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MOSIS Ed-Fi Update

DESE recently announced they’re updating MOSIS to integrate with Ed-Fi. We have been aware of the changes for some time and are working with DESE to be compliant with the new system in their proposed timeline. We’re very familiar with Ed-Fi and have worked with them in other states. We believe supporting this transition will mostly center around training our customers to use the new tools. Right now, no action is necessary by our customers.

Around October 2023, some LEA’s will be asked to pilot the new state reporting solution prior to the rollout in 2024. If you are asked to pilot, please reach out to us at [email protected] so we can walk you through the new process.

As we get closer to rollout, we’ll release knowledge base articles and hold webinars and training to walk customers through the new workflows. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you did not receive the email from DESE, please see the excerpt below:

“The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has begun the process of integrating Ed-Fi, a near real-time collection system, with the MOSIS Data Collection System. DESE currently collects data in six cycles, once every two months. Ed-Fi will work with local education agency (LEA) student information systems (SIS) to provide data directly to DESE using interoperability technology.

DESE plans to pilot this process with a small group of LEAs in October 2023. Once the pilot is complete, DESE will roll out the new collection system to the remaining LEAs over the course of 2024. Full implementation of this technology is planned for the fourth quarter of 2024, with a live transition planned for the 2025-26 school year…

… For more information, please contact Claire Gallaher at 573-751-2223.”

Common Goal Systems has a long history of building solutions that make it easy to meet state reporting requirements. We look forward to the opportunity to do it again with this new generation of tools in Missouri.

The Common Goal Team

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teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

Special briefing: Recovery still elusive

Recording of the July 25, 2024, special briefing featuring the latest edition of COVID impact research released by NWEA. In the briefing, Dr. Karyn Lewis (one of the lead authors of the study) walked through new data from the 2023-24 school year and shared key findings on academic gains, achievement and recovery post-COVID.

Topics: Education research

Products: MAP Growth

teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

Sneak peek: Map Reading Fluency with coach

NWEA’s early reading specialists shared a preview of this groundbreaking solution, showing how MAP Reading Fluency with Coach saves teachers a significant amount of time by precisely placing K­–5 students within tech-enhanced 1:1 tutoring. You can close those reading gaps!

Topics: Assessment , Early learning , Instructional strategy & resources , Literacy

Products: MAP Reading Fluency

teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

NWEA research snapshot: Insights on recovery strategies

NWEA researchers explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding academic recovery. Designed for school and system leaders, this session details their latest research insights and explores the effectiveness of strategies like summer intervention programming and high-dose tutoring.

Topics: Education research , Instructional strategy & resources , Leadership

teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

District and School leaders: How to use data to engage teachers in high-growth strategies

Three education leaders from a high growth district share their strategies for encouraging data-driven instruction. They also offer tips for onboarding new teachers, building trust, and encouraging buy-in—the hallmarks of a strong growth culture.

Topics: Assessment , Instructional strategy & resources , Professional learning

teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

Beyond the numbers: Insights from your literacy data

NWEA early literacy experts teamed up with a district-level data whiz for a lively discussion on inventorying literacy data to help your team make informed changes to instruction. Presenters also shared how to triangulate points between MAP® Growth™ and MAP® Reading Fluency™, spot anomalies, track trends and more.

Topics: Early learning , Insights and reports , Instructional strategy & resources , Literacy

Products: MAP Growth , MAP Reading Fluency

teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

Using MAP Growth for gifted and talented service placement decisions

NWEA senior research scientist Scott Peters offers a thoughtful approach to using MAP Growth data to identify advanced learning opportunities for students that helps educators balance access, sensitivity, alignment, and cost in making these key placement decisions.

Topics: Assessment , Education research , Equity

teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

Supercharge math confidence (for teachers and students) with MAP Accelerator

Discover how educators are making math personal with MAP Accelerator, our game-changing supplementary learning tool that seamlessly connects MAP Growth Math scores to personalized pathways of Khan Academy content.

Presenters also discussed easy-to-use reporting tools and MAP Accelerator’s companion professional learning opportunities to help your teachers build on what’s working.

Topics: Insights and reports , Math , Professional learning

Products: MAP Accelerator , MAP Growth , Professional Learning

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evaas roster verification webinar

EVAAS Roster Verification Webinar

Jul 18, 2014

220 likes | 542 Views

EVAAS Roster Verification Webinar. Spring 2014 NHCS Testing and Accountability Department. Agenda. Participants will Calculate Student teacher assignment Percent of instruction Submit rosters to principal. Timeline. Tasks. Getting Started. Reports: Select Roster Verification.

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  • additional support services
  • instructional responsibility
  • add remove rosters
  • regular classroom teacher instructs
  • identified students


Presentation Transcript

EVAAS Roster Verification Webinar Spring 2014 NHCS Testing and Accountability Department

Agenda Participants will • Calculate • Student teacher assignment • Percent of instruction • Submit rosters to principal

Getting Started

Reports: Select Roster Verification

Step 1: Check roster list. Select, Add/Remove Rosters to add or remove a roster.

Add or remove rosters

Step 2: Determine Student/teacher Assignment and Percent of Instruction For each student: • Set Student + Teacher Assignment to the proportion of the semester or school year that the teacher and this student were assigned to each other. • Set Your % of Instruction to the proportion of the semester or school year that the teacher taught the student this subject. If another teacher or specialist was responsible for some of this student's instruction in this subject, the teacher's percentage of instruction will be less than 100.

Teacher Roster: Essential Questions Did I teach the child the entire year? Am I the only teacher responsible for teaching the subject? NOTE: Teachers can access a Powerschool Report to determine Student-Teacher Assignment. In the REPORTS section, select CLASS ATTENDANCE AUDIT.

Powerschool Report: Class Attendance Audit

Column 1: Student + Teacher Assignment Sample: If the student (or teacher) arrives and begins on Day 16 of the school year, then the Student Teacher assignment is 92%

Column 2:Percent of Instruction

New Resource: Examples/scenarios • Samples include teaching situations when more than one teacher is claiming instructional responsibility for a student in a tested* subject • regular classroom teachers and other teachers providing instruction such as AIG, EC, ESL, math; and • reading specialists in team teaching, co-teaching, push-in, or pull-out instructional situations. • The total minutes the subject is taught should be calculated using the total minutes of instruction possible may be best calculated by the day, week, month, or year. *End-of-Grade assessment, End-of-Course assessment, Career and Technical Education assessment, NC Final Exam, or K-3 Checkpoints

Scenario: Co-teaching • An EC teacher* and a regular classroom teacher plan and implement instruction for all students in a Math I course. • Process: • The classroom teacher will claim 50% for all of the students in the classroom. • The EC teacher will create a roster with all students in the classroom and will claim 50% for all of the students in the classroom (not just those on her caseload) in the column called Your % of Instruction. *Also applies to AIG, ESL, and other support teachers

Scenario: Push in • Identified students receive additional instructional support provided by specialists within the regular classroom environment. • The specialist(s) provide(s) instruction to specific students and may or may not engage with and/or assist other students. • For purposes of Roster Verification all teachers claim partial instructional responsibility for the identified students. • The classroom teacher claims full instructional responsibility for students in her classroom who are not identified for additional support services in this content area.

Scenario: Pull-out (Not during the regular instructional period) • A student receives math instruction in the regular classroom setting. In addition, the AIG teacher* provides math instruction to the student outside of the regular classroom setting. • Process: The first step in calculating the percentage of instruction is to add up the total minutes of math instruction possible. • The regular classroom teacher instructs the student in math for 90 minutes a day (90 min x 5 days = 450 min per week). • The AIG teacher provides 45 minutes of math instruction outside of the classroom 3 times per week (135 min per week). • The total math instruction provided per week is 450 minutes + 135 minutes = 585 minutes. • The regular classroom teacher calculates 450 minutes (her instructional minutes) divided by 58 5minutes (total instructional minutes possible) and determines her percentage was 77%. (450/585 = .77) She enters 77% in the Your % of Instruction column. • The AIG teacher calculates 135 minutes (his instructional minutes) divided by 585 minutes (total instructional minutes possible) and determines his percentage was 23%. (135/585 = .23) He enters 23% in the Your % of Instruction column. *Also applies to EC, ESL and other support teachers

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STAFF ROSTER. Your go-to people!. M.E. M.E. AARC Director: supervises entire operation [email protected]. ANDREW. Math and Business Program Director [email protected]. ANNETTE. Liberal and Fine Arts Program Director [email protected]. MICHAEL. Writing Program Director

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    teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar

  2. TEA_LEA Webinar Series

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  3. TEA and LEA Webinar Series

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  4. “Staff Rollout” webinar now available

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  5. Webinar: Lead Assignment Rules

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  6. Teacher Assignment Webinar

    teacher assignment data rollout lea webinar


  1. Teacher Assignment Monitoring Outcomes

    This is an overview of the Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcome (AMO) data and reports available from the California Department of Education's Dataquest site. This overview includes background, key terms, uses and limitations of the reports, as well as complementary resources from the department. Topic 1: Legal Assignments Versus Out-of ...

  2. Interagency Release of Teacher Assignment Data

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  3. Webinar: Digging into teacher assignment data

    Originally recorded May 9, 2023

  4. Assignment Monitoring

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  6. PPTX CAPSDAC TA Training Webinar

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  7. PDF Digging into Teacher Assignment Data

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  8. PDF Teacher Input Application: LEA Support Guide

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  9. PDF Zoom Meeting Preparation

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  10. PPTX LEA Collaboration Team

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  11. PDF Zoom Meeting Preparation

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  12. Local Education Agency (LEA) User Manager

    to the correct ACHIEVE Data Leads for support. Note: Choose LEA User Manager | when submitting an ACHIEVE support request related to User Management/user roles addressed in this training. Webinar - LEA User Manager Training: The LEA User Manager Training was recorded on 8.8.24 and is available for viewing. Slide

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  14. MOSIS Ed-Fi Update

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  15. Special Education

    Special Education LEA Assignment Request Form, Revised August 31, 2019. DESE has revised the Request for Clarification of Assignment of School District Responsibility Form (also known the LEA Assignment Request Form) to be submitted by agencies, districts, and individual seeking determination of assignment of financial and programmatic responsibility for a student's special education program ...

  16. PDF TSDS LEA Application Software Vendor Webinar

    Uniq-ID LEA - can search and update person data ... TEA Rollout for Unique ID / February 2013 (updated June 2013) 11. For Users Who Have TEAL Accounts (1) 1. Log on at TEA Rollout for Unique ID / February 2013 (updated June 2013) 12.

  17. PDF TSDS LEA Application Software Vendor Webinar

    The user can log on and proceed to apply for access to TSDS Portal with the correct Unique ID role. If the access request is not approved within 7 days, an email is sent to the user warning of cancellation. (Each level of Approver has 7 days to approve.) Log on at Click Apply for Access, or select My Application ...

  18. Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes

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    The content in this webinar applies to PK4 classroom teachers only. HQPK- Teacher Qualifications- Current Legislation STATUTE: Per . TEC Sec. 29.167 ... coded as 03 in ECDS for the remainder of time that they are employed as a PK teacher in that LEA. *We do recommend teachers engage in professional development and ... data-driven program ...

  20. Webinar

    Recording of the July 25, 2024, special briefing featuring the latest edition of COVID impact research released by NWEA. In the briefing, Dr. Karyn Lewis (one of the lead authors of the study) walked through new data from the 2023-24 school year and shared key findings on academic gains, achievement and recovery post-COVID.

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  22. EVAAS Roster Verification Webinar

    EVAAS Roster Verification Webinar Spring 2014 NHCS Testing and Accountability Department. Agenda Participants will • Calculate • Student teacher assignment • Percent of instruction • Submit rosters to principal. Timeline. Tasks. Getting Started. Reports: Select Roster Verification. Step 1: Check roster list. Select, Add/Remove Rosters to add or remove a roster.