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Topic: Experience is the best teacher

1. essay 1: experience is the best teacher.

Books are considered to be the source of all knowledge, but all that one learns through a book is only of theoretical nature in the form of ideas and concepts. It is essential to utilize them in a real environment and experience the knowledge that is learned from books.

Learning is nothing but understanding the world around us. Books, no doubt are a great source of knowledge as it gives us an idea about a particular subject in detail. But all that one could learn from it is limited to the level of knowing how a certain phenomenon occurs, or how a certain concept works. The knowledge gained through books alone cannot help anyone, because what one learns through the books should be put in to use to harvest the benefits. For instance, a person who wants to learn driving can go through various manuals and guides that teach people how to drive, but all this knowledge is useful only when you are actually driving the car on the roads. It would be an utter waste of time if one just reads the books and does not use them for practical purpose.

Learning through experience is always a lot different from learning through books. Let us consider the same example of a person wanting to learn to drive: even if he goes through every book that is available on driving, still it cannot qualify him as an expert driver. This is because of the fact that books about driving can only teach people traffic rules and provide solutions on how to handle certain situations. The situations faced by a driver could be totally different from what he had learnt from a book. Sometimes we find that the real environment is quite different from the one perceived by us through reading books. This is the very reason why, even in educational institutions, all theoretical classes are followed by practical sessions.

Learning through experience can also be more effective than learning through books because one does not envision everything on his own, but is given a chance to experience the reality. The art of driving can be enjoyed only when we are behind the wheels and not when reading it in books. Moreover, any book is actually an account of past experiences, i.e. it is based on the experiences of people who tried to develop a new idea. The books are their experiences, telling us what they already have tried. Thus from their experiences we can correct ourselves and thus save valuable time and resources. It helps us to concentrate on their failures and to correct them, but they alone cannot teach us everything we need to know. The knowledge learned through books alone cannot help us to face all the exigencies that we would face in real life situations; we have to practice on our own.

Books are like a guiding light in one’s pursuit for knowledge. But it is left to everyone of us to experience it first hand and learn new things for the betterment of their lives. So the notion “experience is the best teacher” is perfectly true.

2. Essay 2 : Are books more important than experience?

It is true that “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” A person can learn a lot and retain what he learns through experience. In my opinion life’s valuable lessons are learnt from experience and so the knowledge gained from experience is more important.

Books are a great source of information. A person in his lifetime cannot experience everything, but by reading a book on a particular subject he can gain knowledge over that subject in less time. There are books available on any subject that one needs. However experience seems more important to me.

Suppose a person living in the United States wants to learn about India. He has two options: he could visit India and learn about the people and places there or he could just pick up a book about India and read it. The first option will be expensive and time consuming, but at the same time it gives one first hand information and a sense of satisfaction while the second option is less expensive and saves time.

A person can gain knowledge and learn many valuable lessons through his/her own practical experiences and also the experiences of others. The knowledge learnt from experience is very likely to be retained in our memory for a long period of time. The conclusions that we draw from what we learn would be from our practical experience instead of accepting the conclusion drawn in the book by the author.

So in my opinion knowledge can be gained both by reading books and by experience but the knowledge gained through experience is more important.

3. Essay 3 : Are books more important than experience?

Nowadays, most people appreciate learning at school, where a number of books are the source of knowledge. However, from my point of view, learning from experience is much more important than learning from books since our real lives concern more about knowledge from experience than knowledge from books.

Firstly, knowledge obtained from books is more abstract. As we enthusiastically study in classroom, we have learned several mathematic equations, or a number of science theories. Of course, they all are necessary for some professional occupations, such as scientist, engineer, and doctor, but not for all careers.

In addition, knowledge from books is rather logical and exact. The result of a matter is always follow-concerned theories. For example, a person who has learned science can know how long that an apple falls to the ground takes. Certainly, the answer can be obtained by using Newton’s formula.

Nevertheless, I think that the most significant lessons cannot be taught; they have to be experienced. No one can teach us how we can get along with others well when we have to change to a new society. Books cannot teach us how to adjust behavior to satisfy others, and think optimistically when we confront a trouble.

In contrast to books, knowledge from experience is adjustable; it does not depend on any theory or equation. A solution from experience is always depending on the situation and other factors influencing the problem. This is because living experience is so fine and complex that cannot be determined by theories or equations.

In conclusion, although both books and experience can give us a variety of knowledge, in my view, the knowledge from experience is more important. The reason is that in everyday life we must face with a lot of situations, either extremely hard or easy to cope with, that cannot be handle by just knowledge from books.

4. Essay 4:  Not everything that is learned is contained in books

Learning, as the name indicates has lot many meanings as to which source one would choose to understand things of his own interest. Books have always been an inevitable part of one’s life as they have the ability to make people aware of the different things happening in our world. It is said that not everything that is learned is contained in books. This is in fact true because books can offer us knowledge regarding the things that have happened and sometimes the ways to deal with a situation that one can encounter in his life. I would appreciate the fact that the knowledge gained from experience is much more important than that we receive from books. I would like to further illustrate my reasons as follows:

Everyone would admit the fact that knowledge gained from experience is one that remains in our mind forever. It is correctly said, “Experience is the teacher of man.” Being a science student, I have gone through different books where we come across different reactions and experiments, where the results will be shown in the form of diagrams or may be expressed in a simple language. Unless we conduct that experiment we will not know the problems or the difficulties we will have to overcome during the experiments. Textbook knowledge is merely a description of facts and outcomes, whereas the same knowledge when gained through experience teaches us a lot, right from the start till the end and its a journey through the various aspects of one process which one might not be aware of and might not be described in the books.

During my undergraduate years I had only knowledge from books and I used to wonder how the experiments are designed and how they are carried out. But, during my post graduate days I had to do a two month nutritional trial on fishes where I had to cope up with everything like procuring tubs and fishes, arranging aeration facilities, preparation of food for the fishes, daily water exchange, samplings, analysis and so on. Now, I am confident of carrying out similar works and the experience that I have gained will remain with me as long as I live. When similar instances occur, we will have more self-confidence and when such aspects are passed on to our juniors, they would also feel happy and confident.

Needless to say books are also very important. What I have mentioned is from my viewpoint as a science student. There are many different subjects where the conduct of work is tough and in such circumstances we gain information from books. Some aspects would be time consuming and tedious and performing such a work with a limited period of time would not be feasible. In such cases, books definitely open a person’s eye towards various aspects and give him first hand information about what he wants to know.

A person who has learned from experience never forgets what has happened and if it was proved a bad thing then he would certainly try to avoid that situation in the future. If something good has happened then he will put his best to further improve it; that in turn will enhance his skill and boost his self-esteem. Knowledge gained by experience can be passed over to others who also are supposed to face the same situation and that helps the person to be aware of what he intends to do. He can even avoid those factors that can affect his performance.

In fact I would rather say that knowledge gained from experience lingers in our minds forever and that boosts our confidence when taking up a similar task. On the other hand, the fact that books are knowledge providers cannot be ignored, because books provide us with lot more information about the different things that are very difficult to be experienced. Hence it can be concluded that knowledge gained from books is second hand knowledge whereas knowledge that are gained from experience is firsthand and it takes a person through the different hidden intricacies of the task and makes him learn the knowledge in a practical manner.

5. Essay 5 : Are books more important than experience?

To my opinion, books and real experience are two completely different sources of knowledge. It is really difficult to determine which of the two to be of much greater importance, because normally knowledge gained from experience complements that acquired from books, but not substitutes it. Comparing the features of the two sources, I would stress the following points of differences.

First, the knowledge gained from books is, to a certain extent, of abstract nature. Books are normally the collections of facts and general rules. Books give us the most complete overview of a subject in a more or less structured manner, covering all known details and exceptions. In some way, books are concentrations of knowledge and experiences of many generations of people, given in a concise and comprehensive way. Obtaining such knowledge just from the personal experience would take an immense amount of time or even would not be possible at all. The practical experience, gives us not general knowledge, but particular skills. Without these particular skills, all the knowledge gained from books might be just a useless collection of facts and rules. The best example of the importance of practical experience that comes to my mind is learning a foreign language. One can learn a lot of vocabulary and grammar rules, memorize many exceptions, but without actual applying of all this knowledge in real life conversations, writing letters and listening to real speeches, one can hardly be proficient in the language. The importance of having practical skills is also proved by the fact that most employers appreciate working experience above all grades and diplomas.

Another point of contrast between books and experience is that for some subject, such as economy of sociology, a book may represent a point of view of its author or authors. The conclusions given in the book might be out of date, or might be biased by the personal attitude of the authors. In this case, practical experience helps to build up personal perspective on the matter, to bring the matter up to date.

On the psychological grounds, learning from experience is much more efficient than reading books. Reading books is in most cases a passive action, which can be done without much effort. Despite the fact that there are people who can memorize thousands of papers, for a normal person, such work does not result in a deep, comprehensive knowledge base. On the contrary, doing things in practice, people have to overcome various difficulties, get through unknown areas, and pay attention to small details. The reward for these efforts is much more comprehensive and profound knowledge.

Summarizing the said above I want to admit that both books and practice is important in the process of learning. While none of the two can be considered as absolute substitute for the other, I would place the practical experience in a little bit advance position in terms of importance.

6. Essay 6 : Are books more important than experience?

We gain our knowledge about the world and our life from two sources: from experience and from books. These two resources are both important, but which of them is more important?

Knowledge from books forms a very important part of our knowledge structure. In schools and colleges, we learn knowledge that is fundamental to our future career. We learn knowledge from books in order to make our contributions to this society in the future. A student learns mathematic equations and other scientific knowledge and become a scientist or engineer. We will be illiterate and ignorant without learning knowledge from books. Moreover, we acquire knowledge about life and the world by reading books, magazines and newspapers. This is also very important, as we cannot experience everything all by ourselves. Therefore books are a very important source of knowledge.

On the other hand, we cannot learn everything from books. “Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliche but I agree with it. The most important, and sometimes the hardest lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. We learn how to get along with others or how to gain self-respect from our experience, not from books. We cannot learn emotional feelings, such as love and care, through books; they come from our real life experience. Knowledge from experience is also a very important supplement to knowledge from books.

Needless to say both learning sources, books and experience, are very important to us. But in my opinion knowledge from experience is more important, because without knowledge from experience, it is impossible to get a real understanding of knowledge from books, and how to apply this knowledge to real world situations.

7. Essay 7 : Are books more important than experience?

Upon the question “not everything that is learned is contained in books”, different people have different opinions. From my point of view, I believe knowledge gained from experience is more valuable than knowledge gained out of books. In the following paragraphs I will try to explain my position more clearly.

Firstly, life’s valuable lessons are learned from experience. Can you forget important lessons learned from your childhood years, such as jumping down from a high place and broke your arms? From that accident you knew the importance of self-protection. Knowledge gained from experience is likely to be retained in our memory for a long period of time, although most of the time we have to pay a price for it.

Secondly, knowledge that is gained by doing things can provide you with firsthand information. If you don’t have the chance to experience on your own, you can only obtain second-hand knowledge and you will feel a lack of self-confidence.

Moreover, many skills and knowledge can only be learned through practical experiences. You cannot learn swimming by just reading from books on how to swim. You have to actually get there and jump into the pool. Experience is the best way to develop your personal abilities.

However, just as an English proverb goes “a coin has two sides,” reading books is also helpful. After all, you will not have the chance to experience everything by yourself. For instance, to travel to foreign countries is expensive and time-consuming, while reading a book about different cultures provides you with plenty of valuable information in a short period of time.

To conclude, knowledge gained from experiences is more important. Life requires knowledge, and experience is the key.

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Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher

Short Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher

Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher: Experience is often said to be the best teacher, as it provides valuable lessons that cannot be learned through textbooks or lectures alone. In this essay, we will explore the importance of experiential learning and how it shapes our understanding of the world around us. Through personal anecdotes and examples, we will delve into the ways in which our experiences shape our perspectives, attitudes, and behaviors. Join us as we uncover the profound impact of experience as the ultimate teacher.

Table of Contents

Experience Is The Best Teacher Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming your personal experiences that have taught you valuable lessons. Think about specific situations where you learned something important through trial and error.

2. Choose one or two experiences that stand out to you as particularly impactful and relevant to the topic of experience being the best teacher.

3. Begin your essay with a strong introduction that sets the stage for the rest of your writing. You can start with a quote, anecdote, or personal reflection to grab the reader’s attention.

4. In the body of your essay, provide a detailed description of the experience(s) you have chosen to discuss. Explain the context, what happened, and what you learned from the situation.

5. Use specific examples and details to illustrate the lessons you learned from your experiences. Show how these lessons have shaped your beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

6. Reflect on how the experience(s) have impacted your life and influenced your decision-making process. Discuss how you have applied the lessons learned in other areas of your life.

7. Consider including any challenges or obstacles you faced during the experience and how you overcame them. This can add depth and complexity to your essay.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you have made and reinforcing the idea that experience is indeed the best teacher. You can also offer some final thoughts or insights on the topic.

9. Proofread your essay carefully to check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and engaging for the reader.

10. Consider seeking feedback from a teacher, mentor, or peer to get additional perspectives on your essay and make any necessary revisions before submitting it.

Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Experience is the best teacher because it allows us to learn from our mistakes and successes. 2. Through experience, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. 3. Experience teaches us valuable life lessons that cannot be learned through books or lectures. 4. It helps us develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. 5. By experiencing different situations, we become more adaptable and resilient. 6. Experience provides us with practical knowledge that can be applied in real-life situations. 7. It helps us build confidence and self-esteem as we navigate through challenges and obstacles. 8. Through experience, we develop empathy and a greater appreciation for diversity. 9. It allows us to grow and evolve as individuals, constantly learning and improving. 10. Ultimately, experience is the best teacher because it shapes who we are and how we interact with the world.

Sample Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher in 100-180 Words

Experience is the best teacher because it allows us to learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals. When we face challenges and obstacles, we are forced to think critically and find solutions on our own. This hands-on approach to learning is much more effective than simply reading about a topic or being told what to do.

Through experience, we gain valuable insights and knowledge that cannot be taught in a classroom. We develop skills, resilience, and confidence that can only come from facing real-world situations. Our experiences shape our perspectives and help us navigate future challenges with ease.

In conclusion, experience is the best teacher because it provides us with practical knowledge and skills that are essential for personal and professional growth. It allows us to learn from our mistakes, adapt to new situations, and become better versions of ourselves.

Short Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher in 200-500 Words

Experience is often considered the best teacher because it provides valuable lessons that cannot be learned through textbooks or lectures. When we go through certain situations and challenges, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. These experiences shape our beliefs, values, and perspectives, ultimately helping us grow and develop as individuals.

One of the main reasons why experience is the best teacher is because it allows us to learn from our mistakes. When we make errors or face failures, we are forced to reflect on what went wrong and how we can improve in the future. This process of self-reflection is crucial for personal growth and development. It helps us identify our weaknesses and areas for improvement, ultimately making us more resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity.

Moreover, experience teaches us important life skills that cannot be taught in a classroom. For example, when we face challenges in the workplace, we learn how to communicate effectively, problem-solve, and work collaboratively with others. These skills are essential for success in both our personal and professional lives, and can only be acquired through real-world experience.

In addition, experience allows us to develop empathy and understanding towards others. When we go through difficult situations, we are able to relate to the struggles and challenges that other people face. This empathy helps us build stronger relationships and connections with others, ultimately fostering a sense of community and support.

Furthermore, experience helps us develop a sense of resilience and perseverance. When we face obstacles and setbacks, we learn how to overcome them and keep moving forward. This resilience is essential for navigating the ups and downs of life, and helps us build the confidence and determination needed to achieve our goals.

Overall, experience is the best teacher because it provides us with valuable lessons, skills, and perspectives that shape who we are as individuals. Through our experiences, we learn how to navigate the complexities of life, develop important life skills, and build empathy and resilience. Ultimately, these lessons help us grow and develop into the best versions of ourselves.

Essay on Experience Is The Best Teacher in 1000-1500 Words

Experience Is the Best Teacher

Education is an essential part of life. It helps us to gain knowledge, develop skills, and shape our personalities. While formal education in schools and universities plays a crucial role in shaping our minds, there is another form of education that is equally important – experiential learning. Experience is often considered the best teacher as it provides us with practical knowledge, helps us learn from our mistakes, and allows us to grow and develop as individuals.

One of the main reasons why experience is considered the best teacher is because it provides us with practical knowledge that cannot be gained through books or lectures. While theoretical knowledge is important, it is often not enough to fully understand a concept or skill. For example, you can read all the books in the world about how to ride a bike, but until you actually get on a bike and start pedaling, you will not truly understand how to ride it. Experience allows us to put theory into practice and see how things work in the real world.

Moreover, experience teaches us valuable lessons that we cannot learn from books or lectures. When we make mistakes or face challenges, we are forced to learn from them and find solutions to overcome them. This process of trial and error helps us to develop problem-solving skills, resilience, and adaptability. For example, if you fail at a task, you can analyze what went wrong, learn from your mistakes, and try again. This hands-on approach to learning is invaluable in helping us grow and develop as individuals.

Furthermore, experience allows us to develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. In real-life situations, we are often required to work with others, communicate effectively, and take on leadership roles. These skills are not easily taught in a classroom setting but are essential for success in both personal and professional life. Through experience, we learn how to interact with others, resolve conflicts, and lead by example. These skills are crucial for building strong relationships, advancing in our careers, and achieving our goals.

In addition, experience helps us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our values. When we face challenges or make difficult decisions, we are forced to reflect on our beliefs, priorities, and goals. This self-reflection allows us to gain insight into who we are, what we stand for, and what we want to achieve in life. Through experience, we learn to trust our instincts, follow our passions, and stay true to ourselves. This self-awareness is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

Moreover, experience teaches us to be open-minded and adaptable in a rapidly changing world. In today’s fast-paced society, we are constantly faced with new challenges, technologies, and opportunities. To thrive in this dynamic environment, we need to be willing to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Experience helps us to be flexible, innovative, and resilient in the face of uncertainty. By embracing new experiences and stepping out of our comfort zones, we can expand our horizons, broaden our perspectives, and stay ahead of the curve.

In conclusion, experience is indeed the best teacher as it provides us with practical knowledge, teaches us valuable lessons, helps us develop important life skills, deepens our self-understanding, and fosters adaptability. While formal education is important, it is through experience that we truly learn and grow as individuals. By embracing new challenges, learning from our mistakes, and staying open to new opportunities, we can continue to evolve and thrive in a rapidly changing world. Experience is not just a teacher – it is a lifelong mentor that guides us on our journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Experience is The Best Teacher” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Experience is The Best Teacher

Essay No. 01

Are you prepared to be operated on by a surgeon who has read all about it in books but has never done it before? Have you had your car repaired by someone reading from a manual but who has never been an apprentice? No! We define experience as direct personal participation. We define best as most excellent and we define teacher as someone or something that teaches others.

The first example about why experience is the best teacher is because you may be trained extremely well but without experience you .are likely to do worse than a person with less training but a lot of experience. The second example is about our law system. The final example is about some real-life experiences.

 If a child touched an iron and was burnt by it, he or she is more likely to remember not to do such a thing in future than another who is told time and time again not to touch it. Many times, as teachers would know, when you teach a pupil something on one day and he nods his head and says “yes I know”, and ask him the next day, there is a high chance that he has forgotten. However if he has learned it by an experiment or by experience, he is likely to remember for a very long time, sometimes even to adulthood. There is nothing better than experience -experience is the best teacher.

We gain this through our lives and by putting ourselves in different live situations to get it. We can read about how to debate but it is never as adequate as the experience of it, standing in front of an attentive audience, conscious of saying the right thing, even feeling self-conscious and embarrassed but having done this several times, gaining the experience to deal with it and to improve from it. We try saying the debate to ourselves, to our colleagues and family before coming here today just to get the experience! Practice makes man perfect.

 A second example our law system is based upon experience through punishment. Take for example a criminal being sentenced to five years imprisonment. He will be less likely to commit such a crime in future because of this. This is only possible if the lawyer or prosecutor is an experienced person.

A third and final example of why experience is the best teacher is you cannot be a barrister, a doctor or an engineer as soon as you finish University. You have to become an articles clerk and work under an experienced advocate to gain that kind of knowledge, an intern or an apprentice in a recognized hospital or medical institute to get sufficient experience first. You have to get an L or P driver’s license before you gain sufficient experience to obtain a full license.

Practical experience in a field or subject is the final step in mastering it, because certain tasks cannot be done effectively without practice and hands-on experience.

Experience is most definitely the best teacher.

Essay No. 02

Experience is the Best Teacher

Experience is the best teacher. Her great subject is the Art of Living. No one can teach us this as well as she can. She is a stern schoolmistress. She sets up hard lessons, severely punishes inattention and stupidity, and charges very high fees. But what she teaches, she teaches thoroughly. We never forget her lessons. The worst of it is that we sometimes learn her lessons too late. The man who breaks all the rules of health in his youth by self-indulgence and vice, learns at last, when his health is wrecked for life, the right way of living ; but too late to be of any use to him.

One might think that we should be glad to learn how to live a right from the experience of our fathers, as recorded in books or as taught by the advice of our elders. But somehow many young people do not. They scoff at warnings and advice, and go their own way. You may warn a child again and again against playing with matches; but he does not believe you, until he scorches his hands. After that “the burnt child dreads the fire”. You may tell a boy not to meddle with stray dogs; but he does not listen, till he gets a nasty bite from one. After that “once bitten, twice shy”. He has to learn from experience; and her lessons he will not forget.

In the same way older people have to learn for them-selves, often by bitter experience, such old truths as, “Honesty is the best policy”, “All is not gold that glitters”, “A rolling stone gathers no moss”, “He who touches pitch is defiled”, “No pains no gains”, “Waste not, want not”, “Cut your coat according to your cloth”, “A fool and his money are soon parted”, “Look before you leap”, and “The way of transgressors is hard”. In such old proverbs much wisdom gained by experience has been preserved. It is by suffering that we learn patience; by facing danger we learn courage; by sorrow we learn sympathy; by mistakes we learn wisdom.

But all the lessons taught by experience are not unpleasant. Whether they are pleasant or unpleasant depends on ourselves. For we can just as easily learn from experience that honesty pays in the long run, as that dishonesty does not; that temperance maintains health, as that excess ruins body and soul; that kindness to others brings us joy, as that selfishness breeds unhappiness; and that hard work brings success, as that idleness spells failure.

Essay No. 03

Outline: Bookish knowledge is imperfect — some examples of the value of experience — in the school of experience we learn the truth of familiar proverbs —experience – a means of moral improvement — conclusion.

The knowledge obtained from books and teachers is imperfect in several respects. It is dull and much of it is not really digested. Unless it is supplemented and modified by the wisdom gained from experience, it is misleading and sometimes dangerous. This is not to underestimate the importance of books. After all, the knowledge contained in books is based on experience. But experience is endless and we must constantly modify bookish knowledge in the light of practical experience.

If we visit historical places like Agra, Bijapur, the ruins at Hampi and the caves of Ajanta and Ellora, what we have learnt about these places from the text books on history will take on life, colour, and vividness. There can be no better way of learning the geography of different countries than actually visiting them and understanding them at first hand. To take examples of a different kind, do we not prefer an experienced doctor or lawyer to a novice, however highly qualified he may be? In certain spheres of life like politics, experience is a must. An arm chair politician is ineffectual and cuts a poor figure.

We know the meanings of several phrases and proverbs in a vague, general manner. Then we personally experience the truth contained in them, we discover their meaning afresh, and they cease to be stale and commonplace. I knew, for example, that the phrase ‘fish-market’ figuratively meant an extremely noisy, disorderly place. But it was only when I happened to visit a fish-market for the first time and observed the tremendous bustle and noise that prevailed there that the real meaning of the phrase flashed across my mind with the vividness and freshness of a discovery. How often do we repeat the familiar proverb ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed?’ We really understand its truth only when we are deserted by our so – called friends in times of adversity.

The lessons learnt from experience will not be forgotten. If you tell a lie and consequently find yourself in a tight corner, you are not likely to repeat your mistake in the future. Certain bitter experiences – failure and suffering make us realise our errors and shortcomings and thus teach us how to improve ourselves.

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English Aspirants

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English.  Here, we’ve provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). This article will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay: 100 Words

Rajkumar sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English in our school. He has a smiling face. He is truthful and honest. He explains his lessons in a very simple and nice way. He is a punctual and disciplined teacher. He gives full attention to each and every student. He tells us interesting stories from time to time.

Rajkumar sir is like a teacher who motivates us to do well in our studies regularly. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. He tries to solve all our queries. He teaches us good habits and moral values. He is a nation builder. Such ideal teachers are the pride of a nation.

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

My Favourite Teacher Paragraph: 120

My favourite teacher is Riya madam. She teaches us Science as a subject. She has a unique way of teaching. She gives examples from real life situations to make his lessons interesting. She is the master of her subject. She uses question answer method and enables the pupils to discover things for themselves. I used to be very weak in science. But due to his teaching, I improved a lot in science. She keeps perfect discipline everywhere. She advises us to follow the path of truth and goodness. She works with a sense of devotion and dedication.

Along with studies, she teaches us good ethics and moral values to develop our personality. Her life lessons provide us the strength to deal with any kind of problem in our lives. I am grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

paragraph on my favourite teacher in English

Also Read: 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: 150 Words

The teacher I like most is Raman sir. He is the teacher of mathematics in our school. From the first day, all the students in the class felt very close to him because of his friendly behaviour with all of us.

He is polite and sweet natured. He is very hard-working. He loves his youngers and respects his elders. He himself is a model of good conduct. He guides us on the right path in order to make us useful and sensible citizens.

The subject of mathematics seemed very complex and difficult to me from the beginning. But he explained mathematical problems, geometry, everything so easily that I started to get very good marks in mathematics. He makes mathematics so interesting to us.

What particularly attracted me was his wide knowledge and keen interest in diverse matters. He wants his children to learn with understanding. He does not depend only on bookish knowledge. He, sometimes, also takes us out for a visit to some interesting places. A teacher, like him, could be seldom found. He shall remain an inspiration to me.

my teacher essay and paragraph

Essay on Favourite Teacher : 200 Words

In course of my student life, I came across many good teachers. Amongst them were brilliant scholars and great teachers. But in Sri Pankaj Mukherjee, I found not only a teacher with all the good qualities but also a friend, a philosopher and a guide. Although he loved everyone, I was his favourite student. Untiring in his zeal, he had great love for all students even the naughty ones. He was never unhappy even for a moment.

Though English was his favourite subject, he was equally strong in other subjects too and could go on giving notes on them with equal ease. He explained everything so lucidly that all the subjects he taught proved to be interesting. His doors were always open to us. He sympathised with us whenever we were in difficulty. He was a strict disciplinarian but he had a soft corner for all of us.

He also encouraged us to take part in sports and games and even participated in certain games with us. In short, he was more than a teacher to us. I admire him and still remember him because he was an ideal teacher in all respects.

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My Teacher Essay/Paragraph: 250 Words

Sh. M.P. Sharma is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He is our class teacher too.

He wears simple clothes. Generally he wears pant and shirt. But in winter he wears coat and pant. He looks very smart in his dress. He wears leather shoes. They are always bright.

He is M.A, M.Ed. in English. He is an expert teacher. He is the master of his subject. His teaching method is very easy and unique. Everyone praises his teaching method. Every student understands it easily. He explains all the lessons slowly so that all the students can understand the lessons well. No one make any trouble in his class. Even the most mischievous student in the class listens to his lectures carefully. If a student faces difficulty to understand any topic, he explains it to him at a different time after the school holidays.

He has many qualities. He believes in simple living and high thinking. His nature is very fine. He loves every student. He is very honest. He is sincere to his duty. He is friendly to all. To him work is worship. He has high character. His thoughts are always high. He inspires his pupils to conduct themselves well in life.

He is a true and ideal Guru for me. He is the nation builder in true sense. This is why I like him very much.

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Essay on My Teacher

List of essays on my teacher in english, essay on my teacher – essay 1 (300 words), essay on my teacher – essay 2 (400 words), essay on my teacher – essay 3 (500 words), essay on my teacher – essay 4 (750 words), essay on my teacher – essay 5 (1000 words).


Teachers are the ones who play a very vital role in shaping our future. From the Pre-Kinder Garden to your Post-Doctoral fellowships, they teach, impart knowledge, share ethical values, and imbibe morality, thereby shaping our personality as a strong one.

My Teacher:

Throughout our lives, we will be having many kith and kins who will hold a special place in our hearts. For me, one such person is my teacher. All of us, for sure, will definitely agree to the fact that the kinship between us and our kinder garden teachers could not be well-defined. I like my nursery teacher, so much. There is something very magical about her. Maybe, she was the first teacher in my life or maybe, she was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am unable to portray why she is always my favourite. I relied on her blindly.

Unforgettable Memories:

I have some cherished memories with my teacher. Whenever I think of those memories, it makes me blissful. On the last day of my nursery school, I started crying at the very thought of leaving her and having a new teacher. I had fallen sick due to crying for hours together. I skipped my food. My parents were not able to do anything. They called for her to make me feel better. My teacher travelled a few miles across the city and reached the hospital. She, then, said that she would never forget any of her students and asked me to write to her. I started writing to her every week from then on and she replied to every letter of mine. Till date, I look at my teacher as my second mother and she guides me in all my difficult situations.


Having a good teacher who can share an amalgamated relationship with the students is a boon. A good teacher should be a good mentor, a philosopher, a guide, a friend and above all a surrogate parent to the children. I am lucky that I had gotten one in my lifetime.

My favorite subject is English and my most favorite teacher is Chitra Ma’am. She teaches us English. She likes me a lot and appreciates my hard work. She joined our school one year ago. Before that, I was not so good at English. But after attending her classes, we have all become much better at this subject.

I like her for many reasons. First of all, she teaches the lessons in a very interesting way. Even when we have doubts or questions, she never gets upset with us. Her best quality is her loving nature. She would come to school daily without missing a day.

Her dressing sense is nice. She wears simple salwar suits. She always speaks to her students softly and respectfully. I eagerly wait for her class and do my English homework on time. Chitra Ma’am puts a lot of effort in explaining every chapter.

There are many activities given at the end of every lesson and she makes us participate in all of them. Not only that, but she also encourages us to take part in drama and poem competitions. Since her first day, she made a rule for us.

All of us has to speak in English during the English period. Every student tries to talk in English even if the sentence sounds improper. She has taught us to never laugh at each other’s mistakes. This has improved our spoken English in a great way. Now, we are able to talk in English with more confidence.

Another great quality of hers is that she treats every child equally. After explaining the lesson to us, she asks each one of us different questions about the chapter. Sometimes, we also love to talk about our personal lives, like what do we like about our lives, how our parents work hard for us, and things like that.

When we get confused or need an emotional support, she is the best person to talk to. Her advice and suggestions are always positive. Last month, on teacher’s day, all the students wished her and brought presents for her. We also sang a song to her.

I made a beautiful greeting card for her and a red rose with it. She accepted it with a smile and thanked us for everything. I feel grateful to have such a gentle and great teacher in my life who supports me in every way.

In school, you tend to interact with a lot of people who can either impact your life positively or negatively. A teacher is one neutral person who will manage to strike a balance between the positive and the negative. Teachers have a huge responsibility that we students may not understand. All in all our teachers try their best to provide an education, guidance and discipline despite the challenges we might impose on them. The life of a student is entirely dependent on a teacher because most of their time is spent in school rather than with parents that is why teachers play a major role in shaping the lives of young children through school.

Who Is my favourite Teacher?

I have several teachers now that I am in high school but there is only one whom I can relate to as “the teacher” because of the impact he has made in my life. The teacher is male, of Indian origin and has a funny accent when he speaks. He is married and has three children. Actually, one of his children is my age and I know him through tennis practice because he comes to train with us sometimes. I like him because his sense of humor gives a good learning experience for the students. He is a math teacher and he is very good at what he does. Students tend to make fun of him because of his accent but he make fun of it himself, which gets even funnier. This teacher has been a great mentor to me and other student ever since we joined high school. I met him on a personal level one day after class when I needed clarification on a topic I had not quite understood. The teacher was kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he took his own initiative to do follow-ups on me and I became really good in math due to his efforts.

Coincidentally, he also coaches my tennis team and we meet out on the field. We have won several awards as a tennis team under him. I feel connected to the teacher through his mentorship and he has become like a school parent to me because whenever I have an issue, he is free to help me out.

How the teacher has impacted my life in school .

Mentorship goes along way depending on the approach used. When I first joined high school, I did not have much confidence in myself. This teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The good thing is the attention he gives t is students because most of the times, he follows up on the performances and ensures that he does everything he can to help students improve academically. He has also been a role model to me through his way of doing things. He is dedicated to his work and he is an achiever. Through following his footsteps, I have been able to dedicate myself into studies and sports, which has helped me to achieve my goals.

In conclusion, good teachers are hard to find but when you find one, make the most out of them.

The word “teacher” depicts a person that teaches. English dictionary defines teacher as “a person who teaches, especially one employed in a school”. A more recent definition of teacher in the linguistics field is “a tutor that interacts with the learners in order to facilitate good learning”.

Types of Teachers

Old method teachers: the teachers found under this method adopt the rigid mode of impartation of knowledge. They control the class the way a king would rule over his subjects. Old method teachers are less concerned about the welfare of their learners, they are syllabus-oriented.

New method teachers: the tutors under this model are student-oriented. They are more concerned about their learners and their various levels of understanding. They accept and promote contributions in class unlike the old method teachers. New method teachers encourage the inquisitiveness of their students.

Attributes of a Teacher:

A standard teacher has all or most of the various characters imbedded in them:

  • Compassionate
  • Open-minded
  • A good counselor
  • Friendly and most importantly
  • Approachable.

Attributes of My Favorite Teacher:

Personally, I see my teacher as a mini-god because he leaves his mark on me. He influences my life in ways that enables me affect changes wherever I find myself.

He is a perfect example of the new model teachers. Basically, he is student-oriented. In the classroom, he employs the Eclectic mode of teaching (this is the combination of all the modes of teaching “discussion mode, play way mode, role play mode, question mode” so as to facilitate standard learning).

He comes into the classroom; starts the lecture with a recap of what was discussed in the previous class, gives room for the students to ask questions that arose from the last class, answers them and then starts a new topic.

To start a new topic, he starts with a mind-capturing introduction that attracts the attention of all students. Once he is through with introducing the topic, he gauges our reaction in order for him to know if his students are on the same page with him or left behind.

Then, he moves on to the discussion mode of teaching, whereby he throws questions to his students and accommodates both relevant and irrelevant answers, at the end of this model, he sieves through the answers provided, pick the relevant ones and add his own iota to it, he also always applaud the courage of all who answers his questions.

He moves either into the role play method or the play way method, here he selects students to either act out the lessons from the day’s topic or summarizes what he has taught for the day. The use of this particular mode enlightens the students more on the topic being discussed.

Finally, he moves over to the questions and revision mode, where he personally go through all he has taught over the course of the period. During this mode, he entertains questions from students on their personal areas of difficulties. Occasionally, he gives assignments to back up his teachings.

During his teachings, he pays close attention to the expression, mood, sitting posture and carriage of his students. This tells him when his students are lost, sad, worried, hungry, sick, away in dream land or simply tired.

Once he is done processing the information gotten from our faces, he either finds a way of brightening the mood of his students, bringing them back from the dream world, or ending his class without breaking his stride or alerting the whole population of students to what is currently going on.

It is only normal for a human being to reflect his mood whenever he is talking or interacting, but my teacher hardly ever allow his bad, horrible moods interfere with his teachings.

Outside the classroom, my teacher is approachable, fatherly, and jovial. He entertains all and no one is excluded from his open arms, smiles and affections.

He is a good counselor who is always ready to help me out of my tight corners. He gives twenty first century advises in a fatherly way.

Although, due to my teachers lenient ways with students, some students tend to be lazy, disrespectful, stubborn or rude. He has a way of being firm, maintaining class control while teaching.

In conclusion, my teacher has all the attributes and more of a new method teachers. He is capable of combining all modes of teaching, he is compassionate, passionate, and friendly. From my interactions with him, I can confidently say that he is one of the best teachers around.

A teacher plays a very important life in shaping your life as well as career. A good teacher is a blessing for the students in their early years and helps them understand the world; learn moral values along with education. Most importantly, a teacher helps you the art of survival and brings out the best of you.

Why a teacher is so important in a student’s life?

Teachers assume the essential job in our life to end up fruitful invocation and business. A decent teacher encourages us to end up great individual in the general public and great nation of the nation.

Teachers realize that students are the eventual fate of any country. So the future advancement of any country is in the hands of teachers. What we move toward becoming in life is relies upon teachers. Teachers confer the information and data in the mind of understudies to dissect. Investigating in the circumstance what is conceivable is the most essential thing that we gain from teachers. Energy about teachers is imperative since they are the most essential individuals in the nation. What we’re seeing today in business, legislative issues, and society all influenced by teachers. In this way, in India, we commend teacher’s day consistently on 5 September on the event of the birth Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

My Teachers, My Role Models

During my formative years, I have come across many teachers who have influenced my life for the better. Having being studies in a convent school, I got to face a much-disciplined environment during my school years. The teachers, although were very polite in their behaviour, at the same time ensuring that we all followed a disciplined life. We were taught how to inculcate these values in our daily life so as to be better human beings when we grow up and face the world. Although all the teachers were good, there is one teacher whose teachings I just cannot forget. She is Ms Kirti Bhushan. Her teachings have been so powerful and impactful that I can still feel them during my day to day decisions even today.

My Best Teacher

Ms Kirti was my class educator as well and took participation in the daily activities with us as well. She was a strict instructor anyway extremely amusing and mind in nature. At the same time, she was extremely restrained and dependable. She did her work perfectly with the class at a perfect time without getting late. I liked her, particularly as she attempted simple approaches to show us beneficial things. We made the most of her class. She taught us English subject as well. She even made us giggle by telling heaps of jokes in the middle of when she taught. She likewise managed us exceptionally well amid any school or between school rivalry of the move, sports, scholastic, and so on. She instructed us to share things in class among our associates, for example, lunch or other required things.

Her Background

She was from Varanasi and completed her initial studies there itself. She took her higher education degrees from the Banaras Hindu University. She was extremely friendly and kind in nature. She realized well about how to deal with little youngsters in the class. Her one of a kind style of educating is perhaps what I mostly recall her for. I even meet her at times at whatever point I have to explain some intense inquiries of my day to day issues, she advises me so easily and comfortably. She looks extremely savvy with shimmer eyes and fair hair.

Her Smiling Attitude

She generally smiled when she entered the classroom and first got some information about our prosperity. She additionally helped us in the games at whatever point our games instructor was missing. She had a smiling face even during the strict environment during the examination times. She constantly rebuffed to the students who were with fragmented home works. She was acclaimed for making loads of fun amid the class time and ensure there was a positive ambience all around.

She was an instructor with great aptitudes of educating, well-disposed nature, great comical inclination, understanding and nice. I am proud to be one of her favourite students, as she always said good things about me to other teachers. At times she gave us chocolates on doing great in the class tests and exams. She never gave us heaps of assignments at home. She was exceptionally eager and constantly spurred us for doing our best in the examination.

Teacher’s In Today’s Scenario

Today the general population are changing and their reasoning and advancement thoughts are more against nature. Presently for the world, a teacher is only a teacher. Various offices and departments only tend to remember them on teachers day during various events and usually do not remember them otherwise. Individuals also share few posts via web-based networking media with respect to teachers and after that just forget them. Individuals overlook a bigger number of things that they are gaining from teachers. Schools and students also praise the teacher’s day event and value the endeavours teachers are doing. This is incredible if individuals ought to pursue the exercises of teachers also.

The genuine present for teachers is when students turn into a decent individual, effective in their vocation and business. Not all teacher are great in instructing and comparatively, not all students resemble “Shishya and Guru” particularly in the advanced period. A few teachers are incredible and they are dependable in heart of students all life along.

Students admire teachers for counsel and direction. Students are inspired by scholastic exercises as well as they are intrigued to pursue their life exercises. That is the reason it’s exceedingly essential for teachers to motivate students to pursue great propensities not terrible by their own precedent. An instruction is critical in everybody’s life and assumes different jobs in various phases of life. It’s imperative that individuals understand the significance of teachers and pursue their teachers in the right spirit.

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Experience is the best teacher

Without any doubts, society is divided into two groups as per the distinct mindset of different people. Therefore, it has become a debatable issue whether reading books give more knowledge or earning experience is more beneficial. This essay will not only shed light on both perceptions but also my point of view will be elaborated in conclusion. To commence with the first notion, there are myriad things to be shared in its favor, first off all, there is no doubt that we can improve the idea of particular field or getting information about any subject when we read the books and journals of experts in those field, this is because, they are verified and authenticated and the second point is that it will develop the creativity and boost memory power. For example, former Indian President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was a voracious reader and he confessed it to all media and students whenever he meets them. Moving towards the second argument of this debate, the first point of this issue is that experience cannot compensate the theory which anyone achieved in classrooms or books. For instance, piolets should get the practical experience with especially with experienced piolets before they take off the aircraft into the air. Apart from this, technical experts attained their achievements not from any documents but from many attempts and failures occurs from their past mistakes. As a result, theory and books written based on the experiments and facts while we face from practical. In conclusion, according to my perspective, both are equally important and mutually dependent each other and it has shown in history and this is the main reason our academic has engulfed with theory as well as practical. Although, to develop a successful nation, we need to concentrate on both aspects.

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Performance on Part of Speech: To be verbs : 13.0 13.1623246493 99% => OK Auxiliary verbs: 7.0 7.85571142285 89% => OK Conjunction : 17.0 10.4138276553 163% => OK Relative clauses : 5.0 7.30460921844 68% => More relative clauses wanted. Pronoun: 29.0 24.0651302605 121% => Less pronouns wanted Preposition: 38.0 41.998997996 90% => OK Nominalization: 7.0 8.3376753507 84% => OK

Performance on vocabulary words: No of characters: 1500.0 1615.20841683 93% => OK No of words: 297.0 315.596192385 94% => More content wanted. Chars per words: 5.05050505051 5.12529762239 99% => OK Fourth root words length: 4.15134772569 4.20363070211 99% => OK Word Length SD: 2.64564632956 2.80592935109 94% => OK Unique words: 185.0 176.041082164 105% => OK Unique words percentage: 0.622895622896 0.561755894193 111% => OK syllable_count: 459.9 506.74238477 91% => OK avg_syllables_per_word: 1.5 1.60771543086 93% => OK

A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by: Pronoun: 5.0 5.43587174349 92% => OK Article: 1.0 2.52805611222 40% => OK Subordination: 1.0 2.10420841683 48% => OK Conjunction: 0.0 0.809619238477 0% => OK Preposition: 6.0 4.76152304609 126% => OK

Performance on sentences: How many sentences: 11.0 16.0721442886 68% => Need more sentences. Double check the format of sentences, make sure there is a space between two sentences, or have enough periods. And also check the lengths of sentences, maybe they are too long. Sentence length: 27.0 20.2975951904 133% => The Avg. Sentence Length is relatively long. Sentence length SD: 86.1597593557 49.4020404114 174% => OK Chars per sentence: 136.363636364 106.682146367 128% => OK Words per sentence: 27.0 20.7667163134 130% => OK Discourse Markers: 13.7272727273 7.06120827912 194% => OK Paragraphs: 4.0 4.38176352705 91% => OK Language errors: 0.0 5.01903807615 0% => OK Sentences with positive sentiment : 4.0 8.67935871743 46% => More positive sentences wanted. Sentences with negative sentiment : 3.0 3.9879759519 75% => OK Sentences with neutral sentiment: 4.0 3.4128256513 117% => OK What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?

Coherence and Cohesion: Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.0660442033451 0.244688304435 27% => The similarity between the topic and the content is low. Sentence topic coherence: 0.0285000923165 0.084324248473 34% => Sentence topic similarity is low. Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.0382303584342 0.0667982634062 57% => OK Paragraph topic coherence: 0.0348483649743 0.151304729494 23% => Maybe some paragraphs are off the topic. Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0383985892653 0.056905535591 67% => OK

Essay readability: automated_readability_index: 15.9 13.0946893788 121% => OK flesch_reading_ease: 52.53 50.2224549098 105% => OK smog_index: 8.8 7.44779559118 118% => OK flesch_kincaid_grade: 12.6 11.3001002004 112% => OK coleman_liau_index: 12.31 12.4159519038 99% => OK dale_chall_readability_score: 9.28 8.58950901804 108% => OK difficult_words: 81.0 78.4519038076 103% => OK linsear_write_formula: 14.0 9.78957915832 143% => OK gunning_fog: 12.8 10.1190380762 126% => OK text_standard: 13.0 10.7795591182 121% => OK What are above readability scores?

--------------------- It is not exactly right on the topic in the view of e-grader. Maybe there is a wrong essay topic. Rates: 11.2359550562 out of 100 Scores by essay e-grader: 1.0 Out of 9 --------------------- Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.


Essay on My Teaching Experience

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Teaching Experience in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Teaching Experience


Teaching is a rewarding job that offers an opportunity to shape young minds. My experience as a teacher has been both challenging and fulfilling.

Starting My Journey

I began my teaching journey as a volunteer at a local school. It was a valuable experience, teaching me patience and communication skills.

Challenges and Triumphs

Teaching is not always easy; it comes with its set of challenges. However, watching my students grow and learn has been the greatest reward.

In conclusion, my teaching experience has been a journey of learning, growth, and satisfaction.

250 Words Essay on My Teaching Experience

Personal growth and development.

My initial teaching days were marked by a blend of enthusiasm and anxiety. Over time, I learned to convert this nervous energy into a constructive force, enhancing my ability to engage students. I discovered that teaching is not merely about disseminating information, it’s a process of fostering curiosity, instilling critical thinking skills, and inspiring lifelong learning.

Embracing Diversity

In my classroom, I encountered a diverse group of learners, each with unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. This diversity necessitated a flexible teaching approach, tailored to individual needs. I learned to create an inclusive environment that respects and values differences, fostering a sense of belonging for all students.

Challenges and Rewards

Teaching is not devoid of challenges. From dealing with disengaged students to managing classroom dynamics, I faced numerous hurdles. However, the rewards far outweighed the challenges. Witnessing a student’s ‘aha’ moment, observing their progress, and contributing to their personal and academic development was deeply fulfilling.

In conclusion, my teaching experience has been a profound journey of learning and growth. It has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of education and the pivotal role of teachers in shaping young minds. As I continue to evolve in my teaching career, I look forward to more opportunities for self-improvement and to making a positive impact on my students’ lives.

500 Words Essay on My Teaching Experience

Teaching is not merely a profession; it is a vocation that demands a deep sense of commitment and a passion for learning and sharing knowledge. My teaching experience has been an enlightening journey, filled with both challenges and rewards. It has provided me with a profound understanding of the dynamics of the educational process and the significance of creating a conducive learning environment for students.

The Beginning of My Journey

As with any journey, my teaching experience was fraught with challenges. The diverse backgrounds and learning styles of the students posed a significant hurdle. I had to devise innovative teaching strategies and employ differentiated instruction to cater to the varied needs of my students. Despite these challenges, the triumphs were numerous. The moments when a concept finally ‘clicked’ for a struggling student or when a class discussion evolved into a profound intellectual exchange were truly rewarding. These instances reaffirmed my faith in the transformative power of education.

Teaching as a Learning Experience

Teaching is a two-way process. As I strived to impart knowledge to my students, I also learned a great deal from them. Their unique perspectives and insightful questions often made me revisit and rethink my own understanding of certain concepts. This reciprocal process of learning and teaching enriched my intellectual growth and honed my pedagogical skills.

The Role of Technology

In conclusion, my teaching experience has been a transformative journey that has shaped my understanding of education and its role in society. It has taught me the importance of fostering a love for learning, the value of embracing diversity, and the significance of leveraging technology in education. As I continue my journey in the field of education, I carry with me the lessons learned and the experiences gained, ready to face the challenges and embrace the rewards that come my way.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 4 - parents are the best teachers, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, parents are the best teachers., idea generation for this ielts essay:.

  • Parents are more engaged in their children’s activities than any other person because they spend more time with them than even teachers in schools, so they can find more deeply their children’s personality weaknesses.
  • Sensationally, they feel closer to their children than any other people are. Bonding helps mothers to love their children more than any other else.
  • We learn to survive, talk, and distinguish well from bad, values of life, morality and such important other things from our parents.
  • To care about their children, parents take more responsibility. They feel more responsibility to protect their children from criminals.
  • Parents are more devoted than the teachers.
  • Parents would be with a child no matter what.
  • We learn almost every aspect of life in our childhood from our parents.
  • There is not any interruption in their teaching, and they continuously teach their children. This can lead them to become more trustful than teachers.
  • Parents understand the children better and thus play a greater role.
  • Parents are more capable of instructing the children and guide them well.
  • It could be far more economical. Instead of spending tremendous money on tuition, Family can save it.
  • In terms of the theoretical and academic knowledge, parents are usually less professional than the instructors teaching in schools.
  • Parents are less familiar with the latest training techniques which other tutors use.
  • A huge generation gap between them, parents and children, may affect the parents’ performance to become perfect teachers.
  • A conflict between parents and children in schooling may negatively affect their emotional relationship.
  • Morality, intricacies of life, subject matter knowledge, art, science, history, value of time etc. are often taught by the teachers.
  • Parents are sometimes too blind to notice the bad side of their children. In this case, teachers make neutral judgments.
  • Experiences learned from life have a far greater role in life than the things we learn from our parents.
  • IELTS Essay

experience is the best teacher essay 200 words

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✍️Essay on Favourite Teacher: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

experience is the best teacher essay 200 words

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  • Oct 30, 2023

essay on favourite teacher

There is no doubt that teachers are considered to be the first mentors in our lives. They are responsible for showing us the right path and teaching us what is right and what is wrong. They are the ones who nurture and shape our minds. Most importantly, they teach us the importance of hard work and finally, instil the quality of learning in us. Speaking of which, we all have had our favourite teachers in schools or colleges. Having our favourite teacher’s period made us want to go to school or college for that matter. 

So, today we will be talking about our favourite teachers and how they shape our future by instilling all the good qualities. In this article, we will go down our memory lane and get to read a few sample essays about our favourite teachers. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Are Teachers Important In a Society?
  • 2 Essay on Favourite Teacher in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Favourite Teacher in 150 words
  • 4 Essay on Favourite Teacher in 200 words

Why Are Teachers Important In a Society?

We all know that teachers play a huge role in shaping our future. But did you know that teachers also play a huge role in society? Here are some of the reasons why teachers are important. 

  • Education: They impart knowledge and essential skills to students, which is the foundation for personal and overall growth.
  • Moral and Social Development: Teachers play a role in instilling values, ethics, and social skills in students, contributing to well-rounded individuals and a harmonious society.
  • Innovation: They nurture creativity and critical thinking, fostering innovation and progress in various fields.
  • Economic Development: Education leads to a more skilled and capable workforce, driving economic development.
  • Cultural Preservation: Teachers help preserve and pass on cultural and historical knowledge to the next generation.
  • Social Equality: They reduce social disparities by providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background.
  • Personal Growth: Teachers are mentors and guides, aiding students in their personal development and self-discovery.

All in all, teachers are the cornerstone of an educated, informed, and progressive society.

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Essay on Favourite Teacher in 100 words

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and society. They are the guiding lights who impart knowledge, inspire, and nurture young minds. A teacher’s impact extends far beyond the classroom, as they instil values, critical thinking, and a love for learning. Teachers dedicate their time and effort to ensure students’ growth and development, equipping them with the tools to succeed in life. Their patience, passion, and dedication are commendable. In essence, teachers are the architects of a brighter future, as they mould the next generation. Their influence is immeasurable, making them invaluable contributors to society’s progress.

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Essay on Favourite Teacher in 150 words

Teachers are not merely instructors but mentors, guiding students on their educational journey. Teachers impart knowledge and life skills, instilling values and fostering critical thinking.

Teachers inspire, motivate, and nurture young minds, helping them reach their full potential. They create a positive and inclusive learning environment, where students feel safe to express themselves and explore new ideas. A good teacher not only imparts academic knowledge but also fosters character development, teaching empathy, resilience, and problem-solving.

Moreover, teachers are instrumental in building a literate and educated society, which is essential for progress and development. They are instrumental in equipping students with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen paths, whether in academics, careers, or life in general.

In conclusion, teachers are the unsung heroes who shape the future generation. Their dedication, passion, and commitment to education make them invaluable contributions to society’s advancement.

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Essay on Favourite Teacher in 200 words

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole. Their impact goes far beyond the classroom, influencing the personal, intellectual, and emotional development of their students.

First and foremost, teachers are the custodians of knowledge and wisdom. They impart subject matter expertise, instil critical thinking skills, and foster a love for learning. Their guidance is instrumental in preparing students for the challenges of the future.

Teachers also serve as mentors and role models. Their dedication, values, and work ethic can leave a lasting impression on young minds, shaping their character and moral compass. A good teacher not only educates but also inspires.

Furthermore, teachers are essential in addressing educational inequalities. They adapt their teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of students, ensuring that no one is left behind. They create a safe and inclusive environment where students can thrive.

In conclusion, teachers are the unsung heroes of society, laying the foundation for progress and development. Their influence extends far beyond the classroom, making them instrumental in shaping a brighter future for generations to come. We must value, support, and celebrate the profound impact that teachers have on our lives.’

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Teachers play a crucial role in society because they transform lives, foster aspirations, and push the envelope of human potential.

Good teachers demonstrate to their students their dedication to learning best practices, their willingness to try out various teaching methods, and their comfort with technology.

The term ‘professional teacher’ at its most basic level relates to the position of a person who is compensated for teaching.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Some people argue that experience is the best teacher. Life experiences can teach more effectively than books or formal school education. How far do you agree with this idea? Support your opinion with reasons and/or your personal experience.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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To achieve personal happiness, the relationships we have with other people (friends, colleagues, family) are more essential than every other thing. Issues like wealth and occupations take the second place. Write to support this claim.

The government should sometimes infringe on peoples' freedom for the security of society. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement, when country develops its technology the traditional skills and ways of life die out. it is pointless to try and keep them alive. do you agree or disagree with this statement, shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activity in many countries for young adults. what do you think is the reason for this is this a positive or negative development, it is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion what sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children.

StudyRankers Test

Preparation starts here, descriptive essay on experience is the best teacher, experience is the best teacher: descriptive essay writing.

experience is the best teacher essay 200 words

Books are considered to be the source of all knowledge, but all that one learns through a book is only of theoretical nature in the form of ideas and concepts. It is essential to utilize them in a real environment and experience the knowledge that is learned from books.

Learning is nothing but understanding the world around us. Books, no doubt are a great source of knowledge as it gives us an idea about a particular subject in detail. But all that one could learn from it is limited to the level of knowing how a certain phenomenon occurs, or how a certain concept works. The knowledge gained through books alone cannot help anyone, because what one learns through the books should be put in to use to harvest the benefits. For instance, a person who wants to learn driving can go through various manuals and guides that teach people how to drive, but all this knowledge is useful only when you are actually driving the car on the roads. It would be an utter waste of time if one just reads the books and does not use them for practical purpose.

Learning through experience is always a lot different from learning through books. Let us consider the same example of a person wanting to learn to drive: even if he goes through every book that is available on driving, still it cannot qualify him as an expert driver. This is because of the fact that books about driving can only teach people traffic rules and provide solutions on how to handle certain situations. The situations faced by a driver could be totally different from what he had learnt from a book. Sometimes we find that the real environment is quite different from the one perceived by us through reading books. This is the very reason why, even in educational institutions, all theoretical classes are followed by practical sessions.

Learning through experience can also be more effective than learning through books because one does not envision everything on his own, but is given a chance to experience the reality. The art of driving can be enjoyed only when we are behind the wheels and not when reading it in books. Moreover, any book is actually an account of past experiences, i.e. it is based on the experiences of people who tried to develop a new idea. The books are their experiences, telling us what they already have tried. Thus from their experiences we can correct ourselves and thus save valuable time and resources. It helps us to concentrate on their failures and to correct them, but they alone cannot teach us everything we need to know. The knowledge learned through books alone cannot help us to face all the exigencies that we would face in real life situations; we have to practice on our own.

Books are like a guiding light in one’s pursuit for knowledge. But it is left to everyone of us to experience it first hand and learn new things for the betterment of their lives. So the notion “experience is the best teacher” is perfectly true.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how to write a 200-word college essay.

I need some advice on writing a 200-word essay for one of my college applications. What are some tips for getting my point across effectively and concisely?

When writing a 200-word college essay, it's essential to focus on being concise and making every word count. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

1. Plan before writing: Take a moment to outline your main ideas and organize your thoughts. This will help you stay on track and present your points in a logical order.

2. Be specific: Choose a narrow topic or specific aspect to focus on, giving you the chance to delve into details without getting too wordy. Avoid trying to cover too much ground or using broad or vague language.

3. Start strong: Begin with a captivating opening sentence or question to grab the reader's attention. This can set the tone for the rest of your essay and engage the reader from the start.

4. Stay focused: With a 200-word limit, it's crucial to stay on topic and not be sidetracked by tangential information. Ensure every sentence contributes to the core message or theme of your essay.

5. Be concise: Write succinctly and avoid redundancy, especially in your word choices. Edit your essay to remove fluff or unnecessary words and phrases, ensuring each word has a purpose.

6. Use concrete examples: Illustrate your points with specific examples that show your experiences, thoughts, or feelings. This will provide the reader with a clearer understanding of your point and make your essay more engaging.

7. Revise and edit: After writing your initial draft, take a break and then come back to it with fresh eyes. This will help you catch any errors, inconsistencies, or areas where you could improve clarity and make better use of limited word count.

8. Seek feedback: Show your essay to someone you trust, like a teacher or family member, to get their perspective and suggestions for improvement. Their feedback might help you identify areas where you can tighten or strengthen your writing.

Remember, the goal here is to effectively convey your point in only 200 words. With careful planning, focus, and revisions, your essay will demonstrate your ability to be both concise and compelling.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: There is no doubt that teachers play a significant role in our lives. They are the ones who nurture and shape our minds, helping us to become the best versions of ourselves. They teach us the importance of hard work and discipline, and instill in us a love for learning.

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Also Check: Essay on Teacher in English

Without teachers, we would be lost. They are the guides who help us navigate through the challenges of life, and their impact extends far beyond the classroom. They are the unsung heroes who make a difference in the lives of their students every day. Teachers are the foundation of our society, and their importance cannot be overstated. They play a vital role in shaping the future of our world. Thank you, teachers, for everything you do.

In this article, we have come up with some sample formats on essay on favourite teacher. You find both short and long essays on the same here.

Long and Short Essay on Favourite Teacher in English

Below we are giving essay on my favourite teacher for your information and knowledge.

These My Favourite Teacher Essay are written in simple and easy English so that they can be memorized easily and presented when required.

After going through the essays you will be able to describe the qualities of your favourite teacher, why is he/she your favourite and how does s/he has transformed you.

You can use My favorite Teacher essays on occasions like Teachers Day or similar events.

Also Check: An Ideal Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay in 100 words

My favorite teacher is Rajani mam. She is my class teacher too and takes attendance daily in the morning. Teacher is a strict teacher however very funny and caring in nature. She is very disciplined and punctual. She does her all the works and projects related to the class at right time without getting late. I like her very much as she tries very easy ways to teach us good things. We enjoy her class. She teaches us English subject. Teacher makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between when she teaches. She also guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, academic, etc. Teacher teaches us to share things in class among our colleagues such as lunch or other needed things.

 My my Favourite Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay 150 words

My favourite teacher is my class teacher. Her name is Nisha Gupta. She takes our attendance and teaches us Hindi, Maths and Art subject. Teacher is well educated and taken higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all the subjects. I never miss her class and attend daily.

I like the way she teaches us as we do not need to study that subject at home again. We become very clear about the topic she teaches us in the classroom. After clearing the concept of topic, she gives us some exercises in the class and also home work for the home. Next day, she asks questions related to the yesterday topic and then start another topic.

In spite of the subjects, she teaches us good ethics and etiquette also to make us strong by character. May be; she will not be our teacher in next class however; her teachings will always be with us and show us way to difficult situations. She is very caring and loving in nature. Teacher has been the gold medalist in the university she got her higher education. She would always be my best teacher.

Also Check: Essay on Teacher’s Day

My Favourite Teacher Essay 200 words

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favourite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 th standard and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies). She is a good teacher. Teacher cares us a lot and teaches using easy ways. She never takes study very serious and teaches us with entertaining activities. Teacher always comes at right time in the class and never misses her class. We enjoy her class very much as she makes us happy too. Teacher loves me very much as I am her very disciplined and ideal student. I follow her all the orders and do my class work and home work in neat and clean manner daily.

I never become late or absent in her class. She motivates us to always follow right path in the life even we have to face much difficult situations. Teacher tells us that we never become hopeless in difficult situations and search some easy ways to get out of them. She also tells us that never think negative and always think positive as it always happens what we think and do. Teacher describes very well about all the topics of EVS. She wants us to talk in English in her class. She goes to her home with us in the school bus where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

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Essay on Favourite Teacher in 250 words

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Maths for 2 years when I was in class 3 rd and 4 th standard. He was from Varanasi however living in the vicinity of the school. Teacher took his higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. He was very polite and kind in nature. Teacher knew well about how to handle small children in the class. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching.

What he taught to me, I still remember very well as he has made my Maths concepts very clear. Currently I am studying in class 5 th standard however still miss him very much. I meet him occasionally whenever I need to solve some tough questions of my Maths subject. He looks very smart with good physique, sparkle eyes and blond hair. I like his good personality and polite nature.

Teacher always smiled when entered to the classroom and first asked to us about our well-being. He also assisted us in the sports whenever our sports teacher was absent. Teacher has smiling face however very strict in the study. He always punished to the students who were with incomplete home works. Teacher is famous for making lots of fun during the class time however students get good marks in his subjects.

He is a teacher with good skills of teaching, friendly nature, good sense of humor, patient and easygoing. I am one of the obedient students of him. Sometimes he gave us chocolates on doing well in the class tests and exams. He never gave us lots of assignments at home. He is very enthusiastic and also always motivated us for doing our best in the study.

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 300 words

Mrs. Rashmi is my favourite teacher of 6 th standard in the school. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects in the class. She has very unique personality. Teacher is quite fatty but calm in nature. I always give her a greeting card on the teacher’s day every year. I also wish a good luck on her birthday. She is used to of reciting some jokes in between while taking class in order to make fun and draw our attention towards study. I am not so good in the Hindi subject however do very well in the Computer. She helps me a lot to improve my Hindi language. After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask for next day.

She takes us to the Computer lab to make us more clear and sure about the Computer. Teacher wants to keep quiet in her class when she teaches. She never leaves her weak students unclear about what she has taught. She makes everyone very clear about any topic and motivates us to ask questions in her class. Teacher never start next topic until we all understand the last one very well. She is very caring and loving in nature as she takes care of all students in the class. No one quarrel or fight in her class. She makes seating rotation of the students on weekly basis so that no one remains weak and unhappy. My all friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some weak students by giving them over time outside the class. Teacher also helps us to solve the problems other than the study. Teacher promotes us to take part in the sports or other competitions organized in the school. She looks good with her smiling face and supporting nature. She helps us to get prepared for the event celebrations in the school such as Independence Day , Republic Day , Gandhi Jayanti , Teacher’s Day , Mother’s Day , etc. Sometimes, when topics over, she shares with us about her struggle period of the life in order to encourage us towards study. She is very friendly and easygoing teacher. We never fear with her however respect her a lot.

Essay on Favourite Teacher in 400 words

My favorite teacher is my science teacher. Her name is Mrs. Sanjana kausik. She lives near to the school campus. She is the best teacher of school and liked by my all friends as she teaches very well. No one feels boring in her class as she makes some fun also. I like her strategies of teaching in the class. She asks us to go through the topic from home what she will teach in the class next day. Teacher teaches that topic in the class and asks many questions to get clear. She also asks questions about the same topic on next day. In this way, we get very clear about a particular topic. She takes test after teaching two or three topics. Teacher loves the teaching profession and also teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

She is very friendly to us and never makes us fear from her. We ask her any question related to the subject in the class or her cabin without any fear. Teacher watches the activity of each and every student while teaching in the class and punishes the naughty ones. She tells us to concentrate on the study and always follow things what your teacher says in the class if you really want success in the life. She never makes partiality between weak and brilliant students in the class. Teacher supports a lot to her weak students and requests to brilliant students also to help their weak colleagues. She tells us to be passionate about our study and aim of the life.

Also Check: Paragraph on Teacher in English

She is very encouraging teacher, encourages us not only in study however also in the extracurricular activities. Teacher cheers personally to the student doing well in the school whether in academic or sports activities. She gives free tuition to her weak students at her home for one hour. Each student does very well in the science subject both in the class tests and exams. She is also the Vice-Principal of the school. So, she performs her all the responsibilities very well. She takes care of the cleanliness and greenery in the school campus.

She never looks serious as she has a smiling face. Teacher keeps us happy in the school like her own kids. She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event celebration or competitions organized in the school. She talks to all the students very politely and knows well to handle any difficult situation of the school.

My Favourite Teacher 10 Lines

My Teacher, Mrs. Anaya

  • Mrs. Anaya is my favorite teacher at Sunflower School. Here’s why I like her so much:
  • Every morning, she greets us with a big, warm smile. It makes my day bright!
  • She teaches us Math and English. But she makes it fun, like telling a story.
  • Mrs. Anaya went to a big school called Rosewood University. But she talks to us in simple words, so we understand everything.
  • She doesn’t just teach from books. She tells us to be good people and to be kind to our friends.
  • During break time, many of us stay in the class. We love hearing her tell funny stories.
  • If I don’t understand something, she helps me. She wants all of us to do well.
  • Sometimes, she tells jokes. We all laugh a lot!
  • Mrs. Anaya also tells us to play games and join fun school contests. She claps the loudest when we win!
  • I remember everything she teaches because she is so kind and fun.

I hope Mrs. Anaya is my teacher every year. She is the best!

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 10 Lines

  • Miss Ruby is my favourite teacher at Green Valley School.
  • She wears pretty dresses and always has a shiny pin in her hair.
  • Her room is filled with colorful charts and funny drawings.
  • Every morning, she sings a hello song with us.
  • Miss Ruby teaches us Science and Drawing.
  • I love when she shows us how plants grow from tiny seeds.
  • She has a big fish tank in our classroom with colorful fish.
  • We all get turns to feed them, and it’s so much fun!
  • During story time, she makes funny voices for each character.
  • If we do our work well, she gives us shiny star stickers.
  • Miss Ruby also reads us stories from big, colorful books.
  • She helps if we find any word hard to read or spell.
  • Sometimes, she plays the guitar, and we all sing along.
  • She tells us to always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’
  • Miss Ruby says being kind is the most important lesson.
  • On Fridays, we have a fun quiz, and she gives candies to everyone.
  • I once drew her picture, and she put it on the classroom door.
  • She loves all animals and tells us stories about her cat, Whiskers.
  • Miss Ruby always listens if we have something to say.
  • I hope to be in her class next year too because she makes school the best!

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FAQs on My Favourite Teacher

How do i write about my favorite teacher.

Begin by describing their qualities, teaching style, and how they made an impact on you. Use specific examples or stories to highlight your favorite teacher's unique attributes.

What is your favorite teacher?

Everyone has a different opinion, but a favorite teacher is often one who is caring, understanding, and makes learning engaging.

What is special about my teacher?

What's special about your teacher is their ability to inspire, motivate, and understand each student's unique needs and strengths.

What makes a Favourite teacher?

A favorite teacher possesses qualities like patience, knowledge, enthusiasm, and the ability to connect with students on a personal level.

What is a teacher best line?

A teacher's best line might be something like, I believe in you, which showcases their faith in a student's abilities.

How do I feel special to my teacher?

You might feel special to your teacher when they acknowledge your efforts, give personal feedback, or go the extra mile to help you succeed.

What makes a teacher happy?

A teacher is often happy when they see their students succeed, engage actively in lessons, and show respect and enthusiasm for learning.

Why am I thankful for my teacher?

You might be thankful for your teacher because of the knowledge they impart, the support they provide, and the positive impact they've had on your personal and academic growth.

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Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teacher.

Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of society who educate people and make them better human beings .

Essay on Teacher

Moreover, teachers have a great impact on society and their student’s life. They also great importance in a parent’s life as parents expect a lot from teachers for their kids. However, like in every profession, there are both good and bad teachers. While there aren’t that many bad teachers, still the number is significant. A good teacher possesses qualities which a bad teacher does not. After identifying the qualities of a good teacher we can work to improve the teaching scenario.

A Good Teacher

A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. The good teachers are well-prepared in advance for their education goals. They prepare their plan of action every day to ensure maximum productivity. Teachers have a lot of knowledge about everything, specifically in the subject they specialize in. A good teacher expands their knowledge continues to provide good answers to their students.

Similarly, a good teacher is like a friend that helps us in all our troubles. A good teacher creates their individual learning process which is unique and not mainstream. This makes the students learn the subject in a better manner. In other words, a good teacher ensures their students are learning efficiently and scoring good marks.

Most importantly, a good teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they can’t do it at home or with their friends.

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Impact of Teachers on a Student’s Life

Growing up, our parents and teachers are the first ones to impact our lives significantly. In fact, in the younger years, students have complete faith in their teachers and they listen to their teachers more than their parents. This shows the significance and impact of a teacher .

experience is the best teacher essay 200 words

When we become older and enter college, teachers become our friends. Some even become our role models. They inspire us to do great things in life. We learn how to be selfless by teachers. Teachers unknowingly also teach very important lessons to a student.

For instance, when a student gets hurt in school, the teacher rushes them to the infirmary for first aid. This makes a student feel secure and that they know a teacher plays the role of a parent in school.

In other words, a teacher does not merely stick to the role of a teacher. They adapt into various roles as and when the need arises. They become our friends when we are sad, they care for us like our parents when we are hurt. Thus, we see how great a teacher impacts a student’s life and shapes it.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are teachers important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Teachers are the building blocks of a nation. They are responsible for making thousands of people educated. Teachers push us to do better and succeed in life.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What makes a good teacher?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”A good teacher is one who is well-prepared. They always care for their students even outside the classroom. They instill good values in them and teach them subjects efficiently.”} }] }

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