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4 Tips for Stand-Out Carnegie Mellon Essays

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College Essays


Carnegie Mellon is ranked among the top 25 universities in the nation , so you'll need to have an impressive application—with stand-out essays, of course!—in order to get admitted. Applicants must submit a total of four Carnegie Mellon essays, three of which comprise the Carnegie Mellon supplement.

Keep reading to learn what the current Carnegie Mellon essay prompts are, what topics you could write about, and what qualities make for a great Carnegie Mellon essay.

Feature Image: Mathieu Thouvenin /Flickr

What Are the Carnegie Mellon Essay Prompts?

In addition to the personal statement you must write for the Common App (for which you get to select one out of seven possible prompts), Carnegie Mellon requires all applicants to submit three supplemental essays; these essays make up the Carnegie Mellon Supplement.

Applicants are not allowed to submit other supplemental materials with their applications, such as websites, artwork, or resumes. (Note that the only exception to this is if you're applying to a school that requires additional materials , such as the School of Architecture.)

Each essay may be up to 300 words long, making them a little shorter than your typical personal statement for college, which is usually around 500-600 words.

So what are the Carnegie Mellon essay prompts? Let's take a look:

Most students choose their intended major or area of study based on a passion or inspiration that's developed over time—what passion or inspiration led you to choose this area of study?

Many students pursue college for a specific degree, career opportunity or personal goal. Whichever it may be, learning will be critical to achieve your ultimate goal. As you think ahead to the process of learning during your college years, how will you define a successful college experience?

Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee's consideration? Highlight something that's important to you or something you haven't had a chance to share. Tell us, don't show us (no websites please).

As you can see, each Carnegie Mellon essay you must write will focus on something different about yourself. Specifically, you must explain the following in your essays:

  • For Essay 1, what you plan to major in and why
  • For Essay 2, what you hope to get out of attending college
  • For Essay 3, something you want to emphasize about yourself

How should you write each Carnegie Mellon essay? We give you specific tips next.

All Carnegie Mellon Essay Prompts, Analyzed

In this section, we'll go over the three Carnegie Mellon essay prompts in detail, giving you key tips so you can ensure your essays stand out from the rest of the crowd.


Carnegie Mellon Essay 1: Your Intended Major

Though it might look a little wordy, all this Carnegie Mellon essay prompt is really asking is, "Why this major?" More specifically, this prompt wants you to relate the intellectual path you've taken by explaining the experiences, people, and/or events that have led you to want to major in this particular field.

By far the most effective way to answer this prompt is to tell a compelling story about how you came to be interested in your intended major. Think about the most important moments from your life that showcase your love of what you want to study, and then write about those.

For example, say you plan to major in musical composition. You could start off by recounting the first time you tried to write a piece of music on your family's piano and how hard it was. However, you really enjoyed the process of creating something new. This prompted you to enroll in weekly piano lessons; you also continued to compose piano pieces in your spare time. As a sophomore, you decided to enter your school's talent show and ended up winning with a musical piece you'd composed.

While you don't need to stick to chronological order, using this organization ensures your essay is easy to follow and clearly illustrates how you progressed from someone who knew nothing about the field to someone now highly devoted to it.

In addition, be sure to focus on not only how you became interested in your major but also how this journey of discovering your passion has affected you and your goals. For example, perhaps you want to major in architecture because you hope to use your skills to encourage eco-friendly living and therefore combat the effects of climate change.

It's also a good idea to mention, explicitly or implicitly, how Carnegie Mellon will help you accomplish your goals in your intended field. You could talk briefly about a particular faculty member in your field whom you hope to work with, an expensive piece of equipment offered at Carnegie Mellon, or specific professional opportunities available to students.

Finally, be careful not to exaggerate. Don't say you suddenly developed an interest in literature after reading The Great Gatsby for English class if you actually loathed the book or had a passion for literature well before then.

It's OK if there wasn't one single moment in your life that made you realize this major was the right one for you. Instead of acting as though some particular incident was more significant than it actually was, just focus on the overall journey you took to get to the point you're at now—that is, the major you've chosen to pursue.

Carnegie Mellon Essay 2: Why You're Going to College

Going to college isn't just about getting your degree. That's part of it, of course—you'd feel pretty cheated if you got all the way through college only to find out that you weren't getting your degree—but learning new things and growing as a person are also really important.

In this essay, Carnegie Mellon wants to see you discuss how learning, not just having a degree, will represent your growth in college. That might feel a little intimidating since you haven't actually left for college yet, but you have two important things to draw on: experience in your prior education, and your hopes for the future.

When responding to this prompt, think less about the individual classes you'll take, what grades you'll get in them, or what essays you'll write. Think about the learning process, all the little things that go into your education beyond the grades and assignments. How do you learn? And beyond that, what did you learn?

Think about what having a "successful college experience" would look like for you. When you graduate, what knowledge and experience do you hope to have? What unique experiences will you have at Carnegie Mellon that will shape the person you ultimately want to become?

This is a time to be specific. Maybe you see yourself as belonging to a thriving intellectual community, and thought-provoking discussion is one of the ways that you learn best. You can look at what groups there are on campus, for example, and see which ones you'd like to join.

Joining re:verb might be a way that you connect with other people who love having thought-provoking discussions, or maybe you're drawn more toward MOSIAC to learn about concepts like intersectionality. You can identify groups that appeal to you in your specific niche, and mention them in your essay as places where you hope to find your intellectual community.

Of course, that's not the only way to go about it. The important thing you need to convey is that you have an interest not just in attaining your diploma, but in the experience of learning. How you do that is up to you—you can describe how you learn and how Carnegie Mellon will help enrich you as a person through their teaching methods, through being around other accomplished and intellectual individuals, or by naming specific clubs, groups, or classes you want to be part of.

Show Carnegie Mellon how you learn and how they'll contribute to your specific goals, and you'll be on the right track!


Carnegie Mellon Essay 3: Something Important About You

This essay prompt is the most open-ended of the three and a great opportunity to really dig into any important attributes of yourself that you feel you didn't get to write enough about or at all in other parts of your application.

Did you write about something in another essay, such as the one you wrote for the Common App, that you wish to talk about more here? Do you want to write about something that's important to you and that you haven't had a chance to elaborate on yet?

Your topics are pretty endless here —just make sure whatever you write about for this essay is revealing something important that you think the admissions committee should know about you.

This could be a specific personality trait —maybe you want to emphasize your leadership skills by talking about your role as team leader at the local youth club—or something about your life that's had a major impact on how you see yourself and your future.

Here are some topics you could write about (but don't feel limited by these suggestions!):

  • A specific incident that holds importance for you, and what it taught you about your academic and/or professional interests, your goals, your personality, etc.
  • Someone you know who has impacted you in a significant way, and how that person has specifically influenced your interests and/or goals
  • An explanation for something that negatively impacted your grades or another part of your application —for example, perhaps you spent a lot of time taking care of a sick relative during your sophomore year of high school, which caused your grades to dip slightly
  • A particular interest, passion, hobby, or skill you have, and what you've gained, either intellectually or emotionally, from it

Once again, don't try to write about what you think the CMU admissions committee wants to read—be honest about what's important to you and why. If you volunteered somewhere a few times but didn't enjoy it or gain anything valuable from it, do not write about it here!

Similarly, don't be afraid to focus on something seemingly mundane. Just be sure you're using the topic you choose—even if it's pretty commonplace—to ultimately reveal something important about you. So, no, it's probably not a good idea to write about how you spend hours on Instagram every day, since this hobby isn't really revealing anything significant about you, your goals, or your personal growth.

2 Real Carnegie Mellon Essay Examples + Analysis

In order to write a great Carnegie Mellon essay, it helps to see what kinds of essays actually got applicants accepted to this prestigious university. Here, we give you two real Carnegie Mellon essay examples we found online and explain what makes them successful.

Carnegie Mellon Essay Example 1

This first of the two Carnegie Mellon essay examples comes from the college essays website Essays That Worked . The essay is quite long— more than 650 words! —and was written in response to the following (old) supplemental Carnegie Mellon essay prompt:

And now here's the essay:

When I was younger, I faced a lot of negative emotions including anxiety and low self-esteem. For a long time, I felt alone and as if no one understood how I felt. My self confidence was at an all-time low when I started taking psychology. All of a sudden the negative emotions I was feeling started making sense. I was suddenly able to understand how people were wired and why others treated me a certain way. I in fact was able to feel empathy for my aggressors after understanding that those who treated me negatively often faced struggles of their own.

Most importantly, I felt as though something out there finally understood me. Because psychology offered insight into my own behavior and helped me to understand others, I was eventually able to overcome my insecurities. In the future, I would like to help others do the same. No matter where I end up, understanding why people behave a certain way and being more considerate and empathetic for others will only help me thrive. Mental health is a growing issue in our society. The world we live in is a confusing place filled with pain, but psychology provides a way to determine the cause of this suffering and how to change it. I never want anyone to feel the isolation and sorrow I felt when I was younger.

I want to help others become compassionate and unconditionally loving not just toward others, but to themselves. Even if I only make a small change in the world and affect just one person’s life, I would like to pursue that.

Here's why this Carnegie Mellon essay works so well:

  • It has an honest, compelling narrative that flows well. This applicant begins by explaining how their feelings and experiences allowed them to form a connection to the field of psychology from a young age. This story is raw and honest, and it highlights the applicant's reasons for wanting to pursue psychology in an appropriate and relevant manner.
  • It's extremely specific. The applicant uses concrete details to explain their background and why the psychology major is a perfect fit for their goals and interests. In addition, the essay connects the applicant’s present interest in psychology to how they hope to help others in the future, giving us a clear indication of why the applicant is so interested in psychology.


Carnegie Mellon Essay Example 2

This second Carnegie Mellon essay example also comes from the website Essays That Worked and, like the essay above, responds to a current Carnegie Mellon essay prompt .

It was written in response to Carnegie Mellon essay prompt number three:

Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee’s consideration? Highlight something that’s important to you or something you haven’t had a chance to share. Tell us, don’t show us (no websites please). (300 words max)

Here is the essay:

I recall entering the intimidating world of high school as an exorbitantly introverted, stereotypical Asian girl. My father urged me to assert myself and attempt new activities I wouldn’t have typically participated in. I didn’t want to be disappointed in twenty years by the things I didn’t attempt in high school, so I decided to pursue my long-time dream of becoming a cheerleader. I had always admired the optimism that cheerleaders had, and I was at a point in my life where I needed more positivity.

I faced obstacles trying to join the team. An Asian cheerleader? But Asians were supposed to be smart and cheerleaders were dumb! I broke racial stereotypes by becoming the first Asian cheerleader in my high school. When I made the squad, I was exposed to individuals which whom I did not ordinarily traverse paths. I stepped outside of my bubble and met girls who were extremely extroverted and seemed to be in a constant state of elation. They taught me how to spread positivity throughout my daily interactions and taught me to use optimism as a strength in facing the hurdles of life. These were qualities I would have never learned from a textbook.

My parents had possessed strong reservations about me joining and feared I would meet girls who weren’t motivated in academics. This was false. Many of the girls were brilliant and creative in ways my regular friend group wasn’t. All avenues of life met there on that team.

Cheerleading was the rain and sun that helped a small seed like me bloom into a flower. It delights me knowing that I gained social skills and made friends I never thought I could gain. Cheerleading has changed my perspective on life and joining that family is one of my greatest treasures.

  • It's tightly focused. This essay centers on a struggle the applicant overcame, a topic that is made clear quickly and acts as the focal point throughout the essay. We learn that the applicant made a decision in high school--to become a cheerleader--that defied racial stereotypes and helped her grow as a person. The role that cheerleading played in the applicant’s personal growth remains the focus through the end of the essay.
  • It goes into significant detail about a specific incident. In order to showcase the uniqueness of their experience and the impact it had on their identity, this applicant wrote a detailed description of what being a cheerleader was really like, beyond the stereotypes, and what they learned from that experience. This provides information about who the applicant is that can’t be conveyed through the other parts of their application.


4 Tips for a Great Carnegie Mellon Essay

As you now know, you'll need to write three essays for the Carnegie Mellon supplement. Here are some general tips to keep in mind as you begin to work on each Carnegie Mellon essay.

#1: Use Highly Specific Details

Don't rely on catch-all phrases to get your points across in your essays. Instead, try to think of real, concrete examples you can use.

Specific details will make each Carnegie Mellon essay you write (and your application as a whole!) stand apart from others; it also proves to the admissions committee that you know what kinds of opportunities are available to you at Carnegie Mellon.

#2: Avoid Exaggeration—Be Yourself!

Many students think they need to write about topics that sound "impressive," but this isn't actually what admissions committees want. What they really want is to learn more about who you are, what you sound like naturally (on paper, of course), and what you value in life.

This is why it's so important for you to clearly channel your voice in your writing. For example, it's OK to tell a joke or focus on a lighthearted topic if you would describe yourself as a comedian.

Just make sure that, no matter what kind of topic you choose or how you write, you're ultimately making a bigger, important point about yourself —one that ideally emphasizes essential facets of your personality, your experiences, and/or your ambitions.

#3: Don't Repeat Anything You've Written for Your Common App Essay

Carnegie Mellon requires all applicants to submit the Common App essay in addition to the three essays described above, so you'll want to ensure there's not too much overlap between them. While it's OK to elaborate on a specific topic or point that you briefly mentioned in another essay, don't end up writing about the same experience more than once.

The point of these essays is to showcase various aspects of your personality and life, and you won't succeed if all you're doing is repeating yourself in each Carnegie Mellon essay!


#4: Edit, Polish, and Proofread

Our final tip is to take a lot of time to edit, polish, and proofread each Carnegie Mellon essay you write. Look over each essay multiple times to catch typos and other technical errors, such as grammatical problems, and spelling mistakes.

You should also be on the lookout for the following problems:

  • Any inconsistencies in style, tone, voice, tense, etc.
  • Any areas that are unclear, vague, or awkwardly worded or placed
  • Any irrelevant details or descriptions that don't add anything important

Once you've edited and changed your essays a few times, give them to someone you trust, such as a teacher, mentor, or parent, and have that person offer feedback on how you could improve your writing.

Here are some key questions to ask this person to think about as they edit your essay:

  • Is the topic/theme effective and appropriate for a college essay?
  • Does the essay sound as though you wrote it (and not someone else)? Does the voice sound like your authentic voice?
  • Does the overall organization make sense? Is there a story, and does it flow well? Does the structure successfully get the main point across?
  • Are the details specific and relevant?

With all these tips in mind, you should definitely be able to write a great Carnegie Mellon essay!

What's Next?

You'll need to use the Common App if you're applying to Carnegie Mellon. Get tips on how to write a great Common App essay with our expert guide.

Thinking of applying to other great schools like Princeton , Brown , or Columbia ? Then be sure to check out our guides to learn how you can write amazing essays for these schools' supplements.

Learn more about Carnegie Mellon's admission requirements by visiting its school page in our extensive database.

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Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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How to Write Carnegie Mellon University’s Essays 2018-2019

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See our updated 2019-2020 guide here . 

With its application pool rising to record highs and an acceptance rate that keeps dropping (2017 saw a 10.8% acceptance rate spanning its seven colleges), Carnegie Mellon University is amongst the most selective institutions of higher education in this country. As the university becomes more selective, its supplemental essays provide an increasingly vital opportunity for you to differentiate yourself from the pack.

For the 2018-2019 admissions year, CMU has announced that it will be using three entirely new prompts. This is your chance to show them something they’ve never seen before! Below, we’ll go into detailed explanation of what the prompts are asking—with tips, hints, and examples provided to ensure that you stand out.

Want to learn what Carnegie Mellon University will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Here’s what every student considering Carnegie Mellon University needs to know.

Carnegie Mellon University Supplemental Essay Prompts

Prompt #1: “most students choose their intended major or area of study based on a passion or inspiration that’s developed over time—what passion or inspiration led you to choose this area of study” (300 words).

What CMU has done here is take a standard question— why this major —and ask it in a manner that will make you answer it a certain way. While the typical ‘why this major’ prompt gives students the freedom to focus on the past or future (i.e. how you developed an interest or what you plan to do with the major), this version of the question is asking you to focus on the former.

A successful execution of this prompt will:

1) elaborate on the path that led you to choose your major and

2) show the adcom why you deserve to pursue this major at their school.

The latter doesn’t necessarily need to be explicit. If you can do part one while showing drive, curiosity and all those good things that adcoms love to see, consider part two completed as well. Let’s dive in.

There are essentially two methods for completing this prompt. The first is a narrative arc or anecdote. If there’s a moment where you said to yourself “this is going to be my major,” that could be a great story to tell! Perhaps you were in a robotics competition and after weeks of toiling, your robot finally moves. And that’s when you knew, you knew beyond a shadow of doubt, this was the path you needed to pursue.

Here’s what telling that story does. First, it shows tenacity—even after weeks of failure, you didn’t give up. Second, it shows innovation. And third, CMU just happens to be known for offering a robotics major, so even without being explicit, you just told the adcom exactly why you belong at CMU!

Stories are a great method for drawing in your reader and creating pathos. The trick, however, is to not get so caught up in the narration that you fill your 300 words without actually saying anything. If you’re going the anecdote route, ask yourself the following questions:

Did I answer the prompt?

Does the story I just told show why I’m passionate about the major I’ve chosen?

Have I showed that CMU is the right place for me?

Don’t say you want to pursue a major in underwater basket-weaving if CMU doesn’t offer that (just an example, but you get the idea).

Do mention, either briefly or implicitly, how CMU would allow you to continue pursuing and developing your passion.

If you can honestly answer yes to those questions, then you’re all set! Let’s move on to the second method of answering this prompt. I call it the brag sheet method.

You may not be able to fully answer the prompt with just one moment or story. That’s okay! Not everyone has that kind of story to tell. An alternative is to briefly list key moments, progressions, or accomplishments leading up to your decision. Here’s an example:

“From writing short stories as a seven year old to winning my first prose contest in high school, creative writing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.”

Unlike the narrative arc method, this example is neither a story nor a specific event. Instead, it shows how creative writing has been pivotal to my life for years. Though arguably less compelling than a story, this method has the bonus of demonstrating growth, long-term commitment, and development. Being that CMU is one of the only universities to offer a BA in creative writing, it also shows why I’m applying.

This same method will work if you choose to talk about who or what inspired you. However , this comes with a warning. If you choose to talk about a person or work that inspired you, ensure that you don’t only write about said person or work. If the adcom learns more about the Pulitzer prize winner whose work inspired you than they do about you and your work, reassess!

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Prompt #2 “Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee’s consideration? Highlight something that’s important to you or something you haven’t had a chance to share. Tell us, don’t show us (no websites please).” (300 words)

This prompt is a gift. Within the confines of the word limit, the options are endless. This is your chance to show the adcom exactly what makes you so special. But don’t get bogged down by the possibilities! So how do you know what’s worth writing about?

Is there something you mentioned on your Common App that you feel the need to elaborate?  This should not be even remotely similar to the subject of your personal statement. Think of your essays as a portfolio; they should be complimentary without being redundant.   For example,  if your passions are science and wildlife, and your personal statement is about wildlife, make this prompt about science.

Is there something you haven’t been able to mention anywhere that you’re dying to mention?  Let your personality shine through. Whether your passion of choice is volunteering with animals, taking apart computers, or almost anything else, it can have a place in this prompt. However, it shouldn’t be so random that it doesn’t say anything about you as an applicant.

Here’s a good idea: “ I collect postcards from all over the world because I love learning about new cultures.”

See how this paints a picture of a student eager to learn and expand their horizons?

Now here’s a bad idea: “I like watching Netflix in my free time.”

Does that tell the adcom something that helps them envision a contributing member of the CMU community?

Neither of the above? Just write about something you love. If you have a topic that you could talk about for hours, then here’s your place. 

Note: this has to be entirely different than your answer for the previous prompt.

The scoop : use this as an opportunity to show your personality and your passion.

The caveat: don’t get overwhelmed by the possibilities. Narrow in on something pivotal to what makes you you, and make sure it still shows CMU why you’re a fit.

The ideal : if you have a story, accomplishment, or passion that shows you possess drive, an entrepreneurial spirit, or a similar embodiment of the CMU spirit, here’s the place to prove it.

What not to do: Don’t be redundant. If you’ve already said it in another CMU essay or in your personal statement, don’t say it again.

Prompt #3: “When we’re connected to others, we become better people,” said Carnegie Mellon University’s Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture. At Carnegie Mellon you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse community of scholars, artists and innovators. Given the students, faculty, staff and resources that have been available to you as a student, how have you collaborated with others, in or out of the classroom? Or, what lessons have you learned from working with others in the past, that might shape your experiences in the future? (300 words)

This prompt is clearly one CMU values highly. They give you an additional 50 words, provide an introduction for the prompt, and attach more than one question. Spoiler: they care a lot about your answer.

Let’s break down what this prompt is really asking because there are a lot of extra words.

  • How have you demonstrated teamwork, be it in or out of the classroom?
  • What did you gain from that experience?
  • How will this experience impact your teamwork in the future?

The overarching goal for this essay is to prove to CMU that you deserve their “diverse community of scholars, artists, and innovators.” They’re proud of their network. Why do you deserve to be a part of it? If offered access, what do you have to offer to their collaborative environment? These are all implicit questions, meaning they may not outright ask them, but they secretly want them answered.

The only efficient way to ensure you account for all aspects of the prompt is to focus on one instance or example. Whether this is a long-term commitment (the teamwork you’ve encountered while playing football for the last four years) or one specific event (the time your group was falling behind on a school project, so you helped delegate roles to pull everyone together), the idea is the same. But don’t just start listing stuff.

Here’s the format your essay should follow (and for clarity’s sake, I’ll continue with the previous example):

The challenge : Regardless of whether you’re choosing the long-term or specific instance, your essay will be much stronger if you describe a challenge that had to be overcome. For example, you’ve been assigned to a group for a school project. The deadline is in a week, your group has communicated very little, and everyone seems to be inefficiently doing their own thing.

The solution: Solve your challenge using teamwork. Bonus: try to show leadership qualities!  You realize your group needs to work together, so you get everyone together and delegate roles to get things done. With everyone working on a role that caters to their unique talents, the project comes together.

The takeaway: What did you learn from the experience?  I learned that communication and teamwork allowed our finished product to be so much stronger than it otherwise would have been.

The future: How will you apply the takeaway to the future? Don’t be afraid to make it CMU specific! In fact, this is a great opportunity to throw in a few sentences of ‘why CMU.’

Example:  “CMU is constantly collaborating with leading companies, amongst them Sony and CH Robinson, to create results that would otherwise not be possible. In this environment, I would use my own talent for robotics and seek complimentary talents to push the limits of what I can achieve.”

The more specific you can be here, the better. Specific to you and specific to CMU.

Be aware that the above scenario is a very generic scenario. You will create a much stronger essay by using this space to share an example specific to you. Whether this is the time you entered a design competition with a group of friends or painted a city mural with your art club, just make sure it’s pretty specific to you! If it’s a situation that can apply to every high schooler in the world, definitely reassess.

So, there you have it! At the end of the day, you want your essays to answer the prompts in a way that screams ‘you.’ The more personality and you-ness in the essays, the better.

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Carnegie Mellon Requirements for Admission

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What are Carnegie Mellon's admission requirements? While there are a lot of pieces that go into a college application, you should focus on only a few critical things:

  • GPA requirements
  • Testing requirements, including SAT and ACT requirements
  • Application requirements

In this guide we'll cover what you need to get into Carnegie Mellon and build a strong application.

School location: Pittsburgh, PA

This school is also known as: CMU, Carnegie Mellon University

Admissions Rate: 11.3%

If you want to get in, the first thing to look at is the acceptance rate. This tells you how competitive the school is and how serious their requirements are.

The acceptance rate at Carnegie Mellon is 11.3% . For every 100 applicants, only 11 are admitted.

image description

This means the school is extremely selective . Meeting their GPA requirements and SAT/ACT requirements is very important to getting past their first round of filters and proving your academic preparation. If you don't meet their expectations, your chance of getting in is nearly zero.

After crossing this hurdle, you'll need to impress Carnegie Mellon application readers through their other application requirements, including extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation. We'll cover more below.

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We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools.

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Carnegie Mellon GPA Requirements

Many schools specify a minimum GPA requirement, but this is often just the bare minimum to submit an application without immediately getting rejected.

The GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA you need for a real chance of getting in. For this, we look at the school's average GPA for its current students.

Average GPA: 3.9

The average GPA at Carnegie Mellon is 3.9 .

(Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

With a GPA of 3.9, Carnegie Mellon requires you to be at the top of your class . You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants. Furthermore, you should be taking hard classes - AP or IB courses - to show that college-level academics is a breeze.

If you're currently a junior or senior, your GPA is hard to change in time for college applications. If your GPA is at or below the school average of 3.9, you'll need a higher SAT or ACT score to compensate . This will help you compete effectively against other applicants who have higher GPAs than you.

SAT and ACT Requirements

Each school has different requirements for standardized testing. Only a few schools require the SAT or ACT, but many consider your scores if you choose to submit them.

Carnegie Mellon hasn't explicitly named a policy on SAT/ACT requirements, but because it's published average SAT or ACT scores (we'll cover this next), it's likely test flexible. Typically, these schools say, "if you feel your SAT or ACT score represents you well as a student, submit them. Otherwise, don't."

Despite this policy, the truth is that most students still take the SAT or ACT, and most applicants to Carnegie Mellon will submit their scores. If you don't submit scores, you'll have one fewer dimension to show that you're worthy of being admitted, compared to other students. We therefore recommend that you consider taking the SAT or ACT, and doing well.

Carnegie Mellon SAT Requirements

Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. This is based on the school's average score.

Average SAT: 1510

The average SAT score composite at Carnegie Mellon is a 1510 on the 1600 SAT scale.

This score makes Carnegie Mellon Extremely Competitive for SAT test scores.

Carnegie Mellon SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT)

The 25th percentile SAT score is 1460, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1560. In other words, a 1460 on the SAT places you below average, while a 1560 will move you up to above average .

Here's the breakdown of SAT scores by section:


SAT Score Choice Policy

The Score Choice policy at your school is an important part of your testing strategy.

Carnegie Mellon has the Score Choice policy of "All Scores."

This means that Carnegie Mellon requires you to send all SAT scores you've ever taken to their office.

This sounds daunting, but most schools don't actually consider all your scores equally. For example, if you scored an 1300 on one test and a 1500 on another, they won't actually average the two tests.

More commonly, the school will take your highest score on a single test date. Even better, some schools form a Superscore - that is, they take your highest section score across all your test dates and combine them.

Some students are still worried about submitting too many test scores. They're afraid that Carnegie Mellon will look down on too many attempts to raise your score. But how many is too many?

From our research and talking to admissions officers, we've learned that 4-6 tests is a safe number to submit . The college understands that you want to have the best chance of admission, and retaking the test is a good way to do this. Within a reasonable number of tests, they honestly don't care how many times you've taken it. They'll just focus on your score.

If you take it more than 6 times, colleges start wondering why you're not improving with each test. They'll question your study skills and ability to improve.

But below 6 tests, we strongly encourage retaking the test to maximize your chances. If your SAT score is currently below a 1560, we strongly recommend that you consider prepping for the SAT and retaking it . You don't have much to lose, and you can potentially raise your score and significantly boost your chances of getting in.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

Get eBook: 5 Tips for 160+ Points

Carnegie Mellon ACT Requirements

Just like for the SAT, Carnegie Mellon likely doesn't have a hard ACT cutoff, but if you score too low, your application will get tossed in the trash.

Average ACT: 34

The average ACT score at Carnegie Mellon is 34. This score makes Carnegie Mellon Extremely Competitive for ACT scores.

The 25th percentile ACT score is 34, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 35.

Even though Carnegie Mellon likely says they have no minimum ACT requirement, if you apply with a 34 or below, you'll have a very hard time getting in, unless you have something else very impressive in your application. There are so many applicants scoring 34 and above that a 34 will look academically weak.

ACT Score Sending Policy

If you're taking the ACT as opposed to the SAT, you have a huge advantage in how you send scores, and this dramatically affects your testing strategy.

Here it is: when you send ACT scores to colleges, you have absolute control over which tests you send. You could take 10 tests, and only send your highest one. This is unlike the SAT, where many schools require you to send all your tests ever taken.

This means that you have more chances than you think to improve your ACT score. To try to aim for the school's ACT requirement of 35 and above, you should try to take the ACT as many times as you can. When you have the final score that you're happy with, you can then send only that score to all your schools.

ACT Superscore Policy

By and large, most colleges do not superscore the ACT. (Superscore means that the school takes your best section scores from all the test dates you submit, and then combines them into the best possible composite score). Thus, most schools will just take your highest ACT score from a single sitting.

We weren't able to find the school's exact ACT policy, which most likely means that it does not Superscore. Regardless, you can choose your single best ACT score to send in to Carnegie Mellon, so you should prep until you reach our recommended target ACT score of 35.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and ACT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

Free eBook: 5 Tips to 4+ Points on the ACT

SAT/ACT Writing Section Requirements

Currently, only the ACT has an optional essay section that all students can take. The SAT used to also have an optional Essay section, but since June 2021, this has been discontinued unless you are taking the test as part of school-day testing in a few states. Because of this, no school requires the SAT Essay or ACT Writing section, but some schools do recommend certain students submit their results if they have them.

Carnegie Mellon considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other schools you're applying to may require it.

Final Admissions Verdict

Because this school is extremely selective, getting a high SAT/ACT score and GPA is vital to having a chance at getting in . If you don't pass their SAT/ACT and GPA requirements, they'll likely reject you without much consideration.

To have the best shot of getting in, you should aim for the 75th percentile, with a 1560 SAT or a 35 ACT . You should also have a 3.9 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score.

For a school as selective as Carnegie Mellon, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application. We'll cover those details next.

But if you apply with a score below a 1560 SAT or a 35 ACT, you unfortunately start out with the odds against you and have a tiny chance of getting in. There are just too many students with high SAT/ACT scores and strong applications, and you need to compete against them.

Admissions Calculator

Here's our custom admissions calculator. Plug in your numbers to see what your chances of getting in are. Pick your test: SAT ACT

  • 80-100%: Safety school: Strong chance of getting in
  • 50-80%: More likely than not getting in
  • 20-50%: Lower but still good chance of getting in
  • 5-20%: Reach school: Unlikely to get in, but still have a shot
  • 0-5%: Hard reach school: Very difficult to get in

How would your chances improve with a better score?

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Application Requirements

Every school requires an application with the bare essentials - high school transcript and GPA, application form, and other core information. Many schools, as explained above, also require SAT and ACT scores, as well as letters of recommendation, application essays, and interviews. We'll cover the exact requirements of Carnegie Mellon here.

Application Requirements Overview

  • Common Application Accepted, supplemental forms required
  • Electronic Application Available
  • Essay or Personal Statement Required for all freshmen
  • Letters of Recommendation 2
  • Interview Not required
  • Application Fee $75
  • Fee Waiver Available? Available
  • Other Notes Audition/portfolio for fine arts recommended for some freshmen

Testing Requirements

  • SAT or ACT Considered if submitted
  • SAT Essay or ACT Writing Optional
  • SAT Subject Tests Optional
  • Scores Due in Office December 1

Coursework Requirements

  • Subject Required Years
  • Foreign Language 2
  • Social Studies
  • Electives 3

Deadlines and Early Admissions

  • Offered? Deadline Notification
  • Yes January 1 April 1
  • Yes November 1, January 3 December 15

Admissions Office Information

  • Address: 5000 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
  • Phone: (412) 268-2000 x2000
  • Fax: (412) 268-7838
  • Email: [email protected]

Other Schools For You

If you're interested in Carnegie Mellon, you'll probably be interested in these schools as well. We've divided them into 3 categories depending on how hard they are to get into, relative to Carnegie Mellon.

image description

Reach Schools: Harder to Get Into

These schools are have higher average SAT scores than Carnegie Mellon. If you improve your SAT score, you'll be competitive for these schools.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Chicago, IL 1520 34
Princeton, NJ 1518 34
New Haven, CT 1515 34

image description

Same Level: Equally Hard to Get Into

If you're competitive for Carnegie Mellon, these schools will offer you a similar chance of admission.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Philadelphia, PA 1500 34
Hanover, NH 1500 34
Providence, RI 1493 34
Medford, MA 1465 33
Boston, MA 1465 34
New York, NY 1455 34
Ann Arbor, MI 1435 33

image description

Safety Schools: Easier to Get Into

If you're currently competitive for Carnegie Mellon, you should have no problem getting into these schools. If Carnegie Mellon is currently out of your reach, you might already be competitive for these schools.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Chestnut Hill, MA 1435 33
Troy, NY 1393 30
Binghamton, NY 1375 31

Data on this page is sourced from Peterson's Databases © 2023 (Peterson's LLC. All rights reserved.) as well as additional publicly available sources.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, cmu essay tips and examples.

Hello! I'm planning to apply to Carnegie Mellon and I'm working on my essays right now. Has anyone come across any successful CMU essay examples that worked or can give me some tips on what makes a strong CMU essay? Much appreciated!

Hello! Great to see that you're working on your essays for Carnegie Mellon. First, you can find some examples of essays that worked on CollegeVine's blog: Next, here are some general helpful tips and strategies for crafting strong essays tailored to CMU's expectations.

1. Research CMU's values and culture: To start, make sure you have a solid understanding of CMU's values, culture, and what makes it unique. You can explore their website, student blogs, and college information sessions to gather insights. This information will help you tailor your essays to show how you would be a great fit for the university.

2. Be specific about CMU's programs: When writing about why you want to attend CMU, don't just say that you're interested in CMU's engineering, computer science, or art programs. Mention specific elements of the programs, such as courses, professors, research opportunities, or affiliated projects and centers that make CMU stand out from other institutions. This will show that you've done your homework and know why you want to attend the university.

3. Showcase your passion and commitment: CMU values driven students with a clear passion for their chosen field. Make sure your essays highlight your dedication through your extracurricular activities, academic achievements, and future goals. Share specific examples of how you have pursued your interests or grown in your field.

4. Include personal anecdotes: Don't be afraid to share personal stories or experiences that have shaped you or reveal more about who you are. Admissions officers want to know more about the person behind the application, and personal anecdotes can provide valuable insight into your personality and values.

5. Focus on storytelling: Your essays should tell a cohesive story, not just list your achievements and experiences. Be mindful of the narrative, and make sure each paragraph connects coherently to the next one. Additionally, make sure your introduction is engaging and unique to capture the reader's attention from the beginning.

6. Proofread and revise: As with any essay, make sure to proofread and revise it multiple times. It's a good idea to have someone else review your essays to provide feedback and catch any potential errors. This person can be a trusted teacher, guidance counselor, or friend with strong writing skills. You could also take advantage of CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool, or submit your essay for a paid review by an expert college admissions advisor through CollegeVine's marketplace.

7. Stay authentic: Lastly, it's crucial to stay true to yourself throughout your essays. Admissions officers can usually tell when a student isn't being genuine, so make sure your essays align with your own voice, experiences, and aspirations.

Overall, it's essential to tailor your essays to CMU's specific requirements and prompts, using the tips provided above. You can also find more detailed guidance, which is updated each year to reflect the current set of prompts, on how to respond to CMU's prompts on CollegeVine's blog:

Good luck with your application and essays!

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Carnegie Mellon Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

cmu sat essay

By Eric Eng

Carnegie Mellon University website homepage logo visible on display screen

Carnegie Mellon University, renowned for its innovative approach to education and a strong emphasis on research and technology, stands out as a leading institution of higher learning. In the realm of college admissions, the supplemental essays hold significant weight, serving as a window into the applicant’s personality, intellect, and potential contributions to the campus community.

For the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, Carnegie Mellon has crafted prompts that are both challenging and opportunity-rich, designed to elicit thoughtful and revealing responses from prospective students. At the heart of these supplemental essays are questions that probe into the candidates’ motivations, aspirations, and self-perceptions.

Carnegie Mellon’s prompts are notably open-ended compared to many other universities, offering a unique canvas for students to paint a vivid picture of their academic passions, personal journeys, and future ambitions. Understanding and responding effectively to these prompts is crucial for applicants wishing to stand out in a pool of highly qualified candidates.

Carnegie Mellon University banner

Applying to Carnegie Mellon

Carnegie Mellon only accepts applications through the Common Application , and you need to submit your application online.

Make sure to check the application plans, deadlines, and admission requirements for Carnegie Mellon . If you’re applying to the Schools of Architecture, Art, Design, Drama, or Music, please also look at the College of Fine Arts applicant information.

Remember, Drama and Music applicants have a December 1 deadline for Regular Decision. When you apply, you’ll get an email within one to five business days from the Office of Admission confirming they’ve received your application. This email will help you track your application’s progress.

How Many Supplemental Essays Does Carnegie Mellon Have?

For the 2023-24 admissions cycle, Carnegie Mellon University requires applicants to complete three supplementary essay prompts. Each of these essays is limited to 300 words. These essays are an integral part of the application process, giving applicants the opportunity to showcase their individual strengths and aspirations in relation to what CMU offers.

What are the Carnegie Mellon Supplemental Essays 2023-2024?

Most students choose their intended major or area of study based on a passion or inspiration that’s developed over time – what passion or inspiration led you to choose this area of study? (300 words)

Many students pursue college for a specific degree, career opportunity or personal goal. Whichever it may be, learning will be critical to achieve your ultimate goal. As you think ahead to the process of learning during your college years, how will you define a successful college experience? (300 words)

Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee’s consideration? Highlight something that’s important to you or something you haven’t had a chance to share. Tell us, don’t show us (no websites please). (300 words)

Answering the 2023-2024 Carnegie Mellon Supplemental Essay Prompts

Most students choose their intended major or area of study based on a passion or inspiration that’s developed over time – what passion or inspiration led you to choose this area of study? 

This prompt is primarily about understanding the underlying motivations and inspirations that have led a student to choose their intended major or area of study. It seeks to explore the depth of the student’s interest in the subject and how this interest has evolved over time. The aim is to gauge not just the student’s commitment to the field but also to understand the personal journey and experiences that have shaped their academic choices.

Here are four key points for students to consider while brainstorming and answering this prompt, with detailed explanations for each:

1. Identify the Origin of Your Interest: Begin by reflecting on when and how your interest in the chosen field started. Was it a particular event, a class in school, a personal project, or an encounter with a work in this field that sparked your curiosity? Detailing this origin story gives the admissions committee a glimpse into your personal journey and helps them understand the sincerity and depth of your passion.

2. Describe Key Milestones and Experiences: Discuss specific experiences, projects, or challenges that furthered your interest in this field. This could include relevant classes, extracurricular activities, internships, personal projects, or even influential books or conversations. Describe how these experiences contributed to your growing interest and understanding of the subject. This shows the progression of your passion over time.

3. Connect Your Interest to Your Personal Values or Goals: Explain how your chosen field aligns with your personal values, life goals, or future aspirations. This connection demonstrates a deeper level of reflection and shows that your choice of study is not just a passing interest but is integral to who you are and who you want to become.

4. Reflect on What Makes Your Perspective Unique: Finally, consider what unique perspective or experiences you bring to this field. How does your background, culture, or personal experiences inform your approach to this area of study? This helps in showcasing your individuality and how your unique perspective can contribute to the diversity of thought in the university community.

Remember, the key to a compelling response is authenticity and specificity. It’s not just about stating an interest but illustrating it through your personal story and experiences.

Student writing college or university application.

Many students pursue college for a specific degree, career opportunity or personal goal. Whichever it may be, learning will be critical to achieve your ultimate goal. As you think ahead to the process of learning during your college years, how will you define a successful college experience?

This Carnegie Mellon essay prompt is fundamentally about understanding and articulating personal goals and aspirations in the context of a college education. It invites students to reflect on what they consider a successful college experience, beyond just obtaining a degree. Here are four key points students should consider when answering this prompt:

1. Define Personal and Academic Goals: Students should start by clearly defining their personal and academic goals. This could involve specific skills they want to acquire, career paths they aspire to, or personal development they hope to achieve through their college education. For instance, a student interested in computer science might discuss aspirations to contribute to groundbreaking technology developments or the desire to acquire skills in both technical and leadership areas.

2. Emphasize the Importance of Learning: The prompt places a strong emphasis on learning as a critical component of college success. Students should reflect on how they approach learning – not just in academic terms, but as a lifelong process. They might discuss their enthusiasm for engaging with diverse ideas, their commitment to overcoming challenges in their studies, or how they plan to apply classroom knowledge to real-world problems.

3. Incorporate College Resources and Opportunities: It’s important to link personal goals with specific resources and opportunities offered by Carnegie Mellon. Students could mention unique programs, clubs, or research opportunities that align with their goals. For instance, if a student is interested in entrepreneurship, they could talk about how participating in Carnegie Mellon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem will contribute to their success.

4. Reflect on Personal Growth and Contributions to the Campus Community: Lastly, students should consider how they will grow as individuals and contribute to the campus community. This could involve discussing their desire to engage with diverse perspectives, contribute to campus organizations, or develop leadership skills through campus activities. The aim here is to show a holistic view of success that combines personal achievement with community involvement.

By covering these aspects, students can create a comprehensive and compelling response that showcases their ambitions, understanding of the learning process, and how they envision making the most of their college experience at Carnegie Mellon.

Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee’s consideration? Highlight something that’s important to you or something you haven’t had a chance to share. Tell us, don’t show us (no websites please). 

This is an open-ended question that allows applicants to showcase unique aspects of their personalities, experiences, or qualifications that might not be evident in the rest of their application. This question is about giving students the opportunity to highlight a part of their story, identity, or achievements that they feel is significant and would contribute to their profile as a desirable candidate.

Here are four key points for brainstorming and detailed explanations for each:

1. Personal Growth or Challenges Overcome: Encourage students to reflect on a personal challenge or a significant growth experience. This could be overcoming a personal obstacle, dealing with a family situation, or a significant personal achievement. The key is to focus on how the experience shaped them, what they learned, and how it has prepared them for college. For example, overcoming a fear, dealing with the loss of a loved one, or managing a learning disability. This narrative should demonstrate resilience, maturity, and self-awareness.

2. Passion Projects or Extracurricular Involvements: Students can highlight a project or activity they are deeply passionate about but haven’t had the space to discuss in other parts of their application. This could be an independent research project, a community service initiative, a creative endeavor, or leadership in an extracurricular activity. The emphasis should be on the impact of this involvement, how it aligns with their academic and career goals, and what it reveals about their character. For example, starting a community clean-up program or developing an app to solve a local problem.

3. Unique Skills or Talents: If a student has a unique skill or talent that sets them apart, this prompt is a great place to discuss it. This could be anything from fluency in multiple languages, exceptional artistic abilities, or even unconventional skills like coding or robotics. The idea is to showcase how these skills have been developed and used in meaningful ways. For example, using multilingual skills to bridge communication gaps in their community or applying artistic talents in local events.

4. Cultural or Family Background: Students can use this prompt to highlight aspects of their cultural or family background that have significantly influenced their perspectives and aspirations. This can include traditions, values, or experiences unique to their family or community. It’s important to focus on how this background has shaped their worldview, contributed to their educational goals, and prepared them to contribute to a diverse college community. For example, growing up in a multicultural household or engaging in cultural community events.

In answering this prompt, students should aim to be authentic, reflective, and specific, connecting their chosen topic back to their overall candidacy and potential contributions to Carnegie Mellon’s community.

applying in schools

Structuring Your Supplemental Essays

The structure of supplemental essays is crucial in conveying an applicant’s message effectively and making a memorable impression. For the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, a well-structured essay can make the difference between an application that stands out and one that gets lost in the pile. Here are three key points on how applicants can structure their Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays:

1. Introduction: Begin the essay with a compelling narrative or anecdote that directly relates to the prompt. This not only engages the reader but also sets a personal tone for the essay. For instance, if a student is writing about a challenge they’ve overcome, they might start with a vivid description of a moment that epitomizes that challenge . This approach not only grabs attention but also immediately immerses the admissions committee in the student’s world. It’s essential that this narrative seamlessly leads into the main theme of the essay, providing a natural flow into the subsequent sections.

2. Thematic Body Sections: After the engaging start, the body of the essay should be organized into clear, thematic sections. Each section should focus on a specific aspect of the topic, providing depth and detail. For instance, in a Carnegie Mellon supplemental essay, one section could delve into how the applicant’s experiences have shaped their academic interests, another could discuss skills or qualities they’ve developed, and a third could explore how these elements align with the opportunities at Carnegie Mellon. Using clear, thematic sections helps maintain a focused and coherent narrative, making it easier for the admissions committee to follow and appreciate the student’s story and aspirations.

3. Reflective and Forward-Looking Conclusion: The conclusion should not only summarize the key points discussed but also reflect on what the student has learned and how it prepares them for a future at Carnegie Mellon. This section should tie back to the introduction, creating a full-circle effect that leaves a lasting impression. For example, the conclusion could revisit the initial narrative and reflect on how the student’s journey has prepared them for the unique challenges and opportunities that Carnegie Mellon offers. It’s also an opportunity to explicitly state why Carnegie Mellon is the right fit for them, based on the specific programs, culture, or opportunities the university provides.

In structuring their Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 cycle, applicants should ensure that their essays are not only well-organized and coherent but also showcase their personality, experiences, and fit for the university. A well-structured essay will flow logically, keep the reader engaged, and effectively communicate the student’s unique story and aspirations.

How To Deal With A College Decline Letter

How to Effectively Revise and Proofread

Effectively revising and proofreading essays is a critical step in crafting a compelling and error-free application. For students applying to Carnegie Mellon for the 2023-2024 cycle, ensuring that their supplemental essays are polished and impactful is especially important. Here are four detailed strategies for revising and proofreading Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays:

1. Layered Review Approach: Break down the revision process into multiple layers. The first layer should focus on content and structure. Does the essay answer the prompt fully? Is there a clear and logical flow of ideas? The second layer should examine the style and voice. Is the essay reflective of the student’s personality? Does it maintain a balance between formality and personal expression? The final layer should be about language and clarity. Are there any complex or unclear sentences that could be simplified for better understanding? This approach ensures that each aspect of the essay is thoroughly reviewed.

2. Feedback from Multiple Sources: Obtain feedback from various individuals such as teachers, peers, or family members. Each person will bring a different perspective. For instance, a teacher might provide insights on the academic soundness of the essay, while peers might focus on how relatable and genuine the essay feels. When collecting feedback, specifically ask reviewers to look for different aspects: content accuracy, emotional impact, and language use. This varied input can be invaluable in enhancing the overall quality of the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays.

3. Focused Proofreading Sessions: Instead of trying to catch every error in one go, conduct multiple, focused proofreading sessions. In each session, concentrate on one specific type of error: first spelling, then grammar, then punctuation, and finally, formatting. This methodical approach reduces the cognitive load and increases the likelihood of catching more errors. Tools like Grammarly or Readable can be used to assist in this process, but they should not replace human judgment.

4. Temporal Distance: After writing the essay, take a break from it for a few days before revising. Approaching the essay with fresh eyes can make a significant difference in identifying areas that need improvement. When the student returns to their essay, they are more likely to notice awkward phrasing, repetitive information, or off-topic content. This temporal distance helps in achieving a more objective and critical review of their own work.

For applicants to Carnegie Mellon’s 2023-2024 cycle, these strategies in revising and proofreading can greatly enhance the quality of their supplemental essays. It’s not just about fixing errors but refining the essay to ensure it best represents the student’s abilities, experiences, and fit for Carnegie Mellon.

Why Choose Carnegie Mellon?

Carnegie Mellon University is a place where education and research come together in exciting ways. It’s not just a university; it’s a hub of innovation and creativity. Let’s dive into what makes Carnegie Mellon so special:

1. Outstanding Global and National Rankings: Carnegie Mellon isn’t just another university; it’s a top-ranked institution both in the United States and around the world. According to the QS World University Rankings for 2023, it stands proudly at number 52 globally. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2023 places it even higher, at 28th worldwide and 19th among U.S. colleges. Additionally, the U.S. News & World Report’s 2022-2023 Best Colleges Rankings lists it as the 22nd-best National University in the U.S. These rankings highlight the university’s excellence and global recognition.

2. Strength in Programs and Innovation: When it comes to specific subjects, Carnegie Mellon shines even brighter. It’s a leader in computer science, and ranked as the top university for undergraduate studies in this field. Innovation is another area where it excels, ranking third among the most innovative universities. The university also boasts strong programs in undergraduate business, engineering, business analytics, and management information systems, making it a powerhouse in various academic disciplines.

3. A Leader in Research: Carnegie Mellon is not just about learning from books; it’s about creating new knowledge. It’s recognized for its outstanding research, ranking high in research reputation. In fact, it’s among the top in the world in 16 different research areas, making it a great place for students who are keen on exploring and discovering new things.

4. Diversity and Inclusivity: With about 14,000 undergraduate students from various corners of the globe, Carnegie Mellon is a melting pot of cultures and ideas. This diverse student body creates a rich, multicultural learning environment where students can learn as much from each other as they do from their courses.

5. Interdisciplinary Approach: One of the unique things about Carnegie Mellon is how it encourages students to blend and merge different fields of study. This interdisciplinary approach means students get a well-rounded education, preparing them for the complex, interconnected world we live in.

6. Vibrant Campus Life: Situated in Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon’s campus is a unique mix of city vibes and suburban tranquility. It’s not just a place to study; it’s a community where students can live, learn, and grow in an environment that is both stimulating and supportive.

Overall, Carnegie Mellon University offers a dynamic, top-quality education marked by excellent program rankings, a commitment to innovation, abundant research opportunities, and a diverse, interdisciplinary community. It’s an institution where students are challenged, inspired, and prepared for successful futures in a variety of fields.

college student at campus

How Important are Supplemental Essays in the College Admissions Process?

Supplemental essays are a crucial element in the college admissions process, especially for renowned institutions like Carnegie Mellon. For the 2023-2024 admissions cycle, the role of these essays cannot be overemphasized. They serve as a unique platform for applicants to add personalization to their applications, going beyond the quantitative data of transcripts and test scores. These essays allow students to share their unique stories, experiences, and aspirations, offering a vivid portrait of their personality and potential. For example, a student might use their essay to detail a particular project or experience that sparked their interest in a field of study at Carnegie Mellon, providing a compelling narrative that distinguishes their application.

Moreover, supplemental essays enable students to demonstrate their specific interest in Carnegie Mellon, showcasing how they align with the university’s culture, values, and academic programs. Thoughtful and well-researched responses to essay prompts can convincingly illustrate a student’s understanding of what makes Carnegie Mellon unique and why they are a perfect fit for it. For instance, an applicant might articulate how the university’s interdisciplinary approach resonates with their own learning style and career aspirations.

The essays also provide an opportunity for students to showcase their writing skills and critical thinking abilities. Carnegie Mellon highly values these skills, as they are indicative of a student’s readiness for the academic rigors they will encounter. The way an essay is constructed—how ideas are presented, the clarity of arguments, and the overall writing style—offers the admissions committee valuable insights into an applicant’s intellectual capabilities and potential contributions to campus dialogues.

Lastly, supplemental essays can be strategically used by students to address any potential weaknesses in their applications or to further underscore strengths and unique achievements. For some, it’s a chance to explain how personal challenges have prepared them for college life, while for others, it’s an opportunity to expand on significant accomplishments or projects that highlight their potential as a future Carnegie Mellon student.

In essence, the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle are a critical component of the application. They offer students the chance to present a well-rounded and authentic picture of themselves, making a persuasive case for why they are an ideal match for the university. Far from being mere formalities, these essays can significantly impact the chances of admission , allowing applicants to stand out in a highly competitive applicant pool.

How Do Carnegie Mellon’s Supplemental Essays Compare to Others?

Carnegie Mellon’s supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 admissions cycle have distinct characteristics that set them apart from those of other top universities. While many elite institutions use supplemental essays to gain deeper insights into applicants beyond their grades and test scores, Carnegie Mellon’s prompts tend to emphasize practical creativity and intellectual curiosity, reflecting the university’s strong focus on innovation and interdisciplinary study.

For instance, unlike the broad and reflective prompts often seen in Ivy League schools like Harvard or Yale , where students are encouraged to delve into personal life philosophies or intellectual experiences, Carnegie Mellon’s prompts are more targeted. They often ask students to discuss specific aspects of their academic interests, career goals, or personal projects. This approach mirrors the university’s pragmatic and forward-thinking ethos, evident in its renowned programs in technology, science, and the arts.

Similarly, while Stanford University is known for its creative and sometimes unconventional essay questions that challenge students to think outside the box, Carnegie Mellon’s supplemental essays are more straightforward, aligning with the university’s emphasis on clarity of thought and purpose. This difference can be attributed to Carnegie Mellon’s unique blend of artistic creativity and technological innovation, which demands a certain level of directness and practicality in thinking.

Moreover, compared to schools like the University of Chicago , known for its intellectually rigorous and often quirky essay prompts, Carnegie Mellon’s essays tend to be more grounded and closely tied to the applicant’s specific interests and experiences, especially in relation to their intended field of study. This focus reflects the university’s commitment to preparing students for real-world challenges and its expectation that applicants demonstrate a clear vision for how they intend to utilize their education.

In essence, while other top universities might use their essays to probe into the philosophical and abstract thinking of their applicants, the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays for the 2023-2024 cycle are more reflective of the university’s practical and interdisciplinary approach.

They ask students to clearly articulate their passions, how these align with what Carnegie Mellon offers, and how they foresee their experiences at the university shaping their future. This distinction underscores Carnegie Mellon’s unique position in higher education as an institution deeply rooted in practical innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The supplemental essays for Carnegie Mellon University’s 2023-2024 admissions cycle offer a unique opportunity for applicants to showcase their individuality, intellectual curiosity, and alignment with the university’s ethos. These prompts, while challenging, provide a platform for students to narrate their academic and personal journeys, articulate their future aspirations, and highlight unique aspects of their experiences and perspectives.

Applicants should approach these essays with introspection, creativity, and authenticity, ensuring that each response adds depth and dimension to their overall application. The goal is to present a compelling, coherent narrative that resonates with the admissions committee, demonstrating not only the applicant’s suitability for Carnegie Mellon but also their potential to contribute meaningfully to the university community.

With thoughtful preparation and attention to detail, these essays can be a decisive factor in the admissions process, turning aspirations of attending Carnegie Mellon into reality.

Apply college.

AdmissionSight , a college consulting firm, offers personalized assistance to students in their college admissions journey. We help you create a strategic plan for your application process, identify suitable schools aligned with your academic and personal goals, and prioritize your application strategy.

Our experts review your application, providing constructive feedback to enhance its quality and uniqueness. We also assist in crafting compelling essays that reflect your personality and achievements, guide you through the writing process, and offer feedback on drafts. In addition, we provide interview coaching to boost your confidence and readiness for college interviews, offering tips on professional presentation and answering common questions.

We aid in optimizing your extracurricular activities to align with your interests and goals, emphasizing leadership and initiative. Overall, AdmissionSight offers valuable guidance and support to increase your chances of college acceptance. With a strong network and a success rate exceeding 75% in the past decade, book a free initial consultation today!


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How to Get Into Carnegie Mellon Guide

How to get into carnegie mellon university — general information.

Carnegie Mellon University is a research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The student body of the university at large is just over 14,000. The undergraduate Carnegie Mellon enrollment includes 7,000 students. 

What we’ll cover in this How to Get Into Carnegie Mellon Guide:

  • Average Carnegie Mellon GPA
  • Optimal Carnegie Mellon SAT scores
  • Carnegie Mellon application deadlines
  • Details on Carnegie Mellon Early Decision
  • Carnegie Mellon enrollment statistics and more. 

When thinking about how to get into Carnegie Mellon , make sure each part of your application — your GPA, test scores, and Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays — is top-notch. This means keeping your GPA high, studying to ensure strong Carnegie Mellon SAT scores, and building up your extracurriculars. To boost your chances of Carnegie Mellon enrollment, you should start strategizing well before the Carnegie Mellon Early Decision or Regular Decision Carnegie Mellon application deadline. 

Figuring out how to get into Carnegie Mellon takes strategy. We can help.’s network of 300+ Admissions Experts (and former admissions officers) includes Carnegie Mellon graduates. Want to maximize your Carnegie Mellon admissions odds?  Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272 . 

How hard is it to get into Carnegie Mellon?

When researching how to get into Carnegie Mellon, rankings will inevitably be part of your process. U.S. News ranks Carnegie Mellon #25 on the list of National Universities . It is tied for #6 on the list of Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs . So, CMU is prestigious and competitive, particularly for those who are applying for the school’s most popular majors . 

For example, regardless of whether you apply under the Carnegie Mellon Early Decision or regular Carnegie Mellon application deadline, the School of Drama and School of Computer Science have acceptance rates of 4% and 7% , respectively.

So, pay careful attention to your major when you are planning your “how to get into Carnegie Mellon” strategy.

Average Scores

The Carnegie Mellon enrollment statistics reflect the school’s prestige. The average Carnegie Mellon GPA and middle 50% Carnegie Mellon SAT scores show the school’s elite nature. There is no magic formula for how to get into Carnegie Mellon, but academic success is key. The middle 50% range for Carnegie Mellon SAT scores for math is 760-800. In the verbal section, it ranges from 700-760. These Carnegie Mellon SAT scores translate to a middle 50% ACT score range of 33-35. 

Both the average Carnegie Mellon GPA and average Carnegie Mellon SAT scores vary based on your desired school. For a breakdown of Carnegie Mellon enrollment data by school, click here . 

To hear more about how to get into Carnegie Mellon, watch CMU’s Admission Insights videos and read their FAQs . These are a great way to get your questions answered, especially since there is no Carnegie Mellon interview.

When thinking about how to get into Carnegie Mellon, remember that your candidate profile is what makes you unique. There are no right or wrong activities to do, as long as you work hard and show your passion.

Exploring Carnegie Mellon enrollment

As you decide whether you’d like to be a part of the Carnegie Mellon enrollment, it can be useful to look at Carnegie Mellon enrollment facts . Carnegie Mellon enrollment stats will give you a sense of the makeup of the student body.

For example, of the 15,818 students who made up the Carnegie Mellon enrollment in Fall 2021, 6,752 are international. If you would enjoy a vibrant student community with a diverse range of backgrounds, Carnegie Mellon is the place for you. 

Similarly, the Carnegie Mellon enrollment has a fairly equal gender split – 50.5% female, 48% male and 1.5% non binary. So if you’re looking for a balance, the school will suit you well.  For more stats on the Carnegie Mellon enrollment, including specific colleges, check out this page .

What is the required GPA for Carnegie Mellon?

When strategizing how to get into Carnegie Mellon, think about the average Carnegie Mellon GPA of 3.87 . 32.2% of students accepted for Carnegie Mellon enrollment had a GPA of 4.0, while 45% held a GPA between 3.75 and 3.99.

It’s important to note when looking at the average Carnegie Mellon GPA, and other Carnegie Mellon enrollment figures, that it varies by undergraduate school . For instance, the average Carnegie Mellon GPA for the School of Computer Science is 3.95, but there is a 3.87 average for the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Science. Don’t try to game the system with the Carnegie Mellon GPA! Read this guide for how to select your major. Don’t use the overall average Carnegie Mellon GPA to guide your choices.

There are no hard GPA cutoffs when you are thinking about how to get into Carnegie Mellon. However, the average Carnegie Mellon GPA and average Carnegie Mellon SAT scores can help you understand your admissions odds. 88.5% of students chosen for Carnegie Mellon enrollment are in the top 10% of their class, but Carnegie Mellon cares about more than just numbers!

What does the Carnegie Mellon application include?

One of the necessary steps to meeting the Carnegie Mellon Early Decision or regular decision Carnegie Mellon application deadline is completing your Common Application . This is also where you can see the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays. Aim to complete both the Common App and the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays well before the Carnegie Mellon application deadline. This is part of the best strategy for how to get into Carnegie Mellon. 

For more information on how to ace the Common App, and make that Carnegie Mellon enrollment, click here . 

In your research on how to get into Carnegie Mellon, you should review CMU’s application checklist by your chosen Carnegie Mellon application deadline.

The CMU application requirements are as follows:

  • Common Application (including the Personal Statement and Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays)
  • Official high school transcript
  • Guidance counselor evaluation
  • Teacher recommendation
  • $75 application fee or waiver
  • Certain standardized testing (required TOEFL or optional SAT/ACT)

Understanding the average Carnegie Mellon SAT scores is helpful for gauging your chances of acceptance for Carnegie Mellon enrollment. However, test scores are now optional due to COVID-19. Read more about their test policy here . 

There is no Carnegie Mellon interview, so focus your energy on other aspects you can control. This includes your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays. Also, note that high school course requirements vary based on your intended school within Carnegie Mellon, so check their page to make sure you have taken the right courses.

Application deadlines

Selecting your Carnegie Mellon application deadline is also key. There are three Carnegie Mellon application deadlines to choose from when determining how to get into Carnegie Mellon. They are:

  • Carnegie Mellon Early Decision 1: November 1
  • Carnegie Mellon Early Decision 2: January 3
  • Carnegie Mellon Regular Decision: January 3

Unfortunately, there is no Early Action offering for admissions, only Carnegie Mellon Early Decision. This means that your application to Carnegie Mellon Early Decision will be binding if accepted, unlike more flexible Early Action programs.

What extracurriculars do I need for Carnegie Mellon?

There is no way to determine which extracurriculars will most impress CMU as you plan how to get into Carnegie Mellon. The strongest applications will show genuine passion and interest as well as leadership and initiative. This is how to increase your chances of making the Carnegie Mellon enrollment.

When people think of CMU, they often think only of the STEM students who contribute to undergraduate Carnegie Mellon enrollment. However, the university has seven different schools to choose from, including the College of Fine Arts and the Tepper School of Business .

Standing Out

One way to stand out among the other applicants is to consider participating in a pre-college summer program . Though demonstrated interest is not considered by the university, and there are no Carnegie Mellon interviews offered, pursuing one of these summer programs – or similar opportunities – can be excellent material for constructing your candidate profile and Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays. 

Ultimately, there is no clear answer to the question of how to get into Carnegie Mellon. Extracurriculars alone will not tip the scales toward Carnegie Mellon enrollment. However, your extracurricular involvement is a big part of what makes you unique. So, there are no right or wrong activities to participate in, as long as you work hard and show your passion. Get started early in high school, well in advance of the Carnegie Mellon application deadline, in order to show a consistent commitment to your extracurriculars.

Need help choosing the right extracurriculars? Check out our webinar .

What is the acceptance rate at Carnegie Mellon?

Another key factor to consider when thinking about how to get into Carnegie Mellon is the acceptance rate. Of the 26,189 applicants who applied for the fall of 2020, 17.3% were admitted for Carnegie Mellon enrollment. Also, note that this number varies based on each applicant’s intended major. 

Of the 1,780 students who applied by the Carnegie Mellon Early Decision deadline, 445 were accepted. This means that the Carnegie Mellon Early Decision acceptance rate is 25%. When building the next class of students for Carnegie Mellon enrollment, the university values applicants who are willing to commit. However, think carefully about your selected Carnegie Mellon application deadline when planning how to get into Carnegie Mellon. The Carnegie Mellon Early Decision 1 deadline is much earlier than the regular Carnegie Mellon application deadline, so you want to ensure you have enough time to prepare your application materials, especially the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays. 

CMU offers Early Decision, but there is no Early Action admissions round. The difference between Carnegie Mellon Early Decision and Early Action is that Early Action would allow for flexibility, but Carnegie Mellon Early Decision is a binding commitment to the school. So, if you apply to Carnegie Mellon Early Decision and are accepted, you will become part of the Carnegie Mellon enrollment. 

Does Carnegie Mellon require interviews?

There is no optional or required Carnegie Mellon interview for applicants to complete. Instead of offering a Carnegie Mellon interview for prospective students, alumni resources are devoted to admitted students.

So, since there is no interview, the other parts of your application will hold more weight. This includes your Carnegie Mellon SAT scores, Carnegie Mellon GPA, and Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays.

What does Carnegie Mellon look for in essays?

CMU requires three Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays. Each of the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays has a limit of 300 words. See the Common App page for more details.

Below, we have listed the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays:

1. Many students pursue college for a specific degree, career opportunity, or personal goal. Whichever it may be, learning will be critical to achieving your ultimate goal. As you think ahead to the process of learning during your college years, how will you define a successful college experience? 2. Most students choose their intended major or area of study based on a passion or inspiration that’s developed over time – what passion or inspiration led you to choose this area of study? 3. Consider your application as a whole. What do you personally want to emphasize about your application for the admission committee’s consideration? Highlight something that’s important to you or something you haven’t had a chance to share. Tell us, don’t show us (no websites please).

The best Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays will go below the surface. So, in your responses, emphasize elements that align with Carnegie Mellon’s mission and values . Show that you would be a valuable member of the Carnegie Mellon enrollment. When writing why you want to attend Carnegie Mellon for your major, be specific. First, do research on the school. Then, as you write, include details in your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays that prove you have really investigated to ensure it is the right school for you. Don’t just write generalized statements that could apply to any university. 

The key is to be authentic. In your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays, you should not be trying to tell the university what they want to hear. All Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays will focus on different content, opportunities, and experiences! Help your application reader get to know you just like they would in a Carnegie Mellon interview.

For more advice on completing your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays, read our essay guide . 

How does Carnegie Mellon University review applications?

On their webpage of admissions considerations , the admissions officers confirm that they are selecting from a pool of very qualified applicants for Carnegie Mellon enrollment. Their process reflects Carnegie Mellon’s values and core competencies :

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Community engagement
  • Concern for others
  • Self-directed learning
  • Critical thinking

According to Carnegie Mellon’s Common Data Set 2020-2021 , Carnegie Mellon admission considers the following factors in the admission process in this order: 

Very Important: 

  • Rigor of secondary school record
  • Academic GPA
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Volunteer work
  • Work experience


  • Standardized test score
  • Application essay
  • Recommendation(s)
  • Talent/ability
  • Character/personal qualities
  • First-generation
  • Alumni relation
  • Racial/ethnic status 

Not considered:

  • Demonstrated interest
  • Carnegie Mellon interview

Consider how you can demonstrate these aspects in your own life throughout your application, mainly your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays. You’ll be selected for the Carnegie Mellon enrollment based on your potential to succeed, so paint a clear picture for your path to success!

Will Carnegie Mellon consider my social media accounts?

While thinking about how to get into Carnegie Mellon, you may worry about how your social media presence might affect your admissions odds. The university receives tens of thousands of applications seeking Carnegie Mellon enrollment each year. This, therefore, means that readers usually don’t have the time to look at each applicants’ social media. 

However, you shouldn’t post offensive or irresponsible content on social media regardless. Even beyond the college application process, you should be using social media responsibly . So, our final recommendation is to play it safe. Carnegie Mellon likely won’t read your Twitter or check your Instagram, but there’s always an outside chance.

Focus on the aspects of your applications that you can control, such as polishing your application for the Carnegie Mellon application deadline, workshopping your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays, and preparing your Carnegie Mellon SAT scores. This will boost your chances of making the Carnegie Mellon enrollment much more than a polished social account!

Is Carnegie Mellon University a good school for me?

Carnegie Mellon is a unique school with many specialty programs. When determining how to get into Carnegie Mellon, you should also consider if the school is a good fit for your goals and interests. 

Peruse the majors

Perhaps, you are interested in material science? Or on the other hand, maybe you’re drawn to Carnegie Mellon’s Ethics, History, and Public Policy major. Investigate the academic area that piques your interest. 

Check out the clubs & organizations

The Carnegie Mellon enrollment is composed of students with a wide variety of passions and interests. Do you want to join Strategic Social Impact? The University Orchestra? The Sports Analytics Club? Referencing these organizations in your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays can be a good way to demonstrate you’ve done your research on the school, too. 

Consider their global presence

Carnegie Mellon has campuses and partnerships all over the world. Are you interested in research, service, or study abroad in Africa? Australia? Qatar? All of these options and more are available to you at Carnegie Mellon.

Get your questions answered

Since there is no Carnegie Mellon interview, learn more about the University by taking a virtual tour or contacting your regional admissions representative .

Remember, the college application process is a two-way street. Do your research before you set your heart on Carnegie Mellon – or any university. Can you picture yourself learning and growing as a Carnegie Mellon student? If so, prepare your application for the Carnegie Mellon application deadline, and consider applying to Carnegie Mellon Early Decision. 

Additional tips to get into Carnegie Mellon

Start early.

It is never too early to start learning about Carnegie Mellon and the many opportunities, majors, and extracurriculars you could pursue as a Tartan. The Carnegie Mellon application deadline can sneak up on you. The earlier you start planning a rigorous course of study, get involved in extracurricular activities, and draft your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays, the stronger your application will be. If you’re sure Carnegie Mellon is the school for you, consider applying to Carnegie Mellon Early Decision. However, keep in mind your acceptance will be binding in this case.  

Craft a Complete Narrative

Each part of your application, from your GPA and Carnegie Mellon SAT scores to your Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays and candidate profile, creates an arc that aims to describe the breadth and depth of who you are. As a result, you should review your application in its entirety before submitting. Does it convey the message you intend? Is there anything missing that you want to highlight?

Think Beyond the Numbers

Carnegie Mellon enrollment, the acceptance rate, Carnegie Mellon GPA, and Carnegie Mellon SAT scores certainly factor into your research but are only part of your application! Although there is no Carnegie Mellon interview, you can use the Carnegie Mellon supplemental essays to demonstrate the more qualitative parts of your application, such as your extracurriculars and your unique personality.

This guide was written by Caroline Marapese , Notre Dame ’22. Cracking the code of how to get into Carnegie Mellon is challenging. If you want to know how to get into Carnegie Mellon, we’ve got you covered.’s network of 300+ Admissions Experts (and former admissions officers) includes Carnegie Mellon graduates. Create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272.

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Admission How Top Apply 2023

  • Why Study at CMU Qatar?
  • Tuition & Financial Aid
  • Admission Calendar
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Regular Admission Application

Apply as a regular applicant if you are currently in your last year of secondary school, have completed secondary school, or have completed a secondary school equivalency exam.

Applications for Fall 2024 admission will open on September 1. Please note that the deadline for Fall 2024 admission is January 15, 2024.

Regular Admission Checklist

As a regular admission applicant, you must submit the following credentials. International applicants must also submit additional credentials.

  • Common Application
  • Academic Transcripts

Writing Supplement Essay

  • Letter of Recommendation from a Teacher
  • Letter of Recommendation from a Counselor/Principal/Advisor
  • Passport Copy

Official SAT or ACT results (optional)

cmu sat essay

Your Application

We can’t wait to review your application and learn more about you. We know that applying to college takes time and effort, so be assured that we appreciate that effort and will give your application the careful consideration required to gather a community of all kinds — those who are brilliant and curious, quirky and questioning, creative and collaborative.

Important application date

Mark this important date on your calendar.

The deadline for Fall 2024 applications was January 15. Learn more about submitting a late application .

Information about applying

Online application form.

The Writing Supplement Essay will give us a sense of who you are as a person, beyond your grades and test scores. The statement also demonstrates your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself.

The question for the Writing Supplement Essay can be found in CMU-Q’s Writing Supplement section within the Common Application.

Please note that while the Writing Supplement Essay is required, there is also an essay in the common part of the Common Application. This essay is optional for applicants to CMU-Q.

Official and complete academic transcripts

All transcripts and official results are submitted by your college counselor, principal or academic advisor through the Common Application. Please invite your school official through the feature inside your CMU-Q Common App.

Your academic transcripts show us your secondary school performance, which is the main factor in our admission decision. We pay close attention to the curriculum rigor and the grades you have earned.

We require:

  • Transcripts from all secondary schools attended, including all courses taken for grades 10, 11, and 12
  • Official standardized test results, such as British IGCSE’s, AS, and A-Levels, Indian Standard X and XII board exam results
  • Predicted grades if available
  • Transfer applicants should include official transcripts from their current university

Official TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo results

To demonstrate your proficiency in English, CMU-Q requires applicants to submit official TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo results.

CMU-Q will accept both the TOEFL iBT  and the new  TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition . Please follow the links for further information on test dates and locations.

Use code  4246  for TOEFL score reports to be sent to Carnegie Mellon.

For Fall 2023 admission, CMU-Q will be accepting the both IELTS Academics and IELTS for UKVI  and the new  IELTS Indicator . Please follow the links for further information on test dates and locations. Please note, the IELTS Indicator is currently not offered by the British Council to residents in Qatar.

You can also register for a test directly with the British Council office in your country. In Qatar, the British Council office in Doha can be contacted on 800 5501.

CMU-Q now accepts the Duolingo English Test as an equivalent for the TOEFL or IELTS.  To learn more about the Duolingo English Test and how to send results, please visit Duolingo’s site .

Waiver Policy for TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo

The TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo requirement may be waived if an applicant qualifies under our waiver policy.

Option 1: Waiving the TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo requirement through SAT/ACT score

If you have a score of 600 or higher on the SAT Reading and Writing Section OR a score of 26 or higher on both the English and Reading sections of the ACT, you will automatically qualify for a waiver from the TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo. There is no need to initiate a request for waiver through the Office of Admission.

Option 2: Waiving the TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo requirement through primary and native language confirmation

If English is ALL of the below, you may send an email to the Office of Admission describing in detail your language background:

  • Main/primary language from birth used at home with parents
  • The language of instruction at your school
  • Your stated first language in the Common App
  • An official language of the country of which you are a citizen

All Option 2 waiver requests will be considered by the Director of Admission. If approved, the information will be verified with your high school counselor.

Letters of recommendation

One letter of recommendation from a  college counselor, principal, or academic advisor  is required.

Additionally, one letter of recommendation from a  teacher or professor  is required.

All recommendation letters are submitted by your recommenders through the Common Application .  Please invite your recommenders through the feature inside your CMU-Q Common App.

We are looking for information that will help us know you better as a person and as a student. Recommendations from school counselors, advisors, headmasters or teachers provide insight regarding your academic potential and character.

Passport and biographical information

A copy of your passport must be uploaded to our Passport and Biographical Page .  This requirement can only be submitted electronically through the page, as paper copies will not be accepted through regular mail or at the Office of Admission.

Please note:   Your Common Application ID is also required to submit this form.  This form can be submitted after starting your Common Application to CMU-Q.  The Common App ID is provided immediately when starting the Common Application.

CMU-Q is ACT/SAT optional for Fall 2023 applications. However, we require the IELTS/TOEFL/Duolingo for all students, unless they meet our waiver policy (as detailed under the ‘Official TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo results’ section).

If you choose to submit ACT/SAT scores with your application, CMU-Q must receive all scores by the application deadline of January 15.

SAT Please see the College Board website for information on test dates and locations.

Use code  4246 for official SAT score reports to be sent to Carnegie Mellon Qatar.

  • November 17, 2018
  • December 15, 2018
  • January 19, 2019
  • February 16, 2019

Interview (optional)

  • Early Decision :  Interviews take place in October.
  • Regular Decision : Interviews occur in January on-campus. As slots in January are limited, we operate an interview waiting list system beginning in January.  If you would like to be considered for a January interview, please submit the  Waitlist Interview Request Form via the link below.
  • PLEASE NOTE : This form is only to be completed if you are residing in Qatar . If you are not residing in Qatar, please do NOT submit this form, as we regret that we are not able to accommodate interview requests from students who are not residing in Qatar.
  • If your interview request is declined, please do not assume that your application for admission will also be declined.  Many students are admitted each year without participation in an interview.

Request an On-Campus Interview  (students residing in Qatar only)

Application fee

A non-refundable $70 USD application fee must be paid online through credit card upon completion of the Common Application.  If needed, a fee waiver can be requested inside the Common App.

Contact the Office of Admission

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CMU SAT Question

CMU SAT Policy:

We believe that college admission testing in the 9th and 10th grades adds to the anxiety of a process that students won’t encounter for several years. As a result, we encourage students to submit 11th or 12th grade SAT or ACT scores (tests taken the summer after 10th grade are appropriate). While earlier tests may measure knowledge at the time they are taken, that level of knowledge gradually evolves and doesn’t fully represent the knowledge students bring to college first-year courses. Should students present tests taken two or more years in advance of their first-year experience, we'd take the timing of the test results into consideration. The greater the amount of time prior to students' first year of college, the less we can rely on the test results as a fair representation of their knowledge entering Carnegie Mellon.

Does this mean I should I submit all my SAT's taken during and after the summer of my sophomore year or should I submit all my SAT's taken ever (throughout all 4 years of high school)?

Undergraduate Admission

CMU Tartan Wave banner

Transfer Applicants

Each year, carnegie mellon admits a small number of transfer students as space permits..

The policies and processes for transferring vary from college to college within Carnegie Mellon, so please carefully review the deadlines, as well as the transfer application instructions, below.

A CMU student looking forward in a computer lab on campus

Fall Transfer

Application Deadline

Supporting Document Deadline

Admission Decision Notification

*Transfer applicants to the College of Fine Arts must meet the first-year application deadlines.

Spring Transfer

Early to mid-december.

*Spring transfers must have completed a semester of college before the application deadline in order to apply for admission.

Transferring By College

All colleges/schools except the College of Fine Arts

  • Fall transfer is possible if space is available.
  • Spring transfer is typically extremely limited due to space constraints.
  • Those transferring from another college or university are unable to apply to BXA programs .

College of Fine Arts (Architecture, Art, Design, Drama, Music)

  • Only fall transfer is available for College of Fine Arts applicants, and applicants must meet  first-year application deadlines .
  • Transfer applicants are considered alongside first-year applicants and are likely to be given first-year status.
  • Visit our College of Fine Arts Applicants webpage  for further details about portfolio review or audition requirements.

Additional Instructions for Transfer Applicants

In addition to reviewing our general admission requirements , please make note of the following:

  • Transfer applicants must submit a college transcript in addition to a high school transcript. This will need to be accompanied by a copy of course descriptions for courses you've taken from each college/university you attended, this can either be emailed to @email with the subject line, “Transfer Course Descriptions” or submitted via this form . Please don't send an entire college course catalog.
  • A recommendation from a professor or advisor should be submitted in place of a college counselor recommendation.
  • The College Report ( a Common Application form ) is also required from your current academic institution. This form should be completed by your current registrar or the appropriate dean/college official who can verify your enrollment and academic standing.
  • We do not require SAT or ACT test scores from transfer applicants. We neither require nor recommend taking SAT Subject Tests, and we won't use those scores in the admission review process.
  • If English isn't your native language, we do require an English proficiency exam, even if you didn't take one previously. We accept the TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo English Test, and Cambridge English Assessment. Please note our  score requirements  for each exam.
  • College of Fine Arts transfer applicants should visit the College of Fine Arts Applicants webpage  for further details about portfolio or audition requirements. Applicants must meet the first-year deadlines for the College of Fine Arts.

Learn more about what it takes to get in

Important Information for Transfer Students

Transfer applicants are only considered for one college or program within Carnegie Mellon.

Spring transfers must have completed a semester of college before the application deadline in order to apply for admission.

If you're offered admission, the college/school you're admitted to will evaluate your courses for potential transfer credit and you will receive that credit evaluation with your decision letter.

If you're offered admission for the spring semester, we won't require a tuition deposit due to the short time between the offer of admission and the start of the spring semester. We will require a completed enrollment reply form to be submitted no later than December 15.

University housing is not guaranteed for transfer students.

For any questions you have regarding the transfer process please reach out to our Transfer Admission Coordinator, Jordan Elling, at @email

Former U.S. President Trump votes during midterm election in Palm Beach

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Read Melania Trump’s full statement after Donald Trump injured in shooting at rally

Former first lady Melania Trump released a public statement Sunday after her husband, former President Donald Trump, was injured in an apparent assassination attempt while speaking at a campaign rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Read the full statement here.


In a social media post, Donald Trump said he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.” The former president was quickly whisked from the stage by Secret Service agents, his ear covered in blood. Officials said the man who opened fire was a 20-year-old from Pennsylvania.

READ MORE: The FBI named a suspect in the Trump assassination attempt. Here’s what we know

The suspected gunman and one attendee are dead, and two others spectators were critically injured, authorities said.

President Joe Biden and political leaders of all stripes condemned the attack , which was the most serious attempt to assassinate a president or presidential candidate since  Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981 .

“There’s no place in America for this type of violence,” Biden said in an address Saturday night. “It’s sick. It’s sick.”

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Tucker Carlson, Ousted by Fox, Roars Into Milwaukee as a Top Trump Ally

After time away from the spotlight, the right-wing host is increasingly welcomed by Trump’s inner circle. He also made a surprise visit to Fox’s convention studio.

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Tucker Carlson and Donald J. Trump sit and talk in an arena, with another man sitting between them.

By Michael M. Grynbaum and Jim Rutenberg

Reporting from Milwaukee

All of a sudden, Tucker Carlson has roared back to the forefront of Republican politics.

Once the top-rated anchor on Fox News — only to be abruptly ousted 15 months ago, his national platform yanked out from under his feet — Mr. Carlson has made an improbable re-emergence into America’s living rooms at this week’s Republican National Convention.

He was the first person to greet Donald J. Trump after the former president’s dramatic entrance in the convention hall on Monday, and cameras later caught them joking together in Mr. Trump’s friends and family box, just two seats apart. He is even returning to prime time: Mr. Carlson is set to deliver a televised address to the convention on Thursday in a coveted slot shortly before Mr. Trump accepts his party’s nomination.

Mr. Carlson once electrified Fox viewers with racial grievances and flimflam conspiracy theories . Spurned by the network, he found mixed success with a self-produced video series on X and a subscription streaming service that failed to generate much buzz, although a recent pivot to lengthy, Joe Roganesque podcasts has attracted more listeners.

But behind the scenes over the past year, Mr. Carlson has become more deeply allied with Mr. Trump than at any point in his long relationship with the former president, a man for whom the broadcaster once expressed deep ambivalence.

Mr. Carlson lobbied Mr. Trump to select Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, who had been a frequent guest on his Fox show, as his running mate, and he helped broker a meeting in Milwaukee between Mr. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate.

He and a longtime producer of his shows, Justin Wells, recently visited Mar-a-Lago to pitch Mr. Trump on a fly-on-the-wall docuseries about his campaign. Mr. Trump granted access, and the series is set to be released on Mr. Carlson’s streaming platform before the election; Mr. Wells and a cameraman were filming several feet away from the former president in Pennsylvania on Saturday when he was shot by a would-be assassin.

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  1. Admission Consideration

    The mission of Carnegie Mellon University includes the cultivation of a diverse and inclusive community. Our undergraduate admission process is committed to reducing or eliminating advantages that have been inherent in the admission process. The goal is to provide a more equitable, level playing field where all segments of our applicant ...

  2. Standardized Testing

    Carnegie Mellon is extending our test-optional policy, removing the SAT/ACT standardized testing requirement for all Fall 2024 first-year applicants. Please see the information above for more details. We prefer that all testing is completed by November 1 for Early Decision 1 applicants and by January 3 for Early Decision 2, Regular Decision and ...

  3. Undergraduate Admission Requirements

    Arrange to have a copy of your Carnegie Mellon transcript sent to the Office of Admission by February 15, if you're applying as a transfer, or by January 1, if you're applying as a first-year student. To apply for a second bachelor's degree if your first degree is from another college or university: Complete the Common Application.

  4. How to Write the Carnegie Mellon University Essays 2023-2024

    How to Write the Carnegie Mellon University Essays 2023-2024. Tucked away in Steelers country, otherwise known as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, lies the 153 acre campus of Carnegie Mellon University. CMU is home to just under 7,000 undergraduate students enrolled across its seven schools and colleges. Priding itself on copious opportunities as a ...

  5. 4 Tips for Stand-Out Carnegie Mellon Essays

    Carnegie Mellon is ranked among the top 25 universities in the nation, so you'll need to have an impressive application—with stand-out essays, of course!—in order to get admitted. Applicants must submit a total of four Carnegie Mellon essays, three of which comprise the Carnegie Mellon supplement. Keep reading to learn what the current Carnegie Mellon essay prompts are, what topics you ...

  6. 5 Carnegie Mellon Essay Examples

    What's Covered: Essay Example #1 - Computer Science. Essay Example #2 - Healthy Self-Definition. Essay Example #3 - Future Business Major. Essay Example #4 - Future International Relations Major. Essay Example # 5 - Politics. Where to Get Your Carnegie Mellon Essay Edited. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is a school with both ...

  7. What You Need For Carnegie Mellon: SAT Scores and GPA

    Average GPA: 3.9. The average GPA at Carnegie Mellon is 3.9. This makes Carnegie Mellon Extremely Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.9, Carnegie Mellon requires you to be at the top of your class.

  8. How to Write Carnegie Mellon University's Essays 2018-2019

    See our updated 2019-2020 guide here.. With its application pool rising to record highs and an acceptance rate that keeps dropping (2017 saw a 10.8% acceptance rate spanning its seven colleges), Carnegie Mellon University is amongst the most selective institutions of higher education in this country. As the university becomes more selective, its supplemental essays provide an increasingly ...

  9. Carnegie Mellon University's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    Common App Personal Essay. Required. 650 words. The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores?

  10. This Year's Carnegie Mellon Admission Requirements

    Carnegie Mellon SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT) The 25th percentile SAT score is 1460, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1560. ... Carnegie Mellon considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other ...

  11. CMU essay tips and examples?

    SAT: 720 math. 200. 800 | 800 verbal. 200. 800. Gender not specified. Extracurriculars + add. Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors) ... Great to see that you're working on your essays for Carnegie Mellon. First, you can find some examples of essays that worked on CollegeVine's blog: https: ...

  12. Carnegie Mellon Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    The supplemental essays for Carnegie Mellon University's 2023-2024 admissions cycle offer a unique opportunity for applicants to showcase their individuality, intellectual curiosity, and alignment with the university's ethos. These prompts, while challenging, provide a platform for students to narrate their academic and personal journeys ...

  13. College Essay Guides

    There are three required Carnegie Mellon essays in the 2021-2022 Common App. There is also one optional prompt to explain circumstances surrounding test scores. We recommend that most students just answer the first three Carnegie Mellon essay prompts. Students should only complete the fourth Carnegie Mellon essay prompt if they have extenuating ...

  14. How to Write the Carnegie Mellon Supplemental Essay

    How to write each supplemental essay prompt for Carnegie Mellon. Prompt #1: "Why major" essay. Prompt #2: "Why us" essay. Prompt #3: "Additional information" essay. If you combined a robber baron, a classic fruit, and an extra "L," and somehow ended up with a top 25 university with an especially strong engineering program, you'd obviously ...

  15. How to Get Into Carnegie Mellon Guide

    There is no magic formula for how to get into Carnegie Mellon, but academic success is key. The middle 50% range for Carnegie Mellon SAT scores for math is 760-800. In the verbal section, it ranges from 700-760. These Carnegie Mellon SAT scores translate to a middle 50% ACT score range of 33-35. Both the average Carnegie Mellon GPA and average ...

  16. CMU Essay Prompt #1 for Information Systems Major : r/cmu

    A community for Carnegie Mellon University students and alumni. ... from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. Members Online. CMU Essay Prompt #1 for Information Systems Major upvotes r/scifi. r/scifi. Science Fiction, or Speculative Fiction if you prefer. ...

  17. Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

    Common Application Essay Carnegie Mellon Common Application Writing Supplement *Carnegie Mellon University has adopted a test-optional policy through Fall 2022, removing the SAT/ACT standardized testing requirement for first-year Fall 2021 and Fall 2022 applicants. View more details on these requirements.

  18. How to Apply

    The question for the Writing Supplement Essay can be found in CMU-Q's Writing Supplement section within the Common Application. ... CMU-Q is ACT/SAT optional for Fall 2024 applications. However, we require the IELTS/TOEFL/Duolingo for all students, unless they meet our waiver policy (as detailed under the 'Official TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo ...

  19. Should I submit my SAT scores to CMU Regular Decision?

    Got 1420 and 1410 within 3 months of each other, in that order, in junior year, but I just got back my December SAT with a 1540. Is it worth submitting my SAT scores if they are the strongest part of my application, or should I not. Probably, if it's the strongest part.

  20. supplemental essay for cmu, successful college experience

    r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. ... Supplementary Essays I'm writing my supplemental essays for CMU and have a bit of a problem: i want to go into computational and applied math (in MCS), but ...

  21. Regular Admission Application

    The question for the Writing Supplement Essay can be found in CMU-Q's Writing Supplement section within the Common Application. ... CMU-Q is ACT/SAT optional for Fall 2023 applications. However, we require the IELTS/TOEFL/Duolingo for all students, unless they meet our waiver policy (as detailed under the 'Official TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo ...

  22. A timeline of the 7-month-long Ambani mega-wedding

    Anant Ambani, son of businessman Mukesh Ambani, poses with his fiancee Radhika Merchant during their sangeet ceremony in Mumbai, India, on Friday.

  23. How Biden Lost George Clooney and Hollywood

    But the most politically damaging blow came from a late-breaking apostate: Mr. Clooney, who just weeks earlier had spent time with Mr. Biden and helped deliver $28 million to his campaign at a Los ...

  24. Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant wedding: Celebrity guests ...

    Updated 3:10 PM EDT, Sat July 13, 2024 Link Copied! Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant married in Mumbai on Friday with an extravagant celebration that spared no expense and drew A-list guests from ...

  25. CMU SAT Question : r/ApplyingToCollege

    CMU SAT Question. CMU SAT Policy: We believe that college admission testing in the 9th and 10th grades adds to the anxiety of a process that students won't encounter for several years. As a result, we encourage students to submit 11th or 12th grade SAT or ACT scores (tests taken the summer after 10th grade are appropriate).

  26. Transfer Applicants

    Transfer applicants are only considered for one college or program within Carnegie Mellon. Spring transfers must have completed a semester of college before the application deadline in order to apply for admission. If you're offered admission, the college/school you're admitted to will evaluate your courses for potential transfer credit.

  27. Read Melania Trump's full statement after Donald Trump injured in

    Former first lady Melania Trump released a public statement Sunday after her husband, former President Donald Trump, was injured in an apparent assassination attempt while speaking at a campaign ...

  28. Tucker Carlson, Ousted by Fox, Roars Into Milwaukee as a Top Trump Ally

    "I got pissed at Trump. So? I get pissed at my wife," he said. "I'm a human being." Asked if he had cleared the air directly with Mr. Trump about those remarks, Mr. Carlson said, "I ...