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Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 15, 2021 by Sandeep

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay: Some days are memorable and cherished for a lifetime. A rare moment on a special day undoubtedly becomes the happiest day in a person’s life. It brings joy and happiness to the person and creates room for celebration. Enthusiasm fills in the person’s heart, and his happiness seems to have no barriers. Prosperity, success, achievement and accomplishments are well-defined moments when we feel the happiest.

Essay on Happiest Day of My Life in 500 Words

Below we have provided Happiest Day of My Life Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

“ Happiness does not depend on what we have; it depends on how we feel towards what we have. We can be happy with little and miserable with much.” ~ William D. Hoard

Fighting with our friends is a now and then activity. But what is even more common? Having arguments with our parents. I am going to tell you about an episode that happened in my life when I was in the 10th standard. I used to go to my tuition classes from 5 pm to 7 pm every Monday to Friday. One evening, when I was walking down the stairs of the tuition centre, my friends and I decided to stop and eat ice cream. I knew my taste buds were about to be delighted!

After finishing my ice cream, I bid farewell to my friends, took an auto and reached home. I could see my mother standing at the gate and my father about to start the car. My mother’s eyes were watery. But I could sense that she breathed a sigh of relief the moment she saw me. As soon as I entered the drawing-room, my mother and my father walked in behind me. They were now looking at me angrily.

They started shouting at me. They asked me why I was late and why I hadn’t informed them. My parents said that they were extremely worried about me. My mother told me that she couldn’t stop thinking that something terrible had happened to me. My father reminded me that in a city like Delhi, where the crime rate is so high, I ought to be more careful and responsible. I felt irritated and agitated by their sudden outburst.

I still remember the exact words that I uttered out of my mouth, “When did eating an ice cream become such a big crime? Why do you have to overreact all the time? I wish I didn’t have parents; maybe then I would’ve been entitled to some freedom. It is impossible to live with you.” My parents turned silent, and I went stomping into my room.

The next day my father told us to get into the car, but he didn’t disclose where we were going. Everyone remained silent for the whole trip. In about 25 minutes, the car came to a halt in front of an orphanage. I did not know what my father had in mind. We all made our way into the orphanage, and my father told me to interact with the kids there.

All the kids at the orphanage were very welcoming and warm. None of them had any parents. A lot of them told me their stories. Reshma, a girl of 10, said to me that her mother died while giving birth to her and she never saw her dad. She was brought here when she was just a baby.

An orphanage is not the most amusing place. The rooms there were small and cramped. They did not have an air conditioner or even a cooler. None of them had been to a restaurant or an amusement park. They rarely got a cake or chocolates to eat. None of the toys that they had was in good condition. Sneha, another girl at the orphanage, told me that there were many nights when she felt lonely.

She told me, “Not one day has passed when I haven’t missed my parents. I would give anything in the world to be with them for just one day.” I realized that the things we take for granted, they dream of them. I walked out towards the main gate and saw my parents talking to the caretaker. I had never been happier to see them. That day I learnt the value of having parents, the importance of having a family.

I ran towards my mother, hugged her and burst into tears. That day was the best and indeed the happiest of my life. I realized that my parents would always be there for me. They would stand beside me through thick and thin. Having parents is not simply normal; it is a blessing which not everyone gets. I apologised to my parents for the previous night’s behaviour and thanked my father for teaching me this lesson.

My father told me something in my ear, and I quickly ran towards the car. I opened the trunk and retrieved a big box of chocolates and candies. My mother also came to help me with the other package which had crayons and colouring books in it. I distributed these things among the children at the orphanage with my own hands. I can’t possibly describe how happy and delighted they were.

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The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay 250 Words

Today, I’m going to take you on a journey to a day filled with sunshine and joy – the happiest day of my life! It’s like a storybook moment that I’ll always hold close to my heart.

Table of Contents

The Happiest Day of My Life: A Memory to Treasure

The happiest day of my life began with a feeling of excitement in the air. It’s like the night before a big adventure. I woke up with a smile on my face, knowing that something special was about to happen.

A Surprise Awaits – The Unexpected Gift

Little did I know that this day was going to be extraordinary. It’s like finding a hidden treasure in an ordinary day. My family had planned a surprise trip to the zoo, a place I had always dreamed of visiting.

The Journey Begins – On the Road to Happiness

As we headed to the zoo, my heart was filled with anticipation. It’s like setting sail on a ship of wonder. I imagined all the amazing animals I would see and the adventures that awaited.

Meeting New Friends – The Animal Kingdom

The moment we entered the zoo, it was like stepping into a magical world. I saw lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). It’s like meeting new friends who were part of an incredible animal kingdom. Their beauty and grace left me in awe.

A Picnic Surprise – Lunchtime Delight

My family had prepared a surprise picnic lunch. It’s like a feast fit for royalty. We enjoyed sandwiches, fruit, and my favorite chocolate chip cookies. Eating amidst the sounds of nature was a delightful experience.

Fun and Laughter – Adventures at Every Turn

The zoo was full of adventures. It’s like a treasure trove of laughter and excitement. I saw playful monkeys swinging from trees, colorful parrots chattering away, and even had the chance to feed a friendly giraffe.

A Special Encounter – Meeting My Favorite Animal

The highlight of the day was meeting my favorite animal, the panda. It’s like a dream come true. I watched in awe as the panda chewed bamboo and played around. It felt like the panda and I shared a secret connection.

The Joy of Learning – Zoo Facts Galore

The zoo wasn’t just fun; it was educational too. It’s like a classroom in the great outdoors. I learned about conservation, animal habitats, and the importance of protecting our planet. It inspired me to care for our environment.

A Day of Bonding – Family Love

The happiest day of my life was also a day of bonding with my family. It’s like strengthening the ties that hold us together. We laughed, explored, and created memories that will forever be etched in our hearts.

The Sunset of Happiness – Heading Home

As the sun began to set, it was like the perfect ending to a perfect day. I felt tired but incredibly happy. It’s like watching the curtain close on a magical performance. We headed home, knowing that this day would live on in our memories.

Conclusion: A Day to Remember

The happiest day of my life was like a gift wrapped in joy and surprise. It’s a memory that warms my heart on even the coldest days. The smiles, the laughter, and the sense of wonder made it a day I’ll cherish forever.

Author’s Note:

I hope you enjoyed reliving the happiest day of my life with me! It’s like opening a treasure chest of memories. If you want to share your own special moments or chat about anything else, just let me know!

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The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay

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The Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph in 100 to 300 Words for Students

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Do you remember a day that was so special, it felt like everything was just perfect? A day when joy seemed to fill every moment, making it unforgettable. This feeling, this incredible experience, is what we call the happiest day of our life. Everyone has a day like this, a treasure chest of memories that brings a smile whenever we think about it. In this article, we’re going to explore what makes these days so magical. It’s not just about what happens, but how it makes us feel and the lasting impact it has on us. As we dive into this journey, let’s discover together the essence of these joyful days and what they mean to each of us.

Paragraph on The Happiest day of my life

Table of Contents

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 100 words

The happiest day of my life was when I won the national science fair. After months of hard work and dedication, my project on renewable energy was recognized by esteemed judges from all over India. This achievement not only made my parents and teachers proud but also inspired me to pursue my passion for science with even more zeal. Standing on the stage, holding the trophy high, I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and joy. It was a moment of validation for my interest in science, and it motivated me to dream bigger and work harder towards my academic goals.

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 150 words

The happiest day of my life was when I received the news that I had topped my school in the Board exams. This achievement was the result of countless hours of study, consistent hard work, and the support of my family and teachers. The joy of seeing my name at the top of the list was unparalleled. It was not just a personal victory but a shared one, as it brought happiness and pride to everyone who had been part of my journey.

This milestone in my academic career taught me the value of perseverance and dedication. It also instilled in me a sense of responsibility towards maintaining my academic excellence. Celebrating this achievement with my classmates, teachers, and family was a moment filled with gratitude and happiness, making it truly the happiest day of my life.

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 200 words

The happiest day of my life unfolded when I was selected to represent my school at an international science symposium held in New Delhi. Being chosen among numerous talented peers, based on my project on sustainable agriculture practices, was a moment of immense pride and joy. The preparation for this event involved rigorous research, experiments, and presentation rehearsals, which were both challenging and exhilarating.

The opportunity to discuss my findings with international experts and like-minded students from various parts of the world was a dream come true. The accolades I received not only boosted my confidence but also fueled my aspiration to contribute meaningfully to environmental science. This experience broadened my horizons, exposed me to diverse perspectives, and underscored the importance of global collaboration in addressing pressing environmental issues.

Returning to my school with a certificate of excellence, I was greeted with cheers and admiration from my peers and teachers. This recognition was not just for my individual effort but also a testament to the collective support and encouragement I received from my academic community. This day marked a significant milestone in my educational journey, reinforcing my passion for science and research, and remains etched in my memory as the happiest day of my life.

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 250 words

The happiest day of my life occurred when I achieved first place in the All India Essay Writing Competition. The morning air was crisp, and as I sat in the vast hall filled with bright minds from across the country, I could feel the anticipation in the air. When my name echoed through the speakers, it felt like a dream. Walking up to the stage, my steps were light, my heart filled with an indescribable mixture of pride and joy.

This wasn’t just an accolade; it was recognition of my love for writing, my ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively, and my dedication to understanding and exploring diverse topics. This award was a milestone that marked the culmination of many nights spent researching, writing, and refining my work. It underscored the importance of communication, the power of words, and the impact they can have on the world.

Celebrating this moment with my mentors and peers, who had always encouraged my passion for writing, was immensely gratifying. This achievement not only boosted my confidence but also motivated me to pursue further academic and creative endeavors with even greater enthusiasm and determination. It was a day that reinforced my belief in the power of hard work, the importance of intellectual growth, and the joy of achieving one’s goals. This unforgettable day remains a source of inspiration, reminding me that through dedication and persistence, one can achieve greatness.

The happiest day of my life Paragraph in 300 words

The happiest day of my life was when I achieved the highest score in my school’s annual science exhibition, a significant milestone that filled me with immense joy and pride. This event was not just a competition but a culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and a deep passion for science. My project was on renewable energy sources, a topic I chose because of its importance in today’s world. The journey to the exhibition day was filled with challenges, including balancing my regular studies with the extensive research and experimentation my project required. However, my family, teachers, and friends supported me at every step, providing me with the encouragement and resources I needed.

The process taught me the value of perseverance, time management, and the importance of practical application of theoretical knowledge. As I worked on my project, I delved into various scientific principles, learning more about solar and wind energy. I experimented with different models to demonstrate how these clean energy sources could be harnessed efficiently. This hands-on experience not only expanded my understanding of science but also highlighted the potential impact of sustainable practices on our environment.

The day of the exhibition was a flurry of excitement. Students from different classes displayed their projects, ranging from environmental solutions to innovative technological models. The atmosphere was buzzing with creativity and the exchange of ideas. When my project was judged, I explained my findings and model with confidence, fueled by my passion for the subject. The judges were impressed with the depth of my research and the practicality of my project.

The announcement of the winners was a moment of suspense for everyone. Hearing my name called out as the first prize winner was a moment of sheer elation. My heart swelled with happiness as I walked up to receive my award amidst applause. This achievement was more than just a personal victory; it was a validation of my hard work and a testament to the support I received from my well-wishers.

Reflecting on this memorable day, I realize it was not just the triumph but the journey that made it the happiest day of my life. It taught me valuable lessons about determination, innovation, and the importance of contributing positively to society. This experience has inspired me to pursue my interests with even greater enthusiasm and to aim for excellence in all my academic endeavors.

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Happiest Day of My Life Essay | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words | Power of Happiness

Happiest day of my life essay.

We have provided below short and long examples of happiest day of my life essay for your information. After going through these essays you will be able to compose write any short and long essays on best day of my life. Go through and start understanding how we write essay on happiest day in my life.

Happiest Day of My Life Essay- 100 Words

The happiest day of my life was when I turned twelve. It was a bright and sunny day, and everything felt perfect. I woke up with excitement bubbling inside me, knowing that today was my special day. As I walked downstairs, my parents greeted me with a big smile and a birthday cake adorned with candles. I blew out the candles, making a wish deep in my heart. Later, my friends came over, and we played games, laughed, and ate delicious food. The joy in my heart was overflowing, and I felt surrounded by love. That day, I received many presents, but the best gift was the happiness I felt in every moment. It was a day filled with laughter, joy , and memories that will stay with me forever. The happiest day of my life was a day I will always cherish.

Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph- 150 words

The happiest day of my life was when I won the school spelling bee. It was a sunny day, and I was nervous but excited. I stood on the stage with butterflies in my stomach. The principal announced the words. I spelled each word carefully. I was a little nervous also and my heart was pounding with every letter. The competition was tough, but I stayed focused and gave it my all. Finally, the moment came when I spelled the last word correctly. The audience erupted in applause, and I couldn’t believe it—I had won! My parents cheered loudly, and my friends ran up to congratulate me. It was an amazing feeling to win the competition. I was on top of the world. That day, I felt proud of my hard work and determination. It was a day I will always remember with a big smile on my face.

Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph edumantra.net

10 Lines on the Happiest Day of my Life

  • The happiest day of my life was when I woke up to a surprise party just for me!
  • There were colorful balloons, a delicious cake, and all my friends shouting with joy!
  • I received wonderful presents and we laughed and laughed, making my heart feel light.
  • We played so many fun games, and I couldn’t stop smiling, oh what a delight!
  • My mom and dad’s love shone brightly like a twinkling star in the sky.
  • When I blew out the candles, I made a special wish, hoping it would reach up high.
  • Everyone gave me big hugs and wore the biggest smiles, love filled the air all around.
  • It was the best day ever, filled with laughter, fun, and joy that we found.
  • I felt so lucky and grateful, like I was the happiest kid in the whole wide world.
  • That day will always be my favorite memory, my happiest day, where happiness unfurled .

10 Lines on the Happiest Day of my Life edumantra.net

Essay on Happiest Day in My Life- 200 Words

The happiest day of my life was when my science project won first place at the school science fair . It was a day filled with excitement and anticipation. For weeks, I had worked tirelessly on my project, conducting experiments, researching, and putting together a captivating display. When the day of the science fair arrived, I set up my project with care, making sure everything was in place. As the judges went around, I explained my project with enthusiasm and confidence. When the time came for the awards ceremony, my heart raced with nervousness. The principal took the stage and started announcing the winners. When he called my name for first place, my eyes widened in disbelief. I had done it! A surge of happiness rushed through me, and I could hardly contain my joy. My parents beamed with pride, and my classmates cheered for me. It was an unforgettable moment. Receiving the first-place trophy was an incredible validation of my hard work and dedication. It made me realize that with determination and passion, I could achieve anything. That day, I felt a sense of accomplishment that was unparalleled. It was a day that taught me the power of perseverance and ignited my love for science even more. The memories of that day will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Essay on Happiest Day in My Life – 300 Words

Such happiest days in one’s life are quite a few and rare. They come once in a blue moon. They do not visit us every day. If someday is `happiest’ for someone, it may be ‘saddest’ for somebody else. All days are not equal. Some may be quite cheerful. Others may be sorrowful. Life is visited by weals and woes by turn. If you are sad today, you may be pretty glad the next day. Someone wins a lottery on a particular day. That day becomes for him the happiest day of his life. One gets plucked in the examination; he calls this day as the most miserable. But in my life, the happiest day is 17th September. I was born on this day. It was on Saturday. People take pride in their birthdays. They attach special importance to such days when they saw the light of the day. So for me, my birthday is a significant day. Relatives and friends come to me. They share my happiness. They partake cake, sweets and dinner. Choicest dishes are prepared. The house is decorated, electric bulbs and tubes are lighted. Canopy is hung. Mats, carpets and rugs are spread out. The cake is ordered. It is brought and cut. All wish me a happy birthday. They cheer me, they sing songs, they dance. The whole atmosphere pervades with joy. I become the hero of the day. Eat and drink goes on long in the night. Gifts and presents are heaped on me. I feel excessively jubilant and gay. I celebrate this day with great pomp and show. I wait for this day for days together. Every year this date reminds me that I am older by one year. It is a day of reckoning (thinking) for me. I assess my success and failure. I take account of my failings. I resolve to be just and considerate. I vow to be sincere to my friends, relatives and my country. It is a day of great rejoicings and merry-makings for me and for my family. Every year this day is the happiest day of my life. My happiness is unbounded. It is limitless. It has its own charms and attractions. Hove this day very much; but sorry it comes once in a year.

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Happiest day of my life essay- 450 words.

Happiest Day of My Life edumantra.net

There is hardly any living being who has never gone through ups and downs in his life. Life is full of incidents both good and bad. Some of them may be forgotten with the passage of time whereas others leave an everlasting imprint on the mind. One feels delighted when fortune favours one but one plunges into despair during misfortunes. A wise man is one who is neither overjoyed in prosperity nor takes adversity to heart. Last year, I passed the Senior School Certificate Examination. Though I had given it my best shot, I was not confident of scoring too well. Anything less than a first division would certainly throw a spanner in the path of my future career. The day before the result was expected, I spent a restless night. Early next morning, I along with a few friends hurried to school and went straight to the display board. Starting at eye level I went down the list, with my heartbeat going up as I reached the bottom. My name was not there. With a heavy heart, I ran my eyes up to the list. And there! I looked again. Yes, it was my name—second in the list. Not only had I secured the first division, but also stood second in my class. God fulfilled my desires. I felt grateful to Him. My friends also passed, securing good marks. In order to celebrate our success, we decided to go to a picnic. We reached Okhla, a lovely picnic resort, at 12 noon. The heavy rush of visitors could not deter our enthusiasm as we sought out a huge banyan tree on the banks of the canal. We spread out our mats and opened up the food hamper. The lively music and delicious food swept away all the tension of the past few days. The idyllic atmosphere was abruptly broken by some loud cries. The sound came from the canal side. I immediately rushed towards the canal and was shocked to see a boy drowning. He was crying for help. I jumped into the canal and swam towards the drowning boy. After a great struggle, I dragged him towards the bank. He was in a very bad state. When I observed him carefully, I was surprised to see that he was an old classmate of mine. He was given medical aid and after some time, he regained consciousness. I was delighted to see him recovering. My joy knew no bounds because I had saved the life of a boy, who happened to be my old classmate. It was a day of great joy and happiness. Not only did I secure the second position, but also did a brave and noble act by saving a boy from the jaws of death. This day would go down as one of the happiest days of my life.

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English Aspirants

A Memorable Day in My Life [100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words]

A Memorable Day in My Life: W all have at least one memorable day in our life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on ‘a most memorable day in my life’. Here you’ll get to read 4 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Memorable Day in My Life: 100 Words

During the summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with my parents. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. Everywhere there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. Mussoorie is Rightly called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy.

My parents took me to Lal Tibba, the highest point in Mussoorie. Lal Tibba provides a mesmerizing view of Himalayan mountain peaks. I was mesmerized to see beautiful scenery and high mountains. We also visited Happy Valley, Kempty Falls and Mussoorie lake. Visiting Mussoorie was the most memorable incident in my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Memorable Day of My Life: 120 Words

Last month, our school arranged a trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The beauty of the Taj Mahal seemed to have no parallel.  It is made of white marble on the bank of the river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees, colourful flowers, and rows of mountains. Many precious gems and stones are seen set on the tomb.

I found in the Taj Mahal the artistic and cultural heritage of India. Every stone of this building tells the story of the true love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. The white marble structure unrolled before me a new world of beauty. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty and grandeur. That’s why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. I was greatly charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a white. It was undoubtedly the most memorable day of my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

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Most Memorable Day of My Life: 150 Words

A memorable incident is an incident which leaves an everlasting impression on our minds. The most memorable incident of my life is when I got an opportunity to exhibit my talent on stage in front of a huge audience. I always dreamt of becoming a singer. As a kid, I used my toothbrush as the mike and treated my dolls as my audience.

I was enrolled in a vocal training course in an eminent singer’s singing class and from there, based on my performance I was selected to display my skills at the Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. Initially, I was a bit nervous, but got over it soon when I heard the tune. My performance was well received and the audience acclaimed me with their applauds and kept yelling “once more”. The incident made me feel on top of the world.

Most Memorable Day of My Life

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Memorable Day of My Life Essay: 200-250 Words

A moment which is sweet lasts long in our memory. I distinctly remember the day. My H. S. examination was over and I was having a relaxed time. One day, after spending the afternoon with my friends, I returned home.

My parents were waiting for me. Sister also came running. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand. They all seemed to be very excited and their faces bore reflections of animated joy. My sister shouted that there was a good news for me in the envelope and she would not tell unless she got a heavy bakshis.

After much cajoling, I could get the letter. Lo and behold! It was the admission letter from the I.I.T, Kharagpur. My joy then knew no bounds, I did quite well in the joint entrance examination. But to get selected finally in the highly competitive all-India test was something none could be sure of. In fact, I was a little tense to know the result.

Parents blessed me for my success. Neighbours also came. They all congratulated me again and again. I was lost in golden dreams. At last, I was going to join an institution of international fame! It was the happiest and most memorable day in my life because my future career got a definite direction that day. But that happy day taught me a lesson, too. I made up my mind to work hard in order to be successful in my career.

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describe the happiest day in your life essay

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Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life: A Personal Experience

Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life: Everyone has a happy day in their life that they will always cherish. For me, it was a day that I will never forget. The day was filled with so much joy and excitement, and it was an experience that has stayed with me ever since. In this blog The Happiest Day Of My Life, I will share my happiest day and what made it so special.

Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life

In this blog Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life , we include Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class and also for kids, children, and students. You can read more Essay writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life is also available in different languages. In Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life, the following features are explained in the given manner.

Setting The Scene

It was a warm summer day, and the sun was shining brightly. I woke up early, feeling excited about what the day would bring. I got dressed and headed out to the park, where my friends and family were waiting for me. We had planned a surprise birthday party for me, and I had no idea what was in store.

Building The Suspense

As the day went on, I began to feel more and more excited. My friends and family were acting strange, and I could tell that something big was about to happen. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation and wonder as I wondered what was in store for me.

Revealing The Happy Moment

Finally, the moment arrived. My best friend presented me with a beautifully wrapped gift, and as I opened it, I saw that it was a ticket to my dream destination – Hawaii! I was over the moon with excitement and couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a moment of pure joy and happiness that I will never forget.

That day was the happiest day of my life, and it was an experience that I will always cherish. It taught me the importance of cherishing happy moments and making the most of every opportunity. Looking back, I can see how that day has impacted my life in so many positive ways. It’s a reminder to always keep striving towards my dreams and to never give up on the things that bring me joy.

Revealing The Happy Moment

In conclusion, we all have happy moments that make life worth living. It’s important to hold on to these moments and cherish them, as they can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for years to come. Whether it’s a surprise party or a dream vacation, it’s the little things that make life worth living, and the happiest day of my life will always remind me of that.

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FAQ’s On Paragraph On Happiest Day Of My Life

Question 1. What is the happiest day in your life?

Answer: The happiest day in someone’s life could vary depending on individual experiences and circumstances, such as achieving a personal goal, getting married, the birth of a child, or achieving a long-term dream.

Question 2. How do you write a paragraph on the happiest day of your life?

Answer: To write a paragraph on the happiest day of your life, start by recalling the details of the day, including the people involved, the setting, and the specific event. Describe how you felt on that day and what made it so special. Use sensory language to paint a vivid picture of the experience and convey the emotions you felt. Finally, reflect on the lasting impact the experience had on your life.

Question 3. What is happy life paragraph?

Answer: A happy life paragraph is a brief piece of writing that describes the factors that contribute to a fulfilling and joyful existence. This may include things like meaningful relationships, financial stability, good health, personal growth, and a positive outlook on life.

It may also discuss the importance of finding balance and pursuing activities that bring a sense of purpose and contentment. Ultimately, a happy life paragraph encourages readers to cultivate happiness in their own lives by prioritizing the things that matter most.

Question 4. How can I have a happiest day?

Answer: To have the happiest day, you can start your day with gratitude, set achievable goals, spend time with loved ones, engage in activities that bring you joy, take care of your physical and mental health, and celebrate even the smallest achievements. Remember that happiness is a state of mind, and it’s important to prioritize your well-being and focus on the positive aspects of life.

Question 5. Who has the happiest life?

Answer: However, research suggests that people who have strong social connections, meaningful relationships, a sense of purpose, and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment tend to report higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction. Ultimately, the happiest life is one that aligns with an individual’s values, goals, and aspirations.

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500 Words Essay On Memorable Day of My Life

We have different types of days in our lives, some are ordinary while some are special. There are some days that get etched in our memories forever. Likewise, I also have a memorable day of my life that is very dear to me. The memories of this day are engraved in my heart and will remain so forever.

memorable day of my life

My Birthday- Memorable Day of My Life

My tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It is a day I can never forget and I consider it to be the best birthday yet. The day started just like any other normal day. However, as it kept progressing, a lot of exciting things began to happen.

I woke up very early on my birthday because I had to dress up in casual clothes for school . The day before, all my candies were ready that I would distribute in the classroom.

My mother prepared my favourite breakfast and gave me a big chocolate bar for lunch as well. I went to school and the whole class sang for me and congratulated me. It was the turn to distribute sweets.

My best friend and I went to all the teachers to distribute toffees and we had a great time there. Moreover, it was an incredible feeling. My friends were all singing for me and eager to come to my birthday party later in the evening.

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My Birthday Party

The birthday at my school was memorable but the birthday party at my home made the day even more memorable. Also, my mother invited all my friends from school and the colony to the party.

I received so many presents and we played a lot of games. We played games like musical chairs, tag, egg-and-spoon races, and more. There were so many songs playing so everyone did a special dance too.

The highlight of my birthday party was definitely my huge birthday cake. As I love superheroes, my mother got the cake customized with the superhero theme. It was very tasty too and in my favourite flavour.

I spent a lot of time with my family and friends that day. Everyone liked the return gifts as well and went home with a big smile on their faces.

Conclusion of Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Therefore, my tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It has given me so many happy memories that will remain with me forever. That day makes me feel blessed and lucky to have all those things in my life.

FAQ on Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Question 1: What is the meaning of a memorable day?

Answer 1:   When we say memorable, we refer to something that we cannot forget easily or something that left us excited. A memorable day is a day that one can recall easily as it is engraved in the memory.

Question 2: What can be an example of a memorable day?

Answer 2: Some people consider their birthday to be the most memorable day. While some consider it a family trip too. Similarly, some people may find their school picnic or fete to be the most memorable day.

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The Happiest Day of My Life Essay | Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Happiest Day of My Life essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

There is hardly any living being who has never gone through ups and downs in his life. Life is full of incidents r both good and bad. Some of them may be forgotten with the passage of time whereas others leave an everlasting imprint on the mind. One feels delighted when fortune favours one but one plunges into despair during misfortunes. A wise man is one who is neither overjoyed in prosperity nor takes adversity to heart.

Last year, I passed the Senior School Certificate Examination. Though I had given it my best shot, I was not confident of scoring too well. Anything less than a first division would certainly throw a spanner in the path of my future career. The day before the result was I expected, I spent a restless night. Early next morning, I along with a few friends hurried to school and went straight to the display board.

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay

Starting at eye level I went down the list, with my heartbeat going up as I reached the bottom. My name was not there. With a heavy heart I ran my eyes up the list. And there! I looked again. Yes, it was my name second in the list. Not only had I secured a first division, but also stood second in my class. God fulfilled my desires. I felt grateful to Him. My friends also passed, securing good marks. In order to celebrate our success we decided to go to for a picnic.

We reached Okhla, a lovely picnic resort, at 12 noon. The heavy rush of visitors could not deter our enthusiasm as we sought out a huge banyan tree on the banks of the canal. We spread out our mats and opened up the food hamper. The lively music and delicious food swept away all the tension of the past few days. The idealic atmosphere was abruptly broken by some loud cries. The sound came from the canal side. I immediately rushed towards the canal and was shocked to see a boy drowning. He was crying for help.

I jumped into the canal and swam towards the drowning boy. After a great struggle, I dragged him towards the bank. He was in a very bad state. When I observed him carefully, I was surprised to see that he was an old classmate of mine. He was given medical aid and after some time, he regained consciousness. I was delighted to see him recovering. My joy knew no bounds because I had saved the life of a boy, who happened to be my old classmate.

It was a day of great joy and happiness. Not only did I secure the second position, but also did a brave and noble act by saving a boy from the jaws of death. This day would go down as one of the happiest days of my life.

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Essay on “The Happiest Day of My Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on ‘The happiest day of my life’

5 Best Essays on “The Happiest Day of My Life”

Essay No. 01

Fifth June was the happiest day of my life. On this day class X CBSE examination result was declared. I had worked hard for the examination but never expected to top the list of meritorious candidates. I had doubts about securing a good mark on my social studies paper. I wasn’t very optimistic about the result. To my utter surprise, I topped the list of successful candidates.

This was the happiest day of my life. My friends and classmates congratulated me. I was congratulated by the Principal and teachers of my school. I had become the most important person on that day. My parents were proud of me. They embraced me with great love and affection with tears in their eyes. They were weeping out of joy. I felt highly honored by all my near and dear ones. I felt that it was the result of the proper guidance from my teachers, parents, and elders.

Next, I got several offers from different institutions and training courses. It was difficult for me which one to select for my future career.

Then I had a windfall. I bought a lottery ticket for a rupee. I received a telegram. I won the first prize of rupees one lakh. All the members of my family felt overjoyed at the news as I could take up the course of my choice without any burden on my parents.

In the evening we all went to Hanuman Mandir with sweets. We came back home and distributed the prasad among our neighbors. They all blessed me with a bright future. This was the happiest day of my life. I was overjoyed. My parents thanked God for his kind blessings which turned a new page in my life. This day will always remain fresh as long as I am alive.

The Happiest Day of My Life

Essay No. 02

Life is full of happy days and sad days, the latter being more common in life. A happy day is that day when everything seems to go well with life and loved ones, though these happy days are also different from each other due to the degree of happiness they impart.

The happiest day of my life is the day when my elder brother graduated from the IIT, Delhi. One would wonder why and how should that event make me so very happy, that, I earmark it as the happiest day of my life. Yes, I call this day the happiest day of my life up to now as, that day gave me a lot physically, mentally, and even financially. My elder brother is ten years senior to me and, I was still in the Seventh Standard last year when my brother passed out of the HT, Delhi, completing his graduation in Engineering. His result was announced in May. It was the 17th of May I remember, as, it was also the first day of my summer vacations. I was all set and relaxed for the long summer vacation when this happiest day came.

My brother came home at about 11 am and informed Mummy about his result. The news was hardly breathed out to Mummy that, the house forthwith reverberated with sounds and feelings of happiness. Mummy at once gave a ring to Daddy in his office giving him the news and, lo and behold believe me the telephone bell rang, rang and rang, all full of congratulations for us. I had never seen such enthusiasm in our home, and so many good wishes and congratulations pouring in. I felt that the whole house and I were at once placed on a high pedestal, and as if we were all on top of the world. It appeared to me as if the whole world or at least the entire society was in search of my brother. Within an hour or two, there was as if a stream of relatives and friends pouring in to wish us, my parents and my brother. For the first time, I now learned that there was so much enthusiasm in our family circle, and, all this because for the last three generations, the family had not produced a single engineer, and my brother was the first, even in our own generation. A family of businessmen was all too glad to see an engineer in the family and that was the net cause of the entire furor in the house. Oh! What a sight it was when my uncles, both paternal and maternal, and cousins came and just lifted my brother in their arms as if he was a child. They cajoled him and blessed him. I had really never seen so much joy compressed into one single day. This day was so full of happiness, friends, relatives, and a continuous tune of congratulations on and on. Oh! What a lot of fun and happiness dropped as manna on this single day from the God Almighty.

One would wonder why I call it the happiest day of my life. This I so because, for one, I never before saw so much joy and happiness in the family as I saw on that day. Besides this, the hope that now, my brother could hope to get a good job, and step into a fine career, gave me also some sort of a morale boost and an inspiration. On that day, I vowed to myself that, now I would always work seriously towards my goal of a satisfactory settlement in life. I started thinking that, if I would work hard, and get success like my brother. I would also give so much happiness to my parents and other family members. It was this day that gave me the befitting encouragement to become an achiever. I now became prepared to do any amount of hard work to be successful Spiritually, I was elated, and started feeling in high spirits realizing that, I could also achieve and make the family proud of me.

As for my financial gain, that day, my brother gave me Rs.500/as a gift from his own pocket money. So, in all respects, that day was the happiest day of my life up to now. I now only pray to God that such happy days Come more often and give more happiness to all. It is such lays that give happiness and progress both in one stroke. That memorable day will always remain in my mind, no matter how many happy and even happier days I get to see later in life. This day will always be a unique day for me as; this was the first day in my life when I saw so much pleasure in one go.

Essay No. 03

The Happiest Day in My Life

Life is full of sorrows. None is happy in the world. But there are always moments of joy and sorrow in the lives of men. One should not get puffed up when one gets something. The moments of joy and sorrow should not change him much. But happiness is a rare thing in his world, which is full of sorrow.

The 19th of November, 1980 was the happiest day of my life. When I got a lottery award of Rs. 100,000. It was a rare occasion. Very few people can get an award. But I was fortunate enough to win a prize. It was the third prize offered against a lottery ticket purchased by me pertaining to the Bengal Lotteries.

I had been waiting anxiously for the result and fortune favored me. My parents are very poor. My father is working in a bookshop. He does not earn much to support the family. He earns only Rs. 1500 a month and this money cannot keep our family needs satisfied.

My father came to me and he broke this good news to me. My mother came along with sweets and she offered me, sweets. I enjoyed these sweets very much. My father took me along and got the money on that day. Now our problems were solved. Father left the service and he started his own business with that money and now he earns a lot of money and we are very happy.

That day proved out to be the turning point in the life of us all. My sisters are studying. They need money, but the father is providing everything to us all.

Again the 19 th of November was the day when my younger sister was born. We were preparing for celebrating that day too. All of us assembled there along with the guests. At night the birthday festivities were held. My mummy had invited a large number of her own relatives and so had my father (done). At night, when the cake was cut to pieces, there was much rejoicing at home. My mummy decided to take me to the stage where a song was to be sung by me. Not only did I obey her but also showed my talent for singing. I was then 17 years of age.

Though more than ten years have passed since I got the lottery prize, yet I find that day to be the happiest day of my life. I was still a young girl who knew nothing except playing in the playground. I did not know much of the world by then. My parents had purchased a lottery ticket in my name. My luck favored me. As a result, my family got the third prize.

God helped us to face the difficulties calmly. He solved our economic problems. The day was fixed for that purpose and we, in this way, saw the change of fortune.

Should I not call it the happiest day of my life? If not, what should I term it then?

We have such time only once in a blue moon when the goddess of Fortune knocks at our door. We should never miss that golden opportunity. That may be the time of better change in our lives.

Essay No. 04

We are thrown into this world without any rhyme or reason—A French philosopher Sartre based the whole philosophy of existentialism on this thought. People have always been probing into the query why we are in this world which is so full of the weariness, the fever, the fret’. But for me, it has been so good to be in this world that I consider 2nd August 1967, my birthday, the happiest day of my life. On this day with the waking yawn of the dawn, I moaned and signaled my arrival in this world. Of course, like many other babies, I was not happy to leave my mother’s protective womb. So I cried a lot. But thereafter I have always been a jolly-natured creature. It’s not that life has been easy for me. No. Everyone has to fight his way out, in the fray of ‘the survival of the fittest. I have been too. But I like taking up challenges. Life’s battles have always been a pleasure for me. Besides challenges, there is so much beauty, so much love and warmth that I am really thankful to that Almighty power, who made my existence possible in this world. I hold my mother in deep regard since it was she who introduced my little entity into this universe. My birth has been the most wonderful thing both for my parents and myself. I want to enjoy this gift of life to the lees.

Essay No. 05

Not every day is a memorable one in a lifetime of an individual. Some days become special by the virtue of the events of the day,

One such day was the first of April. It was the happiest day of my life. The events of that day filled my heart with joy. The memory of that day is ever fresh in my mind. It seems as if all this happened only yesterday.

I had just finished my annual examinations. I had worked hard. My parents and teachers had high expectations from me. I, however, felt that I had not done the social studies paper very well. I was not very optimistic about the result. Though others looked forward to my result, yet the thought of it made me nervous. The results were declared that day. To my surprise, I topped the list of successful candidates of my district.

Everyone congratulated me. I was the most important person on that day. My headmaster and teachers were beside themselves with joy. My parents were proud of me. My headmaster came in person to congratulate me. I felt highly honored. Although it did not make me feel very proud, because I felt that it was a result of the correct guidance of my teachers and elders.

That afternoon I had a windfall. I had written an essay in the local Environmental Essay Contest some time back. In the heat of the examinations, I had forgotten all about it. In the afternoon I received a telegram stating that my essay was adjudged the best among all the participants. I had won Rs. 10, 000/-, which was the award for the best essay. My father was very happy because I could now fund my own education.

In the evening while we were preparing for bed, we received another telegram. It was from my elder brother. He had written to inform us that he had been chosen for the Indian Administrative Services. Our joys knew no bounds. My parents thanked God for His kindness and blessings.

People usually consider the first of April as all Fool’s day, but for me, it was a day when destiny had smiled on our family.

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The Happiest Day of My Life Essay With Outline

Happiest day of my life essay english for five/matric/inter level in 50-800 words.

Photo of Mustansar Khan

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay with outlines is available here. This essay can be beneficial for students of each level i.e primary, elementary, secondary, bachelor etc. Here we have provided all necessary details regarding this essay on The Happiest Day of My Life Essay. Today, we present an essay on the most joyful day of my existence in English. This essay can be helpful to students searching for an article on the happiest day of their existence in Hindi. It is a straightforward and concise essay on the most relaxing day in my lifetime that is easy to comprehend line-by-line. The mid-level content is suitable for both big and small students and can be written easily on the subject. It is a Long essay on the happiest day in my life, which is suitable for classes 5, class 6, class 7 and 8, 10, and 7. Every person has good and bad days in their life. There are days when we accomplish everything we would like. There are times when life gets challenging for us. Each of these events leaves a mark on our memory. In my ten years, I’ve had lots of joyful days. However, one was the happiest ever day in my entire life.

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay Outline

Title: The Most Joyful Day of My Life

Introduction :

The happiest day in one’s life holds immense significance, as it is a time filled with unparalleled joy, anticipation, and unforgettable memories. In this essay, I will narrate the story of the most joyful day in my life, outlining the events and emotions that made it an extraordinary experience.

  • Anticipation:

A. Describing the background leading up to the happiest day.

B. Expressing personal excitement and expectations.

  • The Unforgettable Occasion:

A. Providing a detailed description of the event or occasion.

B. Highlighting the reasons behind its significance.

C. Sharing personal emotions and feelings experienced during the event.

III. Unexpected Surprises:

A. Describing any unexpected surprises or special moments that added to the day’s joy.

B. Explaining how these surprises intensified the happiness of the day.

  • The Lasting Impact:

A. Discussing the enduring impact of the happiest day on my life.

B. Reflecting on how the experience influenced my perspective and facilitated personal growth.

The Most Joyful Day of My Life of 500 Words for Matric


The Most Joyful Day of My Life

  • Anticipation As the days approached the most joyful day of my life, an increasing sense of excitement permeated my being. With each passing moment, anticipation built within me, driven by weeks of eager anticipation. I envisioned a tapestry of wondrous moments waiting to unfold. The mere thought of it brought a radiant smile to my face and filled my heart with sheer happiness.
  • The Unforgettable Occasion The long-awaited day finally arrived, surpassing my wildest imagination. The event itself marked a significant milestone, be it a graduation ceremony, a wedding celebration, or the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. Every detail seemed meticulously orchestrated, enveloping the day in an enchanting aura. Laughter, love, and the presence of cherished friends and family pervaded the vibrant atmosphere, creating an ambiance that would forever be etched in my memory.

During this momentous event, a torrent of emotions overwhelmed me. I experienced an overwhelming surge of joy and gratitude, realizing the magnitude of the moment. It represented the culmination of relentless effort, unwavering determination, and the unwavering support of my loved ones. The feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment enveloped me, and I reveled in the sheer happiness that enveloped the surroundings.

3.Unexpected Surprises : As if the day couldn’t have been more perfect, unexpected surprises materialized, adding an extra layer of delight to the already joyous occasion. A heartfelt speech from a loved one, an unexpected visit from a long-lost friend, or a special gift of profound sentimental value—all these unforeseen moments elevated the happiness I experienced, transforming the day into an unforgettable affair. It felt as though the universe had conspired to make this day truly magical.

4.The Lasting Impact The impact of the most joyful day of my life extended far beyond the event itself. It left an indelible mark on my heart and reshaped my perspective on life. This experience imparted valuable lessons about the power of perseverance, unwavering determination, and the significance of cherishing moments of pure joy. It served as a poignant reminder that hard work and the unwavering support of loved ones can lead to remarkable achievements and boundless happiness. The most joyful day of my life became an everlasting source of inspiration, fueling my pursuit of dreams and encouraging me to treasure every precious moment that life presents.

Conclusion: The Most Joyful Day of My Life

the most joyful day of my life stands as a remarkable and unforgettable occasion. The anticipation, the unforgettable event, the unexpected surprises, and the lasting impact all contribute to its profound significance. It serves as a constant reminder of life’s beauty and the happiness it holds. The memories and emotions from that day will forever occupy a special place in my heart, serving as a reminder to embrace happiness and treasure the moments that truly make life extraordinary.

10 Lines on Happiest Day of My Life in English for 5 Class

  • Everybody has their good and bad days.
  • My most joyful day was the annual festival day.
  • Each year, my school holds an annual celebration.
  • Various events are held, such as dancing, music, painting and poetry contests.
  • My friends last year made me participate in the poetry competition.
  • I have been writing poetry since grade one, but nobody apart from my family and acquaintances knew about it.
  • I was not a fan of participating, but I did submit my poem.
  • I didn’t think I’d get anything, but I was surprised when I saw the first.
  • I was awarded the first medal of gold. I also received an award, and a gift hamper.
  • My parents were thrilled, and that was the best day of my existence.

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay of 50-150 words

Every day we have good and bad ones in our lives. The most important ones are the best moments in that we live. I am a five-year-old student who hasn’t lived all of his life. However, I have moments where I was the happiest. This year, during our school’s annual festival, I had the most joyful ever day in my entire life. My friends forced me to take part in the poetry slam contest. I was not keen to take part in the competition at all. But it was way too late to withdraw my name from the list, so I submitted poems. I wasn’t expecting much. However, I was surprised to get first place. It was the very first occasion my poems were acknowledged. Engage your children with diverse ideas and encourage them to learn more English using our Essay in Class 5, and get the Simple Essays that suit them.

Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life Essay of 800 Words for Inter 

I am a five-year-old student. Several important things did not happen to me. However, there were times when I felt happier than the rest of my days. The day I was pleased could be the most joyful moment of my existence. Our school holds an annual celebration every year. Many different events and competitions happen during this period. Over twenty schools from across the city participate in this celebration. Music, dance, poetry, painting, and more are held. I have been writing poetry since class one. However, no one is aware of it besides a few close friends. They are always listening to my poems and then reviewing them. Therefore, when the time was approaching for the annual festival, they demanded that I participate.

I wrote a poem on the subject of ‘Friends. I didn’t expect anything. However, I was pleasantly surprised to be awarded first place. I was invited to the stage, and my poem was read to the audience. I was awarded a Gold Medal, a certificate, and a hamper. My parents were unaware that I wrote and were amazed. It made my day more enjoyable. It was the first time that others were impressed by my poem.

Note. This is a descriptive essay. Select the day you consider to be the happiest in your life and describe it faithfully, recollecting all the details. The writer here imagines that he stood first in the senior secondary school examination and considers the day his result was declared to be the happiest day of his life. Everyone has seen the staggering turn of the wheel of fortune. The goddess of fortune is quite whimsical. Look at me, for instance. When I was young, I had always thought that I was one of those ill-starred ones who have no joy in store for them. I never knew that fortune was going to bless me with a moment of glory which I would ever treasure in the innermost recesses of my mind.

What a day it was! With trembling hands, I opened the newspaper, and do, what did I read! “The highest position in the science stream goes to the son of a poor widow, “the paper declared. I was absolutely nervous. I could not believe it were I. The newspaper had inserted a box item appreciating my diligence, devotion and scholarship. It was really a thrilling experience to see my name published along with the names of the toppers in other streams. A day earlier, some press correspondents and photographers had called on me and I was not unaware of my result. But all this had looked like a sweet dream. Being at the very top! That was too much for me to even think about. But my photograph in the newspaper assured me that the news of my performance was a reality and not a dream.

Well, this was obviously the happiest day for a pauper like me whose life had seen only privations and wants. I had nothing to boast of except my honest labor. I felt proud that my labor had ultimately been accorded recognition. Millions of Oliver Twists like me die after facing social humiliations. I was the best of all the blessed, and thanked God for His mercy.

The day had dawned on a happy note. Hardly had I dressed myself when my Principal came to my place and hugged me hard. He congratulated my mother on getting the top position. The school opened with a festival look. All my friends shared my joy. My teachers spoke high of my caliber. The morning assembly that day was devoted to accord me honor. Garlands were heaped on me. My Principal announced a prize of five hundred rupees for my excellent performance. My name was inscribed on the school honors board. Soon it turned out to be a day of festivities and felicitations. I invited all my friends to a cup of tea. It was an informal gathering in the evening. We had a really good time.

The happiness of my mother can be better imagined than described and was mad with joy. She called her friends and arranged a ‘party’ at night to express her gratitude to God, who had come to her rescue, felt blessed and rewarded. My result had brought a ray of hope into her dark future.

Now I am placed in a prestigious position. I have hardly anything to worry about, but my happiness now is of a different order. Happiness today is just a routine affair. That happiness had revived my faith in life and injected in me a new hope. The memory of that day has been perpetuated in my mind. Years have elapsed but even today it is fresh and green.

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The best day of my life essay

The best day of my life essay 21 models

The best day of my life essay , contains many beautiful feelings and joy that always be in the heart and the soul when you experience a beautiful experience in your life, such as the experience of success and move from stage to stage and you are all proud of what you achieved  and what you earn in this day the fruits of your tiredness and effort . All this will be known here in The best day of my life essay .

The best day of my life essay

Everyone passed through sad and happy times , but you have to have a day that is the best day of your life and that is what we will know here in The best day of my life essay.

  The best day of my life

Our lives are full of many days and events, some days will be happy full of good and joy that will bring joy to our hearts, and remain firmly in the heart forever. The memories of the happy days remain present in the heart and spirit.

And the happiest day is  the day of graduation from each stage of study. It is a day full of mixed feelings that can not be explained or separated.

Despite the great joy of success and graduation, the heart feels for a moment the great emptiness that will surround it after the farewell of the friends of study, and at the same time, the joy remains the master of the situation, there is no greater joy than the joy of graduation.

No matter how many happy days in life there is no nicer than the day I get the fruits of fatigue and diligence,  Success in study is the basis of the future, the key to life, something we are entitled to be proud of; because it is an achievement for ourselves, and the realization of many dreams and aspirations, and the transition from one stage to another.

And because it is a happy day we must see the expressions of joy and pleasure on the faces of all friends and family who come to congratulate us on success,  But that joy on the faces of parents is the most beautiful and most expensive at all.

The best day of my life was when  my father surprised me with a gift on my birthday. When I opened it, I found a very cool bike. I couldn’t prevent myself from jumping because of joy.

I remember urging him to teach me how to drive it daily until I could learn to drive. How happy I was when I found him seeing me driving alone. And I liked a lot when he smiles after I perform one of the simple movements such as driving with one hand or doing any other movements. This day was one of the best days of my life.

I remember very well that I still have this bike even though it no longer fits me. But my memories with it are wonderful, I raced by it with my friends, and I also enjoyed a lot when driving it at sunset and the weather was humid and beautiful, and the air caressed my face and body.

It was such a great feeling, I might get to ride the bike again to get back this feelings from time to time.

The best day of my life : (Short story)

The best day of my life when the doctors managed to cure me of cancer. After a struggle that lasted for two and a half years, I can’t describe the many feelings I’ve had for two and a half years. Whether clinging to hope and trying to raise morale and ignoring all feelings of fear and anxiety, and certainly pain is one of the things that if it gets stuck in your head, it is not a simple matter to get it out.

Therefore, after a journey of struggle that its beginning was ” be optimistic” to a congratulations from the doctor after telling me that I had gotten rid of any traces of tumor in my digestive system.

Of course I am very grateful to hear this now. I can make up for what I missed from activities and studies. I was trying as much as possible to maintain my educational progress. But because of my long-term hospitalization, I missed a lot of classes.

I would like to thank all my friends who supported me in raising my spirits and visiting me continuously.

The best day of my life essay 300 words

There are many beautiful days in my life, but I recently had a very serious disease, Corona disease (Covid-19). And I was about to die. Therefore, I consider the day that I recovered from Corona disease (Covid-19) as the best and most beautiful day of my life, I even decided to celebrate this day like I celebrated my birthday, it is like a new birth for me.

The story of my infection with the dreaded virus began when I attended the wedding of one of my friends. I was very happy for my friend, and after I gave him a valuable gift on the occasion of his marriage, I participated in singing and dancing,

Everyone in attendance was happy, singing cheerful songs and dancing and at the end of the party I congratulated my friend and his bride and left.

After that I felt a little tired but I thought I had the flu. I didn’t care about it, and at two o’clock at night my temperature rose and I felt severe pain in my back. My whole body was in pain, I could hardly move and feel very weak.

Then I remembered that I was not wearing a mask at my friend’s wedding, so I suspected that what I was feeling from the pain were the symptoms of Corona (Covid-19).

So I immediately went to the hospital, I was alone and could not tell any of my family members what I was suffering from.

In the hospital, I was examined by the specialized doctor, and the doctor told me that there is a suspicion that you have been infected with the Corona virus (Covid-19), and some tests and x-rays must be done to confirm this matter.

I tried to be consistent, and went to the lab to do the tests and then to the x-ray room, and after I took the x-ray, I got dizzy. I fell to the ground and could not move, and the doctor and nurses rushed towards me to save me.

I did not feel anything after that, my health condition deteriorated very quickly and I was transferred to the intensive care room. I stayed in the intensive care unit 14 days.

It was proven by analyzes and x-rays that I was infected with the Corona virus (Covid-19), and the doctors and nurses took great care of me, until my health improved and I recovered completely from the disease.

I considered the day I got rid of this dangerous disease as the best day of my life and decided to celebrate that day every year.

The best day of my life paragraph

My name is (..). I am (..) years old. I have been swimming since class (..). This year I was able to join the school team. This is the best day of my life. I love very much to be part of a team and follow instructions, I love such a life so much.

I really like to train with my friends and do some competitive work. I always like to dazzle others around me. I also use my training at school to join the national swimming team in the future when I grow up. I would very much like to represent my country in the sport of swimming in the Olympics.

Now I’m competing in the 20m races. In some competitions, I get first place. I feel very happy when this happens, so I love this sport very much. It makes me feel victorious and achieving the goal.

The best day of my life short essay

The best day of my life was last vacation. My father and mother talked to us that there is a social duty on us towards cancer patients. And  that we should support children and adults, but especially children.

So we actually started asking what we’re going to do there. My father began to tell us about the importance of knowing the psychological state of the patient. Therefore, we must take care of  the psychological state of patients without notifying them that you pity them.

You should treat them cheerfully and work to support them happily. Then he told us not to worry about this disease is not contagious.

He also cautioned not to take too long with patients and to respect time. So we actually went to the hospital. After wearing protective clothing so as not to transmit any diseases to patients, we were prepared to enter the first patient’s room, who was a small child at the age of 14 years.

I was a little afraid of my actions but after a short time I managed to make him smile a lot. Only then I felt  happy and understood what I should do.

This moment was indeed the most beautiful moment in my life when I was able to support him and make him a happy person.

Describe the best day of your life

The best day of my life was very interesting, I don’t know how it happened but I felt a strange optimism as soon as I woke up that day. I felt very strong and energetic. I went to school and attended some normal classes,

When I finished, I went to the gym by chance to find the coach talking that he wanted to test some new students in basketball. I said to myself “this is the time to put your fear aside, either now or forget about it forever”.

I went to the coach and told him that I wanted to apply with them, he said why not, and asked me to come so that he can see some of my skills.

I went to change my clothes and participated in training and warm-up with them, and it was time for individual work.

I’ve never felt like this before, so high concentration with more energy , and I didn’t feel any fear. Just me and the ball and scoring.

Everyone was amazed at my skill and how I had not joined the team before, and the coach asked me to join immediately and he is happy that I asked to join. This day represents the best day of my life.

A day in my life essay 200 words

The most beautiful day of my life was so amazing and wonderful. I still remember that wonderful feeling I had as soon as I saw the gift my father brought me.

I woke up to my mother’s voice asking me to go down because my father wanted me to do something important. I went to the living room where my father is standing and hiding a big box in it, and he told me what you think about opening this box to see what’s inside.

I felt strange and some different feelings such as confusion and longing, I went to open the box and there was a sound of something moving inside, I said, Oh my God, Dad, there is something alive inside. What is this?. He replied, “Why don’t you open it up and see for yourself, my dear?.

I actually quickly opened the box to find inside a puppy with beautiful and soft golden hair. Oh my God, how beautiful I immediately hugged him and looked for a few minutes at my father and mother and found them filming the moment.

I can’t describe the feelings of happiness I had, I wish I could fly or jump higher to express how happy I am at this moment. This is my first pet and I loved it so much, I have never had any pet to be responsible for it and I can teach it some manners and enjoy playing with it.

I watched many movies on YouTube or TV, and I saw such a moment, but nothing really describes it as it should. This is a very wonderful gift, especially when you are of the right age. It was a really great gift.

The best day of my life essay 200 words

Undoubtedly, there are situations or days that pass by us that make us appreciate the value of the things around us. The best day of my life when I miraculously survived a car accident.

Last year I was cycling in the roads around the park, which is close to my house, and decided to get out on the highway for a bit and try cruising among the cars.

Suddenly, a terrifyingly fast car appeared and I did not notice it, and the driver was talking on the mobile as well. I didn’t notice the car because it was coming from behind all I could hear was the sound of the brakes and I felt a collision from behind that made me jump in the air. I fall to the ground next to another car that almost passed over me.

I was very scared and can’t believe that I managed to survive this accident, of course this day taught me a lot like not taking risks and it made me mature a lot. It made me feel responsible and self-esteem and that I must maintain my safety.

I went through several other situations that some of my friends tried to lure me into, but witch saved me was sticking to my decision not to take risks and stick to safety first.

After that, I learned that they were exposed to some dangers and accidents, so I felt grateful that I stuck to my decision and didn’t perform some dangerous games or dangerous movements.

I felt that this day was a huge difference in my life, and helped me to mature and appreciate the good things in my life.

The best day of my life essay 100 words

The best day of my life when my aunt  was cured of cancer. My father was very worried about his sister and her children.

That year, my father took my cousins ​​to live with us temporarily until their mother recovered. In addition to that their father is always accompanying the mother in the hospital.

It was a very harsh period when you lived with your family members and you find them suffering in front of your eyes. This does not leave time for you to rest and you live your life to check on them only. It somehow brings you closer to the pain they feel.

So I found that the happiest day of my life was when we got the news of my aunt’s recovery and we all went to pick her up from the hospital and go home.

The best day of my life essay 150 words

Undoubtedly, I am fortunate because I am healthy and in good health and do not have any serious diseases. In the past months, my best friend was suffering from cancer and was in a lot of pain due to chemotherapy.

He faced it with strength and I supported him a lot on a daily basis. I could see him every day losing weight, losing all the hair on his head. Completely changed and became thin and suffers from severe pain in all of his body.

It was a very painful experience for him and certainly for me as well because I was going through it with him and I did not give up on him.

I learned a lot through this experience like that people can handle pain when there is someone to support them and always raise their moral and psychological side.

I also learned that we may face disappointments in people close to us, and that they may stay away from us because we suffer a lot and they have nothing to offer in their belief.

As I learned from this experience the most important lesson, that life is changeable, and as with a severe fall, it is also possible to rise again. That’s why it was the best day of my life when my friend was cured.

Speech on the best day of my life

Certainly the past two years were the most difficult for many around the world, we went through a global epidemic, many were infected, so the best day of my life was because of overcoming this crisis with all my family members.

All my family members have contracted this disease, and we have all been isolated in different places. There were fears and great anxiety from each individual about himself and his family members, about whom nothing was known.

And the more severe the disease, the more fearful we became for our safety. We went through some bad days, but because of my young age and my strong immunity, the infection was not as strong as my father, he is a smoker, and he suffers from some diseases that affect immunity. So he suffers more from this disease.

I am the first to recover in my family members, I thank God for that, but really the most difficult period I went through when I was waiting for news about my family and the development of their condition.

So I really see it as the best day of my life when all my family members are healed and we are reunited under one roof. We were quite lucky. Many families went through such an experience and lost many of their family members.

Paragraph about the best day in my life

The best day of my life when I was able to recover from my foot injury and get back to playing football again. This is the best day of my life, because I was so afraid of losing my skills and not being able to play enough like I used to do before the injury and my broken leg.

But after training and physiotherapy, I was able to go back and play again, and I feel full of energy and vitality and there is no effect because of my feet.

This makes me very happy because my dreams and future ambitions are related to this sport that I practice and I would very much like to continue playing it and become professional in it, achieving great successes and gaining fame and money.

So it’s great that I can continue and still have the opportunity to do so.

Best day of my life essay for class 5

The best day of my life was last year when I caught a fish with my dad. My father took me fishing with him and prepared everything for this trip.

A long time ago, my father told me that he would take me fishing soon, and when the moment came, I was very happy.

We went to the lake and sat in the place where my father used to fish, and my father prepared everything and taught me how to fish and throw baits in the water.

I had some problems at first and my string got stuck in some rocks and tree branches, but in the end I was able to understand the cause and dealt well.

I was watching the hook well, as my father told me, and I found something that attracted me strongly, I felt a great shock and pulled it in my direction, I found great resistance and the fish jumped everywhere. At this moment I felt a feeling that I had never felt in all my life, an absolute happiness when I looked at the fish that I managed to catch.

A day in my life essay 100 words

The best day of my life was when I could draw my mom. Recently, I have been trying to learn which hobby I can do at home due to the global pandemic that prevents us from leaving the house, accompanying friends, playing sports or gatherings in general.

So for a while I have been watching many videos that teach drawing skills. I have already been able to apply the explanations to many famous personalities. But one day I woke up and wanted to try drawing a family member, and follow the instructions I learned.

I brought all the tools and sat in front of my mother without telling her what I’m doing. And when I showed her the drawing, she was amazed at how wonderful the drawing was, which encouraged me to color the picture to become more realistic.

I waited until evening, and when my father returned I made him see the painting. He did not believe that I was the one who drew it and he told me what I used, did I use a program that converts the image into a drawing, so we told him that I drew it. He was very happy and told me many nice words, and encouraged me to continue this hobby.

This day was very nice for me and made me feel that I can achieve something interesting and beautiful that makes others happy, especially that my mother asked me to photograph this drawing and published it on her own account, and it got many positive comments, all of which are encouragement and amazement.

I love this day so much and would like to learn more because of this day.

Best day of my life essay

I had the best day of my life in South Africa when I visited three famous places with my friends. We started our day by visiting the Table Mountain, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The views from the top of the mountain were breathtaking. We could see the entire city of Cape Town spread out before us.

After that, we went to the V&A Waterfront, which is a vibrant harbor district with shops, restaurants, and attractions. We spent the afternoon shopping and exploring. We also had dinner at a delicious restaurant with a view of the ocean.

To end our day, we went to the Cape of Good Hope, which is the southernmost point of the African continent. The scenery at the Cape of Good Hope is stunning. We could see the waves crashing against the rocks and the seals sunbathing on the beach.

It was an unforgettable day that I will cherish forever. I had so much fun with my friends, and we saw some of the most beautiful places in South Africa.

The best day of my life

I’ve always wanted to visit South Africa, and when I finally had the chance, I knew I wanted to make the most of it. I planned a trip with my friends, and we spent a week exploring the country.

One of the days, we decided to visit three of the most famous tourist destinations in South Africa: Cape Town, Table Mountain, and Robben Island.

We started our day in Cape Town, the beautiful city at the tip of Africa. We spent the morning exploring the city center, visiting the Houses of Parliament, the Castle of Good Hope, and the V&A Waterfront.

In the afternoon, we took a cable car to the top of Table Mountain, one of the most iconic landmarks in South Africa. The views from the top were simply breathtaking. We could see the entire city spread out before us, as well as the Atlantic Ocean and the Table Bay.

In the evening, we took a ferry to Robben Island, a former prison where Nelson Mandela and other anti-apartheid activists were held. The tour of the island was both informative and moving. It was a sobering reminder of the struggle for freedom and equality in South Africa.

It was an incredible day, and it will always be one of my fondest memories. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to experience South Africa with my friends.

The best day of my life essay 250 words

I had the best day of my life in South Africa in 2023. I was on a trip with my friends, and we were exploring the country. On this particular day, we decided to visit three famous places: Table Mountain, Robben Island, and Zululand.

We started our day by hiking to the top of Table Mountain. The views from the top were incredible. We could see the whole city of Cape Town spread out before us. We spent a few hours exploring the top of the mountain, taking in the views and enjoying the fresh air.

After lunch, we took a ferry to Robben Island. Robben Island is a former prison where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 18 years. We took a tour of the prison, learning about Mandela’s life and the history of apartheid. It was a sobering experience, but it was also an important one.

In the afternoon, we drove to Zululand. Zululand is a region in South Africa that is home to the Zulu people. We visited a Zulu village, where we learned about Zulu culture and traditions. We also saw a traditional Zulu dance performance.

It was a long day, but it was also an unforgettable one. We saw some of the most beautiful and important places in South Africa. We also learned a lot about the country’s history and culture. It was a day that I will cherish forever.

I would highly recommend visiting these three destinations if you ever have the chance to go to South Africa.

The best day of my life essay 150 words in Afrikaans

I’ve always loved my country, South Africa, and I’ve always dreamed of celebrating my birthday there. When my 25th birthday finally rolled around, I decided to make it a special occasion. I invited my closest friends, and we planned a trip to three of the most famous tourist destinations in South Africa: Cape Town, Table Mountain, and Robben Island.

In the afternoon, we took a cable car to the top of Table Mountain, one of the most iconic landmarks in South Africa. The views from the top were simply breathtaking.

The best day of my life essay in Afrikaans

I have had many wonderful days in my life, but the best day of my life was in South Africa. I was celebrating my graduation from high school with my friends, and we were all so excited to be moving on to the next chapter of our lives. We started the day by going to a local restaurant for a big breakfast. We ate pancakes, waffles, and French toast, and we talked and laughed for hours.

After breakfast, we went to the beach. It was a beautiful day, and the water was warm and clear. We swam, sunbathed, and played in the sand. We had so much fun that we didn’t want to leave.

In the afternoon, we went to a wildlife park. We saw lions, elephants, giraffes, and many other animals. It was amazing to see these animals in their natural habitat. We learned a lot about the animals, and we all felt a sense of awe and wonder.

In the evening, we went to a party with our friends and family. We danced, ate, and drank. We were all so happy to be together and celebrating our success. It was a night that I will never forget.

This day was so special to me because it was a time of great joy and celebration. I was surrounded by my loved ones, and we were all so happy to be together. We were also celebrating the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. This day was a reminder that life is full of possibilities, and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

Describe the best day of your life examples

I woke up that day with a feeling of excitement and anticipation. I had just graduated from high school, and I was about to start my first year of college. I had worked hard for this day, and I was ready to start a new chapter in my life.

I met up with my friends at a local coffee shop to celebrate. We talked about our plans for the future, and we shared our excitement about starting college. We stayed at the coffee shop for hours, just talking and laughing.

Afterwards, we decided to go for a walk around the city. We walked through the park, and we stopped to take pictures of the monuments. We also went to a museum, where we learned about the history of the United States.

That day was perfect. I was surrounded by my friends, I was celebrating my success, and I was learning about a new country. I felt like I was on top of the world.

Here are some of the specific things that made that day so special:

Celebrating my success with my friends: I had always been a good student, but I had never been the top of my class. That year, I had worked harder than ever before, and I had finally achieved my goal of graduating at the top of my class. It was so special to be able to share that success with my friends.

Starting a new chapter in my life: I had always dreamed of going to college, and I was finally going to make that dream a reality. I was excited to start a new chapter in my life, and I was eager to learn and grow.

Exploring a new country: I had always been fascinated by the United States, and I was excited to finally be living there. I loved exploring the city, and I was eager to learn more about American culture.

That day was a day that I will never forget. It was a day of celebration, hope, and new beginnings.

In this way, we have given you The best day of my life essay, and you can read more through the following link:

  • Memorable day of my life essay

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An essay on “My Start to a great day”

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It really help us to write an good essays

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English Summary

Happiest Day of My Life Essay

On holiday, I was sitting in my room after finishing my homework. As my friends were away to hill stations, I was feeling very lonely. I watched the cars and other vehicles passing by and wished that like my friends, I would also have been traveling or passing my time.

I signed the paper and took the parcel. My hands were itching to open the packet out of intense curiosity. I ripped the parcel open and found a beautiful tape recorder in it. The parcel has been sent from the U.S. and the letter along with it was from my uncle who had sent me a wonderful gift.

My uncle had arranged everything for me the tickets and the visa. I already had a passport. My heart skipped several beats as I ran to give this great news to my mother.

She was taken aback initially and her first reaction was not so positive. However, she thought over it, consulted my father who was in his office and they both agreed to allow me to go to the United States to spend the rest of my holidays with my uncle.

I jumped from room to room and started packing my clothes, my books and other articles that I would need there. My mind was filled with various ideas about how I would spend my time with my cousins.

I started dreaming about Disney Land, Universal Studios, the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon and the other tourist attractions that I had read about in magazines.

My father took me shopping the same day because he felt that I would need some more things to take along. We bought gifts for my cousins and my uncle and aunt and when I came back home my cupboard was full of new clothes, shoes and gifts.

Since I had not expected any such thing to happen to me, and I had been feeling sorry for myself, this offer came as a great surprise. This was indeed the happiest day of my life and I don’t think I shall ever forget it as long as I live

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Example Of Essay On The Happiest Day In Your Life

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Family , Life , Parents , Dreams , Wedding , Women , Events , Future

Published: 03/18/2020


There is hardly any person who has not experienced ups and downs in his or her life. In fact, life is very surprising and full of bad as well as good events. We cannot predict what will happen in the next few minutes and which events will have an everlasting impact on our future. The most significant moments of our own journey through the time can affect us in different ways. Some of these moments can scar us because of the traumatic events which reflect our pain and despair. Other moments we can hold in our hearts and cherish for the happiness they brought us. People are more likely to remember the happy times. For me it is difficult to point out which day was exactly the happiest and the most memorable in my life. Maybe it was the day when I met my future husband or the day I married him or the day when I became a mother. All these events of my life were extremely happy and unforgettable. When I started thinking about the happiest one, I came to the conclusion that I would not become a mother if I didn’t meet the man of my dream. Because of this, I decided that the happiest day of my life was my wedding day. I met my future husband at my friend’s birthday party. He was a tall brunet with brown eyes. Also he looked very confident and his voice was so pleasant. The moment I saw him I realize that he is the man of my dream. The rest of the party we spend together, talking. As it turned out we had a lot in common. After that evening he invited me on a date and in one year we decided to get married. Our wedding day will stay in memory forever. It was the first day of the spring. The weather was just as I hoped it would be. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. I woke up early in the morning and had my hair and makeup done professionally. When I arrived to the church I saw white and golden sparkly decorations everywhere. I had spent hours every week in stores trying to find what I exactly wanted to use. At that moment I was proud of myself because of all the work I had done. Every single thing looked perfect. I was ready to walk down the aisle with my father. I was not sure how he was feeling but the only thing that mattered to me was that my father knew that I was going to be with the man who would take care of me. Finally I heard the familiar song and it was time to walk down the aisle. We got to the stage where my future husband was waiting for me. I was very exciting, our special day had finally come. We were staying under a huge golden heart shaped metal arch decorated with green leaves and big white roses. I looked into his eyes and understood that was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. That memorable day will always remain in my mind and in my heart as the happiest day ever.


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Essay on Happiest Moment in My Life

Happiest Moment in My Life

We all have some happy moments in our life that becomes an everlasting memory for us. It may be the time spent with our loved ones, pets, some brave deed like saving anyone’s life, etc. It may differ from person to person. If I have to narrate about the happiest moment of my life it would not be easy for me. I have many happy moments in my life and therefore it is very difficult for me to remember any one of them that is the happiest one.

Short and Long Essay on Happiest Moment in My Life in English

10 lines essay on happiest moment in my life (100 – 120 words).

1) The happier moments in our lives make a lasting impression on us.

2) The happiest moment in my life was when I was in class 5 th .

3) It was the time of the annual fest of our school.

4) My friends encouraged me to participate in a speech competition.

5) I was very nervous and thought that I will lose.

6) I tried my best and surprisingly got the first position.

7) All the teachers, students, and my parents clapped for me.

8) It was really happiest moment in my life when I received the first prize.

9) Everyone appreciated me and I felt proud.

10) The happiness in my parents’ eyes was the happiest moment of my life.

Short Essay on Happiest Moment in My Life – 250 Words


Every past event becomes a memory in our mind. It is because of these memories we can think about the things that have taken place in the past. There are some moments in our life that we wish not to lose ever. These are the happiest or the special moments of life that give us eternal joy.

The joy of having the happy moments in life

We all wish for different things in our life.  When our dreams turn into reality it become the happiest moment of life for many of us. Being successful in getting what we desire brings great joy in our life. There might be many happy moments in the life of an individual but the happiest moment is one that is most pleasing for us. It is not necessary that the happiest moment would have been experienced by every one of us. Therefore, we must try to search for happiness from small-small things in our life. This will help in making our lives happier and healthier.

Happiest moment cherishes us throughout the life

The happy moments are the reason for bringing joy in our life. We always desire that life should be paused when happy moments are there and this time would never go. This is not possible in reality but we can feel cherished after remembering the same. There is a smile on our faces whenever we recall the happiest moment of our life. The memory of the happiest moment can also help us in relieving depression or sad moments of life.

Our life is full of happy and sad moments. The happy moments helps us in getting relaxed from the sorrow of sad moments in our life. Happiness helps in adding light of hope to our lives.

We have tried and have detailed about my happiest moment of life in form of a long essay. We hope it would be quite interesting for you to remember the happiest moment of your life and pen it down on paper. The long essay might help you in getting an idea of writing an essay on this topic.

Long Essay on Happiest Moment of My Life (950 Words)

There are moments in everyone’s life that cherish our body and mind. These moments become the happy moments of our life. Have you ever thought that why these happy events become moments? The answer is very simple that they are everlasting in our memories. We become happy by remembering those moments and might remember those moments throughout our life.

What are Happy Moments?

Happiness and sadness are the two phases of life. Everyone in this world has to experience both phases in their life. Happiness is an emotion that makes us feel good and cherished. There are some moments in our life that provide us immense happiness. We wish that these moments would be long-lasting and never end. It is always noticed that sadness does not long forever and is always followed by happiness. It can be well stated by the proverb “Every cloud has a silver lining”. Happy moments are those that fill us with joy. They are not provided by anyone but are created by us.

My Happiest Moment in Life

I find happiness in very small-small things of my life but these are some moments in my life that bring a smile to my face when I remember them. I can say that they are the happiest moments of my life. I will be telling you about one of the happiest moments of my life. I feel very nice to enumerate this moment of my life.

I was studying in class 10th at that time. It was announced in our school that there is a district-level competition of quiz and poster presentations. It will be involving several schools’ participation. The notices regarding the participation of students in the competition were distributed in every class. I was very excited to take part in the poster presentation. I enrolled my name for the competition.

  • Process of selection for the competition – The team that had to represent our school for different competitions was to be selected in the school itself. The first barrier was the selection in school. I was very happy when I got selected for the school team that had to represent our school in the district competition. The presentation has to be given in a group and therefore the final team had been finalized. There were four members in the team including me.
  • Pre-Preparation for the competition – Every team member presented their innovative ideas on the topic and lastly after summing up those ideas I prepared the poster. We had prepared three posters on the topic. We made a lot of effort to make our presentation the best one.
  • The day of the competition – finally the competition day arrived and we were a little nervous too. We have been taken to the destination of the competition by school bus. The teachers were also accompanying us. We performed our best and delivered the presentation beautifully. I was the group leader and therefore I was more nervous about the results. It was about the reputation of my school. Finally, the competition was over and the results of the competition were declared. It was started by announcing the third prize winner.

My heart started sinking down. Finally, I could not believe it when it was announced that our school has bagged the first prize. We were dancing with joy. I was very happy to make my school proud. Moreover, I was happy because the idea of the presentation was my own. The overwhelming joy of that moment cannot be expressed in words.

  • Award distribution event – The winning participants have been invited the next day with the whole family for prize distribution and dinner. This was more exciting for me. I went to the destined place and I along with my team was awarded by the District magistrate. It felt very nice to hear the name of my school at the first position. I handed over the trophy to my vice principal. My parents were very happy for me. We had dinner and enjoyed that evening beautifully with my family and group members. Later I and my team members were praised by the whole faculty of the school including the principal. This news and pictures of the winning teams were also published in the newspaper.

My father was very happy for me and therefore he promised a tour in summer vacations as a reward for winning. We had enjoyed that moment very beautifully. I feel very happy whenever I remember that moment in school.

How can we make our Life Enriched with Happy Moments?

Everybody in this world craves happiness. We cannot buy happiness but can gain it in the small things we do in our life. One such moment might become the happiest moment of our life. Happiness is something that we experience in doing different things in our life.  It is created from the inside. The state of being happy lies in the positivity of our minds. When we accept the reality we enjoy the things granted to us. This brings happiness to our lives. This particularly means that we have to learn to live our life. This will induce hundreds of happy moments and make our life a beautiful experience.

It was one of the happiest moments in my life that thrills and cherishes me from inside whenever comes to my mind. I was very happy to bring glory to my school. Moreover, I got rewarded for what I have wished and made my parents happy. I try to forget all my problems by remembering the happy moments of my life. This helps in making me more confident and optimistic to face different types of situations in my life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Happiness is connected with the state of mind.

Ans . The bright colors like yellow, orange, pink and red.

Ans . The secret of happiness lies in loving everything around us and living every moment of our life.

Ans . Yoga helps in reducing our stress, anger, anxiety and thus makes us happier.

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Describe The Happiest Day You Had

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe the happiest day you had.

You should say: Where you were? Who you were with? What you did? And explain why you think it was the happiest day?

Note:  You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Model Answer 1 :

Introduction: In my perception, emotions are part and parcel of human life , plus happiness or sadness is a state of a mind that is driven by sentiments. Sometimes even the silliest thing could bring cheers to our face depending on how we perceive situations.

Indeed, I had numerous delightful moments in my life when I felt on top of the world. Nevertheless, I Would like to talk about one of the happiest instances, which is pretty close to my heart, I had on the day I cleared my board examination.

I was never an academic student who would always be engrossed in books and studies. Instead, I was easy-going, carefree, and least bothered about my academics, though I still managed to secure good marks academically.

Where you were? I vividly remember, quite a few years ago(or you can say a couple of years ago), I sat for my 10th exams at one of the examination centres in my hometown.

Who you were with? To some extent, I was content with my preparation. However, I had to wait for my results to see where I stood in terms of ranking as my future was entirely dependent on it. Plus, my parents had a lot of expectations from me.

I was a bundle of nerves for a couple of months due to peer pressure and performance anxiety. No doubt, I started to have blues when the day got closer.

Eventually, the day came when I was on the pins and needles before the announcement of my result. OMG, I can still feel the goosebumps talking about that day.

Conclusion : I think it is quite right that one should go through pain and anxiety to taste the pursuit of happiness. Otherwise, how would you know when you’re happy?

Model Answer 2:

Where you were?

And explain why you think it was the happiest day? and Conclusion :

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe the happiest day you had”.

3. Do you believe we are happier than people from the 19th century? Regardless of the conveniences of now, I do not think we are happier. Firstly, there’s so much anxiety today because of the increasing competition. Second, I think that excessive options are making us miserable. We are constantly concerned about making the wrong choice.

6. What do you believe is important in bringing joy? I think you will find so many things and cash is definitely one of them. But aside from cash, I feel it is about pride in our work and the feeling of importance- that I mean the feeling that we matter to our loved ones, our society. I think that is the reason many people decided to work in the military Over other lucrative professions.

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An illustration of smiley face sticky notes covering a clay person.

Opinion Jessica Grose

Are We Happy Yet?

Credit... Stephan Dybus

Supported by

Jessica Grose

By Jessica Grose

Ms. Grose is a Times Opinion writer and the author of a Times newsletter on culture, social change and the American family.

  • Aug. 8, 2024

Three times a day my phone pings with a notification telling me that I have a new happiness survey to take. The survey, from TrackYourHappiness.org , asks me a series of questions about what I was doing the moment right before I take it, whether I wanted to be doing it, how focused I was on my task, how productive I was being and how happy I felt about it all. I measure my emotional levels with a little toggle that slides from “bad” to “good.” Though the trackers’ authors offer a disclaimer that “correlation does not prove causation,” results from thousands of its users published in 2010 suggest that people are happier when they are focused.

After I took 100 surveys over about a month, that’s not what my results told me. I reported the most happiness when I was eating and the least when I was working. I was happier at home than I was outside or anywhere else.

My biggest takeaway, though, is that much of my life consists of things that I don’t particularly want to do, like folding laundry and struggling with the wording of a paragraph. Being reminded that most of my life is obligatory does not exactly spark joy.

As the weeks of survey taking went by, I had another, more paralyzing thought: that this focus on my feelings was instilling a new kind of anxiety. Rather than just walking one of my kids home from school and contentedly listening to her chatter about sedimentary rocks, I was thinking about the survey’s infernal happiness toggle and where this experience ranked relative to the other moments I had tracked.

The survey is just one example from an increasingly crowded field of tools offering consumers the chance not just to contemplate their happiness but also to measure it, track it, schedule it and optimize it. Every app store is overflowing with offerings like the Happiness Planner, Happiness 360°, Daylio and more. Apple’s Health app has a mood tracker (with one of those damn toggles) built into all of its devices, and even my Fitbit offers mood tracking, with some fancy bonus features if I pay to upgrade to premium status.

According to Stephen Schueller, a psychologist who runs the technology and mental health lab at the University of California, Irvine, there are now thousands of these apps — so many that he used to run an entire site that reviewed their credibility, user experience and transparency. How-to books about boosting your happiness in measurable ways are mainstays on the best-seller list. And there is no end to online courses and expensive products that make similar promises.

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Essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life


Everyone has moments of joy, but the happiest one is unique. For me, the happiest moment was when I won a school competition.

The Competition

I participated in a science competition. It was tough, with students from all grades.

The Preparation

I worked hard, researching and practicing. I was nervous but excited.

The Winning Moment

When they announced my name as the winner, I felt an indescribable joy. It was a reward for my hard work.

250 Words Essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life

The nature of happiness.

Happiness, an elusive and subjective emotion, varies from person to person. It is a state of mind that is often transient, yet leaves a lasting impact. The happiest moment in one’s life is usually a blend of joy, accomplishment, and love, often associated with a significant event or achievement.

Personal Reflection

Reflecting on the happiest moment in my life, I am drawn to the day I received my acceptance letter from a prestigious university. The moment was a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, making it incredibly rewarding.

The Revelation

The day was unremarkable until the mail arrived. The envelope bore the university’s emblem, instantly stirring a wave of anticipation. My heart pounded as I carefully opened the envelope, my hands trembling slightly. The first word I saw was ‘Congratulations,’ and I was engulfed by an overwhelming sense of joy and relief.

The Euphoria

The happiness I felt was intense and profound. It was a validation of my efforts and a testament to my potential. It was an affirmation that I was on the right path, and it reinforced my belief in my abilities. The feeling was akin to reaching the summit of a mountain after a long and arduous climb.

The happiest moment in life is not just about the joy it brings, but also about the journey that leads to it. It’s about the struggles, the challenges, and the victories that shape us. It’s a powerful reminder of our capabilities and the potential that lies within us. Such moments are pivotal, shaping our perspectives and influencing our future decisions. They serve as a beacon, guiding us toward our goals and aspirations.

500 Words Essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life

The unforeseen achievement.

The happiest moment in my life, one that I relish even today, dates back to my high school days. It was the day when I was announced as the winner of a national level competition, a feat that was beyond my wildest dreams. I had always been an average student, struggling to balance my academics and extracurricular activities. This competition was a platform to showcase my talent, but I was well aware of the fierce competition that awaited me.

The Journey

The journey to this competition was not an easy one. It was filled with countless sleepless nights, rigorous practice sessions, and a constant battle with self-doubt. I was competing against students who were exceptionally talented and had a track record of winning similar competitions. Every day was a struggle, but I was determined to give my best shot.

The Moment of Elation

As the results were being announced, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. The room was filled with a deafening silence. And then, I heard my name being called out as the winner. It was a moment of disbelief, followed by a surge of happiness that I had never experienced before. The applause, the cheers, the congratulatory pats, everything seemed surreal. I was on cloud nine, basking in the glory of my unexpected achievement.

This moment taught me that happiness is not always about achieving the biggest things in life; it’s about finding joy in the journey, about overcoming your fears, and about believing in yourself when no one else does. The happiest moment in my life was not just about winning a competition; it was about discovering my true potential, about realizing that I was capable of more than I had ever imagined. It was a moment that redefined happiness for me.

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