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Lesley J. Vos

Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” written in the early 17th century, stands as a timeless masterpiece that delves into the profound and often debated theme of fate in Macbeth and topic of free will. Set in medieval Scotland, the play tells the story of Macbeth, a nobleman whose life takes a dark turn following a prophecy by three witches. This prophecy, coupled with his ambition and the persuasive influence of his wife, Lady Macbeth, sets him on a tragic path of murder, guilt, and paranoia. Shakespeare weaves a complex narrative where supernatural elements – such as the prophecy of the Weird Sisters – intersect with the human actions and decisions of Macbeth and other characters. This interplay raises poignant questions about whether our lives are governed by destiny, or whether we have the autonomy to shape our own paths.

In this essay, we will explore in detail how Shakespeare portrays the themes of fate vs free will Macbeth. We will dissect key scenes that serve as turning points in the narrative, highlighting how these moments underscore the tension between predetermined destiny and individual choice. We will also analyze the roles of pivotal characters, such as Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and Banquo, examining how their responses to the prophecies reflect their perspectives on fate and free will. Furthermore, this exploration will extend to understanding how these themes not only drive the plot forward but also profoundly impact the development and ultimate fate of the characters.

Through this analysis, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of how “Macbeth” navigates the intricate dance between fate and free will, offering insights into the broader implications of these themes in human life. This exploration will reveal the timeless relevance of Shakespeare’s work and its enduring ability to engage audiences in a reflection on some of life’s most fundamental questions.

Portrayal of Fate and Free Will

From the outset, “Macbeth” positions fate as a powerful force, primarily represented through the Weird Sisters. Their prophetic declarations to Macbeth and Banquo introduce the idea of a predetermined future, suggesting that fate has a role in shaping events. However, Shakespeare does not present fate as a singular, deterministic force. Instead, he weaves in the element of free will, embodied in Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s decisions and actions. The characters’ responses to the prophecies are crucial, highlighting that while fate may propose a path, it is human action that ultimately forges the journey.

Fate vs Free Will in Macbeth

The Influence of Fate and Free Will on the Plot and Characters

The intricate dance of fate in Macbeth and free will depicted by Shakespeer in his play goes beyond mere thematic exploration; it is the very engine that propels the narrative and shapes its characters. The witches’ prophecies, cryptic and foreboding, set in motion the gears of the plot, foretelling Macbeth’s rise to power. However, it is not fate alone that guides the course of events; rather, it is the response of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to these prophecies that truly steers the story. Their decisions, driven by ambition and a lust for power, are acts of free will that catalyze the tragic unfolding of events.

Macbeth’s transformation from a loyal and honorable nobleman to a tyrannical ruler encapsulates the complex interplay of fate and choice. His initial reluctance to act on the witches’ prophecy is swiftly overcome by his and his wife’s deliberate and conscious decisions to murder King Duncan. This pivotal act of regicide is a clear exercise of free will, a deliberate step that aligns with the fated kingship but at a terrible moral cost. The subsequent reign of Macbeth is marked by increasing paranoia and tyrannical behavior, suggesting that once the natural order is disrupted by free will, chaos and guilt become inevitable companions.

Lady Macbeth, equally complicit in the unraveling of their fated fortunes, exhibits the psychological turmoil of their choices. Her initial steely resolve and manipulation of Macbeth to commit the murder gradually give way to guilt and madness. Her descent into insanity, culminating in her tragic death, is a stark representation of the psychological burden of exercising free will against ethical principles.

The play also delves into the futility of trying to manipulate or escape one’s destiny. Macbeth’s murder of Banquo, prompted by the fear of losing his power, is a futile attempt to challenge fate. Banquo’s ghost at the banquet is a haunting reminder that one cannot easily evade the consequences of their actions, even if they are predestined. Furthermore, Macbeth’s attempt to thwart the prophecy concerning Macduff leads to the massacre of Macduff’s family, a horrific act that only hastens Macbeth’s downfall. This sequence of events underscores the destructive nature of attempting to control or divert fate through morally reprehensible actions.

In a broader sense, “Macbeth” is a profound commentary on the human condition, grappling with the eternal questions of destiny and agency. The characters, especially Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become embodiments of the struggle between predetermined paths and the choices that individuals make and we will dive into that below. 

Generally speaking, through “Macbeth,” Shakespeare masterfully illustrates that while fate may lay the groundwork, it is ultimately free will and personal choice that shape our lives, often with irreversible and tragic consequences.

Key Scenes in the Depiction of Fate and Free Will

Several scenes in “Macbeth” are pivotal to understanding the interplay of fate and free will. The opening scene, where the Weird Sisters reveal their prophecies, sets the stage for this dynamic. Here, fate presents itself, yet it is Macbeth’s reaction to the prophecy of becoming king that sparks the chain of events leading to his ascent and downfall.

Fate vs Free Will in Macbeth

Another crucial scene is Macbeth’s soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 7, where he contemplates the moral implications of murdering King Duncan. This moment of introspection underscores the role of personal choice, indicating that despite the prophecy, Macbeth has the agency to make his own decisions.

Furthermore, the banquet scene in Act 3, where Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost, is significant in the context of free will. Macbeth’s guilt manifests as a hallucination, a result of his conscious choice to murder. This scene illustrates the internal conflict and the psychological repercussions of exercising free will against moral judgment.

Characters Caught in the Conflict of Fate and Free Will

In the narrative of “Macbeth,” characters are continually caught in the crossfire between fate vs free will in Macbeth, each responding uniquely to this conflict. Macbeth, the central figure of the play, epitomizes this struggle. Initially portrayed as a brave and noble soldier, Macbeth’s encounter with the Weird Sisters ignites a latent ambition within him. Their prophecy plants a seed of future possibilities in his mind:

“All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” . (Act 1, Scene 3)

Yet, it is not fate alone that seals Macbeth’s destiny. His own decisions, significantly influenced by Lady Macbeth’s persuasive words propel him down a dark path,

“Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it” . (Act 1, Scene 5)

His exercise of free will, choosing to murder King Duncan, marks the beginning of his moral decline and paves the way to his tragic end. Macbeth’s journey thus becomes a cautionary tale about the perils of letting unchecked ambition and manipulable free will override ethical judgment.

Lady Macbeth, a pivotal character in this thematic exploration, undergoes a dramatic transformation. Initially, she emerges as a powerful figure, inciting Macbeth to seize his destiny. Her next famous lines reflect her manipulative nature and determination

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” . (Act 1, Scene 5)

However, as the play progresses, the weight of their choices begins to haunt her. The psychological burden of their free-willed actions manifests in her descent into madness, symbolized by her obsessive hand-washing and her lamentation,

“Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” (Act 5, Scene 1)

Her tragic fate illustrates the profound psychological cost of aggressively pursuing a destiny that requires moral compromise.

In contrast, Banquo serves as a moral foil to Macbeth. He too hears the witches’ prophecies, including the promise of a royal lineage,

“Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none” . (Act 1, Scene 3)

However, Banquo’s reaction is markedly different. He chooses a more passive stance, allowing fate to take its course without resorting to manipulation or violence. This approach sets him apart from Macbeth, underscoring the play’s exploration of free will versus predestined fate. Banquo’s character challenges the notion that one must actively shape destiny, suggesting that ethical integrity and a hands-off approach to fate can coexist.

Through these characters, Shakespeare intricately weaves a narrative that not only entertains but also provokes deep contemplation about the forces of fate and the power of personal choice. Each character’s journey through this thematic landscape adds layers of complexity to the play’s exploration of these timeless concepts.

In conclusion, “Macbeth” presents a nuanced exploration of fate and free will, suggesting that while our lives may be influenced by predetermined paths, it is our actions and choices that ultimately define our journey. Shakespeare uses Macbeth’s tragic story to illustrate the complexity of these concepts and their profound impact on human behavior and psychology. The interplay of fate and free will in “Macbeth” not only drives the plot but also serves as a timeless reflection on the human condition, reminding us of the power of personal choice in shaping our destinies.

How is fate and free will presented in Macbeth essay?

In the play “Macbeth,” Shakespeare intertwines the concepts of fate and free will to explore the consequences of human actions. Fate is presented through the prophecies of the Weird Sisters, which seem to set Macbeth on a path of inevitable downfall. However, the play also delves deeply into the concept of free will. Macbeth’s actions, driven by ambition and spurred by Lady Macbeth, show a conscious choice to follow a path of treachery and murder. This blend of fate and free will suggests that while destiny might lay out certain paths, individuals still have the power to make choices that impact their outcomes.

How does fate compare to free will in Macbeth Act 2?

In Act 2 of “Macbeth,” the tension between fate and free will becomes more pronounced. The act begins with Macbeth contemplating the murder of King Duncan, wrestling with his conscience and the moral repercussions of his intended actions. Despite the prophecies that imply his rise to power, it’s Macbeth’s free will that ultimately drives him to commit regicide. This act exemplifies the struggle between the destined kingship suggested by the witches and Macbeth’s own agency in bringing about his rise and subsequent fall. The act underscores that while fate might provide a framework, free will allows individuals to choose their paths, albeit with potentially tragic consequences.

What is the view of fate in Macbeth?

In “Macbeth,” fate is viewed as a mysterious and inescapable force that predetermines certain events in life. The Weird Sisters symbolize this force, delivering prophecies that foretell Macbeth’s future, including his ascent to the throne. These prophecies set the stage for the play’s events, creating an atmosphere where Macbeth’s fate seems predetermined. However, Shakespeare subtly suggests that while fate may lay out certain paths, it does not absolve individuals from the consequences of their actions, nor does it eliminate the role of personal choice. Thus, the view of fate in “Macbeth” is complex, serving as a catalyst for action while still leaving room for personal agency and moral responsibility.

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The conflict of Macbeth’s fate vs free will

macbeth fate vs free will essay conclusion

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In William Shakespeare’s 17th century play “Macbeth”, the division of determined fate and free will carries out a crucial role as a key theme throughout the tragedy. On the one hand, pointing to the destiny determined at birth, possible fate may seem naturally beyond the control of mere mortals. On the other hand, free will is close to the fundamental idea that every event that happens to us is the result of some other action performed by our own choice. In contrast to the understanding based solely on fate as the leading driving force, Shakespeare, on the contrary, expresses free will at the heart of Macbeth’s decisions, thus showing fate is under the control of the actor.

macbeth fate vs free will essay conclusion

Macbeth’s fate vs free will

To begin with, when the play starts with the predictive words of the witches, we realize that fate is the primary motive of the story, however, the eventual results are typically caused by a tragic series of personal decisions that coincide with the prophecies. For example, when Shakespeare points out that “The Witches are an enactment of the irrational” (2.3.17), he then demonstrates how even their fates are subordinate to the will of Macbeth, who makes his mind up. This is understandable from the behavior of Macbeth, who rationalizes everything he is told and arranges his actions by reacting to what is happening, not by blindly trusting his predetermined destiny. Shakespeare skillfully creates words of witches: “Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn, The power of man, for none of woman born, Shall harm Macbeth” (4.1.90-92). Each of these actions represents a choice to which the witches urge Macbeth, as evidenced by the imperative tone conveyed by the vivid verbs. If fate was genuinely the most significant element of the work, the witches would not need to insist on such treatment. Undoubtedly, the meaning ascribed to the verb “to be” indicates that the free will of man remains still a determining factor in his future.

In addition, Macbeth’s fall at the hands of Macduff is a similar point of acrimonious dispute between fate and free will. Foreshadowing this event, the witches address Macbeth in the second phantasm, “The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” (4.1.91.). This was a crucial turning point in the tragedy, which aptly shows the superiority of free will in Macbeth’s murder of Duncan to become king. Although these events were described in the prophecy, the murder itself came as an unfortunate result of Macbeth carrying out his own plan. He could have ended up becoming king, even if he had done nothing, but the plot of Shakespeare’s play instead depicts a consistent path that successfully connects the original prophecy with its fulfillment. The perception of fate, in his opinion, may be just a coincidence. “All hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, thou shall be King hereafter!” (1.3.49). Duncan’s two sons run away to avoid being unjustly suspected of committing a crime they did not commit — the murder of their own father.

macbeth fate vs free will essay conclusion

Ultimately, paying attention to Macbeth’s communication with Lady Macbeth reveals the sinister intentions that drive his every action. “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none.” (1.7.50-52). From this interaction, we understand that Macbeth does not succumb to fate, but tries to achieve everything to bring his and his wife’s intentions to life. The way we perceive situations that happen to us or make decisions is influenced by our inner fears, the environment each of us lives in and expectations of our family. We all cultivate inner morals, values that we try to follow, thus we can see things in another way and make different decisions, just like Macbeth, who wanted to capture the crown and decided to kill so many innocent lives.

Macbeth’s choice to act on the prophecies given to him by the three wicked witches demonstrates that although characters are influenced by others, ultimately, their decisions are what they stick to and what most affect their lives. For example, at the heart of Shakespeare’s story, Macbeth’s murder of Duncan leads to his own death at the hands of the relentless Macduff. This is not cruel fate, but an apparent consequence that happened with Macbeth’s own choice. Fate, as Shakespeare shows, exists purely in a coincidence of circumstances, guided by much more influential decisions that a person is free to make.

macbeth fate vs free will essay conclusion

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macbeth fate vs free will essay conclusion




Essay: Macbeth – fate and free will

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  • Subject area(s): Literature essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
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  • Published: 22 January 2022*
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  • Words: 1,308 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: Macbeth essays

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Elbert Hubbard, an American Writer, once said, “Life is a compromise between fate and free will.” There is a constant struggle between what fate decides, and what the consequences of free will lead up to. Even if the end of a pathway is predetermined by fate, the way it is reached is through one’s own decisions made by free will. The consequences of these actions made in free will then determines how one comes about their destiny. In Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, the characters suffer fated deaths resulted from their actions. Fate and free will cohesively go hand in hand ultimately leading up to the deaths of Duncan, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth. The death of Duncan is determined by fate and free will because the actions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth led to his death. When Macbeth comes across the witches, they reveal to him that he, “Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter” (1.3.53), and he becomes ambitious to reach that position quickly. Throughout the play, Macbeth solely lives by the witches’ prophecies, basing his decisions off of what they say. At the time this prophecy was stated, Duncan was King of Scotland. Previously, the witches tell Macbeth that he would be Thane of Cawdor, which became true, so Macbeth believed in the accuracy of the prophecies. This persuaded Macbeth that it was in his fate that he would become King of Scotland, since it was predetermined by the witches. As it was Macbeth’s fate to become King of Scotland, it correlated that Duncan’s fate would be death, in order to fulfill the prophecy. Although it may seem that Duncan’s death was fate, Macbeth’s free will determined how he would take Duncan’s throne. After Macbeth heard his prophecy, he told Lady Macbeth his fate. She suggested that he should kill Duncan, and starts to plan the murder. Initially Macbeth was rather reluctant to Lady Macbeth’s idea of murder, however she later persuaded him into following through with the assassination. As Macbeth saw the blade, he asks, “Is this a dagger which I see before me,/ The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch/ thee” (2.1.44-46). Macbeth decides that he will murder Duncan out of his own free will. He explicitly asks for the dagger, “Come let me clutch thee” showing the desire behind his actions. Macbeth’s free will changes proportionally with his characterization, because he went from viewing murder as impure, to now committing one himself. As his values and perceptions change, Macbeth acts differently, which overall influences his free will. Fate and free will are both accountable for Duncan’s death because of the actions Macbeth took to fulfill the witches’ prophecy that he would become king. Lady Macbeth’s free will led to her negative influence on Macbeth, and eventually resulted in her fate, her death. At the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth’s characterization was headstrong and powerful. She serves as the main influence for Macbeth to murder Duncan, as she extensively argues against Macbeth, demanding that he must follow through with the murder. She uses his own manhood against him by stating, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; / And, to be more than what you were, you would / be so much more the man” (1.7.56-58). Lady Macbeth was the first to know when Macbeth had heard the prophecy of becoming King of Scotland, and was overjoyed by the news. She made sure that he would fulfill his prophecy, regardless of any circumstances. She harshly criticizes Macbeth for not wanting to commit the murder, depreciating him as being less than a so called “man.” Her argument is effective, as Macbeth successfully committed the murder. Lady Macbeth misuses her free will, as she only looks in interest of herself and Macbeth, not considering anybody else being affected by her actions. A change in her characterization occurs after Macbeth had become King of Scotland and abused his power by ordering unnecessary murders. Lady Macbeth becomes overwhelmed with guilt as she was the one who forced the impurity in Macbeth, driving her to be mentally and emotionally unstable. She has a gentlewoman to take care of her, and one day a Doctor comes to visit. He evaluates, “Unnatural deeds/ do breed unnatural troubles. Infected minds/ to their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets./ More needs she the divine than the physician” (5.1.75-78). Lady Macbeth’s fate is determined by her free will because her “unnatural deeds” drove her to have an “infected mind” which is out of the Doctor’s control. Her fate is death, as the Doctor believes that there is nothing that can be done to cure her of her troubles. Lady Macbeth’s free will of previous constraint upon Macbeth has led her to feel responsible for Macbeth’s presiding actions. Macbeth kills former friends who he believes are now enemies, susceptible people, and harmless families, showing the impact of Lady Macbeth’s free will. She eventually commits suicide because the pain was unbearable. If Lady Macbeth had not been so forceful towards Macbeth killing Duncan, he would not have gone insane, and she would not have felt guilty. Fate and free will determine Lady Macbeth’s death because her guilt was oppressive causing her suicide. Macbeth’s death came from his free will to ignore his fate. The witches tell Macbeth his fate through various prophecies which change Macbeth’s characterization dramatically throughout the play. He becomes overconfident in his actions as the witches relieve his worries of anybody killing him. Macbeth begins the play as a pure and caring soldier, but eventually turns into an evil tyrant. Once he fulfilled the witches’ prophecy of becoming King of Scotland, he began to misuse his control of the country. Macbeth states, “The castle of Macduff I will surprise, / seize upon Fife, give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword / His wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls / That trace him in his line…/ This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool” (4.1.171-175). To ensure his own safety, Macbeth decided to kill anyone that is related to Macduff. A king must put his country before himself, but we see the opposite in Macbeth’s rule. Macbeth is doing everything in his power to protect himself, rather than his country. The witches’ prophecies did not specify his rule, only that he is destined to be King of Scotland, therefore it was Macbeth’s free will that he became a tyrant. We see Macbeth approaching his fate when Macduff comes to battle. During the fight, Macbeth’s last few words were, “Before my body / I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff, / And damned be him that first cries, ‘Hold! Enough!’” (5.8.37-39). Macduff had killed Macbeth, which was Macbeth’s fate. Macbeth had severely misused his power, resulting in the retaliation of his people, leading to his own death. Fate and free will were responsible for the death of Macbeth, because his unfair ruling angered the people, leading them to avenge. Macbeth, being overconfident, was not prepared for this comeback, and was consequently defeated. Macbeth’s fate was determined by his inconsiderate previous actions, or free will, which led Macduff to murder Macbeth. Fate and free will work together interchangeably to determine the deaths of Duncan, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth. Fate is predetermined, but the way in which we reach it, is due to our free will. One’s decision will not only impact how they reach their own fate, but also other’s fate. Before making outrageous choices, one must consider the effects it may have on other people and to be mindful of everyone’s lives. Although one may not be able to change their destiny, they can still change their actions and perception to be respectful towards others. 2019-3-11-1552296886

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