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The Company Man

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Writer:- Ellen Goodman

“ The Company Man ” is an essay written by Ellen Goodman , published in 1976. It describes the life of a typical corporate employee who dedicates his entire life to his job. The essay focuses on the life of a man named Phil, who worked for a company for more than twenty years and was considered to be a “company man.”

The essay describes Phil’s life, both at home and at work. At work, Phil was always available to take on more responsibilities and was known for his dedication and hard work. He often worked late nights and weekends and was always available to the company, even during his vacation time. At home, Phil was distant from his family and was often preoccupied with work-related matters. He rarely took a break from work and even worked during his children’s birthday parties.

The main theme of the essay is the impact of corporate culture on the lives of employees. The essay explores how a company’s values and culture can become ingrained in an employee’s life, to the point where the employee sacrifices their personal life for the sake of the company. It highlights the pressure that corporate employees face to conform to a certain standard of behavior and how this can lead to the loss of personal identity.

Overall, “The Company Man” is a commentary on the impact of the corporate world on personal lives and the danger of losing oneself to the demands of a company.


1. What attitude does Phil`s wife have toward him?

Ans: Phil’s wife’s attitude toward him is portrayed as one of resignation and acceptance. She is described as having adapted to Phil’s workaholic lifestyle, knowing that his job is important to him and his company, and as a result, she has learned to adjust her life and the family’s schedule around his work demands.

2. What point does the writer make about the general situation of which Phil is only a part?

Ans: The writer makes a point about the culture of corporate America and how it can lead to a lack of work-life balance and emotional detachment. The writer describes the corporate culture as one where employees are expected to put work above everything else, including their personal lives and well-being of which Phil is only a part.

4. What is implied by the boss`s question at the end of the essay?

Ans: The boss’s question implies a sense of detachment and disregard towards Phil. Despite Phil’s long and dedicated service to the company, the boss and other executives seem to view him as just another employee who can easily be replaced. The question also suggests a lack of empathy and recognition for Phil’s contributions to the company, reducing him to a nameless and insignificant entity.

5. Why was no one surprised when phil died?

Ans: No one was surprised when Phil died because his life was defined by his work at the company, and he had sacrificed everything else for it. He worked long hours and was always available to the company, even during his vacations and weekends. He had no hobbies, interests, or activities outside of work, and he neglected his family and personal health.


1. What is the structure of the essay?

ans: The essay “The Company Man” by Ellen Goodman follows a chronological structure that traces Phil’s life from his youth to his death.

The essay begins with a description of Phil’s life and his work as a corporate executive. Goodman then delves into Phil’s work habits, his dedication to his job, and how it affects his personal life.

The second half of the essay focuses on Phil’s death and its aftermath. Goodman describes how the news of Phil’s death was received by his colleagues and family, and how they reacted to it.

Throughout the essay, Goodman uses flashbacks and anecdotes to illustrate Phil’s character and how his workaholic nature affected his life. The essay is also divided into sections with subheadings that highlight the different aspects of Phil’s life and personality.

Overall, the structure of the essay allows the reader to get a clear understanding of Phil’s life and how his dedication to his job affected his personal life and relationships.

2. Write an essay explaining what it means to be a company man or company woman.

ans: Being a “company man” refers to an individual who is fiercely loyal to their employer and is willing to put their company’s interests above their personal interests. This type of person is committed to their organization, and they prioritize their work above everything else. While being a company man has its benefits, it can also have significant drawbacks, such as work-life imbalance, burnout, and lack of personal fulfillment.

The company man is usually driven by a desire to succeed within the organization, to climb the corporate ladder, and to achieve recognition and status. They are willing to work long hours, put in extra effort, and make personal sacrifices to get ahead. In return, they expect job security, career advancement, and financial rewards.

However, the downside of being a company man is that this type of individual is at risk of becoming a workaholic. Their dedication to their work can lead to a lack of work-life balance, which can harm their personal relationships and health. Additionally, they may become so focused on their career that they lose sight of their personal goals and aspirations.

Furthermore, being a company man can also lead to a lack of innovation and creativity. Since the individual is so focused on the company’s interests, they may not be willing to take risks or think outside the box, which can hinder their ability to come up with new ideas.

In conclusion, being a company man has its advantages and disadvantages. While it may lead to career success and financial rewards, it can also result in work-life imbalance, burnout, and a lack of personal fulfillment. Therefore, it is essential to find a balance between work and personal life and not lose sight of personal goals and aspirations. Being loyal to one’s organization is admirable, but it should not come at the expense of one’s well-being and personal growth.

1. What character of the Type A personality does Phil possess?

ans: Phil is portrayed as a classic example of a Type A personality. The Type A personality is a term used to describe individuals who are ambitious, competitive, workaholics, and perfectionists. They are usually driven by a sense of urgency and tend to be impatient, aggressive, and hostile when faced with obstacles. Phil possesses many of the characteristics associated with the Type A personality.

Phil is portrayed as an ambitious man who is completely devoted to his job. He works long hours and is always on call, even on weekends and holidays. His dedication to his job is so intense that he hardly takes time off to spend with his family. This trait is common among Type A personalities who value achievement and success above all else.

2. How do you think a company can reduce their stress level?

ans: One way for a company man to reduce their stress level is by practicing stress-management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or mindfulness practices. These techniques help to lower stress hormones and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation.

It is also important for a company man to set clear boundaries between work and personal life. This means not bringing work home and taking breaks throughout the day to engage in activities they enjoy, such as taking a walk, reading a book, or spending time with family and friends.

Another way to reduce stress is to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities to others when possible. This will help to alleviate the pressure and workload on the individual and allow them to focus on the tasks that require their expertise and attention.

Additionally, it is important for a company man to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular physical activity. This can help to boost energy levels, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

3. Discuss the various characteristics of contemporary corporate world?

ans: The essay “The Company Man” by Ellen Goodman presents a picture of contemporary corporate culture.

One of the key characteristics of contemporary corporate culture is the emphasis on productivity and efficiency. Companies place a high value on workers who are able to produce more with less, and who are willing to work long hours and sacrifice their personal lives in the process. This emphasis on productivity can lead to a workaholic culture in which workers prioritize their jobs over everything else in their lives.

Another characteristic of contemporary corporate culture is the pressure to conform to company culture. Workers are expected to follow the company’s rules and policies, and to prioritize the company’s goals over their own personal goals. This pressure to conform can create a sense of alienation and isolation, as workers feel that they must suppress their individuality in order to fit in with the company’s culture.

Finally, contemporary corporate culture is characterized by a focus on the bottom line. Companies prioritize profits over all other goals, and workers are expected to contribute to the company’s financial success. This focus on profits can create a high-pressure environment in which workers are constantly striving to meet quotas and deadlines.

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The Company Man by Ellen Goodman [Summary and Answers]

In the essay “ The Company Man ” the author Ellen Goodman describes a man who “ worked himself to death ” at fifty-one. Goodman works by implication and presents facts about the man’s life and work, allowing the readers to draw their conclusion.

The Company Man by Ellen Goodman

Summary of the essay The Company Man by Ellen Goodman

In the essay ‘ The Company Man’ , Ellen Goodman satirizes the mechanical and hectic life of developed countries .

Phil was an employee who was a workaholic (hardworking man). While working, he died. He was 51 years old. As he died of heart problem, at that time he was working in an office on holiday (Sunday) at 3 am. He worked six days a week and five of them, he worked 8 or 9 at night. He thought that he was an important person in the office. He did not have time to eat food at home. So, he would eat salad sandwiches at his office. He was so busy. So, he could not give time to his family members so he was like an unknown person at home.

His wife Helen was 48 years old. She was also a job holder before marriage. On her husband's death day, Phil's company friend sympathized saying that she had missed him a lot. In response, she says that she had already missed him for many years.

Phil’s eldest son also did not know how his father was. So, he went to ask around the neighborhood about his father. His second child was a daughter who was 24 and newly married. She also did not speak much with her father as she was in his father's car. It means that there was a communication gap between them.

His youngest son was very near to him. He also said that his father and he only boarded. At this funeral, 65 - year - old company president said that the company would miss him much and hard to get another man like Phil. Helen didn’t not want to hear such ideas from him. She needed financial support from the company.

In this way, the essay shows that a company in the industrial age only counts on staff hardworking. It only seeks the benefit and welfare of the company.

Frequently asked questions from the essay The Company Man by Ellen Goodman

1. "He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk". What is the implication of this sentence?

Ans : The implication of this sentence shows the prediction of developed country people. They work like a machine day in and day out. So, they do not have enough time to have a meal at home. In the story, a workaholic, the vice president of office eats egg salad sandwiches as a meal.

2. What attitude does Phil's wife have toward him?

Ans : Phil's wife thinks that he only led his life for office. He did not give time to her. So, as he was alive, she had missed him for many years.

3. What point does the writer make about the general situation of which Phil is only a part?

Ans : The writer makes the point that he is a main pillar of the office Phil himself thought that he was an important person for the office but it was just his illusion. The office does not take him as important but it only counts his labor and work. If he becomes weak and old, he will be fired from his job

4. The writer has repeated the time of Phil's death in three places. Give examples of other repetitions in the essay. What is the function of the repetitions?

Ans : She repeats, he died "at 3 am in three places to say that in a developed country, people work like a machine in their entire life. Generally, people sleep till 6 am but Phil works at 3 am.

5. What tone is established by the short sentences in the essay? Is it ironic acerbic, sarcastic, or neutral? Why?

Ans : The tone of the essay is sarcastic because it shows the predicament of the modern man who works like a machine and forgets family bonds and ties.

6. Most of the sentences are of the SVO type. What is the effect of such hear the use of repeated sentence forms?

Ans : SVO types of sentences are repeated to make parallel with repetitive and routinized work of modern man.

7. Write an essay explaining what it means to be a company man or company woman.

Ans : To be a company man or company woman means to work like a machine. Boss only values his / her effort and work. He/her will be fired if he/her became old, sick, and physically disabled to contribute to the office. Being a company man or woman means to be unknown at home. He/she does not have enough time to spend with his/her family members. Even on a holiday, a boss can invite meeting and call them to attend.

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The company man - ellen goodman (1941).

  • In this essay, Goodman describes a man who died at fifty-one.
  • Main Character - Phil
  • Supporting Characters:  
  • Helen (Spouse)
  • 1st Child: Son: Hard-working executive in a   manufacturing firm down South
  • 2nd Child: Daughter: 24 years and newly married. She lives near her mother
  • 3rd Child: Son - high school graduate  
  • He died at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning

Goodman tells the story of Phil, a hard-working businessman who eventually worked himself to death.  She uses the name ‘ company man ’ to show how Phil was not just a man but was an extension of his work.  In the essay, Goodman uses Phil’s name only a handful of times.  By not saying his name, she uses Phil as a symbol for all businessmen and women who work themselves to literal death.

One of the most powerful lines in the essay is the last line.  At the end of the narrative, Phil’s boss begins to look for a replacement for him on the day of the funeral and asks, “ who’s been working the hardest? ”  Goodman used this anecdote (narrative) to show how what happened to Phil can and will happen to anyone.  This question represents the vicious (ruthless) cycle that is present in today’s world.  Even though Phil had just worked himself to death, the next person to take his place was supposed to be someone who had been, ‘working the hardest.’  Goodman mocks modern culture and how there is no time to waste, but only time to work.

Because this essay tells the story of Phil’s life and interacts with his family, the entire essay is dripping in pathos (the quality that evokes pity and sadness).  The essay talks about each of his family members and how close they were to their father or husband.  With each story, it is obvious that Phil spent so much time at work that he did not really know his family.  When a family friend comes up to his wife and says, “ I know how much you will miss him ,” his wife replies, “ I already have .”  Phil’s wife implies that she has missed him long before he was dead.  To not be close to your family, or even know them really, is a very difficult situation to be in for anyone.  The very little relationship between Phil and his family evoke a lot of emotion from the reader.  This emotion makes the reader think about Goodman's point that one should spend time on things of real value, not just monetary value because one day they will be gone.

Rather than simply stating that Phil had died of a “ coronary thrombosis  (blood clot),” Goodman says, “ He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. in the morning ,” thus firmly planting the seed in the reader’s mind that work caused his death. Goodman then dismisses all notions of sympathy by stating that neither his family nor friends were surprised by the news. She repeats this sentence three times throughout the passage, emphasising Phil’s death as she constantly reminds herself of the facts that impacted her life. This in turn shows her resentment towards Phil by her inordinate sentences leaning towards her point of anger, while at the same time constantly using numbers to emphasise the fact that Phil was nothing but a statistic: “fifty-one years old ¦worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night ¦overweight by 20 or 25 pounds.

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The Company Man Analysis

The Company Man Analysis

The typical business man involved in corporate America works anywhere from six to ten hours per day. Phil, “the Company Man” worked six days a week sometimes until eight or nine at night, making himself a true workaholic. Using his life story before he died Goodman is able to convey her liking toward Phil but her dislike of what the business world has turned him into. Not only does Goodman use a number of rhetorical devices but she also uses Phil’s past as well as the people who were once in Phil’s life to get her message across to her reader.

Ellen Goodman sarcastically creates the obituary of a man who dedicated his life to his job and the company he worked for. Goodman uses anaphora, satire, diction, sentence structure, and selection of detail to complete her obituary of this “Company Man”. Emphasizing the fact that Phil worked himself to death, Goodman chose pure sarcasm to make this particular emphasis. She shows through this repeated phrases, that he must have chosen work over family quite often, working to provide for his family which resulted in the simple fact that “he worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00a. m Sunday morning.

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Goodman’s use of repetition leads to show her satirical writing. “On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend” shows Goodman’s use of satire in one of the many examples throughout the obituary. Toward the end of the essay, Goodman describes how the company president starts the funeral with a hint of sarcasm, “discreetly of course, with care and taste” using a tongue and cheek method to provide a subtle shift in tone.

The president then begins to question who will replace Phil ending with a paradoxical sentence “‘Who’s been working the hardest? ” getting down to the business of replacing Phil, providing another example of a stereotypical business approach. The vivid diction describes the sarcasm that Goodman has towards Phil. Goodman composes her paragraphs with careful rhythm and beat; she repeats “finally,” “precisely” and “perfect” three times. Phil’s constancy and lack of variation are embodied in rigid words such as “always,” “of course,” and “Type A. ” Extreme diction such as “overweight,” “nervous,” and “workaholic” convey Phil as a worrywart with no fun at all in his life.

These words mock Phil as a man sincerely obsessed with work that had lost track of his priorities. Goodman deepens her point when she introduces Phil’s family, using diction in relation to business to further emphasize the importance of work to Phil. To Phil’s wife Helen, “A company friend said ‘I know how much you will miss him. ’ And she answered, ‘I already have. ’” His eldest son tells the reader of how he went around the neighborhood gathering research on his father. His daughter recalls how whenever she was alone with him they had nothing to say to each other.

When Phil’s youngest son reminisces on how he tried to mean enough to his father to keep him at home. Goodman informs the reader that the youngest child was Phil’s favorite. Goodman’s sentence structure of long, short, long, helps the shorter sentence stick out more to the reader. But she ends the paragraph with a sad ironic sentence, “My father and I only board here. ” implying that he never really was successful. The descriptions of Phil in “The Company Man” are sardonically accusatory of the present way people live in society.

Goodman makes light of how Phil is a heart attack waiting to happen, his seventy-hour workweeks and egg sandwiches. “Of course,” used thee times, translates as the acceptance that we have towards intolerable living conditions in order to fulfill the American dream. Like many Americans, Phil is constantly obsessed about his work and whether or not he will ascend to the top position. Through these details she describes the monotonous, repetitive way that society exists today. Throughout the column, images negatively portray the lifestyle that Phil lives.

Superficially, all seems well because his family lives a comfortable existence. Emotionally, however, his family has missed his emotional support for years. His wife, Helen, gave up “trying to compete with his work years ago. ” All of his children grew up in a so-called normal family with a father and mother. At his funeral, though, they do not have enough memories about him to say a proper eulogy. Phil himself was “overweight” and unhealthy, obsessed with work and negligent with his personal life. Goodman condemns the lifestyle that Phil leads by using negative and poignant imagery.

Ellen Goodman develops an attitude of pity for Phil, and resentment for the company through rhetorical techniques by portraying that to his wife and to his children, Phil had become so consumed with his position as one of the Important People that he had all but completely removed himself from their emotional reach for the sake of his company life. Goodman’s vision of the corporate world and its influence and affect on our lives is portrayed through her diction and choice of detail in her anecdote of the reflection of the life of the A-Type, workaholic, Phil.

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The Company Man Summary of The Essay by Ellen Goodman (1941)

Ramji Acharya

Summary of The Company Man

The Company Man Summary of The Essay by Ellen Goodman (1941)


“The Company Man” by columnist Ellen Goodman describes the life of a corporate worker posthumously and is written similarly to an obituary. Through this piece, Goodman portrays the daily tasks and family of Phil, a hardworking and dedicated company employee. Although she describes Phil’s life and family, Goodman uses form follows function, irony, and juxtaposition to display her disgusted and disappointed attitude towards Phil’s life. Goodman structures her column by describing Phil’s life through the lens of an obituary.

Setting & Character

In this essay, Goodman describes a man who died at fifty-one.

Main Character - Phil

Supporting Characters: 

Helen (Spouse)

1st Child: Son: Hard-working executive in a  manufacturing firm down South

2nd Child: Daughter: 24 years and newly married. She lives near her mother

3rd Child: Son - high school graduate 

He died at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning

Main Summary of the Essay The Company Man

Goodman tells the story of Phil, a hard-working businessman who eventually worked himself to death.  She uses the name ‘company man’ to show how Phil was not just a man but was an extension of his work.  In the essay, Goodman uses Phil’s name only a handful of times.  By not saying his name, she uses Phil as a symbol for all businessmen and women who work themselves to literal death.

One of the most powerful lines in the essay is the last line.  At the end of the narrative, Phil’s boss begins to look for a replacement for him on the day of the funeral and asks, “who’s been working the hardest?”  Goodman used this anecdote (narrative) to show how what happened to Phil can and will happen to anyone.  This question represents the vicious (ruthless) cycle that is present in today’s world.  Even though Phil had just worked himself to death, the next person to take his place was supposed to be someone who had been, ‘working the hardest.’  Goodman mocks modern culture and how there is no time to waste, but only time to work.

Because this essay tells the story of Phil’s life and interacts with his family, the entire essay is dripping in pathos (the quality that evokes pity and sadness).  The essay talks about each of his family members and how close they were to their father or husband.  With each story, it is obvious that Phil spent so much time at work that he did not really know his family.  When a family friend comes up to his wife and says, “I know how much you will miss him,” his wife replies, “I already have.”  Phil’s wife implies that she has missed him long before he was dead.  To not be close to your family, or even know them really, is a very difficult situation to be in for anyone.  The very little relationship between Phil and his family evoke a lot of emotion from the reader.  This emotion makes the reader think about Goodman's point that one should spend time on things of real value, not just monetary value because one day they will be gone.

Rather than simply stating that Phil had died of a “coronary thrombosis (blood clot),” Goodman says, “He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. in the morning,” thus firmly planting the seed in the reader’s mind that work caused his death. Goodman then dismisses all notions of sympathy by stating that neither his family nor friends were surprised by the news. She repeats this sentence three times throughout the passage, emphasising Phil’s death as she constantly reminds herself of the facts that impacted her life. This in turn shows her resentment towards Phil by her inordinate sentences leaning towards her point of anger, while at the same time constantly using numbers to emphasise the fact that Phil was nothing but a statistic: “fifty-one years old ¦worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night ¦overweight by 20 or 25 pounds.

The Analysis of the Company Man

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    what is the structure of the essay the company man

  6. The Company Man Summary of The Essay by Ellen Goodman (1941)

    what is the structure of the essay the company man


  1. The Company Man Summary And Analysis Essay Example (300 Words

    The Company Man Essay. In her article "The Company Man," Ellen Goodman uses stereotypes about an average man to convey her attitude towards Phil. Phil is a character who works himself to death in his corporate job. Goodman reveals in her article that in order to be a "company man," Phil sacrifices his everyday life.

  2. The Company Man

    Summary. " The Company Man " is an essay written by Ellen Goodman, published in 1976. It describes the life of a typical corporate employee who dedicates his entire life to his job. The essay focuses on the life of a man named Phil, who worked for a company for more than twenty years and was considered to be a "company man.".

  3. The Company Man by Ellen Goodman [Summary and Answers]

    Write an essay explaining what it means to be a company man or company woman. Ans: To be a company man or company woman means to work like a machine. Boss only values his / her effort and work. He/her will be fired if he/her became old, sick, and physically disabled to contribute to the office. Being a company man or woman means to be unknown ...

  4. Ellen Goodman's Rhetorical Analysis: The Company Man

    Rhetorical Analysis Ellen Goodman's "The Company Man is about a workaholic named Phil who would spend his free time working himself into his own demise. She uses a few different rhetorical terms to convey her point of view. The author uses irony, sarcastic tone, and symbolism to show that she thinks that that some Americans only focus on ...

  5. The Company Man Analysis

    While reading "The Company Man", I noticed the structure and verbiage of the essay. I would like to point out how well organized in chronological order he was, as well as going back in time. Never once confused about the happenings of the essay because of the rhythmic time he had. Words flowed off the paper and into my mind.

  6. The Company Man Analysis Essay

    ANALYSIS 7 Essay: The Company Man. The typical business man involved in corporate America works anywhere from six to ten hours per day. Phil, "the Company Man" worked six days a week sometimes until eight or nine at night, making himself a true workaholic. Using his life story before he died Goodman is able to convey her liking toward Phil ...

  7. The Company Man Ellen Goodman Analysis

    Satisfactory Essays. 415 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. Ankit Pandey (1511662) Essay Author: Ellen Goodman (1941-present) Essay Title: The Company Man It seems that almost every day in life we see news about a new death taken far too soon. There are always some different stories behind them we are unaware of. Ellen Goodman, in this essay, talks ...

  8. PDF The following piece, "The Company Man" Is by the columnist Ellen

    company friend said, "I know how much you will miss him." And she answered, "I already have." "Missing him all these years," she must have given up part of herself which had cared too much for the man. She would be "well taken care of." His "dearly beloved" eldest of the "dearly beloved" children is a hard-working executive in a manufacturing

  9. ⇉Analysis of "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman Essay Example

    Analysis of "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman. In Ellen Goodman's "The Company Man" the brief items on the family members and the presidents of the company tell the readers many things about themselves and Phil. This essay shows how a workaholic is too involved with working to be with his family. Phil's wife, Helen, feels she lost ...

  10. Analysis of Article "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman

    In her article "The Company Man," Ellen Goodman uses stereotypes about an average man to convey her attitude towards Phil. Phil is a character who works himself to death in his corporate job. Goodman reveals in her article that in order to be a "company man," Phil sacrifices his everyday life. Ellen Goodman uses diction, syntax, and ...


    THE COMPANY MAN - Ellen Goodman (1941) In this essay, Goodman describes a man who died at fifty-one. 2nd Child: Daughter: 24 years and newly married. She lives near her mother. Goodman tells the story of Phil, a hard-working businessman who eventually worked himself to death. She uses the name ' company man ' to show how Phil was not just a ...

  12. An Analysis of the Company Man by Elen Goodman

    Pity for Corporate Society "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman is a narrative showing the downsides of a life committed to the workforce. The story takes place at the funeral of a man named Phil, whom Goodman labeled a "a perfect Type A, a workaholic.". Phil's dedication to his job ultimately...

  13. 2.2.3: Basic Structure

    Conclusion. Conclusions address key points in the essay. Tie the introduction to the conclusion: if you used a quote, refer to that quote again and draw more conclusions from the information; if you began with the story, go back to the story to draw final conclusions from it; if you began with a question that can be answered, then return to that question and answer it.

  14. Ellen Goodman's Essay 'The Company Man'

    634 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. American journalist,orator, and commentator, Ellen Goodman in her essay, " The company man" criticizes Phil, who is created to fit the typical hardworking and work oriented man in society. This essay was used to describe a man who worked himself to death. Goodman uses this essay to condemn how angered she ...

  15. The Company Man Summary And Analysis Essay Sample (400 Words

    Ellen Goodman's attitude toward Phil in her column, The Company Man, comes off as a bit mocking. The use of repetition allows her to clarify her tone toward Phil even further. She conveys this attitude specifically when she uses quotations and explanations of his family members. Goodman's constant repetition of the phrase, "He worked ...

  16. ⇉The Company Man Analysis Essay Example

    The Company Man Analysis. The typical business man involved in corporate America works anywhere from six to ten hours per day. Phil, "the Company Man" worked six days a week sometimes until eight or nine at night, making himself a true workaholic. Using his life story before he died Goodman is able to convey her liking toward Phil but her ...

  17. The Company Man Rhetorical Analysis Essay...

    The Company Man Rhetorical Analysis Essay In the piece, "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman, the reader is introduced to the tragic death of Phil, a workaholic who drove himself to his fate. The story revolves around his family's and friends' reactions to this death and the problems with which they must deal with for his funeral. The author utilizes a range of rhetorical techniques including ...

  18. PDF The Company Man

    (Suggested time—40 minutes. This question counts one-third of the total essay section score.) The following piece, "The Company Man," is by the columnist Ellen Goodman. Read the passage and then write an essay analyzing the rhetorical techniques Goodman uses to convey her attitude toward Phil. He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at

  19. The Company Man Analysis Essay

    ANALYSIS 7 Essay: The Company Man The typical business man involved in corporate America works anywhere from six to ten hours per day. Phil, "the Company Man" worked six days a week sometimes until eight or nine at night, making himself a true workaholic. Using his life story before he died Goodman is able to convey her liking toward Phil ...

  20. The Company Man Analysis Essay

    ANALYSIS 7 Essay: The Company Man. The typical business man involved in corporate America works anywhere from six to ten hours per day. Phil, "the Company Man" worked six days a week sometimes until eight or nine at night, making himself a true workaholic. Using his life story before he died Goodman is able to convey her liking toward Phil ...

  21. Essay On The Company Man By Ellen Goodman

    Decent Essays. 397 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. Critical Analysis Essay of The Company Man The book defined as, "The Company Man" was based upon a businessman named Phil who worked in America's corporate. Phil was a dedicated hard worker. He always worked six days out of the week with long hour shifts such as 8 to 9 hours long and this ...

  22. The Company Man essay

    "The Company Man", written by Ellen Goodman, conveys mockery and criticism to focus on a man who "worked himself to death". The piece shifts from his work to his family and exposes not only his strengths as a worker, but also his faults as a father and husband. The author utilizes repetition, diction, and irony throughout the piece to convey a sardonic, sarcastic tone to express that ...

  23. Passenger Plane Crashes in Brazil, Killing 61 Onboard

    The Brazilian authorities said no one survived the crash, outside São Paulo on Friday afternoon. The airline, VoePass, said the cause was unknown.

  24. Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in "The Company Man" Essays

    Open Document. Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in "The Company Man". In "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman, throughout the passage Goodman illustrates her feelings of distaste and anger toward Phil, as he in her mind represents Corporate America: routine, indifferent, almost robotic. Goodman uses numerous rhetorical strategies to ...

  25. At least 61 dead after passenger plane crashes in Brazil

    At least 61 people were killed after a passenger plane crashed on the outskirts of São Paulo on Friday afternoon, according to Brazilian officials. Authorities have located the black box flight ...

  26. The Company Man Summary of The Essay by Ellen Goodman (1941)

    Main Summary of the Essay The Company Man. Goodman tells the story of Phil, a hard-working businessman who eventually worked himself to death. She uses the name 'company man' to show how Phil was not just a man but was an extension of his work. In the essay, Goodman uses Phil's name only a handful of times. By not saying his name, she ...