
The importance of being true to yourself.

Marissa Håkansson

Being true to yourself is a life-long practice that requires commitment and re-commitment, moment to moment, as you grow and evolve. The answer to what is true for you always exists at the core of who you are, if you give yourself the space and time to listen.

When you are being true to yourself, you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world.

To know your truth fully and express it authentically, you first need to cultivate a deep and trusting relationship with yourself. Ultimately, this begins with awareness of your thoughts, as well as awareness of your whole-body experience and how you interact with the world each day.

You can expand your awareness and strengthen the connection with yourself through introspective practices such as meditation, yoga, and journal writing. These practices help you become more present and establish reference points to identify when you are (or are not) living in alignment with the deeper aspect of yourself. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to self-correct when you are out of alignment.

Understanding when you are in alignment or out of alignment may often be based on an intuitive feeling rather than a thought. Feelings of openness, expansion, inner joy and freedom are good signs that you are on the right path. Conversely, if you are not being true to yourself, it may show up through feelings of contraction and tension, unease, disconnection, resignation, emptiness, discontentment, or a lack of fulfillment.

By learning to pay attention to your deeper senses and feelings, and by cultivating greater awareness in your life, you can establish a strong connection to yourself and feel confident in knowing what is deeply true for you.

But what is true, also yearns to be expressed. So it is up to each of us to be courageous in bringing forth our own truth, expressing it fully and authentically in the world.

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“The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our heads of something that we know in our hearts is a lie.” ~Karen Moning

It’s painful and stressful to feel like you’re living a lie. Like you’re hiding how you really feel, saying what you think other people want to hear, and doing things you don’t actually want to do—just because you think you’re supposed to.

But sometimes we don’t recognize we’re doing this. We just know we feel off, or something feels wrong, and we’re not sure how to change it.

It makes sense that a lot of us struggle with being true to ourselves.

From a young age, we’re taught to be good, fall in line, and avoid making any waves—to lower our voices, do as we’re told, and quit our crying (or they’ll give us something to cry about).

And most of us don’t get the opportunity to foster or follow our curiosity. Instead, we learn all the same things as our peers, at the exact same time ; and we live a life consumed by the mastery of these things, our bodies restless from long hours of seated study and our minds overwhelmed with memorized facts that leave very little room for free thinking.

To make things even worse, we learn to compare our accomplishments and progress—often, at things we don’t even really care about—to those of everyone around us. So we learn it’s more important to appear successful in relation to others than to feel excited or fulfilled within ourselves.

This was my experience both growing up and in my twenties. A people-pleaser who was always looking to prove that I mattered, I was like a chameleon, and I constantly felt paralyzed about which choices to make because all I knew was that they needed to be impressive.

I never knew what I really thought or felt because I was too busy suffocating my mind with fears and numbing my emotions to develop even a modicum of self-awareness.

This meant I had no idea what I needed. I only knew I didn’t feel seen or heard. I felt like no one really knew me. But how could they when I didn’t even know myself?

I know I’ve made a lot of progress with this over the years, and I have a mile-long list of unconventional choices to back that up, as well as a number of authentic, fulfilling relationships. But I’ve recently recognized some areas where I’ve shape-shifted in an attempt to please others, and in some cases, without even realizing it.

I don’t want to be the kind of person who panders to popular opinion or lets other people dictate my choices. I don’t want to waste even one minute trying to be good enough for others instead of doing what feels good to me.

I want to make my own rules, live on my own terms, and be bold, wild, and free.

This means peeling away the layers of fear and conditioning and being true to what I believe is right. But it’s hard to do this, because sometimes those layers are pretty heavy, or so transparent we don’t even realize they’re there.

With this in mind, I decided to create this reminder of what it looks and feels like to be true to myself so I can refer back to it if ever I think I’ve lost my way.

If you also value authenticity and freedom over conformity and approval, perhaps this will be useful to you too.

You know you’re being true to yourself if….

1. You’re honest with yourself about what you think, feel, want, and need.

You understand that you have to be honest with yourself before you can be honest with anyone else. This means you make space in your life to connect with yourself, perhaps through meditation, journaling, or time in nature.

This also means you face the harsh realities you may be tempted to avoid. You’re self-aware when faced with hard choices—like whether or not to leave a relationship that doesn’t feel right—so you can get to the root of your fear.

You might not always do this right away, or easily, but you’re willing to ask yourself the tough questions most of us spend our lives avoiding: Why am I doing this? What am I getting from this? And what would serve me better?

2. You freely share your thoughts and feelings.

Even if you’re afraid of judgment or tempted to lie just to keep the peace, you push yourself to speak up when you have something that needs to be said.

And you refuse to stuff your feelings down just to make other people feel comfortable. You’re willing to risk feeling vulnerable and embarrassed because you know that your feelings are valid , and that sharing them is the key to healing what’s hurting or fixing what isn’t working.

3. You honor your needs and say no to requests that conflict with them.

You know what you need to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally balanced, and you prioritize those things, even if this means saying no to other people.

Sure, you might sometimes make sacrifices, but you understand it’s not selfish to honor your needs and make them a priority.

You also know your needs don’t have to look like anyone else’s. It’s irrelevant to you if someone else can function on four hours of sleep, work around the clock, or pack their schedule with social engagements. You do what’s right for you and take care good care of yourself because you recognize you’re the only one who can.

4. Some people like you, some people don’t, and you’re okay with that.

Though you may wish, at times, you could please everyone—because it feels a lot safer to receive validation than disapproval—you understand that being disliked by some is a natural byproduct of being genuine.

This doesn’t mean you justify being rude and disrespectful because hey, you’re just being yourself! It just means you know you’re not for everyone ; you’d rather be disliked for who you are than liked for who you’re not; and you understand the only way to find “your tribe” is to weed out the ones who belong in someone else’s.

5. You surround yourself with people who respect and support you just as you are.

You understand that the people around you affect you, so you surround yourself with people who respect and support you, which motivates you to continue being true to yourself.

You may have people in your life who don’t do these things, but if you do, you understand their issues with you are just that— their issues. And you set boundaries with them so that they don’t get in your head and convince you there’s something wrong with you or your choices.

6. You focus more on your own values than what society deems acceptable.

You’ve read the script for a socially acceptable life—climb the corporate ladder, have a lavish wedding , buy a big house, and make some babies—but you’ve seriously questioned whether this is right for you. Maybe it is , but if you go this route, it’s because this plan aligns with your own values, not because it’s what you’re supposed to do.

You know your values are your compass in life, and that they change over time. So you check in with yourself regularly to be sure you’re living a life that doesn’t just look good on paper but also feels good in your heart.

7. You listen to your intuition and trust that you know what’s best for yourself.

You not only hear the voice inside that says, “Nope, not right for you,” you trust it. Because you’ve spent a lot of time learning to distinguish between the voice of truth and fear, you recognize the difference between holding yourself back and waiting for what feels right.

You might not always make this distinction immediately, and you might sometimes be swayed by well-meaning people who want to protect you from the risks of thinking outside the box. But eventually, you tune out the noise and hone in on the only voice that truly knows what’s best for you.

8. You do what feels right for you, even if that means risking disapproval from the people around you.

Not only do you trust that you know what’s best for you, you do it. Even if it’s not a popular choice. Even if people question your judgment, vision, or sanity. You recognize that no one else is living your life, and no one else has to live with the consequences of your choices, so you make them for you and let the chips fall where they may when it comes to public perception.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you have everything you want in life. It just means you hear the beat of your own drum, even if it’s silent like a dog whistle to everyone else, and you march to it—maybe slowly or awkwardly, but with your freak flag raised nice and high.

9. You allow yourself to change your mind if you recognize you made a choice that wasn’t right for you.

You may feel embarrassed to admit you’re changing directions , but you do it anyway because you’d rather risk being judged than accept a reality that just plain feels wrong for you.

Whether it’s a move that you realize you made for the wrong reasons, a job that isn’t what you expected, or a commitment you know you can’t honor in good conscience, you find the courage to say, “This isn’t right, so I’m going to make another change.”

10. You allow yourself to evolve and let go of what you’ve outgrown.

This is probably the hardest one of all because it’s not just about being true to yourself; it’s also about letting go. It’s about recognizing when something has run its course and being brave enough to end the chapter, even if you don’t know yet what’s coming next. Even if the void feels dark and scary.

But you, you recognize that the void can also feel light and thrilling. That empty space isn’t always a bad thing because it’s the breeding ground for new possibilities—for fulfillment, excitement, passion, and joy. And you’re more interested in seeing who else you can be and what else you can do than languishing forever in a comfortable life that now feels like someone else’s.

As with all things in life, we each exist on a spectrum. Every last one of us lives in the grey area, so odds are you do some of these things, some of the time, and probably never perfectly. And you may go through periods when you do few or none of these things, without even realizing you’ve slipped.

That’s how it’s been for me. I’ve gone through phases when I’ve felt completely in alignment and other times when I’ve gotten lost. I’ve had times when I’ve felt so overwhelmed by conflicting wants, needs, and beliefs—my own and other people’s—that I’ve shut down and lost touch with myself.

It happens to all of us. And that’s okay. The important thing is that we keep coming home to ourselves and we eventually ask ourselves the hard questions that decide the kind of lives we lead: What am I hiding? What am I lying about? And what truth would set me free?

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About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here .

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what does it mean to be true to yourself essay


Essay on Being True To Yourself

Students are often asked to write an essay on Being True To Yourself in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Being True To Yourself


Being true to yourself means being honest with your feelings, thoughts, and actions. It means not pretending to be someone else just to fit in or make others happy. It’s about knowing who you are and being proud of it.

Importance of Being True

Being true to yourself is important because it leads to happiness and success. When you are honest with yourself, you can make decisions that are right for you. This helps you to live a life that you love and are proud of.

Challenges in Being True

Sometimes, being true to yourself can be hard. You may feel pressure from others to act a certain way or to hide your true feelings. But remember, it’s your life and you should live it in a way that makes you happy.

In conclusion, being true to yourself is key to living a happy and successful life. It may be hard at times, but the rewards are worth it. So always be honest with yourself and live a life that you are proud of.

250 Words Essay on Being True To Yourself

Being true to yourself means understanding your own values, beliefs, and desires, and not letting others influence them. It’s about being honest and genuine with yourself and others. This is a key part of personal growth and happiness.

Understanding Yourself

Firstly, you need to know yourself. This means understanding your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s about knowing what makes you happy, what makes you sad, and what makes you feel alive. This is a journey that takes time and patience.

Staying True To Your Values

Once you understand yourself, you can stay true to your values. These are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They should determine your priorities and, deep down, they’re probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to.

Being Honest

Honesty is another important part of being true to yourself. This means being open and truthful in all your dealings and communications with others. It’s not always easy, but it’s the only way to build trust and respect.

In conclusion, being true to yourself is about understanding who you are, sticking to your values, and being honest. It’s a journey that requires time, patience, and courage. But in the end, it leads to a life of authenticity, fulfillment, and happiness.

500 Words Essay on Being True To Yourself

Understanding the concept.

Being true to yourself means to act in harmony with who you are. It’s about being honest, genuine, and real. It is not about pretending to be someone else or trying to fit into a mold made by others. Instead, it is about accepting who you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and expressing your true self in every situation.

The Importance of Being True to Yourself

Being true to yourself is important for many reasons. Firstly, it helps build self-confidence. When you are honest with yourself, you understand your abilities and limitations. This understanding can help you set realistic goals and achieve them.

Secondly, being true to yourself leads to happiness. When you are genuine, you do not have to stress about pretending or living up to others’ expectations. This can lead to a more relaxed and happier life.

Thirdly, it encourages respect from others. When you respect yourself and your values, others will likely respect you too. It’s hard to respect someone who is always changing their views or actions based on what others might think.

Challenges in Being True to Yourself

Being true to oneself is not always easy. Society often pressures us to conform to certain standards or norms. This pressure can make it difficult to stay true to ourselves. For example, we might feel the need to act in a certain way or hide our true feelings to fit in.

Another challenge is fear of judgement or rejection. We might worry that if we show our true selves, others might not like or accept us. This fear can make it hard to be genuine and authentic.

Ways to Be True to Yourself

Despite these challenges, there are ways to stay true to ourselves. One way is to know and understand ourselves. This means recognizing our strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions. It also means accepting ourselves as we are, without trying to be someone we’re not.

Another way is to stand up for what we believe in. This means not letting others pressure us into doing something we don’t want to do or don’t believe in. It also means speaking up for ourselves and our beliefs, even when it’s hard.

Lastly, we can practice self-love and self-care. This means taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional health. It also means treating ourselves with kindness and compassion, just as we would treat a friend.

In conclusion, being true to yourself is about being honest, genuine, and real. It’s about accepting and expressing your true self in every situation. While it can be challenging, it is also rewarding and important for our self-confidence, happiness, and respect from others. By knowing and understanding ourselves, standing up for what we believe in, and practicing self-love and self-care, we can stay true to ourselves.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Being Treated Unfairly
  • Essay on Being The Youngest Child In The Family
  • Essay on Being A Good Manager

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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How to be true to yourself.

By the Mind Tools Content Team

Do you ever feel as if you're wearing a mask? Perhaps you think that you have to act a certain way around your boss, or say certain things to your colleagues, so that you'll be accepted. Instead of being yourself, you're playing a role to fit in, or to impress others.

Most of us have gone through times like this. Instead of behaving in a genuine way, we tell people what we think they want to hear, and act in ways that go against our true nature. In short, we're living inauthentically.

Living and working this way is tiring, dispiriting, and confining. It can also hold us back from reaching our true potential. The opposite of this is to live and work authentically. When we give ourselves permission to be ourselves, we can live free from others' ideas and expectations, and we can choose our own course in life.

In this article, we'll examine authenticity in depth: what it is, what it entails, and how we can be more authentic in our own lives.

What Is Authenticity?

It can seem that there are as many different definitions of authenticity as there are psychologists, philosophers, and scholars. However, a common definition is that being authentic is living your life according to your own values and goals, rather than those of other people.

Put simply, authenticity means you're true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you're under to act otherwise. You're honest with yourself and with others, and you take responsibility for your mistakes. Your values, ideals, and actions align. As a result, you come across as genuine, and you're willing to accept the consequences of being true to what you consider to be right.

Why Be Authentic?

It isn't always easy to live authentically. At times, being true to what you know is right means that you go against the crowd. It may mean being unconventional, opening yourself up for the possibility of others hurting you, and taking the harder road.

On one hand, it does mean missing some opportunities – you do have to accept this. However, in the longer term, it's likely to open up many more opportunities; opportunities that simply wouldn't be available to someone who has been seen to be shifty, conflicted, vacillating, or inauthentic.

Living an authentic life is also vastly more rewarding than hiding your true self. When you live authentically, you don't have to worry about what you said (or didn't say), how you acted, or whether you did the right thing. Living authentically means you can trust yourself and your motivations implicitly.

There are several other benefits of being authentic.

Trust and respect: When you're true to yourself, you not only trust the judgments and decisions that you make, but others trust you as well. They'll respect you for standing by your values and beliefs.

Integrity: When you're authentic, you also have integrity . You don't hesitate to do the right thing, so you never have to second-guess yourself. Who you are, what you do, and what you believe in – all of these align perfectly.

Ability to deal with problems: When you're honest with yourself and others, you have the strength and openness to deal with problems quickly, instead of procrastinating, or ignoring them altogether.

Realizing potential: When you trust yourself and do what you know is right, you can realize your full potential in life. Instead of letting others dictate what's best for you, you take control of your life.

Confidence and self-esteem: You can trust yourself to make the right decisions when you're being genuine and doing the right thing. In turn, this leads to higher self-confidence and self-esteem, greater optimism, and more life satisfaction.

Less stress: How would you feel if, every day, you said what you meant, stayed true to yourself, and behaved accordingly? Imagine the happiness and self-respect you'd feel! Being authentic to yourself is far less stressful than being someone you are not.

Honesty is an important part of authenticity. However, there's a distinct difference between being brutally honest and being truthful with others.

In her 1994 book "The Dance of Deception," psychologist Dr. Harriet Lerner distinguishes between these concepts. She states that honesty can sometimes represent our uncensored thoughts and feelings, while truth requires tact, timing, kindness, and empathy with the other person. [1]

We should always strive to be truthful with those around us, since others sometimes view brutal honesty as aggressive, judgmental, or even arrogant. Uncensored honesty can also jeopardize our relationships and careers.

Being Authentic in Different Roles

If you're like most people, you may have a number of different identities at work and in your personal life. For instance, you're a leader to your team, a co-worker or friend to your colleagues, a team member to your boss, and an expert to your clients.

Since you have several roles to play in life, do you have to act the same in each role, in order to be authentic?

It's an important question, especially since many of us seem to have seemingly conflicting "selves." In a chapter titled "Authenticity" in the 2001 book "Handbook of Positive Psychology," Dr. Susan Harter argues that our personalities can't be "fixed." So, we need to be flexible, and this flexibility can allow us to change and grow and realize new opportunities. [2]

However, our true self remains the same no matter what situation we're in. Just because we have different roles to play doesn't mean that we have to wear different masks along the way.

How to Be Authentic

You won't find and develop your authentic self overnight. Rather, it's a lifelong process of discovery. Take the following steps to make a start:

1. Live By Your Values

Living authentically means that you live according to the values and beliefs that you hold most dear, and that the personal goals that you pursue emerge from these. Your first step is to identify your core values , and then to commit to living and working according to them. You then need to set personal goals and career goals that align with these.

Sometimes you might have to make an ethically challenging decision; this is when knowing your core values will help you do the right thing. Our article on ethical leadership will help you find your way through these situations. (See our Book Insight on Ethics for the Real World for more on this.)

2. Identify the Gap

Is there a gap between who you are now, and the person you know you could be?

For instance, do you put on a mask when you're at work? Perhaps you're more abrasive with your team than you'd like to be, because you think that's how a leader gets things done. Maybe you adopt a flippant attitude, because you don't want others to think that you're boring, because you take a serious attitude to your job. Or, maybe you're brimming with ideas that you never share, because you're afraid that your team will shoot them down, and this leaves you feeling stifled and unhappy.

Try to identify these gaps by writing a list of words that describe the qualities of the person you know you can be, and by thinking about how closely these reflect how you actually are.

Then, choose one word from this list that you want to start working on – for instance, perhaps you want to be more "open." Use personal goal-setting techniques , and resolve to work on this every day. It's more realistic to set small goals and work on one trait at a time than it is to try to transform your entire life, all at once.

3. Live With Integrity

It takes courage to develop and preserve integrity . Start by analyzing the daily choices that you make. You will often intuitively know what the right and wrong choices are: your goal is to learn how to listen to that "small voice" – that sense of unease – that tells you that something is wrong. Study each choice that you make, and ask yourself which one will make you feel good about yourself the next day.

Living with integrity also means that you take responsibility for your actions, including your mistakes. Own up to the choices you make, and work tirelessly to right any shortcomings.

4. Communicate Honestly

Honest communication involves saying what you mean, while respecting the other person's needs and feelings. This takes emotional intelligence and good communication skills .

It also means not playing games: you speak your mind and don't rely on cryptic hints or other tactics to get your point across. (You can learn more about the secret games that people can play, and how to avoid playing them, in our article on Transactional Analysis .)

Communicating honestly also means keeping your promises – if you give your word to someone, then treat it as a bond. Never make a promise that you can't keep.

5. Don't Make Assumptions

It's easy to go through life making assumptions about others. Where judgment isn't strictly necessary, try your best to suspend your judgments. Let others' actions speak for themselves, and try to take their words at face value.

You might find that as you make an effort to be open-minded with others, they'll extend the same courtesy to you.

6. Develop Self-Confidence

Authenticity requires strength of character, especially when others are pressuring you to act in a way that you know is wrong. This is why you should work on building your self-confidence . A strong sense of self, and the assertiveness needed to stand your ground, will help you get through challenging situations.

7. Manage Your Emotions

When you live authentically, you consider others' needs and you do your best to treat them with courtesy and respect. In stressful situations, this means knowing how to control your emotions .

This is an important part of living authentically, because it shows that you have inner strength and respect for those around you, and it's a skill worth developing since it will serve you well in all aspects of your life and career.

As we said earlier, being authentic may mean that you miss some short-term opportunities. After all, it's always tempting to sell your best points, and, maybe, exaggerate a bit to get those great-seeming opportunities.

In reality, there are times when this may pay off. However, other times you'll fall flat on your face, and destroy your reputation in the process. Either way, you're not setting yourself up for long-term happiness by doing this.

It's usually better to understand your own values and your own, genuine strengths, and then to work hard to find opportunities where these values and strengths really matter for success. (Developing a career strategy is useful for this.)

That way you can be authentic, happy and successful, all at the same time.

Authenticity is living your life according to your own needs and values rather than those that society, friends, and family expect from you. Living authentically offers several benefits, including respect from others, the ability to realize your true potential, and happiness and well-being.

Developing authenticity is a lifelong journey. To get started, take the following steps:

  • Identify your values.
  • Identify who you want to be.
  • Live with integrity.
  • Communicate honestly.
  • Don't make assumptions.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • Manage your emotions.

Enjoy living authentically!

[1] Lerner, H. (1994) ' The Dance of Deception ,' New York: HarperCollins.

[2] Harter, S. (2002) 'Authenticity' in Snyder, C.R. and Lopez, S.J. (eds.), ' Handbook of Positive Psychology ,' New York: OUP.

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How to Stay True to Yourself

Last Updated: July 19, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS . Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 150,283 times.

Staying true to yourself is a matter of personal integrity and self-respect. It involves standing up for your own values and not caving into the demands or expectations of others. Being true to yourself can lead to independence, confidence, happiness, and an ability to navigate through life more effectively, leading to a sense of fulfillment that you’ve given your best self to the world. It can be tough to navigate life with personal integrity and a sense of self—especially when you’re young—but being true to yourself can make you more fulfilled as a person.

Acting with Integrity in Social Situations

Step 1 Speak honestly, no matter who you’re talking to.

  • For example, if some of your friends are singing the praise of a film that you didn’t enjoy, you can say something like, “I’m glad you guys like the movie, but it didn’t do much for me.”

Step 2 Don’t put others down to make yourself look better.

  • This will show your friends that you have personal morals and won’t change your behavior simply because it gets a laugh.

Step 3 Surround yourself with friends with integrity.

  • Choose your friends wisely. Be close with genuinely kind and nice people, not cruel or detracting ones. Make sure that your friends support and admire you for being yourself; if they don’t, question their motives and the reasons for your friendships.
  • Make sure you have friends or close family members that can serve as your integrity accountability mentors. This person should help you when you need to consult someone about making decisions in line with your values.

Step 4 Don’t hide your character or preferences.

  • For example, if your friends all love watching rugby games, but you’re not into sports, don’t go along with them just to feel like you fit in. Instead, say something like, “How about we do something different for once? Let’s go bowling.”

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Pick a sea creature:, figuring yourself out.

Step 1 Examine your own values.

  • Your values may change over time. Your list won't remain static, and that's fine. The point is to check in with yourself and clarify your values. You can do this exercise any time to help you with that process.
  • If you are struggling to come up with a list on your own, you can look for one online to help get you started.

Step 2 Determine what some of your own interests are.

  • For example, maybe one of your siblings is an incredible athlete. But, you lack their athletic talent. That’s fine! Figure out what you are good at: maybe that’s art or business, for example.
  • Or, if you hang around with people who constantly play video games but realize you’re not interested in that lifestyle, find a way to spend less time around video games and more time doing something you truly enjoy.

Step 3 Brush off mistakes that you make.

  • For example, if you fail a test in high school or college, don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, figure out what you did wrong that made you fail, and work to correct that error on your next test.

Step 4 Set SMART goals...

  • For example, say you want to be a musician. First, be specific: decide what type of music you’d like to play, and at what professional level. Then, decide if you can attain these goals. (If you want to be the conductor of a local high-school band, that’s very achievable. If you want to be the next Jimi Hendrix, that may be less attainable.)
  • Make sure your goal of being a musician is relevant to your personal interests (even after 1, 3, or 5 years have passed), and give yourself a specific time limit in which to meet your goals.

Avoiding a Negative Self-Image

Step 1 Don’t pay attention to others’ detracting opinions of you.

  • However, this isn’t to say that you can’t learn from positive and constructive feedback about improving yourself from friends and family. Those you trust will sometimes be excellent sources of suggestions for ways to improve yourself that will help bring out your true talents and abilities
  • For example, if a friend says, “I think that you need to work on your temper; you’ve been angry lately and it’s starting to drive your friends away,” their advice would be worth listening to.

Step 2 Write down some qualities that you think are personal strengths.

  • Good at the guitar.
  • Sympathetic.
  • Ambitious when it comes to following my passions.
  • Good listener.

Step 3 Think about how you can live out your strengths.

  • This activity will help you develop a positive self-image. A positive self-image will encourage you to stay true to yourself and your beliefs, since you will feel less pressure to be someone you’re not or to act in a way you find inauthentic.

Step 4 Learn to embrace your flaws.

  • For example, maybe you’re impatient, or maybe you realize you have a bit of a temper. It’s okay to work on improving these aspects of your personality, without devolving to self-hatred or denial.

Expert Q&A

  • Don’t change yourself to impress someone else! If they can’t accept who you are, then it’s not worth it. Thanks Helpful 34 Not Helpful 2
  • Never listen to anybody who tells you that you aren’t good enough. Everybody is beautiful in one way or another. Thanks Helpful 33 Not Helpful 3
  • If you aren’t satisfied with yourself, the only way to stay true to yourself is to figure out who you are. Many of us aren’t sure who we are or who we’ve like to become, and that is totally okay. Thanks Helpful 32 Not Helpful 4

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About This Article

Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS

Staying true to yourself can lead to more happiness, confidence, and independence. Part of being true to yourself is saying what you mean. While it can be tempting to give in to peer pressure or social expectations, people who are true to themselves resist this impulse and express their honest thoughts and feelings. This honesty extends to not hiding your character or preferences. For example, if your friends love watching football, but you’re not into sports, don’t go along with them just to fit in. If you’re not sure what your true interests or values are, then take some time to figure yourself out. Think about what you’re good at, what you like to spend time doing, and what’s important to you. To learn how to embrace your flaws, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Learn the 6 Secrets for How to Be True to Your Most Authentic Self

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Well, phew, according to at least one expert, there's another way.  "Being true to yourself starts with allowing yourself to know what you know, feel what you feel and want what you want," says  Helene Brenner , PhD, licensed psychologist and creator of the My Inner Voice app , "Of course, your feelings can change. What you know may be based on incomplete information. You may want some things that aren’t really feasible in your life."

The internal conflict that often arises here is that we shame ourselves about how we shouldn't be feeling or wanting what we want. "We’ll even deny our true desires or feelings, and we’ll pretend that we don’t know things that we honestly know to be true," she continues. "And very often, we do this because we know that if we are true to ourselves, honest even with ourselves about what we know or feel or want, we will disrupt a relationship, or maybe even several relationships in our lives."

As someone who was once fearful of leaving a demoralizing job because of the financial strain it would put on her life and a resulting never-ending guilt trip from her parents, does that ever ring true. Being authentic  isn't always easy since it can impact other people in practice, so how can we summon the courage to be true to ourselves? Well, below find three great ways to get started.


Learn to be true to yourself—with the following three tips as a starting point.

1. vocalize what you want (what you really, really want).

After identifying your desires, bring your inner voice to the outside. "Sometimes the first step is to allow ourselves to say to ourselves first, and then to others, 'This is what I truly want. It may not make others happy, and I may not yet know how I’m going to get it, but this is my truth,'" Dr. Brenner says. "And sometimes it may be to admit that we know something that we don’t want to know, because it means that something has to change."

2. Identify when situations make you feel uncomfortable

Maybe you can't exactly figure out the "why" that explains a certain relationship making you feel unhappy. But even if there's no clear-cut reason, don't silence that nagging feeling. "Sometimes you may sense that something’s going on that’s making you uneasy, but you can’t quite put your finger on it," Dr. Brenner says.

"Sometimes you may sense that something’s going on that’s making you uneasy, but you can’t quite put your finger on it…chances are you’re sensing something, and that’s worth listening to." —Helene Brenner, PhD, licensed psychologist

But just because you can't yet articulate it perfectly doesn't mean you're imagining things "The details of what you’re feeling may not be quite right, but chances are you’re sensing something, and that’s worth listening to," she adds. So while a knee-jerk breakup may not be most advisable, do leave room for the gut feeling to lead you to something.

3. Don't let fear hold you back

Many opportunities are scary, but scary doesn't have to mean bad, and just because a decision might be big (and include big implications to match) doesn't mean it's not worth making.

"Fear and excitement go together," Dr. Brenner says. "When you’re true to yourself, you’re often taking a risk. Ask yourself, 'Am I really in danger or just afraid of the unknown—just afraid of going after what I truly want?' If the answer is the second part of that question, take a deep breath and do it."

4. Don't belittle yourself

Our inner monologues aren't exactly kind 24/7, so we need to make a concerted effort to redirect our thoughts when we start bullying ourselves. "Instead take a moment to take a slow breath and just listen without judgment to your feelings, as if they were your dearest friend speaking to you. It has a reason for being there and just wants to be heard," she says. "Feelings are to be listened to but are also like the weather—they can’t be denied, but they are also not permanent."

5. Be brave in your vulnerability

"Speak from your heart with someone you trust," says Dr. Brenner. "A little tip: Tell them first that you want to share something really important to you, and see that you have their attention first before you start. You will feel more connected to yourself and to them. If they don’t respond in a way that is affirming, take a deep breath, come back to your heart, let it know you hear and affirm it, and ask you dear one if something is troubling them." Even if they don't respond in the way you want them to, feel proud of yourself for sharing one of your shiny, sparkling innermost truths

6. Tap into your intuition

You know that little voice inside of you that speaks up every once in a while with tiny, insightful orders? Listen to it. "We often know way more than we give ourselves credit. Try asking, What do I know to be true for me in my bones? Take your time, start from the most obvious undeniable concrete facts and then say, and what else do I know fo be true for me in my bones? Speak slowly out loud," says Dr. Brenner.

This post was originally published on March 19, 2019; updated on March 19, 2020. 

Related: Here's how to stop being insecure , and also how to improve your self-confidence in four steps.

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4 Powerful Tips to be True to Yourself (With Examples)

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Updated on April 21, 2023

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We all know the image of a sleazy car salesman who only cares about one thing: getting rich by selling as many cars to as many people as possible.

You, on the other hand, want to live with integrity and be true to yourself. You want to look in the mirror and see someone you respect. Maybe even someone you admire. If you want to be like this but don’t know how to get there, you need to learn how to be more true to the person you spent the most time with: yourself .

In this article, I’ll talk about 4 actionable methods that you can use to be more true to yourself.

What does it mean to be true to yourself?

1. make actions in line with your thoughts, 2. be comfortable with saying “no”, 3. be okay with not being liked by everyone, 4. do more of what makes you happy, wrapping up.

Being true to yourself is a matter of standing up for what you believe in. Is about being able to respect yourself for who you are.

If you live a life true to yourself, you’ll also find it easier to feel proud of who you are .

How to be true to yourself

While we’ve written articles before about how to respect yourself , being true to yourself is slightly different.

Here are 4 ways that will help you be true to who you are.

The most important part of being true to yourself is making sure your actions are in line with your thoughts.

One of my favorite quotes by Paulo Coelho explains why I think this is so important.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion. Paulo Coelho

If you don’t live a life true to yourself, your actions are different from your thoughts, opinions and, morals.

Nobody is perfect, I know. We are all hypocrites if you look hard enough. But if your biggest beliefs and values are not supported by your actions, you’ll find it hard to be true to yourself.

A couple of years ago, I was a perfect example of this hypocrisy. Before I quit my job in offshore engineering, I used to feel really conflicted about a big part of my work.

On the one hand, I was fully aware of the climate crisis and how we – as humans – had a negative impact on the planet.

But on the other hand, my job included the engineering of a future natural gas pipeline that would run straight through acres of coral fields. With my work, I was indirectly contributing to the destruction of some of nature’s most precious ecology.

Even though I thought everybody should try to live sustainably, my actions at work were not in line with my thinking.

I’ve since quit that job and switched to something else, and I’m much happier because of it.

If you want to be more true to yourself, try to change your life in a way that supports your morals and beliefs.

You may think that you are a good person but if you don’t actually do good things, are you really making the world a better place ?

💡 By the way : Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Don’t Miss Out On Happiness

Find happiness with this 10-step mental health cheat sheet.

Being true to yourself means that you live your life on your terms.

However, a lot of people – especially younger ones – find it hard to say “No”. If you find it hard to say “No” to things that are not in line with your values, then how can you be true to yourself?

You must realize that “No” is a complete sentence.

If someone asks you something that you’re not obliged to do and don’t want to do, you can simply say “No” and leave it at that. You don’t always have to justify why you can’t make it to a party, or why you can’t work overtime on the weekends.

Saying no might be confrontational, you worry you might offend someone or come off as a bad or selfish person. If you worry about this, it’s probably safe to say that saying no doesn’t make you a bad person. It just means that you want  to care for yourself .

By becoming more comfortable with saying “No”, you’ll find it easier to be more true to yourself. In James Altucher’s book   The Power of No , he asserts that saying “No” more often is really saying “Yes” to life. A life that’s more  meaningful for you . Whereas too much ‘yes’ can leave us drained emotionally and physically from overcommitment to others. That kind of commitment leaves little for ourselves.

If you want more tips on how to say no more often, you may like our article on how to stop being a people-pleaser .

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill

If you’re a people-pleaser that constantly tries to live life according to someone else’s rules, you’ll find it hard to be true to yourself.

Of course, no one takes joy in getting into heated arguments or having someone tell you that you’re an asshole.

But sometimes, you have to stand up for what you believe in . This means that you have to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while. By overcoming your shyness and letting your voice be heard, you will live a life true to yourself.

If you find that not everyone appreciates you for who you are, then so be it. Just say “It is what it is” and move on to live the life that makes you happy.

What if you already know how to say “No” and you’ve made plenty of enemies by speaking up about the things you value?

You still need to realize that you only have one life, and you don’t want to waste it by not focussing on the things that make you happy.

So my last piece of advice to be more true to yourself is to simply do more of the things that make you happy.

Take responsibility for your own happiness. No one’s going to make sure that you’re living the best life you can.

We published an entire article focused on how to do more of the things that make you happy .

💡 By the way : If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Be Happier and More Productive

Thrive under stress and crush your goals with these 10 unique tips for your mental health.

To be true to yourself means to stand up for what you believe in and to be proud of your actions. You can’t do this without having people occasionally disagree with what you do, but that’s not important. The most important thing here is that you get to live the life that you were destined to live, without living on someone else’s terms.

What do you think? Do you feel ready to start being more true to yourself after having read these 4 tips? Did I miss something super important? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!


Founder of Tracking Happiness, with over 100 interviews and a focus on practical advice, our content extends beyond happiness tracking. Hailing from the Netherlands, I’m a skateboarding enthusiast, marathon runner, and a dedicated data junkie, tracking my happiness for over a decade.

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How to stay true to yourself

Core values, or inner beliefs, are traits or ideas that hold meaning and significance to you and connect with your moral code, goals, and personality. Many people gain values from their families or communities while growing up. Others might not solidify their core values until adulthood.  

Values and beliefs can change as individuals change and interact with the world. How you respond in the face of adversity can indicate how you stay true to yourself., and staying true to yourself can mean acting in harmony with what you believe, including in front of others. It can mean that your feelings and beliefs match your actions. Learning about core values and authenticity may be valuable if you're looking for ways to stay true to your moral code more often in your life. 

How to identify your core values

Core values represent your priorities, profoundly held beliefs, and the forces driving you. To identify what you value, consider taking a list of common adjectives, activities, and personality traits and writing or checking off which you identify with. Friends or family members might notice values you have that you struggle to pick up on, so consider reaching out to them as well for their perspectives.  

Brainstorm about the values that you held tightly to during the most impactful events in your life. For example, you might remember what you connected to when someone you loved passed away, when you achieved a significant goal, or a time when you dared to go against the crowd. Think about times you felt guilty or led astray because you trusted others more than yourself. What thoughts and feelings did you experience? Your emotions can guide what might be essential for you to have in your life.  

Several examples of core values include the following: 

  • Dependability
  • Open-mindedness
  • Consistency
  • Uniqueness 
  • Intelligence 
  • Perseverance
  • Environmentalism
  • Mental health
  • Spirituality 

Group your values into themes. For example, group terms like honesty, genuineness, and self-reflection together. Choose one word in each group that most closely represents what you believe in each group. Try to narrow down the choices to less than ten words. Once you have a list of your top ten values, you might write them on art paper or make them into a collage to keep in a place you often frequent, like your office, where they can motivate you daily to stay true to your priorities.  

How to know if you stay true to your values

It may be beneficial to test your core values when you have difficult decisions to make or feel uncomfortable about a situation. In addition, some people may go against their values to fit in with a social group. Ask yourself the following questions to know whether you stay true to yourself in these situations: 

  • Do I always accept when my friends ask me to go out with them, even if I don't want to? 
  • Have I ever stayed silent when I wanted to speak up? 
  • Is there any attribute I wish I showed more of to others in my life? 
  • Have I ever hidden a core identity out of fear of being rejected? 
  • What do I fear would happen if I were true to myself? 
  • Have my friendships and relationships been built on my values or theirs? 
  • Do I stay with people who don't share my values out of fear of being alone? 
  • Have I ever used self-deprecating jokes to fit in with others?  
  • Do I set boundaries when I need to? 
  • Do I participate in activities that make me feel pessimistic about myself? 

Ways to stay true to yourself in daily life

You have a right to how you feel, think, and believe, as well as the relationships you decide to keep in your life. However, there are a few ways to live life in a way that is true to yourself even when it feels difficult.

  • Saying "no" when you don't want to participate in an activity or event
  • Ending friendships that feel unhealthy or toxic
  • Standing up for what you believe when someone speaks out against it 
  • Standing up for others when people mistreat them 
  • Participating in one activity per day that aligns with your values 
  • Leaving conversations that don't align with your values
  • Perform self-reflection exercises to understand when you might not be acting on your values as you want to 
  • Consider how your values align with your identity 
  • Find one new way to be authentic in your relationships, career, and education each month 

Note that true values are personal. Although you might value certain traits in others, values aren't a way to control, manipulate, or coerce someone else into acting in a specific way. In addition, values that hurt entire communities, groups of people, or minorities, may not be genuine, as they're focused on the actions and identities of others instead of the way you navigate the world and connect to yourself. 

How do you stay authentic to yourself when you aren’t able to act on your values?

You may encounter situations where acting on your values or staying true to yourself feels impossible or is not in the best interest of your relationships. The instances where you feel stuck between a core value and a pull in another direction can be challenging to cope with. 

For example, perhaps you disagree with your parents on equal rights for all. In these cases, you may choose to stay silent, stand up for yourself, or spend less time with your parents. If you feel being open about your values may further conflict, you might try keeping the peace with your parents but advocating for your beliefs when you're on your own, especially if you’re still living with your parents. Setting boundaries in conversations with your family might also help you keep your mental health intact. 

What are the benefits of owning your truth?

The importance of being true to yourself is apparent in how it benefits your mental and emotional health. There are a few benefits you might find from being true to yourself in all situations you show up in, including the following. 

Feeling genuine and happy

Knowing and following your core values may help you live a life that you feel is genuine. These values might offer you the freedom to follow a path that brings you joy and knowingness that you don't let the harm or opinions of others sway what matters to you. Following your core values can cause happiness because you may let go of inner conflict that might have once swayed you to act against your values. 

Healthier relationships 

Being true to yourself and clear about who you are can also change your interpersonal relationships. People around you may feel they can trust that your actions and words match your feelings and intentions. Relationships with genuine people can feel healthier and potentially easier to navigate than when you feel a rift between you and the other person due to values. 

Ease of making decisions 

You may find it easier to make significant decisions when you feel clear about your values and purpose in life. For example, you may get a job offer from two different companies. Corporations and companies often have a value statement of corporate values that you can consider to see how they match your personal values. You can then accept the position with the company that resonates with your values as you stay true to your means.

Ease in making decisions might also help you when choosing friends and potential life partners. You might notice yourself feeling closer to and naturally drawn toward people with similar values. The more you know your inner self, the easier these decisions may become. In addition, it may help you avoid people who are harmful to you. You are confident in the choices you make to live the life that aligns with your values.

Professional support in being true to yourself

It can be challenging to nail down your core values or authentically follow them in order to stay true to yourself. You might benefit from therapy if you are unsure of your values, experiencing interpersonal conflict, or trying to live a more authentic life. In addition, if you're unsure whether you feel comfortable with in-person therapy or have barriers to receiving care, there are alternative options for support.

Online platforms like BetterHelp  offer therapy with a licensed therapist from home. When you sign up for these types of services, you may have the option of selecting your goals for therapy to align with your values. In addition, you can choose whether you'd like to meet with an LGBTQ+ or BIPOC therapist if these identities are important to you. Therapy can be scheduled anytime, and sessions can occur anywhere with an internet connection and device. 

Four out of ten US adults have started using online therapy since 2021. In addition, studies have found it as effective as in-person therapy for common mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, stress, and social anxiety . Even if your concerns are unrelated to a diagnosis, online therapy can be an option. You don't have to have a mental illness to receive support, and therapists often offer guidance in decision-making, self-care, and self-image. 

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Jason Ong

Being True to Yourself: What does it mean?

When was the last time you are proud to say that you are just being true to yourself? A few years back, I can say that I am not. I live every day like what most people tell you should. My life revolved around my work schedule and of course, a few more years back, studying hard since they always tell me that it’s the future. That changed a few months back when I was now focused on who I really am. Thus, through experience, I’ve known what it means to be yourself.

Being true to yourself means that you are completely honest with what you think, feel, and value. This means you are acting according to who you really are and what you believe in. Because of this, you don’t have to worry about pleasing others and instead, live by your own rules and standards.

That is basically what being true to yourself means. It doesn’t need to be very complicated since it is something that we could be very familiar with. I also believe that by telling you what it means to be honest with yourself, you would be able to finally understand the feeling in order for you to also try being yourself.

what does it mean to be true to yourself essay

What does it mean to be true to yourself?

Being true to yourself is to act in a way that you are agreeing with your own core values and beliefs. That means your thoughts, feelings, and actions are made in accordance with who you are instead of somebody else. That’s why people who are true to themselves are generally happier than others.

That’s right, people who are true to themselves are generally happier.

The reason is that we all have differences. These tiny differences make us who we are.

Not only we are physically different, but we are also mentally different. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses.

We have different levels of emotional intelligence and some are better than others in some aspects.

But I do not want to go very deep.

My point is we are different from each other. My goal is my goal and your goal is your goal.

I have my own likes and dislikes, and you have different likes and dislikes.

Thus, if we all generalize ourselves with some iron-clad rule set by society, there will only be a few people that will be fine with it.

Because of differences, there are people who like standards society has set, and there are those who don’t.

For example, the go-to school, get good grades, get a good job, then retire has a lot of benefits, and a lot of people like it.

But in all honesty, I don’t. And I think if you’re reading this blog post, I guess you also don’t.

I’ve made a video about the mistake I made around 5 years ago which led me to a lot of regrets.

If you’re interested, you can watch it here.

For me, I didn’t like the course I took in college. That’s why I was lost. Since society has told us about the study, get a job, then retire track, I was lost since I know I’m not going that path.

But that doesn’t only apply to that. It also applies to your relationships.

If you are limiting yourself a lot because of friendships or a partner who hates some things you usually do, then you are also a victim of not being true to yourself.

And the more you hide your true self, the more it will try to come out. This makes you always on guard and trusts me that it causes a lot of stress.

However, if you know and trust yourself, you will be able to break free from these shackles. You will be able to do the things you love.

For example, my love for sharing things led me to make this website and my YouTube channel.

For me, this is just an act of breaking free and taking the risk. Since I didn’t pursue my course, I tried my best to live according to my liking.

Even if life is hard, I know how to live with it. I have my core values and beliefs in check. I know my likes and dislikes. I always do journaling so that I can always be on track if I am working for my goals or not.

And take note of my own goals since being true to yourself means that you already know what you want to do.

Oh, I made a video guide on how to do Journaling effectively. You don’t need to journal for hours. I discussed in this video how you can do effective journaling for 5 minutes each day.

Your real goals don’t need to be very deep such as changing the world or something like that. The only requirement here is that it allows you to wake up every day ready to take on the next challenge.

I can still tell a lot of things but I think it will save both of us more time if I just list down how you will know if you’re being true to yourself.

How do you know if you’re being true to yourself?

To know if you are being true to yourself, you have to be completely honest about your own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. This means you know what you want in life and you don’t waste your time since you are following your passion.

Here, I have listed the things you could experience if you are being true to yourself. Since there are a lot, I’ve listed all of them below to act as a summary.

Here are the signs of knowing if people are being true to themselves.

  • They don’t waste their time
  • They always do their best
  • They know their current situation
  • They know who to hang out with
  • They are logical
  • They know what to focus on
  • They don’t care about what others think
  • They are firm with their beliefs
  • They accept when they are wrong
  • They make their own decisions
  • They know what they want
  • They are confident

Now, let’s discuss them one by one below.

1. They don’t waste their time

I remember when I was quite lost on what I wanted to do. Since I am not true to myself, I kept on rejecting my own thoughts on my real dreams.

In fact, to be honest, I made a YouTube channel when I was in middle school but did not pursue it since I am just thinking of getting a stable job in the future.

Right now, I can’t even access that channel since I forgot the password.

Because of constant neglect of my own goals, I started wasting my own time. I just play video games all day since I don’t think I’m living with purpose.

However, if you are true to yourself without any shackles from others, you will start to finally accept what you want to do.

Do you want to be a painter, singer, actor, dancer, or blogger like me? Then whatever that is, as long as it’s your real goal, then you will surely work hard for it.

But here is the point.

If you know your real goals, you will start to not waste any time . You know how precious your time is so you will do whatever it takes to make the most out of it.

Such as right now, it is Sunday but I have to finish this article for you.

But I will enjoy my Sunday later after finishing this blog post. But I want to write in my journal later that I’ve accomplished something today.

what does it mean to be true to yourself essay

“Life is like a journey. If you don’t know or are not true to yourself, you will not know where to go. Thus, you will just waste your time doing useless things which bring no satisfaction.” Jason Ong

2. They always do their best

People who are truly themselves are constantly doing their best.

This is because most of them are working with a purpose. They have real goals to accomplish. Thus, they will do their best to not just work, but learn how to achieve these things.

For example, because my area of expertise is completely different from being a blogger and YouTuber, I started to learn how to blog and edit videos.

I always do my best no matter what.

Remember that rejecting yourself of your real goals and dreams is the complete opposite of not being true to yourself.

3. They know their current situation

People who are true to themselves know their current situation.

For example, if they are not skilled enough to accomplish their goals, then they know that they should have a beginner’s mindset and learn things.

Some people don’t get it but fake confidence is different from people who really know themselves.

Fake confidence means that the person is just pure confidence with no skill.

I believe that skill and confidence should coincide with one another. Confidence should go up with skills as it is the core foundation of confidence.

A person who is true to themselves knows their strengths and their weaknesses.

That’s why when dealing with things they are not good about, they are confident enough to accept it and try to learn things.

Admitting you can’t do something doesn’t mean that you’re not good enough. It shows that you are genuine with the results.

And admitting that you are wrong or you’re not good at something is something only purely confident people would do.

what does it mean to be true to yourself essay

4. They know who to hang out with

People who are true to themselves from what type of people they should be hanging with.

I am not saying that people who are true to themselves will just ditch their friends away. What I mean is that they know if the people around them are preventing them from their goals.

For example, if you want to make a business and the people you are with are preventing you from, then it might not be a good one.

Although there are people who are just concerned thus preventing you from achieving your goals, there are others who are extremely toxic.

There are also others you would really pull people down with since they don’t want anyone to be above them.

A person who is really true to himself or herself knows the value of influence. If they are constantly being fed up with negatives, they know that they should try to get away and find people who would support them.

5. They are logical

People who know themselves are very logical in the sense that they value the importance of thinking.

Mindlessly wasting your day on unimportant tasks is what separates people who are true to themselves, and those who aren’t.

They also know the value of time and nobody can take it back. This means that since most of them as goal-oriented, they are logical enough to think of ways to achieve their goals in as little time as possible.

6. They know what to focus on

As I said, mindlessly wasting time is one of the main things you’ll see in a person who doesn’t know their true self.

The reason is that it can be hard to work on what to focus on if they don’t know their goals.

This was especially true when I was wasting years of my life trying to go again to college, trying to dance, applying for a teaching job, and many more.

Right now, my only focus is on this website and my YouTube channel.

7. They don’t care about what others think

Sometimes, the ones who will prevent a person from following their real-life goals are the ones around them.

Comments such as “why are you quitting your stable job?” or “You’re not good enough to be a writer.” or “Remember that your grammar is bad, why are you starting a blog?”

These are the comments of people who will usually put a person away from their goals.

While it might be true that you don’t have the skills as of now, you can learn.

For example, I learned how to build my websites from scratch since I have no idea how. I learned how to write even if I’m not a writer.

People who know themselves don’t get validated by others. Instead, they validate themselves.

Even if they’re not good enough, they know that they can improve. They can accurately assess themselves.

8. They are firm with their beliefs

A few years back, I said that I did a lot of things since I was out of focus.

I tried teaching for about 3 years, I tried applying to an accountancy school, and many more.

The thing is I am not firm enough since I am not sure what I want to do. Or maybe I know what to do but I am not admitting it.

By being firm in your beliefs, you are becoming grittier. This means you will do whatever it takes to reach your goals.

Grit is something a person should have to achieve their goals since nothing big is built overnight.

9. They accept when they are wrong

Someone who is true to themselves would admit their mistakes. No questions asked.

If they know that they aren’t skilled enough to work on something, they would admit it and work on it.

There is nothing wrong with admitting you’re wrong. It only means that you are confident enough to accept everything about you including your flaws.

10. They make their own decisions

People who are true to themselves know what they really want.

So, they don’t need to let others do their decision for them.

They make their own decision because they know that nobody would really know them as deep as how they know themselves.

In short, they make their own decision because they are the only ones who fully know themselves.

And letting others decide for them would most likely not yield the things they want.

11. They know what they want

Same with the last section, a person who is true to themselves knows what they want.

This means they are decisive enough to decide on things since they know what would make them happy.

12. They are Confident

Lastly, people who are true to themselves are very confident.

Confidence comes from knowing both your strengths and weaknesses.

You are confident in showing your strength, and you are confident enough to accept your weakness.

Even if you are not good at something, it doesn’t mean that you can’t improve to make yourself better.

This is true confidence and the confidence a person who truly understands themselves has.

I know that someone who is true to themselves won’t have all of these traits I’ve given. But I made sure that they would get at least 5 of these.

If you have a lot of these signs, then most likely, you are being true to yourself.

what does it mean to be true to yourself essay

“ Only the things I love. “ is reader-supported. When you buy through links on the site, I earn an affiliate commission.

If you’re following me, you’ll know that I believe it is essential to have some tools, whether it’s for personal development or lifestyle in general.

So, here are the things I love.

If you want to learn things for free, I recommend watching my YouTube Channel. Click the Button Below to go straight into my Channel. 🙂

Okay, let me first explain my Channel.

I believe that I really can’t explain everything too well on my blog. That’s why I created a YouTube Channel so I can easily explain a lot of things. Plus, I believe that Video Sharing is the future .

Recommended Books

The next thing is books . Books are, for me, one of the cheapest ways to get invaluable information. We can learn personal development, finance, career, relationships, and many more from books.

Here, I will be listing my favorite books in different categories.

  • For Beginners – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey – Personal development has a lot of concepts and ideas to learn. Thus it can be really hard for beginners to know where to start. Thus, I recommend this book since all the basic concepts of personal development are here( except finance, check what I recommended for that )
  • Productivity – The One Thing by Gary Keller – This book teaches us the power of focusing on one thing which is the ultimate source of productivity. The concepts taught are what I am using to constantly publish YouTube videos while maintaining this website.
  • Busy? – Make Time by Jack Knapp – This book teaches us how to make time for the things we love. The concept is really simple but I think that makes it a book worth reading.
  • Health – Lifespan by Dr.Sinclair – This Book teaches about the latest scientific research on lifespan. In his book, he has shared numerous things he is doing to slow down his aging process. This can be as easy as eating less which he recommends.
  • Finance – The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason – Perhaps one of the first books I’ve read about Finance, this book for me is the best if we are talking about learning basic finance such as basic saving and investing. The concepts are very simple but effective.

Take this advice as a grain of salt.

I don’t recommend buying Audiobooks one by one. I mean, audiobooks can be quickly finished by listening while working out or doing some mindless tasks.

So here is to save you some money. Just go for a monthly subscription to Audible . I believe that you will save a lot of money with that plus, they usually give freebies to anyone starting.

My Audiobook Recommendation will always be the same as my book recommendations, but I personally like The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins . I like how she is so casual while reading her book.

what does it mean to be true to yourself essay

Jason Ong is a YouTuber and the one who owns this site. He shares what he learned with people and makes videos if necessary. He was a former lecturer. The things he taught are topics related to Clinical Laboratory Science or what others call Medical Technology.

Right now, he is also working part-time in an app company as a production supervisor.

You can visit his YouTube Channel on

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Essays About Being Yourself: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Self-confidence and simply being yourself can do wonders for your well-being; Here are some examples of essays about being yourself.

What does it mean to “be yourself?” It is when you accept yourself for who you truly are, are confident in yourself, and live out your life authentically, free from fear, pressure, and inhibition. By being yourself, you are the happiest version of yourself. 

When society places such a high value on image, particularly online, it can be hard to stay authentic to who you are as a person. However, always remember that being yourself is good for your mental and physical health. When you live a life true to who you are and you feel happy, there is nothing you cannot achieve. 

If you are writing essays about being yourself, here are some essay examples and writing prompts to guide you. 

For help with your essay, check our round-up of best essay writing apps .

1. Always Be Yourself by Laura Meade

2. transforming my life long affair with low self-esteem by evelyn marinoff, 3. unapologetically me by crystal jackson, 4. i am proud of myself by holly riordan, 5. the importance of being yourself by jeff barton, prompts on essays about being yourself, 1. why it’s important to be yourself, 2. events that shaped who i am , 3. being unopollogetically myself, 4. why do people adopt false personas, 5. my greatest achievement, 6. embracing and overcoming your flaws.

“We talk a lot about being yourself—being true to yourself, reflecting on your best self, striving to be the you that you know is inside. People spend years finding out what makes them happy, and what parts of their personality are most prominent and wonderful, and try to be more of that, more of the time. Here’s the thing; for some of us, our best self is more than one person. Sometimes the quintessential nature of that self is being whoever we can be at the time and making that person amazing.”

Meade describes how she, as an actor is her authentic self, even with the “alternate personalities” she plays in her work. She discusses how she enjoys “acting” in different situations, on camera, or in a social setting. Her essay shows how being yourself differs depending on the person and can sometimes involve pretending not to be yourself.

You might also like these essays about change and essays about cinema .

“In the end, the desire to better ourselves is the first step to building self-esteem, it ultimately starts with loving yourself and honouring your own journey. Contrive a plan-the outcomes you want to get out of your confidence journey, stick to it, and take a stock at the end of each week. Remember that every day gives us a new opportunity to start fresh and anew.”

Marinoff describes her experiences with low self-esteem and how they compare with her life now, where she is herself. She remembers how sadder her life was and gives readers tips on becoming more self-confident versions of themselves, including self-affirmation and keeping a diary. When we want to improve, we build our self-esteem and can be true to ourselves in our day-to-day lives. 

“I realize that I matter, my feelings are important, and I don’t have to be the apologetic, timid mouse in my own life. I can take up space. I can walk with confidence. I can speak up and disagree, even when my opinion is unwelcome. I’m actually entitled to have and speak my opinions.”

Similar to Marinoff, Jackson writes about the difference between her past self and how she is now. She was once timid and afraid to speak her mind because of what others might say. However, she had a realization that sparked her desire to live her life more authentically, doing and saying what she wanted. She reminds readers to be unapologetic, but not to the point that it becomes offensive. 

“I am not completely happy with myself, but I like myself more than I have in a long time. I am more comfortable in empty rooms. I am more enthusiastic about pictures of myself. I am growing to appreciate the person staring back at me in the mirror instead of constantly criticizing her.”

Riordan reflects on her growth over the past few years. She has become more confident, happy, and healthy and uses the lessons she learned from past mistakes. She acknowledges, however, that there are still things she can improve on, such as being less harsh with herself. Though Riordan is not perfect, she is proud to be herself and who she has become. 

“Many of us also act like someone we are not. Whether you did it to impress a love interest, your boss, or someone else, we have all not been ourselves because we believed it would get us what we wanted. But when you are not yourself, you change. You change who you are and what you are about. You change your thoughts and beliefs and you become someone who tries to please others instead of pleasing yourself. You become someone else instead of being yourself.”

In his essay, Barton remembers who he used to be and how he would always base his actions on trying to please others. However, he changed for the better and started doing what he wanted rather than what society expected. He says we should be proud of who we are and stop trying to be other people. We should stop worrying about what others think, be ourselves, and live the lives we want to live. 

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

Essays About Being Yourself: Why it’s important to be yourself?

Many people have discussed the importance of being yourself, but what exactly does this mean? Identify and describe the impact of being authentically yourself. This could include not caring what others think of your style of hair or clothes, embracing your quirks, and not shying away from standing out in a crowd. Include your personal experiences for an engaging and convincing essay. 

Your past experiences shape your authentic self. For your essay, you can write about a specific event you feel was monumental in making you who you are today. Then, retell the story of the event, complete with its causes and effects. 

Reflect on a time when you feel you expressed yourself best. It may be a time when you showcased one of your skills or hobbies or a time when you feel you expressed your feelings most authentically. As with the previous prompt, you are telling readers your story, so be sure to explain the event in detail. 

Despite the growing calls for people to be more confident in themselves, many are still afraid of being their authentic selves, especially in public or on social media. In your essay, explore possible reasons for people’s hesitancy to be themselves, citing credible sources to support your points.

Think back to a time when you were proud of yourself. Describe the situation from winning a competition to learning something new to scoring well on a test. How did it make you feel- happy, relieved, or confident? The possibilities are endless! Describe in detail how this achievement made you feel and how it has impacted the person you are today.

To truly be yourself, you must embrace all your flaws and fears. Describe one negative trait you previously had, and explain how you overcame or subdued this flaw. You can also write about a flaw you currently have and explain how you plan to get rid of it. 

If you’d like to learn more, check out our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

For more information, check out our top essay writing tips !

what does it mean to be true to yourself essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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What is Your True Self: The Importance of Self-awareness

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    Being true to yourself is important for many reasons. Firstly, it helps build self-confidence. When you are honest with yourself, you understand your abilities and limitations. This understanding can help you set realistic goals and achieve them. Secondly, being true to yourself leads to happiness. When you are genuine, you do not have to ...

  8. Discovering Authenticity: What It Means to Be Your True Self

    It's about being comfortable in your skin and owning your strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Being authentic means being true to yourself, your values, your beliefs, and your personality without pretending or putting up a facade to impress others. Discovering your authentic self is a journey that requires self-exploration ...

  9. Authenticity

    There are several other benefits of being authentic. Trust and respect: When you're true to yourself, you not only trust the judgments and decisions that you make, but others trust you as well. They'll respect you for standing by your values and beliefs. Integrity: When you're authentic, you also have integrity.

  10. Are You True to Yourself?

    The 5 Whys to Self Understanding. By Robert Taibbi L.C.S.W. Practice digging a bit deeper. True authenticity means being real in life, work, love, and to oneself.

  11. How to Stay True to Yourself: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    A positive self-image will encourage you to stay true to yourself and your beliefs, since you will feel less pressure to be someone you're not or to act in a way you find inauthentic. 4. Learn to embrace your flaws. They are a part of you, and that won't change.

  12. How to Be True to Yourself: 4 Tips for Finding Your True Self

    William Shakespeare wrote, "This above all: to thine own self be true." This prolific piece of advice from *Hamlet* is sage wisdom in a world full of distractions. Being true to yourself is a good way to build self-esteem, self-respect, and overall healthy well-being. While it may seem like easy advice to follow, listening to your authentic self can be a big challenge that takes care, time ...

  13. How to be true to yourself, with the help expert tips

    1. Vocalize what you want (what you really, really want) After identifying your desires, bring your inner voice to the outside. "Sometimes the first step is to allow ourselves to say to ourselves ...

  14. How to Be True to Yourself (20+ Meaningful Ways)

    Don't edit or filter yourself to ' fit in ' or be liked by other people, and don't compromise on things that really matter to you. Rebuild the broken trust with your true self by: trusting your gut. following your heart. speaking your mind. sticking to your principles. caring a little less what other people think.

  15. 4 Powerful Tips to be True to Yourself (With Examples)

    How to be true to yourself. 1. Make actions in line with your thoughts. 2. Be comfortable with saying "No". 3. Be okay with not being liked by everyone. 4. Do more of what makes you happy.

  16. Importance to Be True to Myself: [Essay Example], 1207 words

    Importance to Be True to Myself. In recent years, there has been an overwhelming push for organizations to diversify their workforce. Workforce diversity refers to an organization's employee-based consisting of a variety of ethnic or cultural groups. In addition to an increase in cultural groups being represented in the workforce, women, who ...

  17. How to Be True to Yourself and Live the Life You Want

    Staying true to yourself is all about mastering how to live life authentically rather than faking or forcing it. Having the life you want (and deserve) is about being trusting in yourself and the purpose you are living for. Both need passion behind it, fueling it each second, or you will experience burn out.

  18. How To Stay True To Yourself

    The importance of being true to yourself is apparent in how it benefits your mental and emotional health. There are a few benefits you might find from being true to yourself in all situations you show up in, including the following. Feeling genuine and happy. Knowing and following your core values may help you live a life that you feel is genuine.

  19. Being True to Yourself: What does it mean?

    Being true to yourself means that you are completely honest with what you think, feel, and value. This means you are acting according to who you really are and what you believe in. Because of this, you don't have to worry about pleasing others and instead, live by your own rules and standards. That is basically what being true to yourself means.

  20. Essays About Being Yourself: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

    For your essay, you can write about a specific event you feel was monumental in making you who you are today. Then, retell the story of the event, complete with its causes and effects. 3. Being Unopollogetically Myself. Reflect on a time when you feel you expressed yourself best.

  21. I Prefer to Be True to Myself: [Essay Example], 657 words

    See expert comments. I prefer to be true to myself, even at the endangerment of finding the ridicule of others, rather than to be false and finding my own detestation. Why should I worry about what others think of me. I don't give a shit about how others perceive my personality because, to begin with, I know myself and I also know my own ...

  22. An Essay On Embracing Your True Self and Love Yourself

    Be yourself and love yourself for all of your endless potential. The future is bright for embracing your true self and discovering the people that surround you. Acknowledge your talent and unique worth - When self-acceptance is received through the lens of confidence, other people are naturally drawn to the individual.

  23. Key to Essay Writing

    True answers to essay questions are very difficult to find and require a high level of self-awareness. This is where the "be yourself" piece of advice takes its meaning: do not answer what you think is socially acceptable or what you believe the admissions committee would want to hear. It is crucial to answer what, deep in your heart, you ...