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How to start a farming business in zimbabwe.

farming business plan zimbabwe

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Starting a farming business in Zimbabwe can be a rewarding and profitable venture, but it requires planning, hard work, and dedication. Here are the steps you can take to start a farming business in Zimbabwe:

1. Choose a profitable crop or livestock: The first step in starting a farming business is to choose a crop or livestock that is profitable and in demand. Do your research to find out which crops or livestock are in demand and what the market prices are.

2. Develop a business plan: Create a detailed business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. Your business plan should include information on your target market, production costs, marketing strategies, and funding sources.

3. Secure funding: Starting a farming business requires investment in land, equipment, and inputs. Explore funding options such as loans, grants, and partnerships.

4. Find suitable land: Identify and secure land that is suitable for your farming business. Consider factors such as soil quality, water availability, and accessibility to markets.

5. Obtain necessary permits and licenses: Obtain the necessary permits and licenses required to start a farming business in Zimbabwe. This may include permits for land use, water use, and environmental compliance.

6. Invest in equipment and inputs: Invest in the necessary equipment and inputs required for your chosen crop or livestock. This may include tractors, irrigation systems, seeds, fertilizers, and livestock.

7. Hire and train staff: Hire and train staff to help you manage and operate your farming business. This may include farm managers, agronomists, and laborers.

8. Develop a marketing plan: Develop a marketing plan to sell your crops or livestock. This may include direct sales to customers, sales to wholesalers or retailers, or exports.

Starting a farming business in Zimbabwe requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt. With careful planning and execution, your farming business can be a successful and profitable venture.

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How to run a successful layer farming business Zimbabwe

Running a successful layer farming business in Zimbabwe requires a comprehensive understanding of the specific opportunities and challenges that exist within the Zimbabwean market. With a growing demand for eggs and a favorable climate for poultry farming, Zimbabwe presents promising prospects for layer farmers. From selecting the right breed and housing system to implementing effective disease control measures and optimizing feed management, we will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you succeed in the thriving layer farming industry of Zimbabwe.

Layer farming in Zimbabwe: A booming field

As one of the countries on the African continent, Zimbabwe has rich agricultural resources and potential. Agriculture has always been a pillar industry of the country’s economy. Providing important opportunities for domestic employment and meeting the demand for agricultural products in domestic and foreign markets. However, Zimbabwe still faces some challenges in how to maximize its agricultural potential.

In this context, the laying hen farming business has become a field that has attracted much attention and has great prospects. As global demand for high-quality egg products continues to grow, Zimbabwean farmers have the opportunity to benefit from this trend. Layer hen farming business can not only provide a steady supply of agricultural products. But also bring considerable financial returns to the farmers. Hence, starting a successful layer hen farming business will not only help boost agriculture in Zimbabwe. But also provide farmers with better livelihood and entrepreneurial opportunities.

This article will take an in-depth look at how to start a successful layer hen farming business in Zimbabwe. We will analyze Zimbabwe’s agricultural environment and resources and provide relevant feasibility studies and planning. Additionally, key elements such as disease prevention, feed supply, marketing strategies, and government support and regulations will be discussed. Through in-depth research and analysis, we hope to provide useful reference and guidance to those Zimbabwean farmers.

battery layer chicken cage

Feasibility studies and planning about Zimbabwean layer farming :

a. Selection of suitable chicken breeds for Zimbabwe:  When selecting suitable chicken breeds for Zimbabwe, it is important to consider the following factors:

poultry farming

Adaptability: Choose chicken breeds that are heat-resistant, cold-resistant, and adaptable to local climate conditions.

High Productivity: Breeds with high egg production and meat quality are preferred.

Disease resistance: Choose disease-resistant chicken breeds to reduce the risk of disease in the breeding process.

Profitability: Consider the market demand and price of chicken breeds to ensure the economic return of the breeding business.

b. Planning and construction of layer farms in Zimbabwe: When planning and constructing layer farms, the following factors need to consider:

Geographic location: choose a location close to the agricultural product market and feed suppliers to reduce transportation costs.

Soil and Water: Ensure that the farm has good soil quality and a reliable water supply to support feed growing and coop facilities.

Space and capacity: According to the expected number of chickens, plan the size and capacity of the farm. Then, provide enough space and a comfortable living environment.

Environmental Protection: Ensure that farm design meets environmental protection standards and that appropriate waste and sewage treatment measures are in place.

c. Infrastructure and equipment required for chicken farms :  Infrastructure and equipment required for chicken farms include:

Chicken house: Build a proper chicken house to provide the habitat and protective environment that the flock needs. The house should have good ventilation, insulation and drainage.

Automation facilities: ensure efficient, stable and easy-to-manage automation equipment. For example, automatic feeding, manure cleaning, environmental control system and so on. On the one hand, it improves efficiency. And on the other hand, it ensures a healthy and comfortable environment for chicken growth.

layer farming business Zimbabwe

LIVI Machinery provide powerful  laying hen farming equipment

When it comes to laying hen farming in Zimbabwe, having reliable and efficient equipment is crucial for maximizing productivity and profitability.

LIVI Machinery provides A type and H type battery layer chicken cages. Both of which are efficient and practical options for housing laying hens. Here is a brief introduction to each type:

1. A Type Battery Layer Chicken Cages: The A type battery layer chicken cages design in a tiered configuration, resembling the letter “A” when viewed from the side. These cages adopt high-quality galvanized steel, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion. The cages feature multiple tiers with wire mesh floors, providing a comfortable and hygienic environment for the laying hens.

Key Features:

– Easy access to feed and water: The A type cages equip with feeding and watering systems that allow for efficient distribution of feed and water to the hens.

– Efficient space utilization: The tiered design of the cages maximizes the use of vertical space, accommodating a larger number of hens within a relatively small footprint.

-High selectivity: The A type cages possess high selectivity, poultry farmers can choose related automatic poultry equipment according to their own needs.

2. H Type Battery Layer Chicken Cages: These cages also construct with high-quality galvanized steel, ensuring durability and longevity. The H type cages offer a spacious and comfortable living space for the laying hens.

– Ample space for hens: The H type cages provide more space for each hen compared to the A type cages, allowing for better movement and reducing the risk of stress or injuries.

– Easy access to feed and water: The H type cages equip with feeding and watering systems that ensure easy access to feed and water for the hens.

– Efficient waste management: H type layer battery chciken cages equipped with automatic manure removal system. Manure can be easily collected and managed, minimizing odors and maintaining cleanliness.

poultry equipment for sale in Tanzania

Both the A type and H type battery layer chicken cages provided by LIVI Machinery offer practical and efficient housing solutions for laying hens. The choice between the two types depends on factors such as farm size, available space, and specific requirements of the poultry operation. LIVI Machinery ensures that their cages design to meet the needs of Zimbabwean poultry farmers, promoting the well-being and productivity of the laying hens.

farming business plan zimbabwe

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Table of Contents

Is Goat Farming Profitable in Zimbabwe? :

Goat farming can be highly profitable in Zimbabwe due to the increasing demand for goat meat and the relatively low feed costs. However, success depends on factors such as proper management, market access, and the ability to meet the requirements of goat farming.

Scope of Goat Farming in Zimbabwe :

Goat farming plays a vital role in the Zimbabwean economy, providing income and food security for many rural families. The industry offers significant growth potential and opportunities for small-scale, medium-scale, and large-scale farmers.

Best Goat Breeds in Zimbabwe:

In Zimbabwe, several goat breeds are suitable for different farming purposes. These include Boer goats, Kalahari Red, Angora goats, Anglo-Nubians, Saanens, and Toggenburgs.

Housing and Equipment for Goat Farming in Zimbabwe:

Proper housing is crucial for successful goat farming in Zimbabwe. The housing should provide ventilation, protection from the elements, and be easy to clean. Fencing should be sturdy and at least four feet high. Equipment needs include feeders, drinkers, and milking equipment.

Goat Feeding Management in Zimbabwe:

Goats in Zimbabwe are adaptable browsers that consume a variety of plants. Pasture and browse can be sufficient for their nutritional needs. Factors such as goat age, type, environment, and available resources influence the feeding management plan.

Types of Goat Farming in Zimbabwe:

Goat farming in Zimbabwe can be categorized as small-scale, medium-scale, or large-scale. Each type has different production capacities and marketing strategies.

Key Rules to Start Goat Farming in Zimbabwe:

Compliance with key rules and regulations is essential for successful goat farming in Zimbabwe. These include acquiring permits, providing proper care and nutrition, and developing a robust management system.

Goat Farming Business Plan in Zimbabwe :

Developing a comprehensive business plan is crucial for guiding your goat farming venture. It should include breed selection, housing and equipment requirements, financial projections, marketing strategies, and risk management.

Goat Farming Loans and Subsidies in Zimbabwe:

The Zimbabwean government provides various loans and subsidies to support goat farmers in starting or expanding their operations. Programs such as the Agricultural Development Fund and Smallholder Agricultural Credit Scheme offer financial assistance.

Goat Farming Problems and Challenges in Zimbabwe:

Goat farming in Zimbabwe faces challenges such as limited grazing land, diseases, and drought. Lack of knowledge, inadequate resources, and high input costs are additional obstacles to overcome.

Market Opportunities for Goat Farming in Zimbabwe:

The market for goat meat and skin in Zimbabwe is growing, presenting opportunities for farmers. Slaughterhouses and live animal markets are common avenues for selling goat products, while leather industries utilize goat skins for various products.


Goat farming in Zimbabwe offers immense potential for sustainable livelihoods. By following key rules, developing a solid business plan, accessing financing options, and leveraging market opportunities, farmers can thrive in this profitable industry.

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  • Today, Zimbabwe is one of the world’s leading producers of pork products. However, the country has a total land area of just over 100,000 square kilometers, so it is impossible to grow enough crops to feed all of the country’s citizens. As a result, most people in Zimbabwe rely on pork as their primary source of protein.
  • There is a need for more food, and pigs are one of the most common livestock types in Zimbabwe.
  • Pigs are easy to transport and manage so that they can be used for commercial purposes.
  • Zimbabwe has fertile soil that is conducive to pig farming.
  • Good, efficient housing makes management easier and helps the farmer get 85% or more live-born pigs to market weight quickly. 
  • Pigs at different stages of development require different environments (temperatures), thus different housing. However, if they are to produce and grow to their maximum potential, pigs need special protection against extremely low temperatures. 
  • Reproducing pigs should be protected from high temperatures. Houses should be designed to protect pigs from extreme temperatures and other adverse weather conditions, such as cold winds and continuous rain.

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Pig Shelter

  • After you have gained enough knowledge about raising pigs, the next step is to choose a suitable land for it. 
  • Plenty of fresh and clean fresh water. 
  • Proximity to markets for selling essential medicines, vaccines, commodities, and agricultural products. 
  • Preferably rural land due to the easy and cheap availability of labor.
  • A superior market transportation system.
  • The provision of veterinary service.
  • Pig farming requires much attention and care to succeed in this business. To start, you’ll need access to land (ideally at least 20 hectares), financing (to cover initial investment costs), and some basic equipment (such as pens, feeders, and waterers).
  • Before starting pig farming in Zimbabwe, it is essential to understand the breeds of pigs best suited for the climate and soil of the country.
  • You will want to get a business license from the government. You will also need to obtain appropriate land and equipment. 
  • Once you have obtained the necessary permits and licenses, you must set up your farm according to government guidelines.

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Black Pigs

Pigs can be raised in several ways, but the most common way is by raising them in pens. Pens can be set up on a large scale or small scale, and they typically have an area where the pigs feed and sleep, an area where they get their water, and an area where they defecate. Pigs will also need access to areas where they can exercise.

Various pig breeds can be raised in Zimbabwe, each with unique traits that suit specific farming conditions. Different pig breeds In Zimbabwe are Mukota, Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Hereford (also known as Hereford Hog), American Yorkshire, and Berkshire.

  • Identify the ideal location for your farm. In Zimbabwe, pig farming is most successful in areas with plenty of fertile soil and adequate water resources. Therefore, soil tests are necessary to determine the suitability of an area for pig farming.
  • Prepare the land by clearing existing vegetation and turning the soil over using a rotary plow or a cultivator. Then, add organic matter such as manure, compost, or earthworms to increase soil fertility.
  • Establish your fence line and get approval from your local government authorities before beginning construction. Fence lines should be at least 6 meters wide and composed of wire mesh or solid posts spaced at least 3 meters apart; pigs are agile animals and can easily escape confinement if their boundaries are not well defined.
  • Purchase your pigs from an approved breeder who will give you specific instructions on caring for and managing your herd during their gestation period, weaning, and early growth stages. There is usually an initial set-up fee, and then monthly feed costs will follow after that, depending on the size of your herd.

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Pig Farming

  • Masvingo – Masvingo is one of the most fertile provinces in Zimbabwe and makes excellent pig farms due to its ample water resources, fertile soil, and temperate climate. 
  • Matabeleland North – Matabeleland North is another province conducive to pig farming because of its naturally fertile soil and abundant water supplies.
  • Manicaland – Manicaland has sandy soils perfect for raising pigs, making it one of the most popular provinces for pig farming in Zimbabwe. 
  • Mashonaland West – The most popular province for pig farming in Zimbabwe is Mashonaland West due to its ample land and access to irrigation systems. 

The set-up cost includes fencing materials, barns, and pens. The profit from pig farming depends on several factors, including pork product prices and inputs (fertilizer, feed). Pig farming is a profitable business in Zimbabwe. However, starting a pig farm business is not easy.

Before starting a pig farm business, you will need to research the cost of starting the farm, the breeds of pigs that are best for your region, the set-up costs involved in setting up the operation, and the profit margins. You will also need to create a business plan and market your farm correctly. Starting a pig farm in Zimbabwe would be between Z$100,000 and Z$240,000.

  • Firstly, you will need the land to farm pigs. You can purchase the land outright, lease it for a period of time, or obtain permission from the government to lease land from them. 
  • Once you have the land, you must ensure it is legally zoned for agriculture. You also will need approved building plans and permits from the government.
  • You have enough space for pigs to live in. Many people think that pigs only eat hay and straw, but they eat anything they can get their jaws on. 
  • Pigs will also create tons of manure, so they have plenty of space to dispose of it. Finally, make sure that you are buying feed cheaply. This is especially important if you start as a pig farmer in Zimbabwe. A lot of the feed available in Zimbabwe is very expensive, and it can be difficult to find a feed that is both cheap and good quality.
  • A pig farm in Zimbabwe is a valuable business opportunity due to the region’s high demand for pork products. 

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Pig Farm Shed

You’ll need to research the different breeds of pigs available and decide which suits your needs best. Then, create a business plan outlining your expected production and profit levels. Next, you’ll need to budget for equipment and other necessary costs for beginning pig farming in Zimbabwe. Research local regulations and taxes that may apply. 

  • Permanent housing for the pigs
  • Feed and water tanks
  • Fencing to protect the pigs from predators and other animals
  • Vehicles to transport feed, water, and pigs to their farming areas
  • Pig breeding stock 

The main issue facing pig farmers in Zimbabwe is the lack of feed. Pig farms in Zimbabwe typically only produce enough feed for 60-70 percent of the pigs on the farm, which means that the rest of the pigs scavenge for food or eat weeds. This results in poor health and weight gain for the pigs, which reduces their productivity. Additionally, there is a chronic overpopulation problem on hog farms in Zimbabwe.

Due to a lack of space, each sow will often give birth to six or seven litters per year, resulting in a high death rate among new-borns and young pigs. This overpopulation problem also leads to increased costs due to fencing, feeding, and housing needs. To overcome these issues, Zimbabwe’s hog farmers must implement several strategies.

Firstly, they need to increase their output by increasing their feed intake or finding alternate feed sources for their pigs. Find ways to reduce mortality rates among new-borns and young pigs so that they do not compete for space and resources with older animals. Finally, establish long-term relationships with customers so they can guarantee a consistent supply of pork products year-round.

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Pig Shed Design

The efficient feeding of pigs is an important aspect of commercial farming. The pig’s overall growth rate and health depend on the feed’s nutritional level. The main ingredients of pig feed include oats, wheat, rice, grains, sorghum, corn, and other millets.

The main challenges include inferior breeds, unavailability of funding, high feed and drug costs, persistent droughts, lack of management skills, insufficient extension services, and marketing policy bottlenecks. Another challenge is the shortage of electricity; most piglets die from cold and crushing by the sow as they seek warmth from the sow. Several factors have hindered the growth of Zimbabwe’s pork industry, including high feed costs, a shortage of feed resources, and competition from other meat producers in Africa.

In addition, there is a lack of skilled labor in the pork production sector, which has led to low productivity. Another challenge facing the Zimbabwean pork industry is its reliance on inputs such as maize and soybeans imported from abroad. To overcome these problems, the government must develop a comprehensive industrial strategy that addresses the country’s pork production constraints.

  • Identify the location of your pig farm. You can either choose an existing farming land or acquire new land. Make sure the property is large enough to house your pigs and has enough space for agricultural activities such as feeding, watering, and breeding.
  • Once you have identified the location of your farm, it is time to get started on acquiring the necessary equipment and resources. You will need at least four hectares of land for every hundred pigs you plan to raise, so make sure to budget accordingly. Some essential items are fencing material such as barbed wire or wood stakes; sow houses; feed mills; veterinary clinics; trucks for transporting goods around the farm; irrigation systems, and manure handling facilities.
  • Before starting a commercial pig business, it is important to undergo proper training in pig rearing from established training centers and universities.
  • Once you have developed your business plan, choosing the right breed of pigs for your farm is time. Several different breeds are available, each with its unique characteristics and capabilities. Selecting the correct breed for your farm to achieve optimum yields and profits is essential. 
  • To know if pig farming is something that you are interested in, you will first need to research the market. This means looking at global statistics and data on the industry as well as local trends and figures. 
  • Once you have a good market understanding, it is time to develop your business plan. This plan will outline everything from your cost of set-up to expected profits. Make sure your business model is feasible and realistic before investing.
  • Obtain all necessary licenses and permits from government agencies before starting any agricultural business in Zimbabwe. Licenses may include zoning approvals, health certificates, agricultural input licenses, etc. Make sure you have all the required paperwork ready before beginning the process of acquiring licenses.
  • You should have basic skills and experience in pig management, as it increases the sustainability and competitiveness of the business. Farmers who do not possess the relevant skills must undergo an intensive training course to raise pigs.

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Pig Farm

To start a pig farm in Zimbabwe, you must obtain specific permits and licenses from government authorities. In addition, get prior agricultural zoning approval from the government. This is essential since pig farming is classified as an agricultural activity.

You need to obtain a loan from a bank or other financial institution. In addition, you will want to provide documentary proof of ownership of the land where the pigs will be raised and proof of income. Finally, contact your local extension agent or other agricultural experts for advice on breeds of pigs to choose, feed, and housing specifications for your operation.

Pig farming is a type of livestock production that involves raising pigs. Pigs are the most versatile animals for farmers, as they can consume a wide variety of feed and produce meat and other products. In addition, pigs are intelligent animals capable of providing many benefits to a farm, such as food and fiber production.

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How to run a successful poultry business in Zimbabwe

by Simbarashe Mu | Jul 12, 2013 | opportunities | 38 comments

Poultry are probably the most important livestock species for many developing families worldwide. Most are kept under scavenge-based conditions, where their small size and ability to survive on minimal inputs make their management an easy activity for any household to pursue.

 Poultry is becoming increasingly important due to escalating prices of beef and pork with more consumers resorting to poultry and its products because of their relatively low prices. Poultry is also being considered as the best source of protein in the category of white meats with a lot of people being advised to consume it more than red meat for health reasons.  

  Resources required for this project depend on the scale you want to run the project. A chicken run is definitely a necessity. The fowl runs are built on a gently sloping area and well-drained ground. The structures are made up of brick, concrete floors mashed wire and asbestos roof. The doors in the fowl run have padlocks for maximum security.

Other resources required are a good supply of clean water or protected water. There is also a need for electricity supply in all the compartments in the fowl run. Adequate drinking and feeding troughs are also a necessity. Improvising on these troughs can save money but may result in a lot of chicken feed going to waste as they feed.

Depending with the level one pitch the project, there is need for a work forcewith at least one person holding a certificate in agriculture. I will be coordinating a poultry workshop in December. For more information, subscribe to this blog and send me an email. The availability of such skilled work force is one of the greatest strengths of the proposed poultry production project. 


The operational framework is a periodisation of the management activities of the chicken project

  • During the week of feed change mix starter: finisher ratios as follows day1-4:1, day2-3:1, day3-2:1, day4-1:1, day5-finisher
  • Use vitamins packs prior to or after every operation that stresses the birds e.g. movement, sudden temperature change, erratic lighting e.t.c.
  • The operational framework assumes 94% efficiency, provided the mortality rate maybe 6%
  • Loan repayment can be achieved after the 3 rd batch

Basic drug box

  • Vitamin stress pack
  • Oxytetracycline


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Reuben Thebe


investment eagle

Do you need training in chickens or potatoes?

Sharon Gwizo

Ellen panganai

Ineed training. How long is the course

business minded

hi very helpful i need training on poultry farming.

We are in the process of arranging training before June. We will keep you posted


hey guys.anyone who is looking for land to make this poultry production a dream come true, pliz contact me on 0735 332 622


@Nyasha been trying to reach with no success (0027738205681 whatsapp)

Richard Sibanda

Having gathered a few tips from the recent Harare Agricultural show, I have decided to start a small poultry project but wish to gain more information. How can access training part time before I embark on this project? My contact is +263773674111 or the email address above.

Juliet Muchabaiwa

I would like to attend the December training. Kindly furnish me with the information.

Trymore Chafutuka

I need to start a small poultry project but wish to gain more information. How can l access training part time before I embark on this project? My contact is +263772370762 or the email address above.

Lloyd Kunonga

Can i have a project proposal for basic infrastructure and requirements for a poultry project for 500 birds


wanna start poultry with 50 bird so i need to know what is required and how much it could cost mi to carry out that project my cell 0774320485


l have made up my mind to start small poultry business with 100 birds and would love assistance on how to go about it. If there is also poultry farming training let me know.

Simbarashe Musukumidzwa

Great. I will send you an email explaining how we work

Israel Negumbwe

Hi,I just want to find out how much money do I have to save to start a poltry business

how many do you want to start with and do you have structures already? DO you want layers, road runners or broilers?

Bandura Ian

guys i rily want to commerce a small business in poultry farming which i think will expand in future given a chance

liz kaitano

Would like to be trained on poultry rearing. When &where is the next course.

Davison Masaiti

I would like to start a poultry project of 1000 birds(broilers) , how big should the fowl run be, or whats the maximum number per each fowl run. I would also want to know the quantities of feed i would need to use up to the time the birds are mature for slaughter

Simbarashe kufa

Hi Mr, how much space do i need for a 250 birds structure. Can you also give me the cost to grow the 250 birds. Give me a seperate cost for road runners and broilers please.

Etwell Maphosa

looking for partner(s) or investor in a poultry project. Bought a property with poultry infrastructure along the Byo-Harare highway. project capacity is 16 000 birds

m interested my email address is [email protected]

ngoni chigasa

need information about layers rearing


Thanx a lot. May you pliz help me with information on road runners. I want to start with 200 birds

Lilian Kanyumbu

Hie i am looking for information on birds commonly known as (zvihuta). i would like to start a project on those.

mgcini cele

hey guys i nid a place wher i can hatch my eggs pls help im in bulawayo my contact is 0716919550/0771013815


i ned start a pig project ,help m w info n wat z needed t start

Elisha Njambilo

I would like to start a poultry project at my home area.I need to start with 1000 broilers and 1000 layers. What is the budget?

abel masarirevu

yeaaa that was a gud n powerful lay out but i realy want to know more it has been my dream


I need help on how to start my poultry business

panasi muzerengani

i want to join group

Clint Musakwa

I want to join group

Takudzwanashe Shamhu


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farming business plan zimbabwe

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[Beginners Guide] How to Start Goat Farming Zimbabwe

Goat farming is becoming an increasingly popular agricultural enterprise in Zimbabwe due to its profitability and the ability to produce a wide range of products such as milk, meat, and fiber. With its favorable climate and abundant natural resources, Zimbabwe is an ideal location for goat farming.

However, starting a goat farm requires choosing a location, determining the breed, building housing and fencing, purchasing quality goat breeds, feeding the goats, caring for the goats, and selling the goats at marketable age.

This article will explore the essential steps and considerations for starting a successful goat farming business in Zimbabwe.

How to Start Goat Farming Zimbabwe Step By-Step Guide

Table of Contents

Starting goat farming in Zimbabwe involves selecting suitable goat breeds, providing proper nutrition, housing, and care, and understanding the market demand.

Read Also:  [Beginners Guide] How to Start Rabbit Farming in Zimbabwe

Step 1 – Choose a Location

Choosing a location for goat farming in Zimbabwe is crucial as it can impact the overall success of the business.

Goats are known to prefer areas with a mix of vegetation for grazing and browsing, such as wooded savannahs, bushy areas, and grasslands. It is important to avoid areas prone to flooding or with poor soil drainage as this can lead to health problems for the goats.

Step 2 – Determine the Breed

Read Also:  15 Common Diseases Of Cattle In Africa And How To Treat It

It is also important to select breeds that are adapted to the local climate and environment to minimize the risk of disease and mortality.

Step 3 – Build Housing and Fencing

Goats require a suitable shelter to protect them from harsh weather conditions and predators. The housing should provide adequate ventilation, be easy to clean, and be spacious enough to accommodate the goats. It is also important to construct separate areas for breeding and kidding.

Fencing should be constructed using sturdy materials such as wire mesh or woven wire, and it should be at least 1.2 meters high to prevent the goats from jumping over.

Step 4 – Purchase Quality Goat Breed

When purchasing a quality goat breed for your farm, determine the purpose of your goat farming business, whether it is for meat, milk or fiber production, or as breeding stock.

Also, select a breed that is well-suited to your purpose and environment. Popular breeds in Zimbabwe include the Boer, Kalahari Red, and Mashona.

Step 5 – Feed the Goats

Feeding the goats is an essential part of their care. The diet should include a variety of forage, grains, and supplements to provide the necessary nutrients.

Step 6 – Care for the Goats

Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian and treat any illnesses or injuries promptly.

Step 7 – Sell the Goats at Marketable Age

Benefit of starting a goat farm in zimbabwe, cost of starting a goat farm in zimbabwe.

The cost of starting a goat farm in Zimbabwe will depend on the scale of operation and the location. However, some of the essential costs involved include:

Projected Profit of Goat Farming

However, a well-managed goat farm can be profitable, with a return on investment of up to 20%.

Common Diseases and Pests of Goat Farming

How much is goat sold in zimbabwe, best practices of goat farming in zimbabwe, challenges of goat farming in zimbabwe, where to sell goat in zimbabwe.

Additionally, online platforms such as classified websites and social media can also be used to reach potential customers.

Goat Farming PDF

A Goat Farming PDF can provide valuable information on goat husbandry, including breeding, nutrition, housing, disease management, and marketing. It can be a helpful resource for new and experienced farmers alike.

Goat Farming Project PDF

It can include information on business planning, market research, financial projections, and risk management.

The PDF can also provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up a goat farm, from acquiring land to constructing facilities and purchasing livestock.

How to Start Goat Farming Business and Earn Millions:

A business plan can help identify the target market, determine the start-up costs, and forecast potential revenue.

Goat Farming Videos:

Goat farming videos can be a useful resource for visual learners who want to learn more about goat husbandry. They can cover various topics, such as breeding, kidding, feeding, and disease management.

Goat Project

The project can include the distribution of breeding stock, training in goat husbandry, and access to veterinary services.

Goat Farming for Meat

Goat farming for meat is a growing industry in many parts of the world. It is a popular choice because goats are easy to manage, have a high reproductive rate, and require less land and resources than other livestock.

Goat meat is also a popular delicacy in many cultures, and its demand is increasing due to its perceived health benefits.

Goat Farming in Africa

Commercial goat farming.

Commercial goat farming involves the large-scale production of goats for meat, milk, or fiber. It requires a significant investment in land, facilities, equipment, and labor.

The success of a commercial goat farm depends on careful planning, efficient management, and a strong marketing strategy.

Starting a goat farming business in Zimbabwe can be a lucrative opportunity for those willing to put in the work and investment. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking advice from experienced farmers, you can successfully establish a profitable goat farming operation in Zimbabwe.

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Starting Tilapia Fish Farming Business in Zimbabwe and the Business Plan

Posted by StartupBiz Zimbabwe | Sep 3, 2017 | Agriculture Industry , Business Ideas , Business Plans , Starting a Business | 48

Starting Tilapia Fish Farming Business in Zimbabwe and the Business Plan

An increasing number of Zimbabweans are venturing into tilapia fish farming business. Fish farming business is a very profitable business to operate in Zimbabwe. The demand for fish is increasing. People want to try a different type of meat which is not chicken, beef or pork. Tilapia fish is commonly known as “Bream” and this is the most consumed type of fish in Zimbabwe, followed by the Trout. 

Before you start the tilapia fish farming business, you have to decide how many fish you want to keep, where you are going keep them, and your target market. The number of fish you keep will depend on the amount of land and capital you have, and also the size of your target market. You should always carry out a feasibility study, market research and write a business plan before you venture into any business. Do not make the mistake of starting thw aquaculture business or any other business just because someone is doing it and he/she says it’s profitable. This article will explain how to start a tilapia fish farming business in Zimbabwe, and the tilapia fish farming business plan.

What you need

Land, Ponds And Equipment

You require land for tilapia fish farming. A large enough area must be available for construction of the necessary ponds.  When you are evaluating and selecting sites for your fishponds, you should take into consideration some physical factors which include the land area, the water supply, and the soil type.

To be successful in fish farming, you must properly design your ponds and pond systems. If your ponds are not properly designed, you will have several problems which include ponds that cannot hold water; ponds that cannot be drained completely (which leads to incomplete harvests thus poor production in future production cycles), ponds that break up etc. You should take several factors into consideration before constructing your pond, which include: source of the water which will be used to fill the pond; type of soil available for constructing the fish pond;  size, shape, and depth of the pond. Your fish pond should be drainable, and should have a controlled inlet and outlet. Swimming pools can also be converted into fish ponds, and this is what some fish farmers in urban areas are doing.

There is need for a good water supply at your fish farm. It is advisable to use borehole water for the fish pond as it is safer for the fish as compared to the Zimbabwe tap water. You may also require pond heaters for maintaining the right temperature during the winter, pond filters for filtering the pond water, fishing nets for harvesting the fish, and a refrigerator for storing the harvested fish.


 It’s easier to start fish farming for meat production using fingerlings. Fingerlings refers to fish that has reached the stage where the fins can be extended and where scales have started developing throughout the body.  In this stage, the fish is typically about the size of a finger. There are many fingerlings suppliers in Zimbabwe. You can either start with males-only fingerlings or mixed-sex fingerlings. Males-only fingerlings are used if you are keeping fish for the sole purpose of meat production. Mixed-sex fingerlings are used if you want also to breed fish, i.e. the fish will be mating and producing eggs which you can raise to full grown fish, or you can raise to the fingerling stage and sell the fingerlings. Purchase your fingerlings from fish farmers who have a good reputation in the fish farming business. The quality of the fingerlings will have an impact on the growth potential of your fish and the success of your business.

Feed for the Fish

You require feed for your fish to grow healthy. Fish feed can be in the form of crumble or pellets. Commercial fish feeds are now available in Zimbabwe. However, to increase your profitability you should reduce the cost of feed. This is done by supplementing the commercial fish feed by manure or fertilizers. Fertilizers/Manure is  used in ponds to increase the production of the natural food organisms to be eaten by the fish. These organisms include zooplankton, phytoplankton, and insects. Fertilizers/Manure increase the availability of major nutrients, thus promoting the development of planktonic algae, which provide food for the fish. The popular type of manure used by Fish farmers in Zimbabwe is chicken and piggery manure. 

Capital for Tilapia Fish Farming Business

You will need money for constructing the ponds, buying the fingerlings, buying the feeds e.t.c. So the scale of your tilapia fish farming project will also depend on the amount of capital you have. That is why it is essential for you to have a tilapia fish farming business plan before you venture into the fish farming business, so that you know all the costs involved and you make an informed decision. The capital you need will depend on the scale of your fish farming business.

Market for Fish

The demand for fish is high in Zimbabwe.  The annual d emand for fish in Zimbabwe is estimated to be 40 000 tonnes per annum. The most consumed fish species in Zimbabwe is the tilapia, followed by the trout. Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins, its rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.   Fish tastes good and many people love it. You can supply your fish to individuals, restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and butcheries.

Pre-Written Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan  (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Bank Loan Version, Automated Excel Financial Statements

For an in-depth analysis of the tilapia fish farming business in Zimbabwe, purchase our fish farming business plan. We decided to introduce the business plans after noting that many Zimbabweans were venturing into the fish production business without a full understanding of the industry, market, how to run the business, the risks involved, profitability of the business and the costs involved, leading to a high failure rate of their businesses.

Our business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run a tilapia fish farming business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. It will be easier to plan and budget as the tilapia fish farming business plan will lay out all the costs involved in setting up and running the fish farming business. The business plan is designed uniquely for the Zimbabwean market.

Very insightful and relevant homegrown solutions. Empowerment begins in the mind and this is it…
Good job and extensive research on your business plan thank you.
The StartupBiz business plans are excellent, well prepared, fully detailed. I had not that much of the financial knowledge of the Agri business I wanted to venture into but I can tell you right now that from the moment I went through those farm business plans I had purchased, I started having the real picture of what I was to get in to,what was needed for me to be financially successful and I would want to tell my fellow mates that if you really want the business you want to venture into to be successful I think you need to get one of the StartupBiz Business plan.You wont go wrong with those ones
I recently used their service am delighted to say I am a happy customer thank you keep it up and God bless with the business
I found the business plans very informative, helpful to make appropriate decisions.
You have been really helpful. Its a rare commodity in Zimbabwe. Keep it up!
It is a great opportunity having you around. Your business plans are well planned after a thorough research. They have actually opened up my approach to business. Thanx
The business plan I purchased was well written and you did an extensive research, I am satisfied keep  up the good work guys and I am planning to come back for more other orders.
I have been impressed with the level of depth and completeness of your business plans. All product, operational, financial and marketing guidelines are there. Fantastic! Please do add more plans.
Thanks for the business plan, it’s good, it gives me a good direction of my journey, with this I hope I will prosper,  it’s helpful i learnt a lot.

Uses of the Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The fish farming business plan can be used for many purposes including:

  • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives
  • Applying for a bank loan
  • Start-up guide to launch your tilapia farming business
  • As a fish farming project proposal
  • Assessing profitability of the tilapia fish business
  • Finding a business partner
  • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save
  • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation

Contents of the Fish Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The business plan includes, but not limited to:

  • Market Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Automated Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, loan repayment calculations, start-up costs)
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Risk Analysis
  • SWOT & PEST Analysis
  • Operational Requirements (e.g. Pond designing,  feed required e.t.c.)
  • Management of Fish
  • Operational Strategy
  • Why some Zimbabweans in tilapia fish farming business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
  • Ways to raise capital to start your fish farming business in Zimbabwe

The tilapia fish production business plan includes technical aspects of how to keep and to take care of the fish. It also includes a mini-directory with contacts which will prove to be helpful in launching and running your fish farming business. E.g. We will provide the contact details of the companies that produce feeds, fingerlings e.t.c.

The Pre-written Tilapia Fish farming business plan package consist of 4 files

  • Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan – PDF file (Comprehensive – 90 pages)
  • Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive – 90 pages)
  • Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan Bank Version – Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan – 38 pages)
  • Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel file)

The business plan financials are in USD currency. 

The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg number of  ponds, fish price per KG etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change. 

Get the Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

We decided to make them affordable for anyone who would want a business plan, and the price for pre-written business plans is only ZWL$350 000 for soft copies. When you pay via PayPal, Mastercard or Visa Card, the soft copy costs US$25 .

You can purchase via Paynow using Ecocash, One Money or Telecash. You just click Pay Now  (scroll down)    and you will then be taken to Pay now website where you make the payment. Just follow the instructions; you will be done with the payment process in 2 minutes. We will email the business plan (PDF format, Microsoft word format, and a Microsoft Excel file with the financial statements)  to you within 24 hours, using the email address you provided when you were paying.

If you have a PayPal account, MasterCard or Visa Card , you can purchase the business plan via PayPal.  You just click Buy now  (scroll down) and you will then be taken to PayPal website where you make the payment. Just follow the instructions; you will be done with the payment process in 2 minutes. We will email the business plan (PDF format, Microsoft word format, and a Microsoft Excel file with the financial statements) to you within 24 hours, using the email address you provided when you were paying.

You can also purchase hard copies and/or soft copies at our offices in Harare. Visit  StartupBiz Zimbabwe, Suite 201, 2nd Floor, Morgan House, George Silundika Avenue (between 1st Street & 2nd Street), Harare  . The cost of the business plan is ZWL$350 000 (soft copies).

For any questions, other payment options, email us on [email protected] , call/whatsapp us on +263778798072  (Whatsapp us by clicking the link )  .

Tilapia Fish Farming Business Plan 

Click Buy now to purchase using Paypal, MasterCard or VisaCard (US$25)

Buy Business Plan Now

We wish you the best in your fish farming business. Check out  more business ideas and our collection of business plans .  Like us on Facebook , follow us on Twitter , and subscribe to receive notifications of new posts in your email.

A note from StartupBiz Zimbabwe: Everyday we send business updates via Whatsapp. Click the link to join: or send the word join via Whatsapp to  +263778798072  (Whatsapp us by clicking the link ).


About The Author

StartupBiz Zimbabwe

StartupBiz Zimbabwe

StartupBiz Zimbabwe is a business research firm based in Zimbabwe. We sell prewritten business plans for various industries including agriculture, transport, manufacturing, retail and education. StartupBiz Zimbabwe also publishes articles on business ideas, business news, business tips, personal finance, entrepreneur interviews and profiles.

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Elvis Mlotshwa

I am really in starting fish business big time.


i want to begin fish farming inbox for assisting me +919988512090 whatsapp l have questions thank you

where can i get fish for breeding if u may know

Aquaculture distributors contact me on 0783004210


Would like to start fish farming please advise how much capital I needed excluding land.

Kudzai G Changunda

Good day Blessing. All the information you need is in the business plan. Get in touch and secure your copy.

Ridgin Tayimo

Thanks for this valuable information. Have started fish farming,hoping to go commercial


How was the project is it viable coz i’m thinking to start it

will be in touch

Richard Muleya

want bouts to start gillnetting business


Hw much money is needed to construct a pond

Call bream solutions on 0773 537 935

I do fish ponds call me on 263773441078

Petros Thomas

I want to know where to get the fish to start and how much. Also the feed.


l also need help like you

Frank Kamangeni

Thanks for such valuable information. Am in commercial fish farming based in rusape. Am just before Rusape river along harare- mutare highway.

Lloyd Chadiwa

[email protected]

can you inbox my whatsapp l need help on how to do fish farming +919988512090

Murwira peter

In need of how much budget do I need to start a successfully fish farming I’m in Marondera ie pond construction,fingerlings,feeds and market.

Please call or what’s app. Enesokos Enterprises on 0771645107 for more information on aquaculture. We offer solutions in fish farming from educating and giving you a practical guide to fish farming, pond design and digging, pond lining, joining and installation and provision of Nile Tilapia breeding stock! All at reasonable prices. As for a complete job excluding cost of breeding stock, one needs an average of USD$2.50 per cubic meter (This cost includes pond design digging, pond lining and installation).

Vincent Mujera

Am interested

call me on 263773441078


wat z the ratio of tilapia fish to volume of water

I asked the same question at dept of fisheries.I understand that the correct stocking density is 5 to 10 fish per cubic meter of water

Enesokos enterprises

Food grade tilapia that weighs an average of 350grams needs about 5ltrs of water. For a 3cm fingerling size, it need a about 2 litres of water. NB Some scholars prefer to give stocking density per square metre. But I find that what works well is stocking density per volume of water.

Cedric Moyo

Thank you for the info

Mrs A S Tizora

Where can i get fish training in Bulawayo?and may i know the metres needed for pond construction especially depth.Iam in 1acre stands

Enesokos Enterpises offers fish farming training. The smallest pond can be 5m by 3m by 1.4 m. A standard pond is 10m by 20m by 1.4m (As it has been scientifically proven that sunlight penetrates water to 1.4m).

Thanks . i need the basic training on the business. I kmow this can change lifr. Where can i find you


Lucky supply more details for the dish farming start up I have a pool that I would like to convert into a fiah pond

Are you still interested in fish farming, Call us on 0778840932/0779812900 or Email us on [email protected]

samhembere fannuel

Where can i get breams in harare


It’s very possible to convert a swimming pool in to a fish pond. All you need is the knowledge on how to manage it well and keep it clean and safe for the fish to grow.

Breams for the table or for raising. For consumption or breeding stock??

anyone interested in joint venture fish frming business in chinhoyi big dam contact me on 0771113998 sms


Can you do the fish farming in a small dam as big as 100m×200m with about 2mtr deep? Jus a normal dam not a pond is it possible?

Good Day , we sell fingerlings , fish feed and medication .If you are still into fish farming.If you are still interested please call us on 0778840932 or 0779812900 or email on [email protected]

How much for fingerlings each in usd

I’m interested


Quite useful thank you

menna roshdy

i have an assignment in my module but I don’t have enough money to buy it , so can I have access to use it please?

anyone who is into fish farming kindly contact me on 0718470912 whatsapp.


Anyone interested in fish farming quickly contact me on 0783004210, am from Aquaculture the biggest fish farming company in Zimbabwe since 2015


Hie I want to start fish farming but still based in South Africa, so looking to come back home in Zim. My question is what other equipment,pumps, nets etc(want to go into ponds)can l start to buy whilst in S.A to givey vision a head start?Once home Zim l will get in touch witj you. Looking forward to hear from you. With kind regards Chenjerai

Hie ,l am in South Africa fr nw but planning to go back home in Zim, my question is cam send prices of size pond you build witj prices so I can estimate how may l need? How many ponds do l need from baby ,fingers and and harvest say a full circle ? Hoping to hear from you asap With kind regards Chenjerai


Thanks for the infor.Do you have Bakery business plan?Bread, biscuits, cookies etc

Hello fish farmers hope all is well. We are currently in the fish breeding season. Hove dzirikukura here?

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Setting Up a Successful Goat Farm: Essential Considerations

Setting Up a Successful Goat Farm: Essential Considerations


Setting up a successful goat farm requires careful planning, knowledge, and a passion for animal husbandry. Goat farming is a rewarding venture that offers various opportunities, including meat, milk, fiber, and even eco-tourism. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss essential considerations to help you establish a thriving goat farm. By understanding these key aspects, you can lay a strong foundation for your goat farming enterprise and increase your chances of success.

Determine Your Farming Objectives

Before diving into goat farming, it is crucial to determine your objectives and goals. Clarify whether you want to focus on meat production, dairy products, fiber, or a combination of these. This will help you choose the appropriate goat breeds, set up the necessary infrastructure, and develop your marketing strategies.

Selecting the Right Goat Breeds

Selecting the right goat breeds is a crucial decision that will impact the productivity and profitability of your farm. Consider factors such as adaptability to your local climate, desired production output, disease resistance, and market demand. Popular goat breeds for meat production include Boer, Kiko, and Spanish goats, while Saanen and Alpine goats are preferred for dairy production. Research and consult with local experts to determine the best goat breeds for your specific farming objectives.

Securing Adequate Land and Housing

Goats require adequate space to roam and graze. The amount of land you need will depend on the number of goats you intend to keep. As a general guideline, allocate at least half an acre of land per ten goats for grazing purposes. Additionally, construct sturdy and secure housing facilities to protect the goats from extreme weather conditions and predators. Ensure proper ventilation and adequate space per goat within the housing structure.

Feeding and Nutrition Management

Proper feeding and nutrition management are essential for the health and productivity of your goats. Develop a balanced diet that includes good-quality forage, such as pasture or hay, supplemented with grains and minerals. Consult with a livestock nutritionist to formulate a nutritionally balanced ration that meets the specific needs of your goats at different life stages. Always provide clean and fresh water.

Health Care and Disease Prevention

Maintaining the health of your goats is crucial for the success of your farm. Implement a robust health care program that includes regular vaccinations, deworming, and routine health checks. Establish a relationship with a veterinarian who can provide guidance and support when needed. Practice good biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases within your farm.

Breeding and Reproduction

Understanding breeding and reproduction practices is vital for the growth and sustainability of your goat farm. Familiarize yourself with goat breeding cycles, signs of heat, and the appropriate mating procedures. Determine whether you will use natural breeding or artificial insemination techniques. Keep detailed records of breeding activities, including mating dates, buck selection, and birth outcomes.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Developing effective marketing and sales strategies is essential to maximize the profitability of your goat farm. Identify your target market, whether it’s local consumers, restaurants, or other businesses. Establish partnerships and collaborations with potential buyers. Consider value-added products, such as artisanal cheeses or goat milk soaps, to diversify your offerings and attract a broader customer base. Utilize online platforms and social media to promote your products and engage with potential customers.

Financial Management

Sound financial management is crucial for the long-term success of your goat farm. Develop a detailed financial plan that includes initial investment costs, operational expenses, and revenue projections. Keep accurate records of income and expenses, monitor your cash flow, and regularly review your financial performance. Seek professional advice for tax planning and explore potential funding options if needed.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Goat farming is a dynamic industry, and continuous learning is key to staying ahead. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to goat farming. Join local and national goat farming associations to network with fellow farmers and gain access to valuable resources and support.

Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of the essential considerations for setting up a successful goat farm. By considering factors such as farming objectives, goat breed selection, land and housing requirements, feeding and nutrition management, health care, breeding and reproduction, marketing strategies, and financial management, you are well on your way to establishing a thriving goat farming enterprise. Remember to prioritize the welfare of your goats, continuously improve your knowledge, and adapt to market demands. With dedication and proper planning, your goat farm can become a prosperous venture.

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