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Cover Letters

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These resources will help you understand and write successful cover letters. To use these pages, you may select links in the navigation bar on the left, you may select links from the list below, or you may advance through the pages using the links at the bottom of each page. Click here to download the PDF file containing sample résumés and employment letters. The cover letter pages are organized into the following sections:

  • What is a cover letter?
  • Why do I need to do a cover letter?
  • What should I do if I'm a veteran transitioning into civilian life?
  • What should I do if I'm a transitioning automotive industry worker?
  • What should I do about any times I was not working?
  • What should I do if I have been incarcerated?
  • What should my cover letter look like?
  • What should my cover letter accomplish?
  • What should I do before I start writing?
  • What are the sections I should include in my letter?
  • Introductions
  • Addressing your letter
  • Body paragraphs
  • How should I follow up on my cover letter and résumé?
  • Cover Letters
  • Discover the Purpose
  • Start With Research
  • Cover Letter Breakdown


1. format header & say hello.

HEADER:  Display your name, address, phone number and email address in the same format as your resume.

DATE:  Include the date you print and mail (or email) the letter.

RECIPIENT'S  NAME & ADDRESS:  Left-aligned align this information and include an individual’s name if possible.

SALUTATION: Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name (if you’re unsure of the recipient’s gender or you want to be gender neutral, write their full name).


  • Immediately state the position for which you are applying and how you heard about it. If you are not applying for a specific position, indicate your area of interest.
  • Mention if you were referred by someone (like an alumni or other contact).
  • Introduce yourself by stating your major and anticipated graduation date.
  • Mention why you find the company/organization compelling and why you want to work for them.


  • Point out the relevant skills you have developed through your coursework and experiences in order to show the hiring manager that you are a good fit for the position.
  • Expand on the experiences that support you are a “match” for the position. Use keywords from the job description if possible.
  • Describe how you would apply the skills and knowledge you gained from your experiences to the position for which you are applying.


  • Thank the employer for their time and consideration.
  • Offer to provide any additional information.
  • Provide your email and phone number in the last sentence.

End your letter with:

Your signature (leave 3 -4 spaces)

Your Typed Name

  Check out the CCO Handbook for more cover letter tips

Cover Letters and Correspondence

Clear and mistake-free communication with employers is very important. Over the last ten years employers have ranked communication is the top skill they are looking for in prospective employees. Cover letters and correspondence is a chance for you to show that you have effective communication skills. Below are several links, many from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), with good examples of correspondence.

  • CCO Job Search Manual
  • Academic Cover Letters
  • Acceptance Letter
  • Applicant Request For a Reference
  • Cover Letters 1: Quick Tips
  • Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write a Cover Letter
  • Cover Letters 3: Writing Your Cover Letter
  • FAQs About Thank you Letters
  • Follow-up After No Response to Our Interview
  • Inquiry About Cover Letter and Resume​
  • Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Cover Letter Example (Colorado State University)
  • Letters Concerning Employment
  • Rejection to Job Offer
  • Request for Further Negotiation
  • Sample Cover Letters
  • Tailoring Employment Document For a specific Audience
  • Thank You Follow Up Letters
  • Thank You Letter Guide
  • Tutoring Cover Letters

Career Resources

Professional Organizations assist you in your career exploration as you decide coursework, student organizations, internships and research projects.

While there are limitless careers in the field of natural resources, view our career profiles which highlights some of the career opportunities available to you.

  • Career Opportunities
  • ​ Discovery Education Ag Explorer​ ,  e​xplore various careers related to Animal Systems, Environmental Service Systems, Natural Resources Systems, or Plant Systems. 

Related Skills opens opportunities as employers are seeking candidates with the attributes listed.

  • FNR Job Board

With over 50 employers at the FNR Career Fair, student opportunities abound with internships, summer positions and graduation career positions. FNR Career Fair

Personal Assessment can help as you narrow down your skills and interests. Take a look at these resources that help you find the career that fits you.

If you are finding that none of the career options or job postings you have reviewed are interesting maybe it is time for some personal assessment of your skills and interests. The Center for Career Opportunities​ ​ can assist with further career counseling. Below are a few sites that may be helpful as you assess where your interests and skills align with career options.

  • Career One Stop
  • Learn More Indiana
  • My Next Move
  • O*NET OnLine

The FNR Student Services is a hub of support at Purdue for FNR students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the public.

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Critical Writing: WRIT0760305: Fall 2023: Cover Letter Resources

  • Getting started
  • News and Opinion Sites
  • Academic Sources
  • Grey Literature
  • Substantive News Sources
  • What to Do When You Are Stuck
  • Understanding a citation
  • Examples of Quotation
  • Examples of Paraphrase
  • Chicago Manual of Style: Citing Images
  • Researching the Op-Ed
  • Researching Prospective Employers
  • Resume Resources
  • Cover Letter Resources

Cover Letter resources

  • Cover Letter Writing Guide - Penn Career Services  - A writing guide on cover letters prepared by Penn Career Services that covers the purpose of cover letters, cover letter etiquette,  
  • Job Search Letters - Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  - These OWL resources will help you write job application letters, thank you and follow up letters, as well as effective acceptance and rejection letters. Also included are links to other OWL resources geared for entry-level and skilled labor positions.
  • Microsoft Office Templates - Access a wide selection of MS Word templates with formatting for various styles of resumes and cover letters. 

Cover Art

  • Skill Sumo Future Proof: How to Craft a Cover letter This video, from Academic Video, will teach you how to craft a cover letter.
  • What to Include in the Resume and Cover Letter. From Sage Video, this online tutorial provides tips for developing your resume and for writing cover letters.
  • << Previous: Resume Resources
  • Last Updated: Aug 29, 2023 3:19 PM
  • URL: https://guides.library.upenn.edu/c.php?g=1342901

Career Resources: Resumes & Cover Letters

  • Career Exploration
  • Finding a Job

Resume vs. Cover Letter

Resume & cover letter help.

  • Cost of Living
  • Career Research
  • UHV Career Development Center

What exactly are resumes and cover letters?

A resume is a document used and created by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments. It is formatted as a list of experiences, education, and qualifications.

A cover letter  is a written document that outlines a person's qualifications and interest in a certain job position. 

So, a resume is a list of your experience and a cover letter allows you to explain why you think you are a good fit for the job.

Usually, employers will make clear in their job ads or their application websites whether or not they want a resume, cover letter, or both. Many jobs require both. 

  • UHV Career Development Center Career Services provides quality counseling in the areas of choosing a major, job search strategies, pursuing employment and/or graduate school opportunities to UHV undergraduates, graduates, and alumni.
  • CareerOneStop - Resume Guide Tips on what to include in your resume, formatting, and sample resumes.
  • Purdue OWL Writing Lab - Resumes & Cover Letters These OWL resources will help you compose effective résumés and curricula vitae (or CVs) for your job search. This section includes resources on page design (which includes using white space, headings, and fonts), as well as resources on tailoring your résumé for specific employers. This section also contains links to other OWL resources geared for entry-level and skilled labor positions.
  • << Previous: Finding a Job
  • Next: Cost of Living >>

collage of photos showing the center facilities

Professional Writing

Many people engage in specific types of writing, particularly non-academic and technology-based writing, that they might not even think of as “writing.” But these specific types of writing–such as emails and web-based writing–require writers to meet certain guidelines in order to be effective. This section provides resources for writing emails, writing for the web, and writing for the job search.

Also see: Writing in the Disciplines and Across the Curriculum for specific types of academic writing in Business, Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences | Conducting Research for resources on how to write a research paper | Writing with Technology for information on free online tools, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Note for Montclair State University Students : Montclair State University’s Center for Career Services also offers assistance with writing related to career and graduate school applications. See their on-demand workshops .


Writing for email.

Email is one of the dominant ways people communicate at home, work, and school. Even though email is used for both formal and informal communications, one needs to consider the setting and audience when composing a message. In other words, it may be appropriate to use a casual tone in an email to a friend, but that tone may be inappropriate when making a formal request of a professor. These resources address such issues involved in email etiquette.

Effective E-mail Communication (The Writing Center, UNC Chapel Hill) Thorough guideline for writing effective, professional email that includes examples you can use.

Email Etiquette (Purdue OWL) “Although instant and text/SMS messaging is beginning to supplant email for some groups’ primary means of Internet communication, effective and appropriate email etiquette is still important. This resource will help you to become an effective writer and reader/manager of email.”

Email Tune-up (businessenglishpod.com) Posted on YouTube | April and November 2008 A series of video podcasts for ESL students who want to improve their business email writing skills. Here is a list of several of these 9-10 minute videos.

  • Email Tune-up 01: Overview (9:43)
  • Email Tune-up 02: Asking for Feedback (9:21)
  • Email Tune-up 04: Bad News Messages (10:49)

Email Writing (Texas A&M University Writing Center) “Many of the best practices for writing an effective business letter or memo also apply to writing a business email. For instance, when sending email, it’s just as important as ever to tailor your message specifically to your recipient and keep it brief, direct, and engaging. There are, however, some special considerations for conducting business via email.”

How to Practice Email Etiquette (Tracy Goodwin, expertvillage.com) Posted on YouTube: September 25, 2008 Series of short (1 – 1 1/2 minute) videos on email etiquette in a business environment. Here is a list of segments in this series:

  • Greetings and Closings (1:13)
  • Replies (1:24)
  • Subject Lines (1:15)
  • CC & BCC (2:18)
  • Conciseness (1:05)
  • Editing (1:18)

3 Ways to Boost Gmail Netiquette (University of Iowa) “Here are three tools that could save your life, give your emails a professional, unique look, and possibly save you some minor embarrassment.”


General Tutorials on Web Content, Writing for Web Sites (Jimdo.com) “Good website writing is the key to beating these odds. Well-written content that’s optimized for the web rises to the top of search results and holds readers’ attention.”

Writing for the Web: Articles & Videos (Nielsen Norman Group) A list of articles related to “Writing for Web.”


  • General Resources for Professional Writing

Cover Letters


  • Asking for references or recommendations
  • Serving as a reference or writing a letter of recommendation

Correspondence with Prospective Employers

General resources.

Action Verbs

  • What is an action verb? (Purdue OWL) An explanation of why we should use action verbs when writing professionally and applying to jobs.
  • Categorized List of Action Verbs (Purdue OWL) This categorized list contains only a few action verbs you can use to compose concise, persuasive , reader-centered resumes, cover letters, or other types of workplace documents. The examples are illustrations that overview the uses of action verbs in professional writing.
  • List of Action Verbs for Resumes and Professional Profiles (Wake Forest University) (PDF) A list of action verbs categorized according to skill sets.

Career Services (State of New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development) Resources including Resume Writing Guidance .

Determining Audience (Purdue OWL) “This handout provides information on how to tailor your employment documents to a specific audience.”

Example Employment Documents (Purdue OWL) (PDF) This PDF contains “examples of resumes, CVs, and cover letters for a variety of disciplines.” It is annotated with comments on organization, grammar, layout, language and other useful tips.

Job Interview Worksheets (Empowerment Through Opportunity) (PDF) A collection of worksheets that can assist job seekers in defining their objectives, collecting information for their resumes, writing their cover letters, filling out application forms, and acing their interviews.

Job Skills Checklist (Purdue OWL) “The following is a sample list of skills found in a cross-section of careers. Circle every skill that applies to you. Jot down examples of situations in your working life that demonstrate this skill. Then try to incorporate these skills into your resume and/or cover letter.”

Reading and Using Job Ads (Purdue OWL) This resource discusses the organization and language used in job ads, along with strategies for critically reading and understanding ads.

Conduct a Job Search (Career Services, Montclair State University) A variety of online resources and tools for students and alumni.

  • College of the Arts
  • College of Education and Human Services
  • College of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • College of Science and Mathematics

Tailoring Documents (Purdue OWL) “This handout provides information on how to tailor your employment documents to a specific audience.”

Cover Letters 1: Quick Tips (Purdue OWL Workplace Writers) “This page provides a down-and-dirty guide to writing cover letters. Here you will find brief answers and lists of what you should include in a cover letter, how to order and format such a letter, and what to do before sending it out.”

  • What is a Cover Letter?
  • Quick Content Tips for Cover Letters
  • Quick Formatting Tips for Cover Letters
  • Showing off knowledge of company
  • Before sending the letter

Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write (Purdue OWL Workplace Writers) “Before you start to write a cover letter, you should gather information about yourself, the company, and the job. This page will help you learn what kind of information to find, where to find it, and how and why to use that information to ‘sell yourself’ in a cover letter.”

  • Impressing Prospective Employers
  • Reading Job Ads
  • Researching Companies
  • Communicating with Insiders
  • Using University Career Centers
  • Addressing Qualifications

Cover Letters 3: Writing Your Cover Letter (Purdue OWL Workplace Writers) This page includes information on writing your heading, addressing your cover letter, and writing your introduction, body, and closing paragraphs.

  • Cover Letter Headings
  • Addressing Cover Letters
  • Cover Letter Introductions
  • Cover Letter Body Paragraphs
  • Cover Letter Closings

Curriculum Vitae Guide (Marquette University Career Services Center) Describes how a CV differs from a resume and how to compile information for your CV.

Curriculum Vitae Samples, Templates, and Writing Tips (Alison Doyle, The Balance Careers) Here are some CV examples, formats, and templates for academic, IT, medical, and international positions, among others.

Guide: Curriculum Vitae (Writing@CSU) A step-by-step guide to writing your CV. Use the navigation bar on the right to view different categories.

Resume Examples (NC State University Career Development Center) Includes resume examples for various industries.

Resumes and CVs (Purdue OWL) “These OWL resources will help you compose effective résumés and Curriculum Vitae for your job search. This section includes resources on page design (which includes using white space, headings, and fonts), as well as resources on tailoring your résumé for specific employers. This section also contains links to other OWL resources geared for working class positions.”

Writing Curriculum Vitae (Alison Doyle, The Balance Careers) Includes information on when to use a CV and how it differs from a resume.

Writing the Curriculum Vitae (Purdue OWL) “This handout provides an overview of strategies for writing an effective curriculum vitae. This topic is particularly important for graduate students who are entering the academic job market for the first time.”

100 Potential Interview Questions (Thad Peterson, Monster.com) “While there are as many different possible interview questions as there are interviewers, it always helps to be ready for anything. So we’ve prepared a list of 100 potential interview questions. Will you face them all? We pray no interviewer would be that cruel. Will you face a few? Probably. Will you be well-served by being ready even if you’re not asked these exact questions? Absolutely.”

Interview Questions (LiveCareer) “A great interview boils down to one thing: sound preparation. With the right amount of research, practice, and persistence, you’ll be ready to give the best answers to even the toughest interview questions. To get started, have a look through our list of sample interview Q&As and professional tips. From example responses to salary negotiation guidance, we’ve given you the helpful advice you need to ace your next interview.”

Interviewing Skills Guide (Virginia Tech, Career and Professional Development) The guide provides a comprehensive review of interview skills including the following topics: ethical issues | standards of conduct, types and locations, DOs and DONTs, employer information sessions, skills and demeanor, interview attire, typical interview questions, questions to ask the employer, practice interviews and after interviews.

References and Recommendations

Asking someone to be your reference or write you a letter of recommendation:

Applicant Request for a Reference (Purdue OWL) Here are some suggestions for contacting people you wish to serve as references for you.

Asking for Letters of Recommendation (Stanford University) Simple guidelines for managing your letter requests.

How to Ask for a Reference (Alison Doyle, The Balance Careers) Here are some suggestions for asking someone to serve as a reference for you and creating your reference list.

Sample Reference Request Letter (Alison Doyle, The Balance Careers) This is a very basic template for writing a letter/e-mail asking someone to serve as a reference for you. You might also want to describe the position you are applying for and attach your current resume to the e-mail.

Serving as a reference or recommendation:

Guidelines for Writing Letters of Recommendation (Linda Kaiser of University of Missouri, Columbia; Retrieved from Saint Mary’s College) (PDF) A two-page handout on what to include in the opening, body, and conclusion of a letter of recommendation. The PDF also contains a sample letter.

How to Write a Recommendation Letter (Susan M. Heathfield, The Balance Careers) Useful tips on what to include/not include in a letter of recommendation.

“If your reference says this, you’ll get a job” (Amy Levin-Epstein, CBS News) This article explains what you can do to prepare your references to speak about you or, if you are serving as a reference for someone, what you can say to help the person sound like a top candidate.

Top 10 Sample Recommendation Letters (Karen Schweitzer, Thought Co.) “Writing a recommendation letter for someone else is a huge responsibility and getting everything just right is important. If you are seeking inspiration, the following sample recommendation letters should help. These sample recommendations are the most popular samples on the site.”

Acceptance Letter (Purdue OWL) General guidelines for what to include in a letter/e-mail when you are accepting a job offer.

Follow-Up After No Response to an Interview (Purdue OWL) General guidelines for what to include in a follow-up letter/e-mail when you have not heard back from a company after an interview.

Follow-Up to an Interview (Purdue OWL) General guidelines for what to include in a follow-up letter/e-mail after an interview along with a model letter.

Interest Letters (Noelle Carver, Bizfluent) The transcript of an interview with Charles Purdy, editor of Monster, about how to write a letter of interest to a prospective employer.

Inquiry about Cover Letter and Resume (Purdue OWL) General guidelines for what to include in an inquiry letter/e-mail when you have not received a response to your job application. This site also provides a model letter.

Letter of Interest Samples (Alison Doyle, The Balance Careers) An example of a letter/e-mail you would write to a company that has not advertised specific openings. This letter allows you to inquire about potential openings, emphasize your interest in the company, and highlight your skill set.

Letter When You Receive a Rejection (Purdue OWL) “Consider writing a letter even when you receive a rejection. Sometime later when you have had additional experience or training, you may want to apply to the firm once more. The letter shows that you were extremely interested in working for the particular company and states your interest in applying for another position at a later date.” This site offers suggestions about what to include in this letter/e-mail.

Model for Writing a Request for Further Negotiations (Purdue OWL) An example of how to professionally and politely discuss a job offer you would like to negotiate.

Rejection of Job Offer (Purdue OWL) General guidelines for what to include in a letter/e-mail when you are not accepting a job offer.

Phone Skills (Virginia Tech, Career and Professional Development) “In your search for an internship or job, your resume and cover letter alone are not the only tools to success. Employers will be evaluating you on all forms of communication and how you handle and present yourself. Be a pro on the phone.”

Three Simple Rules for Emailing Potential Employers (Peter Weddle, CareerCast) An article about how to converse with prospective employers that includes three key tips: use formal language, pay attention to your tone, and think about how you’re representing yourself.

Writing Professional Letters (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Career Services) (PDF) This document discusses the structure and content of different correspondence between you and your prospective employer. Some topics include an interview confirmation letter, a post-interview thank you letter, and job offer acceptance/declination/clarification letters. Sample letters are located at the end of the document.


Writing a proposal.

On the Art of Writing Proposals (Adam Prezeworski and Frank Saloman, Claremont Graduate University Writing Center) “Some Candid Suggestions for Applicants to Social Science Research Council Competitions.”

Planning and Organizing Proposals and Technical Reports (Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Sponsored by Indiana DOT) (PDF) An extensive guide to planning for a proposal, from identifying your purpose and audience to drafting your conclusion. This resource includes charts you can fill in while you’re preparing to write. The second half of the PDF (p. 18-end) provides tips for writing a technical report.

Resources for Proposal Writers (University of Wisconsin – Madison, The Writing Center) “This page lists some useful books and websites for graduate students working on research proposals.”

Sample Academic Proposals from the Purdue OWL (Purdue OWL) (PDF) Includes sample proposals for conferences, articles and book chapters..

Writing Academic Proposals: Conferences, Articles and Books (Purdue OWL) A guide to writing conference proposals.


4 Editing and Proofreading Techniques for Your Novel (Courtney Carpenter, Writer’s Digest ) “Joseph Bates, author of The Nighttime Novelist , shares tips for editing and proofreading a novel or book.”

The 10 Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Query Letter (Brian A. Klems, Writer’s Digest ) “While query letters vary a little depending on who the agent is (and their guidelines) and what type of book you’re writing (novel, nonfiction, poetry, etc.), there are many elements that remain the same. That’s why I’ve developed this list of dos and don’ts to help you navigate what’s really important to include in your pitch and, also, what should be avoided at all costs. By sticking to these 10 specific dos and don’ts of writing a query letter, you’ll give yourself the best opportunity to find success and land an agent.”

10 Proofreading Tips for Self-Publishers (Anna Lewis, MediaShift) “No matter how many times you’ve read through your work, it’s amazing how often errors can sneak through to the final stages. The problem: You’re so familiar with the text that you see what you think you have written rather than what you actually wrote. For this reason, at the very least, it’s good to ask a few friends to help you proofread. Don’t forget to carefully proofread the cover, copyright, and title pages as well as any indices, tables of contents, and dedications — mistakes in these areas happen surprisingly often. So, short of hiring a professional proofreader, what else can you do to make sure your book is as close to perfect as possible? Here are some tips.”

Anatomy of a Query Letter: A Step-by-Step Guide (Writer’s Relief Staff, Huffington Post ) “When submitting book queries, your letter has precious little time to grab the attention of the literary agent reading it. If you don’t get to the meat of the book right away, your query might end up in the recycling bin. The following guidelines will help you compose a letter that will keep agents’ attention long enough to give your manuscript a fighting chance.”

Author’s Permission Guidelines (The University of Chicago Press) Most of the information regarding permissions on this site is not particular to The University of Chicago Press. This page can help any writer who wants to know more about copyright, fair use, public domain, and when permission is needed for previously published materials.

How to Write the Perfect Query Letter (Mary Kole, Writer’s Digest ) Here you’ll find an example of a successful query letter, followed by an agent’s comments.

Preparing Articles for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals (Siobhan Bowler, Academic Publications Writer) (PDF) “This paper focuses on preparing articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Four areas of article preparation are covered: (1) what you should be thinking about when selecting a journal for your paper and at what stage you should start thinking of journals; (2) style guides and the most important things you need to follow in journal style guides; (3) simple ways in which you can improve clarity when writing papers; [and] (4) what happens to your paper once you send it to the journal and the various types of responses you can expect to receive.”

Preparing Manuscripts for Publication in Psychology Journals: A Guide for New Authors (American Psychological Association) (PDF) “This guide provides an overview of the process of preparing and submitting a scholarly manuscript for publication in a psychology journal. Drawing on the experiences of authors of scholarly writings, peer reviewers, and journal editors, we seek to demystify the publication process and to offer advice designed to improve a manuscript’s prospects of publication. To exemplify the process, we describe specific publication procedures for journals of the American Psychological Association.”


Abstracts (UNC at Chapel Hill, The Writing Center) “This handout provides definitions and examples of the two main types of abstracts: descriptive and informative. It also provides guidelines for constructing an abstract and general tips for you to keep in mind when drafting. Finally, it includes a few examples of abstracts broken down into their component parts.”

How to Write an Abstract: Tips and Samples (Leah Carroll, University of California Berkeley) (PDF) This resource provides “the basic components of an abstract in any discipline” along with abstract samples from history, the humanities, biological sciences, and engineering.

What Exactly is an Abstract? (University of Michigan) “An abstract is a short summary of your completed research. It is intended to describe your work without going into great detail. Abstracts should be self-contained and concise, explaining your work as briefly and clearly as possible. Different disciplines call for slightly different approaches to abstracts . . . so it would be wise to study some abstracts from your own field before you begin to write one.”

Writing Abstracts (Indiana University Bloomington, Writing Tutorial Services) This site includes tips for writing and polishing your abstract and describes the components of informative and indicative abstracts.

Writing an Abstract (George Mason University, The Writing Center) This guide provides the definition of an abstract and the structure of an abstract for papers in the social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Writing Report Abstracts (Purdue OWL) “This handout discusses how to write good abstracts for reports. It covers informational and descriptive abstracts and gives pointers for success.”


About Grants (National Institutes of Health (NIH) Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information) “Read on for an orientation to NIH funding, grant programs, how the grants process works,and how to apply.”

All About Grants Podcasts (NIH Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information) “The Office of Extramural Research (OER) talks to NIH staff members about the ins and outs of NIH funding. Designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process, we provide insights on grant topics from those who live and breathe the information. Episodes are available as mp3s for download here or via RSS feed.”

Candid “We connect people who want to change the world with the resources they need to do it.”

Candid Learning “Candid Learning is your destination for all of Candid’s live and on-demand trainings, webinars, and other resources designed to improve your fundraising, overall sustainability, grantmaking, and transparency.”

Grant Basics (NIH Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information) “Before getting started, learn why it is important to understand the structure of NIH and how we approach grant funding, what types of organizations and people are eligible to apply, what we look for in a research project, and the types of grant programs we offer.”

Grants and Funding: Grants Process Overview (NIH Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information) “Any successful project requires planning, development, implementation and follow-through. Obtaining NIH funding for your research idea is no exception. The Grants Process Overview below provides an overview of the steps required for an application to proceed from application planning and submission through award and close out. Look to the related resources on each page for special guidance from NIH experts that can help maximize your understanding of the grants process and help you submit a successful grant application.”

Grants.gov Search for federal grants and learn about the process of applying for federal grants.

Grant Writing (Purdue OWL) “This resource provides a general introduction to grant writing and provides information on how to ensure clarity in grant proposals.”

  • Introduction to Grant Writing
  • Clarity in Writing: Avoiding the Department of Redundancy Department
  • Making the Request
  • Specificity in Writing: Say Exactly What You Mean

Grant Writing in the Sciences (Purdue OWL) “This resource provides general guidelines for grant writing in general and in the scientific disciplines. While grant proposals are almost always overseen by a faculty member serving as the primary investigator (PI), this resource is intended primarily for graduate students and junior faculty seeking to learn more about grant writing in their fields.”

  • Introduction

Grantwriter FAQs (Puget Sound Grantwriters Association) Responds to many frequently asked questions about grant writing, from how to become a freelance grantwriter to how to find corporate and government grants.

What is in a Grant Proposal? (Grant Writing Resource, Inc.) Outlines the standard components of a grant proposal.

The University of Iowa

Writing Center

There are many great resources for writers available. Two of the most comprehensive are the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Writing Center . You'll find everything here, from the structure of academic writing to grammar and punctuation. See below for direct links to particular topics and a few more of our favorite sites. For help with speaking, conversational fluency in English, and digital projects, see the other Rhetoric Centers .

The basics of academic writing

The key to writing good papers is understanding that academic writing is based around a claim that is backed up with evidence . The resources below describe some of the key features of academic writing and are designed to help you master the rules of the game. 

Writing in College: A short guide to college writing by Joseph M Williams and Laurence McEnerney. This guide teaches the basic principles of academic writing and is oriented towards first and second year students. A great resource for students, and for instructors to use with their students. From the University of Chicago's Writing Program.

Six key features of academic writing: This handout maps out the structure of an academic paper, breaking it down into its component parts.

Moving from the the five-paragraph essay to college writing . From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The argument,  the centerpiece of the academic paper. From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For information on how to structure a paragraph, UNC has another helpful handout .

Writing Tips: Thesis Statements. From the Purdue OnLine Writing Lab (OWL).

Developing a good argument. OWL at Purdue. You might also look at the article on common literature essay prompts .

Hedging is an important skill for writing cautiously and factually. From the Newcastle University Writing Development Centre.

Avoiding bias. From the Walden University Online Writing Center.

Revising drafts. It's always a good idea, and this article explains why and gives helpful tips. From the UNC Writing Center.

How to quote a source. This resource from The University of Wisconsin - Madison Writing Center discusses how to situate quotes in academic writing.

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos: Three Ways to Persuade. Dr. John R. Edlund of California State University, Los Angeles explains these famous rhetorical angles.

An example of mapping a controversy . John J. Wolfe III

Professional development writing

The Pomerantz Career Center assists UI students with resumes, cover letters, personal statements, and more.

Writing the Personal Statement. OWL at Purdue.

Write a Graduate School Essay that Will Knock Their Socks Off. This guide from Peterson's discusses what to include and what to leave out when writing a graduate school application essay.

How to Write a Cover Letter. From the University of Wisconsin - Madison Writing Center.

Application Essays. From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. You might also have a look at the guide to business letters .

Resumes and Vitae Guide . Tips on how to write resumes and CVs. From Virginia Tech.

Citing sources

Purdue's Online Writing Lab  has the most comprehensive descriptions of the three most commonly used citation styles, Chicago, MLA, and APA. See here for a side-by-side comparison of reference lists and in-text citations.

Also from OWL, a comprehensive list of the styles used in different disciplines from the most common to the more obscure.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  also has an easy-to-read summary of in-text and reference list citations using MLA, APA, Chicago and CBE/CSE

On the Hacker Handbooks site you'll find a comprehensive research and documentation section that covers several of the main citation styles.

APA Style Blog  can answer many of your more obscure questions about APA. Type them into the search box on the right. Hosted by the American Psychological Association.

A step-by-step MLA formatting guide for your Word documents. From UMUC.

The Chicago Manual of Style online at the UI library. Log in with your hawkid and password.

ESL resources

ESL resources at OWL . A great collection of resources for students and instructors at Purdue's Online Writing Lab.

Key Concepts for Writing in North American Colleges. Purdue OWL.

Glossary of English Grammar Terms. This glossary from UsingEnglish.com gives definitions for grammatical terms like 'clause' or 'stative verb.'

English Grammar Guide at edufind.com. This site explains some advanced English grammar topics in detail.

The Basics of English Language. This guide from studyandexam.com has resources for parts of speech, clauses, verb tense, and vocabulary building.

Advanced English Lessons. This guide from englishpage.com provides explanations and interactive quizzes on advanced English grammatical structures.

Punctuation and grammar

Punctuation is important. Poor punctuation can lead to all kinds of confusion, as we all know from the joke about the panda who walks into a bar . It also results in lower grades and unfair assumptions about the writer's intelligence or level of education. Fortunately, it's easy to learn and quick to fix! There are thousands of good websites about punctuation out there, and here are a few of our favorites.

The Oatmeal Grammar Comics . From how and when to use whom, to the ten words you need to stop misspelling. In particular, check out the comic 'How to use a semi-colon: The most feared punctuation on earth...'

Rules for capitalization: When you need an uppercase letter at the start of a word.

The Punctuation Guide: Comma . A thorough guide to comma usage. The rest of the website is similarly helpful for different punctuation marks.

Grammarly Handbook. This site provides in-depth articles on topics like parts of speech, mechanics, syntax, and even planning and organization for writing.

Twelve Common Errors. The guide from the University of Wisconsin - Madison covers common issues to look out for when you're proofreading your writing.

Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it

Plagiarism is copying words or language created by someone else and presenting it as your own. Most students understand it as copying a paper written by someone else, or asking or paying someone else to write their paper, but it also includes accidentally or deliberately copying strings of words from the sources you are citing without putting them in quotation marks. Plagiarism is considered a form of academic dishonesty and can result in a fine, an F for the assignment, failing the course or even expulsion. 

See here for the University of Iowa's policy on plagiarism and other forms of academic fraud.

Indiana Bloomington's plagiarism website provides a good overview and examples of plagiarism. Students are advised to do the practice questions and take the certification test to ensure they know exactly what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Instructors can ask students to complete the test and submit the certificate of completion as a course assignment. To prevent accidentally copying the language in a source, we suggest taking notes and working from your notes and not with the original text open in front of you.

University of Southern Mississippi's guide has explanations and interactive quizzes to help recognize and avoid plagiarism.

University of Wisconsin - Madison has a concise guide to what information needs to be cited. It also includes articles on how to paraphrase an argument or couch a quote.

Other UI writing support services and centers

The Judith Frank Business Communications Cente r provides help to Tippie undergraduates (with all papers), pre-business students (only Tippie course assignments) , M.Ac. and MBA students.

The Accountancy Writing Program works with all students with a declared major in Accountancy .

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication Resource Center offers writing and research assistance for students with journalism writing assignments.

The Pomerantz Career Center  offers help with CVs, resumes and personal statements . Schedule an appointment here .

The University Housing Tutoring Program offers free, walk-in help with rhetoric and other writing, and the tutors are located right in the residence halls .

The Teaching and Writing Center, History Department  is a writing tutorial center which provides assistance with assignments for undergraduate History and American Studies courses .

Hanson Center for Technical Communication, College of Engineering  is a writing tutorial center for undergraduate engineering majors .

The Writing Resource   assists College of Education graduate students .

Writing Resource Center, College of Law  is for students, faculty, and staff in the College of Law and non-law students enrolled in a law school class .

The Writing and Humanities Program helps medical students with a wide variety of writing, including things like CVs, research papers, or even creative writing.

The Graduate College provides one-on-one consultations and feedback on job application and fellowship materials to graduate students.

The Center for Teaching offers graduate students and faculty one-on-one consultations on developing teaching philosophies.

Invitations to Write

The beloved Lou Kelly, director of the Writing Center from 1965 to 1989, developed a series of invitations to write which are still used in the Writing Center today and by instructors across campus. In response to the many requests for copies, we've posted them below. There is also a very useful list of writing prompts collected by the New York Times ,  Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students .

Autobiography of a Reader

College: What language is spoken here?

Creating Words: Is lexicography for you?

Culture Shock

Creative Writing Invitation II: What does creativity mean to you?

Creative Writing Invitation III: Where to you get your creative energy?

Creative Writing Invitation IV: Free-writing -- knocking down the walls .

Creative Writing Invitation V: Writing vivid description.

Creative Writing Invitation VI: Where are you?

Creative Writing Invitation VII: Character development and dialogue?

Creative Writing Invitation VIII: Writing your own story?

Growing Up with TV: A sequence of two invitations

Indulging Dreams

Instances of Injustices: A sequence of two invitations

An Invitation to Evaluate Your Work

An Invitation to Talk on Paper

An Issue of Interest to You: A sequence of three invitations

More Creative Writing Invitations I: Ways to get the creative juices flowing.

More Creative Writing Invitations II: Invitations to go somewhere new .

More Creative Writing Invitations III: Invitations to go deeper.

Roots: Where do you come from?

Self as Writer

The Skills Exchange

For Instructors

2023-2024 Tutor Guide: Policies and Procedures for UI Writing Center instructors

WCONLINE Videoconferencing system overview (video)

The Document Review System (video overview)

Teaching Rhetoric at Iowa : An explanation of the goals of Iowa's Rhetoric course, and some tips and strategies for teaching.

The Australian Society for Evidence-Based Teaching : Reports on research in education and translates it into teaching practices.


ENG 280: College Writing II (Wilson)

  • Writing Professional Letters
  • Searching EBSCO Databases
  • Mind Mapping Your Song
  • Researching Your Song
  • Citing Sources and Getting Help

Online Guides to Professional Letters

  • Writing the Basic Business Letter (Purdue OWL) This resource is organized in the order in which you should write a business letter, starting with the sender's address if the letter is not written on letterhead.
  • How to Format a Formal Letter (wikiHow) Formal letters can come in handy when you need to communicate professionally. Maybe you’re emailing your boss about an upcoming vacation, confirming an appointment, asking for references, or resigning. No matter the case, a well-formatted formal letter can help you correspond with your boss or coworkers in an authoritative and organized manner. In the business world, there are 2 main types of formal letters: block style and Administrative Management Style (AMS). Block style is most widely known, while AMS is for quick internal memos; however, both styles are good to have in your tool belt.

Videos about Professional Letters

  • << Previous: Letter to a Public Official
  • Next: Searching EBSCO Databases >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 6, 2024 3:37 PM
  • URL: https://wiu.libguides.com/eng280wilson


Suggested Resources

What is a coat letter, welcome to the purdue owl.

Credits ©7311-8583 by The Text Lab & The DIPPER at Prada and Purdue University. All rights reserved. This material allowed not be published, reproduced, transmission, rewritten, or redistributed absent permission. Application of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions on fair uses. Use an inline numeric or author-date citation as in your question both then at the very bottom of the page after your signature etc put.

A cover letter introduction you and your resume to potential employers or organizations you seek to join (non-profits, educational institutions, etc). Thereto is the first document an employee sees, so a is often the first-time impression you will manufacture. Take advantage of this importance first impression and prepared of reader for your application, stating why you have writing, why you are a good entsprechen for the job and the your, plus when you will contact him or her.

The following resources are a compilation of tips and strategies to guide you always the writing of your cover letter. Please refer to the sample cover letters for a picture of the finished product.

Good happy writing!

Order seeks at Prada University may search value in the Purdue career Wiki here.


Cla resources.

Purdue OWL is a registered intellectual. Rights ©7660 per The On-Campus Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. This physical may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. This webpage collects plus publishes the ideas of individuals any have contributed those ideas in their capacities as faculty-mentored student grant. The materials collected here accomplish not expedite the views concerning, or positioned held in, Curry Graduate. Use out this website constitutes agreement of our terms and conditions of exhibit use. Confidentiality policy.

writing a cover letter purdue owl


  1. Cover Letter Template Purdue Owl

    writing a cover letter purdue owl

  2. Purdue OWL: Basic Business Letters

    writing a cover letter purdue owl

  3. writing a cover letter purdue owl

    writing a cover letter purdue owl

  4. Purdue OWL: Cover Letter Workshop

    writing a cover letter purdue owl

  5. Cover Letter Format Purdue Owl

    writing a cover letter purdue owl

  6. Mla Cover Page Example Purdue Owl

    writing a cover letter purdue owl


  1. How to draw an Owl from a letter O w l #howtodraw #kidsdrawing #shorts @PalakEducationArts

  2. O for Owl

  3. when owl bring letter #shorts #viral

  4. An owl brought a letter no one was expecting

  5. Citations: A Beginning (1/24/24)

  6. How to Draw Starting From The Letter O


  1. Cover Letters

    Introduction. These resources will help you understand and write successful cover letters. To use these pages, you may select links in the navigation bar on the left, you may select links from the list below, or you may advance through the pages using the links at the bottom of each page. Click here to download the PDF file containing sample ...

  2. Purdue OWL: Cover Letters

    This vidcast discusses how to create cover letters. To learn more about cover letter writing, please visit the following resource on the Purdue OWL: http://o...


    1. FORMAT HEADER & SAY HELLO. HEADER: Display your name, address, phone number and email address in the same format as your resume. DATE: Include the date you print and mail (or email) the letter. RECIPIENT'S NAME & ADDRESS: Left-aligned align this information and include an individual's name if possible. SALUTATION: Dear Mr./Ms./Dr.

  4. Cover Letters and Correspondence

    Below are several links, many from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), with good examples of correspondence. CCO Job Search Manual. Academic Cover Letters. Acceptance Letter. Applicant Request For a Reference. Cover Letters 1: Quick Tips. Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write a Cover Letter. Cover Letters 3: Writing Your Cover Letter.

  5. Ultimate Guide to Writing Cover Letters

    Learn the foundational principles of building a cover letter, from proper grammar and formatting to what kinds of information you will need to include. OWL Cover Letter Resources — The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University has long been the go-to resource for anyone in need of sage writing advice. On this page, there are links to some ...

  6. Cover letters

    Cover Letters. The cover letter is a formal way to communicate with journal editors and editorial staff during the manuscript submission process. Most often, a cover letter is needed when authors initially submit their manuscript to a journal and when responding to reviewers during an invitation to revise and resubmit the manuscript.

  7. Cover Letters

    All cover letters should include: A header, if you have the information (if you have the name and title of the person to whom you are writing) A salutation or greeting. A first paragraph that explains why you are writing. An explanation of how your work experience relates to the job for which you are applying (1-3 paragraphs) A closing paragraph.

  8. Cover Letter Resources

    Cover Letter Writing Guide - Penn Career Services - A writing guide on cover letters prepared by Penn Career Services that covers the purpose of cover letters, cover letter etiquette, ; Job Search Letters - Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) - These OWL resources will help you write job application letters, thank you and follow up letters, as well as effective acceptance and rejection letters.

  9. Resumes & Cover Letters

    Purdue OWL Writing Lab - Resumes & Cover Letters. These OWL resources will help you compose effective résumés and curricula vitae (or CVs) for your job search. This section includes resources on page design (which includes using white space, headings, and fonts), as well as resources on tailoring your résumé for specific employers.

  10. Center For Writing Excellence

    Cover Letters 2: Preparing to Write (Purdue OWL Workplace Writers) "Before you start to write a cover letter, you should gather information about yourself, the company, and the job. This page will help you learn what kind of information to find, where to find it, and how and why to use that information to 'sell yourself' in a cover letter."

  11. Resources

    The Pomerantz Career Center assists UI students with resumes, cover letters, personal statements, and more. Writing the Personal Statement. OWL at Purdue. Write a Graduate School Essay that Will Knock Their Socks Off. This guide from Peterson's discusses what to include and what to leave out when writing a graduate school application essay.

  12. PDF Cover Letters (from Purdue's OWL)

    Quick Formatting Tips for Cover Letters Remember that the basic format of a cover letter follows that of a business letter. As you design the page, think about the following: Length Keep to one page! Write one paragraph of introduction, one-three paragraphs to prove your skills, and one paragraph to conclude. Spacing Single-space your cover letter.

  13. Writing Professional Letters

    Writing the Basic Business Letter (Purdue OWL) This resource is organized in the order in which you should write a business letter, starting with the sender's address if the letter is not written on letterhead. How to Format a Formal Letter (wikiHow) Formal letters can come in handy when you need to communicate professionally. Maybe you're ...

  14. What Is a Cover Letter?

    The following resources are a compilation of tips and strategies to guide you always the writing of your cover letter. Please refer to the sample cover letters for a picture of the finished product. Good happy writing! Order seeks at Prada University may search value in the Purdue career Wiki here. The following are fresh Purdue OWL resources ...