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How to Ace the Case

icaew case study bespoke monogramming

October 2021

Kieran Doe has some top advice on how to pass the ACA case study exam. And he should know – he scored 92% in it!

The Case Study is unlike most other ACA exams as there is very little technical content to learn. So students who are used to memorising technical concepts and them ‘smashing out the question bank’ will be perplexed when they are presented with over 40 pages of advance information and a case study exam paper seemingly testing very little from their other 14 exams.

However, the Case Study is actually very similar to other ACA exams in that the three exam requirements are always the same, as are the mark schemes. By appreciating the consistency in the exam requirements and the mark schemes, you can develop your exam technique to ensure that you tick all the ‘boxes’ on the mark scheme and complete your ACA qualification in style.

icaew case study bespoke monogramming

I believe that there are five steps to case study success:

Step 1: Understand how Case Study is marked

The marking process is objective: there is a set marking key for each requirement and if your report includes a point which is on the mark scheme, you will get the mark. While it can be frustrating that making a valid point which is not on the mark scheme does not score a mark, it does mean that the marking process is very transparent and easy to navigate.

Each requirement has 11 boxes and you need to pass six boxes on each requirement.

The Executive Summary has seven boxes and you need to pass four boxes. To pass a box, you need to get three of the points included in that box. You need to pass each requirement and the Executive Summary in isolation. Have a look at some recent mark schemes to see what I mean about boxes and points.

Step 2: Understand what each of the three requirements involve

As explained above, the three requirements are broadly the same in each Case Study exam.

  • Requirement 1: Analyse the financial performance of the company.
  • Requirement 2: Evaluate a financial proposal.
  • Requirement 3: Evaluate an opportunity or issue.

The mark scheme for each requirement is also the same. This makes the exam predictable and by having a look at recent past papers, you will soon start to see the consistency in the requirements and build an understanding of what each requirement involves.

Step 3: Understand what information is provided in the AI and what is provided in the exam

In addition to the exam requirements and mark schemes being in the same format every time, the AI is also in the same format every time (albeit a different business with different issues).

By working through past case study exams, you will soon start to see that the AI always has the same exhibits with very similar types of information; industry background ; prior year accounts; customers; suppliers; strategic goals and risks. Likewise, the exams include the same exhibits with very similar types of information.

Having completed an exam, it is important to mark it and reflect on what information came from the AI and what came from the exam exhibits. You will soon start to see that most mark scoring points come from the exam exhibits rather than the AI. You will also learn which types of points tend to be rewarded in each box.

Step 4: Learn the Case Study exam technique which ensures that you hit all the boxes on the mark scheme

Having understood what the exam requirements are and how they are marked, you need to develop an exam technique which ensures that your report includes the points which are included on the mark scheme.

Fortunately for you, we have developed an exam technique which does this and it has resulted in two students wining the prize for the highest mark in the world (90% and 92%), another winning a prize for the highest mark in their region (88%) and another achieving the highest mark in their firm (81%).

Given the practical nature of the exam technique, it is not possible to explain this in text so click the link for a tutorial showing you exactly how to ace Requirement 1 and get a prize-winning mark – https://youtu.be/unvyelEwv6y

Step 5: Practice mock exams to master your exam technique

By this stage in your ACA journey, you will already know that question practice is key to success. Having learn the prize-winning technique, you then need to practice mock exams on your case study business under exam conditions so that you master the technique and sign off your ACA in style.

  • Kieran Doe is a Senior ACA tutor at ACA Masters

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Jag's Journey

Sharing my life experiences including the Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) qualification

How to Master the ICAEW ACA Case Study Marking Key

Four blogs into the ACA Case Study and you might just start to think that I am slightly obsessed with this exam. The ACA Case Study is so different to any other of the 15 ACA exams that I feel there is so much to discuss for this exam. I was not planning to go into detail about the Case Study marking key. However, I have recently realised many who are independently studying or who are taught by different providers may not have all these details or the same level of understanding. In order to pass the ACA Case Study, you do really need to understand how it is marked . Today this is exactly what I will delve into.

You may also want to refer to the other three ICAEW ACA Case Study blogs:  ICAEW Case Study Made Easy ,  ICAEW Software Testing  and How Much Preparation is Enough? .

Table of Contents

Aca case study marking key terms, maximum marks and marking, different ways to fail the icaew aca case study, overall assessment criteria, executive summary (es), requirements – generic aca case study marking key, marking yourself, aca case study wrap up.

If you are unaware of the exam structure for the ACA Case Study exam, I would recommend reading the Made Easy blog before reading details about the Case Study marking key. You essentially need to know the report you are required to produce is split into an executive summary and three equally weighted requirements .

This will overlap with the ICAEW Case Study Made Easy blog where I have briefly touched on the marking key. The ACA Case Study marking key can be explained using the following terms: “ boxes ” and “ diamonds “, where boxes are skills assessment boxes (SABs). The meaning of these will get clearer as we go on but to give a quick explanation, the Case Study marking key is split into 40 boxes :

  • The executive summary has 6 boxes (2 for each requirement)
  • Each requirement (r1, r2 and r3) has 11 boxes
  • There is one final box for the overall assessment criteria

Within each box, there are diamonds /bullet points that you need to hit to get marks. The maximum mark for each box is 6 marks . Each box will have up to six “diamonds” that are up for grabs from your answer. For example, one diamond could be met by stating revenue increased by x amount/(y %) based on the case study numbers. This will make more sense once you start looking at mock exams for the ICAEW ACA Case Study.

The Case Study marking key is not completely straight forward. It is not one mark per one diamond. Here is how it works:

0Not attempted (NA)0 marks
1Insufficiently demonstrated (ID)1 marks
2Insufficiently competent (IC)2 marks
3Sufficiently competent (SC)4 marks
4+Clearly competent (CC)6 marks

From the table above you can see you do not benefit from getting more than four diamonds as you will be capped at 6 marks . You may be in fact wasting time and time is definitely of the essence in the ACA Case Study even if it is 4 hours . However, it is difficult to know whether a point you make is a valid diamond or not so it is perhaps best to aim for 5 diamonds at most in each box of the Case Study marking key. 

What makes the ACA Case Study very different from the other exams is that there are  no predetermined correct answers . I have been told only after assessing the first say 100 papers are the diamonds and the marking key put together. You need to write what everyone else writes so state the obvious and work together when preparing beforehand! This ACA Advanced Level Telegram group (essentially WhatsApp without phone numbers) where you can connect with other students may help.

The maximum marks for the ACA Case Study is 240 marks . Remember, there are 40 boxes and the maximum mark is 6 per box. You may think as the ICAEW ACA Case study exam is 50% to pass , you just need 120 marks to pass. Again, the Case Study really is not that straightforward. 120 marks across the whole paper will not cut it. You actually need 50% in each requirement (including the executive summary) to pass. Getting 66 marks in requirement 1 but 20 marks in requirement 3 is a no go. However, this is not the only way to fail the ACA Case Study…

The below ways to fail which I will touch upon are less black and white than the 50% in each requirement criteria. This is a very grey area and is not nice for anybody in this position. I have come across candidates who have achieved 50% in each requirement and still failed. Below outline the other potential reasons why one could fail the ACA Case Study exam:

  • As mentioned, achieving  less than the overall 50%  pass mark.
  • Achieving  less than 50% in each individual requirement  and being deemed incompetent often. You really need to show you can produce a strong report to be on the safe side. In each requirement, you should ideally be getting over 50% competent grades (CC or SC) which means six or more boxes. Five SCs (30 marks) and the remaining ID/IC grades (6 marks) would get you above 50% in the requirement (33 marks) but may not be enough to pass.
  • Missing out parts  of the report. If you score above 50% in all requirements but have missed out 4-5 skills assessment boxes, you are likely to fail. There cannot be gaps in the report. A fail could also be for writing poor conclusions and recommendations throughout.
  • This exam is all about balance . If you have too many NA and ID grades, this could also be a factor of failure.

Essentially, the examiner wants to see that you can write a  complete and balanced  report. If you do not do as ICAEW say in this exam you will be punished and you will fail. This really is a grey area , especially as for those marginal scripts there is re-moderation to decide which scripts pass and which fail. It does seem quite harsh as surely getting 50% would be enough but examiners will only want to pass a good quality report. Further marking details can be found here from ICAEW and is definitely worth a read.

ACA Case Study Marking Key

This one box will look as follows (imagine the dashes are diamonds):

0.ES.OAC Layout, disclaimer and language
– Appropriate layout e.g. headings, paragraphs and sentences
– Appropriate disclaimer of liability and report from firm
– Suitable language e.g. formal, tactful, ethical
– Reasonable spelling or grammar

If you meet all four diamonds, you will show you are clearly competent and should get 6 marks.

The executive summary is essentially meant to summarise each of the three requirements and provide the conclusion and recommendations. It is at the start of the report so if somebody did not have time to read the full report, they would be able to understand exactly what is covered by reading the ES. The Case Study marking key for the ES is as follows. Note this is very generic and may differ case study to case study:

– Revenue
– Gross Profit
– Operating Profit
– Adjustment/other issue
– Figures (e.g. profit) of the [proposal]
– [Second proposal] or assumptions
– Assumptions
– Key ethical issue
– Figures for [opportunity]
– Financial issues
– Strategic issues
– Operational issues
– Key issue
– Key issue
– Recommendation
– Other/Commercial recommendations
– Key business/strategic/operational issue
– Concludes on way forward
– Recommendation
– Other commercial recommendations
– Key ethical issue
– Concludes on way forward
– Recommendation
– Other commercial recommendations

ICAEW in recent years have been very clear that you cannot simply copy and paste the report into the executive summary. The two must differ otherwise you will not score any marks and this could result in failure! Spot the difference below…

I will keep this much more generic and do all three requirements in one. Through these boxes you will need to demonstrate  that you can: assimilate and use information; structure problems and solutions; apply judgement and form conclusions and recommendations.


Appendix: Content and style – a well presented table that is clearly labelled and easy to follow will get you a diamond
0.R1.SP1 Revenue

0.R2.SP1 Figures of [proposal]

0.R3.SP1 Financial issues
0.R1.AJ1 Revenue – so what… e.g. revenue mix with

0.R2/3.AJ1 so what…

Concluding on the way forward on R2/3 should get you a diamond

Appendix: Calculations with (can be stated in the appendix or report)
0.R1.SP2 Gross profit/OP
0.R2.SP2 [second proposal] or assumptions
0.R3.SP2 Strategic/operational issues
0.R1.AJ2 Gross profit/OP – so what… e.g. costs rising faster than revenue

0.R2/3.AJ2 so what…
Recommendations (aim for at least 5)

Any sensible recommendation will get you a diamond

Business issues and wider context
0.R1.SP3 Adjustment/other issue
0.R2.SP3 Assumptions/ethical issue
0.R3.SP3 Ethical/business trust issues
0.R1.AJ3 Adjustment/other issue – so what…

0.R2/3.AJ3 so what…

If you have not started any mocks yet, this may all look like gibberish to you. Trust me on this one, once you have been through a mock or so, you will be very grateful for the above tables. For the requirements, you essentially get two boxes for the appendices, two for each of the sub-requirements stated in the question and then two for the conclusions and recommendations. Keeping this in mind when you write your report is crucial to doing well.

If your ACA Case Study is marked by somebody else, I would highly recommend going through this yourself afterwards. This will really help you to understand what kind of points scores diamonds and which do not. You can also see where you are perhaps going overboard or not writing enough .

What I think is very beneficial about going through the Case Study marking key is that you will spot where things are in bold. You may have noticed this above. If “and figures” is written in bold, it means you cannot get the diamond without any numbers. Where I slipped up initially is that I was not including figures or sometimes comparative figures that were needed. You also sometimes must write the £ and % change to get a diamond. It really is worth going through this to maximise your diamond potential.

Hopefully this blog has stressed to you the importance of timings . If you get too many NA boxes, you are likely to fail. This means you cannot just miss areas out and move on but you do need to do it all . If you want help with your timings as well as planning sheets and help with requirement 1’s appendix, join my journey. I will be sending these out to you for free within a few days of joining.

Understanding the Case Study marking key is essential to do well in this exam. I can recall going through this for a full morning in college to make sure we really understood the marking key. If you do not have a solid understanding of this, as well as the different ways to fail, you may just do so. Hopefully this blog has been insightful and helped in some way. I would even suggest taking those generic marking keys into the exam with you so you do not miss anything out.

  • Pingback: ICAEW Case Study Made Easy - How to Pass ACA Case Study - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: ICAEW ACA Case Study - How Much Preparation Is Enough? - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: The Weekend Before Sitting ACA Advanced Level Exams: Last Minute Tips - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: How Difficult/Hard REALLY are the ICAEW ACA Exams? With ACA Exam Difficulty Ranking and Proven ICAEW ACA Pass Rates - Jag's Journey
  • Pingback: New ICAEW Exam Software Testing Experience - Exciting ACA Case Study Opportunity - Jag's Journey

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ICAEW Case Study

The ICAEW Case Study exam delves into the practical application of knowledge across all areas of accountancy, business, and finance to solve real-world business issues. It assesses the ability to analyze, evaluate, and provide recommendations based on complex business scenarios, emphasizing critical thinking, ethical judgement, and professional skills. This exam represents the culmination of the training, showcasing the integral role of strategic decision-making and problem-solving in professional practice.

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Our course includes

  • 10 days of classroom based tuition 
  • Tutor support
  • Access to ICAEW's materials
  • Bespoke course notes & slides
  • Minimum of 2 marked mock exams with feedback

Frequently asked questions

The Case Study exam will assess your understanding of providing advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report. The scenario may be based on a variety of different organisational structures or operations, and you will be provided with advance information ahead of the exam. The exam is four hours long and will consist of three requirements and an executive summary.

For more information on how to book your exam, click here

The ICAEW has certain entry requirements which can be found here.

Alternatively to these requirements you can complete the CFAB (ICAEW Certificate level) qualification to gain entry to the ICAEW qualification.

The ICAEW (Institute of chartered accountants in England and Wales) Chartered Accountant qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. It is valued around the world in business, practice and the public sector.

It involves passing a series of exams, gaining relevant work experience, and fulfilling professional ethics requirements, thereby preparing candidates for senior roles in accountancy, management, and consultancy.

Click here to find out more about the ACA qualification.

The ICAEW CFAB (Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business) qualification is a internationally recognised certificate that teaches essential knowledge in business, finance and accounting.

It comprises six exams that cover key aspects of financial and management accounting.

Upon completion, it provides a pathway to the ICAEW qualification.

Click here  to find out more about the ICAEW CFAB qualification.

At MPES, we provide the opportunity to take SBM & CR for the July exams and Case study for the November exam. The Case Study exam which must be attempted last and in the final year of a training agreement with your employer.

To sit for your exams and achieve the qualification, you must register as an ICAEW CFAB student with the ICAEW.

Click here to register as an ICAEW CFAB student.

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Father's Day 2024

Cadillac SOLLEI Concept is an Ultra-Luxury Convertible With Custom Bird Calls

Published: 28 Aug 2024

Cadillac is in its bespoke luxury era, and the SOLLEI Concept might be the most gorgeous of them all. The car takes visual inspiration from the flagship all-electric made-to-spec CELESTIQ but drops the top with a 2+2 convertible configuration and coupe silhouette. Heavily leaning into the open-air lifestyle, and to showcase the lengths it has gone with the SOLLEI concept, Cadillac has also introduced 3D-printed acrylic bird calls to the car that come inside a custom brushed metal and leather-wrapped case. Yep, bird calls.

You’ll also find a leather-bound journal with hand-painted bird illustrations and a leather tool roll for pens and pencils, which custom matches the interior palette. Without a production timeline, it’s unclear if any of this will come to fruition. Still, bird-watching in your ultra-luxury convertible EV? It doesn’t get more 2024 than that.

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Cadillac sollei concept rear three quarter

SOLLEI comes from a combination of the word SOL, which means sun, and LEI, which stands for leisure. It’s pretty clearly a leisure vehicle, but the sun aspect takes some explaining. Of course, you have the gorgeous “Manila Cream” paint colour (which looks even better in person), but the brand has made further mention of the following design details:

  • Sunburst-themed lighting and graphic choreography
  • Sunburst motif perforation, quilting, and embroidery on seat patterns
  • Nappa leather that has a pink iridescent pigment for a colour-changing sunrise effect
  • Charging mats on the console, door map pockets and custom accessories with iridescent finish
  • Pink iridescent hue on the beverage chiller door and glass tray
  • “Aurora” tint on primary metal finishes
  • “Daybreak” convertible metallic roof fabric
  • “Bask” boucle floormat material that adds texture and subtle warmth

Now that you understand what you’re looking at, let’s explain some concept features. Of course, it’s stunning from the exterior with a low, elongated body, but it’s just as impressive on the inside. If you open the gigantic coupe door (one of the largest in the world), you’ll be greeted by the brand’s signature 55-inch pillar-to-pillar screen, which can be found in the CELESTIQ and even Cadillac Escalade IQ.

Cadillac sollei concept drive mode

Those doors allow access to the front and rear seats, and if you take a seat in the back, you’ll get direct access to the fully integrated beverage chiller with a power glass door and crystal glasses.

We had a chance to look at the concept car at the Hagerty Social Club in Van Nuys while test-driving the new Cadillac Lyriq. While the SOLLEI certainly is a concept car and not production-ready, its surfaces are premium, noticeably hand-cut, and feature hand-laid marquetry techniques. The unstained wood veneers with open-pore finishes offer incredible texture and are something we’d love to see in the production car—if it happens.

Cadillac sollei concept side on

The new Cadillac SOLLEI Concept is just that—a concept. This means that the car has not been scheduled for production and may never, in fact, reach that point. Right now, this level of luxury can be found in cars like the Cadillac CELESTIQ, which is priced upwards of $340,000 USD, but it is pretty clearly a four-door sedan. Rolls-Royce has not yet produced a convertible Spectre, but that would be the logical competition for the SOLLEI if it did go into production.

For now, the SOLLEI remains a concept, and more information can be found on the brand’s website below.

Cadillac sollei concept rear end 2

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Ben McKimm

Journalist - Automotive & Tech

Ben lives in Sydney, Australia. He has a Bachelor's Degree (Media, Technology and the Law) from Macquarie University (2020). Outside of his studies, he has spent the last decade heavily involved in the automotive, technology and fashion world. Turning his passion and expertise into a Journalist position at Man of Many where he continues to write about everything that interests the modern man. Conducting car reviews on both the road and track, hands-on reviews of cutting-edge technology and employing a vast knowledge in the space of fashion and sneakers to his work. One day he hopes to own his own brand.

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2024: ESG – how should the financial statements reflect sustainability?

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ESG – how should the financial statements reflect sustainability?

Select a date in the drop-down menu above for details.

Select a date in the drop-down menu above for details.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concerns are being discussed in the media and in boardrooms. ESG information and opinion is communicated to business on a daily basis. The challenge, as a finance professional, is to identify the key information you need to know, and to understand how these important ESG issues are represented in the financial statements. The impact is on disclosures, both qualitative and quantitative, but there are also changes to the numbers themselves.

In this interactive course, we will offer you a targeted guide to the fundamental ESG concepts that you need to know as a professional business adviser. We will look at numerical and qualitative examples and we will discuss how what you learn can be implemented in your own organisation.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the key elements of ESG; risks and opportunities.
  • Interpret how current UK legislation is relevant to your organisation’s financial reporting.
  • Understand the impact of ESG on the numbers in the primary financial statements.
  • Discuss future changes to financial reporting and how you can plan for these.

ICAEW's revised Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Regulations bring in new CPD requirements. This includes a minimum number of hours and an ethics requirement. Attending this course could contribute up to six hours of verifiable CPD, providing you can demonstrate that the content is relevant to your role.

A copy of the course booking confirmation email is accepted as evidence of verifiable CPD. You will need to save the email as a JPEG or PDF before uploading it to your record.  Click here to use ICAEW’s self-assessment tool to help you work out how much CPD you will need to fulfil each year.

Who should attend?

Aimed at finance professionals working in industry or practice who wish to gain a practical understanding of how ESG will impact the financial statements of their or their client’s organisation. You will attend a targeted and informative course to guide you through the essentials.

Course enquiries

Contact: Events information team

Should you experience any difficulties booking onto the event, please click here.

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This course will cover:

  • Introduction to ESG and Sustainability including risks and opportunities for business
  • Current UK legislation and its application
  • Real-life examples
  • How numbers in the financial statements are affected/span>
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) implementation in 2022
  • International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) progress

This course is for: Business Leaders

What is a virtual classroom?

A virtual classroom provides the same great learning experience as other ICAEW training, except one difference, you can learn from your desk.

Being delivered online makes it so much easier to access in a busy working week and would definitively recommend this type of training. The breakout rooms work really well to allow you to get to know the other participants and share experiences.

Virtual classroom delegate

The focus is on the learner and creating an enriching classroom experience that connects participants globally. Using video, learners can converse and interact with the trainer and other learners in real-time. Whiteboards, break-out sessions, polls, screen-sharing, and interactive Q&A create an immersive learning experience.

I think the virtual training format using Zoom, and the survey features, and break out rooms, really works great. I had no problems engaging with the facilitator and felt he listened to what we said, and kept the pace of the content moving steadily.

Secure your place now and keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date.

How do I attend a virtual classroom?

Once you've booked your session, you will receive an email with your booking confirmation. The steps you will need to follow to attend your virtual classroom will arrive in a separate email closer to the date of your course.

David Potts

icaew case study bespoke monogramming

David qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1987 with a six partner firm based in St Albans, and went on to become an audit manager with BDO. David is particularly interested in the practical application of regulations and how they should be applied to day to day situations; and how they impact on business system planning and control. His training is designed to be practical, relevant to the attendees needs and interactive with many case studies and real life examples.  

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£625 + VAT

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Organisations will have the choice to run our in-house courses online or in-person. 

These are ideal for organisations seeking hassle-free, flexible and cost-effective training delivered to multiple delegates at your location of choice. Whether we use our existing materials or develop new content for your business, our expertise lies in translating your requirements into a pragmatic, interactive training programme highly relevant to your people and organisation. To discuss in-house training for your business please email [email protected] or contact us through our enquiry form

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The ICAEW Chartered Accountant qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. It is valued around the world in business, practice and the public sector.

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Take a look at ICAEW training films

Focusing on professional scepticism, ethics and everyday business challenges, our training films are used by firms and companies around the world to support their in-house training and business development teams.

Attract and retain the next generation of accounting and finance professionals with our world-leading accountancy qualifications. Become authorised to offer ACA training and help your business stay ahead.

CPD guidance and help

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an integral part of being a successful ICAEW Chartered Accountant. Find support on ICAEW's CPD requirements and access resources to help your professional development.

ICAEW flagship events

ICAEW boasts an extensive portfolio of industry-leading conferences. These flagship events offer the opportunity to hear from and interact with all the key players in the industry. Find out what's coming up.

Leadership Development Programmes

ICAEW Academy’s in-depth leadership development programmes take a holistic approach to combine insightful mentoring or coaching, to exclusive events, peer learning groups and workshops. Catering for those significant transitions in your career, these leadership development programmes are instrumental to achieving your ambitions or fulfilling your succession planning goals.

Specialist Finance Qualifications & Programmes

Whatever future path you choose, ICAEW will support the development and acceleration of your career at each stage to enhance your career.

 Young people

Why a career in chartered accountancy?

If you think chartered accountants spend their lives confined to their desks, then think again. They are sitting on the boards of multinational companies, testifying in court and advising governments, as well as supporting charities and businesses from every industry all over the world.

  • Why chartered accountancy?


Search for qualified ACA jobs

Matching highly skilled ICAEW members with attractive organisations seeking talented accountancy and finance professionals.

Volunteering roles

Helping skilled and in-demand chartered accountants give back and strengthen not-for-profit sector with currently over 2,300 organisations posting a variety of volunteering roles with ICAEW.

  • Search for volunteer roles
  • Get ahead by volunteering

Advertise with ICAEW

From as little as £495, access to a pool of highly qualified and ambitious ACA qualified members with searchable CVs.

Early careers and training

Start your ACA training with ICAEW. Find out why a career in chartered accountancy could be for you and how to become a chartered accountant.

Qualified ACA careers

Find Accountancy and Finance Jobs

Voluntary roles

Find Voluntary roles

While you pursue the most interesting and rewarding opportunities at every stage of your career, we’re here to offer you support whatever stage you are or wherever you are in the world and in whichever sector you have chosen to work.

ACA students

"how to guides" for aca students.

  • ACA student guide
  • How to book an exam
  • How to apply for credit for prior learning (CPL)

Exam resources

Here are some resources you will find useful while you study for the ACA qualification.

  • Certificate Level
  • Professional Level
  • Advanced Level

Digital learning materials

All ACA learning materials are now digital only. Read our guide on how to access your learning materials on the ICAEW Bookshelf via the BibliU app, or through your browser.

  • Read the guide

My online training file

Once you are registered as an ACA student, you'll be able to access your training file to log your progress throughout ACA training.

  • Access your training file
  • Student Insights

Fresh insights, innovative ideas and an inside look at the lives and careers of our ICAEW students and members.

  • Read the latest articles

System status checks

Getting started.

Welcome to ICAEW! We have pulled together a selection of resources to help you get started with your ACA training, including our popular 'How To' series, which offers step-by-step guidance on everything from registering as an ACA student and applying for CPL, to using your online training file.

Credit for prior learning (CPL)

Credit for prior learning or CPL is our term for exemptions. High quality learning and assessment in other relevant qualifications is appropriately recognised by the award of CPL.

Apply for exams

What you need to know in order to apply for the ACA exams.

The ACA qualification has 15 modules over three levels. They are designed to complement the practical experience you will be gaining in the workplace. They will also enable you to gain in-depth knowledge across a broad range of topics in accountancy, finance and business. Here are some useful resources while you study.

  • Exam results

You will receive your results for all Certificate Level exams, the day after you take the exam and usually five weeks after a Professional and Advanced Level exam session has taken place. Access your latest and archived exam results here.

Training agreement

Putting your theory work into practice is essential to complete your ACA training.

Student support and benefits

We are here to support you throughout your ACA journey. We have a range of resources and services on offer for you to unwrap, from exam resources, to student events and discount cards. Make sure you take advantage of the wealth of exclusive benefits available to you, all year round.

  • Applying for membership

The ACA will open doors to limitless opportunities in all areas of accountancy, business and finance anywhere in the world. ICAEW Chartered Accountants work at the highest levels as finance directors, CEOs and partners of some of the world’s largest organisations.

ACA training FAQs

Do you have a question about the ACA training? Then look no further. Here, you can find answers to frequently asked questions relating to the ACA qualification and training. Find out more about each of the integrated components of the ACA, as well as more information on the syllabus, your training agreement, ICAEW’s rules and regulations and much more.

  • Anti-money laundering

Guidance and resources to help members comply with their legal and professional responsibilities around AML.

Technical releases

ICAEW Technical Releases are a source of good practice guidance on technical and practice issues relevant to ICAEW Chartered Accountants and other finance professionals.

  • ICAEW Technical Releases
  • Thought leadership

ICAEW's Thought Leadership reports provide clarity and insight on the current and future challenges to the accountancy profession. Our charitable trusts also provide funding for academic research into accountancy.

  • Academic research funding

Technical Advisory Services helpsheets

Practical, technical and ethical guidance highlighting the most important issues for members, whether in practice or in business.

  • ICAEW Technical Advisory Services helpsheets

Bloomsbury – free for eligible firms

In partnership with Bloomsbury Professional, ICAEW have provided eligible firms with free access to Bloomsbury’s comprehensive online library of around 80 titles from leading tax and accounting subject matter experts.

  • Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service

Country resources

Our resources by country provide access to intelligence on over 170 countries and territories including economic forecasts, guides to doing business and information on the tax climate in each jurisdiction.

Industries and sectors

Thought leadership, technical resources and professional guidance to support the professional development of members working in specific industries and sectors.

Audit and Assurance

The audit, assurance and internal audit area has information and guidance on technical and practical matters in relation to these three areas of practice. There are links to events, publications, technical help and audit representations.

The most up-to-date thought leadership, insights, technical resources and professional guidance to support ICAEW members working in and with industry with their professional development.

  • Corporate Finance

Companies, advisers and investors making decisions about creating, developing and acquiring businesses – and the wide range of advisory careers that require this specialist professional expertise.

  • Corporate governance

Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. Find out more about corporate governance principles, codes and reports, Board subcommittees, roles and responsibilities and shareholder relations. Corporate governance involves balancing the interests of a company’s many stakeholders, such as shareholders, employees, management, customers, suppliers, financiers and the community. Getting governance right is essential to build public trust in companies.

Corporate reporting

View a range of practical resources on UK GAAP, IFRS, UK regulation for company accounts and non-financial reporting. Plus find out more about the ICAEW Corporate Reporting Faculty.

Expert analysis on the latest national and international economic issues and trends, and interviews with prominent voices across the finance industry, alongside data on the state of the economy.

  • Financial Services

View articles and resources on the financial services sector.

  • Practice resources

For ICAEW's members in practice, this area brings together the most up-to-date thought leadership, technical resources and professional guidance to help you in your professional life.

Public Sector

Many ICAEW members work in or with the public sector to deliver public priorities and strong public finances. ICAEW acts in the public interest to support strong financial leadership and better financial management across the public sector – featuring transparency, accountability, governance and ethics – to ensure that public money is spent wisely and that public finances are sustainable.

Sustainability and climate change

Sustainability describes a world that does not live by eating into its capital, whether natural, economic or social. Members in practice, in business and private individuals all have a role to play if sustainability goals are to be met. The work being undertaken by ICAEW in this area is to change behaviour to drive sustainable outcomes.

The Tax area has information and guidance on technical and practical tax matters. There are links to events, the latest tax news and the Tax Faculty’s publications, including helpsheets, webinars and Tax representations.

Keep up-to-date with tech issues and developments, including artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, big data, and cyber security.

Trust & Ethics

Guidance and resources on key issues, including economic crime, business law, better regulation and ethics. Read through ICAEW’s Code of Ethics and supporting information.


Polaroids on pinboard

ICAEW Communities

Information, guidance and networking opportunities on industry sectors, professional specialisms and at various stages throughout your career. Free for ICAEW members and students.

  • Discover a new community


ICAEW Faculties

The accountancy profession is facing change and uncertainty. The ICAEW Faculties can help by providing you with timely and relevant support.

  • Choose to join any of the faculties

UK groups and societies

We have teams on the ground in: East of England, the Midlands, London and South East, Northern, South West, Yorkshire and Humberside, Wales and Scotland.

  • Access your UK region
  • Worldwide support and services

Support and services we offer our members in Africa, America, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Greater China, the Middle East, Oceania and South East Asia.

  • Discover our services

ICAEW Faculties are 'centres of technical excellence', strongly committed to enhancing your professional development and helping you to meet your CPD requirements every year. They offer exclusive content, events and webinars, customised for your sector - which you should be able to easily record, when the time comes for the completion of your CPD declaration. Our offering isn't exclusive to Institute members. As a faculty member, the same resources are available to you to ensure you stay ahead of the competition.

Communities by industry / sector

Communities by life stage and workplace, communities by professional specialism, local groups and societies.

We aim to support you wherever in the world you work. Our regional offices and network of volunteers run events and provide access to local accounting updates in major finance centres around the globe.

Election explainers

ICAEW experts offer simple guides to help understand the technical, economic jargon that will be at the heart of political debates in the coming weeks.

Insights pulls together the best opinion, analysis, interviews, videos and podcasts on the key issues affecting accountancy and business.

  • See the latest insights

ICAEW podcasts

ICAEW produces two podcast series that count towards your CPD: Accountancy Insights for news from across the profession, and The Tax Track for specialist analysis from the ICAEW Tax Faculty.

Professional development and skills

With new requirements on ICAEW members for continuing professional development, we bring together resources to support you through the changes and look at the skills accountants need for the future.

  • Visit the hub
  • Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is a key pillar of ICAEW's strategy. Discover the latest insights on equality, diversity and inclusion. You can also join our Diversity & Inclusion Community.

  • Find out more on our hub
  • Join the community

Insights specials

A listing of one-off Insights specials that focus on a particular subject, interviewing the key people, identifying developing trends and examining the underlying issues.

Top podcasts

Insights by topic.

Regulation graphic

ICAEW Regulation

Regulation graphic

  • Regulatory News

View the latest regulatory updates and guidance and subscribe to our monthly newsletter, Regulatory & Conduct News.

  • Regulatory Consultations

Strengthening trust in the profession

Our role as a world-leading improvement regulator is to strengthen trust and protect the public. We do this by enabling, evaluating and enforcing the highest standards in the profession. 

Regulatory applications

Find out how you can become authorised by ICAEW as a regulated firm. 

ICAEW codes and regulations

Professional conduct and complaints, statutory regulated services overseen by icaew, regulations for icaew practice members and firms, additional guidance and support, popular search results.

  • Practice Exam Software
  • Training File
  • Ethics Cpd Course
  • Routes to the ACA
  • ACA students membership application
  • Join as a member of another body
  • How much are membership fees?
  • How to pay your fees
  • Receipts and invoices
  • What if my circumstances have changed?
  • Difficulties in making changes to your membership
  • Faculty and community subscription fees
  • Updating your details
  • Complete annual return
  • Promoting myself as an ICAEW member
  • Verification of ICAEW membership
  • Become a life member
  • Become a fellow
  • Request a new certificate
  • Report the death of a member
  • Practising certificates
  • Advancement to fellowship regulations
  • Regulations relating to membership cessation, readmission and resignation
  • ICAEW's guide to directors' duties and responsibilities
  • Information to be supplied by members
  • Payment of annual subscription
  • Power to change subscription fees
  • New members
  • Career progression
  • Career Breakers
  • Volunteering at schools and universities
  • ICAEW Member App
  • Working internationally
  • Self employment
  • Support Members Scheme
  • Your guide to CPD
  • CPD learning resources
  • Online CPD record
  • How to become a chartered accountant
  • Register as a student
  • Train as a member of another body
  • More about the ACA and chartered accountancy
  • How ACA training works
  • Become a training employer
  • Access the training file
  • Why choose the ACA
  • Training routes
  • Employer support hub
  • Get in touch
  • Apprenticeships with ICAEW
  • A-Z of CPD courses by topic
  • Firms' guide to CPD
  • ICAEW Business and Finance Professional (BFP)
  • ICAEW Annual Conference 2024
  • Restructuring & Insolvency Conference
  • Virtual CPD Conference
  • Virtual Healthcare Conference 2024
  • All our flagship events
  • Financial Talent Executive Network (F-TEN®)
  • Developing Leadership in Practice (DLiP™)
  • Network of Finance Leaders (NFL)
  • Women in Leadership (WiL)
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Partners in Learning
  • Board Director's Programme e-learning
  • Corporate Finance Qualification
  • Diploma in Charity Accounting
  • ICAEW Certificate in Insolvency
  • ICAEW Data Analytics Certificate
  • Financial Modeling Institute’s Advanced Financial Modeler Accreditation
  • ICAEW Sustainability Certificate for Finance Professionals
  • ICAEW Finance in a Digital World Programme
  • All specialist qualifications
  • Team training
  • Start your training
  • Improve your employability
  • Search employers
  • Find a role
  • Role alerts
  • Organisations
  • Practice support – 11 ways ICAEW and CABA can help you
  • News and advice
  • ICAEW Volunteering Hub
  • Support in becoming a chartered accountant
  • Vacancies at ICAEW
  • ICAEW boards and committees
  • Exam system status
  • ICAEW systems: status update
  • Changes to our qualifications
  • How-to guides for ACA students
  • Apply for credits - Academic qualification
  • Apply for credits - Professional qualification
  • Credit for prior learning (CPL)/exemptions FAQs
  • Applications for Professional and Advanced Level exams
  • Applications for Certificate Level exams
  • Tuition providers
  • Latest exam results
  • Archived exam results
  • Getting your results
  • Marks feedback service
  • Exam admin check
  • Training agreement: overview
  • Professional development
  • Ethics and professional scepticism
  • Practical work experience
  • Access your online training file
  • How training works in your country
  • Student rewards
  • TOTUM PRO Card
  • Student events and volunteering
  • Xero cloud accounting certifications
  • Student support
  • Join a community
  • Wellbeing support from caba
  • Student mentoring programme
  • Student conduct and behaviour
  • Code of ethics
  • Fit and proper
  • Level 4 Accounting Technician Apprenticeship
  • Level 7 Accountancy Professional Apprenticeship
  • AAT-ACA Fast Track FAQs
  • ACA rules and regulations FAQs
  • ACA syllabus FAQs
  • ACA training agreement FAQs
  • Audit experience and the Audit Qualification FAQs
  • Independent student FAQs
  • Practical work experience FAQs
  • Professional development FAQs
  • Six-monthly reviews FAQs
  • Ethics and professional scepticism FAQs
  • Greater China
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Australasia
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Southeast Asia
  • Charity Community
  • Construction & Real Estate
  • Energy & Natural Resources Community
  • Farming & Rural Business Community
  • Forensic & Expert Witness
  • Global Trade Community
  • Healthcare Community
  • Internal Audit Community
  • Manufacturing Community
  • Media & Leisure
  • Portfolio Careers Community
  • Small and Micro Business Community
  • Small Practitioners Community
  • Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Community
  • Valuation Community
  • Audit and corporate governance reform
  • Audit & Assurance Faculty
  • Professional judgement
  • Regulation and working in audit
  • Internal audit resource centre
  • ICAEW acting on audit quality
  • Everything business
  • Latest Business news from Insights
  • Strategy, risk and innovation
  • Business performance management
  • Financial management
  • Finance transformation
  • Economy and business environment
  • Leadership, personal development and HR
  • Webinars and publications
  • Business restructuring
  • The Business Finance Guide
  • Capital markets and investment
  • Corporate finance careers
  • Corporate Finance Faculty
  • Debt advisory and growth finance
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Private equity
  • Start-ups, scale-ups and venture capital
  • Transaction services
  • Board committees and board effectiveness
  • Corporate governance codes and reports
  • Corporate Governance Community
  • Principles of corporate governance
  • Roles, duties and responsibilities of Board members
  • Stewardship and stakeholder relations
  • Corporate Governance thought leadership
  • Corporate reporting resources
  • Small and micro entity reporting
  • IFRS Accounting Standards
  • UK Regulation for Company Accounts
  • Non-financial reporting
  • Improving Corporate Reporting
  • Economy home
  • ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor
  • ICAEW Manifesto 2024
  • Economy explainers
  • Spring Budget 2024
  • Energy crisis
  • Levelling up: rebalancing the UK’s economy
  • Resilience and Renewal: Building an economy fit for the future
  • Social mobility and inclusion
  • Investment management
  • Inspiring confidence
  • Setting up in practice
  • Running your practice
  • Supporting your clients
  • Practice technology
  • TAS helpsheets
  • Support for business advisers
  • Join ICAEW BAS
  • Public Sector hub
  • Public Sector Audit and Assurance
  • Public Sector Finances
  • Public Sector Financial Management
  • Public Sector Financial Reporting
  • Public Sector Learning & Development
  • Public Sector Community
  • Latest public sector articles from Insights
  • Making COP count
  • Climate hub
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Accountability
  • Modern slavery
  • Resources collection
  • Sustainability Committee
  • Sustainability & Climate Change community
  • Sustainability and climate change home
  • Tax Faculty
  • Budgets and legislation
  • Business tax
  • Devolved taxes
  • Employment taxes
  • International taxes
  • Making Tax Digital
  • Personal tax
  • Property tax
  • Stamp duty land tax
  • Tax administration
  • Tax compliance and investigation
  • UK tax rates, allowances and reliefs
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain and cryptoassets
  • Cyber security
  • Data Analytics Community
  • Digital skills
  • Excel community
  • Finance in a Digital World
  • IT management
  • Technology and the profession
  • Trust & Ethics home
  • Better regulation
  • Business Law
  • UK company law
  • Data protection and privacy
  • Economic crime
  • Help with ethical problems
  • ICAEW Code of Ethics
  • ICAEW Trust and Ethics team.....
  • Solicitors Community
  • Forensic & Expert Witness Community
  • Latest articles on business law, trust and ethics
  • Audit and Assurance Faculty
  • Corporate Reporting Faculty
  • Financial Services Faculty
  • Academia & Education Community
  • Construction & Real Estate Community
  • Entertainment, Sport & Media Community
  • Retail Community
  • Black Members Community
  • Career Breakers Community
  • Diversity & Inclusion Community
  • Women in Finance Community
  • Personal Financial Planning Community
  • Restructuring & Insolvency Community
  • Sustainability and Climate Change Community
  • London and East
  • Yorkshire and Humberside
  • European public policy activities
  • ICAEW Middle East
  • Latest news
  • The World’s Fastest Accountant
  • Access to finance special
  • Attractiveness of the profession
  • Audit and Fraud
  • Audit and technology
  • Adopting non-financial reporting standards
  • Cost of doing business
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Pensions and Personal Finance
  • Ukraine crisis: central resource hub
  • More specials ...
  • The economics of biodiversity
  • How chartered accountants can help to safeguard trust in society
  • Video: The financial controller who stole £20,000 from her company
  • It’s time for chartered accountants to save the world
  • Video: The CFO who tried to trick the market
  • Video: Could invoice fraud affect your business?
  • Business confidence, local authority finance, probate delays, and tax reform
  • Why are female-led startups so underfunded?
  • How to get Britain growing
  • Groupthink: the boardroom’s most pervasive problem?
  • Corporate reporting update and VAT on private hire vehicles
  • AI in audit: the good, the bad and the ugly
  • Company size thresholds and CGT on residences
  • Lessons in leadership from ICAEW's CEO
  • So you want to be a leader?
  • A busy new tax year, plus progress on the Economic Crime Act
  • Does Britain have a farming problem?
  • More podcasts...
  • Top charts of the week
  • EU and international trade
  • CEO and President's insights
  • Sponsored content
  • Insights index
  • Charter and Bye-laws
  • Archive of complaints, disciplinary and fitness processes, statutory regulations and ICAEW regulations
  • Qualifications regulations
  • Training and education regulations
  • How to make a complaint
  • Guidance on your duty to report misconduct
  • Public hearings
  • What to do if you receive a complaint against you
  • Anti-money laundering supervision
  • Working in the regulated area of audit
  • Local public audit in England
  • Probate services
  • Designated Professional Body (Investment Business) licence
  • Consumer credit
  • Quality Assurance monitoring: view from the firms
  • The ICAEW Practice Assurance scheme
  • Licensed Practice scheme
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)
  • Clients' Money Regulations
  • Taxation (PCRT) Regulations
  • ICAEW training films
  • Helpsheets and guidance by topic
  • ICAEW's regulatory expertise and history
  • Resources for the ACA, ICAEW CFAB and the ICAEW Apprenticeships in Accountancy
  • Partner in Learning ACA exam resources

Partner in Learning exam resources

The only exclusive Case Study resource for Partners in Learning is the notes from past workshops from the annual tutor conferences.

Online Practice Software

To improve the student experience of accessing the practice software, we have allocated access to the online practice software to all students sitting in July. This is opposed to having them download the practice software and accessing it offline. Students who are already using the online practice software are free to continue using this for question practice.

To access the two Case Study walkthroughs, students should use the  online practice software . The student’s username is the letter Q + ICAEW student number ie Q1234567. The password is qb2022.

Please continue to refer to our production schedules  for expected releases.

Information for Tuition Providers on the Case Study exams from 2023

From July 2023, some changes are being introduced to the Case Study in order to improve the transparency of the marking process:

  • View the changes to the marking key

Presentation of appendix for Requirement 1 in the Case Study

The below note clarifies the presentation of appendices for Requirement 1 in the Case Study, in light of the introduction of computer-based exams for the July 2019 session.

  • View the clarification

Useful links

  • Tutor conference workshop slides and notes

Key resources

  • Student ACA exam resources
  • Ethics learning and assessment programme
  • Key Partners in Learning contacts

Qayam Abdul

For enquiries about becoming a Partner in Learning as a tuition provider, please contact:

Students exam resources

See what your students have access to. Access the Case Study syllabus, skills development grid, errata, past exam papers and mark plans, past illustrative scripts and advance information, and Vital articles.

Read out this code to the operator.


  1. Case Study module study resources

    The Case Study exam will assess your understanding of providing advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report. The scenario may be based on a variety of different organisational structures or operations, and you will be provided with advance information ahead of the exam. The exam is four hours long and will consist of three ...

  2. Requirement one, two and three in the Case Study exam

    The ICAEW Chartered Accountant qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. It is valued around the world in business, practice and the public sector. ... The greatest challenges for most candidates in passing the Case Study are (i) producing a complete report within the time ...

  3. ICAEW Case Study Made Easy

    Introduction to the ICAEW Case Study . To reiterate, there is no new content that you need to learn to pass the ICAEW Case Study.Passing this exam is more skills based than anything. According to ICAEW, students need to demonstrate they "can provide advice on complex business issues in the form of a written report". In order to do so, you will have to analyse both financial and non ...

  4. How to Ace the Case

    As explained above, the three requirements are broadly the same in each Case Study exam. Requirement 1: Analyse the financial performance of the company. Requirement 2: Evaluate a financial proposal. Requirement 3: Evaluate an opportunity or issue. The mark scheme for each requirement is also the same.

  5. How to Master the ICAEW ACA Case Study Marking Key

    The maximum marks for the ACA Case Study is 240 marks. Remember, there are 40 boxes and the maximum mark is 6 per box. You may think as the ICAEW ACA Case study exam is 50% to pass, you just need 120 marks to pass. Again, the Case Study really is not that straightforward. 120 marks across the whole paper will not cut it.

  6. ICAEW Case

    The ICAEW Case Study exam delves into the practical application of knowledge across all areas of accountancy, business, and finance to solve real-world business issues. It assesses the ability to analyze, evaluate, and provide recommendations based on complex business scenarios, emphasizing critical thinking, ethical judgement, and professional skills. This exam represents the culmination of ...

  7. Understanding ICAEW Case Study Marking

    Knowing how the ICAEW Case Study exam is marked is your first step to getting the most out of your ACA Case Study Mock Exams. This exam does not work on a st...

  8. PDF Icaew Case Study Manual

    July 2014 ICAEW international Case Study prize winner who scored 92% at his first attempt and also by the 2014 ICAEW East Midlands Case Study prize winner who placed first in his region after attending our retake course (having failed first time with another provider). This book is aimed at both re-sit students and first timers who wish to ...

  9. Introduction to the Case Study exam

    This series of Case Study exam resources will cover everything you need to know to prepare for the Case Study exam. This includes: Introduction to the Case Study exam. How to approach the advance information. Using the advance information during the Case Study exam. A guide on Requirements one, two and three. An overview of the Executive Summary.

  10. Case Study November 2020 Advance Information

    The marks in the Case Study are awarded for professional skills, allocated broadly as follows: Assimilating and using information 22.5%. Structuring problems and solutions 22.5%. Applying judgement 22.5%. Drawing conclusions and making recommendations 15.0%. ive and multidisciplinary skills 17.5% Of the total marks available, 15% are awarded ...

  11. Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming

    Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming: Stanley Creates: Articulated Puppets Saturday, November 19, 2022 2:00pm to 3:00pm. 3/3. Credits/Tuition: October 31, 2022. attend an open house; Apply; request a brochure; AddToAny. Higher education is important because it aids students into finding self-awareness.

  12. Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming

    Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming, Satellite Communications Resume, Popular Mba Persuasive Essay Ideas, Essay Tungkol Sa Aking Pangarap, How To Note Metoo Movement In Essay, Aluminium Foil Container Business Plan, Annotated Bibliography Pronunciation

  13. Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming

    Eric Bl. Get help with any kind of Assignment. 1344. Finished Papers. ID 8212. 15Customer reviews. Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming, Fan Case Study, Sara Jay Fuck Homework Img, Popular Analysis Essay Editor For Hire Ca, Professional Analysis Essay Editing Websites Uk, What Is An Inquiry Essay, How To Start An Essay Writing Business.

  14. Cadillac SOLLEI Concept is an Ultra-Luxury Convertible With Custom Bird

    Cadillac is in its bespoke luxury era, and the SOLLEI Concept might be the most gorgeous of them all. The car takes visual inspiration from the flagship all-electric made-to-spec CELESTIQ but drops the top with a 2+2 convertible configuration and coupe silhouette. Heavily leaning into the open-air lifestyle, and to showcase the lengths it has gone with the SOLLEI concept, Cadillac has also ...

  15. Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming

    Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming - Flexible discount program. Specifically, buying papers from us you can get 5%, 10%, or 15% discount. 347 . Customer Reviews. Nursing Management Business and Economics Healthcare +80. 578 . Finished Papers. Legal. 630 ...

  16. Insight from the examiners: Case Study exam

    Author: ICAEW Insights. Published: 03 Feb 2022. 2021 saw the first two sittings of the Case Study exam on the new Professional and Advanced Level exam software. The Case Study Senior Examiners tell us how it went and how future students can learn from the experience. For the first two Case Study sessions on the new exam software - House Pride ...

  17. Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming

    Icaew Case Study Bespoke Monogramming, Personal Essay Picture Books, Why Do You Want To Go To College Essay, Gravel Business Plan, Human Service Research Paper, How To Cite An Unpublished Dissertation Apa Style, Sartre Why Write Essay ...

  18. Example Of A Three Point Thesis Statement

    No, I don't have time and intention to write my essay now! In such a case, step on a straight road of becoming a customer of our academic helping platform where every student can count on efficient, timely, and cheap assistance with your research papers, namely the essays. ... Essay, Coursework, Research paper, Discussion Board Post ...

  19. Approaching the advance information for the Case Study exam

    Published: 15 Sep 2021. This guide is designed to help you understand how to approach the advance information for your Case Study exam. It will cover what the advance information is, what should you do with the advance information before your exam and tips for success. This series of Case Study exam resources will cover everything you need to ...

  20. ESG

    Gain a practical understanding of how to reflect ESG principles in financial reporting for your organisation.

  21. Building trust through bespoke reporting

    Over reliance on standard wording and generic templates to provide narratives in financial reporting should be a thing of the past. Bespoke reporting which is cohesive, fair, understandable and highly specific to the entity is what the FCA is increasingly looking for in their best practice guidelines. "If you're producing accounts with ...

  22. ACA

    The ICAEW Chartered Accountant qualification, the ACA, is one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available. ... To access the two Case Study walkthroughs, students should use the online practice software. The student's username is the letter Q + ICAEW student number ie Q1234567. The password is qb2022.