Multiple assignment in Python: Assign multiple values or the same value to multiple variables

In Python, the = operator is used to assign values to variables.

You can assign values to multiple variables in one line.

Assign multiple values to multiple variables

Assign the same value to multiple variables.

You can assign multiple values to multiple variables by separating them with commas , .

You can assign values to more than three variables, and it is also possible to assign values of different data types to those variables.

When only one variable is on the left side, values on the right side are assigned as a tuple to that variable.

If the number of variables on the left does not match the number of values on the right, a ValueError occurs. You can assign the remaining values as a list by prefixing the variable name with * .

For more information on using * and assigning elements of a tuple and list to multiple variables, see the following article.

  • Unpack a tuple and list in Python

You can also swap the values of multiple variables in the same way. See the following article for details:

  • Swap values ​​in a list or values of variables in Python

You can assign the same value to multiple variables by using = consecutively.

For example, this is useful when initializing multiple variables with the same value.

After assigning the same value, you can assign a different value to one of these variables. As described later, be cautious when assigning mutable objects such as list and dict .

You can apply the same method when assigning the same value to three or more variables.

Be careful when assigning mutable objects such as list and dict .

If you use = consecutively, the same object is assigned to all variables. Therefore, if you change the value of an element or add a new element in one variable, the changes will be reflected in the others as well.

If you want to handle mutable objects separately, you need to assign them individually.

after c = []; d = [] , c and d are guaranteed to refer to two different, unique, newly created empty lists. (Note that c = d = [] assigns the same object to both c and d .) 3. Data model — Python 3.11.3 documentation

You can also use copy() or deepcopy() from the copy module to make shallow and deep copies. See the following article.

  • Shallow and deep copy in Python: copy(), deepcopy()

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Python allows you to assign values to multiple variables in one line:

Note: Make sure the number of variables matches the number of values, or else you will get an error.

One Value to Multiple Variables

And you can assign the same value to multiple variables in one line:

Unpack a Collection

If you have a collection of values in a list, tuple etc. Python allows you to extract the values into variables. This is called unpacking .

Unpack a list:

Learn more about unpacking in our Unpack Tuples Chapter.

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Provide Multiple Statements on a Single Line in Python

Python is known for its readability and simplicity, allowing developers to express concepts concisely. While it generally encourages clear and straightforward code, there are scenarios where you might want to execute multiple statements on a single line. In this article, we’ll explore the logic, and syntax, and provide different examples of how to achieve this in Python.

What are Multiple Statements on a Single Line?

The key to placing multiple statements on a single line in Python is to use a semicolon (;) to separate each statement. This allows you to execute multiple commands within the same line, enhancing code compactness. However, it’s important to use this feature judiciously, as overly complex code can lead to reduced readability.

Syntax: The basic syntax for placing multiple statements on a single line is as follows:

How To Provide Multiple Statements On A Single Line In Python?

Below, are the methods of How To Provide Multiple Statements On A Single Line In Python .

  • Variable Assignment & Print Statement
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loop with Break Statement

Variable Assignment and Print Statement

In this example, three statements are executed on a single line. First, we assign the value 5 to the variable x , then we assign 10 to the variable y , and finally, we print the sum of x and y .

Multiple Statements On A Single Line Using Conditional Statements

Here, a conditional statement is used to determine eligibility based on the value of the variable age . The result is assigned to the variable message , and it is printed in a single line.

Multiple Statements On A Single Line Using Loop with Break Statement

In this example, a loop iterates through the numbers list, prints each number, and checks if it equals the target . If the target is found, the found variable is set to True , and the loop is terminated with the break statement .

Multiple Statements On A Single Line Using List Comprehension

In this example, a list comprehension is used to generate a list of squares for even numbers in the range from 1 to 5. The result is assigned to the squares variable, and the list is printed on a single line.

While Python emphasizes readability, there are situations where placing multiple statements on a single line can be useful. The semicolon (;) is the key syntax element for achieving this. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between conciseness and readability to ensure maintainability and understanding of the code

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Mastering Multiple Variable Assignment in Python

Python's ability to assign multiple variables in a single line is a feature that exemplifies the language's emphasis on readability and efficiency. In this detailed blog post, we'll explore the nuances of assigning multiple variables in Python, a technique that not only simplifies code but also enhances its readability and maintainability.

Introduction to Multiple Variable Assignment

Python allows the assignment of multiple variables simultaneously. This feature is not only a syntactic sugar but a powerful tool that can make your code more Pythonic.

What is Multiple Variable Assignment?

  • Simultaneous Assignment : Python enables the initialization of several variables in a single line, thereby reducing the number of lines of code and making it more readable.
  • Versatility : This feature can be used with various data types and is particularly useful for unpacking sequences.

Basic Multiple Variable Assignment

The simplest form of multiple variable assignment in Python involves assigning single values to multiple variables in one line.

Syntax and Examples

Parallel Assignment : Assign values to several variables in parallel.

  • Clarity and Brevity : This form of assignment is clear and concise.
  • Efficiency : Reduces the need for multiple lines when initializing several variables.

Unpacking Sequences into Variables

Python takes multiple variable assignment a step further with unpacking, allowing the assignment of sequences to individual variables.

Unpacking Lists and Tuples

Direct Unpacking : If you have a list or tuple, you can unpack its elements into individual variables.

Unpacking Strings

Character Assignment : You can also unpack strings into variables with each character assigned to one variable.

Using Underscore for Unwanted Values

When unpacking, you may not always need all the values. Python allows the use of the underscore ( _ ) as a placeholder for unwanted values.

Ignoring Unnecessary Values

Discarding Values : Use _ for values you don't intend to use.

Swapping Variables Efficiently

Multiple variable assignment can be used for an elegant and efficient way to swap the values of two variables.

Swapping Variables

No Temporary Variable Needed : Swap values without the need for an additional temporary variable.

Advanced Unpacking Techniques

Python provides even more advanced ways to handle multiple variable assignments, especially useful with longer sequences.

Extended Unpacking

Using Asterisk ( * ): Python 3 introduced a syntax for extended unpacking where you can use * to collect multiple values.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

While multiple variable assignment is a powerful feature, it should be used judiciously.

  • Readability : Ensure that your use of multiple variable assignments enhances, rather than detracts from, readability.
  • Matching Lengths : Be cautious of the sequence length. The number of elements must match the number of variables being assigned.

Multiple variable assignment in Python is a testament to the language’s design philosophy of simplicity and elegance. By understanding and effectively utilizing this feature, you can write more concise, readable, and Pythonic code. Whether unpacking sequences or swapping values, multiple variable assignment is a technique that can significantly improve the efficiency of your Python programming.

Multiple Assignment Syntax in Python

  • python-tricks

The multiple assignment syntax, often referred to as tuple unpacking or extended unpacking, is a powerful feature in Python. There are several ways to assign multiple values to variables at once.

Let's start with a first example that uses extended unpacking . This syntax is used to assign values from an iterable (in this case, a string) to multiple variables:

a : This variable will be assigned the first element of the iterable, which is 'D' in the case of the string 'Devlabs'.

*b : The asterisk (*) before b is used to collect the remaining elements of the iterable (the middle characters in the string 'Devlabs') into a list: ['e', 'v', 'l', 'a', 'b']

c : This variable will be assigned the last element of the iterable: 's'.

The multiple assignment syntax can also be used for numerous other tasks:

Swapping Values

This swaps the values of variables a and b without needing a temporary variable.

Splitting a List

first will be 1, and rest will be a list containing [2, 3, 4, 5] .

Assigning Multiple Values from a Function

This assigns the values returned by get_values() to x, y, and z.

Ignoring Values

Here, you're ignoring the first value with an underscore _ and assigning "Hello" to the important_value . In Python, the underscore is commonly used as a convention to indicate that a variable is being intentionally ignored or is a placeholder for a value that you don't intend to use.

Unpacking Nested Structures

This unpacks a nested structure (Tuple in this example) into separate variables. We can use similar syntax also for Dictionaries:

In this case, we first extract the 'person' dictionary from data, and then we use multiple assignment to further extract values from the nested dictionaries, making the code more concise.

Extended Unpacking with Slicing

first will be 1, middle will be a list containing [2, 3, 4], and last will be 5.

Split a String into a List

*split, is used for iterable unpacking. The asterisk (*) collects the remaining elements into a list variable named split . In this case, it collects all the characters from the string.

The comma , after *split is used to indicate that it's a single-element tuple assignment. It's a syntax requirement to ensure that split becomes a list containing the characters.

Python Define Multiple Variables in One Line

In this article, you’ll learn about two variants of this problem.

  • Assign multiple values to multiple variables
  • Assign the same value to multiple variables

Let’s have a quick overview of both in our interactive code shell:

Exercise : Increase the number of variables to 3 and create a new one-liner!

Let’s dive into the two subtopics in more detail!

Assign Multiple Values to Multiple Variables [One-Liner]

You can use Python’s feature of multiple assignments to assign multiple values to multiple variables. Here is the minimal example:

Most coders would consider this more readable and concise than the multi-liner:

Explanation Multiple Assignment

The syntax of multiple assignments works as follows.

  • By using a comma-separated sequence of values on the right side of the equation, you create a tuple on the right side.
  • Now, you unpack the tuple into the variables declared on the left side of the equation.

Here’s a minimal code example that shows that you can create a tuple without the usual parentheses syntax:

This explains why the multiple assignment operator is not something you need to remember—if you have understood its underlying concept.

The unpacking syntax in Python is important for many other Python features. It works as follows: you extract an iterable of multiple values into an outer structure of multiple variables.

You can also combine it by unpacking, say, three values into two variables:

The asterisk operator placed in front of a variable tells Python to unpack as many values into this variable as possible. Remember, there’s a tuple on the right side of the equation with three values. Python recognizes that the third value will be placed into variable b . The other two values must be placed into variable a to produce a valid assignment.

Note that it’s not required that all the values in your multiple assignment one-liner have the same type:

The first value has type string, the second value has type integer, and the third value has type float.

But be careful, if the number of variables on the left do not match the number of values in the iterable on the right, Python throws a ValueError !

Here’s an example:

Assign the Same Value to Multiple Variables [One-Liner]

You can use multiple = symbols to assign multiple values to multiple variables. Just create a chain of assignments like this:

This also works for more than two variables:

In this example, you assign the same object (a Python list ) to all three variables.

Python One-Liners Book: Master the Single Line First!

Python programmers will improve their computer science skills with these useful one-liners.

Python One-Liners will teach you how to read and write “one-liners”: concise statements of useful functionality packed into a single line of code. You’ll learn how to systematically unpack and understand any line of Python code, and write eloquent, powerfully compressed Python like an expert.

The book’s five chapters cover (1) tips and tricks, (2) regular expressions, (3) machine learning, (4) core data science topics, and (5) useful algorithms.

Detailed explanations of one-liners introduce key computer science concepts and boost your coding and analytical skills . You’ll learn about advanced Python features such as list comprehension , slicing , lambda functions , regular expressions , map and reduce functions, and slice assignments .

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Leverage data structures to solve real-world problems , like using Boolean indexing to find cities with above-average pollution
  • Use NumPy basics such as array , shape , axis , type , broadcasting , advanced indexing , slicing , sorting , searching , aggregating , and statistics
  • Calculate basic statistics of multidimensional data arrays and the K-Means algorithms for unsupervised learning
  • Create more advanced regular expressions using grouping and named groups , negative lookaheads , escaped characters , whitespaces, character sets (and negative characters sets ), and greedy/nongreedy operators
  • Understand a wide range of computer science topics , including anagrams , palindromes , supersets , permutations , factorials , prime numbers , Fibonacci numbers, obfuscation , searching , and algorithmic sorting

By the end of the book, you’ll know how to write Python at its most refined , and create concise, beautiful pieces of “Python art” in merely a single line.

Get your Python One-Liners on Amazon!!

While working as a researcher in distributed systems, Dr. Christian Mayer found his love for teaching computer science students.

To help students reach higher levels of Python success, he founded the programming education website that has taught exponential skills to millions of coders worldwide. He’s the author of the best-selling programming books Python One-Liners (NoStarch 2020), The Art of Clean Code (NoStarch 2022), and The Book of Dash (NoStarch 2022). Chris also coauthored the Coffee Break Python series of self-published books. He’s a computer science enthusiast, freelancer , and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.

His passions are writing, reading, and coding. But his greatest passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills. You can join his free email academy here.

python declare multiple variables in one line

Answered on: Tuesday 08 August, 2023 / Duration: 19 min read

Programming Language: Python , Popularity : 5/10

Python Programming on

Solution 1:

In Python, you can declare multiple variables in a single line using the following syntax:

Here's an example:

In the above code, we declare three variables x , y , and z in a single line and assign them the values 10 , 20 , and 30 respectively. We can then print the values of these variables using the print() function.

You can also assign the same value to multiple variables in a single line:

In this example, the variables a , b , and c are assigned the value 50 in a single line. The print() function is used to display the values of these variables.

You can even assign values from a list or tuple to multiple variables in one line using unpacking:

In this case, the values from the numbers list are unpacked and assigned to the variables a , b , and c .

Note that the number of variables on the left side of the assignment operator ( = ) must match the number of values on the right side. If they don't match, a ValueError will be raised.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Solution 2:

Sure. In Python, you can declare multiple variables in a single line using the assignment operator = . The syntax is as follows:

Where variable1 , variable2 , and variable3 are the names of the variables, and value1 , value2 , and value3 are the values to be assigned to them. The values can be of any type, including integers, floats, strings, and more.

For example, the following code declares three variables a , b , and c and assigns them the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively:

The output of this code is as follows:

You can also assign multiple variables of different types in a single line. For example, the following code declares three variables x , y , and z and assigns them the values 1, "hello", and True, respectively:

It is important to note that the order of the variables and their corresponding values in the assignment statement is important. The first variable is assigned the first value, the second variable is assigned the second value, and so on.

For example, the following code will not produce the desired output:

In this case, a will be assigned the value 1, b will be assigned the value 2, and c will be assigned the value 3. This is because the assignment statement is evaluated from left to right.

The correct way to write this code is as follows:

In this case, a will be assigned the value 1, b will be assigned the value 2, and c will be assigned the value 3, as desired.

Declaring multiple variables in a single line can be a convenient way to save space and make your code more concise. However, it is important to be careful with the order of the variables and their corresponding values to avoid errors.

Solution 3:

In Python, you can declare multiple variables in one line using the comma operator ( , ). The comma operator separates the variable names and initializers, allowing you to define multiple variables in a single statement. Here's an example:

In this example, we have declared three variables x , y , and z and assigned them the values 1 , 2 , and 3 , respectively, all on one line. We can then print out each variable separately, and the output will be the value that was assigned to it.

Another way to declare multiple variables in one line is by using tuples. A tuple is a collection of values that cannot be changed, and it is defined by enclosing a sequence of values in parentheses. You can assign a tuple to multiple variables by using the following syntax:

This works because when you assign a tuple to multiple variables, Python automatically iterates over the elements of the tuple and assigns each element to a separate variable.

It's important to note that when declaring multiple variables in one line, the number of variables must match the number of values being assigned. For example, if you try to assign more values than there are variables, you will get a SyntaxError:

Similarly, if you try to assign fewer values than there are variables, the remaining variables will be assigned the default value of None:

Overall, declaring multiple variables in one line can be a concise way to simplify your code and reduce repetition. However, it's essential to use it correctly and avoid mistakes to ensure your code runs smoothly and efficiently.

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Python Multiple Assignment Statements In One Line

python multiple assignments on one line

(Don’t worry, this isn’t another question about unpacking tuples.)

In python, a statement like foo = bar = baz = 5 assigns the variables foo, bar, and baz to 5. It assigns these variables from left to right, as can be proved by nastier examples like

But the python language reference states that assignment statements have the form

and on assignment the expression_list is evaluated first and then the assigning happens.

So how can the line foo = bar = 5 be valid, given that bar = 5 isn’t an expression_list ? How are these multiple assignments on one line getting parsed and evaluated? Am I reading the language reference wrong?


All credit goes to @MarkDickinson, who answered this in a comment:

Notice the + in (target_list "=")+ , which means one or more copies. In foo = bar = 5 , there are two (target_list "=") productions, and the expression_list part is just 5

All target_list productions (i.e. things that look like foo = ) in an assignment statement get assigned, from left to right, to the expression_list on the right end of the statement, after the expression_list gets evaluated.

And of course the usual ‘tuple-unpacking’ assignment syntax works within this syntax, letting you do things like

python multiple assignments on one line

python multiple assignments on one line

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How To Assign Values To Variables In Python?

Harsh Pandey

Harsh Pandey

Last updated on 19 Mar 2024

Assigning values in Python to variables is a fundamental and straightforward process. This action forms the basis for storing and manipulating Python data. The various methods for assigning values to variables in Python are given below.

Assign Values To Variables Direct Initialisation Method

Assigning values to variables in Python using the Direct Initialization Method involves a simple, single-line statement. This method is essential for efficiently setting up variables with initial values.

To use this method, you directly assign the desired value to a variable. The format follows variable_name = value . For instance, age = 21 assigns the integer 21 to the variable age.

This method is not just limited to integers. For example, assigning a string to a variable would be name = "Alice" . An example of this implementation in Python is.

Python Variables – Assign Multiple Values

In Python, assigning multiple values to variables can be done in a single, efficient line of code. This feature streamlines the initializing of several variables at once, making the code more concise and readable.

Python allows you to assign values to multiple variables simultaneously by separating each variable and value with commas. For example, x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 simultaneously assigns 1 to x, 2 to y, and 3 to z.

Additionally, Python supports unpacking a collection of values into variables. For example, if you have a list values = [1, 2, 3] , you can assign these values to a, b, c by writing a, b, c = values .

Python’s capability to assign multiple values to multiple variables in a single line enhances code efficiency and clarity. This feature is applicable across various data types and includes unpacking collections into multiple variables, as shown in the examples.

Assign Values To Variables Using Conditional Operator

Assigning values to variables in Python using a conditional operator allows for more dynamic and flexible value assignments based on certain conditions. This method employs the ternary operator, a concise way to assign values based on a condition's truth value.

The syntax for using the conditional operator in Python follows the pattern: variable = value_if_true if condition else value_if_false . For example, status = 'Adult' if age >= 18 else 'Minor' assigns 'Adult' to status if age is 18 or more, and 'Minor' otherwise.

This method can also be used with more complex conditions and various data types. For example, you can assign different strings to a variable based on a numerical comparison

Using the conditional operator for variable assignment in Python enables more nuanced and condition-dependent variable initialization. It is particularly useful for creating readable one-liners that eliminate the need for longer if-else statements, as illustrated in the examples.

Python One Liner Conditional Statement Assigning

Python allows for one-liner conditional statements to assign values to variables, providing a compact and efficient way of handling conditional assignments. This approach utilizes the ternary operator for conditional expressions in a single line of code.

The ternary operator syntax in Python is variable = value_if_true if condition else value_if_false . For instance, message = 'High' if temperature > 20 else 'Low' assigns 'High' to message if temperature is greater than 20, and 'Low' otherwise.

This method can also be applied to more complex conditions.

Using one-liner conditional statements in Python for variable assignment streamlines the process, especially when dealing with simple conditions. It replaces the need for multi-line if-else statements, making the code more concise and readable.

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  13. Python Define Multiple Variables in One Line

    Exercise: Increase the number of variables to 3 and create a new one-liner!. Let's dive into the two subtopics in more detail! Assign Multiple Values to Multiple Variables [One-Liner] You can use Python's feature of multiple assignments to assign multiple values to multiple variables. Here is the minimal example:

  14. How to Use Multiple Statements on a Single Line in Python

    Statements in a block, on the other hand, can be written in a single line if separated by a semicolon. The code below is made up of three statements placed on different lines. a=10. b=20. c=a*b ...

  15. Python Multiple Assignment Statements In One Line

    All credit goes to @MarkDickinson, who answered this in a comment: Notice the + in (target_list "=")+, which means one or more copies.In foo = bar = 5, there are two (target_list "=") productions, and the expression_list part is just 5. All target_list productions (i.e. things that look like foo =) in an assignment statement get assigned, from left to right, to the expression_list on the right ...

  16. python

    The variables f1 and f2 simultaneously get the new values f2 and f1 + f2, the expression. f1, f2 = f2, f1 + f2. Demonstrating that the expressions on the right-hand side are all evaluated first before any of the assignments take place. f1 + f2 use the f1 old value we don't use the f1 new value. The right-hand side expressions are evaluated from ...

  17. python declare multiple variables in one line

    You can even assign values from a list or tuple to multiple variables in one line using unpacking: python numbers = [1, 2, 3] a, b, c = numbers print(a) # Output: 1 print(b) # Output: 2 print(c) # Output: 3. In this case, the values from the numbers list are unpacked and assigned to the variables a, b, and c. Note that the number of variables ...

  18. Python Multiple Assignment Statements In One Line

    Answer. All credit goes to @MarkDickinson, who answered this in a comment: Notice the + in (target_list "=")+, which means one or more copies.In foo = bar = 5, there are two (target_list "=") productions, and the expression_list part is just 5. All target_list productions (i.e. things that look like foo =) in an assignment statement get assigned, from left to right, to the expression_list on ...

  19. Declare multiple variable in a single line in python

    I've code, var a,b,c,d; I needed to redraft this in python. I'm did sure, since I'm new to python, how to create multiple variables into a sinlge pipe with no assignment. I thought out performing > a=...

  20. Python

    The motivation is worrying but there are defendable reasons to want to do this. One is swapping values. You can do a, b = b, a in Python and swap values without needing to create a new variable. This is an example of multiple assignments on one line. It also shows why semicolon might not be how you want to go about it. -

  21. How To Assign Values To Variables In Python?

    Assigning values to variables in Python using the Direct Initialization Method involves a simple, single-line statement. This method is essential for efficiently setting up variables with initial values. To use this method, you directly assign the desired value to a variable. The format follows variable_name = value.

  22. Is it possible to have multi line assignment in Python?

    How Python assign multiple variables at one line works? 1. How to assign 2 variables with the same parameters in 1 line. 0. Python Variable Assignment on One line. 0. Python Syntax for Assigning Multiple Variables Across Multiple Lines. 2. How do I add a line-break to a multiple assignment statement? 5.