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Colleen Dilenschneider

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Fads vs Trends: How Organizations Can Tell The Difference (And Why it Matters)

Mixing up fads and trends often leaves executives frustrated, confused, and – worst of all – fearing innovation. Here’s how to spot the difference. 

Understanding the difference between fads and trends is critical for all organizations. However, many leaders seem to be unaware of their important differences. Today’s  Fast Facts video aims to differentiate these critical concepts, and also provides a quick tip for how to spot the difference.

Both fads and trends can play an important role in an organization’s success- but they must be treated differently. If they are not, leaders risk burning out adapting to every fad, and critical trends required for an organization’s survival may be missed. Let’s start by looking into fads and trends individually.

Fads come fast and fade away

A fad is any form of behavior that is intensely followed by a population for a short period of time. The behavior will rise relatively quickly and fall relatively quickly once the perception of novelty is gone.

There are some great fads out there! Collecting beanie babies was a fad, so were pet rocks, sending spam, #followfriday, Ouiji boards, troll dolls, water beds…the list goes on. We can thank fads for basically everything that we wore in the 80s (or 90s, or 2000s…) And there are a lot of fads going on right now that may bring us a laugh twenty years from now. 

Fads certainly have value and they can profoundly change organizations- consider the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ! Utilizing fads in marketing and programs can increase top-of-mind awareness, demonstrate the timeliness of your organization, and serve as a gateway for new audiences.

This is all great and important stuff but – remember – fads don’t stick around.

Trends solve problems and get stronger over time

A trend, on the other hand, gets stronger over time and does stick around. Trends have identifiable and explainable rises that are driven by audience needs. They help solve a problem for people. In the words of the forever-awesome Seth Godin , “A trend gains power over time, because it’s not merely part of a moment, it’s a tool, a connector that will become more valuable as other people commit to engaging in it.”

The increasing use of social networks is a trend (that connects us to one another). So is quitting smoking (which lengthens our lives), evidence-based medicine (that removes the guesswork in medical-related situations), and the use of mobile devices (that allow us to look up information in real time). These are things that have grown – and continue to grow – in market penetration. They solve problems. They represent new ways of life.

Organizations ignore trends at their own risk. Ignoring trends means that they will either be forced to adapt later and will necessarily be behind, or the organization will fade away.

Confusing fads and trends causes big problems

Trends inform your organization’s successful evolution. When organizations write off things like web-based engagement or data-informed management (for instance) as fads instead of trends, evolution stops. Things get held back.

However, if we approach passing fads as trends, we cry wolf on organizational change. We burn out believing that every week, we need to change our organization’s structure based on “what’s hot right now.” Treating fads like trends can lead organizations to become overwhelmed, give up on following along, and, again, stop evolution.

A trick for telling the difference between fads and trends

So how can your organization figure out if something is a fad or a trend? A helpful trick may be to consider that trends inevitably affect some form of the organization’s engagement strategy, but fads usually influence tactics. This isn’t a fool-proof trick, but it can help your organization think strategically about the differences between both fads and trends.

For instance, social media use is a trend and that affects your engagement strategy, but selfies affect how you can carry out that strategy. Screaming “YOLO” and going gluten-free are things that folks may be doing these days – and, in order to remain relevant, your organization may benefit by embracing them for now. But these fads affect your organization’s tactics (and messages and programs), not its strategy. Data-informed management affects your strategy. Embracing transparency affects your strategy. The trend toward personalized interactions and programs thanks to our increasingly individually-tailored world is a trend and also deeply affects our strategies.

If there is growing, multi-year data demonstrating that something affects the market, then you know it’s a trend. But sometimes we need to know when and how far we should move and embrace change before there’s multi-year data telling us that something is sticking around.

Both fads and trends have real value for cultural organizations, but understanding the difference may be necessary for survival. Fads can inform your tactics and help you to maintain the perception of being “current,” but ignoring trends can lead to irrelevance and create a divide between organizations and their audiences.

apply critical thinking in spotting a fad and a trend

Six Concepts that Visitor-Serving Organizations Confuse at Their Own Risk

How to Differentiate Trends vs. Fads: Staying on the Pulse of Pop Culture

Trends vs. Fads. Thanks to the digitization of almost every single aspect of our lives, we’ve all become accustom to immediacy — expecting our news, notifications, and responses to come in a matter of seconds. Because of this, we live in a culture that prioritizes rapid movement from one thing to the next.

Take your Instagram feed, for instance — you scroll and scroll, but how often do you look at one photo for more than a second? Most of us take a quick glance and move onto the next. Sound familiar?

Well, this translates into pop culture, which has a direct impact on what’s “in” and what’s not.

Although it sometimes can feel like something is just becoming popular before it fades into oblivion, tapping into the latest trends and fads can be a key strategy for marketers. If you yourself are a marketer or if you are involved in your businesses’ marketing strategy, it’s critical to understand what is a fast-moving fad versus trends that are maybe here to stay (albeit for a short time). For example, there have been memorable trends and fads in recent years that have made its mark on society.  

Remember the #IceBucketChallenge? What about planking?

These were social media fads that came and went, but had a significant impact on businesses and companies worldwide. The brands that are able to quickly adapt and take their own spin on fads are better able to leverage more engagement and press, simply because they had their finger on the pulse of pop culture. The key is that when you’re able to tap into these fads by creating your own campaign, your business can become a part of pop culture and become even more relevant (as many brands aim to do).  

Knowing how to differentiate a fad from a trend can be a vital factor in your marketing strategy.

Investing too much time or money in a quick-moving fad can result in wasted resources. Marketing and advertising often take time to develop, and can take so much time that a fad has already died before you could even market it. This doesn’t mean you should completely ignore fads such as the Harlem Shake videos of 2013 or the Cinnamon Challenge of 2007 — if you can produce something quickly before the fad dies down, go for it!

Trends, on the other hand, are societal shifts that are slowly adapted to over time. More recent popular trends include Augmented Reality in the media or the shift to become more environmentally conscious. If you can learn to create content that is geared towards these larger shifts, it shows your business is in it for the long haul.

There are tons of examples of huge businesses that failed to innovate with the times.

Think about Kodak, a company that was built upon the concept of analog photography. As society started moving towards digital photography, they neglected to focus on this area of their industry and thus ended up filing for bankruptcy in 2012. Today, an emerging trend is the emphasis on video content , so if your business can start leveraging video as much as possible, you can improve your chances at staying relevant.

As a brand, you want to stay on top of your game when it comes to both trends and fads.

While fads will be quick-moving and sometimes random, trends are slower shifts that you will start to see more and more of over time.

You shouldn’t neglect either, but it’s important to understand how and when to tap into both.  

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TNCT Q1 Mod2 Understanding Trends and How They Go Trending

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Home » How To Spot A Trend Versus A Fad

How To Spot A Trend Versus A Fad

apply critical thinking in spotting a fad and a trend

Nils Vesk (pictured below) is an innovation architect who’s delivered programs for some of the most prestigious organisations in the world, including Microsoft, IBM, Commonwealth Bank and Nestle. In this guest post for B&T , he shows you how to spot a lasting trend that’s not merely just another passing fad…

The importance behind learning to differentiate a trend from a fad is that no business wants to waste time and energy developing a new product, just for it to reveal itself further down the line as a short-lived fad. As such, a key skill any innovator must learn is how to identify the difference between the two early on.

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First things first, a fad can be defined as something that people believed would be a long-term trend, but that then disappeared as people quickly lost interest.

So, what is a trend? And why are they so important in business? Often when people hear of trends, they think of a something that appears overnight, becoming instantly popular, before disappearing in the same manner. In actual fact, trends can be longer-term, in some cases sticking around for many years.

In business in particular, it’s crucial to be able to identify trends that will disrupt your industry and capitalise on them before your competition. The ability to do this will give you the head start, allowing you the opportunity to create new products and services and even create a new market by spotting a gap before others.

When it comes to trends, we can break them down into three compartments: uncertainties, disruptors and trends. In business, it’s important to identify the key uncertainties that could impact our customers and industries as a whole. Following this, it is key to then be able to identify is what disruptors are arising, the impacts that they might have and then finally the specific trends that are emerging around or from these drivers and uncertainties.

Here are the five phases of a trend:

  • Dawning – an emerging trend
  • Developing – a trend that is gaining momentum and is being developed by various parties
  • Developed – a trend that is fully fledged and has hit mainstream interest
  • Decaying – a trend that has done it’s time and is becoming ‘old’ in the mind of users or customers
  • Discarded – a trend that is no longer in demand and has been superseded by something more exciting, superior, different or by adding new value

Clearly, it makes no sense to begin working on a developed, decaying or discarded trend, but instead to succeed it’s imperative to jump on a dawning or even early stage developing trends. To become an innovator, we must learn how to scan the business world to discover these dawning trends and potential disruptors.

A number of determinants can affect a trend’s duration, including:

  • Differentiation – This refers to how unique and memorable the new trending product or service may be. Differentiation is more important for some industries than others, and can be critical to their success. Essentially, when assessing an emerging trend ask yourself  “Is this unique or really different to what currently exists?” as well as “Is this product/ service remarkable i.e. does it give me something to remark about?”
  • Superiority – How well does the product or service compare to its competitors? It’s important to understand how effective and efficient a product is, whether it could be of more value to your audience, and whether it is more affordable than other similar products on the market.
  • Newness – How long has the product or service been on the market? Do your research and see if there are existing similar products on the market. If similar products do exist, when did they first come onto the scene?
  • Performance – How well does the product perform in relation to customer expectations? Does it do what it is advertised to do? Does this satisfy customer needs or desires?
  • Customer community – How does the user or customer community interact with and use the new product or service? How large is the potential audience of this trend? Communities can play a big part in the success of a product or service, and part of this can sometimes be made up by the ‘why’ of the product. Having a cause creates bigger community participation and trend duration and creates purpose for the product. Also ask yourself “Does the trend exclude a crowd? ” Some trends are successful simply because they exclude people and therefore appeals a nice/specific customer group and caters to their specific needs/wants which in turn increases the loyalty of the trending product or service.
  • Aesthetics – This refers to how timeless the design of the product or service experience may be. Will the service and its design still be relevant in a few years?
  • Ground-breaking – Does the product cause a total revolution or a simple evolution? Does it solve/alleviate a problem? Will it change peoples’ life in some way? Will this signal the end of an era or create a new one?
  • Market category – Does the trend, product or service create a new market category? Does it extend on current products and services and take a portion of market share, or does it create an entirely new category?

Once you’ve assessed the trend according to the above criteria, you can use a polar chart to map out the impact that a certain trend may have, which is crucial for businesses when deciding whether a trend is worth pursuing.

Vesk will be hosting ‘ The Next Big Thing’ Masterclasses throughout May and June in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane where business leaders will discover the trends that will impact their industry, their team and their customers, and how they can capitalise on them.

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Innovation, change and transformation thought leadership, lovingly curated by braden kelley, what is trend spotting.

What is Trend Spotting?

GUEST POST from Art Inteligencia

I am sure everyone has heard the term “trend spotting”, but what does it actually mean? Trend spotting is the process of identifying emerging trends in the marketplace and using them to inform strategic decision-making. Businesses have been using trend spotting to stay ahead of their competition and capitalize on emerging markets for decades.

Trend spotting can be used to identify new customer demographics, changing tastes and preferences, and upcoming products and services. It is a way to stay ahead of the curve, as trends can provide insights into what will be popular in the future.

There are several methods used to spot trends. Some businesses use surveys and polls to gauge customer sentiment and get an idea of what people are looking for. Others use competitive analysis to identify what their rivals are doing and where they are succeeding. Businesses can also use market research to track changes in the marketplace and stay ahead of the curve.

However, it’s important to remember that trend spotting isn’t an exact science. Trends can change quickly and the results of trend spotting can be unpredictable. Businesses should use a variety of methods and sources when trying to spot trends. They should also be aware that trends can be short-lived and should always be open to new ideas.

Trend spotting is an important tool for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging markets. However, it’s important to remember that it is not an exact science and can be unpredictable. Businesses should always be open to new ideas and use a variety of methods and sources when trying to spot trends.

Bottom line: Trend spotters are not quite the same thing as futurists, but trend spotting is a component of futurology. Trend spotters use a formal approach to achieve their outcomes, but a methodology and tools like those in FutureHacking ™ can empower anyone to be their own futurist and trend spotter.

Image credit: Pixabay

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    The length of push dictates the level of success. Longevity is equal to success when we talk about trends. This success could bring you monetary benefits and popularity. Characteristics of a Trend. It has a long staying power and enjoy a long period of popularity. It is accepted by many industries and people.


    It is the IMPACT OR THE ABILITY to PRODUCE A SUSTAINABLE movement or change. SCOPE. The extent of INFLUENCE OF A PRODUCT. SUPPORT. Structure that ENABLES A FAD OR TREND to be SUSTAINABLE. SUSTAINABILITY. LENGTH OF TIME of continous existence. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Fads, TRENDS, TRENDSPOTTER and more.

  10. Fads vs Trends: How Organizations Can Tell The Difference (And Why it

    Mixing up fads and trends often leaves executives frustrated, confused, and - worst of all - fearing innovation. Here's how to spot the difference. Understanding the difference between fads and trends is critical for all organizations. However, many leaders seem to be unaware of their important differences. Today's Fast Facts video aims to differentiate these critical concepts, and also ...

  11. Trends vs Fads in Consumer Behavior: A Guide for Marketing ...

    Trends display consistent, long-term patterns; fads create brief spikes. Social Listening: Monitor social media. Trends spark sustained discussions, while fads generate temporary buzz, fading swiftly.

  12. How to Differentiate Trends vs. Fads: Staying on the Pulse of Pop

    Trends, on the other hand, are societal shifts that are slowly adapted to over time. More recent popular trends include Augmented Reality in the media or the shift to become more environmentally conscious. If you can learn to create content that is geared towards these larger shifts, it shows your business is in it for the long haul.

  13. Trends Module 1 wk 1 & 2

    Page 1 : 12, Trends, Networks, and, Critical Thinking in the, 21st Century, Quarter 1 - Module 1:, Trend and Fad, Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century 12 Self-Learning Module (SLM), Quarter 1 - Module 1: Trend and Fad, First Edition, 2020, Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines.

  14. TNCT Q1 Mod2 Understanding Trends and How They Go Trending

    We innovate lifestyle through trends and fads, Fads fade when the perception of novelty is gone. Trends and fads are crucial in the human evolutionary process. Fads are sustained behavior that turns into lifestyle, mindset ad. values. 9. Humans create fads and trends, and at the same time are influenced. by them. 10.

  15. Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century ...

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an aveerage or general tendency of a series of data., What are the ways of identifying/spotting trends?, These are the forces that have been shaping human behaviors for years. and more.

  16. Trends and Critical Thinking

    Module 1 Trend and Fad - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  17. How To Spot A Trend Versus A Fad

    Here are the five phases of a trend: Dawning - an emerging trend. Developing - a trend that is gaining momentum and is being developed by various parties. Developed - a trend that is fully ...

  18. Distinguishing Fad from Trend

    Trends have an identifiable benefit over previous instructional methods or approaches, and are driven by the fact that they are solving instructional needs. Fads, on the other hand, are driven by a "coolness" factor or even a "me-too" type mentality. A fad starts with technology and then tries to find a need for the technology.

  19. What is Trend Spotting?

    Trend spotting can be used to identify new customer demographics, changing tastes and preferences, and upcoming products and services. It is a way to stay ahead of the curve, as trends can provide insights into what will be popular in the future. There are several methods used to spot trends. Some businesses use surveys and polls to gauge ...

  20. Critical Thinking: Your Guide to Career Changes

    To spot new career paths using critical thinking, start by assessing your skills, interests, and market demand. Research emerging industries and trends, considering how your strengths align.

  21. Trends and Critical Thinking

    The course provides opportunities for students to discover patterns and extract meanings from emerging trends. It aids in developing their critical and creative thinking skills-- essential tools for decision making and understanding "ethics of care". Global trends in the 21st century are examined and are either accepted or rejected on a sound set of criteria.

  22. Spotting Trends vs. Fads: A Critical Analysis

    UNIVERSAL SCHOLASTIC ACADEME Sinisian East, Lemery, Batangas TRENDS, NETWORKS, AND CRITICAL THINKING IN THE 21 ST CENTURY NAME: WORKSHEET 3 GRADE AND SECTION: DATE: TASK 1 INSTRUCTIONS: Identify if the statement is true or false. ____1. Trend is a gradual change or development that produces a particular result. ____2. Trends are best guesses for future events or patterns that are based on ...

  23. Copy of Trends Module 1

    Spotting a Trend. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: a. Apply critical thinking in spotting a trend; and b. Specify trend by finding the latest emerging trend. What's In. Direction: Read the question carefully and explain it by your own idea. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer. a. Fads and Trends are normally existing anytime and anywhere. How do ...