
Essay on Dress Code

Students are often asked to write an essay on Dress Code in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Dress Code

What is a dress code.

A dress code is a set of rules about what you can wear. Schools, offices, and clubs often have dress codes. They help people look neat and proper for different places. For example, your school might ask you to wear certain colors or types of clothes.

Why Dress Codes Matter

Dress codes are important because they create a sense of unity. When everyone wears similar clothes, it can make people feel like they belong to a group. In jobs, it helps customers know who to ask for help.

Pros and Cons

Having a dress code means everyone knows what to wear without thinking too much. But, some people feel dress codes limit their freedom to express themselves through their clothes.

Dress Code Tips

When you follow a dress code, make sure your clothes are clean and fit well. If you’re not sure what to wear, ask a teacher or a friend. Always try to look your best within the rules.

250 Words Essay on Dress Code

Types of dress codes.

There are many types of dress codes. For example, in school, you might have to wear a uniform. This is a special set of clothes that all students wear. At a party, there might be a fancy dress code, which means you need to wear your best clothes. In offices, the dress code is often formal, which means suits for men and dresses or suits for women.

Dress codes are important because they help people know what is okay to wear. They can make sure that no one’s clothes cause a problem or distract others. In school, a dress code can help students focus on learning instead of what everyone is wearing.

Dress codes have good and bad sides. A good side is that they can make everyone feel equal. A bad side is that sometimes people feel they can’t express themselves with their clothes. It’s important to find a balance so that people can feel comfortable and still follow the rules.

Dress codes are about wearing the right clothes for the right place. They help keep things fair and respectful. It’s good to follow the dress code, but it’s also important to feel good in what you wear.

500 Words Essay on Dress Code

A dress code is a set of rules about what clothes people can wear. Schools, offices, and different events often have dress codes to make sure everyone looks proper and respects the place or event they are at. For example, your school might ask you to wear certain colors or types of clothes so that all students look alike and no one feels left out because of what they wear.

Why Do We Have Dress Codes?

There are many kinds of dress codes. Some are very strict, like a uniform that all students must wear. Others are more relaxed, just asking people to wear smart clothes or avoid certain items like flip-flops or hats. At formal events, you might have to wear a suit or a dress. Each dress code is made to fit the place or event it is for.

Pros of Dress Codes

There are good things about having a dress code. It can make choosing what to wear easier because you know what is expected. It can also make everyone feel like they belong to a group, like their school or company. Dress codes can also teach us about respect and how to dress appropriately for different situations.

Cons of Dress Codes

Following dress codes.

When there is a dress code, it’s important to follow it. If you’re not sure what you can or can’t wear, it’s a good idea to ask a teacher or someone in charge. They can explain the rules to you. Remember, dress codes are not there to make life hard but to make sure everyone is dressed right for the place or event.

Dress codes are all around us and they play a big role in how we dress for different places and events. They have good points, like making everyone feel equal and looking proper, but they can also have downsides if people feel they can’t be themselves. It’s important to understand why dress codes exist and to follow them while also thinking about how they affect everyone. Whether you’re going to school, work, or a special event, knowing about the dress code can help you fit in and feel comfortable.

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School Dress Codes

Dress codes have been a topic of discussion in schools for many years. Some people believe that dress codes are a good idea for schools, while others believe that they are unnecessary. In my opinion, dress codes are a good idea for schools, as they create a more professional and respectful environment for learning.

One of the main reasons why dress codes are a good idea for schools is that they promote a sense of professionalism. When students dress appropriately for school, they are presenting themselves in a manner that is respectful and dignified. This can have a positive impact on their behavior and attitudes, as they are more likely to take their studies seriously and behave in a responsible manner.

Dress codes also help to eliminate distractions in the classroom. When students are allowed to wear whatever they want to school, it can be a source of distraction for other students. For example, if a student wears a provocative or offensive t-shirt, it may distract other students from their studies and create a hostile learning environment. By implementing a dress code, schools can ensure that all students are dressed appropriately and that there are no distractions in the classroom.

Moreover, dress codes help to reduce social and economic disparities among students. When students are allowed to wear expensive or designer clothing to school, it can create a sense of inequality among students. This can lead to bullying and other negative behaviors, which can have a negative impact on the learning environment. By implementing a dress code, schools can ensure that all students are dressed in a similar manner, which can help to reduce social and economic disparities.

In addition, dress codes can help to prepare students for the professional world. Many workplaces have dress codes, and by implementing a dress code in schools, students can learn about appropriate workplace attire. This can help them to be more prepared for their future careers and to present themselves in a professional manner.

In conclusion, dress codes are a good idea for schools, as they create a more professional and respectful environment for learning. They help to eliminate distractions in the classroom, reduce social and economic disparities among students, and prepare students for the professional world. While there may be some resistance to dress codes among students, parents, and teachers, it is important to remember that dress codes are in place to promote a positive learning environment.

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Why do schools have dress codes?

Schools have dress codes to promote a safe and respectful learning environment, to prevent distractions caused by inappropriate clothing, and to encourage students to focus on their studies rather than their appearance.

What are the benefits of having a dress code in schools?

The benefits of having a dress code in schools include improving student behavior, reducing bullying and social pressure, promoting a sense of unity and equality among students, and preparing students for the workplace where dress codes are common.

What are the disadvantages of having a dress code in schools?

The disadvantages of having a dress code in schools include restricting students’ freedom of expression and individuality, creating unnecessary expenses for families, enforcing gender stereotypes, and possibly perpetuating discrimination and inequality.

What is typically included in a school dress code?

A school dress code may include guidelines on the length of skirts and shorts, the type of shoes allowed, the appropriateness of clothing with offensive language or images, and restrictions on visible piercings or tattoos.

Can dress codes be discriminatory?

Yes, dress codes can be discriminatory if they disproportionately affect certain groups of students based on their race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status. Schools must ensure that their dress codes are fair and do not violate students’ rights.

How can schools ensure that their dress codes are fair and inclusive?

Schools can ensure that their dress codes are fair and inclusive by involving students, parents, and community members in the development process, allowing for individual expression within the guidelines, and regularly reviewing and revising the dress code to address any concerns or issues that arise.

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School Dress Codes and Self-Expression Essay

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The need to introduce dress codes in all educational institutions can be listed among the most widely discussed topics regarding students’ rights. Today, many researchers against the introduction of strict rules for school children refer to creative ability and self-expression in their arguments. Dress codes, and especially school uniforms, urge students to wear clothes that they do not choose. To some extent, it runs counter to the freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment (“School dress codes,” 2017).

Self-expression is extremely important for teenagers, but not all its forms are socially acceptable. Instead of letting children wear clothes that they want, about two-thirds of schools in the United States utilize dress code policies that are rather strict (“School dress codes,” 2017). In the context of dress codes, self-expression remains a tricky question. However, it does not always involve wearing something really provocative or even offensive, such as clothes with controversial slogans. Many children who do not belong to subcultures just want to choose their favorite colors or express their mood with the help of clothes, and prohibiting it does not seem just.

Self-expression can also be related to socialization and differences between social groups, and dress codes attempt to create “artificial” uniformity. Being urged to wear only approved clothes, students are deprived of an opportunity to understand the differences between social groups and the unique problems of their social class. For instance, practices banning certain hairstyles popular among racial minorities are still used in some institutions “that were exclusively white” two decades ago (Chutel, 2018, para. 4).

Thus, some dress code rules can be regarded as harmful because they decrease the visibility of racial and ethnic minorities. Importantly, this tendency is true for social classes; when all children are dressed the same, social inequality becomes less visible, but it does not disappear.

In the modern world, dress codes are also used to promote the “right” relationships between men and women, which makes them harmful for the latter. For example, many types of clothes popular among female students (especially during hot weather) are considered to be “sexually suggestive” (“School dress codes,” 2017, para. 7). According to the proponents of such rules for teenage girls, short skirts and similar clothes contribute to sexual crime in schools (“School dress codes,” 2017). As a result, female students are objectified and shamed based on their clothing choices.

Despite the popularity of arguments about creativity, school dress codes are believed to have a variety of advantages related to their initial intended purposes. One of the functions of school uniforms is to minimize differences in appearance and, therefore, improve student safety (“School uniforms,” 2018). At the same time, the positive impact of dress codes is related to students’ academic performance (Daniels, 2005). By creating uniformity, stricter rules manage to distract children from “showing off their wealth” or demonstrating subculture or religious affiliation (“School uniforms,” 2018, para. 4).

Given the ability of these restrictions to reduce conflicts and prevent educational stratification, more attention is paid to the acquisition of knowledge during lessons. The positive effects of measures for creating uniformity were observed in a variety of experiments. After the implementation of school uniform policies in a school district in California, fights between students decreased by more than fifty percent, and even more, significant decreases were observed in drug usage (“School uniforms,” 2018). Thus, the positive effects of uniforms should also be acknowledged.

Chutel, L. (2018). Dress codes that restrict natural hairstyles harm black students . Web.

Daniels, S. (2005). School dress codes are necessary and constitutional . Web.

School dress codes . (2017). Web.

School uniforms . (2018). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 27). School Dress Codes and Self-Expression. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/

"School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." IvyPanda , 27 May 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'School Dress Codes and Self-Expression'. 27 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." May 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.

1. IvyPanda . "School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." May 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.


IvyPanda . "School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." May 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.

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Essay: Pros and Cons of a Dress Code in Schools

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Students mill through school grounds, all dressed in the latest fashions and trends. Although they may not think twice about their clothing, other than how fashionable they are, there is another factor that affects their dress for school, dress codes. Dress codes in North America have come under fire in recent years, amid arguments that raise many possible issues concerning them.

School dress codes have become a large controversy, as 55% of American schools enforce dress codes that are deemed “strict” and “controlling”. Though it is argued that times and our ideals have become more modern and progressive, our dress code policies have certainly not.

For generations, society’s mindset has improved drastically, beginning to wholly support women, people of colour, different shapes, sizes, and everyone in between. However, dress codes at their core have not changed with present times, though they are, on the surface, seen as appropriate, well-meaning, and inclusive.

Dress codes have been shown to cause increases in students grades and school performance averages. Although this is positive for students and schools, there is a cost behind this for parents and guardians. These policies make it much more difficult for both students and parents to buy clothing that children would actually wear, as dress codes are often specific and prohibit most clothing that students are willing to don.

However, the opposite is true as well. Dress code policies are open to interpretation and the final say comes down to school staff and administrators, meaning that students can never be truly sure that they will not be dress coded. On that same note, most clothing that students want to wear clothing that is fashionable would be considered unprofessional anyways. The use of dress codes prepares students for reality and what is expected of them as they age into society.

However, these expectations are not always what needs to be instilled in the mindsets of students, as society can be misogynistic and male-centric, and school clothing policies only perpetuate these beliefs. Dress codes circuitously support sexism, misogyny, and sexual assault directed towards females. School attire policies aid in the preparation of students for future professions. They help ensure that students have experienced clothing restrictions and are knowledgeable on acting according to these policies in any institutions.

However, these same rules that are crafted to help some students often end up discriminating against others. Many dress code policies are guilty of indirectly prohibiting clothing and dress that are symbolic to/are common in certain religions or cultures, thus enraging these groups and straying far away from the intended purpose. Are the benefits of these policies worth more than the costs? Or does the expense on students everywhere outweigh the advantages?

Dress codes are policies enforced in schools in order to prohibit certain clothing items that are deemed inappropriate or offensive. Their intended goal is to keep all students and staff comfortable, and to maintain a positive school climate.

In the 1950’s to 1960’s, positive economic conditions caused a drastic increase in household average income. With this excess income, everyday citizens were beginning to purchase and wear more fashionable clothing, articulating their culture, beliefs, and interests. However, the government was not fond of this new method of self-expression, and eventually began to ban many clothing items.

In the United States of America, dress codes were first established in 1969, in the Tinker v. Des Moines Community School District. A group of high school students had worn black armbands to class, protesting the Vietnam War. This sparked controversy, and became the limit for the community school board. Rules prohibiting certain clothing items were inputted in schools from then on.

More and more schools across the nation and across the world began developing their own clothing bans, which are now collectively referred to as dress codes. Presently, the prohibitions on clothing are not very well received, and students are fighting for more freedom concerning their dress as codes become increasingly specific. However, dress codes do have a number of advantages for not only the school, but the students as well.

Dress codes improve student’s school experience. Studies have shown that students who stress over their appearance are apt to perform worse on cognitive tasks, compared to those that show little to no concern. Attire policies have been shown to increase student’s grades on examinations.

In fact, 46% of TDSB schools state that the purpose of their dress codes is to “support a positive learning environment”. If a student obsesses over their fashion, hair, makeup, and looks, they spend less focus on their academics, clubs, and overall education. With the aid of dress codes, students cease any worry about their looks, as many items cannot be worn anyways.

Students are often bullied because of their clothing, and dress codes help prevent this by limiting the attire that is available for them to wear. Children of lower-income families may not be able to afford popular brands and expensive clothing, which is the main reason why so many students, especially teenagers, are bullied at school. With dress codes banning many items such as ripped jeans and baggy clothes, which are popular styles with name brands everywhere, there are fewer chances for bullying due to attire.

Mental health disorders in students such as depression, low self-esteem, and eating disorders are often accelerated by worries over clothing and appearances. Schools enforcing dress codes can improve the school climate. By restricting certain clothing items, students do not feel the need to don showy or revealing attire to belong, as these pieces are prohibited by dress codes.

It would help prevent students from feeling insecure about their bodies and clothing because they wouldn’t be the only ones not dressed in the latest styles and trends. Mental health issues are common in teenagers, meaning that a great deal should be done to prevent them, which includes dress codes.

The policies that dress codes contain make experiences difficult for parents of schoolchildren, and well as students themselves. The rules are impossibly specific. “Skirts and shorts must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee” is an incredibly precise policy that is completely unrealistic to measure. Most students don’t have the time to take a ruler to their shorts every morning. It is also inefficient and opens up a multitude of possibilities for students to be punished, which isn’t the aim of dress codes, supposedly.

Parents bear difficulties purchasing clothing for their children, and attire policies cause even more frustration for them. With dress code rules, parents cannot purchase merely any clothing for their children. They also must keep the dress codes in mind and speculate if it follows the policies or not.

In a study of children’s apparel choices, 41% of girls’ clothing in stores marketed towards “tweens”, such as Abercrombie & Fitch Kids, were considered sexual. The more specific the policies, the more irritating and difficult to follow they are for parents. This is time consuming for those who have errands to run, work to do, and a life to live.

The policies have many issues and inconsistencies that make it difficult for students to be positive that they are following the dress code. For example, “the final say in whether a student’s outfit is violating the dress code is subjective”, which is stated by 50% of U.S. schools.

For example, McLouth High School in Kansas, U.S.A. states “shorts and skirts must be as long, or longer than, the longest fingertip. Shorts and skirts that pass this test may still be deemed inappropriate. ” Policies like this make it virtually impossible for students to be completely sureif they are following the dress code, as the end ruling is a teacher or administrators’ opinion. No data or measurements, just a statement that worries students everywhere.

Dress codes are made to keep a professional environment and keep students clean and orderly. Students feel more comfortable in an appropriate environment. If a student was to wear revealing clothing to school, it could make others feel uncomfortable and unhappy. Dress codes prevent the discomfort of students and teachers. Without them, schools would run rampant with clothing enforcing offensive messages, exposing attire, and student displeasure.

Dress codes have the possibility of aiding a positive school reputation. By enforcing dress codes, schools limit the possibly offensive messages that could be delivered by students’ clothing. Schools could be known for having respectful students if they limit the negative messages spread by their pupils, through clothing, actions, or otherwise. Image is what is first seen of the students, and therefore the school, so it is important for the students to possess a clean image.

It is essentially “dressing for success”. Dressing well has the ability to positively affect the morals, attitudes, and work quality of students. Professional dress can lead to confidence. Individuals that are better dressed will often stand taller and project independence. A recent study has revealed that the participants dressed professionally were more likely to think outside of the box and produce creative ideas compared to their poorly dressed colleagues. By schools teaching students how important this is, they position them well for success.

Though dress codes are meant to keep a professional environment, their rules promote sexism and misogyny, even going so far as to encourage rape. Clothing articles that are targeted towards females are often put through dress code policies constantly, much more so than those targeted towards males. 57% of dress code attire bans are towards clothing items marketed to females, such as skirts, leggings, and crop tops, compared to a mere 5% for boys(and 38% to all genders). This only instills the belief that females should be more controlled and have more rules in life than males.

Dress codes and the phrases told to girls to justify the policies often include vocabulary that is demoralizing and blames girls for their actions. The most common words used for dress code policy explanations include “disrupt”, “distract”, “appropriate”, “safe”, “health”, “modest”, and “respect”. Of these words, 76% of dress code policies include the phrase “disrupt” or “distract”, making these two the most common words used to validate the rules.

Often times, they’re used for the 57% of banned clothing marketed towards girls. The use of this vocabulary makes it seem as though a girl should be ashamed of her body, and that female bodies are merely items for males to view and be distracted by. It is unacceptable for these masked discriminations and double standards to slip through the cracks of what is seen as a strong and fair system.

Revealing clothing is frequently banned in school dress codes, however in doing so, it often ends up sexualizing young children, especially girls. Many young girls have their first experience of being shamed for their clothing through school dress codes and at very young ages. It is not appropriate or legal at all for 10 year old girls having to change out of shorts or tank tops because they could be “distracting” to male classmates or, worse, male teachers that are much older than them.

Sexualizing young girls and conditioning others and themselves to believe that they need to change to fit societal views is what guilts women who are victims of sexual harassment and assault, though they should never be held accountable for something of that matter.

Dress codes prepare students for the real world. Many workplaces have dress codes, and having them at schools as well helps students practice this. It teaches students to consider their dress choices in a practical, real sense. Fashion is something that many teenagers are absorbed with, however often in a more shallow sense.

By teaching the need to think broader than just how stylish their clothes are, schools instill this mindset of making pragmatic choices in their students. Schools must always aim to act as a good model for reality, which ensures the future success of their students.

There are often punishments for failure to follow the rules in workplaces. This certainly includes dress codes. For example, if an employee wears ripped jeans to a business-casual office job, they will be “dress coded” by their manager. Further failure to obey rules may even lead to their dismissal.

This is precisely how school dress codes work as well. Failing to follow the dress code would lead to the student being “dress coded” by a teacher or administrator and the punishment could eventually lead up to suspension or expulsion from school. Showing students that there are actual consequences for their decisions teaches them the importance of diligently obeying the rules.

It helps students practice professionalism and how to dress well. How students dress is most other’s first impression, and cleanly dressed individuals give a good impression. It proposes the idea that they are professional and intelligent, while dressing carelessly makes students seem just that- careless.

Clothing with holes and tears, as well as clothing that exposes the midriff are often seen as lazy and unprofessional by employers. By inputting bans on these articles, schools are actively preparing students for a future position in which there is a dress code to be followed.

In their journey to ensure the comfort of everyone at the school, dress codes are often discriminatory and downright offensive to certain groups. African-American students are more likely to be dress coded than any other racial group, especially caucasian peers. Many schools in North America have rules which prohibit natural African-American hair, which is inappropriate and discriminatory towards their culture.

However, there are no rules against any other ethnicity of hair. Studies have shown that girls of colour are much more likely to have their outfits deemed “provocative” and “unladylike” compared to caucasian peers, even when both groups are violating the dress code.

Dress codes often discriminate against people of larger body proportions. Kelsey Anderson, a Missouri teen, wore a long sleeved blouse and long jeans to school one day. She was dress coded. The teacher that dealt with the punishment stated that the reason the teen was dress coded was that “plus size women need to dress accordingly” and that “bustier women need to wear clothing that covers their cleavage”. In other words, she was specifically harassed because she was not considered thin.

Reports show that curvy and busty girls are more likely to be policed for their outfits than thinner and less busty classmates. This blatantly reveals the discrimination towards larger women, and how much harder it is for plus sized women to dress while still obeying the objectivity of dress codes. Many religious practices are disregarded from school dress codes. Muslim women are often penalized for wearing hijabs, which is an important aspect of their beliefs.

Unfortunately, this discrimination follows them outside of the classroom. It affects them in school athletic events as well. Noor Abukuram is an Ohio high schooler, who, in October of 2019, was disqualified from a cross country event in her region. She was sporting a hijab, and though it was formulated especially for athletes, she was eliminated from the event for violating the dress code, after finishing the race. This showcases dress code discrimination against religious wear, despite the fact that it is not offensive or harmful to anyone.

As the bell rings, signifying the start of class, students begin separating from their groups and entering various classrooms. It may seem like an average day, but some students will be dress coded. Some students will have to face embarrassment or suspensions because of it. And a select few may revolt and cause changes in the school dress policies for schools across their board.

Though dress codes have the potential to improve the school climate and student’s school experiences, they often fail to meet these goals. Dress codes place a controlling finger on the student body and causes student frustration. They become fearful of what may happen to them even if they are attempting to follow school dress codes, as failure to follow dress codes can lead to embarrassment at best and expulsion at worst.

This makes their school preparations difficult and more worrisome than they need to be. Dress codes do have a positive aim, which is to keep a professional school climate. Professionalism is important, however, though many schools house professional students, they are also raising ones with sexist mindsets. Dress codes prepare students for reality and their futures. Often, workplaces will have professional dress codes.

Consequences for refusing to follow these policies can even lead to being dismissed from a position. Schools having these same rules ensures that students are aware of the severity of the punishments and how important it is to follow the rules. These same rules that can prepare students so well for reality and their own futures are also largely detrimental to certain groups of students, like students of colour, plus sized students, and religious students.

Dress codes have a variety of pros and cons and it is still controversial on whether the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. However, reality is that dress codes may not be entirely abolished for some time, and that is something that may have to be dealt with on both sides.

Works Cited

Almasy, Steve, and Natalie Johnson. “Texas Parents Sue School Officials They Say Used Sharpie to Cover Son’s New Haircut.” CNN , Cable News Network, 21 Aug. 2019, 17 Feb. 2020, www.cnn.com/2019/08/20/us/texas-haircut-sharpie-lawsuit/index.html.

Green, Dennis. “It turns out that dressing well can actually make you more successful.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 5 Aug. 2017, 21 Feb. 2020,https://www.businessinsider.com/dressing-for-success-actually-works-2017-7

Heller, Susanna. “A Teen Was Reportedly Told She Violated Her High School’s Dress Code by Being ‘Busty’ – Now She’s Seeking Legal Action.” Insider , Insider, 13 Sept. 2017, 17 Feb. 2020, www.insider.com/teen-called-busty-plus-size-dress-code2017-9.

“Muslim Teen Athlete Disqualified in Ohio Race over Hijab.” BBC News , BBC, 25 Oct. 2019, 17 Feb. 2020, www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50186728.

Showalter, Sandi Kelly. “The Importance of Dressing Professionally.” Career Trend, Career

Trend, 3 Sept. 2019, 21 Feb. 2020, https://careertrend.com/facts-5136548-importance-dressing-professionally.html

“The Sexualized Messages Dress Codes Are Sending to Students.” The Pudding , n.d, 17 Feb.

2020, www.pudding.cool/2019/02/dress-code-sexualization/.

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Dress code - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Dress codes are a set of guidelines specifying the acceptable attire within a particular environment, such as schools or workplaces. An essay on dress code might delve into debates around freedom of expression versus professionalism, the gender biases inherent in many dress codes, or the impact of dress code policies on individual or organizational behavior. This topic might also lend itself to exploring cultural or historical variations in dress codes and what they reflect about societal values. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Dress Code you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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Argumentative Essay on Against School Dress Code

📌Category: , , ,
📌Words: 424
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 January 2022

Is the dress code as necessary as it needs to be? The dress code is one of the most talked-about topics in schools across the world. Is it needed? Does it affect students? There are many questions on how dress code causes bad factors in a school for many reasons. Dress code has cause students to be upset, it also causes parents financial struggles, and some dress codes are even out of hand with the rules. 

Firstly, students are affected by this rule every day as they have to wake up and base their outfits on what the school requires. Some kids have to wear jeans and are not allowed to wear shorts even in the summer causing students to be hot and stressed while at school. Also, the dress code makes students feel as if they cannot express themselves and who they are because they had to wear what the school requires them to. Many students have spoken up about feeling they cannot express who they are due to being told to wear plain t-shirts or being told to wear jeans all the time. 

Secondly, some schools require uniforms which greatly affect parents financially because uniforms can cost up to six hundred dollars. Whilst some may not cost as much, some parents still have to work longer, harder days in order to afford the uniform so their kids can go to school this causes them to have less time with their kids. Because uniforms costing so much, some parents cannot afford the uniforms which causes students to miss school or wear raggedy clothes and get in trouble at school in order to go. And schools will punish the child if they do not have a uniform or is it not clean.

Lastly, some of these school’s dress codes are out of hand. Some schools require girls to wear skirts all year including the winter season, which causes female students to be out in freezing temperatures where they can get sick or frostbite from the weather. Also, some schools will punish students for their uniforms being wrinkly and or unkempt. Which may not be the student’s fault.

In conclusion, these reasons given are why the dress code should not be enforced as it hurts parents and students. By the dress code is mandatory in some schools, parents are hurt financially, some students feel uncomfortable and unhappy at school, and schools taking the opportunity to make the rule extreme. All these can be supported by looking it up on the internet from thousands of other users supporting the claims. Hopefully in the soon future dress code will be fixed and or less strict so students feel like they can express themselves. Therefore, the dress code should not be enforced in schools.

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Dress Code In School Essay Examples

Dress Code In School - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Dress code in school refers to the set of rules and guidelines that dictate what students should wear while they are on campus or attending school activities. The purpose of dress codes is to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment, promote professionalism, and prevent distractions from clothing that may be considered inappropriate. Generally, dress codes vary from school to school but they typically prohibit clothing that is too revealing, vulgar, or offensive. They may also require students to wear certain types of clothing like uniforms or collared shirts. Overall, school dress code is an important aspect of school culture that helps to maintain a respectful and professional atmosphere conducive to learning.

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