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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6873
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Table of Content: May, 2020; 16(5)

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Potential causes of postharvest losses, low-cost cooling technology for fresh produce farmers in Sub-Sahara Africa

The aim of this review was to identify the causes of postharvest losses (PHL) in fruit and vegetables in relation to small-scale farming in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The reduction of PHL can improve food security at household level. Farmers involved in small-scale production of fresh produce experience high PHL due to physiological deterioration associated with technical, biological and environmental factors and lack...

Author(s): Sipho Sibanda and Tilahun Seyoum Workneh  

  • Article Number: BF1684363518

Risk assessment of the economic efficiency of rubber production: Case of smallholder rubber production in QuangBinh Province, Vietnam

The paper reviews the economic risk of rubber production due to fluctuations of input factors, product price, natural disasters, epidemics, interest rates, and market demand. The data collected in this work were analyzed with accounting of production costs methods and accounting results and production efficiency method, benefit-cost analysis, sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis. QuangBinh, a province in Vietnam...

Author(s): Tu Luc Tran  

  • Article Number: 5241C0863520

Nitrogen value of stockpiled cattle manure for crop production

Cattle manure is a common source of fertilizer throughout Sub-Saharan Africa given problems with supply and pricing of inorganic fertilizers. The optimum rate of manure to use is often unknown and further compounded by variable N contents arising from long periods of stockpiling. This study investigated the rates of cattle manure required to optimize plant growth at different N contents arising from different storage...

Author(s): Innocent Muhereza, Deborah Pritchard, Roy Murray-Priorand David Collins  

  • Article Number: 247160F63522

Role of farmers’ organizations (FOs) in the strengthening of the technical and organizational capacities of farmers in Mezam Division of the North West Region of Cameroon

This study was carried out from January 2018 to March 2019 in Mezam Division of the North West Region of Cameroon on the role of farmers organization (FOs) in the strengthening of the technical and organizational capacities of farmers, particularly the case of the Program for the Improvement of Competiveness of Family Agro-pastoral Farms (PCP-ACEFA) and the North West Farmers’ Organization (NOWEFOR). The objective...

Author(s): Kenette FRU MBANGARI, Mathias Fru FONTEH and Guillaume Hensel FONGANG FOUEPE  

  • Article Number: 456EDA163524

Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) performance under minimum and conventional tillage practice in two distinct agroecological zones of Uganda

Maize is one of the major staple foods in Uganda, providing over 40% of Uganda’s daily calorie consumption. Tillage practice is one of the crucial factors that influence crop productivity through maintenance of soil health. The aim of this study therefore is to validate the effect of tillage practice on the vegetative growth and yield of maize in Uganda. The trial was established on-station at Ngetta Zonal...

Author(s): Bongomin Lawrence, Acipa Alexandrina, Wamani Sam, Sseremba Godfrey and Opio Samuel Morris  

  • Article Number: 0B8C04963549

Assessment and characterization of mung bean (Vigna radiata) bacterial brown spot in Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia

Mung bean is one of the major early maturing pulse crop grown all over the world including Ethiopia.  The production of the crop in Ethiopia, however, suffers from many diseases caused by bacteria. The study aims to assess the intensity and identify the major foliar bacterial and fungal pathogens of the crop. Purposively, 3 districts and randomly 90 mung bean fields were surveyed during the study period....

Author(s): Besfat Belay Teferie, Merkuz Abera Admasu and Gezahegne Getaneh Damessa  

  • Article Number: C30AAFE63613

Agro-morphological response of some groundnut genotypes (Arachis hypogaea L.) in water deficit conditions

Groundnut is a crop that can be grown under varied production conditions (in intercropping or rotation with cereals). In Niger, the production of groundnut is decreasing over the year due to drought and low soil nutrients. In this work, an agro-morphological evaluation of five groundnut genotypes (55-437, ICG12697, ICG4750, JL24 and ICG8751) under water deficit was carried out in order to identify the best performing...

Author(s): TOUDOU DAOUDA Abdoul Karim, ATTA Sanoussi, INOUSSA Maman Maârouhi, HAMIDOU Falalou and BAKASSO Yacoubou  

  • Article Number: A5E0AD163615

Phytophthora seedling blight disease of cacao and its control measures

Symptoms of Phytophthora seedling blight disease of cacao were found on 3 weeks old cacao seedlings at the nursery of Seed Production Division of Ghana Cocoa Board in New Tafo-Akim during routine surveys of cacao diseases in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Survey of seedlings in the nursery was conducted to determine disease incidence (DI). Heat sterilization of soil and drenching with Ridomil Gold plus 66 WP (6%...

Author(s): Asare Eric Kumi, Ishmael Amoako-Attah and Yahaya Bukari  

  • Article Number: 08EF3F963617

Selenium in Caprine feeding, its transference to the milk and relation with other minerals

The experiment was performed in the campus of the State University of Alagoas, in Santana do Ipanema, in the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil. This work is aimed at studying the transferences of Se from animals’ food to milk in various levels of offers and its correlations with Ca, P, Mg and soluble Fe. The work also analyzed the somatic cells counts, total bacteria count and chemical composition of milk: Fat,...

Author(s): José Crisólogo de Sales Silva, Luiz Carlos Caetano, Fabio Sales de Albuquerque Cunha, Conceição Maria Dias de Lima and André Maia Gomes Lages  

  • Article Number: 1CD34B163623

Inoculation of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi based bio-fertilizers for improvement of maize productivity in Central Benin

The response of maize to a composite inoculation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in fields in Central Benin was evaluated. The 2000 SYNEE maize variety underwent 3 AMF groups involved in treatments namely: T1 = "Control (AMF and fertilizer free)"; T2 = "Glomeraceae"; T3 = Acau "Acaulosporacea"; T4 = Diversi " Diversisporaceae"; T5 = "50% NPK + Urea"; T6 =...

Author(s): ASSOGBA A. Sylvestre, AHOYO ADJOVI R. Nestor, BELLO Saliou, NOUMAVO A. Pâcome, SINA Haziz, AGBODJATO A. Nadège, KODA Abdel D., AGUEGUE M. Ricardos, ADJANOHOUN Adolphe and BABA-MOUSSA Lamine   

  • Article Number: 771CED463668

Evaluation of chemical and elemental constituents of Centella asiatica leaf meal

Medicinal plants include various types of plants used in herbalism or herbal medicine. It is the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such uses. The use of medicinal plants is gaining popularity all over the world; hence the need to exploit various plant that could be of economic importance to both man and animal. Centella asiatica is one of such plants that are underutilized. Therefore, investigating...

Author(s): O. A. Ajayi, M. D. Olumide, G. O. Tayo and A. O. Akintunde  

  • Article Number: 46F46A363680

Technical efficiency in tomato production among smallholder farmers in Kirinyaga County, Kenya

The study was conducted to assess tomato productivity and determine characteristics that influence technical efficiency among smallholder farmers in Kirinyaga County using the production function approach. Data were collected by administering structured questionnaires to a sample of 384 respondents randomly selected from six wards using multistage stratified and probability proportionate to size sampling procedures. The...

Author(s): Thomas Mbogo Mwangi, Samuel Njiri Ndirangu and Hezron N. Isaboke    

  • Article Number: E80A5DB63699

Effects of land use on soil physicochemical properties at Barkachha, Mirzapur District, Varanasi, India

Types of land use practice significantly affect the soil physico-chemical properties. Four different land use types were selected (natural forest, bamboo plantation, degraded forest and agricultural land) to analyze the effect of land uses change on soil chemical and physical properties. Among all land use pattern, the highest water holding capacity (40.06±0.74%), porosity (0.539±0.011%), soil...

Author(s): Weldesemayat Gorems and Nandita Goshal  

  • Article Number: ABD153163701

Mitigating loan default in Nigeria through joint liability approach: The case of beneficiaries of microfinance bank agricultural loan in Calabar metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria

Due to persistent increase in loan default in developing countries especially Nigeria, several lending institutions resort to group lending that is based on joint liability approach to mitigate default. This study analyzes the mitigation of loan default in Nigeria through joint liability approach: The case of beneficiaries of microfinance bank agricultural loan in Calabar metropolis, Cross River State.  It...

Author(s): Eucharia Agom Ajah, Uket Ikpi Ofem and Asuquo Elijah Bassey  

  • Article Number: 5BF515263711

Evaluation of genotype × environment interaction effect on performance of garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes in Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia using AMMI and GGE biplot analysis

Garlic is the major bulb crop next to onion in Ethiopia. Lack of stable and high yielding cultivars is one of the major problems for production and productivity of garlic in the country. Identification of adaptable, stable and high yielding genotypes under varying environmental conditions prior to release as a cultivar is the first steps for plant breeding. Therefore, developing high yielding and stable varieties is the...

Author(s): Fasikaw Belay, Guesh Tekle and Shushay Chernet  

  • Article Number: 6CB403A63723

Yield increase of soybean inoculated with a commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculant in Brazil

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play an important role in plant growth. However, there are no records of the use of AMF-based inoculants in agricultural crops in Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of a commercial inoculant containing the AMF Rhizophagus intraradices in combination with phosphate fertilization in soybean under different edaphoclimatic conditions in Brazil....

Author(s): Shantau Camargo Gomes Stoffel, Cláudio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa Soares, Edenilson Meyer, Paulo Emílio Lovato, and Admir José Giachini  

  • Article Number: B65E03563748

Effects of variable light intensities on seedling photomorphorgenesis and field performances of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon ‘Lindo F1)

Six tomato (Solanum lycopersicon ‘Lindo F1) nursery shades and no shade control were evaluated for their effects on seedling photomorphogenesis and field performances as influenced by variable light transmission through the shades. The shades were constructed with wooden frames and different coloured polyethylene sheets as cover (roof). Different polyethylene colours showed varying effects on all the parameters...

Author(s): Onyia V. N., Eze S. C., Chukwu C., Awere S. U., Atugwu A., Agba O. A. and Uzochukwu C.  

  • Article Number: 3AB094563752

Determinants of sorghum productivity among small-scale farmers in Siaya County, Kenya

The productivity of sorghum in Kenya is on decline despite sorghum being one of the suitable crops for the arid and semi-arid areas commonly found in Kenya. The study therefore aimed at establishing the effect of the selected socio-economic factors on sorghum productivity using a case of small-scale farmers in Siaya County. The four sub-counties considered for this study were selected on the basis of sorghum production....

Author(s): Samuel O. Okeyo, Samuel N. Ndirangu, Hezron N. Isaboke and Lucy K. Njeru  

  • Article Number: 24AE2E963755

Gender roles and constraints in the aquaculture value chain in Western Kenya

Aquaculture plays a critical role in food and nutrition security, economic empowerment and creation of employment opportunities for millions of people. However, the benefits from aquaculture are not evenly distributed between men and women due to gender-based constraints which limit maximum returns. The present study investigated gender roles and constraints in the aquaculture value chain in Western Kenya. A household...

Author(s): Cecilia Muthoni Githukia, Silke-Silvia Drexler, Kevin Odhiambo Obiero, Bryan Otieno Nyawanda, Judith Achieng’ Odhiambo, Joshua Wafula Chesoli and Julius Otieno Manyala

  • Article Number: 67D09DE63772

Inoculant production of Pisolithus sp. in submerged culture under agitation

Ectomycorrhizal fungi inoculation can increase the sustainability of planted forests hence the inoculant production should be optimized. The objective of this study was to determine the agitation speed and time of growth for maximum production of mycelium of D216 isolate of Pisolithus sp. The treatments were established by factorial 6x3, being six agitation conditions and three different times (days) of growth. The...

Author(s): Eliane Cristine Soares da Costa, Lauana Lopes dos Santos, Paulo Henrique Grazziotti, Lidiomar Soares da Costa, Cleriston Souza Silva, Roberta de Vasconcelos Ramires,  Márcia Regina da Costa and Caíque Menezes de Abreu  

  • Article Number: B04FF3763774
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african journal of agricultural research publication fee

african journal of agricultural research publication fee

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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6754
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Relative importance of functions of innovation system on cassava climate smart farming in Kenya

June, 2023 - Vol 19 Num. 6

Functions of innovation systems framework have established their value as tools for exploring socio-technological transitions and economic development. Although the “seven functions” model has demonstrated its academic value across a vast literature, there have been few attempts to explore the role of the...

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Paul O. Tana, Stephen W. Maina, Bockline O. Bebe Felister W. Makini and Dickson O. Okello  

  • Article Number: E70C0F570783

Effect of molybdenum and nitrogen rates on the growth and vegetative structure of Megathyrsusmaximus (Syn. Panicum maximum)

Alberto Chambela Neto, Ismail Ramalho Haddade, Paola Alfonsa Vieira Lo Monaco, Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira, Renata Gomes da Silveira Deminicis and Bruno Borges Deminicis  

  • Article Number: 9909DDF70781

Characterization and classification of greenbelt soils in Yambio and Nzara counties, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

Isaac A. J. Bazugba, Boniface H. J. Massawe, Mawazo Shitindi and Pio K. Deng

  • Article Number: E2E8B2270695

Ethnobotany and perceptions on the value of taro (Colocasia esculenta) among farmers in Benin Republic

Z. Natacha Julienne Quenum,, P. Lava Kumar, Malachy O. Akoroda, Alexandre Dansi, Ramesh Raju Vetukuri and Ranjana Bhattacharjee  

  • Article Number: EFC41DC70663

Determinants of farmers’ choice of fodder market outlets in Laikipia County, Kenya

Stephen Muema Mutuku, Florence Achieng’ Opondo and Job Kibiwot Lagat  

  • Article Number: C80009B70701

4 July, 2013

Drug bioavailability and traditional medicaments of commercially available papaya: A review

P. L. Saran and Ravish Choudhary

  • Article Number: 4DD547035589

South African seaweed aquaculture: A sustainable development example for other African coastal countries

Albert O. Amosu, Deborah V. Robertson-Andersson, Gavin W. Maneveldt, Robert J. Anderson and John J. Bolton

  • Article Number: 5C21AA041673

Agricultural income, land size and food insecurity in Pakistan

Bilal Ahmed

  • Article Number: 66E4AB041685

19 September, 2013

Growth, yield and economics of baby corn (Zea mays L.) as influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) practices

Ajaz A. Lone, B. A. Allai and F. A. Nehvi

  • Article Number: C8F3F9737922

16 October, 2014

Influence of physical protectors with different filters on the initial development of Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub seedlings

Jeferson Klein, João Domingos Rodrigues, Vandeir Francisco Guimarães,Leandro Rampim, Débora Kestring, Daniel Schwantes, Rubens Fey, Valdemir Aleixo, Alfredo Richart, Michelli Carline Ferronato and Augustinho Borsoi

  • Article Number: 201D26048065

Nguni cattle marketing constraints and opportunities in the communal areas of South Africa: Review

L. Musemwa, A. Mushunje, M. Chimonyo, G. Fraser, C. Mapiye and V. Muchenje

  • Article Number: 72DBB8520180

Analysis of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of different pond systems in Ogun state, Nigeria

Kareem, R. O., Dipeolu, A. O., Aromolaran, A. B. and Akegbejo Samson

  • Article Number: F05F93C20188

Effect of sorghum cultivars on population growth and grain damages by the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Ladang Y. D., Ngamo L. T. S., Ngassoum M. B., Mapongmestsem P. M.and Hance T.

  • Article Number: 4AD569220201

The efficacy of two isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschin) Sorokin (Deuteromyco- tina: Hyphomycetes) against the adults of the black maize beetle Heteronychus licas Klug (Coleoptera: Scarabidae) under laboratory conditions

Makaka, Caston

  • Article Number: 305032B20211

Pollination of the broad bean (Vicia faba L.var. major) (Fabaceae) by wild bees and honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and its impact on the seed production in the Tizi-Ouzou area (Algeria)

Malika Aouar-sadli, Kamel Louadi and Salah-Eddine Doumandji

  • Article Number: 3CCED4E20221
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african journal of agricultural research publication fee

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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6873
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Effects of feeding stovers of pearl millet varieties on performances of sheep and goats in integrated crop-small ruminants’ production systems in the West African Sahel

August 2024 - Vol 20 Num. 8

Integrated crop-small ruminant production systems have been identified as one of the strategies to enhance food security among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This study utilizes a combination of on-station and on-farm trials to investigate the effects of pearl millet stover on the performance of small...

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Local knowledge and morphological variations in local landraces Mangifera indica L. in Northern Benin (West Africa)

August 2024

Michée Dowo Adjacou, Thierry Dèhouégnon Houehanou, Gérard Nounagnon Gouwakinnou, Kathleen Prinz, Taffa Moussa, Abdul-Raouf Mama, Frank Hellwig and Armand Kuyema Natta  

  • Article Number: E2496C272458

Barriers of smallholder farmers to climate change adaptation decisions: Evidence from semi-arid region of Ghana

Fatimah Von Abubakari, Emmanuel Wisgtos Inkoom, Moses Kwadwo and Martha Opoku  

  • Article Number: 4D3372D72505

Short-term effect of the distance between the point of application of phosphate fertilizers (CBKCa and TSP) and the crown of the plant on the evolution of the fractions and the phosphorus balance of a Lixisol

Iliassou Nignan, Jean Ouedraogo, Satoshi Nakamura, Kalifa Coulibaly and Idriss Serme  

  • Article Number: 5F18E6A72418

Effects of Tithonia diversifolia on species composition of other weeds

Musabayana Zivanayi, Mandumbu Ronald and Mapope Nyamande

  • Article Number: 6DFC0AB72456

Identification and phylogenetic relationship of fungal species associated with cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) in Bamenda, (Northwest Region) Cameroon.

Azinue Clementine Lem, Manju Evelyn Bi, Mbong Grace Annih and Tonjock Rosemary Kinge  

  • Article Number: 658DFC772471

4 July, 2013

Drug bioavailability and traditional medicaments of commercially available papaya: A review

P. L. Saran and Ravish Choudhary

  • Article Number: 4DD547035589

South African seaweed aquaculture: A sustainable development example for other African coastal countries

Albert O. Amosu, Deborah V. Robertson-Andersson, Gavin W. Maneveldt, Robert J. Anderson and John J. Bolton

  • Article Number: 5C21AA041673

Agricultural income, land size and food insecurity in Pakistan

Bilal Ahmed

  • Article Number: 66E4AB041685

19 September, 2013

Growth, yield and economics of baby corn (Zea mays L.) as influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) practices

Ajaz A. Lone, B. A. Allai and F. A. Nehvi

  • Article Number: C8F3F9737922

16 October, 2014

Influence of physical protectors with different filters on the initial development of Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub seedlings

Jeferson Klein, João Domingos Rodrigues, Vandeir Francisco Guimarães,Leandro Rampim, Débora Kestring, Daniel Schwantes, Rubens Fey, Valdemir Aleixo, Alfredo Richart, Michelli Carline Ferronato and Augustinho Borsoi

  • Article Number: 201D26048065

Nguni cattle marketing constraints and opportunities in the communal areas of South Africa: Review

L. Musemwa, A. Mushunje, M. Chimonyo, G. Fraser, C. Mapiye and V. Muchenje

  • Article Number: 72DBB8520180

Analysis of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of different pond systems in Ogun state, Nigeria

Kareem, R. O., Dipeolu, A. O., Aromolaran, A. B. and Akegbejo Samson

  • Article Number: F05F93C20188

Effect of sorghum cultivars on population growth and grain damages by the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Ladang Y. D., Ngamo L. T. S., Ngassoum M. B., Mapongmestsem P. M.and Hance T.

  • Article Number: 4AD569220201

The efficacy of two isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschin) Sorokin (Deuteromyco- tina: Hyphomycetes) against the adults of the black maize beetle Heteronychus licas Klug (Coleoptera: Scarabidae) under laboratory conditions

Makaka, Caston

  • Article Number: 305032B20211

Pollination of the broad bean (Vicia faba L.var. major) (Fabaceae) by wild bees and honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and its impact on the seed production in the Tizi-Ouzou area (Algeria)

Malika Aouar-sadli, Kamel Louadi and Salah-Eddine Doumandji

  • Article Number: 3CCED4E20221
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african journal of agricultural research publication fee

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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6873
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AJAR Articles

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Short-term effect of the distance between the point of application of phosphate fertilizers (CBKCa and TSP) and the crown of the plant on the evolution of the fractions and the phosphorus balance of a Lixisol

August 2024

The different fractions of phosphorus available in the short term were studied by the fractionation method. Soil samples (0-20 cm) were taken during 2021 and 2022 campaigns after the harvests in a test set up on the factorial design with four repetitions. The P sources (Calcined Burkina Phosphate enriched with calcium (CBKCa) and Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)) were applied to the main plots, and the subplots had three...

Author(s): Iliassou Nignan, Jean Ouedraogo, Satoshi Nakamura, Kalifa Coulibaly and Idriss Serme  

  • Article Number: 5F18E6A72418

Interactive effect of organic manures, mineral fertilizers and seasons on agronomic parameters of intercropped maize (Zea mays. L), common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris. L) on oxisol in the Noun Valley (Cameroon Western Highlands)

Intercropping is a common practice among small-scale farmers of common beans and maize in developing countries, but the agronomic performance of these crops is generally poor due to inappropriate farming practices. This study evaluates the interactive effect of season and mineral-organic fertilizers on soil fertility and the agronomic performance of the intercropped common bean-maize system. The field experiment was...

Author(s): Hassan Yap Mfouapon, Primus Azinwi Tamfuh, Adalbert Onana Adibime, Jules Appolinaire Lienou, Etienne Mboua, Evariste Desire Moundjeu, Cyntia-rita Ngwahimo Ngnokam, Ismael Foukena Yandintoum and Alexis Boukong  

  • Article Number: 13946A472481

Effects of feeding stovers of pearl millet varieties on performances of sheep and goats in integrated crop-small ruminants’ production systems in the West African Sahel

Integrated crop-small ruminant production systems have been identified as one of the strategies to enhance food security among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This study utilizes a combination of on-station and on-farm trials to investigate the effects of pearl millet stover on the performance of small ruminants and to identify the best cultivars that can be recommended to livestock farmers as suitable fodder...

Author(s): Clarisse Umutoni, Augustine Ayantunde and Nouhoun Zampaligré  

  • Article Number: 9CFF81A72475

Assessing rice farmers' production constraints and variety preferences in areas affected by salinity

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a strategic and priority commodity for food security in Tanzania. The objective of this study was to assess farmers' rice production problems and the preferred traits for improvement in areas affected by salinity in the country. The study was conducted in rice-producing areas of Kilosa, Iringa, and Moshi districts. Farmers were interviewed using structured questionnaires and other...

Author(s): Nafeti Titus Mheni, Kefrine Lutambi, Newton Kilasi and Susan Nchimbi Msolla  

  • Article Number: 540321572416

Physico-chemical and sensory characterisation of three traditional functional dishes made from maize flour and wild tomi (Tamarindus indica), baobab (Adansonia digitata) and néré (Parkia biglobosa) fruit pulp consumed in Côte d'Ivoire

The aim of the study was to determine the biochemical and sensory characteristics of dishes made from maize and baobab, tomi, and néré pulp. To this end, Badégué with baobab, Badégué with tomi, and Wasséra were prepared using traditional technologies to determine their physico-chemical composition followed by a sensory evaluation. The results showed that Wasséra...

Author(s): Kouame Aristide Kouakou, Kouakou Nestor Kouassi, Kouadio Benal Kouassi, Gbè Aya Jacqueline Konan, Yapo Hypolithe Kouadio, Yao Denis N’dri and N’guessan Georges Amani

  • Article Number: 9FC77AC72503

Barriers of smallholder farmers to climate change adaptation decisions: Evidence from semi-arid region of Ghana

Climate change poses significant threats to global agricultural output, affecting the livelihoods of millions of farmers, particularly in Ghana’s semi-arid Upper East region. Here, millet and sorghum producers face increasing challenges due to changing climatic patterns. Smallholder farmers frequently employ adaptation strategies in response to these conditions. However, despite their efforts, these adaptations...

Author(s): Fatimah Von Abubakari, Emmanuel Wisgtos Inkoom, Moses Kwadwo and Martha Opoku  

  • Article Number: 4D3372D72505

Identification and phylogenetic relationship of fungal species associated with cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) in Bamenda, (Northwest Region) Cameroon.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) is one of the major foods in Cameroon. This study aims to identify fungi species from Cassava leaves and determine its phylogenetic relationship. Random sampling was used to collect symptomatic leaves in 20 cassava farms and cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Mycelia of 31 pure isolates were harvested and used for molecular analysis. DNA was extracted using the sorbitol –...

Author(s): Azinue Clementine Lem, Manju Evelyn Bi, Mbong Grace Annih and Tonjock Rosemary Kinge  

  • Article Number: 658DFC772471

Local knowledge and morphological variations in local landraces Mangifera indica L. in Northern Benin (West Africa)

Local landraces of mango (Mangifera indica L.) occupy an important position in household consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa. This study assessed the local knowledge of M. indica landraces, the variation in their morphological traits, and the influence of environmental variables on the variability of morphotypes in Northern Benin. Two hundred and three households were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire...

Author(s): Michée Dowo Adjacou, Thierry Dèhouégnon Houehanou, Gérard Nounagnon Gouwakinnou, Kathleen Prinz, Taffa Moussa, Abdul-Raouf Mama, Frank Hellwig and Armand Kuyema Natta  

  • Article Number: E2496C272458

Effects of Tithonia diversifolia on species composition of other weeds

Alien species, such as Tithonia diversifolia, if introduced to areas outside of their natural distribution range, subsequently become invasive, and threatens biodiversity and agricultural productivity. A field survey to determine the potential allelopathic effects of T. diversfiolia on species composition was conducted in Goromonzi, Zimbabwe using two different sizes quadrats. The quadrats were randomly placed at...

Author(s): Musabayana Zivanayi, Mandumbu Ronald and Mapope Nyamande

  • Article Number: 6DFC0AB72456

Selectivity of 2,4-D choline salt, glyphosate, glufosinate, and their mixtures for enlist E3™ soybeans

To reduce the impacts caused by the constant use of the same active ingredient, a new genetically modified soybean cultivar has been developed for resistance to the herbicides 2,4-D choline salt, glyphosate, and glufosinate ammonium. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of herbicides applied at the V3 and V6 stages on the development and productivity of Enlist E3™ soybeans over two...

Author(s): Thiago Souza Oliveira, Heytor Lemos Martins, Willians César Carrega, Arthur Arrobas Martins Barroso and Pedro Luís da Costa Aguiar Alves  

  • Article Number: 4BB5B9C72477

Standard of living, gender dimensions and women empowerment among Fulani pastoralist in Kaduna State, Nigeria

The participation of women in dairy farming varies according to region, culture, and socioeconomic status. These dynamics restrict women’s abilities to exercise equal access and control over resources. Utilizing descriptive statistics and data from 316 clustered Advancing Local Dairy Development in Nigeria (ALDDN) Project beneficiary communities, this study assesses gender roles and empowerment among pastoralists...

Author(s): Jamila Rabe Mani, Musa Bello, Yusuf Usman Oladimeji and Fadlullah Olayiwola  

  • Article Number: 023B30872338

Genetic parameters estimate of iron and zinc nutrients in common bean genotypes

There is need to know the heritability of different traits for the effective selection of parents for future breeding activities. A study was carried out to determine heritability of iron and zinc in common bean. Crosses were made with each donor and recipient parents to obtain four different types of crosses. Part of the F1 seed from each cross was sown in the screen house to produce F2 seeds and also backcrossed to...

Author(s): Kinguye Masamaki Magomere, Susan Nchimbi-Msolla and George Muhamba Tryphone  

  • Article Number: 0CC685972319

Phenotypical variability of four types of sorghum cultivated in intercropping conditions in two agroclimatic areas of Burkina Faso based on qualitative traits

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an indigenous crop in Africa, primarily cultivated to meet the food and commercial needs of rural communities. In Burkina Faso, various types of sorghum are cultivated together, potentially increasing gene flow and influencing the evolution of key morphological traits of interest. This study compared the morphological variability of four types of sorghum cultivated under...

Author(s): Sévérin Tuina, Josiane Tiendrebéogo, Romaric Kiswendsida Nanema and Nerbéwendé Sawadogo  

  • Article Number: B942BB272372

A survey on the state of moringa cultivation and utilization in Kwazulu-Natal

The African population is predicted to be 1,397,607,646, with the South African population estimated to be 60,635,919. With a continually expanding population across the continent, satisfying the demands of present and future generations will be a major global challenge. As a result, this study investigated Moringa oleifera lam as a superfood with the potential to reduce poverty and unemployment, promote rural...

Author(s): Simphiwe Promise Buthelezi and Londeka Thandokuhle Mimi Nxumalo  

  • Article Number: 4D4F63672364

Characterization of chicken production system in two selected districts in Central Tigray, Ethiopia

The study was conducted in Tahtay Michew and Mereb Leke districts with the objective of characterizing the chicken production system in the two study districts. Data collection was carried out through a structured questionnaire and data gathered from different sources. A total of 80 households (40 from each district) were randomly selected for interviews in the baseline survey. Finally, all the collected data were...

Author(s): Berhe Teklay, Yosef Tadesse and Solomon Abegaz  

  • Article Number: B1E4ABD72378

Assessing soil carbon sequestration potential by measuring clay, sand, and silt content in agroforestry parkland systems along a rainfall gradient in Burkina Faso, West Africa

Soil texture and precipitation influence soil organic carbon sequestration. This research measured soil texture to assess the potential for organic carbon sequestration in soils within agroforestry parklands, considering a gradient of rainfall levels. The study aims to provide site-specific recommendations to promote agroforestry as a strategy for mitigating climate change in Burkina Faso. Soil samples were collected...

Author(s): Yacouba Noël Coulibaly and Gérard Zombré  

  • Article Number: 9091CA572352

Postharvest handling practices and the use of Cedrela Odorata leaves against insect pests of maize grain in storage

A survey conducted in the Ejura-Sekyedumasi municipality of Ghana's Ashanti Region assessed the use of Cedrela odorata leaves for storing maize. The study sampled fifty farmers from five maize-producing communities. Maize storage methods included shelling and bagging or storing unshelled maize in rooms or barns. Common field pests encountered included weevils, termites and fall armyworms. The majority of farmers...

Author(s): Samuel Owusu-Ansah, Francis Appiah, Charles Kwoseh and Elvis Asamoah  

  • Article Number: 8C644CD72347

Effects of soil pH levels on iron and zinc concentrations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes

Plants grown in acid soils experience a variety of stresses which include aluminium, hydrogen and/or manganese toxicity, as well as nutrient deficiencies of calcium and magnesium. A study was carried out to determine the influence of soil pH levels on iron and zinc concentrations in leaves and seeds of twenty-five common bean genotypes. Plastic cups trial was carried out in the screen house to determine the actual...

  • Article Number: EF8A62972321

Farming nomenclature, distribution and diversity of squash (Cucurbita sp) in Burkina Faso

Agriculture plays a crucial role in managing sustainable food security, necessitating a better understanding and conservation of plant genetic resource diversity. This study aims to establish the nomenclature of squash species (Cucurbita species) diversity cultivated by farmers in Burkina Faso. A survey was conducted across 19 provinces, divided into nine regions and two climatic zones. Semi-structured individual...

Author(s): Soumbougma Benoît, Tiama Djakaridja, Ouedraogo Jacques and Bationo-Kando Pauline

  • Article Number: 9E96E7872370

Troubled agronomy: Exploring challenges affecting oil palm production among indigenous rural farmers in Karonga district, Malawi

Agriculture remains fundamental in addressing socio-economic challenges in developing countries including Malawi. Through agriculture, oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) production has been essential as source of food, creation of job opportunities, income generation, hence offering potential pathways for reducing rural poverty. In Malawi, oil palm production is an old tradition practiced by the Nyakyusa people, residing in...

Author(s): Noel Mweta, Alex Somuah-Obeng and John Windie Ansah  

  • Article Number: 591668A72327

Inventory of fungi associated with fonio (Digitaria exilis, Stapf) diseases and evaluation of the phenotype of 15 fonio mutant lineages against two isolates of Curvularia lunata in Burkina Faso

Curvulariosis is one of the main fungal diseases of fonio, appearing at the vegetative growth stage and causing yield losses of up to 45%. The aim of this study was to invent the fungal species that infest fonio and to evaluate the phenotype of 18 lines developed or generated by mutagenesis against curvulariosis. A collection survey was carried out in the main fonio production zones. The lines were screened under...

Author(s): Niaone Mandinatou, Issa Wonni, Mahamadou Sawadogo, Soumana Kone, Abdourasmane Konate and Abalo Kassankogno  

  • Article Number: E98231372305

Evaluation of the morphological variability and pathogenicity of Fusarium verticillioides isolates collected from maize seeds produced in Burkina Faso

Fusarium head blight is one of the most important diseases on maize production in Burkina Faso. It affects both yields and production quality, due to toxins that are dangerous to human and animal health. The effectiveness of control measures for this disease depends on a better understanding of the intra-population variability of the pathogens responsible, as well as control of their pathogenicity. The aim of this study...

Author(s): Abou SANOU, Zara NIKIEMA, Shemaeza BONZI, Lamine TRAORE, Jacob SANOU and Irénée SOMDA  

  • Article Number: 13CA35872278

Effects of the length of rectangular zaï pits on straw and grain yields of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in the Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian zones of Burkina Faso

In this arid zone, water is crucial for increasing yields, which justifies why zaï, characterized by spherical pits, has become the main soil recovery technique. However, water table level affects the effectiveness of zaï in collecting sufficient water. The present study aimed to give a rectangular shape to the typically spherical zaï pits to measure the straw and grain yield of sorghum in a factorial...

Author(s): Abdoulaye Dabre., Patrice Savadogo, Lassina Sanou and Hassan Bismarck Nacro

  • Article Number: 97B00FF72299

Determinants of adoption of improved agronomic practices of (Sesamum indicum L.) production, challenges and opportunities in Lango sub region of Northern Uganda

Sesame is a key oilseed crop predominantly cultivated in Northern and Eastern regions of Uganda. Despite efforts to promote sesame production, adoption of improved agronomic practices remains low. This study assesses adoption intensity, determinants of improved agronomic practices, and opportunities for enhancing sesame production in Northern Uganda. The study employed multi-stage and purposive sampling to survey 123...

Author(s): Cosmas Wacal, Jimmy Obala, David Agole, Daniel Basalirwa, Joseph Masereka, Ronald Buwa, Jorem Alipa, Emmanuel Ewaju and Jordan Andaku

  • Article Number: 096AC7772276

Evaluation of rhizobium and nitrogen fertilizer for the control of bacterial blight in green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties

Bacterial blight is a serious disease affecting green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), impacting all growth and yield parameters and potentially causing a yield loss of about 40%. Inadequate information exists on the evaluation of nitrogen fertilizer potential on bacterial blight diseases in green bean cultivars. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of nitrogen fertilizer in managing bacterial blight disease...

Author(s): Manju B. Evelyn, Ache T. Neh and Azah N. Bihwih  

  • Article Number: B8E163272219

Estimating and forecasting red meat consumption and production in Saudi Arabia during 2022-2030

The study aims to predict domestic consumption and the production of three meat species (cattle, goats, and sheep) between 2022 and 2030. All series data in addition income per capita as exogenous variable are stationary at the first difference. So vector autoregressive model with exogenous variables  was applied, according to information criterion ( ) the  model of order  without an intercept term and a...

Author(s): Emad S. Aljohani, Abdul Aziz Al Duwais and Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Alderiny

  • Article Number: 998ECB272214

Morphometrics and carcass production of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) under intensive production system

The aim of this study was to determine the carcass production and obtain linear models for the estimation of live weight of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), reared under intensive system. Three-year-old crocodiles destined for slaughter were restrained, stunned and thereafter, the spinal cord severed instantly. The live weight of each crocodile was measured and the corresponding morphometric measurements were...

Author(s): Bob Mali, Lillian Owembabazi, Celsus Sente and Sam Okello

  • Article Number: 2ACF59472230

Assessment of vertical hydroponic structures compared to planting in soil under different light conditions

The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of small-scale vertical hydroponic structures compared to indoor planting in soil under different light conditions. Fordhook Giant Swiss chard (Spinacea oleracea) was grown for 2 cropping seasons. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference in the biometric attributes of the plants grown hydroponically and those grown in soil under different...

Author(s): Zikhona Buyeye, Gareth Lagerwall, Aidan Senzanje and Sipho Sibanda

  • Article Number: 4F5F28372228

Pollination by Xylocopa olivacea Fabricius 1871 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and potential benefits on Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. 1843 (Fabaceae) production in Djoumassi (North Region, Cameroon)

The investigation aimed to assess the impact of Xylocopa olivacea on Vigna unguiculata yields, and its foraging and pollinating activities were studied at Djoumassi from October 30th to November 04th in 2018 and from 04 to 10th October in 2019. A total of 540 flowers were observed, divided into four treatments. Two treatments were differentiated based on the presence or absence of flower protection against insect...

Author(s): Yatahai Clément Mineo, Massah Dabole Odette, Kodji Issaya, Adamou Moïse, Kingha Tekombo Bernice and Mazi Sanda  

  • Article Number: 21BF79F72248

Honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Bench-Maji and Sheka zones, Southwest Ethiopia

This study evaluates the honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Sheka and Bench Maji zones. A cross sectional study design was used in the study. Four hundred and twenty households were involved in the study and 35 were randomly selected using stratified random sampling techniques from each purposively selected twelve kebeles. Specimens were collected from a hive of 72 households for...

Author(s): Teshome Gemechu, Elias Bayou and Tirusew Teshale

  • Article Number: 23F8D8872192

Adaptability evaluation of US-developed soybean recombinant inbred lines in Rwandan conditions

About 70% of the Rwandan population live on agriculture-related activities. Soybean is among the selected priority crops that are supported by the government through the agriculture sector subsidy program. However, the national production and yields per hectare remain very low compared to other countries such as the USA. Yet demand for soybean products and byproducts is increasing. On the list factors limiting soybean...

Author(s): Daniel Niykiza, Tarek Hewezi, Tom Gill, Carl Sams, Tessa Burch-Smith and Vince Pantalone  

  • Article Number: 29ADA5F72168

Effect of partial substitution of Noug (Guizotia abyssinica) seed cake with graded levels of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) hay on growth performance and carcass characteristics of yearling rams

A feeding trial was conducted using sainfoin hay at 0, 10, 20 and 30% on a dry matter basis of inclusion to yearling rams placed on, T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively, to substitute Noug seed cake in concentrate (wheat bran + Noug seed cake + common salt + wheat straw as a basal diet). Yearling 24 rums were selected on the basis of age and weight similarity and randomly assigned to the four treatments in...

Author(s): Dinku Getu, Solomon Demeke, Taye Tolemariam and Mesfin Dejene  

  • Article Number: A89774D72182

Phenology and growth response of maize and groundnut to different spatial arrangement and intercropping systems

Field trials were carried out at the research field of AAMUSTED in two cropping seasons (2021 and 2022) to determine the effect of intercropping groundnut varieties with maize using different spatial arrangements on phenology and growth. A 3 x 3 factorial experiment arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), plus four sole crops replicated four times, was used. The treatments were: (i) groundnut varieties...

Author(s): Isaac Ntekor, Margaret Esi Essilfie, Harrison Kwame Dapaah, and Samuel Ebo Owusu

  • Article Number: CEA872572136

The impact of organic fertilizer on maize, field beans, and cabbages within the agricultural landscape of Kenya: An assessment of efficacy on sustainable development goals

The study aimed to address the reduced production in agriculture and offer better opportunities to farmers for a sustainable future through organic farming aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Data were collected on the growth performance and yield of three crops (cabbage, field beans, and maize) from six sites: Mau Narok, Mwea, Limuru, Molo, and Njabini, between April and October, 2017. The results of the...

Author(s): Eunsung Lee and Ibrahim Tirimba Ondabu  

  • Article Number: 358E2F272172

Effects of manure and variety on growth and yield of maize under managed water stress at Salima in Malawi

Drought and low soil fertility are the primary constraints to maize productivity in Malawi. An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry season under furrow irrigation to evaluate the impact of goat manure application and drought on the growth and grain yield of the hybrid DKC8053 variety and the synthetic ZM523 variety. These varieties share a maturity period ranging...

Author(s): S. K. Nambuzi, V. H. Kabambe, W. G. Mhango, M. F. A. Maliro and J. M. Bokosi  

  • Article Number: C3C40BE72148

Cocoa-agroforestry in Ghana: Practices, determinants and constraints faced by farmers

To address the growing global demand for cocoa, sustainable intensification of its production in Ghana, the second largest producer, is considered crucial. This paper analyzes practices, determinants and constraints of agroforestry among cocoa farmers in Ghana to provide insights into challenges and drivers for agroforestry adoption, which will guide the formulation and prioritization of tailored policies to address...

Author(s): Mills Oliver, Sarfo Akoto and Simon Abugre  

  • Article Number: C8CE20672044

Challenges faced by small scale sugarcane growers: An exploration of the impact of social unrest on sugarcane farming in Kwazulu-Natal

The South African sugar industry is considered by the South African Sugar Association (SASA) as one of the world’s leading cost competitive producers of high-quality sugar and contributes significantly to the national economy, sustainable development and creates mass employment in rural areas.  However, numerous challenges are faced by small scale sugarcane growers which drastically affect their profit...

Author(s): Simphiwe Promise Buthelezi, Londeka Nxumalo and Xolani Terrance Ngema

  • Article Number: 30FFB2D72030

Study on the trapping effects of Brassica allelochemicals on Plutella xylostella adults

The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is a major pest of Brassica crops worldwide. This study explores the application of Brassica spp. allelochemicals in trapping diamondback moth adults. The effectiveness of eight commercially obtained Brassica spp. volatiles has been investigated, including - (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, cis-3-hexene-1-ol, β-pinene, sabinene, n-heptanal, allyl...

Author(s): Nooney Chidwala, Gabriel Chilumpha, Arnold Makhwira, Balaka Namandwa, Qihuan Zhou, Wuhan Li, Ting Yu, Raghda Nasser and Jianchu Mo  

  • Article Number: 68C9BED72101

Physico-chemical properties of irradiated fresh tomatoes

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of various levels of gamma irradiation on the physico-chemical composition of fresh tomatoes. Tomato samples were irradiated in a Co-60 gamma irradiator and maintained at 25 ± 2°C storage conditions. The experiment was designed with five treatments of radiation dose (0, 0.5, 0.75 1.0, 1.5, and 2 kGy). Before irradiation, the initial composition of physico-chemical...

Author(s): Rose Jumbe, and Rashid Suleiman

  • Article Number: E6A8F3B72028

Evaluation of soybean (Glycine max L.) varieties for yield performance and adaptability over different growing seasons at Tselemti District, Northern Ethiopia

A field experiment was carried out in 2015 and 2016 cropping season on ten soybean varieties using randomized complete block design. The aim is to evaluate soybean varieties for yield performance and adaptability considering number of days to 50% flowering, days to 95% maturity, plant height, pods per plant, plant height biomass and grain yield. Those varieties were superior overall the testing varieties such as Afgat...

Author(s): Tesfahun Mekuanint and Abadi Girmay

  • Article Number: 45D1EBE72014

Use of cultured indigenous micro-organism (IMO) decomposed liquid chicken manure on the growth and yield of onions (Allium cepa)

This study was conducted to determine the effect of indigenous micro-organism (IMO) decomposed liquid chicken manure on the growth and yield of onions set up at Africa University, Mutare, Zimbabwe. There were five treatments arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replicates. Treatments were: 1 (Onions grown with IMO decomposed liquid chicken manure only), 2 (IMO decomposed liquid chicken manure only),...

Author(s): Banalya Nathan, Tuarira Mtaita, Sebastian Chakeredza and Jefta Tabarira    

  • Article Number: BB2749A71989

Smallholder palm oil production sector in African countries: State of the art, practices, constraints, and opportunities in Littoral and Centre regions of Cameroon

During palm oil extraction by smallholders in Cameroon, palm oil mill effluent (POME) is generated. A detailed description of the processes involved, aids in reducing loss and minimising the environmental effect of the wastes produced. We characterized herein, the production chain of smallholders’ palm oil production in Cameroon. Mixed methods research approach was used, and semi-structured questionnaires...

Author(s): Lawrence Monah Ndam, Godswill Azinwie Asongwe, Raymond Ndip Nkongho, Kenneth Mbene, Valentine Asong Tellen, Emmanuel Jiti Ndi, Jun-Jun Ma, Aaron Suh Tening, and Takeshi Fujino ,  

  • Article Number: 6DB41AB71963

Assessment of the concentration of heavy metals in two vegetables in selected urban metropolises (Ilorin and Osogbo), Nigeria

This study analyzed heavy metal contamination in commonly consumed leafy vegetables grown on peri-urban farms in Osogbo and Ilorin, Nigeria. Across five neighborhoods in each city, fresh vegetable samples were collected and assessed for lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Alarming Pb levels were discovered, with mean concentrations ranging from 0.01...

Author(s): A. E. Awe, G. O. Adesina, K.A. Adelasoye, S. O. Abiola and A. A. Adeniji  

  • Article Number: 1754E0471973

Growth performance and carcass characteristics of Kuroiler chicks fed on Silkworm pupae (Bombyx mori) diet

Utilization of silkworm pupae meal for feed will partially meet the protein feed deficiency, and fish meal competing uses. Silkworm pupa was used as a fishmeal substitute at different levels in poultry feeds to determine the growth performance and carcass characteristics after feeding day old Kuroiler chicks for 8 weeks. Fishmeal was substituted with Silkworm pupae at percentages of 25 (T3), 50 (T2) and 100 (T1) with a...

Author(s): Nyanchoka W., Muriithi A. N. and Kasina M.  

  • Article Number: B5A0D2E71995

Antifungal effect of wood vinegar from selected feedstocks on Ascochyta rabiei in vitro

A study to evaluate the antifungal activity of wood vinegar (pyrogenous acid) from maize cobs, acacia twigs, bean straw and an invasive tree species Prosopis juliflora against Ascochyta rabiei was conducted in vitro and at Egerton University Njoro, Kenya. The physicochemical characteristics of the different wood vinegar were also determined. Antifungal effects of wood vinegar were evaluated at different concentrations...

Author(s): Mary Simiyu, Joseph Mafurah, Jane Nyaanga and Elizabeth Mwangi  

  • Article Number: BC79FD671908

Ancient and novel Ethiopian durum wheat cultivars: What is the future for their cultivation?

Durum wheat ancient cultivars have been grown in Ethiopia for centuries. Until the 1960s, durum wheat covered all wheat areas in the country; nearly all surfaces were represented by landraces. Now, the area dedicated to durum wheat has declined to approximately 15% of the wheat surface. Still, Ethiopia remains an immense genetic diversity resource for durum wheat. In 2019-21, a group of researchers conducted a field...

Author(s): Wasihun Legesse, Habtamu Tesfaye and Flippo M. Bassi

  • Article Number: BC81F8B71918

Leaf and fruit description of 18 varieties of mango tree (Mangifera indica L.) in Burkina Faso

Fruit cultivation, particularly mango production, is flourishing in Burkina Faso. Despite the abundance of mango varieties, the methods for identifying them based on morphological traits remain unknown. This study aims to identify the distinctive characteristics of 18 mango tree varieties at INERA/Farako-Bâ, where experimentation is ongoing. To achieve this, 18 qualitative and four quantitative parameters were...

Author(s): Corneille Drabo, Pingawindé Sawadogo, Nerbéwendé Sawadogo, Jacob Sanou, and Mahamadou Sawadogo  

  • Article Number: 1A722B071944

Preliminary study of growth pattern and condition factor of bobo croaker (Pseudotolithus elongatus) in obolo area Nigeria

The preliminary study of the growth pattern and condition factor of Bobo Croaker (Pseudotolithus elongatus) in the Obolo Area, Nigeria, was conducted over a six-month period. Samples were collected from the catches of artisanal and local fishers, and the length and weight of the samples were measured in situ using appropriate tools. The parameters "a" and "b" of the Length-Weight relationship were...

Author(s): Akpan, I. I., Okoko, A. C., Udo, I. U. and Enin, U. I.  

  • Article Number: 4A29AD171950

Management of pigeon pea pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) using biopesticides and yield performance in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya

Pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) is one of the major causes of low productivity in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) in Kenya. This study determined the effect of Nimbedicine, Pyagro and Bacillus thuringiensis on pod borer and grain yield performance of two pigeon pea varieties. The experiments were set up in Kapkayo and Koibatek during April-September, 2020 and May-October, 2021 cropping seasons. The experiment was laid in...

Author(s): Stella Jepkosgei, Miriam K. Charimbu, Paul Kimurto, Juliana J. Cheboi and Nadigatla G. Rao  

  • Article Number: 5AFC31F71928

Impact of nutritional sovereignty of red meat on water consumption in the agricultural sector

February 2024

Given the dependency of red meat production on water-depleting fodder crops, this research aimed to measure the impact of the nutritional sovereignty of red meat on water consumption in the agricultural sector. The most important findings of this study reveal that the total water used in the production of red meat amounted to 46.68 billion cubic meters, representing 10.14% of the total water consumption in the...

Author(s): Suliman A. Almojel, Adel M. Ghanem, Khalid N. Alrwis, Sahar A. Kamara, Sharafeldin B. Ahmed and Yusuf A. Krimly  

  • Article Number: BA6514071819

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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6873
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Table of Content: January, 2021; 17(1)

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January 2021

Status of parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) and its control options in Ethiopia

Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is an invasive herbaceous weed which belongs to the family Compositae. It is believed to have originated in tropical America and now occurs widely in Asia, Australia, Southern and east Africa. Parthenium has been observed to grow on road sides, gardens, waterways, in grasslands and crop fields both during the crop season and after harvest, as long as enough moisture is available....

Author(s): Zelalem Bekeko  

  • Article Number: 0ADB96865722

Makafaci and Wachangu improved doubled haploid rice (Oryza sativa) varieties recommended for lowland cultivation in Malawi

The study was conducted in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 rainy seasons at Nanzolo, Domasi and Mkondezi in three replications using the RCBD following the Mother-Baby Trial Approach. The objective of the study was to evaluate grain yield of twelve high-yielding rice (Oryza sativa) varieties that were selected and shared from elite Doubled Haploid germplasms of a Collaborative Project of KAFACI (RDA) and AGRA at Suwon in Korea...

Author(s): Elias Jeke, Tennyson Mzengeza, Kyung-Ho Kang, Lazarus Chapo, Mwai Malipa, Brian Boyce, Memory Kachingwe and Innocent Machira  

  • Article Number: A63DFE465724

Factors affecting the adoption of mobile applications by farmers: An empirical investigation

In developing countries such as Nigeria, agriculture is the main source of livelihood with over 70% of the population engaged in farming. They are mostly smallholders and subsistence farmers with minimal use of technology and low productivity. The use of mobile applications in agriculture can potentially help smallholders access agricultural information and financial services, improve access to markets and enhance...

Author(s): Victor Okoroji, Nic J Lees and Xiaomeng Lucock  

  • Article Number: 7CAAE6765726

Supplemental value of exo-enzyme in the utilization of cassava fibre meal by broiler-chickens

This study assessed the supplemental value of Roxazyme® G2 in the utilization of cassava fibre meal (CFM) by broiler-chickens in a 56 day feeding trial. A batch of three hundred and sixty day-old Arbor acre broiler-chicks was allotted to twelve treatments replicated five times of six birds in a 4 × 3 factorial in complete randomization. Cassava fibre meal was substituted for maize at 0, 20, 40 and 60% levels...

Author(s): Simeon Ajibade Akinyele, Muyiwa Hilarious Ogunsipe and Oyewumi Nather Oyewole  

  • Article Number: 6ABDAD965731

Effects of cyanotoxins in germination, growth and DNA damages of Lettuce sativa (Lettuce) and Coriandrum sativum (Coriander)

The use of irrigation water containing cyanobacterial toxins can cause significant impacts in agricultural and consequently environmental health. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of cyanotoxins (microcystin-LR and saxitoxin) on germination, growth and micronuclei formation in lettuce (Lettuce sativa) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Seeds of lettuce and coriander were exposed during 7-9 days to...

Author(s): Janiele França Nery, Gleydson Kleyton Moura Nery, Adriana Guedes Magalhaes, Walclécio Lira and Salomão de Sousa Medeiros  

  • Article Number: 4F61C9365736

The preventive impact of vermicompost on bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) salinity resistance: An evaluation

This work aims to identify the impacts of vermicompost leachate (VCL) toward its salt resistance stress in plants. Young Capsicum annuum L seedlings were subjected to salinity (160 mM NaCl added to a nutrient solution) over a course of seven days during or following the adding of 7 mL L−1 VCL. The exposure to salt stress resulted in a notable decrease of dry and fresh leaf weights, K+ concentrations, and leaf...

Author(s): Naser Ahmadi and Elnaz Akbari,  

  • Article Number: BFFD08665752

Indigenous knowledge of Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke, in Burkina Faso

Striga gesnerioides is one of the major constraints to cowpea production in West Africa. In Burkina Faso, Striga is a national phenomenon despite the control measures proposed by research. This study aims to collect farmers' perceptions of S. gesnerioides. Thus, a survey was conducted among cowpea producers in 15 localities across the four agroclimatic zones of Burkina Faso. Data collected were related to...

Author(s): Pingawindé SAWADOGO, Nerbéwendé SAWADOGO, Tinga Jeremy OUEDRAOGO, Zakaria DIENI, Teyioué Benoit Joseph BATIENO, Hamadou ZONGO, Léandre PODA, Jean Baptiste De La Salle TIGNEGRE and Mahamadou SAWADOGO  

  • Article Number: A021F6D65755

Assessment of sixteen varieties of groundnut in two agro ecological zones in Burkina Faso for yield and tolerance to aflatoxin

In Burkina Faso, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is produced in almost the entire country except the north. Its multiple uses make it a highly appreciated oil seeds and leguminous crop. However, the presence of aflatoxins in grains constitutes a public health risk and thus limits its marketing to international markets. The present study evaluated sixteen (16) short duration (90 days) groundnut varieties (15 varieties...

Author(s): Amos MININGOU, Sy Appolinaire TRAORE, Blaise KABRE and Sondé Ardjouma Lassina Moulaye KONATE  

  • Article Number: 23445B965758

Effect of different vermicomposts and bioslurry on growth, yield and postharvest quality of statice

An experiment at Egerton University in Kenya studied effects of vermicomposts and bioslurry on growth, yield and postharvest quality in statice. Three vermicomposts prepared from Kitchen waste (V1), mowed lawn grass (V2) and Weed biomass (V3) were mixed at a rate of 40% by volume with garden soil and tested against the untreated control (V0). Bioslurry from a digester at Tatton Agricultural Park in the university was...

Author(s): Amos Nyakeyo, Mariam Mwangi and Jane Nyaanga  

  • Article Number: 9C4A23065762

Climate-Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and its implications to food security in Siyadebrina Wayu District, Ethiopia

Climate change poses a major threat to agricultural production and food security in Ethiopia. Temperature rise and variability in rainfall patterns have had serious consequences on crop and livestock production. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is one of the solutions that simultaneously address the issues of food security, climate change and agricultural productivity. The objective of this study was to examine trends...

Author(s): Tekeste Kifle  

  • Article Number: 8BC18F065764

A comparative economic analysis of aquaculture production systems in Southern Agricultural Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria

This study was undertaken to determine the factors that influence the output of aquaculture production and the profitability of three production systems (concrete tank, earthen pond, and mobile tank) in Southern Agricultural Zone of Cross River State. A multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select 140 farmers from three LGAs in the study area. Structured questionnaire was used for data...

Author(s): Etuk, Ekanem Abasiekong, Ogban, Gloria Onette and Idiong, Christopher Idiong  

  • Article Number: A37EB5A65805

The effect of multi-component fertilizer and lime application on yield of common bean in Western Kenya

Soil acidity and micronutrient deficiency is a major constraint affecting common bean production in Western Kenya. Farmers in the region have access to the two fertilizers Mavuno and Sympal fortified with different micronutrients and recommended for legumes; however, the performance of beans in the region remains low. A field experiment was, therefore, conducted in two sites in Nandi county, western Kenya, to determine...

Author(s): Shadrack C. Kipngetich, Samuel M. Mwonga and John O. Ojiem  

  • Article Number: AE0A74365807

A review of food buffer system for urban areas: Case study of Jakarta

Food is a human basic need and its provision should be secured by the government. In this regard, the government must control the stability of food price particularly in urban areas in which its food demand depends mostly on food supply from surrounding areas as a food buffer. However, the current food buffer system for urban areas has not been able to stabilize food price volatility experienced every year. This is...

Author(s): Agung Hendriadi, Benny Rachman and Arif Syaifudin  

  • Article Number: F770C8A65809

Growth, phenology, yield and yield attributes of rice as influenced by tillage, residue and nitrogen management practice in Chitwan, Nepal

A field experiment was conducted in three factorial strip-split-plot design to evaluate the effect of two establishment methods (EM) [transplanted in puddled soil (PuTPR) and direct seeded in zero tillage (ZT-DSR)], two residue levels [residue kept at 3 t ha-1 (RK) and residue removed (RR)] with two nitrogen doses [recommended dose (100 kg N ha-1) (RD) and farmers' dose (50 kg N ha-1) (FD)] with six replications on...

Author(s): Arjun Bastola, Tika Karki, Santosh Marahatta and Lal Prasad Amgain  

  • Article Number: 148DB2865811

Inorganic fertilizer use among agroforestry and non-agroforestry practicing farmers in South West Cameroon: A comparative assessment and policy ramifications

Continuous and excessive use of inorganic fertilizers by farmers across the world is causing more harm than good to croplands. This is because most of these inorganic fertilizers are toxic, which in essence defeats the very purpose for which they are produced. This paper sought to comparatively assess the use of inorganic fertilizer among agroforestry and non-agroforestry practicing farmers in south west Cameroon. Data...

Author(s): Azembouh Roshinus Tsufac, Nyong Princely Awazi and Bernard Palmer Kfuban Yerima  

  • Article Number: FB5138265849

Effect of crop canopy manipulation on light interception, growth, and development of wild proso millet and giant foxtail in row-cropping systems

Crop canopy architecture is known to affect weed performance. Field experiments were conducted to examine the effect of altered crop canopy architecture and light interception on growth and development of wild proso millet and giant foxtail, two problematic weed species. Crop canopy architecture was manipulated by planting two sweet corn varieties contrasting in canopy architecture (Bonus-has a dense leaf canopy and...

Author(s): Jenipher Bisikwa, Roger L. Becker, Vince A. Fritz, Kevin Natukunda and Martha I. Natukunda,

  • Article Number: 1DC3E0165851

Assessment of fertilizers usage and cropping patterns in study area of Naypyitaw, Myanmar

A study was conducted to observe the demographic characteristics of farmers, to assess the use of fertilizers application by farmer and to identify the current status of cropping pattern in the study area. The demographic profiles of 60 respondents stated that the age ranged from 30 to 78 years and land holding ranged from 0.10 to 2.80 ha. The majority of farmers (40%) had a primary educational level. Farmers utilized...

Author(s): Hla Moe Khaing, Swe Swe Mar, Htay Htay Oo and Kyaw Ngwe  

  • Article Number: E049DEC65853

Impact of tank geometry on production of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)

Geometry of fish tanks tends to affect the growth and yield of fish. The impact of tank geometry on the production of Clarias gariepinus was evaluated. Circular, rectangular and ellipsoid tanks were used to test the variation of water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and total suspended solids on African catfish growth performance. Results on water temperature, pH, DO, were within the acceptable ranges of...

Author(s): Shadrack Kwadwo Amponsah, Sampson Agodzo, Etornyo Agbeko and Enock Asante Osei  

  • Article Number: 913FCDE65904

Screening of okra (Abelmoschus species) genotype for resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species)

Okra has significant area under cultivation in Africa and Asia, despite it has been considered as a minor crop and not much attention has been given to okra improvement in international research program. Niger produced during 2008, 2794 t of okra in 5288 ha with mean productivity of 0.39 t.ha-1. This poor average productivity is far below than the mean productivity of East Africa (6.2 t.ha-1) and North (8.8 t.ha-1)....

Author(s): IDI SAIDOU Sani,, HAOUGUI Adamou, ISSAKA Salia Ousseini, KUMAR Sanjeet, ALI Mahamane, and BAKASSO Yacoubou,  

  • Article Number: CDED2DC65908

Relative time of planting of legumes (cowpea, soybean and groundnut) on weed suppression and yield in cassava cropping system

Weeds are a serious problem farmer’s face in tropical Africa, which significantly reduces yield. Field trials were conducted from September 2013 to September 2014 to determine the appropriate relative time of planting of legumes in cassava cropping system for optimum weed suppression. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Treatments consisted of combinations...

Author(s): Kingsley Joseph Taah and Emmanuel Ogyiri Adu  

  • Article Number: 28C4C4165912
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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6873
  • Instructions
  • Articles In Press

Identification and phylogenetic relationship of fungal species associated with cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) in Bamenda, (Northwest Region) Cameroon.

August 2024 - Vol 20 Num. 8

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) is one of the major foods in Cameroon. This study aims to identify fungi species from Cassava leaves and determine its phylogenetic relationship. Random sampling was used to collect symptomatic leaves in 20 cassava farms and cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Mycelia of 31 pure...

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Local knowledge and morphological variations in local landraces Mangifera indica L. in Northern Benin (West Africa)

August 2024

Michée Dowo Adjacou, Thierry Dèhouégnon Houehanou, Gérard Nounagnon Gouwakinnou, Kathleen Prinz, Taffa Moussa, Abdul-Raouf Mama, Frank Hellwig and Armand Kuyema Natta  

  • Article Number: E2496C272458

Barriers of smallholder farmers to climate change adaptation decisions: Evidence from semi-arid region of Ghana

Fatimah Von Abubakari, Emmanuel Wisgtos Inkoom, Moses Kwadwo and Martha Opoku  

  • Article Number: 4D3372D72505

Short-term effect of the distance between the point of application of phosphate fertilizers (CBKCa and TSP) and the crown of the plant on the evolution of the fractions and the phosphorus balance of a Lixisol

Iliassou Nignan, Jean Ouedraogo, Satoshi Nakamura, Kalifa Coulibaly and Idriss Serme  

  • Article Number: 5F18E6A72418

Effects of Tithonia diversifolia on species composition of other weeds

Musabayana Zivanayi, Mandumbu Ronald and Mapope Nyamande

  • Article Number: 6DFC0AB72456

Azinue Clementine Lem, Manju Evelyn Bi, Mbong Grace Annih and Tonjock Rosemary Kinge  

  • Article Number: 658DFC772471

4 July, 2013

Drug bioavailability and traditional medicaments of commercially available papaya: A review

P. L. Saran and Ravish Choudhary

  • Article Number: 4DD547035589

South African seaweed aquaculture: A sustainable development example for other African coastal countries

Albert O. Amosu, Deborah V. Robertson-Andersson, Gavin W. Maneveldt, Robert J. Anderson and John J. Bolton

  • Article Number: 5C21AA041673

Agricultural income, land size and food insecurity in Pakistan

Bilal Ahmed

  • Article Number: 66E4AB041685

19 September, 2013

Growth, yield and economics of baby corn (Zea mays L.) as influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) practices

Ajaz A. Lone, B. A. Allai and F. A. Nehvi

  • Article Number: C8F3F9737922

16 October, 2014

Influence of physical protectors with different filters on the initial development of Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub seedlings

Jeferson Klein, João Domingos Rodrigues, Vandeir Francisco Guimarães,Leandro Rampim, Débora Kestring, Daniel Schwantes, Rubens Fey, Valdemir Aleixo, Alfredo Richart, Michelli Carline Ferronato and Augustinho Borsoi

  • Article Number: 201D26048065

Nguni cattle marketing constraints and opportunities in the communal areas of South Africa: Review

L. Musemwa, A. Mushunje, M. Chimonyo, G. Fraser, C. Mapiye and V. Muchenje

  • Article Number: 72DBB8520180

Analysis of technical, allocative and economic efficiency of different pond systems in Ogun state, Nigeria

Kareem, R. O., Dipeolu, A. O., Aromolaran, A. B. and Akegbejo Samson

  • Article Number: F05F93C20188

Effect of sorghum cultivars on population growth and grain damages by the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

Ladang Y. D., Ngamo L. T. S., Ngassoum M. B., Mapongmestsem P. M.and Hance T.

  • Article Number: 4AD569220201

The efficacy of two isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschin) Sorokin (Deuteromyco- tina: Hyphomycetes) against the adults of the black maize beetle Heteronychus licas Klug (Coleoptera: Scarabidae) under laboratory conditions

Makaka, Caston

  • Article Number: 305032B20211

Pollination of the broad bean (Vicia faba L.var. major) (Fabaceae) by wild bees and honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and its impact on the seed production in the Tizi-Ouzou area (Algeria)

Malika Aouar-sadli, Kamel Louadi and Salah-Eddine Doumandji

  • Article Number: 3CCED4E20221
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African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics



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Articles should be no longer than 6500 words in length. The word length is for the complete submission, including abstract, footnotes, tables, references and appendices.

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Specific Guidelines

  • Title:  The title should be precise and communicate the purpose of the study. Ensure the title mentions the country in which the study is carried out. An abridged title should be used as the subject of the submission email e.g., Effect of fertilizer application on maize yield.
  • Abstract:  Provide an abstract of no more than 150 words, outlining in a single paragraph the aims, scope, methodology, conclusions and recommendations of the article (in that order).
  • Key words:  Provide no more than five keywords that can be used in electronic searches for your article. Organize the key words alphabetically.
  • Introduction:  The introduction should contextualize the study and include the problem being studied, objective(s), hypothesis tested and a justification why the study is important and to who. The contribution of the article should be explained clearly and the relevant literature that the article builds upon should be mentioned. A results preview is helpful.
  • Literature review (optional):  This section may be a standalone or incorporated in the introduction section. It should highlight other research on the same subject and existing gaps in knowledge. The author should decide how to present as long it is adequately covered.
  • Conceptual framework (optional):  this section is useful if your paper adds something new conceptually as a contribution. It should be based on economic theory and fit with the empirical section of the paper. If there is nothing new theoretically in the paper than a conceptual framework is not necessary, and you can focus on the empirical section.
  • Empirical framework:  The methodology section should be detailed to enhance clarity and enable replication if need be. It should include empirical models and relevant diagnostics for model fit, data sources, measurement of variables, study area each presented as a sub-section in this chapter. If you are using observational data to measure the effect of X on Y then you need to clearly explain the identification strategy. For example, if you are estimating the impact of a new agricultural technology on yields, consideration needs to be given to the endogeneity/selection bias that can affect your estimates because the technology adoption is likely not to be random.
  • Equations:  Please ensure that equations are editable.
  • Results reporting:  Report your  significant  results in ways that are appropriate depending on the nature of results e.g., tables, figures and maps.  Tables and Figures  should be included in the article in the correct place and not in a separate file. Number the Tables and Figures consecutively and give each a caption –  above  for a Table and  below  for a Figure. Figures should in black and white. Type any notes below the Tables and Figures, and refer to these by superscript lowercase letters.  Tables and Figures must be original and not cut and pasted. No tables, figures or maps from any other publication will be accepted without the publisher’s permission attached at first submission of the article.
  • Tables:  Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.  Tables  should have full gridlines and the contents should be in Times New Roman 10-point font. All measurements should be in  SI  units.
  • Results Discussion:  Discuss your  significant  results in depth. Results discussion should include bringing out their deeper meaning and implications for policy and practice. Cite literature to enhance credibility of your results. Explain discrepancies of your results with those reported in literature.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations:  In a brief, draw conclusions of your study from the  significant  results only. Each conclusion should lead to a logical and actionable recommendation(s). Recommendations should precise, actionable and targeted to a particular audience including policy makers and practitioners. Recommendations should be based on the significant results only. Any significant study limitation should be mentioned here.
  • References:  Try to limit number of citations to a maximum of 25. Cite peer-reviewed journal articles and books from reputable authors and publishers. Avoid citing grey literature (e.g. working papers, policy reports, dissertations and other documents that have not been peer-reviewed). Most of the citations should be from economics or agricultural economics journals, although a few citations from other disciplines is fine. DO NOT cite articles in predatory journals.
  • Publication Charges:  There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal. However, authors of papers that have been accepted for publication will be required to become members of the African Association of Agricultural Economists by paying the requisite  membership fee .
  • Funding details:  Please acknowledge funders of your study by stating; This work was funded by the [ Funding Agency ] under Grant [ number xxxx ] where applicable. If the authors did not receive financial support, state  ‘This study was funded by the Authors’ .
  • Conflict of interest declaration:  Declare any conflict of interest with regard to your study. If no conflict of interest exists, indicate ‘None’.


Journal article

Mapule R, 2000. The environment in Lesotho. Journal of Green Economies 2(3): 470–98.

Greene WH, 2003. Econometric analysis. Fifth edition. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

ILO, 2012. ILO Global estimate of forced labour: results and methodology. Geneva, International Labour Office Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour.

Chapter in book or article in edited work

Anselin L, 2001. Spatial econometrics. In Baltagi B (ed.), A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics. Oxford: Blackwell.

Unpublished report, departmental working paper, thesis etc.

Vermeulen H, Jordaan D, Korsten L& Kirsten J, 2006. Private standards, handling and hygiene in fruit export supply chains: A preliminary evaluation of the economic impact of parallel standards. Working paper No. 2, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Conference paper

Delgado, CL & Siamwalla, A, 1997. Diversification in developing countries. Paper read at the 23rd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 10–16 August, Sacramento, California, USA.

Electronic text

Shoprite, 2012. Available at  (Accessed 15 October 2012).


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African Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6873
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African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

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  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Economics and Econometrics

African Association of Agricultural Economists

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The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2019Q4
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2020Q4
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2021Q2
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2022Q3
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)2023Q3
Economics and Econometrics2019Q4
Economics and Econometrics2020Q4
Economics and Econometrics2021Q3
Economics and Econometrics2022Q3
Economics and Econometrics2023Q4

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20180.000
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20190.200
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20200.587
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20210.957
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20220.811
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20230.851
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20180.000
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20190.200
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20200.587
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20210.957
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20220.757
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20230.753
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20180.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20190.200
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20200.587
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20210.956
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20220.673
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20230.429

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites20180
Self Cites20190
Self Cites20204
Self Cites20216
Self Cites20226
Self Cites20231
Total Cites20180
Total Cites20195
Total Cites202027
Total Cites202167
Total Cites202253
Total Cites202355

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document20180
External Cites per document20190.200
External Cites per document20200.500
External Cites per document20210.871
External Cites per document20220.671
External Cites per document20230.740
Cites per document20180.000
Cites per document20190.200
Cites per document20200.587
Cites per document20210.957
Cites per document20220.757
Cites per document20230.753

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents20180
Non-citable documents20190
Non-citable documents20201
Non-citable documents20211
Non-citable documents20221
Non-citable documents20230
Citable documents20180
Citable documents201925
Citable documents202045
Citable documents202169
Citable documents202269
Citable documents202373

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents20180
Uncited documents201920
Uncited documents202024
Uncited documents202133
Uncited documents202238
Uncited documents202341
Cited documents20180
Cited documents20195
Cited documents202022
Cited documents202137
Cited documents202232
Cited documents202332

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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  6. (PDF) African Journal of Agricultural Research Cocoa (Theobroma cacao

    african journal of agricultural research publication fee


  1. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    The manuscript handling fee for AJAR is $600 (USD). Print on Demand. The African Journal of Agricultural Research provides Print-on-Demand service for authors who require printed copies of their article (s) in a book format. Articles are printed along with other articles in same issue to form a book. Each printed book contains a minimum of ten ...

  2. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    The publication process begins with the submission of your manuscript to the editorial office of the African Journal of Agricultural Research. Please see Submitting Your Manuscript. Peer Review Policy. The African Journal of Agricultural Research employs a rigorous peer review system. All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review ...

  3. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Article Number: E2496C272458. Abstract. Short-term effect of the distance between the point of application of phosphate fertilizers (CBKCa and TSP) and the crown of the plant on the evolution of the fractions and the phosphorus balance of a Lixisol. August 2024. Iliassou Nignan, Jean Ouedraogo, Satoshi Nakamura, Kalifa Coulibaly and Idriss Serme.

  4. african journal of agricultural research Impact Factor, Ranking

    The P-ISSN of this journal is 1991637X. Also, please check the following important details about african journal of agricultural research: Publisher, ISSN, Ranking, Indexing, Impact Factor (if applicable), Publication fee (APC), Review Time, and Acceptance Rate. According to Clarivate's JCR, journals indexed in SCIE/SSCI have an impact factor.

  5. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Publication Fee; Waiver Policy; Print Request; ... Editors Editors; News All News; Conferences All Conferences; African Journal of Agricultural Research. Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res. Language: English; ISSN: 1991-637X; DOI: 10.5897/AJAR ... bamboo plantation, degraded forest and agricultural land) to analyze the effect of land uses change ...

  6. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Publication Fee; Waiver Policy; Print Request ... Reviewers Guidelines; Editors Editors; News All News; Conferences All Conferences; African Journal of Agricultural Research. Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res. Language: English ... An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry season under ...

  7. Academic Journals

    Relative importance of functions of innovation system on cassava climate smart farming in Kenya. June, 2023 - Vol 19 Num. 6. Functions of innovation systems framework have established their value as tools for exploring socio-technological transitions and economic development.

  8. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    South African seaweed aquaculture: A sustainable development example for other African coastal countries. Albert O. Amosu, Deborah V. Robertson-Andersson, Gavin W. Maneveldt, Robert J. Anderson and John J. Bolton

  9. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Publication Fee; Waiver Policy; Print Request ... Editors Editors; News All News; Conferences All Conferences; African Journal of Agricultural Research. Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res. Language: English; ISSN: 1991-637X; DOI: 10.5897/AJAR ... An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry ...

  10. Academic Journals

    On the dashboard of the system, click on "Submit Manuscript" and select African Journal of Agricultural Research. Enter the title of your manuscript, copy and paste the abstract and enter the key words. Click the next button. Enter name (s), affiliation (s) and country of all co-author (s). Click the next button.

  11. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Publication Fee; Waiver Policy; Print Request ... Editors Editors; News All News; Conferences All Conferences; African Journal of Agricultural Research. Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res. Language: English; ISSN: 1991-637X; DOI: 10.5897/AJAR ... An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry ...

  12. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Article Number: BFFD08665752. Abstract. January 2021. Indigenous knowledge of Striga gesnerioides (Willd.) Vatke, in Burkina Faso. Striga gesnerioides is one of the major constraints to cowpea production in West Africa. In Burkina Faso, Striga is a national phenomenon despite the control measures proposed by research.

  13. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) 2010: Q3: ... Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than ...

  14. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    The African Journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR) is a peer reviewed open access journal. The journal commenced publication in August 2006 as a monthly publication. Aims and Scope. AJAR publishes articles in all areas of agriculture such as arid soil research and rehabilitation, agricultural genomics, stored products research, tree fruit ...

  15. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Publication Fee; Waiver Policy; Print Request; FAQ; Contact Us Support Center; ... Editors Editors; News All News; Conferences All Conferences; African Journal of Agricultural Research. Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res. Language: English; ISSN: 1991-637X; DOI: 10.5897/AJAR; ... In Africa, the demand for rice has increased rapidly as ...

  16. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Find the latest published papers in African Journal of Agricultural Research + Top authors, related hot topics, the most cited papers, and related journals ... African Journal of Agricultural Research Latest Publications. TOTAL DOCUMENTS. 3969 (FIVE YEARS 480) H-INDEX. 19 (FIVE YEARS 3) Published By Academic Journals.

  17. Academic Journals

    Troubled agronomy: Exploring challenges affecting oil palm production among indigenous rural farmers in Karonga district, Malawi. July 2024. Noel Mweta, Alex Somuah-Obeng and John Windie Ansah

  18. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

    Publication Charges: There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal. However, authors of papers that have been accepted for publication will be required to become members of the African Association of Agricultural Economists by paying the requisite membership fee .

  19. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    The publication process begins with the submission of your manuscript to the editorial office of the African Journal of Agricultural Research. Please see Submitting Your Manuscript . ... Payment of Publication Fees. The payment option in the manuscript management system is disabled by default for each manuscript. The payment option for a ...

  20. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

    The African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AfJARE)/Journal Africain d'Economie Agricole et des Ressources (JAEAR) is a publication of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE). The journal publishes original research about how African agriculture interacts with local and global economic systems and policy ...

  21. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Article Number: E2496C272458. Abstract. Interactive effect of organic manures, mineral fertilizers and seasons on agronomic parameters of intercropped maize (Zea mays. L), common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris. L) on oxisol in the Noun Valley (Cameroon Western Highlands) August 2024. Hassan Yap Mfouapon, Primus Azinwi Tamfuh, Adalbert Onana Adibime ...

  22. African Journal of Agricultural Research

    Waiver Policy. The African Journal of Agricultural Research is listed in the abstracting and indexing databases below. Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases. AgBiotechNet. Agricultural Economics Database. Agricultural Engineering Abstracts. Agroforestry Abstracts. Animal Breeding Abstracts.

  23. Academic Journals

    Abstract. Short-term effect of the distance between the point of application of phosphate fertilizers (CBKCa and TSP) and the crown of the plant on the evolution of the fractions and the phosphorus balance of a Lixisol. August 2024. Iliassou Nignan, Jean Ouedraogo, Satoshi Nakamura, Kalifa Coulibaly and Idriss Serme.