
Television : A Blessing And A Curse

Television: A Blessing and a Curse Televisions first came about in the 1900s, originally being used for advertisement and adult entertainment shows. When television began, one of its objectives was to present the news to society. It was a branch of broad communication, airing presidential news and news covering other states other than your own. Over the years this goal has altered, and now we can find all kinds of programs with different resolutions. There are many different forms of entertainment, cultural news, and daily news which reach a countless amount of viewers. Television is watched by most people. It does not discriminate between social class, economic class, or age it reaches everyone on a different level. Television is a blessing and a curse. The unsuspecting exposure of children to this type of media can fuel inappropriate performances and behaviors, such as violence or ill-mannered language, because at their early age they are not capable to clearly distinguish between what is real and what is wrong or right. Of course, many will probably disagree on the grounds that television is good for you and is a positive influence. Television is the most easily reached media for children, since its present in most households and does not call for any compound abilities to take delivery of material. However, children often see violence on television programs such as action movies and cartoons, which can consciously or unconsciously damage them. These findings challenge

Television Has Changed The American Child

on television they are more likely to imitate such acts at a younger age. When children watch violent shows they become more aggressive and they have more violent tendencies. Children view characters in T.V. shows as their role models when they see them doing risky acts they think that it is normal behavior, and are more likely to mimic the acts in their preteen years. Physiologist have linked childhood exposure to violence through media.When children watch television shows that are too mature for them they are more likely to see the world as a scary unsafe place. Even television that is designed for kids can send a message that fighting and destroying things is fun and acceptable.”Children under (age) 2 learn a lot by facial expression, tone of voice, and body language — much of which doesn’t translate well on a flat screen, especially in animated or cartoon form.”(Darice).Many shows today paint an unrealistic picture of what teen agers should look like and be like. When young kids see such things they are more likely to to try to live up to these standards even if that means taking substances or starving themselves to do it. Too much T.V. time can also lead to behavioral problems such as attention deficit disorder commonly known as ADD. Children who consistently watch four hours of television a day are more likely to be overweight. Physical activity is getting pushed aside in favor of Television shows

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Television plays a very important role in everyday life. As children grow and develop, they can be influenced by what they see and hear.

Television and Media Violence - Effects of TV Violence on Children

  • 23 Works Cited

Television is the mainstream of our culture. Violence on television has been a topic of conflict since before 1950. There have been repeated debates on how to protect children from the harmful effects of violence on television. Television is one form of modern media that influences the everyday lives of people. Televised violence has a major effect on how children perceive the world and how they behave. "American television has become the most violent in the world. It is for this reason why researchers have focused their attention toward television violence" (Cantor & Hoffner 424-4-25). Children enjoy watching television and now with the increased technology of cable and movie

Violent Media Is Good For Kids

Violent media; a strikingly relevant phenomenon millions are becoming captivated by. It’s everywhere you go, on your phone, the TV or on the computer. As much as people try to avoid it, they soon realize it’s ineluctable. Gerard Jones, a comic-book author, released a brief report, “Violent Media Is Good for Kids” that argued violent media is not only beneficial to children but also inspiring. He goes on to support his claim by sampling his own personal experiences. However, not all forms of violent media are necessarily helpful. Some are more preferable while others can harm them. To an extent, violent media can help children by helping them release built up emotions, learn lessons regarding the real world, as well as create something for themselves.

The Effects Of Television On Children And Adolescents

Today nearly 98% of American households have televisions. This makes television the single most important source of media in the lives of children and adolescents. Research shows that about 21- 23 hours per week on average, that children between the ages of five and twelve are exposed. This brings much controversy as to how television delivers the news, media, and violence to young children and adolescents. Many argue that the viewing of television during these crucial years of development can be very harmful involving the link of violence with aggressive behavior, hindering emotional and social development, the lack of exercise, health and activities, the development of temperament in young children, and sleep deprivation.

Does Tv Have a Negative Influence on Society

Over the past two decades, hundreds of studies have examined how violent programming on TV affects children and young people. While a direct "cause and effect" link is difficult to establish, there is a growing consensus that some children may be vulnerable to violent images and messages.

The Trouble With Television : The Power Of Television

The Television is often the centerpiece of typical American house. TVs are now a representative the American dream. TVs are even used to measure finical wellbeing. Huge flat screen TVs symbolize success, while smaller TVs represent modesty. People crowd around the TV to watch the big game, to catch up on the news and keep up with pop culture. Is there something wrong with this so-called wonder device known as the Television? Marie Winn, author of book Unplugging the plug-in drug, argues this point in the chapter “The Trouble with Television” claiming that the television negatively affects families and specifically children. Marie Winn is an author and journalist who is known for her write ups on wildlife and television. The book was published in 1987 and describes eight ways in which the television is damaging. Winn makes it a point not to argue against the content of television, but rather how the television effects family relationships and is a detriment to children’s development. While I agree with some of Winn’s, overall, I disagree with her assessment of television. The points that Winn made that I disagree with include, TV allows kids to grow up less civilized, TV keeps family from doing other things, TV makes children less resourceful, TV has a negative effect on children’s school achievement and TV has a negative effect on children’s physical fitness.

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Thus, for children who are regularly exposed to television violence it could have a worse or similar effect to video games (Berger 2002).

Technology and Its Effects on Children

Many believe that children’s programs show happy, colorful images that influence the child’s mind positively. However, what goes unknown is the fact that those “happy” and “colorful” programs actually average more than fourteen violent acts per hour--eight more than adult programs (TV Media’s Influence). Parents would obviously be appalled at this number due to the fact that by age eighteen, their child will have witnessed about two hundred thousand acts of violence, including eighteen thousand murders (TV Media’s Influence). Instead of subjecting children to the television that imprints their minds with violence, parents should instead spend quality time educating, playing, or reading with them. By doing this, the disgusting knowledge of crime and violence will not be apparent in a young child’s life. They will have a chance to remain unpolluted, their minds full of important family values versus murder and bloodbath. Exposure to television and media too early in a child’s life leads to health problems. By age three, one third of children have television sets in their bedrooms. This puts them at risk for delayed sleep onset, increased caloric intake, and nightmares from overstimulation (Stein). The excessive early exposure to electronic media correlates with language delay, attention problems, and deficits in executive function. What many people do not realize is that putting a child in front

Essay about Effect of Media Violence on Children

Television is especially influential on the children of today. Thirty years ago, not every home had a television; they were considered a luxury that only the rich could afford. Now, most households have two televisions and children watch them incessantly. Many children's programs are extremely violent and a child can learn violent behavior from watching these programs. For example, about a month ago, in Norway, a small girl was beaten, stripped, and left to die by three boys aged 5, 6, and 6. When asked why

Video Game Violence Essay

The American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association have all concluded that there is a relationship between television violence and aggression among children (Gale, 2003, para. 9).

Essay about Violence on Television

  • 8 Works Cited

          Due to violence on television, children become less sensitive to that pain and suffering of others or to become more aggressive to others. It also makes children more fearful to the world around them. (Abelard 1) Viewing habits of children observed for many decades deduced that violence on TV is associated with aggressive behavior, more than poverty, race, or parental behavior. It also reported that a TV show contains about 20 acts of violence an hour.

Essay Negative Effects of Television on Children

  • 9 Works Cited

Television is a big part of today’s society. Everybody watches television, including the children. There is a potential problem with letting children watch television. Ask this question, would someone let their own child watch some of the programming that they watch, too? Some of these programs are intended for the adult generation, not young children. Violence has a major role in television these days. Letting children watch this violence could corrupt their minds and eventually lead to bad behavior. There needs to be a limitation on the types of television programming that parents let their children watch, because violence in television can negatively affect children.

Cause and Effect Essay - Causes of School Violence

As evidence has shown, children view many violent scenes while watching television, movies, or playing video games, but the question still remains: What psychological effect does violence in the media have on children? Research over the past 10 years has consistently shown that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between media violence and real-life aggression (Strasburger 129). Violence in the media can lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch the various programs. Of course, not all children who watch television, or movies, or play video games develop aggressive behavior. However, there is a strong correlation between media violence and aggressive behavior. A study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, examined how children's television viewing practices are related to aggressive behaviors. The results revealed that children who reported watching greater amounts of television per day had higher levels of violent behavior than children who reported lesser amounts of television viewing (Singer 1041). Witnessing violence is an important determining factor in violent behavior. The media serves as a means for children to witness violence. According to Bandura's Social Learning Theory, children imitate behavior that they see on television, especially if the person performing the behavior is attractive or if the

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"Impact of media use on children and youth” explores the good and bad effects that media can have on a young child’s development both mentally and physically. In the beginning of the article, they provided examples of how watching television can expose young children to violence, sexuality, and offensive language. The author made an interesting point that connected an increase in violent behaviors with children who watch violent

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Is tv a blessing or a curse.

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            Television now plays such an important role in so many people's lives that it is essential for us to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse.Obviosly, television has both - advantages & disadvantages. But do the former outweight the latter?.              On the one hand, TV is a great force in the world, because it enriches intellect, informs & touches upon poignant & topical problems. It can be seen that TV is the most powerful means of spreading information, it gives publicity to various events, people, happenings,opens new horizons. What's more, TV makes people think & talk more as it gives ground for thought & much to our heart & mind. Besides, TV creates the effect of 'presence' even for those watchers, who are miles away. Furthermore TV provides family togetherness discussion, brings pleasure & amusement into homes, puts a joy for mood & in the same time, makes mind a reacher & fuller treasure house.              On the other hand, many adults are worried that TV turns their offsprings into unimaginative 'couch-potatoes',TV-fanatics & blunts theirbrains. Some people think that TV stops kids reading & distracts them from spending pastime in the fresh air. Moreover, presentation of violence on the screen might lead young people to regard violence as acceptable behavior. TV is full of irksome commersials,which terrorize you about what would befall you if you didn't use the sponsors product,also it is full of blood-curdling & hair-raising moments. What's more, TV is a time-waster, which currupts not only kids, but also adults, as the routine of their lives is geared to the programmes. It turns them into non-readers & non-theatre-goers, kills conversation, in other words, it rules their life.              To sum it up, we can't say, that TV is only evil. It is a mammouth thing which has both - advantages & disadvantages, & it's up to us how we use it. Because there are lots of good programmes, I think, on all you've got to do is be selective & act with a little bit of juggment.

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Television A Blessing or a Curse? – Debate Topics

Television- a blessing or a curse.

Television is one of the most important miracles of science. It has brought about a revolution in the field of entertainment, education and communication. It has brought the cinema and the stage both into our houses. One can now watch moving, talking and living pictures on the screen while sitting in his home.

Television has many advantages to its credit. It has three major functions- to educate, entertain and to inform. Many educative and informative programmes can be shown on the television which are of great help to students and the masses. Television is specially very valuable for an underdeveloped country like India where a great majority of the people are illiterate and live in the villages. Documentaries and discussions with suitable visuals provide education and information. Through the talks delivered by eminent scholars, people can be informed about the latest happenings and current problems. Scientists, social workers and eminent personalities can talk to the people directly. Thus they can gain a huge fund of information regarding science, political matters and social problems.

Entertainment comes in various forms. People can enjoy films, plays, dances, musical concerts, sports and games and the scenic beauty of any part of the world. Television also helps to a great extent in removing social and political evils from the society. It can highlight the evils of casteism, dowry, drinking, gambling etc. and help in their removal. Similarly, government programmes like family planning, afforestation, adult education and cleanliness can also be propagated through the medium of television.

Television can also help in educating the public regarding corruption prevailing in the society. People can be taught not to give or take bribes.   They can also be advised to help the government in curbing black-marketing, smuggling, hoarding, etc.

Television has certain disadvantages also. If a person spends too much time in watching television programmes every day, he will become lazy. Watching the television from a close distance affects eyesight. During television programmes, students do not pay much attention to their studies which will affect then-educational career. Some of the advertisements shown on the television have a corrupt influence. Most of the advertisements are on consumer goods, fashions and cosmetics. They create a craze for superficial cold drinks, harmful dishes, cosmetics and costly fashions. When semi-naked girls are focused in advertisements, they do not create a healthy influence on the young mind. Some of the programmes shown in private television channels mislead the young. Many valuable hobbies like reading are discouraged because of the invasion of television.

In spite of these disadvantages, the role of television in the field of education, entertainment and information cannot be denied.

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Television as a Curse or Blessings

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: television

Television is the most popular media of human kind. It has become the indispensable part of life. By watching television we can see much things happening around us. everyone must agree that the advantages of of wathching television are considerable but besides that there are many disadvantages of watching television. begning from the first i must say that it is the one of the most important factor that have transformed the indian history.

Earlier people hardly had any knowledge on different important aspects of our life. television especially owadays is very popular and every family have access to it. by watching television we may watch many competetions live going around the world. it saves time as well as money which would have been spent on buying tickets. We can also enjoy travelling on television by watching discovery or national geography and many more.

It also decrease pressure as variety of comedies and dramas are source of it. as it is said that every thing have good as well as bad side also. as all the programs on t. v. are not suitable for all ages. therefore parents must upervise their chidlren while watching television.

In the aspect of health watching television for long may effect the eyesight adversely. however the veiwer may find the television so interesting that he she may forget their responsibilities and get induldged in watching television. children may neglect their studies. both adult and children may lack sleep for staying up late to watch the show. it is important that people do not become too occupied with watching television. while they may benefit for some programmed but watching too much television is not advisable.

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Extensive viewing of violent programs on television can lead to aggression in children. Children watch an average of three to four hours a televison a day. Television is a powerful influence in shaping behavior and developing value systems. It may lead to a gradual acceptance of violence, imitation of violence, and the identification of violence within themselves. The more a child views a violent ...

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television a blessing or a curse essay

Is television a blessing or a curse

  • Published: January 7, 2022
  • Updated: January 7, 2022
  • Language: English
  • Downloads: 32

On April 7, 1927 the world was introduced to a new kind of entertainment, one that would change the world forever. This unaccustomed entertainment was known as television. Television is described by dictionary. com as telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. Though television has the potential to inform, educate and to entertain, it also has the competence to promote violence negative behaviors and expose children to inappropriate activity.

Firstly television informs us about what is going on around the world. There are over twenty five news channels on cable television which broadcast local and worldwide news continuously.

Additionally it has been proven by the center for promoting growth and achievement that 75% of children who do well in school started their education with television. Television programs such as sesame street and blues clues enhance children’s intellectual development. These programs teach children their A B Cs, help them develop their social skills, and introduce them to foreign languages at a very early age. Adults can even receive education from television by tuning into the history or national geographic channels. Therefore we have the right to say that television has and still is contributing to the development of our future leaders.

Furthermore, the British poet Alfred Tennyson once said, “ death is the end of life, why should life all labor be.” Mr. Tennyson is saying to us that our lives should include some entertainment and amusement. I’m sure we could think of the many long hard depressing days, when we go home and enjoy a comedy movie, our favorite talk show or watch the news. Television helps us to forget about that depressing day and to relax. Without television life would be boring to many.

In contrast television promotes violence. This does not only mean dramatic consequences like bringing a weapon to school, but how children interact with fellow students, teacher’s parents and siblings. It has been proven that the average American child sees 200, 000 violent acts on television by the time their eighteen. The relationship between what we see and what we do is very complex. When we watch so much violence on television we develop violent behaviors.

Moreover television exposes our children to inappropriate activity. 95% of teenagers have been exposed to pornography on television before they reach the age of sixteen as stated by the department of child care and development. Research has shown that when children are exposed to sexual activity on television they want to explore it themselves. As a result teen pregnancy rates are rising rapidly, and the amount of teens with STDs and HIV is unbelievable.

In conclusion, television was considered a huge step forward in technology and is continuing to progress but as it still stands all good things have a downside. Undoubtedly television can be considered as both a blessing and curse.

television a blessing or a curse essay

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television a blessing or a curse essay

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Is Television a Blessing or a Curse Essay Example

Is Television a Blessing or a Curse Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (474 words)
  • Published: September 17, 2017
  • Type: Essay

On April 7, 1927 the world was introduced to a new kind of entertainment, one that would change the world forever. This unaccustomed entertainment was known as television. Television is described by as telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. Though television has the potential to inform, educate and to entertain, it also has the competence to promote violence negative behaviors and expose children to inappropriate activity.

Firstly television informs us about what is going on around the world. There are over twenty five news channels on cable television which broadcast local and worldwide news continuously.

Additionally it has been proven by the center for promoting growth and achievement that 75% of children who do well in school started their education with television. Television

programs such as sesame street and blues clues enhance children's intellectual development. These programs teach children their A B Cs, help them develop their social skills, and introduce them to foreign languages at a very early age. Adults can even receive education from television by tuning into the history or national geographic channels. Therefore we have the right to say that television has and still is contributing to the development of our future leaders.

Furthermore, the British poet Alfred Tennyson once said, "death is the end of life, why should life all labor be." Mr. Tennyson is saying to us that our lives should include some entertainment and amusement. I'm sure we could think of the many long hard depressing days, when we go home and enjoy a comedy movie, our favorite talk show or watch the news. Television helps us to forget about that depressing da

and to relax. Without television life would be boring to many.

In contrast television promotes violence. This does not only mean dramatic consequences like bringing a weapon to school, but how children interact with fellow students, teacher's parents and siblings. It has been proven that the average American child sees 200,000 violent acts on television by the time their eighteen. The relationship between what we see and what we do is very complex. When we watch so much violence on television we develop violent behaviors.

Moreover television exposes our children to inappropriate activity. 95% of teenagers have been exposed to pornography on television before they reach the age of sixteen as stated by the department of child care and development. Research has shown that when children are exposed to sexual activity on television they want to explore it themselves. As a result teen pregnancy rates are rising rapidly, and the amount of teens with STDs and HIV is unbelievable.

In conclusion, television was considered a huge step forward in technology and is continuing to progress but as it still stands all good things have a downside. Undoubtedly television can be considered as both a blessing and curse.

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Television a boon or curse essay | Important essay for all type of english Exam

 television a boon or a curse, introduction  - .

television was invented in 1922 by Scottish scientists. In 1959, a television station was set up in Delhi. Many new stations happy been set up in different parts of the country.

Television is a great wonder of the modern world of science  -

Its bad effect (it adversely affects the eyesight of children)  -  .

television is sometimes harmful too. It adversely affects the eyesight of children. too much busy in seeing programs will hinder our studies vulgar songs have a bad effect on children.

It uses proper use of television is a boon and improper use a curse  - 

Useful for education - , useful for farmers -  ,  useful to women  - , useful ness in other fields  - , useful to children in educative programs  - , conclusion  - .

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Is Television a Blessing or a Curse? Essay In English

Television has its bright side and its dark side. Naturally like many other amenities, it is partly a blessing and partly a curse.Broadly speaking television has proved a blessing to us in a number of ways. Primarily we have welcomed television as a means of amusement and entertainment. 

It offers us a number of items on its screen such as music, dances, plays, stories, telecasts of tennis, foot-ball and cricket matches and episodes from the Epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. It gives a lot of information about people and places, bird life and animal life, art and architecture, science and scientific inventions. 

Those who are interested in knowledge occasionally hear lectures of great thinkers. The T.V. plays the part of a teacher by teaching school boys subjects which are taught in schools. It entertains children by telecasting fairy stories and stories of adventures. 

The T.V. offers a lot of entertainment to old and retired persons. It is a useful medium to serve as a pastime to those on whom time hangs heavy. It saves time and money because it shows us films in our house as we sit comfortably in our chairs. 

It shows us rare films, film songs or dances of bygone days which we cannot procure even by paying money. It relays daily news about our country and the world several times a day. It brings before our eyes important events and happenings, functions and festivals, scenes of calamities like earthquake and floods. 

It issues bulletins giving information about weather conditions and weather forecasts. From early morning to late at night except for short intervals the T.V. is at our service. The moment we press the button, the T.V. is ready with sound and pictures.

But the T.V. has its drawbacks too. Too much use of the T.V. is injurious to our health and physique. If we sit before the T.V. for long, our eyes will become weak and our brain will get fatigued. If students remain engrossed in the T.V. for hours together, they will neglect their studies and will make a poor show at the examinations. 

But the worst adverse effect of the T.V. is visible in our social life. It has dried the stream of social visits because the lure of seeing films on Sundays and serials on other days keeps people indoors. Even if you pay a visit to the house of a friend or a relative, you will not receive a warm welcome. 

This is the irony of life and for this state of affairs we should blame the T.V. Thus the T.V. is a blessing in many ways, nonetheless it is in some respects a curse.

DIFFICULT WORDS Amenities-comforts, Pastime-recreation, Time hangs heavytime passes slowly, Lure-enticement.


Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse


Science is a double-edged sword. It can be a blessing, providing solutions to many problems, but also a curse, creating new issues.

The Blessing of Science

Science has brought many benefits. It has improved health through medical advancements, and made life easier with inventions like the internet and smartphones.

The Curse of Science

However, science can also be a curse. The same technology that connects us can lead to isolation. And, while medical advancements save lives, they can also create ethical dilemmas.

In conclusion, whether science is a blessing or a curse depends on how we use it.

250 Words Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse

Science, a field of study that has revolutionized the world, is often viewed in a binary perspective – a blessing or a curse. This dichotomy, while simplistic, fails to capture the nuanced interplay between science and society.

The Blessings of Science

Undeniably, science has been a blessing in numerous ways. It has provided us with a profound understanding of the universe, from the microscopic world of atoms to the vast expanses of space. Medical advancements, a direct result of scientific research, have eradicated diseases and significantly increased human lifespan. Technological innovations have reshaped our lifestyles, making communication instantaneous and travel faster.

However, science can also be seen as a curse when its power is misused. The development of weapons of mass destruction, environmental degradation due to industrialization, and the ethical dilemmas posed by advancements in genetic engineering are all examples of the potential harm science can cause.

In conclusion, science is neither a blessing nor a curse in itself. It is a tool, and like any tool, its impact depends on how it is used. The key lies in developing a responsible scientific culture that prioritizes ethical considerations and sustainable practices. Only then can we fully harness the potential of science as a blessing, mitigating its potential to become a curse.

500 Words Essay on Science – A Blessing or a Curse

Science, with its profound implications and remarkable discoveries, has always been a subject of debate. Is it a blessing or a curse? This question has been a topic of contention for many intellectuals and thinkers throughout history. The answer, however, is not as straightforward as it might seem.

Science has unquestionably been a blessing in numerous ways. It has enabled us to understand the world around us, from the smallest particles to the vast expanses of the universe. The application of scientific knowledge has resulted in technological advancements that have revolutionized our lives.

Medicine, a field deeply rooted in science, has made leaps and bounds in combating diseases and improving human health. Diseases that were once death sentences are now manageable or even curable, thanks to science.

Moreover, science has played a pivotal role in enhancing communication. The advent of the internet, smartphones, and other digital technologies has bridged gaps, bringing the world closer together. We can now interact with people thousands of miles away in real-time, a feat that was unthinkable just a few decades ago.

However, science is not without its dark side. The same scientific advancements that have brought about countless benefits can also be exploited for harmful purposes.

Nuclear technology, for instance, has the potential to provide an almost inexhaustible source of energy. Yet, it also gave rise to nuclear weapons, posing a significant threat to humanity.

Similarly, the rapid pace of technological advancement has led to a rise in electronic waste, contributing to environmental degradation. Additionally, the misuse of personal information in the digital age raises serious concerns about privacy and security.

Science: A Double-Edged Sword

It’s clear that science is a double-edged sword, capable of being both a blessing and a curse. Its impact on society is largely determined by how we choose to use it. Science itself is neutral; it simply provides us with knowledge and tools. It’s our responsibility to use these wisely and ethically.

In conclusion, science can be both a blessing and a curse. It has the power to transform our lives for the better, but it can also lead to destruction and harm if misused. As we continue to explore and innovate, we must ensure that the ethics of science are always at the forefront. The future of science should be guided not just by what we can do, but also by what we should do. This balance between potential and ethics will determine whether science remains a blessing or becomes a curse.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Blessings of Science
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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Essay on “Science- A Blessing or A Curse” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

Science- A Blessing or A Curse

Science has revolutionized the human existence. Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields right from the stone age to the modern age is due to the progress made in the field of science. Not only material progress but also the mental outlook of man has been influenced by it. It has made man’s life more comfortable. Agriculture, business, transport, communication and medicine to name a few are all highly indebted to the wonders science has produced.

Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of modern science. It is a source of energy. It can run any type of machinery. With the help of electricity, we can light our rooms run buses and trains, and lift water for irrigation.

The discovery and development of a large number of powerful energy sources coal, petroleum, natural gas, electricity, etc. have facilitated the growth of fast modes of transport an communication, which in turn have changed the world into a global village. Science has given man the means of travelling cars, trains, ships, etc. Man has even travelled to the moon. Faster means of transport can be utilized for sending food grains to victims of famine or epidemics across the globe, for transporting armed men for fighting in distant places.

Science has benefited agriculture too. The food production levels and quality have improved. Soil analysis, hybrid verities of crops, fertilizers, pesticides, advanced tools and machinery, improved irrigation methods, etc. have all contributed to the increase of the production of crops.

Today we have metrological satellites in outer space sending data and pictures to earth stations helping agriculture scientists find and analyses soil patterns. They also help them trace the progress of rains winds and even locusts that endanger crops. Satellites can even forewarn about natural calamities like hurricanes which cause mass destruction.

Man with the help of science, has been able to increase longevity, arrest the gradual decay of human body and control the spread of lethal diseases by making extraordinary life prolonging drugs and medicines. Diseases like tuberculosis and many kinds of cancer which were considered fatal a few decades ago are no longer incurable.

One of the biggest achievements of science is in the field of entertainment. Leisure management industry, with television shows, music concerts and films, is emerging as emerging as the largest and the most important industry in the twenty first century satellite television has made it possible for millions of people to watch sporting and entertainment events taking place in different parts of the world simultaneously.

Information technology and computer have revolutionized our lifestyle. Automation in banks and railways stations has provided relief to the public and staff alike. Ticketing and reservation have become more efficient and convenient. In medical diagnosis, computers are used to locate and investigate accurately and reservation have become more efficient convenient. In medical diagnosis, computers are used to locate and investigate accurately and precisely any abnormalities or diseases. The internet has some very useful applications in our day to day life. Mobile phones are the outcome of information technology. But at the same time it cannot be denied that the boon in many cases has turned out to be the bane. There are innumerable examples which prove that science a blessing has been turned into a curse.

Sir Alfred Nobel experience with dynamite to clear huge mountains to turn it into productive lands. But modern man uses it to kill his fellow human beings and destroy nature. It is a fact that much of the national income of a developing country is spent on acquiring latest weapons, bombs and missiles. Guns, revolvers, tanks and fighter planners’ explosives nuclear bombs, etc were invented to develop a strong security system to protect the innocent masses, but their misuse is now crushing humanity. Apart from atomic weapons man has also started stockpiling biological and chemical weapons. These weapons are equally dangerous.

Biotechnology is a great boon for fighting disease. But along with medicines lethal biological weapons have also been developed. Germs are deliberately released into the air to spread diseases. Anthrax envelopes are used for spreading terrorism.

The negative effects of the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, used to increase yield are now evident. Soil salinity has increases. Traces of DDT are found in plants.

The power of the internet is also being abused through unhealthy practice such as the widespread use of pornographic materials. Lots of people spend their time in chat rooms for obscene discussions.

Science has two faces good and bad. It depends on us which face we want to see. If we use the gifts of science in a positive manner with positive intention and in positive direction it will benefit the mankind, but if we misuse it, it will prove harmful to all. To save ourselves and the world as a whole from destruction, we should use the gifts of science properly.

Essay No. 2

Science – A Blessing or Curse

This is the age of science and technology. Science has changed the face of the earth with its too many wonderful inventions and discoveries. If one of our ancestors were to return to the earth, he or she would not be able to recognize it – so tremendous, complete and fundamental has been the change.

Science has benefited mankind in an unprecedented manner by its wonderful progress and development. And still the development, research, inventions and discoveries are going on a very fast track. These are of fundamental nature and of far reaching consequences, also much so that the world would get further transformed unrecognizably.

Science touches all of us and our life at every step, as a big boon and blessing. It has helped us to conquer space and time. The world has now become a global village, thanks to very fast and reliable means of travel and communication. Science has also helped man to conquer the moon and to explore the outer space. Many a fatal disease is now checked and eradicated. The great and significant researches in the fields, of agriculture, irrigation, water – management, etc,. have helped in developing new variety of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and effective methods of water conservation. These benefits and facilities were not available to our forefathers.

The use of computers and super computers has further revolutionized our life and work with the dawn of scientific era, the barriers of the nations are crumbling fast and the international living and interaction are very much in sight. Nations and countries have come close rand isolation has  been eliminated. A new composite culture marked with greater tolerance and understanding , and secularism is now assured. In a sense, science has unified the world and reduced differences in outlook and thinking. By removing many superstitions and blind beliefs, modern science has inculcated scientific temper and spirit in man to great extent.

Because of science and technology there has been tremendous progress in the fields of industry, commerce and human resources development as well. Consequently, there is a new world economic order in sight and the gap between the developed and developed countries are being reduced. The new economic order ensures a great industrial and corporate cooperation, globalization, expansion and liberalization among the nations. The quality of life and standard of living, in various underdeveloped and developing countries, have improved and the countries are likely to be upgraded further. The contribution of science in the betterment of human life has been great and significant and further expectations from it are no less significant or great. The boons and blessings of science assure us further strengthening of human equality, fraternity and liberty.

Man feels more safe, secure, comfortable and important. Today than ever before, because of scientific development and advancement. The day is not far off when we shall have colonies on the moon and the planets. Science has achieved much, and promises to achieve still more and more in the years to come. Science has tamed forces of nature, conquered space  and time, eradicated  may fatal diseases given us food clothing etc. , enough to spare. Now there are no more famines, epidemics and pestilences. Science ahs even pushed further  the threats of death and increased the average longevity of man.

But science has been a mixed blessing. It has been a boon and blessing in certain fields; it has also proved a curse and bane in many others. It has given us many dangerous and destructive weapons like atom and hydrogen bombs and missiles. During the second world War itself 300,000 people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the USA dropped atom bombs there in 1945. The biological and chemical weapons  are still more destructive. The bombs and other means of mass destruction now produced are far more lethal and powerful than used in 1945. The biological and chemical weapons are still more dangerous and destructive. They have the added advantage, as the source of attack can remain hidden and unidentified to a great extent. These weapons can be used to declaration of war. Then there are well- organized terrorist groups spread all over the world. They use these weapons in their desperation and sue unprecedented deaths and ruination.

Shakespeare has said that there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. There have been many scientific researches and discoveries which have unfortunately been hijacked to harmful destructive paths. It is reported that about half a million scientists are now employed on weapon research through hour the world. The huge amount of money spent on these dangerous recherché fan    exceeds the amount of money being spent on developing technologies for new energy resources, improving human health, raising agricultural productivity, controlling  pollution, etc.

At the end of the last world war, many of the scientists were taken away by the victorious countries for developing their own biological and chemical war  weapons. It is alleged that the outbreak of plague in India in 1994 was genetically engineered.

Obviously, science is being used so much for destructive purpose and so little for meeting real needs of humanity. This turns science into a bane. It is man who is ultimately responsible for turning science into a curse instead a blessing. By itself science can be said to  a blessing , boon or bonanza; the bane and cures are brought about by our wrong orientation and priorities.

The misuse of science has ushered in our life many undesirable elements. There has been erosion in man’s faith in sod and religion. Morality and ethics have been marginalized and materialism has increased unprecedented. Rapid , unplanned and indiscriminate industrialization has resulted in pollution on a vast scale. No doubt , science and technology has taken giant strides in recent times, but it has dehumanized human life in the same proportion.

Human values have been pushed in the background and man has become more selfish, cruel , sensual, violent and destructive. There is no more simple living and high thinking. But let us hope that ultimately sanity prevails and science is used more and more for the benefit of mankind. It depends solely upon man himself how he uses science and its discoveries and researches. Science as knowledge and power is neither savior nor destroyer.

Essay No. 03

Science is a Blessing, not a Curse 

Science is important in today’s life. We cannot live without science in the modern world. Science can be called one of the greatest blessings of this age. We owe all our progress to it. Today we can go round the globe in a matter of hours. Inventions such as washing machine, refrigerator, air-conditioner, dishwasher and geyser make our lives easy. Television, cinema and compact discs have changed the entertainment industry. Thousands of lives are saved every day due to the progress of medical science. It is impossible to run a company or a factory without a computer. We can also say that computers are the greatest invention of modern age. However., r science has also brought a lot of misery upon man. Nuclear weapons can destroy our planet several times over.

It is not impossible to remove at least some of the curses of  science. We must resolve to use it only to make life better for man. We must also not pollute our planet or cut trees any more. We must not build any more arms until every man has food on his plate. In this way, we can build a better world. Science is, at its heart, a quest; a quest whose goal is to create an understanding of the universe. In fact, science attempts to quantify reality. It does this in many ways; through experimentation and observation, through theorizing and testing. This quest has been undergoing since the birth of mankind and yet the further we go the further away the end of the quest seems to be. Despite this, it has been theorized that man will eventually understand the universe through science and its relentless quest for knowledge. Not only has it been said that this is likely, but it has been said that this understanding lies mere decades away from the present. Is this possible, not only mere decades from the present, but is it possible, at all, to achieve an understanding of the universe? In short, no. The extended answer, however, takes a little more time.

First, to begin the answer to this question, it is necessary to understand what is meant by understanding the universe. It means “the act of one who comes to know the meaning of; who apprehends”. Well, in the realm of science, understanding the universe would probably entail the creation of a TOE (Theory of Everything). The TOE is to the theoretical physicist as the holy grail was to King Arthur; it is the most desirable peak of achievement. To the uninitiated, a TOE is a theorem that explains, literally, everything, from the motion of subatomic particles to the existence of black holes and the motion of galaxies. The TOE would, in effect, explain the behaviour and nature of everything in the universe. It could, in effect be a way through which we could understand the universe and it has been theorized that such a theory is not far away.

Does this theory, however, if it is created, indicate that we do understand in full, the nature of the universe. The answer is, simply Put, no; not in any regards at all. First of all, the creation of a TOE that works does not even mean that it is right. It is possible that any formula created may function out of mere coincidence instead of out of a profound truth. Discounting this fact for a moment, the  creation of a formula in no way imparts understanding. Man has discovered and expressed the speed of light (in vacuum) as being 3 x 10 8 m/s. However, this in no way means that everyone understands this and, in fact, it is improbable that anyone can even begin to imagine this speed. Thus, how can we hope to derive understanding out of a formula that would be almost infinitely more complicated then a mere number? The answer is, of course, that most of us, if not all, could not begin to understand such a formula much less its implications or meanings. Why, however, can we not hope to understand such things? Are we not sane, rational beings? Well, to put it simply, human beings seem far to simple to actually understand the universe in all of its entirety, even if it is reduced to a formula. It has been theorized that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies each containing an equal number of solar systems. Despite this, most stars’ closest neighbour is more than 10 light years away. How could a human mind, being comprised such a tiny amount of brain cells, hope to understand something so big? The fact is that there is such a limited capacity in the human mind that such understanding almost unequivocally escapes us.

Essay No. 04

Science – A Blessing or A Curse

Science has benefited man in several ways. It has made man’s life more comfortable, more secure and more powerful. But it is not an unmixed blessing. There are several disadvantages of science.  However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

In the early stages of civilization, man used to be scared of the natural forces. Thunder, storm and lightning frightened him. He used to worship every object of nature-sky, earth, trees, air, sun and moon. Even animals were worshipped. It was because man could not understand the natural phenomena and he wanted to keep those forces happy. So he did that by bowing before them. He believed that if he kept those forces happy, they would not hurt him. He was, in short, a slave of nature.  But today, man has become the master of nature. His area of knowledge is vast, his power over nature immense. His mastery of the sky and the earth is nearly complete. The moon and other objects no longer fill man with fear. The earth holds few secrets not known to man. How has this tremendous change come about?

Science has revolutionized the human existence. Take, for instance, electricity which is one of the many gifts of science. All one has to do is to press a button.  The room is flooded with light, the fan begins to whirr and give refreshing air, or still more, a desert cooler or an air conditioner turns the room into a hill resort. Thousand types of machines are run by electricity. Room heaters, electric ovens and cooking ranges and several other household appliances are operated by electricity. It runs factories which produce innumerable things of our daily use.

Science has also relieved to a great extent human suffering. Advance in the field of medicine and surgery have reduced the rate of infant mortality. The average life span of man has increased. Today, many the dreaded diseases like cholera, small-pox and even tuberculosis are easily curable with the help of medicines. Surgery can remove malignant also proved to be harmful. The machine age made many people unemployed. Now there is no need for so many hands to do a task. Only one person is required to manipulate the machine. Thus, it has led to unemployment.

Machines have also led to degradation of our environment. The poisonous fumes and gases emitted by vehicles and industrial units have polluted the air we breathe and pose a threat to the health of the people.

In the light of all these grave dangers, it is imperative that man tries to make judicious use of machines. After all, man had applied his mind to invent new things not to make his life miserable, but to make it more comfortable and better.  Machines should serve mankind. Man should ensure that he does not allow them to destroy his environment and health and put the life of all living things in grave danger beyond a point of no return.

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television a blessing or a curse essay


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I was also writing an essay and I needed some points…. This essay was really helpful… 🙂

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plz give me the quotations about this essay??

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Science of today is Technology of tomorrow

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Emerson Says ” Science surpasses the old miracles of mythology “.

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The essays are on point with soo many Knowledge and broader understanding on the concept of science.Thanks a lot.

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nice one very useful

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do u have an essay for class 6

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good English used and sentence construction is awesome and ,grammar……… perfect .THANKYOU

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i need some strong points that science is a curse…plz help me

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This is the coolest site of composition ever!! All the grammars, lines & sentences are just so perfect.

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Sure scientific knowledge or advertisements is a greater understanding;blessing to mankind. Scientists has contributed to the development an a wealthy room for man. We live in a 🌍 that has been developed by scientific. Science are making the world more popular with the help of inventing new things to acquire a more and more greater power to make lives easier, and enjoyable and comfortable

Thousands of lives are saved every day.

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Too nicesir,but plz help me ,I”ve to attend a seminar about “.Aatankvaad”

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It’s great , very good essay

It’s great , very good essay sir But I was looking for an essay about science as a curse

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It was really a great essay .

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Very Useful 👍🙂

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Yes it is so useful for the students

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The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse? Essay

Introduction, the internet, a blessing, the internet, a curse.

The invention of the computer and the subsequent birth of the internet has been seen as the most significant advance of the 20th century. Over the course of the past few decades, there has been a remarkable rise in the use of computers and the internet and these two have revolutionized the way in which we carry out our day to day activities. In addition to this, the unprecedented high adoption rate of the internet has resulted in it being a necessity in the running of our day to day lives. With this wide-scale penetration of the internet into many facets of our life, it has become apparent that the internet has both positive and negative effects on individuals and society at large.

In light of this reality of the two faces of the internet, there has risen the question of whether the internet is a blessing or a curse to mankind. This paper shall argue that while the internet does pose many real dangers, the internet is overall a blessing to humanity and its positive impacts far outweigh its ills. To reinforce this assertion, this paper shall highlight the significant merits of the internet and demonstrate how the ills can be mitigated for the good of all.

One of the most monumental effects of the internet is that it has led to the speeding up of globalization which is a process characterized by a major integration of economies and cultures. Globalization is characterized by a reduction in barriers between nations as the world strives to become a harmonic society. Sahay (2005, p.36) asserts that the ability of computing technologies to traverse geographical and social barriers has resulted in the creation of a closer-knit global community. The internet is to a large extent responsible for breaking down the barriers between different nations and therefore making the move towards making the world a global village feasible. This is because the internet exposes people to varying cultures and traditions therefore making us appreciate the differences.

Knowledge has always been seen to be critical to the advancement of any civilization. As such, man has always sought for ways to accumulate and disseminate information for the betterment of his kind. The internet has greatly aided this task by enabling the sharing of information among people at a previously unprecedented scale. This sharing of information has resulted in an increase in knowledge as people exchange ideas through the internet. With the help of the internet, are no longer confined to physical libraries as their only source of information. They can now tap into the vast resources that computers present through the internet. The internet’s connectivity has also led to more collaboration among students and scientists in their quest for knowledge thus further enhancing their educational experience.

The internet has afforded people the chance to get an education at their convenience. In the early years, one had to physically attend school facilities for educational purposes. This locked out multitudes of people who had the will to obtain an education but lacked the time to make it happen. Computers have changed this by enabling learning to be more dynamic by the use of online classes. This is in the form of the phenomenon known as “online education”. Students can take classes from wherever they may be and at any time by using virtual classrooms. The internet has therefore increased the number of people currently enrolled in higher learning institutes thus making education more universal than it was before the inception of computers.

The internet has led to a shift in the power bases by taking power from the political and economic elites, big businesses and governments and transferring the same to ordinary people. Ward (2003) suggests that through its distributive ability, the internet will decentralize traditional media channels, therefore, allowing for the interactive community which will result in citizen-based, participatory democracy. Therefore, as a result of the internet, people are no longer privy to government misinformation or even propaganda since they can report the news for themselves. This is a desirable change especially in countries whereby power is wielded by a few elites who control mainstream media and oppress their people.

As more people give information or perform activities online, the internet continues to cause a great infringement on individual privacy which is defined as “the right to be left alone” (Moran & Weinroth 2008, 46). This is especially through online shopping whereby one may be forced to enter personal details. When a person accesses the internet, their activities online may be monitored and information about them stored. User privacies have been violated by the use of tracking software and cookies which have enabled organizations to profile individuals. This information is normally collected without consent and sometimes without the knowledge of the user. Moran and Weinroth note that a more daunting reality is the possibility of this data being accessed and utilized for activities that may negatively impact the individual.

The internet has brought about the creation of a new class of people known as Hackers who are people who break into computer systems mostly for the fun of it. Hacking is one of the things which make the internet a very dangerous place. This is because hacking might lead to the exploitation of the vulnerabilities of a system resulting in harm or obtaining some illegal gains for the hacker.

While computer hacking is a criminal act under federal laws, this has not helped to deter the hackers and the fact that some countries do not have laws against hacking only makes dealing with hackers more difficult. While some hackers present themselves to the public and the hacking community as good or fighting for a good cause, this is not always the case as some hackers do use their skills for destruction or even blackmail (Jones & Valli 2008). As such, usage of the internet exposes one to dangers from hackers who may steal ones identity and use it to commit fraud.

One of the uglier effects of the internet is that it has made the world more dangerous for children. This is especially with regard to sexual exploitation since the internet has exposed children through its great connectivity power. The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2000) states that pedophiles may and actually do use the internet to find potential victims and trade in child pornography. By use of chat rooms, children may be lured into meeting strangers who may then proceed to sexually abuse them.

While such acts were there before the internet era, the internet has made prying on children easier and more effective than was in the past. The internet is also used to facilitate the sex trade through websites that offer detailed information as to the counties where pedophiles may go to exploit children owing to the place’s lax child protection laws. The fact that the internet gives anonymity to people is one of the features which have led to the increase in child sexual exploitation through the internet.

The internet has brought about the possibility of cyber terrorism which is defined as “the premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents.” (Bidgoli 2004, p.354). The most notable of these attacks was perpetrated against Georgia and Estonia following the dispute with Russia. Korns and Kastenver (2009) note that these attacks resulted in the disabling of communication means for the Georgian government. These realities are bleak considering the fact that a small terrorist group may make use of the internet to severe essential infrastructure of a country.

For all its good, the internet remains as a dangerous and unregulated highway whereby crimes are committed and accountability is low. From the discussions presented above, it is clear that there are a number of real dangers that exist as a result of the internet. Some of these dangers e.g. the risk of children falling prey to molesters may be resolved by the use of a police force that has the power to monitor the internet.

The creation of global and enforceable laws which will make people legally accountable for their actions will also result in making the internet safer for all. While this goes against the basic idea of the internet as a place without any restrictions, every day realities dictate that law enforcement is necessary online to contain crimes that are continually being instigated through the internet. By so doing, some form of order can be brought to the internet, therefore, making it safer for all.

The threat of hackers is very real and presents a big challenge especially to organizations handling critical data. To cope with this, there are tools in place to secure computer networks against attacks. These tools ensure that threats against a network are identified and neutralized and that vulnerabilities are identified and protection measures are adopted. By detecting and defeating the intruders, the advantages of the internet can be reaped without any real danger to the individual or the organization.

The threat of terrorist attacks is very real in today’s world. Wilson (2005) notes that many international terrorist groups are actively using the internet to communicate amongst themselves, spread propaganda and even recruit new members. This raises the possibility that the internet could be used to carry out a well coordinated cyberattack on the critical infrastructure of the country. Wilson (2005) declares that it is unlikely that cyberterrorism will pose the same threat that physical attacks such as Nuclear, Biological or chemical threats pose. As such, the internet does not greatly empower terrorists to carry out their actions and as such, the fear of terrorists causing significant harm through the internet is unfounded.

This paper set out to argue that the internet is mostly benevolent to man. To reinforce these claims, this paper has highlighted some of the positive impacts of the internet on man. The negative impacts have also been stated and a discussion on how real the dangers are undertaken. From the findings in this paper, it is clear that some of the dangers associated with the internet are exaggerated and the real once can be gracefully handled through available means. This paper has noted that by adopting these measures against the dangers inherent in the internet, the dangers can be mitigated or even extinguish all together. Once that is done, the positive attributes of the internet can be exploited therefore making the internet a blessing to mankind and his endeavors.

Bidgoli, H 2004, The Internet encyclopedia, Volume 1. John Wiley and Sons.

Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2000), Child Sexually Exploitation and the Internet . Web.

Jones, A & Valli, C 2008, Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Korns, WS & Kastenverg, EJ 2009, Georgia’s Cyber Left Hook . Web.

Moran, JT & Weinroth, J 2008 , Invasion Of Privacy On The Internet: Information Capturing Without Consent, Journal of Business & Economics Research, Volume 6, Number 7.

Sahay, R, 2005, The causes and Trends of the Digital Divide . Web.

Ward, D 2003, Impact of New Technology on the Traditional Media: A Special Issue of Trends in Communication, Routledge.

Wilson, C 2005, Computer Attack and Cyberterrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 21). The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?

"The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" IvyPanda , 21 Mar. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse'. 21 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022.


IvyPanda . "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022.

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television a blessing or a curse essay

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An Essay on Computer: Blessing or Curse

Photo of Shaheer

  • Introduction
  • Blessings of Computers
  • Potential Downsides and Concerns
  • Striking a Balance

In our fast-paced modern era, computers have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives. They stand as powerful tools that have redefined how we communicate, learn, work, and find entertainment. From revolutionizing education to enhancing global connectivity, the impact of computers is undeniable. However, as with any powerful tool, there are also important considerations about privacy, security, and the potential for overreliance.

Computers have bestowed numerous blessings upon humanity. Firstly, they have revolutionized communication. Through emails, social media, and video conferencing, we can now connect with people from all corners of the globe in an instant. This has strengthened relationships and enabled collaborations on a global scale.

Secondly, computers have transformed education. They provide access to a vast repository of knowledge through the internet, making learning more interactive and engaging. Online courses and educational resources have made quality education accessible to a wider audience, breaking down geographical barriers.

In the realm of business and work, computers have greatly enhanced efficiency. Tasks that once took hours or even days to complete can now be accomplished in a fraction of the time. This has boosted productivity and allowed for more time to be devoted to creative and strategic endeavors.

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However, alongside the blessings, there are also potential downsides to consider. One significant concern is the overreliance on computers. Some individuals may become so engrossed in their screens that they neglect real-world interactions, leading to a sense of isolation and detachment.

Another concern is the threat to privacy and security. With the increasing amount of personal information stored online, there is a risk of unauthorized access and misuse. Cybersecurity breaches can lead to financial loss and compromise sensitive data.

The rapid pace of technological advancement can result in a digital divide. Those who have access to the latest technology may have significant advantages over those who do not, creating disparities in opportunities and access to information.

To ensure that computers remain a blessing rather than a curse, it is crucial to strike a balance. This involves being mindful of our screen time and making an effort to engage in face-to-face interactions. It also means taking measures to protect our privacy and being vigilant about online security.

Efforts should be made to bridge the digital divide. Providing equal access to technology and digital literacy programs can help level the playing field and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from what computers have to offer.

In conclusion, computers have undeniably brought about a multitude of blessings, transforming the way we live, work, and connect with one another. However, it is important to acknowledge and address the potential downsides and concerns associated with their use.

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Is Television a Blessing or a Curse?

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On April 7, 1927 the world was introduced to a new kind of entertainment, one that would change the world forever. This unaccustomed entertainment was known as television. Television is described by as telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. Though television has the potential to inform, educate and to entertain, it also has the competence to promote violence negative behaviors and expose children to inappropriate activity.


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Firstly television informs us about what is going on around the world. There are over twenty five news channels on cable television which broadcast local and worldwide news continuously.

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Additionally it has been proven by the center for promoting growth and achievement that 75% of children who do well in school started their education with television. Television programs such as sesame street and blues clues enhance children’s intellectual development. These programs teach children their A B Cs, help them develop their social skills, and introduce them to foreign languages at a very early age. Adults can even receive education from television by tuning into the history or national geographic channels. Therefore we have the right to say that television has and still is contributing to the development of our future leaders.

Furthermore, the British poet Alfred Tennyson once said, “death is the end of life, why should life all labor be.” Mr. Tennyson is saying to us that our lives should include some entertainment and amusement. I’m sure we could think of the many long hard depressing days, when we go home and enjoy a comedy movie, our favorite talk show or watch the news. Television helps us to forget about that depressing day and to relax. Without television life would be boring to many.  

In contrast television promotes violence. This does not only mean dramatic consequences like bringing a weapon to school, but how children interact with fellow students, teacher’s parents and siblings. It has been proven that the average American child sees 200,000 violent acts on television by the time their eighteen. The relationship between what we see and what we do is very complex. When we watch so much violence on television we develop violent behaviors.

Moreover television exposes our children to inappropriate activity. 95% of teenagers have been exposed to pornography on television before they reach the age of sixteen as stated by the department of child care and development. Research has shown that when children are exposed to sexual activity on television they want to explore it themselves. As a result teen pregnancy rates are rising rapidly, and the amount of teens with STDs and HIV is unbelievable.

In conclusion, television was considered a huge step forward in technology and is continuing to progress but as it still stands all good things have a downside. Undoubtedly television can be considered as both a blessing and curse.

Is Television a Blessing or a Curse?

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  • Word Count 480
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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Hamas Fires Rockets Into Israel from Lebanon

The launches, nearly all of which Israel shot down, were an apparent attempt by the group to show it remains a threat even as the war has degraded its military capabilities in Gaza.

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Euan Ward

By Euan Ward

reporting from Beirut, Lebanon

  • April 29, 2024

Hamas’s military wing said on Monday that it had launched a salvo of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel, an apparent attempt by the group to signal that it is still capable of striking within Israel’s borders even as it studies the latest proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza.

The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, said in a statement that it had targeted an Israeli military position in Kiryat Shmona, the largest city in Israel’s far north, with a “concentrated rocket barrage” from southern Lebanon. The Israeli military said in a statement that most of the roughly 20 launches that crossed the border had been intercepted, and that it had responded by striking the source of fire. There were no injuries or damage, the military said.

Though Hamas is based in Gaza, many of its leaders are exiled in Lebanon , where the group has a sizable presence and operates largely out of Palestinian refugee camps. Since the Hamas-led terror attack on Oct. 7 prompted Israel to go to war in Gaza, Hamas has occasionally launched rocket attacks into northern Israel from within Lebanon’s borders, though its ally Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group, has launched far more. Both groups are backed by Iran. Israel has also targeted Hamas figures in Lebanon in deadly strikes.

Walid al Kilani, Hamas’s spokesman in Lebanon, said the attack was “the minimum duty” given Israel’s continued attacks in Gaza. “We know that Hezbollah is doing its duty and more, but the battlefield requires everyone to participate,” Mr. Kilani said.

The launches on Monday, although muted in their impact, highlighted Hamas’s continuing ability to threaten Israel with rocket fire despite more than 200 days of a devastating Israeli air and ground offensive that has decimated the group’s military capabilities in Gaza.

Mohanad Hage Ali, a Beirut-based fellow with the Carnegie Middle East Center, said the attack was likely an attempt by Hamas to signal that it was “still part of the fight.” While it was largely symbolic, it could also be a means to apply pressure amid the Gaza cease-fire negotiations, he said.

Data compiled by the online website Rocket Alert — which tracks warnings of rocket launches using Israeli military figures — shows that there were just 37 alerts in April in response to detected rocket fire from Gaza, compared to around 7,300 in October at the onset of the war. More than six months into the conflict, the data shows a significant drop-off in the number of warnings of rockets from Gaza.

Alerts indicating rocket fire from Lebanon, however, have remained largely steady, the data shows. Most of those are launched by Hezbollah, but Hamas continues to launch attacks from Lebanon with Hezbollah’s blessing.

Amin Hoteit, a military analyst and former brigadier general in the Lebanese army, said the latest attack was a sign of the “integrated front of operations” among Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iran-backed groups in the region .

Hwaida Saad and Jonathan Rosen contributed reporting.

Euan Ward is a reporter contributing to The Times from Beirut. More about Euan Ward


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    On April 7, 1927 the world was introduced to a new kind of entertainment, one that would change the world forever. This unaccustomed entertainment was known as television. Television is described by as telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance.

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    The Comfortable Problem of Mid TV. It's got a great cast. It looks cinematic. It's, um … fine. And it's everywhere. A few years ago, "Atlanta" and "PEN15" were teaching TV new ...

  21. Television A Blessing Or A Curse Essay

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  23. Opinion

    Mr. Wu is a law professor at Columbia, a contributing Opinion writer and the author of "The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age." China's violations of human rights and the ...

  24. In Berkeley Public Schools, a War Gives Rise to Unusual Tensions

    Kurt Streeter reported from Berkeley, Calif. May 7, 2024, 5:03 a.m. ET. The controversy began with a walkout. On Oct. 18, hundreds of Berkeley High School students, with the blessing of some of ...

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  27. Arizona Lawmakers Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban, Creating Rift on the Right

    Spectators filled the gallery in the Arizona House chamber last week. The State Senate on Wednesday voted to repeal the 1864 ban. Ash Ponders for The New York Times. By Jack Healy and Elizabeth ...

  28. Hamas Fires Rockets Into Israel from Lebanon

    April 29, 2024. Hamas's military wing said on Monday that it had launched a salvo of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel, an apparent attempt by the group to signal that it is still ...