Writing Beginner

How to Describe a City in Writing (100+ Best Examples)

Crafting compelling descriptions of cities is a skill that can vividly immerse your readers in your narrative.

Here’s how to describe a city in writing:

Describe a city by considering its size, culture, age, geography, architecture, infrastructure, economy, climate, landscape, and nightlife. Each characteristic offers a unique perspective, allowing you to craft a vivid, engaging description. Tie your description to your theme.

This article will guide you through the process of describing a city, focusing on ten crucial elements that add life and color to your descriptions.

10 Elements for Describing a City in Writing

Digital image of a city with blue and yellow shading - How to describe a city in writing

Table of Contents

When describing a city in writing, you need to know these 10 elements:



Next, let’s explore each of these elements in more detail and provide examples of how to apply them to your own stories.

Size refers to the scale of a city in terms of its physical extent and population.

By mentioning the size, you set a foundation for the readers, giving them a sense of the city’s vastness or compactness.

Words to Describe the Size of a City in Writing

  • Densely populated
  • Medium-sized

Examples of Describing a City by Size

  • Sprawling across the landscape like a behemoth, the metropolis swallowed the horizon whole.
  • With a population exceeding millions, the city buzzed with ceaseless activity.
  • The dense network of streets formed a compact, labyrinthine cityscape.
  • It was a small city, where everybody knew everybody.
  • The city was vast, its boundaries stretching as far as the eye could see.
  • Its towering skyscrapers were a testament to its grandeur and size.
  • Nestled in the valley, the city covered a small area, yet housed a myriad of cultures.
  • The size of the city was deceptive; it was more densely populated than it appeared.
  • The city was a sprawling canvas of urbanity, cutting across county lines.
  • The petite city was neatly crammed into a pocket of the mountainside.

Culture comprises the beliefs, traditions, arts, and history that influence a city’s way of life.

Highlighting the culture paints a vivid picture of the people, customs, and ethos that define the city.

Words to Describe the Culture of a City in Writing

  • Traditional
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Multicultural
  • Conservative
  • Progressive

Examples of Describing a City by Culture

  • The city was steeped in ancient traditions, echoing its ancestral roots.
  • Its lively arts scene painted the city with an irreplaceable cultural vibrancy.
  • The city was a melting pot of diverse cultures, blending seamlessly into one another.
  • The annual festival was a cultural extravaganza that transformed the city into a carnival.
  • The city was synonymous with classical music, its soul resonating in symphony.
  • The local cuisine, a testament to the city’s rich culture, left a tantalizing aroma in the air.
  • An artistic hub, the city was a cradle of avant-garde movements.
  • The city’s cultural tapestry was woven with threads of countless ethnicities.
  • The city wore its history like a proud badge, its culture speaking volumes of its glorious past.
  • The city was a cultural cocktail, stirred with vibrant arts, and timeless traditions.

The age of a city refers to how long it has existed, which is often reflected in its architectural style, infrastructure, and historical landmarks.

Describing the age can transport your reader back in time or into the future.

Words to Describe the Age of a City in Writing

  • Prehistoric
  • Contemporary

Examples of Describing a City by Age

  • The city’s ancient walls were steeped in history, whispering tales from centuries ago.
  • The futuristic skyline was a testament to its recent establishment.
  • Age-old monuments punctuated the city, standing tall as symbols of its venerable past.
  • The city was a blend of old and new, where modernity met antiquity.
  • Modern skyscrapers towered over the city, evidence of its recent urban development.
  • The city was an enduring relic of the Medieval Age, its cobblestone streets weaving tales of yore.
  • With buildings dating back to the Victorian era, the city was an open history book.
  • Despite its youthful age, the city wore an old soul.
  • The city was a testament to the future, a spectacle of cutting-edge technology and sleek architecture.
  • Age-old traditions thrived amidst the modern cityscape, telling tales of a city that respected its past.

Geography describes the city’s location, its physical features, and how these factors influence the city’s character and lifestyle.

Words to Describe the Geography of a City in Writing

  • Mountainous

Examples of Describing a City by Geography

  • The city was built on hills, its houses twinkling like stars on an undulating landscape.
  • Its coastal location made the city a paradise for beach lovers.
  • Tucked between mountains, the city was a serene oasis in a rugged setting.
  • The desert city was a mirage of golden sands and sparkling oases.
  • The city was a confluence of rivers, forming a scenic waterfront that buzzed with life.
  • Surrounded by dense forests, the city was an island of urbanity in a sea of wilderness.
  • The coastal city was a playground of surf and sand, where the sea kissed the cityscape.
  • The city was a picturesque valley carved into the heart of the mountains.
  • A city of islands, it was a constellation of vibrant urban life amidst the tranquil sea.
  • The city was an urban jewel nestled in the heart of the vast plains.

Architecture refers to the style and character of the city’s buildings and structures.

It speaks to the city’s history, culture, and technological progress.

Words to Describe the Architecture of a City in Writing

Examples of describing a city by architecture.

  • Gothic spires and Romanesque arches painted a canvas of architectural marvels.
  • The cityscape was a fusion of Brutalist concrete and sleek glass towers.
  • Traditional thatched cottages adorned the city, a spectacle of rustic charm.
  • The city was a palette of Art Deco buildings, their geometric patterns a testament to its rich architectural legacy.
  • Modern skyscrapers dotted the city skyline, interspersed with green terraces and solar panels.
  • The city was a sprawling labyrinth of narrow alleys, flanked by ancient terracotta houses.
  • The city was a spectrum of architectural styles, from Victorian houses to modern lofts.
  • The city’s architecture was a reflection of its sustainable ethos, with green roofs and walls covered in foliage.
  • The city’s colonial architecture narrated tales of a bygone era.
  • Futuristic architecture characterized the city, with self-sustaining buildings and smart infrastructures.

Infrastructure speaks to the functionality of a city – its roads, bridges, public facilities, and utilities.

It provides insights into the city’s level of development and organization.

Words to Describe the Infrastructure of a City in Writing

  • Well-developed
  • Sustainable
  • Disorganized

Examples of Describing a City by Infrastructure

  • The city boasted an intricate network of subways, making commuting a breeze.
  • Its wide boulevards were lined with trees, merging functionality with aesthetics.
  • The city had a robust public transportation system that kept its lifeblood flowing.
  • Advanced telecommunication infrastructures turned the city into a global hub of digital innovation.
  • Its well-planned bike lanes made the city a paradise for cyclists.
  • The city was illuminated by solar-powered streetlights, a testament to its green infrastructure.
  • The city’s skywalks connected buildings, forming a labyrinth above the hustle and bustle.
  • The city’s efficient waste management system kept its streets clean and green.
  • The city’s infrastructure was a seamless blend of urbanity and nature.
  • The city was a beacon of technological prowess, its infrastructure speaking volumes of its progress.

The economy of a city speaks about its wealth, main industries, and job opportunities.

It gives the reader a sense of the city’s prosperity or lack thereof.

Words to Describe the Economy of a City in Writing

  • Impoverished
  • Agricultural
  • Technological

Examples of Describing a City by Economy

  • The city was a bustling hub of commerce, its markets buzzing with activity.
  • It was an industrial city, its skyline punctuated with factories and smokestacks.
  • The city’s booming tech sector attracted talent from around the globe.
  • Its struggling economy painted a city in decay, with boarded-up storefronts and desolate streets.
  • The city was a hub of finance, home to towering banks and bustling stock exchanges.
  • A rich agricultural economy defined the city, its verdant farms a testament to its wealth.
  • The city thrived on tourism, its bustling streets a carnival of foreign faces.
  • The city was an emblem of prosperity, its thriving economy lifting people out of poverty.
  • Despite the economic downturn, the city held onto its vibrant spirit, a testament to its resilience.
  • The city’s economy was a vibrant tapestry of trade, services, and manufacturing.

Climate characterizes the city’s weather patterns throughout the year.

It can deeply influence a city’s culture, lifestyle, and even architecture.

Words to Describe the Climate of a City in Writing

  • Mediterranean
  • Continental
  • Subtropical

Examples of Describing a City by Climate

  • The city was blessed with a temperate climate, keeping it lush and vibrant all year round.
  • Its harsh winters painted the city in shades of white, with frost-etched buildings and snow-blanketed streets.
  • The tropical climate kept the city in a perpetual state of summer, with azure skies and sun-kissed streets.
  • The city was a desert, its climate oscillating between scorching days and frigid nights.
  • The city’s Mediterranean climate filled it with fragrant breezes and clear, sunny days.
  • The city was caught in an eternal spring, awash with blooming flowers and chirping birds.
  • The city experienced four distinct seasons, painting a vivid palette of changing landscapes.
  • The city was infamous for its torrential rains, transforming its streets into rivulets.
  • The city’s harsh climate made it a fortress of solitude, its cold winters keeping outsiders at bay.
  • The city’s mild climate was a relief to its residents, offering respite from extreme weather.

Landscape refers to the natural and artificial features that shape the city’s terrain and overall visual appearance.

Words to Describe the Landscape of a City in Writing

Examples of describing a city by landscape.

  • The city was a symphony of undulating hills and glass-and-steel towers.
  • Its landscape was punctuated with verdant parks, like emeralds set in concrete.
  • The city was a mosaic of picturesque canals and charming footbridges.
  • The city’s landscape was a spectacular blend of towering cliffs and sweeping beaches.
  • The city’s landscape was dominated by a majestic mountain that stood as a silent sentinel.
  • The city was a concrete jungle, a dense matrix of buildings interspersed with occasional pockets of green.
  • The city’s vast plains stretched to the horizon, a vast checkerboard of farmland and urban clusters.
  • The city was characterized by its dramatic coastline, where jagged cliffs met the roaring sea.
  • The city was nestled in a lush forest, its buildings camouflaged amongst the towering trees.
  • The city’s landscape was a harmonious blend of the old and new, where verdant vineyards met sprawling shopping malls.

Nightlife includes the after-dark activities that a city offers – from dining, music, and theater to clubs, bars, and other entertainment venues.

It reflects the city’s vibrancy and energy when the sun sets.

Words to Describe the Nightlife of a City in Writing

  • Nonexistent
  • Underground
  • Sophisticated

Examples of Describing a City by Nightlife

  • The city came alive at night, its streets pulsating with lights and music.
  • The city’s nightlife was a whirlwind of neon signs, lively bars, and pulsating dance floors.
  • The city was famous for its jazz clubs, their sultry tunes wafting into the night.
  • The city’s vibrant night markets were a treasure trove of culinary delights.
  • The city’s nightlife was a spectrum of opera houses, theaters, and art galleries, enriching the cultural fabric.
  • The city’s skyline glittered with rooftop bars, offering panoramic views of the starlit cityscape.
  • The city’s after-hours was a playground for night owls, teeming with nightclubs and music venues.
  • The city’s tranquil nights were a respite from the bustling days, its streets bathed in the soft glow of streetlights.
  • The city was a nocturnal paradise, its nightlife teeming with gourmet restaurants and wine bars.
  • The city’s night scene was a melting pot of cultures, its streets resonating with music from around the world.

Here is a good video about how to describe a city in writing:

3 Full Examples of City Descriptions in Writing

Here are three full examples of how to describe a city in writing.

Nonfiction Essay

Los Angeles is a sprawling city, spreading across a vast, flat coastal plain nestled between mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Its multicultural nature is palpable, a melting pot where hundreds of cultures converge to create a rich tapestry of humanity. From Little Tokyo to Olvera Street, the city offers cultural enclaves that transport visitors to different corners of the world.

The architecture of Los Angeles tells a tale of its age and history.

From the contemporary designs of downtown skyscrapers to the Spanish Colonial Revival structures that pay homage to the city’s early days, LA offers a visual feast of architectural styles. Infrastructure-wise, Los Angeles is a car-centric city, known for its iconic freeways, yet, it is also actively expanding its public transportation system.

The climate in LA is Mediterranean, providing its residents with sunshine nearly all year round.

This, combined with the city’s picturesque landscape of rolling hills and sandy beaches, contributes to the quintessential Southern Californian lifestyle. The nightlife in Los Angeles, known for its glitz and glamor, mirrors the city’s reputation as the entertainment capital of the world.

Mystery Novel

The city of Edinburgh, ancient and mysterious, was shrouded in a veil of fog.

Narrow, winding streets wound their way up and down the city’s undulating terrain, past centuries-old Gothic buildings that seemed to hold whispered secrets in their cold stone. The towering Edinburgh Castle, perched atop an extinct volcano, cast long, eerie shadows across the Old Town, lending an air of mystique.

Despite the Scottish capital’s gloomy weather, the city was alive with culture. The annual Fringe Festival transformed the streets into a vibrant tapestry of theatre, music, and dance. Meanwhile, tucked away in the corners of the city were hole-in-the-wall pubs, where folk music hung heavy in the air.

Even in the dead of night, the city refused to sleep.

The pubs and clubs of the Royal Mile, teeming with locals and tourists alike, created an eclectic nightlife. The cobblestone streets echoed with faint laughter, ghostly footfalls, and the faint skirl of bagpipes, imbuing the city with an aura of enchanting mystery.

Romance Novel

Venice, with its endless maze of canals and charming footbridges, seemed to have been woven from dreams.

It was an intimate city, its compact geography fostering a unique, close-knit culture. The melodies of the gondoliers’ serenades drifted through the air, their words telling tales of age-old love stories.

The city’s Gothic architecture, ornate and elegant, reflected in the shimmering waters of the Grand Canal. The iconic Rialto Bridge, a testament to Venice’s architectural prowess, served as a lover’s meeting spot, its stone balustrades bearing witness to countless stolen kisses.

The Venetian economy thrived on tourism and the arts, its numerous mask shops, and glass-blowing factories testifying to the city’s artisanal heritage.

Venice was a city that never hurried. Its pace was defined by the gentle ebb and flow of its canals.

As twilight descended, the city transitioned from a bustling tourist hub to a serene sanctuary. The street lamps flickered to life, casting a romantic glow on the cobblestones. The serenade of the gondoliers intertwined with the soft whispers of the wind, composing a nocturnal symphony that was the heartbeat of this city of love.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a City in Writing

Before you type “THE END” to your story, essay, or piece of writing, consider how your city weaves into the tapestry of your narrative.

Particularly, how your city embodies and exposes the theme.

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FirstCry Intelli Education

My City Essay – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘My City’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘my city’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘my city’ for children, short essay on ‘my city’ for kids, long essay on ‘my city’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

My city is a great topic to write on because there is so much one can add to an essay on this! Beyond the physical aspect of it, everyone shares an emotional connection with their city. The name of the city, the climate, where I live, and why I love my city are questions to be answered in an essay on “My City” for classes 1, 2, and 3. Sometimes you may change cities, which means switching to a different environment, but the city you would have spent more time in will hold a special place in your heart. By writing an essay on ‘my city’, kids will know what to explore and write about. In simple terms, let them have fun and let the words do the magic. Below is a guide on how to write an essay on “My City” for lower primary classes.

You should always start your essay on “My City” with an introduction and get into the location’s history. Gently walking readers through a new region is the goal of an essay. Given here are some key points to remember when writing an essay:

  • List out the city’s name, landmarks, and how far it is away from the capital; if it is the capital city, write a different story.
  • Talk about famous educational institutions, schools, and colleges in the city.
  • What is the city famous for and why tourists should visit – a few lines on these have to be added.
  • How the kids perceive their city, emotion, and local connections needs to be explored and expressed in simple sentences.

Living in any city comes with its perks and downsides. However, all kids love their city and share a special bond with it. A city is beautiful and has many sights to explore, including hidden gems. Here are 10 lines for an essay on “My City” for classes 1 & 2:

  • My city is stunning, and I love its layout and vision.
  • The people in my city are warm, kind, and friendly.
  • I love making new friends in my city and look forward to attending school.
  • My city is a home for my family; I live with my parents in the city.
  • My city has good services such as food markets, shops, hospitals, and many civic amenities.
  • I love to go for a morning walk in the many parks my city has.
  • There is a lot to learn about my city and many things I do not know.
  • I was two years old when my parents moved to Noida.
  • I plan to live in my city with my grandparents and not go elsewhere until I grow up.
  • I want to study and get a job in my city because of how comfortable my life is here.

A lot can be learnt by writing an essay on “My City”. It allows kids to see the city they live in with a new light and perspective:

A city can not only be defined based on geographical details, as it carries a significant part of one’s persona. There are so many cities in India, but there is nothing like my city. I live in the capital city of India, New Delhi, and my city is known for its dazzling and warm aura. People also call it mini India, as you will find a mixed population of all cultures and sensibilities here. Famous for monuments like Red Fort, India Gate, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, etc., my city has a story for everything. One can find an enriching collection of art, politics, knowledge, and IT here. If you ever visit my city, explore places like Cannought Place, Delhi Haat, Chandni Chowk, etc., to get the local flavour and ambience.

Writing an essay on “My City” can be an enlightening journey for kids as they will be able to share their clear and fresh vision of it. Here is a short essay on my city:

I love my city, Banglore, and I think it’s the best place in the world. It is the land where I grew up and currently live with my parents. I’ve made many fond memories and friends here. I’ve visited many exciting attractions and have gone on picnics hosted by my school. Bangalore has many wilderness projects, and animal lovers can visit the Venugopala Wildlife Park and Bandipur National Park in Mysore. Mysore is 150 km away from Banglore. Other exciting places to go sightseeing are the Bangalore Palace, Forum Mall, and ISKCON Temple. You can also check out the Wonderla Amusement Park, a famous tourist and entertainment attraction. The people here show tremendous hospitality, and my city is also a centre for education and wellness. Many schools, medical institutions, and colleges are found here. Banglore is considered the hub for engineering colleges and IT companies. Banglore is also known for its fast-paced urban lifestyle, but people take time to relax, chill and have fun times with family and friends.

Everybody falls in love with the city they stay in and love to spend time there. Here is how you write an essay for class 3 on “My City”:

Bangalore is my favourite place to live because I was born and raised there. MG road is my favourite area to visit because I can enjoy good food from restaurants like Mcdonald’s and Pizza Hut. It is the hub of recreational and commercial activities in the city. Blossom’s bookhouse in Church Street is my go-to spot because I can buy my favourite comic books and novels there. The buffets in my city are a great hit, and I love Onesta, which is famous for its unlimited pizza meals.

I go to Lal Bagh with my parents during summer vacation and relax there. It is in Jayanagar and a haven for nature lovers. The gates are big, and the scenery spreads across 240 acres of land, having more than 1854 varieties of plants. I love my city and plan to continue living there even after graduating. Finding a job in my city is not hard, and the education here is excellent. Many high school graduates get summer jobs, and I look forward to working on many small projects when I get free time. I can’t wait to explore the several opportunities found in my city. I feel fortunate to live in my town, and my friends feel the same way too.

History Of My City

My city was established in 1956 and became the capital of Mysore after India’s independence. Two separate settlements merged into one in 1949. Bangalore is my city, and it has a population of over 10 million people.

Beautiful Places To Visit In My City

Some of the most beautiful places to visit in my city are Cubbon Park, Brigade Road, Nandi Hills, Lal Bagh, etc.

Facilities Available In My City

There are various facilities available in my city, such as healthcare, fitness, food and beauty services, and civic amenities.

Your child will learn how to navigate their city and the different popular sights. They will also learn what makes their city special and the top reasons why they love it.

Now that you know enough about your city, you can get started on writing an essay on “My City”. Be sure to give your child plenty of inspiration by talking about famous sights and telling popular tales about your city.

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Essay on My Favourite City

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite City in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite City


My favourite city is Paris, the capital of France. Known as the ‘City of Love’, it is famous for its beautiful architecture and romantic atmosphere.

Beauty and Architecture

Paris is home to iconic structures like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. Walking through the city feels like stepping into a history book.

Culture and Food

Parisian culture is rich in art, fashion, and food. French cuisine, especially pastries and cheese, is mouthwatering.

I love Paris for its charm, elegance, and vibrant culture. It’s a city that never fails to inspire and amaze me.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite City

Among the numerous cities I’ve had the pleasure of visiting, Paris holds a special place in my heart. The city’s charm, architectural grandeur, and cultural richness make it my favourite.

Architectural Grandeur

The Eiffel Tower, a marvel of human engineering, is the first image that comes to mind when thinking of Paris. However, the city’s architectural brilliance extends far beyond this iconic structure. The grandiose Notre-Dame Cathedral, the imposing Arc de Triomphe, and the intricate design of the Louvre Museum are testaments to the city’s architectural prowess.

Cultural Richness

Paris is a city steeped in history and culture. The Louvre, home to thousands of works of art, including the Mona Lisa, offers a glimpse into the artistic heritage of the world. The city’s quaint bookshops and cafes, particularly those in the Latin Quarter, are cultural hubs where intellectual conversations thrive.

City of Lights

Paris is often referred to as the “City of Lights”. This nickname not only refers to its literal illumination but also symbolizes the city’s role as a beacon of enlightenment during the Age of Reason. Today, this light continues to shine in the form of the city’s contributions to art, literature, science, and philosophy.

In conclusion, Paris, with its architectural splendour, cultural richness, and historical significance, is my favourite city. It’s a place where the past and present coexist beautifully, offering a unique blend of experiences that continually inspire and captivate.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite City

My favourite city is New York, a city that needs no introduction. This vibrant metropolis, often dubbed as “The City That Never Sleeps”, is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and endless opportunities. The city’s palpable energy, iconic landmarks, and diverse populace make it not only my favourite city but a favourite of many around the globe.

The Energy of New York

New York’s energy is its most captivating feature. The city pulses with a rhythm that’s both exhilarating and daunting. The hustle and bustle of people, the cacophony of traffic, the towering skyscrapers, and the vibrant nightlife all contribute to this unique energy. The city’s pace may be fast and relentless, but it also inspires you to be dynamic, resilient, and ambitious.

Landmarks and Architecture

New York is home to some of the most iconic landmarks in the world. The Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, and the Empire State Building are all symbols of the city’s grandeur and historical significance. The city’s architecture is a blend of old and new, with historic brownstones juxtaposed against modern, gleaming skyscrapers. The skyline of New York is a testament to human ingenuity and ambition.

Cultural Diversity

New York’s cultural diversity is truly remarkable. It is a city where languages from around the globe can be heard on a single subway ride. This diversity is reflected in the city’s culinary scene, which offers a world of flavours from across the globe. From the dim sum in Chinatown to the cannoli in Little Italy, New York is a gastronomic paradise.

The Arts Scene

New York is a global hub for arts and culture. The city is home to world-renowned institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Guggenheim. Broadway, the heart of the American theatre scene, offers an array of performances from musicals to dramas. The city’s vibrant arts scene is a testament to its creative spirit and its capacity for innovation and reinvention.

New York is a city that encapsulates the human spirit in all its complexity and beauty. It’s a city where dreams are pursued, challenges are met, and diversity is celebrated. Its energetic vibe, iconic landmarks, cultural diversity, and vibrant arts scene make it my favourite city. New York is more than just a city; it’s a microcosm of the world and a testament to the potential of human endeavour.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on My Favourite Celebrity
  • Essay on My Favourite Cartoon
  • Essay on My Favourite Cartoon Character Tom and Jerry

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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describe your favorite city essay

How to Write an Essay About My Favorite Place

Essays are like Piranhas that circle around you. Either it is a scientific or a merely descriptive one, these will pummel you. Keep reading if you want to "takedown" my favorite place essays.

  • What Is An Essay About My Favorite Place

Importance Of An Essay About My Favorite Place

  • How To Get The Best Essay About My Favorite Place

Catchy Titles For An Essay About My Favorite Place

  • How To Start An Essay About My Favorite Place

How To Write Body Paragraphs

How to write a conclusion for a favorite place essay, finalizing essay.

  • Short Example Of A College Essay About My Favorite Place

What Is an Essay About My Favorite Place?

Before jumping into the realm of outlines and tips, let us take a moment to understand the very topic of the essay. Well, the entire discourse is about describing your favorite place. Confused, aren't you? Don't be! It is a description of your favorite spot. Hang on as this essay will take you places. Whether it is your high school or childhood ice-cream shop, you can write about any of your favorite place on earth.





Many questions will pop up, such as why "my favorite place in the world essay" or generally a "special place essay." This type of creative writing helps with the visualization process. It also helps the writers to express what they have witnessed. Giving words to experiences contributes to polished writing styles. So, as easy as it might sound, such as "where is your favorite place," essays are crucial for developing writing skills.

describe your favorite city essay

Here is a list of "my favorite place essay topics." You can take inspiration from these and create your essays.

  • My grandma's house
  • The resort that we visited last summers
  • New Jersey- My favorite place
  • The backyard of my old house
  • Our Farmhouse in Texas
  • Trip to Bali
  • Disney Land
  • My treehouse
  • My uncle's place

How To Start A Favorite Place Essay

You can begin by defining your favorite place. Though this might sound a bit difficult to many of you out there, it isn't. Imagine or visualize the place. Try to remember the elements and the aromas. The people who made it the place that you can never forget. Once you have jogged down the memory lane, start by giving the background and then diverge on the details.

Outline writing

An outline is the most crucial part of an essay. It leads the path for the writer and will save you from all the tumbles and wrong turns. Here is an example of the outline:

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraphs
  • Paragraph 1
  • Paragraph 2
  • Paragraph 3

Tips concerning writing a favorite place essay introduction

An introduction is a paragraph that determines the success of your essay. Either you succeed in grabbing your reader's attention or lose it entirely for several reasons. Always start your essay with an attention-capturing hook. Do not dive into the experience part. Stick to a hook and the background of the place. The ending line of the introduction paragraph will pave the way for the first body paragraph. Try to check some "my favorite place essay examples" to get a gist of how introductions are written.

When it comes to body paragraphs, please keep all of them of equal length. An essay of 3 to 5 paragraphs other than the introduction and conclusion is ideal. Try to use transition words to skip redundancies and to maintain flow. A body paragraph of 100-150 words, in this case, is enough.

Conclusions are like showstoppers. They are not meant to dull, neither do they deserve the "get it done with" approach. You have to finish strong. Keep it general. It is supposed to be a pal of your introduction paragraph. However, this friend does the opposite. Yes, it is the one who makes excuses and leaves. Do not summarize the entire essay. Just emphasize the points that were the main highlights of your paragraphs.

Hey! Do not make the mistake of turning your work in just yet. Consider making sure that your work goes through all of these processes mentioned below before the final submission:

Essay Revision

Now that your college essay about favorite place is written go back to the start and revise your content where it is required. Here you will be checking your essay for the correctness of focus and whether the audience's needs are adequately met. Other than this, review the way of organization. Does your essay have enough paragraphs to separate every new idea from one another? Does each paragraph make sense with the one to follow? The transitions have to be smooth as well to nail this literary piece. It is quite often for students to lose focus halfway through their essays, and they keep circling the main idea but fail to execute what is precisely asked of them. Recheck for these relevancy issues in your essay about place.

Essay Proofreading

This activity demands the author to go through the "describe your favorite place essay" to identify any possible mistakes that you might have failed to correct in the first attempt. These are usually surface errors like spelling mistakes, typos, grammatical errors. Also, check for punctuation and other formatting issues.

Make Citations

This is one step that many students dread as it can get boring at times. Depending on the format of your essay, you might have to quote the references that you used throughout your "one of my favorite places" essay. These will be placed at the very end. It will ensure the credibility of your work and give it a more professional look. If mentioned in the instructions, skipping this step can lead to a reduction in your overall grade.

Short Example of a College Essay About My Favorite Place

my favorite place free essay example

Topic: My Grandma's House

Whenever I jog down memory lane, my grandma's house is the one that I happen to miss a lot. It is one of my favorite places from childhood. Located on the outskirts of the city, it was the most peaceful summer spot for us. Just like my grandma's charismatic personality, this house, too, was very special. There was always something about it that set it apart from all of the places that I have been to.

The summers called for an extended stay at Grandma's. It was a family gathering spot for all of us. Whether it was birthdays, graduations, or simple barbeques, Grandma's it was! The entire house was filled with laughter. The sweet aroma of apple pie lurked around the rooms. Aunt Beth always made her famous chicken wings. Uncle Murphy's chilled mint margaritas washed down this dish. However, it was never an evening until we dug into our grandma's signature apple pie.

Our grandma has dedicated a kid's sleepover room. In this way, all of the cousins stayed in one room. She also brought midnight treats. The fun did not end yet. Her bedtime stories were the most awaited part of every single day. We used to form a tent using all of the blankets. She would then cuddle with us and narrate the most intriguing stories. It was a whole experience. The story was not always goody-goody. She took us on an emotional roller coaster. There were a lot of hidden lessons and morals in it.

The house has a huge backyard. Our grandma used to grow all sorts of herbs and veggies. "The real food," she called it. Unlike others, she used to enjoy the food supply that came out of her garden. We used to love her version of the famous "ratatouille." She used to add a little meat and sprinkled it with parmesan cheese. It was an otherworldly dish. The titbits never went to waste. She was a food magician, and that enabled her to make new dishes out of leftovers.

The front porch was her favorite spot. We used to sit there for hours. Our discussions spiraled into different topics. She never missed an opportunity to feed a bird or a squirrel. The entire neighborhood respected her for her charm and kindness. She was indeed the ace of our hearts. Her place was welcoming to all. No one in our family would ever trade it for a weekend on a hill station.

There are countless memories of my grandma's house. Whenever our family gathers around, we always talk about the occasions and the incidents that happened. Though she is not here today, her house still stands to be the best place for us. It is the same summer spot that we will never turn down since it is our favorite place.

How To Get The Best Essay About My Favorite Place Essay

With so many valuable tips and tricks under your belt, you should now be ready to write a beautifully crafted essay by yourself. However, it is always a good idea to acquire help from somebody whose expertise lies in the relevant field.

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describe your favorite city essay

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My Favourite Place Essay

A favourite Place is one where a person enjoys spending the majority of their time. Each person has a different favourite place. The only place we can go to forget all of our sorrow. It depends on what they like and are interested in. Here are a few sample essays on my favourite place.

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

Each of us has a favourite location where we can find fulfilment and happiness. I also have a favourite place where I enjoy spending the majority of my time. My house is where I like to be. I enjoy spending my time there. It has a lovely and tranquil environment. My house is in the centre of a city. I live with my mother, father, two brothers, and two sisters. We each have our room. There isn't a place more significant than my house, in my opinion. I enjoy being at home. It energises me and lifts my spirits. Whenever I'm at home, I enjoy myself.

My Favourite Place Essay

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

Everybody has a favourite location, such as a garden, a house, a playground, etc. My hometown, though, is my favourite place, and I love being in my home.

My Hometown

My town is my entire world. I was raised there. I have a lot of lovely and endearing memories of it. I used to play there with my friends and cousins during my early years. In my community, everyone is cordial. My town has many trees. I can only think of one spot where I enjoy spending time - my town. My visits home provide me with much delight and satisfaction. In my town, practically every amenity is available, and the roads and bridges are macadamized.

Additionally, the community has access to medical facilities. The local government also provides excellent maintenance for the public transportation system. In my community, emphasis is placed primarily on education. Everyone wants access to high-quality education, regardless of gender. The neighbourhood helps out with the needs of poor kids. I hold this place- My Town, in high regard.

Everyone has a distinct favourite location. It is in keeping with their preferences and interests. Similarly, my favourite location reflects my interests, and I love being at my favourite place.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

My grandmother's house in my village has often been one of my favourite places to be. Everyone has always held a special place in their hearts for their grandmother's home. We spent numerous summers with our granny when we were younger. Her home appeared to stand out from the rest in some way that made it special.

Enjoyment time

I enjoy playing outside while picking fresh fruits from the trees and eating freshly prepared vegetables. Frequently, I help my grandmother sow seeds in the garden. There are several reasons why I value this place so highly. There is something incredibly unique about the house. I feel at ease and relaxed here.

Why I Love My Grandmother’s House

First of all, the atmosphere at my grandmother’s house is distinctly different. I am at peace here. There is no noise or pollution because it is in a village. Additionally, there are no traffic jams here. I always wake early so that I can go for a walk and take in some fresh air. My body and mind are both revitalised by the fresh air. My grandmother makes me a delicious breakfast. In the evening, my whole family gathers to share our life stories as our grandfather makes tea.

My grandparents' home also has a small garden with grass that is a vibrant green colour. In the garden, there are swings as well. There, we also like playing entertaining games with our relatives, including water fights. We frequently spend the evenings sitting on the roof, looking up at the stars.

Holidays At Grandmother’s House

Over the holidays, there is always a lot of laughing and playing games at grandma’s house. Uncle's loud, recognisable giggle may be heard for miles. My aunt never misses an opportunity to comment on his laughter. The living room of our grandmother's home is where she regularly can be seen sitting and gazing out the window, close to the front entrance. She sits at this location to read the newspaper daily and sip on her old-fashioned steaming black coffee.

She can lose hours watching the birds fly to the feeder next to the window in her living room. Most birds have names that our grandmother is familiar with and recognises. She never skips a chance to observe the squirrels. Everything blossoms, and there are fresh flowers everywhere throughout the summer. In our town, the natural beauty is at an all-time high, and it's impossible to keep your eyes off the stunning surroundings. A pond is located behind the house. My cousins and I go fishing in the pond.

The village's residents lead simple, healthy lives. People care for one another and are always available. They make a lot of effort to maintain the facility's cleanliness because they care about it. We always look forward to our summer vacation so we may visit Grandma and Grandpa. Anyone who has met them will attest to their humility. All of this adds up to why I love my grandparents house and why it is my favourite place.

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Guide to Describing a City in Writing

Describing a City in Writing Guide

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Describing a city in writing can be a daunting task, especially for those who don’t have much experience with it. However, with the right guidance and examples, anyone can master this skill.

That’s why this article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to describing a city in writing, with over 100 brilliant examples to inspire and guide writers.

Whether you’re a travel writer, a novelist, or simply someone who wants to capture the essence of a city in their writing, this guide has something for everyone. From the bustling streets of New York City to the winding canals of Venice, each example offers a unique perspective on how to describe a city in writing.

With this guide, writers will learn how to use sensory details, figurative language, and descriptive adjectives to bring a city to life on the page. They’ll also learn how to capture the mood and atmosphere of a city, whether it’s the energy of a vibrant metropolis or the tranquility of a sleepy town.

So whether you’re writing a novel set in a specific city or simply want to capture the essence of a place in your travel writing, this guide is the perfect resource to help you do just that.

Fundamentals of Urban Description

describe your favorite city essay

When it comes to describing a city in writing, there are certain fundamentals that must be understood in order to paint a vivid picture for the reader. In this section, we will cover the two key aspects of urban description: understanding cityscapes and using descriptive language and vocabulary.

Understanding Cityscapes

Before attempting to describe a city, it is important to understand the different elements that make up its landscape. This includes the architecture, infrastructure, landmarks, and natural features such as parks and rivers. By having a clear understanding of these elements, the writer can create a more accurate and detailed description.

When describing a cityscape, it is also important to consider the perspective of the writer. Are they viewing the city from above, from a distance, or up close? This will affect the level of detail and the language used in the description.

Descriptive Language and Vocabulary

One of the most important aspects of urban description is the use of descriptive language and vocabulary. This includes adjectives, adverbs, and verbs that are used to convey the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the city.

When selecting adjectives to describe a city, it is important to choose words that accurately reflect its character. For example, a bustling city might be described as vibrant, while a more serene city might be described as peaceful.

Grammar and pronunciation are also important considerations when describing a city. By using proper grammar and enunciating words clearly, the writer can create a more polished and professional description.

Overall, understanding the fundamentals of urban description is essential for creating a compelling and accurate portrayal of a city in writing. By using descriptive language and vocabulary, and considering the different elements of the cityscape, the writer can transport the reader to the heart of the city and bring it to life on the page.

City Size and Structure

describe your favorite city essay

From Sprawling Metropolises to Compact Towns

Describing a city’s size and structure is an essential aspect of capturing its essence in writing . Cities come in all shapes and sizes, from sprawling metropolises to compact towns. The size of a city can significantly impact its character, culture, and lifestyle. Larger cities often have more diverse populations, a wider range of cultural activities, and more significant economic opportunities. Smaller cities, on the other hand, tend to have a more intimate feel, with a stronger sense of community and a slower pace of life.

When describing a city’s size, it is essential to consider not only its population but also its physical boundaries. A city’s limits can be defined by natural features such as rivers or mountains or by man-made borders such as highways or city limits signs. The physical boundaries of a city can significantly impact its structure and layout, with cities often developing in distinct neighborhoods or districts.

The Role of Streets and Public Transport

The streets and public transport systems of a city are also critical components of its structure and character. The layout of a city’s streets can impact its accessibility, walkability, and overall aesthetic. For example, a city with a grid-like street pattern may feel more organized and straightforward to navigate than one with winding, narrow streets.

Public transport is also a crucial aspect of a city’s structure, providing residents and visitors with a means of getting around. A well-developed public transport system can make a city more accessible and reduce traffic congestion. In contrast, a poorly designed system can make it challenging to get around and limit economic opportunities.

Overall, when describing a city’s size and structure, it is essential to consider its physical boundaries, street layout, and public transport systems. These factors can significantly impact a city’s character and lifestyle, making them essential components of any city description.

The Essence of Time and Age

describe your favorite city essay

Cities are dynamic entities that are constantly changing and evolving. One of the most significant aspects of a city’s character is its history and how it has developed over time. Understanding the essence of time and age is essential when describing a city in writing .

Historical vs. Modern Developments

Cities are often a blend of historical and modern developments. The historical parts of the city are often the most visually striking, with ancient architecture, narrow streets, and traditional markets. In contrast, modern developments are characterized by glass skyscrapers, wide boulevards, and modern amenities.

When describing a city, it is essential to highlight both the historical and modern aspects of the city. A balance between the two is vital in creating a vivid and accurate picture of the city’s character.

The Impact of Time on City Life

Time has a profound impact on city life. As cities grow and evolve, their character changes. Old neighborhoods are replaced by new developments, and the city’s infrastructure is updated to keep pace with modern needs.

The impact of time on city life can be seen in everything from the city’s architecture to its culture. Old buildings may be preserved as historical landmarks, while new buildings may be designed to reflect the latest architectural trends. Similarly, the city’s culture may be influenced by its history, or it may be shaped by modern trends.

In summary, the essence of time and age is a critical aspect of describing a city in writing. By highlighting the historical and modern developments of a city and the impact of time on city life, writers can create an accurate and vivid picture of the city’s character.

Socioeconomic Diversity

describe your favorite city essay

Wealth and Poverty in Urban Settings

One of the most striking aspects of any city is its socioeconomic diversity. Urban areas are often characterized by a stark contrast between the affluent and the poor. While some neighborhoods boast luxury apartments and high-end boutiques, others are home to run-down buildings and deprived communities.

Population density is a major factor in determining the level of wealth or poverty in a city. In densely populated areas, property prices can skyrocket, making it difficult for low-income families to afford housing. This often leads to residential segregation, with affluent neighborhoods located in the suburbs and poorer communities concentrated in the city center.

Residential Variations

Residential variations are another important aspect of socioeconomic diversity in cities. Suburban areas are often associated with larger, single-family homes, while urban areas are more likely to have high-rise apartments and condominiums. However, there are exceptions to these generalizations.

In some cities, there has been a recent trend towards mixed-use developments, which combine residential and commercial spaces in the same building. This can create a more diverse and vibrant community, as people from different socioeconomic backgrounds are brought together in the same space.

Overall, understanding the socioeconomic diversity of a city is crucial for anyone looking to describe it in writing. By paying attention to factors such as population density, property prices, and residential variations, writers can create a more accurate and nuanced portrayal of the urban landscape.

Cultural and Architectural Tapestry

describe your favorite city essay

Cultural Landmarks and Events

A city’s cultural landmarks and events are a reflection of its past and present. From traditional festivals to contemporary art exhibitions, a vibrant cultural scene can be a defining feature of a city. Visitors to a city can immerse themselves in its culture by attending events or visiting landmarks that showcase its heritage.

For instance, the colonial city of Cartagena in Colombia is known for its colorful festivals, such as the Cartagena International Music Festival and the Hay Festival. These events celebrate the city’s rich cultural heritage and attract visitors from around the world.

In contrast, the cosmopolitan city of New York is home to iconic cultural landmarks such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. These institutions showcase a diverse range of art and performances that reflect the city’s contemporary and global outlook.

Architectural Styles and Significance

A city’s architecture is a visual representation of its history and identity. From colonial buildings to Bauhaus-inspired designs, a city’s architectural styles can convey its cultural and social values.

For example, the traditional architecture of Kyoto in Japan reflects the city’s deep connection to its past. The city’s temples and shrines, such as the Kiyomizu-dera and the Fushimi Inari-taisha, are renowned for their intricate designs and historical significance.

On the other hand, the contemporary architecture of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates showcases the city’s ambition and innovation. The Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the Dubai Mall, the world’s largest shopping center, are examples of the city’s modern architectural achievements.

In conclusion, a city’s cultural and architectural tapestry can reveal its unique character and identity. By exploring a city’s cultural landmarks and architectural styles, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of its history and values.

Environmental Aspects

describe your favorite city essay

Geographical Settings

When describing a city’s environmental aspects, it is important to consider its geographical location and settings. Some cities are situated on the coast, while others are nestled in the mountains or surrounded by vast plains. These geographical features can greatly impact the climate, weather patterns, and overall environmental conditions of the city.

For instance, a city located on the coast may experience more humid conditions due to the ocean’s proximity. On the other hand, a city situated in the mountains may have cooler temperatures and experience more precipitation. It is important to consider these geographical settings when describing a city’s environmental aspects.

Climate and Weather Patterns

The climate and weather patterns of a city are also important factors to consider when describing its environmental aspects. Some cities may have a tropical climate with high temperatures and heavy rainfall, while others may have a more temperate climate with mild temperatures and moderate rainfall.

It is also important to consider the seasonal weather patterns of a city. Some cities may have distinct seasons with significant temperature changes and varying amounts of precipitation. Others may have more consistent weather patterns throughout the year.

Overall, when describing a city’s environmental aspects, it is important to consider its geographical settings, climate, and weather patterns. By providing detailed information about these factors, readers can gain a better understanding of the city’s overall environmental conditions.

The Living City

describe your favorite city essay

Describing the living city involves capturing the essence of daily life, economy, nightlife, and entertainment in a way that is informative and engaging. Here are a few examples of how to describe a city in writing .

Daily Life and Economy

A city’s economy is a reflection of its people, and this is evident in the daily life of its residents. In a bustling city, people are constantly on the move, with a sense of purpose and urgency in their step. The economy is vibrant, with a diverse range of industries contributing to the city’s growth. From finance to technology, the city is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The people of the city are diverse, with a mix of ages, cultures, and backgrounds. The city is home to young professionals, families, and retirees, all of whom contribute to the city’s unique character. The streets are alive with the sounds of different languages and accents, creating a sense of vibrancy and energy.

Nightlife and Entertainment

When the sun sets, the city comes alive with a different kind of energy. The nightlife is exciting and varied, with something for everyone. From trendy bars to underground clubs, the city’s nightlife scene is as diverse as its people. The city is also home to a thriving arts and culture scene, with museums, galleries, and theaters showcasing the best of local and international talent.

Despite the excitement of the city’s nightlife, there are also quieter corners to be found. The city’s parks and green spaces provide a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether it’s a morning jog or an afternoon picnic, the city’s parks offer a welcome respite from the noise and chaos of the city.

In conclusion, describing a city in writing requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the city’s unique character. By capturing the essence of daily life, economy, nightlife, and entertainment, a writer can paint a vivid picture of what makes a city truly special.

Sensory Experiences and Atmosphere

describe your favorite city essay

Visual Descriptions

When describing a city, it is essential to paint a vivid picture of what the reader can expect to see. The visual descriptions should be clear and concise, highlighting the unique features of the city. A wide and bustling city will have a lot of movement and activity, while a clean and vast city will have more open spaces.

Skyscrapers are an iconic feature of many cities, and they can be described in great detail. The height, shape, and design of the buildings should be noted, as well as any unique features such as rooftop gardens or observation decks.

Soundscapes and Olfactory Details

The sounds and smells of a city are just as important as the visual descriptions. A crowded and polluted city may have a distinct smell of exhaust fumes and filth, while a clean and bustling city may have a pleasant aroma of street food and fresh flowers.

The soundscapes of a city can also be described in detail. The noise of traffic, people talking, and street performers can add to the atmosphere of a city. On the other hand, a quiet city with little noise can be just as appealing to some visitors.

Overall, when describing a city’s sensory experiences and atmosphere, it is important to be clear and concise while also conveying the unique features of the city. Using descriptive language and formatting such as tables and lists can help the reader visualize the city and understand its atmosphere.

Character and Mood

describe your favorite city essay

Personifying the Urban Environment

Cities have their own character, and one way to describe them is by personifying them. For example, a city may be described as having a “gritty” personality, with its rough edges and tough exterior. Alternatively, a city may be described as “sleek” or “polished,” with a modern and sophisticated vibe.

Personifying a city can also help to convey its mood. A city with a bustling, energetic vibe may be described as having a “feverish” personality, while a city that is more laid-back and relaxed may be described as “mellow” or “easy-going.”

Emotive Descriptions

Describing a city’s character and mood can also be done through emotive descriptions. Using vivid language to describe the sights, sounds, and smells of a city can help to convey its overall mood and atmosphere.

For example, a city with a bustling downtown area may be described as “vibrant” and “energetic,” with the sounds of honking horns and bustling crowds filling the air. On the other hand, a quieter, more residential area may be described as “peaceful” and “serene,” with the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds.

Overall, describing a city’s character and mood is an important part of capturing its essence in writing. By personifying the urban environment and using emotive descriptions, writers can paint a vivid picture of the city for their readers.

Practical Examples and Exercises

Crafting descriptive paragraphs.

Crafting descriptive paragraphs is an essential skill for any writer seeking to describe a city in writing. To help writers develop this skill, the Guide to Describing a City in Writing: Over 100 Brilliant Examples offers practical examples and exercises.

One effective exercise involves selecting a setting within the city and describing it in detail. For example, a writer might choose a bustling city street and describe the sights, sounds, and smells that surround them. This exercise helps writers develop their ability to observe and describe the world around them.

Another exercise involves selecting an object commonly found in the city and describing it in detail. For example, a writer might choose a street vendor’s cart and describe the colors, textures, and smells associated with it. This exercise helps writers develop their ability to focus on specific details and create vivid imagery.

Analyzing Exemplary Texts

Analyzing exemplary texts is another effective way to develop descriptive writing skills. The Guide to Describing a City in Writing: Over 100 Brilliant Examples provides readers with a wide range of exemplary texts that showcase effective descriptive writing.

For example, one exemplary text featured in the guide is an article from a popular travel magazine that describes the city’s historic district. The article uses vivid language and sensory details to transport readers to the heart of the city’s rich history.

Another exemplary text featured in the guide is a memoir that describes the author’s experiences growing up in the city. The memoir uses personal anecdotes and vivid descriptions to bring the city to life and convey a sense of nostalgia for the author’s childhood home.

By analyzing these exemplary texts, writers can gain a better understanding of the techniques and strategies used to create effective descriptive writing. They can then apply these techniques to their own writing and develop their own unique voice and style.

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Essays About Cities: Top 7 Examples and 10 Prompts

If you’re writing an essay about cities, discover helpful examples of essays about cities and prompts in our guide to help stir your creative thoughts. 

Cities are the most stable social organization that has stood the test of time. A place achieves city status not only because of the sheer size of its population but also because of its territories, economic development, and political influence. Creating sustainable and resilient cities has attracted significant attention from academics, policymakers, civic groups, and the private sector over the years. This interest is spurred by pressing threats to the livability of cities, such as flooding, pollution, urban migration, and congestion. Whether you live in a city or dream of city life, writing an essay on this topic is a fantastic way to convey your thoughts on this topic. 

Check out below some amazing essay examples and prompts to help you create an insightful essay.

7 Best Essay Examples

1.  cities are scrambling to prevent flooding by casey crownhart, 2. putrajaya: the capital city you’ve never heard of by ronan o’connell, 3. japan’s hidden jewels: the abandoned island of hashima by hannah bergin, 4. planning to preserve — keeping heritage relevant in cities by marcus ng, 5. building the city of the future — at a $41 trillion price tag by aneri pattani, 6. 8 highlights from enabling masterplan 2030 to empower persons with disabilities by shermaine ang and goh yan han, 7. how cities are using technology to solve their trash problems by nell lewis, 10 writing prompts for essays about cities, 1. all about your city, 2. anti-congestion policies in your city, 3. fixing flood-prone cities, 4. green cities, 5. city vs. countryside, 6. cities in the metaverse, 7. what are megacities, 8. criminality in cities, 9. bucket list cities, 10. agriculture in cities.

“In many cases, their existing systems are aging and built for the climate of the past. And even upgrades can do only so much to mitigate the intense flooding that’s becoming more common, leaving cities to come up with other solutions.”

In this article, Crownhart delves into how states across the United States are experiencing unprecedented flood levels that are drowning out entire towns. While a total upgrade is urgent, it is also insanely costly.

“Building Putrajaya from scratch also afforded generous opportunities for innovation. Mahathir’s goal was to make Putrajaya Malaysia’s most eco-friendly urban centre and its most modern.”

In this Essay, O’Connell describes some capital cities we may not know of. Focusing on Malaysia, we learn that Putrajaya aimed to serve as Malaysia’s next capital during the worsening congestion in Kuala Lumpur. Now, Malaysia’s administrative and judicial capital offers the lure and peace of a sleeping eco-haven.

“A coal-mining site during the Meiji Restoration, Hashima has since been completely abandoned. All that remains of the once thriving site, are the crumbling bones of deserted buildings.”

Looking at some economic issues within cities, Bergin describes the coal mining industry within Hashima. Hashima was once a host to a thriving coal mining industry, but people abruptly left once the mine reserves had depleted. Now, the remnants of its glorious industrial past can only be glimpsed through Google images. 

“Preserving historical buildings and neighbourhoods helps to maintain a city’s distinctive character and engender a sense of belonging. The social fabric is also strengthened when planners work with local communities to create new and relevant uses for old spaces such as industrial neighbourhoods.”

The essay visits the culture and heritage preservation policies and efforts across various cultural cities, both old and emerging. Marcus Ng describes the importance of preserving significant buildings that enhance a city’s unique history and culture.

“As cities invest in air-quality sensors, solar-powered trash compactors, self-healing power grids and more, the opportunities for private industry are huge. Experts say there is just one problem: It’s virtually impossible to measure the return on investment for many leading-edge technologies first being put to use by the public sector.”

In the following decades, cities could be shelling out $41 trillion to build their smart capabilities to take living standards to the next level. However, a looming problem remains, and that is estimating a return from this investment. Pattani discusses the importance of building smart and sustainable cities.

“A new task force will work on designing alternative employment models such as micro jobs – temporary, task-type jobs – which can support more people to work, and increase the number of organisations that commit to being inclusive through the Enabling Mark and Enabling Employment Pledge.”

Among the top countries known for its friendliness to persons with disabilities (PWD), Singapore continues to roll out new efforts to make PWDs more at home in this Lion City. This intriguing essay shows how to progress with essential socio-economic growth within a city.

“As urban populations continue to grow, some cities are struggling to cope. Many are turning to new technologies for cost-effective solutions to clean up waste.”

From AI, automation, and converting waste to energy, cities are drawing up innovative measures to address their growing waste problem. In this essay, Lewis describes how technology can be used to tackle recycling issues in condensed and highly populated cities.

Read on to see writing prompts and ideas to help you get started:

This essay could serve as an ultimate city guide. First, write about the history of the city you line in, including the figures that envisioned and helped make the city blueprint a reality. Then, talk about its economic development and architectural changes over the decades. Finally, recommend the best landmarks tourists should visit.

Traffic congestion can easily rob a city of billions of dollars a year. But it remains the biggest challenge, especially for business hubs. For this essay, share how immense the congestion problem is in your city. Then, lay down the solutions being implemented by your city government or proposed by concerned communities.

With the rapid pace of global warming, flooding in cities is now a significant concern that demands urgent action. Look into model cities and highlight out-of-the-box strategies they are undertaking. Some examples could be Tokyo’s $2 billion floodwater cathedral and the Busan floating pontoon city project. You may also share about your own city’s flood mitigation program. 

Beyond improving the environment and reducing pollution, green cities also promote better health and wellness for their citizens. List down your city government’s efforts to shift toward a greener city. If you want to go the extra mile, interview city officials and city planners. You could also talk to groups advocating for green cities to know more deeply about the obstacles preventing your city from going greener and emerging policy proposals. 

The countryside is always a good place to escape the city’s bustle and hustle from time to time. But if you were to choose a permanent residence, would you go to the big city or the countryside? Make a pick by weighing the pros and cons of moving to the countryside or staying in the city. You may also mull over the push in many countries to bring commerce and jobs to the countryside. Answer how this could benefit provinces, promote countryside living and help decongest cities. 

Essays About Cities: Cities In The Metaverse

Many companies are investing billions of dollars to become the first movers in the virtual world, where they aspire to build their cities and empire. This is compelling even government agencies to venture into this exciting new world. But what exactly are the opportunities and threats awaiting netizens in the metaverse? Identify the advantages and disadvantages of metaverse-based cities regarding economic opportunities and social development on an individual, community, and national level. 

Megacities are extraordinarily large cities with millions of residents and diverse cultures. Megacities promise greater connectivity, bigger and more reliable infrastructure, and greater integration of technology in everyday life. In your essay, discuss the global upward trend in the attraction of megacities as a center for business and prosperity. 

In your essay, you can try to answer whether community size affects the criminality rate. First, research by gathering available reports that analyze and compare criminality rates in urban and rural areas. Then, cite the primary factors that make cities more prone to criminal incidents. You could also search for the most violent cities in the world and find out factors that drove criminality in these cities to record highs. 

In this light essay, write about the city you’ve been dreaming of travelling to. Then, explain why this is your top pick. Your reasons may relate to the history of the place, grand aesthetic architecture, or even something more personal. To conclude your essay, list down the must-visit landmarks and must-do activities once you get the chance to visit this city.

Urban agriculture is one way to ensure food sufficiency and promote city livelihoods. First, write about model cities aggressively promoting agricultural farming, cultivation, and processing within city centers. Then, talk about your city’s urban gardening initiatives and how this has helped enhance food security. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checker . If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

describe your favorite city essay

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Writing About Cities

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Read the following paragraphs introducing Portland, Oregon. Notice that each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the city.

Portland, Oregon is located in the northwest of the United States. Both the Columbia and the Willamette river run through Portland. It is the largest city in the state of Oregon. The city is famous for its proximity to the mountains and the ocean, as well as its relaxed, friendly inhabitants. Approximately 500,000 people live in Portland while the Portland metro area has a population of over 1.5 million inhabitants.

The main industries in the Portland area include computer chip manufacturing and sportswear design. In fact, two famous sportswear companies are based in the Portland Area: Nike and Columbia Sportswear. The largest employer is Intel which employs over 15,000 people in the greater Portland metro area. There are also many smaller technology companies located in downtown Portland.

Portland's weather is famous for its rain. However, the spring and summer are quite lovely and mild. The Willamette V alley to the south of Portland is important for its agriculture and wine production. The Cascade Mountains are located to the east of Portland. Mt. Hood has three major skiing facilities and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. The Columbia river gorge is also located close to Portland.

Tips for Writing an Introduction to a City

  • Discuss one aspect of the city in each paragraph. For example, one paragraph about general facts and population, one paragraph about industries, one paragraph about culture, etc.
  • Use resources such as Wikipedia to help you find facts about the city.
  • Use 'its' as a possessive when writing about a city (not her, or his). For example, Its main exports are ...
  • When using numbers, write out the numbers up to twenty. For larger numbers, use numerals. For example: There are two professional sports organizations ... BUT There are over 130,000 inhabitants in XYZ.
  • Use 'million' when expressing very large numbers. For example, 2.4 million people live in the greater metro area.
  • Make sure to capitalize specific names of companies and monuments.
  • Use both the comparative and superlative forms to make statements relating to other cities and regions. For example: It is the largest producer of apples in the state.

Helpful Language

X is located in the Y region of (country) X lies between the A and the B (mountains, valleys, rivers, etc.) Located at the foot of the B mountains Located in the R valley

X has a population of Z More than (number) people live in X Approximately (number) people live in X With a population of (number), X .... inhabitants

X is famous for ... X is known as ... X features ... (product, food, etc.) is important for X, ...

The main industries in X are ... X has a number of Y plants (factories, etc.) The main employers of X are ... The largest employer is ...

Writing About a City Exercise

  • Choose a city you would like to describe.
  • Find a research page for reference purposes. You can use sites like Wikipedia, magazines, or other resources.
  • Choose three or four broad topics you would like to discuss.
  • For each topic, write down a list of specific facts using your reference materials. For example:   Weather -  more than 80 inches of snow on average extremely hot summers etc.
  • Take each fact and write a sentence about that fact. For example: Boulder receives more than 80 inches of snow on average each winter.
  • Combine your sentences into a paragraph on each broad topic. Make sure to use linking language , pronouns, etc. to link the ideas in your sentences into a logical sequence.
  • If you are using a computer, make sure to spell check your work.
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Describe Your Favourite City or One You Have Visited that You Like

Describe your favourite city or one you have visited that you like. You should say:-

  • What is its name, and where is it?
  • When you visit it?
  • Why did you like it?
  • And the major attractions in this city are.

Sample 1 Describe Your Favourite City or One You Have Visited that You Like

Yeah, well, there are many cities that I have visited in the past year, but today I would like to share about one city, which is Jaisalmer. Well, this is a beautiful city that I have visited. I visited last year in November and December.

It was the very best experience in that it had a beautiful dessert. We can also enjoy a sunset which is very beautiful, and there are also many types of attractions in the city, like a fort, as well as a different type of food, Desi food. I liked it very much.

I tried every food, and there was also an extensive museum about our Indian Army museum, which was very informative. So I liked it very much because I learnt so many things that I also enjoyed camel riding and a desert safari which was the very, very best experience I have ever had.

We also stayed in tents and enjoyed the dance party at night and many more. Therefore I like this city very much, and I will also visit it in the future.

Sample 2 Describe Your Favourite City or One You Have Visited that You Like

India has many exciting and beautiful cities. The city which I love is Dharamshala. It is situated in Himachal Pradesh. I got a chance to visit it last year when I was on a trip to Dalhousie, Khajjiar and Dharamshala with my friends. It was a wonderful trip.

The journey from Khajjiar to Dharamshala was mesmerizing, with breathtaking views of the mountains. There are many religious places to visit in Dharamshala. We saw an ancient church. Then we saw a Dalai lama temple, and they followed Buddhism.

They also run a small school under that temple. The peace which I experienced there was incredible. The most famous attraction of Dharamshala is the cricket stadium. It is the world’s only stadium which is built at this height. It has a capacity of 23,000 spectators.

We also visited the local market from which I bought many souvenirs. Then we ate momos and maggie, and it was so delicious that I still miss that taste. I want to revisit Dharamshala with my family as they have not seen it, and I want them to enjoy the beauty of this place.

Part 3 Questions Describe Your Favourite City or One You Have Visited that You Like

Question 1:- in your opinion, what makes a city a good one to live in.

Answer 1:- Well, in my opinion, if the city has significant safety for the people as well as high-quality Public health care and education, education system, suitable housing as well as a good deal, transport infrastructure and I think in my opinion that these are the main factor will be.

Answer 2:- Many factors contribute to making the city a better place to live. Better career and educational opportunities are crucial. Good public transport makes it easy for civilians to stay. Another critical factor is safety.

Question 2:- What are the advantages of living in a city?

Answer 1:- There are many advantages to living in the city—for example, better job opportunities and the Maaz transportation system. We can also meet new people. There are also vast Anwar entertainment options on top of that shopping and restaurants are also more as well as best medical service possible Yeah, so that is why as in my point of you, these are the best advantage is that weird about living in the big city.

Answer 2:- One can have promising career opportunities as many big companies are situated in the city. Better education is also available in an urban city. Moreover, entertainment options like game zone, movie theatres, and gyms are all there in the city. Hospitals in the cities are advanced, so the healthcare sector is also good in cities.

Question 3:- What are the negative aspects of crowded cities?

Answer 1:- Yeah, well, the crowded city has many negative aspects. For example, Hai course living and noise pollution is the highest lack of space Dekho party hire crime rates, yeah there is also lack of greenery. Yeah, there is used traffic in crowded cities as well. Yeah, you do overpopulation in our area. Sometimes people will also feel suffocated, walking close to industries and conditions and frequently bumping into each other, which is also not good in the crowded city.

Answer 2:- Two main negative aspects are traffic issues and pollution. In crowded cities, everyone uses their vehicles, which creates traffic and pollutes pollution.

Question 4:- How can governments improve living standards in crowded cities?

Answer 1: – Government should plant more trees and build public parks to reduce pollution. They should also improve public transport so people can use it and consequently, there will be less road traffic.

Question 5:- What about air quality? What can people do to improve the air quality in the city?

Answer 1:- Undoubtedly, air quality is significantly lower as compared to the countryside in the city because more cars and vehicles are running on roads for their carbon emission rates are also higher as per my point you that first of all government should establish a strict law for the traffic as well as or we can also do sharing the car so that most miniature car also running on roads can help the decrease of carbon emission, as well as we can also use public transportation so first of all government should improve the quality of public transportation which is very important so that people are influences to go to public transportation rather than their car.

Answer 2:- Air quality in megacities, especially Delhi, is poor. To improve firstly, people need to understand what is the reason for this high pollution and then they have to act accordingly. Like they can plant more trees, reduce the use of personal vehicles and use public transport. They should not burn waste products and firecrackers, the primary sources affecting air quality.

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

My 14 Favorite Cities in the World

A long-exposure shot of the hectic streets of Bangkok, Thailand at night

When you travel for a living, you get asked a lot of questions as you bounce from one hostel to another. The top one: what’s your favorite country?

The second most asked question: what’s your favorite city?

I’ve spent a long time traveling the world and have been to hundreds upon hundreds of cities in the world. There are so many that I love for many different reasons – some for art, some for history, some for the food, most for the people.

But, to me, the ones that stand out the most are the ones where I feel most at home. They are places I visit and feel connected too. Their energy and my energy match. I move around them with ease, I feel at one with the culture, and tempo of the city.

I think to myself “Yeah, I could live here.” Not just visit but live.

And, when I think that, then I know I’ve found a special place.

So what are my favorite cities in the world? Where are the places I feel that way? They are here:

My 14 Favorite Cities

  • New York City

1. Amsterdam

The historic buildings of Amsterdam that line the narrow canal

The fast-paced life, friendly locals, easy access to the rest of Europe , picturesque canals, and stunning architecture keep me coming back. Plus, it being Amsterdam and all, there are tons of weird and quirky things to see and do there too !

In some ways, Amsterdam reminds me of my hometown of Boston , which might be why I love it so much. The brick buildings, fast-moving people, austere vibe. It feels like home.

Favorite activity : Boating through the canals with friends.

Visiting Amsterdam? Check out my complete budget travel guide to Amsterdam! It’s hundreds of pages long and will help you plan the best trip there!  

A Eiffel Tower on a bright, sunny day in Paris, France

Paris is beautiful, vibrant, and filled with tasty food and history. Being here is like being in a real-life romantic comedy. I love the city so much I even moved there for a good chunk of 2019. It really does live up to all the hype, especially when you move away from the tourist areas and into the local places more.

Favorite activity: Picking up some good food at the market and having a picnic.

Get my complete budget travel guide to Paris and plan the perfect trip! It’s hundreds of pages long and will help you plan the best trip there!  

An up-close shot of the tuk-tuks in Bangkok, surrounded by bright neon lights at night

Bangkok, it turns out, is an easy city to live in — there’s lots to do, plenty of events, great bars, wonderful food (nothing beats Thai street food), and even more wonderful people. It’s just a bad tourist city. There’s just not a lot to do there for a tourist. It’s a city you live in.

Living in Bangkok showed me that looks can be deceiving and that there is more to a city than what you see on the surface. You just need to be willing to look a little deeper.

And, when you do, you always find something special.

Favorite activity : Live music at Brick Bar or eating noodles at a street stall.

If you’re visiting Bangkok, check out my complete budget travel guide to Bangkok! It has everything I know about the city in one easy place.  

4. Stockholm

A beautiful picture of the Stockholm skyline and waters at sunset in Sweden

I think this city is one of the most picturesque I have ever seen. The reds and greens of the buildings have an Old World charm that rivals cities like Prague , and during the fall, the changing leaves only highlight that beauty.

Stockholm is also very historic, with a high quality of life, and the Swedes in the city are super friendly and welcoming. It’s not a cheap city to visit, but it’s worth every penny!

Favorite activity: Getting lost in the maze of historic streets in Gamla Stan.

5. New York City

The busy skyline of New York City on a sunny summer day

I love NYC. It is the heart of the world to me. It is a non-stop place where you come to make it in the world. You can always find something to do, world-class food, people from all walks of life, and just a hustler vibe.

I spent close to five years living there and visit at least once a month (when I can).

It is the city you see in the movies.

Favorite activity: Walking the High Line and cooling off with drinks at the Grey Mare.

Since I spent so much time there, I wrote a budget travel guidebook to New York City! Pick it up for all the insider info you need!  

Tourists and locals looking at the famous art and architecture of Chicago, USA

While the winter months here can be brutal, this lakeside city seems to come to life after it emerges from its long and cold winter. Along with its lively atmosphere, the food here is delicious and the architecture is second to none. There’s a vibrant energy during the summertime as everyone is out in the parks, cafes, rooftop bars, on the lake, and watching the Cubs.

Chicago is just awesome.

Favorite activity : Going to a Cubs game!

For more, read our destination guide to Chicago and start planning your trip today.  

7. Vancouver

The stunning skyline of Vancouver, Canada and its reflection in the water

Not only is there incredible nature nearby but there’s a park so big in the middle of the city, I often feel like I am in the center of a forest. Add in a vibrant food and art scene, and Vancouver is definitely a world-class city. It’s not a cheap city to live in, but that’s the price for all the amazing things Vancouver has to offer!

Favorite activity : Hanging out on Granville Island or walking around Stanley Park.

Read our desintation guide to Vancouver and start planning your trip today .  

8. Queenstown

The rolling and rugged mountains of Queenstown, New Zealand

The city and surrounding area are postcard-perfect (much like the rest of the country! I would jump on a plane and head back there right now if I could.

Favorite activity : Hiking the surrounding mountains.

Read our guide to Queenstown to plan your next adventure there.  

The skyline of Perth, Australia lit up at night

Not only that, but Perth is the perfect jumping-off spot to see the western Australian parks and natural sites, and it’s also close to hip Freemantle, which is home to my favorite Australian brewery: Little Creatures. I find it much more personal than other towns in Australia .

Favorite activity: Relaxing at the beach

Read our budget travel guide to Perth for more information!  

10. Hong Kong

Hong Kong's skyscraper-dotted skyline from above

Hong Kong is one of the best cities in the world for foodies. I always stop in when I’m in Asia and stuff my face with some of the best dumplings in the world. The city is busy and dense (it’s one of the most densely populated places on the planet) but it has a fun nightlife and tons of activities to keep you entertained , from markets to temples to nearby hikes outside the city.

While the city offers an interesting mix between eastern and western cultures, what really sets Hong Kong apart from other massive, dense cities is just how clean and well-organized it is. Getting around is a breeze, making it an easy and fun place to explore for a few days — or more!

Favorite activity : Eating dumplings!

11. Reykjavik

A birds-eye view of the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik as seen from the city's large church

Reykjavik has tons of cozy cafes, wild clubs, cute architecture, and friendly pubs. It’s tiny, yet you can easily spend a few days here and not get bored (especially if you’re a night owl. Icelanders love to party).

Fortunately, as the tourism industry grows, there are more and more free (or cheap) things to do in the city . And with Icelandair offering free stopovers on flights between North America and Europe, it’s never been easier to visit this charming Scandinavia capital.

Favorite activity : Cozying up in a cafe to read and people watch.

Get my comprehensive budget travel guide to Iceland here!  

The view overlooking the city of London and the river, including many of its famous attractions

But it wasn’t until last year when I spent a month in the city that I really “got” it. I understood why people loved it. There was a charming sophistication to the place.

Strolling the streets of the city, enjoying the markets, taking in the history of the place, laying in the park, and having a pint outside a pub? Heaven.

Paris will always have my heart but London comes close.

Favorite activity : Visiting as many museums as I can and then drinking at a pub.

Check out our travel guide to London to plan your trip.  

The colorful buildings of Oaxaca, Mexico

The city has everything I like: history, Mezcal, and food. Oaxaca is one of the gastronomic centers of Mexico and was the place I fell most in love with during my visit to the country. It’s safe, the people are wonderful, the buildings are beautiful, and the food…did I mention the food? It’s out of this world.

Within seconds of landing here, I knew I belonged. I could easily live here I love it so much.

Favorite activity : Visiting the mezcalerías.

Check out my post on why I loved my time in Oaxaca to learn more as well as specific tips for visiting!  

14. Cape Town

The colorful beach huts at Muizenberg Beach in Cape Town, South Africa

Favorite activity : Relaxing on the beach!

Check out our travel guide to Cape Town to plan your trip.

There are you have it! My favorite cities in the world. Leave a comment on this post and let me know what your favorites are – and why!  

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

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Hi, I’m Nomadic Matt, the New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day and Ten Years a Nomad, as well as the founder of this website! And I’m here to help you save money on your next trip.

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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  • Where the city is?
  • How you knew the city?
  • What buildings the city has?
  • What it is famous for?
  • And explain why you think this city is beautiful.

Sample Answer

Đà Nẵng is a beautiful coastal city located in central Vietnam, nestled along the eastern coast of the country. It is situated in the Quảng Nam Province, in close proximity to the ancient town of Hội An and the imperial city of Huế. Đà Nẵng is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, rich history, and modern amenities.

Đà Nẵng boasts a unique blend of modern and traditional architecture. Some of the notable buildings and landmarks in the city such as the Dragon Bridge, a symbol of innovation with its dazzling fire and water-breathing displays, the mystical Marble Mountains with their natural beauty and ancient temples, and the striking Đà Nẵng Cathedral, a splendid example of French colonial design, crowned by a distinctive rooster weather vane.

This city is famous for its stunning beaches, including the renowned My Khe Beach and Non Nuoc Beach, attracting sun-seekers and water enthusiasts from all corners of the globe. Moreover, Đà Nẵng’s strategic location near UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Hội An Ancient Town and the Imperial City of Huế makes it a gateway to explore Vietnam’s rich cultural heritage. The city’s reputation as a bustling economic hub, characterized by modern infrastructure and a thriving business environment, further contributes to its allure.

What makes Đà Nẵng truly beautiful is its unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and modernity. The city is surrounded by picturesque landscapes, including lush mountains, pristine beaches, and serene rivers. The coexistence of traditional Vietnamese architecture with contemporary structures showcases the city’s ability to embrace both its historical roots and its forward-thinking ambitions.

Overall, it’s the harmonious combination of nature, culture, and progress that makes Đà Nẵng a truly beautiful city in Vietnam.


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My favorite place essay

My favorite place essay 21 models

My favorite place essay ,Every human being in the world has a favorite place to go where his captivity feels comfortable and safe. A place to go in times of grief. A place where he sheds his concerns or a place that may remind you of beautiful memories and you love sitting in it to remember those moments. All this will be found here in My favorite place essay .

My favorite place essay

Every man in the world has a favorite place to go.  Where he captive his mind, feels comfortable and safe. Place to go in times of sadness. A place to throw concerns away or a place that may remind you of beautiful memories and you love sitting in it reminiscences those moments. Also it may be a place to change the mood.

Sea is that horizon that takes you to another world, where you reminiscences your beautiful memories, which gives you the psychological comfort and happiness with its breaking waves.

The sea is one of the most beautiful blessings for man, which shows the greatness of the Creator.  Words can’t describe the sea beauty and charm, which is an inspiration to many poets and writers. Poems and thoughts that talked about sea are uncountable.

The beach is my favorite place. Sit down to relax and think. I also go to it to practice many activities and games.

I join my friends in playing treasure hunt in the sand, which is based on hiding various objects down the sand and writing instructions on paper cards to help others reach them.

I build sand in the form of castles, palaces and compete with my friends to choose the ideal building design.

I go with my children to the beach. I make a kite and fly it in the sky. It’s fun if you take your children with you.

When I go with my friends and relatives, I arrange a barbecue on the sea with friends or relatives and enjoy the climate while listening to music and watching the scenery.

One of the most fun activities when I’m with my friends on the beach is playing the XO game on sand. Besides playing water war or fighting water balloons, they are fun games that you can also play in the sea.

Other activity I do on the beach with my friends is the volleyball game. In particular, you do not need to be professional to practice it!

The sea has a great impact on human soul. It is a source of hope and renewed activity.

Everyone I know likes to go to the beach as a natural place to have fun and rest.

My Favourite place essay

My favorite place is the beach, where I practice my hobby of fishing, which I love very much. I feel so happy from the start of the day that I start getting ready to go out for fishing and contemplate the beauty of nature.

I find it wonderful to have a happy and fun time at the same time. I can enjoy the beach and see the water and sunset. Also take advantage of the sun’s rays and get vitamin D. And also hunting and bringing out the energy inside me.

I liked these activities very much. I think I loved it because my father shared with me, and now my younger brother comes with me to learn from me. All this helps me to continue my hobby.

I often think of trying other ways to have fun like riding a fishing boat and spending time on it. I might do that in the future.

Essay on my Favourite place

My favorite place is on stage, I love acting very much. Therefore, a few years ago, I participated in several training workshops to teach acting. I am in the school theater group.

The happiest time of my life I find when we present a work of art and the audience comes to watch the show. Everything is done perfectly, and I hear the laughter and applause of the masses.

The audience’s interaction with the actor is like food for the soul. In these moments, he becomes more focused and energetic and strives to give the best.

Then comes the time for artistic criticism that comes from family, friends, or our followers. I care a lot about hearing other people’s opinions.

I would love to hear some compliments on my work from time to time. But I would be happy if the whole work and the staff are commended.

The success of the work also represents your success. Therefore, the stage represents a lot to me, and it is my favorite place, which I like to be in on a permanent basis.

Essay on my favourite place

My favorite place is the garden, I like to visit the garden very much with my family. We can practice many sports activities with the participation of my brothers or parents.

We very much enjoy the air and the vast scenic views. I really like the smell of roses in the air. Especially in the spring. This is the perfect time that I love to spend time in the garden.

My brothers and I like to start a game of soccer when we arrive. After that we sit for a while to rest and have some drinks and food. Seeing the vast green spaces around me helps me improve my appetite.

Then my dad joins us for a tug-of-war challenge. We laugh a lot when we beat him and there is great fun and joy when he shares this game with us.

After that, my brothers and I go back to ride some rides in the par and enjoy it. And when it gets dark we usually sit down and play some of the games we bring with us. This place is my favorite place that I  enjoy spending a lot of time in.

My Favourite place essay 200 words

There is no doubt that many of our habits have changed as a result of the spread of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19), after I used to prefer going with my friends to the club, where we used to spend a good time playing football, it became better to stay at home, so I prepared some things Which makes me happy, including the library, I have set up a library in my room, it contains many valuable books, I bought some of these books and others my father bought and gave to me.

My room has become my favorite place, and reading has become my favorite hobby. I enjoy reading books in general, and historical books in particular, because historical books educate me and provide me with important information. To make my room pleasant, I put some beautiful flowers on my desk, and my mother also I made a suggestion that they liked, which is to summarize the book that I have finished reading, and read it to the rest of the family, because in the evening

This idea encouraged my brothers to read as well, and thus there was competition between us and we invested our time in something useful, and I also played with my brother in the garden of the house, because exercising is ve

Ry important to maintain our health, and thus we have impleme

Nted the health instructions for combating the spread of the Corona virus without to be bored.

My Favourite place essay in English

My favorite place is at my aunt’s home. I  have no brothers. I have a father’s sister whom I love very much and she loves me and takes care of me a lot since my mother’s death.

My mother passed away a few years ago, and since then my aunt has been taking care of me and helping me and my father.

I love playing with her children and picnicking in the parks. I love the way she receives me, as she loves kissing me a lot, calling me my dear son.

I love my cousins ​​too, they love to play with me and involve me in many activities. The first person who taught me to ride a bike was my cousin. He helped me a lot and was patient with me until I could learn it. We go out a lot to spend some time cycling, but I like sitting at home with all the family members.

This may not be a favorite place for many people but this is my favorite place where I find the company that I love and spend some happy time with them.

My favorite place descriptive essay

My name is (..). We are a family of 5 people. I have two siblings younger than me. I am (..) years old. My favorite place that I like to spend my time in is the sea.

I have been fishing with my father since the age of seven. I liked very much to go out in the boat in the early morning, to prepare for fishing.

The area we live in contains different types of fish I love tuna a lot, it is one of the strongest types of fish we have. To catch it we must work hard  and struggle to keep the fish hanging in our strings.

The hard work does not end until the fish is on the boat. Only then we can rest and laugh a little. I love this place so much and would like to spend my whole life there.

Essay on my Favourite place in 200 words

My favorite place that I enjoy spending a lot of time in is The Animal Care Association. I love animals of all kinds, I love helping them find shelter, or offering them some simple customized foods.

A year and a half ago I was able to join The Animal Care Association. I got to know them through a friend of mine. He told me about them after he saw me care a lot about animals and I love taking care of them and helping them.

Therefore, this association aroused my curiosity as soon as he talked to me about. It is a non-governmental association, which includes a very large number of people.

We volunteer a lot when calls come to the association to go and help animals, especially small ones that have lost their father and mother, or an animal that was crossing the road and had an accident. Such things I love to do.

Three months ago there was a little stray puppy on the side of the road, a person called the association and told them. We went to see what would happen, I was so worried about crossing the road and having an accident.

I was so happy when we found him on the side of the road and he didn’t cross. I cared about him a lot and played with him for a while to calm him down.

I suggested to the supervisor that we walk around the residential areas to see if we can find his parents. And indeed, after a little searching, we found his  owner was looking for him.

The little puppy lost his identification collar, which made him unidentified. We are all so happy to him to his owner again.

My favorite place essay in English

My favorite place is the library. I love reading books and attending discussions that take place in  the library’s theater in my city.

I would very much like to become a writer in the future. I loved writing a lot after knowing that writing in the past was just symbols, and they were called hieroglyphs.

This was the beginning through which I admired the contemporary reading and writing of our time. After knowing how writing originated and using many images to express speech, writing has now become easier in all countries of the world.

I find great happiness in writing because it expresses my personality and I can express my imagination. I also find strong accuracy in transmitting news or information. Also, every written thing is taken more seriously than the oral style.

So I find the library is my favorite place. I love to read literature and contemporary history and learn a lot so that I have a lot of information to help me achieve my dream in the future.

My Favourite Place Essay for Class 6

There is no doubt that every person has a favorite place that he loves to be in and spend activities or just be there. I love being in football clubs, in the midst of big crowds, and listening to the crazy cheering for the players.

Not a year goes by without my father and I attending many matches. I support my city team (write the name of my club here). But I also love Real Madrid very much. I watch it on satellite channels. I am very happy for their winning.

This is my favorite place to be on holidays.

My favorite place paragraph

My favorite place to spend time is the theatre. I very much like to attend summer theater rehearsals, and participate in some theatrical performance or singing activities. Last year I had so much fun. We did Romeo and Juliet.

Certainly, it is a famous story and there is intense conflict, and many transitions, which required us to work great and continuous training in order to master the movements and express the content of the play properly.

I loved my participation last year in this play and I am very excited to participate this year and discover what we will offer. I hope it’s something as wonderful as the works of The Merchant of Venice. or something similar.

My favourite place to visit essay

My favorite place is the beach. But I am certainly not talking about ordinary beaches that contain water and sunshine only.

I am talking about the beaches that contain volleyball and basketball courts, an area dedicated to strength games, and places for celebrations and drinks.

Such beaches are my favourite, as I like to do all three sports, I love volleyball very much and I love to join my friends in playing.

In the early morning I like to exercise a little on some weights and do some fitness moves. In the evening I like very much to participate in basketball matches.

I like this atmosphere very much, and this is my favorite place, which I enjoy a lot and I like the competitive atmosphere in it.

My Favourite Place Essay 150 Words

My favorite place in the American football field, I love training and doing exercises that help me improve my fitness, I love everything about this stadium, the color of the grass, the shape of the stands especially when they are full, I love the cheers of encouragement, I love watching the joy of victory in the eyes of coaches and fans.

I also feel great enthusiasm every day on the field because of the continuous training that helps me improve my abilities and broaden my horizons. Every day I find myself better than I was the day before.

I aspire to do my best this year, get my team to the finals, and play a great match that will impress our fans and satisfy the coaches. I certainly hope to win first place, so my friends and I work hard and hope to be the best at the end of the season. We are achieving great victories that help us in the next stage and move to big teams.

Every student has a goal he would like to achieve, whether at the scientific or professional level, and I would very much like to remain involved in the stadiums even when I grow up. I would like to become a coach for this sport that I love so much.

Speech on my Favourite place

My favorite place that I like to spend time in on a regular and continuous basis and I do not tired to go to it at all is the shop that my father owns.

I am very happy to go and help my father with work, organization and cleaning. After that, I receive buyers, deal with them and serve them. This makes me feel very happy and confident.

My father works in a trade of (type a trade name). I love this trade very much and I like to choose some of the commodities that I have to order and search on the Internet for the required commodities and tell my father about them.

I am very happy if my analysis was correct and there is a great demand for one of the products and my father was able to benefit from my help.

I would very much like to work permanently in this trade and expand and enlarge it when I grow up. But now I enjoy a lot of my time with the help of my father and gain some skills and experience in addition to the confidence in dealing and communicating with others.

I feel this is a great opportunity to work in the market and be able to treat everyone. This breaks the dread inside me since I was young and gives me a lot of experience that will greatly benefit me in my future.

My favourite place paragraph for class 5

My favorite place is at the seaside, when the weather is great I go to spend some time swimming, and when the weather is cooler, I am always at the sea fishing. I love fishing, and the best place I like to be in on a daily basis is on the seashore, seeing the sea and hearing the sound of waves, looking at the sunrise or sunset every day and enjoying the wonderful view and breathing in the fresh air that carries the beautiful smell of the sea.

This is my favorite place that I like to spend time in and whenever I have the opportunity to go with my family members or friends I go and I never hesitate.

My favourite place in the world essay

My favorite place that I am very happy to be in is the soccer field. This is the best place in the world that I love to be in, especially when the fans of the two teams come to watch the match, and hear the shouts of encouragement in my name and the names of my friends.

This gives me a strong motivation and feeling to do the best and strive even if I am tired and cannot continue. I find myself regaining my strength as soon as I hear my name chanting from the fans, I feel awake and energized and my  fatigue are over.

The football field represents to me many things such as dreaming of fame, self-realization, accomplishing something important in my life, and certainly the financial return as well. So I take things seriously and try to be responsible as much as possible.

A favorite place to relax topic sentence

I would very much like to talk about a favorite place to relax, which helps me a lot in getting rid of many stressful thoughts that occupy my mind and make me psychologically exhausted.

This place is the beach where fishing, I really like to go fishing when I am tired of thinking a lot. I feel when I am fishing and looking at the water that I am completely numb and no longer think of anything to occupy my mind.

I find myself caring only what I do, and I would be very happy if I could catch a fish, it changes my mood and makes me more optimistic and happy. I take advantage of the beach near us, and go to release the negative energy inside me so that I can return to study and activities that I do with all the vitality and energy.

My favorite place to live essay

I would much rather live in the middle of forests and rivers than city life. Whenever I go with my family for camping, or spend some times and occasions with my family and relatives in rural areas far from the city and its hustle and bustle, I find a wonderful inner feeling, which I can describe to peace and comfort.

After a few days, I find myself feeling energetic. I also notice that I sleep better, without frequent worry throughout the night, beside enjoying the smell that spreads everywhere, emanating from the trees, roses and green life surrounding us from everywhere.

I enjoy very much fishing in the lakes and relaxing from time to time. This is the life I want to spend my life in, away from the fast life, stress and anxiety, and live in fear.

My favourite natural place essay

I find the true magic in everything from God’s creation, and no matter how much man has developed and built architectural buildings and established entertainment clubs and others that do not match the beauty of nature and the landscapes that are God’s creation.

I always find myself happier and more comfortable in the vast areas, which contain mountains and green areas, and seeing the city from the outside, and not from the inside, I feel great pressure and lack of focus when I am in the city. As soon as I go out and see the city from outside, I feel like I have put a heavy weight on my shoulders.

Therefore, my favorite place that I like to spend time in is the natural areas outside the city, which contain large areas and are not crowded.

My favorite place in the world essay

My favorite place in the whole world is the beach. There is no specific beach I prefer to be in, what I like about the beach is the smell of the sea, seeing the sea and the water in front of me moving and forming waves.

I feel calm and psychologically comfortable when I listen to the sounds of the waves around me as I look and breathe deeply on the shore.

I don’t much prefer to swim, I do it from time to time, but I enjoy walking on the beach without shoes on my feet, walking around feeling the sand on my toes, and letting the water wet my feet, this is the most beautiful feeling I love and prefer.

Describe your favorite place essay

My favorite place is camping in the desert, seeing the yellow sand surrounding me from every side, moving away from technology and any modern gadgets, returning to barbecue using traditional methods, sleeping in tents, and talking to each other automatically and naturally without any electronic devices.

I feel comfortable and calm in such places, and I feel that my mind is taking a break from everything around me that requires focus and attention.

Being in such places helps me to feel my surroundings, and I see many things that I used to neglect to see despite my presence because I was busy communicating with my friends on the phone, or playing while I was wandering outside.

Therefore, I find that this is my favorite place that I would like to spend great times in and return to from time to time.

In this way, we have given you  My favorite place essay , and you can read more through the following link:

  • Essay on city

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Cue Card Sample

Ielts cue card sample 65 - describe a city you have visited and liked, describe a city you have visited and liked..

  • what city it is, and where it is
  • when you have visited this city
  • why you liked/disliked it
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?
  • What changes have you observed in your city in the past 5 years?
  • Name some good tourist spots in your city?
  • Why do you think living in your city is a good choice?

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describe your favorite city essay

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Favorite city in the world

describe your favorite city essay

Favorite city in the world What is the name of the city? Describe the city? Why do you regard it to be your favorite city?

My favorite city in this world is Dubai. It is a very beautiful city. I went to Dubai about 3 years ago. The trip was planned by my family and friends so it was a very enjoyable trip. We were about 15 people and we had the greatest fun ever.

I had not visited Dubai before, but the moment I landed on the Dubai Airport I realized that Dubai is the most beautiful city in the world. First of all we went to the hotel. The name of the hotel was Flora Park. The next day was all about shopping. I had heard a lot about the various discounts which were being offered in the malls of Dubai, and I was very keen to get benefit of those discounts. Other than shopping I also went to various amusements parks and restaurants. I was amazed to see how the Dubai had managed to plant so many trees in the city as originally Dubai is a desert and it would have been very difficult to do some task.

I have visited a lot of cities in the world, but I still consider Dubai to be my favorite city because it was very colorful. There was so much life in the city and everything was moving so fast. I could also call Dubai as a city of fun. The other reason liked Dubai that much was the on my trip I also met some people and now those people are one of my best friends.

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