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How to check AIOU assignment marks on the LMS portal

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AIOU Assignment Marks Now Available on LMS

The Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has launched a new feature that will allow students to view their assignment marks directly on the LMS portal of AIOU.

AIOU LMS portal

B.A Assignments Marks Punching on LMS

AIOU has started giving students their assignments marks by 2022. The students will now be able to track their assignment marks through an interface in AIOU LMS 2022.

Enter your username and password

Once you log in to your Allama Iqbal Open University account, you can get your marks.

The marks will be categorized into one of three options – pending, graded, or assigned.

In all cases, you should see a list of assignments for that class and each will show your performance with respect to it.

An email was sent out about how to check AIOU assignment marks by using the LMS portal login AIOU methodically in every user account.

What if you have an issue with your LMS

Log on to your account and click on My Assignments in the top-right corner of your LMS page. In there, you will find an option to enter assignment marks. Enter your assignment’s code and select its department.

Follow with entering its name and submitting it.

Your marks will be updated as soon as possible. Keep in mind that an assignment must have been submitted before you can enter its marks on the LMS portal.

Assignments marks

Students will now be able to view their respective assignments’ marks in the LMS portal.

Students can check how many marks they have obtained out of 100 in each assignment.

This feature has been rolled out for a few courses and will be available for all courses by mid-April 2018.

How to upload assignments marks on LMS

Aiou assignment marks autumn 2022 Allama Iqbal Open university LMS.

It is a significant day for all students of AIOU because now they can check their assignment marks on LMS.

After submission of each assignment, students will be able to see their updated assignments in the mark sheet of their respective subjects.

If you want to know how to upload your assignments marks in. Aiou then read below given steps:

First of all, open the My Courses section and click Assignments.

You will find three options:

View Assignments, Add New Assignments, and Upload Assignments.

Click the Upload Assignments button which is located at the top right corner under the courses menu option.

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Assignment Marks Form (Parat) Download (Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU)

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Assignment Marks Form

How to Download Assignment Marks Form (Parat) in PDF Format:

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The AIOU LMS Learning Management System is now allowing students of the Allama Iqbal Open University to upload Assignments at aaghi.aiou.edu.pk for fall and spring semester programs with the FA, FSC, ICS, BCOM, BED, BA, BSC, MSC, MA classes. But what if you are a student that cannot access the LMS portal?

Or maybe you don’t have access to the internet, or you are looking for a way to submit your assignment offline.

Well, worry no more! This step-by-step guide provides you with the simple method of submitting your AIOU Assignments by sending them to an email address that is already given on the Aaghi LMS Portal .

The Popularity of MOOCs

MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, have become super popular for helping brands grow. One study found that most people become loyal to a brand because their friends, family, or coworkers recommend it. It’s like when your best friend tells you about a cool new game or show – you want to check it out because they loved it!

AIOU’s Awesome Online Courses

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) created online courses to help people learn, no matter where they live. These courses are great for Pakistanis and kids overseas who can’t go to a regular school. It’s the easiest way to reach your goals without any hassle. Imagine learning from your home without having to travel!

Easy Assignment Submissions

To make things even better, AIOU has a super handy online tool for all their students. This tool lets everyone check their educational progress easily. Plus, AIOU has a simple system for submitting assignments online. No more worrying about losing papers or missing deadlines!

AIOU’s Commitment to Education

AIOU’s main goal is to give students the best education possible. That’s why they developed this convenient electronic method. Now, everyone can follow their studies and stay on track easily, making learning fun and accessible for everyone.

After completing work, students may submit it through the AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS using AIOU instructions.

Learn How to Submit AIOU Assignment Submission at Aaghi LMS Portal?

There is another approach to delivering assignments if you don’t know how to type and have handwritten tasks. It’s also a simple process, with just a few more steps. How to submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

  • To begin, go to the AIOU’s official website and sign in using your username and password. Your account will be activated after that.
  • All of the links that were shown on my site will appear, so click them and pick your course. Aaghi portal’s Education Management System Online provides all information regarding the PDF file’s upload.
  • Submit your assignment by following these easy steps: Click the Assignment button, then click Submit My Job. It’s the simplest way to do it; simply follow the directions on your computer or mobile phone screen.
  • The following page will be shown, and you may add your aiou assignment submission by clicking the Add Submissions button.
  • If he continues to do so, you should report him. Then click the add submission button, and a window will appear to him. After that, chase him.
  • You may also see a notification that says “You’re not connected to the Internet. Please connect via WiFi or 3G.” If you click on it, another page will appear, and under the image of another picture below, you can manually check for updates.
  • After that, choose to Upload a File from the menu bar. Please be advised that MS Word and PDF files are acceptable for tasks.
  • Handwritten documents can be sent via scanning with a professional scanner or mobile scanner software, but there’s another issue: this file cannot be larger than 5MB, thus keeping your resolution for photographs as low as possible.
  • The lesson is finished when another page appears and you press the save button to guard the tasks.
  • As a result, you may submit your tasks whether they are written by hand or sent through the computer if you follow the above suggestions.
  • You will see all submitted assignments on your profile page, and find and see the status of your Assignments.

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AIOU Assignment Form (Partat) Download Now 2024

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) provides distance education programs along with face to face programs across the country. Assignment writing is necessary for all students from Martic to Master, they have to fulfill AIOU assignment form before submitting the assignments. Thehe university accepts assignments in hard copies while it’s necessary to upload assignments online in soft form. 

The assignment form in now available online, click here to download your assignment marks form and submit your assignment before the assignment submission last date.

AIOU assignment form, download assignment marks form online

All students must have to fill their AIOU assignment Marks form (Parat) when submitting their assignments. If you are a student in AIOU and having any issue regarding AIOU assignment types, submission etc, this article will provide you comprehensive information about AIOU assignment submission . 

AIOU Assignment Form

Allama Iqbal Open University admissions are closed for spring semester 2024 almost for all programs. Now the university announced assignments submission dates for Matric, FA and other program’s students. When you completely write and design your assignments, you have to fulfil an assignment form which is also called AIOU assignment marks form.

The assignment marks form are now available online, you can download it from here as well as from AIOU official website. Fulfil your assignment form carefully and write your information clearly. 

Keep extra assignment form‘s pages with you, if you made any mistake, you will use the extra one. Don’t fulfil the tutor’s part in the AIOU assignment form.

How to Fulfil AIOU Assignment Form?

Make sure to fulfil your AIOU assignment Marks form carefully and your given information has to show clearly. Clearly write your name, roll no, complete address, course name, course code and assignment number in the right side of the assignment marks form.  

Write tutor’s name , complete address and semester name on the left side of the Assignment marks form. Don’t forget to enter assignment due dates and submission dates and paste your signature on the bottom of AIOU assignment marks form.

All AIOU students are advised that don’t wait for the last dates, write and submit your assignment before the deadline. 

Allama Iqbal Open University assignments submission dates are issued by the university and the assignment marks form are available online. You have to download the AIOU assignment form here or from the AIOU official website. Fulfil the assignment form carefully and submit your assignment on time.

In the above article we explained how to download and fulfil your AIOU  assignment marks form and hope that you will be able to download and fulfil the assignment.

AIOU Contact Info

Address: Sector H-8, Islamabad

Phone: (051) 111-112-468

Email: [email protected] portaiou.edu.pk

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AIOU STUDIO 9: Your Ultimate Destination for Free AIOU Solved Assignments

November 30, 2023 AIOU Leave a comment 27 Views

As the Autumn 2023 semester commences at the Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), students across various programs and disciplines find themselves facing the familiar challenge of assignments. These assignments hold significant weight in determining their final grades, making them a crucial aspect of their academic journey. Fortunately, AIOU STUDIO 9 emerges as a reliable ally. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into how AIOU STUDIO 9, accessible through its user-friendly website at AIOUSTUDIO9.COM, plays a pivotal role in making academic life more manageable and successful for AIOU learners.

AIOU STUDIO 9: Your Ultimate Destination for Free AIOU Solved Assignments


AIOU STUDIO 9 has garnered a reputation as the go-to resource for AIOU students, and for a good reason. Here’s an in-depth look at why STUDIO 9 should be an integral part of every AIOU student’s academic toolkit:

Firstly, Free Solved Assignments:

At AIOU STUDIO 9, you’ll discover an extensive repository of free solved assignments meticulously prepared for the Autumn 2023 semester. These assignments span a wide array of courses and subjects, ensuring that students from diverse academic backgrounds can find the assistance they need. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in business, humanities, or sciences, STUDIO 9 provides comprehensive solutions to help you tackle your assignments with confidence.

Secondly, User-Friendly Website:

Navigating the AIOU STUDIO 9 website at AIOUSTUDIO9.COM is a seamless experience designed with students in mind. The intuitive interface simplifies the process of searching for and downloading solved assignments. With user-friendly navigation, you can quickly access the materials you require, thus saving you valuable time and effort.

Thirdly, Comprehensive Solutions using AIOU Studio 9:

The solved assignments available on AIOU STUDIO 9 are not merely answers but comprehensive solutions. They are meticulously crafted by subject-matter experts who understand the intricacies of AIOU’s curriculum. These solutions serve as invaluable study aids, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the course material and ultimately improve your academic performance.

Moreover, the Time-Saving Advantage:

One of the most significant benefits of utilizing AIOU STUDIO 9 is the time-saving advantage it offers. Instead of spending hours researching and preparing assignments , you can focus your efforts on in-depth learning and gaining a more profound grasp of your coursework. As a result , this time efficiency can be a game-changer, especially for students with busy schedules or work commitments.

Lastly, Setting the Stage for Success:

By incorporating AIOU STUDIO 9’s solved assignments into your academic strategy, you’re setting yourself up for success. Not only do these assignments assist in achieving higher grades, but they also foster a deeper comprehension of the subject matter . With AIOU STUDIO 9, academic excellence becomes attainable and sustainable.

How to Use AIOU STUDIO 9:

Utilizing AIOU STUDIO 9 is straightforward and convenient. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this invaluable resource:

  • First, Visit AIOU STUDIO 9’s Website: Head to the official website at AIOUSTUDIO9.COM.
  • Next, Browse Available Solved Assignments: Explore the vast collection of solved assignments by selecting your program, subject, and semester.
  • Then, Download Relevant Assignments: Once you’ve identified the assignments matching your course codes, download them in a few clicks.
  • Lastly, Use as Reference Materials: Leverage these solved assignments as reference materials to enhance your understanding and complete your own assignments more effectively.


AIOU STUDIO 9 stands as a cornerstone of support for AIOU students embarking on their academic journey in the Autumn 2023 semester. With its dedication to providing free solved assignments, user-friendly website, and an unwavering commitment to academic success , AIOU STUDIO 9 has become an indispensable companion for learners seeking excellence. Bid farewell to the stress of assignment deadlines and welcome a brighter future of improved grades and profound subject knowledge. In conclusion , visit AIOUSTUDIO9.COM today and unlock the door to academic excellence.

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Result Autumn 2023

  • 01. mission
  • 02. promise
  • 03. core values

01. mission

Allama Iqbal Open University, the largest university of Asia in distance education, which primarily focuses on the educational needs of masses by providing quality education at their doorsteps all over the country and by blurring spatial and temporal boundaries. Currently, the university offers unique educational opportunities to a huge proportion of 1 million students in a diverse and dynamic range of programs starting from Matriculation to the PhD level.

02. promise

The University exclusively focuses on enhancing female literacy ratio in the country so that women can perform their vital role in the process of national progress and development. The university takes same special initiatives for the underprivileged and marginalized segments of the society not only for their economic empowerment but also for poverty alleviation in the country.

03. core values

The main objectives of the University as enunciated in the Act are as under:

  • To provide educational facilities to people who cannot leave their homes and jobs in such manner as it may determine.
  • To provide such facilities to the masses for their educational uplift as it may determine.
  • To provide facilities for the training of teachers in such manner as it may determine.

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The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in May, 1974, with the main objectives of providing educational opportunities to masses and to those who cannot leave their homes and jobs. During all these past years, the University has more than fulfilled this promise.


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  23. Home

    03. core values. Allama Iqbal Open University, the largest university of Asia in distance education, which primarily focuses on the educational needs of masses by providing quality education at their doorsteps all over the country and by blurring spatial and temporal boundaries. Currently, the university offers unique educational opportunities ...