thesis ideas 2021

125 Best Research Paper Topics of 2021

thesis ideas 2021

When you get into high school, you are not aware of the number of responsibilities you might have to face over your academics, making you feel clogged and exhausted, especially when writing and submitting research papers on time.

One of the most challenging parts of writing a research paper is to find a perfect topic to write. Luckily, we have done all the hard work for you and have created a list of 125 fascinating research paper topics.

For your further convenience, we have organized the topics into different categories covering a wide range of subjects so you can easily choose the best topic according to your interest and knowledge.

Besides the list of good research topics, I have also talked about selecting a good research topic and how you can use your subject to start writing an excellent paper.

How to Select a Perfect Research Paper Topic?

Before you start writing, you need to make sure you choose a great topic. Below mentioned are the three crucial factors to contemplate before selecting the best research paper topics.

Choosing a field, you are interested in

It is difficult to find a research paper topic because most high-school students are confused about selecting their major. However, you can always select an area of interest.

There are always specific research topics on trending. Many people seem interested in writing about the buzzing topics; never feel tempted or go with the crowd and make it your subject unless you genuinely have some interest in it.

There is enough information to foster your research.

Once you have chosen the best research paper topic and you're happy to write about it, it is still challenging to produce a good paper if there isn't enough information about the subject. 

This is possible for very particular or specialized topics, and sometimes some topics are too new to have enough research conducted on them at the moment. Simple topics will always have more than enough information to write a full-length paper. Writing a research paper on a topic that does not have enough information is extremely hard. Before you take up a topic, do primary research and make sure you have all the essential information to write your research paper.

The research paper fits your teacher guidelines. 

Always note down any specific requirements or restrictions your teacher may have implemented on some research topic ideas. If you are writing a research paper on a political science topic, deciding to write about technology’s impact on sports won’t be allowed. Still, there can be some sort of flexibility.

For example, if you want to write about the “Portrayal of minorities by Media” and your teacher wants you to write about “History,” you can combine both topics and develop something relevant. Like “How the portrayal of minorities by media go a long way back.” You can also use companies, like do my essay , to help you write your research paper.

For your convenience, we have organized the topics into different categories. It will also make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.

Simple research paper topics

  • How important is diversity within the team, and why?
  • What makes one sport more accepted than another?
  • How would the world be different without the discoveries of Albert Einstein?
  • Rise of anime; what made anime admired worldwide?
  • Is the traditional music of a country foremost than the international music that is popular around the world?
  • What causes people to change their leisure time activities as they get older?
  • What is the best way to deal with procrastination?
  • What are hobbies more favored with children and adults in your area?
  • Are there hobbies you can easily do in your own country but not so comfortable when you go to another country? Why?
  • What are stereotypes of people from your country, and how true are those?

Interesting research paper topics

  • How true is it that older people are wiser and correct, always right in their choices?
  • Can technology cause a gap between generations?
  • How different are friendships between men from friendships between women, and why?
  • Can amusement parks have an educational motive aside from an entertaining one? 
  • What things make people in your country happy?
  • What are the pros and cons of plastic surgery?
  • Does beauty, in general, decide how much a person will be happy and successful in life?
  • What other common sayings such as “Actions speak louder than words” exist in your language, and what life lessons they teach?
  • What makes Nordic regions happier and more prosperous than others?
  • Ways to communicate better with family, friends, colleagues, and strangers?

Controversial topics for research paper

These topics might stimulate terrible responses from some people because most of these subjects are controversial and are likely to raise some issues. Be careful before writing about such topics.

  • What is the context of all terrorist attacks in the world?
  • How to deal with a large number of immigrants?
  • How to prevent a rise in the number of homeless children?
  • What is the proper punishment for serial killers and rapists?
  • Will religion survive the future? Explain

Aggressive research topics

  • Are video games the reason for more antisocial people?
  • What makes communism the best political system in the world?
  • How will a rise in the minimum wage help increase economic mobility?
  • Should steroids be allowed in sports?
  • What can things be done on an individual level to prevent cyberbullying?

Research topics by different fields of study

In different fields of study, you can tell your brain to perform innovatively. Here, you can carry out extensive research to put forward new opinions.

  • What were the devastating impacts of British rule in India ? 
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • Was it necessary to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation ? 
  • What caused the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan ?
  • What are the important events in the history of Latin America? 
  • How did Greece become a huge philosophical hub in ancient times?
  • How did people study foreign languages before the 19th century?
  • Who profited the most from wars in the Middle Ages?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?

Sample History research papers


  • How deadly is the Earth’s climate change in the past few decades?
  • How have previous oil spills changed regulations and cleaning methods?
  • Make a detailed analysis of deforestation rates globally over a while.
  • Impacts of Paris Climate Agreement on environment
  • How to improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Should developed countries rely more on nuclear energy?
  • What to do to save amphibian species which are presently at risk of extinction?
  • What impacts has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Why has the number of natural disasters increased in the past few decades?

Sample Environment research papers 

  • What can health issues be caused by emotional stress?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the advantages and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How do the healthcare plans of different countries vary from each other?
  • How to lower blood pressure using natural herbs?
  • Is it appropriate for parents to skip vaccination?
  • How can you encourage obese people to change their lifestyles?
  • What are the cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Explain the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • How much work out/ exercise should the average adult be getting each week?

Sample Health research papers

  • How is business etiquette changed in the past decade?
  • How can the understanding of culture change the way you do business?
  • Who are the exceptional businessmen in the 21st century?
  • Who are the exceptional businesswomen in the 21st century?
  • What are the traits of team leaders, and how to become one?
  • Why is the cause in the rise of the popularity of stock markets?
  • What are the pros and cons of an all-female working environment?
  • The difference in Islamic banking systems from traditional ones?
  • What are the effects of gold and diamonds on the economy?
  • How do offshore bank accounts work – the case of Panama papers?
  • Analyze the history and future of self-driving vehicles.
  • How the invention of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Why has social media made people less connected to reality?
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence? Explain
  • Do smartphones improve or reduce workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is social media manipulating and causing depression?
  • What is the history behind the Internet of Things?
  • Can everything be solar-powered?
  • What is the distinction between open and closed systems?

Sample Technology research papers

  • Why did we stop believing in multiple gods?
  • Are religion and spirituality connected?
  • What is Karma?
  • Why are teenagers less religious than older people?
  • How are terrorist attacks affecting religion? 
  • What are the new ideologies becoming popular?
  • How are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism connected?
  • Teachings of Hinduism (you can choose any religion)
  • What influence do religions have on the perception of right and wrong?
  • Can other religions help to change the view of women in Arabic cultures?

Social Media

  • Are social media making us lonely, empty from the inside, and unsociable?
  • How to protect children online?
  • What are some techniques to identify pedophiles on social media?
  • Why do people have the want to post everything online?
  • How to prevent cyber-bullying?
  • Can LinkedIn help people find jobs or further education?
  • How to make a break from social media?
  • Why are more adolescent generations obsessed with the number of followers and likes?
  • How bad is social media addiction?
  • Who are world-famous influencers on social media?
  • What is causing the rise in popularity of classical music?
  • Why are world-famous musicians more prone to become drug abusers?
  • History and the rise of hip-hop culture
  • Why do people listen to sad music when they do not feel good?
  • What happens to your mind when you listen to 432 HZ frequency music?
  • How is the US education system different from the education systems in other countries?
  • Impact of college debt on the future life choices of students?
  • What benefits do physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Do children who attend preschool excel in school in the future?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • Do students who get free meals at school get higher grades than those who do not receive any free meal?
  • Impact of technology on studies
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • Homeschoolers VS Traditional school; who performs better in the college 

Current Affairs

  • How have the motives of feminists changed over the decades?
  • What are the impacts of China’s one-child policy?
  • What factors gave rise to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • Difference between US immigration laws and immigration laws of other countries
  • Explain the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • Explain Brexit
  • What factors contributed to China becoming a superpower?
  • How has the “Black Lives Matter” movement affected the view about racism in the world?
  • How will India become a superpower in 2050?
  • History and rise of Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency 


Make sure to do your research before you start writing. You do not have to make a mistake to start writing your research paper and then learn that there is not enough information to foster your research. 

In some cases, your research can contradict the points you are trying to explain. Get most of your research done before your start writing. Create an outline to understand your flow. This will help keep your paper clear and structured, and you will get clarity to produce a strong report.

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Free Resources

Thesis Topics and Ideas

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of 1000 thesis topics and ideas designed to assist students from a wide array of academic disciplines in identifying and selecting their research subjects. Whether you are at the beginning stages of your research or refining your thesis topic, this resource offers valuable guidance and an extensive array of ideas to inspire and inform your academic work. Spanning 25 fields, from Accounting to Science, each category includes 40 specific topics, ensuring a broad and inclusive range for every scholar’s interests. With an emphasis on the significance of choosing a suitable thesis topic, this page serves as an essential starting point for any student embarking on their thesis journey.

1000 Thesis Topics and Ideas

1000 Thesis Topics and Ideas

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, 25 thesis topics categories:.

  • Accounting Thesis Topics
  • Art Thesis Topics
  • Banking Thesis Topics
  • Biology Thesis Topics
  • Computer Science Thesis Topics
  • Economics Thesis Topics
  • Education Thesis Topics
  • Engineering Thesis Topics
  • Entrepreneurship Thesis Topics
  • Environmental Science Thesis Topics
  • Finance Thesis Topics
  • Geography Thesis Topics
  • Geology Thesis Topics
  • Health Thesis Topics
  • Immigration Thesis Topics
  • Law Thesis Topics
  • Nutrition Thesis Topics
  • Leadership Thesis Topics
  • Literature Thesis Topics
  • Management Thesis Topics
  • Marketing Thesis Topics
  • Nursing Thesis Topics
  • Philosophy Thesis Topics
  • Psychology Thesis Topics
  • Science Thesis Topics

1. Accounting Thesis Topics

  • The impact of blockchain technology on traditional accounting practices.
  • Comparative analysis of international accounting standards and local practices.
  • Ethical considerations in managerial accounting.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in financial fraud detection.
  • Sustainability reporting: Standards and implications for global firms.
  • Cybersecurity risks in cloud-based accounting systems.
  • The future of forensic accounting in a digital age.
  • Behavioral finance: How cognitive biases affect accounting decisions.
  • The effectiveness of audit committees in emerging economies.
  • Tax evasion and government policy in developing countries.
  • Cryptocurrency and its implications for financial reporting.
  • Implementing lean accounting in the manufacturing sector.
  • The impact of culture on international accounting practices.
  • Carbon credits accounting: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of accounting in corporate social responsibility.
  • Innovations in non-profit accounting.
  • Accounting ethics and online privacy.
  • Big data and predictive analytics for risk management.
  • Revenue recognition in the digital economy.
  • Accounting for startups: Challenges and best practices.
  • The effect of global economic crises on accounting norms.
  • Corporate governance and its impact on accounting standards.
  • Integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) factors in financial reporting.
  • The evolution of cost accounting in the healthcare sector.
  • Financial literacy and its impact on business success.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Accounting and cultural integration.
  • The changing landscape of pension accounting.
  • Real-time accounting: Implementation and effects.
  • Transparency in government accounting: A comparative study.
  • Intellectual property valuation and its accounting challenges.
  • Impact of tariffs and trade barriers on accounting policies.
  • Accounting for climate change: Risks and opportunities.
  • The role of accountants in corporate turnaround strategies.
  • Auditing automation and its impact on audit quality.
  • The influence of technology on the evolution of accounting standards.
  • Risk management in financial services: An accounting perspective.
  • Outsourcing accounting services: Benefits and risks.
  • The future of professional ethics in accounting.
  • The role of accounting in enhancing organizational efficiency.
  • Exploring the relationship between accounting information systems and organizational performance.

2. Art Thesis Topics

  • Digital media and the transformation of traditional art forms.
  • The influence of social media on contemporary art and artist visibility.
  • Art as a form of political resistance in authoritarian regimes.
  • The evolution of street art and its acceptance in mainstream galleries.
  • Feminist art movements in the 21st century.
  • The intersection of technology and art: Virtual reality as a new canvas.
  • Postmodernism in art: Origins and future directions.
  • The role of art therapy in mental health treatment.
  • Cultural appropriation vs. appreciation in global art forms.
  • The impact of global warming on artistic expression.
  • Art in times of crisis: A study of pandemic-driven art.
  • Sustainable art: Materials and practices for the eco-conscious artist.
  • The commercialization of indigenous art.
  • The role of galleries in shaping art trends.
  • Art education and its impact on career success in the arts.
  • The depiction of race and gender in modern sculptures.
  • Art curation and digital exhibitions: The future of museums.
  • The influence of celebrity culture on art valuation.
  • Collaborative art projects and their impact on community development.
  • The ethics of restoring ancient artworks.
  • Animation as a form of contemporary art.
  • The rise of performance art and its social implications.
  • Exploring the relationship between art and technology.
  • The resurgence of handicrafts in a digital age.
  • The impact of economic crises on art production.
  • The role of art in promoting sustainability.
  • The dynamics of art fairs and their influence on the art market.
  • Consumer culture and its representation in contemporary art.
  • The role of public art in urban regeneration.
  • The influence of migration on artistic expression.
  • Decolonizing art history: Perspectives and methodologies.
  • The impact of AI-generated art on the concept of authorship.
  • The role of art in enhancing intercultural dialogue.
  • Art and propaganda: A historical analysis.
  • Graffiti as a tool for social change.
  • The psychology of color in artistic expression.
  • The effect of global tourism on local art scenes.
  • Art as a vehicle for social justice.
  • The relationship between art and fashion design.
  • The future of biographical films on artists.

3. Banking Thesis Topics

  • The future of cryptocurrencies in global banking systems.
  • The impact of mobile banking on traditional banking practices.
  • The role of central banks in stabilizing economic crises.
  • Consumer behavior in digital banking: Trust and security aspects.
  • The effect of banking regulations on international investments.
  • Financial inclusion: Strategies for reaching the unbanked populations.
  • The role of microfinance in poverty alleviation.
  • Banking secrecy and its impact on tax evasion.
  • The influence of fintech innovations on traditional banking models.
  • The sustainability of peer-to-peer lending platforms.
  • The impact of Brexit on the UK banking sector.
  • Cybersecurity strategies in online banking.
  • The future of Islamic banking in non-Muslim countries.
  • The role of green banking in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The effectiveness of anti-money laundering policies.
  • The impact of negative interest rates on banking profitability.
  • Risk management in banking: Current strategies and future challenges.
  • Customer loyalty in retail banking.
  • The evolution of credit scoring models in the age of big data.
  • The role of banks in supporting SMEs during economic downturns.
  • Ethical banking: Concepts and real-world applications.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on banking innovation.
  • The role of banking in economic development of rural areas.
  • Customer satisfaction and service quality in online banking.
  • The challenges of implementing blockchain technology in banking.
  • The future of offshore banking.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on banking services.
  • The role of central banks in managing climate risk.
  • The effects of global political instability on banking security.
  • Banking for the elderly: Adapting services for an aging population.
  • The role of banks in fostering entrepreneurship.
  • Digital wallets: Adoption rates and consumer trust.
  • The impact of the gig economy on banking products.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in banking leadership.
  • Compliance challenges in global banking.
  • The future of bank branch design in the digital era.
  • Innovations in payment systems and their impact on consumer behavior.
  • The role of banks in funding renewable energy projects.
  • The impact of pandemics on banking behavior.
  • Cross-border banking challenges and opportunities.

4. Biology Thesis Topics

  • CRISPR and its implications for genetic diseases.
  • The role of microbiomes in human health.
  • Synthetic biology: Designing life for industrial purposes.
  • Conservation genetics: Saving species from extinction.
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity.
  • The ethics of cloning: From animals to humans.
  • The future of bioinformatics in personalized medicine.
  • The role of epigenetics in cancer development.
  • Bioremediation techniques in oil spill recovery.
  • The influence of urban environments on avian species.
  • The application of stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine.
  • The potential of algae as a biofuel source.
  • The impact of invasive species on ecosystem balance.
  • The role of plants in mitigating air pollution.
  • The genetics of aging and longevity.
  • The impact of microplastics on freshwater ecosystems.
  • The evolution of antibiotic resistance.
  • The role of wildlife in the spread of zoonotic diseases.
  • The potential of biotechnology in food security.
  • The ethical considerations of using animals in research.
  • The future of GMOs in global agriculture.
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity.
  • The role of citizen science in biological research.
  • The use of drones in wildlife monitoring.
  • The challenges of conserving migratory bird species.
  • The role of genetic modification in pest control.
  • The potential for bioluminescent plants in urban lighting.
  • The impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs.
  • The genetics of plant adaptation to climate change.
  • The role of animal behavior in conservation strategies.
  • The potential of synthetic meat in reducing environmental impact.
  • The impact of global warming on polar ecosystems.
  • The role of fungi in ecosystem services.
  • The challenges of wildlife conservation in conflict zones.
  • The future of ecological restoration techniques.
  • The impact of human activity on natural selection.
  • The potential of venomous animals in medical research.
  • The role of genetic diversity in species resilience.
  • The use of environmental DNA in biodiversity monitoring.
  • The ethical implications of de-extinction technologies.

5. Computer Science Thesis Topics

  • Quantum computing and its future applications.
  • The impact of machine learning on healthcare diagnostics.
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence in decision making.
  • Cybersecurity in the age of Internet of Things (IoT).
  • The role of virtual reality in education.
  • The challenges of data privacy in social media.
  • The future of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies.
  • The potential of augmented reality in retail.
  • The impact of 5G technology on mobile computing.
  • The use of big data in predictive policing.
  • The challenges of software engineering in space missions.
  • The role of AI in combating climate change.
  • The impact of computer vision in autonomous vehicles.
  • The ethics of facial recognition technology.
  • The potential of AI in artistic creation.
  • The role of robotics in elderly care.
  • The impact of digital twins in industry 4.0.
  • The challenges of maintaining digital heritage.
  • The potential of internet governance in global diplomacy.
  • The role of deep learning in language translation.
  • The future of bioinformatics in genomics.
  • The challenges of ethical hacking.
  • The role of cloud computing in disaster management.
  • The impact of wearable technology on personal health.
  • The future of digital currencies in global economies.
  • The challenges of data sovereignty.
  • The role of machine learning in financial fraud detection.
  • The impact of smart cities on urban planning.
  • The potential of drones in logistics.
  • The role of AI in predictive maintenance.
  • The future of edge computing.
  • The challenges of implementing AI in legal systems.
  • The role of virtual agents in customer service.
  • The impact of gaming technology on learning.
  • The potential of digital marketing in the era of AI.
  • The challenges of AI ethics.
  • The role of data analytics in sports performance.
  • The impact of e-learning platforms on traditional education.
  • The potential of digital assistants in enhancing productivity.
  • The challenges of securing IoT devices.

6. Economics Thesis Topics

  • The impact of global trade wars on small economies.
  • The role of economic policy in climate change mitigation.
  • The effects of universal basic income experiments.
  • The challenges of economic integration in emerging markets.
  • The future of cryptocurrency regulation.
  • The impact of remote work on urban economies.
  • The role of tourism in economic recovery post-pandemic.
  • The challenges of pension systems in aging populations.
  • The potential of green bonds in financing sustainable development.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on labor markets.
  • The challenges of economic sanctions.
  • The role of microfinance in women’s empowerment.
  • The impact of Brexit on the European Union.
  • The future of trade agreements in a multipolar world.
  • The potential of social entrepreneurship in economic development.
  • The challenges of income inequality.
  • The role of digital currencies in global finance.
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural economics.
  • The potential of sustainable tourism.
  • The challenges of financial literacy education.
  • The role of government in innovation ecosystems.
  • The impact of healthcare reform on national economies.
  • The potential of renewable energy markets.
  • The challenges of housing markets in global cities.
  • The future of economic theories in the digital age.
  • The role of central banks in managing economic crises.
  • The impact of population growth on resource allocation.
  • The potential of cooperative businesses in sustainable economies.
  • The challenges of water scarcity on economic policies.
  • The role of technology in economic forecasting.
  • The future of economic globalization.
  • The challenges of corporate social responsibility.
  • The role of public-private partnerships in infrastructure development.
  • The impact of big data on economic decision-making.
  • The potential of fintech in emerging markets.
  • The challenges of trade barriers in Africa.
  • The role of economic planning in post-conflict societies.
  • The impact of oil price fluctuations on global economies.
  • The potential of agrotechnology in enhancing food security.
  • The challenges of sustainable development goals.

7. Education Thesis Topics

  • The impact of digital classrooms on learning outcomes.
  • The challenges of multicultural education in primary schools.
  • The role of technology in special education.
  • The future of higher education post-pandemic.
  • The impact of parental involvement on student achievement.
  • The challenges of teacher training in digital skills.
  • The potential of gamification in education.
  • The impact of school leadership on educational reform.
  • The challenges of educational equity in rural areas.
  • The role of student voice in educational policy development.
  • The future of educational funding models.
  • The challenges of adult education in the digital age.
  • The potential of mobile learning in developing countries.
  • The impact of arts education on academic performance.
  • The challenges of standardized testing.
  • The role of community partnerships in education.
  • The future of educational psychology.
  • The challenges of early childhood education policies.
  • The potential of blended learning environments.
  • The impact of language barriers in bilingual education.
  • The challenges of educational technology integration.
  • The role of mentorship in teacher development.
  • The future of global education initiatives.
  • The challenges of education for sustainable development.
  • The potential of STEM education in girls’ empowerment.
  • The impact of nutrition on cognitive development in children.
  • The challenges of refugee education.
  • The role of outdoor education in child development.
  • The future of vocational training.
  • The challenges of distance learning in higher education.
  • The role of social media in educational engagement.
  • The impact of bullying on student well-being.
  • The future of academic libraries in the digital era.
  • The challenges of home schooling.
  • The potential of interdisciplinary studies.
  • The impact of school infrastructure on learning.
  • The challenges of teacher retention.
  • The role of sports in educational settings.
  • The future of educational research methodologies.
  • The challenges of academic freedom in authoritarian regimes.

8. Engineering Thesis Topics

  • The future of sustainable building materials.
  • The role of robotics in disaster response.
  • The challenges of renewable energy technologies.
  • The future of bioengineering in healthcare.
  • The impact of 3D printing on manufacturing industries.
  • The challenges of transportation systems in megacities.
  • The potential of smart grids in energy management.
  • The impact of nanotechnology in material science.
  • The challenges of water resource management in arid regions.
  • The future of aerospace engineering.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in civil engineering.
  • The impact of virtual reality in construction planning.
  • The challenges of biofuels in sustainable transport.
  • The potential of geotechnical engineering in urban development.
  • The impact of automation in industrial processes.
  • The challenges of cybersecurity in critical infrastructure.
  • The future of environmental engineering.
  • The role of genetic engineering in agriculture.
  • The impact of smart materials in wearable technology.
  • The challenges of structural health monitoring.
  • The future of electrical engineering in the IoT era.
  • The role of mechanical engineering in renewable energy systems.
  • The impact of machine learning on engineering design.
  • The challenges of climate adaptation in coastal engineering.
  • The potential of data analytics in traffic management.
  • The impact of augmented reality on maintenance procedures.
  • The future of chemical engineering in pharmaceuticals.
  • The role of systems engineering in complex projects.
  • The impact of drones in environmental monitoring.
  • The challenges of acoustic engineering in urban areas.
  • The future of automotive engineering in electric vehicles.
  • The role of engineering in space exploration.
  • The impact of digital twins in asset management.
  • The challenges of agricultural engineering in climate-resilient farming.
  • The potential of hydraulic engineering in flood prevention.
  • The impact of thermal engineering in energy efficiency.
  • The challenges of marine engineering in deep-sea exploration.
  • The role of process engineering in sustainable manufacturing.
  • The future of telecommunications engineering.
  • The challenges of safety engineering in high-risk industries.

9. Entrepreneurship Thesis Topics

  • The role of startups in economic recovery post-COVID-19.
  • The impact of entrepreneurial ecosystems on regional development.
  • The challenges of female entrepreneurship in technology sectors.
  • The future of social entrepreneurship in addressing global issues.
  • The impact of government policies on startup success.
  • The challenges of venture capital in emerging markets.
  • The potential of digital platforms in fostering entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of coworking spaces on entrepreneurial collaboration.
  • The challenges of scaling small businesses.
  • The future of innovation in entrepreneurial ventures.
  • The role of universities in promoting entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of business incubators on startup growth.
  • The challenges of entrepreneurial education in developing economies.
  • The potential of green entrepreneurship in sustainable development.
  • The impact of crowdfunding on new venture financing.
  • The challenges of intellectual property in startup ecosystems.
  • The future of entrepreneurial leadership.
  • The role of technology transfer in innovation.
  • The impact of e-commerce on small and medium enterprises.
  • The challenges of global expansion for startups.
  • The future of gig economy and its impact on entrepreneurship.
  • The role of corporate entrepreneurship in fostering innovation.
  • The impact of digital marketing strategies on entrepreneurial success.
  • The challenges of regulatory compliance for new businesses.
  • The potential of blockchain technology in entrepreneurial finance.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on small business operations.
  • The future of entrepreneurial networking.
  • The role of demographic changes in entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • The impact of climate change on business innovations.
  • The challenges of entrepreneurship in the arts.
  • The future of family businesses in modern economies.
  • The role of psychological resilience in entrepreneurial success.
  • The impact of migration on entrepreneurial diversity.
  • The challenges of supply chain management for entrepreneurs.
  • The potential of biotechnology startups in healthcare.
  • The impact of urbanization on entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • The future of virtual reality in business applications.
  • The role of data privacy in consumer-oriented startups.
  • The impact of mobile payments on small business transactions.
  • The challenges of energy efficiency in entrepreneurial ventures.

10. Environmental Science Thesis Topics

  • The role of urban green spaces in combating air pollution.
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems.
  • The challenges of sustainable agriculture in water-scarce regions.
  • The future of renewable energy technologies in mitigating climate change.
  • The challenges of waste management in urban areas.
  • The potential of ecosystem services in urban planning.
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater resources.
  • The challenges of environmental policy in developing countries.
  • The future of conservation strategies for endangered species.
  • The role of citizen science in environmental monitoring.
  • The impact of industrial pollution on public health.
  • The challenges of restoring ecosystems after natural disasters.
  • The potential of green chemistry in reducing environmental impact.
  • The impact of global warming on polar regions.
  • The challenges of air quality monitoring in megacities.
  • The future of oceanography in climate research.
  • The role of environmental education in sustainability.
  • The impact of sustainable tourism on natural reserves.
  • The challenges of geothermal energy exploitation.
  • The future of bioenergy in global energy markets.
  • The role of public awareness in environmental conservation.
  • The impact of agricultural runoff on water quality.
  • The challenges of noise pollution in urban environments.
  • The potential of green roofs in energy conservation.
  • The impact of invasive species on local ecosystems.
  • The future of wildlife corridors in promoting biodiversity.
  • The role of policy in shaping environmental technologies.
  • The impact of land use change on ecosystem services.
  • The challenges of sustainable fishing practices.
  • The future of environmental impact assessments.
  • The role of community engagement in conservation projects.
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural pests.
  • The challenges of sustainable urban drainage systems.
  • The potential of natural resource management in conflict zones.
  • The impact of eco-labeling on consumer behavior.
  • The future of environmental justice in policy making.
  • The role of geospatial technologies in environmental management.
  • The impact of renewable energy subsidies on market development.
  • The challenges of carbon capture and storage technologies.

11. Finance Thesis Topics

  • The role of financial technology in shaping banking services.
  • The impact of global economic policies on stock markets.
  • The challenges of financial inclusion in low-income countries.
  • The future of cryptocurrency in global trade.
  • The impact of interest rate fluctuations on consumer behavior.
  • The challenges of corporate finance in multinational companies.
  • The potential of microfinance in supporting small businesses.
  • The impact of stock market volatility on retirement savings.
  • The challenges of insurance models in climate-sensitive regions.
  • The future of investment strategies in a low-yield environment.
  • The role of central banks in stabilizing financial markets.
  • The impact of Brexit on European financial stability.
  • The challenges of ethical investing in emerging markets.
  • The potential of blockchain in reducing financial fraud.
  • The impact of monetary policies on economic recovery.
  • The challenges of financial literacy in developing a sustainable economy.
  • The future of digital currencies in monetary systems.
  • The role of financial regulations in promoting transparency.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial services.
  • The challenges of managing public debt in developing countries.
  • The future of real estate investment in urban areas.
  • The role of crowdfunding in financing innovation.
  • The impact of global trade tensions on foreign exchange markets.
  • The challenges of pension fund management in an aging population.
  • The potential of sustainable finance in corporate strategies.
  • The impact of inflation on spending patterns.
  • The future of risk management in financial institutions.
  • The role of international financial organizations in crisis resolution.
  • The impact of technology on personal financial planning.
  • The challenges of financial sanctions on global banking.
  • The future of financial derivatives in market stability.
  • The role of consumer protection in financial services.
  • The impact of e-commerce on global economic growth.
  • The challenges of financial market regulation in a digital age.
  • The potential of impact investing in addressing social issues.
  • The impact of climate change on insurance risk assessments.
  • The future of global financial cooperation.
  • The role of data analytics in financial forecasting.
  • The impact of mobile banking on financial accessibility.
  • The challenges of financial crime prevention.

12. Geography Thesis Topics

  • The impact of climate change on coastal erosion patterns globally
  • Urban heat islands: Mitigation strategies for mega-cities
  • Geographic information systems (GIS) applications in disaster management
  • The role of green spaces in enhancing urban resilience to climate change
  • Water scarcity and conflict in the Middle East: A spatial analysis
  • Mapping pandemic outbreaks: The role of geographic factors in disease spread
  • The effects of urbanization on biodiversity in metropolitan areas
  • Sustainable tourism and its impact on indigenous communities
  • Deforestation patterns and their impact on local climates
  • Geospatial analysis of renewable energy potential in developing countries
  • The political geography of borders in post-conflict regions
  • Land use changes and their impacts on suburban wildlife
  • Analyzing the socioeconomic impacts of natural disasters using spatial data
  • The future of Arctic navigation routes: Geopolitical and environmental considerations
  • GIS in urban planning: Case studies on efficient city layouts
  • Sea level rise and its implications for island nations
  • The geography of refugee flows and human migration patterns
  • Comparative analysis of urban sprawl in Europe and Asia
  • Remote sensing applications in monitoring deforestation efforts
  • The dynamics of river pollution and its effects on surrounding populations
  • Climate adaptation strategies in drought-prone regions
  • The impact of transportation networks on rural development
  • Spatial patterns of agricultural productivity shifts due to technological advancements
  • Historical cartography and its influence on modern territorial disputes
  • The role of geospatial data in shaping public health policies
  • Assessing the impact of mega-dams on river ecosystems
  • The cultural geography of food security in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Urban-rural migration patterns and their effects on regional development
  • The evolution of coastal cities’ defense mechanisms against rising sea levels
  • Spatial justice and accessibility in metropolitan public services
  • Modeling the spread of invasive species using GIS
  • The economic geography of global supply chains disrupted by political instability
  • Land rights disputes and their environmental consequences
  • The role of satellite imagery in enforcing environmental regulations
  • Geographical analysis of electoral patterns in democratic nations
  • The socioeconomic effects of mining in developing regions
  • Water resource management in arid climates: Case studies from around the world
  • The use of geospatial data in predicting volcanic eruptions
  • The impact of global warming on polar glacial movements
  • Urban biodiversity: Strategies for preserving green spaces in large cities

13. Geology Thesis Topics

  • The impact of hydraulic fracturing on local groundwater systems
  • Volcanic activity and its influence on climate patterns
  • Sedimentary records and climate change: A deep-time perspective
  • The role of geology in sustainable urban planning
  • Mineralogy of subduction zones and its implications for seismic activity
  • Geotechnical assessment of landslide-prone areas
  • Paleoceanography: Studying ancient marine environments through sediment analysis
  • The geochemistry of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and their ecosystems
  • Earthquake prediction: Advances in seismic monitoring and data analysis
  • The effects of mining on ecosystem dynamics
  • Geophysical techniques in oil and gas exploration
  • The evolution of continental crust through geological time
  • The geology of planetary bodies: Insights from Mars and the Moon
  • Coral reef degradation: Geological perspectives on a biological crisis
  • The dynamics of groundwater flow in karst environments
  • Radioisotope dating: Techniques and applications in geological research
  • Impact of glacial movements on alpine landscapes
  • Geothermal energy: Mapping potential sites for sustainable power
  • The formation and significance of geological faults
  • Soil erosion processes and their impact on agricultural land
  • Geological mapping of underexplored regions for mineral resources
  • The influence of tectonic activity on biodiversity hotspots
  • Techniques in paleomagnetism and their applications in plate tectonics
  • The impact of coastal erosion on human settlements
  • Studying basaltic rock formations to understand volcanic activity
  • The role of geology in the carbon cycle and climate regulation
  • Advances in geological remote sensing and satellite imagery
  • Geoarchaeology: Uncovering human history through geological methods
  • Geology and public health: Understanding natural sources of toxic elements
  • Modeling the future impacts of sea level rise on coastal geology
  • The geological implications of artificial islands and land reclamation
  • Preservation of geological heritage sites under threat from tourism
  • The role of sediment transport in shaping river deltas
  • Geological considerations in the construction of large-scale infrastructure
  • The environmental impacts of deep-sea mining
  • Assessing the risk of tsunamis in the Pacific Rim
  • Geological factors in the siting of nuclear facilities
  • The relationship between geological structures and biodiversity in national parks
  • Studying the geology of sinkholes: Causes and consequences
  • The science of gemstones: From geological formation to market trends

14. Health Thesis Topics

  • The impact of telemedicine on healthcare delivery in rural areas
  • Nutritional strategies in the prevention of type 2 diabetes
  • The role of genetic factors in the development of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Mental health outcomes among refugees: A cross-cultural study
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapies on chronic pain
  • Vaccine hesitancy: Causes and public health implications
  • The effects of air pollution on respiratory health in urban areas
  • Opioid addiction treatment: New approaches and their effectiveness
  • Health disparities in cardiovascular disease outcomes by ethnicity
  • The influence of social media on adolescent mental health
  • Maternal health and neonatal outcomes in low-resource settings
  • The impact of sleep quality on cognitive decline in the elderly
  • Public health strategies to combat obesity in children
  • The effectiveness of public smoking bans in reducing lung disease rates
  • Exploring the relationship between gut microbiota and immune function
  • The use of AI in predicting epidemic outbreaks
  • Strategies for increasing physical activity among office workers
  • The effects of climate change on vector-borne diseases
  • Healthcare systems’ responsiveness to the needs of diverse populations
  • The role of patient education in managing chronic diseases
  • Mental health interventions in primary care settings
  • Assessing the impact of dietary supplements on health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare policy in improving population health
  • The ethical implications of genetic screening for hereditary diseases
  • The challenge of antibiotic resistance: Strategies for global response
  • Health implications of long-term space travel: A study of astronaut health
  • The use of blockchain technology in securing patient health records
  • Addressing mental health stigma in various cultural contexts
  • The impact of economic downturns on public health systems
  • Preventive measures against sports-related concussions
  • The role of occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation
  • The effects of urban green spaces on mental health
  • Developing effective interventions for teenage substance abuse
  • The global impact of non-communicable diseases on economic development
  • The use of mobile health applications in patient management
  • Strategies for reducing maternal mortality rates in developing countries
  • The role of health informatics in improving patient care
  • The impact of chronic stress on health: Physiological and psychological aspects
  • Evaluating the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The relationship between health literacy and health outcomes

15. Immigration Thesis Topics

  • The impact of immigration policies on national security in various countries
  • Economic effects of mass migration on host countries
  • Cultural integration challenges faced by immigrants in urban settings
  • The role of international laws in protecting the rights of refugees
  • Effects of brain drain on developing countries due to emigration
  • Analysis of the socio-economic impacts of undocumented workers in the United States
  • Long-term demographic changes resulting from immigration trends
  • The influence of immigrant communities on local election outcomes
  • Comparative study of refugee resettlement programs across Western countries
  • The role of language barriers in immigrant education and integration
  • Mental health issues among immigrant populations
  • Impact of remittances on the economy of origin countries
  • Legal challenges and pathways to citizenship for immigrants
  • The effects of religious diversity brought by immigrants
  • Strategies for managing cultural diversity in multinational corporations
  • Xenophobia and racism: Social tensions in immigrant-dense areas
  • The role of social media in shaping immigrant identity
  • The impact of climate change on patterns of global migration
  • Comparative analysis of asylum policies in EU countries
  • The role of international NGOs in aiding immigrants and refugees
  • Gender-specific challenges faced by female immigrants
  • The economic contribution of refugees to local economies
  • The effect of immigration on public health systems
  • Policies to combat human trafficking across borders
  • The role of education in facilitating immigrant integration
  • Historical patterns of immigration and their impact on modern policies
  • Challenges to law enforcement in regions with high levels of immigration
  • The impact of deportation on families and communities
  • The effectiveness of border security measures in controlling illegal immigration
  • Immigration as a tool for diplomatic leverage in international relations
  • The role of the media in influencing public opinion on immigration
  • Challenges of second-generation immigrants in maintaining cultural heritage
  • Impact of immigration on urban planning and infrastructure
  • Immigration and the changing landscape of political power in host countries
  • Ethical considerations in the treatment of detained immigrants
  • The relationship between immigration and global economic crises
  • Success stories of immigrant entrepreneurs and their impact on global markets
  • The role of immigrant labor in the sustainability of pension systems
  • Comparative analysis of immigrant integration in rural vs. urban areas
  • The impact of expatriate communities on global cultural exchange

16. Law Thesis Topics

  • The implications of artificial intelligence on copyright and intellectual property laws.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of hate speech laws in various jurisdictions.
  • The impact of international trade laws on emerging economies.
  • Legal challenges in the enforcement of global environmental protection laws.
  • The evolution of privacy laws in the digital age.
  • Comparative analysis of drug decriminalization policies across countries.
  • The role of the judiciary in upholding democratic values in times of political crises.
  • Legal frameworks for combating cybercrime: A global perspective.
  • The influence of legal systems on minority rights protection.
  • Assessing the impact of legal aid services on access to justice.
  • The role of law in regulating unmanned aerial vehicles (drones).
  • Legal and ethical issues surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • The enforcement of international human rights laws in conflict zones.
  • Analyzing the legal responses to domestic violence in different cultures.
  • The effectiveness of anti-corruption laws in public sector governance.
  • Intellectual property rights and access to medication in developing countries.
  • Legal aspects of international adoptions and child rights.
  • The role of law in managing global refugee crises.
  • Employment law and its impact on gender equality in the workplace.
  • Legal challenges in the adoption of renewable energy sources.
  • The impact of forensic science on criminal justice systems.
  • Legal issues related to the commercialization of space.
  • The role of legal institutions in addressing economic inequality.
  • Animal rights and legal protections: A comparative study.
  • The future of international law in governing maritime disputes.
  • Legal strategies to combat human trafficking across continents.
  • The role of customary law in modern legal systems.
  • The implications of Brexit on European Union law.
  • Legal responses to global pandemics and health emergencies.
  • The influence of shareholder activism on corporate governance.
  • Rights and legal protections for gig economy workers.
  • Legal frameworks governing artificial reproductive technologies.
  • The impact of climate change legislation on industrial sectors.
  • The role of international courts in resolving territorial disputes.
  • The legality and ethics of surveillance in national security.
  • Legal implications of genetic data storage and usage.
  • The intersection of religion and law in secular societies.
  • Legal considerations in the regulation of virtual currencies.
  • Comparative legal analysis of same-sex marriage laws.
  • The role of law in combating racial discrimination in education and employment.

17. Nutrition Thesis Topics

  • The impact of plant-based diets on long-term health outcomes.
  • Nutritional strategies for managing autoimmune diseases.
  • The role of gut microbiota in weight management and obesity prevention.
  • Comparative effectiveness of dietary interventions in reducing cardiovascular risk.
  • The influence of nutritional education on childhood obesity rates.
  • The effects of intermittent fasting on metabolic health.
  • Nutritional deficiencies and their impact on mental health.
  • The role of antioxidants in cancer prevention.
  • Trends in global dietary patterns and their environmental impacts.
  • The effectiveness of school-based nutritional programs on student health.
  • The impact of ultra-processed foods on chronic disease rates.
  • Nutritional genomics: Personalizing diet plans based on genetic profiles.
  • The relationship between dietary patterns and aging.
  • The effects of caffeine and other stimulants on athletic performance.
  • The role of omega-3 fatty acids in cognitive development and function.
  • Dietary interventions in the management of Type 2 diabetes.
  • The impact of alcohol consumption on nutritional status.
  • Strategies to improve nutritional intake in elderly populations.
  • The role of nutrition in the recovery and rehabilitation of sports injuries.
  • Ethical considerations in the marketing of dietary supplements.
  • The influence of socio-economic status on nutritional choices and health outcomes.
  • The role of dietary fiber in digestive health and disease prevention.
  • Nutrition and skin health: The impact of diet on skin condition and aging.
  • The relationship between nutrition and sleep quality.
  • The effect of maternal nutrition on fetal development and birth outcomes.
  • The impact of geographic and cultural factors on dietary practices.
  • The effectiveness of community gardens in improving access to nutritious foods.
  • The role of policy in shaping public nutrition and food security.
  • Nutritional challenges in vegan and vegetarian diets.
  • The science of food addiction and its implications for dietary guidelines.
  • The impact of pesticides and other chemicals on food safety and nutritional value.
  • The role of protein in muscle synthesis and body composition.
  • Nutritional interventions in the treatment of mood disorders.
  • The effects of global warming on food production and nutritional quality.
  • The impact of fast food globalization on worldwide obesity rates.
  • Nutritional considerations in palliative care settings.
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and management of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The impact of mindful eating on health and well-being.
  • Nutrient timing: The implications of when we eat on health and performance.
  • The effectiveness of nutritional labeling in influencing consumer choices.

18. Leadership Thesis Topics

  • The impact of transformational leadership on employee engagement and retention.
  • The role of leadership in shaping organizational culture and performance.
  • Leadership strategies for managing diversity and inclusion in multinational corporations.
  • The effectiveness of servant leadership in nonprofit organizations.
  • Leadership in crisis: Evaluating the responses of business leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The influence of gender on leadership styles and effectiveness.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership success.
  • Leadership development programs: Assessing their impact on career progression.
  • Ethical leadership and its effects on corporate governance.
  • Leadership and innovation: How leaders foster a culture of innovation within organizations.
  • The impact of leadership on team dynamics and conflict resolution.
  • Cross-cultural leadership: The challenges and strategies for leading in a globalized market.
  • The role of leadership in successful change management initiatives.
  • The relationship between leadership styles and employee job satisfaction.
  • Millennials in leadership: Their approach and impact on organizational practices.
  • The effect of leadership coaching on personal and organizational outcomes.
  • Leadership succession planning in family-owned businesses.
  • The impact of digital transformation on leadership practices.
  • Leadership and sustainability: Integrating environmental concerns into business strategies.
  • The role of leadership in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Distributed leadership in educational institutions: A path to improved school outcomes.
  • The influence of political leadership on national economic development.
  • Leadership in healthcare: Strategies for handling administrative and ethical challenges.
  • Virtual leadership: Leading remote teams effectively in the digital age.
  • The role of leadership in driving corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  • Adaptive leadership in dynamic markets: Responding to technological disruptions.
  • Leadership under pressure: The skills needed for high-stakes decision-making.
  • The impact of authoritarian versus democratic leadership styles on organizational efficiency.
  • The role of leadership in promoting workplace safety and well-being.
  • Leadership in the arts sector: Challenges and strategies for inspiring creative teams.
  • The effectiveness of leadership training in the public sector.
  • Leadership and accountability: Mechanisms for transparent governance in organizations.
  • Women in leadership: Barriers and enablers for gender equity at the top.
  • Leadership during mergers and acquisitions: Key strategies for smooth transitions.
  • The impact of social media on leadership and personal branding.
  • The relationship between leadership and mental health in the workplace.
  • Leadership in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Unique challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of leadership in disaster recovery and resilience building.
  • Charismatic leadership: Its influence on followers and organizational outcomes.
  • Leadership and corporate culture: How leaders influence organizational values and norms.

19. Literature Thesis Topics

  • The evolution of the narrative structure in modernist literature.
  • Themes of alienation and identity in post-colonial literature.
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in contemporary young adult fiction.
  • The role of dystopian literature in critiquing current societal norms.
  • Magical realism as a tool for political commentary in Latin American novels.
  • The influence of the Beat Generation on American literature and culture.
  • Intersections of race and class in the works of Toni Morrison.
  • The depiction of mental health in 20th-century literature.
  • Eco-criticism and the portrayal of nature in Romantic poetry.
  • The impact of digital media on the form and content of contemporary poetry.
  • Intertextuality in the works of James Joyce and T.S. Eliot.
  • The narrative techniques of unreliable narration in modern novels.
  • The role of mythology in shaping modern fantasy literature.
  • Feminist re-readings of classic Victorian novels.
  • The portrayal of historical events in Holocaust literature.
  • The influence of existential philosophy on European plays of the 20th century.
  • The treatment of exile and displacement in the literature of the Middle East.
  • Comparative analysis of Gothic elements in 19th-century British and American literature.
  • The role of the supernatural in the development of horror literature.
  • The representation of urban spaces in modernist poetry.
  • Postmodern narrative strategies in contemporary cinema.
  • The literary legacy of the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Memory and trauma in post-war European literature.
  • The impact of censorship on the dissemination of radical ideas in literature.
  • The dynamics of power and corruption in political novels.
  • Psychoanalytic interpretations of children’s fairy tales.
  • Consumer culture and its critique in postmodern American fiction.
  • The concept of the anti-hero in modern drama and its societal implications.
  • Literary expressions of religious doubt from the Enlightenment to modernism.
  • The evolution of the vampire myth in literature from Dracula to today.
  • The influence of African oral traditions on contemporary African-American literature.
  • Depictions of artificial intelligence in science fiction: ethical and philosophical implications.
  • The portrayal of indigenous cultures in settler colonial narratives.
  • Gender dynamics in the epistolary novel form.
  • Literature as a form of resistance in totalitarian regimes.
  • The intersection of literature and film in adapting classical texts.
  • Archetypes and their transformations in world literature.
  • The narrative function of space in graphic novels.
  • Literary adaptations and their impact on understanding original works.
  • The role of paratexts in shaping reader reception of literary texts.

20. Management Thesis Topics

  • The impact of remote work on team dynamics and productivity.
  • Strategies for managing global teams across different time zones and cultures.
  • The role of management in fostering innovation within organizations.
  • The effectiveness of agile management techniques in software development projects.
  • The influence of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty and consumer behavior.
  • Crisis management: Best practices for handling public relations disasters.
  • The impact of generational differences on management styles and employee satisfaction.
  • Strategies for effective change management in rapidly evolving industries.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and management.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic decision-making processes.
  • Sustainability in supply chain management: Practices and outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of performance management systems in multinational corporations.
  • Workplace diversity: Management strategies for fostering inclusivity.
  • Conflict resolution: Techniques and systems for managing workplace disputes.
  • The role of management in preventing workplace harassment and ensuring safety.
  • The impact of digital transformation on traditional management practices.
  • Strategies for managing customer relationships in the digital era.
  • The influence of organizational culture on employee productivity and morale.
  • Talent management strategies for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Management challenges in the healthcare sector: Improving efficiency and patient care.
  • The role of management in promoting ethical practices within corporations.
  • The impact of e-commerce on retail management.
  • Risk management strategies in the finance industry.
  • The role of project management in successful infrastructure development.
  • The impact of leadership development programs on organizational success.
  • Managing innovation: How companies can cultivate and sustain innovative practices.
  • The influence of management practices on employee well-being and work-life balance.
  • The role of data analytics in management decision-making.
  • Best practices for managing non-profit organizations.
  • The impact of international trade policies on business management.
  • Employee engagement strategies: What works and what doesn’t?
  • The effect of management styles on the adoption of technology in the workplace.
  • The challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce.
  • The role of strategic planning in business growth and development.
  • Corporate governance and its impact on company performance and accountability.
  • The management of mergers and acquisitions: Integration strategies and challenges.
  • The effect of global economic conditions on management practices.
  • Consumer behavior insights for strategic management decisions.
  • Outsourcing strategies: Management challenges and benefits.
  • The role of mentorship programs in management training and development.

21. Marketing Thesis Topics

  • The effectiveness of social media influencers in brand promotion.
  • Consumer behavior analysis in the era of digital transformation.
  • The impact of virtual reality marketing on consumer purchase intentions.
  • Green marketing: Strategies and challenges in promoting sustainable products.
  • The role of emotional appeals in advertising effectiveness.
  • The evolution of consumer privacy concerns in digital marketing.
  • Brand loyalty: Factors influencing consumer loyalty in competitive markets.
  • The impact of cultural factors on global marketing strategies.
  • Neuromarketing: How brain science is influencing advertising strategies.
  • The effectiveness of content marketing in building brand awareness.
  • The role of customer feedback in shaping product development.
  • Marketing automation: Tools, benefits, and potential pitfalls.
  • The influence of economic downturns on marketing strategies.
  • The impact of customer relationship management (CRM) systems on sales performance.
  • Ethical concerns in marketing: A study of deceptive advertising practices.
  • The role of packaging design in consumer decision-making.
  • The effectiveness of loyalty programs in retaining customers.
  • The challenges of marketing pharmaceutical products in a regulated environment.
  • The impact of global events on sports marketing and sponsorship.
  • The role of search engine optimization (SEO) in modern marketing strategies.
  • Mobile marketing: Trends, effectiveness, and consumer reception.
  • The influence of brand storytelling on emotional connection and engagement.
  • Comparative analysis of traditional vs. digital marketing budgets and ROI.
  • The challenges and opportunities of affiliate marketing.
  • Consumer resistance to digital advertising and ways to overcome it.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on personalized marketing campaigns.
  • The role of gender in marketing: Tailoring messages to diverse audiences.
  • The effectiveness of video marketing on social media platforms.
  • The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer perceptions.
  • The role of market segmentation in effective targeting.
  • The impact of pop-up retail on consumer engagement and sales.
  • The role of public relations in crisis management and brand rehabilitation.
  • The effectiveness of experiential marketing campaigns.
  • The challenges of marketing in the non-profit sector.
  • The impact of data breaches on brand trust and loyalty.
  • Influencer marketing vs. celebrity endorsements: A comparative study.
  • The role of sensory marketing in enhancing customer experience.
  • The impact of augmented reality on shopping experiences.
  • The role of analytics in predicting consumer behavior.
  • The effectiveness of cross-channel marketing strategies.

22. Nursing Thesis Topics

  • The impact of nurse-patient ratios on patient outcomes in critical care units.
  • Strategies for managing nurse burnout and job satisfaction.
  • The effectiveness of telehealth nursing and its implications for rural healthcare.
  • The role of nurses in managing chronic diseases in outpatient settings.
  • Innovations in nursing education and their impact on clinical practice.
  • The challenges of cultural competence in nursing: Strategies for improvement.
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care quality.
  • The role of nursing leadership in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Patient safety in hospitals: The contribution of nursing protocols.
  • The effects of advanced nurse practitioner roles on patient access to care.
  • The impact of simulation-based training on nursing competency.
  • Nursing interventions to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections.
  • The role of nurses in end-of-life care: Ethical and practical considerations.
  • Mental health nursing: Best practices for patient engagement and recovery.
  • The challenges of pediatric nursing and family care coordination.
  • The effectiveness of community nursing programs in improving public health.
  • The impact of nursing informatics on patient care and data management.
  • The role of nurses in the management of medical emergencies in remote areas.
  • Nursing approaches to pain management: Traditional vs. alternative methods.
  • The impact of maternal health nursing on neonatal outcomes.
  • Nursing strategies for improving vaccination rates among different population groups.
  • The role of nurses in health promotion and disease prevention.
  • The challenges of geriatric nursing and the management of age-related diseases.
  • The effectiveness of nursing interventions in psychiatric care.
  • The role of nurse-led clinics in improving healthcare accessibility.
  • Nursing and public health emergencies: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The impact of nursing on patient satisfaction and hospital readmission rates.
  • The role of nurses in managing diabetes care and patient education.
  • Ethical dilemmas in nursing: A study of decision-making processes.
  • The effectiveness of pressure ulcer prevention protocols in nursing homes.
  • The impact of mobile health applications on nursing practice and patient engagement.
  • Nursing perspectives on the management of cancer pain.
  • The role of nursing in the treatment of opioid addiction and recovery.
  • The impact of legal and regulatory changes on nursing practice.
  • Nursing and the management of rare diseases: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The effectiveness of wound care management techniques in nursing.
  • Nursing roles in cardiac rehabilitation: Patient outcomes and practices.
  • The influence of nursing care on the psychological outcomes of ICU patients.
  • The impact of global health initiatives on nursing practices.
  • The role of nurses in promoting mental health in primary care settings.

23. Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • The concept of justice in modern political philosophy.
  • Exploring the philosophy of mind: consciousness and cognitive science.
  • The role of intuition in moral decision-making.
  • Nietzsche’s critique of traditional morality and its contemporary relevance.
  • The influence of existentialism on modern individualism.
  • The intersection of philosophy and literature: Analyzing philosophical narratives.
  • The problem of evil: Philosophical approaches to understanding suffering.
  • Environmental ethics: The philosophical basis for ecological responsibility.
  • The philosophy of language: Understanding how language shapes our reality.
  • The concept of freedom in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.
  • Epistemology in the digital age: The impact of information technology on knowledge.
  • The ethics of care: A critical look at moral development and relational ethics.
  • The philosophy of science: Analyzing scientific rationality and progress.
  • Buddhist philosophy and its approach to the self and no-self.
  • Analyzing the philosophical underpinnings of human rights.
  • The notion of happiness in ancient versus modern philosophical texts.
  • The impact of Stoicism on modern self-help movements.
  • The concept of ‘Otherness’ in Continental philosophy.
  • The role of skepticism in shaping modern epistemology.
  • Phenomenology and the arts: Understanding aesthetic experiences.
  • The ethics of genetic engineering and human enhancement.
  • The political philosophy of anarchism: Theory and practice.
  • The philosophy of education: Analyzing educational paradigms and their impacts.
  • The debate on free will and determinism: Philosophical perspectives.
  • Virtue ethics: From Aristotle to modern applications.
  • The philosophy of religion: Analyzing the rationality of faith.
  • The role of metaphor in shaping philosophical thought.
  • The ethics of consumption: A philosophical inquiry into consumer culture.
  • The concept of power in Foucault’s works and its influence on social theory.
  • The philosophy of time: Understanding temporal experiences and theories.
  • Memory and identity: Philosophical examinations of personal continuity.
  • The ethics of global poverty and international justice.
  • Exploring the philosophical aspects of quantum mechanics.
  • The social contract theory in the age of globalization.
  • The influence of philosophy on cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Philosophical analysis of postmodernism and its criticisms.
  • The notion of duty in Kantian ethics and its relevance today.
  • The metaphysics of causation: from Aristotle to contemporary theories.
  • Analyzing the concept of autonomy in bioethics.

24. Psychology Thesis Topics

  • The psychological impact of social media on teen self-esteem and body image.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy vs. mindfulness-based stress reduction: Efficacy in treating anxiety disorders.
  • The role of attachment styles in adult relationships.
  • Neuroplasticity and recovery from brain injury: Strategies and outcomes.
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance and mental health.
  • Psychological resilience: Factors that contribute to mental toughness in athletes.
  • The influence of parental involvement on child educational outcomes.
  • The efficacy of psychoeducational interventions in managing ADHD in children.
  • The role of personality traits in workplace performance.
  • The impact of childhood trauma on adult psychological disorders.
  • Psychological strategies for coping with chronic pain.
  • The effects of aging on memory and how to mitigate cognitive decline.
  • Eating disorders: Psychological underpinnings and treatment outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in treating phobias.
  • Social psychology: The impact of group dynamics on individual behavior.
  • The role of psychological factors in cardiovascular health.
  • The impact of pet ownership on mental health and social well-being.
  • The psychology of addiction: Understanding mechanisms and pathways to recovery.
  • The effect of mindfulness meditation on emotional regulation.
  • The psychological implications of genetic testing for hereditary diseases.
  • The role of gender identity in psychological health and development.
  • The impact of bullying on adolescent mental health and academic performance.
  • The influence of cultural factors on mental health treatment preferences and outcomes.
  • Psychological aspects of cyberbullying: Victim and perpetrator profiles.
  • The role of art therapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety.
  • The psychology of leadership: Key traits and behaviors of effective leaders.
  • The effects of prenatal exposure to stress on child development.
  • The role of music therapy in cognitive and emotional rehabilitation.
  • Psychological interventions in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • The relationship between job satisfaction and mental health among healthcare professionals.
  • The impact of climate change anxiety on mental health.
  • The psychology of procrastination: Causes and interventions.
  • The role of optimism and pessimism in coping with life stressors.
  • The influence of social isolation on psychological health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The effectiveness of community-based mental health initiatives.
  • The psychological impacts of long-term space travel on astronauts.
  • The role of stigma in accessing mental health care.
  • The psychological effects of consumer behavior and marketing.
  • The impact of early retirement on mental health and identity.
  • The role of exercise in enhancing cognitive function and mental health.

25. Science Thesis Topics

  • The role of CRISPR technology in advancing gene editing: Opportunities and ethical challenges.
  • The impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • The effectiveness of renewable energy sources in reducing global carbon emissions.
  • Advances in quantum computing: Potential impacts on data security.
  • The use of biotechnology in agriculture to enhance crop resistance and yield.
  • The potential of nanotechnology in medical diagnostics and treatment.
  • Climate change and its effects on global weather patterns.
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on scientific research methodologies.
  • The development and impact of vaccines in managing global health crises.
  • The role of robotics in industrial automation and its economic implications.
  • The physics of black holes and their significance in understanding the universe.
  • The chemistry of non-toxic materials for sustainable manufacturing processes.
  • The study of exoplanets and the possibility of life beyond Earth.
  • The role of citizen science in expanding research data collection and analysis.
  • The impact of deforestation on the atmospheric carbon cycle.
  • The role of genetic diversity in species conservation.
  • The potential of stem cells in regenerative medicine and therapy.
  • The integration of technology in environmental conservation efforts.
  • The applications and implications of 3D printing in medical prosthetics.
  • The dynamics of ocean currents and their effects on climate regulation.
  • The challenges and advancements in antimicrobial resistance.
  • The use of geographic information systems (GIS) in tracking biodiversity changes.
  • The ethical considerations of human-animal chimeras in research.
  • The influence of space exploration on technological advancement.
  • The role of machine learning in predicting epidemic outbreaks.
  • The implications of deep-sea exploration on our understanding of marine life.
  • The potential of augmented reality in enhancing interactive learning environments.
  • The effects of urbanization on local wildlife and ecosystems.
  • The role of women in the advancement of science and technology.
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil health and sustainability.
  • The relationship between genetics and behavior in mammals.
  • The advancements in battery technology and their impact on electric vehicles.
  • The role of science in formulating public health policy.
  • The impact of social media on scientific communication and misinformation.
  • The potential of synthetic biology in producing biofuels.
  • The challenges of waste management in space missions.
  • The role of molecular biology in understanding the mechanisms of aging.
  • The implications of climate change for Arctic marine species.
  • The development of technologies for sustainable fishing practices.
  • The impact of scientific literacy on public decision-making processes.

As we conclude our extensive exploration of thesis topics across a wide array of disciplines, it becomes evident that the landscape of academic research is both vast and vibrant. The topics listed here span from the intricacies of molecular biology to the expansive strategies of global marketing, each designed to spark curiosity and drive innovation within their respective fields. This collection serves not only as a repository of ideas but also as a launchpad for the next generation of scholars eager to contribute to the ongoing conversations in their areas of study.

The breadth of thesis topics provided here underscores the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary research and the myriad ways in which academic inquiries can intersect and influence one another. Whether you are drawn to the urgent environmental issues discussed under Environmental Science, intrigued by the ethical questions in Philosophy, or captivated by the technological advancements in Computer Science, these topics offer avenues to delve deeply and make your mark within your chosen field.

Students are encouraged to approach these topics with a spirit of inquiry and rigor. As you select your thesis topic, consider not only what interests you but also what will contribute to the broader academic community and society at large. Each thesis topic has the potential to expand knowledge, inform practices, and propose new solutions to complex problems.

Moreover, the diversity of these topics reflects the dynamic nature of academic disciplines that evolve with societal changes and technological progress. By engaging with these thesis topics, students are participating in a global dialogue that shapes our understanding of the world and charts the course for future developments.

In summary, this comprehensive list of thesis topics is more than just a guide—it is an invitation to challenge and be challenged, to discover and innovate. We hope that students will embrace the opportunity to explore these ideas, using them as stepping stones to develop unique insights and contribute meaningful research to their fields. So, delve into these topics, choose one that resonates with your academic passions and career aspirations, and begin the exciting journey of crafting a compelling and significant thesis.

How to Choose a Thesis Topic

Selecting a fitting and feasible thesis topic is a crucial first step for any graduate student. The choice of a thesis topic not only determines the direction of your academic journey but also impacts your motivation, career trajectory, and the contribution you will make to your field of study. Therefore, understanding how to effectively choose a thesis topic is foundational to your success both as a student and as a budding scholar.

What Makes a Good Thesis Topic

  • Relevance: A good thesis topic should be relevant to current issues or questions in your field. It should aim to fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to ongoing debates among scholars. Relevance ensures that your research findings will be of interest to others in your discipline and could potentially influence future research, policy, or practice.
  • Originality: Originality involves bringing new insights or proposing a novel approach to a problem. It doesn’t necessarily mean venturing into a completely unexplored territory but can involve taking a fresh perspective on existing questions. A thesis that introduces original concepts or challenges established norms tends to stand out and captivate the interest of the academic community.
  • Manageability: A feasible thesis topic is one that can realistically be researched and completed within the constraints of your resources, time frame, and academic requirements. Manageability requires careful consideration of the scope of the research and the availability of data and methods needed to conduct it effectively.
  • Interest and passion: Passion fuels perseverance, which is crucial in the long and sometimes daunting process of completing a thesis. Choosing a topic that genuinely interests you will keep you engaged and motivated during your research journey. It also often leads to more profound and insightful scholarly work because you are more likely to go above and beyond in exploring something you care deeply about.

Moving from a Thesis Idea to a Thesis Topic

  • Initial brainstorming techniques: Begin by jotting down various ideas that spark your interest. This initial phase is about exploring broadly and creatively without restricting your thoughts. Use mind mapping, lists, or free-writing techniques to generate and record ideas as they come to you.
  • Narrowing down ideas based on research feasibility and interest: Once you have a list of potential ideas, evaluate each based on how interesting they are to you and how feasible they are in terms of research scope and resources available. Discard ideas that are too broad, too narrow, or not sufficiently supported by available data or methods.
  • Importance of preliminary research: Conducting preliminary research is essential to determine if there is enough existing material to support your topic. This research can also reveal whether your idea has already been extensively covered, prompting you to adjust your angle or approach to ensure originality.

Connecting a Specific Thesis Topic to a Bigger Idea

  • Aligning the topic with broader themes and research questions: Your thesis should not only address a specific issue but also connect to larger conceptual or empirical questions in your field. This alignment helps to position your research within broader scholarly conversations and enhances its impact and relevance.
  • Ensuring the topic contributes to the field: The best thesis topics are those that contribute something valuable and substantive to their disciplines. Your topic should promise to provide insights, solutions, or new understandings that will add to the knowledge base of your field.

How to Refine Your Thesis Topic

  • Seeking feedback from advisors and peers: Regular feedback is invaluable in refining your topic. Advisors can provide perspective on the significance and feasibility of your topic, while peers might offer fresh ideas or pose questions you hadn’t considered.
  • Refining research questions: As you delve deeper into your topic, refine your research questions to ensure they are clear, focused, and answerable within the scope of your study. This might involve narrowing or sometimes slightly broadening the scope of your inquiry.
  • Adjusting the scope of research: Based on feedback and preliminary findings, adjust the scope of your research as needed to ensure that it remains manageable and within the bounds of available resources, time, and academic requirements.

Choosing and refining a thesis topic is a dynamic and iterative process that requires thoughtful consideration, preliminary research, and ongoing adjustments. The journey from a broad idea to a refined research question involves not only identifying a subject that is relevant, original, and manageable but also one that ignites your passion and curiosity. By following these steps and continually seeking feedback, you can ensure that your thesis will be a meaningful and rewarding endeavor.

Thesis Paper Writing Services

iResearchNet prides itself on providing exceptional writing services tailored specifically for students embarking on the challenging journey of thesis creation. Understanding the complexities involved in thesis projects, iResearchNet offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to support students at every stage of their research and writing process. From initial topic selection to the final draft, our services are structured to meet the diverse needs and expectations of students across all academic disciplines.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team comprises highly qualified writers who hold advanced degrees in their respective fields. With their profound academic backgrounds and specialized expertise, these writers bring depth, rigor, and precision to your thesis project.
  • Custom Written Works: Every thesis we deliver is crafted from scratch, tailored to the specific requirements and guidelines of your academic program. This custom approach ensures that your work is unique and tailored to your academic needs.
  • In-Depth Research: We commit to thorough and exhaustive research, utilizing credible and relevant sources to enrich your thesis. Our writers have access to extensive databases and libraries, ensuring that every piece of information integrated into your thesis is accurate and of high academic value.
  • Custom Formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard): Formatting is crucial in academic writing, and our experts are proficient in all major academic formatting styles. Whether your university requires APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard style, we ensure that every page adheres strictly to the guidelines.
  • Top Quality: Quality is at the heart of our services. Each thesis undergoes rigorous checks and revisions to meet the highest academic standards. Our internal quality assurance process guarantees that your thesis is not only well-written but also analytically sound and argumentatively persuasive.
  • Customized Solutions: We recognize that each thesis project has its own unique challenges and requirements. Our approach is to provide customized solutions that address the specific needs of each student, whether it’s a particular chapter, statistical analysis, or a complete thesis.
  • Flexible Pricing: We offer flexible pricing models that cater to various budgets and project requirements. Our goal is to make quality writing assistance accessible to all students, without compromising the quality of our work.
  • Short Deadlines up to 3 Hours: Need urgent help? Our service can accommodate extremely short deadlines, even up to three hours for specific parts of your project, ensuring that you never miss a submission date.
  • Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines in academic settings. Our commitment is to deliver your thesis on time, every time, allowing you to review the work and request any necessary revisions.
  • 24/7 Support: Our customer support team is available around the clock to answer any queries you may have. Whether it’s a question about your order, a request for an update, or additional instructions, our team is here to help you at any time.
  • Absolute Privacy: We uphold the strictest privacy standards to protect your personal and financial information. Your dealings with us remain confidential, and we never share your information with third parties.
  • Easy Order Tracking: Through our user-friendly online platform, you can easily track the progress of your order. This system keeps you informed about every stage of your thesis preparation.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: We stand behind our work with a money-back guarantee. If our work does not meet the specified requirements or you are not satisfied with the quality, we will refund your money in accordance with our policy.

At iResearchNet, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence. Our team is committed to delivering personalized, top-quality research and writing services that you can rely on. With our expert writers, customized solutions, and robust support system, we ensure that your thesis project not only meets but exceeds your academic expectations. Trust iResearchNet to be your partner in your academic journey, helping you to achieve the success and recognition you deserve.

Order Your Custom-Written Thesis Today!

Embarking on your thesis journey represents a pivotal moment in your academic career. It’s your opportunity to shine, to show what you’ve learned, and to contribute something meaningful to your field of study. However, we understand that the thesis writing process can be daunting, which is why iResearchNet is here to help you every step of the way.

Order your custom thesis paper today and unlock the potential to excel in your academic pursuits! With iResearchNet, you gain access to a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to supporting your academic goals. Our expert writers, thorough researchers, and customer support specialists work tirelessly to ensure that your thesis is not only completed on time but crafted to meet the highest academic standards.

The benefits of ordering from iResearchNet are clear:

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The process is simple and straightforward. Just visit our website, place your order, and let us know your specific requirements. From there, you can relax and leave the hard work to us. We guarantee timely delivery, absolute privacy, and a commitment to quality that you won’t find anywhere else.

Don’t let the stress of thesis writing hold you back from achieving your academic potential. Order your custom thesis paper from iResearchNet today and take the first step towards a successful and impressive academic achievement. Remember, a great thesis is just a click away. Let us help you make your academic journey smoother and more successful. Your future self will thank you!

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113 Great Research Paper Topics

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One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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thesis ideas 2021

Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?


Watson Kabwe

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Musarrat Parveen

Special education

Akbar khan

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Trishna Roy

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Nasiru Yusuf

How are you

Oyebanji Khadijat Anike

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Angel taña

Research title related to students

My field is research measurement and evaluation. Need dissertation topics in the field

Saira Murtaza

Assalam o Alaikum I’m a student Bs educational Resarch and evaluation I’m confused to choose My thesis title please help me in choose the thesis title

Ngirumuvugizi Jaccques

Good idea I’m going to teach my colleagues

You can find our list of nursing-related research topic ideas here:


Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

Samson ochuodho

Thanks a lot


I learned a lot from this site, thank you so much!

Rhod Tuyan

Thank you for the information.. I would like to request a topic based on school major in social studies

Mercedes Bunsie

parental involvement and students academic performance

Abshir Mustafe Cali

Science education topics?


plz tell me if you got some good topics, im here for finding research topic for masters degree

Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

NKWAIN Chia Charles

Every topic proposed above on primary education is a starting point for me. I appreciate immensely the team that has sat down to make a detail of these selected topics just for beginners like us. Be blessed.

Nkwain Chia Charles

Kindly help me with the research questions on the topic” Effects of workplace conflict on the employees’ job performance”. The effects can be applicable in every institution,enterprise or organisation.

Kelvin Kells Grant

Greetings, I am a student majoring in Sociology and minoring in Public Administration. I’m considering any recommended research topic in the field of Sociology.

Sulemana Alhassan

I’m a student pursuing Mphil in Basic education and I’m considering any recommended research proposal topic in my field of study


Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

Kindly help me with a research topic in educational psychology. Ph.D level. Thank you.

Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration

I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


I am also looking for such type of title

Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


the topics are very good regarding research & education .


Am an undergraduate student carrying out a research on the impact of nutritional healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools

William AU Mill

Can i request your suggestion topic for my Thesis about Teachers as an OFW. thanx you


Would like to request for suggestions on a topic in Economics of education,PhD level

Aza Hans

Would like to request for suggestions on a topic in Economics of education


Hi 👋 I request that you help me with a written research proposal about education the format

Cynthia abuabire

Am offering degree in education senior high School Accounting. I want a topic for my project work

Sarah Moyambo

l would like to request suggestions on a topic in managing teaching and learning, PhD level (educational leadership and management)

request suggestions on a topic in managing teaching and learning, PhD level (educational leadership and management)

Ernest Gyabaah

I would to inquire on research topics on Educational psychology, Masters degree

Aron kirui

I am PhD student, I am searching my Research topic, It should be innovative,my area of interest is online education,use of technology in education

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request suggestion on topic in masters in medical education .

D.Newlands PhD.

Look at British Library as they keep a copy of all PhDs in the UK to access Open University and 6 other university e-archives, pdf downloads mostly available, all free.


May I also ask for a topic based on mathematics education for college teaching, please?


Please I am a masters student of the department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Please I am in need of proposed project topics to help with my final year thesis


Am a PhD student in Educational Foundations would like a sociological topic. Thank

muhammad sani

please i need a proposed thesis project regardging computer science


Greetings and Regards I am a doctoral student in the field of philosophy of education. I am looking for a new topic for my thesis. Because of my work in the elementary school, I am looking for a topic that is from the field of elementary education and is related to the philosophy of education.

shantel orox

Masters student in the field of curriculum, any ideas of a research topic on low achiever students


In the field of curriculum any ideas of a research topic on deconalization in contextualization of digital teaching and learning through in higher education

Omada Victoria Enyojo

Amazing guidelines


I am a graduate with two masters. 1) Master of arts in religious studies and 2) Master in education in foundations of education. I intend to do a Ph.D. on my second master’s, however, I need to bring both masters together through my Ph.D. research. can I do something like, ” The contribution of Philosophy of education for a quality religion education in Kenya”? kindly, assist and be free to suggest a similar topic that will bring together the two masters. thanks in advance


Hi, I am an Early childhood trainer as well as a researcher, I need more support on this topic: The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.


I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

Fitsum Ayele

Although research activities and topics should stem from reflection on one’s practice, I found this site valuable as it effectively addressed many issues we have been experiencing as practitioners.

Lavern Stigers

Your style is unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this site.

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626 Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. and Thesis Ideas for Master Students

If you are about to go into the world of graduate school, then one of the first things you need to do is choose from all the possible dissertation topics available to you. This is no small task. You are likely to spend many years researching your Master’s or Ph.D. topic and writing the text. This means that choosing a dissertation topic should not be taken lightly.

No worries! Just read this article by our Custom Writing service, and you’ll find:

  • a collection of great thesis topics on finance, education, management, law, etc.
  • a range of tips on choosing a killing Ph.D. topic.
  • 👍 Top 10 Dissertation Topics
  • 🆚 Thesis vs Dissertation
  • 🔝 Top 10 Thesis Topics
  • 🎓 Thesis Topics List
  • ✅ How to Choose a Topic

👍Top 10 Dissertation Topics

  • Ethical alternatives to animal testing.
  • What’s the future of the Dead Sea?
  • Does accent affect singing ability?
  • The importance of corporate values.
  • How does inflation affect small businesses?
  • Is homeschooling the future of education?
  • How does Tourette’s syndrome affect one’s daily life?
  • How to conduct market analysis for e-commerce.
  • Has globalization affected cultural appropriation?

🆚 Dissertation vs. Thesis: Is There a Difference?

People often consider a thesis and a dissertation to be the same thing. Yet, there is an important distinction between them. The key difference is that you need a thesis to complete a master’s degree, while a dissertation is necessary for obtaining a doctorate. Keep in mind that it’s vice versa in European higher education.

Here are some other differences:

A thesis is usually shorter than a dissertation at approximately 100 pages. A dissertation is usually 200-300 pages long.
In a thesis, you build your work on an already existing idea. In a dissertation, you need to present entirely original hypothesis.
A thesis involves preliminary research. A dissertation requires deeper original research.

Despite these differences, theses and dissertations have a lot in common:

  • You need them to complete a degree.
  • Both require certain levels of expertise and writing skills.
  • You defend an argument in both of them.
  • Plagiarism is prohibited in both theses and dissertations.

🔝 Top 10 Thesis Topics for 2024

  • The consequences of obesity.
  • The influence of social media .
  • Economic development and happiness.
  • Feminism in the United States.
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Racism in schools and colleges.
  • Overeducation in the labor market.
  • DNA evidence in criminal justice.
  • Sales forecasting techniques.
  • Wage difference among athletes.

🎓 Thesis Topics & Ideas

Below, you’ll find a collection of excellent topics for a thesis. To simplify the task, it’s not a bad idea to use a topic chooser. We’ve also prepared a checklist that will help you make the right choice. If you agree with the following statements, you’ve chosen a good thesis topic:

  • You are interested in this subject.  It will be easier for you to work on it if you like your area of research. Remember that you will have to spend long hours looking through various data. You need to stay motivated.
  • The topic is helpful in your career path.  Choose a topic that you can apply to further research if you plan to pursue your career in the academic field. Choose something that you can use in your CV if you decided to work in the industry.
  • There is enough available research data.  Don’t choose a topic that is too trivial or uncommon. It is essential to find enough relevant information. Consult your supervisor to understand if you can proceed with it.
  • The topic isn’t too broad or too narrow.  Otherwise, it will be harder for you to find credible sources and relevant data.
  • You already have an understanding of it . Make a list of thesis topics that include the issues you have researched before. It will save you some time and allow you to evaluate your opportunities.
  • Your topic is unique.  Make sure there are no other papers that explore exactly the same issue. The value of your work is your original contribution to the research. If somebody has already investigated the topic, there is not much sense in proceeding with it.

The picture shows the main characteristics of a good thesis topic.

Wondering where to find the most current topic for your research? We’ve collected them below.

Computer Science Thesis Topics

Computers surround us everywhere. From hospitals to home offices, it’s impossible to imagine life without them. A doctorate in computer science can allow you many career opportunities!

  • The latest developments in AI use for healthcare services . Healthcare in the US is expensive for its citizens. One way to reduce the cost is using computer algorithms. This technology research topic lets you explore how AI helps physicians with their tasks.
  • Computer security for public institutions. Several allegations about hackers stealing data from the US government emerged in recent years. With this dissertation idea, study public cybersecurity. Also, discuss ways to improve cybersecurity practices. 
  • Visual recognition system architecture: real-time object detection. Discuss a system based on neural networks capable of detecting objects. Focus on the virtual environment. You can alter this trending topic in computer science for real-life settings.
  • Blockchain application outside financial technologies. Analyze and discuss the implications of using blockchain systems outside of the fintech sector. For example, study its use for public services and in government agencies. This topic allows exploring ways of applying established algorithms.
  • Machine learning and text structures. Discuss ways of visualizing text categorization. Focus on complex hierarchical structures of texts. This topic is suitable for postgraduates. 
  • Encrypted search: security, performance, and usage. Discuss the use of encryptions to protect data. Say how we can improve it for effective information search.
  • Use of computers in education . Study how algorithms can improve learning. This topic can be altered for other fields. For example, choose AI in business or agriculture.
  • Graphics and visual computing: current state and the future. By now, CAD programs are an integral part of every engineer’s tool kit. Your thesis can analyze the potential of those programs. What would improve their performance? Is there a chance that they will become obsolete?
  • Multimedia databases parsing and indexing. Netflix and YouTube require technology to search across their multimedia databases. This dissertation can be a survey on best practices. Or, add a company name to the title and focus your research on it.
  • AI Marketing: the use of algorithms to improve advertising. In the previous list of research question examples, you can choose a narrow marketing theme. Then, discuss the implications of such algorithms.
  • Study computation of models for virtual environments .
  • Cybersecurity challenges for automated vehicles.
  • AI and vehicle automation: potential safety gaps.
  • Computer graphics: perspectives for medical imaging.
  • Research the use of computer algorithms for medical analysis.
  • Discuss the role of bioinformatics in healthcare improvement.
  • How is a computer-aided design used in creating automobile parts?
  • Review the best practices for System Level Testing of distributed systems.
  • Agile project management for software engineers.
  • Software development risks analysis for successful employment. 
  • Study the security mechanisms for WLAN networks .
  • Malicious botnets and network worms: an overview.
  • What are the best practices in ICT systems development?
  • Web-based document management systems using XML.
  • Best algorithms for cluster generation. 
  • Methods for improving Open Web Architecture.
  • Analyze software solutions for the increased energy efficiency.
  • Protection of systems against terror attacks: a case study and analysis.
  • New methods of risk management during software development. 
  • Analyze how Web space requirements are changing.
  • Analyze how e-publishing is affecting libraries. 
  • New methods for studying the behavior of malware, viruses, and worms with the use of secure programming and runtime environments.
  • Analyze redundancy and fault recovery in the 4G wireless network. 
  • Analyze the implementation and analysis of the optimal algorithm vs the heuristic algorithm for the generation of clusters.
  • Analyze how full-text databases affect search engines.

Humanities and Art History Thesis Topics

Do you want to put your passion into words? Would you like to share your ideas with the world? Then pursuing a Ph.D. in the arts or humanities is the right path for you.

  • The history of cinema : past and present. With this history dissertation topic, focus on how cinema developed. Explore the period starting from the first short films by the Lumiere brothers. Finish the discussion with modern-day Hollywood examples.
  • Art or commerce: a case study of Hollywood films. Discuss the intersection between artistic expression and profit. This exciting arts topic focuses on modern cinema. You can use examples of art-house movies and modern commercially successful ones.
  • Hollywood vs. Bollywood . Compare the two distinct film production centers for this art thesis. Next, discuss how local cultures impact Hollywood and Bollywood movies’ direction, genres, and plots.
  • The use of visual tools in interior design . This dissertation topic is an intersection between arts and computer science. The focus is on how visualization tools help to create design projects.
  • Racism in the 21st-century literature. Focus on how the narratives about racism have changed. Include examples from poetry and prose of this era. Compare it to works published in the past.
  • The cultural aesthetic of Afrofuturism in literature. This dissertation idea allows you to explore the intersection of arts. Specifically, see how culture, philosophy of science, and history manifest in Afrofuturism. 
  • The social value of ecopoetry. Analyze how literature that focuses on ecological problems. Discuss environmental consciousness and environmental issues.
  • Graphic novels: the best examples and implications for the development of literature. What does it mean when literary classics are converted into graphic novels? Incorporate the question if graphic novels can become part of the literary canon.
  • Theater of the Absurd in the 1950s and 1960s. Discuss this form of theatrical art. Examine how it emerged and why it became influential.
  • Post World War II art: cinema and literature. Use examples of films and literary works. Discuss major works of the post-WWII era and their themes.
  • Futurism and the Czech avant-garde : the artistic connection between Europe’s East and West.
  • Study the phenomenon of the hero archetype.
  • Assess dancing as a form of meditation. 
  • Review the common elements of various African dances.
  • Folk dances across Western Europe.
  • Discuss regional dances and dance as a ritual.
  • Animation as a modern art form.
  • Research the art of glass-making and its prospects for the future.
  • Analyze the cultural impact of The Beatles beyond music. 
  • Literature censorship in the US.
  • Examine the intersection of ecology and arts.
  • Heidelberg Project: is it a model for creating art in urban areas?
  • Study kinetic sculptures of the 20th century.
  • What characterizes social activism in 20 th -century rock music?
  • Jazz in the 21st century: a potential for revival. 
  • The history of design in various periods of human existence (the ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, etc.). 
  • Design as art.
  • Philosophy of design.
  • Separate branches of design ( interior design , car design, toy design, etc.).
  • Stylistic peculiarities of a certain designer.
  • Web design as a modern quintessence of design. 
  • Social significance of design.
  • The birth of Communism as it relates to Stendhal.
  • The relationship between politics and literature in the 19 th century.
  • An analysis and case study of artists and art during times of war. 
  • How contemporary art is related to American suffering.
  • Analyze of how racism relates to the family unit.

List of Science Topics for Your Thesis

A dissertation in science will probably require you to run numerous experiments. Many of them will probably go wrong. But the one that does work might be the next big breakthrough! Find a suitable research theme in the following list of topics:

  • Bacterial injections for the treatment of cancer tumors. Injecting bacteria into tumors is a fairly new approach to treating cancer. Review the mechanism of action and evaluate the potential of this method for curing cancer.
  • Computer imagining and AI for cancer detection. Examine how AI-assisted cancer screening improves accuracy. Include early detection implications and usage in hospitals.
  • Ethics of organ donations and transplantation. With this dissertation topic in science, examine the ethics of encouraging people to donate their organs. Include the implications for medical research and practice.
  • An epidemiological and molecular approach to cancer prevention. This topic idea suggests assessing the current understanding of how cancer develops as well as potential prevention strategies.
  • Ways of speeding up vaccine development and testing. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that the process of vaccine development is relatively slow. It takes a long time to ensure proper testing. You may discuss these issues in your biochemistry dissertation.
  • The current state of research into ultra-fast rechargeable batteries. The topic of batteries and energy attracts lots of attention. With this topic, you can examine how to improve the design of aluminum-ion batteries. Include ways to decrease their charging time.
  • Nanotechnologies in drug delivery: electrospraying. Current research shows the great potential of nanotechnologies. In particular, the electrospraying technique makes nanoparticle delivery more efficient.
  • Prevalence of various Helicobacter Pylori virulence in a population. Conduct quantitative research and examine a sample of patients to determine the number infected with Helicobacter Pylori.
  • The relationship between gut microbiota and the person’s appetite. Your research can explore the theory that the gut microbiome has varied effects on the person’s body. Review the implications for obesity treatment for different gut microbiomes. 
  • The age of antibiotics: is it over? Examine the use of antibiotics and the reasons for its decline. Discuss the evolving nature of bacteria that require remedies other than antibiotics. Include quantitative data in this dissertation for a specific type of disease.
  • CRISPR method for studying human DNA.
  • The study of human evolution: latest discoveries.
  • Denisovans from Siberia: a new type of hominid discovered.
  • Study the use of AI in archeology. 
  • Conduct a study of the Neanderthal genome sequence. 
  • What are the ways of improving solar cell efficiency? 
  • The carbon footprint of modern production: how do companies damage the environment?
  • Research the use of cesium in solar panels. 
  • The era of supercapacitors: are we ending the use of batteries?
  • Assess the efficiency of Robot Suits for people with permanent paralysis.
  • Microscale medial robots: potential applications.
  • Look into stem cell mobilization and its mechanisms. 
  • Discuss the ethics of automated cars. 
  • Space robotics: can we design robots capable of exploring space?
  • Evaluate the efficiency and potential of lithium-based rechargeable batteries.
  • Morality and ethics of stem cell research. 
  • Is behavior controlled or affected by genetics and to what level. 
  • A look at methods of improving risk factors post-stroke.
  • Analyze of Chinese herbal practice and its relevance to conventional medicine.
  • Analyze the effect schools have on childhood obesity.

Daniel Keys Moran Quote.

  • New methods of using existing data to gather information that is useful.
  • An in-depth look at the factors affecting the decline of the immune system with age.
  • Analyze of the potential effect of nanotechnology on health and the environment.
  • Analyze of toxicity levels of inhaled nanoparticles.
  • The usefulness of nanotechnology in curing some types of cancer.
  • An analysis and case study of the treatment of patients who have experienced a loss of memory.
  • Analyze the use of DNA typing of remains to identify missing people and the victims of crime.
  • The response of immune deficiency diseases to the activation of T-cell subsets.
  • The influence and importance of IT in the field of biomedicine.

Architecture Thesis Topics

Architecture is more than just aesthetics. That’s become especially clear ever since the doctrine “form follows function” gained traction. Whether you’re into baroque or Bauhaus, there’s plenty to discover about architecture.

  • Religious architecture in the British Empire. Research the transformation of religious buildings and how it affected architecture in general. 
  • Modernist architecture in the USSR at the beginning of the 20th century. Compare modernist architecture in the USSR with other countries.
  • Urban greening and its influence on buildings’ design. The dissertation proposal can include green roofs as the main point of research.
  • Brutalism and its history in New York. Provide historical research of brutalism in New York and discuss how it affects modern architecture.
  • Modern-day aboriginal settlements in Australia. Using examples from media and research, indicate how aboriginal settlements are perceived and handled today.
  • Transformation of the urban design in the 21st century. Using London, Hong-Kong, and New York as examples, provide an in-depth discussion of changes in the urban design.
  • The architectural history of Seattle. Conduct research and write a proposal that will compare different architectural styles seen in Seattle.
  • Integration of culture in environmental design. In this proposal, you can use large cities in Asia as primary examples of the synergy between culture and architecture.
  • The architecture of residential buildings during the second half of the 20th century. Choose one or several large cities (e.g., Berlin, Miami, Kyoto) as the basis for your research.
  • The history of Moscow Avant-Garde. Use both Soviet and modern Russian research on Avant-Garde to present the topic accurately.
  • Use of computer visuals in architecture.
  • Review the trends in modern furniture design.
  • Ecology and architecture: integration of green technologies.
  • Discuss the multiculturalism of contemporary urban architecture.
  • The history of architecture in urban areas of the US: the study of New York.
  • Modern city design case study.
  • Research ways of using wood in modern architecture.
  • Commercial architecture: aesthetics and usability.
  • Evaluate the design of municipal buildings in the US.
  • Creativity in postmodernist architecture.
  • How do we integrate smart home technology into architecture?
  • Small scale homes: a study of growing interest in small housing.
  • Discuss the use of lighting in building design. 
  • Study innovations in structural design in the digital age.
  • What are the implications of inclusive architecture?
  • Sustainable architecture: recycling spaces and materials.
  • Renewable energy in home design.
  • Assess open concept homes for American families.
  • Conduct a study of family homes design.
  • Research architecture suitable for middle-class families.

Thesis Topics in English Literature & World Literature

Was your New Year’s Resolution to re-read the 100 most influential classical works? Then you might want to consider writing a thesis in advanced higher English. Check out these engaging prompts:

  • In-depth stylistic analysis of The Trial by Franz Kafka . Explain what stylistic devices Kafka used in his story.
  • The influence of The Hound of the Baskervilles on the development of modern detective stories. Prepare several comparisons of The Hound with modern detective stories to pinpoint its influence.
  • The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum : women characters in Heinrich Böll’s fiction. Using the book mentioned in the topic, examine how the German writer depicted women in his prose.
  • Analysis of the terrorism portrayal in modern journalism: The New York Times case study. Pick several articles related to terrorism published in NYT and describe in detail how it is portrayed (keywords, images, etc.).
  • A formalist approach to Dostoevsky: analysis of The Brothers Karamazov . Provide the reader with an explanation of the formalist approach and use it to analyze the novel.
  • The depiction of sexual violence in young adult literature. Pick several YA novels published in the 2010s for your research.
  • The use of repetition in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot . Analyze how repetition is used for emphasis and other effects in the play.
  • Feminism and gender in Margaret Atwood’s Cats’ Eye . Review the book from a feminist point of view and discuss how gender issues are presented in the book.
  • How does Phillip K. Dick use intertextuality in The Man in the High Castle ? Find as many references to other literary and historical sources as you can and elaborate how Dick uses them and for what aims.
  • The influence of Steppenwolf on postmodern American literature: the contribution of Herman Hesse. Using Steppenwolf as the primary source, discuss what characteristics common for postmodern literature Hesse uses in this novel. 
  • How does racism manifest itself in classical literature?
  • Discuss the oppression of women in The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Gender roles in The Miniaturist and A Doll’s House : a comparison.
  • Moral ambiguity in David Harrower’s works.
  • Literary techniques in the Perks of Being a Wallflower.
  • The setting in The Murder in the Rue Morgue and its influence on the detective genre.
  • Review the tropes first introduced in The Moonstone.  
  • Study the depictions of police’s work in Skinner’s Rule .
  • Assess the influence of Victorian Gothic horror on popular culture.
  • Social criticism in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
  • Analyze cyberpunk elements in Gibson’s Neuromancer.  
  • Themes of social equality in modern literature.
  • Research the views on Native American writers in Nature’s Poem.  
  • Critique of contemporary children’s literature .
  • Gothic elements in Charlotte Bronte’s works.
  • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Dracula : a comparative analysis.
  • Terror in The Picture of Dorian Gray .
  • Examine the connection of mental health and society in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye . 
  • Magical realism and romanticism in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.
  • How does the cut-up technique contribute to the narration in William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch?

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

Are you a forensic science student who prefers research to actual police work? In that case, a dissertation in criminology is a great idea. This way, you can work on preventing crime from the comfort of your desk.

  • Recidivism rates among underage Latino first-time offenders: a quantitative study. Research a group of first-time offenders of a particular age (e.g., 18 to 25 years old).
  • A comparative analysis of the incidents of gun violence in the USA during the 2010s. Choose several prominent examples and compare them to each other. 
  • Troublesome statements: the role of witnesses in potentially false accusations. In this dissertation, you can write about the unreliability of statements, using documented examples.

Piers Anthony Quote.

  • The patterns of drug trafficking in Germany’s largest cities: a case study of Berlin and Hamburg. Analyze the changes in these patterns in the 2010s. 
  • Money laundering and corruption in the United States in the 21st century. Using media reports, create dissertation research about corruption schemes.
  • Mental health and self-perception of second-time sex offenders. Determine if their self-perception changes.
  • School shootings in the USA: causes and risk factors. Using recent and historical data, analyze the cases of mass shootings.
  • The influence of cyberbullying on suicide rates among Australian adolescents (13-17 years old). You can base your dissertation report on various research on cyberbullying published in Australian scholarly journals.
  • Child abuse and its influence on serial killer’s perception of victims. Discuss interconnections between abuse and potential sadistic behavior. 
  • The history of forensic interviewing in the USA. Present research and practices that contributed to its development.
  • Use of artificial intelligence for forensic investigations.
  • Criminal behavior at a young age and its implications for the future. 
  • Drug use: pattern of recurring arrests among American youth.
  • Incarcerated parents: the impact on the child’s perception of crime.
  • Research the reforms of the US criminal justice system.
  • Propose strategies for improving the juvenile detention system.
  • Police officer’s abuse of power: analysis of reports.
  • Race and criminal justice: the case of War on Drugs.
  • What are the possible alternative forms of incarceration? 
  • A study of public perception of modern serial killers. 
  • Training of sniffer dogs.
  • The implications of eyewitness testimony. 
  • Abuse in Hollywood: a case study of Harvey Weinstein.
  • Bias against African Americans during investigations.
  • A study of college violence.
  • Legal implications of medical marijuana legalization .
  • Ethics of criminal justice: the problem of confidentiality.
  • Review the challenges linked with domestic violence investigations. 
  • Suggest ways of preventing crimes in schools.
  • Gender bias during crime examinations.

Geography Thesis Topics

If you enjoy unveiling Earth’s secrets, this section is for you. Here you’ll find geography dissertation ideas ranging from studies of movement to regional phenomena.

  • Species that became extinct in the 20th century: qualitative research. Address the human influence on various species.
  • Current issues in the exploration of Arctic. Discuss difficulties and specifics of such explorations.
  • A comparison of urban back gardens in the USA and the UK. You can compare their design and other features (for example, vegetation used for decoration).
  • The causes and outcomes of floodings in the USA in the 2010s. Address climate change as one of the leading causes.
  • Prevention of ecosystem changes with modern technology. Provide various examples of how technology is used to sustain ecosystems.
  • Changes in travel destinations in the 2000s: a comparison of the USA and Canada. Demonstrate what changes in preferences were documented in these countries and show what destinations were especially popular.
  • The perception of environmentally friendly technologies and their impact on the environment by citizens of large metropolitan areas: a case study of Miami. Explain how various projects based on environmentally friendly technologies are launched in Miami.
  • A negative impact of global warming on weather conditions in Iceland. Discuss how tourism in Iceland is affected by these changes.
  • The influence of industrialization on climate change. Address the causes of climate change, using industrialization and its consequences as a basis.
  • Compare Greenfield and Brownfield land use for construction projects.
  • Investigate the significance of red salmon for Kamchatka.
  • The social impact of climate change : a study of migration patterns.
  • The potential of community gardening in underprivileged neighborhoods.
  • Study the link between the strengths of hurricanes and climate change.
  • What can be done to stop gentrification in your community?
  • Evaluate coastal tourism, its effect, and implications.
  • The impact of reservoir locations on water quality.
  • How did industrialization affect the development of Chicago?
  • Study soil pollution levels in your community area.
  • Conduct an analysis of air quality in your city.
  • Eco-tourism, its history, and perspectives. 
  • Differences in soil chemistry across several locations. 
  • The impact of organic farming on water quality in your area.
  • Compare the sustainability of organically vs. conventionally farmed tomatoes.
  • Research air pollution levels and data on airborne illnesses in your area.
  • What’s the relationship between rock climbing and cliff vegetation?
  • Study the changes in soil fertility upon volcanic eruption.
  • How does the Chernobyl disaster continue to affect the surrounding area? 
  • Determine the patterns of floods in a particular area of your choice.

Sociology Thesis Ideas

Sociology studies how humans live together. A dissertation is a great way to dive deeper into a particular subject. You can get as specific as your heart desires! Check out our sociology thesis topics:

  • Single parent stigma and its influence on family’s quality of life and parent-child relationships. Present examples from recent research that illustrate how the dynamics of these relationships change over time due to stigma. 
  • Women empowerment in Saudi Arabia in 2000s: breakthroughs and challenges. Discuss how this empowerment affected legislation and women’s rights.
  • Long-term alcohol addiction and self-perception in young adults. With the help of research, demonstrate whether self-perception of these adults transforms significantly due to their addiction.
  • Adoption and its influence on parent-child relationships. Present and discuss challenges that such families face.
  • Comparison of traditions related to family dinners in the USA and the UK. What specific differences are there and how can they be explained?
  • Influence of the emo culture on suicide rates in high school students. Address the influence of such cultures on adolescents’ behavior. 
  • The rates of secularization in elderly individuals living in urban and rural areas. Compare the rates and explain why they are different.
  • Influence of forced outing on transgender individuals and concomitant changes in their quality of life. Explain the effects of forced outing and why this impact is dangerous.
  • Comparison of anti-nuclear movements in Germany and Japan in the 21st century. Explain in detail what differences and similarities are prominent.
  • Performance rates of teenagers in schools in low-income neighborhoods: a case study of Boston schools. When writing your dissertation proposal, consider various factors (poverty, limited access to technology, etc.) that affect performance rates of these teenagers.
  • Black Lives Matter movement’s immediate impact on racism.
  • Research causes of minority bias in the US.
  • Affirmative action and its impact on the perception of varied racial groups.
  • The impact of religion on people’s attitudes towards race. 
  • Review the challenges of the US LGBT community.
  • Bias towards transgender studies.
  • Social activism against gender discrimination in the 21st century.
  • The impact of social assistance in schools on a child’s future.
  • Research the changes in education after WWII.
  • Analyze scholarship policies in the US.
  • The impact of student debt on youth’s perception of education in the US.
  • Outcomes of public vs. private schools: a comparison.
  • Research the preservation of culture in American immigrant families. 
  • Applying Marx’s conflict theory to social justice movements.
  • Assess changing trends in social norms in a country of your choice.
  • Attitudes towards prejudice among people of different social backgrounds.
  • Comparison of women’s rights in Western and Middle Eastern countries.
  • The impact of capitalism on one’s social values.
  • How does capitalism benefit society across multiple post-soviet countries? 
  • Compare healthcare access in autocracies vs. democracies.

💡 Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. students

Below you’ll find a list of excellent dissertation ideas in different fields of study. They are more difficult than thesis topics and require more research. Jump to the section that interests you and find the topic that suits you best! But first:

What Makes a Good Ph.D. Topic?

Usually, universities would expect your dissertation to be original and relevant in the field of the research. Moreover, it would be worthwhile if it has the potential to make a change.

This checklist will help you see whether you’ve made the right choice. Your dissertation topic is good, if:

  • You have an opportunity to research it fully.  You need to know that there is enough data and a theoretical basis. Do some prior research to understand if you will be able to answer all your dissertation questions.
  • You can fill the gaps in the existing knowledge.  Your research matters if you can provide some new information that contributes to the field of your studies.
  • Your dissertation title is catchy.  Try to make it worth the reader’s attention from the first glance.
  • You can evaluate how much time you need.  It is vital to understand all the stages of your research and the challenges you might face to plan your work.
  • You know the subject well.  You will need to explore your topic in-depth. It’s good to have some previous knowledge about it. Starting the research from the very basics will take more time and effort.
  • You have enough resources to investigate it.  Both time and money matter in this case. You need to do high-quality research and meet your deadlines.

Dissertation Topics in Education

Learning is a lifelong experience, and the importance of schools cannot be overestimated. Research in this area is critical to improving education standards. Have a look at these topic ideas to get inspired:

  • Gamification as tools for enhancing learning abilities: theory and practice. Many studies have been conducted on different learning approaches. For young learners, engagement is as critical as the outcome. Therefore, this work focuses on gamification and its effect on children’s improvisation and learning. 
  • Studying the connection between classroom quality and the learning outcome in kindergarten. Children are strongly affected by their environment, especially when it comes to learning. This dissertation topic example is all about looking into different classroom settings and their effect on kids’ learning outcomes. 
  • Evaluating the process of implementation of inclusive education in the US. Professionals argue that inclusive education carries multiple benefits for all students (not just those with limited abilities.) However, it is quite a challenging process to implement all the changes.
  • Factors influencing the decision to transfer to the higher education abroad. In this work, you can focus on finding out the reasons for such a decision. Why do undergraduate students choose to leave their home country? What are the most important factors? 
  • Online education vs. traditional face-to-face lessons for adult learners: compare and contrast. Online courses have their own benefits. However, would adult learners prefer them to in-person classrooms? How does it affect their learning and motivation?
  • How does working as a taxi driver and navigating change a person’s brain?
  • To what extent can reality television be disempowering for students?
  • The role of homework in the lives of immigrant adolescents.
  • The impact of teachers’ shocking behaviors in fostering students’ creativity.
  • The determinants of flossing behavior in college students .
  • The classification of drinking styles in the college-age population.
  • Integrating the computer into the curriculum: why you can’t simply plug it in.
  • The preconditions for serious music-making avocation in computer science students.
  • Adult graduate difficulties with learning new technologies.
  • The effect of academic performance on the health of students. 
  • The impact of mathematic coaching on students’ self-esteem .
  • The influence of internet on the emotional maturity of students.
  • Academic achievements of students who decide to become teachers.
  • Is it true that students are more likely to do homework given by good-looking professors?
  • Informal learning in rural areas via social networks.
  • Educational blogging for professors: the social networks of educationists.
  • Does learning existentialism cause suicides?
  • Is it possible to reduce summer learning loss without students’ consent?
  • Can we reject classical math and do it at the same time? Yes, we can.
  • What are major career prospects with a degree in Liberal Arts?
  • Using electronic games in museums as an effective education tool.

Business Dissertation Topics

There are many things a business administrator should keep in mind. Finances, marketing, and development are just the tip of the iceberg. So, the choice of topics is practically endless. Check out this selection to narrow down the possibilities:

  • How are business strategies adjusted to the globalization process? Small businesses’ perspective. Globalization means huge and profitable opportunities. To seize them, all businesses and companies should make some changes in their strategies. Investigate what would be the best action plan for them.
  • Cultural changes and the effect of feedback in an international company: a case study. Choose a multinational company. Study the impact of feedback (both from the employees and customers) on its organizational culture changes. What reaction does it provoke in the company?
  • Human resource management approaches in international non-profit organizations. In this study, look into the strategies HR managers apply in non-profit organizations. One of their main responsibilities is to monitor the performance of the employees. However, at the international level it becomes more difficult. 
  • Leadership and organizational culture in making decisions about business strategies. In this research, you study the influence of the organizational culture on leaders. In the case of trying to initiate changes in the business strategy, how is a leadership decision taken? 
  • The role of “foreign direct investment” in companies in developing countries: a case study of a large business. For this paper, pick a suitable company first. Aim for large companies in developing countries. Then conduct research and find out what strategies they have for foreign direct investments.
  • COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on workplace management in small businesses . The COVID-19 pandemic caused many companies to readjust their HR policies. For instance, they allowed their staff to work from home. Research this phenomenon in your thesis.
  • Social entrepreneurship for large companies. If you want to make the world a better place, social entrepreneurship is a suitable method. We usually associate it with small start-ups. But what about large companies? With this topic, you can research how the concept works for big firms.
  • How innovation affects demand in technology-driven businesses. This MBA dissertation topic combines business studies and technology. Examine how companies create products for establishing markets.
  • Management strategies in times of COVID-19: a case study. The pandemic has forced companies to use Zoom , Skype, and messaging instead of regular meetings. Review how executives can apply traditional management models in the digital space. 
  • The impact of burnout on employees. Interview staff members and determine how burnout affects performance. Include the name of a company or industry in your dissertation’s title. 
  • Tourism management in the Middle East.
  • How do natural disasters impact the demand for essentials? 
  • Compare and contrast Asian and American leadership styles. 
  • How does fluctuation in the stock market impact business operations?
  • The art of delegation: how to do it effectively and when to avoid it.
  • How can one efficiently lead a company when unforeseen circumstances occur?
  • What factors determine employees’ work satisfaction?
  • Study the link between a company’s success and innovation.
  • What can business managers do to bridge the gap between generations?
  • Research the benefits of global and local brand management.
  • What causes changes in Chinese business culture?
  • Choose a small business and analyze its strategy.
  • Organizational changes : what factors impact transformation?
  • Internet banking : barriers to usage.
  • Create a business plan that is focused on a specific issue. 
  • Conditions necessary for quality management in MNCs.
  • The role of E-commerce for food retailers.
  • Conduct a case study with the purpose to analyze one or several social phenomena.
  • Workplace ethics in small businesses.
  • The phenomenon of remote working and how it is affecting businesses.
  • Comparison of Generation X and the Millennial Generation.
  • Managing the Millennial Generation.
  • Current trends in consumer behavior in relation to advertising.
  • Analyze which countries margin financing is effective and why.
  • Analyze the macroeconomic factors affecting exchange rates. 
  • An empirical analysis of the impact of organizational performance and leadership .

Law Dissertation Topics for Ph.D. Students

Legal science is not dull as one may think. It’s crucial to evaluate laws at any point in time. Do they fit the current norms? Does something or someone need more protection than before? If you want to garnish your legal education with a Ph.D., here are some topic suggestions:

  • Trust law: the circumstances when fully secret and half-secret trusts are necessary. Find out what are the principles that dictate the enforcement of the trusts. There are specific circumstances that determine whether creating trusts would be adequate and relevant. Make sure to take them into consideration.
  • Termination of employment in case of employees tested positive for HIV/AIDS. Your task would be to conduct research and see how HIV/AIDS employees are influenced in the workplace. The most common issues are discrimination and termination of employment.
  • The influence of the Global War on Terrorism on international criminal law. When the US launched the campaign against terrorism in 2001, international criminal law faced some changes. You can study the most significant changes that have been made.
  • The level of effectiveness of the US copyright law in relation to the rights of users. It’s an empirical research topic that would require collecting lots of data. Try to find some cases when the users were left cheated by copyright law. It would bring some diversity to the research and make it more interesting.
  • Study the effect that the US immigration policy has on education right now. Educational institutions are also required to adjust to changes connected with immigration. Different requirements and different curriculums are implemented to fit their needs. You are about to look into this issue.
  • Select a country and analyze its worker protection laws. Compare the rights and obligations of employees in two countries of your choice. What potential improvements can solidify employee rights? 
  • Protection of minorities, legal precedents. Minority rights are becoming more and more relevant. This topic allows you to discuss how laws can be changed to reflect it.
  • Regulation of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies allow for anonymity. Besides, they are not regulated by any state. In your thesis, you can analyze cryptocurrency regulations.
  • Fake news : legal responsibility. Review how the United States legal system approaches disinformation. Focus on false publications on news resources. Another possible topic is improvements to defamation laws.
  • Freedom of expression : a case during a pandemic. This topic is about false information in times of COVID-19. Examine how a state can balance freedom of expression with the spread of false information. Focus on this disease and the fake news about it.
  • Legal practices for preventing possible future pandemics.
  • Research ways of online journalism protection.
  • International law vs. the right to self-determination: comparative case studies of de facto states.
  • Review the history of fiscal laws in America.
  • Limits to freedom of expression in the US legal system. 
  • Enforcing regulations concerning domestic violence.
  • Study criminal responsibility for drug possession in the US. 
  • Criminalization of violence against women.
  • Review the legal framework for addressing foreign involvement in elections.
  • What was the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Health standards for immigrant detention centers in the US. 
  • Research the loopholes in the US immigration laws.
  • Birthright citizenship in the US: pros and cons.
  • 1951 Refugee Convention: is it obsolete?
  • Illegal immigrants and their rights in the US justice system.
  • How criminal laws have been impacted around the world by the war on terror.
  • Choose a country and analyze their policies on discrimination.
  • Evaluate the protection given to minority shareholders as dictated by company law.
  • Provide a critical analysis of the law of omissions liability. 
  • Investigate and analyze complaints filed in the criminal justice system.
  • A critical analysis of the reform of homicide laws. 
  • The morality and impact of euthanasia and how Canada sets a precedent.
  • A detailed analysis of gender and race profiling of suspects in the criminal justice system.
  • Analyze the right to bear arms relative to the context in which the law was written into The Constitution. 
  • Create case studies that represent a review of criminal negligence related to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

The mysterious ways of the human mind offer many research opportunities. Psychology encompasses sub-fields such as behavior and cognition. Whatever your area of expertise, you’ll undoubtedly find something interesting in the list below.

  • The current effect of the “price ending” method on the consumers’ behavior . Nowadays, everybody knows the most popular trick that shops pull to make customers buy the products. However, does understanding it make it easier to resist it? Is this psychological trap still working?
  • Burnout at the executive positions in massive US corporations: is it possible to prevent? The phenomenon of burnout is the most common issue that employees face nowadays. But there are ways to detected it at an early stage. Could they be used to predict and prevent this problem? 
  • Mindfulness practices and their influence on students’ learning abilities at the top universities (e.g., Harvard). Mindfulness is proved to be extremely useful in overcoming stress and anxiety issues. However, does it affect the learning outcome of the students who study at the best universities in the world?
  • The individual struggles with gender issues and their impact on global gender inequality. Everything always starts with a small thing. For this paper, study the relation between some individual cases and the global issue. How do personal struggles contribute to the worldwide movement for justice? 
  • The positive influence of irrational beliefs on mental well-being. In psychology, irrational beliefs are a set of values and opinions that people believe in despite rational evidence against them. However, what positive effect can they bring?
  • Ways of raising awareness of mental health problems. Mental health has been discussed more openly in recent years. Review how this open discussion affects views on personal mental health. As another idea for a psychology dissertation topic, research a specific illness. 
  • Student burnout and ways to prevent it. Focus on the problems students face and what strategies can reduce their stress.
  • Pandemic and mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to be in isolation from social contacts. Review the potential effects of this practice on people’s well-being. Discuss possible strategies for supporting mental health during possible future pandemics.
  • Weight, self-image, and mental health. A clinical psychology thesis can focus on the psychology behind excess weight. Discuss how weight affects a person’s perception of self. Assess implications for clinical psychologists who work with overweight patients.
  • Social media vs. reality: normalizing real people. Review current efforts of social media accounts in normalizing body image. Explain how this can reverse the damage that edited photos have on mental health. 
  • How does gender bias affect mental health in America?
  • What factors affect women’s self-esteem in the workplace?
  • Specifics of transgender mental health.
  • Research the effect of immigration on mental well-being.
  • Study the psychology of racism and ways to combat it. 
  • What distinguishes the mental health of minorities in the US? 
  • Research the psychology of dissent in the Soviet Union.
  • The connection between stress and overeating: latest developments.
  • Assess the role of social support for losing weight. 
  • What’s the role of prejudice in politics?
  • Assess the role of endurance in combating stress.
  • Developing hardiness: strategies and exercises.
  • What’s the effect of emotional resilience on mental health?
  • Helping teenagers overcome stress via relaxation techniques. 
  • Look into the perception of anger and its effect on mental health.
  • Understanding the function of the prefrontal cortex in terms of how it is connected to other parts of the brain.
  • Understanding how the prefrontal cortex makes us human.
  • How emotional and anxiety disorders are connected to social cognition that is impaired.
  • Analyze the ability of an MRI to determine brain function.
  • Analyze the relationship between emotional and episodic memory.
  • A comparison of the plasticity of the child’s brain and the adult brain. 
  • Analyze the continued relevance of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
  • An in-depth look at the social intuitionist model and how it relates to the emotion and reason involved in moral judgement.
  • How the evolution of the human brain can be understood in terms of children cognitive development. 
  • A demonstration of the multi-dimensional nature of schizophrenia. 
  • How rational thinking and impulse contribute to decision-making.
  • A systematic analysis and review of the psychology of religion.
  • How exposure to nature affects happiness.

Nursing Dissertation Topics

A nurse’s work is hard. Unfortunately, they rarely get the credit they deserve. With a Ph.D., you could become an advocate on the problem. Or you could concentrate on optimizing their work environments.

  • Exercise, changes in lifestyle , and self-tracking for diabetes prevention and management. Center your research on different lifestyle changes (exercise, reduced smoking and drinking) and explain how and why it prevents diabetes.
  • Influence of stigma related to HIV/AIDS on representatives of ethnic minorities: a case study of Native Americans. Using research, provide compelling evidence of how Native Americans are stigmatized and discriminated against.
  • Chronic illness management at home: recommended evidence-based practices. Using current nursing and other professional research, discuss how adults and seniors manage chronic and autoimmune diseases.
  • Depression and stress and their relation to preterm births in first-time mothers. Collect several articles about the issue and using their conclusions show how depression causes preterm births.
  • Burnout in nurses: factors that cause it and practical solutions for prevention. Present outcomes of burnout (decreased performance and concentration, subpar workplace environment) and illustrate how it affects hospitals on a more significant scale. 
  • Public health: community-based measures to prevent morbid obesity. In this research, you can list various methods that include exercise and education and explain in detail how they prevent the spread of obesity.
  • Risk factors and injury rates in psychiatric nursing. Present statistics on different types of injuries in psychiatric institutions.
  • Cultural diversity and inclusion in nursing education. When researching diversity, make sure you are using examples of different minority groups’ perception of education.
  • Euthanasia legislation in the USA: ethical issues and debates. Provide a thoughtful discussion of ethical and legal issues surrounding euthanasia.
  • Organizational climate and its influence on perceived patient safety. Your study should focus on the importance of positive relationships between staff members, and its influence on the prevention of medical errors.
  • Dietary practices and their influence on the quality of life in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. SLE is a complex disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach. Describe nutritional research approaches to SLE.
  • Fluoride application training in dental nursing.
  • Describe the specifics of nursing care for patients with diabetes.
  • Assess gender disparity in nursing research.
  • Study nurse burnout prevalence in neonatal care in your community.
  • Nursing staff advising DASH diet: effects on patients’ blood pressure.
  • What are the challenges of asthma management for nurses? 
  • Nursing for autistic patients: the best strategies. 
  • Racial differences in nursing care: a case study.
  • Evaluate nurses’ role in pain management for patients with dementia. 
  • Study the connection between nursing staff turnover and burnout.
  • How is the role of a nurse changing in the modern healthcare system?
  • Review nursing practices for managing elderly patients.
  • A holistic approach to obesity management in nursing.
  • Describe the specifics of nursing in rural areas.
  • Physical activity and mental health: a nursing case study.
  • Discuss nursing pain relief strategies for general care. 
  • Determine the ethical implications of nursing malpractice.
  • Nurses consultations for spinal cord injuries.
  • Nursing in an urban setting: challenges and prospects. 
  • What are the specifics of pain management in obstetrical nursing?

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Good marketing is what made you buy that product you didn’t know you needed. Marketing needs plenty of scientific research for it to be successful. You can contribute to this effort with one of the following topic ideas:

  • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of traditional and digital marketing in the last five years. Marketing moves towards digital campaigns more and more every year. Though, traditional marketing still exists, of course. Your task is to compare every aspect of these two types in the span of the previous five years.
  • The specifics of the relationship marketing and its influence on the loyalty rates among customers: a case study of fast-food chains. Take a few fast-food chains to conduct this research. Then analyze their relationship marketing strategies. There should be a correlation between the methods they use and the loyalty of their customers.
  • Direct marketing and artificial intelligence: how do companies use it? The industry of marketing couldn’t have missed the opportunity to use the latest technologies for their benefit. Artificial intelligence helps some companies gain a competitive advantage. Find out what those benefits are.
  • Collectivism and individualism : how does culture influence supermarkets? There are some apparent differences in cultures when it comes to shopping. Each shop owner has to implement a specific marketing strategy for targeting the customers. Work on aspects that make those strategies successful in different cultures.
  • The strategies that make personalized products sell effectively. Everybody loves customized products, but it seems like not everybody is willing to share their data to get it. Therefore, businesses are forced to work it out. This research looks into marketing tools and methods they use to sell personalized products.
  • Influence of online shopping apps on impulsive buying behavior . Using prominent examples such as Amazon and eBay, elaborate how apps affect customer’s decision to purchase an item through recommendations.
  • Product design and its impact on consumer’s purchase decision. When preparing this thesis topic, consider using examples of large corporations such as Apple or IKEA to prove your point. 
  • Customer loyalty : the importance of satisfaction and loyalty programs. Conduct research using available surveys on satisfaction and draw conclusions from these statistics.
  • Ethnic differences and their impact on brand perception. This research can review the types of products that target White or Black Americans specifically.
  • Preferences for green products: analysis of the income’s influence on consumer decisions. Compare what households are more likely to prefer green products.
  • Shopping habits of Muslim consumers in the USA: qualitative research. Here, you will need to do research by engaging Muslim Americans in your study; you can use interviews or surveys for this topic.
  • Social media and its impact on the promotion of small business. Make sure your reader understands how social media can promote or negatively present small business through customers’ comments.
  • Does globalization make preferences of customers from different socioeconomic backgrounds similar? Interview people from lower, middle, and upper class and discuss the preferences of American households.
  • Social media usage by international companies: a case study of Electronic Arts. Study the influence of customers’ reviews and opinions on EA’s sales.
  • Consumers’ perception of transaction safety in online shopping applications. Discuss how consumers learn to differentiate between reliable and unreliable apps for payments .
  • Marketing high tech products: a case study.
  • Study changing marketing techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The future of big data uses in marketing.
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of offline vs. online advertising .
  • Explore the relationship between marketing strategies and sales.
  • Holiday marketing strategies in the 21st century.
  • Is marketing tailed towards model devices effective?
  • Study the rise of influencer marketing. 
  • Review the newest trends in digital advertising. 
  • Brand management in 2020: an analysis. 
  • Assess the effect of advertising on consumer behavior. 
  • Targeted ads: are they efficient?
  • How did marketing change during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Assess brand management’s contribution to consumer loyalty. 
  • Impact of social media marketing on brand perception.
  • Google Analytics insights for marketing campaigns. 
  • Marketing for minority populations.
  • Youtube marketing: the effectiveness of videos for brand promotion.
  • How does partnering with influencers impact brand perception?
  • Social influencer marketing for SMEs.

History Dissertation Topics

History is written not only by the victors but also by history students. Your dissertation can shine a light on understudied cultures. Or perhaps you want to focus on how a specific event impacted the world. Find inspiration among the following dissertation questions and ideas:

  • The historical context of the creation of Guernica by Pablo Picasso . War wasn’t the only inspiration for Pablo Picasso during the process of making Guernica . In this paper, you would look into the environment of the artist and try to identify what else brought him to the creation of this masterpiece.
  • Bismarck and radical nationalism: what influenced the political state? For this research, you would study the underlying reasons for German Nazism before the beginning of World War II. What factors gave it a start when Otto von Bismarck was in charge?
  • The rise of Bollywood: historical context. This paper focuses on the success of Indian Bollywood movies in the 1930s. You would need to look into the events that made those movies famous in the whole world. Don’t forget to mention the social views of Bollywood movies.
  • The influence of secrecy in the technology intervention during World War II. You would study the role that the US Patent and Trademark Office played in the development of special war technology . Secrecy helped to keep it away from the public and enemies. How did it influence the war?
  • Italian prisons in the 19th century: how were they managed after Unification? This paper would require you to study documentation on the management system prison used in Italy at the beginning of the 19th century. You should try to find some practices that might have been socially harmful. 
  • Gender perceptions in the Middle Age. When preparing the dissertation, use both historical and literary sources to show how gender was presented.
  • Secularization in the American South during the post-war period. Provide a detailed discussion of secular societies forming in the South after the 1940s.
  • Representation of Jewish history in contemporary art: a case study of Art Spiegelman’s Maus . Using the comic book as the primary basis, explain how Jewish culture and history are presented there.

Quote by Elie Wiesel: “In Jewish history there are no coincidences.”

  • The history of medieval warfare and its influence on Modern Era warfare . When constructing this thesis, make sure you are using both historical and current research to provide details.
  • American-British relations during the Cold War Era . Explain how the Cold War Era changes these relations and what has affected it the most.
  • Germany’s foreign relations during the 1980s. Present a detailed overview of different foreign relations (e.g., with the USA, the USSR, the UK) Germany had during this period.
  • The financial crisis in the USA in 2007-2009. Using research and media sources, explain to the reader how the crisis is still affecting the USA. 
  • The development of Austrian identity after World War II. In this case, you can use both historical evidence and Austrian literature that provides personal opinions of writers and artists on the issue.
  • The impact of the Great Depression on the American involvement in the World War II. To show your understanding of historical processes, demonstrate how the Great Depression affected the USA’s perception of WWII. 
  • How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb: the development of nuclear warfare in the 20th century. Discuss the development of nuclear warfare in the USA and the USSR.
  • What was the role of China in the Cold War?
  • How did the Spanish Flu affect the pandemics that followed it?
  • Determine the influence of the stock market crash in 1929 on the World Wars.
  • First Battle of Marne’s impact on the outcomes of WWI.
  • Tool usage and creation: Aztecs vs. Mayas.
  • How did the enlightenment philosophy impact the development of the natural sciences?
  • The effects of Christianization in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Assess the role of slavery in the US civil rights movement. 
  • Study the history of LGBT rights establishment in the US.
  • What are the origins of slavery in Africa?
  • The Moon Landing and its impact on space exploration. 
  • Explore the role of the Bible in Jewish history.
  • The US’ involvement in WWII.
  • The aftermath of WWII: major historical events.
  • Research the link between the Mexican-American War and the Gold Rush.
  • Cold War insights: lessons from the Suez Crisis.
  • Explore the role of democratization in the Soviet Union collapse.
  • Global cooperation in early modern Europe.
  • Study the legacy of the arms race.
  • How did the First Ladies influence life in the 20th century America?

Dissertation Topics in Management

Companies and employees alike benefit from well-thought-out management strategies. So, a thesis in management has the potential to improve work environments even further. Kickstart your research by choosing one of the following topics:

  • Ecotourism in Canada: issues and trends in small business. Explain issues that arise in ecotourism with climate change.
  • Management ethics: how social media affects employees’ privacy and organizational climate. Present examples of negative and positive influence.
  • Leadership styles: a comparison of democratic and autocratic leadership. Discuss what leadership style should be chosen to rule various companies, depending on their business plan.
  • Political risk and its influence on emergency management. Explain how political crises affect and shape emergency management.
  • Cultural diversity and its impact on employees’ satisfaction and commitment. Show what advantages and disadvantages there are in cultural diversity.
  • Economic growth and unemployment rates in Australia during the 1990s: a historical perspective. Explain the causes of economic growth and unemployment.
  • Challenges in human resources management working with millennials: qualitative research. Discuss what particular challenges HR managers face and how they can be addressed. 
  • The significance of organizational routines in international corporations: a case study of Google. Conduct research on the importance of routine and its impact on performance. 
  • Computer skills and management: the effectiveness of computerized management information system in rural areas. Describe how digital management can be effectively applied in companies working in rural areas.
  • The history of digital rights management in the USA. Present the changes in the field during the 1990s-2010s. 
  • Analyze the best leadership styles for SMEs. 
  • Examine the changes entrepreneurship underwent in the past decades.
  • How do leadership styles relate to work satisfaction? 
  • Overview of business negotiation methods using technology.
  • Ways of integrating corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices.
  • Discuss the specifics of airline companies’ management. 
  • Choose a theory of motivation in the workplace and make a case study on it.
  • Study change management in SMEs in times of a crisis.
  • Managing diverse workforce: a qualitative analysis.
  • Use of employee voice in US companies.
  • Research the relationship between the organization’s goals and a manager’s behavior.
  • What are the best current practices in public administration?
  • Applying strategic human capital principles in practice.
  • The study of female CEOs in a country of your choice.
  • Employees’ perception of change management : a quantitative analysis.
  • A study of employees’ resistance to change.
  • What’s the correlation between a CEO’s leadership traits and employee motivation ?
  • Workplace risk management : a study of psychosocial hazards.
  • Conduct a quantitative study of the gender pay gap for CEOs.
  • Research the relationship between management style and employee productivity .

Qualitative Dissertation: Ideas for Proposals

If you want your thesis to be more practical, you’ve come to the right section. Common approaches for qualitative dissertations include researching case studies, surveys, or ethnographies. Because of this, fieldwork will be an integral part of your doctorate journey.

  • A comparison of teaching techniques that targeted children with autism in the 20th and 21st centuries. Provide a detailed overview of techniques and explain how research affected them.
  • The development of cognitive-behavioral therapy and its effectiveness in patients with eating disorders. Present the history of CBT and use recent research to demonstrate its effectiveness. 
  • Ageism and sexism in international organizations of the fashion industry. Describe how the fashion industry defines what it means to be “young and beautiful.”
  • Addressing sexual harassment at the workplace : the influence of organizational policies on targets’ decision to file a complaint. Explain what policies can support the target and what can prevent such decision.
  • Strategies to eliminate bias in self-evaluation reports of employees. Using research in HRM, outline the best strategies that are currently used to avoid bias. 
  • Post-cancer therapy: issues and trends. Present and discuss various trends, the research behind them, and the effectiveness of different types of therapy.
  • A family history of abuse and its influence on drug use in adults. Explain how abuse can provoke addiction in the future.
  • The importance of trusting doctor-patient relationships on patient’s medication adherence and management of a healthy lifestyle. Describe how such relationships negatively or positively affect a patient’s decision to take medicine as prescribed.
  • Barriers to the acquisition of social support among young men and women veterans in the USA. Discuss mental and physical disorders as major barriers.
  • Single mothers’ perceptions of breastfeeding in public places: qualitative research. Conduct interviews to find out their opinion.
  • The impact of online learning on student’s academic performance.
  • A study of the youths’ perception of learning smartphone applications.
  • Research the issue of gender bias in college education. 
  • Student’s perception of the mental health support and impact on campus.
  • Perceptions of charter school education in the 21 st century.
  • Discuss homeschooling and its effect on a child’s socialization.
  • What’s the impact of cyberbullying on teenagers’ mental health?
  • How inmates perceive alternative forms of incarceration.
  • Gun violence from the perspective of victims.
  • Research bias towards video games as an art form.
  • In what ways are minorities disadvantaged in America?
  • Evaluate cooking as a therapeutic exercise.
  • Assess the link between a principal’s leadership style and the school’s rating.
  • The effect of online counseling on patients’ mental health. 
  • Perception of mental health stigma among students. 
  • How does gig economy re-define work?
  • The implications of freelancing in the 2020s.
  • Opinions about a 6-day work week in your community.
  • Assess the process of adaptation to working from home.
  • Conduct a research study of views on the BLM movement outside the US. 

Quantitative Dissertation Proposal Topics

Some scholars just love working with data. Are you one of them? Then you’ll probably enjoy quantitative research. If you’re into finding patterns and making predictions, here are some enticing topics:

  • A study of a major city’s livability index. Choose a city and assess whether it’s well-designed or not.
  • A quantitative study of biofilms in technology. Discuss methods of using biofilms in technology. Include a list of recent advances and new tools.
  • A quantitative study of teachers’ perception of online learning. This topic prompts you to use an evaluation scale. 
  • An assessment of a link between product reviews and intention to purchase. Study the effect online reviews have on potential customers.
  • Immigration and its connection to crime statistics. Analyze data on immigration to the US and the number of violent crimes. Determine the relationship between the two phenomena. 
  • The relationship between obesity and occupation. Assess the BMIs of participants of different professions. Then, test the results for a correlation and discuss its implications.
  • A relationship between nurses’ knowledge of diabetes management and patient satisfaction. Assess the nurses’ knowledge about diabetes and compare the results with patient satisfaction scores. Thus, you can determine if expertise translates into better care. 
  • A study of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SMEs financial operations. With this qualitative dissertation proposal in business and management, choose a small company. Analyze its financial data pre- and post-pandemic. Include a discussion of financial management during pandemics.
  • A study of millennials’ pet ownership. Determine the percentage of millennials who have pets. Compare these patterns with previous generations. 
  • Economic growth and urbanization. Compare the empirical data about the state of economics and the number of people living in cities.
  • Determine how urbanization affects bacterial community compositions.
  • The economic impact of immigration on SMEs.
  • Study the rates of crimes in the US in relation to nonviolent crimes.
  • How do various teaching styles affect learning? 
  • Compare overconfidence in CEOs of SMEs and corporations.
  • How does inclusive language influence social behavior?
  • Assess consumers’ satisfaction with online banking in your area. 
  • Evaluate crude oil price prediction methods. 
  • Is there a link between smartphone use and mental illness?
  • Correlation between eyewitness identification and memory.
  • What are the attitudes towards AI development among women?
  • Determine the rates of cybercrimes since the 1990s.
  • A study of the police brutality cases across the US in the last decade.
  • Correlation between education level and employment.
  • The presence of sleep disorders in mental illnesses.
  • Assess the attitudes towards medical care in the US.
  • Determine the correlation between eating disorders and physical illness. 
  • Study the rates of cyberbullying among minority students. 
  • How various religious groups influence politics : a game-theoretical approach.
  • Does regular exercise decrease symptoms of depression in adults? 

Dissertation Topics in Educational Leadership

Educational leadership is a science focused on helping students to achieve their academic goals. It includes the motivation of staff and learners, improvement of educational programs, and creation of a healthy, productive environment in institutions. Want to dedicate your research to it? Take a look at these topic samples:

  • Fatigue among American medical students. Medical students often need to memorize and analyze big portions of information. That is why many of them don’t sleep enough, get tired quickly, and find it hard to concentrate. What can be done about it?
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning affect students’ motivation? Online education has multiple benefits and drawbacks. Some students might find it easier to get access to various textbooks online. Others want to return to campus. What is their motivation? 
  • Creating better learning conditions on campus: the challenges in 2022. With the increasing speed of technological progress, it is hard to catch up with the latest innovations. Explore them in your dissertation. For instance, you can focus on facilities for students with special needs. 
  • How can we enhance discipline among first-year students on campus? For some younger students, it is hard to get used to living on their own. They need to accept new responsibilities, find time to take care of themselves, and organize their lives. How can we help them?
  • Development of soft skills among undergraduate students. For future employers, soft skills are as important as hard skills. That is why colleges need to pay attention to soft skills such as time management, communication, and creativity. 
  • The efficiency of workshops for enhancing students’ creativity.
  • Do nutrition habits influence the studying process?
  • The importance of mental health care in high school.
  • What leadership styles are the most efficient in college communities? 
  • Does the implementation of early childhood education lead to further academic success?
  • What is the role of school counseling among teenagers?
  • What psychological factors make students drop out of college? 
  • Developing leadership qualities among MBA students. 
  • How to help college athletes to cope with psychological and physical pressure.
  • Ways of reducing anxiety levels among criminology students.
  • Helping students to choose their majors and find a career path.
  • How to enhance communication between higher education administration and students?
  • Motivating students to succeed after graduation .
  • Why do we need psychology classes in high school?
  • How can we prevent the bullying of Latin American students in middle and high school?

✅ How to Choose a Thesis Topic: Main Steps

In case you have no idea where to start from, here is a quick guideline on how to choose a Ph.D. thesis topic:

Check every tiny detail. Sometimes the only restrictions would be time and word count. Some universities might restrict your topic choice within your field of study.
In case you don’t have to stick to a specific area, feel free to play around and find what you like. However, it is better if it’s something you’re familiar with. Starting your dissertation from scratch is not the best idea.
It will give you a boost of inspiration. Don’t forget to take notes! You might come across some unsolved issues that can interest you.
Adjust your topic so that it would be specific enough. However, be careful and don’t overdo it! Otherwise, you won’t have enough data to work with.
Consider the methods of data collection, as well as approaches for analyzing it. It’s not unusual to combine different types, so don’t worry if you can’t decide on just one.
What change can your work bring into this world? Perhaps it can contribute to the academic field or is practical enough to help with real-life issues. Or, maybe, it carries a social relevance and can change our society for the better.
Before deciding on the topic, make sure it meets your requirements. It means that you should be 100% sure you have enough time, resources, and knowledge to finish the research on the chosen topic.
Seeking some advice from your supervisor is always a good idea. You can discuss your ideas together. After that, go ahead and start the writing process!

We hope this article helped you to choose a suitable topic for your dissertation. We wish you good luck with your research!

Learn more on this topic:

  • Dissertation Critique: Examples, How-to Guide
  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing an Outstanding Dissertation
  • How to Write an Abstract: Brief Steps and Structure Example

✏️ Dissertation FAQ

While working on a dissertation, you might deal with several types of research. The main research types are primary, qualitative, quantitative, and legal. In any case, it’s the way in which a researcher studies the subject using a particular methodology.

First of all, make sure that you are personally fascinated by the subject. This is essential for any thesis, be it master’s or an undergraduate dissertation. Besides, make sure the topic is feasible and hasn’t been studies much.

A good dissertation title is the one that represents the subject under study. To state which aspect is being studied is also important. The title should include neither a hypothesis nor a conclusion: think about it as “spoilers”—nobody likes them.

Just like any paper, a great dissertation is the one that is well-organized. The topic of the paper should correspond to the title. The text should have a cohesive structure with a definite introduction, argumentative main part, and a logical conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Dissertation Topics 1961-Present: Rudgers University
  • Completed Thesis and Dissertation Topics: University of Florida
  • Current Legal Topics: Library of Congress
  • The Right Dissertation Topic:
  • Days and Nights at the Museum…there’s a Dissertation for that!:
  • Dissertation Titles: University of Michigan
  • How to Pick a Master’s Thesis Topic:
  • How to Come Up With a Thesis Topic:
  • How to Choose Your Thesis Topic: Central European University
  • How Do I Choose a Thesis Topic?: Grad School Hub
  • Senior Thesis Topics: Hamilton College
  • Arizona Research Topics: Arizona State Library
  • Dissertation Proposal:
  • Dissertation Guide Essay
  • How to Start Your Dissertation: 10 Top Tips:
  • How to Write a Dissertation or Bedtime Reading for People Who do not Have Time to Sleep: Purdue University
  • A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Ph.D. Dissertation: ThoughtCo
  • Dissertations Guide from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Developing a Thesis Statement: University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Thesis/Dissertation Writing and Editing, Formatting, and Defending: Massey University
  • Business Management Research Topics: Top Universities
  • Law Topics:
  • Psychology Topics: APA
  • Marketing Topics: Marketing Profs
  • Topics:
  • Computer Science: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Humanities: Research Topics Ideas: University of Michigan-Flint
  • Art Topics: Art UK
  • Topics: American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Nurses Topics: Medscape
  • Architecture: Research Topics: University of Washington
  • Topics in Geography: Research Gate
  • New Topics in Sociology: University of Toronto
  • Business Management Topics: The University of Maine
  • Qualitative Case Study:
  • All Topics: Science News
  • Criminology: Science Direct
  • Topics in Literature: Sheridan College: Libguides
  • Advanced Computer Science Topics: The University of Texas at Austin
  • Application of Computer Techniques in Medicine: NIH
  • Important Leadership and Management Topics: WHO
  • Quantitative Research: University of Southern California
  • Action Research: Brown University
  • 10 Traits of Successful School Leaders: University of San Diego
  • HIST 280 Topics: Texas A&M University
  • The Relationship Between Burnout, Depression, and Anxiety: Frontiers In
  • College of Nursing: University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • All Topics: Educause
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Caleb S.

Interesting Thesis Topics & Ideas To Get Started

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Thesis Topics

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If you’re a student who’s nearing graduation and wondering, “What is the best topic for your thesis?”, you’ve come to the perfect place!

It’s a well-established fact that thesis documents require extreme levels of research and dedication. But, when it comes to choosing a topic for your thesis, it is far from being an easy task as well!

If your supervisor hasn’t assigned you a thesis topic, you can get valuable help from this blog. With thesis ideas ranging from education to diverse fields of study, you can pick the topic perfect topic for thesis writing.  

So without further ado, let’s get started!

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  • 1. Thesis Topics for Students
  • 2. Thesis Topics for Multiple Fields
  • 3. How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic?

Thesis Topics for Students

We’ll start with a comprehensive list of thesis ideas for students, then move on to topics for multiple fields. 

Thesis Topics for College Students

  • Exploring the psychological effects of student loan debt on college graduates
  • The challenges and opportunities of globalization
  • The role of education and social mobility in reducing inequality
  • The impact of immigration on the economy and society
  • The potential of new technologies to improve healthcare outcomes
  • The impact of online learning on student engagement and achievement 
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence in business decision-making?
  • High school bullying and its long-term effects on mental health and social adjustment
  • The challenges and opportunities of diversity and inclusion in education
  • The impact of early childhood education on long-term success

Senior Thesis Topics

  • The industrial revolution has increased the gap between the rich and the poor. How?
  • What are the effects of global warming on the world’s population?
  • Feminism is becoming as bad as racism. How?
  • The relationship between social media usage and perceptions of loneliness
  • The long-term effects of income inequality on economic growth
  • Placement by age vs. placement by academic ability. Which should be preferred?
  • How have viruses such as HIV-AIDS, affected the African economy?
  • What are the common sleep disorders and their treatments?
  • Using animals for sports and entertainment: Is it legal or illegal?
  • Discuss Trump’s “America First” trade and foreign policy.

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Bachelor Thesis Topics

  • The impact of E-Sports on traditional sports and the future of competitive gaming
  • The economics of renewable energy transition: Case study of Germany
  • The influence of music on cognitive performance and productivity in the workplace
  • The influence of social media on political movements and activism
  • The ethical implications of gene editing technologies: A case study on CRISPR-Cas9
  • Urban green spaces and their impact on mental health: A case study of Singapore
  • The relationship between smartphone use and sleep quality in young adults
  • Investigating the psychological factors influencing consumer brand loyalty
  • Cybersecurity threats and mitigation strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises
  • The impact of video games on cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities in children

Masters Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between literature and the political climate in the 18th century
  • Explain the relationship between rational thinking and religion
  • The Civil War is the greatest inspiration for art. Discuss the concept
  • Gun violence in the USA during the 2010s: A comparative analysis
  • Cyberbullying can lead to suicides - A case study of Australia
  • Campus shootings in the USA: Discuss the causes and risk factors
  • Labor markets in China: An in-depth analysis
  • What are the impacts of global warming on weather conditions in Iceland?
  • Explain the women's empowerment in Saudi Arabia in the 2000s
  • Write a detailed comparison of the anti-nuclear movements in Germany and Japan

MBA Thesis Topics

  • Discuss a case study of rural marketing projects.
  • What are the impacts of reducing the retirement age in America?
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Evaluating the factors contributing to success or failure
  • How can the banking sector influence the economic growth of India?
  • Analysis of global supply chain resilience in the post-pandemic business environment
  • Online marketing on social media platforms is useful for small companies. How?
  • Write a comparative study of organized trading in the USA and UK
  • How is technical knowledge essential to make wise financial decisions?
  • How can consumer purchases influence brand design?
  • Explore the positive and negative impacts of mobile banking

PhD Thesis Topics

  • What are the primary professors’ teaching patterns in China?
  • Discuss the social benefits of same-sex marriages
  • Discuss the legal issue of child labor in Third World countries.
  • What is the positive impact of music therapy on patients with brain injuries?
  • Explain the impacts of 9/11 on new policies against terrorism
  • Discuss the marketing strategies used in political campaigns
  • The US presence in Syria: Is it providing justice or violating the law?
  • Elaborate on the preventive measures to fight obesity among teenagers.
  • How to treat injuries in diabetic patients?
  • What are the political and economic effects of Brexit on the UK?

Thesis Topics for Multiple Fields

Here are some interesting and easy to write thesis topics from multiple fields of study.

Thesis Topics in Education

  • Special education policies in the USA: Are they effective or ineffective?
  • Why is studying abroad a legitimate excuse for traveling?
  • Strategies for supporting undergraduate students' transition to college life
  • Family involvement has a direct impact on a child's performance. Discuss how?
  • Why are students more likely to do the homework assigned by good-looking professors?
  • Role of Parental Involvement in early childhood education for academic readiness
  • Explain the development of emotional intelligence for modern education
  • Informal learning in rural areas through social networks. Is it possible?
  • Public school students interact at the same level as the other students. Is it true?
  • How can reality television disempower students to some extent?

Thesis Topics in Healthcare

  • How does increased physical activity promote healthy aging?
  • The impact of telemedicine on healthcare access and quality
  • Mental health stigma: Addressing barriers to seeking and receiving care
  • How do Supervised Machine Learning models help in Breast Cancer diagnosis?
  • Exploring the mental health implications of prolonged pandemic-related stress and isolation
  • Innovations in remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management
  • How can we improve the affordability of healthcare without sacrificing quality?
  • Strategies for addressing the global burden of non-communicable diseases
  • How can we use social media to promote health literacy and engagement?
  • How can we use genomics to improve disease prevention and treatment?

Thesis Topics for Computer Science

  • Quantum computing: The future of data processing and cryptography
  • How does the feedback system in personnel management work?
  • Describe the development of an automated workplace
  • How can data be analyzed by using robust AI algorithms?
  • Discuss the benefits of the development of a taxi service website
  • The dark web: Anonymity, security, and law enforcement challenges
  • Verification of webpage layouts. How is it beneficial?
  • What are the impacts of mobile computing on global development?
  • Big data analytics for predictive maintenance in IoT systems
  • How can AI-assisted surveillance systems decrease mass school shootings in the US?

Architecture Thesis Topics

  • How have religious buildings in the British Empire affected architecture?
  • Discuss the role of architects in combating the impacts of climate change
  • Why should we construct sustainable buildings for offices?
  • Discuss a case study of small houses to solve homelessness
  • Why should we develop public places in small cities?
  • How can architecture revitalize urban areas sustainably?
  • Are underwater hotels sustainable?
  • Discuss the transformation of urban design in the 21st century
  • How can we construct houses in developed countries with low income?
  • How can architectural design create healing environments in healthcare facilities?

Thesis Topics for Interior Design

  • Role of biophilic design in reducing stress and anxiety in workplaces
  • Designing interior spaces for people with dementia
  • The use of technology to create immersive and interactive interior experiences
  • Design of interior spaces for future generations
  • Impact of culture on prisons and other correctional facilities design
  • Use of universal design to create inclusive restaurants and cafés
  • Use of materials and finishes to create a sustainable and resilient built environment
  • What is the impact of interior design on human performance?
  • Creating inclusive and accessible interior spaces for people with disabilities
  • What is the future of interior design in the age of climate change?

Thesis Topics for Textile Designing

  • How to design textiles that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional?
  • Environmental impact of textile design and how to reduce it
  • How can textile design improve the performance of sportswear and activewear?
  • Design a textile collection that is accessible and affordable for people with disabilities
  • Develop a sustainable textile production process that reduces environmental impact
  • Investigate the impact of textile design on consumer behavior
  • Explore the use of sustainable materials in textile design
  • Challenges and opportunities of new technologies in textile design
  • Ethical implications of materials and production methods in textile design
  • How can textile design reduce fashion waste and promote circularity?

Psychology Thesis Topics

  • Why is emotional intelligence an important factor in professional satisfaction?
  • The notion of the self – Is it a myth or reality?
  • Evaluating the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral
  • Therapy in managing anxiety
  • Self-efficacy and academic achievement: A longitudinal study of students
  • A good IQ level can have long-term benefits for children. Discuss how?
  • How are emotional disorders directly connected to social cognition?
  • Analyze the relationship between emotional and episodic memory
  • How can rational thinking allow us to make better decisions?
  • How common is depression among homosexual teenagers?
  • What are the psychological techniques to help obese teens?

Political Science Thesis Topics

  • Compare the foreign policies of the US and the UK
  • What were the causes of the American Revolution?
  • How is religion used as a political power?
  • What is the role of social movements in politics?
  • Discuss the consequences of the Civil War
  • Immigration policies and their impact on social cohesion and diversity
  • The impact of campaign finance reform on political corruption
  • What are the negotiation methods during wartime?
  • Explain the difference between political and armed conflicts
  • Give a detailed review of the Human Rights Act 1998

Thesis Topics for Law Students

  • The role of international law in addressing global cybersecurity threats
  • Human rights and refugee law: Analyzing the legal status of stateless individuals
  • Legal aspects of intellectual property rights in the fashion industry
  • Consumer protection laws in E-Commerce: Challenges and emerging trends
  • How can we ensure that plea bargaining is used fairly and ethically?
  • Examining the legal and ethical implications of genetic testing and genetic privacy
  • The evolution of copyright law in the digital era: Balancing innovation and protection
  • How has globalization changed the landscape of international law?
  • What is the future of International Law in a world of increasing nationalism?
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on criminal sentencing

International Relations Thesis Topics

  • What is the impact of Russia’s intervention in Syria?
  • Discuss the trade relations between India and Pakistan
  • Discuss the impacts of the US sanctions on Iran
  • Explain the reasons for OIC failure
  • What is the US foreign policy towards North Korea?
  • Critically analyze the human rights violations in Kashmir
  • What is the policy of the United States toward Russia?
  • Discuss lessons learned politically since 9/11
  • Political problems in Africa have been affected by colonial rule. How?
  • Discuss how is Israel playing the victim card in the war against Palestine

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History Thesis Topics

  • How has World War II saved the world?
  • What is the impact of Buddhism on the Chinese empire?
  • Discuss the struggles of the North American colonies for independence
  • Describe the role of the monarchy in the domestic policy of Great Britain
  • Discuss the impacts of the North Korean nuclear program in Northeast Asia
  • Evaluate the American and Britain relations during the Cold War Era
  • Discuss the global impacts of the Great Depression
  • Explain the Women's rights and woman suffrage: 1848-1920.
  • Enlist the Military Innovations between WWI & WWII
  • Discuss the feminist movement from 1845 to 1920

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

  • What are the ways to deal with domestic violence?
  • How can we reduce racial disparities in the criminal justice system?
  • How is electronic monitoring an abuse of privacy rights?
  • What can be done to prevent cyber crimes?
  • What are the common child abuse crimes committed?
  • How can body cameras reduce police violence?
  • Why are men more likely to get the death penalty?
  • How can drug courts help people with addictions?
  • Discuss the strategies used to stop criminal behavior
  • Discuss the effectiveness of capital punishment in deterring crime

Thesis Topics in English Literature

  • The influence of feminist theory on the work of Margaret Atwood
  • Discuss the effectiveness of verbal communication in displaying feelings
  • How do people communicate when there is no shared language?
  • Language travels through time. Discuss the concept
  • Elaborate on the advantages of learning a second language in graduate school
  • Discuss the effectiveness of non-verbal communication for displaying emotions.
  • Shakespearean adaptations in modern literature and film
  • Narrative techniques in experimental literature and their impact on storytelling
  • What are the benefits of learning two languages at once as a child?
  • How to best communicate: Verbally or non-verbally? 

Thesis Topics in Mass Communication

  • Effects of user-generated content on news credibility and trust in online journalism
  • Impact of deep fake technology on media manipulation and trust in visual media
  • The role of media in promoting political polarization and extremism
  • The challenges of reporting on sensitive topics such as war, violence, and trauma
  • The ethics of using media to exploit or harm vulnerable populations
  • The influence of TikTok on youth culture and entertainment consumption
  • How does sports journalism respond to evolving media landscapes?
  • The role of social media influencers in shaping brand image and consumer behavior
  • The role of media in promoting corporate interests and agendas
  • What is the role of media in the surveillance state and the erosion of privacy?

Thesis Topics in Business Administration 

  • How is digital transformation changing business models and strategies?
  • What role does venture capital play in funding and supporting startups?
  • The role of data analytics in decision-making and improving business outcomes
  • The challenges and opportunities of expanding into new markets
  • What factors influence call center industry employee retention?
  • Comparing leadership structures in manufacturing and retail sectors
  • How do varying leadership styles impact worker performance?
  • Challenges and opportunities of managing supply chains in a globalized economy
  • Is a Human Resources Officer still relevant in today's businesses?
  • What is the impact of internal communications on organizational objectives?

Thesis Topics in Physical Education

  • Role of physical education in preventing childhood obesity
  • Impact of physical activity on sleep quality and overall well-being
  • Influence of physical education on self-esteem and body image in adolescents
  • What strategies promote gender equity in physical education?
  • How can cultural competency be integrated into physical education programs?
  • How does virtual physical education impact student engagement?
  • What factors contribute to successful youth sports and athlete development?
  • How does assessment and feedback improve student learning in physical education?
  • How can older adults be encouraged to maintain active lifestyles?
  • Does physical education have a measurable impact on academic performance?

Civil Engineering Thesis Topics

  • Assessing the impact of climate change on infrastructure resilience
  • Optimizing traffic flow and transportation systems for urban mobility
  • Risk assessment and management in civil engineering projects
  • Green infrastructure and stormwater management in urban environments
  • Geotechnical engineering challenges in high-rise building construction
  • Resilient infrastructure for mitigating the impact of extreme weather events
  • Smart grids and energy-efficient infrastructure for future cities
  • The role of 3D printing in construction: Feasibility and applications
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality in civil engineering education and design
  • What are the risk factors involved in building skyscrapers?

Cyber Security Thesis Topics

  • How can network security deal with cyber crimes?
  • How can an informational system protect your data?
  • How can we prevent the growth of cyber hackers?
  • What are the different types of cyber crimes?
  • How can we make network security affordable for everyone?
  • Discuss the effectiveness of malware protection software.
  • How can we improve cybersecurity in wireless networks?
  • What are the ways to prevent cyber attacks in organizations?
  • How do people become cyber criminals?
  • What are the current trends in the field of cybercrime and security?

Sociology Thesis Topics

  • What are the consequences of adopting a child?
  • Discuss the concept of female empowerment in a conservative society
  • Organ transplantation in our society. Is it ethical?
  • Explain the diffusion and innovation in European culture
  • What are the challenges that most women face at workplaces?
  • How difficult is it to be a single parent in a society?
  • The impact of economic disparities on how people Live: A sociological study
  • Technology has changed the way we eat. How?
  • Violations of social norms can be a positive act. How?
  • What is the relationship between poverty and education?

Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • What is the nature of truth and reality in a post-modern world?
  • Is there any life after death?
  • Can a person be happy without friends and family?
  • Why is there a need to engage children in physical activities?
  • Will you have eternal satisfaction if you had all the wealth in the world?
  • How morality and religion are related to each other?
  • Why do people commit crimes when they’re at the brink of poverty? 
  • How to develop a personal philosophy of life: Influences, values, and decision-making
  • Can free will exist in a deterministic universe, and what are its implications for agency and responsibility?
  • What is the nature of consciousness, and how does it relate to our perception of reality?

Economics Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the differences in commercial practices in rural and urban areas
  • Critically analyze regional divergence in Europe
  • Discuss the relationship between economic geography and the contemporary environment
  • What are the impacts of intellectual capital in growing markets?
  • Labor regulations are a way to solve the issue of unemployment. Discuss how?
  • Explain the factors that determine the market value of a business
  • What is the effect of labor force participation on the economy?
  • Discuss the impact of government expenditure on the economic growth of Australia
  • Discuss the impact of Brexit on small and middle businesses in the UK
  • Write a review of the aid and economic growth of developing economies

Want to know how to format thesis papers properly? Get expert guidance from our detailed blog!

Now that you have access to a wide range of thesis topics for multiple fields, you could use some tips to understand how you should pick a good thesis topic. 

How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic?

Follow the easy tips given below to choose a good topic for your thesis.

The following is a detailed description of the tips for choosing thesis paper topics.

  • Know Your Target Audience : Understand your audience's preferences, opinions, and ideas, and always consider their feedback for better grades
  • Consider Your Strengths : Identify your skills and strengths, and focus on your areas of knowledge
  • Follow Your Interests : Select a topic that aligns with your passions and leverage your creativity for an engaging idea 
  • Combine Different Ideas : Brainstorm multiple ideas based on your interests and knowledge to create a unique idea 
  • Read and Find Gaps : Explore existing literature and research, to identify gaps or areas that require further investigation
  • Put Your Idea to the Test : Conduct small experiments or surveys to test your concept, and utilize data and human resources for a comprehensive analysis. Make sure to identify and address any flaws or weaknesses in your thesis idea.

To conclude , the above research paper topics will surely help you draft an A+ thesis. However, if you need more unique ideas, getting expert help is a good option.

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Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Good Thesis Topics and Ideas for Ph.D. and Master Students

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Without any doubt, a thesis is the most important paper in the academic life of a student or young researcher. Many of them may be a bit afraid of the scope of work that awaits or the inability to find good thesis topics. Do you find yourself in such a situation when you seem to have lots of thesis topic ideas, but a well-formulated topic does not come to your mind? Don’t worry! Our writing experts have got your back! In this post, we will share the list of thesis topics and provide you with the best tips and tricks for choosing the best one.

How to Choose a Thesis Topic

A choice of a unique title for a thesis is quite a challenging task. There are many under-researched and heavily debated topics in the world of science, but how to find the one suitable for your paper? Let’s review some secrets to finding a perfect topic:

  • In order to start working on a thesis, you don't need inspiration but a plan of action and a routine. After all, it's not creative writing. When you just start working, you'll see that inspiration comes as a result of daily work.
  • Choose a few research routes and read scientific publications on topics that interest you the most. Be sure to ask yourself questions on the material you reviewed, record your thoughts daily, and discuss them with other researchers or your advisor - and great topic ideas will not make you wait!
  • Maybe you already have some materials or have previously researched a topic you were interested in – just not as thoroughly as you need to do for a thesis. If it is so, go back to them and see if you can make a previous topic into something more elaborate.
  • The issue you have chosen as a central theme of your thesis should not be extremely challenging for you to research. Some topics are best left for your dissertation as they will require more time, effort, and knowledge of the subject.
  • It might not be a good idea to choose an overly popular issue that is currently studied by thousands of researchers over the world. You’ll hardly find anything new about this issue, and your thesis question won’t have this much-needed novelty.
  • Concentrating on a controversial issue is also not the best idea. A topic that has many avid supporters and opponents may cause an unpredictable reaction from your paper examiners. Who knows, maybe your paper will be reviewed by a person who has a polarized opinion on the issue under consideration.
  • Although young researchers often avoid feedback in the early stages of research, the advice of more experienced fellow researchers can help you understand whether you are moving in the right direction or not with your topic and, if necessary, direct your actions in a timely manner. And discussing your research with fellow graduate students like you will help you feel a sense of belonging to a community of like-minded people and motivate you for further achievements.
  • Finally, it is best to select a topic that you can find lots of supporting literature for. As you’ll need to provide background information and conduct a literature review on the topic, you will require a lot of data.

What Makes a Thesis Topic Great?

It’s a good question each student should ask before deciding on a topic. What do ideal topics for a thesis look like?

  • They touch upon topical issues. Science is designed to study topical issues and find solutions to them. This is also the purpose of your thesis. Therefore, the topic for the work should be relevant, modern, and extensive.
  • They spark debates. In other words, these are interesting thesis topics. For example, if your major is Biology, writing about Covid-19 would be a perfect option. Besides, the working process would be much faster and more effective if you are genuinely interested in the issues you study.
  • They are neither too long nor too short. This tip concerns the way you formulate the topic. The title you come up with must be informative but not too long. Choosing an overly brief topic name is also not a good idea because it may fail to cover some important aspects of your research.
  • They must be related to your academic program. This one may sound a bit obvious, but it’s a common student mistake to go off-subject. If you choose a topic that seems interesting and well-developed to you but appears irrelevant to your professor/research advisor, you will have to change it. Seek advice on where you went wrong and what you can do to get back on track.
  • They concentrate on one central issue. A golden rule of writing a thesis is that your topic should be narrowed down. There is no use in concentrating on several issues at once. Instead, you have to focus on a specific issue and research it using the method that works best.
  • They can be supported using research. Generally, there should be enough suitable sources for you to study. Alternatively, you should understand the methodology you can use to obtain credible results and if you can really use it. For instance, you might not have a chance to visit another continent to gather data or interview hundreds of people who don’t use technology.

Best Thesis Topics for Students

It’s time for you to start working on the paper of your life, and you are in search of the best topic for a thesis, but nothing seems to come to your mind. Luckily, you’ve come to the right page! Our experts have created unique and interesting topics for your thesis!

Senior Thesis Topics

  • The role of public image in modern US politics
  • Banking data breach and the ways to prevent it
  • The ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that can be adopted on a country level
  • Tax evasion in developed countries: is the problem real?
  • The use of drones in military operations vs. environmental research
  • Human rights in dictatorship countries
  • Modern USA diplomacy: challenges and perspectives
  • Security aspects of EU foreign policy
  • The Syrian refugee crisis in Europe
  • Prerequisites for 2022 Sri Lankan protests
  • Corruption is Singapore, and the ways of its elimination
  • Innovations in the USA international logistics
  • Anti-bullying laws at schools: are they effective?
  • The BLM movement: the changes it brought

MBA Thesis Topics

  • The reasons behind the stock market’s worst performance in 2022
  • The fight against unethical advertising
  • The concept of a Smart city: is it possible in the nearest future?
  • Shaping an organizational culture during pandemic times
  • The ways of measuring and assessing employees’ loyalty in post-pandemic times
  • The reasons for US construction companies’ sales decline
  • Latest gun control issues and their impact on arms production and selling in the USA
  • US housing crisis trends and solutions
  • The case of Amazon in civil workers’ rights enforcement
  • The possible impact of monkeypox on the world economy
  • The impact of Covid-19 on airlines in developing countries
  • Economic consequences of recent lockdowns in China: local and world perspective
  • World economy shortage due to Russian 2022 invasion of Ukraine: long- and short-term perspective

Ph.D. Dissertation Topics

  • The impact of climate change on coffee production shortages
  • Influence of e-cigarettes on health
  • Modern ecological issues in the United States (or any country of choice)
  • Mad cow disease and its impact on blood donation in the UK and Australia
  • The issue of compulsive buying in the 21st century: predispositions and solutions
  • Vulnerability prediction in corporate systems
  • The lack of work-life balance among the corporations’ workers (Amazon, Apple)
  • The prevalence of online sales over brick-and-mortar stores: the case of Zara
  • Employees onboarding in pandemics and post-pandemics times

Thesis Topics for Office Administration Students

  • The effectiveness of regular organizational changes and rotations on workers’ productivity
  • The issue of time management in pandemic times
  • Facilitating teamwork during lockdowns: challenges and ways out
  • The impact of stress on office manager performance in big corporations
  • Processes of aggregation and globalization of office activities
  • The change of perception towards office work in post-pandemic times
  • Financial incentives and employee retention
  • The impact of the glass ceiling on Chinese female office workers

STEM Thesis Topics

  • Ethical considerations in modern genetics studies
  • The issue of space junk and long-term solutions
  • The challenges in developing the Covid-19 vaccine
  • Stem cell treatment: dangers and perspectives
  • The link between global warming and soil temperature
  • Risks and perspectives of electronic voting
  • War technologies in the Ukrainian-Russian war
  • Research and modeling of the process of the spread of pollutants in the air
  • Genetic algorithms with valid coding
  • Challenges of genetic programming

Thesis Topics on Education

The topic of education doesn’t lose its relevance and importance these days, especially after the spread of distance learning because of the global lockdown. There are lots of interesting and topical themes to touch upon in your thesis. See if you can find a perfect thesis title for an education paper in this list:

Thesis Topics on Education

Elementary Education Thesis Topics

  • The link between smartphone usage and performance in elementary school students
  • The challenges of distance learning for students of elementary school
  • The effectiveness of family involvement in elementary school learning
  • Bilingual education of toddlers: pros and cons
  • Private vs. public schools and distance learning
  • The relevance of the Montessori methodic in a modern elementary school setting
  • The link between socio-economic background and academic performance in elementary school students
  • Facilitating out-of-school reading in younger students

Science Thesis Topics

  • The impact of antibiotic overuse on bacteria development
  • Modern methods of molecular genetics
  • Modern methods of plant breeding
  • Modern methods of animal breeding
  • The role of genetic engineering in modern biotechnology and medicine
  • The dangers and virtues of genetically modified organisms
  • Genetics as an important component of biological science
  • Hereditary diseases of a person and prerequisites for their occurrence
  • Genetic engineering and its main issues
  • Endangered species and ways to protect them
  • The specifics of developing immunity after Covid-19 recovery
  • Seed banks and their role in the future of the humanity
  • Hereditary human diseases and their possible methods of prevention
  • Major biosphere threats in the 21st century
  • Study of the levels of acute-phase proteins as a diagnostic tool

Computer Science Thesis Topic Ideas

  • Hardware and software problems of organizing access to information resources in the distant education
  • The challenges and perspectives of machine learning
  • The use of electronic spreadsheets in management
  • Management of the development of information technologies in big organizations
  • Latest and future trends in the use of information technologies
  • The effect of the electromagnetic field on the human body

Finance Thesis Topics

  • Real estate market volatility: current trends and perspectives
  • Housing prices crises in the US in 2022: main trends and reasons
  • Coca-Cola acquisitions: latest cases and further perspectives
  • The challenges of the microfinance sphere in developing countries
  • Budget allocation of US public schools: main challenges

Physical Education Thesis Topics

  • The importance of physical activity among medical students
  • Emotional state during physical activities
  • Weight control in everyday life and sports
  • Modern principles of training and nutrition to increase muscle mass
  • Adaptation to aerobic and strength training
  • The link between sports and dopamine levels
  • Physical culture and a healthy lifestyle in different age groups

computer science thesis topics

Information Technology Thesis Topics

  • DNA-computing - a new paradigm of computing
  • Implementation of the algorithm of minimization of deterministic Muller automaton
  • Creation of corporate projects on Java2Enterprise
  • Development and optimization of universal web interfaces using the React or Angular library
  • Application of artificial neural networks in applied problem-solving
  • Research on technologies for improving access to video content

Art Thesis Topic Ideas

  • The influence of religious and mythological ideas on the artistic culture of Ancient Egypt
  • Prehistoric art of Europe (Stone Age)
  • Origins of the artistic tradition of the ancient Celts
  • Syncretism of Ancient Greece and the countries of the East traditions in the art of the Hellenistic era
  • Features of residential architecture of Pompeii
  • American abstract art in the second half of the 20th century
  • Freudism and neo-Freudism in the art theory of the 20th century
  • The role of color in the art of Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin

Easy Thesis Topics

Sometimes a good topic should not necessarily be a difficult one. The most valuable thing about a thesis is the issue you are going to review. It can seem quite simple but be very useful for your field in actuality. We have compiled interesting topics that are not too challenging yet still worth covering.

Communication Thesis Topics Examples

  • The impact of neurolinguistics programming on human safety
  • Online advertising and consumer behavior
  • Targeted advertisement and its effect on compulsive buying habits
  • Social media and employee productivity in the post-pandemic era
  • The pros and cons of electronic books on children reading habits
  • Social media and interpersonal relationships in teenagers
  • Politics and social media: research on democratic rights
  • Data privacy on social media
  • Influence of social media on election results

Public Administration Thesis Topics

  • A comparative study of neighborhood relations in the middle of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century
  • Maternal benefits for stillbirth cases in the United States
  • For-profit and non-profit colleges: an impact on community wealth
  • The effectiveness of non-profit health organizations during the pandemics
  • The issue of police brutality in the USA in various communities

Financial Management Thesis Topics

  • Competitive analysis of the specific industry in your country and abroad
  • Modern US tax policy and taxation system
  • Elimination of government debt of a specific country
  • Property and personal insurance and their influence on the financial system
  • The relevance of the requirements for managers of an international company
  • Motivation to create multinational corporations in the 21st century

Marketing Thesis Topics

  • The link between cultural differences and consumer behavior
  • The relevance of using branding technology in developed and developing countries
  • Social advertising and its relevance in the 21st century
  • The effectiveness of the use of mass media in international advertising
  • Ethical considerations of corporate advertising
  • Latest trends in online advertising and their effect on consumer behavior
  • Brand equity and methods of its evaluation
  • Communicative aspects of interactive marketing
  • Selling items to teenagers: a shift in trends
  • The impact of child goods advertising on family consumer behavior

Hospitality Management Thesis Topics

  • Drastic changes in the tourist sphere in 2020-2022
  • Sustainable tourism in 2022
  • The impact of global warming on tourism over the world
  • Risk management in the hotel sphere during the pandemics
  • The future of tourism agencies and tour booking
  • The link between the brand name and the tourism industry
  • How have tourist top destination choices changed in the 2020s?
  • Safe travel for women in Asian countries
  • The role of the Internet in the hotel management
  • Logistics and hospitality in the mountain regions
  • The impact of natural disasters on tourism in Asian countries (China, Thailand)
  • World religions and hospitality: the case of Muslim countries
  •  Airport staff shortages in the Netherlands: predispositions and solutions
  • Tourism and closed countries: the case of North Korea

Thesis Topics for Business Administration

  • World banking system crisis: is the problem real?
  • Risk management during the Covid-19 pandemics
  • Can technology take over human management?
  • E-commerce in 2022 in the USA
  • The main soft skills of 21st-century managers
  • The issue of working conditions of employees in fast fashion factories
  • The feasibility of running an ecological business in 2022
  • The challenges of running brick-and-mortar stores during national lockdowns
  • The best strategies for finding the target audience for online business

Nursing Thesis Topic Ideas

  • First aid in emergencies for new nursing practitioners: burns, frostbite, and suffocation
  • Budgetary issues in the low-income community hospitals
  • Preventing diabetes Mellitus in children
  • Nutritional value of veganism vs. other diets
  • 2022 anti-abortion laws and their impact on women's health
  • Ethical considerations of euthanasia
  • Post-partum depression: modern methods of prevention
  • Cultivating healthy eating behavior in children
  • The link between eating disorders and family food behavior
  • Is the danger of carbs proved in modern medicine?
  • Modern principles of CPR training
  • The link between life span and regional dietary traditions
  • Preventing physical and mental burnout of office workers: a medical perspective
  • Curing ADHD in adults: modern trends and prospects
  • The shortage of male nurses in the US: predispositions and solutions

criminal justice thesis topics

Criminal Justice Thesis Topic/Ideas

  • Prevention and countermeasures against domestic violence
  • Modern trends and issues of juvenile delinquency
  • Illegal weapon trafficking in 2022
  • School shootings in the US
  • Preventing vandalism in low-income communities
  • Environmental crimes prevention
  • Criminological characteristics and prevention of embezzlement
  • Social predispositions of hate crimes in the US
  • Looting during protests: the case of the BLM movement
  • The method of profiling and its relevance in 21st-century criminology
  • Death row and human rights: can they co-exist?

Dissertation FAQ

Where do I find good thesis topic ideas?

There are many places where you can find a perfect topic for a thesis. First of all, you can visit your local library and search for some ideas in the books. You can also visit the writing center of your university or college and ask for some help. Another good option is to search for inspiration on the Web. Finally, you can take a topic from our lists above without having to worry about its uniqueness, as all of them were compiled by our top writing experts.

How do I begin research for thesis topic ideas?

You should begin searching with the keywords that correspond to the sphere you are interested in the most. You can do it in Google Scholar or databases that your educational institution gave you access to. Once you’ve found some books and articles, read excerpts from them to see if any idea catches your attention. You may also ask your professor what direction you should take in your search.

How do I know if my thesis topic is unique?

The simplest way to check it is to google the topic and see whether there are options that match your choice. There can be many other topics similar to yours, and it’s fine, especially if you want to continue researching some issue that was studied before. However, make sure that your topic and the one on the Web are not identical; otherwise, it may look like you attempted to plagiarize someone’s paper. And if you decide to write a paper on one of the topics presented by our experts, rest assured that they are unique!

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Thesis Writing

Thesis Topics

Nova A.

100+ Thesis Topics That Will Make Your Research Stand Out

18 min read

Published on: Oct 4, 2021

Last updated on: Feb 11, 2024

Thesis Topics

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As a student, one of the most challenging tasks can be selecting a thesis topic that is both engaging and relevant to your field of study.

With so many potential avenues of exploration, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start.

Fear not! 

In this blog, we have compiled over 100 thesis topics to inspire and guide you on your research journey. No matter what degree you’re pursuing, you're sure to find a topic that piques your interest. 

So, let's dive in and unlock the potential of your academic career with these fascinating thesis ideas.

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Thesis Topics for Students

Here are some ideas for a good thesis topic to write about.

Senior Thesis Essay Topics

  • The portrayal of gender roles in contemporary literature: A critical analysis.
  • Exploring the ethical implications of genetic engineering and human enhancement technologies.
  • Analyzing the impact of social media on political discourse and public opinion.
  • Investigating the relationship between media representation and body image in adolescents.
  • Exploring the challenges and benefits of multicultural education in diverse classrooms.
  • Analyzing the portrayal of mental health in popular films and television series.
  • Investigating the relationship between music and memory in Alzheimer's patients.
  • The role of art therapy in promoting mental well-being and emotional expression.
  • Analyzing the representation of race and ethnicity in mainstream media.
  • Exploring the impact of climate change on indigenous communities and culture.

MBA Thesis Topics

  • The impact of digital transformation on business strategy: A case study of a specific industry or company.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in enhancing brand reputation and customer loyalty.
  • The effectiveness of different leadership styles in driving organizational performance and employee engagement.
  • Analyzing the challenges and opportunities of international expansion for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The role of data analytics in optimizing supply chain management and improving operational efficiency.
  • Exploring the strategies for managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace and their impact on organizational performance.
  • The role of innovation in driving sustainable competitive advantage in the era of disruptive technologies.
  • Analyzing the impact of mergers and acquisitions on organizational culture and employee morale.
  • Investigating the strategies for attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive job market.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies in targeting and engaging millennial and Gen Z consumers.

PhD Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the legal issue of child labor in Third World countries. 
  • What is the positive impact of music therapy on patients with brain injuries? 
  • Explain how 9/11 changed US policy on terrorism. 
  • Elaborate on marketing strategies used in political campaigns.
  • The US presence in Syria- Is it providing justice or violating the law?
  • Analyzing the influence of social media on political participation and public opinion formation.
  • Understanding the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and exploring potential therapeutic interventions.
  • Investigating the impact of technology-driven disruptions on traditional business models and market dynamics.
  • Exploring the relationship between corporate governance practices and firm performance.
  • Examining the influence of cultural factors on consumer behavior and marketing strategies in global markets .

Stepping into advanced academic pursuits? If you're starting your dissertation journey, discover a wealth of relevant topics in our dedicated blog on dissertation topics .

Thesis topics in Education

  • What is the key to successful knowledge or skills?
  • How old-fashioned is our educational system due to the online education revolution?
  • Are classical schools effective?
  • Who should bear the blame in a case of bullying at school: Administration or teachers?
  • Discuss the impact of family involvement on academic performance.
  • What is the impact of political issues on a public educational system?
  • Enlist the most effective strategies to score well at standardized tests.
  • Discuss the definition of humanities.
  • How can proper classroom management reduce the student’s stress?

Thesis Topics in Psychology

  • To what extent the environment impacts behavioral disorders?
  • What are the ways of preventing adult obesity?
  • To what psychological factors do identity theft relate?
  • What is an emotional disorder, and how can it affect a child's life?
  • Analyze why people need religion to cope with stress.
  • How do pharmaceuticals help treat anxiety disorders? 
  • What other alternatives are there for treatment for anxiety disorders? 
  • Why should kids avoid food additives?
  • To what extent social media usage affects school achievement?
  • How cell phone usage negatively impacts productivity?

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Thesis Topics in Sociology

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
  • How has medicine advanced over the past few decades?
  • Explain men's health issues.
  • How might one improve their physical appearance?
  • Does increasing wealth and a strong supreme court make a nation happy?
  • Is eating healthily important for older people compared to younger people? 
  • Are there any alternatives to animal experiments in scientific research?
  • Explain how different cultures view marriage customs. 
  • How are women viewed differently in Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu religions today?
  • Why do people get married? 

Thesis Topics in English Literature

  • Discuss the benefits of speaking two languages as a child.
  • How to learn a language?
  • What are the social advantages of learning a foreign language?  Discuss.
  • How do computers prevent verbal communication?
  • Are there any bad things about learning a foreign language as an adult?
  • Define non-verbal communications. 
  • Discuss the possible benefits of learning a third language.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of communicating without words.
  • What is the difference between written and spoken language?
  • How are mobile phones affecting modern languages?

Thesis Topics in Computer Science

  • What are the impacts of machine learning technologies on enterprise systems?
  • How will machines be accessible by humans?
  • Difference between a computer and an A.I. system.
  • What is the role of a virtual designer in sustainable development and architecture?
  • Explain how to attract visitors to your website.
  • Describe what principles are followed by fashion bloggers in creating their blog posts.
  • How do you conduct a competitive analysis of an online store?
  • Incorporate the latest technology into the production process.
  • Discuss a social network and its advantages for corporate users.
  • Write about e-commerce and its security issues.

Thesis Topics for Architecture

  • How can builders contribute to the future with technology?
  • Discuss how to construct safety measures for hospitals for patients and medical staff.
  • What impact has the civil war had on buildings?
  • What are the effects of tourism on housing in China?
  • Explain how educational campuses can help improve people's health conditions and outcomes.
  • What are some natural disasters that destroyed different types of buildings? 
  • What are the emerging strategies in popular architecture?
  • How can we increase energy efficiency in buildings?
  • Are prefabricated houses a sustainable solution for affordable housing?
  • Which kind of material is better to use for an eco-friendly house: wood, concrete, or steel?

Thesis Topics Related to Nutrition and Dietetics

  • What are the barriers to physical activity for women with breast cancer?
  • Obesity, an effective strategy for prevention: An intervention study.
  • How does the high school lunch program in Corona promote children's healthy diets?
  • Discuss the importance of increasing physical activity for a youth sedentary lifestyle.
  • What are the health promotion strategies to reduce obesity among families at low-income levels?
  • How to improve access to healthy food choices on school campuses?
  • How to develop sports programs that can be used by young obese Mexican American boys?
  • A comparative study of food consumption patterns and their relationship with the growth pattern.
  • The relationship between dietary fiber, body fatness and blood lipid levels in American women: A review thesis statement.
  • What are the effects of carbohydrate loading on endurance performance?

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

  • Employment and crime.
  • Crime during emergencies.
  • Domestic violence.
  • History of criminology.
  • War crimes and international law
  • The role of the media in promoting crime
  • How to solve violence in prisons?
  • Does crime mapping help prevent crime?
  • Aggression against homeless people
  • The families of prisoners

Thesis Topics For Law Students

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the legal profession: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution methods in resolving commercial disputes.
  • Analyzing the legal implications of data privacy in the era of social media and big data.
  • Examining the role of international law in addressing global environmental issues.
  • Investigating the legal and ethical aspects of emerging technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
  • The intersection of intellectual property rights and digital piracy: Finding a balance in the digital age.
  • Analyzing the legal framework for cybercrime and the challenges of international cooperation.
  • Exploring the legal implications of artificial reproductive technologies and surrogacy.
  • Investigating the legal aspects of corporate social responsibility and its impact on business practices.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures and their impact on economic development.

Thesis Topics For Textile Designing

  • Exploring sustainable practices in textile production and their impact on the environment.
  • The role of color psychology in textile design and its influence on consumer behavior.
  • Investigating the cultural significance of traditional textile patterns and motifs.
  • Analyzing the use of technology and digital tools in contemporary textile design.
  • Exploring the potential of biomimicry in textile innovation and design.
  • Investigating the role of textile design in promoting inclusivity and diversity.
  • Analyzing the relationship between textile design and fashion trends.
  • Exploring the fusion of traditional and modern techniques in textile design.
  • Investigating the role of textiles in interior design and creating immersive environments.
  • Analyzing the impact of sustainable fashion movements on textile design practices.

Radiology Thesis Topics

  • The use of artificial intelligence in radiology: Challenges and potential applications.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of advanced imaging techniques in diagnosing early-stage cancers.
  • Analyzing the role of radiology in the detection and management of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Exploring the ethical considerations in radiation dose reduction strategies in pediatric imaging.
  • Investigating the impact of radiology reporting systems on communication and patient care.
  • Analyzing the role of radiology in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Exploring the advancements in interventional radiology techniques and their therapeutic applications.
  • Investigating the use of radiomics and machine learning in predicting treatment response in oncology.
  • Analyzing the challenges and opportunities of implementing digital imaging technologies in radiology departments.
  • Exploring the role of radiology in forensic investigations and post-mortem examinations.

If you’re struggling with writing your thesis, check out this complete guide on thesis writing . 

How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic

The choice of your thesis topic can influence the thesis format and structure to align with the research goals and methodology you intend to employ.

Given below are some tips on choosing a good thesis topic that aligns with your interests and academic goals.

  • Reflect on Your Interests and Passions

Consider areas of study that genuinely fascinate you. Reflect on your academic background, coursework, and any specific topics that have captured your attention. 

  • Identify Gaps in the Existing Knowledge

Explore the current literature and identify areas where research is limited or outdated. Look for gaps, controversies, or unanswered questions in your field of interest. 

  • Brainstorm and Narrow Down Your Options

Dedicate time to brainstorming and generating a list of potential thesis topics. Consider various sub-topics, angles, or interdisciplinary approaches that align with your research interests.

  • Conduct Preliminary Research

Before finalizing your thesis topic, conduct preliminary research to gather background information and the availability of relevant sources.

  • Define Your Research Objectives

Clearly define your research objectives and goals. What do you aim to achieve through your thesis?

Establishing specific objectives will guide your research and ensure that your topic is focused and meaningful.

Remember, selecting a good thesis topic is a dynamic process. It's normal to refine and adjust your topic as you delve deeper into your research. 

Stay open-minded, be flexible, and embrace the intellectual journey that comes with choosing and exploring your thesis topic.

Tips To Write An Effective Thesis

Writing an effective thesis is a critical skill that requires careful planning, research, and organization. 

Here are essential tips to help you write an effective thesis and achieve academic success.

  • Define a clear research question or objective.
  • Conduct thorough research.
  • Develop a strong thesis statement .
  • Organize your ideas and arguments logically.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Follow proper citation guidelines.
  • Seek feedback from your advisor and peers.
  • Revise and edit your thesis carefully.
  • Pay attention to thesis formatting and presentation.
  • Proofread your work thoroughly before submission.

In conclusion, choosing a compelling thesis topic is a crucial step in your academic journey. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog, you can navigate through the process with confidence. If you are confused about the distinction between a thesis and a dissertation, refer to our blog on " Dissertation vs Thesis " for a comprehensive understanding.

Remember to reflect on your passions, identify gaps in existing knowledge, seek guidance from mentors, and evaluate feasibility. 

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Visit today and unlock the full potential of your academic research.  Just say ' write my essay for me ' and let us handle the rest.

Our expert team is here to provide comprehensive support in crafting impressive essays, including thesis statements and research proposals. 

Contact our writing service now and let us help you excel in your academic pursuits.

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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thesis ideas 2021

134 Economics Thesis Topics: Ideas for Outstanding Writing

thesis ideas 2021

Writing a thesis is not an easy task. For most of the students, it can be even intimidating, especially when you do not know where to start your research.

Here, we have provided an economics thesis topics list. After all, everyone knows that choosing the right idea is crucial when writing an academic paper. In economics, it can combine history, math, social studies, politics, and numerous other subjects. You should also have solid foundations and a sound factual basis for a thesis. Without these elements, you won’t be able to master your research paper.

The issue is:

It is not always clear what could be seen as an excellent economics thesis topic. Our experts can assist you with this challenge. This list contains some outstanding examples to get you started.

  • ⭐ Thesis in Economics
  • 🔥 Supreme Thesis Topics
  • 👍 Bachelor’s Thesis
  • 😲 Master’s Thesis

📊 Microeconomics

📈 macroeconomics.

  • 🤔 Developmental
  • 👨‍💼 Behavioral
  • 💼 Financial
  • 🌱 Agricultural
  • 🤝‍ Sociology
  • 📚 Ph.D. Topics
  • 📝 How to Pick a Topic

⭐ What Does a Thesis in Economics Look Like?

A good thesis in economics is a blend between an empirical paper and a theoretical one. One of the essential steps in choosing a topic in economics is to decide which one you will write.

You may write, research, analyze statistical data and other information. Or build and study a specific economic model.

Or why not both!

Here are some questions you can ask when deciding what topic to choose:

  • What has already been written on this topic?
  • What economic variables will my paper study?
  • Where should I look for the data?
  • What econometrics techniques should I use?
  • What type of model will I study?

The best way to understand what type of research you have to do is to write a thesis proposal. You will most probably be required to submit it anyway. Your thesis supervisor will examine your ideas, methods, list of secondary and primary sources. At some universities, the proposal will be graded.

Master’s thesis and Bachelor’s thesis have three main differences.

After you get the initial feedback, you will have a clear idea of what to adjust before writing your thesis. Only then, you’ll be able to start.

🔥 Supreme Economics Thesis Topics List

  • Fast fashion in India.
  • The UK housing prices.
  • Brexit and European trade.
  • Behavioral economics.
  • Healthcare macroeconomics.
  • COVID-19’s economic impact.
  • Global gender wage gap.
  • Commodity dependence in Africa.
  • International trade – developing countries.
  • Climate change and business development.

👍 Economics Bachelor’s Thesis Topics

At the U.S. Universities, an undergraduate thesis is very uncommon. However, it depends on the Department Policy.

The biggest challenge with the Bachelor’s Thesis in economics concerns its originality. Even though you are not required to conduct entirely unique research, you have to lack redundant ideas.

You can easily avoid making this mistake by simply choosing one of these topics. Also, consider visiting IvyPanda essays database. It’s a perfect palce to conduct a brainstorming session and come up with fresh ideas for a paper, as well as get tons of inspiration.

  • The impact of the oil industry on the economic development of Nigeria. The oil industry is vital for the economic development of Nigeria. In this thesis, students can discuss the notion of the resource curse. Analyze the reasons why general people are not benefiting from the oil industry. Why did it produce very little change in the social and economic growth of the country?
  • Sports Marketing and Advertising: the impact it has on the consumers.
  • Economic opportunities and challenges of investing in Kenya .
  • Economic Development in the Tourism Industry in Africa. Since the early 1990s, tourism significantly contributed to the economic growth of African countries. In this thesis, students can talk about the characteristics of the tourist sector in Africa. Or elaborate on specific countries and how their national development plans look like.
  • Globalization and its significance to business worldwide .
  • Economic risks connected to investing in Turkey .
  • The decline in employment rates as the biggest American economy challenge .
  • The economics of alcohol abuse problems. In this thesis, students can develop several essential issues. First, they can examine how poverty is connected to alcohol abuse. Second, they can see the link between alcohol consumption and productivity. To sum up, students can elaborate on the economic costs of alcohol abuse.
  • Causes and solutions for unemployment in Great Britain.
  • Parallel perspective on Global Economic Order: China and America. This thesis can bring a comparative analysis of the economies to a new level. China and The US are the world’s two largest economies. These two countries have a significant impact on the global economic order. So, looking at the set of institutions, policies, rules can be constructive.
  • The new international economic order after COVID-19
  • Financial stability of the banking sector in China.
  • New Electronic Payment Services in Russia.
  • The influence of culture on different entrepreneurial behaviors.
  • The impact of natural cultural practices on entrepreneurial activity.
  • The relationships between national culture and individual behavior.
  • The main reasons for salary inequalities in different parts of the U.S.

😲 Economics Master’s Thesis Topics

Student life can be fascinating, but it comes with its challenges. One of which is selecting your Master’s thesis topic.

Here is a list of topics for a Master’s thesis in economics. Are you pursuing MPhil in Economics and writing a thesis? Use the following ideas as an inspiration for that. They can also be helpful if you are working on a Master’s thesis in financial economics.

  • The impact of visual aid in teaching home economics.
  • The effect of income changes in consumer behaviors in America.
  • Forces behind socio-economic inequalities in the United States. This thesis can explore three critical factors for socio-economic differences in the United States. In the past 30 years, social disparities increased in the United States. Some of the main reasons are technology, trade, and institutions.
  • The relationships between economic growth and international development.
  • Technological innovations and their influence on green and environmental products.
  • The economics of non-solar renewable energy .

Renewable energy is beneficial for various economic reasons.

  • The economic consequences of terrorism . Terrorism not only takes away lives and destroys property but also widely affects the economy. It creates uncertainty in the market, increases insurance claims, slows down investment projects, and tourism. This thesis can address all of the ways in which terrorism can affect economies.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry in Africa.
  • Use of incentives in behavioral economics.
  • Economic opportunities and challenges of sustainable communities .
  • Economics of nuclear power plants.
  • Aid and financial help for emerging markets. This topic is very versatile. Students can look at both the positive and the adverse effects that funding has on the development. There are plenty of excellent examples. Besides, some theories call international help a form of neocolonialism.
  • Multinational firms impact on economic growth in America .
  • The effect of natural disasters on economic development in Asia.
  • The influence of globalization on emerging markets and economic development.

📑 More Economics Thesis Topics: Theme

For some students, it makes more sense to center their search around a certain subject. Sometimes you have an econ area that interests you. You may have an idea about what you want to write, but you did not decide what it will be.

If that’s the case with you, then these economics thesis topics ideas are for you.

  • An analysis of the energy market in Russia.
  • The impact of game theory on economic development.
  • The connection between minimum wage and market equilibrium.
  • Gender differences in the labor market in the United States. This topic can shed light on gender differences in the labor market in the United States. In the past years, the overall inequality in labor in the markets decreased. However, there is still a lot of work that can be done.
  • Economic reasons that influence the prices of oil .
  • Relationship between the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient.
  • Challenges of small businesses in the market economy.
  • The changes in oil prices: causes and solutions . Universal economic principles do not always apply to the sale and purchase of the oil. The same happens with its cost. In the thesis, talk about what affects the prices. What are the solutions that can be implemented?
  • The economic analysis of the impact of immigration on the American economy.

Immigration has a little long-run effect on Americans’ wages.

  • Economic inequality as a result of globalization . Economic inequality becomes even more apparent on the global level. There is a common belief that globalization is the cause of that. Discuss what can be the solutions to these problems. This topic is vital to minimize the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • The economic explanation of political dishonesty .
  • Effect of Increasing Interest rates costs in Africa .
  • The connection between game theory and microeconomics.
  • Marketing uses in microeconomics.
  • Financial liability in human-made environmental disasters.
  • Banks and their role in the economy. Banks are crucial elements of any economy, and this topic covers why. You can explain how banks allow the goods and services to be exchanged. Talk about why banks are so essential for economic growth and stability.
  • Inflation in the US and ways to reduce its impact.
  • The connection between politics and economics.
  • Income Dynamics and demographic economics.
  • US Market Liquidity and macroeconomics.
  • Macroeconomics and self-correction of the economy .
  • The American economy, monetary policy, and monopolies .
  • The importance of control in macroeconomics. One of the central topics in macroeconomics is grouped around the issue of control. It is quite reasonable that control over money and resources should become a topic of discussion.
  • Analysis of Africa’s macroeconomics and its performance.
  • Economics of education in developing markets.
  • Problems and possible solutions for Japan macroeconomics .
  • Comparative analysis of British macroeconomics concerning the US .
  • Public policies and socio-economic disparities.
  • The world problems through macroeconomic analysis. Indeed, macroeconomics is very complicated. There are many influences, details, and intricacies in it. However, it allows economists to use this complex set of tools to examine the world’s leading problems today.

There are four main problems in macroeconomics.

  • The connection between employment interest and money.

🤔 Development Economics

  • Economics of development . This topic is very rich in content. First, explain what it is. Then pay particular attention to domestic and international policies that affect development, income distribution, and economic growth.
  • The relation between development and incentive for migration.
  • The impact of natural disasters on the economy and political stability of emerging markets.
  • The economic consequences of population growth in developing countries.
  • The role of industrialization in developing countries . The industrialization has been connected with the development. It promotes capital formation and catalyzes economic growth in emerging markets. In this thesis, you can talk about this correlation.
  • Latin American economic development.
  • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
  • Problems of tax and taxation in connection with economic growth.
  • The economic impact of terrorism on developing markets.
  • Religious decline as a key to economic development. Not everyone knows, but a lot of research has been done in the past years on the topic. It argues that decreased religious activity is connected with increased economic growth. This topic is quite controversial. Students who decide to write about it should be extra careful and polite.

👨‍💼 Behavioral Economics

  • Risk Preferences in Rural South Africa.
  • Behavioral Economics and Finance .
  • Applied behavioral economics in marketing strategies. If you want to focus your attention on marketing, this topic is for you. Behavioral economics provides a peculiar lens to look at marketing strategies. It allows marketers to identify common behaviors and adapt their marketing strategies.
  • The impact of behavioral finance on investment decisions.
  • Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs in North Texas.
  • Guidelines for Behavioral Economics in Healthcare Sector.
  • Cognitive and behavioral theories in economics .
  • Cross-cultural consumer behavior and marketing communication. Consumers are not only affected by personal characteristics, but also by the culture they are living in. This topic focuses on the extent it should determine marketing strategy and communication.
  • Behavior implications of wealth and inequality.

The richest population holds a huge portion of the national income.

  • Optimism and pessimism for future behavior.

💼 Financial Economics

  • Financial Economics for Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy .
  • The use of the economic concept of human capital. Students can focus on the dichotomy between human and nonhuman capital. Many economists believe that human capital is the most crucial of all. Some approach this issue differently. Therefore, students should do their research and find where they stand on this issue.
  • The analysis of the global financial crisis of 2020s. Share your thoughts, predictions, ideas. Analyze the economic situation that affects almost everyone in the world. This thesis topic will be fresh and original. It can help to start a good and fruitful conversation.
  • The big data economic challenges for Volvo car.
  • The connection between finance, economics, and accounting.
  • Financial economics: Banks competition in the UK .
  • Risk-Taking by mutual funds as a response to incentives.
  • Managerial economics and financial accounting as a basis for business decisions.
  • Stock market overreaction.

🌱 Agricultural Economics

  • Agricultural economics and agribusiness.
  • The vulnerability of agricultural business in African countries.
  • Agricultural economics and environmental considerations of biofuels .
  • Farmer’s contribution to agricultural social capital.
  • Agricultural and resource economics. Agricultural and resource economics plays a huge role in development. They are subdivided into four main characteristics which in this topic, students can talk about: – mineral and energy resources; – soil resources, water resources; – biological resources. One or even all of them can be a focus of the thesis.
  • Water as an economic good in irrigated agriculture.
  • Agriculture in the economic development of Iran.
  • The US Agricultural Food Policy and Production .
  • Pesticides usage on agricultural products in California.

The region of greatest pesticide use was San Joaquin Valley.

  • An analysis of economic efficiency in agriculture. A lot of research has been done on the question of economic efficiency in agriculture. However, it does not mean there is no place for your study. You have to read a lot of secondary sources to see where your arguments can fit.

🤝‍Economic Sociology

  • Theory, approach, and method in economics sociology.
  • Economic sociology of capitalism. While economists believe in the positive effect capitalism has on the economy, the social effect is quite different. The “economic” part of the issue has been studied a lot. However, the sociology of it has been not. This thesis can be very intriguing to read.
  • Political Economy and Economic Sociology.
  • Gender and economic sociology .
  • Progress, sociology, and economics.
  • Data analysis in economics, sociology, environment .
  • Economic sociology as a way to understand the human mind.
  • Economic sociology of money.
  • Economics, sociology, and psychology of security.
  • Major principles of economic sociology. In the past decade, economic sociology became an increasingly popular field. Mainly due to it giving a new view on economics, human mind, and behavior. Besides, it explores relationships between politics, law, culture, and gender.

📚 The List of Ph.D. Topics in Economics

If you decide to go to grad school to do your Masters, you will likely end up getting a Ph.D. as well. So, with this plan in mind, think about a field that interests you enough during your Masters. Working with the same topic for both graduate degrees is easier and more effective.

This list of Ph.D. Topics in Economics can help you identify the areas you can work on.

  • Occupational injuries in Pakistan and its effect on the economy. Injuries are the leading cause of the global burden of disability. Globally, Pakistan was ranked 9th populated country with a large number of unskilled workers. In this dissertation, consider the link between occupational injuries and their effects on the economy.
  • The study of the Philippines’ economic development.

The Philippine economy is projected to continue on its expansionary path.

  • Financial derivatives and climate change .
  • Econometric Analysis of Financial Markets.
  • Islamic Banking and Financial Markets .
  • Health economics and policy in the UK.
  • Health insurance: rationale and economic justification. In this dissertation, students can find different ways to explain and justify health insurance. Starting to philosophical to purely economic grounds. In the past years, there was a lot of discussion regarding the healthcare system for all. What are some of the economic benefits of that?
  • Colombian economy, economic growth, and inequality.
  • Benefits of mergers and acquisitions in agribusiness.
  • Methods to measure financial risks when investing in Africa.
  • The significance of financial economics in understanding the relationship between a country’s GDP and NDP.
  • Network effects in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are not new anymore. However, it is still an original subject for a dissertation. Students can decide to choose several crypto coins and evaluate the importance of the network effect. This effect is particularly significant for Bitcoin. Explain why.
  • The comparison of the Chinese growth model with the American growth model.
  • An economic justification versus political expediency.
  • Pollution Externalities Role in Management Economics .

📝 How to Select an Economics Thesis Topic

As your academic journey is coming to an end, it’s time to pick the right topic for your thesis. The whole academic life you were preparing to undertake this challenge.

Here is the list of six points that will help you to select an economics thesis topic:

  • Make sure it is something you are genuinely interested in. It is incredibly challenging to write something engaging if you are not interested in the topic. So, choose wisely and chose what excites you.
  • Draw inspiration from the previous student’s projects. A great place to start is by looking at what the previous students wrote. You can find some fresh ideas and a general direction.
  • Ask your thesis advisor for his feedback. Most probably, your thesis advisor supervised many students before. They can be a great help too because they know how to assess papers. Before meeting with your professor, do some basic research, and understand what topic is about.
  • Be original, but not too much. You do not want to spend your time writing about a project that many people wrote about. Your readers will not be interested in reading it, but your professors as well. However, make sure you do not pick anything too obscure. It will leave you with no secondary sources.
  • Choose a narrow and specific topic. Not only will it allow you to be more original, but also to master a topic. When the issue is too broad, there is just too much information to cover in one thesis.
  • Go interdisciplinary. If you find yourself interested in history, philosophy, or any other related topic, it can help you write an exceptional thesis in economics. Most of your peers may work on pure economics. Then, the interdisciplinary approach can help you to stand out among them.

Some universities ask their students to focus on topics from one discipline.

Thank you for reading the article to the end! We hope this list of economics thesis topics ideas could help you to gather your thoughts and get inspired. Share it with those who may find it useful. Let us know what you think about it in the comment section below.

🔗 References

  • Economics Thesis Topics List: Seminars Only
  • How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Research Project Or Master’s Thesis: INOMICS, The Site for Economists
  • What Do Theses and Dissertations Look Like: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
  • Writing Economics: Robert Neugeboren with Mireille Jacobson, University of Harvard
  • Economics Ph.D. Theses: Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School, IDEAS_RePEc
  • World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018: United Nations
  • Undergraduate Honors Theses: Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • Economics Department Dissertations Collection: Economics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Topics for Master Theses: Department of Economics, NHH, Norwegian School of Economics
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The dilemma I faced in getting Thesis proposal for my M Phil programme is taken away. Your article would be a useful guide to many more students.Thank you for your guidance.

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thesis ideas 2021

AI sentience, moral status and rights

Deep dive How should the possibility of AI sentience guide the development of AI and related institutions and norms?

thesis ideas 2021

Alternative proteins research and development

Deep dive The consumption of animal products causes suffering to billions of animals each year. Alternatives could shift consumer demand away from animal products.

Old painting of rich person giving out donations in the street

Altruistic decision-making

Research area introduction How can we encourage effective action to help others?

Close up view of wooden stub

Anti-ageing research

Deep dive Aging is a major risk factor for many diseases that medical interventions try to prevent. Can we target aging as an underlying cause of disease?

An assortment of medicines in blister packs

Antimicrobial resistance

Deep dive Antimicrobial resistance already kills tens of thousands each year, and could kill millions without innovation. What are the best strategies to prevent it?

Kid running outdoors under a sprinkler

Applied mental health research

Deep dive It’s estimated that around 10% of the population suffers from diagnosable mental health conditions, with most of them not receiving treatment. 

Macroscopic view into the universe

Attitudes to existential risk and longtermism

Deep dive To increase the chance of our species having a flourishing future, it’s helpful to understand how we feel and reason about the future of humanity

Fruits and vegatables in a supermarket aisle

Behavioural and attitudinal change in animal products consumption

Deep dive How do attitudes towards animals affect animal product consumption and what interventions are effective in decreasing it?

thesis ideas 2021

Biological sciences

Discipline introduction Start here to learn how research in biological sciences could improve the world.

Close up of a black soldier fly

Black soldier fly sentience and welfare

Deep dive Black soldier fly may be farmed on a huge scale in the coming decades. To decrease their potential suffering, we need to understand more about their welfare and capacity for sentience.

Dead deer in the snow

Cause specific mortality in wild animals

Deep dive Understanding the causes of wild animal mortality can help us build a picture of the current state of welfare in nature and how we can improve it.

Dollar bills arranged in the shape of a brain

Charitable donations decision-making research

Deep dive Charitable donations can do a lot of good, but donors rarely prioritise their impact. How can we encourage more effective philanthropy?

thesis ideas 2021

Civilisation collapses

Deep dive Studying past civilisational collapses may help us predict and safeguard against future collapse and increase the chance of recovery.

An assortment of dry beans on a table with wooden spoons

Consumer research related to alternative proteins

Deep dive Demand for animal products is increasing but so is the availability of alternatives. How can consumers be encouraged to explore alternative proteins?

Microscopic view of a pathogen

Detection and identification of dangerous pathogens

Deep dive Using metagenomic surveillance and broad-spectrum diagnostics to detect dangerous pathogens.

thesis ideas 2021

Developing solutions to climate change

Deep dive Climate change is already causing suffering on a huge scale, and may increasingly contribute to many different crises in future. Although many resources are already dedicated to this area, there are gaps that further research is needed to fill.

thesis ideas 2021

Discipline introduction Start here to learn how research in economics could improve the world.

thesis ideas 2021

Discipline introduction Start here to learn how research in engineering could improve the world.

thesis ideas 2021

Existential and global catastrophic risk

Research area introduction How can research protect humanity's long-term potential from catastrophe?

thesis ideas 2021

Farmed animal welfare

Deep dive Animal agriculture causes suffering to billions of animals each year. How can we improve welfare standards as much as possible?

Telescope pointed at the starry sky at night in a field

Forecasting the long-term future

Deep dive To reliably improve the long-term future, we must address the challenge of predicting the long-term impact of our actions

Heat map of geographic area

Global health and wellbeing

Deep dive In 2021 about 9% of the global population was living in extreme poverty. How can we increase living standards and wellbeing in low- and lower-middle-income countries?

Hand holding a magnifying glass over a globe

Global priorities research

Deep dive There are many neglected, foundational uncertainties about what it means to improve the world and what actions we should take to do so

Empty parliament auditorium

Governance of artificial intelligence

Deep dive AI could radically transform the world, for better or worse. How can AI governance mitigate the risks and increase the chance it contributes to humanity's flourishing?

thesis ideas 2021

Great power coordination

Deep dive How can we coordinate action between the Great Powers to address existential and global catastrophic risks?

Array of CCTV cameras all black with one column in white

Historical persistence and contingency

Deep dive Improving predictions of the extent to which important features of the world today will persist into the future, and how contingent the future is on the actions we take in the present, could help inform attempts to create long-lasting positive change.

thesis ideas 2021

Discipline introduction Start here to learn how research in history could improve the world.

thesis ideas 2021

Human-aligned artificial intelligence

Deep dive Artificial intelligence will likely become an increasingly powerful force shaping humanity’s future, so research to align it with human values is vital.

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Improving aquatic animal welfare

Deep dive How can we help the hundreds of billions of aquatic animals that are raised and killed for human consumption every year?

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Improving health and wellbeing metrics

Deep dive Current health and wellbeing metrics have many shortcomings, leading to misallocation of resources. Developing the 'WELBY' could help.

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Improving institutional decision-making

Deep dive Large institutions have vast resources and capacity to help solve global problems. How can we improve their decision-making processes?

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Improving pandemic governance

Deep dive Pandemics pose a humanitarian crisis that could even threaten humanity’s future. How can governments prepare for future pandemics?

Field mouse sitting on two strands of oat

Improving the measurement of animal welfare

Deep dive Wild animals make up the vast majority of sentient beings, but their welfare is highly neglected. One promising approach to understanding their quality of life is comparing rate of biological aging in different populations.

Empty stone benches of an auditorium

Improving voting methods

Deep dive Learning how voting systems have been changed in the past to understand how to improve voting systems used today

thesis ideas 2021

Insect welfare in farmed, wild, and research contexts

Deep dive Insect use and management occurs at a scale rarely seen across the animal taxa; despite this scale, their welfare has largely been neglected.

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Deep dive Is improving the far future one of the key moral priorities of our time? If it is, how should this influence our actions?

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Mechanistic interpretability

Deep dive Mechanistic interpretability could help us understand and control the inner workings of AI systems, ensuring that their decision-making aligns with human values and goals.

thesis ideas 2021

Medical interventions against dangerous pathogens

Deep dive To address future pandemics, we need medical interventions against pathogens to be faster to produce, effective against a broad range of threats, and cheaper and easier to produce at scale.

Long exposure shot of starry sky with trails

Moral circle expansion

Deep dive How can we expand humanity's moral circle to create a more compassionate future?

Bee sitting in a purple flower

Moral weight research

Deep dive Foundational research exploring animals’ experiences and moral standing could help prioritize animal welfare interventions

Old painting of inventors

Most important historical trends

Deep dive A better understanding of historical trends and what they tell us about humanity's trajectory could inform efforts to improve and prepare for the future

Face mask and hand sanitizer on a table

Non-pharmaceutical pandemic interventions

Deep dive How does the transmission of dangerous pathogens occur and how can innovation in areas such as testing, PPE, distancing and contact tracing reduce transmission?

Dust and clouds

Nuclear war prevention and recovery

Deep dive Could nuclear winter pose an existential threat to humanity's future and in what scenarios? How can we decrease the risk of nuclear war and increase civilisational resilience​?

thesis ideas 2021

Discipline introduction Start here to learn how research in philosophy and ethics could improve the world.

The painting Guernica by Picasso

Preventing great power conflict

Deep dive Great power war could pose an existential risk, while a breakdown in cooperation could undermine vital coordination on many global problems. How can we reduce the risk of conflict?

Lab researcher in protective gear holding up samples

Preventing the release of dangerous pathogens

Deep dive How can we reduce the likelihood of intentional or accidental release of dangerous pathogens?

thesis ideas 2021

Prioritisation research

Painting of scholars

Progress studies

Deep dive Advances in science, technology, institutions and culture have caused huge improvements in standards of living. How can we increase the rate of progress?

thesis ideas 2021

Discipline introduction Start here to learn how research in psychology could improve the world.

thesis ideas 2021

Reducing physical pain

Deep dive Hundreds of millions of people live with chronic pain and other intensely painful conditions. What are the most urgent conditions where progress could be made?

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Reducing risks from malevolent actors

Deep dive How can individuals with particularly dangerous personality traits be prevented from gaining power?

thesis ideas 2021

Resilient foods research

Deep dive How would we feed everyone in the event of a global catastrophe, such as the sun being blocked during a nuclear winter or significant disruption to electricity or industry?

Volcanic eruption

Risks from volcanic eruptions

Deep dive Volcanic eruptions could lead to catastrophe by causing food shortages and disruption to vital global systems. How can we monitor and mitigate the risks?

thesis ideas 2021

Space governance

Deep dive Outer space is an increasingly valuable resource and may one day be permanently settled. How can its use be safe, sustainable and contribute to a flourishing future?​

thesis ideas 2021

Understanding the impact of social movements

Deep dive Social movements can significantly improve the world. What factors determine the change a social movement achieves?

thesis ideas 2021

Wild animal welfare

Research area introduction Researching how to responsibly improve the wellbeing of wild animals.

thesis ideas 2021

Wildlife fertility control research

Deep dive Many wild animals suffer due to resource competition. Population management of some species via contraception could increase welfare and survival.

Where next?

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100 Psychology Thesis Topics for 2023

psychology thesis topics

Students know the importance of developing great psychology dissertation topics for a graduate assignment. However, many don’t have the time to brainstorm ideas that meet the requirements their professors expect. We’ve done a lot of the heavy lifting and have put together a list of 100 psychology thesis topics suitable for several situations. Feel free to pick a topic and start writing your thesis proposal .

General Psychology Topics for High School

  • Give five top reasons why you would want to become a psychologist.
  • What kind of influence has psychology research had in other sciences?
  • Why are teenagers at higher risk of developing an eating disorder?
  • How are phobias developed in children under the age of twelve?
  • In what ways did Pavlov’s conditioning experiment contribute to our understanding of addiction therapy?

Child Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • What are the major differences between psychiatry and psychology?
  • Discuss mental tools that can be used to determine when children are lying to adults.
  • What were the ethical complications involve 12d in the Little Albert Experiment?
  • What does research suggest is the origin of intelligence in children?
  • How does emotional intelligence in children affect their learning abilities?

Cognitive Psychology Topics

  • How did Alan Turing’s suggestion that the brain is an organized machine lead to computers?
  • Do the “seven chunks of information” still hold through in research?
  • Can we develop working memory to retain greater long-term memory?
  • Can a person that has been convicted of a felony charge change into a law-abiding citizen?
  • How can cognitive therapy be used to help patients suffering from emotional disorders?

Developmental Psychology Topics

  • How do our perceptions of our experiences affect development in teenagers?
  • What are the four levels of development and which is most important in children?
  • Can a moral judgment be taught to toddlers who have latent reasoning skills?
  • How are our personalities developed through the influence of others?
  • Are children naturally beholden to one parent or the other?

Social Psychology Topics for College Students

  • How are a person’s original opinions influenced by the opinions of larger groups?
  • What psychological effects does spending too much time on social media have?
  • How do social psychologists deal with aggression and violence in young adults?
  • What impact has social psychology had on our understanding of online bullying?
  • How do family dynamics change when a member of the immediate family dies?

Sports Psychology Research Topics

  • Does aging have a bigger impact on retired athletes’ mental health than head trauma?
  • How is mental health affected by long recovery schedules for serious body injuries?
  • How does neuro-linguistic programming in professional athletes affect performance?
  • How do professional athletes mentally prepare for competitions?
  • How have approaches to sports training and preparation been affected by developments in psychology?

Controversial Topics in Psychology

  • How did the Milgram Obedience Experiments of the 1960s help us understand how we view authority figures?
  • How did the Stanford Experiment help further our knowledge of situational variables on human behavior?
  • How did Harlow’s experiments of affection (especially the lack of affection) lead to advancements in child development theories?
  • Does the implementation of capital punishment on sex offenders prevent them from committing a crime?
  • What is the link between criminal acts and teenagers that were bullied?

Health Psychology Topics for College Students

  • What impact do regular exercise and healthy eating have on mental health in young adults?
  • How have the media’s depictions of body ideals have negatively impacted how young adults see themselves?
  • What are the most effective strategies for getting people to develop healthy eating habits?
  • What can local governments do to help people maintain mental health after a disaster?
  • How do stress management techniques help people cope with difficult situations in the workplace?

More Controversial Psychology Topics

  • What did the “lost in a mall” study lead to a better understanding of how memories are formed and stored?
  • Why was were the Voodoo Correlation studies of the 1960s so controversial and what did they reveal about human behavior?
  • What did showing a lack of affection in infants reveal about the need to nurture one’s young?
  • What did the Kirsch Anti-Depressant reveal about the impact that harmless placebos have on humans?
  • What are the potential risks of taking part in multiple health studies throughout a given year?

Great Educational Psychology Topics

  • How can different technologies help students perform better at school?
  • Does working in a small group help students retain more information?
  • How does physical activity help students perform better on standardized tests?
  • What psychological factors should teachers consider as they develop each year’s curriculum?
  • In what ways do psychologists help develop confidence in students with learning disabilities?

Excellent Cultural Psychology Topics

  • What are some of the most difficult cultural situations young people face?
  • In what ways does developing culture roots with one’s family positively impact social behavior?
  • What stresses do young people feel when they return to their native countries?
  • What impact does cultural learning have on students in elementary school?
  • How does family support help young people cope with difficult decisions?

Psychology Topics to Write About

  • Why are adolescents more at risk of developing some type of eating disorder?
  • What are the negative effects of insomnia in patients being treated in a medical facility?
  • In what ways does group therapy positively impact a patient’s ability to overcome addiction?
  • Why should therapists refrain from prescribing ADHD medications to children?
  • What are the most effective ways of treating PTSD without using prescription medication?

Abnormal Psychology Topics

  • What are the psychological effects of telling either a truth or a lie among young adults?
  • What are the major causes of borderline personality disorder in teenagers?
  • In what ways does the level of insanity change in patients under specific treatment?
  • Why are some people more prone to suffer from personality disorders?
  • Can the Oedipus complex first introduced by Freud be used in treatment today?

Developmental Psychology Research Topics

  • What role does television media play in promoting violence in adults?
  • What are the major psychological characteristics in a child prone to aggression?
  • What are the major factors in sociopathic behavior among youth?
  • What are some traditional ways of parenting that have been proven ineffective?
  • What environmental factors increase the chances of child abuse by a parent?

Biological Psychology Topics

  • How are cognitive diseases related to the development of certain disorders?
  • How are our perceptions of the world around us affecting the way we behave?
  • Can alcohol addiction and other drug-related dependencies be tied to genetics?
  • Does biology prevent humans from experiencing a pure sense of free will?
  • In what ways does functionalism play into biological psychology?

More Sports Psychology Topics

  • What are the negative effects on the mind of exercising to lose weight?
  • How is having a network of supporters important for athletic performance?
  • How does the attention of PHDs affect the way people feel about sports?
  • What impact do sports role models have on a youth’s development?
  • Is the NCAA giving an adequate education to its student-athletes?
  • What are the most effective ways of dealing with school bullying?
  • What are the major causes of psychopathic tendencies in teenagers?
  • How does our modern society deal with gender roles?
  • What are the key characteristics that improve the abilities to learn a new language?
  • Do children require a good foundation to excel academically?

Forensic Psychology Topics

  • How can psychology be used to identify and put suspects on trial for certain crimes?
  • How has forensic psychology assisted in the way we look at death penalty cases?
  • Can psychotic disorders be reevaluated as a result of better psych understanding?
  • Should mental diseases be considered in capital punishment cases?
  • How would you evaluate the mitigating effects of capital cases in people?

What did you think of our list of psychology thesis topics? Our professional dissertation writers keep our list of ideas up-to-date so that students are always pushing the envelope of research in every discipline. Check back for new general psychology topics or contact us to have a list custom-made for a specific research project.

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Explore Thesis projects from the Class of 2021

thesis ideas 2021

Review Book:  

Master of Architecture (M.Arch) Website:

Post -arium Arditha Auriyane Advisor: Mariana Ibanez

Priced Out of Paradise :  Reconsidering cooperatives in response to climate gentrification in Miami’s communities of color Adiel Alexis Benitez Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw

To Know is to Empower :  Chagos Institute of Environmental Humanities Chen Chu Advisor: Miho Mazereew

Reclaiming the Estranged :  Reimagining the Architecture of the Excess Sydney Cinalli Advisor: Brandon Clifford, Deborah Garcia

Ferrous Futures :  Scenario Planning for Global Steel Charlotte D'Acierno, Clarence Lee, Jaehun Woo Advisor: Mariana Ibanez

Seven Ways of Reading The House of the Seven Gables Isadora Dannin Advisor: Mark Jarzombek

Gardens of Resistance Nynika Jhaveri Advisor: Azra Aksamija

After Aura :  Authorship, Automation, Authenticity Kailin J. Jones Advisor: Azra Aksamija

The Factory of Coexistence Melika Konjicanin Advisor: Cristina Parreño Alonso

Screen Time Jeffrey Landman Advisor: Rania Ghosn

Architecture for Revision Emma Pfeiffer Advisor: Rosalyne Shieh

Thorough David Allen White Advisor: Mark Jarzombek

Spring 2021

Review Book:

Master of Architecture (M.Arch) Website:

The Houseful(l)ness of Public Space Xio Alvarez (M.Arch & MCP) Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw, Larry Vale

Still Standing :  Cooperative strategies for the renovation of Soviet mass housing Ben Hoyle, Eytan Levi (M.Arch & MSRED) Advisor: Ana Miljački

Concetividad Alegal :  Remaking and Resilience in the bay of Havana        Lucas Igarzabal, Marissa Concetta Waddle Advisor: Hans Tursack

M.I.celium mexicanus :  Rejecting Modernity through Zapotec Futurism Lynced Torres Advisor: Sheila Kennedy View project site here!

Heirlooms :  In Search of the Fifth Ecology Erin Wong Advisor: Sheila Kennedy

Building / Unbuilding   Andrew Younker Advisor: Azra Akšamija

Space of Mind :  The Hidden Architecture in the Time of Pandemic Ziyu Xu Advisor: Axel Killian

Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS)

SMArchS Architecture + Urbanism

Third Landscape Dries Carmeliet Advisor: Rania Ghosn

Mediating Chana :  Seeding Synergies Between Doves and Development Eakapob Huangthanapan Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw

Mokumitsu Districts in Tokyo :  Urban Renewal by Housing Cooperatives against Disaster Risk Ryuhei Ichikura Advisor: Miho Mazereeuw

To Build Home and To Live In (U)Hygge Wuyahuang Li Advisor: Mark Jarzombek

Collecting Ideals :  Re-Envisioning Ejidos as Climate-Action Platforms Luis Alberto Meouchi Velez Advisor: Lorena Bello Gomez, Nicholas de Monchaux

Made in Rural China Siyuan Sheng Advisor: Brent Ryan

Generative Urban Design toward Thermal Synergy :  Inspire sustainable urban configuration under distributive heating & cooling schemes Qianqian Wan Advisor: Caitlin Mueller

SMArchS Architecture Design

Velvet Garage :  Narratives of an Education in Architecture Marianna Gonzalez-Cervantes Advisor: Liam O'Brien

Nightrise :  Through the Valley of Jabal ‘Amil’s Shadow Mohamad Nahleh Advisor: Sheila Kennedy

SMArchS Building Technology

Mass Balance :  Design Strategies for Lightweight, Thermally Massive Construction Systems Eduardo Gascón Alvarez Advisor: Caitlin Mueller

Evaluating Overheating Preventative Measures in Residential Buildings and Passive Survivability Yesufu Oladipo Advisor: Les Norford

SMArchS Computation

A Machine Learning Model for Understanding How Users Value Designs :  Applications for Designers and Consumers Jeremy Bilotti (SMArchS Computation & SM in CS) Advisor: Terry Knight

The Untold Narratives Rania Sameh Kaadan Advisor: Terry Knight

Sonic Others :  Metaphorical Sonification of Collective Events Wonki Kang Advisor: Axel Killian

Networking Knowledge and Experience :  An Instrumental System for the Personal Development of Individual Designers Bowen Lu Advisor: George Stiny

Sonic Urban Transformations :  A Computational Model to Study and Represent Temporal Changes in the Walking Experience Elina Oikonomaki Advisor: Terry Knight

Monstrous Space :  Architectural Production in an Age of Algorithms Alexandra Waller Advisor: Larry Sass

Investigating Design Intentions :  Use of Eye Tracking and Machine Leearning to Study Perception of Architecture Xiaoyun Zhang Advisor: Takehiko Nagakura

SMArchS History, Theory & Criticism

"A Great Civilizing Agent" :  Architecture at MIT, Drawing Education, and Boston's Cultural Elite, 1865-1881 Katherine Dubbs Advisor: Arindam Dutta

Surveilling Sin :  Locating Sodomy in the Early Modern Florentine Bathhouse Aidan Flynn Advisor: Kristel Smentek, Jodi Cranston

SMArchS Aga Khan Program

Fractured and Dissolved, Architecture Ablaze :  Towards an Understanding of Ayeneh-Kari in Iranian Palaces Reza Daftarian Advisor: Nasser Rabbat

Scripting Inclusion Amanda Merzaban Advisor: Renee Green

Master of Science in Building Technolgy (SMBT)

Using Urban Building Energy Modeling to Meet Carbon Emission Targets :  A Case Study of Oshkosh, Wisconsin Zachary Berzolla Advisor: Christoph Reinhart

Early Design Stage Building Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) of Cost & Carbon Impact :  A Seamless Addition to the Conceptual Design Process Jingyi Liu Advisor: Jeremy Gregory, Randy Kirchain, Les Norford

Machine Learning for Human Design :  Developing Next Generation Sketch-Based Tools Bryan Ong Wen Xi (SMBT & MEng in CEE) Advisor: Caitlin Mueller

On the Relationship Between Spatial-Temporal Outdoor Thermal Comfort Simulations and Bike Ridership Elizabeth Young Advisor: Christoph Reinhart

Bachelor of Science in Art and Design (BSAD)

Digital Narratives for Self-Therapy Rachel Seo Yeon Kwak Advisor: Lee Moreau

Digital Communities x Collaborative Storytelling Clare Liut (BSAD & SB in 2A) Advisor: Mikael Jakobsson

Concrete Alternatives for Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Chloe Nelson-Arzuaga Advisor: Skylar Tibbits

Image Credits:

01. Ferrous Futures. Courtesy of Charlotte D’Acierno, Clarence Lee and Jaehun Woo (MArch).

02. Space of Mind. Courtesy of Ziyu Xu (MArch).

03. Nightrise. Courtesy of Mohamad Nahleh (SMArchS Architecture Design)

04. Untold Narratives. Courtesy of Rania Kaadan (SMArchS Computation).

05. Mediating Chana. Courtesy of Eakapob Huangthanapan (SMArchS Urbanism).

06. To Build Home and To Live In (U)Hygge. Courtesy of Wuyahuang Li (SMArchS Urbanism).

07. Concetividad Alegal. Courtesy of Lucas Igarzabal and Marissa Concetta Waddle (MArch).

08. The Houseful(l)ness of Public Space. Courtesy of Xio Alvarez (MArch + MCP).

09. Mass Balance. Courtesy of Eduardo Gascón Alvarez (SMArchS Building Technology).

10. Early Design Stage Building Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) of Cost & Carbon Impact. Courtesy of Jingyi Liu (SMBT).

Published July 1, 2021

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Project Management Dissertation Topics

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024

Are you looking to select the best project management dissertation topic for your dissertation? To help you get started with brainstorming for project management topics, we have developed a list of the latest project management dissertation topics that can be used for writing your project management or operations management  dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers on our team , so you can trust them to use them when drafting your dissertation. If you have used one of the project management dissertation ideas provided on our website and want that removed from this page, please contact us via live chat, email or telecom.

Project management is an important area of study because the success of any business is largely dependent on successful project management. At ResearchProspect, we have many project management experts who can help you with topic selection, proposal writing and full dissertation writing.

Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your own dissertation here. Check our complete list of dissertation topics .

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Latest Project Management Research Topics

Management quality and control- assessing the role of project length in the uk construction sector..

Research Aim: The construction industry is one of the most significant contributors to the country’s economy. This study investigates the role of project length on management control and quality in the UK’s construction sector. Also, the research will analyse the connection between project length and quality control, considering the moderating impact of management quality control on a project’s success.

Sustainable Construction and Project Management- A review from literature.

Research Aim: The main aim of this study is to analyse the role of sustainability and sustainable construction in project management, focusing on the existing literature on sustainability, sustainable practices, and how it has impacted the project’s success within the construction industry. We will investigate how to achieve sustainability and its benefits to the construction industry.

Project Management- Evolution and Development from the past twenty years.

Research Aim: This study will examine the development and evolution of project management over the past twenty years taking account of how things have changed due to technological advancements, updated skills, and new trends. The paper will discuss theories and various aspects contributing to the changes and latest project management developments. Project management involves operation, risk, dynamics, and several other fields. This study will give you a proper understanding of how it has developed and evolved within these twenty years.

Visit our topics database to view 100s of dissertation topics in your research area.

Investigating the Challenges in Public Procurement for Project Management- A case study of UK's IT sector.

Research Aim: In many countries, public procurement estimates for a considerable market section can be essential in inspiring communities and achieving governmental objectives. Keeping this in mind, the government has set rules to regulate public procurement. This research will investigate the challenges faced in public procurement for project management in the UK’s IT sector, highlighting different socioeconomic factors national factors, balancing dynamic pressures, satisfying the requirements, and keeping an ultimate goal of maximising competition in mind.

Assessing the Impact of the Coronavirus Crisis on Project Delays and Digitalization - A case of the European Construction industry.

Research Aim: The COVID -19 pandemic has forced the countries to confront a new reality; the method adopted to prevent the spread has included social distancing and isolation and complete lockdowns, which caused several problems for the project managers and companies, and also resulted in indefinite delays. This study will examine the impact of the covid-19 crisis on the European construction industry, digitalisation’s role in reducing the negative consequences, and how the industry deals with the situation. a qualitative and quantitive research study will be conducted to get significant results for this study.

The Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Organisational Performance in Private Sector

Research Aim: This research investigates the relationship between knowledge management practices and organizational performance within the private sector. It explores how various knowledge management strategies and initiatives influence these four key performance indicators: productivity, innovation, competitiveness, and financial outcomes.

The Mediating Role of Artificial Intelligence in Exploring the Impact of Leadership on Employee Performance

Research Aim: This study examines the mediating role of artificial intelligence in explaining the relationship between leadership styles and employee performance. It investigates how AI-enabled leadership practices influence employee productivity, engagement, satisfaction, and overall organisational effectiveness.

Investigating the Project Management Best Practices in the Healthcare Industry

Research Aim: This research explores project management best practices within the healthcare industry. It aims to identify key strategies and approaches that contribute to successful project execution, resource optimization, stakeholder satisfaction, and ultimately, improved healthcare outcomes.

The Role of Blockchain Technology in Improving Project Performance

Research Aim: The study investigates the role of blockchain technology in improving project performance across various industries. It examines its impact on project transparency, security, efficiency, and collaboration. The research aims to identify the key mechanisms through which blockchain technology can optimise project management processes and contribute to the achievement of project goals and objectives.

The Impact of Project Management Offices (PMO) on Company Management

Research Aim: This research examines the impact of Project Management Offices (PMOs) on company management practices. It focuses on how the establishment and operation of PMOs influence organisational decision-making, resource allocation, strategic alignment, project success rates, and overall business performance.

Exploring the Sustainability Practices in Project Management

Research Aim: This study explores sustainability practices within project management. It investigates how organisations integrate environmental, social, and economic considerations into project planning, execution, and evaluation. The research aims to identify best practices, challenges, and opportunities associated with sustainable project management.

The Role of Project Management in the Changing Consumer Behaviour and Market Trends in E-commerce

Research Aim: The research examines the role of project management in adapting to changing consumer behaviour and market trends within the e-commerce industry. The research aims to explore how project management methodologies and tools facilitate the identification, analysis, and implementation of initiatives that respond to evolving consumer preferences.

An Analysis of the Project Management Challenges in Dealing With Remote Teams

This study analyses the project management challenges associated with managing remote teams. It investigates the unique obstacles, communication barriers, coordination issues, and productivity concerns in distributed work environments. The research aims to identify effective techniques for overcoming these challenges and enhancing the success of projects conducted with remote teams.

Adopting Agile Project Management in Non-Traditional Industries

This study explores the process and outcomes of adopting Agile project management methodologies in non-traditional industries. It examines the challenges and implications of implementing Agile practices in sectors not conventionally associated with Agile approaches.

COVID -19 Project Management Research Topics

What lessons can we learn from the covid-19 (coronavirus) crisis.

Research Aim: The coronavirus outbreak is a major concern for the health of potentially hundreds of thousands of people. It also impacts the global economy with tourism, aviation, and hospitality, which were the hardest-hit industries initially. This research aims to identify the strategies that would enable us to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the efficiency of organisations. ndemic as notified by the World Health Organisation has had a significant impact on busines

How to Minimise the Impact of the COVID-19 Virus on an Organisation?

Research Aim: The coronavirus outbreak is a major concern for the health of potentially hundreds of thousands of people. It also impacts the global economy with tourism, aviation, and hospitality the initially hardest-hit industries. This research aims to identify the strategies that would enable us to minimise the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the efficiency of organisations.

Project Management and COVID-19: How to Manage an Extraordinary Crisis?

Research Aim: While we’re still early days into the crisis, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that COVID-19 is a black swan event. You couldn’t have predicted it, nor could you have anticipated its impact. Conventional rules go out the window during such a crisis. There is no standard risk management playbook for dealing with a worldwide epidemic; you have to improvise and adapt on the fly. This research will discuss this extraordinary event, how to deal with it, and minimise its impact on your organisation.

Project Management in the Times of COVID-19

Research Aim: The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as notified by the World Health Organisation has had a significant impact on businesses the world over. More and more countries are being impacted every day with substantial loss of life and business. This study will investigate how business organisations around the world have been proactive in minimising the COVID-19 impact for their customers, and at the same time, helped their customers to run and deliver efficient services for their customers.

How the UK Government is Supporting Businesses with Project Management (PMO) and Governance During COVID-19?

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to focus on identifying the strategies and policies implemented by the UK government to support businesses with project management and governance during the Covid-19 crisis.

Should Project Risk Management Take the Pandemic into Consideration?

Research Aim: Considering the world has endured pandemics before, this is, in theory, a known risk. But you likely did not include it in your project risk register, as it is very unlikely. In this case, the risk is unknown to you because you and your team didn’t identify this risk. Whether we agree or not, no one in the world was able to assess the impact of COVID-19 before it happened accurately—and there is still uncertainty about its implications moving forward. Consequently, this may not be part of project risk management. This research explores what we can do in such a scenario.

COVID-19 Challenges and Response: How Procurement Underpins the World Bank’s Response to the Pandemic?

Research Aim: The World Bank Group is committed to providing a fast, flexible response to the coronavirus pandemic. It offers financing, policy advice, and technical assistance in every region, from healthcare and education to trade and technology. In this research study, we explore how different teams around the World Bank Group are responding to the challenges ahead.

How to Win a New Project in the Times of COVID-19?

Research Aim: COVID-19 might have derailed project plans for many organisations, but it’s worth considering what might still be possible remotely. There might be more to salvage than we think, which this research study will explore.

Communication Through Crisis: Keeping Project Management Effective in the Wake of COVID-19

Research Aim: The evolution of managing projects is taking a turn during this COVID-19 crisis. Instead of holding a conference call for a few locations where groups of people are in the same room, we are now facilitating sessions where everyone is in a separate location. Think about that for a minute. You are promoting a meeting with ten people, and no one is in the same room. Can we be successful in this new environment? This research aims to identify the communication tools and policies that would enable organisations to respond to the challenges posed by the Covid-10 crisis effectively.

Preventive Measures for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Research Aim: Employers and occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals have a vital role to play in preventing the spread of coronavirus. To mitigate the spread of the disease, an increasing number of employers are making efforts to modify working patterns, including encouraging staff to work from home if they develop any of the symptoms. This research will investigate the preventive measures taken by business organisations to deal with the Covid-19 crisis.

Considerations for Business and Risk Managers During the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Outbreak

Research Aim: The situation for businesses and risk managers is changing rapidly after the outbreak of COVID-19. Alongside the obvious risks to human health, we also see severe disruption-related impacts on organisations arising from travel and opening restrictions, event cancellations, workforce issues, supply chain disruptions, financial and market volatility, and cash flow problems. This research study will talk about the considerations for business and risk managers during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak.

Coping with Coronavirus: Strategies to Mitigate Business Risks

Research Aim: What would happen to your organisation if illness led to a sudden reduction of more than 40% of the workforce? In this research, the researcher will use a mixed research method to uncover the strategies businesses can adopt to cope with coronavirus and mitigate business risks.

Dissertation Topics in Project Management Dynamics and Influences

Correlation between brand dominance and influencer marketing: a case study of lux.

Research Aim: This study is based on the correlation between the dominance of brands via influencer marketing. The main objective is to determine the positive or negative impact of the correlation between brand dominancy via influencer marketing.

Analysis of Strategies to Incorporate Innovative Services into Consumer Lives

Research Aim:  This research will analyse the best strategies that need the contemporary life model of consumers and are essentially required to be addressed to meet the modern era’s current requirements.

Factors that Influence Customers Satisfaction on Brand Success: A Case Study of Young Adults

Research Aim:  This study will investigate how brand success relies on customer satisfaction. Identifying determinants of customer satisfaction will be the key objective of this work.

Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management

Research Aim:  This research aims to identify the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management. It will also address the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence using the existing literature.

Importance of Soft Skills in Project Management

Research Aim:  This research aims to identify the importance of Soft skills in Project Management. Students may use any example project as the base of the research.

The Role of Digital and Remote Teams in Project Management

Research Aim:  This research aims to address the role of Digital and Remote teams in Project Management. It will be a comparative study of both types of team that covers and assess their advantages and disadvantages.

The Importance of Soft Skills in Project Management-Case Study

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of Soft skills in Project Management. A case study will evaluate project managers’ soft skills and their association with teammates in the workplace. It will also suggest ways to improve the soft skills of all the employees in an organisation.

Hybrid Project Management Approaches

Research Aim:  This research aims to address the role of Hybrid Project Management approaches and their growing popularity.

Importance of Change Management

Research Aim: Change Management is an important skill that a project manager needs to possess to meet organisational transitions’ challenges. This research aims to highlight the importance of change management and its implementation in the working environment.

Culture and Conflict Management

Research Aim:  This research focuses on culture and conflict management in the workplace, addresses the issues of concern, and suggests possible solutions.

Dissertation Topics in Project Management Dynamics and Organizational Success

Is project management software worth the cost.

Research Aim:  Project management, as an individual academic subject, has flourished in recent decades. With it has come companies and software development firms that churn out what they consider project management tools most focused on scheduling time, cost, and team. The research will analyse different project management software to conclude if they increase productivity and lead to project success.

Team Conflict Dynamic Model & Project Success Written by Ruskin Bond

Research Aim:  The research will use the team conflict dynamics model to analyse different conflict types and team conflict profiles to produce resolutions that can improve or lead to project success.

Research Aim:  The research will examine how the cultures of project managers may influence their methods of conflict resolution. How does a project manager’s culture affect how they name, frame, blame and try to tame conflict in their project? Learn more about  Conflict Management.

Analysing the Impact of Project Management Principles and System Dynamics on Humanitarian Logistics

Research Aim:  Recent environmental disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis have increased the need for humanitarian logistics around the world as such events have claimed the lives of millions while also causing millions in infrastructure damage. To reduce these damages improvements, need to be made to logistics operations. The research paper will analyse System Dynamics (SD) in collaboration with humanitarian logistics, which factors in stakeholders, responses, flows in the supply chain, and its interactions. The study aims to recommend adaptations to project management theories to modify them as a tool for planning processes of humanitarian operations.

Analysing the Project Delay Causes and How Global Construction Companies Are Coping with It

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to identify the leading causes and symptoms of project delays and how they impact the project life cycle. The second phase of the project will be focused on how global construction companies have devised different strategies to cope with this issue.

Assessing the Importance of Communication in Maintaining Quality and Timely Delivery of Project Activities

Research Aim: This research will be focus re, through the mediation of i on analysing the significance of communication between the project organisation and its stakeholders (both internal and external) and how this efficient communication helps the organisation in maintaining quality and timely delivery of project activities.

Identifying the Factors of Project Selection: Does a Drastic Shift in Project Benefits Approach Towards Customer-Centricity?

Research Aim:  The primary purpose of this research paper is to identify the most critical factors that help in selecting a project. This paper will specifically be focusing on analysing the shift of the project benefits approach towards customer-centricity. Project benefits are focused more on attaining tangible things such as high sales, more revenue, faster call handling times, etc.; whereas customer centricity approach is focused more on selecting those clients who are easy to work with, having high brand value, etc.

Analysing the Impact of Project Misalignment with Business Objectives on the Overall Project Performance

Research Aim:  COVID-19 might have derailed project plans for many organisations, but it’s worth considering what might still be possible remotely. There might be more to salvage than we think, which this research study will explore.

Assessing the Importance of Project Management Soft Skills in the Context of Project Success Rates

Research Aim:  This research will conduct a detailed critical analysis of project management soft skills, including its benefits and cost and how it helps the project in achieving the desired result and outcome.

Analysing the Impact of Psychosocial Stressors on Project Manager Performance. The Mediating Effect of Organisational Culture

Research Aim:  Using a research model, the impact of psychosocial stressors (health & well-being, work individual interface, work environment, etc.) is tested on project managers’ performance using dimensions of performance. Project managers are asked to complete a questionnaire that will be the basis of collecting empirical data. The data is then analysed using Smart PLS.

Analysing the Impact of Culture on Project Performance in the IT Industry

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the causes of delay and failure due to cultural factors. The research model investigates the impact of national culture and organisational culture, through the mediation of interpersonal conflict, on project performance which is measured through various dimensions.

Examining the Impact of Organization to Implementation of Project Management Practices

Research Aim:  In this research, the researcher will use mixed methods research techniques to undercover the informal people-focused project management practices that are implemented in SMEs. Using interviews and surveys, firms from a specific industry will be selected to collect data to examine the firm’s perceived size and how it impacts project management practices.

Examining Project Management Research Trends that Influence Project Success

Research Aim: The researcher will use systematic literature review techniques to identify and analyse project management research trends. Then using comparative analysis, a plausible relationship between project management research trends and social and economic trends is analysed.

Analysing the Impact of Project Management Maturity Factors on Project Success in Large Enterprises

Research Aim:  The role of projects has significantly increased worldwide due to more improved international standards and training in the field. Many studies still identify that the number of successful projects hasn’t changed. This research aims to study the possible relationship between project performance/success factors and organisational project management maturity.

The Impact of Agile Project Management on Productivity in the IT Industry

Research Aim:  The research will use quantitative research techniques to analyse the impact on productivity in companies working in the IT industry. Mainly, productivity will be measured using the dimension of customer satisfaction, improvement of productivity, and job satisfaction. Empirical hypothesis testing methods will be used to analyse and report the outputs of the data.

Agile-Scrum for Healthcare Project Management

Research Aim:  Agile-scrum project management was developed originally for the IT industry; however, it has unlimited potential to bring benefits to other sectors, including the healthcare industry. The research will attempt to show how it may be applied in the healthcare industry to develop frameworks to improve quality, timeliness, and overall value for delivering healthcare in a large-scale patient setting.  Learn about creating the best environment for research and writing your project.

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Research-Based Project Management Dissertation Topics

Investigating project management success for project-oriented business organisations from the perspective of technical capacity, organisation structure, and leadership.

Research Aim: This research will talk about the different ways a high-achieving, project-oriented firm utilises project management to enhance its organisational structure and leadership. The study will also analyse the technical capacity of organisations based on the implementation and success of project management techniques.

Understanding The Role Of Project Management Soft Skills To Increase Project Success Rates – Review Of Statistically Meaningful And Documented Evidence

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the impact of project management soft skills on the success of the project. This will be done using statistical data and evidence.

Understanding The Role Of Project Management Methodologies To Increase Project Success Rates – Review Of Statistically Meaningful And Documented Evidence

Research Aim:  This research will evaluate the role of project management methodologies and the impact it has on project success. Statistical data and evidence will be used for this research.

The Impact of Project Manager’s Optimism and Stress Management on IT Project Success

Research Aim:  The research aims to uncover how soft competencies of IT project management affect project success. The study will focus on optimism and stress’s impact on IT project success. The study will be conducted using empirical research methods using a survey or questionnaire distributed to managers. The study’s data is proposed to be analysed using structural equation modelling.

Analysing Critical Success Factors of Project Management on Global Software Development

Research Aim:  The study will use quantitative research methods to identify critical success factors related to project management in global software development (GSD). The study will analyse the variation of essential success factors with respect to project type and size and company type and size. The data will be analysed using inferential statistics.

Analysing the Impact of Strategic Roles in Project Management Office on Business Ecosystems

Research Aim: The study will examine seven project management office roles for the achievement of strategic planning in large public sector organisations in the UK. The proposed research will use a questionnaire survey to collect data from project managers in public organisations that have project management office (PMO) units. The data collected will then be analysed using multiple regression.

Examining Project Stakeholder Management (PSM) using Fuzzy Cognitive Map Modeling

Research Aim:  The research paper aims to analyse current methodologies related to the support of PSM. The study aims to improve the practice of project stakeholder management methodologies using Fuzzy Cognitive Map modelling. The data will be collected using a case study of a public organisation in the UK.

Examining the Impact of Risk Management Use on Information Systems Project Success

Research Aim:  The proposed study will analyse the impact of risk management practices on information systems projects to address the continued industry practice of geographically separated teams. The data for the study will be collected using a survey of information systems project managers. The study will attempt to establish a relationship between risk management practices and successful outcomes. The data collected will be analysed using correlation analysis.

Improving Project Management Model – Implementing Support Factors into Earned Value Management (EVM)

Research Aim: The study proposes to integrate supporting factors into the Earned Value Management (EVM) model such as earned schedule, quality management, and risk management. The purpose of the study is to integrate these factors to examine the weaknesses and limitations of the current EVM model. The model will be tested on a small sample project. Numerical data will be collected and analysed using the model to validate its performance.

Examining The Differences Between Process Groups And Project Life Cycle – Potential Problems For PM Practitioners

Research Aim:  The proposed research analyses the differences in phases of a project life cycle and process groups. The study aims to examine how both methods are practically implemented in a project environment. The data will be collected using questionnaires sampled from project managers in the UK across various sectors. The questionnaire data will then be analysed using inferential statistics.

Analysing the Importance of Project Management in Law Firms

Research Aim: The study will explore the concepts of legal project management, its definition, application, and advantages. The research will examine various law firms in the UK that have implemented legal project management to improve their performance. The data will be collected using surveys of law firms in the UK and analysed using inferential statistics.

Examining Factors for Project Success in the UK

Research Aim: The methodologies of project management are not limited to construction and national defence projects, and they extend to many other industries. The proposed study will analyse to what extent project management tools and methodologies are effective in these industries in the UK. The research will survey project managers in the UK across various industries and sectors, focusing on project risks, project management methodology, organisational support, and project management tool usage.

Analysing the Role of Project Management Practices in Private Organisations

Research Aim:  The study aims to identify and analyse the project management practices that are commonly used in private organisations generally and sectors of activity. The research also examines practitioners’ characteristics when choosing between project management practices and their use in groups. The study will be conducted using a mixed-methods research methodology, using surveys and interviews to collect data.

Examining the Impact of Cost Salience and Information Asymmetry on Incentive Contract and Project Manager’s Profit

Research Aim: The study will analyse the impact of subjective assessments of cost salience and project variability using the framework of uncertainty theory and principal agency theory. The study will examine the effect of these variables on a project manager’s profit. The research will be conducted using case study methodology, explicitly focusing on cases where project managers pay contractors over a menu of deadline-based incentive contracts to undertake a project broken into two sequential tasks.

Examining the Impact of Employment Background and Social Media Usage on Project Management and Communication

Research Aim:  The proposed research looks to examine the use of social media on project work. The study aims to analyse social media features, preferences, and opinions within projects. The data will be collected using a random sampling of individuals across the UK who are actively involved or participating in projects. The data collection instrument will be a questionnaire survey that gathers information on variables of social media preferences, opinions, and usage of social media for project purposes.

Examining the Agile Management Approach to Develop a Risk Management Framework in Construction Projects

Research Aim: The study will propose an agile management concept that uses a risk management framework that races alignments and discovers connections between Agile and traditional project management concepts. The purpose of the research is to deal with risk in construction projects that are built based on the Agile management concept.

Also Read:  Construction Engineering Dissertation Topics Why is engineering management critical?

Dissertation Topics on Project Management in Construction Industry

The impact of inter-organisational projects (iops) on project delivery methods.

Research Aim:  The purpose of the research is to examine how actors use relational, institutional work (IOPs) to activate key stakeholders from coupled subfields to institutionalise new project delivery methods. The study will be cross-sectional and be based on the UK construction industry. The study will use mixed methods research.

Proposing a Multi-Methods Framework of Project Management Operations and Total Building Performance- Towards a Low Carbon Construction Industry

Research Aim:  The research will develop a new multi-methodology framework to analyse the effects of the building development project process that includes operations management, building energy consumption, carbon emissions, and indoor environmental quality (IEQ).

Analysing Practices, Needs, & Delivery Benefits of Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) of Project Management in the Construction Industry

Research Aim:  The research will examine the nature of SMEs in the construction industry that allows them to adopt informal practices of project management and explore its comparative costs and benefits. The research will use mixed methods research techniques to collect and analyse data.

Examining Causes and Effects of Poor Communication in the Construction Industry

Research Aim:  The research will examine the identification of causes and effects that may result in poor communication in the construction industry of the UK. The research will use mixed methods research to conduct a study to compare current and past factors that may result in poor communication through the project life cycle of construction projects.

Analysing Risk Management in Procurement Options in the Construction Industry

Research Aim:  The purpose of the study is to analyse the various risk management factors according to procurement options – design-bid-build, design-build, and collaborative forming contracts. The research will use mixed methods research to collect and analyse data.

The Impact of Organisational Characters on Construction Project Performance

Research Aim: The research will examine the relationship between project performance and organisational characteristics in construction companies. The study will use key performance indicators (KPIs) to collect data on project performance. The study will also document organisational aspects using social network analysis tools. The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Also Read: Construction Engineering Dissertation Topics

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Dissertation Topics on Different Project Management Knowledge Areas

Conflict management/resolution, the role of the project manager in internal and external relationship management – a study on new project management.

Research Aim:  The study will use mixed methods research to identify the roles of project managers in internal relationship management and external relationship management. The analysis will both recognise and categorise the role groups to provide evidence for understanding the change from traditional project management to new project management.

Examining the relationship between Project’s Added Value and Trust-Conflict Interaction among Project Teams – A Study on Calculative and Relational Trust

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the impact of trust-conflict interactions on project teams and project-added value. The research will use calculative and relational trust dimensions to study its influence on project-added values with the dimensions of project conflict, task conflict, and relationship conflict. The proposed study will be using structural equation modelling for data analysis.

Topics in Leadership

The mediating role of leadership styles in the relationship between emotional intelligence and collaboration satisfaction – perspectives from emotional intelligence.

Research Aim: The research will examine the relationship between the emotional intelligence of project leaders and satisfaction outcomes perceived by team members under the dimensions of performance contribution satisfaction, efficiency satisfaction, relationship satisfaction, and interest satisfaction. The study will analyse this relationship through the mediation factor of various leadership styles using structural equation modelling.

A Framework for Balancing Person-Centered Leadership and Team-centered Leadership in Project Managers – Examining Archer's Realist Social Theory

Research Aim:  The research will use Archer’s Realist Social theory to develop a framework for comprehending the project manager interaction between person-centred leadership and team-centred leadership. The study will be conducted using mixed methods research for data collection and analysis.

Topics in Scheduling (Time)

Project scheduling for construction of renewable energy plants using critical path method – application of planning and scheduling.

Research Aim: The proposed study will analyse the construction project demands of various coordinated activities with differing durations and dependencies in a large-scale biogas plant. The study will focus on applications of planning and scheduling to analyse a biogas plant construction project using the critical path method.

Setting Effective Target Benefits using Project Benefits Management – A Research using Goal Setting Theory

Research Aim:  The research will use goal-setting theory to present case studies to validate the scale of practical target benefits. To verify the scale, empirical research techniques will be used to analyse the dimensions of specificity, attainability, and comprehensiveness.

Topics in Quality Management

Improving quality using multi-project strategies – new competence-based theories.

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the differences in traditional approaches and new competence-based approaches to improving quality. The research will use variables of variety and innovation, project scope, and property of specifications to analyse the impacts on quality. The study is conducted using empirical techniques.

Analysing the Impact of Cultural Heritage on Project Appraisal and Quality Assurance in Major Public Investments – A Case Study

Research Aim:  The proposed research will examine the methods with which cultural heritage values are handled in early phase evaluations of major public investment projects in the UK. The research will use a case study document analysis to analyse how cultural heritage issues are addressed in early project phases.

Topics in HR Management

Adopting dynamic capability among human resource-related quality management practices – improving product development.

Research Aim:  The research study will use a theoretical framework to investigate the relationships among human resources related to quality management practices, new product development as a dynamic capability, strategic flexibility, and knowledge integration. The data collected and analysis will be conducted using structural equation modelling.

Allocation of Human Resources to Projects in Service Units – A Comparative Study

Research Aim: The research looks to identify resource allocation issues and practices in service units whose responsibility is both project and non-project activities. The research will portray mechanisms of top-down resource allocation that need to be supplemented or replaced with those that provide greater flexibility. The research techniques used will be empirical.

Also Read: HRM Dissertation Topics

Topics in Communication

The impact of national and organisational culture on communication in projects.

Research Aim: The research will use independent variables of national and organisational culture under Hofstede’s dimensions of culture to analyse the impact of these on communication in projects. The study will use quantitative techniques for data collection and analysis.

Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Competencies in Project Management of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

Research Aim:  The purpose of the research is to understand the requirements of intercultural communication competencies that are needed when engaging in cross-cultural project management in the non-profit sector. The study will be conducted using mixed methods research techniques, including questionnaires and interviews.

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Important Notes:

As a project management student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing project management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of project management is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like  civil engineering ,  construction ,  law , engineering management , healthcare , mental health , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , marketing and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is particular, sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best project management dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample project management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Project Management Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of  research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology:  The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: The findings of the research are analysed in detail in the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts, and  tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion  and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices:  Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the  dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about project management.

To discover project management dissertation topics:

  • Examine emerging industry challenges.
  • Investigate novel methodologies or tools.
  • Analyse project success factors.
  • Explore risk management strategies.
  • Review real-world project cases.
  • Opt for a topic aligning with your passion and career aspirations.

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2021 Senior Thesis Topics

Africana studies, american studies, anthropology, archaeology, art history, asian studies, biochemistry/molecular biology, cinema and media studies, computer science, creative writing, environmental studies, french and francophone studies, geosciences, german studies, hispanic studies, interdisciplinary studies, mathematics and statistics, neuroscience, public policy, religious studies, russian studies.

  • Women's and Gender Studies

World Politics

  • Venessis Collado , Dominican Republic: Confronting Black Existence in the White Imaginary
  • Kathryn Kearney , Women Breaking Barriers in the American Jazz Industry
  • Alessandro Mariani , The Cathy Project: Providing Psychotherapy Funding to Active and Retired United States Service Members Who Have Been Victims of Sexual Assault During Their Time of Service
  • Adriana Mullin , The Effects of COVID-19 on Emergency Food and Hunger Relief
  • Sophia Coren , The Conflation of Race and Ethnicity: Chinese Adoptees and Their ‘Cultural’ Upbringing
  • Abby Henkel , Makeup and Other Masks: Beauty and the Self During COVID-19
  • Ishan Mainali , Forget the Past, Sing in the Present: The Nepali Nation as Imagined by Young Music Artists in Kathmandu
  • Julia Martin , Gendered Athletic Aesthetics: How Female Athletes Control the Conversation About Bodies
  • Charlotte Miller , Unmasking the Hook Up: Intimacy on Campus in COVID-19
  • Claire Resele-Tiden , To post or not to post: A Comparative Analysis of the Motivations Behind Posts on @HamiltonDenounced and #MeToo
  • Emely Rojas , Negradada : Theorizing Personal Identity, Race in America, and Social Change Using Autoethnography
  • Olivia Wenzel , “Hey I’m not Racist, I Listen to Hip-Hop”: An Exploration of the “White Liberal” Identity through Music
  • Lana Dorr , The Consequences of Cultural Encounters on Late Bronze Age Transylvania Cuisine and Subsistence Economies
  • Erica Ivins , Active Forgetting: Cemetery Abandonment and Mortuary Politics in Bronze Age Transylvania

Senior Art Thesis 2021

Safa Ahmed, Urbana Anam, Cecilia Areizaga Rojas, Luke Bernard, Hillary Bisono Ortega, Lucille Brinkman, Audrey Chor, Sophie Cote, Samuel Guindon, Amy Harff, Madeline Justiniano, Zeyan Tang, Kirubel Tesfaye

  • Julia DeMaio , Instituting Multiplicity: The Reduction of Identity and Art in the 1993 Whitney Biennial
  • Elizabeth Groubert , Monument Building & Myth-making: The United Daughters of the Confederacy & The Lost Cause
  • Ivy Huang , Art on Art? Defining Reflexivity in Conceptual Art
  • Michael McEneney , The Symbolism of US Currency: A Review of the Origins of its Value through Visual Analysis
  • Kyra Richardson , “ You should be women / And yet…”: Witchcraft, Gender, and Anxiety in Jacques de Gheyn II’s Witch Drawings
  • Jean Song , Transforming Middle-Class White Domesticity: The Kitchen of Case Study House No. 24
  • Lily Williams , Jessica Dismorr’s  Abstract Composition : A Historiographic Critique
  • Eleonor Wolf , Cy Twombly’s  Quattro Stagioni : Past & Present Influences
  • Shavell Jones , Afro-Japanese Visions: Representations of Blackness in Japanese Media
  • Nate Koike , Shadow of the Ghost: An Analysis of Adaptation
  • Chih Ling (Denise) Kuo , Kore-eda’s Commentary on the Invisible People in Japanese Society: A Study on the Filmmaker’s Approach
  • Bo Wang , Edogawa Rampo: In Search of a New Narrative Style in the 1920s
  • Frederick Xongmixay , Understanding the Transformation of Benshi in the Soundscape
  • Urbana Anam , Exploring Scaffolding Technologies to Assemble and Analyze the Macronuclear Genome of the Pathogenic Ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.
  • Dayeon Cheong , TBD
  • Michael Kim , Polymer-Immobilized Water Oxidation Catalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis
  • Donna Le , Characterization of CwlD and PdaA activity in Muramic-δ-lactam Biosynthetic Pathway.
  • David Opozda , BRD9876 as a Probe for Studying Mitotic Spindle Assembly in Zea mays
  • Catherine Pontius , The Role of TBhR inProliferative Cells of Drosophila melanogaster
  • Savannah Ryan , Enrichment, Isolation, and Identification of Endogenous Extracellular Electron Shuttles Using a Novel Loop-Flow Microbial Incubator
  • Tessa Ryan , Biosynthesis of Peptidoglycan in Bacterial Endospores
  • Makayla Spicer , The Chemical Analysis of North American Propolis and its Antimicrobial Activities Against Nosema cerenae
  • Nathaniel Spicer , Investigating the interchangeability of optimal and suboptimal binding sites for the maternal transcription factor Bicoid in Drosophila melanogaster
  • Emma Szegvari , Implications of Herbicide Application on the KTSA Aquatic and Stream Ecosystem
  • Megan Walls , Circadian Rhythms in the Gut Microbiome of Mice Independent of the Host
  • Stephanie Wu , Effect of Anti-Cancer Drugs on Tetrahymena Thermophila
  • Liuhui Xiao , The Roles of Alpha-fetoprotein in Cancer Therapies
  • Elaine Yip , Elucidating SpoVDE Polymerase Complex Activity in B. subtilis and C. difficile
  • Yunxiao Zheng , Poison or Solution? Testing the Effect of Environment on the Secondary Chemicals of Alliaria petiolata for Potential Application
  • Emma Bartle , The Effects of Lead Toxicity on Drosophila melanogaster Eye Development
  • Madeline (Madie) Bologa , Isolating and Enriching Electrochemically Active Bacteria in Meromictic Green Lake, Fayetteville, NY
  • Grace Carey , Enrichment and Distribution of Palindromic Sequences in Regulatory DNA in Drosophila melanogaster
  • Hailey Carson , Effect of Electrode Potential on Nanowire Formation and Networking in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
  • Ellen Chinchilli , Using Electrode Potentials to Selectively Enrich Novel Extracellular Electron Shuttle-Producing Bacteria
  • Sophie Cote and Margaret (Maisie) Merz , Context Dependent Neophobia in Rural and Urban American Crows
  • Kathryn Craine , Development of Vacuolar Lesions in Drosophila melanogaster Following Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Brian Gallagher , Characterizing the Seasonal Shift in Microbial Community Composition in the Water Column of Meromictic Green Lake at High Spatial Resolution
  • Alexandria Geer and Megan Taruc , Chemical and Structural Characterization of Sulfur-Oxidizing Biofilms Associated with Redox Inverted Cold Seeps in Green Lake
  • Eamon Gibbons and Reilee Gunsher , Putting More Keyhole Limpets on the Map: Using COI Barcoding to Understand Phylogeny and Global Distribution of  Diodora  spp.  
  • Grace Godwin , PFAS Contamination Effects on Immune Function in Snapping Turtles and Painted Turtles
  • Brigit Humphreys , Quantifying PFAS in Streams Around Contamination Sites in Oneida County, NY
  • Ajla Karabegovic , De Novo  Assembly of the Transcriptome of the Fish Parasite  Cryptocaryon irritans 
  • Luca Katz , The Effects of Developmental Lead Exposure on Drosophila melanogaster Flight
  • Sydney Kim and Lily Sochan-Rosen , Diversity, Distribution, and Patterns of Invasion by Jumping Worms in Hamilton College Forests  
  • Kaela Makins , The Dynamics of Phagolysosomes in Tetrahymena thermophila
  • Meaghan Parlee , Bicoid and Zelda Binding Site Interchangeability in Drosophila melanogaster
  • Yaa Konama Pokuaa , Effect of Aromatase Inhibition on the Viability of Trachemys scripta Hatchlings with Temperature Dependent Sex Determination Using an Advanced Breeding Technique  
  • Y eo (Jean) Song , The Loss of Essential Amino Acid Autotrophy in Protists
  • Christopher (Chris) Victor , Extending the “Mozart Effect” by Assessing the Concentration of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Hippocampal Tissue of Postnatal Rats
  • Emma Walsh , Evaluating the Cognitive Abilities of Captive and Wild American Crows
  • Oliver Watkins , Exclusion Device Effectiveness in Preventing White-Tailed Deer Browsing in Regrowth Forests
  • Lucy Brinkman , Electrocatalysis of Proton Coupling by Polymer Coordinated Cobaloxime
  • Sam Cho , Fluorescence of in-situ Chelated Europium TEOS Sol-Gels
  • Julia Ganson , A Competition-Based Hammett Study of the Cyclopropylcarbinyl Radical Ring Opening Transition State
  • Amy Glanzer and Holly Hutchinson , 2-Halo-N-(1-ethoxyvinyl)pyridinium triflates: A New Class of Electrophiles for Mild, Additive-free Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions with Amines
  • Brian Lawson , Photocatalyzed Redox Reactions with Silyl Enol Ethers
  • Eli Marris , Development of a Novel Allylation Reaction Using an Inexpensive and Environmentally Friendly Organic Photocatalyst.
  • Will Richardson , Progress Towards ROMP Polymer Immobilized Electrocatalysis for Selective C0 2 Reduction
  • Leyla Valerio , Intercalation of Lanthanides into Arene Complexes
  • Nicholas Becker , The Connection Between Style and Political Message In Yellow Earth (1984)
  • Sean Conroy , Understanding Chinese-Taiwanese Relations Through Film: The Cases of At Cafe 6 (2016) and Night Market Hero (2011)
  • Daniel Harwood , Wolf Warrior II (2017): Insight into Chinese Nationalism, Racism, and Masculinity
  • Nikki Matsuoka , The Influence of WeChat on China’s Social Commerce
  • Matthew May , Exploring Western Influence and Concession Culture in China Through Ang Lee’s Lust, Caution (2007)
  • Julianna McCann , The Poet Yu Xiuhua: Is Her Success Connected to “Inspiration Porn?”
  • Marlena Napier-Smith , Ecocriticism or Political Criticism? An Analysis of the Genre of Still Life (2006)

Emma Yanco , American and Chinese Consumer Cultures and Their Mobile Payment Systems

  • Karina Bayrakdarian , Pomegranates, Sheep, and Mountains: Cultural Memory in Armenian Avant-Garde Film.
  • Ruth Coolidge , Not-So-Foreign Film: An Analysis of Highly Successful Non-English Films in the United States
  • Patrick Faulkner , Avant-Reality TV: Searching for Sincerity
  • Saira Khan , Pussy, Performance, and Protest: a theoretical and cinematic analysis of Black female identity performance in the contemporary rap and hip-hop visual sphere
  • Hunter Olstein , Film: ScreenT(est)Talks
  • Isha Parkhi , The Trauma of a Developing Nation: An exploration of three mainstream films in post-liberalisation Bollywood cinema that unpack the haunting memory of trauma
  • Jake Samieske , Representational Materialism in America’s Visual Culture: The Cinematic Investment in Whiteness and the Digital Resistance.
  • Caroline Washington , Defining the Teenage Girl in Film

Honors projects

  • Jane Nealey , Layover (16 minutes) and Life/Death: A Reckoning through the work of Frederick Wiseman (56 minutes)

Ava Witonski , Buried Flame (4 minutes) and Bright Lights (24 minutes)

  • Madeleine Cavallino , Forever Boldly Going: Mythological Structure in Roddenberry’s  Star Trek .
  • Jeffery Martinez , Political and Racial Misrepresentations of the Ancient Mediterranean in Contemporary Media
  • Francesca Parson , Exploiting the Past: Visual Rhetoric in the Propaganda of Augustus and Mussolini
  • Amr Abdelhady , Ryan Friedman , Peter Kelly , and Grace Woolson , Insights for Counseling Center Data
  • Roger Danilek , Nathan Koike , Liam O’Connor , and Vanessa Vincent Martinez, Transcription of Historical Text
  • Jiin Jeong , Kirubel Tesfaye , Séamus Wiseman , and Emma Yanco , HillSkills: Collaborating Hamiltonians
  • Nathaniel Adair , Nonso Mogor , and Sam Vigneault , Fully Searchable Shaker Manifesto  
  • Ben Kallus , Jake Lanning , and Alma Thompson , Graph Structure of Cells and Nanowires
  • Connor Cates , Chad Dubin , Jack Scacco , and Louise Thompson , Hamilton Faculty Voting
  • TJ Berley , Dawnbringers
  • Emily Brewer , Heartles s
  • Madeleine Cavallino , Five Stories
  • Kelly Collins , In the Silence of These Women
  • Avery Cook , A Peep Into the Country
  • Ruth Coolidge , A Michigan Field Guide on Waterways, Bears, and Fire-Building
  • Julia Dupuis , When No One Is Watching
  • Kayah Hodge , Real Life
  • Lynn Kim , Fragility
  • Tiffany Lopes , When the Glass Bottle Breaks
  • Bianca Macdonald , Driving Forces
  • Brendan Manley , Giza, Daughter of Calamity
  • Max Mayer , Sophie and the Cynanthropy
  • Julianna McCann , Unwell Woman
  • Emily Midgley , Something Tangible
  • Stephanie Milam , Délajo
  • Megan O’Hara , Fickle Things
  • Dorothy Poucher , The Four-Way Stop on Mulberry Lane
  • Haruna Shimizu , Counting the Seconds in a Time-Lapse Tunnel
  • Julia Stevens , Novella
  • Alina van den Berg , I Said, Don’t Touch Me
  • Kayla White , A.F.R.O.: The First Mission
  • Heidi Wong , Lavinia does not die and instead becomes a poet

Honors Theses

  • Garrett Callen , Financial Development and the Trade Openness-Economic Growth Relationship
  • Jakeb Camel , Hospital Ownership Type and Length of Stay: Does Profit Structure Influence the Patient Experience?
  • Robert Dotterer , The Impact of Armed Conflict on Human Capital Outcomes in South Sudan
  • Craig Engert , The Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Case Study in Mega-Mergers
  • Benjamin Gardner , The Efficiency of “Magic Formula” and “Warren Buffett” Equities: Passive Strategies that Outperform Market Indices
  • Xingyu He , Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to COVID-19: a Cross-sectional Study in the U.S.
  • Daniel Heintz , Lateral Damage: The Impact of Sanctions on Neighboring Countries’ International Trade Flows
  • Jiin Jeong , More to Cryptos than Bitcoin: A GARCH Risk Modeling of Heterogeneous Cryptocurrencies
  • Everett Johnson , Misspecification Risk: Simple Models Improve Asset Return Forecast Accuracy
  • Joshua Labonte , An Investigation into What Affects Chief Executive Officer Compensation
  • Anna Neumann , Disparities in Obesity Rates between Rural and Urban Adults: Results from the California Health Interview Survey
  • Sajan Palanki , An analysis of the economic effects of SARS-CoV-2
  • Conor Quinn , PG&E’s Rising Prices’ Impact on Residential Electricity Consumption.
  • Jafar Sharipov , The effects of the 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake on marriage age in Indonesia.
  • Adeoto Sotinwa , Terrorism as a Brain Drain Push Factor: Evidence from Nigeria’s Boko Haram Insurgency.
  • Frederick Xongmixay , Title: Is the Japanese Market a Safe Haven? Evidence from Contagion Analysis
  • Jianyi Yang , Stock Market Participation and Financial Literacy in China
  • Lupita Cabanillas , Assessing the dimensions of climate justice in the Green Climate Fund
  • Lindsay Canaday , Asha Grossberndt , Sara Jadbabaie , and Ravena Pernanand , What Should We Be Doing About Dairy? Perceptions, Beliefs and Culture of Dairy
  • Amy Harff , Emily Walther , Hannah Katz , and Henry Elkind , If Dairy Could Talk: Understanding Dairy in Upstate New York through the Stories We Tell
  • Avery Morgan , Hannah Käufer , Jonathan Dong , Jon Beniers , and Robbie Rioux ,   If There ’ s a Will, Is there a Whey? Barriers to sustainable technologies, conservation programs and alternative business practices on small-to-medium-sized dairy farms
  • Emmett Orgass , Estimating ocean acidification footprints
  • Rebecca Ridgway , Understanding New York farmers’ perspectives on soil carbon sequestration and N2O emissions reductions
  • Robbie Rioux , Land use-based nutrient modeling: A path forward to controlling Harmful Algal Blooms in the Skaneateles Lake watershed
  • Abby Roller , Smart and successful?: An evaluation of community engagement practices and definitions of success in New York State's Climate Smart Communities Program
  • Hans Wydler , Avian biodiversity in different land types on Hamilton College campus
  • Celine Yam , Maddie Beitler , Emma Stuart , and Max Zimmerman , Environmental Impacts and Information Management on Dairy Farms
  • Sam Alderson , L’Algérie et la France en gros plan: Réponses politiques et sociales au cinéma de fiction
  • Rosa Carter , Complexité de l’identité sous l’angle de la pensée postcoloniale
  • Ellen Chinchilli , La beauté est dans la rue: l’intersection photographique du regard masculin, la mode féminine et la féminité à Paris, 1960-1970
  • Julianna DeSimone , Langue, écriture, et mémoire collective dans l’œuvre de Leïla Sebbar et Anna Moï
  • Joseph Filippetti ,  La comédie des différences dans la société française
  • Abby Henkel , La Parisienne fantasmée: Les représentations des femmes dans les films de la Nouvelle Vague
  • Paige Hinchey , La langue comme outil de marginalisation scolaire: le système éducatif laïc français
  • Gus Huiskamp , L’être et le noir: La colonialité à l'intersection de la Négritude et de la philosophie française.
  • Amari Leigh , De Bohème à B.O.S.S.: L’esthétisation de l’identité en révolte et les défaillances de “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” à travers le rap français.
  • Elisabeth Lowe ,  La comédie controversée: la tradition satirique française du Moyen Âge à  Charlie Hebdo
  • Elijah Marris , Le rôle de la langue et du langage dans les œuvres comiques françaises, depuis la farce médiévale jusqu'au stand up de nos jours
  • Haruna Shimizu , L’écrivaine française dans le japonisme littéraire: exotisme et désirs de femmes dans Komati de Judith Gautier et Le Dernier amour du prince Genghi de Marguerite Yourcenar
  • Olivia Wenzel , Laisse-moi te chanter’: perspectives féministes à travers la musique
  • Kayla White , L’évolution du genre dans la Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture (1868-1945)
  • Cristian Calixto , Ostracods in the Turkana Basin: An Analysis of Paleoecology and Sedimentology through Space and Time
  • Fiona Duckworth , Garnets of New York State: A Review of their Occurrences and Properties
  • Juanita Gordon , Guide for the Identification of Saint Kitts Carbonate Sand
  • Tierney Latham , Spinel: The Hidden Gem of New York
  • Meg Manning , Analysis of Paleosol-based Proxies from the Turkana Basin through Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate reconstruction
  • Erin Pimentel , Previously Unrecognized Submarine Mass Transport Deposits in Limestones of the Eocene Dungul Formation, Western Desert, Egypt
  • Mairin Rogers , Saint Martin Beach Sand: A Guide to the Carbonate Grains
  • Maggie Ryan , Creating a Numerical Groundwater Flow Model of the Oriskany Creek Valley Aquifer
  • Yuheng Zheng , Documenting Reactivated Basement Faults through Mapping and Interpretation of Riedel Shears in Mesozoic Sandstones in Northern Sudan Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery in Google Earth
  • James Gallagher , Christa Wolf’s Was Bleibt and Social Alienation in the GDR Political System
  • Hannah Käufer , Success is Not Emancipation: Illusions of Equality in Irmgard Keun’s Das kunstseidene Mädchen
  • Theodore Simson , Political Fallacies in Cold War Architecture at Stalinallee and the Hansa District
  • Hudson Smith , Forgery Without Origin: Deconstructing Authority in Thomas Bernhard’s Alte Meister
  • Will Andriola , Patterns of Opposition Electoral Performance in Authoritarian States: The 2020 Russian Regional Elections
  • Johanna Bowen , Youth Participation in the 2020 General Election: the Case of a Swing State
  • Alma Bradley , What’s the matter in Cincinnati?: Examining police reform success through community satisfaction
  • Lily Delle-Levine , Women Empowered and Women In Power: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Women’s Decision to Run for Political Office in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
  • Lizzie Ely , The Myth of Judicial Independence: A Study on the U.S. Supreme Court and its Political Polarization
  • Carson Goos , WIC Uptake: A Case Study of Virginia and Maryland
  • Emma Liles , Investigating Violence Against Native American Women
  • Matt McGoey , A Study of the Relationship Between Public Policy and COVID-19 Deaths
  • London Barreras , La historia oficial : descubriendo la verdad real de la guerra sucia
  • Andrew Charman , La palabra escrita como conquistador
  • Noah Giovannelli , Carancho y Neoliberalismo: Los Efectos de una Sociedad Corrupta
  • Amy Glanzer , El acceso médico en los documentales How to Survive a Plague y Está todo bien : un análisis de clase, género y raza
  • Joel Harper , La Ropa, la Ceniza, y la Casa: Un Análisis de las Representaciones de la Slow Violence en La Tierra y La Sombra
  • Claire Inzerillo , El sistema público de salud en Argentina: la cultura de la enfermedad de un estado contra un público dividido
  • Philip Marks , La evolución de la violencia lenta dentro de La tierra y la sombra
  • Charlotte Miller , Filmando la fluidez: Navegando las categorías sexuales y sociales en el cine de la Movida madrileña
  • Nonso Mogor , Landfall (Cecilia Aldarondo, 2020): una mirada dentro de Puerto Rico, la fachada de un documental y cómo la cinematografía cuenta su propia historia
  • Savannah Ryan , El impacto del neoliberalismo en el sector de sanidad pública en Argentina
  • Tessa Ryan , Cómo el sistema neoliberal en Colombia empeora la calidad de asistencia médica y su representación en el cine colombiano
  • Hans Wydler , Perspectivas hacia la naturaleza andina y el turismo moderno en los Andes

Honors presentations

  • Sophia Archos , La ideología feminista en Jamás el fuego nunca de Diamela Eltit
  • Sadye Bobbette , Discerniendo a horcajadas entre la(s) realidad(es): un recorrido a través de la ficción de Jorge Luis Borges
  • Matthew Cappelletti , Los patrones de la narcocultura en Colombia y México
  • Gianni Hill , Dos poetas, dos Cubas, una musa: el escapismo en las obras de José Martí y Reinaldo Arenas
  • Grace Janes , Matemáticas fallidas: Incertidumbre, inducción, y deducción en estéticas de suspenso
  • Aaron Kraus , Representaciones revolucionarias de Martí y el Che: Juventud, humanización e idealización de dos revolucionarios en José Martí: el ojo del canario y Diarios de motocicleta
  • Olivia Rodrigues , Amor: ¿eres tú, Modernismo?
  • Antton De Arbeloa , Othli From Sea to Sea: A History of Aztec Pathways and Spanish Colonialism From Acapulco to Veracruz, 1500-1600
  • Jesse Elmer , Teutonic Brothers: Britain’s Affinity with Germany Before WWI
  • Anna Gagliardi , Cult of Corpses: The Postmortem Journeys of Russia’s Past Leaders
  • Ben Kaplan , Rewriting History: The Historiography of Print and China
  • McKenna McLean , “All Shades of Political Opinion”: The Women’s Suffrage Movement in Early 20th-Century Ulster
  • Hunter Olstein , Gender in the Crusades: The Historiography of Women Crusaders
  • Peter Schavee , The Makings of Biotechnology from Kendall Square to San Francisco

Honors Presentations

  • Cameron Blair , Bullets and Wizards: A Struggle for the Spatial Heart of Washington, D.C.
  • Jay Carhart , Two Pittsburghs: Conflicting Narratives of Public Housing in the Steel City, 1940-1980
  • Joseph Fraser , “To Drive Nature Out with a Pitchfork”: Explaining the Inverse Trajectories of the Abolition of Slavery in the United States and the Abolition of Serfdom in the Russian Empire
  • Gus Huiskamp , Public Opinion and Responsible Democracy: Populism in the Behavioralist Imagination
  • Erica Ivins , Recognizing and Reconstructing African Agency: Self-Liberation and the End of Slavery in French Colonial West Africa, 1857-1903
  • Adriana Jonas , Witnessing Atrocity Across Time: Stanley Kerr and the Reconstruction of the Humanitarian
  • Christine Walsh , Tonantzin Guadalupe: Mother and Virgin of Reappearance (1521-1649)

Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science

  • Sophia Archos , La Vía Campesina: a case study of social movement participation in El Salvador and Honduras

Interdisciplinary Studies in Law and Social Justice Studies

  • Kavya Crasta , Foreigners at Home, Natives Abroad: An Exploration of Christian Indians’ Social Status in India and the United States
  • Gabrielle Buck , Whose Tragedy Is It: An Examination of the Tragic Patriarchs in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and C.E. Morgan’s The Sport of Kings
  • Gretchen Dowdy , Dickinson’s Poems: Religion and Poetry
  • Justin Felhaber , Manhood in Beloved: Bloom and G & G’s Intersection?
  • Natasha Lane , Men, Women, and Ghosts: Gender as the Instigator of Trauma within a Dying Southern Patriarchy
  • Nicole Miller , “Let Ahab Beware of Ahab”
  • Olivia Rodrigues , Ladies, Ladies, Ladies: The Representation of Women in Matthew Gregory Lewis’ The Monk
  • Isabel Bates , Loyalty and Lust: A Close Reading of Aaron’s Interactions with Tamora in Modern Productions of Titus Andronicus
  • Genevieve Cohen , Unlocking the Roman à Clef: Gossip as a Literary Concept in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Blithedale Romance
  • Daniella Edwards , Contemplating Race and the Sentimental Genre in Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  • Haley Katz , Toward a Moral Education in Literature: A Comparison between Lolita and Johnny Mad Dog
  • Philip Marks , Gloria Naylor’s 1996 : Where From Breeds Content
  • Cliff Musial , The Hybrid “Half-Life” of a Bird-Man and a Spider-God: Hybridity of Bodies, Minds, and Cultures in China Miéville’s Perdido Street Station and H.P. Lovecraft’s short stories
  • Kyra Richardson , A Portrait of Gertrice/Altrude: (Self-)Portraiture and Alterity in Gertrude Stein’s Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
  • Leo Ross , Feeling Like a Jew
  • Majestic Terhune , Performing Queenship: The Fairy Queen in the Elvetham and Ditchley Progresses
  • Eleonor Wolf , An Incomprehensible Passage of Time: Authorial Control and Bewilderment in “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Swimmer”
  • Stephanie Wu , The Evolution of the ‘ Woman Warrior’: Reconfiguring Asian American Femininity

Honors Projects

  • Aurora Cai , Options and derivative securities: a binomial model
  • Dayeon (Emma) Cheong , Likelihood ratio methods for evaluating forensic methods
  • Lindsay Gearty , How race, income, and education relate to internet access in US counties
  • Alexandra Golub , A look at Lie groups important to physics
  • Xingyu He , Restricitve Bolzmann machines
  • Jafar Sharipov , A simple proof that e is irrational
  • Xia (Summer) Sheng , The effect of network structure and intervention on the spread of COVID-19
  • Theodore Simson , Social distancing optimization using a mixed-integer linear programming
  • Qianqian (Jade) Xu , Queueing theory and applications to blockchain

Honors Thesis

  • Kevin Sanderson , Mozart’s Tchaikovskiana & The Evolution of Sonata-Allegro Form
  • Ella Antolini , Sensory integration in Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Allison Babbitt , What are you feeling? A Virtual Reality study on pain perception and interoception
  • Karina Bayrakdarian , Impaired Motor Sequence Learning and Compensatory Mechanisms in Huntington’s Disease
  • Alyssa Bonanno , Examination of adenosine A, receptor mediated neuroprotection in the visual pathway of Trachemys scripta during anoxia
  • Erin Bryant , Dolls & zombies & avatars, oh my: Evaluating the uncanny valley effect through part-whole facial processing
  • Lily Charron , Therapeutic potential of neuropeptide Y in treating hyperalgesia in a rat model of PTSD
  • Gillian Driscoll , Towards a functional role of tyramine beta-hydroxylase related protein
  • Anna Lyndaker , Can white noise improve focus in adults with ADHD symptoms?
  • Alanna McGill , COVID-19 Prevention in Colleges
  • Emma Parkhurst , Statistical learning in infancy
  • Caroline Paulson , Effects of developmental lead exposure on activity rhythms in Drosophila
  • Sarah Pierpont , Effects of Lead Toxicity on Drosophila Behavior
  • Maya Taliaferro , The interaction of explicit and implicit processes in motor learning: Influence of task complexity
  • Ashley Thayaparan , How negative consequences affect learning and decision making in an intergroup context
  • Vera Wang , Women’s bodies and attentional biases in individuals with eating disorder symptomatology
  • Honor Allen , Panic Attacks
  • Luke Carstens , For Perceptual Ultimacy: On Bogen’s “Empiricism and After”
  • Vince Conn , How Does Whiteness as the Norm Create White Privilege, and How Does the Privilege Contest the Idea that America is a Democracy When it Comes to the Right to Vote?
  • Henry Curcio , Boredom
  • Daniel DeMatteo , Autonomy and Technical Mediation: A new look into the effects of ICT and machine learning
  • Ryan Dilello , Philosophy and the Adversary Method
  • Daniel Flores-Santiago , Justice and Practical Wisdom in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
  • Levi Freinberg-Trufas , Against Therapy
  • Danielle Hirsch , Towards a Better Theory of Happiness
  • Chris Mailman , Learning to Crash
  • Matthew May , Am I Allowed to Cook Italian Food? Reflections on Cooking and Eating
  • Kate Mullin , Exploring the Autobiography: An Exercise in Personal Reflection
  • Riley Nichols , Making Space for Wonder: Experiential Education and Community Building Through Virtual Philosophy With Children
  • Anjali Papadopoulos , Using Lysander Spooner’s Essay on the Trial by Jury & Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience to Establish the Case for a Transparent Jury Trial for Whistleblowing Prosecutions Under the 1917 Espionage Act
  • Jono Quinn , Life on Two Wheels
  • Liam Rogers and Patrick Faulkner , Philosophy of Voyeurism
  • Ryan Stewart , Drugs in School: Weed, Universities and the War on Drugs
  • Séamus Wiseman , Reviving the Public Good: A Case for Enforcing an Ethical Monism
  • Mitch Bierman , Crowding in active colloidal particle solution: A more optimized model for cellular cytoplasm
  • Lily Brackett , Sense(ors) and Magnetic Sensibility: Proving We Can Map a Uniform Magnetic Field
  • Calen Carron , Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Bubble Disruptions and Their Effect on the Magnetic Field in a Black Hole Accretion Disk Simulation
  • Andrew Charman , Building a 3-Season Portable Tiny House
  • Mufudzi Chogugudza , Engineering of Helmholtz Apparatus and Gradiometer
  • Sean Conroy , Ultrasonic Transmission Through a Single Layer of Bubbles
  • Adriana Cruz , Physics of a Peruvian Water Whistle
  • Sammi D’Angelo , Using Faraday Rotation to Measure Relative Densities and Polarization of a Rubidium-Potassium Hybrid Cell
  • Peter Fisher , How It Stood The Test Of Time: Modeling the Efficiency Hamilton College’s Solar Classroom
  • Lindsay Gearty , Porting Code and Assessing Expectations for Measuring Faraday Rotation
  • Alex Golub , Voynich Manuscript: An Exploration of the Table and Grille Generating Method
  • Thomas Graham , Measuring Magnetic Fields with a Hall Effect Sensor
  • Colin May , Exploring Orbits in Modified Newtonian Dynamics
  • Andrew Projansky , On Exponential Corrections to Black Hole Entropy
  • Catherine Ryczek , IV LEED Analysis of Silica Structures on an Oxygen Covered Ru(0001) Substrate
  • Patricia Shiebler , Developing High School and Undergraduate Physics Teaching and Learning Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Karina Sirabian , Examining the Effects of the Magnetic Rayleigh Taylor Instability in Thin Magnetically-Arrested Accretion Disks around Black Holes
  • Hudson Smith , Examining the Impact of Blend Ratio and Annealing Time on the Densities of Thin Squaraine Films
  • Leenie Wilcox , Exploring a Repulsive Regime within the Symmetron Model of Modified Gravity
  • Bentley Wilking , Investigating the Effects of Streamlining Organic Solar Cell Production and Efficiency Measurements to Improve Consistency and Reduce Degradation
  • Lucas Wright , Microfluidic Fluorescent Nanodiamond Sorting
  • Jade Xu , Outward Transportation of Angular Momentum in Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Model and its Relationship with Accretion of Black Holes
  • Carlie Abraham , Reducing Racism in the Police Force: Testing the Effectiveness of Empirically-Based Implicit Bias Training among Three US Police Departments
  • Kalea Blaustein , Talking About Feelings : Linking Parental Emotion Socialization to Emotional Competence and Conflict Management
  • Maggie Carmen , Staying Socially Connected with Just One Click: Fulfilling Our Need to Belong on Social Media During a Pandemic
  • Amelia Casparian , Police are Biased, but I’m Not: The Racial Bias Blindspot in Stop and Search Decisions
  • Katherine Cronin , “The Verdict is In”: The Effect of Legal Insanity and Mental Health Knowledge on Guilt Perceptions
  • Emily Cutajar , Does Social Anxiety Moderate the Relationship Between Self-Awareness and Social Conformity in an Online Setting?
  • Kelly Elugardo , “Are You Okay?” Examining Links Between Early Parent-Child Relationships, Stress, and Empathy
  • Gustavo Gonzalez , Turn On, Tune In, Take a Deep Breath: The Effects of Psilocybin on Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Jessica Haviland , Predicting Child Emotion Dysregulation and Anxiety from Emotion Dismissing Parenting: The Role of Physical Activity
  • Amanda Johnson , Does Generalized Trust Predict Delay of Gratification After a Violation of Trust?
  • Benjamin Keller , The Role of Reflection in Implementing Digital Game Based Learning into Classrooms
  • Amanda Kim , Waste Not, Cheat Not: The Effects of Resource Availability on Cheater Detection
  • Krissi Kim , Who Gets the Toilet Paper? The Effect of Perceived Vulnerability on Inequity Aversion
  • Kate Labosky , The Effect of Situational Cues on Experiences of SES-Based Stereotype Threat
  • Anne Larkin , Won’t Sad Music Make You Sadder? Analyzing Music Listening Choices
  • Karen Lin , The Roles of Health Literacy and Anxiety on Health Behaviors During COVID-19
  • Brian Lynch , Unmasking Humanity: The Impact of Face Masks on Dehumanization
  • Max Mayer , Why Did She Struggle? Gender Salience and Stereotypicality in the Ultimate Attribution Error
  • Elle McCusker , Who Wears Fashionable Face Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Why: The Moderating Role of Social Comparison Orientation, Public Self-Consciousness, and Status Consumption
  • Noemi Meli , Can We Just Talk? Longitudinal Associations between Parent-Child Conversations about Mental Health and Child Emotion Regulation
  • Jonina Mignon , “Just Doing Their Jobs”: Police Defendants and the Influence of Training on Jury Verdicts
  • Duc Pham , “Are You a Homophobic Racist?”: Applying the Theory of Generalized Prejudice in the Discrimination-Distress Link
  • Kate Piacenza , Athletes’ Use of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression in Relation to Performance
  • Iftikhar Ramnandan , Does Self-Compassion Reduce Self-Handicapping Following a Threat to Academic Competence in People with Contingent Self-Esteem?
  • Erin Rosen , The Impact of Choice and Contingent Self-Esteem on Post-Failure Well-Being and Intrinsic Motivation
  • Sophie Ruzecki , False Confessions: The Effects of Jury Instructions and Group Deliberation on Verdict and Perceived Coercion
  • Perrin Salewood , The Association Between Coaching Style and Student Athlete Well-being and Mental Health
  • Maximilian Scheidl , Generalized Improvements in Performance: The Influence of Extended Practice and Varied Environment
  • Andrew Schultheiss , Send Them to Jail or Talk it Out? A Look into Willingness to Engage in Restorative Justice
  • Montana Sprague , The Impact of Pandemic Isolation and Parent Fear Behavior on Social Anxiety in Children
  • Michelle Sun , Teaching Children (Book) Shelf-Control: Priming Children to Delay Gratification through Storytelling
  • Anna Tinker , Combatting the Harmful Effects of Concealing Mental Health Status on Management of Mental Illness
  • Amalia Tobias , The Struggles of Social Distancing and Zoom Classes: ADHD Symptomatology and College Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Christine Tomasi , I Won’t Buy It! Connecting Consume Anger and Moral Licensing to Boycott Decisions
  • Erin Urbaniak , Dissociative Identity Disorder: The Effect of the Mass Media on Public Perception
  • Vanessa Vincent Martinez , The Effects of White Guilt on Punishment: A Moral Cleansing Approach
  • Samantha Wolfe , Predicting Adolescent Body Dissatisfaction and Depression: The Role of Parental Comments and Negative Emotionality
  • Jianyi Yang , Do Self-Control Strategies Improve COVID-19 Prevention Adherence?
  • Milo Donovan , Alleviating Traffic in New York City: Evaluating the Nation’s First Plan for Congestion Pricing
  • Rachel Fein , The Inescapable Weight of Socioeconomic Status: Factors Considered by Superintendents in Opening Schools During COVID-19
  • Noah Giovannelli , Police Homicide: Does Police Representativeness Matter?
  • Gianni Hill , Cost and Effectiveness of Various Policy Responses to Aviation Noise Pollution in Revere, MA
  • Claire Inzerillo , Tuning In: A Content Analysis of How the Media Frames the Issue of Immigration, and Its Relation to Political Polarization
  • Kelsey Knapp , Charter Schools and Their Target Demographics: Charter School Location in Brooklyn, NY
  • Jaydin Knight , Implicit Discrimination: The Relationship Between Blackness and Eviction Rates
  • Aaron Kraus , Prison is No Place for a Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Responses in State Prison Systems
  • Arlyn Lopez , Race, Class, and COVID-19: Disease and Death in Pandemic New York City
  • Casey Macolino , The Relationship Between Building Height and Rent in Washington, D.C. Why Affordable Housing Activists Are Sabotaging Themselves
  • Nikki Matsuoka , The Train Through Paradise: Fragmentation of Authority and Honolulu’s Rail Transit Project
  • Michael McEneney , Inescapable Partisanship: The Factors Governors Weigh When Responding to COVID-19
  • Kayleigh Miller , Division in America: The Role of Internet, Cable Television, and Radio in Political Polarization
  • Julia Rowland , What Drives Attendance at a WNBA Regular Season Home Game?
  • Jake Samieske , Reconsidering Mental Health as a Socioeconomic Issue Through the Lens of Inequality
  • Maria Valencia , Can We Really Defund the Police?  An Empirical Study of Policy and Crime in Large U.S. Cities
  • Alexander Walen , What Factors Drive Illegal Immigration?  An Empirical Analysis of the Economic Factors that Affect Immigration Flows in the European Union
  • Celine Yam , Telework and Climate Change in New York City
  • Peter Kelly , The Devil’s Advocate: The Satanic Temple’s Fight for Religious Freedom
  • Camille Laude , Creation through Replication: The Camino Cebu of Philippines
  • Emma Walsh , Rituals at Nalanda Buddhist Monastery in the Seventh Century  
  • Leo Ross , My Summer with Anna: Contextualization and the Reading Process
  • Edward Shvetz , The Search for and the Tragedy of Russia’s Destiny
  • Leslie Arevalo , BLM and COVID-19 at a PWI: How Asian and Black students come to terms with racial identity at Hamilton College
  • Kaja Bielecka , Life on Hold: The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Career Aspirations of College Graduates
  • Josie Blatt , Adjusting to Zoom University: The Impact of Social Network Changes on Student Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Gigi de Hechavarria , Making Sense of Parenting and its Intergenerational Transmission
  • Kendall Discenza , A Widespread Shift to Functional Medicine: What factors will lead to the adoption of these practices?
  • Honor Gabriel , Does the Apple Fall Far from the Tree? A Study on the Transmission of Parental Versus Non-Parental Values in Young Adult Attitude Formation
  • Abby Goodman , From 19 Kids & Counting to 90 Day Fiancé - Why do we watch?: Understanding Why and How We Watch Reality TV About Families
  • Diamond Jackson , It’s Not Giving What Yall Said It’s ‘Posed to Gave: A Racial Campus Climate Study at Hamilton College
  • Julie Kokot , “Nobody Ever Tries to Gain Weight”: An Analysis of Chronically Ill and Healthy, College Aged Women’s Body Images
  • Emma Lynam , Moralism vs. Meritocracy: The Impact of the Religiosity of Private Education on Student Life Aspirations
  • Hope Medina , “So Lucky,” but “So Stressed:” How Mothers Negotiate Childcare During COVID-19
  • Jay Menner , Conceptualization of Future Family Amongst College Adults
  • Isha Parkhi , Conditional Vulnerability: Examining the impact of gender identity on college students’ perceptions of romance and intimacy
  • Emily Rivito , What Can I Do For You? How Spheres and Skills Collaborate with Past Experiences to Promote Trust
  • Holly Sauer , The Role of “Sorry”: Gender, Status, and Apologies
  • Caitlin Stern , Managing Academic and Social Pressure with Prescription Drugs
  • Jack Clark , directing, The Bear by Anton Chekhov
  • Duncan Davies , directing, Talking Chairs by Charles Mee
  • Lily Delle-Levine , directing, Trifles by Susan Glaspell
  • Lizzie Ely , Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler
  • Rebekah Fowler , directing, Escaped Alone by Caryl Churchill
  • Gus Gonzales and Kenny Letts , directing, Eat the Taste by Greg Kotis
  • Danielle Hirsch , directing, Medea Redux by Neil Labute
  • E mily Midgley , directing, (Just/Not) Like That , devised piece
  • Ndanu Mutisya , directing, The Winner by Amy Berryman

Women’s and Gender Studies

  • London Barreras , Motherhood Viewed as an Integral Part of Femininity: Media Representation of Women Voluntarily without Children
  • Yuri Choi , An Examination on the Level of Assimilation for Asian-Identifying Individuals of Hamilton College
  • Carson Goos , The Kavanaugh Hearing: A Site of Gendered Analysis
  • Emma Grace Liles , Women and Law: Deconstructing Dichotomy in Pursuit of Equality
  • Sam Zachar , Attitudes Toward Mental Health Treatment Among Black and White Cisgender College Students
  • Peter Case , Law and Order: Exploring Regime Counter-framing in Central America
  • Liesl Guenther , Far Right Parties in Europe: a case study of Germany, Denmark, Spain and Portugal
  • Savannah Kelly , La invisibilidad en la latinidad: A comparative study on racialized poverty in Ecuador and Peru.
  • Amari Leigh , Hashtagging Repression: Stigma, Women's Movements, and the Role of the State in Brazil

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  • Dissertation

Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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thesis ideas 2021

University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 30, 2024, from

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Best 170 Architecture Thesis Topics For All Students

architecture thesis topics

Architecture thesis topics may be difficult to find because there are so many subjects and possible topics. However, good thesis topics for architecture are the ones that you have a personal interest in. Before picking architecture thesis topics, you also need to ask yourself if the topic is significant or realistically doable.

Choosing Thesis Topics For Architecture

Architecture thesis projects topics, master of architecture thesis topics, industrial architecture thesis topics, institutional architecture thesis topics, sustainable architecture thesis topics.

What is the best way to choose dissertation topics? This guide will highlight how to pick interesting architectural thesis topics. Here are some factors to consider when searching for architecture thesis project ideas :

Pick a Topic That Interests You

While picking creative architecture thesis topics, you need to opt for a topic that you are personally interested in. You can easily get bored with your undergraduate architecture thesis projects, that is why you need something that you are passionate about. It will help you to stay motivated and inspired to create a unique project.

Set a Small Scope

It can be tempting to pick dissertation topics in architecture that are too expansive. This reduces the delivery time. It is safer to start with a simple version of the topic and includes some complexity later if necessary.

Find Architecture Thesis Topics That Reflect Your Skills

Everyone has unique skill sets that they have developed over time. There is no single person who is perfect at everything. When you know your technical and creative capabilities, you will be able to pick thesis topics in architecture that employs your expertise.

Can You Find Enough Research On The Topic?

Unusual architectural thesis topics require lots of research and analysis before starting. Therefore, it is essential to pick an area of study with a substantial amount of work already done. It will help you to easily analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Balance It Between Art And Science

While searching for architecture dissertation topics, students often dig themselves a grave. They tend to view the project as a culmination of a long program rooted deep in art and theory. You need to pick a topic that balances art and science. It shouldn’t be too abstract, so your teacher will know that you understand the issues raised.

Don’t Forget To Tie It To Your Plans For The Future

Your architecture thesis topics should be aligned with your plans. It should reflect your experience or interest in a specialized subject. It will play an important role as a part of your portfolio.

Pick Architecture Thesis Topics That Solve A Real Problem

Your thesis topics architecture ideas shouldn’t just be theoretical, they should also solve a real-world problem. The world struggles with several issues, such as population growth, climate change, and a lack of proper distribution of resources. So, find a topic that can solve a socio-environmental problem using design intervention.

  • Creation of affordable housing
  • Development waterfront property
  • Airport functioning
  • Heritage museums
  • Skyscraper design
  • Cinema and theatre architecture
  • Suburban homes for multi-families
  • Multimedia film city
  • Gaming and Animation studio
  • Aquarium-Aqua display and design
  • Marine park design
  • Lightning excellence center
  • MTRS study and station
  • Modern art museum
  • Convention center
  • Automobile training center
  • Archaeological survey institute
  • Luxury beach-facing apartments
  • The bus terminal with a commercial complex
  • School of art & design
  • Cruise terminal design
  • Bio-climatic buildings
  • Media center
  • Cricket stadium display
  • Disaster management institute
  • Resort design
  • Polo retreat
  • Television and film institute
  • The transit system as well as the possible improvements
  • Educational Institute for all rural children
  • A local heritage site
  • The lighting system in the Egyptian Pyramids
  • Film city studios, gaming area as well its structure
  • Underwater restaurants in different parts of the globe for light, electricity, and sanitation.
  • The transformation node found at the Lancaster
  • The heat/cooling systems in beach huts
  • Checking pressure and oxygen levels for building tourists spots
  • Fashion Fiesta Paris
  • The Golden Gate and architecture
  • An archaeologist’s point of view of China from a survey of China
  • WHO’s headquarters and renovation
  • The ideal environment for a Rehab
  • Russian fairytale-style homes and huts
  • A clear insight into the auto industry
  • Installing swimming pools in a mall
  • Training centers for adults in Texas
  • Buildings for religious purposes
  • Comparing contemporary vs. traditional housing
  • Deconstructing a typical school to make room for collaboration and creativity
  • Apartments for couples
  • Multifamily suburban homes
  • The power of air: leaving closed windows for good
  • Semidetached and row houses
  • Staying on the budget while creating an architectural masterpiece
  • Single-family suburban homes
  • Hotels and residence
  • Single-family country homes
  • Developing healthy living spots in third-world countries
  • Design of Ruled Surfaces.
  • A method to design the kinetic planar surface using mathematical tessellation techniques.
  • Waterfront development of an exhibition center
  • Bio-inspired design for adaptable structures
  • Construction of time conception
  • A critical view of architecture – is it sustainable?
  • Analytical studies of design potentials in architecture
  • Determination of the concept of place in the built environment’s reproduction process
  • Aqua display/Research Center
  • Forest Research/Training Institute
  • Archaeological Survey of Canada – Research and Training Institute
  • Luxury Sea-front Studios at Ottawa
  • Digital Morphogenesis as well as Its Implementation
  • Bio-climatic Tower
  • Mass rapid transit system study and station
  • Designing organic structures to withstand time
  • Showing culture in structures
  • Maximizing size in miniature apartments
  • Architectural trends at most transportation hubs
  • Redefining a city with architecture
  • Renovating century-old structures without losing the culture
  • Outdoor architecture: creating getaways in small backyards.

A master of architecture qualification provides students with the relevant knowledge, skills, and values needed to enter the architecture sector and pursue opportunities and careers in this profession for master thesis help . It focuses on developing the ability to adapt to change in the diverse and critical world we live in. students are allowed to create a speculative and reflective relationship to their work.

  • The introduction of biotechnology in architecture design for adaptable structures.
  • An analytical assessment of mathematical organization methods in active flat surface plans.
  • The consideration of soil and terrain conditions to determine adequate story building locations.
  • A conceptual method for the outline and fabrication of cultural centers and foundations
  • Finding the importance of a town or county’s various buildings and structures.
  • A critical analysis of the architectural techniques used to construct the lighting within the ancient pyramids of Giza.
  • An evaluation of the restaurants near the coastline in various areas of the country with important consideration on plumbing, air supply, and lighting.
  • An analysis of China’s Great Wall with consideration of the structure’s historical significance.
  • Understanding the impact of certain architectural codes and protocols on the environment.
  • The possibility to achieve inexpensive house construction plans in first-world countries.
  • Why do the majority of third-world countries have substandard housing structures?
  • A case study on the significance of all learners of architecture in the profession.
  • An analysis of the primary conditions that affect buildings in places that are susceptible to earthquakes.
  • Building methods and consideration for constructions with the ability to endure natural disasters.
  • A detailed report of the Twin Towers and the popularity of skyscraper construction.
  • The significance of applied science in defining modern housing from traditional examples.
  • Using records in architecture to understand the history of the profession.
  • A critical analysis of architectural photography.
  • The evaluation of cost considerations in architectural specifications and estimations.
  • What motivates different architectural drawings and concepts.
  • Case studies on sustainable modern design structures.
  • The importance of digital mapping and concepts in architecture.
  • Methods of limiting energy loss.

Industrial architecture is a branch of architecture that is used for the design of industrial buildings. These buildings need to be designed with consideration of their main purpose, which is to process raw materials. Their designs need to prioritize safety and optimal function over aesthetics and exterior appeal.

With the increased evolution taking place in technology today, industrial buildings and their designs need to adapt and keep up. This is why it calls for more research and consideration since industrial buildings are a need for modern society.

  • Waterfront development – Beach convention and exhibition centers.
  • Design of ruled surfaces.
  • Construction of time conception in the architectural realm.
  • A critical view of sustainable architecture.
  • Determination of Place concept in the reproduction process of the built environment.
  • Analytical study of the design potentials in kinetic architecture.
  • Is deconstructive architecture useful?
  • How did brutalism and contemporary architectures influence the world?
  • Current trends in parametric architecture.
  • How will traditional industrial structures be made more environmentally friendly and sustainable?
  • Industrial architecture’s evolution.
  • A critical analysis of the Dockland building, Germany.
  • What purpose does industrial architecture play in creating a safe environment?
  • Where do the professions of car construction and manufacturing come together?
  • Industrial architecture during the industrial revolution.
  • Evaluation of daylight in office buildings.
  • Analysis of different lifestyle interactions.
  • The purpose of reinforced concrete skeleton systems and earthquake’s effect on them.
  • The future of architecture with the consideration of space exploration.
  • The purpose of environmental science and social anthropology in architecture.
  • Making architecture design studios relevant in the technological era.
  • Extra skills are necessary for working on complex architectural projects.
  • How collaboration is helping architectures achieve complex structural needs.

This is the branch of architecture that deals with environmental, social, and economic factors. This profession is based on various rules and traditions that were passed down for centuries. It grants architects the ability to find new ways to innovate the architectural industry.

Over time, the design for buildings all over the world evolves and is influenced by different cultures and styles. This can give the structure of the building different meanings and provides various opportunities to discuss its design and reason to be built.

  • Theme parks and attractions
  • Religious buildings
  • Auditoriums
  • Sport facilities
  • Art galleries
  • Cultural centers and foundations
  • School and universities
  • Bars and discotheques
  • Shopping malls
  • Theaters and cinemas
  • Restaurants
  • Transportation thesis on airports
  • Train stations
  • Urban transport
  • Promenades and streets
  • Urban parks
  • Stores and showrooms
  • Peripheral parks
  • Urban monuments and land art

Sustainable architecture is the use of various plans and techniques to withstand the negative effect on the environment of modern man-made structures. Architects would take all aspects of the project, from landscape to water drainage, and determine the best way for the building to function with the least impact on the environment. These buildings and designs need to ensure that they are functional, appealing to the eye, and have as little carbon footprint as possible.

  • Neighborhood development
  • Community garden concepts
  • Waste recycling facilities
  • Heritage building restoration
  • Rehabilitation housing
  • Riverfront development
  • SMART village
  • Net-Zero energy building
  • Bermed structure
  • Regenerative design
  • Urban Agriculture center
  • Revitalizing abandoned mills and processing buildings
  • Eco-tourism facilities
  • Revival of an old building
  • Repurpose a building
  • Redevelopment of a slum
  • Vertical farm
  • Wetland restoration
  • Energy efficiency in buildings
  • How the location of the building is necessary for sustainability

Picking one of the topics above may help you get a head start on your paper. However, if you still need dissertation writing help, you can find professionals to help you with fresh ideas to work on.

Are you stuck with writing your thesis? Just enter promo “ mythesis ” – that’s all you need to get a 20% discount for any architecture writing assignment you might have!

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RTF | Rethinking The Future

20 Thesis topics related to Residential Design

thesis ideas 2021

A residence is one of the first projects any architecture student is asked to design as part of the curriculum , as a residence is one of the first examples of architecture we all see and so many of us are fortunate to live in. Residential projects may seem very easy to comprehend and design, but the various types of residences that are in use today and the different user groups they are targeted towards make it a vast topic, something that requires huge amounts of research to design. 

Choosing a residential project as a thesis topic in the final year of B.Arch. would be like coming full circle – applying all the knowledge you have gained in the last five years on the very first project typology you were taught to design.

So, here are 20 thesis topics related to residential typology that any architecture student can take up.

1. Mixed-Use Buildings | Residential Design

With the global pandemic forcing people to stay confined in their houses, the development of mixed-use buildings with residential, commercial and office spaces all in one place will help with similar circumstances in the future. A student would need to do extensive research on how to properly combine all different places and the purposes they serve to create a building that fulfils functionality and is also aesthetically pleasing. 

Mixed-use buildings as a thesis topic will help a student when they start working because of its huge potential as a future trend in architecture.

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2. Vertical Housing

With the increasing population and declining availability of open land, vertical housing is one of the best solutions available to tackle the requirements of the current and future generations. Vertical housing is residential buildings where architects arrange spaces vertically instead of horizontally, to create more units in a smaller footprint. 

These buildings also contain community areas and green spaces interspersed with the residential units to encourage people to be more social and not stay confined in their high-rise apartments .  

Using this as a thesis topic will be extremely beneficial as there are high chances of designing similar projects when students start professionally practising after getting their degrees.

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3. Community living | Residential Design

One of the first markers of human beings settling down and becoming civilized is when they started living in communities with individual houses and common spaces for gathering. Since then, human beings have always preferred to live in a society. 

Be it apartment complexes with high-rise buildings , or housing estates with horizontal, community living in urban areas are a topic that can be taken up as a thesis project related to residential use. Community living will help one understand how to design spaces that can be used by different people to live together in harmony.

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4. Row Houses

Row houses are defined as a series of houses connected through common sidewalls. They are a great way to build individual houses in smaller areas and with lesser materials, making them cheaper. 

Row houses might already be in use in the  USA and European countries , but they have huge potential in third-world countries and in places like India where there is a space crunch issue, making them a good thesis topic under the residential typology.

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5. Tiny Houses | Residential Design

These are houses that have a total area of less than 400 ft 2 or 37 m 2 and are a good alternative to traditional houses when the available open land is smaller than average. Tiny houses have a wide variety of design considerations and this leads to innovative spaces that are multifunctional and furniture that is multi-purpose. 

Compacting a whole house in an area that is less than 400 ft 2 is a challenge that will help thesis students in designing residential areas in the future, as the availability of free land is reducing every day.

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6. Shipping Container Homes

20 ft or 40 ft steel containers that have been used to carry different types of goods in ships can be used as a readymade or prefabricated skeleton to build a house. These homes are a good way to re-purpose shipping containers that have been abandoned or thrown away and are easier and faster to build as the exterior structure is already available. 

The containers can be stacked vertically or horizontally to create everything from tiny houses to mansions. Shipping container homes are an intriguing and unique residential thesis topic for students.

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Yurts are portable houses consisting of a latticework of wood or bamboo covered by a round tent and have been the traditional houses for many tribes in central Asia, especially in Mongolia. Yurts are a unique aspect of vernacular architecture that can be adapted in different climates around the world with the use of more modern materials like steel for the latticework and insulating fabrics for the tent. 

Yurts as a residential thesis topic will give students a different look in a sustainable and vernacular approach to designing. 

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8. Earthships | Residential Design

Pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds, Earthships are a type of passive solar earth shelter that is built with both natural and up-cycled materials. These residential units are structures built on the principle that the six human needs of energy, garbage management, sewage treatment, shelter, clean water and food can be met through environmentally sustainable building design. 

Earthships are intended to be simple, “off-the-grid” homes with minimal dependence on fossil fuels and public utilities and can be constructed by people with little building knowledge. The scope of Earthships as self-sustainable and ecological single-family residences is huge and something that can be taken up by architecture students for their final year thesis.

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9. Cob Houses

These are houses built of clay, sand and straw that are recyclable and non-polluting when demolished. Cob houses are inexpensive, energy-efficient houses suitable for hot climates that are also extremely durable and earthquake-resistant. 

Even though these types of houses have traditionally been user-built, an architect’s perspective will help in enhancing its ecological and sustainable features and lead to better planning and usability of spaces. Cob houses should be explored as a thesis topic in the residential typology.

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10. Cave houses | Residential Design

Caves served as the very first human dwellings – they served as a shelter against natural calamities and wild animals. In recent years, cave dwellings have made a comeback, in the form of carving contemporary houses inside existing caves. These houses contain contemporary elements like doors and windows, modern electrical and bathroom fittings and also connections to public utilities and “off-the-grid” options for the same. 

Designing cave houses is a challenge because one has to carve out different rooms in accordance with the inside of the cave and major changes cannot be done to the structure of the cave. Cave houses provide the option to utilize existing natural shelter formations instead of disrupting green areas, and hence are a good residential topic for the thesis as they are becoming more popular.

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Ipshita Seth has been in love with words for as long she can remember and now that she's studying Architecture, she's found a new love for writing about designing spaces, history of buildings, construction technologies and everything else that comes with them. She has joined RTF to give words to her dreams.

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