research papers for financial accounting

Accounting Research Journal

  • Submit your paper
  • Author guidelines
  • Editorial team
  • Indexing & metrics
  • Calls for papers & news

Before you start

For queries relating to the status of your paper pre decision, please contact the Editor or Journal Editorial Office. For queries post acceptance, please contact the Supplier Project Manager. These details can be found in the Editorial Team section.

Author responsibilities

Our goal is to provide you with a professional and courteous experience at each stage of the review and publication process. There are also some responsibilities that sit with you as the author. Our expectation is that you will:

  • Respond swiftly to any queries during the publication process.
  • Be accountable for all aspects of your work. This includes investigating and resolving any questions about accuracy or research integrity
  • Treat communications between you and the journal editor as confidential until an editorial decision has been made.
  • Include anyone who has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the submission (anyone else involved in the paper should be listed in the acknowledgements).
  • Exclude anyone who hasn’t contributed to the paper, or who has chosen not to be associated with the research.
  • In accordance with COPE’s position statement on AI tools , Large Language Models cannot be credited with authorship as they are incapable of conceptualising a research design without human direction and cannot be accountable for the integrity, originality, and validity of the published work. The author(s) must describe the content created or modified as well as appropriately cite the name and version of the AI tool used; any additional works drawn on by the AI tool should also be appropriately cited and referenced. Standard tools that are used to improve spelling and grammar are not included within the parameters of this guidance. The Editor and Publisher reserve the right to determine whether the use of an AI tool is permissible. 
  • If your article involves human participants, you must ensure you have considered whether or not you require ethical approval for your research, and include this information as part of your submission. Find out more about informed consent .

Generative AI usage key principles 

  • Copywriting any part of an article using a generative AI tool/LLM would not be permissible, including the generation of the abstract or the literature review, for as per Emerald’s authorship criteria, the author(s) must be responsible for the work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity.  
  • The generation or reporting of results using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible, for as per Emerald’s authorship criteria, the author(s) must be responsible for the creation and interpretation of their work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity.  
  • The in-text reporting of statistics using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible due to concerns over the authenticity, integrity, and validity of the data produced, although the use of such a tool to aid in the analysis of the work would be permissible.  
  • Copy-editing an article using a generative AI tool/LLM in order to improve its language and readability would be permissible as this mirrors standard tools already employed to improve spelling and grammar, and uses existing author-created material, rather than generating wholly new content, while the author(s) remains responsible for the original work. 
  • The submission and publication of images created by AI tools or large-scale generative models is not permitted. 

Research and publishing ethics

Our editors and employees work hard to ensure the content we publish is ethically sound. To help us achieve that goal, we closely follow the advice laid out in the guidelines and flowcharts on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) website .

We have also developed our research and publishing ethics guidelines . If you haven’t already read these, we urge you to do so – they will help you avoid the most common publishing ethics issues.

A few key points:

  • Any manuscript you submit to this journal should be original. That means it should not have been published before in its current, or similar, form. Exceptions to this rule are outlined in our pre-print and conference paper policies .  If any substantial element of your paper has been previously published, you need to declare this to the journal editor upon submission. Please note, the journal editor may use  Crossref Similarity Check  to check on the originality of submissions received. This service compares submissions against a database of 49 million works from 800 scholarly publishers.
  • Your work should not have been submitted elsewhere and should not be under consideration by any other publication.
  • If you have a conflict of interest, you must declare it upon submission; this allows the editor to decide how they would like to proceed. Read about conflict of interest in our research and publishing ethics guidelines .
  • By submitting your work to Emerald, you are guaranteeing that the work is not in infringement of any existing copyright.

Third party copyright permissions

Prior to article submission, you need to ensure you’ve applied for, and received, written permission to use any material in your manuscript that has been created by a third party. Please note, we are unable to publish any article that still has permissions pending. The rights we require are:

  • Non-exclusive rights to reproduce the material in the article or book chapter.
  • Print and electronic rights.
  • Worldwide English-language rights.
  • To use the material for the life of the work. That means there should be no time restrictions on its re-use e.g. a one-year licence.

We are a member of the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) and participate in the STM permissions guidelines , a reciprocal free exchange of material with other STM publishers.  In some cases, this may mean that you don’t need permission to re-use content. If so, please highlight this at the submission stage.

Please take a few moments to read our guide to publishing permissions  to ensure you have met all the requirements, so that we can process your submission without delay.

Open access submissions and information

All our journals currently offer two open access (OA) publishing paths; gold open access and green open access.

If you would like to, or are required to, make the branded publisher PDF (also known as the version of record) freely available immediately upon publication, you can select the gold open access route once your paper is accepted.

If you’ve chosen to publish gold open access, this is the point you will be asked to pay the APC (article processing charge) . This varies per journal and can be found on our APC price list or on the editorial system at the point of submission. Your article will be published with a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 user licence , which outlines how readers can reuse your work.

Alternatively, if you would like to, or are required to, publish open access but your funding doesn’t cover the cost of the APC, you can choose the green open access, or self-archiving, route. As soon as your article is published, you can make the author accepted manuscript (the version accepted for publication) openly available, free from payment and embargo periods.

You can find out more about our open access routes, our APCs and waivers and read our FAQs on our open research page. 

Find out about open

Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines

We are a signatory of the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines , a framework that supports the reproducibility of research through the adoption of transparent research practices. That means we encourage you to:

  • Cite and fully reference all data, program code, and other methods in your article.
  • Include persistent identifiers, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), in references for datasets and program codes. Persistent identifiers ensure future access to unique published digital objects, such as a piece of text or datasets. Persistent identifiers are assigned to datasets by digital archives, such as institutional repositories and partners in the Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS).
  • Follow appropriate international and national procedures with respect to data protection, rights to privacy and other ethical considerations, whenever you cite data. For further guidance please refer to our  research and publishing ethics guidelines . For an example on how to cite datasets, please refer to the references section below.

Prepare your submission

Manuscript support services.

We are pleased to partner with Editage, a platform that connects you with relevant experts in language support, translation, editing, visuals, consulting, and more. After you’ve agreed a fee, they will work with you to enhance your manuscript and get it submission-ready.

This is an optional service for authors who feel they need a little extra support. It does not guarantee your work will be accepted for review or publication.

Visit Editage

Manuscript requirements

Before you submit your manuscript, it’s important you read and follow the guidelines below. You will also find some useful tips in our structure your journal submission how-to guide.

Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format

While you are welcome to submit a PDF of the document alongside the Word file, . LaTeX files can also be used but only if an accompanying PDF document is provided. Acceptable figure file types are listed further below.

The main body of the article, including the structured abstract and the list of references, should not ideally exceed 6000 words. If a paper exceeds the word limit by a large margin, it will be desk-rejected without taking it through the editorial review process.

The total length of an article ideally should not exceed 8000 words. This includes all text, including the structured abstract, list of references, and all text in tables, figures, and appendices. In deciding how many tables to include within the word limit, please allow 280 words for each figure or table.

A concisely worded title should be provided.

The names of all contributing authors should be added to the ScholarOne submission; please list them in the order in which you’d like them to be published. Each contributing author will need their own ScholarOne author account, from which we will extract the following details:

(institutional preferred). . We will reproduce it exactly, so any middle names and/or initials they want featured must be included. . This should be where they were based when the research for the paper was conducted.

In multi-authored papers, it’s important that ALL authors that have made a significant contribution to the paper are listed. Those who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be featured in an acknowledgements section. You should never include people who have not contributed to the paper or who don’t want to be associated with the research. Read about our for authorship.

If you want to include these items, save them in a separate Microsoft Word document and upload the file with your submission. Where they are included, a brief professional biography of not more than 100 words should be supplied for each named author.

Your article must reference all sources of external research funding in the acknowledgements section. You should describe the role of the funder or financial sponsor in the entire research process, from study design to submission.

All submissions must include a structured abstract, following the format outlined below.

These four sub-headings and their accompanying explanations must always be included:

The following three sub-headings are optional and can be included, if applicable:

You can find some useful tips in our  how-to guide.

The maximum length of your abstract should be 250 words in total, including keywords and article classification (see the sections below).

Your submission should include up to 12 appropriate and short keywords that capture the principal topics of the paper. Our  how to guide contains some practical guidance on choosing search-engine friendly keywords.

Please note, while we will always try to use the keywords you’ve suggested, the in-house editorial team may replace some of them with matching terms to ensure consistency across publications and improve your article’s visibility.

During the submission process, you will be asked to select a type for your paper; the options are listed below. If you don’t see an exact match, please choose the best fit:



You will also be asked to select a category for your paper. The options for this are listed below. If you don’t see an exact match, please choose the best fit:

 Reports on any type of research undertaken by the author(s), including:

 Covers any paper where content is dependent on the author's opinion and interpretation. This includes journalistic and magazine-style pieces.

 Describes and evaluates technical products, processes or services.

 Focuses on developing hypotheses and is usually discursive. Covers philosophical discussions and comparative studies of other authors’ work and thinking.

 Describes actual interventions or experiences within organizations. It can be subjective and doesn’t generally report on research. Also covers a description of a legal case or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise.

 This category should only be used if the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular field. It could be a selective bibliography providing advice on information sources, or the paper may aim to cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views.

 Provides an overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomenon. Papers are likely to be more descriptive or instructional (‘how to’ papers) than discursive.

Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the required hierarchy. 

The preferred format is for first level headings to be in bold, and subsequent sub-headings to be in medium italics.

Notes or endnotes should only be used if absolutely necessary. They should be identified in the text by consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets. These numbers should then be listed, and explained, at the end of the article.

All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, webpages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be submitted electronically. Both colour and black and white files are accepted.

There are a few other important points to note:

Tables should be typed and submitted in a separate file to the main body of the article. The position of each table should be clearly labelled in the main body of the article with corresponding labels clearly shown in the table file. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals (e.g. I, II, etc.).

Give each table a brief title. Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items and have explanations displayed as footnotes to the table, figure or plate.

Where tables, figures, appendices, and other additional content are supplementary to the article but not critical to the reader’s understanding of it, you can choose to host these supplementary files alongside your article on Insight, Emerald’s content hosting platform, or on an institutional or personal repository. All supplementary material must be submitted prior to acceptance.

, you must submit these as separate files alongside your article. Files should be clearly labelled in such a way that makes it clear they are supplementary; Emerald recommends that the file name is descriptive and that it follows the format ‘Supplementary_material_appendix_1’ or ‘Supplementary tables’. . A link to the supplementary material will be added to the article during production, and the material will be made available alongside the main text of the article at the point of EarlyCite publication.

Please note that Emerald will not make any changes to the material; it will not be copyedited, typeset, and authors will not receive proofs. Emerald therefore strongly recommends that you style all supplementary material ahead of acceptance of the article.

Emerald Insight can host the following file types and extensions:

, you should ensure that the supplementary material is hosted on the repository ahead of submission, and then include a link only to the repository within the article. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that the material is free to access and that it remains permanently available.

Please note that extensive supplementary material may be subject to peer review; this is at the discretion of the journal Editor and dependent on the content of the material (for example, whether including it would support the reviewer making a decision on the article during the peer review process).

All references in your manuscript must be formatted using one of the recognised Harvard styles. You are welcome to use the Harvard style Emerald has adopted – we’ve provided a detailed guide below. Want to use a different Harvard style? That’s fine, our typesetters will make any necessary changes to your manuscript if it is accepted. Please ensure you check all your citations for completeness, accuracy and consistency.

References to other publications in your text should be written as follows:

, 2006) Please note, ‘ ' should always be written in italics.

A few other style points. These apply to both the main body of text and your final list of references.

At the end of your paper, please supply a reference list in alphabetical order using the style guidelines below. Where a DOI is available, this should be included at the end of the reference.

Surname, initials (year),  , publisher, place of publication.

e.g. Harrow, R. (2005),  , Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.

Surname, initials (year), "chapter title", editor's surname, initials (Ed.), , publisher, place of publication, page numbers.

e.g. Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice – a continuum", Stankosky, M. (Ed.),  , Elsevier, New York, NY, pp.15-20.

Surname, initials (year), "title of article",  , volume issue, page numbers.

e.g. Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century",  , Vol. 22 No. 2, pp.72-80.

Surname, initials (year of publication), "title of paper", in editor’s surname, initials (Ed.),  , publisher, place of publication, page numbers.

e.g. Wilde, S. and Cox, C. (2008), “Principal factors contributing to the competitiveness of tourism destinations at varying stages of development”, in Richardson, S., Fredline, L., Patiar A., & Ternel, M. (Ed.s),  , Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp.115-118.

Surname, initials (year), "title of paper", paper presented at [name of conference], [date of conference], [place of conference], available at: URL if freely available on the internet (accessed date).

e.g. Aumueller, D. (2005), "Semantic authoring and retrieval within a wiki", paper presented at the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 29 May-1 June, Heraklion, Crete, available at:  ;(accessed 20 February 2007).

Surname, initials (year), "title of article", working paper [number if available], institution or organization, place of organization, date.

e.g. Moizer, P. (2003), "How published academic research can inform policy decisions: the case of mandatory rotation of audit appointments", working paper, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds, 28 March.

 (year), "title of entry", volume, edition, title of encyclopaedia, publisher, place of publication, page numbers.

e.g.   (1926), "Psychology of culture contact", Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopaedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp.765-771.

(for authored entries, please refer to book chapter guidelines above)

Surname, initials (year), "article title",  , date, page numbers.

e.g. Smith, A. (2008), "Money for old rope",  , 21 January, pp.1, 3-4.

 (year), "article title", date, page numbers.

e.g.   (2008), "Small change", 2 February, p.7.

Surname, initials (year), "title of document", unpublished manuscript, collection name, inventory record, name of archive, location of archive.

e.g. Litman, S. (1902), "Mechanism & Technique of Commerce", unpublished manuscript, Simon Litman Papers, Record series 9/5/29 Box 3, University of Illinois Archives, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

If available online, the full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as the date that the resource was accessed.

Surname, initials (year), “title of electronic source”, available at: persistent URL (accessed date month year).

e.g. Weida, S. and Stolley, K. (2013), “Developing strong thesis statements”, available at: (accessed 20 June 2018)

Standalone URLs, i.e. those without an author or date, should be included either inside parentheses within the main text, or preferably set as a note (Roman numeral within square brackets within text followed by the full URL address at the end of the paper).

Surname, initials (year),  , name of data repository, available at: persistent URL, (accessed date month year).

e.g. Campbell, A. and Kahn, R.L. (2015),  , ICPSR07218-v4, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), Ann Arbor, MI, available at:  (accessed 20 June 2018)

Submit your manuscript

There are a number of key steps you should follow to ensure a smooth and trouble-free submission.

Double check your manuscript

Before submitting your work, it is your responsibility to check that the manuscript is complete, grammatically correct, and without spelling or typographical errors. A few other important points:

  • Give the journal aims and scope a final read. Is your manuscript definitely a good fit? If it isn’t, the editor may decline it without peer review.
  • Does your manuscript comply with our research and publishing ethics guidelines ?
  • Have you cleared any necessary publishing permissions ?
  • Have you followed all the formatting requirements laid out in these author guidelines?
  • If you need to refer to your own work, use wording such as ‘previous research has demonstrated’ not ‘our previous research has demonstrated’.
  • If you need to refer to your own, currently unpublished work, don’t include this work in the reference list.
  • Any acknowledgments or author biographies should be uploaded as separate files.
  • Carry out a final check to ensure that no author names appear anywhere in the manuscript. This includes in figures or captions.

You will find a helpful submission checklist on the website Think.Check.Submit .

The submission process

All manuscripts should be submitted through our editorial system by the corresponding author.

A separate author account is required for each journal you submit to. If this is your first time submitting to this journal, please choose the Create an account or Register now option in the editorial system. If you already have an Emerald login, you are welcome to reuse the existing username and password here.

Please note, the next time you log into the system, you will be asked for your username. This will be the email address you entered when you set up your account.

Don't forget to add your  ORCiD ID during the submission process. It will be embedded in your published article, along with a link to the ORCiD registry allowing others to easily match you with your work.

Don’t have one yet? It only takes a few moments to register for a free ORCiD identifier .

Visit the ScholarOne support centre  for further help and guidance.

What you can expect next

You will receive an automated email from the journal editor, confirming your successful submission. It will provide you with a manuscript number, which will be used in all future correspondence about your submission. If you have any reason to suspect the confirmation email you receive might be fraudulent, please contact our Rights team .

Post submission

Review and decision process.

Each submission is checked by the editor. At this stage, they may choose to decline or unsubmit your manuscript if it doesn’t fit the journal aims and scope, or they feel the language/manuscript quality is too low.

If they think it might be suitable for the publication, they will send it to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review.  Once these reviewers have provided their feedback, the editor may decide to accept your manuscript, request minor or major revisions, or decline your work.

This journal offers an article transfer service. If the editor decides to decline your manuscript, either before or after peer review, they may offer to transfer it to a more relevant Emerald journal in this field. If you accept, your ScholarOne author account, and the accounts of your co-authors, will automatically transfer to the new journal, along with your manuscript and any accompanying peer review reports. However, you will still need to log in to ScholarOne to complete the submission process using your existing username and password. While accepting a transfer does not guarantee the receiving journal will publish your work, an editor will only suggest a transfer if they feel your article is a good fit with the new title.

While all journals work to different timescales, the goal is that the editor will inform you of their first decision within 60 days.

During this period, we will send you automated updates on the progress of your manuscript via our submission system, or you can log in to check on the current status of your paper.  Each time we contact you, we will quote the manuscript number you were given at the point of submission. If you receive an email that does not match these criteria, it could be fraudulent and we recommend you email [email protected] .

If your submission is accepted

Open access.

Once your paper is accepted, you will have the opportunity to indicate whether you would like to publish your paper via the gold open access route.

If you’ve chosen to publish gold open access, this is the point you will be asked to pay the APC (article processing charge).  This varies per journal and can be found on our APC price list or on the editorial system at the point of submission. Your article will be published with a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 user licence , which outlines how readers can reuse your work.

All accepted authors are sent an email with a link to a licence form.  This should be checked for accuracy, for example whether contact and affiliation details are up to date and your name is spelled correctly, and then returned to us electronically. If there is a reason why you can’t assign copyright to us, you should discuss this with your journal content editor. You will find their contact details on the editorial team section above.

Proofing and typesetting

Two to three months before the scheduled print publication of an issue, we carry out editorial checks on your paper and a pre-typeset version appears in the Accepted Articles section of the journal’s online content. Your paper is then copyedited, typeset, and proofs are sent to you (if you are the corresponding author) for your review. You receive advance notification of this.  Please note, this is your opportunity to correct any typographical errors, grammatical errors or incorrect author details. We can’t accept requests to rewrite texts at this stage.

How to share your paper

Visit our author rights page  to find out how you can reuse and share your work.

To find tips on increasing the visibility of your published paper, read about  how to promote your work .

Correcting inaccuracies in your published paper

Sometimes errors are made during the research, writing and publishing processes. When these issues arise, we have the option of withdrawing the paper or introducing a correction notice. Find out more about our  article withdrawal and correction policies .

Need to make a change to the author list? See our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.

Frequently asked questions

The only time we will ever ask you for money to publish in an Emerald journal is if you have chosen to publish via the gold open access route. You will be asked to pay an APC (article processing charge) once your paper has been accepted (unless it is a sponsored open access journal). 

At no other time will you be asked to contribute financially towards your article’s publication. If you haven’t chosen gold open access and you receive an email which appears to be from Emerald, asking you for payment to publish, please .

Please contact the editor for the journal, with a copy of your CV. You will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page.

First, log into your author centre on the journal's ScholarOne site. Click on and check the column of the table at the bottom of the page. If the editor has assigned your paper to an issue, the volume and issue number will appear. If they have yet to assign it, you can email them to request further details. You will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page.

Please email the journal editor – you will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page. If you ever suspect an email you’ve received from Emerald might not be genuine, you are welcome to verify it with the content editor for the journal, whose contact details can be found on the editorial team tab on this page. Alternatively, you can .

If you’ve read the aims and scope on the journal landing page and are still unsure whether your paper is suitable for the journal, please email the editor and include your paper's title and structured abstract. They will be able to advise on your manuscript’s suitability. You will find their contact details on the Editorial team tab on this page.

Authorship and the order in which the authors are listed on the paper should be agreed prior to submission. We have a right first time policy on this and no changes can be made to the list once submitted. If you have made an error in the submission process, please email the Journal Editorial Office who will look into your request – you will find their contact details on the editorial team tab on this page.

  • Professor Reza Monem Griffith University, Griffith Business School, Australia - Australia [email protected]

Associate Editor

  • Associate Professor Muhammad Jahangir Ali La Trobe University, La Trobe Business School, Australia - Australia [email protected]
  • Dr Gurmeet Singh Bhabra Griffith University, Australia [email protected]
  • Associate Professor Borhan Bhuiyan Massey University - New Zealand [email protected]
  • Dr Pallab Biswas The University of Otago - New Zealand [email protected]
  • Dr Lien Duong Curtin University , Australia [email protected]
  • Associate Professor Omar Al Farooque University of New England, Australia [email protected]
  • Dr Ru (Tina) Gao The University of Queensland - Australia [email protected]
  • Associate Professor Noor Houqe Massey University - New Zealand [email protected]
  • Dr Fang Hu Griffith University, The Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics - Australia [email protected]
  • Dr Awad Ibrahim University of Portsmouth, UK [email protected]
  • Dr Haiyan Jiang Macquarie University, Australia [email protected]
  • Dr Habib Zaman Khan University of Canberra - Australia [email protected]
  • Dr Bronwyn McCreddie Queensland University of Technology - Australia [email protected]
  • Prof. Tam Nguyen Nottingham Trent University - UK [email protected]
  • Dr Natasja Steenkamp University of Canterbury, New Zealand [email protected]
  • Dr Effie Aswadi Abdul Wahab Curtin University of Technology - Australia [email protected]
  • Dr. Daifei Yao Queensland University of Technology Business School - Australia [email protected]

Editorial Assistant

  • Liz Marsland Australia [email protected]

Commissioning Editor

  • Sophie Reckless Emerald Publishing - UK [email protected]

Journal Editorial Office (For queries related to pre-acceptance)

  • Lavanya Darvesh Emerald Publishing [email protected]

Supplier Project Manager (For queries related to post-acceptance)

  • Aarti Kakade Emerald Publishing [email protected]

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Associate Professor Ismail Adelopo Bristol Business School - UK
  • Professor Jacqueline Birt University of Western Australia, Australia
  • Professor Tim Brailsford Bond University - Australia
  • Professor Rob Brown University of Melbourne - Australia
  • Professor Steven Cahan University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Professor Keryn Chalmers Swinburne University of Technology - Australia
  • Associate Professor Howard Chan University of Melbourne - Australia
  • Professor Peter Clarkson University of Queensland - Australia
  • Professor Greg Clinch University of Melbourne - Australia
  • Professor Paul De Lange University of Tasmania - Australia
  • Professor Robert Faff Bond University - Australia
  • Professor Doug Foster University of Sydney - Australia
  • Professor Elizabeth A Gordon Temple University - USA
  • Professor Janice How Queensland University of Technology - Australia
  • Associate Professor Bryan Howieson University of Adelaide - Australia
  • Professor Wm. Dennis Huber Capella University - USA
  • Associate Professor Andrew Jackson The University of New South Wales - Australia
  • Professor Pam Kent Queensland University of Technology - Australia
  • Associate Professor Dr Sidney Leung City University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
  • Professor Martina Linnenluecke University of Technology Sydney - Australia
  • Professor Markus Milne University of Canterbury - New Zealand
  • Professor Gary Monroe The University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Professor Vic Naiker University of Melbourne - Australia
  • Associate Professor John Nowland Illinois State University - USA
  • Research Professor Lee D. Parker University of Glasgow - UK
  • Associate Professor Brad Potter University of Melbourne - Australia
  • Emeritus Professor Christine Ryan Queensland University of Technology - Australia
  • Professor Kerrie Sadiq Queensland University of Technology - Australia
  • Professor John Sands University of Southern Queensland - Australia
  • Professor Divesh Sharma Kennesaw State University - USA
  • Professor Baljit Sidhu Sydney University - Australia
  • Professor Tom Smith Macquarie University - Australia
  • Professor Ann Tarca University of Western Australia - Australia
  • Professor Sirimon Treepongkaruna University of Western Australia, Australia
  • Associate Professor Peter Verhoeven Queensland University of Technology - Australia
  • Professor Carla Wilkin Monash University - Australia
  • Professor Sue Wright University of Technology Sydney - Australia
  • Professor Stephen A Zeff Rice University - USA

CiteScore 2023

Further information

CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals.

Calculating the CiteScore is based on the number of citations to documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters, and data papers) by a journal over four years, divided by the number of the same document types indexed in Scopus and published in those same four years.

For more information and methodology visit the Scopus definition

CiteScore Tracker 2024

(updated monthly)

CiteScore Tracker is calculated in the same way as CiteScore, but for the current year rather than previous, complete years.

The CiteScore Tracker calculation is updated every month, as a current indication of a title's performance.

2023 Impact Factor

The Journal Impact Factor is published each year by Clarivate Analytics. It is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a particular journal is cited during the preceding two years.

For more information and methodology see Clarivate Analytics

5-year Impact Factor (2023)

A base of five years may be more appropriate for journals in certain fields because the body of citations may not be large enough to make reasonable comparisons, or it may take longer than two years to publish and distribute leading to a longer period before others cite the work.

Actual value is intentionally only displayed for the most recent year. Earlier values are available in the Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate Analytics.

Time to first decision

Time to first decision , expressed in days, the "first decision" occurs when the journal’s editorial team reviews the peer reviewers’ comments and recommendations. Based on this feedback, they decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions for the manuscript.

Data is taken from submissions between 1st June 2023 and 31st May 2024

Acceptance rate

The acceptance rate is a measurement of how many manuscripts a journal accepts for publication compared to the total number of manuscripts submitted expressed as a percentage %

Data is taken from submissions between 1st June 2023 and 31st May 2024.

This journal is abstracted and indexed by

  • Accounting & Tax Periodicals (ProQuest)
  • Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre (EBSCO)
  • The British Library
  • Business Source Alumni Edition/ Business Source Complete/ Business Source Complete Government Edition/ Business Source Corporate Plus/ Business Source Elite/ Business Source Main Edition/ Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
  • Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunites in Accounting
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  • Professional ProQuest Central/ ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
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  • TOC Premier (EBSCO)
  • The Association of Business Schools' (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2015 (the Guide)
  • Australian Business Deans Council
  • Australian Research Council (ERA Journal List)
  • Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN)
  • VHB-JOURQUAL (Category C)

Reviewer information

Peer review process.

This journal engages in a double-anonymous peer review process, which strives to match the expertise of a reviewer with the submitted manuscript. Reviews are completed with evidence of thoughtful engagement with the manuscript, provide constructive feedback, and add value to the overall knowledge and information presented in the manuscript.

The mission of the peer review process is to achieve excellence and rigour in scholarly publications and research.

Our vision is to give voice to professionals in the subject area who contribute unique and diverse scholarly perspectives to the field.

The journal values diverse perspectives from the field and reviewers who provide critical, constructive, and respectful feedback to authors. Reviewers come from a variety of organizations, careers, and backgrounds from around the world.

All invitations to review, abstracts, manuscripts, and reviews should be kept confidential. Reviewers must not share their review or information about the review process with anyone without the agreement of the editors and authors involved, even after publication. This also applies to other reviewers’ “comments to author” which are shared with you on decision.

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Thank you to the 2022 Reviewers

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2022 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high...

Thank you to the 2021 Reviewers

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2021 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high...

Introducing the new editor of ARJ: Professor Reza Monem

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Literati awards

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Accounting Research Journal - Literati Award Winners 2022

We are pleased to announce our 2022 Literati Award winners. Outstanding Paper The relationship between CEOs’...

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Accounting Research Journal - Literati Awards 2021

We are pleased to announce our 2021 Literati Award winners. Outstanding Paper The effect of integrated repor...

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Accounting Research Journal - Literati Award Winners 2020

We are pleased to announce our 2020 Literati Award winners. Outstanding Paper Is CSR performance related to disclosure tone in ...

ARJ provides a forum for communicating impactful research between professionals and academics on emerging areas in contemporary accounting research and practice.

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Aims and scope

The Accounting Research Journal embraces a range of methodological approaches in identifying and solving significant prioritised accounting issues. Submissions are encouraged across all areas on accounting, finance and cognate disciplines.

It is strongly recommended that authors specifically address how their research addresses the priority areas and how it impacts those who the research intends to affect.

Priority areas:

  • Descriptive data and commentary that addresses the accounting standard setting agenda
  • Descriptive data and commentary that addresses changes to laws and regulations that affect business
  • Dealing with regulators
  • Reporting for the future – climate change, sustainability, natural environment
  • Accounting and finance research that addresses UN Sustainable development goals
  • Auditing for the future
  • Accounting education – needs and trends
  • The future of the profession, including the academic profession and professional practitioners
  • Taxation policy and outcomes
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Fraud – identification & detection
  • Corporate and behavioural governance
  • Technology affecting accounting
  • Alternative reporting formats
  • Integrated reporting
  • Accounting and e-business
  • Non-financial reporting
  • Non-financial performance measurement and reporting
  • Corporate Governance 
  • Business Ethics and Corporate Culture
  • Financial reporting quality

Latest articles

These are the latest articles published in this journal (Last updated: May 2024 )

A new challenge in accounting education: Convergence of maturity model, education and evaluation in accounting

How do cultural differences affect stock market performance after mergers and acquisitions empirical evidence from china, human capital and financial performance of islamic banks: a meta-analysis, top downloaded articles.

These are the most downloaded articles over the last 12 months for this journal (Last updated: May 2024 )

Ways ethics education toolkit impacts moral judgment of accounting students

Remote auditing and its impacts on auditors' work and work-life balance: auditors' perceptions and implications, decrypting crypto: implications of potential financial accounting treatments of cryptocurrency.

These are the top cited articles for this journal, from the last 12 months according to Crossref (Last updated: May 2024 )

Is audit committee busyness associated with earnings management? The moderating role of foreign ownership

Integrating technology acceptance model with diffusion of innovation theory: an empirical investigation of the usage behaviour of xbrl-based malaysia business reporting system, audit committee diligence: do independent directors matter.

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We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth

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Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability

Financial accounting is essential to financial accountability, which is essential to a prosperous society. There are many examples of how improvements to financial accounting, supported by research, have enhanced financial accountability. Such research requires a strong relation between accounting academics and practice; this relation has ebbed and flowed during the life of Abacus. The relation seems to ebb when accounting academics embrace related fields and flows when the relevance to accounting practice emerges. Economics and finance have provided new perspectives and meaningful insights about the information investors need to make informed decisions. Regardless, there are many intriguing and open questions awaiting accounting research that can provide insights into how financial accounting—and thus financial accountability—can be improved. The future is bright for financial accounting researchers who do research relevant to accounting practice and want to contribute to a prosperous society.

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Research Papers / Publications

Ethics in Accounting: Analysis of Current Financial Failures and Role of Accountants

International Journal of Management (IJM), 11 (2), pp. 241–247, 2020

7 Pages Posted: 15 Apr 2020

Giriraj Kiradoo

Department of Management & Technology, Government Engineering College Bikaner, Bikaner Area, India

Date Written: 2020

Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to contribute towards enhancing the knowledge regarding importance of ethics in accounting profession. Accounting profession is required to uphold the principles of trustworthiness, transparency, and accuracy in financial reporting. This research informs about the importance of effective ethical behavior among professional accountants to reduce ethical issues in practice. Methodology: This research adopted qualitative systematic review methodology. The careful selection of the studies and evidences was done, which enhanced the quality of findings. This study includes peer reviewed papers and accounting and management books for ensuring the quality of evidences. Critical appraisal of all evidences further helped in collection and synthesis of most relevant evidences. Findings: Findings of this research informs that there are various moral and ethical dilemmas that can result in affecting the quality of accounting. Therefore, compliance to ethical principles and ethical standards is necessary for ensuring the quality, fairness and trustworthiness of accounting statements. It has been identified that financial crisis in the last decade was the result of various financial misstatements and financial frauds. Therefore, analyzing the role of accountants in financial frauds and scandals becomes imperative. This study conducted the systematic review that specifically seeks to answer the research question. This study informs regarding the importance of ethical principles that are important for reducing ethical dilemmas of various forms. Conclusion: This research concludes that professional and personal ethical values are very important for reducing ethical issues in accounting that can result in diminishing the reputation and values of accounting profession.

Keywords: Accounting and Ethics, Ethics of Accounting, Ethical Accounting, Financial Misstatements and Accounting, Accounting and Public Interest

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Giriraj Kiradoo (Contact Author)

Department of management & technology, government engineering college bikaner, bikaner area, india ( email ).

Bikaner Area India

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Analytical study of financial accounting and management trends based on the internet era.

College of Accountancy, Shanxi Technology and Business College, Taiyuan 030000, Shanxi, China

Associated Data

The experimental data used to support the findings of this study are available from the author upon request.

With the development of Internet technology and computer technology, the network has provided convenience to enterprises while putting forward new requirements for the development of the accounting industry. The combination of traditional financial accounting methods and computerized information technology enables accurate and rapid transmission of financial data. At the same time, the application of network technology optimizes the financial accounting process of enterprises and greatly improves the efficiency of accounting work and accountants can devote more time and energy to the analysis of enterprise financial information. However, with the application of Internet technology, the change in financial accounting has also generated new problems. The article focuses on the topic of financial accounting; first, it briefly introduces the development history of financial accounting and the Internet; second, it discusses the changes in accounting work mode and its characteristics under the network environment and analyzes the advantages and problems of combining network technology and financial accounting; and finally, it puts forward the countermeasures to solve the “Internet+” era financial accounting work for the current situation. Finally, the countermeasures to solve the financial accounting work in the era of “Internet+” are proposed to improve the professional ability of financial personnel.

1. Introduction

Compared with the previous enterprise financial management work, financial management in the Internet era has distinct advantages, which effectively expands the scope of enterprise financial management and allows comprehensive supervision of the entire financial management work [ 1 ]. In the Internet era, corporate financial management generates more information and requires rapid transmission of information in a short period of time [ 2 ]. If they want to meet the development needs of the times, enterprises need to have a clear understanding and awareness of the importance of financial and accounting management work to innovate the working model ( Figure 1 ). At the same time, enterprises also need to improve the dissemination of financial information and manage financial accounting information in a diversified way, which can not only effectively improve the efficiency of enterprise financial management, but also optimize the working environment comprehensively [ 3 ]. In the Internet era, intelligence has become the main direction of enterprise financial management work, which is an important basis for enterprise financial management in the Internet era and an inevitable trend of the market economy, which can not only effectively improve the market competitiveness of enterprises, but also facilitate the implementation of scientific management by relevant financial and accounting departments and lay a solid foundation for the efficient development of financial accounting [ 4 ]. Therefore, in the Internet era, enterprises need to pay more attention to the informationization and intelligence of financial accounting management, fully meet the development trend of the times, and actively promote the development of enterprises [ 5 ].

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New model of financial accounting.

Nowadays, China has entered the Internet era, and the vigorous development of the Internet has directly changed the financial accounting management work, significantly improved the management quality of financial accounting, and the content involved in financial accounting has become more extensive [ 6 ]. For this reason, relevant personnel must deeply analyze the financial accounting management trends in the Internet era in order to do their jobs well.

1.1. Expanded Scope of Financial Management

In the Internet era, the management efficiency of enterprises has been significantly improved, and the financial accounting management mode has been changed [ 7 ]. The most significant change is that it extends the scope of financial management and enriches the work of financial management. For example, the use of the Internet not only enables direct procurement and management but also the ability to discipline suppliers and later sales to ensure the integrity of management [ 8 ].

1.2. Improving the Timeliness of Financial Management

Real-time and timeliness are the most significant advantages of Internet technology, so for financial accounting management work, it is also necessary to improve the speed of information transmission to help users get accurate information [ 9 ]. Financial and accounting management pays more attention to the timeliness of information, and the existence of Internet technology helps meet this need effectively [ 10 ]. The use of Internet technology enables financial management to be more timely and changes the method of communication, increasing communication and exchange between personnel [ 11 ]. For example, the use of the Internet makes it possible to lay out the relevant work content and to monitor the implementation of the work; the use of the Internet also makes it possible to give feedback to the company on specific work situations, significantly improving efficiency [ 12 ].

1.3. Orderly Operation within the Enterprise

Financial accounting management work in the Internet era can deliver financial information in a timely manner and make financial management work more flexible and orderly [ 13 ]. Financial accounting management work is the focus of enterprise management. In enterprise financial accounting management, it is difficult to achieve obvious management effects if we still rely on the older way to implement management. At this time, the use of Internet technology can manage the financial and business work scientifically and ensure the orderliness of the internal operation of the enterprise.

At present, China is in the era of intensified economic globalization and extremely rapid transmission of information, and the competition among enterprises is increasingly fierce. In the face of the increasingly competitive market environment, leaders need to conduct enterprise management not only to consider the traditional factors of competition between enterprises, but also to start from the management level, relying on strong and excellent financial management to help managers to make appropriate corporate decisions [ 14 ]. Therefore, real-time and comprehensive financial management information plays a pivotal role for managers to make decisions.

2. Related Work

Financial accounting is a branch of business accounting that, together with management accounting, forms the two main areas of business accounting, known as “traditional accounting” because it follows traditional manual accounting records, and therefore also known as “external reporting accounting” because it focuses on the business external stakeholders' decision-making needs and financial reporting outside the enterprise [ 15 ]. Financial accounting is an economic management activity that is carried out through comprehensive and systematic accounting and monitoring of the financial flows carried out by the enterprise, with the main purpose of providing economic information about the financial position and profitability of the enterprise to external investors, creditors and relevant government agencies that have an economic interest in the enterprise (refer to Figure 2 ).

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Traditional financial accounting.

Financial accounting plays a pivotal role in enterprise management and can provide useful information to decision-makers through various accounting procedures, actively participate in the management decisions of the enterprise, improve the efficiency of production and operation activities of the enterprise, and promote the healthy and normal development of the market economy. Therefore, financial accounting is crucial and indispensable in the course of the development of enterprises [ 16 ].

The Internet was born in the 1960s and 1970s as a large global network consisting of a series of common protocols [ 17 ]. As the economy grew, the development of the Internet accelerated, and by the 1980s and 1990s, it had matured, become more sophisticated, and gradually began to spread around the world [ 18 ]. Throughout the early development of the Internet, fundamental changes occurred almost every decade [ 19 ]. In China, the adoption of the Internet began around 1994 [ 20 ].

With the increasing popularity of mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and other technologies, human beings have stepped into the Internet era. Whether it is attendance records and online shopping, daily commuting to and from work, or software used in daily work, Internet technology is necessary [ 21 ]. It can be seen that technology has a decisive influence on the development of society, and the development of network technology will continue to push human society into a new era.

By applying Internet technology to financial accounting and management, the transport linkage of computer data and automatic calculation of data are realized, which in turn improves the accuracy of financial data in a comprehensive manner [ 22 ]. In addition, with the support of Internet technology, workers effectively enhance the degree of information sharing in daily financial accounting or management and create good conditions for the smooth implementation of financial supervision [ 23 ]. For example, in daily work, when workers need relevant financial information, they can quickly obtain the required information with the help of information sharing. Although Internet technology has improved the efficiency and quality of financial accounting and management work, the content of financial accounting and management work in the new era is gradually diversified and complicated [ 24 ].

With the gradual diversification of financial management content, the financial management staff of institutions can fully understand the importance of this work and continuously improve their Internet technology and financial management knowledge and skills to better meet the needs of the real work, and then give full play to the maximum value of financial management work [ 25 ].

3. Methodology

3.1. basic model.

An accounting information system (AIS) is a system that incorporates all accounting information. AIS is an important application of computer technology in the field of accounting; the generation of AIS brings accounting from the original era of manual bookkeeping to the era of machine bookkeeping, realizing computerization of accounting is an important reform in accounting practice. Its essence is the use of computers for an accounting information system.

The mechanism of its role is that the accounting information system first collects some of the data produced by the front-end business process that meet the definition of accounting, then carries out corresponding accounting processing according to these accounting data, completes accounting, generates accounting information, and finally, managers use this accounting information to make business decisions. Analysis and organization of the role mechanism of AIS is shown in Figure 3 .

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Mechanism of accounting information system.

In this article, “whether the accounting information system can realize the sharing of business and financial data” is taken as the mark of the division between traditional and financial integration accounting information systems; from this perspective, the traditional accounting information system has gone through five rounds of evolution, as shown in Figure 4 .

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Evolution of traditional AIS.

Although the accounting information system in the first 4 stages could also record some business information, the content of the recording was very limited, and business information still needed to be transferred between business and finance departments through paper-based original vouchers. Compared with the first 4 stages, the most significant feature of this stage is that the front-end business module is incorporated into the AIS, which helps the AIS record not only the business data conforming to the accounting definition, but also other types of business data so that the AIS system provides managers with richer data and enables managers to see the original business picture more intuitively through the system.

Through the above 5 stages of development of an accounting information system, we can see that the traditional accounting information system mainly solves 2 problems: first, for the paperless bookkeeping vouchers, accounting personnel use computers instead of manual bookkeeping; second, recognizing that business data play a very important role in enterprise management, business department data and financial data are integrated into the accounting information system, so that the accounting information system can further play its efficient management role.

Through the above development history of traditional accounting information system, it can be seen that traditional AIS provides accounting information to managers and then provides services for their management decisions, although the MIS (management information system) stage can already provide business information to managers, but because business and financial information cannot be shared resulting in a lower degree of this information used by managers, so by organizing the traditional AIS functions as shown in Figure 5 .

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Traditional AIS function diagram.

Industry financial integration AIS means an accounting information system that can realize business financial integration, which is an effective platform and tool for enterprises to realize business financial integration by using various modern computer technologies, advancing the financial work of enterprises to the business end, through which enterprises can not only obtain management information in terms of financial analysis, but also obtain management-related information directly from business data, and managers can use this business-side information for more in-depth analysis, realizing the integration of information flow and data flow.

The accounting information system of the combination of production and finance realizes the information sharing of business and financial data, breaks through the limitation that traditional accounting information systems basically can only use accounting information to participate in management, improves the utilization of business information, and promotes a deeper combination of accounting and management; the combination of accounting and management makes accounting a powerful assistant of enterprise management. The functions of financial accounting and management accounting are therefore mutually reinforcing and inseparable, as shown in Figure 6 .

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Functional diagram of AIS for business finance integration.

3.2. Improvement Model

Based on the aforementioned problems of rigid accounting, rigid management, and rigid business processes in the application process, the design goal of the flexible financial integration AIS is to make the financial integration AIS flexible, improve the self-adaptability and scalability of the system itself to changes in external requirements, and then shorten the system redevelopment cycle and reduce the cost of redevelopment, specifically including flexible input and data structure, flexible data flow, flexible business process, and flexible data output.

3.2.1. Flexible Input and Data Structure Design

Traditional industry and finance integration AIS for the development of data structure design is usually only specific database tables and fields, that is, the premise that the default later database table structure does not change, the data table in the data items does not change. This rigid system does not take into account the possible adjustment of the data structure in the subsequent use of the enterprise during the initial design, and of course, there is no input space reserved for the user to configure the data structure at the front end, so the developed system lacks self-adaptability for the user to a certain extent in terms of input and data structure.

Two important concepts in the database related to the input and data structure design of the flexible industry financial integration AIS are triggers and stored procedures. The trigger mechanism ensures that the trigger action is executed only when the trigger event occurs and the trigger limits are met. Each table in the database can set a trigger, and the role is to establish the connection of multiple tables in the database to achieve the linkage of data in multiple tables. A stored procedure is a set of statements to complete a specific function, through the parameters set so that when the user performs similar operations on the database, there is no need to repeat the compilation, so the use of stored procedures can improve the efficiency of the database operation.

The design of the data structure in the flexible financial integration AIS is not only the specific database tables and fields, but also the “data dictionary,” which stores not the general specific user data, but the structural data of various data items, and establishes the connection between the data dictionary and the entity database tables through triggers and stored procedures, so that when the structural data in the data dictionary changes, the corresponding entity table structure will also change accordingly.

The design of input in the flexible business financial integration AIS is to present the data dictionary stored in the database on the page to the user by setting up the data dictionary function card interface, reserving the input space for the user to configure the data structure. Using this function, the following two kinds of operations can be performed: first, you can create new original documents and enter the specific data items related to the content; second, you can modify the original documents in the data items (such as special enterprises in financial accounting or managerial decision-making needs may add some special data items on business documents, which you can add or modify in the original database forms) and thus meet the changing needs of enterprises for the data structure.

The “data dictionary” is a “warehouse” that can be used to store a variety of structural data. It should include the following two tables: one is the detail table (to store the content of the data items of each table of the database, including field names and field types), and the table structure as shown in Table 1 .

Table of contents.

Field nameMeaning
idTable number
T_nameTable name

The flexible implementation process of input and data structure is shown in Figure 7 . The data update linkage between the business and finance fusion AIS and the corresponding entity tables in the database is done through triggers and stored procedures. When the user performs the operation of adding, deleting, or changing in the data dictionary function card of the AIS, the corresponding database is called using the database interface; the corresponding data changes are recorded in the detail table; the operation of adding, deleting, or changing then triggers the trigger embedded in the detail table; the data modified by the user in the front-end page is recorded in the temporary table; the corresponding stored procedure is executed; and then, the corresponding entity table is modified. The modification of the entity table will be presented on the interface of the AIS in real-time, so that the user can realize the change in the data structure of the corresponding form in the database through the data dictionary function card on the AIS, which realizes the flexibility of the input and data structure.

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Design diagram of input and data structure flexibility.

3.2.2. Flexible Data Flow Design

Since the data structure in the traditional AIS is fixed, the flow of data items between them is also fixed. Although the flow of data items between documents, between documents and vouchers, and between documents/vouchers and reports is possible in the traditional rigid AIS, this flow is solidified and does not allow users to configure themselves, for example, some data grievances exist only in upstream documents and not in downstream documents, but managers need to add these data items that exist only in upstream documents to downstream for management purposes The administrator also needs to add these data items that exist only in the upstream documents to the downstream documents for management purposes. If the new data items do not exist in the upstream and downstream documents, it is difficult to configure the process of these extended data items in the system.

The design of the data flow in the flexible financial integration AIS focuses on the establishment of visualized document conversion rules between upstream and downstream documents, between various documents and vouchers, and between documents and reports, which can be configured by users. The specific design diagram is shown in Figure 8 .

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Data flow flexible design diagram.

Document conversion rules: Document conversion rules are designed to make the data conversion between documents more convenient, and through the method of parameter configuration, the conversion rules are no longer rigid and unchangeable but can be flexibly deployed. With the rules to achieve data filtering, grouping, and merging, calculation and other configurations meet the business needs of the document conversion process. Document conversion rules are broadly divided into single-head conversion rules, entry conversion rules, auxiliary configuration, etc. The parameter configuration through the single-header conversion rules can establish the association of each data item between documents, and the parameter setting in the journal entry conversion rules can realize the reconfiguration of generated vouchers.

3.2.3. Flexible Business Process Design

In the traditional rigid business finance system, due to the fixed setting of business processes, business users cannot adjust business processes according to their actual needs, and the integration of business and financial processes can only set up financial indicators according to business needs, and cannot optimize business processes according to the financial indicators of enterprises, and the setting of business processes can only realize the one-way business process of A-B-C one-way business process. With the large number of business needs of enterprises, the traditional rigid business process structure can no longer meet the needs of the complexity of enterprises today.

The core of business process design in flexible AIS is that users themselves can realize business process customization. Business process customization means that the system provides a common business process model in advance to support users to personalize the operation according to their needs, allowing users to realize the dynamic combination of processes or dynamic definitions without changing the source code, increasing the flexibility of business processes in the financial system. The flexible AIS provides users with the function of freely configuring business processes, and realizes the close connection between business process management and the AIS of financial integration.

The flexibility of business process customization is reflected in the following aspects, and the overall process of its operation is shown in Figure 9 .

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Business process flexibility design diagram.

3.2.4. Flexible Data Output Design

The traditional financial integration system is relatively fixed in the final output report format and content, for example, the format of the four commonly used financial statement templates are relatively fixed, and the content is relatively fixed, so if the project name or data source inside the template report changes, the enterprise cannot change and adjust in time by itself, so the rigid financial integration AIS has caused the limitation of management analysis to a certain extent.

The design of flexible data output in the flexible industry financial integration AIS focuses on the user's ability to configure the content and format of information output, as mentioned above, for the final financial accounting reports and management accounting reports, the manager can choose the output content and format at will, and if the items in the reports defined in the system template do not meet the actual needs, the user can customize the report format and content to meet the personalized needs of managers. Flexible AIS supports customizable report function, which allows users to design the report format, report items, sources, calculation, and processing methods by using the visualized pages provided and combining them with the actual situation of the unit and the department. The system will automatically generate the reports that the user wants according to his or her definition. Once the user's needs change, the user can modify the original report design or design a new report to meet his or her needs without modifying the accounting information system itself. That is, the core of the design of data output flexibility lies in the implementation of the custom report function, the specific design process of which is shown in Figure 10 .

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Design of custom reports.

4. Case Study

A company is a large integrated modern enterprise group. With the gradual expansion of the group's scale, it became difficult to adapt the original financial and business model to the group's management needs, which to a certain extent hindered the group's development. To keep pace with the times, in the context of the Internet, it is imperative to make full use of new information technology tools for reform. We first show the degree of approval of different employees for the management upgrading of the financial accounting system in Figure 11 .

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Different employees' opinions on the management upgrading of the financial accounting system.

Before the implementation of financial sharing, the finance department of a company was mainly responsible for daily accounting, expense reimbursement, current account management, fundraising and operation, investment management, budget management, tax reporting, statement preparation and analysis, and other work, mainly centralized financial management. With the development of a company, the number of subsidiaries, overseas branches, and strategic business units gradually increased, the group reformed and adopted the organizational form of group customer divisions, and established financial divisions within each division; from a centralized financial management mode to a decentralized financial management mode, each divisional financial division is responsible for its own local business corresponding to the expense reimbursement accounting and other work. Then, each business unit regularly sends business-related data to the accounting staff of the business unit, and the accounting department of each business unit submits the processed financial and business analysis data to the headquarters group for data aggregation and analysis.

4.1. Analysis of the Main Problems of a Company before the Integration of Industry and Finance

  • High Labor Cost and Low Value Creation . A company's customer business units establish the same function as the finance department: repeatedly building a finance department is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and a large number of accounting staff increase the group's operating costs. The heavy accounting volume of each finance department takes up a lot of energy of accounting staff, making it difficult for them to withdraw business management and provide decision support for business strategy management.
  • Poor Information Communication . First of all, a company arranges accounting personnel with the same functions in different group customer divisions, and the financial information is first aggregated and analyzed by the divisional accounting personnel and then submitted to the group headquarters, which may lead to the redundancy of personnel and departments, resulting in the untimely collection of financial information from the group headquarters, operational errors and problems such as information asymmetry between online and offline. Second, there is no good communication mechanism between business information and financial information, and the core data cannot be unified and centralized in the same system for business analysis and management. The dual-track system of business and finance makes it impossible to allocate and apply enterprise resources efficiently. In addition, the value application and decision analysis of financial management cannot provide support for business development quickly and timely, and the efficiency of business execution is low.

4.2. Implementation of a Company's Financial Integration in the Internet Era

4.2.1. background and significance of implementation.

With the continuous development of computer technology, approaching the “Internet” and reshaping the accounting process to break the “information silo” are undoubtedly crucial to realize the integration of business and finance of enterprises. In the background of the group's increasing business and continuous expansion, reshaping the correlation between business and finance, through the integration of business and finance, is conducive to breaking the awkward situation of information isolation of various departments, so that finance can provide timely and true feedback on business facts, and provide efficient support to the group's internal decision-making and control, to achieve “business pulling finance, finance supporting business.” The key to the integration of business and finance lies in achieving the “two-wheel drive” of finance and business. The key to the integration of business and finance lies in how to reorganize the accounting process from the group business process reorganization. The following is an example of a company's implementation path, explaining how it uses the financial sharing platform to integrate business and finance and empower management.

4.2.2. Implementation Path

To realize the integration of business and finance for management empowerment, a company makes full use of the financial sharing platform. A company's financial sharing center is an integrated and unified accounting platform based on front-end business pull-through. All transactions, invoices, reconciliations, payments, and other processes in the front-end are collected as data collection points, and a large amount of data resources are collected and entered into the data platform in real-time to store the information, and the stored data are extracted, summarized, apportioned, offset and consolidated, and converted into caliber. The stored data are extracted, aggregated, apportioned, offset and consolidated, transformed, and then aggregated and displayed through the management dimension (see Figure 12 ).

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Variable conversion model of a company under the integration of industry and finance.

We further analyzed the changes in different links of financial accounting operations in Figure 13 .

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The distribution of different accounting operations.

Based on the report format and unified index system, the group establishes corresponding analysis models; creates a unified financial data and report platform; prepares financial statements; provides the group with standardized financial accounting, multi-dimensional cost and profitability analysis, and other services; and provides support for relevant information disclosure, group management, and decision-making (see Figure 14 ).

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The process of preparing a unified data report of a company.

Based on the group's financial sharing unified data platform, the shared finance center has also built a multi-dimensional indicator analysis system, establishing multi-dimensional accountability indicators and analysis systems corresponding to main business income; profit before tax; operating net cash flow; major quality issues at the operation level, management level, and decision-making level, respectively; and using the group's big data platform for analysis and display. In Figure 15 , we analyze the relationship between financial management and business management.

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The value of financial management with business management.

Based on the group's financial sharing unified data platform, the shared finance center has also built a multi-dimensional indicator analysis system, establishing multi-dimensional accountability indicators and analysis systems corresponding to main business income; profit before tax; operating net cash flow; major quality issues at the operation level, management level, and decision-making level, respectively; and using the group's big data platform for analysis and display.

After reshaping the financial process, a company's internal financial sharing center platform unified the entire process and buried information on key links, so that financial rules fully penetrate the whole process of related transactions, laying a solid data foundation for the group's later monthly reconciliation and data management analysis and improving the efficiency and timeliness of data provision. It also solves the problems of high labor cost and low enterprise value creation under the decentralized financial management model. The sharing center can also generate two sets of financial reports based on the corporate structure and management reports based on the management structure. After the integration of industry and finance, the operating budget execution report can be issued in real-time, allowing the group to monitor the specific implementation of the budget in real-time and providing strong support for group managers and decision-makers.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, for enterprises, financial accounting management is crucial, and it is the basis of enterprise development, especially in the Internet era; enterprises need to strengthen the innovation of the financial accounting management mode to help meet the development needs of the times. But at present, it is difficult to adapt some enterprises' financial accounting management work to the development of the network era, and the management concept has not been updated in time. Enterprises must pay more attention to this, take reasonable decisions to optimize it, and further expand the field of financial accounting management by strengthening the construction of information technology and clarifying the outstanding problems, so that enterprises can obtain new development and improve the level of financial accounting management comprehensively.

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Conflicts of interest.

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding this work.

  • DOI: 10.35912/ijfam.v6i1.1706
  • Corpus ID: 270759448

A comparative analysis before and after pandemic on environmental accounting public hospital

  • Sofie Yunida Putri , T. Widajantie , Acynthia Ayu Wilasittha
  • Published in International Journal of… 19 June 2024
  • Environmental Science, Business

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44 References

Penerapan akuntansi manajemen lingkungan dalam operasional rumah sakit swasta di kabupaten gresik, an analysis of the perceptions of csr among bangladeshi business school students, environmental factors are associated to hospital outcomes in covid-19 patients during lockdown and post-lockdown in 2020: a nationwide study, accountability, emergency and liberty during covid-19 in the uk 2020–22, penerapan akuntansi lingkungan pada limbah rumah sakit (studi kasus rsu. imelda pekerja indonesia medan), assessing the challenges to medical waste management during the covid-19 pandemic: implications for the environmental sustainability in the emerging economies, purchasing challenges in times of covid-19: resilience practices to mitigate disruptions in the health-care supply chain, analisis perhitungan biaya lingkungan atas pengelolaan limbah padat covid-19 dalam mencapai eco-efficiency (studi kasus pada rsup dr. hasan sadikin bandung), personal financial management skills of university students and their financial experiences during the covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurial marketing and smes growth in post covid-19 era in awka, anambra state, nigeria, related papers.

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Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

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This page provides a comprehensive list of accounting and finance thesis topics designed to assist students in selecting an impactful subject for their thesis. Whether you are pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate studies, the diverse array of topics presented here covers a broad spectrum of specialties within the field of accounting and finance. From traditional areas like audit and taxation to emerging fields like fintech and behavioral finance, this collection aims to cater to a variety of research interests and academic requirements. Each category is meticulously curated to inspire innovative thinking and encourage a deeper exploration of both established and contemporary issues in the discipline.

600 Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, browse accounting and finance thesis topics:.

  • Accounting Thesis Topics
  • Audit Thesis Topics
  • Banking Thesis Topics
  • Behavioral Finance Thesis Topics
  • Capital Markets Thesis Topics
  • Corporate Finance Thesis Topics
  • Corporate Governance Thesis Topics
  • Finance Thesis Topics
  • Financial Economics Thesis Topics
  • Financial Management Thesis Topics
  • Fintech Thesis Topics
  • Insurance Thesis Topics
  • International Finance Thesis Topics
  • Investment Thesis Topics
  • Management Accounting Thesis Topics
  • Personal Finance Thesis Topics
  • Public Finance Thesis Topics
  • Quantitative Finance Thesis Topics
  • Risk Management Thesis Topics
  • Taxation Thesis Topics

1. Accounting Thesis Topics

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial reporting and compliance.
  • Blockchain technology in accounting: disrupting traditional processes.
  • The role of ethical leadership in promoting sustainable accounting practices.
  • Comparative analysis of global accounting standards post-IFRS adoption.
  • Cultural influences on multinational accounting practices.
  • The future of green accounting in corporate sustainability initiatives.
  • Digital currencies and their accounting implications within multinational corporations.
  • The efficacy of automated accounting systems in small to medium enterprises.
  • Forensic accounting as a tool against cyber financial fraud.
  • Tax strategy and accounting ethics in the digital age.
  • Non-profit accounting challenges in a post-pandemic world.
  • Gig economy impacts on financial reporting and tax obligations.
  • Continuous auditing in real-time financial data environments.
  • Ethical conflicts in accounting decisions: a case study analysis.
  • The integration of blockchain for transparency in financial auditing.
  • Strategic management accounting techniques in agile organizations.
  • Predictive analytics in accounting and its impact on business strategy.
  • Cost management innovations in healthcare accounting.
  • Regulatory impacts on financial disclosures and corporate accounting.
  • Innovative financial planning tools for startup sustainability.
  • The role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in financial decision-making.
  • Public sector accountability and accounting reforms.
  • Big data analytics in financial statement analysis.
  • Adapting accounting frameworks for emerging markets.
  • The dynamics of accounting professionalism and ethical standards.
  • Real-time financial reporting: challenges and advantages.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: accounting for corporate restructuring.
  • Artificial intelligence in audit operations: reshaping traditional frameworks.
  • Corporate sustainability reporting: critical analysis of current practices.
  • Tax evasion strategies and their impact on international accounting standards.

2. Audit Thesis Topics

  • The effectiveness of continuous auditing in detecting and preventing fraud.
  • Implementing a risk-based auditing framework in emerging markets.
  • Enhancing corporate governance with robust audit committee functions.
  • The comparative reliability of external audits versus internal controls.
  • The impact of the latest regulatory frameworks on auditing standards.
  • Ensuring auditor independence in a complex corporate milieu.
  • Blockchain applications in enhancing audit trail transparency.
  • Strategies for cybersecurity audits in financial institutions.
  • Cultural impacts on audit practices in global organizations.
  • The future of auditing: integrating real-time data analytics.
  • The relationship between audit quality and investment decisions.
  • Leveraging machine learning for enhanced audit precision.
  • Auditing ethics in the face of financial technology innovations.
  • The role of internal audits in reinforcing cybersecurity measures.
  • Auditing challenges in decentralized platforms using blockchain technology.
  • Comparative study of traditional and modern audit methodologies.
  • The impact of data privacy regulations on audit practices globally.
  • Developing effective audit strategies for cloud-based accounting systems.
  • The role of audits in enhancing business resilience during economic downturns.
  • Fraud detection techniques in an AI-driven audit environment.
  • The effectiveness of environmental auditing in promoting corporate sustainability.
  • Auditing for non-financial information: challenges and methodologies.
  • Enhancing the transparency of public sector audits to improve trust.
  • Implementing forensic auditing techniques in corporate fraud detection.
  • The evolution of auditing standards in response to global financial crises.
  • The role of technology in transforming audit documentation and reporting.
  • Impact of auditor-client relationships on audit quality.
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges in cross-border audit practices.
  • Auditing supply chain operations for financial integrity and sustainability.
  • The future of regulatory audits in a dynamically changing global market.

3. Banking Thesis Topics

  • The future of digital banking post-COVID-19.
  • Analyzing the impact of blockchain technology on international banking transactions.
  • The role of central banks in managing digital currency implementations.
  • Sustainable banking practices: integrating ESG factors into bank operations.
  • The evolution of consumer banking behavior influenced by mobile technologies.
  • Cybersecurity strategies in banking: preventing breaches in a digital age.
  • The effectiveness of monetary policy in digital banking ecosystems.
  • Banking regulations and their impact on global economic stability.
  • Fintech innovations and their integration into traditional banking systems.
  • The impact of banking deserts on rural economic development.
  • Artificial intelligence in banking: reshaping customer service and risk management.
  • The role of ethical banking in promoting financial inclusion.
  • Impact of Brexit on UK banking: challenges and opportunities.
  • Stress testing in banks: approaches and implications for financial stability.
  • Consumer data protection in online banking: challenges and solutions.
  • The influence of microfinancing on developing economies.
  • The impact of interest rate changes on banking profitability.
  • Role of banking in supporting sustainable energy financing.
  • Technological disruptions in banking: a threat or an opportunity?
  • The effect of global banking regulations on emerging market economies.
  • Strategies for managing credit risk in post-pandemic recovery phases.
  • The growing role of Islamic banking in the global finance sector.
  • The impact of non-traditional banking platforms on financial services.
  • Data analytics in banking: enhancing decision-making processes.
  • Cross-border banking challenges in a globalized economy.
  • The future of branchless banking: implications for customer engagement.
  • Banking transparency and its effects on consumer trust.
  • The role of banks in facilitating international trade.
  • Innovations in mortgage banking and their impact on housing markets.
  • The effects of banking consolidation on competition and service delivery.

4. Behavioral Finance Thesis Topics

  • The psychological effects of financial losses on investment behavior.
  • Behavioral biases in financial decision-making: a case study of stock market investors.
  • The impact of social media on investor behavior and market outcomes.
  • Cognitive dissonance and its effect on personal financial planning.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in financial trading success.
  • Exploring the herding behavior in cryptocurrency markets.
  • Behavioral finance strategies to mitigate impulse spending.
  • The influence of cultural factors on investment decisions.
  • Psychological factors driving risk tolerance among millennials.
  • The effect of behavioral finance education on individual investment choices.
  • Overconfidence and trading: an analysis of its impact on stock returns.
  • Decision-making processes under financial stress: a behavioral perspective.
  • The role of behavioral factors in the success of financial advisement.
  • The impact of behavioral insights on retirement savings plans.
  • Anchoring bias in financial forecasting and market predictions.
  • The role of optimism and pessimism in financial markets.
  • Behavioral finance and its role in shaping sustainable investing.
  • Understanding the gap between perceived and actual financial knowledge.
  • Behavioral interventions to improve financial literacy.
  • The influence of personality traits on financial decision-making.
  • Behavioral economics: redesigning financial products for better decision outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of nudge theory in personal finance management.
  • The impact of financial anxiety on decision-making efficiency.
  • The behavioral aspects of financial negotiation.
  • Market sentiment analysis: behavioral finance in algorithmic trading.
  • The psychological impact of financial news on market movements.
  • Behavioral finance insights into crowd-funding behaviors.
  • Ethical considerations in behavioral finance research.
  • The influence of age and life stage on financial risk-taking.
  • Behavioral finance in corporate decision-making: case studies of strategic financial planning.

5. Capital Markets Thesis Topics

  • The future trajectory of global capital markets in the post-pandemic era.
  • Impact of quantitative easing on emerging market economies.
  • The role of technology in enhancing liquidity in capital markets.
  • Analysis of market efficiency in different economic cycles.
  • The effects of political instability on capital market performance.
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and their impact on capital market trends.
  • Cryptocurrency as an emerging asset class in capital markets.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in global capital markets.
  • Algorithmic trading and its influence on market dynamics.
  • The impact of international sanctions on capital markets.
  • High-frequency trading: market benefits and systemic risks.
  • The role of capital markets in financing green energy initiatives.
  • Impact of fintech on traditional capital market structures.
  • Corporate bond markets and their responsiveness to economic changes.
  • The influence of central bank policies on capital market stability.
  • Market anomalies and behavioral economics: exploring the deviations from market efficiency.
  • The role of investor sentiment in capital market fluctuations.
  • Crowdfunding as an alternative financing mechanism in capital markets.
  • Regulatory challenges facing capital markets in developing countries.
  • The future of securitization post-global financial crisis.
  • Derivatives markets and their role in risk management.
  • The impact of technology IPOs on market perceptions.
  • Venture capital and its influence on market innovation.
  • Corporate governance and its effect on equity prices.
  • The role of market makers in maintaining market stability.
  • Ethical investing and its traction in the capital market.
  • The impact of demographic shifts on investment trends.
  • The interplay between macroeconomic policies and capital market growth.
  • Leveraging machine learning for capital market predictions.
  • The role of media in shaping public perceptions of capital markets.

6. Corporate Finance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of global economic shifts on corporate financing strategies.
  • Analyzing the role of corporate finance in driving sustainable business practices.
  • The influence of digital transformation on corporate financial management.
  • Risk management in corporate finance during uncertain economic times.
  • The effects of corporate financial restructuring on shareholder value.
  • Financing innovation: How corporations fund new technology investments.
  • The role of private equity in corporate finance.
  • Strategies for managing corporate debt in a fluctuating interest rate environment.
  • Impact of mergers and acquisitions on corporate financial health.
  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors in corporate finance decisions.
  • The future of corporate finance in the era of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • The role of financial analytics in optimizing corporate investment decisions.
  • Corporate finance challenges in emerging markets.
  • Venture capital and its impact on corporate growth.
  • Corporate financial transparency and its effect on investor relations.
  • The role of CFOs in navigating new global tax laws.
  • Financial technology innovations and their implications for corporate finance.
  • The impact of international trade agreements on corporate financing.
  • Corporate finance strategies in the healthcare sector.
  • The influence of shareholder activism on corporate financial policies.
  • The future of corporate banking relationships.
  • Capital allocation decisions in multinational corporations.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and budgeting.
  • The impact of demographic changes on corporate finance strategies.
  • Managing financial risks associated with climate change.
  • The role of corporate finance in business model innovation.
  • Financing strategies for startups versus established firms.
  • The effect of corporate culture on financial decision-making.
  • Corporate governance and its influence on financial risk management.
  • The evolving landscape of securities regulations and its impact on corporate finance.

7. Corporate Governance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of governance structures on corporate sustainability and responsibility.
  • Board diversity and its effect on corporate decision-making processes.
  • Corporate governance mechanisms to combat corruption and enhance transparency.
  • The role of stakeholder engagement in shaping governance practices.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of corporate governance codes across different jurisdictions.
  • The influence of technology on corporate governance practices.
  • Governance challenges in family-owned businesses.
  • The impact of corporate governance on firm performance during economic crises.
  • Shareholder rights and their enforcement in emerging market economies.
  • The future of corporate governance in the digital economy.
  • The role of ethics in corporate governance.
  • Corporate governance and risk management: interlinkages and impacts.
  • The effects of regulatory changes on corporate governance standards.
  • ESG integration in corporate governance.
  • The role of internal audits in strengthening corporate governance.
  • Corporate governance in non-profit organizations.
  • The influence of activist investors on corporate governance reforms.
  • The effectiveness of whistleblower policies in corporate governance.
  • Cybersecurity governance in large corporations.
  • Succession planning and governance in large enterprises.
  • The impact of international governance standards on local practices.
  • The role of governance in preventing financial fraud.
  • Corporate governance in the fintech industry.
  • The relationship between corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.
  • The impact of global economic policies on corporate governance.
  • Data privacy and security: Governance challenges in the information era.
  • The role of governance in managing corporate crises.
  • The impact of leadership styles on corporate governance effectiveness.
  • Corporate governance and its role in enhancing business competitiveness.
  • The evolving role of board committees in strategic decision-making.

8. Finance Thesis Topics

  • Financial implications of global climate change initiatives.
  • The future of financial markets in the face of geopolitical uncertainties.
  • The impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation in developing countries.
  • Cryptocurrency: emerging financial technology and its regulatory challenges.
  • The role of financial institutions in fostering economic resilience.
  • Innovations in financial products for an aging global population.
  • The impact of digital wallets on traditional banking systems.
  • Financial literacy and its role in promoting socio-economic equality.
  • The effect of fintech on the global remittance landscape.
  • Risk management strategies in finance post-global financial crisis.
  • The influence of behavioral finance on investment strategies.
  • The evolving role of central banks in digital currency markets.
  • Financing sustainable urban development.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on personal finance management.
  • Peer-to-peer lending and its effect on traditional credit markets.
  • The role of finance in facilitating international trade and development.
  • The implications of Brexit on European financial markets.
  • Financial derivatives and their role in modern economies.
  • The effects of sanctions on financial transactions and economic stability.
  • The future of investment banking in a technology-driven world.
  • Financial models for predicting economic downturns.
  • The impact of financial education on consumer behavior.
  • Securitization of assets: benefits and risks.
  • The role of financial services in disaster recovery and resilience.
  • Emerging trends in global investment patterns.
  • Financial strategies for managing corporate mergers and acquisitions.
  • The influence of cultural factors on financial systems and practices.
  • The effectiveness of financial sanctions as a geopolitical tool.
  • The future of financial privacy in an interconnected world.
  • The role of finance in promoting renewable energy investments.

9. Financial Economics Thesis Topics

  • The economic impact of quantitative easing in developed versus emerging markets.
  • The implications of negative interest rates for global economies.
  • Economic predictors of financial market behavior in crisis periods.
  • The relationship between government debt and economic growth.
  • Economic consequences of income inequality on national financial stability.
  • The effects of consumer confidence on economic recovery.
  • The role of economic policy in shaping housing market dynamics.
  • The impact of global trade wars on financial economics.
  • The influence of demographic shifts on economic policy and financial markets.
  • Macroeconomic factors influencing cryptocurrency adoption.
  • The role of economic theory in developing financial regulation.
  • The impact of tourism economics on national financial health.
  • Economic strategies for combating hyperinflation.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in global economic stability.
  • Economic analyses of environmental and resource economics.
  • The implications of fintech on traditional economic models.
  • Economic impacts of global pandemic responses by governments.
  • The future of labor markets in a digitally transforming economy.
  • Economic considerations in renewable energy finance.
  • The economics of privacy and data security in financial transactions.
  • The role of international economic organizations in financial regulation.
  • Economic effects of technological innovation on traditional industries.
  • The impact of economic sanctions on international relations and finance.
  • The role of consumer spending in economic recovery phases.
  • Economic policies for addressing wealth gaps.
  • The economic impact of climate change on financial sectors.
  • The role of economic research in crafting sustainable development goals.
  • The economics of health and its impact on national economies.
  • Global economic trends and their implications for financial forecasting.
  • The relationship between educational economics and workforce development.

10. Financial Management Thesis Topics

  • The strategic role of financial management in corporate sustainability.
  • Impact of global financial regulations on corporate financial management.
  • Financial management techniques for optimizing supply chain operations.
  • The role of financial management in crisis recovery and resilience.
  • Emerging technologies in financial management systems.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on financial management strategies.
  • Financial planning for long-term business growth in volatile markets.
  • The influence of global economic conditions on financial management practices.
  • Financial management challenges in the nonprofit sector.
  • The role of financial management in mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of digital currencies on corporate financial management.
  • Financial risk management strategies in an era of global uncertainty.
  • The role of financial management in enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Financial management best practices in the tech industry.
  • The impact of consumer behavior trends on financial management.
  • Financial management in the healthcare sector: Challenges and strategies.
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on financial decision-making processes.
  • Financial management strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The role of financial management in international expansion.
  • Ethical considerations in financial management practices.
  • Financial management in the energy sector: challenges and innovations.
  • Financial strategies for managing environmental risks.
  • The role of financial management in startup success and sustainability.
  • The impact of financial transparency on corporate governance.
  • Financial management and investor relations: integrating strategic communication.
  • The role of financial management in educational institutions.
  • Managing financial instability in emerging markets.
  • Financial management practices in the gig economy.
  • The role of financial managers in driving business model innovations.
  • Financial management tools for effective capital allocation.

11. Fintech Thesis Topics

  • The impact of blockchain on global payment systems.
  • Regulation challenges for fintech innovations: A cross-country analysis.
  • The role of fintech in democratizing access to financial services.
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence in predictive financial modeling.
  • The evolution of peer-to-peer lending platforms and their impact on traditional banking.
  • Cryptocurrency adoption: consumer behavior and market dynamics.
  • The future of robo-advisors in personal finance management.
  • The impact of mobile banking on financial inclusion in developing countries.
  • Fintech solutions for microfinance: scalability and sustainability issues.
  • Data privacy and security challenges in fintech applications.
  • The role of fintech in enhancing cybersecurity in financial transactions.
  • The impact of fintech on traditional banking employment.
  • Regulatory technology (RegTech) for compliance management: trends and challenges.
  • Fintech and its role in combating financial crime and money laundering.
  • The influence of fintech on the insurance industry: insurtech innovations.
  • Fintech investments: market trends and future prospects.
  • The role of big data analytics in fintech.
  • Digital wallets and the future of consumer spending behavior.
  • Impact of fintech on wealth management and investment strategies.
  • Challenges and opportunities of implementing distributed ledger technology in financial services.
  • Consumer trust and fintech: building relationships in a digital age.
  • The evolution of payment gateways: fintech at the forefront.
  • Fintech’s impact on cross-border payments and remittances.
  • The role of fintech in the development of smart contracts.
  • The influence of fintech on financial market transparency.
  • Fintech as a driver for financial sector innovation in emerging markets.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on risk assessment in fintech.
  • Fintech and financial stability: an analysis of systemic risks.
  • The role of fintech in streamlining government and public sector finance.
  • Ethical considerations in fintech: balancing innovation with consumer protection.

12. Insurance Thesis Topics

  • The future of insurance in the age of climate change.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on underwriting and risk management.
  • Cyber risk insurance: emerging challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of insurance in managing public health crises.
  • Innovations in health insurance: technology-driven approaches to coverage.
  • The evolution of automotive insurance in the era of autonomous vehicles.
  • Insurance fraud detection using big data analytics.
  • Regulatory challenges in the global insurance market.
  • The influence of behavioral economics on insurance product design.
  • The role of reinsurance in stabilizing insurance markets.
  • Insurance and financial inclusion: strategies for reaching underserved communities.
  • The impact of technological advancements on insurance pricing models.
  • The role of insurance in disaster risk reduction and management.
  • Customer data management in the insurance industry: privacy versus personalization.
  • The future of life insurance: adapting to demographic shifts.
  • The integration of IoT devices in home insurance policies.
  • Blockchain applications in the insurance industry.
  • The impact of social media on insurance marketing and customer engagement.
  • Insurance as a tool for sustainable business practices.
  • The role of insurance companies in promoting corporate social responsibility.
  • The challenges of health insurance in a post-pandemic world.
  • Emerging risks and insurance: addressing the needs of the gig economy.
  • The role of insurance in mitigating financial risks associated with sports and entertainment.
  • Ethical challenges in insurance: discrimination in risk assessment.
  • The impact of global political instability on the insurance sector.
  • Insurance products tailored for the elderly: opportunities and challenges.
  • The role of insurance in fostering innovation in the construction industry.
  • Insurance and climate resilience: protecting vulnerable communities.
  • The evolving landscape of travel insurance amid global uncertainties.
  • The role of insurance in the transition to renewable energy sources.

13. International Finance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of currency fluctuations on international trade.
  • Strategies for managing foreign exchange risk in multinational corporations.
  • The effects of global economic sanctions on financial markets.
  • The role of international financial institutions in economic development.
  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: challenges and opportunities.
  • The influence of geopolitical tensions on global financial stability.
  • International tax planning and its implications for global investment.
  • The future of international financial regulation in a post-Brexit Europe.
  • The impact of emerging markets on global finance.
  • Foreign direct investment trends and their economic impacts.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in international finance.
  • The challenges of implementing international accounting standards.
  • The impact of international remittances on developing economies.
  • The role of digital currencies in reshaping international finance.
  • The effects of protectionist trade policies on global finance.
  • International financial market trends and their implications for investors.
  • The role of expatriate remittances in national economic stability.
  • The impact of international trade agreements on financial services.
  • Global risk management strategies in the finance sector.
  • The role of green finance in promoting sustainable development.
  • The impact of international environmental policies on financial strategies.
  • The future of global banking in the context of rising nationalism.
  • The role of international finance in disaster recovery and resilience.
  • The influence of international finance on poverty reduction strategies.
  • Strategies for financing international healthcare initiatives.
  • The evolving role of Islamic finance in the global market.
  • The impact of fintech on international banking and finance.
  • Challenges in financing international infrastructure projects.
  • The role of international finance in climate change mitigation.
  • Ethical considerations in international finance: fostering global financial integrity.

14. Investment Thesis Topics

  • The role of ESG criteria in investment decision-making.
  • The impact of technological innovation on investment strategies.
  • Market reaction to unexpected global events and its effect on investment portfolios.
  • Behavioral biases in investment: a study of market anomalies.
  • The future of real estate investment in a fluctuating economic landscape.
  • The role of quantitative analysis in portfolio management.
  • The impact of demographic changes on investment trends.
  • Strategies for sustainable and responsible investing.
  • The influence of regulatory changes on investment strategies.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing investment decisions.
  • Cryptocurrency investment: risks and opportunities.
  • The impact of global trade tensions on investment strategies.
  • Investment strategies for low interest rate environments.
  • The role of crowdfunding in the investment landscape.
  • The impact of social media on investor sentiment and stock prices.
  • The effectiveness of passive versus active investment strategies.
  • The role of venture capital in driving technological innovation.
  • The future of bond markets in a changing economic context.
  • The role of international investments in diversifying portfolios.
  • Impact of inflation expectations on investment decisions.
  • The evolving landscape of commodity investments.
  • Investment opportunities in emerging markets.
  • The impact of fiscal policy changes on investment strategies.
  • The role of hedge funds in the current financial market.
  • The influence of central bank policies on investment strategies.
  • The role of pension funds in the global investment market.
  • Ethical investing: balancing profit and principles.
  • The future of investments in renewable energy.
  • The impact of political stability on foreign investments.
  • The role of technology in asset management and valuation.

15. Management Accounting Thesis Topics

  • The role of management accounting in strategic decision-making.
  • Cost management strategies in the era of global supply chain disruptions.
  • The impact of digital transformation on management accounting practices.
  • The role of management accounting in environmental sustainability.
  • Performance measurement and management in diverse organizational settings.
  • Risk management strategies in management accounting.
  • The evolving role of management accountants in corporate governance.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on management accounting.
  • The role of management accounting in healthcare cost containment.
  • The influence of management accounting on operational efficiency.
  • Management accounting practices in nonprofit organizations.
  • The role of cost analysis in pricing strategies.
  • The impact of technological advancements on budgeting and forecasting.
  • The effectiveness of management accounting tools in project management.
  • The role of management accounting in mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of cultural differences on management accounting systems.
  • The role of management accounting in enhancing business resilience.
  • The influence of management accounting on business model innovation.
  • Management accounting in the digital economy: challenges and opportunities.
  • Strategic cost management for competitive advantage.
  • The role of management accounting in supply chain optimization.
  • The future of management accounting in the context of AI and automation.
  • The impact of financial technology on management accounting.
  • The role of management accounting in crisis management and recovery.
  • Performance metrics and their impact on organizational success.
  • The role of management accounting in supporting sustainable practices.
  • The impact of global economic conditions on management accounting.
  • The role of predictive analytics in management accounting.
  • The effectiveness of internal controls in management accounting.
  • The role of management accounting in international business expansion.

16. Personal Finance Thesis Topics

  • The impact of financial technology on personal savings strategies.
  • Behavioral insights into personal debt management.
  • The role of personal finance education in shaping financial literacy.
  • The influence of economic downturns on personal investment choices.
  • Retirement planning: trends and strategies in the current economic climate.
  • The effectiveness of digital tools in personal budgeting and financial planning.
  • Analyzing the gender gap in personal finance management.
  • The impact of cultural factors on personal saving and spending habits.
  • Personal finance challenges for the gig economy workers.
  • The role of personal finance in achieving long-term financial security.
  • Cryptocurrency as a personal investment: risks and rewards.
  • The impact of peer-to-peer lending platforms on personal finance.
  • The influence of social media on personal financial decisions.
  • Ethical considerations in personal financial advice.
  • The evolution of consumer credit markets and its impact on personal finance.
  • Strategies for managing personal financial risk.
  • The role of emergency funds in personal financial planning.
  • The impact of student loans on financial planning for millennials.
  • Personal finance strategies for different life stages.
  • The effect of inflation on personal savings and investment strategies.
  • The future of personal finance in the age of AI and automation.
  • The role of insurance in personal financial planning.
  • The impact of tax laws changes on personal finance strategies.
  • The psychology of spending: understanding consumer behavior.
  • Personal financial planning for expatriates: strategies and challenges.
  • The role of estate planning in personal finance.
  • Impact of healthcare costs on personal financial stability.
  • The role of financial advisors in the era of self-directed financial planning.
  • Financial planning for sustainable living: integrating environmental considerations.
  • The challenges and opportunities in personal wealth building.

17. Public Finance Thesis Topics

  • The role of public finance in addressing income inequality.
  • Fiscal policies for sustainable economic growth.
  • The impact of taxation on small businesses.
  • Public finance management in times of economic crisis.
  • The role of government spending in stimulating economic development.
  • Strategies for managing national debt.
  • The effectiveness of public welfare programs.
  • The challenges of healthcare financing in public sectors.
  • The impact of international aid on public finance.
  • Public finance strategies for environmental conservation.
  • The role of public finance in urban development.
  • Tax evasion and its implications for public finance.
  • The impact of public finance on education quality and access.
  • Financing public infrastructure: challenges and solutions.
  • The role of public finance in disaster management.
  • The effectiveness of fiscal decentralization.
  • Public finance reforms and their impact on service delivery.
  • The challenges of pension financing in the public sector.
  • The impact of political stability on public financial management.
  • Public-private partnerships: financial implications and models.
  • The role of transparency in public finance.
  • The impact of corruption on public financial management.
  • Financing renewable energy projects through public funds.
  • The role of public finance in health care reform.
  • The effectiveness of government subsidies in promoting economic sectors.
  • The challenges of financing sustainable transportation systems.
  • The impact of demographic changes on public finance.
  • The role of digital technologies in improving public finance management.
  • The global trends in public finance and their implications for domestic policy.
  • The impact of climate change on public financial strategies.

18. Quantitative Finance Thesis Topics

  • The application of machine learning algorithms in predicting stock market trends.
  • The role of quantitative methods in risk management.
  • Developing advanced models for credit risk assessment.
  • The impact of high-frequency trading on market stability.
  • The use of big data analytics in portfolio management.
  • Quantitative approaches to asset pricing in volatile markets.
  • The effectiveness of quantitative strategies in hedge funds.
  • The role of algorithmic trading in enhancing market efficiency.
  • Quantitative models for predicting bond market movements.
  • The impact of quantitative finance on regulatory compliance.
  • The application of blockchain technology in quantitative finance.
  • The challenges of quantitative finance in cryptocurrency markets.
  • The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in quantitative analysis.
  • The role of quantitative finance in private equity valuations.
  • Developing quantitative approaches for derivatives pricing.
  • The impact of quantitative finance techniques on financial advising.
  • Quantitative methods for assessing market liquidity.
  • The role of sentiment analysis in quantitative finance.
  • Quantitative trading strategies for commodities markets.
  • The application of game theory in financial strategy.
  • Quantitative finance and its role in insurance underwriting.
  • The impact of geopolitical events on quantitative financial models.
  • The use of quantitative finance in forecasting economic downturns.
  • Machine learning models for real estate investment analysis.
  • Quantitative finance techniques in sports betting markets.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial market predictions.
  • Quantitative methods for managing currency exchange risks.
  • The role of quantitative finance in managing pension fund assets.
  • The effectiveness of quantitative models in emerging financial markets.
  • The future of quantitative finance in a globally interconnected economy.

19. Risk Management Thesis Topics

  • The role of risk management in enhancing corporate resilience.
  • Cybersecurity risks in financial institutions: management strategies.
  • The impact of climate change on risk management in insurance.
  • Risk management techniques in the fintech sector.
  • The effectiveness of enterprise risk management (ERM) frameworks.
  • Risk management in global supply chains.
  • The role of risk management in sustainable business practices.
  • Financial risks associated with political instability.
  • The challenges of operational risk management in complex organizations.
  • Risk management strategies for digital transformation projects.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on risk management practices.
  • Risk assessment techniques for investment in volatile markets.
  • The role of data analytics in risk identification and mitigation.
  • Risk management considerations in mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of reputation risk on corporate strategy.
  • Risk management in the healthcare industry.
  • The challenges of risk management in the energy sector.
  • The role of risk management in nonprofit organizations.
  • Implementing risk management in public sector entities.
  • The future of risk management in the context of AI advancements.
  • Credit risk management in banking post-global financial crisis.
  • Risk management strategies for emerging technologies.
  • The role of psychological factors in risk management decision-making.
  • Legal risks in international business operations.
  • The impact of cultural differences on risk management strategies.
  • Environmental risk management and corporate responsibility.
  • Risk management techniques for protecting intellectual property.
  • The role of insurance in comprehensive risk management.
  • The challenges of liquidity risk management in financial markets.
  • The future of risk management education and training.

20. Taxation Thesis Topics

  • The impact of digital economy on global taxation frameworks.
  • Tax policy as a tool for economic recovery post-pandemic.
  • The effectiveness of tax incentives in promoting renewable energy investments.
  • The role of taxation in addressing wealth inequality.
  • International tax competition and its implications for global economic stability.
  • The challenges of implementing value-added tax (VAT) in developing countries.
  • Tax evasion and its impact on national economies.
  • The role of tax policy in encouraging corporate social responsibility.
  • The impact of tax reforms on small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Comparative analysis of progressive versus flat tax systems.
  • The effectiveness of digital services taxes in the global economy.
  • The role of taxation in sustainable development goals.
  • Taxation strategies for digital currencies and blockchain transactions.
  • The impact of tax policies on consumer behavior.
  • The role of taxation in healthcare financing.
  • Tax compliance challenges in the gig economy.
  • The implications of tax havens on international relations.
  • The role of automated systems in improving tax collection efficiency.
  • Taxation and its impact on foreign direct investment flows.
  • The future of estate taxes and their role in wealth distribution.
  • Taxation of e-commerce transactions.
  • The impact of international tax treaties on cross-border investments.
  • The role of taxation in the informal economy.
  • The challenges of carbon taxes in combating climate change.
  • The role of tax audits in enhancing fiscal transparency.
  • The impact of tax policies on retirement planning.
  • Taxation challenges in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The role of taxation in funding public education.
  • The impact of taxation on agricultural development.
  • The future of consumption taxes in an increasingly digital world.

This comprehensive list of accounting and finance thesis topics has been curated to reflect the latest challenges and emerging trends within the field. Whether you are exploring traditional areas like taxation and corporate finance or delving into the evolving realms of fintech and international finance, these topics are designed to provide a robust foundation for your thesis research. Each category is intended to spark innovative thinking and encourage a deep exploration of issues that are pivotal to the current and future landscape of accounting and finance. By selecting a topic from this extensive collection, students can ensure their research is relevant, timely, and contributes meaningfully to their academic and professional growth in the field of accounting and finance.

The Range of Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

Accounting and finance stand as critical pillars in the modern economic and corporate world, guiding everything from daily business operations to global financial strategies. The study of these disciplines is not just about learning to balance books or manage corporate assets; it’s about understanding the forces that drive economic activities and shape financial landscapes. Research in accounting and finance is paramount as it provides the empirical evidence needed to develop robust financial models, innovative management practices, and effective regulatory policies. The relevance of accounting and finance thesis topics is thus foundational to nurturing informed, adept professionals capable of navigating the complexities of financial markets and addressing the challenges of economic flux.

Current Issues in Accounting and Finance

  • Globalization and Regulatory Complexity : As businesses operate across borders, the complexity of regulatory compliance increases. Researchers are tasked with exploring the implications of global regulatory frameworks and their synchronization, or lack thereof, which affects multinational corporations and global financial stability.
  • Technological Disruptions : The rapid integration of technologies such as blockchain, AI, and machine learning in financial operations presents both opportunities and challenges. Studies focus on their impacts on financial privacy, security, and new types of financial crime, as well as their potential to improve efficiency and transparency.
  • Ethical and Sustainability Challenges : With rising concerns over corporate responsibility and sustainable development, research is increasingly focusing on how financial practices can be aligned with ethical standards and sustainability goals. This includes studies on green financing, ethical investing, and the financial implications of corporate sustainability initiatives.

Recent Trends in Accounting and Finance

  • Automation and Data Analytics : The adoption of advanced data analytics and automation tools is transforming traditional accounting tasks. Research topics explore the impact of these technologies on workflow efficiencies, data accuracy, and strategic decision-making within financial departments.
  • Sustainable Finance : As the demand for environmentally and socially responsible investment options grows, there is an increasing focus on how financial markets can support ESG principles. Researchers examine the integration of sustainability into financial analysis and decision-making processes.
  • Fintech Innovations : The emergence of fintech and its components like mobile payments, peer-to-peer lending, and cryptocurrencies are reshaping the financial services industry. Theses may focus on the regulatory challenges, market dynamics, and consumer behavior influenced by these innovations.

Future Directions in Accounting and Finance

  • Digital Transformation : Future research will likely delve deeper into the consequences and potentials of continued digital transformation in finance, such as the widespread adoption of internet of things (IoT) technologies and further advancements in AI for automated trading and personal finance management.
  • Predictive Finance and AI : With AI’s increasing capability to predict financial outcomes, future topics could include the development of AI-driven models for credit scoring, risk management, and investment strategies, emphasizing their accuracy, ethical considerations, and regulatory needs.
  • Sustainability and Finance : An emerging research frontier is the intersection of finance with global sustainability challenges. Potential topics include the financing of climate change initiatives, the role of financial institutions in promoting sustainable practices, and the creation of innovative financial products that support sustainable economic growth.

The breadth of accounting and finance thesis topics is indicative of the field’s extensive scope and its significant impact on societal and economic frameworks. Continued research is essential for advancing theoretical foundations and developing practical applications that address both current challenges and future opportunities. This ongoing academic inquiry is crucial for fostering a financial landscape that is not only robust and dynamic but also ethical and sustainable, ensuring that the field of accounting and finance remains at the forefront of economic innovation and societal advancement.

iResearchNet’s Thesis Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the unique challenges and pressures that come with academic thesis writing. Our custom thesis writing services are designed to be a valuable resource for students who are striving for excellence in their academic endeavors. Whether you are tackling complex accounting and finance thesis topics or any other subject, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your academic journey is smooth and successful.

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Choosing iResearchNet for your thesis writing needs ensures a hassle-free and professional experience. With our comprehensive suite of services, you gain access to expertise, personalized support, and guarantees that make your academic journey smoother and more successful. Trust us to help you navigate the complexities of accounting and finance thesis topics or any other academic challenge, empowering you to achieve your academic and career aspirations with confidence and ease.

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  1. Full article: Reporting matters: the real effects of financial

    In this paper, I provide an overview of the research on the real effects of financial reporting on financing and investing decisions made by firms. I start by describing the finance theory on how firms make investment decisions and how accounting improves investment efficiency.

  2. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance: Sage Journals

    The Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance (JAAF), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is an indispensable resource for accounting and auditing researchers, faculty and students.Along with the exploratory and innovative works in TRACKS, JAAF offers valuable insights into developments in accounting and related fields, such as finance, economics and operations.

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    All topics regarding financial accounting research | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING. Find methods information ...

  4. Journal of Accounting Research

    Journal of Accounting Research publishes original research in all areas of accounting and topics including finance, economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology. Research typically uses analytical, empirical archival, experimental, or field study methods. Questions pertain to information and measurement used in organizations, markets, governments, regulation and standards; often arising in ...

  5. The Journal of Finance

    The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is the most widely cited academic journal on finance and one of the most widely cited journals in economics as well. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000 academics, finance professionals, libraries, government and financial ...

  6. The Journal of Finance

    The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is the most widely cited academic journal on finance. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000 academics, finance professionals, libraries, government and financial institutions around the world. Published six times a year, the journal is the official publication of The American Finance ...

  7. Accounting & Finance

    Accounting & Finance is an essential journal for academics, graduate students, practitioners, and all those interested in research in accounting and finance. Our research addresses significant questions from a broad range of perspectives and using a broad range of research methods. Accounting & Finance publishes significant contributions to the ...

  8. Accounting Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    by David Freiberg, Katie Panella, George Serafeim, and T. Robert Zochowski. Impact-weighted accounting methodology standardizes previously disparate measures of impact, in this case the impact of employment. This paper's methodology and analysis of Intel, Apple, Costco, and Merck shows the feasibility of measuring firm employment impact for ...

  9. The real effects of financial reporting: Evidence and suggestions for

    This article systematically reviews 94 accounting and finance studies that address the real effects of financial reporting. Whereas the effects of financial reporting on capital suppliers' decisions traditionally have received much attention, recent research has generated important new insights into the feedback effects of financial reporting on the reporting firms' real activities (e.g ...

  10. Full article: Financial reporting quality of financial institutions

    Financial reporting plays two crucial roles in market-based economies. First, it reduces information asymmetry and enables capital providers to value businesses, thereby fostering the transparency that is necessary for an efficient capital market operation. This is known as the valuation role of accounting information.

  11. Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial ...

    Barth, Mary E., Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability (May 25, 2015). Abacus, Forthcoming, Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 15-34, ... Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Paper Series. Subscribe to this free journal for more curated articles on this topic FOLLOWERS. 5,098.

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    Further information. CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals. Calculating the CiteScore is based on the number of citations to documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters, and data papers) by a journal over four years, divided by the number of the same document types indexed in Scopus and published in those same four years.

  13. Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability

    Research aim: This paper critically evaluates the qualitative characteristics of accounting information that can be drawn from the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB)/International ...

  14. Finance Articles, Research Topics, & Case Studies

    One in 10 people in America lack health insurance, resulting in $40 billion of care that goes unpaid each year. Amitabh Chandra and colleagues say ensuring basic coverage for all residents, as other wealthy nations do, could address the most acute needs and unlock efficiency. 1. 2.

  15. Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability

    Regardless, there are many intriguing and open questions awaiting accounting research that can provide insights into how financial accounting—and thus financial accountability—can be improved. The future is bright for financial accounting researchers who do research relevant to accounting practice and want to contribute to a prosperous society.

  16. Topics and trends in finance research: What is ...

    1. Introduction. As a scholarly field of enquiry, finance has developed rapidly over the past 30 years - both in terms of the volume of published work and its quality (Ashton et al., 2009, p. 205).As a sub-discipline it now holds a credible position in business schools and social science faculties globally. 1 Considering it a sub-field of economics, Kelly and Bruestle (2011, Table 3) show ...

  17. Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability

    The future is bright for financial accounting researchers who do research relevant to accounting practice and want to contribute to a prosperous society. References Aboody, D. ( 1996 ), ' Market Valuation of Employee Stock Options ', Journal of Accounting and Economics , Vol. 22 , Nos 1-3 , pp. 357 - 391 .

  18. PDF Empirical Research in Financial Accounting I Stern School of Business

    1" " Empirical Research in Financial Accounting I Stern School of Business, New York University Stephen Ryan Fall 2011 READ THIS! Course Purpose: The goal of this course is to help you begin the process of becoming an empirical accounting researcher capable of identifying interesting, important, and researchable

  19. Research Papers / Publications

    Research Papers / Publications. Qianqian Li, Edward Watts, Christina Zhu (Working), Retail Investors and ESG News. Abstract. Paul Fischer, Mirko S. Heinle, Jung Min Kim, Christina Zhu (Working), Rational Information Acquisition Screens. Abstract. James Li, Olivia S. Mitchell, Christina Zhu (Working), Suboptimal Investment and Information ...

  20. Ethics in Accounting: Analysis of Current Financial Failures and Role

    Accounting profession is required to uphold the principles of trustworthiness, transparency, and accuracy in financial reporting. This research informs about the importance of effective ethical behavior among professional accountants to reduce ethical issues in practice. Methodology: This research adopted qualitative systematic review methodology.

  21. Analytical Study of Financial Accounting and Management Trends Based on

    Financial accounting is an economic management activity that is carried out through comprehensive and systematic ... and business information still needed to be transferred between business and finance departments through paper-based original vouchers. ... Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance Research. 2021; 3 (1):91-112. doi: 10.21580 ...

  22. A comparative analysis before and after pandemic on environmental

    Purpose: This study conducted a comparative analysis of the application of environmental accounting in hospitals before, during, and after the pandemic. Research methodology: This qualitative study used a comparative analytical approach. The data used in the research are primary data from interviews with three informants directly involved and secondary data from relevant financial information ...

  23. 600 Accounting and Finance Thesis Topics

    Taxation Thesis Topics. 1. Accounting Thesis Topics. The impact of artificial intelligence on financial reporting and compliance. Blockchain technology in accounting: disrupting traditional processes. The role of ethical leadership in promoting sustainable accounting practices.

  24. Services

    Accounting & Internal Controls ... Deloitte's ongoing focus on research and development (R&D) is what has inspired us to carry out this survey - our first research project of this kind since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020. ... has enabled the opinions of more than 600 of the region's Chief Financial Officers to be heard. Our survey aims ...