing transportation and transmission corridors.

Scarcity of Materials

Certain solar technologies require rare materials in their production. This, however, is primarily a problem for PV technology rather than CSP technology. Also, it is not so much a lack of known reserves as much as it is the inability of current production to meet future demand: Many of the rare materials are byproducts of other processes rather than the focus of targeted mining efforts. Recycling PV material and advances in nanotechnology that increase solar-cell efficiency could both help boost supply , but perhaps finding material substitutes that exist in greater abundance could play a role.

An Environmental Downside

The one environmental downside to solar technology is that it contains many of the same hazardous materials as electronics. As solar becomes a more popular energy source, the problem of disposing the hazardous waste becomes an additional challenge. However, assuming the challenge of proper disposal is met, the reduced greenhouse gas emissions that solar energy offers make it an attractive alternative to fossil fuels.

Lower impact on environment

Helps countries become more energy independent


Occupies large amount of land

Technology not yet widely available

Can still create some harm to environment

The approximate number of terawatts of solar energy that shine on the Earth each day—10,000 times the daily global energy use.

The largest solar energy plant in the entire world is located in Rajasthan, India. The Bhadla Solar Park, which was completed in April 2020, boasts some impressive statistics. The plant occupies 10,000 acres and has an installed capacity of 2,245 megawatts. The total investment in the project is estimated to be around $1.4 billion.

The largest solar park in the United States is known as the Solar Star park near Rosamond, California. The power station consists of two separate installations named Solar Star-1 and Solar Star-2, with respective capacities of 314MW and 265MW. Like the plant in India, the location was selected due to its large exposure to the sun and minimal rain.

Both wind and solar energy are two of the fastest-growing sources of renewable energy . Both energy sources help to cut down pollution and offer alternatives to fossil fuels, however, there are notable differences between the two.

The turbines that power wind energy are less harmful to the environment than solar panels. Furthermore, they produce more electricity than solar panels and can be installed offshore. Unlike solar, wind energy can be harnessed both day and night. However, wind is an unpredictable energy source. Turbines are also quite noisy, and, like solar panels, require a lot of land space thus don't make sense for densely populated areas.

Ultimately, solar panels are the more powerful and predictable source of energy. They require less space, are less noisy, and can be installed on rooftops, etc. in densely populated areas.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Solar Energy for Your Home?

Using solar energy for your home will save you money, increase your home value, help you become energy independent, and will decrease your carbon footprint. However, the large solar panels may alienate potential buyers. Furthermore, some HOA agreements may not allow you to install solar panels on your home.

Do Solar Panels Increase Your Property Taxes?

Because installing solar panels increase the value of your home, they can also increase your property taxes. However, many states offer exemptions for residents. Check your county clerk's website for the most accurate, up-to-date information.

Can You Still Have a High Electric Bill With Solar Panels?

In nearly every case, installing solar panels will lower your monthly electric bill.

Are There Tax Benefits for Solar Panels?

Yes. The federal solar investment tax credit, enacted in 2006, provides a 26% tax credit for solar panels installed on residential and commercial properties.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. " Annual Technology Baseline Electricity Data Overview ."

Solar Energy Industries Association. " Water Use Management ."

Union of Concerned Scientists. " Environmental Impacts of Solar Power ."

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. " Land Use by System Technology ."

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. " Shining Brightly ."

NS Energy. " Bhadla Solar Park, Rajasthan ."

NS Energy. " Solar Start Projects, California ."

SEIA. " Solar Investment Tax Credit ."

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Solar Learning Center > The Pros and Cons of Rooftop Solar in 2024 > 5 Advantages of Solar Energy Solar Learning Center > -->

5 Advantages of Solar Energy

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By Sam Wigness | Jan 19, 2023

With technology improving and costs falling, the advantages of solar energy are becoming more apparent by the day.

What was once a luxury item that only wealthy homeowners could afford is now a cost-cutting measure that average homeowners can’t afford NOT to consider. But the benefits of going solar reach beyond energy savings and touch everything from home value to the long-term health of the global ecosystem.

The five main advantages of solar energy are:

Energy savings

Versatility, environmental benefits.

  • Increased home value
  • Long performance warranties

Let’s dive to the biggest advantage for most homeowners: energy savings.

As we mentioned above, solar panels are no longer a luxury item – they’re a reliable long-term investment and a hedge against rising energy costs.

As of October 2022, the average price of grid electricity was 16.7 cents per kilowatt hour – up 16% from the year before – while the average cost of solar electricity was around 7 cents per kilowatt hour for systems purchased through solar.com.

The primary advantage of solar energy is that it freezes your energy costs at a low rate for 25+ years , effectively shielding you from energy price increases. Here’s how buying a solar system compares to paying for grid electricity looks for the average American household:

Advantages of solar energy

Yes, solar requires a sizeable upfront investment, unless you choose to finance with a solar loan . However, solar systems typically pay for themselves several times over and can yield over $100,000 in energy savings over their warrantied life.

Calculate how much you could save by going solar.

The second advantage of solar energy is its versatility. While you probably picture solar panels in sunny places like Florida and California, rooftop solar can provide clean energy and utility bill savings in almost every corner of the US.

That’s right, solar even works in rainy Seattle, where electricity is cheap and it’s overcast more than 200 days per year.

There’s a few things at play here. First, solar panels can use both direct and indirect sunlight. So even if it’s cloudy, panels can still produce electricity. Second, using net metering or battery storage, you can bank excess solar production from sunny days to offset the times your panels aren’t producing.

That also means that solar is suitable for urban, suburban, and rural installations. If you live in a city or a suburb, you can pair solar panels with net metering to offset your electricity bill. If you’re rural or off-grid, you can pair solar panels with battery storage to create your own miniature utility.

Solar can also be installed on a variety of roof types or standalone configurations. The one thing to look out for is shading. If you have tall trees or building surrounding your home, solar may not be the ideal investment.

Related reading: The Pros and Cons of Going Solar

It’s hard to overstate the environmental advantages of solar energy and how crucial it is to both curbing and preparing for the effects of climate change.

In terms of curbing climate change, solar is a renewable energy source with a fraction of the emissions of natural gas or coal. In fact, the small amount of emissions required to manufacture a solar panel are offset within its first two years of production . That leaves 2-3 decades of emission-free energy production.

Rooftop solar is especially eco-friendly because it requires no additional land use. Other forms of energy – like fracking, coal mining, hydroelectric, wind, and large-scale solar – disrupt natural ecosystems. Rooftop solar, on the other hand, does not.

There are also local benefits to rooftop solar. By producing clean energy, you are reducing your local utility’s reliance on fossil fuels and thereby reducing local carbon emissions that contribute to poor health outcomes like childhood asthma .

Increase home value

In addition to energy savings, solar panels offer a second form of return on investment in increased home value.

Studies by Zillow and the Berkeley Lab both concluded that solar panels increase home values – the only question is by how much. Zillow put the figure at 4.1% of the existing home value, while Berkeley Lab found it was around $4,000 per kW of solar capacity installed.

The advantage to homeowners is they can recoup the cost of going solar even if they move. And, if they take advantage of the 30% federal solar tax credit , the panels could provide more home value than the net cost of buying them.

Better yet, 34 states plus the District of Columbia have property tax exemptions for solar equipment. In many instances, that means you don’t have to pay tax on the additional value solar equipment adds to your home.

advantages of solar energy

Long, warrantied lifespan

Another advantage of solar energy that strengthens every other point on this list is the long, warrantied lifespan of today’s solar panels.

Modern solar panels typically have a 25-year manufacturer’s performance guarantee that ensures the panels maintain a certain level of output – typically 85% – throughout their warrantied life. That’s far longer than the warranty on a car, furnace, laptop, or almost anything else you can buy.

Solar panels have such long warranties because they essentially have no moving parts. And it’s important to note that solar panels don’t die or retire at the end of the warranty – they can continue producing electricity for much longer, albeit at a lower rate each year.

This long performance guarantee sets solar panels apart from other types of investments. Can you imagine a stock broker guaranteeing your portfolio will perform at a certain level for a quarter of a century?

The bottom line: Home solar has many advantages

Perhaps the biggest advantage of solar energy is that it’s got a little something for everyone.

  • Want to reduce your energy costs for 25 years? Go solar.
  • Want to reduce your carbon footprint? Go solar.
  • Living off-grid and need an energy source? You guessed it: Go solar.

The advantages of solar energy are only compounding as the technology continues to improve and the price of electricity continues its steep climb.

Start your solar journey with multiple quotes from our network of trusted installers.

The Pros and Cons of Rooftop Solar in 2024

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Pros and cons of solar panels: They're usually worth it

The pros generally outweigh the cons when it comes to solar energy, but that doesn't mean it's perfect for everyone.

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For most homeowners, going solar is a no-brainer. It lowers your electric bills and reduces your carbon footprint. It will often boost your home value and can protect you from blackouts when you pair solar panels with an energy storage system. If you finance your solar panel installation with a zero-down loan, you can even start saving right away. 

But like most things in life, solar energy isn't perfect. If your roof faces north or it's angled too steeply, you probably shouldn't get solar panels. If you're about to move, you likely won't save enough to fully recover the upfront costs. And because solar panels require sunlight, they don't work at night.

Before you take the plunge, we'll help you decide if solar is worth it for your home.

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Key Takeaways

Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone , but that's okay. Like any other home electrification product, solar panels provide clear benefits to homeowners needing energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction.

The pros of solar outweigh the cons in most situations . For most solar shoppers, savings on energy bills make solar worth it.

Solar panels can add home value and protect against rising energy costs .

Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Whether you want to raise your home value, reduce your carbon footprint, or combat rising electricity costs, going solar is a great choice. A solar panel system provides energy independence and will often pay for itself in electricity bill savings. Incentives like the federal tax credit also help reduce your up-front cost and increase your return on investment.

On the other hand, solar energy doesn't work for every roof, it's not ideal if you're about to move, the upfront cost can be expensive, and finding a local installer can sometimes be difficult.

Here are the primary pros and cons of solar energy you should weigh before deciding if it's right for you:

Top pros and cons of solar energy

The advantages of solar energy: Why solar's worth it for most homeowners

You can reap many benefits by installing a solar panel system at your home or business:

1. Solar drastically reduces, or even eliminates your electric bills

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty straightforward. When you install solar panels at your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility, and reduce your monthly electricity bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25- to 35-year lifespan, meaning you can cut your electricity costs for decades by going solar.

Most homeowners will save $25,000 to over $110,000 over 25 years with solar.

2. Solar often increases your home value

Many homeowners are interested in solar panels but don't understand how they will impact their homes. Recent studies indicate that installing a solar system can increase your home's value by about 4% . Even if you're not in your forever home, you could earn back your solar panel investment and then some when you sell your house. Whether you've been there for years or just moved into a new home, installing solar is a good investment for most homeowners.

3. Solar reduces carbon emissions

When you go solar, you lower your contribution to climate change. Solar is a renewable source of clean energy that helps reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, solar energy doesn't directly release pollutants into the atmosphere and water supply. Even compared to nuclear energy, solar comes out on top in terms of environmental impact.

4. Solar protects against rising energy costs

As long as you buy, rather than lease, your solar panel system, you'll lock in electricity costs for the next 25+ years. Once you recover the initial cost of your system in bill savings, you'll generate your own electricity for free. With the federal solar tax credit , you'll also get back 30% of your equipment and installation costs as a credit toward your federal tax bill.

5. SRECs: You can sometimes earn money with solar

In some states, solar panels can turn a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system. Solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) compensate you for the electricity that your solar panel system generates. If you live in a state where this incentive applies, you can expect both immediate and long-term returns from your solar investment.

6. Solar works well in most environments

Some alternative energy, like wind and hydroelectric power, need wide open spaces with ample wind changes and large water sources. Solar is a source of energy that can work in almost every environment. While output is lower on cloudy days or in climates without as much regular sun exposure, solar panels still make sense in most climates.

7. Net metering: Your utility "buys" excess solar power

Depending on where you live, you could be eligible for a solar incentive called net metering . With net metering, you can use the electric grid to "store" excess energy that your solar panel system produces. As you send this energy to the grid, your utility company will net it against any electricity you pull from the grid at night or when the sun isn't shining. Essentially, you get to "sell" this excess energy to your utility company in exchange for reduced utility bills. You get more energy independence without going completely off-grid.

8. Solar panels typically require very little maintenance

As long as you choose a quality solar company to properly install your solar panels, they should require very little maintenance compared to other forms of energy production. With no moving parts, your panels might only need an occasional cleaning after snow or inclement weather.

Disadvantages of solar energy: Things to double-check before going solar

Solar isn't perfect. You'll want to understand solar's disadvantages before deciding if it's right for you:

1. Solar panels don't work for every roof

If you have a south-facing roof sloped between 15 to 40 degrees, you're in great shape for solar. Even with an east- or west-facing roof, or one that's flat , solar's likely still worth it. If you can only install solar panels on the north side of your roof, we don't recommend it.

Similarly, solar works well with asphalt shingle or metal roofs. But certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes, such as slate or cedar tiles, can be challenging for solar installers to work with. Some homes have skylights or rooftop additions like roof decks, which can also make installing solar too expensive or difficult.

If your home doesn't qualify for a rooftop solar installation, you still have options. If you have enough open space, you can install ground-mounted solar panels , or if your state has open projects, you can subscribe to a local community solar farm .

2. Solar isn't ideal if you're about to move

It takes time to break even on a solar panel system: The average solar panel payback period in the U.S. is around eight years. Even though going solar will likely increase your home's value, if you plan to move in the next three years or so, it's probably not worth it.

3. If your electricity costs are low, your solar savings will be too

The ultimate benefit of solar energy is that it saves you money every month. If you live in a state like Louisiana, though, where the cost of electricity is often 30% lower than the national average , it will take a long time to save with solar. On the other hand, installing a solar panel system in Hawaii makes a lot of sense: Electricity costs more than double the national average!

4. If you can't access financing, up-front solar costs can be intimidating

Your upfront cost of solar depends on tax credits, rebates, and the terms of your financing. If you don't qualify for a zero-down solar loan , the disadvantage of solar energy here is clear: Not everyone has the cash to purchase solar upfront.

Several solar financing options can help, such as state-backed loan programs, leases , and power purchase agreements . To understand what solar will cost you, get a quick estimate of the average cost of solar in your state or even a personalized estimate for your home .

5. Solar panels don't work at night

Solar panels require sunlight to produce energy. At night or during inclement weather, you'll need to pull electricity from the grid. If you live in a state with net metering, this isn't a big deal. But if your utility won't compensate you for the excess electricity you send to the grid, you'll need a battery for solar to be worth it.

By pairing your solar energy system with energy storage , you can store excess electricity in your battery. At night, you can pull electricity directly from your battery instead of the grid. While batteries increase the cost of your system quite a bit, they're well worth it in states like California that don't have net metering.

6. Solar panels are sometimes made with toxic materials

Solar panels are made up of silicon solar cells, a metal frame, and a glass sheet . But depending on the brand and model, they can also contain toxic heavy metals like lead and cadmium. While some solar panel manufacturers are starting to phase out these heavy metals, the EPA considers most old solar panels hazardous, so you need to dispose of them properly.

If sustainable solar panels are important to you, make sure to let your installer know so they only include models without heavy metals in your quotes. These panels may cost a bit more, but they are better for the environment.

7. Finding quality solar installers can seem difficult

Many homeowners associate solar panels with pushy door-to-door solar sales reps. Solar is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, and plenty of companies use aggressive sales tactics. As a result, shopping for solar can feel stressful and confusing.

Today, there are easier ways to shop for solar that put you in control. The EnergySage Marketplace is a free online comparison-shopping platform that allows you to compare solar quotes from vetted installers in your area.

So are solar panels worth it?

Going solar is worth it for most homeowners with eligible properties. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions and saves you considerable money on your electric bills.

As you consider investing in solar energy, though, make sure to weigh the pros and cons as they relate to your home, geography and climate, and unique needs. If your roof isn't a good fit, you plan to move soon, or your electricity costs are already low, you may want to hold off on installing solar panels.

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Solar Energy Pros And Cons: What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages?

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Solar Energy Pros And Cons: What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages?

Table of Contents

What is solar energy, pros and cons of solar energy, advantages of solar energy, disadvantages of solar energy, how sustainable is solar energy, who should use solar energy, is solar energy worth the cost, future outlook for solar energy, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Solar technology’s recent prevalence has seen both large organizations and individual consumers choose to integrate solar power into commercial facilities and homes nearly everywhere. Solar power’s renewable, eco-friendly supply of energy isn’t the only factor to consider when deciding to transition your household to a solar system, though. While the best solar companies simplify the solar panel installation process, it is still a lengthy, complex process with many factors and variables to consider.

If you’re thinking about offsetting both your environmental impact and power bill by adding solar power to your home or business, our guide on solar energy’s pros and cons can help you decide if it’ll be a sustainable option for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Some of the solar energy pros are: renewable energy, reduced electric bill, energy independence, increased home resale value, long term savings, low maintenance.
  • Some of the cons of solar energy are: the cost of adding solar, depends on sunlight, space constraints, solar energy storage is expensive, installation can be difficult and environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing panels.
  • Solar panels last 25 to 30 years.

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Solar energy is electrical or thermal energy harvested from sunlight. Solar panels contain photovoltaic (PV) cells made up of semiconductor materials (such as silicon) to absorb elemental particles from the sun called photons. When absorbed by the panel, the photons release electrons from the atoms of the semiconductor material and the flow of these electrons within the cell creates an electric current we can direct to our circuits.

Solar panels can be placed anywhere with an abundance of sunlight, such as open fields or rooftops. The more light the panels sit exposed to, the more electricity production potential.

The sun’s constant barrage of energy in the form of photons can be collected, transformed and used to power our world—but for you, the question may be more about cost-effectiveness. Is solar efficient enough to power your home or business? Below are the pros and cons of this process and what solar’s availability and cost mean for consumers.

For the average consumer, there are many pros and cons of using solar energy in your home or business. Whether your concerns are with saving money on your bills, helping the environment, or becoming energy-independent, here’s a list of advantages and disadvantages that should be of concern to you.

1. It doesn't work for every roof
2. It can improve your home value2. It might not be worth it if you're moving soon
3. It reduces your carbon emissions3. Low electric bills mean low savings
4. It protects against rising electricity costs4. It can cost a lot upfront
5. You can sometimes earn money5. It won't work at night
6. It works in most environments6. Solar panels can contain toxic metals
7. You might be able to "sell" excess energy to your utility company7. It can seem challenging to find the right installer
8. It usually doesn't require much maintenance
Advantages of Solar Energy Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Renewable Energy Source

Fossil fuel remains a resource in declining supply that, when burned to create energy, releases harmful byproducts into our atmosphere. Solar power has the potential to help us minimize our use of fossil fuels and the impact we have on the environment.

Reduces Electric Bill

Solar energy can help most consumers power their homes as an alternative or supplement to purchasing electricity from a grid. With power prices on the rise, consumers stand to save a considerable amount on monthly power bills by switching to solar.

Energy Independence

A home reliant entirely on solar power features the capacity to function entirely off-grid, especially when supplemented with a solar battery system to maintain power during non-daylight hours. These battery systems can also turn solar systems into emergency backups during power outages.

Solar Panels Increase Home Values

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory , every dollar a solar panel saves you on your electrical bills increases the value of your home by $20 . Also , homes with solar panels sell for four percent higher than those without them. If a home has solar panels, its owners will be saving money in the long run, increasing its appeal and value.

Long-Term Savings

The start-up costs for a solar system represent a significant expense, but the costs are usually mitigated by savings on the electric bill. Consumers can often break even on the investment—usually within six to 10 years—and then start reaping the benefits well before the system needs replacement or considerable maintenance.

Low-Maintenance Costs

Once installed, a solar system requires little maintenance as long as it remains unaffected by environmental factors. If panels are kept clean and free of debris, they should continue to function without any additional action by the consumer for many years. 

Regarding maintenance, professional service for your panels can cost between $140 to $180 , while an annual inspection or cleaning can cost about $150 . However, solar panel warranties typically cover them with performance guarantees.

Benefits the Community

A process known as net metering allows consumers to sell excess electricity their panels produce back to the utility company, further reducing utility bills. This often reduces a community’s reliance on fossil fuels, as well.

Diverse Uses

Solar energy is extremely versatile, and can provide power not only to our homes and appliances but to places where channeling power from a grid is impractical or impossible, such as remote, off-grid regions, satellites and boats.

Rising Power Prices

The price of electricity has been on the rise for the past ten years and remains unlikely to decrease in the near future. Solar power can help the consumer keep bills low and with net metering, many consumers can even sell extra energy back to the utility company to turn rising electricity prices to their advantage.

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High Cost of Solar Panels

Despite decreases in the cost of solar panels over the past ten years, a complete solar installation still requires significant investment. On average, a consumer can expect to pay around $18,000 on a complete solar setup for a home before accounting for any incentives and the federal solar tax credit .

Sunlight Dependent

Without sunlight, a system reliant on solar energy cannot produce power. This can pose a problem for consumers in areas with less-than-ideal levels of sun exposure or poor weather. Solar batteries to store excess energy can help mitigate this issue and even under constant-clouds the best solar panels will still remain cost and energy efficient enough to be worth the installation.

Installation Can Be Difficult

Although most of the components in installing solar panels are relatively simple, if you’re not a fan of being on a roof or not comfortable working with electricity, solar panel installation can be complicated. For instance, tying the panel wiring into the home can be complex for the average DIYer and should be left to the professionals.

Space Constraints

Solar panels and the associated wiring take up space. Depending on the number of solar panels needed , finding enough space with adequate exposure can be difficult, especially in less-spacious residential areas.

Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive

Since solar batteries store the excess energy generated by your solar panels, they are essential to your solar panel system. However, they can be costly depending on the type and size of the battery. For instance, a single lead-acid battery can cost between  $200 and $800 , while a   residential lithium-ion solar system can cost  $7,000 to $14,000 .

Environmental Impact of Manufacturing

The production of solar technology has its environmental downsides, as the mining of materials and manufacturing of solar panels creates a considerable amount of greenhouse gas. The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy issued a report revealing that solar panels pay for themselves in terms of greenhouse gas emissions within one to four years of use, so while certainly still a downside, much of the issue can be mitigated.

Difficulty With Relocation

Uninstalling a solar system and moving it can be difficult, time-consuming and expensive, so the semi-permanence of the structures means panels are not often something you’ll take with you from house to house. They’re often best considered an investment in the structure or property they’re added to.

Scarcity of Materials

Sunlight may be unlimited, but the materials required to manufacture solar technology are not. The availability of the raw materials required to produce solar products may not be sufficient to meet future demand and the options for mining these materials can have a significant environmental impact.

Disposal or Recycling Options

Solar technology contains some of the same environmentally-harmful substances in many consumer and industrial electronics, so proper disposal is critical. At present, recycling options for solar panels remain limited.

Solar energy certainly remains more sustainable than fossil fuels, which are limited in supply and release harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere when burned. The limiting factor in the sustainability of solar energy overall primarily comes from a scarcity in the raw materials required to produce solar technology, the greenhouse gasses emitted during manufacturing, and the impact of panel disposal on the environment.

The use of solar power in lieu of grid power, however, offsets the emissions and carbon footprint of production within four years of use. Additionally, solar panels are ultimately recyclable, as they’re made from glass, metal and silicon. At present, we lack adequate infrastructure to collect and facilitate the recycling process on a large scale.

Free, No-commitment Estimates

Typically, yes, solar energy is worth the cost . But whether or not it’s right for you depends on many variables you’ll need to investigate for yourself, including your location, tax rebates and incentives and net metering availability among others. While pros of solar energy significantly outweigh cons, the feasibility of a solar venture will vary based on the consumer’s financial means, living situation and space constraints.

Bottom Line

The pros of solar energy considerably outweigh the cons. It may take several years, but purchasing and installing a solar system can eventually result in major savings on electricity for the consumer in addition to benefits for our environment.

The sun is a powerful force, one of Earth’s most reliable and plentiful energy sources. As a result, solar energy is experiencing a remarkable surge in growth, and it is expected to remain a prominent player in the energy landscape for the foreseeable future.

In the past few years, solar power has been steadily increasing in popularity, which is expected to continue. This exponential growth is driven by several key factors, including the reduction in the cost of solar panels, which has made harnessing the sun’s power more affordable than ever. Additionally, advancements in solar technology have increased its efficiency, making solar energy systems even more attractive to both residential and commercial owners. This combination of cost-effectiveness and efficiency will certainly drive the continued adoption of solar energy across the United States.

What are the advantages of solar panels?

Aside from significantly reducing your electricity bill, there are certainly a few advantages to installing solar panels, such as reducing your carbon footprint, preparing your home for grid outages and improving the value of your home.

How long do solar panels last?

The average solar panel should maintain peak performance for about 25-30 years. After this time a solar panel can still produce electricity but may experience a decline in efficiency and energy production.

Do solar panels work in the rain?

Yes, solar panels will continue to work in the rain, but production may not be as high as on sunny days. Solar panels can still produce at least 30 to 50% of maximum output during cloudy weather and about 10-20% of maximum output if it’s raining heavily. The use of solar batteries can provide backup power during rainy days for those relying completely on solar.

Do solar panels work in the winter?

Yes, solar panels will continue to work in the winter. Cold weather itself will not impact the efficiency of solar panels, but other factors such as accumulated snowfall and shorter days can decrease the amount of energy produced by the panels throughout the day.

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Introduction, 1 installed capacity and application of solar energy worldwide, 2 the role of solar energy in sustainable development, 3 the perspective of solar energy, 4 conclusions, conflict of interest statement.

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Solar energy technology and its roles in sustainable development

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Ali O M Maka, Jamal M Alabid, Solar energy technology and its roles in sustainable development, Clean Energy , Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2022, Pages 476–483, https://doi.org/10.1093/ce/zkac023

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Solar energy is environmentally friendly technology, a great energy supply and one of the most significant renewable and green energy sources. It plays a substantial role in achieving sustainable development energy solutions. Therefore, the massive amount of solar energy attainable daily makes it a very attractive resource for generating electricity. Both technologies, applications of concentrated solar power or solar photovoltaics, are always under continuous development to fulfil our energy needs. Hence, a large installed capacity of solar energy applications worldwide, in the same context, supports the energy sector and meets the employment market to gain sufficient development. This paper highlights solar energy applications and their role in sustainable development and considers renewable energy’s overall employment potential. Thus, it provides insights and analysis on solar energy sustainability, including environmental and economic development. Furthermore, it has identified the contributions of solar energy applications in sustainable development by providing energy needs, creating jobs opportunities and enhancing environmental protection. Finally, the perspective of solar energy technology is drawn up in the application of the energy sector and affords a vision of future development in this domain.


With reference to the recommendations of the UN, the Climate Change Conference, COP26, was held in Glasgow , UK, in 2021. They reached an agreement through the representatives of the 197 countries, where they concurred to move towards reducing dependency on coal and fossil-fuel sources. Furthermore, the conference stated ‘the various opportunities for governments to prioritize health and equity in the international climate movement and sustainable development agenda’. Also, one of the testaments is the necessity to ‘create energy systems that protect and improve climate and health’ [ 1 , 2 ].

The Paris Climate Accords is a worldwide agreement on climate change signed in 2015, which addressed the mitigation of climate change, adaptation and finance. Consequently, the representatives of 196 countries concurred to decrease their greenhouse gas emissions [ 3 ]. The Paris Agreement is essential for present and future generations to attain a more secure and stable environment. In essence, the Paris Agreement has been about safeguarding people from such an uncertain and progressively dangerous environment and ensuring everyone can have the right to live in a healthy, pollutant-free environment without the negative impacts of climate change [ 3 , 4 ].

In recent decades, there has been an increase in demand for cleaner energy resources. Based on that, decision-makers of all countries have drawn up plans that depend on renewable sources through a long-term strategy. Thus, such plans reduce the reliance of dependence on traditional energy sources and substitute traditional energy sources with alternative energy technology. As a result, the global community is starting to shift towards utilizing sustainable energy sources and reducing dependence on traditional fossil fuels as a source of energy [ 5 , 6 ].

In 2015, the UN adopted the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and recognized them as international legislation, which demands a global effort to end poverty, safeguard the environment and guarantee that by 2030, humanity lives in prosperity and peace. Consequently, progress needs to be balanced among economic, social and environmental sustainability models [ 7 ].

Many national and international regulations have been established to control the gas emissions and pollutants that impact the environment [ 8 ]. However, the negative effects of increased carbon in the atmosphere have grown in the last 10 years. Production and use of fossil fuels emit methane (CH 4 ), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO), which are the most significant contributors to environmental emissions on our planet. Additionally, coal and oil, including gasoline, coal, oil and methane, are commonly used in energy for transport or for generating electricity. Therefore, burning these fossil fuel s is deemed the largest emitter when used for electricity generation, transport, etc. However, these energy resources are considered depleted energy sources being consumed to an unsustainable degree [ 9–11 ].

Energy is an essential need for the existence and growth of human communities. Consequently, the need for energy has increased gradually as human civilization has progressed. Additionally, in the past few decades, the rapid rise of the world’s population and its reliance on technological developments have increased energy demands. Furthermore, green technology sources play an important role in sustainably providing energy supplies, especially in mitigating climate change [ 5 , 6 , 8 ].

Currently, fossil fuels remain dominant and will continue to be the primary source of large-scale energy for the foreseeable future; however, renewable energy should play a vital role in the future of global energy. The global energy system is undergoing a movement towards more sustainable sources of energy [ 12 , 13 ].

Power generation by fossil-fuel resources has peaked, whilst solar energy is predicted to be at the vanguard of energy generation in the near future. Moreover, it is predicted that by 2050, the generation of solar energy will have increased to 48% due to economic and industrial growth [ 13 , 14 ].

In recent years, it has become increasingly obvious that the globe must decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, ideally towards net zero, if we are to fulfil the Paris Agreement’s goal to reduce global temperature increases [ 3 , 4 ]. The net-zero emissions complement the scenario of sustainable development assessment by 2050. According to the agreed scenario of sustainable development, many industrialized economies must achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. However, the net-zero emissions 2050 brought the first detailed International Energy Agency (IEA) modelling of what strategy will be required over the next 10 years to achieve net-zero carbon emissions worldwide by 2050 [ 15–17 ].

The global statistics of greenhouse gas emissions have been identified; in 2019, there was a 1% decrease in CO 2 emissions from the power industry; that figure dropped by 7% in 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis, thus indicating a drop in coal-fired energy generation that is being squeezed by decreasing energy needs, growth of renewables and the shift away from fossil fuels. As a result, in 2020, the energy industry was expected to generate ~13 Gt CO 2 , representing ~40% of total world energy sector emissions related to CO 2 . The annual electricity generation stepped back to pre-crisis levels by 2021, although due to a changing ‘fuel mix’, the CO 2 emissions in the power sector will grow just a little before remaining roughly steady until 2030 [ 15 ].

Therefore, based on the information mentioned above, the advantages of solar energy technology are a renewable and clean energy source that is plentiful, cheaper costs, less maintenance and environmentally friendly, to name but a few. The significance of this paper is to highlight solar energy applications to ensure sustainable development; thus, it is vital to researchers, engineers and customers alike. The article’s primary aim is to raise public awareness and disseminate the culture of solar energy usage in daily life, since moving forward, it is the best. The scope of this paper is as follows. Section 1 represents a summary of the introduction. Section 2 represents a summary of installed capacity and the application of solar energy worldwide. Section 3 presents the role of solar energy in the sustainable development and employment of renewable energy. Section 4 represents the perspective of solar energy. Finally, Section 5 outlines the conclusions and recommendations for future work.

1.1 Installed capacity of solar energy

The history of solar energy can be traced back to the seventh century when mirrors with solar power were used. In 1893, the photovoltaic (PV) effect was discovered; after many decades, scientists developed this technology for electricity generation [ 18 ]. Based on that, after many years of research and development from scientists worldwide, solar energy technology is classified into two key applications: solar thermal and solar PV.

PV systems convert the Sun’s energy into electricity by utilizing solar panels. These PV devices have quickly become the cheapest option for new electricity generation in numerous world locations due to their ubiquitous deployment. For example, during the period from 2010 to 2018, the cost of generating electricity by solar PV plants decreased by 77%. However, solar PV installed capacity progress expanded 100-fold between 2005 and 2018. Consequently, solar PV has emerged as a key component in the low-carbon sustainable energy system required to provide access to affordable and dependable electricity, assisting in fulfilling the Paris climate agreement and in achieving the 2030 SDG targets [ 19 ].

The installed capacity of solar energy worldwide has been rapidly increased to meet energy demands. The installed capacity of PV technology from 2010 to 2020 increased from 40 334 to 709 674 MW, whereas the installed capacity of concentrated solar power (CSP) applications, which was 1266 MW in 2010, after 10 years had increased to 6479 MW. Therefore, solar PV technology has more deployed installations than CSP applications. So, the stand-alone solar PV and large-scale grid-connected PV plants are widely used worldwide and used in space applications. Fig. 1 represents the installation of solar energy worldwide.

Installation capacity of solar energy worldwide [20].

Installation capacity of solar energy worldwide [ 20 ].

1.2 Application of solar energy

Energy can be obtained directly from the Sun—so-called solar energy. Globally, there has been growth in solar energy applications, as it can be used to generate electricity, desalinate water and generate heat, etc. The taxonomy of applications of solar energy is as follows: (i) PVs and (ii) CSP. Fig. 2 details the taxonomy of solar energy applications.

The taxonomy of solar energy applications.

The taxonomy of solar energy applications.

Solar cells are devices that convert sunlight directly into electricity; typical semiconductor materials are utilized to form a PV solar cell device. These materials’ characteristics are based on atoms with four electrons in their outer orbit or shell. Semiconductor materials are from the periodic table’s group ‘IV’ or a mixture of groups ‘IV’ and ‘II’, the latter known as ‘II–VI’ semiconductors [ 21 ]. Additionally, a periodic table mixture of elements from groups ‘III’ and ‘V’ can create ‘III–V’ materials [ 22 ].

PV devices, sometimes called solar cells, are electronic devices that convert sunlight into electrical power. PVs are also one of the rapidly growing renewable-energy technologies of today. It is therefore anticipated to play a significant role in the long-term world electricity-generating mixture moving forward.

Solar PV systems can be incorporated to supply electricity on a commercial level or installed in smaller clusters for mini-grids or individual usage. Utilizing PV modules to power mini-grids is a great way to offer electricity to those who do not live close to power-transmission lines, especially in developing countries with abundant solar energy resources. In the most recent decade, the cost of producing PV modules has dropped drastically, giving them not only accessibility but sometimes making them the least expensive energy form. PV arrays have a 30-year lifetime and come in various shades based on the type of material utilized in their production.

The most typical method for solar PV desalination technology that is used for desalinating sea or salty water is electrodialysis (ED). Therefore, solar PV modules are directly connected to the desalination process. This technique employs the direct-current electricity to remove salt from the sea or salty water.

The technology of PV–thermal (PV–T) comprises conventional solar PV modules coupled with a thermal collector mounted on the rear side of the PV module to pre-heat domestic hot water. Accordingly, this enables a larger portion of the incident solar energy on the collector to be converted into beneficial electrical and thermal energy.

A zero-energy building is a building that is designed for zero net energy emissions and emits no carbon dioxide. Building-integrated PV (BIPV) technology is coupled with solar energy sources and devices in buildings that are utilized to supply energy needs. Thus, building-integrated PVs utilizing thermal energy (BIPV/T) incorporate creative technologies such as solar cooling [ 23 ].

A PV water-pumping system is typically used to pump water in rural, isolated and desert areas. The system consists of PV modules to power a water pump to the location of water need. The water-pumping rate depends on many factors such as pumping head, solar intensity, etc.

A PV-powered cathodic protection (CP) system is designed to supply a CP system to control the corrosion of a metal surface. This technique is based on the impressive current acquired from PV solar energy systems and is utilized for burying pipelines, tanks, concrete structures, etc.

Concentrated PV (CPV) technology uses either the refractive or the reflective concentrators to increase sunlight to PV cells [ 24 , 25 ]. High-efficiency solar cells are usually used, consisting of many layers of semiconductor materials that stack on top of each other. This technology has an efficiency of >47%. In addition, the devices produce electricity and the heat can be used for other purposes [ 26 , 27 ].

For CSP systems, the solar rays are concentrated using mirrors in this application. These rays will heat a fluid, resulting in steam used to power a turbine and generate electricity. Large-scale power stations employ CSP to generate electricity. A field of mirrors typically redirect rays to a tall thin tower in a CSP power station. Thus, numerous large flat heliostats (mirrors) are used to track the Sun and concentrate its light onto a receiver in power tower systems, sometimes known as central receivers. The hot fluid could be utilized right away to produce steam or stored for later usage. Another of the great benefits of a CSP power station is that it may be built with molten salts to store heat and generate electricity outside of daylight hours.

Mirrored dishes are used in dish engine systems to focus and concentrate sunlight onto a receiver. The dish assembly tracks the Sun’s movement to capture as much solar energy as possible. The engine includes thin tubes that work outside the four-piston cylinders and it opens into the cylinders containing hydrogen or helium gas. The pistons are driven by the expanding gas. Finally, the pistons drive an electric generator by turning a crankshaft.

A further water-treatment technique, using reverse osmosis, depends on the solar-thermal and using solar concentrated power through the parabolic trough technique. The desalination employs CSP technology that utilizes hybrid integration and thermal storage allows continuous operation and is a cost-effective solution. Solar thermal can be used for domestic purposes such as a dryer. In some countries or societies, the so-called food dehydration is traditionally used to preserve some food materials such as meats, fruits and vegetables.

Sustainable energy development is defined as the development of the energy sector in terms of energy generating, distributing and utilizing that are based on sustainability rules [ 28 ]. Energy systems will significantly impact the environment in both developed and developing countries. Consequently, the global sustainable energy system must optimize efficiency and reduce emissions [ 29 ].

The sustainable development scenario is built based on the economic perspective. It also examines what activities will be required to meet shared long-term climate benefits, clean air and energy access targets. The short-term details are based on the IEA’s sustainable recovery strategy, which aims to promote economies and employment through developing a cleaner and more reliable energy infrastructure [ 15 ]. In addition, sustainable development includes utilizing renewable-energy applications, smart-grid technologies, energy security, and energy pricing, and having a sound energy policy [ 29 ].

The demand-side response can help meet the flexibility requirements in electricity systems by moving demand over time. As a result, the integration of renewable technologies for helping facilitate the peak demand is reduced, system stability is maintained, and total costs and CO 2 emissions are reduced. The demand-side response is currently used mostly in Europe and North America, where it is primarily aimed at huge commercial and industrial electricity customers [ 15 ].

International standards are an essential component of high-quality infrastructure. Establishing legislative convergence, increasing competition and supporting innovation will allow participants to take part in a global world PV market [ 30 ]. Numerous additional countries might benefit from more actively engaging in developing global solar PV standards. The leading countries in solar PV manufacturing and deployment have embraced global standards for PV systems and highly contributed to clean-energy development. Additional assistance and capacity-building to enhance quality infrastructure in developing economies might also help support wider implementation and compliance with international solar PV standards. Thus, support can bring legal requirements and frameworks into consistency and give additional impetus for the trade of secure and high-quality solar PV products [ 19 ].

Continuous trade-led dissemination of solar PV and other renewable technologies will strengthen the national infrastructure. For instance, off-grid solar energy alternatives, such as stand-alone systems and mini-grids, could be easily deployed to assist healthcare facilities in improving their degree of services and powering portable testing sites and vaccination coolers. In addition to helping in the immediate medical crisis, trade-led solar PV adoption could aid in the improving economy from the COVID-19 outbreak, not least by providing jobs in the renewable-energy sector, which are estimated to reach >40 million by 2050 [ 19 ].

The framework for energy sustainability development, by the application of solar energy, is one way to achieve that goal. With the large availability of solar energy resources for PV and CSP energy applications, we can move towards energy sustainability. Fig. 3 illustrates plans for solar energy sustainability.

Framework for solar energy applications in energy sustainability.

Framework for solar energy applications in energy sustainability.

The environmental consideration of such applications, including an aspect of the environmental conditions, operating conditions, etc., have been assessed. It is clean, friendly to the environment and also energy-saving. Moreover, this technology has no removable parts, low maintenance procedures and longevity.

Economic and social development are considered by offering job opportunities to the community and providing cheaper energy options. It can also improve people’s income; in turn, living standards will be enhanced. Therefore, energy is paramount, considered to be the most vital element of human life, society’s progress and economic development.

As efforts are made to increase the energy transition towards sustainable energy systems, it is anticipated that the next decade will see a continued booming of solar energy and all clean-energy technology. Scholars worldwide consider research and innovation to be substantial drivers to enhance the potency of such solar application technology.

2.1 Employment from renewable energy

The employment market has also boomed with the deployment of renewable-energy technology. Renewable-energy technology applications have created >12 million jobs worldwide. The solar PV application came as the pioneer, which created >3 million jobs. At the same time, while the solar thermal applications (solar heating and cooling) created >819 000 jobs, the CSP attained >31 000 jobs [ 20 ].

According to the reports, although top markets such as the USA, the EU and China had the highest investment in renewables jobs, other Asian countries have emerged as players in the solar PV panel manufacturers’ industry [ 31 ].

Solar energy employment has offered more employment than other renewable sources. For example, in the developing countries, there was a growth in employment chances in solar applications that powered ‘micro-enterprises’. Hence, it has been significant in eliminating poverty, which is considered the key goal of sustainable energy development. Therefore, solar energy plays a critical part in fulfilling the sustainability targets for a better plant and environment [ 31 , 32 ]. Fig. 4 illustrates distributions of world renewable-energy employment.

World renewable-energy employment [20].

World renewable-energy employment [ 20 ].

The world distribution of PV jobs is disseminated across the continents as follows. There was 70% employment in PV applications available in Asia, while 10% is available in North America, 10% available in South America and 10% availability in Europe. Table 1 details the top 10 countries that have relevant jobs in Asia, North America, South America and Europe.

List of the top 10 countries that created jobs in solar PV applications [ 19 , 33 ]

ContinentCountryPrevalent jobs (millions of jobs)
North AmericaUnited States0.240
AsiaViet Nam0.055
South AmericaBrazil0.040
ContinentCountryPrevalent jobs (millions of jobs)
North AmericaUnited States0.240
AsiaViet Nam0.055
South AmericaBrazil0.040

Solar energy investments can meet energy targets and environmental protection by reducing carbon emissions while having no detrimental influence on the country’s development [ 32 , 34 ]. In countries located in the ‘Sunbelt’, there is huge potential for solar energy, where there is a year-round abundance of solar global horizontal irradiation. Consequently, these countries, including the Middle East, Australia, North Africa, China, the USA and Southern Africa, to name a few, have a lot of potential for solar energy technology. The average yearly solar intensity is >2800 kWh/m 2 and the average daily solar intensity is >7.5 kWh/m 2 . Fig. 5 illustrates the optimum areas for global solar irradiation.

World global solar irradiation map [35].

World global solar irradiation map [ 35 ].

The distribution of solar radiation and its intensity are two important factors that influence the efficiency of solar PV technology and these two parameters vary among different countries. Therefore, it is essential to realize that some solar energy is wasted since it is not utilized. On the other hand, solar radiation is abundant in several countries, especially in developing ones, which makes it invaluable [ 36 , 37 ].

Worldwide, the PV industry has benefited recently from globalization, which has allowed huge improvements in economies of scale, while vertical integration has created strong value chains: as manufacturers source materials from an increasing number of suppliers, prices have dropped while quality has been maintained. Furthermore, the worldwide incorporated PV solar device market is growing fast, creating opportunities enabling solar energy firms to benefit from significant government help with underwriting, subsides, beneficial trading licences and training of a competent workforce, while the increased rivalry has reinforced the motivation to continue investing in research and development, both public and private [ 19 , 33 ].

The global outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted ‘cross-border supply chains’ and those investors working in the renewable-energy sector. As a result, more diversity of solar PV supply-chain processes may be required in the future to enhance long-term flexibility versus exogenous shocks [ 19 , 33 ].

It is vital to establish a well-functioning quality infrastructure to expand the distribution of solar PV technologies beyond borders and make it easier for new enterprises to enter solar PV value chains. In addition, a strong quality infrastructure system is a significant instrument for assisting local firms in meeting the demands of trade markets. Furthermore, high-quality infrastructure can help reduce associated risks with the worldwide PV project value chain, such as underperforming, inefficient and failing goods, limiting the development, improvement and export of these technologies. Governments worldwide are, at various levels, creating quality infrastructure, including the usage of metrology i.e. the science of measurement and its application, regulations, testing procedures, accreditation, certification and market monitoring [ 33 , 38 ].

The perspective is based on a continuous process of technological advancement and learning. Its speed is determined by its deployment, which varies depending on the scenario [ 39 , 40 ]. The expense trends support policy preferences for low-carbon energy sources, particularly in increased energy-alteration scenarios. Emerging technologies are introduced and implemented as quickly as they ever have been before in energy history [ 15 , 33 ].

The CSP stations have been in use since the early 1980s and are currently found all over the world. The CSP power stations in the USA currently produce >800 MW of electricity yearly, which is sufficient to power ~500 000 houses. New CSP heat-transfer fluids being developed can function at ~1288 o C, which is greater than existing fluids, to improve the efficiency of CSP systems and, as a result, to lower the cost of energy generated using this technology. Thus, as a result, CSP is considered to have a bright future, with the ability to offer large-scale renewable energy that can supplement and soon replace traditional electricity-production technologies [ 41 ]. The DESERTEC project has drawn out the possibility of CSP in the Sahara Desert regions. When completed, this investment project will have the world’s biggest energy-generation capacity through the CSP plant, which aims to transport energy from North Africa to Europe [ 42 , 43 ].

The costs of manufacturing materials for PV devices have recently decreased, which is predicted to compensate for the requirements and increase the globe’s electricity demand [ 44 ]. Solar energy is a renewable, clean and environmentally friendly source of energy. Therefore, solar PV application techniques should be widely utilized. Although PV technology has always been under development for a variety of purposes, the fact that PV solar cells convert the radiant energy from the Sun directly into electrical power means it can be applied in space and in terrestrial applications [ 38 , 45 ].

In one way or another, the whole renewable-energy sector has a benefit over other energy industries. A long-term energy development plan needs an energy source that is inexhaustible, virtually accessible and simple to gather. The Sun rises over the horizon every day around the globe and leaves behind ~108–1018 kWh of energy; consequently, it is more than humanity will ever require to fulfil its desire for electricity [ 46 ].

The technology that converts solar radiation into electricity is well known and utilizes PV cells, which are already in use worldwide. In addition, various solar PV technologies are available today, including hybrid solar cells, inorganic solar cells and organic solar cells. So far, solar PV devices made from silicon have led the solar market; however, these PVs have certain drawbacks, such as expenditure of material, time-consuming production, etc. It is important to mention here the operational challenges of solar energy in that it does not work at night, has less output in cloudy weather and does not work in sandstorm conditions. PV battery storage is widely used to reduce the challenges to gain high reliability. Therefore, attempts have been made to find alternative materials to address these constraints. Currently, this domination is challenged by the evolution of the emerging generation of solar PV devices based on perovskite, organic and organic/inorganic hybrid materials.

This paper highlights the significance of sustainable energy development. Solar energy would help steady energy prices and give numerous social, environmental and economic benefits. This has been indicated by solar energy’s contribution to achieving sustainable development through meeting energy demands, creating jobs and protecting the environment. Hence, a paramount critical component of long-term sustainability should be investigated. Based on the current condition of fossil-fuel resources, which are deemed to be depleting energy sources, finding an innovative technique to deploy clean-energy technology is both essential and expected. Notwithstanding, solar energy has yet to reach maturity in development, especially CSP technology. Also, with growing developments in PV systems, there has been a huge rise in demand for PV technology applications all over the globe. Further work needs to be undertaken to develop energy sustainably and consider other clean energy resources. Moreover, a comprehensive experimental and validation process for such applications is required to develop cleaner energy sources to decarbonize our planet.

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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Home Essay Samples Environment Solar Energy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy: Illuminating Sustainable Power

Table of contents, advantages of solar energy, disadvantages of solar energy, contributing to a sustainable future, 1. renewable and sustainable, 2. environmentally friendly, 3. low operating costs, 4. energy independence, 1. intermittent availability, 2. high initial costs, 3. land use and aesthetics, 4. energy storage challenges.

  • IEA. (2021). Renewables 2021: Analysis and forecast to 2026. International Energy Agency.
  • Jacobson, M. Z., & Delucchi, M. A. (2011). Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part I: Technologies, energy resources, quantities and areas of infrastructure, and materials. Energy Policy, 39(3), 1154-1169.
  • Koppelaar, R. H. E. M., Weeda, M., Van Sark, W. G. J. H. M., & Lopes, J. P. (2011). Environmental life cycle analysis of a solar PV system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 2675-2689.
  • Pérez-Lombard, L., Ortiz, J., & Pout, C. (2008). A review on buildings energy consumption information. Energy and Buildings, 40(3), 394-398.
  • Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). (2021). Renewables 2021 Global Status Report. REN21 Secretariat.

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The mechanisms of solar energy, the benefits of embracing solar energy, challenges to overcome, looking towards a solar-powered future.

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Essay on Solar Energy

List of essays on solar energy in english, essay on solar energy – essay 1 (250 words), essay on solar energy – essay 2 (300 words), essay on solar energy – essay 3 (400 words), essay on solar energy – essay 4 (500 words), essay on solar energy – uses and methods – essay 5 (750 words), essay on solar energy – essay 6 (750 words), essay on solar energy – advantages and disadvantages – essay 7 (1000 words).

Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is available without any limit and can be used for our need. Over decades and centuries, this type of energy is being used by living beings in one way or another to lead a smooth life.

Sun is the source of solar energy and this energy cannot be destroyed. This non-conventional form of energy does not pollute or affect any other things, which is also the reason to promote the use of solar energy in every field.

Uses of Solar Energy:

Solar energy is being used by the plants to make food through the process photosynthesis. This a natural process where plants along with carbon dioxide, water etc., prepare food using solar energy. This, in turn, will help us in getting healthier and tastier food for consumption. This is the natural way in which solar energy is utilized.

This growing world of technology and development has made the possibility of using this abundant form of energy in different technologically benefitting ways. Initially, the energy from the sun is trapped inside a cell called solar cell and is stored in them for using it as a replacement for electricity and other purposes.

This solar energy in the cell can be used to heat water, as a mode of energy to power up different equipment, etc., which are readily accessible in the market.

An advantage of this form of energy is that it is cost effective to use such products. Even though the initial installation costs are comparably higher, their maintenance and other expenses are very low.

Promoting the use of solar energy in replacement with many other technologies will help in the reduction of pollution as well as the destruction of many other non-renewable energies.

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy gotten from the sun that can be utilized for numerous purposes by humans. We can use solar energy in many different ways in our daily life, like for producing electricity, cooking food, as well as heating water.

Solar energy involves a very simple technique that reduces the expenses of energy consumption in comparison to the other sources of energy. It is available free of cost for all the people on earth.

Benefits of using Solar Energy:

The following are the benefits of using solar energy:

i. Solar energy is obtainable to use without any cost. Although you can buy devices and equipment for producing solar energy through sunrays, still its cost is quite less in comparison to our cost of energy requirements.

ii. Solar energy can be utilized in the remote and rural regions also where it is generally quite costly to set up an electric power grid.

iii. Solar energy might be widely utilized for charging equipment like solar cell batteries and calculators that need very less amount of energy.

iv. Solar energy does not create any type of pollution.

v. It is an unlimited renewable energy’s source that will never end.

Drawbacks of using Solar Energy

The following are the drawbacks of using solar energy:

i. You can use it during the daytime when there is abundant sunlight obtainable.

ii. The expenses of setting up panels and solar cells for producing solar energy are quite high.

iii. The quantity of energy produced in the solar power grid is quite less in comparison to the current power grids.

iv. You need big size land for setting the plants of solar energy for seizing the energy arriving through the sun.

The utilization of solar energy can become a boon to lots of people. However, the high cost of its equipment and devices stop people from using it. The government should take some steps to reduce the cost of solar energy’s equipment so that people can make the best use of it for their benefits.

The Sun is an almost endless source of energy that radiates over the Earth every day. This great heat lamp in the sky can help us gather the solar energy we need to further humanity towards their new goals. The frontier for our use of solar energy has opened up and every day brings a new idea or invention.

Being a student, I get my fair share of information from the faculty professors about the current state of our solar energy consumption and it brings me comfort to know that people have created several new inventions and concepts for the gathering of this endless source of heat and light. Since I am all for the “green revolution” in technology and architecture I will promote some of those concepts in this essay.

Photovoltaic Systems:

The photovoltaic systems for gathering solar energy uses several components in its arrangement. The most notable feature of this system is the solar panel. The panel collects the solar energy and turns it into DC current and then the solar energy converter transforms this into usable AC current. The system is practical and it has appeared on many households and businesses all over the world.

Concentrated Solar Power:

This system is for transforming solar energy into electricity utilizes the heath in sunlight. The system is based around the use of many reflective mirrors that concentrate the solar energy into one beam of light that is then used to power a classical power plant with turbines. This system is implemented in large-scale operations and it is effective in producing vast amounts of electricity like conventional power plants.

Solar Water Heating:

Solar water heating is one of those systems for solar energy collection that has been around for ages. Well, at least as long as we have been using different types of vessel, like black barrels, to heat up the water for every- day use. The new systems have gone through a technological remake and they are successfully utilized in many homes to heat all the water for the household. The solar energy is collected through solar heat transformers that then heat up water in the system.


Solar energy is a blessing from the sky that can help us transform urban life and make more sustainable houses and families. The systems mentioned here are the main principles behind our use of solar energy and they are being worked on and transformed every day so we can use the power of the sun to its full potential.

The energy which we receive from the Sun in the form of heat and light is called solar energy. It is the driver of everything from the Earth’s climate to all forms of life on the Earth. Since the ancient times, we have been using solar energy for our own use. However, the researchers feel that we are yet to optimally use the solar energy.

Use of Solar Energy in Ancient Era:

The ancient people known to have executed the utilization of solar energy on a substantial scale were the Ancient Egyptians, who utilized it to warm their homes. They structured and assembled their homes with the goal that the structures hid away the sun’s warmth amid the day and afterwards discharged it around evening time. Their building procedures kept their homes hotter during the evening, as well as controlled a cooler temperature inside on hot days. Romans and Native Americans both utilized comparable innovations to warm their homes using solar energy, and additionally different sorts of structures like Roman bathhouses.

In the third century B.C., the Greeks left a mark on the world not for utilizing solar energy for local solace, but rather, supposedly, as a weapon of mass destruction. As per the researchers, a Roman maritime power was cruising to remove the Greek bastion of Syracuse. With the assistance of the Archimedes, the inventor, the Greeks are accounted for to have utilized exceptionally cleaned metal shields as mirrors to enhance and centre the beams of the sun and set fire to the propelling boats.

Advantages of Solar Energy:

The major advantage of solar energy is that it is a renewable source. It is available to us as long as the Sun is present which is expected to be for another 5 billion years. Hence it can be used abundantly for the benefit of everyone.

Secondly, the use of solar energy can also help us reduce our electricity bills. Moreover, the use of solar energy can help us reduce our dependency on non-renewable sources of energy such as coal and petroleum. Also, solar energy can be utilized for different purposes. You can produce electricity as well as heat. Solar energy can be utilized to create power in regions without the requirement of an electricity grid. Solar energy can likewise be coordinated into the materials utilized for structures.

Another advantage of solar energy is that it is a clean fuel. Use of solar energy does not cause any pollution and hence it is not harmful to the environment. Use of solar energy can help us reduce air pollution which for India, is a primary concern as on date. Also, India is a country having abundant sunlight all-round the year, hence, tapping of sunlight is not an issue. Of late, there has been an increase in the use of solar energy by the government as well as individuals. Efforts are on to reduce the setup costs of solar plants so as to help people move towards this clean and efficient fuel. Solar energy is the future of the country as it is the only energy which can help us overcome the environmental and energy-related issues our country has been facing since the last few years.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the energy contained in the sunlight in the form of photons. Life on earth is not possible without solar energy. All the microorganisms and single-celled organisms came into existence with the help of solar energy.

Plants have been using solar energy since the beginning. The leaves trap the solar energy and use it in the process of photosynthesis to prepare food. In this way, solar energy plays an essential role in the functioning of the food pyramid.

Solar energy is used by all the organisms, including both plants and animals. And human beings are no exceptions. First of all, the daylight brought in by the solar energy drives away the darkness and helps us finish all the chores easily.

Solar energy produces enough heat to dry out the washed clothes. It keeps us warm in the winters. Solar energy also plays an important role in diminishing the humidity and killing the harmful germs. Morning sunlight is known to strengthen our bones, improve our immunity, and help control many skin ailments.

On a larger level, solar energy has multiple other uses. For instance, concentrated solar power allows us to cook food. By converting the sunlight into accumulated solar energy, we can also produce electricity and charge our electrical devices.

Plus Points of Using Solar Energy:

But why prefer solar power when we have other sources of energy? The reasons are quite convincing actually. To begin with, the sun is a ball of fire. This fire is a result of the fusion reaction. That means, it is not going to burn out for millions of years to come.

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy which keeps getting replenished. So, it is safe to say that, depending on solar power would not deplete the earth of its natural resources. Moreover, using solar energy is an eco-friendly option for all of us, as it doesn’t cause any kind of pollution.

Solar energy offers as a great substitute to the other non-renewable resources, such as coal, wood, mineral oils, fossil fuels, etc. This puts a lesser load on the planet earth in various ways. Non-renewable sources are already getting exhausted at a rapid rate. They also cause pollution and hamper the life of all the living beings.

Most of all, meeting the needs with solar power also costs less. It is a cheaper and economical source of energy when compared to other conventional forms of energy. This is the reason why many developed countries are finally adopting a lifestyle based on solar power.

Methods to Use Solar Energy:

Solar energy can be trapped in several ways. One of the most effective technology is the use of solar power plants. These power plants are specifically designed for the purpose of electricity production on a larger level. Other appliances and technologies that work on solar energy are solar cookers, solar heaters, and solar cells. All these three types of solar appliances would be discussed one by one.

Starting with the solar cookers, these are the most revolutionary methods of cooking nowadays. Instead of using conventional fuels, such as gas, kerosene, or wood, solar cookers plainly work with the help of sunlight. These cookers have a glass lid which captures and concentrates all the sun rays to produce heat and cook food. Solar cookers are eco-friendly and economical means of cooking.

Solar heaters are the appliances that help in heating the water with solar energy. These devices work on the fluid-based technology. That means, either air or an anti-freezing fluid is put into the collector so that the water can be heated without any electricity.

The last and the third form is solar cells. These solar cells directly convert the solar light into electricity. Solar cells are especially popular in the areas where the supply from the power grid is less available. Many calculators, wrist watches, and similar systems work with this technology. Not only that, but the electricity produced by solar panels can also be stored in rechargeable solar batteries.

Solar energy is the future of the next generation. It is a safer, greener, and economical way of living life. It can be replenished and is a renewable source of energy which causes no pollution in the atmosphere. Solar energy also puts less burden on the other forms of non-renewable resources and protects the earth from various types of pollutions. As much as possible, we should all switch to using appliances based on solar power and save our planet earth.


Solar energy can simply be said to be the radiant heat and light that the sun produces and is harnessed through the use of a variety of technologies that are ever-evolving like photovoltaic, solar heating, solar architecture, thermal energy, artificial photosynthesis and power plants of molten salt. Solar energy is one very vital renewable energy source and the technologies of solar energy are widely categorized as either active solar or passive solar based on the manner of capture and distribution of the solar energy and how the solar energy is converted to solar power.

The techniques of active solar include using water heating that is solar, solar power that is concentrated and photovoltaic systems to harness solar energy. The techniques of passive solar include the design of space that will circulate air naturally, selection of materials that have light dispersing or thermal mass properties that are favourable and the orientation of a building towards the sun. Solar energy is a very appealing electricity source because solar energy is readily available in large magnitude. Research has shown that while the total consumption of energy all over the world annually is 559.8 EJ, the potential energy generation of solar energy is 1.575 EJ to 49,837 EJ which is a lot more than what is needed.

Potential of Solar Energy:

The potential of solar energy which can be used is quite different from the quantity of solar energy that is present close to the planet earth’s surface as a result of different factors like time variation, geography, available land and cloud cover, all limit the quantity of energy that can be acquired through solar sources.

The potential of solar energy is affected by geography because all the areas very close to equator get a greater quantity of radiation from the sun. The potential of solar energy can be greatly improved following the sun’s position through using photovoltaic in the areas that are not close to equator.

The potential of solar energy is affected by time variation because there is usually little or no solar radiation during the night on the earth’s surface that the solar panels can absorb. The potential of solar energy is also affected by cloud cover because incoming light can be blocked by clouds preventing it from reaching the earth’s surface from sun and this goes a long way in the reduction of the available light that solar cells can use.

The potential of solar energy is also affected by land availability because we can only set solar panels up for use on the land usually not in use and very suitable for the foxing of solar panels. It has been discovered that very suitable place to fix solar cells are roofs, since a lot of people have come to the realization that they also can directly collect energy from their houses through this means. We can also establish solar plants on areas of land which are not in use for business or other things.

Urban Planning and Architecture:

The design of buildings has been greatly influenced by sunlight ever since architectural history began. Methods of urban planning and solar architecture that is advanced were first used by the Chinese and Greeks; they made the orientation of the buildings they constructed to the south so that warmth and light can be provided.

Features of solar architecture like compact proportion ( ratio of surface area and volume), orientation, thermal mass and selective shading are all tailored to that particular environment and local climate so that spaces that are well can be produced and the building remains in a temperature range that is very comfortable. Ventilation systems, heating and solar lighting are all tied together in the solar design.

In the times of global warming and climate change as a result of the pollution of the atmosphere through the emission of smoke from the burning of fossil fuels, it is very important that alternative sources of energy that are renewable are gotten. Solar energy is one energy source that does not negatively affect the environment and cannot be exhausted.

When we develop solar energy and its technologies that are clean, inexhaustible and affordable, we are bound to enjoy benefits that are huge and long-term. Solar energy can go a very long way in increasing the energy security of a country as a result of reliance on inexhaustible, indigenous and largely non-import resource, reduce pollution, enhance sustainability, lower the prices of fossil fuels and lower the price and cost of curbing global warming. All of these advantages of solar energy are global.

Solar energy is basically energy from the sun and is received on earth and can be transformed into other forms of energy. Solar energy is usually used to generate electric or thermal energy. The sun provides energy that influences the climate on earth and enables the sustenance of all forms of life. It is a natural source of energy and is freely available. Research into solar energy has been done in attempts to discover methods of harvesting energy from the sun and utilizing it. Some forms of energy that are already in use are in existence due to the sun. An example is wind energy, which is derived from the wind yet in nature, wind develops due to the highs and lows in temperature. The sun plays a central role in terms of energy that is being used in the world.

Applications of Solar Energy:

In the modern world, there are important applications of solar energy that are being used. Applications of solar energy are both domestic and industrial. Domestic uses of solar energy do not require harvesting large amount of solar energy compared to the industrial uses. Domestic applications include solar cookers, solar hot water systems and air conditioners whereas industrial applications of solar energy include electricity production.

Solar cooking is one of the applications in which solar energy is harvested and redirected to produce heat energy for cooking purposes. Solar water heaters have become common application that is being used everywhere. Water heating systems have been designed such that they harvest heating energy from the sun. The same principles have been applied in air conditioning, space cooling and heating and in solar vehicles. There has been generation of electricity from solar energy that enables lighting and other functions.

With the constantly growing advancements in technology and industrialization, there will be increased discovery in the applications of solar energy. Solar energy can pretty much be important in everything it is just that we do not know how to apply it.

Solar energy has been used widely across the world and its importance has been realized. Solar energy is inexhaustible and renewable. Solar energy will never get depleted at any point in life and that is why it is an important source of energy in the world. The applications of solar energy continually use energy that is renewable without much struggle.

Solar energy is free of expenses because it is naturally acquired. The only costs incurred are those related to the applications and structuring. However, the cost of these equipment is lower compared to the cost of using other sources of energy.

Solar energy does not cause any form of environmental pollution. The process of generating solar energy does not involve any chemicals or products that may cause the pollution of the environment. It is a clean form of energy and its use promotes environmental cleanliness.

Due to the ease of availability of solar energy, it can be used in both rural and urban areas. In rural areas, people are usually challenged because installation of electricity is a problem but with the use of solar energy, most people have an access to electricity and saves on the cost.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy:

In as much as solar energy is important and advantageous, there are some factors that render it disadvantageous. One of those factors is the limitation to daytime use. Solar energy can only be maximized during the day because the sun shines at daytime. Also, the equipment used to harvest solar energy are expensive and delicate. Thee equipment include panels, solar collectors and solar cells. All these equipment are very delicate and require much care to avoid damaging them because the replacement costs are high.

Solar energy require large spaces to collect enough energy for use in various solar applications. The collection of solar energy has to cover a large area through the use of large solar panels, solar collectors and cells so that more adequate energy can be collected.

Solar energy is dependent on the sun and cannot be deployed where there is minimal sunshine. This means that solar energy is limited to areas with ample amounts of sun energy. During seasons like winter, the use of solar energy is totally impossible and therefore other forms of energy have to be sought.

Solar energy can never be an independent source of energy in the world. It is basically an alternative source of energy upon convenience i.e., during summer, specifically during the day. In your summer house you can opt to use solar energy and then use electricity during the rest of the seasons. For those countries who do not experience seasonal changes in climate, it is very convenient and it can be an independent source of energy for them.

The use of solar energy is specific to devices that do not consume large amounts of current e.g., in calculators.

Solar energy is an important source of energy. Advancements in technology has led to innovations of applications of solar energy that are of great help to human beings. It has been a great era of modern society whereby solar energy has been appreciated through its applications. The uses of solar energy are similar to those of other sources of energy. Everything has its pros and cons and solar energy is no different. The pros of solar energy outweigh the cons and that is why its use has been maintained over the years. However, the limitations of solar energy should not be ignored. These limitations are somehow disrupting the expansion of solar energy use in the world. It is important that solar energy is used widely as a form of energy because of its environmental-friendly characteristic. Other forms of energy especially fuels highly pollute the environment. Not only does saving the environment a priority in using solar energy but also the fact that solar energy is free, renewable and inexhaustible. What a great deal?

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Solar Energy is Becoming more and more popular-IELTS Writing Task-2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Oct 11, 2021


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Solar Energy is Becoming more and more popular-IELTS Writing Task-2

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Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world. Why is this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy?

Advantages/Disadvantages Essay


Paraphrase the topic.

Mention the contents of the following paragraphs.

Body Paragraphs

The advantages of solar energy include zero greenhouse gas emissions, it requires a one-time investment and the subsequent maintenance costs are also low. These are some of the reasons why solar energy is becoming more popular.

The disadvantages of solar energy include a high initial cost and the unavailability of sunlight in many areas.

Summarize the topic.

Sample Essay

There is no doubt that solar power is catching up with its competitors and emerging as a prominent source of sustainable energy as we progress further into the 21st century. The advent of solar energy has compelled many to transition from conventional energy sources in areas where such a changeover is reliable. In the following paragraphs, I will explore the causes of this development and the benefits as well as the drawbacks of this resource.

To begin with, the focal reason for the adoption of solar power is the ongoing crisis of natural resources like oil, gas, etc., which has led to a hike in the prices of the same. However, there are other benefits to using solar power apart from it being a renewable form of energy. Firstly, the absence of greenhouse emissions makes it environmentally suitable. Secondly, it can be seen as a worthwhile investment as the subsequent maintenance costs of solar panels are comparatively inexpensive.

Nonetheless, there are a few intrinsic limitations in the use of solar energy, which are the primary barriers to it becoming a standard form of fuel. First of all, the initial cost of adapting to this approach is quite expensive and unaffordable for many. At the same time, the dependence on sunlight with this alternative is perpetual, thereby making it impractical for regions where sunlight is sparse and unreliable.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the prevalence of solar power is soaring day by day, and it is on its way to becoming a household name worldwide. Although the introduction of this inexhaustible substitute has huge growth potential, there are drawbacks that we are yet to overcome to achieve the same.

Meaning: significant, important Eg: Bhagat Singh was one of the most prominent historical figures.

  • Sustainable

Meaning: conserving an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources Eg: The importance of sustainable development is being felt day by day.

Meaning: arrival, origin Eg: The advent of telephones was a significant event in history.

Meaning: a change from one system or situation to another. Eg: The changeover from handicraft to mechanized manufacture was efficient.

Meaning: main, chief Eg: Poverty and unemployment are the focal challenges for the Indian economy.

Meaning: rise, increase Eg: The hike in crime rates were alarming.

Meaning: beneficial, valuable Eg: The trip to Ladakh was a worthwhile experience.

Meaning: natural, basic Eg: The intrinsic value of a diamond is quite high.

Meaning: scattered, in short supply Eg: This area of town was sparsely populated.

Meaning: the condition of being prevalent Eg: The prevalence of obesity in young adults is concerning.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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LONGi Completed Its First Vertical Installation of All-Black Solar Modules in Japan

The serene snowy landscape of Hokkaido is home to the vertical installation of LONGi’s 2.58 kW Hi-MO X6 All-Black solar modules which seamlessly integrate with the facade of the building and offer consistent power.

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Hokkaido is renowned for its abundant snowfall and prolonged winter season. This long-term snow coverage has greatly affected the power generation efficiency of the rooftop. The ideal installation angle of 38° in Sapporo still succumbs to a 90% reduction in power output during the snowy months from the end of the year to the New Year; even a steeper angle of 75° could result in a 50% loss in power generation.

Moreover, due to local regulations prohibiting rooftop snow removal for safety reasons, traditional rooftop projects in Hokkaido have struggled to achieve the desired returns. However, the vertically installed modules provided by LONGi have adeptly circumvented these issues, offering greater accessibility for operation and maintenance compared to traditional rooftop installations.

Vertical installation boasts advantages over rooftop installation—easy to clean and no dust or snow accumulation risk. However, this raises questions about the suitability of solar modules and architectural design. To achieve efficient power generation while preserving architectural aesthetics, Tomita turned to LONGi.

Hi-MO X6 All-black modules, with HPBC cell technology, present a black visual effect that increases light absorption and improves power generation conversion efficiency.

The All-Black design seamlessly integrates with the building facade, achieving a perfect blend of power generation and modern architectural aesthetics.

Amidst the global transition to green energy, solar power has become an increasingly appreciated solution. LONGi is committed to providing innovative solutions that ensure the high efficiency of solar modules and the fusion of modern architectural aesthetics.

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Numerical studies on the hydrodynamic patterns and energy-saving advantages of fish swimming in vortical flows of an upstream cylinder.

advantages of solar power essay

1. Introduction

2. physical and numerical models, 2.1. problem description, 2.2. numerical model, 2.3. numerical validation, 3. numerical results and discussion, 3.1. effects of the location of the cylinder, 3.1.1. dynamic characteristics.

Click here to enlarge figure

3.1.2. Wake Dynamics

3.2. influences of the cylindrical diameter, 4. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Grid NotationGrid Number
G1250 × 1000.006, 0.0041.490.101
G2375 × 1500.004, 0.002671.660.103
G3562 × 2250.00267, 0.001781.680.103
Test ConditionDiameterGap DistanceStrouhal Number
Case #1--0–1.2
Case #2D/L = 0.2Ls/L = 0.30–1.2
Case #3D/L = 0.2Ls/L = 10–1.2
Case #4D/L = 0.2Ls/L = 20–1.2
Case #5D/L = 0.2Ls/L = 40–1.2
Case #6D/L = 0.4Ls/L = 20–1.2
Case #7D/L = 0.8Ls/L = 20–1.2
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Chang, X.; Ma, B.; Xin, J. Numerical Studies on the Hydrodynamic Patterns and Energy-Saving Advantages of Fish Swimming in Vortical Flows of an Upstream Cylinder. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024 , 12 , 1254. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12081254

Chang X, Ma B, Xin J. Numerical Studies on the Hydrodynamic Patterns and Energy-Saving Advantages of Fish Swimming in Vortical Flows of an Upstream Cylinder. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering . 2024; 12(8):1254. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12081254

Chang, Xing, Bowen Ma, and Jianjian Xin. 2024. "Numerical Studies on the Hydrodynamic Patterns and Energy-Saving Advantages of Fish Swimming in Vortical Flows of an Upstream Cylinder" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12, no. 8: 1254. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12081254

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  2. The Benefits of Solar Energy Essay Example

    advantages of solar power essay

  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

    advantages of solar power essay

  4. Essay on Solar Energy for Students and Children

    advantages of solar power essay

  5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

    advantages of solar power essay

  6. Benefits Solar Panels Essay

    advantages of solar power essay


  1. Essay On Our Solar System #2024 #universe #solarsystem

  2. Advantages of Solar Energy for Business Owners #commercialsolar

  3. Solar Cell || Solar Cell Working Principle & Construction || Advantages & Disadvantages

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  5. Solar System Essay in English || Essay on Solar System in English

  6. ☀️ Maximize Solar Energy Output! ☀️


  1. Solar Energy Essay for Students

    Answer 2: There are many advantages of solar energy. Firstly, it is a renewable source of energy which makes it healthy. Moreover, it also reduces the electricity bills of ours. After that, we can also use it for diverse applications. Further, it also has low maintenance costs.

  2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

    4. Solar Panels Are Getting Cheaper. In the list of the advantages of solar energy, price is an important point. In its World Energy Outlook 2020 report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) confirmed that solar power schemes now offer the cheapest electricity in history.

  3. Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

    One of the advantages of solar energy is its capacity to meet the demands of the whole world. As Figure 1 demonstrates, solar energy is dominating other sources of non-hydro renewable power in terms of capacity. Figure 1. Comparison of non-hydro renewable energy capacities between countries. We will write a custom essay on your topic tailored ...

  4. Essay on Solar Energy: Technological & How Work (2800 Words)

    Solar Thermal Systems: Utilizing the sun's energy, solar thermal systems generate heat that can be utilized for a number of things, including the production of electricity. How it Works: Mirrors or lenses focus sunlight to generate heat, which can be used for space heating, water heating, or power generation.

  5. Solar Energy Essay

    100 Words Essay On Solar Energy. Solar energy is the energy we derive from the sun through heat and light. Its production and use have no detrimental effects on the environment, making it "clean" and "green" energy. In our daily lives, solar energy is used for various purposes, including heating water in considerable reservoirs to conserve ...

  6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

    In conclusion, the use of solar energy presents a range of advantages and disadvantages that are crucial to understanding as we pursue sustainable energy solutions. The benefits of renewable, clean, and abundant solar power include reduced greenhouse gas emissions, cost savings, and energy independence. On the other hand, the initial costs of ...

  7. Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages vs. Other Renewables

    Advantage #3: Help cut your electricity bill and save money. The third advantage of solar energy is that installing solar power panels makes you a producer and reduces the electricity you get from your local utility. That, of course, reduces your electricity bill, but there's a lot more than that.

  8. Solar energy

    The potential for solar energy to be harnessed as solar power is enormous, since about 200,000 times the world's total daily electric-generating capacity is received by Earth every day in the form of solar energy. Unfortunately, though solar energy itself is free, the high cost of its collection, conversion, and storage still limits its ...

  9. Solar Energy Pros and Cons

    Future Outlook for Solar Energy. In order for solar power to make further gains, the efficiency of solar cells will have to go up, and the price of solar cells will have to go down. The EIA expects nearly 100% increases in solar capacity in the U.S. between now and 2015. This will likely lead to a drop in prices as increased demand stimulates ...

  10. Essay on Solar Energy for Students and Children

    Answer 1: Solar energy is the power from the sun. It is a vast, inexhaustible, and clean resource. We can use this energy directly to heat and light homes and businesses. Similarly, we can also produce electricity, and heat water, solar cooling, and a variety of other commercial and industrial uses.

  11. Solar Energy: Benefits and Drawbacks

    The Advantages of Solar Energy ... providing power that does not depend on being connected to a larger electrical grid. ... These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and ...

  12. 5 Advantages of Solar Energy

    The advantages of solar energy are only compounding as the technology continues to improve and the price of electricity continues its steep climb. ... Best and Worst Moments for Solar Power in 2022 With groundbreaking legislation and new milestones, 2022 was a historic year for solar power. And, after tallying the year's triumphs and setbacks ...

  13. Pros and cons of solar panels: They're usually worth it

    1. Solar drastically reduces, or even eliminates your electric bills. The top benefit of solar panels is pretty straightforward. When you install solar panels at your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility, and reduce your monthly electricity bill.

  14. Guide for Students: How to Write a Persuasive Essay on Solar Energy

    The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy; The practicality of solar energy as a predominant energy source; Formulating a Thesis Statement. After gaining a comprehensive understanding of solar energy, construct a precise and compelling thesis statement. It serves as the cornerstone of your essay, and therefore, it needs to be robust.

  15. The Pros and Cons Of Solar Energy (2024 Guide)

    Solar Energy Pros And Cons: What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages? By Chauncey Crail , Corinne Tynan. Contributor, Editor. Fact Checked. Samantha Allen Editor. Updated: Jun 24, 2024, 4:06pm ...

  16. Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Energy

    Below are the advantages and disadvantages of Solar Power: 2. Advantages of Solar power -. (a) The major advantage of solar power is that no pollution is created in the process of generating electricity. Environmentally it the most clean and green energy. Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to ...

  17. Solar energy technology and its roles in sustainable development

    3 The perspective of solar energy. Solar energy investments can meet energy targets and environmental protection by reducing carbon emissions while having no detrimental influence on the country's development [32, 34].In countries located in the 'Sunbelt', there is huge potential for solar energy, where there is a year-round abundance of solar global horizontal irradiation.

  18. Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy ...

    Solar energy, harnessed from the sun's rays, has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels, offering a cleaner and more sustainable source of power.

  19. The Power of Solar Energy: Mechanisms, Benefits, and ...

    Solar energy, derived from the sun's rays, represents a pivotal force in the quest towards sustainable and renewable energy. Unlike fossil fuels, which offer finite resources contributing to environmental degradation, solar power provides a clean, inexhaustible energy source.This essay delves into the essence of solar energy, exploring its mechanisms, benefits, challenges, and the future it ...

  20. Essay on Solar Energy: 7 Selected Essays on Solar Energy

    The quantity of energy produced in the solar power grid is quite less in comparison to the current power grids. iv. You need big size land for setting the plants of solar energy for seizing the energy arriving through the sun. ... Essay on Solar Energy - Advantages and Disadvantages - Essay 7 (1000 Words)

  21. Solar Energy is Becoming more and more popular-IELTS Writing Task-2

    The advantages of solar energy include zero greenhouse gas emissions, it requires a one-time investment and the subsequent maintenance costs are also low. ... Sample Essay. There is no doubt that solar power is catching up with its competitors and emerging as a prominent source of sustainable energy as we progress further into the 21st century.

  22. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power

    This article was written to inform people about solar power. It covers how solar power is produced, can be harvested, how it works, if it is renewable, the advantages and disadvantages of solar power as well as if solar power is feasible in South Africa which is related to my hypothesis. This article is not biased and gives both sides to using ...

  23. Energetic/Economic/Scalability Assessment of Active Solar Energy and

    Optimizing solar-driven multi-generation systems: A cascade heat recovery approach for power, cooling, and freshwater production Chaoyang Zhu Mengxia Wang +5 authors Seyed Saman Ashraf Talesh Engineering, Environmental Science

  24. LONGi Completed Its First Vertical Installation of All-Black Solar

    The serene snowy landscape of Hokkaido is home to the vertical installation of LONGi's 2.58 kW Hi-MO X6 All-Black solar modules which seamlessly integrate with the facade of the building and ...

  25. Tata Power Solar Systems announces strategic partnership with Bank of

    The partnership is a significant milestone with Tata Power Solar becoming the first solar company to collaborate with BOI for both solar and EV Charging Station financing and strengthening its leadership as a green energy solutions provider. ... Standard Glass Lining Tech files IPO papers with Sebi to raise funds. Agreement with Russia is 'deal ...

  26. Research on gradual planning scheme of power grid based on AHP and

    Additional details regarding the size of each power source, the output and load of each node, and the cost per unit length of a single circuit line can be referenced from the provided documentation . Table 2 outlines four progressive planning schemes for grid integration involving wind and solar power. Numbers in parentheses indicate the count ...

  27. JMSE

    Fish in nature can extract the vortex energies from the environment to enhance their swimming performance. This paper numerically investigated the hydrodynamic characteristics and the energy-saving advantages of an undulating fish-like body behind the vortical flows generated by an upstream cylinder. The numerical model was based on a robust ghost cell immersed boundary method for the solution ...