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Essays About Veganism: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Veganism is on the rise. See below for our great examples of essays about veganism and helpful writing prompts to get started. 

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from animal-based foods and products. The movement originated from the philosophies against using animals as commodities and for capitalist gains. Now a booming industry, veganism promises better health benefits, a more humane world for animals, and an effective solution to global warming. 

Here is our round-up of essays examples about veganism:


1. A Brief History of Veganism by Claire Suddath

2. animal testing on plant-based ingredients divides vegan community by jill ettinger, 3. as vegan activism grows, politicians aim to protect agri-business, restaurateurs by alexia renard, 4. bezos, gates back fake meat and dairy made from fungus as next big alt-protein by bob woods, 5. going vegan: can switching to a plant-based diet really save the planet by sarah marsh, 1. health pros and cons of veganism, 2. veganism vs. vegetarianism, 3. the vegan society, 4. making a vegan diet plan, 5. profitability of vegan restaurants, 6. public personalities who are vegan, 7. the rise of different vegan products, 8. is vegan better for athletes, 9. vegans in your community, 10. most popular vegan activists.

“Veganism is an extreme form of vegetarianism, and though the term was coined in 1944, the concept of flesh-avoidance can be traced back to ancient Indian and eastern Mediterranean societies.”

Suddath maps out the historical roots of veganism and the global routes of its influences. She also laid down its evolution in various countries where vegan food choices became more flexible in considering animal-derived products critical to health. 

“Along with eschewing animal products at mealtime, vegans don’t support other practices that harm animals, including animal testing. But it’s a process rampant in both the food and drug industries.”

Ettinger follows the case of two vegan-founded startups that ironically conducts animal testing to evaluate the safety of their vegan ingredients for human consumption. The essay brings to light the conflicts between the need to launch more vegan products and ensuring the safety of consumers through FDA-required animal tests. 

“Indeed, at a time when the supply of vegan products is increasing, activists sometimes fear the reduction of veganism to a depoliticized way of life that has been taken over by the food industry.”

The author reflects on a series of recent vegan and animal rights activist movements and implies disappointment over the government’s response to protect public safety rather than support the protests’ cause. The essay differentiates the many ways one promotes and fights for veganism and animal rights but emphasizes the effectiveness of collective action in shaping better societies. 

“Beyond fungus, Nature’s Fynd also is representative of the food sustainability movement, whose mission is to reduce the carbon footprint of global food systems, which generate 34% of greenhouse emissions linked to climate change.”

The essay features a company that produces alternative meat products and has the backing of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Al Gore. The essay divulges the company’s investments and plans to expand in the vegan market while providing a picture of the burgeoning alternative foods sector. 

“Experts say changing the way we eat is necessary for the future of the planet but that government policy is needed alongside this. If politicians are serious about wanting dietary changes, they also need to incentivise it, scientists and writers add.”

The article conveys the insights and recommendations of environmental and agriculture experts on how to turn more individuals into vegans. The experts emphasize the need for a whole-of-society approach in shifting more diets to vegan instead of putting the onus for change on an individual. 

10 Writing Prompts on Essays About Veganism

Here is our round-up of the best prompts to create interesting essays about veganism: 

While veganism has been a top choice for those desiring to lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle, some studies have also shown its detrimental effects on health due to deficiencies in specific vitamins. First, find out what existing research and experts say about this. Then, lay down the advantages and disadvantages of going vegan, explain each, and wrap up your essay with your insights.

Differentiate veganism from vegetarianism. Tackle the foods vegans and vegetarians consume and do not consume and cite the different effects they have on your health and the environment. You may also expand this prompt to discuss the other dietary choices that spawned from veganism. 

The Vegan Society is a UK-based non-profit organization aimed at educating the public on the ways of veganism and promoting this as a way of life to as many people. Expound on its history, key organizational pillars, and recent and future campaigns. You may also broaden this prompt by listing down vegan organizations around the world. Then discuss each one’s objectives and campaigns. 

Write down the healthiest foods you recommend your readers to include in a vegan diet plan. Contrary to myths, vegan foods can be very flavorful depending on how they are cooked and prepared. You may expand this prompt to add recommendations for the most flavorful spices and sauces to take any vegan recipe a notch higher. 

Vegan restaurants were originally a niche market. But with the rise of vegan food products and several multinational firms’ foray into the market, the momentum for vegan restaurants was launched into an upward trajectory—research on how profitable vegan restaurants are against restos offering meat on the menu. You may also recommend innovative business strategies for a starting vegan restaurant to thrive and stay competitive in the market. 

Essays About Veganism: Public personalities who are vegan

From J.Lo to Bill Gates, there is an increasing number of famous personalities who are riding the vegan trend with good reason. So first, list a few celebrities, influencers, and public figures who are known advocates of veganism. Then, research and write about stories that compelled them to change their dietary preference.

The market for vegan-based non-food products is rising, from makeup to leather bags and clothes. First, create a list of vegan brands that are growing in popularity. Then, research the materials they use and the processes they employ to preserve the vegan principles. This may prompt may also turn into a list of the best gift ideas for vegans.

Many believe that a high-protein diet is a must for athletes. However, several athletes have dispelled the myth that vegan diets lack the protein levels for rigorous training and demanding competition. First, delve deeper into the vegan foods that serve as meat alternatives regarding protein intake. Then, cite other health benefits a vegan diet can offer to athletes. You may also add research on what vegan athletes say about how a vegan diet gives them energy. 

Interview people in your community who are vegan. Write about how they made the decision and how they transitioned to this lifestyle. What were the initial challenges in their journey, and how did they overcome these? Also, ask them for tips they would recommend to those who are struggling to uphold their veganism.

Make a list of the most popular vegan activists. You may narrow your list to personalities in digital media who are speaking loud and proud about their lifestyle choice and trying to inspire others to convert. Narrate the ways they have made and are making an impact in their communities. 

To enhance your essay, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing . 

If you’d like to learn more, check out our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

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Last updated May 29, 2023

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Blog > Common App , Essay Advice > How to Write a Great College Essay About Veganism

How to Write a Great College Essay About Veganism

Admissions officer reviewed by Ben Bousquet, M.Ed Former Vanderbilt University

Written by Kylie Kistner, MA Former Willamette University Admissions

Key Takeaway

People become vegan for a number of reasons. For some, it’s a deeply held personal choice, while for others it’s simply a matter of taste.

If you’re vegan, chances are that it’s a topic that’s important to you. You may even be wondering if veganism is something you should write about for your college essay.

Your college essay should be about something you are most passionate about, and veganism can allow you to talk about a core part of your values.

But veganism is also a fairly common topic that can at times be difficult to extract an original and meaningful message from.

Like any common topic, there are pros and cons to writing a personal statement about veganism. The topic isn’t off the table, but some approaches are more effective than others.

Where College Essays About Veganism Can Go Wrong

To achieve the goals of a personal statement, a college essay about veganism has to be about more than just your veganism.

After all, you are vegan for a reason. Something about the practice resonates with you at a deeper level. That significance is what you should focus on.

Two of the most common approaches to writing a college essay about veganism miss this mark because they rely too much on generalities instead of your deeply-held and identity-based reasons for being vegan.

“Why I became vegan”

The first ineffective approach is the surface-level “why I became vegan” or “how veganism changed my life” framework.

If veganism is something important to your lived experience, then it’s only logical that you’d want to write your college essay about what led you to be vegan or the specific ways being vegan has improved your life.

That is valuable. But too often essays that follow this approach give only common-knowledge reasons for being vegan. In doing so, they fail to address something truly meaningful about the writer.

A 2018 poll found that 3% of American adults identified as vegan, up from 2% in 2012. Your admissions officer is very likely familiar with the most common reasons behind veganism, so sharing this kind of surface-level answer is inadequate.

Unless you truly interrogate how veganism connects to a broader part of who you are, then your essay will leave an admissions committee wanting.

“Why you should be vegan”

The second common trope to avoid is the simple persuasive approach to “why you/everyone should be vegan.”

Maybe you do think everyone should be vegan. Maybe it’s even the belief that has sparked your interest in studying environmental science or food studies.

Because this topic carries a lot of weight, writing about why people should act a certain way takes a lot of time and care that is typically not possible in a personal statement.

A persuasive essay about veganism also says too much about others and not enough about who you are, so it’s best to find another approach.

Overall, college essays about veganism can go wrong when they make an admissions committee say, “That’s great! But now what?”

If you only write about your veganism, you leave the admissions committee with more questions than answers about who you are and why they should admit you.

Before you begin your college essay about veganism, you should consider asking yourself two questions:

How does my veganism relate to a larger part of who I am?

  • And what do I want admissions officers to do with that information?

Using these questions as a guiding framework, let’s discuss two ways to go about writing your essay.

Effective ways to approach your college essay about veganism

Background and identity.

One way to make an essay about veganism stand out is by connecting your veganism to another significant part of your background or identity.

Instead of writing generally about why you became vegan, allow veganism to be only part of your more complex story.

Drawing these connections for the admissions committee will give them more genuine insight into who you are and what motivates you.

Consider the “how” and “why” behind your veganism to identify the value or motivation that is most central to you.

Did you go vegan after watching Food, Inc.?

Or maybe you grew up on a farm and your veganism is because of (or in spite of) your upbringing.

Or perhaps you simply have a dairy allergy and don’t like the taste of meat.

In all of these cases, the compelling story is not that you are vegan. Your veganism is compelling because it developed in a context that is specific to you.

Let’s plug the Food, Inc. example into our questions:

I went vegan after watching Food, Inc. > I watched Food, Inc. in health class. > I cried during the documentary because I felt bad for the animals that were being treated poorly. > I love my veganism because I can actively live out my compassion for animals.

And there it is! A compelling, motivating part of your identity: your compassion.

And what do I want admissions officers to do with this information?

I want admissions officers to know that I am deeply compassionate towards animals. > This compassion is a guiding principle for how I move throughout the world.

With these two questions answered, you have a seedling for your essay. If you find that your answers to the questions actually aren’t that compelling, then you might consider a different topic.

Related Interests

The second effective way to approach your essay about veganism is to relate it to a specific academic or co-curricular interest.

Your veganism can then be a vehicle through which you talk about another topic related to your goals and passions.

This approach is effective because it allows you to discuss something you’re personally passionate about (veganism) and connect it to another part of yourself (your interest or accomplishment) that gives the admissions officers more reason to admit you.

Probably the most popular connections are wanting to study environmental science or biology or being a climate or animal rights activist.

Let’s try the questions again:

I’m vegan. > I’ve joined and now lead an online community of vegans. > I’ve developed an academic interest in niche communities and am interested in learning more about them.

I have an extracurricular accomplishment managing an online community of 5,000+ members. > My veganism has led to a budding interest in the psychology and sociology of online groups.

Again, you’ve found the seed. You can use your newfound connections as the foundation of your college essay.

Key Takeaways

Veganism is deeply important to many people. If you’re one of them, it’s okay to write your college essay about it.

While some approaches are better than others, essays about veganism are still fairly common.

So if you choose to write one, make sure that you root your essay in genuine and specific examples that clearly illustrate how your veganism connects to a core part of you.

In the end, your college essay about veganism should showcase another value, belief, or interest that you hold deeply. Once you’ve determined what that looks like for you, check out our other resources for writing a college essay and creating a cohesive application narrative .

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Veganism - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Veganism is a lifestyle and dietary choice that excludes all animal products and attempts to limit the exploitation of animals as much as possible. Essays could discuss the ethical, environmental, and health aspects of veganism, challenges faced by vegans, and the societal reaction to veganism. The impact of veganism on the food industry could also be explored. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Veganism you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Pros and Cons of Veganism

Veganism is a controversial topic among many people that often results in heated debates. Those who follow the vegan lifestyle, or at least advocate for it, argue that it is a clean and healthy way to live, a way that has positive effect on both a person's physical health and their impact on the environment. On the other hand, there are people who counter that veganism is a radical and impractical lifestyle that is almost impossible to maintain in today's […]

Positive Effect of Veganism on Environment

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Why we shouldn’t all be Vegan

A persuasive piece intended to present the findings and belief on how veganism is not the only way to stay healthy. This paper would be published in the New York Times health and fitness section and will be directed to those who believe that the only way to save the world, and your health is to be vegan. The New York Times has a wide audience as the range of ages are from millennial (ages 18-29) to generation X (ages […]

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Veganism in Modern World

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Is Veganism Detrimental to One’s Health

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Essay Samples on Vegan

Veganism as a sociological challenge to dominant social norms.

Veganism is a hugely contested idea which began to gain recognition when the Vegan Society was founded in 1944. The Vegan Society may have been established 78 years ago, there is evidence suggesting it can be traced back much further. Early philosophies dating back to...

  • Social Learning Theory
  • Sociological Theory

The Turning Point Of Our Eating Habits

The turning point in our food culture and healthy lifestyle is veganism. This term has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years, there are now more than 320 million vegans in the world, and this is more than twice as much as the vegan...

A Lot of Conflicting Ideas About the Vegetarian Diet

Humans create inventions to solve a certain issue. where if an issue occurs then a person would start to think of solution to this issue and therefore this person called an inventor. An invention is something that would have influence in the living style to...

  • Eating Habits
  • Vegetarianism

The Impossible Burger as the Staple of Vegan Food

The growing popularity of vegan food has become an apparent currency in cultural exchange in the US. Los Angeles isn’t just all about Hollywood glitz and glamor, it’s also all about the healthy and plant-based lifestyle. Eating healthy and cleansing oneself from meat, fried food,...

The Access to Healthy Living as per Veganism

You just finished up your lab class and feel the hunger creeping up on you. Thinking about which small snack you can have before heading to your next class, you grab a Cliff bar to get you through to dinner. A Cliff bar looks healthy...

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The Benefits of Vegan Diet for the Environment

Can the human body benefit from eating vegan or are we meant to consume animal products? This has been a complex and sometimes controversial issue. Veganism is a diet that excludes all animal products and byproducts. People become vegan or a variety of reasons, sometimes...

  • Environmental Protection

The Horrific Truth Behind the Veganism Guidelines

Is veganism a life you would want to live? Think about it; no turkey at Christmas dinner, no Sunday roast, no more dairy. These are values vegans nowadays demand and live by. According to the “Vegan Society”, in 2016 there were an estimated 540,000 vegans...

Going Vegan: The Best Substitutes for Meat and Dairy

Delicious Alternatives to Meat & Diary Most people would admit that they see the immense benefits of a vegan lifestyle in regard to how much it would improve their health, benefit the environment, and save the lives of countless animals; however the biggest concern for...

Analysis Of Gary Yourofsky's Speech About Veganism

The title of Gary Yourofsky’s speech carries a strong claim: “Best Speech You’ll Ever Hear”. This speech addresses every aspect and reason that would lead someone to veganism. It was delivered to a class at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010. The speech goes on...

Harmless Space Travel - Vegans In Space

The vegan diet has been around for over 2, 000 years. However, being vegan is as convenient as it has ever been. Personally, it is a life changing decision that has many benefits to your body and the environment. There are hundreds of options to...

  • Space Exploration

Vegan Gains Biography

It was on the 26th day of June 1991 that vegan bodybuilder was born in Canada. The Canadian launched his YouTube channel in December 2014 with a self-introduction in a video named Why a Bodybuilder Became Vegan after he went vegan in 2011. Since then,...

Best topics on Vegan

1. Veganism as a Sociological Challenge to Dominant Social Norms

2. The Turning Point Of Our Eating Habits

3. A Lot of Conflicting Ideas About the Vegetarian Diet

4. The Impossible Burger as the Staple of Vegan Food

5. The Access to Healthy Living as per Veganism

6. The Benefits of Vegan Diet for the Environment

7. The Horrific Truth Behind the Veganism Guidelines

8. Going Vegan: The Best Substitutes for Meat and Dairy

9. Analysis Of Gary Yourofsky’s Speech About Veganism

10. Harmless Space Travel – Vegans In Space

11. Vegan Gains Biography

  • Personality
  • Personal Experience
  • Career Goals
  • Bucket List
  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  • Benefits of Volunteering

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vegan essay conclusion

BEING VEGAN: A personal essay about veganism

flower of life mandala

I wear a necklace that spells out the word vegan. People peer at it and ask me, “Are you vegan?” It seems like an odd question, but people find vegans odd. When I respond that I indeed am a vegan, the comeback reply I dread most is when the person lists the animal products they eat, and how they couldn’t live without chicken or cheese.

In the cut and thrust of talk about food, I’ll then respond that the chicken is the body of an animal who wanted to live. That cheese is made from milk, a nutritious sustenance meant for a mother to give her newborn calf. If the baby cow was male, he was slaughtered for veal.

The slaughtering of baby animals is a good way to end what could escalate into an uncomfortable conversation neither of us really wanted to have.

Few of us are born vegan, and those who choose to become vegan usually do so following a personal epiphany, perhaps in the wake of a health crisis, or after meeting and befriending a farm animal whom one might formerly have considered food. That was my route. I was 40 before I understood that I was living a lie, claiming to love animals on the one hand, and eating them on the other. Today, veganism brings me peace of mind and a nice circle of friends.

I find it regrettable that vegans are so widely disliked in the mainstream media, but I’m not surprised. Our insistence that animals are neither objects nor ingredients is a perspective that people find challenging and even subversive. Our choice not to eat or wear animals challenges people to think about their own relationship to animals.  Most people love animals. Most people don’t want to think about animals being gruesomely treated and slaughtered. Faced with a vegan, the non-vegan has to think about that. Or else thrust such thinking into the depths of the psyche, and quick.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, on a weight-loss campaign to shed some of his 300 pounds, hurriedly dismissed two PETA-sponsored vegans who brought him a basket of vegan treats during one of his weekly weigh-ins. He wouldn’t even look them in the face. He abruptly dismissed a question from a reporter about veganism and retreated into his office.  He skipped a subsequent weigh-in.

His Honour could have relaxed a little. Veganism is a way of life that is not forced on anyone. We don’t come to your house with flyers or make robo-calls. We’re not funded by some giant corporation. We’re people who care deeply about animals, and about the people who have nothing to eat because so much of the corn and grain grown in North America goes to feed livestock, not hungry children.

Vegans mean it when they say they love all animals. A recent vegan advertising campaign showed a dog or cat facing a pig or chick, and underneath was the caption: “Why love one but eat the other?”


The questions we raise bother people. One commenter on a social media forum wrote:

“Those who don’t eat meat, I can empathize with you but you also need to get off your soapboxes.”

I relish the irony of being told to get off my soapbox from someone who is firmly planted on theirs. Non-vegans have been doing more than their fair share of “preaching” for centuries. In our day, McDonalds and Burger King push their beliefs and products on me dozens of times a day through TV and newspaper ads, and coupon flyers stuffed into my mailbox.

The Canadian government forces me to subsidize the meat and dairy industries through taxation. Non-vegans have preached and promoted their point of view on such a large scale that they have successfully hidden the cruelty of the meat and dairy industries from public view.

When I’m responding to an item in the newspaper about the subject of veganism, someone in the next comment box will inevitably ask me why I bother with animals when there is so much human suffering in the world. I love that question because it allows me to explain that I see animal liberation and human liberation as being intertwined.

The great physicist Albert Einstein famously said: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” He also held the view that not eating animals would have a physical effect on the human temperament that would benefit the lot of humankind.

The vegans I know care about injustice, enslavement, and oppression, no matter what the race, ethnicity, or species of the victim. When someone argues with me that human problems take precedence, I have to turn the argument on its head and ask not only what that person is personally doing to alleviate the suffering of human beings, but why they feel the heartless exploitation of other animals should continue even so. Humans are hurting, so kindness to animals must therefore be abandoned?

The most ridiculous argument that I hear is that plants have feelings too. To which I quote the answer provided by vegan food writer Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, who asks, in an episode of her podcast devoted to what she calls excuse-itarians—“ Really? Really?”

Animals are sentient and plants are not. Sentient beings have minds; they have preferences and show a desire to live by running away from those who would harm them, or by crying out in pain. Plants respond to sunlight and other stimuli, and apparently they like it when Prince Charles talks to them, but they are not sentient; they don’t have a mind, they don’t think about or fear death, they aren’t aware and conscious.

Finally, there’s the argument of last resort: that eating flesh is a personal choice. If it were my personal choice to kick and beat you, would you say to me “that’s your personal choice”? Being slaughtered for food is not the personal choice of the billions of animals that just want to live their portion of time on Earth.

Being vegan has changed not only what I eat and wear, but how I cope with the anger, outrage, dismissal and verbal abuse of others.

I’m learning, as I go, to let it all go. I speak out where I feel my words will do the most good, and if all else fails, I’ll simply smile and say, “Don’t hate me because I’m vegan.”

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Bonnie Shulman is a writer and editor working in Toronto. She earned her Master of Arts degree at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. You can follow her on Twitter at @veganbonnie .

image:  rian_bean (Creative Commons BY-NC-SA)

The biggest issue for me in the whole politics of eating is the divide that’s created among people solely based on their choice of diet. To be vegan or non-vegan shouldn’t matter. Like any labels I wish they didn’t even exist. But of all the unnecessary labels, to have to use the word vegan is pretty sad. What one chooses to eat is a personal choice that doesn’t hurt anyone else, yet some people blow it up into such a big issue.

I wish people didn’t get so annoyed at vegans because it just contributes even more discord to this world. The only upside I see is that when people single out vegans and get defensive it at least causes them to think and talk about veganism.

Hi Breathe:

I agree that discord between people isn’t pleasant. Yet that is the end result of being an advocate for animals. I want to put a stop to the wholesale torture of animals on factory farms. To do that, I have to take a stand. I have to stand up and declare myself for animals. I have to campaign about the abuse, so that more people know what goes on behind those walls where pigs and chickens never see the light of day their entire lives. Speaking up for animals makes some people uneasy, and they get angry. On the other hand, some people, meat eaters included!, appreciate the stance I take. I say meat eaters too because even good people who eat meat don’t want animals to suffer as they do in the current conditions on factory farms. Watch any video by Mercy For Animals and you’ll see what I mean. It’s horrifying.

Thanks for your response. Take care.

First, I appreciate that you’re willing to stand up for animals. It takes courage and it’s a thankless job, which is why so few do it.

As I mentioned, I see the benefit to standing up for animals and I don’t discourage that. What I was getting at is how can we advocate while maintaining peace? How can we raise our communication to a higher level?

Saying the V-word pisses people off. It always has… maybe always will because people just don’t like to think that they’re in the wrong. Defensiveness is one of the ego’s most potent tricks. It has the power to disprove even the most solid logic. And so, enemies are built. The point is not even to build “allies” because that too is separation. We’re all humans doing the best we can with the resources we have at work. So the question is how do we advocate for animals by overcoming this ego battle? For me, that just means loving them, being in nature, connecting to them and sharing my love for them. Now I don’t believe that this is making a world of difference or anything. The whole issue of animal rights is no easy situation to deal with and I’d just like to think of different ways of doing things.

Breathe, you ask the million dollar question. And you hit the nail on the head: advocacy can lead to icky feelings between people! I once passed by a demonstration against wind farms, and I asked someone with a picket sign why she was against wind farms, and she kind of spat in my face with disgust at my question. Naturally, I am ALL FOR windfarms now (haha – I actually was before the incident).

May I recommend a great book? It’s my advocacy bible and I have a review on about it. I think it really addresses what you talk about – we have to change the world for animals without alienating people. I am not perfect, I admit, but I hand out vegan food at work and leave easy vegan recipes in the servery. That helps! Food is good! I’ve even got some people to try out Meatless Mondays, without even asking them to do so. They just thought it was cool to give vegan food a try. They love it now.

Here’s the book:

The Animal Activist’s Handbook: Maximizing Our Positive Impact in Today’s World by Matt Ball and Bruce Friedrich. These are the top advocates that I know of, and I respect them so much. They are brilliant people who understand that we must not lose touch with people in our animal advocacy. Again, they are the masters. I bow to their wisdom!

Thanks for writing!

Breathe, When you are in a non vegan diet what one chooses to it hurt innocent animals. It took me a while to connect the dots. I was not always a vegan, but becoming a vegan was a moment of brilliance that it is one of the best things that has ever happen to me. I can not keep exploiting animals.

I don’t hate anyone because they are vegan. But the vegans hate me because I insist that eating meat is natural for humans. Being vegan is a choice. Eating meat is a choice.I respect yours but do you respect mine? Your article is again full of accusations. Up to today I never got an answer to the questions: How does a vegan think about a Lion eating a Zebra? How does a vegan think about a cat eating a mouse or a bird? And why do they think different about a human eating a cow or a chicken? Humans are omnivores since millions of years. And please spare me the – how did you cal it “The most ridiculous argument ” that our bodies, our teeth etc are not made for meat. We eat it since millions of years for heavens sake! When do people accept that eating meat is our natural food? Yes we can chose to not eat meat. Yes I do accept that. But it is a choice! And if you want to tell me that I hurt animals by killing them then you have to accuse a Lion as well. And by the way, dairy is not our natural food. I agree with you on this. Not because we steal it from the mothers but because it is not natural and that’s why so many people are dairy intolerant. It is natural to be weaned off dairy products. But we do not have a great number of people who are meat intolerant. Because it is part of our natural diet.

Dear Peter:

When a lion eats a zebra I am distressed at the images of the kill, but I let it go because that is the way of the lion world. They cannot grow plants and raise crops. I am not angry at the lion for having its dinner. I find it pretty ridiculous that you would even think that. Also, people are not lions, so why do you even bring that up as an argument?

What do I think about a cat eating a mouse or bird? if it is a domestic cat I’m infuriated, because there so many farm animals are being slaughtered already, the by-products of which go into animal food readily available at stores. The decrease in the number of North American songbirds has been attributed largely to household cats.

If meat is a natural part of our diet, why do so many people thrive the minute they give it up? Also, why are so many of our hospitals stuffed to the gills with people requiring heart surgery? Only a minor percentage were born with heart defects. Among the rest, many gorged on such meat products as steaks, bacon, sausages and chicken fingers, as well as high-fat dairy, until their bodies rebelled.

I see my article has made you very angry. If this doesn’t prove my point then I don’t know what does. Thank you for writing, PeterNZ.

Question for you – would you be able to go right now, pounce on a cow, pig, etc.’s back, chomp through their hide/skin with your teeth to their muscle and eat it without cooking it? If your answer is NO (which it should be if you are human), well then there is your answer. Next, just because something has been done for millions of years, does not mean that it is right. Humans have done MANY things for millions of years that have been considered atrocities (sadistic Roman gladiator games, slavery, etc.). Were those things okay? These are just excuses. Believe me, I understand, as I made excuses my whole life…Done with that!

Bella I am a completely normal human being and i would be more than happy to go to my local supermarket and eat food that they provide, as this is what is normal for our culture. let me just quote, one of the most reliable sources possible “In a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an international team announces the discovery of burned plants and bones from 1 million years ago. Their findings suggest that Homo erectus?not Homo sapiens or Neanderthals?became the first hominin to master flames, possibly in order to cook their food.” as my ancestors have done I would happily cook the meat so that the food becomes safe for my consumption, I agree with you in the concept that no human would go and pounce on a wild animal and sink their teeth into them as this is not what a normal human would do. I personally if it was down to survival would light a fire and cook the meat so that I could enjoy the delicacy that has been provided to me by nature. just this weekend i have enjoyed one of my favourite meals that does meat in it. i would suggest some of the recipes from this site as i have found them the best

In your responses try to not be so aggressive as your way of life is far from the main stream and preferred way of living 🙂

also note to the author of this post, don’t try and act like your not trying to bring attention to your self, your twitter name is legitimately “veganbonnie”.

We vegans don?t hate u guys but we just wish non vegans to understand how the animals have to suffer and have to end their precious life just for the food u eat. and don?t compare humans with loins we humans can think rationally and we have can grow crops .. we have many options but the lions don?t have any options.. we respect your choice to eat meat but animals do not exist for humans and our uses. Animals also have moral rights to live in this world as much as human have.

Human beings have a variety of options when it comes to getting protein into their bodies – rice paired with lentils, chickpeas or any kind of bean forms a perfect protein. There is also tofu, and a lot of soy products are viable alternatives for those who are not allergic to soy. We cannot educate a wild animal such as a lion, to grow, harvest and ferment soybeans. Or chickpeas. This argument is silly. Lions hunt based on instinct. Human beings are more advanced (arguably) and therefore, we can use our more advanced brains to make food choices that do not cause harm to other living things. We have many instincts that we can overcome, and that we have overcome in order to be able to live in “civilized” societies.

Eating the flesh of a living thing is a personal choice that kills an innocent creature. There is nothing inherently wrong with your choice. But don’t get defensive when someone points out this fact.

Fact: You choose to place your tastebuds and your personal enjoyment over the life of another living creature, because you view yourself as more advanced and therefore entitled to consume flesh.

You do not need to feel guilty about your choice. Just be honest about it, and accept the moral consequences. That’s all. Meat may have been eaten by humans since the dawn of time… but historical precedent is not, in my mind, a valid excuse by which to continue justifying a behaviour.

In a similar vein, women have been treated as property since the dawn of time as well. Men are more powerful and indeed women did not always hold legal personhood status throughout history. So we should continue in the same vein, no? But this argument doesn’t fly today. Why? Because we know better, so we can act better. The same goes for the meat argument.

Your dietary implications may not be clean and pretty, but if you’re going to stand firm in your position, stick to it 100%. Do not waver, and do not speak about naturally being an omnivore. Just because you CAN eat it, enjoy it and thrive on it, doesn’t mean you SHOULD continue to do so. If we are enlightened beings, as we all like to claim to be, we should be held to a higher moral standard. If we do not want to hold ourselves up to that standard, that is fine.

P.S. Before you begin to assume things about me I will tell you that no, I am not a vegan. Why? Because I love eating fish, and cheese on occasion. But I don’t apologize for it. I know I can live without it, and I know that I am making a personal, selfish choice in the face of cruelty and suffering.

Laura, your reply is so beautifully heartfelt, and I read it with great interest. I love your honesty. Part of my animal advocacy is just asking people to be honest with themselves about the choices they make.

I also think you make a critically important statement that really hits the nail on the head. I’ll repeat it here:

Just because you CAN eat it, enjoy it and thrive on it, doesn’t mean you SHOULD continue to do so.

Thank you for contributing such wise words to the conversation, and all the best.

This is so inspiring! I am a loyal vegetarian and have been for almost 9 years, I really feel deeply moved by it! I’ve thought about becoming Vegan but on a strict competitive national training programme it could be difficult, but you’ve definitely persuaded me to give it a go! Thank you for your thoughtful insight!

I just wanted to voice my support and appreciation for this article. With your stance and mine, putting the word “vegan” out in the world is going to make people angry. Anything different makes people angry. But if that anger ever leads to them making sure they understand the implications of their actions, it is worth it. It is worth it if they think.

I have had a close friend of mine tell me that he honestly believes in mind over matter. He also said he couldn’t ever stop eating meat. That self-limitation is stopping the human race from doing great things. WE must think through our actions, because we are the only species who can. Do what is right, because we are able.

Can people really be okay with eating a being that loved its mother? I always hypothesize a world were people could speak to animals and I ask the meat eater “Tell that animal to its face that it was born for the purpose of dying and feeding you, only for a single day, before you eat its children.”

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vegan essay conclusion

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Veganism Essay Examples

Veganism - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

What is veganism? When people hear the word “vegan”, the majority of the time they automatically think about people not wanting to harm animals. Protecting animal rights is a good thing because the way we kill them is inhumane, but there is more to veganism than just protecting animals. Our health and ecosystem are also involved when it comes to veganism. Veganism consists of not eating any meat, dairy, fish, or eggs. Going vegan can be very beneficial to our health because the typical vegan diet consists of many vegetables, fruits, and tofu. There are foods that can be sustainable for a vegan diet and can have a good protein source. Veganism is not only good for health, but also good for the environment. It can improve the environment by lowering process manufacturing and decrease pollution. Veganism is extremely beneficial to our lives because the diet is usually healthier, which will result in less risks of diseases and it can create a safer environment to live in.

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Improving Human Health

Veganism has been proven to help with many health-related issues such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes. America is known to be one the of most obese and unhealthy country in the world. Going vegan can reduce obesity because vegans tend to consume healthier foods than a non-vegan. The intake of vegetables, fruits, and nuts is usually higher than someone who is not vegan. Although many people would argue that it would be difficult to receive the all the nutrients a human body needs, vegans can still get the right amount of proteins if the consume the right things, such as beans, nuts, or tofu. Some vegan diets can actually be richer in certain nutrients. According to the nutritionist Alina Petre, “vegan diets tend to provide more fiber, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. They also appear to be richer in potassium, magnesium, folate and vitamins A, C and E” (Petre 1). A no meat diet can potentially be better and improve health issues. There are many health related benefits associated with a vegan diet such as longevity and reduced diseases. We should care about the advantages veganism has for our health because there is a high risk of dying from diseases and obesity due to our diet. A typical western diet consists of many fast foods which results in obesity and heart disease, meanwhile a typical vegan diet consists of healthier alternatives.

Dealing with Over-Population

In the future, the population will most likely rise and there will be more mouths to feed. Over-population will be one of our concerns in the future and we do not have unlimited resources for everything. Meat eaters use more water, land, and resources than a vegan because of the energy it takes to process or transport the animals. It is already difficult to feed the entire population as of right now and it will get a lot worse in the future if we do not fix the issue. A plant based diet can cut water usage and the crops can be fed to humans instead of livestock. It is sustainable to live without meat and a plant based diet can be the future when our sources runs out.

Micronutrients of Special Concern for Vegans

Although some vegan diets do not have all the nutrition we need, they can still have a healthy lifestyle. It is true that most vegans have vitamin B-12 deficiency because the vitamin is only found in meat. We need the B-12 vitamin because it helps with red blood cells to be healthy, but there are B-12 vegan supplements that can be taken as a replacement. As stated, “Micronutrients of special concern for the vegan include vitamins B-12 and D, calcium, and long-chain n–3 (omega-3) fatty acids. Unless vegans regularly consume foods that are fortified with these nutrients, appropriate supplements should be consumed” (Craig 5). Many vitamins that are needed for a person are not in a vegan diet but this can be easily taken care of with supplements. A vegan needs to make sure that the food they are intaking has enough nutrients and the diet should be fine.

Many people believe that a vegan diet is unsustainable and that protein only comes from meat but that is not true. Protein can be found in lots of other consumable foods, such as peanuts. As Dyatt stated, “Based on surveyed responses, important diet and health-related behaviors were commonly practiced; and a favorable profile of low chronic disease diagnoses was characteristic among the entire study group. We therefore conclude that in this group of vegans, except for inappropriate intakes of vitamin D and sodium, both health-motivated and non-health motivated vegans typically practice lifestyle behaviors that are conducive to positive health outcomes and general well being” (Dyatt 119). As long as the vegan diet stays consistent with a healthy diet, the outcome can become positive health wise.

Getting Proteins and Vitamins

Getting certain proteins and vitamins can be difficult because most of them are found in animals. We should find another alternative because the way we kill animals is very cruel and disturbing. As stated, “according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, approximately 45 billion animals were killed for food in 2000” (Tanner 818). Many people try to ignore the fact that a lot of our meat is produced in factory farms, which kill animals inhumanly. In some cases, animals have a difficult time functioning because they are typically drugged with steroids. Steroids are used on these animals to make them bigger and to get more meat out of them. According to Julia Tanner, “Drugs and technology make it possible to cause animals a great deal of pain and/or suffering without harming farmers’ interests.

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Arguments For and Against Veganism

For veganism.

  • ANIMAL WELFARE: Eating meat requires the death of a living being. Eating dairy usually involves animals being separated from their children, causing distress to both mother and calf. Dairy cattle frequently develop bovine mastitis (a painful infection and inflammation of the udders), and factory farmed animals are kept in cramped conditions and pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones in order to maximise profit. Unlike wild animals, humans do not require meat to survive (and definitely not dairy products from other animals). Eating meat is a choice and, as moral actors, the correct choice is surely to give up meat and dairy.
  • ENVIRONMENT: When cows eat grass, microbes in their gut break down their meal and produce methane. This methane (a greenhouse gas) is released into the atmosphere via the magic of cow burps and farts, making livestock farming one of the biggest contributors to global warming. Factor in deforestation from land clearance, biodiversity loss, and air and water pollution, and animal agriculture is terrible for the environment.
  • HEALTH: Vegan diets tend to be rich in foods that have proven health benefits: fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans and pulses. A vegan diet is typically higher in fibre, and  lower  in cholesterol, protein, calcium and salt compared to a non-vegan diet. Research suggests that vegans may have a lower risk of heart disease than non-vegans. It is true that vegans need to supplement their diets with B12, but this is easy to do (e.g. via yeast extracts such as Marmite).

AGAINST Veganism

  • NATURE: Humans (and our ancestors) have eaten meat for an estimated  2.6 million years . In fact, scientists argue that animal protein was vital for helping early hominids develop larger brains, meaning that humans likely wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for eating meat. We evolved to have meat as part of our diets. Animals eat meat and it would be cruel to prevent them from doing so. Well, guess what? Humans are animals too, and meat is a natural part of our diets.
  • CULTURE: Food is a central part of all human cultures. And, around the world, people celebrate their cultures by cooking meat dishes. If the world went vegan, we would lose iconic cultural traditions such as bolognese sauce, tandoori chicken, sashimi, currywurst, and Peking duck.
  • HEALTH: A balanced diet is a healthy diet. Eating moderate amounts of fish, meat, and dairy alongside fruit, vegetables and pulses gives us all the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other things we need to stay healthy. Research does suggest that vegans have a lower risk of heart disease, but that same research also indicates they have a higher risk of strokes (possibly due to B12 deficiency), and it’s unclear whether the supposed health benefits of veganism are anyway less about diet and more about broader lifestyle (e.g. vegans tend to exercise more, be non-smokers, not drink to excess, be more moderate in what they consume, etc.).

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  • First Online: 25 May 2018

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vegan essay conclusion

  • Emelia Quinn 6 &
  • Benjamin Westwood 7  

Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature ((PSAAL))

983 Accesses

The conclusion recounts, in brief, the main aims of the collection: to establish veganism as a more complicated form of identity than is often supposed, to explore the intellectual resonances of its inconsistencies and complications, and to trace the ripples of the contemporary vegan moment across the humanities. By way of closing, Quinn and Westwood draw out three further questions raised by the essays, namely: its openness to painful or “wounding” knowledge, veganism’s performative nature, and the relation between vegan subjectivity and academic inquiry.

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See, for example, José Esteban Muñoz , Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity, (New York, 2009), Lauren Berlant , Cruel Optimism (Durham, 2011), and Michael Snediker, Queer Optimism: Lyric Personhood and Other Felicitous Persuasions (Minneapolis, 2009).

Gary Steiner, Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism (New York, 2013), p. 63.

J. M. Coetzee. The Lives of Animals (Princeton, 2001), p. 69.

Cora Diamond, “The Difficulty of Reality and the Difficulty of Philosophy,” Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 2, no.1 (2009): 22.

Sara Salih, “Vegans on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Centre, eds. Nik Taylor and Richard Twine (Abingdon, 2014), p. 55.

Ibid., p. 60.

Works Cited

Berlant, Lauren. 2011. Cruel Optimism . Durham: Duke University Press.

Book   Google Scholar  

Coetzee, J. M. 2001. The Lives of Animals . Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Google Scholar  

Diamond, Cora. 2009. The Difficulty of Reality and the Difficulty of Philosophy. Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 2 (1): 1–26.

Muñoz, José Esteban. 2009. Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity . New York: New York University Press.

Salih, Sara. 2014. Vegans on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. In The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Centre , ed. Nik Taylor and Richard Twine, 52–68. Abingdon: Routledge.

Snediker, Michael. 2009. Queer Optimism: Lyric Personhood and Other Felicitous Persuasions . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Steiner, Gary. 2013. Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism . New York: Columbia University Press.

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Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Emelia Quinn

Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Benjamin Westwood

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Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

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Quinn, E., Westwood, B. (2018). Conclusion. In: Quinn, E., Westwood, B. (eds) Thinking Veganism in Literature and Culture. Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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Published : 25 May 2018

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-73379-1

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-73380-7

eBook Packages : Literature, Cultural and Media Studies Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)

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  • The Strongest Argument for Veganism

This collection of articles was first published on the website of Sentience Politics .

Strong arguments derive their (surprising, counter-intuitive and far-reaching) conclusions from modest premises that everybody accepts. Here’s one such premise:

(1) We shouldn’t be cruel to animals, i.e. we shouldn’t harm animals unnecessarily.

(2) The consumption of animal products harms animals.

This is quite obvious for meat, but it’s also true for milk and eggs . Animals often suffer terribly as a result of overbreeding, from dreadful conditions on farms, during transportation and in the slaughterhouse. Studies show that stunning fails regularly . The egg industry painfully gasses all male chicks right after they hatch. In short: The production of animal foods generally leads to lots of acts of violence against animals and large amounts of suffering. – Here’s a further premise:

(3) The consumption of animal products is unnecessary.

One might ask how this third premise could be uncontroversial, given that food production is a pretty necessary practice. The question, however, is not “Is food necessary?”, but “Is animal food necessary (here and now)?” – Or in other words: “Are there viable nutritional alternatives to animal products?” For one cannot plausibly argue that something is necessary in the presence of viable alternatives. So let’s take a look at the scientific facts: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – the largest nutritional organisation in the world – has a position paper stating that “appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.” Official health bodies around the globe support this view . And the existence of millions of healthy vegans and a growing number of vegan top athletes bears it out. Also, “appropriate planning” is very easy in today’s world – healthy and tasty vegan (or at least vegetarian) food is available everywhere.

To sum it up: If our own health depended on eating animals, then there could be an argument for violence against animals (serving nutritional purposes) being necessary. But that’s not the case. We’re not inflicting horrible suffering on animals in order to preserve our own health and thus prevent our own suffering. We’re inflicting suffering on billions of animals in order to get a little more culinary pleasure at most. And very likely not even that: In an experiment at the University of Bochum , 90% of the students didn’t notice that their “beef goulash” was vegan. The availability of vegan gourmet food is increasing rapidly too. Last but not least, it’s largely a matter of culinary socialization anyway: Nobody craves exotic foods (such as dog, dolphin or chimp meat) that don’t exist and are taboo in our society. The same would be true in a vegan society (providing plenty tasty cruelty-free meats) with regard to all meat that requires violence against any sentient animal.

The (rather trivial) premises (1) – (3) logically imply that the consumption of animal products harms animals unnecessarily and satisfies the definition of “cruelty to animals”, which leads to the conclusion:

To recap the Strongest Argument for Veganism:

(1) We shouldn’t be cruel to animals, i.e. we shouldn’t harm animals unnecessarily. (2) The consumption of animal products harms animals. (3) The consumption of animal products is unnecessary. (4) Therefore, we shouldn’t consume animal products.

At which point could one plausibly block this line of reasoning?

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1 The argument from the 3R Principles devised for “lab animals” offers a powerful, consistency-focused version of the Strongest Argument for Veganism: The 3R Principles (Refine, Reduce, and Replace when alternatives are available) immediately imply veganism when applied to “farm animals”.
2 A common objection not to the argument itself, but to its practical importance, says that even if we accept it, we surely (should) have other ethico-political priorities. Since our resources are limited, ignoring the interests of non-human animals is justified in practice, although it’s true that eating them is bad and we shouldn’t do it all else equal.
3 The «Logic of the Larder» is a further objection that might be raised: If we should intrinsically be concerned not with (human) acts of violence against animals, but just with animal well-being, and if it’s important to bring about as many happy (animal) lives as possible, then the creation of organic cows (through demanding organic beef) might be conducive to the ethical goal. This argument will be addressed in a future post. Some important counterpoints are: Most farm animals (factory-farmed chickens) have lives that are clearly dominated by suffering, so promoting a practical rule of meat avoidance looks more promising than selective meat apologetics that people are likely to use as a rationalisation for the whole status quo; we wouldn’t accept the «Logic of the Larder» if human animals were concerned, which strongly suggests it’s based on (speciesist) bias; it’s questionable whether there is an ethical obligation to create new happy lives (that could trump the obligation not to create lives full of suffering); if there is such an obligation, it implies resources should not be used to create organic cows but should instead go towards creating (many more) happy mice for the happy mice’s sake – a long-term change so drastic that it likely requires radically questioning the attitude that meat production is based on, namely that non-human animals exist primarily for humans’ sake.

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Vegetarianism Essay

This is a model  vegetarianism essay .

As I always stress, you should  read the question very carefully  before you answer it to make sure you are writing about the right thing.

Take a look at the question:

Every one of us should become a vegetarian because eating meat can cause serious health problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Staying on topic

If you rush to start writing and don't analyse the question and brainstorm some ideas you may include the wrong information.

There are religious or moral arguments for not eating meat, but if you discuss those you will be going off topic .

This question is specifically about the health problems connected to eating meat.

So you must discuss in your answer what some of these problems are and if you think there are real health risks or not.

Knowing about the topic

IELTS Vegetarianism Essay

And don't get worried that you do not know much about diet and health.

As part of your IELTS study it will help if you know the basics of most topics such as some health vocabulary in this case, but you are not expected to be an expert on nutrition.

Remember, you are being judged on your English ability and your ability to construct an argument in a coherent way, not to be an expert in the subject matter. So relax and work with


In this vegetarianism essay, the candidate disagrees with the statement, and is thus arguing that everyone does not need to be a vegetarian.

The essay has been organised in the following way:

Body 1: Health issues connected with eating meat (i.e. arguments in support of being a vegetarian Body 2: Advantages of eating meat

Now take a look at the model answer.

Model Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Vegetarianism Essay - Sample Answer

Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular for many people, particularly because of the harm that some people believe meat can cause to the body. However, I strongly believe that it is not necessary for everybody to be a vegetarian.

Vegetarians believe that meat is unhealthy because of the diseases it has been connected with. There has been much research to suggest that red meat is particularly bad, for example, and that consumption should be limited to eating it just a few times a week to avoid such things as cancer. Meats can also be high in saturated fats so they have been linked to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

However, there are strong arguments for eating meat. The first reason is that as humans we are designed to eat meat, which suggests it is not unhealthy, and we have been eating meat for thousands of years. For example, cavemen made hunting implements so that they could kill animals and eat their meat. Secondly, meat is a rich source of protein which helps to build muscles and bones. Vegetarians often have to take supplements to get all the essential vitamins and minerals. Finally, it may be the case that too much meat is harmful, but we can easily limit the amount we have without having to cut it out of our diet completely.

To sum up, I do not agree that everyone should turn to a vegetarian diet. Although the overconsumption of meat could possibly be unhealthy, a balanced diet of meat and vegetables should result in a healthy body.

(264 words)

You should begin by intoducing the topi c. The introduction in this vegetarianism essay begins by mentioning vegetarians and the possible harm of eating meat .

It then goes on to the thesis statement , which makes it clear what the candidate's opinion is.

The first body paragraph has a topic sentence which makes it clear that the paragraph is going to address the possible health issues of eating meat.

Some reasons and examples are then given to support this.

The second body paragraph then has a topic sentence which makes it clear that the main idea is now about the arguments for eating meat .

The conclusion in this vegetarianism essay then repeats the opinion and gives the candidates final thoughts.

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Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle Essay

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Every year a great number of people make a conscious decision to transit from omnivore to vegetarian lifestyle. Their motivation for making the transition ranges from extreme dissatisfaction with killing and eating animals to beliefs that meat is an unhealthy product that is detrimental to their health. The relationship between the vegetarian diet and person’s health- conscious lifestyle has been established.

For this reason, a transition to a vegetarian lifestyle may be considered an indicator of the individual’s awareness of the general principles of the main behavioral nutrition principles. Appropriate measures need to be imposed for raising the public awareness concerning the benefits of vegetarianism and providing people with an opportunity to make a conscious decision between omnivore and vegetarian lifestyles.

Though the direct relationship between the vegetarian dietary and the vegetarians’ lower prevalence of chronic diseases and lower BMI is questionable, the link between the transition to vegetarianism and other healthy lifestyle behaviors is obvious. Bedford & Barr (2005) noted that “other lifestyle behaviors [besides the vegetarian dietary] commonly observed in health conscious individuals may be responsible for the observed beneficial health effects” (Diets and selected lifestyle practices).

The individual’s long-term vegetarian dietary cannot be an occasional decision, contradicting the rest of the life views and habits. Thus, excluding meat products from one’s dietary is not the only measure a person would impose, taking care of one’s health. These would include physical activity, refuse from harmful habits, such as smoking or alcohol drinking, and analysis of constituents before choosing a product.

Bedford & Barr (2005) concluded that “Vegetarians were more likely than non-vegetarians to consider various health conditions and food/nutrition concerns when choosing foods” (Diets and selected lifestyle practices). A decision to make a transition to the vegetarian diet and following experience of sorting the products is related to the person’s conscious healthy nutrition behavior.

At the same time, being a social phenomenon, vegetarianism cannot be limited to the health issues. Making a transition from omnivore to vegetarian lifestyle, besides the impact on the person’s health, people consider the public opinion and the community’s reaction on their decision. Lea, E. & Worsley, A. (2000) “even when meat is believed to be unhealthy, dietary change may not occur unless social and other issues are overcome” (p. 43).

In that regard, according to the cognitive dissonance theory, people might even alter their opinions for the purpose of justifying their meat-eating or vegetarian behavior. While the question concerning the impact of adequate meat intake on the individual’s health remains doubtful, most people have got certain beliefs and biases concerning the issue.

Lea, E. & Worsley, A. (2000) pointed at peace, contentment, animal welfare and environmental benefits of vegetarianism besides its positive impact on health and included these components into their questionnaire aimed at researching the public opinion concerning the impacts of transition to a vegetarian dietary.

It appeared to be that the answers of the participants of the survey varied not only in the relation to their vegetarian or omnivore lifestyle but their gender, age, income and other demographic characteristics as well. Lea, E. & Worsley, A. (2000) concluded that “for non-vegetarians it was social concerns about vegetarianism and health benefits that were most important, while for vegetarians it was red meat appreciation and health benefits of vegetarianism that were important” (p. 44).

It means that the negative beliefs concerning the healthiness of meat products are widely spread among both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. However, this misconception that it I the meat that causes the chronic diseases should be overcome. For the purpose of raising the public awareness of the positive consequences of the vegetarian lifestyle, the broader context of issues related to meet need to be taken into consideration.

Thus, according to the results of the survey conducted by Lea & Worsley (2000), the current focus is on meat as the cause of various chronic diseases. Overcoming this prejudice, the emphasis should be shifted on the perceived benefits of vegetarianism and advantages of the plant-based diets, considering the environmental and animal welfare issues at the same time. The question of origin of the belief about detrimental impact of meat on human health is rather controversial.

It might be generated on the basis of the perceived benefits of vegetarianism or, on the contrary, result in raising popularity of vegetarian dietaries. Identifying the factors that are important for generating people’s beliefs about meat would be helpful for correcting their distorted views.

Considering the broader context of the vegetarian issues and enhancing the people’s nutrition knowledge would provide them with an opportunity to make a conscious transition from omnivore to vegetarian lifestyle, realizing all its benefits for an individual in particular and the society in general.

Providing accurate information concerning the benefits of vegetarianism and the related issues is important for improving the people’s nutrition culture and transiting to healthier lifestyle. Overcoming the misconception about meat as an unhealthy product, people would not need to alter their opinions concerning meat products for justifying their dietaries.

Considering the animal welfare and environmental issue for solving the problem would shift the emphasis from the issue of the harmful impact of meat-eating on human health to the received benefits of vegetarianism.

Reference List

Beford J. & Barr S. (2005). Diets and selected lifestyle practices of self-defined adult vegetarians from a population-based sample suggest they are more ‘health conscious.’ International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 2:4. Available from:

Lea, E. & Worsley, A. (2000). The Cognitive contexts of beliefs about the healthiness of meat. Public Health Nutrition, 5 (1), 37-45.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 17). Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle.

"Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle." IvyPanda , 17 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle'. 17 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle." April 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle." April 17, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle." April 17, 2019.


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Cambodia Researches Cultural Heritage with Nuclear Techniques

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Cambodia is home to many unique cultural sites, four of which are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. However, this heritage is at risk of deterioration, damage or loss due to the country’s tropical climate. See how Cambodia is conserving its cultural heritage using nuclear techniques, with support from the IAEA.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Vegan — Vegan Is Better: The Benefits Of A Plant Based Diet For Health And Environment


Vegan is Better: The Benefits of a Plant Based Diet for Health and Environment

  • Categories: Eating Habits Healthy Lifestyle Vegan

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Published: Apr 2, 2020

Words: 571 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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France’s Approach to the Olympics: Food, With a Side of Games

The competitions can seem almost an afterthought as the country rolls out 80 pop-up restaurants and countless dining experiences to wow spectators.

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A man stands at the bow of a ship with the Eiffel Tower in the background

By Priya Krishna

Reporting from Paris.

A wing of the Eiffel Tower has been cleared out to make way for a brand-new restaurant called Gustave 24 . A fully built commercial kitchen is set to be airlifted into the Palais de Tokyo , a contemporary art museum on the Right Bank. Open-air brasseries will soon be erected on two bridges across the Seine.

Oh, and there’s also some kind of athletic event about to take place.

As it prepares to host the Olympics, France — a nation already sitting on an elaborate culinary infrastructure — is creating a from-scratch collection of pop-up restaurants and dining experiences on a scale far beyond the offerings at any past Games.

Some 80 temporary restaurants are being set up in Paris and other locales around the country where competitions will be staged . They will serve an average of 30,000 diners a day, each offering a different menu and format. And they’ll offer visitors a chance to experience the Olympics as dinner theater.

At Versailles, they can feast on lobster ravioli in the gardens while watching equestrian events. In the Eiffel Tower, they’ll be able to enjoy moules frites and live music while observing beach volleyball down below. And when competitions aren’t taking place, these restaurants will host speeches from past Olympic winners, and virtual- reality experiences that simulate participating in a swimming race or standing on a podium to receive a medal.

A food program this sweeping may come as little surprise in a country whose cuisine is so revered that it was named part of UNESCO’s “intangible heritage of humanity ” in 2010. But France is hoping to draw even more attention to its culinary traditions, and the multicultural country it has become.

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    The vegan diet had been linked to preventing many different types of diseases like heart disease, certain types of cancers, type II diabetes, etc. But I then learned there were many people out there who were trying to disprove the vegan lifestyle and make up lies about it.

  8. Positive Reasons and Outcomes of Becoming Vegan Research Paper

    The major positive outcome of becoming vegan is the promotion of health. For instance, meat and other animal products are widely consumed in the US and act as sources of saturated fats and cholesterol, which result in the occurrence of diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, and stroke in human beings. Heart diseases result in the death of ...

  9. Vegan Essays: Samples & Topics

    Essay Samples on Vegan. Essay Examples. Essay Topics. Veganism as a Sociological Challenge to Dominant Social Norms. Veganism is a hugely contested idea which began to gain recognition when the Vegan Society was founded in 1944. The Vegan Society may have been established 78 years ago, there is evidence suggesting it can be traced back much ...

  10. Introduction: Thinking Through Veganism

    Our conclusion briefly summarizes the key lines of thought that these essays have illuminated, reflecting on the important intellectual questions they raise about veganism's openness to painful knowledge, the performative aspects of veganism, and the relation between vegan subjectivity and academic research.

  11. BEING VEGAN: A personal essay about veganism

    Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, on a weight-loss campaign to shed some of his 300 pounds, hurriedly dismissed two PETA-sponsored vegans who brought him a basket of vegan treats during one of his weekly weigh-ins. He wouldn't even look them in the face. He abruptly dismissed a question from a reporter about veganism and retreated into his office.

  12. Vegan vs. Vegetarian Diets: Impacts on Health Essay

    Numerous health effects are related to the intake of vegan diets. Vegans are thinner in nature, have lower levels of cholesterol, and considerably lower levels of blood pressure compared to vegetarians. One study by Marsh, Zeuschner, and Saunders shows that the health benefits were true for all the races that were vegan in nature; they included ...

  13. Veganism

    Paper Type: 650 Word Essay Examples. Holy cow, that looks delicious! In our culture to eat meat is the most enjoyable moment of any entrees. In the United States, an average person consumes 58 pounds of beef, 93 pounds of chicken, and 52 pounds of pork compared to the five percent no meat-eaters vegetarians [136].

  14. Arguments For and Against Veganism

    A vegan diet is typically higher in fibre, and lower in cholesterol, protein, calcium and salt compared to a non-vegan diet. Research suggests that vegans may have a lower risk of heart disease than non-vegans. It is true that vegans need to supplement their diets with B12, but this is easy to do (e.g. via yeast extracts such as Marmite).

  15. Vegan Lifestyle: Why Veganism is More than a Diet

    Many scientists argue that reducing or eliminating meat consumption is one of the best strategies for managing climate change. A vegan diet would also reduce water consumption as about 70% of global freshwater consumption is used in agriculture. It takes 15,000 L of water to produce a kilogram of beef, 6000 L for pork, and 4,000 L for chicken.

  16. Conclusion

    Abstract. The conclusion recounts, in brief, the main aims of the collection: to establish veganism as a more complicated form of identity than is often supposed, to explore the intellectual resonances of its inconsistencies and complications, and to trace the ripples of the contemporary vegan moment across the humanities.

  17. Benefits of Veganism Essay

    Other physical benefits that come along with this lifestyle are healthy skin, reduction of body odor, healthier hair and nails, elimination of bad breath, alleviation of allergies, and relief from migraines. (57 Health) Through eating a healthy, disciplined, vegan diet and having higher levels of essential vitamins, minerals and proteins many ...

  18. A Moral Argument for Veganism

    Virginia Messina, Registered Dietitian (and a vegan), writes: 'There is . . a pretty good argument for eating more plants (lots more plants) and less animal food, but no one has shown that you must eat a 100 percent plant diet in order to be healthy. So to make an argument for a 100% vegan diet based on health benefits alone, we have no

  19. The Strongest Argument for Veganism

    To recap the Strongest Argument for Veganism: (1) We shouldn't be cruel to animals, i.e. we shouldn't harm animals unnecessarily. (2) The consumption of animal products harms animals. (3) The consumption of animal products is unnecessary. (4) Therefore, we shouldn't consume animal products.

  20. The Positive Effects of Being in a Vegan Diet

    Conclusion paragraph: In today's age of excessive fat, gluten and sugar consumption, a vegan diet provides a healthy and efficient path to individual health and fitness. With the global populations' unhealthy eating habits contributing to the exponential rise in the number of patients of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes and thus contributing to increased premature deaths ...

  21. Vegetarianism Essay

    Organisation. In this vegetarianism essay, the candidate disagrees with the statement, and is thus arguing that everyone does not need to be a vegetarian. The essay has been organised in the following way: Body 1: Health issues connected with eating meat (i.e. arguments in support of being a vegetarian. Body 2: Advantages of eating meat.

  22. Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle Essay

    Get a custom essay on Vegetarian Diet as a Health-Conscious Lifestyle. For this reason, a transition to a vegetarian lifestyle may be considered an indicator of the individual's awareness of the general principles of the main behavioral nutrition principles. Appropriate measures need to be imposed for raising the public awareness concerning ...

  23. Cambodia Researches Cultural Heritage with Nuclear Techniques

    International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Telephone: +43 (1) 2600-0, Facsimile +43 (1) 2600-7

  24. Vegan is Better: The Benefits of a Plant Based Diet for Health and

    In spite of the fact that most of the populace accepts that meat is vital to human wellbeing and survival, it isn't. Since childhood, most individuals are raised eating expansive amounts of creature items, centering less on more advantageous nourishments like grains, vegetables, natural products, and vegetables.

  25. At the 2024 Olympics, France Puts the Food First

    But in keeping with the ethos of the Paris Olympics, the bun is freshly baked, the mustard is homemade and in the name of sustainability, the dog is vegan. Follow New York Times Cooking on ...