
Narrative Essay on Road Accident I Witnessed

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Accidents on the road can be life-altering experiences, often leaving a lasting impact on those who witness them. One such incident that I witnessed a few years ago still lingers in my mind, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of road safety. This essay recounts the details of that harrowing event, aiming to shed light on the consequences of negligence and the paramount importance of vigilance while on the road.

The Day of the Accident

It was a bright and sunny afternoon in mid-July. The streets were bustling with people, and the air was filled with the usual cacophony of honking cars, chattering pedestrians, and the distant hum of city life. I was on my way home from school, walking along the sidewalk, lost in thoughts of the day’s events and the homework that awaited me.

As I approached a busy intersection, the traffic light turned green, signaling for pedestrians to cross. I waited for a few seconds, allowing a car to pass before stepping onto the zebra crossing. What happened next unfolded in a matter of seconds but felt like an eternity. A speeding motorcycle, attempting to beat the red light, swerved into view. The rider, realizing too late that he couldn’t make it, attempted to brake but lost control.

The motorcycle skidded across the road, heading straight for a pedestrian about to reach the other side. In a desperate attempt to avoid a direct collision, the rider veered to the left but ended up crashing into a nearby car. The impact was so severe that the rider was thrown off his bike, landing several feet away, motionless.

The Immediate Aftermath

The scene that followed was one of chaos and panic. The sound of the crash had drawn the attention of everyone nearby. Pedestrians screamed, and drivers honked, creating a cacophony of noise. I stood frozen, my heart racing, as I processed what I had just witnessed.

Several people rushed towards the injured rider and the occupants of the car, trying to offer assistance. I remember the overwhelming sense of helplessness as I watched them dial emergency numbers, their voices urgent and shaky. The driver of the car, visibly shaken but uninjured, stepped out to check on the rider, who lay still on the pavement.

Within minutes, the wail of sirens filled the air as an ambulance and police cars arrived at the scene. The medical team quickly attended to the rider, who was fortunately still alive but seriously injured. The police cordoned off the area, redirecting traffic and starting their preliminary investigation into the cause of the accident.

Reflections on the Incident

As the adrenaline faded and I continued my journey home, the gravity of what I had witnessed began to sink in. It was a sobering reminder of how quickly a normal day could turn tragic due to a moment of carelessness. The rider’s decision to speed and beat the red light had not only endangered his life but also those of others around him.

This incident highlighted the critical importance of road safety measures, such as obeying traffic signals, wearing helmets, and driving within speed limits. It also underscored the unpredictable nature of road accidents and the need for both drivers and pedestrians to remain vigilant at all times.

In the days that followed, I found myself more cautious and aware of my surroundings while walking or riding in a vehicle. The accident served as a powerful lesson on the consequences of negligence on the road and the collective responsibility we share in preventing such tragedies.

The road accident I witnessed was a stark reminder of the thin line between life and death and the impact of our choices behind the wheel. It taught me the importance of road safety, not just as a set of rules to follow, but as a commitment to protecting ourselves and others. As we navigate the roads of life, let us do so with caution and care, mindful of the precious lives that depend on our vigilance and responsibility. This narrative serves as a call to action for all of us to prioritize safety and make our roads safer for everyone.


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Essay on An Accident – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on An Accident

Essay on An Accident: Accidents are unexpected and unfortunate events that can happen to anyone at any time. In this essay, we will explore the impact of an accident on individuals and society as a whole. From the physical and emotional trauma experienced by those involved, to the financial and legal repercussions that follow, accidents can have far-reaching consequences. By examining a specific accident scenario, we will delve into the complexities of such incidents and the importance of taking preventive measures to avoid them.

Table of Contents

An Accident Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of the essay, which is about an accident you witnessed or were involved in. Provide some background information to set the scene for the reader.

2. Describe the accident in detail, including where and when it happened, who was involved, and what caused it. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the reader.

3. Discuss the aftermath of the accident, including any injuries or damage that occurred. Talk about how you and others reacted in the moment and how the situation was handled.

4. Reflect on the impact of the accident on you and those involved. Consider how it changed your perspective on safety, risk, or life in general.

5. Analyze the factors that contributed to the accident, such as human error, environmental conditions, or mechanical failure. Discuss what could have been done to prevent the accident from happening.

6. Consider the lessons learned from the accident and how it can be used to improve safety measures in the future. Discuss the importance of being prepared and aware of potential risks in everyday life.

7. Share any personal insights or emotions that you experienced as a result of the accident. Reflect on how it affected you mentally, emotionally, or physically.

8. Conclude the essay by summarizing the key points discussed and reiterating the importance of safety and caution in everyday life. Encourage the reader to be mindful of their surroundings and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents.

9. Proofread and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. Make sure your writing flows smoothly and effectively conveys your thoughts and emotions about the accident.

10. Consider seeking feedback from others to get different perspectives on your essay and make any necessary revisions before finalizing it. Make sure your essay is engaging and impactful for the reader.

Essay on An Accident in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The accident occurred on a rainy evening on the highway. 2. A car lost control and crashed into a barrier. 3. The impact caused the car to spin out of control. 4. Several other vehicles were involved in the collision. 5. Emergency services were called to the scene immediately. 6. Multiple people were injured in the accident. 7. The road was closed for several hours for investigation. 8. The driver responsible for the accident was found to be under the influence of alcohol. 9. The accident could have been avoided if proper precautions were taken. 10. It serves as a reminder of the importance of safe driving practices.

Sample Essay on An Accident in 100-180 Words

Accidents are unfortunate events that can happen unexpectedly and have serious consequences. I recently witnessed a car accident on the highway that left me shaken. It happened so quickly, with screeching tires and a loud crash that echoed through the air.

I saw the two cars collide, their metal frames crumpling like paper. The sound of breaking glass and the screams of the drivers filled the air. It was a terrifying sight, and I felt helpless as I watched the emergency responders rush to the scene.

The accident served as a stark reminder of how fragile life can be and how quickly things can change. It made me realize the importance of being cautious and attentive while driving, as accidents can happen in the blink of an eye.

In conclusion, accidents are tragic events that can have a lasting impact on those involved. It is crucial to always prioritize safety and be vigilant on the road to prevent such incidents from occurring.

Short Essay on An Accident in 200-500 Words

Accidents are unfortunate events that can happen to anyone at any time. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as human error, mechanical failure, or environmental conditions. I recently witnessed an accident that left a lasting impact on me.

It was a sunny afternoon, and I was driving home from work when I saw a car speeding down the road. The driver seemed to be in a hurry, weaving in and out of traffic without signaling. I remember feeling a sense of unease as I watched the car approach a busy intersection.

As the light turned red, the car in front of me came to a stop. However, the speeding car behind it did not. It slammed into the back of the stopped car with a loud crash, causing a chain reaction of collisions. I watched in horror as the cars spun out of control, metal crunching and glass shattering.

I immediately pulled over to the side of the road and called 911. I could see that there were injured people in the cars, and I knew that they needed help. As I waited for the emergency services to arrive, I tried to comfort the victims as best as I could.

The scene was chaotic, with people yelling and sirens blaring. I felt a sense of helplessness as I watched the paramedics tend to the injured and the police investigate the cause of the accident. It was a sobering reminder of how quickly life can change in an instant.

After the dust settled and the injured were taken away in ambulances, I sat in my car, shaken by what I had witnessed. The image of the mangled cars and the cries of the victims haunted me for days. I couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt that I hadn’t been able to do more to prevent the accident.

In the days that followed, I couldn’t stop thinking about the accident. I researched ways to improve road safety and vowed to be more vigilant while driving. I also reached out to the victims of the accident to offer my support and condolences.

The accident taught me a valuable lesson about the fragility of life and the importance of being mindful and cautious on the road. It also made me realize the importance of being prepared for emergencies and knowing how to help others in times of need.

In conclusion, witnessing the accident was a sobering experience that left a lasting impact on me. It served as a stark reminder of the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of being vigilant on the road. I hope that by sharing my story, others will be inspired to drive safely and be prepared for emergencies.

Essay on An Accident in 1000-1500 Words

Accidents are a common occurrence in our daily lives. They can happen at any time and in any place, often catching us off guard and leaving us feeling shocked and vulnerable. I recently experienced an accident that left a lasting impact on me, both physically and emotionally. In this essay, I will recount the events of the accident, reflect on its consequences, and discuss the lessons I have learned from the experience.

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and I was driving to meet a friend for lunch. I had just finished running some errands and was looking forward to catching up with my friend over a meal. As I approached a busy intersection, I noticed that the traffic light had turned yellow. I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to stop or proceed through the intersection. In the end, I decided to go for it and accelerated to make it through the light before it turned red.

As I entered the intersection, I saw a car coming from the opposite direction. It was moving at a high speed, and I realized with a sinking feeling that it was not going to stop for the red light. In a split second, the car crashed into the side of my vehicle, sending it spinning out of control. I felt a jolt of pain as the impact threw me against the steering wheel, and then everything went black.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying on the ground next to my car, surrounded by a crowd of concerned onlookers. I felt disoriented and confused, my head throbbing with pain. I tried to move, but every movement sent a sharp stab of pain through my body. Someone called an ambulance, and I was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

The doctors told me that I had suffered a concussion, as well as several broken bones and internal injuries. I would need surgery to repair the damage and a long period of recovery to regain my strength and mobility. As I lay in the hospital bed, I couldn’t stop thinking about the accident and how it had changed my life in an instant.

The physical pain I was experiencing was nothing compared to the emotional turmoil that I was going through. I kept replaying the accident in my mind, wondering if there was anything I could have done differently to avoid it. I felt guilty for taking the risk of running the yellow light, for not being more cautious and aware of my surroundings. I also felt angry at the other driver for causing the accident and putting my life in danger.

As the days passed and I slowly began to recover from my injuries, I had a lot of time to reflect on the accident and its consequences. I realized that accidents are not just random events that happen to us; they are often the result of our own actions and decisions. In my case, I had made a split-second decision to run the yellow light, without fully considering the potential consequences of my actions. This moment of recklessness had led to a serious accident that had left me injured and traumatized.

I also realized that accidents can have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the physical injuries they cause. The emotional impact of an accident can be just as devastating, if not more so, than the physical pain. I struggled with feelings of guilt, anger, and fear in the aftermath of the accident, and it took me a long time to come to terms with what had happened and to forgive myself for my role in it.

One of the most important lessons I learned from the accident was the importance of being present and mindful in every moment. I had been so caught up in my own thoughts and distractions that I had failed to pay attention to the road and the traffic around me. I had let my impatience and impulsiveness cloud my judgment, leading me to make a dangerous decision that had almost cost me my life.

I also learned the importance of taking responsibility for my actions and their consequences. It would have been easy for me to blame the other driver for the accident and to absolve myself of any wrongdoing. But I knew deep down that I had played a role in the accident, however unintentional it may have been. I had to own up to my mistake and learn from it, so that I could prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

The accident also made me appreciate the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. I had always taken my health and safety for granted, assuming that nothing bad would ever happen to me. But the accident had shown me how quickly and unexpectedly our lives can change, and how precious and fleeting our time on this earth truly is. I vowed to live each day to the fullest, to be grateful for the blessings in my life, and to never take anything for granted again.

In conclusion, the accident I experienced was a wake-up call that forced me to confront my own mortality and the consequences of my actions. It was a painful and traumatic experience that left me physically and emotionally scarred, but it also taught me valuable lessons about mindfulness, responsibility, and gratitude. I emerged from the accident a changed person, with a newfound appreciation for life and a determination to make the most of every moment. Accidents may be inevitable, but how we respond to them and learn from them is up to us.

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Essay on an accident I saw

Essay on an Accident I saw| Description of A Car Accident Essay

The experience you had in your life of watching an accident is a personal story that describes the incident chronologically and the lessons you take from it.

These are two examples: an essay on an accident I saw; sharing a personal story; and learning from a road accident you encountered in life.

Table of Contents

Pro tips: While you write an essay on any personal story, always present the fact that the story’s influence on your life.

Essay on an Accident I saw points:

  • Introduction
  • Eyewitness experience
  • My immediate reaction
  • Reflecting on the Consequences
  • The impact on me

Short Essay on an Accident I Saw

On a regular day, I was returning from school. It was a hot summer day, and the road was clean and traffic-free. Suddenly, listen to a loud sound: a bike hits an SUV car, and the biker falls onto the road.

Immediately, I ran to the biker. He was without a helmet and heavily injured in the head. Meanwhile, the driver of the car came out and started scolding the biker. I stopped the driver and said, This is the time to help, not fight. I requested that he call an ambulance a few minutes later to the hospital.

This accident experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. This experience taught me the importance of helmets and road safety.

Essay on an accident I saw pdf notes download

Long Essay on an Accident I Saw

The time was early morning on winter’s foggy day. The road was fully covered by fog, and there was not any traffic on the road.

I woke up early that day for my study. I was studying at my table when I suddenly heard the loud sound of someone shouting. I opened my window and saw that somebody had crashed his car into the wall beside the road.

Immediately I ran to that car, and two of my neighbours reached the car, and we together brought the driver outside of the car. He was bleeding from his head and had several other injuries to his body.

The driver had not worn a seatbelt, and that led to several injuries. I called an ambulance within 5 minutes, and it reached and took him to the hospital. In the evening, the police took his car out.

I remember this terrible experience from that accident. It happened so fast that I just can’t believe it in my eyes. This accident reminds me about road safety and the importance of consciousness when driving.

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An Accident I Saw Essay

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An Accident I Saw

          That day was really horrible as I was terrified by witnessing a terrible accident. It was the most dangerous accident case which I have ever seen throughout my life. Its image was so devastated, so painful and so horrible that I could not forget the incident for almost two weeks. I can still remember that it was 25 th December the Christmas day. The road, malls, shops, bakery shops, ice cream stores, and toy stores were fully crowded. Everybody was enjoying in their way. Children were busy buying toys with their parents, boys and girls were busy eating cakes, pastries, chocolates, ice creams, and so on. Every shop, the mall is decorated for the Christmas celebration. Some people were going for visiting the church. Everything was just awesome and everyone was celebrating the day with full excitement but suddenly a furious situation happened.

There was a Tata sumo car standing beside a bakery shop and a family of five people was sitting in the car. There were two children and three adults. A truck full of iron rods was coming, the driver of the truck could not control the balance due to the mob. The Tata Sumo car at that time just started driving towards the truck. The truck got into the accident with that car. Both of them crashed and a severe collision happened. It just happened in less than one minute. The car was almost under the truck and got collided. Everyone in the car including the children was spotted dead. As the road was full of the mob so some people were also injured and immediately sent to the hospital. I was lucky enough that I was in a bakery shop for buying cakes. Fortunately, only the truck driver was alive but injured. He was immediately sent to the hospital for treatment. It was so painful that every member of the family was found dead after the rescue operation. The worst thing was that as the truck was loaded with iron rods, so when the accident has happened the rods fell on the road and for that some people were injured badly. Police came to control the situation and assured the mob to test whether the driver was drunk or not. I was so afraid of that situation that I could not get out of that even after two weeks. This was my horrible experience.

However, accidents are happening regularly nowadays. According to some government data, there are certain causes of the accident. Such as-

  • Over Speeding- Most fatal accidents occur due to overspeeding. It is a natural psyche of humans to excel. If given a chance man is sure to achieve infinity in speed. But when everyone is sharing the road with other users everyone should remain behind another vehicle. An increase in speed multiplies the risk of injury during an accident. Faster vehicles are more prone to accidents. (Vanlaar 155-161)
  • Drunken Driving- Consumption of alcohol to celebrate any occasion is common. But when mixed with driving it turns celebration into misfortune. Alcohol reduces concentration. It decreases the reaction time of the human body. Limbs take more to react to the instructions of the brain. It hampers the vision. All these factors lead to severe road accident
  • Distracted Driver- Though distraction while driving could be minor but it can cause major accidents. Distractions could be outside or inside the vehicle. The major distraction nowadays is talking on mobile while driving. The act of talking on the phone occupies the major portion of the brain and the smaller part handles the driving skills. This division of the brain hampers reaction time and the ability to judgments. This becomes one of the biggest reasons for crashes.
  • Red Light Jumping- It is a common sight at road intersections that vehicles cross without caring for the light.  The main motive behind the red light is to save time. A red-light jumper not only jeopardizes his life but also the safety of other road users.
  • Avoiding safety gears- Use of a four-wheeler is now mandatory and not wearing a seat belt invites penalty, same in the case of a helmet has been brought under law after proven studies that these two things reduce the severity of injury and accidents. So, the people who don't wear this are affected by small accidents also. (Goniewicz 433-435)
  • To prevent an accident- Develop the right attitude in driving, always wear a safety belt, limit passengers, drive at a moderate speed. (Selvathi)

Goniewicz, Krzysztof, et al. "Road accident rates: strategies and programs for improving road traffic safety."  European journal of trauma and emergency surgery  42.4 (2016)

Salvati, D., P. Pavithra, and T. Preethi. "Intelligent transportation system for accident prevention and detection."  2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) . IEEE, 2017.

Vanlaar, Ward, and George Yannis. "Perception of road accident causes."  Accident Analysis & Prevention  38.1 (2006)

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I have completed my graduation in Economics Hons. Besides this I have completed my computer PGDCA, DTP courses also. I fond of writing. Writing is my passion. I will do my job from the core of my heart.

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you witnessed an accident and have to describe to help police.

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To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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  • Road Accident Essay


Essay on Road Accident

Road accidents are an unfortunate reality of our lives. The daily news reports generally contain at least one incident of a road accident. Depending on the severity of the accident, the number of casualties and the damage done can be concerning. Road accidents cost a lot of lives and property damage. To avoid accidents, everyone should be more careful and vigilant on the streets. As a driver, one must be extra cautious because one mistake from the driver can cost the lives of innocent others. 

  The Road Accident That I Experienced

I remember the first road accident I witnessed. It had changed my perspective on life. I still remember the date and the day very intricately. It was the 20th of September 2016. I was returning home from tuition. My mother had come to pick me up. It was around 6 o'clock in the evening. When we reached the bus stand, we saw a huge crowd of people at a few feet of distance from the bus stop. There were men in the crowd who were screaming in the regional language. 

At first, we couldn't understand what was going on. After a while of careful overhearing of the conversation of everyone near us, we could understand that there was an accident. So to get to the bottom of it we asked a shopkeeper what had  happened. He told us that indeed an accident took place a while ago. He then went on to give us a detailed event of what happened. According to him, a pedestrian was crossing the road. A passenger's bus had hit him. The man was left bleeding on the street. The people in the area then cornered the bus and assaulted the bus driver. The police were called to the scene. As for the pedestrian, when the police came over, they declared the man dead. However, as a formality, they sent him to the hospital but according to the shopkeeper, there is not much hope for a miracle. 

This incident made me realize how fragile life is. It could very well have been me or my loved one instead of that man.  The man was not at fault as he was following the rules, but because of the ignorance of another careless man, he had to lose his life. This incident has left a scar on my mind which still bothers me at times. 

Road accidents are a fairly tragic event that has dangerously increased in numbers nowadays. Today, there are more automobiles on the streets than ever. Some say that this increase in the number of automobiles is the reason the number of road accidents is increasing too. Some others say that people nowadays have become more careless, this leads to a higher number of accidents due to carelessness. Another problem that is very prevalent in India is the lack of civic sense in people. People in the cities of India do not strictly adhere to the traffic rules; some people also lack the basic road sense. On top of that, certain parts of the city have narrow roads. All these add up to increase road accidents.

Description of Road Accident:

Road accidents are scary for our lives. In recent times it has increased more. Every morning when you open a newspaper every second or third page will have news related to road accidents. The reason for increasing road accidents is due to the fact that people are buying more automobiles and have also become careless while driving vehicles.

Many a time we have seen that people are just avoiding following traffic rules. Especially in metropolitan cities, people are more careless while driving vehicles which ultimately lead to road accidents.

The foremost causes of road accidents in such metropolitan areas can be narrow roads and roads with potholes.

Thus a road accident damages the lives of life and material. People should be very careful while driving or walking on the road.

It is also seen that walking on the road is also equally dangerous because of heavy traffic it can also be harmful to the people walking on the road. Hence, such people should walk on the side of the road or walk on footpaths.

Road Accident Incident:

Once I was coming back from my office at that time when I witnessed a road accident. I was with my co-worker and it was around 6 o’clock in the evening. In the middle of the road, we saw a crowd surrounding something. We weren’t sure what was happening as the first thought that came to our mind was that it was probably a quarrel between two groups of people but then after reaching the spot, we found that an accident had taken place. 

After talking with the people present there, we came to know that a man who was crossing the road met with an accident while crossing the road. A truck passing by hit him leaving him with serious injuries. The man was lying on the ground bleeding and people were calling for an ambulance, plus they also informed the police about the incident. 

Subsequently, the police arrived and caught the driver of the truck as people had already taken a hold of the driver. During the investigation with the driver, the cops came to know that the driver was drunk and was driving the vehicle. Later on, cops detained him and took the injured person to the nearest hospital, and took a statement from the injured person. The driver was released later based on the statement given by the person. That incident made me realize how precious our lives are and we must be very careful when we are walking on the road, on foot, or driving a car.

  Prevention from Road Accidents:

There are some most important points that every person should keep in mind while driving or walking or crossing the road. These points are as follows:

Drive within the prescribed speed limit.

Don’t drink or smoke while driving.

Follow all the traffic rules as they are for our safety.

Never use mobile phones while driving a vehicle.

Always drive in the proper lane.

While riding a bike always wear a helmet.


FAQs on Road Accident Essay

1.  What are the causes of Road Accidents?

The main cause of road accidents is human beings’ attitude towards not following the traffic rule. Apart from this, there are some major causes of Road Accidents which are as follows:

  Over Speeding

  Drink and drive

  To avoid wearing a helmet while driving a bike.

  Talking on mobile phones.

 To avoid waiting on traffic signals and so are some of the major causes of a road accident.

2.  How to prevent Road Accidents?

Prevention of Road Accidents can only be possible if people change their attitudes towards traffic rules and show some maturity while driving vehicles. People should be very cautious while passing from the crowded area and at such places they should reduce their speed limit. On the turning of the road, they should stop and before crossing the road they should look at the right and left side of the road and then should cross the road.  Last but not least every vehicle should maintain proper distance between two vehicles to avoid a collision.

3.  How to reduce road death and injuries?

To reduce road death and injuries the corporation of the respective cities should see that city roads are connecting areas properly and constructed compactly. The sides of the road should be constructed broad and vendors or any cattle should be avoided who block the roads because sometimes due to unwanted cattle’s road death and fatal injuries might occur.

4.  How should an injured person be treated?

If someone is injured at that time first check the severity of the casualty accordingly and give the treatment. If the person is having normal injuries, first treat him/her with first aid and in the matter of serious injuries call an emergency ambulance.

5.  Why is it important to give First Aid immediately after the accident?

To promote instant relief and to avoid any further damage as well as for speedy recovery it is recommended to give first aid treatment immediately after the accident. This can help to reduce the fatal level of the injuries before getting emergency treatment.  As it is not always possible that emergency care reaches the victim within an hour. In that case, the people who are available next to the victim can give him/her first aid treatment to save his/her life.


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100 Words Essay on Accident

Understanding accidents.

Accidents are unexpected events. They can happen anywhere, anytime. Accidents can cause harm to people or damage to things. They can be small, like spilling milk, or big, like a car crash. Accidents are not planned or wanted.

Types of Accidents

There are many types of accidents. Road accidents are common. They involve cars, bikes, or pedestrians. Home accidents can include falls or burns. Work accidents can happen in factories or offices. Accidents can also occur in sports and games.

Causes of Accidents

Accidents can happen for many reasons. Carelessness or not paying attention often cause accidents. Bad weather or broken equipment can also lead to accidents. Sometimes, accidents happen because of bad luck.

Preventing Accidents

We can prevent accidents. Being careful and paying attention can help. Following rules and using safety gear are also important. Regular checks on equipment can prevent accidents too. Let’s all try to avoid accidents.

Dealing with Accidents

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250 Words Essay on Accident

What is an accident.

An accident is an unexpected event that often results in harm or damage. It can happen anywhere, at any time. It is not planned or intended. Accidents can involve people, vehicles, buildings, or other things in the environment.

There are many types of accidents. Car accidents are common and can cause injury or even death. Slips and falls are another type of accident that can happen at home or in public places. Accidents can also happen at work, like when someone gets hurt using a machine.

Accidents often happen because of mistakes or carelessness. For example, a car accident might happen because a driver is not paying attention to the road. Or a person might fall because they are not looking where they are going. Sometimes, accidents happen because of things we can’t control, like bad weather.

We can’t stop all accidents, but we can try to prevent them. Paying attention to what we are doing can help. Following rules and safety guidelines is also important. For example, wearing a seatbelt can prevent injuries in a car accident. Using safety equipment at work can prevent accidents there.

500 Words Essay on Accident

An accident is an unexpected event that often results in injury, damage, or loss. It can happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Accidents can involve cars, bikes, people, or even objects. They are often sudden and can be very scary.

There are many types of accidents. Car accidents are very common. They happen when cars collide with each other or hit something like a tree or a wall. Bicycle accidents can occur when a cyclist falls off their bike or collides with a car or pedestrian. Slips and falls are accidents that often happen at home or in public places. They can cause injuries like broken bones or bruises.

While we can’t stop all accidents, there are things we can do to lower the chance of them happening. Being careful and aware of our surroundings can help. For example, looking both ways before crossing the street can prevent getting hit by a car. Wearing safety gear like helmets when riding a bike can protect us if we fall. Regularly checking and maintaining our equipment can also prevent accidents caused by faults or failures.

Effects of Accidents

Accidents can have a big impact. They can cause physical injuries like cuts, bruises, or broken bones. Some accidents can even cause death. Accidents can also affect our mental health. They can cause fear, stress, or trauma. Accidents can also lead to financial problems. They can cause damage that costs money to fix, or result in medical bills if someone is injured.

Learning from Accidents

In conclusion, accidents are unexpected events that can cause harm. They can be caused by many things and can have a big impact. But with care and awareness, we can lower the chance of accidents happening, and learn valuable lessons when they do occur. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and every accident avoided is a potential tragedy prevented.

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Paragraph on an accident I witnessed

NB: This ‘ Paragraph on an accident I witnessed ‘ is written focusing the following questions. You have two paragraph options to choose from.

1) Where did the accident take place?

2) When did the accident occur?

3) How did the accident take place?

4) Who was the victim?

5) What is your feeling?

Road accidents are a common occurrence in Bangladesh. Every day we find the news of road accident in the news papers or television. The news may be limited to the letters or screen. But I recently had witnessed a terrible road accident which I will never forget. It was 23, November of 2019. The accident took place in the morning at Fotehpur rail crossing area at Feni sadar upazila. A beggar was crossing the road in a hesitant pace. Perhaps he came here from a nearby village. I saw the man was walking clumsily. Suddenly there appeared a covered van with high speed from Feni. The driver could not keep control of the car and ran over the man resulting in a life-threatening injury of the beggar. I could not imagine what a sudden accident it was! The covered van fled immediately leaving flesh and blood in the street. I rushed to the spot. Locals also rushed toward the spot and took him to Feni Sadar Hospital where on-duty physicians pronounced him dead . The beggar was an approximated 65-year old. I will never forget the scene of this road accident.

Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens suddenly resulting in damage or injury. It is unexpected or unplanned occurrence. Nowadays road accidents have become a daily occurrence. Last week I witnessed a terrible road accident at Farmgate in Dhaka. I was going to Farmgate from Shahbag by rickshaw. In the meantime, I saw a motorcycle going to our left with three passengers including a woman and a child. Suddenly a bus with high speed pushed the motorcycle from behind. Motorcycle passengers fell on the road. And immediately the driver of the motorcycle was crushed by the bus and died on the spot. The other two fell on the side of the road and rescued luckily from major injury. I quickly rushed to the scene of the accident and found the motorcycle driver was died there. He was a man of about 35. There were blood and blood on the road. We caught the bus driver and helper and informed the police. The woman and the child of the motor bike were wounded lightly. They were sent to the hospital. I was greatly shocked at this accident. The accident occurred only for the carelessness of the bus driver. I have never seen such an accident before my eyes.

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"The worst accident I have ever seen." StudyMoose, Mar 06, 2016. Accessed September 8, 2024. https://studymoose.com/the-worst-accident-i-have-ever-seen-essay

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The worst accident I have ever seen essay

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Cue Card # 43: An accident you saw or witnessed

Ielts cue card/ candidate task card # 43, describe an accident you saw or witnessed..

You should say:

  • where the accident occurred
  • where you were then
  • who were affected by the accident

and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:

An accident is, well, is just an “accident’, and it can happen anytime and anywhere no matter how hard we try to avoid them. Of course, that’s easy to say but, watching an accident from close proximity or becoming a “helpless and unwilling” witness to it is totally different. But, that’s exactly what happened to me when I had to witness such a horrific and sad incident in my home city.

It was one rainy morning about 5 years ago when I was driving back to my own place after dropping my friend at a local airport. By the way, it was a two-lane highway with slow access roads connecting the highway from both sides of the highway. The road was busy as usual with a lot of traffics, but most of the vehicles were running slowly due to the unexpected heavy rain.

So, everything was going fine on the road until, suddenly, a fast-approaching 8-wheeled large truck tried to access the highway from my left side. I got a little scared just for a moment, but, I thought that the driver would come back to his sense and slow down his vehicle in order to avoid a terrible accident.

But, I am afraid that it was only wishful thinking as, unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened as I feared. The driver had to finally press his break really hard because that’s all he could do at that crunch moment (either because he was a new driver or just underestimated the risk or the speed) forcing his vehicle to “skid” from the access road and then eventually hitting few cars on the highway real badly, not only wrecking the cars but also injuring a couple of people seriously in the process.

I never really saw such an accident from such a close distance until that incident, and I felt really sad and scared after that for a while. I felt like it was bad enough to witness or learn about an accident when you were far away from it, but it was even worse when you knew that accident was about to take place, and yet, you just couldn’t do anything to stop it ahead of the time.

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Narrative Essay - An Accident

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A Green Light Signal’s - Everyone Must Leave...

I still possess a picture of my grandma on the beach at Phuket, Thailand, dressed in her grey kuftan and white dupatta and the wind blowing against her and she, opening out her hands as if waiting to embrace it. Every time I take a look at this picture it reminds me of the horrific incident that followed it. Thinking of that incident I feel my pulse race up and a rage of fury in my heart but before any more of these emotions, water starts to runs down my cheek.

 After leaving from Phuket my grandma took my sister and me to her brother’s house in Kolkata. My parents on the other hand went back to Mumbai. We spent two wonderful weeks with my grandma’s brother (who is just a year older to my dad) and his two sons (both of them were around my age), Varun and Vaibhav.

My sister and me had to depart as our vacation had finally come to an end and our new school year was about to start. My grandma, who only met her brother once a year, wanted to spend more time with them so my sister and I were to travel back alone.

I have a distinct image of the accident. My sister and I were on the way to the airport to catch our flight. My grandma, her brother and her aunt were coming along see us off. We were all seated in a navy blue Maruti 800. My uncle driving and my grandma on the front seat with my sister. My grandma’s aunt seated beside me alongside the luggage at the rear of the car. In comparison to the size of the car, it cannot hold 5 people and luggage. The car was purring along at a slow but steady speed. We were fortunate not to encounter any signals as we were in a hurry. The tables seemed to have turned and we stopped at a four way junction. We were waiting at a signal besides a carrier truck approximately 5 times the size of a delusion of a car. No other vehicle or person was present at 5 o’ clock in the morning. Then time seized to stop. I seemed like eternity. The signal turned green signalling the cars to go. To me suggesting that “all people must leave”. This incident reminded me of this very thought. We moved ahead. Everything appeared moved at the speed of the snail. Adrenaline released from my adrenal glands, making my sensory organs alert as though a fire alarm had gone off. At that very moment the truck took a sharp turn. Then as though someone had pressed the fast-forward button on a DVD player, from the right window I saw, the truck, coming onto us, with tremendous velocity, like a large wave approaching and engulfing a helpless child. I could only momentarily hear the shatter of windows pains and a shrieking cry of a child and before comprehending what had taken place, before I could recount what happened one of the luggage pieces knocked me out unconscious.

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I was woken by the sounds of loud calls and shrieking cries. Initially my vision was hazy and found myself looking out of a smashed car through a broken door - there was a huge gathering of people and a girl in the middle, in a pool of blood, whaling her lungs out., a person, eyes shut, precautiously but hurriedly being put into an ambulance and a her clothes stained. My head bulged at the sight and my I felt my heartbeat throbbing against my chest. I faintly remember a man approaching me but nothing beyond that.

This is a preview of the whole essay

The next thing that comes to my mind is waking up in a hospital bed besides my sister. To my horror, her head wrapped in bandages and she, fast asleep or, that is what I thought. My mother walked in, I still remember the worried look on her face but then suddenly she burst into tears and rushed out to embrace me. I wasn’t aware of the reason for such sudden emotions my mother was experiencing but welcomed the warm motherly hug and felt something was wrong.

 I later found out that the windows had shattered and had gone into my sister forehead, missing her eyes my a few millimetres (0.7mm, I measured it). Whereas for my grandma her thigh bone had to be removed as it had been crushed into fine pieces and had to get a metal one surgically inserted and my uncle had fractured his hand. As for me, I had no mark on my body to truly show that this accident had happened.

I spent another two weeks in Kolkata until the bandages were removed, from both my grandma and sister.

This incident left my grandma crippled for the rest of her life. Though she leads as normal a life as possible, in her eyes you can see the pain she suffers with every step she takes. My sister was left with a 5 cm scar on the right side of her face, an ugly site on otherwise a very beautiful face. I am glad that I survived unhurt and further more that I didn’t loose any of my dear ones. As for the truck driver, he was never to be seen again. This incident almost envisaged my thoughts I experience every time I wait for a signal - a green light signal’s that everyone leaves.

Every time I am at the beach, I hear the waves crashing against the shore, I look back to see my grandma sitting on the beach chair unable to enjoy the activities she would have enjoyed doing, my eyes fill up with tears and my heart with anger. It feels as if she has lost half her soul in the accident and the other is crippled. If I were to find the person who did this I would never leave him. Whenever I think of him my heart beats against my chest as though a caged animal waiting to be released. This incident has had a drastic impact on my life and even more on others but has taught me a valuable lesson – “life’s too short, enjoy it to the fullest”.

Narrative Writing

Word Count – 1,064 words

Jash Choraria

Kuftan  – a long robe or dress

Dupatta  – a piece of cloth, resembling a muffler worn around your neck with Indian clothes        

Narrative Essay - An Accident

Document Details

  • Word Count 1099
  • Page Count 3
  • Subject English

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Describe an accident you have seen or heard about – IELTS Cue Card

Whitney Houston

Updated On Sep 18, 2023


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write an essay on accident you witnessed

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In the IELTS Speaking section, one of the most common question types is the Cue Card Speaking prompt. The IELTS Cue Card topics will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic. To attempt this question, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time. Consider the sample Cue Card below. Study the types of questions that have been formulated based on the cue card and how to go about with your response:

Describe an accident

You should say:

  • Where did it occur?
  • What harm did it cause?
  • How did you feel about the accident?
  • And explain how dangerous this accident was?

Mishappenings occur, mostly without our influence or knowledge. Sometimes the people involved in accidents are lucky enough to survive the incident with minimal damage. However, in many cases, accidents lead to the loss of property and even human life. Although I have not witnessed many accidents with my own eyes, there was a time when I had seen the aftermath of a terrible road accident. One evening, as I was riding my motorcycle through the busy streets of central Kolkata, I came across a commotion on the road. It was tough to figure out what was going on due to all the hustle and bustle but also due to the constant honking of vehicles. Eventually, I asked a bystander and came to know that there had been an accident at the traffic signal.

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Although my parents, especially my father, have always advised me to avoid such disturbances on the road and mind my own business, this time I was more curious than usual to see what had happened as this accident occurred on a route that I take on a regular basis on my way to college. As I overheard people talking about what had happened, I figured out that it was a case of reckless driving. Two bikers were trying to race each other to the signal and had crashed into a car which halted at the red light. Although the accident was not fatal to anyone involved, one of the bikers had a horrifying leg injury. The car and the bikes were absolutely wrecked and there were broken vehicle parts scattered all over the road.

I have always been a responsible driver, especially when riding a motorcycle. There have been many similar motorbike accidents in my locality where people have sustained fatal injuries due to carelessness on the road. I felt terrible for all the people involved in the accident, especially for the car driver since he was not at fault to any degree.

Later on, after I reached home, my mother asked me about the accident since it was covered by a few local news channels. That’s when I came to know that the biker who had suffered the leg injury had to get his leg amputated.

Accidents are unwanted, and it sometimes causes severe damage to people who suffer from it. There was one such severe accident I witnessed a few months back while I was travelling by car from my office to home. The accident occurred when a bike collided with a car, and the bike rider died instantly. I was completely horrified by it.

It was approximately 5 p.m., and I was on my way home from my workplace as though it were any other working day. There were traffic jams on practically every road. I suddenly heard a number of people screaming across the road as I went on the flyover. Slowly, I made my way forward and noticed a huge crowd. I parked my car on the corner of the road out of curiosity to see why there were so many people gathered and screaming. I crossed the road and approached a man who was already there and asked why there were so many people there. He informed me that an accident occurred only 5 minutes ago. An SUV car driver was driving aggressively and, when he lost control of his speed, collided with a bike rider, who died on the spot. The car driver also attempted to flee the scene, but witnesses gathered and summoned the police and ambulance. 

I was astonished when I learnt about the accident, and I’ll never forget seeing the motorbike rider’s corpse drenched in blood. I still can’t get that out of my head.

  • Horrified (adj) – filled with horror; extremely shocked. Eg : Diana was horrified by the size of the bill.
  • Astonished (adj) – greatly surprised or amazed.  Eg : Sam was astonished when he saw the news.
  • Drenched (verb) – wet thoroughly. Eg : Hari is drenched in sweat.
  • Collided (verb) – hit by accident when moving. Eg : The bus collided with the truck.
  • Summoned (verb) – ask to be present. Eg : Jiya, after witnessing her father’s deteriorating health, summoned the doctor. 

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Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston

Houston has been in the field of IELTS for about eight years and has been associated with IELTSMaterial for the last two years. As an IELTS Expert, her contributions to the articles have been informative and original. Whitney has written about 200 informative articles for IELTSMaterial.com, which enables students to learn from her expertise. Whitney is also a good researcher, and thus any new information about the IELTS test can be found on our website, thanks to her. Whitney completed her graduation in Creative Writing at Glasgow University, Belfast. Having seen her foreign peers struggling to prepare for IELTS to find jobs abroad kindled her, and she began learning the techniques and strategies to crack the IELTS test to help her peers.

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How to write a car accident witness statement.

  • November 4, 2021

Witnesses to motor vehicle collisions can clear up issues of liability, establish the chain of events leading to a crash, and provide crucial details.

If you saw an accident, learning how to write a car accident witness statement can help you recognize what is and isn’t important to include in your write-up.

The Basics of Your Witness Statement

When you agree to go on the record about a crash, you need to provide your contact information. This includes your:

  • Phone number

If there are issues with an insurance claim or a victim files a lawsuit, a Long Island Personal Injury Lawyer or insurance adjuster may need to contact you for more information following your statement.

Describing the Accident

Car crashes are chaotic, and you may feel overwhelmed even as a witness. To start, focus on the basics like:

If you glanced at your phone or watch when the crash occurred, note the time. Describe the street or intersection where the accident happened, including if it was busy or deserted, whether there was construction, and if it was raining, sunny, or icy.

You may not know what will be important, so include what you can remember. Any details could be pivotal to understanding the accident’s cause. For instance, that large pothole that caused one car to blow a tire and strike another vehicle could be grounds for a lawsuit against the city ( GMU § 50-E ).

Questions That May Jog Your Memory of what Happened

You can sort through the rest of the crash by answering questions like:

  • Where were you in relation to the collision?
  • What first got your attention?
  • Who was moving where?
  • How did the drivers act and react?
  • Were there other witnesses?

You don’t have to worry about knowing the underlying reasons for the accident. Instead, focus on what you know happened. If there are gaps because you couldn’t see or don’t remember, that’s okay; don’t try to fill them in with your imagination.

Don’t Forget to Include What Happened After the Crash

Describing the aftermath of an accident is just as important as describing the collision itself when writing a car accident witness statement. Mention any of the following details if you noticed:

  • Behavior as people exited their vehicles
  • Appearance of injuries
  • Any property damage
  • Comments made by people involved

Maybe one of the drivers apologized for a specific action that caused the accident. Perhaps you saw someone limping. If you saw damage to vehicles or other property, try to be as specific as possible when describing it, such as angles or type of damage (broken glass, dents, jagged pieces, etc.).

Don’t try to fill in the blanks if you didn’t hear the full conversation. Don’t assume someone was hurt based on the damage to the vehicles. Focus on what you directly saw and heard.

What You don’t Say Is Also Important

If you’ve ever given a statement to an insurance company for an accident you were in, a lawyer may have advised you not to deviate much from basic facts. The same is true in how you write a statement after witnessing a car accident. Avoid including:

  • Assumptions

For example, if you saw a car swerve and hit another vehicle, you may assume the swerving car was 100% at fault. However, maybe you didn’t see the swerving car trying to avoid another negligent driver, or that it had a tire failure due to a manufacturing error that caused them to lose control.

Car accident lawyers , like the ones on our team at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP evaluate statements like yours alongside photographs, vehicle damage, medical records, police reports, and accident reconstruction. Leave the deductions to us.

Why Witness Statements Matter

In insurance claims and lawsuits, what you say in a car accident witness statement can help with:

  • Identifying liable parties
  • Determining if negligence was involved
  • Understanding contributing factors
  • Supporting a victim’s version of events
  • Fighting back against insurance companies

As an unbiased observer with no stake in the proceedings, you can report facts that could be essential to resolving a dispute. For example, an insurance company may argue that someone is not as injured as they claim. Your statement could be used in conjunction with other evidence to argue otherwise.

Holding Negligent Drivers Responsible

You can help uphold the law by being a witness. It is a crime in New York for someone to flee the scene of an accident that caused damage or injuries, per NY VAT § 600 .

If you saw that happen, you can provide evidence that could help track down a negligent driver who broke the law.

For Questions About Witness Statements, Call Us

If you aren’t sure how to write a witness statement after a car accident or are unsure how witness statements will function in your case, contact our team today at (516) 358-6900 .

The car collision team at the Law Office of Cohen & Jaffe, LLP can provide you with information for free. Call now.

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write an essay on accident you witnessed

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Ielts cue card sample 6 - an accident you saw, describe an accident you saw..

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  • where you were then
  • when it was
  • What should be done to reduce road accidents?
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  1. An Accident I Witnessed Paragraph Writing || Writeology TV

    write an essay on accident you witnessed

  2. Essay

    write an essay on accident you witnessed

  3. An Accident I Witnessed

    write an essay on accident you witnessed

  4. short essay on an accident i witnessed

    write an essay on accident you witnessed

  5. Write an essay an accident I saw || Essay writing on an accident I saw short paragraph in english

    write an essay on accident you witnessed

  6. Narrative Essay on Road Accident I Witnessed [Edit & Download], Pdf

    write an essay on accident you witnessed


  1. English Essay on Train Accident |How to write English Essay on Rail Accident

  2. 20 Quotations for A Road Accident essay in English

  3. An Accident that you have seen paragraph writing in English || An Accident that you have seen essay

  4. Essay on a Road accident in English || paragraph on A Road Accident || short essay on Road Accident

  5. Essay A Road Accident In English || Essay On Road Accident || A Road Accident ||

  6. Rick Ross admits he witnessed Drake create & write hits on Drink Champs


  1. Narrative Essay on Road Accident I Witnessed

    The accident served as a powerful lesson on the consequences of negligence on the road and the collective responsibility we share in preventing such tragedies. The road accident I witnessed was a stark reminder of the thin line between life and death and the impact of our choices behind the wheel. It taught me the importance of road safety, not ...

  2. Essay on An Accident

    An Accident Essay Writing Tips. 1. Start by introducing the topic of the essay, which is about an accident you witnessed or were involved in. Provide some background information to set the scene for the reader. 2. Describe the accident in detail, including where and when it happened, who was involved, and what caused it.

  3. Essay on an Accident I saw| Description of A Car Accident Essay

    Pro tips: While you write an essay on any personal story, always present the fact that the story's influence on your life. Essay on an Accident I saw points: Introduction; Eyewitness experience; My immediate reaction; Reflecting on the Consequences; The impact on me; Conclusion; Short Essay on an Accident I Saw. On a regular day, I was ...

  4. An Accident I Have Witnessed

    An accident I have witnessed. Normally, it is through the newspapers that we get to know about an accident. It is quite rare that we witness an accident ourselves. About 5 years back, I was a witness to a bus accident which is still so fresh in my mind. I was sitting in a restaurant along with my parents. The restaurant was on the first floor ...

  5. An Accident I Saw Essay

    An Accident I Saw Essay: It was a cold and foggy day. There wasn't much traffic on the road. I was standing on the balcony of my house when, suddenly, I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car had lost control at a turning and had crashed into an electricity pole. ... You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports ...

  6. The Hit-and-Run Car Accident that Changed My Life

    From here, your essay would benefit from a thorough edit to address parallel structure problems and recast run-on sentences. There are also some issues with word choice. For example, you're no longer simply a witness if you're directly involved in a car accident. Other grammar issues include your use of "lye."

  7. An Accident I Saw Essay

    Date. An Accident I Saw. That day was really horrible as I was terrified by witnessing a terrible accident. It was the most dangerous accident case which I have ever seen throughout my life. Its image was so devastated, so painful and so horrible that I could not forget the incident for almost two weeks. I can still remember that it was 25th ...

  8. An Accident on the Road

    Narrative Writing. 1. Free Essay Plan. 1. Alice and her friends were walking in downtown when they heard a loud screeching noise. 2. They rushed to the scene of an accident where a car had collided with a motorcycle. 3. The rider was lying motionless on the pavement and his wife was shouting for help.

  9. you witnessed an accident and have to describe to help police

    you witnessed an accident and have to describe to help police. I am writing to describe an accident scene which I witnessed at Easton Avenue on 24th February, 2019 at about 10.45pm. On the said day, it was raining heavily, the roads were poorly lit because the solar powered streetlights were not functioning, , motorists were driving slowly.

  10. Road Accident Essay for Students and Children

    Every day people witness accidents in the news, from relatives and even with their own eyes. Once I was on my way back home from festive shopping when I witnessed a road accident. I was with my sister and it was around 6 o' clock in the evening. In the middle of the road, we saw a crowd surrounding something.

  11. Road Accident Essay

    Road accidents are an unfortunate reality of our lives. The daily news reports generally contain at least one incident of a road accident. Depending on the severity of the accident, the number of casualties and the damage done can be concerning. Road accidents cost a lot of lives and property damage. To avoid accidents, everyone should be more ...

  12. Essay on Accident

    Even though accidents are scary and can be harmful, we can learn from them. They can teach us to be more careful and aware. They can show us the importance of safety rules and precautions. They can also remind us to be thankful for our health and life. In conclusion, accidents are unexpected events that can cause harm.

  13. Paragraph on an accident I witnessed

    Answer 02: Paragraph on an accident I witnessed. Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens suddenly resulting in damage or injury. It is unexpected or unplanned occurrence. Nowadays road accidents have become a daily occurrence. Last week I witnessed a terrible road accident at Farmgate in Dhaka.

  14. The worst accident I have ever seen Free Essay Example

    41327. On 12 July 2009 I witnessed a horrific car accident that I bet was the worst that ever occurred in Nelspruit. The day started normally. I was going to school, and ordinary men and women were commuting to their work place. The sun was at its brightest and everyone in the car was cheery. Traffic was not too bad either; it was in the right ...

  15. An Accident I Witnessed

    An Accident I Witnessed | Paragraph Writing | Ek Education |Hello Students! Join us on our channel. This channel offers Essay Writing, Story Writing, Articl...

  16. 43: An accident you saw or witnessed

    Describe an accident you saw or witnessed. You should say: and explain how you felt about it. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.] An accident is, well, is just an "accident', and it can happen anytime ...

  17. An Accident I Witnessed

    1) The narrator witnessed a terrible car accident on their way to school one morning. A car full of school children made a left turn without signaling and crashed into an oncoming school bus. Several other cars then crashed into the bus. 2) The scene was devastating - three children were thrown from the car, two were seriously injured while another had their hand severed and was unconscious ...

  18. Narrative Essay

    I have a distinct image of the accident. My sister and I were on the way to the airport to catch our flight. My grandma, her brother and her aunt were coming along see us off. We were all seated in a navy blue Maruti 800. My uncle driving and my grandma on the front seat with my sister. My grandma's aunt seated beside me alongside the luggage ...

  19. Describe an accident you have seen or heard about

    Vocabulary. Horrified (adj) - filled with horror; extremely shocked. Eg: Diana was horrified by the size of the bill. Astonished (adj) - greatly surprised or amazed. Eg: Sam was astonished when he saw the news. Drenched (verb) - wet thoroughly. Eg: Hari is drenched in sweat. Collided (verb) - hit by accident when moving.

  20. How to Write a Car Accident Witness Statement

    Car crashes are chaotic, and you may feel overwhelmed even as a witness. To start, focus on the basics like: Time. Location. Traffic. Weather. If you glanced at your phone or watch when the crash occurred, note the time. Describe the street or intersection where the accident happened, including if it was busy or deserted, whether there was ...

  21. Describe an accident

    Describe an accident you have seen or heard about. You should say: where it occurred. what harm it caused. how you felt about the accident. and explain how dangerous this accident was. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

  22. IELTS Cue Card Sample 6

    IELTS Cue Card Sample 6 - An accident you saw

  23. Narrative Essay About Car Accident

    Narrative Essay On A Car Accident. Have you ever been in a car accident? Let me tell you, every accident is different. No-body knows how an accident will happen or the outcome of an accident. All accidents are defined by the severity. All accidents impact a person. Nobody understands an impact of an accident on a person until it happens to them ...